The Sevan Podcast - #187 The News - James Hobart & Kate Gordon

Episode Date: October 28, 2021

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Starting point is 00:01:29 Southern Hemisphere. We have different seasons to you guys. Hobart, what makes seasons? I thought it was how close the Earth was to the sun and its elliptical rotation, which would mean that it's winter everywhere on the planet at the same time. Oh, perfect. That's my favorite kind of Hobart. Muted. We're on an axis.
Starting point is 00:01:50 We're on a tilt. I'm back, baby. Yeah, it's on a tilt. The Earth's on tilt, just like you're about to be tonight. But why? But why? But why? Why is the Earth on a tilt no why would it be i don't understand what the tilt would be isn't it for some reason god my my is it astronomy my geography my climatology i don't i always just
Starting point is 00:02:22 because it's further away from the sun i believe that is why it would be a different um no no season no no and also a different like face of the globe as well right like we're not on the same pot oh no hey no one knows look at these these goofballs were poo-pooing me and they don't even know i didn't poo-poo you. Oh, shit. Look at Wad Zombie. Hey, Kate, how's it going?
Starting point is 00:02:48 No, don't say that. Do not say that. Don't repeat that. I'm going to nip that shit in the fucking butt. That's amazing. Like Auschwitz, Auschwitz, but Australia. Actually, it's all starting to crumble a little bit, which is kind of interesting. You got your guy Avi there.
Starting point is 00:03:08 That news reporter is dope. Avi. Oh, yeah. Rebel News, Avi. Yeah. Dude. I bet you it's just raining girls on him. He's got a great name.
Starting point is 00:03:22 He's handsome. He's got balls. I love him. Medium height, dark and handsome. Sousa, what's up? How you doing, buddy? Doing good. Were you at the gym all day? Yes, fire station in the morning and then gym in the afternoon. You're a fireman?
Starting point is 00:03:47 No, I work out the firefighters. With the old F-45? You take the F-45 over there? Yeah. No, I work out the firefighters. I show up at the station. We do some straight training. We do some mobility. We get them sweaty. We keep them healthy. up at the station. We do some straight training. We do some mobility. We get them sweaty. We keep them healthy. All right. I heard that CrossFit's good for firefighters. Thanks for doing this. The show is off to a running start. I meditated for three hours today. I was about to say, damn. No, I meditate 24 hours a day. That would be stupid to say I meditate three hours a day.
Starting point is 00:04:30 There's some cool videos of your wife with your kids doing some quiet time meditating, which I love. She's a good dude. Hey, I have really good news for the two of you, Kate and James. Ready? Getting a raise. If, yeah, kind of, kind of. If for some, you're on the right track. If for some reason you guys were to get fired,
Starting point is 00:04:53 I know exactly where you guys need to go to find your new job. The website is Is this a real thing? The largest job message board in the CrossFit community. Of course not. I would never take money from anyone. What do you think I'm some sort of whore? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:05:16 She said it, man. I thought she said it. She's a mind reader. where Hobart and Kate would go if for some reason something got squirrely. And it's where I would go if I wasn't just such a baller just making mad coin off of this YouTube show. But it is a cool website. Check it out. So you can search for a part-time job.
Starting point is 00:05:51 And it's bi-weekly so that means it's like it's open to all the sexual orientations and you can be a head coach or a personal trainer and you can choose what country germany spain italy united states other other and this thing's just getting off the ground now and not only if you're looking for a job but shit if you're looking for high quality. Hey, CrossFit Rhapsody, amazing affiliate down in Charleston. Amazing affiliate. Let's see. Enough talking about this message board. Let's just click on that and see what's going on there.
Starting point is 00:06:20 You've been to this gym? I have not been down there. I know both the owners really well. I met one of them, one of the owners at a level two, we stayed in touch. Um, they were both coaches down at, um, CrossFit black box in NYC before they moved down to Charleston open affiliate, but, uh, just awesome place. They're always putting out really incredible media, just stories about their members and their affiliates. So huge fan of those guys and all affiliates. But I know these ones. When you say you stayed in touch, meaning do they have your phone number or you stay in touch through DMs?
Starting point is 00:06:55 Phone number. Wow. Phone number. Hey, Sousa, click on that Instagram link. Yeah. Oh, that's my arrow that was on there. Yeah. Click on that that does that really take you to their instagram no this message board is new by the way or it has new owners and all that shit will be working smoothly soon all right cool anyway found that website the other day i thought
Starting point is 00:07:21 it was cool wanted to share with the. I'm all about people getting employed. The link actually worked. I think it just like froze or something, had an issue because it did lead me to their Instagram page. I had it here. It just didn't switch the screen that I was sharing. So the link didn't work. Yes. Not's fault. That's right.
Starting point is 00:07:42 It opened up to a new window and that window wasn't being shared.'s fault that's right it opened up to a new window and that window wasn't being shared so brought to you by oh man the live call-in number is at the it's offline tonight guys it is not offline i'm i need to moderate that all right you okay i'll answer and you just talk to the people how's that no no no you do such a nice job of it um before i want to jump right into the news but i just want to i just want to show you guys one thing real quick on my instagram account you guys mind, let's do it. Okay. So it's not my rinse the account. It's my band account. And it's at Savon Matosian. By the way, today I was talking to Matt and he referred to me, Sousa, the producer of the show. And he referred to me as Savon. And then when I referred to myself, I called myself Savon. I wanted to throw up. I don't know if I've ever
Starting point is 00:08:40 said my own name wrong. Okay. So if you look at my most recent post and you look in the comments, there's a guy it's in, it's probably one of my best posts I've done in a long time. It's so fucking funny. What I say, uh, it's, it's a podcast I did with Jason Hopper and I think I'm so funny in this, this line, but anyway, um, I'm just, just talking crazy shit about Colton Mertens and, um, a guy comments, did Matt and josh drop you i haven't heard a josh matt sebon podcast in a while and my immediate response is no they're at your mom's house um or they're busy with your mom something like that right appropriate yeah but but i but i i'm a little reserved i'm like you know that might be a little harsh, just like, bam, right off the bat.
Starting point is 00:09:27 And so I had already typed it out. And then I'm like, well, let me click on this guy's account. So I click on his account. And his name's Johnny Vasquez. Vasquez? And he's raised in Southern California but living in Texas. And he has a GoFundMe link. I can only imagine what that's for.
Starting point is 00:09:46 But anyway, he doesn't follow me. So that means that for some reason, that's enough for me then to respond to him, and I'll respond to him now. No. So once again, he said, did Matt and Josh drop you? No, they've just been busy with your mom. Nailed it. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:10:15 I just wanted to – they've just been busy. And I just wanted to tell you, like show you how my brain works. Like if he was a follower, I'd have been like, okay, little pawn child. Get you, my little minion get back into the herd ha ha ha 10 burpees for you but instead he got a mom joke how's the news going hobart that was it that was the that was the comment you wanted to talk about news is good.
Starting point is 00:10:45 I'm going to keep it light this week. I appreciate it. Maybe a little political talk. Maybe a little political talk. There was a big storm out here. This is the smallest passion fruit that fell off my tree. The rest of them are huge. But there's a little tiny one, so I brought it into my office to fidget with.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Do you eat it? Yeah, you do. Cut this in. I should mail you guys some. Eat that right now. I have a passion fruit tree at my house, but it's like a new one, and I don't know if it's actually going to fruit or not. I'm going to need tips. A lot of them are ornamental.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Look at Wad Zombie's comment. I don't want to give him too much attention oh shit oh i'm telling you this guy's this is the guy who runs that meme account it's it's the words just dudes just checking out chicks and chicks checking out dudes the crossfit it's the crossfit perv count uh wad zombie responded after i read that comment about matt and josh being over at this dude's mom's house he wrote i wonder in that scenario if matt still finishes first hey this guy caleb look at this guy caleb beaver oh this is the guy you made the joke
Starting point is 00:12:01 about last week his initial his name is c beaver ovart great name uh that that guy is the one who made who's been he's just been making my clips for me and sending them to me too bad no one sees him because i'm shadow ban but how cool is that yeah he's dope and then there's another dude i think i should make that dude a moderator how do i do that i just click on him i don't know can you make that dude a moderator. How do I do that? I just click on him. I don't know. Can you make that dude a moderator, Sousa? It's kind of like an ego handjob to make someone a moderator. And then there's another dude, Will Brandt or something. Did you see the promotion I sent you to? The promotional post in our text thread?
Starting point is 00:12:39 The one for Dot com. No, it, the, it was like to advertise this podcast coming. It's like something you put in your story. I sent it to you guys
Starting point is 00:12:51 like two hours ago. Oh, yeah. It was the Instagram story thing. Yeah. Yeah. Will Brandt, a guy named Will Brandt just makes those for me now.
Starting point is 00:12:58 So anything I post that's coming up, he just does that for me. Oh, that's cool. And what do you guys do? You guys don't do shit for me james and kate i reshed it what do you want me to do i don't know do a podcast with me or some shit all right a regular weekly podcast with me i'll try see if i can fit it in you want to talk about pop tartsarts? Oh, that's it. I saw that article too.
Starting point is 00:13:27 You're going to be surprised my stance on it. You're going to be surprised. Kate Gordon read my message a couple of weeks ago about quitting alcohol. That was pretty awesome. Pumped me up. Made me increase my weekly workouts. I still drink like a fish and sleep around. All right.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Well, that's some progress. That's not – that's fake news. That's the most accurate reading of that comment this is one of my favorite news stories and Christian Garcia congratulations on your sobriety now back to the news this is everything that's good about our country right here in this article. One, Pop-Tarts.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Two, you can sue people and companies for anything. Kellogg obviously is being hit with a multimillion dollar, $5 million lawsuit alleging its whole grain frosted strawberry Pop-Tarts are deceiving consumers, failing to warn them that strawberries are not its only fruit filling ingredient. Not even that it's fake strawberries or I don't know. It's just not its only fruit filling ingredient. So I think they shouldn't sue them because it sounds like they're getting a bonus with other fruits. The product's common or usual name of whole grain frosted strawberry toaster pastries is false, deceptive and misleading because it contains mostly non-strawberry fruit ingredients. Namely, cheaper pears and apples, the suit said, a violation of state and federal consumer protection statutes. Oh, who cares if you're eating Pop-Tarts?
Starting point is 00:14:58 Anyway, consumers. Yes, I'm with you, Hobart. I'm with you. Not for nothing. I ate a Pop-Tart every day for my first, pretty much every day for my first two years of college. Consumers deserve to know that when they see something labeled as strawberry, it mainly contains strawberry. Words have to have some meaning. Solid logic.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Airtight in my mind. In a class action case, this is where we're going to hit some obstacles. class action case this is where we're going to hit uh some some obstacles in a class action suit you would have to show a common belief of how much fruit it has and what kind of fruit is in it said the lawyer that's going to be a difficult road to hoe it means road to hoe um other cases like this have occurred in the past in 2012 nutella agreed to stop running ads claiming its chocolate spread was healthy settling class nutella also delicious not defaming you settling a class action lawsuit by a california mother for three million dollars damn yeah good for her several food makers who claimed their products were 100 natural when they contain high fructose corn so you have
Starting point is 00:16:02 changed their package claims following class action lawsuits in the 2010s. I guess the lawyer that's handling this case says he's filed over a hundred lawsuits against companies. He alleges falsely advertise their products as vanilla. He said he just delights in identifying everyday consumer injustices. Just remember, that's a consumer injustice and going going after them unlike many of his peers he said he proudly files lawsuits instead of just issuing demand letters because of the structure they provide of course he's done a hundred he's a fucking lech um he doesn't give a shit this is a great case i hope i. I hope Pop-Tarts wins. I hope you do.
Starting point is 00:16:48 You hope Pop-Tarts wins, Kellogg's wins. Yep. Hey, do you know that there's a guy named David Woods who works over at CrossFit Inc.? I do. And he is the one who he DM'd me and said, more or less, less hey my buddy wants to buy should i pull up right now no this is this isn't a bad story this isn't a bad story barbell jobs uh so he um he dm'd me and said hey i got a buddy who who um will write a check for nine or 10 figures in the next like couple of weeks to buy CrossFit. So I don't know if you know what 10 figures is,
Starting point is 00:17:30 but like I had to write that shit down. Like I seriously, they got a pencil and put a one and then a bunch of zeros after it. And and then, and then that guy ended up, you know, I shared the, I shared it with Greg, the the dm and that guy ended up buying uh that guy's friend ended up buying crossfit well kind of not exactly like that but but pretty close and anyway so this guy david woods is somehow and he's a he's a cool dude and he's a a great skateboarder maybe he used to be even better maybe he was even pro i'm not sure um and i know that because we've talked skateboarding because of my kids but he um he's somehow related to the kellogg empire
Starting point is 00:18:12 he he's like a grandson of like or great grandson of the kellogg dude well let's tell him to put some more fruit in his pop tarts for crying out loud they were also behind um the mass uh They were also behind the mass male genitalia mutilation that still occurs in the United States. Massive. Massive. And Kellogg's was behind that. Kellogg was the whole eat grains because meat makes you sex crazed. And chop off the penis. Chop off the tip of the penis.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Rip off the nerve endings of the penis. I just grilled a whole chicken,flied it and grilled this amazing i thought you're gonna say a whole foreskin um we only buy them when they're on sale you're on the on the you go to your local moyle 10 foreskins for a dollar hey can you imagine what if you were like what if you were a porn actress and you had to have sex with 100 people? But then like you found out like at the end of the day, you slept with 101 people like it was like just a huge gangbang. And so you sued. I only signed up for 100. And I noticed that in rewatching the video, there were 101. It's like that this Pop-Tart one. I'm kind of I'm curious to know at what point you read the ingredients and you're like,
Starting point is 00:19:25 this, this really pisses me off like bad. I'm going to, I'm going to fucking find a lawyer to fix this. I actually think it's someone who's like sitting around coming up with this plan. Yeah. Who's like deliberately looking for it. Yeah. Just to make money. I don't know if this was a stroke of genius as they were um ripping through a package of pop tarts and all of a sudden flipped over the ingredients said you know what this is just a real travesty this person someone should be looking for all the strawberry flavored fruit food going where are the fucking strawberries i don't think this is uncommon i think that it's really common like you go to i don't know if it's jamba juice or something you order a strawberry shake and it's
Starting point is 00:20:02 50 apple juice i think apple juice is pretty much the base of most of these fruit drinks and fruit shakes serious like you you know if you don't look at the ingredients or get the pure shit it's how they sweeten everything haven't you guys noticed that with like especially with juices because they actually need like more liquid to make it a juice right yeah i just yeah i don't know i just think there are people out there who just look for look for things to criticize none of them are in our comments right now i won't point fingers but uh ben hirsch i've never seven i've never heard you really talk about why you don't work out an affiliate notice the the wording of that you are non-stop level one nuts and community aspect
Starting point is 00:20:44 of crossfit no i'm actually anti-community you must not be listening to me closely i think that the wording of that. You are nonstop level one nuts and community aspect of CrossFit. No, I'm actually anti-community. You must not be listening to me closely. I think that people who think that this is a community have confused the experiment. It's a scientific experiment, but anyway, but aren't really practicing what you preach, dude. I know that none of that makes sense, but if you're asking me why I don't go to an affiliate, is that what you're asking me? But I, but I, but I, I am not suggesting by any means that everyone should. If you need to go to an affiliate for the community, for the coaching, et cetera. First of all, I, when I work for CrossFit for most of the time, I was just traveling non-fucking
Starting point is 00:21:23 stop. And I did work out at HQ quite a bit with my cohort and my peers, hundreds, maybe not, maybe thousands of times. And that was before there was a, the woke crowd. And, um,
Starting point is 00:21:35 like it was okay for a girl, 19 year old girls to see me overhead squatting less than them and to go seven, you're a bitch and me laugh and be like, yeah, I know. So, um, but I do, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Who said that to you? That doesn't matter. Hey, I have a question for you. Miranda, not Miranda, the girl who came after Tyson, after Miranda with Tyson, the filmmaker. Maria? Mariah. Mariah.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Mariah said that to me one time. Do you have a favorite CrossFit benchmark workout? Me? Yeah. No. I mean, one of my favorite workouts that used to be was, you know, when you just put up 20 random numbers in a row and you won through 20 and then you have to do the burpees on the minute of that number. I really liked that workout, but that's not a benchmark workout. No, I don't really have. Oh, yeah. I think I don't want to give him credit for it, but that may have been a Pat Sherwood idea.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I think – I don't want to give him credit for it, but that may have been a Pat Sherwood idea. What's the – I think I like Nicole. Is Nicole the one where you – I used to do Nicole a lot. Is that the one where you run 400 meters and do as many pull-ups as you can? Yeah, great workout. For four rounds? I really like that. For 20 minutes, yeah. You might have only achieved four rounds, but anyway.
