The Sevan Podcast - #171 - Jayson Hopper

Episode Date: October 17, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. About to go on the Sevan podcast, 1115 a.m. with Jason Hopper. I wonder if I could invite Jason Hopper. How do I invite someone onto my Instagram?
Starting point is 00:00:44 Do you know how to do that, Brian? Invite them onto your Instagram live? Yeah, so that I could get some Jason Hoppers. Oh, like you did with me at the games to get me kicked out? Yes, yes. I think you know how to do it. I want to invite Jason Hopper so we can get his followers to watch this podcast
Starting point is 00:01:06 send successfully sent does anyone i think he clicks to request but can't i wad zombie can't i send him a like an invite like i push this camera button um anyone you see oh oh oh oh i see i see i see i see jason oh it's only people who have tuned into my live chat send invites oh so like i could invite oh that's anyone you see this person live. It is. We'll be able to watch this live. Anyway, we're live. We're on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:01:52 We're waiting for Jason Hopper. 11, 16 a.m. I think he, maybe he said he was having computer issues. I don't know what's going on, bro. What happened to Josh,
Starting point is 00:02:02 Matt and seven? What do you mean? What happened? What do you know? I said on high Brian. Hi, Brian. Yo guys, what's going on bro what happened to josh matt and sevan what do you mean what happened what do you know hi sevan hi brian hi brian yo guys bilal ahmed khan brian is back yes what's up brian you're asking me a question yes well i need a halloween costume oh are you going trick-or-treating? No, but every year I grow out my beard and my hair. That's why it's so long for Halloween because then I have a multitude of options.
Starting point is 00:02:33 I like the, you know, instead of buying a beard or a wig or something, I try to do it naturally if possible. And I had a plan, but it's, you know, it's kind of dependent on other people and I don't think they're going to follow through. So now I'm trying to think of a different option. So if anyone has a good idea that they'd like to see me dress up as. Like a rock star? I'm open to all ideas.
Starting point is 00:02:55 It's your boy JB says, Danielle's boyfriend sounds like a good costume. Jeez, people don't miss a beat. There's Hopper. There's Hopper. Shit. How long has he been down there? Hey. Just a black screen, I think. What is his Instagram? Is it jhopper3?
Starting point is 00:03:22 I think so. Ooh, Harry, that's a good idea. 300. What's his name? Leo Fanat. Save. What's the main guy's name in 300? Something Fanatis?
Starting point is 00:03:37 I can't say that. Leonidas, that's it. At Jhopper3. Okay, maybe Leonidas. He's frozen or something. Yeah. He's like here, maybe Leonidas. Weird, I can't. He's frozen or something. Yeah. He's like here, but not here. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:03:50 He texted us a few minutes before the show started and said he's concerned about his internet or something. You know what I'm going to do? I just pinned in our live call-in number i think we're gonna need some help for today's show are you getting excited are you getting excited about the rogue classic is that what it's called the rogue classic oh i don't know geez that didn't take us that didn't take but a second oh this is this is rare it's a woman hi cat oh that was good hold on hold on diane diana diane what's up girl
Starting point is 00:04:35 no oh diana you get i get off the testosterone that's my mom that's my mom. That's my mom. What can Brian do? What can Brian do for you? This will be the only show. He only comes on every 30th show. So you better have a good question for him. It's a hundred percent why I'm calling. A hundred percent why I'm calling.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Cause the question is for Brian. Brian, when are you just going to, when are you just going to do you just gonna do this full time and make a living doing doing this crossfit stuff well i am doing that okay but uh but a you know big majority of that is coaching at the gym i work at and i i like doing that quite a bit yeah what are you saying dude are you saying that he should just be on the podcast
Starting point is 00:05:27 full time and that he should just write for the morning chalk up full time he should do he should what do you think he should be doing full time get a Nike sponsorship like like Jason Hopper what avenue would you like to see Brian take that's full time
Starting point is 00:05:43 I mean the guy is full time Cross crossfit i know and i also coach crossfit classes so i understand that how much time it takes up but he's just so good at what he does and when you guys were doing all the podcasts with like all the crossfit athletes it was honestly the best content i don't pay him any money he's got he's got to make a living he can't just him any money he's gotta make a living he can't just be coming on he just does this shit to get followers how don't you have a sponsor yet I don't know
Starting point is 00:06:16 because I don't think little kids should get in I don't think because I love gay people because I'm I'm against racism and because I'm against racism and because I'm against sexism. And because of that, you can't be against those.
Starting point is 00:06:31 It's not that I'm against them, it's that I have zero tolerance for them. So because of that, because I'm 100% not racist, you can't know. Everyone's scared of that, right? Everyone's totally scared of that. Wait till you see who I'm having on tuesday i'm having this rapper on tuesday i'm so fucking excited i think he's from the carolinas can you hear me ah yeah you talk we can
Starting point is 00:06:56 and try to uncover your mouth that that was like it took me 20 episodes with brian to get him to take his hand off his mouth too i'm, you're going to be famous as shit. You got to work on those things. Is this a new system that we're working with today? Yeah. You like how big your Instagram handle is? I haven't seen
Starting point is 00:07:19 y'all in a minute, man. Y'all been good? I've been in your dreams. I've been thinking about you every day, Savant. Brian, what's up, dude? Deep low in that squat. Hey, Jason. I've been thinking about you a lot, too. What about me?
Starting point is 00:07:37 I've been thinking how to assess your potential performance in that competition coming up soon. I don't know. That's up to you, man. I know, but you know,
Starting point is 00:07:49 make it easy. What? I literally only have a couple of data points and they're pretty different. Is, is Hopper going to the rogue rogue classic? I believe. What can I, what can I,
Starting point is 00:08:02 what can I say, Brian? I'm very inconsistent. I don't know. I don't know if that's true it is i thought that but he took 20th or 18th or 19th at the games how many people are this top 20 bro wow okay okay so this is are you going there to make a statement jason oh diane i gotta let you go are you gonna say anything else you have Hopper on here this is probably when he goes over 100,000 followers
Starting point is 00:08:30 you'll never get close to him do you wanna say anything to him I know that's true actually he's about to be way too cool he's about to be way too cool the only question I would have is how was training with Matt Brazier but you guys can ask him that anyway okay awesome we'll let him answer that.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Thanks, brother, for calling in. Bye. Bye. Don't forget to answer that after you say, are you going to make a statement? Is this real? When you go to the Rogue Classic, are you going there to make a statement or just do you? Just do me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Hopefully. That's a horrible question. I let you off. Hopefully while I do me that the whole make a statement things just happens. I think that's been the theme of your, uh, at least whatever you've been putting out on social media recently is that you're very much focused on what you're doing, what you're working on and trying not to be distracted by the other stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Yeah. I'd say that i just i'm learning i'm learning a ton um trying not to focus too much on things i can't really control um and the results of the rogue invitational is something that i'm not going to be able to control and so just learning um it's going to be an opportunity to one get better um and just learn experience gain experience and so i'm pumped about it plus the plus the cardinals loss so you should be really focused on your training now dude i'm so excited are you a baseball fan brian uh i i am i do like baseball i do like playoff baseball but i haven't watched much this year but i have some friends that i do like um a little playoff pick pool thing with so i'm kind of included i'm a huge cardinal fan and they lost man i was really hoping they would
Starting point is 00:10:12 beat the dodgers that was pretty brutal draw the dodgers had the second best record in baseball and you know they have to play a one-game playoff just to get it in and san luis was the hottest team coming in so that was like you know're going to lose a good team either way. I know. But, dude, we lost in the ninth inning by a walk-off. If we're going to lose, I wanted to lose big. That was better than how the White Sox lost. 10-1 at home in the elimination game.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Yeah, that's terrible. That's like winning your semifinal and then 19th at the games. Wow. That is what it's terrible. That's like winning your semifinal and then 19th at the Games. Wow. That is what it's like. Do you know what that's like, Brian? I've never been as good at probably anything as you are at CrossFit. He lost his Dungeons & Dragons game last night in a close battle with a Demogorgon. It was very close.
Starting point is 00:11:10 He's rolling a 20-sided dice and uh just went sideways on him you know a lot about dungeons and dragons stuff huh i sure do i queued that one up for you um uh hopper how many what coaching are you doing not not what coaching are you doing like is it i feel like maybe your rhetoric's changed a little bit like do you have like um do you have a bot like by coach i mean what kind of experts are you seeing do you have a nutritionist do you have a body worker do you have like a strength coach do you have a power lifting coach do you have a mind coach like who what who's in your um what types of things are you playing with i wouldn't say I have a coach for all of those. My wife cooks my food. We eat enough.
Starting point is 00:11:50 We eat healthy. But is she qualified to do that? She's like a nutritionist? No, she's just an amazing cook. She just opens the Bible on whatever page it lands on. Would you say she's any more or less qualified than than sammy is uh she's probably a little bit less qualified but i mean she might you know like she she might not be as good of a cook as sammy but she could still be equally qualified to make you know to buy healthy
Starting point is 00:12:16 things and make healthy meals yeah she she reminds me of a sammy does she have like a philosophy like do you eat in the zone does she make sure that you don't get added sugar or does she double down everything since you're from the south is like marinated in mountain dew like what's the or what's the core tenants of more of more of that yum yum sauce on everything dude i'm watching this show date this documentary the daisy fresh documentary it's the boys out of uh out of Mount Vernon, Illinois, and there's a dude there from hat the town of hazard, Kentucky and his name is the hillbilly hammer
Starting point is 00:12:53 You guys do you remember the dukes of hazard? I know he's I know you're talking about he's actually from hazards the town of hazard in Kentucky anyway, like He's actually from Hazards, the town of Hazards in Kentucky. Anyway, their drinking water in their town was so bad and so dirty that he just grew up drinking Mountain Dew. Every time I hear that, my head wants to fall off. It breaks my heart. Okay, sorry. So what's her eating? How does she know what to make you?
