The Sevan Podcast - #201 The News - Kate Gordon & Matt Souza

Episode Date: November 10, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
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Starting point is 00:01:02 Who's doing that? Bam, we're live. Who's doing that interview? I don't know i'm not sure i sent i sent the link to james still and to uh and to brian you know what brian told me today i'm probably not supposed to say this i said hey you're gonna come on the news show today hobart's not gonna be there he goes nah. He goes, nah, but I am intrigued by but I am intrigued by Kate intrigued, intrigued. I am intrigued by Kate. You know what it is? Brian's a hardcore coach. He's like a coaching nut and you're kind of a
Starting point is 00:01:40 coaching nut too. And so the thing, the six minute video you did on menses really got him like he like he wants i think he wants to pick your brain on that yeah he's like what do you know about training with menses yes or and i'm like i don't know i guess just there's blood coming out of your pussy while that's happening like i don't know it's just weird to me that you'd be leaking during just the whole women thing is the baby factory man i i'm having this lady on the podcast kate her name's courtney hunt she's coming on in like a couple weeks do you know who that is courtney hunt no i don't i've just started like getting into her a little bit but basically her whole thing is is that basically women have this power of summoning souls to the earth oh i'm like okay i got that and that they're the only ones who can do that. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:02:30 okay, I got, I could see that. But like, but, but she's a, she's a doctor. She's an OG BYN. I think that's like the, the crotch doctor, the woman crotch doctor. And, uh, you know, she delivered babies for years and years and years thousands of babies and uh and she's got super into quantum physics by the way i i don't not know what that word quantum means i don't even feel comfortable using it it's like gender to me and um but anyway she's gonna be on the show it's gonna be cool that's hectic that's cool yeah she's either really really really smart and get in bringing a great gift to the universe or she's a cult leader. I haven't figured it out, but either way I, I dig her.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Is she on Instagram? How did you find her? Yeah. She has a book, something, the spark of life or something. And she actually reads it on YouTube. How did you find out about her? I don't know. You know what's funny is I just text. She's drilled so deep into some stuff that I figured I must have heard about her from Ronnie Teasdale. Because he drills. That man is not afraid to go anywhere. He will drill. And I text him today. I'm like, did you tell me about Courtney Hunt?
Starting point is 00:03:42 He's like, no. It's someone in my DMs. One of the wackadoodles that follows me interesting it's gonna be a good show i know that got mike bergener on tuesday oh cool that'll be fun and uh no we don't have anyone tomorrow we're the ufc guy uh not follow through surprise surprise the fuck is wrong with these people who's doing the news today did we decide I'm doing the news oh bitch I am this week's James Hobart you're not quite as pretty but also not quite as smart, but also CrossFit. I was about to say, what are you talking about, not quite as pretty? And then I looked closely at you and I was like, yeah, you're a nine and a half.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Hobart is a ten. Hobart's baseline. He's baseline material. That's all right, Kate. At least people know who you are. Yeah. Hey, have you figured out your name your name wasn't in caps before is it no i can't because it's a zero oh so it'll look like it's
Starting point is 00:04:53 a capital l but really it's a zero i just had to just knock out i had to knock out kanye for a second what's going on here it's a little early in the show to be calling what's that it's a little early in the show to be calling calling we're supposed to say some shit that's supposed to stimulate you and then you call now when you call before we've said anything stimulating it's like you're just an attention whore well i'm i'm heading back from day two of l1 welcome to the show i'm so sorry i should i would have greeted you with a red carpet instead of that hostility. Tell us, my friend. Yeah, that was rough, man. End of day two, driving home, calling you right away before my wife. Dude, you are the man. I'm going to send you a sandwich or something. I can't believe it. This show is the great... Nicole Carroll, are you listening? This show is
Starting point is 00:05:46 the greatest promotion for the level one that's ever existed. That level one. Probably the primary reason I did it. Well, thank you. You hyped it up. How much has your mind been blown? Don't make me block your number.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Sorry, what did you say, Kate? I'm asking him, how much has your mind been blown? Uh, it was good. Okay. Here's my point. If you've been following CrossFit and you want to research a lot and, and follow through with that, you can learn most of what the L1 teaches online. Oh, for sure. For sure. For sure. And so now I'm kind of like, well, I'm at a thousand bucks. So
Starting point is 00:06:29 I don't know if what I learned was worth a thousand bucks. That's where I'm kind of stagnant at, I guess. Well, when Greg Glassman used to do the L1s, he would start it with, hey, it's weird that you guys spend a thousand bucks to do this because a 12 year old who knows how to use the internet can learn everything that they need, everything that we're going to teach here and more. The thing for me was I needed to hear it from someone. And those seven, those five or six or at the time I was doing it, there were like 30. There were like five trainers and like 30 support staff. They shared with me the culture that kind of brought me to the level of humility and arrogance
Starting point is 00:07:08 simultaneously. I knew I needed to be humble enough to embark on the journey. And I knew if I do it, that I could have swagger unlike anyone else, because I would become in the top, you know, 1% of fittest people and healthiest people on the planet. So I needed that. But I get that from you. You know who else told me that kind of? Miko Salo, took his l1 you're no miko salo are you i know who he is yeah but are you like miko salo not even close oh well shit but now don't get me wrong it was great the coaches were great and yes it was humbling too and revealing i guess is the word so that was great but uh if you're a penny pincher i don't know i get that i get that i would have never known when they cheer for people when when and there's a thousand things like this but when they when
Starting point is 00:07:59 you're there and you for the first time at least back in the day we saw the group gather around and cheer for someone not the way the fake back in the day, saw the group gather around and cheer for someone, not the way the fake-ass games athletes do it for whatever reason, but in that class, it's like the real deal, man. It's like, holy shit. It's fun being on the cheering side, and it's fun getting cheered. Yeah. If you go to a good box, though, that same kind of community is there.
Starting point is 00:08:25 But I know that not everyone gets that privilege. And they learn that from – but those guys learn that from the L1. That's what I'm saying. That culture that's in every box, they learn at the L1. Yeah, because I know there's people in my box that after a workout, they start cleaning up and walking away. And, you know, that's kind of a pep peeve for me instead of doing that cheering because they don't understand. Caller, I forgot your name, so of a pep peeve for me. Instead of doing that cheering because they don't understand.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Caller, I forgot your name. So you'll have to, uh, excuse me for that. But, um, were you going to that? Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian. Thank you, Matt here, Brian. Pleasure. Hey, were you going to the L1 to, uh, to become a coach? Were you going just to learn more just out of curiosity?
Starting point is 00:09:04 Uh, I went to learn more probably for myself. I was, I guess, coaching under the table a little bit. Please tell us the name of your affiliate so I can report them right away. Please tell me the name of your affiliate. I'm going to report them right away. No, I was just curious because there's a different mindset with the two of them them one of the things that i think you'll get from actually going to the l1 that's an intangible that really makes it you know worth the squeeze so to speak is the fact that you're learning the group management skills and you're getting watched like the pros like move them
Starting point is 00:09:36 around seeing and correcting movement watching how they manipulate the group watching how they control the group what they're looking for and i, of course you could get all the book smart stuff from online, but in terms of actually seeing, correcting and management, that's where, you know, that's where you really get your bang for the buck. If you want to go for that point, cause they would have, you know, five different things to say about each, you know, uh, each point. If one didn't work, boom, move on to the next thing. And eventually something will click for
Starting point is 00:10:05 the person you know that'll that'll change that movement who are your train who are sorry go ahead sorry go ahead i was gonna say even if you zoom out one step further than that and watch the way the trainers amongst themselves l1 staff are contract conducting and controlling the whole entire group the breakouts the timing the scheduling how they're communicating with each other in that flow as well as something that is really cool to see. You know what's interesting, caller? What was your name again? John. John. John. I told Matt that you're not Brian. I know. I just want you to know, John, that now that you have your L1, you can go to and start looking around for a job, but for a high-paying job in the fitness industry.
Starting point is 00:10:50 You stole my closing line. Sorry, sorry. Pretend like I didn't say it. Pretend like I didn't say it. All right, guys. Well, thanks. I got to go head to now that I got my L1. You're a good dude.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Hey, who are your trainers? Who are your L1 trainers? Matt, Gary, Rick, and Pete, I believe. Oh, dude, I see the problem right there. I see the problem right there. Holy shit, I don't want to sound like a frat boy, but you got all cock and balls. There was, yeah, yeah, 40 guys sorry sorry hey that's because the di council at cross sorry i'm not gonna do with kate on here sorry well i'm sorry about that sorry about that i'm gonna respect the
Starting point is 00:11:36 fact that you are employed by the by the great crossfit uh anchor lc whatever they're called uh well congratulations on your L one. All right. Hey, thanks guys. Have a good show. Later brother. This guy,
Starting point is 00:11:51 if you guys don't follow this guy on Instagram, I don't know what it is, but I just love this guy. One, uh, pretty sure this guy's a cop and he's doing, um, Murph every single day for a year.
Starting point is 00:12:01 And he's got a nice body to look at. And he has kids. And he's, did I say, I think he's a cop cop but look at this is see that this is i mean i was a knucklehead but the 35 minute squat therapy is worth the 1k for the majority of the world i also want to tell you something this something like this when i went to my l1 i had zero confidence in anything i could do except for maybe like, maybe like, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:25 there's always something in the gym that's kind of like your shit that you peacock about. So let's say like, let's say you're good at cleans as you load the bar. You can't wait. Like they think you're going to stop at one 45. Then you put on two 45. Then you put on three 45.
Starting point is 00:12:39 That's how it must be like for like rich froning. Right. For me, the only thing I was fucking good at was like stretching. So there, I would be stretching. There'd be like some old guys be like wow you're very flexible like oh thanks i mean i had no no tricks at the gym that ever made me feel special or like i was fit i went to my l1 and their shit that they tell you their shit that they teach you in the gpp general physical preparedness that you will be good at you could be a fucking egg dumpling like me and go to your l1 and there's something in those movements somewhere that you'll be like damn i actually am pretty good at something
Starting point is 00:13:16 and uh and that's what crossfit introduced me to some things that i was like holy shit i'm i i've i've promised there i think the problem with saying like, oh, look, you could save a thousand bucks and do it online is would you really do it online? And would you do it to the same degree? Would you understand it? Would you really like even be able to implement it? Because reading it and listening to somebody present it and listening to like watching it being demonstrated is a completely different thing. And as much as I being the person I am would be like, Oh, I'll just do this on my own. I'll just do it in my own time. Like I can find all the videos and I can go and read the level one manual. It's like, there's no way I'm actually going to do that. And so like for me, then the pursuit of
Starting point is 00:13:59 like accomplishing things and actually being better as a human being, as a coach, as an athlete, it's like, I'm going to fucking sign up to those courses. I don't care how much they cost because it allows me to kind of stick with it and actually pursue it and fulfill the thing that I want to set out to do. Without being too over the top here, it is the operating manual for the human genome. I don't know what that word means, means genome it is the operating manual for the human body and what do i mean by that i mean it's it's the most concise two days of how to operate your body what to eat how to move all of those things in two days that will in turn make you a better person everywhere from the most um gross mundane, superficial things. By gross, I don't mean like
Starting point is 00:14:46 icky. I mean like knock on wood hard, like just tangible things to spiritual things. One of the things that I use CrossFit for more than ever in the last two years is to work on my breathing. I use it as part of my spiritual growth to work on my breathing. It is an hour of working on my breathing every single day. I've added that. And I wouldn't, if I didn't have the movements and the variety movements and the things I've learned and the people that I hang out with, all that started and perpetuated from me taking this L1, I wouldn't have any of that. It is a huge mistake. And guys, you know, I want to mash that fucking company on one hand, but I But it's like, dude, it's like my enemy owns, it's like my enemy's Jesus.
Starting point is 00:15:28 I mean, it's like, it sucks. That thing is incredible. Okay, enough of that shit. 20 minutes of plugging, 15 minutes of plugging that shit. I'm really enjoying the comments at the moment because they're telling people, or people are telling us what we look like. Mostly because, Matt, you 100% look like Steve-O and Ben Stiller had a baby.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Oh, shit. Steve-O and who had a baby? And Ben Stiller. That's awesome. I see it. Matt, do you got Jew in you? I got no. No.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Hey, I like this one is kate low-key low-key hot asking for a friend go just go i'm not low-key i'm 9.5 god 9.5 guys james is a 10 i look bad because i'm next to him most of the time stock the shit out of her instagram um i i'm gonna i want to play something for you i hope this doesn't like make the video get pulled down or anything um do you know what podcast this is do you know what podcast this is right here i don't know i don't know you want to do that yeah head head headliner world um and and kanye was on there and someone sent this to me and i want to play this to you the the most important part isn't the stuff he's saying about Black History Month.
Starting point is 00:16:46 You have to go really big picture. This is kind of long. It's like 50. Is it 55 seconds, which is long, you know, long for a lot of people. But but it's in the middle there. He says something along the line that we don't need to be reminded who you were or who you are. You need to focus on what you can be. So look at the big picture here. Look at the big. I want you guys to hear this real quick. Yay says cancel Black History Month. Why? I need Black Future Month.
Starting point is 00:17:14 I need Black Possibility Month. I'm tired of seeing us getting hosed down. I'm tired of talk about slavery and how we should only be so lucky to vote for a woman we ain't seen since the election. Jesus, I can't go there. Y'all thought I wasn't going to get killed by the end of this interview. I'm doing everything I can, bro. No, we can't. No more black kids. This is here to remind you of who they want us to be and not who we really are, bro.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Bam, you heard it. I'm going to play it for you one more time. One more time. Here it comes. And this is Kanye showing that he understands how the mechanism of the mind works. There is no Kanye. This right here explains to you how you people are being manipulated, who believe in anti-racism, who are conflating reality with your thoughts. Now, just listen one more time. He's going to say it again. It's a life changer for anyone who can actually see this. Here we go. No, we can't. No more black kids.
Starting point is 00:18:18 This is here to remind you of who they want us to be and not who we really are, bro. The over, and you know when i say they who there's over lapping they let's call it we talk about they don't want you to eat up the sandwich yeah yeah because they don't love you they will put up with you but they do not love us in that way and they are afraid of what is inevitable I don't know any of that other stuff. The two things you need to take away there is the love piece. You have to hear that love piece. And the fact that you need to see who you want to be in the future. And this is why it's so hard for people to grasp.
Starting point is 00:19:03 You don't have to forget about slavery. You don't have to forget about the grasp. You don't have to forget about slavery. You don't have to forget about the Jews. You don't have to forget any of that. But you can't teach it as the victim mindset. You can't teach negativity. You can't do critical race theory. You can't say stuff bad about white people or black people and think it's going to elevate one or the other. This is just basics.
Starting point is 00:19:25 I know most of you get this. But when I heard Kanye doing it, it's like, why isn't The Rock doing this? Why isn't Oprah doing this? Why does it have to be – do they not know? Why isn't LeBron doing this? Do they not know? Do they not know how the magic of the universe works? I just shouldn't say magic.
Starting point is 00:19:41 It's just basic. But I understand you have to wake up. But I understand you have to wake up. I do understand you have to wake up. It is frustrating also to hear people who I know who aren't awake who are talking about how they've taken the red pill. It's like, motherfucker, you ain't taking shit. You're still spreading hate. Just watched the Julie Foucher podcast 118 with Glaston from two years ago. Seve, you need to go back and rewatch it and do a whole show just about what he talked about.
Starting point is 00:20:05 I talk to Greg every day. I got to get him on the show. Got to get him on the show. Jan 1. Jan 1, I think. He keeps telling me Jan 1, but we'll see. 2022, is this freedom year? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Trickling that last bit of coin. Sony released a new headset that I got today that i can't wait to try it basically sits on around your neck like this have you guys seen those it's not bone conduction but it's just these speakers but no but people besides you can't hear them have you seen this thing no no what they called uh the sony sn7 i'm a headphone nut i have a whole drawer here full of headphones so it's like it like sits on your collar of your shirt yeah yeah can you run with it like does it stay still or no but you but but machines but machines and then you don't have that shit plugged in your ear so you can pay attention so it's it would be good for on the assault bike or for really i think a lot of
Starting point is 00:21:08 people are just going to watch it um doing uh sit in front of their tv watching movies it's supposed to give you that full immersion i have some sunglasses that have speakers built into the sides of them oh yeah those are old school are those oakley's i think that no i think they're sony as well so oh fuck maybe i don't know i can't remember yeah that's them i'm so excited i wonder if they're going to take over the thing i wonder like i'm only going to have those i'm just going to always wear those every morning now just put throw those on no one else no one else can hear, hear the music.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Like how, I don't know how it works supposedly, unless they're right next to you or you have it really loud. They can't hear it. Kate, thanks for finding the news. I forgot. That's what tonight's show is for.
Starting point is 00:21:56 We'll get to it now. Or three. We're almost 21 minutes in. Can I, can I give you like a little rundown of the news that i found please i've got a bit of an echo can you guys hear that no we can't thank god that would fucking fire up my ocd okay let me give you a little taster um article number one savann you sent this to us the u.s federal appeals court freezes b Biden's vaccine rule for companies. Wait a second. You can't say that I sent that in.
Starting point is 00:22:26 It's supposed to be like I fucked up the whole fucking show already. Damn it. Hobart. Hobart. Please, Hobart. It just means that Colin knows the truth. I promise I'll be nice to you. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Let's go. Okay, then we start talking about financial education and school. And then we're going to talk about the Travis Scott music festival, which was pretty fucking hectic. Then we've got a pretty good chunk on Elon Musk, who has been just talking all the things about Tesla on Twitter. And then we're talking about Coca-Cola and body armor. And then Hobart has got a very special contribution this week while he is
Starting point is 00:23:02 away, where he has provided us with an article titled marathon woman poops pants. Wow. Wow. Did she win the marathon? No. Well, I'm going to have to tell you when we get there.
