The Sevan Podcast - #184 Rogue Invitational - Brian Friend & John Young

Episode Date: October 26, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada?
Starting point is 00:00:41 Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Oh, I don't hear you. What's going on? Can you hear me? Yeah, hold on. can you hear me yeah hold on can you hear me yes no facetime camera uh audio can anyone hear me oh there's no one even watching test test test yeah yeah it should be good now test test test test can you hear me now guys welcome last minute show 7 p.m on monday evening i see brian friend i can hear you the show is live we can hear you great so it's just uh
Starting point is 00:01:42 it's just brian you guys can't hear that's awesome that makes me feel so much better wait can you hear me down one of your mics hold on brian now try sorry how about number oh now i can hear you oh yeah shit there we go i had you turned all the way down oh nice good how's that welcome back welcome jacqueline eric jacko salem nash byron wendy jacqueline nash brian is good too awesome you guys are great uh john young in the house boom there he is how's everybody it's fucking amazing hey john what's up brian doesn't look like we have suza brian um today guys we are going to talk about uh how brian and john's uh rankings i think have been um maybe affected now they have a little bit more intel um in regards to the rogue invitational
Starting point is 00:02:42 oh sorry go ahead putting words in your mouth right no just we didn't really talk much about it they uh announced the events six of the seven events for the rogue invitational and the fact that there would be seven events a little while ago i recently got home from the gym and had several messages about it and i said you know what let's just do a show just do a show i was in the shower and I just, you know, working on my hygiene. I'm looking for the rogue. I type in rogue fitness Instagram. You can also do it from their website. The better screen.
Starting point is 00:03:20 You can get all the workouts on one screen on their website. Okay. Let's do this. Rogue. Rogue. Rogue Fitness. Slash invitational.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Can I get there from their site or do I have to type that in? Probably. Probably can get there from their site. I don't know how I got there. Slash invitational uh john have you had a chance to look at them yes i have okay i'm gonna share the screen now anything stand out at you brian already it's like from a quick look where you're like oh shit oh nelly um yeah very similar to the programming from two years ago but also not
Starting point is 00:04:13 that different from what was online it just it's very you know they in the past i think it's been chris spieler and josh bridges who have primarily done the programming and this year is chris spieler and rich froning but i'm sure that rogue you know tells them hey we have some stuff that we want to use so they have to work within those parameters so they still get you know to to put on display some of the stuff that they've been working on and so well we have very similar in terms of style a long go ruck event just like they had in 2019 a heavy lifting, that's no surprise there. They're repeating a workout from that year, the mule.
Starting point is 00:04:50 And then they have a chipper. They've had a chipper every year. A little sprinty workout, nasty thrusters and bike. They have some stuff that's not specified, like a hill run. We don't know how far that hill run is or sandbags to the top of the hill. Presumably it's the same hill. They have something called a Jerry can carry feed bag that they're using, you know, like I said, some new implement. So it's very rogue wheelbarrow push.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Is Jerry similar to the dummy that they use? Jerry can, I feel like I've seen a jerry can before. Brian, Brian, Brian, I want to, before we dive into this, how is the event doing? Is this thing sold out? Is this thing going to be big? Is this thing worth the great Sebon paying attention to? Because what I'd like to do is watch this thing Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and just get addicted to it like crack, then um have you and brian um boost my youtube following by having you guys on to talk about it well it's yeah it's gonna be good i mean these are very talented athletes i think that several of them have been preparing for this as if it is you par with the games. It is from a financial perspective.
Starting point is 00:06:06 There's more opportunity as much. 12,000 people in the stadium. Did that sell out? Do we know? They're still selling single day tickets, but I don't know if the people who have single day tickets will have a seat in the stadium or if they'll just be allowed into the venue and can watch on like big screens outside or something like that.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I don't know but they've sold a lot of tickets and a lot of different packages and their single day tickets still available last i saw has anyone dropped out i don't think so and it looks like uh you know i've been trying to track on instagram that all the international athletes i don't know if i've seen anything from bkg but it seems like the rest of them are in the u.s or traveling there like today or tomorrow but no breaking news that something like has happened that would just just really really change your perspective on it no all right should we uh do we want to look at the athletes really quick or just dig right into the um events here oh we can talk about the events.
Starting point is 00:07:06 John's been trying, he's, uh, identified a handful of athletes for each event that he thinks, um, can excel. And then we can kind of, you know, looking at, at that group of athletes that we think might do well on each workout, we can kind of see if maybe there's someone who we didn't think would do very well that might, or the other way around. All right. Have you heard any of his picks yet? I see all of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Oh. In the process of finishing them and he's seeing them as I finished them. I love it. Okay. Let's, let's do it. Let's do it. Let's,
Starting point is 00:07:43 let's look at event number one, the go rock and don't assume anything. I don't even know what this go ruck thing is right right it's just the tag i'll explain the workout john's still working on some of those things so i'll explain the workout and um and then tell you kind of what what i see but they're wearing a 30 and 20 pound go ruck vest throughout the workout they have to do a wheelbarrow pull at the start of the workout. Um, if you, if anyone remembers back to the games when they had, um, happy star and they had that, that log across the Zeus or the rig there, I think that it's gonna be something like this. We have to go over and under some kind of log like that. 10 times, you have to climb a
Starting point is 00:08:22 rope five times. You have to take three sandbags to the top of the hill i don't know if they've the sandbags weigh 50 and 35 pounds don't know anything else about them and then you do it all again you climb for five ropes do 10 over-unders on the log and then push instead of pull um the wheelbarrow to the finish line. What do you think about pulling a sled? What do you think about pulling stuff? Isn't that a good movement? Is that what you said?
Starting point is 00:08:54 Did you say you were pulling a sled? They're going to have to pull a wheelbarrow and then push a wheelbarrow. How do you pull a wheelbarrow? Well, you could be – Yeah, there's a couple ways. It's unknown, but I would presume that you're holding the handles facing the wheelbarrow and you could yeah there's a couple there's a couple ways it's unknown but i would presume that you're holding the handles facing the wheelbarrow and you're moving backwards and then when you have to go the other way you move it the same direction just pushing it forwards all right are they allowed to turn around and run with it
Starting point is 00:09:17 don't none of the we don't know any of the um specifics like that i don't think hey hey where where do you think this hill is going to be? This is an indoor event, right? No, I think it's at the Dell Diamond Baseball Complex or something. They've got a big space there. I don't know too much about it, but it's cool. It's nice that they have a hill that they're using for two different workouts. Interesting. I'm very curious if it's like. It's nice that they have a hill that they can use for, they're using it for two different workouts. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:09:46 I'm very curious if it's like a legitimate hill. Like, is it, is it posted something with a hill in it? And I forget who it is. I'm trying to find right now and see if I can get a picture for you. Okay. If you,
Starting point is 00:09:59 if you, I don't know if you can screen share also, but either way you could send me a link. Who wins this, Brian, this go-ruck in the women and who wins this in the men? Well, what I was going to say is that they did have a similar event two years ago. That event, they were also wearing a 30 and 20-pound go-ruck. They also had to do rope climbs. They had to move sandbags over hay bales instead of moving themselves over a log,
Starting point is 00:10:24 but there was some running involved, and they had to move sandbags over hay bales instead of moving themselves over a log, but there was some running involved and they had to drag a bag to the finish. So there's, and they had to carry a bag. So there's definitely some similar implements. Not all of the athletes are returning, but two years ago of the athletes who are here, the top three women were Tia, Annie, Katrin, actually we can say Tia, Annie, Katrin, Kristen Holta, and Carrie Pierce. I would, you know, obviously we can expect Tia to do well on, Kristen Holta, and Carrie Pierce. Um, I would, uh, you know, obviously we can expect Tia to do well on pretty much anything at this point, but, um, you know, this is presuming, you know, assuming the five rope climbs, like depending on how high those ropes are, those could slow a couple of women down. Um, other than that, this seems like grunt
Starting point is 00:11:03 work and precision. I mean, I don't, I don't think you want to tip over the wheel barrel, so I would expect the similar people to do well. Do we know who tested these? No. Just curious. Don't forget, they're wearing a 30-pound go-rub, too, so it's 10 rope
Starting point is 00:11:19 climbs. That's going to take a toll. The last time they did this, it was only two rope climbs at a time. Whoever's the best rope climber, I think we'll gain significant time during, in that event. Have you guys ever done a rope climb with a weight vest or, or this thing, what is this thing? This thing looks like a backpack. The go-ruck. I've done some in the weight and weight vest before. I never go rock. How is it bad? I've done some in weight vests before. Never a go-ruck. Is it bad? No.
Starting point is 00:11:48 I mean, your muscles just get tired quicker. It feels the same as a regular rope climb. You just burn out. It's like a heavy double under rope, similar to that. Interesting. I've done it quicker. Part of me wants to be like, no big deal. It doesn't say they're legless.
Starting point is 00:12:01 But, I mean, what do I know? I've never done it. It must be something. Brian, I've never done weighted rope climbs, but, uh, I would, you know, I think that if you're doing five with the weight vest on, it probably feels like doing, you know, eight or 10. Okay. That's a good way to think about it. Anyway, for the men, you know, oh, my gosh. I think I was – yeah, I had the order of those finishes wrong for the women. It was Tia, Kristen Holta, and then third was – what the heck? Oh, yeah, Sarah Sigmasdottir, who's not competing.
Starting point is 00:12:38 And then fourth was Annie. I was like, Annie wasn't – She was third. Yeah, third amongst the women there. No, you weren't, John. Don't lie. Anyway, for the men, Cole Sager won that event. He also won the battleground event at the Games that had rope climbs with his weight vest on.
