The Sevan Podcast - #161 The News - James Hobart & Kate Gordon

Episode Date: October 7, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. And, oh, my goodness, we're going to be on time. Here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Here we go. We did it. Holy shite-oly, we did it. Good evening, all five of you. How come we had four viewers and six likes? How is that possible? Oh, six viewers. Oh, shit, it's happening.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Kate Gordon, James Hobart. You guys can't see Matt Souza, but you'll see his work, and you will hear his voice. We have a call-in number at the top, 928-583-3903. I am so excited. Not about this show, but about my two shows tomorrow. It is 7.01 p.m. Sorry, guys.
Starting point is 00:01:18 We switched the time on this show so many times. It's 7.01 p.m. on the west coast of the North American continent. Kate is in the world's largest prison. What time is it there? It is a 1 0 1 PM. Oh, you went inside. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:34 I decided to move away. It's still noisy. I'm going to go and shut the door in a second. Do you have enough battery power? Are you plugged in? You know, James is verbose as shit. The show's going to go on forever.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I'm plugged in now, like quite literally. I don't know if Manny's a regular listener, but I just love Corey, Hector and Jessica. They're just like, I don't even think they're real people. They're just bots that are just somehow YouTube just gives them to us every show. No one could be as consistent as them. Nobody. Although I think Jessica's called in before. She might be real.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Oh, Asuza, Corey wanted to help with the show. Did we? By the way, I spoke to Caleb today, Matt, and told him, like, dude, you don't want to be a part of this show. It's like just work. And I am not nice, but he's insisting. So he started making us Instagram clips. nice but he's insisting so he started making us instagram clips you guys for those of you who want to like like like hit yourself to this band to this wagon basically what matt souza is doing right now is he's in the back end and he listens to stuff so if james hobart says his favorite
Starting point is 00:02:38 planet is holy shit and there he is like Like a genie lamp. Brian Friend, bam. I was just rubbing my scrotum and he appeared like a genie. Like a genie lamp. James, every year
Starting point is 00:02:59 for Halloween, I always grow my hair and my beard out and that way I have a lot of options and I can always rein it back into whatever I need Hi Brian Brian do you know Kate Gordon? I know who she is Hi Oh my god
Starting point is 00:03:16 I'm sweating, I'm blushing I'm blushing This is too good to be true I'm at peace. I'm at one. You guys, the call in number 928-583-3903. This is the new show. Before we start, does anyone want to say anything?
Starting point is 00:03:37 Yes, Hector. Wow, Brian, we've missed you. Oh, this is what I was going to say. This thing. So did you see how Matt Sousa just put up that Teen Wolf graphic? I need someone who is just a maniac who can be on every one of my shows with me to do that. You basically just have to like whenever I want to do a show, you have to stop your life and you have to jump on and do it. And that's like and I just need you for like 360 more shows till I quit.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Or if we become rich, I'll like pay you some money, like, like $5 or something. So that's how that works. And we lost Kate. Yep. Maybe 20 minutes. That's a great question. Hobart. maybe 20 minutes that's a great question hobart hey do you what brian do you want to talk about your day before we start
Starting point is 00:04:32 i would like i would like you to well ask me a question so i was just on your instagram instagram and it looks like you're trying they're trying to cancel you cancel you are you getting canceled i fucking hope you get canceled i hope you get canceled like you got kicked out of the fucking games and you had to spend all your games week with fucking me and i hope you get fucking canceled so you have to do every one of my fucking podcast i can treat you like shit what happened brian why are you getting canceled i think that i think that is what you wish for based on the comments you made just i just i just want what i want i want to get what i want we lost kate do you guys see
Starting point is 00:05:21 um kate the beautiful kate have Have I? I can hear you guys. So we can't see. As soon as I said I was rubbing my scrotum and Brian appeared, she turned off her camera. What happened? How can that article, basically what it sounds like, and I haven't seen any of the comments, but you basically came on your Instagram and said, hey, I never thought I'd be doing this, but I want to respond to the accusations that my article regarding Matt Fraser and Tia Toomey is sexist. And basically Brian made an article that was basically candy for CrossFit Games fans where he discussed the – there he is. By the way, you look buff.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Are you doing Hobart's strength program? You seriously look – your arms look kind of big. I finished it. I have testing this week. Oh, nice. Good job, Hobart. One of your students is looking buff. And he has – oh, awesome. Hobart's audio is fucked up. I love it.
Starting point is 00:06:28 The Curse of Brian Friend. And so basically, I don't know how that article could be sexist, but you came on there. And I listened to your whole article, and it didn't even sound like you were defending yourself for being sexist. I don't even know what's going on, but I just love the drama. I bet you this will get this video 500 to a thousand more views at an hour long each that's like 50 bucks and that's real money to me because that's um half hour of skateboarding lesson for my kid so what happened make it rain money brian how are you one of the most stoic guys ever being told that you're sexist. And by the way, Kate and James, did you guys read that article?
Starting point is 00:07:09 No, I'm on this Instagram right now trying to see what's going on. Fill me in. It was in the China Morning Post. It was a beautiful article. It's huge. Not this one. Not this one. This one was in Morning Chalk Up.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Oh, it was? Is it a condensed version of the China Morning Post one? No, it was a follow-up to it. Okay. Okay. My bad. Of course the Chinese would never accuse Ryan of being sexist. Okay. So what's the, what's the accusation here? Is this the analysis? Which number is really? Atumis 33 or Phrases 29? Yeah, and I don't love the title of it, but a lot of people I think have taken issue with the title without necessarily reading it or they make
Starting point is 00:07:59 a comment and maybe have gone on to read it since then. There were a lot of people who thought that it was very in bad taste to write that article. And why? What's in it that was in bad taste? They just say that, like, basically accusing me of not being able to accept. Why? They were basically accusing me of not being able to accept the
Starting point is 00:08:26 fact that tia is better than matt oh that's the accusation but in the china morning post one you don't really make a declaration of who's better as i recall right and i make a point of of clarifying that in even in having this conversation what we're really doing is just celebrating both of them. But those things are overlooked and people focus on what they want to focus on. Did you say in the article somewhere? I haven't seen the morning chalk up one. Did you say in there that Matt was better? Did you like my comparison between Neil Maddox and Graham Homer?
Starting point is 00:09:01 Oh, that was awesome. Racist as fuck. He made Graham better than Neil. So racist. Crazy. Crazy. Racist. Racist.
Starting point is 00:09:09 The whole time in the article, I just thought it was racist and homophobic. But definitely not sexist. Is it just coincidence that... No, you had one dude and one chick. Sorry, Kate. Go ahead. Well, I'm just looking at your Instagram.
Starting point is 00:09:24 It's like three posts early. You've got another article saying send more women to the CrossFit Games from Europe. And people are calling you sexist. I haven't read the article, but that's kind of funny. He's a pervert. He wants more women from the European. Yeah, but don't we all? Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:09:43 That's true. We're a planet full of perverts. Dude, I interviewed Amanda Levy this morning. Do you guys know who that is? No. Do you know who she is, Brian? I checked her Instagram out, yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Do you know who she is, Hobart? You guys suck. He's not here anymore. Is she a fighter? Oh, yeah, shit. Thank you. Isn't that sad? Hobart vanished and I don't even know. yeah shit thank you isn't that sad hobart vanished and i don't even know hobart you're the star of the fucking show uh yeah so basically she's a 24
Starting point is 00:10:13 year old jiu-jitsu master right and you know she's she's not she's not considered the best in the world and but but she's considered like in the in the in the talk of the talk of the future best, right? She's 24. She's fucking amazing. But she went to this tournament and it's called WNO that Flow Grappling puts on. I'm really getting into this whole Flow Grappling thing. And it's called WNO Who's Number One. And basically they invited nine jiu-jitsu people there or eight female jiu-jitsu people there, a bunch of different weight classes and men and women.
Starting point is 00:10:48 And they don't get accused of being sexist like Brian because they include everybody. And they put her – she's 155 pounds and five – no, I think she weighed in at about 158 at 5'6". And she went against a woman who was 265 and 6'2". And so since she was the worst person in the bracket, she had to go against the best woman in the world. So she went in at number eight, and the chick she went in at was number one, and she beat her.
Starting point is 00:11:14 And it's like this massive upset. Massive, massive, massive upset. But it's also pretty amazing to watch her go against a woman who's 100 pounds bigger than her. Super crazy talented. So did she just opt in for that i wonder if they'll i wonder if she she just what kate did she just opt in to fight someone way bigger than her no no she wanted to be in this competition was the eight women and
Starting point is 00:11:36 eight best women in the world who are 145 pounds or more and her coach said hey i'm gonna i know some people over there i'm gonna get you get you invited. And she got invited. But she was ranked number eight of the eight best women in the world over 145. And she won her first match. And the lady who I think if I was listening closely. Yeah. Can you guys see this? Yes. Oh, that lady.
Starting point is 00:11:57 She is a giant. That's awesome. Yeah. So I interviewed the lady on the right. Yeah. And her name is Amanda Levy. And the other girl, the bigger girl who just got her boobs grabbed, the big one, her name is Gabby Garcia. She's lost like four or five matches in the last hundred matches.
Starting point is 00:12:16 She's unbeatable. She's got a great, she's got a funky Instagram account. I wouldn't say it's great. It's funky. It's a trip. It's like weird. It's like part Brooke Ent great. It's funky. It's a trip. It's weird. It's part Brooke Entz, part MMA fighter. It's a trip.
Starting point is 00:12:32 She's 6'2", 265 pounds. Yes. 6'2". Damn. Did we resolve the whether or not Brian's sexist thing? Because my internet was being horrific. No, no. Let's go back to that.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Okay. So Brian, so, so, so is there any other claims? Did you talk about Tia's ass or, um, ask her like which outfit looked better on her or the things like that I would
Starting point is 00:12:56 be accused of, of, uh, being sexist? Nope. No. Did you ask her, did you talk about her menstrual cycle affecting her performance?
Starting point is 00:13:05 Nope. That's weird. Do you think that she's a lesser competitor just because she's female? Nope. I think she's a lesser competitor because she hasn't been on my show. I'm serious too. I'm not joking. Yeah, we know.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Then let's move on from the the internet trolls brian i have a question for brian the brian why did you even respond to it i don't even it's so unlike you you're so above that shit you remember that game joust in the 80s and you fly like the ostriches and you poke the dudes no none of us were born then the reason i well it's a fucking... The reason I responded is because I really wish I had included the Graham Holmberg
Starting point is 00:13:49 neomatics piece in the actual article. Oh, you're so lucky you didn't. You're so lucky you didn't. You would have been... That would have been fully... It's a great example, though.
Starting point is 00:13:58 But you'd have been accused of being racist. In that game... No, no, no. No one would have accused me of being racist because no one would have read it because it wouldn't have been in the headline. Is it you that chooses the headline?
Starting point is 00:14:08 Who writes the headline? Oh, Kate, this is good. Pursue this. Pursue this one, Kate. This is good. This is really going to get them pissed off. Pursue that. I didn't write the headline, but I did give them the permission to print whatever headline they wanted. If you could write your own headline,
Starting point is 00:14:24 what would it be? I'd originally had something like, not all event wins are created equal. An analysis of Fraser and Toomey's event wins in their careers, or something like that. Hector and Paul, it's not that Brian's mic is low, it's that he's been neutered. They canceled the people who are at his doorstep.
Starting point is 00:14:44 That's why you can't hear him because it's fucking like his testosterone is plummeting in that game joust from the 80s you fly these ostriches and you poke the other guys off seven yes i want to hear james's first story okay i want to tell you about this jousting real quick and then we'll do that if you fly your ostr too low, there's lava at the bottom of the screen and these hands will come up and grab your ostrich and pull it under. And that's what happened to Brian. He usually soars high and he came down low to the lava and the woke crowd grabbed his fucking shit and pulled him. Okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Sorry, James. Well, I want to skip to a different story now. Okay. I want to talk about the Vicky Caruso Instagram post. I think you commented on it. I did, yeah. Matt, it's like down toward the bottom. I think it's the second to last story, but I want to jump to this.
Starting point is 00:15:48 And I kind of want to read it long form. But this is from Vicky Caruso's Instagram. She says, a couple days ago, CrossFit came. She posted a video of me squatting, hitting a 280-pound clean, which is awesome, by the way. Naturally, the steroid comments came out. That's an ironic sentence. I know. I love that sentence. Uh, those comments, those comments don't even bother me anymore. I've been hearing that stuff since I was 10 years old
Starting point is 00:16:11 and my legs were more defined than most professional bodybuilders. And then all throughout running track in college, when I was randomly chosen for drug tests, it doesn't bother me because I had nothing to hide and I still don't. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a huge advocate for more drug testing. What bothers me is the fact that when people see someone do something they can't do, especially in the world of fitness, they automatically assume they're taking something. Let's start celebrating people's successes. We need to be positive and supportive of each other and stop comparing people.
Starting point is 00:16:53 You have no idea what someone is doing outside of what you see on Instagram, everything they did working up to that moment, how many hours or days they're in the gym. Maybe they switched up programming or coaching or they're working with a specialist. She also should have wrote, or maybe they're just better than your shitty little internet troll ass. It doesn't even matter. Just celebrate the fact that this person did something amazing instead of your very first comment and thought being something negative. I just wanted to hear comments. Her body is so fucking nice. It's fucking nuts. It's like
Starting point is 00:17:25 a car in a showroom. It's fucking nuts. That picture's crazy. And her hands, the way they're on her thighs like that, whoever told her to pose like that. And then that top with the line above the top of her boobs or chest however you want. It's fucking
Starting point is 00:17:42 nuts. Her body's nuts. There's another picture of her ass that she posted i had to google that that's so fucking heavy it's 127 kilos it's fucking nuts yeah it's it's bogus what do the games girls do what do the games girls do what was the heaviest clean weight and that that clean event, Brian. The heaviest one? $235? $235? $240?
Starting point is 00:18:09 No, I think it was more than that. Something over. Maybe $245? I don't think it was above $250. Hey, so can you go back to her Instagram account? I want to show you something that caught my mind.
Starting point is 00:18:23 So there's a picture of her. Find a picture of her ass where you can see her ass separated from her hamstring in definition. And it kind of reminds me of what Brooke Entz said. When Brooke Entz was on the show, on the CrossFit podcast, scroll down a little bit more. 230 pounds, Stefan. 230 pounds. That's the max? That's really good for a games athlete?
Starting point is 00:18:45 Female games athlete? That was the heaviest bar in their ladder this past... So, Torian Pro, the sanctionals, we went up to 245. And some of the individuals and team girls lifted that. How much at the Torian Pro? 255? 245. 245. Just find a picture where she's showing her ass and her hamstring and her quad.
