The Sevan Podcast - #170 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: October 15, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Big, small talk. Yeah. Watch this.
Starting point is 00:00:36 And you know what I'm going to do? It's going to be really funny. I'm inviting. Let's just see how this happens, how this works. I'm inviting Josh Bridges onto the podcast, but he doesn't know. He doesn't know. And bam, I think we're live. I don't see it live on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Can anyone tell me if we're live on YouTube? How come I don't see it? I don't see it. It says we're live on StreamYard, but when I'm on my YouTube station, I don't see uh we're live on stream yard but when i'm on my youtube station i don't see that we're live uh-oh that's not a good sign that's not a good sign Hmm. Oh. live on youtube i am it just took a second are we can someone tell me are we live holy shit that was a crazy delay sorry and then 33 seconds of sweat i i god you know it would be craziest to have a thermometer in my mouth or in my butt when i'm doing this just watch so you guys could see my temperature go up as i panic or a heart rate monitor okay i
Starting point is 00:02:18 sent uh you know what's funny i sent uh josh bridges a link he doesn't know he i just sent him a link like hey come on to the he doesn't even know it's a podcast i just sent him a link. He doesn't know. I just sent him a link like, hey, come on. He doesn't even know it's a podcast. I just sent him a link to StreamYard. Let's see if he comes on. Just kind of like trick him. I'm figuring it out. College Park forever. I see you.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I see you. You guys, this isn't fun. Hey, Kimberly, what's up? Thank you. Guys, I'm getting off of Instagram. I'm going to focus on YouTube Live. Love you guys. isn't fun hey kimberly what's up thank you guys i'm getting off of instagram i'm gonna focus on youtube live love you guys thanks for checking in bam delete video discard it's it's not it's not uh it's not fun i don't enjoy i don't enjoy it but i mean i I enjoy it. How do I explain it? But I'm here. And throughout the day, so what happened is today,
Starting point is 00:03:14 Guy was supposed to come on. Guillermo, someone else can, someone can call in and pronounce his last name. And he was supposed to come on, and he had a scheduling issue, so we moved his show to Sunday. And I always have a bunch of topics that I want to talk about just in case I have to do a show by myself. So anytime I think of something that I see, for example, I'll give you some right now. I was at the beach today at a cafe on the beach, and there there was a mom and she was pushing her baby around in a stroller. And she sees another lady she knows and she says to her, oh, Sally woke up in a really bad mood today.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Sally's her daughter who's in the stroller, probably, I don't know, 18 months, two years old. She said, so I gave her a cookie to calm her down because I really wanted to change her mood from being upset to being happy. And I'm just like, holy shit. You gave your baby a cookie because it woke up crying. I know. I know. I have to shame you. I have to shame you. That is not good parenting. So I quickly run over to my notebook, but it's good podcast shit, right? So I see that,
Starting point is 00:04:37 and then I run over to my notebook and I write it down. And that's the story I tell you. I had a blast with Stephanie Cohen yesterday. I'm not going to lie. Totally, totally freaked out before the podcast started. I thought she was going to be aggressive, combative, a know-it-all. And she actually wasn't any of those. I think we had fun. And before that, I had John Brzenk. Pretty funny. Here I am.
Starting point is 00:05:06 I'm thinking like I'm helping out the arm wrestling community, like doing some charity work by interviewing some of those guys. I'm such a pretentious douche. Devin has 400,000 subscribers. I can't even get 10,000 subscribers. And I act like in my head I'm doing them charity. John has 25,000 subscribers. And the second he advertised my podcast for me, it exploded. I got thousands of views on it.
Starting point is 00:05:40 We have a phone call. Podcast live. RJ, what's up? What's up, RJ? Hey. Hey, what's up, man? Hey, quick question for you. Yes, sir. Wondering if you could ever see your kids entering back into school.
Starting point is 00:06:06 I know you kind of do the homeschool deal. Just kind of curious on what your thoughts moving forward. I know this is a crazy time we're in, but just kind of curious what your thoughts were on all that in the future. Oh, man, help me out. Do you have kids? I do. I have a five-year-old, a three-year-old, and a one-year-old.
Starting point is 00:06:22 I'm actually a public school teacher in Illinois, so it's kind of crazy. It's not bad as California, but just kind of curious on your thoughts on what your process is with that. First of all, thanks for calling. You want an answer from me, and I think instead you're going to have to help me. Okay. Because maybe I'm not thinking about it right, but I enjoyed school. I had a lot of friends there. I liked the teachers.
Starting point is 00:06:47 I especially liked all the interaction with the boys and the girls. I mean, I really, really liked friends. I liked playing tag. I liked getting in trouble. I liked sharpening pencils. I liked addition and subtraction. I'm just thinking just kindergarten through fifth grade is pretty cool. Even the bully who lived in my neighborhood it was bad like trying to
Starting point is 00:07:08 put snails in your mouth and there was some you know bad shit that happened crying you know you get home and you're a latchkey kid and your parents aren't home and you're crying and but but it was amazing i wouldn't trade it for anything. Yeah. But I lived in a different area, you know, like I lived like in the first grade, a kid brought a gun to school and we passed it around at the lunch table and the yard duty came over and took it from us and called his dad and got it. You know what I mean? Someone brought a beer to school in the second grade and we all drank it. And then we had to run like a lap around the field because we drank it. I mean, it was. Sure. I sound like it was. Sure. I sound like some old fuck.
Starting point is 00:07:47 It seems like, but I'm 31. So I know we're not in the same. We're a little bit different, but I still lived in a world without cell phones. I teach at a high school and it's crazy. These kids are attached to it like crazy. And I'm just like, man, I'm kind of torn between at what point do I pull my kid out of public school? Because I feel like it's wrong as a public school teacher to pull my kid out of school. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:08:10 Because like if the education I'm teaching is good enough for this kid, it better be good enough for my own. You know what I'm saying? I think that's on one hand, that's like totally fair. The thing is, I think it's OK if you're honest about it like this, this this man or lady that's like the health. Minister, I don't know what the fuck you want to call, but do you know who I'm talking about? The lady for the United States, Biden appointed it to her. She used to be a man and now she's a woman. Oh, OK.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Yeah, she was head of like health for the state of Pennsylvania. Yeah, I think. Yeah, OK. This dude, I don't know if it was a man or a woman when she did it but um i'll just go with her current uh sex that she wants us to call i got you see how i use the word sex see how you yes i got you um she pulled her mom out of nursing homes while she put other people in and got them killed. And then denies that she did it for her mom's safety.
Starting point is 00:09:10 She said it's because her mom wanted to be pulled out. Now that's some bullshit. So like if you, like, I mean, if you can speak honestly about it with a clear conscience and be like, hey, I'm a teacher, I'm doing my best. But like, hey man, I can't be, I can't have my kids be taught that black people are inferior. Like I can't have my kids being taught that black people are inferior like i can't have my kids being taught black kids are inferior cannot have that sure i can't have my kids i can't have my i can't my kids can't go to a school that has a sex flag in the front
Starting point is 00:09:35 the equality flag is the um the the u.s flag someone slapped me around in my instagram i was so embarrassed they're like hey dipshit the equality flag is the american flag i was like oh shit so like um you know when my kid's 16 i'll we can go to the gay bar and get fucked up but like when he's six not so much yeah yeah i remember you mentioned that in the podcast and i think that the unfortunate part i think the national media gets in these small portions of the country, blow up these huge things. And now everybody's scared that I live in a town of 4,000, right? I know you probably not know that something that small, but my point is all these things were like, oh, so scared of, we're not, thankfully we're not dealing with a lot of the stuff
Starting point is 00:10:14 that a lot of the country may be dealing with so far. So we're kind of saved a little bit from that. We're living in a pretty conservative area. Yeah. But, um, I just, I was just curious if, you know, this is because of COVID why you're keeping your kids out or no, no. Okay. No, no, no, no. It's kind of like, this is my thing. I want to do homeschool. And this is where I'm at with my family.
Starting point is 00:10:32 No brother. Like I would, my whole family had COVID. We took, we take zero. Um, Well, I know you're not scared of it. I was just saying like you don't deal with all the nonsense that public school may or whatever. Well, I won't put a mask on my kid obviously i just i would never do that um i won't um i already feel bad for my kids like there's there's a lobby we have to walk through three days a week when i take them swimming and there's a sign there that
Starting point is 00:10:58 says wear a mask and a few times the people who run this the pool have told me hey put on your mask buddy and i just smile at them i say okay and i don't i mean i'm only in the lobby for like fucking eight seconds right i'm just passing through and eventually they don't ask me anymore but anyway so my kids they pull their shirt up over their nose yeah and i like like i don't tell them not to do that i don't tell them to do that but i'm just like i'm just thinking like you fucking dipshits like i like you don't have to do that but i don't tell them like i like i don't know why they're even doing it i don't tell them to do that, but I'm just like, I'm just thinking like you fucking dipshits. Like I, like you don't have to do that, but I don't tell them like, I, like, I don't know why they're even doing it. I don't even want to like give it any energy. Like they don't want to stick out.
Starting point is 00:11:31 I mean, you think that's that? There's never even anyone else in the lobby except the guy who works there. Maybe he's just scared of him. The other day, I know we're way off subject, but the other day we were at the, we keep going to the same spot at the beach and my, and we get a sandwich and my kids skateboard there right on a, on a cliff. And there's this guy there and he's just a weirdo. He smoked too much weed. And he always says to my kids, do an Ollie, do an Ollie, do an Ollie. And after like five or six times of him saying that five different trips to the beach, this one guy, he's new there. I'd never seen him before. We've been going there for years. I say to Avi, I said, Hey, does that freak you out when that guy says to do an ollie he goes yeah i go because it seems like you don't want to do it he goes i don't i'm like well then why do you do it yeah and i go hey dude you can tell him no i'm right here he ain't gonna say shit to you even though this guy's like six four 250 pounds and i'm five five five, 50 pounds.
