The Sevan Podcast - #153 The News - James Hobart & Kate Gordon

Episode Date: September 27, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I'm going to go to a dark place tonight. I'm going to go to actually Kate's Instagram account right now. I want to see something.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Well, I'm going to go there too. I don't want to let... No man lets his friend Instagram alone. Oh, shit. CF Kate. 59,000 followers. Jeez. That's actually more... I thought she was hovering around 14,000.
Starting point is 00:01:00 59,000. Well, no, we can't hear you, Kate. We could hear your cool-ass accent for a while, but no no we can't hear you Kate we could hear your cool ass accent for a while but no we cannot Sousa thank you you ready to go Matt Maddie you guys can't see Maddie but we can see him you ready to go Matt
Starting point is 00:01:16 awesome news show 6pm the 7 on podcast with the wonderful James Hobart and the attempting to be wonderful Kate Gordon. She's still in testing. But I think
Starting point is 00:01:31 she'll, what I'm guessing is Kate vanished. I'm wondering if Kate will milk this thing for 2,000 or 3,000 followers on her Instagram account and then we'll never see her again. We shall see. We shall. Oh look, she she switched she abandoned her new headset i was gonna be super technical have this fancy broadcast mic and headset and it
Starting point is 00:01:54 motherfucking didn't work so hold it up let me see let me see what's up hold that up let me see audio technica yeah that's the one it's legit but i've got a like so it's got an adapter with a headphone jack for the headphones yeah yeah for the mic is like a fancy plug so i've got it in like a little little uh box a mixer it's like a tiny little mixer for podcasting but it's just not going from the mixer to the computer so scrappingpping it. Hey, if you want to, um, if you want to play with that later sometime, like just get on Riverside and just fuck around off the air. We can. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Okay, cool. All right. I'll do that. Good to see you. It's been a week. Yeah, it's been a week.
Starting point is 00:02:38 This is like a little regular hangout. I'm thoroughly enjoying it. It's how I keep up to date with everything now. Oh, good. Just from Hobart's mouth. Yeah, pretty much like anything that he doesn't say. I'm like enjoying it. It's how I keep up to date with everything now. Oh, good. Just from Hobart's mouth? Yeah, pretty much. Anything that he doesn't say, I'm like, I don't know what else is going on in the world. I just know the Hobart news. Keys in my pocket.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Since we started doing this, I've received more DMs than I ever have. Someone DMed me and said, I don't watch the news and said that. I was like, I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing, but it made me want to do better someone did i'm glad you brought that up someone dm me and wanted me to ask you oh shit marlon diva shivili uh i think that's a ufc fighter do you want to talk about that that that is that the guy that fought okay stop pay attention to hobart someone i'll go back to the comments in a second. Someone DMed me and said they wanted me to ask you something about the level 3 Hobart.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I can't remember what they wanted to ask. And then they said because he doesn't answer his DMs as well as you do, Sevalon. It's a chore, man. And I don't particularly care for Instagram. Yeah, it's hard. I don't know how you do it. You seem like you're super active on it. I only spend five or six hours a day answering DMS. I mean, it's just a small portion. Yeah. That's a lot of time. Let me, what is your average screen time? Pull that thing up.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Get that little guy. Thank you. That's so funny. Another one of our mutual friends has been asking me to look at that too. Yeah. Let me see. Thank you. I will tell you this. I do not take my phone into my bedroom, and I never, ever, not even consciously, I've never in bed like this looking at my phone. That's good. I read a lot off of my phone before I go to bed, and it's actually a habit my wife is trying to get me to kick because I'm pretty sure it does nothing to help me sleep.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Hey, so how do I know my screen time i think that you go into settings i think you could just probably say hey siri show me my screen time and she'll do your damn thing hey siri can you show me my screen time hey siri hey siri oh it's my computer oh shit too many all right just go into settings and there's a there's a purple button that says screen time oh shit you're right i see it oh yeah i can't say that out loud and what's even so check this out what's even much less than the five hours i quoted you but much and i'm down 56 from last week this is good yeah there's also a stat that tells you um how many pickups you have and this is the one i saw i saw this one and i was like all right i gotta get the phone is like
Starting point is 00:05:10 it's a it's a drug i had like a hundred and something pickups throughout the day and like i'm just and then it tells you which app you're using after you pick up it's just horrifying i don't see pickups if you click um you have to go into the old devices like when you're in your screen time underneath daily average it says see all activity yeah you scroll down you'll find pickups click that shit that'll blow your mind i see always allowed content privacy use screen time passcode oh my god i'm not seven hours and eleven minutes looking at a screen every day? Oh, that's all screens. Oh, I'm definitely
Starting point is 00:05:49 way over that. I don't see that, Kate. Tell me, it says use screen time passcode, share across devices. Oh, we're right to it. We are right to it. Sorry, Kate, to interrupt you. You going to answer?
Starting point is 00:06:12 704. How can we help you? Can you give us your credit card number with the expiration date and your CVD number? Yeah, absolutely. If you want to trade over air, that's cool. Perfect. What's up man um no so no so my name's uh eli and i just wanted to call in and honestly shout out um the l1 seminar oh oh starting strong today let's do it yeah so so i started crossfit when I was 12 years old, and I'm 20 now. And the weekend after I turned 17, I signed up to do an L1. And it was one of the best weekends and one of the most informative weekends I've ever had. And I highly recommend it.
Starting point is 00:06:57 If there's anybody who's going to listen to this podcast later who's kind of on the fence about it, I would highly recommend it. Eli, that's so cool you said that. Last week we chugged the L1 cock quite hard and sincerely. And two people DMed me and said that they bought the L1 after they – you can't help it. You can't help but just ride that thing. It's amazing. How old were you when you took it?
Starting point is 00:07:22 Say that again. So I had just turned, it was the weekend after I turned 17, which is, I think the eligible age to go take it. I think it's 15. Oh, is it?
Starting point is 00:07:32 I don't know. Kate, Kate can nod at you. I can't believe, I don't know if it was a, Oh, to take the test, you have to be 17.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Yeah, that's what it was. Okay. Hey, um, do you think that that's a good rule? You think they should let people in who are younger? tell me how much rose is fucking up and nicole's fucking up by not letting younger people in tell me i gotta say something bad about crossfit those fuckers fired
Starting point is 00:07:56 me but that l1 so damn good it is i think i think they should yeah i mean I think anybody at any age can take the L1, but I think you probably should be a certain age to take the test to be eligible to coach classes. Sure. I'm with you. No, I don't even agree with that, but I hear you. I don't want to fight with you over it. You're young and strong. Tell me, are you strong? Are you like a potent, virile male because you've been doing CrossFit? Is that a word, virile, Kate?
Starting point is 00:08:27 You made it a word. It is now. That means like you have a lot of strong semen. I think it's virile. Right, virile, virile. Are you a virile, like are you a strong virile male? Like do you stand out from your cohort? I would hope so.
Starting point is 00:08:41 I mean, compared to like strongest men on earth, probably not, but I would like to think I am. Yeah. Isn't that great. It's amazing. Even doofuses like me can walk into a Starbucks. I haven't done that in years and, uh, and just be like, dude, I'm the baddest dude in here. It's awesome. Didn't you say you went to a Starbucks? That was the story with the lady you took the picture with
Starting point is 00:09:05 and you were fantasizing about some other lady in there uh skate you mean the old lady who hugged me the other day at the skate park yeah oh that was at the skate park i thought it was a coffee shop hey eli thanks for calling in man that's really cool gets the ball rolling makes us feel like we have some listeners um and it shows i bet you if you didn't do CrossFit, you'd have been too much of a sissy to call in. Yeah, I said it. Sissy. Oh, I would be a fat 20-year-old. Yep, there you go. All right, dude. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Really cool story. I love that L1. Thanks for starting the show off strong. You read this, Hobart. You're a better reader than me. You're smart. You read this. Can you see it? Yeah, Hobart. You're a better reader than me. You're smart. You read this. Can you see it? Yeah, virile. Virile, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Oh, I didn't know it was just for men. Having traditionally masculine traits, especially to a marked degree. Wait, he erased it. No, I saw it. Yeah, that was right. It said masculine. So Kate can't really be that. I mean, I guess she could.
Starting point is 00:10:05 I reckon I could be I guess she could. I could. I reckon I could be a virile, virile female. Yeah. There you go. But you're not. But you're not. But you're not. Oh, Hobart. Hobart, how virile is Rich Froning?
Starting point is 00:10:23 Not much. Oh, shit. You're ruining it. You're ruining it you're ruining no man he's a stud old old filet mignon titties froning man yeah they they should have put a picture of him in there oh kate kate so i i think it was on the podcast i had you on what was just the two of us and we weren't james and i was james wasn't here and we were talking about like hey like fuck asking like what your what your mate wants just you know just get in where you fit in like blah blah blah and you're like yeah and you used a word that kind of schooled me you said we like the basically you explained to me we like the thought of that but you can still make it sexy
Starting point is 00:11:05 to ask people what they want like oh yeah talking about like asking for what you want in the bedroom yeah like telling people what you want oh yeah we ended up turning it into like this little thing where we talked about coaching kind of being the same thing or basically like i was like that's not romantic that's not fun and then you basically were like, no, it can be. And then you explained to me it was. And then basically it was just giving up your misguided perceptions. You said it like in one or two words really nicely. Your misguided perceptions of what is romantic. Yeah, I think I said something along the lines of we have this romantic notion that we should totally read up on her and understand them and fucking read their minds right yeah you fucked me up and you fucking if i if i was young it would have been really bad i'm 49 so
Starting point is 00:11:50 i don't have to worry about any of that but you fucked me up and you won the argument but now i'm coming back strong okay here's another one because i agreed with you that's that's why you fucked me up here's what about the first kiss now i i know i'm i think i i think i kissed a girl for the first time when i was 15 it was it was i think it was or no no because i was driving i was 16 no that's not true there was an accidental kiss in a bedroom i think when i was 14 this girl kissed me and then told me that hey right before she kissed me we were in my bedroom we were 14 she goes i just want you to know i'm gonna kiss you but it means nothing. Yes. Oh, fuck, dude. It was the worst year of my life after that.
Starting point is 00:12:28 She kissed me, and I was, like, in love with her. Dude. And you know what she told me? I had just been eating peanuts. We kissed, and she goes, you taste like peanuts. Oh, my God. But anyway, what about kissing, like, if you're're like asking, like, like, like, can I can I kiss you? Like, I mean, that's just that just doesn't seem right. It just seems like you should know. And if you don't know, then maybe you should wait till they kiss you. And like, you know, if you want to start getting into asking whether or not you can do things versus asking for what you want and things you like, like those are two different topics.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Right. So you're talking about with your current partner, if it's like, hey, I really like it when you do this or hey, I want you to do more of this or hey, I didn't really like it when you did that. But can you try this instead? Like you can kind of get that feedback and it's an ongoing conversation or hopefully it is. But with someone where you're like, can i do this to you for the first time that's a totally different conversation like you're starting to talk about consent there and i think consent can be like uh straight up can i do something but there can also be forms of non-verbal consent where someone's open to doing it and you don't have to verbalize it it's like non-verbal consent is a thing um perhaps a little a little trickier to figure out which is why you know first move, like it fucking takes time for people to make that first move because you just fucking don't know. So you drop her off at the house and she sits in your car with you. Or let's just say that.
Starting point is 00:13:57 You drop her off at the house and she's sitting in the car with you. And like she's not getting out and you're talking. And your faces are like 36 inches apart she's in the passenger seat and you're in the driver's seat and she's not getting out and you're talking so you close the distance a little bit to like 30 inches like you know what i mean just casually and then she and so that's six inches close to her so then she closes it another six inches now you've been in the car talking for two fucking hours right like you've had to crack the windows a couple times you know because it's getting like like steamy in there like gross when you close the distance another
Starting point is 00:14:29 i'm talking about like if you're 17 years old shit i would well i don't know maybe older people do that now too i don't know i just jump on top of my wife if she stays still um but no seriously isn't being married is great. It's so awesome. God, I can't even tell you. I can't even tell you the words I would use to describe marriage. But maybe maybe episode 500. We need more. Or yeah, we're getting there.
Starting point is 00:14:56 We're getting there. So there becomes a point where, like, if you've closed the distance to 18 inches and she's leaned in 18 inches, it's like mutual consent oh yeah is this it oh wonder years yes okay yes she turned the head he moved in so slowly she he they're too young to be kissing by the way um right those are too young they're too young i don't know i don't know how old they are they look young but you were 14 right you said you were 14 eating peanuts and kissing girls yeah just once just once god that was amazing i want to say her name too but i don't think it's appropriate seven are you over covid yes i'm over this podcast too. Yes, Miss Kate.