Starting point is 00:19:09 There's one where she's turned around and she's facing the camera. Oh, maybe it's in those shorts, in those colored shorts. Like a video? No. Okay, no, no. There it is. If you can blow that up. So Brooke Entz is like, hey, people think I do steroids.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Look at my mom. And you look at her. Okay, so look at her butt muscle right there. And look at her glutes, her hamstring, and her quad. That's so impressive. Now, that's why she's accused of being on steroids. She's not fucking anorexic, and she has crazy muscle development. I think, I mean, I'm no, you know me.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I so don't believe that the steroids are a problem in the sport. But I think that's all genetics. Just like when Brooke Entz showed us her that the steroids are a problem in the sport, but I think that's all genetics. Just like when Brooke Enns showed us her mom and her mom flexed in the kitchen, her mom has fucking cannons and shoulders and the whole shit, and her mom is like an older lady. And she doesn't do CrossFit, I don't think, like Brooke does. And so this girl here, Vicky, she says that she's been a cuche and she's been a little kid, 10 10 years old because her legs were more defined than most bodybuilders and it's like yeah maybe who the fuck am i to think that everyone's going to be a blob like me have a fucking 42 inch waist with a fucking 28 inch inseam not everyone's a bit like that shut up hobart just because you have a great body. Canceled.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Okay, so what do you guys think? I mean, it sucks that she even has to answer to that, but I'm glad that Dave posted it so I got to stare at a hot chick in an awesome body. I kind of love the picture, yeah. I don't think she could have put it with a better picture. Yep. Hobart, clean or dirty she juiced
Starting point is 00:20:45 no I don't think she is I just think people have such a hard time accepting that there are some people that they will never be as excellent as no matter what they do
Starting point is 00:20:55 I just think that's really hard for people but I also like Kyle Kesterbauer oh brutal Brian I'm here giving you sympathy and you know what But I also – Like Kyle Kesterbauer? Oh, brutal. Brian, I'm here giving you sympathy. And you know what? I'm going to get on your Instagram and I'm going to wreck you.
Starting point is 00:21:15 No, but I also think it's – Brian, what do you guys think though? Let's talk about the bigger subject. Do you think it's cool that – should we just stop accusing people until they're caught? Should we just stop doing that? Why even accuse anyone until they're caught? Should we just stop doing that? Why even accuse anyone until they're caught, right? Or no? Anyone?
Starting point is 00:21:33 I certainly don't do that. You don't accuse anyone. I know. No, but if some people want to do that, what am I going to do about it? I also think that— i never brought up there's the go ahead go ahead james no i just i just also think the whiners are good because it allows the vicky caruso's of the world to just be excellent and great you know it's like um if there's this huge cohort of people out there who think that anything you do is explained by you cheating or
Starting point is 00:22:01 doing something underhanded it's like good i hope those people out there. Cause that's a whole subset of people. I never have to worry about competing against me. Cause it's like, I know just by virtue of like trying harder, standing up, taking the hit, um, putting in a little bit extra,
Starting point is 00:22:14 you'll outperform them without really doing much else. Cause they're so caught up in this idea of that. You can't do anything good without receiving something from somebody else. It's just like, they're just doomed for failure in some ways. I'm like, I'm glad they're there. Cause it'll make everything easier for people who like to work hard.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Um, the call in numbers at the top. I agree. I agree Hobart, but I think, I think it'd be even fun to get some people juiced up in there, like openly juiced up and then just beat them. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Mars Logan. I can't believe you said that, Brian. Marsden, how are you? You with Heber tonight? Yeah, man. Perfect. That was a perfect imitation. How are you, brother?
Starting point is 00:23:08 How's Iowa? How's Iowa? Great. I'm just eating pancakes and, you know, talking about buttery stuff. Good. I wonder where you're at on the steroid thing. Okay. I really feel like it's just, it's a lot like, you know, if somebody's got a nice car or they're well off in life, it's daddy's money.
Starting point is 00:23:29 There's always just experiences of somebody kicking ass. Everybody's always got a reason they're not because everybody else is cheating one way or another. I think that's a perfect example. I think that is a perfect example. I think that is a perfect example. And you know what? Who cares if your parents did give you money? It's kind of like two, like who cares? Well, as long as you don't lose it.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Well, that's true. I mean, if your parents give you money and then you're well off, it's like, well, hey, at least you didn't lose it all. I mean, it'd be nice if you could turn it into like 10x or 20x. That's cool too, but. People are complaining about Hobart's audio. God damn it. I didn't even know Hobart was on because I opened up the app
Starting point is 00:24:14 and all I saw was, I saw Brian friend. I thought he was fired, but I'm very happy to see him. Hello, Brian. Hey, anytime you don't see Brian on the show, I want to make it very clear. It's Brian's fault. 100%. I burned Brian out.
Starting point is 00:24:30 And I'm about to burn Kate and James out. You watch. Fuckers can't hang. I also wanted to bring up the passing of Norm McDonald, even though it's been a while. I just don't know if you guys had any thoughts because I have... I just love Norm. Go ahead, say something. I don't really know Norm, but I know he died. You don't know Norm? No. Is he woke?
Starting point is 00:24:52 No, he's not woke. He's... Good. The opposite of woke. He's asleep. Is that what you call it? That's pretty good. Wow, we don't normally get callers who are funny. But, no, I mean, I always watch Norm's interviews. I listen to Norm's stand-up.
Starting point is 00:25:14 I'm not going to recite it. Reciting stand-up from somebody else is atrocious. But, I don't know. I thought you'd have something to say on this, being that you have some evening in the bio. I'm embarrassed to say that I was never a huge Norm Macdonald fan. I just know his work from here and there. I do note tomorrow I have Bill Dawes on the show at 7 a.m.
Starting point is 00:25:34 You do not want to miss that. He is funny as shit. You should watch his 2020 performance in Las Vegas at the Laugh Comedy Club. I will, Mars, watch Norm Macdonald tonight before I go to bed because I'm sure Bill's going to bring it up too and I don't want to be an idiot two shows in a row. So thank you for calling me out on that. What do you think about Ricky Garrard, Mars? Do you think it's all just water under the bridge? Did you watch his interview with Chase?
Starting point is 00:26:00 By the way – I didn't watch his interview with Chase because I was waiting for you to do an interview with him. You should watch it. It's really uncomfortable the first 15 or 20 minutes, and then I kind of gave my feelings about the interview. And then I circled back later on in the day, and I scrubbed forward 30 minutes and watched another 15 minutes, and Chase really did do a good job. It's not easy. I mean it's not how I would have done it, but I don't know if I'll do it as good. I'd love to have him on. He's not easy to interview,, it's not how I would have done it, but, but I don't know if I, if I'll do it as good. I'd love to have him on.
Starting point is 00:26:26 He's not easy to interview and Chase kept the ball rolling. So I, I, it's a, it's a, you should listen to it. You should listen to it. But at what point is it worth doing,
Starting point is 00:26:37 you know, some kind of performance enhancing drug so that you get the, you, you expand that foundation. And then, cause not everything goes away. I'm not saying he was taking testosterone I think it was he was taking something for his endurance
Starting point is 00:26:48 no it was something called whatever it was in the first five minutes in the show they say it and then I actually while I was listening to the show went online and looked to buy it and I put both bottles of the shit in a shopping cart and I was going to order it and then I saw to the right it said it enlarges your prostate. This is true story. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:27:10 oh shit, I'm 49. I can't fuck with my prostate. I just want to get buff. And so I just closed the window and didn't order the shit, but it's just shit you can order online. It's like, that's another thing that's pretty funny. I bet you that even though it's like this damning interview of Ricky, don't do steroids. It's bad. I bet you that, even though it's like this damning interview of Ricky, don't do steroids, it's bad. I bet you that interview probably sold fucking a thousand bottles of that shit.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Because who the fuck doesn't want to look like Ricky Garrard? I'm still waiting for the Savant testosterone bottles to come out so I can start poking myself in the butt
Starting point is 00:27:38 with Savant testosterone. I wish. Oh, Rad, Paul K said it. It's Rad 140. Get your Rad 140 now. But dude, read the side effects. It's not worth it. It's, I mean, especially someone like me who's got an amazing life. I can't shorten this fucker. Devon, are you going to do, you're not going to do TRT?
Starting point is 00:27:57 What's that? Testosterone replacement therapy when you get older. No, I'm already older. No, no. Oh, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. Rogan is so red. Doesn't it make you nervous when you watch the show a little bit like something could happen to him?
Starting point is 00:28:12 He's so red. Yeah, that guy is like straight from the pumpkin patch, man. Him and Dana White, I love both of them and I really don't want anything to happen to him, but they're so red.
Starting point is 00:28:23 And fucking same with Daniel Cormier. He's not red, but fuck, he's as big as three houses. I get worried about those guys. I mean, fucking, I can't believe COVID doesn't wipe Daniel out. Yeah. Well, I got nothing else. I just wanted to bring up Norm and I was hoping
Starting point is 00:28:37 it would trigger a Stefan Norm talk, but I might send you one of Norm's serious podcasts where he gets very philosophical. You might enjoy it. Okay. Go back to looking at pictures of Vicky Caruso. Bye, Mars.
Starting point is 00:28:53 All right. Bye-bye. Bam. Hobart. Hobart, maybe you should just turn off your video so your audio is good. I did turn off my video. Oh, shit. Okay, let's go.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Okay. Did you listen to the Ricky? Brian, did you listen to the Ricky interview? Hobart, can I ask? I'm going to push Brian on this a little bit. Will that throw you off? No, no. Hit it, man.
Starting point is 00:29:20 I like this. I like this open form. I got plenty of stuff. We can hit it, not hit it. But Brian's here, so let's take advantage of him. That's what Greg said to Kate last night. I was a little slow on the trigger. Is that his name, Greg?
Starting point is 00:29:38 Yeah, I feel like that could be confusing as well. Yeah, I just think he's a good dude. We could hit it. We could not hit it i just like this whole open forum thing whatever you want go wild go wild uh brian so uh what did you did you you didn't why wouldn't you oh nelly i kind of have to take this it's from canada they probably haven't talked to another human being in a month oh come on. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Canada. This is Peter from Canada. Hi, Peter from Canada. Can you hear me? Better than we can hear Hobart. And he's not even in jail. I could hear Hobart. When he turned his video up. I could hear him.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Okay, cool. Fuck yeah. I just wanted to, I messaged you on Instagram. I just wanted to talk. I just did my L1 on the weekend and I'm still pumped from doing it. How the hell did you do your L1 in Canada? They're doing L1s in Canada? Yeah, yeah. I was supposed to take it in Juneune but it got canceled because uh everything got shut
Starting point is 00:30:46 down but it just started back up so i was able to do it last weekend brian's about to get canceled oh shit brian just jumped off the show he's gone uh you did it in person you didn't do the online one no i did it in person i didn't want to do the online one oh good, I did it in person. I didn't want to do the online one. Oh, good on you. Good on you. Yeah. That's the way to do it. Don't do the online one. That's just,
Starting point is 00:31:09 I, I, I, I can't imagine that being any good. Maybe it is. I can't imagine. Yeah, maybe,
Starting point is 00:31:16 maybe it's good, but it was way better being in person and being with the people and just, uh, yeah, doing it all. It was awesome, man. Let's play a game with Kate and James.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Let's see how smart they are because there's only like 170 of these L1 trainers in the world. And so they should be able to tell you who your trainers were. It's okay if they get something. We'll give them between the two of them. They can get three wrong. They can get three wrong. How many trainers were there? There was four people. Okay. We'll give them four wrong. They can get three wrong. How many trainers were there? There was four people.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Okay, we'll give them four wrong. So they get two guesses basically for each one. Because it's a narrow crew in Canada. Okay, go ahead, Kate. You go first. No, Hobart will have a way better chance than me. You guys got to take turns. Go first, Kate.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Who did he have if he was in Canada? I can't think of who I know is in Canada. It's confusing. Americans and Canadians sound the same. It's hard. Racist. Racist. Hobart, help a girl out.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Jason McDonald. It wasn't Jason. One wrong. He was from Montreal, if that helps uh matt dubrec yeah that's right and and the other three were all canadians did you like americans can't go to your country right americans can come here but we're not allowed to cross the border into america we can't drive across we fly across. So you can ship your car to Buffalo and then pick it up if you
Starting point is 00:32:47 fly across. But we can't drive across. And who's... Okay, just tell us. This game's stupid. Tell us who your trainers were. Val Boulier. I know Val. Okay. Hello. Bad.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Okay. Hello. Hello. Sorry. Rez, he owns the CrossFit NCR in Ottawa with Paul Tremblay. And Jocelyn, she's from Toronto. How come I don't recognize any of those names? Do I know any of those people, Hobart?
Starting point is 00:33:23 How about Val? That sounds familiar. She's near. Yeah, I don't know if of those names? Do I know any of those people, Hobart? How about Val? That sounds familiar. She's near. Yeah, I don't know if you know any of these people. She's nude. Why was she nude? New. She was new.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Oh, oh. All right. Well, I'm glad you liked it. So you don't have any complaints. You're stoked. Yeah, I know. I'm stoked. This is part of a bigger plan for me.
Starting point is 00:33:47 I quit my job back in February. And I've gone back to university for addiction counseling. And I want to do CrossFit and addiction, try and work with people who are alcoholics and addicts and try and bring CrossFit to them. You should do sugar addicts since those fuckers are bringing down the entire planet.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Say that in all honesty. Yeah, I know. For me, CrossFit saved my life. I was an alcoholic and I started to do CrossFit and then I realized doing CrossFit that I was an alcoholic and I had to clean my life
Starting point is 00:34:24 up. That's so awesome. If I hadn't found CrossFit, I don't think I'd be alive today. So I want to try and give something back, right? Yeah, give me some details on that. What do you mean you didn't realize you were an alcoholic until you started doing CrossFit? Well, I knew I was a heavy drinker, but then once I started doing CrossFit and trying to keep up with it and just having to look at my life and my lifestyle, and then I tried to quit drinking and I couldn't. And it was like, okay, so it sent me on a different journey than I probably would if I hadn't found CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:34:57 What kind of drunk were you? Were you violent, funny, loving? Pass out? No, I was just constantly drinking. How many drinks would you have in a week? Like I might... In a week? In a day.
Starting point is 00:35:15 In a day. In a day. It was all very civilized. I would have some beers with dinner and then a bottle of wine afterwards. And then like scotch or vodka after, while I was reading, it all seemed like very, but when I finally got into recovery and started like actually realizing how
Starting point is 00:35:38 much I drank, it was probably like on a Monday night, probably like 20 drinks. Fuck. So 20 times seven is 140. I'm just giving Kate the information she wants. She thinks in weeks and fortnights. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:52 I was spending about $2,000 a month on alcohol. Yeah. How much have you heard about the Phoenix program that started program um that started in colorado but now his location yeah i just i i had seen that during i think it was they were talking about it during the games so i saw about that and then i was talking to res on the weekend and so i'm going to try and get in contact with them down there like i'm in the beginning of my journey now. Like I'd, I'd hope to be, I had my L one done earlier, but with COVID and all that. Yeah. Hey man, send me, send me a DM. My Instagram is just at James Hobart. Um,
Starting point is 00:36:33 I know a handful of people there in Boston who work at the Phoenix location there. So, um, I'll, I'll try and make a connection to you. So shoot me, shoot me a note. Don't you want to know if he got sober first? Are you sober yet? Yeah. Seven years sober. Oh, hell yeah. Don't be making the connection with anyone who's going to infiltrate them and be wasted. Wow, that's incredible.
Starting point is 00:36:51 I don't think he'd be on here admitting that unless he was going through that process of sobriety. Where's the Phoenix program now, James? Were you alluding to the fact that it moved? No, they have locations all over the U.S. now. But they have a all over the u.s now um but they have a they have a location um in boston we're actually working a level one there um at the end of october um greg got some like lifetime achievement award from them and i went to the dinner i think i was pretty fucked up at the dinner. I think I got drunk before.