Starting point is 00:12:59 That was the obstacle course, but dragging that Randy figure across the turf. So he should do well on this. Vellner was second. I think he'll do well on this. Fraser was third that year. He's not competing. And fourth was Lucas Hogeberg, who's not competing. But that dude's going to be there who's the stand-in for Fraser,
Starting point is 00:13:23 the young kid with the mullet. Dustin should do well. Yeah yeah he'll do fine i was shitting on cole sager in the last show saying he wasn't going to do that he wasn't going to show for this but you but you say you're not going to be surprised if cole wins this the first event no this i mean this is the type of event that he should do well on travis mayor i don't think he will i think it's a lot different than the first go ruck what do you think he's going to struggle with i think the wheelbarrow and the wheelbarrow implement of it will play a lot bigger role and it's and we don't know running like it doesn't say any kind of a distance as far as running goes but the battleground and the go ruck the first one was all running like it was
Starting point is 00:14:06 mostly running and then like an obstacle in between this is like who can work the most and i don't think cole can work better than velner and maderos i would definitely agree the wheelbarrow is a huge unknown we don't know the distance we don't know the weight we don't know like how likely it is to tip it over um so that's obviously an unknown factor for everyone but i still think cole is a top five in this workout top five maybe yeah i wouldn't say no to top five al what do you mean it's blurry you mean the screen's blurry like you can't see the writing you can't see the writing is that is that what you mean is that how's that i mean i mean i made it bigger now it's just bigger and more blurry um i um so when you say about the running are
Starting point is 00:14:52 you talking about between the events you're saying like how far you have to travel with this ruck is in question between the zeus the rope climbs the sandbag oh you're saying the run to the sandbag to the top of the hill. Is that what you're referencing, John? When you say we don't know how far they're going to run? Yeah. Well, I mean, if it's just running to the top of the hill, it's not like a normal run. And it's way less. Your legs are getting pumped.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Like, Fraser was always way better at everybody at running up hills on trails, and that's why he did so good in the trail run. He wasn't the fastest runner but he was the best uphill like regular flat ground fraser was top five but he wasn't the best one and that makes a big difference if it's running uphill if it's just flat ground well fraser was the fastest john what are you talking about no roy gamboa wasa was. Was he? He beat him in the sprint? Yes, from the first heat. Well, I more mean like distance running, but just flat ground.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Yeah. No, what he's talking about is that in the previous two events I referenced where Cole won the event, there was a known large amount of running, significant amount of running. In this workout, we don't know the proximity between these things. We don't know how long that run is up the hill and back down we don't know about the wheelbarrow so there's definitely some unknown components but this style of workout i think is generally good for colesager is emma carrie in this event in rogue invitational yep yeah awesome how's um how's laura horvath gonna doing this How is Laura Horvath going to do in this? Is this the one she's going to beat, Tia?
Starting point is 00:16:30 Is this where we see the transfer of the title? Like Cole Sager, she won the Battleground event. And I think she'll do very well on this. Yeah. I don't think she'll. I think that I think Tia will win this workout and several of the other ones. but I think Laura will be right up there in the top three or four on this one. Lefem Natal says, oh, damn, the legends are only doing three events. Come on, man.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I don't even know if Josh Everett can get out of bed without a cane anymore. What are you talking about, three events? Miko's got to be like 50, 60. By the way, Miko's going to be on the the show soon we'll ask him how old he is um what what are your picks so so you guys agree you guys are agreeing on the top five for the men cole belner madera no i don't agree with his top five okay let's hear let's hear let's hear your top five john and then we'll have we'll get then we'll get the official for the go ruck and a lot of this i'm just basing on it just seems like more work than running and we don't know how much running so it could change if there's 800 meters in between every single thing but i have velner winning it i have madero second i got jason hopper
Starting point is 00:17:40 third bkg fourth and then cole sager fifth jason hopper got invited to this huh they're hitting the bottom of the barrel uh vel velner say it again sorry i got distracted velner maderos hopper bkg and then cole sager okay and and who and who's six just out of curiosity chandler smith okay oh oh oh i'm going to say Brian has him in his top five. Let's hear Brian. I agree. Velner, Medeiros, Sager in the top five. I would probably also
Starting point is 00:18:13 include Travis Mayer and Lazar Jukic. Oh, damn. This is going to be a good event. And again, like if it's more conditioning like the other GORUCK ones are, then I agree with Brian's picks over mine. But it just seems like there's more brute work to be done,
Starting point is 00:18:34 and I think that will affect the people like Lazar and Cole. You think when Noah sees the – is Noah going to this event? No, no. Oh, yeah. He probably sees that wheelbarrow and just freaks out. Is Noah going to this event? No. No. Oh. Yeah, good. He probably sees that wheelbarrow and just freaks out. Just freaks out. The women.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Who do you guys got in the women? You want to go first, Ryan? You go. You go. I wonder if they have to load the wheelbarrow. Do they have to load the wheelbarrow? Do they have to load the wheelbarrow? Probably. Unknown.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Okay. And is that typical for Rogue, to leave those things unknown, like the games? Not really. I mean, well, I don't know. I mean, I would say we only had one event. I don't remember when things things were announced if there were details unknown but rogues always creating new stuff so i think there's always some element of it that's going to be new and and you know i don't want to say surprising but yeah unknown at some point um john will lossic uh 20 burpees buddy
Starting point is 00:19:41 asshole you see what he. You see what he wrote? You see what he wrote? Could Colt Mertens beat Tia? You. How many burpees for ninja fitness? You got to do 10. You probably have to do 10. That's probably you on your other computer pumping comments in, Brian.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Yeah, that's right. How about the women? Who's going first with the women? I got Tia winning. Shocker. And then a bit of an emotional pick because she was my first podcast. I have Haley coming in second. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:20:18 And then I got Laura Horvath and then I think Katrin and Mal O'Brien will be fourth and fifth. Holti would also be up there. I'm picking Emma Carey wins this. That's it. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. Emma Carey and for the dudes, Travis Mayer.
Starting point is 00:20:39 I think you got to have Annie up there. Holt, I agree, will probably be in the top five on this one. Yeah, Annie's going to kill that. But I do like... She have Annie up there. Holt, I agree, will probably be in the top five on this one. Yeah, Annie's going to kill that. She's made to work. Tia, Laura, Haley, Katrin. I mean, it's going to be a battle, man. This is the type of workout that, you know, as long as everyone can get through the rope climbs,
Starting point is 00:21:03 then it's going to just be a grind, just a hurt, I guess. That sandbag, I mean, it depends how high that hill is, too. That could be painful. Three times up the hill. You remember what one time did to him in 2007. Bob said, Sevan, what's your back squat RM? What's RM? Rep max, 100 max.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Oh, shit. rm max 100 max oh oh shit i haven't probably haven't i haven't done it probably in more than five years but i don't think i ever i remember my goal being 265 and not hitting it so let's say 260 but i don't i don't it'd be fun watching gabby magawa in this one i thought you were gonna say it's gonna be fun watching me do it. Um, Oh, look, look, Sousa just jumped in. Sousa already. I'm already doing your job,
Starting point is 00:21:48 buddy. Buddy. I'm already doing your job. Oh no. I'm already doing the job. Uh, you can ditch that screen share and jump in and take over if you want. All right.
Starting point is 00:22:01 I wonder if I hit remove. Does it like make, does it, does it like kick them off the, Nope. just hides them. Okay. So, so I, I like Annie. How can you not, how can you not have Annie in the top five? Well, I have her second overall, so she does pretty good in the other events. Because that's her thing, right? I mean, isn't she known for the stuff that's the grunt work
Starting point is 00:22:25 she usually does pretty damn well she is she could also she could also do very good i just didn't put her in my top five and she's not afraid of that rope who's gonna is anyone gonna shit the bed on the rope if it's legless yes if not i don't think so they might be slower but they won't shit the bed legless with a 30 pound rock that doesn't take a long time but it could be like you know first the first two are legless and the next three can use your legs or something like that oh that's interesting i don't think uh i don't think anyone in the programming space is bold enough to do a weighted legless rope climb. Have you ever seen that at a CrossFit event? No.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Weighted? I don't think so. But they have done that rep scheme where they've had a certain amount of legless finish out with regular ones at Guadalupalooza 2019, I think. Guadalupalooza. Okay, event number two, Bella Complex. Bella, I think that's the name of katie's dog for those of you who don't know katie henniger is owner of rogue let me john's john's the
Starting point is 00:23:32 weightlifting expert here relative to me but i'll tell you what i was doing a clean plus front squat plus jerk or shoulder to overhead like two months ago and i got super frustrated that front squat was just killing my legs because I'm weak on front squat. Two jerks here. I think, John, I want to, I mean, defer to you here, but I think that probably makes the shoulder to overhead the critical factor. Yeah, the shoulder to overhead is the limiter. If you, whoever, like that front squat means nothing.
Starting point is 00:23:59 If you have strong legs, if you can clean it, you can probably front squat it again. It really, you'd be shocked at what people can do cleaning and then an extra front squat so the honestly the second i bet we see a lot of second misses like get that first shoulder to overhead and then the second one miss because it it that extra front squat will take your legs out like just just a little bit more for the jerk so whoever is the most efficient with a with a jerk will do well so wait a second you do it i just understood this sorry um you just once you pick the bar up you got to go yeah it can't hit the ground so you clean you put the weight on the bar, you clean it.
Starting point is 00:24:45 And do you warm up in the back? How does that work? Or we don't know. Typically, they get to warm up. But a lot of times you have to get in a corral, stay there for 15 minutes, and you're not touching any weight until you take the floor. Presumably, they'll have multiple attempts or a fixed amount of time to lift. have multiple attempts or a fixed amount of time to, to lift. Um, but yeah, if you're, if they have 15 minutes cold and they only have three attempts at it, you've got to do something in the first round just to get a score and to like reignite your body to say like, we're getting
Starting point is 00:25:16 under this weight, go for what you want in the second round. And hopefully you've hit both of those and can have a, you know, kind of a free attempt in the third round. That would be the way to do it. And if they have, you know, limited number of attempts. Yeah. So, so that was hypothetical. We have no idea. No, but that's a format that's been used a lot. The other format that they sometimes do is you have six minutes to establish a max for
Starting point is 00:25:41 this lift. I don't think that they'll do that unless they have very few competitors on the floor at a time. Like they'll want the spotlight to be on the lifters or a lifter. What if you did this event like the one rep max snatch? So you just have everyone, you put 225 on the bar and you have each guy come out and do it. That would be, dude, you know what?
Starting point is 00:25:59 When we were. And then you put 235 on the bar and everyone gets a shot until, and then just let them start dropping. It would take a while to do that though, because it's not a quick lift like a snatch. It's four different lifts. It would just take time. It would be awesome, but it would take a while. Dude, they got all fucking night.
Starting point is 00:26:17 They do. They do. It's Bill's event. Fuck it. I mean it's not like it's the games. I mean this dude could do whatever. I mean I guess the games could do whatever they want too. What were you going to say? Sorry. What were you going to say, Brian?
Starting point is 00:26:44 exact thing with a snatch. Um, just started at one 85 and went all the way up. And you know, it was amazing. You know, uh, have you ever, have you ever met Camille's brother, Alexi LeBlanc-Bazinet? No, I didn't. I just know she had a twin. That's it. I'm not sure if he's her twin or not, but that guy was amazing. 10 ring muscle ups in this other workout, unbroken, no problem, multiple sets. And then he snatched. I can't remember if he failed it. I think he failed at two 65. He was still in a two 55 guy cannot weigh more than 180 pounds. It was impressive. Wow. I had no idea. Yeah. Is he a, does he do the open? How's he doing the open? Do we know? I don't know. He runs the, at that event though. Is he outless games? Wow. What a small world. I had no idea. Okay. So it's not like he's gonna pop on the scene
Starting point is 00:27:25 um who do who do we have well first before that what do you think do you guys have any idea what what you wait you think the men are gonna do and what weight the women are gonna do what's the biggest numbers we're gonna see in this um that's hard to say i have a guess for the men john let me let me throw out a number and you tell me if I think I'm off the mark here or not. I think it's like 340. Wow. I mean, yeah, I would say around there. Maybe heavier, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:27:56 It's really about the jerk. I think there are probably seven guys who are capable of doing the clean in the front squat 365. But it's all about who can do that jerk. And that jerk is more about technique than strength. And so that's hard. I can't, you know, you can't judge that until you see it. What are, what do we, you, do you guys know by any chance or just roughly what the heaviest male clean is and the heaviest female clean is in crossfit competition history competition history for just a clean probably yeah or a clean and jerk uh
Starting point is 00:28:32 sure sure clean and jerk clean and jerk i think the men's 387 and the women's 260 or 270 depending on what you count as an official crossfit competition and and the heaviest front squat it's probably steven wallace 450 or something maybe or what did uh i know guillermo did 425 for four oh that was for four i think i think steven wallace did over 450 for four but what did um wonder what max people that matter talking about the strongest lifts in CrossFit competitions. But what was the guy's name in the stage? One of the games, the one on Max CrossFit Thor Griffin roll. Yeah, he he had it.
