The Sevan Podcast - #175 The News - James Hobart & Kate Gordon

Episode Date: October 18, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Savan didn't work out today or something or didn't have enough coffee or he's like, he's. Oh, my goodness. Too deep and it's fast.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Oh, man. What's funny, too, is Sav Savannah and I had a nice week. I felt like we were able to talk, have some good conversations and now he just wants to come at me. And so we're going to, Oh, we had a good week. You don't answer my calls unless it's like after office hours,
Starting point is 00:00:54 you don't answer between eight and six. The, I'm still the, the, the one hiccup in the last show is the fact you made fun of my shoulders. And then you start this show by saying that I probably didn't work out today. It's like,
Starting point is 00:01:04 dude, like, fuck. All right, let's do it you want tango you want tango do it i have nothing to gain by fighting with you everyone loves you i have nothing to gain i don't know i whatever do whatever you want okay do you have any good stories did you save anyone from like like was going to be hit by a bus crossing the street? Did you catch Greg with the dirty cock ring? I mean, anything like you save a kid like from a burning building? Anything good this week you want to share with us? OK, I just had a bunch of new gym gear arrive. So I have in my gym now I have a skier. I have a salt bike.
Starting point is 00:01:43 I have an assault runner and I have a skier. I have a assault bike. I have an assault runner and I have a roller. That's more of a ad for your personal business. And this show is about me and exciting stuff that makes the people want to listen to seven on podcast, not for your gyms. What's the name of your gym celebration fitness? No, I don't have a gym. This is my garage. Oh, your garage. My garage. You don't have a gym. I is my garage. Oh, your garage. My garage. You don't have a gym? that's about as exciting as it gets. I thought you had an affiliate.
Starting point is 00:02:08 I thought you owned an affiliate. Nope. Not yet. I'll affiliate my gym at some, on my garage at some point, maybe. Do, do employees at CrossFit get free affiliation?
Starting point is 00:02:17 Uh, for, yeah. For seminar stuff. Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. I mean, they,
Starting point is 00:02:21 they, that should, I mean, yeah. Affiliate that shit. Yeah. Yeah. So I will, I'm, I'm literally painting it and just getting a few more bits and pieces. And then I mean, they, they, that should, I mean, yeah. Affiliate that shit. Yeah. Yeah. So I will,
Starting point is 00:02:25 I'm literally painting it and just getting a few more bits and pieces. And then I'm going to start, like I've been taunting my neighbors with like, you guys are about to become CrossFitters, um, which is kind of fun. So I'm going to get them into it. I'm going to get them,
Starting point is 00:02:37 whoever's on the street into it. So, yeah. Hey, um, I have a name for your gym. O R CrossFit. What's the,
Starting point is 00:02:44 uh, open. What the fuck is that james tell your wife you'll be done with this show in two hours to turn that thing off hey o r crossfit is open relationship crossfit kate doesn't care if you do jiu-jitsu, you work out at other crossfit gyms. It's an open relationship with her affiliate. You can come just as long as you're honest and tell us what other training you're doing. We're good. I was thinking of calling it like the dojo or something like that.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Or just Gordon's CrossFit. I don't know. Something really straightforward. Big clit fit. Big clit fit. BCF. BCF CrossFit. That's good. How is the clit fit big clit fit bcf bcf crossfit that's good how is the clit sign i mean why do you have a clit sign if you don't have a gym where is that thing well it's gonna go up on the wall like it's gonna go on the side of the it's gonna take up the whole fucking wall now
Starting point is 00:03:36 it was originally just gonna be like a you know little thing but um it's gonna be a wall now it's just it's gonna go up there i just haven't put it up i'm it's it's all the gyms of the garage is a fucking mess everything will be why did you buy all that new equipment well because we're locked down we we don't have gyms right now so i was like i need to fucking get some stuff we are locked down hobart we don't get it. You know that, right? Dear Australians. Oh, I didn't put the phone number up.
Starting point is 00:04:12 God. Boom. I stopped myself from saying it. I'm trying not to say that phrase anymore, GD. I'm really trying not to say that phrase. Why is that? Out of respect, I don't want to alienate people, and I like the discipline. I don't want to say that, or I don't want to say the JC. I don't want to alienate people. And I like the discipline.
Starting point is 00:04:25 I don't want to say that or I don't want to say the JC. I don't want to say JC or GD. Or maybe you could start including other religious figures and messiahs into your cursing. Oh, so it feels a little more balanced son of a ganesh wow some shit wow wow i like that you know just equal opportunity offender don't worry suza i'll put all i'll talk and i'll do the producer shit you don't worry about it buddy you don't worry you just sit over there and schedule your classes for tomorrow i like this energy right now and this i just feel like i know either tonight is going to be flat or we're going to go straight to 67 hey i had stephanie cohen on the show and we were talking
Starting point is 00:05:18 about fishing and you know she pulled in like this big like i don't know six or eight hundred pound fish the and she's like look i, I'm like, how does that work? She's like, look, here's the fish. Here's you. And you have to put the fishing pole here. And then you got to leverage it up like this. And it was just a, it was just a great visual. She's just like, I'm just like, tell me more.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Thank you, Sousa. Nice, Sousa. Nice. I got my own screen. Made those suckers small make kate and hobart small now look the pole's got to be in here you got to stand up and then when the fish pulls you let the pole come up like this it was cool i was i wouldn't say i was turned on but i liked her more for doing that. If a man tries to – sorry, I don't mean to be sexist. If one person tries to rape another person, if one person tries to have sex with another person, and that person doesn't want to have sex with them, that person isn't anti-sex. That's called rape. You guys understand that, right? There's almost no one
Starting point is 00:06:35 in the entire, on the entire planet who's anti-vax. You guys, you guys realize that, right? You're calling them anti-vax because they don't want to take the injection. Leave, leave them alone. No one wants to show their medical records. Let me start just digging through all your medical records. Just leave people alone. No one wants to show you their medical records. And if people who don't want to get injected with drugs, um, at their local CVS, don't leave them alone. That doesn't make them anti-vax just like someone who doesn't want, doesn't want Dick and you force it upon them isn't anti-sex. That's called rape.
Starting point is 00:07:06 You're raping people. It's tantamount to raping people by forcing them to get a fucking injection. And then you say, hey, you don't want to take the dick? How about I give you some donuts and $100? Oh, you don't want to take the dick? Okay, well, then you can't go to school anymore. It's ludicrous, people. Those people aren't anti-anything. They just want to be left
Starting point is 00:07:28 alone. You're saying that because it's part of your coercion. It's not nice. Someone who doesn't want to have sex with you isn't anti-sex when you're forcing them to take the dick. Sorry, I'm being sexist again. I'm making it seem like men would do that to women. I just never hear about women doing that to men. So sorry if any women or men are offended if a woman wants that role i can i can reframe the story anyway hobart um kate got new gym equipment i'm frustrated at people using the term anti-vaxxer is just propaganda and um and then and then um hobart what do you what happened with you this week is there anything you want to share did you help like did you volunteer at the local like dog shelter i'm just uh i'm just trying to think if
Starting point is 00:08:07 that analogy works it does it's brilliant i agree with you in principle just leave those people alone right yeah just leave those people alone i don't know and and even if you want them to do it don't lie about them that's the problem i'll give you I'll tell you what inspired this. I said to someone, I, today I went to my kid's tennis tournament and they were giving the kids Gatorade, goldfish and box of juice. And I took a picture and I said, Hey, this is what I, this is what they're offering. This is what I gave my kid, which is nice that they're offering something right. Totally different point. But I offered my kids, um, uh, some nuts, a slice of apple that grew from my dad's tree, and a piece of hard cheese. And that's what they had.
Starting point is 00:08:49 And I said, hey, as a parent, it's your job not to feed your kids poison. And some parents jumped in and they're like, hey, who the fuck are you basically to judge me? And it's not poison. So first of all, dude, I'm not fucking judging you in the slightest. Second of all, of course it's not poison so first of all dude i'm not i'm not fucking judging you in the slightest second of all of course it's poison i looked up the definition of poison i put up poison but what these people are conflating i'm not saying that i would never give my kid that shit i gave my kid cake a few days ago at his birthday party i'm not in denial i use this iphone and it's made with child labor in china i'm not fucking in denial i'm not defending it and it's made with child labor in China. I'm not fucking in denial.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I'm not defending it. Well, it's better than what the Chinese government gives them. They're lucky they get a dollar a day. These people are like defending the fact that they're giving their kid Gatorade. Don't defend it. Just be like, okay, yeah, I do give my kid poison on occasion. It's okay. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I'm not accusing you of forcing a woman to have sex. I'm just accusing you of poisoning your kids. Slightly different. I don't know which one's less. And then, of course, then people doing that shit to women is horrible. And then, of course, there's the people who, yeah, which takes me to the word hypocrite. If I'm smoking a cigarette here and I tell you don't smoke, it's the worst thing in the world for you, and you call me a hypocrite,
Starting point is 00:10:04 there's two things. things one you're a fucking idiot because you're missing the whole point why are you talking about me and second I have a ton of experience because I'm smoking a cigarette and who would know better but you're changing the subject you're going ad hominem while I'm sharing information
Starting point is 00:10:18 it's just all defensive egotistical Kate something Kate you know it's just all defensive, egotistical. Kate, something, Kate, you know, you're not, you're pulling a little early in your snatch. I snatch more than you, Sevan. Yeah, I know. That doesn't mean that you don't pull early.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Don't fuck. And then we start fighting. Kate, how much, what's the most you ever snatched? 85 kilos. 147. What is that in pounds? Mine was 185 pounds. Yeah, it's around there, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:56 What's the most you ever snatched, Hobart? Have you ever double snatched me? 267. No. You're not as cool as I thought. I think the most average was 147. It was at Joe Westerlin's gym. Oh, yeah. I think the thing with what you're saying. Is Joe Westerlin handsome?
Starting point is 00:11:12 Sorry, go Kate. Sorry, sorry. I think he's handsome. One, yes, I think he's handsome. Two, I think with what you're saying with regards to people jumping on the anti-vax train is it just limits any room for conversation. like people jumping on the anti-vax train is it just limits any room for conversation, whether you're, you know, for it or against it. It just means that there's no, there's, there's no real estate for people to just meet in the middle. It just doesn't exist because you're kind of labeled or titled, or there's assumptions made about you. And I like,
Starting point is 00:11:37 that seems to be the heart, the shittiest part about it. It's like, Hey, it doesn't matter what topic you pick. People will have different opinions about the fucking golden fish and Gatorade or about the vaccine or about whatever. It's like, if you cannot at least talk about it, then it just, I feel like humans have become so impossible around some of those things that it's like, hey, can we just fucking set aside the problem or at least talk about the problem as the problem rather than, you know, I love this. When I studied a ton of languages in school and I had this teacher and like the whole reason I studied all these languages is this teacher was amazing. And she used to talk about how Europeans like conversed. And I don't know if you guys have got this, but it sounds like they're arguing a lot, right? Like often when you hear people talking in other languages, you're like,
Starting point is 00:12:23 fucking are they having a fight? But what she explained is that Europeans are really good at arguing about the problem and not arguing each other. So they don't argue the people they argue about the actual issue or the problem. Attack the person, attack the idea. Yes. Yeah. It's just outside of them. And I just don't feel like people are able to do that without feeling like they're either being personally attacked or have to defend themselves and their beliefs it's like man can we not just talk about the issue on the problem in the world and the things that are going on without suddenly making accusations or assumptions or having to go on the defense or you know that kind of thing ad hominem hobart's like all stressed out it's like fuck i just have these 12 new
Starting point is 00:13:05 stories i want to get through my no i was i'm listening to a word that no i listen to i listen to every word kate says savannah what did you say um i just i just you know the the rape analogy i think how do you account for the fact that maybe people actually believe that you not taking the vax or other people not taking the vax don't keep everyone else safe that by not taking the vaccine you are complicit in my my my i believe that i'm a man and i have dominion over all bitches on the planet and they need to ride this cock boom same thing that's what those people are saying those fucking people think that they fucking have dominion over all the other people it it's it's their way or the
Starting point is 00:13:54 highway i get it maybe that's why they're so passionate about it i just found out today that a family member fucking moved out of los angeles a very healthy family member because they were afraid of the stuff. Is this true? We're shadow banned on Spotify. So I get it. The fear, the fear might, people might be really, really scared to that point where it's like, I mean, you're seeing some of the stuff people are writing that, that people who don't show their medical records that prove that they're injected shouldn't get any hospital care moving forward. Like, I get what you're saying, but I, shouldn't get any hospital care moving forward like i get what you're saying but i but but you could justify rape with that same thing like the human race will not live on unless it has seven sperm and so i didn't even want to do that to her i just had to because it's what's
Starting point is 00:14:36 best for all of humanity it's like some charles manson shit but but i appreciate you throwing that out there because that's what they want to say. They want to say, you don't care about other people. Which is interesting, which is interesting. I was talking to you earlier about this article I read today about malaria and how a malaria vaccine is really powerful and potent, but the approach to something like malaria is that the vaccine isn't looked at as a silver bullet. And scientists believe that they need more than one tool in order to handle malaria. And it's interesting.
Starting point is 00:15:13 And I know this has come up and it's kind of like a popular thing to say. But I do think it's interesting that there seems to be no other approach to COVID other than lockdown or vaccine. to COVID other than lockdown or vaccine. And I imagine, imagine Kate, if Kate, if Greg's only tool for approaching your vagina was one, one dimensional, but he's got only missionary. He's got at least three. He's got at least three. How big is his nose? Maybe four. What, what did it cheese?
Starting point is 00:15:43 I did it. I said it. Life is a, you can say it. You're nothing. You're a good dude. Give me someone else to insult. It's a whole metaphor. It's a metaphor. It's a metaphor of procreation and vaccines. You see the metaphor, right?
Starting point is 00:15:53 You have to have different approaches. No one wants to just be – yeah. I feel like you're going to allow people to eat. Here's the thing we all know. I'm about to agree with you. Go ahead. None of these solutions work. None of these solutions.
