The Sevan Podcast - #195 The News - James Hobart & Kate Gordon

Episode Date: November 3, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Showtime. Bam, we're live. Got you for three minutes.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Three minutes of playtime. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up that sock. What design is on that thing? Is that one of your goldfish? Just baller shit, dude. Just some baller whoa. Hold up that sock. What design is on that thing? Is that one of your goldfish? Just baller shit, dude. Just some baller shit.
Starting point is 00:00:48 I don't know. Just got the Swedish flag. Damn. A thin wool. Let me show you something. Danish. This is how you know a man doesn't care about his well-being. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Yeah. Yeah. I own 12 homes in the Hamptons, but I got holes in my socks. Exactly. What's up, Sousa? That's really hard. That was too hard. It should have been my sock pack.
Starting point is 00:01:15 What's going on? It's only my third show of the day. Oh, man. That's why he seems all serious. Blazered up. Where's Kate? I'm here to pimp tonight where's kate i'm here to pimp tonight playa i'm here to pimp i'm here i'm here to talk kate up kate let's go to the bar girl barbell jobs baby no i um i knew it was just me and you alone hobart and i thought you know what i lit a candle behind me. Actually, my wife asked me.
Starting point is 00:01:48 She has a candle in her office. She said, do me a favor to set the mood. Wow. Well, she obviously doesn't want to listen to the show. This is a wham, bam, thank you, ma'am. See you later. Oh, bye, Suza. Suza hiding behind the scenes.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Thanks for doing this, Maddie. Yes, yes, Sousa. Sousa hiding behind the scenes. Thanks for doing this, Maddie. Yes, yes, yes. I just came back from a job interview. That's why I'm wearing a collared shirt. I went to and at CrossFit Go Fuck Yourself, I applied to clean the bathrooms. And I just wanted to let them know that I take my job seriously. them know that I, I take my job seriously. I hope, I hope you don't need that website Hobart after the show today. I'm sure we'll find out. Oh man. I was talking to
Starting point is 00:02:38 a friend of mine. I'm like, Hey, aren't you glad that I bounced back so strong from getting fired from CrossFit? Like as you you're as like being your friend like weren't you scared for me a little bit and he goes dude I go what he goes you have not bounced back like oh you're doing weekly shows with James Hobart you are literally what we call
Starting point is 00:02:57 slumming it it um I am still the CEO of CrossFit Inc yes I identify with look at hobart shaking that i identify with it is i it is my woke component guys are you guys um are you guys are you gonna get that out of there are you guys gonna watch the ufc fights this weekend should i oh man this guy this guy colby i mean there's so many great fights but this guy there's a guy colby covington who is fighting the champ kamara kamara uzman and um
Starting point is 00:03:34 a lot of people don't a lot of people don't like both of them which is interesting um i think a lot of people don't like kamara uzman because he seems a little square and a lot of people don't like colby covington because he's brash and he's like a Trump supporter and he's just out there. But the thing is, is that I really like Colby Covington. I like both of them. But I really like Colby Covington because when I see him, I see the big picture. You know when people say, hey, I want to do CrossFit and it's a girl and they're like, but I don't want to get bulky. Yes. to do crossfit and it's a girl and and they're like but i don't want to get bulky yes and and the first thing that always pops into my mind is is like it's like it's like saying i don't want
Starting point is 00:04:08 to get a job because i don't want to get rich look motherfucker you are not going to get rich at 7-eleven that is the dumbest excuse i've ever heard and and like i feel like going yo bitch you don't have the discipline to get buff you don't have the work ethic to get buff you're worried about getting buff by doing crossfit but how about being worried about your type 2 diabetes let's go brand it so so i i feel that way about colby covington i feel like a lot of people don't like him because they just they don't like his antics but the balls you got to go big picture the balls this guy has to just tell it like it is um i'm so over politically correct. I'm so over feigning kindness. That was, it's so, but I mean, it is important. My wife says I betray myself by being so brash by calling
Starting point is 00:04:54 people morons. And I betray my kindness because I really am a nice person. Excuse me. I think you're a nice person. Oh, I didn't, I didn't like the way that you said that i don't care what people say about you i think you're attractive i think you're attractive in your own way hobart i'll take that thank you i appreciate that um no no i was i was it sounded like my mind was elsewhere because it was i was trying to think about uh no no it didn't sound like your mind elsewhere you were it sounded like you sounded like you were the cow stepping out in the field all alone away from the pack and being like, he's actually okay. I have a great story about cows tonight. You do?
Starting point is 00:05:33 Yeah. No, someone just put in the comments this one thing about school board recalls in Wisconsin, and I had not seen this story yet. So I just jumped on wisconsin public radio news yep right there and it says when wisconsin recall efforts to add pressure on school boards in wake of covid19 wisconsin has the second most school board recall efforts in the country after california i'm gonna dive into that okay look at look at uh suzer's either finishing he looks, Suze is either finishing, he looks so, like,
Starting point is 00:06:07 he's either finishing up some porn that he started before the show started or he's, like, looking for that article. Maquon. Here, Suze, I'll send it to you. Maquon, Wisconsin. I'll text it to you right now. I saw a, um,
Starting point is 00:06:22 I saw a quote on Ian Gary's Instagram. It's a UFC fighter. And it said something along the lines of, if you, man, I'm going to ruin it. I should look in my notes. I'm going to look at my notes.
Starting point is 00:06:37 I had Emily Abbott on this morning. How's she doing? She's cool as shit. I don't know how she's doing, but when I'm around her, I I'm happy as a clam. She's so cool. She's, um, she's cool as shit i don't know but when i'm around her i i'm happy as a clam she's so cool she's um she's teaching she's just more women's empowerment before it was like being a role model as a strong fit healthy woman and now she's talking to women about teaching them how to do energy body basically how to take your awareness and put it inward and with a, with a specific focus on the pussy, her words, not mine.
Starting point is 00:07:11 But yeah. Are there any guys out there doing stuff like that? I do it every, I do it three times a day. So rookie numbers, man. When I wake up, I do it in the middle of the day and how about this guy's name this fighter i'm interviewing on thursday his name is ian the future gary and i heard him being uh interviewed and they're like why is that your uh nickname the future and he said because my my champ it's inevitable it's inevitable that I'll be a champion. He's so cool. Damn, where is this quote?
Starting point is 00:07:50 He says when he fights, he's in a flow state. If you can't stand too slow me down, what do you say to that? Kicked out of a gym right before. No shit, I can't find it. But basically, it was something along the line that if you know something, if you know that to do the right thing is a or b or whatever and you don't do it it's worse than cowardice and i feel like we're we're um i feel like that's where we're at like hey people don't be cowards you know what the right thing to do is you know what the right thing to do is will you guys go over the kaepernick documentary oh shit did you watch it no i is is it is it paint him in a good light i don't know i didn't watch it i didn't even know there was one it's a i i just it's so funny because you look at someone like kairi and like that motherfucker
Starting point is 00:08:43 stood up for something and you look at kaepernick and that motherfucker stood up for something. And you look at Kaepernick and he didn't stand up for anything. He climbed his way up to the top of the mountain and then whined like a bitch instead of being a role model. The only thing we can do for other people is be role models. Do you guys understand that? I'm going to tell you guys a story. Okay? You ready for this?
Starting point is 00:08:59 There's a guy. There's these two roommates. Okay? James and Sevan. And James has a cigar habit and he smokes a shitload of cigars and savon wants him to smoke the cigars outside so savon says to james hey james can you please smoke the cigars outside and james says sure no problem make sure to smoke them outside so savon comes home and james the house is filled with smoke and he goes james
Starting point is 00:09:21 please don't smoke cigars in the house james goes oh sorry you weren't home and he goes no just never do it so james says okay i'm sorry so someone comes home and the house still smells like cigars the next day so he goes into james's um cigar you know like box and he takes one of his cigars out and he wipes it on his ass and the the thought is is that when james smokes the cigar he won't like the taste of it and he'll get him to quit because someone's a thoughtful guy and he's trying to help his buddy james out quit so uh james lights up the cigar and he doesn't say anything to sevan but he's like this tastes a little funny and he puts out the cigar after just smoking three quarters of it and sevan notices the house is less smoky so he continues this for like the next two weeks every day going into james's cigar box and wiping
Starting point is 00:10:02 a little bit like taking the cigar and like rubbing it on his anus, on his anus sphincter. OK, and every day James is smoking less and less because he does not like the taste of these anal wipe cigars. But he doesn't know what's going on. But someone's feeling a little bit of success. So finally, someone's like, man, I almost got him. So he takes this and the last day he goes into James's cigar box and he takes his cigar and he shoves it actually inside of his anus. And he's just fucking getting it all in there. James, James comes home, lights up the cigar and he goes, I don't, why do I do this? This is so gross.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Why do I smoke? And he quit smoking cigars. Bam. Thanks, man. Appreciate it. And James was done with his habit. The next day, Savant comes home, and he feels a little empty, like something's missing in his life. So he goes to the store, and he buys his box of cigars, and he shoves one up his ass.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Do you guys get the moral of the story? James lost a habit. Savant picked up a habit. If you are, you don't get it. James, nothing? No, I got it. I got it. I'm just thinking, I'm thinking, I'm thinking a couple of things.
Starting point is 00:11:15 I want to hear the moral of your story. And then I want to know, have you used that now, that allegory before? Because you thought of it like it's pretty on the spot. Yeah, I've used it before. I read it in a joke book when i was 12 um it's a good joke don't ever don't ever ask me shit like that again james because just let people think that i come up with that shit on my own they don't realize i'm just studying old rodney dangerfield transcripts from years ago i get no respect the thing is that so many people bitch and complain that they turn into bitches and complain. What got Kaepernick to the top was not fucking bitching.
Starting point is 00:11:52 What got him to the top was 100% hard work. And then these fuckers get to the top and they bitch. And then the rest of society thinks that you can get to the top by bitching. No bitches get to the top. They turn into them when they're there. And they make you think it's okay and they trick you but but no one gets there oprah didn't get there like that lebron didn't get there like that like no one no one uh kamala harris slept her way to the top like everyone was working hard just fucking slip that in there oh man but then how do you use that platform to do more good?
Starting point is 00:12:26 And there's no judgment there either. You just keep telling people what to do. You tell people what to do to get to the top, not to complain about their situation. You know what? It was explained to me the other day. So I was raised thinking that Democrats were for helping the poor and Republicans were for helping the rich. There was one – and now I'm older, and I actually – they fucked it all up. Republicans want everyone to be rich. Democrats want everyone to be poor.
Starting point is 00:13:00 It's crazy. It's so ass-backwards the way they explain it to you. After accounting for taxes, spending, and investment returns, Forbes estimates James' net worth to be about $850 million. It's – yeah. It's the same thing with George Floyd. Under no circumstances – there's nothing that could have ever been done to him where he should have been an American hero, where he should have been a hero for civil rights, where there should be a statue in New York about him. There's no redemption there. He didn't redeem himself. He didn't turn himself around. Look at Malcolm X. Went to fucking jail, opened up a dictionary, copied every single fucking word in that dictionary, wrote it down on a piece of paper, and learned every word in the dictionary. Came out of there being a fucking magician. It's a great book, by the way. Have you ever read that one?
Starting point is 00:13:55 I have not. By Alex Haley. Whew. Whew. That's an American hero. George Floyd. Sorry. You're a good dude, Hobart, for listening to me rant when you're trying to help America.
Starting point is 00:14:15 How was your L1 this weekend? How was your L1? You better say it was the greatest thing ever because I missed you on Sunday. It was the greatest thing ever. Yeah. Tell me some stories. We did a Crossfit level one course at the phoenix community center in boston um it's a non-profit for recovering um addicts
Starting point is 00:14:34 um and alcoholics it's a recovery center where they use uh the founder scott strode they use physical activity rock climbing sports to build a community to help build purpose through that recovery journey. And all you need is 48 hours of sobriety to show up and participate. It's probably the nicest CrossFit gym I've ever been in. It's up there if it's not the nicest. And the facility is free and open to anyone as long as they have 48 hours of sobriety. But we did a level one this weekend. Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I thought it was 24. Did they change that? I don't know what if it was 24 but it's it's 48 yeah it's two days i believe i could check unless i heard it right unless i heard it right and you heard it wrong unless i heard it right and you heard it wrong i don't want to be wrong on that but um someone's gonna go in there after 36 hours and be like but homart told me um but it was really nice we had a mix of there were a lot of non-profits that came in um and took the uh took the seminar which was really cool and um just regular seminar attendees a smaller group about 30 people and um myself larry thomas who's the affiliate rep, owns two affiliates in the Boston area. And Megan Burns has been on staff for a while now. So she's also the partnership coordinator.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Actually, Megan just texted me. I guess she's listening. She says, nice Phoenix shout out. I don't think it was ever 24 hours. What? What, Megan? Actually, and then she recently got married. Her last name is Bakhtiari.
Starting point is 00:16:08 But yeah, 48 hours. Was she a client there? What do you mean? How does she know? Stop clicking shit. I'm just trying to just check this 48 hours thing. Don't get all fired up just because you're wearing a vest, man. Get all bossy.
Starting point is 00:16:24 And look at my glasses yeah you look serious this shit is refurbished like silver and like this is like these were like some some dead guy used to wear these no so megan's been on seminar staff for i think coming up in 10 years now and um she's worked with she worked with the phoenix and coached there and was um the head of their coaching development for their CrossFit program when she lived up in Boston. Oh, shit. And then when she moved out to California with her now husband, she took over a role. And I believe the role she handles now is the head of their partnerships.
Starting point is 00:17:01 So, for example, they have a partnership with CrossFit. Okay, don't rub it in. She wins. All right. There you go. God damn it. Oops, for example, they have a partnership with CrossFit. Okay, don't rub it in. She wins. All right. There you go. God damn it. Oops, sorry. I apologize.
Starting point is 00:17:09 I want to strike that from the record. I'm not saying that word anymore. What word? I'll say chicks. Chicks, chicks, chicks. The G-O-D-D-A-M-N-I-T. And I'm not saying the Jesus one either. Why is that?
Starting point is 00:17:24 I look like Aladdin. Um, it was, um, I was getting some really thoughtful, um, me too, Hector, me too. I was getting some really thoughtful, um, uh, DMS about, Hey, Savon, I really like you, but can you stop using those two phrases? And I don't like to alienate people. And I also like the challenge of the discipline. Like I don't need to say those things. And like I don't want to be rude to their imaginary God. I want to be nice to it. I was waiting for something.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Oh, were you saying, I was like, this is being too nice. So you don't want to alienate people, but you take very specific stances on topics. And that is inherently alienating, right? I, well, so shouldn't you just say things that makes everyone happy? Like that's what I'm getting at here. That's no, this one's just a, I like this one for the discipline. I don't need to say that. i like a little bit of a challenge i it's i like it forces me to be um to stay conscious it's the same reason why i do energy body it's the same way i do inward work it's like
Starting point is 00:18:34 watch the words as they come out you jackass that's the least you can do i use the word retard a lot but on the that's one of the words that like I feel the social pressure not to use on the show. Because that one offends people, too, even though it's like not even a bad word. It's because what's crazy is the reason why it offends people. Like I would be like, man, that was that was retarded. And people are like, well, I have a disabled son. OK, well, then you have a retarded son. I mean, it's not like.