Starting point is 00:12:28 But you know, it's like, I don't know how kids work, but no, my kids won't go to school. I, I, first of all, they can't get in cause they, cause they don't, my kids aren't, yeah. They're just, my kids aren't on any drugs. Um, and like my kids, I'm a totally different breed. Like I'll be sitting somewhere, I'll be sitting somewhere with all the other parents and the parents are discussing like, how do you keep your kids off of iP discussing like how do you keep your kids off of ipads how do you keep your kids off of screen time yeah how do you get your kids to do tennis and i'm just sitting there like biting the inside of my cheek like uh like we don't let them do it it's like when people like
Starting point is 00:12:57 how is it that your dog's not fat i'm like i can't even, I'm not humble enough to answer those questions. I just want to start yelling at them. Feed your dog less. I don't know. Parents, be parents, please. Don't give your kid the iPad. I mean, I don't, I don't, I don't understand. I mean, I started to show this lady gave a cookie to her child because it woke up
Starting point is 00:13:25 crying. I just. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's, it is sad, but Hey, I appreciate you. Am I wrong for everybody? No, man. I guess for sure, man. That's the hard part. I deal with like, again, high school students. And it's like, I wish, why am I as a teacher being the parent when the parent hasn't been a parent for 15, 17 years. And that's the kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:13:45 I think that's why we're at where we're at today. Do you CrossFit? Yeah, I do. Yes, sir. Yeah, I think that all that shit that Greg wrote in the L1, man, it's like how to do everything. Yeah. It's like how to raise your kid, how to treat other people, how to, like, it's just all that that the in the seminar how like we i mean how weird is it when you at least for me at 49 when i used to go to the gym you don't even look
Starting point is 00:14:11 at anyone then you go to your l1 and you're like you're cheering people on and you're correcting them and they're correcting you you're like what so i mean i think that's just the way yeah my kids can't my it's and you know other parents will be like hey aren't you worried about your kids not getting socialized and i'm like i don't know masks and staying six feet away and the other kids i don't i don't know if my kids need that yeah i agree and that's that's the balance i think my wife and i are talking through of just like okay are there is there going to be a point where i pull my kid out of public school even though i work you know and i think we had to just take that situation into account when we when when we get to that place. But do you live near Mount Vernon?
Starting point is 00:14:49 No, I live, I don't have South Chicago. Okay. And I think Mount Vernon is like three hours South of Chicago. Yeah. I definitely have heard of it, but no, I don't live. I don't live that close. Is that the guy you had on about a couple weeks ago yes sir jujitsu guy yes okay yeah so i knew i didn't know he was from illinois until i listened to the podcast but yeah so i looked it up where it was at and uh yeah no we're we're pretty far away from that how cool is that story yeah no for sure i think youtube took off the stuff off off of uh the thing you kept advertising all you know and like oh watch this on youtube watch this on youtube and then i can't watch it i subscribe and everything so oh i don't know
Starting point is 00:15:29 so i i what i think happened what i think happens is there's this um there's this uh organization it's called flow grappling or flow elite yeah yeah yeah and they make all the videos so maybe they put them on and pull them off i mean they have to cover their expenses so they probably just tease us with some but gotcha but man it's so cool it's i mean shit why don't you go down there and try to teach those kids something yeah no that's it that's a good i mean that's just that whole deal and that other podcast you did about those guys out in hawaii that thing it's just like right close to my heart like there's so much hurting children out there that need help and and young adults and just i don't know i just close to my heart so well i appreciate i appreciate your time man i don't
Starting point is 00:16:13 want to take all your time but i know there's probably other people that want to call in so uh appreciate you talking to me awesome man thanks yeah talk to you later bye i'm trying to act all cool but i'd have kept them on like for another hour but i'm trying to act all cool, but I'd have kept them on like for another hour, but I'm trying to act all cool. Like, yeah, you've given you, I've taken, you've taken enough of my time. Yeah. Cause there's so many other people who want to call in. Meanwhile, I would have talked to him until I killed this hour. Tom King,
Starting point is 00:16:41 the UK healthcare system is in crisis due to a shortage of nurses and hospital beds uh Tom I'm just gonna just edit this for a second um the UK UK healthcare system is in crisis due to the massive amounts of added sugar and refined carbohydrates that the citizens of the UK are pouring into their mouths as fast as they can. Greg Glassman used to tell me that he doesn't think you can be 400 pounds unless you eat with both hands. I thought that was a fascinating observation. Anyway, and due to the fact that there's so many people eating with both hands in the UK, that's the United Kingdom that you had to cross the Atlantic Ocean to get over there.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Due east from New York. Due to the shortage, due to all these sick people from all the garbage they're putting in their mouth, there now is not enough nurses in hospital beds. Okay? Yes, I edited your shit a little bit. Despite 27% of the beds taken
Starting point is 00:17:44 where the primary source is obesity. Ah, you have it in there. Shit. We now, uh, we have now increased tax to recover this. I see what you're saying. They're increasing your taxes to cover the shortage of hospital beds. Dude, it's gotta be more than 27%. I don't believe it. Maybe, maybe, maybe it just doesn't fit my narrative. Maybe I'm one of those people, but I don't believe it. Uh, Eddie Gifford, the biggest thing missing in today's world is responsible parenting. Correct. There are winners and there are losers deal with it and stop encouraging mediocrity. Yep. It's a trip. Uh, I, I did, I didn't say, um, Justin Berg was Justin Berg. I didn't say Josh Bridges. Do you guys know Justin Berg is the guy I used to work with? He's the, uh, he,
Starting point is 00:18:32 he, he's the second in command of the CrossFit games under Dave Castro. Um, did I say Josh Bridges was coming on? No, but I, I fucked with them. I sent him a link to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:18:42 So if he clicked on it, he would just show up and come on the show. But he's, he's a seal he's not gonna fall for that shit a couple months i don't know maybe it's been a year now i made a video on youtube nope on instagram where i talked about leptin i don't know how many of you guys saw that. Leptin is fascinating. How do I call in from Ireland? I don't know. What do you guys have a tin can? You pick up the tin can and you hold it to your ear and you just start saying, seven. Leptin is fascinating. Basically, leptin is a hormone. And you should, the spirit of what I'm going to tell you is right, but you should go on YouTube and just type in leptin and maybe watch some videos on it.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Nothing longer than 10 minutes. You can get the gist of it in 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 minutes. And then you should also type into YouTube leptin and NK cells, natural killer cells. And it's fascinating, but before I talk to you about leptin, I want to tell you something else that's fascinating, the penis. Isn't the penis. Isn't the penis fascinating? You pee out of it. You defecate out of your penis.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Urine leaves your penis. That's like one of its functions, right? And then its other function is to insert into the opposite sex and get them pregnant you would think i know you're like how the fuck is he going to tie this in with leptin trust me i'm going to get to it the isn't it fascinating like you you design this creature that the same it just doesn't seem smart. The tool that you're trying to talk this other person into getting put in them, you'd think that you wouldn't have urine come out of it. But because it's ubiquitous and it's everyone's, they just have to accept it. Like, oh, fuck. No one can be like, nah, I ain't touching your dick. Pee comes out of it.
Starting point is 00:20:39 It's like just – it's everyone's. It's ubiquitous. So like you just have to do it, right? They have to take the dick if they want the dick. And it's just a trip, but it has two purposes, right? One of the purposes is to get rid of urine. The other purpose is to impregnate the opposite sex. And I don't mean to be to be closed minded or to stick in the same sex.
Starting point is 00:21:03 I don't do something intimate with it there's a lot a lot of body parts that are like that there's a lot of functions that are like that a lot of a lot of receptors cell cells cell receptors a lot of them that have multiple functions that would blow you away. It's fascinating, the human body. some brainiac, some biophysicist to be like, Hey, someone, you're totally wrong. And I made this and no one said shit. And I sent it to like 10 doctors and they're like, mom's the word. No one would, no one would dispute it. And basically it goes like this. When you get, when you've eaten enough food and an ideal situation, your fat cells, and I think something in your intestine, maybe it's your intestinal wall. They produce a hormone called leptin. That leptin is then released into your bloodstream and it should find leptin receptors. And I don't know where those are. I don't know
Starting point is 00:22:08 if they're in your hypothalamus. I don't know if they're everywhere, but regardless, you, you release leptin into your bloodstream and that leptin tells your body, Hey, I'm full. Don't eat anymore. And, and, and when you put that leptin into your bloodstream, it creates, it creates, um, not a traffic jam, but, but jam, but it's more cars on the freeway, right? And when you eat food, it puts insulin in your bloodstream, and that puts more cars on your freeway, meaning just inside your bloodstream. That's just more shit going on inside of your bloodstream. This leptin is in there, and if you keep eating because you eat sugar and it tastes so good and you eat refined carbohydrates because it tastes so good and it overrides the message of your leptin telling your leptin receptors that you're full, your body will then produce more leptin and more leptin until eventually you'll become leptin resistant. And what does that mean? You have leptin receptors. They're supposed to come in contact with the hormone, leptin, and then you stop eating. That would be the ideal way it worked.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Well, in this video on Instagram, one of the things I discovered from watching YouTube videos was that the leptin receptor also has another job. Your leptin receptor tells your NK cells, natural killer cells, white blood cells, T cells, that there's what's going on in the bloodstream. So, for instance, if you got the virus, if you got a virus, your leptin receptor, which you would think has no, I mean, it's supposed to deal with fat and telling you when you're full, it has this other job. And what's the other job? To tell your NK cells, hey, there's an enemy in the bloodstream. I saw them. I saw a virus in here. Go get them. This is a good story, right? When your leptin receptors are damaged,
Starting point is 00:24:03 When your leptin receptors are damaged, when your leptin receptors are damaged, then they can't do that. They can't tell your foot soldiers, hey, there's a virus in the bloodstream. You're fucked. Anyway, and I'm just like, well, holy shit, that's the thing. Because your NK cells should have zero problem attacking this virus. Zero.
Starting point is 00:24:25 I mean, just start reading about them. They're unstoppable. I think the only thing that we've ever seen really, really that's given them trouble is HIV. Anyway, it's fascinating. And once again, if you eat too much shit, you get obese, you become leptin resistant. You're fucked. Anyway, look into it. Just start watching those videos on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Hey, what's up, Amelia? Hey, this is Stephanie. This, um, my, my phone goes under my sister's name. We're on the same thing. Do you think I shouldn't do that? Do you think that that's, um, oh shit, someone else is gone. Um, Stephanie, do you think that's like when someone calls me and I see their name on their phone, I always feel bad. Like maybe I shouldn't say their name. Maybe they want to call anonymously. Um, maybe let shouldn't say their name maybe they want to call anonymously um just maybe let them tell you their name or ask their name so I should be courteous like that um I think well I've noticed on a lot of your podcasts a lot of people do have to correct you they'll be like oh
Starting point is 00:25:18 it's my brother's name right a lot of people are on the same cell phone though it's one person I like all I heard is that you listened to a lot of my podcasts. I blocked out everything else. I do. And we DM a lot as well. Oh, no. Yes. I'm actually calling.
