The Sevan Podcast - #188 - Adrian Bozman

Episode Date: October 28, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Put your hands together for Lady Raven. Dad, thank you. This is literally the best day of my life. On August 2nd. What's with all the police trucks outside? You know, the butcher goes around just chopping people up. Comes a new M. Night Shyamalan experience. The feds heard he's gonna be here today.
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Starting point is 00:01:52 like like like it like he was seriously calling you that like he just didn't know your name yeah and i mean i've known jason for years but yeah honest mistake and you don't correct him i mean i did but then he got confused and he couldn't remember which way you know what i mean when you get in like a mental loop like that sometimes and you're like i wait which which was right and which wasn't yeah like i i've been really mixing up the words uh uh desecrate and uh what's it called when you dry food out dehydrate no not dehydrate the other one desecrated and degraded no did shit when you dry food out and it's not you know those pills that everyone's taking now i'm taking them the ancestral supplements the um the heart and
Starting point is 00:02:42 soil pills they're basically organ meat what they're those are uh they're not they're not dehydrated i'm stuck on that word now yeah yeah yeah yeah they're dehydrated i just i just for i forget no it's uh dehumidify that now that's great what are the words i kept i kept confusing i've done it a few. I did it on the show with a – yesterday I had Chris Masterjohn on. He's like a PhD in nutritional science, and I used the word wrong. Fuck, and it was so funny when he corrected me. You know, like when you say – Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Desiccated? Oh, yeah, desiccated versus – what's the one I'm saying? Desecrate. Desiccated versus desiccated. Desiccated, yeah. I don't know if I know the word desiccated versus desecrated desiccated yeah i think desiccated is when you dehydrate it and desiccated is like i think when you do something that's like vile to something like like if you spit on a cross or something destroyer um adrian i've been um i've been i've
Starting point is 00:03:41 been turning off my lights um more and more around my house when i'm not using them i've been turning off my lights more and more around my house when I'm not using them. I've been lowering the heat. I've been turning off my computer at night because I have all these massive hard drives, like 100 terabytes. I have three 100-terabyte hard drives hooked up to them. I've been doing stuff to try to save electricity. For the climate, Sevan? No, no, no. For my, for my wallet. I had to, I had to get it in there. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. And, um, my electricity bill is expensive because I, my, I have a well, and so I don't pay for water, but when that,
Starting point is 00:04:20 when you use water, it turns on the pump. And I guess I've been told that that pump uses a lot of electricity. So I haven't cut back on my showers or anything like that. But I've been really going out of my way. And my electricity bill used to be like $400 a month. And last month it was $266. Geez, even that is expensive. Yeah. I mean, that's for water, electricity.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Oh, okay. Yeah, but still. I mean, yeah. But that's a huge, huge cutback. Good for you. Yeah, and if I wouldn't have done that and I kept spending just – I would have to go to to look for a job. But I'm trying to push that off as far as i can by saving electricity making every dollar in my life go further yes is that a sponsor are you sponsored now of course no i'm not some sort of
Starting point is 00:05:15 whore i am free that is just me just telling you that if you did need a job you would go to like if you want if you didn't want to take this other route of mitigating some of the spending in your life, you could go to And it's a cool website. And there's all sorts of jobs there in the fitness space and the CrossFit space. And I guess even if you needed an assistant, Adrian, you could post a, yeah, thank you. I'm going to check out That's the first time I've used like that banner down there. Like I set that up like three seconds before you came on.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Oh, cool. I didn't even see, I'm on my iPhone. So it's hard for me to see. That's cool. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. I'll check it out.
Starting point is 00:06:02 And Hey, for, for the record, you are one of the most free people that I know. So I have no illusions about that. Okay, let's – thank you. Let's stop fucking around and talk about why we have you on. Yeah, that's a good question. When is CrossFit going to stop protecting their star athletes from the steroid tests? Excellent question. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:29 That's definitely something that we're high priority is trying to protect people. How often do you, that DM, I'm still getting, I get that fucking DM once a month. Like people just make this presupposition that it's happening. And I want to be like, so who are you saying is doing that? Is that Justin Berg or Dave Castro? Right, right. Like the games department has like three people in it. Guys, that's not fair.
Starting point is 00:06:59 It has more than three. I mean, come on. Right. But I want to be like, is it Angel? Is it Lucasas who is hiding who is who is throwing away rich froning's positive steroid test i mean where's the disconnect do people think like that this is like some like the coca-cola empire and there's a labyrinth underground and like what what do they think is going on here i think that that's always
Starting point is 00:07:22 been the case i mean you know like you've obviously been around a long time. I think that even, even when things were smaller, like in the early days up until like, I don't know when, when things really start getting kind of bigger, maybe 2013, something like that, 2012. Um, I think even then people had this idea of CrossFit as this monolith that was way of much larger of a company than it was and uh i mean surely the impact is there but the number of people the size of the company i think it's always surprising to people when they find out how how small it is um and it's true to this day and i don't know i guess maybe a product of the internet where people forget that there's real people attached to things and they forget that it's like, yeah, these are the same people that have been working this and trying to make it as good as it can be since the beginning.
Starting point is 00:08:16 And yeah, I think people forget that there's like real people tied to that. So I don't know. And then I think there's also like a sense where you can't satisfy everybody. Like you'll, you'll never satisfy everybody with a drug testing program specifically. I don't think unless you can, unless you can test everybody all the time at the drop of a hat, nobody's going to be satisfied by that. And so short of that, it's like, it's never enough. You know, like we can put out all the testing results. We can put out all the, uh, the numbers of tests that we do throughout the season, which is hundreds. Um, and people always find, wow,
Starting point is 00:08:50 you didn't test this guy. Therefore your, your program sucks. Okay. Fair enough. There are a lot, there are a lot of people at HQ. Um, when I left that I could honestly say that I don't know if I dislike them, but I sure as fuck don't like them. And it was contentious. I mean, you know how it is. Just imagine like a cat comes into a room and there's 50 mice in there and there's only 20 holes to hide in. I mean, that was us. So even though we were friends we became enemies right away because 30 of us aren't getting into the holes but but i
Starting point is 00:09:30 but i don't care who adrian said something everyone there is trying to say do their best this isn't fucking mcdonald's well some kids back there flipping fries and not trying to do his best i don't know who is there now but wilson angel lucas justin burke justin burke dave castor like like nobody is fucking around guys like no one is like oh well my i don't start work till nine so i'm not gonna start get on my computer till nine and i get off at five and i'm leaving it's not like that yep these people show up at like seven and if there's still emails to answer at 5, they go till 9. I mean like it's just – you have – and like I said, I haven't been there in over a year, but I mean that's the way it was. Like there's – I can't say anything bad about anyone's work ethic at HQ.
Starting point is 00:10:19 It was nuts. Absolutely. It was absolutely nuts, and you were proud to work by them, whether you liked them or did not like them. You knew that the shit was getting taken care of. It was beyond professional. It was beyond professional. Like is your mom, like when your mom raises, people are always like, is this professional? Is this professional?
Starting point is 00:10:36 Are they releasing this on this Instagram account? Well, is your mom professional? The way she raises you? It's like beyond professional, right? Yeah. Yeah. What's the word for that yeah desiccated i don't know no no no not that but yeah i agree i think i think that's what the i mean i i feel like you talk about this a fair bit but it's totally the truth where it had to be that way in order for CrossFit, the idea and the concept to be where it is. I don't think that it would have, I mean,
Starting point is 00:11:11 maybe, maybe it would have been slower and maybe, um, more niche than it is now. Uh, but I just don't think that it would have ever snowballed to this if you didn't have a group of people that were so ride or die i mean that was everybody back in the day you know like there's no question of if so-and-so is going to show up it's like if they didn't show up they just wouldn't come back and you just they wouldn't be part of the team anymore you know um uh matt says it's not a job it's a responsibility you said something right there too if um especially when something's growing if you don't if you're not working you get left behind sure so like like you didn't
Starting point is 00:11:53 come to crossfit to be the to become the um head judge of the crossfit games you were just working yeah i mean they didn't even exist right in. It wasn't even an idea in my mind. Right. I didn't know that that was a thing. I mean, it's kind of like this. Lauren Glassman, I mean, you could say she's the founder of the CrossFit media team, but, I mean, she was just the only person there with the camera in the beginning. And literally, like, some of that is still there. I don't know how many companies still have that, but this thing is still young.