Starting point is 00:19:06 I don't know what to or you know what I i mean it's how is that offensive that it sucks that he's disabled by the way i made an amazing movie on youtube that's what's so cool about me i can watch this one hobart watch this i made an amazing movie and it's on youtube and it's called our house and i lived in a home i lived on the driveway of a home for mentally disabled adults who I took care of for five years. Talk about, uh, uh, me, me and my wife did and talk about, man, we, what a journey that was. That was amazing. I thought I would go there and be able to do God's work. Instead I got destroyed. What'd you get destroyed by? Uh, it's just, it's hard. It's hard. It's, it's hard it's it's emotionally it's a really really tough thing these people are mentally disabled they know they're disabled and and it's so it's so
Starting point is 00:19:51 painful right i mean that is the that's that is the the two worst i've seen famine in my life on on several occasions and i've seen mental disabilities And when you see things like that, though, look, yeah, there's my movie. When you see things like that, it changes everything. Wow, good find, Sousa. There's the movie. That movie won awards at 30 film festivals, by the way.
Starting point is 00:20:19 That shit was raw. Does it change things because it creates an overwhelming pessimism? Is it a glimmer of hope and there's still survival? Personal accountability. It all comes down to personal – and not waste your life. It's like this guy. I watched a documentary on Caleb Plant the other day. He's about to fight Canelo Alvarez, and his daughter died when she was like 18 months old.
Starting point is 00:20:49 and his daughter died when when she was like 18 months old and uh like he basically talks to her every day and says i'm gonna win the championship i'm like and and it's been years you know since she passed away and it's just it's just like whole like hey take your like this is real this isn't that stupid shit like those like like gender like this is real your baby died this is real kids starving in africa this isn't like well i'm uh i'm i'm i'm uh fuck off about your gender no one should know what their gender is nobody look down in your pants you either have a penis or a vagina and roll with it no one cares about anything else nothing nobody cares and if you're worried about your gender then you need to you need to starve yourself a little bit or do a thousand burpees or have someone fucking murdered close to you to fucking unfuck you get get a dose of reality of what really
Starting point is 00:21:38 matters put your head down and work peace and love i don't know what gender i am do you know what gender you are hobart no i actually you know this is you ever even think about it do you ever even think you do no but this is a subject i've listened um tried to do more research on and understand better just because of how prevalent it is right now and And I did hear this one discussion and someone saying, like in the terms of looking at gender as a scale or a scale, what's the word? A range that like, if you're not the most perfect, it's the wrong word, but if you're not the most expressed example, like if you're not the most macho, most alpha what i hate that term but whatever whatever whatever fill in the blank then you know if you're anything less than that then you are some mix of
Starting point is 00:22:31 male female gender and then vice versa and i was like i don't know yeah it's all nonsense like do you know in the mma scene they started painting their toenails like 10 years ago what does that make them I mean there's a thousand examples like that that's why it's just such nonsense why does anyone care the only reason why I've ever cared about what anyone's sex is is whether I should I should be like trying to fuck them or not so like you see someone and you're not sure if they're a man or a woman it's like well and like now it doesn't matter because I'm not trying to fuck nobody. I know it's anybody. I just like saying nobody because I think it sounds gangsta.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Okay. The news. I don't know. There's a lot there. I can't speak on intelligently, but I don't know how we treat each other. I feel very fortunate that it's not an issue of mine. It feels very fortunate that I'm like, that my are like oh my god i hope my toilet doesn't overflow i don't want to run out of i don't want to run out of toothpaste i hope my assault bike doesn't stop working i hope kate shows up for the fucking podcast i do think there's a bigger
Starting point is 00:23:38 question there of how do we treat each other better and i'm not trying to do all kumbaya stuff but um no i like i just i just have felt that my i don't think legislation is the way to teach people to treat each other better but i don't know maybe it is um you're let's say you're struggling with whether whether i i don't know what the deepest root or origin of of gender is but i'm damn bet it's the steepest thing for all of us it comes down to just mating and procreating so So let's say you're, let's say, let's say you're confused whether you like boys or girls, because what it comes down to is, is what, like what the opposite of what you want, right. To be intimate with what you want to procreate with. I'm, I'm, I'm sorry if it's confusing for you, or I'm sorry if you can't fake it till you make it, or I'm sorry, like, like that, that would
Starting point is 00:24:24 be a tough one to deal with, but don't project onto the rest of us. Like that. We need to do anything to go out of our way to make your life easier. Everyone has their own problems. And famine is like you have a, in, in, in the presence of famine, gender issue is the most selfish luxury in the world. In the presence of the death of a child, in the world in the presence of the death of a child gender issues are the most selfish thing in the world and it's and it's like so i live on a different planet than those people to me those people are the most selfish people on the planet because that's where i live seen famine seen lived with mental tons of mentally disabled adults for years and when i mean live with them like i slept in this in the same quarters as these dudes.
Starting point is 00:25:11 And you get to go to great America with your red hair and smoke cigarettes and pretend like the word gender is real. No, you got a penis or a vagina and then everything else is just fun. Imaginary shit and play with it. And I know it's going to be difficult when you're young, but you'll get through it. Don't drag the rest of the world in your shit. We all had problems when we were 18.
Starting point is 00:25:26 I used to think my nose was big. Now I know it's just a fun place for girls to sit. Okay, Hobart, let's talk about the news, buddy. Oh, man, I was going to add something on to that, but all right, let's do it. All right, big story here. Guys, we don't have Kate. You need a hug. Who needs a hug?
Starting point is 00:25:42 I need a hug. Preach, Sevan. Thank you. So I saw the Mayhem Desert was postponed too. I love this word postponed. Not postponed. It's canceled. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:25:49 That breaks my heart a little bit. I'm on the Mayhem jock right now. Big time. I can tell. The Mayhem Empire. I was going to say something cutting, but I'm going to skip it. No, do it. Do it.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Do it. It's probably true Kissing ass to get rich on for a third time Yes Guilty I don't know if you're ready to have Rory as your boss Oh Alright see that's why
Starting point is 00:26:16 Rory come boss me Edit that shit out Got some leather straps back here Rory come on over baby He's a good dude doing good things for good people i just can't believe you'd move from california to cookville speaking of going from fucking feast to famine look it's like mr rogers i put my socks on to start the show but now we're about to get to dig into the news and it's business i took my socks off 26 minutes in who wants to hear the news let's do
Starting point is 00:26:48 david's daughter leaves comp train oh yes yes we'd start and end on this story this is the this i mean this is the biggest news this is the biggest news in crossfit there's my armpit fetish being taken care of thank you um she's so fit the uh two-time games champion pose you can see her naked if you want to go to um and look at their naked issue what was the weight of their sandbag do they have a 200 pound sandbag i would love to talk to you about that too by the way the dudes lifted 250 like they didn't lift it they um picked it up off the ground easily i would even watching um gee lift that lift like i would have to lift that i would have to like struggle to get my hands under and get it to my lap and he picked that thing up like it was a like a like a set of keys what is the heaviest odd object you
Starting point is 00:27:46 picked up i picked up a 200 pound sand is the heaviest sandbag i shouldered yeah have you picked up a 200 pound d ball um no damn no that was amazing um i don't know much about the catron thing but this is what i think Okay 165 But still even just watching No no no that's the chicks But I'm saying watching how easily they lifted it Why is chicks derogatory Chicks isn't derogatory Unless you hate birds right
Starting point is 00:28:16 Yeah Okay what about 165 Sorry Just watching the women lift that it was um it was too easy too easy yeah there's no appreciation on my part at some point times for that do you know what i mean like you're just watching you're just watching and you're like like the same with the jerry cans like i know and by the way what a joke to call those jerry cans but um it's just hard it's just hard and you forget to appreciate it oh scroll
Starting point is 00:28:46 through her instagram real quick let me see oh does she say about quitting comp train is there is there a post about it there was something there's the articles in the morning chalk up so okay man how about annie keep scrolling same thing like look at that picture of her with her hat on. I don't think everybody realizes just how amazing those performances are. Wow, she looks like a supermodel there. Okay, go back. Let's peruse. Let's troll her shit.
Starting point is 00:29:17 I want to hire her photographer. Keep going. That's a nice bathing suit. Keep going. Oh, look at that fish. That's cool. What fish? There's a fish that she. Keep going. Oh, look at that fish. That's cool. What fish? There's a fish that she caught up there.
Starting point is 00:29:27 She was wearing waders. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, she's familial as a mofo. Man, she's like, she's all about the love of her grandparents. Yeah, she's a good dude like that. I think that's her. Oh, so this is my theory.
Starting point is 00:29:44 I think there's no truth to this her oh so this is my theory i think that there's no truth to this people this is my theory she be nice okay well i think she broke up with oh my goodness look at look well we'll go back one more time let me see one more that's a great picture of her and her dude too well i can't remember that dude's name gaffer he's a hockey player look at the one in the corner where she's sipping that drink yeah she's pretty hot right there um i think that her and her boyfriend broke up and she misses home something to most she basically i heard she's going back to iceland and she's training with annie so i think like something um i think it's
Starting point is 00:30:24 just something like emotional. I think it's like really, and she needs to go back to her roots, to the motherland. Well, I don't want to speculate, but I mean, she has lived on and off in the U.S. for a long time. And, you know, being away from home with people you're that close with is tough. But the two-time Games champ, Katrin, has moved over from CompTrain and will be competing under coach Iami Tikkanen, who also coaches fellow Icelanders Annie Thorslater and BKG, as well as Heinrich Hapalainen.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Multiple sources have confirmed that she did not compete this weekend under the guidance and coaching of Bergeron, her coach across seven CrossFitfit games the changing coach comes after her worst finish of the crossfit games 10th since she failed to qualify in 2014 um bergeron's also the former coach of matt fraser he was matt's coach when matt won his first crossfit games i do believe yeah i don't know the the chalk up one kind of made this seem like it was like a huge blow to um comp train but i you know i think it's she's worked with ben for a really long time and they've had a lot of success together as coach athlete parent how would it be a blow to ben he's so fucking six he's so fucking successful yeah that was kind of the that was kind of the
Starting point is 00:31:40 thing maybe maybe just because it's going to be harder for them to continue to grow as opposed to this is almost a decline of comp train as a larger athlete's leave yeah but just inevitable this is what i was saying to you guys right right susan via text we were talking about this so susan was um was just the whole idea of i think there's a huge new wave new wave new athletes new generation coming up yep and um you're gonna see a lot of turnover and it takes time for some of those new names to get bigger but like you know everybody's gonna be wearing a mal o'brien shirt pretty soon so what do you think also too a lot of the newer coaches being actually retired athletes now you're seeing frazier you see rich mentor a lot of people
Starting point is 00:32:22 bergeron was in the games. Yeah, he was. Ben wasn't in the games. They finished. Yeah, when like Mal O'Brien was born. She wasn't born yet. She probably wasn't born. I think it's inevitable that she leaves. That comes with the territory of getting big name athletes.
Starting point is 00:32:38 They come and they go. I don't think it's a big deal to Ben at all other than it's like it's like um it's just it just changes hard but i don't think this is like i don't think this is indicative or says anything about him as a person or his training program and i think people people in the community suffer harder right because they love that consistency but um yeah i think it's super natural for athletes in a sport like this where you know you're only making a lifestyle out of this if you're at the tippity top like i think a lot of sports, like action sports, you see a lot of the best athletes are those top athletes. They move on to teach or coach or do like a –
Starting point is 00:33:13 it's not like the NFL where you can just be like, oh, I did my – unless you're Fraser, where I could just retire. All three of these departures could prove to be a setback for Bergeron's plans to build up a comp train academy. Click that comp train academy link, Sousa. I hope this goes to Me too. The comp train academy.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Why would athletes leaving affect his building of the academy? I don't get it. Hey, if anything, I think it helps right you want if you're if you're an aspiring athlete who wants to work with ben you want to catch him to leave because that creates a huge vacuum for space to fill you know you i'm not a diss toward anybody i just mean that in a way of like that's great and how about this now ben has probably has a chip on his shoulder um because he wants to um uh uh prove again you know what i mean he likes to fire in his ass that he wants to prove that he can do it again he can build a champ again the same that's the only reason why i do this podcast
Starting point is 00:34:16 to fucking take over the crossfit place like a fucking bulldozer and crush you fuckers i was gonna i was gonna say i didn't say that do you think do you think there's a separation in the style of coaching like is there is one coach play the role from like a budding seed up to when they mature to go to the games to do well versus the coach that has to keep somebody at the top do you think there's a difference in that coaching yeah i don't know i can't articulate what that difference exactly is right now, but I definitely think there is a difference. I also think there's, I don't know, maybe you just want something new. I mean, there could be a million reasons she's going back home. I'll text Katrin right now and just ask her to jump on the show. I'll that was a good place to start. Because my next story is about our favorite topic, the super rich and taxes. Oh, shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Senator Mitt Romney, Republican of Utah, told Fox News last week that Democrats are pretty desperate to pass President Joe Biden's spending bill, which has recently trimmed from $3.5 trillion to under $2 trillion. That's about how much my vest and shirt cost, by the way. That's what I was thinking, looking at you. I can't wait till you get hit by this tax. Instead, so what Romney really focused on was how Biden's proposed tax on billionaires to help pay for trillions of dollars of spending would boost the demand for two specific asset classes, farms and fine art. So if you're looking to invest, don't invest in squid game Bitcoin, go buy a farm or some fine art. Bill, this stat, if this is true, is equally horrifying and interesting. Bill Gates, the fourth richest person in the world with a net worth of whatever bazillion dollars, is the largest private farmland owner in the United States.
Starting point is 00:36:11 That's terrifying. So maybe I will instead invest in a ranch. I don't even know what that means, private farmland owner, just so you know. The government doesn't own it. The government probably is the largest farmland owner in the U.s that i'm gonna just out there my coverage and say that okay but but what about like monsanto like is that is that a public land is that a privately owned land or no since they're a publicly traded company or i'm guessing that they are that's not like is yeah that's a good question let's look it up susan how much farmland is bill gates
Starting point is 00:36:45 on anyway it's easy or no no it's like what makes it public like the fact that microsoft it's because it's under all bill gates's name it's not it's not under microsoft here we go right someone has to be the the thing is is like there you go. Maybe it's just the total acreage that he owns. But someone has to be the largest farmland owner. That's another thing, too. I'm not defending Bill Gates, by the way. So who owns more farmland than Bill Gates? He's a douche. But what I'm saying is, like, that doesn't say anything on its own.
Starting point is 00:37:18 That's just to rile people up. Like, if I told you I have the biggest dick in the room and it's only five inches, like, who gives a fuck? And that's what I mean. the biggest dick in the room and it's only five inches, like who gives a fuck? And that's what I mean. Like, are you in the room with, are there, are there a hundred people who own 200,000 acres? Like,
Starting point is 00:37:32 and he just happens to have two 68. Like, well, I still think it's amazing. He's the largest farmland owner. Okay, fine. I'm not riled up.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Just interested. I'm not riled up. Easy to see how I talk. It's easy to see the appeal. I have a how I talk. It's easy to see the appeal. I just have a lot of feminine. I was on with Emily Abbott today, and she was talking to me about pussy power and vulva power for an hour and 40 minutes. And then I've been taking care of my kids and haven't seen my wife since. Do you feel energized? Oh my God. More so. Do you listen to Russell Brand?