Starting point is 00:37:28 But they're good people. They're awesome people, and their gym's awesome. Their gym's awesome. Hey, that's great. That's great. So CrossFit not only saved your life, now you've taken the L1, and you want to save other people's lives. You could have done it without the L1, but now that you've done the L1, you're super charged.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Yeah, I mean, I mean i just like i don't know how to explain it but it's like when you're laying on your back after doing a friend or something like that like you can't be thinking about your problems and about and a lot of people who they get into recovery don't have a life they just stop drinking uh crefis and the community gave me a life too right so i So I kind of want to help. I want to kind of bring that to people as well. I never thought about that before. What do you mean stop drinking and don't have a life?
Starting point is 00:38:12 You mean like they just stop drinking and then just start going to bed early? Yeah, and just like if they belong to a 12-step program, they just go to meetings all the time and basically hanging on by, you know, just not drinking. And it's really hard to be in this world and not be around alcohol, right? Yeah. So it's kind of hard not to... I mean, people just have trouble building a life where it doesn't involve alcohol anymore.
Starting point is 00:38:43 How old are you? How old are you? How old are you? 55. So I just put a post up on Instagram this morning and it was like, um, alcohol is the only drug that you have to justify not taking. And the comments have blown up. Like everybody is responding, just being like, it's so hard to not drink. And then other people being like, man, I'm so glad that I don't drink anymore. It's like the response has been so interesting to read, but yeah, alcohol's scary. Hey Matt, can you put that post up? That's an incredible post. Is that your insight? That's awesome, Kate. So I've been listening to, there's a guy called Dr. Saul Newman in Australia who
Starting point is 00:39:21 has basically become like this whistleblower for the alcohol industry and the government. And he basically said like government money is going into supporting, um, the alcohol industry in Australia, which surprise, surprise. Right. But, um, he was on a interview with a couple of Aussie girls and it was just like, so great. So, so great. And, um, I remember, I remember actually listening to that podcast and being at a level one. So the level ones, we have a social on the Saturday night and we give out beer. And we were at a level one that was hosted by an affiliate and the owner was a cop. And he refused to deliver beer to the affiliates or to the level one because he's like, we don't have alcohol in this gym. And it was kind of awesome. I just thought it was such a cool move.
Starting point is 00:40:03 He's like, the shit that I've seen because of alcohol like we we don't provide alcohol in this in this facility uh yep i i agree hey that's that the list look look at that what you wrote there too alcohol is the only drug you have to justify not taking that's because and i think uh peter is that your name peter yeah i think that's's kind of what you're alluding to. Drinking is so contagious. All our behaviors are so contagious. You can't just say no, thank you. You have to put up a shield of words.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Oh, I have a test tomorrow and I'm trying to lose weight. I'm doing this 30-30 program where I don't drink for 30 days. I mean it's just – yeah, you got to have some sort of excuse as opposed to just like, hey, I don't drink. Yeah. There's like this. It's like a stigma around not drinking. Like it's extreme if you don't drink.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Yeah. Yeah. It's like you're being way too healthy or a weight. Yeah. It's insane. What is wrong with you? Yeah. It's just, that's an awesome post.
Starting point is 00:41:02 I actually, I hadn't seen that. I haven't been on an Instagram all day, but that's really good. So there's this really cool thing. So I'd be interested to know, Sivan, this is for you. They,
Starting point is 00:41:14 what they've got is they've got this way to convert the risk of death due to alcohol to what the like similar equivalent would be without with cigarettes. So it's like, they say one bottle of wine is 10 cigarettes for women or one bottle of wine is five cigarettes for men. And that helps you get across the idea of like, you know, everybody knows cigarettes will cause fucking like lung cancer or death or
Starting point is 00:41:34 whatever. But I would, I'd be super interested to know if they could convert that risk into sugar. Like, okay, how many cans of Coke would a bottle of wine be? Or in terms of like the risk of death or the risk of chronic disease? Because I'm sure that there would be some kind of correlate or some way to like, you know, have a comparison, I guess, between the three.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Oh, Corey, no wonder you're on my jock so hard. You've been sober for six months after you started listening to the Seven Matt and Josh podcast. Yeah, you're fucking addicted. You're like someone who did ecstasy at the grateful dead now you think the grateful dead's a good band because you were fucking high on molly there you fucking had your life turned around listening to our show and you think we're cool you got fucked uh but congratulations anyway cory the the conflation there too of people being addicted to alcohol and being addicted to sugar is fascinating because i thought i was addicted to alcohol but i was
Starting point is 00:42:23 addicted to sugar and that's a one that people really like. All I have to do if I want to drink alcohol is just eat a little piece of fruit and it goes away. And that's a really, really powerful tool to have, by the way, for people who you don't want to drink. Go have a piece of fruit, frozen berries with heavy cream on it. It'll freeze on the top like a magic shell, and you're good to go. I do think that if you smoked – I think that alcohol, as long as you have the rest of your life in check, you can turn around pretty easily. I don't think it's like that for sugar addicts and cigarette smokers. By that, I mean I suspect there are people who get so so obese so quickly and there are so many of them now that what they do is they bend the frame of their car.
Starting point is 00:43:12 They total their rig. They total their rig. Do you know what I mean by that? That means you bent the frame of your car and it can't – a pound? John just donated a pound to the show thank you um that means that you damage your car so bad that you can't probably resell it and that's what's fucking scary about the lie that's going on there's people around this that it doesn't matter if they start up crossfit tomorrow they've done permanent damage to their
Starting point is 00:43:39 fucking bodies it's fucking scary you see it every see, I used to never see people who did permanent damage to their bodies. Now I can't, I can't leave the house without seeing someone who did permanent damage to their body. What's that mean? That means no matter how fit or in shape they get, they're always going to have like stretch marks and like tons of skin hanging off them. And like they fuck their body up and you can only imagine what it looks like on the inside, the organs and shit. Now, does that mean you shouldn't try? No, you should fucking try. what it looks like on the inside the organs and shit now does that mean you shouldn't try no you should fucking try but i but you i think as long as you quit drinking alcohol you know but cigarette smoke i smoked for 10 years i think i think i fucked myself
Starting point is 00:44:16 but i'm armenian in short so like i'm kind of like a weed what does that even mean you know what that means don't hate just because I'm genetic I'm genetically inferior which makes me genetically superior there's perfect balance in the universe
Starting point is 00:44:36 I'm ugly and weak but I live a long time I like one of those vines that just like you just keep pulling it out of your yard and just keep shooting up somewhere. Peter, is there anything you'd else like to say? Congratulations. You've now owned the you've taken the course, the greatest two-day
Starting point is 00:44:55 course that I've ever heard of in the history of mankind that lets people know how to run the human body. Congratulations, and I hope you spread it. I'm really happy for you. I mean, I'm happy for everyone who's taken the course. Thank you very much. And yeah, James, I'll shoot you a DM.
Starting point is 00:45:12 That would be great. I could get any information from you. Yeah, please do. And I will. And congratulations, man, on your seven years. Hobart's the kind of guy that goes out with a girl and five dates in and he hasn't kissed her.
Starting point is 00:45:27 He starts like, he's in his mind, he's like, this is never going to work out and he breaks out with her even though she's hot as shit and nice and perfect but he doesn't.
Starting point is 00:45:37 That was so random. I know. But he's asking this guy to DM him and James isn't going to respond. He doesn't, he's not going to respond to his DM.
Starting point is 00:45:45 Good night, Peter. I will kiss him in his first five dates. All right. Good luck. Make the first move. Am I right, Hobart, before you got married? No. My wife actually proposed to me.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Yeah, that's what I mean. No, she didn't. No, she didn't. She didn't no she she didn't but damn it i was so excited and she keeps his balls in a jar in the kitchen now she carries them in her pocket man all right we're ready to do some just getting you here we go call your wife from 3 000 miles away honey did you leave your purse in the sun again? I'm getting really hot. She's like, oh, sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 00:46:29 I'm at the beach. I shouldn't have brought your balls with me to the beach. Sorry, James. Okay, go on. Maybe he's into it, Siobhan. Maybe he's into it. Yeah. Kate, Matt told me that I'm supposed to, um, like engage you and James
Starting point is 00:46:45 more. I'm not going to engage James more, but I think that's basically what he's saying is you should interrupt and talk more. And he was going to put it on me, but I'll never be able to do that. So you should interrupt and talk more. Okay. I'll just interrupt. That's cool. I'm going to take that and run with it. Bam. Weren't you going to do like a, what, what grinds my gears segment today? Well, funnily enough, it was actually alcohol that grinds my gears. And so that was what prompted the post. And that's been like the thing that was kind of handy from a friend who just called in because I was like, the alcohol thing pisses me off. And so the whole thing with Australia being in lockdown or at least Melbourne, like we've been in lockdown 248 days or something today.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Not counting. It's like ridiculous. i actually have a new story on that hey that's an amazing post you made it's a fucking public service okay so i actually have a question for you i have a i have a thing something to put to you guys so the post mentioned that i'm like pissed off about the alcohol and bottle O's, which is what they call them in Australia, remaining open during our lockdown. So everything is shut except for supermarkets like pharmacies, um, and gas stations and bottle O's pretty much are the stores that you can access. So I'm like, well, this is kind of fucked. Like show me the science that says that bottle O's should stay open and gyms and churches should be closed, right?
Starting point is 00:48:06 And so the pushback that I've had is people saying, well, if people that are alcoholics go cold turkey and can't drink, that would risk their death. So what's interesting about that is, one, you would still have access to alcohol even if bottleroads were shut because you could still have click-and-click services. You would still be able to get alcohol delivered to your door. It's not that alcohol disappears off the planet or out of Australia.
Starting point is 00:48:33 It's still fucking there. And then the other thing that I wonder about is what number of people are alcoholics to the degree that they would suffer death from the withdrawal symptoms? Hey, that's idiots. That's like people talking about food droughts as being the problem in the United States. They're fucking idiots. They're victim mindset and they want to argue people's limitations. That's fucking idiocy.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Why not just limit the amount of alcohol? Yeah, right? Like there should be – I just feel like there's some kind of argument that has come out of somewhere, and I don't fucking know where, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's not come from the alcohol industry with lobbyists saying like, look, you can't just stop drinking. You just can't do that because of the risk of death, because you're going to have these withdrawal symptoms. And I'm like, well, I went and tried to Google it. I was like, who's fucking died from withdrawal symptoms. And I I'm not saying that it doesn't happen. And I'm not an expert at all. I'm not claiming to like know all the fucking
Starting point is 00:49:21 details of death from withdrawal or addiction or all those things but like i would just be curious to know like how many people are actually going to die what what number of that is that and what's the percentage because i feel like this is the story of this narrative that's been kind of given to us i want to see i wouldn't be surprised if it has listen you may have heard that quitting drinking abruptly is potentially deadly. Although death from alcohol withdrawal is uncommon. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Dude, it's got to be so low. I mean, they just have to say that. That's fucking horseshit. I have a family friend and the mom claims that she she feeds her kids sugar daily like oreos and shit because she told me she doesn't want them to have an adverse reaction if they get it outside somewhere outside of the house she wants to like normalize it for them i'm like what the fuck kind of thing is this yeah people like people argue for it right they'll find ways to like be like no no no i have to do this it's science i'm gonna leave my kids with uncle buck for an hour so when they go out in the real world they
Starting point is 00:50:29 can know what pieces of shit men really are i know i'll try i'm gonna try to protect them from that shit as long as i can't like what the fuck hey i want to see it i want someone someone i want to see someone die from going through alcohol withdrawal i want to i want to see someone die from going through alcohol withdrawal. I want to see how fucked up they are already. I mean they claim that that's how the Amy Winehouse's family say that that's how she died. So I think it apparently does happen. She was on a lot of other fucking drugs as well. So I mean maybe there are some problems but I'm sure it does happen. I just don't know if that's an argument for being like, oh, you can't shut down bottle shops because it's not there. It's not the small percentage of people that are going
Starting point is 00:51:06 to die from withdrawal symptoms. It's the rest of the population that are fucking drinking alcohol, sitting at home being sedentary because we've been locked down for almost a fucking year, not being able to go to gyms, eating and like ordering takeouts. Cause you can't fucking do anything else with your time. Like even I have felt the effects of being at home more often and not training as often because the gyms are closed and it's like, I'm already fit. And thank God I am because it's given me this buffer against going backwards, right? Going to the hedge, which is exactly what we talk about in the level one. It's the hedge.
Starting point is 00:51:34 It's the buffer against sickness. And thank God I have it because everyone else who is just average, like everyone else who's sitting at wellness is really quickly moving towards sickness right now. And it's like, it's fucked. We've created that problem. I watched this fucking thing. I want quickly moving towards sickness right now. And it's like, it's fucked. We've, we've created that problem. I watched this fucking thing. I want to stop watching it right away. It's like,
Starting point is 00:51:49 it's one of those John Stewart, Colbert, fucking idiot sideshow or, or what's, what's the black guy's name who took over for John Stewart, Trevor, Trevor Noah. I think it was like some show,
Starting point is 00:52:03 some piece, some, that guy's such a fucking idiot that guy is a fucking moron he's a talk he's toxic to society all he does is fucking make fun of people who have really really strong points but he basically has this guy go and do like reporting for him and he shows up to this rally and it's parents who are against masking their kids and he's basically making fun of them the whole time and he basically says it's parents who are against masking their kids. And he's basically making fun of them the whole time. And he basically says it's incredible that these parents are against masks when kids are dying at four times the rate now of COVID than they were a year ago. Now, it's so four times the rate. It's now four kids. And you forgot to mention that kids, according to the New York Times, have doubled the instances of diabetes in kids in the last year,
Starting point is 00:52:53 which guess what that means, guys? That means it's four times. And of course four times as many are dying. But not, the masks aren't going to protect them. It's the fucking, it's the protocol to stop this thing that's killing them. Because they're fucking trapped inside. We have more obese kids than ever. 40% of America has gained more than 30 pounds during this.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Think about that. You don't recover from that, by the way. That was what I was kind of saying before. Like smoking, drinking, eating too much sugar. recover from that by the way that was what i was kind of saying before like smoking drinking um eating too much sugar the real problem is is once you start really putting on weight like you start doing permanent damage to your rig okay sorry i agree it's it's devastating kate it's devastating and and who cares if you're so far fucking gone like there's seven billion people on the planet if if if if 100 000 of them die from alcohol withdrawal, sorry.
Starting point is 00:53:47 My kid has to go out and play. Sorry. Yeah, it's interesting. I think – and even like the argument of like, hey, if they've shut the bottle loads, the visits to the ED. ED, erectile dysfunction? So emergency department. ER. What you guys – I think it's ER.
