The Sevan Podcast - #166 The News - Kate Gordon & James Hobart

Episode Date: October 11, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Can you guys hear me now? You can. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:00:33 I have my headphones on the wrong thing. Okay. Man, did you guys... We're flying by the seat of our pants tonight because this is a new streaming software and we are working it out as we can. Hey, Savant, we are live. Do you know how... I don't see it live
Starting point is 00:00:54 on the... I don't see it live on YouTube. You say we're live, but I don't believe you. You guys want to see something cool? Because I don't believe we're live. Look at, look at,
Starting point is 00:01:07 see that green circle around Jason. What's Kate? What are you laughing at? Kate? I don't know. Just whatever you're about to show us. Look at, look at,
Starting point is 00:01:16 look at, uh, Jason Hopper. Um, Oh, the green circle. The close friends circle. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Yeah. You know, you know, you guys are tight. Look at this guy next to him. I have a trick for you. I have a really cool hack for you on Instagram. You know, you know, like obviously the close friends shows a green circle around the profile picture on your like story thing at the top.
Starting point is 00:01:39 If when you do your stories, if you put one of the COVID stickers, like the let's get vaccinated sticker or like the whatever sticker, it will push your story to like the front of the line and puts a big purple circle around your story. So you get like way more views and way more exposure. And you can. Is that really true? Is that really true? Yeah. Like I've been doing it occasionally and I've seen some other people that are like, know we're not live sorry kate hold on hold on sorry you're saying good shit
Starting point is 00:02:10 yo we are not fucking live yeah but i don't see us on our youtube station which makes me wonder what station we are live on i'm gonna do it from my end no i can't yeah you need to host the show. But I think we could both be logged in on the same hosting screen. We can? I think so. Yeah, because it says we are live on YouTube. It's public. Okay, let me see if I can.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Let's see something here. Good evening, James. We are troubleshooting something here. I'm here. Oh, I'm going to go to the bathroom. Yes, go ahead. Okay. I'm not sure why, but my heart rate is at like 170 right now. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Got it. But we need Stevan back. Okay. Okay. Now it says there's one person watching. I'm alive. What was wrong? How'd you fix it?
Starting point is 00:04:59 God damn it. Sorry, guys. We're trying. We're trying. We're trying. Okay. Video is tight. For the first time
Starting point is 00:05:15 about ejaculating but it wasn't nice uh kate do you really think that that um oh everyone left everyone got kicked out oh everyone's back everyone's back you guys were using new software where you're using stream yard in the past we've always used riverside fm um and i'm really excited because i think this is going to take care of a lot of problems i'm going to go check it out is this video made for kids no bam i think we're good i believe we're alive yeah cool monetization is off that's bad make the motherfucking money i'm gonna try to edit that watch this i'm gonna try i got it i got it it. It's damn. You're good. Damn. You get to race. And you lost. Do you guys still see the call in number? Did we lose it?
Starting point is 00:06:10 Oh, I got, we lost it. I'll put it back in. You guys, we got to call a number. Cause we're kind of a real show. How many podcasts do that?
Starting point is 00:06:20 Do any other podcasts do that? The number is awesome. One. Just nine. Two. Oh, you can see people commenting eight yes if you guys go over to the comments you could click it and you could see him coming in oh boy and then uh james i got all your topics here on banners wait you can see the topic oh man that is really going to distract the shit out of james he's not capable of multitasking like that that's like what was that sorry i missed that i missed that can you do this james can you do this what'd you say this at the same time i don't get
Starting point is 00:07:01 it i understand i understand I understand. I understand. I understand. Whatever. It's okay. It's showing off. I'm not going to let you pull me down right now, man. Life. Live call-in number.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I pinned the message. Question for you, Sevan. Go ahead, Mr. David Parker. Go ahead. Ask away. James, how do you feel about the news today? I like the news a lot today. Kate, before we got cut off, Kate was telling us about a conspiracy theory. Tell us about that theory because I don't know if that's true, Kate. I don't know if it's true.
Starting point is 00:07:37 It's not a conspiracy theory you want to hear, James. It's a crap one. It's really bad. Okay. So on Instagram, you see different colored circles for like a new story, a story you've watched. It goes like gray. And then a close friend story is green. But if you put the vaccination sticker on your story, it comes up as like purple with like a pretty line and it brings it to the front of the queue. So apparently if you use that, you get way more exposure and people viewing your stories. So I'm telling Siobhan to start putting that in his stories and see what happens to the views that he gets. I was thinking the gay flag would launch me to the top. I'm going to start doing that.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Hey, where? Yeah, on everything. So I just took a picture of the screen and it says, let's get vaxxed. You're saying I should pick that? Yeah, so put that on and then put something over top of it. You can hide it apparently. I don't even care. I don't even care. I'll put it everywhere. You're just going to put it on? Yeah, just put that on and then put something over top of it. You can hide it apparently. I don't even care. I don't even care.
Starting point is 00:08:27 You're just going to put it on? Yeah, just put it on. Let's get vaccinated. And also, I have another fact for you guys. On all dating apps now, people can put in stickers on their profile to say if they're vaccinated or not. Oh, Jesus. Yeah. I like it when the tough guys put like, for their pronoun, they put like, I own a gun.
Starting point is 00:08:44 I just like, you know, just shit like i own a gun i just like you know just shit like that hey look at i'm purple you're right yeah there you go you're purple man you're back i'm purple you're gonna get you're gonna get the opposite of shadow band imagine if they pulled you back on for that look at the kind of eye candy i follow i follow jason hopper the liver king and allison nyc oh the liver king my buddy mine's been sending me his stuff he is What kind of eye candy I follow. I follow Jason Hopper, the Liver King, and Allison NYC. Oh, the Liver King. My buddy of mine has been sending me his stuff. He is jacked, but God, his diet is disgusting.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Does he eat liver? So you're right. I'm friends with him a little bit. I've talked to him on the phone a few times. I'm friends with him a little bit. Well, good on him. I'm impressed. I'm a fan of his fortitude, but...
Starting point is 00:09:26 I want to touch his body. Yeah, you should ask him to. Because look how hard his body looks. Wait, let me see. Look at this. Come on, guys. Look at this. Jeez.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Yeah, he looks amazing. That's what happens when you eat the most nutritionally dense food on the planet. I'd put your balls in my mouth hobart to be that hard would you sure why not put that to the test just once a year lick the underside of another dude's sack so you could be that hard done no problem god damn he eats eggs and bacon and shit hey um did you have a birthday party today hey this guy actually offered to sponsor the matt josh and savon podcast he should you should have let him like big money josh said uh josh and matt didn't want the money it was it was it was it was really good money too i was really disappointed i take this guy's supplements i wish he'd sponsor my podcast this podcast what's the liver king pulling in man the he you know he makes those supplements that like um paul saladino makes too the like the dehydrated like liver powder cock and balls yeah
Starting point is 00:10:38 isn't that funny isn't it funny they do have they've dehydrated like cock and balls but he doesn't sell like dehydrated cow uterus none of the none of the girl parts get sold on the market that's fucking interesting that is some sexy shit why don't we get some desecrated ovaries okay it's desecrated not whatever whatever no one needs okay hey i'm just gonna glaze over the fact you said the phrase desecrate i desecrate female ovaries all the time. What are you talking about? Check my IG. You could barely desecrate a stick of gum, man.
Starting point is 00:11:12 What's the right word? What's the right word? I think it's desecrate. Okay. Matt, what does that word actually mean? Do you know? It's like pounded. Is that what it is?
Starting point is 00:11:22 Dehydrated or something. I could be wrong. It's like what Hobart's semen looks like two weeks after the games for the next two weeks. Just poof. It's just a cobweb shoots out. It actually
Starting point is 00:11:35 just coughs. Caitlin Ralph is saying, which is a fucking trippy name. You got one of each. Oh, she's LGBTQ too. She's by spirited. Um, actually Paul Saldino is selling dehydrated female parts.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Well, shit. What do I know? Oh, desiccated, lacking vitality or interest. Like all my news stories tonight. Um,
Starting point is 00:12:00 I had a serious question. Thank you. Thank you. Stay humble. Everyone. i hear us okay how's the audio did you have a birthday party today that was good did you go to a birthday party uh no i went to uh my son had one yesterday where'd you see it on your mom's instagram oh shit my mom accepted you as a follower that is bullshit yeah man i want i have one question did you eat did you eat any cake because i saw there was a cake no sir and i cut the cake and i saw that yeah i cut the cake and uh yeah no i did not have a piece and you know it wasn't even
Starting point is 00:12:37 hard it wasn't even difficult yo check out caitlin's comment my uncle's name is Ralph Ralph. My uncle's name is... Wow, is that true? I hope so. That's hardcore masculinity shit. I should have named... I had three dogs, and I wanted to name all of them the same name. Caesar, Caesar, and Caesar. So you just call one, and all three of them come.
Starting point is 00:13:02 The chick I was sleeping with at the time wouldn't let me me she's like no all right i'm glad that was wise seven even your camera looks sharper so i i bought the 500 dollar you don't think all dogs should have the same name you think that's bad or you think it was i don't think it's bad i just think it might be i think it would affect my. My camera looks better because we paid $500 for StreamYard, and that's the upgraded version we could do at 1080. So that's pretty cool. This is paid-for service. I mean, look at us.
Starting point is 00:13:34 And it's smart, too. It puts Kate in the middle. It's $500 for, like, the whole year or a month or one podcast? Per podcast. $500 per podcast. Oh, yeah. We got to get those $69 donations up. It's for the year.
Starting point is 00:13:50 I want to say it was like $468 for the year or something. I would have tipped him a dollar. Thank you. Yeah, everyone should tip us a dollar today for upgrading the... Well, actually, don't do that yet. The audio, because there's still time for the audio to drop out. Last week was all hobart's fault by the way it was i was in a i
Starting point is 00:14:09 was in a hotel yeah like hotel wi-fi right yeah i even bought like the premium upgrade scam do you really believe that do you think that that's true tyson actually i have a story about tyson fury tonight someone just put in a comment about him let's start there well first ask kate if kate knows who that even is kate you know tyson fury is no wow sexist and accurate savon good job okay we're gonna get there it's probably halfway down the list so we'll be i'll see we might not get there tonight yeah we might not i want to be educated tonight though i want to learn this do you guys follow this guy's meme account this wad zombie dude he's the one who puts up all the videos right of the podcast
Starting point is 00:14:54 yes yes he's made some videos yes he did some cool ones with like music and you talking and it was super motivating and i felt like i was watching like an epic movie like who's that guy tony robbins like a tony robbins thank you thank you had some like movie score behind it you were talking about robbing kids of an opportunity to stand up and do a squat wow it's good it was good hey you know speaking of tony robbins you know he's he's he's he's abandoning the woke crowd he's finally like he's had enough he was over there with the hollywood elites and he's done what what is all right we're gonna path tangent um what what is the woke crowd savon god there's this book it's called woke ink and i just started reading it i want to have the author on i i heard the book takes a horrible
Starting point is 00:15:40 turn at the end because the author believes that government intervention is the cure for wokeness but he has a definition well it is the cure for wokeness china you know it's just it's not the cure for the way that anyone would ever want it um it's the enforcement uh what does that say alert to injustice in society especially racism no that is not what woke is that's what it used to be that's not what it is now that's what it was like like like that was like one of those words like like uh the blm crew used to say like to each other stay woke stay woke like stay super alert that's not what it is now woke is like the opposite of enlightenment it is like to take offense and blame people for everything instead of taking personal responsibility and their big subjects are climate change racism and sexism but it's never but it but it's just all it's when you're trapped
Starting point is 00:16:30 in your head and you're projecting your shit onto someone else like perfect examples when i told danielle brandon that her shirt was too big a shirt she was wearing and people started calling saying i was sexist and that a man should has no she no one cares what a man thinks it's like and then calling me a misogynist for saying her shirt's too big and it's like dude like i there was no reference to cock and balls vagina or nothing there was nothing has nothing to do with her sex if she has i don't i'm not even guaranteed i'm not even sure danielle brandon's a girl but her shirt regardless is too was too big and what's funny is is like i explain that to people i'm like hey your obsession with penis and vagina in a situation when there is no penis and vagina like i get it you're trapped
Starting point is 00:17:09 in your head but don't project it onto me that's that's your issue of thinking it's a man-woman thing and what's cool is is that daniel brandon even reposted that and then these motherfuckers tried to dox me there's an account called you look like a man yeah you look like a dude and they tried to dox me but i don't think they could because you can't tag me because i'm already shadow banned so then someone sent me a screenshot of their shit trying to dox me so i reposted it saying look at these motherfuckers this account if you want to know what an account looks like it demands women feel sorry for themselves and demands women play the victim this is your account if you need an excuse
Starting point is 00:17:44 to be a piece of shit and blame other people, this is your account. And you know what they did? They reported me to Instagram for bullying, and the shit got pulled down, and I got a ding on myself for bullying. Oh, another ding. I got dinged for bullying by the bullies. The woke crowd exists on the internet.
Starting point is 00:17:59 It fucking exists on the internet, and it's a group of just virtue signalers that haven't got bigger problems in their life. know i feel like if we were in another world war like things that people are pushing wouldn't exist because they would have bigger problems a corporate america is entirely woke what corporate america is doing is they are based there and so everyone's scared to death of the woke crowd so if you have a job or if you make money or if you're if you're in the economy you're terrified of the woke crowd because you can't like you can't say something to danielle brandon like hey girl your shirt's too big because you'll get fucked they'll say racist or sexist or homophobic let's say danielle brandon was gay i don't know if she's really then the gay
Starting point is 00:18:39 crowd could have been like come after him and like i shouldn't even say the gay crowd the gay crowd's too smart for this shit the woke crowd would come after me and be like and they claim everyone you know what i mean they claim it's like cancel culture right yeah i mean they're horrible they're the opposite of enlightenment they're people who are trapped in their head and project all of their insecurities onto other people it's nuts like like like they go to they go to a job interview and they have 35 rings in their nose and they leave there going, I didn't get the job because of my nose rings. That was, that was painting with a broad brush. I just, I just watched this documentary on HBO max called 15 minutes of shame.
Starting point is 00:19:21 And I did have a story about it. I was going to, it's going to be my recommendation of the week. minutes of shame and i did have a story about it i was gonna it's gonna be my recommendation of the week um but it didn't get terribly good reviews in this one this one article i was referencing tonight i just thought it was really interesting because they go into the discussion of um online shaming cancel culture culture on the internet what was one of the uh 15 minutes of shame it's on hbo max and um i actually think monica le Lewinsky was one of the producers of the film, which is interesting. That's a whole other can of worms. There we go.