Starting point is 00:23:15 All right. Cause I mean, if you, if you, what is this over here? Josh just sent me a, your mom joke. how dare he in the middle of the show uh if you poop your pants and you're the winner you could do what you want like my son the other day was playing a tennis tournament and he peed his pants and he lost like as he's peeing his
Starting point is 00:23:38 pants he froze on the court he had to go to the bathroom so bad he peed his pants by the way that's why i will not win Father of the Year in 2021. One, because I let that happen to him. And two, because I'm telling you guys. You know, that's going to stay with him the rest of his life. Yeah, he's going to hold that against you forever. Not at all. Okay, hey, hey, hey.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Okay, let's do this. Let's rock and roll. Okay, first article then a u.s federal appeals court issued a stay saturday freezing the biden administration's efforts to require workers at u.s companies with at least 100 employees be vaccinated against covid19 or be tested weekly citing grave statutory and constitutional issues with the rule. The ruling from the United States Court for Appeals for the Fifth Circuit comes after numerous Republican-led states filed legal challenges against the new rule,
Starting point is 00:24:35 which is set to take effect on January 4th. In a statement, solicitor of labor Seema Nanda said the Labor Department was confident— Wait, what's the person's name? What's the person's name? Seema Nanda. Ah, okay. Just checking. Closeanda ah okay just checking close it's close is it what is it how do you say it i can't see it oh i was just thinking i thought i heard you say semen ah if you take the if you take the first if you take the their first name and then the last first letter of their last name it is semen it is yeah yeah all right that's not even a real name. That's like a Bart Simpson name. Can you please page semenanda? Semenanda. OK, sorry. Yeah. The solicitor of labor, semenanda. He came under the DEI, the diversity.
Starting point is 00:25:19 We need a sema. We need a sema on the onEMA on OSHA for diversity. Okay, go. Great, great diversity and inclusion. That person was confident in its legal authority to issue the rule, which was enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA. and Health Act explicitly gives OSHA the authority to act quickly in an emergency where the agency finds that workers are subjected to a grave danger and a new standard is necessary to protect them. She said, we are fully prepared to defend this standard in court. Stay comes two days after the Biden administration unveiled the rule, which was immediately met with vows of legal action from Republican governors and others who argued it overstepped the administration's legal authority. The rule applies to 84.2 million workers. Yes, you can say something. That was it. That was the end.
Starting point is 00:26:18 82 million workers. So those 84.2 million workers are people in the United States of the 330 million people. Those are the ones who work for companies with 100 employees or more. That's fascinating stat. The whole time I'm thinking, how how is it that we're raised to that our medical records are private only for ourselves and that and that no one could ever force medicine on you? Like it's like pretty much everyone knows that from the age of three, since you can talk, you learn that shit in the United States. And yet here we are and this is happening. And you explain it in there by saying if the United States government can or OSHA, whoever that is, if they sense grave danger, they can take emergency precautions that I guess include forcing the nation to get an injection. Which is funny because someone's going to say, well, they're not forcing you.
Starting point is 00:27:05 So on that would be holding down. Well, the only reason why they're not holding you down is because they don't have the manpower to do it. So what's the next best way you can do it, not feed the people. And how are they doing that by telling them that they can't work? So it brings me to the definition. Can you pull that back up? And this is going to tie back to why Greg Glassman is so brilliant and why so many of you who don't do CrossFit still don't understand. I mean, you understand the important part and it doesn't matter if you understand this, but this is what the haters don't understand that Greg did. I'm going to show you. They define, did you see the word grave? They define something about the nation being in grave danger.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Do you remember where that is? That is not science, people. That right there is idiocy. It's Seaman Nanda saying that. It's complete idiocy. And there's nothing like – and that's why Greg defined fitness, so that there wouldn't be idiocy like that. And that's what our constitution was for, was to protect idiocy like that. Grave danger to whom?
Starting point is 00:28:12 Who's defining grave? Anyway, it's fascinating. I'm glad it's been held up. It's a shame that they're doing this. It's a shame that they just couldn't have been really super honest. Hey, guys, we want you to go outside today and we want you to count a hundred obese people. And when you see those hundred obese people recognize that one of them is going to die, or maybe one to five of them is going to die. If they get SARS-CoV-2.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Now I want you to count, um, 3000 people who aren't obese and recognize that one of them is going to die. If you want to be taken out of that die pool, you can do that by 33% if you get the Pfizer vaccine. Just tell us so we can just, you know what I mean? Just go out and make the assessment for ourself. Done. Does that make sense to you guys, what I just said? It is really funny. I think when they talk about people in hospital, right? They talk about the hospitalizations and who's vaccinated and who's unvaccinated. And it's like, well, hang on, get to the underlying issue here. When we're talking about hospitalizations and who's vaccinated and who's unvaccinated. And it's like, well, hang on, get to the underlying issue here. When we're talking about hospitalizations and deaths, we surely should be looking at who's got a comorbidity and who doesn't. Because then the
Starting point is 00:29:12 numbers are completely going to like totally fucking different, right? Like all the unvaccinated people in hospital, do they have a comorbidity? Because that would be the number that I would be intrigued to know. And did you see Italy did that? I saw an article. Oh, yeah. Their numbers have dropped massively, their death count. Yeah. I saw an article that Italy took everyone off the COVID death count who had one to five comorbidities. I don't know why they didn't go one to infinity. And the death count dropped from like 133,000 to 3,500. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:40 It's like. It's massive. Like it's huge. Even like how they report deaths in Australia, they've changed it. They no longer say died from COVID. They say died with COVID. And then they have actually just recently had, we had our top deaths in Melbourne, which is 25 people. And they would not tell us who was vaccinated, who was unvaccinated. Oh, really? Yeah. They just, oh, because of medical privacy. Refusing to report it.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Oh, really? Yeah. They just, Oh, cause of medical privacy. Refusing to report it. I can't believe this is the real world. I really cannot. I can't believe that there's not what I can. What's even crazier is okay. If the, if the, if people in the government were doing this, but just everyone around me is still not is I went to Pete's coffee or somewhere today, Starbucks or something this morning, and everyone in there was masked and terrified. I'm like, what is going on? I wonder what they think of me.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Hey, I don't know. What do the people think about the unmasked people? What do you say? Do you think there do you think there are fear with it as far as having the mask on? Do you think that comes from actually getting coronavirus? Or do you think that comes from being the one without the mask and the stigma that comes around, specifically in health? It's theater. It's theater, right? It's just showing that you're obliging and that you're compliant and that you're friends with everyone.
Starting point is 00:30:58 You mean like how I put a sock in my pants every morning? It's almost like virtue signaling. Yeah. It's the sock in the pants. You don't want to make other people uncomfortable like you were saying they're going to store and you know the person you're not making anyone uncomfortable you're spreading fear by wearing that but i think it's more selfish than that i don't think it's about like i don't want to i don't i'm worried about
Starting point is 00:31:19 other people it's i'm worried how other people will perceive me if I don't wear a mask and I don't want to look like that guy. Hey, Corey, you can eat a dick. No one hates me. So sorry. Sorry. Go ahead. Sorry. Sorry. Hey, there's been a really crazy thing. So in Melbourne, we just had the mandate for the masks being worn outside removed. So you still have to wear them inside, but no longer outside. And it's really funny seeing people smiling at each other for the first time in like fucking two years. And I swear to God, the masks make people miserable
Starting point is 00:31:51 because you cannot see facial expressions. And when you're passing people outside or inside or on the street, it's just like blank stares because you can't, you can't make eye contact with anyone. So whenever I'm not wearing a mask and other people are wearing the mask, I'm like, man, why the fuck are they staring at me like that like what is their problem and they're just looking at me but i can't see their face so i'm just like they're they've got a problem with me and i know it but it's it's just being blocked from the like nose down you just like yeah anything right yeah i just project all my insecurities on you when i can't see your face that's why they're so happy when there's no fucking facial expressions that's why they're so happy when there's no fucking facial expressions.
Starting point is 00:32:26 That's why they're so happy in the UK with, with masks on. Cause they don't have to stare at each other's teeth. What were you going to say, Matt? I was just going to say, could you imagine, imagine the backlash with everybody smiling at each other and having a good
Starting point is 00:32:37 time and making sure that they felt a connection with one another rather than separating their face and living in fear and staying six feet apart and having no connectivity whatsoever. By the way, I deliberately smile at everybody. Like if I'm not wearing my mask, I'm deliberately like the friendliest person on the planet because I'm like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:32:57 we can be friends, man. Like I'm down. Absolutely. Hey, I don't believe in monogamy. We can be friends. CFK.
Starting point is 00:33:14 I don't know if I should keep going down this avenue. I don't know. You're saying that they were – okay, fine. You're saying they lifted masks in Australia. They lifted masks here a long time ago and everyone still – or Melbourne. But here they lifted them too and everyone's still wearing them yeah so i just saw a group of like a school group of school kids walking down the street when i was going to grab coffee all the little kids like they would have been like under 15 wearing masks i'm like why we don't even need to anymore it's not even a mandate do you ever braid do you ever braid your hair yeah Yeah, it's hard. I don't do it often.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Oh, maybe. Yeah. Well, I've been wearing. It would be interesting if you showed up one show with like braids. Yeah. And a headband, like a hippie headband. Is there anything else you'd like me to wear, Savannah? No, it's just some fetish shit I got going.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Just saying. Just some braids. If you want to go tie-dye, tie-dye. Mr. British Columbia, how are you? What's happening, guys? Sexist incorrect. I was sexist incorrect. I didn't know you.
Starting point is 00:34:13 I didn't know you were a man. I just assumed. No woman in her right mind listens to this show. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, man, you guys should see what's going on on here now with the kids, the conditioning of the parents. So our case counts have been dropping dramatically from well over 1,000 down to 300 or so. This is in BC in my province.
Starting point is 00:34:39 These are people with skid marks in their underwear? Yeah. From 1,000 to 300? No, so these are just people who are infected. These aren't even daily deaths. These are just people who got a little sick. These are just straight up, yeah, just straight up infections. Just cases, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Yeah. And now, like, I have three kids. And all of which I've asked, like, hey, are you guys getting COVID cases in school? Because like the mainstream media out here is making it seem like every COVID case is kids between five to 11. And now they're starting to push this, the new, like there's a new shot coming out for kids here in BC shortly, probably before Christmas.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Dude, what are you going to do? What are you going to do? It's not happening i already i already have my kids enrolled in well they're not they're not in homeschooling but they have the ability to be in it if if the time comes because i just can't get behind it man it's unbelievable so so your school basically that's kind of like how my kids school is too they because of the whatever the fuck's going on we're getting credits for them being in school but they don't have to actually go or do any of
Starting point is 00:35:48 it we just do we have i mean we have curriculum at home but um but we don't have to do any of the games oh that's cool that's cool no no no my kids are still in full like they're in full-time school they go to school every day um but i have them, if need be, I have them enrolled. Like we have a homeschooling program you have to basically be enrolled in in order to do it. Yeah. So sorry, let me be clear real quick. Mine is also a homeschooling program, but you're supposed to go two days a week and you're supposed to do Zoom and you're supposed to do all that shit. But my kids just don't.
Starting point is 00:36:20 But sorry, go ahead. Okay. Okay. So I get it. No, but yeah. So, so I, yeah, i don't really know what's gonna happen i mean it's just it's just there's been just such a separation now and you have like and i just can't i just can't believe this is that parents are actually like
Starting point is 00:36:36 pre-signing up their kids for this like it's not released yet but it's coming and people are pre-signing up their children for this trial because i mean it's brand new for the kids and i don't know if you guys have been looking into any of these shots for kids but like the it's it's pretty interesting about the the things they have to add to it to not have like heart conditions or stuff like that. A little aspartame, a little aspartame. I don't know what they're putting in. I heard if you snort, if you grind up and snort some Flintstone vitamins while you take the
Starting point is 00:37:16 injection, you're good. It'll stop any. Flintstone vitamins were a staple for a kid back in the day. Orange juice and Flintstone. Hey, day orange juice hey when your kid what's the deadline for your kids getting it nothing yet they haven't they haven't said they haven't said anything as of yet like there's no there hasn't been a mandate put in that's why like it they're just they're just heavily promoting it i mean there's even commercials man it's painful um there's a bookstore by man. It's painful. There's a bookstore by my house.
Starting point is 00:37:48 I walked by the other day and it has a sign out front. I couldn't believe it. And it said, we require masks to protect kids. Protect kids. My kids drag their hands everywhere and then put their hands in their mouth and in their nose all day long. And they're probably better for it. Yeah. Yeah. Anyways,
Starting point is 00:38:10 guys, I just want to say me and my wife are sitting here watching. We appreciate you guys very much and love watching. I mean, complete. Let's end on a positive note. Really appreciate them using that, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:21 giving us a little bit of a little bit of a light at the end of the week. Okay. Tell your wife, tell your wife to check at the end of the week. Okay. Tell your wife to check her DMs. Thank you. Bye. Okay. Just do it. Are we going to move on?
Starting point is 00:38:37 Had to do it. Sure. I think that means we're moving on. Okay. I have to pee already. Already? It's only 37 minutes in. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Yeah. It's a tough minutes in. Oh, wow. Yeah. Tough, tough show. Okay. All right. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Mike DeWine, is that it? Has signed a bill mandating all high schoolers in the state take a half credit standalone personal finance course before they graduate. Oh, wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:39:04 This is like kind of what we were talking about a couple of weeks ago. I was a banker for 41 years and I saw the results of us not teaching our children financial literacy, said Ohio State Senate Steve Wilson, chair of the Ohio Senate's Financial Institutions and Technology Committee and a primary sponsor of the bill. I wanted to do something about it. Such a course is considered the gold standard by NextGen Personal Finance, a national financial literacy organization. Ohio's bill will go into effect in the 2024-25 school year and cover personal finance topics from basic budgeting to opening a bank account, managing student loan debt, and more. Without that kind of education, we're thrusting kids into a world to learn to manage money through the school of hard knocks,
Starting point is 00:39:44 said Brian Page, Senior Director of Partnerships and Advocacy at NextGen Personal Finance. The best part of my course, and this is from somebody who's actually done it, who's now a college sophomore at Ohio State University, she added that the best part of my course was the empowerment factor. And she added that learning that she is capable of investing, saving, and otherwise managing her money well at a young age was just as important as the hard skills covered in the course. That's the fucking – I wish I had that. I wish I had that course. Have you ever spent so much money?
Starting point is 00:40:23 Have you ever been in financial trouble? No, I've been lucky enough to have been taught to just fucking never have debt. So I've been okay. I've had fun. I spent so much money on credit. I had like three credit cards with $20,000 each on them and no job. Dude. And your phone would just ring off the hook. You were it was it. I would have rather just done two weeks in prison than the two years of them calling me. It was it was horrible. It was horrible. I did it to try to make a movie. yeah it took years it took years to pay it back basically what you end up having to do to do at least what i did is i just basically just talked to so they keep selling the money they
Starting point is 00:41:10 keep selling it right so you have 20 000 to chase and they sell it to someone else and then they sell it to someone else and they sell it to someone else so finally and what sucks is is once you start paying it off then it gets sold to someone else and then everything gets fucked up again it's just this it's like it literally it's like it's worse than you can imagine if it were just easy like just pay it off and it'd be done and then you finally pay it off and you're trying to get your credit all fixed and by the way now my credit score is um i got a note the other day i'm over 800 and you know what the highest your credit score can be it's fucking nuts the actual high the actual highest credit score you can have no one has in the united states
Starting point is 00:41:46 no one has in the world it's actually an interesting it's an interesting way the way it works you can't actually have the highest credit score anyway i was gonna say surely they would make it so that you can't actually have that yeah yeah but um hobart is out of date eight great i told hobart that's gonna happen i told okay it's from a guy who can climb the rope with one hand um so so basically what um oh this is what i wanted to show you guys on that thought i i the other day i put 250 i went to and i bought 250 dollars worth of crypto did you buy buy Bitcoin? What'd you buy? Yeah, I bought a handful of them.
Starting point is 00:42:35 I want to show you, I would screenshot this and just show you, but it's stuck on some sort of like, my screen is stuck. Yeah, it's like doing something. But I put in $250 a few days ago and I have $281. By the way, if anyone wants, is going to sign crypto, make sure you me a dm so i can send you a referral so i get that 25 bucks but i sent these guys an email basically saying hey can you will someone come on my podcast who works on crypto who works at we can use my account we'll look at everything i've been invested in and you show me like what the fuck is going on because i literally have no idea. There's all these numbers on here and pluses and minuses and I have no idea what's going on. None.
Starting point is 00:43:09 I mean, I just want to really have any idea. I don't know. I've asked people to explain crypto to me so many times and I can't get my head wrapped around it. But at least if it's gambling, I want to explain. Even if I don't understand it, I want to be able to compartmentalize it or rework it so I think I do understand it. I can't even fake it now. Do you know what I mean? It's like the crush I had on my kindergarten teacher.
Starting point is 00:43:33 I didn't know what the fuck was going on. I didn't know what was going on. It's like that. I don't know what's going on. But anyway. Conscious incompetence. And then the other thing, the conscious incompetence. Yeah, you know the four levels of learning a skill.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence. Conscious competence, unconscious competence. So level one, unconscious incompetence. When you have no idea how to pad your arm. Wait, wait, go slow. I need to write that down because it sounded like you said the same ones twice. Unconscious. Take notes, people.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Take notes. Unconscious incompetence when you don't know how bad you are at something. You have no fucking idea. It's like when you first started. Oh, that was like the first 50 girlfriends I had. Yeah, you have no clue. Then you become aware of how bad you are at something. You become consciously incompetent.
Starting point is 00:44:25 I skipped that. I skipped that. That was number 51. I skipped that. I skipped that. You become aware of how bad you are at something. You become consciously incompetent. I skipped that. I skipped that. That was number 51. I skipped that. I skipped that. And then from conscious competence, you then gain conscious – No, no, no, no. From conscious incompetence.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Yeah, conscious incompetence. You go to conscious competence where you know that you're doing it right and you're doing it better, but you have to work hard. It requires a lot of effort. It's not automatic. Dude, it's so much – it's unnecessary how much work it is. It doesn't have to be like that ladies. Okay. Go on. And then finally, when you can go on autopilot, you are suddenly unconsciously competent. Oh, wow. And that, so what's interesting is that's the part of all
Starting point is 00:45:02 these like books I've been reading, like range and bounce. That's the part like you have to really push through because you don't get better unless you're failing. Yeah, it's like the 10,000 hours, like until you master something. It's like you sit in conscious competence for a long time. That's the signal. Sevan is an early adopter for a guy his age. This is the signal that in one year, normal folks will be in crypto. I don't know if that's a put down or not.