Starting point is 00:29:14 What was his one? Four ninety. Yeah. Something crazy. What? Yeah. He four ninety a jerk, a clean and jerk. A front squat.
Starting point is 00:29:24 A front squat. Sorry. Front sorry front squat okay let me ask you this why do they why do they say why do they say clean and then shoulder to overhead why doesn't it say clean and jerk front squat clean and jerk sorry why doesn't it say clean and jerk because you can because if you push press it they would allow it. I mean, nobody's going to do that, but it's allowed, yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. So it's to make it more simpler for the athletes.
Starting point is 00:29:53 And the judges. It has to come off the ground, then it has to go overhead. So you could thrust her. Ooh, from the front squat into the second shoulder overhead that's a good question that would be a good question at the athlete briefing like theoretically i mean i mean that's a hard thruster what is the what is the most uh the heaviest thruster you guys have seen yeah i've thrustered 300 and i'm pretty proud of that um wow but i guarantee people can do you know more than that i love suza's face when you
Starting point is 00:30:26 said you did 300 he loved it can you guys see suza can you guys see him he's all like oh oh i see him yeah gee does have a clean and jerk that's right that's right okay so uh who do we have who do you guys have for your picks for that um for the men i have guillermo winning it ryan do you have any abrupt objections to that yeah i'll take adler you take adler okay um at sea i think ad i don't know i've never seen adler do clean and jerk super heavy he does 315 like an animal but some people are really good at moderate weight and 315 is moderate for him you know what i mean now suze is showing off he got he got the control the controls from me he wrestled them away he's showing off now okay who do you have who do you have for second um who do you guys have for second i'm gonna go with adler for a second it
Starting point is 00:31:22 makes a lot of sense oh you cheated you cheated. You switched it up. Did you switch it up? Did he mess you up? You have to make him tell you who he had before that. Who did you have? You had Travis Mayer. You had Travis Mayer. I had Jason Hopper.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Wow. Is Hopper stronger than Travis Mayer? I think Hopper, I'm going to say they're about the same. But I think Hopper has said before that he cleaned 390 in a podcast. Now, he kind of said it in jest. If I can clean 390, I should be able to get through this. So I don't know if that's his actual number. And Travis Mayer has cleaned 395.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Right, Brian? Yeah, Travis is getting pretty strong. I know Travis does not have a great jerk like he amazing clean he doesn't have a great jerk so that's why i don't have travis mayor uh winning it even though he is very strong damn look at hopper he's such a man child because it's more about the jerk in this than the clean of the front squat. That dude is a freak. Um,
Starting point is 00:32:29 okay. I'm going. Okay. So, okay. So, so you have a Brian, you have Adler and then you have Guy. Guy will be relevant,
Starting point is 00:32:38 but I, I don't think you want to sleep on Ben Smith in this workout, man. He's been lifting a lot and he's really strong and his technique is as good as anyone's yeah i don't know yeah you're you're messing with you're messing with john young i'm just thinking here's the thing like in like something like bkg bkg is a beautiful jerk but he's not super strong like i don't know if he could do the clean in the front squat with 350 you know but i think he could do the jerk so it's it's very
Starting point is 00:33:13 i mean the it's a complex so it's really hard to judge so i just went with the strongest people i'll be honest with you yeah but i mean you know i don know. Ben Smith. I also like Saxon Panchuk and Jason Smith on this workout. I think that they're Saxon's technique is getting up there with his brother. And Jason Smith is at that old man strength, man. He can move some weight. He should have stopped at Ben Smith. Now he's just getting he's just I'm saying some of the people that these are guys that aren't like Jason Smith and Ben Smith. Now he's just getting I'm saying some of the people that these are guys that aren't like Jason Smith and Ben Smith. I don't think they're going to do
Starting point is 00:33:47 top five performances on any of the other workouts, but I think that they're in the conversation for this one. I think Jason Smith is injured. He's in it. I know that's crazy. I'm pretty sure when I interviewed him, he said he was really beat up. I guess you just can't say no.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Why aren't you guys? Why am I not hearing Vellner's name? It's the jerk. Vellner's like, you know, he's strong. I think he'd be in the top 10, but I think there's going to be at least five to seven guys that can beat him out on this one. He looks like an albino gorilla he looks like a gorilla with no pigment because he had such long arms it's tough for the jerk
Starting point is 00:34:29 i think maderos is going to surprise people in this too i think maderos is going to do a lot heavier than people think on this one give me sex i'll take sex and panchuk over maderos and i will bet you with that okay what do you want to bet we'll talk off the air let's bet 50 strict handstand push-ups oh i don't even know if i can do one that's it uh who else who's who's an outlier in this in the men that you're like what why not chandler smith he looks like he's been like a tank you said chandler didn't you yeah i have chandler fourth in this um again but see like he's hard just because everything he does is ugly he's stronger than anything but he looks so ugly doing it
Starting point is 00:35:11 but he did win the um clean and jerk in the virtual competition for rogue last year so now is with what 365 360 why don't his coaches fix that? I don't know. I'm not saying it's ugly. I can't picture him lifting. But why don't his coaches fix that if he's so strong? Where's he trained? Is he with Ben Bergeron? Yep.
Starting point is 00:35:38 That was the event. Mike Bergener was calling that event as a guest commentator, and he was just shredding Chandler Smith just obliterating his technique in his form and he said Chandler give me a call oh that's cool hey Susie can we get Mike Bergener on the podcast I can't believe he slipped my mind please send an invite to Brian when he comes on when we sent when when you schedule that thank you okay uh women how about the women i got to you when he
Starting point is 00:36:16 that's like brian that's her that's that's just all her right I mean I think it'll be harder than you think though I don't think she'll win easily the last year she beat out Laura by 10 pounds on the clean and jerk and Amanda Barnhart was behind them by 10 more pounds but there's some there's some women this time that I'm kind of curious about with a lift like this. I mean, one of the things that really surprised me early in this season was how strong Mal O'Brien and Emma Carey's lifting, like raw lifting numbers were on both the Open and the quarterfinals. And then I saw them both, I mean, Mal didn't hit the snatch, but they could both snatch 200 pounds. They're 16 or 17 years old.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Like, this is crazy to me. So I'm excited to see them lift to something like this in a live setting. And man, if they're as strong as their numbers have been all year, like that's I don't think they can beat those top couple of girls, but they'll be right up there in like fifth through eighth spot. That'll be where Valerian madero's are dude think about her coach to mal o'brien's coach that dude is strong like bull he would win this he would win this if he was in it yeah yeah james townsend so i mean you i you know i don't know this but i have to put the guess that they put a premium on being strong it's like if you worked out with rob orlando you know i mean you're going to pick up odd but i have to put the guess that they put a premium on being strong it's like if you worked out with rob orlando you know i mean you're gonna pick up odd objects i have to guess that miles uh yeah and when i watched her push the torque tank at the granite games i mean then
Starting point is 00:37:53 there's some good still shots of her doing that too and the intensity but just like she knew she knew how to move like you said an odd object through. What's a torque tank? It's got water in it? No, it's just a tank that replaced sled pushing, basically. Oh, God. Is that the thing that doesn't reward the harder you push? We've heard different things. We don't really know what to make of it. Someone buy that thing.
Starting point is 00:38:22 That thing's like $2,500. I was looking at that thing today on a rogues uh website someone just buy that thing already hey susan can you share multiple screens like i can't figure out how to have multiple tabs lined up like if i wanted to like we're about to have a sponsor and like i was like oh it'd be cool if every once in a while i could just click on the tab and like pop them up like when i'm just like tuned brian and john plugging the sponsor before he has a sponsor yeah that's a loyal person right there check the link barbell okay so so tia who do you have who do you have second you have laura horvat second yeah laura second
Starting point is 00:39:02 and then i got barnhart third and after those top three I feel like those top those three women are cemented I I can't see anybody breaking through that top three I'm you know I I like the neck I honestly I like John's picture he also has Annie and Gabby Magawa listed and I think they're they're both candidates to do really well um I'm curious about Carrie Pierce on this one. I think the squat, the squat will take it out of her. So the opposite problem that everyone else is going to have. Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Well, I mean, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because Carrie's overhead squat is more than her front squat. How insane is that? Wait, say that again. Say that again. I was reading the comments. Say again. Carrie can overhead squat more than she can front squat oh yeah that's weird no like i mean she could probably how is how is that even possible what is it is it like one pound more how the fuck is that possible
Starting point is 00:39:57 i have no idea you think that someone you're saying you're i mean i guess the physics or the anatomy behind is you're saying in the overhead squat she can hold that bar over her midline better than in the front squat and yes oh man i i don't know how i don't know how either but that is the case with her um brian someone's asking what about danielle brandon for the lifting or for for the lifting no no um what was it like going out with her last night yes the lifting well i don't think i mean she'll do all right middle of the pack but i don't think she'll be in the top five all right danielle is really good at moving um like moderate to heavy weight but her like max out strength is not is not top level how about danny spiegel she would do very well in this i don't think she's in the competition no she's not she's not um okay
Starting point is 00:40:54 uh okay uh okay that's great anything else anything else and like i said i think this name is uh this event is named after katie's dog bella they also have a bar named after that dog too that's about i think they have a bar that's called the bella bar yeah after after the dog yeah yeah um so those two events just in case anyone wants to know, those are happening this Friday. That is one 40 central time. So for me, that is, uh, 1140 PM Pacific standard time. And then the second event is at night. Wow. That's a huge gap.