Starting point is 00:19:53 But what's scary in the movie, they talk about how certain organizations or bad actors basically pay people to rent their social media accounts just to troll other people and talk shit and, you know, perpetuate online shaming. What do you mean? Like, so someone would pay me, like they would see I have 90,000 followers and they would pay me money to,
Starting point is 00:20:15 Oh, speaking of 90,000 followers, you guys noticed I put my new Instagram account under my name. So if you want to get live notifications of us going live, follow that shit. And I don't, and if you hate all my live notifications of us going live, follow that shit. And if you hate all my truth spitting, follow that too because I won't do any of that on that. That's just going to be like pictures of Hobart and Kate and me and my kids.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Family. Yes. What was I about to go off on, Hobart? Well, in the movie, they talk about how essentially private actors or organizations are renting people's – Oh, and they rent my account? So they can rent my account from me and beat up – like someone could pay me $10,000 and I'd look the other way and they'd use my account for a week to just destroy Kate? Yeah, exactly. And from what I understood, this isn't something that was necessarily happening inside of the U.S., but more so happening outside of the U.S. I was just really shocked. It kind of makes you feel like there's no escape from it.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Every time someone attacks me, I put on followers. I'm completely shadow banned to fucking hell and back. And these fucking idiots tried to attack me and I put on 200 followers overnight. It was crazy. Bam. Hey, here's the thing. The whole medical community, the whole vaccine conversation has completely been hijacked by the woke crowd. Because the truth is that people who eat like shit, who are generally obese, are the reason we're in the situation we are in right now.
Starting point is 00:21:37 It's just a complete neglect of people's lack of self-responsibility lack of personal accountability lack of personal um just like taking care of their house their body that's put us in this situation so basically people have allowed themselves to get so sick that now the wind is blowing and they're dying and it's like whoa you shouldn't die from the wind blowing and so instead of the everyone saying okay everyone buckle down and like take care of yourself. Did you guys know this is a live call-in show? Oh, shit. Oklahoma City.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Hey, what's up, Unabomber? How you doing? I'm good. Great manifesto. Great manifesto. Hope they lock your ass away forever how are you i'm doing great how are you guys with kate and hobart couldn't be better on a sunday night finishing up my last 15 hours of fasting nice that's. I actually have a question for Kate and Hobart about what do they think the most underutilized CrossFit or just movement in general is? I know this is one of your relatives trying to give you guys some airtime, and I resent that shit. We need it. Thanks, Mom.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Kate, do you want to go first? Your mom needs to get off the testosterone by the way it's the 15 minutes someone's hijacked someone else's friend to call yeah um most underrated movement i kind of want to like zoom out even further and be like look the most underrated thing is just fucking exercise in general like people just need to be less sedentary overall but within cross the most underrated thing is just fucking exercise in general. Like people just need to be less sedentary overall. But within CrossFit, most underrated movement. So I'm going to say air squats because I did a workout with just like good old plain unweighted air squats the other day. And I'm like, fuck, those things are bad. Those things are bad in a good way.
Starting point is 00:23:43 I also really like things like pistols. Like I love anything that's a single unilateral movement. The more simple and the more like deceptive, the more I like it. Hey, what about, Kate, what about candlesticks? Like the one where like instead of like doing, like it's like a cheating pistol. You know, like I squat down on one foot. I do the negative and then i roll to my back and then i swing my arms down and kick my heel to my butt to stand up as like a do you like that
Starting point is 00:24:09 for a um scaled pistol because i do that potentially yeah yeah absolutely for a scaled version or anything with a bit of assistance is cool and then i get my my abs i get my abs working too get a little holler rock in there. Yep. Nice. Fuck you, Hobart. I'm glad you knew I was thinking about you there, Savant. I think a strict press. And that's just because I agree with an air squat 100%. I just think everyone says air squat. So I'm going to say strict press. Hey, I know you didn't ask me i'm gonna say anything
Starting point is 00:24:46 negative body shit yeah i'm gonna say anything negative negative muscle ups jump to the top and do a slow negative i'm gonna say anything negative i know you didn't ask me but yeah they they know all you do is ride the assault bike hey i wrote it backwards today. No, I didn't. No, I didn't. And bench press and pull-ups, right, Tavon? I did actually. Today is my fasting day, and I did assault bike, heavy bench press, heavy deadlift, and weighted pull-up, like a couple reps of each, and then back to the assault bike, 10 rounds. Yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:26 And yesterday was the first day I didn't work out in probably fucking 3 000 years it was crazy that did not work out how'd you feel i felt great this morning do you think you'll take a couple more rest days here and there no no that was too hard that's bad for my mental health that was horrible oh some guy says sumo deadlift high what do you think about that that's pretty good one i just i mean it's a movement people probably need to practice more in the crossfit ecosystem but i just no one does enough strict upper body pressing or pulling it just no one does enough of it i do no you don't yeah i'm seeing your shoulder um that hurt i don't mean that i'm sorry that was mean i take that back i take that back someone screenshot right after he said that and that's my hurt face whatever you guys know no no no no i'm not letting you off the hook it's
Starting point is 00:26:18 because i just worked out i'm all fired up i'm like i ate half a steak before i came on the show matt suza you're a wizard says caleb beaver oh come on that's not a name that's the name so his initials are c beaver i gotta hate myself mr oklahoma do you have anything else to say uh i have one more question i think i feel like the devil press has made it like more I gotta hate myself. Mr. Oklahoma, do you have anything else to say? I have one more question. I feel like the double press has made it more into the mainstream media. Is there any other movement that you think CrossFit needs to incorporate? No, double press hopefully makes its way right out of mainstream media.
Starting point is 00:27:00 What is that? What is the double press? It's like a burpee with a double dumbbell snatch. You lie lie down with the with the dumbbells and you like swing them up over your head afterwards yeah it's way too old for that it's a burp it's a burpee ground overhead but hobart's mom is stuck on 67 in kate's armpit yeah that'll be the last time she watches the show. She actually, my mom really liked the last show. So that's terrifying. That is terrifying. Have you seen the Netflix doc Fiona Oakes?
Starting point is 00:27:36 No, I have not. I'll put it on the list, Ray. We don't even have the same stuff on Netflix down here. It's like a whole different library of movies in australia so i i've never even of it we're so far behind oh that's interesting i had no idea that's really true yeah because when i've traveled to other countries i've noticed like there are certain shows i would try to watch and i couldn't watch in that from the ip yeah i wonder if my wife's watching the show, if she would make me another cup of coffee. Is Brian friend fired from the podcast?
Starting point is 00:28:13 No, he can come on anyone. I should have sent him a link tonight. Matt, you want to send him a link? See if he shows up. He's always welcome. Mehmet. Adi. Adinili.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Mehmet. Turkish. Mehmet. Are you Turkish? Mehmet Adinili Mehmet Turkish Mehmet are you Turkish Mehmet what do you guys think guess anyone Oklahoma are we hanging up on you or are you hanging up yourself what's going on I'm gonna hang up but I just want to say thank you guys
Starting point is 00:28:42 for doing the news it's very entertaining and then to be able to call in and have a resource um like you three and with all the knowledge so i appreciate it dude you're a boss thanks for making us feel like someone watches the show by calling of course later bye i knew it turkish yes living in dallas mehmet at least you picked a good state are you born in the country, Mehmet? World record holder for seven continent marathon runner. That's Fiona Oaks, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Wow. That's a woman. A dude needs to take that from her. Okay, let's go. Ready to start? Yeah, let's ready to start. If the next caller who calls in, you guys, I already have to pee. How many minutes into the show are we?
Starting point is 00:29:28 Like 20. Fuck me. All right, we're going to start off with some follow-ups from last week. We're going to start talking about that oil spill going off the coast of California near Huntington Beach. A week later, the region and its signature beaches appear to have been spared a potentially calamitous fate, though the long-term toll on plant and animal life remains unknown. As we talked about last week, the Coast Guard estimates a minimum of about 25,000 gallons, 95,000 liters for my friends across the pond. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Of oil spilled from, because that's neither number helps me understand how much oil it was. of oil spilled from because any because that's neither number helps me understand how much oil it was of oil spilled from a ruptured pipeline off the shores of orange county and no more than 132 000 gallons or 500 000 liters that's a lot of bottles of soda um yes so what was the total go back what was the total number of gallons spilled altogether? They don't really know. Something between 25,000 and 132,000. It doesn't seem like very much. Sousa, how many gallons of water in an Olympic-sized pool?
Starting point is 00:30:36 Do we know? Someone's got to know that. Savon has a bladder the size of a hung field mouse. I don't know what a hung field mouse is, but I like it. Better than a field mouse. I think he's saying you've got a tiny bladder, but as far as field mice go, you're packing heat. I've got a huge cock for a field mouse. I don't know if that's a good word.
Starting point is 00:30:59 This one time... I hope he pulls up a picture of a field mouse. Oh, wow. Oh, dude. come on, man. Only 100 gallons of oil spilled? 132,000. So one-sixth the size, potentially, of an Olympic swimming pool. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:31:16 That's nothing. Whatever. Okay. Who cares? Moving on. Whatever. Fuck, that's probably good for the ocean. Nope. No, you don't think no hey you know what's crazy too about that i i don't remember what the stat is but it's something like you could pour
Starting point is 00:31:34 like i forget how many gallons of water and of oil and it would cover the whole top of lake tahoe or something i heard some stat on that once it can spread so thin and cover the whole it's like nothing so it is pretty bad i don't i don't mean to talk shit especially if it stops the um whatever that transfer of oxygen and o2 whatever happened at the surface of the ocean well as the crude has drifted south tar balls have appeared on beaches about 50 miles from the original site or 80 kilometers an ominous sign that the impact on the environment is widening one um advocacy commentator said we just don't know what the impacts are going to be sad to say it's still early because of the spill fishing has been barred for miles off of the shore of orange county so don't swim in Huntington Beach right now and don't
Starting point is 00:32:26 fish. When I went to school at UC Santa Barbara, the beaches were covered with tar. All 10 years I was an undergrad there and I always had tar on the bottom of my feet and my hair on my back everywhere. There was no tank of oil spill. I don't know, just there's always tar. It's not like that in Australia? No.
Starting point is 00:32:44 It's a trip. We had oil derricks right off the coast you guys have oil derricks off your coast like do you look out into the ocean you know you can't see them oh yeah wow that was greg just driving away from kate's house piss that's definitely not me 10.8 million gallons were spilled with the exxon valdez holy shit that's 20 olympic pools nice math thank you moving on yes please all right another follow please call in so i can pee another thought that i have the bladder the size of a walnut i like that better than a field mouth but whatever a hung walnut all right so another follow-up from last week we're going to talk about those pandora papers which consist of millions of leaked financial documents do you think my balls are
Starting point is 00:33:41 larger than my bladder that would be weird that'd That'd be not good. Okay. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Pandora. Sorry. I mean, you would have to have a really – Like what if my bladder was like this big? Like I think bladders are pretty big. Okay. Check that out. How big is a bladder? Like the size of a softball? Like the size of a softball? When I drink a shitload of water, I pee like right away.
Starting point is 00:34:10 And years ago, I don't know, like three years ago, I was like worried like something might be wrong with me. But it's been like this since I've been a little kid. But anyway, I went for like the doctor checkup. And I had to have two doctors put their finger in my ass. I told you that, right? I don't know if you've ever had a finger in your ass, but it is fucking not good. And you had two of them in there. Two separate times i had like the i like the regular doctor and then like the expert doctor and i'm like telling that i when i went to the oh i thought they both went in there at once i don't i listen to me you fucking assholes in medicine i already fucking hate you guys but
Starting point is 00:34:43 listen the dude who sticks the finger in the guy's ass, just start me with the expert. I don't want to start with fucking like Hobart, who's just like a general practitioner. And then him be like, I'm not sure what's going on in there. And then send me to Kate. Just send me to fucking Kate. There's some there's some like some procedures where you just go straight to the top and the finger in the ass is one of them. I don't need a fucking second opinion. Just give me the dude who's going to give me the second opinion.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Fucking A. And then they tell me it's fine. They even did a little scan of my midsection. They're like, oh, your bladder empties out. Fine. You're fine. I'm like, you motherfucker. And you know what I'm thinking the whole time?
Starting point is 00:35:17 These dudes don't want to adjust to make myself feel better. I'm like, these dudes don't want to stick their finger in my ass any more than I want their finger in my ass, right? You don't know that. I don't want to stick their finger in my ass any more than I want their finger in my ass, right? You don't know that. I don't. You're an asshole. It seems like you're really upset about this. I hope fucking you get Shaquille O'Neal as your doctor when you go to get your fucking ass over checked.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Me too. Oh. Oh, my God. All right. Another follow-up from last week, the Pandora. Wait, we got a caller. We got a caller. We got a caller.
Starting point is 00:35:44 That means you get to go pee. Pandora. All right, Kate, you're talking to this guy. What's up, brother? How are you, wireless caller? Good. How are you? Good. Thanks for being patient. I just wanted to know. I came in a weird spot in that conversation. It's never not a weird spot. That's true. No, it's Devon. I wanted to say thanks for trying to meet up today. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Oh, you were at, you were at blue ball. Yeah. Where are you now? You're at the hotel. Yeah. We're just chilling down by the, down by the beach. Is your name really Eric? It is really Eric. Yes. Oh, it's just the liver King. No, this is just some dude on Instagram who like was like, Hey, we should meet up. I'm going to be in town with my kids. And I used to do that shit, but it kind of just started getting a little weird. But then he said he was going to blue ball park, which is right by my house. So I was going to do that.
Starting point is 00:36:31 But today got crazy. I ended up going to my kid's tennis tournament. I kind of forgot about it like on and off all day. You wouldn't have liked me today anyway, Eric. I'm I'm fasting today. I'm not fun. No, I'm not there. I appreciate appreciate it i just wanted to call in and say thanks you guys rock cool um who do you think's having the best hair day me kate or james oh hobart for sure oh geez every time oh geez thank you eric if kate goes kate needs to go back to the long hair wait she got long hair doesn't she, no. I had a Svetlana. I don't know if you can see it.
Starting point is 00:37:05 This is short. Svetlana was my extensions. She got removed. I'm a lot lighter. I love it. All right, Eric. Thanks, brother. All right.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Take care, guys. Bye. I hope people want to come to your town and play with you and your kids soon. If they haven't already. I don't have any kids, but if they want to... Just some... It's just some sound effects that my my board has that i was gonna say it's like something where somebody would say something and you'd play it
Starting point is 00:37:49 and be like i don't give a fuck yeah yeah yeah and then it's like you just stop i don't give a look i don't give a i'm gonna use that next time hobart i'm just not to say anything for the rest of the day. I got a new man. I see you. Oh, man. Okay, Pandora. Jesus, this is a serious issue. Pandora Papers, which, if you forgot, consists of millions of leaked financial documents that were reviewed and analyzed for two years, thank goodness, by more than 100 news outlets,
Starting point is 00:38:18 including the Washington Post and the BBC. Woke, woke, woke, woke. The Washington Post is solely woke, and the BBC is run by the U.S. government. I'm just saying. I'm not saying that that's bad or that's good, but you should know your source. David Smith, how can I help you? Hello.
