The Sevan Podcast - #159 - Let's Talk

Episode Date: October 6, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. And bam, we're live. Okay, guys, I got to focus on the podcast. A lot of people, yes, probably a lot of people here eat really bad and don't work out.
Starting point is 00:00:47 It's crazy. But for children to be obese is just nuts. Absolutely nuts. Okay, guys, the Sevan podcast. Check it out. We're live now. And now just delete video. So I'm not going to win father of the year.
Starting point is 00:01:03 I am not going to win father of the year. I am not going to win father of the year. You want to know why? 2021. In 2020, I dropped the ball by shitting in the van. If you haven't heard that story, well, I don't know what to tell you. But I need my headphones on. A few days ago, a month ago, I was at the beach with my kids. And I have self-service to stay connected, heading out to Moab, Utah.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Awesome. Good job, Soccer Mom. Moab's great. New hair, new logo. What's next? Oh, no. You know what, Katie? That's actually an old logo.
Starting point is 00:01:42 I just put it up. It was some art. I think it's the same guy who made the current art. But I had never used that, so I just wanted to put it up. Just a picture of myself. Just thought it would be cool. I don't know if it's anything official. Jason Watkins, Avi killed it this weekend.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Thank you. Thank you. Those girls were fast. You know what's amazing about that girl? I'll put up more videos of his performances this weekend. He really did well. His first tournament he went to ever in his life was about two months ago and he lost both matches and then the last tournament he went to he won one match and uh lost one match and this weekend he won both of his matches in gi that's when you wear
Starting point is 00:02:20 the like outfit the karate outfit and he won one of his matches in no gi and lost one match. And the match that he lost in no gi, he had no chance. Because fewer kids do no gi, it's a way larger group of kids. Sorry. It's a smaller group of kids, but from a larger, like, spectrum. Meaning there were older kids and heavier kids because they have to pull kids out from everywhere. Because no one wants to do no gi, I guess. heavier kids because they have to pull kids out from everywhere because no one wants to do no gi i guess so the kitty but so the kid that the girl that you see him go against she's a martial
Starting point is 00:02:50 artist i think she's out of hayward california she's a four to five day a week practitioner the same as avi but what's fascinating about this girl is she recovered from leukemia. I spoke to her dad, and she's three years without – in remission of leukemia. And that's the second time Avi's gone against her. She comes out hard, man. I thought she was going to get him this time. Props to Garth Taylor Jiu-Jitsu. So this is why I'm not – Garth Taylor Jiu-Jitsu is where Avi practices Jiu-Jitsu in Santa Cruz, California, until I moved to Mount Vernon
Starting point is 00:03:24 and tossed him in with the pedigo boys. So And joseph and ari kicked ass too. Joseph went undefeated amazing. Oh, you want to hear joseph's story? God broke my heart I'll tell you joseph's story. Joseph's my four-year-old But first I want to tell you why i'm not winning father of the year. So I go to the beach with my kids and While i'm at the beach Uh, someone tells me that if you put talcum powder on your kids after the beach, the sand will just come right off of
Starting point is 00:03:51 them. So when your kids are covered with sand and you wipe it off with your hand, it hurts them and they cry. They don't like it just like you wouldn't like it, right? And so I get to my car after the beach that day and I'm like, oh, I really want to try that. And I have this plastic container of stuff that looks like talcum powder, and it's called Gold Bond. But it's really foot powder. I put it in their feet. I put it in their shoes when they go skateboarding to keep the moisture out of their shoes. And I thought it was the same shit as talcum powder. Well, I sprinkled that shit all over their cock and balls my two my three boys
Starting point is 00:04:25 and they started screaming it started burning their penises and their balls and as you might imagine that ruined me i felt horrible horrible i quickly grabbed their water bottle but just took off their clothes pouring water on them in the van trying to get all that shit off their cock and balls so i will not be winning father of the year this year it sucks one mistake takes me out of the running last year i shit in the van it's just a just about one of these years i'll get it maybe 2022 will be my year um so joseph he was at the tournament um he's my four-year-old he won both his matches in gi both his matches in nogi and then the tournament director walked up or someone at
Starting point is 00:05:13 the tournament i don't know if it's a tournament director and says to my wife hey we have someone here who needs a consolation match what does that mean that means that someone has given them 130 dollars and there's no one to wrestle them so they're looking for someone to go up against them so they choose my son and my wife agrees and i look over and they start the match and this kid grabbed and joseph's a high as a kite because he just won four matches right and he won two gold medals and this kid this kid grabs joseph and slams him to the ground and bounces his head off the ground. Gets on top of him and full mount, Joseph pulls the kid's head down into his chest and he stays there until he starts crying.
Starting point is 00:05:54 The kid was too big and too old. We should have said no. I don't mind my kid taking a whooping. My kids take whoopings all the time. All the kids they go up against at Garth Taylor Jiu Jitsu are bigger. But for a tournament director to put a bigger kid and an older kid against my kid just so that they don't have to refund the 130 bucks is bullshit. Don't hesitate to stand up for your kid uh soccer mom no gi no gi is when basically you just wrestle in shorts and a long sleeve shirt and these same idiots who run this tournament i went to the last
Starting point is 00:06:34 tournament i went to theirs um my kids were four and they wouldn't let my kids compete no gi because they didn't have the right apparel. They had leggings and tank tops. Well, that's fine. But then don't keep my $260. Give it back to me. Yeah, that shit's expensive. Take your kid to a jiu-jitsu tournament. It's like $100, $130 for just two matches, something like that.
Starting point is 00:06:59 $80, $90. It's crazy. No guests today. Just a couple topics I want to talk to you about has anyone ever called you a flat earther is that is that like when they don't want to argue back with you but they just think you're crazy someone finally did that in my dms there's like two people oh my sister's calling me i wonder what she wants should i just tell her i'm on the podcast i'm
Starting point is 00:07:25 on the podcast my sister lives in texas yeah so there's like two people in my dms i get it i i think i get a lot of dms almost too many for me to respond to it takes me a couple hours every day hundreds and hundreds of dms but there's two people who are always in there fighting with me, like just name calling and shit. It's pretty crazy. I've kind of become used to it. I wonder if it's not good for me. Like I've become addicted to fighting with them. Luis, what's up, buddy? Are you from Chile? Did I just speak to you in on Instagram? Maybe you do not win, but you inspire a lot of us. Thanks, Manuel, Manuel, Manuel, Manuel,
Starting point is 00:08:07 and Manuel. So I'm not a flat earther. I don't even know what that means exactly. I think that means you think the earth is flat. I don't really think about the earth much if it's round or flat, but if you were to ask me and tell me, I had a choice of guessing whether it's round or flat, I would say round. It looks round when I'm flying in the air over it, 30,000 feet. It looks round and it makes guessing whether it's round or flat. I would say round. It looks round when I'm flying in the air over it.
Starting point is 00:08:26 30,000 feet, it looks round. And it makes sense that it's round. Do flat earthers think all the planets are flat? What do they think about the other planets? I'm afraid to even waste my time to go to like a flat earth website and look about it. I should have a flat earther on the show just so we know what the rules are, what the details are. Because there's some like basic questions you want to know right like how like what happens if you sail off the edge shit like that how does the water stay in tomorrow i have amanda levy on
Starting point is 00:08:56 the podcast at 7 a.m and i'm doing a new show at 7 p.m 8 p.m 6 p.m i'm doing a new show tomorrow with uh kate cf kate and with james hobart in the evening in the morning i'm doing a new show tomorrow with Kate, CF Kate, and with James Hobart in the evening and the morning. I'm doing Amanda Levy. Do you know who Amanda Levy is? A-M-A-N-D-A, new word, L-E-V-E. If you don't know who she is, you should look her up. This isn't just a normal combat martial artist. This is a woman. And what I started getting addicted to as I started researching her is I started watching all of her mixed matches. What are mixed matches? That's where she goes against dudes. So there's tons and tons of content out there of her at these jiu-jitsu tournaments. I think they're jiu-jitsu tournaments. Maybe they're grappling tournaments.
Starting point is 00:09:41 I don't know what you call them. I'm new new to this shit but she's going against dudes and you gotta see it it's fascinating there's this thing in jiu-jitsu for those of you guys who don't know it's crazy intimate so my son my son does it in the classes mixed half girls half boys and it's so intimate first of all you're in between someone's legs like almost the whole time and there's a lot of just putting your hands all over people's bodies whether you're a guy putting your hand in between another guy's legs or a woman or whatnot it's it's um it's crazy intimate but there's this thing and i can't wait to ask about it in jujitsu where you're on top of someone and you basically post up imagine like you're on top of someone and they have their legs wrapped
Starting point is 00:10:21 around you and you post up by putting your hands on their chest right and so when you do that to a girl you would think it might be a little awkward what so i was watching all of her mixed matches that she has with dudes and all the dudes avoid doing that to her and maybe that's not something you do maybe i'm just an idiot and i think that's something you do but when i watch my kids do it they do that like they post up on on boys girls anyone and they put their hands on the person's chest, and that's just like a standard move, like a reset, I guess. Someone here will tell us what that's called. But I was just watching match after match to see if anyone does that to her. When they post up, do they put their hands on her boobs, on her chest?