Starting point is 00:16:10 There is no adding something. There's like I shit in a cup and I shit in a blender and now I'm trying to make it taste better. There is no solution. If you're obese, if you eat refined refined added sugar to excess, if you eat refined carbohydrates, there is, you're just pushing, like, there's no amount of stuff you're going to put in that blender that is going to be like, okay, this is good for you now. No, this, this getting this injection is just pushing, pushing the ball down the street. We all know this. Everyone knows this. And then they push back to me and they say, but Sevan,
Starting point is 00:16:43 you don't understand. It takes more than 28 days. It takes months. We have to do a double pronged approach. We have to use the injection and these other things. Fine. I agree with you, but the other things aren't happening. Yeah. And I mean, it's just, it's just idiocy.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I feel like if you're going to continually allow, give people the freedom to increase lifestyle habits or continue to perform lifestyle habits that allow them to increase their risk of chronic disease, then you should allow people to have the freedom to take a vaccine or not. Yeah, I like that. Doesn't that make sense? Isn't there a balance there? I don't know. Maybe that's going to get me fired. One fucking hundred percent. But I mean mean it's the same thing people are saying it's like well mandate the vaccine or mandate all these rules around lockdowns it's like well fucking mandate exercise and fucking mandate whole foods right like is there some kind of call that you can make there where if you're gonna mandate locking people down but it's it's a reflection of the
Starting point is 00:17:40 the health model of the sick model right where? Where it's like, we're not focused on optimizing people or actually getting people towards fitness. It's like, all they care about is like, okay, well, if you're sick, what do we do? We'll treat symptoms or treat, we'll treat it at the end rather than be preventative and talk about fucking lifestyle. And we don't care what happens to your little kids along the way to make these old dying people happy. Oh, hey, it's my instagram kate has a bomb
Starting point is 00:18:07 ass instagram too if no one follows it they absolutely should dude her i i was i didn't know you had so many followers i actually reposted this and then i peep was peeping trolling your instagram how are you so popular the fuck have you done does she post insightful compelling stuff well well actually mostly because i i did a really big lift at tori and pro and that went like super viral so i picked up like 30 000 followers or something from that but also because i'm an intelligent strong very interesting person right hell yeah more booty more booty shorts double the followers double the booty short shots double the followers yeah i'm trying to build followers without doing that it's slow as hell and then when you do do it it's like holy shit they they earned it like wow
Starting point is 00:18:57 yeah i'll do it at like a hundred thousand follows or something i'll be like you guys earned it yeah oh i like that i'll wear booty shorts every day if it'll get me more followers you don't even you need to use your instagram more hobart i know i've been off of it for all the reasons that we're talking about your mom's on it a lot oh yes that did not oh god i missed an opportunity damn it wait what i do do i after the show i need to get your mom's mom's instagram account i want to follow her i keep thinking about that every show next thing i know she'll be telling me hey i talked to savant today he's trying to get me to start an OnlyFans account? What is that? Oh, F. What's the F? One of Haley's friends, I don't know how old she is. She's probably 40.
Starting point is 00:19:52 I was friends with this lady on Instagram for like a couple years, right? And then finally about a year ago, I realized, oh, that's one of Haley's mom's friends. And it's just such a weird – because it's just just weird it's just a weird world i like being friends with all sorts of people i interviewed gee today do you know who that is the brazilian dude yeah from the games kermit yeah really nice body crazy snatch crazy snatch and i was dread i had this narrative in my head dreading interviewing him because he was 21 years old like i just have a story about young people interviewing young people in my head how old are you kate 31 okay kind of you're kind of young um and he he he none of it was true
Starting point is 00:20:39 this guy none of it was true my story was bullshit i had a complete blast with him i told myself this whole story about how he's going to be dull i'm gonna have to drag everything out of him he has no life experiences no not true i had a lot of life experience man he's fucking clean and jerk 290 for more than one rep okay but yep doing that. Just handling his business. We have a live call-in number today. Hey, Saban, read Jim Klesas, his comment in the comments. I want your thoughts on that. If a company or country has a vaccine mandate, the person still has a choice.
Starting point is 00:21:22 They can take the shot or they can leave the company or country ask a rape victim what choice they had ah very very let's let's talk about that that's why we need a fucking ethics professor philosophy major if a so so you live in i don't know which country you go to but you live, let's say a spot and you have three kids and you have a job and you have to put food on the table for those kids. Right. And you, um, and you, uh, are told, Hey, if you don't take this injection, um, we're going to lose your job. And so you think, okay, I have the choice. I can struggle and just roll the dice and, and see if I get kicked out of my house with these three kids and not have food on the table. Okay. So I agree with you. You still have a choice. There's no one holding you down. Right. What if I were to say, and I'm playing this out in real
Starting point is 00:22:15 time. I don't know if this is going to work out. What if I say that girl, that girl was walking home through this dark park at night and she had a choice whether to walk home through this dark park at night, and she had a choice whether to walk home through that dark park at night. She could have gone a different way, but because she walked through that dark park at home at night, and she wore those clothes, and she didn't carry bug spray, that she knew that that stuff happened there, and she could have chose not to walk through that park,
Starting point is 00:22:42 that rapes happened in that park. Does that work? Do I win? No. Oh, oh fuck it's a great point it's a great then then it's not a perfect jim thank you it's not it's not a perfect um metaphor but i'm okay with it i'm still i'm still i'm still okay with it i don't know if you have kids jim but i'm still okay with it when When you threaten someone's kids, you are in – you are really – I was in this town called Kisameni in Kenya. When I went there and I went down this dirt road for like three hours, it's probably like 200 miles west of Mombasa. Mombasa is on the east coast of the African continent in Kenya. And if you go about 200 miles inland towards Nairobi, the capital, there's a small area called Kisameni.
Starting point is 00:23:36 And I drove like two hours off the road there on a dirt road. And I was dropped off there in a small village where they really had no objects. It's funny. I was just looking at this footage the other day, like the clothes they had were like the only objects, but even the stuff they cooked in their homes, everything was like handmade by objects. I mean, like they didn't have plastic spoons or knives or toilets or like nothing like that. And when we pulled up in the car, everyone was like looking inside the door of the car to see their reflection because they had no way of seeing their reflection. And I get out and I stay in this village for two weeks. And there was one day where I'm walking with these five little kids and we walk by and there's this huge pile of
Starting point is 00:24:16 trees with like a diameter like this, I don't know, four or five, six inches. And there's like 40, 50, 60, I don't know't know 100 trees piled up on top there and they said hey do you know what happened here and i said no and they said there was a woman here walking down this trail dirt trail and she came across an elephant and its baby a mama and a baby elephant and the mama came over picked the lady up off the trail by her trunk and banged her on the ground until she was dead and then it buried pulled down all the trees in the area and buried her so she could never get up again i mean she was already dead they said i said well why would they do that and they go that's the way mamas are they're like they'll do that to lions they'll pick a lion up beat it to
Starting point is 00:25:00 death and then fucking bury it with trees so it can't get up and hurt them again and and i i hear you i hear what you're saying it's not it's not a perfect um it's not perfect it's not perfect um you could say it's more like the me me too movement then jim you could say that these women who were like taken into harvey weinstein's hotel room and given the choice of whether to get a job or suck a dick maybe it's something more like that but either way i'm okay with that line being blurred. If you're going to force injections on kids, I'm just okay with it. Like that metaphor is pretty close. I'll work on a better one. Thanks for ruining my story. Um, okay. I'm going to jump in and I'm going to take us totally off track.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Okay. Last week, the request was, hey, bring in a recommendation. So this morning, I was thinking about what I wanted to recommend. And last week, we talked about Brene Brown's podcast with Simon Sinek, who talked about the infinite game and its mindset stuff. So I'm going to do another podcast and it's a little bit, it's a little bit different. It's not generally about stuff that we typically talk about, but the guy on it is a great storyteller. Um, and his name is George McCollin. He's interviewed by Tim Ferris. So it's the Tim Ferris show or the Tim Ferris podcast.
Starting point is 00:26:19 I cannot tell you exactly what number podcast I was trying to find it before, but it's George McCollin. He is the writer of the book essential or essentialism. Um, and he's just written a new book, I guess, called effortless. And this book is, or the podcast,
Starting point is 00:26:34 sorry, the podcast is quite incredible. And he tells stories about his family. He tells stories about other people with their family and kids and just shit that they've gone through, like just really bad, bad things that happened to just like ordinary people, you know. And he basically has this perspective on life in the world where we can choose to do things two different ways. We can go and do things the hardest way.
Starting point is 00:26:59 We can make it the heaviest. We can make it the most challenging. We can struggle through things or we can choose the lighter path. And so the whole idea around like effortless is about choosing that effortless path. And he talks about this one particular story and I'm not going to ruin it. I'm going to let you listen to it. But right at the end of the story, the person that he's talking about says, it's all so simple.
Starting point is 00:27:22 And he's talking about life and it will potentially make you cry a little bit. I definitely was close to shitting a few tears, but it just is quite striking, especially with, you know, everything happening in the world today. It's just nice to hear people, one, not talking about fucking COVID and vaccines and two, also describing how we go through hard shit and how we do have a choice and we can go the shitty hard heavy way or we can make that struggle that's inevitable to a degree effortless. And we can learn and we can grow and we can take kind of the good and let that outweigh the bad. So that's my recommendation for the week. Was that accurate what Susie put up?
Starting point is 00:28:03 It's a podcast from 2019. Let me pull it up. Let me actually go find it properly so that you've actually got it there he found it he put it up did you see it yeah he had it there i just i'm just trying to find it because if i can find it in my podcast thing then it will mean it will show me you know it shows you like previously played oh uh yes yes yes i'm trying to remember what the name was but um let but let me find it and I'll let you know when I've actually found the episode. Craig, I did watch a bunch of the – do you listen to a lot of Tim Ferriss? I really love his fucking interviews, but I do find that I really have to sit and think when I listen to them. So I've put them off for ages and I've just been listening to a ton this past week which is why this one came up so i i do listen to him but just sporadically i listened to the only podcast i ever listened to of his was recently and it was with um stephy
Starting point is 00:28:54 cohen because i had her on and i was researching her and um and it's it's not fair to judge him just from this one but he was pretty fucking controlling. He like, he is so good at asking people questions that they've never been asked on other podcasts. Like he will never go in with the, so tell me about yourself. Like, what's your story.
Starting point is 00:29:14 He'll always be like, yeah, I found this thing out about you. Can you talk to us about that? Like you'll find fucking stuff where you're like, it feels like he's talking to a close friend. Cause he has this inside information. He's just so good with those things. But I think he's a little bit like,
Starting point is 00:29:31 he's a little bit of a perfectionist and a little bit anal around like, you know, preparing and having quite a scripted interview. He said that to her. He said, I don't normally ask people about themselves or their bio, but I'm going to make an exception here. And I thought that was weird because like, that's usually right exactly where I dig in. Maybe I'm just lazy. Maybe I'm taking the easy path. Well, I just feel like that stuff's kind of the small talk of podcasts, right? It's like you listen to any podcast. The first half hour is just like back and forth, small back and forth, small talk of like, Hey, this is where I grew up. And this is, this is how I started CrossFit. And then you get into the last 30 minutes or the last 20 minutes and people are getting into like really good started CrossFit. And then you get into the last 30 minutes or the last 20 minutes and people are getting
Starting point is 00:30:05 into like really good topics and conversation. And suddenly they're talking about fucking life in the world and just interesting shit. And you kind of get to get past all that stuff. And he's really good at getting through that and getting to the fun, interesting bits quick. Me too. Hashtag. God, I hate hearing about how good other podcasters are okay episode 510 23rd of april this year the art of effortless results how to take the lighter path the joys of simplicity and more episode 510 the tim ferris show Show. Yeah, really good. I think I'm going to get his book.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Colin said episode 355. Did he just make that? Did he just make that? That might have been the previous one because they did one like a couple years ago when his first book came out. So this is the more recent one. And the shit that's been going on in his life is intense. And whose life? The guest?
Starting point is 00:31:03 Greg McCone. Yeah, the guest. And Tim Ferriss, I guess. Tim Ferriss is an interesting guy. He put out a whole massive podcast. We're talking about rape. You can go and hear all about his sexual assault history. He assaulted someone?
Starting point is 00:31:19 As the victim. As the victim. Victim of sexual assault when he was a really young child. By a man or a woman? By a man, I believe it was his babysitter when he was like from the ages two to four. Yeah, it's really, really, really fucked up. So he did a big podcast like talking about it. It's like the first time he's ever talked about it.
Starting point is 00:31:38 It's pretty hectic. Does he cry? No, he's pretty straight to the point. Like I think by the time he actually got to that recording, it was like he processed a lot of that shit. He's been in therapy for a while, I believe. I use this search engine called DuckDuckGo. Do you guys use that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:59 No. DuckDuckGo. Someone told me it's just better than YouTube. And so just now – but it's weird because all sorts sorts of when you use it why do you use it kate well it it like it gives you more privacy it doesn't like track your data like google does yeah okay maybe that's why i started using it too i can't remember but someone's like hey you got to use that and it's it's so crazy the stuff it reports to you as you surf around the internet like just now i was gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna post a link in here of a video you guys should watch.
Starting point is 00:32:32 But when I went to go to that, when I went to go to YouTube, DuckDuckGo is like, hey, this website is now going to track everything you do. And it's YouTube. You know what I mean? And if you go through Google, they don't tell you that. I like the idea that it avoids filter bubble of personalized search results. Because I know it's like you could search. We could all search the same thing on Google and we get different results, I think. Yeah, the stuff that I search on DuckDuckGo comes up completely different to what I get on Google. It's like crazy.
Starting point is 00:33:01 That's actually really interesting. I don't care. So I feel like my data is it's out there and they all have whatever they want and if rogue just fitness wants to continue to follow me around websites and try and sell me in more rogue fucking gear i'll just keep buying it but i like the idea of being able to search something and not being tied to like oh here's what we think you will like you know because you just get so duck duck go fuck yourself hey let's um let's uh let's test that out right now if i go to google and i type in what would i like let's all type in the same word and see what the first
Starting point is 00:33:33 oh wow duck duck go doesn't even like me going to google okay what should i type in? Like car? I don't know. Okay. Yeah. So I typed in car. I typed in car and it says Carmel by the sea. I bet you that isn't yours. Mine is Carvana used cars. Mine comes with car sales.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Yeah. Yeah. Mine too. Cars for sale, CarGurus, CarMax. Maybe we need to be more specific. Mine's Carmel by the sea, then Carvana, then Car Wash near me, then Car Wash Santa Cruz. Okay, so yeah, it is all – well, definitely location. What are you getting advertised?
