The Sevan Podcast - #165 - Patrick Vellner

Episode Date: October 8, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Mo Miller. Mo Miller had to call in. Oh, thank you, Sousa.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Sousa, what's up? Where's Brian? Didn't Brian say he was going to be on this? Does Brian do the podcast anymore? Is Brian alive? Did Brian die from COVID? What the fuck is going on with that guy oh shit oh shit i swear to god guys i didn't know i didn't know i was just speculating that
Starting point is 00:00:56 you died of covid that's part of the show that's incredible what mo miller mo Mo Miller had to call him. Hey. Susan, what's up? Where's Brian? Where's Brian? Didn't Brian say he was going to be on this? Does Brian do the podcast anymore? Oh, Brian's listening to the YouTube. What the fuck is going on with that guy?
Starting point is 00:01:18 He's catching up with the show. He's a few minutes behind us. I can hear him listening to the YouTube. Do the podcast with me. I'm ready. Some guy named dude on what the fuck is your name? Even look at that name. You got like some line over the R and some line over the Z. I just like my team's great. Brian, Matt, there can only be one dude with a fucked up name. That's me. Boom, your wish is granted. I know, isn't that awesome?
Starting point is 00:01:46 What did you do? How did you get Brian on here? Every time I get notifications for the Sevan podcast, I stop everything I'm listening to and hop on. Great show. Thank you, Batman. Never gets old. Chatroom mourns as Brian Friend returns to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Mourns? No, celebrates. The chat room's not mourning. What are you guys talking about? Brian, what's up? Someone uncanceled me this morning. That was nice. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:02:15 How does that happen? I don't know. I put up a post that I thought was very sad about a woman named Rachel Vonderek who represents the U.S. Army Warrior Fitness Team. And she was denied, no, her invitation to compete in a Spartan race was rescinded because she was part of the Army, not the Air Force. And I thought that was despicable. I happen to know her. She's an incredible person, great athlete, and obviously good American, doing a lot of service. And they didn't invite her because she's part of the Army, not the Air Force, and I thought that was bad. And someone thought that was a cause to uncancel me.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Oh. Wow, you're coming in good. This is a good story. So can I – I want to ask you some questions about the story. So Spartan Race has a race for military people, but if you're in the army, you can't do it. That's one of the branches they exclude. I don't know all the details. I just saw it on her Instagram that she had been invited, and then it was rescinded.
Starting point is 00:03:18 And the reason they gave her was that she was part of the army. And they don't support the army, I guess. They only support the Air Force. That's what it seems like, at least. Yeah, something's weird with that story. But either way, because you stood up for a woman, you got uncanceled because of the fact that earlier in the week you had made an awesome, awesome article talking about who's the best CrossFitter of all time.
Starting point is 00:03:42 made an awesome, awesome article talking about who's the best CrossFitter of all time. Yeah. I was actually shocked because there was only one person that I saw who actually used the word cancel with association of my name. And it was a guy we've had on the podcast before that I thought we had a great relationship with,
Starting point is 00:04:02 Luke DeJong. He canceled me. I'm not sure I even know who Luke DeJong is. Is he? The young Australian guy with the afro. Oh, that dude? Yeah. That dude?
Starting point is 00:04:19 Oh, shit. What did he say? He said, fuck you for even thinking that Matt's as good as Tia? Is that the premise like hey you're for you are so stupid to even think matt is comparable to tia that that must mean you're sexist is that is that i'm trying to figure out what the argument is someone explain it to me do you guys understand that's why that's how you know you're trapped in your head when the rest of us out here in the outside world don't understand what you're like what you're doing because what you're doing is is you're
Starting point is 00:04:47 responding to your own your own dialogue your own misconception so weird velner what's up hey sorry about that it's not it's not dude it was crazy i haven't talked to brian in three weeks i didn't even know if he's coming on the show. And it was kind of nice. I didn't believe in God before this happened. But then while you switched, Brian and I got to kind of rekindle our friendship. It was so weird. It was like meant to happen.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Well, I thought you meant that he made you believe in God just with what he was saying. I was like, well, I'll have to get the spark notes on that one no that made me what he actually was saying made me hate all of humanity wow that's a pretty common thought these days so could have been anything he could have said anything patrick in two in 2018 um when i was fucking slapped down i was told i couldn't do the behind the scenes, I think maybe you text me. And you said, dude, where are you? I don't know. I feel like I made an effort to reach out to most of the people that I knew on the media team and just say like, hey, I heard about everything.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Sorry about that. Hope you guys are doing all right. And if you need anything from me or any other athletes, let us know. But I try to do things like that. I feel like it's nice. I think that we rely a little bit on each other. It's an ecosystem. So I think that for us to be successful, we need to have media around
Starting point is 00:06:21 and you guys tell really great stories. So I've definitely always appreciated that. So I try to, yeah, I try to behave accordingly. I was touched. I was sitting on the couch. I didn't even, I was in Madison. I was in the house sitting on the couch, kind of watching the games on the TV. So depressed. I had all my camera gear there. I was ready to do the behind the scenes. And all of a sudden I was told that I couldn't do it. And I was fucking devastated. And I'm pretty sure you reached out to me and said hey dude where are you what's up are we do you're gonna do the behind the scenes this year and i was fucking really
Starting point is 00:06:52 touched i think maybe you're the only person you know what actually i think maybe matt may have reached out to me too i mean like dude where the fuck are you is your annoying ass was that 2018 or 20 yeah 2018 what made me think about that is i was walking by my um like the entrance to my house this morning and i saw this hat and i picked it up and i put it on can you see this hat right here not really well let me see if i can move it you're like uh you're like an eight bit i like the haircut though thank you I have cancer I mean you're making it look good do you see it's a guy holding a suitcase
Starting point is 00:07:31 yeah it looks like he's got some headgear on maybe a body cast or something it's a bellman carrying like bags and two of my staff that had worked for me for like probably 10 years and bought that to me and dropped it off at the house that i was in because they said that's what i've been reduced
Starting point is 00:07:51 to i went from media director to just some dude who carries great glassman's bags and they bought that hat for me talk about kicking the guy while he's down i was gonna say a little bit of a backhand there how did that yeah i was like and then i found out and then i and then when i was going through the accounting for the month i found out that not only did they buy this for me to make fun of me but then they charged it to uh crossfit inc and and they got reimbursed so it wasn't even a a gift hey it's the thought that counts though right man somebody bought you a gift because they were thinking about you and they said hey this is a tough time for Sivan
Starting point is 00:08:30 things are changing it's turbulent I think he'll appreciate the humor in this hat and you did yeah I did I did try to cancel them though for that behavior but that didn't exist back then it didn't I'm sure it did the internet existed it certainly did people bitching on the internet is as old as 1990 so that same week they they uh
Starting point is 00:08:58 canceled the podcast we were going to do at the games that year yeah everything got destroyed yeah everything got destroyed um is that go ahead pat i was just saying this is 2018 right i just want to make sure i know what year we're talking about before i speak too much okay yeah 2018 that's the one where the gate the the the documentary the documentary that we made that year is still – I think that it's coming out soon or it's come out. I know people have seen rough drafts of that. Yeah, I've seen rough drafts of it. I think it's done, I think, now other than maybe just some small editing pieces. But I think it's done.
Starting point is 00:09:38 You saw rough draft too, Vellner? Yeah. f2 velner yeah uh tyson and mariah sent me uh just like a like a 24-hour link to watch it with michelle and um just sort of like i think it was basically done they kind of said hey you can have a look um normally we'd ask for like thoughts and things like that but like it's already done so don't even bother but um they just kind of said yeah it was like an early sneak peek. We could have a, we could have a look at it. So yeah, it's fine. It talks a bit about some of that stuff going on.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Like you're saying how 2018, the hammer kind of dropped on a few things. And it was like right in that preparation for change phase where everyone was kind of like, all right, we're going to get through this games and then things are going to be, they're going to be drastic shift. So you talk a bit about that.
Starting point is 00:10:25 And I'm sure they gave me a huge producer credit in that movie since I produced it. I'm sure that they had integrity and honor. I'm sure you were credit number one. Yes. But that said, I don't watch the credits, so I don't know. Did you have a good role in that movie? I'm in it. I'm hard to miss because I clowned around a bit that year,
Starting point is 00:10:48 falling off cargo nets and chasing plates across the floor. So I think it's hard to tell the story without some of those things. Yeah. So as usual, I have some fun moments in it, but yeah, I mean, I think that the,
Starting point is 00:11:01 I don't know, you'd have to watch it. I don't, I don't want to spoil it. I don't want to spoil it. Pat, I've been hesitant think that the, I don't know, you'd have to watch it. I don't, I don't want to spoil it. I don't want to spoil it. Pat, I've been hesitant to ask you, but you and you and Matt planned that, right? You guys like, if we both fall off this net, we'll get a ton of media attention for the years to come, right?
