The Sevan Podcast - #2 - Josh Bridges

Episode Date: April 22, 2020

Death of field, facial hair, CrossFit Games, I'm not normal, Covid 19, Dave vs Dan in Boxing, Reyes vs Jones fight UFC The Sevan Podcast is sponsored by Follow us on Instag...ram Sevan's Stuff: Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. God damn it. That was a great line. Wasted.
Starting point is 00:00:33 I'll let you use it again. Okay. So I'm purposely coming really close to the camera. Look at my face. I like your face. I like what I see. Look at my glasses. Look at my glasses. Look at the pores on my nose. Now look at the look at my face i like your face i like what i see my glass look at my glasses look pores on my nose now look at the books do you see the books back here yeah yeah they're out of focus
Starting point is 00:00:53 yep okay now now if i come out of the picture and then oh yeah yeah look at and see how my kid back see my kid back there how he's out of focus yeah yeah that 50 millimeter is what's going to give you that okay gotcha at 1.8 it's going to give you so this this camera right here i'm shooting with is a 2.8 so it's pretty narrow but yours will be 1.8 it'll be even narrower ah okay okay so if you point that thing at yourself doing, let's say snatches and you record it 120 frames and put it slow-mo and you have stuff, you see how I have layers to my depth of field. I have the books here and I got my little greenhouse back there. See that, that thing back there with little plants growing in it. Yeah. But you can really tell what it is. And
Starting point is 00:01:38 then this is the back of a couch here. Yep. You'll just, the more layers you can have, the cooler your background will be. Okay, cool. So that's what that is. the more layers you can have the cooler your background will be okay cool so that's what that is and then so you can do video and like photo with that all that you could take insane photos with that cool i dig it any questions i dig your face man i like what you're growing i like what you're doing with that i look just like you that's why you like what you're growing. I like what you're doing with that. I look just like you. That's why you like it. You should clean this up, you know. This? Clean that up, yeah. And then it would look really good.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Just like, how often do you shave? Never. My facial hair grows in like this. I'm not even kidding. I haven't even trimmed. I have not even trimmed my beard or mustache in like four years. It just doesn't. It's like stopped
Starting point is 00:02:25 growing too wow crazy that's a gift from the gods that's what i said dave has one like that too yeah yeah he's like he's very yeah like not as hairy no not at all do you have armpit hair barely any why are you working out so hard are you going oh yeah that's hardly any yeah are you going to the um why are you working out so hard are you going oh yeah that's hardly any yeah are you going to the um why are you working out so hard like party man i know but like well shouldn't you be doing other stuff shouldn't you be just like chilling toning it down you're not trying to go to the games right and dave says that all you guys are too cowards to go to the uh master's division. Um, I think you should parlay your skills into another, into another sport.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Yeah. We'll see. You're getting old. It's not like the window is really big. Like you need to like, I got a big, I got a big window, bro. Trust me. I'm not your normal guy, man. Like you, you, people think that I'm not some normal guy. People have been telling me for years, I can't go to the games. I can't go to the games i can't go to the games okay hey josh you should do the master you can't go to the games okay well i still did it i did twice when i shouldn't have so i did it and both times the first time i got sick and the second time i had a fucking i have one knee and i still went so eat a dick josh each year that is becoming more – by the way, I didn't mean to hit a soft spot.
Starting point is 00:03:49 No, you didn't. Each year that's becoming more and more difficult. That statement is becoming more and more true. Wait, so are you telling me – scratch everything I just said. Are you telling me you're trying to go to the games? I haven't like fully like said I'm going to try and go. I mean, I just had surgery in November on my elbow. So, I'm like, I want to see how it feels.