Starting point is 00:12:24 This is still there. You're looking at Adrian. Adrian, how did you find crossfit oh man i this was early um i've always been like a bit of a fitness junkie and an internet junkie and so the intersection of and a mover more than a fitness junkie you were a mover right like you liked your body yeah boxing gymnastics like just you you dabble in all them you like moving yeah you know that man i've always kind of considered myself like a a dabbler above almost everything else so yeah like you like you would do everything from the the slack line to to fighting and even now today you're still pursuing bjj right yeah yeah yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:06 BJJ a couple times a week. I'm not particularly great at it, but it's fun. You're great. I saw you on the podium. What that mean? That was like one tournament with four dudes in my bracket. Yeah, but it had the word pan in it or something. No, it did not.
Starting point is 00:13:23 It was a local tournament. Don't hit me up. I'm like, oh, does that tournament have the word pan in it or something no it did not it was a local tournament don't tell me i'm like oh does that turn out the word pan in it is that some whenever i see pan okay all right all right all right my bad my bad yeah suza if you were here helping instead of in the comments you could have pulled up that picture yeah come on matt suza's do you know suza oh yeah okay where'd you meet him at a ddc no we've i mean we've kind of run swam in the same circles for a long time but um i a couple years ago i was given away this one i like hung out with matt more than just like at a passing event that we happen to be in the same place at. A couple years ago, I had some games stuff that I was getting rid of and I was
Starting point is 00:14:12 just giving it away on Instagram, like some old jerseys and banners and stuff from past regionals and games. And he DM me and was like, hey, you know, he wanted one of the banners that I had. And I was like, yeah, sure. He's like, I'm Livermore. I'm like, cool, I'm in Oakland. That's not too far. He's like, okay, I'll come down to you. We met at my friend's coffee shop and hung out for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:14:34 He got a swag and that was that. Then we crossed paths a couple other times along the way. Then he interviewed me for his podcast in my garage, which was super cool. Yeah, he interviewed me for his podcast uh my garage which was super cool yeah he interviewed me for my for his podcast in my garage yeah i think it was around the same time yeah great guy matt suza yeah great guy you know what he was doing when i met him and i want to get back to how you found crossfit when i, he was reading, he would go back to the original journal and he would read the articles into a microphone that Greg Glassman wrote. Yes. And then publish them to iTunes or Spotify. And at the time I was head of the media team and he's like, Hey, can I do this? Is it legal? I'm like, who gives a fuck? Do it. I got you.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Like if someone says something like,'ll be like we gave him the approval yeah i think that's such a great like what a valuable project that's the thing that i think is um i know man i think about this a lot when you look at social media and just kind of the way that shifted the culture of demand like everybody just needs quote content and i get it but sometimes i think in the span of a person's life, like you're only going to have so many really good in-depth ideas. And I think that's true for most people. It's not to say that you can't be creative and then, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:58 putting things out there is a bad thing, but it also creates a culture where some of the really significant stuff can get buried and then just kind of lost in the churn and i think that that is where some of those old journal articles um unfortunately have kind of fallen to and and man they were so revolutionary and the ideas in them are just as powerful today if not more more so, because to me at heart, CrossFit was so, and still is, but, but the meat of it was, Hey, the fitness industry fundamentally is fucked. It's horrible. There is so much waste and bloat and lying and just ruthless marketing of things that are useless. So let's strip all that away and let's get to the meat of what actually works.
Starting point is 00:16:55 And let's take away all the hyperbole and focus only on this center, like the nucleus. And that was what really fired me up about CrossFit in the early days. It was like, hey, man, there's something really cool here. But it's in this wrapper of total bullshit. Let's strip that all away and see what's actually in there. And in many ways, I think that the modern landscape – This dude even put nutrition at the bottom of the pyramid, right? I mean he even – people would hear Greg say like, hey, dude, if you can only do diet or movement, should do diet like it gets you to the 95 yard line like he even said that like shot himself
Starting point is 00:17:29 in the foot yeah yeah yeah but anyway like i so i just think it's a shame that there's a whole new crop of people that you know they're interested in crossfit and that's cool and it's great that they're doing the thing but they they haven't been exposed to some of those original ideas and man i just they're so powerful maybe it's selfish because for're doing the thing, but they haven't been exposed to some of those original ideas. And man, they're so powerful. Maybe it's selfish because for me, it was just such a turning point where I read some of that stuff and I was like, holy crap, this is it. In 2009, when I went out to film Miko Salo,
Starting point is 00:17:59 or maybe when he came to the States and did his L1, but I was like, man, did you like your L1? He's like, hmm. And I'm like, what do you mean? He's like, I've been doing this since I've been a little kid. And I was kind of like, maybe that's how this, you know, there were some people. I mean, you know, he's from the harsh world of Finland. And I went and like his training was like CrossFit from the fucking day he fell out of the womb.
Starting point is 00:18:22 And, you know, for someone like me, it wasn't like that. It was like avoid discomfort at all costs, sit down in the machine and pull on the cable um right and so when i did crossfit you know yeah and so when i did crossfit i had this profound stimulation but for him it was just like more of the same and like he'd you know and so maybe that's the way this new generation is they're just not it also not as – do you remember when there was the debate about the – there was a debate about the air squat? Like Kelly was like, should the toes be out? Should the toes be in? And finally Nicole Carroll is like, dude, one thing to keep in perspective is like five years ago we wouldn't have even been having this discussion.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Exactly. And I'm like, holy shit yeah you've got camps dug out about how to squat versus hey should you squat at all yes yes or are you getting a smith machine squatting is dangerous getting that where whatever that machine is where you lay on your back and you push the weights up what a bizarre machine don't get me wrong it's fun like like like but what a fucking bizarre machine you lay on you're working at your legs by laying on your back i mean it's just like man and i just look at like there's so much like metal steel and engineering that goes into one of those things yeah one movement's just, it's so funny. But okay. So getting back to this idea of,
Starting point is 00:19:48 yeah, maybe it's cool that there's a new crop and they don't have to have such familiarity with the theory behind it. That's true. I mean, at the end of the day, they're doing it. But my concern with stuff like that is if you don't have a solid kind of foundation of why you're pursuing something, I think it's easy to get swayed by the new and shiny. And I think that's why you're seeing so much stuff get injected into, um, some of the more kind of, I don't know what you call it, mainstreamification of CrossFit where it's like, Oh, I do CrossFit, but with biceps curls and you're like, Oh, okay, cool. I do CrossFit, but I also do X, Y, Z. That has nothing to do with CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:20:28 What about all the other stuff? Go ahead. Good. Sorry. Well, I think that like, without that kind of conceptual undergirding, it's easy to get swayed by some of that stuff. Oh, I see what you're saying. Yes. Yes. You know what I mean? Like for me, it's easy to make a decision where I'm like, nah, I only have so much time to work out. I don't have nearly enough these days, you know, to work out as much as I'd like to. And I don't even have as many responsibilities as a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:20:56 It's like if I'm going to sacrifice my training time to pursue something that's like a little bit less useful. I better have a really good reason for it um so anyway people people start to think that just like any movement is crossfit ah let me see how i can work that like it's not that you're poo-pooing the people who are doing the curls or the yeah or the machines but but but but they're unaware of what they're doing in terms of sway of of of going off the most effective path or going off yeah the path that is that is crossfit like like so like the other the other day it's funny you say that the other day i um i was doing this basically I had a 35 pound dumbbell in my hand and I
Starting point is 00:21:45 was basically doing something that was supposed to be a hand clean to a press and switching hands but like I consciously didn't do the hand clean and I just did the curl and then the press and then lowered it but the whole time I'm like making sure my garage door isn't fully open in case CrossFit walks by
Starting point is 00:22:01 and see that I'm doing the curl instead of the hand clean but it's just sort of this this this you should know what you're doing yeah yeah exactly or you should know what you're doing how about all the other shit like the the rollers and and the in the in the ropes where you pull them across the the cross symmetry sure and just all of the other stuff that's like just popped on the scene i had rich on the other day and he said something interesting about he started bow hunting and he's been pulling the bow so much that he thinks it's causing impingement in his shoulder and he's lost a little power sorry that might be conflating too many too many ideas once but do you think that stuff is necessary do you do all the accessory work like
Starting point is 00:22:42 do you roll do you have like a little ball and like i don't do any of that stuff i just do old school stretching i sit down open my legs apart do some twists you know what i mean just like kind of like yeah i mean i'm the same way i think i learned in the third grade necessary is an interesting question because it's always like necessary for who, you know, necessary to the white collar professional who comes into the gym three times a week just to stave off, you know, ill health. Is it worth that person's time to put 20 minutes into some balance on one leg crossover or whatever, blah, blah, blah? Probably not. I think there's probably more bang for their buck that they can get from focusing on other things. If we're talking about somebody like a Rich Froning, who's totally invested their entire life in becoming a
Starting point is 00:23:36 professional athlete and they're putting their body through the ringer. Yeah. Maybe, maybe there's some utility there for somebody like that. And, you know, there's obviously a range of people between those two extremes. So I think it always comes down to, like, necessary for who? For most people, I think that stuff's largely overrated, frankly. But, yeah, can that tool have some use? Sure. I just think it gets overblown, you know. And I think a lot of it comes down to demand for novelty. I think people love new stuff. And if it's new, it's got to be great.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Yeah, I'm guilty of that. I'm so guilty of that. And I don't think it's a problem necessarily, right? I mean, like, what's wrong with that? If it's motivating and it keeps you in the, in the game. Yes. Yes. I know. It's funny. I would have that talk with Greg. Yeah. I want a new pair of shoes, not because I need the new pair of shoes most of the time, but because then I feel an accountability to then running a mile or two miles, three times a week. Like, Oh, should I spend $150 on these shoes. I better like use them. Or it's the same thing with like, like part of me wants one of those, um, those, those runners, like those, um, uh, the thing you, the, the like assault makes where you run on it and you can run indoors. But, but like, I don't, I know I'm going to hate that thing taken up fucking 15 square feet in my garage. And, and like, it's just weird it's weird but i don't need like i have no need for it but i know if i get it i'll probably get fitter because i'll have an obligation to it like fuck this thing takes up a lot of room i better get on it yep have you ever been pinched
Starting point is 00:25:17 by one of those have you ever sat on one of those and had that roll up some ass no i have not you know what i'm talking about right i mean i can picture it but like like those pieces come together yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you've never like sat down and like on one of those and then like looking at someone working out or talking to someone and then you like you you start fidgeting and roll a piece of ass or a thigh into it like let's get i'm gonna start watching out for that though. No bueno. You don't sit down in the gym. That's not true at all.
