The Sevan Podcast - #173 - Philip Rowe

Episode Date: October 18, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Thank you. Good morning. Good morning. A little chilly. Last three days in California have been cold. 7 a.m.
Starting point is 00:01:31 The Sevan podcast. I was talking to myself for the first 50 seconds without having my face on the screen. Got new software. We're now using StreamYard. All the feedback has been fantastic we were on riverside man stream yard is the next level it's crazy 160 170 shows in and we just upgrade software and everything changes it's nuts it's absolutely nuts I'm proud of us. Me and Matt Souza, owner of CrossFit Livermore. Fabulous guy.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Got me on this kick. Man, how many shows? 172 shows ago. Actually, that's not exactly true. He came on board. I was probably 20 shows in. I had abandoned the podcast, and he, along with my wife, got me back. And Sousa hasn't stopped holding my hand.
Starting point is 00:02:28 I talk to him every day. I bug him. He schedules all the appointments for all of the guests, including this one that will be here any minute, right? Philip Rowe. This guy on October, let me double check i think on october 23rd looks like a saturday that looks like a good day for it he's battling gordon ryan arguably the greatest practitioner of jiu-jitsu who ever lived pretty crazy it's been fun researching this podcast I watched so many Jiu-Jitsu matches.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I thought I watched a lot before. I hadn't seen shit. Holy cow. What a scene. What a scene. If you want to get into that scene, start with the Daisy Fresh videos. Just go to YouTube.
Starting point is 00:03:21 There's a company called Flow Grappling that makes the videos. Type in Daisy Fresh Season 1 and just start watching that reality show. It's a company called flow grappling that makes the videos and type in daisy fresh season one and just start watching that reality show it's a little rough it's raw but it's probably one of the most real things i've seen um it's got none of the pc uh woke editing it's um it's basically a story about boys who were boys who had a who who lives weren't handed to them on a silver platter like really really unique living situations for those of us who have moms and dads that take care of us basically Basically, this guy, Heath Pettigo, rents an abandoned laundromat in Mount Vernon, Illinois, and he's a black belt in jiu-jitsu,
Starting point is 00:04:14 and tells boys, hey, you can come here and train. Boys from all over the world start showing up and training in this jiu-jitsu gym, and they basically sleep in there. And it's a crazy story. It's a fairy tale story. And now I watched all of those, and now when I watch just jiu-jitsu videos all over the internet, I see these guys popping up everywhere just taking over the scene.
Starting point is 00:04:38 It's like Peter Pan. It's amazing. Anyway, and then I have this, I think, unhealthy obsession with the UFC and dudes fighting. And that's made it so that I've been leveraging my blue checkmark to try to get these guys to come on the show so I can talk to them. It's kind of weird, right? But it's 100% selfish, but fun, and I enjoy it, and I'm going to take as much advantage advantage of it as I can. Uh, one of my other tactics, not only to leverage the blue check mark so that these guys might think that it's worthy to talk to me, but also, um, this other strategy I've been using is I know when these fighters live in foreign countries, they have to go home and they'll be in quarantine for seven 10 12 14 20 days whatever whatever their country does and uh and so that's how i think i got alexander volkanovsky because i knew he's going to be in quarantine so you poor australian fighters expect me to hit on you um in your dms to try to get you on my podcast because i know you're going to be in quarantine. I just saw Matt Souza sent a text, a friendly reminder to Philip Rowe to try to get him to come on to the podcast. I'm going to say something that's quite prejudice. I'm aware of it, but the UFC fighters are all, I think they're the worst at keeping their commitment for coming
Starting point is 00:06:06 on the show that's not true that's not true that's not true daniel brandon no showed the show twice daniel oh shit daniel brandon check this out suza daniel brandon no showed the show twice and daniel rodriguez a daniel and a daniel those are the people who and daniel rodriguez is number 15 welterweight in the world um and they both no showed the show twice uh gt jiu-jitsu is that where your kids go yes yes garth taylor yep and what's crazy too what's really cool is is that um when i interviewed heath he knew of Garth and I know Garth is, is quite the special man. He's a, there's a Garth Taylor day here in Santa Cruz, California. I know that the program there is, um, it's weird. It's got a lot of L and I met Garth through, um, Greg Glassman, Greg Glassman and Garth Taylor are
Starting point is 00:07:03 friends. They've, uh, they've known each other longer than I've known either of them. Basically, Greg introduced me to Garth and we had lunch with Garth a few times over the 15 years that I was at CrossFit. Then I had Garth on the podcast. Now when I had kids, more so than even
Starting point is 00:07:20 doing Jiu-Jitsu, I just wanted my kids to be around Garth. I really liked him. Why BJJ over other martial arts? Thinking of getting my kids into it. Amy, I don't know if I'm the right person to ask, but here's the two things. Three things. These are the three reasons you should do jujitsu. One, from your back, you're horribly lethal.
Starting point is 00:07:41 With your back and your legs up in the air where most people think you're vulnerable, you're fucking lethal as all get out so um i know some people disagree with this but i spoke to amanda levy and if you are a woman and you are a black belt and you have your fucking knees pinned to your ears by someone who doesn't know jiu-jitsu who's trying to take advantage of you you that person is gonna get get fucked up. And, uh, and I can't believe how just two or three years of jujitsu, how potent my kids are and how gnarly they are when they're going from their back. Uh, second reason. And I heard this from a guy who, um, I forget what he practiced. It was some martial art I had never heard of, but he put his kids in jujitsu because there isn't any striking in it. And he thinks it's really, really important to have control over your entire body and to be
Starting point is 00:08:29 crazy disciplined before you start introducing striking. And I kind of like that. Although my kids do both striking and jujitsu, um, in jujitsu, it's, uh, you basically, those guys seem to be just taking control of the situation and the third reason is because it seems like in the ufc that if you don't have jiu-jitsu you can't win which then by default makes me think oh it must be the best martial art meaning you you have to you have to have some sort of wrestling or ground game or grappling um muscle manos to be the best in the world so that always gave it a lot of validity to me the guy you know the original ufc champ i think he won his first 10 fights he maybe won the championship five times i can't remember but um he kind of took the scene scene by storm i'm trying to think of his name hoist hoist hoist gracie i remember watching that first ufc one
Starting point is 00:09:26 so so that so that's what it is i mean uh you you know you can uh the the crossfitter carolyn prevo um you can go to her instagram account and see what shitload of taekwondo will do for you it's pretty amazing um and i'm sure there's other stuff i mean i wish was Sambo here. If there was Sambo, that would be amazing. I would get my kids in that shit in a second. I think Khabib was a Sambo world champion. He's arguably the greatest fighter who ever lived. Daniel put up a post asking questions. Oh, Daniel put up a post asking questions.
Starting point is 00:09:58 I asked her what her plans are to avoid the grocery store for the next podcast. She was a good sport about it. Yeah, I mean, she is a good sport. Royce Gracie, hoist, hoist. I think the R sign. Fighting guys way bigger than him. Yeah. You bring up a good point, Wadzombie.
Starting point is 00:10:16 So this was a topic I was going to save for when I did a show by myself. And I wonder if this is going to be one of those shows. Shit. Maybe I need to put in a to be one of those shows. Shit. Maybe I need to put in a call-in number. What do you think, Suze? Are you watching? How much longer do I give Philip? Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Let's see if I can put in the number here. 9-2-8-5-8-3-3-9- 3903. I have this friend named Adrian Bosman. Some of you know who that is. He's been the head judge of the CrossFit Games since day one. I don't know how long I've known him. Almost 15 years, I'd say. I think that... I know that's not accurate.
Starting point is 00:11:07 I know it's a live call. I wonder if anyone ever calls this number when I'm not here. Pin message. Did I pin it? The live calling number? So, so that, so,
Starting point is 00:11:32 so Adrian explained this to me that basically, oh no, that's not what I want. That's not what I want. Wait, wait, wait, uh,
Starting point is 00:11:40 unpin. I want to pin this. Um, Adrian, Adrian, I think he, Adrian was the one who explained this to me that basically you want your friendships to be as low maintenance as possible.
Starting point is 00:11:54 You don't want to put any like restrictions on your friendship or pressures. You want friendship to be easy. And I really agree with that. And I remember being in college that there were these group of girls and they put so much stress and demand and i and i was friends with them and they put so much stress and demand on each other like for in their friendship shit shit that they expected their friends to do to be there for them and all this shit and kind of one day i was having coffee with adrian and he explained to me no it's not like that at all. Your friendship should be really, really easy. Like if you and I have a date to go get a beer at 3 o'clock and you no-show, like, okay, you no-showed.
Starting point is 00:12:34 And it's helped me. Adrian explaining that to me is like, yeah, just let it go. Be cool. Be the good friend. You know? Now, it's my choice, of course, if I want to schedule another beer with you, but I'm not going to argue with reality. You didn't show. And I'm not going to let that damage the relationship. I'm not going to make that one of the things that our relationship is contingent on. I know who you are. I know who you are. So, and I had a lot of those traits already.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Like I realized that like I had this friend one time not pay me $4,000 and another friend not pay me $3,000. It's probably in college or something. And I just remember thinking, people are like, how can you still be friends with them? And I'm like, because I think our friendship is worth more than $3,000. Fusion is where Phil Rowe trains or did train yeah i noticed that i think he fought through combat night here in florida mitch puts on his fights okay mitch is a promoter mitch did you mean mike basically philip rowe popped on my scene because i've been watching the contender series that's another way place place. I think I can pick up, pick these guys off. Um,
Starting point is 00:13:47 meaning you win the contender series or you don't. And, um, and I can reach out to you. You only have 3000 followers. You get excited. Cause you see, I have 90,000 followers and a blue check Mark and you jump on an interview
Starting point is 00:13:59 with me. So, yeah. So I saw Philip Rowe in the contender series, and then I was going to, I wanted to have him on, and then now he's fighting Gordon Ryan, which I can't believe,
Starting point is 00:14:11 I'm dying to ask him about it, what's crazy is how early I have to get up to do this show, and then someone no shows, we talked about leptin we talk about i talked about rain boots for kids don't put shoes on kids that block their ankle flexion oh here's something i heard the other day in the state of california you can be having sex with someone in the state of California, you can be having sex with someone. But, and if you start having sex with them and you have a condom on and you tell them that you have a condom on, it's illegal to take the condom off without telling them that law just passed.
