The Sevan Podcast - #198 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: November 6, 2021

Live Call In Show with Sevan Matossian and listeners. The Sevan Podcast is sponsored by Follow us on Instagram Sevan's Stuff...: Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
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Starting point is 00:01:05 I'm tripping. I'm tripping. I'm tripping. So today the guest is supposed to be Ian Gary. Damn, I'm mellow this morning. I don't know if mellow is the right word. Maybe I'm just, maybe I'm volatile like a, like a volcano or like a space shuttle sitting on the launch pad. Maybe I don't, I just seem calm, sweaty, ready to explode. Anyway, anyway,
Starting point is 00:01:31 7 0 1 AM Pacific standard time. The guest this morning was supposed to be Ian Gary. I thought I was 100% certain he wasn't going to show up because of the lack of comms as we approached the podcast. And then just now, I think this is his agent. I got an email from her. And I sent her a link to the podcast 10 minutes ago, and I said we'd go live in 10 minutes. That was kind of my way of bullying and to show the severity of the situation.
Starting point is 00:02:15 I also let her know that we had 800,000 downloads last month and that I was excited to introduce her to the Sevan podcast audience that was me so first a little bully like we go live in 10 minutes and then a little flex bam um and she wrote back thank you his agent Sophie did so I keep expecting now I'm like shit is he gonna pop on and then to be honest with you that scares the shit out of me because that means I have to be on my A game if I'm going to have a guest as opposed to just talking to you guys. Oh, Nelly. Deep breaths, Seve. uh if you have any problems any anxiety any issues that you think are so so pressing that they need immediate attention what's up jamal um you should do a hundred burpees to start with and see if those problems will go away don't eat anything with added sugar
Starting point is 00:03:28 don't eat refined carbohydrates why because those things suppress your immune system amongst other things they do horrible shit for you well i'm going to put a little marker here in the book in case ian does pop on and I have my questions ready for him. We're going to start this morning with Pfizer has this new commercial. And it says that that kids who take the injection who are between the ages of five and 11 are superheroes. I want to emphasize to you that that is not true. First of all, there's no such thing as superheroes. So you shouldn't be telling kids if they take an injection that they'll become a superhero. There are no superheroes. Anything you do to try to make yourself a superhero as a human being only makes you more vulnerable to other things. Let me give you an example. You want
Starting point is 00:04:26 to be the fastest car in the world that does 200 miles an hour. You want to be an Indy car. You are now the fastest car in the world. Okay. But guess what? You can't handle a pothole. Same with the Tour de France guys. You want to win the Tour de France, but you can't do three pull-ups and your immune system is so compromised because of how hard you push your body and you live on goo sticks and EPO. So to tell kids that you will be a superhero if you take the injection is just a blatant lie. Don't lie to your kids. Don't do any of that stuff. Insanity. Next thing I saw yesterday that was a little bit frustrating, more than frustrating, disappointing, is I saw that the director of the CDC, the woman, I can't remember her name off the top of my head,
Starting point is 00:05:13 a beautiful woman, black, dark black hair, probably in her 50s, just spoozed nonsense from that opening on her face that is often called a mouth um she said that the the the the injection is 91 effective for kids effective in the prevention of infection so i want someone you are rocking the whole kogan stash is that what that is um i i want to look up the word infection for you guys infection before i before we definition and i haven't looked it up yet myself um i want to tell you that i'm pretty sure that um the the um the effectiveness for infection from the injection is zero percent and everyone knows that already that there's actually no stopping of infection and yet she said yesterday that there's a 91 percent effectiveness in the stopping of infection it's weird it's like people can just use words now and it doesn't even matter
Starting point is 00:06:17 what they mean or what they're trying to communicate it's it's a weird one um the purpose of words is for communication whether it's to manipulate people lie to people but it's for communication the way i like to use them is for effective communication what does that mean effective for me to tell you something i guess their their definition of effective communication is to manipulate and get whatever they want so infection is the first definition is the invasion of bodily tissue by pathogenic microorganisms that proliferate resulting in tissues injury that can progress to disease i don't know what half those words mean but i'm going to go tell you that the injection does not does not stop you it is not 91 percent effective it's zero percent effective they've already said that it does not stop the infection from spreading that's not the purpose of it
Starting point is 00:07:15 uh the second definition of infection is the entry or placement as by injection of a microorganism or infectious agent into a cell or tissue the third definition is the an or placement as by injection of a microorganism or infectious agent into a cell or tissue the third definition is in the an instance of being infected yeah i don't know how she can say that the injection is 91 effective against infection when we when once you look up the word definition of the word infection we've all established who fauci her in the past that is actually zero percent effective against infection don't just sucks how much lying there is how much misleading just be honest just tell us exactly what it does
Starting point is 00:07:52 when when to to to be a cowboy i wonder what the definition of a cowboy is but but let's say you want that i don't think anyone um i don't think just because you dress like a cowboy you're a cowboy what do i mean by that i mean they wear those clothes for a certain reason those guys put on a hat in the morning for a certain reason i don't know what it is to keep the sun off of them they put on cowboy boots for a reason i'm not sure exactly what it is but um i'm pretty sure for some of them, it's so they don't get bit by snakes or rattlesnakes or that the things that are out there in the brush or in the wild don't hurt their feet.
Starting point is 00:08:31 They're thick. They're leather. They protect their feet. They wear those chaps. I don't know why, but there's a reason for those leather chaps. Those spurs they wear, I think they're to kick the horse and get the horse to move forward. Everything in their outfit, the gun that they have, the lasso, they all have a purpose. That purpose is not to convince people that they're a cowboy. That is not the purpose of those things. Incidentally, if they're wearing all of those things, we know that they have a certain job and we kind of surmise or put all of that under the heading of cowboy.
Starting point is 00:09:13 But you are not a cowboy. If you just put those things on, those are just a correlate, a signifier. Those are some of the properties or elements that let us know, okay, that person's a cowboy. Do you guys get what I'm saying? If you wear all of that shit and just lay down in bed, you're not a cowboy. Do you guys know where I'm going with this? It was like that when I was a hippie in college. There were those of us...
Starting point is 00:09:42 Oh, thank God. Thank God. Thank God. Thank God. Thank God. Thank you for saving me. Here we go. Raphael, good morning. Oh, no, no, no, no. Raphael, good morning.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Good morning. Good morning, brother. Hey. Hey, Siobhan. How you doing, man? Hey, I'm good. I can't tell if I'm mellow or if I'm just super aggro.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Nah, it does. I love it. I love it. You know, either way, man thank you for taking my call yeah sure thanks for calling did you you saved the show i sent you some oh yeah i hear you um did you did you get some pictures on your on your instagram that i sent you yesterday um those ones of your wife no bro it wasn't my wife. I'm not married. Oh, darn. I have you confused with someone else.
Starting point is 00:10:28 My bad. No, man. I sent you some pictures of the rogue invitational. Oh, yes. Yes. That was a great story. Thank you. That was sweet.
Starting point is 00:10:40 That was great, right? Yeah. You wanted to go ahead and tell the story. Tell the story. That's a great story. Well, it's not. I great, right? Yeah. You wanted to go ahead and tell the story. Tell the story. That's a great story. Well, it's not. I mean, it's not. It was because it was funny because the fan wanted Justin to go ahead and sign her towel.
Starting point is 00:10:52 And just, you know, Vellner. And I mean, I was right there. It was so funny. And he's like, well, we should all sign the towel. I was like, sure. So they used Jason's back and they all signed using, you know, Justin's back. And it was like three or four of them. Man, I was, I was dying and we're looking.
Starting point is 00:11:13 And then, uh, Vionna signed the last or something and he threw it back to the ladies. So everybody started chatting. What about Justin? What about Justin? And then he's like, I don't, I don't know what to do. It was hilarious, man. It was fun. I actually took screenshots of it on my phone. And for some reason I can't air it to my computer and show people. Yeah. That was a great story. I appreciated all the pictures. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Yeah. I just, I just figured that was something that, you know, fans back home didn't get to see. So I just thought that you find that you know pretty cool yeah that's a sweet story hey um you sound like a um a friend of mine um who lives in homa louisiana okay i live i i'll actually live in new orleans oh okay okay yeah one time when i was visiting we went to new orleans he needed to see like a surgeon because he was having some wrist issues. So it's close.
Starting point is 00:12:07 It's close to Louisiana. It's close to New Orleans, right? Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, definitely. About a 30, 40-minute ride. Cool. All right.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Well, thanks for calling. I appreciate it. Hey, so your name is Rafael? That's right. What are you? What ethnicity are you? I was born in Puerto Rico, and I've been living in New Orleans since I was five. So I'm 46 now, so you do the math. Do your parents have the same accent that you do?
Starting point is 00:12:38 Do they have that Louisiana accent? No. Again, I came here when I was very young so uh they still have the spanish accent um yeah so i i i developed more of the of the local type you know yeah yeah yeah yeah you don't sound like a rafael no man look i just want to let you know that i'm a i'm an avid crossfitter uh you know i've been doing it for eight years. I'm a coach also. I'm a local gym and, you know, I love your show. And, uh, you know, I love, I love everything you do, all the questions you ask.
