The Sevan Podcast - #167 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: October 14, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. E-N-K. Brzezinc. John Brzezinc.
Starting point is 00:00:35 I had just finished making my first movie feature-length documentary called Our House. It did extremely well. I was ready to start making my second documentary and I started googling around and I think it was googling around. I wanted to make it on Armenian genocide. Basically what was happening was the Turkish government was giving money to big universities like UCLA and other universities, as I recall, to start a Turkish department at these colleges. But they were going to require those departments to teach from the Turkish historical archives, which didn't acknowledge the Armenian Genocide even occurred. So it was kind of their way of rewriting history. Hey, we'll give UCLA a few million dollars, we'll teach about Turkish history, and we'll omit the Armenian Genocide.
Starting point is 00:01:31 So I thought, oh, that'd be a pretty cool movie to make, being that I was Armenian and that I had such success with my first movie. And from there, because I kept typing in Armenian ARM into the internet, I started coming across arm wrestling over and over. I wonder where John is. Is he coming on? Did John Brzezink get a link? Matt, did I send you the link? Matt, are you listening?
Starting point is 00:02:02 Matt Souza? I don't see. Jesus. I don't know if i sent john a link to the show maybe i should make sure i do that i sent it from my computer sorry guys copy to clipboard and then let's see if i text it to And then let's see if I text it to Matt Souza. Did John just bail? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Matt just, no, I'm at work now. Okay, that's weird. Hmm. Shit, I should have gone with Jason Hopper. What the fuck is going on? Let me see what's going on. I'm going to text John. First, I send a ha-ha-ha because John texted me back and said,
Starting point is 00:02:58 no, I'm at work. So I go ha-ha-ha. But we are live on YouTube now for our 7 a.m. podcast. Isn't this great? What if someone paid me to do this show and the shit fell apart like this? God damn it. So should I stop telling the story about how I came across John Brzenk? I mean, this was a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I don't even know if the story is true anymore. Oh, it looks like Jason Hopper is being scheduled for Thursday. Jason, we have today, Thursday, and Friday available. Jason wrote back Thursday. That's awesome. Yeah, I guess John Brzezink bailed. There must have been a confusion with the time. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Okay. So what happens the night before these podcasts is I get up really early. Sorry, I go to bed really late and then I get up really early so that I can do these podcasts, uh, before my kids wake up. So when I wake up and he's not, no, he's not sap the bee. He is not coming. It does not appear. John Brzezink is coming. That is, uh, at least that's what his wife said. Damn. He texts me back.
Starting point is 00:04:29 That's a good sign. Usually when guests bail, they don't text you back. You know, they're just like, there's got to just be a scheduling issue. What happened was, he must have thought God is Monday confused with this Thursday or some shit. Damn. And I'm not by the phone, so I can't take in, I'm at the wrong computer, so I can't take in callers. What should I do? Should I just get off? Should I just say bye? You guys want to hear a question I was wondering about yesterday? You guys want to hear a question I was wondering about yesterday?
Starting point is 00:05:17 There was a story the other day at a Walgreens about how some kid was injected with the vaccine, COVID vaccine, but his parents actually took him there to get the flu shot. And they injected the kid with the wrong drug, and now the kid's having heart issues. It's a little boy. I think he's like four years old. Someone can go ahead and someone can go ahead and look it up and check out the story. But I'm tripping because let's say I'm trying to think of like, for those of you who have kids out there, for those of you who don't have kids, let's say you parked your car at Walmart in the parking lot. And as you came out, you saw someone hitting the windshield or the door, let's say the door, with a shopping cart, ramming it in the side of the car with a shopping cart repeatedly. What would your reaction be?