Starting point is 00:15:48 So tell me, do I have to ask? Is it okay? I think if you've made like physical moves or like, what's the term I'm looking for? If you're starting to make advances and they're being either reciprocated or not like denied, like, cause you can read body language, right? Like people will give you a pretty good reading with body language so if you're physically getting closer and closer and closer or like you touch an arm or touch your hand or touch a leg and like the feedback is positive and it's good i think i think that there's a form of consent that suddenly happens there or there's there's feedback that you can get that you're like this is this is
Starting point is 00:16:22 good this is going the way you want it to go now you can make the move you can get in there and then there's there's idiots too though there's idiots too there we have a story about that today there's people there's people i don't know if you guys have come across this but there's people who are literally you know there's the the stories in college where um you're a dude and a chick comes over to your house and climbs into bed with you and you try to give her a kiss and she goes, what are you doing? And you're like, what? And the next thing you know, you gotta go climb out and sleep on the couch. Because you can't have
Starting point is 00:16:52 someone sleeping in your bed or you can't kiss. I mean, so it's like there's people who, I mean, you want to say that. I wish there was just some sort of rule. Like if I lean into you 70% of the, like some mathematical equation. So if we're 30. Like if I lean into you 70% of the disc, like some mathematical equation. So if we're 30 inches apart and I lean into you 70%, it's getting that boring, Hobart?
Starting point is 00:17:11 I lean into you 70% and then you lean in the other 30%, it's consensual. Or vice versa. If they lean in 70%, like there should be like a 70% rule or 60%. I don't know. Is that just for a kiss? It's just the world's so fucked up i feel like we need a rule like that i mean you got to start somewhere i always held the person's hand before i kissed him that's yeah i think there are so many different steps that you can take to figure out
Starting point is 00:17:33 like touch the hand touch something i mean like you know an arm or something i think that can give you some some progressive steps before you fucking dive in with a tongue yeah touching the legs a little is a little heavy handed the hand's cute the hand's nice yeah hold the hand did you ever grab a dude's hand first like it like did you ever grab a dude's hand who just didn't know you were even going to grab his hand kate like you just just just really aggressively like all all right, I'm taking you. No, I've never been the first move maker. Wow. I probably made the first move more on my partner now in terms of being really affectionate really early on
Starting point is 00:18:13 because I was always so terrified of being super affectionate because I didn't want to be that girl that was super attached. You know those clingy? I never wanted to be someone that was super clingy. So I'd never be super affectionate. I'd just be no i'm cool man i'm cool were you afraid of rejection hobart is that why you never made the first move there's so many assumptions in that question um that's how the real world talks doesn't that suck that's how the real world talks to people it's suck? That's how the real world talks to people. It's such an asshole thing to do to people.
Starting point is 00:18:48 God, I'm glad you said that. Yeah. I'm afraid of rejection. I don't know what side of the fence I fall on as far as first move maker or not first move maker. 50-50. It depends how close they lean in i here here's here's if you lean in more than 10 inches toward my space i'll kiss you doesn't matter who it is wow stay the fuck out or you're getting kissed wow it was like the other day when i was at the skate park and that lady just walked up to
Starting point is 00:19:18 me and she put her hands out like this yeah and and then and at that point she was like three feet away from me and she slowed down so she came at me like at four miles and then and at that point she was like three feet away from me and she slowed down so she was came at me like at four miles an hour and after she put her hands out she slowed down to like one mile an hour right she cut her speed by 75 letting me giving me a chance to like reciprocate so then i put my hands out like all right let's do it let's hug this shit out the next thing i know i'm hugging a stranger but she did that's it i mean she gave you a telegraphing sign and she gave you time to respond you know she didn't like chris cuomo grab your ass oh my god what a douche i don't even what a douche we'll get there yeah
Starting point is 00:19:56 down the page yeah so yeah i've been doing i went to a strip club twice in my life I thought you were going to say today for some reason I thought you were going to go to a strip club today I went to a strip club once in San Francisco and it was seriously I was like they brought me I was in there for like 10 minutes
Starting point is 00:20:18 I was such a fucking idiot I don't know how old I was I was probably 18 I was in there for like probably 15 minutes they brought a bottle of champagne out we started drinking it and then they told us it was like 250 bucks. And then I realized it wasn't even that, but like, it was just a bottle that they always refill. And, and I pay, and it was like, that was like all the money I had to my name and I gave them the 250 bucks and left. And I know I was like, I'm never going into a strip club again to my gambling experiences. Similar to that. I gambled once lost 60 bucks I'll never gamble again but then I went into a strip club in Mexico and it was dope I mean I didn't like touch anyone or do anything crazy but it was
Starting point is 00:20:53 I'll tell you that story real quick you ready yeah I'm ready I was in Mexico with this friend of mine who's been my friend forever and we're taking a shower and we're in um a scorpion bay famous surf spot we're taking a shower in this concrete hut together where just a pipe comes out of a wall and pours cold water on you and there's two pipes one for him one for me you can't even turn them on and off it's just water just flows right and we go in there and he takes off his clothes and i look over at him and he's got his foot up like on the cement on this like rock and his penis is like like dangling halfway down to his leg his penis was so fucking big it was like and i gasped like i may said something like audible like what the fuck? Or like, I mean, it was crazy. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:21:46 And, um, like, I don't know if you can like that limp. You see that like a 10 inch limp penis. I'm not joking. That was a good trip that we took to Mexico together. Ah, Hobart. I'm trying to keep the names out of this. Okay. And so, so I'm going to get to the strip club.
Starting point is 00:22:05 So we go back to the camping area, and I tell all the campers. There's 13 of us there. It was seven girls and six guys or vice versa. I can't remember. And it was during my barefoot phase, by the way, just on a side note. I hadn't worn shoes in probably two years, and I was a dirty hippie. It was rad. And I tell everyone at the camp hey you guys seriously it is it's not a big dick it's like ginormous and i'm trying to tell him and my friend's so fucking embarrassed he's like turning
Starting point is 00:22:34 bright red and i'm like dude like how could i have known you for fucking 15 years and never like known this about you right so then i have all these questions about it right and he's just kind of he's just kind of dilly-dallying and not answering maybe it'll be for another show i eventually get the answers i want but so we go to the so no one actually believes me and no one's saying anything and everyone just thinks i'm crazy because i'm talking about this guy's dick so then we go a few days later we're in cabo san lucas same group and we're in a strip club and this stripper comes over and sits on his lap and puts her hand down his pants and she yells, El Caballo. That's the horse for those of you who don't speak Spanish. And I was vindicated.
Starting point is 00:23:18 I was like, holy shit. Like, you fucking assholes. Like, I'm telling you. Like, this is a professional cock connoisseur, and she called my boy the horse. Hey, it would be like Rich Froney calling you the greatest crossfitter of all time. While he's grabbing my dick?
Starting point is 00:23:41 No, no, no. Damn. I hate it when I think you're following my story You're just grabbing my dick? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no get it you can't go the whole hundred will smith yes and those were my questions i want i had all these questions for him how big does that get when it's hard has anyone ever taken the whole thing i mean i had a million questions for him i i don't know if he'll ever come on the show he's such a nice guy i mean he's the most he's giant too he's a giant beautiful man but he's just docile as a motherfucker yeah anyway okay 20 23 minutes in i think we should hit a new story we're ready we got all the listeners we're gonna get i feel like you want to share before you start anything like did you see any did you see the world's largest vagina this week or the largest penis or anything before we dive into the news no no i haven't got any vagina or penis stories this week sorry all right next we go from the l1 being fantastic to strip club stories you ready yes i am i want i wanted wanted to start up with some follow-ups from last week. We had our La Paloma, right?
Starting point is 00:25:08 Is that correct? Oh, what do you think we're calling the show The Pleasure Trap? Someone said we should call it The Pleasure Trap. Oh, that's a great name. I vote for that, The Pleasure Trap. Pleasure Trap instead of The News Hour. Wow. Oh, this is the volcano you talked about last week?
Starting point is 00:25:24 Yeah, so I want to chat about it. Because actually, I learned some things about volcanoes that I didn't know. But anyway, so this started back on September 19th, and it's covered so far about 9.8 square miles. And it's destroyed some almost 400 buildings and 14 kilometers worth of roads, satellite mapping service. And that's where they're getting all that information from, from satellites. Canary Islands off the west coast of africa for those yes yeah like due west from marrakesh or morocco so wait that's that's hardened lava surrounding those areas or
Starting point is 00:25:56 yeah that's hardened lava now the from the lava flows and um it's like there's a one house they called the miracle house because it's just like surrounded all by lava and it's like there's a one house they called the miracle house because it's just like surrounded all by lava and it's still there that's crazy i think so yeah wow um but this is what's crazy about this and i didn't know about this the canary islands volcano institute has suggested that this eruption could last anywhere from 24 to 84 days. The island's last eruption was 1971, and so far 6,000 people have been evacuated. But it's just crazy to me that this could go on for another,
Starting point is 00:26:36 whatever, almost three months. Do you remember, this is no shit a true story, there was a volcano erupting off the coast of South America, I want to say somewhere down there by Grenada. And they weren't evacuating the people who weren't vaccinated. So if you're unvaccinated, you weren't allowed to leave because the island they were taking you to wasn't allowing. It was like somewhere in the Caribbean where they were taking you. That can't be a real story. That is a real story. Yes, that's a real story.
Starting point is 00:27:08 I just remembered that from a few months ago. You're a good dude. You guys are good people. I can't wait. I hope there is a God in heaven so we can go up there and you can explain to him. You're not going because you're not vaccinated. Motherfuckers. Yeah, I can't wait wait that's gonna get us that's gonna get us in front of daddy
Starting point is 00:27:40 can't wait or mama whatever i don't give a what what sex god is um i might skip this one yeah no no i want to talk about this this is another follow-up um from the garage father someone who uh shot me a little dm on instagram i don't know if you're allowed to call up people's names but i thought it was nice that people were sending me little uh follow-ups corrections no no go ahead cut me off it's fine it's boobs okay do you know anyone who has fake boobs like implants implants? Yeah, yeah. And from the pictures I've seen of you, I assume you don't have implants. Negative. I do not. And do you know anyone who's had their implants removed?
Starting point is 00:28:15 Yeah, a client of mine just recently had his removed. Him or her? Her. Okay. That's what I would have assumed, but I thought you started to say his. Did you hear that, Hobart? I didn't know that you could get those removed. Yeah, they're called explants.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Wait, what? You get an implant or you get an explant. I want an eggplant implant. The eggplant. Where is this story going? I'm following this girl on instagram now she's this i uh i don't know why i started following her she has like 600 000 followers i can't remember how i ended up on her page i'm sure it's something covid related it's a fucking obsessed with that shit
Starting point is 00:28:57 right now i feel an obligation to speak up since i'm independently wealthy i have an obligation to speak up for people who are losing their jobs if they don't get the injection. So I feel like I have an obligation to speak up for them because they can't speak up for themselves. And I think it's vile. All the people out there who are independently wealthy and who don't have to work day jobs, who aren't speaking up, you're fucking cowards. You're like the fucking people who are singing, who turn up the volume on your radio as the train of Jews goes by. I seriously think that anyway, Anyway, she said that she had her implants pulled out and that she can now breathe. I'm like, wait, what? They impede your breathing implants?
Starting point is 00:29:38 How does anyone get implants if they impede your breathing? How large are they? They're just heavy. It's the weight. It's like wearing a weight vest. You get used to it. You take your weight vest off and you're like,
Starting point is 00:29:48 fuck, I feel so light. That's incredible. I really want to talk to her about it. Will you come on that show with me, Kate, if I get her on? Because I'm kind of scared to ask the big questions. Yeah, I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:30:01 All right. Okay, sorry, Hobart. Sorry. I just, boobs, I feel like transcend all of the topics. I just can't believe you would, that should be talked about all. I wonder if the doctor tells you before you get the boobs, Hey, it's going to affect your breathing. I mean, cause like, you know, when you, like when I smoke cigarettes, you know, and you're doing it to yourself.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Yeah. I think it's like the whole breast implant illness thing. Like everybody's in a bit of denial. It's an illness. It's an illness. Look denial it's an illness it's an illness look it's some people will say that there is and some people will say that it doesn't it's not a real thing and that it's totally fine like made a place down to blood you mean like you're psychologically broken if you get them what do you mean illness no like physiologically like you experience symptoms like you might have unexplained symptoms since you had your implants put in oh oh oh okay i thought you were saying you that the illness was wanting fake boobs. You're saying that you might get fake boobs and they might make you sick, like the BPAs in
Starting point is 00:30:51 them or something. Yeah. So there's been a lot of people talking about breast implant illness, where these unexplained symptoms seem to have come around right when someone's had implants or perhaps a few years after having them or whatever, and then they have to go get them removed try and address the symptoms is there like something like standard um illness that comes that's like taking the brunt of the matter the blank you know what i mean like well i think that's part of the problem i think that's why so many people are denying it because it's like things like skin breakouts or just unexplained nausea or like just all the kind of things that just like seem to be around the same time that they had implants or even like you know they have to be redone every
Starting point is 00:31:30 eight to ten years so it's like even towards the end of that eight to ten years people being like i don't feel good because it's like meant to be this idea around it's a foreign object in your body so your body goes about trying to fucking dispose of it and reject it so that's when you have all these problems when i was a kid we'd watch shows So that's when you have all these problems. When I was a kid, we'd watch shows like That's Incredible and you'd see the chicks in Africa with the rings around their neck to make their necks longer. Or you'd see people with crazy skin art or their earrings all stretched out. And you'd be like, these fucking Africans are crazy.