Starting point is 00:04:13 But, like, I'm starting to snatch heavy again, and I can start to – not heavy, but more so than what I have been. And, like, I can run again, which feels good. So, I don't know. Maybe. We'll see. I might give it another go. Do you have a dream alive? Are your sponsors making you do that? good. I don't know. Maybe. We'll see. I might give it another go.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Are you having that dream alive? Are your sponsors making you do that? No, I just enjoy it. If I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't do it. How old are you? I'll be 37 this year. I think you should try to go to the Olympics in wrestling or something. It's a little more possible. Yeah, right. You have no idea what you're talking about what
Starting point is 00:04:47 do you mean i'm a sports journalist i'm an expert in all fields wrestling usa wrestling like our team is insane like to make our olympic wrestling team you have to be almost like a four-time national champion college like it's it's insane i would like i was a joke at wrestling like i uh i went to like an nai school and wrestled you know like i'm not like like spieler wrestled d1 double a i think or something like that like that's like the levels typically are just crazy did you beat spieler in um wrestling i if spieler was a d1 wrestler the only reason maybe i could hold my own against him is because i have weight on him but like those wrestlers are like i bet spieler was really good even though he can't throw a ball
Starting point is 00:05:34 even though he had even though he had a dry cough and he went to the doctor with the dry cough wrestlers are typically the most the really really good ones are the most unathletic uh people you'll ever meet my buddy was a stud a stud a four-time high school state finalist and he went to uh and he went to the same college i went to and he won nationals as a true freshman which is unheard of and uh like he couldn't even dribble a basketball it was embarrassing wow and what's up with the quarter extremity thing why did you have do you have good quarter extremity can you throw a ball yeah i played baseball my whole life i like i played i played yeah i i uh i played baseball
Starting point is 00:06:17 like from five to high school and then like in high school i was stupid because i had an older brother and i was like i wanted to be like my brother school I was stupid because I had an older brother and I was like I wanted to be like my brother so I quit baseball because he quit baseball like an idiot. What did he go do? Became a loser.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Oh. Aren't you afraid he's going to hear this? No. Is this a podcast? No. Why are you recording? No, I do see the recording
Starting point is 00:06:40 at the top. Oh shit, I'm recording. You can't use any of that bullshit. tell me someone who doesn't like you besides heber and marston probably lots of people um do you have any fear of getting this covid 19 thing no even a little bit i mean i don't to get sick. I don't ever want to get sick. So, but like, I'm not scared to get, I don't think that if I got it, it would be like a bad case, but I don't know. I don't want to get it. I don't want to ever get sick. I, I do like my,
Starting point is 00:07:19 I like my immune system is something I've tried to work on so hard in the past three years, because like in like 17 and 18, 16, 17, 16 and and 17 i was getting sick all the time all the time like i felt like i got sick every two months uh and so like i started doing like the wim hof breathing and the ice ice tub stuff and that kind of stuff to try to boost my immune system and so i don't know i don't know why you care about getting sick and i it's worked out to be a great excuse for you in the games. It's true. Hey, I never – do people even know about it? Most people don't even know about it. Most people just think I was a turd in 17-18, whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:55 No, everyone knows. Really? Yeah, because, you know, your diehard fans, you and Dan Bailey have the most pansy diehard fans. They'll make up just any excuses for you. Like, he got bit by an alligator in the lagoon he got me and dan huh oh my god oh you guys are the most overprotective i think that we should spar 100 you're gonna be 100 and there's your fans are gonna still think you have a chance to go to the games me and you we should spar we should put boxing gloves on and spar you got all
Starting point is 00:08:20 that fight you got all that dummy stuff in your like in your garage and so i think that you you know i know you're teaching your kid that you know jabs and stuff so i saw that so like you must have some sort of skill strictly it's strictly for image but i think that we'll do it i think it would be really i think i think your viewers would like it i think i think they would would um would you be allowed to punch in the face? Of course. No, we're not doing it. We'll put face masks.
Starting point is 00:08:48 We'll put the headgear on. We'll put headgear on. No, then. Not hard. Not hard. I won't, like, try to knock. I won't try to kill you. You know what the problem is?