Starting point is 00:13:21 We don't really, I guess, think about that we just kind of make really good meals that fills me up lots of protein lots of uh i eat potatoes all the time i uh i mean different kinds of potatoes we got mashed potatoes we do baked potatoes so we switch it up um i eat a lot of pork a lot of a lot of chicken or a bunch of rice, and she is very good at making those very flavorful. Does she have a slow cooker? What is that? Does she have like a pressure cooker? It's like a pot with like a lid on it, and it makes funny noises and shit like pshh.
Starting point is 00:14:00 It's like an air pot or something. Yeah, I know we have one in the kitchen. I like it when it makes those sounds. I try to stay out of the kitchen, so I don't even know the names of these things. My wife sometimes will push that thing too far into the corner where the counters meet, and I'll see that steam blowing up, and it starts to make me nervous like it's going to get on the wall and grow mold. It's called a pressure cooker or something. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:23 What did I call it? You used that. He did call it. He said it was a slow cooker or a pressure cooker or something. I don't know. What did I call it? You used that. He did call it. He said it was a slow cooker or a pressure cooker. You said slow cooker. I've never heard of that. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I did call it a slow cooker.
Starting point is 00:14:33 You're right. No, we just made really good food. She makes me parfaits every night. I had some. Is that dessert? I had some salmon last night. I had mashed potatoes, and I had zucchini cakes. Then I had some banana bread, and then I had some parfaits.
Starting point is 00:14:52 A parfait. Did you guys grow your own zucchini? No. Oh, that shit grows so easy, dude. So easy. It's nuts. We live in a loft. We don't have a garden.
Starting point is 00:15:04 You could just throw one in your front, just some dirt in front of your house. I'm serious. Those things are nuts. We live in a loft. We don't have a garden. You can just throw one in your front, just some dirt in front of your house. I'm serious. Those things are nuts. Zucchini plants. Okay, so your wife's your cook. Who's your body worker? I have a chiropractor. What's his name?
Starting point is 00:15:18 Thelma. Sean LaBelle. Did I meet him? Sean LaBelle. No. You haven't met any of my friends. I met Taylor Self. No. You haven't met any of my friends. I met Taylor Self. No, you haven't met anybody.
Starting point is 00:15:30 You just see us on a webcam. Oh. Have I ever met you in person? No. No, that's a trip. Dude, I was thinking about that the other day. Are we like, so when I do see you in person, do we shake hands and like say,
Starting point is 00:15:45 Hey, I'm Jason. It's a honor to hug it out. Probably hug it out. Probably hug it out. I'm guessing Sean, the bell, but it is weird.
Starting point is 00:15:54 You just made me feel really uncomfortable. Don't, don't bring that up again. How about your, how about your, your, your head coach, your mental coach.
Starting point is 00:16:03 When you say head coach, is that like the person i talk to on a daily basis no there's just someone i can tell that's like feeding you stuff why you say that or or like a book you read i can just tell like you're getting like you're like it's like um like i can tell you've been washing your car like i just see your car's clean or like i can just tell uh i would say i'm on my own i've been doing a lot of reading and you used to work at the church and you don't work at the church i don't work at the church and i'm guessing that aha brandon waddell that's who i was i was going there buddy i was going there look at the comments can you see the comments
Starting point is 00:16:44 he typed out o'keefe That's who I was. I was going there, buddy. I was going there. Look at the comments. Can you see the comments? He typed out O'Keefe. Where do I? I don't see the car. How do I see the comments? I don't know. Harry M says, attach to Jason and never let go.
Starting point is 00:16:58 That is correct. You mean if we meet in person or you mean, or you mean just for my podcast, for my podcast rating? When I give our, when i give you a hug um so you did you used to get that from your church and from the people you hung out there kind of like your your your your your mindset you had like a club there and now you're not there so you have to do it yourself no i don't think the church gave me the mindset. I think I just inherited this from playing sports and just having experience. Just being competitive in general. When you talk about my mindset, you talk about that's very broad. Tell me what you mean by that like i heard you say um you're just when we were talking about going to rogue you were talking about just you doing you um control what you can control i'm just wondering like i'm i'm i'm able to put uh i'm i've been doing a lot of reading um
Starting point is 00:17:57 i'm reading this book called how bad do you want it right now um And it's just, it's all about the brain. It talks about endurance athletes. And I mean, it's amazing, but you should try to get it. But it's basically teaching me how to like think about workouts and like have a mindset that is similar to these endurance athletes that are like winning olympic gold and and whatnot so how bad do you want it oh i see it i see it and the author is matt fitzgerald yeah you're recommending it dude it's amazing got it have you met have you met the guy? No.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Oh, I already owned it. I already owned it. How do you own it? I just bought one to go buy it on audiobooks, and I already own it. Chris Henshaw knows the author. It's about, I mean, it's amazing, but basically about the Rogue, whenever I dread an event, let's say the Rogue or the CrossFit Games, whenever I just consume my thoughts with the idea of winning that over and over and over, and I just consume myself with that over. over and over and over. And I just consume myself with that over until like, let's say I just did that into the rogue that I've just hyped that, that competition up so big in my mind that when I'm out on the competition floor, there's going to be so much more pressure that I put on myself just because I've consumed my entire like life with thinking about the outcome of this. It's just unnecessary pressure.
Starting point is 00:19:46 When I can avoid that and just have fun out there and enjoy the sport of competing and stay in my own lane and let the rest take care of itself, then I think the outcome could be a lot different and hopefully more beneficial for me. I'm not buying it what you mean i mean you you need at the starting line you go ahead there pressure can be a good thing and pressure could be a bad thing um for instance like when i was at the crossfit games there was a lot of pressure placed on me um and i didn't know how to leverage that in a way that benefited me. Therefore, I got on to the competition for, I was feeling a different way than what I normally feel in training.
Starting point is 00:20:37 And therefore, I didn't, I couldn't, I wasn't able to in a way like discern these things in the middle of workout. And so I was panicking, all this stuff happens, or it could be a in a way, discern these things in the middle of workout. And so I was panicking. All this stuff happens. Or it could be a really good way, pressure, and it could leverage you to doing better. I'm saying that if I just consume my body and consume my thoughts with winning, winning, winning, winning, winning the rogue invitational, I'm going to get to that moment when it comes. And I'm just going to so like hyped up about it because
Starting point is 00:21:07 i've hyped it up for the longest time that it it could put me in a danger dangerous position um to in a way choke so it's almost so let me ask you you didn't say this but i'm guessing this that it's better to just wait until the pressure comes and gets you at the starting line. Yeah, in a way. And everything before that's just fucking horseshit. But like shaking at the starting line or like the weird yawning and throwing up that Fraser did or just the freaking out that you see the guys doing. Like, wait, try to fight that off or try to be not let that come until right when it starts. Sort of.
Starting point is 00:21:46 There's going to be pressure no matter what at these events. I'm saying there's going to be – you can manage the pressure. You can add pressure onto yourself. If I just completely think about these events and consume my life with just thinking about the outcomes of them, I'm putting that more pressure than what there's already going to be and you did that at the games i mean yeah i'm just i consume my thoughts with this idea of like winning the crossfit games and that's all i could think about and i'm not
Starting point is 00:22:17 saying that's a bad thought i'm just saying i when i was training there was i wasn, I wasn't like myself in training for the CrossFit Games. I was thinking about things too much. I was not myself. So then when I get to the actual CrossFit Games, I've hyped this up like winning, winning, winning. That if I don't win or if I do poorly on an event, I'm in my head. It's just snowball effects. It could really ruin you um if it if you don't leverage it to the in a good way and so that's what I obviously leveraged it in a
Starting point is 00:22:51 negative way and it affected me I'm saying like if I go into the competition wanting one to have fun and two just give my best in all these events. Be smart and approach these workouts to my best ability and let the rest take care of itself. Then I think the outcome is going to be a lot better than if I just consume my life with the idea of winning the whole event. Travis Billinghouse says, Sevan will be straight hanging from your nuts. No, not will be.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Sevan is in the fucking first grade you don't know how to conjugate um okay so so you got this book how bad do you want it it's kind of interesting because you obviously want it bad you have the focus you just need to get it off of being consumed with the thought and move it on to something that's more productive whatever you were focusing on before it sounds like it was putting too much pressure on yourself and you need to just transfer that focus a little bit to more productive shit yeah i'm saying i use before when i won the mac all i did was fantasize about winning the crossfit games instead of going to training one day at a time and getting better better better better better
Starting point is 00:24:04 uh someone's a juicy kid just says i'm ready to watch him compete me too isn't that crazy like just talking to him i'm like fuck i wish this was going down tomorrow it's weird i don't normally get like that but i kind of got a little bit of that too um when you were a kid did you get obsessed about anything like that like if there was like a girl i liked like i would put one of those brown covers over my book like in the third or fourth grade and then i would just write her name over and over on the book like in block letters and i would be obsessed about her or like if i knew where her locker was i'd always like walk by like 500 times a day like hopefully like she'd see me or i could say hi to her or she dropped something and i could
Starting point is 00:24:37 pick it up did you have any other like obsessions like that is this like totally characteristic for you uh i mean i i wouldn't say i had obsessions over girls like that um but just anything like yeah i did over sports for sure yeah why not over girls how about over guys not them either no did you have crush? You ever have a crush on any of your teachers in elementary school? Yeah, I think there was one. Um, I forgot her name. Oh,
Starting point is 00:25:11 geez. Everybody had a crush on her. Mine was Mrs. Allen. Did you have a crush, Brian? Fourth grade teacher and freshman year of college English teacher. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:25:22 That's not a crush one. Nah, dude, when you know what to do with a woman, that's not a crush crush no more it's weird having a crush when you're in elementary school because you don't really know what the fuck's going on you don't know why you're just like hey can you come over and have dinner with me and my mom and my family you're just like you can drive me home you just you don't know what you want but college brian did you say college i did i mean she was just a very attractive woman, I mean. Did anything happen between you guys?