Starting point is 00:45:30 I don't like that. I don't like that. You're the tipping point. I don't like that at all. I don't like that at all. There's a bank that's about to start accepting crypto in Australia now. It's going to be crazy. Mind-blowing. Stop it it kate get back to
Starting point is 00:45:47 your fran grace and isabel times what is your what was your fran time my best time is 224 my best grace time i don't know is about like 124 um um have you ever have you ever done grace with the men's weight 135 yeah i think i've done it even heavier i think i've done it at one i don't know 150 155 no i don't know something yeah that was the two you probably did because that's the 2008 games final event yeah i think it took me like four or five minutes i don't know and what do you know what your what your fastest time is for um grace at 135 uh no, I wouldn't. I wouldn't know it. You think it's under five minutes? Possibly. Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 00:46:31 I reckon it'd be under five minutes. How old are you? 31. My grace time is like under two minutes. I don't know. But that's like barbell lifting and cycling. That's my pb and j oh i'm just strong i'm strong with unconscious competence i'm i'm i am i'm level four grace
Starting point is 00:46:57 i don't i i i was katie moderate when it went in 2008 or nine that we were going to, we were going to do a grace off, but it became clear to me very quickly that she would be, I think she's Katie Henninger now, but it became very clear to me that she would be faster than me. And I think I, man, I really liked that,
Starting point is 00:47:19 but like I can do the first 10 really well, not anymore, but I used to be able to do the first 10 really fast. Like it's just nothing like jumping jacks. It's last 10 you got a blindfold it's even it's even like number 11 just the whole fucking thing fucking comes on you say that's at 135 yeah even even one time i saw um jason kalipa and jeremy teal do a uh 10 thrusters at 135 10 burpees three rounds and i and after they did it i was like oh i'm gonna try that in privacy in my own home i actually did all 10 thrusters um with 135 unbroken and then i did
Starting point is 00:47:52 the 10 burpees and then i could not string two thrusters together after that from 10 to fucking one it was fucking crazy someone you should do you know um I was thinking about walking 50 miles you think that's dumb? Mark Bell did it I know it hurts I don't know why would you do it? just because I think it would give me some followers
Starting point is 00:48:19 on Instagram because it's so just because I would have to get up at four in the morning and i'd have to basically walk till four in the afternoon i could probably convince suza to come out and join me he's a sucker for that shit like oh yeah i'll do that with you you would huh yeah and i'd wear a white vest you guys could podcast during it he would do that he'd big dick me with the weight vest i bet you he would totally i'd bear craw it uh 200 shows i crossed over 200 shows oh really yeah crazy right holy shit do you do a show a day yeah susan i did i didn't do one yesterday and i felt it's not doing one yesterday
Starting point is 00:49:01 made me feel like i had quit the podcast like today today it was like four o'clock. I'm like, Oh shit, I have a podcast. I swear to God it was so weird. It's like a holiday. Do you ever like lose your voice? What does like when you're tired, do you just get like, I don't know. How do you, how do you deal with it when you're tired? You want to know something crazy? Like literally I noticed this today, my wife today I was, is my fasting day. I fast 36 hours. You know, my whole thing, I stopped eating Saturday night. I don't start again until Monday morning. I basically today, I probably, my wife and I
Starting point is 00:49:33 exchanged like 20 words. I think it's the fewest words we've ever exchanged in the entire history of our relationship. Like it was, it was not, I mean, yesterday we talked to each other non-stop we must have said a million words i guess we used up all our words but we woke up this morning i dealt with the she dealt with the kids i dealt with the kids i took the kids out with my mom um then i came home then she's like man the kids are wild i'm putting them to bed and it was like 5 30 i was like shit usually my kids go to bed at 10 30 i'm like okay i'm like fuck i got a podcast bye that was it i don't know oh but i did but then i drank a cup of coffee so i'm all wound up for you guys nice are you gonna train after this i will train after this i already changed twice today you know what i'm trying to do but but easy training i'm doing the um i rode the assault bike for 20 minutes and listened to some of this lady uh courtney hunt and then i did this i did this thing you
Starting point is 00:50:33 know the knees to go knees to toe guy how he gets on he sits on his butt no he sits on his heels do you know it's like the beginning of like child's pose or something you sit your butt on your heels yeah oh yeah where he like crouches down right yeah so you so basically i would get like right now i got off my chair and i'm on my knees and now my butt's now like i'm getting ready to blow someone my my butt my butts uh my my butts on my heels okay then he leans back from here and then he comes back up right touches his head to the ground and comes back up well there's some point about 10 or 12 inches back that my shit just disengages and i fall back it's so weird so i'm stacking one and a half inch floor panels behind me and i'm going to slowly work and try to figure out what the fuck's going on and i'm going to try to work
Starting point is 00:51:23 on that so today i've been working on that. That's cool. Yeah. So that when I say three workouts, it was just me. Say that again. So that, that's what you're going to do after this. What are you going to do after this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:34 I'll probably work on that a little bit more. I've been doing some leg rate. I've been doing some, someone's God, this is embarrassing to say some, a mom at my kid's jujitsu class told told me about she's doing pilates and i thought pilates was something you did on a machine but she just goes into a room with like 20 other women that's like 105 degrees and she was telling me all the shit they do like planches and just side planches and all this shit and i was like you know what i need to start doing that some pilates so i've just been like looking up like stuff like that and doing that. I mean, on top of my pseudo CrossFit shit.
Starting point is 00:52:09 It's accessory work, Kate. You know, accessory work. You do your Pilates after Heavy Grace. Yes. Couldn't dare do. And then I did practice 155 Grace for a couple years after those 2008 games. I was never good at it i think my fastest time was like 741 and my fastest grace time was either 451 or 551 never anything great that's still that's still great nah and i know i don't think i've ever done isabel
Starting point is 00:52:38 rx you did rx drew reedy yes i stand the whole podcast what did what did he ask kate do you stand the whole you're standing yeah i've stood for everyone how does he know because i'm like moving around i'm like doing stuff he's watching and i keep on shifting did you know that susan that she's standing yeah but i've seen on her answer, like, the standing desk and stuff like that. Yeah, I have, like, my little desk set up. Eat a dick, Colin. Eat a dick. I'm basically laying down.
Starting point is 00:53:15 You should do the rest of your podcast on your knees. Oh, you seem more like a yoga guy. Please, you guys can all fuck off okay let's go on we learned about unconscious incompetence you guys are all unconscious incompetence the next story there's been a ton somebody mentioned it in the comments before as well so the travis scott music festival um called astroworld There's been eight dead in a mass casualty at his music festival. So they've said that at least eight people have died, but there's been all this talk around like there's been way more. There's been like 300 people injured. It's just been like this
Starting point is 00:53:56 crazy, crazy event. The incident occurred on Friday night local time. It was around 9.30 PM, I believe, with confronting footage from social media showing fans at the 50,000-strong event being treated by paramedics at the scene. And there's a ton of videos where you can watch Travis Scott looking over the crowd where people are coming in and picking up people that have passed out. Are those people trying to get in or people trying to get out? They're at the front of the crowd. Oh, but did you see that video? There was a video of people breaking in. It was.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Apparently, they broke down the VIP entrance as well. The whole thing was just fucking wild. crowd no but did you see that video there was a video of people breaking in it was apparently they broke down the vip entrance as well like the whole thing was just fucking wild so um fans began to compress towards the front of the stage while scott was performing causing chaos and mass injuries uh prior to the crowd surge footage showed on twitter footage shared on twitter showed scott interrupting his set to request festival staff to intervene he said um when he was on the mic security somebody help jump in there real quick um the new york post reports that 11 people were taken to hospital and cardiac arrest with around 300 treated at a field hospital 23 people were rushed to a local
Starting point is 00:55:01 hospital including a 10 year old with 11 of those hospitalized suffering cardiac arrest one concert goer told the sun he and eight friends had managed to get out of the venue safely but saw a woman snap her ankle in the chaos myself and eight friends made it out safe imagine thousands of people pushing you forward over 50 000 plus people the man said i've never been to a concert that's chaotic the smaller individuals under five foot four were like struggling for air i was holding onto the rails no one's under five foot four show me someone who's under five foot four i'm fucking five five i never see no one who's i never yeah i never walking down the street like oh look there's someone shorter than me i never ever that never happened they had a 10 year old there so there are kids yeah when i used to when my kids used
Starting point is 00:55:39 to go to school i'd pick them up and i'd never even saw any 10 year olds who were under five four but then under five five but anyway and who the fuck brings their 10 year old to a concert not who is travis scott what kind of name is that he got two first names he's uh dude that looks like mecca that's a pilgrimage right there that's not a concert who would go to that why would you subject yourself to that how are you supposed to meet girls there if you're a fucking 25 year old man and you go to something like this get a fucking life you should be going to a rainbow gathering smoking weed hanging out with naked girls with braids and tie-dye shirts uh-oh back to the braids Travis Scott's not his real name. Okay. They say CrossFit is dangerous.
Starting point is 00:56:26 I like this. And they say CrossFit is dangerous. Hey, although he's trying to be funny, it's so apropos. It's like when you put things in context, I'd rather, I'd rather. Man. There's all these conspiracy theories now saying that this is all planned and it was all deliberate and there's all these connections with like his shirt being like walking through this opening and when he opens the show like there's this big tunnel and it's the access
Starting point is 00:56:53 point or something like that q and on or q and on or xenon that xenon hey here's the part i'm tripping on why so many cardiac? Because people were not able to breathe. I guess that causes like cardiac arrest, like not being able to get oxygen and having a heart attack. It's so weird. I'm thinking like me. I was thinking like maybe there was some bad ecstasy or fentanyl or something weird going around. It's really, really fucking weird, the cardiac arrest thing. I even saw some conspiracy. I don't even know if it's conspiracy theorists.
Starting point is 00:57:27 I guess it's just thoughts. I don't like to use that word, conspiracy theorists. But someone was saying that a week before the concert started that they were told that you could not get in unless you got the vaccine. And then a ton of people got the vaccine, and that's why there was so much cardiac arrest. Who the fuck knows what the truth is? A ton of people got the vaccine, and that's why there was so much cardiac arrest. Who the fuck knows what the truth is? But I did read a report from a security guard who took an injection in the neck.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Did you guys see that? What? At the concert? Yeah. So a security guard was breaking up a fight, and someone injected him in the neck with something with a needle while he was breaking up the fight. And then he went unconscious, and the medics put Narcan in him and uh boom he came back to life that's the more common thing right where people are being not just having their drink spiked but being injected with the stuff like in clubs or out at parties and stuff i mean can you imagine like being like okay mom i'm going out now and then like you got your needle and you're like, I'm going to inject someone to club tonight.
Starting point is 00:58:25 I'm so excited. What the fuck is wrong with people? Crazy. It's, it's really messed up. Hey, you, you in, in California, you don't have to tell someone that you have AIDS if you have sex with them. But in order to eat at the local Baskin Robbins, you have to have a vaccine passport. But in order to eat at the local Baskin Robbins, you have to have a vaccine passport. It's been coming out on most major news sources.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Confirmation about the death resulting from being drugged. Really? Wow. Wow. Oh, like the one security guard or as in the eight people that died? Good question. Good question. I feel like this is about the security guard that had the thing injected into his neck. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:17 So I guess that's what we need to know. Colin, you seem to know everything. Why don't you tell us when you – Oh, no. He's come back. He said it was the eight people that died. wow wow that guy will right there that guy he's the one who makes the um the the promo cards for my instagram oh yeah your social media posts yeah that's pretty cool right he just does that because he's a cool dude i feel like we need to update this story next week now and find out what what actually happened will i want you
Starting point is 00:59:49 to know that you do not need to go to barbell jobs barbell will you do not need to go to barbell do not go there you're fine right where you're at working for me for free like a good dude. All the jobs at do pay. Don't quote me on that, but they do pay. I feel like it would be kind of good to go to if you were a gym also looking for coaches, which I feel like is kind of common right now, right? Well, you mean like to make a post and say, hey, I need people who can...
Starting point is 01:00:27 Yeah, like if you need to advertise. Yeah, it's possible. I wish someone would call so I could pee. Okay, next story. Okay. There's been... Elon Musk has been trying to just sell Tesla stock. And so I did a little research
Starting point is 01:00:44 and a little hunting on the internet i'm gonna get what do you mean trying to sell well he just push a button and it vanishes he keeps talking about selling it randomly like out of the blue kind of thing and then he's putting up on twitter that he's just going to sell 10 and if people agree with him or not but i'm going to get to the end and i'll explain it so first article elon musk offers to sell tesla stock to end world hunger after he was called out by the UN World Food Program director, David Beasley. He basically went online and was like, hey, the uber rich, specifically Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, if they just donate like a tiny bit on a one time, these guys could solve world hunger because if he donates 2% of his, what is it? It's not his money, of his whatever, then it would be $6 billion and all
Starting point is 01:01:33 the problems of the world would be solved. Oh, 2% of his Tesla stock. Of his stock, yeah. So 6 billion to help 42 people that are literally going to die if we don't reach them. It's not complicated. 42 million. 42 million. 42 million. Mr. Beasley said on CNN's Connect the World program, that sum would equate to roughly 2% of Musk's net wealth. Net wealth. That was what I was looking for. Posting on Twitter, the Tesla chief executive said, if WFP can describe on this Twitter thread exactly how $6 billion will solve world hunger, I will sell Tesla stock right now and do it. But it must be open source accounting so the public sees precisely
Starting point is 01:02:11 how the money is spent. Mr. Beasley replied to Mr. Musk's post on Twitter saying he could assure the billionaire that the WFP had the systems in place for transparency and open source accounting. Your team can review and work with us to be totally confident of such. He said 6 billion will not solve world hunger, but it will prevent geopolitical instability, mass migration, save 42 million on the brink of starvation. And I'm pressing. Hey, what were those other two things? It will stop what?
Starting point is 01:02:39 It will stop geo instability. Once again, geopolitical instability. I don't give a fuck if there's geopolitical instability and i don't care if there's mass migration you fucking well here's the funny thing okay so here's the interesting thing you don't think we have massive political instability right now so fucking retard they built a fucking george floyd memorial in fucking new york celebrating a guy who put a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach and who got killed by the cops because he's high on fentanyl and meth driving on the streets and that's the guy who's being celebrated by our politicians you don't think we have political instability fucking dipshit
Starting point is 01:03:15 okay sorry kate sorry so then it just keeps getting worse and that guy's never seen i would like to see that dr beasley tard if he's ever seen famine or world hunger there's no amount of it doesn't get fixed by throwing money god it's so annoying so annoying don't trust anyone who wears a suit or collars they're asking donnie was the last fucking legit politician we had that was trustworthy the last i would love it if kanye put on a fucking robe i'd fucking and just walked around i want him to be our president okay sorry i'm not gonna say anything sorry i'm done you're gonna get really upset soon um two percent of elon musk's wealth is six billion right that's what they're asking for in 2020 the un world food program raised 8.4 billion. So someone said on Twitter, how come that didn't
Starting point is 01:04:06 solve world hunger? Well, because we need 14.4. Do the math. Okay. Here's what they said. In 2020, the agency received US $8.4 billion in donations, which it says was $5.3 billion short of its requirements. A 2020 internal audit offp's management of contributions or donations found it was partially satisfactory but in need of some improvement so basically they've got a whole lot of money and base and whether or not the contributions or donations are helping is like maybe it's maybe it's doing something maybe it's not uh once again the big picture here is that it's two guys arguing that money can solve the world hunger problem and there is no – it's like there is no – Well, they've got a whole lot of money.
Starting point is 01:04:51 They've got $8 billion and they couldn't do it. So what's $6 billion going to do for Elon Musk? Like they – I don't know. They are supported by that program. Like they're supported by it. Their livelihood depends on it. They're not trying to get rid of it, right? How about you don't sit on cock and you don't bust nut in chicks until you know that you can take care of a kid?
Starting point is 01:05:10 It's free. It's totally free. How about every time you want to have sex, you just jerk off instead of going and having sex, take one out of the chamber, and don't have kids until you can take care of them? So cheap. So cheap. So cheap. So cheap. don't have kids until you can take care of them so cheap so cheap so cheap so cheap and you can't get high on fentanyl get high whatever the fuck you want get high on this show and i'm depressed the rest of the week so later on this week i'm gonna continue because we're still talking about elon musk yes someone called so nothing's nothing's come from the the whole like hey i've considered
Starting point is 01:05:52 wait wait sorry kate hold on i've considered like having like a a uh you know like those big plastic containers that like coolant comes in. I've considered having one of those under the desk and then just turning off my video and peeing. But I've never been the guy to pee in a bottle in the car anyway. I never had that skill. Okay. Sorry. Go on. Go on.
Starting point is 01:06:14 Is it the coffee? Is it the coffee making you pee? I've had like four pints of water in the last three hours. You can't pee in a bottle, but you can shit in the van. How does that work? Oh, man. All right. On Saturday
Starting point is 01:06:34 November 6th. This guy wants us to post the number. The fucking numbers on the screen. Sorry Kate. Damn it. I'm trying so hard. Okay go on. He better be calling then. right the wait wait kate show damn elon musk decided to pose a question to social media platform users twitter to be specific
Starting point is 01:07:02 should musk the co-founder and CEO of the electric car company Tesla, sell off 10% of his Tesla stock? So this finished yesterday. Much is made lately of unrealized gains being a means of tax avoidance. So I propose selling 10% of my Tesla stock. Do you support this? The outcome was 57.9% yes, 42.1% no of 3.5 million votes. So 10% of Tesla stock would be valued at $20.8 billion with a long-term capital gains tax rate of 20% for someone in Mr. Musk's income bracket. It would equal a tax bill from the sale approaching US $4.2 billion. Now, this wasn't just another meaningless 24-hour Twitter poll to gauge public opinion. Musk said up front that there were
Starting point is 01:07:52 consequences to this poll. The billionaire had promised to abide by the results of this poll, whichever way it goes. Now that the poll has ended, we have our answer. 57.9% of the more than 3.5 million Twitter users who voted said yes. The reason for the poll, according to Musk, was in response to a policy being floated around to tax unrealized gains. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has recently discussed it, and a proposal for such a billionaire's income tax has been introduced by Senator Ron Wyden. Musk has publicly opposed plans to tax unrealized gains. The proposal would basically tax very wealthy people on the increased value of
Starting point is 01:08:31 their stock holdings, even if they don't sell the assets off. That's insane. That's insane. That's stealing from people. That's stealing from you. You can't steal from people just because they're rich. That's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 01:08:45 If I understand that correctly. Yeah. So it's like if you're, if you own a house and it goes up in value and then suddenly the, the people from what, what's your tax place called in America? IRS. IRS.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Come back. So those guys come around and they're like, Hey, you owe us 20% of your now like additional value of 40k and you're like well i don't fucking have 20k or whatever 20 is like what do i do they're like well sell something valuable like your house and it's like hey so so check this out so i i live in the house i own right now the the house that I live in, my property tax is. I don't know exactly. Let's say it's twelve hundred a month. It's fucking expensive. Twelve hundred dollars a month. Right.