Starting point is 00:08:55 You know, it's funny. I have no – I have never been taught how to strike, just so you know. I've never had any sort of striking training, zero. Okay, so check this out. i don't believe that first of all well you're i'm completely 100 honest you're telling me that you are a seal and you have no striking training no people think seals are like don't you punch dolphins in the water for like a quarter of your training no no you don't you don't you don't get hand like very much hand-to-hand like striking any sort of you get a very very small um you know it's called cqd and it's like uh it was very
Starting point is 00:09:34 minimal and it didn't most time you wouldn't even use it you just use brute force so basically your your primary skill is using night vision and sneaking up on people and they have no fucking idea you're there yeah like like yeah like he was always a seal he could kill me with his pinky no i have i'm a seal i could kill you with my gun like like what like anybody like any normal human being in the dark yeah right right um i want to ask you about wim hof but we were on such a good streak about other two of us fighting oh here we go this is why it's bad news for me to fight you one you're 11 years younger than me and it would be unfair because my reach is three inches longer than yours
Starting point is 00:10:16 really what how tall are you what's your ape index oh this thing yeah what's your ape index what is it dan bailey and john and dan bailey and and dave were gonna box and they and they still might they talk about it all the time have you heard this story i think i have and and you know as goofy as dan is and he is fucking a goofball i just think what he just has to get in the mindset that hey this is fran it doesn't matter how i throw punches i just need to fucking stalk yeah you have to just he'd have to like take some two minute fran on him yeah he would have to he would just have to eat some punches to get inside and then light him up yeah and then dave's over yeah and then so like once he got inside he'd be like tyson he got inside just like if he just unleashed those freaking arms
Starting point is 00:11:02 his uh and I think that, I think that that would be funny to watch. I'd watch it. You would. Yeah. It should be a pay-per-view event. Yeah, I'd pay for it. I watched, hey, guess what I watched?
Starting point is 00:11:15 What? Guess what? I rewatched, rewatched. Tiger King. Jones Reyes. Oh, you did? I did okay
Starting point is 00:11:26 and now I'm even more certain I'm right all the emotion out of it and you watched it with a critical eye all right but you really do think he still won yes I do I think I like now it's like I the only thing that Reyes did in the fourth and fifth round
Starting point is 00:11:44 is he got three punches on him and the very, very beginning of the fourth round. And he still was up struck like significant strike by like a lot in the third and fourth or the fourth and fifth round. And in the third round, you only outstruck Jones by like, I want to say six punches. And he will Jones walked him down the entire fight besides four flurries that Ray has through. Other than that, Jones is walking him down and he took him down twice and almost took him down
Starting point is 00:12:11 a third time. I know they didn't, he didn't hold him down, but it still showed he could control him if he wanted to. Oh no, I don't think so. I think those takedowns were suspect, but, but I don't want to get him. But they were full takedowns. Uh, yeah, but no other people he got up like that so what he still got taken down that's still points right is it still points um who cares oh you want to talk about points who cares and if you just outstruck him by six punches still no yeah you're right you're so he outstruck him i'll give you that but okay if you were in
Starting point is 00:12:44 you've been in fight you've been in real fights right i'm fighting with you right now I'll give you that. But, okay, if you were in – Four-three round. You've been in real fights, right? Yeah, I'm fighting with you right now. No, like a real fist fight. Like when you were a kid? Yeah. Yes. So at the end of a fight, no matter what happened, nine times out of ten,
Starting point is 00:13:00 whoever ended up on top is typically the winner, right? Yeah, that's true. Yes, that is true. I'm not saying – I'm not saying – I'm not saying – Playground rules, third-grade playground rules, when the guy's pulling my hair. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:15 No, I agree. Yeah, right. You're right. No, you're right. But fight's a fight. Who do you think won the first Tyson Fury Wilder fight? I didn't see it. The first one?
