The Sevan Podcast - #174 - Guilherme Malheiros

Episode Date: October 18, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. How's it going? Oh, my goodness. So good.
Starting point is 00:00:35 So good. Life is so good. You know what I'm going to do here real quick? I am going to change your name and put your Instagram in there. Can you still hear me? Uh-huh. GeekMadiators162. 162?
Starting point is 00:00:55 Okay, I'm going to put it in and you tell me if that is, is that right? Just Geek. Oh, yep. How's that? And we are live and I'm still fooling around with the. Straight to your Instagram account and just copy and paste bang
Starting point is 00:01:27 are you in Cookville Guy? yeah Cookville I hear a very deep voice in the background yeah do you know who that is? no they're easy who is is? No, they're easy Who is that? Who are you with?
Starting point is 00:01:49 Luke and Ryan How is Luke? Is that guy good? That's the guy with the TV guy, right? The Bachelor guy? Yeah, the Bachelor guy There's that picture
Starting point is 00:02:04 of Facundo standing in between the two is crazy uh huh yeah he's good he's good and is
Starting point is 00:02:10 is he trying to make a run to uh go to the games is that what he's doing or what's he doing with you yeah
Starting point is 00:02:16 his team is rich um and next year they are going in teams but not with Rich, another team. I think that may have been the banner, I think. But they're training for it, for the game.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Wow, does he want to go individual? Me? No, I know you do. Yeah? Oh, him? Yeah. Just, I think, next year. I think that they are figuring out out uh what he's gonna be but i think that they're gonna be in team next year and then in 2023 they're gonna be
Starting point is 00:02:58 individual um melissa odier says gee has the most beautiful snatch i've ever seen including among the best olympic weightlifters gee who has the most beautiful snatch you've seen i'm just joking i just wanted to ask you that does that in the united states snatch is also you know it's slang for vagina then you start doing crossfit and did you know that it's slang for vagina. Then you start doing CrossFit. And did you know that? What? You didn't know that? What? Say it again.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Snatch is slang for vagina. Yeah. It's not like that in Brazil? Not at all. Yeah. Isn't that funny? So when someone comes, it's so funny. So when you first come to, I'd never heard of any Olympic lifting.
Starting point is 00:03:50 So at 34 years old, when CrossFit first started, you'd be sitting in a lecture, and half the people had no idea what a snatch was. And the teacher would be like, today we're going to study the snatch. And, you know, half the class would snicker like little six-year-old boys. That's so funny. I just assumed that was universal. universal but that's just that's just in english fantastic yeah i never never heard before three minutes into the show we've already dropped into the sewer how gee you're 21 years old yeah and i know we went over a lot of this last time we had you on the show 21 years years old, you just finished your first games.
Starting point is 00:04:27 You won three events. Uh-huh. And really high-profile events. Events where you could really you know, the sprint, the snatch. What was the third one? Clean. Clean and run. The seven events.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Yeah. Seven. And people just fell in love with you. Yeah. Did you... I just took off, like before the game, I took off the... Took off my... How's the name? Braces. Braces?
Starting point is 00:05:11 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I used to use like the last year so I went to my dentist and I say, bro, I gotta give interviews like beautiful and smiling. And we didn't finish the treatment but I had to take it
Starting point is 00:05:29 off um are you when you get asked to do an interview like this or to come on a podcast and you know you're gonna have to speak English do you dread it are you like god this sucks um actually i'm enjoying because i gotta practice my english more and more and more so i'm already living with like native i'm just speaking english in cookville so it's better for my english to improve that and like to commit some mistakes and to get correction. So then I can improve my English. So like to podcast interviews, like, it's like, sounds good. It's like, it's good for me because I can practice my English. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I love it. Does anyone in Cookville speak Portuguese? No. Just Sasha and Batu. Do you know them? Do you know them? Do you know them? Is it Sasha Nevis? Nevis, yes. She speaks Spanish. I speak Spanish too, so I speak Spanish with them and English with the rest of the guys. And Portuguese just with my Brazilian friends sometimes and my girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Did your girlfriend move there with you? Not yet, not yet, not yet. Like just for a few times. And how about this guy, Felipe Rosario? Is he your filmer? Is he your video guy? No, he works for us twice. And that's it.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Okay. Does he speak Portuguese? Yeah, he speaks Portuguese. Yeah. And he's out of Brazil? Yeah. He lives in Boston. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Okay. Do you have a video guy there separate than the Mayhem Media team that just works with you? Not yet, not yet. But I'm, like, willing to have one. Yeah, that's awesome. So you're looking for one. So if someone's good and they're willing to work hard, they should DM you? Yeah, like, we have the Mayhem team, the Mayhem Media team.
Starting point is 00:07:41 So probably one of them will work with me sometimes like to do some content like maybe in daily life like this kind of thing but we are figuring out okay so you finished before you i'm and if i'm out of order here in my timeline correct me you finished the games and how does this becoming part of mayhem pop on your radar when when does the seed come in in your brain tell me how this happens by the way it's so exciting for everyone who's watching because everyone loves rich and it's great just to see this you know rising star this this new giant you know flower sprouting out of the garden that is Guy, show up in the Mayhem Garden.
Starting point is 00:08:28 So go ahead. Yeah, it is. So coming to Mayhem was always my goal, not my dream, because dreams are abstract. Abstract, is that correct? So it was always my goal to come here to train with Rich, to train Mayhem, to become an athlete at Mayhem and all of this. I think that's the dream of 100% of the first year. So since 2017, my goal was to come here.
Starting point is 00:09:01 When I was a teenager, I was planning like maybe I can go there and like just live there for a while then be invited by Rich or something else to train them something like that but it didn't happen that day in that time so at the games I met Facundo my former coach was his friend and like just introduced us a little bit and after the games Facundo came and he invited me to the Mayhem Desert
Starting point is 00:09:36 and Felipe told me like gave me his number and oh tell to Facundo that you're, like, to confirm that they're going. And I got the number, got the number, and the message, hey, Facundo, he's here. I'm, like, I'm going to make him that. Like, I'm a tech.
Starting point is 00:10:02 I accept the invitation. So, after that, like, Fac like Facundo started like making some questions like are you in the US yet when you're leaving what's gonna what you're gonna do like in September and October and this kind of thing and I was like what do you have in mind and And no, I asked him, like, do you have something in mind? And he said, might I have. I was talking to Rich and like, when you arrive in Brazil, we make a call. So then I arrived in Brazil. I demonstrated some interest in like training with Rich, training with the crew here in Cookville.
Starting point is 00:10:47 So like we started like the conversation and like Facundo made everything, like the whole thing like to happen. We bought the ticket and I'm here. Just like that. Just like that? Just like that. And how long are you going to be there? So,
Starting point is 00:11:12 I'm going to be here, like, for now, I'm going to be here until the road, road to the station. Then I'm going to go to UAE. I'm going to compete at Hazal Cayman, the American Dive 30 in Hazal Cayman. Then I will go to Spain, I think, or Brussels, but a little bit, until the Dubai Crusty Championship.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Then I'm going to compete in the Dubai Crusty Championship, the DTC. Then I will go to Brazil spend the holidays with my family go back to Guadalupalooza Miami and then move here forever let me ask you this
Starting point is 00:11:59 I want to go back to and dig into the details of coming to Cookville what what that means for you. But I remember – I don't remember what year it was. Maybe it was 2010. Maybe it was 12. I don't remember. But I remember speaking with Rich, and I thought that his sort of conventional wisdom was – well, let me go back a bit.