Starting point is 00:25:35 You're taking up too much of my time. Well, there was something we were DMing about. And I send you content for your story all the time. Oh good. I don't know if you remember me. I would probably remember your, the picture. There's people,
Starting point is 00:25:52 there's like a core, like 30 of you who are always sending me content. You know what I think it is? I think you guys work for someone who hates me and it's your way of trying to get me kicked off of Instagram and shadow band. That's why you guys keep sending me that shit. No, I love you. You're like one of my favorite followers.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Oh, great. So I DM'd you one time about the episode where you were going on about Emily Abbott being marriage material. Ah, yes, yes. Did we get in a fight over it? Do you remember that? I remember I got into it with a couple people about that. Tell me more. Tell me more.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Oh, really? What did other people have to say? I'm curious. I don't know. I think it was mostly dudes saying, yeah, she's a sweet piece of ass, stuff like that. Really? I think so. But I think, oh, are you the one?
Starting point is 00:26:40 There was someone who was saying that women want to be both. They want to be sexy and... Yeah. Okay. Yeah, that was me. Okay, refresh me. Refresh me. Refresh me.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Okay, so... Is this what you called to talk about? You want to talk about Emily Abbott? Because she's one of my favorite subjects. I'd love to talk about her. Yeah, and I think she's cute. Okay, I want to preface this by saying a couple things. One is I'm not against Emilyily abbott and i'm not against
Starting point is 00:27:06 like hot instagram models for fake pics you know okay so i don't want it to make it sound like i'm speaking ill of either party right the second thing is my girlfriend and i like my girlfriend i'm straight um we always have a running joke about how men don't marry beautiful women. They marry more like plain Jane type of women. And so when you said that about Emily Abbott, I kind of put her in that category of more like plain Jane as far as look like I'm not, and this is not me trying to be. Yeah. Yeah. I see that. I'm with you. I'm with you. I see her as plain Jane too. Yeah. I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:27:47 And then, but, and then you were going on about like maybe a hot Instagram model who posts pictures, you know, in her bikini all day, you know, how you wouldn't see them as marriage material. And I just wonder why, because it's like men will marry them. They're like, I didn't know chain on their wives for the rest of their lives with like the hot girls so why don't they just marry the hot girl i don't get it she could want to be a wife and mom too you could hot does it make her you know you're breaking up kind of bad but but let's let's break that down a little bit i i hear you i'm willing i'm willing to explore that well um Like I don't think men or women want to marry someone who – like I don't think a chick wants to marry the guy who's just going to clubs every night trying to just sleep with women.
Starting point is 00:28:36 And I don't think men want to necessarily marry women who are just trolling for cock. who are just trolling for cock. And I guess, like, because we're guys, I mean, do you ever click on these girls' accounts and, like, you know, like, they have just the hugest, fakest tits and, like, in every picture is, like, just there in bathing suits and then you look and it's, like, 22 million followers and you're like, holy fuck.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Like, it just gives you, like, a crazy reality check. Like, it can't, they all can't be like this. Then you click another one, it's, like, holy fuck. Like it just gives you like a crazy reality check. Like it can't – they all can't be like this. Then you click another one. It's like six million. And then you click some chick who's only got like 600,000 who you think is hot as fuck. And you're like, how does anyone decide? First of all, I don't follow any of those girls unless like I'm like friends with them. And there's only one of those girls that I consider myself friends with.
Starting point is 00:29:24 And I – because I just think it's bad for your brain. And I know I didn't answer your question. I know I didn't answer your question. You can, you can go ahead. I have one more thing I want to say about it. Yeah. So I looked at Emily's profile and she has pictures of herself and look, I'm not saying either one is right or wrong. I'm just wondering the male rationale when they look. So there was like pictures of her holding dildos on her profile, which again, I'm not saying is right or wrong. I'm just like, how does a man not look at that? And how is a girl posting pictures in her bikini dad and that not? You know what I'm saying? I've seen pictures in her bikini dad and that not, you know what I'm saying? Uh, kind of,
Starting point is 00:30:06 I, um, I just, I just scroll by the, uh, dildo photos for some reason. I don't like the dildo, but, but I'll tell you this.
Starting point is 00:30:17 I have this group of friends and like these people that I share a ton of content with. And there's this, there's this account with these girls and they talk about their addiction to porn and like all the guys agree like hey that that all that does is like just draw more guys to you like all of a sudden guys like oh these chicks are addicted to porn how interesting right so i guess my question is you still kind of keep beating around the bush is why do you give a pass for emily and not the other girls i don't know maybe it's because we agree she's more plain jane okay let
Starting point is 00:30:50 me let me say this this maybe you'll get you um this will give you more ammunition against me okay ready so no i don't even want ammunition too okay what what what are you asking i don't know i'm just exploring I'm just exploring. I'm just exploring. So, so there's this picture. So am I. I'm not attacking you at all.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Okay. Okay. So there's this picture and I can't pull it up for some reason. Cause it, but I'm looking at it right now on her Instagram account. I pulled it on my computer. I wish I could share the screen. Let me see if I can share the screen,
Starting point is 00:31:22 share screen and go to Chrome tab and Emily Abbott's Instagram. Let's see if this works. Okay, I think that's – I think you guys can see that. And there's this picture here. Oh, yeah, here it goes. And there's this picture here and my arrow is on it and it's her topless and she's got her I think she's topless and she's got her hands on her chest on her boobs, right? Yeah. And then if you scroll down a little bit, there's another picture of her and she's wearing this see-through white outfit. And man, she just it's just like she looks so hot, and it's got like this free hippie vibe to it.
Starting point is 00:32:05 She's still like, she's still flirting with like that plain Jane thing we were talking about. Right. Now this is the part that tripped me out. Right. I click on that and like, like I'm really hoping that that's just like her, her boyfriend or her girlfriend or something took that with their iPhone. Right. But I click on that and where I start judging her is then I see the guy who took the picture and he's just, that's all he does is just take pictures of girls like half-clothed all over the world, right? That's where I started judging her.
Starting point is 00:32:36 And like you, I'm not saying it's right. I'm just telling you, I did it. I did it. Yeah, like I said, I'm not trying to attack your point of view. It's more of like, it just goes back I'm not trying to attack your point of view. It's more of like, it just goes back to the running joke that my girlfriend and I have. We can never figure it out. Maybe we're scared of the hot chicks.
Starting point is 00:32:55 I think that's what it is. But I also think it's like maybe biological or something that you think. I don't think men think like we want kids or families or anything like that just because we're hot you know are you really is that are you a hot chick um i think so oh damn i should have looked at your profile fuck that all up you probably have before we've dm'd enough and it crazy. The DMS are crazy. The DMS are crazy. Cause there's just too many. I can't look at everyone's profile. You know who I usually look at? I just look at the fat people's profile, like to give them love or anyone, anyone who's doing a weight loss story.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Or like if like anyone is doing anything that like bettering themselves. So if you were just DMing me, we were just talking about this. I might not check, but if you were like, Oh my God, seven Sevan, I haven't eaten sugar in a month, I would go – then I'd go to your profile and just start showering you with love. Yeah, the hot chicks don't get any love. No. I think people – Greg used to tell me that – I used to hang with Greg a lot. Greg used to tell me that jew my wife's jewish that jews breed for intelligence and that's why they're just they find they find um intelligent sexy
Starting point is 00:34:11 and and i'm not insinuating that um hot chicks and hot dudes aren't intelligent but i and then and then you know there's this thing that um i remember there's this thing that I hear talked about a lot, and it's this – I think there's some truth to it. It's hot chicks. No one ever tells them to shut the fuck up. Everyone's just kind of hanging out at the party long enough to see if they can bone them. And so I think that they get some bad behaviors. We train them to do bad things because of our tolerance for them our lack of being real around them that's fair yeah I just I find it
Starting point is 00:34:54 sad because I think beautiful women do have more to contribute generally like some of the most sharpest like smartest most beautiful like even naturally beautiful they're just not plain jane necessarily they are all single but all the like plain jane almost insane girls are all married so it's just kind of funny to me to observe i had this girlfriend who was so fucking hot. It was crazy. It was not. She was, she was a little bit crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:30 She was a little bit crazy. And she was actually, it was only, and I really liked her, but she was a little bit crazy. And right before her period came every month, she would get, become physically violent. You know what it was like?
Starting point is 00:35:41 It was like living with Godzilla. So you love Godzilla. He's dope. But fucking once a month he sneezes and burn your shit, burns your shit down. So if you're with someone who goes batshit crazy, like four days a month, it takes you like two or three weeks to recover from that. Right? Like you're like, oh shit. Like you're kind of like, you're like, you're on edge. And then soon as you're like, oh, this is cool. Everything's back to normal. Fucking boom. Godzilla sneezes again and burns your shit down. And I just had enough of it. I just couldn't do it anymore. What would you do if a super hot woman was actually very mentally stable?
Starting point is 00:36:20 Would you fetishize? What's the word? Fetishize? How do you say that? Her. able would you fetish uh what's the word fetishize how do you say that um her and then if she turned out normal would it just kind of be like okay never mind i'm not even i'm not sure i understand the question fetishize like like you want her to be batshit crazy right because that's your expectation of you know hot women or whatever that she turned out to just be like normal like she checked all the boxes i don't know you're asking the wrong guy i when you're five foot five in armenian
Starting point is 00:36:51 and like you don't you're super attractive no i'm a fucking mole you just you just you listen to me and so you there's something that's triggered you to think I'm attractive. I am not attractive. No, you are. It's your fucking eyes checked. Okay. Whatever. Now you're starting to make me think that you're not attractive. Don't ever call here and say anything nice about me again. I'll DM you later. So you can look at my profile.
Starting point is 00:37:17 All right. Uh, but, uh, I just like to close this up with, um, I think Emily Abbott's at 10. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Interesting. Yeah. But, but I also think she's a plain jane but i mean i yeah okay there were these guys in high school who would say this and i knew right away it made me different than everyone else there was everyone talk about their types oh i want a brunette oh i want a want a redhead. Oh, I want a black chick. Oh, I want, like, you know, whatever. I was like, yo, I just know what I don't want. I know what I don't want. All the others can, like, welcome, welcome.