Starting point is 00:38:14 He has a video on this topic as well as he is trying to screw over rural farmers with tech like cell phones. Okay. Fair. Um, you know, is it, is it that he's trying to screw them over or is it just that people with a lot of money might have a better way of doing things? And then it just makes people with less resources really frustrated because they can't keep up with a better way of doing things. Is that crazy? Yeah, but yeah, that is crazy. Rich people – I hope you're just saying that just to fucking play the – I'm just thinking. Rich people are –
Starting point is 00:38:42 I'm just thinking out loud. Sevan, do you have a garden of dude do i have a garden i plant 100 fruit trees on my land hey that's nice suza that list you pulled up hey if i um if i can get my avocado tree that's at my mom's house to your house will you plant it and keep it dude for for sure i'll put a little plaque under it too i gotta send you and when my dog dies i'll plant it under it also i gotta send you a picture of it it's um it's amazing it's just like and she has to move it inside for the winter but it's like it's like over six feet tall now it's out of control she planted it before i was born anyway what did you send us what did you send us just now i didn't
Starting point is 00:39:20 send anything i just got a text from you. Oh, no, that's old. Okay. Yeah. Invest in farmland. It's intrinsically valuable and has little correlation with the ups and downs of the stock market. And even in a hyperinflationary environment, people still need to eat. Between 1992 and 2020, farmland returned an average of 11% per year. Over the same timeframe, the S&P 500 returned
Starting point is 00:39:45 only 8%. Similarly, fine art can also deliver. Contemporary artwork has already outperformed the S&P 500 by a commanding 174%. I don't know if they're evaluating all contemporary artwork. I don't know really what contemporary artwork is, but anyway, so don't take investing advice from this, please. Over the past 25 years, artwork has become increasingly popular way for investors to diversify because it's a real physical asset with very little correlation to the stock market, much like precious metals and real estate. In fact, the correlation factor between contemporary art and the S&P 500 was just 0.01 over the past 25 years. In other words, art zigs when stocks zag. I guess it's more stable.
Starting point is 00:40:34 But then you have to find somebody to sell it to. Think about what it means when art prices go up. I don't know what it means. Just that somebody has a shit ton of disposable income. Yeah. Which is cool. I'm cool with that. And it's cool.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Yeah. All right. All right. Let's wrap this up. I got to go get back to my studio to do some painting. Do you pay? No. I used to draw.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Oh. Get us a drawing. You want to see a drawing? I'm going to invest. I'm going to buy it right now. So I don't have to pay as much taxes. I'm going to just buy your shitty art. Christine, I agree. Oh, smart wad zombie. If it was, I hope it was really, I just pulled this out of its folder the other day and it's just,
Starting point is 00:41:23 zombie if it was i hope it was really so i just pulled this out of its folder the other day and it's just my best shirtless fix can you see that it's got it's got mold on it out of its folder and it has just shit tons of mold on it you drew that it's a drawing i did it was colored pencils i'd buy that what's auction that right now pretty cool right yeah you're impressed right i'm very impressed that was amazing what was that inspired by let me just show you so see there's that you can't see it because it's there's mold i need to blow it off of here this got mold on it but this is a hand touch that man that's supposed to be the hand of the viewer looking at the picture,
Starting point is 00:42:06 holding a mirror. And that's the, or the magnifying glass. And that's you. And that's the, the dude being held up. And that's the eyeball of the viewer. See,
Starting point is 00:42:15 see how that kind of gotcha. No, you don't. I don't understand what's going on there. Anyway. Yes. I don't have a single artistic bone. I drew that 30 years ago.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Damn. I wasn't even born yet. All right. Higher inflation creates jobs. This was just an opinion piece, but if you really want to be bored, it was a decent read. Yes, I drew that. I drew that. I drew that. I used to draw like a mofo. I used to just sit around and smoke i got so many i used to sit around smoke
Starting point is 00:42:48 cigarettes and just draw crazy shit and like in i was homeless and i used to just draw shit i used to i knew all these hot chicks and i would go to their house when they were at school and i would just lay down in their living room on the floor and draw and smoke closed cigarettes and then they'd come home and the house would be clean and they'd like tell me how cool and nice i was and other stuff then they'd kick you out no no no no no no no they they kissed me they kissed me show me on the doll where um inflation is always caused by too much money chasing too few goods this is how too much money side looks currently during mandated pandemic shutdowns the u.s government dropped money on anyone who could fog a mirror i think this means that it gave out um those
Starting point is 00:43:35 stimulus checks this happened while and because big parts of the economy that are normally large cost items and consumer budgets travel entertainment, entertainment, restaurants all got shut down. When your income doesn't change or arguably increases and your expenses decline, your savings grow. Pocket stuff with cash resulted in healthy demand as the U.S. economy reopened. Consumer savings were also helped by the freeze on student loan payments and the eviction moratorium. Wait, how does that help? How does it help consumer savings yeah the the student loan thing because people didn't have to pay back they put a freeze on student
Starting point is 00:44:12 loans you didn't have to pay back loans so people were technically saving more money i'd really be curious to see some stats i object to that logic if on average what percentage of the u.s people in the u.s were actually able to save money through pandemic shutdowns i'd be really curious to see that um that is interesting what type of household i smoked closed cigarettes and i smoked american spirit i smoked everything i smoked anything you didn't roll your own floor i rolled a lot of my own yes i rolled a shit ton of my own um this is interesting uh christine forrester let's talk about all the immigrants democrats bringing them in to do all
Starting point is 00:44:49 the jobs americans don't want to do and the republicans pretending they object that's an interesting thing why don't they just bring them in legally then why don't we just say okay we're gonna do it and then just like just like i don't know what i'm just making this up i don't know what you need to do to immigrate someone but like like, why not open up Ellis Island, take them all through there again, change their last names, fingerprint them, take pictures of them and let them out. Like, like why, why make it such a shit show at the border? If we need people, then let's do it. I can't just be like an honest conversation. I think that is happening.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Well, no, man, I'm going'm gonna have i had this dude on the show already just so you know uh jorge ventura he's been working the border he's basically the country's number one border reporter and he is going to come on the show again on wednesday tomorrow evening and dude it's it's fucking chaos at the border it is truly truly chaos tens of thousands of people coming into the united states uh with covid with no testing with right in front of uh our our our um immigration police dude you should see what's happening in southern california he's about to release this documentary it's called the um something cartel it premieres on wednesday
Starting point is 00:46:03 this guy made it and then I have him on also Wednesday and he gave me a screener of it. And I watched it. It's crazy. What's happening in California. Do you remember, do you remember like, uh, you probably don't remember, but like 20 or 30 years ago, I'd go to a foreign countries and I would see just tent cities and shit everywhere. And I'd be like, man, we have a good in the United States. And now everywhere in California, there's fucking tent cities everywhere. Like it's fucking India here. And now we have just huge swaths of land being used by the Mexican cartel in Southern California to just grow drugs. And it's just nuts, and there's just not police to enforce it on other people's property, on other people's land.
Starting point is 00:46:41 It's nuts. This documentary is crazy. You can't even believe you can't believe it's you can't believe this is the united states do you know any people who live in texas near the border um i know i know a few border patrol agents um at state and federal level and they've said similar to the fact that it's pretty crazy to put it mildly yeah the people the americans who live down there are legitimately scared. Like people just rolling through their,
Starting point is 00:47:06 their property. They're saying it's just crazy. I think it's really hard to, in such a large country is it's like, it's easy to live one place and feel like nothing's wrong and everything's all right. And just not understand the context of what it's like to live somewhere else where things like that are happening.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Like, I think it's really hard for people to believe like, look, that can't be happening. And it's like to live somewhere else where things like that are happening. Like, I think it's really hard for people to believe like, look, that can't be happening. And it's like, the U S is big enough where it's certainly could be happening. Anyway, peace and love. Uh, where were we? What are we talking about? You know what? I was always wishing I was into kite flying. I never could get into it, but I always, I always liked flying a kite.
Starting point is 00:47:46 I once had a kite. It was, uh, it but i always i always liked flying a kite i once had a kite it was uh it's the starship enterprise shipped like the starship enterprise wow how old are you i don't remember it's probably 28 it's a miserable experience i never successfully flew a kite yeah it's it's it's uh there's good times and there's bad times with kites and i think there's a lot more art to it than just huck it up there and let it roll right or flight fly the only rich i care about has a farm a six-pack and dreamy eyes it's good savans feels the same way um consumer savings driven up by freeze on student loans and eviction moratoriums this new normal will reflect the truth about the pandemic it accelerated the future
Starting point is 00:48:32 we'll work from home more go to the office less we'll order more things and food online leisure travel may not change much but business travel will compete with zoom the global economy will go through de-globalization. More manufacturing will move away from China and back to the U.S. and Europe. Remember, this is an opinion piece. Inventories will become a bit less just in time. The one disruption that really puzzles me is the labor shortage. Millions of U.S. jobs are unfilled. Stories of Starbucks stores being closed due to lack of workers. Every service that has a labor component has gotten worse. Restaurants, ride sharing pharmacies.
Starting point is 00:49:07 I feel like anecdotally, I've started to notice this, especially with the ride share. I've seen this as I've traveled around and talked to different people working in restaurants, bartenders and so on and so forth, waiters. Main theory for explaining labor shortage. Early retirement by baby boomers. Starting podcast. Migration of the labor force, newly minted Bitcoin millionaires who don't want to work, folks who sold expensive houses and bought cheaper ones and are sitting on comfortable nest eggs. Or bought farms and lots of art. Much of this newfound wealth has made its way into the stock market, cryptos, real estate, NFTs, and anything else that can be bought and sold as the final elements of the pandemic stimulus roll-off people either need to go back to work or sell assets to pay for expenses and speculative markets will run out of
Starting point is 00:49:53 greater fools rational thinking and conservative portfolios will be rewarded again so keep saving your money and get back to work. When the United States government is giving a family of four $2,880 every two weeks, there is no reason to go to work. I will say something really interesting on this. That's $5,600 a month. Yeah, I gotcha. Tax free. I mean, that's after you pay the taxes on it. Um, and actually there's lots of taxes. That's a shit ton of money. People overpaying taxes on, um, unemployment. But I, when I was in Massachusetts, um, But when I was in Massachusetts and when the pandemic hit and everyone could apply for unemployment and even in contract workers, and there are certainly people out there who need it and who definitely needed it. Like I could apply for it.
Starting point is 00:50:59 And my wife and I certainly didn't need to. And it was crazy because in Massachusetts has the best unemployment in the country. But yeah, you could make, I think a large family could make up to almost $3,000. This would be my – wait, up to how much? I shouldn't say that, but around $2,000 in a week. You could be taking in almost over $4,000 a month, and there were certainly people out there who needed it. But there were certainly people out there who did not need it. Those people should still apply for it, by the way.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Everyone should get what's offered to them, and then if you don't want it, you can give it away to other fucking people. You shouldn't fucking let it sit with the fucking government. I agree with that. You should get every cent that you fucking can. Especially if you're paying those taxes. Yes, yes. I don't know. I feel like technology has me to this make that system better i paid millions of dollars in taxes thank you and i have no problem i guess i do have a
Starting point is 00:51:56 problem but i'm just gonna pretend like i don't have a problem i don't have a problem with them purchasing um drugs for every person in the united states but then to force me to take the drugs that you purchase with my fucking money bam i pay taxes you buy drugs now i have to take them fuck off that's crazy dude what kind of world do we live in? They used our tax money to buy drugs for everybody. And now I have to take them. Constitution significantly empowers federal and state governments to prescribe. You should invite,
Starting point is 00:52:40 you should say that again. Sorry. In a health emergency or national emergency, the constitution gives states and federal government a lot of power. Like a state of emergency. I mean, that's you just go read, read some of read some of your constitutional language in your state for the federal government. It dumps a lot of power into those governments in those scenarios. He dumps a lot of power into those governments in those scenarios. And then we can argue whether or not there was actual, you know, was there a need for that state of emergency?
Starting point is 00:53:18 That's a whole different argument than just saying they can't do it, but it's been going on for a long time. Someone said something really offensive about you just now. Whether I agree with it or not. Someone said seven, you should interview Jordan Peterson. The channel would blow up. Like, like you're not good enough.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Hobart. I mean, in comparison, I think he would be a better interview than me. I don't even know what I would say to him. Hey, can you just come on? Hey,
Starting point is 00:53:40 Jordan, um, Caden Carpenter thinks that if you came on my show, my channel would blow up. Would it just blow up for that one episode or would people stick around? I should have The Rock on here and Selena Gomez. That would really blow up. You get one of the Kardashians on here. And Selena Gomez.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Yeah. It's been said and done. Thanks, Caden. I don't know why everyone thinks Peterson's so great though. I'll throw that out there, but okay. I think he's amazing. A lot of people do
Starting point is 00:54:13 Biden on gas. Selena Gomez. She has too many followers for you. And said and done. Love you like a love song. The Biden administration unveiled its methane emissions reduction action plan on Tuesday as President Biden addressed a global audience at the COP26 climate Summit in Glasgow, Scotland. Wow. To do this, the EPA will be proposing new guidelines and standards under the Clean Air Act. This would include updated standards for detecting and repairing leaks and moving from current pneumatic controllers to utilizing zero emission technology. Additionally, the Department of the Interior plans to address
Starting point is 00:55:06 wasteful venting and flaring of gas during drilling operations and well leaks, noting that these drilling operations will not go away. Dude, how funny is that? How funny is that? First of all, I know so many people want to believe in global warming and climate change. If you really want to learn about that and you really want to find out if science is legit or not, start really looking into that. Start really looking at the other side and reading the smart people in the
Starting point is 00:55:36 rooms, uh, discussion about whether real science was used. And, and, and, and one of the weakest sciences ever on the planet um it's probably weaker than fucking astrology is uh climatology i mean it is it's a
Starting point is 00:55:54 fucking joke but anyway but i don't have a i don't have a um i don't have skin in the game but the science there is is pretty bad But okay, go ahead. Sorry. Well, I'm going to say something crazy. Okay. I think you should. Don't lose your job. Don't lose your job.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. The Department of Transportation would also be involved in oil gas pipelines and as well as, well, let's just assume it's all true. Yeah, hit me with this. God, what a great song.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Can you hear it? Oh, I hear it perfect. It's great. How come I can't hear it? It doesn't matter. It's still great, man. Can you hear it, Susan? It's fucking lame, but I can't hear it. All right, bye, Selena. Don't flag us for copyright there shit
Starting point is 00:56:50 um that song reminds me of my wife god reminds me so much that's really nice that's the only Selena Gomez song I know and I just like it so much it reminds me my wife wrote a love song i should play it on the air one time it's so good and she sung it and when i was um and and she
Starting point is 00:57:11 she sung it and sent it to me and then she sent it to me and i was like filming a regional in denver or a sectional or something this is like in 2009 or 10 and i must have listened to it like a thousand times the night she sent it to me just like into into the wee hours, like three in the morning. It was so awesome. And she was like, I feel like every love song has already been sung, and then like a few days later I heard this song by Selena Gomez after my wife said that, and I was like, wow, and that's what Selena Gomez thought too. It's been said and done.
Starting point is 00:57:40 When I first started dating my wife i would write her poems love poems just text them to it randomly or you just like you have to be infatuated to do that shit yeah i really like to write that was like one of my favorite things to do and in all forms of writing so it was like uh i don't know what did you did you talk about your love for her did you ever talk about her body yeah yeah. Yeah. Let's hear some. Let's riff us some bars. I will. Let me.
Starting point is 00:58:07 I think she still has some saved. I'll get some for you. Okay. Dude, you have to be infatuated to write. By the way, she didn't write that love song to me. My wife just wrote it. Like, it's not. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So who is she thinking about? I don't know. You don't want to. It was you.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Have you heard of Michael Schellenberger? He thinks climate change has been misrepresented. Apocalypse never. No, it's like Y2K. Y2K. I think the bigger question on climate change is whether or not, pick a side, but it's like, are we dealing with it the right way? Are the right people in power dealing with it the right way? And are they really thinking about everyone else who is not in power? I got some more important questions. That is a good question. The Department of Transportation would also be involved. Thank goodness.
