The Sevan Podcast - #156 - I got a haircut

Episode Date: October 2, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I'm about to go live on the Sevan podcast on the YouTube station. Bam, we're live. I can't go live on my Instagram account at Sevan Matosian anymore.
Starting point is 00:00:46 So I have another account. It's called Sevan Rinsta. I think it's S-E-V-A-N-R-I-N-S-T-A, Rinsta. I think that means real. I don't know if that's true or not. I don't know if that's real. But Sevan Rinsta. And today's show, man, today's show is going to be quick, I think.
Starting point is 00:01:11 You, the CrossFit Games, beat you to interviewing Ricky Garrard, Benny Meyer. Yeah, let's talk about that first. But you got to watch me over at the Sevan podcast if you want to hear that conversation. but you got to watch me over at the Sevan podcast. If you want to hear that conversation, it's funny how people word stuff that they beat me, that they beat me. Hey, Jim,
Starting point is 00:01:33 what's up that they beat me to interviewing the Ricky Gerard. I'm pretty sure 89.5% sure that we had Ricky lined up before they did. And then i think what happened is is dave reached out to him and dave had been giving him a lot of i don't know if i'd call it love but acknowledgement on uh his instagram account and um and so when i'm assuming dave reached out to ricky and said hey will you come on come on our podcast ricky said yes and i don't blame Ricky for that. Fuck, I'd go on that one too.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I tried watching it yesterday. I watched for 15 minutes. For me, it's completely unwatchable. I never got comfortable. I'm not blaming Ricky or Chase, but I just never got comfortable. I don't like that style of interviewing. That's not how I would have done it. Is there a place for it? Sure. It seemed more like an interrogation
Starting point is 00:02:27 and maybe it changes after 15 minutes. I don't know. I just, I just personally, I'll tell you something about me. I went fishing with a bunch of friends and they were fishing and they handed me their fishing pole and uh I didn't want to hold it because what if I caught a fish and then the fish would come out of the water and then I'd see him like basically I don't know what you call a fish out of water but basically you watch them suffocate to death right you see them do that thing with their mouth and I don't like that and I eat fish so there's some I don't know if hypocrisy is the right word but there's some inconsistencies going on there right I'll let you kill it I'll let you do all
Starting point is 00:03:08 that stuff but for some reason I'm avoiding it and I'm not gonna hold your fishing pole blah blah blah it's the same thing with Ricky maybe maybe maybe what um Chase is doing is cool I don't know I don't like it though I would have had when I when I when I have Ricky on, I will be, it'll be more like, I will try to lure him out of his shell to tell the story. Not me necessarily digging in with a shovel and a scalpel or whatever tools chase uses, uh, to get the story. I think it'll be more like the approach of dude. I, I watched your interview with chase and it's kind of cool that chase did break the ice with them. Cause then I can just piggyback off that. Right. Oh, I watched your interview with Chase, and it's kind of cool that Chase did break the ice with him because then I can just piggyback off that, right? Oh, I watched your interview with Chase.
Starting point is 00:03:48 I immediately looked up the products you used, and I put it in my shopping cart, and I was thinking about buying it, but I got scared because there's all these warnings about it having liver toxicity. By the way, that is something interesting about that interview, right? So I sat down just to watch it because so many people told me they watched it and within five minutes of watching the interview we find out what substance he takes and i'm looking on the internet to buy it myself so i could take it so i could get swole i've never taken anything like that i took creatine before and like stuff that says like no2 or whatever on it but uh isn't that funny that i i bet you that interview is going to sell a lot of that shit because you can go online and just buy that shit but there is all sorts of warnings there's all sorts of warnings my wife walked over to my computer she's like what are you doing i'm like
Starting point is 00:04:36 just a little research a little research i think she knew that i was tempted to buy some. I did not. The warnings are too scary. But anyway, so there's a presupposition there saying that he beat, that CrossFit beat me. But you word it how you want. I guess that's you. Where's our guest today? How come I didn't do a show yesterday? I am obsessed about getting to 500 shows and making each show a little bit better than the last show. When I don't have a guest, I am very anxious about going on myself.
Starting point is 00:05:12 I don't want to go on myself, but I also think it's a good practice. And there's my brain throughout the day thinks of funny things that I want to share with you guys. So fuck it. I'm going to go on by myself, at least while my kids are asleep. It's 7.05. We're live on the Sevan podcast. I'm in California. So when I say it's 7.05 AM on the East coast, it's 10 AM and in England or the United Kingdom, it's even eight hours ahead of that. so I guess it's 3 p.m. You're great at turning the podcast into a conversation instead of an interview. Thanks, Anthony.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Goodish announcer, not so good interviewer. I don't know. I don't want to be critical. Okay, and this is the first time ever I've taken calls on a show that's not the news show. Let's see what happens here. Uh-oh, two calls. Wow. Here's one from another country.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Hold on. Uh-oh. I got to decline the second call, and then I got to switch this call to the Rodecaster Pro. Bam. Good morning. Morning, Salvan. How you doing, bro? Hey, good morning.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Wow, you almost said my name right. A lot of people say my name wrong, which is fine. I don't care. But you said it wrong in a way that I've never heard it said wrong before. All right on. But it's closer to being right, if that makes sense. Yeah, cool. Wow, is James Hobart, are you in bed and James Hobart's in bed with you? Because I hear some funky breathing. Oh, sorry, dude. I'm sitting on a swing set. Let me. Are you with your kids? Nope. He's inside, but we're normally on it.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Okay. So you're the first caller that's called me Sevan, and you're the first caller who's called on a swing set. So I appreciate it. I love it. Love it. Hey, man, your fatherhood advice has impacted me. Okay. So I really like it. Love it. Hey man, your fatherhood advice has, um, it's impacted me. Okay. So I really like it in a good way. Yeah, man. Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me how,
Starting point is 00:07:14 um, you've inspired. I always like setting a high bar for my boy. And sometimes people discourage me from that. And I'd be like, set the bar high, so high. Then let him fail. And he still fails at a high level. Yeah. And also the cutting out processed sugar. Yeah. You know, what's funny is after I said that extreme comment and I, and I extreme in quotes,
Starting point is 00:07:41 I'm not being serious. I said something like, Hey, you should never give your kid added sugar. Never never before they're two years old and i got a lot of pushback from that and it's like you should really never give your kid added sugar ever but anyway um the very next day the i don't know the cdc the fda one of those morons said hey you should never give your kid added sugar before the age of two and if they're saying saying that, that means, you know, it's really probably before the age of 15. Right. For sure. What do you,
Starting point is 00:08:08 so give me an example of setting the bar high for them. Is there any, like, like letting them climb on something like, like, yes, absolutely. Here's just one example.
Starting point is 00:08:18 I'm at the park the other day. He's got, he's him and another boy. They're kind of playing with sticks, like sword fighting. The other boy's mom goes, Hey guys, no playing with sticks, like sword fighting. The other boy's mom goes, hey, guys, no playing with sticks. And I'm thinking like, hold up. I get you don't want to injure another kid.