Starting point is 00:41:36 That is a huge gap between events because they have other things on their schedule as well. Do you think that do the athletes like that rest or, or do they just want to get it one, just hurry up and get it done so they can run back to their room? They probably would not like to have such a long rest, but there's other stuff going on that day after the individual event one, even before it, there's a strongman event. Then there's a legend event. Then they're having some anvil grip contest. I don't know what this is. Another strongman event. And then, so there's a bunch of stuff going on. how did you get all the workouts on one page what are you doing you're schooling me
Starting point is 00:42:09 suza it's all on the rogue fitness website i know but the way i have it i can only i can't get them all like that okay so um then the second event starts on saturday so guys are we watching the third event are we gonna watch all these me um you brian and john and then like anytime in between events we jump on and go live talk shit we'll see all right we'll see uh saturday october 30th i believe that's the day before halloween at 1225 Central Time. The echo burner starts. This one will be fun to watch.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Oh, that's horrible. It's very similar to Event 9 from the games this year. 20 thrusters, 40 calories on the echo bike for men, 32 for women, 20 thrusters, 115 for men, 75 for women. What? Explain that to me. They lower the weight. Is that a typo?
Starting point is 00:43:14 Do you guys see that? The five pounds less for the women in the second round? It's got to be. Okay. Yeah. I'll send Bill a text. I'll send Bill a text right now. 80 makes more sense compared to 115 I think than 75
Starting point is 00:43:29 god that's interesting who wants to say it's a typo and who wants to say it's for real I think it's a typo okay what do you guys think good event you like it yeah I'm going to watch okay what do you guys think good event you like it yeah when to watch it's gonna be a it's gonna be a tight race i mean the thing you know you can you can screw this one up you know you can go too hard in the first um you can go cycle rate like you have to go unbroken on the thrusters but you can cycle them too fast or you can go too hard on the bike.
Starting point is 00:44:06 And like, like literally you might, you could see, this is the type of workout where you could see someone like lose control of their body in the last couple of reps of the thrusters. Like if they're right at the brink. And it's going to be close. For the second 20? Yeah, for the second 20. But I, you know, this is a power output workout. 20. Um, but I, you know, this is a power output workout. Uh, I don't think that, I think that, you know, I think the people who did well on event nine at the games, which is a snatching and an echo bike workout are going to do well on this one. Uh, but the thing that I, that I'm
Starting point is 00:44:37 really curious about is Justin Medeiros with thrusters, because I just couldn't believe what I saw at the games with the cycle rate that he was increasing as he went through that workout with the wall walks where I thought Fikowski was going to catch him and pass him with his methodical pacing. I mean, arrows just went into another zone. Like it was, it was insane how fast he was cycling those late in that workout.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Um, he did well, he's going to be fine on the bike. I think that he could win this one. You think this is going to be one or lost on the thrusters? No, the bike, the bike. The bike. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Well, then not win this one. Yeah. That's why. Cause you said he'd be fine on the bike and yeah. I mean, this is, this has got Hopper all over it. Right. This got Hopper and Velner. Is Fikowski going to this thing?
Starting point is 00:45:22 No. Oh, that would be awesome to see him do this one too. He could probably get that bike humming. I like Medeiros and Alex Vigneault on this workout. Oh, is Vigneault the heaviest guy at the Rogue Invitational? Sam Quant might have him. He's pretty heavy. I feel like Jason Smith's got a way.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Oh, yeah, Jason Smith. Jason Smith's a big guy. might have him he's pretty heavy i feel like jason smith's got away oh yeah jason smith jason smith's a big guy this is this is a weight of a thruster where the guys pull it down right something that i've never experienced in all my crossfit years this is like they don't they don't just thrust up and then wait for the bar this is like that shit miko salo used to do where they pull the bar down i think it's a little bit different not in round one i don't think in round one i think you got to be like you still have to breathe and have your rhythm for the first round hit the bike hard and then just you know try to get those 20 done fast at the end i think some people are going to try to sprint this thing yeah yeah for sure i think it is a sprint i don't like 20 thrusters with 115. It's not very hard.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Can someone do it in 40 seconds? No. Do what? The 20 thrusters? Oh, yeah. They can do that. Yeah. I mean, that would be fast, but I agree with Brian.
Starting point is 00:46:39 I think they will just do 20 thrusters at a regular pace, but 20 thrusters with 115 doesn't affect anybody at all. It's basically a 40 cal. Who can go 40 cals the fastest? And that's why I went with Hopper and Valner 1 and 2. I have Mayer 4th. I think he's very good at machines as well. And then I agree with Brian that it could fall apart with people in the last 20 thrusters, which will be very fun to watch.
Starting point is 00:47:04 But I think if you can get 40 cows in 30 seconds oh my god oh my god you're gonna be ahead you're gonna be ahead enough you could do 10 thrusters put it down do 10 thrusters and still win and i think there are guys that can do that and and if you can't do that you're it doesn't matter how fit you are you can't do that. And if you can't do that, it doesn't matter how fit you are, you can't do that. You don't have the power output that the other person has. Like Vigneault. Yeah, and Vigneault,
Starting point is 00:47:31 he did very good in Event 9. I think Vigneault could do very well and I didn't have him. And we know Guy is extremely good at short events. And the question is, is this short enough for him? This episode is brought to you by
Starting point is 00:47:44 Disney's Young Woman and the Sea, now streaming on Disney+. I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story,
Starting point is 00:47:57 Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water No matter what Disney's Young Woman and the Sea Now streaming on Disney Plus Yeah
Starting point is 00:48:15 Extremely good He's the best sprinter in the pack right It's not about sprinting though It's power output and that's different Like Guillermo is not the best rower, right? Like it's more about power output than, than sprint ability.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Who's this? Is this Vigneault? Who is this Adler? Who's this? That's Vigneault. But Vigneault is very good on the bike. Uh, Vellner is very good on the bike.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Hopper's very good on the bike. Notice how John has Hopper in all of his picks i have him in none of mine you and velner had a fight uh uh ricky anya saying chandler smith is going to do well also yep yeah this is going to be good so you think this so yours you think this can be done in under two under three minutes uh john i was going to say under three minutes i think yeah i think yeah yeah i mean again it's whoever does those 40 cows the fastest and i'm interested to see how fast they can do it uh just because i bet somebody can get 40, definitely under 50 seconds, but there are people out there that could do 50 under 30 seconds. So I'm sure somebody could do it all out sprint 40 cows in 30 to 35 seconds.
Starting point is 00:49:32 And they're just going to be so far ahead. Cause y'all know how assault bikes work. Like that rollover that you get over everybody else. It's just so much that you'll have a lead that they can't get. And I don't think Madero is as capable of that. And that's why I didn't have him on like it's my top three what what what do you do what's the strategy here do the 20 thrusters as fast as you can and then do go to 30 calories on the echo bike as hard as you can and then rest while it spins up the next like or go to 35 calories and rest
Starting point is 00:50:02 that three seconds while you get that extra five and then get off and grab the bar? Or do you ride it to 40 calories? No, definitely don't do that. I would coast it in the last couple, but then tell myself I have to pick this bar up. Just right away. If you're backing off to prepare yourself for that, then you have to step up to it and pick it up. Yeah, I'd be curious what it is.
Starting point is 00:50:24 They know exactly, right, that it's push as hard hard as you can 37 calories and then start to get off the bike you know you remember james newberry on the assault bike uh toaster ring workout in the games yeah yeah we all remember of course yeah he did 30 cows in like third right at 30 seconds and that was with yeah on the assault bike and that was with getting on that was with the start line he had to get onto the bike and start so if he kept that pace which he definitely can that would be 40 cows in 35 seconds because you're going at like 112 115 rpms that'd be 35 seconds right there i'm just saying people are capable of it yeah john i have no idea what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:51:05 So when Brian says absolutely, we know. Oh, man. Well, anyway, it's going to be. He forgot I was on the show. What I hope is that the first 20 thrusters are just in one fixed spot. You advance to a bike, but the last thrusters, it's like 10, 5, 5, and you have to move forward because I think that you're going to see a lot of people right there at the end.
Starting point is 00:51:26 And so if they move forward those last couple reps or a couple sets, then it'll be better storytelling, better excitement. That will be fun. I bet legs might bobble advancing too during that. Like we're going to see people who look like they got punched in the face? Like we're going to see a leg wobble? Yeah, jelly-legged people. Oh, God. I love that shit i'm gonna be
Starting point is 00:51:46 looking for that then that's awesome and i think that you're gonna see the best to worst is gonna be like a 30 second spread susan can you google what's the fastest rpms recorded in history on an echo bike and on an assault bike i'm really curious what's the fastest you've ever seen, John? RPMs. 123. On an assault bike? Wow. On an assault bike. That wasn't me either. What about an echo bike?
Starting point is 00:52:11 I've never been on an echo bike. I can't tell you. I've seen, I mean, there's some guys, you know how there's like, there's always these guys. Virgin. Virgin. Virgin. John Young's a virgin. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Go ahead, Brian. They're just incredible on the bike because they're just big, powerful dudes. There's a couple of guys like that at the gym that can push it up to close to 110 for the Echo bike. I can get it over 100 for an instant. So you think it's easier on the Echo than an Assault bike? I think you can get more RPMs on the Assault bike. So I've hit – oh, on the Assault bike? Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Well, I've hit 114 on the Ass assault bike and held it for a little bit, but, uh, so I don't know what that translates to, but I'm guessing most of these guys can go like five RPMs higher than that. So it probably translates to one 10, one 15. Damn.
Starting point is 00:53:01 On an echo. Damn. You know, who would know this is that, um what's the guy's the guy's name mike shit i can't remember maybe matt will find it let's move oh matt bickles that's the guy's name oh yeah i was just thinking about he did 96 cows in one minute on an assault bike that's great i did it in 10 minutes okay let's uh but who do you guys got who do you guys got for the women winning this did we go over that yet was that we didn't know but john's picks are
Starting point is 00:53:33 pretty good here go ahead go ahead john this one thank you brian um i think amanda barnhart's gonna win she won the 21 59 at the, and that was more conditioning than this one is. So if she won that, I don't see anybody beating her on that. And then I think Laura will also be really good, and I think Annie will be really good. Yeah, those are the top three on event nine at the games. I think they're all just going to manhandle this barbell. I mean, all the women are going to manhandle this barbell. It's 75 or 80 pounds, whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:54:06 I think it's even less consequential than a 115 bar for the men. And then it's just going to be these bigger, powerful women on the, what is it? Echo bike. Echo bike. I'm going to pick Travis Mayer and Emma Carey. Original. Travis Mayer should be pretty good on this one as well. Event number four, concept two.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Four rounds for time, 21 calorie ski, 21 med ball, GHD sit-ups with a 14 or 10 pound med ball, and then a hill run. God, we got to see this hill, dude. I know. The entire workout seems to come down to the hill because, uh, depending on, on how big it is, um, it could completely dwarf those other two things, or it could just be a little shuttle up and down the hill where it's going to then come down to maybe the ski and how, who can, you know, cycle those 84 calories the best.
Starting point is 00:55:01 I think the skier is stupid for um events i'm not saying like like like maybe it has to be like it's a good training implement but it's not good competition implement yeah like maybe the game has to do it to test the fittest but like if i'm rogue like i i mean what's the sub for that susan what do you sub for the skier do you guys i mean it's just this is it's just stupid it's just like time like when like when you see the athletes get on the skier, you go take a piss or go cut up an apple or something or eat some peanut butter. It's like, just dumb. Is it that much more boring than a 21 Cal row? No, no.