Starting point is 00:12:26 There were athletes that trained with him, and then they would go to competitions. And if I recall correctly, Rich thought that that wasn't a good idea, that it was better for athletes to stay close to the Mayhem training than to go to different – that they could grow faster as athletes staying closer to the training at mayhem as opposed to going to competitions rogue um dubai wadapalooza has he expressed any of that to you or maybe i misunderstood or maybe his his thoughts have changed say it again like that may that he that he i just i I don't think he thought it was a good idea for athletes to do – To compete all the competitions? Yeah, to compete all the competitions. Have you talked to him about that?
Starting point is 00:13:15 Like, we didn't have a conversation about that, but he knows that I'm going to row. He knows that I'm going to do all the competitions. And he's doing those first two. The first two you mentioned, he's doing also. He's doing Rogue, and then he's going to the one in the desert,
Starting point is 00:13:33 the Mayhem one. Yeah, he's going to the... He will be there. Not like competing, not like working out, but he's going there. He's going to be there. Maybe doing a seminar,
Starting point is 00:13:43 something like that. So he knows that i'm going and it was always my um how can i say like i always wanted to compete i'm like in those in all these years i didn't compete like too many competitions you know big competitions just the games at 2017 in 2018 I just compete like small competitions in 2019 I just compete the game in 2020 I didn't compete anything and in 2021 I just compete the game so like I have to have I gotta have this experience, you know, of competing and to be on the floor of the competition, to be with the guys that I'm going to, like, find at the Classic Games in 2022
Starting point is 00:14:38 to know how they work and, you know, like to get the experience, the competition, like experience and knowledge of competing, like nutrition, how to sleep well in a competition, like how to recover in a competition. All of this, like to train as a trainer to the game, you know. So I didn't compete that much in the past year. So now I'm just going for it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Awesome. And like you said, you're still 21. Yeah. Yeah. Nuts. When is your birthday? 14, November, November 14th. Were you the youngest competitor at the games?
Starting point is 00:15:24 Yeah. Oh, November 14th were you the youngest competitor at the games? yes 2019 and 2021 holy smokes by games I mean individual one of the comments from Melissa Odear is that Hayley Adams is doing them as well which makes me think that maybe I either misunderstood Rich
Starting point is 00:15:40 or I don't know or his vision has changed but it's probably just that i misunderstood him because he he works very closely with her right yeah he is uh-huh but i think that he doesn't like um uh like he does he just say like do whatever you want like do whatever well do what you want uh what you have to do so i think that he doesn't like say no don't compete this one you know so do what you want to do like do what you gotta do something like that and he will like be there you know there's there's footage of you on your youtube station and i watched the two most recent videos
Starting point is 00:16:27 you published last night and there's footage of you sort of walking into the i don't know if it's the mayhem gym um at his house or the actual mayhem the one that's open to the public okay and it looks like you're trying to, it looks like you're pretty impressed. You're containing it, but you're like, you're holding your phone up and you look small in there and the place looks huge. What was your first impression walking in there? Oh, yeah. That one was the first day that I like arrived here. that I like arrived here. So we went right to the gym
Starting point is 00:17:05 because like I was very excited to know the gym and to know everything. And I just got there. I called my girlfriend. We were in the FaceTime. I called my friends too. And I was like, what like seeing all the the
Starting point is 00:17:27 the big thing that that made him like they have like maybe four ambience like yeah it's huge and i always saw it like by the videos and youtube and all of that, but I didn't have the notion of the space that was. So I knew that it was big, but not that big, you know? So I was like, and also I was, it's happening. I'm here, you know? So it lived up to your expectations. Yeah, a lot, a lot, a lot. And when you walk in, do you walk into Mayhem through a coffee shop?
Starting point is 00:18:08 Yeah, we can go through the coffee shop or we can go through the store that is our two entrances. And is the coffee shop just open to the general public? Let's say like I'm not a CrossFitter and i was just driving by i might just stop here and get a coffee uh-huh actually yesterday uh we were there and three girls were there and they had like that take a picture with me and i asked him like ask them if they lived here and they say i don't know we're just like going to knoxville to next year or knoxville and we just like pass by to go to the store and to get a coffee and that's it so yeah it's open for for everyone that's cool and then while you're drinking coffee can you just sit there and watch people work out is there a door or a window like i could just sit there order a coffee and just kind of kind of. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Like you're looking at a fish tank of just people working, you know, fish tank. It's like, you're just like, Oh, look at all these people working out. Like there's a door and like the glass, the door is like with glass. So you can like see through the glass. So, but not like a fish tank. Okay. Have them redesign it it i think they should do that i think they should just have a giant wall of glass with seats so you just order your and maybe some um some amphitheater seating that goes up and you could just watch people work out while
Starting point is 00:19:38 you sip your coffee yeah it's a good one that's up to reach um so you're so you when you what what does it mean that you're a mayhem athlete what what does that mean that you're you're working out with rich that you're there in in coco what are some of the details do you eat what rich eats do you work out do you have to do his workouts do you have to wake up when he wakes up what are the what are some of the things the routine is like we do what we do what we do that yeah that so um we wake up at home at seven probably then rick says oh i'm gonna be at the barn because the trainer at the bar not at the gym so most of the time always maybe we always work out at the barn at his house so anxiety I'm gonna be at the bar so a surgery there warm up a little bit then
Starting point is 00:20:38 we start working out what he's doing like you're gonna the whiteboard oh we're gonna do this this is this then we finish about 11 12 so 3 p.m. I gotta be here again so we just read have lunch rest a little. At 3 p.m. we are there again, work again, workout again. Then that's it. We do whatever he does and that's it. So what's the meaning is because like I'm here with the goat, the goat, the goat the like the guy that has more than half of my age just on the podium of the crossing game so it's like I became like a sponge and I'm just like learning all want to know like skills or some tips for some movements uh so being here is like bro i'm going to the next level you know so i always want to be the dumbest of the table to be the one that like has something like that has a lot to improve i had a lot i have a lot to improve so in brazil i didn't have that um i didn't have like someone like to push me or to train with and to like
Starting point is 00:22:16 you know to push me to expose my my weaknesses so here i have the whole crew like hayley luke So here I have the whole crew, like Haley, Luke, sometimes Angelo, Rich, that they push me to the workout. They like, I keep like watching them working out and I like trying to find out something and like how they do something, how they do like, how they row, how they ski, how they bike, how they run, how they row how they see how they bike how they run how they rope on so it's very nice to be here because every day i'm learning something something new no does he point does he point things out to you like i'm just making this up but if he sees you set your chalk down on the left side but he knows if you set it on your right side you would save a second would he would he just say that to you would he be like hey gee you should have a chalk here or gee your hip should be doing it and he'll just sometimes yeah sometimes yeah do you think that yeah and how long have you been there two weeks um and already became like stronger mentally physically like it's awesome so you have
Starting point is 00:23:30 no you have no buyers what they call buyers remorse you have no regret you're like holy shit this is it yeah like this is my place this is where i belong you know the high level the like with good people like like just training just eating like because our routine is like wake up train eat not wake up eat train eat rest train eat sleep repeat again so there's nothing to do here there's anything or nothing there's nothing to do here yeah there's nothing to do here in cookville so we just here to work out so it's the best life ever i'm living my best life here for sure and did you say actually seven is it seven days No, we take the off today, Sunday, and easy work on Thursday. What kind of work on Thursday?