Starting point is 00:06:06 reaction be? Imagine you're an artist and you spent three years working on a painting and, um, you come to your studio, um, one night and there's someone in there pouring paint on your, on your painting, just like a big bucket of car paint on your painting. Imagine, um, whoa, I don't know. Just think of your pride. Just think of your, think of your, imagine you were sleeping at night and you woke up and the girl you were sleeping next to you had put a staple in your penis. I know that's a little sexist cause only men can relate to that. Let me think of, let me think. Imagine you're a woman and you're sleeping at night and someone took scissors and cut off one of your nipples. These are all horrible things. So how do you think you would react if someone injected your kid with the wrong drug what what would be okay as the as the outburst like you go to walgreens
Starting point is 00:07:09 and someone injects your kid with the wrong drug like what's okay to do go over and push over a whole aisle of shit pour gasoline on the place and burn it down take the guy out back and just fucking beat him to fucking death i mean like where it was two kids a four and a five year old silly yeah what what is okay as the as the i don't want to even say retribution but just as the illogical reaction as a parent if someone inject you walked in and someone injected your kids which i just don't get how that's, um, I would rather someone burn my house down than inject my kids with the wrong drugs. You get that, right? I'd rather have someone cut off one of my toes. I mean, It's just fascinating to me that – it reminds me – like so I've talked about this before. Whenever we talk about the – whenever we talk about like abortion or the death penalty, the arguments are fed to us.
Starting point is 00:08:22 This is the argument. Killing a baby or not killing a baby. Women's rights or not women's rights. Rights over your body or not rights over your body. And what I'm always wondering is, is that really how we should be framing it? Is that how we should be thinking about it? And the example I use is ice cream. If someone said, hey, do you want to eat ice cream today? And you didn't know how to think about it, they might say to you, well, you're only supposed to eat ice cream on hot days if it's over 80 degrees. So you run over and you ask Siri, Siri, how hot is it?
Starting point is 00:08:46 Or you're old school and you look at a thermometer and she says it's 79 degrees. So you use that to decide is your truth or your barometer or your metric on whether you should eat ice cream or not. And it's 79 degrees, so you don't eat ice cream. What I'm asking is, is that the right way to think about it? because when they people tell us how to think about when people tell us that you have a decision to make and then they tell us how we should think about it that's highly manipulative not only is it highly manipulative it's not true and so when you when the and so the argument for taking this injection to prevent the spread of this virus has been given to us. And that's where the left and the right aren't even arguing, at least in abortion, like they've tricked us and we're arguing about whether it's killing a baby or not or whether it's women's rights or not.
Starting point is 00:09:36 So at least we're fighting in the same arena. This thing we're not even like – no, we haven't even agreed on how to think about it, where the fight is, where the argument is. The argument for the death penalty is – one of the arguments for the death penalty is we know we kill the wrong person. We put the wrong people to jail all the time. How can you have a death penalty that's imperfect? You could accidentally kill the wrong person. kill the wrong person. So now my question is, is how many, when you, sorry, this was the long route to it, but when you talk about medical procedures, you talk about whether they're good or whether we need them. I'm seeing my son sneak into the room and take his Legos. We,
Starting point is 00:10:18 we're deciding whether the medical procedures should be done or whether we need them, or does it help society or does it not help society. But for a disease that 50% of the people who've died are 30 years complicit in their demise by eating too many Twinkies and too much Coca-Cola and being over the age of 78, how many kids is it okay to die? I'm going to say zero. How many kids is it okay to get injected with the wrong drug? I'm going to say zero. How many kids is it okay to get injected with the wrong drug? I'm going to say zero. It's maddening to me to think that it's okay, even in the slightest bit, to do something that would allow a kid to get injected with drugs. My kids.
Starting point is 00:10:59 I'm totally okay driving down. driving down anyway, it's, uh, those parents who own those kids who were accidentally injected with drugs, whatever their reaction is, I give them a pass. I give them a pass. I, I, whatever they do, they burn the Walgreens down. Okay. Give them up. I give them a pass. I absolve them of their sins. I absolve them of any penalty. Do I think the person who did it should be punished? I don't know. I'm not big for punishing people. And I'm not saying it's right if the parents burnt the Walgreen down. I just can't believe.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Oh, man. You have serious issues if you take your kids to Walgreens for medical procedures. You have serious issues if you go to Walgreens for medical issues, for medical procedures. Something's wrong with you. Shit, why don't you bring your car over to my house and i'll change the oil for you i mean it's like that like i don't know i wouldn't know the first thing about changing why would you do that wall greens for a medical procedure oh looks like we're gonna to get Jason Hopper here soon. 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time on Thursday. My Christian fans only like when Sevan isn't explicit. That's from Jason Hopper.
