The Sevan Podcast - #177- LEAKAVELI

Episode Date: October 22, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Good morning. 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Our guest today, I want to say, this is the first rapper we've had on the show
Starting point is 00:00:45 although a couple years ago I went to Miami and hung out with Rick Ross and I did a great video on him if you type in Rick Ross CrossFit you can see that interview these are the first words come out of my mouth
Starting point is 00:01:03 today it's always weird i get up before the rest of the family and then i just start uh start getting ready for the podcast and then i hear my voice for the first time when i log in with you guys uh before we start the show before liga valley jumps on here i'm gonna play this uh this video for you i feel like i'm a little late to the game he released this in 2019 but man it's worth seeing you guys check this like I'm a little late to the game. He released this in 2019. But man, it's worth seeing. You guys check this out. It's three or four minutes. Enjoy. It's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Hello? Anybody can be my nigga, man. To be real, everybody a nigga to me. You know what I'm saying? Can you guys hear this? Is it playing? Uh-oh Uh-oh, why'd it freeze? Oh, please don't tell me we have an internet connection this morning
Starting point is 00:01:56 Internet connection problem Let's try one more time Sorry, guys, let's try one more time Let's try one more time Let's try one more time. Sorry, guys. Let's try one more time. Let's try one more time. Let's try one more time. Here we go. Here we go. Hello?
Starting point is 00:02:19 Anybody can be my nigga, man. To be real, everybody a nigga to me. You know what I'm saying? I say my nigga all the time. You know, I be a white dude, black dude, you know what I mean? Don't matter who it is. I just be like, yo, what's good, my nigga? You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:02:34 Everybody, you like, nigga, that's just a word. Like, we can't, the word only have as much power as you put it to it. You know what I'm saying? You got to tap it to a deeper level, you know what I'm saying? Thing higher. Let the white kids say nigga. Let the white? Think higher. Let the white kids say nigga. Let the white kids say nigga. Let the white kids say nigga.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Let the white kids say nigga. They probably going to say it anyway. They already say it every day. White girls ain't tripping, boo. White man be my nigga, too. Let the white kids say nigga. Let the white kids say nigga. Let the white kids say nigga.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Let the white kids say nigga. They probably going kids say nigga. Let the white kids say nigga. They probably gonna say it anyway. They already say it every day. White girls ain't tripping, boo. White man be my nigga too. I don't fight hate with hate. Keep the hate out my face. People be so amazed by what I'm about to say.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Everybody is a nigga. White, black, yellow, brown. Skin color don't matter. You can still be down. I ain't never been racist. I ain't never been dumb. Either small or you stupid. You can only pick one.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Started out paying Jill. Then the continental drift. Different size to the equator. Now we look like this. My brother, my sister. Don't we all bleed red? Don't we all shit brown yeah you heard what i said so what he said nigga am i supposed to get mad no no my favorite color green what can they
Starting point is 00:03:53 help me get a bag let the white kids say nigga uh let the white kids say nigga uh let the white kids say nigga yeah let the white kids say nigga hey they're probably gonna say it anyway they already said every day white girls ain't tripping boo white man be my nigga too let the white kids say nigga. They probably gonna say it anyway. They already say it every day. White girls ain't tripping boo. White man be my nigga too. Let the white kids say nigga. Let the white kids say nigga. Let the white kids say nigga.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Let the white kids say nigga. Is it loading? I don't even know if I'm doing this right. I can't hear nothing. Can you hear me now? Okay, yeah. Yeah, I can hear you. Sorry about the disrespect to yourself.
Starting point is 00:04:37 There we go. We'll be right back. What has the world come to? I just think we should love We should kick it like Kung Fu Why do we fight over coloring? Then we're Crips and Rebuttacus We should focus on some other shit Like improving the government You ain't no different from me Ain't you from Adam and Eve? You can say nigga with me
Starting point is 00:05:18 Don't you be trying to be mean Got the blood of a king It ain't no hate in my heart I forget y'all ancestors. Can't let it tear us apart. Let the white kids say nigga. Let the white kids say nigga. Let the white kids say nigga.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Let the white kids say nigga. They're probably gonna say it anyway. They already say it every day. White girls ain't tripping, boo. White man be my nigga too. Let the white kids say nigga. Let the white kids say nigga. Let the white kids say nigga. Let the white kids say nigga. Let the white kids say nigga.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Let the white kids say nigga. They probably gon' say it anyway. They already say it every day. White girls ain't trippin', boo. White man be my nigga too. league of ellie thank you brother for coming on thank y'all for having me on the show man you know my pleasure where are you taking a shower you started the shower up in the background uh no ah we lost him damn so close so close i'll text him tell him to tell him to click the link again uh try the white kids say
Starting point is 00:06:50 that song was released in 2019 uh if you type in it's such an easy name to remember leaka valley l-e-a-k-a valley leaka valley and uh he's got a crazy body of work on youtube he probably a dozen videos and another 20 songs he's been super duper active he even has a couple releases during the so-called pandemic he's out in north carolina let's see if we can get him back on here part part of me feels bad having him on just because that song caught my attention and it's so catchy. Because, like, is it played out? Like, is he over that shit? Or is he, like, stoked?
Starting point is 00:07:34 Is he like, hey, he knows it's a good song, good beat, good idea, transcendental idea. By that I mean, you can't be, if you're someone who gets offended the opposite of being offended is to be enlightened it means when you're free when you're truly free when nothing on the outside can hurt you and uh and he's letting he's i see the song is setting people free and uh and i think it's just a marvelous idea. Seven minutes into the show. If you guys missed the opening music video, you got to see it. You got to see it. It's so catchy.
Starting point is 00:08:13 He's so good. I think he's from, is there a place called Corey? He's from Shelby. Shelby, North Carolina. Is that a place? That's definitely one of the questions to ask him. I kept seeing Shelby pop up and the signs of Shelby in his music videos. Let's see if he's going to get back on.
Starting point is 00:08:36 I don't know how old he is. Looks like he just had a kid according to his Instagram. Looks like he's about to get married. He's got a lot of stuff going on. Looks like he's been rapping for the earliest I could see is like 2017 to the present. And it's a pretty – what's up, Dalton? I want to say it's a pretty – he's getting more and more creative with his work. He's getting more and more creative with his work.
Starting point is 00:09:10 I was getting a little bit of like this Jim Morrison mix with like George Clinton, funkadelic vibe from him. I'm not a big music guy, but of course I used to listen to a lot of music in college. What else did we do? And I was getting, I'm feeling this guy is like, he wants to go out of bounds. He wants to really explore his artistic side. I think he's going to be a great guest. I moved to Germany from Raleigh, North Carolina. Damn. That's quite the jump. That's quite the jump. Can they hear your accent over there, Dalton?
Starting point is 00:09:45 Why'd you do that? You're in the military. military you're in the military that's why you did that oh Lika belly please please come back nine uh what time is it we're 9 21 into the show 7 8 7 0 8 a.m California time for those of you guys who are just tuning in we had the guest for a minute and then uh it sounded like he was in a bathroom with a shower on not ideal and then we lost him um let's see if we can get him back uh there he is there he is there he is i'm so sorry my phone died like my baby crying like man i had i was taking a shit like so many my phone died i was dropping a deuce and the baby's crying facts wait till you have two kids and they both want to do this at the same time see like i was just i think i had a nightmare about that you have a boy right you got a boy yeah congratulations thank you man thank you so much um are you is this is this i know i know i'm late to the party i know you released that song in 2019 am i late to the party are you sick of it or are you like no fuck it this is this is
Starting point is 00:11:04 2019. Am I late to the party? Are you sick of it? Or are you like, no, fuck it. This is, this is. Nah, this is like one of them, like, um, I, I, I, I created a bomb that's going to keep blowing, you know what I'm saying? So like, yeah, I'm, I'm with it, bro. Like even when I'm 45, if somebody will talk about the song, cool, that's going to add to, you know, more views to the other music, you know what I'm saying? So, yeah. Did you see the post I made, um, where I asked I made where I asked Alexa, I said, Hey Alexa, will you let, will you play? Let the white kids say nigga. And did you see that post I made on Instagram?
Starting point is 00:11:35 I did not actually. I'm so sorry. That's okay. No, no. I can tell you're busy. You got to get, so I asked Alexa, Hey Alexa, will you play? Let the white kids say nigga. Then she repeats it, but she bleeps out the word nigga. Then she writes it on the screen and she spells it n-i-n-i asterisk mark asterisk mark a and then the song plays with no censorship so i can say it and i i'm just disrespected by the fact of like we're adults yeah like fuck you yeah that's crazy man did you ever um did you ever get caught cheating on a girlfriend um as far as like in the action no but no but
Starting point is 00:12:21 like she sees a text message on your phone yeah yeah. Yeah. Or like you're at you're at the restaurant with one girl and another girl comes in. You're like, oh, shit. Yeah, that's like back in the day stuff, because like, you know, I'm engaged now. But hell, of course, I don't lie to you. Like I've been through it all. I definitely. when I, when I was in college, I, I had this girlfriend and she found out that I was seeing this other girl and she saw it on a text message on my phone. And all of a sudden when she caught me, I,
Starting point is 00:12:51 I was set free. And she goes, she goes, you're not upset. You don't, you're not going to deny this. I'm like, no,
Starting point is 00:12:58 holy shit. I didn't expect this. She's like, what? I'm like, I'm free. I don't have to hide it from you anymore. I don't have to hide it from you anymore. I't have to hide it from you anymore i'm free hey i went through that uh first girlfriend actually like you know every time i fucked up it was like all right i'm wiggling my way out of here
Starting point is 00:13:15 you know yeah it's exhaust it's exhausting to lie it is and so when you play this when you release this song and so i'm gonna ask you something this is obviously facetious can you imagine being born onto planet earth and there's already a word waiting here to offend you can you imagine being fucking born and there's already a word waiting it when some motherfucker says it? You got to fight them. Facts. Fuck you. I ain't playing that.
Starting point is 00:13:50 That's stressful. And it ain't right. Like, you know what I'm saying? I didn't ask for that shit. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, and, you know, I got old relatives. I feel like on both ends of the spectrum, you feel me? Older white and older black you know everybody wouldn't
Starting point is 00:14:06 an asshole if that makes sense like even when you watch 12 years a slave it's fucking brad pitt at the end it's like you know what bro i'll send your letter off you know what i'm saying so like i just i just try to look at it like you know martin luther king said try to look at it like you know Martin Luther King said one day a man won't be judged by the color of his skin but the content of his character so like I just mixed that shit up with a little bit of weed smoke you know I'm saying and a little bit of you know young trap beat you know for the kids to jump around to and and put a whole lot of truth into it for real. That's why I got the name Leakaveli because I feel like my name is Malik
Starting point is 00:14:55 and I go by Leak, but I added the veli on there because Pac spoke on a lot of real topics and he really just didn't give a fuck. Something you was saying your brain but you're scared to say it out of your mouth he capitalized on that so like that's the same way i see myself um i'm just gonna capitalize on the shit you're thinking but you're scared to say it if that makes sense oh god it's my bread and butter. It's my bread. Hey, it's how comedians work.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Facts. Facts. Look at Dave Chappelle. How about how about being born? How about being Muslim and someone draws a picture of Muhammad and now you got your all your people got to kill him? How about being born with that shit? It's terrible. I don't want to I don't want like someone drawing a picture and all of a sudden I got to kill him.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Well, I got to like train my whole life just to blow myself up on a plane like no that's just terrible like i can't even smile you know what i'm saying like i um tell me about writing that song are you just um tell me about like how does the chorus come first does the hook come first what what how does that song pop in your head and by the way great job with the beat it's so funny eventually we'll talk about the reaction videos the reaction videos are classic on that song people want to come in hating and they all get schooled it's great it's beautiful yeah that section went crazy but anyway um so it started with like an idea. And my cousin had sent me like three free beats.
Starting point is 00:16:32 I have cousins that are producers. Sonny the Man, he's the producer of that beat. And I also have a cousin, Doe School, D-O-E-S-K-O-O-L. So those two are like my main producer cousins like get beats from them all the time had the beat ready stored up it wasn't even about the beat at first honestly it was like the idea of the song i remember talking about it with somebody and it was just like boy you'll you'll change the world you do something like that but um i don't think everybody expected me
Starting point is 00:17:06 to go sit down and write the song you know i'm saying so it started with the verse um the first verse was like that was me trying to like it took a while to piece it together too because like it wasn't just a freestyle like i had to say some shit you know with the verse, and then the hook was easy. I promise. The hook was like, what's something that's triggering? How do I get people to just really say, what the fuck is this? I need to go look. It was just that repetition.