Starting point is 00:23:01 I like the Eva T, but I could never do the two pood every every time i tried that's what the two pood right yeah every time i tried it my back would go out no fran's not my favorite i mean i want it to be my favorite but but i it's just not but i really want it to be. Oh, yeah, Grace. I was a fucking Grace nut. Those days are over, though, for me. Those days are over. When I come out, we're going to do Eva together. Okay. I'll do – that's GHD sit-ups, kettlebell swings.
Starting point is 00:23:36 No, no, that's the pull-ups, kettlebell swings, and 800-meter run. Oh, okay. And I won't do – No, you're going to use a two-poodle. We'll just split the reps together. It's about time you swam overhead. Okay. And I won't do. No, you're going to use a two-poodle. We'll just split the reps together. It's about time you swing that thing overhead. Dude, I can barely deadlift a two-poodle right now. It's about time you swing that thing around.
Starting point is 00:23:54 How about what's your favorite benchmark? I like a lot of the new ones that came out recently, but I think Helen's my favorite. I think Helen just makes so. I think I just, Helen just, it makes so much sense to me as a, as a workout. That was the first benchmark I ever did run kettlebell swing, uh, pull up,
Starting point is 00:24:12 which is, I don't know, weightlifting, gymnastic, monostructural. I just think it's absolutely perfect. Yours. Kate likes the total.
Starting point is 00:24:21 She's just a fucking meathead. I, you know what? Total was my, one of my first like favorite I'd beg for total every six months. But, um, I really love nasty girls.
Starting point is 00:24:31 And I think it's because I've just always had a hard on for the nasty girls video from like, you know, way back in the day. That was just like one of those videos that I was like, fuck. Yes. That was a good one for me.
Starting point is 00:24:42 And with all those old videos with squatting, it's great. because I think most of the times they squat to a medicine ball. Yeah, they all had a medicine ball. They're smashing their asses into that max ball and bouncing off it. And they're like literally at the top as well. They basically fly because they're going so fast. Yeah. That is a great video. And then the strict muscle-ups on the low rings.
Starting point is 00:25:03 It's great. that is a great video strict uh muscle-ups on the low rings that's great and as i say i watched um i watched greg amundsen do heavy fran and he looks just like an action figure and that was the video i saw that video and that's when i was like i need to do crossfit like that's what pushed me over the edge i still don't look like i'm never probably will but i've it's not for lack of trying oh please okay next week next week you're the picture I'm promoting this podcast is you with your shirt off. I'll send you one. I have some great thirst pics of you. You and Maliolo and Froning.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Oh, from that time we came down and we did that handstand walk pegboard? God, you guys were blown up. Yeah. Wait, you didn't do... Look at those hang cleans in the back. This is such a special video. I had Annie on the podcast the other day. I just love the flare pants, like the flare yoga pants.
Starting point is 00:25:57 All of the outfits are so far ahead of their time. I think Nicole's wearing... Is Nicole wearing weightlifting shoes? God, I hope so. That's perfect. Think I can get Nicole on the podcast? I'll put in a good word for you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Thank you. I think you might need it. I don't remember. You're going to have to take that shit down for sure. The last time we interacted, it's been a while. I can't remember, but she said something nice to me. I said, hey, do you want to come on my podcast? And then it was just crickets.
Starting point is 00:26:40 I was like, all right, I get it. I understand. I pressed it too far. My fran time, my fastest fran time has never been good it's it's i i almost feel like i'm lying if i tell you it's like 5 21 like i might be lying like it might be 5 41 i think that's good is it i think if you have a sub 10 minute fran time like your fran fitness is you're right very well intact. I agree. I agree. I don't know if I could, I would,
Starting point is 00:27:07 I would try to do Fran now in like 20 minutes. Like I have no business, like super, super fast repping 95 pounds. Got to get off that assault bike. I'm going to, Kate's is, Kate's is,
Starting point is 00:27:18 Kate's is slow like mine too. Cause she gets all blown up and can't even get her hands up over her head in the final round. Have you ever seen Kate work out? I have, I i have i'm just making fun of her for being a meathead now all she cares about is armpits armpits i'm only safe because i have i have good overhead mobility thank god she refuses to do kipping pull-ups because she won't get a good pump of her lats actually somebody messaged me because i have uh my pull-up bar like jammed into a brick wall and somebody was like don't do it that's bad news i was like oh he's like there's a lot of force going into that
Starting point is 00:27:54 that pull-up bar and those bricks are not going to do well with it how big of a lag did you put into it how big of a lag i can you translate that like bolts yeah um they're big they don't go all the way through um but they're like special ones to like hold it in and there's like six bolts on each like um to attach it like it doesn't move you like did you do it you installed it all yourself no i did not install myself somebody well i had to have a special drill to like get it put in so yeah somebody somebody came and put it in did they put epoxy in there when they put the with the put the screw in i don't know did he squish any goo did you see him squish goo in there it's called it's called epoxy in australia epoxy i think it's epoxy i don't know if they use epoxy
Starting point is 00:28:37 when they did it but um it was fucking hard to put in that's for sure i actually reposted that video of you doing that and i had those same same exact concerns. And I watched that video over and over because I was trying to see if that pull-up bar had any wiggle. And it doesn't. It doesn't. You can, like, hear it squeaking a little bit. So I think it is, like, there's some movement happening at the, obviously, the outer end where I'm hanging off it. But, like, it doesn't budge at the moment. So we'll keep an eye on it.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Yeah, it's pretty great. One day there will be a video that I put up. It will be me fucking coming down with the pull-up bar. And there will be a hole in my brick wall. Triple linguine right off that thing i saw this viral video once i think it was from it was from australia or new zealand um and i know there's a difference but they were talking about deck sealant and the guy's accent it sounds like he's saying dick sealant the whole time it's just it's just interviewing new zealanders as far as like like accents australians give new zealand is so much shit because when we say dick it sounds like dick there you go to them dicks there was a uh i want to go there was a there was a saturday night
Starting point is 00:29:36 live skip like that with um michael jackson's sister what's her name jan Janet Jackson. Janet. The corkers. Yes. Oh God. What was that? Cork soakers. Yeah. Cork soakers. We're all very good. Cook soakers. Make a clip of that.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Make it. I mean, it's beautiful. It was like Horatio Sands and Jimmy Fallon. And who is the small, the little guy was in that at the Roxbury's was in it too. I think. Oh God. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Great video. Holy cow. Horatio Sands was epic. I watched that too many times. That's the recommendation of the week right there. Cork Soakers, Saturday Night Live. What is your fran time, Kate?
Starting point is 00:30:21 Best fran time is about 224 no judge no judge we have a guy in our gym who did a fran in 152 i think he had like the world record for a little while what is one of those people that's like i think it's around like the something. Oh, and yours Hobart. Um, I think right around two 20. Yeah. It's been a long, I'm due.
Starting point is 00:30:49 It's been, it's probably been a couple of years. You pull the bar down on the thruster. Yeah. You have to, if you're, if you're going to, I mean,
Starting point is 00:31:00 you don't have to like, you know, but if you're going to try and push toward that two minute mark, I think you have to. Yeah, I always I brace for impact. For me, the thruster, 95 pound thruster is like just a stupid wall ball. Just aim, ready, fire, and then just brace for impact. Try to guide it right back. Bam.
Starting point is 00:31:24 It'd be cool to like revitalize that benchmark. Just, just up at a little bit, just like a 24, 24, 18, 12 or something. See what people do with it. Just a little, just a little. Oh, that round of 18s. Gross. Oh, all right.
Starting point is 00:31:41 You guys want to talk about loan? That's some forward thinking. I wonder if you can get fired for that. That's like back in the day saying that what Galileo said about the earth goes around the sun. I think he paid the ultimate price for that, right? I think he did. So you want to fuck with a – I mean, it's a great idea. I agree with you, but I think you could be hung for that. It's like blasphemy.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Hanged. What did I say? Hung. Yeah, I'm that. It's like blast. Hanged. What'd I say? Hung. Yeah. I'm hung. That's different. Oh, I haven't had a pop tart in 15 years.
Starting point is 00:32:15 I haven't had a pop tart in 30 years. I haven't had, I've had less than 20 pop tarts my entire life. I have not had less than 20, but I don't remember the last time I had one. I'd like to have one again. We don't really have really have them here they they only brought them in because they're popular in america otherwise they're like kind of not really a thing here america does have we have we have some we have the best junk food you guys do you have the best cereal um for sure yes and
Starting point is 00:32:41 we have um hamburger helper and corn dogs which a good friend of mine who's from Melbourne had never had one before. He needs to get one. Yeah, I've only had Corn Dogs in the U.S. I don't think I've had Hamburger Helper. That's great. I ordered Liverwurst. Have you guys ever had Liverwurst? Is it bad?
Starting point is 00:33:01 No. I heard it's like – I ordered Liverwursturst and it's like heart and liver and it's supposed to be um like good for you like a way to get organ meat can we do a little tangent here yes please we're always tangenting so you mean get back to the news no no i don't want to do that i want to this liver thing i have a lot of questions about it i've been talking to some friends who are doing it they're following the the liver King. They're eating raw liver. They're doing the desiccated desiccated supplements. And, um, is it one of those things where it's like, like how much is it actually adding? Right. So it's like, is it one of those things where it's like, we're just looking at the sand and not taking
Starting point is 00:33:36 care of the big rocks first. Like, you know, if you're still shitting in your gas tank, like who cares if you're putting like, you know, you're hanging fluffy dice from the mirror to upgrade your car. Like it doesn't matter. Like, is it like how beneficial is it compared to all the other things you could or couldn't be doing? I mean, if it makes me look like that. Isn't that always the case, though? You know, with some of the stuff it's like if it's living and he's the guy that only eats raw meat and like fucking does these simulated hunts as his training. Like if he's doing all those things and the one percent thing is that he eats organ meats on top of that, then fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:34:08 But I think most people probably just need to eat meat and veg, nuts, seeds, sun fruit, little starch, no sugar, right? Yeah. Oh, dude. I had this guy on today. He has a PhD in nutrition. That's him eating testicles. I've actually heard they taste pretty good. I think the liver is the worst tasting one.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Like heart is currently pretty good. Testicles, haven't tried them, but. This guy was on my podcast this morning. His name is Chris Masterjohn. He's a PhD in nutritional science. You know who that is? Yeah, I've read a lot of his work. And he has some videos on YouTube
Starting point is 00:34:43 where he basically says liver is the most nutritionally complete fulfilling blah blah blah i'm not sure exactly what word he uses in the world um i i when i see the liver king the last video i saw the liver king eating liver he had mixed it with like maple syrup and salt yeah it's it's just like, he always says it that way, maple syrup and salt. So someone says, anabolics make you look like that, James. I think that's, I think anabolics is like steroids. I'll start eating those. Where do I get them?
Starting point is 00:35:16 Do those come from, can I go buy those at Whole Foods? Eat it raw with maple syrup and salt. Do I need to season anabolics or can I just take those? How long do I cook those? Yeah, I don to season anabolics or can I just take those? How long do I cook those? Yeah. I don't know. I just wonder.
Starting point is 00:35:29 I think that stuff is really interesting. You know, like how healthy could you possibly be? But again, it's like. It's almost like a bit of a trend thing, right? Like the liver, it's like a little bit trendy. And if you're seeing old mate Liver King doing his badass shit, you're like, fuck, I want to do that. Yeah. I mean, yeah, you see like, I want to do that. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:35:45 yeah, you, you see him and you're, he's compelling. I do not like the taste of liver. It is, it is nutritionally dense, right?
Starting point is 00:35:51 It's like the most nutritionally dense food you can get liver. Yeah. I'm pretty sure. Yeah. I, I'm seeing someone saying, um, I'm seeing someone say,
Starting point is 00:36:03 who was it? I'm trying to remember who, but basically just eat meat and apples. And there was one other thing and they did it for like three months. And they said that the transformation they got was, was not as extreme as the liver King, but, but pretty fucking extreme. Just meat and apples. And I think, you know, Hunter McIntyre, I think was on that diet for a while.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Just meat and apples. Seven. I'm going to keep annoying you with this but you need to have dave driscoll on the pod i know we're trying to it's we dave driscoll he owns like bali crossfit or some shit he's always in the speed of the list yeah yeah i i really really want to have him on it's just a timing thing like he's stubborn and i'm stubborn he's like in a whole he's like on a different planet time zone problem well somebody all right somebody dm me some way to eat liver and if i have to eat it raw whatever someone dm me where to get it because i'm going to do um i'm going to get a blood test at the start of november i'm going to i'm going to quit caffeine for three months and
Starting point is 00:36:58 i'm going to clean up my shit and then i'm going to get my blood work done again so i want to see what happens but i hate it's easy to get it's so easy to get my blood work done again. So I want to see what happens. But I hate. It's easy to get. It's so easy to get. It's so cheap. Like it's ridiculously cheap. Go to any butcher and ask for like 500 grams of liver. We don't have butchers here. We just have Walmart. So I got to find a butcher.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Go online and find a farmer that will post out some liver to you. And then all you need to do is freeze it and then grate it into your ground beef when you're making like pasta or something. Okay. You won't taste it. Well, no, I'm not going to tell you. You're not making like pasta or something okay you won't you won't take well no i'm not going to tell you you're not going to taste it but it won't taste as bad as eating on its own i have done that before but i will try it again oh yeah homemade liver pate i have not successfully made it but that's another story i've done the cod liver oil yeah rosita that's the cod liver oil. Yeah. Rosita. That's the cod liver oil. I have also tastes like crap.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Yeah. James makes liver with ground beef. Okay. I'll do it. That's what I was going to do too. Makes it with ground beef, fresh herbs, onions,
Starting point is 00:37:53 garlic. Cool. I met a lady who said she just like cooks it like steak and just eats it. Like, fuck. I'm, I'm so impressed. My dad,
Starting point is 00:38:02 my dad loved liver. And it was like, Oh God, the smell of it cooking. Just maybe I'm just, I'm just weak. I'm so impressed. Yeah, my dad loved liver, and it was like, oh, God, the smell of it cooking. Maybe I'm just weak. I'm just mentally weak. I'm not the liver king. I'm the appendix king.