Starting point is 00:32:01 And now it's like everyone. We got a whole chunk of society that lets doctors cut their chest open and stick in plastic to make their tits look bigger. It's fucking weird. Oh, shit. This is James Newberry. James. James. Hello. Yeah, James Newberry. Hello.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Yeah, James Newberry. Hey, what's up, brother? How are you? It's not James Newberry. Everyone who calls from Australia is James Newberry. Shut up. No, my name is Wayne. I'm just calling because I saw the number on the screen.
Starting point is 00:32:44 So I thought I'd just give it a call. I'm in the same area. That's how Hobart ended up getting married. His wife saw his number on a bathroom wall and called. Why not? Is this Ryan or Matt? This is Matt Fraser. How can I help you? You wish you were Matt Fraser. How can I help you? You wish you had Matt Fraser. So what did you say your name was? Blaine? No, Wayne. Wayne.
Starting point is 00:33:14 We've reached kind of our quota for people who sound like you on the show. We have one. Do you have something important you want to share? No, not at all. But you might want to just ask Kate about her earthquake experience last week. Because we had a bit of an earthquake last week. So, yeah, just type that in or something and ask her or ask Devon to ask her about her experience. I'm making a note right now. Thank you, Wayne.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Any other questions you'd like us to ask Kate? What do you really want to ask her about her experience. I'm making a note right now. Thank you, Wayne. Any other questions you'd like us to ask Kate? Like, what do you really want to ask Kate? What do you really want to ask Kate? I don't know. To be honest, I don't know. I just thought I'll call up for fun. Does she think James Hobart is attractive? That's what you want to know.
Starting point is 00:34:01 That's what everyone wants to know. That's a good one. Yes, yes, thank you. Thank you. That's a really good one. Let's what you want to know. That's what everyone wants to know. That's a good one. Yes, thank you. That's a really good one. Wayne, are you in Melbourne? Are you in Melbourne, Wayne? Yes, I am in Melbourne, Kate.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Are you? I was in your L1 class not too long ago. Oh, no way! I am in Melbourne. Yes, I'm in Dock dockland so i'm right right next to the city wayne how old are you i'm 46 and why did you take your l1 oh because i just wanted to do it uh it's uh it's something that I've been wanting to do for a bit, a while. And I actually started coaching as well.
Starting point is 00:34:50 So I really, or something that I really wanted to do because it's, you know, I basically just wanted to help other people in CrossFit through my own journey eight years, nine years ago. people in CrossFit through, through my own journey, eight years, nine years ago. Um, I, I, I was, um, introduced into CrossFit and I see the impact on my life. So I wanted to do the same. Fucking great. Um, I had a guest on the other day and he said, God,
Starting point is 00:35:18 I wish I could remember who this was. He was brilliant. He said the L one should have been made into a Broadway musical. And I actually, I actually told Greg that a Greg that a few hours after the guy told me. I called Greg. I'm like, dude, we fucked up. He's all, what? I'm like, we should have made that thing. That thing would have been the most incredible Broadway musical.
Starting point is 00:35:38 You take like three people's lives, like a fat old guy, a skinny, like, you know, sissy man or woman, and then like a buffed healthy dude. And like you follow their journey through the L1, like a little narrative, right? And just like you have a crazy l you have crazy l1 uh trainer like kate there just hot and and moves good and like strong and she'd be she'd be the co-star i don't know who the star would be. Sorry, Kate. Can Hobart sing? Can we put Hobart on this musical? Hobart hardly talks, dude. Yeah, I try not to.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Why do you think Hobart does the news? If he doesn't have something to read in front of him, he doesn't have a – I've told like eight amazing jokes this show. He's laughed like once. I think that says more about you, not me, man. I don't think I think that says more about you not me man James you do look very serious on screen I'm all business man
Starting point is 00:36:32 I think Trevor might be right he's nervous thanks Wayne he's nervous I'm going to replace him with all the people dying to be on the news to run this news show not at all I'm just confident and you've got a good one in Kate Kate is perfect this new show. Not at all. I'm just confident.
Starting point is 00:36:46 You've got a good one in Kate. Kate is perfect. Hey, I bet you she's going to put... Wayne, she's going to put on 3,000 followers. She's just using us. She's going to put on 3,000 followers and get the fuck out. She's graphing out how many followers
Starting point is 00:37:02 she puts on each week. Yes. I think she deserves it i mean i do i do too i thought it was a bit funny that i'm calling the u.s just to speak to kate who is you know around the corner from me relatively speaking isn't technology amazing hey scott kennedy in the comments says i just got home from my L1. It was a great class. Yeah. Best two days of your life. Okay, Wayne, unless you were going to get naked, I have to kick you off because James has stuff to say. No problem.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Thank you, guys. All right. Thanks for calling me. Congrats on the L1. Bye. Jesus, Hobart. Boobs, L1. Jesus, Hobart boobs, L1.
Starting point is 00:37:57 I was actually just reading about, I'm on some plastic surgery website reading about different size breast implants and the risks and the ideal sizes and the material and the shape and the projection. How large can I go in my implants? Risk of back and neck shoulder pain, worsened posture, breast sag with weight of implant difficulty exercising difficulty sleeping on the front difficulty buying clothes that fit we need some we need to get a guest on here who had some just huge hammers and then got them removed and just find out what the deal is. Typical 300cc silicone implant will weigh about one and a half pounds. Is 300 big? I don't really know. It says typical.
Starting point is 00:38:34 So there's this girl I want to – there's this lady who fought for the UFC title this weekend, Lauren Murphy from Alaska. That's silicone. And she had fake tits. And I really want to get her on the show and ask her like, hey, because they have to make weight for their fights. Oh. And like every pound matters, right? And it's just like, damn, you could get rid of those things and you could have had like an extra slice of watermelon. I'd be worried fighting with them.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Yeah, there she is. Yeah. I mean, I'd love to get her on. She's cool as shit, too. I bet you she'd talk about it. I mean, I fighting with him. Yeah, there she is. Yeah, I mean, I'd love to get her on. She's cool as shit, too. I bet you she'd talk about it. I mean, I don't know. Just in my mind, she's cool as shit. No.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Okay. I wonder if I can read this. Someone just text me. This friend of mine who has these enormous, beautiful fake breasts just text me a text about all this i don't know if i can read it i'll wait i'll wait till she responds and says she's got some some information but she also used the word explant actually i don't know for sure if it's a girl either i've never seen her like with her pants down i assume it's a girl okay let's go.
Starting point is 00:39:45 This is crazy. We're 40 minutes in and Hobart can't stop talking about boobs. Go on, Hobart. Makes sense. This is a follow-up from last week too. We talked a little bit about how collegiate athletes can now make money off their name, image, or likeness. I think you skipped one. Wasn't there another one?
Starting point is 00:40:02 No, no. This is it. Okay. This is it. Okay. I mean I can skip it if you there another one? No, no, this is it. Okay, okay. This is it. Okay, okay. I mean, I can skip it if you want me to. No, no.
Starting point is 00:40:10 But we got sidetracked. It was reading about breast implants. Emma Carey, Emma Carey. Yeah, but anyway, this was talking about, this was an article from the Morning Chalk Up, and they were just discussing whether or not this will affect teen athletes, because currently there's no prize purse at the games for teenage athletes so it's considered an amateur competition for them still and there really hasn't been any but what this does open up that's what i want to get to
Starting point is 00:40:36 is that if a teen athlete is now receiving name in image and likeness endorsements in CrossFit. They can still go on to play NCAA sports where in the past, before the NCAA allowed this, they wouldn't have been able to. But I think there's only been one case of this to occur inside of CrossFit. Addison Balderston competed 2016 games in the 16 to 17 girls division while receiving scholarship offers to play softball,
Starting point is 00:41:07 finally settling in on Kansas University. So if they're athletes like that now, they can receive money for their image or likeness and still go on to play college sports. But this article was just talking about whether or not they think teen athletes should have a prize purse at the games. Someone sent me this um this sickness or this no no what's it it's like it's I guess it's a psychological ailment like paranoia or whatever but it's one where there's sounds that bug you and this person says that they have it starts with an M it's in the comments
Starting point is 00:41:42 in YouTube and basically that Hobart's breathing triggers that in them. So, so they hear Hobart breathing and they, they have like a, uh, like some sort of mental collapse. I love that. I love that. My breathing. I don't, I don't love that. Someone has that. I'm really sorry. You have that. I've been trying really hard to just breathe softer. Be really nice. You diagnose, well, they diagnose themselves with your breath. I wonder if other people's breathing bothers them. Is that how I breathe? No, not at all. I was just trying to give them a different look.
Starting point is 00:42:13 You really hated that story, huh? No, I don't know. I don't know if I have an opinion on it. I immediately went to when we were in New Zealand, and i was so fucking irritated um by by this situation happened there we're in front of it was a affiliate gathering we were there with i don't know hundreds of affiliates and an affiliate raised their hand while greg was on stage and said hey i think you know it was some masters and and fucking like the masters athletes like really do annoy me like like like like like like like like they annoy me to the point that there's a psychological profile of the master's athlete that there's just this presumption of like their shit doesn't stink and they deserve as much as the individuals.
Starting point is 00:42:54 And I know I'm just speaking way, way hyperbole, but whatever. And they this lady raises her hands and she's like, how come you don't give us more money? We deserve more money. We didn't. And she just starts bitching. And Greg, being this fucking overly nice like he always fucking was and accommodating for every fucking Tom, Dick, and jackass, says, okay, we'll increase it. How much do you want to increase it? And she goes, I think it should be – and she said, throw out some number.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Well, what that fucking does is there's not just one master's class. There's fucking 20. out some number well what that fucking does is there's not just one master's class there's fucking 20 men women every age missing a leg missing a penis and it basically what it did is it like that one like nod for a thousand bucks cost the company like 150 000 bucks or something you know what i mean and it's just like i i i not everyone i don't know if i don't know if kids should be making money competing. I don't know how to think about it. But I'm like – I know I have a bias because of that kind of shit.
Starting point is 00:43:50 I thought it was crazy when CrossFit paid women and men the same. Not that men should get more, not that women should get more, but that the market should decide. Where are there more fans? What are people paying – what do people want to see and i was wrong i think it was really smart that they made it the same i was wrong but i didn't see that clearly right away what makes you say that it was wrong now in retrospect uh just because it worked out the outcome you know what i mean it worked out perfectly i mean like i can't i i don't know
Starting point is 00:44:25 whether i like the women's or men's competition more like it just changes year to year it has nothing to do with whether they have a penis or vagina it's just strictly competition hasn't it has no their sex means nothing to me the sport is so amazing like that don't you guys agree yeah i do no like i like the women's bodies and i love the men's bodies and i like to see the men run fast i like to see the women run fast and wherever the wherever the company i mean the only people who fuck up the crossfit games are the people who tell the stories is the coverage of it like if you're not covering the competition and the closeness between kyle casper bauer and james hobart i had kyle on my show did i tell you that james yeah well i jumped on for a little while and listened dude he's a beast i'm glad he's with you oh he did i say that out loud
Starting point is 00:45:09 no he did he did and i'm sad he's not going to be in the age division next year but yeah he's a good dude he needs a whooping he needs a whooping okay what do you think Money for the kids or no money for the kids? I don't know. No money for the kids. Because they're getting money from endorsements. They're getting money from Noble and whatever, whatever supplement. So, yeah. I say no money for the kids. CrossFit should save that money and keep giving it to the individuals even take 10 away from the masters i'm a little annoyed at your presumptuous masters comment but i'll let that slide for now you know what i'm talking about i know exactly what you're
Starting point is 00:46:00 talking about yeah they are yeah you know who they are you're not even a real masters yet let's face it 30 35 to 40 is like just no man's land the truth is is that you and you and you and uh casper bauer could compete an individual your body just can't handle the training or the recovery of so many events but other than that like just a one-off. If it's just show up and do one event, you guys still have a chance to win. Wow. Thanks. You're welcome. Moving on? Sure.
