The Sevan Podcast - #189 - Luke Parker

Episode Date: October 29, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. But it's okay. Fuck it. It's life.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Oops, I already swore. Bam, we're live. Sweet. One minute early. Yeah, I'm in Round Rock or pretty much Austin, Texas for the Rogue Invitational right now. Oh, cool. Why are you there? Why why are you going there why are you doing that so i'm helping coach so facundo i'm pretty sure you had him on recently he you know he's the coach for me and freedom well he technically is kind of the coach of um who's at lazar saxon panchuk and gi guillermo from brazil so i'm kind of helping facilitate helping coach really just helping like make sure everyone's taken care
Starting point is 00:01:13 of on time and stuff kind of their hype man making sure they're you know got the supplements and the food they need and stuff like that i was gonna say it's like when i tell someone i'm producing a movie but really i'm just a super high paid water boy. I just make sure everyone has what they need. Exactly. A water boy. Hey, how cool is Lazar Jukic? I had him on the podcast once and like, it's not often that I wish that my guests were then my neighbors. Like I always like, I'm like, fuck, if that dude lived next door to me, we would tear shit up. He's actually really cool.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I feel like, I don't know. So the last week before the Rogue Invitational, my house has been like an athlete dorm. So it's been Guy and Lazar ever staying with me. And I feel like him being in that kind of atmosphere kind of makes more of his personality and energy come out of him. So he's been super hype. He's been
Starting point is 00:02:05 cracking me up when he tells me every time I'm like, all right, you guys ready to go? He's like, my favorite saying in America is let's roll. I prefer let's roll over. Let's go. I'm so tired of hearing people say, let's go. Yeah. He's, he's yelling that when we're headed to training it's pretty funny yeah let's roll so much more gangster hey uh how are you with all these dudes in their house in your house and like are they're just like bags of like creatine left open and like dirty spoons on the counter and like shoes and shit around and because like i i would be fucking my ocd would just kick on i'd be freaking out yeah um lazar is actually really organized um gee on the other hand you know we're working on him yeah he's got like open containers in the fridge just leaving like spoons of peanut butter just
Starting point is 00:02:59 sitting in the sink but it's all good i mean we hold each other accountable we'll clean the stuff up together so i mean it's not that big of a deal it's just like the dorm life in college honestly he's a work in progress he's definitely a work in progress when it comes to sanitation in the kitchen that's for sure i um so so obviously i've been in the crossfit scene for a while and i and i follow rich on Instagram and Haley and those people over there at the gym. And so then all of a sudden I started seeing you around, and I had heard about you, but I hadn't made the connection until very recently I remember I was, I was interviewing, um, or I think, or I was watching a video or something of Brooke Wells and, um, do you know who that, you know who that is? I know Brooke and Sydney.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Are you friends with Brooke? Uh, like through the CrossFit community? Absolutely. I mean, I've in the last few years had the chance to connect with her a little bit and she was a bachelor fan. So when I first went to my first games in 2019, I got to connect with a lot of people in the community. So I know quite a few people now. Okay. So, so it was that, so either I saw in an interview or I was interviewing her or something, but I just remember standing next. I think, I think I was
Starting point is 00:04:20 standing next to her and I remember her talking to another girl or boy and be like, yeah, the guy from the bachelor text me he's here or something. But she said your name. And then I had to figure out what it was. And then that was all I had heard of you. And then I started seeing pictures of you just like at mayhem. And it looked like it wasn't just a one-off. Like I just kept seeing you like in the background or like with your arm around rich. So I'm like, oh, this guy works out there. And then, um, like who's this guy yeah kind of yeah who's this guy with my friends my my favorite instagram friends i didn't say he could come over and play and um it is kind of like that right it's like it's like you're like when you watch the mayhem thing you're it's kind of
Starting point is 00:05:00 like my dollhouse right okay good there's rich showed up today and there's the buffalo and um and so then someone said hey you should have the guy someone a couple weeks ago said hey you should have this guy on he was in the bachelor so i i had obviously heard of the show were you on the bachelor or the bachelorette technically it's the bachelorette bachelorette so when there's only okay and um and are they two separate shows or is it the same show that just alternates every year yes two separate shows and so abc hosts the bachelor and then after a few years of the show it's been going on for 20 years they're like oh let's make the bachelorette you know have both sexes in the same situation so the bachelor there's one guy and then there's like a huge group of girls
Starting point is 00:05:50 and then he cuts it down to one at the end and then the bachelorette's just reversed there's one girl and about 30 guys to start and then she narrows it down to one okay and then i learned recently that basically one of the people who doesn't win ends up becoming the star of the opposite show. So if you're the dude who doesn't get one of the dudes who doesn't get picked, you'll be the dude who's like being courted by all the chicks. And then if you're the chick that doesn't get picked, you're the one you become or becomes on this quarter by all dudes. Okay. That's correct. becomes on this quarter bottle dudes okay that's correct and and you had never been you were just on one of the shows you were just one of the on the show season 15 that i watched of dudes so you did watch chick say that again so you did watch some of it oh dude oh dude oh man i'm sorry for you bro's rough. That's rough to sit through that. Well, I'm going to be completely honest.
Starting point is 00:06:48 I did it over three days. Wow. I have a lot of people coming in and out of my house, and they were tripping that I was watching it. Anyone who walked by, it's really like crack. It is addicting, isn't it? It's horrible. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:07:04 It's really bad. It's very dishonest. I think that I would rather have spent a little time watching Pornhub because Pornhub is honest. And you may not agree with the morals or the integrity or the ethics of it, but this show has no morals, no integrity, and no honesty. And one of my biggest, biggest things about, um, I really struggle. Yeah. So, so, but, but basically, so I watched it and, um, and it's incredible because it's like you said, 20 seasons. So that means it must be kicking ass people. That means the show's huge right absolutely i mean you know how it is people just like the veg like instead of watching netflix just watch some reality tv and watch a whole bunch of drama so they got to create that drama you know that's how they pump up the ratings it's like any reality tv show
Starting point is 00:07:59 are you are do you train at mayhem because you're like good like them or do they just like oh this guy's was on a reality show show he gets to be here that's a great question um yeah uh i have those because those guys aren't screwing around i mean when you have gee say that he went there and hayley adams fucked him up the first week you know like oh shit like wow you like he's just he's world class and the 20 year old girl there just he's admitting she mopped him up i mean that's crazy yeah no mop them up for sure i mean she's been doing that to me since i've been there i'm getting tougher but to answer that question i'd say i have aspirations to be as good as them. So that's, I mean, that's my goals, right?
Starting point is 00:08:50 Like I want to be a champion, like anyone who does anything, right? You want to be the best you, right? So that's my goal in CrossFit to be the fittest me I can absolutely be. Hopefully get on top of the podium and be the world's fittest man one day. Wow. So that is the goal. I'm going to give you, yes, sir. Absolutely. But I want to give you a quick elevator pitch, um, story of how I met everybody. Um, cause this is actually pretty funny. So this like goes back to like, um,
Starting point is 00:09:13 2019 CrossFit games when I'm spectating for the very first time. So 2019 was technically my first year at CrossFit where they had two opens in one season on the same calendar year. So 2020 open was at the end of 2019. So that was my first open. Unfortunately, I remember that. So my first open actually during 19.3, I couldn't do the workout the day of.
Starting point is 00:09:36 I had to fly to LA to film for The Bachelorette, which is pretty interesting. So my overall world score in that was like, I don't even know, it's like in the millions or something. And anyway, I go't even know. It's like in the millions or something. And anyway, I go spectate at 2019 games. I posted, I'm going to be there.
Starting point is 00:09:50 And I see someone tag Hillary Froning on my picture. And I'm like, wait, what? Like, hold up. So I reach out. I'm at,
Starting point is 00:09:57 I'm at the games with my older brother. He's there connecting with me. And I DM Hillary Froning. And I'm like, Hey, look, like I've read your husband's book huge fan of you guys love how you guys use your platforms for your faith love your adoption
Starting point is 00:10:12 story hillary obviously i mean like who isn't a huge fan of your husband who's in the sport of just like how good he is in the sport and how he holds his like you know how he holds himself and i was like i don't know if you know who I am but I'd like to meet you guys and she dms me she's like oh my gosh like I watch Monday nights every night with my girls like I'd love to meet you I come over and come meet us so I got to meet Rich and Hillary and and it's funny I mean Rich would say the same thing he at first he was like oh this is just some punk from reality tv that my wife's a fan of and then you'll speed up the process like got to meet everyone from mayhem there briefly and then on the way home from that same games um i was sitting across on the same
Starting point is 00:10:56 flight um it was his layover i was heading back home to atlanta georgia and brian nelson who's the cfo mayhem who's now my like best friend. He's got two different house locations, one in Alabama and one in Cookville. And he's actually my roommate. So he's the one that owns the house. I live with him. Um, and that, I mean, we have an extra guest room, so it's like a revolving door with elite athletes who come visit. That's why we had Guy and Lazarian anyway. So got to connect
Starting point is 00:11:25 Brian and then just to keep it short and sweet like I got to really connect with that was like when Mayhem Mission was kind of being thought up of hadn't like existed yet and then Rich and Brian put their heads together created the non-profit Mayhem Mission and I got to help with some of the non-profit um I think the first one was called Outside the Box I don't know if you're familiar and I got to help with some of the nonprofit. I think the first one was called Outside the Box. I don't know if you're familiar with Legends of the Falls this year. That's the one you went to Peru? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:54 This is the – What's up, guys? What's up? I have questions for you, Luke, but these guys are knocking at the door. Let's let these guys say hi. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We have Lazar, Jukic, Guy, and Facundo. What's up, boys? Can you guys hear us?