Starting point is 00:54:04 What you guys call – yeah, so ED, emergency department, ER, what you guys call. Yeah. So ED emergency department. So people are saying, um, Hey, yeah, the visits would increase and that would potentially use up beds that we need for people that have got COVID. Um, but unfortunately that the number of ED or ER visits due to alcohol and alcohol abuse is, Oh, they're all the frequent flyers in the United States.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Our ERs are filled with those guys at nighttime filled. Yeah. So it's like, I don't know if people are aware of the number of visits to, and like even the cost of on us, the taxpayers and like, and you know, the people that are actually fucking helping these poor sick people that are drinking too much alcohol. It's like, I don't know if removing the alcohol is going to potentially increase it. At least not ultimately. It would hopefully be a net drop of visits to the ED because there's already so many alcohol-caused visits to the ED.
Starting point is 00:54:59 If you're willing to quarantine someone like – I don't know. It was just an argument that I was like – If you're willing to quarantine someone like – if you're willing to quarantine anyone in the CrossFit community, then I'm saying that you should also be able to quarantine anyone who's on the exact opposite end of the spectrum. Oh, sorry. This is the third time you've been in the hospital this week for drinking. We're going to quarantine you for a year with no drinking because you're harming actually society. I mean there has to become – I don't even want to go down that route. Never mind. Sorry. I don't even want to go down that route. It kind of lowers me to their level.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Like I don't want to quarantine anyone. I don't want to quarantine anyone. Hobart. Well, I had this story about – So you can get your story across without someone complaining about your audio no well we've had some really nice conversations and my first story was this really goofy story and i think i'm just gonna skip it and we're gonna go to the australia tourists there's australian tourists well i well there's not going to be until 2022.
Starting point is 00:56:06 From what I understand. They just announced that they're going to have international flights out of Australia again, apparently. But it seems foreign tourists won't be welcome back to Australia until at least next year. The country will instead prioritize the return of skilled migrants and students after that time hits. A benchmark of full vaccination of 80% of the population age 16 and older. Travel restrictions in Australia have led to the lowest level of immigration since World War II. have led to the lowest level of immigration since World War II. And just for note, the Australian Tourism Export Council,
Starting point is 00:56:52 which represents a sector that made $45 billion Australian dollars, $33 billion a year from international tourists before the pandemic, wants international visitors to return by March. I heard half of Australia is just wide open. I heard there's two Australias. I heard there's one that's crazy locked down and there's one that's never been more open. Is that true? So Melbourne and Sydney,
Starting point is 00:57:15 which is Victoria and New South Wales, were pretty locked down. I think even Canberra is pretty locked down. Do you have a Perth? What's going on in Perth? Yeah, Perth. So Perth is on the state that you're in what's going on in south africa yeah perth so perth is perth is so perth is open so if you're in wa which is western australia they're open but you cannot fucking get into perth they won't let anyone in they like shut off their board and they were like fuck everyone on the east coast so um like it basically is treated like a
Starting point is 00:57:40 different country so yeah they're they're open they're living like living can you fly in and out of perth from like the u.s uh no no so did you just listen to the article i read but there were i know but i know but this is foreign tourists won't be welcome back to australia okay jesus you blackout hey hobart what percent there are there are protests in the u.s there are protests in the u.s about opening up australia i don't know if you guys saw videos of that it was like a video from new york like people protesting that australia was closed i don't know if there are australians or not but there's been protests in the uk as well like the australians that are stuck overseas being like well this is fucked My passport can get me everywhere except for fucking this hospital. Watching what's happening in Canada, California
Starting point is 00:58:26 and Australia is a little bit terrifying. Those three places, some of the shit that's being said in these places is fucking nuts. From our leaders, it's so bizarre. I can't even believe this is real life.
Starting point is 00:58:43 They're proposing that you can't fly domestically in the united states without being getting um drugs injected into you yeah and new zealand just came out saying that every uh every person flying and every member of staff has to be vaccinated but um virgin australia just came out saying that their staff will be but they're not going to require the people flying on the plane to, which is the, which is the Australian airline where they give you ice cream when you fly
Starting point is 00:59:10 across the country. Is that quant, quanta? Probably. Yeah. They give you free ice cream. Savan is, you fly across as well.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Tim tamp. Fuck. Yeah. I would give, I would hand mine to Hobart. Hey, if you, people want to see some crazy shit, if you want to stay on top of what's going on here, make sure you follow what's going on in Japan and Israel. If you really want to know some of the crazy shit, follow what's going on in Japan and Israel. There's tremendous insights coming out of there.
Starting point is 00:59:41 The studies coming out of Israel are fucking – I don't know how anyone gets the injection if you're watching what's going on in Israel. It is – I think even Singapore is quite interesting to watch as well at the moment. They're kind of similar. Yeah. And they're – oh, this is from Beaverton, Oregon. God, this is another scary place. Probably fucking Nike headquarters calling me
Starting point is 01:00:06 what did they say they said something hung up we have to get somebody to start screening calls man we're getting on someone to say something i want someone to call and be like god i'd like to bend james hobart over and stick it in his... Okay, give it another try. Say, is this a crank call? Go ahead. What's up, Tavon? Hey, what's up, man?
Starting point is 01:00:31 Hey. Are you calling... Is this the CEO of Nike? This is not the CEO of Nike, sadly, no. Oh. Although it is right down the street from me. I can see it from my window. You live in a town that's called Beaverton.
Starting point is 01:00:46 That would never get old for me. Beaverton is what the locals call it. It's just Beaverton. It should be where God's born. That should have been home of Jesus, Beaverton. They mentioned Tim Tams earlier. I worked in the coffee industry for a long time. Something we would do is a Tim Tam slam.
Starting point is 01:01:08 So you know about this, Katie? The Tim Tam slam is very popular in San Francisco on Polk Street also. Go on. You bite the opposite corners like this is a rectangular cookie. And it's like chocolate-covered wafer. You bite the opposite corners off of it, and then you use it like a straw. You use the wafer part like a straw, and the chocolate kind of holds the pressure. And you can suck the coffee up into the Tim Tam, and then you quickly throw it down.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Sugary, crazy, deliciousness is my youth. I miss it, but at the my youth. I miss it. But at the same time, I don't. Good stuff. It's like sugar and sugar and sugar. What do you do in Beaverton? What do I do?
Starting point is 01:01:59 I own a tree service company. I'm actually, I'm not, I follow CrossFit. I'm a fan of CrossFit, but I'm actually, I'm not, I follow CrossFit. I'm a fan of CrossFit, but I'm actually more of a ultra runner, trail runner guy. So I live right up in Forest Park. Do you ever show up and they're like, hey, will you cut that tree down? And you're like, it hurts your heart.
Starting point is 01:02:17 You're like, oh, fuck. I'm going to go to hell for cutting this one down. Yeah. Yeah. So the way this works works my brother's actually the one who cuts them down i'm the one who does all the estimates so i'm the one who goes and actually decides if we're going to do it or not or how much it's going to cost so yeah sometimes i'm like you don't want to cut this down you want to trim it oh you do say that yeah oh you're a
Starting point is 01:02:41 good dude but but the thing trees grow out of spaces, and that's the thing. Like, a wild forest is for crazy big trees. Neighborhood is not. And Oregon's full of neighborhoods full of just the craziest, biggest trees, like trees that take up people's whole front yard, like the trunk's crazy. Dude, you want a good example of crazy government bureaucracy? It's tree-cutting permits. So Hillsborough, which is right next to
Starting point is 01:03:05 beaverson they have zero permits and therefore they have very few trees very few tree problems you get into lake oxuigo which is probably 20 minutes away they have them like it's one of the most heavily permitted tree areas in the united states you have to like, it's like $5,000 to cut down a tree. Oh, God, God damn. And there's trees everywhere. So, and everybody, and they're falling through people's houses. We had some crazy storms last year. They're falling through people's houses. It's nuts.
Starting point is 01:03:37 You know what's crazy too is it's not, you can trust the people. People don't want to cut down every single fucking tree. You can trust the people. You really can't trust the people. You really can't trust the people. Yeah, I feel like some places there's mediums. Those are the extremes. I feel like there's some places that have some good kind of in-between where it's like, hey, don't cut everything down all the time. Let's keep some trees around.
Starting point is 01:04:01 Let's be reasonable. I'm kind of a moderate. Let's keep some trees around. Let's be reasonable. I'm kind of a moderate. Do you have people call up and they're like, hey, I need you to cut down my neighbor's tree. I need you to cut down my tree across the road so that my view is better. Like, I feel like there'd be like a little black market for like cutting trees down to be like, I want to improve my view.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Fucking cut that shit down over the road. About 20 weeks. Like in Australia? Wow. Yeah. Okay. Because in Australia, there's like houses that are over the road about like in australia wow yeah okay because in australia there's like houses that are across the road from the beach like literally down the down the road from me and there's all these trees and bush that are like over that kind of like covering the view and i'm like man if they just cut that one tree down that view would be amazing and then like a few weeks later the tree's like dying and you're like man has that tree been poisoned or something yeah it's in front of all the really rich houses too i've never heard of sneak attack poisoning
Starting point is 01:04:49 before but dude that's hey if anybody listening that's that's the way to do it i heard you can bore out a hole in a tree get a big drill bit and then just pour in just like some sort of like weed killer and it'll just fucking smoke a tree there you do trees are actually surprisingly easy to kill um it's kind of hurting my feelings dude some tree companies they'll actually like you you call them to trim your tree keep it alive keep it healthy and they'll wear spikes up it intentionally knowing that it'll cause the tree to be more unhealthy so they've got to come back and either remove it or trim it again yeah it yeah and that that's sad yep it happens corruption everywhere hey kate um james uh paul in the comments said ultra running oof like when you guys hear that this guy from beaverton's an ultra runner do you just think
Starting point is 01:05:43 mental illness no i think it's cool you don't think like he used to do meth and now he has to run 100 miles a day to fucking so he doesn't go back to it well he might but i think oh ultra run is like the ultimate meditators right like they can just fucking do stuff for a really long time i i'd say that i i'd say that you know like because a lot of my friends are ultra runners too like it's my social time like we get out we go i mean it's a really low heart rate you're going real easy it's warm-up speed you know for for frost bitters it's like an hour-long warm-up but you're talking the whole time and you're running through the forest like it's it's great that's all right i'll give you a pass. That's pretty great.
Starting point is 01:06:25 But racing is a different thing. There's a lot of, but, so I called in because, we've talked a little bit in your DM. My question that I wanted to throw to the L1 staff, because I've mentioned this to you before, was the whole definition of broad time and modal domain. My frustration, because as an ultra runner and modal domain, my frustration, because as an ultra runner and a fan of CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:06:52 like I'd love to see these guys tackle a trail 50K or like something that's actually in my, like from my point of view and from my experiences, actually long. I feel like they tap. I feel like whenever we hear about a CrossFitter trying the 100 mile or they tap, like at 50 or 70 miles. I think Greg allmanson tried 100 miles a couple times i feel like he tapped i feel like brian mckenzie who was even touting himself as an ultra like the long distance guy i feel like he tapped a bunch of times i want to say that recently i think i
Starting point is 01:07:18 read a story where kelly starrett tapped i mean fuck dude can you imagine you know what kelly starrett looks like can you imagine him running 100 miles? Yeah, dude. You can't, like, I... I mean, don't get me wrong. He looks fit as shit, but 100 miles is, like, straight. Like, I give Kelly, he needs, like, two or three days to do it. And me riding a bike next to him, like, giving him water and shit.
Starting point is 01:07:39 My first one took me 30 hours. Dude, I can't stand for 30 hours. It was a vision quest. I highly recommend it for your mind. If you can do 100 miles after that, any hard day you're having, you're just like, this is nothing compared to what I've done before. If nothing else, it's good for your mind. Hey, do you have any injuries from that that are, that have never gone away? Like any permanent injuries?
Starting point is 01:08:10 I'm actually injured right now. So yeah, I've got, so I've got an irregular bone structure in my right hip and it made me too. Mine's mine's right in between. I have an irregular bone structure. It's right in between my left hip and my right hip. No, he doesn't. He doesn't have that. I hear you. Mine's a little different setup than that.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Stick out of your belly button? It's a little bit off and it messes with my sciatic nerve. This is serious, Hobart. Wait wait you're not peter anymore this is beaverton he's serious be cool he's injured sean and beaverton yes yeah my siri just turned on why is that i want to i want to go back to what you mentioned about broad time and modal domains oh good i have i have something to say okay so I think sometimes what happens is when we talk about CrossFitters versus specialists, what sometimes gets picked up on is that we don't think that what specialists are doing is fucking phenomenal. So it's like ultra runners or your power lifter
Starting point is 01:09:19 or your whatever the sport is. I think sometimes you can get the, maybe get the message that it's like, well, CrossFit is a better than everyone, but we only say CrossFitters are fitter based on our definition of fitness. But that's not to say that someone who's doing ultra running or someone who's back squatting, like, you know, thousands of pounds is not a phenomenal athlete. It's just that according to our definition, if we were to test that ultra runner with a back squat, the CrossFit is going to beat them at that, right? Like that's just the argument. So based on kind of more objective data, it's like, if you look at our definition, the CrossFitter is just going to be the person that is the most well-rounded. Not to say that the person that
Starting point is 01:09:58 can go out and run for 30 hours is not putting out a fucking epic effort. I'm like, hats off to you. I'd like to say one more thing about that though. Just real quick. Not only is it CrossFit's definition, I can't say our like she can because it's not our anymore. But fitness, I want to read something to you. It's the first real definition. So the definition of fitness when you Google it is the state or condition of being fit suitably or appropriateness.
Starting point is 01:10:30 The second definition is good health, especially good physical conditioning resulting from exercise and proper nutrition. The third is the extent to which an organism is able to produce offspring in a particular environment. Now, these aren't real – It's like fitness is being fit. It fuck this is just idiocy these are all the people on the planet um who these this is this is a definition for sleeping people these are this is a definition for people who are trapped in their head like if you don't say once if you don't look up a word every single day you are asleep if you don't ask once – if you don't look up a word every single day, you are asleep. If you don't ask someone you're talking to at least once every day, what does that mean?
Starting point is 01:11:09 You should be asking that about any word that you have to go in your head and try to understand. Like if someone uses the word God to you and you give a fuck about anything, you would ask them, can you define that please? And fitness is another one. Come on. Yeah. Oh, I thought you were going to interrupt me and say something brilliant like Kate does. I was giving you the modern amen.
Starting point is 01:11:31 Oh, yeah, yeah. He's your hype beast right now. I was hyping you. Do you ever watch Japanese people talk in shows? They're being interviewed. The whole time someone else, if I was talking the whole time, Kate and James the whole time would be going, oh oh oh oh yeah and like they do these things like
Starting point is 01:11:49 every time and not but they make these little sounds and i'm just thinking myself i filmed an arm wrestling tournament in japan once and i remember it was a fucking nightmare to do the edits and make the edit smooth because there was always someone fucking up the audio by going oh oh oh and i was thinking oh my god the poor by going, oh, oh, oh. And I was thinking, oh, my God, the poor editors in Japan. How do they deal with that? They must have a plug-in for their Adobe Premiere that just cuts it. It says remove Japanese. Oh, oh.