Starting point is 00:17:39 When you repeat something, it's easy to get stuck in somebody's head. Let the white kid say nigga. Let the white kid say nigga. Let the white kid say nigga. Let the white kid say nigga. And then, you know, you might not even hear what I'm saying all the way. You just hear that vibe. You just like, okay, it's rotten. Then you look up the lyrics like, oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:17:57 You know? But, yeah, like, the hook came after the verse. And then the beat was just there. So I'm just going over beats, seeing what fits. Like I'm trying to see which one of these beats got the vibe perfect. Like I believe I picked the beat and then put the hook. You know what I'm saying? Because it just went together.
Starting point is 00:18:17 But are you just giddy as you're laying as you're as this song's coming together and you're looking at the paper and now you got the beat are you just like are you like a little kid in a candy shop are you ever just like holy shit this is it yeah like yeah like i knew like you just want to jump up and down and be like fuck yes i knew i knew i was like this is some shit I've never heard before. You know what I'm saying? And when you do that, like, what the fuck? Everybody that make music really want to make something people like or something that actually sound good. But imagine you go create something you've never even seen or heard this shit before. It's like I'm Elon Musk or some shit. You know what I'm saying? Is that why i'm getting some starting in your later music i'm starting to get this sort of like jim morrison george
Starting point is 00:19:09 clinton vibe from you like you're like you're you're starting to explore you're you're leaving the rap game you're fucking around with um nirvana you're you're you're you're fucking around with different people you i mean that guy you had t-lion in there you had hayley you got a bunch of songs that aren't rap songs is that is that what's going on did you get into did you get into iwaster lsd or something what are you doing uh i'll be honest bro like my first mixtape when i was young bro i was on some shit like i had grew dreads you know saying i was like you know how you you lose a little weight, you try a little, you know, you kind of got a smoking weed habit. Try a little shit here and there.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Your family think you on crack. You know, you kind of get exiled and judged and whatnot. And then, you know, my first mixtape, I had wrote down a list of song ideas and I put a drug besides each song idea. And I said, I'm going to do this for this song, and I'm going to do this for this song. And like, I just thank God I made it out of that headspace. But you know, I went to college for
Starting point is 00:20:14 a year. Shit tweaked me. I was living life. And um, yeah, bro, I done tried LSD. I've tried like most of everything except for like, you know, like crack and coke. I never did coke, actually. And I never did heroin or no strong, scary movie shit. You know what I'm saying? But as far as the kids, psychedelic, let's just have fun. Let's trip for a day or, you know, yeah, I did the American drugs, if that makes sense. Yeah, I did the American drugs, if that makes sense. When was your first, when did you know you were going to be a rapper?
Starting point is 00:20:50 When did you know you were going to be a musician? I think I always loved music, and I was one of them kids, I didn't know what I was going to do until I was probably about 15, 16, and I started actually writing raps. And when I finally wrote a rap, and I liked it, and I started actually like writing raps. And when I finally wrote a rap and I liked it and I could memorize it and go rap it to the friends at school, like that's when I knew. So I would have to say 15, 16 is when I knew I was going to rap. How do you do that? How do you like when I was 15 or 16 and I was going to high school,
Starting point is 00:21:23 I just wanted to make sure my hair was perfect, I had the right shoes that I didn't like, you know, that my shirt wasn't wrinkled. And yet I would have never tried to rap in front of my friends and risk getting laughed at. Fuck that. Yeah. You do got to go through the whole, like, you thought it was hot. They was like, you need to work on that.
Starting point is 00:21:43 That shit don't feel good. you thought it was hot. They was like, you need to work on that. That shit don't feel good. But like, once you go through that red hot feeling of like, damn,
Starting point is 00:21:52 I'm kind of embarrassed over and over again, you kind of go numb. And then I will say, yeah, bro, getting high, like smoke. I was smoking like every day. So like it got to even at 15 at 15.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Oh, no, no, no. Let me clear that up. I ain't gonna do my mama like that no i i started smoking weed probably about late 17 18 um but it wasn't heavy then so let's say 19 is when i was full-blown pothead you know i'm saying and i believe that gave me like a
Starting point is 00:22:21 numbness to like uh oh i'm scared to put this out. I'm scared what everybody going to say. I went to school with all these people. When I put this video out, they're going to be like, man, this nigga weird. He on some other type time. I got over all that, bro. all that bro like i i've single-handedly like broke all the chains of like i'm scared of what somebody has to say over time like over the years like and sometimes it even like fucks with my real life as far as like trying to do normal shit like you know some days i just want to wake up and
Starting point is 00:23:01 scream bro like not not no depression type but like just I'm lit, bro. Like I'm a lit person. I have a lit personality. Like I live lit. Like sometimes I just want to cut a back flip line on my feet. Somebody else will look at me like he's not behaving like a black man. You know what I'm saying? He's not behaving like the cliche, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:23:23 He, you know, he need to be more this way or that way. But if you, if you look at life, it don't matter who you are. Everybody's going to have a certain perception of what they think you should do. Like there's a box in their mind that you're not fitting in. So it makes them uncomfortable. You know, the box was never on me. It was in their mind if that makes sense a hundred percent um so how old are you right now 25 oh man you're just getting you're on the launching pad of life getting ready to take off yeah i thought i was old no are you kidding me
Starting point is 00:24:01 are you kidding me you're you're you're. I can't believe you have another baby already. Let's go back to your name again, Lika Veli. So you were your mom and dad named you Malik. Right. And then tell me about how Lika Veli came. Well, nickname Lika, you know, basically everybody just called me Lika. Friends, family, whoever. Do you know why? I feel like it's natural. Sometimes I think it's just natural how you can nickname somebody. Like my name's Sevan, but people call me Sevy.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Yeah. I think it's just because they can't say Sevan. I think it's just because they're like, fuck, that's a fucking hard name to say. I ain't gonna lie. I thought it was just Sevan. I think it's just because they're like, fuck, that's a fucking hard name to say. I ain't gonna lie. I thought it was just Seven. Yeah, there you go. That's a cool way to spell it, but yeah. Yeah, bro, I just went to Leek, Leek, Leek, Leek.
Starting point is 00:24:56 And then, you know, I went through a whole lot of names, bro. I used to call myself Mally. I didn't like that after a while. I think it was Mally McAvely or something like that. And so Leakaveli is a play on McAvely. Right. Right. Tupac was my favorite artist. And it wasn't even just
Starting point is 00:25:14 because of the music itself. It's just like the passion behind Fuck the World. Yeah, he's a weirdo too, like you. Facts. He got Jim Morrison in him too. He got that artist. When you were saying that you wake up in the morning sometime and you just want to scream or you're ready to do a backflip, I'm like that's like the creator energy in you leaking out.
Starting point is 00:25:38 That's how I started thinking Leakaveli. That's it like pushing through the cracks like, dude, you're not normal today. God's energy is going to just pour out of you like the creative energy energy yes amen when did you put your first song down and and how have you stayed so prolific i saw you doing a conversation on a vlog with a dude with longer hair um you guys were pretty stoned he was really stoned um and you guys it was it was hard to follow for for me um but uh there was some criticism there of like hey man some of you say you're rappers but you're not putting out shit i think that's what i understood it was a lot of slang i had to i felt like i had to interpret but yeah so yeah
Starting point is 00:26:24 because and i'm like yeah i could see him having that criticism because this guy is fucking prolific. You're putting out shit every few months. I actually feel like I haven't been doing shit recently, bro. Like the stuff that I put out even is like just on the fly. Like I'm working on something that's more serious that i really want to you know be taking more like this is me um but yeah i've just been experimenting and trying to get stuff out on the fly because i've been so busy like between you know trying to make you know the whole get a real job shit you know i what I'm saying? Like, I do have to battle the whole beginning stages of being an artist.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Like, nobody give a fuck until, like, you know, I got a million dollars and I'm like, you know, I'm into Bentley. But on the climb up, you have to fight to put out art. Like, you have to fight to have that time to, you know, make a song and it be taken serious. that time to you know make a song and it'd be taken serious because like i ain't gonna lie to my people it's more like this nigga just be rapping and stuff you know i'm saying like he just be doing crazy stuff all the time quit getting all them tattoos you're not gonna get no job like that or you know i'm saying like the whole you know the cliche like me come good warehouse job 19 an hour you know my mom my mom wanted me to get i was 34 years old still fucking around with the camera i'm 49 now i was 34 years old still fucking around with the camera still drawing pictures but i was
Starting point is 00:27:59 disciplined as fuck but like i would be homeless or i would live at home and get kicked out then i'd move in with a girlfriend but i wake up every morning and make another video and it was before like youtube you know and and i would make it take other pictures or if let's say i knew i was friends with you i'd run over to your house and be like hey can i take pictures of you um rapping or can i go to the bar with you when you do your concert tonight? And I would take pictures and then I would give pictures out to everyone for free. And I just kept chasing it. And at 34, I was the last time I got kicked out of my mom's house.
Starting point is 00:28:34 You know, you probably like this story. I was growing weed at my mom's house. Just one plant. I had found the seed at a friend's house. And I took pictures of the plant every single day for like 80 days through its whole period of like growing from seed to like to to it flowering and turning into marijuana right changed the light cycle to 12 12 and I took all those pictures leak and I and I um um wrote down what I did every single day underneath the picture and then I cut out those pieces of paper
Starting point is 00:29:02 and I glued them to pieces of cardboard and I made book, how to grow like four ounces of weed in 80 days. And I called it that. And then one day I was reading the newspaper and there was this guy who lived in Oakland, which was like, uh, 30 miles from my house, Oakland, California. And he was the largest publisher of marijuana books in the world. His name was Ed Rosenthal. And, uh, so I, I call up his publishing company. I'm like, yo, I gotenthal. And so I call up the publishing company. I'm like, yo, I got this book. And they said, cool, come on over. So I come over and they're publishing companies in this giant old ass Victorian
Starting point is 00:29:32 house, you know, like with like 15 bedrooms, like a haunted house. And I go in there and I show them the book. It's just all these pieces of cardboard glued together and shit. And they're like, where's the disc? You know, because this is and I'm like, what do you mean? They're like with the manuscript. I'm like, no, there is none. This is it. They're like,'s the uh disc you know because it was this is because they and i'm like what do you mean they're like with the manuscript i'm like no there is none this is it they're like okay we'll take it and to this day like for the first five years i made like a
Starting point is 00:29:53 thousand dollars a month off that book they published that book but it was just some i when i made that book i wasn't making it to sell i was and i didn't even smoke weed at the time i'd given it up but i was like you i just had to be like like you. I just had to be like, I do shit. You just had to do something, man. I do stuff. I have to be making stuff. I have to be making stuff. And to this day, I still get a couple hundred bucks a month from it.
Starting point is 00:30:15 And I put it under a fake name because I was a scared little bitch. I put it under Seymour Buds. S-E-E-M-O-R-e-b-u-d-s and the reason why i saw chose that name is i remember seeing some show on tv that there was some porn guy and his name was seymour butts and maybe or maybe that was on the simpsons i can't remember but anyway so then i just chose seymour buds and then i wrote a second book they asked they commissioned me to make a second book and you know when you're living at home and you're making a thousand bucks a month and you can buy cigarettes and coffee for your girl, you're a pimp. I felt like a king, $60 in my pocket.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Man. I know that feeling. I don't have times where I have fucking $5 in my pocket, but I had some weed and I was living. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. times where i have fucking five dollars in my pocket but i had some weed and i was living like yeah yeah yeah yeah um so so is that what you're going and the whole time my mom's like hey you need health insurance you got to get a job at starbucks you got to do this yeah is that what you're getting your parents hurt your your fiance's parents they're pressuring you to um it it's like it's really like i really went through that more in the younger 20s of like because i i was on the edge bro like i've had um a couple car accidents type you know
Starting point is 00:31:36 um like fall asleep driving and stuff like late nights i was working at chick-fil-a for like five years and like it was the weirdest double life in the world bro like i get up four o'clock in the morning to go be at work by five get off work go studio go performing at clubs hanging out all night doing whatever bro then still find some way to get back up in the morning at like four and go back to work so like i think i built discipline like that but yeah like i went through the whole like after i quit that i didn't have a job for a long time like um and yeah like the whole you need health insurance you need life insurance like my attention span bro it's a battle
Starting point is 00:32:19 like even now i'm still getting my shit together i I just recently got a new vehicle. I had an old-ass Buick. What do you have now? Like a Nissan Sentra 2013. More reliable than your Buick? Yeah. But I had flexed and got, like, a Mustang when the song blew up. I had, like, a 2011. Was it the red one that's in some of your videos
Starting point is 00:32:45 of course it was that one with the black stripes yeah that shit was my baby but i had to let it go because i was living above my means man tell me about chick-fil-a so i went to a chick-fil-a for the first time i don't know someone took me there like six or seven years ago i couldn't believe how nice every time i'm in the chick-fil-a how nice all the employees are yes that's real yeah what's the deal with chick-fil-a why like all the kids look like they like they just got out of church and then they went to work at chick-fil-a hey honestly like it might i think it's something where like if you're a homeschooled fundamental Baptist kid, your parents are like, yeah, you work in the Chick-fil-A. Like, you know what I'm saying? I feel like that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Because even at Chick-fil-A in my city, I'm from Shelby, North Carolina. And like that's a ratchet city, bro. Like it's like half country. But it's like it's like a ratchet little town almost, about 33,000 people. And yeah, same thing you saying, like what you see on TikTok is real, bro. Like they got to be my pleasure or, you know, do you need this? It's like a five-star restaurant, fast food place, if that makes sense. And the food is great.