Starting point is 00:12:11 They can't hear us. We want to say hello. Can you hear us? Can you guys hear us? Doesn't seem like they can hear us. Lazar, can you hear us? Oh, they can hear it hey it's three guys with English as their second language
Starting point is 00:12:28 this show is just taking a fucking dump guys the connection is so bad I have to kick you guys to the curb yeah we gotta kick y'all go to athlete briefing. Stop their phone. Bam. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 00:12:53 That was interesting. We had to remove them. Anyway, I'll grab that. This morning, they said, we want to come on the show with Luke. So I sent them a link. Oh, that's hilarious. So I'll wrap that story up real quick. Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I want to ask you a question. Go back a little bit. i don't want you to wrap it up so so where did you meet her you said that you text her and then she said you um she'd like to meet where did you meet her yeah at the end there so it was at the rv i guess you call it the trailer part rv park um oh at the game the mobile homes yeah yeah where it's set up at the games. The mobile homes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're set up at the games. That's kind of where Mayhem sets up every year. And yeah, I came, met a ton of people behind the scenes, got to meet Rich, a couple of his buddies. Like Josh Bridges was there hanging out, a couple other people at the time. And then I'm trying to think. Are you comfortable with that?
Starting point is 00:13:39 Are you comfortable with people knowing you before they know you? I mean, that's your life um they don't really know me though they know of course right of course so i think that's the one cool thing about meeting someone especially in my position my unique reality tv position is like they actually get to meet the real me the authentic me and not some you know edited version of me or this like Luke P character from ABC you know what I mean so I enjoy that because that's what's real to me so it's kind of a double-edged sword because and correct me if I'm wrong I'm open to being wrong they get to meet you or you get to meet them. It
Starting point is 00:14:26 opens doors because of your, um, your success on the show, but also you're kind of in a hole because you have to reprogram what they think they know about you. So, right. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I'd say, yeah, pretty much. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I'd say, yeah, pretty much. Although with any – I don't – I think by the end, if someone does make it to the end, I wonder how many people start that show and actually make it to the end. I wonder if it's like the majority of them. Because if you make it to the end, they kind of fuck up and they kind of expose the whole thing it's bizarre to me that you say that you want to lead a woman and people are upset at you for that and then the other guy at the end who won says he wants to take care of a woman and he's rewarded
Starting point is 00:15:15 for that the audience members man i'm all over the place here sorry but i gotta do it the audience members when you sit in that room those women who are in that room are, I don't know where they find those women. But man, it's so bad. It's so mean. The show is so fucking mean. I watched a bunch of interviews. I don't have a problem really with anyone who is on the show. But the people who watch that show, I really, you have to stop. It's really bad for
Starting point is 00:15:47 you. It's basically an emotional version of CrossFit. You know, CrossFit is this high intensity programming. We go out there and then we adapt to it and become better. This is just like really pushing people's emotions to a place that's like, I don't think you come out of there necessarily stronger. I think you might come out of there jaded. I want to propose this idea to you, and then we'll go back. Okay. Let's say you meet a girl and you're going to marry her. There's stuff you have to tell her, right?
Starting point is 00:16:21 Like, hey, I have a colostomy bag. I can't use the bathroom. Like she'd have to know that. Right. For sure. Um, my parents, my parents are, are deaf. Probably like should tell her that. Yeah. And then there's some stuff like, like, um, your overhead squats more than your back squat. She doesn't need to know that she's gonna see that and she's gonna think it's weird but whatever it's funny um she uh the fact that you've gotten you sucker punched a guy in the eighth grade she doesn't need to know that that'll come out and when you tell her there's all these things right and there's things like on one side of the fence that you should tell her and what like you were married once before you should probably tell her that things like that that. And I'm watching this show. And then you talk a lot about being free. And you want to be free.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Everyone wants to be free. Most people will never taste it until the second they die, I think. But this girl who was on the show, Hannah, do they ever say her last name? Yeah, Hannah Brown. Hannah Brown. Do they ever say her last name? Yeah, Hannah Brown. Hannah Brown.
Starting point is 00:17:42 I don't think she can ever be – if I married her and then in hindsight I stumbled across this show and watched it, I would be like, yo, bitch, what's up? Why didn't you tell me about that? And when I think about that, that any person she wants to move forward with, she basically has to say, you should probably see this show. It breaks my fucking heart. Yeah, that's true. I didn't think about that. That she has to drag this sandbag around with her for the rest of her life. I don't think you have to do that.
Starting point is 00:18:03 I don't think, but, but. Well, I well i mean i do but on a different level for sure yeah but i but i think if i married you i wouldn't and you didn't tell me that like if if in 10 years i met you and we got married and you're like and then afterwards like dude i was on the show like i would watch it and i would be like holy shit dude you should have never gone on there at 24 what the fuck but good job man you used to be hot what What happened to you? Like, you know, but but she like I don't think she can do that. And I and I just trip on that. Like, I don't think.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Like, she made some real. She made some real baggage for herself. I think. What do you think? Like, if you if you married her, let's say you're, let's say you're, let's say you're John L instead of Luke P and you marry and you met her, would you want her to tell you that she was on that show before you married her and like, go back and watch it? I mean, that's a tough question for someone like me. Cause I'm like, I mean, if I met her and she's
Starting point is 00:19:03 what I was looking for in that moment in the future and she did all that, I wouldn't care. I'd be like, all right, well, that's the past, the past, the past. Let's just flush that down the toilet and move on. So, right. Right. But you'd still would have wanted to know. For sure.
Starting point is 00:19:19 That's one of those things like, right. If you meet someone, like you're going to talk about things you've experienced in the past. What was your um childhood upbringing like what was your um college life like um what kind of experiences did you have in those and then right like go down the list let's talk about insecurities let's talk about things we struggle with in life let's talk about let's talk about when you used to be a porn hub star that would definitely need to come up in conversation yeah
Starting point is 00:19:45 that's what i mean that's what i think um someone says she's crying all the way to the bank do you um does that does that show make people money so if you're the one if you're the bachelor bachelorette you make six figures you make anywhere from like 200,000 or more, um, depending on like the poverty line in California with a family of four, just slightly above, slightly above. Yeah. California is crazy anyway. Um, but yeah, if you're in the other pot of guys or girls, like the group, you don't make anything. Um, but you do get a platform if you
Starting point is 00:20:26 make it farther than the show you're more likely to have a bigger social media following like most of the guys or girls that make it to the very end get like a million followers which I mean if you are passionate about something and leverage your following like you could make six figures in a few years of working on sponsorships and you know relationships through a platform like that easily so i mean i guess you make some kind of currency through social media if you want to be like technical um does she have a social media account i couldn't even find it yes i'm pretty sure she has a couple million followers because the the tags it kind of sucks because of when i was searching through your
Starting point is 00:21:06 instagram you have her tagged in a couple places and then when when i click on hers her link is broken and then when you get when you're on a desktop and you go to a broken link then i have to start all the way back over at the top of your instagram again and i did that twice like a jackass i fell for that twice. There you go. Damn it. Damn it. Yeah. I tried tagging you on Instagram story this morning and it wasn't letting me. No. Do you know why? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know why. Um, I'm, I'm against racism. I'm against sexism. I'm against homophobia. I'm against forcing people to take drugs that they don't want to take. And I'm very vocal about it. I'm half Jewish, half Armenian. So when I see these people around as something called anti-racist, when I know that's what's keeping racism alive. I have no tolerance or patience for that. And I can be vicious. Yeah, I'm with that. I was trying to be funny because I tried tagging you this morning and I tried tagging you this morning and it said, you can't tag this
Starting point is 00:22:15 account. They're restricted because of something they said about COVID-19. And I was like, okay, I may or may not bring that up in the podcast. No, no, you totally can't. No, no, no. And I don't think a single healthy person has died. I want someone to show me someone who doesn't eat added sugar and refined carbohydrates who's passed away. Oh, Okundo came back for a second. And no one wants to talk about that. I mean, actually, a lot of people do want to talk about that but for some reason the media doesn't want to touch it right for sure it's uh it's weird to me yeah we like imagine someone's drowning and all you have
Starting point is 00:22:55 to do is be like hey swim over there or you know put your feet down and you'll be fine and no one says it can you imagine drowning in like three feet of water because no one told you to put your feet down? Right. That would be wild. How close are you to being a games athlete? I'd say very close. close like this year I think personally after another let's say four to six months of training with um the crew at mayhem and the barn with rich I'd say I'd I think I'll be ready um so I'll go ahead and just make this announcement now I've decided to do team this year and then after this
Starting point is 00:23:40 next season I'm going to be focusing on being an individual because I want to go get experience in medicine. And, um, uh, there's a, there's a whole nother list of reasons why, but I'll just keep it at that for now, just for sake of time.