Starting point is 00:25:53 That's not true at all. But that's, so I'm getting like another kind of piece in there is the older I get, you know, I've been working out for a while now. It's kind of weird to think that because I really do feel in my mind, I'm the same as I was when I was like 20. I'm almost 40. And there's definitely some days where I don't feel exactly as I did when I was a young spry man, but I don't feel bad either. I feel pretty good generally most of the time. But my mindset's definitely changed a lot. It used to be like, okay, how do you really squeeze the most performance out of something? It's really means a lot to get a good time or put up a good weight or whatever. And now I'm like, well, am I still going to be able to sustain this 10, 20, 30 years from now? Because I'm in it for the long haul. And so, okay. So a 10 minute crossover, a symmetry thing is something that motivates me to get in there and it makes me feel better about what I'm about
Starting point is 00:26:52 to do. Fine. You know, who cares if it's going to keep me in for the next decade, two decades, three decades. Yeah. Okay. But I think the cutoff for me is when you start to see things dominate the more important stuff that you need to be doing, then me is when you start to see things dominate the more important stuff that you need to be doing then that's where you start to have a problem right and I think getting back to the to the main idea is a lot of people especially when they're newer and they don't have that kind of sense of why this movement and not that movement, why something might be more important or less important. It can be easy to let these other little bits and pieces start to dominate your total training time. And then next thing you know,
Starting point is 00:27:33 you're just kind of back to a bodybuilding routine or you're back to just kind of fitness as it was circa 1990, you know? And then, and then, and then if you find out that you're at the wrong gym because your whole thoughts on training have changed you can just go to barbells uh i love it and uh and look for a new gym like if you're at a crossfit gym but you belong in a planet fitness you you just go over to, uh, were you, were you a Norm Macdonald fan?
Starting point is 00:28:08 No, but I need to be, I need to be, dude. I mean, as a, as a, you know, reformed Canadian,
Starting point is 00:28:14 I have to, cause he's one of our most famous exports, but, uh, he had this whole thing. You should look at it. It's a great YouTube clip where he was doing, uh,
Starting point is 00:28:23 uh, he had a sponsor called man. Great. And, um, was it made up or real pulled no it's real but they pulled their sponsorship with it because he was so just like out the window with any sort of like real promotion but it was the funniest shit and i was thinking i like, they're idiots for pulling their sponsorship. Like, it was so funny. You couldn't pay for a sponsor read that was that good, you know, but, but because it was off script, they couldn't deal with it. And I'm like, well, that's why nobody knows who man grade is, you know, they should have run with it. Like man, M A N G R E A T. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was like a personal grill personal grill, like kind of like a George Foreman kind of thing, you know? It doesn't even matter like what, in my opinion, like whether I say something good or bad about it, the whole thing is just to get it into people's head.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Yeah. So that the sponsor feels like they're getting value. Like basically, I'll tell you the nutshell. This guy reached out. He said, you know, I've recently acquired this job message, job posting. I don't know what you call message board. And and I'm willing to give you some money to promote it. And so I asked Susan, like, hey, what do you think? And he goes, yeah. And basically all we're going to do then is now take that money and dump it. We're going to look for someone to help us start a the sub on podcast instagram channel and our subclips channel and just i'm not going to even take a dime of the money just going to pump it all right back into the show yeah just like so agent what i'm doing is i'm just trying to get to 500 shows
Starting point is 00:29:58 okay where are you now uh this is one i mean you are cranking them out yeah i'm at 180 so yesterday i did a show with this dude in the morning this nutritional uh scientist phd chris master john and then when i'm done i'm just about to go to the uh to the skate park with my sons and uh i get this text from rich and because i'd been bugging Rich to come on the show. And he's so busy when you text with him, at least when I text with him. It's not like when I text with you, it's like we text back and forth. Whereas Rich, it's like you text on Wednesday and you just hope for the following Wednesday, right? Like you choose your words wisely.
Starting point is 00:30:40 It's a weekly. It's like using mail. Basically, when you text with Rich, it's like using snail mail and he goes and he goes hey i can come on and i don't know what he says 15 and i can only stay on for 45 and the way he says it's very sweet though he doesn't say it like aggressive like that he says it like he couches it in some nice you know nice rich froning way so i asked my wife i'm like hey i'm going to the skate park i'm just going to tell Rich that like, try to do this some other time. And my wife gives me this look like you fucking idiot. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:31:09 Like this, this guy is riding in on horseback and you're fucking going out of debt. Like they're going off. She's like, I'll take the kid's skate and get in there. So then he comes on and it was awesome. And then I had, and then,
Starting point is 00:31:21 then at night I did the show with Hobart and Kate Gordon. Do you know Kate Gordon? Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I can't say well, cause I haven't seen her in a long time, but you know, I still, I lived in Australia for a little bit and then I used to go there a lot for seminars and yeah. So, I mean, I've, I've known Kate for a long time. So you've worked seminars with her. Oh yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Holy cow. God, it's a Oh yeah. Yeah. Holy cow. God, it's a small world. Yeah, it really is. Um, I, I,
Starting point is 00:31:51 I don't know. I, I don't know her that well, but I really like her. I feel, um, yeah, she's great. I feel kind of free around her.
Starting point is 00:32:01 I don't feel like she, well, I don't, I, at least I just don't feel caged by her. Like you could say anything. Cause she'll unfuck you if she needs to. Those are good people to have in your life. Yeah. You know what I mean? It's like they have enough personal boundary that they know where they're
Starting point is 00:32:15 comfortable, but let you do you. Yeah. Like if I were to say, yeah, women, women belong in the kitchen, she would, she wouldn't hesitate to be like, well, you know, they also belong in the gym. would she wouldn't hesitate to be like well you know they also belong in the gym you know what i mean like show it are you um are you watching a lot of ufc these days yeah man i try to that's probably one of the only things i watch with consistency these days i'm tripping that um they have like ufc 267 and ufc UFC 268 two weekends in a row. And this one's at 11 in the morning, California time. Yeah, because I think they're back in Abu Dhabi, right? Yeah, it's just a trip to me that they would do a pay-per-view event at 11 in the morning.