Starting point is 00:34:08 I still love it. Do they tell you that when you work there? Is that like the whole thing? Are they like coaching you the whole time? Like, hey, there won't be any, like, they tell you to make eye contact. They tell you to say thank you. Clothes have to be clean. Tell me about that.
Starting point is 00:34:21 I'm so curious. You guys pray before work? I mean, it's a religious place too, right? Nah, it ain about that. I'm so curious. I worked in you guys pray before work. I mean, it's a religious place, too, right? Now, it's a religious place, but it's some shit in there still. You know, we're human. It's still some folks that, you know, might hire somebody that's like, man, fuck this shit. But, you know, it's fast food. So in and out, got people in and out. people in and out um but i worked in the kitchen so the discipline of the kitchen is more like the military like it ain't all about our being as presentable um but i did have to like this right here i had to shave this shit bro they made me shave like i only got this much hair you know what i mean like it's still i can't even see it
Starting point is 00:35:07 um i had hispanics in the kitchen like most of the players have hispanics in the kitchen um if it ain't like middle-aged white people no offense racist racist racist but like yeah like the hispanics fucking outwork anybody and anything so more racism people more racism see how he's just pigeonholing people by the color of their skin i'm stereotypes be like damn why is that shit kind of true like what the fuck but yeah they definitely i'm from california man we got hardworking fucking Latin motherfuckers everywhere. Yep. Everywhere, just grinding. Yep.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Taking their kids everywhere, working two jobs. Yep. It's crazy. Yep. And all the kids are great. And me seeing that firsthand, it kind of made me step my shit up. Like, damn, this shit is shit is like unreal how hard they go like for everything like they go hard are you are you do you write every day i don't i used to
Starting point is 00:36:14 i used to but i don't you get mad at yourself when you don't like what's the plan what tell me tell me like the the artist plan the creator's plan um it comes as a feeling um most times and i feel like i was on a type time where i was you know single bullshitting around but now i'm not and i got kid like and you know it's like i'm trying to i'm going to the family man mode you know i don't gain weight i look chunky in the face a little bit like you have an incredible you got you got to fix that dude you got an amazing body in some of those videos i liked it yeah you look all shredded and shit you got to get that body back facts i do okay so sorry about writing and creating you're in family man mode yeah i'm in family man mode and it's like um that's what it's hard to like have the time to like do the art that i want to like i if it was up to me i would have a studio in my house and i just wake up every day
Starting point is 00:37:12 and do this shit but like um you know um can't you tap into some shit can't you like tap into the fear of being a father tap into the the crazy profound love you're having for your son. Can't you get a... I don't know if this is true, but I heard Lil Wayne basically has a microphone stand. And it goes to a little Zoom recorder. And he just takes that shit everywhere. Just goes to his hotel room. I don't know if he still does this.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Cracks a bottle of cough syrup and fucking gets to work. room i don't know if he still does this cracks a bottle cough syrup and fucking gets to work hey but like the thing for wayne is it's a million niggas that's like oh my gosh you need me to mix that bro i got i could do that for you right now bro you know for me it's like nigga i got hey i got work in the morning bro i had to hit you tomorrow oh yeah yeah, bro. I'm with my old lady right now. I'm going to have to hit you tomorrow. It's different when you ain't Wayne. You know what I'm saying? Rob Markman Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Yeah. But I have that same feeling. Rob Markman Go ahead. I'm just like, I feel like Wayne, bro. I have that, bro, I can rap any moment of the day. I'll be wanting to make music all the time. Like, it's like a drug. Like, I get high off that shit. Like, art in general.
Starting point is 00:38:34 I'm an artsy person. So, like, I even like visual art. I like all that. Are you going to get – do you ever get depressed if you're not creating, if you don't have an outlet? Yeah, I don't get depressed. Depressed isn't the right word, but. I went through that a lot.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Like, no longer is it depressed. It's more like frustrated because, like, I feel like depression is like a choice. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. So, like, it used to be depression, but now I'm not. I haven't been depressed in a while. Like, it's, I'm happy. You know, it's just that frustration of, like, watching the clock and feeling like, you know, days going by and I'm not valuing life for the, this human experience could be fast.
Starting point is 00:39:17 You know what I'm saying? It can be gone in an instant. So I'll be feeling like I'm not living to the fullest human potential if I'm just sitting around you know just day to day and just I I try later or I'll do it tomorrow I'll do it when I got some money or you know some days I do get a little antsy and just be like you know what fuck everything if everything with the shit right now I just need to make some art like you know but that's because when i was coming up and growing up that's what helped me with everything that's my form of therapy like anything i felt that was wrong or i felt like i was struggling with i can make a song about it
Starting point is 00:40:00 and and even now that's gonna happen frustration is going to turn into that. But, like, it ain't as quick because I ain't doing it every day like I was. But, yeah, there's some J. Cole shit coming soon. Like, I'm going to get on some J. Cole shit and be rapping about, like, you know, married life and, like, you know what I'm saying? But still, yeah, bro, like, it's a rock star inside of me that just wants to like spit on shit yeah i mean you got it you got it um um where do you meet these people that you collaborate with like tell me about t-lion what a what a trip when i click on that video and i see that guy with you all my prejudices all my like he doesn't fit in the box where the fuck did he come from he doesn't he doesn't belong in a rap video hey that's so lit
Starting point is 00:40:49 like t-line is like a great friend like i met him on snapchat like i didn't even know him um i think we was we was i got a group called trapezoid. Yes. And let's talk about them too. About that whole thing. Um, Trapezoid is like this widespread, like, you know, collective kind of like ASAP mob and shit like that, but more for the weirdos,
Starting point is 00:41:14 you know? And, um, yeah. Um, yeah. Go ahead. I was looking for like a photographer or something and he'd take pictures so like i hit
Starting point is 00:41:27 him up i mean he hit us up and it was like i met with him the first couple times i'm like man this dude weird but like i like weird and he got a great heart and like when i didn't have a job his dad is a contractor so like he hit um i used to work with him for his dad, actually, like, building houses and shit like that and, like, whatever they needed around the landscaping or the lot. He helped me get that job. And, like, his family been, like, great friends to me, man. They done helped me do so much. So, like, yeah, T-Line is, like, a good-ass friend friend, like that rare friend that you get throughout a bunch of years. That makes sense.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Did you make him did you make him rap or he already had he already had some. He always wanted to do music and I kind of like just helped him, you know, I'd be in the studios. He didn't. So now he'd be in the studios. studios he didn't so now he'd be in the studios if that makes sense how of course how um how come i haven't when i when i search your name a shitload of music comes up i watch music videos all night listen to all music um how come there's no podcast with you dysfunctionality if that's a word like i don't try to sit down and like i just need the consistency and i need like i'll be how come no one's interviewed you how come the radio there's no like how come how come when that song came out um let the white kids say nigga like 20 radio
Starting point is 00:42:57 stations didn't have you on well two things one i wasn't focused enough to like take it so serious because a lot of people was hitting me up but i I was just like, I suck at the phone shit, bro. I will be honest. You're killing it now. Yeah, man. So it's two things. It's that I didn't go as hard with that momentum because I had the momentum in my hand. I should have just said, fuck everything else in the world,
Starting point is 00:43:25 every distraction possible, and just went hard with that every day. So I would say that's on me. But the second thing is that's a crazy topic, and a lot of people don't want to get into that kind of like, they're scared of that type of shit, man. Ain't nobody want to be like, well, I think it go hard. Nah, because they scared that their fan base might be like, man, fuck that. Fuck him.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Fuck you. You know, but every single review I saw for this song was fucking amazing, except for these two fucking cowardice bitches. And one of these motherfuckers had on a Kaepernick shirt. And if you wear a Kaepernick shirt, you're a bitch in my mind. He's a bitch. he's a shit starter he's divisive and he spreads racism and promotes racism and that's my what i feel not what i feel that's how my psychology works and the other guy is fucking wearing a handkerchief with the fucking marijuana is sitting in his car got his covid mask while he's sitting alone in his car with marijuana leaves on his covid mask i'm like you're a fucking bitch too and like i i white people are terrified of four things terrified they don't want to be called racist right they don't want to be called sexist
Starting point is 00:44:39 they don't want to be called homophobe and they don't want to be called pedophile and they're so scared of those four things that they're willing to be disingenuous liars cheats and scumbags that's how scared they are of those and that's and and i think that's what kind of what you're saying but i'm like oh my god everyone's terrified of him and he released this song in 2019 that was like when did the george floyd thing happen was that did just come out before or after that that was after that yeah the george floyd thing happened after that yeah you were ahead of your time yeah i mean you fucking you you you brought a beehive into a small room and everyone's like i'm getting the fuck out of here hell yeah yeah but in 20 years when it's like 50 of the population is mixed kids like
Starting point is 00:45:27 shit gonna be like one of the great it's like the greatest hits of lica veli you know i'm saying like dude you're setting everyone free yeah every every every child that's born with melanated skin should not have to fucking be born into a world and and it's not fair but life's not fair so that doesn't even make any sense but should not have to be born into a world with a word waiting for them that they're going to be offended by it's fucking idiocy and for us to continue to support that is horrible does that mean that everyone should just run outside and just be like nigga this nigga that no i'm not suggesting that at all you shouldn't say cunts around you shouldn't say fuck but like no one should feel that they
Starting point is 00:46:05 have to they have to fight someone because they said a word being offended is the opposite of being enlightened being offended is the opposite of being creative right it is the opposite i feel like it's a weakness if that makes sense but yes i don't judge but i don't judge because like people get information in their own time. Like somebody could have told me if you would call me nigga in sixth grade, I would have told all my friends and would have jumped you. Right. Because I was in a time where I was being trained, you know, as the same as everybody else. When you went to school, you come up trained in a certain way. And I went to like lean on up trained in a certain way and i i went to
Starting point is 00:46:46 a like lean on me ratchet ass middle school right so my headspace wouldn't even like it is now then like i would you know if you'd call me nigga as a 12 year old we're the fault but growing up and being exposed to a lot of information um I think I went through, you go through levels, right? And you go through the, oh, shit, I'm learning a lot. And then it's like, oh, I'm learning a whole lot. Oh, shit, I think I know some shit. Oh, conspiracy theories. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:47:17 Now you like, you know, damn, the government is a lie. You know what I'm saying? Then you go to like, oh like oh shit i'm fucking depressed because i feel like i know too much and then and then you go past that and it's like i don't know shit you know i'm saying like i don't know a damn thing and that's like the ultimate mental state of like knowledge is when you realize i'm a human being i'm gonna constantly learn till i die and i don't fucking know shit like i think i know something but a fucking car could ride by splash mud on my face and i just forget everything i was just thinking about like
Starting point is 00:47:55 you know what i'm saying dude that should be a fucking poster you know those it should be a a poster that's like uh 24 inches wide and six feet tall that college kids put on their door, and it's you in a pair of black pants and a wife beater. And it's like the levels of consciousness by Lika Veli. Dude, you nailed it. I never heard anyone say it quite like that. It's – yeah, it's it's uh yeah it's it's absolutely it's absolutely and do you ever feel alone that is um hold on hold on does jada know this stuff has jada been well you do some research you're what i do well you got my instagram shit
Starting point is 00:48:40 yeah like okay jada is like this interesting, Jada is like, she saved my life, if that makes sense. I was, you know, crazy, wild, you know, dysfunctional, disorganized, and then I meet Jada. She's like, she had this aura around her. And it's like this newbie and queen, you feel me? But at the same time, she's so sweet and so calm and so kind-hearted but when she do snap on my ass it's like that's a black woman you know i'm saying she snap on my ass but she cleaned me up bro like she cleaned me up she changed how i look at stuff and like you know i I don't have the same.