Starting point is 00:11:17 I mean, that's been the gift that keeps on giving for sure. I wish I could say that we did plan that, but no, we're just a couple of idiots racing too fast. Did it hurt? Yeah. I knocked the window to myself, Ruth, like in the middle of that workout and I had to like very gingerly, I remember the next thing we had was like those, those like hop logs that you just like hop across. And like, normally I'll take that obstacle in like two
Starting point is 00:11:47 steps like i jump pretty far and i have pretty good coordination and i went like one step at a time like i was like keeled over couldn't breathe was like just classic when you get your wind knocked out you're just like and like what's the physiology behind that thing i could it's just spasms in the diaphragm it just gets hit so hard that it spasms yeah pretty much it's not a sweet feeling i'm sure you've had the wind knocked out yourself i broke my ribs a couple times it's a fucking that's okay yeah that's a little different but yeah look when i think it's like funny it's funny any any situation where it's not in like, you know what I even know it's funny in every situation. It's just like, it's so such a helpless feeling. And you just, you kind of like, can't, you can't do anything and you
Starting point is 00:12:38 kind of look ridiculous and sound ridiculous and you know it and you know, you can't really breathe, you know, you can't really breathe, but you keep trying and you do these like hollow shallow breaths it's so it's great like i've ever but i was my sporting careers before like a few times in lacrosse we'd have teammates get the knocked out of them in practice and it's like yeah it's like embarrassing you're like i don't know and there's nothing you could do you just kind of got clipped in a soft spot or you're just like, yeah, you just, you just sit there and like have these death rattle breaths for like as long as it takes. And everyone just kind of stands there and watches until you're good. And then when you're good, you're just actually good.
Starting point is 00:13:16 You're totally back to normal pretty much. So everyone's like, yeah, I done being dramatic. You're like, yeah, sorry about that. And I wonder if that's what it's like drowning or dying of emphysema i wonder if there's anything like if there's a i mean i think that what this is getting the wind knocked out of you too is funny because i feel like the first time you get it done to you like as a kid that's probably what it feels like like sincere panic and dread because you're like i don't know what happening, but I can't breathe and this is it. But then once you're older and you're like, oh, I understand that this is a temporary thing and I'm just going to like, I'm going to pass through this and it just kind of
Starting point is 00:13:53 sucks right now. There's less of that sincere wide-eyed panic. But I mean, you know, obviously I've never died of anaphylaxis or drowning, but I'm sure that the panic of not being able to breathe is something that most people have experienced at some point or another, and it's not cool. Pat, have you got your prize money from the games yet? No. You're in a pretty slow year on that. Why is that? What's going on? The reason why I bring that up is the guys in Africa are like, what the fuck? Where's our money?
Starting point is 00:14:27 I think they're semifinals. We got our semifinals a little while ago. So hopefully they get that soon. The games is always slow. I feel like I've never been paid from the Karate Games until some point in October. Do you think that's because of the drug testing? They're just waiting on drug testing? Yeah, I think that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:14:50 It has to do with that, and they want to make sure they get all that right because it's better to wait and then give the money out, then give some money out and try to get back a bunch of money from someone if there's any positive tests. Oh, Ricky, we're going to share $100,000 back, Ricky. Ricky, can you FedEx us that $100,000 back, Ricky. Ricky, can you FedEx us that $100,000 back?
Starting point is 00:15:06 Yeah, tough luck on that one, right? Didn't he never send back his plaque or his trophy or something? No, he still has his medal and his event win trophies for sure, and his like rookie of the year, stuff like that. I'm sorry, I can't pay you the money back um i used i invested in a pallet of sarms and um i can give you five percent back every month until i sell the pallet come on yeah make fun of them it's okay shit pallet of sarms did you see that interview so i but to finish that story yeah that's what i'm hearing i'm hearing that the drug tests are
Starting point is 00:15:44 really slow and they don't pay anyone until the drug tests come back i was just wondering yeah that's always been my understanding of it and but yeah hopefully it gets done quick but that's the kind of thing that like you hope for it to be done quick selfishly because it's nice to get paid and just like have that done and then you can kind of close the book on the year but at the same time you want them to get it right like i'd rather them get it right and have it take a little longer and then it then rush it through and have to deal with a bunch of noise like that because it's that's just gotta be a nightmare like justin pops and you get if justin pops would you get the first place prize money yeah yeah technically yeah that i wouldn't i really don't want that to happen though because
Starting point is 00:16:27 for one thing it would suck to happen like twice in my career to have like podium places shift as a result of that uh you could deal with it for 150 grand you could deal with it with it for an extra 150 grand i could deal with it fine also i just i like justin i think that he'll have a great career so it'll be really unfortunate to see something like that happen to him. He's not going to pop. He hasn't even had sex yet. That guy's a virgin. Oh, standby.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Hello, this is Oscar Meyer. Hello, Oscar Meyer, calling from Canada. Yeah, Oscar Meyer. Oscar, how are you? I'm not doing too bad. How are you? Doing great. You're on with the great Pat Vellner.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Don't waste his time. I won't waste his time. I'm on the too bad how are you doing great you're on with the great Pat Velner don't waste his time I won't waste his time I'm on the mainland Pat oh nice how's it over there beautiful sunrise this morning beautiful sunrise it's like jail actually but uh I'm just kidding
Starting point is 00:17:20 please don't antagonize Pat he's a good man please don't antagonize Pat we're slowly slipping into the Ricky Garrard discussion. Don't do anything to make him hang up on us. It's not like jail if you're vaccinated, man. Yeah, well, about that. About that. The only vaccination I have is a handful of SARMs.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Nice. That'll get you far in life. Yeah. No, hey, Pat, just a question for you. How do you feel about Ricky coming back? Oh, Jesus. Straight into it. I'm sure we'll get to that. Somebody had to ask it.
Starting point is 00:17:56 To be honest, I don't really care. I haven't spared much of a thought for him for the last few years. I think that he's got to walk a tightrope. It's hard. The pressure's on him, right? He can't make any mistakes for the rest few years um i think that he's got to walk a tight rope it's hard like the pressure's on him right he can't make any mistakes for like the rest of his life or he's going to get eaten alive and that's a tough situation to be in um i would say i don't love the amount of attention it's getting i think that i think you know things like him getting invited to Dubai seem kind of like a shameless grab at attention to me. Because really he's been invited based on one finish that he had four years ago when he cheated.
Starting point is 00:18:36 And there's probably a lot of athletes who in the last year or two have done great things who, in my opinion, would deserve that invite more than him. I think he deserves the opportunity to prove himself again, but he doesn't get to start right at the top. or two have done great things who in my opinion would deserve that invite more than him um i think he deserves the opportunity to prove himself again but he doesn't get to start right at the top um so i'm a little annoyed by that and you know i think he's a great athlete and he will come back and and be a good and perform well and be good but i don't think he get he don't think he has earned the right to start back at the top of the pile i think that's silly so um you know but you can agree he'll be competitive though or i think so i think he'll be reasonably competitive i i don't know i know i haven't seen him do anything for the last four years but you know we've seen athletes in the past have great performances podium and then never
Starting point is 00:19:19 really be able to capture that magic again we've seen athletes come in do great in their first year and then continue to have stellar performances for their whole careers. So who knows what box he falls into, but I don't know. He's going to come back with a bit of a chip on his shoulder, and that's totally fine. I think that he deserves the opportunity to come show his stuff, but I just think I'm a little annoyed that he's got to jump the line, and now he's done it twice.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Oscar, wrap this up and say something like, Pat, you're going to be a great dad or something. So then I can hang up on you. Well, Pat, you are going to be a great dad. You already are, man. Oscar, good luck to you. Damn. You're saying that, buddy? Jesus Christ, dude, we haven't even lubed him up yet.
Starting point is 00:19:59 You guys are asking the Gerard questions? Pat, for a brief second. We've got to do a little game-hating and get Pat into a frenzy first and then bring in Gerard. What did you say, Pat? For a brief second, I thought that was Fikowski. Did he sound at all like Fikowski to you? Yeah, I did a little bit at the very start, especially with the Oscar Mayer-Wiener conversation starting. I was like, oh, are we getting prank called here?
Starting point is 00:20:21 We need to get Fikowski on the show. Does Fikowski hate me, me um i don't know i don't know if fukowski spends the time and energy to hate anyone actively um but i don't think that he watches your show no i don't think only 121 people watch it i don't think that means he hates me i I don't think that means. I don't know. But I. He would be polite. He'd be polite in your presence probably.
Starting point is 00:20:50 But I don't know if. Yeah. I don't know if he would seek out your company. Right. You might not be his flavor. You wouldn't seek it out. But you wouldn't. You don't seek it out either.
Starting point is 00:21:01 But you don't. I don't think you hate me. I don't hate anybody, man. You're a good dude. I'm guessing you didn't watch the Ricky Garrard interview. No, the CrossFit podcast one? Yeah. I mean, I haven't really watched any interviews with him, but that's the recent one, right?
Starting point is 00:21:19 Yeah, with Chase. I saw a couple clips from it, but – They go into detail with what he took, and it was so weird. I immediately started Googling it and seeing if I could get some, and anyone can get it. And I was actually going to order it. It was like a commercial? That's what it felt like to me. It's like this shit's horrible, and then I'm looking at pictures of ricky's body i'm like yeah it's not so bad so then i put a cup i put the two bottles of shit that he got in the cart and i was going to order it but then there's like a warning
Starting point is 00:21:51 that it enlarges your prostate and i'm like i'm 49 like i can't like i think anything i do bad to my body now like you know like you do something bad to your body when you're 15 and that shit's reversible you do it at 49 and you're like, okay. I mean, this is like my whole position on that kind of stuff. Anyways, is like, I've done a lot of education and physiology and things like that.