Starting point is 00:08:33 But when you hit another kid and you see that pain on his face, that's such an important lesson that my son goes, oh, man, that's why I don't hit him with a stick. And you only learn that lesson from playing with those sticks. And when we're wrestling and he really hurts me and I go, Oh, Eddie, ah, that hurt. That's a big lesson. He goes, Oh, okay. I don't pull that hard when we're just playing. You got it. I don't kick dad in the neck. I don't kick dad in the neck. Yeah. Yeah. You can get in the dirt to learn those lessons. But if you're always saying, Oh, don't play with sticks.
Starting point is 00:09:06 You're never going to learn it. I'm going to tell you I'm guilty of that one. I'm guilty of that one. I'm so guilty of that one. I'll just tell you. So the stick thing, like I'll go to the park and there'll be like, I don't know, let's say 30 kids at the park playing on a set. And every kid's like probably five to 10 feet apart, scrambling around like ants. And, um,
Starting point is 00:09:32 I'll see a kid run in there with a stick and I'm like, God damn it. This isn't the place for sticks. But, but, but I hear you. And I, and I like what you're saying. I'm not saying I'm not suggesting I'm right. I'm suggesting that even I'm even I'm wrong, but, but there is like, even my kids in the backyard. You're right. They'll be carrying – they always want to carry sticks. Kids always love sticks. I don't know about girls.
Starting point is 00:09:51 And you're right. That is a hard one. That is a hard one. And I think I commend you on doing that. And then even – I was thinking of more like task things. But even when they fail, the cool part is you still get to compliment them for trying yep yep no one no one is growing if they're not failing i i read that in the book balance and i'm like holy cow and they're like even the greatest athletes the the all the best tennis players soccer football um scientists whatever if you're not failing you're not
Starting point is 00:10:23 growing so if you're like just sitting there being successful every day, and I guess that's what practice is for, right? Yep. I'm going to teach them. Intimidation is one of the best feelings in the world because when you're intimidated, but you take it, you're about to learn a lot. If you don't power, when you feel that intimidation, you're about to learn. Right. It's kind of, that's how I felt about this podcast this morning with no guests.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Yeah. Yeah. Cool. Did you see that Ricky Gerard interview? I did. I was just talking about that. What do you think about that? Man, I mean, I commend him for doing that.
Starting point is 00:10:58 It feels a bit too late. Yeah, I mean, I love the storyline of ricky gerrard i guess i can't really comment on the per you know the personality and whatnot but i am highly intrigued with the storyline have you ever taken have you ever taken those pills yourself nope nope i'm really proud that i haven't because i like doing those competitive CrossFit events. Yeah, I went online. As soon as Chase said what he was taking, like in real time, I just pulled up another window and put some in a shopping cart and started reading the side effects. Oh, for real? Yeah, I mean I've never done anything like that, but I've always wanted to.
Starting point is 00:11:40 And I didn't pull the trigger on it. My wife walked by my computer. She's like, what are you doing? Oh, nothing, Just a little research. But the side effects look scary as shit. I don't want an enlarged prostate. I already pee every hour. Yeah, I love finishing a workout and then being like, yeah, I did it right.
Starting point is 00:11:59 I did it the old fast way. Yeah. How about any other pills? Have you ever taken like Adderall or Viagra or any of the other drugs? When I was in college, I became addicted to binge abusing Adderall. And it's actually one of my greatest achievements to overcome that. And I, I love helping. I live in a college town and I can look a kid in the eye and I know if he's using Adderall and I love helping kids with that. Is it just like meth? I'd done a little,
Starting point is 00:12:25 I went through like a three week period of doing meth. Oh yeah. Yeah, dude. It's meth. When you binge abuse it, it's meth. Yeah. It's crazy. I, um, this, this, there was these group of kids that I hung out with and we were in college going to UC, uh, Santa Barbara. And there was probably, I'd say like 30 of us roughly in the, in the crew. And, um,
Starting point is 00:12:47 it's a college town. You know how college is. There's just like the, the houses. Okay. So meth rolled in and there was like, it came in and I had never done it before. And so like the first time I did it, I basically did it for three weeks straight.
Starting point is 00:12:59 And there was probably like 30 of us who did it for three weeks straight. And then, and then I was just like, this shit's, this isn't good. I can't do the rest of your shit. And then about another, so let's say I'm just making this up roughly for the spirit of the story. But after like three weeks, 15 of us stopped, right?
Starting point is 00:13:14 And then after six weeks, there were only seven left. And after 20 weeks, there was two guys left. And then, you know, after a year, there's one guy of the 30 who got addicted to it. And next thing you know, we're reading about him on the news. He's now turned into a woman. He paints his nails. He got arrested for stabbing a girl in the face because Bart Simpson told him to do it. When they pulled him over, he had a dildo and Vaseline in his backpack. I mean this is a true story, and that made me realize, holy shit, I kind of dodged a bullet there was a one in 30 chance like uh i would have got addicted to that shit but i like to do other shit and that's why i i um i quit smoking because of crossfit i i don't drink anymore because i don't want to i don't want to die um early so i'll tell you what i'll. Oh, okay. Yeah, I'll do a little coffee and a little marijuana edible.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Every now and then, when I'm being a little too stressed out, not being a cool dad or husband, a little marijuana edible, man. Strategically. I tried to get into melatonin, taking a shitload of melatonin. I didn't even like that. Oh, I don't know. Yeah, I don't like anything that like your body does naturally. So your body makes melatonin naturally.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Hmm. Do you ever have nightmares? Have you ever had a nightmare? Not since I was a child. So when I was on melatonin, I started having nightmares, like real ones, like zombies and moving.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Yeah. Yeah, it wasn't good. I did not enjoy that. I did not enjoy a nightmare. They stick with you for a long time. Yes, they do. I mean, I'm an anxious guy. Like, I'll go fishing with my son, and, like, we have to have every safety protocol in place.
Starting point is 00:15:02 You mean, like, so people don't't drown life jackets and shit like that oh yeah yeah yeah and even i'm out there i'm so anxious i'm like oh everyone don't get near the edge like it's fine either way um someone in the comments just said seven get fraser on to discuss the chew and the bottle spit that changes colors really it was podium products did they did ricky talk about that in the will are you did ricky talk about that in the will are you saying ricky talked about that in the podcast with uh chase ingram i didn't i i personally didn't by the way what's your name i don't even know your name steve steve um i i personally couldn't watch the interview i watched 15 minutes of it and it was making me feel uncomfortable i
Starting point is 00:15:42 started having like too much sympathy for ricky i did it felt like an interrogation and i and i'm not that i want to reiterate that's not a dig at chase you know hey you know what i got the vibe from ricky i'm it's gonna sound really rude he seems kind of dumb just old school caveman style dumb and that sounds so mean but i go you know what you seem like the type of guy who would get caught where if you and for your other elite closet friends are doing SARMs or whatever it is, you're definitely the one that's going to get caught. And your other bro is probably know how to cheat the system. What about,
Starting point is 00:16:18 um, does, does, does Nick Diaz, I was just talking to my wife about this the other day. Do you think Nick Diaz seems dumb? No. I mean he's kind of got that caveman vibe though, I mean to be honest.
