The Sevan Podcast - #172 - Rogue Invitational Prediction

Episode Date: October 17, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Not live. Oh, we are live. We are live.
Starting point is 00:00:33 You know we're live when it says end broadcast. Guys, Brian, friend, and his friend, the secret weapon, John Young. We're going to go over the rogue invitational winners. So that way, if you guys are busy doing a 10-day Vipassana workhorse retreat, silent retreat, and you don't get a chance to see it which i know most of you are you'll already know the winners um ryan knows this because he hacked bill henniger's email account and all of this shit is rigged well he doesn't actually hack it it's a guy who knows the guy who knows a guy who knows a guy.
Starting point is 00:01:26 John. Yes, sir. Thanks for doing this, ma'am. Thank you for having me guys. I'll see you later. Thanks for all 13 of you coming to my live Instagram.
Starting point is 00:01:35 God, I'm pathetic. Um, seriously, it's cool. It's cool that you're doing this. I know it was last minute. Yeah, my list was not as thought out as Brian's.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Has anyone ever said anything negative about it? Have you ever been in a YouTube video before, John? I have not. It's my first time. Oh, it's going to really test you. When someone in the comments talks about how tiny your dick is, and you're going to be like, what? We're talking about sports. Why am i getting slammed for my cog and balls what are you doing right now you're putting socks on yeah i do every show with socks on you could see that my part's all fucked up in my hair look at this hat i got john do you crossfit i do
Starting point is 00:02:22 can i do are you buff Are you kind of buff yet? How long have you been doing it? About three years. Can I see your – is yours as big as this? It's around that, yeah. Let me see. Show me. Just show me.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Come on. Oh, yeah. Oh, fuck. You're big. How tall are you? Holy shit. I'm 5'9". Oh, you're one of those guys.
Starting point is 00:02:50 195. Oh, you want to go to the games, don't you? That is a dream. Holy shit. Ryan, where do you find these guys? They find me. This is a hat that the only civilian-owned crossfit gym in afghanistan the owner sent me his name was max he was on the show great guy awesome guy if anyone knows where he's at uh
Starting point is 00:03:13 please uh tell him i send my love and that i'd love to have him on the show i have to i have to assume he's out yeah those are like mountains and shit i have to assume he's out. Yeah, those are like mountains and shit. I have to assume he's out of Afghanistan. But he was on the CrossFit podcast. He has seven kids and he was running a, I think he's a Ukrainian cat, married to a California gal. And they opened a CrossFit gym in Afghanistan. Crazy, crazy shit. Great podcast. High stuff on these podcasts have really helped my social stigma disease i don't know what that means but brian whatever that is brian has that too i was just wondering if you're gonna
Starting point is 00:03:52 read that one what is that do you have that brian i don't know it just it sounded funny and i knew that you were gonna read it like as you were reading it so i hope b Brian was as feisty as he was earlier. Me too. Um, John, what's your deal? How do you, what do you, how do you know Brian? Why are you on the show? Um, I just, I messaged him one day on Instagram and I just said, if you need any help, I like to nerd out on this stuff too. And he took me up on it and, uh, saw if I was the real deal or not do you think it helps how old are you 27 you think it helps nerd out on this on your fitness like or like deters it like you're like oh fuck like you're seeing all these numbers and you're like i will never be able to do that i wouldn't say it deters it um i think it's good to know the numbers because you know what you got
Starting point is 00:04:40 to be at yeah i hate looking at other people's podcasts. I'm like, man, that was the greatest podcast ever. And I had 300 viewers. Or like I go to Armin's YouTube channel. He's got three times the subscribers. Or I go to Brian's other boyfriend, the Talking Elite Fitness guys. They probably have like 90,000.
Starting point is 00:05:02 They just want to fucking quit. Quit. Okay, now your turn, John. You tell me what numbers you saw that made you want to quit that justin madera's put up uh he hasn't put up our the the last workout at the mac um it was 10 rounds seven uh snatches with a or something like that, six or seven snatches, and then one rope climb and like three handstand push-ups, strict handstand push-ups. And it was just 10 rounds of that. I did that workout with regular rope climbs, and it was still three minutes slower than his workout. And I don't know how he did it in seven something. That that was the that was the only workout i've ever done where a games athlete was like so much better than me i thought it was a different person like a different species other than that i mean i'm pretty strong so most of the strong stuff i can do
Starting point is 00:05:55 similar to them so me too um yeah that's it that it just, that's just crazy shit. You have to think this though. I'm in, in, tell me if I'm wrong, Brian, if John was in that environment, he probably could get the same time legless. Oh, did he get with not the same time? Yeah. His same time. So he would have only been three minutes behind Medeiros. Maybe. I mean, I think you'd do better, you know, better in that environment than doing it on your own in your garage or wherever.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Brian has spoken. Rogue Invitational, October 29th through the 31st. What's today? Today's the 14th, so it's two weeks away. Brian has made predictions. Brian has made predictions. Brian, with John's help.
Starting point is 00:06:48 No, no, no. We've made separate lists of predictions. And we're going at it. Oh, shit. Okay. And you have seen none of them, Sevan. I have seen none of them. And the last time we talked about you doing this,
Starting point is 00:07:04 you said that everyone hadn't signed up. Has everyone signed up now? The roster is full. Yeah. Everyone has, if they, it was all invite and they invited people until they filled the roster, which is full and all 20 athletes on both the men's and women's side have been announced.
Starting point is 00:07:20 So unlike the games, they fill it up. And this is that I didn't mean that like a dig, they fill it up. Like the games. If people drop out, it's like, yeah, you dropped out. I mean, look, if someone were to drop out two days before, maybe not. But as of now, yes, it's full.
Starting point is 00:07:33 That's what I like about the UFC. They'll try to get people to fight like last minute, 20 minutes before the fight. John, you want to fight? Okay. And this takes place this year in Austin, Texas. It says that there are, I was reading the about the invitation. It says there's 12,000 seats in the stadium at $105 a pop for three full days of attendance. Are they sold out?
Starting point is 00:07:54 I think they're still selling like single day tickets maybe, but they've sold out of most of their packages. They sell them in, you know, there's actually pretty steep tiers. Like there's a kind of entry level fee and then there's a next step up, next step up. And then there's like a couple of pretty big jumps in terms of different packages you can purchase. And when it says it's three days, like the biggest package, like you could sit next to Bill in the box. Do they have that? I think that was the top one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:20 You just get to chat Katie Henneger up. And it's three days. It's three days long. Do the CrossFitters go all three days? I've chatted Katie Henneger up. And it's three days long. Do the CrossFitters go all three days? I've chatted Katie Henneger up many a time, by the way. Well. No one chats Bill Henneger up. I mean, I tried to, but.
Starting point is 00:08:32 You're asking that because they have other competitions and events going on, right? Yeah, it looks like they're doing a strongman. It looks like the 10 strongest guys in the world. They got strongman. They have some record breaker events. They have a legends event. They have some other breaker events. They have a legends event. They have some other stuff going on,
Starting point is 00:08:50 but my prediction is that they'll have CrossFit all three days and it'll probably be something like two events, three events, three events to get to eight total or something like that. Okay. And when you say CrossFit events, you mean the individuals, like the real guys, the guys that you and John are going to debate.
Starting point is 00:09:01 And the legends event is really just an excuse for those of us to watch rich froning no the um yeah click them click them click them the the masters uh i mean the masters is stacked with you know got people who you're either if you were a fan back then and it's i think it's really cool to be able to watch them again or you weren't and you haven't ever got to see them compete and that's a cool opportunity because um each of them i think was uh pretty pretty especially the guys man it's you know it seems like a lot of the girls are still competing um but the men most of those have retired or gone to masters or team so we haven't seen them do individual competitions in a while, most of the people there, other than maybe Dan Bailey.
Starting point is 00:09:48 So that's pretty special to see them all out there. Do men and women go to the same? Oh, no, they're separated. Chris Buehler, Dan Bailey, Jason Kalipa, Josh Bridges, Josh Everett, Matt Chan, Miko Salo, Rich Froning, Tommy Hackenbrook, and Matt Fraser. Wow. No, I'm just joking. Matt, Matt, Matt.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Matt, do you think Matt, Matt? The women, Annie Sakamoto, who will be on the podcast not this Friday, but next Friday. Julie Foucher, Kristen Clever, Margot Alvarez, Rebecca Voigt, Tanya Wagner. Wow. And Stacey Tovar.
Starting point is 00:10:25 One of my favorites. One of my favorites. You guys want to hear a great podcast. I did two podcasts with Stacey Tovar when I was an employee over at CrossFit Inc. And then I also did one, I think, for myself. Want a couple stats on the legends, Sevan? Please.
Starting point is 00:10:42 So they have seven women competing. They've been to the games combined 37 times, 15 top 10 finishes, seven podiums, two championships, and 14 event wins at the games. Who has the – go ahead. The championships, Chris Clever and Tanya Wagner. Yeah. Check this out, the men. There are nine, so there are more men competing but 46 total games
Starting point is 00:11:08 appearances 33 total top 10s 15 podiums six championships four for rich one for jason one for miko 45 event wins pretty pretty impressive resumes yeah and then and then spieler made the podium one year that um dave rigged the game for him to to win but he didn't win he just made the podium yeah that's one of the 15 podium appearances yeah have you ever looked at the workouts of the that year that spieler went on the podium i'd love to hear what you think about that i'll i'll check them out and see if i have any thoughts worth sharing i was i i i honestly of all the stupid shit people say about like the game
Starting point is 00:11:48 like oh they they they hide the drug test or they set it up so this guy could win or it's biased or they do it so this person will do it's all oh it's such crazy horse shit except for my theory that the year sceler made the podium 2010 they've really, really angry at me for even floating that idea. Well, they did Amanda, muscle up and some squat snatches, fairly heavy at the time. They did cleans with ring handstand pushups. So again, gymnastics is an important element. They had the deadlift pistol double under workout. Deadlift was a little hard,
Starting point is 00:12:25 but the pistols and double unders were still holding people up at that time. He was very good at both. Pyramid double Helen, perfect for him. Sandbag move, not so perfect for him. Shoulder to overhead, not perfect for him. And then the last three workouts were all pretty good for him too.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I rest my case. Do you know? Do you know why bill started the rogue invitational? Do you know what the story is? Is it, is it basically that he just saw CrossFit ain't crumbling and he's like, fuck, I'm picking this shit up. You like my shirt, seven. I fucking love it. We're about to have an animated, by the way, if you want to buy that shirt, there's gotta be a, there's a link somewhere.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Buy it. It's so cool it's it's it's a it's a guy sitting under a tree and then there's grenades as the fruit and i'm about to get that shit animated because i'm blowing up uh meh meh meh meh meh my turkish friend casual racist why. Someone called me a casual racist, and I just love that term. It's like – it's so awesome. Anyway, Mehmet, my Turkish friend, and that's me being a casual racist because I'm announcing his ethnicity. He says, why doesn't Fikowski participate? Do we know why? He's getting better. He's training. We know why he's getting better. He's training. What it was. So John,
Starting point is 00:13:50 explain, explain that you're saying that this is a fucking distraction from anyone who really wants to win the games. So you're saying that like these knuckleheads, like Chandler Smith, Jason Hopper, Justin Medeiros, Patrick Vellner, this isn't the,
Starting point is 00:14:02 this isn't their smart move. I'm going to say he's injured. I'm not, I'm not saying that at all. But you've got to ramp up for a competition like Rogue, and then you have to take a D load after. It's a month of training where you could have gotten better at a weakness. I think Bukowski values that month over competitions. I would say yes to all those things. the only question i have is there's a lot
Starting point is 00:14:28 of money available here and there aren't that many opportunities and left in his career to cash in this big in one weekend yeah but i think he's got a job that he can go back to whenever he wants like i think he's comfortable financially at least what it appears to be you know oh no no i'm not saying that he that he needs the money necessarily. I'm saying if you're training as hard as you are, you're training for something. And so his decision not to compete tells me one of two things. Either he doesn't feel like he's healthy enough to, or he's more interested in his legacy than cashing in at Rogue necessarily.