Starting point is 01:12:16 But it's polite. It's like a polite thing they do. They're listening. You know what I mean? You have to stay engaged. Oh, oh. Yeah. Anyway, okay.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Sorry. That was tangent. Well, thank you very much yeah thanks for giving kate something to talk about yeah for sure yeah i appreciate that wrap up to say that uh yeah as i know my days in in ultra running are limited and it shouldn't be done for forever and as i get out of that i plan on pulling a the hinge off and moving into crossfit and working on my fitness but but also couldn't you like couldn't you like scale back you're running couldn't you go and run like 10 miles a week instead of running like fucking 80 you know
Starting point is 01:12:57 that's like i don't think it's like i don't think it's either 100 milers or only crossfit you know oh but hobart i think that's where the mental illness comes in. Tell me if I'm right, Beaverton. It's like I used to do these workouts where I would ride the assault bike for 10 calories and 10 push-ups and 10 pull-ups, right? And then one day all of a sudden I'm like, today I'm going to take my shirt off. I'm going to ride 20 calories on the assault bike. And then I can't go back to 10 because if i do i'm a pussy so do you feel like if you run 10 miles you're like oh god is that really a workout yeah yeah there is that the mental illness is definitely a part of it but
Starting point is 01:13:37 i you know that's part of like dude that's how kate feels if she only has three boyfriends. If she drops below three, she's like, oh, three. I know I got to go, but here's a couple other things that I'd love to hear you guys talk about. Because I'm doing Sober October. Maybe talk about Sober October. Say, Vaughn, I want your T-shirt size so I can send you a Hayworth Free Service T-shirt. Large, and I'll wear the shit out of that. Large. Small, extra small. Large. I got shoulders. large and I'll wear the shit out of that large, small,
Starting point is 01:14:05 extra small, large. Um, I got shoulders. I got really, I got broader shoulders and Hobart. I bet. Um,
Starting point is 01:14:12 open relationship, love on the spectrum. The, the show that's actually an Aussie show about, uh, autistic people. Yeah. People keep telling me to see that my wife and I have been loving it.
Starting point is 01:14:24 So good. And then, the world is going to end when the mandates actually go through and all of our police and health care workers are all fired. Talk about that stuff. All right. I'm out. Peace. Are you guys hearing all the predictions that are coming in now because of all the boats circling off the coast of the United States? They say that they're basically going to smash the supply chain and cause real chaos and
Starting point is 01:14:48 I don't know who they are but there's like there's like running out of gas in the UK running out of natural gas or carbonation or whatever soda in the UK running out of toilet paper in the United States Costco's putting them in a toilet paper supposedly there's gonna be a huge supply chain issue very soon and we're gonna have six months of just chaos so that the authoritarian regime can push us even further into being scared and supplying new laws. I don't know. It's not going to happen. The chat are saying. Good. Thank you. Thank you, Homer. As many as a half million shipping containers could be waiting off ports
Starting point is 01:15:27 of la or long beach what's this mean could be it means it's possible what the fuck kind of news article is that hey we don't we're not sure if you should be scared or not is that one of your your articles, James? No, that is not. Okay. I do have an article about oil prices that are going to go up. Oh, because my gas is already $5.05 a gallon. Well, yeah, and there was another major oil spill, as you probably know, off the Huntington Beach coast recently. Good times.
Starting point is 01:16:06 Yeah. That's my next article. Let's do it. The last major spill off Huntington Beach was nearly 32 years ago in almost the same spot. California has 23 offshore oil platforms in federal waters and 19 leases in state waters. Constructed in 1980, the rig is nine miles offshore
Starting point is 01:16:24 in waters that are 265 feet deep. It processes crude oil collected from two other nearby platforms in what they call the beta field. Yep. These two platforms produce up to 8,000 barrels of crude, which is 300. I don't know why they put this in here because no one knows. 336,000 gallons per day. As much as 3,000 barrels of oil, roughly 130,000 gallons may have spilled from the pipeline, according to Martin Wilshire, president and CEO of Amplify Energy Corp.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Wait, how many gallons a day does it produce, did you say? 336,000. And that's gallons of crude oil what do we know what that turns into in terms of gasoline for cars i don't know what that turns into for gas for cars okay sorry go on on sunday an estimated 13 square miles of ocean surface were slicked with oil and the oil is still moving south with currents reaching as far south as dana point sticky balls and patties of oil are changing the sand of local beaches mostly balls and sticky balls it's so good what a wonderful writer mostly in huntington beach and newport beach officials said monday afternoon governor your governor savant gavin newsom who ordered the state of emergency in orange county directed state agencies to undertake immediate and aggressive action to clean up and mitigate the effects of the spill. He's a bad man.
Starting point is 01:17:55 So that's 67,222 five-gallon fill-ups. Just to give someone an idea. So the average person in california i have no idea if this is true but let's say the average person in california uses five gallons of gas a day that would make it so 67 000 p cars can't do that so every day that that's close and i wonder how much that thing used to produce a day like why would that affect gas prices just because one is shut down can you believe we were energy independent under Trump and now we're not? Like how does anyone think that it's not a good idea to be energy independent? It's bizarre to me.
Starting point is 01:18:39 Like someone could do really a lot of fucked up things and maybe like, well, they got us energy independent. That's huge i mean basically when you're not energy independent you're you're like that that's like the that's like having to go to your neighbor's house every day in order to get food tell me it's just tell me explain energy independent we don't need we don't need gas from uh australia saudi arab, Canada, your mom, Mexico. And once you can do that, we can produce anything because then you have energy for it. Like you can make anything. So chop down trees, farm fields.
Starting point is 01:19:16 Why the transition away from that then? Well, politics. They're probably politics. I think there are a lot of other mitigating factors. Like, for example, one of the risks of being energy. Pseudoscience around the environment. One of the risks of being energy independent is that it could potentially tax a lot of natural resources in your country. Another reason would be like if you have areas of your country where you're drilling oil or taking oil out of that are prone to hurricanes or large natural disasters, that could significantly cripple your energy resources.
Starting point is 01:19:49 I think that's one of the reasons I have an article on this later that we're starting to see oil prices increase is a lot of the storms that hit the Gulf Coast where most of U.S. oil comes from have significantly affected our gas prices as well as our oil reserves. So energy independence yeah obviously could be really cool but i still think there are some risks to it oh my god i'm so scared to go outside because like a bird could shit on me well the bird that's what i that's what i heard it's like we don't want to become energy It's like we don't want to become energy. That's not – We don't want to become – One, one.
Starting point is 01:20:27 I didn't say that we don't want to become energy independent. I was just answering that there are some risks involved in it. There's a difference between a bird shitting on you and a hurricane fucking annihilating a coastline. I'm worried about becoming energy independent because then what if we're not energy independent and then what would we do? Like what if a hurricane came and knocked out our independence? Then what would we get our shit because we were independent? It's a fucking nuts. Oh man.
Starting point is 01:20:56 Sousa did post something very interesting. It showed that not only were we energy independent but it was the first time since like 1957 that we had actually produced more energy than we used. So we were actually selling energy. Which, by the way, if you give a fuck about jobs, that's also a good thing. And guess who had those jobs?
Starting point is 01:21:14 How many countries are energy independent? Guess who had those jobs? Fucking black people, melanated people, Mexicans. All the people that we're concerned about, the woke crowd is concerned about had those jobs. Sorry. Go ahead. I'm trying to cut you off, but you won't let me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Cut me off. Cut me off. Cut me off. How many countries – well, you won't – I don't know if you'll know this. We need to do that. How many countries are energy independent? Like which countries choose to be energy independent I feel like is what's more interesting to me. That is a really good question.
Starting point is 01:21:46 Once this podcast gets huge, we'll buy everyone a new computer so everyone can look up their own shit simultaneously. Energy, how many? Are you looking at? No, Hobart, you're doing too much. No, I'm looking it up. I'm looking it up right now, but I'm going to follow up on this on next week just so – you just need to get slapped a little bit, Savant. I do. Oh, you're going to really rub it in, the importance of like not fucking fracking and all that stuff?
Starting point is 01:22:12 Like you're going to tell me how bad it all is? I never said that you shouldn't try to be energy independent. I just said that there are risks involved. Don't be obtuse. There's risks involved. I just think it's pointless. I'm an absolutist. I'm an absolutist. I'm an absolutist.
Starting point is 01:22:26 No, you're not. There's risks involved in driving to your CrossFit gym too. I mean, it's probably – Oh, man. Lick it. I'm calling your wife and telling her to put her purse back out into the sun. Oh, man. Well,
Starting point is 01:22:46 there you go. Okay. Next story. Well, well, Kate, well, Kate solves the world's problems.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Yeah. I'm Googling. I'm Googling. I found a list that's from a U S energy information administration, but it's just loading. Okay. International rankings. Okay.
Starting point is 01:23:04 Number one is China, total energy. Oh, this is not even right. Total energy production. All right, fire me. Oh, well, that's interesting. So it doesn't tell you – so that list, that still could be interesting. That list doesn't tell you who's energy independent, but it tells you who makes the most energy? Yeah, total energy production from 2018.
Starting point is 01:23:20 Number one is China. Number two is the US. Number three is Russia. Four, Saudi Arabia. Five, Canada. Six, Iran, seven, India, eight, Australia, nine, Indonesia, and ten, Brazil. And it keeps going. Hey, and that all makes sense, right? Everything she said makes sense. That's why fucking Russia is so fucking powerful because they make so much fucking energy.
Starting point is 01:23:40 And, of course, India and China need a shitload of power to make all that fucking curry and all those fucking fancy meals they make in those countries yep that's this was a fun podcast up until that point racist racist i mean come on it's obvious why they both got over a billion people i just had to make a food comment why is it talking about what people eat is racist like if i told you like anytime someone says Armenians and Greeks and baklava. Baklava. Have you ever had baklava? You don't need it.
Starting point is 01:24:09 It has sugar in it. But I used to as a kid. I love that shit. Actually, you want to know what, Drew? Middle Eastern people fucking make the best food in the world. Their desserts suck ass. Baklava is bullshit compared to like chocolate cake. I mean like it's – I shouldn't have even said it was good.
Starting point is 01:24:25 And they sprinkle pistachios on it. Hey, fuck nuts. Pistachios should never be mixed with fucking desserts. No pistachio ice cream, no pistachio on cakes. Pistachio is not a dessert. Oh, pistachio gelato is amazing. I was about to say I have the best pistachio ice cream out here. See?
Starting point is 01:24:45 You guys probably don't like bubble gum ice cream either. Looks like I'm taking my balls out of the purse. I'm back, baby. Now what? Now what? Because you're talking shit? Yeah. It sucks we can't see you, Hobart.
Starting point is 01:25:04 Next week, I'll be back. If you invited me over to your house, maybe. You know what's cool is you usually, you're so stoic. Your face is so stoic. You're always welcome to my house. Your face is so stoic that maybe it's better I don't see it. Facebook's whistleblowers. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:23 Recent whistleblower who released tens of thousands of pages of internal research and documents indicating the company was aware of various problems caused by its apps, including Instagram's potential toxic effect on teen girls. She is set to testify at a Senate hearing on Tuesday. What was her first name? I want to say Lindsay. No. Anyway. What was her first name? I want to say Lindsay. No. Anyway, Ms. Hogan reportedly filed at least eight complaints with the Securities and Exchange Commission,
Starting point is 01:25:51 alleging that the company is hiding research about its shortcomings from investors and the public. Very interesting. This expose in the Wall Street Journal discussing everything from Facebook hiding most of the documents that cover its internal mechanisms to how it knew toxic or how it knew how toxic its apps were to how it would aggressively target preteens. I'm just really surprised that this is news and that, um, I feel like everyone already knew this was going on and I don't know why we needed a whistleblower to tell us this information, but, um, it's pretty information. And I actually think a Facebook stock dove, you know, X percent today because of this,
Starting point is 01:26:32 but I'm sure tomorrow it'll be right back up at the top. But anyway, you mean it's not good for my, um, my daughter to be on Instagram at the age of 12 and be just looking at just tens of thousands of girls with fake lips, fake tits, fake asses, um, angle of faces that are photoshopped and in all like, that's bad for little girls. I didn't know that. And then they get likes on their photos to tell them if it was good or not yeah i thought it was just me who was bad who was like talking about like how your kid's super duper healthy and you don't need to like pump them full of medicine that that was what was evil i'm so confused that's why you're banned
Starting point is 01:27:15 hey it's so it's so it's so funny too like fuck you i want to punch that bitch in the face and anyone who's covering this story including myself like. Like, hey, dude, 55 percent of all calories in Mexico are consumed by soda pop. Like that's worse than anything Facebook will ever do that. Like you are making kids obese. You're a piece of shit. LeBron, Oprah, I've said it a million times. The Williams sisters, anyone who's selling soda pop, you are two kids who are horrible. Anyone who's selling soda pop, you are – two kids, you are horrible. And it's just – and the relativity of it all, it's like – like when this Facebook and Instagram collapsed I guess the other day for eight hours or whatever, do you know what I thought?
Starting point is 01:28:01 I just thought it was my phone. Like, oh, I guess my phone is all fucked up. Be honest with me though. but how many times did you pick it up and check to see if Instagram was back on? Well, you know what happened? That's a lot. That's a fucking lot. No, no, no, no more than – I never checked to see if it was back on. Like, hey, I'm checking to see if it was back on. I picked it up and looked at it like out of automatic, like just did something I automatically do.
Starting point is 01:28:23 But here's what happened. I realized how many people had my phone number because so many fucking people started texting me. Not even that Facebook was down, but just people I normally talk to on Instagram. My text just got crazy. Like, shit, you got my number? No one texted me. Yeah. I have this fight with one of my friends. I really – like I was really hoping this would be catastrophic.
Starting point is 01:28:46 I really don't need my phone. Like I really am not addicted to my phone in the slightest. I enjoy it, but it's just another platform. Like I never look at likes. All I care about is comments. I'm not interested in likes at all. I couldn't tell you like any of that stuff. But I do like to platform just because it's a place to publish.
Starting point is 01:29:06 And it's a place to face your fears. It's like I was telling Amanda Levy this morning when I interviewed her. Hey, you should go live and you should publish more on your Instagram. She goes, it's not me. I feel fake. I know, but you should feel it out. You should just try. One thing to add to that story that actually makes it a little bit more interesting than just the teenage girls and the toxicity there is actually that –
Starting point is 01:29:29 I think it's toxicity. You dropped the C. I think that Zuckerberg testified in front of Congress that they did not have algorithms and different things that involve social engineering and also civil unrest. And in her story, she's saying that they knew that that was happening they shut it off temporarily during the election and watched how much stuff dropped and then turned it back on even though he testified zuckerberg testified for the congress that they do not do that so that's one thing that's interesting about her whistleblowing story i hope the fucking gop rips fucking facebook and Google apart.
Starting point is 01:30:06 Makes them fucking sell that thing 6,000 ways from tomorrow. It sucks. It's the censorship. The censorship is just complete fucking bullshit. And at first I was like, hey, they should be able to do whatever they want. But now that they're in bed with the government, they can't. They shit the bed. Once you get in bed with the government, they can't. They shit the bed. Once you get in bed with the government and you're doing the government's dirty work, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Like you can't do whatever you want. We own you now. Great story, James. Thanks. My mom told me I should be funny and all you're doing is getting me riled up. I blame you. Okay. Well, this next story is funny and it's going to be long form and maybe it's where we wrap it.
Starting point is 01:30:43 But I don't know. I feel like we're doing well here. But I just – 928-583-3903. Life calling number. Bam. OK. I was just going to kind of breeze through this story.