Starting point is 00:16:35 I didn't – I haven't talked – I don't – here's the thing. So I have this – I know this couple, and they're going through a divorce, and I'm concerned about the husband because he can't speak. And I always thought that maybe something was wrong with him, and it's a little harsh to say he was dumb. And then one day, he's like, hey, do you want to see this video that I made? And this guy has so much trouble speaking, and he's a grown-ass man. He's in his 40s. He can't articulate or share a thought of his life. It depends on it.
Starting point is 00:17:02 And I said, okay, sure. I'd love to see this video made. And it's a video of him pouring ashes into the ocean of his dead father. And there's like 20 people on the boat with him. And he reads – he reads – what's that called when you give a – I don't know. A eulogy? A eulogy. He reads a eulogy to his dad. And I was – and it's like a five-minute eulogy.
Starting point is 00:17:26 And I'm watching this video, and I'm bawling, Steve. I'm bawling. Wow, man. And all of a sudden, if he writes and then reads it, he can articulate himself brilliantly. So just because I see someone like Ricky or Nick Diaz, words not just flowing out of their mouth, like diarrhea, like it does out of my mouth. It's hard for, I think it's a, um, I, I just don't think we should give big mouths the credit for being smart and people who words.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Dumbness. I suppose I had a few other factors that, um, played into my judgment that Ricky was a little dumb. For example, his girlfriend was hot. His girlfriend was hot. I always, I always just think that guys have hot girlfriends or idiots.
Starting point is 00:18:15 That makes me feel better. That makes money there. Yeah. Yeah. That's a college town vibe. Yeah. No truth to it. Just makes me feel better yeah yeah well thanks for having me on buddy yeah thank you and congrats on the kids and continue being hey thank you so much yeah he's a great
Starting point is 00:18:35 four-year-old named eddie good awesome stay in touch brother yes sir thank you man bye-bye bye hey uh sorry i couldn't take the calls while i was on with steve if you guys want to hear if Yes, sir. Thank you, man. live do you guys want to see that you know what's weird is when you hear about shadow banning and that kind of stuff like two years ago you're like that's just conspiracy theory those are just right wing wing nuts blah blah blah and um and you don't and you don't believe it's real you just think that shadow bans you don't believe any of this stuff is real until it happens to you it's it's so bizarre but i'm going to show you what happens. By the way, I know I answered the call. Give me one second. I want to show you what happens when I go live. Can you guys see this?
Starting point is 00:19:32 I don't know if you can see my phone. Oh, yeah, you can see it. So I'll hit the live button. And I get that message from Instagram saying I can't go live. And it says, you're blocked from sharing live video. Posts from your account have been recently removed for going against our community guidelines. So live video sharing has been temporarily blocked. So I hit learn more.
Starting point is 00:19:54 And it says, we want Instagram to continue to be authentic and a safe place for inspiration and expression. So I've been banned because they want Instagram to be an authentic and safe place for inspiration and expression. So I've been banned because they want Instagram to be an authentic and safe place for inspiration and expression. Isn't that amazing that Instagram doesn't think I'm safe or authentic? Anyway.
Starting point is 00:20:15 What's up, brother? How are you? What country are you calling from? I don't recognize this. I am calling from Ireland, Saban. My name is Clay. Clay, good morning. I've called you a few times.
Starting point is 00:20:26 that's, that's a minute. Goodness knows how much this cost me. Calls, Marlon, you kept me on for a minute before I even spoke. Uh, $12.
Starting point is 00:20:35 And, and I was the original caller as well. You, you declined my call from Ireland. Oh. In favor of a fellow countryman. Boy, we're off to a bad start.
Starting point is 00:20:45 I'm already messing with you. Um, Hey, we're off to a bad start. Um, Hey, if I was Irish, I would have known that. And I would have answered like, if a call comes from Armenia, I'm just picking up racist, racist.
Starting point is 00:20:54 I guess I was, uh, I was just going to chat about your record. There are, but that's the last color. You covered a lot of, a lot of stuff. It's a weird,
Starting point is 00:21:02 weird energy, man. Wasn't it strange? I just, I just, my heart fell for me. Just seemed like a fish out of stuff. It's a weird interview, man, wasn't it? Kind of strange. I just, my heart fell for him. He just seemed like a fish out of water. And I just, I'm sure that Chase wanted to go through and check the boxes and get some stuff done. And I don't blame him for that. But I think I would have danced with him a little more.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Maybe I'm not as real as Chase, but I would have danced with him more to get that information. I wouldn't have just opened the can and shook out the dog. Sorry? Your man, Becky, his African guy lives in Australia. He's been, he's got a good YouTube channel. He's been trying to reach out, and he did a few
Starting point is 00:21:38 videos with Ricky, and he was sort of trying to tease stuff out of him. So I've seen him a little bit before, and I've had the same vibes. I get the whole caveman thing the last guy said, but he just can't really articulate himself. He doesn't have the words. I feel like genuinely I think his feelings are there,
Starting point is 00:22:02 the correct feelings. I think he just can't say it. He can't get out. He just doesn't have maybe the vocabulary. Maybe that's harsh. I feel like he's struggling to put it out verbally. But I mean, I'm trying to, you see me in comments and stuff. I love the idea of a redemptive story arc.
Starting point is 00:22:25 You know, I want it to be a good story, but I mean, he's not helping himself. I don't think he's been very colorful in his apology. He's not really giving too much away. It's just, he's doing himself no favors, but maybe just his reality to be suffering from that. and bought in when tiger woods got exposed when tiger woods life was shown to us when tiger woods when the news when tvs and shit started reporting that tiger woods was sleeping with a lot of women and he was married he had to do some i don't know if he had to he did some sort of apology
Starting point is 00:23:19 in a nike commercial and i find it completely disingenuous if he would have just come on and said, dude, I fuck so many fucking hot chicks. And it was so great. And some of them I loved and some of them I didn't love. And, man, I just – let's face it. I'm really rich and it sucks that I hurt my wife's feelings. If he would have given a real answer, I would have loved it. I don't think his answer was real. Like if he would have given a real answer, I would have loved it.
Starting point is 00:23:44 I don't think his answer was real. I don't think you bang 40 chicks while you're married and then do a Nike commercial and apologize. I'm not buying it. And so like all of a sudden, all my respect goes out the window for him, like all of it. I would have been so much – like how much cooler would it have been if when the ex – the old president we had, the orange-haired dude in the United States, when he got this sickness, if he had been like, damn, I'm fat as shit, guys. Watch this. I'm going to lose 60 pounds. I would have been like, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:24:16 That's awesome. Or if the new guy was like, hey, this thing only kills fat people. We know it. Look at the numbers. And so let's protect the fat people in our country. I would have I'd be so much more on board with real talk. And so I just if he's not truly apologetic, I just I might I didn't get to go on the podium and you did? But regardless of his answer, I don't want to judge him for it. If he's like, no, fuck Vellner. I don't like Canadians.