Starting point is 00:37:56 You know what I mean? Like, get them lined up. Or how about just one girl? How about just one girl like me? Oh, please. You talk about having multiple girls all the time. Just how about just one girl? How about just one girl like me? Oh, please. You talk about having multiple girls all the time. I had a, that was my ecstasy days in college.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Those were my ecstasy days. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. That was fun. All right. Thanks for calling Stephanie. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Bye. Bye. Is this girl trying to pick up on seven on God? I hope so. Hi, Nancy. johnson amy zachary i've heard a stand-up comedian joke about guys enabling hot chicks actions because they were hot yeah yeah that wasn't mine i think i got that from adam carolla when i was a little kid oh you are smart you are smart montana what's up sorry i didn't answer i was on another call montana missouri mo which one is that
Starting point is 00:38:52 hello what up what's up are you in montana no i'm very oh my bad no wonder you didn't answer when i said what's up montana i haven't turn down I'm listening to your podcast right now of our speakers right now how should I answer the phone like I see name like you know like my phone will tell me who I'm who called oh you might have to lower your shit I am um how should I answer the phone like hey what's up what's your name like is that how i should answer it hey this is seven what's up what's your name yeah what's your name where you from even if i see their name because like i shouldn't dime people out like what if you were calling to be like say something crazy right right okay it does show my name it says says something. There's two words.
Starting point is 00:39:47 It doesn't look like a name, but it's two words. Do you want me to say them? Yeah. It says shiplet. Yeah. And then another word. It starts with an N. Nick.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Sorry, Nick. Yeah. Nicholas. Yep. That's your name? Yeah. Shiplet. It looks like shipley with two T's. Yeah, that's a nice name.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Nicholas Shiplett. That's a very nice name. Thanks, I appreciate it. What do you do? What's your vocation? Missouri. I was the one that... No, not location, vocation.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Do you sell real estate? No, I'm a firefighter, actually. Oh, what a great name. Damn. Should I get into real estate on the side? I don't know. I trust that name. Nicholas just seems like an honest name.
Starting point is 00:40:34 I'd like to consider myself a man of integrity, honestly. Wow. Do you know anyone else with integrity? Talking to him. Thank you. Do you remember anyone else with integrity? Talking to him. Thank you. Do you remember learning about the word integrity? Like, do you remember meeting someone for the first time and then them having integrity and being like, holy shit? I mean, I don't know. Other than, I think it was definitely something my dad drilled into my mind.
Starting point is 00:41:04 then I think it was definitely something my dad drilled into my mind was, you know, at the end of the day, if you're a man of integrity, somebody that, you know, they can go to everything else kind of, you know, that was probably the biggest thing my dad taught me is to be a man of your word. And I think most people know what they're getting when they, when they meet me pretty early on yeah yeah um dave castro taught me integrity dave and my wife my wife was teaching it to me but you know some people you just can't learn a lesson from them yeah just i don't know what it is you're you're not her fault my fault for sure and then when dave taught me about
Starting point is 00:41:43 integrity that from working with them then i was like and at first I thought he was an asshole. And then I was like, oh, shit. Of course I don't want to admit that that's what integrity is. Well, you probably had a good, you thought you had a good idea of what it meant. And then he kind of gave you a different perspective and kind of broadened your kind of a wake up call kind of thing. Was that kind of how wake-up call kind of thing that kind of that was for you my parents are really nice yeah i c e nice and nice doesn't usually go with integrity is what i is as i'm what i'm learning and um my but what's fascinating is my wife is nice but she also has integrity but dave
Starting point is 00:42:23 is not nice not that he's mean i'm Dave is not nice. Not that he's mean. I'm not suggesting that in the slightest. But he's not nice. Well, he's blunt. Yeah, he's honest. Sometimes honesty brings up just straightforward, you know, being honest. It is what it is. It is what I believe.
Starting point is 00:42:41 It's just, you know, what I'm sticking to. And sorry, it's not nice. or sorry, it may hurt your feelings. But I think that's what we've gotten away from in society. One big thing we've gotten away from at least is integrity. Yeah. Just being a man, being a woman of your word, you know, and being somebody that within, I don't know, a few days of your word, you know, and being somebody that within, I don't know, a few days of meeting them, you're confident.
Starting point is 00:43:10 They know what they're going to get out of you. I think that's a, that's a very important thing that we've lost. Being able to trust one another, you know? Yeah. And, and, and except people who, um, I was tripping on this the other day too. There's people within their families who are fighting over like, my brother didn't pay me back that $1,000 he owed me. Or I know my – I don't know. Just fighting among friends and the demand we put on each other's friendships.
Starting point is 00:43:47 So if someone does break your trust and they really are your friend, you can be cool about it. You can be honest. You can have an integrity and be honest with them about it if you want to maintain the friendship, right? Just trying to think of just some examples. But just because someone else is upset or someone else fucks you doesn't mean you have to fuck them yeah you're not i mean you're not you're not being any different no getting even isn't isn't there's no lesson to be learned there you know no another thing is like my parents taught me was don't you know you're going to give, don't expect anything back. Or even if you tell them, I expect to be paid back, don't actually expect it.
Starting point is 00:44:31 If you're going to give, give as a gift. Yes. I think he brought that up pretty recently. Yeah, I never loan anyone shit. If you come over to my house and you're like, can I borrow that book? I'll just be like, no. Or, yeah, you can have it. And then someone will be like, oh, I just want to borrow it.
Starting point is 00:44:44 I'm like, I don't lend – I i just tell you i don't lend shit and unless i think you have enough money in your bank account to buy my car i don't let you borrow my car can i borrow your truck let me see your bank account i'd say the people that i know with the most and this is probably pretty i don't know it may not be correct but people the most most money, I don't consider to be the most giving. You know, they're, and that, yeah, that's probably not always. But, yeah, I've learned and, you know, just not expect just to give out of, you know, give from the heart and not expect anything in return because you're just going to be let down nine times out of ten. How long have you been a fireman?
Starting point is 00:45:36 Six years. How many? Six. Do you guys have one of those things that it's like a forklift for people, like for people who are too heavy to pick up? No, not a forklift. I actually saw one of those advertisements. I think it was on Instagram. I actually moved from a department in Oklahoma and had buddies mail a group message and they shared that.
Starting point is 00:46:02 I thought it was hilarious. It was probably a stupid amount of money but we have uh we use uh stair lifts um like kind of miniature tarps and other stuff to get the
Starting point is 00:46:17 to get the big ends out from the worst is when they get between a a toilet and a tub where you know nobody should really sit in between. And then you got a 400 pounder that fell off the pot and you got shit and piss
Starting point is 00:46:34 and everything in between. Somehow lubed them up between it. That's always fun. Dude. That happens way more than you think. So that's why I asked. So I have a friend who's a chief A fire chief in California He's some bigwig
Starting point is 00:46:50 Chief's above a captain right? Yeah There's multiple chiefs Is he the fire chief? I don't know if he's the fire chief Is he the battalion chief? I don't know He's gonna be above a The fire chief of the department, or is he the battalion chief? I don't know. Yeah, he's going to be above a captain now.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Okay. And this guy is awesome. Like, if you got injured, you want this guy to fucking show up. If your house is on fire, you want this guy to show up. He's my most fucking loving, strongest, most handsome friend. I've known him fucking forever since college. He used to come. I went to UC fucking forever since college. He used to come, I would, I went to UCSB and he would come to my class and I would get out of class and I was just
Starting point is 00:47:30 a barefoot hippie. And he'd be there with his skateboard and I'd sit on the front and he fucking like kick me all the way home. You know what I mean? What, I mean, I just love this fucking guy. We did everything together for years, right? Oh man. He was so, he's so awesome. Anyway. So when the hippies, this shit started getting like weird for him like when you know he's getting like 22 years old he's like what the fuck am i gonna do with my life he just bailed and went to became a fireman it was so trippy but anyway and i stuck with the hippie shit and um so anyway so and i'm still very very close to them so he's telling me and we both you know our lives are just even though we don't live close to each other our
Starting point is 00:48:03 lives just run parallel we both got into crossfit together we both had you know, our lives are just, even though we don't live close to each other, our lives just run parallel. We both got into CrossFit together. Yeah. We both had kids, same time marriage, all that. So he says to me, he goes, hey, you'll never guess what the leading cause of fucking injury is in the fire department. And I go, I don't know. I'm training, like during training. He goes, no. And I go, what?
Starting point is 00:48:22 He goes, picking up heavy people. Oh, yeah. I go go what are you talking about and he goes when someone falls between and i'm the second person he goes when someone falls between he gave the same scenario yeah he goes when someone falls between the tub and the toilet dude and they weigh 400 pounds he goes every time so you you know one dude's going down's like, you get in the most fucked up positions. Someone picks them up and their back goes out. He, but now he said that almost every firehouse in, at least in his department has, or no, not almost. He said that every firehouse in his department has one of these machines.
Starting point is 00:48:57 It's like a, um, it's like a dolly that you would move wine boxes around if you worked in a wine store. And, uh, he says they have one and you just shove it under the dude and then just push a button and it just lifts them up i don't know how you get that behind the toilet i just saw that like i said just saw that a couple weeks i've never seen it before we don't have one of those unfortunately that's a very stupid amount of money dude it's working its way across the country i hope so i hope we no it's true people i mean people do blow their especially guys older guys that probably haven't you know or never definitely never weren't across the but never taught how to lift properly and you know set your back i think we're even more susceptible we're dumb asses we
Starting point is 00:49:41 think oh i just deadlifted 200 for a set of 20 I can pick this dude up and this fucking bar is like made to lift up it hangs out right at our midline then we go to pick up a you know how old are you again I'm 29 oh you probably haven't had this happen yet but there's times you just crush these workouts
Starting point is 00:49:59 and then you go to put the fucking plates away and you hurt your back you're like what oh no yeah you're like what the fuck just happened 5 you hurt your back. You're like, what? Oh no. Yeah. You're like, what the fuck? 10 minutes after a good workout was like deadlift. Anything really that, you know, involves a lower ass.
Starting point is 00:50:14 And then you, yeah, you go from barbell, which is like you said, made to lift. And it's even, you know, uh,
Starting point is 00:50:21 maybe picking up a bumper plate and just one side and setting it down you're like oh man yeah i'm not that old but yeah i know what you mean what do you think about it's a lot different picking up a barbell than picking up somebody that's just practically dead weight yeah and they're not helping you out they're not trying to stand up they're just laying there and you know you're trying to somehow weave your body in there so you can get a good angle to help them up without you know causing you more issues but yeah definitely a huge kid who throws themselves all the time yeah crazy how long are you going to be a firefighter you're going to do 20 years? I plan on it.