Starting point is 01:09:38 And I buy that and that's not my mortgage. That's just like even when my house is paid for, I have to send twelve hundred dollars a month to the government to live here. Right. Property tax. Yeah. That pays for like police and like in like LGBTQ flags at my elementary school and shit like that. Right. VLM murals, stuff like that. And so so there's people there's people. It's not like this in California, but they've wanted to try to make this in California. So, so mine's stuck at this rate. It will not go up, right? It's just stuck at this rate unless they add new, um, what's it, do you know what it's called?
Starting point is 01:10:18 Basically what I'm saying is, is they won't reevaluate the, it's based on the cost of my house. It's a percentage of the cost of my house. And so it won't go up as long as I own this house. It won't go up until I sell it, right? So if I bought my house for a million dollars, it will always stay based on a million-dollar price even if my house is worth $10 million. Okay? So there are some people who want it so that they reevaluate the cost of your house every single fucking year, and they tried to do that in California. And you know what that does that makes it so by the time you're 60 years old and retired the house you bought for 400 000 is now worth four million dollars and you have to move out of it because you can't afford
Starting point is 01:10:52 the property tax they tried to fucking do that in california did that make sense to you kate you know what i'm saying it's fucking nuts it's fucking nuts it's it's it's hatred they try they and they act like it's to help poor people it's the hatred of the poor people it's the it's keeping the poor people poor right yeah rich people don't care if you tax them they don't care if gas is taxed if steak is taxed if cigarettes are taxed rich people don't give a fuck i think the obvious thing from the twitter post is that like if he's gonna sell and be hey, I'm going to sell 10% of my Tesla stock, which is billions of dollars. And he's like, I'm just going to put it on Twitter. It clearly means that taxing the rich means fucking nothing.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Right. Like it means nothing. Yeah. Well, the same the same taxing the rich. Like what? Just like grave danger. What's where's the threshold? Where's the data?
Starting point is 01:11:46 Where at what point does it go from danger to grave danger? At what point do you go from middle class to rich? Because what's somebody what's rich? If I'm a millionaire, but you have 10 million, who's rich? $120,000 a year is below the poverty line for a family of four in Santa Cruz and in Mount Vernon, Illinois. You are a motherfucking baller. The thing with Elon Musk is he doesn't take like a salary and stuff. So all his money is in assets.
Starting point is 01:12:13 And that's how the rich remain like rich and not paying much in tax. Yeah. And I think it's good. I think he's pushing back against the narrative because a lot of the people are just going after billionaires, demonizing the rich and saying that. But one, there's no threshold of rich. So it's like, where do you stop the demonization and where are you middle class? And then number two, this is the first time that somebody of like Elon Musk is pushing back against them publicly, which I think it's a good thing because then it's stifling them and showing that it's the money doesn't matter. It's the broken system. That's the problem.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Is he going to sell then? Let me, let me read you this next bit. Saturday was not the first time Musk had floated the idea of selling off Tesla stock. Musk told journalist Kara Swisher at code conference in September that he planned to sell a big chunk of his Tesla stock options before they expired. I have a bunch of stock options that
Starting point is 01:13:06 are expiring early next year, so that's a huge block of options we'll sell in Q4. Swisher asked if he was surprised by how much Tesla stock had gone up. I've gone on record and said I think Tesla stock price is too high, in my opinion, Musk added later. What am I supposed to do? I'm not the one making it go up. ProPublica journalist Jesse Isinger pointed out on Twitter that the third tweet in Musk's Saturday thread, note, I do not take a cash salary or bonus from anywhere. I only have stock. Thus, the only way for me to pay taxes personally is to sell stock. I paid to confirm the new sites reporting on how the ultra wealthy avoid paying income taxes. I feel like this just is going to be like some kind of crash
Starting point is 01:13:48 in the future when everybody has to pay shit to fucking sell their taxes. Wow, it's fucking skyrocketed. And here's this. Thank you for confirming our story that for the ultra wealthy, income taxes are essentially voluntary. Isinger tweeted,
Starting point is 01:14:02 noting that Musk had previously called the story misleading. So yeah, it's just like, it's voluntary. He's like, oh, fuck it. All right, I have to pay a couple billion in tax. All right, here you go. Yeah, it doesn't matter because of the assets that he owns continuing to gain in value at such a crazy rate
Starting point is 01:14:17 that it doesn't, yeah. And then people have been saying that he's going to sell that stock. Tesla will go, I believe, down in value and he'll buy back half of his stock. And then he's also going to invest potentially in crypto. Yeah, so he'll buy at a cheaper price. And then people are saying he's going to put it into Bitcoin or one of the other ones that he likes. I always hate relating fictional characters to people, but he really is like a modern day Iron Man.
Starting point is 01:14:45 relating fictional characters like people but he really is like a modern day like iron man you know like he's like the rich like he's not really evil but he's not 100 good he's just kind of he's like a rich rock star you know and he can manipulate the markets with one tweet literally with one tweet crypto and suddenly yeah yeah the influence is insane and i think the reason why a lot of people go after him too is because the politicians realize that that influence and what it could do to the markets perhaps they're a little worried yeah well he's he's pretty loud on twitter like he's on there a lot right yeah musk 2024 i don't think he can run he's not is he american no he got a funny voice south africa he also didn't invent tesla like he didn't come up with
Starting point is 01:15:26 the electric car tesla oh like there was two other guys that did and i forget their names they actually created the technology and they created tesla and what he did is he came in and bought the majority share slowly over time as he was funding them and there's an interesting thing called the paypal are they? Are they friends still? How do you think that ended? Probably not, huh? Not so good. Not so good.
Starting point is 01:15:49 Not so good. But it's interesting because PayPal created like a handful, like 13 of them, like Peter Thiel is another one of all these like mega billionaires outside of that one company. Mega billionaire. Yeah. Greg met with him a few times.
Starting point is 01:16:04 Peter? Yeah. He fucking destroyed gawker do you remember that they outed him for being gay and he didn't like that or they outed his boyfriend or some shit for being i think maybe he was he was already out in san francisco he's already out he was already like he was already like openly gay and yeah such a stupid thing to say he was already openly gay and uh he liked dudes he liked dudes he was a dude he had a penis and he liked penises anyway and i think they added outed his boyfriend and he was like fuck you he's off the last thing i do i'll crush you and then fucking gawker fucked
Starting point is 01:16:37 with hulk hogan and he got behind hulk hogan you remember that you know that story gawker basically somehow showed a video of hulk hogan smashing some dude's wife smashing in the positive sense like having sex with her and they they they i think they posted it illegally and peter said hey hogan i'll help you sue the fuck out of him and i think hulk hogan sued him and they and they won the case for like 350 million dollars and it put gawker out of business and peter teal won't it's a great story yeah it feels real interesting dude you got you met him you got you met him that's it no i wasn't allowed to go on that trip don't get me fucking started i'll be really pissed off if you get me to tell that story so fucking stupid they should have brought me fucking everywhere besides dave i was the fucking coolest dude who ever fucking worked there
Starting point is 01:17:21 you know what a bit interesting is like if you just filmed and documented greg the whole time like oh i do i do i do have i have a couple hundred terabyte drives of fun stuff hulk hogan was a swinger stand by for the documentary stand by um i know someone's like he does not have hundreds of terabytes. Oh, careful. Careful. Okay. Shall we? All right. So I actually. Wait, wait. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:17:53 Sorry. Wait. Space X isn't public. Negative. No. Apparently not. According to. Wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Kate. Ethan Forbes. Now just imagine 20 years from now, if Space SpaceX went public, what his worth would be? A fucking lot. So it's not public? No, and I think the reason why, too, is didn't they get a lot of government subsidized contracts and stuff? I think, didn't Elon beat out Bezos for one of the really large government contracts? And they sued.
Starting point is 01:18:24 Amazon sued, right? Yeah, I think that's the thing. Yeah, they sued yeah i think it's a thing yeah they sued which is always funny right because then like all the government like the government doesn't have any money the government's money is our money right so technically like we're like funding it but yet it's not public so if elon pays his tax it's just gonna go back to spacex is that what happens it all trickles back to the rich out of that way. Weird. You're going to love this, Sousa. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:53 Modesto, California, you're live on the air with Kate, Matt, and Sevan. What's up, man? What's up? Modesto. Right up near your neighborhood. Modesto. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:08 Yeah. Have you been unfortunate enough to come by, come through Modesto ever? I used to work at Bronco Billy's Pizza Palace in Hayward. You know where that is? On the top of the hill by the campus? It's not near Modesto? What side? Where the fuck is Modesto? It's east, more towards Stockton.
Starting point is 01:19:31 Oh, it's out there. You guys used to have the water slides. Manteca. Is it by Manteca? Yeah, it's south of Manteca. Don't come here. I won't. I'll save you the trouble. We call it...
Starting point is 01:19:44 Dude, I don't go anywhere go anywhere to let you guys know um i love you guys you guys are freaking awesome and kate is adorable kate you're adorable uh your smile makes me happy but um i was gonna i was gonna clear up uh so i'm actually driving a Tesla right now ironically but listening to your Elon Musk stories and everything, but he, Elon did buy into Tesla, like somebody else founded it, like Mark,
Starting point is 01:20:13 Mark Huber hold or something and somebody else. And he used like some of their technologies, but they ended up having to pretty much redo all the technologies at the beginning of the foundation of the company. And they switched up a ton of stuff and he's probably like susan said he's pretty much like tony stark it's pretty crazy tony stark yeah that's what i was thinking of tony stark yeah iron man it's pretty crazy and i love watching him play with these stupid politicians uh all all the time it is great it is great that he does that it's great that he doesn't that he is a
Starting point is 01:20:47 he's redefining he's he's a true professional like i stand by that he's he's he's being himself he's being a good role model for all of humanity by being himself the big picture and i like that i i think uh he should come on my show. Oh my God. Yeah. Him and Jordan Peterson. I don't know what I'd say to Jordan Peterson. Everybody's been asking for Jordan Peterson. Yeah. What would you say to
Starting point is 01:21:15 Elon Musk? I don't know. Hey, check out Kate Snatch. And if he knew what you meant, that would be even more impressive. It would be his test. If he didn't know, I'd hang up on him. So I actually want to ask you guys a fitness question.
Starting point is 01:21:34 It's kind of a random one. So obviously I love CrossFit. I do CrossFit, all that stuff. So I have asthma. So they're not hearing this amazing. But that's pretty much just pollution city out here we always have a i don't know if you guys are familiar with like the air quality index state like in uh australia i don't know if you guys do that but um it just kind of measures
Starting point is 01:21:55 like the pollutants in the air and out in modesto it's always bad it's like always bad so i kind of have uh i have like asthma because of that it aggravates it so i was looking into uh nose breathing techniques and i was just i was thinking about it like how the heck would any of these crossfit like professionals breathe through their nose while they're doing these crazy you know mile times and crazy like echo bike times you don't start sprinting and breathing through your nose you start doing the lighter easier kind of low intensity stuff breathing
Starting point is 01:22:34 through your nose and build up from there like I know James Newberry when they did the marathon row he rode like three quarters of it or something. Nasal breathing only. story. Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. So there's definitely different time domains that are better suited to nasal breathing, and you just have to build up your tolerance for it and your ability to hit intensity while only breathing through your nose. But one
Starting point is 01:23:29 really good thing to do that I do is I mouth tape at night. So I only nasal breathe when I sleep. So I get a little bit of, it's called micropore tape. It's just like tape that, it's like medical tape you can get from the chemist or the pharmacy. And I put a little strip of it over my lips and it just keeps my mouth and my lips closed at night. Um, so I only breathe through my nose and it clears your nasal passageway really nicely. And it also helps you to like, just switch on your parasympathetic state, which essentially means your nervous system can calm the fuck down while you're sleeping. Unless you're Siobhan. What'd he say? Unless you're're savant and you have a fire hose for a nose yeah one of my nostrils is one of my nostrils is closed up i broke my nose i jumped into a pool
Starting point is 01:24:14 high on ketamine in college i think i was high on coke too and stoned and drunk and i jumped over and i was with all these people and i was showing off and i jumped over a fence and jumped into a pool into the shallow end and hit the bottom and broke my nose. I'm so lucky I didn't die. And, uh, it was cool though, because it was cool. Cause the girl I was trying to show off to took me home and like, let me sleep in her bed all night. Nothing happened, but to, to make sure that I, that I didn't go unconscious or I forget why, but she took care of me. of like I wish actually didn't have a happy ending. But anyway, so one of my nostrils is closed and I can't really breathe out of it that well, but I do all my working out through nose breathing, everything, like everything. And I don't take my mouth shut, but my mom told me she does. I don't think I have
Starting point is 01:24:59 to do that. And I also don't ever try to go to sleep at night i've talked about this before too no i just lie on my back and i do energy body every single night three times a day i do it when i go to bed i do it when i wake up and i do it in the middle of the day you do what energy body what the heck's that it's where you shift your awareness you shift all of your attention to a point on your body and you start scanning your body until your awareness leaves your first you have to cultivate enough awareness to do it and you do that by just a ton of practice i wonder what i wonder where you focus your center of attention to the bond not there not there not there not there your mouth the bad nostril yeah the bad have you guys seen those uh have you guys seen those? It's kind of like what Kate was talking about with that microboard tape.
Starting point is 01:25:48 But they have those like, it's like a Steristrip nose thing. But you put it on your nose. You wash your nose, get all the oils off. And then you put it like at the bridge of your nose. And it's almost like a spring. And it holds your nose open. It literally opens your nostrils. Yeah, I have some and that i'll do that
Starting point is 01:26:06 when i do the echo bike and i just like kate said i'm starting to build up tolerance to it but i was curious that like oh you i thought that was for when you sleep wait a second you do that when you're exercising that's interesting exactly yeah exactly so you can use it when you sleep too but i don't have a hard time breathing when i'm sleeping. That's what I'm doing when I'm doing like heavy cardio type stuff, like running, sprinting or echo bike or whatever. But yeah, you should try it. You should try it. It's pretty nice, actually. But I was curious for Kate, if you, I mean, you build up a tolerance to it, but aren't you just building your anaerobic threshold?
Starting point is 01:26:42 You're not moving as much air still, so it's still kind of a compromise right yeah exactly i think it's like there's there are times in place especially with crossfit to breathe through your mouth to get intensity to get results like there's a bit of a i mean maybe if you're someone who's like nasal breathing only like only do that if you're brian mckenzie who's like fucking never breathe through your mouth like maybe the trade-off for those guys is like hey no we we would prefer to keep your fucking mouth shut and breathe through your nose and miss out or maybe some of the other intensity or some of the yes yes i'm in that boat but with crossfit it's like hey i'm gonna i'm gonna compromise a little bit and have a trade-off and breathe through my mouth to just fucking push hot and hot and and fuck that balance no balance is good as soon as he said anaerobic something something something i just picked up my
Starting point is 01:27:32 phone hey i also have that oh i had my air cleaner up there did you guys see it this is my i have a bunch of these in my house i don't know if they do shit but yeah but they fucking yeah they get so dirty so i think they're doing something they do you do live in california land of the dirty air and everything else yeah i got like three of those going causing pollution somewhere where they're burning coal but keeping my my living room clean yep you're a good citizen you're a good dude so on thank you you're welcome all right guys i didn't get to burn you as much as I want to do, Savant, but I'll call back sometime later. All right.
Starting point is 01:28:08 All right. Take care. Bye. Later. So many short jokes and nose jokes you can tell. You got a full pop button now, aren't you? Cholo. Cholito.
Starting point is 01:28:18 Yeah. I'm sorry. I learned from fucking looking like I do yoga to a cholo. I'll take cholo. Fucking vato. You yoga to a cholo. I'll take cholo. Fucking vato. You call me a vato. I think that might be derogatory if it is. Strike that from the record.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Okay, let's go. We're on a roll. You guys ready? James ain't got shit on you. Get ready to get fired. Hey, do you want me to call James? I want me just to fucking call him. Where is he?
Starting point is 01:28:48 What is he doing? Is he on a seminar? Is he traveling? He's flying, right? He probably got a warning from HQ saying not to do this shit. Hey, one of you has to go. Yeah, I'm about to do one of those. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:00 All right. So this is talking about Coca-Cola. Now I came across this because Kobe Bryant just made $400 million because he was an initial investor in the company Body Armor back in 2013. buys full control of Body Armor for $5.6 billion in its largest ever brand acquisition. It announced Monday it has bought full control of sports drink maker Body Armor for $5.6 billion, making it the company's largest brand acquisition to date. The beverage giant bought at a 15% stake in Body Armor in 2018, becoming its second largest shareholder. At the time, basketball legend Kobe Bryant was its third largest shareholder after investing in Bodyama in 2013, just two years after its founding. The estate of the late NBA star will receive roughly $400 million from the sale, according to the Wall Street Journal. The deal for
Starting point is 01:29:57 the remaining 85% of Bodyama isn't entirely unexpected. Koch first said in February that it intended to buy a controlling interest in Bodialma later this year in a pre-acquisition filing with the Federal Trade Commission. Owning Bodialma helps Coke gain market share in the sports drink category, although PepsiCo's Gatorade is far and away the market leader with roughly 70% market share. By touting itself as a healthier sports drink, Bodhiyama has surpassed Coke's Powerade to become the second largest player in the category. According to Coke, the sports drink brand's retail sales this year are expected to be more than $1.4 billion, up about 50% this year. number here. Yeah. Okay. This is it. A Goldman Sachs analyst noted that sales in the four weeks ending October 9th, Gatorade had 64% of sales, Powerade had 13% and Body Armor had 18% of the market. The global sports drink market is projected to grow from 27.3 billion in 2028. So basically the new Coke, like the new soda is energy drinks and
Starting point is 01:31:10 sports drinks, which is already a thing in Australia. It's the second highest contributor with regards to the sugar intake in people's diets. So it's now just going to be quote unquote health drinks. I love it when people are like but sevan um because sugar consumption in the united states has gone down from 2000 to it's lower than it was in 2000 it's like shut the fuck up you believe that shit just look around you just look around you you just know it's a lie have you seen the movie idiocracy no have you Have you seen that movie, Sousa? No. I think it's the guys who did South Park made it,
Starting point is 01:31:48 or maybe it's the Beavis and Butthead guys. Anyone who hasn't seen that movie should see that person, should see that movie Idiocracy. Ten years ago, well, I probably saw it five years ago. It's probably ten years old. But I didn't enjoy the movie at all because I thought it was so scary because I thought, what if it's true someday? It's supposed to be a comedy, but it's like horrible how stupid everyone is.