Starting point is 00:24:49 I'd be like, all right, cool. You know what I mean? Like I just want people to tell the truth. I don't really care what the truth is. Thank you for judging other people. Wait, say that again. You're breaking up. You're breaking up or you stopped speaking English. You started speaking Irish. One more time.
Starting point is 00:25:22 I took this to have an age. If he took it because he thought everyone else had taken it, then in his reality, he wasn't having an age. He was trying to keep up. But he was wrong. I mean, if that was his assumption of the field that he was competing against was that everyone's doing it. And I guess he said that the person who gave him the gear told him that it probably wouldn't show up on the test.
Starting point is 00:25:45 I'm sure he probably just assumed that every other athlete had been told the same thing by different people, and they were all taking the thing that supposedly wasn't going to show up on the test. So he probably felt like he was keeping up by taking it because everyone was taking it. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:26:00 I guess we have to take it word on that. Right, right. Maybe I should that I still think anytime you have an apology where it comes after you've been exposed it's going to it's going to lack a little bit of authenticity because you didn't just come out of your own
Starting point is 00:26:15 accord and say here's something that I used to do that I'm ashamed of you're only making an apology because you've been like what if he would have said it sucks I got caught that... Like, what if he would have said, it sucks I got caught, that shit was amazing. What if he would have said that? Hey, what time is it in Ireland right now?
Starting point is 00:26:36 It's about four o'clock or something. Hey, is your government getting... I really don't want to get kicked off of YouTube. I really don't. I really don't. I was going to ask you some questions. I just don't want to get kicked off of YouTube. I really don't. I really don't. I was going to ask you some questions. I just don't want to get kicked off of YouTube.
Starting point is 00:26:56 They announced yesterday they're going to kick people off, and they gave – but it's at their discretion. Like it's so funny how they word it. They say they're going to kick people off who are anti-this and anti-that's like dude no one is anti no one is anti anything people just want to know the truth i'm not anti slide at the park i just want to know is that some kids poop on there or is it not i'm not anti you say there's breakthrough cases they're starting to talk about uh passport vaccine passports and mandates and stuff here a little bit. I'm going to need them to go to nightclubs. Apparently, nightclubs are worse than sports arenas.
Starting point is 00:27:33 I don't understand their logic half the time. Didn't you guys just have a massive boxing event in that country next to you? in that country next to you with a, uh, uh, I watched it with, uh, Joshua and, uh, and the fucking Ukrainian dude, weren't there like 70,000 people in it, like squished into a gym and in the UK. Yeah. Oh, we had the, the Euro is, um, the, the football, like a mad football competition around the arena is like, you know, tens of thousands of people and stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:07 And then they're saying, you can't offer that nightclub unless you can prove you've been vaccinated. It's all complete nonsense. I'll leave you with this. I'm going to speed on, but I put a post up on my social media the other day.
Starting point is 00:28:21 The point where you decide to enforce rather than persuade is the point that you have admitted that you think you're superior to others. No, no, you have it all wrong, Clay. It's for safety. No, no, it's for safety. You have it all wrong. It's for protecting people who are 82 years old who have dementia,
Starting point is 00:28:42 who are 100 pounds overweight and have been drinking Coca-Cola. And that is the stereotype. That is the – what's it called? That is the profile, and it's accurate. It's accurate. Just like Japanese people are good at math. It's accurate. It's accurate.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Okay. Thank you, Clay. I'll leave you with that. Okay. Good to chat with you, man. All the best, man. Bye. Thanks, brother. Okay. Thank you, Clay. I'll leave you that. Okay. Good to chat with you, bud. All the best, man. Bye. Thanks, brother.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Bye. I don't want to get kicked off of YouTube, and I don't have a plan to go somewhere else, and I have these visions of grandeur of just having a huge YouTube station with a podcast that has a ton of followers and where I'm just sharing fun stuff and then I'm making fucking mad coin. Like I have that vision. I mean I don't want to leave the platform. I don't – you know, those other platforms like Rumble and whatever the other ones are, as soon as you go on there, you're a fucking quackadoodle.
Starting point is 00:29:40 I mean you're not really, but you know what I'm saying. But who knows? In two years, those might be the big platforms. All the other shit that was quackadoodle two years ago now is mainstream. It used to not be cool to be racist. Now it's like the end thing. Okay, hold on. I mean those – stand by.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Jim Cleases? Good morning, Jim. Uh-oh. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. I have to switch it to Rodecaster Pro every time. Good morning, Jim.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Good morning, Mr. Matozine. How are you? I'm good. Wow. Good job with the last name. Hey, I took a shot at the last one. It was probably going to fuck up the first name. Yeah, good job.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Nice. Oh, that's safe. I want to share something with you. So I live up share something with you. So I live up here in Minnesota. Some SARMs? You want my address to send me some SARMs? Which is one of those. Oh, no, Endurable.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Endurable. Whatever. Send it. So I live up here in Minnesota, which is like a very liberal, and we've been in the news a little bit over the last couple of years. So we're locked down, you know, whatever, masks, vaccinations. There's a theater up here that's been closed since all this nonsense has gone down. And they are requiring negative COVID tests, a group of vaccinations to get in. A movie theater or like one where people get on the stage and perform?
Starting point is 00:31:02 Yeah, a performing arts theater. Yeah, it's a play, that kind of thing. And the first play where you have to go in and show your proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test is called What the Constitution Means to Me. That's the name of the play? The name of the play is What the Constitution Means to Me. Wow.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Wow. Holy shit. I mean, this is the irony of ironies or I mean, I thought you were the first person I thought of when I saw this. And I was just blessed this morning to wake up and see you on a live podcast because your your new show is just about my bedtime here in Minnesota. So, man, that's, that, that is incredible. That's like the professor from Columbia university who taught, um, who, who was a PhD in ethics and taught an ethics class and they were going to afford, maybe it was even bioethics. I'd really love to get her on. Um, and, and, and she had to quit. She's like, Hey, how can I, how can I be honest and teach bioethics when I'm being forced at my college to do,
Starting point is 00:32:06 to get a medical procedure. Yeah. It's fascinating, isn't it? It's, it's fascinating. It's, it's so it's, yeah,
Starting point is 00:32:14 it's amazing. You know, the good thing is, is so many people are waking up. So many people are sort of coming out of their feelings and letting, and like finally letting like their intellect. Like I know five is a beautiful number. I know it looks like S, but two plus two is four.
Starting point is 00:32:28 But I love five. I love five. It's so sweet. It's only one. I'm only off by one. And five looks like seven, and I love seven. And I just – come on. Can we please make it – but so many people are like, okay, I'm going to stop lying to myself.
Starting point is 00:32:44 I'm going to accept the fact that I use an iPhone and it's made with slave labor in China. Guilty. And I'm going to admit that two plus two really is four. And I'm going to – I mean even Tony Robbins is coming out. Joe Rogan. Russell Brand. I mean so many people are like waking up. And it's good.