Starting point is 00:38:14 I'm going to start eating appendixes. All right. Anne Hinman, what am I going to do after boxing? I've been into boxing, and the only sport I've been into for the last, I don't know, 10 years is boxing and UFC. So I don't know if I'm ever switching, although sometimes I have guilty conscience for watching, fighting, and enjoying it. All right. Pop-tarts. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Loan forgiveness. Look at Matt leading from the back, just pushing it. He was about damn time. Yep. 37 minutes. second news story since taking office the biden administration has approved over 9.5 billion dollars of student loan relief a significant but we're still relatively small percentage of the over 1.7 trillion dollars worth of student loans that americans still collectively. On the campaign trail, Joe Biden, President Biden
Starting point is 00:39:06 issued his support for, what does that say? Love you, Brandon. Yeah. President Biden issued his support for some form of student loan forgiveness. And since then, House and Senate Democrats, well, have repeatedly urged Biden to broadly forgive up to $50,000 of federal debt through executive order during his first hundred days in office. Biden has repeatedly pushed back against these calls, stating that he will only support up to $10,000 of debt forgiveness and that he would prefer Congress craft the legislation. I think that's a good response. The article went on to discuss that student debt is largely an equity issue. Black student borrowers, for example, are more likely to take on student debt, more likely to take on more student debt, and more
Starting point is 00:39:49 likely to default on that debt. And they are more likely to have left either college or graduated without a degree. The public service loan forgiveness program is not working, the article continued on to say. 98% of students who applied were denied, and that's unacceptable. We need to do better. We need to make it simpler. So our hardworking educators, our hardworking nurses, we talk about thanking them. Well, let's thank them through good policy and good practice. Let's make sure that we're following through on the public service loan forgiveness program that Congress wanted over 10 years ago does this fix the problem no it's it's crazy to think that the color of someone's skin has anything to do
Starting point is 00:40:31 it's a fuck people are fucking crazy i don't even know how they just slip that into the article it's just so fucking racist they want you to read into it and make the racist generalizations they have no that person who writes that article has no control of what we do with that information how we run with it oh all black skin people they they get they get the money then they don't pay it back and then they don't graduate from college i mean it's it's just fucking racist bullshit choose some other fucking metric that unites us. Choose a correlate that's bigger than skin color, that's more relevant than skin color, that we can actually use to improve our situation. Because when you just use skin color, skin color has to do with your receptivity to the sun. Nothing else.
Starting point is 00:41:22 That's the only real thing. Everything after that is just a social construct it's just it's just not fair it's not fair to it's not fair to all of us of any skin color it's nasty it's mean it's malicious it's divisive if you're not gonna agree with me don't say anything over it okay i'll go ahead i'm just moving on. No. So I don't, you can't forgive people the loan because you, because there's a problem. So whatever the problem is, the problem has to be fixed. And then we can talk about forgiving the loan. Do you know what I mean? So whatever the problem is and why people can't pay them back or schools are too expensive or everyone shouldn't go to college or
Starting point is 00:41:59 we shouldn't be, we can't like, because really what we're doing is we're not we're not just forgiving these loans. Someone else is paying for it. And who is it that's paying for it? The taxpayers. And it's not fair to the taxpayers, to all those who are paying taxes, unless you have a problem, because we're going to have the same problem in another 10 years because they're going to give out another one point seven trillion dollars in loans. So let's fix. Let's not put new tires on the car while all the tax are still out on the road. Let's pick all the tax up and then we'll give everyone new tires. God, I'm good.
Starting point is 00:42:30 That's what I'm getting at. The tax on the road, that was a really nice analogy. Thank you. You know, I wonder, and I don't know anything about this. I'm really curious to research into this because it was something I went through and I would say I was someone who had, um, had a fair amount of support going through this process. But when I went through my student loan applications, there was a lot I didn't know as far as far as my family's passing down financial education was, was very minimal. Um, you know, what sort of access do children have regardless of upbringing, um, economic background in terms of education on how to pick a student loan that's favorable to them,
Starting point is 00:43:06 or that will actually work? Or what is the ROI on taking out a loan and actually going to different colleges? I just, I wonder what other tools there are out there, you know, it's like to help put people in a more advantageous position should they have to take out a loan. When they're, when they're, when they're kids making these decisions. Like my parents did not make this decision for me. And I was very fortunate to be able to pay back my loan and receive a scholarship. And I went to community college for two years. Like I was pushed into some good decisions, but personal responsibility aside, I know
Starting point is 00:43:43 it's not always as easy as like, all right, take accountability for the fact that you made a really stupid financial decision. At the same time, you had no tools to make a good one. Like, how do you, how do you take the tax off the road? I guess is my question. Student loans are, are, are definitely a problem. It's hard, right? And I sympathize with the people, but they did take the money. I'm going to say something here. When my kids were born, I put, I don't know if it's the day they were born, but somewhere in the first five years, I put $10,000 in the bank for each of them. Not in the bank.
Starting point is 00:44:19 I invested it in just your fucking really, really aggressive mutual fund, something like that. I know people are going to DM me and be like, holy fuck, what's the scoop here, Sevan? It's not fucking rocket science. It's idiot investing. And when my kids are 77, that $10,000, if I don't add to it, will be $11 million. So they'll each have $11 million when they're 77 years old. And how that works is that there's a formula that basically every seven years, the money that you invest into an aggressive mutual fund, which is a very safe way to invest your money, it will double. So it goes $10,000, $20,000, $40,000, $80,000, $160,000, $320,000, $640,000. And now you see now it's going to get fun, right? Like the first, the first, you know, 60 years suck. And then all of a sudden shit starts
Starting point is 00:45:11 happening. Right. So when you think about spending money in college and just think about putting money away for your kids for college, maybe you're better off just investing the money and maybe not telling them and doing something else with them. Get them a black belt in jujitsu, teach them to become the world's greatest pottery designer. I don't know. But college is... I would rather know that I have $11 million coming my way in another 20 years than have gone to college. Even though I really enjoyed college, don't get me wrong. But it was mostly because of girls drinking and partying. Yeah. Do you guys think that having a college degree is essential or is it something that you
Starting point is 00:45:53 would push your kids to do? No, absolutely not. I just, I wish there was more information out there about like, I read this article when I was in law school and it was a law professor wrote an article. It was return on investment of law school targeted toward what specific profession in law you wanted to work in, how much money you had to take out as a loan and what tier of school you were going to. If you're going to like this super expensive, prestigious Ivy League school. And it's like, I wish more information like that was available when I was undergrad, high school. It's like, why the hell am I taking a home ec? Like that should be a class, like how to choose a student loan or something like that.
Starting point is 00:46:33 I think that would be really cool. Because that information just doesn't exist. Yeah. It seems like there's like a big piece missing from like educating people when they're young. Like I remember in Australia and in New Zealand, like you kind of do some, or maybe it's not even a class. It's something like the banks come in and talk to you about like opening up a bank account and saving money. And what happens is they, there's something really fucked up about it where they get your details and you start your bank account with them. And then as soon as you turn 18, they will give you a credit
Starting point is 00:47:03 card, like something really just backwards where it's like, they come in on this premise of educating people about using a bank and saving money and all these good things. And then ultimately end up using that to get people into debt. I I've, I've had so much debt to where the credit card companies are calling me nonstop. I made a, I went through, I had saved all this money when I was homeless and then I used it all to, to make a movie, and then I went like $60,000 in debt and credit cards. And it was a fucking crazy five years. Just my phone, just nonstop, right? Just people just – it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:47:35 It's crazy. It was absolutely nuts. I don't know. I guess somehow eventually it went away. Like I paid it off or something. That is fucking wild. Hobart, am I allowed to answer this? guess somehow eventually it went away. Like I paid it off or something. That is fucking wild. Hobart, am I allowed to answer this? Yeah, let's do it. This is a good topic.
Starting point is 00:47:50 I hope someone has some insight for it. It's from Louisville, Kentucky. Hello. Hello, Mr. Louisville. How are you? Doing great. Just got back from jujitsu. Oh, nice. Got my butt handed to me.
Starting point is 00:48:06 You got your what? My butt handed to me several times for 90 minutes. Oh, nice. 90 minutes? Yeah, it's a 90-minute jujitsu class. And a 50-year-old rolling with 20 and 30-year-olds. It's sort of rough. But after experiencing this,
Starting point is 00:48:29 I called in a couple of weeks ago. I was on CrossFit paying for my affiliate going in the morning and just doing CrossFit at home, trying to do Jiu Jitsu. Wow. But after experiencing this and sort of testing my fitness, I was just curious if y'all had watched the Spartan games with Hunter and Sam Briggs. And they had a bunch of different athletes back at the beginning of the year at the Spartan. They actually put them in a pit and they had to wrestle each other out. How would
Starting point is 00:49:05 y'all think that would be in the CrossFit game? I saw it a couple of Friday, two friends, Christian Harris and another buddy of mine, Wad Doc competed at that out at that event. I saw they wrestled. I just, I think the only issue with that in testing general fitness is that if you have somebody who's a specialist wrestler, they could probably be pretty unfit and they would just wreck a lot of the other athletes. I don't know. I get the whole idea of like applying fitness to fighting and trial by combat, which is pretty exciting. But I don't know. I don't think it fits in the games personally.
Starting point is 00:49:46 I mean, could you argue the same thing for something like swimming though yeah i feel like i feel like fit swimming falls into that like crossfit fitness test category like different modality type thing it would be it would be fun mr louisville to what's your name matt matt it would be fun to see colton mertens throw tim paulson like out of a like fucking three feet in the air yeah just yeah choking everybody out just see justin justin madaris just fucking put uh fikowski in a triangle and you know how like they you know like they sit on each other's faces and shit in the ufc they get in those compromising positions and shit it'd be fun to see some of that. That'd be cool. Just disrespecting. I would enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:50:28 It would be fun to watch. It'd be messy. And the girls couldn't do it because everyone knows girls can't fight. They'd be like slapping each other and scratching and shit. It would. It would be messy. Like what girls practice fighting or wrestling unless they do wrestling? And look, Kate's like
Starting point is 00:50:43 supposed to slap me around she's like you're absolutely right do you know what i think that's accurate i wouldn't fucking have any idea how to fight oh man i'd be in big trouble yeah but that's not because you're a girl that's just because you don't know how to fight there are plenty because she's black and black people don't know how to fight everyone knows that they have an unfair advantage because of their skin color hey um you know what's crazy though if you crossfit is kind of like the ufc like that if you look at girls fighting in the ufc 10 like i don't know if they've been fighting for 10 years but whenever they first came in like like dana white said girls would never fight in the ufc and now they fight in the ufc and dude like
Starting point is 00:51:18 this woman shevchenko she might be like she's not just a good fighter she's just one of the greatest martial artists who ever lived and this rose namagunas namahunas she's like a psychic fighter she's like a it's nuts it is nuts but anyway either way sam briggs would win and uh colton mertens i know that wasn't the question but that's those are my hey stevan have you um caught on YouTube a documentary called The Grind? It followed, I thought it would be interesting since your boys are doing jujitsu, and they followed these upstate New York wrestlers that were basically nine years old up to about 12 years old, and they followed them all these different tournaments where they get to the state national level.
Starting point is 00:52:07 And, uh, they spend 30, 40, $50,000 a year traveling around tournaments and investing in specialized, um, lessons and teams. But it,
Starting point is 00:52:19 it was amazing watching those boys. They cried on the mat. If, if they won or they lost, was it's an amazing it's called the grind but it just watching the wrestling it is so tough those kids um no but i'll watch it now i've been i've been like getting so into the daisy fresh guys over at mount vernon but i but i will watch this watch this and the next time my son wins a match, I'm going to yell at him, hey, cry.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Make sure you cry. Just the baseline for any time a match is over, cry. That's all I've got. The coach, he would be an interesting guy to interview. Just his perspective on youth sports and training. They even have the kids cut weight. The parents encourage the kids to cut weight to get to a lower class where they can dominate instead of fighting.
Starting point is 00:53:16 And these kids are 9, 10, 11 years old. Yeah, I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't do that. But the coach makes the parents challenge them to cut weight, 5% of their body weight in one episode. But it was... them do that but the coach makes the parents challenge them to cut weight five percent of their body weight uh in one episode but it was uh wait the coach tells the parents they should cut five percent of their weight with their kids so their kid or tells the kid to go just to teach them a lesson about how hard it is for a kid with low body at the drop five percent of their body or body weight cut that water.
Starting point is 00:53:48 So he, he challenged them because he, he told them like, this is not a great idea. They're going to be burned out before they get to the college level. Dude, it's a stupid idea. You want your kids fucking brawling in the heavyweight classes. That way they fucking when they're older and they do, and they do have the, the, the wherewithal and they can make the decision to cut weight. It's actually easy for them to fight little pinners. mean i i had amanda levy on the podcast that's the you know the up
Starting point is 00:54:11 and coming like super jujitsu queen chick yeah let's do it and you know her dad said she said her dad would go to tournaments and fucking make her fight every weight class she'd like have 13 matches that's crazy i mean that's can you imagine how different hobart would have turned out if his mom did that to him instead she just brought me breakfast in bed every morning that face would be all that pretty face would be all beat up and shit his eyes wouldn't be all some perfectly symmetrical you look like Ricky Garrard. Unnecessary. He just looks like a fighter.
Starting point is 00:54:51 He's a handsome guy, but he looks like a fighter. He looks like a character out of a Western. Come on. You know that's true. Who's the most rugged games athlete looking? It's him. Colton would get rid of that. Thank you for taking my call. I appreciate the show. I've listened to every episode all the way to the end.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Get a life. Thank you. 100 burpees to you, then. All right. Later, Matt. You da man. Bye. That's commitment.
Starting point is 00:55:24 That's a lot of hours. Dude dude the new shows are doing actually really well like they haven't what do you mean actually like well like look that when they're live they do like okay and then they and then a lot of shows will usually beat them in the first 48 hours but these shows like over like a two-week haul they have they have life like people these are the ones that people are like go back and listen to. Dude, the downloads on Spotify this week, I told you guys two weeks ago, it was like 50,000 in a week. This week, I just saw it was 65,000.
Starting point is 00:55:55 I know, it's nuts. Oh, man. I think people think they're going to see you naked, Hobart. You just lower one button every week on that shirt. I can do that. I think I could do a shirtless podcast. That'd be dope. I had Saladino on.
Starting point is 00:56:11 He was shirtless. He's a fucking doctor. He's ripped up, man. Yeah. He probably eats raw liver, huh? Yeah. I think he was on Rogan, and he threw a piece rogan's mouth like just like flicked it in his mouth like he brought like a little tupperware container of it did you see that i'm serious no i didn't see that no i didn't see that i listened to that podcast though because
Starting point is 00:56:35 i i had you know i've received questions about that diet um at level one so i just want to learn more about it i'm so proud of joe rogan so proud of him i never thought i would say that why he's just he's he's um he's just really he's going for it he's done he's just going for it he he he had that confrontation with cnn and with don lemon and sanja gupta and he's just he's just going for it he's like hey, man, he's saying it. I have 10 times the amount of viewers at CNN. And instead of apologizing to me, they're doubling down on their lies.