Starting point is 00:46:33 A little more CrossFit. And we're going to go jump into some more CrossFit news. CrossFit Health. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. I wish you wouldn't. Well, I'm going here. Just be nice to me. We will continue to provide education, networking, and solutions to our healthcare crisis with a renewed focus on health, happiness, and performance.
Starting point is 00:46:53 At the CrossFit Games, Dr. Julie F, and chiropractor Dr. Jason Garrett, among others. Learn more, Dr. Fouché and Dr. Rocket, among others, will be part of this process of educating care providers and patients alike while trying to make positive changes in medication dependent industry. So it looks like CrossFit health is coming back after a little bit of a hiatus. Okay. Say something, Kate. I think it's a good thing.
Starting point is 00:47:42 That guy on the right from aiola massage or what's that arosti arosti i'd never seen that dude before he's fucking yoked i watched part of that video i wanted him to stand up the whole time i wanted to see how big he is i really like big giant humans is he do you have you met him hobart i don't think i have met him but looking at him in this picture yeah he's huge yeah and you know kelly's not tiny and that lady sitting next to him amy west have you ever met her i have not met amy west have you met her kate no if you ever see her somewhere introduce yourself to her one she's cool as shit but she's a crazy overachiever and she knows a lot of shit and she's so easy to talk to and fun i had her on the crossfit podcast i should i should probably circle back around and have see
Starting point is 00:48:30 if i could get her on my podcast i think she graduated from um someone's gonna tear me up in the comments but i think she graduated from nyu film school which is like they say it's the best film school but but meaning it's the hardest to get into and then some similarly then she decided she wasn't going to be a filmmaker and she graduated from some insane medical school so it's kind of like she does my favorite possession profession filmmaking and my least favorite profession people have the least respect for doctors and so i think she's just when you mix those two together i think they're amazing i don I don't know. But she's cool. She's legit. I had Kelly on the show. If you guys haven't listened to the podcast I did with Kelly Starrett, it's basically the same as the Rich Froning podcast.
Starting point is 00:49:11 It was me trying to rekindle my friendship with him and bury the hatchet for any bumps we've had in the road in the past. Did you succeed? I think so. I enjoyed it with Kelly. I think it was sincere. It was sincere on my part. I guess that's all that matters. I feel better. Like i would text him now or call him or have him on again and uh and i think i succeeded with rich too i actually so i had text rich in the past i probably shouldn't say
Starting point is 00:49:35 this is going to set me back five years in my relationship with rich but i text rich in the past and like he didn't respond like we used to be close and then i started and then like three years ago like when i would text him he just wouldn't text and then the other day i text him after our podcast this is like last week and it only took him three days to respond which on some you could be like well that that's not good but actually it is good because in the past it had been three years so i i felt like it was great and when rich froning text you it's not the kind of text you open up right away. You let that shit just simmer. You're like, yeah, Rich Froning texts me.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Rich Froning. I'm not you, Hobart, but like me and Kate. Like you don't, you know what I mean? Like you savor it. Like, yeah, I'll open that. I'll wait till I'm really down and I need to pick me up. And then I opened it. What if it's some nasty message?
Starting point is 00:50:22 It sucks. No, all he texted back was no, sir. I'd asked him a question. What if it's some nasty message? It sucks. No, all he takes back was no, sir. I'd ask him a question. No, sir. I was like, oh. All right, I still feel a little better. I clicked on mine.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Okay. Miss Ophonia. It was me. I still love James. Oh, the girl who has the mental ailment around your breathing. I also used to avoid eating breakfast at the same time as my brother. He ate cereal like he was attacking it and I couldn't deal with the noise. Yeah, people freak out about hearing other people eat, right? People freak out about what? About hearing other people eat and chew.
Starting point is 00:51:01 I wonder if she keeps her finger on the mute button every time hobart like like shifts around his mic she hits mute this is actually really interesting characterized by intense rage and disgust provoked by hearing specific human sounds resulting in social isolation due to avoidance wow i was going to tell you a story about my wife but my marriage is so good i shouldn't yeah don't do it i won't i'll wait i'll wait i'll wait till the show's desperate for content i'll wait till i'm so big she can't say no exactly yeah hey do you have any of those things that you don't like not really i was kind of like so
Starting point is 00:51:47 with uh your post of your feet feet kind of gross me out i'm betting out but are you fucking kidding me i did that to impress you yeah that was nasty gross you out if you weren't like losing toes and like just like losing toes that's evolved that's because i'm highly evolved that that toe looks like that i'm losing my toe because i'm the next level of human i was impressed with the second photo that should have been the gallery photo that should have been the leading photo not the video the second photo because you felt good wild toes your toes are wider than like the knuckles of your feet which is a good thing i'm a barefoot boy because i'm always barefoot which is great the second photo was awesome the first first video I was like, I'm gonna throw up
Starting point is 00:52:26 Yeah, even the most beautiful person in the world is ugly Like way close up Like have you ever seen I used to have this girlfriend And like every one of her features was horrible But she was the most beautiful woman who ever existed It was crazy Actually, and unfortunately
Starting point is 00:52:41 Someone told me that after we broke up And I was like, wow, I never realized that. So my toes together, all together, are the most beautiful feet in the world. But when you look at them individually, God, this mic is bugging me tonight. When you look at them individually, they make you want to vomit. But that sucks. I was really trying to impress you. I was trying to, like, increase my cachet.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Is that the right word? Cachet with you. I might have to hang my mic like this tonight. my cachet. Is that the right word? Cachet with you. I might have to hang my mic like this tonight. Look, if you just move forward and do some rows, I'll be happy. Say that again, Kate?
Starting point is 00:53:11 If you just move forward with photos of your feet, I'll get them more. Don't post anything else with your feet in it. I'm not. That was terrible. Hey, that was so hard to do. Come on, man. you guys are so supportive that sucks that really does suck matt cancel next sunday show replacements for both of them
Starting point is 00:53:35 i'll send you some names i'm being vulnerable and these guys are stomping on my dick you need it man oh okay Oh, okay. Go on. All right, one more CrossFit story. I just thought this was cool, just the growth of CrossFit. By the way, I have a lot to say about that health story. I'm really swallowing my tongue. That's why I threw it up there for you. I figured you'd have a lot to say about it. Yeah, I'm really, really not impressed.
Starting point is 00:54:01 But, okay, good. You're not impressed with my feet? But, but but you know like okay good like you're not impressed with my feet but okay i didn't say i wasn't impressed i said i was disgusted okay south china morning post brian friend used to be a regular on the show now he has uh he set boundaries with me and um i have to beg him to come on okay go on he writes for them he writes for them that was kind of a little uh not a cry for help that was like uh i don't know i just missed that's like a love note to brian yeah that was really sweet i want him on the show more but he's just like got like rules and shit and i ain't doing that i ain't doing that i know he really is protective over his sleep just he's got rules i don't do
Starting point is 00:54:44 rules i don't do rules. I don't want to talk shit about Brian because I love him too, and I think he's awesome. He's dope. He's dope. But yes, boundaries. This was just a cool story coming from Wanoo, who's a flowmaster and country manager in South Korea and originally started on seminar staff, I believe, as a translator and has really helped nurture the community in CrossFit in Korea. Owens an affiliate out there, CrossFit Soundwave. But it was just neat.
Starting point is 00:55:09 His story, he moved to, I think, Australia to pursue a degree. And his ultimate goal was to help people prevent disabilities from happening. But he said in Korea, he was trained to be a physiotherapist. But in Korea, you could only deal with people who were already sick. And he found out about CrossFit in Australia, dropped out of his degree, went back home, started training people in CrossFit, opened up an affiliate, one of the probably first affiliates in Korea. Now there are over 168 affiliates there. But it was just cool. He was talking about specifically how in order to handle stress, there's a pretty significant – the article was discussing there's a significant drinking culture in Korea.
Starting point is 00:55:51 And he really wants this to be a part of a healthier, I don't know, alternative lifestyle to handling with stress, and that is fitness. there's a 2020 study that came out said there's a small but substantial increase in overall fitness levels concerning korean adults from 2009 to 2017 it was mostly within the male population and wanu just said regardless he'll be at the gym trying to help anyone he can so i like this story it's just neat to see crossfit in other parts of the world and also just how much they've grown and the people who are really close involved with that so give him a cool little shout out have you worked with him Kate? yeah
Starting point is 00:56:31 Lee Won Yoo yeah he's awesome have you worked with him James? I have a lot yeah yeah and he has naked pictures of you and that's why you had to do that piece I did he sent them to me I call bullshit on something can you put that's why you had to do that piece i did he sent it to me he said i call bullshit on
Starting point is 00:56:45 something can you put that article back up i call fucking bullshit on something i saw on that put in that and this is how vicious rumors start do it it's talking about the the notorious drinking culture in south korea dude let me tell you something there's nothing notorious about south korea's drinking culture i mean I'm trying to think what South Korea is notorious for. You know what you're notorious for? For fucking sharing an island with North Korea. That's your first funny joke.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Oh, shit. Okay, that's it. Come on, man. You guys aren't notorious for shit. You guys are fucking just cool over there. Notorious for drinking, bad's it. Come on, man. You guys aren't notorious for shit. You guys are fucking just cool over there. Notorious for drinking, bad drinking culture. Bullshit on that. Someone needs to put in the YouTube comments like 99% of the people there are drunk. And like 3 million people die a year they're drunk driving before I believe that shit. Notoriously.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Australia is notorious for fucking their drinking culture. There's a great cab system in uh in korea and seoul or seoul korea man that's why ireland let me tell you the countries that drink too much and you could you know that's nothing mass incest that goes on there australia ireland and canada that's why their people look the way they do there's like six times that many alcoholics in boston right right all right uh good story that well that's that's that's really we've done a lot of um l1 chugging that's good yep we're off it now yep all right you ready stevan where i am okay uh we're gonna talk about social media and first First Amendment. So last week, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill into law that forbids the largest social media companies from removing users or their posts based on their political viewpoints.
Starting point is 00:58:38 And because this seems like a big thing in Texas right now. Wow. Texas right now. It also lets Texans sue social media websites with more than 50 million US users over these perceived violations. Wow. Wow. Very, it's getting interesting. So what's important probably to note here is there was a similar state law that came up in Florida, surprise, surprise, which would have forced social media sites to host political candidates and their speech. This law, however, was blocked by a federal judge on June 30th based on First Amendment grounds. The Texas bill will appear to violate what they call Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, a clause shielding Internet companies from liability for publishing and moderating potentially objectionable user-generated content
Starting point is 00:59:28 in the same way that Instagram has shadowbanned you to hell. But really interesting case as far as that popping up. Can you explain that to me in different words? I need that. Can you tell me the five-year-old version of that? Or Kate, can someone translate with it? Kate, you want to take a hack at it for them? Definitely not.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Okay. So basically the Texas governor created a law that said Twitter can't ban people for, you know, posting about political, their political beliefs. posting about their political beliefs. Like if I said, is a political belief, like I think that there should be, I think marijuana should be illegal. Is that a political view? Well, this is where it probably gets pretty slippery, right?
Starting point is 01:00:17 And then there's a difference between the law and the law actually coming into play is what is going to be defined as, I think the specific wording was a political viewpoint you know what is a political viewpoint could be a lot of things so that's what's really interesting about that i don't i think you will see this uh law will be blocked or struck down for the same reasons the one from florida was so i i used to be of the of the like fuck you you if facebook doesn't like you or instagram doesn't like you, they should be able to kick you off. It's theirs.
Starting point is 01:00:48 It's theirs. Fuck you. I think that makes sense. Get off. I was totally on board with that. And then I heard it explained to me. Then I heard it explained to me. And I should actually find that and bring it on the show.
Starting point is 01:01:00 But basically what it comes down to is when the government starts using them then then they don't get that they don't get that anymore so what do you mean the government starts using them so the government uses facebook the government uses instagram they have accounts on there they they they tell them they have rules about what they can and can't do the second the government is also like using them then they can't um they have to follow the rules of the constitution they have to follow they they can no longer be like um i need to find that someone explains it really really really well but um when you have when you have the administration telling them who you can and can't have on the platform, then they're no longer – they no longer get the freedoms of being their own business. They are now basically – they have to follow the same rules as government agencies.