Starting point is 00:13:13 And I think you're awesome, dude. Thank you. I'm just a guy who judges people by the sound of their voice and the, and their name. I just try to connect their name to their voice. All good, man. All good. I, I, I really i really appreciate you yeah thanks for sharing that story i really did enjoy that you guys he sent me like five pictures in a sequence it was like a comic strip of basically justin and pat velner um standing there and then someone throwing them something to sign and then they all sign it and then they throw it back and then they forget then
Starting point is 00:13:39 the person who was originally supposed to sign it which was uh justin madaris didn't sign it so and he had pictures and he basically described the whole scene. I really enjoyed that. I felt like I was there. Thank you. And I actually thought about putting it on the show, but as you can see, I can't figure out how to get the pictures on my computer right now. No, man, it's all good.
Starting point is 00:13:56 I saw that you went live, and I said, man, let me call this dude and see if he answers the phone. Yeah, thanks, man. Yeah, you saved the show. People are going to have to listen to me talk for the next hour. I hope a lot of people call in so they don't have to just hear me talk. Cool, bro.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Thank you, man. All right, have a good day. You too. Later. Ooh. You know when you're like talking to someone and you're kind of like listening to yourself
Starting point is 00:14:24 at the same time talking, you're like, who is this guy? I really just do not feel like myself this morning. Not in a bad way. It just, I'm just, uh,
Starting point is 00:14:33 just don't, don't feel like me. Uh, this is a hat. Um, that will obviously the hat that who sent this to me. It's for the God wads. Oh, look, another call for the God wads. Oh,
Starting point is 00:14:46 look another call for the God wads, that competition. Oh, Holy cow. There's a, there's a bunch of people calling now. Ease up, ease up guys.
Starting point is 00:14:56 One at a time, one at a time, one at a time. You can, everyone be cool. Shit. Hold on, hold on,
Starting point is 00:15:02 hold on. I don't got you on yet. Good morning. Good morning. You Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. I don't got you on yet. Good morning. Good morning. You're on. Okay. You're not on. Okay. You're on. Okay. You're not on. You're on. Oh, how's it going? I'm good. I'm good. I'm weird. Oh, I was, uh, I would always be here just this morning. Go ahead. Yeah. I was the, uh, the guy who kept an eye on Brian for you while he was at the CrossFit Games. Made sure he had friends.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Thank you. And you sent some photos? Yes. Yeah, now he's popular as shit and I can't even get him on the show. I've created a monster. I know. Created a monster. It's honestly, it's unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Yeah. He's grown up so fast. He's got rumors of him and Danielle Brandon. He's grown up so fast. He's got, he's got like the rumors of him and Danielle Brandon. He's got like hair. He's got like followers. I mean, he's just, he was bald before he met me. What would you do if he made his own podcast? Him and John should make their own podcast and cover this shit.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Like I was just explaining to those guys the other day, was like hey listen i would not if those if those guys weren't like i do it just because those guys can do it do you know what i mean like yeah um i'm trying to think of something around i'm thinking trying to think of something it's too early to be crass but i can't think of another example it's like my penis i wouldn't rub it if i didn't have it it's like if i did like if i didn't have those guys i i i wouldn't do those shows i would probably wait like every night and then just like try to get one athlete on and talk to them you know what i mean about what their mom and dad did to him as little kids that makes them push so hard and want to win the rogue games or rogue whatever that thing is called but because those guys are just obsessed with it i just enjoy i'm basically just a conductor who's jealous I can't play...
Starting point is 00:16:45 Yeah. I'm a conductor who's just jealous I can't play an instrument and those guys can play an instrument so I just like wave a stick around and pretend like I'm contributing. I think, though, there's enough of that in this space
Starting point is 00:16:56 where it's just people talking about, I don't know, how many reps you can do in a minute whereas your podcast, it's a little bit of both. You get the aha moments that you provide and then i don't know john and brian to keep you on path right i mean there has to be other people who are like holy shit danielle brandon's hot as fuck or oh my god can can
Starting point is 00:17:20 annie's body be any more amazing i think you lost me oh are you still there yeah i'm still here okay i'm driving there has to be the only thing that i contribute is just the superficial observations like oh my god the grass looks so nice or oh that hill looks steeper oh my god danielle brandon's body can't get any better god damn i wish i had his body like i'm not contributing yeah i'm not contributing um Yeah, I'm not contributing. I guess maybe when I talk, it gives them a break to reset and say some other shit. But anyone could do what I do. It's not like I'm thinking of anything profound.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Yeah, that's fair. I just get jacked up on coffee and go. I listened to, I just came from listening to the uh the news episode the most recent one with hobart uh i appreciated the the what is fitness rant i love it well remind me i'm that that one i scared myself and i'm blocking that show out you you were talking about um the app that was about to be released with all the content for the journal. Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. When I was the director of media, we were going to release the OTT so everyone could have the entire journal on their TV set. And now you can't even find the journal.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Yeah, it's nuts. It's absolutely bizarre. I actually, I've started reading a couple of articles more when I'm in classes that I don't want to pay attention to at school. I'll just start looking through the journal and there's a lot of good stuff in there. Oh, it's, it's incredible. It's incredible. It's incredible. Greg Glassman, the gift that Greg Glassman gave us is, uh, it's nuts. And it rallied some really, really great,
Starting point is 00:19:03 great people to also contribute. I mean, it ended up just becoming just such a, an amazing thing. And it rallied some really, really great, great people to also contribute. I mean, it ended up just becoming just such a, an amazing thing. Hey, I took some, are you watching or just listening? I'm just talking to you right now. I'm, I'm driving from Indiana to Minnesota. So I'm listening to stuff on podcasts all day. I got the hopper one. Cute up next. I took some creatine and arginine yesterday. So I'm seeing if I look a little bit more swole. I found it like some old ass creatine and arginine that i had
Starting point is 00:19:28 and i took it and i actually had a pretty crazy workout and then afterwards um my wife saw that i took that she's like that shit's like 10 years old i'm like i think it's so good i feel like i'm a ricky summer ricky stuff i feel a little more no Some of Ricky's stuff. I feel a little more. No, no, no, no, no, no. I don't want any prostate issues. Prostate issues. Yeah, so can't have any of that. Well, thanks for calling. What did you call for originally? Oh, what do you think if Brian and John started their own podcast?
Starting point is 00:19:57 I think they'd be great at it. And you wouldn't have to listen to my shit interject. You could just be like, okay. Like, they could do everything that we do, like, in 20 minutes. It would be something. i would enjoy it but i i think i think this is a staple i gotta i got one question before uh before i go okay hold on i'm putting my finger on the hang-up button i'm gonna pretend like we got disconnected if it's a bad question okay uh is the 500 podcast the goal kind of similar to the 10 000 hours rule like is it just you want to put the reps in um i don't really know i think it's
Starting point is 00:20:34 just because i want an out i'm not i'm not really sure but i think it's that i want an out in case like in case for some reason i'm not fulfilled by it or maybe i just need maybe i just need that so that i'm not um i'm pretty obsessive and so maybe i just need that to wake up every morning and do the show like so for instance this morning we had a huge guest on and they confirmed that they were coming on i mean huge in my mind it would be our fucking biggest guest ever and uh because in my big i mean i would be the most excited to have them on it's ian gary he's seven and oh he's cage warriors champion he fight he fights in the ufc on saturday um at madison square garden and um and he no showed but i have to do a show i don't want to
Starting point is 00:21:23 sit up here and just talk by my fucking self, but I have to do it because I'm on route to 500. Do you know like sometimes you drive when you're tired? Yeah. Why do you ask that question? Why do you think? Why do you ask the question? I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:37 It's interesting. Like I'm in a class right now. Basically, they talked about the 10,000 hour rule. And I was upset by it because the original study they did was a little like bulky. And they were already picking from talented people. They did it with violin players at like a school for violin players. And from there, the people that put 10,000 hours more were the ones that were the best. But there was a pretty big,
Starting point is 00:22:09 I don't know, the study was all off. So basically it's talking about, well, were those people already gifted and then they just worked more? So I don't know. I was just wondering. I'm really torn on the gifted thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Because part, like I read balance and I read range and part of me thinks that there is no such thing as talent but i have three boys and i'm around a lot of kids and i think some is and i see there's just a difference there's just like some kids are just really good at some shit and the way they move and talk and think. It's like it's – and like one of the biggest discrepancies between my kids is the amount of time they spend between their ears. One of my boys spends so much time in his head. And one of the twins, one of them is like spends a lot of time in his imagination and the other one is like out in the world just mashing shit. And it's such a different way to interact with the world to be in your head versus not in your head yeah i uh i play college lacrosse and coach lacrosse okay and they're
Starting point is 00:23:17 really i mean like i i think talent is like plays a huge part of it. But in the end, you have to have the hardworking part of it too. Because no matter how talented you are in high school, when you go to the next level, if you don't have work ethic, it's going to chew you up and spit you out. Right. How about, how about this on a really superficial level? My son Avi is so tight. I'm looser than he is i can do my i get closer to the splits than him i have a better overhead squat position than him my chest is more open than his and and yet my twins they can they can they're crazy limber splits back bends they
Starting point is 00:24:00 fucking do it all right i mean that's i i think that's i think that's um you choose any word you want let's just use talent or or yeah let's just use talent i mean that that makes them more talented by by a certain metric right and and that means they're born with that i mean i don't i don't know like i don't think have you i don't think obby could ride on the back of an elephant he's so tight like his legs wouldn't open up wide enough yeah i think i think that's just the physiology he uh he got i mean there is with that you get the shit end of the stick physiologically so maybe that was your genes there i don't know but no i think i'm more limber than my wife to be honest i'm more limber than my wife watch it hey what where does i wonder where that term comes from the shit end of the stick i think it's the
Starting point is 00:24:51 same uh same end as the scar of hobart's butt ah yes yes yes he got the shit end of the the cigar that's really a great story and i've told it a hundred times and I think I've ruined it every time. I just don't have the patience to tell that one. It's too long. It is a long one. Yeah. Please don't agree with me. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Yeah. 500. I think I'll make it to 500. I feel pretty good about it. I think you will too. Yeah. I'm excited. All right.