Starting point is 00:14:56 That's what our great governor, those are the kinds of laws that our state passes. It's weird. You would think, I mean, I get it. I get why that's like a fucked up thing to do, but it is a little weird that there's a law around it. But also last month, I guess I didn't know this, but I guess in the state of California, it used to be illegal to have sex with someone knowing that you had AIDS and not telling them, regardless of protection or not protection.
Starting point is 00:15:21 And now they remove that law. So I could have AIDS oriv and i could have sex with you but not tell you and that's not illegal that seems kind of fucked up i don't i don't like any laws like just around people having sex other than like don't force them to but since they started going down that road yeah i don't know i just found it fascinating that you could bone someone with a venereal disease a life-threatening venereal disease and don't have to tell them but if you start with the condom it's illegal to take the condom off without telling them as of newsome doesn't have more important matters to handle ma'am
Starting point is 00:16:01 when i was in my 30s i'm 49 now i went to india and um i could not believe the homelessness it was nuts and now it's like that here in california so weird i remember even like looking thinking like kind of like putting my nose in the air and looking down on those countries when i'd visit them and their freeways would be covered with tents and shit i'd be like what the fuck if i'm right if you're right if i'm wrong if you're wrong i was thinking about this i thought about this actually quite a bit about the whole conversation around the injections and the in just the predicament we've been in the last two years and the tolerance of what the pressures and the rules that society has been put under. And it's fascinating at what lengths we've gone and what expense we've gone to try to mitigate and protect people and their health. And yet none of those ways are – there's two things going going on here none of those ways are a long-term
Starting point is 00:17:09 solution so in the 30s when cancer started exploding on the scene the solution and the road we started going down has no long-term solution and we were tricked by words the in that road was is to think that there's a cure. But there's no long-term solution there. What do I mean by that? At best, if you get cancer, they always say it's just in remission. So you have cancer and then it goes away because they gave you chemo or they did this to you or they did that to you. But we know that the cancer was caused in the vast, vast, vast, vast, vast, vast, vast majority vast, vast, vast, vast majority of circumstances and lifestyle choices. And so no matter what they do to you to help you cure,
Starting point is 00:17:50 cure you. And I, and I use that word not believing in its, in its meaning, it's going to come back. There's no, man, this, this is going to be a tough one for you guys to get your head wrapped around. It was a tough one for me to get my head wrapped around. And I've studied it pretty closely. There really is no cancer science. Cancer science is a giant fraud. How do I know that? Because there's a Begley study. I don't know if it's in the Lancet or in the British. I don't know where it is, study i don't know if it's in the lancet or in the british i don't know where it is but you can look it up look up begley and look up amgen and they basically tried to recreate i forget the exact number 54 of the the main cancer studies that basically drive all cancer research to this day the 54 like um premier studies that have influenced scientists and basically given us our pathway of looking
Starting point is 00:18:47 for cures. And of those, I think Amgen spent a billion dollars trying to recreate all 50 of those studies or 54 of those studies. I don't know if it was 11% or 16% were recreatable, meaning that 84% of the information that we have, the experiments we have around cancer that drive the cancer movement today are invalid. And there's something called the replication crisis. If you guys haven't heard of it, you should Google that also. It is some fucking scary, scary shit.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Not scary like Godzilla's out there and eventually he's gonna attack North America. Scary in the sense that people believe in Godzilla. People believe in the boogeyman. People have it so, so backwards. This isn't like conspiracy or conspiracy theory or made up the, the actual studies that drive science research are the conspiracy theory.
Starting point is 00:19:40 They can't fucking recreate these studies. That's that, by the way way for those of you like crossfit's relaunching like this crossfit health thing or precision care whatever it's complete insanity that has nothing to do with crossfit health crossfit health was greg glassman bringing this guy begley in who worked for amgen who tried to recreate all the cancer studies and couldn't. By the way, I think Bayer did the same thing. It's crazy fascinating. This is not conspiracy shit, people. Go look it up. It's science trying to do check on science. They couldn't. They couldn't
Starting point is 00:20:19 recreate like 86% of the stories. So going back to how many lives just for just one point, there's a scale here. On one side, there's all the precautions we've taken to try to mitigate the damage of this virus. And I'm making the presupposition that the virus does exist and that it's dangerous. There's all the things on one side, the scale, the efforts we're going to take. And then on the other side, there's the cost of it. So just to give the most simple explanation, they wanted people to wear masks. Okay. So what damage do masks do? That's a totally fair question. How much pollution do they cause? Does that pollution shorten people's lives? How many fish do they kill when they're thrown in the ocean? How many diseases do they actually spread more of because you got mold in your fucking mask? Like, what is the cost?
Starting point is 00:21:25 So one of the things is whatever, I don't know exactly which implement it was, but on one side, they put in a bunch of rules. Let's say it was the lockdown in your house. And on the other side, 40% of Americans put on 29 pounds. And there's this scale. No one ever wants to talk about the scale. So you want to give everyone in the world the injection, okay? Everyone in the United States military an injection. Let's say there's 1.4 million people who take the injection, right? What's the cost? The cost is that 400,000 people in the military might, I'm just making this up. I don't know what the number is. 400,000
Starting point is 00:21:54 people in the military drop out. And of the million who stayed in, who got the injection, let's say a hundred of them died and the other 990,990 are perfectly healthy. But then on this side, the other cost is now a country invades us because they see our military as weak. Like that discussion isn't happening, right? But it's the only, in my opinion, it's the only possible way to think about what we're doing. Every action we take, what is the cost?
Starting point is 00:22:28 So once we've established that 40% of the people who've passed away so far are in care facilities with an average age of, let's say, 78 years old, which is the same average age of death in the united states and of those 40 who passed away in care facilities sorry of the of those who passed away in care facilities which are 40 of the people that they're claiming died from this this virus what was their average life expectancy 13.7 months. Now, of the 40% of Americans who are still alive who put on 29 pounds, how much did that shorten their life by? Do you see what I'm saying? And now, for anyone who can think even just tiny bit clearly and can just not be selfish, just don't worry about your own death or your mom's death or your sister's death.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Just think about the big picture of the planet. Is there any way that you can rationalize what we've done to people on the planet on this side of the scale? How did you rationalize keeping kids out of school for two years and when they return to school, it's destroyed? I know there's some crazy people out there. I know there's some crazy people out there. There's the people who are like, um, my kids don't care if they wear masks. Oh, masks don't bug my kids. Oh,
Starting point is 00:24:06 masks are no big deal. Just everyone do it. I know there's people out there with things like that. They're so off their fucking rocker. It's influencing everyone in two enormous ways. Every time you wear a mask, whether you want to or not, you're screaming to the world that there's something wrong.
Starting point is 00:24:26 And the second thing is, is you're normalizing it. Who knows what the health implications are? I've seen it firsthand. I've seen people like, like me who are like, oh my God, like they know the whole thing is a joke. And they know that if they don't eat sugar and don't eat refined carbohydrates they're perfectly fine and the second they get the sickness they freak out because because the propaganda gets to them even though even though they know it's bullshit seven why have you not tried jujitsu? Curious on your belief of leading by example for your kids. I fucking, that's a great question. I think that leading by example is huge.
Starting point is 00:25:13 And I think it's like my, my, my biggest weakness. I don't play tennis. I don't do jujitsu and I don't do skateboarding. Those are things I do. The martial arts. I have my kids practice every single day. I have my kids skateboard every single day pretty much. And I have my kids, what was the other thing? Tennis every day. And I don't do any of those. Brian, I had a couple back injuries when I only had one kid with Avi and they were so fucking bad that I
Starting point is 00:25:42 don't want to risk that ever happening again. Whether it's, whether it's right or wrong, I am extremely hardworking. I'm super disciplined. Um, I try to set example in other ways around my kids. Uh, you know, I don't eat sugar, refined carbohydrates, even though I'm not as is a, I'm not strict with them on it. Like I am with myself. I mean, I am strict with them on it. Don't get me wrong, but not like they had a birthday party and they ate birthday cake. I don't do that around them. I put my training and working out above everything else. So my kids see me train. They come into the garage. They train with me. They see my dedication to this podcast. They see my dedication and love to them. I put them pretty much before everything. my dedication and love to them. I put them pretty much before everything. So, so I, I try to lead in, in those ways, but I can't have my back go out again because the way it did. And it went out so
Starting point is 00:26:32 bad that basically like for six months, I was just an excruciating pain. And the first week I was crawling in, in peeing in the shower, it was fucked up. So I just, I'm just happy to be healthy and be strong. Um, I do swim with them. I swim with them three days a week, but eventually they're going to go surfing and I don't do that either. So I'm more of just a cheerleader. I'm also, I also really enjoy that. Um, I play a lot of Frisbee with the kids when I go to the beach with them, but I really enjoy just watching my kids. Wow. That's horrible. Get that. Thanks for answering. And I agree. I thought we had the same belief. Keep it up. Yep. Yep. No problem. Uh, it's hard
Starting point is 00:27:11 to tell, but definitely a lot, a lot numbers of the insights are pretty crazy, especially after this. Uh, I don't know what that's in reference to. If, if everyone would have 20 years ago, listen to Greg Glassman and quit eating added sugar and refined carbohydrates, if they basically would have taken the guidelines by, um, by Greg, we wouldn't be in this predicament we were in, but imagine this, even if he was wrong, imagine all the other numbers would be so different. Heart disease, all the chronic disease. You'd be able to go to the emergency room with your broken arm and get seen right away. And that's what I mean. This path of changing your lifestyle, of giving things up,
Starting point is 00:27:58 leads to a better world for everyone. This path of this other way, even if they're right, it just kicks the it just kicks the problems down the road there's there's it just seems so clear to me it seems so clear to me everything that the government is telling us everyone that the non-selfish people are telling us it's just bad for the people in the future in the can you imagine what's going to come next? Hi, uh,
Starting point is 00:28:29 low maintenance friends. We talked about that money magnet story. I've told this story a few times, but I really liked this story. So I was, I was making a movie called pulling John. It was, it's an arm wrestling movie and I was following an arm wrestler named Mike Salieras. I was probably like 20. I'd spent all my savings on making a movie called Pulling John. It's an arm wrestling movie. And I was following an arm wrestler named Mike Celeris. I was probably like 20.