Starting point is 00:57:13 And he's just fucking ripping Don Lemon. And it's true. They are doubling down on their lies. Instead of just being like, oh, shit, sorry. We lied. We lied about you. They're going after him even harder. I mean, to call, they report the Joe Rogan show as a controversial podcast. Like, dude, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:57:30 I don't mean to take a dig at Rogan, but like, there's nothing controversial about him at all. I don't think. Who's that? What's that other one? It's not InfoWars. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like that guy's like intense. That's a very nice word for it i only know him because i used to listen to stern and stern would like have like do audio clips of him and now stern's lost his mind too in the other direction yeah i saw a video i saw a video just now on instagram and it's this anti-florida video like why it's so bad to live in Florida. But every, but, but the, the funny part is is it's like all the reasons you want to live there.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Alex Jones, someone said. Yeah. All right. Well, I'm proud of you. How come Susan? Thank you. How come Susan is not like just pushing up another article. We were getting deep into some convo there we're
Starting point is 00:58:25 going to talk about hertz the rental card company filed for bankruptcy last may oh yeah during the travel demand what's that haven't they just gone and bought a whole lot of teslas yeah and so um well recently they were bought out by knighthead capital management llc and sarah terrace opportunities llc and apollo management capital management by Nighthead Capital Management, LLC, and Serr Terrace Opportunities, LLC, and Apollo Capital Management. I think all three of these had put in a proposal to fund the rental car's exit from bankruptcy. Plan includes $239 million of cash,
Starting point is 00:58:59 common stock representing 3% of reorganized company shares, and 30-year warranties for 18% of common stock with a strike price based on a total equity value for Hertz of $6.5 billion. They say we look forward to implementing our Chapter 11 plan. I like that bankruptcy can be a plan. I don't know what I like about that, but there's something I like about that. I never filed bankruptcy. I paid my people back. Just saying. I don't know how I feel about bankruptcy, but I'm just saying. They said that they're basically what they're saying. The sentence if you decode it is we look forward to implementing our plan to file bankruptcy, which will substantially
Starting point is 00:59:38 strengthen our financial structure. If that doesn't cause you to like at least do a wikipedia deep dive nothing will um structure by eliminating 79 of our corporate debt said uh c chief executive paul stone yeah i did hear that uh i want to eliminate my mortgage no shit you need to you need to implement a chapter 11 plan what did you say about tesla's they bought a hundred thousand but i think a thousand yeah yeah and so you can rent tesla's now from hertz so the bankrupt company pushed tesla over the trillion dollar valuation maybe yeah to put that in perspective people i think ronald reagan in the 80s was the first president of the united states who passed a trillion dollar one trillion dollar budget for the united states of america and now i think i think there's two companies i think apple and tesla now are the two companies in the world that
Starting point is 01:00:41 are over the trillion dollar valuation so those country companies are i guess a simpleton way of looking at it the way i'm looking at it are are worth as much as the entire united states's fiscal budget was 30 or 40 years ago yeah i think there's a handful of companies countries that don't have a trillion dollar gdp countries oh there's tons oh yeah like the vast majority vast vast vast like i think if you added up greece's new zealand peru romania czech republic portugal and vietnam and egypt they still wouldn't have a trillion those countries put together don't have a gdp worth a trillion dollars if i didn't know any better i would think that you were cheating and looking at something on your computer i did just look yeah damn suza's over there falling asleep so i had to bring it um i'm just kidding buddy no he's not he's gonna change he's gonna change my name to like
Starting point is 01:01:34 i don't know you are in lowercase maybe that's your payback that's what it was all right so this is i think it's a new York Post story. So let's just take it easy. Facebook's own researchers have found that Instagram barrages teen girls who have anorexia and other eating disorders with photos and videos of other afflicted young girls, a practice that experts say has been shown to worsen the disorders. The New York Post has learned. According to an april presentation by facebook executives a team of instagram researchers earlier this year created a test user test user account that followed dieting and thinness obsessed instagram accounts
Starting point is 01:02:15 i didn't even know this was a thing on instagram yeah of of all the things you can uh censor on instagram i'm not going to go ahead and get into it. As well as hashtags like hashtag skinny and hashtag thin. Instagram's algorithm then recommended more eating disorder related content, which makes sense because that's what algorithms do, including images of distressingly thin female bodies and accounts with names like skin and bones, as well as apple core anorexic and skinny underscore binge. According to a disturbing internal study obtained by the post. Again,
Starting point is 01:02:49 this is from the New York post. So maybe do your own Google search. Instagram. Jobs. Dot. Com. Sorry. There you go.
Starting point is 01:02:59 It's catchy. What was the way I want to, I want to Google something for you gone. What was the, what was that one tag? Apple core. No, don't do that. Apple apple core i'm just curious if that's a term apple core skinny apple core apple core anorexic the instagram study which shows that facebook was aware of this issue months before blumenthal's experiment was revealed in disclosures made to
Starting point is 01:03:22 the securities and exchange commission and provided to Congress in a redacted form by Facebook whistleblower Francis Hogan's Legal Council. A consortium of news organizations, including The Post, has obtained the redacted versions received by Congress. Facebook did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The company's official content rules, which it has struggled to enforce banned content that promotes encourages or glorifies eating disorders, but allows users to share stories about recovering from such conditions. I'm against all of it. I'm against all,
Starting point is 01:03:57 all the sense. It's just not new. Like that should spend there for a long time. It was there like before Instagram, it was in Tumblr. It was in Pinterest. Like women have been able to find other photos of other woman's bodies and compare themselves to it for a long time it was there like before instagram it was in tumblr it was in pinterest like women have been able to find other photos of other women's bodies and compare themselves to it for a long time it was in magazines before it was on the internet like i just don't know how
Starting point is 01:04:11 this is news but it's shit that they're only just going like oh maybe this is a problem well kate i did get it from the new york post it's just sorry it's it's more just virtue signaling just let just let it be just fucking let it be dude fuck just let it be it is also like you said like it is how the algorithms are designed to work like yeah it's it's fucked up but it's also like i don't know how we police people's behavior if we don't censor them on the internet though um like so if i like i follow a couple reptile accounts and like is your explore page just little reptiles just like people who are like into reptiles like snakes and lizards and monitors and you got to get on that you got to get on the bugs one the bug the bug pet people are incredible oh yeah you guys follow nature is metal yeah oh fuck yeah i've
Starting point is 01:05:07 unfollowed that man you guys follow it it's too much for me i i just like you think that's too much definitely do not follow badass mother birther because that shit will fuck you up it's it's women having babies i've seen so many births. It's just wild. That's cool. It's fucking cool, but it's insane. It is kind of mind-boggling. It's okay for us. We're dudes. We don't have to do it.
Starting point is 01:05:33 It's probably not. Oh, I'm 100%. My partner, when I'm about to have a kid, I'm going to be like, babe, you have to watch one of these videos every single fucking day. I don't care. Badass. What is it? Mother birther.
Starting point is 01:05:50 day i don't care badass what is it mother birther i'm having um the woman from birth fit um ah yeah lindsey she's awesome yeah i'm kind of excited someone suggested someone suggested okay i'm following badass mother brother so you can show that you can just show just a badge with the crowning head coming out yeah pretty much like you boobed like all the things just out and they put up like a sensitive blurred screen. And it's like, this video has been like, it's marked as sensitive. If you want to watch it,
Starting point is 01:06:15 you have to press the little button view video. So you can't just like see it everywhere. Wow. This is incredible right now, but I don't understand why there is so much hate against breastfeeding in public. There's not. It's weird, right? There's none.
Starting point is 01:06:30 There's zero. There's none? Okay. No, that's just a rumor. There's none. Kate, tell me I'm wrong. I hope there's none. I haven't breastfed in public yet.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Me neither. I'll let you guys know. Dude, that's more just like – When I see stories like that, though, I just – There's one person. There's one old dude who thought he was gay and got an erection watching a woman breastfeed, and so he got upset and wrote a letter to The Washington Times, New York Times. And that's – I don't know. It's just nonsense.
Starting point is 01:07:01 I refuse to believe that anyone actually gives a shit. I think it happens. People are like that. I would not be surprised at all if somebody was like, I'm going to be offended by that, regardless of the fact that they were probably breastfed as a child. Oh, so it's so awesome. It needs to be done. You should only be allowed to breastfeed in public. Sorry, James.
Starting point is 01:07:20 There you go. We just love to sexualize fucking everything, right? Savon, what do you think about one African? Yeah, there's that too. That's just, we, we just love to sexualize fucking everything. Right. Savon, what do you think about one? That's a, that's a, yeah. Breastfed three kids over seven years, never been shamed in public, but I do think it happens. No, um, I, my, my wife breastfed all of our kids in public and she didn't even like Dawn. Like she didn't even like some women like cover it up. My wife didn't even cover it up.
Starting point is 01:07:44 And, and, and I w I was with, uh, I hung out with Greg's wife or Glassman's wife all the time when she had like three or four kids, she'd just pull her tit out anywhere, like anywhere. Do you think it's because, and when the kids stopped breastfeeding, like a lot of women just like tuck it away real quick, Maggie's leave that shit out for a little while. So everyone could like look at it. And I did. And I did the people who flip out about it do you think it's because like they have some really bizarre like oedipal complex and oedipal complex and then like they see someone breastfeeding in public and they they relive some like childhood traumatic sexual obsession with their mother and they just get mad at their own feelings so they just take it out on the poor woman breastfeeding or am i reading into that too much it's all that yes
Starting point is 01:08:23 fucking nailed it all that all right just solve that moving much it's all that yes i nailed it all that all right just solve that moving on it's the same thing it's the same thing with people who hate it's the same thing with people who hate gay people though they want nothing more with but a giant cock in their mouth it's the same thing like anytime someone has four fingers one finger pointed there's four back at them pull up that barbells i need that right now it's just it's just like do you hate like what are you doing this is a woman like well like what do you do like this is like the most beautiful thing that we have in the world is men leave them the fuck alone let them do it it's got to be people that don't have kids right i don't i don't know maybe it's not really a thing i've just like like, I've, I've heard about it and you know,
Starting point is 01:09:05 like I was sitting next to a crossing the aisle from a woman on a plane, I don't know, in the last couple of months and she started breastfeeding and I looked over and I was like, Oh, she's breastfeeding. I get, which wasn't no one really said anything though, but I don't see why it would be a big deal. Cause I think it happened for a lot of people. Can I read this one? There it is. Thank you. All right. Typing that in right now.
Starting point is 01:09:29 Sevan, what do you think about one African cricketer not taking a knee to support BLM before the match and then the management asked the player not to play? I'm going to read into that. And then when you say an African cricketer, you mean someone who is melanated, meaning they have dark skin, not that they're from the continent of Africa necessarily. And it's interesting because
Starting point is 01:09:45 BLM is supposed to stand for black lives matter, but this guy's fucking life doesn't matter. And his opinion doesn't matter unless he toes the line. It's just, it's a blatant show of the fucking hypocrisy. You either do what the black man is supposed to do, or you're just a white man in blackface. I mean, that's basically what they're telling them. It's nuts. It's more that BLM is the essence of systemic racism. Okay. Thank you for the question. Ooh.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Ooh. Is that a real name? That can't be a real name. Apoorv Gangwa. Apoorv? Apoorv? Apoorv Gangwa. Dude, that's a strong last name.
Starting point is 01:10:24 Gang war? Holy shit. Susan wants to push this story right now yeah houston versus atlanta i really want to do another podcast like um anyway just never mind sorry on what kona finish your thought like like like want, like there's this fighter, James Krause. I was thinking like I should have a fighting podcast where like once a week I review all the fights with him. He's like an amazing fighter. Or like, you know, this, this rapper I had on, Lika Veli. I just would like to like discuss like all of like just race with him once a week.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Like we just pull up news articles and me and him fight it out. Like, or we agree. I just want to do more. Like we just pull up news articles and me and him fight it out. Like, or we agree. I just want to do more. Just, but I,
Starting point is 01:11:06 but I mean, you guys are quite fulfilling for me. Just, just so you know, as I brought it up, I didn't want you guys to like take that and internalize it and think that it was you guys stimulate, you guys arouse me to want to do more is what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:11:19 That's good. Like that spin, Susie. It's like that spin. All right. Like that spin, Susie. It's like that spin. All right. So, uh, game one of the world series should be happening right now.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Um, what's this guy, the head of the baseball, not what's his name? The commissioner. Good Lord. The commissioner of baseball, um,
Starting point is 01:11:40 Manfred is seen as a villain, uh, over his handling of the sign stealing scandal that tarnished the Astros, who are in the World Series title in 2017, and stained their players' legacies. I'm going to say supposedly here because I don't follow baseball, so all the baseball Astros haters or fans, be easy on me. The Astros cheating scandal began early in 2017 according to the investigation report from major league baseball houston employees in the video romu's game feed from the center field camera to decode and relay the signs of opposing teams to any astros base runners on second base the means of relaying the signs often varied what i've also read about this a little bit is that a lot of other teams do this as well um but like um ricky gerard the astros were the ones that just got caught many fans here believed manfred the commissioner
Starting point is 01:12:33 for the mlb scapegoated the astros for committing a crime that was widespread at the time and unfair the other city that's uh where this is being held the at Atlanta Braves, in Atlanta, where Manfred sparked a political firestorm earlier this year by pulling the All-Star game in response to Georgia's new voting law. The move, which the Atlanta Braves, the baseball team, publicly opposed, enraged some state officials and alienated a portion of the fans who are now celebrating even more important games coming to town. of the fans who are now celebrating even more important games coming to town. The Georgia voting law, in case you're curious, was a law that made significant changes to the way the state will run elections moving forward. It expands early voting access for some voters, adds an ID requirement for absentee voting, codifies the use of drop boxes with strict rules on how they can be used and set new rules for state and local election officials. Texas, also where the World Series will be held when they're playing in Houston,
Starting point is 01:13:33 recently passed a measure that effectively bans abortion after six weeks of pregnancy, one that the Supreme Court will weigh in on on November 1st, one day before game six will be played in Houston. So it will be interesting to see if Manfred, the commissioner of the MLB who decided to yank the all-star game from Atlanta over the Georgia voting law, will also not let it be played in
Starting point is 01:13:56 not let the World Series be played in Houston where Texas recently passed this abortion law. So glad I'm not the commissioner of baseball. Dude, what a mess. Mess. What?
Starting point is 01:14:13 I mean, I know people like baseball, but like I wouldn't care if like baseball went away. It does nothing for me. That actually might be the one comment that gets us canceled right there. Yeah. I think that would make so many people angry sorry i just think it's a waste i just
Starting point is 01:14:28 i just i mean i used to go to baseball games just and i went probably been there like 100 baseball games and we used to always sit in the bleachers and eat peanuts and i would just go with my friends and i couldn't ricky henderson jose can say go like, okay. You got to go to a baseball game with someone who played and played it relatively well. I felt the same way. And then I went, because I was a terrible baseball player growing up, never really chased the sport after grade school. And I went with Dave Lipson once,
Starting point is 01:14:57 and he played some minor league ball for a while. And listening to him talk about the game and explain the game and why certain things were happening was like super insightful and cool. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio exclusively on fan duel casino where winning is undefeated 19 plus and physically located in ontario gambling problem call 1-866-531-2600 or visit please play responsibly but did he is dave libson jewish
Starting point is 01:15:41 yeah i think his father and his sister are rabbis. Oh, shit. Because I was thinking that, I think I remember being with him in Tahoe and him saying, telling me about the first Jewish, maybe it was Sandy Koufax, the first Jewish baseball pitcher, player. I don't know. But yeah, he was really into it. I can't see him, but man, he's huge. He's huge now, Dave Lipson. I think Dave pitched, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:07 He's like a mountain now. Yeah, he's jacked. Yeah. Do you remember when he did that thing where he— He gets off from the liver he's eating? Is that all liver? I don't think he does liver. Does Lipson do liver?
Starting point is 01:16:18 I don't know. Do you remember that thing he was doing when that girl died? The, the pretty redheaded girl with the guns in, in her honor, he raised money and did a back squat, like 500 pounds every day for a year. And, um, gosh, I'm sorry. I can't remember her last name, but she had a, yeah, they should, the pistol, she was a games athlete. And that's why they did Amanda that workout the following year, nine, seven, five muscle ups.
Starting point is 01:16:41 That's right. That's right. I'm sorry. I can't remember her name, but... It is Amanda. Oh, man. Do you know about the founder of Planned Parenthood? Oh, boy.
Starting point is 01:16:57 Do you know about the founder of Planned Parenthood, Kate? Do you know what Planned Parenthood is, Kate? Yeah, yeah. I'm kind of familiar. Who, me? Yeah, what is this coming why are we talking about this uh because yeah we we were talking about abortion gotcha and and this this is a fucking scary this is this is some scary shit so i'm not going to go into too much detail but but like as being raised as a democrat like
Starting point is 01:17:26 you're a democrat you think it's cool and you think that you're all peace and love and it's all about accepting people and all shit and then you look into the history of democrats and you you realize how fucked up democrats really are like really fucked up like the entire history of them is fucked up like abraham lincoln was a republican for a reason and so when you're when you're a kid and you're a democrat or your parents are you ask that you're like well why did democrats want to keep the slaves and they go oh well the parties have switched positions it used to be the republicans that were the good guys and now it's the democrats anyway but as you look into it more and more even in this century that the democrats were against um uh civil rights for blacks they were totally
Starting point is 01:18:02 against all the civil rights and everything do you you know about all that stuff, James? They tried to filibuster it and vote against it and all that shit. Actually, my question is, are you talking about Margaret Sanger? Yes. Yes. And so Planned Parenthood, which is sort of this bastion of compassion and hope that the Democrats get behind because it gives women, you know, free medical care and helps them with their pregnancies and does abortions and all this stuff. When you look into their history and see what they're really about and her relationship with eugenics and the and this isn't conspiracy shit, you can just go and just look into it and basically there's this there's this stat out there and anyone can look at it you can go to the i think it's on the cdc website that basically for every thousand black children melanated kids that are born kids that are born with black skin 500 are aborted and that was there's documentation that that was her plan and that is and i and i am pro-choice as a motherfucker but um that this people should look into the history that it is some very very unsettling stuff and once again
Starting point is 01:19:17 it falls right square on the democrats lap and i just i just don't know i know it's hard like you don't have to be a republican you don't have to like trump but you don't know. I know it's hard. You don't have to be a Republican. You don't have to like Trump, but you don't have to fucking be on the fucking Nazi bandwagon either. Yeah, I don't know much about Margaret Sanger. It's not good. I had a relative who has researched American eugenics pretty thoroughly. And if anybody wants to take a deep dive and understand that evil still can exist in, in. I don't believe in evil.