Starting point is 00:23:55 So I'm just, I have a few things I'm working on and obviously like they get to that level. You gotta be super fit. So I'm trying to get super fit. A few things you're working on, like within like your athletic prowess or you mean like you're working on like a new car with elon musk at tesla like distractions distractions or like something within your your technical ability just like exposure to like technical ability just like high volume gymnastics for example because i'm an ex-college baseball player and played football and baseball in uh high school
Starting point is 00:24:33 and just all through baseball like my coaches never let me lift anything heavy over my head so i always squatted and did like agilities and different kind of like sports specific training so like anything gymnastic wise like you know i wish i was uh like some of these guys like alex smith with a gymnastic background right so i could just naturally get in there and just smoke some of that stuff but i'm still you know need some more time just that's one example of a few what's the what's the team you're going to be on on mayhem independence and do you know who else do you know who else is on the team it would be nice to be on mayhem freedom but um that's that's not in the cards for this next season that's that's the one that has
Starting point is 00:25:20 andrea nissler um yes i feel so bad for saying this rich's cousin what's his name uh chase hill it's hillary's that's right i knew that it's hillary's cousin yeah you're good bro um yeah i'm good i'm good to you but chase is like oh that sucks i know it everyone just sees me as rich's cousin no one knows my name sorry chase and then what was the other lady's name andrea nissler and who's the other one andrea and her friend taylor williamson taylor yeah both phenomenal athletes um they'll come back together and the four of them and tear shit up again yeah i don't know necessarily that they have their minds made up on their team and same with me so i'm not gonna just shout out some names so i don't know we're still
Starting point is 00:26:06 trying to finalize who's going to be on it but i think they're a pretty good idea and is that emotional kind of like the bachelor too like who like like there's three girls who want to be on the team there's four dudes who want to be on the team it's like yo everyone's not going yeah actually it is kind of emotional especially when like you don't want to lead some people on right it's kind of like the bachelor yeah you know you're you're talking to a girl over here and then maybe talking to a girl in this room over here it's like hey you know i now i'm just playing being funny but seriously it is oh i i i don't i think you're being accurate yeah i was i was being funny but i mean you're right like i mean you don't want to break you know break hearts get too many feelings involved like you just want to
Starting point is 00:26:54 obviously do what's right and what's best for the team and then yeah who's a good fit so you live in cookville i do I have for a year now. So tell me how that happens. So I get off the show. It was like five months or so in the CrossFit. What year was that when you get off the show? Is that 2019? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Yes. 2019. Okay. Does that seem like a long time ago to you sometimes and it also feels like yesterday okay and then i get off that show and pretty interesting so like i had a pretty steep learning curve when i started crossfit because when i started i was a local box excuse me in North Georgia in my first few months like any other guy who starts CrossFit I'm like I'm going to the games I'm going this year like I'm beating
Starting point is 00:27:52 some soccer moms in the the class I'm like I got this let's go and then my coaches like hey man like some people train their whole entire life and never make it in games like um this is what it's going to take and there's actually a gym down the road called train think tank and if you want to go like go check it out so a few months later i ended up at train think tank or excuse me a few weeks later and joined got a coach started training with chadis mayor and some of his buddies that were in and out of that revolving door like jimmy smith noelson so I got exposed to some high-level athletes. Like one of my first workouts I did there, actually, I looked to my right, didn't even know who they were.
Starting point is 00:28:31 I'm like, who's this jacked, shredded dude? It's Noel Olson. And then Lucas Parker, who's Canadian, was there. He was still competing at the time. And like Travis. And I'm like in the same heat as them. I don't really know who they are as athletes yet. And because I was, you know, like a rookie.
Starting point is 00:28:46 And just giving you a quick background. So I trained there for a quick background so any story with travis you can milk i love travis i'm a huge yeah i love travis too he's a good dude um so yeah i trained with them for a few years and then that's when i spectated the games to go support travis and knowing all them and then um that's when I met Brian Nelson, Rich, Froning and Hillary and all them so got to connect with the Mayhem family there and then that's when um they invited me like months after actually it was a year after um because that was in 2019 and then finally got to visit and then I think I got to know Rich a lot better. So I went from being this, oh, here's this reality TV guy that my wife likes to, oh, like this dude's a good dude. Like he's, he's a cool guy. Let's see what he's made of in the, you know, in the weight room or like in the
Starting point is 00:29:38 box, if you will. And got to train with him a few times and then meet some of the behind the scenes mayhem people that absolutely crush it. Like the Roryccurnans the jake lockers and all everyone else who works behind the scenes there and they said hey like we think you'd be a good fit like if you want to come like we'd like to have you and i was looking at him like they're cross-eyed like wait like is that an invite like oh so like have you and respect me like give you a key to the barn and we want you to move to cookville and be part of the the stable of athletes i don't think that was even part of it i think it was more of a hey we think you're a good dude we think you'd be a good fit in cookville like come along and like let's see what happens which is usually what happens to any athlete
Starting point is 00:30:21 whether they're top 10 in the world or top 100 in the world or thousands and I came and got to connect and I jived really well with Rich and the crew and you know like the rest is history kind of thing so I just started working in with them and brought some good energy to the atmosphere and and I told Brian because Brian was talking to me about coming and I told him I was like look man like I'm kind of at the point where like I played college baseball my dream was to be in the big leagues that didn't work out I've always like been you know the guy the leader in the weight room with all the sports teams I've played for and like always the fittest and always wanted to do something like CrossFit. My body's compared to other sports better for it. And I have some exposure to like triathlon type stuff. And I
Starting point is 00:31:09 want to give it a try. I've been at Training Think Tank for a few years. And I think if I go and train with Rich and Haley for a little bit, like I'll know if, hey, I want to do this thing or if I want to just hang up my nanos and find something else to do. So honestly, when I moved to Cookville, that was kind of like the decision making for me of I'm going to give up CrossFit or I'm going to like dive full in and attack this thing. And I won't lie, there's many times that last fall where I wanted to quit. And I was like, there's no way like my knees, my legs can do another squat. And we sure enough did like six more metcons that that day and survived and realized like this is where i feel like i'm called to be and this is where i want to be
Starting point is 00:31:51 and i'm ready to go like full into this thing and attack it so what would you do if you didn't do if you didn't do this do you have a backup plan i would probably so before i went on tv um I was helping my dad and my brother with their businesses so my dad owns a business in California my brother is juggling a few different businesses that he started he's just trying to figure one out to like kind of focus on that one um so entrepreneurial mindset so I, there's maybe a few different business ideas I had of starting a business. It's kind of funny too, before I went on TV, I actually did fill out my fire application to be a fireman. I don't see myself doing that. A ton of respect for those
Starting point is 00:32:36 guys. My friend Angelo DiCicco and Rich used to be a fireman in Cookville. So I don't know. I would just probably help my brother out with his business and try to start my own business just with the whole entrepreneurial spirit. But what would that be in? I don't know yet. I used to think I would never coach. And now I'm like, man, I could see myself coaching and a lot of great coaches out there doing it all online and remotely now. So honestly, I don't know. I would just, it'd take me some time to really think about it, but definitely thinking about the future of what I want to do after CrossFit, right? Because you're not going to be an athlete forever. So kind of, I'm looking at CrossFit and the relationships and the connections and the great, awesome people that I have met and I know I'll meet in the CrossFit community is going to kind of be like a springboard to launch me into what I'm going to do in the future after CrossFit. It's going to kind of be like a springboard to launch me into what I'm going to do in the future after CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Right now, I'm just motivated and young. I feel like I'm really young in the sport because I've only done it for a few years. And I'm just ready to start being competitive in it and then, you know, figure out what I'm going to do after. One of the things on the show that gives me so much anxiety is like at 24, I think that was maybe one of the first years that i was homeless um speaking about freedom man it was fucking amazing god damn it was so good um and it kind of like i basically the first time i was basically home uh i was kind of like homeless because i chose to be homeless and i was also homeless because like my parents were like, OK, enough of this shit. We paid for you to go to college. Like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Was it 24, 25, 26, 27? Maybe I was a little bit older. But but the thought of you getting married when you go on the show and I see a 24 year old guy, I'm like, and the thought of you getting married, like, gives me gave me so much fucking anxiety. Like, why would he get married now? What's he gonna do like like why yeah like i that that whole premise and and i know that there's a lot of people i have a lot of you know friends through instagram who are like 24 25 26 27 years old they already have kids and shit and they're already like cops or firefighters and i'm like holy shit yeah they got it all figured out. Yeah, I'm like, what is going on? I got some friends like that.
Starting point is 00:34:45 I mean, basically, I was homeless in my 20s. Then in my 30s, I moved back in with my mom. And then finally, I think when I was 34, I got kicked out. That was like the last time I got kicked out of my mom's house. And I just can't imagine. I just, yeah. And how old are you now? You're 26 now?
Starting point is 00:35:04 27. 27, yeah. It's like too young like just roll i like i like what you're doing you're just kind of like you have your head down and you're working hard well at least that's what it looks like from the outside absolutely 100 i i don't like it on the show how every um um well i guess this is just a part of the show but there's a power dynamic that's all fucked up she's she's always talking down to everyone and no one can do anything about it because she because she like i just feel like like there's time like someone you're like yo bitch shut the fuck up go run a few hundred burpees like what the fuck are you doing talking to me like that like i like but no one can say that to her because she has she holds
Starting point is 00:35:49 she has all the power she holds all the power and so there's this dis and there's a dishonesty in that too like um man can i could i'm the fucking boss of my what go ahead i have no idea you're gonna talk about the show this much oh i thought you're gonna bring it up for like 20 seconds and then like start talking about something else but man i need therapy i need you're wearing it you're wearing it out more help than you after watching it now i need more help yeah i i understand i totally get it i see that you actually watch the entire thing because this is how anyone acts after watching the entire thing i so i'm the boss of my house i fucking run the roost i'm the man i tell everyone what to do i set up an arm wrestling table in my living room
Starting point is 00:36:33 my wife's like looks at me he's like yo get that fucking thing out of there i was like yes ma'am you know what i mean like i'm the boss until i'm not the boss and like like i'm okay with like her being the boss but like at some point like for her own good someone needs to tell her hey you can't have this arm wrestling table in the living room like you like you went too far and no one can tell her that and it makes for a very um unhealthy environment it makes for a very unhealthy environment yeah i mean i don't know what the picture is, but. I tried being that.
Starting point is 00:37:06 I tried being like, hey, you know, holding her accountable a little bit and being like, hey, you're saying you want this, and I don't think you should be doing that. And that's why, like, I got cut up in a lot more drama than I should have kept my mouth shut a lot more, but I spoke up. The big theme, there's a big theme, and i heard you address it in um um i heard you address it in a show that i think a podcast you did with these other two christian cats and i think your brother was on the show okay and i think i saw you address it in another show
Starting point is 00:37:40 but where they were saying they were talking about how you lied to the guys in the house and when tiger woods got caught um by his wife sleeping around with all those women what i wanted tiger to and then he made that nike commercial where he apologized i i lost all respect for tiger because i i would have rather tiger said what do you mean what was i doing there's very few things in life that are as fun as ejaculating and women are so hot and there's so many of them and i just did it and like i'm sorry i hurt my wife but damn dude fucking is fun i i i kind of wish you would have been like of course i fucking lied to you the goal here is is to get this chick i don't fucking
Starting point is 00:38:18 owe you shit and now i'm not a proponent of lying, but like it's so weird that anyone thinks that they can talk down to you. Everyone's talking down to you, her, the other guys. I'm like this is – I don't talk down to anybody. I don't even – I have two four-year-old kids and a six-year-old, and I don't talk down to them. It's disgusting. It made me... Look, see, you're giving me therapy through the show. Do a lot of people do this to you?