Starting point is 00:28:47 I had spent all my savings on making this movie. I was probably like $20,000 in debt. And I didn't have a job. And I lived with my mom in Benicia, California. And I was making movies. And I was in New York filming this arm wrestler, Mike Celeris. And he went to one of these like self-help, um, talks. And basically it was with this guy who basically he, he, for three hours, you go to this room and there's like 600 other people in there. And he basically tells you that he knows how to
Starting point is 00:29:14 get rich. And it's three hours of that. And then if you like, if you like what he said, then you spend like, I don't know, thousand dollars and you get these 12 DVDs, right? Excuse me. So I'm listening to it and I'm basically just there. Like I, in my mind, I'm like, oh, this is just a scam. This is just bullshit. But I'm just sitting there listening and my buddy Mike's there and I'm there filming with him and he's going to be one of the stars of the movie. Although I don't think he ever, he didn't, he didn't become a star of the movie, but, um,
Starting point is 00:29:45 the guy, the guy on stage said, said that God will always give you what you want. And he said that if you resent rich people, God will make sure you never become rich. And I was fascinated by that. I was fascinated by that. I didn't even believe in God. I don't believe in God, but I was just like, wow, that is something that that guy saying sounds true. And he kept driving it home. He, I think he told a story like you see a rich guy come
Starting point is 00:30:21 buying a Lamborghini and you're jealous of him you'll never get that Lamborghini I was like wow he's on that's the way and he was basically explaining some law of attraction shit and I don't remember what else he said but he said something about you have to think of yourself as a money magnet and um I thought okay how can I incorporate that lesson into my life? So I made sure I, and I was basically, I was raised, you know, in a, in a middle-class liberal home, very hardworking parents, very loving parents. Holy shit. Did my parents love me? And holy shit, did they work hard? There was basically no family time. My family was just always working and they were very loving. My mom and dad were so crazy affectionate and all my extended family
Starting point is 00:31:09 but but but basically i was just raised on tv and in the streets and and uh i was raised i was raised in a way that basically raised taxes and resent old people. There was that underlying thing. It's like that in California. Believe and keep raising taxes and stick it to rich people. They're bad. So I had that. But when I heard this guy give that like, hey, don't resent rich people, like I got it.
Starting point is 00:31:44 And I just flipped the entire script in that moment of how I felt about rich people and that I was going reward them with love for their their kind of trying to be of a higher status but just not be jealous of it just be like wow that's cool yeah I could I could see myself like that having that so I made that I flipped that and I decided that every time I see money on the ground I'm gonna pick it up and I'm going to say to myself, Sevan, you are a money magnet. And even if it's a penny and I see it from 20 feet away and there's people standing around it, I will walk over and pick that shit up. I don't care. And I've been places like, you know, in a parking lot and get out of my car and someone's like who doesn't give a fuck is like dumped like 100 pennies on the ground you know like people will do that pull out their silver
Starting point is 00:32:48 money and then dump their pennies in the street so i'll stop and pick them all up from the day i started doing that to the present all my money problems vanished it was over i ended up getting a job with crossfit that paid 2 000 a month well first it was i worked free up getting a job with CrossFit that paid $2,000 a month well first I worked free for a year then I was getting $2,000 a month and $4,000 a month and $7,000 a month and $12,000 a month and $16,000 a month and I can't tell you where it went
Starting point is 00:33:15 from there but it was fucking great and to this day I still do it and my kids see me do it my kids have started doing it and I see the neighbor pull up in his brand new And to this day, I still do it. And my kids see me do it. My kids have started doing it. And I see the neighbor pull up in his brand new Corvette that looks like a Ferrari. I don't know if you've seen those new Corvettes. They're dope.
Starting point is 00:33:38 I say, I walk over to him and I said, dude, it's so beautiful. And it is. Wad Zombie, this is for whoever had the idea to switch to StreamYard. Matt Souza only told me a thousand times and then one day i was like i was in front of my computer and i just typed in stream yard and bam it's scary changing it's scary if you guys have any questions someone can call in i'm not going to be on for much longer so that's my money magnet story i know it's weird i don't even i but it's it's the truth um it was that easy it was that easy i didn't come up with any idea i didn't come up with any like i'm gonna sell protein powder i'm gonna invent the tesla i just changed my mindset started picking up pennies thank Matt. Hopper's audio was so good yesterday.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Okay. Got so many stories in here written down. I got one more story for you guys. So I met my kids, kids, tennis class, and there's this father who sits behind me and his kids, the best tennis player in the class. He's such a cool kid. Nice kid. And the kid always has a mask on. Always, always, always, always, always. And like yesterday, the kid had a mask on. And like there were 15 kids in the class. None of them had masks on. But anyway.
Starting point is 00:34:54 And the father sits behind me. And I'm guessing he's Jewish. And he's like 6'4", 170 pounds, tall, skinny, Jewish Jew. Older dad like myself. I think his his kids probably like 10 or 11 anyway and for the him and his kids showed up to class like six months ago and and i've never spoke to the dad and he sits behind me in a lawn chair i don't know where phil is i don't know and his dad sits behind me in a lawn chair. And then I sit in my little chair and we watch our kids.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Anyway, so last week he comes up to me out of nowhere and he goes, hey, Ben really likes Avi. And I go, oh, yeah, Avi really likes Ben. And Avi really does like his son. Oh, damn. I don't think I should have said his name. Fuck. I can't tell the story now.
Starting point is 00:35:41 God damn it. I'm not supposed to say that word on the show either. Oh, I ruined the story. Okay. I'll circle back around. I'll tell that story in like a month and I won't use names. It's a good story. It's a fun story.
Starting point is 00:35:54 It's not disrespectful or rude at all. I just don't want to use anyone's name in the story. Okay, guys. Sorry about that. 7.35 a.m. I waited 35 minutes for philip row uh his last text message to me too was i got you you know you know what i think i wonder if what happened to him happened with john brzenk like he really doesn't think it's going to be um unless it like um and last
Starting point is 00:36:24 like yeah it says uh matt said to him does 10 a.m work for you because he's on eastern standard time and then he followed up and said are we doing going friday at 10 a.m and he said yeah brother i got
Starting point is 00:36:42 you 10 a.m friday why uh you guys want to know who i have on tomorrow oh tomorrow Friday at 10 a.m. And he said, yeah, brother, I got you. 10 a.m. Friday. Why? You guys want to know who I have on tomorrow? Oh, tomorrow, Saturday. I don't have anyone. And then Sunday I have we have Guy. Hopefully Brian will jump on that show.
Starting point is 00:36:58 What do you guys think? If Brian won't jump on, should I invite that guy? John Young, who was on the show yesterday on the rogue uh invitational show so we have gee at 7 a.m and then i have hobart and kate in the evening at 6 p.m and then and then on monday i have a guy named matt god i don't know how to pronounce his last name. Boudreaux? Boudreaux? And I was on his podcast. And I don't know why I waited so long to have him on my podcast. But basically, this guy runs schools for kids.
Starting point is 00:37:44 And they're basically, it's a reimagination of what a school should be and how you should teach kids, how you should get kids to learn. And, uh, and I think one of his core tendencies is, is accountability and personal responsibility. And I really like him and I love all the stuff he posts and he's friends with Ted Kennedy. I don't know if you guys know who that is, but he, I think Ted Kennedy actually works with him in opening these schools. Ted Kennedy actually works with him in opening these schools. You should invite that caller from Wednesday who talked with Dave. Why? Why?
Starting point is 00:38:12 Why is that? And then Tuesday I have the rapper Lika Veli, L-E-A-K-A-V-E-L-I. If you don't know who that is, you should look him up. I made a post about one of his songs the other day. The song was Let the White Kids Say Nigga. And I think it's a fucking cool song. It takes extreme balls. And so he'll be on the show Tuesday. We'll be talking about his rap music.
Starting point is 00:38:39 It's a great song, too. On Wednesday, we don't have anyone yet. Thursday. on Wednesday we don't have anyone yet Thursday huh no wrong Thursday Thursday Wednesday oh shit Wednesday we have Paul Lynn so I had John Brzezink on the show and John said he's gonna have a super match with the second best arm wrestler in his weight class in North America this coming weekend so So I found the guy he's going to pull against. His name's Paul Lynn. I'm going to interview him Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Thursday, we don't have anyone yet. Friday, we have Annie Sakamoto, a CrossFit legend. And that's where we're at. I think Brian will suffice. Sevan, you should open up the link for Kate and James for the news and let others join again. The link for Kate and James? the news and let others join again. The link for Kate and James. What do you mean,
Starting point is 00:39:29 Brandon? I'm not sure what you mean by that. You mean the phone line? Uh, he had great questions and was knowledgeable about CrossFit. I don't remember what that guy asked. Uh, you should invite the caller for Wednesday who talked with,
Starting point is 00:39:41 oh yeah. Uh, the guy who was asking about scoring and shit like that. Yeah. That guy was good. Oh, I'm going to try to open the lines whenever now on. It's interesting though. Someone made a comment that the phone link to join with video. Oh shit. I don't know about that. Um, some people are complaining in the comments that I shouldn't let people call in in the middle of an interview. Yeah. Were you on that, Brandon? Were you one of the people who, who, who, who popped in? Yeah. If I just let people pop in with, yeah, that would be crazy.
Starting point is 00:40:18 No, no one's calling in right now. 740. It's hard to get my mouth even to start working this early no i was working all right brandon do you do you have a relative named jimmy do you know jimmy phil is calling now no no phil isn't calling i'm telling you the show's over oh shit oh shit okay oh shit uh uh wow you're right he is do you know him he wow Wow. Man, oh, man. Okay, he just hit me up. I think we have to reschedule this show. Oh, really? You trained with Phil in West Virginia?
Starting point is 00:41:31 What's the name of your CrossFit gym? Is that CrossFit Control? Oh, shit. You're right. You are right. There he is. Damn. Incredible. Incredible. Let's see. 40 minutes in. He's kind of in. Do you guys see that? There he is. Bam. Holy cow. Hey, dude. Phil, what's up, man?