Starting point is 01:19:46 Functional democracies. The American eugenics movement was, is out of control. Yeah. Was wild. You know, stuff. Kate's like, all right. I like being locked down in Australia.
Starting point is 01:19:59 Yeehaw. King Fisher. I like it. King Fisher. Is that your national bird, the Kingfisher? No. Don't ask me questions about Australia. The national bird of New Zealand is the Kiwi bird.
Starting point is 01:20:16 Oh. Kingfisher is one of the most beautiful birds alive. It's happening in the pond near my house. You have a Kingfisher in your hood? Near where I grew up? Yeah, not here in Denver, no. But we do have a lot of raptors tons of red-tailed hawks yeah we got tons of reptile house are those raptors those are considered raptors red-tailed hawks pretty sure i have more than you i have more than you give me here we have we have uh bald eagles around here too it's very cool that is a hell of a bird australia way to go what is this white eared bull bull
Starting point is 01:20:45 bahrain i don't even think bahrain has birds okay go that's another uh great book little recommendation of the week the genius of birds if you want to really learn about um bird intelligence and if you don't have a social life like me okay i am when people recommend books i immediately feel envy that was one of my favorite books i've ever i've ever read it just it because it dives into a lot of um i'm just not not psychology but they talk about how they met how you measure intelligence accurately and a lot of the controversy around that both measuring intelligence in human beings as well as other animals um but it just there's
Starting point is 01:21:30 really wonderful examples about problem solving skills of birds and there was this one bird they talk about i think it was called i want to say an african drongo but basically these one birds these types of birds would feed on the ground and there was another bird species of bird that would sit in the tree and it would mimic the like alarm call for the birds that would eat on the ground and so they would think there was a predator around and they would all fly away and then this bird who would mimic the alarm call would come on the ground and eat all their food i was like that's such i just that's such a brilliant, I'd be like, you know, don't do this, like running into a restaurant and I don't know, being like, I don't want to say yell fire. Cause you can't do
Starting point is 01:22:11 that shit. Yeah. But then everyone leaves and you're just sitting down eating unlimited bread sticks and sirloin sticks. Dude, it's brilliant. Oh man. There's this book called The Secret Life of Plants. I like that. Yeah. Is that Michael Pollan? No, no, no. This is way before Michael Pollan. I think this shit's like, this shit's old.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Oh, okay. But there's a section in their chapter in there about a guy who puts hooks up a lie detector to semen sperm like a load and uh yeah who is it 1973 peter tompkins and christopher bird oh dude it's an incredible but basically so they hook this lie detector up to some semen i don't know how they do it i just imagine like they drop the wires and just like a little petri dish of a load and they have and they basically have dudes like walk through the room and it's like like 10 dudes right and and when the dude who the load belongs to walks through the room the needles go and there's all sorts of shit like that in the book it's really cool it's really cool it makes you think rethink the interconnectedness that um you sure it's not just about like improperly conducted
Starting point is 01:23:32 experiments interconnected it's part of the replication crisis for interconnectedness you should read the cosmic serpent but that reminds me of this book called that is the chapter that's what it's called the cosmic serpent it's about taking the load cosmic semen um that there's this great book called what if and it um i forget i think it's a mathematician or some sort of science teacher but he receives all these questions like what if a raindrop the size of topeka you know hits k Kansas, what would happen? Or what if a baseball pitcher pitched a ball at light speed and he kind of tries to map out what would occur with all these just insane, you know, science related questions. Anyway, it's great. They do the same thing. And so eventually that's how the book starts is about the semen, but basically somehow he loses
Starting point is 01:24:19 funding for that research. So he switches it to plants somehow. And they, and they, and so one of the things they do is they hook this lie detector up to a uh uh what's the lie detector machine called i want to sound smart what it's called like polygraph a polygraph they hook this polygraph up to a plant and then so so basically a guy lights the plant on fire like one of the leaves of the plant on fire right and and uh i thought you're gonna say he ejaculated on it. No, don't be gross. Oh, this is science. That was Louis CK who did that. Right. And how is that, that we just know in our mind, just social figures that are just, um, uh, attached to just public ejaculation. Well, not only in our minds, like I literally
Starting point is 01:25:02 have a visual of it in my head. It's not even like I know that sentence as a fact. Crazy. Hey, you can buy that polygraph. Are you kidding me? And you can also buy sirloin steaks at Walmart, America. Are you kidding me? Let's get that. Hey, can we order that?
Starting point is 01:25:17 Can we put that on the, can we put that on the Savant Podcast company card? Wow. I'm about, I got a business number or something suze is like making me like do some stuff hey so so so they light the leaf of the plant on fire and then they hook the polygraph up to the plant and then they parade the dude like 10 dudes in and when the dude who lit the plant on fire comes in the the the polygraph gets all weird like the plant knows hey this motherfucker that's the motherfucker who did it put tdc on the poly dude someone dm me today and it's like i know that crossfit protects people um they're stars who do steroids i we
Starting point is 01:25:59 stopped you fucking morons do you know that that like I worked there like I was everywhere. I was everywhere. No one knew more than me. I was everywhere. I slept in everyone's bed. I crept in everyone's fucking pantry. There's none of that shit going on, you fucking knuckleheads. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Go ahead, Hobart. I don't know. I just don't think that's the case. But everybody's like, you're biased. You've worked. I mean, I. What do you mean you don't think that's the case? I just don't think that's the case. I guarantee you spent so much time with rich that you got rich semen on you you know what i mean like he masturbated in the morning and didn't wash his hands thoroughly
Starting point is 01:26:32 and then you guys shared a barbell and then some got on you i mean that's how close you were to him and you're telling me that you don't think shut the fuck up you know i mean you either know did rich do steroids in front of you hobartart? No, never. I thought you were going to ask me if he masturbated. Also, I'll tell you a masturbation Rich story too. So early on, early on, like I was interviewing Rich one time after he won the games. And I said, hey, any like weird proposals like have come to you? And he said, yeah, one, someone contacted me and wanted me to um jack off on a gay porn site like i didn't have to do it with anyone else i just had to masturbate on camera
Starting point is 01:27:10 no he didn't do it come on man uh who was it that got on put on porn hub um danny spiegel she had a video put up of her like riding a bike somebody filmed her and it was on porn hub just like wow kate how did you find that oh i was on porn hub no she shared it on her instagram i was not specifically looking and then i went to porn you guys can't see suza can you guys see suza no can't uh he laughs so hard sometimes hey um is she happy about that like is she commented on that i don't i don't know what her response was what she did about it but i i think it was like she hadn't obviously she didn't know about it so someone had filmed her and put it up on the internet and i think that's probably the
Starting point is 01:27:54 weird bit otherwise she's like fuck like where's my money like paul k said i mean she's thick which reminds me with three c's damn i had uh i had brooke entz on on the crossfit podcast and when and when i had her on like the day before i had her on i was listening to this nikki minaj song and it's her doing like a it's more than a duet it's her lil wayne drake and um chris brown and um they're they're basically talking about how they want to take her out and fuck her and she's like basically like telling them like if she will or if she won't but basically drake explains to her in the song he has this lyric it says i like my girl so thick that when they walk into a room they make everyone uncomfortable and i was like wow that's brook and i read that to her i was like because
Starting point is 01:28:45 like she's so fucking she was she's so fucking hot but she's so fucking like big and thick that it's it's not her fault it's everyone else's uncomfortable as shit when she walks in the room you know and uh and she really liked that and then she you know like a year late i but i wasn't sure how she took it like you know like was she gonna be woke motherfucker and be like all offended by it even though i meant it as a compliment or just as an observation and then she reposted it like it was like an astute observation so anyway did you just give yourself a compliment yeah that someone has to you said you're having storms savon were. There was supposed to be some massive storm that was supposed to dump four inches of rain. But I know that four is a one-third of 12 inches, and we didn't get four inches.
Starting point is 01:29:35 Well, that's because a record-setting bomb cyclone wreaked havoc across the western states over the weekend. It's far from finished, unleashing hazards while moving across the United States. weekend is far from finished unleashing hazards while moving across the United States. As the storm shifts eastward across the central and southern U.S., severe weather could erupt across a dozen states over a three-day period, putting approximately 30 million people at risk. It's like, what, 10% of the U.S.? It's a lot. A bomb cyclone, I think, occurs when a counterclockwise, I don't even know why that matters, but I'd love to know, a counterclockwise moving cyclone drops or undergoes a large drop in pressure, barometric pressure over a short period of time. In Northern California, the storm is forecast to provide two to four inches of rain and gusts of 30 to 40 miles an hour on Sunday. That's why it blew your passion fruit all over
Starting point is 01:30:22 the yard. Snow levels will drop Sunday night into Monday, allowing for one to three feet of snow above 6,000 feet in elevation. Winds off the west coast of Oregon will gust 70 to 90 miles an hour, as strong as a category one hurricane. In turn, the winds will create offshore waves of 40 to 50 feet in the Pacific. This will cause shipping disruptions, rough surf and beach erosion along the Pacific Northwest coastline. Waves are expected to be 10 to 20 feet high. Later Tuesday night, as the storms move eastward and organize into, I feel like I have a different weather story voice, organize into a solid line from central and eastern Nebraska to central Texas.
Starting point is 01:30:59 The main threats from the storms will be strong wind, gusts, heavy rain, flash flooding. Cities that can be hit hard by late night storms include Top strong wind, gusts, heavy rain, flash flooding. Cities that can be hit hard by late night storms include Topeka and Wichita, Kansas. Cities at risk for further severe thunderstorms and flash flooding on Wednesday include Houston, Port Arthur in Texas, New Orleans, Lake Charles, and Monroe in Louisiana. In the wake of severe weather, high winds with a storm max of 70, that's a trademark, whatever the hell storm max is, of 70 miles an hour
Starting point is 01:31:29 are expected to howl across the eastern slope of the Rockies to the central and southern plains Wednesday into Thursday. Roger that. Next story. No, I want to talk. Is this another ad?
Starting point is 01:31:40 I want to say something about that. Grapefruit. Your news reading voice,ames is nice thank you yeah can you always stay in that mode yeah it was supposed to be a huge storm here like but it wasn't but what is a cyclone james i thought i thought um i thought a cyclone was just a tornado that was in the ocean no i don't even think it has to be in the ocean and i think i don't think it has i think a tornado has to touch down i think the cyclone can just be the movement this is really just the movement of the wind current in the atmosphere let's look i could be wrong so you you just sound like a weatherman but you don't know well i read a little bit about bomb cyclones but there are some terminology
Starting point is 01:32:31 with that stuff yeah large-scale air mass that rotates around strong center of low atmospheric pressure that's what i just said and it's counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere just like the way the toilets flush gotcha savon and that was going to be my next thing is that like i don't understand that whole counterclockwise clockwise shit but supposedly that's like you know the difference between us and australia when we flush our toilet it goes one way when they flush it goes the other way um if any time there ever if there ever was a time for a call-in it would be right now with someone who's a meteorologist and could tell us about this anyway it's it's always a fucking lie we don't have any um there's don't anyone worry it's just rain i think someone's
Starting point is 01:33:23 california plus rain like the apocalypse yeah Yeah. I mean, just like politicians. Meteorology is a profession where you can be completely wrong and still keep your job and in some cases get promoted. I don't think meteorology is any more scientific than astrology. I don't know. I don't want to insult meteorologists. I don't know any. They seem great, but politicians, I certainly mean to insult. So let's talk about some rich guy advice from Warren Buffet. God, I used to love a buffet as a kid. Old country buffet was in the chain near where I grew up. It was the best. I just love going to buffet restaurants nowadays. Like I do they exist? Dude, the entire South. That's why those fuckers are so big i'm not joking we have them here i don't i wouldn't even know a restaurant here that is no pretty
Starting point is 01:34:10 soon you won't even have restaurants they'll just they're just gonna throw gruel through a hole in your windows and i'll start oh is that too much? Oh, shit. Fair. All right. One researcher did a sentiment analysis of the text of Warren Buffett's letters to shareholders from 1977 to 2016. In a nutshell, the researcher found out or wanted to find out how positive or negative Warren Buffett's letters had been comparing the number of negative words with the number of positive words. The analysis discovered that overall, Buffett's letters have been largely optimistic, with positive words far outnumbering the negative ones. Only five letters show negative net sentiment scores due to major negative economic events such as 1987's Black Monday market crash,
Starting point is 01:35:05 the Great Recession, and the Great Recession of 2008. Warren Buffett, if you didn't know, is currently ranked among the top 10 richest billionaires in the world, which begs the question, is his optimism linked to being filthy rich? Hardly, says the article. His positive outlook on life comes by choice, regardless of his stunning wealth.
Starting point is 01:35:25 Some tips to improve your own optimism. One, improve people's lives. In another previous Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation annual letter, Bill Gates states, being an optimist isn't about knowing that life used to be worse. It's about knowing how life can get better. And that's what really fuels your optimism. In their example, that explains a lot right there. Can I, can I jump in and say something? Yeah, that's what I wanted. I was waiting. Another previous bill, Melinda Gates foundation, annual letter, Bill Gates, being an optimist, isn't about knowing that life used to be worse. It's about knowing how life can get better he that explains everything that's wrong with the united states right now i and the world i'm all for making things better i am all for making things better but to forget
Starting point is 01:36:20 that 10 years ago there wasn't fucking like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, that homeless people didn't have iPhones. To forget that there wasn't 50 years ago an abundance of food for fucking everyone. For everyone to complain about the discrepancy of wealth between the richest and poorest is growing without putting it in context that the poor have never, ever been richer, not even close, is pouring gasoline on the wrong fire. Like you have to take inventory of the totality of civilization and how we're coming along together and how things work and the ebb and flow. But – yeah. How many times have you read Sapiens? I don't even know what that is. Okay.
Starting point is 01:37:16 That's just – anyway, I should read that. It's just so easy for him to say. It's so easy for him to say that. I don't know if that's his guilty conscience saying that or whatnot and i and i don't want to argue that everything in humanity can't be better because it always can be better but there's just so there's no we should be so freaking thankful right now it is so awesome and instead we have like we have people everyone i know who's miserable okay off the top of my, everyone that I can think of who's miserable, it's their fault. I can't think of like in my life the people I know.
Starting point is 01:37:57 And the happy people, guess what? It's their fault too. So there's that. Okay, go. Sorry, Bill Gates. I think that might oversimplify a complicated set of circumstances. If you're a politician. I somewhat agree with you.