Starting point is 00:15:04 And he wants to have another really great year at the games and he's willing to forego this financial opportunity for that. You think that John, both you, but John, do you think that doing something like this impairs the games? I would think something like this could actually help. Someone like Lazar Dukic,
Starting point is 00:15:22 he comes out here, he gets the experience now you talk john okay i i mean i i think you go either way i mean fikowski's established he doesn't have to you know he's great in competition environment where lazar dukic and somebody like jason hop, they should fine tune it. I could see them fine tuning it and then they're all the better for it. If Lazar gets fifth, that's so much confidence going into a games training in this type of a field. Same for Hopper. He sucked last time he competed.
Starting point is 00:16:02 So if he gets top 10 or 5 or however he wants to do he struggled he struggled he struggled for his i mean saying like if he thought he was going to win or podium and get 19th in his estimate i think he said he would say he would suck too um so for hopper i think it'd be much like a confidence build-up same for lazar i agree but fukowski something like that if they didn't want to do i don't think it'd be much like a confidence buildup. Same for Lazar. I agree. But if a Kowski, somebody like that, if they didn't want to do, I don't think it would benefit them other than money.
Starting point is 00:16:30 That's it. How about fame? How about picking up some, I mean, this with all series, just how about picking up 20,000, uh, when it, when it,
Starting point is 00:16:37 and pick up 20,000 Instagram followers. Let me ask you this. Um, who won rogue last year? You win. No. What? Oh oh that strongman guy won it half thor melner won rogue and maderos won the games and who do we talk about we talk about maderos winning the games you this this guy's off the show if he makes me look bad one more time if he fucking schools me ask me a loaded question he's gone yeah i agree with
Starting point is 00:17:05 that i don't know i don't know who won that i don't know who won um uh palooza wad and i don't know who won dubai classic i don't know who won any of those hey and that's amazing so velner won this last year and and obviously that didn't also want palooza He also won Palooza-WOD and Fikowski won Dubai. Yeah. Wow. And Fikowski beat Vellner at Dubai. And was Medeiros at the Palooza? He wasn't at either of them. Oh, but he was at Rogue. No.
Starting point is 00:17:36 This is his first year at Rogue. Medeiros wasn't at any of those three last year. No. So Medeiros won Filthy 50 and then didn't do anything else until the games that's the one until semis that's the one in ireland yeah oh wow what's the uh fuck we're way off track that's why the shows are two hours long what's the thought between doing that why do you think maderos did that has anyone ever asked him that why choose that one you want it brian if you have a thought go ahead um he said in multiple times that um they were gonna they had planned on doing like nine qualifications because back you know this was in 2019 and to qualify you had to win one of those
Starting point is 00:18:21 and they were going to do as many as they could. And he just won the first one and never looked back. And after that, he, there were a couple, I think he withdrew from, but he was slated to compete at West coast classic that year. And it just didn't happen because of the pandemic. Wow. That's, that's interesting. That's very interesting. Okay. Do we want to start with the uh anything else you want to say about this 12 000 seats three days long it's the third annual um they did it they set this up because for fucking that my theories is that bill thought crossfit was going to tank and he needed
Starting point is 00:18:56 competition to prop up before he bought crossfit possibly i mean they were part of the sanctional circuit so they took that opportunity to create this event. It's a very prestigious event. They offer the athletes something that CrossFit never has. They pay for them to come out there. They pay to put them up. Every one of them is guaranteed money. And then you avoid situations. And we wrote about it on the morning chalk up after the games. He spent $650 or something registering for CrossFit events this year, finished 24th at the games, 24th fittest in the world. And he didn't win a single dollar in any of the competitions, open quarterfinals, semifinals or games. Just to put that in perspective, Mr. Alexander Caron,
Starting point is 00:19:42 I have two four-year-olds and a six-year-old. They've done three jiu-jitsu tournaments this year. Each of those jiu-jitsu tournaments cost my kids $130 apiece to do no gi and gi. That's three kids times 330. That's $390. Okay? And I have three kids. So that's 390 times three, which is what? 900, 1080, 1170.
Starting point is 00:20:10 200,000 men entered that competition. He finished 24th and didn't win a dollar. The best in the world. Every one of those people paid to enter. Fuck, I'm losing. All right, you win. Every one of them paid to enter every time they entered. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:25 And CrossFit couldn't find. Somehow the system left him with negative balance. But we're talking about him on this podcast. Because he's going to Rogue where he's guaranteed to make money. Doesn't have to pay for his travel and can stay in a hotel. It's very incentivizing for the athletes. And this is the only event that does that? To this degree.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I mean, I'm not. I don't know what arrangements to buy. Okay, John's wife said, can I turn on the slow cooker? No. It doesn't make that much knife. It doesn't make that much noise. This is always like the test for our new guest. Like for the first time a guest is on, it's like the spouse or the girlfriend is in there like, the dog has to put – did you take the dog out? Did you feed the dog?
Starting point is 00:21:02 Very good. They're in the next room. Honey, I'm – yeah, I fed the dog. You can just mute yourself too, or you can just interrupt Brian like I do. Okay, go ahead. Sorry, Brian. Is this the only event that – it's not my fault, Brian, if he distracted me or his spouse distracted me. I mean, look, they're also doing –
Starting point is 00:21:21 No one else does this? They're in a world of their own? I'm sure that there are competitions that have... Dubai. That have brought athletes there before paid for their expenses. And obviously, they've also had a chance to make money at their competition. I don't know that there's been one where they've done that for every athlete in the field. And they have a base prize purse, but it has an opportunity to continue to expand.
Starting point is 00:21:43 And it has been based on some, I guess, innovative principles that they're applying via Bitcoin and ticket sales. So the prize purse is continuing to grow, and it's getting to the size. I think that per competitor competing, this is the biggest prize purse we've ever had in CrossFit. Say that last part again, based on what makes you say it's the biggest prize i think like the number of competitors competing relative to the total prize purse is the largest it's ever been in any crossfit competition wow so they've added almost there are the strong dudes in it but you do have the strong dudes in it get a small portion a little bit of the coin fine even if you had all the strong news even if you had the legends, then you're still only at like 65 people.
Starting point is 00:22:30 There's 40 and 40 at the games every year. And you're all over Bill and Katie's nuts. Do you work for them? Have you worked for them? No, they never have allowed me to work or volunteer for free for them. What is it up to, Brian? 1.44. So the games last year is 1.7 something.
Starting point is 00:22:47 And that's paying out for 20 divisions? Yeah. Yep. Rogue drug test? Individual. Just individual. That's the only individual? Yeah, so it's right up there rivaling the games, but with half the competitors.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Yeah. And do they drug test? Rogue? Yeah. yeah well they did is this event drug tested i don't know but um crossfit can probably everyone competing there is on crossfit's list and can be tested at any time so they might choose to test some of the athletes there i don't know if rogue does or not who knows someone chime in okay well it looks pretty good is there anyone who's not here in the men or the women that makes it so i mean i see justin and tear there but is there anyone who's not here like fakowski who makes it that diminishes the event i wouldn't say diminishes the event um is katrin doter here yep i see her but you know you're certainly you're certainly missing some people you still don't you know
Starting point is 00:23:52 none of the australians are here sarah and brooke sarah's still out brooke's still out jamie's still out so there's definitely some high profile athletes that are here but if you look at this field even missing all of those we're talking about the women right here this field from 1 to 20 is very deep how about uh j uh when you say jamie you mean jamie the dubai chick jamie green what's her name jamie simmons now but yes okay okay how about uh mallory o'brien is she here uh-huh wow oh these lists are gonna be great you guys are gonna fucking war great. You guys are going to fucking war. Maybe we should get to the list. Okay, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Oh, and Guy. Guy is going to. Oh, I can't wait until you guys fight over Guy. See, the thing is, John, do you have the same. Brian has some emotional vulnerabilities and some historical vulnerabilities. And you should not. I don't know if you do because I don't know you yet. But if you don't, you can mop them up.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Mop them up. Sousa brings it up. Okay. So on the left is my picks and on the right are John's picks. Is there any way we can make that bigger? No, probably not. Maybe. Whose screen is that?
Starting point is 00:25:16 Is that your screen you're sharing, Brian? There. Matt is sharing it. He has access to the same document I do. Suza. So I've made the font a little bigger. Okay, and I can't see number 20. Can you scroll?
Starting point is 00:25:31 Matt will scroll down in a sec. Yeah. So there we go. And the one on the right that has Thurie Helga Doder at number 19, that's John? Yeah. That's John. Okay. So that's the right.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Oh, this is good okay scroll back down oh we just busted our nut damn it doesn't matter okay it'll make it it'll make that this job we should date brian what a great you're a great partner. It does. I just busted my nut. It doesn't matter. Such a good dude. Okay. There we go. Okay. Jacqueline Dahlstrom, you guys do it. I want to hear.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Brian, you lead this thing. Yes. I mean, look, this is – like I said, it's a really deep field, 1 through 20. Most of these women were at the games this year. There's only one athlete in the field who wasn't at the games this past season, which was Carrie Pierce, who couldn't compete because she tested positive for COVID. And the rest of them, we have a pretty good sample size of what they can do against each other because we just saw it. However, the Rogue Invitational is not the games.
Starting point is 00:26:44 First of all, it's probably about half the events. I can almost guarantee it's going to be seven or eight events. And it doesn't take place over as long of a time period. But I still don't think that the days are as punishing. And they historically favor weightlifting and strongman events. So there's going to be some aspects of the games that are missing. There's probably not going to be any swimming. There's not going to be any single modality stuff that's not a heavy lift. You won't have a 30-ring muscle-ups for time, or you won't have a 550-yard run or something like that. So some of the athletes who did really well at the games on a few of those style workouts, we'll be missing that opportunity probably at a competition
Starting point is 00:27:25 like Rogue. Anyway, Jacqueline's really good. She had her best finish at the Games. She was 19th this year. Wait, can I say something real quick? Sure. So looking at these really quick, I played that game that you play when you're a little kid and you draw the line between the matching sides. And you have Emma Quaid in the bottom. I wish we could see the bottom 10. This is only the bottom seven. Could we see all 10? Is there any way to do that? You had that and then you asked it to be And you have Emma Quaid in the bottom. I wish we could see the bottom 10. This is only the bottom 7. Could we see all 10? Is there any way to do that? You had that, and then you asked it to be bigger.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Oh, okay. All right. But I can try. Hold on. You can't stretch that out or something? Oh, that's a doc that's on your computer that's also on Matt's computer. Mm-hmm. And John's computer.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Just not yours. Just not mine. Oh, we didn't even need Sousa for this. You're doing it all. Sousa could be. Am I doing it? No, he has to scroll. I'm literally changing the size on his computer.
Starting point is 00:28:18 He just needs to scroll up a little bit. Sousa could be working on tomorrow's programming for CrossFit Livermore. Okay, so I see. Okay. That's good. That's the bottom 10. Livermore. Okay, so I see. Okay. That's good. That's the bottom 10. Oh, my God, John. You have Daniel Brandon?
Starting point is 00:28:31 Get him, Brian. Well, I actually only have her one spot higher than that. And is Emma Rolfe the girl we had on the podcast? Emily Rolfe? I don't think we had Emily Rolfe on the podcast podcast who is the girl who came through the last chance qualifier emma tall she's not competing in this okay she didn't get invited she probably did get invited because you finished in the top 20 and she must have turned it down okay okay sorry go ahead so so you guys are pretty much the same. The same people are in your bottom 10. That's what I just wanted to ask. Except I see that you have Katrin in your bottom 10, Brian, and he does not. Correct.