Starting point is 00:34:13 What are your – like do you have ads on the side of your search? What's coming up? Because I just got advertised a mini car phone holder, a kids like – you know those kids like toddler truck things to kids toys when you type in car yeah like when i've searched and looking at the results the ads for a car holder and kids toys oh i don't even have ads on my google oh yeah yeah i see at the very top that's shit dude i never click that stuff because i don't want to give money to google if i see something in an ad that i want i just retype it in i know it's pretty it's pretty it's pretty silly okay so simon senec last week and george mccullen on the terry gross being interviewed by terry
Starting point is 00:34:58 gross this week by terry gross tim ferris yeah yeah yeah that's what I said Tim Ferriss correct some porn just came up on Hobart so he can't participate in this he typed in car and it's like the first five searches
Starting point is 00:35:14 were like car porn I actually gotta stop my camera hold on oh alright we're back wow we're good
Starting point is 00:35:22 that's all it took wow I have to tell one of my friends we're doing i'm doing a podcast now podcast with yeah craig white says literally just downloaded duck duck go went to porn hub and it said i was tracked to the site by google oh no shit wow google just follows you right like it just collects all that information wow wow wow hey there's gonna be i can't wait till there you know how like every once in a while there'll be like a breach of a site i can't wait till they just release like just a huge like everyone's name and what porn
Starting point is 00:35:57 what porn videos they search for it's gonna be epic when's that gonna happen i mean someone's got the list they're just waiting i mean it's in some like what are those things called it's some sort of wiki leak there's some leak someone already has it someone has access to that data wow hobart's really into midget porn wow he likes to see croatians having sex with armenians that's weird high heel i mean just the year but you're gonna see some just outlandish shit and the people are gonna be judging other people oh my god you like to see young boys well i only like to see young girls what's wrong with you and it's gonna be just fucking nuts have you seen those reports that they put that's actually a great book um that's my recommendation of the week right there
Starting point is 00:36:40 required reading in the Hobart household. Well, if you want something easy, watch Peter Boghossian's authenticity video to match that one. Everybody Lies. It goes perfect with that book. I put a link in there somewhere. Have you seen those reports that Pornhub puts out, though? It's like they break down by region of the United States, like what type of porn is the most or what terms are the most searched or stuff like that. And I don't know if if that's actually real information they're putting out but um i mean they'd have a way to
Starting point is 00:37:11 dig that up if you look like yeah oh but i'd like to see that susan look that just look that up like um i don't really have most frequent searches or like yeah because i mean if they could do things like top videos it's like they'd be able to fucking find that stuff it seems like the time it takes to search what you want i could be in and out and done it's like i just just i trust the algorithm you trust the algorithm yeah what what what what usually works for me like taylor swift kim kardashian oh is this that's why i don't think they'll give that information up because it's like it doesn't matter if you know it's like it's beneficial for them for you to not know about it almost to a degree where it's like
Starting point is 00:37:54 it seems organic even though it's not so it's like oh this just randomly came up and it's so perfect for me i'm going to watch that so the more that it appears organic the more that we're likely to kind of follow the path that they put us on yeah let's go brandon oh man okay we should start the news come on this isn't like us just coming on here and like show's been derailed it kind of kind of has been but I was, I did want to say one thing. We're worse than the callers. Oh shit. Go away. I did want to. All right.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Nevermind. No, say it. Go. I just wanted to say one thing, especially about sort of like the, the divisiveness and the infighting between people over something like vaccines or just fill in the blank,
Starting point is 00:38:39 especially over the last year with respect to social media. I do wonder if there's this loss or this feeling of loss of individual identity. And so therefore, because you feel like I am unable, my identity is so small with my 1000 such 500 followers, 10,000 followers in this sea of hundreds of thousands of millions of people that I can't have my identity recognized or validated. So I just find this bandwagon that everybody else is jumping on and I just latch on to it.
Starting point is 00:39:10 And without that, I feel like I'm nothing. So you just defend that to the death. I don't know if there's a psychological phenomenon for that. I just wonder if that's a thing. Well, it's like you've kind of gained a platform, right? And you can use it to say things and feel like you've got a spotlight on you even if it's not really a spotlight just feels like you can kind of say stuff and if you've got 200 300 followers it's like well i've got a 200 or 300 audience yeah yeah i kind of i agree
Starting point is 00:39:36 with that you mean as opposed to the opposite hobart like my biggest problem with crossfit is that you know back in the days i didn't want to be a part of it. I don't I've never wanted to be a part of anything. Like being a part of something sounds like I it's weird. It's like this is probably one of the first things I've ever been a part of. CrossFit. Yeah, but but I'm trying to I don't I don't relate to what you're saying, but maybe I have the opposite issue, which is then in turn the same thing. I search for my individuality by – do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:40:07 Like I feel – I'm more like a – I feel like a contrarian. But you're still saying that and putting it out there, right? Like you're quite aggressive with the way that you like say what your beliefs are. So I think you're doing it in the same way. It's just perhaps not agreeing with a lot of what other people are saying. So you're still using it in the same way. Well, maybe then I misunderstood what Hobart's saying. Hobart's saying is like, hey, you might not really like The Grateful Dead
Starting point is 00:40:31 or you might not really like – he's not even saying that. I'm taking it to the extreme. But you might not even like The Grateful Dead. You might not even like Star Wars. You might not even like baseball. But you live in San Diego, so you are a Padres fan because you want to be a part of something. And Star Wars seems to be the cool big thing, so you watch all are a padres fan because you want to be a part of something and star wars seems to be the cool big thing so you you watch all the star wars movies because you
Starting point is 00:40:49 want to be and you want to just fit you it's like you're looking to fit in right is that what you were saying hobart or is that what you were saying to some extent i feel like more it's like i'm a vaxxer anti-vaxxer because i want to fit in not because you want to fit in but but because you feel like your individual identity lacks. You have a hard time validating or bringing meaning to your individual or specific identity, especially in like this sea of millions, hundreds of millions of people who are on the internet. And so in order to bring, I don't know, more gravity to that identity, you find this one thing to latch onto and you just pound that drum as hard as you can. And there's no changing your mind and there's no willingness to have a conversation about compromise with somebody else because that would mean your,
Starting point is 00:41:36 your new identity is now jeopardized. I don't know. I feel like there's something that, that oversimplifies it, but I feel like there's something like that going on. I understand what Kate was saying more now, I think. So it's almost like if you're saying, oh, I'm not really a big fan of the Grateful Dead, but I'm going to jump on. No, it's the opposite. If you're saying you're not really a big fan of the Grateful Dead, now you'd be that person that would jump on social media and be like, no, fuck that band.
Starting point is 00:41:58 That band's shit. What are you talking about? And you would refuse to move on that stance, regardless of however many new albums they put out. Even if you liked one of the songs, you're like, no, I just fucking don't like them. And that's where I stand. That's what I put out. and you would refuse to move on that stance regardless of however many new albums they put out even if you liked one of the songs you're like no i don't i just fucking don't like them and that's where i stand that's what i put out publicly i'm attached to that that's part of my identity boom yes yeah you said it that's part of my identity yeah okay i have a question for you guys i play at night i play at night that um i the vaccine. You play at night? Yeah. I'll lay there in bed
Starting point is 00:42:29 and become that person. I'll role model that. I feel like that's very empathetic of you. Well, I just want to walk down the... Yeah, I don't know if it's that. Just try that on. See how it fits. Yeah. Like I, yeah. Okay. We were so good.
Starting point is 00:42:54 I shouldn't have even brought that back. You guys were doing such a good job of unfucking me. And I just, I refuse. I refuse to be unfucked. If it were not the year 2021 and things like social media weren't such a big part of everybody's lives and the way that we spread information, if COVID came out, let's say 10 years ago, the year is 2011. Do you think that it would have been the same kind of pandemic that it is now? Do you think there would be as much fear and panic and argument and all this stuff around
Starting point is 00:43:22 it if it were not for social media. I don't know. I think about that. And I was trying to read into what happened during the Spanish flu. And I believe we've had issues of vaccine mandates like this in the past. And both people, cities and towns trying to enforce quarantines and mandates during events like the Spanish flu and other outbreaks in the past and people resisting. So I, I think, I definitely think social media amplifies this to the nth degree. There's two ways to look at it. By the way, Craig, that's a great thing. Craig White says, sometimes I look to my wife and I say, are we the crazy ones? You should always ask yourself that. I love that. Me too.
Starting point is 00:44:05 I'll be like, okay, am I the crazy one? Let's work this through. Yeah, let's work this through. Hobart, I went down that path too saying, yeah, this thing has spread because of social media so quickly. By spread, I mean – It's like a viral virus. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because the disease has spread from mind to mind so quickly but on the other hand man just think about before when there were only like
Starting point is 00:44:28 20 years ago when there were only five tv stations or maybe it's more than 20 years ago so i was kind of going back even more than 10 years than kate was saying but maybe maybe the only thing that's kept this thing from even moving faster – I mean, look, there's a whole world out there that will defend to the death that the measles vaccine is really important and that it's one of the great vaccines. They always talk about it. But if you just do a quick Google study on it, you'll see that in the 10 years before the measles vaccine came out, only 500 kids died every single year from measles and when they say and that's taking their word for it and then when you look at the last measles outbreaks we've had for the last couple years you'll see that it's like a third of the kids have been vaccinated so my point being is it's hard to tell whether you'd be more brainwashed then or more brainwashed now
Starting point is 00:45:27 like because there were fewer outlets to get that information like no before it was just trust your doctor now it's just like the same thing with um with um i'm at a dinner party and um i'm at a dinner party with all my this is i don't know it's eight years ago and i'm with that with all my liberal friends and we're everyone's just bas Trump, talking about what a racist fuck he is, all the bad shit he said about Mexicans. And then after dinner, everyone leaves, and I go on my computer to try to find the evidence. No evidence. People reading into shit. Him being concerned about rapists coming across the border and that
Starting point is 00:46:05 was kind of like an eye-opening for me i don't know yeah but were you searching on duck duck go or google i was searching on google well the same thing the same with them and sometimes i do that too so the michael the michael brown um wow we're getting spammed good uh the michael that makes me feel like we've arrived when we're getting spam in the comments um the michael brown um death i watched all i only would watch liberal media reports on it cnn msnbc and i forget one other one abc i would refuse to watch fox to get my my perspective on that because i because i i want to give that that the biggest benefit of the doubt i don't know if you know what michael brown is k but it was a guy who reached it it was a a guy who robbed a liquor store. They have all the footage of it. Beat up the guy there. The guy is like 6'6", 300 pounds. When the cops went to pull him over, he reached into the cop car while the cop was in it, and the cop shot him through the door of the car.
Starting point is 00:47:03 and the cop got out of the car and said freeze and michael brown started coming towards him and he shot him again and the question is is like was that legit like and so it was this big huge thing it'd be a b it's blm's first poster child it's blm's poster child so i just did all the research about that only using liberal media and i'm pretending the whole time that the cop was either my dad or my son. That's how everyone should think of everything. As you start judging people. From Ricky Garrard to fucking Jeffrey Epstein. You should be a compassionate soul.
Starting point is 00:47:38 And remember, these could be your son or your father. I think. That's how I like to do it. I stole the conversation. I'm sorry, James. I'm sorry. It's all right. It's fine. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:47:58 I want to get way off track with this, but we're going to go. We're going to do the news. We're going to do the news. I love Colin. He always corrects me. Dude, he was at his ex-girlfriend's house assaulting or no liquor store that day no no no remember he went into the liquor store they have the footage of it and he's and he takes all of the roll the uh rolling papers don't you remember that with his buddy michael brown buddy
Starting point is 00:48:18 michael brown and then they were crossing the bridge by the way i'm pretty sure james uh i'm pretty sure i shouldn't say that. Someone we all know, everyone listening to the show knows, and many of us are friends with and acquaintances with, were very close friends with that cop who shot Michael Brown and his whole fucking life. I think that guy's in fucking like FBI protective custody now. So no one kills him. And his whole dream, his whole life was to be a cop and help people. And because of that incident, it's all gone. I can't tell you the person's name because every time I mention this person's name on the podcast, I get in trouble.
Starting point is 00:48:50 They're like, hey, I told you that in confidence. I'm like, oh, sorry. Let's go, Brandon. All right. All right. The internet always wins, people, no matter what. Love it, hate it, think it's toxic. It always wins. Undefeated.
Starting point is 00:49:09 The Let's Go Brandon meme lampooning president. Well, let's rewind real quick. So we're at a NASCAR race. And anyone who accuses me, excuse me, Mr. Hobart, anyone who accuses me of having people on the show or not willing to go against someone who who has a different opinion than me. You can eat a dick. That phone number is up there.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Feel free to fuck me up. And Jim Kalesis or whatever, 50 burpees for you, you asshole. He just fucked me up and fucked up one of my metaphors. And Hobart helped him. So you guys can eat a dick. And I'm still bitter about it. Hey, Jim, I'll do your 50 burpees for you. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Who will? I'll do the burpees for him. For Jim? And now I'm teamed up on. Absolutely. Let's go, Brandon. All right. So at a recent NASCAR race, as the I think it was the winner had finished and he was being interviewed, the crowd was chanting. Fuck Joe Biden.
Starting point is 00:50:01 And the interview is interviewing the winner, whose name was Brandon. And she says something to the effect of, listen, they're chanting for you, Brandon. Let's go, Brandon. So the Internet took this and a meme lampooning President Biden is taking over the Internet. It continues to blanket conservative news sites and social media accounts and all other types of politically aligned news sites in general getting repurposed in all sorts of different ways now i don't believe that's happening by the way i'm not saying it's wrong i don't and i want it to be right but i don't think it's happening i don't think that there's stadiums full of people yelling fuck joe biden i really don't i think maybe it happened once or
Starting point is 00:50:42 twice but well i don't think there are state. I mean, this, this could have been a small group of people at this event that were standing in the camera. I know. I just feel like the news media is trying to make it like everyone's doing that. I don't, I don't think that that's happened.