Starting point is 00:33:03 It's good. You know what? Feelings are real. I mean sort of. They're not real, but they're real to you. But the intellect is real to all of us. We have to meet with the intellect. I'm not saying we all be autistic and scumbags, but... Correct. That's the thing that people
Starting point is 00:33:16 have to realize. I like theater. I like pesto. I like liberal shit. I'm a fucking liberal to the core. I love tree-hugging. I love the dead. I love hippies. I love fucking kids running around naked and smoking weed. But you can't stop hate speech just because you're peace
Starting point is 00:33:34 and love. You gotta let free speech go. Free speech above everything. People's experiences are different. If someone is stressed out because they're going to the store when people aren't wearing masks, you know, you don't have to yell,
Starting point is 00:33:49 not you personally, you don't have to yell at them and say, oh, you're crazy. No, that's their experience. We don't know what their experience is. And we have zero, zero business telling people what their experience should be. Like, I've seen how many times,
Starting point is 00:34:06 I don't know if you've seen it, I don't have kids and don't hang. Like, I've seen how many times you've seen it. I don't have kids that don't hang around, but I've seen it before. Like a kid will fall down or whatever and start crying a little bit. What do the parents say? That didn't hurt. Yeah, that's crazy. That's crazy. You don't get to do that, dude.
Starting point is 00:34:21 You don't get to do that. Yeah, you don't get to do that. You know why they do that? So there was this big movement against parents against parents who when your kid falls down you run over and go oh my god are you okay and they course which is still which is also stupid and they course corrected to like you're not hurt it's like hey how about shut the fuck up and let the kid feel it and process it himself you don't know shit exactly you don't know shit and that's what i try to do i'm not perfect i'm pretty good um but my kid falls down and i just walk oh i just walk over to him make sure other skateboarders don't run him over maybe put my hand on his
Starting point is 00:34:56 forehead because i used to like that when my mom would put her cold hand on my forehead um you know give him a kiss uh maybe dust the the dirt off him but that's it like like i'm not there to like and if he says something to me am i bleeding then i give him some feedback if i think he handled it great i tell him he handled it great if you think he handled it like shit i i try to keep my mouth shut reward the good behaviors people are fucking assholes you know what they are it's not that they're assholes. They're reactionary and they're selfish. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:28 It's uncomfortable watching your kid get hurt. It is. One more thing. I think this thing that's going around the country that causes all this panic, at what point do you just say, you know what? We have to live with it. We have to live with it and we'll get around it just like we do with the flu. You know what I mean? You know, I'm going to, Jim, the very, I have,
Starting point is 00:35:52 I've never been afraid of any sickness, except, I mean, I was terrified of AIDS. I was a chronic condom user. But I've never been like, if you came over to my house and like, you were like, I have strep and I'd be like, don't care hit the bong buddy get it and i'd share a joint with you and i would have done all that like i don't care and i walk around barefoot everywhere i walk around barefoot new york city san francisco i don't care i'm a little afraid of needles sometimes like if i go somewhere there's a lot of needles on the ground um yeah san francisco but when when the when the information first started coming out about this it was in it was from china i don't Like San Francisco? vast, vast, vast, if not all, people who were dying were 65 or older and had been smoking for 30 years
Starting point is 00:36:47 and were men. Those were the three data points we had, 65 or older, smoking, and men. And so I immediately thought, okay, it's not because they're 65 and older, that has nothing to do with it, and it's not because they're men, that has nothing to do with it. Those are just correlates. What it has to do with is the fact that they've been smoking 30 years. And you can't smoke 30 years unless you are 65. A 12-year-old cannot smoke for 30 years. Another thing that I'm acutely aware of is that if my son falls down the stairs at 6 years old, he's going to get hurt. If I fall down the stairs at 49 years old, I'm going to have a life-altering injury.
Starting point is 00:37:22 If my mom falls down the stairs at 77, she's going to die. These, this is just standard. There's nothing anybody can do about it. You can mitigate that damage by not being obese and by being mobile and exercising a lot. But other than that, age is just a factor. It's just in there, right? So obviously if I, if my kid gets a cold, it's nothing. If I get a cold, it's a little more. If my mom gets a cold, it's a little more, but let's not get carried away. And I want to explain, it's a little more. If my mom gets a cold, it's a little more. But let's not get carried away. And I want to explain real quick what a correlate is, not that you don't know, but some of the listeners might not know. If I say that an airline can be judged by the fact a successful airline burns a lot of fuel, and that's one of the correlates, that doesn't mean I can go to the fuel yard behind Southwest Airlines, light a match, and blow up all the fuel and be like, oh my God, this airline is so successful. It's just a correlate. And so we knew, and then, and then the second and very, very distant highest number of deaths in China from this, you know who that
Starting point is 00:38:15 was? That was the spouses of these smokers. So we knew right away that it had nothing to do with age, had nothing to do with sex. See how I use the word sex? I don't use the word gender because I know the difference. Gender is not real and sex is cock and balls and vagina. And thank you. And that's what I was looking for. And so as soon as we had that, that those data points, it was very clear what was going on. There was nothing to be afraid of. Now, did I think it was going to be so heavily related to sugar? No, but, but at the time I didn't know much about T cells and NK cells and the effect that insulin has on the innate immune system. But it's just – it's crazy. So your question was is when are we just going to accept it? I mean 52% of all kids in Chile I read recently are obese. And so people there must be terrified because those kids don't have functional immune systems. They must be terrified.
Starting point is 00:39:06 They got no shot. They got no shot. So it's nuts. I'm sorry. Yeah. So just in closing. Don't get me kicked off of YouTube. Can we talk about like sex and sports?
Starting point is 00:39:17 Okay. Well, I was going to talk about two weeks ago. Received my L2. Wait, what happened? You received your second shot two weeks ago? What did you say? No um, received my L2. So wait, what happened? You received your second shot two weeks ago. What'd you say? No, I got my L2. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Um, so I'm just tooting my horn and helping spreading the word, you know, we'll get this thing knocked out. Um, I heard the L2 is just a big old dose of humility. It is. You think you know everything. You think you know everything. And, you know, these guys just, just smack just smack you down not smack you down but in a positive way smack you down humble you a little bit and say wow i never thought i knew what i was doing until i have these experts these experts
Starting point is 00:39:57 watching me do it you want to talk about nerve-wracking but it's one of the most positive experiences i've ever had. So you just keep spreading that word about the L1. Who were your instructors? So I had Pablo. Pablo served me. I'm looking for him. Kelly Jackson and Andrew Charles were.
Starting point is 00:40:20 They were great. I do know Pablo. I have him mixed with – he's one of three guys I'm picturing obviously I know Kelly Jackson she's dope what a fucking specimen what a great human and Andrew Charlesworth and I don't know him
Starting point is 00:40:38 and if I do I apologize but yeah great I mean how old are you? I am 52 oh okay and you did your L, how old are you? I am 52. Oh, okay. And you did your L2. Good job. Wow.