Starting point is 00:10:56 And all the guys I watched, they avoided it. They put it on her neck or on her rib cage right below her boobs or on her shoulders. Don't get me wrong. They're not taking it easy on her neck or on her rib cage right below her boobs or on her shoulders. Don't get me wrong. They're not taking it easy on her. She's whooping ass. Dudes are fucking her up too, and she's fucking dudes up. It's a brawl. It's a brawl.
Starting point is 00:11:14 But anyway, she's going to be the greatest female, maybe greatest of all time male or female, but definitely the greatest female jiu-jitsu artist of all time, Gabby Garcia. Gabby's like 230 pounds, 6 feet tall. And Amanda Levy is not that big. I think she's my size, 5'5", 150, 5'6", 150. I'm not 5'6", so she's a little bigger than me. 5'5", 150.
Starting point is 00:11:42 5'6", 150. I'm not 5'6". So she's a little bigger than me. And she beat this chick at a big jiu-jitsu tournament. And it looks like Amanda Levy is going to enter MMA. So it'll be great having her on. She's young. It'll be great to pick her brain and find out how her dad raised her and what it takes to be a champion. And it's not something I'm interested in in's not something that I'm like interested in,
Starting point is 00:12:05 in terms of like sexism or sex or any of that shit. But it is, it is fascinating to see a woman break into a man's sport. She, she, she's one of the first to do it in her, and by a man's sport. I mean,
Starting point is 00:12:19 when she was going to high school, she had to, she needed people to go against. So she had to go against into a boys wrestling. And it looks like that wasn't easy like there was some pushback so that'll be a fun story to explore okay i told the joseph story i told the amanda we talked about amanda levy we talked about calling me a flat earther you guys want to talk about gay pride gay pride parade lgbq so this is gonna this is you got to follow me here. This is going to take a little while to unpack.
Starting point is 00:12:48 So I drive up to my kid's school the other day. He is – and he doesn't really go to school. It's a homeschool program where you're supposed to send your kid two days a week. But I don't want to get into the details. But I don't – we avoid that. Anyway, so I pull up to the school. I'm dropping off some homework or some papers or – I can't remember what I'm doing. Some errand, so I pull up to the school. I'm dropping off some homework or some papers or I can't remember what I'm doing. Some errand my wife sends me on to the school.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And I pull up there and there's a flag. There's the LGBTQ flag. It's a pretty rainbow flag with like this like partial swastika thing on it. And I'm thinking to myself, why is that flag up here why is there a gay gay flag up here a lesbian gay flag up here this is really weird my kid's in kindergarten why would you have a sex flag on there and if you guys remember i had meredith root and alex parker on and we define what it means to be gay gay is um when you have a sexual attraction to someone of the same genitalia as you. You guys understand what that means?
Starting point is 00:13:50 So like I would be gay if I wanted to rub my face in Josh Bridges' genitalia. That would make me gay. So that's the definition of gay. And I'm thinking why is there a gay flag in front of my kid's school? And so I was raised in the Bay Area. And as a young kid, I would go to the gay pride parade. I would take Bart to San Francisco. I went to the Love Fest.
Starting point is 00:14:11 I did all that shit. It was fucking awesome. It was so fucking cool. I was just a wild 16 to 25-year-old regular boy who just liked crazy shit and liked looking at naked people and anything sexual. And very normal. and uh very normal i was very normal and they and and you would go to the gay pride parade and there would be just this huge parade and there'd be just dudes walking around naked there'd be girls walking around naked too but there would be like it was basically a sex parade it was all um the enjoyment and and um
Starting point is 00:14:41 i don't want to say excessive but but just bathing in just sexual stuff. You know what I mean? Like a guy with a leash walking two naked guys in leather chaps, shit like that. You know what I mean? Or like four naked dudes holding like a woman up on a chair. And it was just a wild thing. But it was all like – it's all sexual expressions. It was all sexually charged.
Starting point is 00:15:02 There wasn't anything there like, hey, hire gay people because they're just as good as straight people. It wasn't like that at all. It was their sex parades. And they were cool. I had a fucking blast. I could go there at 17 years old or 18 years old and just get drunk on the streets with my friends. There was no rules. The police didn't do shit.
Starting point is 00:15:18 It was safe as fuck. Unlike San Francisco today. And they were just cool people. It was just a cool scene. And I'm not gay. not that i know of and um and and then i would do this thing called love fest and that was out in front of city hall and that was a crazy thing too tons of people on drugs but so and and to this day i've i i pride myself like i have no – I have no issues with dudes, with dude parts. I have no – I think that men are beautiful. I don't want to hold your dick, but if you had no arms and you needed me to pull your dick out of your pants because you had to take a pee, I'd have no issue doing it.
Starting point is 00:16:00 It wouldn't scar me. I'm cool. Good, good. So I pull up to the school, and they have that gay flag. So I look up the word gay, and the definition of gay is that you – basically it leads you to the word homosexual. It defines gay as being homosexual so then i will look up the word homosexual and homosexual is having sexual attractiveness to people with the same genitalia as you sexual attraction so i look up the word sexual attractiveness and sexual attractiveness is when you want to have um intimacy intimacy sexual intimacy sexual intimacy with someone regardless if they're boy, girl, whatever, dog, cat.
Starting point is 00:16:48 So why is there a flag in front of my kid's school who's in kindergarten that's talking about sexual attractiveness? They're pretending – so when you ask someone, you ask someone who's asleep at the wheel, what I call the unconscious folk, or what we call in the most derogatory term possible, the woke folk, they'll tell you it's about acceptance and equality. Then put up an acceptance and equality flag. Will someone please make one of those? Why is there a flag in front of my kid's elementary school about celebrating sex. I fucking don't get it. I don't get it at all. Do you remember your first desires for sex? They weren't even like desires for sex. I had a kindergarten teacher and I just wanted her to come home and bathe me or tuck me in at night. I didn't even know why. I had no idea. Mrs. Allen, she was cool as shit i had a babysitter i was maybe eight or nine i just
Starting point is 00:17:47 wanted her to bathe me and tuck me in i was just like yeah but it wasn't sex you didn't know what it was and when my kids do learn about sex why can't it be just showing two zebras having sex like why or why can't it be a biology course why can't it be why why does it have to be through through gay gay pride flag i don't fucking get it i don't get how that's okay with anyone i don't know like even if you're gay if you're gay it's even worse it's even worse why why why are you doing that why not just have an equality flag on there? A flag with a heart that says love everybody. Why does it have to be attached to sex?
Starting point is 00:18:32 And why do the rest of us just accept that? That the LGBTQ flag, and I apologize, there's some other letters and numbers and shit after that. Why does that have to be the equality acceptance flag? Oh, because they've been put down and they've struggled and blah. It doesn't matter. Words are words are words. Words mean something. There should not be a flag that sexualizes my kids or your kids or anyone's kids when my kids in kindergarten at any school, at any school.
Starting point is 00:18:59 School's hard enough with all the girls running around for boys or all the boys running around for boys or all the girls running around for girls. We don't need to emphasize anything sex. And then we lie to ourselves and say it's about acceptance and tolerance. No, it's not. Not if words mean something. And they have to mean something. They have to mean something. Any questions?
Starting point is 00:19:27 I established it right that was good good argument I explained to you that I'm not a homophobe I don't mind rubbing on some dick but you can't have fucking dick being
Starting point is 00:19:34 talked about at at kindergarten doesn't matter whether you're straight gay black white Chinese Armenian Jewish
Starting point is 00:19:42 you think Amanda Levy was scared when she Chinese, Armenian, Jewish. You think Amanda Levy was scared when she went up against Gabby Garcia? How is she not scared? I'm going to ask her tomorrow. Are you fucking scared? Should I bookend that? Should I talk about how cool gay people are to kind of bookend it,
Starting point is 00:20:03 like to fight off the haters? First I showed you that I'm not afraid of dick. Then I talked about how stupid it is to have the gay flag at elementary school. Now should I make it like a perfect shit sandwich and be like, talk to you. I mean, how cool gay people are as neighbors. Generally they make more money, they're nicer, they're cleaner. They can watch your dog, shit like that. Because I'm scared someone will think I hate gay people.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Nah, I think I did a good job. I'm done with that. But anyway, my kids won't go to a school with a sex flag out front. They don't do it. And I'm not going to lie to myself ever. I am not going to lie to myself and tell me it's an equality flag. I know what equality is. I know what equality is.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I don't fucking need you to tell me it has anything to do with cock and vagina. Shit. I don't want to rant. I don't want to yell at you guys. I'm cool. You're cool. We're chill. Okay. Next thing. There's an affiliate owner. I believe, I believe that, um, maybe I should look this word up. I'm going to look up the word contagious. I think that obesity is contagious. I think fitness is contagious. I think we're all just mirrors here. I really mean that.