Starting point is 00:55:35 All those things are kind of ridiculous. I mean, after a while you kind of learn to appreciate them, but they're just even running on the, on the true runners and shit. I mean, Rogues killing it with that hill. As soon as I see that hill, I mean, having a hill is dope. I hope it's steep. Me too. And sandy. They might be building the hill because it's just in a baseball field.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Yeah, Bill could build anything. I'll bet you they're just building the hill. But you know what? Seven, would you like to see an event like this? If it was, um, 20 calorie ski, E-mom to failure.
Starting point is 00:56:13 Oh my gosh. That sounds terrible. You have to get 20 calories in the first minute. If you get it, you advance the second minute. You can rest however much time you have left. And whenever you miss, then you're out.
Starting point is 00:56:24 I mean, 20, that's a hard one. Yeah. If the the camera was like just right on the people's faces and we could somehow just like really see the pain it's just it's just um like i know that the only reason why i like that stuff is because i'm into like crossfit but like there's nothing else there it really like if you put yourself back and what it was like watching this shit, like when you didn't do any of it, it's just like what these people have, like are pulling onto a plastic candle with a string and pulling it down. I mean, anyway, uh, I don't need, I don't, I don't even like I, the, the saving grace for that workout for me is the Hill run. That's going to be really, really, really cool.
Starting point is 00:57:07 GHDs don't do much for me just as a fan watching. I found an almond in my pocket. I wonder if it went through the wash. For this one, I thought about the games in 2016 when they had the ranch, the 50 wall balls and then 25 GHDs with the wall ball, and then you run up the hill at the ranch. So I pretty much just thought who would be good at that. Belner was very good at that when he did it.
Starting point is 00:57:30 And I have Belner winning it. I have Annie winning it for the women. I, I, you know, I have a feeling that the hill is going to be significant enough that someone like Tia or Kristen Holter or Sam Briggs might do, might beat a nanny on this one. But you know, we don't know how long,
Starting point is 00:57:51 this is a, it's kind of useless to predict what's going to happen on this workout because the hill runs could be such a critical factor and we don't know much about it. And these are the type of workouts, by the that i'm justifying my guillermo placement i think these are the type of workouts where he will struggle i'm just hayley adams kills this one hayley adams kills this one yeah she should yeah the 21 cal ski is what hurts her on this one but yeah she should do great if the if the running is the is a critical component then that will that will bumper up a few spots in this workout yeah why do you say why do you say that john because just her mass because she's not big um i mean yeah there's just
Starting point is 00:58:35 more powerful girls like hayley's conditioning isn't it is is top tier but as far as cows on an erg it's more about how powerful you are and a skier is a skier is even more so than like a rower. I would say. What's a normal person pool in a minute on the skier? Like a normal person, like like a like a 45 year old woman at the gym. I don't mean like count number of calories in a minute for a 40. Just an average 45 year old woman at the gym is like eight to 10. OK, and then what will these guys do that in a minute? 21 cows. For just an average 45-year-old woman at the gym is like 8 to 10. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:05 And then will these guys do that in a minute? 21 cals? Yeah. Yeah, right around a minute. Damn. Okay. All right. Have you ever seen anyone injure themselves on that machine?
Starting point is 00:59:17 Is that a machine you can hurt yourself on, throw your back out on? I've never seen it. out on i've never seen it i think if i think if you like did it did a huge volume of it without much like previous experience you could possibly like overdo it with the lats i don't know but no it's not like the row or like you get on it cold and like someone could throw their back out my very first experience with a skier was in a competition, and it was 1,000 meters for time, and it was terrible. Did you get hurt? Were you injured? No, but I had never felt a burn like that in my lats before.
Starting point is 00:59:54 And how about your triceps? Did your lats peter out or your triceps toast? It was just my lats. It was all lats. Wow, amazing. You know, I had a dream last night, and Travis Mayer was in it, and the Rogue Invitational had already happened that was my dream you just stole that shit and i asked him what place he got in the rogue and he said 16th but
Starting point is 01:00:14 looking at all these workouts i think he's gonna do way better than that oh yeah a lot of these are really good for travis is that a true story brian, I really had that dream last night. I just remembered it. That's awesome. So did we go over men and women for that? Well, we're kind of just saying the people who think we might do well, but the running is a factor that we don't know about. Give me the winners for that. Let's take two top three men and women one more time for event four. Who do you got, Brian?
Starting point is 01:00:50 For the women, I think it's easier i'm gonna go with tia kristin holta and laura really no annie i'm just banking on the run being a big enough factor laura is the new velner for for brian laura is the new Velner for Brian. Laura is the new Velner for Brian. He's transferred his love from Velner to Laura. And for the men on this one, oh man, I don't know. I do like Velner here. I like Lazar Jukic. Maybe BKG. Lazar Jukic. Ah. And, um... Hmm.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Maybe... Maybe BKG. I like Travis Mayer in this one. I don't know how you can never have Justin Medeiros in the top three. I do in mine. He doesn't in his. I'm fading Medeiros and Hopper on all my picks. How come we haven't heard Katrin's name yet? Katrin.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Well, she's got a, you know, these are the, the women's fields really strong. And a lot of these women beat her in a lot of similar events recently. Um, we did mention that she might do well on the first workout.
Starting point is 01:01:57 The second one is lifting. It's not going to be great. The third is power output. It's not going to be great. The fourth is a power output and running. It's not going to be great. So, but there output and running. It's not going to be great. So, but there are some others coming up that she might do really well on. I think she'll do good in this one, Sevan.
Starting point is 01:02:10 I have her coming forth. She did really good in the trail run at the ranch. Again, like we really just, it's hard to say anything because we don't. That was an hour long workout. This workout is going to be like 10 minutes. It's still running up hills for an hour, Brian. She was better than everybody. Everybody? He used your name. He said Brian. be like 10 minutes. It's still running up hills for an hour, Brian. She was better than everybody. Everybody?
Starting point is 01:02:26 He's getting angry. Tia's one of those people. Haley and Tia are one of those people. Guys, what about... No chance she beats Tia in this workout. What about Helga Doter? Helga Doter. This is right up her alley, too, or are you just saying Skierg again?
Starting point is 01:02:49 No. I don't think she will do well in this one okay how about christy turi will do well in the lifting event though yeah good olympic lifter christy aramo yeah she could do well on this but i think not as well as some of the others that we've mentioned going back to uh um you know who else is going to do really well what did you guys going back to event number three where did you guys have mallory o'brien for the echo burner that's the thruster echo bike well she's i'm actually glad you asked me about that someone recently asked me if i were to pick one movement that was a strength of hers and one that was a weakness what would i choose and I chose thrusters for the strength and echo bike for the weakness. Oh,
Starting point is 01:03:26 I couldn't agree more. And here they're paired together. And we've already said that we think the echo bike is more important than the thruster, especially for the women. So I think this is going to be a bottom half finish for her. Number three, the echo burner.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Yeah. Oh man. Because man, that she can do. However however i also want to throw this out there she did she got crushed by the echo bike at the games and i would not be surprised if she is not happy about that and if she's been working really hard on it if she shows up here and actually crushes this and she has been putting in work on that i mean she's pretty young she's probably resilient she could bounce back from the games, get back into training,
Starting point is 01:04:05 and have a couple of solid months under her belt. And if they've been focusing on increasing her capacity in different time domains on the Echo bike, that would not surprise me. It's too bad we don't know the time caps of these. Yeah, those are always nice to know because we can have in our mind what we think is going to happen, but that would give us some insight into the hill runs distance. Like this event four, if it's long, every round it goes further helps Mallory O'Brien. We learned that there's no stopping her.
Starting point is 01:04:38 She grinds. Yeah, sure. Can I make one more point about the men? Yes, yes. Event four? Are we yes. Event four? Are we back to event four? Event four. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:49 The hill run with the skiers. So every single event that Hopper won at the MAAC involved machines. It was like a 12 to 16-minute kind of time domain, and it involved machines. Hopper is not the most skilled games athlete, and he beat Justin Medeiros in a toe-to-bar ski erg workout. I think Hopper, if a machine is in it, he's going to be really good as long as he's not dumb, and he was dumb at the games.
Starting point is 01:05:20 And all of these have machines in them. I think Hopper is going be do really good at event four how's how are his ghd sit-ups it's negligible it's not very many ghds 80 84 is not very many not when it's split up like that it's just a time waster like madero's will make up time on on ghds because he's very good at them um like hayley will make up time on on ghgs because he's very good at them um like hayley will make up time on the ghgs because she's very good at them but that time that you make up on those is not as much as you could on a skier or a hill run all right if you say so you agree brian or no yeah i look at the yeah i don't think the ghgs are such a huge factor in this workout however you know i don't know i don't
Starting point is 01:06:04 know how many of the athletes practice doing them with the med ball. And I'm just looking at the, like the total work. And I'm wondering if, if it's just meant to like tax the midline for the last workout that day to make that, that, that looks a little bit worse. That would be a little worse. Hopper kind of has an off switch too, right? Like we've seen him just turn off
Starting point is 01:06:27 in a workout at the games. Didn't he have to be carried off the field in one of the events? Yeah, he finished it though. He gutted it out. I mean, I'm not saying like literally off-off to where like a stretcher has to get him but if the guy hits a same with Kalipa, like
Starting point is 01:06:43 they're capable of hitting a wall. Is that the dumb thing you're talking about, John? Like, they just will just run into the office? He would have done really well in that event if he paced it correctly. But he took it out hot, and he was the first one after round one. And that's not how he does workouts well. If you go back and watch the MA the mac he was never leading until the last third of the workout and then he would be he would beat everybody and he didn't do that at
Starting point is 01:07:11 all at the games he did the exact opposite and then he just blew himself up and was down on the rest of the games um spit spitfire x 59 um could the hill run just be to the top of the stadium stairs in one area closed off? Just a thought. Any, any thoughts on that? Possible. I hope not because of the bottleneck effect.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Um, people could get hurt trying to run upstairs as fast and downstairs as fast as they can. Well, that's, I mean, you pussy. I just,
Starting point is 01:07:42 I just want it to be like a, a thing that's wide enough where if you're like slowly going up the stairs, I can actually run or the hill that I can actually run past you. Just because John said that I hope the hill is so steep that fucking someone rolls from the top down to the, I want it to be steep too. I want to see Hoffer coming down the hill and slipping like bulldoze, like five girls,
Starting point is 01:08:03 just like, like some sort of cartoon. I'm just thinking of reasons why people would not do that you know um the should we move on to the next event number five this is at 6 40 uh so this day the the workouts man still one at 12 basically one at four and one at 7 PM. Um, and at the last it's Saturday event five, it's called the mule. This is a repeat workout. They did it in 2019. Also, um, it's 21 59 deadlifts, three 15 to 25 and burpee pull-ups. I did this workout at the women's weights two years ago.