Starting point is 00:38:38 I just wanted to ask how your kid's tennis tournament did. I'm a big tennis fan. He did great. I think it's awesome. 0-3. And you know what? Until next week, until there's another fucking tournament, that's going to be his nickname. I'm just going to call him that all week. 0-3.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Did he split sets at all? Did he what? Did he leech one a set in one of his matches? Is that guy talking English? What is he saying? Yeah, man. Don't you understand tennis? Did he split a set at all?
Starting point is 00:39:00 Or did he just get smoked the whole time? Oh, yeah. I don't know. No, I don't understand tennis. I just saw that the other kid wasn't crying and my kid was crying usually they play two out of three sets and i don't remember no no he won a couple sets he won a couple sets um hold on someone i'm gonna text us we had another caller call where you're calling call back and i'm texting call back, no. You stay on. Let's talk about my kids.
Starting point is 00:39:26 No. Okay. So I went to the tennis tournament. And I went onto the floor while he was warming up. And the tennis instructor told me to get the fuck out of there. And then I came down after like a game or two. And I was talking to my kid. And I'm like, hey, dude, you need to wake the fuck up, dude.
Starting point is 00:39:40 You're just acting. You're just out here like a fucking weirdo. Like you're not doing anything. You're great in practice. I want to see that. Then the coach came over to me again, told me not to come down to the courts again. And then I just bit the inside of my cheek, and that was that. But I'm proud of him.
Starting point is 00:39:53 I'm proud of him. I'm just giving him a hard time. It's really cool. He's six. Everyone else there is like 10. So they're playing on the short courts, like the 10-under courts with the big foam ball? No. They play on a full-size court, but they play with what's called a number two ball.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Do you know that ball? I think it's called an orange ball. Yeah, yeah. Orange ball, yeah. Are you a tennis instructor? Yeah, I coach college tennis, actually. Holy shit. Where do you live?
Starting point is 00:40:19 I live in Colorado. Too far. I need someone to hit balls to my kid on Monday mornings. I live in Grand Junction, Colorado. Do you guys know where that is? I live up in Frederick, just north of Denver. Oh, nice. How far are we away?
Starting point is 00:40:36 Four hours-ish. Oh, holy shit. Three and a half. I'm on the west side of Colorado, 20 miles from Utah. Oh, cool. Are you a good tennis coach? I think I'm on the west side of Colorado, 20 miles from Utah. Oh, cool. Are you a good tennis coach? I think I'm all right, but college tennis is probably not terrible. Hey, David, my kid's the real deal.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Like, he don't do no pancake serves. You don't allow your kids to pancake serve, do you? No, no. So he's already switched to a continental grip. That's good because that's one of the hardest things to break on a tennis player. What's a pancake serve? So think about like holding like a frying pan, how you'd hold a frying pan. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:13 A lot of kids, they serve like that. It's how you serve, Kate. Because it's easy to hold. Yeah, it's how I play. Yes, it's how everyone serves until someone tells you different. And then you're like, you could watch, right, David? You you could like i've watched i don't know my white life i've watched probably like 20 hours of tennis and i've never noticed that i mean i know that's not very much but before the the coach but i was just sitting there one day in his private class and the coach
Starting point is 00:41:38 teach him how to serve and then i'm like oh fuck basically kate david can you see me fuck basically kate david can you see me yeah i can see you basically a little delayed okay but basically they swing the tennis racket at you like an axe and at the last minute they turn it and hit it yeah yeah and it's fucking nuts it's like the most technical thing and it's so crazy and i need to owe my kids seven now but to watch the coach try to teach my kid that like i could never do that. I actually really enjoy watching people whack balls like on tennis courts. It's fucking sick.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Yeah, it is sick. Yeah. So the cue we use to fix that is we always tell them to let their palm face their ear as they're serving. And then you pronate. And then you pronate. That's how you get the maximum
Starting point is 00:42:25 i'm gonna start giving high fives like that yeah come in sideways and then open up at the last minute smash people's aggressive high fives no more pancake high fives for me do you think there's any dude to masturbate with um uh two-dimensional masturbation like they do this and this at the same time well yeah everyone's tried that like if you like if you have a dude sleeping to the right and lefty and you don't want to wake him up how many times have you been in that scenario? It seems like a lot. Seems real familiar. If you want strangers, though, you just sit on your hand until it goes numb and then use that.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Oh, yes. It's like a stranger. Wow. Wow. I'm going to try that one tonight. There's these three guys. Here we go. It's a really cold night and um they all have to sleep right next to each other it's super duper cold and they're all tucked in squeezing really close together and they wake up in the morning and the guy on the left's like this is crazy guys i just had my first wet dream in like 20 years. Nuts. And the guy in the right
Starting point is 00:43:46 is like, dude, I had my first red dream in like 20 years too. This is crazy. And they look at the guy in the middle. He goes, shit. I don't know what you guys were dreaming about. I was dreaming that I was an Olympic skier. That's great. I get it? Hey, do you know what? Those are the kind of jokes. I've known that joke since the second grade. I can tell. And I didn't even know what masturbating was in the second grade, but I knew that joke. No, that's when you used to just slam it into the refrigerator door to get your phone. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Just stand in front of a fan. That's good. Okay, Pandora's Day. Can I ask the CrossFit coaches a serious question now? Kate and... Yeah. Savant's out. He's going to the bathroom. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Well, I'm also like a PE teacher at a high school here in town. And I was wondering, do you guys do like scholarships for people who want to get their level one that can't afford it like me? How about? Yeah, no, no. Short answer is I think it kind of depends, but you should shoot an email to seminars at Start there.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Okay. And let's go from there. Got it. And also do you guys, does CrossFit offer like curriculum for like a class? Like I'm pretty good at making my own curriculum and I include a lot of the stuff that they actually teach in the level one, but it would be nice if they just had like something put together that I could use for my class.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Yeah. That's a really good question too. There's no set curriculum. I think specifically with what you're talking about right now, but, um, shoot me an email or shoot me, um, a DM. And I know a handful of people who are running classes inside of schools at all kinds of, not all kinds of levels, different levels, whether it's like a younger level, high school level and up. Um, and I can just at least try and put you guys in touch and resource that. That'd be awesome.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Yeah, that's it. That's an easy one. Unless Kate has something in mind too. No, I don't really. I was kind of thinking of like CrossFit kids stuff, but what age are the people that you're teaching? I'm a high school, so it's hard to get these kids to do anything. I thought he said college. I thought he said college. Story changed. Story changed. What do you currently teach them?
Starting point is 00:46:08 I'm a high school teacher and a college coach. I teach personal fitness and wellness. It's like a state-required class. Do you do like CrossFit stuff already? Yeah, yeah. That's awesome. But I don't have a lot of equipment, pretty minimum. Plus, kids just aren't the most engaged.
Starting point is 00:46:32 So on and so forth. So it's just nice to have people to bounce ideas off of. Yeah, man, shoot me a DM. Like I said, I know a handful of people who are running those types of classes at different age ranges, too. So, like I said, worst comes to worst, we'll put you in touch. I'm sorry I can't give you any specific knowledge. I've never run a class like that, so I don't just want to spell it. Yeah, no worries.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Yeah. I don't even know what your question was, but have them do death by burpees. I've done that. My favorite go-to is just 100 burpees per a time. But most of the kids just cheat. They'll just finish when everybody else is done. Death by burpees. Death by burpees. And just keep teaching them little things about the air squat.
Starting point is 00:47:12 High school kids, whether they do it a lot or a little, they just need little improvements on their air squat. Just tiny little things consistently. Yeah. It's a lifetime skill. You know what really freaked me out? I have a little brother. He's like, well, this is when he was seven. He could not do an escort. And like,
Starting point is 00:47:32 I didn't live with him at the time and I couldn't do any training with him, but I was absolutely mortified by my brother who was pretty active, but just sat at a desk all day. And when he was home, sat in front of the TV or sat in front of played like PlayStation, whatever. And like, he was so inflexible for a kid it was terrifying do you have that with your high school students are a lot of them just like not mobile people for young people oh yeah definitely extremely unmobile i spend actually tomorrow i do like mobility monday and i try to spend at least 30 minutes stretching but they won't even buy into that they're like i don't need this i I'm 14 years old. I'm flexible already. And they're just really good at being in the question mark shape.
Starting point is 00:48:10 You're like, Oh God. Oh yeah. They're great at that. David, can I say something to you? Sure. Share just a really superficial prejudice insight I have about you. Yeah. You sound more like a piano teacher. I sound like a piano teacher? Yeah. More than a tennis coach.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Let me hear you just say, let me hear you say the thing where you say, um, um, Oh, someone donated a dollar. Let me hear, let me hear you say the thing. Like when all the balls are and you say, pick up, okay, pick up the balls or that, that line. I always hear the coach say, I just say balls up. Oh, yeah, balls up. Let me just hear you say that a few times. Balls up. Is that right? Is that a dirty joke? No, no, but actually when you said it then,
Starting point is 00:48:54 I was like getting a little aroused. Okay, guys, balls up. Yeah, yeah. Dude, that could transfer to working in a prison. Yeah. Oh, okay. Thank you, David. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Yeah, thank you. Thank you, guys. I am funny. Bye. Pandora, Washington Post, and the BBC. Yes. So we learned a couple things from the Pandora papers after review that South Dakota, as we said, is a trust friendly state with minor restrictions, making it attractive domestically and globally for legitimate and illicit use. Now, the other thing we talked about last week was that you were saying how it's cool for people to take advantage of tax loopholes just to try and increase their wealth. And there's nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:49:47 It's basically what you said. I guess one of the issues with the Pandora Papers is that what they realized was that a lot of the people taking advantage of these tax loopholes and using places like South Dakota in the US as a tax haven're doing so because they're not able to do this inside of their countries. Um, and they were doing it. For example, the Jordanian Mon monarch was trying to avoid displaying wealth more publicly in this country because it would antagonize his people and piss off Western donors who gave him money. So for example, someone like that is using the u.s to shelter and hide his income um there was another thing like really bad in this article like i don't think there's anything really bad i don't think there's anything really bad i just think it's interesting like it's good to know about this
Starting point is 00:50:37 kind of stuff um like don't you expect the king of j to own three offshore company – sorry, the beachfront mansions, three beachfront – don't you expect the king of Jordan to own three beachfront mansions in Malibu? I'm not like – I mean he's the king of fucking Jordan. He's the king. He's the king. I mean – Yeah. yeah i think the the internal commentary is that you know you worry about what you call like an average person like you know following the laws and paying taxes where you know global elites and this is a quote from the article the global rich and political elites who have identified
Starting point is 00:51:17 been identified the pandora papers who are able to use financial secrecy to hide their assets overseas to avoid paying taxes. I think that's a risky scenario. Every time the government – so basically all you people who want to raise taxes on the rich, just remember – Oh, you're going to fucking love my next article. You have to remember this. There's no such thing as wasting money. Like all of that stuff is just idiot talk. It's just word trickery.
Starting point is 00:51:48 If I buy 30 Lamborghinis, that makes all that money trickles down. All of that money goes to the people who made the tires, the keys, the paint for the Lamborghini, the mechanics. It doesn't even matter. I can throw the Lamborghinis in the ocean afterwards. It doesn't matter. Money is just constantly being circulated. The only thing you need to think about is who do you want spending your money so that it homeless people to Bezos? Or do you want it to be elected officials in the government? But all – basically every time you pay taxes, you're saying that you want someone in office to spend your money. And every time you buy something, you're saying you want someone else to spend your money, the person you gave that money to.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Do you guys get it? It has – like they paint this story like rich people are bad. They're not any. Why the fuck are they bad? You're telling me a rich guy who has who builds a man, a 700 room mansion that he's never going to stay in is bad, even though it employed 6000 people. Like, what the fuck are you talking about? No, I don't think that rich people are bad. I think bad people are bad, and if they are rich and bad, they can do a lot more damage. Then the government? No, that's not true. That's not true. Wait, wait, wait. Next article. Let me get here. That's not true at all. You ready? Go on. Ultra wealthy spending and saving.
Starting point is 00:53:28 oh wait wait before you go on people in jordan were starving to death and the king was doing nothing to feed his people so that was happening from what i understand yeah fair enough that sucks that sucks you mean like all these woke mayors and governors who fucking told their people to fucking lock down and wear masks. Denver, Austin, you fucking assholes, California's governor. And then you flew out of the fucking state. You went to Mexico and did a fucking press conference on Facebook from Mexico.
Starting point is 00:53:55 That was like the, the, the, the, the mayor of Denver's, the mayor of Austin did that shit. And then our fucking, our fucking idiot,
Starting point is 00:54:03 fucking governor of California, Gavin Newsom is at a fucking restaurant with fucking pharmaceutical lobbyists and fucking health lobbyists with no masks on. I mean it's – All right. Here we go. A Harvard study discovered the top 1% of households in the U.S. currently have just as much influence as emerging market economies in fueling the debt of the bottom 90%. Here's what happens when the money sits in what is essentially financial storage rather than being spent on goods and services. Wait, wait. This is from – yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:39 What's the original news source of this? I went and looked at the Harvard study article. So this was – And we know Harvard is completely untrustworthy and woke just so you know you're currently reading a book by a harvard professor but i understand i understand i understand but look at look at the fucking godfather of fucking stem cell research all was it is at harvard now well not anymore and all 30 of his papers that were um Is that Harvard now?
Starting point is 00:55:02 Well, not anymore. And all 30 of his papers that were peer-reviewed were all retracted. That whole fucking – anyway, go on. Go on. Excuse me. So I was just kind of asking some questions. I don't give a – Fuck it. Then moving on.
Starting point is 00:55:20 No, no. I want to hear it. This is me really being defensive. I'm really upset. I don't like rich people being attacked. I'm not attacking rich people, but this was want to hear it. This is me really being defensive. I'm really upset. I don't like rich people being attacked. I'm not attacking rich people, but this was your claim last week. That's this whole trickle down theory of rich people spending money. I think it's not a theory. I think this is something it's not theory into because I think there is more money that the wealthy are hoarding than actually putting back into the market. um anyway basically when money is saved in hoarding our government just printed five fucking trillion dollars no one's hoarding shit all right go on tell me but i want to hear it
Starting point is 00:55:55 unfuck basically when a lot of money is saved there's a big supply of money relative to demand at a basic level banks take the funds from saving accounts and lend them out to earn out to earn interest. With so much money available to loan out, banks heavily promote mortgages, credit cards, student loans, and other products that bring in interest income. But the upside of this is when there's a lot of money to loan, it also keeps interest rates low. Therefore, the costs of borrowing are small, and that gives people an incentive to borrow for what they want or need rather than save up for it. problem of course is that the debt at some point has to be repaid this makes it harder for households who are borrowing to save money debt is productive if it leads to benefits that create wealth if a government borrows money for roads and bridges here you go savant oh fuck answer the go say it
Starting point is 00:56:43 get it out government borrows money for roads and bridges, that makes it easier for people and goods to get from place to place. If it borrows money to give tax cuts to people who are already wealthy, then it isn't productive. All right. Answer the phone. Not true. Not true. And that's making the presupposition that that's what the government's going to do with the money all right i go hi james not you james you james caller james that's actually my dad
Starting point is 00:57:15 this is not james my name is alex what's up devon what's up alex hi so i thought I would call because I have a great L1 story about my L1 seminar. I did it December 2019, so right before everything shut down, thank God. Good timing. Did it in Connecticut, so I'm from New Jersey. But long story short, you brought up in a podcast earlier this week about the line from The Alchemist. I don't know if you remember it, but you mentioned about the world conspiring to help you, right? And I thought, what a great line. That's from The Alchemist?