Starting point is 00:21:21 I don't think that there is anybody here except one person and we're just all mirroring each other. I really think that that's the essence of our reality. I know. Call me crazy. Whatever. I really think that that's the essence of our reality. I know. Call me crazy. Whatever. I don't care. Maybe I am crazy. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Contagious. I'm looking up the word contagious. Okay. Contagious is transmittable by direct or indirect contact with an infected person. Let me see if I can get a better definition. Different definition. Used for contagious diseases, exciting similar emotion or conduct in others. Ah, there we go. Exciting similar emotion or conduct in others.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Basically what I'm saying is that if you light up – when I used to watch Mad Men, do you guys know that show? Mad Men. Do you guys know that show? I would start to – every time I watched that show, I would want to drink, take like a shot of whiskey, and I didn't even drink hard alcohol at the time. I was a beer guy, or I'd want to smoke a cigarette. And why – and the reason why is because I would see him do it, and it looked so fun. And so then I'd pour myself a drink, and then it would never be fun, or I'd run to the store and get a pack of American Spirits, and it would never be fun. would never be fun or I'd run to the store and get a pack of American spirits and it would never be fun. It would never be as fun as I saw on there. And every time any of us does anything, we are screaming to the world that it's okay to have that behavior. You guys know that about me. I've talked about this a million times. And so everything you do is contagious, like really contagious, like more contagious than this thing that we're, we're, we're scared about. Are you excited for the matrix resurrection? I guess I didn't like any of the matrix matrix matrix is after the first one, to be honest. Um, and I'm, and I'm
Starting point is 00:22:55 fine. There's this affiliate owner who's telling me that I'm using my platform in a very bad way because there's this, this situation we're in is very serious and very scary. And that he has a doctor come into his gym every single day, um, at the beginning of a class or at the end of class and tell everyone about all the horror stories he's seen in his hospital with people being infected by this current situation and i'm like first of all you're fucking insane if you let a doctor speak up at your gym you're insane if you don't listen to a doctor with a huge huge huge filter on, there's two things you need to know about doctors. And I know this is a bit of, uh, of, uh, hyperbole, but you can ask the doctor. Doctors are trained to find what's wrong. They're doomsday people. It would be like asking
Starting point is 00:23:36 a prison warden if the world is safe. No, he sees criminals all day. Doctors see just bad shit all day. You let that guy come in and talk freely to your gym members every day and tell them about all the shit to be scared of? Insanity. Insanity. Anyway, obesity is contagious. Fitness is contagious. Being nice to people is contagious. It's all contagious.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Fitness is contagious. Being nice to people is contagious. It's all contagious. This isn't semantics or poetry. I mean it like it's truth. It's contagious. You should have Travis Bajan on. You and him would be great for a podcast.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Those of you who don't know who Travis Bajan is, he was one of the stars of a movie I made called Pulling John. If you have not seen Pulling John, you should see Pulling John. I promise you, you will like it. I know that's self-serving, but it's the truth. Does anyone think it's not contagious? Does anyone want to fight with me about that? Does anyone think obesity is not contagious? You know what's crazy too is I'll be somewhere like the wharf in Santa Cruz. And you'll see five girls or five guys.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Usually it's girls at least from my memory walking together. And they'll all be obese. But the thinnest one actually doesn't look obese when she's with the other ones. actually doesn't look obese when she's with the other ones and and and therein lies like the it everything is all relative the base in the baseline for everything is all fucked up right now the baseline is everything did you guys see no no olsen apology no olsen like dropped down to 185 pounds or something he tried to lose a bunch of weight, like 10 or 20 pounds. And I didn't see the ridicule. I only saw praise for him.
Starting point is 00:25:29 But people, I guess, ridiculed him. And then he apologized for celebrating his weight loss and that it may have hurt some other people's feelings. And when you do that, when you apologize for someone else's insanity, what you're really doing is validating their insanity. You are not being nice. That's 99% of the things people do around you if you pay really close attention. They think they're helping and they're really hurting people. It's called codependency. Giving someone medicine for being obese.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Instead of telling them, hey, you're dying. You're going to die prematurely, 100% guaranteed. We've been doing that now for 130 years. Since the 30s, we've had a very, very, very, very strong understanding. Sorry, 90 years. We've had a very, very strong understanding that sugar is killing everyone on the planet that it's the cause of everything you just have to look a little bit not that far either they're noble prize winners and shit like that since the 90s we've known the
Starting point is 00:26:34 basic since the 30s for 90 years we've known that sugar is basically at the source of all current diseases i know you guys want to be like no it's oils no it's cell phone towers no it's i'm just telling you 90 of all the issues all the sicknesses that we're having especially the ones that are happening to prematurely to people dementia heart disease type 2 diabetes um the kidney failure all it's all sugar shit and we've that. And instead of just saying it, the whole medical system has become codependent. What's codependent? That's when you, instead of telling, you basically help someone manage their problem instead of helping them fix their problem. It's fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:27:18 It's horrible. Julie Bauer, I am pretty sure my turning point was when you spoke about being healthy as a social responsibility. Yeah, I mean that's the real – that's the – you want to be good? Yeah, that's it. Those are the heroes, the people who lose weight because they took the whole journey right in front of us. But seven, there's a difference between losing weight and being healthy. One step at a time, people. One step at a time.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Let's not worry about the skinny fat people. Not yet. Let's just, holy shit, 271 days sugar free. Incredible. That is incredible. If it's contagious, how do we change what we are going to catch? Man, that is a good question. that is a very, very good question. And that is when you have to be – that's awesome, Anthony.
Starting point is 00:28:15 That's when you have to be hugely, hugely honest with yourself. You have to be mentally, mentally, mentally so strong. So when the rest of the family sits down to watch another episode of Ozark and you haven't exercised, you go in the garage. You don't let that be contagious. That lifestyle they're living be contagious. You have to make your lifestyle contagious. You have to make your disease, your way, the strong one. I know. Isn't that great? Soccer mom, Anthony, that is, that is, you have to impose, you have to have crazy discipline, crazy structure. You have to impose your will on yourself. It's really the only place you can impose your will. Yeah, that's a tough one. It's, it's really, really's really really really really tough you have to be mentally
Starting point is 00:29:08 mentally strong you know i saw this thing the other day it said you are the five stories you tell yourself the most and we've all heard you are the five people you hang around the most it's it's both of those right so you have to keep telling yourself these great stories and you have to also hang around great people you have to try to hang around like like i drink very very rarely i tell people that i don't drink but i mean i still will have a drink once a month once every two months and and i always regret it but i hang out with people who drink but i think i've influenced them i think think they drink, not even on purpose. I don't care. I mean, I do care.
Starting point is 00:29:48 I want them to be, I actually do care, but I also want them to have fun and enjoy their life. I don't want them to stop drinking because I stopped drinking, but I influence them. I influence them. Seven, have you read Jocko Willick's book about discipline? It echoes a lot of what you say. I have not.
Starting point is 00:30:04 For some reason, I have an adverse reaction to him. I need to get over it. I have like this – him and Goggins and that whole crew of people. For some reason, that's not the kind of self-help I like. I'm more of an Eckhart Tolle self-help guy. For some reason, I have issues with those guys. For no reason, probably just jealousy or something. So try to bring those people into your life.
Starting point is 00:30:32 I don't know about try to bring those people into your life, but I would say if you're hanging out with people who drink every single night, you might want to choose different people or hang out by yourself. Matt Janczyk, I recently saw Chuck Bennington, gymnastics course, talking about the same idea, normalizing bad health. Yeah, that's the thing. People think it's eccentric or it's extreme to not eat added sugar or not eat refined carbohydrates.
Starting point is 00:31:01 It's so nuts. It's so good. People think it's crazy to not want to take an injection. People believe the hype so much that they think it's like you're the crazy one. They have a word for it. It's called anti-something. It's crazy. Tommy Rodriguez from Aurora, Illinois is calling.
Starting point is 00:31:18 God, I wish it was Daniel Rodriguez. I really, really want to speak to Daniel Rodriguez. Please tell me you're his brother. No, he's saying speak to Daniel Rodriguez. Please tell me you're his brother. No, he's a huge fan of the show. Tommy Rodriguez. Damn it. Hi, Tommy. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Love your show. Love everything you're doing. I've got a question, and I don't know if you'll speak to it, but I've been curious because I know you talk highly of Greg last minute. I think his thing of building process is awesome. Yeah. Can you validate any of the stuff Andy Stump said? I can tell.
Starting point is 00:31:50 I really don't want to speak to it, but I can tell. But, but, uh-huh, huh. Man, I've always wondered if this was going to be open. I work very closely with Andy. Andy worked very closely with me. We both work very closely with Greg. I traveled a shit ton with Andy. There is way more there than – it was completely inappropriate what Andy did.
Starting point is 00:32:11 It was completely inappropriate. It was a temper tantrum. It's completely out of context. There are plenty of things that people could say horrible about Andy. I don't give anyone like – the way he presented it. First of all, the timing, right? It was a wounded deer, right? It wasn't even a wounded deer.
Starting point is 00:32:29 It was a deer that got hit by a car. And instead of waiting for it to heal or instead of like he just attacked, right? He got out of his car and started shooting the deer. It was fucking ridiculous. It was stupid. It was selfish. It was ridiculous. It was stupid.
Starting point is 00:32:42 It was selfish. I, and, and then for Andy to say stuff like, um, uh, I apologize for what I've done. I should have spoke up then. All those idiots did that.
Starting point is 00:32:52 All those idiots did that. Sean, Tommy, that, that was their approach. Oh, I'm so sorry. I should have spoke up then,
Starting point is 00:32:58 but I want to tell you about it was fuck you. You were part of the culture. You were, and the culture was nothing like they described by the way, nothing like they described, by the way. Nothing like they described. It was the greatest place to work under Greg. Was it easy? No.