Starting point is 00:25:47 No. Do you regret not trying to ask her out? No. I had a Spanish teacher in college from Spain. That's cute. She said some crazy shit to me. So, okay. So we have a chiropractor.
Starting point is 00:26:08 We have a book as the mental coach we have the wife is the nutritionist who what trying to paint a picture here that fits my narrative and um and and the programming last we heard that you were doing something with HWPO. Can you tell us more about that? Yeah, I do HWPO Pro. And is anyone else in the world doing HWPO Pro, or are you sort of just a guinea pig? There could be someone out there. I know it doesn't release until December, so maybe someone got their hands on it.
Starting point is 00:26:43 I don't know. Okay and and do you speak to your coach every day the person who does that programming uh like matt yeah like matt him no we don't talk every day maybe like maybe like once a week okay so like if you um do you question it like you're like hey why are these snatches with these GHDs in this rep scheme? No, I would ask him – that's what Jake is for. So Jake is like his – I wouldn't say assistant, but he also works for HWPL. He's my day-to-day guy. Sevan's mental coach was Hugh Hefner.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Dirty. So dirty. But yeah, I could reach out to Matt, and I'll send him, like, snatch videos or something like that, and he'll correct me. Are you doing everything they tell you to do? As far as the programming yeah yeah why what other shit are they telling you to do what other stuff would they tell me to do shit i don't know you brought it they're like um we're gonna take out the uh motorcycles but jason you just hang back it's too risky you know you know when we were up there matt was like wanting me to do that so bad
Starting point is 00:28:09 and then ride with him and then sammy and my my wife were like no that's dangerous but then i'm the one i guess matt told me not to do it but then i was like hey like i'll be safe like we can do it like it's on me if I get hurt and then we did it we kind of just snuck away quietly to the bikes without our ladies seeing us I interviewed John Brzezink the other day he's the world's greatest arm wrestler by far all time
Starting point is 00:28:37 there is no he is the sport he was like Michael Jordan was okay maybe even bigger he was like a mixture of Michael Jordan and Wilt Chamberlain. And I don't know who else. I don't know who's good today. LeBron. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:28:54 And when he was in his 30s, young in his career, like probably in the middle of his arm wrestling career, he was playing softball and he was playing outfield. And he threw a ball from outfield just as hard as he could to home plate and he hurt his arm and now he's 57 it's 27 years later and it's just been a pain he's just had to deal with his whole life he said when he threw that softball cold like that he he hurt his labrum tear i thought a labrum was something only women had but i guess the dudes have one in their shoulder and um so i just i just when I saw you on those motorcycles, I don't like that either. I see you coming off a jump and just two of your discs coming together and you being an old broken fuck like me. I wasn't going nearly as fast as Matt.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Did you see any crashes? Just like CrossFit. Oh, shit. it's not did you see any crashes just like crossfit oh shit oh not cool we have another fucking hour with them brian that's like you dropped that in the last 15 minutes brian seriously dude i'm not seeing you feel the crack if you'll give us some information actually i beat him three out of five workouts up there or something. Oh, good point. Good, good. I like it, Brian. Yeah, actually.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Psychology. We did one workout together. What did you learn from doing that workout with him? Well, I knew I was going to get beat. He intentionally jumped in on a workout he knew that he would crush you on. Because I'm sure there's some that you could beat him on. He definitely did. Did it have that Stairmaster in it?
Starting point is 00:30:33 I think I made him do this workout. It was JT. Gosh, that's a hard workout for me. What is JT? Tell me, Brian. 21, 15, 9. Straight handstand push-ups, ring dips, and push-ups. First of all, is the original version with strict handstand push-ups?
Starting point is 00:30:53 I don't think it is. But even so, the kipping, it's hard for me. We did strict. So what is that? That's just a tri-step destroyer? Yeah. Basically, you press up, you press down, and you you press – or in front of you, and then you press down. Damn.
Starting point is 00:31:09 But then – so we did 21-59 strict, rest five, 21-59 kipping. And you lost both? He only did one. Oh, you did both of them? Yeah. Ouch. Holy shit. did both of them? Yeah. Ouch. Holy shit, you must have been blown up. Jason, who should I take?
Starting point is 00:31:30 Should I take the Red Sox or the Astros? The Astros. What kind of question is that? How many games? In the finals? No, against the Red Sox. How many games is the series going to last? The Astros and the Braves.
Starting point is 00:31:49 They're playing the Red Sox. Red Sox? I would say maybe six. Six games. Okay. That is not true. Someone just wrote, Sevan's the guy from across the street who bones your mom when your dad's at work. That is not true someone just wrote seven's the guy from across the street who bones your mom
Starting point is 00:32:05 when your dad's at work that is not that is not true at all that is not true at all i'm the guy across the street when you're when when your grandmother falls down i'm gonna tell you this story so i was walking one day with my wife i was like it was like this 10 mile walk like in the berkeley hills and i hear this woman screaming right right? And it's, it's fucking crazy. It's like a, it's like a, it's not like a scream, like a movie scream. It's, it's the most raw is I'd never heard anyone else ever scream like that. And I'm looking around and I can't figure out where it is. And I'm asking my wife, what the fuck's going on? What's going on? What's going on? And I'm going house by house, like looking in and it's in the middle of the day, like three,
Starting point is 00:32:42 two, three o'clock. And, um, I, there's a house in berkeley there's i walk in front of this house and the house is there's the house and then next to it's the garage and i know the screaming's coming from there but i can't tell where and it's like a garage that's not attached to the house you know it's a it's a two-car garage and then i look and i see a fucking head and a hand sticking out from underneath the garage door. It's like one of those garage doors that closes down. Not like the rolling ones. Okay. And I fucking run over there and I lift up the fucking garage door and there's this like 87-year-old lady fucking who the garage door closed and pinned her down on her head on the fucking concrete there.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Well, fucking nuts and what's crazy is there was a postman who's delivering mail then and like he didn't even give a shit like he didn't like it was nuts it was fucking nuts like he didn't anyway so i opened it up it was this old ass lady ending up anyway saved her life so i didn't fuck her. So I'm just saying like, I put her back and I called her daughter and waited until her daughter came, stayed there for like an hour and a half, made with dug around in her kitchen and made her some food. Made yourself some coffee while you were there.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Bow my wife in her bedroom, took some selfies. No, I'm just a good dude. Just in phone and no one's mom at least not while i'm married why did you go up there to see matt uh to learn does he invite you or you're like hey i want to come up for a week he invited us and did you actually learn anything i learned more in five days than i have in five years holy shit seriously yeah dude can you give us like a um like like when you say that
Starting point is 00:34:43 well okay just a broad stroke like so like like does he say that – well, okay, just a broad stroke. So like does he say, hey – is it technical stuff? Is it like, hey, when you're doing burpees for time, you should throw your arms down? Or, hey, in between rounds, if you have more than a minute, you should do nostril breathing. If you have less than a minute, don't do mouth breathing. Like is it like that kind of technical stuff? like that kind of technical stuff or is is it like hey um when you're working out next to um justin medeiros make sure you accidentally step on his chalk even if it's close enough and crush it so he can't use i mean what kind of shit is he telling you like can you or is it just like don't
Starting point is 00:35:16 be a pussy go harder motherfucker bro out here's some rad 140 i stole it from ricky no um we just we do we just spent five days together it was just i was able to ask him a lot of questions like um mindset stuff like he saw me work out he saw me lift um we talked about approaching workouts and how to go about that we talked about i mean he corrected me on just about everything i did um like movement wise uh he looked at my lifts we talked about that i mean we just five days worth of like getting just um filled with like just knowledge about this stuff and so i'd say it's a it was a lot of stuff different stuff you know um is it take it or leave it, or is it factual?
Starting point is 00:36:08 Meaning he's like, hey, dude, when you do fucking push-ups, your hands got to be closer together. Or is it like, hey, when you're doing push-ups, you should try with your hands a little closer together. I would say that it's factual. And you're humble enough to take all that? Yeah. Dude, he's the best to ever do it why would i not listen yeah i shit i don't know i mean i i agree with you i'm just checking i mean listen to this fucking crazy dude cedric del hay jason hopper new champ 2022 dudeedric, did you not watch the games last year?