Starting point is 00:42:00 Holy cow. Hey, dude. Phil, what's up, man? You got a bad connection. No, sir. We cannot hear you. Can you hear me? Barely. Something's wrong. Can you hear me? Barely. Something's wrong.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Can you hear me? Barely. Barely. Barely. Barely hear you. I can hear you now. We don't have good enough audio on you, Phil. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:42:37 It's really, really bad. Almost like something's covering the microphone. Almost like something's covering the microphone. Hang on one second. Okay. How about now? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Word. Dude, my bad, man. Like I've been dealing with a lot here in the past 18 hours, but that's my life, man. Very, very crazy, sporadic and random. 18 hours, but that's my life, man. Very, very crazy, sporadic, and random.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Is your wife healthy? Yes. Are you healthy? Kind of, but yes. Do you have, do you, did you get, do you have COVID? I. Shit, I lost you again. We lost your audio again brother oh the thing i had that when it was new you know when it was cool
Starting point is 00:43:30 oh yeah yeah you got how was that for you um it was all right man what's crazy is um um i think about it now for two days, it was hell, like absolute hell. And I didn't realize I had COVID for two days. I was like, I had the worst body aches. I never had body aches in my life. Like in my, it was like maybe 1am and I couldn't get warm in my bed. And I was like trying to wrap up under the covers. It was weird. Then I passed out and I woke up around four and then it was just like times 20. I was freezing cold. My body was like sore. Like I just got body slammed by like Zangief. I couldn't move. It was weird. So I had to go in my shower with the hot water on,
Starting point is 00:44:17 lay on the floor and just sit there. And I fell asleep. And I was like, that's like three hours. I wouldn't leave the shower. Um, I was like that for two days. And then finally I'm like, nah, man, um, I gotta do something. I went to the sauna. I did a two hour session in the sauna, 10 minutes in three minutes out for like two hours straight. I lost like seven pounds. I popped, I chugged the Pedialyte and I felt perfect. And then my wife was like, Hey, you should go get tested for COVID. This was two days later. I went and got tested. I had COVID. Did you lose your taste or your smell? Nope. Thank God. My wife pretty much had the same, had it the same way you had it. And, uh, but, um, she lost her
Starting point is 00:44:58 taste and her smell. She had two days of body aches. Well, you just thought you had the flu or something? No, I didn't mean it was weird. Like I didn't think you had the flu or something no i didn't it was weird like i didn't think i had the flu either it was just like i don't know like it was weird man um it was just weird it's like i don't know if i was sore from training or sparring because it was like after a saturday session but it was only two days and then but i did have a fever the second day i checked i was at 103 and then my wife's like hey if your temperature doesn't go down in like 12 hours or so we're gonna take you to the er and then that's when i went in the sauna and i did that and then i came home from the sauna i chucked the pedialyte i took my temperature
Starting point is 00:45:40 i was 99 degrees and i was fine but then the next day my wife made me go get a covid test and then i was positive this was like september of 2020 did she get it no oddly enough and that's weird because i got it and i was like this is when it was like brand new and super scary and i was freaking out and my mother-in-law got it and my daughter at the time was only like three months and uh my mother-in-law had it or she had the antibodies meaning she had it and she was watching my daughter the whole time i had it my wife never got it she's crazy you have one you have one kid yeah one daughter how old is she 15 months oh man congratulations holy shit your life's going yeah man rocking and rolling are you fighting and i and i saw i saw i saw what you sent me um are we are you fighting still on october 23? You're damn right I am.
Starting point is 00:46:49 So I don't want to, I'm not going to go into that. You know, so the thing is with a guy like Gordon, I mean, he picks and chooses at this point, you know, and he's built that platform where he can do that. He picks and... We lost him. Hopefully we just lost him for a second, and he'll pop back on. He was talking about Gordon Ryan being able to pick and choose, and for those of you who don't know who Gordon Ryan is,
Starting point is 00:47:18 Google him real quick. It's nuts. It's nuts that Phil is a professional athlete. He's the best draft on there. Yeah. I lost you. I lost you, Phil. When you said Gordon Ryan can choose. Yeah, it's perfect. I'm about to go into the Wi-Fi now. I was speeding to my gym, but he's at the platform now to where he can pick and choose who he competes against.
Starting point is 00:47:40 And he's earned that right, you know. So pretty much like Floyd Mayweather in boxing, Floyd, he picks who he gets to compete against, who he gives his platform to, who he gives that big payday to, you know? And Gordon's earned that right by turning jujitsu into what it is nowadays. You know, like there's eyes on jujitsu because of him. Whether you like him or not, he is the best grappler on the planet right now um so i'm grateful for the opportunity i know who he is and and his skill set and what
Starting point is 00:48:16 he can do but i'm not afraid of that you know i'm just gonna go out there and give him hell is this training is this match with Gordon just training for your real job for your day job and for those of you guys who don't know Phil's a professional athlete in the UFC and he fights for a living and I can't even believe the UFC's letting you do this
Starting point is 00:48:38 did you hear any of that all right i'm on the wi-fi now so i'm perfect can you guys hear me yeah seamless so the the question is is why is a professional athlete like yourself doing this and two yo let's start there like why do this with him i mean you have a crazy promising ufc career to me it's this so like what people for for one what people don't understand is i'm primarily a grappler i'm tall i'm long i'm rangy i have like the second longest reach in the ufc and um i end up winning a lot of fights on my feet but how i started was jujitsu gi jujitsu and i only wanted to do this to be a black belt. No other reason. And I remember Reese Hall. That was my that's my first trainer.
Starting point is 00:49:32 It's a buddy of mine. He's a black belt under Augusto Mendez. And I remember in the gym they were sparring. Right. And I just decided to spar as well. And I guess I did OK. This is 2011. And he was like, man, you got some hands, dude. Did you train before? And I was like, I never did. But I was like, yeah, I used to box in New York. I was just afraid to tell people I didn't train. So I guess I had naturally half decent hands. So then I started dabbling in the kickboxing and boxing, but all while I was always in the Gi, always trained Jiu Jitsu. So my entire career, um, it's only been Gi Jiu Jitsu. My base is Gi Jiu Jitsu. So I've always aspired to be a black belt. I'm going to
Starting point is 00:50:18 be a black belt. I've always, uh, been into the grappling world, into jujitsu guys, pause or into following their careers and watching them. Um, so, but people just tend to think like I'm, I'm a fighter or a boxer, but what I do is grapple all my fights. I pull guard oddly enough, every single fight I've ever been in my life, I pull guard. Um, that's where I'm comfortable. So, and I've ever been in my life, a pole guard. That's where I'm comfortable. And I've been training with high-level guys for a really long time. So, yeah, I'm not just the average UFC fighter. Where were you born, Phil? I'm from Brooklyn. And were you raised there also?
Starting point is 00:50:59 I'm from Brooklyn. I moved to Jamaica, Queens. And then I ended up moving down to Palm Coast, Florida. That's where I went to high school. And then I moved back up to West Virginia. I lived there for four years. My wife is in dental school. A lot of good jiu-jitsu in West Virginia. People don't really realize. Shout out to Ground Zero Jiu-Jitsu. I got my purple belts up there, trained with a lot of good guys. Sampy Hart and Devin. A lot of good guys, uh, Sampy Hart and Devin. Um, a lot of these guys, people don't realize there's a lot of good jujitsu in, in West Virginia. So I moved there and then I
Starting point is 00:51:32 moved down to back to Orlando, Florida to train with Julian Williams. And that's where I knew I had to be to get to the next level in fighting and grappling and anything combat sports. I knew I had to be here. your wife um pick up her practice and move to orlando also yeah so the thing is wow wow when i met her she we met through mutual friends and i ended up moving to west virginia because i got a job opportunity out there on gas and she was uh going into grad school and the dental program is a four-year program after your bachelor's so she said she was going to she planned on already moving to florida so it kind of worked out so i knew i just i was going to hang around three and a half four years until
Starting point is 00:52:18 she finished and then we would pick back up and in florida and that's How long have you been married? Damn, good question. Three years, I think. Three years. And then how long did you guys date? 2013. We started dating. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:52:39 So you've got a good, healthy, strong relationship. Yeah, we've been together for a while, for sure. And you say that people set you up. Phil, you got to meet this girl. Holy shit, dude. You got to meet this girl. And then they just set you up on a date? No.
Starting point is 00:52:57 So what happened was I was living in Florida. And I met these girls from West Virginia spring break in Daytona Beach. I told them I was older than I was. I told them I was 19. I think I was like 16 at the time. And nothing ever came of it, but they added me on social media, on Facebook. And then my wife was from their town. So my wife added me on Facebook back in like 2009. and we were just friends. And then one day we sparked a conversation like in 2012 and
Starting point is 00:53:32 she ended up, I saw she was my friend for a while on Facebook. And then I had a fight that week and we were talking for a couple months at the time on Facebook and she said,
Starting point is 00:53:43 hey, I'll come down and watch your fight. And she came down and watched my fight and the rest is history. Holy shit. Pretty crazy. Did you win that fight? Yes, I did. It was an amateur fight.
Starting point is 00:53:56 I was four and three at the time. Kind of just dabbling over 500. And I fought Russell Sweeney. I beat him to hell. Did you kiss her that night um yeah i did and what's funny is you won a fight and kissed the woman you're married to for the first time in the same night yeah pretty crazy and what's funny is a great day what's funny is um that was the last time i made 155 pounds so she met me at wayans and i was 154 pounds emaciated like cheeks sucked in i looked like death and that was the first time she saw me
Starting point is 00:54:34 so it's pretty funny yeah that's crazy and you were six three at the time six four i've been six four since 10th grade wow holy cow uh sorry i know every inch counts um uh when did you do your first jiu-jitsu when'd you first ever do jiu-jitsu october 31st 2011 first time ever entering a jiu-jitsu academy flag of bushido um i had a i borrowed a pride gi that came down to my knees And I didn't like it because I had shorts on And it looked like When a girl puts on a top and you can't see the bottom I just felt like a dork Yeah I hate that
Starting point is 00:55:13 So my kids do Jiu Jitsu and most of the kids are dressed like that And it fucking drives me crazy So I hated it but I had to wear that gi For the longest time Then I started coming in With like sweatpants on. So I didn't have like a big ass dress looking gi on. They let you do that?
Starting point is 00:55:30 Yeah, my coach at the time. It was kind of a little hole in the wall gym. But we got results there, man. I'm looking at my notes. There was something you said that basically you've only – oh, here it is. You've never taken a day off except for the one week, uh, except for one week when you broke your finger since October 15th, 2011. So you've started and you've been trained, you've basically been training 10 years straight.