Starting point is 00:38:52 Yes, actually. Actually, yes. Here. I'm such a fanboy. I'm walking you through this. I'm such a fanboy. I do have one question now. Please.
Starting point is 00:39:09 What did you think of the rugby episode? I liked it. The little side shot where you picked a guy up and threw him on the ground, they only showed it once. And I needed to see it like a hundred times. And I needed to see it in slow-mo. I only asked. What?
Starting point is 00:39:25 I said I only asked because out of the entire season like that was my best edit they edited me to look like an nfl fullback i was like after watching some of those little like cuts i was like okay i'll take that edit that was interesting if you're gonna do rugby or arm wrestling or anything they're lucky they did arm wrestling too right yeah they're lucky no one broke that's that's stupid too they're lucky no one snapped their arm off yeah one of the kids did um he didn't snap his arm off but like it was gnarly um he was going and his elbow popped like you could hear like a it's hard to explain but his elbow literally popped and he had to leave and hannah was just bathing him and it was like you said i mean arm wrestling's no joke you're actually going hard like you can pop your elbow real quick
Starting point is 00:40:15 completely irresponsible what did they think was gonna happen they just got it like they have to create drama like they know what they're doing but someone's gonna get hurt that's the point man it was like the rugby thing like there was a guy actually i was running with the ball he was chasing me no one touched him he accidentally trips and falls lands on his shoulder thinks he dislocated and they're like oh got to take you to the hospital. He's like, no, I'm fine. They're like, no, no, no, we've got to go to the hospital.
Starting point is 00:40:50 So in the show, they edit one of the sneak peeks, an ambulance and this and all this hype and drama, right? Just giving you an idea of you know how it is. They've got to get the people on the edge of their seats. I don't think we really do know how it is they gotta get the people on the edge of their seats you know i don't think we really do know how it is like like you know how it is and even when they tell you that it's a fucked up edit you know how it is so yesterday i'm watching luke i'm watching this video and it's um it's a video of they're they're making fun of joe biden and i and god i i usually love those videos but basically he coughs into his hand and then they show him shake a bunch of people's hands.
Starting point is 00:41:27 But when he coughs into his hand, there's a quick edit. It's super quick. And so like – and as an editor and a film guy, I'm like, well, you just ruined the whole thing for me now because now I can't believe you. Yeah, you can't because you don't know what happened. Yeah, I don't know. Is that Joe Biden coughing into his ear last month? Yes. Yeah, it could be two hours or two days before or after.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Yeah. What's – your mom's pretty. She's beautiful. Yeah, she's very, very attractive. They should have spent more time with her on the show. I saw – what's your relationship with her like Like what was growing up with your mom? It was actually incredible. She, so my mom and excuse me, my mom and dad were divorced when I was younger. It was about three years old and which is very rare nowadays, but through a divorced marriage my mom and dad got along very well um yeah I mean they always so I'm trying to think of how to explain it so like did you guys still
Starting point is 00:42:37 do Christmas and Easter together yeah it was like when I was younger it was kind of like that right two Christmases do this do that then, but it was always great. And sometimes they'd take turns like holidays and stuff, but like it was always great. It was always healthy. And we would just, my brother and I would go back and forth. And then we kind of just ended up when we got older, stayed with my dad.
Starting point is 00:42:58 My mom traveled a lot. She was a professional photographer turned professional producer. And now Boulder, Colorado. Actually kind of flirting with helping CrossFit HQ out with some stuff. Shout out to my mom. She started CrossFit six months ago and she's crushing it. Super proud of her.
Starting point is 00:43:20 But yeah, so she's got a few different side hustles in Boulder. Has her own boutique shop on downtown the square and is a producer as well. So, I mean, she's always been kind of like super fiery in her personality. And I think I got a lot of that from her and just always down to just go do some crazy stuff, all about some adventure, super into fitness. Like right before I started CrossFit, to give you an example, she did a half Ironman with me, um, in Waco, Texas. So like, she's super into cycling and running. She doesn't like swimming, but she's definitely into fitness. So.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Did you have hands-on parents? Was your, were your mom and dad always kissing you and hugging you and holding you and pulling your ears? And like, have like was it was a super affectionate house yeah i'd say absolutely my mom and my dad both i'd say like um physical touch is a huge love language for both of them so yes especially my mom she's she met you she would grab on you you know i mean she's like it's kind of like a latin american culture she's always about like hugging she sees me she's gonna kiss on me kiss on my you you know i mean she's like it's kind of like a latin american culture she's always about like hugging she sees me she's gonna kiss on me kiss on my cheeks you know and does she have is she um i i don't want to miscategorize you but is she would you is it okay to call you a christian yeah absolutely is she is she a um uh Is she a Christian?
Starting point is 00:44:49 My mom believes there's a higher power. She believes in God, but she's not. I wouldn't really, I don't think she would consider herself a Christian. My dad and my dad's side of the family, they are. And I would describe that as like they've accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. So like give you specifics and sorry don't and so when you talk about that stuff with her how did is she open to it or does she push back or how does she say hey enough luke i don't want to talk about that or how is that no she she's very open to talking about that stuff um especially now that i'm older and i think it's starting to
Starting point is 00:45:26 make more sense to her but none of those conversations she loves to have them um it's interesting like she tells me sometimes like she'll try praying and like talking to god i know she believes in god but she hasn't like um made the decision to go all in into it kind of thing and you know i don't think there's anything wrong with that i love her and um you know i pray for her every day so in the show one of the things that i found like one of the things i struggle with just media in general these days in the woke culture and everything and especially with what happened to cross CrossFit when the fucking woke mob came after Greg, is they speak in these open generalizations that allow people to make interpretations. So I'll give you an example of where you did it.
Starting point is 00:46:14 You tell a story in the beginning of The Bachelor or somewhere about how when you were younger, you had sex with a lot of women. And so like for some people, that's three women. But for me, like a lot of women's like 800 women. Right. And so it gets left open to generalization, like just like everyone brings their own story to it. So when there were so many people who attack Greg Glassman and left or like anyone who uses the word misogynist, like when they use that, like I looked up the definition of that word. That means you hate women. That's fucking nuts. I've never met anyone in my life that hates women or men. Like, like I, or I've never known that.
Starting point is 00:46:51 I mean, that's just, but when you call someone that just leaves this huge open generalization, like, um, and, um, in the show there,
Starting point is 00:47:01 there's so like, I know to be honest with you, there's like five episodes where I don't even know what's going on because everyone's like, so my heart feels this or with the grace of God, I feel that. I don't know what the word God means. I don't know what grace means. I don't know what heart means. I sure as fuck don't have one of those. I connected with my heart, and I'm like, fuck, I don't connect with your heart.
Starting point is 00:47:22 What does that mean? You held hands? Everyone's talking like that in the show. And then I sort of see the chaos of the show. I'm like, oh, every person who's watching the show is like basically making up their own interpretation to it. Yep. Right. Like, I want someone to say, Luke, on a one to 10, how much do you like her?
Starting point is 00:47:40 Like, that's what I need. Do you know what I mean? Hannah, on a one to 10, how close are you to Bone and Luke? Like, I need, like, I can't like, just be like, we have a strong connection. I'm like, what do you mean? Like, you guys are cell phone connection strong. Like, I just can't, there's these huge leaps of emotion, which I find intellectually just dumbing all the viewers down. Do you know what I mean? Like none of us are watching the same show because we have to make up. There's so many blind spots. I'd agree. And that's how boys are at 24. Right?