Starting point is 00:50:54 I mean, I hope I'm wrong, but I don't, you probably are wrong because I don't think the news media ever blows things out of proportion and they don't use things to grab the public's attention. So you're probably wrong. Not, not sorry,ve not right i am always wrong steve maybe compassion is not the right word just coastal carolina that uh i did plenty of burnouts uh to practice yeah get to get a little further along my god this is a dream come true wow this is a dream come true wow talladega oh my god i just want to go let's go that's literally ricky bobby yeah dad dad we did it just want to go fast
Starting point is 00:51:33 i hadn't seen that until now that's great i didn't hear the fuck fuck joe biden that wasn't in that clip um let me why was that such a good clip for us californians seen that's like cultural like for me that right there is cultural like education at nascar i totally believe it 100 susan i sent it to you in our group link the video regardless um some genius took this and then created a song out of it called Let's Go Brandon. And now this song is sitting at number one on top of iTunes hip hop chart. Since Apple Music is a streaming service, just so we know, the chart is based on songs being streamed. So a lot of people are streaming this. And even at a recent Georgia Auburn college
Starting point is 00:52:21 football game, someone actually rented a plane to fly a banner with the let's go brandon written on it so if i hear if i hear let's go brandon that means fuck joe biden it's it's code yeah wow so so hang on where's are you with that are you okay with doing that okay so i was in the united states i was i can't stand him and i'm not for some reason i'm not okay with it i was thinking about this today and trying to think about like you know what is the difference between what no no i think it's a good question what is the difference between like something that's like civil disobedience um versus you know being respectful disrespectful to the point that it's i don't know counterproductive
Starting point is 00:53:11 harmful should we be doing that to someone who's the president of the united states even if we don't agree with their politics or like who they are i don't know here's my only justification for it the the the party that he belongs to has so much power right now and is bullying so many people. I mean everyone's terrified to come out and speak at their job. Everyone's afraid they'll be fired. There's just so much crazy shit. I mean there's people on the planet who are like, hey, if you're white, you're – believe in our country. I mean the co-founder of BLm was just uh put in on the la la county commission or something they believe that white people are white supremacists all of us it's like so in that regard it's like well what if when you do do stuff like that these chants
Starting point is 00:53:59 like that what you're doing is letting people know it's okay to stand up but i just don't like disrespecting it's kind of like shitting in our own kitchen he is our president after all you told me as you can hear the chants from the the crowd let's go brandon brandon you told me you were gonna kind of hang back those first two stages and just watch and learn what did you learn that helped you there in those closing laps oh my god it was uh learning how each line didn't uh one more time holy shit this is real brandon you also told me as you can hear the chants from the the crowd let's go brandon brandon you told me you were going to kind of hang back. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Do you reckon she's trying to cover for them? I don't know. I would love to ask her. Or did she just not hear that? It kind of does sound a little bit like let's go, Brandon. The first couple of chance. Oh, man. Because if she's covering, she did a really good cover.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Like hearing them say, fuck Joe Biden, and then being like, crap, what am I going to do? This is like a live interview with me. Like, ah, they're calling Let's Go Brandon. Listen to that. Like, kudos to her. Is CNN covering that story? Sousa, if you Google CNN Let's Go Brandon, do they cover it? Does any of the left media cover that?
Starting point is 00:55:29 Do you know when I was a kid, I didn't think that there was left and right media. Did you guys think that there was? It's still kind of new to me. Oh, yeah. That's good. That's healthy. Jacqueline Robinson, they're calling people speaking out against things domestic terrorists we're being banned on instagram so everywhere we're being silenced so it's the voice of the frustrated
Starting point is 00:55:51 people i i i think that's a great description of it um people are saying this because the government isn't listening democracy is failing canada is essentially doing the same when trudeau went campaigning everyone came out to boo him to have a voice i know it's just sucks i just feel like it's shitting in our kitchen like he man but i mean i i mean i i think i think uh most of the uh news stations are covering it but not specifically cnn but most of them they're calling it the new uh anti-joe biden chant to go along yeah they'll never cover that anti-anti-native see now i think that's really frustrating like and you know how do you get your government i mean oh man i have so much to say on this do it well i just i do feel like civil disobedience don't do it okay do it let's go next
Starting point is 00:56:43 no no no do it i was just joking oh you're right hobart please just a little bit civil disobedience i don't want to go down this rabbit hole but you know whether or not i agree with the politics and i don't agree with the lives lost destruction caused you know civil disobedience even, civil disobedience, even violent civil disobedience is as American as apple pie. And I think, you know, what's frustrating about this is if you, if you have a class of citizens, either if it's, you know, class of citizens by race or socioeconomic class, you know, the riots that occurred after the George Floyd, whether or not I agree with all of the political parties that were involved in this.
Starting point is 00:57:26 If you go all the way back in American history, we've been rioting over shit for years since this country started. It's how it was founded. Now, I'm not saying riots are right and they're the best way to handle things, but I think it should be eye-opening for the government and our citizenry as a whole and talk about empathy of trying to really understand if someone feels that fed up, if someone feels that unheard, whether, you know, if it's something as, you know, I think relatively innocuous as, you know, saying F, you know, fuck our president at a NASCAR race. That's a big, that's a bigger statement about the state of our society in our country as a whole.
Starting point is 00:58:03 It's not like, well, these guys are being anti-Joe Biden. Maybe they actually have some real qualms and real issues. If someone, you know, if an entire group of people riot and however you feel about rioting, and I mean, no disrespect to any lives lost or dollars in businesses lost, any of that, there should be a point where we step back and say, hey, maybe there's something that's more endemic going on here. What is the bigger issue? Why is it that people feel this unheard, feel like they're backed up against the wall enough to have this as a reaction? And I don't understand why that question isn't being asked, or at least the media isn't propping up that question. And that goes for both
Starting point is 00:58:44 liberal and conservative news outlets. So you're saying that it's kind of like a natural response for Americans? I'm not saying it's a natural response. I think it's very much a part of our culture and history, you know, as far as how our country got started. You know, we threw off the shackles of our oppressors, if you want to be really dramatic and romantic about, you know, the American Revolution from British rule. And then, you know, if you go throughout history, we've seen riots and things like that. And if you want to call it civil disobedience, I just think it's if you see something like that occur, aside, you know, you can condemn it all you want. And we can point fingers of who's wrong but i do think it should like cause everyone to pause and be like you're like what's going on here you're
Starting point is 00:59:30 like really like what is the problem why why do this why do people feel this backed up you know this pushed against the wall to to have this type of response i think there needs to be a little bit of that and i'm not saying that excuses behavior no right right that's important what you just said that's important what you just said someone wrote let's not forget kathy griffith held up a fake severed head of donald trump yeah yeah that's worse that's worse than fuck joe biden i mean it's well australians are almost getting pissed off that people aren't responding that way you know like people that are against some of the things happening now, it's like, we're, we're, well, we are criticizing ourselves for not having that, like, Hey, this, like, if we don't believe something is right, what do we,
Starting point is 01:00:14 what are we actually going to do about it? Like, we're very compliant, very much like roll over and chill out and just do whatever the fuck the government says. Maybe there's a higher degree of trust. Maybe there's like something else going on. And I know, like, I think something that I've definitely learned is that you can clearly see that America was founded on freedom. And now when you try and sit here in Australia being locked down for days and days and days on end, being like, Hey guys, what happened to our freedom? And all of a sudden it's the government's job to hand out freedoms and everyone's like wait a minute i don't know if we agreed on this it's it's almost like too late like we've kind of
Starting point is 01:00:49 fucked ourselves because like that we're at the end point going wait a minute how do we change this from the beginning whereas you guys have almost got that to your advantage where like even the guns thing like i've never up until this point been like i don't i don't think the guns thing's really that brilliant like Man, Australia got that right. But I'm like, you know what? Hang on a minute because it's almost more about what the guns represent. And as much as I'm like, I don't know if people should have – and I think there's been a lot of lives saved maybe because our cops don't carry guns with them and shit like that.
Starting point is 01:01:19 But it's like – That's a misnomer. It's not the cops. Just so you know, it's not the cops. That is a total – that is not true. But but but but people are killing people. That's kind of where I'm going with it, where it's like, hey, we've had these things that have worked out very differently for us. And we tend to be just very compliant. And you could almost criticize us of having the opposite issue where you guys are like, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. Let me let me protest and fucking yell at a NASCAR event saying, fuck our president, whereas Australians would never do that. I don't even
Starting point is 01:01:50 think I've seen people booing someone at a show or at a game or at any kind of event in Australia. I've only ever experienced that in America. It's just something that we don't have that really exists here. And you know what? I started the show by saying that basically I would accept any reaction a parent would have if their child's in danger with the elephant story. So I agree with you. Like, fuck Joe Biden's actually kind of pretty nice considering the threat that a lot of people feel their kids are under. So I like the way you tied the guns in. Holy shit. I've had a swing on that one, too. I used to be pretty anti-gun. I've had a swing on that one, too. I used to be pretty anti-gun.
Starting point is 01:02:26 I've had a swing on that. Pretty open-minded. I'm a pretty open-minded guy. You sound open-minded, too, Kate. Yeah. I mean, I like to think I am, but, I mean, fuck, there are things that I'm probably a little – I'd like to – you know, I always laugh when you say, like, I speak in absolutes. I said that about you. No, no, no. You said that about yourself. And it's something that like, I know that I have a tendency to do,
Starting point is 01:02:53 like I tend to speak and like, without consideration of gray actor, gray area or nuances or things that depend on different scenarios. And it's like, because I speak based on my own knowledge, which is, is very, very limited, right? So I think that I'm open-minded, but I think I can certainly be like someone who makes big claims that aren't necessarily accurate. They're just accurate based on what I know and my perspective. How do you feel about the law? There's two new laws in California. One of them is they repeal the law. Wait, wait, wait. We have a story on. Okay. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Just hit it. Just hit it. We'll hit it and we'll go to the story. Do it. Okay. Yeah. I don't want to cut you off because Kate's this is a good combo.
Starting point is 01:03:34 So Kate, there's, there's two new laws in California. One of them is, is that it's a law has been repealed where, um, uh, me and Hobart can be boning now and I don't have to tell him I have AIDS where in the past, if I my cock in them i had to tell him before that i had aids now you don't have to i don't have to tell hobart shit which i which i'm torn because like you shouldn't have to like there shouldn't be laws around what i have to tell anyone or anything regardless like you should just be smart enough to know that if you have sex with someone they might have aids or they might not anyway so i don't know how i feel about that But what's crazy is it happens at the same time that another law is passed, is added, that Hobart and I can't be having sex, and mid-sex, we pull off the condom and not tell them.
Starting point is 01:04:16 That's actually a law in the California books that passed. It just happened in Australia as well in one of our states. It's now illegal to do that. Stealthing? Oh, what's it called? Stealthing? Stealthing, yeah. Oops. Oops, i stealthed i mean you could so get around that and just say it fell off i mean
Starting point is 01:04:32 but i why are there any laws about any of that shit it's that's the thing people don't realize like the big picture shit like whether you're for abortion or against abortion like do you really want to start this down going down the slippery slope of putting laws on women's bodies you have to think about that i'm not saying whether it's good or bad but soon as you you're allowing laws to come into your bedroom i think the thing is is at the end of the day a law is there to protect someone right i don't think it's necessarily about like condemning someone else it's actually about the the victim right but it's not you would have a
Starting point is 01:05:09 really good bit to add on like to contribute here who who does you do how about you just have to remember what the implications are what you set precedence for every time you pass a law and if you're going to say what people can and can't do in their bedrooms, I mean, I think in the books in some States in the United States, you can't give head. You can't, you can't do,
Starting point is 01:05:32 you can't do, you can't do the 69, even though we've already established. It's not that fun anyway, but, or overrated. I'm going to just start sending in like one of the weaker rides at disneyland just questions around state elections that we should outlaw 69 because it's not that fun
Starting point is 01:05:51 my buddy steve is stuck in Australia. Hobart, Potosí in 2024. Sevan, is there – America outlawed 69ing again. It's not their bedrooms. It's about protecting the unborn. I hear you. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about you just have to remember that when you put a law on a woman's body, you're now saying it's okay to put laws on everyone's body. You're setting precedent.
Starting point is 01:06:28 That's the way the law works. That's the way the human mind works. It's just a really slippery slope. That's why you can't outlaw hate speech because tomorrow I Love James Hobart will be considered hate speech. Okay. speech okay it's the same it's same thing when people are like tax soda tax cigarettes dude are you fucking nuts like i get it i used to be there too every time you tax those things those the government now has ownership of those companies they're now in bed together it's like actual ownership it's called taxing but it's not taxing these companies now are owned by the government and they in turn also
Starting point is 01:07:13 own the government you guys get it there's a lot of research that shows sin taxes don't work which i think speaks to a bigger issue in our legislation. It's just seeing the bigger picture. It sounds great. Like committing a sin? No, no. A sin tax is like a tax that's on bad behavior, smoking, alcohol consumption, sugar might be considered a sin tax. There's a fair amount of evidence that suggests that they just don't work because they don't target the root of the problem. It's just people who are actually addicted to those things just lose more resources and money, and it just exacerbates a lot of the issue, I think.
Starting point is 01:07:53 I don't know what masturbates has anything to do with it. Yeah, it's kind of like just throwing money at it, right? It masturbates the issue. Yes. Nancy W., enough about politics. I don't even know what politics are, but I agree with you. We were talking about sex oh crap because we were talking about sex and it turns into politics right like are you allowed to pull the condom i've never even thought about pulling a condom off while fucking someone why would you even ever wore one no i was i was fucking anal about it
Starting point is 01:08:21 unfortunately for 40 years oh were you dude crazy i was so i was so scared of getting aids and dying when i peed i every morning when i woke up i put a condom on my penis that's how scared i was how much sex were you having it was it was it wasn't until i was 18 and then it was just like as soon as you have it once you just just break the seal and it's just – you're just swimming in sex until you're like 35 and then chicks don't like you anymore and you're just stuck with your one. No, you choose to be with your one, right? That's what I meant. What did I say? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You choose.