Starting point is 00:13:25 No, I didn't see it. Did you one? No, I didn't see it. Did you see the second one? Yes. Yeah, second one's pretty obvious. Yeah, you knocked him out. And he kicked the shit out of him for six rounds or whatever, seven rounds. Yeah, it was – yeah. Fury beat the shit out of him.
Starting point is 00:13:38 It was ridiculous. I'll give you this. If Reyes would have been declared the winner, I would not have said that Jones got robbed. I guess if that's any sort of consolation. But I don't think either of them got robbed. I think they both – it was such a close fight. But I think the takedowns and the last two rounds won Jones that fight.
Starting point is 00:14:04 But I think the takedowns and the last two rounds won Jones that fight. You're really setting the mood to kind of acquiesce and meet in the middle somewhere. Are you a Democrat? False. It's frustrating because Reyes, they're both undefeated. And so not only did someone take the loss, but Reyes took a ding on his record that he's going to have to carry with him the rest of his life from this fucking drug addict.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I mean, the world's greatest fighter. You can call him whatever you want. That doesn't make him a great fighter. I know. And the truth is he is the world's greatest fighter. By far. Oh, I don't know by far. Did you see his fights with Daniel Cormier?
Starting point is 00:14:52 Yes. You think he mobbed Daniel up? He knocked him out. I know. But that second, I think there was. You know what? Cormier was giving him a run, and then he got knocked out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:04 He was. It was actually a good fight. It was. I agree with that. But Cormier is one of the best, and then he got knocked out. Yeah. He was. It was actually a good fight. It was. I agree with that. But Cormier is one of the best that's ever done the thing either. And he started at, what, like 33 years old? DC is so impressive. But you just said by far, so I just wanted to say.
Starting point is 00:15:18 I don't think it's by far. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're right. That's an exaggeration. By far is a bit of an exaggeration. But I think that Jon Jones is arguably the greatest UFC fighterc fighter of all mma fighter of all time yeah i agree and some of his fights have been so spectacular the fact that he can punch you with any part of his body is kind of weird the fact that he won the title at 22 years old and he's and he's had so
Starting point is 00:15:39 many titles like what three quarters of his fights have been title shots? You know, I mean, it's absolutely insane. So what's the other sport you're going to do now that you've thrown in the towel with CrossFit? That's not true. No one said that. I have been hitting – actually, I would really like to take some sort of striking classes. I think that would be cool to do in, like, spar, like boxing spar. Are you in San Diego? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Why don't you hit Tony Blauer up? Do you know him? I was actually thinking about it. I was thinking about it. I mean, he's the fucking real, real, real, real deal. Yeah. No, I know. Actually, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:19 I should. I should hit him up on it. He'd probably be really good. I think he's scared to death of this COVID shit, too. You should go over there and unfuck him on that, too. Just show up. Like, lick his face. Explain to him he's too fit to die.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Hey, Wim Hof, so why are you doing that? I've been doing it for, like, two and a half years. And I don't really do the breathing technique but I did do it um I just to be honest I don't know why I started doing the cold stuff I just really liked it I enjoyed how I felt when I got out and and then I started doing the research on it and stuff like that and everything that it's not just Wim Hof that you can find the research but it's um there's a lot of actually longevity doctors whatever you want to call them doctors out there that talk about the the cold tub and the sauna stuff and so i've
Starting point is 00:17:11 been doing a lot of that shit for i mean just for my immune system because like you'll see i think that once your kids start are you you're gonna homeschool your kids are they gonna go to school they well they've been going to school but i think i'm done with that shit yeah it's eight hours a day and my kid got shit to do i think he can do what he does at school in an hour right with a tutor or something yeah he's got piano ballet wrestling jujitsu soccer how old you're how old's avi five so he's in kindergarten yeah he would be he'll be in kindergarten next well he goes to montessori school so it was like three to six years old yeah okay um no yeah I agree uh yeah but so I'm sorry yeah so so once I started going to school and I started coaching them in