Starting point is 00:25:23 All right. Thanks, Hans. Thank you. too. Yeah. I'm excited. All right. All right. Thanks, Juan. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Where were we before? It was so rudely interrupted. Oh, shoot.
Starting point is 00:25:33 I invited my mom to come to the skate park with us this morning. She said she can't. She's waiting for a delivery. My mom is either doing three things at all times when she can't do something with me. My mom has four activities in her life. at all times when she can't do something with me she only has shit my mom has four activities in her life go to the gym uh have some sort of like doctor's appointment like acupuncture or some shit like that or she's waiting for a delivery at her house i don't know who the fuck waits for a delivery and the fourth is spend time with me those are the four my mom like rotates between
Starting point is 00:25:58 those four things jamal what's up brother uh morning Siobhan how are you good oh shoot another caller too sorry I'm talking to Jamal see how you rank man that makes me feel special dude you're in bed still you're calling me while you're lying down
Starting point is 00:26:19 I can hear it in your voice oh definitely please keep your hands above the covers while you're talking to me. That's going to be hard, but I will not make any promises. I had a question for you. Uh, what is the moment that sticks out the most from you doing the media for the
Starting point is 00:26:39 games? Uh, what immediately popped in my head is how nice everyone is to me even the people like now that i just like horrendously talk shit about i'm so frustrated with like like katrin like so so nice to me ben bergeron so nice to me uh rich froning so nice to me josh bridges so nice to me travis man like the how nice the athletes are to me oh okay and then the second thing is how tight the ship is run like you would not believe everything is perfect that thing is running to uh to a t to the second to the minute
Starting point is 00:27:20 like you see dave castro's military i don't know know, pedigree in that, how the volunteers move. It's nuts. It's nuts. that i don't know if it's still like that i don't want to i don't want to rip on monster energy drink but i don't know if it's still like that if you're going to get that arnold classic uh mr universe crowd in there those dudes are douches um it and they just are douches and um when i was there the crossfit games was kind of the place that like maybe like your 13 year old son or your 13 year old daughter could run around freely and maybe get like their first kiss under the bleachers with like some other family that brought their kid there and there was no risk of them like smoking weed for the first time there not that i'm opposed to that even though i am opposed to it but i don't want it to seem like i'm bagging on people to smoke weed but it was a wholesome family event that whole camping thing
Starting point is 00:28:22 man the games are great man the games are great if greg wanted it to be the woodstock of fitness he wasn't interested in it being a competition so how's that anything else hey did that yeah i mean just i think what it is also is like with your first answer with how nice the games athletes are. Well, I think it's just your honesty. When you find somebody who is just truly honest and speaks openly about their views or what they feel,
Starting point is 00:28:56 they know it's not a math. They don't, they know it's not a front of who you think you are. You know, you're very truthful in yourself and regardless if like you said if you talk shit about them or not they know that it isn't something that you would say through their face or behind their back right i also don't want to i don't want to alienate people either um like like just because i don't um let me phrase it i'm interested in what other people
Starting point is 00:29:28 think in their thoughts like like like the whole god thing like it's fat it's fascinating to me that people or anytime anyone believes anything that's um that's borderline not real like like like like like any ideas right bigfoot likefoot. Like, I'm fascinated. Like, how did that, how is there an idea in your head that's so strong that you'll believe it even though you can't see it? It's a trip. Holding on to reality is not easy. I mean, most people don't do it. And the last thing I want to ask is, do you think you'll ever go back to the CrossFit Games?
Starting point is 00:30:08 No, I don't. Right now, if you ask me, I don't think I'll ever even get on a plane again. I can't even see myself ever. The only way I can see myself going anywhere is if my kids wanted to do it. So if my kids are young now, but let's say in a couple of years, my son's like, Oh my God, the greatest skate park in the world is in Utah. I'll be like, Oh fuck. And I'll jump in my car and I'll put them in there and I'll drive them there. But other than that, I, I, um, or unless they, they, they come up, unless I know some of you are going to think this is absolutely batshit crazy, but a crazier shit has happened in the last two
Starting point is 00:30:45 years. If they start rounding us up, I'll leave. I would move too. If they start, I'm doing anything crazy like that. But it looks like the Nazis are, and I use that term affectionately, it looks like they're losing ground. It looks like it's starting to not be okay to judge people based on the color of their skin, whether they get the injection or not, or what they eat, or how tall they are. It looks like it's losing a little ground here. I hope I'm not getting overzealous. I don't want to take my guard down.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Yeah, I completely understand that. Can I read you something that someone sent me this morning? Go for it. Actually, no one sent it to me. I saw it on Instagram. I took a screenshot of it. I thought it was so cool. Where is it? Oh, shoot.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Where is it? Do you watch UFC, Jamal? From time to time, yeah. I don't follow it too heavily. Oh, darn it. Maybe I didn't. Like, so you don't pay for it. No. There was... I thought I took a screenshot of it,
Starting point is 00:31:59 but it was a post saying... Damn. It was a post saying – damn. It was a post saying that there's only – that you shouldn't see the world between – you shouldn't look at the world between race, gender, sexual preference. There's a whole list of shit. You should see the world between fools and not fools and the fools are the one who see the world based on race gender sexuality all that shit and i just thought oh yeah that's such a better way to like to think of it it was eloquent i screwed it all up it's okay i uh are you really in bed are you really in bed oh yeah i'm really in bed? Oh yeah, I'm definitely in bed. That's awesome. What kind of phone are you using?
Starting point is 00:32:47 Are you an Android guy? No, iPhone. Oh, good. I like you even more. The other day, I forgot which podcast you were doing, but... I'm trying to find reasons not to like you because you're in bed. I don't want to get too cozy with you if you're a dude
Starting point is 00:33:01 in bed, but iPhone, that's why I was hoping you were using an Android so I could like put a wedge of this light between us yes nope you do flannel sheets i hate flannel sheets do you have flannel sheets no what are you saying again do you have flannel sheets i hate flannel sheets no flannel sheets oh but uh i was i forgot which podcast it was but you had to uh imagine being born into the world and you have somebody that says everything in this world you can do except for say one word yeah yeah and i had had that actually had that conversation with one of my friends and he was like it really kind of like what you said he had that moment where for a split second he like woke up
Starting point is 00:33:47 and was like hey you know that isn't you know he was saying like nobody should be able to say that word but as I explained to him I was like it's just like people in Australia you know given the same thing that you said it's like people in Australia
Starting point is 00:34:03 who use the word cunt it's like over there it's perfectly normal and, but over here it's seen as a bad thing. Right. you know, it's no longer to be able to go back and not to say like, just use it freely all the time, but you know, I don't see how there would be a way for it to be like the word cunt in Australia, you know? Just, just to be clear, the guest was Lika Veli and he's a rapper from North Carolina.
Starting point is 00:34:45 And he released a song that said, let the white kids say nigga. And what was tripping me out and it came to me like in just like instantly right before he came on the air. And I was even a little I mean, to be honest, I was a lot of a lot of scared, a lot of scared to say it. The thought, though, but but does, the idea came to me. How, what if I was born on, I'm talking to in, in Lika Valley's black, right? So I'm talking to this black guy and I say to him, it reminds me, um, sorry, I'm going to digress here for a second. There's a guy named Kyle Maynard.
Starting point is 00:35:15 He has no arms and no legs. And he stood up in front of all these military guys at the, um, who had, who had been like hurt in the war, like lost limbs and shit right and he gets up there and he goes i feel sorry for all of you and it's like holy shit and he goes because i was born like this you motherfuckers like lost limbs i never even knew what it was like to have a limb i feel sorry for you you lost the limb so you lost them and it's a really powerful thing so so there's a black guy i'm, hey, can you imagine being born into onto a planet where there's a word that if someone else says it's supposed to trigger you to want to fight them or kill them? I mean, we should not do that to human beings. That in itself is oppressive that we're maintaining the validity of that word.
Starting point is 00:36:05 is oppressive that we're maintaining the the validity of that word now i also agree with you like you shouldn't just be saying it but kendrick lamar cannot invite a white woman onto the stage sing a song where the word niggas in it and then she says it and chastise her like all i listen to nwa niggas with attitudes on repeat 50 000 times i bought eight eight of their cassettes because they kept fucking like getting destroyed because I listened to them so much and it's like like I want words to have meaning but I also like they shouldn't have the power
Starting point is 00:36:34 over melanated people the way they do because in the end it's just enforcing the difference yeah I'm but you're the first person who's ever talked to me about it no one wants to talk about it everyone's scared of it and i kind of i don't blame them being scared about it no one wants to be canceled are you black oh yeah oh yeah you can talk about it that's what we need
Starting point is 00:36:55 too we need black people who are willing to let white people come out of i know this is crazy i'm gonna yell that for this the white people fucking – the oppression people are the ones that need fucking help. The black people need to make it okay. It's the same thing with the obese people. My wife told me to stop calling them fat because it's not helping. But the obese people need to talk about – they need to make it okay to talk about being obese and compromising their immune system. And that's what's really going on here and not the fact we need the injection, but the fact that we need healthier people. It doesn't help when fucking CrossFitters are saying it.