Starting point is 00:33:12 It was fucking hard. But man, to have an – those were all world-class people. Andy was a fucking world-class stud. Dave's a world-class stud. Greg's a world-class stud. Fucking Sean and Tommy had the fucking work ethic be all those motherfuckers were amazing and so for all of us not to stay the course and just deal with everyone's idiosyncrasies it's idiocy we fucking ruined it with the good day people want to believe the grass is green on the other side of the hill
Starting point is 00:33:39 it's not we had bruce edwards come in the coO from – chief operations officer from West Marine, a billion-dollar company. Bruce was like the third employee there. When he came, he's like, holy shit. I'm like, what? He's all, this is the most amazing company of the biggest whiny bitches ever. We had it so fucking easy. All we had to do was work our ass off and do whatever we wanted. You didn't even have to work.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Greg wouldn't fire anyone. Greg was, Greg would have never fired anyone. You didn't even have to work. It wasn't until the end, until shit hit the fan, until he brought in that piece of shit CEO. And that was, there, there became some pretty hardcore ego conflicts in the company. It was amazing. It was all people who had found God talking about God, right? It was all people whose lives had been profoundly changed by CrossFit, including Andy's. Andy will be the first one to tell you that his life was saved by Greg and CrossFit. It's all pussy shit. He's a pussy for what he did. All those guys are pussies for what they did. And I guarantee you they regret it. They're not like, oh, I'm glad I stood up and I'm so proud
Starting point is 00:34:43 of myself. And I really stood up for women. And I'm, I'm really glad I stood up for the black guy where fuck you, you know, it's all fucking bullshit. You're a bitch. They know it. They know it. It's cool. It's the cool way you and Dave still talk about Greg in limited context, but in a positive light. Yeah. Aside from his personal decisions or wherever, you know, whether it's true or not, whatever. But it's just, you guys still talk about him for, you know, starting this whole thing. And, you know, it's changed my life. So I think, you know, there's a lot to be said. They're all savages.
Starting point is 00:35:16 They're all, they all are amazing people. These people that I'm disparaging right now and so fucking annoyed by because they fucking shit in the cookie jar. That I'm disparaging right now and so fucking annoyed by because they fucking shit in the cookie jar. What sucks is that they're all like – I mean Andy was fucking a hard worker. He's an amazing fucking human being. But he had fucking demons. Same with Greg, man. He's fucking amazing.
Starting point is 00:35:38 But he got fucking demons. Matt Fraser is not a normal person. No one who's at the top of the mountain is normal. They're fucking gnarly. These are gnarly, gnarly people. Everyone wants, oh, I want to hang out with great people. I don't think you do. I don't think you do.
Starting point is 00:35:53 You really don't. It's a mess. But the good shit happens. Everything, like everything coming out of CrossFit Inc. was amazing. It's so nuts to talk about inclusivity. CrossFit has only become less inclusive unless you unless you want to say bringing Monstron as a sponsor makes it more inclusive. CrossFit has only become less inclusive since the day Greg left. They sell his articles now. They sell his 11 or 12 lectures for two hundred and fifty dollars. You can buy video of the L1 lectures now. Greg would have never allowed that.
Starting point is 00:36:27 And they're talking about inclusivity. What happened to the program that me, Rory, Greg, Michelle Moots, and Jenny Blau started in the garage at CrossFit Inc. that was for fat people and old people and people who couldn't afford CrossFit? Where is that program now? Why did it close when Greg, when they, when they bought the company? It was in the basement at HQ. Where is that? I can go on and on. You fucking idiots.
Starting point is 00:36:54 You fucking killed your Jesus. You fucking woke dipshits. You high horse motherfuckers. And it doesn't matter to me. I'm fucking happy, fit, and rich. And so is Greg. And so are a lot of people but you fucked yourself well thank you for taking my call keep up the good work
Starting point is 00:37:13 and you're an asshole for pulling that out of me never call back again get your brother to call me please Tommy we'll do it I don't want to fight with anyone. My wife's going to be up soon with the kids. I want to take them to the skate park before it gets too hot. It's going to be hot here today.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Should I take them to the skate park or the beach? Someone asked me how I would feel if there was booing at a CF comp. How would I feel if there was booing if Ricky Garrard got booed? I don't know. I don't like it. I don't want to see booing. I don't really care what he did. I fully get it if Pat Vellner's pissed. I fully get it. I don't really...
Starting point is 00:38:09 For some reason, it doesn't bother me. Like, I don't, like, it's, yeah, it doesn't, I think just the story, I guess I just like the story. When Ronnie Teasdale was doing CrossFit and he was at the regionals, he had had some like shit happen at his affiliate that upset some people. I don't remember what, like he threw a bar one time and it got close to a judge or he put his hand on a judge and pushed her back a little bit so he could do his workout.
Starting point is 00:38:35 There was just some negative shit about Ronnie Teasdale. And so the media director at the time, Tony Budding, was like, hey, let's not give him any publicity. Don't cover him, don't talk to him. And I felt the exact opposite. I wanted to know the story. I wanted to walk right towards it. And when I became media director, that's what I did.
Starting point is 00:38:53 So, like, I don't know. If – I wouldn't ignore Satan. I would interview him. I wouldn't ignore – I don't know. I'm inquisitive. I'm know. I'm inquisitive. I'm curious. I'm curious about Ricky. I have no – I'm not mad at him.
Starting point is 00:39:12 I'm mad at him. I don't understand. I don't understand it. I don't think once a cheater, always a cheater. I don't even know if it was cheating. I don't understand it. I come at it totally open. Like maybe that's just naive or stupid or I'm lying to myself, but I just come at it totally open.
Starting point is 00:39:26 I'm open. I don't really want to see anyone get booed. Not anyone at least that's trying to do something good. You're watching this during school? What do you mean during school? Eagle, how are you watching this during school? You do you mean during school? Eagle, how are you watching this during school? You shouldn't be going to school anyway. You should be doing some reading and math every single day
Starting point is 00:39:51 and then exercising all day, every day. Picking up trash. I saw a guy sitting on the edge of the road yesterday in San Jose, California, which is just south of San Francisco, California. San Jose, California is the Silicon Valley. It's like where Apple and Facebook and all that shit is. And don't anyone correct me saying, no, it's actually Santa Clara. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:40:14 It's San Jose. And so there's a guy sitting on the side of the street in a lawn chair holding up a sign begging for money, and all around him is trash. And I'm like, dude, how are you not picking up that trash how zachary capes what do you think about the affiliates only making 200 a month or whatever that chalk up article was about i don't know what you're talking about but every time someone sends me a dm and i get one of these every two, don't you think it's fucked up how much CrossFit costs? Don't you think it's fucked up how much affiliates charge?
Starting point is 00:40:48 I want to fucking reach through my phone and just slap the shit out of the person on the other side. I wish that every affiliate owner was rich as fuck. I don't care if they charge a thousand fucking bucks a fucking week. I wish they could. I can't wait. I want them all to be filthy rich. They should give nothing away free unless they want to give something away free. They owe nothing to anybody.
Starting point is 00:41:15 All of that shit is free on the internet. These people have dedicated their lives to helping other people. That's what they do. Well, that's what the women have done. Dudes get into training because they want to meet girls. Uh huh. Yeah. All of them.
Starting point is 00:41:36 So. I never wanted to meet any girls. So I didn't get into training. Um. I don't care how much affiliates charge. I want them to be rich. I think it's a fucking noble, amazing profession. I think it's so freaking cool. What's up, Jacob? You got a little wrench by your name. Does that mean you're a moderator? I was the moderator of a marijuana website for a while. Many, many years ago, like 20 years ago. It was
Starting point is 00:42:03 kind of cool. I felt cool. I was nice. I never kicked anyone off or anything like that. So no booing at the CF comp. All right, there was one other thing on my list, but I don't see it. Did you guys see my post where I asked Alexa to play a song?
Starting point is 00:42:25 Oh, if you want to follow me, if you want to see me on Instagram, you can follow my Sevan Rinsta. I don't post a lot on it, but I go live on it. So, because my other one's been shadow banned to hell and back. It's a business. It's supposed to make money. Yeah. And it's people doing really good shit you should want to give them a lot of money i want to be like how do you clean the back like like if you
Starting point is 00:42:52 really want to go to an affiliate i can't see an affiliate saying no to you if you said hey i'm going to show up 20 minutes before every class and clean the shit out of your bathroom and i'm going to bring my own bottle of spray and rags. I mean, dude, bam, bam, you got your own, you now have a membership. What are you doing? What have you done to help people every single day? Why shouldn't these people be filthy rich? And Hey, you know what you can do? You can stand out. You can find an affiliate with a window and stand out front and look in and just copy everything. I'm not joking.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Go online. Get it all for free. That's what I did. I wasn't going to go to an affiliate. Not because I couldn't afford it, but I didn't want like 13-year-old girls fucking me up. Too much ego. That's not true. I was probably just too lazy to find a place.
Starting point is 00:43:44 But I did everything on the internet. Everything. I learned everything on the internet. I watched the videos on how to snatch like 10,000 times. I justify the cost of CrossFit compared to how much metabolic derangement would cost me in healthcare costs. Like the old Fram oil filter commercial. You pay for a little now or a lot later. Yep.
Starting point is 00:44:07 I mean, I like the shows with guests a lot, but these are nice. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. That's some passive aggressive shit. I can't tell. I can't tell.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Nick of time. The reason why I'm doing this show today is really just to get reps in. So yesterday morning I'm like, holy shit, I didn't do a show Saturday. I didn't do a show Sunday. That's not something I want to do. I want to get reps in. I want to get practice in.