Starting point is 00:59:03 I don't even know what this means, but I just like it. They're tackling leaks in oil and gas pipelines, as well as liquefied natural gas and underground natural gas storage facilities. This isn't something we have to do to protect the environment in our future. It's an enormous opportunity for all of us, all of our nations to create jobs, make meeting climate goals a core part of our global economic recovery as well. I'll say something else a little crazy here. I don't know if it's good to create jobs just for the sake of creating jobs. Oh, God. Okay. I've invited Shane Orr. I've invited Shane Orr. Absolutely, James. The problem with infrastructure is that it requires so much time keeping up. So like at one point, like I had, I don't don't know like 15 motorcycles and do you know how expensive and time consuming it is to register
Starting point is 00:59:49 15 motorcycles and pay insurance on them and it's just like stupid it's just it's idiot world and and i'm not saying that we shouldn't we shouldn't have a strong infrastructure but and and how about this climate plan um we're gonna make sure wells don't leak well fuck shouldn't that be part of the plan in the beginning yeah uh poopy pants shut down all our pipelines and oil production i will say this of all the things that's just crazy i can't believe that we were energy independent and now we're not. That is just bizarre. The love song your wife wrote about Josh Bridges. Steve, Steven, Steven, 20 burpees.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Sam Reed, appreciate the shout out on the level one and the online level one. Huge props to the CrossFit Seminar staff team who stood the level one, the online level one up like immediately as soon as pandemic shutdowns hit everywhere across the globe. And they pushed that out essentially overnight to have a resource and continue to provide level ones, which is really cool. So I'm glad you're liking it. They've redone it even since then. Yeah. They've tuned up some things there, but yeah, just the, the first team, they're just amazing that whole uh team of trainers and admin staff and staff
Starting point is 01:01:09 pretty awesome i'm biased though so no god i think electric cars are just super cool though as far as like a technological advancement i don't know if they're like the solution question mark but i do have some stories coming up that might tell us what the solution is But I do have some stories coming up that might tell us what the solution is. Sevan talks about the online level L1 being a scam. Never. Hey. Is that what you say when I'm not on your podcast?
Starting point is 01:01:35 Oh, that's like you have a mistress behind my back. It's like if you were doing podcasts with Jordan Peterson on the side but then lying to me about it. I'd be so mad. I wouldn't let him on the show. Good. Hey, this electric car thing. I mean, the real question is just this. lying to me about it i'd be so mad i wouldn't let him on the show make me look bad hey uh this um this electric car thing i mean the real question is just this where the fuck is that electricity coming from and is it from a cleaner source than cars burning it and like it once again it's just the scale like how hard is that to figure out what electric cars save or how much does it how
Starting point is 01:02:03 much environmental damage or how much exhaust or pollution do the batteries do the do the plants that have to make the electricity how much do those affect our clean air let's say pick the metric versus gas cars and just figure it out it's the same thing with the covid response i would have no problem with the covid response if just you could guarantee me that it didn't cause one kid to get molested and i know it has oh okay okay because of the okay lockdowns i didn't know where you were going with that and so and so if kids are being hurt i don't care if you save 100 billion old people i don't give a fuck i refuse to hurt kids you selfish bastards okay go on hobart let's talk about climate it's good it's fine um where were we plants needed to generate power it's weird
Starting point is 01:02:55 that i have a subject like a stop on something like i've never really stood for anything it's kind of cool kids where's the real star of the show kate i don't know but we need her man thank you mate okay we miss you we miss you dearly i do know i'm trucking another country i do know i do know the story i know i know all the stories i am the crossfit um historian do you know the story how dave castro and i met hold on, hold on. Just pause that for a second. So WAD Zombies says every thousand electric cars that helps gets undone by one truck in another country. So I think what's interesting about this entire discussion is that there are so many anecdotes like this, and not that they highlight a solution or that we're onto the wrong solution, but I think they do highlight the need for nuance in this area and in this discussion.
Starting point is 01:03:50 And I think there are so many different factors involved. And I think people should, if you have extra time to research stuff, you should look into this. Because like I said, I think there are a lot of solutions brewing as far as how to control. If you want to look up smart grids and how to control power consumption. And I don't think it's going to be as far as how to control. If you want to look up, look up smart grids and how to control power consumption. And I don't think it's going to be as simple as like, oh, we'll just create electric cars and everything will be okay. It could be as complicated and as negative and endemic as if you have such and such license plate or live in such and such county,
Starting point is 01:04:20 here are the days you can drive, here are the days you cannot drive here are the days you cannot drive um you know there's there's some weariness there as far as how the rest of the world and our our country is going to handle climate change i'm i'm hoping that uh human ingenuity can outpace um the stupidity that comes out of our politicians but uh we'll see anyway bezos on nature so falling in line with our little uh biden on gas amazon founder jeff bezos has said that his bezos earth fund will spend two billion dollars restoring landscapes and transforming food systems so just to give some perspective here uh under the agricultural improvement act of 2018 also known as the 2018 Farm Act, the Congressional Budget Office estimates mandatory conservation spending at $29.5 billion
Starting point is 01:05:11 over five years, so $6 billion a year. Also, the 2020 President's Budget for Fish and Wildlife Services in the United States is $2.8 billion, so about a billion dollars more than jeff bezos's earth fund is promising uh in glasgow the founder jeff bezos of the world's biggest online real retailer described the experience of traveling on his rocket ship new shepherd in july as a revelation of earth's vulnerability oh geez hold on let me finish let finish. Bezos was told that seeing the earth from space changes the lens from which you view the world. But he said he was not prepared for just how much that would be true. Last year, Amazon employees for climate justice, I like that this exists, called it the online retail giant to achieve zero emissions by 2030,
Starting point is 01:06:03 limit its work with fossil fuel companies hey why are we taking such big shits on large companies so here's what i was going to say before that would be a little crazy so let's assume every inch of the climate change discussion is true then my guess would be the only good way to stop it would be to stop growing the population so or stop using amazon i guess i don't know when you fly over the country it doesn't look like there's a lot of people i don't understand why this guy um i i don't understand why this guy thinks that because he got on a ladder and looked at the earth that his whole consciousness all of a sudden changed.
Starting point is 01:06:48 It might be pretty awesome. I've never been in space. I'm sure it's very awesome. Yeah. But just because you think it's fragile – I'm not going to go there. Yeah, okay. Good story. It's interesting to hear that i i think that there's a
Starting point is 01:07:06 lot of things people can do to help the planet um i think that most of it is is to teach people to be better people and how do you teach people to be better people uh you figure out ways to slate their obedience uh no uh find out basically you need to it cannot be said strong enough that the kids are the future and if they don't have good parents then there won't be good kids and uh and that's really that's really the issue for everything yeah no but wad zombie here says uh california commuters are going to be taxed uh by the mile i haven't confirmed this, but I think this is a really good example of like, Hey, as these new laws and rule come down in terms to reduce carbon emissions or
Starting point is 01:07:54 part of the new green new deal, like who does that really hurt? I don't think that actually hurts the, you know, the largest carbon producers on planet earth that hurts, you know, the, however many commuters, you know,
Starting point is 01:08:06 who are just trying to get to their job in California. It's well, it's abusive. It's a horrible idea. It's fucking abusive. So it's worth thinking about. Um, so here we go. Yeah. Hurts the people who are actually going to work. Exactly. Yeah. We talked about this in a story recently, which was about how California proposed to have all of its lawn care appliances, weed whackers, lawnmowers all pushed over to electric power sources and not be combustible engines anymore by a certain date and that they've started a fund to help small businesses, but the fund only gives small businesses this nominal amount to change all of their equipment over to these electric sources. So complicated problem for sure. But let's talk about farts. A typical fart is composed of about 59% nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, 9% carbon dioxide.
Starting point is 01:09:07 I'm just trying to do my part to reduce emissions. 7% methane and 4% oxygen. Only about 1% of a fart contains hydrogen sulfide gas, which contains sulfur, and sulfur is what makes farts stink. Now, let's talk about cows releasing methane and contributing to global warming. Authors said that despite plans proposals for strong limits on emissions over a decade, we aren't sure that we'll be able to fully get rid of farting cows or airplanes that fast cows fart that contributes to global warming, but cow burps are worse for the climate.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Cows are pretty disgusting eaters with methane coming from both ends this is all horse shit nope cow shit but most of it comes from burping hold on this isn't that this is associated press um one researcher cited that of the methane produced by enter enteric fermentation in the fore stomach 95 of it was excreted by a burp and 89 was found excreted through the breath italy an italy environmental scholar said methane emitted by ruminant livestock accounts for about 5.5 of greenhouse gases that come from human activity wait wait say that again give Give me those numbers again. Methane emitted from ruminant livestock accounts for about 5.5% of greenhouse gases that come from human activity. I think human activity means because we're raising livestock and using livestock to eat
Starting point is 01:10:38 and do whatever livestock do, that accounts for 5.5% of greenhouse gases. More than 70% of livestock emissions are from cattle, he said. For all of that green, this is an older article. This is two years old, year old. So that's three percent. So that's three percent. Sure. For all of that, the Green New Deal does not seek to ban cows or planes as it sets ambitious targets to eliminate most greenhouse gas emissions responsible for global warming by 2030 nine years eight years the deal introduced in the house by democratic representative alexandria ocasio-cortez of new york as a binding resolution, not legislation, proposes mass spending on clean energy and energy
Starting point is 01:11:25 efficient buildings and transit. It proposes working collaboratively with farmers to remove pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture as much as is technologically feasible. And then let's get down to brass tacks here. Does it fart? So here's my solution to reducing climate change. If you see a cow, go out and kill it. Millipedes fart, no doubt discreetly. Several species of herring communicate with each other that way. If you startle a zebra, says the book, it will fart with each stride as it runs away. Flatulent signals a baboon is ready to mate. Same for me. For the Bolson pupfish found in Mexico, it's fart or die. They feed on algae that make them buoyant, easy prey near the surface. Farts sink them to safety, so they release their gas inside to decrease buoyancy. Similarly,
Starting point is 01:12:19 manatees may let loose when it's time to dive deeply whale farts are of course epic birds and most sea creatures don't fart clams clam up though they've been known to throw up the jury is out on whether or not spiders fart more research is needed so if anybody sees one let me know but the hope here is that in preservation of our climate, we get to kill more bugs, which I'm all for. Not me. Bugs are so important in the food chain. You know what's crazy? I used to, I heard there was like birds were just starting to, we had way less birds than normal in California. And I was kind of tripping on that. And then I started noticing we had fewer insects in California. And if you drive to Los Angeles, and I've talked about this before, you used to see so many birds on the underpasses of the freeways,
Starting point is 01:13:12 on the five when you go down from San Francisco to L.A. I mean, it was crazy. And now you don't see any, none. They're gone. You know why they're gone? Because the insects are gone. And the insects are gone because. I don't know why, but it's not good.
Starting point is 01:13:29 I thought you were going to do like a big tinfoil hat conspiracy spiral down to like. Yes, aliens are aliens are collecting them and using them for pesticides used for big, you know, like agra. And I'm going to read this. I'm going to read this to you. Ready? Hit me with it. Birds aren't real. I'm going to read this to you. Ready? Hit me with it. Birds aren't real. Stephen.
Starting point is 01:13:49 That's good. It has been estimated that just one of these shipping containers so imagine a big massive shipping container the length of around six football pitches produces the same amount of pollution as 50 million cars. The emissions from 15 of these mega ships match those emissions of all the cars in the world.
Starting point is 01:14:17 And this is not an opinion piece. Okay, I'm done. Just contextualizing the pollution. Yeah, Bruce, I don't blame Biden for sleeping through the COP. I'm sure it was really boring. Neither do I. He gets a hall pass on that, man. If any of us were there, we'd be passed out. We would be blacked out, asleep, snoring. How does he stay awake after that? I used to travel overseas a lot. It horrible jet lag he is like 187 000 years old but again why we should have an age cap for politicians so thank you what i'm wondering though is is i know he's not real
Starting point is 01:14:52 and he's just a robot you know he's not a real human he's just a robot i mean i hate that he has better teeth than me and how is it that they can't keep the robot's eyes open yeah i don't blame him for that either to tell you the truth yeah when i see stuff like that it's like dude let's just focus on just hating him for the right reason yeah the right reason fell asleep who gives a shit lay off the ad hominem attacks let's just blast people for policy yeah anyway and we would like like like i would give him points for his wife being pretty too if i'm gonna make fun of him for falling asleep like and and you know it's like she is pretty all right trees fart but his son is a douche and that's worth and that's worth examining never met him so found this article this is so good
Starting point is 01:15:42 tree farts contribute about a fifth of greenhouse gases from ghost forests. I just need everybody to read that headline multiple times. I thought trees were good for global warming and greenhouse gases. The whole title, tree farts and ghost forests. I love it. Anyway, it's like a video game. What is this? What publication? What publication? Oh, this is a really hardcore, well-researched science publication. Scroll back up to the top. What is it?
Starting point is 01:16:12 Harvard Magazine. Science News. Independent journalism since 1921. Okay. So you know it's trustworthy. Yep. The findings are helping researchers get a detailed accounting of the planet's carbon budget. And I didn't know our planet was on a carbon budget, but it's about damn time somebody tighten the reins.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Gas is released by dead trees, dubbed tree farts, account for roughly one fifth of the greenhouse gases emitted by skeletal marshy forests along the coast of North Carolina. So this is probably an infinitesimal infinitesimally small number there we go while these emissions pale in comparison with other resources inaccurate accounting is necessary to get a full picture of where climate warming gases come from okay um the emergence of ghost forest is one of the biggest changes happening in response to sea level rise. As forests convert to wetlands, we expect over long timescales that's going to represent a substantial carbon sink. Since wetlands store more carbon than forests, but in the short term, dead trees decay and stop taking up carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, which you were saying savantries should be good for this process. So that's going to be a major greenhouse gas source. We're talking about one-fifth of greenhouse gases emitted by marshy forests along the coast of North Carolina, now leading to be a major greenhouse gas source. Soils gave off most of the greenhouse gases from
Starting point is 01:17:41 the ghost forests. In the grand scheme of carbon emissions because it's the best line ghost forest role may be minor tree farts for instance have nothing on cow burps a single dairy cow can emit up to 27 grams of methane a far more potent greenhouse gas than co2 per hour if i ever see a vegetarian burping, I'm going to slap them. Just going to say that. Yeah. Just say, Hey,
Starting point is 01:18:09 was that a cow fart? Yeah. Be like, what are you doing? Contributing to global warming. Anyway, you really, you really went into the fart thing and the global warming thing this
Starting point is 01:18:18 week. I just, I've heard a lot of people talking about like, don't eat meat. Methane cows creates global warming. They fart. So I just, I don't know. You just want to get to the root of it all. Have you put on any followers since you started doing this show?
Starting point is 01:18:32 I've lost more followers in the last two years. But I do get really interesting comments and comments and discussions and DMS now. So Oh, this is a good one yeah i need it i need it barbell job i'll uh i'll shoot you guys my resume um there's something i want to say but for which crossfit athlete has the smelliest farts i actually asked hopper today which is interesting that if you have to fart and you're out there like do you try to hold it in and he said no and it absolutely not right i mean let me ask you as a former athlete like if you had to fart and you were like in
Starting point is 01:19:17 between like your girl who are your girls like you you competed with No, no, before that, before that. Who were the chicks on your team? Kristen Raffet, Ellie Cabord. Like, would you just be doing thrusters and just fart? You just fart, right? You don't do anything to hurt. It took you too long to say their names. You didn't do anything to hold it in, right? No, let it loose constantly.