Starting point is 00:36:46 What's that noise? Do you hear that? Yeah, that's Emma. I didn't even hear what the comment was because of that noise. The comment was some guy thinks you're going to win the games in 2022. I mean, you think I'm swinging from his dick? How about someone thinks you're going to win the games next year? I think he meant to say
Starting point is 00:37:05 2024, I think. Yes, typo. Emma, what's up? How you doing? Too much testosterone for you too, girl. What's up? What's up? What's up, Robert? Oh, shit. This is the guy who calls from Louisiana
Starting point is 00:37:21 and I tripped on his accent. This motherfucker, Jason, calls the show last week and 30 seconds in we're talking, he goes, this is boring. Oh, fuck you. Not over me. Yeah, it was. Yeah, it was. Like he thinks I'm some sort of circus donkey. Like I'm supposed to juggle balls and make this motherfucker happy when he calls.
Starting point is 00:37:41 You're from Louisiana, right? Yeah, but that was me. I never said your show was boring. I love your shit. All right, cool. You're from Louisiana, right? Yeah, but that was me. I never said your shit was boring. I love your shit. Alright, cool. You're forgiven. Peace. Okay, tell me, what do you think about Jason? Is he top ten next year?
Starting point is 00:37:59 Shit. I hope so. I was just about to ask him, what did he take from the game that he's going to bring to the road game today. Like, what's the mindset of like, what did you learn? What to do, what not to do, what's okay to do?
Starting point is 00:38:23 You know, like, what do think that's going to be your edge at the road game rotation dude that's a great question by the way I do like that question but how about the audio coming in the back it's like he's on body parts off of someone in the shed I'm in the gym
Starting point is 00:38:38 he's at the gym man that's right and I would never recognize those sounds because I'm too much of a pussy to go to the gym, man. That's right. And I would never recognize those sounds because I'm too much of a pussy to go to the gym. I hide in the garage. You gotta get it in. You gotta get how you do it. Yeah. Okay, brother.
Starting point is 00:38:56 We're going to take... I'm going to let him answer this, but we're going to hang up on you because it's so loud in the background. All right, go, go. Thanks for calling. Fair question. Did you hear it? Basically it basically hey what did you learn
Starting point is 00:39:06 at the games that you're going to bring to the rogue classic uh i think i already answered this in a way i think uh i'm just gonna go and be me and compete and approach workouts in a smarter manner. It's kind of like what you're not going to bring. I'm definitely going to approach workouts smarter. That's factual. So I'll be able to literally talk to somebody before. Because my coach was competing at the game. So I was trying to do that stuff on my own, remember?
Starting point is 00:39:47 And so I'll have a coach back there so that'll be something just that'll be refreshing to just bounce like strategies off of and then who's the coach and who's the coach if that's the marconi dude yeah jake will be better um and why not matt because it would be too much of a scene. Uh, yeah, I think it wouldn't. I mean, he's doing,
Starting point is 00:40:10 he's coaching with him. Darius actually. Yeah. He's doing stuff with, he's doing stuff with rogue, um, a bunch of stuff there during the competition is Marconi. Um, uh,
Starting point is 00:40:21 is he training, um, Medeiros too? No. Oh, that was just a joke. Someone said it's called the Rogue Invitational, not the Rogue Classic. I think it's called the Rogue Classic, but it's an Invitational. And if it's not, it should be.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Yeah. What do you call it? The Rogue Invitational. Oh, all right. What do you call it, Brian? Same as Jason. Oh, shit. And same as everyone that's not you.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Right. Feel free to anyone who wants to call it the Rogue Classic that's an invitation only. It is invitation only, right? There were no tryouts? No tryouts. How rich are... There were tryouts. They were the games.
Starting point is 00:41:05 And if, and then after some people, um, declined their invite, then they invited people who've had a lot of success in the past. Yeah, I guess. How rich are Katie and bill that they can do an event and not run some sort
Starting point is 00:41:18 of online call qualifier that collects money from the peons in the community. This friend of mine who's a professional arm wrestler did just did a pay-per-view arm wrestling with some other dude arm wrestling. And they made tens of thousands of dollars only charging $10. of thousands of dollars only charging ten dollars dude dude we could go me and you could go over with a camera and just knock on justin maderos's house he answers the door we say hey dude tomorrow at noon we go there at noon that's 24 hours from now you fucking mullet wearing motherfucker we're gonna meet we're gonna meet here in the front yard there's gonna be a truck and we're gonna film this and
Starting point is 00:42:08 it's gonna be three fucking workouts me against you and then you'll look at the camera and be like and if you want to watch this shit pony up 10 bucks you have 24 hours this will be tomorrow dude holy shit brian would you pay to watch that? Jason and Justin? Yeah. Ten bucks just to have Jason just go over and call fucking Justin out in his front yard. Probably not. Oh, you're a dickhead. You ruined my idea.
Starting point is 00:42:34 You wouldn't pay for that, Brian? I'd pay for that shit. Brian, you wouldn't pay for that? God damn. He would. He just hates it that it's my idea. He's busy. He's working that day. He can't watch it. He's told me that He's busy. He's working that day.
Starting point is 00:42:45 He can't watch it. He's told me that a million times. I'm working at 115. I cannot do that. I cannot watch that. I miss you, Brian. I miss you. That was actually one of Matt's ideas.
Starting point is 00:43:00 We talked about it when I was up in Vegas before the games. He was like, dude, you the games he was like dude you and justin both come to vermont and we'll film like five days worth of it and just we'll put it all on youtube yeah i'm sure matt wants to do that but hey listen listen and um uh you could you could and then after you fucking whoop justin's ass you just fucking get in the car we get in the fucking pickup truck and we drive down to fucking Cookville. Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. Get your fucking ass out here.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Same thing. Ten bucks. Three workouts. Why three? I don't know. I'm just saying just because it's just whatever. Just film that shit real quick. It's just an afternoon of working out.
Starting point is 00:43:43 We collect ten bucks from everyone. People would lose their shit. It's just you just going around. Go to Colton Merton's house. Fucking bang on the door. We're standing outside with fucking two of his pigs tied up. You want your fucking pigs back, bitch? Come out here and work out in 24 hours.
Starting point is 00:44:00 We're fucking never giving you these pigs back, motherfucker. What's going to happen is he's going to open the door and the other 14 000 pigs are gonna trample seven he's trained them he's put a picture of seven up in his garage and he's taught all the pigs this is the enemy dude i would climb up onto jason's shoulders he'd be like he knows deep in pigs and i'd be up top get them jason okay um maybe one day so so marconi is the hwpo is the working out you're not sure if anyone else is doing it um what do you mean you're i mean you don't know if anyone else is doing the exact same programming as you oh yeah i don't know have you asked i don't think anybody is maybe okay right why did they want to do that with you what do you mean like is it like a business decision is
Starting point is 00:44:57 like is jake or jake and matt like holy shit we need to fucking find someone else like this is tried and true on matt now let's see if it's tried and true on another dude fuck this jason dude's fucking an amazing specimen let's try it on him and then they reach out to him they're like hey you want to team up and do these workouts and you're like well fuck the guys won five the games five times might as well and so you just that's how it went i met matt in vegas we hit it off we were friends. And then I wanted we talked about just get I wanted to learn from him, obviously. And we talked about like getting together after the games. And then after the games, I didn't do so hot. And so I had to change my whole situation up. And I reached out to him, wanted him to help me. And this is the conclusion of it.
Starting point is 00:45:48 So it was him. Like it was me reaching out to him, not me and reaching out to me, but he wants to help me because he believes in me. And, and when you ask someone for that type of help, does he give you like the fucking like sensei, like talk back,
Starting point is 00:46:04 like, Hey dude, are you fucking really committed? Likei, like talk back like, hey, dude, are you fucking really committed? Like, do you guys feel like I'm not fucking going to do this with you for a fucking year and you puss out or like, hey, dude, are you really is this really your life? Or like, does he how does he vet you? I mean, we know Matt makes a lot of bad decisions. He did a podcast with me for fuck's sake. It wasn't that.
Starting point is 00:46:23 I mean, that's some risky shit. He did a podcast with me for fuck's sake. It wasn't that. I mean, that's some risky shit. When I got home from Madison, I called him and I said, hey, dude, I want you to be my coach. Not the person who programs for me, but the person I talk to every single day. I want you to be in my corner every single bit of the way. And I knew that was probably a little far-f far fetched because I mean, the dude's retired.
Starting point is 00:46:50 He's super busy. He's got HWPO. I mean, he's doing a supplement business. And so he's doing other things. He's got a bunch of other stuff on his hands. And so he just couldn't give me that time of day. And he let me know that. But he also was like hey it's like i i still believe in you like you can be as good as you want to be in this sport um but i want to
Starting point is 00:47:12 help you i just can't help you to that extent um and so we found a happy median um jake was the the dude that is my day-to-day and i talked to Matt, I go up there. I think we plan on doing like a quarterly visit or something. Um, and I thought to him whenever I want, I just don't, I don't bug him. Um, simple questions. I just asked Matt and then I'll reach out to, um, or simple questions that I'll ask Jake. And then like if I had a serious question, I would ask Matt. Someone, someone at Belil Ahmedmed khan says why matt over rich rich has a proven platform and mayhem plus he's a man of faith i would think that would be more in line
Starting point is 00:47:52 with hopper i would never ask you that question but i do think it's a good question matt versus rich yeah like like like you know rich is out there You know he's a good dude. How do you choose Matt over Rich? What is it that appealed to you? I talked to both of them. And when I went to Vegas, I talked to Rich, I think, before I went to Vegas. And I called him. And we just had a little short. I asked him a bunch of questions, um, before the games. And then I asked Matt similar questions. Um, and me and Matt just
Starting point is 00:48:35 kind of like hit it off. Like we hung out in Vegas for a pretty long time. Um, and I, he had eyes on me at the gym when I was training for the games. And so after that little moment, it was like, all right, he's willing to help me. Like he, he was telling me that he saw a lot of potential X, Y, and Z. And then I was like, Hey, like after the game, like my relationship with Matt is obviously closer than rich froning. Um, and so I'm going to go with Matt. And I don't even know if Rich would allow it.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Like, let me do that. He never called me and was like, hey, like, come to Cookville. Like, I never got that. From what it sounds like, anyone can go there. That they're very open. But I know that sounds too good to be true. I've had a few people, like, ask me to come up there for like a training camp. A few,
Starting point is 00:49:27 a couple of times. I do remember Matt being blown away by you just as, just as an athlete, just like your build your, your after the Mac, him being like, I don't know if it was on, on the podcast that Josh and I do with him.