Starting point is 00:22:16 And I just think that the longterm consequences of most of those things are not worth the price of admission. And like, I'm going to compete in this sport for, you know, maybe another few years till i'm maybe like my mid-30s and then how much life do i have to live and like what are the consequences of that on your body like i just there's some of it they know some of it they maybe don't know yet
Starting point is 00:22:38 like they don't have the longitudinal research because there's always new products coming out or new things coming out because people are constantly trying to beat tests and so that that arms race between testing and and you know performance enhancing drugs is constantly evolving so you know i think that that comes with a certain level of risk to get into that and i just like i'm too risk averse for that like there's no there's no part of me that is willing to take any of that on because i agree with that i think that like i don't know what the long-term consequence is and if i'm willing to take that on so your prostate is attached to your it's part of the whole cock and balls like ecosystem part of the system yeah
Starting point is 00:23:20 yeah you don't want and breaking something down there sounds atrocious yeah yeah prostate's mutually involved with ejaculation someone so you want to wreck that for yourself no no yeah there you go i already have enough things in my life wrecking that hey so you take that shit out of your cart i i didn't i just closed the window i just closed it did you see we we had noah on and and did you know that move where you like you you it's like called the centipede it's from the break dancing days like you lay down on your stomach and then like you pop the worm yeah the worm the worm you went deep on that one um did you ever hear the story of what happened to him didn't he he was
Starting point is 00:24:06 i don't know when he was doing it i heard he smashed his balls pretty hard doing the worm though at some point it was his i think it was his helmet it was his helmet oh was it okay pinch the tip okay and uh he he gave us a pretty graphic story about it on the podcast it was actually quite fascinating but yeah it's not and it happened right before i think the games or the semi-finals but it was devastating he had to have like a stint put in his penis somewhere oh really like a real damage yeah and then he had a string hanging out of it for a few weeks can you imagine every time you pee or every time you pull down your pants for like a month there's like a string hanging like like someone left dental floss hanging out of your penis that's kind of how i imagined it i mean that's kind of what a tampon is though right yeah i get you right right people
Starting point is 00:24:52 people deal with that in real life all the time yeah so but i agree i i wouldn't personally want to have that hanging out of my rig and i feel like it would i'd be worried i was gonna wreck something i don't know plus i had this string you don't want it you don't you just want to pull on it yes yes yes like someone like you probably shouldn't yes yes do you think you do that to people psychologically too do you think like when you see like you're with your wife and there's this great moment and like you see like a little something like like the simile is like a sweater on her a string on her sweater dangling but it's like some psychological weakness and you start just kind of like tugging on a little bit and a little bit more and then all of a sudden god i better not
Starting point is 00:25:33 pull that this is gonna turn into a fight but you can't help it i probably have a bad habit of doing that i'm working on it i got a horrible habit of doing that I think it's like my kind of humor though. I do that with friends all the time and it's just like, I don't know. I like to do that to people. And I think that it's probably something that I need to do less of in my relationships. But like when my friends buy me this hat, right? Like my friends buying this hat, they pulled the whole sweater off me.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Just like grab the string and jumped off the cliff. I, yeah, it's great great it's a great joke you grab a really um fascinating point right there you're right people do visit the podium and then don't come back that happens all the time what was i think up to in the last like six or seven years i'm probably the only guy who's finished second twice. Like the second place position has changed every year for the last, like forever. Um, except for when, I guess when Matt finished second twice in a row and then since then, second place has changed every year. Third place has changed every year. Um,
Starting point is 00:26:42 it happens all the time. So're they're just like yeah this is reality like i don't know so the whole there's like this big a lot of a lot of hype around ricky coming back and sure but like i don't know we don't know what kind of athlete he is i don't think we have you'd have to ask brian i don't think we have that many data points we've got one big data point that we know has a big asterisk next to it and then the other data points are like fine but i wouldn't say anything that's gonna that makes you say like scream podium threat like perennial podium threat so but he's had four years to train like i i think that if you were if you've been training for the games on like an olympic cycle there's no reason why he wouldn't be very good this year but our sport's a
Starting point is 00:27:27 little different like there's there's volume issues and things like that and you have to periodize things appropriately so you know if he has been training balls out to win the dcc then you know he probably could but does that mean that it affects the rest of his year and whatever is he going to be peaked at dcc? I don't know, right? Like I just – there's a lot of questions that we don't know the answer to. It will be interesting to see what he brings to the table in December. And then I think people can start to like talk about it. I think that we've been talking about it way too much for what it is.
Starting point is 00:28:01 I like it how you said balls out. You got the balls back in there as a theme. But I do – one critique it how you said balls out you got the balls back in there's a theme but i i do one critique about what you said i think you're supposed to say data not data like what the data is on that i think that's the proper pronunciation when you use it in that form i'm no expert well i'm glad that that's the only only issue that you have with what i'm saying right yeah everything brian brian what is he gonna make it who are the people who visited the podium spieler matt chan bkg they just passed through and then we never see them again i mean not to say they're not great scott panchick like
Starting point is 00:28:35 bk's been twice scott's never been once so that was a cheap shot oh sorry scott sorry but yeah i don't know this brian will let b take over on that one. I feel like he's got things to say. Well, actually, part of the articles that I've been writing comparing Matt and Tia that have gotten a lot of conversation going, one of the things that I looked at was the variance of podium athletes on the men's field compared to the women's and the variance of top 10 athletes in the games on the men's side compared to the women. And there's a lot more variance in both of those categories for the men. And I think that's just because there's more guys in general that are actually competitive in fitness and trying. And there's different reasons for that. Part of the reason is because some percentage of women 20 to 35 years old are just having kids and it's not possible for them to compete competitively for the amount of, or train competitively for the amount of time that it takes to do that.
Starting point is 00:29:29 But if there's like, I think there are probably 800 men in the U S and North or North America in the U S and Canada, primarily that if the quarterfinal workouts were slightly different, could have been in that top, like the bottom 60 of the top one 20. And I don't think that's true for women. And so in any given year, you can have more men kind of competing to get into any stage of competition, including at the very top of the sport. And so you have, Pat's exactly right. Like the guys who finished second at the Games the last six years,
Starting point is 00:29:58 it's Ben Smith, Fikowski, Vellner, Olsen, Quant, Vellner. And obviously, well, you keep showing up in the second and third spots. But outside of that, you have Hogeberg. You have BKG do it twice. Medeiros is now at a third and a first. So there are some guys that are up there regularly. But if you expand that to the top 10, it's shifting quite a bit. He's not going to make top 10.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Who? That's my prediction. Ricky. It's too hard. I'll bet you that right now that he does. I don't think he does. Okay. Brian, you're willing to do that with no more data without seeing him compete for four years.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Oh, you're fucking up when Pat's got my back. That was hard for Pat to say that. That was hard. I just think that I'm purely in the camp of like we have no idea. And then we should stop talking about it until we know what we're talking about. Let's talk about danielle brandon sure i don't know danielle that well i keep hearing that her and brian are having a fling me too brian did you get reported to that man-hating website the um um oh that that was interesting.
Starting point is 00:31:05 They reposted the morning chalk up post and were calling us sexist and whatever else they wanted to do. And then when I made the kind of video explaining my position or what I was trying to do with that article, someone tagged them on it and their response was,
Starting point is 00:31:22 the comment sections in this video, the video that I put out, explain everything. And I didn't know what that meant because like 90% of them were very positive. And then there was 10% like your comments, for example, Savan, that were not very positive at all. Mine were extremely positive. Mine were extremely positive and uplifting. They were hurtful. extremely positive and uplifting uh hurtful i'm not sure so this is this is on your this is on your article for event the event wins like which number of event wins is more impressive matt and tia is that right okay i like didn't i didn't follow any of the backlash of that unfortunately
Starting point is 00:32:00 people thought that he was sexist because he's comparing. I just move. I just put the hand out and I'm like, I'm just going to stay away from these comments and stay away from this. There's this, there's this Instagram, there's this Instagram account. I can't remember something hate men, but anyway, basically what they do is,
Starting point is 00:32:19 is they take anywhere that they, that they project hatred of women and try to, I guess the word is dox the people who did it right i don't i don't know the exact definition of doxing but i was trying to learn it yesterday but basically they thought that brian it's just like revealing people's personal information or like they're like real names or they're like locations or stuff like that just because a lot of people are have anonymous online presence but i think that's what it is but I'm not certain.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Okay, so basically Brian was comparing Matt and Tia, and I think the allegation was that Tia is so much better than Matt that to compare them is to be completely sexist, that you're a sexist piece of shit, which is just bizarre to me. Those same people, a couple days ago, I posted on Danielle Brandon's account. She was working out in this beautiful blue top, but it was too big for her. It was like buckling at the top or something. And I posted on her Instagram account.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I said, hey, that shirt's too big for you. And all these women started jumping down my throat being like, you sexist fuck. No one gives a fuck what you think. You're mansplaining and all this shit. And I responded to them on the um account hey i don't know what your obsession is with penis and vagina but this has nothing to do with penis and vagina this has to do with an article of clothing that's too large for the account is you look like a man that's okay you look like a man i'm like so you guys need to get off the obsession
Starting point is 00:33:40 with penis and vagina i go basically you're reacting to something i'm saying that's not that you made up and then on top of that then you're you're acknowledging your reaction is true and then posting a comment about i mean it was completely bizarre but so the best part was is they tried to they tried to i guess dox me or whatever someone's like dude they're trying to cancel you but they couldn't because you can't tag me because i'm fucking shadow banned so they couldn't send their army to my account to get me and then so then i reposted it for them to help them out attack me and danielle was kind enough to like point out that they're fucking idiots and she reposted it too i mean it's just for her yeah i think it's yeah there's a lot of like come on dude the internet look at
Starting point is 00:34:21 look at velner shirt velner shirt fits fine everyone take notes velner See how it's like hugging his shoulders and his traps and his chest. Nice. Probably a little small even, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:34:31 when you have a good body, you're in walking season, aren't you? Yeah, that's right. Give him 10 pounds heavy right now. Um, meanwhile,
Starting point is 00:34:38 on my own account, I post a picture of me on the back of Dave's motorcycle and people are saying I look like a dwarf, a dwarf. And then I went back and looked at it and I did I do look like a dwarf well you should make yeah make some anonymous account and then just get into people I don't know it's funny I think there's a lot of projection that goes on the internet there's a lot of people telling you what you mean yes and that's like it's frustrating you know and nobody and nobody knows, nobody knows full context either.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Right. It's like people jump in halfway through a sentence and then they think they know what you're talking about. Or, you know, like you have a personal relationship with Danielle that maybe they don't know about. And it's like, I don't know, like this could be like a regular banter that you have sometimes be like, why are you wearing a triple XL? And like, they don't know that. Or I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:21 So there's just like, there's a little bit too much of everybody trying to be in everyone's business and policing everything, which is frustrating for sure. But I don't know. I try to just like I don't I try not to engage much in the Twitter sphere and the comment sections because generally you just leave feeling a bit frustrated with humanity. Do you do you have a preference for social media? I pretty much only am on Instagram. I haven't really – I have a Twitter, but it doesn't really get used. Is this a call-in? This is the first time we've ever allowed Collins with a, uh, on a,
Starting point is 00:36:07 on a show with a guest. And when we kind of just ambushed Pat, we didn't, we didn't, I didn't even tell you I was going to do that. Huh, Pat? I wasn't sure what that was initially, but that's fine. Okay, cool. Uh, Jim, you're on with the great Pat Velner and the, um, uh, Brian friend licking his wounds and me. What's up boys. How's everything living the dream.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Good. Good. Jim, how are you doing? I'm doing great. Thanks Pat. Um, I had a chance to meet you as a judge out of the grand game back in 2017.