Starting point is 00:37:36 You gave me all the rile up. Sorry, so was your friend black that you said this to? Was your friend black that you said this to? Yeah, I said it to one of my black friends and one of my white friends at the same time they were both there like you made him feel all uncomfortable and shit oh no it's two separate times but of course the response is you know very different because just like what my wife like pretty much my best friend like we have gone through all kinds of stuff together and as we talked about it,
Starting point is 00:38:08 you know, I can see him being uncomfortable with it because it's made to be, it's not made to make somebody feel uncomfortable, but at the same time because of everything in the world,
Starting point is 00:38:30 nobody is, you know, if it was up to the world, nobody would be able to see, you know. Or how about everyone? What if you could make that? What if you had a wish in a genie lamp? What if you had the power to make that word just like not mean what it means? Not carry the psychological weight implications. Like it's like when I see someone's Turkish, I have this deep visceral reaction because of how I was raised, right?
Starting point is 00:38:54 I'm Armenian and we had the genocide and there's a guy who listens to the show named Mehmet and I love it because I just love the fact that I have to deal with that brainwashing that I had as a kid about Turkish people. I I have to deal with that brainwashing that I had as a kid about Turkish people. I want to have to deal with that. But what if you could erase that? I bet you a ton of black people wouldn't want to erase that because even our own pains we hold on to.
Starting point is 00:39:16 I mean people hold on to their pain more than their goodness. Do you know what I mean? Like it's become like who we are. We're attached to it. We don't want to let it go. I don't want to let go of the fact that I'm Armenian. I'm offended by the fact that what the Turkish people did to Armenians. It's who I am. Fuck me. That's no way to live your life. That's not fun.
Starting point is 00:39:38 I'm so much happier when I'm not like that. Yeah, I agree. You know, and that's like my daughter she is like how old is your daughter she is 14 months oh I think we've talked about this before congratulations that's awesome thank you but like my wife
Starting point is 00:39:57 she's white she's white and she's Argentinian and it's like with my daughter growing up she's going to she's Argentinian. And it's like, with my daughter growing up, she's going to have a diverse family, but you know, just like whenever she has the mark one day, well,
Starting point is 00:40:14 if they still keep this, but like, if they have the mark one day, Oh, are you white? Are you black? It's like, what is,
Starting point is 00:40:23 what is that going to do? Like, how does that play a part? Because with, I would say with my generation, I'm 25, you see a lot of kids with mixed nationalities and races. So it's like, what do they expect them to do in the future? It's like, do we all just have to go along and say like but I want to be at this time or you know if it's going to look
Starting point is 00:40:52 better on a certain application if I stay on this color depending on the place of work Jamal there's someone else calling and my phone says we're going to keep talking but my phone says Walmart like it's Walmart calling else calling and my phone says what no no you're we're gonna keep talking but my phone says walmart like they're like it's like it's walmart calling me anyway sorry to interrupt sorry go on go on
Starting point is 00:41:12 sorry i'm gonna interrupt her sorry oh yeah well all right but i'll finish this off because i know there's other people that want to call but you know i just do feel like race is just, it's gone to a place where I don't think it should have gone, in my opinion. I love everybody the same. I have friends that are every nationality. I have friends that are racist that are still friends with me because they know that I will speak the truth of whatever the situation is. Can you imagine they have to... Yeah, okay, go on. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Please call regularly. We have a lot to talk about. People need to hear us talk. We have my kids with that one day. Yes, yes. Where do you live? Where's home for you uh texas uh houston so you're still in bed at 9 42 what do you work the graveyard
Starting point is 00:42:13 uh yeah i work uh 10 p.m to 6 a.m oh now i'm starting to think like we have talked before and what's your job what's your vocation? I work with a guy that broke his neck. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We have talked. I'm so sorry, Jamal. I can't keep shit straight. We have talked. You talk to many people,
Starting point is 00:42:35 so I don't hold it against you. All right, well, thanks for calling. Keep me posted. I'm glad you shared that with some friends. It's an interesting idea to be trapped by words, right? Of course. It's not fun. No, I completely agree.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Have a good day. All right, brother. Talk to you later, boys. Thank you. All right. Sweet dreams. Seban, in your travels, have you gone to Turkey? I actually, so I, one time I was in Lebanon.
Starting point is 00:43:10 FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning. Which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning winning in an exciting live dealer studio exclusively on fan duel casino where winning is undefeated 19 plus and physically located in ontario gambling problem call 1-866-531-2600 or visit please play responsibly And my dad and I drove from Lebanon all the way through Syria to Turkey. And we actually visited the village that my entire family, the Matosians, were in when the Turks came to slit their throats and where my family escaped from.
Starting point is 00:44:03 And those Turkish people in that town were so freaking nice and i went and even i went to the house where my grandparents lived or my i think it was my grandfather specifically lived and um those people let me into the house and when i say it's a house that's a stretch it was basically it was like something like from lord of the rings it was just made of stone. And in the town, still all gathered around a well to get one, like community well to get water.
Starting point is 00:44:30 And, but the people were so nice that, and I, and I had a blast when I was in Turkey and I had a blast when I was in Syria and, um, some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. Hey,
Starting point is 00:44:39 what's up brother. How are you? What's up, man? I was hoping, I was hoping I was wrong. I was hoping I was going to go, what's up brother. And she's was hoping i was hoping i was wrong i was hoping i was gonna what's up brother and she's good the voice can be like hi savon this is alice no no no sorry you know sorry to ruin your day just some cock and balls wants to talk about fighting
Starting point is 00:44:59 just some cock and balls don't talk about fighting i don't even know your pick i want to know your picks Hold on I'm going to bring up The UFC schedule Now we're going to lose All the We're going to lose
Starting point is 00:45:12 All 38 Everyone's going to go now Yeah fuck them Hold on Oh shoot My computer uses DuckDuckGo That sucks
Starting point is 00:45:20 Because when you use Google And you type in UFC schedule It gives it to you Beautifully So let me go to Google We'll just talk about The main three then Gaethje Chandler sucks because when you use google and you type in ufc schedule it gives it to you beautifully so let me go to we'll just talk about the main three then gaethje chandler um rose and then uzman versus colby but how about how about ian how about ian gary that guy who's in the early
Starting point is 00:45:37 prelims do you know who that is he was supposed to be my guest today i don't know much about him but i saw when i saw his name on here, I wanted to start looking into him. I'm actually at work, so I haven't had a lot of chance to look into him, but I do want to check him out. He's the Cage Warriors champion, so he's the guy. Cage Warriors is, I guess, the preeminent fighting league in Europe. He's their welterweight champion, and he's 7-0. Anyway, and he was fighting, and I've been following him for, I don't know, six was fighting and I was so I've been following him for a few like I don't know six
Starting point is 00:46:05 months and I was so excited to have him on the show these UFC fighters man they're the UFC fighters and Daniel Brandon are the only people who've ever flaked on me yeah MMA fighters in general they they set a schedule and then it tends to fall through
Starting point is 00:46:21 my brother fights MMA so I kind of know how it works. We've actually spoke before. I actually talked to you this morning through Instagram. Oh, you did? I gave you that story about Colby. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's so funny you say that because I was just going to tell you that story like it was mine.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Damn it. I should have let you go through with it and then tell you. So I'm going to read what you sent me this morning to the group. For those of you guys who don't know who aren't fight fans, there's a huge fight this weekend. It's UFC 268. On the main card is Kamaru Usman. And it just sounds so cheesy to say this because it just feels like every week.
Starting point is 00:46:59 But he's arguably the greatest fighter in the UFC right now. And he's fighting Colby Covington, who is an amazing fighter, and he's quite brash, but he has a work ethic that seems second to none, so it's hard not to like him. And then on the undercard or below them, there's these two women fighting, and this one woman is so amazing. Her name is Rose Namajunas. Do you pronounce it? I don't know. so amazing. Her name is Rose Namajunas. Do you pronounce it? I don't know. I say Namajunas. Namajunas.
Starting point is 00:47:29 And she's so amazing. I think she does a response to whatever. Even if you're not a fight fan, you should see this. You should see the way she moves. There's been nothing like her, I don't think, in the UFC, man or woman. Maybe Max Holloway. I don't know. she's so good um and then and then i'm seeing here um tell me your name who are you talking about my name yeah my name is john john and then john
Starting point is 00:47:57 did you see this gaethje and chandler fight first yeah so they're doing that because of gaethje's coach he actually has um three fighters so he has gaethje then he has rose and then he has uzman and so trevor trevor whitman right trevor whitman right i'm just showing off so i think what the deal is he wants to walk out with gaethje then i think he's going to walk out with Rose. And I think what his plan is, is he's not going to walk out with Usman, but he will corner him. But I think that he's just going to stay out there. But I think to avoid staying out there for all three, so that he can go back and warm up with Rose, is I think what the plan is.