Starting point is 01:08:43 Um, did you, can you do that unbroken? Did you fly through that? The women's weight? Yeah. I can do it unbroken. I've done the deadlifts in Diane unbroken, but I don't remember if I did or not for this one. How about do these guys just sprint through this?
Starting point is 01:09:02 No. No? I mean, the deadlifts for sure but 21 burpee pull it's burpee pull-ups it's very time consuming way more than people think but what i'm saying is there's no stop no yeah yeah it's like a it's a it's a it's a subtle sprint like you're not sprinting sprinting but you're like on the get on the gas the whole time but you can't redline too early do you chalk up for the deadlifts or no there's no time for that it's too close maybe on the gas, on the gas the whole time, but you can't redline too early. Do you chalk up for the deadlifts or no, there's no time for that. It's too close.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Maybe if you have chalk in your pockets while you're walking back or jogging back from the bar, you grab it out and get a little chalk on there. But, um, yeah, I mean, and so this, this one, we have like, uh, some data, we have data points for this exact workout from a couple of years ago. We already talked about how, you know, it's, it's, oh, it was event two in 2019 and now it's event five. So it'd be a little bit more taxed, but I also think that, um, a lot of people, it was very muddy where they were doing that, that year that definitely affected some of the burpee pull-ups. And I would also think that athletes have probably just become more efficient at that movement. So I think we'll actually see faster times on it, even though it's later in the weekend.
Starting point is 01:10:07 But I expect similar people to do well. Felner won this back then. Chandler Smith was second. I think that Travis Mayer did well on this one. Some of the other people who did well are not competing. And then Cole Sager. So those are the guys that did well on it back then, but people who weren't there that year that I think are also gonna factor in at least for the
Starting point is 01:10:30 men. Um, I think BKG is pretty much going to be a factor in, in nearly every workout this weekend. I think that he's pretty well dialed in for this. Um, so I'd look for him and then, um, curious about, you know, I see that, uh, John's got Jeff Adler up there. I'm curious about Jeff on this. I mean, the dead lifts are very, very easy for him. And we know that, um, you know, both Chandler and Velner are very good at dead lifting also. So if that's the critical component of the workout, then I think Adler is a good, a good pick as well. Is this, is this white well. Is this normal for the men to be doing 95 pounds more than the women? Is the depth really that different? Are men and women that different in strength, 100 pounds?
Starting point is 01:11:13 It's that heavy. Yeah, the heavier it gets, the wider the weight disparity is. It's usually percentage-based. So it's about 70%. That's like the theoretical difference. In the games, they typically go 80%. Depends on the workout. Yeah, I guess you're right.
Starting point is 01:11:30 The first event in 2020 games at the ranch was that they went the other direction. Yeah, they needed to, though. Yeah, it was the right choice. Like 225, some of these girls are just going to smash this, right? They're going to look like. This is where Annie shines, Sevan. This is where she comes through for me. Hey, will there be a woman's time better than the men's time in this?
Starting point is 01:11:50 Who's faster at this with these weights? You got data to see. I don't know if we have the times for those workouts on the spreadsheet. We didn't input them. I think the women will be faster um i think they
Starting point is 01:12:06 can just move that barbell better uh because if i remember correctly fraser and velner were right there next to each other and fraser broke his 15s um yeah but he but he ended up losing because he had a no rep i'm saying he was right there with velner and he broke his 15s and uh annie did not break at all she went straight through um justin zizumbo says 68 almost all benchmarks are at that yeah 135 95 or 35 and 50 pound dumbbells, yeah, right in that range. Okay. What did you think about his picks, John? Vellner, Chandler, Mayer, Kohlseger, BKG, and then a nod to Adler? Yeah, I have Vellner and Chandler in first and second, Adler third.
Starting point is 01:12:58 I have Guy in fourth. And I think Vigneault will be good in this one too. Vigneault, sneaky good deadlift. Yeah. good in this one too vino sneaky good deadlift yeah and once again no mention of madaris no mention of saxon you guys are just haters it's a lot of good guys maderos will be like sixth or seventh in all of these though oh man dude this is gonna be crazy that that who knows what that andre who debt's gonna show up at as he may just come in wreck and shop too
Starting point is 01:13:28 damn he was good at the games wasn't he how old's that dude 25 or 6 i think man maybe 27 16 and uh and why isn't ben smith in the legends event no seriously i'm not even saying that like as a shot like is he like what's he doing he got an invite he said yeah that sounds funny showed up i don't know all right if you say so um and i haven't heard you guys mentioned in any of these events before we move on to the last day here this or or the sorry yeah to the last day how about how about henrik henrik hapa hapa lanen hapa lanen how come i'm not hearing his name is he just there is he like just there's fodder?
Starting point is 01:14:27 Everyone's pretty much got a mention besides him. Oh, and oldest, Upanex. We haven't mentioned those guys. We haven't mentioned Will Morad. We maybe once mentioned Samuel Quant. But yeah, look, you know, you haven't asked us about the bottom five guys in every workout. All right. Oh, I don't.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Oh, wow. So you know what's interesting? There has to be someone. Is Samuel Cornway isn't invited? He may have been invited because people who play slower than him at the games are competing there.
Starting point is 01:15:00 I think that he chose to stay in Canada with his family. He got some young kids and maybe just wants to focus on training for next year and didn't want to come back to the – he spent a long time in the U.S. a couple months leading up to the game. So he might just want to be home with his family. He doesn't want to spend a month in quarantine? Yeah, something like that. And no, in all seriousness, Henrik Eppelainen, if he was going to do well in any of the workouts so far,
Starting point is 01:15:24 I think that Echo Burner would be a good one for him. I think Uldis can do really well on the first workout. And Will Morad, you know, this guy is super sneaky. Like he is incredibly fit and he can actually he might be a guy to watch on the mule with shorter range of motion for the deadlift. Pretty strong. Depends how high the pull up bar is, if that matters. I mean, those types of things can matter in that workout. But Morad's one of those guys. explain that to me what's the height is he so tall that you're afraid his feet might hit he's short oh so the range of motion that you like
Starting point is 01:15:54 beneficial on the deadlift for being a little bit shorter but if you have to jump to a high pull-up bar then it can be negated or even you know to his detriment um but those are all just logistical things we don't know. If Will was healthy, if he could figure out how to stay healthy, this guy would be threatening for the top 10 in the games every year. But he's rarely at 100%. He's always got these not just small injuries, like weird spinal fusion things necessary.
Starting point is 01:16:22 He's had some really weird weird bad injuries over the years um that if i think have kept us from seeing his his best potential i agree i remember when he came on i think it was as a rookie um at that regional wherever it was it was the one where you made that documentary i think 14 central regional and he showed up there as a freak he's basically just a soccer player who was hanging with the big boys and he could hang yeah um how about the women for the mule um annie is gonna win this one i think she won it last time annie was first last time they had this um brookwell's who's out yeah the next best was uh best was Tia of people who are competing Katrin and Carrie Pierce
Starting point is 01:17:07 and they should all do well again and then Laura Daniel Brandon's going to do great on this one I think he will struggle on this one I think Daniel Brandon will struggle on this one where with the burpee pull ups you think she's going to get lost there
Starting point is 01:17:23 with the deadlifts really yeah she doesn't have the best deadlift she struggled at event 14 in the games with the deadlift with the free handstanding push-ups like everybody caught up to her and she was amazing at the free handstanding push-ups but everybody would catch her on the deadlifts and she was amazing at the freehand standing push-ups, but everybody would catch her on the deadlifts. And what was the weight on those? 300? All right. Yeah, I stick by it. Maybe 275, 275.
Starting point is 01:17:53 I stick by it. I think she's going to do great. What about Carolyn Prevost? This is right up her alley, too. I think these burpees, I'm going to say we're going to see her burpee pull-ups be pretty damn beautiful. And same with Tia's. Tia's are going to be beautiful too. I don't
Starting point is 01:18:10 disagree with you. It's just hard to make up time on a burpee pull-up. But 225 is so light. I mean, there's no girl here who's going to break these up, right? I think that there'll be some women who'll break it off. Really? The deadlifts?
Starting point is 01:18:26 Wow. I think I could even be some women who break it off. Really? The, the, the deadlifts. Wow. I think I could even do those in a pinch. That's not good. You guys need to go back to train harder. Any of you girls who break that shit up need to train harder. Don't forget what we mentioned earlier. I mean, it's the,
Starting point is 01:18:40 it's the third event of the day, the fifth event of the weekend. And those first two events are going to be detrimental. Like you're, you have to send it on that morning event. And you know, the GSU sit-ups, even if they're not that relevant in that workout, there's still a factor, a midline skiing is on the midline. Um, they're going to be a little bit broken down by this point. So those deadlifts won't be as easy as they, it could be.
Starting point is 01:19:03 Their legs are going to be fried by this point like really badly another person you guys um uh haven't mentioned in this workout is hopper i mean those deadlifts are gonna be easy for him right um i think the deadlifts are easier for other people and he's got a tall range of motion on the burpee pull-ups yeah colton mertens would win this he put yeah he would be a candidate and he would win you know which other one he would win uh oh i don't know about that i was gonna say the thruster echo bike but i think it would take him four minutes to do those cows on the echo bike um let's go let's go to the let's go to sunday halloween we are projecting four minutes for everyone on the on these and oh the echo bike Um, let's go, let's go to the, let's go to Sunday, Halloween. We are projecting four minutes for everyone on the, on the, on the, oh, the echo bike.
Starting point is 01:19:50 You said, I think I'm at a skier. Uh, two events. Um, we only know what one of them are. They're saving the final event. Um, we can probably hypothesize about what that might be though. Okay. Um, so the sixth event is a chipper. It starts at 930 a.m.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Oh, that's 730 a.m. for me. Damn. Presented by and you can't fool around with these times. It's not like the games where there's going to be a bunch of ass heats like like you got to be on time for the road. There are two heats. Yeah, presumably two heats. Four total, right? Two for for men two for women yeah um so event six is a chipper they've had a chipper every year this is uh kind of as expected this one's kind of interesting though you got a you definitely
Starting point is 01:20:41 have a little bit of everything here it's um this down and back chipper style that we've seen at regionals before uh i believe that the jerry can care is a is like a gas can like uh did we see that one year um not no some black can they carried one year hopefully they have to carry it up the hill. 100 pounds. Yeah. Yeah, that goes. But that's, I mean- Hey, and then it slips out of your hands and just starts going down to your speed and taking people out. But I look at this workout and I just, you know, there's a lot-
Starting point is 01:21:21 Your heart breaks for Laura Horvat? Your heart's just broken for? This is- No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is where you passes her.