Starting point is 00:24:34 Like swimming, like one-hour biking, or some bodybuilding stuff, something like that. Very easy. some bodybuilding stuff something like that very easy do you feel do people miss days like does anyone ever does Luke ever say oh I can't
Starting point is 00:24:54 make it I have to help my mom move or does everyone have an obligation where this is first like this is the obligation to the team to show up to work hard yeah like this is the obligation to the team to show up to work hard yeah like this is this is our work so every day we are there working so and there has to be some i guess um the influence is
Starting point is 00:25:17 also that you don't want to be the weak link right you don't want to be the guy who shows up late you don't want to be the guy who leaves early you don't want to be the guy who shows up late you don't want to be the guy who you don't want to be the guy that talks too much you don't want to be the guy that has the radio too loud yeah so like everyone at the barn at the gym like they're like just focused so we are there like to work out like after the workout like we can hang out a little bit but we are there like just for work So no one talks a lot. No one's got lazy, got lazy body like that. So we are all there just for work and reach just people like that. People work hard, so let's go.
Starting point is 00:26:09 like that like if you work hard like so let's go you know so it's improved or uh personal personal like mentality of like being disciplined discipline discipline discipline discipline yes yes so it helps us like to be plain like to always be there on time to be displaying with our food or rest or recover. So, like, it improves everything. Where do you live? Where do you sleep at night? I'm sleeping in Luke's house. That's Brian's house. But Luke lives here, too.
Starting point is 00:26:44 So, I'm here at Brian's house. That's Brian's house. Luke lives here too. I'm here at Brian's house. Brian? Brian is the director of Mayhem and also the Mayhem Mission. Okay. And Luke lives there too?
Starting point is 00:27:02 Yeah. Are you looking for your own place? Like when your fiancé comes? Yeah. When I come back, yeah. Like almost fiancé, not yet because I didn't ask for it. Oh, sorry. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Sorry. It's not for me. So, yeah. When I come back here after the Guadalupalooza, I will be looking for my place and my truck. Oh, do you have a truck? Do you have a truck? Not yet, but everyone here has a truck, so I got to have a truck.
Starting point is 00:27:40 So after Guadalupalooza, you'll come and you'll start settling in. You'll move out of Brian's place. You'll start looking for your own place and you'll make Cookville, Tennessee your home. Is that hard to do? Like, I have no idea what it's like coming to the United States. Do you have to, like, leave every six months and, like, touch your foot in Brazil? Or how does that work? How does someone just move to the United States?
Starting point is 00:28:04 In the way that, like, it can work, it could work, but it's not the best thing to happen, to do. So when I come back here, I'm going to figure out how can I get the Atlas visa. So I got to have a that can like make me a letter, something like that to give the government and to like to get the thing started, the whole process to get the visa. But like it's very easy, I think. Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 00:28:48 I think that's easy. I have some friends from Jiu-Jitsu, from everything that they came here with this visa. So I think it's going to be very easy. God will help me. Are you practicing Jiu-Jitsu? I used to. Like,
Starting point is 00:29:09 I, yeah, I did like six classes when I was in South Brazil with my girlfriend. But my coach,
Starting point is 00:29:17 like my personal coach, like the one that raised me, he's back belt in Jiu-Jitsu. So, we always, like he always teach me taught me taught me teach me he always teach me um jiu-jitsu and i only fight with him because you know like how to how to don't get me hurt and and that's that's kind of thing and i used to practice judo if i
Starting point is 00:29:49 judo when i was a kid until my nine nine years old so then i stopped uh but like i really i really enjoy fighting and but i can't do it because every injury like any injuries like and uh and my my my training for the week or two weeks three weeks i don't know so it's very hard but i really enjoy fighting you can't take the risk of going to the local jiu-jitsu club and having someone something happen throw your shoulder out or something. Yeah. That makes sense. You think when you're done, you think eventually you'll get back to it? Yeah, maybe, maybe, maybe like maybe in the off season, probably like five, some, I was thinking maybe when you were 35.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Oh yeah. Probably. Yeah. Like when I done with CrossFit, I gonna do everything, oh yeah probably probably maybe yeah like when I'm done with CrossFit I'm gonna do everything like everything that's dangerous
Starting point is 00:30:50 I'm gonna be on it what offseason is there an offseason you guys don't have an offseason do you we're supposed to be in an offseason
Starting point is 00:30:59 to this day after the game until like early January early December to this day after the game until early January, early December. But we had this competition
Starting point is 00:31:12 so Rogue, Dubai, Main Desert. So you're not having a great offseason. So you're working out very hard for this. Is there any... I don't know how to ask this question exactly i'm not even sure what i'm asking but you go to the rogue invitational is how how how is um how is ghi's ego is it okay i'm just going here it doesn't matter whether
Starting point is 00:31:40 i win or you lose what's important is that i grow as an athlete. Or is it like, hey, I need to make a fucking statement here and let these guys know what's going on. Like, is everything focused on just winning the games? Or is there, like, is it important? And how do you think, like, Vellner and Medeiros think? Is everyone trying to, like, win-win? Or is everyone like, okay, I just need to get out of here and be a better athlete than when I got here?
Starting point is 00:32:03 I don't think like that. Like, oh, I just need to get out of here and be a better athlete than when i got here i don't think like like that like oh i just feel like super excited and to get experience i'm here like i'm there to win so all they do every single day to win whatever i compete so i'm going there for the win so after the game i know that's really possible so So I'm just working for this to happen. And everyone there is like to win also. So the thing is who wants more and who works better and how it goes in the competition. Always the winning mentality. Never, oh, I don't feel like it.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Just have fun. You hear about these athletes um most notably that i can remember is uh people like matt fraser or or you you know uh his running's not good so he joins a high school track team right or he wants to improve his rowing so he just focuses on rowing or same with even miko salo put the rower in the closet and just row and and and then you hear you know colton colton mertens you know the the thousand wall balls with the 30 pound ball and and these people who really really focus on their weaknesses like they just face them right if you're doing riches programming, how do you have time to do that? Like if you're just doing this, this programming that,
Starting point is 00:33:29 you know, and granted it's obviously amazing because look how good riches, but when do you have time to focus on your weaknesses? And does rich help you with that? So we work with rich. I work with rich every day. And sometimes he doesn't work out or two in the morning and like he has to do something and like he he leaves and I can stay there and at the barn and do something else so
Starting point is 00:33:54 Facundo is the one that programs me now so he knows my weaknesses Rich also knows uh my weaknesses rich also knows uh my weaknesses so like between fridge you're gonna work out like everything in the week so every witnesses will be exposed during the week yeah go ahead come on in come on in right so there's no way that the week this doesn't have like exposed and after the wrist training i can do whatever i want like whatever i need actually so one day we work out um they were doing strength work and i escaped him i told him look uh already like this three times this week i'm not gonna do it and he was like okay like five minutes later he came to me oh you should run oh and i was like how many how much and oh three minutes on one minute of like 10 seconds and was like okay let's go when i like reached the 32 minutes i decided to go on 15 seconds 15 seconds so i did 15 seconds uh like one hour running so that's how it works so it's one work in his own your own weaknesses after work out with him so you're
Starting point is 00:35:29 kind of you do it the opposite way i do it you start with the goal of 10 sets and then you raise it to 15 i start with the goal of 10 and stop at 5 pat myself on the back and say, yeah, good job, Sevan, you kicked ass today. That's awesome. Very good, very good. Go home. How about the great Chris Hinshaw? Do you see him around? Does he come? Not yet. I just met him at the Fire Monkey, but that was the only
Starting point is 00:35:58 only only one only time. In Power Monkey, is monkeys a gym that's like 40 minutes away from you it's huge it's huge um yes maybe 40 minutes from here 30 minutes it's very close um in it's actually um gymnastic um um gymnastics like a gymnastic like um studio yeah yeah so it's very like it's huge there are a lot of um hits and bars and like all trampolines all of that like very big and after that there's like a lake
Starting point is 00:36:50 giant lake um down the the place a couple a couple a couple houses there how like, smaller. Yeah, a couple houses that people, like, just sleep there when they're, like, having the Power Monkey camp. And here, it's very nice there. Is that, in one of your videos, I saw a foam pit. Is that at Power Monkey, or is that at Rich's Gym?