Starting point is 00:55:56 10 years straight. And that's, and, and I mean that like, so, um, minus I was moving tile and I smashed my finger. I S I was going up the stairs and I slipped and I kind of just leaned forward into this, uh, stairs in front of me and the tile smashed my index finger and it was just smushed like a little pancake. And I had to go and they wrapped my hand up. Um, and I was out for like six weeks weeks but i wasn't even out for six weeks because as soon as the cast got on i was still in the gym like kicking the bag and doing stuff like that um so that was the longest i was ever out um really like a total week i was out of the gym and then
Starting point is 00:56:38 i was back in there kicking the bag doing something i understand that dedication you know this week someone a friend of mine who's fucking richer than God is like, hey, bring your family down to this hotel. I got you this room. It's $3,500 a night. It's right on the Pacific Ocean. You and your whole family can stay there and you visit me, blah, blah, blah. Dude, I had four podcasts to do.
Starting point is 00:56:59 I respect it, man. I'm in a race to $500. I respect it. Yeah. I'm not fucking around. It's'm, I'm in a race to 500. I respect it. Yeah. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not fucking around. It's crazy. It's fun. It's fun being this focused.
Starting point is 00:57:10 It's good, man. Like, um, I, I, I see the, uh, you could see the, I saw the end goal, you know, when, when many people did it and, um, now just getting to where I, where I am, it's just more motivation that I can keep going. Oddly enough, it sounds crazy. There was a point in time I lost my UFC debut. I still think I technically won. I lost, so no excuse. Who was that against?
Starting point is 00:57:37 Gabriel Green. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you know, the commentators thought you won that too. The thing is this. I watched that fight last night for the second time. I lost, right? I lost. They said I lost, and it was a loss on my record.
Starting point is 00:57:49 And I'm not the guy that's like. Yeah, you were cool about it. Yeah, that harps on it. But me, what got me upset about it was even my coaches in my corner, we were congruent with what I was doing. So, like, when I came into the corner corner and I'm the easiest guy to coach, like if you, if you're, if I'm ever mic'd up, the first thing I say is, am I winning or losing? That's what I say to my coach. I'm not like, you don't got to amp me up. Tell me what the fuck's going on like right now. And I'll try to fix it.
Starting point is 00:58:18 So every time I sit down, I say to Julian, am I winning or losing? He goes, you lost that round. Second time I sat down in the first round, he goes, you won that round, blah, blah, blah, blah. Second round, he goes, you lost that round. It's close. You got to take them down. You got to hold them down, blah, blah, blah, blah. So I did everything that I was asked of me. They counted the knockdowns. They counted his leg kicks as knockdowns. The only thing that's odd about that is they gave him four knockdowns or they gave him three knockdowns he knocked me down four times with leg kicks so if you're gonna count that as a knockdown which is fucking weird they don't do that you got to give him four knockdowns so it was just it was just weird i know he damaged my leg there's just a little lapse and my ufc debut i was just kind of like caught in the
Starting point is 00:59:06 moment not checking leg kicks just standing there but i totally out grappled the kid um i swept him a bunch of times i controlled him a lot but i lost no big deal i mean i i want to say you dominated the third round which is crazy that one of the judges scored it like i forget 30 27 or whatever they did it was just fucking crazy i was just like what the fuck scored it, like, I forget, 30-27 or whatever they did. It was just fucking crazy. I was just like, what the fuck? Yeah, they gave him a 10. It was 30-27 that round. And there's a five-minute round.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Tough kid, by the way. Tough kid. Fuck his stuff. He is ungodly tough. I give him that. You cracked him. I hit him with a hard, hard shot, man. I usually, you know, but he just turned his fucking head and kept coming
Starting point is 00:59:45 but i held him down man like yeah three minutes and 40 seconds out of five minute round i don't know how you lose that round you know and you were mashing them too you weren't just holding them down you were you were making them look bad it's weird but i mean on to the next you know uh next fight i end up ended up winning but um uh oh yeah do you ever feel bad do you ever hit do you ever feel bad when you're beating someone up never because when i'm in there it's never like it's never it never feels like a fight if that makes sense it never feels like i haven't gotten the street by in a really long time, but like, it's never like an anger thing. You know, it's almost like an out of body experience. A lot of times after the fight,
Starting point is 01:00:30 I won't even really realize what happened, but when I'm in there, I can't really lock in on the moment the way I can in the training. So it's almost just like me skillset versus skillset, like a chess match. It doesn't feel like a fight if that makes sense. I can imagine what you're saying. I haven't seen it in your fight, but I had Volkanovski on last week. In his first two fights in the UFC, he's on top of the guy punching. And I forgot that.
Starting point is 01:00:59 We got disconnected after an hour and a half of the interview. But he's on top of a guy in his first two fights and basically he punches a guy like 30 times unanswered in the face no shit it's it really is like 30 shots and it's like i remember as a kid watching george foreman do a fight i don't remember what fight it was it was the first time i'd ever seen a fighter ever do this but he looked up at the referee like dude you're gonna stop this and like sometimes i just think like i don't know who it's worse for the guy who's throwing the punches or the guy who's taking the punches but at some point like you have to know it's over
Starting point is 01:01:34 right yeah so um yeah true but and then it's just it's hard for me like so i watched this last fight and i was upset because. When you say the last fight, you mean against Orion? Yeah. So like after the fight, I was like a little cloudy and I've never been that way. Like I had a little fog, you know, like I'm like, man, I don't remember getting hit. But I watched the fight back and I got cracked like three times really hard because I was so out of it. You know, I was just standing there holding my
Starting point is 01:02:05 breast, swinging like a maniac. And, and right there, I cleaned him up. I mean, the gym, I get him out of there 100% of the time, but I was so out of body that when I heard him, I was just standing in front of him swinging and he hit me like three times And I just go like this, like this. And then I was just unaware. So then after the fight, I was like foggy for like... You're the first person I'm telling this. I was foggy legit for like a week. And it was pissing me off. And I was like...
Starting point is 01:02:35 What does that mean? Like you go to think of a word and you can't draw it down? I'm making out this interview. What do you mean when you say cloudy? What do you mean cloudy? So like you're trying to think of a word, but you just can't pull it out of the cloud like it's just yeah no no it's not that it's almost like i don't know if you've been hitting the head a bunch but i don't i don't enjoy taking damage we're not just i don't like taking damage um but it was
Starting point is 01:03:01 it's almost like uh ah it's just a little cloudy it's hard like a little cloudy. It's hard to explain. Like you're just after a rough sparring session, you're like, oh, I need to chill for a couple of days. But it was like that for like a week. And I would wake up and I would kind of be in that little daze, a little light fog. But I'm like, then I watched it back and I realized that he kind of cracked me a couple of times. And that's a part of me learning, a part of me growing. But, yeah, I was so out of body that I was just standing there taking shots.
Starting point is 01:03:33 He was hurt. He was out of it. But he landed some really good shots on me. Yeah, that was violent. That that that's that was another really man. Both those guys you fought were so fucking tough. Why did Gordon Ryan choose you? How did that match happen? Come on, man. Why not? Why not? I know. Tell me. Tell me.
Starting point is 01:03:54 But here's the thing. In the jiu-jitsu world, here's the thing. For me, Gordon, on top of him being amazing at jiu-jitsu, these guys are fucking boring, man. They're boring. They're weird as fuck. They just are. And it's hard to build something just off of the sport itself because everything now is entertainment.
Starting point is 01:04:27 so minus the people that train jujitsu it's gonna be hard to get eyes to watch jujitsu from just the consumer just an average bear bar you know what i mean it doesn't know anything just so you know i would have i would have never even known about the match except for the fact that i know like i was already interested in you and that's how i got brought to gordon ryan i'm embarrassed to say i didn't even give a two shits about gordon ryan even though my kids have been in jiu-jitsu for three years like it wasn't my scene my scene was like the ufc scene and then my kids jiu-jitsu but but you brought me to him so i'm feeling you on that when you say that those guys are boring like i get it it's not the ufc yeah so like and so what gordon has done and i'll give him that is he has kind of brought the average consumer to jujitsu and it's not not not that big but there are still people that don't really train that
Starting point is 01:05:14 have kind of tapped into jujitsu a little bit and they're trying that's what they're trying to do they're trying to grow the sport and they want polarizing people in jiu-jitsu so like my uh match with cody steel that was my first high level jiu-jitsu match right and everyone was like making a big deal that i got that match he was ranked i was unranked blah blah blah blah blah but still like these people don't understand yeah i'm a fighter they don't understand like who i train with every day and the looks I get, you know? I train with Adolfo Vieira, Jacare Sousa, tons of guys in my gym. Like, you can't see anybody at my gym that's not a black belt.
Starting point is 01:05:53 This guy's a black belt. You know what I mean? Like, this guy's a black belt. Like, there's so many black belts at my gym. And not just black belts. Like, world-class guys, you know? And I've been training with these guys for a really really long time and i've been getting a high level look for a really really long
Starting point is 01:06:09 time so i know i can compete with these guys so they gave me that master's cody steel um i was very tentative because i didn't know you know even though i did train with these guys i didn't know what it would be like to be out there in that setting um he was very strong and explosive for like four minutes and then he just withered and i remember like i was telling myself phil don't don't let him get to a choke or something because he's gonna finish you because he's such a high level guy then he got to those positions i was like oh it's just like the gym then i felt him fading and it was a weird feeling because i couldn't punch him or kick him in the face or do anything like
Starting point is 01:06:48 i just had to keep grappling with him so but i i knew but you let him know when he took that cheap kick at you you let him know hey dude yeah it was and and and i will dot your eye it was kind of weird it was kind of weird because they kind of they kind of boosted that up in the commentary they're like and if i knew that i probably would have just kicked the shit out of them they were It was kind of weird. It was kind of weird because they kind of boosted that up in the commentary. They're like, and if I knew that, I probably would have just kicked the shit out of them. They were like, oh, yeah, Cody Steele has been working on his Muay Thai, actually. I'm like, no, don't bring me in here for that. We're grappling.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Yeah. You know what I mean? It was pretty sloppy, though. And I like what you did. You let him know. You threw some hands, like just friendly hands and like, hey, dude, careful. But still, it still pissed me off a little bit after i watched the commentary back and they're like he's been working his muay thai wait no don't bring me here for that you bring me here for jitsu if you want me if
Starting point is 01:07:35 you want that i'll just be the shot of this guy and then and we can do it that way but so but after that i had like a good interview um and oddly enough right the post-fight interview they're like who do you want next i'm like who do you expect i said i'm here for the best i said i want gordon craig jones taza give me those guys and the very next name i get is gordon but they hit me up after like phil man like you have such a good personality you speak well we want to have you back fast forward i'm just at my store bump box orlando shout out to bump box yeah i want to get i want to circle back around that to talk about bump box and i want to talk about jamaica queens too but go on and um so i'm at my store hanging out and mike sears hits me up from flow hollywood mike gucci glasses mike and he hits me up he's like hey phil what are you
Starting point is 01:08:25 doing october and i'm like well i'm chilling uh i got a fight possibly december november he's like what do you think about a match for gordon and i'm like gordon who and he's like gordon ryan i'm like yeah i said i i said uh sounds good man let me hit up my manager i'll let you know mind you i'm gonna say yes of course hit up my manager. I'll let you know. My manager, I'm going to say yes, of course. You can't be too excited, you know? Right. So I hang up the phone, just go about my day for another hour, call him back so we can do it.