Starting point is 01:30:55 But the more I started reading it, the more I was just blown away at the world-class level of criminality of these two here. class level of criminality of these two here. So New York mother and son arrested in theft of Pelosi staff's laptop during Capitol riot. So someone stole one of Pelosi's staffers laptops. All right, here we go. I like this. This is cool.
Starting point is 01:31:21 This is a cool story. I'd always heard that it was Pelosi's laptop that was stolen. It's interesting now that it's one of her staffers. Yeah, I bet a lot of those senators don't really have laptops because when you're a thousand years old, you can't freaking use one. Anyway, a New York mother and son have been charged with a theft in aiding the disappearance of a laptop belonging to the staff of House Speaker Pelosi during the January 6th riot after the FBI initially raided a home 4,500 miles away in Alaska. The FBI on Friday arrested Marianne Mooney Rondon, 55 years old, and her son Raphael of Watertown, New York, in connection with the stolen laptop. Hey, can I say something real quick?
Starting point is 01:31:59 Yes. I'm perfectly okay when they fucking stormed the Capitol, by the way, with the police there opening fire on the crowd. My dad tells me I'm out of when they fucking storm the Capitol, by the way, with the police there opening fire on the crowd. My dad tells me I'm out of my fucking mind. Dude, you cannot storm the fucking United States Capitol. And I think all the cops there and everyone who runs security there is a bunch of pussies because you shouldn't. There's no there's no there's got to be places that are sacrilegious and sacrosanct, whatever
Starting point is 01:32:21 the fucking word is. You shouldn't be allowed to do that. You shouldn't be able to probably if you approach the fuck if you jump over the fence and get on the White House lawn, you should have a fucking bullet put in your fucking head. Like, like our our leaders need to be protected at all fucking costs. Same with our police. You fuck with the copy. You should have your fucking skull smashed in. I think you fucking go after AOC, who's a complete piece of shit, or Gavin Newsom, who's fucking Hitler reincarnate.
Starting point is 01:32:46 You should have your fucking head stomped on. They're elected into office and they're supposed to be serving us and we should fucking respect them. I think it's – to call that thing an insurrection is fucking idiocy too. An insurrection. Did you see any tanks or cannons or drones carrying grenades or bombs? Shut the fuck up. Insurrection. That was just shitty security. How bombs? Shut the fuck up. Insurrection. That was just shitty security.
Starting point is 01:33:07 How – it's so fucking embarrassing. How do you attack the United States Capitol building with just a fucking bunch of dudes in fucking fur coats and shit? And then inside it shows them hanging out with the guards and talking to them all calmly and peacefully. Fucking – man. guards and talking to them all calmly and peacefully fucking man like why can't why couldn't there just be a thousand cops that just show up there with billy clubs and just start beating people i'm serious just right there on the lawn sorry the rules don't apply here this is fucking where our senators and congressmen hang out and try to you know nuts absolutely okay sorry by the way i really love the picture of two. They look like they're out of one of those movies.
Starting point is 01:33:46 What's the guy who used to make all the movies like Kennedy and the director? And he made Natural Born Killers. Hey, Greg, what's up? What was that movie? No. Or the author, Oscar. What's his name? I'm trying to tell this funny story.
Starting point is 01:34:06 You're going off on a rant and now somebody's calling you. Just answer the damn phone. Lawton. It's Lawton. Lawton. Jesus, I fucked up. I pushed the wrong button. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:34:18 I don't know if we can get him back. Oh, man. Oh, shit. Don't allow the weather. Okay. Okay. Audio. Here we go. You're on the 7-1 Podcast with Kate Gordon, Matt Souza, James Hobart.
Starting point is 01:34:32 How can I help you? What's up? What's up, guys? CJ from Oklahoma. What's up, Gay? Hey, how are you guys doing? Good. Hey, real quick.
Starting point is 01:34:44 I just wanted to say, james um i love the resources for the affiliate programming uh i have mile one i'm a coach here locally um and we're doing the affiliate programming and it's amazing so um we switched from two brains to the affiliate programming about two months ago. Hands down, better deal. I didn't know. Chris Cooper, Two Brain offers programming? Well, we were told we were doing Two Brain programming. I think the structure for running the affiliate and all of that stuff is great um as far as advertising and resources for
Starting point is 01:35:26 the owners um if the if the program we were doing was from two brain um i didn't i i didn't really like it personally um are you comparing apples and oranges though that that's what i'm trying to get at i'm lost someone someone fix me you said that you switch from two brain to the affiliate program isn't the affiliate programming is like how to get your clients fit and how to like from the second they walk into the second they leave how to warm them up work them out and get them out the door to be happy and make it the best hour of their life and two brain is like what kind of toilet paper to buy and how much to pay your staff and and and performing with excellence isn't that like two separate well i i'm not 100 sure i listened to your podcast with that the other day i don't i don't know much about the the other side of that all i was told is that we were doing two brain programming so
Starting point is 01:36:16 that that i may be inaccurate there okay just check but the affiliate programming is amazing james and you're you guys are killing it so um the the videos and all of the links and stuff that you send out for the coaches is um spot on i appreciate you saying that we actually um yeah thank you what affiliate are you at uh jurassic crossfit jurassic cross. Yeah, I appreciate that a lot. Yep. You're welcome. Thank you. And don't DM James and tell him how great it is because he's not going to read it anyway. Siobhan is just mad because I don't respond to him.
Starting point is 01:36:58 That's true. Yeah, I'm sure if some random guy from Oklahoma DM'd you, you'd get right on that, right? Yeah, I would. Get right on anything. Anything his wife tells him to, he'll get on. Good to know. Hey, the other thing I wanted to ask about, well, second off, Kate, I've been loving your guys' podcast. It's amazing. I've been loving your guys' podcast.
Starting point is 01:37:23 It's amazing. What y'all do, I don't know that I could ever do it, but it definitely makes me think about monogamy and all of those things in a different way. And I think there's good things there no matter what you want to do. So I like listening to your guys' deals too. That's awesome. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:37:47 I think is marriage an archaic is marriage an archaic institution? Yeah. I suppose. I'm not married but it was.
Starting point is 01:37:58 What do you think Kate? Yeah. Not to say that it's a bad thing though. You know, I think it's a traditional thing but I don't think that necessarily means it's bad i think there's yeah oh shit kate might be in love and her whole shtick might be all fucked up
Starting point is 01:38:15 well it's definitely gonna make you think to make you think about things. It makes me think about things. Like I said, I don't know. Just don't lie. If you're going to be a pimp, the key to being a fucking motherfucking pimp is just don't lie. A pimp don't lie. No, don't lie. A pimp don't lie.
Starting point is 01:38:37 No, you don't lie. You just love them all and you're honest with them all. You just don't lie. There you go. I hate these rich motherfuckers who are juggling five girls and then they're lying like fuck you get in where you fit in sorry rich women juggling five cocks like just tell them the truth for fuck's sake it's okay you want the one you the ones who fuck you want to know if you really found the right person just be honest with them that will scare away 99 of people right yeah
Starting point is 01:39:06 nobody wants to have a real conversation yeah hey i know i'm 35 years old my greatest achievement is i don't leave skid marks in my underwear anymore i mean just be honest like i conquered that at 34 i know and i now know how not to like leave marks in my underwear i feel like that was directed at me because i'm 35 figured that out what would you say i think that was directed at me because I'm 35. What did you say? I think that was directed at me because I'm 35. Hobart, you're so pristine. I don't even think you shit. You're so pristine. Is that true, James?
Starting point is 01:39:38 You don't shit? Yeah. I don't feel like that follows the prescription. I don't even call it that. I still call it number two, and I haven't done it in about 23 years. That's amazing. And the other thing I wanted to just bring up and see if you guys could talk about it was I saw the Precision Care, CrossFit Precision Care kind of went live today i guess um and just if i don't know how much
Starting point is 01:40:12 you guys know about it um what the whole thing is with it i i signed up for it i think it sounds like a um are you rich am? No. Isn't it expensive? I have no idea. I just got on the waiting list that didn't talk about any of that. I'm assuming that it will work with your insurance and things like that, but maybe not. That's why I was kind of wanting to see what James and Kate might know about it. I have a lot of strong opinions on it that I won't say with James and Kate around. But be prepared in the next couple weeks.
Starting point is 01:40:49 I will watch that fucking thing closely. There are some things in there that really interest me. Yeah, it's a very interesting concept and plan. You work out and you eat right. You'll be good. stay close to your affiliate owner if they're not doing you right switch to another affiliate the affiliate owners are fucking amazing
Starting point is 01:41:12 people who have taken their L1 are amazing they'll answer a ton of your questions stay healthy and eat right especially now be strong the planet is weeding out the weak right now what hey have you got have you heard the comedian that talked about The planet is weeding out the weak right now. Hey, have you heard the comedian that talked about letting your kids, if they're stupid enough to walk off the end of the cliff,
Starting point is 01:41:34 that you just need to let them go? Like, that's a natural reflection. If your kid's dumb enough to walk off the cliff, you just need to let them go. We need to get rid of those. That's how I feel about anyone who comes on this podcast. Where they're walking off the end of the cliff. Yeah. My mom's like, why do these people come on the podcast with you? I'm like, it's okay, mom.
Starting point is 01:41:53 Natural selection. Let it happen. I mean, that's a really poor. Yeah, man. Thank you so much. I love the podcast. You guys are great. Thanks for everything you're doing. Word.
Starting point is 01:42:09 Take care. The show is back to you, Hobart. All right. Here we go. Can we see that? Can you, Susan, can you refresh us with this husband and wife? No, no, no, no, no. Mother and son. Mother and son. But after you hear about the way they go about this great – this caper. All right. So here we go.
Starting point is 01:42:33 My mom let me grow weed in the house once. That's a different story. Yeah. But she was probably more intelligent about it than the way these two went about stealing this laptop. Basically – They never stole anything together. A tip to the FBI led them to the mother and son, according to a statement of facts documented by an unnamed FBI special agent.
Starting point is 01:42:52 The mother, Mooney Rondon, allegedly admitted to being in both the capital of the day of the riots and Pelosi's conference room. The documents say she had allegedly provided gloves or a scarf to a man to steal a laptop with laptop without leaving fingerprints don't want to leave fingerprints when there are cameras everywhere he asked he said give me i don't know if it was gloves or a scarf i was wearing and like i said he scared me there was an ethernet connected to the computer.
Starting point is 01:43:26 Wait, wait. So you, so she's, she's saying that, that the, the thief demanded a scarf or a scarf or gloves. Um,
Starting point is 01:43:36 she don't, she didn't remember if it was gloves or a scarf that she was wearing. Okay. At the time when they were stealing said laptop, there was an ethernet connected to the computer this is what her son told the fbi and he says if i recall the guy was going to yank it out i'm like dude don't do that i mean that's i mean just the computer you can't pull the cables out it'll ruin everything so that's a good dude that's a good dude good dude give me josh send that guy some good dude's
Starting point is 01:44:07 coffee that's a good dude you'll ruin yes send some good dude's coffee to rafael rondon stealing with ethics stealing yeah stealing with ethics that's that's exactly it um mooney the mother mooney rondon then said she believed she saw the man put the computer in his backpack her son told investigators that he thinks he might have pushed the computer in his bag a little bit using a glove because he didn't want to get his fingerprints on it he says so i assisted him a little bit and that was probably stupid of me. No dipshit. It was stupid of you to break into the US fucking capital.
Starting point is 01:44:49 Good lord. With your mom. With your – Dude, if you – with your fucking mom. That's crazy. It would have – if I was there though, if I was there and it looked like what it did look like to me, I could have – like if I was there with 10 of my friends in high school i could have easily just walked in there and snapped some selfies i mean it was well what a shit show listen to this guy is hilarious just the best is he's a person it's he's the best um he's so this fbi agent says however should i get him on
Starting point is 01:45:22 the podcast what's his name uh rel. Raphael Rondon. I'm so one-track minded. I remember when I used to like girls. Now it's just a podcast. The FBI agent says, there is probable cause to believe the mother and son are the two people shown in the photographs. Plus, their alleged admissions to being there. Oh, man. It's a wonderful story.
Starting point is 01:45:46 So that's the caliber of people who, what did you say? Assaulted our Capitol. Anyway. They look like movie characters. I mean, she looks like she's straight out of like a Godfather film. She doesn't look happy in that photo, for sure.
Starting point is 01:46:05 Can you imagine breaking into the Capitol and not being happy? And why'd you do it? Hey, did you guys ever see Game of Thrones? That HBO series? When they killed Ned Stark, I stopped watching. It's like episode five. That's what Greg told me. That's what Greg told me too.
Starting point is 01:46:25 Not Ned Stark, but when they did the wedding where they killed all. He's like, five that's what greg told me that's what greg told me too not ned stark but when they did the um the the wedding where they killed all he's like they killed everyone i like i'm done watching this yeah yeah was that when they killed ned stark in that wedding they kill him early they kill him like episode three i think it's episode one maybe it was episode dies in the first episode he's like he's like the and then, he's like, he was just the only redeemable character. And then when I saw where that, I was like, I see where this show is headed. Who cares? Maybe it was episode one of like season two where he dies. It's somewhere in there.
Starting point is 01:46:55 It's early. It was. Yeah, it was very early. He's the coolest guy in the whole thing. But. Yep. Where were you going with that, Siobhan? That relationship with that mom and that little boy.
Starting point is 01:47:07 Joffrey. Oh. No, no, no. The queen? Or? The boy who likes to push people in that hole that goes like fucking that pit, that cliff. Oh, the sister that lives like up in the towers. Yeah, he's like 13 and he breastfeeds.
Starting point is 01:47:26 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You probably didn't meet him, Hob meet him hobart he came later man that was some uncomfortable shit man i didn't like that i god damn i didn't like that too close to home i gotta call my mom fuck that was some creepy shit okay sorry go ahead over oh so what reminded me of that is like you see like she's fault and she's in the she's they're breaking into the capital and the 23 year old boy looks like he's like his mom's walking him on a leash like jesus christ dude can you imagine like egging houses with your mom like what are you doing i just can't get over friends can't get over the fact that they were worried about their fingerprints like that's what they were worried about their fingerprints.
Starting point is 01:48:08 That's what they were worried about throughout that whole process. You broke into the US Capitol. You're worried about your fingerprints. That's how they're going to catch you? It's your fingerprints? And there's 20,000 iPhones and cameras there filming everything. And they were taking pictures of themselves. It's devastating. pictures of themselves. It's devastating.
Starting point is 01:48:28 He has another quote in that article where he's like, yeah, we're going to break in or something. It was like him saying he was there. Oh yeah, he said, yeah, he goes, Raphael Rondon told officers that he and his mother took the metro into Washington on January 6th because, hey, I'm not taking my car into the city which the
Starting point is 01:48:43 Capitol building I'm about to break into he said that yes to the f to an fbi to an fbi agent oh so he they already knew ahead of time they were gonna do that shit yes that's why that's why they had like they're like okay can you imagine them planning that being like guys don't touch anything no fingertips fingerprints all right yeah no let's take the metro let's sneak in shot we'll sneak in we're not gonna take the metro like it's not like it's like an oceans 13 movie you know like get out of here man do you know what i reckon when he was talking to the fbi agent he would have been pretty
Starting point is 01:49:26 proud of their plan right which is why he said he's like well we didn't want to drive in man like obviously like we're gonna touch it with our fingers like come on dude fuck oh fuck i hope that i hope he got the vaccine. Oh, my God. I'm going to glaze over that. Any more stories, Hobart? I have a lot more because we spent so much time talking at the beginning. We have another six or seven stories. How many stories have we done?