Starting point is 00:49:41 But I remember him saying some shit about you that kind of caught me off guard that like, he would say that, you know what I mean? Like, holy shit, that's a fast car. I mean, him, but I remember him saying some shit about you that kind of caught me off guard that he would say that. You know what I mean? Like, holy shit, that's a fast car. I mean, he was very complimentary. I think, well, a lot of people were. One of the guys who does the rankings for the games
Starting point is 00:49:54 rejected him second at the games after seeing what he did at the MAAC. The only guy who's worth listening to. That freaking idiot. Who would do that? That guy's good, though. Now he's sitting back here wondering, what should i do with this guy for rogue what is where where does he sit have you you released that didn't you didn't you release your predictions for rogue no what i released was a theoretical results based on workouts that they already did at the games and i pulled their
Starting point is 00:50:22 performances and ranked them only against the other people competing. And then I applied rogue scoring systems from the last two years to see, one, how they would have done against just each other on a similar style event or competition. And two, how much of an effect the scoring system would have on the overall results. That's so fucking cool you did that.
Starting point is 00:50:44 It was fun to do. and it was like uh you know as i was doing it i had no idea what the results were gonna be so um i was like finding out as i went what what was happening but it's like dungeons and dragons it's like dungeons and dragons right yeah um but the the cool thing was kind of to look back and see what rogue historically programs because you know each of the competitions or programmers for competitions have But the cool thing was kind of to look back and see what Rogue historically programs. Because each of the competitions or programmers for competitions have an inherent bias. And so I kind of see what they did and then look at the events from the games and try to pick ones that could match as close as possible what a theoretical competition could be. So it was kind of fun.
Starting point is 00:51:23 I'm scared to ask you this, Brian. Tyler wants to know what the difference is between rogues scoring system in the game it's very no no no they tell me to fuck off because i don't really care what the answer is no they used two different scoring systems the two years that they have ran a competition the first year they had what's what people usually refer to as a reward-based scoring system. And the drops were very dramatic in points to the point where if you finished 10th, you were only getting 38 or 32 points. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:51:51 But in the second iteration of rogue, if you finished 10th, you were under 55 points. So it was quite a, you know, there's a lot of difference in the middle. Obviously if it's one, you got a hundred and if you lost you had zero,
Starting point is 00:52:01 but everything in between was quite different. Does that mean it rewards a specialist if you give fewer points uh no it doesn't mean that i guess it doesn't mean that it's i mean it just you know it jumbles up the leaderboard in the middle because um you know someone who's consistently taking you know eighth through tenth in one system is getting a lot more points than someone who's taking eighth through tenth in a different system. And then if you compare that athlete to someone who's got a couple top threes with a couple bottom threes, then the relative comparison between those two athletes is what's going to be different. Where does Jason fall in that ranking? When you did that?
Starting point is 00:52:45 Do you know the answer to this already, Jason? He was – well, you have to keep in mind that there's only 20 guys. Oh, that's not good, Jason. That's not good when he starts like that. If it was like – if you were top five, he'd be like fourth. No, no, no, no. So first of all, there's only 20 guys competing at rogue two of them did not compete at the games so they don't have any relevant scoring which two ben smith and
Starting point is 00:53:11 sam quant and i have an article coming out about them hopefully this week um and also carrie pierce who didn't compete at the games for the women but is competing at rogue and then there's uh four other guys the gift that keeps giving jesus there are four other guys who competed at the games, but didn't make the top 20. And I couldn't choose seven events from the first 10 events that would closely enough assimilate what happened at the games. So they're almost, they're not really relevant either. So it ends up being a little less than ideal of what I was hoping for,
Starting point is 00:53:41 but there were only two and 14 14 guys who like it actually made sense to do the evaluation for and he was towards the bottom of those 14 guys but that's not that surprising because that's where he was relative to them at the games anyway yeah dude i came in 19th i know that still puts 21 guys but well yeah it's not that bad for the games but when rogue's only taken 20 guys it's not it's not so good i i games, but when Rogue's only taking 20 guys, it's not so good. I heard that, by the way, I heard that the only reason why Rogue invited Ben Smith was because Laura Horvat said that she wouldn't come unless they invited Ben too. I don't know. Just a rumor I heard.
Starting point is 00:54:17 No, that's not true. That is not true. They invite all the Rogue athletes. I know that's not true. That's just so bad. Yeah, because his pet his competitive pedigree over the last 10 years certainly doesn't qualify him ouch that that's an attack on me uh someone said um uh this podcast has been funny steve all of the podcasts are funny
Starting point is 00:54:40 you jackass uh laura is queen i don't know who's laura who's laura oh laura horvath yes i agree um nicholas forres says in this comment and i was just complaining to someone about people like this how dare you skip over my question don't waste your breath saying stuff like that just put your question in there again do you understand and then i go up scroll up like a nice guy that i am not the kind of guy that would fuck someone's mom and i read his question and it says can you please put chapters or time stamps on these videos dude i'm asking you nicholas will you please put time stamps on them i need i need someone to do that for me okay who else is on the team um who else on the team uh chiropractor okay oh keith yes yes yes yes yes how often do you talk to him and what's his role i forget okay i don't know
Starting point is 00:55:35 he's my manager friend day to day i talk to him probably... And he takes you to awesome sporting events. He does. I talk to him probably a few times a week. Let's say there's something for you to... Let's say... I give a bunch of examples. We'll go through them. Let's say you wanted to do that competition. Why didn't you do that competition
Starting point is 00:56:02 that Taylor Self was in that he just won? Because I wanted him to win and i am prepping for a row and do you talk about that with anyone do you talk about that with um marconi or o'keefe um and say hey what do you guys think should i do this should i not do this well i made the decision not to do it and do either of them call you and be like oh no we think like does okie go ah actually they're that we can get 500 from these people if you go there and you wear the booty short the red line booty shorts no um have you had any like things like that where he's like hey do you want to go do this and you're like i'll lose four days of training if i do that i don't think i should or vice versa. No, none of them wanted me to do that. But I don't mean that event in particular.
Starting point is 00:56:48 I'm just trying to get a feel of what it's like. Because I know scheduling this time was harder than, let's say, a year ago. Your time is tighter. So we haven't known each other for a year. Okay, then six months ago. Yeah, the timeline, um, I went, when we talked, I was a lot more free because I was on staff at a church. And so I could just talk to you.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Like I talked to you a lot when I was at work and then I trained for a couple hours after work. and then I train for a couple hours after work now it's like I have all day to train and I wake up at you know 730 8 o'clock and hang out with my wife drink coffee take my dog for a walk go train from 930 to 1 o'clock come back I'm eating taking a nap watching netflix like recovering and then leaving and doing the same thing for three more hours and so there's no window to jump on a two hour podcast just for the fun of it but so in the past you're when your schedule wasn't that tight what i'm getting to is is are there things well i guess i guess that
Starting point is 00:58:06 answers the question there's things you have to turn down now that your training has become more serious more regimented for sure and what else besides um being available at savans every whim what other things have you had to turn down um i'm gonna have to turn down going to my friends or not my friends my friend invited me to a viking panther game this sunday i'm about to have to turn down going to my friends – or not my friends. My friend invited me to a Viking Panther game this Sunday. I'm going to have to turn that down because I train on Sundays now. I'm going to have to turn down watching the Dodgers beat the Giants tonight because that starts at 9 o'clock, and I'm going to be asleep. So I miss out on all these sporting events.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Okay. Okay. That's what I'm looking for. That's cool. That's cool. Hey, does that, does that Brian,
Starting point is 00:58:51 when you hear that, does that affect where you place them in your predictions for rogue? Just moved them up one spot. It did. Right? No, seriously. Does it?
Starting point is 00:59:01 No. Why not? I have, uh, I don't know. I've already decided where i'm gonna rank him for rogue okay then are we doing that show therefore if i'm wrong this time it's gonna be he's gonna be like hi i showed him i don't want i don't think i want to know what where i'm at
Starting point is 00:59:22 in your head. That's what I'm trying to tell you. I don't know either. You just said you knew. I was joking. I said I was going to rank you dead last so that no matter what, you know, I'd either be right or you'd put me wrong. Put me dead last, please. I love it.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Second to last. Jason, were you invited to do to do some wwe stuff yes dude dude you're on my close friends list you saw that how tell me what happened they reached out man i want they want they want me to be a prospect and what did you say i haven't responded oh how like what do you say oh my god i'm so fucking flattered that's awesome um can i take a rain check i got this crossfit shit for like three or five years yeah um well i had a lot of people reach out to me be like hey like you definitely should do that because there's a bunch of money and then i heard the opposite of that. Like you work 80 hour weeks and get paid like a dime. So unless you're a superstar.