Starting point is 01:08:53 Wait a second. Do you call your wife right away? No. Oh, you don't? You don't call your mom? You don't have someone? You don't tell someone? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Like, holy fuck. They want me to fucking fight Gordon Ryan. Yeah, I hit him. I hit him. I hit my wife in a second. My business partner. He just walked by there. I hit him up, actually, and I told him, and I was like, yo, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:09:12 I hit him. I coached. No one believed me. They're like, sure. I'm like, bro, I'm telling you, I'm grappling Gordon. So after, like, me telling a bunch of people that I was grappling him, close people um i called them back started uh negotiating numbers i threw out an astronomical number at first that's how you got to start you got to start high you know yes yes yes i threw out a an astronomical number at first and um and they uh obviously
Starting point is 01:09:40 shot me down and then we met in the middle ground and then we came came to an agreement but they said and it was cool because he asked for me you know they said he he wants a fun match when he gets back he wants an exciting match he wants someone that's not gonna stall and it's gonna go for it i said let's do it do you know him are you guys friends like you guys have you guys had lunch or anything ever together um go to the beach together? No, in that aspect, no. He knows of me, and obviously I know of him. I've known of him for a long time. I've kind of been following his career.
Starting point is 01:10:16 He's reached out a couple times. I've reached out to him a couple times. Awesome guy. I've seen him in the UFC PI bunch. Craig Jones is a really good friend of mine. Hang on one second. These guys are... I'm trying to get away from my sound. You're good. You're good. You're good. You still sound
Starting point is 01:10:33 clear. Okay. But... What's he doing in the PI? What's he doing in the PI? Is he thinking about joining the UFC? So... No. Hang on one second. So I got people here. Is he thinking about joining the UFC? No.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Hang on one second. I got people here. Hey, what's up? You want to hop into class? Yeah, hop in. I'm going to bang this out. Probably like... What's good? I don't own that gym
Starting point is 01:11:05 Say again? Phil, do you own that gym? No, Julian Williams does Julian Williams He's Black Belt, his dad is Reggie Williams Like, uh, Bengals Hall of Famer Holy shit, uh, Bengals Hall of Famer You mean Philadelphia
Starting point is 01:11:21 Didn't Reggie Williams play for Philly? The Philadelphia Eagles? I haven't watched football in 10 years, 20 years, but I used to be uh philadelphia didn't reggie williams play for philly philadelphia the philadelphia eagles i haven't watched football in 10 years but 20 years but i used to be religious about it no uh number 57 um he wasn't a philadelphia eagle a giant dude he was huge right reggie williams he's i'm gonna ask john but i want to i want to say he only played for the Bengals. Okay, okay. But yeah, no. So yeah, he was at the PI. I don't know why he was there that one time.
Starting point is 01:11:56 And in 2015, actually, I was in a grappling tournament with him. It was a brown belt absolute. I was a blue belt. I made it to the semifinals. I lost to a kid from Ecuador. And he submitted everybody. He made it to the semifinals. I lost to a kid from Ecuador. And he submitted everybody. He made it to the finals versus Nick Brown. And he beat everybody. And then, like I said, me and him just kind of were friends on Facebook, on Instagram and Facebook. And we kind of just said what up here and there. Craig Jones came to my gym a bunch of times. So his boys are cool my boys i'm cool
Starting point is 01:12:25 with his boys and we're kind of kind of cool that way you know oh someone in the comments just said because we're live i don't know if i told you that but someone said you're talking about reggie white sebon not reggie williams my bad someone said for me to ask you about fat devon yeah fat devon that's that's my boy man he's from uh west that's the dude's name? You call him Fat Devin? No, he's not. I make fun of him. He's not fat by any means anymore. He's a brown belt.
Starting point is 01:12:55 He owns a CrossFit gym in Morgantown, West Virginia. Oh, okay. And I used to work for CrossFit. I was an executive over there for like 15 years. Yeah, Devin Footen. F-U-T-T-E-N. Yeah, man, he was one of the guys that when I was in West Virginia, uh, trained with me every day, um, helped me grow while I was there, him and Sampy Harden. He actually is the reason I'm on your podcast. Um, he called me
Starting point is 01:13:17 and he was like, dude, you're supposed to be on like my fucking favorite podcast. like my fucking favorite podcast what's the guy's name devin devin called you yes he called him i give him a big hug for me tell him thank you i was like 37 i was just about to get off the show too when i've been no showed that you're that year that you would have been the fifth guest you know daniel rodriguez he he's the 15th ranked welterweight in the world mexican dude he's no showed me twice wow yeah but i was like okay the welterweight class is really that's the class that no shows me hollywood um when when i i had made i made a bunch of shows for espn i'd made a bunch of commercials i'd produced i directed i had made some movies but i never really like believed in myself. And then one day I was doing this job. I was shooting for a company called vitamin angels. And I was working for this guy. His name was Howard
Starting point is 01:14:11 Schiffer Schiffer. And we were in India. And all of a sudden, like he was treating me like I was like a real, this is, I don't know, 20, 30 years ago. And he was treating me like I was a real life director. Like he believed in me. He had faith in me. He was treating me like a professional. It was so fucking weird, you know? And, and I, and it stuck all of a sudden I believed in myself. It was so weird how he gave me that. I feel like something like that happened to you too. Like somewhere along the line, like I heard you say in an interview, I think it was with James Krause on MMA uncensored or something, but like,
Starting point is 01:14:43 you didn't, you didn't believe in yourself and other people around you believed in you. And then one day it's like, wham, it transferred. That's that's crazy, man. You do your homework. That's crazy. But so oddly enough, man, it's not like I don't believe in myself. Right. But it's not like you don't believe in yourself, but like you don't you don't take the identity on. And then all of a sudden you're that I'm not the guy like I'm not not this guy i'm not the guy that's like i'm gonna fuck him up i'm gonna knock him out yeah you know what i mean like my thing is this just because you you say something
Starting point is 01:15:15 it doesn't make it true and and then this in this sport so many guys so often just talk shit you know and where i'm from you got to do something you know like so i kind of got out the mentality just to just to say things just to say and in mma they just do you know like um and for the longest even when i was on a seven fight win streak i i it's like i didn't believe in myself i would go into fights and i'm like you know i'm gonna go out there i want to win um but you know i mean like mean? Like, I don't know. The odds saying I'm going to lose. Maybe I'm going to lose. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:15:46 I think about that. Not until my Contender Series fight, I really was congruent with the idea of I'm going to win this fight. And I still won fights. But I really believed it. I was watching it. And I hate doing pre-fight interviews but i gotta learn how to get out that funk and do them but i remember uh he was doing leon shabazz and he was doing a good for good guy um he was doing a pre-fight interview and they were just so
Starting point is 01:16:16 dismissive of me right and they were like he's like yeah i should be the guy that's filling one day's notice i'm gonna do this to phil i'm gonna do that he does it i'm just like watching it and kind of like not worried i'm like damn man you know it's gonna be a tough fight but i'm just like does this guy know something i don't know like am i not allowed to fight back like the fuck does he mean like i'm just gonna like i'm just gonna lay down fuck this guy you know and i was thinking like that i'm like no dude there's two guys in there i can win why can't i why can't it be me you know why can't i be the favorite i'm never the favorite going to fight some always the underdog every single fight i think my next fight after starch in this
Starting point is 01:16:53 undefeated kid i think i'll be the favorite i don't give a fuck though but it was the first time i was like fuck this guy i'm gonna win and i went in there and i i felt it and i knew i was gonna do everything in my power to win and going forward i would go into fights and i would be 100 congruent with the thought like i can win this fight it just clicked it just happened after that then it just but then before that even um i was with guys and around people that in my head were way better right so like i uh i uh i've been cornered jacare soza since 2018 oh that's a great story by the way too what what a great story i heard you tell that story awesome awesome guy like people don't understand how awesome of a human being jock reso's is you know like fucking so much money could do could have anyone in the corner he wanted to jose auto is literally
Starting point is 01:17:55 his best friend legend and when i met him he invited me in this corner i'm like this is weird this is for derrick brunson this was the main event. I'm like, why the fuck does this guy want me in the corner? I was three and two at the time, right? And he goes, man, man, you're good, man. You're good, Phil, man.
Starting point is 01:18:19 You're going to be here, man. You have to see this, bro. You have to feel this, man. You're going to be here, man. You're so good, bro. I You have to feel this, man. You're going to be here, man. You're so good, bro. I know it, man. You're so good. Mind you, I was training with him at the time. And this guy would take me to events, give me per diem.
Starting point is 01:18:33 He'd give me $1,000 for the week. Wow. I'm in my own hotel room, fucking double doors, hanging around with UFC guys. And I'm nothing at the time. And he always believed in me. He flew me to Brazil with him. Flew me to Brazil twice. Like I said, man, anytime I'm with him in the corner, as soon as I land,
Starting point is 01:18:57 he gives me a little envelope, Bank of America, $1,000, double-doored hotel room. I'm good. You know, I need anything. And he's done that his whole career. And he goes, Phil, you're going to be here, man. You have to see this. You have to feel this. You have to see the walkout.
Starting point is 01:19:11 You have to feel the crowd, man. You're going to be here, man. I know it. You're good, man. You're so good, bro. And he's just always been like that. What do you do when you're in his corner? Right?