Starting point is 00:40:48 You're older than me. Thank you. Yeah. When you say, man, you can finally get out of bed in the morning. I'm with you. I'm not with you with that, but I share the same experience. Thank you. Hey, when you, when you go ahead.
Starting point is 00:41:03 So Pablo, Pablo has long flowing hair and I recognized him and I brought it up and I asked him the question. He was the judge. No rep, Daniel Brandon on the tie breaking squat snatch ladder. Oh, he hates you. He hates you. I recognized what he discussed. He said it was a great, I told him, I said, it was a great call. And what my evaluation is, he said he was a great I told him I said it was a great call what my evaluation is he said he was sitting there
Starting point is 00:41:28 he's like oh shit oh shit I'm gonna get fired I'm gonna get fired he came over Boz asked why the fuck he made her do three he made her do four snatches when the work was free he said I know about that he said oh good call Boz wasn't watching his specific
Starting point is 00:41:44 win so that was a great story and for all you asking where's Brian He said, I know about you. I said, oh, good call. Because he wasn't watching. Bob wasn't watching his specific wing. So that was a great story. And for all you asking, where's Brian? Fuck Brian Friend. I got Jim. Brian doesn't have this type of insight. Fuck Brian Friend. I'm joking.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Before anyone runs away with that, Brian is the man. He's always welcome on the show. You people stop saying dumb shit out there. He's just busy. He just ran a competition for his gym i would i would have brian on every single show and i would run him ragged it's a lot dealing with me guys he needs a break give him a fucking break he'll be back soon i mean i hope but he's fucking amazing he can come on any show but when he's gone jim's gonna give us the real shit yeah man kind of his off season so you know he's gone jim's gonna give us the real shit yeah man it kind of is off season so you know he's accumulating all that stuff hey man thanks so much for taking a call i really enjoy it
Starting point is 00:42:31 really enjoy the podcast man keep up the work okay thanks brother all right bye bye do you know i always wish that i um i know i have a monstrous ego because I, every time someone gets off instead of me getting off, I get like pissed, like, fuck you. No, I want to get off first. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Fuck you, Jim getting off first. But, but I always like, I'm such a big mouth that everyone always gets off before me. All the callers have gotten off before me. They're all cooler than me. There were some notes coming in.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Someone said I was politicizing COVID. I don't mean to be politicizing it. It's just it's easy to categorize. It's easy to categorize. I agree. It shouldn't be politicized. I agree. Someone said I'm better than that.
Starting point is 00:43:17 But when you say that to me, though, you just piss me off. Like, who are you to say I'm better than that? I keep hearing all these rumors about African regional athletes. Sorry. I keep hearing all this talk about African semifinal athletes. That the three athletes that won the semifinals from Africa have not been paid their prize money by CrossFit Inc. And I had Jason Smith on the show and I forgot to ask him. And I keep getting shitloads of DMs about it. And I'm so curious what the story is with that. I'm sure it's something
Starting point is 00:43:52 legit. I'm sure it's something legit. But I would also guess that these guys are getting a little like uncomfortable. Do you guys know what a binary poison is? A binary poison – I saw this article on it, and I don't know if this is true. I'm not suggesting that this is true. I'm just sharing the story with you. A binary poison is when you give someone something to eat or you put something on their skin. And then like a week later or a day later or a month later, you give them something else and the two mix together and have a reaction and the person dies. And supposedly that's like how the Russians kill people on the DL, right? So they – you're at a restaurant and they somehow slip it into your food and they know when you go home, you'll eat something else and it will mix with that and then you're dead.
Starting point is 00:44:39 What was interesting, I was hearing about the theories on binary poisons and all this crazy shit. And then I started thinking that's basically what sugar is. Sugar is basically – it's half of the – it's toxic and it's half of the poison to so many different things. Meaning you take sugar sugar you have an insulin response that insulin is in your bloodstream that insulin severely affects your t cells and nk cells natural killer cells their ability to do their job which is to kill bad guys in your bloodstream including cancers um and then you get some other sickness. And because you have all of that insulin in your bloodstream, you die. You're not able to fight it off. By the way, it's really is
Starting point is 00:45:31 that simple. If you don't believe me, just start Googling T cells and NK cells on YouTube and just watch how they work. They're a fucking miracle. And if you want them to work really, really well, you can't have, you can't, your, your bloodstream has to be – it's basically think of your arteries and your veins as freeways. And when you have a hormonal response like when you eat sugar, you cause a traffic jam and your shit can't get done. It's so simple. It's so simple. And so when those cells are moving around, they're fascinating that they can do amazing shit and when they come across something that's bad like a virus inside of you and they kill it they make something called a memory cell and they send that throughout the body too so everywhere in the body will now have a memory of who that bad guy is. that bad guy is.
Starting point is 00:46:24 I heard a great word the other day describing black skinned people, calling them melanated. And not just black skinned people, but brown skinned people, just like the darker you are, they refer to it as melanated. And I really like that. I don't like this division of labeling people up into piles.
Starting point is 00:46:39 And sometimes I have to do it just to like respond to someone else who's doing it. But like, black skin, white skin, orange skin. Sharing the data like that is part of the division. And we do need some division. Like men's and women's bathrooms. We definitely need men's and women's bathrooms. I mean not if they're just like single shooters. Like if you have a small business and you can only afford to have one bathroom, yeah, it can be male and female and you lock the door behind you and you go.
Starting point is 00:47:23 there are these two things that I keep hearing over and over. First of all, I see parents giving their kids snacks all the time at all these events I go to. And the snacks that parents give their kids, you know which kids are eating the wrong snacks by the way they behave. So my kids are absolutely wild. But it's a controlled wildness. When you feed kids added sugar, you see they start like it's not a controlled wildness. Instead of like just punching their brother in the face, they'll start doing stuff like this. Like their hands.
Starting point is 00:47:52 And they start talking to themselves. It's nuts. Just add a little bit of sugar. And you can see who those kids are. They're scattered. All kids are wild. Kids that get added sugar are scattered. They lose focus.
Starting point is 00:48:10 And you can see who those kids are. And same with screen time. Screen time makes them scattered too. I don't understand why parents have trouble just saying no. Sorry. I understand why. Your kids are holding you hostage. You want to avoid the explosion and the pushback from them saying – when you say no.
Starting point is 00:48:29 But two things. One, it's your job to say no, and every time you don't say no, you're making the problem worse. If you need – so, Sevalon, what should I feed my kids? Cucumbers. Little Persian cucumbers. They're all over the stores now. Get a vegetable brush. Buy a huge bag of them.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Wash them. Scrape them with this vegetable brush. Cut off the ends and give them to them. But they won't eat that. So what? So what? They won't eat it. They're your kid.