Starting point is 00:32:58 That's what they did with that Josh Bridges half-thor fight. And I can't imagine that did that well. I think it's got to be an international play you know what i mean like i think it's got to be targeting european no one else has any money besides americans we just print that shit out yeah well hey that's how you get it right it's just printer go brr okay uh where where are we how did you find that one i i will i will let it ferment for a while god you must be so happy you're not in canada you must be so happy i mean only yeah i'm
Starting point is 00:33:38 politically yes um i obviously i wish that i was closer closer to my mom and my family and my brother and, you know, his family. That would be nice. But yeah, as far as a political landscape, yeah, absolutely. Do you ever just call and be like, so what's it like just spending 18 hours a day grabbing your ankles? Like if you just call your Canadian friend. How does Trudeau's cock taste? I call your Canadian friend. How does Trudeau's cock taste?
Starting point is 00:34:12 Because it's a fruitless conversation because most people are like not that bent out of shape about it, which blows my mind. I saw a commercial yesterday that was supposed to be slamming Florida and slamming Rob DeSantis. What's the guy's name over there? The governor? Yeah, DeSantis. what's the guy's name over there the governor desantis it's a commercial that's supposed to be talking about how shitty it is in in florida because they don't force people to wear masks and they're not and i'm like these people are this is the negative it was it was so fucking crazy i couldn't believe that was the slam campaign um uh so so how did you how did you find crossfit adrian
Starting point is 00:34:47 i know i've heard the story but i just can't remember yeah i was um it's like it's like 2004 and kim my wife had gone out of town she was uh it was basically like a death in a family type scenario um somebody on her side of family was on the way out. And so she had to go and deal with that. Um, and I was left to my own devices for a few days and I came across, uh, I think it was the, what is fitness article. I didn't even know if it was the CrossFit main site. Um, and I read that and I was like, Holy crap, this is, this is awesome. You know? And it, it just really gelled a lot of really little strands in my head that I think had kind of started to worm their way in but didn't have any really good expression. And so I read that because I had bounced around between a lot of different fitness sites at the time. And some kind of fringe things and some mainstream things.
Starting point is 00:35:42 What browser were you using in 2004 dude i don't even know like aol or some shit where you want what kind of computer were you on it was definitely like one of those with the full keyboard and the huge monitor that's like you know way too big yeah the tower the big you remember the big tower? So, yeah, one of those. Anyway, like, so I read different blogs about fitness and different websites. And there's always, like, people that had decent ideas, but they couldn't tie them together. And that What Is Fitness article was the first time where I was like, yeah, this is it. Like, this is really, this is kind of the unifying theory of like what it means to to actually move the needle
Starting point is 00:36:25 with your fitness this is really cool and so i started digging in and i dabbled with some workouts off the main site at the time i was living in san francisco i had i had like a kettlebell and a door jam pull-up bar and so i just mess around with what i could and then i found a guy on that you remember the old CrossFit message board? Yes. Yeah. Greg loved that thing. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:36:52 So I met my friend, Sean. Shout out, Sean Paizel. Friend to this day. Just had dinner with him a couple weeks ago. And he and I, we were convinced we were the only people in San Francisco doing this thing, you know? And we would meet up in Golden Golden Gate Park of all things. How about that?
Starting point is 00:37:08 I met this dude on the internet to meet up at Golden Gate Park with him. Take that from what you know. We would just like do what we could with what we had. And then fast forward to 2006. I took my level one in February of 2006. In 2006 in santa cruz and greg greg that's right it was the last three day level one and i came to find out later on that that uh dave was at that level one and pat sherwood is at that level one there's a couple other like wow that went on to be kind of prominent in the scene that were also there. I didn't know him at the time, you know, I didn't know him from anybody.
Starting point is 00:37:47 So that was cool. Yeah. And then started coaching at San Francisco CrossFit almost immediately after that. And then by 2007, I started to help out with the level ones that were going on. And so by the end of 2007, I was kind of a recurring on the seminar and you were and you were on the website a lot that was like when everyone would go to watch the videos and there was a ton of videos coming out of san francisco crossfit obviously with you in it and you you were kind of like you you were the first person outside of the city you and kelly were
Starting point is 00:38:22 were the first people i think outside of the santa cruz um gym to sort of get some some internet's fame yeah and i think we had the benefit of being close enough like striking distance that you could look at but kind of far enough out that it had a different look and feel you know what what I mean? Yeah, totally. And you were doing, you were doing fun stuff. Mars, you're on with Adrian Bozeman. Hi, Adrian. Hi, Siobhan. How are you guys doing? Hey, what's up, dude? I'm great, man.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Hey, great. Adrian, big fan. I listened to you on Buried Not Random. And I think between you and Sherwood, I could just about get a level one equivalent just on the sheer amount of free content you guys put out there oh thanks man appreciate that yeah um i just do you have like any specific tips for people working out on their own in their garage because i for example sometimes i'm like a pretty self-conscious about my form and uh yep yeah wear a mask wear a. Wear a mask, Mars. Wear a mask when you're working out. That helps.
Starting point is 00:39:30 You know I got a fishnet mask to run. Is that what you're talking about? Yes. Put on two condoms, a diaper, and a mask and you should be set. All the safety, you should be safe from everything. I don't want my beard hair to fall on my barbell or anything
Starting point is 00:39:47 so that'll help a lot. That's good. But I guess I can talk about my form. So I guess what are some tips some things I can do because for example I know
Starting point is 00:39:57 you know Smith Brothers I don't know I've heard that they kind of started on their own and you know he has really great form. Yeah, I'm curious how you could emulate something like that. Yeah, most of us did back in the day.
Starting point is 00:40:12 We kind of self-taught a lot of that stuff. It just wasn't possible to do it any other way. So I think number one is to recognize that to get good at anything, you have to go through a necessary process of being not so good for a long time. And that's okay. And, uh, it's a myth where people, you see people, uh, that do every rep that looks flawless. Like nobody does that. Wherever you're going, you better believe American express will be right there with you heading for adventure. We'll help you breeze through security, meeting friends, a world away. You can use your travel credit.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Terms apply. So don't sweat it when it's not perfect. But what I would do is find somebody, especially now because they're everywhere, find somebody who's got like a similar build to you in terms of like if you're tall or short, like long arms or whatever. Try to find somebody who's like kind of close to that. And then just lurk on their material and just look at how they move and what their positions look like. And just have that in the forefront of your mind when you're going through your workout in your garage. And then I think the other thing that you can do that's huge these days, like everybody's got a video camera in their pocket.
Starting point is 00:41:39 So just don't video your whole session and then go back and spend a lot of time. That's a waste of time. Don't video your whole session and then go back and spend another hour. That's a waste of time. But take five minutes when you're warming up or like you're getting, you know, to some good lifting or whatever. And just watch those lifts back. And it doesn't have to be in the moment. That can be helpful too.
Starting point is 00:42:01 But later, you know, you've done the workout. You've got five minutes to wait for the bus. Pull it out and just kind of objectively look at how you're doing and compare it back to that body that you found that kind of mirrors your own. I think that's a really easy way to start doing it. And then, you know, again, have the long game in mind. It takes a long time and a lot of reps to really get good at some of this stuff. to really get good at some of this stuff. And then Mars, I mean, the truth is, is if you get really good at it, then you can go to
Starting point is 00:42:31 and find a vocation to teach others. I'm just saying. Thank you. Is that a sponsor or something, Siobhan? No, no, no, no. Why do you keep saying that? I'm not a whore. I don't take sponsorship
Starting point is 00:42:46 this is good all right well I just thought I really had I really appreciate the content you put out and I follow you
Starting point is 00:42:54 and Sherwood pretty closely so I really appreciate it cool well hey good luck with the straight
Starting point is 00:43:00 all right hey come on see you guys later man thanks for coming have a good one bye oh look at that we got the All right. Hey, come on. See you guys later, man. Thanks. Have a good one. Oh, look at that. What was he swimming in a pool? What is this, Adrian? I don't know about this. What is this thing?