Starting point is 01:32:08 And one of the problems in the movie and the society and the idiocracy is they can't figure out why crops won't grow. And they've been feeding them Gatorade or it's like kind of like Gatorade, but they can't use the word Gatorade in the movie. And they're like, and it has electrolytes. the movie and they're like and it has electrolytes and and for those of us who were around when greg was fucking going nuts about hydration it's it's the stuff that he uncovered about gatorade is fucking crazy and none of it was hidden it was just all out in the open it was just all out in the open but basically over drinking over hydrating causes encephalopathy, brain swelling. And when your brain swells, it fucking goes into your medulla ablangada, your brain stem. That's no bueno.
Starting point is 01:32:53 And people have died from that. And if you follow the hydration guidelines that existed from years ago and hydrated at those appropriate values, you would have died. Yes, yes. You would have followed the guidelines people were dying anyway it's a fucking five-hour lecture call greg if you want to hear this shit but it's just they're horrible fucking companies do you guys know anyone who's ever had a sip of body armor i i don't even know it doesn't exist out here like we have gatorade and
Starting point is 01:33:22 powerade but we don't have body armor Please call the show if you've ever drank. No, no. Just put a gut in your mouth. I've never drank body armor. Body armor. Oh, my God. It's the only bad thing about the UFC that they somehow are sponsored by them. Body armor.
Starting point is 01:33:38 I drink body armor. That UFC was monster. You know, there's like people will say like, uh no no well they're monster too they're monster well they used to be but they were yeah i think they're both they have body armor oh yeah you're right maybe they switched to monsters they definitely used to be body one of their brands or is monster a whole separate thing no i think coca-cola owns the majority share of monster i would never drink one of those drinks openly like people will be like oh it's so cool savon you don't care what people think no actually i do care
Starting point is 01:34:10 i've actually had a bang energy drink and like the second i'm done with it like i throw it away like as far as i can away from me i would be embarrassed if someone saw me drink a bang a monster uh something called body armor gatorade i I just see people drink that and I just judge you. I think you're a tool. Like you're just clueless. It's like – yeah. It's nuts. How do people still not know?
Starting point is 01:34:42 There's a stat out there that 55% of all the calories consumed by people in Mexico, well, on average, 55% of the calories comes from soda pop. Can you even get your head around that? Imagine if 55% of your calories were from soda pop. How many of your calories are from soda pop, Kate? Approximately zero. Yeah. I'm trying to think.
Starting point is 01:35:11 I've probably had Diet Coke in the last year. I've probably had one. I was probably in a pinch driving. I feel like I remember having a can of Diet Coke. I was in a pinch driving. I wanted the caffeine. I spoiled myself. Other than that just
Starting point is 01:35:25 it's not even good soda water is better i it's not even like the funny thing is is that the people that you see drinking those drinks are it's almost like here we, here we go. Let's judge them. Get them. You should be shamed for drinking that. Yes, I did watch 268. It's dope. No, I haven't talked about it yet. Go ahead. I do have an article on 268 actually about the Strowate girls.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Is it Strowate? Man, she's special. I want to hear what you think. Tell the guy from New Orleans and the rest of us what you think about people who drink Gatorade and body armor. What does he think? I want to know what you think. This guy, he's just lucky he gets to hear you live. I just think it's...
Starting point is 01:36:16 What's your favorite body armor, Sandy? What's my favorite body armor? What's your favorite? What's wrong with you? That's one of my favorite things to? What's your piece with it? What's wrong with it? That's one of my favorite things to do. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. You drink body armor?
Starting point is 01:36:33 I love body armor. I would have never guessed. I would have never fucking guessed. Who is this? Why are you drinking body armor? Why are you drinking body armor? God, I'm going to go to hell for being such an asshole. What do you mean, why do I don't like body armor?
Starting point is 01:36:49 Dude, just say me. What the fuck do you like about that shit? It ain't got a damn electric life shit. It helps you with everything, workouts and shit. No, that shit fucking makes your dick small. That's point one. That's point one. Point two is it fucking rots your teeth point
Starting point is 01:37:06 three is it rots your fucking soul let me tell you i want three things i want nice teeth too late my teeth are fucked up i want a huge cock and i want a fucking flowering soul of love that shit i bet you i bet you the plastic in that shit, is fucking horrible for you. There's some, like, BPA fucking sperm-killing shit. I don't know. I thought it was good for, like, recovering after you work out and shit like that. At least that's what the promotion of it. Yeah, the marketing is working well. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:37:41 My body is my temple. I want it to be just the best shit ever and that shit is way way low on the totem pole and if your argument is that it tastes good i understand there's tons of things in life that probably taste good there's tons of things that probably like you know feel good taste good smell good but like sorry okay what about what about gatorade and Barley I'm dying to do that shit Ricky Garrard did I just don't want an enlarged prostate I'm dying to get so fucking strong that I can
Starting point is 01:38:12 lift more than Kate and be on this show with a tank top I ain't doing it if my fucking prostate's gonna get giant you gotta do that shit just get in your gym and girl put the work in I need translation I need translation. I need translation.
Starting point is 01:38:27 He says don't take shortcuts. Just put the work in. Oh, good. Thank you. Thank you. That's what I said. Well, I appreciate you. I appreciate your honesty for drinking body armor.
Starting point is 01:38:40 I appreciate that. Is there anything else you want to add to the show? I love it that you – what's your name? Ryan. Ryan? Yeah. And you go to university. I forget which university you go to. LSU. LSU. Ryan from LSU. I want to make a note. You should just be a regular on the show. Ryan from LSU. Do you have a girlfriend?
Starting point is 01:39:04 No, I wish. It's that body armor. Yeah, it's that body armor, motherfucker. Hey, why don't you have a girlfriend? Why don't you have a girlfriend? Seriously. Shit, because somebody probably won't deal with my crazy ass when the fuck's with me. Someone won't deal with your crazy ass?
Starting point is 01:39:22 Somebody, she probably won't deal with my crazy ass when the. She probably won't want to deal with my crazy ass. Girls like that stuff. It's nice, calm, cool, chill guys like me that get no pussy. Girls love a crazy, wild guy. Do you have any tattoos? No. Oh, well, then you're screwed. Yeah, me neither.
Starting point is 01:39:39 You're fucked. Hey, what's your kids doing up's your district going they're great they're completely amazing they are superstars they're superstars i'm the greatest dad in the world i have the greatest kids in the world it's a competition between us and thank you for asking they're so wonderful they're they're They're beams of light in my life. I wake up every morning and just run to see them. They're so fucking awesome. Tomorrow I'm taking them to go play
Starting point is 01:40:11 tennis. I kind of can't just wait. I'm thinking about doing a live calling show tomorrow. What? Translation? They're playing tennis too? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They play everything. They play everything.
Starting point is 01:40:26 How can I understand him and you can't, Siobhan? Jeez. Dude, I'm telling you, this guy sounds like he's from a different fucking planet to me. I swear to God, I just cannot. I'm fascinated by him. It's like one of the characters from Sesame Street is called this show. You got to tell me, Michael. Am I going where?
Starting point is 01:40:47 To Indianapolis 500? You got to understand me, Kyle. Yes, I can understand you now. And what's your favorite flavor of body armor? Peach mango. Peach mango? Yeah. That's one of the flavors for the jewel yeah you better not that shit that's like free base and coke that jewel thing is fucking nuts only weed over here yeah don't do nicotine is scary i tried the jewel once it is
Starting point is 01:41:24 scary why is he shouting we're all shouting bruce we get it i got excited when he called i got excited it's the most he this is the most uh this is the gayest part of my day when ryan called i just get it's like i'm just over stimmed i love it oh All right, brother. Well, thanks for calling, Ryan. I appreciate it. Quit that Under Armour. Quit drinking that Under Armour.
Starting point is 01:41:51 Under Armour. You mean Body Warmer? Yes. All right. Try water. You know what actually tastes better than Body Warmer? What? The BCAA Symposium. This shit tastes like Kool-Aid. What?
Starting point is 01:42:11 Okay, Kate, what do you say now? Okay, Kate, what do you say? The last thing you said was this shit tastes like Kool-Aid. I just didn't catch the gist of it. The BCAAs from Podium taste like Kool-Aid. Oh, the Matt Fraser stuff. I heard that if you get a bottle of NyQuil and put in two scoops of Podium, fucking, it's a party.
Starting point is 01:42:33 What? What? Oh, shit. Okay. Love you, Ryan. Talk to you next week, brother. Bye, man. Bye. That was cool that he called it even though he you just literally said all those drinkers should put a gun to their head or in their mouth which is
Starting point is 01:42:53 a very extreme leap to make you know like they don't get a second chance maybe they just didn't know it was healthy wasn't healthy oh to the gallows with you oh you know you're my drinkers you know i'm trying to get on the show um i want him on my podcast tyson i'm trying to get tyson bajan on my podcast he is a division two quarterback and he's turning out to be one of the greatest division two quarterbacks in the history of fucking football. And I knew him when he was a little kid. And now I want to fucking jump on the bandwagon. And his dad's cool as shit.
Starting point is 01:43:34 His dad tells me he's the coolest kid ever. And I kind of believe it. Tyson Bajan. Out of Shepherdstown. Okay. Sousa, check your DMs. Jordan Peterson. Yeah, podiums, coffee flavorordan peterson yeah podiums coffee flavor is disgusting dude anything in coffee flavored is disgusting no not tyson fury
Starting point is 01:43:51 okay so kate what was next what we have next do you like being at the helm kate do you like being at the helm yeah i like reading kate was the kid in the second grade when they called on her can you read this paragraph kate i loved it i loved it i love reading in front of people yeah if it wasn't if it wasn't for the kates in class i would have never gotten anywhere hobart's fucking listening to the show. Yeah. He was giving you shit. This motherfucker. Hey. Hobart, this is for you.
Starting point is 01:44:30 We're actually at his article. This is perfect. Wait, wait, one second. There's a guy, there's a guy, Caleb. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Okay, fine. Fuck, go. The guy, Caleb, who makes clips for us has already like turned out a bunch of clips.
Starting point is 01:44:42 He's already sent me a clip of your unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence and unconscious. Yeah. I nailed that. Yeah. I like Kate at the helm. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:44:53 Shut the fuck up. Hobart fucking abandoned us. I think Hobart put this in as a fucking, just to take the piss, but we're rolling with it. Marathon woman, poops, pants.
Starting point is 01:45:04 Tamara Tolick since digestive tract is a well oiled machine. the piss, but we're rolling with it. Marathon woman poops pants. Tamara Torlakson's digestive tract is a well-oiled machine. Whenever she has a race or a long run day, her bowels automatically clear before she hits the road. Nothing was different in the day of the Mountains to Beach Marathon, her sixth race of the 26.2 mile distance in 2018. And yet, about halfway through the race, 6.2 mile distance in 2018. And yet about halfway through the race, she realized she needed to go again. How she handled the urge was unusual by pooping her pants, but she believes it served her well. Tall Exxon ended up achieving a personal record as well as legend status in her running circles. After having her first child, Tall Exxon 31, was fueled by a sort of new mom energy. Some runners say they've become faster after giving birth.
Starting point is 01:45:49 Mom strength. It's a real thing. Dad strength is also real. Training was going really well. I knew I was in really good shape, said Torlexon, an event planner in Sacramento, California, who leads a local women's running group. The Mountains to Beach Marathon, which starts in, how do you say that? Ojai? O-J-A-I.
Starting point is 01:46:06 Ojai? Ojai? Ojai? I can't see it, but it's probably, is it California? Ojai, California. Yeah. And ends in the coastal city of Ventura, west of Los Angeles, would be her first postpartum race. And she thought she could set a personal record.
Starting point is 01:46:20 And for the first half of the race, she was on track to do just that. But at mile 13 or 14, she realized she needed to go to the bathroom. She didn't want to lose physical or mental momentum by stopping, nor did she want one pit stop to prompt her colon to request several. I thought, I don't know if it's possible to poop while running, but I will try. I didn't want one poop to mess it all up. She said, I didn't want one poop to mess it all up. Isn't that like, it wasn't that like a Steve-O thing or what were those guys, a jackass thing where like they would run and poop at the same time? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:46:55 Like there was a video show where they did that? Okay. Without stopping, she relieved herself into the built-in underwear in her shorts. I had to focus, she said, and continued on her way. It just came out and I felt a lot better, she said. Toiletson doesn't think anyone noticed. And she said she didn't give a shit if they did. Marathoners don't judge.
Starting point is 01:47:17 She maintained a PR pace with soiled shorts for roughly 13 more miles. She kept her mind focused on maintaining her fast flip, not on what was in her shorts. When she neared the finish line, she yelled to her friends, I pooped my pants, toilet Xen, quickly hit the medical tent for baby wipes
Starting point is 01:47:32 and cleaned up in a port-a-potty. I just can't even imagine writing this article. It's insider related. I think insider is just ghetto as shit. I think it's just like- It's like a gossip magazine, right? Yeah, so is Business Insider. They're horrible.
Starting point is 01:47:47 They're just... Yeah. They're fucking lying rags. It's like they lie... It's this article from The Onion. Yeah, almost. Hey, do you think she shit her pants, pooped her pants,
Starting point is 01:47:56 or do you think it was more of a shart? Do you know a shart? Are you familiar with that term, shart? No, I reckon if you're racing and you're nervous, she full-blown shat her pants like if you've ever been at a crossfit competition and used public bathrooms like the toilets for the athletes it is nasty because everyone is doing nervous pose like the whole fucking day those are kind of like explosive spraying ones yeah it's like too much coffee way too much nerves
Starting point is 01:48:20 adrenaline and you just like fucking lose control your body just tries to empty everything out when it can because when you're competing it shuts it all down when you're on the floor how is it how is it that sometimes when you shit and i shouldn't say sometimes i should be more specific on very rare occasions you shit and there's poop up on the back have you ever had that on like the poop on the yeah on the back of the lid like pretty up high yeah you ever had that? On like the turtle ball? There's poop on the back of the lid like pretty up high. Yeah. You never had that? No.
Starting point is 01:48:49 So there's a really funny – I've had that a couple times in my life. Probably like at least three times in the last ten years. When I first started fasting a lot, I would get some crazy shits after I fasted. Now I don't get those anymore. They were like poison shits. They smelled like burning plastic. Yeah. So I just learned this from this stand-up comedian that he's American, but he lives in Australia.
Starting point is 01:49:11 And I guess I didn't know it because I used to live in the U.S., but he was talking about the toilet bowls, how in Australia there's like very little water in the actual bowl. So there's a lot of bowl surface exposed. So when you shit, it leaves like a mark on the porcelain ball and you have to use the brush to like brush it off that's in australia it's like you don't yeah so like because the water is so low so like you hit the ball and i just realized this is not really a thing in america but hey maybe that's why you have the splashback problem yeah this is a little different this is like someone said it's like reverse shitting. It's like weird. It's like it's almost like you took it. It's like it's sprayed upward. It's so fucking weird. I don't understand it at all. I don't understand it at all. Yeah, we just we just fill our bowl up to the very top. The bowls in the United States are so high that sometimes like you like you got to look and make sure the tip of your dick don't touch the water. Seriously, it's like that.
Starting point is 01:50:08 What can I say? Just we got an abundance of water here 12 years and done for this guy i don't know what that means 12 years and done for the best thing about having l1 cleaning the toilets and reverse shitters i don't know what that means either but i don't like it don't say anything bad about the L1. Maybe he hosted at L1 and then had to clean up the bathroom. Oh, wow. I bet you hosting at L1 is – you get some nasty shits in there. Yeah, big group of CrossFitters. Anyway, there's a big group of CrossFitters. I think this guy Zachary said he lives in Ventura.
Starting point is 01:50:44 Did he? Zachary Bunker. Got the Waldo picture. I know. booker osford is it's like i think this guy zachary said he lives in ventura did he anyway got the waldo picture i know he's like it looks like where's wally in his photo yeah i shit my pants once no twice twice in my life i was five and i shit my pants that's you remember that you recall that yeah yeah that was tough because then i went to the bathroom that's gonna be you know what your son one day is gonna be like i pissed myself twice in my life once when i was five playing tennis and my dad was watching me he's gonna be on a podcast telling this very story word i agree um when i was five it sucked it sucked basically i was we were we were at a friend my we were at my parents friend's house and there was a big party like 50 people there and I shit my pants and I
Starting point is 01:51:29 basically just dealt with it in my pants for like hours and it just sucked it was so bad I was like devastated I told my son that story after he peed his pants I go at least you didn't shit your pants like I did and then the second time was I was living I was I was homeless and I was it was like my first stint of being homeless and I still had my car and I was I was sleeping in the back of my truck and the night before someone had taken me to jack-in-the-box and I hadn't eaten in jack-in-the-box probably like for five years and I had a that's some sort of hamburger and I woke up like at five in the morning and i basically i had to shit so bad and there was nowhere to shit so i'm like driving and i pull up to a mcdonald's and as i jump out of the car the shit just falls out in my pants like just running diarrhea i
Starting point is 01:52:17 literally had to take off my pants and my underwear right there and step out of them and then just walk away i littered i just i just left i just left it there the person who found that oh fuck yep that's it those are my only two i only and i didn't need a jack-in-the-box again for like 20 years but i ended up going back there wow the seven on shit story in the van with the kids is a classic yes that is that it was an amazing van with the kids yeah i should i'll tell it on here i'll tell it on the 500th episode here i had to shit in the van was in a toilet that was in the van i shit in a toilet in the van wait what'd you do with that what'd you do with that mini toilet did you just leave it there
Starting point is 01:53:16 again no i know i didn't know i cleaned it out are you just a serial shit. Is that what's up? No, no, no, no. He has a history of these asses. Oh, God. I can't tell that story right now. I cannot tell that story right now. Oh, my God. It's too good for it to be told at 152. Hey, well, I got one. One time I was in a van, a bus, and it was on my friend's wedding.