Starting point is 00:48:17 You're just a giant fucking ball of passion. I also agree with that as well do you still talk to her um hannah brown no i've reached out to her a few times sent her some long messages and got no reply so just hoping to run into her one day and be able to be at peace and talk to her about it but for right now i mean we're good someone wrote skip this bachelor stuff i can't i can't i can't well what do you want me to ask him what do you want me to ask him let me skip this i like that comment i like that guy or girl whoever said that thank you should have said that 30 minutes ago sam samuel corn why a said that. Yep. Samuel Samuel. I got to have him back on just so I can say his name. What do you call him? I call him Sam. Um, yeah, he's a stud. Yeah. That's a good dude.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Um, do you, he said that Rich Froning is the fittest man alive. Is that true? is the fittest man alive is that true 100 without a doubt do you just have to say that so that you can keep your keys to the barn no no i sorry i got man this whole entire time i got a tickle my throat i always say this, like, this will be interesting in the comments, but, you know, I've seen and witnessed a lot of fit people. I've trained with a lot of fit people. Granted, it was right after the games, after an offseason, but like, Madero came and stayed with me, actually, for a Mayhem camp earlier last year. I've been around Chandler Smith, Knowles, and Travis Mayer my first few years of training. Gotten to spend some time with Jacob Heppner in his barn in Kansas over the last few years, a few times. I'd like to say, especially in the CrossFit community, I've trained with the fittest people in the world.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Granted, I can't say that about a lot of these other great athletes in the sport, at the top trained with the fittest people in the world um granted I can't say that about a lot of these other great athletes in the sport at the top of the sport in other countries um but then like in the last year like diving into stuff day to day like hearing the way he talks seeing the way he trains seeing the way his body handles things seeing how quickly the man recovers seeing how like as he gets older even through surgeries after surgeries like how the man just gets fitter and better at pacing and better programming like i've never seen anything like it and i don't want to like blow smoke and talk too much about it but like being in my shoes and experiencing what i've experienced like it's not
Starting point is 00:51:01 even a question and like there's a lot of people that will talk who like don't know him and haven't been like have a personal relationship with him and seen him in action and seeing some of the things he's done like even in like little things like flag football whether I've played church league softball with him like I've done army obstacle courses with him like seeing little things he's capable of and like seeing him in his domain, like in CrossFit workouts. Like, I mean, if he wants to turn it on and like prep for something, like he'll beat anyone on the planet and I'm fully confident.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Do you, do you ever find needles in the bathroom at mayhem? There's something in the water though. And now the bison are there, man. There's something in the water, though. And now those bison are there, man. There's something in that bison meat, man. Telling you. What would be the... Would there be repercussions? Do they tell you,
Starting point is 00:51:58 hey, you have to be a clean athlete if you're a mayhem athlete? Do they give you any talk on that? No. I've talked to some people about it but i mean i don't know like for the most part at least in my shoes like one of the main reasons i got connected with mayhem was to help with mayhem mission and connect like because of my faith and using it for something bigger than the sport right and those values and what's important to me I mean talk for themselves so like that's
Starting point is 00:52:31 just not an option for me so I mean I don't I don't know I mean I don't know if maybe that's something that should be happening and it might be happening with other people and other athletes but I haven't had someone like approach me and be like, hey, man, like, are you taking stuff? So, I mean, I think it's kind of just known that, like, you know, I'm not going to cheat. I would just and I don't know what the protocol is either. But like, let's go to training think tank. I would guess at some point max would say to his athletes hey fuck nuts like no one better be doing anything illegal here because if you do that shit's going
Starting point is 00:53:09 to rain back down on all of us right so let's say um joe schmo pops it think tank then fucking everyone everyone looks like that they're a cheater right yeah i mean and that shit sucks not so much cheating i'm not judging anyone for cheating, but just for the fact that like, if you do something, then, then it kind of bleeds over on everyone else. Yeah. I mean the whole organization, right? Yeah, absolutely. I mean, you're, you're right. It does.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Someone says the atmosphere at mayhem is faith based, but not a requirement. Is that, is that accurate? 100%. I mean, there's tons of people in and out of the barn and out of Mayhem and out of the whole organization. There's tons of people that even help with Mayhem Mission that aren't even Christians. They just want to see human trafficking stop overseas, that want to help give clean water to people that don't have it overseas like i mean definitely i'd agree that statement your peru trip is awesome by the way you could have amazing it kind of it kind of screwed up my night last night because i didn't want to spend so much time on those posts but man
Starting point is 00:54:17 you could you do thank you man come on thank you that. So cool. There's a shot where you pan from the river into the home, and there's a woman walking by carrying food, and then some kids over here, and I'm like, holy shit. It's like someone cut a village open, and you let us see inside of it. Yeah, it was cool. I appreciate
Starting point is 00:54:40 that. Would you ever go back there? Yeah, I plan on it next year. There's at him and would you ever go back there yeah i plan on it next year um when there's there's a thing in there and it says that 20 people um but by the way going back to the the christians there i am not a christian but um every time that i've been around rich and the guys or that i've been over there at mayhammer i was at the games or like i i can remember being at the games and them praying and i'm filming and rich just grabbed me and dragged me into the circle come on yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my goodness oh my goodness nothing nothing sweeter than being
Starting point is 00:55:17 welcomed into into a into a prayer circle by rich such a good, it's such a good feeling. Um, there, there's a, there's a thing in there where you say that you gave, um, uh, 20 people, you gave out like, I think like 65 or 70 Bibles. I don't remember the exact number. I'm Spanish. And then 20 people got salvation. What does that mean? 20 people got salvation. Yeah. So I put in the post, like we had 20 salvations. So like, Yeah. So I put in the post, like we had 20 salvations. So like, I mean, like being a Christian, it's not this thing, right? It's not like, oh, I have this relationship with God and I have it for myself. Like, it's pretty simple. Like we've all been born sinners and Jesus bridged the gap. God sent his only son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins and rose from the grave. And it's like, Hey, like we're going to help. Like we brought a doctor to the Amazon jungle.
Starting point is 00:56:10 We're talking to these people. We're giving them supplies. We're giving them Spanish Bibles. And it was pretty neat. Like we didn't just like give them these things and just leave them. We actually got to connect with an Iquitos crew and people that visit the jungle pretty often. And we're talking about four hours of a boat just deep into the jungle. We got to connect them with Spanish-speaking pastors and people that live there and people that are men of faith and women of faith there. And we gave them these Bibles. We got to sit down and talk with them about why we're there,
Starting point is 00:56:39 got to talk about our faith, and got to share the gospel, which is the good news about Jesus. And when they accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and savior, we got to sit down and talk with them and talk about like different ways they can read these Spanish Bibles together, do Bible studies together. And not to mention like they love all the little toys we got brought for their kids. And we brought these collapsible fishing poles which is really neat because man it was wild like these dudes are out in the jungle making these
Starting point is 00:57:10 spears out of like different trees and different like literally sticks they have cast nets they have random string they find and like they put a hook on it and they just hold it and like that's how they catch fish it's insane i don't know how they catch fish out there so we got to give them fake lures like hook them up with these like legit fishing poles and that's one example of many things like we hooked them up with um pretty cool got to bring like a collapsible like um brought a chainsaw out there some other stuff but anyway like did you guys leave the chainsaw absolutely i mean that's how they make stuff out there it's insane like you give a chainsaw to a village and they could like give them a month or double the size of their village
Starting point is 00:57:50 i mean they'll like build a bunch of cool stuff and just provide for their family those dudes are i've been to some cool places in the world like haiti it's amazing like when you don't have a whole lot like the men and women there can do so much with so little when it comes to making things and building wait you said you've been to haiti uh-oh you broke up you went to haiti also i have before yes sir with with the mayhem mission also i don't know this is oh man this was like this was like five years ago okay this is a while back no no this is way before me but um but yeah so so what does that mean when you when 20 when 20
Starting point is 00:58:35 people were saved that means like you said to them i had a i've had this happen to me twice i think once on the streets of uh of london and one time in the united states somewhere someone comes up and says hey will you accept jesus christ as your savior you say yeah and then they they read some shit out of the bible and then i i repeat it after them and then and then it takes like five minutes or whatever and then we hug and then we walk away that yeah you did that with 20 people there in spanish or the group did yep 100 yeah it was it was neat i mean i got to speak one time through a translator um me and one of my co-missionaries i guess you would call them um yeah and i mean it's not that simple like on a
Starting point is 00:59:21 street corner like it was pretty neat like we go there we spent hey hey don't talk down my my street corner experience it was pretty cool it was pretty cool for sure no i mean like we we spent hours i'm saying like we got to play with the kids uh gain the respect like do life with them teach them about fishing and do all these things with them bring our doctor in front of them and um kind of you know help them out with some medicine and stuff and then you know started talking about while we're there and just kind of like having purpose conversations like talking about purpose of life and um what we believe in and then kind of like lead into it kind of like that so it wasn't kind of like here here's 20 seconds here's this pray this and you're good
Starting point is 01:00:02 to go kind of thing but yeah it was good um uh did you train at all when you were there i did because before we made our way to the amazon jungle we're a city called akitos and it was kind of neat um brian had set up this thing where i actually got to do kind of like a train with rich but it was a train with luke and it was in the akitos peru and it was pretty much like a training camp all day we just got to talk about man mission do fitness with these people and got to hammer these people put them through the ringer so to speak right we did like five meccans and it was kind of neat the um akito or no peru's fittest man and i got to go head-to head in the workout. And that was neat. Like the, the people that were loving it, like they were just like super hyped up and it was
Starting point is 01:00:50 just really good. So, I mean, it was a good time. Dude, that's awesome. Who won in that company? You and the Peru's fittest man. Uh, I did. It was, it was good though. I mean, It was, it was good though. I mean, did you feel bad? Kind of. Yeah, I get it. These Peruvians were the nicest people. They were so cool. And they got so animated when I came in cheering for him and they're cheering for me too. They weren't like just stone cold in me, but I mean, it was cool.
Starting point is 01:01:19 It was a good experience. Um, you're, you're going to be at the rogue invitational and and your friends and are gonna be doing this competition is is it hard for you to watch are you like oh man i need to be invited to this like this is like definitely makes me hungry and makes me want to put in the work to receive an invite i think it's so prestigious and so cool to receive an invite to the rogue invitation i mean it's pretty much the top 20 um world's fittest men and women so that's a big deal and then obviously this whole
Starting point is 01:01:51 cryptocurrency thing i mean come on man have you seen the prize purses for some of these competitions this part of the year it's insane like that makes you push and crank into a whole another gear even if you're not in game shape or whatever time of the year it is. You're going to pull it out of you. Do you know how cryptocurrency works? Do you understand it? Kind of, not really. I mean, a little bit.
Starting point is 01:02:16 You said kind of, not really. Mine is not really kind of. I mean, I know it's kind of, I mean, go ahead. What were you going to ask me? Nothing. I mean, I know it's kind of, I mean, go ahead. What were you going to ask me? Nothing. So we don't know. So we don't know what it is. No, we don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:31 I know this, though, which is pretty neat. Like, when they get that money, like, they don't have to pay taxes on it, which is pretty neat. Wait, why not? You don't? No, which is pretty cool because it's just kind of like its own currency, right? It just floats. I mean, they do make, like you could go pull cash out. They make these, what is it called?
Starting point is 01:02:51 Bitcoin or Dogecoin? Well, that shit's never going to last. The government's going to shut that shit down then. Yeah, I mean, yeah. That's like, I had no idea it worked like that. Yeah, they make these atms too like and just pull cash out it's kind of like i mean it's kind of like venmo right it just folks you can just transfer back and forth to people through each other's account but if you pull it out of your like if you put the money in your bank account and pull out your bank account then
Starting point is 01:03:23 yeah you have to pay taxes on so there's there's an atm machine somewhere and you can have like a crypto atm card and pull cash out based on your crypto wallet that exists you broke up a little bit wow that's crazy i mean like i said i don't know a whole lot about it i'm not into it yet i haven't i know i got some buddies even my brother just started getting into a little bit wow that's crazy i mean like i said i don't know a whole lot about it i'm not into it yet i haven't i know i got some buddies even my brother just started getting into a little bit a few weeks ago but yeah i'm not too educated on it so i don't want to really i'm scared of it gambling scares me right yeah gambling is just scary because you go broke quick. Have you ever gambled? I have one time. Well, a few times with my buddies, but like one time actually, I guess twice.