Starting point is 00:36:37 He hates judges. Oh, interesting. Okay. Awesome. Okay. Well, if you hate judges,
Starting point is 00:36:43 it's a, yeah, yeah. I got pictures of you. I have. Awesome. Okay. Well, if you hate judges, I hope you hate judges. It's, yeah, I got pictures of you. I got pictures of Frazier. You know, when, you know, a guy used to show up and that's when,
Starting point is 00:36:52 you know, I think you were on a team with, I think you were on a team with Paul Tremblay and someone else in the team of three. Oh, come on. Someone else.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Albert Dominic LaRouche. Oh, no. Don't. Sorry. No, no disrespect to another Canadian. Yeah, ADL is the original great Canadian. The original great Canadian, the OGC. Oh, taking shots at
Starting point is 00:37:18 James Fitzgerald. Okay, fine. In the modern era. You should have known better than to say something like that in front of my own friend yeah yeah that was me putting that in my mouth for sure exactly well stefan i got something for you man i just want to give you a shout out um you're always talking about sugar you guys have heard stefan talk about sugar? No. Brian has, but I guess Pat has blocked me on all social media, all avenues of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Anything with my... He's asked Google not to report anything I say to him. He's blocked all hashtag sugar kills. He's even thought about changing his phone number so I can't text him anymore. I'm trying your recommended dessert, recommended treat of heavy cream over
Starting point is 00:38:08 frozen berry brilliant i'm telling you what this is genius and like you said it melts like a magic shell and it's unbelievable with you know the only sugar you're getting from it is the sugar from the fruit um really good so i just want to give you a shout out say thank you for that so i saved my saved my cravings here over the last week or so trying to be sugar free so it has been it has been really helpful so i just want to give a shout out say thank you thanks jim keep me posted on how that goes being sugar free you'll be so stoked you'll be so stoked once you're free from it um yeah i wasn't so stoked for the first day or two with the freaking headaches i was getting but you know suffered through it and came through on the other side, and here we are.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Yeah, and your dick will be harder. Oh, it can't be any harder than talking to three great guys like you right now. Oh, look at that guy. If you guys get a chance, if you get a chance before he gets canceled, before he gets thrown off of Netflix, watch Chappelle's latest stand-up. Has either of you seen it yet. I watched 30 Minutes last night, and I didn't laugh once. You didn't laugh once?
Starting point is 00:39:10 No. What's he doing? Did you laugh? He's apologizing. Not apologizing. He's basically taking back his issues with the transgender community he had with him. Basically, what I got out of it was that it was a joke. his issues with the transgender community had with him saying that, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:28 basically what I got out of it was that it was, that it's a joke. This is comedy. You can't do comedy anymore without getting canceled. And one of the things he brings up is, you know, he was talking about women and feminism, but what's a feminist?
Starting point is 00:39:40 Did you get to that part at all? I listened to 30 minutes and he says he's going to apologize to the gay community. And then he doubles down on his attacks or not the gay community trans community and i thought like i i don't have a problem with doubling down on your attacks i like that that's like i love temper tantrums i'm notorious for throwing a good temper tantrum but i just didn't think any of it was funny like dude just uh like what's that called when you like obliterate someone and then just move on. But I just didn't laugh. I didn't think it was like, I like the LGBTQ.
Starting point is 00:40:09 And I like the lesbian. I like the car metaphor he did one time in his last special. Did you watch it, Pat? Did you watch any of the Chappelle's new standup? Yeah, I watched it yesterday. Oh, what'd you think? Pretty good. I don't know. I like his style of storytelling um and humor mixing so it's not just like jokes and punch lines but i think he weaves a good story i don't know it was fine um i think that's it's interesting that's it's a tightrope act like the kind of uh comedy that he's doing these days so i respect that and it's again i'm i think i'm not in those communities so i don't know i think that was the point of his stand-up.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Because this is allegedly his last stand-up that he's doing. But apparently, he brings everything back, like, kind of at the end. You know, the transgender community told him, stop punching down on our community. Stop punching down like, you know, you're above us or something like that. And he ended it with, to the transgender community, stop punching down on my people. And when he said my people, he had prefaced that with talking about his people being comedians, his people being funny people who are just trying to make people laugh. He brought that all back at the end
Starting point is 00:41:27 and that was his mic drop and that's when he left. I thought it was pretty good. I know you're with all the letters, the LGBTQ and plus and AI and all that jazz. But anyway. I bet you Dave Chappelle
Starting point is 00:41:43 can't do 1% of fucking the amount of physical activity that Pat Vellner does in a day I swear to fucking god I'm not even joking it would kill him probably half a percent I'd love to put him through his paces if I ever got the chance
Starting point is 00:42:00 yeah well he's got nothing else to do he's not doing stand up anymore alright Jim thanks brother thank you guys have a good day bye some guy from this is how racist i am there's some guy from um i'm guessing he's from india or he has an indian name divesh maharaj maharaj i didn't think indian dudes crack jokes but he said probably that was brian's shirt danielle was wearing and she turned it into a crop top i it's fucking brilliant fucking brilliant i don't know where the origin of this of this started but i'm loving it i actually asked her about it
Starting point is 00:42:39 recently i was like about what how many i said something like do you know how many messages i get about this stuff and she goes you think you get a lot of them. So maybe people are bothering her too. Dude, leak the sex tape. Leak the sex tape. That shit would be crazy. You put on another 5,000 Instagram followers, guaranteed. Regardless of the size of your cock and balls.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Pat, you're getting married soon. I did on the 18th, of september oh you already did all it all of it did yeah it was a busy post games we were kind of running we hit the ground running after the games i was gone for almost a month um we were back i was back home visiting my parents and went to a wedding out there and And then I went back, uh, back to the Island and we planned the wedding. We had a trip with some friends who came out, like most of the wedding party came out and we did like a houseboat trip.
Starting point is 00:43:33 And then, uh, we had the wedding and then we went away to Tofino, which is like North, North, uh, West Island. Um, just a really nice area out there.
Starting point is 00:43:41 And we spent some time up there. So I feel like from basically all of September, pretty much, we were gone. And we kind of, yeah, tied the knot on the 18th. So done with the old. I saw the pictures. Pretty cool that O'Keefe came out for that. I thought that was really nice of him. Yeah, it was nice.
Starting point is 00:43:57 It was nice. Him and his wife, Alexa, both came out. And it was nice to have them out there. They've never been out this way either. So he's been making noise like he wanted to come visit for a long time. So it was a nice way to have them out there they've never been out this way either so he's been making noise like he wanted to come visit for a long time so it was a nice way to get him out there his wife's name is alexa yeah holy shit like which one's alexa the amazon one or google google one no it's just hey google it's it's no it's amazon yeah okay Yeah, like we just said, Alexa, a few times, and
Starting point is 00:44:25 everyone who has one of those, it's like going off now. Great prank. How can I help you? Alexa, order 10 things of toilet paper. How old's the baby? Four months. The baby is 29 years old.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Oh, that was because I said, hey, Siri, and then I said, how old is the baby? And then my computer answered. Oh, must be the – was it giving you the answer for the rapper, the baby? I guess. I guess, yeah. The baby? Must be.
Starting point is 00:44:54 29 years old. Owen's certainly not 29 yet. He's four months in three days on Monday. And the baby went, have you, has, so you've been with the baby every single day, basically since it's been born.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Well, we, yeah, pretty much. We've been pretty lucky though. Um, Michelle's parents were here like right after he was born visiting and helping.
Starting point is 00:45:19 So that was like pre games. We had some extra hands on deck. And then since the games like i said we went and visited my family we had people visiting here so we've always had extra hands around um but as of basically like two weeks ago sunday of the week before last we uh have been home kind of freewheeling it so we're finally like have the training wheels off and it's just us with the baby, but yeah, he's come everywhere we've gone. So he was at the games. He was, came back home with us. He was on the houseboat with us.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Like he's been, I think with the only exception of, I went on a biking trip mountain biking trip for like five days. Um, and he stayed home with Michelle and her sisters. And then I was gone for like four days. So that's it. Do you get in trouble for that no because we plan i feel like i get this i get the consent form signed months in advance and then we're good to go yeah it gets still we're pretty good i think that worldly yeah we're pretty good about making sure because that was the thing is her her sisters were here visiting she has two sisters and they were here helping so it wasn't like being left high and dry.