Starting point is 00:29:15 And you also have Emma McQuaid in your bottom 10. We both do. He just has quite a bit lower than I do. Okay. And then, oh yeah, right right and then um and then daniel brandon yeah daniel brandon is the only one right yeah it looks like uh you know from we both have caroline preville there on 12th and everything below that is the same people just in a different order okay so kind of and it kind of feels like that when you're looking at this list it feels like there's maybe not like there's kind of two two groups like and they'll settle themselves out there in the competition and there'll probably be one or two surprises but for the most part it's kind of feels like there's
Starting point is 00:29:53 um three tiers of athletes on the women's side there's tia there's like another nine and then another 10 do you agree with that john yeah i think like 20 through 12 can really be in any order and it just depends on you know what events come out is ariel lowen that's kind of that's the miracle girl right like the girl who just came to the games to get a a placard now she's one of the grand games and she's a mama too right yeah she you know what know what? I was telling John this earlier today. It'd be so easy to just put her last because she has very little credentials relative to everyone else in the field or name recognition or star power or anything like that. But she's been so good this year. She won her semifinal.
Starting point is 00:30:39 She finished 14th at the Games when no one was giving her that chance. I mean, I had her in the bottom five before the games i didn't know and she just won i think she either got first or second on the first work week of the zealous games also so she's really good and there were a lot of like there were some big names in that list i think daniel brandon brandon might have done that andrea nistler um so i i felt like i had to uh, you know, quite a bit higher than my like initial instinct was and give her the respect she's due this year. Man. Google's amazing.
Starting point is 00:31:10 I typed in Jacqueline Dahlstrom's name and like, I couldn't have been close at all. And it, and it, it found her for me. Uh, how old is this girl? Who? Ariel Owen? No, Jacqueline Dahlstrom. The chick you got, you guys both having last she's probably in her late mid to late 20s oh we can check we can check she looks very young but
Starting point is 00:31:32 and she looks petite is that why you guys have her at the end is she tiny she's 29 yeah she's small she's smaller she's uh look there's there are certain workouts I worked I trained with her one day before the games there's a certain of workout that she can beat maybe anyone in this field in or at least finish top three. But, yeah, heavy will slow her down, and it's a notoriously heavy event. All right. Of these that you have in this bottom 10, which one do you guys think would surprise it has the best
Starting point is 00:32:05 chance of like you guys being wrong about like she'll do like she'll she'll be in the top 10 yeah or is it just that obvious you just you're picking it from the time maybe christy aramo she kind of did that at the games aramo o''Connell. Rogue has been notoriously heavy, and I think that's why we have her so low, because she notoriously does well in endurance events, but she's very strong. It's just the heavy
Starting point is 00:32:35 implement stuff that kills her. Just straight up Olympic lifting or a squat or a deadlift, she's very strong. Her range of motion, she's very good, very short range of motion. So she could surprise. That would be my pick that would be in the top 10 that I didn't have. But the thing for Christy, and I'm sure John recognizes this too,
Starting point is 00:32:57 is when you look at the games, late in the competition weekend, they had the max snatch event where she was last, and then they had the yoke carry event where she was second to last. And those are the types of workouts that could show up at Rogue that make me skeptical of putting her too high. I mean, I got her lower than you. I think that, you know, and our rankings reflect this here. I think that this competition and style of workout will be very good for
Starting point is 00:33:23 Carolyn Prevost relative to how she did at the game so and she's obviously close to the top 10 on our rankings here but you know if she was a little higher than this i wouldn't be surprised either i think she can do really well at this kind of competition how cool is this software can you guys see this yes like you can just say someone's name pull them up in another tab and just start peeping them trolling them scrolling this is awesome uh i i i like i like that for that reason what you said yep maybe you can look at the next five like the six through ten oh i pulled did i pull your screen down is that where we differ a little bit brian why we defer or differ? Why not Emma Carey?
Starting point is 00:34:07 That's the young girl, right? Yeah. She's kind of caught in what's her name? Mal O'Brien's shadow, right? Yeah. Why not her? Someone like her could be 3% better than already from when she was at the games, right? 5% better?
Starting point is 00:34:28 I mean, she's a kid. Yeah, she's got a kid. She's got a ton of potential. She's got an incredible work ethic and a really good – I think she has a really good mindset, especially for her age. And it's one of those things. And I think she just switched camps too, right? She's the only one that went to Florida or they've i don't think all those people have moved to florida yet but she's going i think she has intentions too i think that'll probably start
Starting point is 00:34:52 in january is what um i think that's what we were told okay anyway um she uh you know just watching her at the games this year, like it wasn't that she did poorly. She didn't do bad. It's just she didn't do good enough to beat these other women. And that's what we were wondering about coming out of the semifinals. You know, we talked about how the Granite Games was just lacking those top 10 games, like those perennial top 10 games athletes. So we didn't necessarily get to see Mal and Emma go against the Tia, the Laura, the Carrie, the Bethany Shadburn, the Katrin Davids daughter, Annie Thor's daughter, Cara Saunders of the worlds. And when we did, Mal was able to hang a little better than Emma.
Starting point is 00:35:36 And that's we just don't have a lot of other information to go off. All right. Word. That was my bias. I'd like to see her do well. Ariel just won the first event in the Zelos Games by a mile. She won by 30 seconds on a four-ish minute event. Wow. Teddy Williams. Cool dude.
Starting point is 00:35:56 You know who that is? I do. What are the Zelos Games? Oh, Matt, Sousa, is that the thing you've been telling me about? I can't hear you. suza is that the thing you're you've been telling me about i can't hear you yeah that's the thing but yeah oh that's an omen don't you think yep all right we'll schedule them up thank you oh shit there it is the zealous games have you done the zealous games john i have not oh why not first time I'm hearing of it right now. All right. Not everyone has Marcus Philly's perfect physique. They didn't earn money from the games, but you can make money by advertising yourself as a games athlete.
Starting point is 00:36:33 For example, Marcus Philly never finished top 10, but he's doing well. I don't know, Alan. I think it's a little more than Marcus Philly's physique, although it is pretty absurd. Marcus Philly is extremely knowledgeable about exercise science. Yeah. And he's a good marketer, too. He's very good at marketing.
Starting point is 00:36:54 And he's humble. And he's put a lot of people around him who are good at the things that he's not. And every great man has a greater woman standing behind him. He has that, too, I think, actually. I know. I'm just trying to change my image, trying to change my persona. Okay, I'm ready. I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Do you guys want to fight about any of those? None of those look like you guys want to fight about any of those. No, we should move up to the top ten. Although, Brian, you might want to just fight for Danielle just for shits and giggles. Keep the people happy. This is perfect right here. You can see the top 11. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Look at John going out on a limb. Oh, shit. What do you mean? Yeah, I don't know which one is a limb. This fucking guy has Laura Horvat as third. I thought you said this guy was good well well well well seven if you i know you read the article i put out about those rogue simulations right you read and studied it very very carefully yes and you saw that when we assigned the two different um scoring systems from rogues that in one of the simulations laura beat annie but in the other one annie beat laura so i'd literally in those in that mock simulation
Starting point is 00:38:11 i did of games events that close as close as i could find replicated rogue style programming just to change in the scoring systems flip-flop their places on the leaderboard how hard was how hard was that for you to decide that, John, for second and third? I originally had Laura second, but then I looked at what the programming was for Rode the last two years, and I think there is a very high chance of strict handstand push-ups being in it, whether they're deficit or not. And that's the only reason I don't have her in second because there's only six or seven events. So a bottom 10 finish would be just enough to knock her out of second place, in my opinion. And I think Annie will be pretty consistent throughout. And if it was 15 events, Laura
Starting point is 00:39:01 would probably still be second. But since it's only going to be six or seven, and I think one of those will have some form of strict handstand pushups where she will not be great, then that will knock her down. Why don't you think she's fixed that? No, she's working. She's working on it as best she can. What do you mean by that? That's some fucking backhanded fucking put down as best she can. Dude, there's no way that she hasn't been working on it for four years.
Starting point is 00:39:30 It's one of those things that is. But why don't you think that she's going to show up and be the best at handstand pushups? When's the last time you've seen her do them? Straight handstand pushups, not so much kipping because you can get your you can get go with your hips. But strict handstand pushups is one of those things. If you're bad at it, it's very, very hard to get better at it. It takes so much time training muscles to get better at that movement. And if it's it's a it's like it's a movement, it's a movement. You can't just get better at it. It's not that easy. Toes to bar is way easier to get better at than strict handstand pushups
Starting point is 00:40:09 because it's strength compared to the rest of your body. Fikowski had the same issue for three years, and he's still not the best at strict handstand pushups either. How are yours? I'm pretty good at them. They're a better movement for me. Brian, can you do 10 in a row? No, I'm awful at them.
Starting point is 00:40:27 And I feel Laura Horvath's pain. I can't even go upside down without getting vertigo. Don't worry about it. All right. Can I see that list again? So, John, that's hard as shit to pick. I think you're wrong. I think that you want to change your mind, too.
Starting point is 00:40:46 You might think he's wrong, but it's still not going out on a limb to put Annie that high. She's very, very good. I mean, just Laura's so good, man. And, like, I talk to her, and she's an alligator. She's just like... She's a beast. I had to fight over it, but I think if that event comes up,
Starting point is 00:41:06 it doesn't, it won't matter. It's also worth noting that the only time that rogue invitational had a live competition, they did have minimum work requirements and she did not meet the minimum work requirement in the strict handstand pushup workout. So she technically was D disqualified and dropped to the bottom of the leaderboard. What year was that?
Starting point is 00:41:23 Couldn't do one. 2000. It was a spring of 2019 that was the first year they did the rogue invitational yes fuck hey go ahead um you guys both have mal o'brien below hayley adams now explain that to me because you guys said that you think rogue is a strength you think that there could be a little bit of a strength bias in this programming isn't mal o'brien sorry i don't know her that well mallory miss mallory o'brien isn't she stronger than hayley adams uh yes explain yourselves yes she is down there well i mean it's mostly it's out of respect to hayley you know she's been what fourth fifth and sixth the last three year at the games you sound woke out of respect for hayley no we're not doing respect here we're doing like numbers
Starting point is 00:42:16 and math and shit and she hasn't had any finishes that make me think that she's going to do worse than Mallory O'Brien on this competition. The fact that there's strength being tested, yes, there's strength being tested. But I think that they like to test strength in a variety of different ways. And when it comes to kind of grunt work strength, Haley's still pretty good. When it comes to barbell cycling strength, Haley's still pretty good. good. And I think that she's still better than Mal on some of the other things that even if she loses to her on the max strength test and maybe one other test, that she's still going to have enough points to offset that from the other stuff that she's got top three potential on. Who's better at bar muscle-ups? I would probably say Haley.
Starting point is 00:43:04 So basically, it's just squatting squatting deadlifting cleaning snatching that mal has are in and and they both have crazy grit right they're both just fucking warriors right they'll just go until they pass out basically yep and and and does mal have a better attitude uh a better uh mental game than Haley? I don't think so. I don't know. I mean, Haley's got one of the best mental games in all of CrossFit. Yeah, men or women.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Wow. Wow. Fuck, I only know just from the expressions on their face, but in that games that year, her face looked, she looked crushed. And Mal O'Brien, my memories of her just at the in that games that year her face looked she looked crushed and mal o'brien my memories of her just at the semi-finals last year where she walks around like some fucking 15 year cock diesel veteran you know what i mean i mean like she don't give a fuck just like i just go it's like shit mal is in the same boat as like emmay for me. I kind of have to just wait a little bit more and see more of her. She did great at the games, but that's one thing I saw her from, and it still wasn't better than Haley. She's never done better than Haley I've ever seen, so I couldn't put her
Starting point is 00:44:19 above Haley. And then Emma's the same way. I had her low because she didn't do good at the games. I think she's better than where I have her. But until I see it, I can't put her higher. John, when you saw Brian put Jason Hopper as number two last year in the picks, did you want to throw up? No, I had a second to throw up. How the fuck does this guy have a platform to talk on? I thought Jason Hopper was going to be great. I drank the Kool-Aid too.