Starting point is 00:12:33 I don't know what that means, explicit. I'll beep out his swearing. Oh, and Jason says, and his dick talk, please. His tick talk? No, his dick talk. Christians don't hate dick. Christians love the whole body. Jason's like totally, you're totally, dude, I'm going to type that to him right now.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Christians love dick. What are you talking about? How's that? Steve Blaze from the comment says, I went in once for a tennis shot. After they gave me the shot, they tell me there was, uh, two other shots in it. I was irate. Oh yeah. So that's awesome. Isn't that incredible? So I have a friend, a very close friend. Too bad. I can't see stream yard anymore. I have a friend, a very close friend. Too bad I can't see StreamYard anymore. I have a friend, a very close friend, and they needed a tetanus shot a couple of days ago. And as the doctor rolls up with the tetanus shot, my friend said, I can't believe my friend said this.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Fucking brilliant. They said, hey, what else is in the shot? And the doctor's like, oh, whooping cough. My friend's like, I don't need the whooping cough shot. They're like, oh, it's okay. It's really dangerous too. This will protect you from it. My friend turned it down, the whole fucking thing. They were going to do the same thing to my friend. And I wonder how many of you guys got expired shots or the wrong shot.
Starting point is 00:14:05 You know, it's thousands, maybe millions. Jeez. Oh, someone is getting sued big time. You think, I mean, I don't know. I just, it would break me if it would break me. I can't even think about it. I don't, I, I don't even, yeah, my friend did refuse Steve. My friend said, no, thank you. And didn't get the tetanus shot. And you know, what's crazy is my friend had an infection and they didn't know how they got it.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Super healthy person, crazy, healthy, crazy, crazy, healthy, no added sugar, no refined carbs works out every single day, fast one day a week. And they just got an infection on their hand. carbs, works out every single day, fast one day a week. And they just got an infection on their hand and, uh, they didn't know what it was from. And so one of the fingers started swelling and throbbing and hurting. And, um, when they went in to have it Lance, they said, Hey, as a preventative, we should give it a tetanus. Uh, do you guys know how there's like, um, uh, there's like um uh there's these just brilliantly brave um melanated people that's my term for black skin people who have been standing up for the last few years about not making black people black skin people victims not looking at people by not judging people by the color of their skin people like candace owens um officer tatumum, that guy, Corey, Ishwaya, Ishwaya, Corey,
Starting point is 00:15:28 who I had on my podcast. And it's an incredible service to all of humanity because they're saying stuff that white people are terrified to say because they don't want to get destroyed by the woke crowd. They're the ones who are saying, no, all white people aren't. I mean, they're saying just obvious shit. All white people aren't white supremacists. This is crazy. You're projecting onto black people. They're the ones who are like, hey, black people don't need special rights and privileges. They do know how to use computers and register to vote, that kind of shit.
Starting point is 00:15:56 They don't want the narrative spun that just because you're black, you're a fucking idiot. Even if it's in the name of being good. You know what I'm talking about? These people are fucking American heroes. these people who are doing it. There's cops. There's a police chief out of Detroit or something who's been just amazing. Even people like Denzel Washington, Lil Wayne, Washington, Lil Wayne, people who aren't going to tolerate seemingly helpful things for people with black skin but are just outlandishly racist.
Starting point is 00:16:37 You know, there's this saying Mother Teresa said, I think, or someone said it. Don't be don't be nice to people because they're nice to you. Be nice to people because you're a nice person. It's basically that like, hey, just because someone was racist to you or bad to you doesn't mean that you should do the same to them. I mean, that's at the baseline, the premise of the whole thing. And you're never going to, if you fight racism with racism, the winner will be racist. I mean, it's just complete fucking idiocy. But it takes fucking guts.
Starting point is 00:17:02 The guy, Larry Elder, who ran for the state of california he did it he did it he stood up for basically equality not equity equality and the and the la times basically said he was a white man in blackface something along those lines crazy like one of the racist things you could ever say and now the the same thing is happening to the same thing is happening to what's the comedian's name? Dave Chappelle. People are saying he has white privilege. I mean, it's just nuts. fat as fuck, someone who's obese needs to stand up and be the Candace Owens of this insanity that we have going on. The fact that no one, no one, maybe one person who's healthy has died and the rest have been either morbidly obese or sugar addicts, added sugar addicts or refined carbohydrate addicts. And that all of us have to be codependents and take responsibility for their actions is fucking idiocy. This is kicking the ball down the road, kicking the can down the road, and it's going to be worse when it comes again. We did it already did it with cancer.