Starting point is 00:49:26 The urge to do crazy shit is there, but it ain't like I'm going to die without it. You know what I'm saying? So and if your question is, do she think the exact same way? No. And that's a beautiful thing, too. Like, you know, what I don't have, she has and what she don't have, I have. Like, you know, what I don't have, she has and what she don't have, I have. I guess what I mean by that is when you start getting to start seeing the bigger, bigger picture that like we really don't know anything. And then you start really tapping into perception more than like analysis or you're able to analyze for, let's say, the sake of your art. But you don't believe your own bullshit. Like, you'll be like, you know what I mean? Like, you can use it, but you don't have to be, like, I don't know, for lack of a better thing.
Starting point is 00:50:17 A rock hits your windshield, cracks your windshield. You know that you have the choice to be angry or not be angry, but you explore that anger. But knowing you're not that anger. Hell yeah. When you start seeing that level that you were describing, if the people around you don't see that level, at least like one person that you love, shit can get a little weird. You can start to feel crazy. You're like, fuck, does no one else see this? I've been crazy half my life, bro, as far as on paper.
Starting point is 00:50:42 I've been crazy half my life, bro. Like as far as on paper, I'm like, yeah, bro. Like I even think I am open to the thought that the earth could be flat. You know what I'm saying? You can't just say that shit. Like, and you're from California, bro. Like it's different for you. Y'all can do whatever the fuck y'all want to an extent. Like I get that you, you know, the only reason why I can have you on and do this, let me be clear,
Starting point is 00:51:05 is because I was already canceled. No one, I know why no one will touch you. You should have seen when I posted that on my Instagram. People were like sending me DMs. Are you fucking crazy? You're going to get canceled. Dude, I already been canceled. I can't get it.
Starting point is 00:51:17 I'm unemployable. Yeah, I was born canceled. Yeah, well, I wasn't born canceled. I was in the hustle. I was making bank bank hoping to fucking keep making but being canceled is free i'm free now i can have leaka belly on and i can say nigga as many times as i want no one can do what can you do to me yeah i'm not gonna hire you you know use that at your own risk don't just go outside no no no i won't ever use it outside of this
Starting point is 00:51:39 for who you are not just a white dude saying nigga you know i'm saying yeah um so so so you were talking about being crazy your whole life like feeling like crazy your whole life yeah bro like i never really just fit in like but i had the ability to like um adapt you know i'm saying i could be a chameleon if i'm hanging around the nerds i can get nerdy bro if i'm hanging around the gangsters i might slap you if i'm hanging around the nerds i can get nerdy bro if i'm hanging around the gangsters i might slap you if i'm hanging around you know my cousins i'm gonna turn up and have a good time if i'm if i'm hanging around the chick-fil-a kids i can talk about the bible bro i know god you know like and like sometimes i feel like that's a blessing and a curse because like um they say a jack of all trades can be like good at nothing sometimes. But like, I, I, I, I honestly feel like I was blessed to be this diverse because I'm a vessel, right? And when
Starting point is 00:52:36 you a vessel, you have to like take on things that people around you might not have to take on. Um, so I have to feel these things because God made me to feel these things. He made me to be the guy that can identify with somebody that another person might drive right by him and be like, man, that's a piece of shit. But I'm built to where I wonder why he did what he did. I wonder why this piece of shit quote-unquote um is judged this way I wonder you know because he was once a baby too and I'm sure when he was born he was this cute little baby like you know pure and innocent in this world of dirt you feel me
Starting point is 00:53:20 like so like everybody was once born so everybody was once pure and sinless for at least five seconds until that first diaper change. You know what I'm saying? Then you dirty. But yeah, I'm that person, bro. Do you have siblings? Yeah, I got I got a baby sister. Well, a little sister. She's about seven years old on my dad's side.
Starting point is 00:53:51 And I got a little brother. He's 22. Me and him got the same mom. And my mom had married a guy when I was like two years old. um and my mom had married a guy when i was like two years old so he's got like um four other kids besides my little brother because that's his dad i ain't mix you up but that's yeah is that is it um since you grew up that way is it just normal or is shit weird nah that's normal like especially where i'm from like it's mostly broken homes it's weird when i meet somebody that got both parents like that are married been married the whole time like that's
Starting point is 00:54:30 one shit weird but um and that's sad but like that's the truth like but as far as broken homes yeah bro most of my friends growing up ain't nobody everybody got some story even if their parents were together like they might not be right now or something like that. So it's not weird. And you said something about your dad early on. What did you say about him, about him using and being able to say things that other people were afraid to say or go places in his head that other people weren't willing to go and like articulate? Is your dad still around? And can you give me some examples of that?
Starting point is 00:55:06 I think, I think, I don't know if you heard, I don't know if I said that. Cause like, I didn't say that. You didn't know. Oh, real dad. Like my father. You said your pops, you said your pops. That's the word you used. You said my, my, we were talking about being, um, in the beginning, I thought you said something
Starting point is 00:55:23 about being, uh, creative and. I'm talking about me. No. Oh, oh, you said something about being creative. I'm talking about me. Oh, you didn't say your pops. Okay. He can't even paint a stick figure. My daddy not that. I love my daddy, but nah, he ain't.
Starting point is 00:55:42 We wasn't that close as me growing up like um okay sorry i thought you said my pops okay so so because i okay so where did you get your rapping rapping at you know it's crazy i got one cousin doe school who got he and i had a studio since i was a little kid like he'd been doing music um he he's like one of the inspirations for me. Besides that, my uncle, my mom's brother, my uncle rock. I used to like go in his room and like, you know, fuck with shit, mess with shit. And he always had like raps wrote. And my first MP3 player, um, I got when I was about 12 or 13, he had the laptop full
Starting point is 00:56:20 of music that the, of the music I put on that MP3 player. So I would have to say my uncle rock his name is rocky um but we call him uncle rock um and and my cousin dosco that's that's them was any the only music inspirations that was close if that makes sense are do you ever see people quit like are they're like let's go back to before i go there let's talk about trapezoid so you started trapezoid yeah i started trapezoid and when did you start it 2015 so six years and is there is there like an official list of people who are a part of it? Right now, I'm only going to say Flex, Bricko Sicko, Brando, and T-Lion.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Oh, and Haley C. Haley C. still trapezoid. T-Lion. Oh, and Haley C. Haley C still trapezoid. But, huh? Yeah, he ain't really. Yeah, he ain't really in that no more. But yeah, it was way bigger at one point. It was like fucking 10 of us, 11 of us.
Starting point is 00:57:36 But like, you know, one by one boys respectfully went their own way. And I just, you know, I understand. Like, it wasn't like this was like TLC, like I need y'all to sing with me. Like, nah, it was more like a collective. Like I just, you know, I understand. Like, it wasn't like this was like TLC, like I need y'all to sing with me. Like, nah, it was more like a collective. Like I said, like, you know, everybody just doing music, doing their own music. But we hang out as a group.
Starting point is 00:57:56 We push each other as a group. We like, you know, on the same shit, mobbing every day. Plus, I don't even live like that no more. I don't really get to mob every day with a bunch of friends because like i'm growing up you know i i hate to say it like that because that sounds terrible i hate when people be like yeah i had to grow up but like yeah bro like i'm growing up and like i can't really mob every day and just do whatever the fuck whatever the fuck so like one by one a couple of those guys made a decision yeah
Starting point is 00:58:26 he ain't really going hard like he used to so i'm gonna go do my own thing so that's respect but um oh you think that's what happened you think that it was yeah sort of as you being the ringleader they're like fuck where we meet tonight to to spit some bars and to get all our matchsticks together and burn this fire bright and you're like i can't so people just rolled okay yes that's what happened so i came to be like yeah them niggas just left me up dry no it wasn't like that it was like it was like you know i i'm up and i'm down i'm left and i'm right i'm blue and i'm black i'm green you know i'm saying so a great song by the way your color song great song great video whoever makes your videos it's all good shit that dude shot he shot the hell out that video he did who is zebo um yo zebo g is okay i'm trying let me get the right thing he's one guy is it one dude
Starting point is 00:59:30 it's one guy he's like the short black energetic with dreads like i'm doing shit every day kind of like creative curator guy you know i'm saying like he don't fucking stop bro and he's skate boy he got the whole skate culture on lock um he from king's mountain north carolina and how old how old's he he probably about my age he's 25 he might be 24 or 25 so he's a he's a one man wrecking crew he's just a powerhouse yes like zebo can do anything like as far as visually all that type of shit he shoot videos for everybody around here um and at first it was like you know just uh there wasn't the best videos at first but then as he went he just got better and better like he's pretty good like so from where i'm from, he like the little short black Cole Bennett, you know, weirdo.
Starting point is 01:00:26 But like. He live at home. Does he live at home with his parents? Yeah, but he's lit. He making bread, though. I got to stay home with your parents. If you're going to be a creative man, you got to stay at home and milk your parents. I ain't gonna lie, bro. Like, it didn't bother me being at home because i mean either you saving your money to put
Starting point is 01:00:46 everything into the art because when you out here anywhere by yourself and you thinking i gotta pay the bills i gotta do this i gotta do that i know it sounds childish but like that's taking away from creativity for sure like you know you shit like i can see if you rich them niggas not thinking about their bills like it's hard they got you know what's the word i'm looking for they got an accountant to do yes yes they have people that have jobs to think about the shit that they don't feel like thinking about you know i'm saying so like they can still be as creative as they want to be but you're right i am someone asked me someone said hey will you come film this arm wrestling tournament for me it's the it's the united states national championships and arm wrestling's poe
Starting point is 01:01:28 dunk is shit right tiny and so i flew out to kansas from california and i filmed it with two cameras with my girlfriend and then i brought the footage home and it was and uh and i just and i was living in my mom's house with my girlfriend i was probably i don't know 29 30 i can't even remember and i edited it all together together on my computer and then um and then i did a voiceover commentary for it like i was there like i was like the reporter and i can't believe how strong john brzenk is today he's looking fantastic you know all that shit and then i put made it into three three 24 minute shows which would fit into a 30 minute time slot on espn and espn showed them like 300 times no shit i only made like two thousand dollars on it but i didn't care about
Starting point is 01:02:11 the money can you imagine the the uh the swag i had after getting three shows on espn to it was espn 2 and they re-aired 300 times and i made it in the bedroom at my mom's house bro that's a crazy feeling ain't it dude i thought i was the shit that's crazy i didn't buy a mustang but i thought i was the shit and it gave and it gave me crazy confidence yeah and it was it's some shit you could have said no you could have been like man fuck this yeah they're not paying me i'm not doing that fuck you guys facts sometimes you gotta just do shit bro likeacts. Sometimes you got to just do shit, bro. Like random ass shit. You have to just do shit.
Starting point is 01:02:48 You never know. Like for real. It's weird. You have to do everything for free, but you also at the same time have to know your worth. It's so weird. It's so weird making the leap. It's so weird making the leap. Because like you can set a price and be thinking your head
Starting point is 01:03:05 i don't know that might be a little high i don't know if they're gonna pay that so i'm gonna say yeah here you go so i'm gonna say hell no fuck you i know you nigga you ain't famous fuck you ain't paying that but like you just got to be like fuck you bet you know i'm saying and then the ones it's like yeah i got you go find them like go find the ones that's gonna pay your price like that's how i feel does zebo do they charge you to make those videos do you have to like pay them to make those videos yeah yeah yeah like i i mean yeah i pay for i pay for videos it's not collaboration he's not like oh my god i can't i would just die in a work with liga valley I just dying to work with Lickaveli.