Starting point is 00:44:47 All right. Because just now you said that you need to see more from Mal and a man. I seen enough, but fuck you guys put fucking your boy. Brian puts Hopper at two. It's almost like you guys hate him. I think Amanda will beat out Haley at rogue. Ken is,
Starting point is 00:45:03 is Amanda Barnhart, the dark horse here? Like if this shit gets real heavy, like she's going to just, is she the? I mean, look, she could potentially have a really bad workout, but she could also have like four or five that are top five finishes for her, you know, based on what we can expect to see here. So then that will go a long way. So I think that she's a, I would call her, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:28 I think she's a lock for the top 10. Who would win in a handstand pushup, strict handstand pushup, race to 50, her or Laura Horvath? Amanda Barnhart or Laura Horvath? That's a great pay-per-view event. I had another great pay-per-view event the other day. That's another great one. $5.99 for that, though, not $10.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Who'd win that? I think Amanda could do $100 before Laura got $50. Wow. Okay. I don't think if it was just strict handstand push-ups, but if you added any deficit or the parallettes, then Laura would be behind. Amanda's really good at handstand push-ups.
Starting point is 00:46:11 $100 to $50. She's really good at handstand push-ups fuck 100 to 50 she is really good oh i was just assuming just because she was bigger she wouldn't be she just looks like she's built like a brick shithouse so i know it's weird she did 50 in like 208 in a workout in the middle of a workout an open workout with 50 strict handstand push-ups it was two minutes and 80 seconds and that now that's very, very fast, man. She might be one of the coolest looking humans alive. She's like an avatar. It's crazy. What is she? She,
Starting point is 00:46:32 she a foreigner. She American. What is she? She's American. No, it's she's the upper body pulling stuff was where she can get left behind. Like, like the high volume chest tobars in the final games event
Starting point is 00:46:45 or a lot of muscle-ups or rope climbs. She'll struggle against this caliber of field. Dude, Susie, you're killing it right now. You are fucking killing it. Okay, let's see the list. Let's see. John, when you look at Brian's list, is there anything, and you can go anywhere in the top in the in the 20
Starting point is 00:47:06 not just this where you're just like on a 1 to 10 you just think he shit where you think he shit the bed like you're like dude come on any like anything glaring I mean no we're pretty similar other than our I think is Gabby
Starting point is 00:47:23 Magawa call is great I did not have the nerve to put her as high as he did but i hope she does that well because she can be the next great thing right like she like like like she's on the ascent and maybe there's a couple holes she's gonna patch and it's like holy shit shit, she's at the top. She's very, I mean, she's incredible. Obviously she was six at the games this year. She's great.
Starting point is 00:47:50 She's very strong. She's her, her aerobic base is expanding all the time. I think that's paying off for her. She also struggles on, on very specific upper body pulling stuff. So if a workout comes up with legless rope climbs, the last time we saw her, it was really bad. So we got to see if that's something that she's, um, you know, improved on. So she says does have potentially still a little bit of a hole there, but otherwise she's been, uh, doing everything right. That I can tell. Nate mash, just joining in on this life feed. Who's the third wheel? Who the fuck knows? Just some dude.
Starting point is 00:48:26 He slid. Alan Kesterbaum. Random dude that slid into Brian's DMs. But you know what? In 2018, I was a random dude that slid into yours. Truth. All truth. Now you guys know what we do. sliding around in the dm um what how so two things two things um to throw out there before i forget is kristin holta just a grown-up christy aramo
Starting point is 00:48:55 is that the same person but but and and and is it is in in how how do you have um doter so low why can't catch what's happening why catcher is a two-time champ why do you have Doter so low? Why can't Katrin – what's happening? Katrin's a two-time champ. Why aren't you guys giving her – Well, John's got it quite a bit higher than I do. Did he scroll down the list? John, where do you have her? No, I think she's higher than mine.
Starting point is 00:49:19 You have her eighth. I have her eleventh. You think that some – like what do you think is going on? You think her day has come and gone. The other girls have gotten too good she's attracted she's been boning the hockey dude too too much and too often um what do you think why do you guys have her i mean she she got that she got the game face man well rogues programming is always generally heavier and like last year she didn't do very good she got like 11th or 12th.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Do you know off the top of your head, Brian? 13th. 13th. She got 13th last year. That was on the online format, though. And she did get fourth at the Rogue the year before that. The thing is, Katrin had this incredible streak going that kind of has, in my opinion, has come kind of to an end.
Starting point is 00:50:04 You know, she was top five for however many years at the games. She was winning her regionals. She was winning. Uh, well, she didn't do a lot of sanctionals to be honest. Um, she started having a couple of injury problems. She was at head to withdraw from Dubai the day of competition one year. And she just didn't have like, she was, you know, third at semis this year. It wasn't the first that we're used to seeing she didn't she had a bad games you know relative to what we've
Starting point is 00:50:30 expected from over the last six years and yeah she did have a bad performance at rogue last year um she you know she snuck in on the online to the to the 2020 games and ended up taking second but since then i just haven't seen the same catcher that we were used to seeing for those five years and she got 10th in the games last year it's just not it's not going in the right direction taylor smith to see annie beat catcher last year made me feel like catcher is on the decline not knowing what's going on in the background. You know, but on that same thing, that could be the hope for Katrin too, right? I mean, look at Annie. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Wow, that's an amazing picture of Katrin with that hat on. That's a cool-ass photo. Oh, and that's the dude. That dude was on the CrossFit podcast. That could be the reason right there that her shit's all coming unhinged, unglued. That's the nail in the coffin. Maybe. reason right there that her shit's all coming unhinged unglued that's the nail in the coffin maybe but you know it might be one of those things where she is willing to um you know uh take a little bit of a decline in her competitive career because that's a lot of something she may be been looking for yeah i don't know i i i think i don't know i
Starting point is 00:51:41 think all these dudes do it to to win no one's doing it. I don't know that. I'm making that up. Okay, can I see the list one more time? Love does crazy things to people, though. Yeah, that's true. Throw away. I fell in love and threw all my dreams away. Who, has Tia won the Rogue Classic every year?
Starting point is 00:52:03 Oh, my God, dude. This is her sanctionals record. First, first, first, first, first. First. Rogue first both years. Wadapalooza first both years. Mayhem first. Open first.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Oceania quarterfinal first. Semifinal first. Games first. Everything first. Hey man, something weird is going to happen with her. She's going to, she's going to climb to this mountaintop and it's going to be just nuts. There's going to be like, she's going to transcend like cross. She's going to, she, she may be the first one to transcend CrossFit, you know, like a Mayweather transcended boxing.
Starting point is 00:52:41 I mean, I have to guess like every Olympian, everyone already, like every professional athlete when they meet Tia or Matt are already a little bit like, okay, okay. I mean, Tia is gonna, it's nuts. It is absolutely nuts. That's a great picture that with that leader Jersey on does Rogue do the leader Jersey? Does Rogue do leader jersey? Huh. I think it's white.
Starting point is 00:53:09 How do we watch Rogue? Is that a YouTube thing again? Do we have to pay? No, it's YouTube. There's live feed. Dude, John, this morning we had Jason Hopper on and I was like, hey dude, i could come to your house pick you up we drive
Starting point is 00:53:29 over did you see it did you see any watching the show i haven't seen it yet i i watched most of them i haven't seen it yet well so so basically i just like hey we should drive i'll pick you up we'll drive over to maderos's house you bang on his front door and i'll be filming and you say hey mother mullet motherfucker come out here and we don't even tell him and you know madaris comes out there all fucking ready to wrestle and shit throws on a singlet so what you need and hopper will be like tomorrow at 12 noon we do three workouts right here in your fucking ghetto stocked in front yard with your fucking beat up truck fucking broken down in your driveway and we fucking do three workouts
Starting point is 00:54:05 pay-per-view event and then he looks at the camera and goes i'll be back here tomorrow and then i film the shit and like somehow figure out how to stream it live to youtube but but you got to pay 10 bucks to watch it and they just do three workouts and i think they kill it i think they each i i agree with that great idea oh can you see that brian apparently it's pretty small finger you should make it a series and just do one with froning and fraser too oh dude i told him right after that who cares if you beat or lose the maderos we give him 20 grand we split it and we go right over to fucking Fronting Empire, the Mayhem Empire. He's going to need your help with the matchups, though, because otherwise he's going to pair up Barnhart and Horvath on the handstand pushups.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Awesome, yes. But we go straight over to the Mayhem Empire and we do the same thing. Hopper just fucking gets on a fucking horse and goes down that fucking gravel driveway of riches. And he's like, yo, Guy gee get your ass out here bitch and he comes out and uh and and and samwell corn y is like all jealous because because hopper didn't call him out but he calls gee out and and and and we do and we he says three workouts tomorrow at noon the same thing i film that shit with my iphone i put it up on youtube with a $10 charge per person. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Taking over Rogue and CrossFit. Hopper shows up the next day to find out it's the three workouts that Guy won at the games. We're doing it for the money. Fuck the fame. We're like Tupac. Okay. It's a great idea. Hey, Sevan.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Yes. Click on Adam shoemates comment uh adam can you do it see if you can do it can you do it i don't think so i see oh um oh that's for the legends event yeah there's no way josh bridges isn't taking oh shit my siri turned on josh bridges isn't gonna take quiet i'm Josh Bridges isn't going to take quiet. I'm Josh Bridges isn't taking. He's not going to finish. He's old and weak. And I love Josh, but it's not the real problem is he hasn't been training for this at all. He's been training. I mean, he's a boxer. Yeah, he's a hundred. I think Josh Bridges is going to exceed expectations. No, no. He won't. Him and Miko won't finish the event i love both of them miko is great and josh is great they'll be having a beer like after event two miko of like broke a toenail and josh will
Starting point is 00:56:34 be like i just can't i just can't i just can't do it anymore bridges is gonna do it like he did at the mayhem event where he'll just pick one or two to participate that he can do even though he hasn't been training for them listen the only way josh can take second is if fucking rich carries him on his back through every event the truth uh but i do think that if i think that matt could enter and uh take second matt will never do another CrossFit competition. Oh, money, money. The pay-per-view, I'm telling you. Plus, what do you think about all this talk that every time I interview someone,
Starting point is 00:57:18 we talk about the people who know Rich are saying he's the fittest man alive. Do you believe that, John? No. I do. I believe the hype. you don't believe it based on principle like it's not nice to say no i just i don't think he's the fittest man alive but okay i mean i could be wrong just in my opinion i just zoned out who'd you asking that about rich froning oh rich froning you have to you have to keep in context the sports age. Rich Froning is like Jim Brown or Babe Ruth. He's so, or Bill Russell. He was so good and so far ahead of his time when the sports started that he's legendary. And he'll always have that stigma about him as being this guy that was untouchable. He had that aura. And if you expand the scope to the game of the team career that he's had, I mean, his championships are, I mean, it's unprecedented. difficult to try to understand what's like,
Starting point is 00:58:24 what's going to be the state of the sport 20 years from now. And then if you look back, is that what he did again was impressive then, but is it going to be something we don't, we don't know about, but it doesn't ever take away from the greatness of Rich Ron to say he's the fittest on earth right now. I would have never said it except Sam. Well said it.
Starting point is 00:58:38 And I'm just like, I'm just, I'm perseverating on it. I'm just, I'm just, I'm stuck to it. He also said, how much longer John, the dogs at the door He also said – How much longer, John?