Starting point is 00:49:02 So what? Same with screen time. eat it. They're your kid. So what? Same with screen time. When I go to jujitsu, my kids are in two separate classes. So I have to be there for two hours basically. And when Avi's going and I have the twins there, I let them watch a little bit of iPad. First of all, I don't let them watch iPad right away. I tell them they have to wait till the warm-up is over, right? So every class does a warm-up in jiu-jitsu. So that gives the kids like 15, 20 minutes of like not having the iPad and hopefully forgetting about it. And then 50% of the time, they don't forget about it and they ask for the iPad and I give it to them.
Starting point is 00:49:42 But then when I leave, there's two kinds of parents. There's parents who will be like come on kids let's go and the kids are like still watching the ipad and the parent walks over to them and is like talking to them and negotiating with them no they know class is over i just walk over pick up the ipad turn it off stick it in a bag and we all jump in the car and go swimming it's like that. They're just like – you should never be disrespectful to your kids, but they're yours. They're yours. They do what you want. They eat what you want. They watch what you want.
Starting point is 00:50:14 They don't watch what you don't want them to watch. Brandon Waddell says they don't eat it because they don't see their parents eat it. That might be a great – that's a great point. I've created a monster with Avi and Joseph and Ari. Like every time I go into the grocery store, they want me to come out with a clamshell of greens because they want to eat it in the back because they see me do that because I get a clamshell and just stuff it in my face. What's a vegetable brush? Go look on Amazon. Basically, it's just something I keep on the sink.
Starting point is 00:50:43 It's like what I use to like scrub carrots and cucumbers and and i guess potato i mean i don't eat really potatoes but it's just a it's a brush that you don't put soap on i think it's made of something like organic by that i mean i think it's like it's probably some sort of plant or like bamboo or something and i just i rinse it off and then i just rub it on a brunt on the in the vegetable and it just cleans the vegetable it gets all like the dirt and shit out of the crack so like you don't have to peel a carrot you can just use this vegetable brush on it and it gets it like super clean it's kind of cool i like it uh screen time snacks for kids binary poison cops that quit man i saw this story out of washington. Guy served 20 years in the military.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Clamshell. Clamshell is a fancy word for those greens, triple-washed greens that are in those plastic shells that you see at grocery stores. It says like super greens or arugula or that's what a clamshell is, just one of those. So I like to – at least once or twice a week, I like to buy one of those. So I like to – at least once or twice a week, I like to buy one of those, and while I'm driving, squeeze all the greens into like a golf ball-sized bunch and shove it in my mouth and eat it, and I try to do that with the whole clamshell. I feel like it scrapes my intestines and – I don't know if this is true. I'm making this up, but I feel like it scrapes my whole inside, and I take an amazing deuce. This cop, he was a – I think he was in the Marines for 21 years and then he was in the police force in Washington State for 10 years. And because of the choices that they are – and he made it through all the BLM crazy shit and all the cop hatred and he kept serving his community. And now he's quitting because they're forcing him to – they're forcing him to have a medical procedure, and he doesn't want to do it, so he's quitting.
Starting point is 00:52:30 And I was just wondering how many cops are there like that? I'd like to have one of those on the show. Man, people say dumb shit. At least I think it's dumb. They say – because I always have so much – I'm so impressed by police officers. They say, well, they chose that job. So what if they chose it? That doesn't make it their,
Starting point is 00:52:47 their commitment and, and, and in the, in the, in the harm and in the situation they put them in any less. So what if they chose it? Like, I,
Starting point is 00:53:01 I, I don't get how that's relevant to, to the, the tremendous job they've done, the commitment, the danger, the – like people say it like they're trying to belittle them. Like it was their choice. They could have sold flowers on the corner. And how many – free will, man, that's another great conversation sometime. I got to talk a little bit about that with Craig Howard. I don't think people really understand what free will is. You should experiment with free will people. Try lying down and staying perfectly still and set a timer for four minutes. Nothing. It's a great lie. Try to watch the second hand on a clock for 60 seconds. Wait a minute and try doing it again. Watch what happens to your free will. If you are not cultivating and practicing free will every single day, you have no free will. Just to say it is not free will. It's called meditation. And I don't believe we are around a lot of people who have free will.
Starting point is 00:54:18 If you ask people if they have free will, they'll wake up for one second and say, yeah, I have free will. And then they'll just go back to sleep. Including myself. Guilty. free will they'll wake up for one second say yeah i have free will and then they'll just go back to sleep including myself guilty uh i made it 54 minutes i'm gonna go through a couple more questions thank you guys for all tuning in i can't actually believe how many people tuned in today i appreciate the callers that validates the show as being i guess real um some more talk about Chase in the comments. Who taught you to ask uncomfortable questions? Jason Watkins asked, my mom was always super duper supportive of me asking a lot of questions. I do know that. And so was my dad. They were extremely supportive. So was my stepmom. Like the people I was around were super supportive of that.
Starting point is 00:55:10 And although they indoctrinated me into a lot of fucking dumb shit, they were very, very supportive of allowing me to go anywhere I wanted in my brain. My mom and I have a very honest relationship. And I like funny shit. And I know funny is usually uncomfortable. I was a huge, I was addicted to TV as a kid and I was a huge Abbott and Costello fan, Rodney Dangerfield.
Starting point is 00:55:33 I watched comics like nonstop. During our episode, I was so scared of what you would ask. During our episode, were you on the podcast? Do I know you, Jason T. Watkins? Shit. That was interrogation.
Starting point is 00:55:52 I don't like the dude, but that podcast was shameful. I guess that's referring to Ricky and Chase. Wadzombie, it changes a little bit, but still mostly like news anchor interrogation. Okay. Just answer yes or no. These are all comments early on in the show where people are talking about the Ricky interview with chase.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Do you feel CrossFit games podcast is trying to ignore you and you're following your content genuinely brings more traffic to the sport. You're doing great things here. No, I don't really understand that question um i don't know what the fuck is going on over there they don't have a media team the uh as soon as you soon as rosa announces that they have a cmo you know something's wrong with the company you would never no real no real company would ever have a chief marketing officer. No real – just like no real company would have a DEI.
Starting point is 00:56:50 What do I mean by real? I don't mean that they're not real companies. I mean they're not real. They're fake. What does fake mean? Fake means is when you're only chasing the dollar. That's fake. It doesn't have to be bad.
Starting point is 00:57:04 I'm not even saying it to be mean I am suggesting though that you take your L1 as soon as you can because eventually that thing will be watered down and ruined and it's not ruined yet it started to get watered down even when I was there no one wants to get sued hurt yourself doing Fran
Starting point is 00:57:22 someone sues CrossFit so they stopped doing Fran at the L1. It's insane to me. The last two weeks I worked at CrossFit Inc., I turned in more pieces of content than probably anyone there had turned in in the previous year. I knew there was a chance I was going to get fired. I was an executive. I turned off my executive mode, and I just turned into maybe the last two months I was there was a chance I was going to get fired. I was an executive. I turned off my executive mode, and I just turned into – maybe the last two months I was there.