Starting point is 01:19:45 In the name of just getting the best score. Yeah, that didn't matter. Did you ever hear Rich fart? I felt guilty he doesn't fart, man. Oh, sorry. My bad. Um, he's... Hey, do you know anything that you can just eat and like within an hour you'll just be like farting a storm? Anything with canola oil immediately, immediately.
Starting point is 01:20:11 And cheese immediately. Really? Yep, like that. It's true. All right. How about anything else? These comments are out of control. We got to move on. Okay, go. They're out of control we gotta move on okay they're
Starting point is 01:20:26 out of control um that's it that's all i got on global warming and methane gases oh these comments stop you guys be cool man this is a new motocross mike just start comes in and starts swinging haymakers i'm fucking wearing a fucking collared shirt knuckleheads oh man okay carrie pierce says goodbye to competitive crossfit it's actually a nice little write-up november 2014 after finishing her college gymnastics career and working as a personal trainer in New York, she was asked to help coach gymnastics to CrossFit athletes. She'd spent 18 years as a competitive gymnast, winning four Big Ten championships on the University of Michigan varsity team, and then just crushing it in CrossFit. After retiring from gymnastics, she dabbled with
Starting point is 01:21:19 powerlifting, didn't like that, tried physique competition, did some weightlifting, but when she found cross which she felt at home she said i felt comfortable my own skin comfortable being muscular and strong and proud to show off my body i worked so hard for she says the murph event that she won at the games was a pivotal moment during the first games wasn't a great runner and definitely not as mentally tough as she is today and remember doing the mile run and being tempted to walk or just stop altogether at one point she said i was like maybe i can fake an injury so i can just stop what carried her through the event were the thousands of screaming fans cheering her on
Starting point is 01:21:53 and in the moment on the one mile run during murph she realized how important they would be to my newly forming crossfit career seven years later she's more appreciative of the fans in the worldwide crossfit community and she's ready she says her heart is smiling, ready to move on from competition and focus on my quickly growing brand Power Abs and help others reach their fitness goals. Oh, wow. Wow. Is there a Power Abs website? Yeah, pull it up. That's her. Her workouts are out of control, but it maybe starts to explain why she has epically jacked abs. How do you know her workouts are out of control? I've done a couple, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:35 I want abs that look like that. There's nothing wrong with that. Did he put up a picture? I was researching some shit. I was somewhere else. Yeah, I could tell. You could tell. Yeah, you were. Yeah. Yeah. I could tell you were somewhere else. Did he put up a picture of her abs? How would you like abs like this?
Starting point is 01:22:52 I'd fucking love it. Carey Pierce. Yeah. Yep. And I get to win $500 in cash. What, what, what, what, what website is that? $500 in cash. What, what, what, what, what website is that? Um,
Starting point is 01:23:05 Asuza. It's power, And it's our, uh, pierce is the other one as well. But if you just Google search power apps, uh,
Starting point is 01:23:16 it'll come up right away. First one. Okay. The reigning fittest woman in the U S champ. That's cool. okay the reigning fittest woman in the US champ that's cool I guess
Starting point is 01:23:29 now that she's retired I guess I don't have to have her on the podcast I was going to have her on the podcast you definitely should have her on the podcast no she retired I don't well I was going to say you have me on the podcast I don't consider myself retired
Starting point is 01:23:41 but because I never did it like professionally so how did you meet Dave? I met Dave after the 2010 sectionals or qual, whatever we were calling it at the time in Albany, New York. I met him at dinner after that event. And that's when I used to wear capris when I would compete. Oh, I remember that.
Starting point is 01:24:02 That was really odd. Oh, I remember that. I think he asked me if I was out from outside of the u.s because he's like i don't really see a lot of guys in the u.s where caprice i just really like the way they feel on your knees so they just make sense to me what you like the way caprice feel on your knees what it was caprice have anything to do with your knees they just like the way they feel on your on your knees that's why i used to love wearing like long basketball shorts too. Why wouldn't you just wear pants? Capris are basically. Cause they cover up too much. You can't work out and you can't compete in
Starting point is 01:24:33 pants. Well, my kids were, my kids were Capris. So yeah, they get it. I don't know why I'm getting on. No, no, that was because my choice, but I don't approve of you wearing them. I don't care. You stuck all my cigars up your butt. I don't give of you wearing them. I don't care. You stuck all my cigars up your butt. I don't give a shit what you think, man. I'm reading this article that came out January
Starting point is 01:24:54 13th, 2021. I guess that's pretty old. And it's called Battle of the Coaches, Shane Orr versus Ben Bergeron. People love doing stuff like that. I think Darren Hunsucker is the most winningest coach of all time. Let's get that out there. The coach of the Mayhem team for
Starting point is 01:25:11 pretty much every single win. Participated on the Mayhem team. He's been Rich's coach. He was Rich's coach forever. I think he is the winningest. He is the guy. No. I don't think he's really a coach he is the guy. No. Yes.
Starting point is 01:25:25 I don't think he's really a coach. Check the stats. He's listed as his coach. All right. Gave me good advice. He did? Yeah. Forwarding an email to my wife right now.
Starting point is 01:25:37 I can tell. I can't believe I'm fucking multitasking. This new show is really killing you, huh? Oh, shit. Did you see the picture i used for you for the new show no i didn't is it good i like it it's your back and it shows you kissing a dog once again i've misrepresented saying someone will be here who's not what is um let me see the picture uh i don't want to take suze's job away from him. Will Branstetter, thoughts on CrossFit reducing the age group divisions to 10 athletes
Starting point is 01:26:09 and Dave saying they want to remove age group, et cetera, from the games and make a new event in the future. Personally, Will, I would like this. And the reason I would like this is because I think it would allow spectators and family members who come watch age group athletes to go watch and only pay for that event and um i don't know i think it would be a nice draw for them and it would allow them to put more resources to um oh yeah that's fio she's a great dog so those are my thoughts on it i kind of like the idea of it. Any more news stories?
Starting point is 01:26:49 I got a lot more news stories. Oh, let's do it. Shit, I'm ready to roll. What Mikey Swoosh's complaint is, is it valid? I don't. Pacelli retires as well. So on November 2nd, 2021, that's today, Alessandra Pacelli announced her retirement from competitive CrossFit in a post on her Instagram page.
Starting point is 01:27:10 Hey, so wait a second. So Holta, Alessandra Pacelli, Carrie Pierce all retired. Is this kind of like your neighbors getting a divorce and you're like, hmm. About damn time. Maybe I'm going to dump my bitch too. Is it like that? Or my bastard. Do you know that phenomenon, Hobart?
Starting point is 01:27:29 Do you roll with any couples where someone gets a divorce or someone cheats? I have some friends who got divorces, yeah. And it's crazy how it kind of rocks the boat. The cheating thing is really weird, right? So there's like – let's say there's like 10 couples. the cheating thing is really weird right so there's like there's like let's say there's like 10 couples and not that you guys all hang out all together but it's some way or another throughout the year your paths are always crossing whether it's like you know at the gym or at christmas parties some come to your house on a regular basis some you go to their house but oh and some are
Starting point is 01:27:59 like like just turns into a big swinger gangbanger no no no no no and like there's you know there's those people like who are like more social than other people. Like we have couples that come to our house and hang out, but they go to other people's house who we're kind of friends with but we're not friends with, and they're like – Anyway, and then all of a sudden you find out like one of the dudes was cheating on the chick or the chick was cheating on the dude. And it just sends this uneasy ripple through the whole tribe. You haven't experienced that yet? No. this uneasy ripple through the whole tribe you have you haven't experienced that yet no all of a sudden dudes are just like yo what the fuck is my chick cheating on me and the chicks are like yo it's my dude you know okay well what is that phenomenon called i don't know
Starting point is 01:28:35 unfortunately me and my wife have been together so long like we just kind of got to witness it and and i understand it but we didn't get so we didn't get swept up in it but i understand it it's the same thing if like if like um uh you and your wife like hung out with a couple who just had a married kid all or just had a kid you would start wanting to have a kid too like your wife's like vagina would get in tune with the other lady's vagina or she'd see the the lady breastfeeding and then she'd want to try it and like stuff like that it's like just stuff like it's it's it's metaphysical stuff hobart can't be talked about or touched it can't i mean it can't be touched it can only be talked about i try not to think
Starting point is 01:29:11 that hard man you really like you you took that to a level of psychology and insight that i wasn't prepared to go to this is not a superficial show i just spent 20 minutes talking about farts um since her crossfit games debut in 2012 as part of team diablo crossfit and now she competed at the games as an individual on eight separate occasions since 2020 2013 but shelly's best crossfit games finish came in 2013 when she barely missed the podium via fourth place overall rank her future is likely to involve crossfit in some capacity but how specifically is still up in the air. She's not sure yet how her next decade looks,
Starting point is 01:29:50 but we'll definitely approach it with the same passion, drive and commitment that she gave to CrossFit. In this last year, we've also seen Pancheck and Holte retire. Ronda Rousey went to the Olympics and i think she won the silver in judo and i think that the story is is that she was so broke when she came back she sold her silver medal do you know if that's true suza off top of your head you don't have to look oh i thought you meant like physically body broken you meant poor no no broken financially and and then and she happened to just the ufc i don't know i don't know what her story is with getting to the ufc but she came to the ufc and she was a superstar and she you know she really really kind of led the way for
Starting point is 01:30:35 women in mma and i'm assuming to this day that she saved her money and she's rich my thought my point is this i you just mentioned like i don't know what their financial situation is, but you just mentioned some insane world-class athletes, Kristen Holta, Alessandra Pacelli and Carrie Pierce. I mean like anywhere they go, they're the fittest person. They're the fittest person. Anywhere. Those are, there are workouts that the one-on-one those girls can beat Tia to me in. And I just wonder like what, what, like, man, they've invested so much. What do they do from here? I mean, I hope Carrie Pierce's ab thing is killing it and she's filthy rich and they get to
Starting point is 01:31:19 do what they love, but like, what do they do? What do they do from here? I mean, they were hard to say. Cause you don't know what they're, what they've been up to on the side i mean like right annie and katrin are making headphones now you know i any catch and are a little different because they have these massive followings and they won the games and they were able they had a little more they still did they still have to parlay though their wins no one's getting i mean look at look at matt i mean he's not getting rich off of his games winnings it's he's had to parlay that into grabbing his ankles for the buttery bros you know what i mean like he's he's he has to parlay that he has to he's got a a protein drink with the buttery bros i mean they go to that is correct they do go to
Starting point is 01:32:01 oh man i bet wad zombie gets a lot of followers off this show. I hope so. It's the only meme account I follow. It's the only meme account I follow. I mean, I was a mediocre CrossFit Games athlete at best, and I was pretty cognizant of that. And throughout that entire time, I was very focused on continually trying to build something of what I could do next.
Starting point is 01:32:24 And I was fortunate that I liked, really liked coaching in CrossFit and I was around people who could help make me better at it. Didn't you go to law school, Hobart? I did go to law school. Yeah. Didn't you take the bar?
Starting point is 01:32:35 I did not take the bar. Oh, I hopefully will. We'll someday. I'd like to. They start selling their farts. Ah, boom.
Starting point is 01:32:45 Hey, soon they're going to be able to sell their Twitter post. Isn't that what NFTs are? Like somehow you sell your Twitter post? Sort of, yeah. Tesla stock. Someone who's not hurting for money. Elon Musk. Shares of Tesla Incorporated tumbled almost 4% in midday trading on Tuesday after the CEO and founder, Elon Musk, tweeted that a contract to sell 100,000 Teslas to Hertz had not been signed, suggesting the deal had not been finalized.
Starting point is 01:33:17 It'll be fine tomorrow. The Tesla Silicon Valley Club tweeted an image of a graph showing Tesla's 8.5% gain that day and thanked Musk. Musk tweeted a reply about six hours later. You're welcome. If any of this is based on Hertz, I'd like to emphasize that no contract has been signed yet. And that led to the 4% drop. As we announced last week, Hertz has made an initial order of 100,000 Tesla electric vehicles by the end of 2022 and is investing in new EV charging infrastructure across the company's global operations, the company said in email. Deliveries of Teslas already have started and consumer reaction to our commitment to lead in electrification.
Starting point is 01:33:58 What a great new buzzword. God, that's my favorite. Lead in electrification has been beyond our expectations. Hertz first announced the deal just more than a week ago, one of the largest purchases of battery-powered cars in history. Financial details of the deal, such as how Hertz was paying per car or the total price, were not revealed at the time because Hertz went bankrupt. If Hertz were to pay the full $40,000 retail price for each Model 3, it would make the deal worth around $4 billion to the automaker. Hertz, if they do a deal with Tesla, will instantly be recognized as part of the EV electrification revolution. Not the problem.
Starting point is 01:34:39 Like those farty cows in trees. Shares of Tesla fell. Because electricity just comes from the sky. You don't need to do anything to get electricity. You just rub paper together. Yeah, electric cars, they're good for the environment because you just plug them in the wall and they don't make any pollution. Bam. Shares of Tesla fell 3.6% in midday trading Tuesday to about $1,100 per share.
Starting point is 01:35:04 So it was your chance to get out there and buy some tesla stocks people um so when you say that they haven't signed the contract it's like hey they went to amazon that the ceo of hertz um whoever that is can you pull a picture of him suze if you can um the ceo of hertz goes over to to and he puts 100,000 Teslas in his shopping cart. And he just hasn't put his credit card number in yet. But we know that they're in his shopping cart. I mean, is that how the rest of us idiots are supposed to interpret the contract? Yeah, he might even be paying cash and he's just still counting it out to the studio. Ah, yes. Yes. the contract he might even be paying cash and he's just still counting it out on the uh yes yes um you guys want to hear a story about the crossfit journal or do you guys want to look
Starting point is 01:35:52 at the picture of the oh paul stone yeah paul paul go back to i hope that i hope amazon sent you an email reminding you that you left a hundred thousand teslas in your shopping cart elon's such a strategist though he might just have done that to put pressure on them to actually go through and set and sign the deal too or he was just stoned but but i like your i like your vote um lay it on us so so the crossfit journal was started by greg glassman at a very, very, very early. It is basically the start of CrossFit. So Greg basically was like, hey, I have these articles I want to write, and I want to make some money because I'm tired of fucking not having a car and riding my bike to work.
Starting point is 01:36:37 So I'm going to start writing these articles. And he started writing these articles, and then he would print them out once a month, and he would sell them to people. Or he'd send them a PDF, and they would print them out, and month and he would sell them to people or he'd send them a PDF and they would print them out. And that's what he did. And the subscription, I forget what it was. It was $25 a year, $25 a month or some shit like that. And for the first year, a couple of years, he wrote all of the articles himself. Greg wrote every single fucking article.
Starting point is 01:37:00 And he did that at a coffee shop. And he wrote what is fitness there. He defined fitness here at a coffee shop right down the street from my house. It's called like the ugly mug. I don't go there anymore because they have a huge BLM sign and they believe in genders. And it's a place where they don't believe in free speech. They're racist and they're homophobic under the guise of not. So I don't go to that coffee shop anymore.
Starting point is 01:37:24 But anyway, so that's where crossfit was basically started and it was started through this journal this crossfit journal and over the years when i came on board in 2000 end of 2006 begin 2007 tony bud a guy named eddie lugo was actually who's a SEAL, I think he was a SEAL Team 6 operator, was actually in charge of the CrossFit Journal. And there were tons of SEALs around then, tons. And I think Tony Budd even was running media. He just sort of taken over from Lorne. The company was kind of just finding itself at that point. There were like between 200 and 300 gyms around the world.