Starting point is 00:43:15 Yeah. Pat and I, about a year ago. Let me think. How did it start? Like I know Mo and Jonathan from beyond the whiteboard known for a long time. Yep. Yep. And they wanted to have some more stuff available to them. And Pat at the time was,
Starting point is 00:43:38 was starting to work with them and they were basically like, Hey, you guys want to do a podcast? And I was like, what do I have to do? And they're like talking to this camera and then put basically like, hey, you guys want to do a podcast? And I was like, what do I have to do? And they're like talking to this camera and then put it on a Google Drive. And I was like, if that's all I have to do, I'm in.
Starting point is 00:43:55 So yeah, Pat and I, once or twice a week, we'll get together and we'll record some stuff and we'll release like one episode a week. We're not at your level, Savant. We can't keep up with that kind of pace. Look at all these five-star reviews. Pat and Adrian are so easy to listen to. They drop knowledge, share entertainment, insightful stories,
Starting point is 00:44:13 and emphasize the similar foundational ideas that so many people ignore or forget. Oh, we've already covered that. We covered that comment in this show. My show's already covered. You don't need to listen to this Sherwood-Adrien shit she we already covered that whole shit in the first 30 seconds of this show it's true it's true but yeah man we just try to pick like one topic that's like pretty i'll give you like a like an easy example okay you're programming do you weight lift and then do
Starting point is 00:44:41 something after that or not and we just talk about that for a while and hash that out because there's so many things like that where people haven't been exposed to it or it's gotten lost along the way or whatever and it just kind of like like matt's uh reading of the journal article uh stuff like just kind of bringing some of those ideas back to the forefront i think that's the goal are you guys consistent yeah yeah yeah we uh we like i said we we record uh once a week at a minimum sometimes more and then we we release a show every week and that's where we're at for now you had no one star um reviews i you you had 38 five star reviews look at my little line i I got some. Yeah, I've never
Starting point is 00:45:27 actually been. Let me make some of these one-star. That's the other nice part. Sorry to cut you off, man. No, go ahead. It's a super fun project, but I don't know how many views we get. I don't follow any of that. I don't worry about reviews's just i just do it and then that's it so it's kind of me i spent i spent two hours um doing the show every day and then six hours mulling over uh reviews and comments some guy called you an asshole on the internet stink this show stinks like hot garbage on july afternoon in florida that's a review that we got no that's a review yeah that no no yours are all five star i've i only talk about myself i've already i've already i read one of yours it was
Starting point is 00:46:11 it was like no one wants to hear good reviews that boring i kind of wish that was well you had me my hopes up i thought that was one for us that'd be great someone talks too much and asks leading questions true oftentimes talks over his guests often interrupts them all very true does not give brian a chance to ask questions uh okay it's fair fair sometimes does not set up topic and you might get lost if you don't know what's going on in the crossfit space very true uh love the guests that are on loves brian's questions like what does in general just with someone wasn't talking 80 of the podcast yeah this podcast that podcast isn't for you then
Starting point is 00:46:49 i wish there were more i'd give it a five-star rating but the constant loss of audio during oh yeah we got this we had some what software do you use adrian for what? For your podcast? Uh, none. I mean, like literally I set up a camera, it's all prerecorded, right? So we don't do anything live or at least we haven't yet.
Starting point is 00:47:13 So we, um, we set up a camera. Huge live. You should do it live. People would love to call and talk to you and Pat. Sorry, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:47:20 See, I just didn't have to do a talk over you. Okay. I'm not, I'm not opposed to that. I just don't know that. I just don't know that. We just haven't done it, and I don't know how. But we, like I set up a camera.
Starting point is 00:47:32 I have headphones in a little like lav mic. And then when we're done, I upload those files from the camera and the mic to Google Drive and then be on the whiteboard, they take it from there. So, I mean, I really don't do any software. Sometimes if we had a guest a few times, and we'll just do it over Zoom, and we'll record the Zoom recording, and then we have the independent footage from Pat and myself and audio from Pat and myself. And then between all of that, they figure out a way to put it together, but I don't have anything to do with that. So I don't really know.
Starting point is 00:48:10 That's awesome. Yeah. Yeah, it is. And you enjoy it. Yeah. It's super fun. It's,
Starting point is 00:48:17 you know, it's, it's, it's kind of nice because I like, I think about this a lot, man, I've gone from my whole life was coaching and doing this stuff. And I've kind of progressively stepped further and further away from that as it's super weird to say, but like my career has pulled me in a different direction, you know?
Starting point is 00:48:33 So like I stopped coaching like hardcore in 2012. And I had a garage gym when I lived in Oakland where I would have, you know, just some friends come over two, three times a week. And it was kind of like a free class type scenario, mostly just like a workout with friends. So I did some coaching there, but nothing really in depth. Um, but I still work in level ones until 2018. And since then, it's like, I don't really have an outlet for that. I don't really get a chance to talk about some of this stuff as much as I used to. Um, so it's a cool outlet for that to kind of go back in the,
Starting point is 00:49:11 in the memory logs and kind of keep a hand in with it. So yeah, it's fun. When I say to you, um, the biggest whiner of all the CrossFit games athletes that you've ever had to deal with, does the name just pop in your head biggest whiner uh no so no one just popped up right away you're not like yeah this motherfucker no man i mean i don't know that you can be like a real whiner and exist on a professional level and cross it like it's too hard like how you gonna show up and grind yourself out there's not someone like who's after every event is like hey adrian my judge sucks hey adrian i
Starting point is 00:49:50 got cheat shorter there's not there's just not i mean obviously there's people who do that but not every event no i no definitely not i would say there's some more high maintenance people than others for sure but like whiners nah um i'm trying to think who it was who i was interviewing was it noah it was it was at the games this year it was a it was um it was an event that was indoors it's funny even though i watched on tv i feel like i was there um it was it was an event where maybe it was lazar jukic I was there. Um, it was, it was, it was an event where maybe it was Lazar Jukic and he was jump roping. It was, it was a jump. Was there a jump rope pegboard event? There was. Yeah. And he got, um, a hard call in that event. He said, what happened though? He is such a dude. I love that guy. He's, I mean, I don't know him that well, but he, uh,
Starting point is 00:50:43 he, uh, I, every interaction I had with him was great. Yeah. Me and you and him would have fun together. We are definitely, the three of us would so bro out. Yep. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Yeah. Him and his brother just seemed like great, great guys. Um, so, so, so what happened there? Cause I,
Starting point is 00:50:59 I think I had him on the show and he was, the reason why that one stands out to me is, um, basically he felt like he had done extra reps and yeah i think i think that those extra reps would have made if he's if he's accurate he would have actually beat cole sager and won that event so it's a that one was stuck out in my head yeah that was his claim and so we you know he did i think in the one of the first rounds he had to do an extra double under and he got called back to do it so he lost a few seconds to do that and then in the rounds after that he intentionally did an extra
Starting point is 00:51:38 so that is like anticipating that his judge was going to make him do one okay and uh and so you know his claim was like hey i did this extra it cost me time and we're like yes that is true it did happen that way but was it enough time to put him ahead of of cole no and so you know his score stood it's kind of one of those crappy situations where you're like yeah you're right that was a mistake but the outcome isn't going to change and so you know even if it would have though you do you go back or is that just hey that's just part of the game you got the judges make mistakes too and we have in the past absolutely like we'll try to make things right like if it's clearly an error and it clearly would have resulted in somebody being in a different spot than they then than they ended up. And yeah, we'll, we'll make it right.
Starting point is 00:52:26 But when it's speculative, like I could have gotten further at the end of the day, it's like, well, maybe, but you also might've tripped on, you know, uh, around, you might, you might not have been as fast as you thought you were in the moment, which is what ended up happening in this case. Like those seconds that he got, wouldn't translated into enough reps to you know pass cole um i always hear the stories from the athletes go ahead go ahead but i'll say i'll say in his in his defense man he was so cool about the whole thing like he's disappointed he wasn't the answer he wanted you know but he got over it super quick. The next time I saw him, he was super gracious about it. You know, he even like made a little joke at me
Starting point is 00:53:08 later, you know, he was like, yeah, you owe me one for next year. You know, I was like, oh, this is great. Like, that's how you react to something like that. Like, it's a bummer for him. I get it. You know, it's not what he wants, but he was able to like, put, put it out of mind. And that's that. And, uh, I think that's like really important for people that want to compete at that level. Cause you can see some people in a situation like that, like they're going to, this is going to stick in their brain and then it's going to affect whatever happens next. And, you know, they're going to spend a whole season ruminating on it. And it's like, man, that's just a blocker for the other things that you need to be doing.