Starting point is 01:19:20 You know what I mean? Like, but I just, we have a game plan, you know, and I just try to. I try to be there, you know, I try to mentally, even though he's such a better martial artist than me, I just try to be a third eye. So, for instance, I remember we were in Madison Square Garden versus Chris Wyman and Chris Wyman was beating him. He was jabbing him up and not really damaging him, but he was jabbing him and he was winning. And Jacare wasn't letting his hands go. He wasn't doing
Starting point is 01:19:52 what we were planning on him doing, what he said he would do. So I was just trying to instill what he said he would do back into his head. So I remember in between rounds, I wasn't allowed in. Only two people allowed in.
Starting point is 01:20:08 And then they had the cut man. And I fucking went in there anyway. And I said, look where we are. I said, you're going to fucking lose, man. I said, we're in Madison Square Garden in New York. This is Chris Weidman's home. You're going to fucking lose, man. I said, you're going to lose a decision.
Starting point is 01:20:22 You got to go forward. You got to beat this guy up. I said, unless you want to lose. He said, do you want to lose? He's like, no, man. I said, you're going to lose a decision. You got to go forward. You got to beat this guy up. I said, unless you want to lose. He said, do you want to lose? He's like, no, bro. I said, you got to go forward and beat this guy up. You have to. You're going to lose. I kept telling him that you're going to lose in Madison Square Garden. You do not want to be on the judges' scorecard with Sarah Longo, Matt Serra, Chris Weidman in Madison Square Garden, co-main event, Matt Serra, Chris Wyman in Madison Square Garden, co-main event, and have to deal with that away, the away team.
Starting point is 01:20:51 And the next round, I'm not saying it was me. He fucking walked forward. He started throwing punches and bunches. Like he never had the whole fight. Body shot, body shot, body, body, head, body, body, head, walking him down. Then he fucking cleaned them with an overhand right and just flatlined them. Punches and bunches. Punches and bunches. If you watch that fight, that's the first time in the entire fight
Starting point is 01:21:13 that he started throwing combos. He was throwing four or five punch combos, starting with the body, finishing up top. And he finished the guy. And that was probably one of the coolest moments I've had outside of winning my UFC debut is being in a sold out Madison square garden and seeing Jacare come back and finish him the way he did. Is it,
Starting point is 01:21:35 is that, are you nervous as fuck even when you're cornering someone? Hmm. Or do you block it all out and it's just focused on Jacare? It's weird. So the first time like are you ready to are and i know you never would fight the other team but is it kind of like that too like you're ready to fight the his corner guys not like really but do you know what i mean like there's yeah i get what you're saying it's it's not that vibe though but yeah okay yes and no um uh so jukow i don't know if you know jukow he is uh douglas lemus coach okay world-renowned black belt um and it was kind of like a play thing to me until i was in the corner against
Starting point is 01:22:21 jukow's corner mike perry and jukow is a friend of mine. And I trained with him. And all week long we were hanging out, eating breakfast. And he was cornering I think it was I forget who it was. Maybe Jake Allenberg. I forget. But he was cornering against me. And we were both on the fence. And they were introducing fighters. And I looked over at him. And I seen him. And I forget, but he was cornering against me. And we were both on the fence, and they were introducing fighters. I looked over at him, and I see him, and I said, like, what's up? And he kind of looked at me and was like, oh, this is what we got to do.
Starting point is 01:22:55 So he kind of forced me to be that way. And ever since that day, I kind of am in the corner. I'm kind of locked in. But the first time I cornered, let me see. Okay, it was Mike Perry. So it was Mike Perry first. I cornered Mike Perry in Nashville versus Jake Allenberger. And I was nervous walking out.
Starting point is 01:23:19 You feel the roar. You feel it in your chest. And then when I walked out, i realized i was very nervous walking out then i'm like man nobody's fucking looking at me watching mike yeah then i kind of took a step back and i was able to soak the moment in and then every single time out i've cornered like six seven times i use that as practice because i knew i would be there. I don't give a fuck what anyone said. I knew I would be there. So I just used it as practice.
Starting point is 01:23:49 And I remember the last time I cornered a big fight was Jacare in Madison Square Garden. My coach said, Phil, suck this moment in because next time it's going to be you. And next time it was me. He was like, suck it in. Take this moment. And I walked out and i used it no one was looking at me and i just walked out and i just felt it all and i took it all in i took my time walked up the cage looking at the crowd so i wouldn't be spooked and now i kind of thrive on it i like the crowd i like uh the the pressure oh that's, that's good.
Starting point is 01:24:25 That's good. You said you were born in Brooklyn and then you moved to Jamaica, Queens. For people who don't know, that's basically New York. Those are just different boroughs of New York City, correct? Yes. And then after that, you said you went to high school. Where did you say you went to high school? West Virginia?
Starting point is 01:24:43 No, Florida. Matanzas in Palm Coast, Florida. Okay. What was it like growing up in New York? So you went to elementary school and junior high there? Yeah. Brothers and sisters? Do you have brothers and sisters?
Starting point is 01:24:54 Three sisters. Okay. Are you the youngest? I have one older sister and then two younger sisters. Okay. But yeah, I mean, say again. No, again no go ahead no i love new york man um and at the time it's all i knew uh so not until later on in life i realized like where i was living and how i was living you know concrete Like, did you ever leave New York city in your first
Starting point is 01:25:25 15 years of life? Yes. So like, for instance, my uncle, um, lived in Palm coast, Florida. Okay. But we got to visit him, um, pretty much every summer. And I realized how much I hated New York once I visited Palm coast. And it's not like I hated New York. I just hated, I guess, how I was living. And it wasn't bad, you know, like we just weren't rich, but I never had lived in the projects or in a building, but I lived amongst it, you know, like East Flatbush and East Flatbush,
Starting point is 01:25:56 South Jamaica, South Jamaica. So like the pink houses are right across the street. All my friends live there. What are the pink houses when you say that it's just like uh it's just buildings it's it's it's the projects you know so like um any building in new york for the most part in a borough is like would be the projects you know um so i live i'm trying to think mostly i with my grandparents. So with my parents in my grandparents' home. So we didn't ever have to live in a building or nothing like that.
Starting point is 01:26:30 Minus when we moved to Queens, we ended up getting our house of our own, but I was always amongst it. Both my parents were Christians, grew up in church. So great parents instilled a lot in me but i just i grew up amongst that you know um rough environment like i wasn't really allowed to go to the park by myself because shit that's going on at the park is not cool but um just pretty much everything that comes along with with growing up in east flatbush you know like um it's just not a nice place to be. But it molded me to who I am, you know, and I appreciate I love New York now. And I enjoyed it at the time. But when I got to move to Florida, I didn't realize I realized then how much I hated New York because Florida's lifestyle is so much better. You know, like you get field trips from the school, you would go to a pool. Like I didn't see a pool or the first time I saw a pool, I was like 10 years old. Wow.
Starting point is 01:27:32 The pool in New York is not the pool in Florida. Like, yeah, the public pool in New York is like, it's like a fucking, it looks like milk. Like, you know, the water is so cloudy. And it's indoor probably, right? Like at a YMCA? No, this one doesn't. They have, yeah, one indoor. They have one outdoor.
Starting point is 01:27:52 But it's like, it's not like the pool. People aren't going there to swim. They're going there to chill and fucking do bad shit. There's older kids over there. Maybe those kids are doing some type of drugs or dealing drugs or maybe there's like a a little portion of kids over here actually playing in the water other kids over there fucking you know i mean it's just kind of yeah it's it's just the hood man you know so like um but my family's from there um basketball's there um food's there so i love i love new york for what
Starting point is 01:28:28 it is but i do love living in florida now living by the beach the lifestyle that's that comes with living in florida you know are your parents still together yes and you said they instilled um good values in you did you know that at the time or now in hindsight you're like oh shit i had great parents yes in hindsight um when you're a kid you know you want to do what all the other kids are doing you know whether it's good for you or not right um but i appreciate you know um everything my parents instilled in me and i remember i would always say like man i wish i didn't know better you know i would be out with kids about to do some bad stuff. And I'm like, man, I wish, I wish I didn't know this was bad.
Starting point is 01:29:10 Cause I wanted to partake in things, you know, but my dad always tell me Poppy, my family calls me Poppy, like, God holds you more accountable because you know better, you know? So not only should you be doing better, you should be leading by example. And I always wish I'm like, man, I would go out with my friends who didn't have parents who didn't have to be home ever um and about to do something i'm like man this ain't right you know and i would know it every single time so anything i did it was on my own accord even though right or wrong i've always knew right you know yeah it's weird i was one of those kids who didn't
Starting point is 01:29:45 know and you're right there was like a freedom to it it was it was weird as it was weird as i got older and woke up it was like holy shit like that shit it's weird being a young boy isn't it because 90 of the shit you do you don't even know why you're doing it right exactly i don't think people realize that like like if there's 10 of your friends hanging out on the corner and you're talking then one guy's like hey look i can, I can hit this, that sign with the rock. And then the other guy's like, I can hit that sign with the rock. And then someone's like, Hey, I can hit that moving car. And you're like, I can hit that moving car. And then the cops show up. They're like, why are you throwing rocks at moving cars? And you're like, I don't know. Cause we don't have jobs. What do your mom and dad think about what the career you've taken they're supportive man they're anything that i that i want to do they're they're going to support me so they don't really know much about it you know my dad's a jamaican dude he's like yo
Starting point is 01:30:36 my son's a big time boxer you know he box on tv he don't he don't really understand like now i think he's learning more about MMA and what I do. But before it used to be oh, my son's a big time famous boxer. Box on TV on ESPN. But it's cool that they it don't matter what I'm doing. They're going
Starting point is 01:30:57 to show love and support. Is your relationship, since you've seen your parents stay together their whole life, is that like something like you put a premium on in your life? Like, I feel like my wife, it's, it's my crown. My relationship with my wife is my crowning achievement in my life. Awesome. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Yeah. I mean, I think subconsciously I do, you know, um, I value like time with my daughter and, you know, I try to make sure whenever I'm around her, the example that I'm setting is the best that I to be taught or had, I kind of just, I kind of just find myself doing the right thing, you know, the more that, and anytime I'm in a situation that I need to, that I, that there's some type of adversity, I always find myself remembering a lesson from my dad or, you know what I mean? Something that it wouldn't have been there if I didn't have a daughter now. But now it's like I'm remembering things that he taught me and instilled in me every single day, you know? So, and I'm learning to love my daughter more every day. Like, I didn't have that feeling like when she was born and everyone's like, oh, my life changed.