Starting point is 01:53:42 We were in the middle of Mexico, like middle of nowhere Mexico, and the road was so small that the bus barely fits down in like the cliffs on one side. Yeah. And the city of Guadalajara and we were going towards the middle of Mexico. My stomach hurts so bad. And so finally we stop after like an hour and a half and there's no AC. It's in the middle of summer. It hot it's miserable and we get there to where their uh family had like it was like an old auto body shop plus a restaurant but now it's just kind of a run-down house and I go oh this is it I get to finally use the bathroom and there's a line of us out of the bus and the bathroom doesn't even really have a door it just has like
Starting point is 01:54:20 a curtain that's not bad that's not bad living room oh it's like so everybody's standing there you're right outside of it and it's just that it's just a little pool off to the side and everybody's also in line for the bathroom but then they're just hanging out right now what did you do i just just went in shifts so you oh you mean like you shit a little bit and then flush it and then got back in line again yeah and you couldn't necessarily like flush it it didn't it didn't necessarily flush oh god oh god it was good holy shit so it was a very public display it was a very and stank yes and like you're busting ass and it was
Starting point is 01:55:08 like the first night we were in mexico the night before so we had all like this uh you know like steak mexican food tequila some beers well did you have your chick with you when that happened no she was too afraid to go oh i mean it was like like middle of mexico yeah it got it got sketchy i was in a i was in a van trip one time too we i think we were just driving from san francisco to santa barbara and there were there were too many people in the van it was a volkswagen bus it did like 55 miles an hour top speed and there were probably like eight eight or nine people in it and a dude had to take a piss and the driver's like just open the door and pee and the dude fucking oh and i wasn't thank god i think i was in the front seat the dude opened the door and started peeing and all of the pee came comes back
Starting point is 01:55:54 in even though the side doors open just so everyone my hand my boys will pee pee get pee on themselves like get it on their hand like be standing there pee and i'm standing there like standing guard like we're at a park and they pee and it gets on their hands and then they just walk right up to me and just wipe it on me wipe it on my back or my pants i never say anything i just take it like it like just a good like a good dude. Okay, stories. I want to tell you guys what happened with the Matt, Savon, and Josh podcast. You guys want to know what happened with that?
Starting point is 01:56:38 Yeah, look, there's multiple people saying we want to know. Okay, I'll tell you when we hang up. When we get off the air and it's just three of us, I'll tell you what happens. We'll have a news episode one day that's just stories from Siobhan's life. Yes. That's tomorrow morning at 7. Okay, so the last few articles. We have a few different options. We might actually
Starting point is 01:56:57 be able to get through all of them, but I just want to let you know what they are and you guys can decide the order. Okay. This one is the fbi raids nsa employees home and finds 16 million dick pics i don't think that's a true story there's no way that can be true even the article looks like kind of dumb um and then there was the dutch man bitten by a snake on the toilet who underwent reconstructive surgery and then that one can't be true either yes those ones are a little like far-fetched
Starting point is 01:57:26 and then but i want to hear about the reconstructive surgery okay let's let's do it let's do it then a man from the netherlands had to have reconstructive surgery on his penis after suffering a bite from a cobra while sitting on the toilet are there cobras in the netherlands fuck the otherwise healthy 47 year old was on vacation in south africa there you go at a nature reserve when the cobra struck from the toilet and clamped onto his genitals according to the details published in the urology case reports the man waited three hours to be transported by helicopter to the nearest trauma center some 350 kilometers away after suffering what the medical journal described as the first case of a snouted cobra envenomation of the genitals during that presumably torturous weight the victim reported
Starting point is 01:58:15 feeling a burning sensation in his genitals and a pain that ascended through his groin to his flank upper chest and abdomen when he arrived at the, his genitals were swollen in a deep purple color, which doctors say indicated scrotal necrosis, commonly referred to as flesh-eating disease. Yeah, necrosis I think means dead. Dead scrotal. He received multiple doses of a nonspecific snake venom antiserum and broad-spectrum antibiotics, according to the medical report. The scrotal necrosis was reported to involve the entire fascia skin to internal spermatic and was
Starting point is 01:58:49 excised with extensive margins wait what was excised what was excised and was excised with extensive margins the scrotal necrosis was reported to involve the entire fascia and was excised with extensive extensive margins i don't know what that means exactly wait wait keep going oh there was something put the article back i saw the word shaft did you read that part no i'm about to get to it the defect and the penile okay here we go the defect in the penile shaft was treated by superficial debridement and a vacuum-assisted closure pump. Nine days later, he returned to the Netherlands. Wait a second. Wait a second. Holy shit. Vacuum-assisted closure pump, the defect in the penile shaft. Fuck, that cobra got his shaft
Starting point is 01:59:39 and was treated by superficial debridement and a vacuum-assisted closure pump. Okay, hold on. We need to look at this for a second. First of all, necrosis is, I looked it up, it's localized death. Wait, can I see that article again, Susan? I need to see that shit. Some of those words in there. Anything around the word shaft needs to be understood.
Starting point is 01:59:59 Penal, okay, I know what that is. That's the penis. Shaft, that's like the long part of the penis, right? That's like, the penis shaft that's like the long part of the penis right that's like that is a shaft and then debridement does that mean like taking shit out of it the bride that's like debris something taking debridement like no shaft debridement where's colin when we need them like is that mean like when you clean out your gutter you debris it debride what the fuck the removal of damaged tissue or foreign objects from a wound. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:00:29 So that is the dead tissue from the poison they were removing. So from the Department of Surgery, debridement is a procedure for treating a wound in the skin. It involves thoroughly cleaning the wound and removing all hyperkeratotic, thickened skin or callus, infected and non-viable necrotic or dead tissue foreign debris and residual material from dressings can you put just removes everything can hopefully not everything this what what part of the penis is this into the corpus spongosum to the fold on
Starting point is 02:00:59 the prepotium do i have a prepotium do i have that and somebody bring up some uh anatomy i just need to see a pic do you want me to pull up a picture of that or you got that search corpus spongiosum and prepotium colin says think pottery tools scraping dead tissue i wish i wouldn't have asked hey so the i this thing matt's face right now did this thing latch onto his car this thing latched onto his balls like when you're pit like yes did he pee down the throat was he peeing or was he pooing like was he peeing and this snake just like really came fast out of the toilet like would you see that coming it's like you guys facing the toilet no no no no no no no no he's probably fucking looking at his instagram and the next thing he knows the fucking cobra fucking injecting
Starting point is 02:01:55 20 cc's of venom yeah but but imagine walking out of the bathroom being like fucking someone help oh man oh okay so the force so tissue oh so he got circumcised so they got circumcised a little late circumcision all right no big deal oh my god Basically the anatomy words that are on there are just the shaft broken down into different sections. But if you look at the anatomy here in the, uh, most of the damage coming from the scrotum, it looks like it was like this. And then the snake came up underneath here and then held on like that.
Starting point is 02:02:42 Oh, good. Hey dude. But if his foreskin we got some some of that that that makes me think the foreskin was bit yeah probably captured the whole thing you're gonna have a pretty big mouth cobra mouth yeah went all in oh man okay all right Oh, man. Okay. All right. Yeah, and then he was okay.
Starting point is 02:03:09 He was good. The doctors found the wounds had successfully healed and function and sensation to his penis had fully recovered. So he's okay. He'll never see the COVID again, but he's okay. His penis got COVID. What's the story of Matt Savant there is no story dude I'm just bullshitting you
Starting point is 02:03:28 just clickbait shit don't listen to me episode 300 it's coming yes yes yes that's what I meant to say the poison travels fast in the blood of cherries you think he got fucking like no he didn't he didn, no, he didn't. He didn't get hard.
Starting point is 02:03:46 He didn't, he didn't get hard during that 350 mile flight. Trauma for life. Yes. Oh my God. Is this true? Hope CF. Anyone else have irrational fear of snakes coming out of the toilet?
Starting point is 02:03:57 Yeah. 100%. Yeah. You do? Oh, fuck yeah. In Australia, especially cause like woman,
Starting point is 02:04:02 you sit on the toilet bowl. You don't know what's going on down there behind you. You just fucking pray. That's one of my most peaceful times of the day. I feel like it must have been in some... Did you guys ever have goosebumps in America? Like the shows or the books?
Starting point is 02:04:20 They're like these kids. They're like thriller horror stories. Scary stories. I feel like it was in one of those episodes something where there's like a snake in the toilet or some shit like that and now i'm just like perpetually just terrified of fucking a snake coming out of the toilet and then it happens to some guy what'd you say it happened oh yeah right i was afraid of sharks in the pool.
Starting point is 02:04:45 Yeah. Like in the ocean, not in the pool. I was, we had a swimming pool when I was a kid. And if I was in the swimming pool swimming alone, I don't know why my mom let me do that, but I was allowed to come home from school and just swim in our pool. And I was always like,
Starting point is 02:04:59 I would be swimming in there and then I have to get out and walk around the pool to make sure there's no shark in there. Irrational, irrational fear. Kind of like how some of you have with covid okay what happened with dan bailey you guys were close he seems to be a good dude huh a good one sharks in the pool for sure damn it hope. Hope, nothing you say matters anymore. You're afraid of toilets and the snake. Snakes in the toilet. Oh, man.
Starting point is 02:05:30 Okay. What other stories, Kate? Okay. We have exploding drone assassination attempt on Iraqi PM fails. Wow. Yeah. So it seems a little bit anticlimactic, though. So anyway, let's go through it.
Starting point is 02:05:44 This is the guy. Why hasn't anyone done that? Like I'm surprised that's not – that hasn't been done a bunch. Like I don't want to say where and how and who, but I mean I'm just surprised that that technique hasn't been – I mean I don't think they allow drones to fly near the White House, right? Nope. Surely not. Okay.
Starting point is 02:06:05 An exploding drone aimed at the Iraqi prime minister's house has failed to kill him, the government has said. Mustafa al-Kadhimi was reported by the government to be unharmed. In a statement released early on Sunday, the government said the drone tried to hit al-Kadhimi's home in Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone, which houses foreign embassies and government offices. Residents of Baghdad heard an explosion followed by gunfire in the area. Two Iraqi officials told the Associated Press that seven of his security guards were injured in the attack. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to give official statements. I am fine and among my people, thank God, the prime minister tweeted shortly after the attack. He called for calm and restraint for the sake of Iraq. Yeah, so he's cool. He's cool. He was on TV later that night,
Starting point is 02:06:54 seated behind a desk in a white shirt looking calm and composed. Cowardly rocket and drone attacks don't build homelands and don't build a future, he said. Is that the picture? Let me see the picture of the exploit what the damage that's it yeah i guess so a handout picture showing damage to the prime minister's residence after a failed assassination attempt yeah so that looks like that looks like some like my my house i lived in college in like half the time it was on the floor shit was all look at look at sarah's look at sarah's uh uh um uh what's that picture called profile picture hello sarah all right back to work back to work back to work back to work um yeah that's kind of the whole story like they don't know who it was everybody's okay it's an apparent act of terrorism which we strongly condemn was directed at the heart
Starting point is 02:07:50 of the iraqi state state department spokesperson ned price said we are in close touch with the iraqi security forces charged with upholding iraq's sovereignty and independence and have offered our assistance as they investigate this attack um yeah that's kind of it all right why is do you guys feel uncomfortable with hobart listening to the show it feels like it it's like it's like we're on a it's like we're on a date and our boyfriend like i'm on a date with some some some girl and my wife's watching it's like wait what like dude what are you doing i like that he's in the i like that he's in the comments actually it's like what are you what are you doing here dude
Starting point is 02:08:25 It's like we're cheating on you right now You don't want to see this You don't want to see how swimmingly well it's going It's like when you're like injured But you still stand on the sidelines and watch the team play You know Yeah his feelings are going to be hurt He's sensitive
Starting point is 02:08:41 Okay so we have two more articles I feel like maybe we're going to go to the last one one is talking about women selling their eggs for a lot of cash um and paying for their ivy league education um or the ufc 200 do you call do you say 268 or 268 i will you say whatever you want you're i feel like it's 268. UFC 268 results talking about Rose Namajunas. Namajunas? Namajunas. Rose Stug.
Starting point is 02:09:15 What do you guys want? Eggs or fighting? I like both. I love an egg and I love fighting. Okay. Well, let's save the fighting for the end then. We're going to go in order. Okay.
Starting point is 02:09:24 Now, this article is written a little bit more like story format, and I love fighting. Okay, well, let's save the fighting for the end then. We're going to go in order. Okay. Now, this article is written a little bit more like story format, like this woman's telling her story about it, but I'll just try and get through the main kind of bits. What newspaper is this from? I don't know if I believe it already. The Guardian. Yeah, it's just The Guardian.
Starting point is 02:09:41 Oh, okay. Okay, so an increasing number of women are selling their eggs for as much as twenty thousand dollars a cycle to cover essential costs what's the cycle a woman seven months like period so just one egg it's just one egg no so here's what they do they inject you with a ton of hormones so that they can mature multiple eggs and collect 10 to 20. ton of hormones so that they can mature multiple eggs and collect 10 to 20. Wait a second. Wait a second. Sorry. Before you start now, I got some questions. So then does the woman not have menses for 10 or 20 months after that? No, no. She has a normal period. She just misses like one period.
Starting point is 02:10:30 So my understanding, and I'm totally open to being wrong, is that every month a woman's born and she's got all the eggs that she's going to have for the rest of her life. And then at a certain age, I don't know, if you drink too much milk, let's say 12, your body starts kicking out eggs once a month. And that's how you get pregnant if that egg crosses paths with some sperm. Now, what you're telling me is that they inject you with something and no more than one egg comes out a month. I mean occasionally. Like my wife dropped two on accident and we got twins. But it's one egg a month. You're telling me that they can – if you have a limited number of – amount and they force the woman to drop 10 or 20 eggs, you see where I'm going with this?
Starting point is 02:11:06 Then that would mean she would miss 10 or 20 periods. No? Yes? No, it doesn't work that way. So what will happen the next month is she will still have another egg mature or multiple follicles mature. There will be one egg that makes it all the way, and that's the one that's released during ovulation. So if there's still more eggs, then she'll continue to ovulate and have a regular period. So she'll menopause earlier. No, no, the same thing. That doesn't happen.
Starting point is 02:11:28 So like if you're on the pill, for example, it doesn't delay menopause. It just shuts everything down and then it gets back right up where it was or to a degree. So it doesn't change where your menopause is or like what happens with your periods. So you're saying for the next 10 or 20 months that when the woman has her period, there just no egg in it no not the case there's still damn it how come i can't figure this thing fucking out then your menopause has to come sooner because you're born but you're born with this with the with a fixed number of eggs so if i if i yeah but we're born with like millions of them like we have so many eggs oh oh i didn't know that. Okay, here we go. Oh, okay. So you have more than you would ever need in your entire life.
Starting point is 02:12:08 At birth, there are approximately 1 million eggs. And by the time of puberty, only about 300,000 remain. Of these, only 300 to 400 will be ovulated during a woman's reproductive lifetime. Wow, fuck. You could have just told me that in the beginning before I was showing off my third grade math skills. You'd be like, look, motherfucker, you're thinking about it all wrong. Jesus Christ. Okay. I'm going to tell you this woman's story. I'm starting down a little bit in the article, Matt. I first called the egg donation clinic back in March, 2021, moments before I attended Columbia Journalism School's introduction day.
Starting point is 02:12:40 The first time I heard of donation was through a friend during my undergraduate studies. I knew I couldn't risk the distraction and stress of a job while studying at Columbia full-time. Plus, the school's administration reminded us outright that we were to avoid employment during our studies. That's interesting. The Google search that led me to my new career choice was simple. Egg donation agencies in New York City. I'm not the only one to type it. Every year, donors are being paid in the thousands to provide eggs to prospective parents. The CDC found that in under a decade, IVF cycles using donor eggs nearly tripled from roughly 5,000 in 2007 to more than 13,000 in 2016. The woman on the phone was cheery but meticulous when she described the da. So they do like ultrasounds and they do all the stuff where they check her out. Where are we? Okay. The blood work from that first appointment was sent off to a genetic testing facility, which tested 283 of my genes against hundreds of disorders. Those ranged from
Starting point is 02:13:39 cystic fibrosis and fragile X syndrome, which has been connected to autism, to maple syrup urine disease, a disorder where the body cannot protect certain amino acids. I tested positive as a carrier for three genetic conditions, dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, a condition that creates skin so fragile that it blisters and breaks easily, leaving severe scarring, metachromatic leukodystrophy, a rare genetic disorder, and a non-syndromatic hearing loss. I felt a mixture of shock and morbid curiosity hearing the results, though the clinic reassured me it was normal to test positive for a small handful of genetic disorders. Epidermomyelitis
Starting point is 02:14:18 bullosa has no cure and people born with the condition are at increased risk for an extremely aggressive form of skin cancer. If you didn't need added sugar or refined carbohydrates, you'd be fine. Yeah. Well, genes load the gun, right? Lifestyle pulls the trigger. The representative playfully told me not to fall in love with Finnish people who are more likely to have the same skin condition. It's all horseshit. It's all horseshit, people. Go on go on sorry the clinic was not just assessing my predisposition for genetic disorders it was also weighing up other attributes my blonde hair my blue eyes my fair skin this is from germany from germany isn't it bedtime over there
Starting point is 02:14:59 sour crofton hey hi what time is it? Hello, hello. Hey, hello, hello. Can you hear me? We can. Perfect. Oh, you're in the military in Germany. You're in the military. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 02:15:18 Oh. Yeah. Damn. It's really early. Yeah, but what are you doing in germany without a german accent um i'm american i just live in germany i know why um you know this is the greatest country on the planet why the fuck would you go there america went to shit with covid what started traveling a couple years ago and america kind of changed a lot of the covid rules and it was easier to stay in
Starting point is 02:15:47 Germany. Wow. Can you, can you give me some, just some details on that? Like, like what happened? Like you, like, are you stuck there? I'm not stuck, but I kind of was. So I moved to Germany. I started doing, I went to Chengdu, China for the Pandaland CrossFit sanction.