Starting point is 01:00:30 So I've heard all the, both sides of the possibilities. I'm going to say something to you. I hope, I hope you're, you can handle this. You have a strong head on your shoulders. They only like you for your body.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Oh, why else would they like me they don't know i'm just telling you i'm just just letting you know they only like you for your what's your max bench press all-time lifetime max some guy gets 355 uh no i think i hit like maybe 325 one time. Being a football player, isn't that like everything? Isn't that like – Yeah, we used to do that all the time. And I was only there for a year, so I got up to 325, and then I stopped playing football. Is that – and that's kind of weak for your cohort there, right? It doesn't like – even like the smallest guy bench 400?
Starting point is 01:01:23 I mean, this depends on how long you bench. Like I did CrossFit before that. So I didn't, I trained for football doing CrossFit. So we never benched. And then I got a whole year playing football. And so I came in benching like, I don't know, like two, I think like probably 290 and then they got it up. I'm pretty sure Rich Froney's been benching daily for like
Starting point is 01:01:45 i've been here i bench every sunday now so i mean my number is about to be at like 400 serious i do bench every sunday though with who not myself really what do you mean who who else is just gonna work out on sunday with? Benching's like sex. It should never be done by itself. Not never, but it's a last resort. You do it in a pinch. I have to find a charger, y'all. Fucking. God, it's always a shit show with you.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Dude, this website is draining my battery. Jason, have you seen the list of legends that are coming to Rogue? I've seen a few of them, yeah. Is there anyone on that list that you're looking forward to meeting? I want to meet Josh Bridges. He seems pretty cool. He's a Cardinal fan, too. Oh, you haven't met him?
Starting point is 01:02:43 Yeah, I think he said he DM'd you about some Cardinal shit. How do you know about that? What? Because I talked to him and I said something to him. I can't remember, but somehow he said he DM'd you about some Cardinal shit. Yeah, he did. As soon as I heard baseball, I just tuned out. Yeah, we did.
Starting point is 01:03:04 I mean, we talked a little bit I'm trying to get him coffee I'm trying to get him to send me some coffee WWE only likes you for your body and you only like Josh Bridges for his coffee who's going to be there who do you think he should meet Brian
Starting point is 01:03:23 I don't know I think it'd be fun to talk to miko salo matt chan just some of the guys from like way back i can't believe miko's coming i know that was i was surprised to see him on the list but i mean all these guys are great tommy hackenbrook's gonna be there spieler everett and they all go against each other yeah they'll have a handful of events that they'll do and is that true that i heard rich is going to be there yep he did it last time also but the he was also doing the team competition then i don't know if he'll participate in every one of the events that they have but he has um you know they've confirmed him as competing as in the legends category for presumably at least a couple events.
Starting point is 01:04:07 So it's not as serious as the other one? There's like no money? Like what's the deal? I don't know if there's any money. I think that I'm sure that, you know, they I guess since it's Rogue is that they fly these guys out and they just put on a show that you're not going to see anywhere else. Is it a trip that Rich is in there because he's still competing on teams? Is there anyone else doing that? Kalipa's doing it.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Dan Bailey. Dan Bailey was going to compete at the Games this year, but obviously was unable to. All these guys are training, though. Fitness is a part of their lifemmy hackenbrook i i don't know if he's dan's in masters already what i'm saying is is that yeah but every one of these guys is in matches masters other than rich yeah yeah yeah well yeah that's that's the part i'm tripping on i don't know i mean shit they should let him compete anywhere he's willing to compete and we get to watch him. Do you have any opinion on the whole Ricky Garrard thing, Jason?
Starting point is 01:05:11 I know that's a little open-ended. I can be more specific if you want. Can y'all hear me? Oh, now we can. Could y'all hear me? No. You mean when you were talking? No, we couldn't. Now we can could y'all hear me no you mean when you were talking no we couldn't
Starting point is 01:05:27 now we can what did you ask me what do you think about Ricky Garrard coming back are you excited to meet him do you have any opinions on the drama do you have any thoughts on how he popped did you watch his interview with Chase no I didn't watch
Starting point is 01:05:42 the interview I'm pretty indifferent about it good for him that he interview with Chase? No, I didn't watch the interview. I'm kind of, I'm pretty indifferent about it. Like, good for him that he gets his next shot. Like, don't F up again. For me, it was like, I think the, I felt pretty weird about it when they were, like, hyping him up the last, like, for coming back. I think that was pretty odd. But, yeah, it was like he did his time um good luck to him but dave was on the
Starting point is 01:06:15 show yesterday he gave us a little surprise call in and he said i asked him that i said why what do you think about people criticizing you for hyping up Garrard? He's like, dude, he took second place at the games. He's gone for four years, and now he's back. I think that warrants some discussion. I was like, yeah, I agree. But he also came in second in the games on PEDs. Right, right. I agree. But he also came in second in the games, like on PEDs. Right, right. I agree, but he also took second.
Starting point is 01:06:53 He was on the podium. He took third. What? He took third, or he was slated for third. What do you mean? He took third? Oh, he didn't take second. He took third. Brent Fikowski was second that year.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Oh. That's because he was taking twice the amount of PEDs as Ricky. Either way, I just think it's a that's a joke too, people. That's not true. Yeah. I just think it's okay. I think it's good. I think it's fun. I think it's healthy to want to see him compete again and to talk about it.
Starting point is 01:07:30 What I don't think is healthy is all the people chiming in on Jon Jones, alleged allegations of him beating his wife. It's crazy to me how many people are chiming in on that. Do you watch any UFC, Jason Hopper? Yeah, the big fights. Okay, that means you don't. That's like an answer Matt would give. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:07:50 I watch UFC, the big fight. The ones that are worth watching. Someone said, Sevan could compete in the women's 80-85 year old. The women's. I could. Dude should be treated as everyone else. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:07 And he was on the podium and he did well what's different about this training you're doing jason and now versus what's the most significant difference between this training the training you were doing before more more volume more more strength, more cardio, more? A lot more of everything. It's just crazy how much more you could do in a whole day's worth versus two hours. I'm doing a lot more, just a lot more volume. two hours i'm doing a lot more just a lot more volume i do um i'm not gonna tell you what i do but i do a lot more of everything and it also it's like not even in the gym also it's like i sleep more i'm able to sleep more because i don't have a nine to five so i gotta sleep it
Starting point is 01:09:00 i get like nine hours of sleep ten hours of sleep am, I'm able to come home after a session and relax, roll out, stretch, you know, like refuel, do all that stuff. And then, um, I've been able to lift more. It's just also more time. So like I, when you're, when I used to work out for two hours, it was like, you pick what you pick, like your, your weaknesses and you like nail them down, but you don't have any, any time to like do anything else. And so I consider myself like a pretty strong, like squatter. And so I never front squatted nor back squatted ever. Didn't deadlift, didn't bench press, didn't do any of this stuff.
Starting point is 01:09:45 And so now I have a bunch of time to do that. And so now I'm able to do that, which just helps everything else. And you had mentioned before, I think when Brian and I had interviewed you before, that one of the things you were acclimating to as a CrossFitter was just more volume. Yeah, that was one of the things that held me back and and have you acclimated to it are you comfortable i mean it takes time it takes years to accumulate that on your body um i'm saying like i'm i'm in the process of putting that stuff on like putting that volume on my body but if i get to the rogue and you don't see a difference it's not because it's
Starting point is 01:10:25 not working it's just it takes a lot of time um are you competing in dubai no i'm doing wazza wadapalooza do people not do both uh they're like a couple weeks apart from each other there is there are at least is at least one athlete who's said she's doing both, but I think it's pretty rare. And who's that? Haley Adams. Huh? How are we going to get her on the show?
Starting point is 01:10:56 Haley, will you please come on the show? Sincerely, Sevan Matosian. What is Brian? sincerely Sevan Matosian what does Brian think of Ricky starting to drain with his girl Danielle drain train he means train oh my brain went to
Starting point is 01:11:17 horrible places uh they train together Ricky Garrard and Daniel Brandon train together not yet but they're gonna have the same coach probably. I mean, I don't know if Justin Cutler's working with Ricky yet. Ricky is trying to figure out how to get to Dubai, I understand.
Starting point is 01:11:34 And my guess is that he'll come to the States after Dubai. And at that point, they'll all be in Vegas training. That's pretty crazy. Well, listen to this, what this guy wrote. He is verbatim a rinse and repeat carbon copy of matt fraser now you can hear it in his answers now go back and listen to any of the previous pods with him new he's a new man now shit are you god i can think of all sorts of vile shit to say.
Starting point is 01:12:09 I think I've reached my quota for just nasty stuff. Do you eat Snicker bars and shit like that? Popper? I don't like Snickers. And drink Gatorade? You know what I mean. He goes, no, I don't like Snickers. I go for the Twix. Do you have bad habits that would break my heart?
Starting point is 01:12:21 How do you know I like a Twix, dude? Lucky guess. Dude, I was about to say that. I drink Gatorade and Twix bars. Every day? No. Like, do you have them in your house now? No.
Starting point is 01:12:33 I do have gummies, though. Like marijuana gummies? No. Just TH, just the CBD ones. Yeah. So, yeah. Life is pretty good. I like being a full-time athlete.