Starting point is 00:46:28 So we kind of planned things so that it would be possible. And, um, that was a trip for my, one of my best friend's weddings. So we did that and it was fine. We cleared it all and got it organized. And I feel like we're pretty good at being able to express if we feel like you know i'm underwater here and i need you to stay uh and we're pretty we don't ask for over nothing like if someone's gonna say it it's because it's serious and so we are pretty good at being able to just be flexible on that stuff but yeah she was well supported with her sisters here so we're able to i was able to get away for a few days but other than that we've been around will you bring him to rogue yeah he's coming down they're both coming down for the thing is we don't have any any help out here because my family's lives
Starting point is 00:47:16 in alberta like pretty far east from here and michelle's family is much farther east so we don't have any family around to like babysit last minute or leave like the dog or baby with. So we, uh, for the most part, like everybody, we roll deep.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Everybody comes to when we go places. Are you going to get a nanny? I think, um, one second, so my dog, I think, um,
Starting point is 00:47:40 the plan is to, Michelle's going to get back to work probably in the new year. Um, and right now I'm not working too much. I only have two clinic days a week. And so it's pretty easy to balance like that when Michelle's home on mat leave and I'm just training a lot of the time I can do sessions from home. And then when she starts to work, we're just going to try to offset her clinic days with my clinic days so that we can kind of have somebody doing some childcare on any given day. And then, you know, as he gets a little older, we'll, we're just going to try to get them in daycare. Um, there's
Starting point is 00:48:20 a few daycares around here, but it's hard to get in daycares here. Actually, the waitlists are huge. I know when we even started talking about kids, people were like, get on the waitlist because otherwise you're going to get, you're going to get left behind. So, um, yeah. So, I mean, the plan is to just kind of like slowly reintegrate phase back in, get Michelle working a bit and then just always have somebody available. Like we just are trying to, to share the load as much as we can uh and we obviously are pretty lucky that our jobs and lifestyle is uh you know amenable to that so
Starting point is 00:48:53 anyway it's it's been good so far and we've we've been doing all right but it's still even even given like how flexible our lifestyle is and we work pretty well together it's still hard sometimes so it's it's fun. We've talked about like my younger brother has a two year old and a newborn and like save for you with like, when you had three kids young, young, like that's like, that's no joke that will keep you running. So just us trying to exist with our one baby. Sometimes we catch yourself being like, Oh man, this is tough.
Starting point is 00:49:24 And then you have to check yourself. Cause we've got just about every privilege we could possibly ask for. And we're like, man, you know, it's, it's not easy to do, to do it well, right. And feel like you're giving everybody the time they need, like including your partner, not just the babies. So, um, you know, we're, we're rolling with the punches anyway do you have one of those wipe warmers no i don't know somebody else mentioned that to us recently that it's life-changing all right well we got that because we got that kind of dumb shit for the first kid right and then for the second kid you're like fuck the white warmer you're taking a cold wipe you know like everything went out the door with the second and third kid the first kid gets all the good shit and And after that,
Starting point is 00:50:05 it's just kind of like, Hey, fuck you. You're lucky you're alive. We have all like, we've tried to be as sustainable as we can. We don't really use any disposable like wipes or diapers or anything. Um,
Starting point is 00:50:15 unless we're traveling, we'll do some of that. We'll splurge on some, but we do mostly, um, like reusable diapers, reusable wipes, like everything like that.
Starting point is 00:50:24 So we do a lot of laundry. What's a reusable wipe? What's a reusable wipe? Like, just like, diapers, reusable wipes, like everything like that. So we do a lot of laundry. What's a reusable wipe? What's a reusable wipe? Like just like. They're just like, they're like little handkerchiefs that are just like, they're supposed to be good fibers for like sensitive skin as well. Like they're kind of a specific weave of fiber, but they're nothing, they're nothing spectacular. Like they're like, we just have a big stack of these little cloths that you just kind of, you wet with just water and then you wipe with those and then we throw them in the laundry with the, with the soiled diapers. How many of those do you have?
Starting point is 00:50:53 The 100? Yeah. There's probably not that many, but like might have like 50. Dude, I need to look into that. I'm obsessed with wipes. We've had, I filled the whole landfill with wipes already. Yeah. Like we have like, see that's, that's the thing, right? Like we realized pretty quick, cause with newborn, like right newborn,
Starting point is 00:51:11 when they still have like the really sticky black poo, we were like, okay, we'll use disposables for like the first till they get out of that first phase. Cause I don't really want to like, we don't want to clean those diapers. And it's pretty alarming how much waste you produce so we were like all right you know our plan was already to do at least a little bit of a hybrid of reusable and disposable and then we kind of were like you know we're gonna do as much reusable stuff as we possibly can um because yeah it's it's uh it's pretty crazy you make a mountain of waste for sure like between we normally between the two of us barely fill up we wouldn't even fill our garbage bin every two weeks and uh suddenly we were like full after like a week and change and
Starting point is 00:51:51 we're like oh okay this is a big change if you do the math on that it gets crazy quick i think we were changing diapers like seven times a day like i was obsessed with like not having the kids sit in any pee or poop and then you have three kids that's 21 diapers a day and you do that how many people with kids and yeah it's pretty crazy and i would tell people how many diapers i'd go through and they'd be blown i mean 21 a day that's 600 a month i mean that's and the shit's not cheap either no for sure anyway we were like we're a little more on the waist then we're like thinking the same thing we're like we're creating a literal mountain of just like shit diapers. I'm going to look into that.
Starting point is 00:52:28 I'm glad you said that. Reusable wipes because I carry water with me everywhere I go with them. I have like tons of water bottles. And if I had a stack of cloths, I could just put a little water on them, wipe them, and then just kind of have like a little bucket in the van where you throw those dirty things and then every day take them out and wash them. Yeah. See, that's – we need to get better about something like that so one of those wipe warmers is probably good because we could leave them wet whereas right now we just have a stack of dry cloths and i like put them on the change table and i wet the cloth and then we change them but now you start to roll around a little more like i can't exactly put them down and run to the sink to wet the way
Starting point is 00:53:05 uh which like i'll just carry them for now but i think if you had something you could put them in it would probably be helpful anyways brian sorry about this my first kid never the baby talk my first kid never rolled off a bed um pat because that's just like too like obsessive second and third kid fucking two dozen roll-offs each oh really just because you just oh you just get sloppy well your hands are the first kid just gets so much love and attention and then the other one just gets benign neglect you're chasing the first baby hey look man i'm a second child i'm a middle child you fell off the bed i'm used to that benign neglect get left places yeah but uh i think it's man it's true like tons of respect with people with multiple kids that are young I'm used to that benign neglect get left places. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:46 I think it's, man, it's true. Like tons of respect with people with multiple kids that are young. Cause that, man, I can only imagine you're like, you spend your time chasing baby one and then baby two is up to no good. And it's,
Starting point is 00:53:55 yeah, it's gotta be tough. Did you enjoy the podcast you did with Arm and Hammer? I started listening to it yesterday. Yeah, I did. And I think because I don't know for one thing it's something kind of novel i feel like i spend a lot of time talking about crossfit and the goings on in the crossfit
Starting point is 00:54:11 sphere and which is fine like if you were to consider me an expert in any one thing that might be what it would be but i think it was fun because i don't i don't know a lot about like being a dad and things and neither does he and I think that that was the whole point of that venture is he's looking at as an opportunity to kind of pick people's brains over you know what are the challenges you've faced that you know maybe I haven't faced yet but probably I will at some point and to learn little bits of things and I think that that it was cool it was a cool conversation to have just like an open honest conversation about like hey I found this really challenging I found this easier than I thought
Starting point is 00:54:48 harder than I thought like this was surprising what about you um and I think it's a cool way to learn and just and I and in some ways like feel like I don't know you're if you ever have like weird things that you're finding hard that you're not alone it's like oh this is there's some camaraderie in that and being like all right these people are it's a shared experience and i think there's a lot i might be wrong with this because i haven't exactly gone searching but i think that there are a lot of like um like mommy support things and stuff like that and there's maybe a little less for that so i think that it's just like it's a cool it was a cool idea and i said i'm super happy to come talk about whatever because it's just it's nice to be able to air that stuff out because you just – people don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:31 And then being a dad is a different experience than being a husband or being just an individual. So I think you have – it was just like a fun, open, frank conversation. So I thought it was really cool. I thought it was cool too. I only listened to the first like 30 minutes and i'm gonna get on the assault bike and try to get through the rest of it today but i thought it was cool someone just came up with a fucking brilliant billion dollar idea a new youtube channel parenting with pat i agree fucking great trade oh god no pressure well
Starting point is 00:56:00 i guess i don't know the internet you can just say whatever you want it probably works for some people it doesn't work for other people. See how long it takes before I do something dumb and get canceled. Has your fitness suffered at all? You're getting ready to go. And is your next competition the Rogue Invitational? And is Medeiros going to just put the stamp on you and take you out to the pasture there and be like, hey, this isn't a fluke, what I did at the games, and Pat's done. Who knows? My fitness has definitely suffered
Starting point is 00:56:28 though. If I can beat anybody at Rogue, they should feel bad. Pat, I'll give you a little preview. I should have an article coming out sometime soon. I submitted it a while ago. I'm warning Chaka. I did something that I thought was cool because most of the athletes competing at Rogue on both the men's and women's side were at the
Starting point is 00:56:49 games this last year. I think it's 19 of 20 women and 18 of 20 men. And then there's a couple that they invited. Quick question about that, Brian. Why would anyone be there who wasn't at the games because of the COVID or something like that? I was about to say that. Okay. Sorry. Sorry. Some people obviously declined their invitations for whatever reason, and so then they invited some others that weren't necessarily down the games roster. So they have Ben Smith, Sam Quant, and Carrie Pierce are the three who did not compete at the games. Obviously, Carrie had earned her invite, and it was a different situation. Ben and Sam's accolades speak for themselves, I think, so it's understandable why they were there.