Starting point is 00:18:13 We're looking for a cure for cancer when there really is no cure. What you have to do is you have to stop eating sugar. How do you not get pregnant? You don't sit on dick. It's very, get pregnant, you don't sit on dick. It's very, very, very, very simple. There's no cure for pregnancy. There's no cure for cancer. Okay, okay, for 30% of cancers that you got from holding the cell phone to your head. Bear with me here. Let me speak in a little bit of hyperbole. My point is this. Someone from that obese community needs to just fucking take over and be like, hey, man, this is my fault. I'm addicted to added sugars. I'm addicted to refined carbohydrates and to make the whole world pay for my sins and pay for my idiocy and pay for my bad lifestyle habits and to pay for my addiction
Starting point is 00:18:53 and to be codependent and have everyone take a shot so I can keep stuffing Twinkies in my face is bullshit. One of you fatties has to speak up and take personal responsibility. fatties has to speak up and take personal responsibility. Become the Candace Owens of this thing. Become the Larry Elder of this thing. Become the Thomas Sowell of this thing. Learn about accountability, personal responsibility. Step out on a limb. Don't be clouded by your own personal bias. Which one of you is going to do that? We need you. The world needs you. We need one of you guys to step out. You're 150 pounds overweight. You know it's your fault. You know life isn't fun. You know that you're so obese that people can't tell the difference if you're a man or a woman
Starting point is 00:19:45 and you know the battle is real step out become a hero be like hey man this really sucks i'm fucking addicted to this shit taking a shit sucks getting out of bed sucks everything fucking sucks i'm doing my best but in the meantime don't let the rest of the world have to crumble because I've made bad choices for 25 years. It's nuts. It's absolutely nuts that someone hasn't done that yet. I have it in my notes here, the Candace Owen of fatties. It's okay, fatties. It's okay. Big nose people, fatties. It's okay, fatties, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Big nose people, fatties, just like, it is what it is. There's no, I'm not being, I don't even mean it. I don't even mean it. There's no, don't read into it. Just is what it is. Oh, that's my password. Oh, we're using StreamYard today. What do you guys think?
Starting point is 00:20:43 We're no longer using Riverside FM. Is the audio better? I wish we had a guest so we could actually test this shit out. I wonder what John Brzezink said. I'm so sorry for those of you who came on to listen to John Brzezink, and instead you have to listen to me talk about stuff you probably disagree with. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I thought we were doing this in the evening.
Starting point is 00:21:00 I guess I can't read. It clearly says a.m. Okay. How about tonight? At 8 p.m. 7.30 p.m. Haley, can I do a podcast at 7.30 after I take the boys swimming? My wife says she doesn't see what.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Yes. That is yes. Okay. Okay, maybe John Brzezink will be on tonight. I saw a story the other day that kind of piqued my interest. In the state of California, if you are boninging and you're i'm assuming you're the dude and i'm assuming it's if you're boning a woman but that's a a totally sexist assumption on my part maybe i should get rid of it um you can't what what it's called not ghosting it's called it's basically when you're having
Starting point is 00:22:06 sex with someone with the condom on and then you pull the condom off and you don't tell them i guess that's illegal now what is that term um um what is that term did you guys see the news story can someone make a comment in the comment section what What was that? Anyway, it's illegal to do that. But here's what caught my attention about it. What a dickhead thing to do to be having sex with someone and pull the condom off in the middle while you're having sex and not tell them. But I recently heard that California also passed a law that if you have AIDS, you no longer – or they canceled the law. I guess there used to be a law in the books that said if you had aids and you had sex with someone and you knew you had aids and you didn't tell them
Starting point is 00:22:48 that was illegal but they've gotten rid of that law so i can have sex with you if i have aids and not tell you even if i know i have aids but what i can't do is pull the condom off it's i just found it fascinating i don't even know if there should be laws on any of that stuff, by the way. Once again, it's one of those things I'm not sure how to think about it. Yes, it all sounds good. It sounds good. Like if you know you have AIDS, you should tell someone. If you know if you have any venereal disease, you should tell someone. But should it be a law? What other doors does that open or what precedent does that set? Pulling the condom off while you're having sex and not telling your mate. Nuts.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Nuts. I don't think I've ever done that. I don't think I would do that. Why would I want to do that? Doesn't sound cool, right? Did you guys watch the Tyson Fury fight? Deontay Wilder. I went into that fight wanting Tyson Fury to win and not being a fan of Deontay Wilder at all.