Starting point is 01:04:14 One major trip. One of my buddies, he's a special forces ranger in the army. It was his bachelor party. It was the one and only time I've ever been to Las Vegas. We went boys trip to Caesar's palace and we tore up the blackjack tables together. And how much money did you lose? I'd like not to talk about it. I was in Lake Tahoe once. It paid for the fun I had. How about that? It did?
Starting point is 01:04:46 Oh, so you won money? Oh, yeah. I mean, it's like this, right? Like you win, you lose. You win, you lose. You're like, you lose some more. You're like, oh, here we go. But then you keep going and you win.
Starting point is 01:04:56 And it's like, you just need to stop. I think it pays for itself having fun. But at the same time, I don't believe in that. I don't think it's smart. We all went with this idea of like hey we're only gonna like if we reach this point of spending this much money like we're definitely stopping like we're just here to have a good time like for our boy he's getting married but we're not here to lose money so we all held each other accountable and had a good time like we were we're playing like at the lowest bidding tables
Starting point is 01:05:22 you know what i mean where it costs like five or like fifteen dollars to bet like nothing crazy i lost 60 bucks in 20 minutes at a blackjack table once and that was my only gambling in 20 minutes maybe even maybe five minutes i'm about to say man because you can you can lose hundreds of dollars in seconds yeah i basically i sat down i ordered a drink i lost 60 bucks and i'm like like, I'm never – and I felt – Doing this again, ever. This is probably the most dirtiest I've ever felt in my life. I felt horrible. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:52 You snatched 300 pounds, and in the video, it looks like it's in a competition. Can you explain that to me or tell me that story? Are you talking about with the Army or at this recent local comp that i did when i was the first time well i'm really curious just the first it was a it was on your instagram and it was the first time you ever snatched 300 pounds okay yeah so that was actually really interesting so at the at the mac this is a this is a cool story at MAC, I wanted to open up way higher. It's the first event, you get three attempts. And I don't remember what I opened up with, but long story short, I hit 280 and then I went for 295. And Rich looks at me and goes right before the event,
Starting point is 01:06:36 he grabs me and goes, whatever you do, do not put on 295. If you're going to go for it, go for 300. Sure enough, I go up, I throw 295 behind my head and miss it. Don't have enough time to go pick it up again. It's one lift. I felt like I could have hit 300. I felt really good. I felt really strong. I just threw it behind me.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Anyway, speed up to the CrossFit Games. I don't qualify. Train as if I did qualify with everybody in the with everybody why didn't you listen to him if he told you to put 300 on and you only put 295 what does he say anything to you sorry to interrupt your story does he say yo slap you around a little bit 100 he's like dude you idiot what are you doing and i was like man i don't know what i was thinking i literally put on 300 and i'm like i look up in the crowd to see if anyone's there, like Jake Locker or Tasia or someone like to give me some guidance.
Starting point is 01:07:30 And I take the two and a half off. I don't know why I wasn't, I wasn't confident about it enough in the moment. I don't know why. Cause I felt so strong. Cause in the barn, we don't like, it's tough,
Starting point is 01:07:43 man. Like doing a lot of volume, it's tough to lift heavy like we go based off rpe rate of perceived exertion so like we don't hit a lot of the highest percentages because we can't but then when we taper it's like you know you feel like you're superman you can lift the world right so yeah i had to live that up and that was a huge lesson learned like definitely be more confident because i wasn't used to that kind of training yet. I'm still trying to survive my first season there, right? Like getting beaten down.
Starting point is 01:08:11 I get beaten down for training, like hardcore. And then we do games. I'm there spectating there to help and support everybody for Mayhem, Mayhem Freedom, all the individual athletes that we had supporting. We had a ton. And I had scheduled to do, because we have a really good relationship with the Army Warrior Fitness Team. mayhem mayhem freedom all the individual athletes that we had supporting we had time and i had scheduled to do because we have a really good relationship with the army warrior fitness team so they had this um army warrior bus and i'm going head to head with jacob faff he's one of
Starting point is 01:08:35 the really good athletes um he and i were supposed to do like a power hour we did like five events against each other but ended up taking two events in an hour so we did like a max 500 meter row against each other i beat him by like a half a second and then i think we're supposed to do another one we're like all right let's just max snatch his max snatch i think it's 315 and mine at the time was like 285 was my max we we just kept going up 10 pounds as if it was the games sharing the same barbell and then ended up hitting 295 which was a pr and then we only had 10 pound plates so he's like all right well we're putting on 305 so i hit that huge pr for me and that was massive for me and then he hits it and it was pretty interesting we only had 10 pound plate so we go for 315 and i pulled it up and i was just like this is not happening right
Starting point is 01:09:30 now this is feels infinitely heavier and then he actually missed it and then we we did the 225 for three um against each other and hop over the bar to see who wins as like a tiebreaker like they did it in the event and he got me so he got me by a little like a few seconds but it was good i mean it was a massive pr for me and i guess the moral of the story is like tapering down before an event i think it's it was a good learning experience for me to be more confident with how my body feels because especially when the adrenaline is going right. And you're at the CrossFit games or a semifinal, like you're in a huge stadium full of fans, your family, your friends watching, like the adrenaline is going to be flowing, but just to be more confident of hitting weights that, you know,
Starting point is 01:10:17 like might be a PR for you. The takeaway for me is early on in the story. The fact that you hang out with people that believe in you. And that Rich Froning telling you to put 300 pounds on, that ties back to what we were saying before about why I'm canceled. And it's because, yeah, I'm going to say it. I'm like, Rich, I fucking believe in people. I fucking believe in people. I fucking believe in people. I believe that people are amazing and can do amazing stuff.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Man, you found your home. Definitely. It's crazy. You found your home. Are you just loving life right now? Absolutely. 100%. Is there anything you're looking for or trying to add?
Starting point is 01:11:10 Like, are you looking for, like, do you have plans? Do you have a goal? Like, are you wanting more money or a house or a wife or a dog? Or like... Absolutely. All those things.
Starting point is 01:11:22 I mean, right? I was hoping you'd be like, no, fuck it. I'm just in the moment, just grinding. No, I mean, right now it's like, like you said, I'm in, I'm in the trenches right now, you know, I'm putting the work, I'm enjoying myself. I'm single. So I don't have a whole lot of distractions. It's not like I have kids right now or I have a wife. I'd like one in the future, but right now I'm just growing as a man,
Starting point is 01:11:44 growing in this crossfit community um figuring it out and grinding having the time of my life so being a part of this man family is definitely special so i'm enjoying it are you guys pretty isolated in the mayhem families like by that i mean do you see like like is it like going to school like basically you see the same 20 people every day like you see hillary when you pull, you see the same 20 people every day. You see Hillary when you pull up. You see the kids. You see Rich.
Starting point is 01:12:08 You see Guy. You see Haley. You see Tasia. Yeah, that happens. But you'd be surprised. There's a lot more people than you'd think in the Mayhem community and locally. Tons of people. Not to mention, we have tons of people coming in and out of town and like Rory might be hanging out with us one day he might be with his family another
Starting point is 01:12:32 day he might be out of town one day so I mean it's definitely like the circle definitely rotates but it's not like I don't explain like you said like school like oh i gotta show up to homeroom or first period here's the same people every day it's not i mean it doesn't get old and boring like that do you like cookville i love it i mean my i got some friends that hate on me they're like why do you love it man there's nothing there i'm like dude come on they're like oh what you got a chipotle in your town i'm like i dude, come on. They're like, Oh, what? You got a Chipotle in your town? I'm like, I'm like, come on, man. Like we actually got some restaurants.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Like you got a cool little downtown square. There's some tradition there. It's country. Um, we only have Nashville and Knoxville and these huge, um, really big, cool towns. Like city's not too far from us about an hour away. Um, and like, I don't know. I love it i mean tennessee tech's there so it's a college town so there's more people there than you'd think um yeah i mean i i enjoy i love it it's definitely if you want it to be loud it can be but if you want some peace and quiet there's a ton of that i mean it is the country so could you see yourself settling down there? I don't know. Definitely I can see it, but we'll see.
Starting point is 01:13:48 I mean, I'm sure. You're open. Yeah, I'm open. I'm sure like when I meet a significant other, I'm sure I'll end up moving somewhere. But I can definitely see myself settling down in Cookville. I don't know. We'll see
Starting point is 01:14:05 just anyway i'm in the moment right now i'm not really looking to move if that's what you're asking how um how do you decide whether you're going to shave your beard or not dang that's that's a million dollar question right there because you kind of did the show where you came back you were completely shaved like where they sat you down in the the show where you came back, you were completely shaved. Like where they sat you down in the room with all your fucking idiots. Oh, you're talking about on TV. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, but just in general.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Like how do you decide this morning not to shave? How did you decide that day not to shave? Like it's such a different look for you. Like basically mine is just out of comfort, like laziness. How do you decide? Are you just growing your beard just shaving the pain so i like to have it like i'm kind of seasonal so i like to grow my beard longer when it gets colder so this is actually pretty long for me and i will definitely get a little something
Starting point is 01:15:02 but if i feel like shaving i I might shave, you know, right from here from Austin, Texas, I'm going to compete in this desert heat competition in Dubai. And I looked at the weather and it's like 90 degrees the whole time. And we're in the desert. So there might be a chance I shaved the whole thing off or I might leave it. Cause I know when I get back to Cookville, it's going to like, we're going to have a cold snap and it's going to be cold.
Starting point is 01:15:21 And all the leaves on the trees are going to be gone, which are pretty salty about, because I'm going to miss the beautiful orange and yellow fall leaves. Anyway, so yeah, I'm like seasonal about it. In the summer when I shave, when it gets long, instead of trimming it and leaving a little scruff, I'll shave completely. And then when it grows a little longer, I'll shave completely. But fall, spring, winter, I grow it out a little longer. And then sometimes every now and then I feel like looking like a mountain man. And how about the rest of your body? How about your chest and your back? Do you shave your legs?