Starting point is 00:51:07 It just depends kind of on the way the world goes. You know, we've got five guys on my truck. All of us are refusing to get the you-know-what. My dad's actually a DOD
Starting point is 00:51:24 firefighter, fire inspector for Army Post. And, you know, he's a DOD civilian. He has 21 years in the Army. And they're going to be forcing it. So he's kind of having to decide what he wants to do. He's got a cattle farm that he's still having to pay for, cattle ranch he's still having to pay for cattle ranch so i'm gonna pay for him um trying to figure out if he'd be able to get an exemption an exemption of probably religious but
Starting point is 00:51:51 then the government's gonna make it a pretty well impossible to to get you're gonna have to go above a board in front of a board and i don't know you're not crazy i to go. I could be a career, but, um, I'm not gonna, you know, go back to integrity thing. I'm not, I'm not gonna do something I don't want to do for,
Starting point is 00:52:12 you know, do you have wife and kids? I do. I, I have a wife and, uh, two kids and other one on the way. We're big fans of,
Starting point is 00:52:23 uh, fuck. Thank you. That's hardcore, ma the way. Fuck, dude. We're big fans of how you raise the kids. Thank you. That's hardcore, man. That's hardcore. Those of you who don't have kids, if you don't put your fucking – those of you who are independently wealthy and do not have kids, you better fucking stand up for people like Nicholas.
Starting point is 00:52:39 You fucking pussies. Stand up. You have nothing to lose. Fuck flying again. I don't give a fuck if they never let me fly again. People are like, oh, I want to go to Italy. That's why I got the fuck off. If everybody that initially did not want to get it didn't get it,
Starting point is 00:53:00 I mean, this wouldn't be an issue. But we got too many people caving that I know of even personally. My wife is an RN. She's a nurse. The thing is I excuse someone like you. You got a wife and fucking two kids and one on the way. And it's why people like me have to like speak up. It's like I'm not having any more kids.
Starting point is 00:53:23 There's nothing anyone can do to me. There's nothing anyone can do to me. There's nothing any, like I just, there's nothing anyone can do to me. I have, I have, if shit got really weird, I would just raise rabbits and chickens and eat them.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Like, well, I totally moved here to Missouri. We bought acreage. We're going to kind of, we wanted to kind of have the homestead and go back to chickens and eggs and making our own butter. Would you eat rabbits?
Starting point is 00:53:47 Yeah, I'd do it. I don't think I've actually ever had a rabbit. I've never killed one and ate it myself, but I would if I had to. One of my friends is talking about raising rabbits and i want to i was like if someone told me that 10 years ago i'm like fuck off but now you know in these times i'm just like yeah sounds great hook me up i'll buy 10 you know what i mean package that shit up we yeah we we looked into buying property and just kind of you know slowing life down and i think you know the r Rona happened and all that, and just further verified what, you know, the life we wanted to live. It's like, yeah, let's do this thing. So.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Hey brother, I gotta take, I gotta take this call. You're getting mad. Appreciate it. Thanks for everything you're doing, man. Yeah. It's, it's, it's, it's, it's the TDC. I just, it's going to be good for the ratings. Sounds good. Talk to you later,olas hey what's this number you're live this is you're live on the show right now i kicked off another caller so you could so you could uh call in how's it going what's the show it's the uh seven podcast you've You've been a guest before. Don't act like that.
Starting point is 00:55:06 You sound all official. It sounds like you have a Howard Stern headset on. Yeah, I do. I'm using a fake voice. I'm not talking to you with my regular voice. No, you're using your voice, but the equipment. It sounds like you have an upgrade to the core, like a radio setup, like a Rogan setup or something. Hey, this ain't the CrossFit podcast.
Starting point is 00:55:27 This shit is fucking the real deal. How do I sound? You sound great. You sound like a caller. You sound like a wealthy man in his mid-40s living the dream in Steinbeck country. Who else is on the call no one um so basically gee was supposed to be on the show today and he called and said that uh he needs to move it to sunday so then i was like fuck it i'm gonna do a and i make this list of things
Starting point is 00:55:58 that i want to talk about throughout the week okay that like things that might come up so then you know like things i get on my high horse about like how to raise kids. Are we live right now? Yeah, we are. You want to take some calls? Who'd you kick off to get me on? Some guys, a firefighter from Missouri, Nicholas something. Hey Nick, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to, uh, get you kicked off. He's a firefighter, 29-year-old firefighter from Missouri. Two kids, wife's
Starting point is 00:56:30 pregnant. Ask me what I'm doing. What are you doing? You're driving. What are you doing? 650 miles in to my drive. Left this morning at 620 and I'll hit the 1,000 mile mark by 930, I think. So, I'm about to pass through Flagstaff,
Starting point is 00:56:48 and then I'm going to keep pushing through for another few hundred miles and end up in Albuquerque. And what are you doing in Albuquerque? I'll spend the night in Albuquerque, and then the next day I drive a couple hours east into New Mexico, further into New Mexico. uh there's a shooting competition that i'm heading out to this weekend no shit yeah yeah why not fly dave i really thought about flying and uh when i was planning this trip a couple things were going on i'm planning it about a
Starting point is 00:57:22 month and a half ago a month ago and i was like well you know um i got to take a lot of things were going on. I was planning it about a month and a half ago, a month ago. And I was like, well, you know, I got to take a lot of equipment. So that's one big negative. I'd have to send ammo out, which I've sent ammo places before and never seen it. And everything was, at the time, I was like, everything with the airlines is so fucked up and travels so hard and the fucking regulations and all the requirements. And I was like like you know what
Starting point is 00:57:45 I'm just gonna I never do this I'm just gonna take this as an opportunity to kind of just get on the road and and and I want to say clear my mind or uh just enjoy a drive and and then of course instead of enjoying the drive I make it into this massive thousand mile push which I am actually enjoying. But all that being said, if I were to fly, if I were, if that was the route I would have taken, I would have used Southwest because that's who flies from my area to Albuquerque. And that's, if you've been following what's going on, that's a complete shit show. Yeah, bad weather conditions.
Starting point is 00:58:26 There's some bad weather conditions that have downed their planes. Yes, exactly. So blame it on the weather. So, so far I'm happy. Oh, and anyway, so back to the gear. And I'm traveling with way more stuff than, I'm traveling with everything I want to travel with. And I could have never flown with that much stuff. So this isn't,
Starting point is 00:58:46 this is not going to be a regular thing for shooting matches. I'll probably do this once, maybe twice a year. I generally speaking also don't like to travel for, for matches. I was traveling a fuck ton years ago for shooting matches. And then this tipping point hit. And fundamentally the tipping point was
Starting point is 00:59:06 well with CrossFit and all the travel I was doing it was really hard but then interestingly you'll like this when Tony Budding quit I was like fuck like the game shit just really even more so was falling on my shoulders and I was like all right I gotta just cut back from traveling so much for shooting competitions that did like traveling for CrossFit that was always it always is like that's there but when Tony quit that was when I decided all right this this idea of traveling across the country on a regular basis to shoot is going to end with that and And it did. And it did up until about a year, year and a half ago. Like once or twice a year, I'll now travel for some long range team competition.
Starting point is 00:59:52 And so at least for a team competition, it's for the greater good. I'm not just doing it for an individual pursuit. So that's kind of how I justify it. How many days is the competition? It's three days. Okay, because I was going to – it's pretty gnarly. And then when it's over, are you driving straight back
Starting point is 01:00:10 or are you stopping somewhere? Well, I'll leave there. I am driving back. I was thinking about maybe passing through Vegas and trying to hit Vegas for an evening, not like a party or anything, but just as a stopping point on the way back. I don't know if I'll do that. But it's going to end Sunday night, and I will definitely hit the road Sunday afternoon, as soon as it's over,
Starting point is 01:00:33 and try to get as far as I can down the road. Stop where I need to stop, take a break, and then head the rest of the way. Now that I've got 1 thousand i know like anything less than that on the final day basically on the monday will be easy are you going to work out during these five days two days of travel and two in three days of shooting so my my workout routine is the following and this is a new thing for me so when i started crossfit uh, 17 years ago, I've always been a religious three-on-one-off guy. Following main site and even when I was programming for myself, I never really followed anyone else's program. So it's either main site or my own programming, three-on-one-off, three-on-one-off, no matter what, three-on-one-off.
Starting point is 01:01:22 But then a few months ago, I was like, you know what, I'm going to try something different. I don't think we teach anymore in the level one lectures. It's nothing groundbreaking either, but I'm just sharing with you. We used to teach in the level one lectures, and it's what a lot of affiliate gyms do and a lot of individuals do. It's basically three on, one off, two on, one off, repeat. And so basically what that looks like is it's monday through wednesday i train thursday i take off friday saturday i train again sunday i take off and here's why i went that
Starting point is 01:01:52 route two reasons um that additional rest day or that additional that two-day cycle with the rest day for me mentally is huge i feel like the three on one, three on one off over and over and over, it becomes a drag. And I kind of like, I like the breakup of knowing, okay, I can go hard for three, have one off, then I have two more workouts before I get another rest. So that additional rest in a condensed cycle, for me mentally is huge. It's interesting, because when you lay that out across over a month, and you compare it out to the three on oneoff schedule, it's only like one day extra of rest a month, but still, it's something I like. And then the other aspect I like a lot of it is the fixed nature of it. So, I always know now, like when I was doing three-on-one-off, I'd lose track, like, well,
Starting point is 01:02:39 am I on my second day? Am I on my third day? Is it my rest day day. Now I just know by day of week what I'm supposed to be doing. So by that rationale, today's a training day. I promise you, let me get to the hotel at 9.50. I probably won't train. I was thinking of potentially hitting up an affiliate tomorrow in Albuquerque, even though Thursday's my rest day. This then becomes my rest day. And then probably during the match, it's Friday, Saturday, Sunday,
Starting point is 01:03:06 there'll be a lot of hiking, a lot of carrying gear. It probably won't work out, but I'll just consider that the exercise and the work. So you said that you did this because you thought it was too much of a beatdown, three on one off at however old you are, 40-something years old. And he's gone. And he's gone. And he's back. I dropped you for a second. And you switched to those days just because you felt like it was a beatdown because you were getting older,
Starting point is 01:03:34 but really it's only just one more day of rest a month? Well, the two-day on, the two-day. Hold on. Are you hearing when my Bluetooth or my nav kicks in? I'm going to shut it down. No, we're not. We don't hear your nav.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Okay. I just shut it off. Um, I didn't get a beat down. I mean, that's a bit extreme, but it was, I did feel like it was a lot,
Starting point is 01:04:00 but like the knowing I'm entering a two day cycle. So if I hit, if I go into the two day cycle store sore or kind of fatigued, let's call it, I know I can program those days or take those days kind of easy. If I go into those days fresh, that's exciting because the first Thursday or Friday, I'll hit hard. And if I spill, I spill pretty good. I know I can drive Saturday pretty hard because then I have a Sunday off. So, um, but the two, the two on or the one off two on one off of this new cycle mentally for me
Starting point is 01:04:36 is a really cool place to be. So I've also struck more and that's just going to keep ramping up because of another competition i'm doing in january um what have you been listening to this whole drive just a bunch of a bunch of my old podcasts like starting just listening to seven podcasts the whole way yeah and thanks for uh sending me the links to all of those yeah you're you're welcome. No, I've been listening to, I've been listening to Marxism, philosophy and economics by Thomas Sowell. Oh shit, how is it?