Starting point is 00:57:54 Wait, wait, wait. That's from The Alchemist? Yeah. Well, I didn't. Have you not read the book? No, I have read the book, but I haven't read it like in 20 years. Just to be clear, someone told me one time they go, dude, you live a charmed life. And that really hit me.
Starting point is 00:58:11 I was like, holy shit, I really do live a charmed life. And then from there, I thought that I switched it to the world is conspiring to help me. I didn't realize that I stole that from The Alchemist. I'm not saying you stole it. But I probably did. But I probably did. But I probably did. I probably did. I've never come up with anything original in my life.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Go on. Neither have I. But I'm awesome at stealing shit. Go on. What I wanted to tell you guys about, and I just can't thank you all enough, and I'm talking about the L1, not you, Saban, but the day that I passed that test,
Starting point is 00:58:48 the Sunday, my grandfather had died and he was sick for a long time, no doubt. But it was undoubtedly a result of poor diet, poor nutrition. He had his leg amputated to come to, I think it was gangrene, but long story short, it was, uh, you know, from that book, I'll commit it was Maktoub written. It was written that, uh, that I would be getting that, that, uh, certification or pass that test the day that he passed. But, uh, I just wanted to commend both of you guys, James and Kate, keep doing what you're doing, fighting a good fight. But Yvonne, I also really enjoy your work.
Starting point is 00:59:28 So I just wanted to come on and thank you all. Thanks. What was your granddad's name? William. He actually was out in Discovery Bay. I don't know if you know that. Yeah. Out in the valley. Yeah. And is he first generation? What if you know that. Yeah. Out in the Valley. Yeah. And, uh, we see first generation. What American? No, no.
Starting point is 00:59:51 And, uh, are your parents still alive? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They're in their sixties. They don't cross bed or anything. Your mom's dad or your dad's dad? It was my mom's dad. That's weird, man. Did that hurt you? Were you close to him? No, actually. So living across the country, it was, uh, you know, maybe once a year I'd go out and see him. So it was unfortunate that I never got to know him very well. We had moved
Starting point is 01:00:16 when I was a kid, but, uh, you know, stories through my mom got to know him a little bit better, but how's your mom? How'd she take take it i think she was actually relieved when i say it was a long time coming it was years of heart attack and insulin and so it was i think more of a relief if anything and then my grandmother passed in alzheimer's and that was also undoubtedly a result of poor nutrition as well i think they were also just coexisting together until one of them. How awesome is it that you're learning from those mistakes so you don't have to do that shit? How fucking cool is that? That's actually a really good point. society used to be so like dependent upon community and how that's almost like the reverse
Starting point is 01:01:05 now because so many people are living and eating poorly you know that it's almost better to be you know in a smaller unit like a crossfit community right you know where there's a lot more like-mindedness yeah yeah so when you mentioned russ green's name my brain started racing because i actually haven't talked to russ in years and today i text russ for the first fucking time and i've i don't know how long i wouldn't say that we're enemies but we both worked at crossfit together and we had a very very weird relationship he's weird as fuck he's weirder than me and uh but i text him today because he wrote this review of woke inc and i started reading it and fuck russ is smart god damn that motherfucker is smart
Starting point is 01:01:52 and uh and um and i wanted to have him on the podcast i wanted him to talk about the book but he said he's too busy can you imagine someone turning me down it breaks my heart but he said but he said to bug him again later so yeah he's too busy. Can you imagine someone turning me down? It breaks my heart. But he said to bug him again later. Yeah, he's a good dude. Man, I should write a book on CrossFit. Crazy shit. Do you remember Russ Hobart? Of course I do.
Starting point is 01:02:20 I remember both of the Russells. I remember the Russells blog. Is that still up online? I think you can still find it because it existed outside of CrossFit. Who is that breathing? Is that me or Hobart or Kate? It's KeepFitnessLegal now.
Starting point is 01:02:43 It's still there. Who's breathing? Is that you, Kate? Maybe. That. That. Oh, it's Hobart. Okay, it's fine.
Starting point is 01:02:56 It's Hobart. I've been breathing way less than all night. Hey, the Russes were gnarly, weren't they? Russell Berger and Russ Green. Holy shit. If you got on their bad side, would they fuck you up? Man. Berger did some crazy shit too.
Starting point is 01:03:14 God damn, he was wild. Another smart. He's smart as fuck too. I want to go back to what you said, the Kohler. I'm sorry, I don't know your name. I just kind of like what you said about the community thing, like having small bubbles that are people that are, you know, striving towards similar things or living similar lifestyles. I almost feel like maybe that's what community was back in the day, you know, like small groups of people living together. They
Starting point is 01:03:38 probably want massive communities in the sense of like you live in an entire town or an entire city. Like they probably were good when they were small and everybody was on the same page. But yeah, I really like what you said with regards to like, you know, when you have a community at CrossFit, everybody's there for the same reason and everybody's like ready to suffer together and do good shit and do the hard stuff together. I just fucking love how you said that. Yeah, thanks. Well, again, that wasn't my own original idea. So like the bond I'm feeling.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Do you go to an affiliate? Yeah, actually. I go to and coach at CrossFit Northtown. Oh, shit. James, I think you know Karyon and Bill as well. Yeah, I really do. Oh, shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:21 No, no, I really do. That's really cool. That is really cool. Yeah, I really do. Yeah. No, no, I really do. That's really cool. That is really cool. Yeah, small world. All right, brother. Tell Kariana and Bill we said what's up. Not just me and James. Not KK.
Starting point is 01:04:33 He doesn't know her. Say hi, though, anyway. Yeah, sure. I'll let him know. See you soon. Bye. See you later. Good night.
Starting point is 01:04:44 So what you're saying is that rich people keep their fucking money and it somehow affects interest rates? What the fuck were you saying? Can I answer something? I'll do that. Yeah, please. Yeah, dude. No, no. Go ahead. I really want to try to understand this now that I'm calming down a little bit. No, I think what you said last week was absolutely right. a little bit. No, I think what you said last week was absolutely right. I think the more money that can be put back into the market by spending, whether it's spending essential goods or luxury expenses, I think that's definitely a positive thing. And especially if it's being put back into
Starting point is 01:05:16 the market in large quantities, for example, from the ultra wealthy. But I was curious to see if the ultra wealthy are saving more proportionally of their income than they are spending and putting it back into the market. I don't even know if that matters. I see why you would think that would be smart thinking, but I'm not sure if that matters. I think it matters. We're going to keep digging into this each week. So I used to make a shit load of money and when I lost my job the first thing I did
Starting point is 01:05:48 is I got rid of one of my nannies and one of my gardeners I switched from eating my feeding my dog all raw dog food to fucking 50-50 kibble I didn't resubscribe to my SiriusXM you know what I mean like I cut like just all just a bunch of shit
Starting point is 01:06:03 but none of it affected me i still fucking no one would know and no no one from the outside could see that i live my life any differently you know what what you're saying is that you stopped spending and it it hurt other people yeah it didn't affect me at all i made it so that i could still buy avocados organic avocados without looking at the price i made it so i could still buy gas even if it's 37 a gallon without looking at the price i made it so i could still buy gas even if it's 37 a gallon without looking at the price of gas like i just fucking did things instead instead of um the the now you have pete's coffee if i buy a coffee there and the coffee's two dollars you better fucking make me feel like you want to fuck me if you want to get a tip really so just some things
Starting point is 01:06:43 change yeah before you could be a complete asshole to me. You could be like, you big nose fuck you cut in line. I'll be like, what? Oh, you want a dollar here? You know, now it's like, you better smile at me and make me feel like, like I'm 34 and sexy. So I agree with you that I think the spending is better for the market and all people inside of the market where regardless of their current level of wealth. Yeah. My guess is that especially post pandemic, and I'm going to keep diving into this, is that ultra wealthy or wealthier people are saving a proportionally larger amount of their income because of the social circumstances and economic climate and therefore not putting
Starting point is 01:07:23 as much money back into the market. I think there's so much money being I think it's insignificant. I think it's like Oh, I don't. Okay. I also, can I comment on one of the comments because people want to know why I don't drink out of a Nalgene
Starting point is 01:07:44 or a Yeti like a normal person and where do i find such an oversized mason jar but the point was um i think drinking out of glass with water tastes better um i don't drink out of yetis because i don't like being like just like a bandwagon nerd and then um it's too woke too woke i don I don't think. Yep, exactly. And then, um, at the old, my old apartment where my wife and I lived, the neighbors down the road, they had a huge greenhouse in their yard. And then, um, in the summer they would grow dahlias and it's my favorite, one of my favorite flowers. So they would put them out in large Mason jars for sale and we would buy them, um, every week they would put They would put another new dahlias out.
Starting point is 01:08:27 So that's where it comes from. Product placement. I was God Yeti, please, please. I will fucking kick Hobart so far to the fucking curve if you sponsor us. Send me two, two free Yeti cups and he's fucking gone. I'll kick myself to the curb. Listen, listen, those mason jars fucking gone. I'll kick myself to the curb. Listen, those mason jars fucking suck.
Starting point is 01:08:48 We've had them in my house for three fucking years and last week was the first time I told my wife I don't fucking like those cups. And she goes, why? Because you have a fucking tiny bladder and you can't drink water out of something this big, man. I don't want ribbed for her pleasure on my lips.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Why the fuck should a cup have fucking bumps around the fucking mouthpiece what i want is just your regular pint glass that says like 49ers on it or like just those regular like pint glasses like you went at the fair mason jars yeah but they're not nostalgic i think mason jars are nostalgic right like there's something about it like you just heard the whole romantic story. There's the dollies, there's the neighbor. There's a whole thing to it. At least there's one good listener on this podcast. But here's the other thing that I'm going to say. You can drink water out of other glasses as well, you know. I have some of those downstairs, but I know how these podcasts run, so I need the full three cups of water to get through this thing. I can't stand
Starting point is 01:09:45 amazing and my wife's like wow you're just telling me after two years like i'm trying to be good i'm trying to drink out of bottles uh no what do you mean bottles no i just drink out of like glass pint bottle has rib for savan's pleasure on it oh i see what you mean i see what you mean yeah i see what you mean i will do that a sparkling water, like out of the glass bottles. Yeah, I do do that. Totally different. I was going to say, how much of your mouth do you put on that? Hey, let me tell you. Would you do that whole thing in your mouth, Sivan?
Starting point is 01:10:14 Yes, yes. The first time I saw my kids do that, like I don't let anyone do that. But when I saw my kids do that, that was like one of the first things I taught my kids. Look, this is how you drink it. I had a roommate in college who fucking hit the bong like that oh a whole mouth i just love that both of you guys had to demonstrate that oh my jaw cramp oh you're way out of practice so on what the hell damn it that hurt dude it was crazy it was fucking crazy i made this amazing bong out of a corona bottle
Starting point is 01:10:52 and he used to put his mouth over i'm like and put in a few inches it was gary cohen he's a cool dude though enjoyed him. Just trying to get that vapor lock. Oh, dude, that really hurt my jaw. I just wanted to say, because I didn't say anything about the rich spending stuff, and I feel like I should comment because I should talk more. The whole thing with rich saving more, I think the thing is that the rich have always been, in a sense, frugal, and that's how they became rich. Yes or no? is that relevant like i think that's something that is almost a personality trait of the rich they're really fucking good with their money and their spending is um almost like the second part of it the saving comes first yeah i don't think that's wrong totally i don't disagree with that i'll say that i don't disagree with that yeah you don't stay rich by spending all your do my jaws fucked up this muscle
Starting point is 01:11:52 under my mouth um yeah yeah all right moving on we're gonna keep digging into that savannah i like that topic a lot um so and i like seeing you get all fired up let's invite let's invite let's invite an economist on the show i would love that a couple you mean like the boyfriend and girlfriend yeah boyfriend and boyfriend like that kind of couple yeah a couple economists i think this is the most callers we've ever had in a show we're talking about good stuff here. And we're only an hour in. Oh, damn.
Starting point is 01:12:28 I didn't look where this guy was calling from. Eric, what's up, brother? Hey, what's going on? Do you agree with me, Kate, or Hobart? What's that? Do you agree with me, Kate, or Hobart? You can't ask that question. I got my finger on the hang up button.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Oh, dang. Well, I guess I have to agree with you then. Perfect. You said, I guess I have to agree with you, which means the fuck wasn't on you. That's how the woke crowd works. I'm woke as fuck. Yeah, no kidding. Holy cow.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Talk to me, brother. What's up? Hey, I just want to say, a long time listener um listen to you guys on my commute to work every day and uh just want to get your thoughts on the level one versus the online level one i'm totally biased i've never seen the online level one but i'm totally biased my opinion doesn't matter i just i'm glad you're asking about the level one. Well, that's why I asked because you seem very, very biased against the online level one, which I did back in December of 2020. And I kind of had, I was hesitant for the fact of how people might view that versus the in-person level one oh you did the online level one yeah tell us and then so i did it and then started coaching almost immediately while i was stationed in japan
Starting point is 01:13:58 a racist why because i was living in japan japan anything anything you say besides anything you say that points at ethnicity or culture is just racist just racist um so what did you think was it good i mean i i i thought it was good i mean obviously so i haven't done the in-person one ever, but I feel like really the only thing you're kind of missing out on is the, you know, the after class workout or end of day workout, you know, that kind of piece. But I feel like the information should be the same if it's not the same, you know. I don't even think they're fucking comparable in the in the really these guys can't say it they're but they know i'm telling the truth these guys can't these knuckleheads can say here's the reason why in person it's like someone talks to you for an hour and you stand up for an hour and you get your ass handed to you and people who
Starting point is 01:15:00 are really fucking good athletes will leave their sore and they won't even fucking know why. But they really know why because they've never had anyone hold them in a squat. They only did 20 squats in the breakout group, but they're still sore as fuck because they're just – they're like these – Dave and Nicole train these fuckers to basically never see anything perfect. Like everyone can get better. Everyone can get better. And they're not allowed to say good to someone until the person really does do it good. Like fuck effort and trophies for second place. These guys fucking work you.