Starting point is 00:44:34 And so then all day yesterday I started writing. Anytime I had an idea of something I wanted to talk about, I brought up. So that's why I brought up the gay flag, the flat earth thing, Amanda Levy tomorrow. Oh, do you guys want to know who else we're going to have on? We trying to get alexander volkanovsky on this week and josh bridges at the same time that would make me cool as shit you think bench pressing 300 pounds makes you cool what if i get volkanovsky and josh bridges on the seven podcast that'd be dope that is a great question what can you do you mean you mean are you talking about your previous question anthony you're telling yourself that that was a great question
Starting point is 00:45:12 okay i'll one more subject one more subject I got 16 minutes left in me. You ready? You ready? The American flag. Having national pride. Christianity. Things like that. Ideas, beliefs, methodologies, lifestyle choices, lifestyle practices, paradigms, beliefs, paradigms. Paradigms. Let's look up that word paradigm real quick before I get too carried away with it.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Let's see. See if I can even pronounce it right. Here we go. Paradigm. Definition. An outstandingly clear or typical example. A philosophical – that's definition number one. Definition number three of paradigm, a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated. So I'm not – yeah, sure. Okay, so paradigm. Which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated.
Starting point is 00:46:26 So I'm not – yeah, sure. Okay, so paradigm. I was never for – I was never a big fan of Christianity. I was never a big fan of national pride. And now at 49 years old, I get it. It's something you should fake because the alternative is worse. You should read the Ten Commandments and you should try to follow them. You should have national pride. You should believe in your country. You should believe in the land you live in. You should appreciate your house, your yard,
Starting point is 00:46:53 your kids, your country, where you live. It's a form of being thankful. The alternative is horrible and we're seeing it happen now. want good christian neighbors you want good mormon neighbors you want good muslim neighbors you want people who have a who you want people who love their country that and you and you want to fake those things because it makes you a better person it makes the it makes you a better citizen i talk about abortion for a second or do you want me to keep talking about the flag It makes you a better citizen. Want to talk about abortion for a second? Or do you want me to keep talking about the flag?
Starting point is 00:47:31 Why it's so important to love your country. It is really important. It's amazing to me that the people who are okay with abortion and that the people who are not okay with abortion, like, don't see the common ground of how they both are really passionate about something that's really important. It's so important that everyone has control over their own body. It's so important we don't kill babies, if that's the argument. I don't know if that's the exact argument. Those two people should be like, holy fuck, let's sit down and figure this shit out why are they fighting with each other what what a fucking daunting task to try to figure that one out which one which one is more important than the other but they're so they're both so noble and valid defending the rights of people over their bodies fuck women of all our bodies fuck you guys for always getting all that shit men and women
Starting point is 00:48:28 humans and killing babies Jesus Christ it's the worst thing you could fucking do let's figure this one out it feels weird there should be no absolutes Pat Vellner called me an absolutist.
Starting point is 00:48:45 And then someone said, that's the most absolutist thing you could say. Call someone an absolutist. There should be no absolutes, but the benefits of acting as if the U.S. is the best and worth keeping that way is more useful than the other. Yes, that's my point. Don't worry about it being arrogant. Don't worry about it like hurting other people's feelings. Yes, you're absolutely right. It's not. It doesn't matter feelings yes you're absolutely right it doesn't matter you're absolutely right it doesn't matter it's okay we have the best country we have the best people we have the most freedoms
Starting point is 00:49:14 let's run with it our flag is cool as shit our flag is cool it's okay to say the pledge of allegiance it's okay if you don't believe it to fake it. It makes it better. I'm not suggesting you be fake. I'm not suggesting you do it to the extent to make anyone else feel better like the woke crowd does.
Starting point is 00:49:36 I'm not suggesting that you can apologize your way out of something that you're not sincere about because you hurt someone's feelings. It's kind of the opposite of that. sincere about because you hurt someone's feelings. It's the kind of the opposite of that. I'm suggesting you, you take pride. It's like, it's like your house. You pick up when I pull up to my house, I pick up the trash around my house. It's like you take pride in your house and you're okay. If other people like the people in Portugal think their country's the best. Awesome. Awesome. think their country's the best. Awesome. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Yeah, it's fine. Think Texas is the best. That's cool shit. You're right. Yeah. Unfortunately, it's starting to seem like you might be right. There you go. Well said, Hector.
Starting point is 00:50:22 While people fight about God existing or not, Jordan Peterson says that he lives his life as if God exists. Exactly. I don't believe in God, but I also live my life as if God exists. That's exactly right. Well said. Yep. Well, well said.
Starting point is 00:50:39 It doesn't matter. All right. Anything else, guys? You guys were awesome this morning. I promise you I'll do less of this and more guests. Not because I don't want to do this or that I'm not like glad that I do this or that I don't think that I'm good at this. It's just that I think that I can do this and have guests at the same time. And I feel like when I do this, I'm just wasting good opportunity. Is California the best state?
Starting point is 00:51:08 It is the best state for this one reason. It's so hospitable to life. It's so hospitable to life. Do you know what I mean by that? Everything grows here. Everything flourishes here. Chicken, cows, goats, humans, humans fruit trees that's why it's the best and we have everything it's the best place on the whole entire planet i mean i'm open
Starting point is 00:51:32 to there being like 20 of the best places on the planet but it's fucking good i suspect there's some places in south america that are similar along the coast like in chile and shit mark fuentes i don't believe in god but I live my life as if God exists is one of the dumbest statements I've ever heard Mark Fuentes I think that people who believe in God are some of the dumbest people who've ever lived why would you believe in something you could know
Starting point is 00:51:57 but that would be only if you care what words mean German Nunez you you're awesome, dude. Thank you. Olivia Houston. Sevan, how do you feel about our governor pushing the shot on our children to attend school? You know, I think I'm so, I don't think I have a clear thought on it. I mean, obviously I'm so against harming kids. I'm so against injecting kids with anything.
Starting point is 00:52:41 I'm so against the story and the narrative of lies that have been spun up in order to justify hurting kids. It's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, man, it's the, it's the worst thing you can do is to harm children, and there's – no expense should be spared in order to make sure – basically what's happened is when you have people in society who are okay with hurting kids,'ve changed every you've changed the whole moral and ethical landscape of what everyone else is now capable of doing do you know what i mean by that what it requires in a human being to defend kids and what it can pull out of human beings is... Man. I would have to guess it's the most powerful thing on earth. Even more powerful than sexual desire. The desire to protect your kids.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Yeah. Mark, I feel you. I love the conversation. We'd have to define so many things. We'd have to define what believe is, and we'd have to define so many things. We'd have to define what believe is and we'd have to define what God is before we even go down this rabbit hole. Olivia, it's so crazy. I mean you can see on my Instagram where I stand. You can see the way I raise my kids, the way I stand.
Starting point is 00:54:38 I don't – it's so charged for me, your question. It's so charged for me. I wish I want to articulate it in a very, extremely sober way because right now I just feel like lashing out. Like I feel like I'm in my cave and two bears just walked up to the entrance. And like I just want to shoot and ask questions later. It's really how I feel. I've worked so hard on being a good person. I've worked so hard on making my kids good people. I saw this phrase the other day.
Starting point is 00:55:15 It said, it was basically a play on the fact that, hey, are you leaving the earth a better place than when you got here? And are you leaving kids that are better than you for the earth? Are you leaving good kids for the earth? And that's like what I want to do. But like that question you asked me about how I feel about coercing children to get injections under the guise of what? To protect them, to protect other people, to to help obese people to help sugar addicts to help like who who does that help there's no they're at the top of the food chain i don't need
Starting point is 00:55:49 to help i don't need my kids to do anything to help anyone zero i don't care i don't care if my my parents die or your parents die or 100 million people who are 80 years old and 30 years complicit in their demise i don't care i want to protect all the kids i their demise. I don't care. I want to protect all the kids. I don't care. I don't care if I die at 80 years old. I don't want a 15 year old wearing a mask so I can live from 80 to 84 in a nursing home with dementia, self-inflicted dementia. I don't, I don't want that. I don't want to be that person. I don't ever want to be that. I don't, I don't want that. I don't want to be that person. I don't ever want to be that. I don't need the way I see what's happening right now. The metaphor I see is all of humanity is standing at the edge of a cliff. And there's something approaching us and we're scared of it, but we don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:56:40 It's in a cloud. And we're told we can stand and fight whatever's in the cloud. It might not even be anything bad. It might be just a bunch of naked men and women who want to hug. Cool. But it's a cloud and it's coming towards us and it's ominous. And a bunch of us are scared. And so you know what we're doing? We're jumping off the cliff with the guarantee that we'll live two more minutes in free fall. I don't want to do that. I'd rather stand and fight or see what's in the cloud and hug it out than jump off the cliff for a guaranteed two more minutes of life. And that's what we're doing as humanity. That's what our leaders are doing. They're so scared of what's coming that they're demanding all of humanity jump off a cliff with the guarantee that we'll live two more minutes. What are those two minutes? That's before we impact at the bottom. I'm not doing that. I'm not jumping off the cliff for a guaranteed two more minutes.