Starting point is 00:53:44 You got to let that shit go you know um anyway there there was an there was an event in carson i don't remember what machine it was i don't know if it was an assault bike or a rower but basically camille was on it oh yeah yeah i remember that it was a rower and travis bagent was out there doing the commentating and i don't remember my i don't i don't know if i'm remembering this right but basically her rower went turned off yeah the monitors are filled i think it was uh you know how hot used to get out there yeah i think it just fried the monitor that's interesting i was gonna say i've never seen i've never ever seen a single problem on a Concept2, but that's interesting. It was 130 degrees on the floor there because I remember the guy pointing the gun at the floor.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Yep. That's the only – no, there was only one other time that I've seen a C2 device that failed during competition. That's it. Out of the probably thousands of times that those machines have been put through the test like they're so good i can't say the same for some of the other equipment that we've used so so so she's on that rower and she starts crying and as i and fix the story after i i fuck it up and travis comes over to her while he's also doing the live um you know announcing in the stadium and says to her hey which i thought was fucking
Starting point is 00:55:13 a crazy move on his part bold good bad and bold all all three and says hey travis really well doesn't it i mean yeah i love it he says he, listen, when I tell you to get off the rower, get off the rower and move to the next implement. And he sees a couple people get off their rowers. He's like, go. I'm like, is that what happened? I mean, I was there. That's how I remember it. But I just think that's so funny. I mean,'m okay with it like yeah what what are you gonna do yeah you know i i gotta be honest it's been a lot that was what 2012 2013 long time ago yeah and i honestly don't remember exactly how that went down i definitely remember that the monitor died she was like through no fault of her own like what a crappy place to be, you know? So not, not her fault at all. No, no, not at all. And, you know, you're in the middle of it, the stressful competition, it's at the end and that's the hand you get dealt.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Like that sucks. So I don't remember exactly the resolution. I remember at regionals a few years later, we had something similar where like, it was actually a mechanical failure, but we had one close and we were able to swap out really quickly and we had a pretty good sense of where he was when he hopped off and like where he would have been if he had kept rowing at that pace and so we just estimated and let him run with it do you remember who that was that happened to uh it was um johnny medina i think you remember that oh shit yeah you know what's crazy i just started following him on instagram i saw him in stockton at a jiu-jitsu tournament last month
Starting point is 00:56:53 and he was he was with his new baby and he's and so i started following instagram and he's a skateboard instructor oh that's awesome i know he's a great i'll say what a cool kid but i guess he's probably not a kid anymore yeah grown-ass man now yep he was he was always so fun to watch like what a cool competitor you know and what a great story like his whole family anyway um i'm pretty sure it was him at regionals but back to camille i don't remember how we resolved that i like in my mind i have that regionals experience and i'm like oh yeah we swapped out the rower and she but i don't think that's actually what happened i think what is more likely is exactly what travis said is that we you know kind of estimated like when she's she's gonna move on and that was that um i honestly don't remember stefan jeremiah just
Starting point is 00:57:40 commented hey stefan finally made it that's. You talked to your mom, Stefan? Sorry, I would have loved to have broken the news to you face to face. Not to harp on Camille, the craziest incident that I ever saw, and what's funny is I didn't even really see the incident. But I was there for the aftermath. And basically, it was some sort of snatch event. Oh, I remember that one well. And then when it was over, she came under the stadium, and she sat underneath a quote by – who was that coach of the late oh yeah it might have been yeah at this at the sub hub they had a bunch of those right like kind of yeah it was a quote from the guy who
Starting point is 00:58:31 was the head basketball coach at ucla super famous dude john wooden is that a guy i believe it that's where's that told me that i would i would say sure but i don't know sports and sports history that well anyway the quote is something like you show your true character not in your highs but your lows colin says wouldn't and and it's she's and she's sitting under it and she's having a complete fucking meltdown and michael dalton goes over to film her and she says get the fuck away from me basically i'm paraphrasing and so another filmer goes over to her and she's like get away from me so they come over to me and they're like stevan you got to go talk to i'm like well why don't you guys talk to her they're like because i told us to get the fuck away so i go over there and i basically film her and you know part of it was like
Starting point is 00:59:15 in in all fairness like i didn't plan to say this but it was borderline inappropriate that i filmed her but it was my job do you know filmed her, but it was my job. Do you know what I mean? Like, imagine if your job was to, um, uh, for the police department to spy on people through their windows and you were spying on people and they were like naked and you know,
Starting point is 00:59:36 you shouldn't be doing it, but it's your job. It was, it was kind of like that. It was like, it was inappropriate to be putting a camera interface at this time, but, but it was also my job.
Starting point is 00:59:44 It's what I did. I filmed the behind the scenes. I was fucking good at but but it was also my job it's what i did i filmed the behind the scenes i was fucking good at it i was fucking obsessed with it and so i i film her and i talked to her and she has this complete fucking meltdown and says all of this really crazy shit inappropriate shit i'm slamming you slamming the crowds just just she came unhinged anyway and so um later when i get back to my hotel room that night i haven't i don't know if it's an email it's an email i have an email from her and it's i see the lawyers at crossfit and nicole carroll and some other people and it basically is like hey you better not show that footage of me because Because that's not really who I am.
Starting point is 01:00:25 And I'm thinking to myself. And of course, I'm just antagonized. It's like she could have just texted me or something and been like, yo, please don't show that. But you know what I mean? Because she drug mommy and daddy into it. And it was like, that's not who I. I just fucking got really like defensive. It made me want to put it in.
Starting point is 01:00:42 You know what I mean? Well, I mean, it sounds like she was in that moment defensive she was obviously trying to protect her her reputation and I'm not blaming her either I'm not blaming her either for that I'm not blaming her for that I wouldn't have wanted that footage coming out either
Starting point is 01:00:59 but I think like to be charitable to the athletes in those types of situations it's like yeah man yeah, man, there is a, it's a pressure cooker. It's a highly emotional place. Like there's a lot of stress. You've trained for years to get to this spot. You know, you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself. There's expectations. Things don't always go your way. Like I get it. You know, like there's been plenty of things said to me in the moment that it's like you just have to accept it for what it is it's just that's just that moment it doesn't doesn't mean much beyond that so has anyone called you a cunt nope not not in anything other than well then you haven't coached in australia then you haven't judged in australia i was just i was, like the Aussies, sure, but that's because it's a term of endearment. Great call, you cunt. Hey, isn't that funny?
Starting point is 01:01:50 They live their whole life upside down on the other side of the earth, and they even have the word – the most offensive word in the English language is something positive there. You got to love them. Everything is backwards in Australia. Oh, dude. Yeah. Do you have to – You know to you know honestly man i don't get a lot of heat like there's definitely charged emotions but people are pretty civil to me and i think a lot of that's kind of a filter too it's like i do like you do have a position of authority if you want to call it that and so it's not going to be i think people understand's like, it's not useful for them to totally go off on me. It's not that I'll be vindictive or anything like that, but it's like, you know, if you're going to, if you're going to chew out
Starting point is 01:02:33 the principle, it's probably not going to help you that much. You know, it's funny that you say that is I, from my perspective, and I think yours is more accurate and right. I know it is. From my perspective, you do get a lot of heat. But my job, I was hanging with the 80 or 100 people all week that you were judging. So when you weren't around, it was always like, fucking Boz doesn't even care. I tried to approach. Boz isn't even fucking listening. I mean, I would hear it every, you know, not every event, but at least if it was a seven seven day event i would hear it at least once a day i fucking told boss my coach went over to boss my mom went over to boss i had the guy who
Starting point is 01:03:14 sells coffee go over to boss and he just won't listen and i'm like holy shit you know like boss is a dick he won't even listen they sent the coffee guy over and Boz won't listen to him. You know? No. What does that guy know? Why would I listen to him? Because they sent him over. While he was serving coffee, he saw that Lucas Parker actually did 22 box jumps.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Well, and hey, man, I'll say over the years, I feel like I and we have gotten better about – it's not that I was never not listening or not willing to hear somebody out or whatever. But I think in a lot of the early days in those events, there was no time. Do you know what I mean? There was no time between events. There was no time to prep as much as you wanted. There was no time to like prep as much as you wanted. There was no time to get in the right spot. It was just go, go, go, go, go, go, go. And so if something wasn't going to change, it's almost like a shorthand to be like, look, like, okay, you can tell me the story again, but we've already moved past this and
Starting point is 01:04:25 it's not going to be any difference. So let's just all move on. And so I could see where that would come off as not caring or whatever. And I feel like now that we've got a better handle on how to run these events, like there is more time to hear people out. There is more time to, and a lot of times I think that's what people want is they just want to hear it. They just want to know that their side has been heard and considered, even if the outcome isn't going to change. So I think we've gotten better about that. I'm curious to Boz's involvement in games testing, demo team relationships. Is he at the ranch physically, virtually as tests are developed?