Starting point is 00:48:41 I'm not 100% sure. This guy, Trevor Whitman, correct me if i'm wrong john he only has three athletes okay he's like at the top of the food chain for coaches and all three of them are fighting in the main card it's well it's crazy because uzman went because uzman was already dominant i think uzman lost like his very first pro fight. I think he got choked out, I believe, in his very first fight. But then he just kept being a dominant wrestler, which being choked out as a wrestler,
Starting point is 00:49:12 some wrestlers do that. They wrestle themselves into a chokehold. But I think that when it comes to Usman, he was such a boring fighter. He had that persona of, he's going to push up against the cage, he's going to foot stomp you. He's going to drag you around.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Then he got with Trevor. And then all of a sudden you see him progressing into who he is and knocking out like someone like Jorge Macedo. Not just knocking him out. I mean, he put him unconscious. Like it was one of the nastiest knockouts I've ever seen. And he changed his whole style around. So I think that's his focus is to have less athletes,
Starting point is 00:49:52 but really focus in on them and you see what he's doing. I mean, his offensive strategy that he puts into play, if you just watch Gaethje Rose and Usman. It's ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. What is he putting into place? Can you articulate it? I don't honestly, I don't even know. I think he's just focusing on where you should be.
Starting point is 00:50:15 I want to say it's angles because if you watch when Usman fights, for example, he's always had power but he'd stand in front of people and so instead, he's teaching them more of the fundamentals of get your head and get your body off that line of being punched back. And so he's teaching them, okay, you know, I need to get to this angle. I need to get to this angle and land those shots.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Like if you watch the shot that he landed against Masvidal, you watch that angle he caught on. Same thing with Colby. You know, he got on colby's side and was able to hit him with the shot that colby says didn't break his jaw but we all know it did and he lands these shots you know same thing with rose rose found that angle to land that kick um the last fight and i personally think she knocks her out again this fight you know what i mean like that last fight for Rose?
Starting point is 00:51:07 Were you just like, oh, shit, this Chinese lady is so good, and then when she won, you were like, wow. Yeah, when Rose kicked her and knocked her out, I was just like, I've always loved Rose. That's who I wanted to win that fight, but I was like nah she's this girl's a tank that she's fighting and I just think that Rose is too far in over
Starting point is 00:51:29 her head and then she landed that kick and I was like okay she's got it she did Rose ever get a rematch with Andrade after Andrade dropped her on her head I don't think so I don't know I don't know either i want to see that again i want rose to mash her yeah i think i'll be honest with you watching it because i went back and watched that fight a couple of times that first fight and you see that rose was crushing her right rose was putting on a clinic dude it was so lopsided. Yeah, but then Andrade got the slam,
Starting point is 00:52:07 and when she's slamming her, you could tell that that was taking a toll on Rose. Knocked her out cold, right? Yeah, and I think if they fight again, I think Rose could actually put her out. I think that she could land a shot, or at least rock her to where she could get her down and possibly submit her, which would be hard to do.
Starting point is 00:52:27 But anyone, even a black belt, if they're rocked, can't really defend, you know, submissions being rocked. I wonder what Rose would look like standing next to Shevchenko. I wonder what she looks like. Hey, and Shevchenko is feeling froggy, man. Every press conference she does, she's fucking poking the beast with Nunes. She is poking Nunes. I think that they need to run that fight, and I think that either one of two things needs to happen. Amanda even needs to come down to her,
Starting point is 00:52:58 or they need to meet at a catchweight and just say, neither title's up for grabs, or we're just going to fight for goat status of women. Yeah. Because I know people want to say Ronda people want to say Cyborg but you can't say Cyborg when Amanda just dismantled her
Starting point is 00:53:13 it's Nunez even though I'm not a fan it's Nunez no one's holding two belts like that she's the greatest fighter who ever lived I mean on paper the fact that she holds two belts and sits on them is mind-boggling right I and it's hard to you know like with Shevchenko I personally going back and if you ask me when it comes to weight class and because again it goes to Amanda Nunez is bigger than
Starting point is 00:53:43 Shevchenko but if you take that that weight difference away and they're fighting at the same weight class, I think Shevchenko stylistically is better than Amanda Nunez. Yes, I agree. I agree. I agree. How about Shevchenko and Rose? Who's the better fighter between Shevchenko and Rose? Not who would win.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Who's the better fighter? I think Shevchenko. I think Shevchenko is all around the the best female fighter of all time yeah just overall rose is so special though man she is water hey this is i keep getting this call from walmart it's so funny okay go ahead walmart keep trying because i'm gonna answer eventually okay john go ahead um what were you gonna say when i said rose is water what were you gonna say what was your response gonna be she's so fluent yeah and in the way that she moved in and out and she's like i think the thing about her is she she claims to be she's almost like a
Starting point is 00:54:34 diaz brother where it's like she's very nervous when she's like talking and she's interviewing and stuff but i think that once she gets in there in the octagon she still has that calm demeanor about her and outside of the Andres fight she's never really put herself in a whole lot of trouble she just continues to get better and so again I don't think that she could beat a Shevchenko
Starting point is 00:54:58 I don't even think that she could beat Amanda Nunez at the same weight but she is very talented very very talented Amanda Nunez at their same, at like the same weight, but she is, she's very talented. Yeah. Very, very talented. Michael Lyon says just like us, we have a German exchange student, but we don't hate her because of the bad decisions of Hitler. Michael,
Starting point is 00:55:18 it's a little different. And I don't know your historical background, but like my, my, my immediate family, my family, that's alive. Like my, it was actually running for their life and like and so it's a little bit closer than that it's not like i have german friends and i don't think it's not like i'm like a hardcore jew and like i'm only here because my parents fucking escaped from auschwitz you know what i mean it's it's it's just a little different psychologically i'm not saying truthfully i'm just saying psychologically the implications. Has your dad's mentality changed? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What's funny is I was raised like that. And it's never like, hey, hate Turkish people.
Starting point is 00:56:05 It's not like that. It's not like it's just a constant, subtle reminder of the relationship between Turkish people, that word, and Armenian people, that word. And then a constant reminder that I'm Armenian. But yeah, my dad's like, I don't know if he's a founder or if he runs or he's a part of, but they would host these Turkish-Armenian dialogue sessions at my dad's house. By then I had already moved out of college and started smoking weed and partying and didn't give a fuck
Starting point is 00:56:28 but sorry John sorry I digress we start talking about fighting I just watch the live viewer account just plummet oh man horrible you fucked up the show sorry about that I'm gonna block you on instagram and on
Starting point is 00:56:46 future calls i understand it though you're like an ex-girlfriend walking up and talking to me when i'm with my wife fucking hate you yeah if i look like daniel brandon i'd take care and big breath and worked out then you'd have 600 in here but you know that's just the way it all works right yeah life so all right, last question. Chandler Gaethje, who you got? Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. It looks like I'm going to need to go to after this because you've ruined my show.
Starting point is 00:57:16 And I'm going to need to get a real job at Barbell Jobs. Okay, so Chandler Gaethje. Chandler. I got Chandler as well. That's definitely a crossfit buyer. Here's who's going to win, I think. Kamaru Usman, Rose, Marlon Vera, Shane Burgos, and Michael Chandler. That's not who I want to win, though.
Starting point is 00:57:38 Like, I want Colby Covington to win and Frankie Edgar. But they're not going to. Yeah, I want Chandler to win. Chandler's the one I want to win. I want Frankieby Covington to win and Frankie Edgar to win. But they're not going to. Yeah, I want Chandler to win. Chandler's the one I want to win. I want Frankie to win. I'd like to see Colby win. Chandler, I think, will win. But for some reason, I feel like that Chandler-Gacy fight,
Starting point is 00:58:00 everybody thinks it's going to be fight of the year and it's going to be this war I think it ends in the first round within a couple minutes I think that Gaethje is going to get himself in trouble trying to be who he is Chandler is going to catch him and put him out pretty quickly actually
Starting point is 00:58:18 I could be wrong but it's just how I see that fight going yeah and I like Gaethje too. Hey, this guy who's fighting a middleweight, why am I, and his name's Alex Pereira, who am I confusing him with? Because there's an Alex Pereira or Ferreira
Starting point is 00:58:38 or something that I really, really like, but that's not him. Who's this guy? Do you see him? He's on the prelim card at the very top let me go look let me go look and then al ayakinta is fighting bobby green in the prelim yeah um phil haas is fighting but how about um edmund shabazian is fighting dude that's gonna be crazy the that is a fight i mean the card is stacked as a whole. Two Armenians fighting on this card.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Al Iaquinta is such a weird one to me. Sorry, say that again? Because Al Iaquinta, he's a weird one to me because he's had so much potential to be great. But I think that he had this hype going then they needed a fill-in fight to fight Khabib. He went the distance with Khabib. Yeah, he Khabib he went the distance with Khabib but it's still like after that fight it was like he's just done for like it's like people it's like he he's not on any main cards he's just like kind of there like he's like a gatekeeper he's like
Starting point is 00:59:41 if you beat him then yeah you can move forward um yeah i'm not sure who it is you're talking about who you're confusing him with um alex alex perera alex ferrer he's the guy who like runs off of the fence the commentators daniel cormier is like a broken fucking record every time this guy fights he's always like oh he's wasting energy doing those backflips and doing those sidekicks yeah yeah shut up it seems like he's a video game oh, he's wasting energy doing those backflips and doing those sidekicks. Yeah, he's the one that – Shut up. It seems like he's a video game. Yeah, yeah. He's like a video – and he's amazing. And he's big and he's yoked and he's ripped.