Starting point is 01:38:20 But since you brought it up, number one, some other tips to be optimistic. Journal about your positive experiences. Psychologist and bestselling author Sean Acker told Oprah that you should journal. If you spend two minutes daily journaling about one positive experience in the past 24 hours, I do actually think there's something to these gratitude practices. Anyway, experience the past 24 hours. What do you mean by that? What do you mean by that? I, I, so when I was, I think I might've been in high school. Um, and I was just, you know, being a grouchy turd high schooler. And I think my, my mom had me do this practice where I would wake up in the morning and I would write down one thing I was grateful for on a three by five card. And I had to
Starting point is 01:39:03 do it. She told me I had to do it for 30 days. And she probably told me something like, if you don't do it, you can't live here. Wow. That's something my mom would say to me too. But it was cool because, you know, for the first 17 days, I thought it was very stupid. And toward the end of it, I definitely felt like I had a more positive outlook. I had a much better inventory of the things that I was actually grateful for and were meaningful to me. It was a really cool practice, like just even spending that, whatever it took, 60 seconds, two minutes, 30 seconds to write down one thing that was really important and I was grateful for in my life. You quickly learn all
Starting point is 01:39:38 the things you have to be grateful for. And if you don't have things to be grateful for, you'll quickly learn that too. Number three, learn to be grateful. Wait, wait, wait. I have a question. Do you think that, I'm guessing the mechanism of that is, is it's, it's, it puts you on the right path in the morning. It doesn't really mean it puts you in the right. I think it puts you on the right path for like the day because you stop looking for the shit parts of the day and you start having to pay attention to the good things because you're going to have to write it down at some point.
Starting point is 01:40:10 So it's just really an exercise of like, hey, you have to take in a critical assessment of everything that happens in the day and observe what things are you grateful for and what things are you not grateful for. And then the things that you are grateful for, you're going to write about it. There's a really cool journal called the five minute journal. And it's essentially that where at the beginning of the day, you spend a couple minutes and at the end of the night, you spend a couple minutes and there's prompts in it. So it asks you three things that you're grateful for. It asks you one thing that you want to accomplish for the day and then an affirmation for the day. And at the end of the day, it asks what, what does it ask you at the end of the day? Something along the lines of like, what things did you accomplish? And then what's one thing that you would have done differently? And it's the same thing. It's just like a gratitude
Starting point is 01:40:53 practice where it's like, rather than just talking about, Hey, like be more grateful. It's like, you actually put that into practice and you have to start taking in the day and looking at what's, what's, what's the good stuff and what's the bad stuff. What do you think about people who make lists for shit for you to do? Like, did your mom ever like paste chores up on the, you see Sousa, I'm coming after you. Just wait. I'm loading Sousa up here. Did your mom used to put chores up on your refrigerator? Yeah. And we used to have this little chore calendar and we'd mark something off and I'd get some sort of allowance for it. And I remember one time I, my parents thought they tricked me into doing chores because I wanted to get a bike. So do chores, get paid, get the bike.
Starting point is 01:41:30 And I think I got like halfway through the month. And I remember my mom told me this story. She said, you looked at me and you just said, screw it. Forget the bike. It's not worth it. And I just stopped doing chores. And your parents probably spin that later. It's like, oh, you were so strong-willedilled it was nice to see you make a decision for yourself no that's not that's not how she spends it
Starting point is 01:41:50 susan has susan made me uh sent me a text the other day and it's like this list of shit that i have to do that i really do have to do it's like and it's like and not only that but it's like broken down in categories it's like shit to get like the sevan podcast figured out and like then shit i have to do with like i i don't even know i to be honest i couldn't even look at it because i fucking had a panic attack i felt like i was like 12 years old again and i came home like when i come home from school and the chores would be on the fridge i was like motherfucker my old house made it that to me i felt so bad so i was uh traveling in and out doing seminars most weekends. And like, I'm not a crazy messy person, but like, I won't pick up on like household chores all the time and always remember.
Starting point is 01:42:31 And just being in and out, I was like, I'm fucking, I'm not really here anyway. And anyway, I came home one day and she had just written up on this like magnet, like whiteboard on the fridge, the list of chores and who does them on which weeks. And we had to check it off every week i felt like i actually felt really bad but i also was like man just like let's have a conversation about it but i have to say it kind of resolved the whole thing because it was like i knew exactly when i needed to do the mopping or the vacuum cleaning or dusting the house whatever the fuck it was suza's was more like the stuff suza gave me was more like hey brush your teeth put socks on it was like shit that like has to be done too it was like fuck do you have a pile of papers anywhere that's like your pile of papers it like has like
Starting point is 01:43:16 it's like stuff you just don't want to deal with it's like on your desk oh yeah what the fuck is with that thing that thing's like behind my computer now on the other side used to be like next to me but i'm like trying to get organized i moved a pile of unorganized shit just behind my monitor it's like dude just get on there and pay your registration or dude just like go stick the sticker on your car or just like you know it's like fuck step three learn to be grateful okay science says oh i i have a phrase for you uh it's not happy people who are thankful it's oh fuck i fucked it up yes thankful uh no hang on are you with me are you with me yes yes yes but i want to hear you say
Starting point is 01:43:59 it i don't know i just saw it for the first time like a month ago. I was like, damn, that's some good shit. It's not happy people who are thankful. It's thankful people who are happy. Yes. Which, hey, replace thankful with grateful. Yes. Great. There you go. I can skip number three.
Starting point is 01:44:14 Number four, choose to be happy. Here you go, Siobhan. Happiness comes down to choice. And making that choice has long-term psychological benefits brian brian research by dr wataru seto of coyote coyote coyote university found that when you choose positive behaviors like forgiveness you hold the key to rewriting your brain by changing your daily habits you'll be able to control your sense of well-being purpose purpose, and happiness. If you're caught in a vicious circle of negative emotions like doubt, fear, and uncertainty, replace those emotions by consciously and intentionally deleting your
Starting point is 01:44:53 Instagram account, choosing optimism like joy, faith, and hope, exercising regularly, and eating raw liver. Use the tools of meditation, prayer, journaling, and mindfulness to aid in the process. Check in with close friends and family after two weeks and ask that would not make me happier. I'm just kidding. Check with close friends and family after two weeks and ask if they have noticed a difference. I would wager a small bet that they have the opinions expressed here by
Starting point is 01:45:21 Columnists are their own, not those of Hey, so, so if you pre, if if you ejaculate prematurely, like put the condom on, stick it in, and ejaculate right away, you just whisper right into your girl's ear, you can choose happiness through forgiveness. And then just get up and go watch TV, and you're good. I mean, it's such horse shit. How did you pick that article? How proud are you of that joke
Starting point is 01:45:50 that you just came up with? I'm pretty happy with it. I'm pretty happy with it. I get what they're trying to say. It's just once again, I watched season 15 of of the bachelor because i'm having the the uh one of the contestants on on okay just real quick yes you can't take
Starting point is 01:46:12 massive dumps on my article and then follow it up with i'm watching season 15 of the bachelor i'm gonna take you seriously have you seen that show no uh actually that's a lie i have watched one season it is it is extremely unhealthy to watch that show do not watch that show it is horrible it is so sad it is not surprised i can't see how that show would be bad for you emotionally or psychologically dude porn hub is pornography is better than the bachelor a I a hundred percent, thousand times percent less. It's, it's more moral.
Starting point is 01:46:48 It's more, it has more integrity. It's more honest. Porn is like, like this show has no integrity, no morals, no ethics. It's just all deceit.
Starting point is 01:46:56 But anyway, the, you, the contestants and everyone, every word they use has just no meaning to me. It's like by the grace of God, by grace, by love. It's just all these fucking vapid words. Charm.
Starting point is 01:47:10 I mean, it's just it's such fucking. It's the worst kind of communication. It's basically when you say words that don't mean anything and you force someone else to go into their head and give the word a definition. And it's like, hey, just say what you mean. What do you mean by the grace of God? Show me fucking God and what grace is. Or my heart. My heart and your heart are connected.
Starting point is 01:47:36 Fucking I don't even have a heart that connects to anything except like the vasovasorum or whatever. Can we just rewind real quick to about 15 minutes ago when savannah was saying that uh the uh lie detector stuck in the pile of semen signified some larger you know this ethereal connection between all beings on planet earth cosmic serpent so don't tell me our hearts can't be connected oh i just it's just such horror it's like dude like i i want to know what you're talking about, but I just don't. Can you use words like of shit I can see? Like grace.
Starting point is 01:48:11 Oh, man. It's just so – it's – and I just – and I feel for these people because they're young men and women that I know are just horny and passionate as shit. I remember that. I remember that. Passion just oozing out of you. But go create something. Don't dump your soul out on a reality show and just get mushed. These women.
Starting point is 01:48:35 Do you think that's really them dumping their soul? I don't think that's soul dumping, whatever soul dumping is. Well, basically, yeah, I think it is for them. Here's one of the things that, well, I don't want to get too much into that, but this show has basically – I'm guessing like 30 men who are basically vying to marry this one woman, right? And the show is – they're long shows. They're like two hours long each or an hour and 20 minutes each without commercial, and there's like 15 episodes, right? Sounds like this. And right.
Starting point is 01:49:08 And basically at the end of the season, I'm thinking to myself, this woman who was on this show, she can never have a normal life, a relationship again. And by that, I mean, you couldn't date her without her at some point if the relationship
Starting point is 01:49:28 was going to get serious her say hey by the way you should watch season 15 of the bachelor because you wouldn't want to be married to her for three years and then stumble upon this shit like sorry like that that you would feel it's um it would be like marrying a porn star and them not telling you like like i think you have to uh it's just a lot if it's more than a tattoo the show is basically emotional crossfit everyone's putting themselves through the most intense emotionally compromised situation in front of the entire world for to judge you i mean and they're young dude do you remember how passionate you were when you were young like you saw a girl in the library and you were in love oh yeah and you said crazy things yeah crazy things like it's
Starting point is 01:50:16 like you would run from your house to this chick's house you sneak out your window one in the morning run out to her house it's 12 fucking miles away so you could see your bedroom lights on and then run home yeah i mean it's just like what the fuck yeah you didn't even talk to her you only did that three nights a week i feel like so much of that show is just made up though you know it's like people just looking for their own version of 15 minutes of fame yes so that's what they want to say. It's made up. But even like there was this movie that Jodie Foster was in.
Starting point is 01:50:51 I can't remember the name of the movie, but there's a rape scene in it. And she gets raped on a pinball machine. And there's a bunch of people in the room. And I remember studying in film studies class. And everyone was like, oh, but I was like, man, that's some real shit. And they're like, no, it's just a movie. It's fake. Is it?
Starting point is 01:51:09 I mean, I know you want to say it's fake, but those people still had to act that shit out. Yeah. I almost feel like they kind of sell themselves on it to a degree, you know, like in an effort to, to create the story. But I definitely think that there's some, some not necessarily scripted words, but scripted stories within it and narratives within like the bachelor or bachelorette. I think what Siobhan might be saying is like, you know, like it's still cut, you know, like the, the trauma was still there. Maybe not as much as it would have been if it were like that actually happened it, but, but by putting yourself in that circumstance,
Starting point is 01:51:42 acting out that event, acting that way, like you're still doing some damage. Kate, if you and Hobart were in a stage play and it was four nights a week for six months. First, there were six months of rehearsal and then it was four nights a week for six months. And there was a scene in there in this stage play where you guys were in bed together naked and you had to kiss. And it was like a 10-minute scene with him like laying on top of you. I'm following. I don't want to explain that to your boyfriend or Hobart's wife or anyone that that shit was just fucking acting. Two fucking beautiful cross-fitting fucking naked and oh oh but i had a little plastic cup over my
Starting point is 01:52:29 vagina and he and he had his uh uh something else on he had put a pillow between like come on man we're just humans i don't know i i struggle i i those people anyway i'm excited to have this guy on luke parker poor guy got just destroyed on the show he made it so he's a contestant like he's one of the people trying to yeah become the bachelorette spatula or yeah yeah he was one of like the 30 guys who is you're gonna have him on your show i'm gonna have him on the sebon podcast and and he trains with rich now and gee and hayley adams he trains over there at in Guy and Haley Adams. He trains over there at a mayhem. I think he lives over there,
Starting point is 01:53:08 like lives in the field. So then what are you going to ask him? Like, are you interested in finding out? Attractive? Oh, crazy, attractive,
Starting point is 01:53:15 crazy, attractive, sandy blonde hair. I just could look at his big old, huge eyes. I think I put him through a seminar level one or level two. He's been down there for a while, right? I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:53:30 But I wish I wouldn't have seen the show. I mean, I'm excited to talk to him, but it wasn't healthy for me to see humans behave like this. He has a ton of followers, right? So, like, not everybody's going to be booking for a lot of them, right? I don't care about that superficial stuff. 211,000. What's his Instagram? Lucas Parker.
Starting point is 01:53:50 Luke Parker? No, Lucas Parker's the other buff. The red-headed dude. Oh, yeah. Faithful over famous. I think he came through a level one or a level two. Oh, yeah. Look at that picture of him and Guy flexing his body's
Starting point is 01:54:05 nuts damn dude uh hobart adrian bosman's coming on the show tomorrow oh that's awesome for a live call-in show i'm gonna open up but like no one calls in anymore but you think he eats raw liver uh this dude yeah he eats whatever god tells him to good for him how old is he 13 jesus look at rich's body look at his biking outfit that's his biking outfit does hillary still appreciate that or does that just does that get old are you just like all right yeah i just i sleep with rich actually do you know what's really funny i think being in crossfit gyms a lot and being surrounded by really fit
Starting point is 01:54:53 fucking humans definitely makes like other people like you get adjusted to it right like you kind of you just adapt to that being like standard and normal and then when you're outside of a crossfit gym you're like oh people don't actually look like this okay right i don't know there's still sometimes i see crossfit athletes in gyms and i'm just like god like the human body is amazing like i look at him and i'm just blown away like noah i saw a picture of noah i reposted today i can't even believe his body i can't it's like you don't get used to well i don't sleep in bed with him every night but every time i see it i don't get used to would you kick him out of your bed for eating crackers? No, but I got a question for you, Kate. Like for me personally, like I find CrossFit women attractive,
Starting point is 01:55:29 but then I find non-CrossFit women attractive too. Like I like all the bodies. Like I'm not like, like I like a soft girl. Like I like a girl who sits at a desk all day. Like I like all the kinds of boobs. You just like girls? Yeah, I just like the flattest girls or the big boobs or the droopy boobs or just they're just like i just find a lot of people attract i found a lot
Starting point is 01:55:52 of bodies attractive just like all like big butts little butts people like who just like maybe just like walkings they're only but i feel like women aren't like that i feel like once you find um i feel like they may be more like actually that's not true maybe it's just people in general i can't say that about all women i knew i knew someone once and she told me um i think she went on like a like a blind date or a setup date and the her date he told her that he had never she's into fitness he told her that he had never – she's into fitness. He told her that he had never seen a guy with abs. He didn't believe guys had abs, like real abs. That's so good.
Starting point is 01:56:32 A girl thought that or a guy? No, no. A guy said that to someone I knew who went on a blind date with this guy. Oh, like it was your friend's girl. Denied abs. One guy went out with another guy? No. A girl went out with one guy went out with another guy no girl went out with a guy and the guy said told
Starting point is 01:56:46 the girl that um he's like yeah i don't i've never seen a guy with that he's like i don't believe guys have abs like that that's the same guy that tells says on the internet that everyone doing crossfit's on steroids or he's suing kellogg's for five million dollars because pop tarts don't have no strawberries what i what i also find funny never thought of this, but I like growing up, I feel like all the guys like had like a certain body type of a girl and they all wanted that. And I wasn't like that. I was like that. What, what, what, like that's fucking up your whole pool, your, your opportunity. Like you should like all the different bodies should be okay with you know fat skinny all of them as part of your mating pool like and and now and now i'm 49 years old and when i met my wife she did i mean she had a nice body but it was not a fit body in the slightest
Starting point is 01:57:34 and now my wife has an insane body she and she doesn't do steroids she has like a six pack eight pack she has this big old hard ass she has crazy defined thighs and calves nuts arms just she's insane and my friends who went after these chicks who were like all you know skinny and fit like um when we were younger they're all frumpy bitches so i went after i'm serious it's crazy i just thought of that I went after. I'm serious. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:58:03 I just thought of that. Oh, God. My wife just got like my job. Get it up, baby. My wife is 46 or 47 years old and she has the best body she's had in the whole time I've been with her. It's nuts. I mean, it's fucking crazy. Just it's just I'm just a lucky dude. I just hey dude i'm like warren buffett i just got a positive spin man i just got a positive spin the truth is is my wife had a body i wouldn't
Starting point is 01:58:36 be talking about it though what okay i was gonna say has nothing to do with the fact that your wife's a badass yeah she is about it's just you it's your positivity but if she was like if she was fat i wouldn't be like oh i really still love her even though she's put on 62 pounds i would i'd just be like i just love her i thought you love all bodies i would say i would say hey hey let's face it like let's face it you can be 30 you can be 30 or 40 pounds overweight at 18 and it's no problem. You're, you're 60 years old. I think what you just said then kind of what you said previously was that you're like, oh no, I love all bodies.
