The Sevan Podcast - 2023 DGPT Music City Open w/ Brian Friend #890

Episode Date: April 24, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Be honest. What's up? You think I look like a dyke?
Starting point is 00:00:38 By dyke, I don't mean one of those things that holds back water. No, no, no. Do you not like it? back water no no no do you not like it i think you are uh amongst the people in my life i've met who can um pull off the most variety of looks look at that i see it oh i see it caleb he's holding back no is he he's holding back okay uh listen i'm here with brian friend i'm here with my new haircut No, is he? He's holding back. Okay, listen. I'm here with Brian Friend. I'm here with my new haircut, new-ish.
Starting point is 00:01:09 I mean, it's a vault. I got a pair of clippers. I'm just slowly just whittling away at this thing. Ken, good to see you too, buddy. Ken Walters. Okay. A shirtless Ken. Barry's here to see Brian, of course.
Starting point is 00:01:23 What is this thing? What is this? Oh, I've seen that before. Barrett KC 43. I smell weed. Not here. Oh, so a skunk got hit in front of my house today. And my whole yard has smelled like weed all day.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Greg C, caring about useless sports just to listen to Sevan and Brian banter. Smart enough. Please just don't touch yourself. What's that called? Don't pleasure yourself to the deep, fine baritones of Brian Friend. Barry McCockner. Hello, Sarah.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Oh, where's Sarah? Oh, Sarah Cooper. There she is. Okay. Mooney always deserves... Oh, we used to see your face. You had a round face. Now we see your ass. Finally able to catch a live, been on vacation, and it's Frisbee show. Okay, here we go. Olivia, hi.
Starting point is 00:02:11 The Burpee Dude. I still love you. Okay, good. Some new people here. Oh, and we got one of our regular hostiles. Bam, I'm here for a while before pickleball. I just knew it was going to be hostile from him. How much does C7 toss a Frisbee now?
Starting point is 00:02:28 Where would I toss it? I'll toss, I'll toss, I'll go. Well, did I tell you what happened? I told you what happened, Brian,
Starting point is 00:02:35 right? My neighbor locked up. You should do the whole show with that profile view. Let's look to the side again. It says a little more, a little more. I want to see the bottom of your hair. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:42 That's just, that's just great. A little more, a little more. I want to see the bottom of your hair. Oh, yeah, that's just great. What a mullet. It's kind of a mullet. It's getting weird.
Starting point is 00:02:53 It's getting – it's weird. I fucked with it today. I got yelled at today by my wife. My wife almost never yells at me because I – we have a guest bathroom, and I shave my head. We have a main house bathroom that anyone uses, and then we have the kids' bathroom and my bathroom. And I cut my hair for the second time in the, like, the main house bathroom. She's like, don't do that.
Starting point is 00:03:12 No one wants to see your gross hair around. And I got just drilled. Like, I should do them. I'm more mullet than man bun. Okay. Listen, so I'm pretty excited that we're doing this show this is the uh fourth of 15 stop oh shit when i go like that you can see it this is the fourth of 15 stops that the um do they have an acronym for the disc golf pro tour dgpt dgpt a disc golf Disc Golf Pro Tour, DGPT. DGPT.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Disc Golf Pro Tour, this is the fourth of 15 stops that they're doing this year. And I thought we were going to miss it. And Brian had a busy week. And then there was a week off. And then the fifth tour happened today. The fifth stop happened today. And so I thought we were just going to skip the fourth. But no, we don't skip anything with Brian around. We are very thorough so we're going back this is from two weeks ago this is uh we're going to go over the uh event that had the greatest frisbee golfers in the world
Starting point is 00:04:13 in attendance except for the greatest i didn't see the greatest there was he there who is that paul mcbeth oh yes funny you should say that yes Yes, Paul McBeth. Was Paul McBeth there? I would say, well, Paul McBeth was there, yes. Oh, shit. So he wasn't in the lead card or the chase card? He finished tied for 25th. And I would say that currently he is not the best player in the world right now. And not even probably in the top five okay so uh two things you should know that that i've learned from brian already from the first four shows we've done paul mcbeth six-time world champion considered by many to be the best ever who did the game
Starting point is 00:04:56 that being said this game is evolving at a crazy high speed still and uh and so you never know i mean it's like crossFit really a guy could come in next year and be the best Frisbee golfer who ever lived. I mean, it's, it's, it's, uh, it's like that. Yeah. I mean, the, uh, right at this moment, I think that Gannon Burr who's 18 years old is the highest rated player in the world. And there are a lot of players that are 16 through 20 years old that are becoming more and more relevant at the highest level of the sport. And it's, um, it's, you know, it's similar to the females in CrossFit where there's just this young generation that's coming up and they are extremely relevant, not just, not just in local competitions, but at the best competitions in the world. No hair gel, Barry. No, there's no
Starting point is 00:05:45 hair gel in here. This is just a thick, dirty hair pulled back into a man bun. I said it. Did Happy Gilmore make the cut? They do got a guy. They got a guy. Caleb played the clip once who wants to go toe to toe. They do got a guy. I really wish this guy would make it in the chase card or the chase card or the lead card every week i'm a huge fan he stepped up to a ref once and it was just ridiculous how he did it he stepped up to the into this ref's face and yelled at him and then told the ref to walk away i mean it was it was like it was like sitcom shit right yeah and it's i mean it's in and it's, I mean, it's in character for him, but for anyone else, it's like, what?