Starting point is 01:03:46 He don't work with me a lot as far as, like, you know, money goes. Like, he not just, he wasn't just all money hungry and shit. But, like, yeah, like, I ain't blue all the way yet. So, I still pay for videos. Like, I'm going to be real. I ain't. I mean, everyone pays for videos at the top. I mean, Lil Wayne's pay for videos like I'm gonna be real I ain't I mean everyone pays for videos at the top I mean Lil Wayne's
Starting point is 01:04:08 paying for videos yeah I'm sure there's some videographers that would do the shit for free just to get you know but for the most part that video let the white kid say nigga was shot in 4k too I think i can play it in 4k
Starting point is 01:04:26 do you know those people in that video those little kids it's a funny story i'll tell you now um so i got off work i had this video i had the video set up for that day the videographer hit me up all that i didn't even know where i was gonna shoot it bro this was like all done in a day so you know i knew i was gonna shoot that song because i asked a few other guys and they was like nope i ain't doing that this one he said hell yeah i do it so why wouldn't they do it for money or they were scared of the song scared of the song bro awesome i love it i was willing to pay that scared the fucking song i love it and then fuck them man but um yeah so i had some friends they um they called me they was like what you doing brother they was at the motel in shelby two dudes and one of them had
Starting point is 01:05:19 his girl with him or something they just hang out the motel all the time for whatever purposes i ain't gonna speak on so i pulled up on them and i'm just like bro i'm trying to shoot this video i don't even know what i'm about to do and then this idea hit me like you know um i'm gonna hit up a couple my white friends and tell them like go buy a pack of do a bunch of of packs of durags right so in my head it was like i'm gonna have a couple white dudes and some durags cool so while i'm out there it's some white kids just playing outside right they just having fun bunch of doing random shit so in front of a motel at a motel nigga like cheap ass it's cheap dirty weird i don't know you know what i'm saying i don't got
Starting point is 01:06:07 shit to do with me north carolina stuff north carolina yeah yeah so i go to the kids i'm like hey where are your parents at you know and you that was tough i'm a black man going up to white kids like where are your parents you know but like i said i at least you didn't have a van at least you didn't have a van yeah at least i wasn't creepy you know what i'm saying yeah so they they point to the door it is the room next door that their parents were in so i go knock on the door right and like um i was like can i put your kids in my music video you know i got my videographer here and all that they was like fine we don't care yeah you can do that it's okay man shit and i was like thank god for like the rednecks that just don't give a fuck you know i'm saying like yeah that's
Starting point is 01:06:57 who they was like cool ass probably was high they self i don't know but um yeah they said yeah put durags on the kid on well on the little boy um i just told the girls do like you know little tiktok dances or whatever um yeah then bro that's how that shit went the videographer just was creative enough to be like he seen where i was going with it like he was like i know what you're trying to do let's just make a whole like let's just do that shit bro make you look crazy you know i'm saying and he did it and like since then it didn't blow up instantly neither like it took like i'm gonna say like five to six months. And then I paid Fuchsia's TV $50 on Instagram for like Instagram promo to put me on their page. Fuchsia's TV.
Starting point is 01:07:55 And they put it on there and it was just a snippet of the hook. Let the white kid say nigga. Let the white kid say nigga. Was no verse in there i love that part in the video by the way when when you do that uh and you turn your head like this like some arsenio old school arsenio hall shit you know what part i'm talking about i'll be real i have no idea because i'm like you haven't seen the video in two years i have i don't know like as far as arsenio hall go like oh right but right okay has the shit, but... Right, okay.
Starting point is 01:08:25 Yeah, I'm just old. Ignore me. Okay, go on. I wouldn't say it, but hell. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. What the fuck was I saying?
Starting point is 01:08:36 We were just talking about how the video came together. Oh, the hook. Yeah. And then, like, I did the promo, and that snippet only shows, like, me with some fucking American flag glasses, Confederate flag on my shoulders just to fuck with people. And, like, I'm dancing, doing a little Uzi shoulder dance and shit, and it's just, let the white kid say nigga, uh. Let the white kid say nigga, uh.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Bro, when I say that clip went crazy it was like kill this nigga what is he doing so it's like this black guy named tarik elite and he got like a instagram page where he's like you know so he's super pro black like everything pro black you know i'm saying and like he commentates on like shit all the time he got he had enough followers to where my shit blew up off his Instagram page. He put it on his page because he seen it on Fuchsia's. And, like, when that snippet got on there, it definitely was like, who the fuck? What the fuck? And from there, bro, I watched that shit over, like, a span of two weeks.
Starting point is 01:09:48 that shit over like a span of two weeks i watched that shit go from like 5 000 views to like 15 000 to like 20 000 to like 50 000 to 100 000 like every day i'm waking up and this shit was more crazy this thing you know adam 22 was talking about my shit on no jumper um was sonny stoked was sonny stoked sonny made the beat right yeah he was stoked he was lit hang on yeah he was lit he was lit too i mean honestly everybody in the local scene was lit because we all have been we all been doing music for so long like we kind of just look like a bunch of grown-ass childish motherfuckers in our city like you know because our city not this is not a creative place like this ain't this ain't california bro like every kid out here ain't you know doing some shit like it's mostly like you
Starting point is 01:10:37 play sports you go to college are you guys the weirdo kids you guys are you guys were the weirdo kids yeah bro anybody do music out here you technically a weirdo kids? You guys were the weirdo kids? Yeah, bro. Anybody that do music out here, you technically a weirdo. Even if you just doing- Like a goth kid or like a gothy kid or a nerdy kid? You're just doing your own kind of like- A lot of gothy kids out here. Like, I'm the closest to goth out here. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:11:01 Yeah, that's what I meant, kind of. Not that there were goth kids, but it's like that. It's like that fringe. Like's like what the fuck yeah like what the fuck this nigga doing today like yeah yo and i did have my moments where i was like out of my mind sometime like i was on some bullshit but yeah bro my area ain't no it's it's like you got to be – I don't know. You got to fit in or you fit out straight up. There's this theme in your videos across almost all of them where there's this – the Confederate flag is like being partly embraced and then being burned, partly embraced and being kicked on the ground, partly embraced,
Starting point is 01:11:41 and then like you do the moonwalk on it in this in this song tell me about that that's all you like i mean how many confederate flags have you gone through fucking 30 yeah you bought a 30 pack on amazon tell me and that's you right you're telling the filmmakers hey i gotta have a flag in here yeah it's gotta be like or i'll just do it and they like okay let's go with it but um you really you really said it the best way it's like i embrace it and then i destroy it because i don't know i couldn't find nothing quite triggering like a confederate flag on a black kid you know i'm saying like it's almost like oh you hate me this your shit that you hate me with well i'm gonna take it i'm gonna dance with it i'm gonna i might even fuck with it on me i might even like burn it i might even i'm a moonwalk on it i'm gonna
Starting point is 01:12:37 do whatever the fuck i want to do because to me it's just fabric you know and that's the same thing with the word nigga that's the same thing with anything in the world that people use to like overpower you. Like, you know, people that want to have power over you, even your own people can want to have power over you. If that makes sense. They trick you to let them have power over you. I mean, that's basically what's happened. That's what this whole woke culture is. It's to leverage people's skin color.
Starting point is 01:13:08 It's fucking insane what's happening. People don't see it. I get it. Like, when I got older relatives, they might have had to went through some shit. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you know, I get it. Like, you know, my papa had to walk down a dirt road, and some white kids might have tried to jump on them one time or two.
Starting point is 01:13:25 I get that. I do. I just feel as though if we stay in the victim mentality, we'll never get anywhere. And before you start, I'm going to say, I don't like to be the guy that be like, yeah, man, niggas always mad about some shit. And then I got a white guy that's like, yeah, man, they are. I don't know why they always complaining about life. And I ain't trying to give you the leeway to just be like, you know, fuck black people. But I do feel like beyond color, you know what I'm saying? Beyond race, as man to man, we both know when victim mentality is causing somebody to remain stagnant in society.
Starting point is 01:14:08 Like if I'm always if every movie that come out is a slave movie, then even my kids going to grow up like, damn, should I hit this white boy at school? Just I'm being taught this like they evil, you know, the white devil. Should I beat his ass? I don't want my kid to think like that. You know, I'm saying I don't want mine.? I don't want my kid to think like that. You know what I'm saying? I don't want mine. I want him to give everybody a fair, a fair try, if that makes sense. I'm Armenian. My mom's Armenian and my dad's Armenian.
Starting point is 01:14:35 And I was raised basically to hate Turkish people because Turkish people killed millions of Armenians in 1915. There was a small country called Armenia. Basically, all the Turks, the Turks basically slaughtered all the Armenians in 1915 i had there was a small country called armenia or basically all the turk the turks in our um basically slaughtered all the armenians in their country for whatever reason whether it was just or not just but horrible shit gathering up all the pregnant women cutting their stomachs open pulling the babies out i mean horrible like the jews like like the nazi jew shit right and the same thing happened my people so my whole life like there's april 15th and we're always like the remembrance the remembrance and the and the gen armenian
Starting point is 01:15:09 genocide and it's just pumped and pumped and pumped into me and so then the first time i run into some turkish people i got i got some angst i got some angst i'm not i'm not happy with them and then they they spend fucking a million dollars on a armenian genocide memorial and i'm thinking to myself what if they would have taken $500,000 of that and put it into a boys and girls club in an Armenian part of LA? Cause there's LA has like a million Armenians and they like, what would have helped more? And so like same thing with like the,
Starting point is 01:15:39 the George Floyd, all the George Floyd shit. I see that. And I'm like, how about everywhere? They did a George Floyd thing. They put in a pull-up bar. Like, like who, like who benefits like we're like we're moving forward we're moving forward right i i grew up um all i listened to was nwa and two life crew that was it
Starting point is 01:15:58 like i had the cassettes just the cassettes the cassettes and i had the little um um you you probably don't remember this but before um like all our computers we had a tape recorder and you put a cassette the video game would be on a cassette tape and then you'd plug the the little tiny cheap tape recorder it was is there still radio shack do you know that store radio shack yeah they discontinue around here okay yeah i don't i haven't seen one in i don't know 20 years but you would have this radio Yeah, they discontinued around here. recorder to school had the worst little speaker on it and i would play um this is in like you know 1986 1988 i'd be playing like nwa two life crew just all that shit you know and like all my friends would gather around and i'm 49 now and then when i was when i was um 16 my mom kicked me out of my house and i moved into an apartment building that my dad had gotten from the bank on
Starting point is 01:17:01 a repo and i was the only white person in my neighborhood. This was in the Oakland Berkeley border. And I lived there for like five years. Yeah, it was it was it was one of the most amazing experiences I ever had in my life. And he was a gangbanger. But I rolled with those guys. But as an observer, everyone in the community embraced me. Everyone was so fucking cool. Like I always at least one cool white dude in the hood bro it just be like and um but there was nothing hoodie about me like i came from like there was like i wasn't i wasn't um you know i wasn't rocking the flat bill i wasn't like i i was i was just a dude i was just a white dork dude from like 30 miles away.
Starting point is 01:17:45 His mom kicked him out of his house, and now I'm here. Oh, shit. It was like fucking weird. But I never, ever in my 49 years had heard anyone use that term derogatorily, ever. But the N-word? Yeah. I'm not saying it's not said, but like I've been in McDonald's at 11 o'clock at night with six white guys and three black dudes walk in and be like, yo, get the fuck out of here. You guys can come in when we were done ordering.
Starting point is 01:18:16 And my friends and I walk outside and no one's like, fuck those niggas. No one. No one ever said that. No one ever said that. We fucking went outside. Fucking went outside. We sat in our cars. We listened to NWA. Those dudes left. We went in and got our fucking chicken McNuggets. No one ever did that. early blackest girl you ever seen she was she was miss california 5-4-1-50 just yoked out of her fucking mind so fucking hot crazy amazing and we're in the front row and and it's like it's like um 90 white people and and like the the handful of black dudes who were there come up to i got there like 30 minutes early so i could be in the front with my girlfriend to see i cube they walk up to me and they're like yo yo, you got to go to the back.
Starting point is 01:19:07 If we see you put your hand on your girlfriend once while we're here, we're going to fucking kill you. Like, fucking I went to the back. I stood in the back. I didn't say shit. Damn, that's fucked up, bro. But that, that. It's like you. It just was.
Starting point is 01:19:21 It just was. It was the way I was. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but it kills me that you knew beyond to just take that and be like, you know what? I will hate all black people forever now. Like you knew better than that is what you're saying. Or or not. I didn't even even I wish I was even that smart. I was too stupid. It was just the landscape. It was like being born black. And there's this word waiting for you. Like it was just the way it was until I woke up and I'm like, wow, it fucking doesn't have to be like this. Right.
Starting point is 01:19:51 Right. We can change our words. We can change the way we act. We can change like – but only one person can do it at a time. That's what's fucked up. Right. Like first, Lika Veli has to do it. Then Sevan has to do it.
Starting point is 01:20:03 Then like Martin Luther King has to do it. Then Malcolm X. And then after you do it, you can'teli has to do it. Then, Sevan has to do it. Then, Martin Luther King has to do it. Then, Malcolm X. And then, after you do it, you can't be scared to speak up. Right. No. When you pioneer something, you're creating a road that wasn't there. So, you don't just get the ride, bro. It ain't just a smooth-ass ride.