Starting point is 00:17:56 sports and shit man like they're around all these other little kids and germs and dude I just started getting sick I felt like constantly and so um i just tried to figure out why why my immune system was so fucking weak and the cold tub has really helped i feel like i do i do it i don't do it i used there for a year and a half i did it every morning for i would go in for about three to four minutes and literally submerge my like neck deep in like 35 degree water um and uh i don't know they say it's supposed to be supposed to help with your immune system. Um, and so since I've been, since I've been doing it, I've gotten sick only like once or twice. So I guess for some reason, I don't ever care if I get sick,
Starting point is 00:18:39 but I guess I don't ever have to depend on my body more than just like, you know what I mean? I work out just for. Yeah, exactly. And I just hate being sick. I hate feeling like shit. I don't drink very often anymore because of it. You know, like I just don't like to feel like shit. So being sick is just another way to feel like shit to me. And so the Wim Hof stuff that you do is the ice bath stuff. I just do the cold tub.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Yeah, that's it. I don't do the breathing technique that he does. I was doing it, but I didn't feel like it was necessary. You do enough hard breathing. Yeah, I do that. A lot of stuff that I've read is the nasal breathing is so much better for you than the actual, the Wim Hof shit. Like you don't, you actually want your body to be more CO2 tolerant than, and what Wim Hof does, it's, it's like over oxygenate. So it's,
Starting point is 00:19:40 it's interesting. It's very interesting. There's like so many different sides or thoughts on it. And so I've been playing with the nasal breathing where I'm like where I feel like I'm getting actually more CO2 tolerant than oxygen tolerant. Do you know the longest you've ever held your breath for, Josh? Probably like close to two minutes, but nothing crazy. There's a documentary on the guy who's the best deep sea diver in the world have you seen that just with no tank no gear no skinny yoga guy i want to say he lives out in jamaica or yeah i i haven't seen i haven't seen the film documentary but i think i've heard that
Starting point is 00:20:19 guy talk his you should see that documentary you know what it's called i'm sure i can type it in i want to say it's called like deep blue or something okay he basically yeah okay um yeah but yeah like i that's like if you listen to those guys all those guys are opposite of wim hof too with their breathing so yeah it's interesting I think he said he could teach anyone maybe I'm misquoting this in 90 days to hold their breath for four minutes yeah I definitely listened to that guy talk on some podcast and I can't remember which podcast it was but exactly it was like it might have been Rogan but I don't think it was I don't know but yeah I know I think I know who you're talking about. There were, um, when I told Dave, I was going to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:21:10 I told him these three questions I was going to ask you and he's all dude, he's going to hate you if you ask those three questions. I'm like, I know. All right. What are you going to ask me? Oh, I'm not going to ask him. I'm not a real journalist. I i'm uh i'm political i need to make sure that you like me so you can be a regular on the show and i get my radio good the samson is uh too strong for me too dark yeah oh yeah just yeah i mean you know what's weird is they say dark coffee is not as strong as light coffee, right? Right. This coffee is fucking strong. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:21:48 That's interesting. I only have that coffee. I feel like it takes my breath away. I feel like if I drink too many cups, I'm like, I start like having trouble taking my breath. Yeah. Hmm. It's a good coffee. I mean, like we, it's all of the, all of our coffees are like very well sourced.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Like none of it's garbage. We like our margins are small because of it, but that's okay because I don't care. I want good product. And so it, you know, the better the coffee, the more caffeine you're going to have in there because when you go to like shit coffee, shit brand coffee, man, like you're getting bottom end of the barrel. You're getting, you're getting a lot of mold in your coffee actually mold yes mold mold and so like you're consuming starbucks has mold in it i'm not saying starbucks does but i'm sure that there are brands out there that you don't want to consume how do you know this are you just saying this to