Starting point is 00:06:34 Jeremy Garcia, what are you fiddling there? Is that a broken egg or are you petting a cat? I can't tell what that is. These disc shows are like if in college, Sevan is trying to take a girl home from the bar. Oh, shit, That's not good. Wildly successful? No. Clumsy, drunk,
Starting point is 00:06:51 stupid, and smelly. Sevan looks 10 years younger. Wait till I trim my shit up. Extra sloppy. Brian, tell us about your new venture real quick. Fine. Let's do it. There is a new website called No. Oh.
Starting point is 00:07:07 The website's not launched yet. You can go to the Instagram. It's BeFriendlyFitness. And I think we'll have more time to talk about it. Are there any dots or underscores or anything, or is it just BeFriendlyFitness? I think it's that. The Instagram?
Starting point is 00:07:23 Okay. Yeah, it's just be friendly fitness i'm pretty sure the website is be friendly i we actually have a meeting tomorrow with the designer and i'm going to get the first look at the website and then it's going to launch on may 1st oh that's cool congratulations that's fun oh that looks good okay i really like it oh good no underscores or dots or anything stupid like that. That's good. All right. Oh, I'm going to follow that right now.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Be friendly. Don't feel obligated, Caleb, to follow it. Caleb, I just told you don't feel obligated. It's not my account. Oh, awesome. Hey, listen, something you should also know, be friendly. I'll say this. There are a lot of nuances to what we'll be doing but the primary motive behind this is to have one place where you can get my content and hopefully
Starting point is 00:08:15 a very easy to access um manner but not not as you won't get any of his great podcasts unless you come here you can watch b Brian practice doing podcasts with other people. But if you want to watch his best shit, it will always be here. Well, I mean, there will be a section on the website that references all my past work. And, you know, so if you want to see any of the stuff that I did while I was at Morning Chalk or Bar Bend or South China Morning Post or a couple articles I've written with Barbell Spin. post or a couple articles I've written with Barbell Spin. There'll also be some stuff that links to podcasts that I've done in the past, both personal and professional, and obviously some on podcast.
Starting point is 00:08:53 There's a ton, and it'll be at the top of the list. And there will also be a section of the website that's for disc golf, direct to the archive of all of our disc golf shows, and eventually I have some content about disc golf as well. Amuni, I have been through this seven losing Brian thing so many fucking times. I'm just, it's, it's like,
Starting point is 00:09:13 it's just, uh, I'm being tested by, by the Buddha. All things must change. Uh, does, uh,
Starting point is 00:09:20 does the seven own exclusive rights to Brian via podcast content? I would tell you the truth about that. We made a deal that he would, during the weeks of competition, he would only do my podcast. And then when I brought it up to him later, he said he forgot. He doesn't remember. So it's my word against his. So no, I don't have any fucking exclusivity.