Starting point is 00:23:57 And by the third round, I was like, wow, Deontay Wilder is amazing. And he won me over. Okay, let's see. Is there no John Brzezink? So John Brzezink looks like he's coming on tonight. And what was the price of admission that you had to listen to me talk for 23 minutes? I'm looking. I have notes in here of just ideas. I'm looking for them. I planted four new avocado trees in my backyard. Do you know why I did that? I'm a little embarrassed to say why. Let's hear your thoughts on the Southwest pilots calling out in protest to the shot mandate
Starting point is 00:24:44 and the mainstream media not covering it, blaming the weather. Is that really what happened? That's really how that played out? I just assumed everyone knew it was because they refused the mandate. Really? Southwest said it was the weather? That is awesome. I didn't even know that.
Starting point is 00:25:00 You know what's funny? John Brzezink works for Delta Airlines, airlines and i was gonna ask him about that today hey what the fuck kind of shit show is going on over at uh over at delta that error over at uh southwest that is awesome wow oh roland shit i can't believe you're saying this i can't believe you're saying this roland is saying that the UFC is just better than boxing. It's crazy that you're saying that because normally I always think that. I'm like, man, the UFC is so much better. But how about that boxing match? I think that kind of proved us wrong.
Starting point is 00:25:37 I think that proved us wrong. No? I mean, that was an incredible boxing match. There's a portion of the population that is a dark cloud over all of us. You know what that is, who that population is? It's those people that I was mentioning before. It's those people who through their lifestyle has made themselves so vulnerable that the rest of us are paying the price. And they're saying that we're insensitive or we don't care. It's not, it's not, it's, it's couldn't be further from the truth.
Starting point is 00:26:27 care. It's not, it's not, it's, it's couldn't be further from the truth. There's these people over here who've made horrible decisions for 30 years and have made it so if the wind blows too hard, they die. And they want our kids and our future and our world to pay the price to give them another 13 months of life. It's not cool. Who's the one who's being selfish? We will accommodate them for whatever it takes for them to finish their lives, to either get better or finish down the path they want. But what we can't accommodate them for is for the people who haven't made those bad decisions and who are actually being contributing members to the whole to suffer for it in a way that's catastrophic. You just, you have to look at the scale. You have to look at the scale. If half the people have died are in care facilities where the average age, sorry, where the average life expectancy is 13.7 months. If half the people have died are in care facilities and the life expectancy of people in care facilities
Starting point is 00:27:27 is about 13.7 months, how many kids should die for that? How many kids should wear masks and suffer for that? How many businesses, how many restaurants do you think should be closed down to save those people? And you know most of those people are in decrepitude already.
Starting point is 00:27:42 By that I mean they can't wipe their butt, they can't remember their daughter or son's name. Honestly, the UFC is way better than boxing. No, rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling. No. And that is the dark cloud that's over us. That population. Not just the old people.
Starting point is 00:28:00 I just mean people who are 30 years complicit in their demise. People who've basically eaten themselves. Do you guys remember that movie Brad Pitt was in? Like Seven. Like the Seven Deadly Sins or something. I mean literally we were watching people eat our society to death. Ruin our society by their dietary choices. Jason T. Watkins. Health and body fat is the trojan horse i'm using to help you understand crossfit scoring i don't know what that means someone i wanted to call him last night regarding
Starting point is 00:28:34 the subject of community as a parent of small children it has been has been your experience that you and your children are unwelcome in certain spaces uh Uh, boy, man, I roll, I roll pretty, um, aggressively and, um, and, and with a pretty good posse, I got a bunch of really cool families around me. Um, yeah, no, I'm, I'm very fortunate. You know, there were times when I would show up to like the skate park and there would be a hundred kids there and every kid and every parent would have a mask on and we would roll into the, in there and the kids would roll up to my kids and be like, Hey, you kids, they don't even know. Hey, you know, you have to have a mask on. And my kids would just say to them, Oh, we don't wear masks. And we would just go in there and just hang out.