Starting point is 01:21:27 This is the best. I think this is one of the best possible scenarios that Laura could have in terms of a strict handstand pushup showing up. I agree. No deficit, no parallettes. It's it's 30 is a big number, but it's not a crazy,
Starting point is 01:21:41 it's not 50, you know? Um, and I think that for people likeellner and Laura Horvath, who have sometimes done worse on big sets of strict handstand pushups, that this is a little bit more manageable. And we can see an opportunity to make up some time on the other implements because there are enough of them.
Starting point is 01:21:58 Both, you know, I see that, you know, the interesting thing about the programming at Rogue all the time is there are gymnastics implements, but there's very rarely a workout. Like we haven't mentioned Carrie Pierce as being a top five favorite or a winner favorite in hardly any workout because there's no workout where the gymnastics carries the day. This one, maybe it does, maybe, but it depends on what some of these other, how hard some of these other things are that we're not familiar with. And we don't know, it says 35 box box step ups we don't know how high those are 24 inches 20 inches and this feed bag weighs 70 and 50 pounds 70 pounds for 70 step ups on the on a 24 inch box is a lot like that's a lot
Starting point is 01:22:39 20 inches is a lot for uh for the shorter the shorter athletes. Right. And so it was 24 inches. Yeah, definitely. I mean, that's like, don't like, that's what I'm saying is there. I see the gymnastics pop off the screen here. 60 strict handstand pushups, 30 ring muscle ups. For me, that's daunting for a lot of these athletes. It's not that much. Um, they have to be strategic in how they break up some of those sets, but there's still
Starting point is 01:23:03 a lot of work on either side of them. Like I said, 70 total step ups and 90 calories of rowing is a lot of time. So there's a lot of opportunity to make up some time if you lose a little bit on the gymnastics. That row is crucial. You got Mal O'Brien in the top five, guys? For this workout? I have her fourth.
Starting point is 01:23:24 This is, you know was when i was mentioned earlier that i i listed an echo bike as her weakness because there's it doesn't seem based on what she's done this year it doesn't seem like she has a lot of weaknesses and this is the type of workout where the people without a lot of weaknesses will should come out towards the front by the end of it uh who can you give us some more john John, for the women, your placement? I have Tia first and Haley second and then Carrie third. And then I think Barnhart will surprise people on this one too. Handstand pushups are not a weakness of hers.
Starting point is 01:23:59 Ring muscle-ups are, but it's only 15. And then the other is kind of power moving moving objects i don't think the feedback is going to be as hard as you guys think because last year or not last year but when they did the chipper two years ago with the 100 pound with the 100 pound d ball was that one year two years ago brian what have i known chipper a rogue yeah the one that bkg won i think that was virtual okay well they had a hundred pound d ball and they had to do 20 step overs with it down just like this one and it was with 100 and not 70 and i did that workout and it wasn't that bad i was much you held a hundred pound d ball and step back and forth you hold it you hold it on the back on the back of your shoulder um and you go back and forth over a 24 inch box
Starting point is 01:24:50 yeah and it's not it's not that bad it's more about lungs like and if you can just hold a constant pace i'd end up like taylor self when he was a demo boy for an aromist this year he got folded in half by a pig he put a hundred pound d-ball my shoulders asked me to go over a box but damn carrie i think carrie pierce will be really good in this one and i think barnhart will surprise people on this one i think you know i like ariel lowen in this one just for a surprise top three that's a good call she's gonna she's gonna she's gonna do great and so is so is carolyn prevost uh oh man there's so many good girls crazy uh what about the dudes here ryan you're the same winner as me let me see can i yeah i mean yeah who do you have bkg this is a this is like a sweet spot
Starting point is 01:25:54 workout for him um you talk about a guy that's has very few weaknesses it's incredibly consistent on every type of workout pretty much you know i think he's one of a very very few number of people who has like top half finishes in every games event at maybe two times in his career which not a lot of people have done like i said if you're good at a lot of things or everything this is a perfect workout for you so i think bkg right up there favorite to win this event yeah for the guys i think lazar dukic can also do really well in this event. Yeah. I mean, I see your picks here.
Starting point is 01:26:28 You have BKG, Lazar, Medeiros, Vellner, Saxon. I think those are great picks. I think that these are, this, you know, this is the type of workout where not only, where the guy, like this is the one I would pick out to say the people that do best on this workout, maybe not in the exact order, but we'll also do best over the course of the entire competition. So like, I think those could be the top five come the end of the weekend. And they could also be the top five on this workout. And has Ben Smith pulled out by this point in the competition? Is he on oxygen on the sideline? How come I haven't heard you guys mentioned Alexander, uh, Alexandra got on. Yeah. I, uh, I like him for the Bella complex, the lifting event. And I also like him for the echo burner workout. Um,
Starting point is 01:27:11 Caron is good, but we're all about him. I feel like last year you were excited about him. You still excited about him or did you just like saying his name? Yeah. Got on. Um, so, so, so by this event, seriously, do you think Jason Smith and Ben Smith will be over there working on their family tree with some chalk on the ground, talking about the good old days? I just want to see if Suze is listening.
Starting point is 01:27:36 I just like looking to see if Suze is listening by if he's laughing. Jason Smith was on the podcast. Great dude. Great dude. South African guy. i wonder if those guys ever got paid did the africans ever get paid for their laura hasn't hooked you up with ben smith yet no i would really like to have laura um you know i was talking when john was um we were talking the other day and he mentioned about 80 calories on the assault bike for three minutes and i said
Starting point is 01:28:01 how often have you done that he said i did it once and it just made me like yeah that's the kind of thing you do and you like you're broken that that what say it again i said rpms not calories you held the 80 rpms for three straight minutes yeah yeah it's scary right and so when i think of having laura horvat on the show it's kind of like that like i know it's good for me and i know it needs to be done but it's like fuck really 80 rpms on the assault bike for three minutes again there they are i should have both of them on if they if they will come on they're awesome i better stop saying making fun of ben smith he'll never come on get stuck having his brother on the lesser of the two smitters how did how many times has alex smith been to the games is he just what happened to get stuck having his brother on the lesser of the two Smithers. How did, how many times has Alex Smith been to the games?
Starting point is 01:28:47 Is he just, what happened to him? Is he still games caliber dude? Alex Smith. Yeah. Uh, I don't think he'll ever make it back to the games as an individual. I definitely think he has a capacity to make it on a team and to be very
Starting point is 01:29:01 relevant at the games with the team. If he wants to be. Hmm. And it was there a third bent was there a third smith brother dane smith is a working as a firefighter i think in virginia he's still training he's still very fit um uh but he's not like younger is he the youngest but he's not like like dedicated and committed to it and there's so many men that are now that it's really difficult to do, to make it to that level. If you're not. Is,
Starting point is 01:29:28 um, is John Young better than him? Dane Smith? Not yet. Oh, not yet. Not yet. Not yet.
Starting point is 01:29:40 I like that. Uh, John's on the Ascension though. Did we do the, did we do Hopper? Hop do you have hopper even finishing top 10 at the rogue invitational either of you what was your rankings i don't have him in front of me because you guys just he's got no love no no you guys love him on everything and every workout john said i'm up there really because i just don't hear his name i feel like you know who's like really i feel like um katrin um doter and um jason hopper are both like like they scarred you
Starting point is 01:30:10 guys like you had a little faith in them and now they're just fucking you're like i'm not putting in my rankings anymore i mean i have hopper winning the echo burner okay look john picked Okay. Look, John picked Jason fourth. I picked him 10th. Overall. Yeah. You've definitely been scarred by him. No, no, no. We did the ranking show, and I told you.
Starting point is 01:30:36 I said, I'm putting him 10th. I have no idea what to expect from this guy. Based on what we saw at the Mid-Atlantic, I think he could do as well as second place. Based on what we saw at the games, I think he could do as poorly as second to last place. That's fair. And it's like, well, you know, so I could argue, I could make all the points I made before the games about, look at this guy. Look at the way he executes workouts.
Starting point is 01:30:59 Look at the way that he chases people down. Look at the way that he manages everything. Or I could talk about what happened at the games and I could say all the opposite things. I'm hopeful that these last couple of months have been good for him, that he's not going to make a lot of the mistakes that he made at the games. It doesn't seem like, you know, he talked with us about how every workout at the games seemed to have something that was really good for him paired with something that was really bad for him. And he didn't really know how to manage that. I don't think that that's the case in these workouts. I think there's some workouts here where he can look at him and he's licking his chops and he's like, okay,
Starting point is 01:31:29 I might not be the best at this, but there's nothing here that's going to slow me down. So he's got an opportunity to, to build some confidence early in the week. If you noticed on the pics that John was making, he had him in the top five on events, one, two, three, and four. He didn't have him on the top five on the next two events. But if you're a guy like that, who's coming off of this total high and then this total low at the games and you start the week out really well, this could end up being a great weekend for Jason.
Starting point is 01:31:59 Bam. Did we go over? That was great. I think that, I think you made it so he'll want to come on the show again. You saved it. Did we pick women for the chipper yeah give me those one more time did you have you had tia chris delora no who'd you have well john i think john gave his picks he had tia hayley carrie mal, Mal, O'Brien, and Amanda Barnhart. Okay. I see here. And you had Ariel Lowen and Carolyn Prevost and Emily Rolfe. Hey, Matt, can you pull up that picture of the female athletes?
Starting point is 01:32:38 It's on the Rogue website. It says confirmed competitors. And scroll down to the females and zoom in on ariel lowen the her like lat armpit bicep i mean i thought you were gonna say something nice about her smile or something she makes carrie pierce look uh like carrie pierce needs to work out i cannot believe who took this picture is this just like a freak moment in time if you click on ariel lowen does she get bigger no damn can you zoom in on that by any chance like hit the plus button on the keyboard can you guys see those shoulders
Starting point is 01:33:16 yeah that's uh that's a girl who just went to the the semifinals because she wanted to sign with her name on it. Like, come on, man. Crazy. No, she's been doing this a long time and she's,
Starting point is 01:33:34 um, I was, I think that of pasta, I mean, for as far as far as women go, I think she might've had the most impressive season of anyone relative to expectations. Hmm. Man or woman?
Starting point is 01:33:48 Women. Women. Just because I would say the getting seventh at the games was more unexpected. Right. Are all these people coming to win?
Starting point is 01:34:04 Or is this a tune-up or is this like something i don't know what it is they should be as much money as being handed out i i honestly i think that there's that there's different um you know different approaches that each athlete will have coming into this um but i think there are a fair number of them that are you know preparing for this as the the signature off season event for their their season um steven pleiler says justin's not getting much love for being the guy to be right now i agree i don't i don't even know what that means by that i mean they're just i don't think that's intentional yeah, he didn't get much love at all.
Starting point is 01:34:46 It's kind of like BKG. A lot of times BKG doesn't get a lot of the loves and the shout-out. Yeah, we're really high on him for the chipper because we know he's really good in that style of workout. But Medeiros, if you look at his results at the games, they were just a ton of 5th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 7th, 6th, 3rd. We know he only won the one event. He had a couple other top three finishes. But we're talking about who can be the winner of each of these events. And I don't think there's a lot of events here he's going to win outright.