Starting point is 01:01:56 God, I need to find that. I wish I could explain that. Maybe I'll watch the video like 10 times before the next show and then just say it to you guys so people think I'm smart. Well, I think that smart. Is this people being upset about censorship? Is that what it is? I think that's part of it, yeah. They kicked the fucking president off of the, what was the other president's
Starting point is 01:02:14 name? Donald Trump. They kicked Donald Trump off of Twitter. That's insane. That's insane. I didn't vote for the guy and that's insane. I would never do that yeah oh seven you reposted russell brand explaining the fact checkers and the number one supporter is johnson johnson well that too this is something i posted a few months ago but craig white points this out it's the same thing yeah like did you know that do you have do you guys follow russell
Starting point is 01:02:40 brand on instagram not really i've just been seeing him pop up more and more it's incredible he flipped the script he was a total i don't want to my wife's trying to tell me not to use name calling he had he was he was brainwashed and and was a sleeper he was asleep he was brainwashed and asleep and literally you got to see him wake up on social media and he didn't run from it he embraced it he like unfucked his ideology right in front of the whole world it was it's crazy he's kind of i i he's like a hero but basically he did a post yesterday that basically says the fact checkers um who work for facebook are uh are funded by johnson and johnson i mean which for the vaccine which is just mind-boggling to me do you follow savan do you follow, Siobhan, do you follow Thomas Massey on Twitter? Rep Thomas Massey? I don't
Starting point is 01:03:29 know who he is, but I saw him post this recently. So Instagram has blocked the hashtag natural immunity. Like you cannot find anything with the hashtag natural immunity. Yes. Yes. And what he said is he said, don't forget Congress gave gave at CDC 1 billion to market the vaccines. I suspect a lot of that has made its way into the hands of social media companies. Yes. Fact Check dot org is funded by a group that holds 2 billion of vaccine stock. And I'm pretty sure that's the Johnson and Johnson. Bam. Clean. Well, this podcast is about to get shut down but that was actually really interesting i think i asked that guy to be on my show i don't think he responded
Starting point is 01:04:11 uh what tell me spell his name for me again thomas what his instagram is rep thomas massey H-O-M-A-S-M-A-S-S-I-E. U.S. Rep. K-Y-4. Bachelor of Science. Master of Science. Hashtag Sassy with Messy. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's an MIT grad. Oh, this guy will come on in a second.
Starting point is 01:04:38 He's only got 48,000 followers. If you have less followers than me, you'll come on. Unless you find out. No, he's got 241,000. He does? On his Twitter? Are you on his Instagram or his Twitter? Oh, yeah. I don't do Twitter. Twitter's for smart people. Oh, yeah. He's on Twitter. I think he's a Twitter user.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Okay. Yeah, he's been aggressive on Twitter for sure. I want to get Zoe Harcombe on. Yeah. She's also all over twitter yeah she's a beast okay um new stories okay come on let's keep this show positive and upbeat where were we oh yeah so okay so we'll see greg abbott's in a wheelchair by the way i always find it interesting when i see pictures of him in his wheelchair because they always frame his wheelchair out of the picture why is he in a wheelchair i didn't know that something's wrong with his legs oh okay makes sense but i but i like it i for some reason i like i i have a bias for leaders who are in a wheelchair i just like it all right, let's do a little more political news. Go around the world. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Huge election right now in Germany. The election is significant because it heralds a departure eventually of Angela Merkel. Or is it Angela? Angela Merkel, who is preparing to leave office after 16 years in power as Germany's chancellor. 16 years in power as Germany's chancellor. Now, if you don't know a lot about the German government, which I'm not an expert, but I guess so, Sunday, today, indicated that the Social Democratic Party is virtually been the largest bloc in German parliament. But over the last couple of decades, they've slowly lost more and more seats in Germany's parliament, and they have multiple parties now that are working their way in. Yeah, here. The CDU and its Bavarian sister party, the CSU, have dominated German politics since 1949, when the parties formed a parliamentary group and ran in the first federal
Starting point is 01:06:55 election following World War II. What is certain at this time is that the next government will be a coalition, which means one of the parties will have to cooperate with another party so they can have a majority, given that no party has won a majority of seats on its own. So from a political perspective, I think it's really interesting because you're seeing just more party, different party representation in German government. And we'll be seeing a leader who has been influential in the world over the last decade and a half leaving and germany should have a new chancellor at some point this year who is the chancellor before her i can't even remember i want to say his last name started with an h but i don't remember um there there was a um someone in the comment said uh
Starting point is 01:07:54 There was a – someone in the comments said – this was good. Something about Thomas Massey. Oh, Eric says, Rep. Thomas Massey is one of the most liberty-minded US congressmen we've had. For those of you who don't know what liberty is, you should really look it up. Study what liberty is. Liberty is far more important than democracy. Liberty is what allows us to keep our democracy without liberty we're fucked we're going to end up like egypt where they had a democracy and then they voted out their democracy you can't do that in the united states or you're not at least supposed to be able to do that that's the one thing you can't do in a democracy is vote out a democracy when you have liberty at your foundation go figure out what liberty is and that's what scares me about some of these politicians talking about democracy i have a feeling that they think that is the foundation of this country. It is not.
Starting point is 01:08:30 And I think that's some of the problems that they're having. Does Australia have a constitution? I'm not sure. I think that there is a problem in both Canada and in Australia that that they don't have that they basically don't have liberty someone else is smarter than me can talk on that who knows more but there is a problem and that is that's where the battle is going to happen in this country we cannot let them take away our liberties that really really bad shit will happen then even to no matter what side you're on oh i see what you're saying so you're saying that the uh the liberties provided by the constitution are what are most important yes yes the democracy yes they make it so you
Starting point is 01:09:10 can't vote out the democracy basically you can't we can't vote we can't have an election and vote to put like fucking um to turn this into a dictatorship this that can't happen in the united states with our current constitution but you can do that in other places where there's democracies you can vote it out uh colin lawrence i've been tuned in for four minutes and this news is more boring than npr i want to say something about his mom but my mom might be listening okay well he missed it that's all right he missed the first 20 he missed the first hour in four minutes um german politics i know nothing about it thank you there you go you'll be missed next one one more one more boring political story then we'll then we're going to spice it up
Starting point is 01:10:01 um political showdown over president b Biden's roughly $4 trillion economic agenda is long simmering feuds among the party's liberal are currently having with it is that not all Democrat lawmakers agree on prices, what's in the bill, so on and so forth. So they're having a really hard time. They're going to have a really hard time trying to push this through, not to mention that they will also need bipartisan support as well. Do not subscribe to The Washington Post, Sousa. That is a shit rag, lying fucking news outlet. Worse than the New York Times, which is hard for me to say. Go on. So actually, there's a really cool website I found called Smart Asset
Starting point is 01:10:58 where I found an article detailing what's in this bill, and it broke it down line by line, and just really all the ins and outs of it that i thought was really interesting really boring it's four trillion dollars for one year uh no it's gonna be everything involved is gonna be over multiple years but really this the next line of this is that roughly 3.5 trillion of it would expand medicare invest new sums to combat climate change boost how can it be $5.3 trillion for Medicare when it's $4 trillion in total? No, no, $3.5 trillion. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:11:32 $3.5 trillion of it is really this new infrastructure boost, boost tax credits and other programs that help families, students, and children in need. But like I said, if you're bored, I would go check out the article on just because it had a lot of cool information about everything that's so far going to be contained in the bill or proposed to be contained in the bill. And it's just good to know about how the government's going to waste all our money. I one time did the numbers. I forget how many U.S. counties there are. There's like 5, how many u.s counties there are there's like 5 000 u.s counties that's not jeff bezos that's not a picture they got that's not
Starting point is 01:12:11 didn't he already i thought he already owned the washington post i thought it happened a while ago yeah it did it happened a while ago and that's not a photo jeff bezos that's just a dude from the article i'm just saying that he owns it and you're you normally a fan of jeff bezos but you hate the washington post oh it's so bad so bad it's the it's the most divisive divisive is that what you mean when you when you when you get people to hate each other yeah most divisive fucking racist rag out there it's so bad it's so bad uh what were we just talking about what was that article spending bill spending i i so imagine it there's let's say 5 000 counties in the united states it was either 3500 or 500 but i basically did the math and you could for the money that we've been
Starting point is 01:12:57 spending on the current um health situation in the united states, you could have built a $100 million, $100 million fitness facility in every county in the United States. Think about that. That'd be a nice little CrossFit gym. Dude. Okay, go on. We waste so much money.
Starting point is 01:13:22 This country is being run by pharma, just so everyone knows. If you don't know that, then by run by it, I don't mean that there's like the CEO of Pfizer is like, okay, Joe, do this now. What I'm saying is that your dollar votes, and every time you buy fucking medicine, you're putting power in their hand. And they have all the power right now. And guess who takes from that same bucket of money?
Starting point is 01:13:43 Gyms. That's why they hate gyms sorry i don't mean to pick my nose i mean i mean to pick my nose i just wish i wasn't doing it on the air go on and then not only did you do on the air you just brought explicit attention to it i felt like a dry one so switzerland voted uh by a wide margin to allow same-sex couples to marry in a referendum on sunday bringing the alpine nation into line with many others in Western Europe. Switzerland, I believe, has authorized same-sex civil partnerships since 2007. The measure passed with 64% of voters in favor and won a majority in all of Switzerland's 26 cantons or states.
Starting point is 01:14:25 And they're hoping that this will allow same-sex couples in Switzerland to adopt children together, facilitating citizenship for same-sex spouses. It would also permit lesbian couples to utilize regulated sperm donation. So that's what's happening in Switzerland. Boy, that's... Like the lesbians couldn't get sperm or it wasn't regulated they had to like illegally get it yeah i thought that was really interesting i didn't dive into that too much um but from what little i know on this topic i believe it is really difficult um for let for lesbian couples to get sperm donation and also
Starting point is 01:15:09 for both of them to be recognized as the parent of the child lancaster pennsylvania home of the liberty. I don't know if that's true. I just made that shit up. Definitely not. It's in Pennsylvania, isn't it? What's funny is that I'm actually from York, Pennsylvania, but my number does come up as Lancaster. But they're right next to each other.
Starting point is 01:15:40 You're the only person who knows. York, Pennsylvania is supposedly the first capital of the United States. Bit of history for you. You should look it up. Oh, wow. I'm sure Colin Lawrence knows it. He knows fucking everything. I thought you knew everything.
Starting point is 01:15:56 No, I just pretend to know everything. But I'm okay with it. I just pretend. James Hobart. I just want to say I'm a big fan, man. It's pretty cool. Thanks. Appreciate that. Yeah, yeah. Hey, what do you think? Do you think – so Mr. York, do you think it's okay for same-sex couples to adopt kids? Same-sex couples to adopt kids.
Starting point is 01:16:35 I think it is the best practice for the government to have as little involvement in our lives as possible. Oh, I like your answer. They need to do the things that they need to do. How's that for an answer? And they need to to to leave men free men and women. I say men, you know, I mean, just generally speaking, but men and women free to to move about the country and make their own decision. I guess I don't know what marriage is. Marriage must must be something like I'm not talking about like people's bullshit. Well, it's a union of blah, blah, blah. And it's love and not that i'm talking about what it really is like like uh what are the ramifications of marriage under the tax code and the law etc etc but marriage must be something and um because it seems completely idiocy to me
Starting point is 01:17:20 that it would just be just between a man and a woman and i fucking even hate the story that it's like like who gives a fuck if two men or two women get married like it's so annoying to me that being said i also think it's complete idiot but that's because i maybe i don't know what marriage is but um another part of idiocy is is why can't you marry more than one person that's like fucking crazy to me like well of course you should be able to marry 22 people but well then it might be breaking but i don't know what marriage is sorry go ahead go ahead mr york i think marriage has been you know it's like everything else and in this world it's been kind of like warped and changed as time you know has gone on and, and, you know, as, as people have progressed and they've
Starting point is 01:18:08 changed their views on this and that religion and, and, you know, politics have changed people's views and the way we live our lives, marriage has changed as well. You know, I mean, I don't think back in biblical times, marriage was two people going, you know, to an MDJ and getting a certificate and a piece of paper printed out and i'll say that they could cohabitate you know what i mean but but i do i do hear what you mean so he's putting up a definition here suza is i don't know if you can see it mr york says the party's legal ability to marry each other mutual consent of the parties a marriage contract is required by law so like that contract is – there must be something in that contract that makes it so it's not good for the government or society to marry more than one person?