Starting point is 00:37:23 What? Say that again? I saw a foam pit in one of your videos. Foam pit? Yeah, it's a hole in the ground with a bunch of square pieces of foam that Jim had. Oh, it is.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Was that at Power Monkey or is that at Mayhem? It's like people make some slips and fall there okay that makes me feel better because I thought that was at Rich's gym and I started getting really really envious if I had access to a
Starting point is 00:37:53 foam pit for my kids that would be amazing me too oh my goodness and why did you go there it's very dangerous because a lot of people say oh you can get injuries like very bad like going on that and i was like really not you guy you'll net you will never be injured it's not dangerous for you thank god hey um why did you go to power why did you go to power monkey
Starting point is 00:38:20 because facundo is one of the coaches there so like he already participated a lot of um editions editions is that correct uh and he just brought me there to know like this dress the guys and to like to be there and to enjoy the vibe it's very nice like very kind people very nice people all like professionals like olympians and like they're very very good coaches oh speaking of olympians in one of those videos i see a woman talking to you about she's talking to you about the jerk she's a form and she looked familiar she's a former olympian huh yeah she won the gold when she was 17 years old she's great yeah i almost didn't recognize her she used to be way bigger right i don't know i just know i just know her there. I just knew her there.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Wow. And she's a permanent coach at Power Monkey, that lady? I think so. I don't know to answer that. Yeah. Did you like working with her? Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's great. She's great. she taught me something that i didn't know and i like i fixed it in my jerk that was um something like my clean is very good but my jerk wasn't good as my clean um so she gave me a little tip and, like, a little details that I could, like, improve. And I improved it. And it got better, much better.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Yeah, she seemed like a great coach. She seemed like she had great energy, too. Like, she was, like, really present with you. And she's very funny. Is it expensive to train with Rich? Like, when you go there, is that one of the thoughts like they're like hey we want to invite you to the mayhem team these are the costs this is does that become a factor say it again is it or like is it expensive to is it expensive to
Starting point is 00:40:39 train there like i'm assuming in brazil you could just go to your local gym or wherever you were working out and and it was um you just had access to a gym and you worked out and you were training for the games with your coach. But now you're at Mayhem. Is that an expensive outside of the rent and stuff like this? Is it expensive? Let's say if I wanted to join to become a Mayhem athlete, is it an expensive proposition? Like, how does that work? They say, hey, Guy, it's going to cost this much money, and you either say yes or no? Oh, no, I'm not saying anything to be here. No?
Starting point is 00:41:14 No. Just my food. So what's in it for Rich? Why would Rich let someone like you come there to train if you don't pay money i don't know it's your smile we're back to your smile no guys like so you have to be a good fit and you're contributing to the whole it's a like i'm like i became a main athlete like to do they pay you to come and train there let me maybe i asked the question wrong do they pay you i was asking if you pay them i'm like
Starting point is 00:41:58 maybe i got the model all backwards no but like i'm representing like mayhem mayhem athlete so that's why i came here like represent them and i'm in the training fridge when you represent them do you have to sign a sheet of paper that says like i will not do um enhancing drugs. I will not sleep with the other athletes' wives. I will not throw rocks at Rich Froning Sr. I will not. I mean, do you have to, is there a code of ethics then? Yeah, that's the contract. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Uh-huh. Wow, that's awesome. Is there one on there that says you won't sleep with other people's wives? Yeah, uh-huh. Is there? No? No. Oh. won't sleep with other people's wives yeah uh-huh is there no oh you have all you i mean you just
Starting point is 00:42:49 you can never be too safe you have all these young men and that are beautiful and all these young women that are beautiful and in the end we're here to procreate so you got to have some you got to have some some rules are you gonna have kids gee yeah i already have my my girl we have we're gonna have kids um when I reach like 28. 28? I I like I like that are you gonna have kids yes I already have my girl I really I wonder if I ask her what's's your, what's your, what's her name? Uh, Luciana. Luciana. I wonder if I ask Luciana, Luciana, are you going to have kids?
Starting point is 00:43:33 She would say, yes, I already have my man. Probably she would say that. They call it. She's online. She's watching. Yeah. You're online? Online?
Starting point is 00:43:45 Online. Yes. We're online? Online? Online, yes. Yep, we're live online. I see that she's there. In the horse world, I think they call them studs. So if you had a female horse and you wanted to get pregnant, I think what they call the males is studs. So Luciana has her studs. She's found.
Starting point is 00:44:06 She's found. The man. Yeah Luciana has her studs. She's found, she's found. Yeah. What do her parents think of you? Oh, she loves me. They love me. They're not like, dude, Luciana, why can't you marry a guy who has a good job as an accountant? Why do you have this boy who's running around in his, you know, in his shorts getting sweaty all the time?
Starting point is 00:44:25 Like when we first met, we met at the end of the year in a beach. In a beach, not. In a city of beach that's very famous in Brazil. We were there in a party. We met each other. So we started each together for three days Like
Starting point is 00:44:47 On 30th of December On 1st 2nd And 3rd of January Then I left Wait wait I'm sorry Hold on Hold on
Starting point is 00:44:59 You're saying you met her And then you basically stayed with her for three days Yeah Okay Okay So then You're saying you met her and then you basically stayed with her for three days? Yeah. Okay. Okay. So then the last day that we saw each other was on 3rd of January in 2020. Then I left. I went home.
Starting point is 00:45:21 I went to Miami. I stayed in Miami for maybe three months or something like that. Then we have the pandemic. Then I wasn't able to go to his house at the south of Brazil. I live in the south of Brazil, and she lives in the south. And I wasn't able to go. in the south and I wasn't able to go my parents was like very scary about the virus and all this stuff so it took us six months to see each other so then I went I bought a ticket and I went to the South to meet her again.
Starting point is 00:46:06 And we were just talking FaceTime on FaceTime every time for six months. And that's it. And then her parents were like, who is that? Who is that black guy? Like, who is this one? You know, like, this man's like huge you know uh and they were like scared because i was like going there she lives alone and i wasn't going there like to save her in the apartment that they paid so they were like who's this this guy? Then we met.
Starting point is 00:46:45 That's normal though, right? If you had a daughter and there was a man coming to visit her. I was like, man. Who's this guy? Who's this guy? Yeah. Okay. Sounds like good parents.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Sounds like good parents. Even if I had a boy and there's some girls were visiting, I'd be like, who's this girl? And there's some girls were visiting. I'd be like, who's this girl? But like for us, which was so normal because we were like, what are you worried about? Like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:12 What did I like this? Like so normal for us. But then I'm going to, then I'm going to tell the story. And then we met. Then they were like, okay, how long are you going to be here? Oh, one month. Yeah. One be here oh one month yeah one month after one month yeah i stayed for maybe one or two more weeks so i stayed there for maybe 45 days 40 days
Starting point is 00:47:36 and they were like she's not leaving when are you gonna leave and like blue was crying and I was crying and we were like why they are so worried about it so then they started knowing what I do like I'm an athlete I'm a full time athlete and they were like does he work
Starting point is 00:47:59 what does he do for life for living and she was like he's an athlete so What she does for life, for living. And she was like, he's an athlete. So they didn't know me yet. So what I do and all this stuff. So I compete. No, I didn't compete.