Starting point is 01:05:04 Yes. Yeah, I go to the ranch a couple times a year. It's super fun. That's one of my favorite parts of the year is to go and be part of that process. The times I've always been there when there's testing, Boz is always there, and there is a ton. I don't have any memories of boz even though the demo team is there they almost um exclusively uh deal with dave but um the second workouts are done or during them it's basically imagine two dudes sitting in director's chairs
Starting point is 01:05:39 and it's boz and dave and they just will chat like dave will be like does that look too heavy to you boz will be like no and then they will be like don't you think that transition should be faster and then Boz will be like yeah probably won and lost there and then there's just this constant I feel like chatter between them um and then the workouts are over they let the demo then there's there's just so much feedback everyone's always like yeah for sure yeah and to Dave's credit like he's definitely expanded that circle quite a bit like i think in the early days he you know he was not as interested in hearing from too many people about those types of of things but now it's like he's definitely willing to hear like he wants to know the demo team's experience he's there's other
Starting point is 01:06:20 people that are like kind of core members of the team that he'll ask for input so he i think he's gotten larger in who he wants to hear from with that process and um i'll also say this about dave and there's probably two i mean there's a few other people who know this as well as adrian and i but you can have some really intense fights with Dave. I've never had an intense fight. What are you talking about? And, and, and, and it's okay. And it's okay. Um, yeah, Adrian and I have both had like, we're like people, we have to walk away that we, um, people hanging up on the phone. Like it's okay to fight with Dave. I'm sure Nicole Carroll has had it when she worked with Dave,
Starting point is 01:07:01 I'm sure they fucking brawl, but Dave's the kind of person um it's part of the it's part of it yeah well disagreeing and fighting is okay because because he respects that he respects us and we respect him it's just like all right yep yeah he doesn't fight he doesn't fight fair, but he fights. I tell this motherfucker, you bring a gun to a knife fight, asshole. Oh, he just will go nuclear on you. Oh, man. You're arguing about if that's a turkey holster or a red-tailed hawk, and he's like, your mom's a whore. Like, what?
Starting point is 01:07:38 No, he doesn't say that. But you know what I mean. Dave does not talk like that, by the way. This is true. I think one of the funny things about Dave is, like, people, you know, he's like, if you've ever had emails from Dave, they're always like three words. If you get a full sentence with a period, like consider yourself lucky kind of thing, you know. And I remember early days on the seminar team, people be like, man, I just don't know if Dave likes me or if I did a good job or whatever. And I'd have to stop them and say, look, do you think that if you're doing something poorly, like Dave would hold back and reserved about that, but you don't think he'd
Starting point is 01:08:15 know if he were doing something that he didn't like or that wasn't up to snuff? Come on, man, you'd know about that immediately. It's like, if you haven't heard from him, it's because you haven't heard from him. That's it. You know what I mean? It's like, you don't have to read between the lines. And I always thought that was refreshing. It's like, there's no hidden agenda. Like, you know exactly where you stand. And I can't say that about too many people yet. Right. They'll wait till you're gone and start telling people around you. Right. Don't wait till you're gone and start telling people around you. Right. Were you there when Taylor Self dropped the...
Starting point is 01:08:52 I was three feet away from him. So you saw that? Oh man, I was right next to him pretty much. It was terrible. I felt so bad for him. So let me build it up a little bit and then please tell me what happened so this guy was on the podcast and he's like hey i really want to be on the demo team and i was like okay cool so i was like all you got to do is just dm dave and just just tell him how you're there to serve and you will never back down and you you know just give him your resume about how you're the hardest worker
Starting point is 01:09:20 in the world and he goes okay and he's so fucking pumped and he flies out from i don't know north carolina north carolina he's from all the way to the west and then dave calls me and goes hey that fucking dude you fucking told me to give a shot fucking he's going home i'm like what happened he goes he got folded in half underneath the He goes, he got folded in half underneath the pig. Yes. And when Dave said that folded in half, I seriously could not stop laughing. That's literally what happened. I was just picturing like a shirt getting folded and pressed.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Okay. And I told Taylor that he's like, fuck you. And he's just like yelling at me. That poor guy. I felt so bad for him. I mean, you know, he shows up, he's so eager, you know, he just missed qualifying. He's obviously a bad-ass and, uh, it was like the first test of the day kind of thing. And we had this turf strip that we were doing the pig flips on.
Starting point is 01:10:24 Yeah. He is a bad-ass, right? Like the other athletes were doing the pig flips on. Yeah, he is a badass, right? Like the other athletes were excited even to meet him, right? Yeah, for sure. I mean, the dude's, he's the real deal. And we had this, so there's like a hard pack, kind of sandy, arid, you know, Northern California ranch floor, ground, I guess you could say. floor ground i guess you could say and on top of that we had this um turf strip that was i don't know four feet wide and ran the length of what we had mocked up as the field and that's what we're putting the pig on and he got a little overzealous and he was kind of half on half off the turf like one of his feet was on the hard pack dirt and he went to flip and it just like cartoon style just kicked out from the side of him.
Starting point is 01:11:05 And he basically did the splits. And then had the kid land on top of him. Oh, my God. And fold him in half. Like it was scary to watch, you know. And, I mean, testament to, number one, his toughness and his physical preparation that he didn't get hurt. Like I think a normal person would still be walking funny from that, you know what I mean? If not like totally broken.
Starting point is 01:11:30 But he's a fit, resilient guy. So does he have his hands on his head when it's like that like is he like this it's like a cartoon it happened so quick i mean it was i don't remember where his hands were when it when it hit him but yeah i mean it was bad god i wish i would have if i would have been there i would have filmed that shit but he basically had like a strain you know he like strained his hamstring whereas normally if it were me i would be crippled you know how did who who took the pig off of him when it was smushing him it was kind of a team effort like when it when it happened and we were like oh man like you, you have that kind of moment when something bad happens where you're like, you know, the, yeah, the extent of it. And as soon as it was clear, it was like, oh, this is bad.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Like, you know, everybody that was there kind of rushed in and just flipped it off of them. Did he, did you, do you remember him giving like an audible gasp or anything? No, I don't remember that. What I remember is the sound of his foot slipping on the dirt you know like that kind of skids well i yeah and and another another testament to his toughness is like he got up and like was trying to shake it off and like he was considering whether he should like keep going. And we were like, no dude, you should not. But just, well, there's plenty of opportunities over it. What if I'm saying that sponsor's name wrong? What if it's the Barbell Job's?
Starting point is 01:13:00 No, I just wanted to make sure it was right. Barbell jobs. Yeah. Barbell Job's it's a biblical uh taylor uh swing uh while you're healing you should uh apply for a job at a local crossfit affiliate and spread the lessons you've learned he works at hendel's place you know that yeah yeah i did know that a man poor andy hendel yeah yeah i think he's on the road to recovery but oh i'm so glad to hear that yeah i'm so glad to hear that man one of the nicest guys uh absolutely in the 15 years i was with crossfit one of the most helpful nicest down-to-earth real loving i mean that's just some familial yeah tough uh yeah i picture it go ahead no no i was just gonna say it's a a huge legacy of like crossfit on the east coast you know like he was one of the pioneers um i picture a cartoon when they get flattened by an anvil yes that's kind
Starting point is 01:14:04 of how i accurate that's how of how I – Accurate. That's how I picture it too. It's actually probably good there's no video because it's probably not as funny if you see the video. I don't know. It was pretty good. I mean like – Because it's okay and it worked out, but it did not look good. Are there any movements that you dread – like any things that pop up at the games that you dread
Starting point is 01:14:27 like you're like oh this we're gonna have problems like like oh yeah uh like these push-ups like we are there's gonna be like yeah push-ups are terrible there's a reason you don't see them push-ups are always a nightmare they're the cheaters favorite exercises so many ways to game that yeah push-ups are bad single leg squats man pistols yes why how hard is it to judge a pistol doesn't everyone go ahead it's it's it's that people when they're standing up, they'll put that non-working leg down right as they're extending instead of waiting until they finish. And so like when they get in a rhythm like that, it's like it's always a little bit early. Like they're getting a little bit of assist. And then they don't understand why they're getting repped.