Starting point is 00:57:23 speak for themselves, I think, so it's understandable why they were there. But what I did was I took seven events from the games this past season that most closely replicated a traditional programming year at Rogue. They usually have a little bit more emphasis on strongman and weightlifting as opposed to, you know, they're not going to have a single modality, they've never had a single modality long endurance event or something like that. So I took out any like specifically running or specifically swimming stuff from the games and just tried to approximate, okay, well, these guys just did a bunch of events. What can we expect at Rogue?
Starting point is 00:57:56 And then I applied those results from the games using Rogue's two scoring systems because they've had different scoring systems both years that they had events, drastically different scoring systems actually. And it's kind of cool to see the results in both of those scenarios uh velner you would have taken first you know with less with less events and a little bit more different emphasis on programming but the margin was very different based on the scoring but that's just at the top their first first year, they had like a 10-point spread for the first couple places or something, right? It was crazy. It went
Starting point is 00:58:29 190, 80. It was a huge spread. That's a fucking cool thing you did, Brian. That's fucking dope that you did that. I want to see that. Can you screen share that? Can I screen share on here? I'm sure Justin will love that. Or not even the whole article.
Starting point is 00:58:46 I just want to see who, who took set, who takes second to Pat and all makes sense based on all this analysis. You've given the games. So that that's fascinating and cool that you did that. Holy shit. It seems like a slam dunk. Like you did the obvious.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Well, the, you know, the interesting second, Justin takes second in both scenarios. Brenton is not competing, so it's not relevant. But BKG would still finish in the third spot. But after that, there's a ton of variance,
Starting point is 00:59:14 and there's some really dramatic changes. Like Will Morad, who finished 20th at the Games, would finish eighth in this scenario. Or Cole Sager, who is 14th, finishes sixth. So there's quite a bit of shifting and then even within the two scoring systems on the women's side spots six through 11 are like completely flipped around and mixed up depending on the scoring system so hopefully that article it's kind of funny i think that sometimes athletes get a hard time when they talk about
Starting point is 00:59:43 things like oh like scoring system change. And that's something that happens with the cut system. So 2019 and 2021, the cuts alters the scoring system partway through the weekend. And you get like, it sounds like you're bitching, but like it matters a lot. And like depending on the scoring system applied and when you apply it and ranking different events more heavily than others based on point spread it like makes a big difference and like everybody's playing by the same rules but you know if you change the order of events in a scoring system that's changing throughout a weekend it actually matters like you know for those sorts
Starting point is 01:00:21 of things like to completely change 6th twelfth, that's pretty significant. It's not minor differences, especially when races are tight. You have sometimes podium races that are decided by one to five points, right? Yeah, that's exactly right. Actually, I picked the events before everything went in order. So I picked the events to try to simulate Rogue, like what we could expect at Rogue programming based on two years of what they've done.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Then I filled in all this stuff. Then I entered all the points for the two different scoring systems. And finally, I ranked it. So I didn't really know what was going to happen until the very end. And exactly what you said is what happened, is in the first year scoring system, Laura Horvath had beaten Annie Thorzair by four points. But in the second year scoring system, Laura Horvath had beaten Annie Thorzair by four points. But in the second year scoring system, Annie beats Laura by five points.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Yeah. Wow. And, Pat, when you say athletes can't really bring this up because it'll sound like they're making excuses, like you can't have an honest conversation because someone's like, oh, he's being a whiny bitch. Yeah, pretty much. I mean, there's sometimes
Starting point is 01:01:25 i think it's different you can depending on your position if you win and then you say hey this point system was kind of weird and suspect then you can probably not do that in the future then you kind of get a free pass but if you even come second you say like man this point system was a little whack people are like okay shut the fuck up like you're just second and you say like, man, this point system was a little whack, people are like, okay, shut the fuck up. Like you're just pissed because you didn't win. And so I think that there's, I think it's worth, I don't know the answer either because we've tried a lot of different things and there's certainly glaringly obvious weaknesses in certain point systems, but I don't know how you make it flawless.
Starting point is 01:02:01 So we're kind of like, we're doing our best and we're trying several different things and it's really easy to after the fact be like well see how this happened and this happened so like we shouldn't do that um but sometimes it's just like what you know what i do what i think is i've done a lot of you know i've done a lot of studies of this and i've taken specific competitions and applied four or five different scoring systems to them and it usually doesn't change the top and it usually doesn't change the very bottom but it does have a lot of effect in the middle. What I think is, is, you know, really relevant after spending a lot of time thinking about this is the athletes know what they're preparing for, because depending on the scoring system, you actually can prepare and train a little bit differently. And it's not necessarily so much
Starting point is 01:02:43 with the ones we've used, but a lot of people are in favor of like a scoring system that rewards your actual performance. So if you're winning an event, it's in your interest to win it by more because it skews everyone else's time all the way down. And then from, uh, from that perspective,
Starting point is 01:03:00 you, you could, if that's a scoring system in place, you could like very, very clearly change every way that you train, understanding that it's actually in your interest to capitalize on the things that you're very much better than the field at. Like Yonikowski right now has no interest in swimming. He swims because he likes to swim. He doesn't need to swim. But if he was rewarded by winning by more in the swimming event at the games, which is what that scoring system implores,
Starting point is 01:03:24 then he would train to demolish everyone, win by minutes instead of whatever, or dozens of minutes instead of singular minutes. Because he would just put, not that he'd get more points at 100, but that everyone else would get less and less points based on his margin of victory inflating. So I think that it's important that the athletes know what they're preparing for in the scoring system because it could dramatically change the way that they approach a competition i've done one competition that was done like that before um really it's an interesting way to do it for sure um it can create some problems but it's mostly i don't know i it's I agree. It's more emphasis on actual performance, not relative performance. Um, but anyway, there's, there's just like, there's a
Starting point is 01:04:09 lot of different answers and it's, uh, it's interesting to see, but I don't know. Rogue will be, I'm excited to see what it is. My, my biggest thing about those sorts of decisions, though, like, like point systems, cut systems, I don't mind what it is. I i don't really care but you need to tell the athletes beforehand i do agree with you on that i think that and it doesn't need to be three months ahead but like before i register and like pay a registration fee and book my flights and book my whatever i gotta know like this or if they're not gonna tell you that has to be part of it they have to be like they have to emphasize that they you, that has to be part of it. They have to emphasize that. They either have to be like, hey, part of this competition is that we're not going to tell you shit, not even the scoring system.
Starting point is 01:04:51 They have to be transparent about it so you can strategize. Some things like cuts when people are traveling across the world, you should know. This year, I think that was a bit contentious. Travel has never been more difficult, more expensive. So to just spring on people once they're already boots on the ground that like, hey, by the way, you might only compete for two days. Especially with Australians. Half of you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Right. Anyway, I thought that was a bit cheap. And I was like, you know what? Like, why? Like, what does it possibly change? It doesn't, you don't gain anything. It doesn't make it more dramatic. It basically just puts out a bunch of full-grown adults who should have every right to make
Starting point is 01:05:30 financial decisions like that on their own. And he just kind of pulled the rug out from under the I thought that was very cool. In my opinion, that entire decision was based on the snatch event. Is it Dave wanted to do that event in the same way as the clean and he knew he couldn't do it with 40 or 35 or however many there were. So he just cut it down just for that. That's what I think. What did you guys think about the tiebreaker event? If that's true,
Starting point is 01:05:52 then that's petty as fuck. But, um, what did you guys think about the tiebreaker thing that happened off on the side of the snatch? I didn't have to do it. So I loved it. Oh yeah. It was not yeah that was
Starting point is 01:06:06 i did not think that was a necessary honestly i mean he's doing it for the drama i guess but it's so different you have guys that have literally just failed why not necessary because it was so many so few points on stake oh like for example i i chose the snatch event as one of the seven events to use in the um rogue simulation but when I applied their scoring system, if three guys got 275, I just gave them all the same points for T5 or whatever it was. And that's fine because they lifted the same. And the problem is that,
Starting point is 01:06:33 especially in the earlier rounds, there were still a lot of guys. So it was possible that someone had lifted like four or five minutes before the guy that they were going off against in the face-off. And some guy might've just like, literally just failed an attempt at a one-run max snatch 20 30 seconds before and then was
Starting point is 01:06:49 asked to do what was it 245 for three reps in a race scenario like which which situation is harder in your mind waiting four minutes and then having to rep out three touch and go snatches or just mitching a snatch and then having to do it like a minute later so they didn't walk right to the bar and then do the three they'd go over and set up and there was a whole standby three two one like you had probably at least a minute to get your shit together um you tell us pat what do you think i'd prefer to miss the lift and then and then go over and then lift those bars right away then have like a really long like five minute wait of like not touching any bar because i i don't remember if they had a warm-up bar on that side but they did
Starting point is 01:07:30 on the on the side where we were lifting and waiting for like the one max so if you had a long rest you could do like a couple warm-up lifts at whatever what what way you wanted but i don't know if they had that on the other side so if you were stuck out there you met you were the first guy who missed and you've got to wait for 20 people to go through the rotation um yeah you could be waiting five six minutes before you actually get to do your race and that's just hard to do like a cold pull like that it doesn't feel very good pat what do you think about um go ahead brian no i'm just saying it was like the tiebreaker concept was like well these guys failed the same lift but then it wasn't it wasn't even close to the same scenario for for the different uh athletes yes it sort of sort of feels like
Starting point is 01:08:16 double dipping hey it's like you're doing a 100 max but then you're also doing a speed like speed ladder kind of thing i don't know it just i was kind of glad when i hit 290 and failed at 295 and then both royce and gee hit 295 i was like sweet i'm just gonna walk off i gotta have to do three less matches like sounds good to me and i still take third like no problem and the tie break before me was like four or five people or something so i avoided that train wreck and then i just got to kind of including including brent and justin yeah yeah yeah that 291 pat you said that your fitness is suffering a little bit for whatever reasons because you did too much molly at your wedding because you got a new kid um because you're not allowed out of your house because of the
Starting point is 01:09:02 lockdowns in your country um whatever reasons your fitness is suffering, do you think it's dangerous or not good then to go compete? Because like in boxing or in fighting, if your fitness wasn't at 100%, it would be dangerous to get into the ring for two reasons. One, you could get fucking injured. But two, it could be bad for your psyche, right? Do you have any hesitant in going to rogue and not being a hundred percent? I mean, I'm going to do, I'm, I exaggerate a little bit how bad my fitness is. Like I'm still fine.