Starting point is 00:29:21 No one would say anything to us. Um, I was in Berkeley, California and, uh, and, and we were outside at a park and a lady rode by with her kid on a strider bike behind her. And she snaps at her kid, get away from those kids. They don't have masks on. And she like freaked out. And it's like, in all honestly, like, I mean, she, we know who she's hurting. She's hurting her kids. She's projecting her pathology and her fear on her kids. It's probably one of the worst things you could do to your kids, to be honest. Um, I've just been super duper, duper, duper lucky. And even, even the crazy shithole woke places in my town, like whole foods that like might require masks. Um, first of all, we don't wear masks even if they ask anymore,
Starting point is 00:30:07 but we've never put masks on our children. If they ask, we just ignore them or we leave and go somewhere else. I have no problem with anyone anywhere. Like I have zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero. I have more fear of chickenpox than I do of the current infection. The current infection is nothing. I mean, I had it. Everyone I've known who's had it has been fine.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I don't know anyone who's fallen violently ill or died or anything close to that. And I know a fucking lot of people. And every single person who has died from it, who they say is healthy, I research. And of the hundreds of research, there's one. There's one kid in New York, like a 17 year old boy. And I can't figure out what the deal is, but he looks seemingly healthy and the rest are not gross, grossly unhealthy. Oh, guess what? Greg Glassman just texted me and asked if I can jump on a call. So you know what I'm going to do? Getting off this podcast. I love you guys. You guys are awesome. Wait, let me see. Let me see. I'm going to wait till he calls. Yes. Watch this. I am doing a podcast, but if you call, I will get off and talk to you.
Starting point is 00:31:23 That's just me crazy showing off for you guys and posturing like nah nah i know greg sorry john brzenk by the way i really really really really really look up to john brzenk i think he's an amazing guy who is super generous with his time his his family and everything. Um, please check out. Now you have time to watch pulling John P U L L I N G new word, John J O H N. It's a documentary. I think it's on iTunes and Netflix. Um, I promise you, you'll like it. If you have no interest in arm wrestling, if you think documentaries are stupid, you'll still like it. It's a really, really fun movie. Um, Travis Bajan's in it. He's fantastic. Um, Alexi Vovoda's in it.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Russian superstar. It's an awesome movie. Awesome, awesome movie. Let me see what else. Tell Greg Glassman we miss him. I will. I actually, every time, I tell him all the time,
Starting point is 00:32:21 people are like, hey, dude, you got to get Greg on the podcast. People miss you. He's telling me January of next year. January of next year. Okay, I'm going to read you guys a letter. You guys ready?
Starting point is 00:32:33 Someone DM this to me. I have it in my notes to talk about on shows where guests don't show up. You ready? I started CrossFit almost three years ago and I weighed 340 pounds. For two years, I worked out almost religiously four to six days a week, barring illness, injury, or vacation. In that time, I was still eating like garbage and I was not able to get below 315 pounds. Looking back, I know that I viewed sugar as an addiction
Starting point is 00:33:02 and if I didn't think it was a thing. What? Let me read that one more time. In that time, I was still eating like garbage and was not able to get below 315 pounds. Looking back, I know that I viewed sugar as an addiction, and if I did, I didn't think it was a thing. Meaning he was just eating sugar and it wasn't an addiction, what he means. October of last year, I got sick and ended up in the hospital for five days. Yes, I had the virus. Honestly, it was the best thing that could have happened to me. I got out of the hospital and I weighed 294. I was so happy to finally be under 300. Well,
Starting point is 00:33:40 I quickly put on the weight and got up to 305 and went to my coaches and got on a nutrition program. I am now 275. It wasn't until I started listening to you I heard anyone speak on sugar being an addiction, and it just validates my feelings. I still struggle with it, and I have not completely pulled away, but I am a lot better than I was. I have almost cut soda completely out of my life. Dude, do you know how awesome that is for me to hear that, that someone has almost completely cut soda out of their life.
Starting point is 00:34:11 And where I would eat garbage, garbage food morning to night, I rarely eat out and I eat real, I eat real foods, not the prepackaged frozen meals full of carbs and processed food. I still have a long way to go, but I am on the right track. I listened to your podcast almost every day and I've listened to almost all of them. I may have missed a couple due to the quality. I may have missed a couple due to the quality or just no interest in your guests, but that's my story. Well, most of it. The world does not want to accept sugar is the problem, and I would be honored if you would share my story. If you want to drop my affiliates name, they are my biggest support. It's Celebration CrossFit in Celebration, Florida. Yeah, that's it. Sorry about my reading. 734 AM. Not the best reader this time. Greg wrote and said, don't let me break your concentration call when you're done.