Starting point is 00:09:50 He thinks what I pay him is like a donation it's a it's a tumultuous you guys shouldn't start a reddit thread it's a tumultuous relationship the hostilities between mr friend and i yeah and yeah and i am gonna do that seven when is the seven network starting yeah right exactly as soon as don lemon gets fired and i can hire don lemon we're on i know of course we're on. I know. Of course. We're fucking amazing as a team. Me and Brian are like a straight guy and a straight girl coming together.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Rare these days. Special powers. We can make babies. This is an incredible thing brian the when brian introduced me to uh frisbee golf just four shows ago um to to the you know the professional frisbee golf one of the things he said is that pretty much the lead card is is the card to watch you want to talk about that and how things have gotten a little squirrely this year brian yeah i mean it's it's been the most competitive start to a season that we've ever had or that they have ever had because there are in nearly every tournament this year, there have been half a dozen to a dozen players within two strokes of the lead coming into the final day. I mean, it's pretty difficult to follow 12 players around the course. And it's, and there's only,
Starting point is 00:11:05 there's two post-production companies that almost saw these competitions and they're following either the lead card or the chase card. And so you can watch those after the fact, if you don't have access to the live disc golf network, but if the winner comes off of the third card, I mean, there could be a situation that arises where we don't even have the footage of the eventual winner of the tournament. And I think that that is a reality that, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:27 the organizers of competitions and the purveyors of how people can digest this content need to think about, because there have been several winners already this year from the chase card and like a record setting number and some threats from that third card as well. In fact, in one tournament, there was a guy from the fifth card that was threatening to win for like 75% of the last round. Who was that from the fifth card? His name is Austin Turner.
Starting point is 00:11:50 He's playing as the best lefty right now in the tour. We feature Austin a bit in this show today. Okay, excellent. And so just so you guys, just to define a couple of things for you, the cards are groups of four. The players play in groups of four, and then so the camera follows groups of four guys,
Starting point is 00:12:09 and the lead card is the four players who are currently in the lead, and the chase card are the four players who are in fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth. But how many guys entered this tournament? A hundred? Yeah, it's usually – I mean, it can be as much as 160. This one was, there were 111 players at the start of play. Question here, Nick Schroeder, why don't they reseed? I think they do after every 18, right?
Starting point is 00:12:38 Yeah, so there are a variety. After every round, every 18. So the first day you get assigned a tee time and there are two featured cards. And usually it's like the past champion, maybe like whatever. There's different criteria for the top lead card. And then they just select four players that are, you know, well-known or pretty good or playing hot or whatever to be on the other one. So it's kind of random on day one.
Starting point is 00:13:01 And, but on day two, the top four players from the previous day, they have the last tee time. And the worst four players tee off early in the morning, and everyone in between falls in line. And so basically the reason why this is happening is so many people are getting the same scores. So it doesn't even matter at which point you're receding them. You're going into the last 18 um baskets and there's uh 10 guys who are minus 20 or minus 15 minus 17 so so that there's a problem
Starting point is 00:13:34 right i mean it's a good i'd say it's a good problem yeah it's a great problem the competition is very legitimate there are a ton of players that you feel like can, can definitely win. And, and there's also, you know, even of the players that you think about that could win prior to the tournament,
Starting point is 00:13:51 it seems like every tournament, there's one or two guys that you weren't thinking had a chance to win that just have an incredible weekend. And they're right there in the mix. Mike literis just got here. Glad to see Brian's live. What are you talking about? Brian's been with you for a week, Mike Litteris.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Okay. How we do it, there's a golf network. Where was I when all this happened? Now, before Brian answers this, I'm going to guess that they use the term golf network very loosely, that this isn't a real network. It's called the Disc Golf Network. that this is like some, this isn't a real network. Oh, this is the, it's called the disc golf network.
Starting point is 00:14:27 It's, I mean, it's basically an app. Um, and they don't have a station on direct TV. Like 1074 isn't the disc golf network. No, you have to pay, you have to pay for a subscription to it,
Starting point is 00:14:38 but it's on an app. It's not, it's not, they don't have a cable channel. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:44 And I think it costs 50 bucks for the year something like that what is that 12.99 for what to subscribe that can't be a month oh 129 annual 12.91 yeah um it's actually gone up and you've subscribed right i am subscribed to it yeah yeah and uh there are they you can watch all of the Disc Golf Pro Tour stops and most of the major championship stops and the Silver's Tour Series stops on the Disc Golf Network. They also produce some documentaries featuring certain players or telling some stories about Disc Golf's history or whatever. So they're trying to build up some other things that make available to their members, other people who subscribe. Occasionally they also have free streaming.