Starting point is 01:08:57 He said stuck. You mature. You mature. I'm joking. I matured. I matured. Oh, man. I'm joking I matured I matured oh man no basically when you're 35 you pick the one that was the best one you had over the last 20 years it's basically a 20 year
Starting point is 01:09:13 job interview you're just searching 5 years of fornication right yes yes the movie I want to see that movie this is a documentary I hope it gets made. I like those high school movies.
Starting point is 01:09:27 Do you guys like those? Did you guys like Mean Girls? Great movie. Yes. Or The Girl Next Door. I love all the high school coming of age movies. What's the hot chick? The one where the guy becomes like takes up one chick's body or something.
Starting point is 01:09:47 Do you guys remember that one? Fuck, what's the guy's name? Can't admit to watching that one. No, something happens and there's some magic trick where he ends up in this chick's body. It's called the hot chick. No, no, no. It's called the hot chick.
Starting point is 01:10:03 I don't think I've seen that one. There you you go there you go it's that guy what's his name oh rob no um oh crap wikipedia come on let's go click that tom brady made 54 million dollars yeah rob snyder rob snyder i just love anna faris okay so when was in university, there were two Kates on my dorm floor and there was the tall, very slim, looked a little bit Californian Kate. So she was called the OC Kate or Kate OC. Cause she kind of looked like, like what's that actress in the OC that show? Misha Barton. Misha Barton misha barton i hate that i know that like misha barton i'm so glad that you know that and so then i was called i was given the gift of scary movie kate because i looked like anna ferris so that was my nickname in university
Starting point is 01:11:02 yeah so now i'm like i fucking just love i just like convinced myself that i fucking love to well they're they're coming out with a new scream which the scary movies are based off of so i hope they come out with new scary movies i loved that whole genre the spoof movies that was the best yeah the was up skit that was the um who did that the waynes brothers there wasn't any sex in that story that i missed was there tons there was a lot of sex that's all we talked about do you know this podcast reminds me of the podcast i did with matt and josh except we're real yeah except we're real can't disparage my own podcast no you can't do that man don't do it not cool good dude's coffee drink your good dude's coffee get your podium drinks saw the, I saw the good dude himself today.
Starting point is 01:11:45 You did. I know. I heard you've been helping him like move in and shit. No, I moved. I moved a dresser. I didn't rub one off. I went and peed.
Starting point is 01:11:54 And by the way, it's raining at my house, which is really weird. I'm in a way too high of a tax bracket for it to rain without notification on my phone. So after the recent discussions in the, in the podcast and on kate's instagram about alcoholism and alcohol related deaths i did a little digging today so if you are already depressed by the political talk you should probably just mute for the next 10 minutes
Starting point is 01:12:17 it's just where we're headed tonight and we're gonna make fun of drunks so this is story two of like 20 and we're an hour in. So we got to tighten up. Drug overdose deaths rose by nearly 30% in 2020 to 93,000, according to preliminary statistics released in July by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. But an estimated 95,000 people die from alcohol-related causes. but an estimated 95,000 people die from alcohol related causes. I didn't dive into what that means and what qualifies now call related causes, but use your imagination or duck,
Starting point is 01:12:50 duck, go or Google alcohol. What do you think that is like suicide or car accidents? Or what do you think it is? Give me a couple like ideas. Yes. All of that. Suicide,
Starting point is 01:12:59 um, car accidents, beat your, beat your wife to death, drinking yourself to death, that kind of stuff. Okay. Accidents.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Beat your wife to death. Drinking yourself to death. That kind of stuff. Okay. Alcohol is the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States. A nationwide survey commissioned by the American Psychological Association in February found that nearly one in four adults reported drinking more this past year to manage their stress in relation to um the pandemic and covid the rti international study found that the largest increases in average consumption of alcohol occurred among women with children younger than five listen to this listen to this stat up by 320 percent in black women black men and hispanic women unfortunately casual racism
Starting point is 01:13:47 that's casual racism someone accused me of being a casual racist i want to tell you something every time we talk about people outside of their um just being people it's casual racism in my mind okay go on i'm okay with it as long as you know you're doing it just like i use my iphone i know it's made in china with children's labor and people who commit suicide i'm okay with it as long as you know you're doing it. Just like I use my iPhone. I know it's made in China with children's labor and people who commit suicide. I'm okay with it, but don't deny it. Okay, go on. Unfortunately, alcohol use disorder is a difficult topic to discuss in America. Drinking remains widely accepted and alcohol is easy to obtain. We talked about this. Kate talked about this last time. The widespread availability of alcohol coupled with clever marketing makes it nearly impossible to avoid. 300% increase.
Starting point is 01:14:32 Yeah, in women with children under five. How much have you guys increased your drinking? I actually drank more during lockdown myself, which is not a lot. I mean, it's like fucking barely anything. But I was reading a stat that's something like, oh, I'm going to butcher this, but it's something like if you have three drinks a week or there's a number I need to find it. It's a 15% increase in breast cancer. So like the link between alcohol and breast cancer is like very, very high. And it's just one of those things that we just like, don't really connect.
Starting point is 01:15:07 You know, it's the same thing I said last week. It's like, Hey, don't go out in the sun. Like you'll get skin cancer. Or like don't smoke, you'll get lung cancer. It's like, well, drink and you'll possibly get breast cancer or just chop your tits off. And you don't have to take, get breast cancer. It's just a, it's just not something that's. Didn't someone do that? Didn't someone have their boobs removed so that they wouldn't get breast cancer?
Starting point is 01:15:29 A preemptive strike? Didn't Angelina Jolie do that? I think people at risk or have a family history of breast cancer can do that as preventative. But I don't think it's so that they can just drink, right? At risk. Yeah, Who the fuck knows? So the first four months of the pandemic, hate saying that the first four months of the COVID response, I basically drank every morning from 7am to midnight.
Starting point is 01:15:58 I would crack open a kombucha, pineapple chili. And my wife would say from the bedroom, are you kidding me? And I would say, nope, I'm not kidding you. And I would drink four to six of those every day. I would dilute them with sparkling water and just drink them all day and just stay buzzed all day. They have alcohol in them? Yeah. They're like seven or 9%. They're pretty, I don't know, like four to six of them. Yeah. And I did that for like four, I did that for basically four months. I'm glad you stopped. Yeah, I just was like, you know what?
Starting point is 01:16:28 This isn't like this. And when I stopped, everyone's like, oh my God, your skin looks so much better. And since then, I just have less than one drink a month. But I get it. It was fun. And someone got upset that I said this, but like, I don't know why you can get upset that I'm saying this, but basically I, my wife said, I said, Hey, I'm going to quit drinking for a year.
Starting point is 01:16:51 I'm going to quit drinking alcohol and quit drinking coffee for a year. The coffee was really fucking hard. I did it for two months and flip back, but the drinking was pretty fucking easy. But how I did is every time I wanted to drink, I would just have some fruit and the craving would go away. And someone's like, Hey, you can't say that. That's not, some people can't quit like that. Well, I'm not saying that some people can't quit like that. I'm telling you what worked with me, for me, my wife told me I have a little piece of fruit and that's why I started thinking,
Starting point is 01:17:14 Oh, I'm probably insulin resistance or chasing the sugar. And it's not even the alcohol I like, right? Yeah. I had a lot of people that sent me a lot of messages around like their issue with dealing with alcohol. And i actually appreciate some of the messages because i did get called out for being um perhaps a little lacking a little empathy actually and not being super sympathetic and casting a little bit of shame on people that do have issues with it but interestingly enough i had a time i'm okay with that by the way i don't think you should have said you should feel bad but i appreciate it well it was just it was kind of i appreciated it know, people telling me that, but yeah, the alcohol is replaced by sugar and people will go to AA meetings and what
Starting point is 01:17:51 served on the table is like just sugary drinks, sugary lollies or candy. And so people replace one thing with another, like it literally is. It's like, and, and it's, it's often the addiction to sugar, right. Is kind of the ultimate issue maybe. Alcohol that comes along with that is just the cherry on top. Yeah. I think there are a lot of cases where it's not the sugar that
Starting point is 01:18:12 that's not what fucks alcoholics up in my experience. I'm sure the sugar doesn't help. It adds insult to a brutal injury. Of course, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was half. I wouldn't be surprised if it was half. I wouldn't be surprised if it was half. What happened with that call? Brandon, what's up?
Starting point is 01:18:32 No, I'm from the town I'm in. My name is Joey. Joey, what's up? Joey, as in the baby kangaroo. I'll call you what I want. My show. Okay, he says okay. Hey, if you what I want. Okay. Okay. He says,
Starting point is 01:18:45 okay. Hey, Hey, if you haven't been bullied enough this year, you called the right place. Well, that was part of, I had two reasons for calling one,
Starting point is 01:18:55 just for fun season two. Um, again, cause I am from Canada. Um, you like, you're welcome to ask. Like there's lots of, uh,
Starting point is 01:19:01 you, you seem to know a lot about what's going on in Canada, but, and you didn't ask Patrick Vellner too, too much when he was on about the whole Canadian pandemic situation. I know you're from Canada. You said funsies. Yeah, I guess. I don't know. I said a little bit too. Yeah, no, it's, it's last basically Canada is,
Starting point is 01:19:21 it's not like pretty similar to what Australia is dealing with. Like we're closer, I think, I want to say like 87, 88% vaccination for vaccination. But yeah, you got QR codes everywhere you got to go and all that jazz. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:19:37 QR codes everywhere you go. What do you mean? Scan in wherever you go. And then do you guys have your vaccination status pop up now? Yeah. So basically what happens is so if i want to go to the movie theater i gotta show up and then they'll say hey can i get your id and your vaccine card so i show that and then i'm allowed into the movie what do you mean what do you mean you show your vet what do you mean why do you have to show an id and to go to movie do you look like you're under 18 like an r-rated no it's just to prove it's just to prove that your name so like my name matches my vaccine my qr code or whatever so i can pull up on my phone or pull it in the card they want both just to prove
Starting point is 01:20:15 you got to help me out here what's the qr code and the vaccine card have in common you know when you go to places when you check in and you use the QR code and you scan it? Okay, so in Australia at least. No, no. When I want to buy something, it has a QR code. I personally don't have a QR code. No, no, no. When I get on an airplane, I have a QR code, right?
Starting point is 01:20:37 Yeah, so the store or the cafe or the restaurant or the movies, they have their QR code on their door or on their entrance point, whatever. You scan that to go in. And in Australia, what's happening now is you check in to that venue. And what will pop up following that is your vaccine status. And it will come up red if you're not fully vaccinated. It will come up green if you're fully vaccinated. You show your little color screen. It has your name on it.
Starting point is 01:21:03 And then you prove that it's your vaccine status by showing your ID. Boom, you're allowed in. Ours is very similar to slightly different where you don't, you don't in Canada, you don't get a QR code if you're not vaccinated. So you go through the vaccination process and once they know that you are vaccinated, then you get your, your code. So if you aren't vaccinated, you don't have one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:26 So you guys have your own QR codes? Is that how that works then? Each person has their own QR code? Yeah. Oh, okay. All right. Different kind of fucked up. Good.
Starting point is 01:21:34 Cool. I like it. Yeah. Holy shit. Is that real? Yeah. You have your own. Wow.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Wow. I'm tripping.pping yeah i don't know it's it's it's a little aggressive like i'm i'm i myself and yeah go ahead go get shot you know do your thing but yeah it's it's a little wild um like when i work a couple different jobs but one of my jobs is i'm a dj at weddings and stuff like that um so like uh to prove you that you can't go to a wedding with over a certain amount of people, if you're not back, like there's, there's all those goofy rules. So I just, it's silly. Like, you know, oh, you can't get married technically with more than just you and a, and a witness if you aren't vaccinated and just some silly things like that. So Steve, you have your, so, so sorry.
Starting point is 01:22:24 So Joey, you have your own, Steve C sorry. So Joey, you have your own, Steve Cousins is asking, I'm curious too. You have your own number? Like a social security number? Yeah. Like I have my own social insurance numbers, what we call it. Like that's separate. But so when I went to get my shot, I, you know, they just figure out that you're a real person and you're a citizen and all that jazz. And then first one and then the second one. And after that, after a certain amount of time, you can then apply to get your QR code and then you have that.
Starting point is 01:22:56 And now I can. And that's yours for the rest of your life. That's it. Presumably. Then you can do whatever. Oh, my God. Oh, it's true. Like, like, like when, when Patrick was saying with the one guy who were there chatting, like,
Starting point is 01:23:10 if you're vaccinated, man, life, life is completely normal. Um, is that necessarily right or wrong? I don't know, but, um, well, it's the illusion that it's normal. I mean, it's the illusion, but it's definitely not normal. Yeah. I don't know if normal means. Yeah. You're not the right word but oh my god i would feel so um i wouldn't feel i would know so is it up to businesses to actually enforce this like so for example if you go to a restaurant and
Starting point is 01:23:42 you show up and one of your friends is not vaccinated, is every single person at every single venue being checked? Or are some businesses just simply not enforcing it because they don't care or they're like, hey, it's not our job? How is it being enforced? Every business is supposed to check. For example, gyms, which I'm going to lose his mind here. So in order to work out at a gym, you have to, um,
Starting point is 01:24:07 have your vaccine. Um, so I work at a gym. My main, main job is I'm a, I'm a coach. So we have some people like that don't have their vaccine that wanted to work out at the gym.