Starting point is 02:16:11 And when I got back, about a month later, COVID happened. And with the lockdown, it was really expensive to fly back to America or anywhere, really. So I just rented a place in Germany. I happened to be there at the time. Is your name James Newberry?
Starting point is 02:16:27 No. I feel like he calls every show with a different accent. I'm tripping. Do you have like a visa? Are you working? Technically, yes. So my visa is for Starbucks. I worked for Starbucks for two months. I actually work as a CrossFit instructor here in Munich.
Starting point is 02:16:45 What did you do for Starbucks? By the way, I'm going to get to the bottom of this. I already figured it out. What did I think it was? I thought you were in the military. I figured out what it is. I'll tell you in just a minute. What did you do for Starbucks? I was a barista for about two months, and my
Starting point is 02:16:59 visa is still for a barista because the pay for it here is atrocious. Oh, but why would Starbucks bring a barista from the U.S. to Germany? Are you that good? And like, were you like good here and then they took you there to train or? I literally got hired on Facebook. I didn't even post an application. Just was on Facebook, looked at English speaking jobs and they're like, we're hiring.
Starting point is 02:17:21 And so I said, sure. And they sent me a contract over. And so you worked at a Starbucksbucks in germ do you speak german uh a little bit uh and so you worked at a starbucks in germany for about two to three months yes and was it like in a place with a lot english-speaking people yes where was it Disneyland is there Disneyland it's in Munich so fucking weird okay so I think you went there for a girl
Starting point is 02:17:51 you were chasing pussy don't lie to me I swear to god don't lie to me I was running from it I was running from it so close same thing I get points I get points so I had a question I get points. One or the other. One or the other.
Starting point is 02:18:05 So I had a question. I had a question. Go. So when I tuned in, you guys are talking about genes and gene editing and things like that. And so my question is, do you consider people modifying their genes as cheating? Cheating in what form? Cheating sports. I think what your mom
Starting point is 02:18:32 did with the milkman was cheating. There's actually milkmen here in Germany and they're amazing people. I think it's crazy to fuck with the genes, but I have no idea what I'm talking about. I don't think it's crazy to fuck with the genes but i have no idea what i'm talking about no nor i don't think it's cheating i just think it's crazy you mean is that something explain to me what that means even you're saying would they fuck with your genes like like like they would
Starting point is 02:18:57 cut kate open and fuck with their genes there you're talking about like before you're even born like fuck with the egg and the sperm in a way that makes it so you have blue eyes and a 10-inch cock and nails that don't need trimming as often as the next guy. That kind of shit? I was going more with that one, yeah. But yeah, today, I fuck up the genes and tomorrow I don't have, say, diabetes because my genes changed and I'm just immune to diabetes now. I don't know if it's cheating. I think it's stupid, though. I think it's so scary don't know if it's cheating. I think it's stupid though. I think it's so scary to play with that stuff.
Starting point is 02:19:27 Evolution is so nice the way it works. It's really kept us so fucking strong and virile and powerful and like an intelligent and to mess with that shit just sounds crazy. How do you know it's not crazy to you? Well, how do you know it's not just another form of evolution happening real time it's a great point it's a great point and then it's like the larger question is like once you start editing genes and people start getting
Starting point is 02:19:54 different uh superpowers for lack of better words better hearing better seeing better this or that like does the the quality uh you know the equality on the wealth gap just increase that much more now you have smarter better looking humans larger cocks always use cock as the example susan please always 10 inch just swinging cocks going around all over the place yes i mean do they get more votes than the other ones who don't of course that would be the whole point of it the whole thing going on here is a mating game why wouldn't those people who have an unfair advantage then not unfair they'd have an advantage i mean not a thing about this one what instead of just a tenant scott have an attendance always
Starting point is 02:20:36 hard talk so you can always be push-ups so you don't have to go down and blow that's interesting sounds like it sounds like that would be horrible do you remember that being in like in high school like a sophomore in high school, and you get these giant erections at just the weirdest times? Fuck that. That was horrible. I like being 49 and having a little control over that thing. These giant fucking muscle heads juiced up dudes. I mean, the bigger and stronger and faster you are, the higher you are in the food chain. You get everything better. You get a better job. You get more money. You get more pussy.
Starting point is 02:21:19 You get everything's better. Nothing, the bigger, faster, stronger you are, the better life is. I mean I know I'm speaking in total hyperbole, but it's true. Bang energy. You want to know what's bang energy? Drink one every day for two weeks and then stop drinking them and tell me how you feel. Nothing – life should not be like that. You shouldn't – there shouldn't be something in life that you quit and you have an adverse reaction to it that's why nicotine so that's like what's so obvious about why nicotine's so fucked up or coffee's so fucked up or sucra sugar
Starting point is 02:21:55 i don't i don't have an i don't have an answer for you i don't like i don't like the thoughts of anyone messing with my genes or anyone's genes but but but that is always what suza said is always interesting thing you know they people will say to you is there ever is there evolution or god and then what suza said is always the fucking smartest guy in the room always says this what what makes you think god didn't create evolution only god would be brilliant enough to create evolution and it's like yeah maybe us fucking with genes is part of our evolution this chick that i'm gonna have on the podcast in a few days, Courtney Hunt, she kind of scares the shit out of me when I read her stuff because what she says is about to happen is that the spark of life that happens when a sperm hits the egg and there's this – and the soul – and she says she can explain it scientifically. She can prove it, that the soul enters the body, that basically artificial intelligence is going to acquire that skill. And that's when AI will take over.
Starting point is 02:22:48 That is a fucking freaky idea. I know there's a lot of presuppositions there that we have souls and et cetera, et cetera, but man, it gets your brain really mate. Maybe we are, maybe we already are artificial intelligence. Like if you can go there in your head,
Starting point is 02:23:04 it's a really, really weird place to go. It's not comfortable. I don't like thinking about it. Anyway, Siobhan, I'm going to have to get off here. I have to keep the class at about eight minutes. I'm in Munich, Germany. It's 5.30 a.m. for me.
Starting point is 02:23:19 Okay. I just wanted to call in because I've been trying to call in for four weeks now to do the new show. I mean, it's a great new show, of course. Thank you. mean it's a great news show of course Kate's taking it to the next level Kate's taking it to the next level Oh yeah, it's awesome Kate's really good at reading I was away, I was on a holiday last week It was great
Starting point is 02:23:37 See, only outside of America people say I'm on holiday In America, that's not a thing I was on holiday. In America, that's not a thing. I was on vacation. With an American accent, even. That was really good. I like that. It'd be funny if she said that.
Starting point is 02:23:56 Put it on my credit card, too. That'd be real. Paying for that vacation for the next 10 years. Be a visa, baby. I really have to go. It was nice chatting with you guys. Thank you. Did you get fired from Starbucks?
Starting point is 02:24:12 Bye. Damn. He's gone. He's gone. Kate, was that with the new guy trying him out? Oh, yeah, last week. No, I've been out with a bunch of new guys, and they're not that interesting. Oh, wow. That should be a whole show dating in a relationship it's fun because it's like the cool thing is is if it doesn't work out
Starting point is 02:24:36 you're like oh fuck i've got a boyfriend it's cool it's fine right jesus christ i can't believe oh darn it i just said it i was gonna make it a whole show without using that phrase. I'm sorry. Okay. We're about to learn about the drugs that she takes to get the eggs to get all pumped up so they can retrieve them to then fucking donate them and make 10 grand. Okay.
Starting point is 02:25:00 Yes. Go on. If you had, well, I guess you have sperm. Would you donate sperm for 10 grand no i would not well i'm not saying i'm perfect there is no difference i am not perfect this coffee is uh i am i am a sinner and i need to be saved by the savior by the way nice body
Starting point is 02:25:20 show me what that body looks like not flexed like that. That's bullshit. I bet you I could make my body look as nice as Will. Seriously, I think I could do that. I'm going to see if I can do that next week. I'm going to show you. Guys, bring a picture of myself. You got to do heavy grace followed by 30 strict muscles for 10
Starting point is 02:25:39 seconds. Take that for a minute and then make it black and white and then you're done. You're good. If tomorrow morning, I bet, because I'll have fasted already and for a day and i bet you tomorrow morning if i work out if i do like a 40 minute workout like some like assault bike push-up pull-up workout like 20 calories 20 push-ups uh 15 pull-ups i could 10 rounds and then and then and then make and then wait let me see he doesn't even got any love handles or nothing where the fuck is that dude will yeah it's gonna be tough for me i got a little fucking muffin around the bottom good placement of the hands and you'll be fine all right um yes no i would not sell sperm would you sell egg
Starting point is 02:26:23 well i was looking at this i don't go going fuck okay that's an interesting way to make money but then she talks about all the drugs that she takes and immediately i was like no no i can't have my own kid i can't have kids somebody else having your kids no i cannot i cannot do thaton sperm isn't worth $10. That's not what your mom said. Unjabbed sperm is big money right now. Yeah, unjabbed eggs would be big money too. I reckon I could make some.
Starting point is 02:26:53 Man. That's funny. The future. The future is now. But wouldn't you be bummed if there was a kid walking around that was like your kid? That's not my kid though. It's your egg. It was an egg.
Starting point is 02:27:08 They're good eggs. People should have them. I don't know. I don't feel like an attachment to my eggs. I think the fucked up thing is like the process that she goes through to do all the donation. Okay, let's hear it. But I think there is a connection, but but i can't prove it remember that book i talked about yeah i'd probably do it and then i'd have some really fucking like bad trauma from it or something okay by summertime the clinic had taken me off my birth control and put me on their
Starting point is 02:27:39 own one morning i went to their office um and collected an envelope of beige pills she said she didn't understand why it was taking so long to match me with a family you're a hot commodity she said okay a few days away from my egg retrieval date i was sitting on the edge of my bed feeling truly unsettled um it took some mental gymnastics to learn to inject myself with hormones twice daily each medication had a different ritual. In the morning, a yellow and blue plastic pen would deliver 225 mils of folistin, clicking as I pushed the pen down to dispense the refrigerated serum. In the evenings, I would mix a vial of minopur. Combined, these two drugs worked to stimulate the follicles in my ovaries, aiming to release anywhere between 10
Starting point is 02:28:21 to 20 eggs. Normally, just one egg is released during ovulation. Days before retrieval, ganarelics would prevent me from ovulating, giving the eggs a chance to mature before they descended into my uterus to be removed. This final stage numbed me. The rigmarole of daily injections and 7 a.m. ultrasounds had worn me down and I was tired. Okay. Oh, and did you see this other paragraph here? um okay oh and did you see this other paragraph here after the first injection when i had my menses i turned into a fucking demon and killed three men at my work well that's weird um she was looking up like imagine how crazy you'd be if you drop 15 eggs i bet you there's a i bet you there's a a correlate there you drop one egg and your fucking boyfriend's cheating on you you drop fucking 10 eggs and you fucking think that the fucking he's got a harem of a thousand women you're accusing him of fucking fucking your mom it's crazy a woman who drops 10
Starting point is 02:29:15 eggs don't stay away from her yep sexist I know I'm just telling you I know stuff I bet you there's a correlate most donated during their early 20s and all participated for the financial compensation at least originally there was a pay scale largely determined by geographic location and time of donation ranging from three thousand to twenty thousand dollars women use the money to pay for bills student student loans, or vacations. Vacations. Some donors matched with intended parents or agencies placed on Facebook or Instagram. Others found their matches on Craigslist responding to blanket ads not dissimilarly phrased to those looking to sell a bicycle, apartment, or car. One headline or one ad, Jewish woman earned $10,000 with the gift of egg donation.
Starting point is 02:30:04 Another ad, Chinese, Vietnam, Korean, Asian egg donors earn $10,000. Another ad, seeking a highly intelligent egg donor, compensation up to $40,000. What if some dude just said, hey, fuck it, Kate, here's half a million dollars, and I want to fuck you, get you pregnant, bring you home and have you raise a kid for me. Half a million up front and a hundred thousand a year. Like, I don't even want your eggs. I want the whole fucking thing. I want the fucking incubator.
Starting point is 02:30:34 I want the full, yeah, I want the incubator. I want the everything. I want the breast milk afterwards. And I want you to raise them until he's homeschooled this little fucker and then what and then like after five years you're like okay and then your job is done and you go it's shit or maybe you accidentally fall in love i just i don't know rom-com and we can make a movie i don't i don't know i don't know about this whole egg egg and like i think if you if think if it's like a medical procedure and you take a hold of the hormones and then they take out, like surgically remove the egg from you, it's like it's not super personal. And I think the worst thing would be having to actually be a surrogate and carry the baby and give birth to it and then give it away.
Starting point is 02:31:18 Like that would be really tough. I'm going to say something that's probably not appropriate like if you can't have kids you can't have kids go fucking adopt a kid you don't get kids I think that's like if I couldn't have kids I would adopt or just don't have any or adopt
Starting point is 02:31:43 I mean it's much better for the environment if you don't have a kid so go green wow unless you have a kid who becomes a trash man recycler professional recycler trauma bonds yeah trauma bonds i don't know what that is but i like that yeah trauma bonds that's what i feel like every time i fucking jerk off i have a trauma bond no come back no i don't i never had a trauma bond oh man okay this is the last two paragraphs there's people who feel guilty for matt have you ever felt guilty for masturbating probably too personal yeah no yeah me neither i i i've i've I've thought about that too. Cause I think there's religious people who feel guilty for masturbating. Yeah. There's a lot of shame around it. Is that what it is? Shame or? Yeah. So it's all intellectual. It's not like. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 02:32:36 I had someone ask me, like they sent me a message. Cause like, I talk about it on my Instagram and I had someone messaged me to be like, Hey, like, do you think that masturbating means that you lose energy? Like, is it really bad for me? And should I like really avoid doing it? They had never masturbated before, or they hadn't since they were like a teenager and they're an hour girl, a boy. And I was like, no, you can masturbate. It's not going to mean you lose energy. Oh, I don't think you know that. You don't know that though. I don't know that, but might know that but i don't know i just feel like there was it was coming from definitely a place of like it had you know there are beliefs around masturbating where it's like no like you lose you have to retain that energy which i think some people do like sam dancer talks about it he doesn't he doesn't masturbate outside of being with his wife like where he doesn't pleasure himself outside of sex with his wife does he wear a condom i mean they're pregnant so i assume no i mean do they
Starting point is 02:33:32 practice i mean if you're like i've listened to his podcast and he said that he was tracking her periods so that he would know when she was ovulating or not yeah that's that's that's about as close as you get to but like if you're if you're yeah we're fucking at two hours and 30 minutes let's wait till we have hobart on for this next but like like i i think that there probably is some truth to the fact that if you jerk off that you're probably losing some energy who knows but there's fucking some definitely some um it's definitely some life life force important shit in there and i think there's some good things in being disciplined and not jerking off to be shamed by it i i've done some very deep exploration of myself and i seen that um i i am
Starting point is 02:34:19 i am a taoist and and i do believe colors blind the eye and sounds deaf in the ear and taste numb the tongue and there's some element of that to um jerking off but the shame is just fucking nuts um when when boys start jerking off it's not even sexual first time in boy masterways there's nothing there's nothing there's no it has nothing to do with the woman at all it's it's a oh here we go it only makes you stronger we need to get a whoop employee on i'll track it it um it's purely it's purely it's purely a sensation thing there's no there's absolutely nothing sexual about it at all the whole the whole thing is okay i'm not going to get too much into it but the whole masturbation is ruined for a boy when you start ejaculating before you ejaculate it's greatest thing in the world then you start
Starting point is 02:35:06 jacking it's fucking nightmare it's like i picture what it's like being a woman when you start mencing you turn 13 and fucking being a woman sucks after that but before that's probably great i think the thing with the shame is like if if it's an energy leak or if it's bad for your energy or there's some sort like life source that's lost i think that that like loss of energy is better than sitting like feeling scared to masturbate like that fear and like that concern and shame about it like i feel like that would be worse and then i also on the other end of the spectrum the other end of the spectrum is if you only jerk off and come every single time or you're with a partner and you always come and you've never experienced not doing that and not making the goalpost fucking an orgasm then it's like i also think that maybe you've got some stuff to explore
Starting point is 02:35:48 whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa let me get some clarity on this covering so many bases on this you're saying that as a man clip, Caleb, we should have sex and not do it without ejaculating. Tantra practices will tell you to do exactly that. To practice having sex and enjoying and learning what pleasure is without the goal of orgasm. Remove that goal. It's really good for women as well. Yeah. That's what's called, That's watching the UFC. That's that's pleasure without orgasm. That's this podcast. Oh, my goodness. You've lost your mind.
Starting point is 02:36:34 That is the craziest fucking shit I've heard on this show. That's why there's racism in this country, because a fucking crazy shit like that. Kate would have been good to have on with Emily Abbott. I agree. I agree. I really, I love Emily Abbott. I would love to hang out and like chat with her.
Starting point is 02:36:53 She's cool. Shit. Look how wholesome Alison Baker looks. This show is not for you. Kidding me. You look like such a nice human. I think Alison Baker is in Australia. I'm pretty sure.
Starting point is 02:37:03 I think it's the same Alison Baker that I know. Fucking nice looking human. Emily Abbott. Can you get her on the show so I can talk to her, Sivan? Yeah, well, she would come on again.
Starting point is 02:37:14 Dude, that show, the numbers on that show are tracking huge too. I can't fucking believe it. Yeah, we'll get her. Yeah, she's cool.
Starting point is 02:37:21 You know, I don't think we talked about CrossFit once. I didn't ask her about CrossFit once. I think she brought up a few times as like a parallel people wanted me to people were people are kind of assholes people were like people were like oh she talks about integrity and honesty but she cheated it's like dude you don't you don't even know what the fuck happened like and plus so what like i talk shit about being addicted to bang and this guy calls me out for being addicted to coffee it's like yeah that's talk shit about being addicted to bang and this guy calls me out for being addicted to coffee.