Starting point is 01:15:52 Thanks, dad. I'm a hairy dude. I'm a hairy dude. I used to be so clean. And then now I'm like, man, I got like chest hair coming out of my shirt sometimes. Wait till your back hair connects with your neck dude my it hasn't connected yet but i got some gnarly back hair yeah i need some like laser hair removal on my back but i i keep the chest it's kind of the same rotation as my face like it gets long i trim it and then keep doing the cycle over and over. So not big. Do you use the one blade? I don't know. Like that $20 razor.
Starting point is 01:16:30 It's electric. It's cordless. Rich told me he uses it. I use it too. It's tiny. It just has a, like, you just change the blade every, well, whenever it starts pulling hair. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:42 What do you use? Do you use an electric razor? What do you shave your chest with? hair yeah what do you use an electric razor what do you shave your chest with so i actually trim my face and uh trim my chest with the same trimmer it's still use a cord they make cordless ones but i don't think they're as good it's called the peanut i think it's the best trim there is out there it's like super industrial like it's it's strong it never goes out on me it's tough so i've been using that sucker for like six years would you cut i have a friend who cuts his own hair and he's been bragging about his peanut would you do your hair yeah say that again yeah i have a friend who cuts his head
Starting point is 01:17:17 with the peanut and he's always crazy yeah so you don't cut your own hair? No, no, no. Yeah, I like getting a fade. You kind of see? I see it. So I can't do that to myself. I'm sure I could figure it out, but it'd take me a couple years of looking jacked up. So I'm good. Keep going with the barber. How much do you pay for your haircut?
Starting point is 01:17:42 It all depends. I want to say like $ 20 is how much it costs it all depends on what i'm doing um did my barber um etch out extra time to fit me in the schedule is there a holiday coming up i really enjoy taking care of um the people i build relationships with so it really depends on how generous i'm feeling in the moment because i like to give some good tips especially my barber so yeah i go to super cuts i think it's like 20 bucks and if if all if he or she is just like even a little bit nice to me yeah 10 bucks is that cheap or do you think that's good i think it's good yeah that's the then it ends up being a 30 cut if it's a 20 cut and i give you
Starting point is 01:18:26 10 tip that seems i feel like i feel like a ball yeah for sure i mean have you been like i've been in some barbers like randomly in big cities like i went to denver one time because my mom was in boulder and i was like hit up some barber on instagram it was supposed to be good and it was like 70 dollars like 60 bucks for the cut and i tipped him 10 because i usually tip 10 or more and i was like hold up you took an hour my most people i do back at home are like quick they could take 15 minutes 30 minutes and i'm like you didn't even do that good of a job you gave me a fade you didn't touch the top much and you caught you charged me 60 like come on when i had a job i i got i did all that stupid shit i used to spend so much money on haircuts i paid i went to fancy coffee shops i did all that shit now i'm now i just don't have a job and fuck
Starting point is 01:19:22 it hey someone said what about your eyebrows how about dem eyebrows do you do anything with your eyebrows um every now and then when they get long i'll go to the barber and be like yo can you trim these and then i do i do pluck my unibrow because if i don't, I have like little tweezers. If I don't pluck it, this would be like this all the way across. I don't even have eyebrows. Hey, if you had a girlfriend, would that be something she would do? Pluck your unibrow?
Starting point is 01:19:59 I don't know. I'd rather have her do something like pop a pimple on my back or something i can't i can't reach you know if there's something back there i can't reach i'm gonna tell you something it's like really the only shortcoming in my relationship my wife has none of those skills what skills like if i'm like hey can you check my back for blackheads she can't she's like no she no she doesn't know how oh she just doesn't but she's just like like she can't squat below parallel you know what i mean i mean she can but you know like like like motherfucker like you're a girl you gotta show her man i screwed i i married a woman who can't pop up i i dude like
Starting point is 01:20:36 you gotta show her i've shown her i've shown her you gotta like get someone else get one of your friends be like all right see the back there's a blackhead this is what you do yeah come on man you gotta you gotta show her man okay i'll try i'll try again i mean by now i've reached that point where i don't really have blackheads or pimples anymore but that's good for so long good for you oh no let me tell you something blackhead blackhead popping is i love that shit it It's fun, isn't it? Oh, my God. It's just like a boulder comes out of your skin.
Starting point is 01:21:09 It's been so clean, and it's just like a little rock. Get that out of me. Kimberly says, oh, my God, my wifely duty is popping my husband's blackheads on his back and videotaping it. Yeah, I mean, it's like. Videotaping it. That might be a little extra but i enjoy it wad zombie says i bet there's people online that would buy his plucked hairs dean phillips the conversation has gone off the rails dr pimple popper there's some good comments what was, how did you get the blue check Mark?
Starting point is 01:21:48 That's another interesting conversation. So there's a, I don't know. You would, I don't know the job description would be, but I want to say like, there's some ABC people involved with the bachelor and bachelorette that know or are like super close with some of the people that work for instagram so as soon as some of these dudes
Starting point is 01:22:10 get off they're just like hey get this guy a check get this guy a check get this guy a check i mean you know how instagram works like i don't know if you do but all you you have a check don't you all you do is go in and ask for it and if you're someone that i don't know has status you're a professional athlete like you've been on like i don't know people need to know it's the real you right because there might be fake accounts then they'll give you the blue blue tick but i actually wasn't on the best terms with abc's um people behind the scenes when i got off the show so they didn't hook me up i actually had to go i can't remember who i got connected with i got connected with someone in the 2018 crossfit
Starting point is 01:22:51 games when i was spectating i was in like the fit aid vip booth where they're doing podcasts and stuff i've got to meet some really cool people um like marcus philly and like a couple other people that were just kind of in the community and By the way, that dude really is cool. That's not just throwing around loose words. That's a cool friend. Yeah, that dude's a stud. But yeah, there's someone I met and connected with who was like, hey, here's a contact info. It might have been Jacob Hefner.
Starting point is 01:23:16 I can't remember. And it was like, all you got to do is call this lady. And I did have to pay like a couple hundred bucks. And then she hooked me up, gave the IgE people a call. And then I got a blue tick. So it was a little bit of a process. That was a while back.
Starting point is 01:23:34 It's funny. That's kind of how I thought the story would go, but not exactly like that. I thought for sure that the second you made it on the bachelor, it's called the bachelor, right? Not the bachelorette. No,
Starting point is 01:23:43 the bachelorette, the second, cause she's the best. Okay. Yeah. I would have figured the second you made it on the bachelorette not the bachelorette no the bachelorette the second because she's the best okay yeah i would have figured the second you made it on the bachelorette that they would have done that i think that's how it is i need to get confirmation of this i'm gonna have a ufc fighter on friday i always forget to ask but i think that as soon as you get a contract with the ufc they have someone there who's like know someone on instagram and they're like okay this guy's a professional fighter i'm giving the blue check mark and so i that that's interesting so tell me about your relationship with those people behind the scenes i heard you say in one of the interviews that they asked you to do the comeback show like where like you guys all go on an island and like show off your bodies
Starting point is 01:24:16 and shit and get drunk oh yeah yeah precisely actually great description uh it's called bachelor in paradise yeah yeah part of me thinks wouldn't it be fun there to just go there and just fuck around you know what i mean yeah actually at the time at the time i was like no i need to focus on my crossfit training but yeah looking back i'm like man i could go on the beach they were like dude hey me those people will catch you whenever just so you know like when I heard them begging you to the story of them begging you to come on and they had like, sorry,
Starting point is 01:24:50 go on. They, um, they need you. They like you, you were the gift that kept giving like, like they need, they want you so bad.
Starting point is 01:25:03 I, how are the, how are the ratings for that show, the season you were on? I do know that my season had the best ratings of the history of the show. Not trying to say that, like, boastfully. No, you should say it boastfully. I've been told that. Not the most proud of that, since technically I was the season's villain.
Starting point is 01:25:23 But, you know. Do you remember being a... There's a ton more I could tell you, but I'm still technically under contract. So there's a lot, I don't know if you've been able to tell, but a lot of these questions, I'm not like dodging them, but I'm just being very careful what I say. Oh, understood. Um, did you get, did you, how long are you under contract? I hate to say this as well, but for the rest of my life. Excuse me. You must have broke up for a second. I thought you said the rest of your life. That couldn't be possibly true.
Starting point is 01:26:03 No, it is so basically there's something you signed that says hey you won't say this or this or this it's proprietary secret of the show and you're not allowed to talk about it unfortunately i i had to sign that yes okay and someone told me that um you got um sued because you already said something they already i got i got threatened to sue um i can't remember how much it was it's like a hundred thousand dollars um that was interesting pretty much they reached out to me i didn't know it because i changed addresses and they sent me a bunch of mails like different podcasts i was on because right after the show i was pretty livid and upset to say the least and disappointed with how they treated me.
Starting point is 01:26:46 And I went on a bunch of podcasts and said everything spilled all the tea. And a lot of these podcasts are still out there. So cough, cough. Um, they sent me a notice and each time I breach contract, technically they consume me $25,000 according to the contract and I breached contract. I don't want to say how many times, but they recorded only four, but it was, I mean, I mean, it was a lot and pretty much they're like, Hey, keep your mouth shut. So not technically supposed to say anything about, um, behind the scenes. I wonder if the show
Starting point is 01:27:27 went under if the contract would be null and void. How about the people who work there, how bad they must feel? Like the makeup lady. There's a makeup lady there, I'm sure, who you built a relationship with. She knows who you really are. She sees them doing you doing, they see them. Oh yeah. She sees them doing you dirty. She's camera guys.