Starting point is 01:38:06 I think Greg and Lauren had just moved from Santa Cruz to Arizona so that they could afford to buy a house because the shithole they lived in, it was a completely dilapidated piece, one bedroom piece of shit was $800,000. And they bought a brand new home in Arizona for $300,000. And that's when there were 300 gyms. So that's when I came on and I started making content for the journal. And by then the journal wasn't, actually it would still be sent out as a PDF every month. And you can either read the PDF as a file on your computer that you downloaded from an email you got, or you could print it out and take it to your gym. And that's kind of what Greg wanted. But, but we had started making videos for the journal and the videos would be, we would just go, we would go to an L one and it would be Hobart teaching someone how to do the squat.
Starting point is 01:38:53 And that part would be free. And then when Hobart would say, let me give you some pointers, if you're having trouble fixing your squat and that part would cost, then the video would cut off and only people who were journal subscribers could get that part. And then he would do like squat therapy with them. He'd put them up against a wall and they would squat with their hands up to make sure and try not to touch the wall or fall back. And so what that was was is Greg wanted to make sure that we were constantly giving away free content that added value to people. That was his idea. And we published that stuff every single day. And the journal just kept building and building and building. And then this fucking idiot who worked there, who was head of our IT department, I'm sorry, honey, my wife told me to stop calling people idiots. I just can't help it.
Starting point is 01:39:45 $30 million in the bank, was independently wealthy, had tons of fucking money, and he worked there with Greg. He's actually one of the people that helped start CrossFit because he actually helped get Greg a computer that Greg could start publishing to the web with. But this guy, when you have people who are already independently wealthy working in a company that's a startup, it's no bueno. No bueno. They're the laziest piece of shit. And this guy was – I could go on about how bad he was. But so he talked Greg – him and Tony Budding talked Greg into making the journal free. Ninety-five percent of the content in the journal was already free, and it made a couple million dollars a year, and they talked Greg into making it free because they believed in open source. Do you know – I don't know if you guys have ever seen the free newspapers or free magazines that are scattered all over the United States, but they have one or two articles in them, and the rest of them are selling cocaine – imitation cocaine, imitation marijuana, and blowjobs by any gender of your imagination. And that's what those things are full of. It's like the San Francisco blah, blah, blah, or the
Starting point is 01:40:50 Santa Cruz blah, blah, blah. And we had joined those ranks by giving away our shit for free. Anything that's worth anything is not free. And if people want to pay for stuff, you have to put, if something's going to have value, you have to put a value to it. It's like when Eckhart when eckhart tolle for those of you know he is when he used to go around and speak for free he couldn't fill an auditorium the second he started charging 200 a talk sell you know 5 000 uh people auditoriums it has to be some cost and 95 of everything was free anyway and not only that this was just a small company it was significant coin anyway so eventually I became the head of the media department and I built the paywall back. And there were some employees who were so upset that I built them the paywall back, but I built the paywall back. Let me remind you again and reiterate,
Starting point is 01:41:38 95% of the journal was still free. And I'm, and I'm being i i actually think it was 99 but 95 was still free and so the journal was free the i built the paywall up and we started charging for the journal again and in short time it was making a couple million dollars a year and we gave a year free to anyone who took their l1 and and and we wanted it to be free for all the affiliates but we hadn't figured out a way to give them tokens for that yet. And anyway, it was building. And basically my goal for making the journal cost money was Greg used to tell us that we're a media company. And so what I wanted to make sure is that the journal made enough money so that if anything ever happened, like a pandemic, like an imaginary pandemic, that the journal would be making enough money that the filmmakers and the journalists and all the people contributing to the journal didn't need to live off of CrossFit Inc. and be subsidized by it, but that the journal actually made enough money to support all the people who work there, even though 95% of it was free. So what were we charging for in there?
Starting point is 01:42:39 Game shit, the documentaries, the road to the games, the behind the scenes. That's the stuff we put back there to make money. But all the stuff that made people healthy was basically for free. I then had an OTT built. Does anyone know what that is? That's Apple TV. That's Amazon Fire. What's the um, uh, um, um, Amazon fire. Um, what's the other one? Uh, starts with a K anyway, it doesn't matter. It's basically those boxes that
Starting point is 01:43:14 you hook up to your TV and you can watch stuff. Those you guys, people know what Apple TV is. And I had an OTT bill. What is that? That's an app for CrossFit. I also had an app built for the phone. And basically the way the app worked for CrossFit is it was it was everything that we've ever published more than 10,000 videos and articles you could watch on your TV set. This is this is about it was completely done set up. It was seamless. It was dope. This is about three months before the covid crisis happened. And the dumb fuck CEO who was in charge at the time didn't let me launch it. So I have it on my TV. I still have it on my TV to this day. I have five or six other people have it, but he didn't let me launch it not only that i solidified with gravitas films a contract that if if that looked like over five years it was going to bring in 30 million dollars we were basically going to let anyone who wanted who had an ott whether it be like lg tv sets or there's like 30 ott's in the world and by the way countries like um japan 95 of all the content that's watched
Starting point is 01:44:23 there is on ott so you wonder why CrossFit's not big there. Well, because we don't make anything for the OTT. Anyway, they killed the idea. They didn't let me go forward with it. We spent the money. We built this thing. And then the pandemic happened and people were locked in their homes for two years. I'm trying to condense the story i know some of this might be a little bit of uh uh hyperbole but it would have been a great time to watch some journal content don't you think
Starting point is 01:44:53 damn i would have loved that dude all of that shit that greg wanted to do with fucking the old people squatting it could have been just right on anyone's TV set. Like it. Yeah, maybe not those videos. Maybe not. But, but for those people, you know what I'm saying? You wouldn't have watched those, but those were perfect for those people. I mean, just anything. Anyway. And so basically instead what happened was the CEO at that time buried the journal. They wanted to get rid of everything that was made in the past and they basically wanted to hit the reset button on it and so to this day and i have no idea what the current administration is doing by the regime is doing by keeping it hidden but basically to this day that shit's basically hidden and i mean you can find it if you dig around on google on the
Starting point is 01:45:40 way back machine and stuff like that but um that's uh and just and just so you know that's one of the ways i met matt sousa the producer of the show and the owner of crossfit livermore because he said to me he said hey i'm just gonna i'm gonna start a podcast i said oh cool that's awesome and he goes you know what it's gonna be i said no he goes i'm gonna read old greg glassman journal articles and then publish them so instead for people like me who don't want to read they just want to listen to audiobooks i'm like fuck that's awesome and he's like do i have to worry about stealing it? I'm like, nah, fucking worry about it.
Starting point is 01:46:07 With the lawyer's contact, you just text me, and I'll try to figure it out for you. Are those still up, Sousa? Yeah, and since you mentioned it the first time, I get updates, and they actually got some traction again, which is pretty cool. Oh, cool. Where is it?
Starting point is 01:46:21 How do people find those? You can just Google search, what is fitness audio version, and that'll bring it up to the CrossFit Journal audio. You can just search that. They're under that. You're a good dude. Anyway, so where is the journal today?
Starting point is 01:46:36 I've just basically told you the history of the journal. So that's the journal. The journal's just buried somewhere. It's a shame. I guarantee you nine out of 10, and this is why the l1 is so amazing this is why nicole carroll so amazing dave castro all the l1 trainers great glass running stuff you
Starting point is 01:46:51 will you will meet people i remember the one of the first people i ever met did it he was a physiology uh degree he had a physiology degree a kinesiology degree he was the strength and conditioning coach at tennessee tech where i met rich i want to remember his name do you remember that guy's name obart kip rip three better names chip chip chip pew and i remember him telling me when i was there filming i learned more in my two days at my l1 and i learned more from the crossfit journal than anything even close to what i learned at the four years that i went to college here. And I've heard since then, I've heard that fucking a thousand fucking times, no exaggeration. And it's like, uh, you know,
Starting point is 01:47:32 it really sucks. You know, I'm going to tell you what really sucks Hobart. Hit me with it. I've been waiting for it. I have all these people on my podcast, people I really like and I invite them to come onto my podcast and I go through their Instagram account and I see the dumb shit they posted around the black lives matter and the Greg Glassman incident and the falling of fucking his, his, his shit and,
Starting point is 01:47:58 and fuck you guys. You guys fucked yourself and he's rich as fuck, but I see what you guys posted about him and you're just fucking idiot drones who fucking have fallen asleep at the wheel and believe the hype you fucking killed your jesus i could dig up in 10 you give me 10 minutes inside of one of your houses and i'll find something worse your husband watches fucking porn that fucking makes great glassman look like a saint and it just hurts me it hurts me because i like i see i have these great people on my podcast and they didn't need to do that they didn't need to lash out at him like that it was it was
Starting point is 01:48:35 everything's fine i'm glad everything happened the way it did i'm happy he's happy the world's blah blah blah the world's not happy but like man you guys go back and erase that shit you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about you don't have no idea you have no idea what happened that fucking dumb bitch up north that affiliate owner who's not even an affiliate when she said it she accused him of being racist and he stood up for himself and now look at her gym it's a segregationist gym they got rainbow flags everywhere but you can't train there unless you're vaccinated who's the fucking nazi now pull up the banner susan
Starting point is 01:49:15 pull it up thank you my neighbor has a gay flag up i fucking love it every time i go by i fucking give the dude oh yeah baby i know that's not what i know I know what you're saying yeah okay takeaway is coffee Colin Lawrence Colin where you been can't just come in the middle of the show and talking shit you hoe hey the only Jewish guy I know is broke that and I ain't Jewish and I ain't broke but I'm married to jew uh okay go ahead i got a new i got a new coffee maker the coffee's so fucking strong what'd you get for a coffee maker i got a phillips i got a phillips i'm slumming it i'm slumming it but clearly it's working yeah you pour the beans dudes uh still drinking good dudes yeah i mean uh I made a video supporting Good Dudes today.
Starting point is 01:50:06 I still pay for that expensive-ass shit, but it's so strong. You pour the beans in the top. This one's gangster. It's a nice—it's $1,200 at Best Buy. Oh, that's expensive. But I don't know. Is that expensive for coffee makers? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:50:20 Not when you ball. I mean, if you're— Of course, it's more expensive than a Mr. Coffee. If you're a poor Jew, it's expensive. Coffee If you're a poor Jew It's expensive But if you're a rich Armenian It's fucking Everybody's I don't really
Starting point is 01:50:28 I think coffee tastes like crap But everybody's been telling me You gotta do the hand grind And the arrow press 175 180 degrees Lower temp That's what I'm told
Starting point is 01:50:37 By the coffee aficionados They're lying No one likes coffee No one likes coffee There you go Thank goodness I'm so glad to hear that. Oral sex is better than coffee. Agreed.
Starting point is 01:50:50 How do you know you hate coffee? But I've had. I would never ask Josh about a coffee machine. He does the AeroPress. I'm in rehab. I'm in rehab with my love for Turkishkish people you watch it motocross mike white trash motherfucker okay sorry now i'm out of control yeah you got fired up there man yeah it's just man we were on a roll we were going to we had
Starting point is 01:51:19 taken crossfit to the moon we were getting ready to go to Mars. Blue Origin. Okay, Blue Origin. Let's go. No, that was you. Oh, yeah. That was you. Yeah. Zillow, Seattle online real estate giant today, said it will shut down Zillow Offers, its iBuying program that aims to digitize and accelerate the home buying experience. Approximately 25% or about 2,000 people will be laid off as a result of Zillow's offers closing. The company will take a write-down of more than $500 million related to the shutdown.
Starting point is 01:51:53 Zillow used algorithms to buy homes from their owners, make light repairs, and then put them back on the market. They set an ambitious goal to sell, excuse me, seeking to buy 5,000 homes a month by 2024. They noted that the labor shortage and supply chain issues that led to Zillow's decision earlier this month to temporarily pause purchasing new contracts to buy homes via Zillow offers for the rest of the year. Also, Zillow was only able to convert 10% of serious sellers who asked for an offer via Zillow Offers. They believe that there are better, broader, less risky, more brand-aligned ways of enabling all of our customers who want to move. Before today, our seller offering was overly focused on Zillow Offers and was able to serve only a small number of the available customer set. Going forward, rather, than having
Starting point is 01:52:45 to buy a customer's home to help her sell, we are now simply going to help them move. We will expand our view and explore a marketplace of scalable selling solutions that give certainty, convenience, choice, simplicity, and speed, all while addressing the broader community for Zillow. Importantly, we now plan to focus our offerings on asset and capital light solutions with an open mind as we explore providing these solutions ourselves. They just made a dumb business decision and laid off a lot of people. Did I understand that article correctly? Zillow was about to launch a program that would allow them to buy homes cheap and then they were going to flip them or they were going to get into the flipping business. Yeah, it's about dead on.
Starting point is 01:53:31 Sorry, before I come back to that, I have a little concern, Sousa. Is the Emily Abbott podcast lost? How come so many people are having trouble finding it? I don't know. Let me check it out. Let me see. It looks like it's going. I'm going to get in trouble for this.
Starting point is 01:53:51 I know I'm going to get in trouble for this. Here we go, though. Fuck it. I don't care. I want to show you guys something. Oh, boy. I'll get you in trouble, Hobart. Don't worry. Just me. Yeah, I mean... Can you see trouble, Hobart. Don't worry. Just me. Yeah, I mean... Can you see...
Starting point is 01:54:06 Can you see her? Yeah. Why are you doing this? No, no. Can you hear it? I haven't heard anything. I can get up. You're not supposed to hear it. You're supposed to look at her. Can you hear it? You muted it. I could hear it. Now it now it's gone yeah i muted her you gotta
Starting point is 01:54:27 because you don't want to hear us talk you got to go listen to it but just look at her doesn't she look cool as shit she's got a good setup that's no way to talk about a woman's body hobart that's that's despicable buddy cancelcel me. She is so cool. She doesn't look as pale as I do. Oh, man. Yeah, she's a redhead with a tan. She got your skin. Steve. Gosh.
Starting point is 01:54:54 Hey, and I had to fucking – I had to get off the podcast because I had to pee like I do now. And I had to take my kids to the skate park. It's always my kids. I think that every podcast should be 90 minutes, and then I get cool people, and I'm now. And I, um, I had to take my kids to the skate park. It's always my kids. I think that every podcast should be 90 minutes and then I get cool people and I'm screwed. All right. Well, I got two more stories we can end on or one. We can just end on this one. Okay. Cause I think it'll really piss you off or maybe the Disney one, two more. Okay. I got to pee. Can it, what can we do so I can pee? Can someone call and talk to Hobart? Okay. Go over. No good or bad food. The American Heart Association released a new scientific statement on Tuesday that encourages
Starting point is 01:55:28 everyone to focus on their overall dietary patterns, to take care of their tickers rather than zeroing in on foods, ingredients, and drinks that are good or bad for their hearts. They concede that adopting heart-healthy eating habits, such as choosing the fish entree over the steak at a restaurant or opting for brown rice instead of fried white rice from your favorite Chinese takeout joint may feel strange at first. It might take a little planning, however. After the first few times, it can become routine. Balance food and calorie intake with physical activity to maintain a healthy weight. Choose a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.
Starting point is 01:56:02 Eat plenty of produce. Get a full range of nutrients from food rather than from supplements. Choose whole grains and other foods made up of mostly whole grains, such as whole wheat, oatmeal, brown rice, and popcorn. Include healthy sources of lean and or high fiber proteins, such as plant proteins, nuts and legumes, fish or seafood, low fat or non-dairy, cuts of meat and lit excuse me limit red and processed meats hold on why why non-fat why non-fat causes heart heart disease oh read a book man use liquid non-tropical plant oils such as olive or sunflower oils choose minimal i i i no no no no no come on i'm trying to help you out here no no no no you'll
Starting point is 01:56:47 like this one choose minimally processed foods such as a bag of salad roasted or unsalted nuts rather than ultra processed foods such as sugary cereal potato chips or smoked sausage as much as possible minimize eating and drinking food and beverages with added sugars choose or prepare foods with little or no salt. Limit alcohol consumption. And if you don't drink, don't start. Apply this guidance no matter where food is prepared or consumed, such as whether you're at home, dining out or ordering takeout. I admire the fact you don't drink coffee. No, I do drink coffee. I like caffeine. I just think it tastes like crap.