Starting point is 00:48:20 I don't know what happened. But I know that then she went to my house she knows she knew my my parents then their parents her parents was like more getting used to it then in 2021 yeah in 2021 I went there again I spent more time with them so they started to know me better and all this stuff and then they start knowing what i like really do like trusted and they start watching my my youtube uh my youtube channel like this to know like oh like he's good at it oh oh that kind of thing and then like they started like loving me so they loved me today you know wow yeah i mean your your daughter meets a guy and then next thing you know he's he's visiting and staying at the apartment for 45 days you're probably like, he's never going to leave. And then we realized that, yeah, it was crazy, huh? Yeah, it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Like, they didn't know you, and you were here at my house, like, spending one month. Like, and, yeah, it's really crazy. But in that time, it was super normal for us. And then we realized that was very weird. I don't know. I apologize. I don't know much about the history of Brazil. What I know about South America and Central America
Starting point is 00:49:59 is that basically Europeans came over, Spaniards, I don't know, or five hundred years ago and um they started mating with the indigenous people who were there and that's who you guys are right that's the that's the mix um so so what are you what is your heritage like how far like how far my my my mom is armenian and my dad is armenian which is a small little country My mom is Armenian and my dad is Armenian, which is a small little country south of Georgia in the former Soviet Union. You know, it's over there by Greece, Turkey. What makes ghee?
Starting point is 00:50:36 What are your genetics, your race, your ethnicity? How far back does it go? What do you know? Like, are you French Mayan or like what? Like, what are you? What made you? Like, are you French Mayan? Or, like, what are you? What made you? I know that Mangeros and Nunes, that's my name, that's my last two names, Mangeros and Nunes, are from Portugal.
Starting point is 00:50:56 So, my, the father of my grandpa. So, your great-great yeah this guy yeah uh he was um from the army of portugal okay i just know that and that's it and on your mom's side do you look like your mom or your dad and on your mom's side do you look like your mom or your dad um more like my dad I think
Starting point is 00:51:29 some things with my mom but more like my dad is your dad big like you uh yeah he has a lot like big legs and also my my grandpa used to have my grandpa used to have.
Starting point is 00:51:45 My grandpa used to be the colonel. Colonel of army? Is that right? Yeah, colonel, yeah. Yeah, so all my moves and my strength, I got from them. It's funny you say that. You have very, very nice legs. When I saw you get on Haley Adams' bike in that video, that was the first thing I noticed.
Starting point is 00:52:08 I was like, wow, he has some very, those are like frog legs. Those are some very, very nice. You always had those? You always had? Yeah? Yeah, I always had that. Hey, do you have brothers? Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Say, say, say, say. Do you have brothers and sisters no that's me only child are you spoiled were you spoiled um you know not that much but like not spoiled in the meaning of oh I want this okay take it I sometimes I was wanting I think wishing willing willing to have something and my parents just say no not now we don't have money or no not now do something something else like go to the school or pass the year or something like that. And then I should have something. I always had all the love, all the
Starting point is 00:53:11 caring, but not that spoiled. They raised me very indefinite. They raised you what? Say that again. They raised you what? Say that again. They raised you what? Very independent.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Independent? Independent. Yeah, independent. Sorry. Independent. So, like, they raised me, like, to do, like, free to do whatever I want and to do, like, everything, like, independent, like taking buses to the school, taking flights along. They didn't block me, didn't allow me to do some things like, oh, I would like to go to
Starting point is 00:54:02 a party. And they were like, okay, I'm going to go to a party and they were like okay I'm gonna get you there like okay you can go I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna leave you there and then you can call me at like 3 a.m 2 a.m and I'm gonna get you and they always let me like to have the experience to know what's better what's like what's good and what's. So that's why I don't like parties. And I don't drink beer. I don't smoke. I never use drugs.
Starting point is 00:54:34 I never drink alcohol. So they raised me like a very good – they were very good friends. They are very good friends. How come you've never um drank alcohol or smoked cigarettes or or smoked marijuana how come you've never done any of that like my grandpa he was um alcoholic is that is that correct alcoholic so my my dad always fought with him, fight, always fight it, fight it, fight with him because of it, like to get drunk and like to smoke, something like that. So my dad did the opposite. So he never, like he got got drunk he got drunk a little bit
Starting point is 00:55:27 times like three times two times like just know how the sensation but he never like drink alcohol never smoke never drink so he was my my whole motto like in life like to do what was good for me so like i like i say i try some wine sometimes uh but i don't like it at all oh very very bad taste um i never try a beer i don't know how beer tastes i don't know that this smells very bad. So it must be very bad too. Yeah. Yeah. I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:56:08 I'm with you. I wasn't as smart as you, but I agree with you. I wasn't as smart as you, but I agree with you. So that's it. I didn't have the willingness to try it or the curiosity to try it. know so i'm very happy like that
Starting point is 00:56:28 my friends all of them drink beer get drunk and this kind of stuff and i was like always did the clean one that's the one that was always proper uh so that's it i i learned how to have fun without like drugs I'm trying to think I've probably been drunk I'm 49 I started drinking when I was 16 let's say
Starting point is 00:56:57 just I don't know 50 times a year in 30 years what is that 1500 thousands of times I've been drunk. Thousands. If I could go back in time, I would take every single one of those times back and I would have done anything
Starting point is 00:57:15 else. Studied math. Drew pictures. Rode the assault bike. I would trade any. There's never one of those. Uh, not one. There's a few times where I would never trade away. There were maybe 20 times in my life where I was drunk,
Starting point is 00:57:31 where it was the best time of my life. But the other thousands of times, complete waste of fucking time. After every single one, I would have rather. I'm not going to drink again. And every single one, I wish I,
Starting point is 00:57:44 like, if I could get those days back do you know what i mean if i could go back in time and have done something else anything it's kind of like i feel that way like when i hear about people who like um watch netflix for four hours a day they're gonna get older and be like oh shit why did i do that i should have been doing something else that That's the whole problem with starting those series. Like, you start Game of Thrones or this thing, and it's like 10 seasons,
Starting point is 00:58:09 and you're like, you know, you're in the third season, and you're like, shit, I have to finish this. But man, and then I get scared. I never want to start another series. Do you ever get like that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's the same, it's the same. You're like, I don't want to start this
Starting point is 00:58:21 because then I'm going to have to watch the whole damn thing. I don't want to do that. Yeah, yesterday we spent like like, we were, like, done. Like, completely tired from the session yesterday. And we were, like, really tired. So we just, like, had power. And we, like, just sit on the couch. And we put a serious show that we were watching yesterday and like
Starting point is 00:58:46 we spent like 4 hours in the couch like just watching like series but like we can do that because there is nothing else to do so oh we can read okay but you're not gonna read when you're tired so we don't have like
Starting point is 00:59:02 our brain to be working after like training and all this stuff so we've been like four hours watching series and then we i start playing talk duty ah yeah very very very how can i say addicting no, very smart. Like to stop watching series and go to coffee at 10 p.m. Very good. Does the whole group go to church together? Actually, I never, like, I don't know. I just went to church twice.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Today's going to be the third time at 11 it's gonna be night for you so we're gonna be there at 11 so I don't know like me and Luke we're gonna go together I think that's Brian's going to maybe two or three people from the gym that's going with us. But I know that everyone here goes to church, but not the same church as me. And do you, is that important to you? Did you go to church at home? Yeah, much, very much. So, yeah, the church is a place to get,
Starting point is 01:00:31 The church is a place to hear something good and sometimes God speaks to us. Some things that we are asking for, like the last speech or the last reunion that I went. It's very good, but I believe also in our relationship with God so reading the Bible like praying being thankful being like lovely lovely? is that right? yeah getting love
Starting point is 01:00:55 so people are serving so that's why I'm here where I am so it's just because of God and also my work God gave me the opportunity someone said in the comments that God is Brazilian, I didn't know that
Starting point is 01:01:14 that's good to know me too me neither someone said that you look like you're half black and half Japanese. Do you have any Japanese in you? Japanese?