Starting point is 01:24:21 We are upholding the rule just because we don't want to deal with all that shit, but there's some gyms that aren't dealing with aren't uh they're saying you can work out even though not they're not getting checked if they were to get called out on it um then they yes they could get shut down or fined or all that chat but what will they attach next to it like what will eventually be like you didn't pay your taxes or you didn't pay your child support is there is there talk about what else they can use it for? Well, isn't there like a –
Starting point is 01:24:48 There is talk? There's something that they use in China where it's attached to like everything. It's like attached to your credit. So it's almost like if you do certain things, you can get access to more money if you're trying to take out a loan. You know, it's like a credit system to a degree based on like what things you do. I haven't heard anything on that. I haven't heard anything on that. Yeah, I haven't heard anything about that specifically. But like, again, that's the scary part about the whole situation.
Starting point is 01:25:14 It's less about, you know, vaccine or no vaccine. It's just kind of like sky's the limit, right? Like, what if, what if, what can you, what does this mean? I don't know. There's so many different avenues that can go down. But anyways, you guys talking about alcohol and I wanted to ask the fun question because of course I knew that I was going to get brought up because I was in Canada. But do you guys know what your country's national drink is?
Starting point is 01:25:37 I hope it's a white cloth. Like alcoholic beverage? Man, I hope it's a white cloth. It's, um, it's, um, something that makes him fat. Bourbon. Bourbon. Bourbon is the national drink of the U.S.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Do you know what Australia's is? Beer? Probably beer. Fucking jailhouse piss. No, beer. No, it's not beer this show is ruined for me this show just got ruined for me lemon lime and bitters i think a caesar is a caesar is canada's hey what if you just didn't want to do any of that shit what if you just didn't want to do any of that shit joey like what if you just like fuck it okay well i'm not gonna fly anywhere i'm not gonna go to any gym i'm not like like what are the what if you're just like like is there anything like i guess you need a job like
Starting point is 01:26:32 what can you do yeah like so you can you can like they aren't they aren't going they aren't gonna they aren't gonna do you know well they basically yes you can choose just to not do so i i know people who are just choosing just not to do anything i had someone who moved to like our like brandon where i'm from is not a large um city it's like 60 000 ish let's go brandon but uh brandon but uh they they moved to like a tiny small hole in the wall town of like a thousand people because she's just like, I'm not doing it. So she just got out of there and now she's doing whatever the heck she wants in
Starting point is 01:27:08 a town in the middle of nowhere that doesn't care. Yeah. Anyway, I just, uh, yeah, I've been, I've been listening. Should I say sorry to you? Should I be like, Hey dude, I'm really sorry. No, no, no, man. Well, I'm supposed to say sorry. I'm Canadian. Sorry. Oh, sorry. I just feel bad like you're part of some fucking crazy government experiment.
Starting point is 01:27:34 I just feel like I can't believe as a human being you're being treated like that. I'm just... It's a funny angle. I don't feel necessarily mistreated. Um, but I,
Starting point is 01:27:48 I, I know what you, I know what you're coming from, but no, Mr. Mr. Chateau is doing his thing and all good. So.
Starting point is 01:27:57 All right. Thank you for calling. Good job. Training. Keep spreading the good. Thanks so much. Um, I just want you to know,
Starting point is 01:28:04 I first hold a herd of you through your film, Pulling John, before I heard you through CrossFit. I watched it when I was really little and it was awesome. When I connected the dots a year and a bit ago, I was like, oh shit, oh yeah, man. You just got a lot cooler.
Starting point is 01:28:18 That's cool. Thanks, Joey. Thanks for doing this, guys. Have a good day, guys. Bye. Bye. This guy says something interesting. Dave Tate says,
Starting point is 01:28:26 we cannot define language if there's a class of the unheard. Language dies. Imagine a world without rap. Freedom to speak is also the freedom to be heard and the freedom to be heard. I don't know exactly what that means, but I agree with it. Dude, Colin just... Anyway. dude colin colin just anyway
Starting point is 01:28:47 hi colin rogan needs a booster jeff jackson jeff are you the one who said ha ha were you the one who taught me the term cat jesus there we go with the webcam girls again. Jeff, are you the one who taught me the term casual racist? Did you write that once? Can't remember. Anyway. We have the supply chain, gas prices, Southwest, Superman. We have a ninja attack story to get through. Oh, can we do the Southwest one?
Starting point is 01:29:24 We're three stories away yeah we'll get there yeah um crisis save ah all right kate says southwest we're going to southwest there you go southwest airlines but we're gonna go back to the gas prices so um last week thanks jeff sorry i thought i recognized that face, but from the YouTube comments. Last week, a handful of, a handful. Supposedly, a lot of Southwest employees went on, not strike, but were kicked out because they wouldn't take the vaccine or follow vaccine mandates. I think that's a little bit fuzzy. But anyway, Southwest, the pilots union, the Federal Aviation Administration all denied that any work stoppage was to blame for all of the recent cancellations in their flights. In a Slate article that reported while the FAA did acknowledge a staffing shortfall at an air traffic control center in Florida,
Starting point is 01:30:21 it also pointed to military exercises and the bad weather and said that the original disruption only lasted a few hours, basically saying that this didn't have to do with vaccine mandates and people getting fired for them or walking off the job because of them. The pilots union emphasized that Southwest had similar pilot sick rates last weekend as it did over the summer, as well as the airlines' unwillingness or inability to update outdated technical systems that reassign pilots during disruptions. So their internal systems that help reschedule pilots to fly planes are outdated and they suck. As the Slate article
Starting point is 01:30:57 noted, other airlines did not experience such serious delays, even though the Biden mandate has resulted in backlash from employees at competitors like American Airlines. What else is going on with Southwest is that there's a case right now between the Southwest Airlines Pilots Association and Southwest Airlines. The Southwest Pilots Airline Association is seeking to stop the airline from moving ahead with the November 24th deadline for the union says significantly altered work conditions, rules rates of pay. So for example, pilots having to work longer hours, shorter hours, and not maybe being paid for sick leave until the two sides agree on a resolution. These changes violate a status quo provision by not maintaining terms of an existing contract during negotiations. This is what the union lawsuit claimed.
Starting point is 01:32:10 So long and short of it is that this article basically said the media had propped this up as related to people being fired or walking out on the job because of the vaccine mandates. This article has now come out and said there's a lot more going on and it does not only have to do with vaccine mandates and that's why you you saw all of the cancellations and flights bullshit yeah well i i love it how they just go through excuses it's the weather it's this it's that it's this it's fuck you they're disgusting they have no fucking integrity and those you fucking... Man. All right, moving on. Thank you. That's a crazy story. Good luck to you guys for doing that.
Starting point is 01:32:55 I will... On that note, the Delta Airlines, the CEO of Delta Airlines, interesting story, because I had John Brzezink on. He's worked at Delta Airlines for 37 years. Is it 37 years? Yeah, 37 years since he's been 20. And he basically said that if you don't get the vaccine when you work there, he got the vaccine, that if you don't get the vaccine, it becomes really, really hard for you there. Meaning having to take the test and where you can go and where you can't go and how you travel and just the workplace just becomes really inconvenient. So he got it to make it easy for himself and he likes to travel. That being said,
Starting point is 01:33:31 it sounds like the CEO of Delta just said in the last couple of days, maybe it was this morning, I saw that he's not going to enforce the passengers to be vaccinated. I don't know if I heard that correctly, but there's some pushback from Delta. Well, I think it's going to be really interesting when, when, Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 01:33:49 One more thing. And they don't want to lose their government contracts. I think that's, that's what the Southwest CEO is saying. Hey, I don't want to do this, but I don't want to lose our government contracts or some shit like that. Well,
Starting point is 01:33:58 that's a big push is that they don't want to lose government contracts. And a lot of airlines probably make a lot of money off government contracts. And in those cases, they are considered federal employees. But it will be really interesting considering if the federal vaccine mandate becomes more expansive, because I believe that states, there's a Supreme Court case that occurred in Massachusetts in regard to vaccinations. I believe that the power to mandate vaccines in certain cases still lives with the states, which also means I think certain states can either mandate vaccines or choose to not mandate vaccines. And it doesn't look like that case that allows states to mandate vaccines isn't going to make its way back up to the supreme court anytime soon so it'll be really interesting to see what happens as the vaccine mandate um
Starting point is 01:34:51 gains power the federal vaccine mandate gains power or it grows in size i don't know gas prices i just realized that let's go brandon it's lgb let's go brandon it's lgb okay like lgbtq but it's just lgb got it let's go brandon let's go gas prices a report from triple a found that gas prices across the u.s hit an average savannes in a slump we got to pull them out of it hit an average of that canadian story i'm so fucking pissed yeah i know i just can't believe it's really i i'm in denial i mean i'm just in fucking denial that like you qr going like does anyone there read books do you not know what happens next have you guys not read the fucking book well i guess that's the scary thing right so let's assume let's assume that everything you disagree with savannah and related to covet is true right and even then yep does the qr code
Starting point is 01:35:53 seem like a reasonable thing to accept from your government it's the worst disease ever it's killing women and children and just fucking ravaging fucking everyone on the planet there's dead bodies on the streets do you remember when they tried to tell us there were dead bodies on the streets in india those fucking idiots have any of you ever been to india yeah me too i spent a lot of time there fucking idiots they're fucking there's dead bodies every they take dead bodies and throw them on boats and burn them and they just go down the fucking stream and by the seven it's turning more into animal farm than anything else yeah i mean it and like fahrenheit 451 the firefighters are the ones that start the fires i mean it's just
Starting point is 01:36:38 i cannot believe it i want to blame those guys for making this a reality. A report from AAA found that gas prices across the U.S. hit an average of $3.22 on Wednesday, higher than they've been at any point since 2014. That's consistent with the data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Gas prices have been rising throughout 2021 for anyone who has been outside of their house. So sorry for everybody in Australia, hitting levels not seen since the middle of the last decade. Basically, one of the issues is that supply and demand is not met by this summer. Americans are back out on the road. The number of vehicle miles traveled measured plummeted in the spring of 2020.
Starting point is 01:37:21 But as of this July, the most recent months for which data is available, highway traffic was back up to what it would normally be seen in midsummer. Back to Savant's point in some of our earlier podcasts, the Energy Information Administration noted in mid-September
Starting point is 01:37:38 that Hurricane Ida shut down a large swath of U.S. oil drilling and refining capacity in Gulf of Mexico in late August. But also, maybe another reason for why we should be energy independent opec and other major oil exporting countries agreed to only a modest increase in production despite oil consumers like the u.s and india pushing for higher exports therefore spiking prices the lack of relief on an oil supply sent crude prices higher
Starting point is 01:38:05 god can you believe we were like energy independent for like the first time in like 50 or 70 years whatever it was and now we're not can you believe like how did we i really want to dive into the energy independence thing i was hoping because i we're sure as shit not going to get to recycling tonight um but maybe i'll put the energy independence thing you know what does it mean to be fully energy independent how close were we gas here i filled up my car today it's five dollars and five cents a gallon what's like low gas for you guys per gallon? $3? Under $3? Now I have some context. Alright, I'm with you. When Trump was in office, it was in the twos.
Starting point is 01:38:54 I mean, do you know the price of gas went below zero in the United States? Did you know that per barrel? Did you ever see that? That was crazy. There was so much fucking gas it was ridiculous the the refineries couldn't process all the gas it was nuts do you remember that hobart it dropped below zero dollars a barrel now it's up to 80 bucks a barrel i'm not saying that that's right for it to like and what would it be like uh four times the price for a liter, right? One gallon is what? Three liters? Three and a half liters?
Starting point is 01:39:28 Anyway. James Stubbs, I heard a rumor. Sevan is vaccinated. I am. Quadrillion times vaccinated. I mean, you got COVID. So technically, you're naturally vaccinated, right? You're like guts and unity.
Starting point is 01:39:44 Yeah. My wife says I can't even say I had it because I tested negative. So I don't even get to say that anymore. She put the stomped on my dick for that. I think my mom may have, my wife is stomping on my dick and my mom may have kicked me in the teeth for that. But I had it as far as I'm concerned. Yes. Is there any nudity in this show um
Starting point is 01:40:08 we could talk about stealthing and that's that's all depressing i just bum myself out about canada i'm just like hyper fixated canada i was tripping already kate said that she's in lockdown and i was just like i don't think hobart and I really get it. I don't think we're listening to you when you say that. It's, do you know what I mean? Like,
Starting point is 01:40:32 I don't think we're listening to you. I definitely don't get it because when, when a lot of the businesses shut down and life kind of came to a little bit of a halt in Boston, I started to, um, we started, my wife and I started walking more.
Starting point is 01:40:44 We spent more time outside than we ever had um so I don't get it and I'm sorry well we're actually um coming out of lockdown soon ish oh great I feel better you're gonna get your QR code you walk around the block here's the thing I'm not coming out of lockdown because i'm not vaccinated so i'm fucked i don't even have like a so at the moment i've given like a list of things that people can do that are fully vaccinated if you're not vaccinated you just you're actually there's no inclusion so technically we're just in lockdown and definitely um what if you're black i don't know same same rules apply if you're not vaccinated or you're vaccinated you you get to do certain things or you don't get to do certain what if you're gay what if you Same, same rules apply. If you're not vaccinated or you're vaccinated,
Starting point is 01:41:27 you get to do certain things or you don't get to do certain things. What if you're gay? What if you're gay? Same rules apply. There's gotta be a way around it. Gotta be a way around it. James, your mom told you that me and her went and got vaccinated together? How can you tell me to call her? Because the FBI has you
Starting point is 01:41:50 tapped into my phone. I'm part of the whole giant psyops. They tell me everyone's calling. Oh, no. Are you still live right now? We still live? No, no. As soon as you called, I just jumped off the podcast. Just turned that shit off. Took you outside. I'm taking a piss. What's up, dude? You coming over to pick up a sack of weed or what you got some yeah let's say
Starting point is 01:42:10 you're an eight for 60 it's like the old days buddy it's still growing in the in the look at suza laughing look at suza i made suza laugh you guys can't see, but we can see the producer laughing. I love it. Damn. Kate and Hobart don't laugh at my shit. I know. They keep a straight face like they didn't even get your joke. I feel bad for you. How can I help you, Mr. Stubbs? Hey, so just to kind of elaborate on how crazy some stuff is.