Starting point is 00:57:48 I started making shit tons of content like I used to back in the day in 2008 and 2009. And when they let me go, they said it's because my position had been eliminated. They did not let me go because my position had been eliminated. That's a lie. That is a lie. it. That's a lie. That is a lie. Because I was never even told what my position was by the new people. And they never replaced, they never put in a media director. They put in a PR guy. I don't know if you know what a PR guy is, but it's kind of, they basically live for trouble. They need trouble and they need problems in order to validate themselves and make their job real.
Starting point is 00:58:29 And if you went to this guy's Twitter account, you would see like he was a professional Trump hater, which I don't have a problem with people hating Trump. But it's a – it would suck if your life revolved around hating Biden or hating Trump or hating anyone. I mean the guy is just – and he was nice. He was a nice guy. I enjoyed every conversation I had with him. But he's just a professional angler and fixer. There's no workers there. Like half of CrossFit Inc. isn't workers anymore.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Like this guy they brought in as the president, this isn't – I mean have you guys seen a picture of him? This guy's not a CrossFitter. This guy, the same with the CMO. These are serial executives. When I worked at CrossFit Inc., every single person there had seen Jesus and was espousing the Bible. That's a simile, by the way. That's not true. Every person there had come across CrossFit and holy shit had their life like saved by the methodology, the lifestyle methodology that Greg Glassman was espousing. Altered, saved, like holy shit. We were all nut balls. And that's what you want in a company.
Starting point is 00:59:39 That will never happen again there. Now half the people there I suspect don't even do CrossFit. And so I'm not saying this to be mean. It's not a dig. It's not a criticism. It's a fact. And so that's what you're seeing. Like those people don't even know what I like. Those
Starting point is 00:59:55 I'm in a totally different world. I'm like as real as you can get and they are they are not they're as far from real as you can get I'm trying to think of an example so it doesn't sound derogatory because I know normally that sounds derogatory
Starting point is 01:00:11 I don't mean it as derogatory let me give you an example I'll think of some analogy but I don't think that they're being mean or ignoring me I just I'm not even in their like behind don't – like behind the scenes. Like they're not interested in shit like that anymore. They can't do that stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:33 They – it's completely sterilized. It's completely sterilized. They wear – they put lotion on their feet and then some antibiotic and then socks and then shoes and then they get into a car and that car gets into a boat and then that boat never sails so it doesn't get damaged. That's a horrible metaphor. But what I'm saying is – and I walk around barefoot. We're not even in the same – we don't even live in the same world. CrossFit is just a corporate – like all the criticism that there used to be about crossfit that was so hilarious and off base it's now finally can be valid there was
Starting point is 01:01:10 no corporate juggernaut before we were the fucking hell's angels we're fucking activism we were just delivering the message at all costs riding motorcycles around telling other people they suck and they're gonna die if they don't do CrossFit. Those days are over. Now you got people like in the company who – anyway. It's only sad because they'll be – it's so hard for something that real to come along, so many real people to be all pushing for the same cause. It's the power of the church, right? There were so many people who had their life altered by it all pushing in the same direction
Starting point is 01:01:45 and they just they don't have they they they they don't they They don't I don't add value to To something that's not that real Uh, seven you promised the public that you would eat your socks I tried I tried I tried to eat my socks. You're right. You mean because of the rich froning thing. I know I tried Basically what happened for those of you don't know there was someone in my comments during the games and they and I tried to eat my socks. You're right. You mean because of the Rich Froning thing? I know. I tried. Basically what happened, for those of you who don't know, there was someone in my comments during the games and they had the name Rich Froning. And everyone started chatting with that Rich Froning that was in the comments.
Starting point is 01:02:16 And I said, hey, if that's the real Rich Froning, I'll eat my socks, you idiots. That's not really rich. And then when I went to bed that night, I got a text message from Rich and it said, you better start eating your socks, boy. And I tried. I tried. It's impossible to eat socks, boy. And I tried. I tried. It's impossible to eat socks. I think I'd die. I don't want to die. Live calls. Let's go. Seven, do your kids watch your podcast? I don't know. I'll ask them. They know I do podcasts. They want to be on the podcast. But if they do watch it, they would only watch it while it's live if they were in the other room with their mom.
Starting point is 01:02:45 So I think my wife watches it live sometimes. So if they're in there with her, they might hear parts of it. Sevan, get Frazier on to discuss the chew. Okay. You may have wondered if Adderall is meth and people who do meth start pushing the bounds of mental stability. And today most people have been on Adderall for a long time. Wow. Wow, Jason. Yeah. meth start pushing the bounds of mental stability and today most people have been on adderall for a long time wow wow jason yeah everyone i know who did meth for a long time they are fucked up every single one without exception and they never and they're never normal again um what's normal seven
Starting point is 01:03:19 you know what normal is he talked about what he saw frazier do and take okay back to ricky where's danielle brandon i don't know great question great check her ig uh any other final questions before i get off here you guys were great what a good time i had today authenticity is discouraged rose was saying how a lot of new employees brought in are not crossfitters on the Tommy Marquez and Sean Wendland podcast. Yeah. I tried to watch like 17 minutes of that. You don't want to get me started on that, that, uh, I wish Rich would text me before I go to bed. Me too. Okay, guys, thank you so much. Uh, let me tell you some of the guests we have coming up. Oh, you don't want to miss tomorrow. I have two guests. I have Corey Allen on. He's the owner of Batcave CrossFit, a fascinating guy who I did a podcast with on the CrossFit podcast. Listen to that one. He was basically in prison and my wife, who is Greg Glassman's executive assistant, started responding to his handwritten letters while he was in prison.
Starting point is 01:04:31 And he came out and he did his L1 and CrossFit helped him get an affiliate started. And it's still running. I don't know how many years it's been, but I've had him on the CrossFit podcast. So I want to have him on and just find out how everything's going with all the shutdowns and how his business is going. I heard he's been using Chris Cooper's program and his businesses. I'm starting to get an uptick. I'm going to have Jorge Ventura on. If you guys don't know who Jorge Ventura. One word. V-E-N-T-U-R-A. It's nuts what this kid is doing. He actually reminds me of myself. It's basically, just check him out.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Jorge Ventura. He's a beast. He's been going basically down to the border and basically reporting from the border what's going on there. Completely unbiased. It's fantastic. And then I'm going to have bill dawes on um comedian if you've never heard bill dawes go to uh youtube you will love him watch his performance in las vegas in 2020 bill dawes d-a-w-e-s i have a couple other guests coming up i just don't have their
Starting point is 01:05:39 names written down and of course more ufc fighters still trying to get Sarah Sigmund's daughter on. Got a little chat going with Alexander Volkanovsky. Hope to have him on. Got trying to get Guy on since he's over at Mayhem now. Excited to talk to him. If you guys have any suggestions for me, hit me up in the DMs. Don't forget to check out my other Instagram account, Sevan Rinsta, if you want to be part of the live Instagram feeds I'm doing now. All right, guys.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Thank you. 8.05 a.m. Pacific Standard Time on the west coast of the North American continent. I will see you guys tomorrow. And everyone DM Brian. Tell him to get his ass on the show.

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