Starting point is 01:20:19 You got to pull out the bulldozer, the bobcat. You feel me? You got to lay down asphalt. You feel me? You got to put the yellow paint on the roadcat you feel me you gotta lay down asphalt you feel me you gotta put the the yellow paint on the road you feel you got you got work to do so like other people get to just ride after you do all the work um and it seemed as though like shit ain't even that deep no more after that but right right there wasn't there while you he was doing the construction. I am constructing right now. Listen, I ain't even homophobic or nothing, and I have nothing against gay people whatsoever,
Starting point is 01:20:52 but I can look at Lil Nas X and see him pioneering now. I used to look at it like he doing way too much. It's some things that I disagree with, but i can look at him and say he is pioneering a road which could be good or bad like it's it's either about to be it's some gay kid somewhere who feels liberated but when they see him because they feel as though damn one day i can just be gay in the open and nobody can say shit. Right. Because he going through being slaughtered. You know what I'm saying? Right.
Starting point is 01:21:28 And now that ain't me saying I just feel like gay is right because I do believe in the Bible. You know what I'm saying? But I also believe in not judging people for what they do. That's their own personal shit. But I just use him as an example. Right. And when I was in the eighth grade, bro. No, not even eighth grade. I was in the sixth grade bro um no not even eighth grade i was in the
Starting point is 01:21:46 sixth grade i'll go back to sixth grade we used to have school dances um where everybody's in the gym and like you know they got a dj and he playing songs and stuff and i remember this one time we was in the gym um we had uniforms so the kid had on a black shirt. That was the eighth graders. The sixth grade wore blue and white. The eighth graders, it was this white dude in eighth grade. Out of nowhere, I just seen him getting jumped. Like, he was just getting beat the hell up. Like, I'm on the other side of the gym.
Starting point is 01:22:26 And, like, you know, of course, it wasn't my business because i went i went to middle school you don't just try to be a hero and you don't even know what's going on like you gotta find out later or some shit and they're too and they're older than you you're two years younger yeah they're like 14 yeah they're big ass kids they're scary yeah facts so like they was beating the shit out this boy and like and i'm i'm honest to say it was like six black dudes bro maybe seven um and there's one white dude he's just getting the shit kicked out of him and then he finally gets up uh you know after administrators come over to breaking shit up everybody's scattering taking off running because it was crowded to where a few of them got away with that shit, unless he told on them, if he remembered who hit them type shit. Half his
Starting point is 01:23:12 face was covered in blood. Half of his face. It's like Two-Face from Batman, nigga. Half his shit was bloody and dripping blood. So I was like, damn, they busted some shit on his face. So later, I'm like, what the fuck fuck what'd he do i'm trying to find out what happened somebody tell me he said nigga he fucked around and said nigga around a bunch of black kids and they tried to kill him type shit i don't know that's why you don't say that word yeah you know what i'm saying like that's the stigma bro like that's what is in the brains of children like you can be a child and think i have to kill you now you know i'm saying you said
Starting point is 01:23:52 nigga you gotta die like i got to destroy you or my own people gonna look at me like i ain't shit you know what i'm saying right right but something in my heart like like I was explaining earlier, made me look at that situation and be like, I know that if that kid grows up and shoots up a fucking school, right, I know why. The kid that got jumped. The kid that got jumped. I can't just be like, crazy ass white people. You know what I'm saying? Crazy ass white people. You than what I seen growing up. I just don't want to be just another vision in some kid's head as to why he got to kill people.
Starting point is 01:24:54 Or if he's a serial killer right now, I have no idea. I don't know that kid personally. I don't know where he's at. But like, I know why. Like, if he's in jail right now for fucking stabbing people, I know why. I get it, bro. I do. Like, and I'm not taking up for him saying that word.
Starting point is 01:25:12 It's just I was a kid. I said a bunch of shit. Ain't nobody kill me. I done said a bunch of shit, bro. You know, everybody evenly races if you ask me. Even though the structure of society is very not even. The structure of how America was built is
Starting point is 01:25:30 very uneven. But everybody's evenly racist. Because somebody taught those kids back in that time where we was brought over here, somebody taught those kids to hate us. They was taught
Starting point is 01:25:45 that as children so it's hard to take that away when you're an adult like you was you don't even know why you don't even know why you hate them so bad you just your parents said don't do this they this they that they act this way we drink at this water fountain or maybe your parent or what you're saying is maybe your parents didn't even say it, but that's when you say it could be built into society. Of course. You can teach a kid to kill people, bro. Look at Afghanistan. You know, there's these two subjects, three subjects I want to bring up. But one of them is like if you blindfold me and you take me to UCc riverside to college here in california and you walk me through uc riverside and you say hey sevan if you bump into someone and you can guess their
Starting point is 01:26:32 ethnicity right i'll give you a million dollars well every time i bump into someone i'm going to say it's asian because 90 of the school is asian right yeah Yeah. If every single thing I see on TV is people with black-colored skin are either playing sports or artists creating music, there's going to be this prejudice. I don't mean that in a bad way. If every liquor store – my dad came from the middle east he's armenian guess what he did when he came to this country he opened a fucking liquor store motherfucker opened a liquor store yeah my middle eastern day i mean duh yeah it's like that's where
Starting point is 01:27:16 the money at hell yeah duh that's what middle eastern dudes do yeah or convinced the massage Yeah. Or convinced to work for – singer it's just these cultural norms that i that are happening because we're stuck in these um you know japanese people hold more math mathematic phds than any other um ethnicity why is that it's it's somehow built into their culture it has nothing to do with the color of their skin they're born right it's like so one by one we gotta be the change sorry go ahead we gave them that stereotype or they gave it to themselves. Like, yes, they just they have a certain level of discipline that ain't American. American discipline is not shit like Asian discipline. Like, right.
Starting point is 01:28:14 That's the simple part of that. Like their kids get smacked to the damn floor if they don't guess a math problem. Right. So, of course, they're going to be mathematically gifted versus us. Cause like I can get a problem wrong and it's like, all right, but you better quit coming here with these C's and D's or I'm going to whoop you. You know? But for them, it's like, I could die if I fucking got an F.
Starting point is 01:28:38 Like they're fucking discommunicated. They're like disown me from my family and like throw me in a lake. You know what i'm saying all the gardeners in my neighborhood are every gardening truck is it's all latins yeah now so you can't blame people for like it's the same with snakes i don't know if you have snakes in north carolina but we got a lot of snakes in california and if you see the snakes that got the big jaw like this you know that that thing's a pit viper or a rattlesnake and you better stay the fuck away it's just it's just using your eyes like you see a truck um with a lawnmower in the back and and the driver's latin 99 of the time it's just it's not truth but these are things
Starting point is 01:29:18 that we just become used to um what do you think about this sorry i know i've had you a long time oh no it's like a joe rogan you have you have these people who are crazy successful like lebron james and then he wants to argue and you know how hard he had to work nothing was given to this fucking guy right i mean his discipline must be like out of this world and yet and yet when i hear him argue like like like we've established that maybe the rules aren't fair they're not they're not fair white versus black versus asian we're all stuck in our like prejudices in the boxes people want to put us in but but i don't think i i don't think what he's done by talking about it is doing anyone any favors i think his biggest platform would be like hey dude you know or or barack obama the the guy you know the president of the united states like i think that they would
Starting point is 01:30:21 do the biggest favor they could do is be like, hey, you have to work hard because no white person can say that to a black person. Hey, you just need to work harder. But the dudes at the top of the food chain, these motherfuckers like Oprah, LeBron, Obama. That's true. But yeah, tell me, but tell me where I'm wrong. They also I'm going to say you're wrong. I would say the other side of that is they also got a million, billion, trillion little black kids and black families and black relatives and people who are staring at them and saying, what you going to do? It ain't even just staring. They in their ear. They in their ear. They're like, yo like you better say
Starting point is 01:31:05 something you better do something what you're gonna do like and and hell lebron could have so peer pressure yeah but denzel and lil wayne didn't fall to it they stood up and spoke yeah lil wayne had a incident where he remembers as a child where a woman saves his life you know what i'm saying that goes back to children and like being in prison so like that white man saved wayne's life he will never be like fuck white people because he know the niggas walked right over me i'm in the pool of blood in the floor this white man stopped and said hey what the fuck y'all doing y'all see this baby on the floor right here changed this whole that like that's what wayne built his perception off of so that's why wayne can appeal to any crowd because he don't he not thinking like the cliche
Starting point is 01:31:56 black he's not thinking that way and he's a weirdo artist like you facts any weirdo he's a real artist has another set of eyes from god you know i'm saying we have another set of eyes where we can view things deeper than the surface i'm not a surface thinker like i think beyond but that don't mean when i go outside everybody else is just like me no i'm probably gonna pass by 50 surface thinkers before I find one person like me. You know what I'm saying? That's just the way this is. Whatever purpose you got or passion you got in life that you blessed with, you're not just in a whole village of people just like you. You find those rarely. You find these people rarely because that's something beyond culture and that's something beyond race
Starting point is 01:32:45 right like me and you probably relate but you from a whole nother side of the country right you're not the same skin color nothing but we can relate on so many topics because we view with we view the world beyond the surface like you're thinking beyond just the surface of the packaging. So that goes back to LeBron. LeBron, he's a smart guy, but I'm sure he's had incidents where the shut up and dribble thing pissed him off because he feels as though the cliche is black people play sports, rap, The cliche is black people play sports, you know, rap, whatever. But anything psychologically or political or, you know, anything that's like takes a lot of elaborate thought instead of just like natural talent from, you know, being from Africa. He may feel as though we have a stigma where we can't do that and be taken
Starting point is 01:33:45 seriously. You know, so that is why that's also why they might go so hard to say, let me, you know, let me go ahead and sprinkle a little bit of, you know, fuck y'all that don't think, you know, it's important that we speak on these things or fuck y'all that think, you know, I'm just just gonna shoot this basket all the time because i mean you gotta think if you're lebron it gets tiring bro everybody come up to you talking about basketball nobody's talking about nothing else nobody's gonna come up to lebron and be like hey man like you feeling okay how you how you bring how you cycle how your psyche going
Starting point is 01:34:22 you know like what you eat today you know they might ask that but they don't give a shit about that they give a shit about you know i'm saying they give a shit about if he about to get this ring with the laker super team type shit like that's all they're gonna give a fuck about so that's where i do feel when people speak on those things like i'm gonna speak on but it's going to be from my view of fairness, of reading people's character. You know, reading people's character and reading people's integrity. That's how I'm going to speak on shit. Not just off the tradition of like, yeah, my people come from slavery, so fuck all white people.
Starting point is 01:35:02 No, I'm not doing that. Yeah, my people come from slavery, so fuck all white people. No, I'm not doing that. Or show the way out even if you do believe that you're with the oppressor. The method, the endless just fucking – I mean look at people like Denzel, Lil Wayne, Morgan Freeman. These are all black dudes, but they're all speaking up. If one fucking white person speaks up from Hollywood, they fucking get canceled. They're all being leveraged.
Starting point is 01:35:38 And what I see is putting the foot on the black man's neck under the guise of helping them. It's nuts to me. You know who else? Go ahead. Part of it is karma. Like, it wasn't you, right? But there was a whole slew, a whole country of hate, you know, coming for these people. Or their ancestors, or their, you know, close, intimate family members. Your grandma, your great-grandma, hell, even.
Starting point is 01:36:05 Like, all that hate got to go somewhere. You know what I mean? It don't just go in the ground and just turn into mist. You know? It goes somewhere. You know what I mean? So that hate is coming full circle. And some people who hold on to it, they don't know that they're just a pawn in
Starting point is 01:36:27 in the devil's scheme but hate is it has to go somewhere you know i'm saying like if i slap if i go outside and i slap a white kid right now hard as i can to the point where he hit the wall he gonna he gonna want to see he bro it's he either gonna think damn that dude is fucking crazy or he's gonna say i'm scared of black men because the last time i seen one of them i hit the wall and i blacked out and i don't even remember shit so like yeah like and i'm explaining these things because you from california and our our view of california is y'all kind of like up north even back when it was slavery time new york might have been a place a black man could go do some shit and be okay california might have been a place a black man can do some shit and be okay. Before the gangster rap era where it was cops killing niggas. But the diversity over there, crazy.