Starting point is 01:00:11 Hey, are you going to have two TVs on? Are you going to have the Canelo fight on also? I will. Yeah, we'll have them. I don't really pay attention to the undercard, I guess you'd say, of any boxing matches because boxing doesn't have a fucking clue what they're doing with setting up fights. But they have one main fight and the rest of it is a bunch of,
Starting point is 01:00:34 you know, boxing you go, this guy's 30 and 0 and it's like, yeah, because he fought a bunch of fucking duds and like grandparents that he went to a nursing home and fought. And so it's like their 30 and 0 is fucking bogus but we'll put it on because that canelo plant fight will be it gotta be one to watch even though i think canelo handles him pretty easily i think canelo beats him up too but i really like caleb plant's backstory man do you know that about his daughter
Starting point is 01:01:00 yeah brutal yeah and he took the title that he won to her gray site yeah it's hard not to it's hard not to root for him yeah um but i still you know isn't it crazy you know there's actually a really something you talked about is like a word like earlier about a word could bother somebody yeah but isn't it crazy if you watch the press conference between canelo and plant um plant said to canelo he just called him like with me and you if i was to call you a motherfucker like you're not gonna punch me in the face for that you're gonna be like what'd you say that for but canelo took that word the wrong way because where he's from he just can hear mother and he thought that he was speaking about his mom so his first reaction was i'm going to shove him yeah yeah yeah that was a great show too that was a hard ass show
Starting point is 01:01:49 oh it was and then it was a great um bob and weave from when plant threw a hand at him then he put plant open i was like oh yeah yeah he hit plant three times with open palm strikes dude with open palms i hated that i hated the fact that he schooled, Caleb, like that, schooled him. God, I hate that when my guy gets tossed up.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Yeah, he has to go back to training, yo. Yeah. He has to go back to training and go, fuck, he's really fast. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:16 That sucks. Yeah. All right, well, I'll let you go, man, to Walmart or Kmart, or whoever the fuck wants to call you,
Starting point is 01:02:23 you can call in. All right, thanks for calling, John. All right, man, call in. Alright, thanks for calling, John. Alright, man. Take care. Okay, bye. I didn't even read the story that he sent me. I actually took a screenshot
Starting point is 01:02:33 of it, I think, and I was going to read it on the air. I know you guys are tired of hearing about the UFC. I'm just a nut about it. What did it say here? Let's see if I have a good screen. Oh, so here's the story that John sent me this morning. He said, crazy story about Colby Covington.
Starting point is 01:02:53 That's one of the fighters that's fighting this evening. When he first got signed to the UFC, he was a nice, humble guy, but he was a wrestler with a very small striking background. The UFC came to him and said, this next fight, you're going to get cut because we already have enough humble wrestlers. Well, this next fight was against Damian Maia, where he went and won and went out and called the Brazilian crowd filthy animals and all. Then the UFC decided to keep him because he then became the heel.
Starting point is 01:03:16 And I remember that. And it was nuts. And I don't think Colby Covington can ever go back to Brazil and fight. Basically, he was in San Paulo or or was it rio but anyway it was it was a sold-out arena and after he beat up one of their national heroes he basically told the brazilians that like hey you know most fighters will be like hey um thank you for having me and hosting me in this country and they say all this nice shit he said fuck this place he actually said it's a dump he said brazil's a dump and uh and the crowd started like throwing
Starting point is 01:03:45 shit at him and and just went crazy um yeah he's but but but um he he has if you're impressed by metabolic capacity this this guy has an engine like no other uh there was an artist i heard yesterday for the first time i had never heard before i don't know what kind of music I would even say it is. It's beautiful music. And his name is Jimmy Levy. If you guys want to hear some good music, I wonder if I can find them on YouTube real quick.
Starting point is 01:04:15 I wonder if I get in trouble, if I play his music, Jimmy Levy. And I actually, I actually asked him to be on the show. Let me see. So he has a song here. Yeah, it's J-I-M-M-Y, Levy.
Starting point is 01:04:34 And I think the big song, let's see, it's called This Is War. This is a war on religion. Okay. The opening line is, this is a war on religion. But anyway, you should check him out i wonder if i can screen share this his name is jimmy levy j-i-m-m-y l-e-v-y you should check him out on instagram and just listen to some of his songs his voice man he is angelic and then if you're into rap i also recommend you check out harry mack he basically is a freestyle rapper and
Starting point is 01:05:04 i would recommend checking out some of his YouTube videos. Some of the stuff he does is pretty remarkable. He basically just freestyles in large crowds and incorporates what he sees in front of him. There's a particular video where there's people in line. It looks like for a museum or a movie or a concert, and he walks down the line of people and is just spitting bars and just incorporating everything he sees. And it is,
Starting point is 01:05:30 uh, it's, it's, it's magical. I got to cross these things off as I talk about them. So I don't bring them up again. Jimmy Levy. Uh,
Starting point is 01:05:39 we talked about, uh, the Pfizer superheroes. They have a cartoon out. I'm telling kids that if they take the injection, they're superheroes. There's no such thing as superheroes. Anything you do on this planet while you're here to try to make yourself a superhero will also compromise you and make you weaker also.
Starting point is 01:05:55 Just be you. Just do. Just be you. Just do CrossFit. General physical preparedness. We talked about the effectiveness of preventing infection. There is no such thing. Just build your own immune system. There was a comment here. I had Emily Abbott on. Bring on Pavel. I'll skip his last name. Very interesting input on anti-glycotic training, AGT, game changer. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:27 on anti-glycotic training agt game changer okay um it's funny someone told me the other day to get them on and they're like i think you can get them and i was offended by that um uh i want to check show you guys this this comment let's see if i can find it your channel there's a comment someone made on the i i usually don't – I actually don't mind any comment. Say what you want. They're really just fodder for response and for more content for the show. But this comment – Sexual relationship. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:07:02 This has – I can't believe how many comments this has. Is Emily still crossfitting? A bunch of sex ones. What a shitty podcast. Oh, goodness. This is – oh, here it is. Here it is. The lady's name is Emily Gerkick.
Starting point is 01:07:24 And I don't mean to be uh yes i do uh in i'm being very judgmental but by looking at her picture you can see she has some personal issues um in in the same way that you know if someone has like nose rings or the big holes in their ears or just tattoos all over the place you know that they have some like pathology right something's going on with this chick but anyway she says oh goodness this is some goop conspiracy theory craziness the the if i were to sum up the premise of the podcast i had with um uh emily abb, it was that the biggest picture is that everyone should do self-work on themselves. Now, if you're just distracted by the fact that she was talking
Starting point is 01:08:14 specifically about the vagina, I get it. You're, you're just, you're just small minded. I don't mean that in a negative way. I do not mean that in a negative way. There's just small minded people and there's big minded people. And then there's people who can go between both, right? Small minded and big minded. They can do focus and scope, but you're just a small minded person. If that's all you saw, you can't, you can't, you can't see the bigger picture. It's like, you're the person who looks at the ground and only picks up the fruit on the ground and never looks up and sees the tree where it's coming from. Never acknowledges that it's sun and water that, that, that makes the whole thing go around. I get it. We need people like you who just look down at the ground and pick up fruit. I get it. But she says, oh, goodness, this is some goop conspiracy
Starting point is 01:08:53 theory craziness. Then on the bigger picture of it being about using your vagina to work on yourself, the bigger picture is just to use your awareness on your body instead of on the outside world. So instead of like looking at the outside world, let's say you're looking at a flower and you're like, wow, that's beautiful. It's just to put your awareness, like tactile awareness on you. That's all it was. It was, it was, it was a 90 minute discussion to, to cultivate self-awareness and watch what happens. The same thing that you would get smart – if you watched a bird fly back and forth in your backyard, you would learn something. You'd be like, oh, he's building a nest. Oh, he only uses these kind of twigs.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Oh, when he takes off, he always takes off facing towards the sun. Oh, he notices the cat but he's not afraid because the cat's 30 feet away oh and the cat comes within 10 feet away the the bird like you'll start putting together analysis and understanding of how things work this podcast was just about using your attention on yourself and she calls it conspiracy theory craziness and what you're seeing is a remarkable defensiveness to work on yourself, to be open-minded enough to tinker with yourself. And then when I look at her and I see the way she has her haircut and the way she presents herself, it is stereotypically a perfect – it's a museum-quality specimen of someone who would be offended and bothered by anything that they already didn't understand. It's just – it's a it's a it's a museum quality specimen of someone who would be offended and bothered by anything that they already didn't understand it's just it's remarkable i recommend you like go look at the picture and and this is how prejudice is formed now like everyone i see who has that haircut i'm like yeah i mean like there's a there's a consistent element there
Starting point is 01:10:38 so um yeah it's uh it's um hey i mean and you could and you could go here too. What a shitty podcast, and the guy's name is Mahmoud Al-Zard. Well, yeah, extremely prejudice here, extremely prejudice. I'm okay with it though. Your name is Mahmoud Al-Zard. Ninety percent of the people probably with the name Mahmoud cover their women. They're not even allowed to know they have a vagina. You cover their fucking heads. Of course you think this is
Starting point is 01:11:06 fucking bizarre. I mean, but, but when you have to write this stuff on YouTube, you should know that the rest of us know that it's you pushing back from opening your eyes. So someone's like, you walk around like this with your like binoculars on and someone's like, Hey, take the binoculars down and look to the left you'll see something amazing and they're they're so tempted but they don't want to put their binoculars down and instead they want to call you a fucking asshole and tell you that what's what's going on to the side doesn't exist it's like no actually it does exist and it's you guys just pushing back you can push back just be honest about it i'm not interested in self-work i-work. I like only looking down at the ground and picking fruit off the ground.