Starting point is 01:12:54 I should have tried this a long time ago. I mean, is that, that's the relationship with O'Keefe that makes that possible, right? Yeah, I mean. Jason, Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiastes. that that's, that's the relationship with O'Keefe that makes that possible, right? Yeah. I mean, Jason, Ecclesiastes,
Starting point is 01:13:08 Ecclesiastes. Is it, is that like a band band training? What's Ecclesiastes? Is that band training? No, no. Ecclesiastes is a book from the old Testament.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Oh yes. The old Testament. Oh yes. The Ten Commandments. Vanity of Favorites. Um, uh, oh yes the old testament oh yes vanity of favorities um uh but by that i mean by that i mean um for athletes like like look at colton mertens okay he's fucking working eight hours
Starting point is 01:13:39 seven days a week basically fucking trains it fucking more trains it fucking five in the morning and fucking at midnight right and he doesn't have an agent and if he could find an agent somewhat and basically you were doing the same thing but but you were like cleaning um confession confession boots and pews and shit and like and like taking out the old candles you know like when you pay the dollar like i know what you guys do in the church. I thought that.
Starting point is 01:14:11 What? I will pay $100 for this podcast if someone cracks open a Coke and downs a box of Twinkies. Pay your mom $100 to crack open my pants and down a box of cock. Why? I just couldn't help it. I couldn't help it. I couldn't help it. My followers don't like that.
Starting point is 01:14:34 I'm sorry. It has nothing to do with Hopper. It has to do with the way my parents raised me. Have that guy who's going to put the timestamps on, timestamp an hour and 14 minutes in and say, skip this part if you're Jason's followers. Come on, man. He's telling me he wants to see me drink Coke and Twinkies. I mean, it's vile.
Starting point is 01:14:56 It's sacrilege. What I'm saying is that O'KKeefe skill set mixed with your talent without O'Keefe you might still be working potentially is there anyone else on your team that I'm forgetting
Starting point is 01:15:22 I don't think so. Do you have any consistent training partners? JR. He wants his parallettes back. Damn, everyone knows something. I sold those. I believe it. That was a mistake. I sold them. I believe it. That was a mistake.
Starting point is 01:15:45 I sold them to another. He said keep them at, wait, James Bond? That's just a comment in the comments. I just realized that I could put comments up there if I wanted to. Oh, that's a cool feature, actually. It's the first one I've seen come across the board. It's the first one I've put up there. I have all the power. No, I sold the parallax uh i work out with him he just had a
Starting point is 01:16:08 baby so he's been pretty a little lazy lately dude the picture you posted the other day i'm thinking you guys were doing uh the version of uh that flip sled sled workout and he was in the background you look great in the foreground i was like who's that guy in the background i zoom in he just looked miserable in that one that was it yeah that was when i lapped him that was so he's gonna hate me for saying he's gonna hate me for saying that but i lapped him on that i was like man that's cruel to post that like if anyone knows who it is in the background he looks pretty pretty beat up in that picture yeah i'll probably text me after this now being pissed that's your only training partner JR and Taylor but Taylor
Starting point is 01:16:47 scared to come up here like just to like you'll hurt him emotionally like he'll think he's on top of his game and then you'll just fucking mop the floor with him yeah Taylor's role riding confidence high so I don't want to
Starting point is 01:17:03 mess with that mess with that and like I don't want to mess with that. Mess with that and like I don't want him to come off of that. I'm gonna do a I'm gonna do a a mercy what's it called? A mercy? Not a mercy fuck.
Starting point is 01:17:20 A mercy podcast. I'm gonna have Taylor on. Give him his own 90 minutes. Mercy podcast. It's kind of like giving back. like to like a make a wish foundation thing i i asked him if um he had any weaknesses and he said i don't have any more taylor you're not gonna get brian either just so you know so don't get all fucking high and stuff you're gonna make it on the show we're gonna talk for 90 minutes and then I'm going to kick you off. But you don't get Brian. That's like we only get so many shows with Brian.
Starting point is 01:17:51 I'm not wasting one of them with you, buddy. Sorry. Look at this guy's name who made this comment too. Suryansh Srivastava. That's it. That is a hell of a name. When I look at my Instagram and I see the distribution of my followers, it's amazing how many are from India.
Starting point is 01:18:13 It is. It's amazing. I had no idea CrossFit was so big there. Is the mental shift more attributed to the CrossFit Games experience or more to not having the weight of his job, which I imagine added a lot of stress? Great question. Probably both. Yeah, probably a little bit both.
Starting point is 01:18:31 I think more so the CrossFit Games experience. Like basically like, hey, I'm not doing that shit like that again. Yeah, I was just an idiot there the whole time. I think that's a little too harsh, but... I mean, that's what Matt said. And if Matt said it, that's true. He called me an idiot. So...
Starting point is 01:18:53 7-on-1 is Ricky Garrard coming to the show. I see a podcast was terrible. You know what Matt said to me? Yes, tell me. When I arrived in vermont yes he said dude you were the 19th fittest man and you were the stupidest dude out there you should be proud of yourself wow wow meaning that even as a as a fucking complete idiot you still didn't you still place in the top 20? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Wow. And did he give you specifics? Was he seeing shit like, dude, you had the wrong shoes on? Or dude, you came out too hot? Did he give you specifics? Yeah. Of course he did. Right after, in Madison, he did when we hung out then that night sunday night tell us tell us what was the dumbest thing you did at the games uh go touch and go rope climbs in the first round i'm totally in the dark brian is that bad i'm just a fucking dumb dude on a podcast why is that bad and you do uh a fucking dumb dude on a podcast. Why is that bad? Didn't you do muscle-ups that are a little too aggressive also? Yeah, probably a little bit.
Starting point is 01:20:11 I mean, I came out with nine, but I'm sure everybody does. What did you end with? Threes. That's not terrible. I would definitely not go out that hard on the muscle ups either but I'm sure a lot of people did not I'd probably do like fours
Starting point is 01:20:31 my wife's looking at me because every time she comes in you're talking about cock and balls and laughing Gershwin my son was four years old one time and I leaned over to give him a kiss and he goes your breath smells like cock and balls i swear to god i'm like man i have a potty mouth uh did matt tell you to put your shirt back on during the thruster wall walk workout who asked that uh just some guy
Starting point is 01:21:01 matt matt some polish guy matt we gore that would be a good time to clip it to the screen Just some guy, Matt. Matt. Some Polish guy, Matt Wiegors. That would be a good time to clip it to the screen. Okay, yeah, thank you. Thank you, good. There we go. You know what's weird, Jason? As I look at you, you're so young, and I'm just like, holy shit, I'm going to know you when you're old. I think he watched Matt's YouTube channel when he was at the game. You're so young, and I'm just like, holy shit, I'm going to know you when you're old. You already know me when I'm old.
Starting point is 01:21:26 I think he watched Matt's YouTube channel when he was at the games. And in his episode, you see him saying, put your shirt back on. I took my shirt off, which made everything way slippery, which was probably another stupid mistake. And so he got on to me about that. I guess this guy says I guess this guy may have been at the games. He says he was screaming it from the stands.
Starting point is 01:21:52 He being Matt Fraser. He got on to me about it. Hey, do you think these people like having their clip posted up there or they hate it? He's like, oh my god, I got my comment up there oh shit this is nine out of ten would love it oh that look listen this comment the noise is seven talking
Starting point is 01:22:11 oh this same guy doesn't like it that my the logo of the show is on your screen god i see i stopped myself i was going to say something that i that i'm trying not to say those two words anymore g-o-d-d-a-m-n-i-t is that how you spell it trying to say that one or j i'm the one that has the sun son's name i'm trying not to say those words anymore yeah because i got a really nice dm from a lady that says hey dude it alienates people and i was like you know what i don't want to do that uh good try try anything what what any stones we left unturned jason i don't want to ask you about your sex life you're a man of god um we know about your living conditions we've
Starting point is 01:23:01 you're living a life a minimalist lifestyle. You're focused on your training. I have the best life, dude. You do? I wake up. I make some amazing coffee. Go to training. A happy wife. I've been watching.
Starting point is 01:23:18 I just finished Clickbait last night on Netflix. I watched Squid Game. Would you recommend either of those? Yeah, dude. They were both amazing in their own way. Okay. Clickbait and – are those documentaries? No.
Starting point is 01:23:35 Okay. They're shows. But a good documentary is called Bad Sport. Amazing. Been watching those. How about this one people keep telling me, Fiona something. Fiona, Arizona or Fiona
Starting point is 01:23:51 it's some documentary. Have you heard of it? No. I've been watching a bunch of Netflix though. There's another one, another documentary Monsters Inside. Sounds scary. there's another one another documentary Monsters Inside sounds scary but I'm actually about to go watch the new Halloween movie you can watch that already
Starting point is 01:24:14 it comes out tonight oh and how are you going to watch it then I'm going to go to the movie theater oh they don't allow. Those have been all burned down in California. Ask Jason if he wants to do some big game hunting in Montana.
Starting point is 01:24:31 TJ, he'd love it. If you're rich as fuck, he'll do anything with you. If you're not rich, no, he doesn't. I'm going on an elk hunt two days after the Rogue, so it's going to be my off week. I'm going on a five-day elk hunt in Montrose, Colorado. Oh, that sounds cool. Hey, I think – no, not Fiona Apple.