Starting point is 01:37:35 California's diversity shits on the diversity of the rest of the country, for sure. So I'm from the South. I'm from North Carolina. short so i'm from the south you know i'm from north carolina like it's still some old people here that got the kkk outfit in the closet right but you rolled with white kids and black kids in high school yeah because california like that we're diverse but we're a hundred percent segregated really dude crazy i have no i have no idea of that like yeah so so like what like if i when i went to the south and i went to a club there'd be like white people and black people in there in california there's white clubs there's black clubs the high school the black kids hang out at lunch the white
Starting point is 01:38:15 kids hang out at lunch the indian kids hang out over here the asian kids now of course there's some like tricklers right yeah but like me and you could be on the wrestling team together be great friends in the wrestling team together be great friends in the wrestling team fucking hang out after school but at lunchtime fucking you're with your dudes i'm with my dude like the fucking prison dude and and these fucking white people and huge generalization huge generalization i apologize i'm notorious for making but the white people they'll give you all the fucking lip service about black lives matter they'll put the signs up in their fucking yard but but they don't know any
Starting point is 01:38:50 black people they don't want anyone black moving in next door to them they don't want they don't want they don't want any black culture it's the the hypocrisy and worse than being racist is being a fucking liar. Being a liar is the worst thing you can do. It's fucking just poison and it reeks of no integrity. But anyway, so that's kind of the weird thing. Like we have this thought being in the, in the North,
Starting point is 01:39:16 you know, the new England States and in California that our shit don't stink. And we accept black people and it's just in the South, blah, blah, blah. And then the second you go to the South or I watch your videos or I see like the kids hanging out, like it's not like that over here. Here's just all lip service.
Starting point is 01:39:29 But I'll be honest, like it take kids like me to do that. Like everybody's not on that type. Everybody's not doing that. But like I say, like me growing up, I always had a white friend somewhere. Like I never I can honestly think back in my life i always had a diverse group of friends i never was just you know i never was just all black that's it like you and he and you there can be like those are my white friends these are my black friends you're not even allowed to say that in california you have to pretend like it's not even there
Starting point is 01:40:01 you can't even yeah you have to pretend and that's where all the lying and everyone's so scared dude i would it's everyone is so fucking scared here they're scared of covid they're scared of black people they're scared of white people they're scared of what's going to come out of their mouth they're scared they looked at some chick with their titties they just everyone's so scared that's weird but i think that's the world bro i honestly as far as america anyway like i think everybody moves not the way of the artist yeah like if you look back through history bro every artist was on some i do what the fuck i want to do like i love kanye for that reason like i look bro kanye made me feel liberated even as a kid.
Starting point is 01:40:45 He made me feel like I'm listening to a person who don't got to give a fuck, even if he do have to. Even if I don't see his real life as like a struggle every day. From what I can see, it seems like he don't even got to give a fuck no more. Like, I can wake up and fucking, he can, this man can wear a diaper on his head and they just be like, oh, that's Kanye. You know, he's officially been so, he's been canceled so many times that he can do what the fuck he want to do. There's nobody that free. There's nobody that free. And he's got a hot Armenian wife.
Starting point is 01:41:21 Same gene pool as me. Same gene pool as me. Wow. So you got okay that's some card blood why why anytime you see ian at the end of someone's last name like my last name is matosian they're kardashian if you see ian that 99 armenian um why so what's funny of all the reviews and and they were everyone was being cool but it was funny they kept up they would always make fun of the fact that the white people were wearing do-rags
Starting point is 01:41:52 why can't white people wear do-rags because growing up my dad would get out of the shower comb his hair and literally it's so funny you said a diaper he would put a cloth diaper on his head and tie it on to keep his hair in place. And he'd keep it like that for like 30 minutes. And then he'd take it off. That sound about, bro, I got waves, bro. Like, that's why we wear the rags for the most part. It's some people that don't got waves.
Starting point is 01:42:19 What do you mean? What about those waves? What about those waves? Like, it's black hair. You know what I'm saying? The way, the curl pattern of black people hair like yeah brush it forward and it lays down so the curls lay down and if i put a do-rag on to keep them down it become waves but it's really just curls laying down right so that's
Starting point is 01:42:41 why people wear do-rags but your dad's reason for putting something on his head is the same. He want to hold his hair in place. Yeah, until it dries, and then he takes it off, and it's like, I guess it's how he likes that shit. It's the same shit. It's just different hair. And my dad's not black, just so you know. He's Armenian. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:42:58 Just to be clear. It's the same shit still. And when you said, why can't white kids wear durags they can you know i'm saying like it ain't that they can't it's like it's the story where this draft was chained so long he's chained to this tree till one one day they took the chain off of him and he did not leave from this tree because the draft felt as though i have to be here like this is where i live like i've never been anywhere else i have to stay by this tree even when they took the chain off so like you can do what the fuck you want to do
Starting point is 01:43:39 it's just that psychological chain of man if i do this do this, they're going to do that. If I do this, they're going to say this. If I do this, I look like a fucking culture vulture. You know what I'm saying? But look at Eminem, bro. Eminem wore durags and he damn near had waves. Damn near. Eminem wore durags so long, shit. Even black people look at Eminem like, I mean, that's Eminem. He ain't just white. You know what I'm saying? That's Eminem. So when you wake up and realize that you got one life and you can do what the fuck you want to do, it's like a superpower. You're not a regular human no more.
Starting point is 01:44:18 But it also put a target on your back because now you Superman. Now the government is like okay we gotta control this you know we gotta it ain't fair that you get to fly in the sky and everybody else gotta walk right it ain't fair that you it ain't fair that you can shoot laser beams out your eyes and everybody just like oh shit it's superman like they hate that shit they hate people hate what they don't they can't control and they hate what they don't understand so when you realize you can do what the fuck you want to do you are no longer in line you know saying you are no longer obeying the rules so that's scary you know because they
Starting point is 01:45:02 think if one can break the rules somebody else gonna break the rules and if two break the rules then it's a mob and if it's a mob now we gotta kill them all right you said you said when you when you realize that you only have one life and you can do whatever the fuck you want is there a difference between realizing that and just saying it yes it is it is like you can say it all day but you don't you're not living it till you like do the first step of okay i know nobody gonna i know i look crazy and you you know, I don't care. Like, it doesn't work to that moment. But you're not doing it to be crazy.
Starting point is 01:45:52 You're not doing it for attention, right? You're doing it because you feel like it's your truth, but you were scared. And then you kind of just step past that line like, all right, I'm here. I don't care if I'm scared or i'm not scared no more so yeah when the fear is gone that's when you live in it but if you pray and you let allowing that fear to cripple you then you can say all you want but you're not living it do you do you um do you go do you go towards fear sometimes yeah like like last night i was thinking that you weren't we had a for my producer and i thought you were going to cancel
Starting point is 01:46:34 um because one of our text threads you weren't responding to and then we realized it was our problem we had like a technical glitch we thought you were on a thread and you weren't and when i thought you were going to cancel i kind of got like excited because like i because i was like scared to like do this podcast right i got excited but the reason why i wanted to do this podcast was because i was scared right you know what i mean and um it's but but i was excited when i thought you were going to cancel last night i'm like oh okay cool like like i lied to myself you know um and then uh i i was it was like seven o'clock at night i was getting on this exercise bike i have that's in front of this big tv i put my headphones on and i was just just watching everything i could on league of ellie and then i see my producers like hey i don't think he's going to show tomorrow because i'm having trouble getting in touch with
Starting point is 01:47:23 them here and then that's when i sent the late night text to you i'm like well i better double check and but i was getting excited did you sorry i'm beating a dead horse do you ever get scared and you're like fuck that's the way i gotta go then gotta go through that door oh yeah bro i'll be honest i hate clubs i hate them like performing was scary as fuck anytime i'm trying to perform some shit it's scary like and this is before i let the white kid say nigga bro like i've had social anxiety growing up like just like any other kid that's like scared to like talk in front of the class or you know public speaking or like getting up on a stage in front of people that's just get all they got to do is look at you
Starting point is 01:48:04 but you have the job of entertaining them you know and you know they're judging you that's why they're there we all do it and i'm not hating on it for that that's what they do that's their job judge the fuck out of me like you got spectators and you got doers you feel me run and you got skip bayless i've never seen Skip Bayless shoot a fucking shot. I don't even think he can dribble. You feel me? But he's so powerful getting to sit there and talk about what the next man doing. LeBron, greatest basketball player on the earth, right?
Starting point is 01:48:40 Skip Bayless, greatest. I just talk shit about the greatest basketball player on the earth. You know what I'm saying? That's their reward so when you remain in fear and you pick that place to hide and find your strength and hiding that's your reward that's the highest you're going to get to go but once you man up and get up on that stage and you be like all right i'm gonna put myself out there you pass them they look stupid now they look stupid you look powerful especially if you like do well but even if you don't do well even if you got booed you still get more points than they do because you push yourself out there and like yeah bro i've been scared to do all that bro i. I have a fear of heights, but I still want to jump out a plane one day and like go skydiving
Starting point is 01:49:28 because I know like I hate fear. You know what I'm saying? Like I know fear is not my friend to like help me do things in life. It's only going to keep me in one spot if I let it have the power. It's only going to keep me in one spot if I let it have the power. So the more things I do going against fear, like right at it, the freer I'll be, the more free I'll become. So that's, yeah, bro. You said it, you hit it on the head with that.
Starting point is 01:49:58 Like, I don't give a fuck no more. Like, if I'm scared, we doing it, bro. Like, I was scared to put the song out. I was scared to shoot the video and see what somebody i was scared to do a lot of bro but like i ain't about to let everybody see i'm scared to do like no like i want you i want people to think league of valley this man ain't scared of he ain't scared to do nothing like don't matter what it is like if he feel like it's lit or it's something that needs to be said or done he gonna do it like that's how i want that's the stigma i want with my name is like he's gonna do that shit i i like
Starting point is 01:50:35 the metaphor you used earlier about like hey you got when you're when you're going down the road and you're the first one going down the road you got to paint the yellow line right yeah you got to paint you got to paint the yellow line um that that that um those words you put culture vulture that's like did you just make that up on the fly right there nah like that's a term people use like you know that's the cultural appropriation thought mindset they like a white person talking black or yeah okay feel black culture art and all that stuff yeah bro it's cultural or drake you know they call drake a culture vulture like they do yeah drake is yeah he can do what he wants he got he got a black daddy and a jew mom he's fucking free exactly drake
Starting point is 01:51:18 milk that shit drake i love you milk that shit he definitely can be anybody he wants to be yeah that's crazy um do you do you work out I used to I need to start back yeah where did you work out you like you just had a membership at gold or something nah like planet fitness why did you stop why aren't you doing that did you ever work out with jada um yeah we did a few times but like damn i don't get on my ass bro you got it i mean that's my whole thing i work out every day so because i've seen your instagram and like i've seen your kids and shit bro like yo like i was telling jada like you you i have i don't see shit like that often but they're gonna be great because of what you're doing. Like they're going to be great at something. I like that.
Starting point is 01:52:06 But yeah, bro. I used to rap to my kid when he was in his crib. My oldest, Avi. I should start rapping to him again. I always, my dream, and I would never like, you know, put pressure on him. But my dream would be that Avi was a rapper. That's just crazy, bro. Isn't that crazy? But it's my't that crazy but it's my dream i yeah it's my dream it would be it would be so crazy i want because i think being a rapper there's a there's a freedom on that quest to like free your tongue free your mind it is like i ran across harry mack the other
Starting point is 01:52:42 day do you know who that is on YouTube? No. You should check him out. It's crazy. There's this video of him. And I guess he's in Los Angeles. And there's a line of people waiting outside, like 200 people waiting outside to go into a museum or something. I don't know what they're doing. And he starts at the back of the line line and he just fucking is just spitting rhymes and every person he sees he incorporates a piece of what they're wearing or how they're standing
Starting point is 01:53:11 into his rap i take that back i have seen that video so it is it is fucking great it is like wow and then you can see him warming up like as a as an artist you can see where he's getting stuck and where he's getting self-conscious and where he's getting free and like you feel him when he when the people feel it he feels it and like you know what i mean like the energy going back and forth probably how you feel like when when trapezoid was together like all this there'd be times when you're like oh shit we're getting high as fuck right now bro you know how many times like we used to love getting high and playing beats and everybody's going around rapping we might even make a song together just freestyling like not even in the studio just like getting high in a circle and we just like play beats on the
Starting point is 01:53:56 speaker and everybody just freestyling bro like them is moments i'm gonna remember forever like even if i was a pothead kid that wasn't doing shit with my life that shit was lit i don't give a fuck nobody say like that's fun bro like because it's kind of like it's art in its own way like that's art when you kept like when people video people rapping and capture that moment even you seen a video somebody rapping in it just you felt something you know i'm saying like it ain't just some bullshit like you felt like and this shit tight like i'm it's a vibe like you know i'm saying this like it's something about this i like yeah so to me it's like painting it's the same thing as leonardo da vinci bro painting the the body the the human anatomy like it's like
Starting point is 01:54:46 pure bro it's a pure art form of like shit that's what that's what the 80s was like a beatboxer and people rapping and oh so much great beatboxing about that think about the like how that electrified you in the 80s like what the fuck what is like that's that's how i feel about this shit like it's just it's beautiful bro when you when you're sitting around with the guys there were six of you and you guys are recording and you guys are um you guys are rapping over the beat from all eyes on me is that choreographed are you like hey the subject like how do five guys how do six guys rat is what goes into that are you like hey everything has to be about god just so you know go or everything has to be about the first girl you fucked go or like how do you
Starting point is 01:55:40 or is it not it's like hey man this this between this hook and this hook it's you do whatever the fuck you want between here and here no it's like um somebody sets the tone right whoever go first at the tone usually it's me right and um after the tone is set you either match that or you you yourself can feel like damn i, I was just rapping about shit. I didn't match that shit. I didn't match that energy. And I don't know how to explain that as well. I don't know how to explain that really good, but I do know my mind naturally is going to say,
Starting point is 01:56:18 let me make this correlate. If I rap some shit and it don't go with what somebody else put, I'm going to erase it and I'm going to try that shit again. I'm not about to... You rapping about life and death and deep shit and then I start rapping about McDonald's and Taco Bell. It don't work like that. It's not a song. And if you hear music and hits and good songs, it correlates somehow. Even if it's just about getting drunk and at the club and turning up, the next person to get on the song is somewhat talking about that.