Starting point is 00:58:47 The dog's at the door scratching. John, how much longer? I'm as long as you guys are. My parents are – oh, I thought your spouse was asking you how much longer. I was being your spouse. John, did you feed the cat? Sorry. I know.
Starting point is 00:59:01 I know you told me not to interrupt. Say that again. But Sam Well says he's the best, John. Sam Well also said that he would be in the top five. Yeah, not his fault. I stand up for him. He fucking got some bad batch of the vaccine or something. It was shit in his pants.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Drank some well water. The homeboy got sick, right? You think Hopper could use that excuse too? Oh, God damn. I like you on the show. You make me seem nice. You make me seem nice. I believe Samuel.
Starting point is 00:59:34 Okay, do we have any more to talk about the women? So you don't think any of Brian's – oh, let me ask Brian the same question I asked you. Do you see anything that John put where you're like, dude, come on, dude. You're embarrassing me on the show. I vouch for you. Nope. Can we see the list? come on, dude. You're embarrassing me on the show. I vouch for you. Nope. Can we see the list? Thank you, Brian.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Thank you, Sousa. So Brian has Tia, Toomey, Laura, Horvat, and Carrie Pierce, one, two, three. And John has Tia. Oh, that sucks that I didn't say this in the beginning because people who are listening on Spotify and iTunes won't know this. Tia has John has Tia, Annie, Laura. One, two, three. So they both have Tia at first. They disagree on second.
Starting point is 01:00:23 And they disagree on third. But your top four are the same? No, shit. No, I have Carrie fourth, and he has her third. So we're pretty close there. And I have Laura third, and he has her second. Yeah, I like those. Those all seem safe.
Starting point is 01:00:43 I mean, what do I know? I think Mallory O'Brien is going to do better than what you guys have her. I'm willing to go out on a limb and say that. That'd be cool. That'd be cool. Is this going to hurt anyone's feelings like really bad? Like what if someone like Danielle Brandon takes 16th place? Is that like hurt her feelings to the point where like she shouldn't have come? Is that like hurt her feelings to the point where like she shouldn't have come? That's a tough, that's a tough question. I don't think so. I don't think any of these athletes are going to be, you know, too deterred by this. Obviously they're all going to want to do great, but I mean, it's a competition. They understand someone's got to be first.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Someone's got to be last. It's an honor just to be at this. It's a good opportunity for exposure. Like you said, get your name out there, get your face out there. Probably all of them will have a moment or two on the weekend that, that is, you know, a standout for them. And all of them, you know, every single one of these athletes, when they go to compete, they come away from the weekend and they realize, okay, you know, what did we learn from this?
Starting point is 01:01:38 Where can we go moving forward from here? And I think that they're all mature enough as athletes and in a good enough position with the teams or coaches that they have around them to, to take, you know, the positives and the negatives away from a weekend, like any other competition. Word.
Starting point is 01:01:55 I'm with you. Anything else you guys want to say before we switch to the dudes? I don't think so. John Hill thicker Hill thicker still hot as fuck thank you I appreciate it Susan can we get the dudes yes I've on we can get the dudes I know you like the dudes i'm bringing up the dudes right now
Starting point is 01:02:28 john how close are you how old are you john you said 29 he's alive 27 yep do you feel do you feel your clock ticking are you like fuck i want to go i want to get better but i've started too old older like that you're too old no i think i got about five years and then if i'm not there yet it probably ain't gonna happen yeah that's for sure but but i mean don't you have to do it like soon i don't think so i mean i uh my ultimate goal is just to reach my peak potential wherever that is is. Yes, I want to make the games, but if I stop getting fitter, then I'm not good enough. Right. How long have you been doing CrossFit?
Starting point is 01:03:16 Three years. I was a little late to the party. You started at 24. I started at 34. How old were you when you started, Brian? 25. I cleaned, I think, 175 one time, 10 times in a row. Nice. Thanks. That's probably like 155 pounds. That's like probably my greatest fetus strength.
Starting point is 01:03:42 That really pissed Brian off because Brian could beat beat me and everything but i chose that because i bet you he can't do that i mean he will be able to before he dies but 10 touch and go cleans at 175 yeah let's find out have you ever done that i don't know if i've ever tried oh i was fucking sweaty as shit and ready to go what did you clean and jerk brian at the water palooza qualifier i did 205 for all five lifts but but my lifetime best is only 210 i was gonna say i think my lifetime pr for a clean and jerk is 205 i'm very good at moving my percentages of my one rep max. I just don't have high one rep maxes. Yeah, me too. I'm the opposite.
Starting point is 01:04:28 I think I overhead squatted 175 one time too, 10 for 10 reps, and then I dropped it. And I think that's what got me kicked out of the gym at UC Berkeley. I dropped it in a squat rack. It was steel weights from overhead. It was pretty crazy. I mean, I didn't care. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:04:47 You know, like when you're that cocky CrossFitter, you're like, fuck you. Wham. Okay, the dudes. What's the most you overhead squatted? Me? Mr. John Young, yes. 335. Wow.
Starting point is 01:05:01 That's double. I know it's not. It's not what I want it to be, but it'll get there. I was at this CrossFit Games one time, and Tommy and I think Rich both attempted a 400-pound overhead squat. But what was crazy is it didn't even matter that they were going to do the overhead squat. It was the fact that we're all in that stadium in Carson, and they cleaned it or push-jerked it or whatever. They'd not cleaned it. They push-pressed it or whatever the fuck they did. Push-j jerked it or whatever they'd not cleaned it they push pressed it or whatever the fuck they did push jerked it that was the crazy part tell me where my
Starting point is 01:05:31 story went wrong brian no one of them did one of them not get it overhead i think maybe rich no i think they both got it overhead i uh i don't i don't think Rich got it overhead. But Tommy did? I think Tommy and – was it Tommy or was it Fraser? Fraser wasn't around back then, this one I'm thinking. At least I don't remember him being there. If it was, it was just – 2014 games? He was there.
Starting point is 01:06:01 He was? Well, I don't think he put – I think only two dudes tried to put 400 over their head, rich and Tommy. That might be true. And ultimately, um, rich and Matt tied for first on that event. I think.
Starting point is 01:06:15 377. Wow. Wow. What's, what's the most overhead squatted in, in a, in a CrossFit event? I think,
Starting point is 01:06:23 you know, I think that's it. They haven't done it very much, which is a hundred pounds less than what they overhead squatted. Probably inFit event. I think that's it. They haven't done it very much. Which is 100 pounds less than what they overhead squatted probably in the grid league, right? They just got some dude who's like six inches shorter than Colton Mertens
Starting point is 01:06:36 who can fucking overhead squat fucking 500 pounds. I bet Colton Mertens can overhead squat a lot. Yeah, fuck. We need to get him back on the show. Do you want to be on the show that he's on? Aren't you interested to meet him? Oh, I would love to meet Colton Mertens can overhead squat a lot. Yeah, fuck. We need to get him back on the show. Do you want to be on the show that he's on? Aren't you interested to meet him? Oh, I would love to meet Colton Mertens. Can you imagine if you live next door to him?
Starting point is 01:06:53 And by next door, I mean like six miles away. You and 15,000 pigs between them. Bring my wall ball over. Look at Matt looking for that overhead squat. look at Matt looking for that overhead squat. Seven, you look at the comments.
Starting point is 01:07:14 There's some, the men's field is very difficult, I think, to assess. No. Oh, no, I'm not looking at the comments. Oh, shit, my comments are all fucked up. Did John ever see Guy at the games? Did you ever see Guy at the games, John? I watched him during the games. I wasn't at the games? Did you ever see Guy at the games, John? I watched him during the games. I wasn't at the games personally.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Okay. Adler should be higher. Brian Leonidas' friend will crush that challenge. Oh, that's your middle name? Leonidas. No, that's what they think I should go as for Halloween. Oh.
Starting point is 01:07:45 You have a partner, Wad, for a million dollars. Who do you take as your partner, Rich, Matt, or Justin? Or Tia? Tia. Wow, I started at 51. Sevan is stuck on the on-ramp. Ouch. You should fire them both, Sevan.
Starting point is 01:07:59 Travis Mayer is not where he's supposed to be. That's the one I was waiting for you to get to. As Medeiros, ask Medeiros if Rich is fitter than him. Seeing how Medeiros trained with Rich. Oh. Okay. Let's do it. Let's go to these dudes.
Starting point is 01:08:18 Let's do this. Show's taking fucking forever. Do you know that we're on twitter youtube twitch and facebook simultaneously now you probably didn't know that huh brian did not know now now i'm getting nervous because there's too many platforms around it's my first time on all of those it's good john uh henry on the left is brian picks oh that's nice nice touch uh so so for those of you who are listening who can't see we're looking at the
Starting point is 01:08:50 their top 20 list of men um john young and um brian friend at the top of this lower 10 john has travis mayorer and Brian has Jason Hopper. Oh, so that means you have Mayer above it. Okay. Okay, so you guys both think Ben Smith you don't? Mayer's there 12th on my list. He's 10th on John's. No respect. Dude, he's strong as shit. Are you crazy?
Starting point is 01:09:18 And you guys don't respect Ben Smith either. What? This field is very good. What? This field is very good. The men's field is very deep. Very deep field. What did you say, John? How did Ben Smith do at the games this year?
Starting point is 01:09:34 I didn't even know he was at the games. He wasn't. Oh. I thought he just got an invite every year. Hey, okay, I like that. I got, oh, yeah, there's a problem with John's pics. Oh, man, I see it. It's glaring. It's glaring.
Starting point is 01:10:00 It's fucking glaring. Yep, a little lower. A little lower. Yep. Right there. Are you out of your fucking mind? That's why that comment was there. That person was saying, did he even see me at the games? Can I please defend this?
Starting point is 01:10:15 Yeah. Ashley, thank you. Thank you, Ashley. Ashley McMains. McMains. Ashley, I'm going to get his, I should give you the phone number so you can call in and yell at him. Well, just in his defense she's she made two comments on one of her she said adler should be higher we haven't seen where he has adler left because he's obviously
Starting point is 01:10:33 in the top 10 and on the other she was not satisfied with his placement of geek but i'm sure he's got a reason for both should i give out the phone number okay i want to see the top i want to see the top do you want to explain gee top. Do you want to explain Gi, John, right now, or do you want us to wait a little bit? I'll explain it now. Okay. So Guillermo is awesome at the games. He was.
Starting point is 01:10:53 He killed it. Here comes the shit sandwich. Here comes the shit sandwich. He had three first place events, and two of those were basically the same event. Okay, well, no, no, no no he didn't come first in the second clean event but but he got two clean events that were almost the same event he came first in one and came like fifth in the other that boosts his score up a lot and then the other one was a
Starting point is 01:11:16 550 meter run and the other one was a one rep max snatch he's only going to have one event like that at rogue and the rep and he had three 27th finishes so he's probably going to have one of those events too so he'll have one event where he's going to murder and probably win which is the strength event and then he'll have one event where he's probably not going to do very good and the others are going to be in the middle and that's why i have him so low he's not going to have three first place event wins, which almost nobody does at the game. John, in the simulation I did for this competition, two of those first place were eliminated, along with both of the clean events that he did really well on,
Starting point is 01:11:57 and still his overall finish was projected at 7th or 8th, depending on the scoring system. Which is 7th or 8th, and And I have him what? 13th. Yes. So 13th, 14th, whatever you have in 14. Look at this, this, this guy's just fronting on you. This, this, this, this get Corbin boat, Bo, Bo Bowman. Guy is fit. I see him every day at mayhem. He is very fit. That's why that guy's just telling us he works out at mayhem
Starting point is 01:12:25 okay you're cool i know i want to call you a name but it is cool you you win but we've only seen him that guy drives a camaro too and that was what say that again we've only seen him at one big competition that he's done really well at and that was the games this last year and he hasn't done it at another competition. It's only been one time. It's kind of like Mal O'Brien. I just have to see more before I can put them higher than where I did. And I just don't think he'll get as lucky with the events that he did at the games.