Starting point is 01:01:28 Yeah. Japanese? Yeah. Never. Yeah. Ice? I don't know. But, I mean, I could see it.
Starting point is 01:01:39 It's weird to think that we're all the same. It's weird to think that we all come from, well, I won't use humans, like dogs. we're all the same it's weird to think that we all come from well i won't use humans like dogs it's weird that when you see a wolf and you see a chihuahua you're like well some they're the same but someone just you know what i mean like they just broke off and they just yeah like god forbid anyone ever see me standing next to you with um with my shirt off and your shirt off but that's what it would be like i would be like a chihuahua i would be like an old fat chihuahua with some teeth missing what is what is um facundo's role in um in in your life and is he he's your manager no he's your coach and what about your other coach that you used to have? Do you still have him
Starting point is 01:02:26 too? Do you have two coaches now? Or three coaches? Or five coaches? I always have my This is the Jiu-Jitsu black belt guy? Yeah. He's my coach since I got into the
Starting point is 01:02:41 so in 2015 or 2014, he told my dad oh um like he had future so invest in him and let him train here like for free so he was the one that he uh he was always with me like every time every time so he's like a father, like a dad for me. I have two dads. So he always takes care of me, like, whatever it takes. Like, every time he doesn't care about anything. So he's just there, like, just to help me.
Starting point is 01:03:18 So he's very important in my life. I have Bernardo. That was the one that we worked together for five years since 2017. And we worked together until this game, so we did a great job working together. It was very difficult for me to separate, to do the divorce with him because we have a great relationship like coach and athlete and also friends we're friends like I go to his house I used to go to his house like we he has own gym at home. So we used to go there and train, spend some time with his kids, his wife, all of them. So we are very good friends. to make it for the work. But it was the opportunity that I was, I always was willing for, that I told you.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Always, yeah, willingness, right? Yeah, always willing for. So to live here in the U.S., like to train here with Rich, to train here at Mayhem. So I had to do it. It was very painful, but it's life. It is what it is. I had to do it. I had to do it. It was very painful, but it's life. It is what it is.
Starting point is 01:04:47 I had to do it. I had to do it. So our relationship stayed the same. We're friends. But now I have Facundo as my coach, and we are just building our friendship, our relationship as coach and as an athlete. He's very nice.
Starting point is 01:05:09 He's very funny. And we are working together right now. And we're just getting started. So now I have two coaches. Yeah, I'm glad to hear that you and Bernardo are still friends. It's got to be hard, but I mean, I'm guessing every athlete has to go through that, right? Yeah, sometimes, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Changes are, like, necessary for something. But in this case, in the beginning, I tried to keep with him, you know, even being here, but it wasn't possible. So it is what it is. It happened this way. Like in the beginning was like very tough, but then
Starting point is 01:06:05 I started accepting and that's it when you say tough you mean emotional yeah yeah yeah mainly
Starting point is 01:06:13 mainly emotional how about a manager do you have a manager yeah now I have Bijan do you know Bijan I think so
Starting point is 01:06:22 Bijan oh Bijan Bijan Bijan yeah Bijan. Do you know Bijan? I think so. Bijan. Oh, Bijan? Bijan. Yeah, Bijan. I don't know him. I know of him. I think I follow him on Instagram. Brian's been sort of been like
Starting point is 01:06:37 explaining to me who all the people are. It was something like I didn't like watch too closely before. I get him and Snorri. is there a guy named Snorri too I get him and Snorri confused Snorri's the guy who manages Sarah Sigmund's daughter right yeah Snorri's from like Europe
Starting point is 01:06:53 and I have that name and what's this guy's name Bijan is he out of Miami yeah he lives in Miami he manages um Chancellor Smith, Noah. That's how I know him, from Noah.
Starting point is 01:07:12 Okay, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Mal O'Brien. Do the, oh, okay, Mal O'Brien too. It's amazing how these guys have these vast, kind of these big stables of athletes. How do you choose your manager? How did you choose Bijan? We met in
Starting point is 01:07:33 Miami in 2020 when I went there with Noah. I knew him there. In that time, I didn't have so much results and you know it wasn't that
Starting point is 01:07:50 I didn't have the results yet because I was already like good so I didn't have the results necessary to like begin to get me so then after 2021 like I did some research and we started working together and we are making some deals.
Starting point is 01:08:15 You're saying results, is that what you're saying? Mm-hmm. So you finished, is it like midweek in the games and you look at your phone? Like let's say after you win one of the events, then Bijan texts you and is like, okay, I'll sign you. No, like I started having some deals there, like some proposals. Yeah, proposals. And it was like, bro, I don't have anyone. So I just, I just vision help me
Starting point is 01:08:46 you know and he like he's my friend so he was that like even that he wasn't my manager I think yeah yeah probably okay so someone at the game says someone or someone somewhere
Starting point is 01:09:02 recently says to you hey Guy we only want you to wear these sunglasses and we'll pay you this amount of money and you said okay hold on a second and you're like bijan what should i do and that's how the relationship started no so i just got the i just said the sponsor to be just like everything. Yeah. So someone came to you first and you're like, okay, I need to just be training. And that's okay.
Starting point is 01:09:30 So it's kind of very natural how it started with. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He doesn't come sell themselves to you. He doesn't put on a suit and slick his hair back and say, Hey,
Starting point is 01:09:41 let me take you out to a nice dinner. Here's some girls come sign with me no no like okay no okay like we already was friends and we were friends and like we just like started working together and are are you able to at this – does he speak Portuguese? I think that he can't understand Spanish, but he can speak Portuguese. So how does someone make a deal with, like, let's say a company in brazil i would think that i would i mean the the you can you can have deals in brazil and you could have deals in the united states do you have a separate manager for brazil kind of kind of like yeah kind of i'm not like doing uh not making deals in brazil right now because now my life is gonna be in in dollars so the market in Brazil is very
Starting point is 01:10:45 difficult to work to compensate the dollar for expenses so I'm looking for more sponsors here or deals here you know I would think
Starting point is 01:11:02 when you win the games next year that's going to help you in Brazil a lot. Yeah. Is that the goal? What? I said when you win the games next year, then everything's going to change in Brazil for you. Like,
Starting point is 01:11:28 no. You don't think it'll help? I mean, it'll help CrossFit even more than it helps you. Kind of like what happened in Iceland, right? As soon as, I mean, if they didn't have all of these champions, they might not be interested in CrossFit. Yeah, no, it's going to happen. It's going to help CrossFit in Brazil, of course, like in worldwide. But I think that financially, uh, it wasn't like, um, it's one to like work that well,
Starting point is 01:11:58 you know, because the, the, um, the brand, the company brazil has like very limited uh limited um public so let's you know they don't have like this amount of money like to like very very bad uh in athletes. I have the best sponsors in Brazil, of course, like for sure, but like other athletes and other companies don't have the same thing that I have, you know? So I work with like very good brands in Brazil of equipment, gear, supplements. They're like the very best in Brazil. But like talking about other companies, it's not happening. How do you get invited to the Rogue Invitational? Does Ducati and Bill just text you? No. The top 15 of the game were invited and plus five or six.