Starting point is 01:56:51 It should be natural. It's kind of been natural. But, yeah, it's been times where even one of my friends could be like, hey, bro, I don't think what you said really go with that like that, so I want you to erase that and do it again. And I'll have to take that humility and just do that shit. My cousin, Doe School, was the main person that helped me with that. He great at making a song.
Starting point is 01:57:18 And whatever the subject of the song is, he keep it going strong. Whether it's a story about a girl or whether it's about getting drunk or whether it's about you know being a gangster shooting some shit you know saying it don't matter what it is like that's the main person that that was like the sweatshop i was in to like make me this good um so the artist School, artist slash producer, he the main guy that made me like that. But I get what you're saying. I feel like black people naturally do it. I know it's another stereotype stigma, but.
Starting point is 01:57:56 Racist, racist. Very racist. Do you know anyone who's made it? Has anyone come out of there? By made it, I mean they pay their rent. They pay their rent. Through music. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:13 A few, actually. Not like a lot. I'm going to be real because where I'm from, at first I was the closest one I knew. But it's this dude named it's felipe i think it's felipe luciano that's the name he go by but we know him we know him as his like personal name um he kind of like with mmg and shit like that um and he got a few more guys with mm. MMG? What is that? Rick Ross. Oh, Maybach? Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:48 You know, I spent a day with Rick Ross at his fucking palace in Atlanta once. I did a video with him. You did? Yeah, I interviewed him. I'll send you a link to it. He's cool as fuck. He's weird as fuck. You would love him.
Starting point is 01:59:03 Yeah. And he's so as fuck he's weird as fuck you would love him and he's so open he's so he's like um he's like so squishy and loving and so real and like he's so great I really enjoyed every second with him
Starting point is 01:59:20 I really he was so uh he could get so real he should do more weird shit unless like I mean I like all his gangster rap I love all his rap I love all the Maybach music stuff but man he's a trip he probably like this split personality too like he probably you know he got to turn it on and off like he get to be him his open weird self now because it's you know the power and the platform but like I'm sure coming up he had to keep self now because it's you know the power and the platform but like i'm sure coming up he had to keep the gangster turned on because you know miami you know port of miami
Starting point is 01:59:51 you know cocaine you know surrounded by gangsters you do all these favors for and you know you got all this respect you you know you can pay all the lawyer fees you can do all this shit but like it's still he's still a person he's yeah he's and his hand he his fingers are a trip he has really soft hands i'll never forget his hands and really like wispy fingers and the way he moves and shit it's almost like he's on fucking mushrooms or something but anyway when i was there he was he was working out hard one of the things i did with them is i filmed uh he was doing some crossfit and we and i was filming it it was really cool and and you know someone of his size um and his his weight and
Starting point is 02:00:32 his health he that you have to make yourself really vulnerable yeah and i and i respect the shit out of it like everyone's gonna be laughing at you oh i lift more than you are he didn't give a fuck yeah he just went out there and hit it and was just being a great role model best way to be bro when you just don't give a fuck bro life be feeling so much better like it's just you're not stressed out about stupid shit like it's like small stupid shit stress you out when you give a fuck too much you know and it holds you back like i feel like that holds you back rick ross would if he cared about people saying you fat and sloppy with your shirt off ill titties you know i'm saying he wouldn't wear velvet jumpsuits with
Starting point is 02:01:11 no shirt on you feel me with the chain on like titties hanging you don't give a damn they like i'm rick ross you know it's different when you like just got that personality where you just i don't i don't care bro i don't care bro i don't care that's how i feel like i know i got chunky but i still take my shirt off yeah yeah with t lion with t lion you had your shirt off yeah see what i'm saying yeah fuck it you still look you still look good but dude you got to work out you want to live a long time you'll be inspired i think i think you want to live a long time. You'll be inspired. I think you'll rap better. You'll be more creative.
Starting point is 02:01:50 You should sweat every day. It made me feel good when I did work out all the time. Yeah. Like, I know I feel better working out. You just confirmation. I already been talking about how I need to work out. You gave me confirmation of, like, this dude all the way in California. He like,
Starting point is 02:02:06 Hey, get off your ass. I heard. So, so, so Philippe made it to Philippe got signed with Rick Ross. Someone heard his music come out, come out of your neighborhood and any sign with him.
Starting point is 02:02:17 Wow. That's cool. He's like, like, do you want to be signed or does that suck? Okay. I always, you know, I always said that like, you know, seeing all this shit going on, you know, with people with their record labels and stuff, I always was like, I don't want to be signed.
Starting point is 02:02:35 I want to be independent. But now my stance is I seen Young Thug say, Young Thug said he didn't give a fuck. He was like, I just needed a platform. Young Thug said he signed the most fucked up deal ever, but he knew he had a plan. You know what I'm saying? Like, when you know you just got it, it's like, fuck the deal, bro. You just needed some eyes. I just needed some dude somewhere to be like, I'm going to spend money on him. I'm going to put something behind that kid and, like, I'm going to just money on him. I'm going to put something behind that kid. And I'm going to just see how it goes.
Starting point is 02:03:09 Even if they only see you right now, but you can see the vision of you in 10 years. I can see the vision of me in five years, 10 years, 20 years of being a pioneer of some big shit. I'm not a one-hit artist, a i'm not a one hit artist so i'm not a one trick pony like bro i'm gonna do pop shit nigga i'm gonna do i want to have my first album i want to be like a feature from like justin bieber i want a fucking lauren hill feature bro i won't like i might even still get an r kelly feature, you know? I know that's scary. Isn't R. Kelly, he's in jail, right? Yeah, he a terrible person right now as far as the world goes.
Starting point is 02:03:51 R. Kelly. He's a terrible guy. But, like, I mean, that don't take away from the art. No, no, no, no, no. It doesn't take away from the art at all. And, like, you know, I'm diverse, bro. And I feel like if I sign right now for a certain decent amount of money, if you gave me $100,000 right now, I'm going, bro. And I feel like if I sign right now for a certain decent amount of money, if you gave me $100,000 right now, I'm going to blow.
Starting point is 02:04:09 Like, I'm going to take that shit and run. First of all, $10,000, I'm going to go in the promo and let the white kids say negative. Just keep that, you know, keep the momentum back, get it back up. And then the rest would be like, you know, I'll pay for a big name feature here and there make crazy good music you know go hard as i can and like promote this shit out myself like i don't know bro like i just know i'm a blow like i and i can't i came from nothing bro like i'm from a super small place like my
Starting point is 02:04:40 family all southern and like you know older, you know, they're not open. Not a lot of college educated. You know, so it's not a lot of big open mind, deep thinkers. I don't got some rich uncle somewhere. Like, nah, bro. Like, this all sweatshop, check to check. Like, family members all. I got old people still working in warehouses
Starting point is 02:05:05 you know they need they need a retirement plan like my grandparents just now got life insurance they didn't even know the details of that you know so like i don't know bro i just feel different i feel like you can sign me right now i'm gonna fucking take that shit and run with it like even if it's a fucked up deal even if it's a 360 day i gotta do 10 albums cool bro i have music like i can rap if i had the opportunity to be locked in a studio for a year straight bro i'm gonna come out with like a thousand albums bro like a million like it's gonna be so easy yeah a studio with the treadmill hell yeah fuck it um lose 15 to 20 pounds and i'm gonna send you a picture yeah and i'm just i'm just fucking busting your balls you're a beautiful man but and
Starting point is 02:06:00 i don't really um working out's important just because you got to stay healthy. You want to live a long time, right? You don't want to be one of these people who's scared of COVID because they fucking got type two diabetes. You want to be like, fuck, give me, I'll drink a gallon of that shit.
Starting point is 02:06:13 I had that shit. My whole family had that shit. We don't need added sugar. We don't fucking need to do refined carbohydrates. We just take care of ourselves. It's nothing is blow right through you. But if you walk your wife, if you walk your life on a tight rope with your diet,, then when the wind blows, it just blow you right off.
Starting point is 02:06:29 Right. And like, I don't walk up on a tightrope. I stay on the ground. How do you what's Haley? What's Haley see about? Why is she still part of Trapper's? Where did you meet her? Is she really want to be a rapper?
Starting point is 02:06:40 Hell yeah. She is a rapper for sure. She is a rapper. She's a rapper. Like she raps um hayley c is like this lit ass high energy like when i say energy damn near adhd like high energy person and one time i was performing at like this little community college right and like this other friend that i had was i had some this girl used to work with me she came to the show and whatnot and she brought hayley with her hayley was just her friend
Starting point is 02:07:13 um that she and hayley had heard about me doing music and shit so they brought hayley to the show and she like got up on the stage and everything was just dancing around type shit and i'm just looking like who is this weird ass like girl just jumping around doing shit like you talk about weirdo she fit like she's a weirdo too um and like ever since then like i think i after that uh she we you know we said we was gonna do music and shit she showed me some of her raps and shit and i was in my head like i mean she can rap but i don't know i gotta see so i um i had told her to come to the house one day um and we had smoked a blunt on the porch and we was just talking about life and that conversation was like a whole day like it was like the hours was going by and we didn't even feel it and like ever since then we've been great friends like hayley is like a awesome person and like besides
Starting point is 02:08:12 that she really good at music too like she she can make some good shit for for what she looks like and i think that's the part that like made me like feel like okay just this trapezoid because you can look at her and think she's one way but then when she start talking and shit and she start like doing the music you'd be like damn like i had no idea she was like this like she's petite right she's tiny right yeah yeah very but and she plays basketball and shit like she just like this weird mix of a bunch of shit going on and i feel like that relates to like how i feel about my life you know i'm like a weird mix of a bunch of shit going on lica veli two hours and eight minutes. I was scared last night.
Starting point is 02:09:05 So many podcasts I'm scared to do. I face all those fears. Hey, I'm happy for you, bro. You got nuts and you let them hang, you know? Thank you. Thank you. Even these old ass wrinkly 49 year old nuts. Listen, I'd love to stay in touch with you.
Starting point is 02:09:21 If you ever want to come back on, you ever want to share back on you ever want to share anything you ever want to say anything people who don't have you on their podcast are fucking insane you're so easy to talk to you're fun to talk to you use metaphors and analogies that make it bring color and light and life to all the conversation you're not afraid
Starting point is 02:09:40 to fucking go anywhere you put me in my place 45 minutes ago be like hey don't get carried away i'm not giving you like some carte blanche to be like this white dude who's i forget how you worded it but like i i uh i respect the shit out of you ma'am um we don't know each other i fucking reached slid into your dms asked you to come on my show um you beat a dead horse with um with your song let the white kids say nigga i'm sure you've and and and you were great i really enjoyed it i'm happy for you that you have a kid
Starting point is 02:10:10 um and i and i hope that we uh we stay connected definitely man thank you so much i feel the same way bro um yeah just like you know fly me out to cali or some shit you know teach me out to Cali or some shit. Teach me how to damn train my son to be like a sports creature or some shit. He's lucky he has you and Jada, two loving parents. He's going to be great. Facts, man. Hey, bro, God bless you, bro. Thank you for the opportunity.

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