Starting point is 01:12:58 Man, you kind of convinced me. I mean, the thing is is his snatch is so beautiful. It's like when you have a beautiful snatch, it's like everything else doesn't matter. I mean, his I never even seen a snatch like that. Like if you even watch the Olympics, you don't see a snatch like that. You know, the other thing that I think it's a miracle, it's a miracle snatch. just has that thing that you can't teach or acquire that's just like showing up on game day like thriving under the pressure in the moment maybe he's just good on the spotlight um that's you know because he he looked really confident comfortable and uh and performed well uh the only time we did see him there i mean and look he's been he has been to the games before as a teen and he's competed in some things he was first at at Guadalupe in the RX division last year,
Starting point is 01:13:46 which, yes, it's the RX division, but it's pretty tough to qualify for that via the online competition. And the competition in the RX field is still pretty good there. So he's won things before, and I think he's just one of those guys. He might be like a game day type of guy. Ashley's just fucking gone full woke on him just fired him i hope he proves me wrong you disagree with that you're gone fired uh okay let let's uh do you do so you're not slapping him around for that brian you're okay with that i'm telling this field is is really difficult
Starting point is 01:14:22 and i think that guys like guillermo mayeroseros have a huge range of potential finishes, like 5th to 15th. What's up with Samuel Kwan? Is he back? Is he injured? For some reason, I thought he had a serious ailment. His core temp was fucked up or something. You go, John. He had some respiratory thing that he has dealt with his whole life um but he uh
Starting point is 01:14:48 i mean i think he's ranked so low on brian's list just because he didn't make the games this year um and he's dealing with that but uh yeah i don't know he's kind of a shot in the dart he's he has a wide range of wide range of placements as far as what I think. What about you, Brent? I think I just saw Susan nod off. No, I mean, look. You guys can't see Susan, but we can. We have a little screen that shows him.
Starting point is 01:15:16 I swear to God, I'm not. I don't know what to think about Samuel Quant. He's obviously a very fit guy that has a potential to be, um, competitive with all of these men. But what happened to him at, at the mid Atlantic is like, that's the type of thing that, you know, it's a major red flag. And then they come up with this information that's, you know, it's, it's, it's, it's unusual. And sometimes stuff like this derails an entire career. And sometimes you figure it out and you're able to get back to where you once were. But we just, I don't know what to expect from Samuel Quant.
Starting point is 01:15:51 I think that he, so he's probably the hardest person in the men or women's field to really say anything meaningful about because we don't know what his health is like. I'm a little... I want to have him on the podcast, but maybe he doesn't talk. I haven't talked to him in years, but when he was young, he was very, very quiet. Morning Chalkup did a 10-minute
Starting point is 01:16:16 interview with him recently, so you can go check that out to vet him and see how he does answering questions if you want. Yeah, that's true. If he shines there, he can shine anywhere. Okay. Top 10, please.
Starting point is 01:16:37 I'm on fucking on fire today. I don't know what happened this morning. I woke up good. You're not going to get it,rian for travis mayor i i i i will give me a second i will because the thing is is travis is so strong and he has so much experience but i want to see who some of these yeah he has cole sager above travis mayor thank you fucking that's what I said. Lunacy. Lunacy. Is it?
Starting point is 01:17:06 Dude. Cool. Cool. Saker doesn't even hardly CrossFit. I don't think anymore. Well, how did he do with the games? How did he do with the games?
Starting point is 01:17:14 He didn't do as well as he's done in the past. Do you think he finished 14th? But I think he showed up for one event. He, I'm not sure what happened to cole sager at the games the first half of the competition was really bad for him and he was in too big of a hole there was kind of after even by the time they cut down to 20 the top 10 guys were basically out of reach he actually moved from 20th to like 11th in two events slid back to 14th it was, there was this big chasm and divide at that point, but in competitions that are what this is a six, seven,
Starting point is 01:17:48 eight event competition. His record is very impressive. The last time that rogue had a live event, he was third. The only other two live sanctionals that he did, he was second in Cape town in South America, Africa, and he was tied for points and lost on a tiebreaker to Velner at Wadapalooza in
Starting point is 01:18:03 2000, January of 2020. West Coast Classic, he was first, beating Noah Olsen. This kind of format is good for him. He's still super fit. There's obviously a huge question mark about what happened to the competition athletes at the games this year. They all underperformed. But I don't think this is going to faze them.
Starting point is 01:18:20 I think him, Cole Sager, and Chand smith are due for bounce back performances at rope fuck you win that's pretty good john unless you can help me he fucking ko'd me i i agree with chandler smith and i disagree with cole sager uh i think um cole sager one is is that the only shirt cole sager has does he only have a fucking gray fucking sleeveless nike shirt if i had those arms that's all i'd wear too last time he was at the games he was 14th and the west coast classic that he won noah was dealing with some scrotal issues so i kind of regard that a little bit it wasn't actually scrotal it was the helmet got damaged but I for whatever
Starting point is 01:19:10 details South Africa Cape Town who won that Brian Sean Sweeney you fucking go to Africa and you can't win Brian all the way to the fucking African continent to get an easy win
Starting point is 01:19:25 you get beat by a dude in a cowboy hat thank you traditionally he has done well at rogue but that was almost like two years ago since he's done well in my if you don't if you disregard west coast classic in africa which and wadapalooza he did very well wadapalooza that is one data point where he did very well and then there are three data points where he either didn't do well or i think circumstances are a little bit iffy people who are watching at home can i see that one more time uh that list suza people are watching at home they they both agree that patrick velner is going to win the Rogue Invitational. That's the spoiler alert. Then in second place, Brian has Justin Medeiros, and John has BKG. And then in third place, Brian has BKG, and John has Justin Medeiros.
Starting point is 01:20:20 So basically, they agree on the top three, just in a slightly different order. I am really surprised that, I mean, Brian has a secret hard-on for BKG and it's interesting that he put him but that's tough. He likes all those guys. I mean, Medeiros is the real deal and
Starting point is 01:20:40 he loves Vellner and BKG. I haven't figured out who you love yet, John. Saxon, the sleeper. Brian's got him in fourth. Then he has Lazar... Jukic. Jukic. Lazar Jukic.
Starting point is 01:20:53 Love the guy. Then Cole Sager. Total fuck-up call. Then Chandler Smith. Then Guillerme Malheros. Then Alex Vigneault. Then Jason Hopper in tenth. And John's picks, for people who are listening can't see.
Starting point is 01:21:05 He has Patrick Vellner, Björgvin, Carl Gudmundsson, Justin Medeiros, Jason Hopper, Jeffrey Adler. Oh, that's weird. Jeffrey Adler, Lazard, Jukic, Saxon, Pancik, Chandler, Smith, and Kolsager. I understand, John, why you want to put Saxon low like that. Not low, but, you know, 7th.on low like that. Not low, but seventh. But I think it's a mistake, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Something's going on with him, man. I think he might be the future. He's going to be exactly like Scott. He's going to be in fourth every year. The guy is... I agree with you at the games. I think he will be fourth through eighth every year. He's like Aquaman. It just sucks that there's Superman, Spider-Man, and Iron Man.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Just fucking somebody's cool as shit. But sorry, dude, you're stuck in the water. Not a lot of good shows about that. I think a competition with more events helps Saxon because he doesn't really have a weakness. with more events helps helps saxon because he doesn't really have a weakness but um he's he doesn't have events where he can just win and blow out of the water like somebody like guillermo so the more events that he will place higher and since seven and not 15 that's why i have him a little lower i think those other guys will have events where they can knock out of the park
Starting point is 01:22:22 that's smart shit brian That sounds like something you would say. Saxon Patrick, 6-1-2-3-4-5 for six on top five finishes in the six sanctionals he competed at and won his semifinals this year. All of those competitions are going to feature this similar style, maybe a little less weightlifting strongman, but number of events as this one, and that's what John was just talking about. I don't have – if Saxon finishes outside the top five, yeah, it's possible.
Starting point is 01:22:51 But based on everything I know about him from the last three years, I can't put him lower than fifth. Why did Travis Mayer win that quarterfinal? What was it that – who was in there that he beat? Everyone. Everyone that's in North America. The quarterfinals was not a semi i think you're thinking a semi-final no no the quarterfinals the one he won yeah so that was everyone yeah and how many events were in there four i think there were four or five five five over over how much time one weekend one week and and and what were those workouts
Starting point is 01:23:29 roughly um well one was 120 wall balls and 120 cal row which i cannot think of anything more in travis mayor's wheelhouse right um one was a four rep max front squat which again is in his wheelhouse um one was kind of an easy double under handstand push-up there was only 30 strict 30 kipping handstand push-ups and that would have been the limiter on that so everybody kind of was fast on that and then one was uh 60 50 40 30 ghd's and pistols and then rope climbs 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 3 which would that have been his worst one Brian his worst event finish that one
Starting point is 01:24:10 no the lifting was oh wow the lifting I guess there's freaks though that can yeah yeah you have to keep in mind there's 4,000 people doing that and that's the one where it's most likely that some percentage of those are just stupid strong like you.
Starting point is 01:24:27 That makes Travis Mayer stronger than me. Does Rogue do any shit like that? What was that one workout you said? It's pistols, double unders, and what was the other movement? It was GHGs, pistols, and rope climbs. Does Rogue do just body weight shit like that ever? Like an event that's strictly body weight like that not that i can think that's not running they do they do do like one endurance event sometimes where it's just running and then
Starting point is 01:24:51 you know obstacle course type stuff they run on the machine no you don't run they go run yeah the only time that they had a live competition it was in columbus ohio and they they had them do a running course with some sandbag stuff mixed in that's the first audio glitch i've heard how's brian's audio everyone no i won't be at rogue sorry corbin uh how's uh dude this guy corbin just said he's an intern in the media department at the mayhem empire how big is the empire that they have fucking interns um so so what was my question how big what how far that they have fucking interns? So what was my question? How big what? How far?
Starting point is 01:25:28 So they ran outside that one year, you're saying? Yeah. Oh, that's so fucking cool. I think Travis is going to win this. Come on, man. At least laugh, like cover your mouth or something. It's not the notion of him winning it that's funny. It's just you saying it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:51 At such a random point. Yeah, that's what Josh and Matt thought when I told him he was going to win the quarterfinals. Those motherfuckers were just like, huh? You say he's going to win every competition he enters. A clock is right. Even a clock that doesn't work is right twice a day or whatever the smart guy says. Brian's voice is fantastic, silky smooth. Chandler Smith is overrated. I agree.
Starting point is 01:26:18 Oh. Why do you say that? We both have Chandler pretty high, I feel. Let me tell you about Chandler Smith. Okay, go ahead. It's a, I'm just,
Starting point is 01:26:27 I'm telling you guys, you have to realize that the games is not a good representation necessarily of what's going to happen at a competition like this. There's elements of it that are different. It's half the number of events and the events will by just their nature will eliminate most of the things that Chandler Smith is terrible at. They favor Chandler and somebody like Jeff Adler. And they're going to include things in excess that he excels in.
Starting point is 01:26:54 That's why he's done Rogue the last two years, and he's been fourth and fifth. So I don't know what you're – anyone who's saying Chandler Smith is overrated is talking about the games Chandler Smith as opposed to the sanctionals and the rogue invitational chandler smith that was a beautiful shot of him here's the reason why he's overrated it's not his fault oh can i see that picture where he's on his knees with the dyed blonde hair let me see that picture damn who took that
Starting point is 01:27:19 dude those legs don't even look like they belong with that body look it looks like a wheelchair he lived in a wheelchair for a while man his that is a crazy picture who does it doesn't say who the photographer is anyway um he came on the scene just huge, Brian. Just like everyone was like there was so much hype, so much like about his performance, about his personality. And I think we just expected something big from him. And then he lost his finger. And then we didn't know what to expect. Yeah. And then he just and then and so it's not it's not that it's harsh.