Starting point is 00:22:45 pump your brand up no man this is this is like research on coffee right like you can you can like look this up i'm not just like making this shit up but uh no our stuff is all sourced really well it's really top in coffee and so you know it's just going to be a better product you're going to exactly you're going to feel better from it so but yeah if you're getting too fired up that's interesting though from the samson because that is our it's like an oily dark like it's really dark and so um i would try the try the lincoln the lincoln might be your your go-to does it matt sponsored by some coffee company huh matt frazier yeah um i i don't know i don't know if he's sponsored by black rifle or if he just like gives them shouts out shout outs or what or he has that
Starting point is 00:23:31 or he has that well i don't think it's black rifle is it you're talking about the are you talking about his espresso machine no i'm talking about the actual coffee he drinks i see him just all he i mean he's just he just drives the coffee thing home and it's kind of cool shit that he shows yeah i mean i know this person i know makes coffee like that is you just does like weird things to it yeah he's uh he's really into espressos and like espresso is a very light do you ever drink espresso uh rarely yeah like i mean you when you get into like really good espresso man it's it's insane like the flavor profiles you can get out of these out of these little one ounce cups of coffee um and those machines and like the machines that you have to buy to get it though
Starting point is 00:24:16 like are like five to seven grand and so uh it's really cool though and it's cool yeah yeah matt matt's like hardcore into the espressos and stuff so it's that stuff's fun it's just it's really cool, though. And it's cool, yeah. Yeah, Matt's, like, hardcore into espressos and stuff, so that stuff's fun. It's just a pricey habit. And I can tell by looking at your ceiling that you're not into pricey things. I love pricey things, man. My house is not one of them, but – Is that really steel? What is that up there?
Starting point is 00:24:44 Is that a facade or is that real steel steel talking about that steel plating that chrome plating that the what's that stuff called like tool oh that's uh no no that's that was diamond plate that was what i used to have on my wall for where i did handstand push-ups yeah what if there's an earthquake and that falls off and cuts off your arm or some shit you don't see how it's like locked in there, bro? It's like it's locked. It can't come down where it's at. That's why I have it there.
Starting point is 00:25:10 That looks really unsafe, especially if you have kids. From one father to another, that's very unsafe. Well, you're right. Maybe it is. I'm sure there's a lot of shit. Yeah, actually, that's probably pretty bad up there. Let's see. Let me judge you on something else something else tilt your camera over there way way that thing's coming down hard why not more personal stuff on your ig i put some personal stuff up there so little it's like um um it's like repost of the pay the man
Starting point is 00:25:44 thing by the way my mom said the other day she wants to get a pay the man shirt i'm like my mom she should and uh it is kind of the coolest shirt in crossfit you got really lucky with that um but my face why not more personal stuff it's always repost of other people and then occasionally like the other day you did your kids rollerblading but it's just fleeting we don't get to really see them we don't get to hear you talk to them but we could go a week without anything personal and then like your dog but we still don't know your dog's name or like reagan dude my dog's into reagan it's um why not i i seriously don't understand how you have so many followers with such um uh like like we don't get to see you do you watch
Starting point is 00:26:27 my youtube no you have youtube shut up dude no seriously i really do i'm gonna go there right now hold on hold on hold on you can you can see all the personal stuff you want there so that's what's happening okay so i haven't stalked you thoroughly enough. Yeah. I mean, it's more me talking, more me being personal, I guess, more me giving bits of advice on workouts and life and stuff. I've done a little bit with my kids in there, but not a ton. Oh, shit, you have a shitload of subscribers. Yeah, man, I like to party, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Wow. I got the best supporters out there. You really do. I know. When's your Nike contract up? I don't know. Why? Because I know this other shoe company that really wants to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Yeah, sure do. Are you still sponsored by Nike? yeah why do you say is a sensitive subject i can see your all your facial structure kind of get tight like you're getting guarded you're getting guarded no man i'm good um because i just get the impression that if you know if you're not going to the games anymore and you're 37 and you haven't pivoted to something that's like, I don't know, that requires wearing tennis shoes, I just don't understand. What's their interest in you?