Starting point is 01:49:58 Two? Maybe five. I even skipped my dinky dinosaur story. Can you guys hear Hobart okay? I'm yelling into the mic. Can listeners hear Hobart? Good, yeah. Good.
Starting point is 01:50:13 I saw that post that Brian made today, Brian Friend, and I text him. I'm like, dude, come on the show. It'll be therapeutic for you. He came on for 20 minutes and fucking vanished. I do like how he came on and then made a jab at me of all people and then left. What was it?
Starting point is 01:50:33 Like you basically said, Kyle Casper Bauer is better than you? I barely heard it. Yeah, and Kyle, yes. He basically possesses things that are totally unattainable to me. And then he left. But if that's what Brian...
Starting point is 01:50:43 If Brian needs to turn me into a punching bag i can take that brian friend i don't think i don't i don't think brian friend is sexist this show has made nine dollars and 17 cents killing it john from the uk gave us two pounds a guy named uh paul k who made like 20 comments gave us $5.69. Do you think he did that on purpose? 69? Yes. Jonah gave us a pound. 100%. Oh, Jonah. That Jonah dude gave us... I think everyone
Starting point is 01:51:15 should donate something that says 69. Yeah. I agree. Or 96. Because we're not sexist. It doesn't matter who's on top, right? For that one? 69, 96? It's all good?
Starting point is 01:51:33 Well. What? Okay, well. You don't think the dude can be on top? You don't think the dude can be on top? If he's on top, he would have to be doing so much work. Because, like, well, somebody would have to be doing extra work. Somebody's fucking neck would be put out or somebody's hip would be put out.
Starting point is 01:51:52 I don't know. Why can't you just put a pillow under someone's head? Put a pillow under her head. Well, because there has to be some movement. I mean, unless you don't want that. Oh, I see what you're saying. I'm also going to say that I think 69 is overrated. Oh, totally. But it's so fun when you're saying. But I'm also going to say that I think 69 is overrated. You could – oh, totally.
Starting point is 01:52:07 But it's so fun when you're a kid. You could just – if the girl is on the bottom, she could just grab enough penis, one or two hands of penis at the base so they just can't harm her. So it won't make her bring up her lunch. And then she doesn't really have to do anything she just has to make sure she's just i feel like it's not really 69 then you know uh i live 69 enough you're gonna count it no that's 96 it's a 60 it's like a 67 almost. Oh, man. Oh, wow. I never thought 67.
Starting point is 01:52:53 Wow. I need to write that down and look at those two numbers. That's amazing. Oh, shit. That's what – I can't wait to get fired. You guys are going to hate this. This is what – that's what uh i can't wait to get fired you guys are gonna hate this this is what low that's what logan aldridge does he does the 67 because he's only got one arm oh come on oh he's just happy he got mentioned in the show come on come on oh jesus okay gotta
Starting point is 01:53:21 have mon again now to make up for that yep oh fuck i'm i tell you my mom listens to this podcast man i know that's what i think too don't ever go there don't ever think about your what'd you say kate you said that last time as well and we've been talking about your balls and 69 i'm don't do not um but the balls thing is a joke though the 69 hey um uh hobart don't ever go there that will fucking ruin you i i a couple times a show i think about like my mom or my sister who might be listening like that and like or my wife and i'm just like dude you better block that shit out that's gonna you're never gonna be successful if you let those creep in
Starting point is 01:54:07 your mind okay i feel good we want to do another one yes my horse friend i actually have i was harry it's funny you bring up my horse friend um i i was thinking about maybe telling some more stories about yeah el caballo i mentioned it to him the other day that i shared this i mentioned it to him the other day that i told the story he had this girlfriend he had this girlfriend and she always was begging him please put it in my ass please put it in my ass please put it in my ass and he said he never would and i said and i'm like i don't blame him like i this poop is i anyway that's a whole nother subject about how i feel about poop but so i'm like you never
Starting point is 01:54:50 did it and he goes dude i couldn't put the whole thing in her vagina how the hell was it going to go in her ass and then you know what she broke up with him and you know what the first thing he said to me? I wish I would have put it in her ass. Fuck. Missed opportunity. I'm serious. I feel so bad for your mom, James. That was the first thought. She broke up with him.
Starting point is 01:55:18 I wish I would have put it in her ass. She broke up with him because she didn't like the job he had. She wanted him to get a fucking better job that paid more money. This guy makes fucking $225,000 a year. She wanted him to fucking get a different job and make more money. Damn. Fuck. I know.
Starting point is 01:55:40 That's a shitty human being. He's making over six figures and he has a horse weenie. What more could you want? Yeah. And he had a, and he had a house. He's like the first one of my friends to buy a house, a dope house in a dope neighborhood. By dope. I mean like you can walk to anything.
Starting point is 01:55:58 Okay. Except it's in California. That's, that's now you can't go anywhere. A mask mandate lifted in Santa Cruz. Yes. I've been going everywhere without a mask. It's so weird. 80% of people here are still wearing it.
Starting point is 01:56:14 Would you say, are you here right now? Hobart? You're in. Yeah. Yeah. It was about, I would say,
Starting point is 01:56:19 yeah, maybe a little over half called. You haven't called me. No breakfast, no dinner. When do you leave? Thursday. Maybe, maybe if you, maybe ask your wife if we can hang out a little i'll just i'll text her we'll see okay okay what are the what are the rules where you guys are what's it like not being in jail tell me more
Starting point is 01:56:40 i mean basically there's basically right now everything comes down to the fact that if you have a job, you're fucked. They're basically telling people at every – it just about – it seems like everyone I know who has a job has to fucking get a shot or fucking quit. Right? Or they're going to fire you. So – and then your kids. If you can't homeschool your kids, if you can't figure out a way to educate your kids, then you're fucked too. And they're even doing – so they're basically just leveraging that they're basically trying to turn off your money and and it's working it's you know people but but the thing is is people
Starting point is 01:57:16 are angry right like you have people who are coerced into getting a medical treatment and now now people hate you. There's a hum that went away. Yeah, it just got really quiet. That's because the air conditioner in Hobart's room just turned off. I bet, right, Hobart? Maybe we just lost Hobart altogether. Oh, that would be amazing.
Starting point is 01:57:43 Bam! He's gone. Let's talk about 69 more um fifi stein says i love your tattoo kate can we see it kate which one it might there's one on your shoulder i think this one oh holy you have a you have a tattoo in your armpit yeah wow yeah i just got it finished, um, earlier this year. It took a while. What is that? So it's similar flower. Like I've got one on my shoulder. I've got one in my elbow and now one in my armpit. It's a chrysanthemum, but it's kind of like a interpretation of a chrysanthemum. It's not super realistic. Wow. That's awesome. I was never attracted to armpits until I started doing CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:58:26 And then I noticed just over the years, just because there's so many pictures of women and men like this, I really learned to appreciate this whole part of the body, the lat, the breast, the shoulder. And when you see people's like bicep and shoulder and lat, it's like the same thing when you're looking at that video of what was the chick who claimed 200 and whatever pounds. It's like her butt and hamstring and quad. It's the same thing. If're looking at that video of, um, what was the chick who claimed 200 and whatever pounds? It's like her butt and hamstring and quad. It's the same thing. If she did this with her arm,
Starting point is 01:58:50 her arms would just like separate out. It'd be sick. Yeah. She'd have, she'd have veins as well. She's got stomach veins. She'd have veins everywhere. I mean,
Starting point is 01:58:56 we, we, we've reprogrammed ourselves in this community. I mean, I know it's cliche, but, but our aesthetic, we we've completely, because of what we look at,
Starting point is 01:59:04 we've completely reprogrammed ourselves. Yeah. Like if't have lats like something's like something's wrong with you well it's you get the feeling like especially being like a fucking muscular woman it's like you go into a gym and you're like this is fine this is normal second you're not in a gym or a crossfit environment you're like oh why are people looking at me weird and you're like oh that's right i don't fucking look normal okay cool move cool. Move on with my life. Yeah, you know, dudes don't experience that. Isn't that a trip? No, I think they do to some extent.
Starting point is 01:59:34 Like not as much, but I was in the airport and then I was watching. It's because your body's fucking insane. No, I'm not talking. I was going to tell a story about my wife actually, but let's just answer this call because I'm sure it's going to be really insightful. And then we'll go back to talking about your wife's does your wife listen to the show hobart um live she's listened to a couple of these no not live she's a hundred percent asleep okay yeah but no i was um did she give you feet i was in the airport the other day and it was um
Starting point is 02:00:07 i was watching just people walk by and then i watched her walk by and it was like it's almost like watching i don't want to say a different species but like just like her pattern of movement and like the way she carries herself and like the structure of her body it's like I could not see her face. She could be wearing like, I don't know, like a ski mask. And I could be like, oh, that's my wife. You know, you could just tell like just because of her athleticism and the way she takes care. And you can even see like other people.
Starting point is 02:00:36 There was someone else who would walk by and be like, okay, that's someone who really takes care of their body and cares about movement and what they do. Like it's a wild thing to see. And it's not even just about musculature. It's like about their gate and how they stand and like the way they react to their surroundings. It's a really, it's really bizarre when you take time to look at it. I agree.
Starting point is 02:00:56 100%. It was the best for like watching that as well. Right? Like you just see so many different people. Yes. And now they just give it away. Cause they, everyone has either like a rogue shirt on
Starting point is 02:01:06 I cannot believe how many rogue shirts I used to see towards the end of my travel days nanos, nanos are such a big giveaway yes yeah the footwear is crazy yeah the only good shoe left is the victos oh yeah
Starting point is 02:01:22 somebody was commenting on them on youtube yeah the victor's core only good shoe i i wrote i wrote them and i said you motherfuckers have to sponsor me they're like no sorry oh my god at least they responded to you seriously i think i said like two or three i know it is cool they responded to me i'm like come on man i fucking love your shoes hook me up i go you guys used to hook me up they're like well the dude you had as a contact here doesn't work here anymore like well that's okay i still love your shoe we fired him because he was hooking people up too much how much i really love their shoe what what'd you say we fired him because he was hooking people up too much oh maybe maybe maybe i don't think If they knew how much I really love their shoe, they would hook me up.
Starting point is 02:02:06 Or how does Reebok not make the Nano 2? Everyone loves that shoe. Go on eBay, man. They stopped making it, right? They've re-released it multiple times. I have 20 pair. Oh, you used to work there. That's why you're getting a little defensive.
Starting point is 02:02:24 Okay. No, I don't think their 2 is the best shoe. What is their best shoe? I actually think the new Nano X1 is their best shoe. Have them send me a pair and I'll tell you if it's true. I don't think I have that kind of pull anymore, but maybe if you're real sweet to me, I'll get you a pair for Christmas
Starting point is 02:02:50 or whatever you celebrate. Kate, what shoe is better for the tiebreak? The Nano 2 or the KS135 that Hobart likes? I never owned the Nano 2. I actually think the Nano 9s. I think it's the 9s. They're my favorite. Well, 9 is closer to the X. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:14 The X I really like. I have had to hack them a little bit for running, but they're the most comfortable shoes I have for running now that I've buffed out some of the seams. Here comes Sousa. here comes Sousa. Here comes Sousa. $94. That's too heavy.
Starting point is 02:03:34 For a Nano 2? I probably have 20 pairs of brand new Nano 2s. And the thing with the Vito is it's a way fucking cooler shoe not as well built slightly more comfortable um but way cooler but but but they're both so fucking comfortable once you wear the nano two you can never wear another shoe it really is like that it's it sucks it really sucks it's like being barefoot it's like the original barefoot shoe.
Starting point is 02:04:05 Your toes aren't smashed. Your toes don't have to touch each other. Like one of your toes could have herpes and your other toe never catch it. But it wasn't quite durable enough. It is a comfortable shoe. Okay, Hobart. Let's go on. All right.
Starting point is 02:04:23 We're going. All right. The Shadow Presidents. Former Press Secretary on. All right. We're going. All right. The shadow presidents. Former press secretary Stephanie Grisham released a book recently detailing her time working in the Trump White House. On Tuesday, she said that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, former President Trump's son-in-law and daughter, saw themselves as shadow president and first lady. Wow. I believe it. as shadow president and first lady wow i believe risham said kushner got really heady with power surprise surprise um and would insert himself into initiatives that he was not qualified to take part in she said she believes that while kushner is an intelligent man ivanka trump is the brains and the smarter one noting that she is very controlling of her image and remains calm and controlled in person, which Grisham said is unlike her father, Donald Trump.
Starting point is 02:05:17 So we in the East Wing would do what we could to stop it or mitigate it, she added. But at the end of the day, it's his daughter and son-in-law and nobody could work around them not surprised that's how it was that's how it was when i there was a time when i was at crossfit i i know people are gonna think i'm trying to be funny or like i thought i was the ceo and there's a now now i don't work there and i think i'm the ceo but there was a time when i lived with Greg for like three years in 2009, 10, 11 or something. And I was just there for everything. And I was like, okay, yeah, I'm pretty much just the co-CEO.
Starting point is 02:05:56 I was everywhere with him. I was in his fucking house sleeping in the fucking upstairs bedroom. I had my fucking – I raisedby the first year in that house so i understand when you're really close to power like that and the source and you're contributing so much you just think that yeah you get confused you get confused i'm still confused but it's okay it's fun is it was there anything is there anything bad about that that they thought they were the shadow president yeah i know it's no know your damn role people right you're you know like have a little bit of humility you're in the white house with no probably real managerial political knowledge geopolitical knowledge understanding of government i don't
Starting point is 02:06:46 know is it bad yeah i think it's bad but then look at all the politicians they're just titles like what's i know i don't think it's bad like i just hear it as like they were massive contributors and they wanted to stay close to trump because he was in power it was his daughter and they felt like they could contribute why can't it just be like that why does it have to be something sinister like oh like like the pejorative of shadow like like look well yeah but but just oh racist racist shadows are black racist racist um listen the the current the current i mean the accusations for the current president's son are fucking crazy. And the video to boot is even crazier. You've seen the videos, right, on Instagram where it shows Joe Biden saying that if you're doing smoking crack, you should be put away for life.
Starting point is 02:07:35 And then in the split frame, it shows his son fucking smoking crack. I mean it's like, come on, man. The deals with China, all that shit. I think, Hobart, you're being influenced by the emotional appeal of that article and that you have something against shadows and it worked on you you were tricked by magic magic magicry magicry
Starting point is 02:07:54 100% hate shadows I don't have one oh my goodness you could totally be the fucking hot sexy vampire Hobart Holy shit You're white enough Is your ass whiter than your face Dude you are white
Starting point is 02:08:12 I wish my camera could work Because that would be the one thing we need to bring to this podcast Shot of your ass Just a little bit of nudity While you were gone To entertain the listeners Kate showed us her armpit. Oh, wow. For everyone who has an armpit fetish.