Starting point is 01:42:48 So, gosh, you already said my name, so that makes it harder. Oh, shit. Call back in 20 minutes and talk like this. Hi. I knew you were getting crazy because you were like, even though no one new has entered the room, you're about to say some shit because you're like, okay, now listen. Now listen. Go to the trunk of my car, and there's a whole suitcase of cock rings in there.
Starting point is 01:43:06 Bring them inside the house. So to put it like – so some places are, for instance, if you're vaccinated and you're – whoever your spouse may be, they have COVID. You can go to work, and it's okay because you're vaccinated, even though you can be a carrier and that you can spread it, right? In what country? I mean. In here. Like in the United States of America? Yes. But these are some rules that obviously I've heard.
Starting point is 01:43:41 But if you're not vaccinated and the same situation happens and you have no symptoms or anything like that, you can't go to work. You have to quarantine. Yeah, there's a million things like that that don't make sense, right? And it makes absolutely zero sense.
Starting point is 01:43:59 And this is what I've been telling people is that when things contradict themselves, that should pop a red flag up in your mind that something's wrong. When things contradict themselves, it should pop a red flag. And what do people do instead? I mean, I hear you. I'm 100% supporting you, but it's happening. I mean, you heard Joe Rogan tell Sanjay a hundred support you, but, but it's happening. It's happening.
Starting point is 01:44:25 I mean, you heard Joe Rogan tells Sanjay Gupta Hobart's taking a piss break. You heard Joe Rogan tell Sanjay Gupta that you're 51 years old and you feel very confident with your vaccine. Right. And he goes, yeah. And he goes, and you feel safe. Right. And he goes, yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:37 And he goes, well, you have a greater chance of dying vaccinated than kids do unvaccinated. So you must have empathy and understand why people, kids don't want to get vaccinated or why they don't see the importance of it. And he couldn't even get his head wrapped around it. He couldn't like, it was like going to explode his brain. I mean, because there was a contradiction. Like you said,
Starting point is 01:44:55 he pointed out a contradiction, like, Oh shit. Uh, if people would think more so, but people can't think deeply. And that's the issue. It's surface level.
Starting point is 01:45:08 What am I being told? Okay, I'm just going to believe it. Because I don't want to take the time to think deeper into it, to actually use my mind to think, okay, this is what I'm being told. I mean, the dude said, I don't know if you watched the whole podcast, but the dude said that the people on CNN that watch that, they're already bought in. You don't have to tell them anything. They're listening to what he says and taking it. They're not researching. Oh, this doctor, he's on CNN. Let's roll with it. The things they say,
Starting point is 01:45:40 things they come out with, it makes no sense, But no one questions it. They just move about their day. Why do you think that guy went on the show? Why did he go on Joe Rogan? I'm dying to know why he went on that show. I think he went on the show to try to convince people that he don't usually get to from seeing them. Because he straight up said that he said, he said his viewers, the only viewers he has are people that who, whatever,
Starting point is 01:46:10 you know, I'm not certain people are bought in. I agree with him. Yeah. And then he said, um, but he thought to himself, how can I reach more people that won't watch the American?
Starting point is 01:46:24 Oh, Joe Rogan. He said that on the podcast. thought to himself how can i reach more people that won't watch the amen oh joe rogan he said that on the podcast well it backfired like a motherfucker on him and what's worse is yeah i don't want to i don't want to hate the guy but but basically he just got schooled i mean i just i made a comment on joe rogan's post saying because joe, I made a comment on Joe Rogan's post saying, cause Joe Rogan made a post saying that like, Hey, me and me and this guy are friends. It's, you know, people should listen to the whole podcast or something. And I said, and they, and they, and I forget. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:01 That the whole thing is so, it's so bizarre. The whole thing is so bizarre. He just went on there and just convinced everyone how right that they are not how right he is do you think he left there thinking shit I have no integrity I have no honesty I work for a fucking despicable news organization I should quit
Starting point is 01:47:19 do you think he had any of that no because he's bought in he's bought in so he tries to get other people to buy it jeff jackson when you you when you research the polio vaccine this is the one thing i ask you to do i want you to look at the the graph of when the vaccine was released and given to kids and people in the united states and when the numbers of cases of people with polio decreased i want you to look closely at that and then and then and then and then when you see the what did
Starting point is 01:47:52 you call it james the contradictory information the same with measles start just thinking about it i'm not suggesting that it's not a valid vaccine i'm just saying that there's places like to be like hmm this is weird this is weird. I'm just saying that there's places like to be like, hmm, this is weird. This is weird. There's places to dig in. There's places to ask yourself questions. No, I mean, just like you're saying. Greg Glassman was given the fucking, Greg Glassman limps because he had polio.
Starting point is 01:48:16 I don't know how many people know that. That's one of the reasons why he has that limp. And he had polio, but he was also given the vaccine. Before, a year and a half before he was diagnosed with polio. So here's, here's something that just blows my mind. I've talked to so many people about this is that we will, we'll force a vaccine, but on every single freaking corner,
Starting point is 01:48:37 there's a McDonald's, there's a Jack in the box, there's a freaking Taco Bell. There's all these things, but we care, we care so much. And this was my big argument when people were like, oh, the right thing to do as a neighbor is to get vaccinated. That's the least you can do. Excuse me? While you're at the McDonald line? While your kids are obese?
Starting point is 01:49:02 There, and it breaks my heart, but there are four, five, six-year-old kids that are obese. There, there, and it breaks my heart, but there are four or five, six year old kids that are obese. I posted a picture. I posted a picture today of a 13 year old kid who's 400 pounds. Whose mom's feeding him pizza at the airport. She's holding the box of pizza open in front of his face. All right. All right.
Starting point is 01:49:22 All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. Enough of this whispering and you getting me all fucking wired up
Starting point is 01:49:27 when's the last time you had sex James when's the last time you had sex my little boys are asleep so I'm trying to be quiet are you married I am married is your wife nice to you yeah she's pretty nice
Starting point is 01:49:41 she's cool okay you want me to walk you through anything? Hey, so I was actually going to ask you something. All right. So have you traveled with your boys on an airplane? I have. What the heck do you do about car seats and pack and plays? Or like, what do y'all do about all that?
Starting point is 01:50:09 I didn't, basically what I did is I just, I've got, I had, I had like three old iPads and headphones and I threw them on the plane and I don't normally give my kids any of that shit. My kids get so little screen time that I just gave them those iPads and the headphones on them. And I think we went to hawaii and then i hate to say it but every other time we just fly private it was a good life it was a good life it was a good life when you're almost as big as joe rogan i mean you can do stuff like that god can you imagine like i get excited when this show has
Starting point is 01:50:43 like 5 000 views and if i go over to joe ro's show, I want to fucking put a gun in my mouth. Hey, so here's one more thing, and then I'll get off the air. But the podcast you did with, oh, gosh, I forget his name. He's the fighter. He's the champion right now. Oh, Alexander Volkanovsky. How does that not have so many freaking views because it's just it's just the audience like hobart doesn't even know who
Starting point is 01:51:11 alexander volkanovsky is kate might know who she is because he's the biggest thing that ever happened to australia but like like because it's not the right dude there's this dude i'm having on the podcast tomorrow his name is mat. It's 7 a.m. God, it's too early. It's like 11 hours from now. Matthew – how do you say his last name, Sousa? Matthew Brudeau? Yeah, your guess is as good as mine.
Starting point is 01:51:39 Oh, great. Thanks again. And basically, I went to his podcast today. He's had like fucking 200 people that I don't even have the balls to interview. And none of his podcasts have more than 1,000 views. It's crazy. I don't know what makes the world go round. But kudos to Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 01:51:58 Being first definitely helps. And like someone said, he's fucking good. I'm never saying that again. Mark the time code on that. Hour and 51 minutes and 33 seconds. i said something nice about another podcaster but anyway hobart they're the best podcasters in the world then me i'm third i'm enjoying your show so i'll get off here which i'll keep on going sorry guys had to take that call back to the show Sorry, guys.
Starting point is 01:52:23 I had to take that call. Back to the show. Yeah, this guy's good, man. Excited to have him on tomorrow. He cares about kids. Hi, Hobart. Hey, buddy. Do you have any insect stories?
Starting point is 01:52:43 No insect stories. I have a ninja story. I have stories about jobs, hackers targeting U.S. water supplies. I have stories about the supply chain. Superman changes his Logan and his son is going to be bisexual. Oh, it's not Superman that's bisexual. It's his son. His son. John Kent, his son, on October 11th, DC announced that John Kent, Superman's son, who also wears the iconic S shield as a superhero, would come out as bisexual.
Starting point is 01:53:13 I wish he didn't have to come out. I wish he could just be like – so wait, I didn't even know Superman had a son. Did Superman – who did he fuck? Probably Lois Lane, I think, maybe. I haven't. Real question is, do you think they 69ed? Yes. Dude, when you're as strong as him, they did all sorts of shit.
Starting point is 01:53:40 They did crazy. What was interesting about this story is that one superman's motto is changing from truth justice in the american way to truth justice in a better tomorrow now what's really interesting about this is that you've seen his motto change throughout the years and it's i don't know maybe thought provoking about how comics somewhat reflect reality or try to reflect ideal uh parts of reality so throughout the years we've seen the slogans change from the american way um it changed to the american way during the 1950s the first days of the cold war and the height of
Starting point is 01:54:18 mccarthyism paranoia by the 1960s the motto shifted to truth, justice, and freedom on the kids' cartoon series. But arguably the most well-known Superman adaptation was the 1978 feature film starring Christopher Reeve where he revived this American way motto. Anyway, at another time, it was truth, tolerance, and justice. That would be a good one for right now. But I like a better tomorrow. I can't, well, I'm not going to say it.
Starting point is 01:54:47 You guys, you guys have to watch this video. Did I send you guys the video of Peter Boghossian, the authenticity one? I've watched that before. This is, is this the Russian KGB guy? No,
Starting point is 01:54:57 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 01:54:58 no, no, no, no. This is a professor, philosophy professor. Like he recently got fired from his job but it was a video i found that's like 13 years old no no this isn't any this is just the definition of authenticity that kgb
Starting point is 01:55:11 guy you're talking about that is a scary video that's one right i don't know if i needed to see i have a i have a story about ninjas and hackers targeting u.s water supplies um but i would you have one on what i want to say about the vaccine thing one more time then we're moving on from this um how is it that's a funny comment was just that i think when it comes down to empathy and finding a right path forward and maybe i'm taking like and let me tell you guys i'm not somebody who has a coexist even though i live in colorado i don't have a coexist bumper sticker on my car. And so maybe this comes across as a little kumbaya.
Starting point is 01:55:58 But I think if you have people out there who are, regardless of their political leaning, who are truly afraid and they really believe that COVID is going to kill them. I don't think the solution is to tell them that they're fucking idiots and they're terribly scared and you know if that's the case they should never leave the house and they're morons for wearing masks and they're morons for trusting the governments and getting vaccines now at the same time i think that goes in the other direction if you have somebody out there for who might be truly fearful of taking recommendations from the government or putting something in their body, like a vaccine for whatever reason. Again, I don't think the answer to that problem is to just try and tell them they're idiots. That's not empathy. That's not taking their job from them, taking their job. I don't think that's the right solution. That's, I mean, that's control in either direction. Like I do think that's a bad, you talk about precedent. I do think that's a bad path
Starting point is 01:56:42 and precedent going forward. Um, and sharing your medical records is a bad you talk about precedent i do think that's a bad path and precedent going forward um and sharing your medical records is a bad idea letting people demand your medical records yeah so anyway thank you for speaking speaking your mind i think that's very um equanimous of you that shows uh equanim equanimity, uh, that's not the word I'm looking for. Clarity on the subject. Anyway. Thank you. Perspective.
Starting point is 01:57:13 So I'm just trying to add. At my work on Vax must be tested weekly or face disciplinary action. The Vax are not by any circumstance to be tested. They just implemented that. Neither the Vax or the Unvax can eat lunch in the break room for more than 10 minutes, even if they are six feet apart circumstance to be tested. They just implemented that. Neither the VACs or the un-VACs can eat lunch in the break room for more than 10 minutes, even if they are six feet apart, to stop the transmission. Can't even read it. Thank you, Kimberly.
Starting point is 01:57:37 It's just nuts. Nuts, nuts. no it's not so hey do you have any denny do you have any um do you have any uplifting stories like um i don't this was not an uplifting i feel like none of the news stories are that uplifting right this was not enough i mean my next story is about a drone the in Kabul. Kabul. Kabul. I'm sorry if I mispronounced that earlier this year. Do you ever see like a giant man with a small woman and then just think like they probably never have sex except like he's always carrying her? Like you were a 200-pound man going out like really strong. Oh, I see what you're trying to do here.
Starting point is 01:58:23 Like you're half Thor and you go out with the girl who's like 105 pounds. Would you, that's, that's real life. What's his name? Um, what's that? I would only have sex standing if I could do that.
Starting point is 01:58:33 What's the standing good for girls? He's like seven foot and his girlfriend's like five foot or something. Is it Eddie? Um, Eddie Hall? Is it him? I don't know, but tiny girlfriend.
Starting point is 01:58:46 Do you girls have good fun? Yeah. Eddie Hole? Is it him? I don't know. Is sex standing good for girls? Like if you're being carried? Have you ever been carried while you're having sex? Yeah, I think it can be fun. It just... It depends. Is it like 69? Is it overrated? There's something hot
Starting point is 01:59:02 about being picked up and thrown around a little bit. But maybe that's just me. I know. and thrown around a little bit. Yeah. But maybe that's just me. I know. No, no, it's me too. I like it.
Starting point is 01:59:12 However, what are you going to say? You like to be picked up and thrown around a little bit too. I was going to say, why does the savant ask about guys enjoying that? Everyone likes to be suffocated a little bit once in a while. Everyone likes to, Hey, I can't breathe in this position.
Starting point is 01:59:23 Everyone just, it's just, how much can you take? I mean, if you're in a Fran, you're in a Fran everyone likes a hey i can't breathe in this position everyone just how much can you take i mean if you're in a fran you're in a fran okay sorry um i saw i saw it's something that pops in my head sometimes like when i see couples that are like just like really really strong men with really tiny girls i just think that they must have a lot of standing sex and colin says it's the mountain yeah yeah it's the mountain not Yeah, it's the mountain. Not Eddie Hall. And he's the guy in Game of Thrones, right?