Starting point is 01:57:23 Oh, oh. Caffeine's addictive. That's how I know it's really addictive because I do drink coffee. I like caffeine. I just think it tastes like crap. Oh. Caffeine's addictive. That's how I know it's really addictive because I still drink it and I've never had a cup of coffee where I've thought to myself, oh, wow, this is really delicious. I don't think it's addictive. Okay. How do you define it? Have you ever been addicted to something? Caffeine?
Starting point is 01:57:41 Have you ever been addicted to something? Caffeine? Yeah. No, I've never really been addicted to any other substances. What's interesting about caffeine is when I stop drinking caffeine, I get a headache. And so there is that. I guess that's a physical addiction but when you quit um cigarettes um when you quit nicotine uh it's it's brutal dude it's brutal it's like shakes and it's yeah my mom said it was really really really bad it's so nicotine is so rough dude it's so rough i mean. I mean, I don't the Abbott podcast
Starting point is 01:58:25 under someone's videos, but when I pull up my YouTube history, I see the podcast. Look at Kimberly. Look at Selena Gomez is watching the show under a different name. Kimberly Rosales. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:58:42 It was a couple months. He didn't make it a year. That's true. That's true. Someone tried to quit coffee for a year and didn't succeed. That's true. That's true. That was hard too.
Starting point is 01:58:53 That was hard to kind of face the facts on that. Harder than nicotine? No, no. I just mean like face the public. Like, you know what I mean? Like I was like, I, my, I pride myself and like and like i'm doing this i'm sticking to it and like do you dick and but that one i think it was do you think it was hard because of how prevalent it is or like you're just at home by yourself and just really jonesing or is it just the fact
Starting point is 01:59:16 that everyone's like let's go out for a coffee and just the rich the social ritual around it no that um that was i got that way around drinking but drinking was so easy for me to stop um nicotine it was just all physical like it was like physically just hard on me and then the mental came later like weeks later uh but coffee was i just i'm i don't know if i fucked myself up or what but like i'm just happier when I'm on coffee. Yeah. I just, my whole body, everything feels better. You can face the public in that idiotic mess.
Starting point is 01:59:55 Brutal. Hey, I haven't called in just so you know, you sent me a text message the other day and I haven't opened it because you're like one of those people i want to like make sure i respond to you and by the way don't get all fucking excited either because i haven't put your name in my phone yet so you still come in just as a phone number so like don't i mean just because you can text me don't get all in your fucking high horse you get that hobart like someone you ever do that like i keep i keep so many people on numbers yeah it's like i'm not ready i it's like i don't want to see you in your boxer shorts yet but sometimes it sometimes it messes you up right because then i'll need somebody to text me and i have to talk to him i'm like fuck i don't remember whose number this is yes yes yes one more yeah
Starting point is 02:00:41 please please all right here we go oh Mehmet, I want to say something. So this guy's helping me with, this guy's Turkish, Hobart, and he's helping me with my racism towards Turkish people because of the way I was raised to dislike Turkish people because of the conflict between Armenians. And Mehmet is like, he's part of my recovery plan. Do you feel, Mehmet, meet Hobart, Hobart meet mehmet um do you feel better with any good dude hobart do you feel better with any coffee or it has to be good dude so that's so
Starting point is 02:01:11 interesting so i have this coffee it's called strong coffee i had the owner of the ceo and founder of the show on my podcast and he makes a drink that does not it's it's um it's a latte drink and it does not fit in the food profile of what I preach. So I don't talk about it very often, but I do have it as a treat once in a while, and I have it with whole milk. When my coffee maker broke, I didn't have a coffee maker for a day. I substituted it, all the coffee I drink all day with this strong coffee this brand called strong coffee and that day i got a headache which means that whatever's in the strong and the strong coffee strong coffee what's cool about it is it gives you a zing but you're not all weird and
Starting point is 02:01:55 freaky and like jittery like i am now like a freak like regular coffee does the strong coffee just makes you kind of alert and you're just like you just chill though and oh and whatever's in it it did it i got a headache so so um i don't know if it has to be good dudes but but i need like real brewed coffee i'm in that kind of i'm in that addiction dependency zone that's why i don't text everyone i'm afraid of rejection i fully get it jeffrey no don't inflate his ego what did jeffrey say love the checkered collared shirt dude i'm balling i should have looked this is a philson vest wool pants on 250 250 probably i pants on i have lululemons on nice i think these are i have nice lululemon pants is that a 500 outfit and yeah the glasses are fucking three grand these are like these are legitimate
Starting point is 02:02:46 silver uh refurbished like from you know from the day like the bottom of the ocean fuck jeffrey and this shirt i can't remember what brand it is but it's something from it's something from like the expensive most expensive expensive shirt I could find. Like it, it's some fucking bourgeois Soho fucking place I went into one time. I used to have a sugar daddy. Like you guys wouldn't believe one day. I'm going to, one day I'm gonna tell you about the time I did it. I got, I did like an eight hour shopping spree at the Nordstrom's in Hawaii. Cause I got there and my luggage didn't arrive.
Starting point is 02:03:23 And I was with my sugar daddy and he's like, hey, let's just go to Nordy's and just buy anything you want. I bought this Armani suit. I never wear it. I got everything. All new underwear, shirts, pants, shoes, and just nuts. Okay. Damn you, Jeffrey. 100 burpees. Best Turkish coffee I had
Starting point is 02:03:40 was in Armenian court, of course. Of course. Best Armenian girl I've ever had was Turkish. Okay, let's go. Come on. Here we go. Final story. Disney lockdown. More than 30,000 visitors. Thank God. I have to go pee, too.
Starting point is 02:03:55 Should we just let Susan talk to this guy? You go pee, and I'll talk to him first, and then I'll go pee, and you talk to him. No, you go pee, I'll talk to him. All right, perfect. Hey, this guy's name is Huberty. What is it? This guy's name is Huberti. What is it? Like, this guy's name is Huberti, but like where a P should be. Heber, that's pronounced Heber.
Starting point is 02:04:12 Like you're going to go pee. Brian, what's up? What's up with your last name, brother? You know, I've had it for 44 years, and I was in the Army. I used to wear like a name tag and people would say, uh, they would look at it and kind of smirk. Yes. Yes. But you didn't, you learn to deal with that. So, uh, it's fun. Um, but yeah, I, a lot of times I'll say it's like puberty with an H.
Starting point is 02:04:37 And so if over the phone, somebody wants to know, uh, how to spell my name, that's how I just present it. I like that. um brian i was uh watching the so canelo alvarez is going to fight caleb plant next uh saturday november 6th and so there i was watching like this little documentary on the fight to the build-up of the fight and canelo has red hair do you know who he is yeah yeah okay and so they're like how did you get into fighting he goes as a fucking redheaded mexican basically yeah he's like that's how i got you up man like and i was like shit hubert he must fight
Starting point is 02:05:11 like a motherfucker i was uh i was a fighting kid i wrestled all growing up you gotta be tough man does your dad tell you hey you're you're going to be fighting a lot? My dad, my mom, the whole time. It's like a boy named Sue, like the Johnny Cash song. You got to be tough with a name like Sue. His name's really Hubert-y? Yeah, yeah. Or, Brian, it's like being born onto a planet where there's already a word, a racist term waiting for you that you're born,
Starting point is 02:05:52 that you're supposed to be offended by and to fight and kill anyone who calls you it. Can you imagine that? What is that word? I don't know. Imaginary word. Just imagine. Just use your imagination. Imagine you were born. I knew you were going to take this great moment of humor and just ruin it completely. Sorry. Okay. What's up, you how are you how are you i'm good man i gotta tell you i'm og i've been around crossfit since 06 i remember almost oh my car's backing up so i'm i'm sorry i'm just gonna stop beeping i hope you're i watch all yeah i am i watched all your videos for like 10 years. Right. So, and I love the podcast, listening to it. I remember like, I don't know. I don't like where this is going. Why not?
Starting point is 02:06:36 Cause I think there's going to be a, but I think there's going to be a, but I'm insecure. No, no, no, but here's what I want. Here's what I want. Here's an OG guy asking for you to go back to like the OG folks like I would love to hear from some like you were talking about Eva T and maybe only like three people care about this but I want like James Fitzgerald and some people
Starting point is 02:06:56 that have access to grind with CrossFit and shit give me OPT hold on hold on Sousa get your ass on here yeah hey can we get OPT yeah let'sa, hold on, hold on. Sousa, get your ass on here. Yeah. Hey, can we get OPT? Yeah. I'll reach out to him. Let's get him.
Starting point is 02:07:08 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Craig Amundsen. Brian, I swear Sousa's on thin ice. You want to produce the show? You want to produce the show? And I tell you, I went to one of OPT's things 10 years ago. I went to a Big Dogs bash. And it was a two-day event.
Starting point is 02:07:24 And I thought, man, these guys are batshit crazy. And I got out of there, but I think he's probably a good guest. And there's a Greg Amundson. I went to one of his things years ago. Like he's a character. Like there's some interesting people that especially now that the, you know, the leadership has changed and you know, the world is a different place. Like I would love to hear what some of these, you know, the leadership has changed. You know, the world is a different place. Like, I would love to hear what some of these, you know, some of these people have to say.
Starting point is 02:07:50 I don't know if anybody would listen. Amundsen is amazing and his body, man. That guy lives by me. And so I see him. This is, I swear to God, this is a true story. I'll be driving down 41st Street at least, I feel like, once a month. And I'll see a dude running in, shorts that are like a little too short, like the kind I like, like soccer shorts, like way above the knee, right?
Starting point is 02:08:12 And a pair of tennis shoes and no shirt. And I'm like, who the fuck is that? And then I always drive by him real slow, and I look out my window, and it's fucking always Greg. And then I roll down my window and honk, Greg! You know, like I get all excited. He's a beast. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:30 And then you got like Allison NYC from real... Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I have her and Brendan on. I'm still in contact with them. Yep, Allison. And I don't know,
Starting point is 02:08:40 like nobody else probably cares about this shit, but I loved it back in the day. Everyone cares about Allison. Everyone cares about Allison. Everyone cares about Allison unless you're fucking brain dead. So that's my one request. I guess the other is I also grew up as a Stern listener,
Starting point is 02:08:55 so I know when you're doing the news, like you're doing Howard and Jackie and stuff. Jackie was a little before my time. Jackie was a little before my was a little before my time but um yeah i came i started listening to stern after that but yeah for sure this whole entire new show is stolen from stern um i tried to get a uh lesbian black uh jewish uh midget woman like but i ended up with hobart and uh but um but i actually text hobart today brian and i was like hey i want to start i want to do a game show well like howard did homeless hollywood squares that was uh so you could do you could take some of these high level crossfitters
Starting point is 02:09:40 and then like ask them like um hey who is is the secretary of defense? And make them just sound like Howard would, you know, ask strippers who the vice president was and they wouldn't know. Like they bet on a hundred bucks if they know who the vice president is. Of course, they don't know who the vice president is. I would just have Laura Horvath on and just ask her to say like four or five syllable words
Starting point is 02:10:03 in English and then we have to get what she's saying. Right. Or they would make Beetlejuice spell, you know, cat. And he couldn't spell cat. You know, that was, that's the stuff I grew up on. And I got, now I'm a mean spirited person because of it. But that's how I'm going to listen to Howard Stern. Allison has a whole new life.
Starting point is 02:10:21 Loving it. Yeah. You know what I think she's doing? Is it, is it fans only she basically had her patreon she has some account where it's only private what is it do you know suza is it fans only patreon she has some account and basically you can subscribe to it and you get you get footage of her that no one else gets to see. And it's not even, it's not nude. It's not nude at all. There's no nudity,
Starting point is 02:10:47 but I mean her, but I mean, you see the stuff she does. She's in a bathing suit, like doing handstand presses and shit. And, and like, she's always like laying around, like breastfeeding a baby or something.
Starting point is 02:10:56 And so she's, and that was, that was salacious back in the day though. Like you would do a video of her and then people on the comment board would be like, what is this? What is happening across it? yeah yeah hey i'm so proud of myself today like i did a i'm i think i'm like i finally like settled down i did a podcast with uh emily abbott and i find her like so freaking attractive and like it's such a powerful woman and yet i didn't i didn't see
Starting point is 02:11:23 her as a woman at all today i mean mean, I saw her as a woman, but like I was cool. Like I was just like, it's just, Oh, you played it cool. Yeah. I'm not even, I played it cool. I didn't even get riled up once. Like I was, um, An adult. Like, yeah. Uh, Hobart, please. Can you choose a different word? I, it just, I just have never really experienced that before. Like, like ever
Starting point is 02:11:45 since i turned like i don't know five or six it's just weird with me and girls i just like i'm just just always get excited and i was chill and fuck man there's something to get excited about her but it was cool i've really matured or i'm getting old as fuck and i'm losing my cheese drained out of me and that's i think that's what happened to Stern too, is that it's not the same show. Ah, he's a pussy. I am not a pussy.
Starting point is 02:12:12 He's a good interviewer though. And I think you're, you're, he, he improved and I think you're improving. So I'm enjoying the ride. And I just wanted to call in and say, uh,
Starting point is 02:12:20 get some, like, again, you'll get like 300 views versus, you know, Daniel Brandon getting a lot but you know just throw me a go ahead like a Josh Everett or you know some of the old school guys that would be fun I actually thought about it when I was watching the rogue classic I thought
Starting point is 02:12:38 okay I should I should invite Josh Everett I think there's a lot there to talk about just longevity of a lifestyle of like fitness and health. I think that's way more interesting than you might think, even if the personality is not super relevant. I've been doing it for 15 years. It's interesting to me hearing about the guys that have been
Starting point is 02:12:56 doing a long time. I haven't missed too many days of CrossFit in 15 years. Been healthy and competed at a bunch of levels and it's still fun. So I'd love to hear from those guys. And you've probably ridden all the waves of it, right? Like you followed all the fads, the strength bias, the unbroken, the OPT, the whatever, whatever.
Starting point is 02:13:18 I did all of it, saw them all. And but, you know, and but still kind of do it because it's fun. Have an affiliate CrossFit Oakdale because it's fun and we love doing it. And but still kind of do it because it's fun have an affiliate across the oakdale because it's fun and we love doing it and uh but yeah you see it all and so the history of it is still like it's great and it's like unfortunately like it'll be forgotten um because i don't know if you can find those videos and they're a little bit harder but um those guys lived it i do have one more question and i'll let it go so old videos i my kids got into skating two years ago and then i started watching like zero skate videos and stuff
Starting point is 02:13:52 and and it really like reminded me the old cross videos of skateboard videos like did was there a crossover between the two was there anybody there that was like hey this is what skate videos are like let's let's do that. Or was, was there, was it even that well thought out? So who is, who is shooting those early videos? Like the,
Starting point is 02:14:11 the early, was it like Hollis and Tony budding or what year? They have like ripper rock music in them. And like, like the ones that like Brendan Gilliam and like, uh, Oh, those,
Starting point is 02:14:21 I think those are all Tony. Those are Tony. Rob, Rob Miller's videos. Like he was a, he had like really light blonde hair and he would do like, there was a cool music. Yep. Yep. Yep. Zero dying to live. I don't know what that means. Is that a song? But yeah, that was all Tony. It was all Tony.