Starting point is 01:11:47 I mean it's the lying. It's the dishonesty in these posts that's so disappointing, not in what they say. It's like someone – a woman made a post on her Instagram, and it said – she posted this. I don't even know her. And she said – Savon asked – Savon is basically a creepy scumbag who asked Hayley Adams about waxing, and he's a misogynist, and i've watched him make at least five to ten athletes uncomfortable you went from me talking to someone about grooming to me being a misogynist that by the way i had to look that word up i mean i know i know what it means but i looked it up just to make sure it's someone who hates women how did you make that leap now? So I blasted her, by the way. I blasted her. I went to her Instagram. I should post the pictures so you can see them. But soon as you see the pictures of her, you will see who hates women. It's not me. see who hates women but my point being is if she would have said hey um you know i personally find it inappropriate for a 49 year old man to speak to a 21 year old woman about her grooming um uh unless he is um gay or he's a professional groomer um then it is okay but but that's just how i stand
Starting point is 01:13:20 i'd be like okay i get it i get it i feel you thanks for sharing your project but she didn't That's just how I stand. I'd be like, okay, I get it. I get it. I feel you. Thanks for sharing your project. But she didn't. She attacked me for something that she projected onto me that's hers.
Starting point is 01:13:34 So I'm not going to take that bullying. Those days are over. I will not be bullied. I will not be bullied. Here's the even thing. It's not that I care about being bullied. I'm going to take the opportunity to show you guys every time i'm bullied how to fight back if you call me a racist i know i'm not a racist and i will push back if you call me a short big nose bastard i know i'm a short big nose bastard and i will not push back and some of you were like hey sevan you're better than that why are
Starting point is 01:14:02 you attacking or take the moral high ground? You are so right. I am so much better than that. But sometimes when I see a trampoline, I can't help but go over there and do a backflip. And I'm going to use my platform that if someone bullies me like that, I'm going to show you how to fight back. I'm going to enjoy it. And I apologize if I hurt that lady's feelings. I really do. But I had to fuck her up.
Starting point is 01:14:28 And I mashed her. Not with name calling, by just pointing out truths. By pointing out the peace and love to everyone. Lexville, yes. I just pointed out the truth. I showed pictures of her. And I took some screenshots from her Instagram. I was like,
Starting point is 01:14:45 Hey, do you think it's me who hates women or do you think it's her who hates women? I will. And like I said, I said, I will not be bullied, but like I will be bullied.
Starting point is 01:14:56 I don't mind being bullied, but I'm going to take that opportunity in this current age and era of, of, of bullying and use it to show you like, Hey, this is, it's, it's okay.
Starting point is 01:15:02 You can stand up. I'm going to read you one more post and I'm taking my kids skateboarding. So someone sent this to me. Hey, seven. I'm a huge fan of yours. One of the reasons I'm a huge fan is that you speak your mind with no fear of what others might think.
Starting point is 01:15:16 That's not true. By the way, I do care what others think or being politically incorrect. I'm, and it's not that I'm trying to be politically incorrect. I just, I've never had a good I don't know what the reason is
Starting point is 01:15:31 but I'm a huge advocate for people being unapologetically themselves and I think that's you I hope you will take that as a compliment I'm curious if you know that you are pretty heavily censored on this app he's speaking of Instagram I didn't even know you had an Instagram. I listen to your podcast on Spotify all the time. I had to search your handle letter for letter to find your account,
Starting point is 01:15:52 and the app gave me a misinformation warning when I tried to follow your account. I'm fully aware of this. This has been going on for months and months and months and months. By the way, that's not the Sevan Rinsta that you see here that's banned. The account that I have written here, the Sevan Rinsta, is S-E-V-A-N-R-I-N-S-T-A. That's like, I guess, my backup account. I don't know what you would call that. But there's an at Sevan Matosian that has like 90 plus thousand followers that basically when I post stuff on it, no one sees it.
Starting point is 01:16:27 That's the one that's shadow banned. And if you try to follow me on that account, they'll send you a note saying this guy's a fucking liar or something like that. Anyway, okay, so I continue. Anyway, the point is I would love to know if this has been a battle you have dealt with for a while or if it's new to you. No, it's for a year. you have dealt with for a while or if it's new to you no it's it's for a year and that and because because i'm because i'm against because i'm against racism and anti-racism because i understand the mechanism of the brain and they both prop up hate and because i'm against homophobia and anti-homophobia because i recognize the mechanism of the brain that props up homophobia i'm just i'm against uh
Starting point is 01:17:03 against isn't even the right word i'm not for the proliferation of hate um and and instagram is instagram is 100 for the proliferation of hate you you you want to see the craziest post ever follow their ceo or president i forget what his title is his name is like most most most m-o-s-s-e-r-i it it's like hitler incarnate it's nuts i don't i don't i honestly don't think he knows what he's doing the the the separation and the horribleness he spews okay anyway the point is i would love to know if this has been a battle you have dealt with for a while or if it's new to you and how you plan to handle it considering your livelihood depends on people consuming your content this is what i wanted to address my livelihood you're so you're you're so
Starting point is 01:17:55 don't get me which is fine my livelihood depends on my ability to breathe. That's it. I know what you think you're trying to say, but there's, you, you couldn't be, you, um, there's so many things I could point at, but I was homeless for two years. I lived in a car for another five years. There's nothing like I, it doesn't matter if I, um, lose my Instagram account. There's no, I don't make any money from my Instagram account. I never have, um, I don't operate like that. You're, you're, you're, you're, you're the presuppositions are, I'm not like that at all. Zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero. There's no, there's no, that being said, please. I do think that if you do want a job and you do want to make money, you should go to These guys are my sponsor.
Starting point is 01:18:58 And all I'm going to do with the money is use it to hire someone to help me with social media and hopefully hire someone to help me with the show so i can push the show i don't need anything from this show i don't need anything from my social media i actually wished it and part of me wishes that i would get canceled from all this shit so i could go back to just spending all my time with my kids like this is there's you're you're there's nothing there nothing depends on anything except the fact that i can breathe and get some food for my kids i get up at fucking six in the morning so i can start the show at seven in the morning so that when my wife is done with the school with the kids i can play with them all day that's it that's all that matters this show costs me money i don't make money from this every hour i go because i do so many shows
Starting point is 01:19:41 i pay this crazy hosting fee this software stream, StreamYard, costs $500. There's no – no, you don't. I'm like dirt. I'm not like a regular person. I'm just a person. Okay, I would love to hear your thoughts on how – I'm trying not to, I could do a whole hour, but those of you who listened to the show know, know who like you figured out my game, what I'm playing, what I'm doing, how I'm. it and to talk and to post this shit is because I have kids. If I didn't, if I was like 25 years old, I'd be living in my car right now, just fucking cruising from college campus to college campus, collecting girlfriends and just raging and partying. I'd be working out and kissing girls,
Starting point is 01:20:33 but I'm not, I'm not in that. And I wouldn't care that the world's falling apart, but I'm not, I'm 49 years old and I have three little boys and I want them to grow up in a happy, safe world where they're super capable and where their peers are smart, open, kind people also. And that's not the direction of the world. So I've just chosen to spoke up and run this route. Stop these stupid things like diversity, equity, inclusivity, like stop, stop the hate. That's, I mean, that's all I'm doing. It's so simple. But I have nothing to lose except my – the only thing I care about is my kids and my wife. I would love to hear your thoughts on how people who have similar issues can deal with the problem without just being banned from every social media platform on the market.
Starting point is 01:21:19 Yeah, I don't know. And that's a fair question, man. and that's a fair question man because i don't know because i'm not afraid and because i've saved up a little bit of money and because i'm independently wealthy now to some extent i and i've learned to really really live frugally i i feel comfortable if i would like what would i do if i was a nurse and they were forcing me to get the injection and they wanted me to like hate white people and think they were the devil or i'm going to lose my job. Oh shit. And I had three kids. It's tough, man. I don't know. I'm not claiming to have that kind of integrity, but I'm, but I have an obligation from where I stand. I'm standing at the top of a cliff and I see the bad guys and I'm going to throw rocks at them. Not because I'm in any danger personally,
Starting point is 01:22:07 but because I just have that obligation because I just have a good spot on the cliff. And I know the rest of you guys, some of you guys are down there with them and you need someone to throw rocks at them. Sevan, would you ever homestead? Then you would totally be in control of the food for your kids. I don't know what that means, but like, I really, really, really want to get like 40 chickens. And my wife is like, no matter how many times I tell her that I will do all the work and take care of them, she knows that that is a fucking lie and I won't do shit. And so she won't let me get them. I know that contradicts all the stuff I chest pounding I do that I'm the man of the house, but I can't help it. I am the fucking man of the house my wife won't let me get chickens
Starting point is 01:22:48 here it is Walmart here it is here it is let's see oh my goodness you are at Walmart you're Walmart yes I'm trying to get a hold of Brenda oh Brenda hold on You're Walmart? Yes. I'm trying to get a hold of Brenda. Oh, Brenda.