Starting point is 00:57:35 I'm not doing that. I'm not having my kids do it. I'm not having anyone doing it. I'm standing our ground. I'm not afraid of what's in the cloud. It's not even that I'm not afraid. I am afraid. I'm as equally afraid as I'm not afraid. I just don't, it doesn't make sense to me to have all of humanity jump off a cliff knowing that the bottom is going to race up and hit us in two minutes. No, thank you. I'd rather die on accident in two minutes sooner or live forever happily ever after, which I'm pretty sure is what's going to happen to those of us who don't jump off the cliff. I'm betting on it. And even if I'm wrong, you jumped off the cliff.
Starting point is 00:58:13 Dude, the impact at the bottom is going to be horrible. Don't hurt kids. Don't hurt kids. It's not – don't hurt kids. It's not, it's not, don't, don't hurt kids. Don't tolerate hurting kids in any way. Don't justify it. Don't justify it. Don't say they're just doing their part.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Don't talk about, don't talk about what's best for civilization and humanity at any cost for kids. It's all lies. It's all just manipulation. It's, it's, manipulation. It's bad. Okay. Mark Puentes, I hope you and I both have moments today where God uses us. Because that's when you know God. When God's using you.
Starting point is 00:59:02 When you surrendered and he's using you. You ever throw a tennis ball and you're like, oh shit, that was God who just threw that. Now that you have been pinned as the COVID guy, what are you not getting to talk about that you would really rather talk about? I don't know. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Party. Nudity. I love nudity.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Funny. My mom thinks I should be funny more. Always wanted to be a comic. I don't know. Happiness. I'm really stoked on people like Tony Robbins and Joe Rogan and all those guys coming out now and fighting. It's cool. Two more minutes and I'll have been on an hour.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Does anyone want to call them? Wish me a good day? 928-583-3903. Kind of settled in. I'm going to fix my office. I want to show you guys my office because it's embarrassing. It's embarrassing to even say I have an office. I'm in this room that's detached from my house.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Not detached. It shares a wall with my garage. But man, it's a mess. But I want to get this thing all organized and cleaned out. So when I get a sponsor and the show starts making a shit ton of money, I can invite people over and have live people in here. It would be really cool. You guys can always send me DMs telling me what guests you'd like me to have on the the best way to do that is to at is to send me their instagram account because then i can
Starting point is 01:00:34 quickly just go check them out what happens is with instagram and my dms is that people send me stuff that needs attention but it can't get attention from instagram right so like you send me a two-hour video and i'm like oh shit how am i gonna watch that uh julie good morning good morning have we ever talked no we have not holy cow right uh those of you who don't know, Julie and I have a very long, healthy Instagram relationship. Absolutely. Wow. Amazing to hear your voice. And you're, are you in, where are you? You're in Washington, Northern California. Yep. I live in Ellensburg, Washington, central Washington on the east side of the Cascade
Starting point is 01:01:21 mountain range. And your vocation is you are a leather craftsperson. I do custom leather work, and I now teach it all over the United States and world, and I sell patterns. And when I say leather, I'm talking like crazy shit. Like you could make a saddle for a horse. I did used to.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Yes, I did, actually. Yep. Yeah, that's nuts. Yeah's it's a it's a really impressive instagram account what's your instagram account again uh julie bought their leather design and and didn't you send dave some stuff no actually uh i was following dave and he had done some leather work and i sent him a message because I'd never point out anything to anybody publicly about just how to improve upon something. And he responded and I was extraordinarily impressed with him. Very, very impressed. I loved talking to him, helping him with leather work. impressed. I loved talking to him, helping him with leather work. Uh, I am not doing soft fit at the time or I'm not right now, but, uh, was then, and I've always loved it and I've loved
Starting point is 01:02:32 the concept of it, the whole, the wholeness of it. It's a whole program. Yeah, for sure. And, uh, it's, he's, he's way into sewing. I noticed that he stopped for a while and I was asking him actually, if he would make me a, he made me a holder for my AirPods. And then I got like the new AirPods and the, and the shape of the AirPods are different. So I wanted him to make me a new case. And, uh, he said he stopped sewing, but then I just saw a couple of days ago, he posted, he was making belts again. So I should, I'm going to bug him actually, when we get off the phone here and be like, dude, you got to make me, I mean it's one of those gifts that he gave me that I've used every single day forever. Uh-huh. Yeah, that's awesome. He does pretty good for a hobbyist, lovecrafter, but he seems like a dude who studies everything pretty closely and figures things out. So my, um, Avi just turned seven yesterday and
Starting point is 01:03:25 Dave made him a, um, like a pouch, like a, uh, like an, you know, like one of those pouches you has as a little, as a little kid and had the three, three hole punch in the side. And like, you'd put it in, then you put your pencils and pens in it and you're, um, so he made Avi one of those, but not with the three hole punch, but it's just like a bag like that for putting pencils and pens in. And it's really cool. And then with and then with leather uh like a leather tag he put on there obvi's name and then for all three of my boys he made them leather bookmarks it was so fucking sweet right on it blows me away when he does that shit right it's he does it all the time but i'm never i never i'm always still shocked i'm, who is this thoughtful guy? He is.
Starting point is 01:04:05 I think more than people realize, at least from what I see. Obviously, I've never met him or you in person. He's a cactus that fruits. He's a fruiting cactus plant. I mean, you think you just see all those prickly thorns and you can't get close to it. And then all of a sudden it just gives you a huge chunk of fruit. And you're like, what is going on with this plant? Yep.
Starting point is 01:04:25 He, he, he's a, he's an incredible human being for sticking it out and being the first ever Hispanic CEO of CrossFit. So I love it. Are you, are you, are you Mexican? Are you Hispanic? Are you Latin? Nope. Nope.
Starting point is 01:04:40 I'm just, uh, I'm, I am a used to be chubby white girl and I'm not a chubby white girl anymore. What happened? I quit sugar. How was that? I quit sugar. Uh, I didn't want to die. I didn't want to die from what I put in my face. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:09 face. Yeah. COVID, you know, I probably could have passed away, but I think I lost 15 pounds right out of the gate and three pant sizes. And that told me how much inflammation sugar causes. Yeah. Isn't the inflammation crazy? So I'm at the end of my 36 hour fast as I talk to you right now. And it's, it's crazy how I feel this morning. It's not even weight loss. It's inflammation. I'm like, it's nuts. Right. One of the things that stuck with me when I read Jason Fung's book also, one statement so profound that said diabetes medication will keep you diabetic. And I'm like, screw the pharmaceutical companies. I do not want to give you my money anymore because you keep us fat. They're, they're docents of death. They walk, they, they walk you to your, what's that thing called?
Starting point is 01:05:55 That they put you in that box. Yes. What's that called? The casket. Casket. Yes. Yes. Have you ever made a casket?
Starting point is 01:06:02 Have you ever, a leather casket? Can you make a leather casket? Nope. Yes. Have you ever made a casket? Have you ever a leather casket? Can you make a leather casket? Nope. Nope. That I suppose you could adorn a casket with leather handles. Or can't you do stuff to make leather really hard? Dave made me this thing that holds whiskey bottles and it's like this really like, it's like leather. That's like hard, like potato chips. Yes, you can. Leather is incredible. It is the ultimate in recycling.
Starting point is 01:06:29 It also holds your steak in. Your steak? Until your steak, yeah, it holds it, you know, it envelops that steer and keeps it good and healthy until you decide to eat that beef. Oh, that's a great, I like that. Leather is amazing. I never thought great, I like that. Leather is amazing. I never thought I'd like that. Yep. And so you basically, was it hard quitting sugar?
Starting point is 01:06:54 I kind of sort of, I don't like diets. I hate counting things and stuff like that. So I just kind of started my journey with eating some sugar-free things that I liked that were sweetened with stevia because I don't like the other ones. I think I chose the lesser of two evils. And my brain has turned around. I can't explain it. For the first time in my life at 58 years old, I feel like if I ate a candy bar, I'd die. Yeah. Isn't that weird? I feel like if I ate a candy bar, I'd die. Yeah, isn't that weird? I feel like if I drank a Frappuccino, I'd die. Yeah, the whole concept of you can work off a candy bar or you can run five miles
Starting point is 01:07:34 and then go eat a big sugary meal is so wrong. So, so wrong. Anything you eat affects you at a cellular level. You can't change it. My son had a birthday party yesterday, and the grandparents brought over a cake. And I cut the cake, and I wasn't even tempted to have a piece. And you know what? I know that behavior is going to affect my kids.
Starting point is 01:07:58 I know they're going to remember that when they get older. So my kids had a piece of cake, and I know when they get older, and of course I will let them have a piece of cake. It's their birthday for Christ's sake. But I, I, I know they're going to see that. I know they're going to be like, wow, my dad had discipline. Wow. My dad didn't eat cake. That's interesting. That's okay. Not the day I knew I had kicked it was Easter this year, Easter. My son said, Hey, what's for dessert? And I was like, Oh my gosh, I didn't even think about making one. And I'm a foodie and I love to cook and bake. And he, I was pretty proud of myself at that point. And he said, Hey, you ever going to make me an apple pie again? And I said, you know what? I will, but it'll be with maybe a sugar alternative because I am not bringing white sugar into my new home. It will not come in the door. You got a new home? I'm building a new shop and classroom, yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:53 Oh, that's awesome. Wow. Yep. You know, I had this guy on the podcast, Julie. His name is Heath Pettigo. I don't know if you heard that one. He's the guy. He's 39 years old. He's a jiu-jitsu practitioner out of Mount Vernon, Illinois, and he has that – he rented a – he rented an abandoned cleaner, dry cleaner, and he lets boys sleep in there and practice jiu-jitsu. And out of that, eight years later, there's all these world champions coming out of this shithole in Mount Vernon, Illinois. That's awesome. Out of that, eight years later, there's all these world champions coming out of this shithole on Mount Vernon, Illinois. It's like this doesn't even have like hot and cold running water, right? And it's exploding. They're exploding on the internet, on Instagram, everywhere.