Starting point is 01:59:49 She might be too small to do that with because you still have to I don't know. Can you be too small? I reckon they probably would have given it a red hot crack. Wait a second. That is really
Starting point is 02:00:04 his girlfriend? Wow, that's amazing. She needs to be ID'd. Strong mother. He has a, wow. I tried to get him on the podcast before he fought Devin Lorette. I even talked to the promoter of the fight. I had him on the podcast before he fought Devin Lorette. I even talked to the promoter of the fight. I had him on the podcast.
Starting point is 02:00:29 I think I was there. You were on that podcast with that guy? Yeah. He was drinking the Coca-Cola. Oh, yeah. Him drinking a Coca-Cola almost gave you a heart attack. Yeah, someone had a Coke on the show. Okay, so that's pretty good do you
Starting point is 02:00:45 have any standing sex stories hobart i got nothing that i'm going to share here oh man i got derailed by as soon as kate said she would do something about lockdown something happened to me something clicked i realized that i wasn't really listening i haven't even i had a hamster that was in fucking lockdown i had a hamster that was in lockdown it had one of those cages yeah the hamster he had him in lockdown in my bedroom in a steel cage i never had a person in lockdown maybe we're're all in lockdown and we're just lying. All right. We're going to end on one more story here. We're going to wrap this up.
Starting point is 02:01:29 Okay. People need to go to bed. When ninjas attack a man wearing full ninja guard, attacked members of a U S army special operations unit in the middle of the night in California desert, setting off a scramble for safety and resulting in at least two injuries. The incident occurred a little after. Actually, this is kind of a sad story.
Starting point is 02:01:48 You'll see why. Occurred a little after 1 a.m. on September 18th, when authorities in Ridgecrest, California, got a word of a sword-wielding man dressed like a ninja on the loose near the airport in Kern County, Los Angeles. Kern County's deputies found the suspect had assaulted, the suspect is the Ninja, assaulted members of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment.
Starting point is 02:02:14 He was at the scene with a sword, and he threw a rock through a hangar window, hitting an additional victim in the head. He approached the sergeant on base and questioned him this is the ninja do you know who i am do you know where my family is when the sergeant said he did not know the person in ninja garb aka the ninja began to slash at him with a katana sword the report states adding that the sergeant's leg and phone were struck good thing apple came out with a new iphone the sergeant ran jumped a fence and reached a building where he joined others from his company as he and the
Starting point is 02:02:51 captain locked the doors and called 911 the assailant kicked and punched doors and windows according to the report projectile rounds were used but were ineffective it added because he's a ninja and you can't hit them instead the man ran when deputies used the taser on him he dropped the sword and deputies were able to take him into custody he was identified as gino riviera 35 years old do we have a picture of the guy we don't i if they had a picture of him in his ninja costume i would be pretty happy god imagine what was that guy thinking basically he attacked like a bunch of green berets or some shit there's special operations what is the army special operations um i think this special operations
Starting point is 02:03:37 group are pilots who help insert other special operations teams into combat. Something in the story doesn't make sense. It's like what James says when something doesn't make sense, like there's a contradiction. Like if they were really special operations, how did a fucking dude in a ninja costume and a sword. If he was really a ninja, how'd they see him? Well, that too.
Starting point is 02:04:00 That too. 35 years old. Like what are you doing at 35 putting on a ninja costume running around with a sword i think what's bad about this is he do you know where my family is maybe that was just like part of it though you know to like make the badass guys that he was about to attack just be like oh he's he's lost or there's something wrong brett i don't know why i'm doing this for you because well i know i'm doing it for you i'm not doing it for victos because these sons of bitches won't sponsor me but i'm gonna tell you these are the shoes dude right here these the uh wait nano two these ones these are the victos they're just they're just
Starting point is 02:04:42 like the nano twos but not built as well but way cooler looking but they fit just like the Nano 2s, but not built as well, but way cooler looking. But they fit just like it. And, dude, they're so fucking cool. Mine are beat to shit. Look at them. You need to be sponsored by these guys so hard. Dude, I mean, I'm telling you, it is the Nano 2, except the Nano 2 will last you for, like, it's even wider than the Nano 2. If you got really, look how wide it is on the bottom.
Starting point is 02:05:07 Anyway, that's it. Victos. It's the Victos Core. It's such a nice shoe. God, it's so nice. Sorry. I feel like we've ended every single podcast that we've done with you talking about your shoes. Well, someone's asking what are the shoes because everyone wants to know because everyone's looking for a pair of Nano 2s and they can't find them.
Starting point is 02:05:24 Those Victos Core, man, they are the shit. And they're cool. everyone's looking for a pair of nano twos and they can't find them those vitos core man they are the shit and they're cool and it's not a it's it's the brand is so tough it's like i feel like i feel stronger when i put them on more manly it's not even something i really even care about i don't even want to feel more manly enough lifting in uplifting news two russians filmed a movie in space last week, but William Shatner wasn't involved in the project. But they only sell men's size shoes, don't they? Yeah, but I got the white ones in a size 8 for my wife, and she's a size 10 in women, and they're beautiful. They're really beautiful. The Victo's width is unbelievable, but the Nano 2 is indestructible yeah what colin said is true the width is it's just so
Starting point is 02:06:08 it's they're dope oh yeah sorry colin that was i misread that's north of los angeles you are correct colin wants to have sex with you so bad kate i mean hobart i mean hobart we're gonna land the ship oh do you got another story we're done i have a lot more stories but nothing happy let's do one i'm gonna just try to stay really a positive tell me the worst story you have and we'll finish but i'll be really positive i'll put a nice positive twist on it basically recycling doesn't work but okay you gotta hey matt can you queue up the new uh let's go brandon song you can probably you can find it on spotify
Starting point is 02:06:49 encore encore news story craig yes got hobbit feet so that's nice yes perfect for hobbit feet good hackers target u.s water supply okay in february someone tried to poison a florida city's water supply by hacking into its control system and dramatically increasing the amount of sodium hydroxide that would be added to the water a plant worker luckily reversed the change before the levels changed to an unsafe level the notice thursday reported that water facilities could be vulnerable to common tactics such as spear phishing, which is like receiving an email which tries to extract personal data or sensitive data. Exploitation of outdated or unsupported operating systems and software and the exploitation of control system devices with vulnerable firmware operations. A February notice cited poor password security and an outdated operating system as part of this sodium hydroxide situation. I really like this story.
Starting point is 02:08:01 You notice how the worker saved the plant and saved the people. The hackers couldn't get in and they discovered the problem. The password, go fuck yourself. It was too easy. No, the password was probably password. Password, yes. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. They changed it.
Starting point is 02:08:19 It's now exclamation point 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 dollar sign. I mean, it's amazing. I love this story. It's really a beautiful story with a happy ending. No one drank. No one got any more soldier oxide, oxide, fox side than they were supposed to get. And-
Starting point is 02:08:36 Okay, I hate this. Let's end on a sad one. Here we go. Quitting jobs, one from Shows a whopping 4.3 million workers quit their jobs in august the department or bureau of labor labor statistics states simply that the quit rates can serve as a measure of workers willingness or ability to leave their jobs basically we saw the most jobs that people
Starting point is 02:09:01 the jobs that people are quitting the most are nurses, healthcare workers, hospital employees. Specifically, certain kinds of nurses are especially likely to feel like quitting. In another survey from American Association of Critical Care Nurses, 66% of nurses in critical care said that working through the pandemic has caused them to consider leaving the nursing profession entirely. the nursing profession entirely. Similar issues with childcare and residential facility workers, where you're seeing 80% of childcare centers said they were experiencing staffing shortages this past summer. Low pay is probably the biggest reason for shortage. Daycare workers usually make only around $12 an hour. We're also seeing high quit rates from retail workers, hotel and restaurant workers. Roughly 700,000 hotel and restaurant workers left each month in April, May and June of this year. 700,000 each
Starting point is 02:09:51 month. And then the number of quits rose to 735,000 in July before spiking to just under 900,000 in August. But our president framed the issue in a similar way when asked about the labor shortage this past summer. His advice to businesses who are struggling to hire retained workers was simple. Pay them more. That's the news. Or give them more welfare, whatever the fuck those checks are. Joey Sims gave us $6.99.
Starting point is 02:10:22 I appreciate it. Drew Cannon gave us $4.20. He it uh drew cannon gave us 420 he's watching the show with my mom so he claims which means you're also probably watching it with matt bischel's mom matt bischel's mom is in town and my mom is like on mia she's like do you know who matt bischel is you guys know who that is right he works at hq yes he he used to be like a big shot there he was he had like some he was head of crossfit social media crossfit doc and now i don't know what the fuck he does but uh but he's still pretty involved with social media but him and my mom are friends so like that i mean i may have lost a a co-worker but but i gained a friend for my mom so maybe if you get fired your mom and my mom could be friends hobart
Starting point is 02:11:02 they could actually be friends without you because i already got fired wow wow wow that's it that's all we get um how many people do you think during the show i don't know if you can see it kate or hovar can see but there's comments pouring in and like three or four times um like 10 comments come in a row that are like a link to like a hot cam girl or something yeah i've clicked it every time it says webcams webcams hyphen hot girls and boys video chat. What, um, uh,
Starting point is 02:11:48 does anyone actually click that? Like you would leave us so fast. You would leave us to go. Did you actually try to click it? No, not at all. Oh, I'm on my wife's computer right now.
Starting point is 02:12:00 I'm glad you have. Otherwise he would have. God, you have some discernment. Oh yeah. Colin Vito had great sales buy one get one 50 off yeah that was amazing that was crazy news from hobart wasn't terrible today sebon made sure there was hardly any of it except for compromise that guy's a good writer that guy is a good writer hey don't start engaging that dude in your dms hobart he already started yeah i mean i've it's been a three-year nightmare for me
Starting point is 02:12:34 oh i got a dm actually this might take us out on a good note i got a dm is it a dick pic? It's not a dick pic. Shut up, Siobhan. It's long. He's talking about getting off alcohol and he's in the progress of getting off sugar. Do you want me to read it? It's a little long. Okay. I'm 27. Just so you know, we're not listening to what you're saying. We're just judging your reading skills the whole time.
Starting point is 02:13:01 Okay, good. Do it. I had a baby right before the pandemic. I live in Texas. skills the whole time. Okay, good. Do it. I had a baby right before the pandemic. I live in Texas. I was an alcoholic drinking two to three 750 mil bottles of liquor a day. I could get a bottle of Kentucky deluxe for $7.57 tax included. That's how often I bought it. I could get a six pack of bear for out the same price. 30 days after my daughter was born, I had acute pancreatitis. My kidneys struggled to function and I had a very fatty liver.
Starting point is 02:13:25 The doctor in the ER told me my charts looked like he was looking at a 60-year-old man when I was only 25 at the time. It was a slow but successful recovery. I've never been a sweets person. I've never been a fan of cakes or candy or sweets or sodas. But when I first quit drinking, I suffered through the withdrawals and began craving almost nothing but sweets as if it replaced the steady stream of liquor all day. The sugar filled that spot. I weighed 290 at the time I quit drinking, stayed at 290 because I let sugar fill the spot of liquor. At the moment in life as a decision for my fiance and newborn, it was the lesser of two evils. It's two years since I've gotten sober and now have been slowly removing sugar from my diet almost altogether, but still using artificial sweeteners and I weigh 240 this morning.
Starting point is 02:14:13 I probably don't exercise as much as I should, but I do what I feel is just. I am active at work also. I don't sit at a desk. So on my free time, I do choose to spend it with my daughter and fiance over working out, but I still fit in workouts a few times a week so that I'm able to stay mobile with my child and keep up with her. I love Sivan's work and I'm glad he brought me to you. Thank you for what you do. Keep fighting the good fight. Also, if this just gets skimmed through or not
Starting point is 02:14:36 read, I understand. Well, it got fucking fully read. Thank you, Christian Garcia. Dude. There you go. That was straight orgasmic yeah pretty while kate read that fucking story colton mertens jumped into the fucking chat what that's like did you see that that that's like uh that's like i'm here that's like there is i and that's why people who don't believe in people who don't have faith i mean that's why you got to have faith.
Starting point is 02:15:06 Hey, he, that guy dropped 50 pounds by stop drinking and stuffing his face with candy. That's awesome. I approve. That's a great story. There we go. We're ending right there. Just close it off. That's a great story.
Starting point is 02:15:20 The only part that I'm true and you're a great reader. You're the, you're, you're, maybe you should do the news and Hobart should just sit there i like that let's flip let's switch it up i'm down and uh should i bring you australian news we can talk about australian politics that'll make the comments fucking really hate the show yeah sanjay jeff sanjay did release a new book that's i think he went on there to try to uh to to to jerk himself off and sell books but but he backfired i think i'm yeah backfired man colton does have to be back on asusa did we try to get colton mertens back on yeah but the time didn't work out so we'll
Starting point is 02:15:57 reschedule with him get him on another time okay yeah we should do that will you have like five other people on because he's not too talkative. Like simultaneously. We'll arrange that. Yes. Okay. Oh, Colton Mertens. I just had to look him up.
Starting point is 02:16:12 He's the dude with the hair, right? He is the dude with the hair and the pigs. We had him on the podcast. It was, it was, it was, it was awesome.
Starting point is 02:16:21 We've had him on twice. We, we, I wanted him to be a regular on the show he needs to be a regular until he gets too big for us god i hope he fucking finishes top 10 in the games this year don't you hobart yes good answer hey are you guys gonna are you guys interested in the Rogue Invitational at all? Will you guys watch that?
Starting point is 02:16:49 No. Will you, Kate? I usually get my information just from what people post on social media and stuff. I don't tend to go and watch it. Crazy. You're in lockdown and that can't even convince you to. Oh, book reviews with Colton. That's actually a good idea.
Starting point is 02:17:06 He's a, he's a voracious reader. That is a great idea. Anything else? Nope. To pee again. No, that's perfect.
Starting point is 02:17:21 Matthew, thank you. Recycling and energy independence. Kate,

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