Starting point is 01:15:35 And they're so gentle and they're so manipulative and they're so smart and they're so like supportive as you go through that. And it's like and you're not going to get that in the online thing. I don't think you're going to see them. You're not going to get James Hobart staring at i don't think you're going to see him you're not going to get james hobart staring at your hips and the whole class staring at your hips and you're like oh shit i better not fucking let my butt wink i mean you're just i just can't see you you're not there's no fucking way so so yeah i mean it's like it's like me working out my garage versus someone in affiliate i'm a bitch well truth but there's a so the difference is is like
Starting point is 01:16:06 yeah you get the the information just like you would in the in the classes um and then there's still a we did a a zoom version or a a zoom three-hour session where you know my my level one instructor made us hold positions and he would call out positions. And then, and then like you guys are doing right now, like a highlight the person we want to key in on zoom up their video. And they're like, Hey, everybody take a look at so-and-so and how they're holding the position and, and how they can fix that position. So I feel like it's the same thing that you would see in a regular class.
Starting point is 01:16:41 The only difference being is you're not going to get any physical cues of like, hey, when you're coming out of a deadlift, you should push your knees back and a instructor can actually cut your kneecaps and push your knees back. I'm not touching it. I mean, I'll go on this. No, I don't think Siobhan's totally wrong here.
Starting point is 01:17:02 I think, honestly, I think the online level one, they've done a really awesome job in transferring fired i can take it i think they've done an amazing job in transferring um all the essential teaching components and learning components from the in-person level one but i do there is sort of um there's just a really beautiful camaraderie and um just in-person experience and being the in-person level one. So I don't know if they do that. That's, I think, one of the harder things to carry over, right? Because there's just things lost in Zoom where you can't look left or right at the guy or
Starting point is 01:17:35 the road is getting smashed next to you. So let me ask you this then, as a level one instructor and all that, like, would you guys look at those certifications differently than somebody that did the online or the in-person version of the course? In terms of the caliber of material and material being disseminated? No. I just, I think, like I said, I think there's a community and camaraderie and just, you know, maybe some of the transfer of culture piece that you're just going to, you're going to have, it's going to be more palpable at an in-person, but as far as the, transferring the material, no, I, I think the online level one course is a, is awesome. And I think it accomplishes that.
Starting point is 01:18:15 You just brought up something else. A huge thing of what CrossFit is, is its culture. And that's what the L1 people did do. They, they disseminate, desecrate. They don't disseminate, they don't desecrate they they disseminate desecrate they don't they defecate they disseminate the cultural information and that is fucking huge you don't even like you go there and after two days you don't even realize that they what the culture they transferred to you but they did like all of a sudden like you want to cheer people on who work out it's like there's so there's no way that's transferred on the on in the in the in the online course they're these these coaches are so fucking cool you like that's what you want to go there because you want to meet these four or
Starting point is 01:19:04 five cats these fucking people are so awesome and they're so good to you and they're so approachable there is nothing pretentious about the l1 zero it's the opposite of pretentious except for your fucking the people who signed up for it and and these five people knock that out of all of you within the first day. And so the second day, it's like everyone in there, you love like, like the fucking old, disgusting person. You never thought you talked to sign up in the class next to you. And you're like, what the fuck is that person doing in here? These five instructors will teach you to love that person, love the way they move and make you all realize that you're all doing the same thing. I mean, it, there's no way
Starting point is 01:19:44 you can get that in online class. I don't know. I mean, I'd love to be proven wrong, but I don't think so. And another interesting thing, the fact you're stationed in Japan is that's where the roots of really a lot of CrossFit L ones are. Greg did a lot of L ones there all by himself or just with Nicole and, and, and, and just maybe take a few seals over there and do that shit that where are you in Okinawa? Where are you? So was at the time um and they weren't offering any in-person level one which is why i did the online version denny said the l1 is spiritual yeah it's fucking incredible man in new zealand and australia we've had people that haven't been able to do their level one in person for multiple like a couple of years like Like we did a level one in New Zealand and it was like, they hadn't had a seminar in up to 12 months.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Like people hadn't been able to get their level one. So the online course still facilitates people at least getting their level one and getting an introduction to the material and the content. And it also doesn't mean that you're never going to do the in-person level one. It's a stepping stone towards doing the in-person level one. You only have three years. You have to go and do your L2 or do something. So I think it's like the introduction for someone who can at least get the level one material, get the certificate, start coaching, start implementing the information. And then in a couple of years time, they go and do the in-person one and have that experience. And that just reignites that fire. I think the online level one has its place. And I think it serves a great group of people like us in Japan or Australia, New Zealand, who have not been able to go to
Starting point is 01:21:09 the level one in person. I think it serves the community really well. Like Kate said, the online level one serves an incredible purpose, just like jacking off. But there's nothing like, there's nothing like sleeping with someone you love fucking each other's brains out going over the refrigerator into the kitchen naked talking to each other laughing giggling eating something you're naked and 20 minutes later fucking again like and that's what the l1 is and and and the online course i'm guessing is just jacking off i don't know though but i told you from the beginning I'm biased as shit. I'm just telling you.
Starting point is 01:21:47 I think that the L1 is incredible. Just the trainers don't have sex with you at the course. No, no, no. I've got to put that out there. That's a metaphor. I'm just making sure people got that. It's a metaphor. That's going to get clipped.
Starting point is 01:22:02 No, the L1 is making babies. How about your L1s are going to sell out in a second if savann keeps talking i told you know i asked my mom why memphis and then i'm working in boston and then i asked my mom why i go mom why did you have kids and she said because you might your dad and I wanted to make a love child. It's pretty cool, right? Nice. Yeah, my parents are divorced now.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Okay. Well, thanks for calling in. The online course is great. I guess that's what we come up with. Yep. God, I hope my mom doesn't listen to that. But my mom really did tell me that they wanted to make a love child. Were your parents hippies?
Starting point is 01:22:44 No, no, no. No, but but they in the bay area my my parents would my mom was uh my dad's a hardcore just immigrant middle eastern immigrant you know you just come over here and work stay alive what did he do don't get killed liquor liquor liquor store liquor store what do all middle eastern dudes do? Liquor store. That's weird. That's weird. Your dad's Middle Eastern and he went to a liquor store? That's weird.
Starting point is 01:23:10 Is that racist? That's weird. Do they do that in your country too? The Middle Eastern guys open liquor stores and then send their kids to Harvard? I don't know. Yeah, maybe. I feel like we have a – I don't really know if I want to go on to this topic. I feel like I'm going to say something really awful. No, it's okay.
Starting point is 01:23:27 You can be racist and prejudiced like that. It's okay. All the gardeners in California are Mexican. It's okay. And they're all fucking working their ass off, and it's okay. It's okay. It's the truth. I think we probably have a slightly different population where we have a really large Asian population and Indian
Starting point is 01:23:47 population. So I think it might just be a little bit different in terms of the type of people. Who are your gardeners? Who does the gardening? Who's embraced the outdoor lifestyle of nurturing grasses and lawns and pruning trees? Honestly, probably a lot of Australians, but I don't know. I don't have a gardener, so I can't comment. You don't see the dudes driving around the pickup trucks with the lawnmowers in the back? You don't see what ethnicity they are? Yeah, but a lot of those guys are Aussie tradies. Remember I introduced you to tradies?
Starting point is 01:24:13 Like a lot of them are like Aussies that just like young guys that do the lawn mowing and Jim's Mowing. That's the company that's like around here. So, Jim. Not in my neighborhood. Not in California. In California, it's javier's gardening and they're great uh hobart's dms are going to go wild tonight after that sevan if that's the l1 i'm signing up wow i didn't mean to say that that it's not it was a simile it was a simile it's nothing like sex
Starting point is 01:24:45 nothing like sex it's an allegory yes at savon rinsta that's my new account hey did you guys change your names or did um suza do that for you i think suza did it i think suza did that good job making them lowercase and me capitalized good job yeah i did notice I did notice that. I thought, Savannah, maybe you'd done that. Hey, and look, and we're getting all moved around. Kate was in the center. Now Hobart's in the center. And now I'm in the center. I was about to say it's the best looking, but.
Starting point is 01:25:18 Let's be real. The only reason to go to the L1 is to check out the hot CrossFit chicks. Can't do that on the online course. Not true, but that's just a bonus. Okay. Hobart, the news. This was a story I wanted to bring up last week about empathy. This came out of a Forbes article discussing that empathy is the most important leadership skill. According to research, empathy is defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Starting point is 01:25:47 The reason empathy is so necessary is that people are experiencing multiple kinds of stress and data suggests it is affected by the pandemic and the ways our lives and our work have been turned upside down. When it comes to mental health, a global study done by a company called Qualtrics found 42% of people have experienced a decline in mental health. Specifically, 60% of people are experiencing increases in stress, while 57% have increased anxiety and 54% are emotionally exhausted. 53% of people are sad. 50% are irritable. 28% are having trouble concentrating. 20% are taking longer to finish tasks. 15% are having trouble thinking. 12% are challenged to juggle their responsibility. When it comes to work life, when people felt their leaders were more empathetic, 86% reported they are able to navigate the demands of their work and life successfully, juggling their personal, family, and work obligations.
Starting point is 01:26:52 This is compared with the 60% of those who perceived less empathy. Leaders can demonstrate empathy in two ways. First, they can consider someone else's thoughts through cognitive empathy. For example, if I were in his or her position, what would I be thinking right now? How would I be feeling? Leaders can also focus on a person's feelings
Starting point is 01:27:13 using emotional empathy. Being in his or her position would make me feel fill in the blank. I wonder how they study empathy. I have a big problem with empathy. Go ahead, Kate. I was just wondering how they study empathy like they're talking about leaders that use more empathy versus leaders that don't i'm just curious to know like what are the things that they how do they measure that you know is it just like a personality thing that they're like oh that person's empathetic and this guy's an asshole. Judging from this, these people seem to be happier. No,
Starting point is 01:27:45 without, without taking the specific poll or quiz or test that this, these participants went through, it just probably is something to the extent of, do you perceive your boss or so-and-so to be empathetic? What things are they doing that would cause you to say they are acting empathetic toward you or they have empathy. That's kind of what this,
Starting point is 01:28:07 this sort of survey was in that realm. Yeah. I don't you or they have empathy. That's kind of what this sort of survey was in that realm. Yeah. I don't know if they qualified empathy. Kate, listen to this. Kate, listen to this. Sorry, caller. Hold on one second. Kate, listen to this.
Starting point is 01:28:18 This is the second definition of empathy in the Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, and this is the root of the problem. And this goes back to the woke conversation we're having. a problem and this is goes back to the woke conversation we're having the imaginative projection of a subjective state into an object so that the object appears to be infused with it fuck that definition never mind anyway i i think the big problem with empathy today is that we acknowledge each other's shortcomings we acknowledge each other's shortcomings. Someone, let me, let me, let me explain what, what really high emotional IQ is really high emotional IQ is, is someone says to you, Hey, I have breast cancer.
Starting point is 01:28:59 Really low emotional IQ is, Oh my God. Paul, that child under control, Paul. emotional IQ is, oh my God, I'm... Paul? That child under control. Paul? In the middle of something heavy here, keep that child under control. Mute your ass, boy. Now, so a really low emotional IQ is when you say, oh shit, I can't do this for the kid. Paul, what?
Starting point is 01:29:22 What? What? What are you breastfeeding, Paul? Paul, are you going to talk? Call her. Yeah, I'm here. Yeah. What are you doing? Are you breastfeeding? Why do we hear a baby during this moment? I'm going to explain to people what emotion is. No, my son's just a little wild.
Starting point is 01:29:40 Have some empathy, Siobhan. Have some damn empathy. Boom. Boom. Yeah, exactly. That's's perfect kate that is perfect do you see that so someone who with fucking low emotional iq would have been like oh how sweet they would have they would have let paul's behavior with his son being there while he's calling to the super high rated show i mean like oh how sweet paul you have a child with you tell us paul how is your shut the fuck up just be real someone tells you you have cancer it's like oh my god i feel so sorry and like and like and like nourish their
Starting point is 01:30:12 nourish their depression and their sadness and project onto them that something's wrong holy shit you have cancer what kind of cancer what happened oh shit like just keep it real. Like don't, don't, don't, don't, don't project onto them. Your don't bring your emotional baggage or the fact that you're bummed that they have cancer or your friend's going to, don't bring your selfish perspective to it. It's all, it's all 99% of the time when people think they're being empathetic, they're being selfish, but truly a true empathy would be fucking enlightenment. I'm going to say something super woke right now, but have you heard of the term toxic positivity? What? No, but I –
Starting point is 01:30:50 Toxic positivity. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's that person that responds to something like just super happy and fake and like superficial and like always happy and positive about everything. And it's kind of fake and it just comes off as like a –, just artificial. And it's actually not nice. It's like someone who's like like kind of an enabler to a degree or someone who says that it doesn't actually make you feel better. It just makes them feel better. It's the opposite. So there's this there's the two sides to it. When a child falls down, there's the parents who are like, hey, whatever you do, don't ask the child.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Are you OK? Are you OK? Are you OK? And I agree with that. But then there's the other parents who are like, get up. You're fine. Get up. You're totally totally fine the kid's fucking bleeding from his knee and falling down it's like just dude don't do either of those shut the fuck up and treat someone how you would want to be treated if you fell down someone just kind of just to be there with you like they don't like yeah i i i struggle with empathy that's the whole the whole woke thing oh my god you told
Starting point is 01:31:45 danielle brandon her her shirt is too big you sexist ass and they feel like they have to come to arrest you they're empathizing with how she might have felt about me saying that that's the fuck up us cool motherfuckers like being trolled do you understand it please troll me everyone if you if you don't like being trolled it it's because you're an insecure, miserable curmudgeon. If you like being trolled, you're cool as shit. We take in all energy and we're fucking alchemists. Paul, how are you today, buddy? Sorry, you called me.
Starting point is 01:32:21 I wanted to answer, but you called at a crazy time. It's all good. I called at the the exact right time how old's your son he is 14 months old he actually uh he did a front flip off it off the bed the other night and because of you and your podcast i didn't react and he turned out to be just fine oh it's funny i was about to say he didn't do a fucking front flip at 14 months but but i feel you he did a front flip at 14 months yeah yeah you're a good dude you're a good dude uh hobart hobart's gonna totally have the biggest like his kids are gonna be so soft he is helicopter parent absolutely yes yes you're you're an amazing grandparent. Their feet will never touch the ground.
Starting point is 01:33:07 You're going to be an amazing grandparent. Fuck that, man. I had, I had a, I had a great mother. I have a good, I have a good template.
Starting point is 01:33:14 I have a good template, man. That's true. That's true. Who also told you the word, the wear masks too. Oh, the new guys got jokes.