Starting point is 01:13:07 But who contacts you? do you get an email or just DM me oh send me your address email address and I like home address to us to send the invitation and that's it so they actually so they dm you they slide into your dms you send them your did you send them your address in cookville i said no i wasn't pursuing that time so they sent to me but still and and all and all yeah yeah it's it's actual, like something you save? Yeah. I got it. You want to see?
Starting point is 01:13:50 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Awesome. Man, Bill and Katie don't fuck around. They do everything. It's nuts. Yeah. I love it that they ask for your address and mail you something. Yeah, it was very nice.
Starting point is 01:14:06 Got it. Remember, John only thinks he can place 15th at Rogue. Who's John? Ashley McMahon. I was reading one of the comments. Someone is saying that John... I don't know. Do you know any athletes named John?
Starting point is 01:14:22 No. No, I will not be at Rogue. Sorry, Guy. i'm answering some of these questions while you run off and get the invitation uh kioni i don't think i'll ever leave my more than five miles away from my house ever again the rest of my life oh yeah that's sweet oh that is so cool nice yeah that is really cool so that comes in an envelope and you know you've been invited yeah with my name on it
Starting point is 01:14:55 and all of the things that is awesome okay so you get that invite and then do you know you're going to go right away do you have to think about it or are you like yeah yeah, I'm going? I'm going. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:09 And here, I did the event. Do you know Pablo Chalfon? Who? Pablo Chalfon. I know. The name sounds familiar. The last name sounds familiar. I don't recognize the name now.
Starting point is 01:15:25 He went to the Games in 2018. He won the original Dream Reveal. And in 2020, we did the workout of ropes, like face-to-face, online. Me at my house, my home, my house. And he at his gym. And we were like face-to-face, facing the event. It was very nice. Oh, that's what – yeah, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:15:57 So sorry. So we did a show – thank you, Ashley. I totally forgotten that. I did a show with Brian Friend and John Young. They're two guys who are just huge fans of the sport, right? And they didn't place you very high to finish at the Rogue Invitational. I think I may have yelled at them for that. I think that I got 12 or 13.
Starting point is 01:16:26 When you see, is that absurd? Or I get their logic. Their logic is like, hey, man, he won just like, he really, really shined in a couple events. But there's a ton of holes in the game. Does that piss you off? Or are you like, yep, that's accurate. I got to fix that shit.
Starting point is 01:16:47 Like, I did the event like some some of them wasn't like the um the standard of road like they use the echo bike i use the soft bike um they use the b-ball i use a thin bag. So it can change some things. So the question was, like, I got, like, 12 or 13, and you were saying, like, what I thought about it? Yeah, like, do you see yourself doing better there? Do you see yourself doing well there? Oh, so I just realized, like, I wasn't trained for it. So I just realized that, man trained for it So I just realized that
Starting point is 01:17:26 Man, I'm good in some things And I am with the guys I am on the same level Of them I'm not so far So I just realized that I was like, okay I'm doing good
Starting point is 01:17:41 Doing well So fire me up a little bit. Do you think you can beat all those guys? Is there anyone in the... Is there anyone who are your competitors, who are
Starting point is 01:17:57 these 40 men, and you're just like, man, they're so far ahead, it's demoralizing. Like Tia. If you're a woman, it's a little demoralizing, right? Oh, yeah. It's just like, man. It's like if I wanted to be the richest man in the world and I looked at Jeff Bezos, I'm like, oh, shit, he's so far ahead.
Starting point is 01:18:17 Is it like that for you with anyone in the men's competition or do you feel like, man there it's it's just everyone it's just a matter of time like just one year less than one year actually did you say less than one year yeah because
Starting point is 01:18:36 the game happened in August and we are also less than one year just a matter of time. I love it. How much, do you think you're 1% better right now than you were at the games? Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:18:55 2% better? Yeah. Uh-huh. 3% better? 3%? Yeah. Yeah. That's crazy and i know it's true too because you're only 21 i mean your fingernails probably grow one percent five percent every day i mean you're just
Starting point is 01:19:16 yeah like it can be like better uh physically but for sure like 50% 70% 8% like better stronger mentally so now I know what I'm capable and when I like look back for the game remember some some events i am like bro why did i stop in that one why did i rest in that one right did i this this thing that one you know so now i know that i'm really capable of winning the graphic games though before the games i was like maybe you know so now i know that i can win it's not difficult you know you you bring up an awesome point so so you would do a workout then that night you'd be like why did i quit why didn't i go harder is that because i always tripped when athletes would say well i gave it my all and man like i don't know if i've ever i don't know if i've ever given anything my all like like in that time was my best that it was my best so then when i like
Starting point is 01:20:35 i started working out and it started like getting better i looked back and i was like bro i could be better you know like like i could have like you could have pushed a little bit like man when it was hurting why didn't I just push through it like you're you're yeah like in the last workout of the game the event 15 uh I got four I knew I lost four sections that was beside me for... That was the lunge event, right? The last event was the lunge event? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:11 So I was in seventh place. Yeah, I was in seventh place. And I need to beat John Kosty and Jackson to get on the top 5 so I lost for Jan Kosti for 1 second and Saxon for less than 1 second
Starting point is 01:21:33 something like that so it was a little detail that I missed in the workout that took me off from the top 5 so every time I see myself, I'm just thinking, why didn't you go a little bit faster in the chest part
Starting point is 01:21:53 or you launch a little bit stronger or faster? So these kind of things hype me up to work harder in the training and to not have this regret, you know, after the competition. Yeah. And that answers the first question too. It's just seconds that are separating you from being the best. It's just seconds. Like you're able to see yourself winning it's not like oh they finished and you were still back at the the chest of our pull-ups it's just like yeah what what was your did you have any errors at the games did you have any like huge errors like
Starting point is 01:22:40 uh i don't know you forgot your shoes or you fell off a bar or you tripped or is there anything that stands out where you're like, oh, shit, that was just a total fuck up? No. In the – Oh, no. In the – there was a question here I wanted to ask you. Someone asked. It was pretty good. It was about the snatch event.
Starting point is 01:23:04 Oh, okay. Guy, what were you planning to snatch at the games you got cut off at 305 did you have a a number that you were willing to no I just wanted to win I just wanted to win so whatever it takes I was lifting, 310, 315, I was there to win. What is your max snatch of all time? Actually, 140 kilos in a competition with no exactly weight. So 308 is almost 305, it's almost the place. So 308 is almost 305 is almost the same. So let's say
Starting point is 01:23:49 that my CR is 305. So probably in that length would be like much. So you've never done even more in the gym. That was it. No, never. That was it. 305. You've gone back and watched that yeah uh-huh is it is
Starting point is 01:24:09 it do you see when you watch that footage are you like yep that's me or are you like who the fuck is that guy like sometimes like we were doing that's it. And we put 305 on the bar. And we were struggling to do this that's it with 305. And we were like, how can we lift that?
Starting point is 01:24:39 So watching the footage is like, man, yeah, it was me and it was crazy, you know? Yeah, it's crazy. That makes me feel so good to hear you say that. Because sometimes it's like, you know, let me ask you this. Do you ever go somewhere, you wake up in the morning, you go somewhere, and then you walk up a flight of stairs and you're short of breath.
Starting point is 01:25:02 And you're like, how the fuck am I a CrossFit Games athlete? And I'm short of breath at the top of these that does happen to you too oh good good because i try whenever anyone says that i'm all i always tell them oh that's normal that everyone gets short of breath at the top of a flight of stairs but then i'm like am i lying like does that really does that happen to gee oh it makes me feel so much better it's so weird sometimes right and like bro it's not supposed to it's not supposed to me to get tired like climbing this stairs no do you guys have a um uh i don't know what it's called it's a thing that matt talks about all the time it's not like a stair master like the old school but it's like an escalator there's just stairs that show up and you run upstairs.