Starting point is 01:09:35 I'm, I haven't done certain things to the level that I maybe would like, but there's still three weeks or so, right? Like I've got some time to touch a few things that I want to. So that was mostly healthy. Are you physically healthy? Are you injury free? No, I wouldn't say like a hundred percent,
Starting point is 01:09:55 but I don't think anybody really ever is. Right. I'm working on a few things, but it's, I think that like my, I've tried to get over that mental hurdle in the last few years of really caring. Like if you show up and then it's I think that like my I've tried to get over that um mental hurdle in the last few years of really caring like if you show up and then it's like ah you know it wasn't your best day and you don't maybe perform to a level that you think you're capable of and you you know you take a
Starting point is 01:10:19 fifth place finish or something like that I think that years ago I had this idea that, you know, that would really reflect my, what I call it, my legacy or whatever. Like people would be like, Oh, there'd be like this mass disappointment from fans of the sport. And I just don't think that's real. Like, I think that's so self-imposed. Um, you feel that pressure and it's like, well, I can't show up unless I'm going to win. Um, and that I'm trying to get over that because I do love to compete. And I think, you know, there's good opportunities to show up and do things. And I, yeah, I know that the narratives are like, Oh, it's going to be Pat and Justin and whatever. And would it be great to show up and win and then make this storyline super exciting for the season? Yeah. Is that what I
Starting point is 01:11:01 want to do? Of course, that's what i want to do but like if i show up and and justin wins and i come third or fourth or whatever i tank for some reason like i don't think people look at that and then go oh like the games was a fluke or like velner's lost it and some people probably do and like i'm just i'm trying to step outside that and not really care because i don't i don't think I have anything left to prove to other people. Um, I'm just kind of doing it cause I like to do it and I'm trying to take care of myself a little bit. And so I think either way I've kind of outgrown that and I'm just, I'm going to go and do it and it'll be fun. And on the road puts on a great
Starting point is 01:11:40 event. Um, I get to go see some friends and, and exercise for a few days and yeah like am i going to try to win it of course i'm not going to hit a competition floor where i'm not going to try to win am i going to do my best with what the time that i have to make myself as prepared as i can be yeah of course and i've been doing that for years so it's just i think it'll be mostly fine like is there the potential for like a hiccup here or there because uh everything's not dialed dialed in yeah but i think that there's also that for everybody right now because we just finished the games people have taken some time off i'm not the only guy who took a break in september like or in august september like probably the average games athlete got back to training
Starting point is 01:12:21 maybe a couple weeks before me two three weeks before me but they need the head start so someone in the comments uh don't they don't sleep on chandler smith at rogue fourth and fifth the two years he's competed there yeah i don't sleep on chandler in general he's a pretty impressive athlete especially i think in a competition that is a lot of power output a lot of strength a lot of heavy stuff like i'll never forget who does the programming for rogue who does their programming it's good historically i think it's been chris spieler and josh bridges actually i don't know if they're doing it this year because aren't they both they might both be competing in the legends division but um yeah i think they've done in the past wrote, the dude is a chiropractor.
Starting point is 01:13:07 Pat will be just fine. The dude is a chiropractor. Come on, man. If that said the dude is one of the X-Men, Pat will be just fine. I get it. But what does him being a chiropractor have to do with him being fine? It might be in relation to your comment about being healthy. Yes.
Starting point is 01:13:26 I think that you crack your own back three times a day and give yourself your own neck adjustments. Well, at least I know a lot about injury rehab and stuff like that. I think actually one of the biggest challenges that I find during the season is like knowing what I should do. And then as, as a,
Starting point is 01:13:45 like a general person trying to take care of their body and then knowing what I have to do as an athlete, cause they are not the same. And it's like, it's trying to reconcile those two worlds and being like, yeah, okay. My knee is doing this or my shoulders doing this.
Starting point is 01:13:59 So like, what would I tell somebody or what do I know is, is the best path to getting those things back to healthy? And what kind of time am I looking at? When do I have to compete next? Can I actually take whatever timeframe of not squatting or not going overhead or not whatever?
Starting point is 01:14:18 So trying to balance those things is actually extremely difficult. And that's one of the things that it's nice to take time for in the off season. those things is actually extremely difficult and that's one of the things that it's nice to take time for in the off season but you know nowadays with more competitions and things it's uh you know there's the it's enticing to go and compete and all these other off-season events earn some money have some fun uh travel a little bit so it's harder to set aside that time i think it takes a lot more discipline and i don't know we kind of joke of joke now that like, I'm not, I'm not Justin. I'm not 22 years old looking at like another decade of CrossFit. Like,
Starting point is 01:14:50 um, I'm playing the back nine. So I'll just ride this wagon until the wheels fall off and fucking ride into the sunset. Um, Stephanie, Christina says a new day in the life episode is out by nate edwardson on pat that's cool what what what you is that on nate's um youtube or is that on your youtube pat
Starting point is 01:15:12 uh i don't have a youtube i think it's just on his youtube but why don't you have a youtube you don't have a youtube i don't have the time man i don't have the time or energy to put into that um i have i have a YouTube in the sense that I put my open workouts on like my YouTube to submit them. Um, but I don't have like a vlogging YouTube, like a lot of athletes are doing now. Uh, I feel like most people hire someone to do that. And I just, I don't know. I don't love having cameras around all the time either. So it just, I don't know if it's my style i have this friend named john brzing do you know who that is no i maybe i've met him somewhere but i don't
Starting point is 01:15:51 know his name doesn't ring a bell he i made a movie about him it's called pooling john if you get a chance you should watch it i think you'll like it it's called pooling john pooling john okay pooling p-u-l-l-i-n-g oh arm wrestling it's about arm wrestling oh okay okay and so basically he's basically been i guess more or less retired from arm wrestling let's say for five five to seven years right and recently he's making a comeback to arm wrestling and he started a youtube station and he recently posted uh he gave someone his new iphone 13 and he said hey film me doing this arm wrestling match and it got 70 000 views and the video is 17 minutes long and you run ads on it you make a couple thousand bucks now granted he is considered the greatest arm wrestler who ever
Starting point is 01:16:36 walked the planet but he's just doing and he's building this massive fucking following on his youtube station just by doing live streams with his iPhone 13. And it's so fucking cool. And people love him. Love him. And I would be curious if you think like you guys look like you're from the same gene pool. It's crazy. From the first day I met you, I thought that there was some sort of similarity.
Starting point is 01:16:59 Like you guys like have some relationship to like the people from the Flintstone era. You know, like that look, that cartoon drawing. You know, the Flintstones, Barney and Fred. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Anyway, I think people would like to hear you talk 10 minutes a day while you walk around your neighborhood with your kids strapped to you. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:17:21 I don't know what I would talk about. I just feel like, I don't know. I just feel like then I start trying to just fill air. I don't know what i would talk about i just feel like i don't know i just like then i start trying to just fill air and i don't know do you need do we need do we need pat valner's take on current events is what you got to ask yourself i'm like what am i contributing if i was going to do something like that i would probably i would probably try to make it something tied in with like my profession, maybe create a channel like helpful with rehab tools,
Starting point is 01:17:48 like things like that, various different things that I think are actually contributing something and productive. I just, I like don't love the idea of myself starting a blog. That's just like self-servicing and like kind of just a little jack off sesh to like hear my own voice and talk about what I think about everything like I'm the most important mind in the world right now like I get that but two or three times a day especially when you're working out don't you have like these thoughts like
Starting point is 01:18:14 oh shit I should probably write this down or oh wow I just unfucked myself I that thing I've been worrying about that was so stupid I should could have just done this, this, and this. And you're like, man, that – and then if you would have wrote it down right in that moment, then you'd be like, hey, I could talk about this later. But you forget and it just passes. I don't know if I'm thinking things that profound. You might think I'm smarter than I am. I just think when people work out, they have these epiphanies and then they go away after they're done working out and it's kind of like you know your friend thinks they solved all the world's problems when they're stoned and they tell you later i think you and i probably work
Starting point is 01:18:51 out slightly differently oh that's true like you're actually working out and i have like pencil and paper next to me and i'm watching ufc fights yeah i'm a lot of times i'm not thinking anything too profound i'm either thinking like like but when owen is sitting in the corner watching you he is having profound thoughts probably it's nice it's nice having the company these days i'm usually just in the garage by myself so when he just sits around and watches it makes me feel cool do you do that put him like in a put him in a little like uh i don't even know what they're called like a car seat or a carrier and set them in the garage and you work out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:26 We have kind of a rocking chair that he sits in that, um, depending. Yeah. Like if Michelle is doing something or she'll go do a class at the gym or something like that. And I'll just take them for, if I have to train and I'm doing it at home,
Starting point is 01:19:37 I can just sit them down starting to get a little cooler. So I can't do as much outside with them, but if it's in the garage, you can just chill. It's pretty good. The, the, the best advice I ever got for when I had a baby your age was Chris Spieler told me at the games, hey, don't forget to burp your baby.