Starting point is 01:09:34 And the boys are amazing and the discipline and the strength and everything coming out of there. So I started looking at homes in Mount Vernon, Illinois. I thought, oh, maybe I can live in Mount Vernon, Illinois. Illinois. I thought, oh, maybe I can live in Mount Vernon, Illinois for $500,000. You can get a 7,000 square foot home on 25 acres with a pool, tennis courts, and a shop that's like 60 by 120 feet. I mean, that's crazy. It's nuts. It's like $40 a square foot for the house. I bought a house in Santa Cruz five years ago that was $1,000 a square foot. Oh, my God. 500 square feet, $500,000 on a 600-square-foot piece of land. I shit you not.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Little California. I believe you. Yeah. And I know it's a wonderful state. California and Washington are such great, versatile states for growing things and being outside. But gosh darn that governor. I tell you what. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:32 I wish he loved California as much as you did. Yeah. So it's so sad. It's so sad. Very. We have a horrible governor also. Yeah. You got a pretty.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Yeah. Hey, are they? I keep seeing articles. People are sending me that they're building the first quarantine camp in the country in Washington. Is that true? Apparently, I've read some articles on it too. And that was actually, I believe, early on. I think that was early on. I've seen job listings for it, for people to work there.
Starting point is 01:11:01 I'm like, what the hell is going on? I mean, the CDC does have a contingency plan. I don't know if you've ever seen that, but they do have a plan on there that talks about building quarantine camps. It's part of a plan, I guess, if a pandemic became bad enough. They have this plan,
Starting point is 01:11:16 and basically it's to gather up all the old people and all those people who are in jeopardy of getting sick into these quarantine camps, which is funny. That's what they should have done from the beginning, not put people in camps, but they should have suggested to be the sick people who get quarantined. Healthy people should never, ever, ever be quarantined. Exactly. I had a paramedic friend tell me that he had noticed noticed uh when covid started that the cdc site changed changed that right away they took it off their site the policy we weren't yeah we he said we were never trained that we were always trained
Starting point is 01:11:54 to quarantine the sick yeah it's a trip someone even sent me a link the other day i was reading on the cdc and they were justifying they were saying that you may see things that look like they're forced but they're for the betterment of society it was some crazy wording like that I was like wow this is some scary shit you talked earlier in this podcast about
Starting point is 01:12:17 talking and planting seeds and what we can do and this whole entire world has been changed by people planting seeds and with words. That's it. It's as simple as that. It has nothing to do with anything else but words. Yeah. Most people have no idea the magic of words. It's literally like a cartoon. They are literally casting spells. They're creating reality with words. That gay literally like a cartoon. They are literally casting spells. They are creating reality with words.
Starting point is 01:12:48 That gay flag thing. I don't know if you heard my rant in the beginning. That gay flag thing is just amazing. I never heard it presented. I never heard it presented that way. And that was. I loved that. Loved every piece of it.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Yeah. I love me some gay people and some straight people. I love me some sex. I love fucking some sex i love fucking human intimacy the more human intimacy the better let's all get naked and bathed together but please don't conflate that with equality not to my five or six year old my five or six year old little kids yes i agree i absolutely 100 agree with that uh jul, this is the greatest way ever to end the show. 8, 12 AM for both of us. Well, thank you. I appreciate it. I appreciate you taking my call. Yeah. Well, thanks for calling and validating my show. I'm like one of those weird internet shows that only gets one call a show.
Starting point is 01:13:37 I'll see you on January 6th, 2022 at the skate park so I can shake your hand. I'll probably hug you. I love it. All right, girl. You think I'm kidding. I do. I do think shake your hand. I'll probably hug you. I love it. All right, girl. You think I'm kidding? I do. I do think you're kidding. You're not kidding?
Starting point is 01:13:50 No, probably not. Okay, good. It's very possible. I'll see you. Tell me what city you live in. I want to look it up on the map when I get off the air. One more time. Ellensburg, Washington.
Starting point is 01:13:59 Ellensburg, Washington. Okay. I'm looking for a place to live. Perfect. All right. I'll talk to you later. I'm moving to Montana. Okay. Have a great for a place to live. Perfect. All right, I'll talk to you later. I'm moving to Montana. Okay, have a great day.
Starting point is 01:14:07 Bye. Bye. That was fun. What an incredible thing technology is. All right, guys, thank you very much. I will talk to you guys tomorrow. We have two shows tomorrow. Amanda Levy, the great Amanda Levy.
Starting point is 01:14:22 Please look her up, Google her. You'll enjoy the show. Amanda Levy, the great Amanda Levy. Please look her up, Google her. You'll enjoy the show. Should we take one more call from Louisville, Kentucky? Matt, what's up? Hey.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Hey. Oh, it's the other Matt. It's the other Matt? I'm sorry. Yeah, Matt from South Florida here. Oh, hey, Matt from South Florida. Yeah. He's trying to squeeze in the last call. other matt i'm sorry yeah matt from south florida here oh hey matt from south florida yeah i'm just trying to squeeze in the last call yeah that was that was pretty good you guys are making me feel important i keep trying to get off because i'm running out of shit to talk about and then people are calling in oh making me feel popular here's the deal. You inspired me at 49 years old, we're about the same age, to quit paying for CrossFit in the mornings at 5 a.m. class and paying for jujitsu in the evenings and just doing garage CrossFit at home.
Starting point is 01:15:19 What are your thoughts on that? that about i really really really hate to take a dime from the great affiliates but i also think that one of the coolest things about crossfit is the fact that really what it's done is it's made every sport out there grow because we get all this fitness and then what are we supposed to do with it right and so now you're doing something with it. You're making it into a practical application to make yourself better at defending yourself and those around you. Yeah, I started CrossFit in 2014 after watching the algorithm brought up on YouTube, brought up killing the fat man. Ah, yes. And that inspired me to join CrossFit. I lost over 50 pounds in about six months crazy doing crossfit
Starting point is 01:16:06 but in the seven years i've been in crossfit and i've kept the weight off i ended up getting super healthy ended up donating a kidney to my wife um which is almost like a navy seal type um uh gallant that you have to go through to be able to donate an organ to somebody but they they just don't see super healthy people come in for organ donations but um so but in the seven years of um of uh doing crossfit i never heard until listen to your podcast about greg glassman a few weeks ago the the top of the pyramid is sport and i've been sitting on the fence about jiu-jitsu for for years because i grew up um and in my in the 80s doing taekwondo gotten to the 90s doing kickboxing competitively and then doing tough man fighting all stand-up sports wow but then
Starting point is 01:17:01 had a kid and i got tired of getting punched in the head so i always thought about doing jiu-jitsu i've been sitting on the fence for about 20 years until um actually watching the daisy fresh series ah and then so good yeah and then everyone go watch that about the absolutely and uh the hillbilly hammer good old k Kentucky boy. I'll get him on. Yep. So, but I've never seen the poster, never heard of it talked about in CrossFit in our box. The pyramid, which I don't know if that's unusual or if that's a common thing. That you wouldn't hear about that in a CrossFit box
Starting point is 01:17:43 until you started talking about that. I think it's common, but it is also unusual. Like, I think a lot of people, affiliates don't talk about that. They don't talk about nutrition. They don't talk about, cause they're so excited by the movement. I don't mean that as a dig towards affiliates, but it's cool that you found that. Yeah. It's just constantly.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Yeah. Yeah. Hey, so wait a second. I've got a couple of questions for you. Why did your wife have a kidney? yeah hey so wait a second i've got a couple questions for you why did your wife have a kidney man 2014 while she was uh diagnosed i she was going through chemo for 16 weeks for amyloidosis and i was just laying around while she was sick laying in bed you know watching tv with her and just being by her side and just gaining all kinds of crazy weight and just feeling sorry for myself
Starting point is 01:18:29 and the situation that we were in. And I just came across that CrossFit thing. And the amyloidosis was like a protein, manipulated protein, where it got misfolded and it would collect on her kidneys and her kidneys were shutting down. And it was almost like if you were to smear your kidneys or like a sponge, you smear them with peanut butter. It was just clogging them up where it couldn't filter blood and clean it up. So she got down to about 25% function. We had to go in and do a stem cell transplant, spent about six weeks in the hospital doing a stem cell transplant.
Starting point is 01:19:08 They collected her stem cells and then gave them back to her after high dose chemo. And that, and that just sort of rebooted her system. And then, and that's what this MNRA vaccine stuff, they just, they've really been pushing us to get the vaccines and we're like but that manipulates your proteins and we're just not we've already gone through manipulated proteins and we uh i've got a little fun to change it there but no it's fine it's fine yeah yeah the the stem cell transplant went through dialysis waiting. And I just signed up to be a waiting for it.