Starting point is 01:05:12 It's good. It's fucking sick. I mean, it's a little like, I feel my mind drifting at times because it's pretty deep. So there's some stuff I'm taking from it, but it's a good listen and it's taking up a lot of time so I
Starting point is 01:05:28 listen to that most of the time I've taken a handful I've done a handful of calls work related calls and then listen a little bit to the news and then back to that listen to a little bit of music but not a lot of music Hey what else
Starting point is 01:05:44 have you read anything else by thomas so well like any books i don't mean just like essays no okay no i have not are you digging them yeah it's it's uh this one's thick though like i said it's heady it's uh probably above my primitive intellect um i'm trying to remember there's one race it's called race theory or rhetoric or something but anyway it's not heady it's just
Starting point is 01:06:12 so awesome though it's just historical and then a lot of just historical shit it's really really cool it's really really cool alright well thanks for checking in i'm glad you called good to hear from you good luck in the comp any questions ask me a question um how many events will be in this year's games that's a great question uh i have an idea but i'm
Starting point is 01:06:41 not gonna obviously tell you and i'm not gonna walk into that concept it'll be different there'll be some changes there's gonna be a very likely a different look very different from last year maybe not different from other years i don't want to give up too much but what do you mean like you're gonna have the men in the women's clothes and the women in the men's clothes when you say different yeah uh potentially let's let's take a caller how about that fine someone call in um dave are you until they call in are you next year are you going to um do check-in with me every night um like you did this year how did that go for you did you like doing that i'm not going to commit to it at this time. It depends where our relationship is and where your relationship is in regards to the CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:07:29 So I'll reassess it in due time. Is that your way of just making sure that I don't say anything stupid? Dangling that over you? Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Are the games, what were the most expensive games ever to put on? Which year? Do they get more expensive?
Starting point is 01:07:56 No, they don't get more. They necessarily shouldn't get more expensive. Sometimes they do, but I'd have to dig it. You'd have to what? You'd have to what? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Yeah. What did you say? You'd have to what? I'd have to dig into the numbers on that. What do you, what do you think about the criticism you've been getting? Like, like, you know, there's people who are like, fuck Ricky. There are people like, oh, glad Ricky's back. And then there's kind of like this middle ground, like, okay,
Starting point is 01:08:26 who gives a shit if he's coming back or not? Why is CrossFit and Dave, why are they giving him attention? I mean, it's the sport of it, right? Why are we giving him attention? I'll tell you exactly why we're giving him attention. He finished second in his only game ever. And he, since then, he got busted for steroids at those games and then since then and here's what impressed me the most with him didn't fucking walk away from
Starting point is 01:08:53 the gym from CrossFit or the community kept engaging kept doing the workouts did the open posted his time posted his scores and for the next four years, just fucking took it on the chin. Ah, I lost him. Fuck, I got greedy. you guys know what i tried to do i tried to i tried to patch in another caller while uh sorry jason i tried to patch you in while dave was calling shit i fucked that all up i fucked that all, I fucked that all up. I fucked that all up. I fucked that all up. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Hey. Sorry about that. No, no, that was all my fault. I tried to take a caller while you're talking. Hey, I'm going to send you a link. Will you click the link? And that way someone can call in and ask you. It was someone calling in with a question, but they can't call in when I'm talking to you.
Starting point is 01:10:04 So I'm going to send you this link, and you can either use the video or not. But if it'll allow me to talk to you, then it'll free up the phone line. Okay, I probably won't use the video if I'm driving, or should I? No, no, no, it doesn't matter. It's up to you. I'll send it to you. You decide. I'll tell you if you look good or not. Okay, bye. Okay, let's try this. This is fucking actually kind of cool because I've been wanting to try this for a while now.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Let's see if I can do this. I'll send Dave this link. Bam. Bam. And then... And then, uh, and then, uh, Jason, what's up? Oh, sorry. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:10:53 Sorry. Hold on. What's up? Can you hear me? Yeah, man, this is good. This is like, we're running a test right here with, uh, 64 people watching. I got you on the line. I sent Dave a link to the actual show. To the streaming.
Starting point is 01:11:09 And let's see. Let's see if he's going to click it. And he'll pop on. Did you have a question for him? Yeah I got two or three. Oh good good. You can talk to him while I take a piss. Hey, are you watching the video today on YouTube, Jason?
Starting point is 01:11:30 Yeah, man. Did you know I moved my desk? Can you tell the background looks a little different? I thought that was one of your many locations. Yeah, yeah, I get that. Okay, here we go. Here we go. Add to the stream.
Starting point is 01:11:44 There he is. Bam. All right. Let's do it. Okay, here we go. Here we go. There he is. Bam. All right. Let's do it. It's not ideal for the lighting. No, I'm joking. I'm joking. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Okay. Jason Watkins on with Dave Castor. Jason, what's your question? Try not to be racist, homophobic or sexist. Thank you. I'll give you the first one. Why did you stop naming the event? You used to give them cool names, and now you just give them numbers. Good one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a great question.
Starting point is 01:12:15 So I'll tell you why I stopped naming the events. We were like the king of naming events, and we put a lot of time and effort and had a lot of fun with it. And then this year, I went to a bunch of the semi-final events and I just look across at some of the other events and everyone names their events everyone uses stuff like people use some fucking stupid names and I just kind of got turned off by the whole naming convention and I was like I was watching some of these and just like nope done we're not going to this year. We're going to go away from naming. Cause I looked at other named events and I thought, well, that
Starting point is 01:12:50 doesn't make sense. Or that sounds dumb. And then I was like, well, fuck people think that about mine at times too. And I'm like, all right, for this year, we're just going to take a break. Every single one of those though, had like a cool name or like had a something that we could have used but it was more of a statement let's just go and the other thing to that point is they all do have numbers for like as long for for the number of years we've been doing this the name was in addition to the numbers this year i just said all right it's just going to be the number and let's ignore the uh the name so it's just a stylistic thing we'll probably go back to it eventually but for that for that for this year we did not bam yeah i didn't think it was permanent
Starting point is 01:13:32 how about next year dave sorry jason i don't mean to hijack it you think you're going to go back next year yeah yeah maybe i don't know i don't want to commit to anything you know yeah yeah i know i know how you are i got one for you, and this one's a little bit more tender. So at the end of the game, you announced Medeiros as this year's CrossFit champion and not the fittest man on earth. Did you do that on purpose? No, not that one. I didn't do that one on purpose.
Starting point is 01:14:02 I did announce Tia Clare as the most dominant athlete ever. That was very deliberate. But what you're saying about Medeiros, no, that wasn't intentional. I wasn't thinking he's not the fittest on earth or anything like that. But for Tia, I did announce her as the most dominant, and that was because she now has the most individual wins ever of any athlete and that's where that came from but good question i thought i was gonna get you i thought i was gonna catch you uh the madero sing wasn't meant to be a uh
Starting point is 01:14:52 wasn't meant to be a uh good questions jason yeah man somebody i got i got some more but i don't want to no no go on go on jason give it give us another one if you i'm gonna fuck with you on this one hey get them get them i mean it's it's for you so also for Dave so have you guys ever considered changing changing the scoring system to more of a statistical base around like V score and stuff like that
Starting point is 01:15:20 Dave you're breaking up pretty bad you got to start over yeah around what start you broke up pretty bad can you start over did you hear the question hold on i'm gonna kill my camera okay okay jason go one more time okay dave can you hear me I think he's somewhere like pretty desolate where did he say he was headed to Arizona Albuquerque
Starting point is 01:15:56 New Mexico yeah I don't think they have self-service in the state of New Mexico got like one tower in the state of New Mexico. Yeah. Like one tower in the corner of the state. I'm in Alabama. We got like one tower in the whole state.
Starting point is 01:16:12 Hey, have you ever talked to Dave before? This is the first time. Yeah, we can hear you. How's your experience so far with talking to him? It's cool. He, Dave reminds me, like my brother's a welder and he used to travel all the time and he would call and he would just go and go and go and talk and talk when he would get on the road for a long time and so that's like dave kind of reminds me of that right now hey he
Starting point is 01:16:35 that is really weird of him by the way that is not the dave i know the show we did um we did a podcast a quick one where he about he gave his opinion on who's going to win the fights and then what he was doing just now when he called that is like so rare he's a man of few words it's so weird for me to hear him talk so much i'm serious all right can you hear me yeah we hear you okay go ahead so ask the question again jason okay so have you guys ever considered changing the scoring system to a more statistical model? Well, what do you mean by that? Elaborate.
Starting point is 01:17:13 So the distance between you and the next competitor and the overall average of the group would come into consideration. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So more like a pays to be a winner. Even our model kind of has a little, it rewards winners, but by points, like, so you're saying if someone, if the whole field did a four minute Fran, but the winner did a two minute Fran he's two minutes ahead of the next guy and proportionally allotting more points to him relative than to everyone else. Yeah, we talked about that. Yeah, we have talked about it.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Not we haven't committed to it. Obviously, we haven't used it. But but there's discussions of it. Our team does look at a lot of different scoring options. It does look like at different ways of doing it. But, but so to answer your question, yes, we've looked into it. We've thought about it for a variety of reasons. We've not done it. And will we go there in the future with this field? I don't know with this many people. I don't know. And here's, here's one of the problems with it, I believe. So you take some of these outlier events, like the swim or the paddle and someone who's really good at just, let's just say a swim, not even the paddle, but a swim.