Starting point is 01:59:11 Like, don't, don't people just love all bodies? And you're like, immediately you're like, but I wouldn't talk about that particular body. Right, right. I mean, well, I wouldn't say it like that. I wouldn't, I might be like, yeah, I would reframe it. I would be like, damn, my wife's a great lay still at 49. Not her body got better.
Starting point is 01:59:28 I wouldn't lie to you. She turned into just a fat piece of like dough meat. I wouldn't be like, yeah. I'd also like to know. Are you trying to say I was contradicting myself? Because I don't think I was. Yeah, man. She just cross-examined you and smashed you.
Starting point is 01:59:41 I also think that like you're saying that you're attracted to everybody, right? Like you can appreciate everybody's body. And I think that's, that's great. And that's awesome. But I also think that the person that you're attracted to is in terms of like your potential partner or your current partner at the moment, it's like, there's someone that you're particularly attracted to in a special way that maybe is different from other people. So it's like, yes, you can appreciate everybody's body, but I don't think that means that you're
Starting point is 02:00:04 like attracted to everybody and you just fucking hook up and be a partner with anybody right no no no well i don't know maybe 25 years ago but not anymore is that what you mean like i like i don't like i'm not asking me like hey like if i'm at the beach like if i'm if i'm at the beach and i see a girl with a good body i'm not i'm not um i don't think well i've never really been like this i don't start fantasizing i'm not a fan i'm not like oh i'd like to fuck her or when i come home and i'm with my wife i'm not thinking about this other girl when i'm with my wife actually i this are we far enough into the podcast that no one's listening i'll tell you an interesting story one of the reasons why i knew my wife was supposed to be my wife was because you were fantasizing about her
Starting point is 02:00:48 were you fucking someone else yes like like so i've known my wife for a long time we like in like no matter where we've been in our relationship i'm always thinking about her so i was like all right shit you're getting even into more detail about that but it's like like i just know i just that's it just seemed like a solid litmus test my i love my wife it's as if your hearts were connected it's no hobart it's like i molded that ass in her body with my own hands yeah see that like it's like i've brainwashed her to like me i've convinced her to like me that well actually love actually does that to you do you guys think that you choose love you know like you're saying you don't choose happiness but what about love
Starting point is 02:01:37 do you think that people choose who they love i used to think as a kid I could. What about, so, okay, let's differentiate. I used to think that if Oprah dated me, I could talk myself into loving her because she's so fucking rich. That's like that game, Mary Rich. Oh, yeah. Fuck, Mary. Kill. Kill? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:07 Who called? I couldn't love someone who wasn't. Ask the caller. Who would they fuck, marry, or kill on this podcast? Yes. Between the three of us. Call her. I'll die immediately.
Starting point is 02:02:19 Hello? Hello? Call her. Hello. Hey. So this is totally random. probably doesn't fit in with whatever you're talking about can i ask you a question first or do you want to go first yeah go ahead okay what's your name my name is cody howard i probably said sherry larson on the fall but
Starting point is 02:02:37 cody of the three of us what are the choices fuck kill what marry who? Marry. Who would you marry? Who would you fuck? And who would you kill? Oh, you're in a tough pinch. Yeah. This is tough. Probably marry Hobart. I'll take that.
Starting point is 02:02:59 You didn't die. I'll take that. Siobhan's getting sick. I'm in deep shit. I'm in deep shit. I'm in deep shit. Yeah in deep shit I'm in deep shit sorry Siobhan you're gone oh do you know how much
Starting point is 02:03:09 oh my god oh my god fuck this game oh god can we keep a tally of how many times people say who has to propose that's what I gotta know I'd do the same I'd do the same Who has to propose? That's what I got to know. I'd do the same.
Starting point is 02:03:27 I'd do the same. And do we have some on there before or after we get married? What was that? Oh, yeah. I don't know. I don't know. I haven't thought that far. How can I help you, Cody? What's up, brother?
Starting point is 02:03:43 So I had a totally random thought the other day I've just been waiting for a call in show But I have a YouTube series For you that I think would be really successful Okay So you host A series with Jacob Hetner and Josh Bridges
Starting point is 02:04:01 Okay Where they just go to obscure random corners of the earth and try really random sports and just see how good they are at it. But I think it would be, I would watch that series all day long. Would I have to go with them? I mean,
Starting point is 02:04:18 I think it would be good. I think you add some comedy to it for sure, but I mean, I would watch it if you didn't go with him. So yeah. Okay. I just wrote this down on a piece of paper. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:31 I know, I know Josh has kids, so it probably won't happen, but I thought I would share the idea anyway. Do you have any other ideas? No, that's it. I'll tell you right now with those kinds of ideas,
Starting point is 02:04:43 I'm glad you're not marrying or fucking me. And I'm glad you killed me. I don't want to hear you whispering shit in my ear like that. Okay. Fair enough. This is really some on just being jealous that he got killed. Whatever. Thank you, Cody. Right on. Have a good night. Good night. Hey, we are two stories away from talking about koala chlamydia.
Starting point is 02:05:05 Can I just please get through them? Wow. Let a good night. Good night. Hey, we are two stories away from talking about koala chlamydia. Can I just please get through them? Wow, let's do it. I think we should go straight to it. Okay, we can go straight. I mean, we're two hours in, and this will be the third week in a row that I haven't been able to talk about our new corporate minimum tax or what the Build Back Better bill is. So who cares about politics?
Starting point is 02:05:20 No, no, don't do corporate tax on it because I have to pee. Okay. Corporate minimum tax they're vaccinating qualis against chlamydia chlamydia anyway new details of a democratic plan to enact a 15 minimum corporate tax on declared income of large corporations were released on tuesday the tax would apply only to companies that publicly report would only apply to companies that publicly report more than $1 billion in profits annually for a three-year period. That's a loophole. Shortly after it was released, Arizona Democrat Kristen Sinema, a moderate holdout, announced she would support it, giving the plan a big boost.
Starting point is 02:06:03 The most profitable corporations in the country are often the worst offenders when it comes to paying their fair share. Year after year, they report record profits to shareholders and pay little to no taxes. Our proposal would tackle the most egregious corporate tax dodging by ensuring the biggest companies pay a minimum tax. They specifically reference Amazon, which they said reported $45 billion in profits over the past three years, yet paid an effective tax rate of just 4.3%, well below the 21% corporate tax rate that Savan pays. the current Senate proposal in a few respects. One is that the Biden plan put the income threshold at $2 billion, not $1 billion. So the Senate proposal would apply to more companies. Biden's plan also did not contain a three-year rule where the tax only applies to companies that make $1 billion or more in income for three consecutive years. Wow. That's intense.
Starting point is 02:07:09 So how many companies are going to make it public then? Yeah, exactly. That's the whole point, right? But more importantly, what is the Build Back Better Bill? The Build Back Better Bill is the large infrastructure bill that our government's trying to push through right now, which would include some new benefits for citizens of the United States of America, 12 weeks of paid family leave. Yes, and a free barbecue beef bacon pizza from Roundtable. Bacon pizza from Roundtable. I'm just curious if in the better bill. Don't get a Breitling either. Does the better bill, does it talk about how you can get a job at
Starting point is 02:08:01 Well, let me get there. The U.S. is the only industrialized country to not offer paid family leave or paid time off after adopting fostering or giving birth to a new child while some private companies offer this as a perk to their employees um they would also the build back better bill would also tax cuts for families with children and child care support build back better would increase the child tax credit from $2,000 to $3,000 for children's ages six and older, not children's just children ages. The new tax credit for children under the age of six would be $3,600. The credit, how come it's higher when they're
Starting point is 02:08:40 younger? I was trying to figure out the logic to that too. As soon as you said that, I was like, don't interrupt Sevan. Don't interrupt. no yeah i'm truly interested by that the credit comes in the form of monthly checks so that parents and caregivers i think i was way more of a burden to my mom at 16 than i was at six months anyway i should ask her i was way more of a burden to your mom at 16 that's for sure oh well i'll she'll weigh in on that because she does listen to this podcast. Get the phone number up there. She doesn't listen live. My mom gave me feedback the other day on a podcast.
Starting point is 02:09:14 It kind of rocked me. I didn't like it at all. Normally, I can take all the feedback, but she said something that fucking. What was that? I don't want to talk about it. It's like that. It was like that. I was like, oh, you to talk about it it's like that it was like that i was like oh you'll tell us after the show i will i will i will i gotta i gotta create i'm gonna
Starting point is 02:09:32 fuck you up after the show too hobart not on purpose i just know something that i'm gonna share with you and it's gonna fucking be a doozy i can't you're gonna score him like i'm a motherfucker okay two hours, eight minutes. Poverty experts believe that this child tax credit would cut child poverty in half, lifting 5 million children out of poverty. Well, then why don't we give the credits to them and not their parents? Free community college. Put it in a mutual fund form. Yes.
Starting point is 02:10:04 Another life-altering education element of the Build Back Better proposal. Why put it in a mutual fund? We can put it into a college fund where they're just going to go into debt to get an art history degree and then work at McDonald's for $15 an hour and then go on strike. Okay. life altering education element of the build back better proposals, two years of free community college, which would bridge a wide gap for those socioeconomically disadvantaged by giving them a path to an associate's degree or to a four year college degree. Going to community college was the one of the second best decision I made as an adult, um, before going off to a four year school or a state university, several cities across the US. Is that true? Absolutely. It was one of the
Starting point is 02:10:44 best. And I, it was, it was not by, it was a lot of dumb luck, I would say, and support from my, my mom in the right way. But I, um, I applied to Boston university, uh, at the end of high school. And then I got their financial aid package and looked at how much it costs. And I told my mom, I said, I can't waste this much money. Um, when I don't know what I want to do for the next four years. I went to community college and it was literally the, you know, became. Oh, OK. I see what you're saying. I misunderstood the way you were presenting. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:12 Yeah, no, I think community college is great, especially if you can find a good one. Does it serve as like a university? Is it the same thing, but it's just free? No, this wasn't. Mine was not free, but it can be significantly less expensive. uh no this wasn't mine was not free but it can be significantly less expensive it's for losers who aren't fucking mature enough to fucking go to real fucking college exactly and they still fucking belong in high school and what they really should fucking do is be shipped away and to be in the fucking military or the fucking peace corps for two years and have to volunteer um to help this country and then receive a stipend or something when they get out that probably wouldn't be been a bad option either.
Starting point is 02:11:45 City college is for fucking losers. And I went there, and that's why I know that. It was just – we're put on a fucking treadmill as kids in this fucking country. And when you're supposed to get off, you're terrified, so you just keep going. And part of that treadmill is city college. Of course, I'm speaking in mass hyperbole. There's some square fucking motherfuckers like hobart who have fucking benefits but like people like me was just one more place to fucking try to get girls and drink more beer and i didn't smoke
Starting point is 02:12:15 weed then but it was a fucking joke i need someone to fucking kick my ass i should have been dragged off to fucking mount vernon illinois and been forced to fucking clean the bathrooms at fucking at Daisy Fresh for those who know I got two more benefits of the Build Back Better plan so do you know, sorry, so sorry, so does that make sense Kate, what it is? It's just a high extension of high school
Starting point is 02:12:39 and when they say it's free, fuck you it's not free, someone has to pay for it I was totally unprepared to go face the real world. Like that's, you know, it seems like Savan's not wrong. Are they known for like teaching specific skills? Like is that why there's a difference or is it just that it's more affordable? It's a giant high school on steroids. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:58 Okay. Yeah. The teachers there. This is really going to fuck people up. The teachers there, the students are wannabe teachers. The the teachers there the students are wannabe teachers the teachers are the students are wannabe students the teachers are wannabe professors it's all it's just poserville it's for fucking people who just can't make the fucking leap it's like those idiots who go play fucking basketball in europe like fuck off get a job
Starting point is 02:13:20 no it was good but it gave me two years to figure out when i was ready to make the leap okay anyway x cuts for electric vehicles and other climate incentives a tax credit of at least four thousand dollars would be an offer for those buying an electric vehicle so go steal a car go buy a used tesla 2027 i i will say this at my city college is where I first, for the first, I took a class and it was a circuit training class. And that was, it was like a PE class and I just took it just for credits, but it ended up being really fucking cool and exposed me to some pretty, it was a really cool stimulus. It was basically, there's just like, you know, 20 people in the class and there were 20 stations. Most of them were machines,
Starting point is 02:14:04 but it was really cool. Did you guys ever do circuit training? You guys might be too young. I'm just trying to get to the story about koalas getting chlamydia. Okay. You want to know what's not in the build back better bill? What? A green new deal.
Starting point is 02:14:22 Progressives and climate advocates had hoped for sweeping climate reforms that did not make it into Biden's Build Back Better bill. And that omission continues to be a fight between the far left and centrist Democrats. The Build Back Better plan aims to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2050 for short of the Green, far short of the Green New Deal's goal of 2035. To climate activists like Greta Thunberg, it may be. Oh, shit. Let me finish. It may as well build back better. Oh, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But if the other budget bill for infrastructure has passed, there may be hope yet for some form of climate reform, though not nearly as robust as those outlined in the...
Starting point is 02:15:10 Robust is the wrong word in that sentence. Though not nearly as... Oh, look at your baby passion fruit. There it is. I'm listening to you, Hobart. No, you're definitely not. He's really ruined the whole story. Or improving it, I kind of said.
Starting point is 02:15:22 All right, there we go okay on october 15th the australia zoo wildlife hospital began a phase three trial to vaccinate koalas and all of the citizens of australia against chlamydia according to a statement by the university of the sunshine coast at least half of koalas in southeast queensland and new south wales have the sexually transmitted disease which begs the question who is having sex with all of these koalas in southeast Queensland and New South Wales have the sexually transmitted disease, which begs the question, who is having sex with all of these koalas? Did you add that? Is that you? No, that's in there.
Starting point is 02:15:52 Which is a major factor in koalas' population decline. The researchers will microchip the participating marsupials. Take note of that. participating marsupials take note of that the researchers and the australian government will microchip the participating marsupials so that they can track so they keep track of how they fare over the next 12 months you can't really easily give antibiotics to koalas says peter tims a microbiologist at the university of the sunshine coast people do but it upsets the koalas gut bacteria and they need their gut bacteria to digest eucalyptus leaves so they can get high as hell unfortunately 10 or even 20 percent of animals that go through the wildlife hospital
Starting point is 02:16:38 come back to the hospital in a lot of cases if you just treat them with antibiotics they often come back with the chlamydial disease again chlamydia is a major threat to koala populations but is not the only one koalas were hunted until the 1920s i didn't know that and now habitat loss automobile strikes and bushfires those are brush fires in the u.s people oh dude i thought a bushfire was something totally different my bad a bushfire is what's caused when a koala gets chlamydia bushfires when you just dry hump so i can tell so when you've had enough of the news um a 2016 study as to everything is just an allegory for sex a 2016 study estimated that there are about 330,000 koalas
Starting point is 02:17:25 left in Australia, but 60,000 of them may have been affected by the 2019 and 2020 bushfires reports. If approved, the vaccine could help to turn around koala populations that might disappear. When you read this story, I felt something in my heart and I wanted to explore those feelings that I had in my heart. And by the grace of God, I was blessed with this computer that has DuckDuckGo on it and also has access to But that's another story. And I looked up the word chlamydia to see exactly what chlamydia is. Chlamydia is a common STD that can affect both men and women. It can cause serious permanent damage to a woman's reproductive system.