Starting point is 01:33:29 Paul, how are you? On the empathy note So I'm in the Marine Corps And I actually had a Marine She was having a really rough time And over at the previous company she was in And she came over to our company and she had this like mental breakdown and all that. And, uh, all I did was sit her down and figure out what the problem was. And it was, she was like, you know, Hey, you know, they're
Starting point is 01:33:57 treating me like I'm just a tool. Like I'm not a person. And all I did was give her like something to do. And if I didn't have that moment of empathy with her, like she, she would have been completely destroyed. And a few months later she got meritoriously promoted, got a lot of recognition from our chain of command. And I mean, empathy goes a long way in terms of leadership. So like just to come back to like what we originally started talking about. But is that empathy or just believing in someone? Because I believe in people.
Starting point is 01:34:28 I think that's a good, I think that's a, that's a healthy example of empathy right there. Oh, Jesus. He didn't even say anything like, well, okay. Tell me what he said, Hobart. That was empathy. He listened to her. He listened to her. What he didn't say was, hey, let me make you feel better. Right? Exactly. As my mom would say, he didn't sit her down and try to be her emotional custodian. Oh, yeah. That's good. That's what my mom would say.
Starting point is 01:34:51 She said, don't. She said to me once, I'm not your emotional custodian. Fuck. Yeah, that's awesome. I'm using that. But here's the thing. I don't think that Paul. Listening is empathy, right?
Starting point is 01:35:03 Listening is empathy. And just hearing someone out. Because I think the worst thing is to go back and be like, let me, right? Listening is empathy. And like just hearing someone out, because I think the worst thing is to go back and be like, let me try and make you feel better. Let me say all these things that aren't necessarily a reality. Let me tell you it's going to be okay when we don't fucking know if it's going to be okay. Right?
Starting point is 01:35:14 Like that empathy is being like, I don't know. Tell me what you've got going on and I'll just hear you out. Listening is not enough. If your woman's menstruate, if you're the week before your woman's menstruation comes. What? She had to work for that promotion, Siobhan. It wasn't like, oh, hey, here's this fucking cupcake. Hope you feel better.
Starting point is 01:35:32 I'm not suggesting that at all, by the way. What I'm suggesting is that listening and empathy are two separate things. Yes, John Brzezink's coming on the show tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. I'm getting chubbing up on it. Pacific Standard Time. I don't think listening is empathy. You guys think listening is empathy? It's 100% an empathetic trait, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:48 Okay, it's an empathetic trait. I agree with that. Listening and understanding together. And you can't start to understand someone until, as another good friend of mine said, you need to listen to understand, not to respond. You can't start to understand somebody or how they're feeling until you listen to them. I don't think i'm agreeing with you guys on that but i will say this what you said about emotional custodian yeah like or emotional docent like whether that's nice too yeah either way you want i give your mom credit for all you
Starting point is 01:36:16 should um that's what i mean by having a low emotional iq like thinking that you're going to give someone something emotionally, um, that that's what you want to give them based on what they said. That's not empathy. That's like, that's being a codependent. So in terms of like empathy and leadership, it's having the ability to understand them and then giving them like the way forward based on your understanding of them in order for them to overcome it. Like you don't do it for them. Like you just of them in order for them to overcome it like you don't do it for them like you just guide them in the correct way and nurture them the right way um when when we were at the top of the stadium one year it was that one of the final workouts and the men were entering the stadium in carson
Starting point is 01:36:56 and josh needed to do really well at this workout and i was friends josh but i'm just a fucking cameraman up there and as he ran by me i'm like god i want to say something to try to help motivate him and as he ran by me i go hey josh and he looked at me i go don't be a cunt out there and he took last place hated myself hated myself even though i'm sure i had nothing to do with it hated myself, hated myself, even though I'm sure I had nothing to do with it, hated myself. So yeah, well, well, I liked your story and I like military guys talking about leadership. I know so little about leadership and it was such, that was the hardest thing about working when I was promoted at CrossFit from going from being a creator to a leadership position. It's a
Starting point is 01:37:42 really crazy transition, but i had amazing leaders around me and they were all from the military and i and i and i and i pride myself on being a good listener but this word empathy i mean i think like when i think of empathy i think of like staring into someone's soul and giving up myself for them being a perfect sort of like empty mirror for them. Yeah. In terms of leadership and empathy, I highly recommend listening to Simon Sinek and his talks. If you're ever interested in that, that's kind of who I've read the most on this, on, on this particular subject. S-I-N-E-K? Simon and then Sinek, S-I-N-E-K, yes. Got it.
Starting point is 01:38:27 Have you read his latest book? It's something about like the infinite mindset. Yeah, the infinite game. Yeah. Infinite game. I really want to read it. You're playing the game? Yeah, it's really good. One of the, I briefed the commanding general the other day
Starting point is 01:38:39 and she specifically mentioned the book before we even started. And I was like, yeah. He did an interview. She's on the right level. Yeah, he did an interview with Brene Brown and she's an excellent interviewer like it was a podcast on her uh on her show on spotify or something and it was it was so good like just the way he talks about it it was i feel like it was relevant to you know everything in life but it was something that with competing and training i was like i really like this he's awesome yeah yeah what what's the gist of it?
Starting point is 01:39:09 So essentially I'm going to, I'm going to butcher this, but he basically talks about like a scarcity mindset versus an infinite mindset mindset. So Carla, can you, do you have a, do you have like a elevator pitch version of it? So basically the infinite game is... So a company may be hoping to win this quarter, whereas a company like Apple is like, we're selling something that is an overarching ideal
Starting point is 01:39:40 that is going to make someone a customer for life. So they're playing to continue to play the game, whereas other companies are playing for short-term wins. Yeah, they almost disable themselves by having goals because they're too short-sighted, right? Yeah. So they get lost playing the game rather than making their own whole game. So they get lost playing the game rather than like making their own whole game. Does this build off of that old popular TED talk of his where he talks about, you know, you're selling rather than selling the what, sell the why?
Starting point is 01:40:16 Does he do case studies like he does in that book? Like he uses companies as examples for what he's writing about. Yes. No. Yeah. It does kind of build off of the, uh, off of his first book, but it's, it, it kind of does take the original book to like the next level. Um, it's kind of like you're in, in the finite game, you're fighting for survival, like in this moment, whereas in the infinite game, like you're fighting to be like in this moment, whereas in the infinite game, like you're fighting to be like a long-term player in a certain arena.
Starting point is 01:40:48 Like, like the game that you were playing, like has no end. Whereas everyone else, like they're playing like maybe like, you know, four quarters of football, but you're playing forever.
Starting point is 01:41:02 I went pee. I can't help. I went pee. I can't help. On a less serious note, on those Vico shoes, I just ordered some because of you. Have you ever done MDMA? No, but when I get out, I highly intend to.
Starting point is 01:41:21 MDMA is fascinating. Make sure you do it with the right person it is fascinating trying to do it in a party atmosphere i have a friend who did mdma therapy that yeah oh that's cool yeah he really really really enjoyed it dude it's fascinating they made it illegal because there are too many therapists were fucking their clients on it but so on when are you and ricky gonna start your rad 140 cycle together i can't i can't i can't i can't do the enlarged i can't get an enlarged prostate i already had to stick his finger in my butt like five years ago i don't want to just don't think about it and it won't happen that's fine
Starting point is 01:41:58 oh mind over matter i will not get enlarged yeah, just take it. Then maybe I don't even need to take that stuff. I can just do mind over matter and just get buff. Yeah, high test, high test all day. Roland Zapala, this show runs pretty late on the East Coast of the USA. Good night. Thanks for the amazing show. Thanks, Roland. No problem. Roland, Kate's like way, way on the East Coast. In the future. Yeah, in the future. All right, brother. Thanks for calling in, Paul. All right.
Starting point is 01:42:33 Good night, everyone. Good night. Congrats on the kid. We rolling? Yeah, you guys would just piss me off. You guys are pissing me off tonight. Good. just piss me off you guys are pissing me off tonight good a florida man exonerated of a 1983 rape and murder after 37 years in prison he's suing
Starting point is 01:42:53 over his wrongful conviction and the initial sentence to death in which a disproven bite mark was crucial evidence robert dubois 56 was freed in in August last year after long shelved, untested DNA evidence from a rape kit proved he was innocent of the rape and murder of a 19-year-old girl, Barbara Grams, in Tampa, Florida. evidence implicating him was fabricated fabricated bite mark evidence that supposedly matched to an injury supposedly matched to an injury on the victim's body in fact the victim's injury was not a human bite mark at all said an attorney for the human rights defense center who wrote this lawsuit the lawsuit contends that investigators conspired with jailhouse informants to falsely implicate Dubois and were guilty of misconduct. He never confessed and maintained his innocence throughout, said his lawyers. Convicted of the murder and sentenced to death, his sentence was reduced in 1988 to life in prison until his exoneration and release last year. His innocence was proven after review of the case by the Hillsborough County State Attorney's Office and the Innocence Project, which works nationwide.
Starting point is 01:44:11 That's pretty hectic. He went to jail when he was like 19, right? And he's 56 and just got out? Yeah. Fuck. I struggle with that word. Fuck? No.
Starting point is 01:44:25 Exonerated. Nope. It's one of my, I just don't like that word. Right? Yeah, that one. The R word. Yeah. It's tough on me.
Starting point is 01:44:37 It's tough on me. When, when, going back to empathy, when, when that guy said his grandfather died, like I felt something. Yeah. Is that empathy? Is that sympathy, maybe? And when I hear that R word, man, it just rocks me. Do you think he did it? Is he guilty? What kind of animal
Starting point is 01:45:08 was the bite? It wasn't actually a bite. I think that was the issue. Should he get more than $1.85 million? I don't know. What's enough to kickstart your life and keep it going for a little while when you're 57 years old,
Starting point is 01:45:27 coming out of prison. Are they, are they arguing? It better be tax free. That's all I got to say. It's a great example where that shit should be tax free. Um, yeah,
Starting point is 01:45:43 you'd be pissed, right? You'd be really pissed. You'd be angry for the whole 37 years i would have to become the only way it's it's like being he was raped yeah i mean i i don't want to make light of this because I just struggle with the issue. But I would rather be raped than spend 37 years in prison if I had to choose one or the other. And it's just fucking – either way, it's horrible. By the way, that's why you can't have the death penalty. You can't have the death penalty for two reasons.
Starting point is 01:46:20 Because there's mistakes, whether they're malicious or not. And two, if you kill people, you're also creating murderers. The person can't just die on their own. And those are two things we don't want to do. We never want to kill someone who's innocent, like the 15-year-old boy who died a couple days ago from taking the vaccine. And we never want to make murderers. We can avoid it. Two things we don't want to do.ers. We can avoid it.
Starting point is 01:46:45 Two things we don't want to do. It's not good for us. How many states in the U.S. still have the death penalty? That's a good question. I actually don't know the answer to that. Is it quite a few, or is it like the odd one or two here and there? Well, I don't think it's a majority. How would you go to sleep at night if you know that you convicted someone to life in prison without like...
Starting point is 01:47:12 That you believe that they 100% did it, that what you did was right. Oh, well, that's okay. I mean, I could probably justify that, but like... But that's the thing. Everybody thinks they're right. You know, whether you're the good guy or the bad guy, like everybody believes that they're right. It that's the thing. Everybody thinks they're right. Whether you're the good guy or the bad guy, everybody believes that they're right. It's the whole thing. It's like that's how you
Starting point is 01:47:30 get criminals. It's like they think they're doing what's right for them. It might not be what's right in our eyes, but it's what they believe is right for them. Oh, that's more than I thought. Wow. 24 states with death penalty. Jeez. Governor imposed moratorium. The purple states,
Starting point is 01:47:45 you can't do it because the governor's put a stop to it. Mm-hmm. And then, you know what's crazy about this? I know this is really going to upset people.
Starting point is 01:47:57 But in the last 10 years, there's been 40 million abortions in the United States or something crazy like that. Or since, or wait, I don't know. Maybe it was since abortions were the united states or something crazy like that or since or wait i don't know maybe it was since abortions were made legal 1979 but think about that for 40 million dead babies
Starting point is 01:48:12 imagine a pile of dead babies that's 40 million big don't anyone jump to conclusions like i'm pro i'm pro-life just because i can go there doesn't mean i'm pro-life don't be stupid but just imagine a pile of 40 million babies dead babies i don't know i don't know i don't know if it would be a pile of babies taller than mount everest yeah i was gonna say that too that it'd be a pile of little fucking pieces of cells just little like blobs okay let's say 10 million that'd be pretty small 10 million dead babies do you want me to pull us out of this? Please. In a scene from the new Venom 2.
Starting point is 01:48:50 Oh, that's what your mom said. Go ahead. Well, no, she didn't because I'm here. In the scene from Venom 2, Let There Be Carnage, Eddie Brock and Venom have fled to the top of San Francisco's iconic Coit Tower. Helicopters are seen in the background scouring the city, and Venom and Eddie mention the police pursuit, so it is assumed the helicopters are searching for them.
Starting point is 01:49:10 The helicopters, however, were part of the forthcoming Matrix film, which was also being filmed in San Francisco at the same time as Venom 2. The Matrix 4 paid the San Francisco Police Department $420,000 over 21 days of shooting to help manage the public during their stunts. Comparatively, Venom 2 only paid $192,000. It seems that Venom 2, Let There Be Carnage, made the best of a tricky situation and saved some serious cash along the way. There you go. Pulled us out of it. I didn't know two movies
Starting point is 01:49:46 shot in the same city at the same time that's kind of cool and and and because because they overlapped on needing security Venom piggybacked on the security that the Matrix 4 was getting from the city or like because of some things that they were shooting it caught some of the things that Matrix 4 had in their shots
Starting point is 01:50:02 like helicopters and maybe some other not special effects but other what's what I'm looking for some of the things that matrix 4 we had in their shots like helicopters and maybe some other uh not special effects but other um what sort i'm looking for like events or hey has anyone seen that movie venom eric you were saying he saw venom 2 today and it's good what about the new bond film are these good movies i heard the bond film was good i want to see both of them did you see venom 1 i just really like tom hardy yeah and i know that's probably why you guys like it too yeah i like tom hardy yeah he's amazing i love him have you seen have you seen peaky blinders yeah everyone keeps telling me to his character in that
Starting point is 01:50:38 that show is absolutely excellent he's such a psychopath alfie is that his name yeah it might be alfie alfie yeah it's something it's something like something like that that's just it's a messed up name for a messed up guy yeah he's excellent that's a i think you might like that show savannah i don't know hey there is you guys hear that noise no Hey, there he is. Do you guys hear that noise? No. That's like the craziest.
Starting point is 01:51:14 I have all my windows shut. Oh my God. What is going on? All right. Next story. Okay. Is Tom Hardy handsome? I missed him. I think he's handsome.
Starting point is 01:51:21 He's very handsome. He's very handsome. Who are you calling? My wife. Hello? Hi, babe. Do you hear that? Yeah, what the fuck's going on?