Starting point is 01:19:55 Yeah, he told me that before. Okay. What is the best advice you've gotten? The best advice. you've gotten the best advice um anything that like you do every day you're like fuck thank god someone showed me the swaddle that shit is gold yeah i don't know i feel like we not like not really since he's been born but we did a lot of uh crowdsourcing for stuff like that before he was born of just yeah all the swaddling. And I mean,
Starting point is 01:20:26 it helps that Michelle works also in, um, like labor and delivery and does a lot of, um, maternity health and, and like baby checkups and stuff. So she's pretty dialed into like what the things that you need to do. Um,
Starting point is 01:20:40 yeah, I don't know. I feel like I, I don't, yeah, I don't know. I feel like we,'t yeah i don't know i feel like we most of the baby already feel like trying to do yeah he also looks like like when you're holding it like before you know like the first hour you're holding it you're like all frayed are you already like fuck it like
Starting point is 01:20:57 like you'll just throw it on your chest when you're sweaty and just like pick it up with one hand and oh yeah just like it's just yeah it's awesome isn't it yeah you're like this is crazy i think a lot of what i try to do is just try to like relieve any kind of anything that i can off from michelle like if she needs to have a nap even or things like that we'll just like i'll take them and do whatever walk the dog and the baby strap them on and just go um try to give her breaks whenever i can and that's kind of my more important role right now because i'm still doing lots of training and she's doing a lot of work she's on maternity leave so she's doing a lot of the work at home so whenever i get the chance that's like more my major goals honestly like the baby stuff's like they're not that
Starting point is 01:21:39 complicated like their need their needs are very few and they're just specific it's like they need to eat they need to like have a clean diaper and then yeah like be burped and like be held and that's pretty much it like we try to spend a lot of time like tummy timing like there's not that much to it um so we're like i try to make sure his basic needs are met and then beyond that i'll like i like lay on the couch with him now and just sort of lay him on my belly and watch him kind of do his tummy time and it's fun we try to have a fair amount of like bonding time that's that might be one like i try to set aside a little bit of time to just like you know not have your phone or your computer out or anything and just like chill with them uh and spend like 30 minutes and just hang and looking
Starting point is 01:22:23 right into his eyes and doing time. Take your mask off and just kind of connect. Yeah, exactly. No, I'm not going to take his microchip off. Are you kidding? No, don't do that. Don't do that. Do the Hells Angels have a presence
Starting point is 01:22:41 on your island? Yes. Like a big one? I don't know how big. Like big enough to where you're scared that I asked you about it? Where you're like, hey, I don't want to talk about that? Like, is it that big? No, no.
Starting point is 01:22:56 I think that there's a fair amount of drug presence around, maybe not so much on the island but on the main line for sure and the island's a bit of a rooting um place so anything coming from the pacific kind of comes through those borders right like it's anywhere that has ocean ports like you're gonna have issues like that so um i know there's like an area in town that a while back got all bought up and there's like a few houses on a block and they all got painted black and that's like it's like four houses in a row in this one neighborhood and it's just like all health angel stuff and there's just it's like it isn't everywhere that they are like they're kind of there's deals obviously and there's sort of like understandings and they don't
Starting point is 01:23:42 um they don't do certain things or cause problems for like small petty stuff, but they keep a lot of that small petty crime in check. Right. And then I know that there is, I actually treat a few people that work in like drug enforcement and I always am talking about this kind of stuff because I'm interested and I'm like, Hey, you know, I watched Narcos. If you need a hand, like, let me know. uh try to get some details on what sort of investigations are
Starting point is 01:24:09 going on which they'll never give me but i still ask every time because it's making conversation but um there's some of that around i don't know it's nothing i don't think it's like anything crazy crazy there's not like um gang violence that's really bad i don't think we have a bigger problem with like homelessness opioids like that kind of stuff here how the fuck lots of homeless in canada how can lots of alcoholism there's a lot of a lot of homelessness uh just outside of vancouver i remember driving through there like yeah the island in the lower mainland uh here how it's it's much it's just mild like we don't have as much winter here like you get we maybe snow like once a year and it's it's just like rainy season it's like being in seattle
Starting point is 01:24:51 right like it's like just rain so a lot of homeless people will come out this way because they don't want to die um so they people will just sort of like find get down from alaska tickets sometimes in the winter you you get lots of camps and things like that so um you know that's a lot of uh that exists like there's a lot of that you know substance abuse addictions um stuff like that so that's like a bigger problem here i would say pat have you, have you ever met Miko Saylor? Very briefly at Rogue in 2019. Yeah, he's
Starting point is 01:25:32 coming again this year. I was surprised that he was making the trip this year, but I think that's really cool. A lot of people don't know him if they're new to the sport, but he's one of the most interesting. What's he doing there? What's he doing?? He's competing. What's he doing?
Starting point is 01:25:45 Competing? Wow. Yeah. They got, I mean, it's, I'm more impressed with their, with their ability to get legends to do these competitions than, uh, than the athletes they have in the open field. Like there's a ton, obviously people who are promises that they make them. Yeah. That's, that's always what I'm wondering.
Starting point is 01:26:03 Or if it's, or if it's like a part of their contract today we'll only have you do four events total i promise you won't have to go overhead uh nothing above like 70 because though they're old you mean like that what they promised the masters athletes well i mean i i don't know about i I think I would – Okay, Rich has to win. Unless – Like nobody go too far. You went too far, Pat. You went too far with that. Well, it's very – to me, it's really – there's a huge difference when I look at the women's field compared to the men's field. Like in the women's field, there are still women like Annie Sakamoto and Becca Voigt that are very competitive in their master's divisions, like winning and podiuming and competing.
Starting point is 01:26:41 very competitive in their masters divisions, like winning and podiuming and competing. And then you have people like Julie Foucher, who's showing up there, and Tanya Wagner, who's showing up there, that I'm sure they still have high levels of fitness, but they're not preparing for something like that the same way that they haven't competed. Didn't Sam Briggs
Starting point is 01:26:57 compete in the Legends category in 2019? And then just competed as an individual still for the next two years? I'm curious. I don't know what the criteria is to fit into the Masters category, but it's got to be awesome. Well, it's not Masters. It's just Legends.
Starting point is 01:27:12 It is very mystical. Yeah, exactly. I think it's probably just a bit of – there is no criteria. It's sort of just the hand selection. What are the dates on that? What are the dates on road? It's right at the end of October. 29th to 31st of October.
Starting point is 01:27:27 Last day of Halloween, we're all going to dress up. We'll all dress up. Everyone's going to dress up. They're just going to trade shirts with each other. They're going to be like, I'm Saxon Pancake. Who could I be? Who's there? Chandler.
Starting point is 01:27:42 You got to get Chandler. I want to be Chandler Smith. Yeah, I got to be Chandler Smith for sure. Dude, it's honestly – If you dress up as Chandler Smith, the only podcast you'll ever be welcome on again is this one. Just so you know. No, not like – he's saying trade jerseys. Oh, I thought you were talking about going in full regalia.
Starting point is 01:28:04 I thought you were talking about really embracing it now. But they actually both have identical colored hair right now, I think. Yeah, sure. Didn't he go with the blonde again? Yeah. Or maybe he posted an old picture. I don't know. Sometimes I don't know if he's like it's old photos either.
Starting point is 01:28:20 But he might have the platinum blonde look going again. Hey, if he went as you and you went as him, you might be able to get a pass. I still don't know. It's risky. It's risky. I don't know if you want to risk it. I don't know if you want to risk it. I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Yeah, I better see. Although maybe he's stealing my hair color, right? I don't know. Is there something there? Probably not. I'm just kidding. You're an oppressed man. I'm just kidding you're an oppressed man
Starting point is 01:28:43 Patrick this is probably like obviously the most popular show I've done in fucking weeks because you're such a stud and I appreciate you coming on and letting me steal some of your mojo or it's Brian Brian hasn't been on probably as long as since the last time
Starting point is 01:28:59 you've been on so fuck maybe it's Brian I need more data he baited me by bringing my my best friend my pretend best friend oh yeah it's good strategy i mean the only way i can get uh brian on is if i have you or daniel brandon on that's the only i came on the other night neither of them were there that's true that's true and then for 20 minutes you came on for 20 minutes we beat up on you that's not true i told you 20 minutes and I gave you 25. That's correct.
Starting point is 01:29:28 That is true. No gracious. You guys go to Nate Edwardson's, um, uh, YouTube channel. Um, he's a good filmmaker.
Starting point is 01:29:36 Uh, I think, I think he's a relatively good dude, but more importantly, he covered Pat Vellner. Check out that video. That's awesome. He is a good dude.
Starting point is 01:29:43 I haven't seen it yet. I'm sure it's awesome though. Uh, go to the rogue classic and cheer on um pat velner um he is going to kick ass um even though he's only operating about 99.3 percent um if you please support brian friend from not getting canceled um he doesn't have a sexist bone in his body. He only has one bone in his body. And that's it. Looking forward to your article coming out and stirring up some drama, Brian.
Starting point is 01:30:17 I'm sure it will.

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