Starting point is 01:23:09 Hold on. Hold on. I think she's on aisle six. Can you hold on one minute? Who's this? Who's this? She is in the store? She's definitely in the store.
Starting point is 01:23:20 Who is this? Who are we speaking to? This is the manager. Manager? Manager? What manager? You're calling from the Walmart store in New Orleans, and you're calling the Walmart store in New York City, correct?
Starting point is 01:23:38 That is. No, we're in Yuma, Arizona. We're in Yuma, Arizona. Oh, I apologize. Oh, how is Yuma? How is Yuma? I had Jorge Ventura on the show yesterday. Yuma sounds gnarly.
Starting point is 01:23:52 You might be thinking of a different name. We're talking about Arizona where it's hot, right? Yeah, we're talking about Arizona by the border. Yuma is not gnarly. If you got some like quads and, you know, can-ams and stuff like that, then yeah, Yuma's pretty solid. You go out to the dunes and all that stuff you live in the dream how come when you call me it says you're calling from walmart because we are calling from walmart who so you're the manager of a walmart yes yes all right so we're calling from the one the source phone all right we're the overnight coaches oh sweet yeah so we're the overnight coaches and that's what we're,
Starting point is 01:24:26 apparently we got some, some, someone, um, or applied to that store or to our store by the name of Brenda. So that's what we're trying to figure out. So that's what we're doing. But anyway, you look not that cool, man. I mean, I got a pool, so it's nice and sweet, but it's about 120 degrees all the time, bro. Wait a second. What's your, what's your what's your um role at walmart what do you do i'm a coach you're a coach at walmart what kind of coach at walmart i'm an overnight coach what kind of manager are you i'm not i was lying to you wait so um
Starting point is 01:24:58 and you so you coach people like how to like to stock the shelves and like how to behave or like what do you coach? Oh, shit. Seven, what do you think about the media making Aaron Rodgers out to be a bad guy because he chose not to get vaccinated? I don't know who Aaron Rodgers is. Is that the dude that that the NASCAR girls banging? What was her name? I would see her at the game sometimes. She's like really tiny.
Starting point is 01:25:24 She was she was she had the. She was a NASCAR. What the fuck is that girl's name? Danica Danica Danica Kirkpatrick Kilpatrick. All right. I don't know who that is, but I think I think I know him because she used to sleep with him or something. I don't know. I don't know. Let me see. Want to become famous? Buy followers and viewers on Can I become rich? Danica Patrick. Thank you, Eric.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Yeah. Someone tell me QB for the Green Bay Packers. I don't know. I would have to look up the story. I don't know. Maybe Hobart will do it. Oh, my goodness. You know what Hobart told me he told me we're not doing the news this
Starting point is 01:26:07 week because he's so overwhelmed with how much work he has and you know at first i was like hobart what's the real reason like do you just not want to do the show with me anymore and and uh he said um no no he really is busy and he told me all the shit he's busy with would you ever do podcasts with your life it's so funny my wife was just on a podcast. And I haven't – so recently I posted a picture of my wife on my Instagram, which I don't do a lot. And I don't really include my wife in my world that I share with you guys. And can I fill in? can I fill in? Would you do, would you do the, um, would you do the news, Brandon? Anyway, yes, I will have my wife. I need to have my wife. I told my wife yesterday after I,
Starting point is 01:26:57 and then she was on a podcast and I was listening to it and I was like, what an idiot I am. I need to have my wife on the podcast. So you guys can like, just one, you can see us interact and how she handles me. It's pretty, it's, it's pretty remarkable, I think. And two, it's like, it's like juggling balls that are on fire. And two, she, to hear her talk about our kids, about how she, how she decided, like she decided we were going to have kids. She basically decides all that stuff. And so it's, it's pretty cool. And I like how she decides, I like how she kids she basically decides all that stuff and so it's pretty cool and i like how she decides i'd like how she handles it and does all that it's it's it's
Starting point is 01:27:30 it's awesome uh espn is the worst espn whoever is running that ship over there they are the worst if if espn did to armenians the the i the way I identify with Armenians what they do to people with melanated skin they would be in danger I could not tolerate that do you know recently there was a guy I saw the story on Instagram someone kidnapped his daughter and this guy killed the kidnapper.
Starting point is 01:28:06 And this Instagram account was celebrating that. And the comments were interesting because it was like, hey, we shouldn't be celebrating killing people. And I saw both sides of it. But I will say this, regardless of where you fall on revenge or hurting people, if you do something to someone's daughter, you should expect the worst. if you do something to someone's daughter, you should expect the worst. Like if you did something to my kids and then you woke up in the middle of the night and you were tied down and I was pouring gasoline on you, you should expect that. I'm not condoning it. I'm just saying like there is nothing.
Starting point is 01:28:44 Pick the most gruesome, vile thing you could do to someone, and that's what you should expect if you hurt someone's kids. That's the only thing. Like once you have kids, you're just programmed at every level to protect them and to defend them and to make sure that whatever happens to them doesn't happen to them bad, happen to them again. And so that's the fight, right? Because they fall – on one hand, they fall down, and you want to run over and help them but you can't you have to but you shouldn't um that's why all these people who are like forcing injections on kids or these people who are telling um their kids that they're white supremacists like you were doing bad stuff to people's kids and eventually something very bad is going to happen like none
Starting point is 01:29:24 like i would never or like putting masks on kids. Like you would never, you could never, my threshold. So something happened to me yesterday. I'll tell you, I have to go. Anyway, yesterday I was crossing the street and I was with a big crowd of people. I was with probably, let's say a thousand people. And we were marching. It was a, it was a stop the mandate march.
Starting point is 01:29:43 A bunch of fucking weirdos. It sucks that there's so many weirdos on my side of the fence. But anyway, so we were marching and we weren't we were we were on the sidewalk. We weren't in the street. But when you're walking in a group that that big as you we were crossing a street and we all didn't make it across as the light. We all didn't make it across. We all didn't fit on the on the sidewalk. we all didn't make it across. We all didn't fit on the, on the sidewalk.
Starting point is 01:30:08 And so as my kids and I are coming across this lady in a Cadillac dope Cadillac brand new turned and got close to my kids. And when I mean close, I mean 10 feet in her car and it was an old lady and she goes, and I screamed at her. She had her window down. She, she, she was already, you could tell being hostile. Like she was bothered that she had to wait like eight seconds for us to push up onto the sidewalk to make the right-hand turn. And as she came within 10 or 15 feet of my kids as she made the turn, I yelled, and she slammed on her brakes. And someone who was with the group said, hey, this is a peaceful march. And I'm thinking in my head, there'll be nothing peaceful about it.
Starting point is 01:30:40 There's nothing ever, anything peaceful about it. Anything anyone does that comes that even makes me think that my kids are in danger. Nothing. If you cannot defend your kids, you are worthless. If you cannot stand up for your kids, you are worthless. You, you, you, you should be really, really, maybe that's the only thing you should think of before you have kids. When my sister had a stroke, she's okay now. And I don't remember, I've told this story before, if it was my mom or my dad. But I was with one of them. And we're sitting there in the hospital. And they said, oh, wow, it really is true.
Starting point is 01:31:25 And I said, what? And they go, I've been sitting here praying that, I don't know who they were praying to. Let's just say God. That God take my life to make sure that your sister lives. I was never sure if it was true as a parent. I didn't know if it was just rhetoric I said that I would give my life for my kid. But I'm willing to do it right now. And I'm like, holy shit.
Starting point is 01:31:49 And it's – I can't really explain it. It makes no sense. I'm not defending it to make sense. No one should want to give their life for anybody. But so – I don't know where I was going with that don't hurt kids ma'am do not hurt kids there's no there's no there's no qualification for it i'm not having the discussion i'm willing to have the discussion i'm i i would have racist friends i would have anti-semitic fans i would have friends who hate armenians i would have friends who
Starting point is 01:32:22 think it's okay to eat dogs. I would, like, whatever. Like, I'll have any kind. Like, I would have friends that do a lot of shit. And I'm willing to even discuss any of those things. You want to eat poop for a living? Like, fine. You could be my friend.
Starting point is 01:32:38 I'm willing to. I don't know if friend is the right word. But I'm willing to talk to you and be open with you and love you and hear your side. I am not willing to have the discussion about hurting kids under any circumstance. I'm closed-minded there. Zero. But, Stevon, everyone on the planet over 70 is going to die if we don't do this. I don't care if one kid has to get hurt. Let them die.
Starting point is 01:33:04 I don't care. Sorry. I don't care. I don't want to have the conversation. I'm not. But, Stevan, we saved but eight million people of the seven billion on the planet. We can save them if we just force the injection. If we just shut down the earth for two years. Well, how many kids are going to get molested by by locking kids down in their homes for two years? How many more molestations are going to happen? One? Nope. Sorry. Let those people die. No hurting kids.
Starting point is 01:33:34 Zero. That's where I stand. All right, guys. Love you. I didn't mean to leave on a dark note. Be good. Have fun. Life is dope. Enjoy your life today. Don't eat added sugar if you can help it. Don't eat refined carbohydrates. That's where everything starts and stems from. Good job, Scott. You da man, buddy. You da man. Be compassionate with yourself. Accept your flaws.
Starting point is 01:33:58 You don't even have to change them. You have to accept them and things will be great. Love you guys. Peace. Ian Gary, I can't believe you didn't come on the show. You dropped the ball, brother.

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