Starting point is 01:25:45 Does Mayhem have that? What is that thing called? Can someone tell me in the comments? You guys don't have that thing there? Do you know what I'm talking about? It's like a stepper. It's like endless stairs. You just keep walking upstairs and the machine keeps bringing them down.
Starting point is 01:25:59 Oh, the machine. Oh, no. We don't have it. Huh. I wonder how long before you guys get it. It seems like Matt swears by that thing yeah yeah yeah I think that he did and
Starting point is 01:26:10 someone else did it too I can't remember I know this isn't really a fair question someone called it a stair climber I know this isn't necessarily a fair question to ask you but I have to ask you anyway I interviewed Samuel Cornway and he's so impressed by Rich, right? And there's always the chance that
Starting point is 01:26:32 someone's going to come down there, right? And be like, people are going to have these grandiose visions of how good Rich is. And it's going to be impossible for Rich to live up to that. I mean, at least at some point, but every person I've ever talked to who ends up training with them, they're like, it's even crazier than I imagined. It's like his ability. I know you've only been there two weeks, but what are your first impressions of him as an athlete and as a human being? being uh like like it's impressive to see him training and working hard or working hard like working out actually um like as a human being like he's awesome um i'm actually like learning
Starting point is 01:27:20 how to be a man how to be a father how to be a husband. He's the role model. He's like, he's awesome. Awesome, awesome. I'm learning a lot. And as an athlete, he's like mind-blowing because we were
Starting point is 01:27:40 doing a workout and was literally dying, rowing, and doing some hands and walks. And we were supposed to do five, um, five sets, five rounds. And like in the beginning,
Starting point is 01:27:56 it was like, Oh, let's do the first round. Like just warm up. And here we were. Damn, I'm cold. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:28:04 I'm shaking. Um, and then we went to the first round oh just for a month and then he started rowing in like 145 145 for 500 meters okay we got out together from the of the row like in front of me like maybe three five three seconds five seconds okay we did the the course the hinson walk uh 100 feet then we got back to the we got back to the rower 500 meters again and he finished like 10 seconds in front of me. Then the second round, he was like rowing in 141, 143, 142, 143, 141, and it was like 145, 145, 145, 146, 145. And then the third round, he was like 141, 142, 143, 141,
Starting point is 01:29:02 and it was like 147, 146, 147, 146. And then, like, the third round, fourth round, so he put in the, he wrote in the whiteboard, four to five sets. And I was like, almost like, I was already dying in the fourth. So I just wait for him to get out of the the road to know if was four or five times and he didn't get up so it was five and it was the fourth yet so it's like no way like, he was ahead of me of, like, 120 minutes,
Starting point is 01:29:45 like, two minutes ahead of me. And I was, like, pulling the rope, like, damn, I'm dying. And then he vanished, and he just kept there, like, let's go, that's one more, that's one more. And I was, like, yeah, let's go. one more just one more and it was like yeah let's go like this is the point like uh this is where i i learned like because he's the face like like a very hard face like the entire time like no matter if i said 10 sets 10 sets 100 sets he will keep the same pace every time and I'm learning that and like his consistency what his consistency is like mind-blowing because you can't keep a high pace, a very high pace and hard pace for a very long time.
Starting point is 01:30:52 I'm learning that the capacity of work of him is awesome. Yesterday, we did four workouts back to back, one after another. And he was like doing everything like nothing. So that's crazy because he's a beast. And some people asked me, oh, do you think that Rich could like get on the podium at the classic games that you did in football? And I was like, bro bro with his hand style you know like he's a beast so it's very nice to be here and watch it because it's crazy it's crazy and one day it's nice to know because one day I'm going to be like him.
Starting point is 01:31:46 It's nice to know and to learn from that. That's the greatest compliment you could give to someone. Really? It's good to know one day that I'll be like you. Yeah, it's great. You basically summed it up.
Starting point is 01:32:03 You're learning about being a man, about being a father, about being a husband. And, and, but that's not why you came there. That's just, that's the bonus, right? You came there because you want to get on the podium. You want to be first on the podium like him, but instead you're getting the whole package. It's awesome. Do you, are you excited for your last question? And I know you're going to go to church here is,
Starting point is 01:32:24 are you excited for your girlfriend to come out, your fiancé to come out, your future mama of your babies? Or is a part of you anxious that it's going to be a distraction? Do you think she – you guys are so young. Does she understand – do you think she understands how much you're going to have to focus on yourself? Yeah. She's a doctor. She's, like, graduating in medicine. So this year...
Starting point is 01:32:50 Okay, so she's got her own stuff. She's really focused on her growth, too. Yeah, so the next year, we're going to be the last year of her graduating. So, yeah, we are, like, we we make a deal we made a deal that why i'm here and why she's there like in the uh in the college university and i'm here like training so we are here like to improve ourselves I'm going to improve my game of being an athlete. She's going to improve her game, like being a doctor.
Starting point is 01:33:30 Next year, the same thing. And she knows and she likes to support me a lot with my goals. She knows what I want. She knows what I have to do. And she also, what, how's the name? She also controls me in a good way. Yeah, also support me and guide me. Like, oh, you got to sleep.
Starting point is 01:33:59 You got to eat this. You got to eat that. You got to drink water. You got to do this. And she sometimes studies. Studies? Yeah, she sometimes studies. eat this you gotta eat that you gotta drink water you gotta do this you gotta do this and she sometimes study study yeah sometimes study uh what's better for you know um for me and she's awesome she's awesome and then she's gonna graduate and in 2023're going to be living here in Cookville. And she will take over.
Starting point is 01:34:28 That's awesome. I'm glad to hear that. Relationships are extremely challenging, even the best ones. Relationships are... I was telling someone the other day that my relationship with my wife is my crowning achievement in my life. And I've known that for years.'s just it's like and then especially when you have kids you want it to be that way it's like your biggest you know um someone named um andrej andre and i know andre from my dms um he's he's it's a friendly name. He gave the podcast a hundred HRK.
Starting point is 01:35:05 Do you know what HRK is? Does anyone know? Yeah. It's a kind of money. I don't know. I don't know. Is that, is that Hong Kong money? I don't know. Anyway, thank you, Andre. I appreciate it. And Guy, you are awesome for doing this. This was 94 minutes of your time. I really appreciate it and gee you are awesome for doing this this was 94 minutes of your time i really appreciate it i don't know are you looking it up yeah what kind of money that is 15 croatians 15 dollars in croatian oh croatia is the country where oh i love it kiani thank you so much that was awesome uh fifteen dollars the the president of croatia did you ever hear what he said about the pandemic a few months ago he said
Starting point is 01:35:54 he said something like i watch cnn every morning either they're crazy or i'm crazy but i'm gonna guess that the the president of cro Croatia said, I watch CNN. I'm paraphrasing. I watch CNN every morning. Either they're crazy or I'm crazy because I don't believe a word they say. And so as of today, my country will no longer play any of these pandemic games. We're done. any of these pandemic games were done. So, Andre, from Croatia, tell your president to come here and run for president of the United States because we need someone like him. Yeah, like the media sucks. If you don't watch it,
Starting point is 01:36:41 you are not important. But if you watch it, you are not important. But if you watch it, you are bad informed. So what's the point, you know? Well said. It's crazy. All about politicians. Yes. And this kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:37:03 Well, you're being a good role model for all of humanity. You're taking care of yourself. You're with good people. Thanks for your time, brother. Yeah. Thank you. I'm going to take an hour and go to church.

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