Starting point is 01:18:50 Or is it just stupid opinion and like blah, blah, blah moral and ethical reasons? Like I don't understand. But all of that being said, like I'll let someone else figure out all that. I don't care about any of that stuff. The part that trips me out and the part that's controversial is like I would want a mom and a dad. I would want to be adopted by one man and one woman, and I'm not sure why, and I don't know if I need to be unfucked. Like maybe I'm just wrong. Maybe it's because that's all I know. But it just seems like to adopt a child – but I am okay with lesbian. I'm perfectly okay with lesbians getting some sperm and having kids. I think women should be able to have as many kids or do whatever they want with their vaginas and whatever parts inside of them make the baby.
Starting point is 01:19:38 But I guess if you didn't allow gay men to adopt kids, they couldn't have – I don't know. I'm just thinking about myself. I wouldn't want to be adopted, but I don't know i'm just thinking about myself like i'm i'm i would i wouldn't want to be adopted but i don't think by a gay couple but but i'm really open to being unfucked i'm not i don't i would i would like to know the statistics on that like i know you've talked a lot like how rich are they if i get adopted by gay dudes they got to be rich as fuck well i mean i think all those people are super rich, right? They have two incomes and no children to spend it on. And just hideous and clean and good.
Starting point is 01:20:09 There's actually some really cool research out there about same-sex couples who do adopt and they have more successful relationships. They are wealthier because it is so hard for them to adopt. And the child is typically being brought up in a home and environment that they have access to much better financial resources than in the same scenarios of same-sex couples and i can't cite anything off the top of my head but i'll dig it up they're probably not caught up on any of that follow-up either follow up next week but um you have to have money to adopt in the first button unless you're adopting through the foster care system a teenager or something you know where they pay you you have to have a lot of money to adopt.
Starting point is 01:20:46 I mean, it's crazy expensive. Kate is beyond spaced out on Sevan thinking out loud. No, no. She's not spaced out. She's like, am I going to lose my job? Please, someone call about the L1 and say it's great. Well, what I was going to say is that you said I wouldn't want to be adopted by two guys or like if i you know speaking on behalf of like the kid but i think that maybe it's the idea that you'll get kind of fucked up
Starting point is 01:21:11 in some kind of way but i think the reality is is that it doesn't really matter who your parents are whether they are two guys two girls one guy one girl i think everybody gets a little bit fucked up so you just end up being fucked up in a different I, um, if I had to choose, it would be one man, one woman, then two women, and then two men. You need your mom. You need your mom. I don't, I mean, like if you could, you really need a dad and I know I pushed the dad shit a lot, but you really need a mom. You need a mom. What do you think, Mr. York?
Starting point is 01:21:41 Mom, or if you could, would you rather be adopted by two women or two men? I mean, that's it. That I mean, that's a tough question. I think. No one knows who you are. You can just say whatever. It's not like your life's on the line like mine. I will. I could. I'll tell you my middle name. I mean, I don't I'll say anything about me. But no, I think that father's a good father is, I mean, one of the most important things that you can have in life. And I think if you are a man and you choose to have children and, you know, being a father, that's a role that needs to be taken seriously. Now there are, you know, mothering or I'm sorry, there's lots of nurturing and different, you know,
Starting point is 01:22:23 things that children get from their mother that I think, you know, personally speaking, are unique to what a mom can provide to a child as compared to what a dad can provide. So I would probably want to want to go with the mother and the father as well. But then after that, I don't know, probably father, father. Oh, wow. Yeah. Yeah. Just speaking from having a great dad. Oh, I. Yeah. Yeah. Just speaking from having a great dad. Oh, I knew it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:48 And then I introduced a sport. You're biased. You're as biased as I am. I'm biased too. I knew it. You're biased. You had a great dad. I'm biased.
Starting point is 01:22:56 Hey, if my kids ever, like, I always ask my kids, who do you love more, mom or dad? And they say mom. And the day they say me, I know I'm fucking up. Listen, I want to to i want to ask you guys a question i want to get all your opinion on something but it's it's off of the you have a beautiful voice and it sounds like you have a huge penis thanks for calling oh my god thank you so much yes you're welcome um it uh one of the one of those two things is true um it again it's it's off of the line of you know kind of topic that you've been been talking about right now, what we've been talking about.
Starting point is 01:23:29 But it's one of your favorite topics with all this vaccination stuff. Let's say that you guys had an opportunity to have a job that was just a I mean, could be possibly like dream job, right? Job of your dreams. Now you are not somebody who, you know, at this point has, has gotten vaccinated due to, you know, your own personal medical choices and everything and beliefs on everything. And this job that you, that you are in the process of applying for and everything, they want you to get the vaccination. Your choice, whatever, you know, of the three vaccinations you want, but they want you to get one of those three vaccinations to work for them. And this job, like I said, would check off a lot of boxes in your list of,
Starting point is 01:24:20 you know, wishes. And also it's, you know, it would be a good amount of money, probably more money than you, than you'd make, or you had made so far in your life. Let me hear your thoughts on, uh, on what, what you would do with that situation. What do you mean? Like, would you take Moderna, Johnson or Pfizer? What's the question? Would you, would that be like, I know you personally are, you know, Would I take the vaccine if they were if i had the choice of like my i'm doing my dream job right now and the truth is i suspect kate and
Starting point is 01:24:51 james are damn close to their dream job too i know i know would i give up my kids if someone told me hey i'm gonna kill your kids if you don't take the vaccine i would fucking jump on a box of needles sure like a vaccine triple quadruple vaccinate myself to do anything i do not want to give the job up for being a dad but if it was like if how about i'm in my 19th year in the air force and i'm like there's guys who are two days away from fucking retiring and if they don't get this thing they're gonna lose their retirement what do you do fuck if i know but the people who aren't in that position who don't stand up for those people, you're a bitch. Well, and it's kind of like I was in a union previously and in my previous job.
Starting point is 01:25:35 And it was like whenever something like this would happen, something that was grievous, then the you know, we actually used to call it a grievance process would happen within the union, but it would never be something that was resolved right away. So like in this particular case, you would have to suck it up and get your shot and then grieve the decision, you know, by, by the administration. And then, you know, six months to a year on the road, they'd say, oh, yeah, we screwed that one up. You shouldn't have had been made to get a shot. Sorry. Well, James and Kate work for a company that has more than 100 employees. So something's going to happen to them.
Starting point is 01:26:15 They're either going to be getting tested all the time, but someone's going to contest this shit. And it's a really important question. But we have to move on with the news. I'm going to – Mr. York, thanks for calling. I'll let them answer if they want to answer after we get rid of you. You needed to talk twice as fast, even though I love that you called. And peace and love. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:26:33 Did you take your L1 ever, Mr. York? You know, I haven't, but listening to your podcast, I've been thinking that I really would. I am an avid CrossFitter, but I have not taken my L1. But I would like to. And drag someone there who's never even done CrossFit. I'm not joking. And watch their brains explode. All right.
Starting point is 01:26:51 Love you, buddy. Bye. Oh, he's getting me. That guy is getting me all riled up. If that guy was my neighbor, I would just talk to him over the fence like for 10 hours a day. I was waiting i thought i thought when he asked that question he set up a hell of a hypothetical too so it's real what do you do what do you do james you're 19 years in the air force with two days left to retirement if you don't take the the the actually we already know you what do you do kate kate have you gotten it yet
Starting point is 01:27:24 not yet when are you getting it you got your appointment made no let's move onward onward and upward all right last piece of political news then we're moving on to some fun stuff you think that was inappropriate that I asked Kate online like that was that Kate will you
Starting point is 01:27:44 go to the bathroom or something? Me and Hobart got to talk. I'm feeling bad. No, yeah, yeah. I think it's not pathological. Indicative. I think it's indicative of a larger social problem that people feel like they can't ask that question or answer that question honestly. Like that identifies there's something going wrong in our society. The fact that I – it's like that's identifies there's something going wrong in
Starting point is 01:28:05 our society the fact that i you know it's like that's fucked up like it's not like i asked her hey do you hate jewish people yes exactly not not yes but yes exactly that's a good example of a question i mean that one should be that one's that one's weird like that one's like if you do hate jewish people you should probably lie. You should say, no, that's absurd, Savan. I love Jewish people. Okay. But what you're saying is that there shouldn't be a right or wrong answer to you getting an injection, and our society says that there is, and that sucks.
Starting point is 01:28:37 Yeah. I shouldn't be judging people whether they get it or didn't get it. It's just – it definitely, like like i said identifies a very weird situation right now i think for us socially as a planet i heard what you said i was trying to translate it for people who aren't smart as you yeah well okay iceland okay so i originally found this and then thor's daughter and bkg i was told told, Kate told me that it got updated. So, update. Originally, according to projections based on final election results, 33 of the 63 seats in the Althingi, which is the Icelandic parliament,
Starting point is 01:29:15 oldest surviving parliament in the world, was that 52% of those seats now belong or have been won by women. But there's a correction after a recount. It's only 30 of the 63 have been won by women but there's a correction after a recount it's only 30 of the 63 seats were won by women i believe the reason that this was significant and it still is significant um the reason it would be significant is that no other european country has breached this 50 threshold though sweden and iceland are very close i think both now tied at 47 percent but iceland has always been kind of at the forefront of equality between men and women it's the first law on equal pay for men and women dates back to 1961 it's also the first country in
Starting point is 01:30:01 the world to elect a female president in 1980 so another crazy law like you really need a law that says men and women get paid equally it's fucking crazy fucking nuts people are fucking nuts i mean i'm not don't get me wrong i'm not saying whether it's a bad law like like if we need it we need it but it just sucks that we need laws like that it's like what are you fucking retarded you can move more hay than that person over there you get paid more money one of the um girls that lost the seat she was uh 21 years old too young too young she was like one of the youngest members or the youngest member in parliament until she lost i know a bunch of you guys are gonna hate this too young you should not be
Starting point is 01:30:44 allowed to run for office until you're – Yeah, sure. I'll get on board with that. There should also be a significant age limit on political office. The fact that we have congresspeople who are two times the average age of a citizen in the United States is fucking lunacy. But I can't get into that because it really gets me fired up. Oh, you're saying – I'm saying that you shouldn't be able to get in when you're 21 and you're saying you shouldn't be able to get in when you're 79 or the fact that we have 80 year old the fact we have 80 year old senators
Starting point is 01:31:10 is literal it's it's insane you know it's like you wouldn't trust these people to like change your kids diapers so you but you'll trust them with an entire state or country it's bizarre i also want to cup check sorry say that again kate i could you make the age range be? I also want to cup check. Sorry, say that again, Kate. I cut you off. What would you make the age range? 35 to 60. I go to 70. No way, dude.
Starting point is 01:31:34 No way. How old's your mom? 61. I've had this conversation. She agrees with me. Well, I think that at 60, they should take your license away. And it's for the same, and that's a great example. It's for the same reason that you say someone who's 20 wouldn't should be in yet. Like while you're, I don't know, what late teens into
Starting point is 01:31:54 your 20s, you're still learning about the world. Parts of your brain are still being formed. It's also the same exact thing that happens to people who are older. Their brains stop being, Also, the same exact thing that happens to people who are older. Their brains stop being – they become calcified. Like they stop becoming as malleable to new ideas. It's just crazy, man. And most old people aren't humble enough to admit it. That's what really sucks.
Starting point is 01:32:17 Like you're still driving when you know you shouldn't be. Like fuck you. Yeah. Like I already know at 49, like my eyesight is not what it used to be at night. Like come on, man. Well, it's just like the fact that it well it's the fact that like we have a 77 year old president and everyone everyone else's best answer is to have another 70 year old president you know it's like it's just it's you literally the fact that that's how people think we should solve politics is so freaking crazy like
Starting point is 01:32:41 i think you have a disorder if you think it's okay for the President of the United States to be over the age of 70. It kills me. I need to think about that. And everybody's like, old people have great advice. I'm like, good. Then have him, call him up on the phone when we have a younger President. It's wild. It's so wild.
Starting point is 01:33:00 Sousa, did you see that text come in from Craig Howard? Yeah, I saw that. Maybe tell him 7'm trying to i'm trying to do a podcast with craig howard tomorrow morning at 7 a.m he's great find out what time he wants to do it like maybe like eight roger that's gonna be good talking to him that motherfucker is like he's had it he's reached his limit yeah he's a beast yeah he is a beast um i want to see a cup check on all those chicks i want to line up all those women in parliament who say that they're women and just like you just gotta just someone's gotta grab it and just make sure chris cuomo
Starting point is 01:33:38 is that too much no perfect. Perfect. All right. This next story is really cool. Let me talk about this next story. Okay. I have to pee. I'm going to need a pee break after this next story. All right. Gangster showdown. A gangster who was on trial was killed by two rival – this is in India – killed by two rival gang members who were disguised as lawyers.