Starting point is 02:08:30 Awesome. If you post pictures of your armpits and your feet, Savant, tomorrow on Instagram, I'm going to lose my mind. I'll never post my feet again. Thank God. That was trying to impress Kate and I fucked up. That was fucked up. I got fucking played hard. I want to figure out what else I can get you to post now.
Starting point is 02:08:50 Fuck that. Shame on you. What is it? Shame on me. Shame on you. No shame on you. The first time. Shame on me.
Starting point is 02:08:56 The second time. Fool me once. Shame on you. Only twice. Shame on me yes thank you i just i want someone to go through all our podcasts and just make an hour-long video of hobart breathing it's just how i show my exasperation i have to go to work now you guys guys are the best. Love the podcast. Thanks, Harry.
Starting point is 02:09:25 Okay, let's go. Fifi Stein. Fifi Stein. Is that your real name? That's amazing. Love your tattoo, Kate. Show all of them. Did James just say weenie?
Starting point is 02:09:37 Yes, I did. Okay, should we do one more article? How fired up do you want to get? have a 7 a.m podcast can i go pee real quick yeah before we do this last one yeah you can two hours in for our last story you can definitely go pee i missed whatever you guys were talking about when i came back and then you were talking about something about bodies and women's bodies being judged. You were going to,
Starting point is 02:10:07 you had a story that you didn't finish as well. You're going to tell us something about your wife. Uh, yeah, I know we were talking about, um, armpits and how much Savan likes armpits now because crossfit tends to include a lot of armpits and photos and media well i get what we got to on on athletic functional people it's um
Starting point is 02:10:33 it makes a good shape with the rest of the body like if you have a lat like that when you raise your arm overhead it looks good and if if you don't have lats and you just raise your arm up and you look like a little beanpole, it's not as good. But the story was the airport story. Wow, that was a long pee. The enlarged prostate from all that TRT. My prostate? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:04 You're never going to – oh, shit. I left the lights on. You're never going to... Oh, shit. I left the lights on. You're never going to believe who I'm having on the show tomorrow. Never going to believe. I probably don't even know who it is, Siobhan. That's the real kicker. Bye. All right.
Starting point is 02:11:19 Should we go... Should we get Siobhan really fired up? Because I have a story that's about the new COVID pill. Or I have a story about empathy, which is a nice story. Those are two subjects that I'm experts on. Oh, man. Alexander Volkanovsky at 8 p.m. tomorrow with Josh Bridges. Alexander Volkanovski.
Starting point is 02:11:45 Can you fucking believe it? I'm going to try to act cool, but it's like the prom queen just said yes to me for a date. Who is that? Look him up. Alexander Volkanovski. He's the shit. He has all of Australia's testosterone between his legs. One man.
Starting point is 02:12:04 That's legit. That's legit. Crazy. And Josh used to have all of America's, but he fucking lost it all. Bam. There he is. Oh, damn.
Starting point is 02:12:17 Five foot six. Oh, he's, he's referred to as Alexander the great. Yes. Yes. Look at, look at that picture. He used to weigh two 40, I think. And now he's, yes. Look at that picture. He used to weigh
Starting point is 02:12:25 240, I think, and now he's 145. Look at that. It's crazy. Such a good fighter. Is he just battering people? I mean, he just handled Brian Ortega for the championship. But being 23-1 in mixed martial arts is insane.
Starting point is 02:12:48 His record is insane. And he doesn't – I want to say he doesn't get the respect he deserves, but, I mean, he'll get it. It's coming. That's kind of cliche to say that. Okay. What would you like, Kate? Empathy or pills? Can I throw it all right i'll feel like he should all right i'll save the empathy one because she would have said empathy i was going to say something sexy yeah
Starting point is 02:13:14 i'll save the empathy one because it's something i want to talk about more in long form um ideally next week um you know what i'm going to skip the COVID pills too, just so we can keep this podcast. We're going to talk about tax havens. Oh, yes, yes. Tax havens. If you haven't heard, the Pandora Papers is a leak of almost 12 million documents and files exposing the secret wealth and dealings of world leaders, politicians, billionaires, and Svan matosian the data was obtained by the international consortium of investigative journalists in washington dc and has led to one of the biggest ever global investigations a trove of these these basically these papers outline how global elites squirrel
Starting point is 02:13:59 away their wealth to avoid tax there was a similar leak five years ago called the Panama Papers. These documents showed how many of the world's wealthiest people routinely avoided any type of tax by placing their assets in tax havens, nations or jurisdictions with low tax rates. While banking abroad isn't illegal, some Americans and U.S. companies failed to report earnings. Congress cracked down on this in 2010 with the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, which required international banks to report U.S.-owned accounts. Now, a few years later, other countries agreed to disclose foreign-held assets to each other, known as the common reporting standard. However, the U.S. doesn't follow this practice. So a lot of international wealthy people have been hiding their money inside the U.S.
Starting point is 02:14:52 And I guess North Dakota is the hot spot to buy lots of land and hide a lot of your dough. Oh, like if you're a rich dude in Spain, you hide your money in the U.S.? Yeah. And specifically in the US? Yeah. And specifically in the Dakotas? I looked up the word. I think tax havens aren't – for the most part aren't illegal. I think – I don't know of like what I have a problem with and don't have a problem with here. Like this is another one of the stories.
Starting point is 02:15:19 I feel like it's just like hating on the rich. like it's just like hating on the rich so so so i had a friend of mine who made hundreds of millions of dollars and he moved out of california and and moved to a state that didn't that had a much much lower tax rate right i think it had i think it was zero state income tax and so he saved like 30 million dollars and in in one year and so and he had to actually turn on an app on his phone that tracked where he went so that he could prove that he lived in this state for at least six months and one day of the year. And it's like,
Starting point is 02:15:53 I don't know if I have a problem with that. I'm open to having a problem with it, but I don't see the problem with it. I would do it. I don't think it's immoral or unethical. It's not like I'm going to take that $30 million and flush it down the toilet. I'm going to actually spend it and create jobs and, and,
Starting point is 02:16:11 and all sorts of fun shit with it. You know what I mean? I'm going to buy 20 cars with it and do the dealerships are going to make money and people who make little plastic parts in China are going to make money. Everyone's going to make money. I'm going to spend that 30 million or tax havens. I don't necessarily think they're bad. But I just think – yeah, I'll start there.
Starting point is 02:16:34 I don't think they're bad. Are they bad, Kate? See, that's who I engaged her. It's like it's the rich just get to get richer right or like I mean avoid having to give away some of their money yeah and I don't know I feel like a lot of it's
Starting point is 02:16:54 done like like you said like a lot of it's done legally you know if they're figured out how to work the system then it's like the system's kind of been set up like that so maybe the system's what allows it rather than the system's kind of been set up like that so maybe the system's what allows it rather than the people that are rich and maybe we're maybe we're pointing finger at the wrong person he i this is my perspective the government everyone who works for the government
Starting point is 02:17:15 is on welfare we all pay taxes and it goes into this giant fucking pile and the first people who take the from that pile are the people who work for the government, the state employee. And not even like the good people who work for the government. I'm not talking about like the guy who cuts the trees for the city. I'm talking about the politicians, the bureaucracy people. They're at the top of the food chain for welfare recipients. We pay them money. And then from there, all of our tax dollars trickled down until finally they hit like school teachers and cops and like the guy who cuts his trees in the street. And then some welfare checks are paid.
Starting point is 02:17:52 And so like I just figured that there's a giant basically welfare fund we pay into. I think it's a very healthy way to look at it. And politicians are the first people who take from that fund, which is just fucking nuts. look at it and politicians are the first people who take from that fund which is just fucking nuts so if you so then when i hear something like a tax haven all i hear is is like okay then the rich people are going to spend the money instead of our government and what do they spend it on they spend it on gardeners they spend it on haircuts they spend it on buying cars they spend it on restaurants they spend it on hotels like that's cool That's money for all of the rest of us. They spend it on videographers.
Starting point is 02:18:28 They spend it on website design. Podcasts. Podcasts. It still goes back into the system. Rich people are not sitting there burning money. Why would you want them to be – All you fucking idiots who want to tax fucking rich people, do you fucking understand that the money then just goes to the government? You fucking idiots who want to tax fucking rich people.
Starting point is 02:18:47 Do you fucking understand that the money then just goes to the government? Why not let them spend it and give it directly to us? Fucking idiots. And the government is not doing good things with it. So stop thinking it is. Look what they did in New York. They put tens of thousands of old people in fucking old folks homes and they died of COVID because of that, because of what they enforced them to do. Meanwhile, our health secretary knew this was happening, United States health secretary, and she pulled her 90-year-old mom out of the nursing home in Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 02:19:24 Have you ever seen our health secretary, Kate? No. Can you show a picture of her, Susa? Or him? I can't remember if he went from a her to a him or a him to a her, but it went into, did the transition thing. And it was in, I don't know if it's she or he. I don't know what the word, how do you, there it is. Rachel. Oh, it's a her. So I don't know if it's she or he, I don't know what the word, how do you, there it is. Rachel. Oh, it's a her. So I don't know if Rachel was a dude or a chick at the time, but she was the health in charge of health for the state of Pennsylvania. That's one of our 50 states.
Starting point is 02:19:56 And she basically, during the COVID crisis, she pulled her, her 90 year old mom out of nursing homes, her nursing home in Pennsylvania and brought her home. Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, old people were being pushed into nursing homes and died of COVID, knowing that it would spread in there like wildfire. Fucking nuts. And then Biden makes her the assistant secretary for health. And she's okay with kids who are 12 years old or something like that, crazy like that, getting sex change operations. No. And it has nothing to do with sex change operations. You shouldn't be fucking with
Starting point is 02:20:30 the 12-year-old's hormones, period. 12-year-olds shouldn't smoke weed. They shouldn't do anything to alter the brain chemistry. They shouldn't drink alcohol. They shouldn't eat sugar. And they sure as fuck shouldn't do a direct assault on their hormones. And by the way, that's why you don't eat sugar as a kid too because it's a direct assault on your hormones but you don't fucking like you if they want to chop their penis off or get a penis or whatever wait till they're older let the fucking brain chemistry and everything settle it's like getting a nose job when you're fucking 12 like uh excuse me that thing is gonna fucking grow huge still. Right, James?
Starting point is 02:21:08 Correct. James, do you have a perfect nose? Can I see you for a second? Let's give it a shot. See? Oh, yeah. God damn it. It's nice.
Starting point is 02:21:21 It is. It's good. It's good. we went there tonight thank you thank you thank you kate and matt you're welcome um what what's it thank you guys have we made it to make it to the end? No. Are we landing the ship? But just like regular dudes, Kate, we don't care. We don't care. Landing the ship plane.
Starting point is 02:21:53 We don't care if we made it. Hey, Hobart, what's the deal with next Sunday? Good to go next Sunday. Kate? Yeah, Good to go. Next Sunday. Kate. Yeah, good to go. So guys, just so you know what, what looks like is what happens is if we do it on Sunday,
Starting point is 02:22:11 it's going to be at 6 PM. If we don't do it on Sunday and we do it like on some other fucked up night. And we're kind of like, we've hitched this wagon to Hobart. So if Hobart works on Sunday night, then we can't do it Sunday. So then we do it another day of the week and then it gets
Starting point is 02:22:26 pushed later. And then it's because of my kids, I can't do it at 6. So we push it to like 7 or 7.30. So if you have any complaints, send the DMs not to Kate Gordon, not to Seva Matosi, not to Matt Sousa. Yeah, who's that pointing
Starting point is 02:22:42 at you? Send them to James Hobart. Oh, nice guns. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's nice. Nice armpits.
Starting point is 02:22:58 They do. It's just a fact. I am way. I am up way past my bedtime, says Logan Mars. He's 55. He's fucking should have been in bed at eight. That's the guy who called, I am up way past my bedtime says Logan Mars. He's 55. He's fucking should have been in bed at eight. That's the guy who called, I think.
Starting point is 02:23:12 Uh, wow. The gang is all here from Jenny sock. That was when Brian was on just cruising through these real quick. See if anyone needs any love. Um, fix Hobart's audio. We got it fixed. Seven. When are you starting your testosterone cycle? Oh,
Starting point is 02:23:31 do you guys want to talk about the Ricky Garrard podcast at all? Do you guys like have any strong, we kind of need Brian here. I watched, I only watched the first couple. I didn't really watch it. I'll be honest. Did you watch it? I saw the post that was put up on social media of Chase being like, did you or did you not? And he was like, yeah. That was the clip that was put up. Everyone was sharing that.
Starting point is 02:23:58 I just feel like let's move on from that shit. Aside from Pat Vellner, I don't think anyone else needs to have a gripe. And it's just like life is long and people change i don't know if that's totally true what you said but i do think velner can have a great but he's the guy who was in the arena like no one else was there i just you know it's just like life is long people change it's complicated people make mistakes some mistakes maybe irredeemable most of the mistakes you make probably not all that classic throw stones glass house really yeah i just i don't why aren't most of your mistakes redeemable no no i think i no no no i think most mistakes are redeemable you know but it's like i think the attitude is like are redeemable the attitude is like ricky did steroids and he's built his foundation and he has steroids in his system and he benefited from that.
Starting point is 02:24:48 We can never unchange that. And it's like, well, you know what? If we're going to take that argument, then everyone competing at some – not everyone. A lot of people competing at some point in their life have probably had some competitive edge that wasn't necessarily due to all of their hard work. It's like so-and-so's genetics. Are you just going to be like, well, he's genetically better, so we can't let him compete. It's just stupid. You know, it's like let's move on from the Ricky thing.
Starting point is 02:25:11 Let him compete. If he wins, great. He's probably not going to win five in a row like Fraser did. So like that argument is not going to matter. And if he does, when we get to that point, then we can have that argument. There you go. Last word with James Hobart. Move on from the Ricky thing, people.
Starting point is 02:25:26 Jesus. Well, you know that fourth game that Froning won, that was all bro reps. Bro reps. He was so – Rich Froning was so intimidating and so beloved. And if you would have given him a no rep, the fans would have come down and killed you as the judge. And so Rich Froning did not really win that fourth one and it was all bro reps. OK. That was his unfair advantage.
Starting point is 02:25:55 Great. He didn't and he went and won four more with the team. It's just like, guys, let's move on. There's just so much other good stuff going on in the world. Killing me. You're killing me, people. I would bro-rep this shit out of Rich. Can you imagine if you were judging Rich the whole time?
Starting point is 02:26:11 You'd be like, hey, what's up? You're not even counting his reps. You'd be like, hey, whenever you're done, you just move on to the next thing. You do you, buddy. I'm just here just checking out. I would no-rep him into oblivion. Not me. Not me. Judging is um fucking terrifying though horrible hey rich when you're done with this workout um could i have your shirt 20 you're done you're done
Starting point is 02:26:35 you're wringing the shirt the sweat you're wringing the sweat onto you. Oh, my God. Hey, dude, do you want a 67? You should have your wife sell the water that's in the jar with your balls. You should have her sell that. On that note, I think it's time to take us off the air, Matt Souza. All right. He can't do it. I do it. I do it. time to take us off the air, Matt Souza. All right. He can't do it. I do it. I do it.
Starting point is 02:27:07 He's a one-trick pony. And we're done. Well, I can't wait to lose my fucking job after that. Oh, no, we're still recording. We're definitely still recording.

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