Starting point is 01:27:49 What? I met some camera guys that, I mean, you gotta know there's like 10 dudes holding these cameras and they're like running around. Sometimes if I'm like leaving a scene, like they'll just chase me right through these cameras. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:00 And there's a few guys I've built some relationships with and they were cool to me. And we got to talk different times. There's a lot of sit around and wait time, right? So I got to connect with them and like, yeah, a few of them later in the season were like, talk to me. They're like, man, I'm so sorry. You got to go through this, bro. Like this, this and that.
Starting point is 01:28:20 And I'm like, thanks. But yeah. Is there, are you also obligated to finish the show? Like, is it like, are people obligated? Can you just like walk off the show or is there a fine for that also? Is it like, Hey, we'll find you $25,000 cause you've committed to the show or. I mean, they give you rules and like, they have a lot of people there to make sure you don't break them so i'll just give you some more info i'll give you some more juicy info but i can't man
Starting point is 01:28:54 sorry i understand i understand no i'm not tripping um does everyone actually live in that house so for the first three weeks yeah there was like 20 plus dudes in the same mansion it was legit in la honestly we're broing out having a ton of fun and then we started traveling so we traveled once in the u.s it was to like boston area and then we went to scotland lot excuse me latvia and then greece no no then holl, so like Amsterdam, and then Greece. And you guys share rooms? Yes, everyone shared a room except for me. They isolated me.
Starting point is 01:29:40 From the get-go? Well, when we started traveling, we were already a month in. No, but I mean in the main mansion. From the very beginning, from day one? No, no, no. I had a bunk. I'm in a room with six dudes. Okay.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Wow. Yeah. It was actually kind of cool though they put me they put me in like the uh i was in some pretty sweet like suites when we were overseas in some of these other countries i mean it was neat like i mean i was in crete uh island in the mediterranean and it was pretty neat like my balcony had like my own private pool and like chairs to lay out on it was beautiful I mean I'd say Greece was one of the most beautiful places I've ever been I think you should go to that that bachelorette island thing and um yeah and I think you should like fuck one of the producers I know it's not your style
Starting point is 01:30:44 but it would really throw a fucking whole kink in the thing. Do you know what I mean? Oh, man. You sound like 90% of my friends when they talk about this crazy show. You got to go back. You got to do this. You got to do that. Yeah, like, all the people who think, like think they're above this or we're manipulating them.
Starting point is 01:31:07 I mean, I'm telling you they're susceptible to your stardom and your body and your hot looks as much as anyone. They think they're above it. You should just go back there and start just fucking – just really fish out of the pond. Like be – it's like think of like the – yeah, just fish out of the pond. fish out of the pond like be it's like think of like the yeah just fish out of the pond i gotta admit man i've absolutely wiped my hands of anything good well i i would probably do reality i would probably do reality tv again if it was something totally different like i had for example i had the titan games actually reach out to me and i did an interview the show at the rock and that's cool i ended up not making it i did
Starting point is 01:31:45 like a couple facetime interviews if it was something like that like actual challenges like i've also had mtv the challenge reached out to me but they have a lot of drama behind the scenes it's similar to the bachelorette so i was like no i don't want anything to do with that but as far as doing like physical activities and challenges like shoot if there's a chance to make some money and go on tv and do something really cool i'll do it like titan games i thought would have been legit like i wanted to meet the rock but like i said it didn't work out do you do the bachelor i'm like i'm not i'm out of that no i'm not i've been told i have a lot of friends my sister-in-law being one of the main ones um who signed me up for the show to begin with.
Starting point is 01:32:28 Just try to encourage me to do online dating or dating apps. And I haven't ever once tried it. And I don't think I ever will, to be honest with you, man. I think it's horrible. I think it's horrible. I have nothing against it. I do. I think it's horrible.
Starting point is 01:32:44 I think it's fucked up. I think if you're... I'm though i'm getting old i'm starting to say stuff like old people it's fucking crazy do you know i mean somebody's new apps are actually pretty legit like yeah i've had some people try to show me and talk to me about it and obviously right you hear all the success stories, right. Friends or even family that like made it work. But I don't know, for me, it's like, I don't know. I get it. I was sleeping in the back of my pickup truck. I was sleeping in the back of my pickup truck and I saw my wife walking down
Starting point is 01:33:19 the street. We were like in college or something. That's a cool story. Fucking like looking out the window, my pickup truck and this hot chick with this great body, like walking towards me from like 200 yards. Fucking dusting myself off, fucking getting my fucking wife and probably something off my mouth, like a cookie I ate or something. Trying to get the marijuana smoke out of my back of my truck. And I jump out. I'm like, hey, girl, what's up?
Starting point is 01:33:41 And I just start talking to her. Like, why not just be on aisle six at Safeway and be like yo damn you're hot like can we go out like what if we like each other like just old school I'm all about that honestly yeah like
Starting point is 01:33:59 who do you remember your very first crush like in second grade or first grade or third grade do you remember the very first yeah what was her name oh my goodness uh there's no way she sees this podcast but she actually so i'm trying to think i I was, I think you're right. I think it was, well, it was like kindergarten through, oh, preschool. No, it was kindergarten through like third grade. She actually lived not directly across the street from me, but like one house over across the street. And I grew up and there was like four houses that were really close to me.
Starting point is 01:34:44 And there was like four houses that were really close to me. And when we were young kids, like after school, we'd all get dropped off in the same bus stop and we'd all like play catch the football, play tag, hang out and talk. And I had a huge crush on her. She was like my neighbor. Her name is Emma. Do you remember her last name? Emma Baxley. Are you still in touch with her no mine was hilarious mine was this girl named michelle harper it's funny i haven't thought
Starting point is 01:35:13 about her in fucking 30 years where she was actually did emma ever become your girlfriend i like to think she was my wife at the time, but no, she was my girlfriend. That's awesome. And, and, and did you like her? Why? Do you know why you liked her?
Starting point is 01:35:37 I, I don't know. That was a long time ago, man. I was attracted to her. I thought she was cool. I enjoyed hanging out with her there you go she had long does she have she had nice hair
Starting point is 01:35:50 well michelle harper just had really nice hair and a really big smile and it was like and she was nice to me and i was like all right that checks all the boxes life is simple and i didn't like and you know when you're like that it's, you don't want to do anything with a girl. Like, like you just like her. You don't even know what the fuck that means. You just like her like, Hey, like, right. I mean, you're not like no one, like you're not even thinking about kissing her or holding her hand. You're just like, well, can I just stand close to you? Right. Yeah. You're just, you want to be close to them. Honestly. Yeah. You don't care if you're playing cards or you're just you want to be close to them honestly yeah you don't care if you're playing cards or you're not even talking to each other it's like if you got to sit next to her on
Starting point is 01:36:30 the bus you're like holy fuck i won the lotto yes i felt that oh god life was easy someone is right ellie is live sorry seven luke gotta go are you about to do a show with ellie is live sorry seven luke gotta go are you about to do a show with ellie i don't know what that means ellie's the blonde haired girl who trains at the gym too she used to be on the team she's doing she she might be doing like a we have a program through our sugar wads mayhem athlete app called m30ment. Should only take 30 minutes. That's why it's called the M30 program. She might be live on that right now, maybe in like the hotel fitness room.
Starting point is 01:37:15 She does a good job with that. She goes live in like our private Facebook group. She's live all the time doing those workouts, which is really neat. I mean, that program is legit. That's what i'd be doing if i wasn't doing competitive crossfit anyway um someone put a link in the comments so i can click it and look at it sorry say that again luke that's the only thing i can think of that that comment could be talking about i don't know but i don't have to be anywhere to answer your question do you have i'm
Starting point is 01:37:42 i was supposed to be driving my kids six minutes ago this is my last question i'm asking hey will you come on again if i let you go yeah if you'd like me for sure yeah yeah yeah we have unfinished business um okay um i'll be in dubai next week oh shit Let's do it from Dubai. Okay. That would be dope. Do you have any plans? Like, we know you're not going on that Bachelorette show. We know that you're training. You're trying to get your – you're thinking about doing team. Like, do you have any other plan plans? Like, are you like getting a day job or like,
Starting point is 01:38:26 or is your life pretty, just like you're looking down right now, just grinding? Definitely looking down and grinding, but like, obviously there's tons of ideas I have when it comes to vision, right. What do I want to do with my life in the future? Kind of like one of the first few questions you asked me, I was trying to tell you, right? Like I'm not going to cross it forever. It's going to be a springboard into whatever I do through the connections, relationships I build across the community. There's so many opportunities, so much opportunity through all the, like I said, connections and relationships I have. So definitely for me, I want to start my own business. What does that look like?
Starting point is 01:39:05 I don't know yet. Maybe partner in starting a business with someone in the community. Definitely, like I said, my dad's an entrepreneur, my brother's an entrepreneur. Like I'm a family guy. So I'll probably end up doing
Starting point is 01:39:18 some kind of side hustle with them as well or all in with them as well in the future. I don't know yet, but definitely thinking about that every day. that not just totally sitting on my hands and doing nothing but metcons but pretty much just eating and sleeping and training repeating i i i don't want to give anyone um bad advice but it seems like your life is already just unfolds before you. And all you have to do is be a good person and work hard. And that seems like that's what you've been doing. And you've had an amazing life unfold in front of you with some really, really fun, cool shit and exciting shit.
Starting point is 01:39:59 And so take all those thoughts with a grain of sand. Like I never had, I don't really really I was just a good person and I just put my head down and had an incredible work ethic. And now I'm at thirty nine or no. How old am I? I'm forty nine. I'm like I'm in dreamland. So that's a that's a good nugget for the listeners to take. I mean, like you said, be a good person, put your head down, work hard. And by being a good person, I head down work hard and by being a good person i mean just treat people the way you'd want to be treated if someone cuts you off don't flip i mean i know you want to flip them off i want to flip them off too but just roll down your window and give them the peace sign like they didn't really want to do it like no one wants
Starting point is 01:40:37 to cut anyone off like just be treat people the way you want to be treated all right brother Just treat people the way you want to be treated. All right, brother. Peace. Thanks for coming on. Yeah, man. Thanks for having me, brother. I appreciate it.

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