Starting point is 01:51:32 You're live on the air. Be cool. I'm guessing it's fireworks. I'm hoping. That was fucking nuts. Where? That was nuts. Wait, did it just stop?
Starting point is 01:51:43 Yeah. Okay. Okay, if you get scared, bring the whole family into my office i definitely will thank you love you bye shit okay my wife will never be on the podcast more than that tell her i say hi thank you obert says hi when asked how he would prepare for the october 12th mission with jeff bezos space travel company the 90 year old star trek actor william shatner joked that he had some apple pie the previous night shatner says that they called him and he says i'm going to see the vastness of space and the extraordinary miracle of our earth and how fragile it is compared to the forces at work in the universe that's really what i'm looking for shatner goes on to say that what's his name wants to colonize mars that's ridiculous in speaking of elon musk the founder and ceo of spacex shatner goes on to say that it takes a year and a half to get to mars
Starting point is 01:52:41 people will think it's like they're on a trip on a cruise line. No, man. You are in zero gravity and it's hotter than hell and the air is putrid. Help me, I'm dying, but I'm dying slowly. What a terrible fate, Shatner says. Recently, he also said he is now terrified to go into space and sometimes he's not terrified.
Starting point is 01:53:00 Kirk out. I'm getting him on the podcast. William Shatner, he's 90. He's 90, man. Get him on the podcast william shatner he's 90 oh he's 90 man get him on the podcast yeah oh fuck dude i had volkanovski on i can do anything you think you can get the chat yeah that'd be cool hey william shatner should play donald trump in a movie well that's good because my next story is about donald trump okay nice nice transition trump and mitch mcconnell trump was saying that holy shit mitch mcconnell he is the emperor how does anyone
Starting point is 01:53:32 how is he even real how is he even a real person like have you ever he talked in his mouth yeah man he's in desperate need talk about someone who needs a level one that fucking guy yes what is going on with him i can't even believe that's a real human i don't mean that in a derogatory way either i just can't believe i mean if you can't do 10 sound air squats in 60 seconds you shouldn't be allowed to be a congressman or a woman or a senator how many to be president of the united states you got to be able to back squat your body weight below parallel stand that fucking shit up what about what if you're in a wheelchair shoulder press uh you gotta be able to do 15 strict pull-ups i'm broken oh yeah yeah i like can this just speak for fucking anyone in any job
Starting point is 01:54:18 racist case being racist racist just to enter society hey the same amount of pull-ups for men and women yes yeah damn hobart you didn't miss a beat sexist sexist yeah sure 15 is not a not a high number like i don't know my wife just texted me and she said I could do the podcast in the house if I get scared in my office. She's so cool. Are you scared? No. Maybe. I don't want to talk about it.
Starting point is 01:54:51 I just want to make sure you're safe, man. If I was, would you empathize with me? Yeah. Okay. There was a hesitation. Kate, would you send Greg over to protect me? We're not allowed out. He couldn't help you.
Starting point is 01:55:05 He couldn't come to the car? There's no way we're getting there. Can you please come and help us? Fuck. I'm scared. I don't like this place. Can I come to your office? Dude, it was so sad.
Starting point is 01:55:15 That video I saw today about Australia, I really hope that's a gross exaggeration. No, they're doing it in Victoria as well. I just started today. What's going on? Fill me in. So we have QR codes to check in everywhere. And now what they've done is they've hooked up the QR codes to an app
Starting point is 01:55:30 where when you check in a little like your account with our government like accounts will open up with whether we're vaccinated or not with a little green screen. And that's how we're going to be let in places when we reopen. So New South Wales is reopened from today. We have got another three, four weeks, maybe.
Starting point is 01:55:48 It's meant to be the end of the month, but fucking who knows? It's crazy. Dude, it's crazy. Dude, it's crazy tracking. It's crazy. And we still have a curfew. Like we've got 50% double vax. We're on the way to 80% because 80%, more than 80% have had their first dose, but we still have a curfew. We've got 50% double vaxxed. We're on the way to 80% because 80%,
Starting point is 01:56:05 more than 80% have had their first dose, but we still have a curfew. We're not allowed to leave the house from nine till 5am. We have a 10K radius. No businesses are open. It's absolutely wild at this point. So let's say it's all true. Let's say everything about COVID is true. Sivan, bear with me. Is any country talking about walking back some of these measures, these tracking measures, these supposed prophylactic prevention measures? Is any country talking about walking them back once X vaccination is hit
Starting point is 01:56:39 or talking about walking them back once you see a prevalence, or not prevalence, but a drop in the prevalence of COVID in the population. Like, is anyone talking about this? Like in Australia, like, hey, guys, here's the good news. When only 1% of the population has COVID, we're going to not, we're going to delete this app from your phones. We're going to scrap all this data and we're not going to make you do this anymore. It's not the conversation in Australia. They have barely managed
Starting point is 01:57:05 romance out but countries like denmark and like what's another one they've dropped all of their norway croatia but listen what he's saying he's saying something really really fucking fascinating that i haven't even heard anyone ask this question let alone the answer to it be yes. He's saying your country, Australia, is implementing the fact that you need a vaccine to get into certain places. He's saying what if let's say just COVID goes away? It's gone forever. Do you get rid of the vaccine passports or do you still have to use them? And James knows the answer to this and you know still have to use them and and james knows the
Starting point is 01:57:46 answer to this and you know the answer to this they don't go away they're gonna add another shot on there it's gonna be the flu shot it's gonna be like is your is your does your anus self-lubricate shot like it's gonna be just get crazy it is gonna be fucking nuts you cannot go down this road and hey even if everything was true here's what's really crazy and kate kate talked about this on the last show they haven't had covid there yet they've had like a thousand or ten thousand we literally just hit a thousand like they haven't had yet what's gonna happen when it when it hits there like it hit like my town those people are gonna come on fucking hinge.
Starting point is 01:58:25 They're going to nuke themselves. Do you guys have a nuke? Does Australia have a nuke? You should nuke yourselves. Just shoot one straight up and let it just come right back down. Oh, my God. Do the rules apply to the Aborigines? Fuck no.
Starting point is 01:58:40 Because black lives don't matter. They don't give a fuck about those people. They don't have any money to care about them and by care about them i don't mean like the traditional use of care like where like you're nice to someone and you help someone up off the street i mean they don't care about them like they can't be milked for money i guarantee you right kate they don't have any rules oh they're probably terrified though probably type 2 diabetes runs rampant there because i mean that's the thing everybody is terrified though that's like that's the problem with not actually having it around and not actually seeing like what happens when everybody does get COVID because it's like, everybody is just in this state of panic and fear because we're just looking at other places being fucked and like the media is feeding us. And like, you know, I am, I am a little biased and like, you know, I like to look at the stuff that makes sense to me but um the the stuff that i've had to have conversations about with my parents i'm like you guys keep on looking at the mainstream media that are telling you all
Starting point is 01:59:29 the scariest shit about covid and you're not getting the full picture like you just don't it's impossible when you don't see it and even the people who are even people who are badasses like me who are like fuck that i ain't afraid of nothing i'll do anything i'll drink a gallon of covid the second they get it, man, they've been brain. They don't realize how much they've been brainwashed. They get scared as shit. They go through like a little bit of a panic attack and then it goes away.
Starting point is 01:59:52 And you're like, Jesus Christ. Yeah. Everyone is quite petrified for sure. How many girls did you have to kiss Hobart for you or an expert kisser? But like, you were just an expert. You're like,
Starting point is 02:00:08 damn, I kiss good. I don't know. I feel like you'd have to kiss some guys too. Right. If you're going to be an expert at kissing, you got to cover the whole thing. Got to put the whole, I'm not doing it again. Put the whole bottle in your mouth.
Starting point is 02:00:35 Double triple sevens. I just looked at some of the articles on the 15 year old boy who just, you just mentioned amazing reading how the country is spinning the story to deflect from the vaccine having anything to do with his death. Yeah. Oh dude, there's a bunch of them. having anything to do with his death yeah oh dude there's a bunch of them there's a bunch of them they got they got a news anchor in the uk as many months ago okay what is the answer to that question which one what's the answer what's your answer the question i'm really curious now how many is it a lifelong skill i feel like it is a lifelong skill. Do you just continue to pursue excellence in kissing? I don't feel like kissing different people is – what's the word I'm looking for? It's different kissing different people. There you go.
Starting point is 02:01:12 That's what I'm trying to say. People kiss differently. That's also what I'm trying to say. If two people really like kissing each other, it's some incredible kissing. I don't know if liking kissing someone means that they're a good kisser. It's like you got to have two people that kiss well. I don't know. You can like someone and like the kissing, but it might not be that great.
Starting point is 02:01:36 But you just really like them. Right. But I mean, if they like kissing you and you like kissing them, I'm saying it's some incredible kissing. Still a good time? It's just unabashed kissing is just wonderful. I don't think a lot of people experience that. Just fucking just... Have you ever put water...
Starting point is 02:01:58 Have you ever taken a guzzle of water in your mouth and then put your mouth up against someone else's mouth and spit it back and forth into each other's mouths? One time I was at a party though and i i took a shot and not like really close and i spit it into my buddy's mouth wow well listen listen i want to before before we called it we called it a bro shot before i get super judgmental that what was the proof of that alcohol because if it's over 70 proof it's it's fine if it's under 70 proof then we were we were actually at a clay we were drinking like some like really bougie don julio like at a club ah totally fine totally fine i do that with
Starting point is 02:02:36 my dog is that the closest you've gotten to practicing kissing with a guy no next question Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump imagine if they all right you're good dude Donald Trump says of Mitch McConnell Mitch McConnell should have challenged the election
Starting point is 02:02:58 as Donald Trump lost because even back then we had plenty of material to challenge that election he should have challenged the election, said again. And then Donald Trump said Chuck Schumer would have challenged it. McConnell didn't have the courage. Said this to his supporters at the Iowa fairgrounds where in Des Moines, Iowa, he was giving a speech.
Starting point is 02:03:18 Trump also teased a potential new slogan for 2024. Here's some real political genius, people. Again, if you think the answer to another shitty 77-year-old politician is another shitty 77-year-old politician, just take this one on for size. Stopping short of officially announcing a bid for re-election, it was supposed to be keep America great, but America's not great right now, says Donald Trump. So we're using the same slogan make america great again and we may even add to it he said make america great again again demand better america of your politicians whether they're republican or democrat please trump is more popular in the state now this is
Starting point is 02:03:59 in iowa than when he held office according to the latest Des Moines Register MediCom poll, about 53% of Iowan voters have a favorable view and 45% have an unfavorable view of the former Republican president. I bet they'd have a less favorable view if he kissed Mitch McConnell. All right. So is he running or is he not? I imagine he will are you watching any of the um the the arizona stuff i have not picked it up but it'll we'll get let's get in the news oh it's it's fucking it's nuts they they asked the they asked the election people so maricopa county was was won by Joe Biden, and I guess in the entire history of the country or Maricopa County, from what I read, it's never voted Democrat.
Starting point is 02:04:54 So that was the first time it ever voted Democrat – Democrat won in a presidential election in Arizona, Maricopa County. So they're doing an audit there to see what the fuck happened. Copa County. So they're doing an audit there to see what, what the fuck happened. And one of the things that was fascinating is that I heard the other day, and I don't know if any of this is true. It's so hard to fucking figure out what's true or not, but they asked the guys in this trial and I, and I'm watching it that basically, Hey, did you erase the results from the hard drive? Cause we don't see them on there and we're trying to do the audit. And the guy's like, no, I didn't erase them. They're like, well, where the fuck are they? And they go back and forth.
Starting point is 02:05:29 And after fucking a ton of questioning, they get it out that he didn't erase them, but he moved them to a different computer. But he wasn't going to volunteer that. They had to fucking hunt that down. And it's like, fuck, can everyone just be honest on both sides? Let's like, let's just get to the bottom of this. Just show us all the shit so we can say Biden won and it's over. Stop being fucking assholes. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:54 I show us all the shit and let's say Trump, like how, how are we just eroding all it's, it's making it not fun to live here. You want to, here's what really bugs me. We have technology to track people for you know uh what do they call it not vaccination tracking but um when people when people were close together it doesn't matter we have technology to like track people um very precisely on whether or not they're vaccinated or not and we have really advanced technology walking around in our pockets every day in the form of a Google phone or Samsung or iPhone.
Starting point is 02:06:26 But like, I don't understand why we can't bring that level of excellent technology to voting. And I would love to talk to some expert on this who's like involved in like voting technology and processes. It's like, it should be as simple as like, I can vote from my phone with dual authentication with multiple thumbprint scans, and it sends it in and no one else can fuck with it and it's encrypted and it's like i just don't understand how like so many things are like encrypted and you can't get to this information but like the one thing we can't get right is the most important thing that we do in our entire political process it can't but yet we can track whether people have vaccines down to like exactly where they live and you know i don't know it drives me absolutely nuts,
Starting point is 02:07:05 but maybe, maybe I just proximity. Yeah. Thank you. Spit fire X 59. I don't even know what that means. I don't even know what that means, but I don't know.
Starting point is 02:07:12 That's sorry. I just had to get that off my chest. Maybe I don't understand it at all, but I think it's one of those things. That's so crazy. Like, why don't we have better voting technology if it's that important, which it is,
Starting point is 02:07:21 I think, I think anyway, at least we don't live in Australia. We could live in Florida. You want me to pull us out of this? Yes. We're getting toward the end. It was actually funny that I'm talking about
Starting point is 02:07:34 why can't we have better voting technology and two stories away we have a Google Chrome hack story. Anyway, a Florida sheriff has advertised on social media some 700 pounds of marijuana that authorities wanted to return to its rightful owner. The sheriff writes, since at the Bravard County Sheriff's Office, we always strive to do the right thing. Our narcotics agents are trying to identify the rightful owner of approximately 770 pounds of marijuana that was seized from a mini storage facility in Vieira. pounds of marijuana that was seized from a mini storage facility in Vieira. Sheriff Wayne Ivey wrote, I mean, trying to identify the rightful owner of the property is the very least we can do, especially since it has a street value of roughly $2 million. The ad on Twitter goes on to say,
Starting point is 02:08:18 once we properly identify you as the rightful owner, we will gladly return your property and also make sure that both you and your property are kept in a secure area so that no one can try to rip you off sheriff ivy even offered a staycation for the owner to think about exactly how much your lost property means to you what does that mean what's a staycation i think he's saying you're going to be you know confined to prison and arrested this is just a really clever way um to try and identify um the owner of all this marijuana so they can um put them in the clink oh so this is sarcasm sarcasm they don't really want to get yeah that took me a second no they do not want to give it back i was like man weed is really, really legal there. Really legal. You get a whole 770 pounds of it.