Starting point is 01:15:20 And, you know. There's an equivalent to that like in repping push jerks, right? Yeah, yeah. And, you know, what's the equipment? There's equivalent to that, like in repping push jerks, right? Yeah. Yeah. When you start lower and early. I want to check the time. I got to go here pretty quick. Where are you? I'm in a hotel in Scotts Valley. I'm really surprised that the phone isn't just ringing off the hook.
Starting point is 01:15:46 I mean, there's a shit ton of viewers coming and going. I did a morning show the other day and the fucking phone was just going off. I think people are scared of you. Hey, man, I'm an intimidating guy. What can I say? It must be the jujitsu. I was told there are some athletes who intentionally tell their judges they have more reps than what they actually do to try to mess with the judge's head i don't think that's true i don't think um
Starting point is 01:16:13 i don't think there's athletes i mean wouldn't wouldn't it be a waste of time to try to cheat he's still here people we just can't see him i just gotta shoot a text out real quick okay i'm back um am i back i can't see you guys now i can see you no you're not back oh man i think i blew it why it's okay we can still hear you i'll keep you on just for this is the last question I'll keep you on just for, this is the last question. I'll keep you on. Then I'll let you go. No, no, it's okay. You're good. Hey, so, so tell me, why look, I can make it a solo layout and it's just you on the screen now. Just kidding. It's just black. So, so do I, do you, do you,
Starting point is 01:16:59 do you go to that place? Like, Hey, these athletes, like this athlete is just trying to cheat. Oh shit. Maybe we lost the boss hey boss okay i removed him i'll kick him off kick from the studio bam kick guest yep gone device not. I can't kick him off because he's not connected. Kick from studio? Ban? Ban from studio. I don't want to ban him. Guys, hour and 15 minutes with the boss.
Starting point is 01:17:36 That was like what happened with Volkanovski. That's good company to be in. Let me check my text messages. My mom just text me. Would your boys like to come over for dinner or sleep over tomorrow night? Sure. Sure, mom. All right, guys.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Well, that was fun. Tomorrow we have Luke Parker. He is a training partner of Rich Froning. He's over at the Mayhem Empire. He's there with Hayley Adams, Luzard Jukic, Guy Malheros. I know I said that wrong. Andrea Nistler. Who's the other girl? I'm forgetting someone, but I'm trying to just show off. So anyway, he's coming on the show. It's going to be interesting. I, and ethics than watching The Bachelor, The Bachelorette.
Starting point is 01:18:50 And I'm not joking. I'm not saying that for dramatic effect or anything. But he will be on the show tomorrow, and I will share that with him. We'll also learn what the definition of God and grace and heart and all those words that they use to describe like, oh, by the grace of God. Oh, I feel our hearts are connected. I don't know what any of that stuff is. Maybe I'm a sociopath or a fucking autistic. I don't know. But like Adrian, I'm glad I jumped back in for that. Sorry about that. I don't know what happened.
Starting point is 01:19:16 I was trying to find the text and next thing you know, I had a great answer. I had a great answer. Um, uh, um, uh, um, I can't believe you have a podcast with Pat Sherwood and I didn't know, know it. What's the name of it again? Verified and legal. Yes. Very not random. Very not random. Yeah, that's cool. Um, what, yeah, there was a question. What was the question? It was a, uh, see. It was one I read. Richard said push-ups are the hardest to judge. Oh, yeah, we were talking about hard to judge things.
Starting point is 01:19:51 I have a good boss story, but didn't want to interrupt. Okay, hold on. You were talking about athletes that try to fake out their judges by telling them they're the best. Oh, yes, yes. Do athletes try to purposely cheat it seems like okay so here's here's what i'll say about this is that i think there's different tiers of competition and me being where i am with the sport and the organization like i don't i don't experience local competitions that often i don't experience some of the lower tier community competitions you know stuff like that bragger bragger no it lower tier community competitions, you know, stuff like that. Bragger, bragger. No, it's just the reality, man.
Starting point is 01:20:31 You know, so like when people get to the semifinal regional level and then the big show, it's like there's the amount of shenanigans I think drops off significantly because people know it's just not going to fly. And if you're invested in stuff like that, you've already lost. You know what I mean? Like if you think that's what it's going to take to beat Tia, like you lost. You're done. You might as well. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:20:50 Like you don't have the mindset for it. So see you next year, I guess. How about that dude who one year made a video to try to qualify for the games and it was like Fran or something and he looped the thrusters? You remember that? Yeah, totally. and he it was like fran or something and he looped the thrusters yeah totally every year during the open we get we get some stuff like that people are just like testing the system oh good i hope that's what it is like if i did something like that it would be strictly to test the system okay one do you have time for one last call, Adrian? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's do it. And then I got to go. Okay. Brandon, what's up, dude? You're on with Adrian. You get the last word today, buddy.
Starting point is 01:21:32 Yeah. No, along with what you were saying about the different levels of competition, I had the pleasure of judging the Central Regionals with you back in 2015. So I'm fresh, new into CrossFit, owning a gym, just taking level one and was like, hey, there's opportunity to go to Minnesota and Judge Central. And so sitting there waiting to go judge, you know, all these elite level athletes.
Starting point is 01:21:57 It was Brooke Wells when she won, Julie Foucher the year she ripped her Achilles off. I mean, it was an amazing regional and scared to death because I don't want to, like, screw up as a judge. And talking about, like, this local competition versus the level and these guys trying to get away with everything. And you said something that stuck with me forever.
Starting point is 01:22:17 It was if they do the rep 99% correct, it's 100% wrong. So we expect perfection from them at this level that there's no leniency one percent not perfect is a no rep and i thought that was pretty awesome and so just wanted to just share that story asshole asshole hey man not a lot of room at the top seven well hey i'm glad it stuck with you i remember saying that yeah i do remember that regional regional though that was a good one it was at the convention center right and i think jason mcdonald was with me and maybe yeah jason and eric ederson preston yeah they were both there it was awesome. That regional was crazy. Adrian, you don't remember saying that? No, not at all.
Starting point is 01:23:08 It's a fucking great line. Yeah, 99% correct is 100% wrong when it comes to CrossFit. How about that? Do things correctly. That's what I got out of it. Yep. Brandon, thank you. story thank y'all
Starting point is 01:23:26 worth adrian coming back on for hey man have a good one later uh what are you doing today adrian are you are you at hq filming videos or what are you doing yeah we're doing um like a big movement library capture for awesome games so with the goal is you know like every time we do a stage of competition in the past we've um shot it before so it'd be like okay the open we'll go in we'll shoot the stuff for the open and then quarterfinals roll around we'll go shoot that stuff and this year we were a little bit ahead of things which is great we got you know people that are kind of like myself a great example i was um in doing other things in CrossFit, I had a lot of different hats on and now my role has shifted to just games. So I can focus on that a little bit more. And we have a few other people
Starting point is 01:24:15 on the team that have done the same thing. And so we're able to take this time after the games to plan a little more than we have for some of the back of house stuff like this so we're going to create this big movement library and then we can just draw from that every time we have to build a competition instead of having to go and shoot it specifically that's cool um yeah and then will you have your secret meeting where you talk about which athletes to protect um that's exactly right which ones we're not going to drug test drug Drug testing. But that's a big secret. So don't let that one out. Oh, man. I was actually thinking, I was actually, okay, one last thing.
Starting point is 01:24:53 I was actually, I was actually thinking the other day, you know, it would be really funny as if, I mean, it wouldn't be funny. It'd be just nuts is let's say someone like Rich came out and just, just to fuck with the games and be like, oh, yes, they were protecting me for 10 years. I pop positive every year and they've been protecting me. I cannot tell a lie. God is weighing heavy in my heart. The best part about that is how good the secret would be because I'd be totally oblivious. I'd be just as shocked as everybody else. I'd be like, oh, my God. Yeah. All right, brother.
Starting point is 01:25:27 Hey, man. Always a pleasure.

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