Starting point is 01:24:52 Hey, I think people who watch scary movies, I think that says something about them that's not good. What? I think like you're trying to activate, you're trying to give attention to something that's inside of you. I'm going to work on that for the next time you're on the show. I just think that scary movies are not. I think they're bad indulgence.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Do you watch a lot of scary movies, Dick? Did you watch that Candyman one? I mean, iTunes is just full of scary movies right now My dad took me to all the scary movies Man, really? Oh, that's how That's why you're so into God To balance that shit out
Starting point is 01:25:37 You need a superhero that's bigger than life itself In order to fight all the scary dudes That your dad introduced you to Hey, Jesus will kick that dude's ass. Candyman ain't got shit on Freddy. I remember, no, he used to take me to all the scary movies when they came out. There was Bloody Valentine. Did you ever see the movie Exorcist?
Starting point is 01:26:01 Dude, I've seen all the Exorcist movies. So the year was 1990 and i was in love with this girl and i was i think i was 18 and she was 23 and she flew out from kentucky to see me i couldn't fucking believe it dude this was in the days of no cell phones no computers nothing like if i wanted to talk to her like it cost like $2 a minute because she lived out of state. Can you imagine that shit? So if I talked to her for an hour, it was $120. That was a fucking ton of money.
Starting point is 01:26:35 Anyway, and I had my own apartment. My dad gave me my own apartment. I got kicked out of my house when I was 16, and my dad got me my own apartment because he owned the apartment building. Okay. And so she comes to stay with me and we watch The Exorcist. Ladies and gentlemen, the dumbest.
Starting point is 01:26:57 If you want to have a beautiful, if you're an 18-year-old boy and you want to have the most amazing night of your life with a 23-year-old woman you're in love with, do not put the exorcist on that is free advises free advises uh jeff tay gave us five dollars i will make sure not to share that with anyone thanks jeff i sincerely mean that that's let me let me get um let me get two bucks out of that i'm gonna buy i'm gonna go buy a coffee after this yes i'll send me your venmo and i'll send you and brian each two dollars and i'll just keep a dollar for myself you know this new software right here this is streaming
Starting point is 01:27:33 stream yard we're using this costs fucking 500 bucks a year yeah it's way better than the other stuff you were on it's crazy what do you think brian i mean the true test is going to be when we're done if brian's This will be the first show where Brian had good audio. I've gotten several messages saying your audio sounds amazing. Wow. And I'm without headphones.
Starting point is 01:27:55 I'm on my phone right now. Not even having to use the laptop. Stefan was so convinced that it couldn't possibly be Riverside that he bought me a new computer. All you had to do was switch to the software. You bought him a new computer? Well, to be honest, we went in thirds.
Starting point is 01:28:14 I paid for a third of it. Matt Sousa, the executive producer, paid for a third of it. And Brian paid for a third of it. But like I said, I don't pay Brian for the show. I did need a new computer so that works out well yeah and it did help a little bit right the new computer did help a little bit right i don't know because i you know we still were there were still a lot of people that were saying they had problems with the audio and today for the first time ever i'm getting positive messages about the audio. Felicia says 500 a year.
Starting point is 01:28:48 Now I'm going to be guilted into donating to the show to keep it going. There was this girl in high school named Felicia. I got a story about her too. It's not good though. I just never made any headway with her. Man, she was cool. What was her last name? Alright. Guys, thank you jason you demand
Starting point is 01:29:08 this should be a um a monthly thing oh fuck i'd be honored would you care if brian it's hard getting brian figure any dude if you want to come on the show just start a text with me and brian and just be like yo brian when can you come on the show, just start a text with me and Brian and just be like, yo, Brian, when can you come on? And I'll just be like a lap dog. As soon as Brian sits down, I'll jump on his lap. I mean, I'm just telling you. Just let me know. You guys figure that shit out, and I'll be there.
Starting point is 01:29:38 How about we just do the first Monday of every month? Okay. I like that ryan i think the first monday of november you're going to be hunting elk hey you can do this from your phone yeah i can do this i can do this from my phone i'll actually be in greenville on november 1st i leave said, if you were listening to my story, clearly it was two days after the road, so I'll be in Greenville
Starting point is 01:30:09 for a day. Dude! Juicy Kid! Look at that! You can't give money to me, and I pay taxes on it, and then expect me to give it to Jason? I'm screenshotting that. Son of a...
Starting point is 01:30:24 Dude, thank you juice a kid dude that's not even a that's not even a coffee that's like a latte uh uh how what uh steve on you should be in the legends division dude listen i can't even get bill to respond to my text messages anymore but you are a legend motherfucker so rich you can't even he can't he can't i said hey i'd love i'd love to somehow work with you with the Rogue Classic. Like, just like have a man on the ground there so I can interview tons of people. Crickets. Hey, I apologize.
Starting point is 01:30:55 I do not mean to be bitching about Bill or Katie because they have been so amazing to me. Please get James Townsend on, man. Such a great dude. I would love to get James Townsend on. I would love to get Mallory o'brien on i've heard through the grapevine that they fucking can't stand me because of my love for all of humanity we have i think we have i think we have extremely opposite views on um on uh ideologies of looking at the world. And I think because of that,
Starting point is 01:31:30 he fucking doesn't want to come on the show, but I think he's dope. Dude, he's a fucking amazing father. And clearly he's doing something right with Mallory O'Brien. TJ Crawford, hold on guys. Let's keep the show going for a few more minutes. Let's keep the show going. What do more minutes. Let's keep the show going. What do you guys want to talk about here?
Starting point is 01:31:47 Oh, shit. I caught a live stream from the UK. What time is it, Luke? Put that boy. Put JB. It's your boy JB's comment on the screen. Did TJ Crawford just give $10 without saying anything? Most people don't say anything when they give money.
Starting point is 01:32:05 Can't wait to... Wait, where am I looking? TJ who? Who do you want me to put up? It's your boy, JB. Oh. Ask Brian if the Insanity disc made his bag or not. Or his brother's. Wait, what's
Starting point is 01:32:19 the Insanity? He sent you a disc? No, he recommended a disc. I bought four of them. I have three in my bag. My brother has one. Are they good? They're good, yeah. Serious? Yeah. This guy, he messaged me on Instagram and we threw
Starting point is 01:32:35 a lot of the same stuff and he recommended this disc. So I bought four at four varying different weights. I've been trying them out. And how much are they? Which one would you recommend of the insanity discs the heaviest one for you why because it's the most accurate requires actually well i know you're very good at throwing frisbee but i don't know if you've really thrown the um you throw ultimate frisbees a lot more. Right. It's easier to throw the heavier ones to start generally for disc golf.
Starting point is 01:33:08 Let's see. Look at this. You're going to be really impressed with this, Brian. You are going to be really impressed. Look at that. Do you see that? Yep. Do you see that?
Starting point is 01:33:21 You impressed, Hopper? Are you about to buy all those. No. Hey, these discs are cheap. Yeah, they don't cost very much, no. Are there any expensive discs? Yeah, there are some, but you don't need them. You know, 99% of players have no need for anything that's more than $20, really.
Starting point is 01:33:48 They're gimmicky, is what you're saying. No. There's specialty discs or like, I'm blanking on the word. They're like, well, whatever. Yeah. They're not necessary. What question should I ask Dave Castro next time since Sevan is too scared? I would give money if I could figure out how.
Starting point is 01:34:21 Jason has that killer look going. He doesn't look concerned about Justin either. I'm not concerned about nobody but myself. Yeah, I think it has to be that way, right? Where are you, Jason? At the church. shit did you go there just to fucking because their wi-fi is so much better than yours oh i got lunch with someone that works here to confess your sins or
Starting point is 01:34:56 no and then i uh stopped by Does anyone there train at the church? I mean, they work out. They don't train. They don't do CrossFit. No, why not? How did you not get anyone to do that? There's one dude that does CrossFit. Do you listen to Joe Rogan?
Starting point is 01:35:22 No. No. He did an interview well i just found out about it yesterday with a guy named um san sanjay gupta he's basically america's doctor he's the doctor on cnn who tells everyone to what to do how many aspirin to take all that shit and anyway it's an the bits i've seen so far it's an amazing interview and everyone should watch it joe just so good he gets into this dude's peanut with some simple math and basic logic and skills of empathy and unravels this dude's whole fucking shtick it It's really good. It's really good.
Starting point is 01:36:06 Since I started, you live in Greenville, North Carolina? Really, Savant? What? South Carolina. Come on, dude. What? What?
Starting point is 01:36:16 What? South Carolina? South Carolina. Dude, come on. That's not that big of a deal. Are you serious? Dude. I've said it at least 20 000 times i know but i post harry's last comment
Starting point is 01:36:30 because so i've i've been looking at homes there um and and it's pretty cool because now trulia sends me home suggestions every single day, and it's actually pretty cool. It looks like a nice area. You won't move here, man. I need to move somewhere. How close are you to the beach? Seven. I got to go in a couple minutes.
Starting point is 01:36:55 No, I have to go in a couple minutes. Two hours? Oh, that's far. All right. Brian, will you get back to us on a day that works for you? Hey, it doesn't even have to be a long podcast, Brian. You could just do it like you could put yourself on mute and put in some headphones, and you could be like coaching your class. No, Brian.
Starting point is 01:37:13 It's the first Monday of every month, Brian. Let's talk about it. What's wrong? Let's talk about it now. I'm just saying, dude. We're getting free coffees from here, dude. From these podcasts. Did Jason sign up for the Rogue Invitational?
Starting point is 01:37:39 Dude. On that note, thanks everyone for chiming in. Good hopper fucking you broke the bank again people give you money when you're on fucking all-time high viewers you demand let's go jason he's my favorite guest see you november 1st and bam

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