Starting point is 01:18:28 Some of these people are like collegiate or semi, you know, Olympic swimmers like Yonakoski. He could he could pull away so far on that in regards to everyone else and bank so much extra percentage points or points because of the way that's scored whereas on the crossfit workouts he's like them or lower and so he ends up performing not great on the crossfit or average on the crossfit but because of one workout like that where he had such an advantage because he grew up swimming relative to everyone else he got so many points because he doesn't everyone else it might skew the scoring overall and create a result that isn't actually indicative of finding the finish five don't you think that's a bit short-sighted though consider like so yeah he's going to do that the first year and then the second year everybody's going to realize hey if i just get really good at swimming, I can bank up a ton of points.
Starting point is 01:19:28 And then it evens out and makes the sport grow. No, I don't think it's your side. And here's the other piece to your idea. No one, nobody is going to catch in one year is going to close the gap on someone like Yonakoski who swam his entire life. And that's the fact with swimming. When you look at, I paid, because I obviously swam in the Navy and I still swim now a lot.
Starting point is 01:19:52 And I'm really, I like swimming and I like the sport of it. And like the difference between someone, and I'll consider myself someone who started swimming as an adult. I didn't, I started swimming. I mean, I knew how to swim as a kid, but I took it serious when I decided
Starting point is 01:20:04 I wanted to listen to Navy around 17 or 18. And the difference between someone like myself or these games athletes and someone who, I was just talking with Nicole Christensen about this actually, who spent their entire childhood or middle school or high school going to the pool every morning at 5 a.m. and swimming for three hours and having a decade of that is massive. And so nobody without swimming background is going to close the gap on someone like Yonikoski or some of these other really good swimmers who have that extensive background because their experience level and their time under tension, call it, with the rule of 10,000 hours or whatever you want to call it, is so massive.
Starting point is 01:20:51 The bank they have underneath them, it's just so far ahead of everyone else. So I'm not trying to go after you. I'm just pushing back on the idea. So what I'm hearing is you want to disincentivize people to be outliers and you only want them to be like Matt. No, I don't want to disincentivize. So there's going to be that work out still has an outlier-like performance to it. And even in that win, he gets few more points than uh he would if he
Starting point is 01:21:28 was fourth or fifth meaning like there's some separation in the point scale um i also don't think you're trying to argue with me at all so don't worry about that and um but i don't like that went over my head. Just because I'm making... We lost you, Dave. We lost you, Dave. I'm trying to disincentivize, outliers. What I'm... Who, me or him? We lost you, but now you're back you guys still there or am I breaking up
Starting point is 01:22:13 yeah no you were breaking up but now you're back can you hear me for those of you just tuned in we're on with Jason Watkins he's a caller. And Dave Castro. And Dave's driving to a shooting competition. He's somewhere in New Mexico. And his signal just broke up.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Yeah, so no. I don't have a problem. So the outlier wins. Yeah, now I can hear you. So the outlier, he still is outlier performance in that set event. Like, so take. Damn, man, it's so good. I've been waiting for this for a long time.
Starting point is 01:22:57 I know. I was just thinking about how crazy it is, is that you just call in and I had no idea Dave was going to call in today. I think I did know. I knew he was having some shooting competition, but it's fucking crazy cool that he called in i'm ecstatic and the fact that someone else got to call in and talk to him i should just hang up on dave now dave what the fuck dude he's just going off and he's uh we want to hear you we want to hear you i can hear you now yeah we can hear you. Can you hear me now? Yeah, we can hear you now.
Starting point is 01:23:27 Should I go? Yeah, go. Talk. No, no. Don't hang up. Keep talking. Oh, shit. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:23:37 And he's gone. Hey. Damn, I really wanted to hear the answer to that. Yeah, he's such a good listener, too And, and words really mean stuff to him too. So like when he, I just like it how, when he, he, you asked him a question and then he wanted some shit defined before he answered it. He's so, he's so good and so thorough. I got a question for you though. Do you really, why does game scoring interest you? Like it interests me none.
Starting point is 01:24:03 It's got to do with the type. So I always saw it as like, it wasn't in football. You have different types of athletes, right? You've got running back, the skinny, like powerful guys are really fast.
Starting point is 01:24:18 And then you've got fat guys up front that like have a whole different type of power. They have more weight. They play a totally different game. CrossFit really only, if you want to be the best, and Krakowski is proving me wrong on this, but if you want to be the best,
Starting point is 01:24:33 you basically have to be, almost perform exactly like Matt Frazier. Whereas in my model, if you're a good swimmer, a semi-good weightlifter, you can be biased towards a good swimmer, a semi good weightlifter, you can be, you can be biased towards a couple of things and still be at the top. Whereas with this,
Starting point is 01:24:53 with our, what do you mean? Give me an example. Give me an example. The swimming is such, are you saying like you can be good at freestyle and be shitty at the breaststroke? Or like, what do you mean by that?
Starting point is 01:25:02 Like, doesn't a swimmer have to just be epic at their shit? Yeah. But like, so in our system, not only do you have to be a great weightlifter, you have to be a good swimmer. You have to be good, good, good at everything. You can't suck at anything.
Starting point is 01:25:16 And so with this, so number one, you could be not great at a couple things. And we saw that with Rich. And I think that's why we loved Rich so much is because he would get a 35th place every year and then battle back. I think that's why people didn't gravitate towards Matt the same way that they gravitated towards rich is because rich would crawl out of a hole every
Starting point is 01:25:38 single year and show that he was the best. His body didn't hurt. His body didn't hurt either. What do you mean? mean just he has fucking an amazing body he looks like he's he's he looks fake he looks like a drawing from from the feet from like you know like from greek mythology sorry i don't mean to detract you i'm just no i'm just an aesthetic whore i just love good bodies go on he's got the best sex in the game yeah um so if you go step one you can
Starting point is 01:26:07 kind of get my argument like you can be a really good swimmer really a weightlifter but you might suck at gymnastics and feel good do good at the games if we incentivize that step two is all of a sudden people are like well i'm i'm a good swimmer so i'm gonna get really good at swimming because i know i can get more points there. I can lose some on the gymnastics stuff. And then the bar goes higher and higher in each of these individual things. Strength, aerobic capacity, swimming, gymnastics. You can have these specialists and then the sport as a whole grows because it kind of feels stagnant. We've been doing a lot of the same movement for a while now does that make sense no i'm not summing up for me in one sentence you're saying so you're saying
Starting point is 01:26:54 that we should give more we should we should incentivize people to be more specialists to see what we what we can get out of it you still are gonna have to be a generalist of course of course but yes that being specialized will be okay you'll be you'll be paid for being a specialist so to speak and if every second counts then we need to make every second count yeah wasn't that that was an amazing way to do the games that one year even though everything was like in the four minute time domain um you know something i always wanted to see at the games i just wanted to see and maybe it's just fucked up but i always just wanted to see the the mile a one mile run yeah and i understand why they they'll probably never do it
Starting point is 01:27:40 why do you want to see it because it kind of puts everything it's it's such a um for me it just seems like such a classic it's like that's the mark right like how fast everyone kind of knows their mile time like even if you're 70 you remember your mile time in grade school and it's so fucking hard but if we find out that like, if we have CrossFitters run the mile at the games and everyone breaks the five minute mark, and fuck it, I'm not suggesting they do. It's just crazy, right?
Starting point is 01:28:14 I mean, it becomes just like mind boggling. But I mean, you could ruin people doing something like that. That could just be bad programming, you know? Yeah. I mean, we saw that like, I think a lot of the grid stuff was a little bit like over programmed kind of aggressive and a lot of the grid athletes burn out eventually
Starting point is 01:28:33 or did you ever watch that i didn't but i did sort of start getting more interested in grid when i saw that they were doing kids stuff it makes me a little anxious like to put kids in that setting but i just like anything that's helping kids like not put on 29 pounds grid's a good example for for specialists actually because they're doing things that are just like off the wall crazy they're taking the crossfitters that couldn't really hang in crossfit a lot of them can but couldn't really hang in crossfit but they're really good CrossFitters that couldn't really hang in CrossFit. A lot of them can, but couldn't really hang in CrossFit, but they're really good at a couple of things. And you're seeing crazy performances in grid.
Starting point is 01:29:11 Jason, where are you? Where do you live? Is grid still around before I wrap that up? They are still around, right? They're in Florida. It's only in Florida. Yeah. I think North Carolina has a team as well. I know a few guys that do it. And where do you, where do you watch that? You can go to the Florida Grid League website. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:31 And YouTube. All right. Maybe I'll do that. I should contact those guys and see if I can get someone who's like part of that organization on my show. I'd be curious. I got a couple guys. Is there a CEO? Is there like an owner of the Grid League?
Starting point is 01:29:45 Yeah, he's got like Grids. He's kind of crazy looking. I'd love to hear the history of the Grid League and like what their perspective, because I was inside of CrossFit HQ when that happened. Yeah, but Budding was the head of that, right? Who? Budding.
Starting point is 01:30:01 I think Tony. Tony, I can't. I need to fucking. Now that you've said it, maybe my brain will start bringing some of that stuff to the forefront. I think he worked it. I think Tony worked at CrossFit. He had some disputes with Greg that were valid around just money and ownership of the company. And just.
Starting point is 01:30:21 Valid. Yeah, they were valid. I mean, like Tony was a massive contributor as much as me and him butted heads like there's like he was a formula one race car man he that motherfucker could go and um and everyone there could but but he definitely held his weight and he was uh he was he was amazing um and so he said basically like all right eat a dick i'm out and um i don't like the way this is this is this is being shaken out for everyone. So I think he started the grid league. He found investors. I think that's how it happened. Tell me. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:30:53 But I'd love to hear this guy's perspective, this other guy's perspective. And Dave and Tony were very close. Dave and Tony and Nicole were very close. I don't care what they say, even though they probably would agree with me. But if they don't, they're lying. And they were very close. And I was the fourth wheel. I think it's supposed to be the third wheel. I came on the scene and it was a little weird. It was a little weird.