Starting point is 02:14:37 Dying to live was bad-ass man. Just guys bombing down the rails to like sweet music. Yep. That's the only reason I started wearing board shorts was I saw, I saw CrossFit and I, cause it was all coming out of Cali and all those guys were wearing board shorts and shit. And so that's what I started wearing.
Starting point is 02:14:53 And then taking your shoes off at the gym, board shorts and no shoes. I just want to look like Greg. Yeah. Yeah. And how about, how about Brendan Gillian with his flat bill? He was so gangster.
Starting point is 02:15:02 Yeah. He was ripped. I've never seen it. I was, I lived in New York city at he was ripped i've never seen it i was i lived in new york city at the time and i'd never seen a dude like that before with a flat brim and tattoos i'm like what is this yeah but out here i live out in california and it's that's the way it is like that's cool different uh i had annie uh uh sakamoto on the other day and i'm gonna tell you it was i started the podcast basically by saying to her,
Starting point is 02:15:25 Hey, like we've basically known each other for 15 years and we've never talked. And there were a bunch of people like that at CrossFit. Like we're just in the same circle, same town, same room, same everything. And we just never talk,
Starting point is 02:15:35 talk like just never had a real talk. And, um, uh, it was crazy having her on the podcast. It was so fun. It was cool. And we,
Starting point is 02:15:44 and we, and it's fun because we want to say some pretty heavy shit, but we kind of dance around it a little bit. But we still kept it real. But like... We did... I did regionals a couple times, and we would camp next to her family, and we would sit next to them.
Starting point is 02:16:00 And so our... We would hang Like in the old Regional days When it was like Before it got crazy crazy You know It was fun Like the Northern California one
Starting point is 02:16:11 Like up in Napa Yeah Yeah Yeah I think it was Napa That we were hanging out there And then one year A couple years in Santa Clara
Starting point is 02:16:18 We did that And like you It was like that community of folks So I got to meet those Like I was watching it From New York City originally And then came out there and got to meet a lot of the folks from those videos but i don't think we ever met um hobart what did you say almonds and got you into crossfit yeah i think i told that story here that was the i was i think somebody mentioned pavel too
Starting point is 02:16:40 on here which is really interesting but pavel jim jones mark twain yeah that's how i found my way to crossfit and you know at first wasn't a fan but i saw a video of greg ahmedson doing heavy fran and i was like yeah i started i was all a hundred thousand percent in is that dude pavel still alive yeah yeah yeah he was on rogan a couple years ago he's a kettlebell pavel pavel sulim you could probably get him i want to talk about that you fucking assholes the shit you guys write to me it's always like it's always like i can't believe you got hayley adams you should get jordan peterson i'm like who the fuck are these people writing this shit okay did you ever film with a vx1000 yes sony yeah uh no no no no i had a pd150 i was i was not when the when the vx1000 was big i i couldn't afford
Starting point is 02:17:37 a vx1000 i had the one below it and then i i jumped over it to a PDF 150 PDF 150. Hey, Brian, Mr. Hubert. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for calling. It makes it was going to be scary if we went two hours and 17 minutes without a call. It was going to be like one of those Internet shows that I didn't know. I was just I was just getting on the end. But yeah, if you need any whack packers, I could do I could do high pitch, Eric. That's one of my, maybe some sound Richard crank calls. Uh, you can, you really do high pitch air. Who's high pitch. Yeah, of course. Come on. Wow. Wow. How about, how about,
Starting point is 02:18:16 how about the crazy guy that lived in his mom's basement that thought like Stern was part of the Illuminati. What happened to that guy? Was that Sasquatch or Bigfoot? No, no. It was like Mehmet or something. I don't remember him. How about she would screech like she was from Brooklyn. She was from my neighborhood in Brooklyn, too.
Starting point is 02:18:37 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can't stand her. Marianne. Any of the yelling ones I didn't like. I didn't like any of the yelling ones. Underdog lady. Yeah, you should think about making
Starting point is 02:18:46 a really weird group of people that could be your hangers on. Well, this show just keeps growing. The show just keeps growing. We're on a terror. So, who knows what will happen. All I need is Jordan
Starting point is 02:19:04 Peterson. Well, I'll keep listening is Jordan Peterson coming in soon yeah Jordan Peterson is coming in soon you guys have a good evening thanks bye thank you Brian for giving us those two pee breaks we got at him I needed it so bad alright final story Here we go Is this real? I don't know, I found
Starting point is 02:19:32 It was originally a Wall Street Journal article You gotta be kidding me This better be my mom Mrs. Hobart Hi Hey, it's Peter Oh oh nope sorry james hey peter what's up you're not with james's mom are you no i'm not but i want to say thanks to james for hooking me up with uh megan burns awesome oh this is the phoenix she's the phoenix oh okay yeah yeah yeah i had a call with her and i went
Starting point is 02:20:08 great um anyways i was just listening to the last guy call and then she reminded me like eva t she got me into crossfit watching her do like uh nasty girl videos and stuff like that back in the day and uh her and annie and all those guys all those videos you know like how he was doing he was he's doing since her plane crashed um can you lower the your computer your youtube or your poop tube or whatever porn hub or whatever yeah yeah yeah um so basically if you want i had annie on the show last week annie sakamoto or two weeks ago, last week. And basically we talked about Eva T.
Starting point is 02:20:49 And basically she got into a car accident. She basically cartwheeled her plane. Plane crash. Yeah. She cartwheeled her plane on a runway just south of me, close to Dave's house actually I think, Dave Castro. Yeah. And she – it sounds like the injury injury was super bad that basically no one thought she was basically going to come back from it that she had some serious cranial damage that
Starting point is 02:21:13 basically and from what i heard and i don't know if this is true or not like a piece of her scalp was like in a freezer or a piece of her skull or it was sewed into her stomach to keep it alive or some crazy shit like that but but it was but it was bad and uh and i and it looked like from what i was seeing on annie sakamoto's instagram that she was staying close to eva and communicating with her and then when i had annie on the show she's like holy shit and i go basically this is me paraphrasing i hope annie doesn't hate me for saying this if it's wrong but basically in a nine month period it it went from fucking Eva being fucking a vegetable to fucking being a human. Like all of a sudden being able to talk,
Starting point is 02:21:49 communicate, articulate, and you're ready for this workout. I think Annie said she got a 200 pound deadlift now. So, uh, yeah, I saw that she had gone skiing or whatever on,
Starting point is 02:22:00 on Facebook. Yeah. Yeah. Nuts. But I haven't been able to see it. There were some reports about it when it first happened, but I haven't heard anything about it. I always really liked her and all the original, the OG people.
Starting point is 02:22:13 I was just wondering if she was okay or not. That's awesome to hear. Yeah, that's good. My wife just texted me something. I don't really understand what it means. I don't know if I should read it out loud. Someone else will know what it means, and I won't. No, don't really understand what it means i don't know if i should read it out loud someone else someone else will know what it means and i won't no don't is that you're waving me off over don't read don't read my wife's text out loud if i don't know what it means okay okay hey well thanks for calling peter i'm glad that you were able to deal with your
Starting point is 02:22:39 drug hobart was able to get you off of cocaine that's's good. Peter, good luck to you, man. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Thanks a lot, guys. Love the show. Peace.
Starting point is 02:22:49 Hey, who is that guy you called before? Brian Huberti? Huberti. Yeah, that one, that one, I can't,
Starting point is 02:22:54 I can't tell if I like him or not. I can't tell. I like him. Yeah, I mean, I like him, but I can't tell
Starting point is 02:22:59 if I like, like, I don't like anyone calling and talking about Howard Stern because it just, it, it, because I'm just stealing so much from him. And you don't like him anymore. No, I don't.
Starting point is 02:23:12 He's such a fear-mongering. He's just full of hate. He's just fear-mongering. More than 30,000 visitors to Shanghai Disneyland were forced to stay within the park on Sunday and required to take a COVID-19 test to gain their liberty from the Magic Kingdom after a single guest tested positive for COVID-19. Funny. Same thing happened to the entire population of Australia. Wait, is this Canada?
Starting point is 02:23:39 Is this Canada? No, Shanghai, China. Shanghai, Australia? The draconian response is a vivid illustration of China's ongoing COVID-0 approach to the pandemic, a policy that has sparked growing unrest in the country as the – Wait, can I ask you a question? Yeah, lay it on me. So the theory between – the theory from all of these fucking right-wing, Trump-loving wingnuts is that they're doing this to get control over people i always keep hearing that like they're doing it to get control they're doing it to get
Starting point is 02:24:11 control and like that it's some like thought out plan okay i mean it's so hard for me to get my head wrapped around it but i've just been like okay i hear you i hear you i'm just too stupid to see it i'm too stupid to see it i mean get like, I just think it's just people trying to make money and like people being scared of dying. Cause there's so, so many fucking overweight fuckers around, but, but they say it's like some sort of plan to take control and this and that
Starting point is 02:24:34 and this, why would China need to do this? What the fuck do they care? They already got control. Why are they playing this game? They have no, you like that Susan, huh? I flipped the script. Why are they playing this game? They have no – you like that, Susan Hough?
Starting point is 02:24:45 I flipped the script. Why? Why? I'm not trying to sleep with my wife. I already made three kids with her. I can sleep with her whenever I want. Why is China trying to – I'll just quit the podcast right now and go in there right now and just shut the bedroom door and get on my wife. Same thing with China.
Starting point is 02:25:04 Bet you won't. Bet I will. and just shut the bedroom door and get on my wife what same thing with china bet you won't bet i will china will go into the they'll tell 20 million of their people to fucking stand on each other's shoulders and make a pyramid and those people will do it what why is china playing this finger fuck if they already got control over everybody they don't need it. Maybe it's an actual threat. No, no. What do they care, Christine, if 20 million of them die? They got 20 million of them locked up in some jail somewhere trying to convert them. It's weird.
Starting point is 02:25:39 It's weird. China doesn't need to play this game. God, I haven't used that term finger fuck since the third grade. That would have felt good. Dipping into my shit. I'm feeling my own. We can go on two hours. Can I finish the story?
Starting point is 02:25:51 Okay. Sorry. Sorry. Okay. Go. This might give you the answer to your question. China has vaccinated over 80% of its population. And the strict COVID zero approach has helped the country keep fatalities to under 5,000 since the start of the pandemic.
Starting point is 02:26:03 Compared to nearly 750,000 fatalities in the U S hold on. Wait a second. You're telling me this country that has over a fucking billion people. For those of you who don't understand that I've been to a country with a billion people. You cannot even imagine the things that they can do. Likeia is fascinating and i've been to china you're telling me they've only had 5 000 deaths that's that's important we've had 750 000 with 350 million people it's either well something's not right that story that something in there is not true i'm just reporting we have either not had 750 000 COVID deaths or they have not had only 5,000. It is impossible. Or I'll give you C.
Starting point is 02:26:50 What is going to happen is that they're going to have a – like what's going to happen in Australia and New Zealand. Sooner or later, they're not going to be able to keep the people locked down, and the shit's going to spread like wildfire. Okay, go on. Sorry. Go on. The strategy has left China increasingly isolated. to spread like wildfire. Okay, go on. Sorry. Go on. Sorry. The strategy has left China increasingly isolated. However, nearly all travel in and out of the country is suspended and face-to-face diplomacy on the part of Beijing's top leaders remains on hold. China is the only country in
Starting point is 02:27:13 the world still attempting total eradication of the virus. And there are growing questions over how the nation will transition from the strategy of COVID-19 as COVID-19 becomes endemic nearly everywhere else in the world. Another lie. The only country trying total eradication? Local authorities have asked all guests who visited Shanghai Disneyland last weekend to isolate for two days and to submit to tests several more times
Starting point is 02:27:36 over the next two weeks. Shanghai Disneyland said it would provide refunds and notify customers as soon as the park is fully operational again. Ah! Oh! Oh, my God! They lost lost their mind something's not right i mean something's just i i think it begs a little more research i agree i just i love it's in a it's in it's in a rag that has the word hollywood in it
Starting point is 02:28:00 this was also in the wall street journal anyway oh let's see i got a text from the oh man this this slapping shit this this people being slapped across the face is really just like taking off like i see those competitions are just people like doing it as like uh they just run up and like mug them with it. Oh, wow. You've seen that version where they just run up and mug you with it. Why do that was a thing for a while. There was like, just, you would just run around, just like punch somebody. Oh man.
Starting point is 02:28:41 Let me see if I can show you what I just, someone just sent me. Careful. Careful what you share. I don't know. Oh yeah. This someone just sent me. Careful. Careful what you share. I don't know. Oh yeah, this, this is the, these competitions are amazing. Oh, look at his neck snap back and forth. Is that bad for you?
Starting point is 02:29:02 No, it's probably pretty good. Oh my god. That guy slaps like a... Look at him turn his whole body. That's insane. No more. That was a punch. And what is that with that guy's arm? He hit him with his forearm. That guy's dead. This guy's dead.
Starting point is 02:29:24 Vasili. Oh my goodness. That was's dead. This guy's dead. Vasili. Oh, my goodness. That was a karate chop to the neck. He missed. Oh, my goodness. Okay, now. Okay, he just took that. This is heinous. I love that phrase. He just took that. He just took that this is heinous
Starting point is 02:29:45 I love that phrase he just took that he just took it that's a good way to end my mom still does listen to this show Colin it just takes her a couple days this is heinous I agree I don't know if I enjoyed that either that's just because we're old
Starting point is 02:30:01 Christine are you old how old are you that's the stuff I used to like when I was a kid. It's also kids doing it to teachers and schools for TikTok views. What? Hey, what if your kid did something like that? They took the kid and they put them – they went and got found the kid's parents and then and then basically like you do something like electrocute the kid's parents genitalia right in front of the kid i think you have to make the kid go slap the parents oh maybe okay all right
Starting point is 02:30:40 yeah that's a little more that's a little more civilized and just than electrocuting their genitalia. It's a good show. Word of the day. What do you think this was without? I seriously thought Kate would jump on. No, man. I think she adds a lot. I think I'm excited to have her back.
Starting point is 02:31:07 I'm excited to do the game show. I'm excited to talk to you more about equality and gender. I had some thoughts that we didn't get to cover at the beginning of the podcast. Yeah, that'd be nice. I'm open to being fixed on it. I'm open to being like someone telling me like, hey, there's a third one. There's people with penises and vaginas and telling me that it's 0.0000000000001% of the population. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:31:39 I have a long list of unanswered questions, Savan. Going to have to send some money or or switch to a podcast uh you know who she reminds me of who's the lady who cooked who like went to jail who cooks food and stuff martha stewart yeah yeah it's martha stewart that's how i learned how to cook serious yeah her website was amazing. It had this series of like eggs 101 or whatever. It had all these 101 series, and it would like give you this essentially really solid foundational cooking knowledge. She's a beast, man.
Starting point is 02:32:18 I'm pretty sure she basically, I don't know, like stole from her company. She's out free just living the best life. Friends with Snoop Dogg. I like her because she just she just owned it and it was at the same time that like tiger woods cheated on his wife or something and instead of just saying yeah i did that shit and i enjoyed it like he made that stupid nike ad or he said like yeah just like i just liked her because she owned her shit you know what i mean she went she didn't pull a bill clinton my fiance is mad at you, because she can't listen to any of her other pods anymore because she's addicted to yours. She wanted to listen to Brooks Pod, but she can't get a day off from the Savant. What's the Brooks Pod? My wife can't get a day off either. oh man i'm so lucky thank you good night everyone

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