Starting point is 01:32:24 It was so crazy. It was like, for me, it's like, my life changed. It was so crazy. For me, it's like, oh shit, here's a baby. I held her, looked at her, gave her back to my wife. It's a baby. Of course I love my baby, but every single day, once seeing her crawl and walk
Starting point is 01:32:40 and say, da-da, you learn to love your kid more. I see every day more of my dad and me, uh, more of my mom and me through my daughter. So it's a cool experience. I remember, you know, I'm with my wife and it's before we have kids. We weren't even married. We didn't get married till after we had kids, but I'm with her. I'm living with her and she might do something. And I might be like, bitch, are you crazy? Why'd you do that? But now that I have three boys watching me, if I did that to my wife, then they would think that's how you treat women.
Starting point is 01:33:12 Exactly. So it's like, I just got to like, and it's like that. I'm guessing it's like that with you too. You have to, you have to be on your best because you want your daughter to see, you want her to be attracted to a good man. you have to be the best man right so she's like oh that's i want a dude like daddy you're right man he treats women like great i grow i i jokingly grapple with my wife all the time right and my daughter does not like it oh yeah my boys don't like that shit either it throws me off i'm like i'm like so now i realize like no i'm like how does this little 15 month old know what danger is so i'll grab my wife and joking around grappling her and i'll put her in like a body lock or like triangling my feet around her body and my daughter starts crying i'm like
Starting point is 01:33:57 wow so obviously i'm not doing anything to harm her but i'm like even more mindful i'm like man this little girl is watching yeah it's great it's great i can just say something to my wife we could be in the car and be like hey did you bring the tennis rackets my boys be like hey watch how you talk to her i'm like jesus christ like she's got she's got three bodyguards that's good uh jason whitman february 5th is that the guy's name right yeah jason whit whit jason whit yeah why so far out um february 5th does that seem like forever to you not really um okay mother has a multiple myeloma she got diagnosed with multiple myeloma a month ago two months ago my grandfather died of it january um she has treatment uh that week and a second consultation with dr kenneth anderson in boston
Starting point is 01:34:53 one of the best doctors on planet earth in multiple myeloma multiple myeloma is a type of bone cancer um so uh that's kind of that was kind of a big blow to take you know and this just happened so i told them they booked me for november 13th and i i told them i wouldn't be there in a very angry fashion i said look i don't give a fuck about any of you guys none i will not be there you know i will be with my mother that week because she has fucking cancer and i'm her son i'm going to be there for her a thousand percent of the time i don't give a shit about this this means nothing to me and i had to say it like that to get my point across and then they rescheduled the fight for February. So that's why everyone must know my mom was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Um, and now I'm dealing with
Starting point is 01:35:50 that, trying to be positive and proactive and, um, dealing with that journey now. Wow. Are your three sisters still alive? Yes. Hey, I wonder if that's why your um your relationship with your daughter is growing you know i used to be terrified of my parents dying like the the terrified is not the right word but i was preparing for like the loneliness of it and now that i have three three boys it's kind of weird it's like mitigated that fear do you know what i mean it's like mitigated that fear. Do you know what I mean? It's like I have to stay strong and alive for these boys. And thankfully, both my parents are still alive. But for some reason, the blow seems like it's going to be less since I have three little boys. I feel you, man.
Starting point is 01:36:37 Whenever I go through any type of tough time, I always, when I see my daughter, man, I'm, I'm smiling, man. And like I said, I've been not, like I said, I've been through some shit, man. Um, here in the past two weeks, you know, um, last week, my aunt died on Tuesday. Um, one of my closest buddies died Wednesday. Um, he is, his name is George Peterson. He was slated to win Mr. Olympia this year. He took third place last year and the year before.
Starting point is 01:37:16 They call him the Bull. He's from Jamaica, Queens. Grew up together. Believed in me from day one. He was here in Orlando. I was talking to him. tickets at English school reached out to him he wasn't reaching back to me I reached out to Justin Miller his coach I'm like yo what's good with George man I haven't heard from him he's all he's in his room dressing I'm all right cool this is before prejudging on Friday last Friday I'm all, all right, cool. This is before pre-judgment on Friday, last Friday. I'm like, all right, cool. He's chilling.
Starting point is 01:37:46 So he usually gets back to me. But I know he got a lot of interviews, you know, big name bodybuilder, man. So I'm just letting him do his thing. So it's just kind of weird that he won't even respond. So I was like, fuck, Justin, what's good? So I'm like, let me just head over that way to the hotel. And I started heading that way. And then Justin, I saw a poster of him.
Starting point is 01:38:04 He hits me up. to the hotel and I started heading that way and then Justin, I saw a poster of him. He hits me up. Um, they went, um, he went to his door, his room. They, he wouldn't respond. They got, uh, they got, uh, someone from the staff and they opened the door and he was in his room dead face down. And, um, the EMTs came and they said he he'd been dead for a while he was cold um so they're just still trying to figure out what happened to him
Starting point is 01:38:31 that happened last week and it sucks because his funeral is the 18th and i'm scheduled to fly to austin that day um and then i compete against gordon the 20th and then the 23rd is my aunt's funeral in New York, in Queens, same place too. So I'm trying to figure that out. What happened to your, what happened to your aunt? How did she pass? Passed away in her sleep. They said there was a little fluid on her lungs. She went to sleep, didn't wake up.
Starting point is 01:38:59 Um, so just rough, man, you know? Yeah. Um, so just rough, man, you know? Yeah. So this guy was, um, the, the bull was competing at the Olympia and he passed in his room during the competition week. Yeah. So prejudging was Friday. He passed away Wednesday.
Starting point is 01:39:16 Do you think it was a weight loss thing? I don't know, man. I don't really care to be honest. Like everyone's like trying to figure out he's just he's gone you know yeah yeah that sucks so it's like i don't know if like it matters you know i mean i don't know if i'm selfish like i don't really give a fuck about thinking about anyone else like trying to figure out what happened i don't know what that matters because he's gone you know right right right just shitty man great guy great human being.
Starting point is 01:39:45 More perspective to value every second you have with your wife and your daughter. Yeah, for sure. Hey, is James Krause, did you know James Krause before you did that interview with MMA Uncensored? No. Man, you guys had a great rapport.
Starting point is 01:40:00 Yeah, no, he's an awesome guy, man. You know what I mean? Like, I'm the polar opposite of a hater man there's and there's lots of haters in this fight game and um i i look and i see inspiration when i see guys like james krauss you know like fighters that have quarter million dollar vehicles you know what i mean like and it's not not a material thing, but it's just to show he's doing well for himself. He's in real estate. He's a business owner.
Starting point is 01:40:32 He's just dabbling in so many different things. And I'm inspired by that. So instead of talking shit, I want to pick his brain. I want to figure out how he's doing and what I can do to do the same thing. So awesome guy, man. I think he coaches that guy you're fighting. Yes, he does. And he knows nothing but love.
Starting point is 01:40:55 You know, it's just a business. You know, I'm going to fight the guy and then that's it. You know, I don't hate the guy. The guy's going to try to do his best to knock me out, do whatever he can. You know, I don't see him winning, but he's going to try his best. And James is going to be there coaching him. And then that's it. You know, it's nothing personal.
Starting point is 01:41:10 And then on to the next, you know, but awesome guy, man. Awesome fighter. Good role model. You know, just nothing bad to say about the guy. He really is an awesome human being. Yeah, I hope to get him on here. Hey, I've had you on a long time one final question and i'd love to bug you again talk to you again after you um
Starting point is 01:41:29 you you get it on with gordon talk about the experience but can you just does the ufc just lets you fight anyone no no oh so my thing, I just I like to ask for forgiveness more than permission. And. I'm a businessman, you know, so I'm sure grappling isn't outside the question anyway, you know, but I heard Gilbert Burns wasn't allowed to grapple anymore. He's competing at the level I'm competing at. But also, it's like it's kind of weird not to allow us to grapple when you talk about it's what we do every day. So, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:42:13 I don't think it's – I'm pretty sure we're allowed to grapple. I don't know why Gilbert Burns wasn't allowed to. Maybe because they got a lot of promo money in him and he had a fight coming up. Gilbert Burns wasn't allowed to, maybe because they got a lot of promo money in him and he had a fight coming up. But yeah, I mean any avenue for me to promote myself
Starting point is 01:42:30 and extend my platform and make more money, let's do it. Bitchin'. Hey dude, thank you. I hope you had a good time. I can't wait to watch the match on October 23rd with you and Gordon Ryan. And I'd love to have you on and just have you just talk to us about what it was like.
Starting point is 01:42:50 I have to guess you're just so stoked. It's got to be a dream for any combat guy to compete at the highest level and you're doing it. Like so many people probably would love the chance to go against Gordon Ryan and you got it. Yeah, they say it, you know, but will they? You know, will they actually go out there and do it? Yeah. All the people can do is talk shit, man. I've never been food a day
Starting point is 01:43:12 in my life, man. I'm from East Flatbush. You know what I mean? I'm from a grimy place, man. I've never been scared of nobody. I've never been food. October 20th, it's not going to be no different. Start to finish, I'm going right at that big motherfucker and I'm going, it's not going to be no different. Um, start to finish. I'm going right at that big motherfucker and I'm going to try to take it to him. You know, whether I do or not,
Starting point is 01:43:29 I'm going to try. How much more is he going to weigh than you? I don't know. I think he's like, uh, two 30 or something, two 30 around there. I'm, I'm trying to be 200 pounds. It's not going to happen. I'm 194 with sneakers on. I'm like 196. It's not going to happen. I'm just not naturally a big guy. I've been trying to put on weight. Usually I'm 187 to like 189 just day to day. But now I've been trying to eat and eat and eat but my problem is i don't like to eat it sounds crazy i eat when i'm hungry uh most people don't so it's just like i can't put on much size i'm just a lean guy naturally so i don't give a fuck about the weight man like i said i'm not that guy that's he's the best because he's the not because he's bigger than everyone he's technically the best guy on the planet. And it's good to,
Starting point is 01:44:25 it'll be good for me to go out there and, and, and test them, you know, test myself. Yeah. It's going to be dope. And people watch that on flow grappling. Yep. Awesome.

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