Starting point is 00:35:02 So there it is, man. Everyone knows that this guy should stand up. Hey, dude, whoever you are, you're the fat dude who needs to stand up and be the Candace Owens of the world. You need to be like, hey, fat fuckers, we need to take accountability, personal responsibility, and stop blaming the world for our problems. We have to have a massive movement where everybody stops eating sugar, added sugar and refined carbohydrates for 28 days. Just jumps on board. We all support everyone. And watch all the numbers plummet. Watch the entire virus vanish into thin air.
Starting point is 00:35:38 It's not a joke. Listen, you don't have to take something to fix this problem. Can you believe that? You can stop putting something in your mouth. The cure for pregnancy is to not sit on the penis. The cure for this virus is not to put sugar or refined carbohydrates in your mouth. It's not. Jason T. Watkins, I've been to Celebration CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:36:06 It was very nice. Even though their gym is very small. You had to say it. You had to say it, huh? It can't be that small. This dude's 300 pounds and he works out there. It can't be that small. Anyway, there's people out there who know you have to take control of your own life you just have to
Starting point is 00:36:29 hey and and here's here's the thing your choices there's really important need for medical professionals we all know that we all know that gunshot wound you need a doctor but i'm telling you they don't have any cure or any help for being obese zero zero zero zero zero what basically the equivalent of a doctor helping an obese person is you're about to be eaten by an alligator and you have one second to live. So you jump off a cliff and you live for another two minutes until you hit the bottom and die. That's what a doctor is. That is what a doctor is. They give you two more minutes of life where you would have only have had one second, but it's in free fall with inevitable doom. You don't, you don't,
Starting point is 00:37:21 those don't have to be your choices you can just you can stop stuffing something in your mouth and things will change can you imagine what a weird what a weird existence that you can't stop your hand from putting something in your mouth god there's some great crass jokes around that right finding the perfect anyway anyway i'm gonna stop i'm to ruin something. It was actually kind of cool. You guys get it though, right? Alright, alright, alright.
Starting point is 00:37:56 7.37am. Thank you guys very much. We will be back tonight at 7.30am, I guess, with Jon Brzenk. Until then, love you guys. Sorry about the scheduling. It is a cool thing about having our own show. We just do whatever. Call Bridges.
Starting point is 00:38:15 I'm not at the right computer to call Bridges. I should have done that, right? Wouldn't that have been great? Just call Josh. Let me just see. Do you think he would have answered? Let me see. Let me just see. Would you think he would have answered? Let me see. Let me see what happens.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Let's see if he would have answered. He might actually answer because I think he's driving this morning. nope well we tried i couldn't have talked to him anyway i'm not at the right setup uh guys you guys are great i'll see you tonight with the great John Brzezink. Once again, I apologize. Peace out. Heidi! Heidi, was it so loud? Probably.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Did Mama tell you it was loud? No. Then no, it wasn't. Uh, probably. Did Mama tell you it was loud? No. Then no, it wasn't. Just one time. Did you know Grammy's coming over Friday?
Starting point is 00:39:35 She is. Mama told me that and I forgot. Right. Grammy coming. Why did you... Who put my wallet up there? Why did you put my wallet up there? Why did you? Then I put it right there so I can see it every time I walk in. Jew. Jew.
Starting point is 00:39:55 She's a real, this is a Jew. This is a real Jew. Jew. Jew. Jew. Jew. Jew. Jew. Jew. Jew. Jew. Jew. I know Ari wants one.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Where are we going today? I'm going to carry you around. I'm going to carry you around. I'm going to carry you around. Oh. I'm going to carry you around. I'm going to carry you around. I'm going to carry you around. I'm going to carry you around. I'm going to carry you around. I'm going to carry you around.
Starting point is 00:40:40 I'm going to carry you around. I'm going to carry you around. I'm going to carry you around. I'm going to carry you around. I know where you want it to go. We're going to do Kumar before you do it. Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?
Starting point is 00:41:01 I'm better than all the other buildings. I don't want that, Poppy. Why is it so yummy? And now I'm turning into Iron Man. Now, no, it's me. Okay, I'm gonna throw up. Yellow man. I don't know. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Who are my underwear? And my underwear. Okay.

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