Starting point is 01:34:02 So he's in the courtroom and these two rival gang members dressed up as lawyers shot him notorious gangster was shot dead in an indian uh sorry no this notorious indian gangster was shot dead in new delhi courtroom by two rival gang members dressed as these lawyers one of the suspected killers i, was this guy's childhood friend before they became deadly rivals. The two fought a bloody turf war for more than a decade. You know how I know I'm racist? Because I can't picture an Indian gangster. I spent a couple months in India.
Starting point is 01:34:40 I don't remember any of that. I mean, the animals were dangerous there. I remember the people being so – Wow, there was a lot of stealing there, man. Holy shit, there was crazy stealing. Crazy stealing. Like the craziest stealing you've ever seen in your life. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:58 Like someone just opened your trunk at a stoplight and just takes shit out of your car. In India? Oh, dude, it's so crazy. I never saw that while i was there crazy you were probably there bawling on some honeymoon or you were doing drugs in that big southern beach town what's that one called never heard of it yes you know what i'm talking about you're probably there at a fucking rave uh i was there working seminars wow speaking of races dave friend said cuomo is not a pervert
Starting point is 01:35:26 he's just italian i gotta pee boom that's brutal well speaking of italy we're going to rome so rome i guess is struggling to contain four-legged invading force of trash loving wild boars which wander out of nearby parks to find food. Found in groups of 10 to 30, these boars can weigh up to 220 pounds each. Estimate that there are over 2 million boars across all of Italy, but this region of Lazio surrounding Rome estimates there are 5,000 to 6,000 boars in city parks, a few hundred of which regularly abandon the trees and green for urban asphalt and trash bins. They randomly and routinely wander through the outdoor eating area of restaurants looking for food. And somebody's sister reported that she woke up or not woke up, sorry, was going home and she found 30 boars outside of her shoe store when she left at 8 p.m.
Starting point is 01:36:29 And I did follow up on the dead penguins article as well. The bees stung the penguins' eyes, and that's how they were able to get to them. Oh, that's gruesome. Gruesome. Gruesome. That's not America. That's not America. And let them die. Yeah Um, and they were, that's, they were, yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:48 How awesome is that? Bees are brutal. Wait, another bee story. Another bee story. We wrapped it up. We found out how they died. Yeah. We followed up from last week's,
Starting point is 01:36:57 uh, B B slash penguin throw down. Oh shit. But we're looking at pigs. I thought, yeah, this was in Rome. I thought, yeah, this was in Rome. Rome is,
Starting point is 01:37:07 I guess it being overrun by wild boars. Boars lives matter. BLM. Boars lives matter. No, they got to get those boars out of there. How, that's another,
Starting point is 01:37:22 that's another crazy thing. How be of the blm community is like pushing back on the vaccine it's like dude those are your people man there's some great this is this is what a great social experiment we're having you know what you know what's happened you know like if you're ever making like a big stew and like you put in one spice and it's too much so you try to fix it by putting in more of something else and the next thing you know you just got this mess on your hand. It's like that.
Starting point is 01:37:47 That's what's going on. If your wife got, what if your wife got fake boobs and then you didn't like them? And I guarantee you that's happened a bunch. I don't know. I was going to say something really vulgar but i'm gonna skip it but you're employed true true true and my mom listens to this podcast as well so yeah be cool gotta be a good boy okay let's go on another cool story coming from japan the black widow killer so listen to this um this woman now 74 is on death row for more murdering three romantic
Starting point is 01:38:33 partners and an attempted murder of a fourth these murders started in 2007 when she was 61 but she escaped suspicion um until the most recent attempt promoted further at investigation and from what i could glean from the article is that um what are they called for autopsies are rare in japan and are typically only performed when there is a suspicion of foul play so i think it took her through only only three dead husbands um i think and she was poisoning them with arsenic but basically what she was doing is you know she was extracting money from these victims she would marry them older same these elderly men extract money from them somehow and then while she was still with them and in the process of poisoning them she had already started dating um kind of the next victim oh wow wow
Starting point is 01:39:26 yeah so basically she used a matchmaking agency to get acquainted with elderly victims one after another and poisoned them after making them trust her two months before um the second victim's death in january 2012 she had already begun secretly dating other men through another dating agency um and there was another look at this ad look at this ad that's on the screen we won't stop until every child feels healthy that's from unicef that's like that's feels healthy you won't stop until thank you for removing that i I was fucking going to lose my mind. Fucking UNICEF. Oh, you didn't remove it. It's just the ad went away.
Starting point is 01:40:08 My God. What a joke. Okay, sorry. Go on, Hobart. So woman kills men, takes their money. That's like... Poisons them. Yeah. Once again, showing how racist I am. I just don't picture that Japanese women doing that.
Starting point is 01:40:24 He's really rude to the right-hand guy. Look at those locations. And that's one of the reasons they had a hard time, I think, sensing foul play. And I think it was at the point of the fourth victim when they found – they finally did a – third victim when they finally did an autopsy and started to find cyanide. That's what it was, arsenic.
Starting point is 01:40:44 High levels of cyanide in his body. Some estimates. Can you imagine poisoning someone for money? Well, what's interesting, there was another copycat black widow killer who I think was also in her 60s or maybe a little bit younger but doing the same thing. But supposedly extracted about $4.5 million in total from her partners. Wow. I think one of the only things that could make me suicidal is if I killed someone else. but supposedly extracted about $4.5 million in total from her partners. I think one of the only things that could make me suicidal is if I killed someone else. Well, I think it's good that you're not.
Starting point is 01:41:17 I think it's good that you didn't just say, I'm totally cool with killing other people. It's horrible. I'm not even for the death penalty for two reasons. One, people will be wrong. Like, you'll be wrong. You kill 100 people, you're going to kill at least one innocent person. And the second thing is if you kill someone, that means you created another killer because someone has to kill them.
Starting point is 01:41:38 It's a fucking mess. Lock people up. And I saw that that lady's on death row. That's fucking lame. I don't care how many men she killed. Lock her up and throw the key away. Don't fucking kill her. Killing people is fucked fucking lame i don't care how many men she killed lock her up and throw the keyway don't fucking kill her killing people is fucked up i don't like it death penalty is also very very very expensive well they can make it cheaper there's a work it could make it much cheaper yes but it's uh yeah it's a huge financial burden on the state
Starting point is 01:42:01 man i'm gonna skip one story we're gonna go to chris cuomo okay what story did you skip just out of curiosity like conspiracy theory of the week it was about loch ness the loch ness monster i didn't really like it so skipping it chris cuomo i like loch ness and i like bigfoot stories just you know but maybe i've matured past them. I was just letting it simmer in me to see if it was... Well, let's give it a shot. You ready?
Starting point is 01:42:30 Do you like Loch Ness monster stories? Do you even know Loch Ness monster stories? Kate, is that in Australia? Yeah, I'm familiar. Does Australia have legendary monsters or animals, mythical monsters or animals down there? Well, I think we probably steal ones from other places. Like Loch Ness monster, legendary like monsters or animals mythical monsters or animals down there well like i think we probably steal ones from other places like loch ness monster like we're familiar with that
Starting point is 01:42:50 you know like those kinds of legends i guess those are the same stories that are told down here i don't think there's any specific to australia mind you i'm not australian so it might be well how about new zealand um There are definitely some like Maori stories, some traditional stories around like animals and creatures and things that, you know, no longer exist, but I couldn't think of any else at the top of my head. Kate, if it helps you understand Hobart and I any better, we just, New Zealand is just like
Starting point is 01:43:25 Australia is Hawaii just an island that's not how I picture it yes it is don't lump me in with you man when we say Australia we're including New Zealand yeah okay I see
Starting point is 01:43:40 they're not the same thing but okay cool I know you're probably right know. You're probably right. I mean, you're probably right. No, no, no. She's not probably right. She's fucking exactly right. I'm just telling you how we think. It'd be me saying, like, oh, America, and that would include, like, Canada.
Starting point is 01:43:58 It does. And the truth is, it does. It really does. Well, you guys are at least, sharing land there's there's no land shit between australia and new zealand and it but it is like that it canada really is just part of the united states it's just a really weird shitty part and some of our states up in the top are like that too okay all right shelly ross said in an opinion piece in the new york times on friday that chris cuomo had greeted her at a going away party in 2005 with a bear hug while lowering
Starting point is 01:44:34 without consent one hand to firmly grab and squeeze the cheek of her buttock and squeeze the cheek of her buttock. Ross said Cuomo told her, I can do this now that you're no longer my boss. And she responded, no, you can't, pushing him off while stepping back to reveal her husband who saw the whole thing. In an interview, Ross called it, what? By the way, that's what I would have done to Rosa
Starting point is 01:45:00 if he would have fired me in person. I would have embraced him and squeezed his ass, but go on. I can't say it. Okay. In an interview, Ross called it an attempt to diminish and belittle a female executive in front of her staff. Asked for comment, Cuomo told the Times, as Shelley acknowledges, our interaction was not sexual in nature.
Starting point is 01:45:21 It happened 16 years ago in a public setting when she was a top executive at ABC. I apologized to her then, and I meant it. CNN had no additional comment. What do you think about that, Savant? I struggle with this because I just want to attack him because I can't stand him and his brother. They are bad, bad people. They're malicious people.
Starting point is 01:45:43 But I don't see anything in this story. Like, I don't know their relationship. Like, so he grabbed her butt at a party and her husband saw. Do you want to know what I really think? And I know this is just, like, off the cuff and there's no proof of this. I think it's – I'd like to know how she would have reacted if her husband wouldn't have seen it. Like, I'm just struggling to bring that up 16 years later i'm just and i hate this guy is a piece of shit don't get me wrong and his brother
Starting point is 01:46:13 killed people his brother killed old people his brother's policy all thousands of old people died because of his brother and and and this guy's response and what he does with don lemon and the lying the homophobia and racism that this guy has spread in this country under the guise of not being homophobic and not being racist is disgusting but i just i'm just struggling with this one i just like 16 years later like for grabbing her butt like Like I, I feel like there's a statute of limitations on buck grabbing or, or like, like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:46:48 I don't know. I, and I want to mash him. I just find it a little weird to come out 16 years later. What do you think? What do you guys think? Has anyone ever grabbed your button? You didn't like it.
Starting point is 01:47:01 Hobart. No, I don't think so has anyone ever grabbed your butt kate and you didn't like it probably not like that not with someone that like i know or have worked with but more like you were at a club and some dude just slapped it or something what yeah like random people like you walk by someone and they'll grab your ass yeah that's happened oh yeah especially like traveling okay wait sir tell me explain that like how does that where does that happen
Starting point is 01:47:35 um i'm trying to think of where it's happened um probably more when I've been in places like maybe when I've been traveling through, um, like maybe parts of Europe or like even in like Asia, like Malaysia or places that are like dense, like especially when I was younger. Um, people just would like hit on you and be gross. And just like squeeze your butt or slap your butt or. Yeah. and it might even be like more subtle than that that just put their arm out while you walked by so it was like you could help that have to walk into them or like while you were passing by their hand would be out i think that's so weird have you ever have you ever had a dude grab your butt um hobart yeah yeah no but i don't mean like a i don't mean like maliolo i mean like have
Starting point is 01:48:27 you ever like lived in like some got like i used to go to the gay pride parade a lot or i'd go to love fest in san francisco or i i would just i lived outside the city so there was just a lot of a lot of dude gay i mean it was the only no chick has ever grabbed my butt probably like a hundred dudes have slapped my butt or touched me inappropriately. Dude even at the Erotic Exotic Ball one time, a dude even kissed me on the lips. I heard gay guys are very aggressive in how they hit on other guys. Well, yeah. I mean, if I was gay, it would be game. I mean, it's just two of you dudes who want to bust a nut.
Starting point is 01:49:02 One person who has at least some borders, borders got like some uh what's that called uh interview process that's what that's yeah women are like they slow things down to an interview process they're like yeah they're and there's some women who it's like um uh uh it's really expensive like the death penalty and other women it's just cheap just put a gun to their head and shoot them get it see the metaphor I'm drawing there? Yeah, I think we got it. I don't think a gay guy has ever grabbed my butt. What do you think? What do you think?
Starting point is 01:49:30 What do you think about that? What do you think, Kate? Like, what do you think? 16 years later after someone... I'm not super familiar with him, but I feel like it's one of those things where somebody would respond by being like, oh, well, 16 years ago, you know,
Starting point is 01:49:42 you could do those things and now you can't anymore. But I don't know if it makes it any more okay than it is now. It's just people deal with that stuff differently now. And I don't know their relationship. Maybe – like I don't know their relationship. I just – it's just so – yeah. But I like that you brought it up, Hobart. It makes me vulnerable.