Starting point is 02:37:45 It's like, yeah, that's why I know being addicted to bang is bad because I'm addicted to coffee. I think that's how you learn the importance of integrity and honesty and being genuine. Yes. It's like you fuck it up like you have to. And I don't think that people should be judged because they've fucked it up in the past and they've learned from it. It's like we've all we've all got our shit. And when I had no integrity, you know what I used to have used to have kindness i was a really fucking nice person just like a nice guy yeah and it came at the expense of integrity yeah so now i have integrity and i'm just not as
Starting point is 02:38:14 nice i think my mom liked me more when i was nice i was gonna ask you did people do people like you more now i don't know i know my i know my the people closest to me like you more now? I don't know. I know my, I know my, the people closest to me like me more now. Basically it's kind of like this, you know, like if you want to find out if the person is the right person for you, who you're in love with, just be honest with them. And if they run for the Hills,
Starting point is 02:38:34 they weren't like, just honesty is the greatest deal breaker. It's like that. It brought the close people to me closer and the people not close to me further. And you attract a higher quality person when you have integrity because other people are kind of scared of you. Yeah. I think you gotta be like,
Starting point is 02:38:51 when you're meeting people or dating people or you're looking for a partner, you gotta be like pretty good at trying to scare them away. Not trying, but like just being completely yourself and being okay with scaring them away. A lot of people are nice cause they don't want to scare people away. So they put on this front when they're dating and then they suddenly take the mask off like six months later and people are like what the fuck or and you don't even take it off it just slips off on accident yeah when you're going through your uh what's that called when you donate eggs what's what's that process called when you donate eggs yeah six six months in and you're the dude you're dating finds out you're fucking
Starting point is 02:39:25 donating eggs oh man unless they're narcissists narcissists narciss oh man narcissists are fascinating i always wonder if i'm one look at this i feel like everybody gets called a narcissist you know like yeah yeah yeah at the moment like everybody gets called a narcissist. You know, like it's kind of a trendy word at the moment. Like everybody gets called a narcissist. Biomanetization. Paul King. Sousa, did we talk about the psychopath Ted X Talk? The guy who wrote the book Psychopath? The guy who wrote the book Psychopath?
Starting point is 02:40:02 Yeah. Do you remember? Were we talking about that the guy's name is john ronson you guys i'm telling you this the you have to see this this video of this guy the name of the book is called psychopath test i highly recommend buying the audiobook and listening to it the guy has the most beautiful voice and greatest storyteller, but he has a Ted talk called, um, the psychopath test. It is, it's better than a talk. This, you have to watch the slides with it in everything. It is so great. John Ronson, J O N Ronson. And if you've ever known a psychopath, it's too bad. It's such a negative
Starting point is 02:40:44 word. They are fascinating people. They're scary. You gotta be like, you gotta be like, n ronson and if you've ever known a psychopath it's too bad it's such a negative word they are fascinating people they're scary you got to be like you got to be like you got to be on your on your you got to be have your shit tight don't get fucked up by one but they're fascinating yeah that book it's almost like if you finally wreck and the scary part is if you recognize a psychopath, there is clearly some element of you that is also a psychopath. Game, recognize game. Okay. So, narcissist is overused word not to be confused with sociopath, psychopaths. They are different.
Starting point is 02:41:20 Are they, Paul? I don't know. Okay. Kate, we have a final story, right?c rose rose thug yeah okay what's our record for the longest show with hobart i think we just passed it now fuck hobart there's like 220 or 230 last time it's like the long one now we're at 240 right now do you have to pee kate no i'm good wow i was so prepared for this podcast your bladder is such a turn on greg must love your bladder well you know what you know what trained me to have a good bladder fucking seminars because when you're on the floor and
Starting point is 02:41:56 you're lecturing like you don't get to go so another good thing about the l1 i'm gonna strain my bladder for show okay this article here we are ufc 268 results takeaways i can't say any of these names so i apologize justin gaith gaith hey michael chandler delivers thrills gaichi justin gaichi michael ch Chandler deliver thrills as champions pass tests. Both Kamaru Usman and Rose Namajunas retain their titles in interesting tactical affairs while the pair of lightweights threw caution to the wind. Kamaru Usman and Rose Namajunas pass big tests at UFC 268 on Saturday night, retaining their status as champions in rematches against talented rivals. Now having defeated Colby Covington and Wiley Zhang, respectively, both champions leave Madison Square Garden in New York City,
Starting point is 02:42:55 knowing that more stiff tests for their championships await. The two title fights headlined an incredible card that saw a run of seven consecutive knockout finishes, an all-time great fight and a legend coming up short in a spirited effort. It was the kind of night every UFC fan hopes for when they plop their hard-earned money for a pay-per-view. Okay. It was too good. It was too good. It spoiled us.
Starting point is 02:43:21 I'm telling you, Dana, listen. Next week, you got fucking a horrible card it's and i mean that with all all respect peace and love all the cards are great but but when you do a card this good like couldn't you oh no no next week is max holloway i apologize next week's card is great it's like in two weeks there's a bad card coming up you have just thrown one of these guys over there. They spoiled us. It was like, did you watch it, Sousa? No.
Starting point is 02:43:48 It was nuts. It was, it was, if you're a UFC fan, it was like, there were too many superstars. It was too hard. It was like,
Starting point is 02:43:56 it was like, it was, do you ever like eat? I'm trying to think what you eat, something you eat. And like the first two handfuls are good. And then by the 18th handful, you're likeesus i should not be doing this you're just like i don't know what what it is but it was crazy what were you going to say about rose was there
Starting point is 02:44:13 anything specific you wanted to say about rose kate they talk about all the fights by the looks of it and with rose thug rose thug rose proved her second title win was not a fluke. One downside of a title win that comes in less than two minutes is that some fans and media will write your victory off as a fluke. When Namahunas landed a head kick and a few follow-up punches to score a quick KO over Zhang in April, becoming a two-time Women's Strawweight Champion in the process, her victory was lumped by some into that lucky shot category. On Saturday night, the two women rematched and victory would not come so quickly or easily for Namahunas the second time around.
Starting point is 02:44:52 So they kind of talk about the fight and while the old adage that you're not a true champion until you've defended your title is nonsense, Namahunas erased any doubts as to her true place in the strawweight division by having to go through the fire in the rematch with Zhang. She's so special. She's so special. She's so special. She even talks like a badass. Say that again?
Starting point is 02:45:19 She talks like a badass. Like I saw her on Instagram and she just sounds like a badass. Yeah. like a badass like i saw her on instagram and she just she just sounds like a badass yeah are will and sarah courting each other in the in the um in the comments i was i was watching that as well too what's going on here what's going on here hey guys pay attention fucking looking at each other's hot bodies no fucking tinder stop drooling on each other. Will, pull down those abs. Change your avatar to a fucking
Starting point is 02:45:47 mother. Imagine if they got together from your podcast. Oh, that'd be awesome. You would officiate. Hey, do you think people bone to this podcast? Are there people who bone to this? Just like have it playing in the background? Yeah, yeah. Like that guy called
Starting point is 02:46:03 with his wife like an hour, like at the one hour mark maybe we're talking about poop for a while there so that would be you know pretty hot hey and that's that's when you stop that's when you're like you know what i'm not going to ejaculate that's slowing you down just enough so i can appreciate exploring pleasure without it coming to a, you know, sorry, what was the point? Tell me before we get off the air here, what's the point of having sex without ejaculating again? I'm going to run this by my wife.
Starting point is 02:46:34 I don't really know what the point is. They just talk about it a lot in Tantra where it's like, hey, we're often missing the parts of sex that are really enjoyable because all we're focused on is the buildup to the big finale. So you kind of check out because once you start fucking, then you're like, let's fucking orgasm. Let's get there. Let's get to the exciting bit. But all the stuff that precedes it and all the buildup and all that goodness, it's just like, we just kind of pass that because we want to get to the orgasm. So it's if you don't orgasm then you have to invest in the the that bit well there's there's there's there's different kinds of orgasm no there's different kinds of love making sessions i mean there's there's sessions
Starting point is 02:47:17 where it's like it's 11 30 at night you're both fucking exhausted but but you know it's important you fuck like so you fuck and then there's like there's there's just full just like lovemaking kissing and just fucking nuts you know what i mean from the shower to the bed to like and there's just like you're not even thinking about the orgasm those don't happen a lot but but but they do happen and um those are totally different those are the ones where you're more interested in the other person than you are yourself like you're getting yeah so i think the point it's like you're getting off on planting trees instead of picking fruit so the point of tantra is that you just become more deliberate about it right like you become
Starting point is 02:47:57 more deliberate about things like eye contact and focusing on being present and things like connecting and like all the things that come along with sex, whereas a lot of people, I think the thing is, is maybe you're talking about- I think being clean gets you to the 50-yard line. You want your mate to do some kinky shit to you, take a fucking shower before you come to bed. I'm fucking crying out loud. That'll open up a lot of doors.
Starting point is 02:48:19 Sorry, sorry, go ahead. I'm serious though. Don't you think? Yeah, I don't think anybody would disagree with that yeah let's get it right after she comes back in from that workout you'll put your face in all sorts of places knowing it's clean okay clowns i'm out gf gave me this sign gotta go no yantra gotta finish different jab different jab it's slowly morphing to what you want savon which is a uh call in sex show with their questions
Starting point is 02:48:48 yeah that gotta start calling kate dr kate and we're in business yeah that would be great oh my god if you guys called with kate with questions and she would take them seriously and i would make fun of them like the old i would 100 take them so seriously too. I try and give really good advice. I know you're a good dude. And you give an awesome advice this show. Okay. It really has been. When they call up and they're like, uh,
Starting point is 02:49:11 what sex toys should I use? Should we do anal? Should I shower before or afterwards? I'll be like, okay, well at the moment you're unconscious and competent. And what we want to get to is. Oh God.
Starting point is 02:49:22 Anal just makes me sick to my stomach. No anal. Don't say that word anal anal anal it's a great word anal uh as early as i could i taught my kids uranus the planet uranus and they figured yeah i think at three they had figured out that it was just an awesome joke your kids are going to be fascinated when they find out about anal now. Oh God. I hope they don't find out about it forever. They're never going to have a cell phone. Oh, I get up at six in the morning. What time do you get up Susie? Oh, Susie gets up before me, huh? Yeah. Like four 45, four 50.
Starting point is 02:49:57 What time do you get up Kate? Oh, like six or seven. Oh, I thought you were going to say cock a clock. Or that. six or seven oh i thought you were gonna say cock o'clock um or that hey you know it's crazy are you a morning person kate yeah i am it's like the coach's curse whenever you've been a coach for a while it's like you're a morning person yeah but but you know what i mean by morning person you like to fuck in the morning actually my preferred day of fucking is like afternoon what morning to afternoon yeah i like like middle of the day fucking little afternoon i'm not i'm not a middle day person at all but i'm a morning person when you have kids it goes
Starting point is 02:50:36 away you gotta like you you gotta like adjust my partner really likes morning as well yeah morning is like mornings it's what a great way to start today if you have sex the night before and you're a dude you will absolutely need it in the morning that needs too strong want it want it you never need it but you want it it's like starts up the system i think i told you guys this story i told my i had gone two months without ejaculating in college it was like this fucking concerted effort. And basically if I, I basically, you can't, you basically have to sleep with your hands tied behind your back. And anytime I woke and I kept these, these dumbbells next to my bed.
Starting point is 02:51:14 And if I woke up and I was horny, I would just lift weights. I would work out to take the blood out of my penis. And my dad told me, Hey, Sevan, if you don't use it, you'll lose it. That's shaming right there. I guess. I guess. If you don't use it, you'll lose it. And so you started masturbating again?
Starting point is 02:51:37 No, I think I had sex with one of my friend's girlfriends. I think it was crazy how it happened, too. It was crazy how it happened. It was fucking crazy. You know what happened was crazy how it happened. It was fucking. You know what happened? You held that too long. Yeah, I held that too long. And then you got, you got, you fell into temptation there.
Starting point is 02:51:53 You 100% did not lose it, though. At least that proves it only made things worse. Yeah, I kind of, it was good the way it happened. It was good the way it happened, but it was fucking nuts. It was nuts. College is great, isn't it? Did you go to college?
Starting point is 02:52:10 Yeah, I was at UC Irvine for a couple of years. I finished, I started university or college in New Zealand. And then I like did an exchange and just finished college in the US. Oh, was that fun? Irvine?
Starting point is 02:52:24 Yeah, it was, it was amazing. It was like the best thing i ever did did you go to college susan yeah i went to like four did you ever go where you go away to college like like kate no i mean i went to academy of our university in san francisco but that's still close you're you have a little too much entrepreneur in you if you would have went away to college you would have started like a mushroom farm or dealing drugs or something like that something entrepreneurial right you would have yeah most likely i can't sit through class that's like that's not gonna happen that's
Starting point is 02:52:54 tough for me hey that must have been expensive to go to uc irvine from canada from australia where are you from well i was paying new zealand school fees because it was just like an exchange program so i wasn't paying uc irvine fees but travel i was paying for travel now you can't do that at all so you complained about the expensive travel well we'll fix that no i didn't complain about it you brought it up oh i'd happily now we won't now we won't let you travel at all yeah hobart do you want to say anything you want to call in you got the link you got the link dude
Starting point is 02:53:31 you know what he's going to try to tell us tomorrow too that he only listened to like 15 minutes of the show listen dude you were chiming in for two hours i told him he could have come on the show still i'm like don't feel bad come on the show who. I'm like, don't feel bad. Come on the show. Who cares? Let Kate do it. Like, I think he feels bad because you did all the hard work this week and he doesn't want to come on and just like coast in. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:53:55 It would have been good. He could have just like chilled out and listened to giving me feedback later. He's given me feedback on a seminar before we worked on a seminar and he was a flow master. So he had to give me feedback. It's good. Hob how about i can't believe you're still friends after that he gave us feedback yes if you're if you're i'm gonna say something pretty hard i want to hear what you think about this statement kate if your wife can't if your partner can't yes i'm gonna go with that if your partner can't masturbate to orgasm, you have a problem. You don't know the problem.
Starting point is 02:54:36 True or false? What? In what way? Like, what's the problem? The problem is for it, like, because your partner can't come? If come if you're a dude i mean if you're a dude i mean if dudes who can't orgasm there's probably some serious uh there's there's mama issues there there's psychological issues there dude should not have problem orgasming dude it should be just so easy for a guy to orgasm i think if i'm thinking clearly about it um uh but but you're but if you're a woman, I don't know what the root of it is.
Starting point is 02:55:08 But if you can't orgasm, if you need to be able to masturbate or if a man's going is if a man is with a woman who is can't masturbate to orgasm, he's never going to be able to make her happy. Yeah. OK, so maybe I'm maybe I'm talking in absolutes, but I think that there's some accuracy there. I feel like, funnily enough, female orgasm and male orgasm are really hard to compare. However, in terms of what I believe is some of the similar underlying issues, for men to get hard, that is better to compare to woman orgasming. I think it's the same, like kind of performance pressure thing. So it's like men trying to get hard or if they're having issues with getting hard or staying hard, that's like mentally like that, that fucks with you. That is probably closer to what it's like for a woman who can't orgasm or have a hard time orgasming. Like, I think it's a little bit more relative. Wow. Uh, Sarah case is if you can, yeah, of sarah says if you can't get there if you can't get
Starting point is 02:56:07 yourself there no one else will be able to get you there kind of that's what i mean but i think it's even heavier than that but that's interesting you say that kate i've never had it heard it worded like that i'm such a fucking selfish asshole that like if my dick's not hard then i'm not gonna be interested like if some dude was like i can't get hard i'd be like well then you don't want to have sex go out and play football like i can't see the it's like putting the uh the carriage before the cart like the only reason i'm supposed to have sex is because that thing's fucking pointed up anyway it's like oh shit but that's just me that's just me i um but yeah i think if you if your partner cannot masturbate and get themselves to come it's not necessarily impossible for them
Starting point is 02:56:54 to come other ways but i think it's certainly going to be one harder for you to make them orgasm and two like just difficult in general to like enjoy sex and be i guess explorative with sex or adventurous because it's like if they don't explore themselves it's going to be really hard for them to explore with somebody else there and i wasn't even necessarily considering it like that you wouldn't be able to get them off although that's probably true what you said but it's also like hey like what the fuck's wrong with you like you've never masturbated you're 28 year old woman with a vagina and you've never given yourself an orgasm it's like hey you need to be like locked away for like a month and left alone with your vagina like you just have
Starting point is 02:57:37 like the world will be a better place for it you'll be better the people around you will be better like the like yeah i think it's a whole show definitely well i think women in general should masturbate more and like talk about it and like be open about it i think it's a joke for guys right like you guys like talk about coming and jerking off like it's super common and like just like discussed openly it's totally opposite for women like you just don't really it's become more and more common like and even talking about like sex toys and shit like that but you didn't talk about it in high school though if you if you you didn't admit in junior high or high school if you masturbated if you're a boy something was wrong with you then all of a sudden
Starting point is 02:58:11 something happens in college there's like there's always one guy that breaks it like there's always one guy that's always like hey let's go play football i just jerked off i'm ready to go and then it's like okay i guess it's out of the hat. Everyone here does it. All right. Tuned in 10 minutes ago. All sex. Has it been two hours of this? No. Look at Kevin with a poster.
Starting point is 02:58:33 Like I'm taken. Look at that picture. I'm taken. Do you know whenever I see photos like that, I'm like, I wonder what their sex life is like. Yeah. Is it really kinky or is it like really vanilla? Like it's one or the other, you know? It's interesting.
Starting point is 02:58:50 I wonder if they talk about masturbating together. Yes. Maybe this podcast will prompt that with them. If it's a positive force in the universe, it will. No, Kevin, it took a hard left. Yeah, it did take a hard left. All right. 9 p.m. I did take a hard left. All right. 9 p.m.
Starting point is 02:59:07 I'm going to go watch Yellowstone now. Have you guys seen, I guess, the new season? Yeah, it's come out. I saw somebody post about it. I haven't seen it. Do you watch Yellowstone? No. Do you watch Yellowstone, Sousa?
Starting point is 02:59:19 No. I don't watch it. Don't even bother starting. It's just ungratuitous violence and sex. And Kevin Costner costner's daughter and it's like that's the best part when she's naked all right uh let's get off to get off the call here so i can um tell you guys about why the seven on matt and josh podcast is uh went sideways nice kevin

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