Starting point is 01:31:22 And then I started cozying up with Greg. And then when Tony fell out, it kind of made room for me to squeeze in you know what i mean like yeah i could fuck the boss more because the one of the mistresses dropped off go ahead it's sort of funny i had i've been around crossfit now since 2012 which so i'm not an og but like starting to get up there and people ask me all the time like why is Dave the person the games person and I think it's funny that they don't know and then like if you
Starting point is 01:31:51 brought up Tony Budding's name they wouldn't know it all most people now but it's weird like we need historians like Brian at this point there's two things that people really need to just sit down and eat a big old dose of humble pie.
Starting point is 01:32:12 There's people who say shit like, and I've gone off on this before, Jason, and I apologize. You've probably heard it, but people who will say stuff like, Hey, Dave Castro is not professional or it's not cool with it. He does this or it's not cool that he does that. You need to really stop and bite your tongue and realize that it's not cool that he does this or it's not cool that he does that. You need to really stop and bite your tongue and realize that it's you who don't know what professional is. It's you who has a misunderstanding. You think Coca-Cola, Pfizer, the president of the United States, you think Tom's Shoes, whatever. You think McDonald's. You think Tom Shoes, whatever.
Starting point is 01:32:46 You think McDonald's. You think those people are professional? No, no. You're actually seeing someone who believes in integrity. And in his previous career, his decisions mattered between life and death. He is actually the consummate professional he is professional that there's nothing else he's 100 focused on the fucking task he don't give a fuck about your feelings what would your feelings have any what would your feelings have anything to do with how
Starting point is 01:33:21 well the games run everything from how beautiful the parking lot is to how the athletes are treated to how the scoring is to that it's safe everything he don't give a fuck about anything else and so when people critique that and then on top of that you should be happy if you hate him you would be so bummed if it was some fucking tool who is running the games we have this fucking hard-nosed SEAL Team 6. This motherfucker was in the SEALs at the top of his game, and he put it all on the line to try to go to the next level. Those guys who are 6, those guys who are part of dev group, those guys who do that, they have to fucking put their ass on the line.
Starting point is 01:34:00 It's like imagine going to the Olympics and saying, then that's not enough, you want to go higher. That's what these fuckers did. Oh did oh man someone's trying to call in jason do i keep you on or take on the new color it's up to you boss i'll keep you on sorry sorry jacob sorry jacob sorry jacob sorry jacob um sorry jacob so so i i it just it just like like how cool is it that our sport has this fucking the the only professional guy in fucking corporate American business. Maybe I'd give Dana White some love too. And then on top of that, this motherfucker like was a SEAL Team 6.
Starting point is 01:34:36 I don't want some fucking pansy fucking programming the fucking games. Fuck you. I want it to be Dave Castro. I mean the fucking games. Fuck you. I want it to be Dave Castro. I want it to be the guy who fucking, who's wearing the fucking gay pride shirt at the question.
Starting point is 01:34:50 But, but when someone asks him a question that's inappropriate, he says, fuck you. Like, do you know that incident I'm referring to? Yeah. I love talking about. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:57 It's like, fuck off. You don't have to answer people's questions. No, no, I'm already wearing the shirt. Eat a dick. Sorry. I promise myself I wouldn't get aggressive on people's questions. No, no, I'm already wearing the shirt. Eat a dick. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:35:06 I promised myself I wouldn't get aggressive on the show. I just, he's just so amazing. And it just, it's nuts to me that people can't see it because they're caught up in their own fucking preconceived notions. I love him. He's dope.
Starting point is 01:35:18 And, and, and I have problems with, don't think it's like all fucking like roses and shit. Like we brawled when I worked there, we brawled, but he always brawled with integrity, always brawled with integrity.
Starting point is 01:35:31 When I, I get bored of asking like people asking Dave all the crossfit questions and you want to ask something like, I have this list of questions for people that I might never meet. But if I do, I want to ask them questions that people haven't asked them. It's like a sin to me to go into a store and they're ringing you up and something won't ring up. And, and you use the cliche like, Oh, I guess it's free because it won't ring up. You know, all those things people say, just because they feel weird in a situation. I. Yep. I don't want to ask those questions.
Starting point is 01:36:06 Right. Like life's too short to ask the same question that everybody, that stupid dad joke that everybody else has made. Yeah. And so. Especially if you have Dave on the phone. Yeah. I wanted to ask Dave something sort of personal, but not too personal. something sort of personal but not too personal the the thing that i keep wondering about with him is i was listening to this guy um steve ranella he's a famous hunter he does the show meat eater
Starting point is 01:36:32 it's on netflix now but it was a discovery channel show for a long time and he was talking about working in in these in the show business and he he hunts he's a second amendment advocate um he's like the opposite of what's happening in in all that right now and he's like i keep wondering like when they're gonna like he's like i feel like i'm behind enemy lines you know he's like i kind of have to hide out and like but i can't hide out because i gotta be me in the show and I feel like Dave has to play that game and I don't know and I know I can't ask him that question
Starting point is 01:37:11 because if I do he can't really answer it I can't ask him that question why can't you ask him that question I know that you don't ask questions sometimes that I think that you could yeah because it's a sometimes that I think that you could. Yeah, because I, so it's a good question.
Starting point is 01:37:28 I think whether I know the answers to that's a really, boy, you brought up something really interesting about interviewing people. When I interview people I know, I try not to use insider information in the interview. So I'm trying to think of something a little more benign to bring up but i can't be well if you know some shit on rich that's going on behind the scenes like whatever was going on between him and that that short-haired dude that was on his team a long time ago there was some bullshit happened there and you didn't ask about it. I mean, sometimes I might. I think that one, I think a very small percentage of the time I'm so scared I don't ask a question, but usually those are all the questions I ask. I don't know who you're referencing on his team.
Starting point is 01:38:16 He's having problems with Matt Hewitt. But it's like I'm not friends with Ricky Girard so I could ask all the questions I want about his steroid use, his comeback, his relationship with Benny. Like it would be so fun for me to talk to him. You know what I mean? Like I could ask him just like, hey, should I do it? Should I be concerned about my prostate? You know what I mean? i could ask him just like shit like hey should i do it should i be concerned about my prostate you know what i mean i'd be more interested in like stuff like that but if i knew him i don't think i could do that like if i had been at his gym while he was taking it and i was just trying to play stupid you know what i mean i just i know so much about
Starting point is 01:38:58 crossfit it's the same thing i'm very careful i try to be very careful when i have hobart and on the show too it's just i just i don't want to use my insider information in interviews. Here's the thing. Stephanie, did you see the interview I did with Stephanie Cohen? Yeah, it was amazing. Okay. I wanted to ask her about her tits. I wanted to ask her about – I think that those are breast implants.
Starting point is 01:39:22 And that was a question that I was just too scared to ask. Like I, because I read. I don't see you question though. I know. I know. Maybe, maybe I know. I know. Maybe like, I know.
Starting point is 01:39:33 I know. I let you down. Sorry. I let you down. But, but, but, but I'm just curious, like, Hey, how does that affect your performance? She's a boxer. Those are extra weight. Why would you do that to yourself?
Starting point is 01:39:42 Is it true that it's hard to breathe bolted on titties like so i sometimes i just don't ask because i'm scared too scared or or scares might not be the right word so it feels like would you do it if you if it was just you and her instead of being online uh yeah probably for sure yes yes so the difference is people are watching yeah and and usually i'm pretty good about that and i think that's why people want to Yeah, probably for sure. Yes, yes, yes. So the difference is people are watching. Yeah. And usually I'm pretty good about that. And I is that's what i heard you say is that what you said yeah yeah i mean like i think everywhere i think i think except for all i think that there's a bunch of people like that now unfortunately not enough but and greg didn't give a fuck at all and that's what was so amazing about CrossFit
Starting point is 01:40:45 and Greg was just like Greg only cared about one thing health and wellness it's funny now because so funny now so weird people can see it now my brother was talking about my brother was talking about Michael Jackson
Starting point is 01:41:03 and though he was acquitted and he never got proven that he was doing anything weird or anything, we all knew about it, but we still listened to his music. Right? I guess. I didn't watch the documentary. But yeah, unfortunately, I want to say if you said, hey, Seven, I'm going to give you a million dollars. Do you think Michael Jackson was a pedophile or not? I would vote yes. But I just feel so bad doing that because I never saw him diddling kids.
Starting point is 01:41:33 But but but if I had to bet you're right. Under let's operate under the idea that he was guilty. We'll never prove that. No one cared. No one cared. Everybody wants it. When they when Thriller came on, everybody still loves thriller. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:46 And that's the thing about that pisses me off about Greg is that you're doing his, his, he made the thing you're doing. Yeah. Like he, and he made it for everyone. He made it for everyone.
Starting point is 01:42:00 He made it for Nazis. He made it for the Taliban. He made it for Jews. He made it for blackies. He made it for Armos. He made it for Nazis. He made it for the Taliban. He made it for Jews. He made it for blackies. He made it for Armos. He made it for fucking the whole, every motherfucker. And he didn't give a fuck who did it.
Starting point is 01:42:12 He didn't give a fuck. He wanted everyone to do it and be part of the experiment. And that's why he was. That's what kills me about people now is that like, they, they have to dance around acting like they don't. It's crazy. They can't say anything nice about Dave because they'll get canceled.
Starting point is 01:42:27 Not Dave, but Greg, because they'll get canceled. But, like, we know that. We all know that if everyone did what he said 20 years ago, that we wouldn't be in this predicament today and there would be no pandemic. We're 150,000% sure of that. No one would even know it's here yeah my phone's gonna die everyone i gotta go dude i'm supposed to be taking my kids to the pool and fucking around with jason watkins peace and love brother thanks for calling thanks boss wad zombie make sure everyone follow wad zombie it's the only meme account i follow game scoring boards the shit out of me but i do like the wad zombie account um brian friend just text me did
Starting point is 01:43:15 castro called on the show today i got like eight or nine other things to talk about uh don't put rain boots on your kids don't put any shoes on your kids that affect their ankle flexion don't put rain boots on your kids. Don't put any shoes on your kids that affect their ankle flexion. Don't put shoes on your kids, but if you're going to please for crying out loud, don't put rain boots. Okay guys, I'm going swimming with the boys. Love you guys. Thanks for tuning in. Hope you got a good time on the show. Uh, tomorrow morning I have the gray Jason hopper on. That's going to be crazy cause he doesn't talk and I don't think Brian's coming on the show. Maybe I have to invite Taylor Self to be on.
Starting point is 01:43:50 Or maybe tomorrow Jason converts me to be a Christian. And I will talk to you guys soon.

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