Starting point is 01:28:02 I mean, it's just it's just harsh. It's just podcast talk. It's harsh to say he's overrated. But he hasn't lived up to the hype. That's not his fault. He's fucking amazing, okay? But he just hasn't lived up to the hype. If the hype is podium at the games, then no.
Starting point is 01:28:15 But, you know, that's incredibly difficult to do. He's had a pretty impressive competitive career. Yes, he didn't do great at the games this year but you know chandler is really talented five to 15 games level competitor say that again what what about games level competitor i said he's consistently been between 5 to 15 uh games level competitor and i mean if you thought he was going to be top five then he hasn't he's overrated but if not i feel like he's a good athlete um where is noah olsen and is there anybody um is there anybody missing from the men's competition that makes it um i think i asked the same question about the female or was it about both? Is there anyone missing
Starting point is 01:29:05 who you're like, ah, they really need to be there? It kind of puts a little shade on it. The guys from the top 20 who declined are Frikowski, Koski, who's recovering from surgery, Noel Olsen, who's, I don't know what he's doing, losing weight, messing around with the
Starting point is 01:29:20 offseason stuff, Scott Panchik, who's retired, Royce Dunn, and Baden Brown, who are locked in Australiace Dunn, and Baden Brown, who are locked in Australia. Wow. And there's always Ricky. Oh, yeah. Did Ricky get an invite?
Starting point is 01:29:33 No. And, of course, guys like Roman Krennikoff. And Roman Krennikoff, yeah. But Ricky just wouldn't get an invite, right? Because he wasn't even – don't you have to have been in the games to get an invite? Well, Ben Smith and Sam Quant did. So they invited the top 20, and then when there were guys who turned them down, they started extending down the list.
Starting point is 01:29:54 So you have Chandler Smith, who was 21st. Jay Crouch is in Australia. He couldn't come. Samuel Cornwall is – I think he's in Canada now. So he maybe couldn't come. Alexander Caron, Uldis Upenex, Jason Smith, they took all those guys. So that's down to 26. I don't know if they continued inviting down from there or if at that point they said,
Starting point is 01:30:12 we're going to reach out elsewhere to some guys who have great pedigrees in the sport historically. Sorry, someone wrote something interesting here. Name wrote, Bethany is missing from the females we didn't talk about that she uh yeah she turned down that i think she did get invited i'm not 100 sure that i think she got invited and turned it down um i think she's just focusing on um she might do another competition later in the off season i think think. But yeah, I just think she turned it down. Whenever interview, she fell through. Actually, that might not even be true because the women,
Starting point is 01:30:50 a lot of women accepted the invitations. So, you know, they might not have had that many to spare. Did Bethany get invited to Waterpalooza? I'm not sure if Waterpalooza has actually formally done their invites or yet, not or yet. But Noah is not a top games athlete jesus bob the fuck are you talking about can i see the list again matt matthew mr souza he's just a medium guy what the fuck i don't know what that means and it sounds hurtful i heard she's doing wadapalooza ashley mcmain hey if we're ever going to stop
Starting point is 01:31:25 being sexist and we want a woman on the show this chick's got like she knows stuff and she's got strong opinions ashley mcmain's let's get her well let's let's talk to her let's talk to her on instagram uh yeah slide into brian's dms um bkg why do you guys both pick velner is it because you think madaris is is not going full full monty oh i know why can i guess you guys both think velner's better than justin madaris and it's just um it's just the water that it's the curse of the water that fucked velner that's what you guys think right and you guys don't think they'll be swimming at rogue all right that plays into it a little bit but not a little bit i'm claiming it's everything i uh madero said he's been taking a big a very long break he's in college right now he's at boise um and they were just going to get back into it about a month from Rogue.
Starting point is 01:32:25 So he's not going to – I don't think he will be his peak games fitness, and that's why I have him third solely on him saying that in a podcast. Which podcast? I don't remember. Good answer. Good answer. Great fucking answer. brian take note of that shit brian plugging every fucking tom dick and harry he talks to um brian why don't you have
Starting point is 01:32:55 madaris up there uh because i think velner's gonna win um but he's the games champ he kicked ass last three workouts put the nail in the coffin. He took care of his own destiny. Why? Wellner also had the opportunity to take care of his own destiny and did not. Okay. Well, Justin Medeiros had an incredible game.
Starting point is 01:33:17 He earned the victory at the games. He was the fittest guy that weekend without a doubt. And yes, when it mattered the most, he stepped up to the plate and delivered that he needed to. It's the same thing that I'm assessing a different kind of competition here than the games. And just like some of these other people we've talked about, the things that are missing favor Velner. And his record in competitions like this is unprecedented. record in competitions like this is unprecedented he's he's um second at rogue to fraser then he wins wadapalooza then he's first at rogue then he's first at wadapalooza then he's second at dubai to fukowski first in the semifinals in the atlas games and second at the games and that's
Starting point is 01:33:58 the relevant recent results for him looking at this i you, you know, it's, it's really difficult to know for sure how, what's going on with the athletes in the off season. But I think that there's, you know, whatever Vellner would say or not say, I think that there's a piece of him that feels like he could have beaten Medeiros this past summer at the games, that things had gone a little bit differently. And, you know, it might be equally as important to Justin to to defend his title but I think that Pat's got a little bit of a chip on his shoulder and this kind of competition suits him even a little bit better than the games does so um and when I you know I I did these simulations backwards like I had no idea how they were
Starting point is 01:34:42 going to work and in both formats both scoring formats fellner came out on top was that hard what was harder um what was harder can i can i see that list again john what was harder deciding between annie and laura or for second and third or um and you would put annie? That was the problem. You put Annie second and Laura third. And then how about these? How hard were these? Patrick Vellner, BKG, Justin Medeiros? I didn't have much thought when I put those three. I didn't think Justin was going to be his peak game self.
Starting point is 01:35:16 I think BKG's been training like BKG always does. I think he'll be, you know, just typical BKG. always does i think he'll be you know just typical bkg and i like brian i just think velner is uh will be fitter um now maderos well i was training full i it would be hard to pick between him and velner i i'd have them neck and neck who's stronger patrick velner or justin madaris Who's stronger, Patrick Vellner or Justin Medeiros? Depends on the lift. I think it's Vellner. Maybe it's squatting. It depends on the lift.
Starting point is 01:35:50 Yeah, Medeiros can squat more. But I think that deadlift, snatch, clean and jerk, I'd take Vellner. Clean and jerk, I would take Medeiros. Really? Okay. Hopefully they program that. I would bet a hundred dollars uh anything squatting maderos deadlift and snatch melner strict press melner it's it's interesting
Starting point is 01:36:14 and i mean it's interesting that brian has hopper so low hopper did so let me explain let me explain hop yeah you want to talk about that one brian so when i was doing these i put um the top three men and then i just put hopper in 10th because i have no idea what to expect from him so i just put him in the middle i'm serious i just i don't know i do i have no idea that's how he got second place last year what in the rankings that's how he took second place i don't know shit about him i'm putting number two no i did know something about him i knew that i watched his semi-final performances over and over again and it was unbelievable how confident and dominant and well and poised and executed he was on those workouts and john will tell you the same thing anyone you can't watch that and disagree with that but it's a good lesson for him it was one event
Starting point is 01:37:03 it might have just been the perfect storm of lesson for him. It was one event. It might've just been the perfect storm of workouts for him with the, he, maybe there are things he wasn't good at, but he had to do them in low quantity and he had time to rest and recover and repeat. And then at the games, it was like the total opposite and everything that he's worst at got exposed to the maximum, including his ability to execute workouts, attack workouts, plan for workouts and recover from poor performances. So we've seen the good and we've seen the bad. And I mean, I, I literally couldn't, I couldn't justify putting them anywhere than just right in the middle. You have him winning $5,775. And, um, your boy, John has him, uh him winning seven times as much, $35,000.
Starting point is 01:37:48 And I have him one spot below Medeiros just to stoke that rivalry a little bit more that I know we're trying to start. Oh. Because Vellner's going to fade away. Fikowski's going to fade away, but those guys are young. They're very similar in age, along with Saxon, Lazar, Guy. They're going to be there for years to come if they want to be. Sam
Starting point is 01:38:09 Kwan's still young, too. What about BKG? He's older than those guys, but he still has some competitive years if he wants them. What do you think about the payout? 248, let's just round up. 250 for first and 90 for second.
Starting point is 01:38:26 Pays to win? Yeah. I'm okay with it. Especially since they fly you out there, right? Okay, so these fuckers want to win. I would think so. These guys want to win. I mean, dude, $250,000 in Greenville, South Carolina, where Jason Hopper lives is like.
Starting point is 01:38:46 It's the second biggest paycheck available after winning the games. Yeah, it's crazy. And, you know, like I said, we don't know where these guys are at. But if I got invited to this thing, I would be prepping for it as if it was the games. I mean, I would want to show up there feeling as good as i can and prepared to to get after it and um you know if you don't compete at dubai you don't compete at wadapalooza because you sell out for rogue i can understand that because there is a lot of money available if you're able to get one of the top positions so first place gets 250 000 yeah that's that's a two hundred thousand dollar jump from last year for the rogue invitational yeah for first place what last year bill and katie gave away fifty thousand each and now they're
Starting point is 01:39:36 giving away last year they gave away a hundred thousand dollars between the men and the women and this year it's five hundred thousand if it's 250 yeah that's why that number surprised me uh can you imagine how good the the so-called pandemic was to fucking bill and katie's business oh my god oh my god yeah hey i keep my mouth shut but it they supply health and fitness gear at a time when there's nothing more important than you could do with your time than health and fitness velner had to work hard to come back from that hole he dug had to break the ctb i don't know what that is chest of our pull-ups he's a lot i think he's talking about the last workup but oh he had to break up the chest of our pull-ups, which he shouldn't have.
Starting point is 01:40:26 He was gassed due to the cumulative effect of trying to dig out of the hole. He wasn't trying. Go on. Whoever Peter is. He wasn't trying to get out of the hole? Once they got to the fourth bar and Justin was ahead of him for one bar, he kind of throttled it down. He knew he had second.
Starting point is 01:40:45 He could have pushed that workout a lot harder than he did. He's said that multiple times after the fact. And it makes sense. He knew what he needed to do. He realized it wasn't going to happen. He knew that there was no way that he could finish any worse than second as long as he just finished that workout. What's his comment?
Starting point is 01:41:03 Go ahead. What's his comment mean? Vellner has got a college fund to fill. You mean like his kid's college fund? Yeah. Yeah. No, hey, listen. Listen, semen, see, learn, do, whatever your name is.
Starting point is 01:41:19 No one with a fucking brain goes to college anymore. Unless you want to be filled with bullshit there are certain professions where it's still valuable to attend the college math really the only the hard sciences math physics i don't know what else that's it i mean if you want to be i mean i'm not saying that it's what you're supportive of but if you want to be a doctor if you want to be a lawyer you've got to go to school for those things you can't just walk into that office and get a job yes there's other professions that you're supportive of. But if you want to be a doctor, if you want to be a lawyer, you've got to go to school for those things. You can't just walk into that office and get a job. Yes, there's other professions that you're talking about where you have to learn advanced.
Starting point is 01:41:50 Oh, because of licensure. Licensure. Yeah. So there's certain things in certain areas of college that are valuable. But yeah, in general, it's – Yeah, if you want to be a dumb fuck, you've got to go to Harvard too. If you want to be a brainwashed ideological moron – I'm not saying go to those colleges.