Starting point is 02:09:10 Asshole. Not you. Savan, do you still smoke weed? No. Or like eat it or like consume it? No. I don't do any of that shit. I haven't smoked or I haven't smoked weed in how old am I?
Starting point is 02:09:23 I'm 49. I haven't smoked weed in well over 20 years and what it's fucking crazy probably like 10 years ago i was at a party and i got drunk and there were these brownies lemon brownies or something lemon something on the table i love lemon squares and i was at lemon squares maybe i hope so they're great and i knew that they had marijuana in them and i knew to stay away from them but i'd gotten really drunk it was late and pretty much everyone had gone to sleep or passed out at the party i was like fuck it i'm just gonna eat one of these i'm really fucking hungry and i ate one and oh did i just mute cfk no she muted herself and i felt horrible it was the worst experience in my fucking life was worse than it was horrible no i'm pretty um i'm very sober no sugar no weed
Starting point is 02:10:07 no alcohol i had a shot of tequila last night in a like three that i drank over like a four hour period um watching all the fights ufc and the boxing match in a huge huge cup with like two cans of sparkling water and i I didn't enjoy it. Couldn't even taste the tequila and I didn't enjoy it. Like my eyes started getting heavy and shit. It's funny. I tell people I don't drink. And then I mentioned I have a shot of tequila and I was like,
Starting point is 02:10:34 you said you don't drink. You said you don't drink. Yeah. I don't fucking smoke cigarettes either. But if I'm in the room with someone smoking cigarettes, I'm getting the smoke in me. Like, yeah, I have a shit. I will taste it or remind myself how much I hate it once a month or once every two months or once every three months.
Starting point is 02:10:46 Fucking weirdos. Just cause Hobart kissed a boy. It doesn't mean he's gay. Just kiss the boy. He's empathizing. He's practicing. God damn. Okay.
Starting point is 02:11:00 Try the ginger ale in Colorado. Lemon bombs. Why do you smoke weed? Do you do, do you do edibles? you do edibles? You don't seem like you do any of that shit, Kit. Yeah, occasionally. I get wild. Come on. That's not wild. I go to bed at 7.30 every night. I get wild. I actually use weed to go to sleep occasionally. There's some weed wheat bowls that uh greg gets actually that uh oh man i'm i'm getting in trouble now um but yeah they have a little indica in them and they're just really good they just make me calm the fuck down come to my circus so i can rape and kill you six
Starting point is 02:11:36 six six what's blocked can we ban oh that's uh was hidden by the... Oh, yeah. You could... Message deleted by... Oh, that was quick, Sousa. Blasted him. Why would someone do that? I don't know. You said, like, we needed trolls and we're getting them. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:59 That's not really trolling. What's trolling? Hold on, Hobart. I want to look at the exact... That's gone beyond trolling what's trolling hold on hobart i want to look at the exact that's that's gone beyond trolling that's uh i feel like there are different levels of trolling right there's like the intellectual trolls and then there's those guys person who makes a deliberately offensive or provocative online post not that was trolling then i'm wrong you're right i don't like trolls i take that back controller or a shit poster i don't like the r I take that back. Troller or a shit poster. I don't like the R word. Trolls. Can you not use the R word? Because that really triggers me.
Starting point is 02:12:36 Weed. Yeah. So what were you saying, Greg? Is it legal in Australia? Greg brings a weed bowl. Oh, that's why we can't talk about it it's illegal it's illegal there isn't prostitution legal there yeah well it's weird all the different social structures you guys can bone chicks for cash or dudes for cash but you can't smoke weed and we can't bone dudes or chicks for cash but we can smoke you i think you can like it's decriminalized i think or it's on its way to becoming legalized it's somewhere in that ballpark has a woman ever called my dick is big nigga i want it in a man's mouth bro do you like my name jesus i just laughed because i knew you were going to read it out loud
Starting point is 02:13:20 barnes ryan emma how can i help you? Welcome to... Hey, what's up? Yeah. Is that you in our comment section? No, I ain't coming today. Oh, okay. Oh, funky accent. Don't say anything else. Where is he from, guys? Guess. Which I've been up to
Starting point is 02:13:39 today. No, you weren't supposed to say anything else. Why not? Because we're trying to figure out what country you're from. What? Which state are you from? All right, makes sense. Okay, hey, how are you? We're coming over in a little bit.
Starting point is 02:14:03 It's when the show's over to have a crawfish. Crawfish throw out the tarp, and we're coming over to a little bit it's when the show's over to have a crawfish throw out the tarp and we're coming over to get some crawfish oh we're in the crawfish season right now my boy oh damn it that's in like February, March alright I'm going to save the date right here save February to go to Emma's house
Starting point is 02:14:23 for crawfish. This is born. I know. I know. What affiliate do you go to? Fortitude CrossFit. Fortitude CrossFit? Fortitude.
Starting point is 02:14:37 Fortitude. Got it. And how did you find CrossFit? I was traveling with the baseball team at my school, and one of my teammates brought it up to me, and I just went and tried it and liked it. And are you still in school? Yeah, I go to LSU.
Starting point is 02:14:59 How old are you? 24. And are you still playing baseball? No, I don't travel with them no more and what are you studying at LSU uh health and physical education oh sweet and what are you gonna do
Starting point is 02:15:16 with that are you gonna be a teacher I wanna try to be a coach for baseball uh either football or baseball oh that's awesome that's awesome well For baseball? Either football or baseball. Oh, that's awesome. That's awesome. Well, I hope you succeed.
Starting point is 02:15:32 I hope you don't. Did you take your L1 yet? No, I might take it either in this Christmas break or sometime in the spring. Good on you. Will your school pay for that? Nah, I gotta pay for it on my own. Sorry to hear that. What was your name, Emma?
Starting point is 02:15:56 Ryan. Ryan. Hey, Kate, what do you think? Does he sound like he's from the United States to you? What's the Australian ear here when Ryan speaks? Like someone that probably would be from Louisiana. Does he sound like he smokes weed or does edibles? It sounds like he could be a little high right now.
Starting point is 02:16:18 Maybe that's why he called. Were you calling because we were talking about weed? Maybe. Aha. Damn, Kate's good. Holy shit, she's a keeper. I'm not high right now, but last Saturday I was drunk and high.
Starting point is 02:16:41 Last Saturday. What do they call that? Isn't that called something when you're drunk and high? Yeah, vomitous. Is there a name for it? I don't know what it's called. Do you have a girlfriend? No.
Starting point is 02:16:53 Do you have a boyfriend? No, I'm straight. Do you have a nice body? I think so. Was it nice before you did CrossFit? No, it was okay. But now it's nice. Yeah. I think so. Was it nice before you did CrossFit? Uh, no, it was okay. But now it's nice.
Starting point is 02:17:08 Yeah. Are you willing to share it? I'm a badass. Woohoo. Just anyone, just any girl, any, anyone,
Starting point is 02:17:15 any, any, like anyone. It depends on the girl. All right. All right. Cause you don't have it. You don't have a girlfriend.
Starting point is 02:17:22 You have a good body and you're straight. And I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this. It's a mystery. Are you monogamous? No. Sarah goes, he's from CrossFit Faded. He's CrossFaded. CrossFaded.
Starting point is 02:17:43 All right. All right, Mr. Barnes. Is there anything else you'd like to say? We have to finish this show. But you should call in every week. We have unfinished business for sure. I bet. I've been, I was just calling to see what you was up to.
Starting point is 02:17:58 Because I've missed you the last couple of weeks. Because school got busy and stuff. So I hope y'all have a good night, and I hope to catch you next week. Cool. You're a gentleman and a scholar. We were better the first hour, and we've just been auguring in real slow as the coffee's wearing off.
Starting point is 02:18:18 Y'all drink coffee? Yeah, you don't drink coffee? Nah, that shit's disgusting. Do you drink coffee, Hobart? You don't drink coffee either,'s just disgusting oh do you drink coffee hobart you don't drink coffee either hobart i do a little bit but i agree and i think the taste is terrible wow what do what sort of stimulants do you take ryan i take uh pre-workout and protein powder pre-workout yeah i'm sure that's got caffeine in it, right? Yeah. I take the protein. I take the protein, brother.
Starting point is 02:18:47 Oh, shit. Plug in. Yeah. Boy, Matt Fraser. Hell yeah. All right, brother. Peace and love. All right.
Starting point is 02:18:57 Stay good. I'm sorry we bored you. All right. Bye. All right. Bye. Well, I have some commentary. Lay it on us because Craig White is calling for one more news story.
Starting point is 02:19:17 Let's do it. Let's do it. Okay, let's do it. All right. How far it up you want to get? Yeah, let's finish on a high note. I'm going to give you two right here real quick. Nope. We're going to go right for the moneymaker.
Starting point is 02:19:26 Gas lawnmowers and leaf blowers. California will outlaw the sale of new gas-powered lawnmowers and leaf blowers and chainsaws as early as 2024 under a new law signed by Governor of California Gavin Newsom on Saturday. governor of california gavin newsom on saturday these new portable gas powered generators also excuse me new portable gas power generators also must be zero emissions by 2028 which also could be delayed at the discretion of the state agency someone interviewed in the article said the state has set aside you know a whopping 30 million dollars to help professional landscapers and garden, because I'm sure that will cover all of the professional landscapers and gardeners in California using gas powered equipment. $30 million to help professional landscapers and gardeners make the transition from gas powered equipment to zero emission equipment because that electricity just comes out of thin air and you don't have to use any gas to power those batteries and charge them up. However, an industry representative said that's woefully inadequate. Thank God they said this for the estimated 50,000 small businesses that will be affected by the law. Matt Sousa,
Starting point is 02:20:36 quick math. What is 30 million divided by 50,000? For example, a gas powered commercial riding lawnmower costs between $7,000 and $11,000, while it's zero emissions equivalent costs more than twice that amount. some Democrats who expressed concern about how residents in rural areas, especially when it comes to the state requirement that portable generators be zero emission. The agency began working on the regulations after Savan's governor Newsom issued an executive order in September of 2020 that required the state to transition to 100% zero emission off-road vehicles and equipment by 2035 at least he said this where feasible no one no one in their right mind and we could be wrong but no one in their right mind believes that any of the recycling stuff actually helps the environment it's just all a fucking it feels like it's all a fucking scam no one's ever done the news story and let us see okay what happens to it where does all the electricity come from all the electricity that's that's needed to power all of
Starting point is 02:21:50 these teslas what are they doing why is that cleaner are they just burning gas somewhere else to fire up a generator to then charge your tesla are they burning coal somewhere else like no one knows it's such a fucking scam none of it is fucking explained to us have you guys seen that video of greta thurnberg recently she was at oh she's a fucking rock she's she she was so great she responds to all these speakers going fucking carbon neutral blah blah blah zero trans like zero whatever blah blah blah Just starts her whole talk with just being like, blah, blah, blah. It's fucking epic. I can't stand her.
Starting point is 02:22:32 What if next week we do a little expose long form feature on recycling? Yeah, I'd like to know about recycling. I'd like to know about what happens to all those. Where's the electricity coming from for all this electric shit? All right. We're going to trim down the news stories and that's what we're gonna for the batteries away did you ever see that documentary that um it came out a couple years ago they i think they pulled it off of youtube because it was so fucking crazy it was made michael moore was the producer yeah it was like the opposite of the inconvenient truth it was like uh yes it was basically saying what a huge scam is that they're basically all of these clean burning fuel
Starting point is 02:23:11 plants all over the united states that basically they were cutting down trees in the amazon and importing them to burn and to make oh it was fucking it was so bad and the people behind it were like you're here like it was bad it was really really really really really bad i don't know if it's true what's it called uh okay i'll look it up i'd michael moore um is he still like extremely unhealthy and overweight looking like he's about to die do you know when people get men get so fat like they start to become androgynous it's actually it's like a huge problem in the United States. Too much estrogen, right?
Starting point is 02:23:47 Yeah. He's like that. He's full-blown androgynous. He did a dietary sex change. It's true. And actually – It's called an inconvenient sequel, I think. No.
Starting point is 02:24:04 If little boys – the studies on boys if little boys the studies on boys little boys who get obese at a young age and what happens to their testicles and penises is fucking scary so scary um they don't develop fully as men because of that because of the they ate too much sugar and refined carbohydrates true story it's not that's. It's not, that's not, that's not, he does make pretty good documentaries though.
Starting point is 02:24:29 Yeah. He's good. He's, he's hard worker. He's pretty wild. Two hours and 24 minutes. Is there a longest show? Yeah. Close to last week's was similar.
Starting point is 02:24:43 Craig White's making, Craig White's making fun of Ryan. He called it protein powder. Protein. God, that guy's accent was strong. I think Sarah wins my favorite comments award for the evening, other than that bot who jumped in. That is not a bot. Who said that's a bot?
Starting point is 02:25:04 What do you mean a bot like a bot who was my mom just dropping chill out bomb hilarious though oh what's what's up with next sunday you're gonna be here next sunday hobart i'm ready to rock next sunday yeah i mean we still have a lot we didn't cover. We didn't talk about the Fury Wilder fight. We didn't talk about the iPhone candy launcher case. Google Chrome hacks.
Starting point is 02:25:31 The Congress and the debt ceiling. Dark matter going down in Australia. Australia and social media. I mean, we just. I ordered a new iPhone 13, bro. Good. I just. There was an article.
Starting point is 02:25:43 Camera is better than the iPhone 12. So. Yeah. Is that the main difference was an article. Camera is better than the iPhone 12. So, uh, I guess I didn't get the iPhone 12. It was the first iPhone I never owned. I think the battery is a little bit better. I imagine the processing power is a little bit more powerful, which, you know, for Savan to run only fans who cares, but, uh, yeah. Um, tomorrow I have John Brzenk on world's greatest arm wrestler if you have not seen the movie pooling john that's cool you should see pooling john uh i think he spelled his name
Starting point is 02:26:12 wrong that's brazank he quickly pulled it down and uh on tuesday i have Steffi Cohen on. She is the hybrid athletics powerhouse that Matt Fraser signed up with to distribute his programming. And she has 25, I think, weightlifting world records. And on Wednesday, we have Guillaume Guillermo, who just signed up with Mayhem. And I don't know what's going on Thursday or Friday. Something cool. Have Hobart and Kate back on. Anything else, Sousa? We're like a car that just runs out of gas.
Starting point is 02:27:07 Like I said, we're sitting on six stories. I feel like we hit it all. I feel like it was nice. How do you feel, Kate? Did you interrupt enough today? I feel good. Leave them wanting more. Will you tell us?
Starting point is 02:27:24 If I make a Greg crack and you're not with Greg anymore, will you tell us when it's like if i make a greg crack and you're not with greg anymore will you tell me yeah oh yeah totally no that maybe maybe i won't maybe i'll just see how far you go you have three kids with another dude they're all in the background eight years from now still giving me shit about Greg. All right, guys. Sousa, thank you. How was the show, Sousa? Good?
Starting point is 02:27:50 Hold on.

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