Starting point is 01:35:18 But that doesn't mean that come the end of the weekend, he can't be right up there in the mix. Brian's got him second overall, and I'm third overall third overall so in totality we are giving him low i mean guess i guess not enough since he is the guy to beat but well you know is he the guy to beat he's he's the defending champion from the games but i don't i haven't seen him beat velner in a a format like this yet. Oh, here we go. Here we go. Now this is where the show gets controversial. Jesus Christ. We talked about this before.
Starting point is 01:35:51 We talked. Yeah. I mean, I'm sorry. I agree with him about this. Yes. So do you want to hear our speculations about event seven before we go? Yeah, but let's do let's hit that just a little bit more about this i do want to hear so so so he's never beat velner in a what competition what what's this i just saw him beat him at the games handedly right at the end just fucking mopped him up
Starting point is 01:36:16 made him think he had a chance and then just fucking spanked him seven events that are all crossfit and none are specialty he's never beat him anything like that and they haven't really competed against each other in this kind of format before you could say what do you mean what format this is a seven event competition over you know three days so it's a regional style they never did a regionals together maybe maybe there's a cross regional comparison but i don't put a lot of stock in that because there's different variables they never really did uh any of the sanctionals together they were supposed to do the west coast Maybe there's a cross-regional comparison, but I don't put a lot of stock in that because there's different variables. They never really did any of the sanctionals together.
Starting point is 01:36:51 They were supposed to do the West Coast Classic, but it got canceled. And when Vellner's done these competitions— What happened? Did someone say something racist? Why did it get canceled? COVID. Someone tweeted something when they were 13 years old and it got canceled? Yes, that was it. All right, good. I didn't know you were paying so much attention to the details i was no and we know velner's track record in these kinds of competitions
Starting point is 01:37:12 second to fraser at rogue first at rogue when he wasn't there first at wadapalooza both years and second to fukowski in dubai he's never lost to anybody that's in this competition except in this type of format i like it so i like that you guys are telling us because this is the reason to watch the event two reasons one to watch this tia just fucking put on a clinic um and uh and and we need some hype we need some hype around the dudes okay so. So, so that is what to watch. And do you think both Medeiros and Vellner are aware of that? Do you think Vellner that he keeps what you guys are saying in his head? Like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:37:52 I, I have the killer instinct. I can, I can beat this dude. I'm better than this dude. I, I think if you were, if you asked Vellner and he didn't,
Starting point is 01:38:01 you know, and he was being honest with you, he would say that in this format, he thinks he's a favorite. Awesome. Saxon Pancic is going to be a serious threat. I think we all agree with that. Are the guys revealing their final overall podium results tonight?
Starting point is 01:38:15 We did that on another show, but I think they could give you the top five if you wanted. And then the final comment from Dylee, Hope Hopper shows up and not Flopper. Dylee, 20 burpees. 20 fucking burpees for that shit. I'll do 10 of them for you, dylee uh hope hopper shows up and not flopper dylee 20 burpees 20 fucking burpees for that shit i'll do 10 of them for you burpees dylee okay uh who do you guys got 19th again i think you should call him jason flopper every time he's on the podcast it's the whole time i can't he's too big he's too big um
Starting point is 01:38:45 well who do you who brian who do you have for the men uh top five when in this event wait uh the overall competition yeah and then and then we'll close with a i'm guessing uh event seven i'm sticking with the same picks in the same order that i had before velner
Starting point is 01:39:02 maderos bkg saxon panchik lazar jukic. I love it. I really hope Lazar does well. Just so you know, Travis Mayer is going to win this event. That's my pick. Go ahead, John. Who do you have for the men? I have Vellner, BKG, Medeiros, Hopper,
Starting point is 01:39:19 and then Jeffrey Adler. Okay. And the women, Brian? I think I like my picks here, too. I'll stick with them. Tia, Laura Horvat, Gary Pierce, Gabby Magawa, Annie Thorzetter. I might move up Annie one, and I might want to swap Annie and Gabby looking at this now. Mr. Young? I'm going to preface this. I'm going to stick with my picks, but I would like to preface it with Annie is a little bit of an emotional pick for me because the games, I was very impressed with her, and I don't want to move her down. I'm going to have Faith in her, and I'm going to have Tia first, Annie second, Laura third, Carrie fourth, and then Haley Adams. Although I kind of want to move Carrie down after looking at the events
Starting point is 01:40:07 so I'm going to say Gabby Magawa fourth and then Haley fifth okay no Mal O'Brien we both have her in the top ten which is you know finishing top 10 in this field is great the thing about her is like she's gonna be really good at some events but then other
Starting point is 01:40:33 events she could be really bad so it's hard to justify putting her and i don't i think that the counter she's like the opposite of what you said about Hopper. The fact that there are three separate machine workouts, I don't think that's the best thing for her. Yeah, I agree. Event number seven, the final event, happens at 1.25 p.m. Central time. What do you guys think? Well, we both think that the same movement is going to show up almost for sure which is going to be some kind of snatch i think that rogue would be foolish to have an entire competition
Starting point is 01:41:12 without a single dumbbell in it just from a marketing standpoint so i'm expecting heavy dumbbell squat snatches paired with something else look at the look at these webcam girls that popped up in our chat. Oh, never mind. They're gone. That's spam, Sousa? Sorry. Dumbbells for marketing. As soon as you said marketing, porn popped up in our chat.
Starting point is 01:41:39 Hey, Brian, why not do a max dumbbell snatch? Has anyone ever done that? No. The heaviest dumbbell snatch we've seen in competition was a Mayhem Classic where they had 100 and then 110 and 120 pound dumbbell snatches rich froning helped program this competition he loves the dumbbell snatch so i think that we're gonna snatches yeah so i think that we're gonna see something like i originally when i first saw the programming i forgot that there were those step overs i thought we might see something like 963 42-inch box jumpovers and dumbbell squat snatches at 110 pounds. But then I thought, oh, they already used a box.
Starting point is 01:42:13 So I don't know what the other implement might be. Handstand walking? Maybe, but we have gone overhead quite a bit. You know, double unders, some kind of lunge. I don't know. But I think that there's going to be a heavy dumbbell snatch in the finale. Also I would, damn, if I can find a picture, it is in a,
Starting point is 01:42:35 it's a photographer's dream. The dumbbell snatch. It's an unbuyable. It's unbuyable. It is crazy is crazy i there were some insane photos that people have captured including myself of rich kenny leverage josh bridges that year they did the dumbbell snatches in del mar the lighting was amazing they were coming down the the whole length of the stadium i love that i like i like that what do you think, John? Dumbbell snatch? That's your guess, Brian? Dumbbell snatch? I think heavy dumbbell snatches as part of a couplet. That's my prediction for the finale. I originally said a snatch speed ladder because they did a clean speed ladder.
Starting point is 01:43:18 It was like a clean pyramid. I'd like 10-8, 6-4-2. I could see them doing that with snatches just because it'd be a nice way to end it it's a nice race so a snatch pyramid race but rich wasn't programming that one am i correct in saying that brian i think that was josh and chris and this one's right so i since it is rich i can't now i kind of think i kind of agree with brian i think he brings up a lot of good points but i just a snatch of some sort i think has to be in there um someone said jeff birchfield says a rich help program and he's competing well it's the legends is not really uh the legends are not doing this these workouts they're doing some variations of these workouts i think um they actually are doing the – oh, that's interesting.
Starting point is 01:44:07 Huh. It says that they're doing the thruster calorie bike workout as male-female pairs in a relay-style event. And it says that they're doing event one as a relay, male-male-female-female pairs. What is going on? I can't believe they picked that one. Anyway, this, female pairs. What is going on? I can't believe they picked that one. Anyway, this is not – the Legends competition is a showcase.
Starting point is 01:44:32 It's not like they're winning any prize money or anything like that. And Rich and Chris programmed the competition for the individual athletes. Is it – okay. Is this – is it like the All-Star game or is it like the slam dunk contest? So the Legends thing is really just watch them go? Yeah. I mean, when else are you going to get those seven women and those nine men on the competition floor again?
Starting point is 01:44:59 I can't believe Miko is going to be there. Exactly. You need to see Miko. Miko, Josh Ever everett that's crazy tanya wagner all right cool anything else you guys want to add no i mean it's i think it's going to be a great competition this is um the programming is very much in line of what we'd expect from Rogue. We talked about it last time. And it does. I think that there's enough variance in the events where we will get to see different people kind of shine on different workouts.
Starting point is 01:45:32 But I don't think that there's anything wrong with the programming to the effect that we're going to, you know, miss out on having the people we expect towards the top. It's a little light on the gymnastics, which can be detrimental to a couple of people, but we've always known that you got to be strong to be good in CrossFit. And that's certainly true for Rogue. What would you like to see when you see light on gymnastics pistols? No, no, no. I mean, there's not like, there are gymnastics here, you know, there are rope climbs. And we talked about like, that could be the deciding factor for a couple of the athletes. But there's a lot of other stuff going on around them. And then the, the, we talked about with the chipper, the strict handstand pushups in the ring muscle ups, the sets are moderate.
Starting point is 01:46:13 They're not huge. And there's a ton of other work before and after that, uh, with an opportunity for them to just be less important than they could be in a workout. Um, like Amanda 45, which is a version of that where the muscle-ups carry a little bit more weight. John, any final thoughts on this before I ask the final question? Well, Rogue's always been a little bit strength-biased in every single event they do. I think people can expect that when they sign up for it.
Starting point is 01:46:43 I feel like Haley knew that when she sign up for it um i feel like hayley knew that when she signed up for it when we talked about it um so i don't think it's any surprise that there's a little bit lack of gymnastics but i agree with brian i think it should be a really good event and look forward to watching it if and this is a question from the uh from dennis olari by the way kratos your profile picture looks like you've done acid in your life. I'm just saying. I'm prejudiced and I judge people and that's how I judge your profile. I like it, but I just think
Starting point is 01:47:12 you smoke weed and do acid and you have tapestries hanging in your house. Dennis O'Leary says, could Rich win the Rogue Invitational based off the programming? If Rich was in this, would he win this? Can he beat Justin Medeiros, BKG? That's not who he has to beat to win.
Starting point is 01:47:32 No? Patrick Bellner? There you go. I think Rich... I don't think that he would win if he was in the competition. He'd have a fair shot, though. I think, yeah. Didn't someone say he might podium, but he probably wouldn't win?
Starting point is 01:47:54 I could see him podiuming, but not winning. I agree. Yeah, he can't be Travis Mayer. Yeah, I'd slide him in there third right behind Mayer and Mertens. Charles Grahams IV, too much acid, Sevan. Is that what made that person's profile look like that? All right, guys, thank you so much. We will see you.
Starting point is 01:48:19 I have a show tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. It's going to be a doozy. It's with a phd in something some some some biology i forget i gotta go do my research but it's gonna be a doozy

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