Starting point is 01:42:04 You can get the necessary degrees online i was agreeing with you i'm just saying like you can go to those colleges and like if you want to be like a super dumb fuck you can go to harvard too like and you get that degree i'm agreeing with you you're saying if you want to be a doctor at fucking ucsf you got to go to college you can't just walk in and be like, watch me perform this heart surgery. Like, what if I just went in there and like, you're, you're like, I'm like, Hey guys, I want to be a doctor here. They're like, let's see your degree. I'm like, no, I don't got my degree, but look, I got my friend John here.
Starting point is 01:42:34 He's got a hangnail and I got my friend Brian here. It's got an occluded artery. And within the next three days, I'm going to fix both of them. And I just throw you on the ground and fucking do open heart surgery on you, Brian. And then a little more chill. I do a fucking fix john's hangnail and fucking i'm in like see and then you like get up and walk out and you're breathing fine john's in a little bit of pain because hangnails suck but this is his next example after they go to mayhem and bother then he goes to the nearby hospital and knocks on the door that would be a pay-per-view event
Starting point is 01:43:05 to me doing uh you know you can see all that stuff on youtube like if you want to know how to do bypass surgery you can just go on youtube and learn seriously it's pretty it's crazy how to like sew up a fucking herniated liver there's like there's dudes doing it with cameras and you can just watch and learn it okay john doesn't trust uh gee trust him like what with his sister what ashley mcmains that's not the way it works that's not the way how what works um is there is there anything else we want to uh? These, these, this is great. I had a good time. I, is there any, like, is Lazar? I feel like there's a lot to talk about regarding Lazar, but I just feel like he's, he's just maturing.
Starting point is 01:43:52 We're just going to watch him climb the ranks. Who's this? Sorry. Lazar. Oh yeah, dude. You know, I was a little skeptical of myself. I was like, should I rank Lazar this high? But man, I do think this guy is very good.
Starting point is 01:44:07 And I remember thinking that when I saw him at Dubai two years ago, watching him, Vellner was there, Fikowski was there, Roman was there, BKG was there, Yonikoski was there. He finished fifth in that competition, only behind Fikowski, Vellner, Roman, and BKG. And he just looked like he had the potential to actually be relevant in these types of conversations. He was very good at the games. I think he made a couple execution mistakes maybe
Starting point is 01:44:34 that cost him a little bit. A few guys are missing and I felt like he can do just as well in this competition as he did at the games or at Dubai. Is Lazar's brother coming out with him? Not to this, no. Sebon Fantasizes playing doctor with Colton Mertens and Travis Mayer. Truth.
Starting point is 01:45:01 Sorry, I was in fantasy land. Say that again. what about his brother is his brother coming out no not to rogue who's coming with him oh he oh is he coming with him i i doubt it i don't know if anyone come with maybe his uh girlfriend oh the french girl it depends i don't know what the rules that they've arranged for international travel are for road. Okay, gotcha. Sarah Cox is asking for the women to be back up. Are you okay with fulfilling Sarah Cox's wish?
Starting point is 01:45:33 There we go. Sarah, please. Would you like the top 10 or the bottom 10? Because we're limited in our scope. The fuck? Getting in the comments, telling us what to do uh so facundo coaches do do jukic sax really is that true does facundo coach jukic too oh shit oh shit oh shit facundo mentioned that there was a new guy coming on the roster wow that's awesome hey Bob
Starting point is 01:46:08 is it both Jukic's or just one that would be interesting wow man Lazar's a good dude what was his brother's name Luca Luca damn Facundo's cleaning house and Facundo's over there like isn't he like in
Starting point is 01:46:23 that in the European countries he lives in Brussels. Yeah. But he comes to Mayhem once a month. Did you listen to that podcast I did with him, Brian? I still haven't. I mean, don't feel like you have to. That's not a – I was just wondering.
Starting point is 01:46:41 I judge you. I'll talk shit about you to my wife. Even though you both told me that you had fun talking about me making fun of me yeah it was good okay so there's the top 10 the top 10 women according to brian who are going to win the rogue invitational this year are tia claire to me laura horvat carrie pierce gabriella magawa annie thor's daughter hayley adams amanda barnhart kristin holt day which is just the grown-up version of uh christy aramo mallory o'brien total fuck up in the placement there brian daniel daniel brandon number 10 and number 11 katrin's daughter and and if that is that if that if katrin's daughter
Starting point is 01:47:16 does finish that low on the list that's she's the nail in the coffin just fucking get pregnant and john's picks are very similar but slightly different and the most interesting thing is at the top john has tia and then annie where brian had laura and i agree with with brian and i'm almost thinking john's doing that knowing he's wrong and doesn't want to like slay the jedi like on his first appearance on the show and um then he goes laura horvath gary pierce hayley adams gabriella magawa kristin holta the grown-up christy aramo and katrin david's daughter amanda barnhart mallory o'brien daniel brandon hey imagine the psychological implications of every person on that list that mallory o'brien beats this week it's a it's bad it's not good for you every person that mallory emma gabby magawa this fucking new herd of i don't know what you want to call them comes like it's not good it's
Starting point is 01:48:18 definitely it's the psychological impact varies from athlete to athlete if if mal beats sam briggs it's no sweat to sam briggs if mal beats a Briggs, it's no sweat to Sam Briggs. If Mal beats Ariel Loewen, it's no sweat to Ariel Loewen. If Mal beats Hayley Adams, that's a big deal because she's four years younger. Or Barnhart. Dude, if Mal – I guarantee you Katrin Doder is not happy with Hayley Adams. No. you catrin doter does not fucking is not happy with hayley adams like it's it's it's it's like it's like um you're a 12 year old dog and your parents bring home a fucking puppy bull terrier those are those miniature pitbulls you're like no matter what dog you are you're bummed you're 12
Starting point is 01:49:00 years old you just want to chill on the couch and they bring this fucking thing that favorite pastime is biting people sucks ruins everything it's like that's hayley adams she just ruins everything for anyone who just wanted to just like get one i just want one more shot no sorry i mean tea is horrible enough at the top of the mountain and then someone like hayley adams comes it's no bueno and now mallory o'b. Dude, Laura Horvath is only 24. Yeah, Laura's going to be there a while, someone. I know. I actually hope that's who I want to win.
Starting point is 01:49:33 Gabby Magawa is only 22 or 23. I don't know if they've had birthdays since the games. They're not allowed to have birthdays during the pandemic. That's awesome. We got to get laura on too john you got it if you if you ever want to be on the show like again you should come on the laura horvat show it's so weird i'm down whenever y'all want me okay it's fun but it's fucking i'll get laura to talk okay i'll find a way yeah she'll talk she just won't say anything nice but it's
Starting point is 01:50:01 good hey that's it so she doesn't have her and ben smith are just like each other's coaches and training partners basically she doesn't facundo should get her facundo knows their family well the horvaths yeah actually the first time I met her brother was Fakundo introduced me to her. Good dude. Ask John why he thinks Gooey is not even in the top 10. We talked about Guy. We talked about Guy. John just needs more proof. He thinks that like, hey, man, he won these two super outlier events,
Starting point is 01:50:48 the snatch and the sprint. He explained it really well. Do you want to say it one more time, John? What's your problem with Guy? At the games, he did extremely well, but he had three events that he got first in that were just strength or a sprint event, and he's only going to have one of those at Rogue. He also had three events that he got 27th at and he's bound to have one event like that so he'll have one very good event and
Starting point is 01:51:12 one very bad event and the rest he's going to be in the middle and i just think the guys ahead of him are going to be better than that without the two extra wins that he got at the games. Bam. There, he said it again. Oh, my son has skate lessons tomorrow at 10 a.m. Tomorrow on the show, tomorrow morning, I have Philip Rowe on. For those of you guys who don't know who that is, Philip Rowe is going to be doing jiu-jitsu against Gordon Ryan on October 20th at a Who's number one tournament put on by flow
Starting point is 01:51:45 grappling. If you don't know who Gordon Ryan is, you should Google him now and you should watch some of his fucking matches. He's basically considered right now the greatest living jujitsu practitioner in the world. I hear he's like 200 pounds of just savagery. The matches I've watched, it's crazy. He's, he's big. It's like 200 pounds of just savagery. The matches I've watched, it's crazy. He's big. It's like his jiu-jitsu is like, you know those – anyway, I can't even explain it. But it's going to be a remarkable interview.
Starting point is 01:52:15 And this guy, Phillip Rowe, is a professional UFC fighter, and he's going to go against Gordon Ryan in jiu-jitsu on October 20th. It's a 15-minute match. Matches usually stop after one person gets submitted they are not going to stop the matches so like soon as they're not going to end the match if there's a submission move and one of them taps um they'll stand back up and they'll start again so it's going to be i think it's going to be really really really exciting but anyway i fill up row on tomorrow i'm super excited ufc fighter who's just uh i don't know why he's taking this match with gordon ryan we'll find out tomorrow um and then on saturday um it doesn't look like
Starting point is 01:52:52 we have any shows and on sunday we have gi on are you going to be on that brian maybe sunday at 7 a.m we have gi on uh we'll probably drag ty John up and drag him onto the show so Guy can punch him in the face. And then at night on Sunday we have the new show with James Hobart. On Monday we have a guest, Matt Bedreau. God, I'm saying his name wrong. That's going to be an amazing guest. then on Tuesday I have the rapper Lika Veli on on Wednesday I have Paul Lynn on Paul Lynn is going to arm wrestle John Brzezink next week in a super match that's about as far out oh we have Annie Sakamoto on next Friday
Starting point is 01:53:34 I know that's what most of you guys care about just the CrossFit shit right Annie Sakamoto October 22nd at 1pm do you know who Annie Sakamoto is, John? Of course. Okay, just checking. She won her master's division this year.
Starting point is 01:53:50 Just seeing if you're only in the modern era. No, come on, Seven. I want to bring a guy on like this. He knows his stuff. Okay, good. So what are we doing? Are we doing anything for Rogue? Are we going to get the band back together? Are we going to be Rogue? Are we going to like, are we going to get the band back together?
Starting point is 01:54:06 Are we going to be on a little bit more? Cobra, what's up, brother? Brian, are we going to, are we getting, are we? Let's talk about that. Hey, you know what, you know what you could do? You should represent John when I call you and beg you to be on the show. Like when I send you a dozen roses to come on the show, you like send six over to john and be like john can you do the show maybe i mean i'd be open to it i can't do as much as y'all did hey john don't john john john john
Starting point is 01:54:35 don't talk brian's representing you don't talk all right you can't do as much as the games what why why y'all did like three podcasts a day during the games so don't you want to be a part of the hype i do but i got stuff to do like what i'm in nursing school oh that's cool oh i'm sorry oh another show john and are going to have some great conversations. Brian is noncommittal. He's a player. He likes to crush a lot. Okay, guys,
Starting point is 01:55:11 thank you very much. I think we're done. John, Brian, do you guys want to say anything else? No, I mean, I honestly,
Starting point is 01:55:18 I think the rogue invitation was going to be a great event. I think it's really nice. What they've done for the athletes this year and that they found a way to, you know, make that possible. I think it has the potential to change the kind of the framework
Starting point is 01:55:32 for what we expect from certain competitions and what athletes expect when they, you know, earn the right to be at something like this. So it could be this year's
Starting point is 01:55:45 rogue invitation couldn't end up being kind of a pivotal point in the way that the sport evolves in terms of opportunity for athletes. Powerful. Uh, John, that's great. That's crazy, Brian. Um, I can't, can't really say anything better than that. Just thank you guys for having me. And, um, I love debating. I love talking. I just appreciate y'all for having me and um i love debating i love talking i just appreciate y'all for having me al izzy said john did good have him back absolutely bam

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