Starting point is 01:19:48 Organ donor. Interesting. The organ donations have gone down since they started giving out Narcan to police officers to revive overdoses. You know, overdoses. Usually people would overdose and then wouldn't come back and they'd get them to the hospital and be able to donate tons of organs that way. And the organ donations have
Starting point is 01:20:16 dropped significantly. So we were on a list for months. Are you a cop? No, I'm a middle school. My wife and I are both middle school teachers, but we just sort of learned all kinds of, you know, the, the transplant game, you know, and I just wanted to go through it to see what the process was. And she had her, her bone marrow transplant nurse sign up and she was a cross match.
Starting point is 01:20:41 She was going to be able to donate if somebody else matched my wife, she could donate to that person and we could cross but it's very difficult to get they do these donations in regions of the united states so it was going to be very difficult so i just signed up to see what the process was like i could talk to people about what the process would be like and they um um i was a match i was almost like her brother it was it was uh oh that's um it was so close yeah and just coincidence that you know i met this beautiful young lady you know 30 years ago at a taco bell oh i used to eat a taco bell i used to get those 12 pack of soft tacos and get 24 do you remember the do you
Starting point is 01:21:25 remember the bell beaver i don't it was uh it was a uh i think i stopped eating there when i was like say that again yeah it was a taco on a hamburger bun oh no that may have been after my time i ate there like my sophomore junior and senior year just like go to the parking lot like after being drunk all night in high school in Stone. Or no, I didn't even smoke weed there. Just drunk and then eating. Yeah. That's where I met her when she was—I was 18.
Starting point is 01:21:53 I met her there. Were either of you working there, or you just happened to be both patrons? No, I was just standing in line. Hey, girl. Just standing in line. What's up? I love your—you like tacos? I love tacos, too.
Starting point is 01:22:13 Yeah. online what's up i love you you like tacos i love tacos too yeah i have a friend i had a friend who didn't know cooter taco enchilada kazoo he didn't know the why he didn't know all these nicknames for for for the beef he didn't know the beef he didn't know all these nicknames for the vagina it was so weird he was just in my house the other day young kid it's actually my kids one of kid's private jiu-jitsu instructors. He didn't know beaver was vagina. That's so weird. Oh, wow. Yeah. What's wrong with these kids?
Starting point is 01:22:33 Hey, do you have the kids do Pledge of Allegiance? Do people still do that? We haven't done it in our school. We have up until COVID. COVID just sort of jacked everything up but i would always make kids stand up even if they didn't have say the say the pledge i just out of respect you just stand up yeah and uh you don't have to say i can't make them say it but um and then most of the parents in this rural part of kentucky i'm at are very supportive very patriotic kind of you know, you could call their parents saying, hey, your son's being a little jerk. He doesn't want to stand up during the play.
Starting point is 01:23:12 And they would be they'd be like, hey, you tell Billy, get on the phone. We'll make him stand up, you know, like, you know, so. I can't imagine talking back to a teacher like that. I was in high school and I had this English teacher and he goes, hey, I don't give a fuck what anyone says. I'm going to teach you guys Job. And we did. We read Job. It was my sophomore year in high school, advanced English class, like one of the ones you get like five points for or something.
Starting point is 01:23:36 I still got a D in the class. But he had us read Job and then we acted it out in front of the class. And it had nothing to do with religion, the way he presented it. It was so fucking awesome. Yeah, that's – Will Bransford says your – sorry, one second. Sorry, one second. Will says my favorite part about the podcast is that you're using a ring light, but the webcam is shooting at like 144.
Starting point is 01:24:03 I know, Will. It's the only way i can do live on youtube if you could if someone could explain to me how i could get better quality so you guys could see how giant my nose really is and how fucked up my teeth are from being punched in the face i would love that okay sorry so what were you saying joe bible yeah we, you can teach. It's part of seventh grade literature is the Old Testament and stuff. So it's part of social studies. Yeah. So actually before school starts on Thursday mornings,
Starting point is 01:24:40 we do what's called FCA, Fellowship of Christian Athletes. So we do devotionals tell stories all kinds of stuff so it's it's uh you know public school is not necessarily bible free there's part-time or what are you doing right now are you putting are you putting the dishes away while you talk to me i'm my wife no my wife's like hey we need to go to the beach um actually on fall break from school in Kentucky, so we're heading where my parents' place in Fort Myers. How old are your kids?
Starting point is 01:25:11 One's a sophomore in college, Eastern Kentucky University, and one's a senior in high school. All right. Have fun at the beach. Thanks for calling. Yeah. Hey, I love your podcast. I listen to the end of every episode.
Starting point is 01:25:25 Thanks, brother. Love your politics. Love all the variety. Hey, and you said you needed an ethics professor. I'll send you an Instagram message with all the contact. I've got a seminary ethics professor. If you'd want to contact him, he said he would do a podcast with you. Oh, I'd love that.
Starting point is 01:25:45 He's a good dude. Young guy in his mid-30s, written a lot of books. You may find it interesting. You may not. I don't know. But he can talk all kinds of ethics of whatever you want to talk about. Yeah, I need someone just to explain the basics. We don't get it. We're told what the choices are of what to think, and then we fight. It's like we're just being manipulated to fight about the topics they want us to fight about based on the premises they want us to fight about.
Starting point is 01:26:11 And it's like I don't even know if we're thinking correctly. I don't think most people even know how to think. That's what's so crazy. And you also said, I think right before the Heath interview, that you needed help with the podcast. Thanks so much. And George jumped on and he sort of stopped in mid-sentence there. But we never did find out exactly what kind of help you needed. So here's the thing. This thing is like it's not easy working with me. Like I am going hard, but i am wasting so much opportunity i need to and there's no money in it but i need someone who believes in me who thinks holy shit this could
Starting point is 01:26:51 be fucking huge and we could get rich but if we don't i don't give a fuck i want the experience and i want to be a part of the show that's that's that's the way i would think of it that's the way i do think of it but i need it what what a shame it is that i have like all these awesome guests on and that i'm not making cool instagram clips for them to help promote the future shows. What a shame it is that there's not a Sevan Podcast Instagram handle. What a shame that I don't go live on that. What a shame that like there's not a Sevan YouTube clip channel that's like just huge. I mean there is one.
Starting point is 01:27:19 It's just not – it gets no attention and no love. So basically it's just me and Matt Souza. There's other people who wanted to be a part, but the idea of wanting to be a part versus being a part is something totally different. Like there should be someone – this software I'm using has the capability that if I had a producer who came on every show with me, when I talked about like just the Old Testament right now or we talked about like this ethics professor, they could be pulling up that guy's Instagram account. Or when I said they don't know the difference between beaver and vagina, someone could have pulled up like a clip from the Leave It to Beaver show. That shit should be happening. I don't have anyone to do that. 7 a.m., 12 p.m., 3 a.m., like I call you at the last minute. No one wants to do it. Either they don't want to do it, they don't have the capability to do it. Whatever the reason, they have excuses, and I don't have those excuses. I'm fortunate enough to where it's like, hey, I do this show around the time I spend with my kids,
Starting point is 01:28:20 and I need someone who will jump on board and be full blast with me who believes in the show. And you just can't find people like that. You just can't find people like that. You just can't. Yeah. I wish I was retired from teaching where I could have the flexibility with the different time zones to be able to help out. But I've got to finish out the last few years to get my pension. I understand.
Starting point is 01:28:36 I ain't hating. I appreciate you asking so that I could get on my high horse. Yeah. I'm excited about, uh, the 500 episodes we're going to be able to listen to. So,
Starting point is 01:28:50 and I'm going to get bigger and bigger guests as people start having more and more belief in me. I think we're on a good, steady ascent. Ooh, Jorge Ventura, Alexander Volkanovski. Man, we're getting some good people.
Starting point is 01:28:57 Amanda Levy tomorrow. I'm pumped. Heath Pettigo. We got some people. I got Guy coming up. I believe we're going to get Sarah Sigmund's daughter on still. I got Guy who just signed up with Mayhem coming up i think this week we got good stuff and i got this ethics professor you're gonna you're gonna send that to me how are you gonna send that to me
Starting point is 01:29:13 in a dm uh yeah instagram under ky tech teacher are you gonna drink at the beach today no i actually don't drink alcohol i got one kidney I want to keep it clean. Right. But I've just never been into alcohol. Sort of like when Heath was talking about it, it was, it just never been an interest of mine. I grew up around an alcoholic grandfather. Oh. And his sons were alcoholics.
Starting point is 01:29:40 It just never seemed like a lifestyle I wanted to have. So not that I would turn out that way, but I just never. How about Frisbee? Do you play Frisbee? Will you play Frisbee at the beach? No. My kids are at that point where they just don't want to play Frisbee. So you're just going to go there and pretend you're laying out and having fun with your family,
Starting point is 01:30:04 but out of the corner of your eye looking at girls running around in their bikinis. No. I listen to podcasts and then keep my marriage of 30 years together by not looking at other women in bikinis. All right, brother. Thanks, Matt. I appreciate it. Have a good day, buddy. Later.
Starting point is 01:30:23 I use Riverside FM. Maybe you'll get big enough to have Matt Fraser. I should invite Matt on. I can't even get a hold of Matt. Oh, time to start today. 30. I'm going to go have my third cup of coffee
Starting point is 01:30:45 it's too much love you guys that was fun I'm gonna be high all day from this this was really cool thanks guys peace

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