Starting point is 00:27:57 I don't know. That's not even one of the hard questions. I don't know. I don't know what it is what's hwpo stand for i never heard of it sounds like a weird acronym hotel hotel whiskey papa oscar no yes isn't that what uh um i always see the nike athletes tagging all their shit with that don't you do that what you're such a clown dude no tell me i'm serious i'm being serious i'm not even joking what is hotel whiskey papa oscar well it's nice talking to you josh you too man good facial hair okay we discussed what a 50
Starting point is 00:28:39 millimeter lens is for i expect i did i expect to see some use of it i'm gonna try to get some good pics of my kids for you because you want it personal you know yeah and you know what I think you know what I did get though let me flip my scout can I flip it yeah look at that dude you see that yeah that's a big ass garage oh I don't practice any striking oh what the fuck is going on here what's up dude why are you misleading me why don't we spar bro wow i just got this stuff i literally just got that i got that double in the bag three days ago and i've had that punching bag But I never hung it up
Starting point is 00:29:25 And I just started doing it Two or three days ago You are a CrossFit athlete And if you step out of your comfort zone You could get injured I'm okay with that Alright Okay so tell me
Starting point is 00:29:42 So The games this year 2020? what do you think's happening you know you and you're in the know not me man yeah i already know but i can't talk about it but what do you know well then why are you asking me because i want to know what you know i don't know because when i know everything i don't worry about what other people know but now i'm curious what you know like what do you know what do you think's happening with the games are the games happening or not happening i know what were they posted on instagram and that's it how would i know anything else which is just david the ranch
Starting point is 00:30:11 trying to bolster his instagram account by taking calls there i guess whatever you say brother who has more followers right now, you or him? I have no idea. So you're not going to – let's say the sanctionals start back up before the games. Let's say they're sanctionals. Will you go out there and try to qualify for the games? Have you qualified yet? No, I didn't do that. I couldn't do the Open because I was – I think on week one of the Opens
Starting point is 00:30:42 was the weekend prior to me going into surgery for my elbow um and then uh so no i have not qualified and i haven't done any sanctionals i was gonna do the west coast classic so if you can if you oh yeah that would be good for you is that reagan it's reagan man that would be that would be good for you. Is that Reagan? It's Reagan, man. That would be some home cooking for you. She protects me. Hey, my dog could kick your dog's ass.
Starting point is 00:31:15 She's trained, dude. She's a trained killer. I'm just telling you. I don't think so. Come here, girl. Right after you beat me up, I'm letting my dog out on you. I got a fight. Hey, I got a fight for you, Reagan. The West Coast Classic would be amazing for you because it would be all the home cooking that's your home your home yeah it's like yeah it'd be like
Starting point is 00:31:32 yeah it's del mar so you're not going to the games when you're 37 and you're not shutting the door for when you're 38 that's really sweet it's cute and your other and your other old friends um i don't allow other people's uh other people's limitations for themselves dictate my limitations that's amazing you know what i mean and that's why you've achieved so much. So let's talk. So Dan and Rich never tell you, Dan and Rich never tell you, hey, dude. Come here, dudes.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Like, just chill. They never tell you that? Like, it's okay. Your older CrossFit buddies don't help you. You want to say hi to Jackson? Hi. Hi, Jackson. How are you?
Starting point is 00:32:25 Good. When's the last time you saw Erica? Say don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Look at him. He's got the same hair. Hippies. Hippies together. How old are they?
Starting point is 00:32:39 Nine and seven. About to be ten and eight. Are you stoked right now? Yeah. Yeah. They just got, like, put that double in the back for them. seven about to be ten and eight are you stoked right now yeah they're yeah they're they just got like put that double in the back for them all this stuff is for them i just get i just get to enjoy it you want to see josh's son you saw them already hey can i call you back or just is this like a podcast for real or what is this this? You're just testing, right? Testing.
Starting point is 00:33:10 But I will for surely cut out all that fucked up shit you said about them.

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