Starting point is 02:18:13 I don't even know what that is. That's like the thing inside of her that looks like a bull, fallopian tubes? Correct. This can make it difficult or impossible for her to get pregnant later. or impossible for her to get pregnant later. Chlamydia can also cause a potentially fatal ectopic pregnancy. Oh, I think that's when ectopic pregnancy, help me Kate, I think that's when the egg attaches in the fallopian tubes.
Starting point is 02:18:37 Correct. That'd be fucked up. What if you were born in a, oh man, you'd look like a sausage when you were born. I think they figured that out before that happens, but yeah. So I don't know what the deal is. If this doesn't look like it messes with dudes at all, just fuck some chicks up. Good.
Starting point is 02:18:59 Good. Can chlamydia be cured? How is treatment? What if I don't get treated? Okay. The initial damage to chlamydia. It's bacterial. So so um yeah an antibacterial it's just all antibiotics are so some ivermectin who got it in their eye really it's super common chlamydia is like crazy common like there's always sorry there's always outbreaks like in uh i remember going to my doctor she used to work in the on
Starting point is 02:19:21 the army base and she was like oh it's just like ramping it there just everyone had it just sprinkle some here and there so on ivermectin only works on horses ah my bad thank you welcome thank you don lemon um uh where what if happens if i don't get it oh here here what if i don't get it treated the initial damage that chlamydia causes often goes unnoticed however chlamydia can lead to serious health problems. If you're a woman, untreated chlamydia can spread to your uterus and fallopian tubes, tubes that carry fertilized eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. This can cause pelvic inflammatory disease. PID often has no symptoms. However, some women have abdominal pelvic pain, blah, blah, blah. Oh,
Starting point is 02:20:00 here we go. Here's the important part. Sorry, guys. Men rarely have health problems linked to chlamydia. Infection sometimes spreads to the tube that carries sperm from the testicles, causing pain and fever. Look at, like with the women, they tell you what it is. They tell you it's a fallopian tube and shit. I did read a study that said sperm infected with chlamydia, 50% of them fail a polygraph test. Hey, you know why it's uncomfortable? Because they're on fire when they come down that tube. Those sperm, they're just like smoking cigarettes and shit. I have two more stories and they're CrossFit related. I don't know if we could end them.
Starting point is 02:20:41 It's two hours, 20 minutes, but I forgot I had them. I'm having a blast. I'm going to pee. I'll be back. Well, I wanted to get to it. Let's talk about let's talk about Kate. Let's talk about what Cody wants to do to Kate. Who's Cody?
Starting point is 02:20:55 That's the caller that had to choose between that. That killed you. Yeah. He wants to keep you as a concubine concubine he wanted to marry you i think it was the other way around what do you mean no he wanted to marry you kill me oh and bone kate oh i heard an echo those are fair choices look so i've moved my office around a little. Yeah, I was going to ask you. You're in a different place than you were last time.
Starting point is 02:21:28 So I'm in my office, and in front of me, I'm sitting at a desk, and in front of me, where you can't see, is a couch, and I'm setting up like a whole podcast suite. Like I have all these microphones and all these lights and all this shit. I used to have – I used to – anyway, I'm setting it up so that when we collect all of this – and I'm going to post jobs for people to come work on the podcast for me on Oh, man. And you see I got a picture of Pat Barber behind me? Yeah, it's a great movie. Thank you. Get that out a picture of Pat Barber. Yeah, it's great. Great movie. Thank you. Get that out of there,
Starting point is 02:22:07 Sousa. Uh, uh, you can see Sousa. No, but he just put up a barbell banner. Oh, awesome.
Starting point is 02:22:16 Uh, how are you? Wireless caller. Good. How are you guys doing tonight? Living the dream. Awesome. Hey, just wanted to call in quick Say I love the show
Starting point is 02:22:28 Love all the news you guys put out Thank you Just wanted to pick your brain real quick Kind of new to CrossFit Don't have much experience If you guys Had just a piece of advice for someone Just a garage gym Just a good piece of equipment to get started with, what would your suggestion be?
Starting point is 02:22:51 It's inappropriate to stand less than three feet away from the person working out directly in front of you. Wait, what did you ask? Advice for working out in an affiliate? No, no, no. So we don't really, we don't have an affiliate where I'm at. The closest one is about an hour drive for me. So I'm,
Starting point is 02:23:11 I'm trying to get kind of my own garage gym set up going new, just getting started. If you guys could just do one piece of equipment, use just as a general workout, what would your go-to equipment be get on craigslist get a set of dumbbells okay yeah how old are you uh 29 do you already have dumbbells i do not do you have any equipment i don, we just moved, finally got a location where I can start getting something going.
Starting point is 02:23:47 Like I said, pretty new to CrossFit. Like the idea of it. Like the idea of functional fitness. Love what you guys are doing. Just looking to get started. How tall are you? I am right at six foot.
Starting point is 02:24:03 And when you put your hands up over your head, does it touch the roof in your garage? It does not. I've luckily I've got a nine foot ceiling. Uh, and, um, so you're six feet tall and how much do you weigh? Right now? Two 45. What size dumbbells should he get? What size dumbbell should he get? Oh, you can't just do like a gratuitous breath. Just a... I could do whatever I want. It's an important question.
Starting point is 02:24:35 I'm taking it seriously. Honestly, I would just start with a pair of 35s. Rip those around. And then if those feel good, get a pair of 50s. Okay. I'm going to say I would go with even lighter than that no 135 because you can single arm yeah no 35 all right okay because you can use a single it's fine i think you should get rings too i going to say like a pull-up bar. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:25:07 Pull-up bars. Pull-up bars. Really, really, really, really, really, really,
Starting point is 02:25:11 really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
Starting point is 02:25:11 really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
Starting point is 02:25:12 really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
Starting point is 02:25:12 really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
Starting point is 02:25:14 really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
Starting point is 02:25:14 really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
Starting point is 02:25:14 really, really, really, really, really, Hey, can you open your garage door and run? Like,
Starting point is 02:25:17 can you run around your block? Do you have like sidewalks? Yeah, we got like a paved bike trail that we can get out and go running on that would work. You're stoked. What state do you live in? Nebraska. Is it going to be freezing in your garage in the winter?
Starting point is 02:25:39 Oh, yeah, it will. I'm going to get a heater put in there, but currently don't have one yet. How much money are you going to spend on your gym total? I'd like to stay, I don't know. I'd like to stay under $5,000. Oh. I mean, I think that's a reasonable price to get a decent setup. Oh, dude, you're're gonna have so much crazy
Starting point is 02:26:05 shit hey what would you what would you say hobart if he has to get a machine the skier the rower or the bike this is rower honestly really you do the rower over the echo bike or the assault bike you didn't say echo bike you said assault bike you didn't say echo bike the official bike of crossfit um yeah i think i think i would i think i would go rower i just feel like i just the bike's great but i feel like if if you can run um you gotta run man so much fitness in that but kettlebells and dumbbells honestly i would look to craigslist list first because you can usually find decent quality for much less expensive than you would buy and you don't have to pay for all the shipping and stuff like that or facebook marketplace and that will leave you some extra cheddar to get a nice barbell setup
Starting point is 02:26:53 when you're ready to do that yeah um that's pretty much what i've had the last like three months, a barbell and squat racks is the best. Yeah. And you got a dope pull up bar. Yeah. I have a pull up bar. Hobart. How many days a week are you running? Me?
Starting point is 02:27:15 Yes. Right now. Mr. Running's important. It's really important right now. Probably one, maybe two. Oh shit.
Starting point is 02:27:21 Okay. I'm impressed. All right. All right. Thanks dude. good luck with your gym um feel free to dm hobart um as many times as you want for more information awesome thank you guys appreciate it amen good luck chlamydia crossfit drug policy in a six post series on instagram crossfit athlete larissa kuna calls on crossfit to revisit their two-year ban decision calling it unfair
Starting point is 02:27:53 kuna says she takes i hope i'm pronouncing her last name right kuna says she takes some of the most common supplements like beta alanine and collagen the two supplements that ended up having traces of austere in them which i believe was a substance that she um was popped for and banned for she said quote i've been using the same supplements from the same two companies for a long time they are all regulated by anvisa which is the brazilian food and drug administration she does however bring up the argument that since the amount found in her system was so low, it could not have had performance enhancing effects. There's an interesting argument in there. And therefore she had no intention to cheat. What's the name of the drug? I want to look it up. Osterine. As a result, CrossFit did lower her sentence from a four-year
Starting point is 02:28:43 ban to a two-year ban after she appealed and proved, and she was able to prove, her supplements were contaminated unknowingly. She was able to prove that? She was able to prove that? Yeah, there are other athletes that had the same thing, right? Yeah. None mentioned in this story, but yeah, even so, she said, I would still wholeheartedly believe that the punishment is way too hard. Even so, she said, I would still wholeheartedly believe that the punishment is way too hard. As for CrossFit as an organization, she's going to continue to fight her sanction in hopes that change will come, not just for her, but for a future of the sport.
Starting point is 02:29:29 She believes that, well, she says she's impressed with how the values such as inclusivity, equality, and diversity have been implemented in a successful way and the direction the brand of cross has been taken therefore she challenges crossfit to add fairness as one of its core values added she also mentioned the article that because it's a private company she thinks crossfit should weigh all of these on a case-by-case basis which i feel like they did hers to some extent i don't know all the facts of it. I don't. Hobart. Have you thought about tomorrow morning? Just doing a quick browsing of a barbell Maybe, maybe she needs to do that. Larissa. Kuna needs to go to, instead of, instead of chasing her aspirations, find a place where she can coach.
Starting point is 02:30:07 She got it down to two years. I'm impressed with that. She got it down. It was four, and she talked them down to two. Yeah. And she still wants more. She's like, no, fuck it. Remove all of it.
Starting point is 02:30:18 Oh, that's interesting. So kind of like, it's funny. Like, people say that that guy was telling me that CrossFit protects athletes, like they're prize athletes. This girl, I've never even heard of this girl. She ain't prize nothing. Hey, it's a SARM. It's a SARM. It makes you decrease body fat, increase muscle mass, increase strength.
Starting point is 02:30:38 Has healing properties, and it shouldn't be consumed by humans. Should have ate raw liver. consumed by humans should have ate raw liver um i just you know i think there's a problem with the argument of like hey it didn't add any performance enhancing benefits to me because i don't think that's the rule the rule is if you have it in your system then you get the punishment it's not that if you if it helped you enhance your performance you get the punishment that's not and not that i think the rule maybe the rule rule could use changing, but I think that's just a hard tree to bark up. Yeah. There's a pretty clear line with, is it in your system or is it not? I mean, that's just it. I have sympathy. I have sympathy. I have compassion. I have
Starting point is 02:31:18 understanding. I have empathy. I have fuck. I don't know what I have, but like, I I'm not hating on her. Like I hear argument, but you just have to have a rule that to rule that to rule. And like, if, if you, if you don't want to take the risk and you're serious about your shit, you should have it tested before you consume it.
Starting point is 02:31:33 That's all I can really say about that. It's not the other way around. It's not get popped. And can she sue this company that, that did this to her? Can she be like, I mean, if someone,
Starting point is 02:31:44 or, or does it not matter i'd actually in outside of the u i mean in the u.s you could sue everything and everyone i mean holy shit if you can sue kellogg for having not enough strawberries in their pop tarts you sure should be able to sue a supplement company for sprinkling a little osterine in your god i and i and i look at these pictures of the people who've taken this drug and all it does is make me want to take it so so what what what does does this um chalk up morning chalk up do they have do they make an opinion on it do they say they really have an opinion on it now are they sympathetic to her what does brian friend think
Starting point is 02:32:28 you know i don't know really what he thinks about uh steroid use i don't know if he's like i don't know if he has a that'd be a good little 20 minutes with brian friend oh shit uh what's the final line i do believe there uh oh shit i do believe in eric rosa and the new regime at the company i have been impressed with how value such as be cool savvy be cool i'll bring that up on another podcast when my friends hobart and thank you but read the comments someone in the comments nails it it's fucking um uh bottom line if this is your career and your livelihood depends
Starting point is 02:33:17 on competition in crossfit or any sport then it's 100 your responsibility to have your supplements checked or take supplements that have been tested and approved already. This has happened way too frequently to plead ignorance at this point, in my opinion. The penalty is harsh, yes, but crime is completely avoidable. If it was not, then HQ may have considered altering their regulatory rules. But until then, just go with the products with a badge on them. If enough people did, maybe more companies would place greater importance on how their products are manufactured or processed. I don't, I don't understand why that, here's the part that I struggle with. Why would a company put this Osterine in their shit? And especially if it's,
Starting point is 02:33:54 it's a negligible effect. Like I, I don't, um, it's like, it's like posting a, a, going to a dating app and posting like, it's like if I posted all these pictures on the dating app but I didn't tell the girls I was 5'5 and they just had to figure out when they saw me. Like that – like come on, man. All right. I mean does that destroy the brand of those products? There we go. Last story.
Starting point is 02:34:26 Holy shit. Is that true? Yeah, very true. Announces her retirement from competitive CrossFit on October 22nd. 2020 CrossFit Games bronze medalist Carrie Pierce. That happened four days ago and I'm just hearing about this. As well as four times America's fittest woman. Announced her retirement from competitive CrossFit after seven years in
Starting point is 02:34:45 the sport. I just wanted to do a little tribute and read through a couple of her accomplishments. 2015, her CrossFit Games debut. 2016, winning the MRF event at the 2016 CrossFit Games where she also received the most improved award. She ranked fifth overall, an improvement from 16 ranks from her 21st place finish in 2015. 2017 represented the USA in the 2017 CrossFit Invitational in Australia. The USA finished in third place. In 2018, she won her heat
Starting point is 02:35:19 for the Fibonacci final event at the 2018 CrossFit Games. 2019, she won Mary against all other CrossFit athletes who competed at the CrossFit Games, male or female. Can any other female ever say that about any event? I think there are some swimming events. There might be a
Starting point is 02:35:36 swimming or running event. Sam Briggs might have one of those. I think there's some in the open as well where some of the females were beating the guys. Yeah, I wouldn't. Tia must have some of those. the mary thing was um was awesome to watch um and also i believe she won the atalanta event um she was the first athlete in the field to cross both the men's and women's divisions to finish that event with a time of 47 56 68 so two um literally event wins at the crossfit camps which um it's very cool so her final competition will be this coming weekend at
Starting point is 02:36:12 the 2021 rogue invitational down in austin texas she's prettyass. How old did you say she was? Did you say? I did not say that. I did not say that. How old is she? In her like 30s? But good luck, Carrie Pierce. That's awesome. Let's see. At the beginning of the show, I made that snarky remark to that guy on my Instagram account where I talked about his mom.
Starting point is 02:36:40 Let's see if he responded. Oh, he did. talked about his mom let's see if he responded oh he did so he's he said to me uh did matt and josh drop you i haven't heard josh matt said on podcast in a while i wrote back and said no they've just been busy with your mom he wrote back maybe matt but josh has been too busy with he fucking schooled me what do i say back to him i just laugh yeah i walked right into that one fuck i hate it when i lose your mom battle all right well thank you everyone everyone. Happy news. Tomorrow morning, Adrian Bosman, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, live call-in. Ask the judge anything.
Starting point is 02:37:34 Ask him about how many times he's done steroids. That's going to be good. Dude, Adrian is the – he weighs 165 pounds, and there's no 165- pound man on the planet that looks as big as him. Yeah, that's true. That's true. He's the KSD. KSD of judges. What's that?
Starting point is 02:37:55 King swinging dick. Ah, yes. And did I mention to you, if you're looking for a job. Thank you. Yes, Sousa, yes.

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