Starting point is 01:50:08 up hobart makes me vulnerable it's funny that those that love to stir the pot of cancel culture are being eaten alive by the very thing they proliferated i know isn't it lawrence uh david franzen at lawrence wait i thought old age killed people not cuomo not the virus just old age and diabetes and sugar you're right colin i was speaking a little out of turn uh he what he did is he sent his policy put people in a precarious situation that led to their death by the thousands have you ever seen the head of uh savon just summed up being gay in the most succinct way i've ever heard just two guys trying to bust a nut hey i if if you took all the women off the planet there would be uh 99 of the men would become gay and one percent would kill themselves i've um and it would take about three months for that to happen at the most i told you about that book right the female man but i think it's by
Starting point is 01:51:00 joanna rust oh look you got to read that book that's my recommendation of the week the female man the female man yeah you read it a long time ago in college yeah is it about chicks who are as horny as guys well i just there's this one like this one perilous a sci-fi book this one parallel world where i think um it's like all the men live on like one continent of the planet and all the women live on another i think it was this book wow and um the women have like this hyper evolved advanced society and um yeah that was a version the one in the middle there with the eyeball and the red ring around it and then like the men's island is they're just all like they live in total squalor and they just rape each other and kill each other all the time. Hey, there's this book you should read.
Starting point is 01:51:50 If you like that shit, you should read Stranger in a Strange Land. All right, I will. And basically this guy comes down from another planet and he's been to basically other dimensions and other planets and all these places. And he says something about human beings that's so fascinating to me. It's really not science fiction. It's a religious religious book but it's in the science fiction genre and he basically says it's amazing that there are creatures the humans are the last creatures in the universe who can have sex to procreate but can also achieve enlightenment and instead of embracing the fact that they can do both they cloud it with like jealousy and possessiveness and oh it's fucking fascinating i know kate's getting excited she's
Starting point is 01:52:30 like oh wow this sounds good i am i'm excited stranger in a strange land by henry heinland or something he he's um he was friends with the scientology guy and ray bradbury they all rolled together kind of uh i wish i could remember what's the scientology guy's Ray Bradbury. They all rolled together. I wish I could remember. What's the Scientology guy's name? L. Ron Hubbard? Oh, this is Heinlein. He wrote Starship Troopers. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:52 Robert Heinlein. Yeah, thank you. Right? I don't know. I just read Stranger in a Strange Land and it blew my mind. It's like all the religions in one. It's crazy. It's amazing.
Starting point is 01:53:05 I'll pick it up. Yeah, it's so good. And the audio book is – I actually listened to it. And the guy who reads it, his voice is beautiful. There you go. Two recommendations of the week. I think that book would make you horny. I don't know why I'm saying that, Kate, but I think that book would turn you on.
Starting point is 01:53:21 But there's no like overt – Why not me? yeah and there but there's no like like over why not me um i just have preconceived notions of her oh yeah making more assumptions by the sounds of it yes total total the same and they're probably as right as australia new zealand being the same country that's so devastating oh man but at least i don't lie to you like Hobart denies. Okay. All right, we're going to skip to the end. We're going to go on a banger.
Starting point is 01:53:53 Not a banger, but I know this one will get you fired up because we're going to talk about your favorite thing in the world, soda. Oh, yes. There's going to be a soda shortage in the UK. I didn't know this. This was pretty interesting. The British Beverage Association. The rising cost of natural gas is the cause of the shortage.
Starting point is 01:54:12 CO2 used for food and drinks is created as a byproduct of the fertilizer industry, which for some reason makes me never want to drink anything carbonated again. Two of the largest fertilizer plants in Britain have indefinitely suspended operations as a result of the increased cost of natural gas. Unfortunately, this means that a much lower amount of CO2 is being produced for food and drink manufacturers. If soft drink manufacturers cannot get a hold of CO2 supplies after their reserves have run out, production of certain products will have to cease.
Starting point is 01:54:49 Dude, is this real? Hope so. Sousa, is that real? I don't know why I'm asking you. Holy shit, we need to do a podcast with someone who's in the business over there. We need to get to the bottom of this. Is this true? So isn't there something like that with cheese isn't like like isn't something like a byproduct of making cheese or a byproduct of milk and then they make a lot of cheese and then this
Starting point is 01:55:13 is basically and so they turn that into a business too well way i mean all of the way encasing in the cheese industry i mean that's basically how all protein powder is manufactured. Not all, but a significant amount of protein powders are manufactured. And so this is the same thing. You're saying that they make fertilizer like for my lawn or for growing my weed plants in my backyard. That from that fertilizer, there's a byproduct and they capture it and they sell that to fucking Fanta and that's how they make carbonated drinks? Yeah, the carbon dioxide I guess is a as a by-product of that product. So how about beer? How about beer?
Starting point is 01:55:48 Oh, beer has its own thing going, right? Cause the yeast and all the fermentation, they got their own. Yeah. Um, Kate,
Starting point is 01:55:57 um, so someone just had a great idea. Craig White says, give Kate a rant. Maybe you should have a, is there anything you'd like to just go off on? Give Kate a rant? Yeah. You should be a rat so good.
Starting point is 01:56:09 Should you have a weekly rant? No pressure, but if you ever wanted... Before the show, you're showering. You know what I'm going to fucking say? I'm going to say about how I hate short men. You just want to go off on short guys. You can. You can just... Yeah, alright. I'll think of my rant yeah yeah no
Starting point is 01:56:27 no pressure but i mean it would be interesting to we need someone else to rant on this podcast other than savant right i agree all right i'll find something unique because i feel like i want to rant about the same things that savant rants about oh then you should rant about them i was about people that like message on instagram and then i was like any any like uh i don't even want to say it but you've said it so many times any like vaccine or like lockdown stuff here's a lot of things i could rant about that coming out of melbourne oh yeah hey um but tell me what do you mean you don't want you don't like people dming you on instagram oh no it just takes up a lot of time yes you mean to answer them all yeah yeah like it is a full-time job if you want
Starting point is 01:57:11 to go and ask people and i feel bad because like a lot of my answers are really short and just like i can never not answer a message but a lot of them are just like if people ask me something it's a one or two word response just of what they want to know. I just heart their shit. So they know I opened it and looked at it. Even if it's like woman kills 13 babies, I just heart it like, Hey, I saw that.
Starting point is 01:57:32 Yeah. Double tap. Um, have you ever been like, have you ever been like, Oh, well I'll ask Hobart Hobart. I have the same problem.
Starting point is 01:57:41 Kate does. How do you not answer all of your sobers? So you let ones just go by unanswered. Oh yeah. I have tons in there right now. I'm not a great DM or texter. How do you do that? How does your OCD handle that? Like mine and Kate's it's like, dude, if you sent us something, how can we not open it? Right. James, when you look at your phone, do you have like 3,859 emails and then like text messages that are like 500. No, actually my email inbox, I keep pretty clean. Um, but I have like text messages, phone voicemails, like that stuff.
Starting point is 01:58:13 I just do have a little badge showing. See, I can't handle that. I can't handle Instagram messages. I'm like, I cannot handle that. Oh, I don't have those on. I don't have that badge. I don't have notifications on Instagram on, I don't have the badge notification on Instagram. No way. I i don't have those on i don't have that badge i don't have notifications on instagram on i don't have the badge notification on instagram no way i just don't i think the interface is really slow and it's like um if i do when i do sit down to do dms i'll do them all at once and i answer them all from my computer because just typing on the phone is laborious and terrible i hate it it. I'm just old. You finally got the courage to call in.
Starting point is 01:58:55 Two hours into the show, five shots of tequila, and you're like, fuck it. 100% sober. Not even stoned. Oh. Damn it. Talk to me. have you had any callers? I haven't gotten any notifications from YouTube I didn't even know you guys were live
Starting point is 01:59:12 disgusting oh so you're a good dude so basically you just called in as like a sympathy like a sympathy call like let me help these guys out I like them no I had no idea I mean I don't even know when did you guys start oh I mean so you just have this number
Starting point is 01:59:28 in your phone and you're like fuck it I'll just call and see if they're live this isn't dominoes Hobart that was good you can laugh it's not one of my jokes that was a great one it was good oh jeez you know what Hobart's problem is is he's fucking multitasking like a motherfucker
Starting point is 01:59:46 yeah i'm looking up stories you guys are talking about stuff i'm learning about breast implants multitask are you present when you make love to your wife over oh yeah okay good answer what's up brother how can i i mean you can you could ask her if you're worried but i don't i don't really have anything i just I'm always amazed when I listen to these shows on playback on knowing how few people call in. So I just thought that if I ever had the chance, and you guys were live, I was going to call in and harass you. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:00:17 I think maybe you're the second or third or fourth or fifth. Definitely not past the fifth caller tonight. Okay. So people are getting the ball. I'll not past the fifth caller tonight. Okay. So people are getting involved. I thought you had it. That's good. Yeah. But I appreciate the call.
Starting point is 02:00:32 Have you taken your L1? Have you taken your L1? I have not, no. Do you do CrossFit? Yeah, with linchpin. Oh, cool. Good, good on you. Me too. I don't do linchpin. I mean cool. Good, good on you.
Starting point is 02:00:45 Me too. I don't do Lynchpin. I mean, I would if I could, but I just do GarageShit. Yeah. I figured I'd call in because I harass you guys in your DMs quite a bit. What's your name? What's your Instagram name?
Starting point is 02:01:03 I'm Logan Mars. And do you harass Kate too? I have not harassed Kate. I apologize, Kate. I'll get right on that. Yeah, I did have one of Siobhan's followers message me, and he was stoked that I responded. So I'm welcoming more people.
Starting point is 02:01:21 Don't do it. Hey, so I have thousands of emails unopened um and i i don't i have a facebook app on my phone only because people send me facebook at facebook app links i don't have a facebook account i don't even know how to use facebook but it says 133, I don't know. Probably 132 messages. You have so many email emails. But look at this. On Instagram, it says that I have seven,
Starting point is 02:01:55 but I probably have 70. That number's never right. And I have a huge... I'm obsessed with answering everyone and it sucks. I've noticed that. That's why I keep messaging you. It sucks.
Starting point is 02:02:10 You respond and you just mean it. So it's only going to get worse. Just keep eating his day. Just keep hours of his day. Just stop responding to me. Just send me good shit, please. Just send me news and your wife. Oh, no. No, man. Nothing send me news and your wife. Oh, no.
Starting point is 02:02:25 No, man. Nothing but cat videos in my Domino's orders. That's all. Do you really work at Domino's? No, man. No. That was because it sounded like I was calling a random number. So I was rolling with that.
Starting point is 02:02:41 All right. We'll erase that number. Thank you, Logan Mars. Mars. Logan. Logan Meyer. That'll work. That'll that. All right. We'll erase that number. Thank you, Logan. Mars. Mars. Logan. Logan Meyer. Gotta work.
Starting point is 02:02:48 Gotta work. You're the man. Appreciate it. You guys have a good night. You too. A sympathy fuck. I mean, call. He did just give us one of those.
Starting point is 02:03:03 Basically. Basically. Made fun of of us that he calls because no one ever calls in and you and what's crazy is is you know how many people have called into the show because we have no filter it's just this phone right here my extra iphone is just hooked up to the to the so anytime someone calls like there's there it just comes in it's like you're calling your friends. Maybe we should start vetting that. If we start getting like 50 calls a show, we'll do that.
Starting point is 02:03:35 Until then, fuck it. All right. Anything else? That's it. I got some good follow-up stuff for next week but it's kate yeah i'm gonna come with a rant rant i can't wait it's good i'm gonna get real mad about something i don't know what but something or it could be really happy don't don't pigeonhole yourself oh yeah okay all right i'll keep myself open then tomorrow morning i will have craig howard on the
Starting point is 02:04:08 podcast i don't know what time seems like he's slipping do we know what time suza 8 a.m uh on tuesday if you guys uh anyone who's listening who listens to the podcast regularly what you want to do is you want to go onto youtube and you want to watch the Pettigo. You want to go to Flow Elite, Flow Grappling, and there's a series on there. It's called Daisy Fresh, and it's about these kids who live in a fucking dilapidated old building somewhere in the middle of the country and all they do is train jiu-jitsu full-time and it's it's uh it's like basically it seems like it's like runaway camp and this guy's just rented this building it's an old laundromat that's like gone dilapidated and the kids live in there on jiu-jitsu mats and all they do is eat and do jiu-jitsu and so i'm
Starting point is 02:05:02 gonna have that guy in the podcast and that's gonna be an amazing podcast i think and then on wednesday i have bill dawes on comedian super excited about that and i don't have anyone on thursday that means i need to punch matt suza in the face and friday i don't have anyone on punch matt suza again so we'll keep you guys posted we'll get people good people on land the ship

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