Starting point is 00:15:32 The Disc Golf Network will stream one of the rounds, usually the first round free on YouTube. So you could like, if you, if you go to watch the male, the men's lead, you know, the men's final round, it's like three or four hours long, depending on the course. That three or four hour on Friday, the first day is free on YouTube as well. So you can kind of there's like a way for you to see what what you'd be getting if you paid for it. And then if you want to pay, pay for it to watch it live over the weekend, you can't.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Listen, Nick, listen, listen, you quit. We're not going to solve their media problems on this show. You stop. You've reached your limit of questions, and now you can only make jokes. Okay. Okay. Extra sloppy. Ooh, this isn't nice, but we might as well let it fly. Extra sloppy, probably like morning chalk up is for CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:16:20 like the most legitimate media in the space. Brian, do you have a response to that? Is the golf network like the morning chalk up? I don't see the parallel. Okay, good. I do, but since Brian doesn't, I won't say anything. Caleb has a state. No, he's in outer space.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Oregon. Okay. You're in Oregonregon no oh okay oh there we go i once saw there you go now you're back on track i once saw hippopotamus in the in the window okay uh final uh we're gonna start on the final round which means that uh all the players have played 18 baskets they paid played 18 baskets one day, then they played 18 baskets the next day. This is the final 18. We're going to start with the chase card. These are the players who are number 5, 6, 7, 8.
Starting point is 00:17:13 The tournament is the 4th of 15 on the Disc Golf Pro Tour for 2023. It takes place in Nashville, Tennessee. It's called the Music City Pro. Open. Music City Open. But we'll probably change the name to Pro. And by the way, Disc Golf Network, you guys should probably just give me, even though I won't ever watch it, you should give me a free subscription and some shit.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Okay. You want to say anything about it before we dive into hole one? It has not always been a pro tour stop it's usually been a silver series event so it's elevated this year they've made some changes to the course and just as a frame of reference there's one player that has dominated this competition oh can i tell you who yeah it's Yeah. It's Dickerson. Chris Dickerson? Yeah, Chris Dickerson is the best player in the history of the state of Tennessee. He's one of the top five rated players in the world.
Starting point is 00:18:17 He's a threat at almost every event he shows up to, but he's definitely the favorite at this event. I think he's won it four times, and he's been in the top five every time that it's ever been played. What's the deal with that? You think he lives like within five miles of that, of that course and just plays it like no other. It's kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:18:35 He's his, like, he's incredibly good, but his record in the state of Tennessee is just like insane. Like for whatever reason, he just plays courses. They're extremely well. And is that, I mean, is that because these are his home courses? So, I mean, in some cases, definitely. But I think there's, I mean, it's just like, it's almost one of these things you can't explain where for whatever reason, he just elevates when he plays in his home state. Who is, who's the Disc Golf Pro Tour, by the way, the way it works, it's a point system.
Starting point is 00:19:02 So they're keeping track of like what place you finish and your wins and going into this is uh is is heimberg in first place yeah calvin heimberg's been having the best season of anyone so far and i think even though i said at this exact moment i believe ganon burr is the number one rated player in the world heimberg is by far the points leader okay how can that be how could how could gannon just based on last year um no it's uh it's based on like your your rating per round they're they're really close they might be within one rating point of each other or something like that but it might just be that um calvin's had a like maybe he's had a couple lower rounds but also a couple higher rounds and gannon's had more consistently right, right around there.
Starting point is 00:19:47 I'm not entirely sure. Um, but, uh, but you'd rather be in Heimberg spot than Gannon spot. You'd rather be the winning. I think, yeah. Yeah. I mean, um, at this point in the season, Calvin has finished in the top three of every tournament and he's matched Paul McBeth's record of, of the most consecutive podium finishes, um, ever in the existence of the disc golf pro team.
Starting point is 00:20:10 What's the most tournaments ever anyone's ever won in a season? I'm not sure. I'm not, I'm not sure. Okay. Because, uh, cause yeah, Heimberg's got two, that's gotta be, he must be on good pace. Yeah, definitely. Okay. I mean, it's, you know, it's for, for most players, if you win one tournament definitely okay i mean it's you know it's for for most players if you win one tournament in the year it's like incredible it like makes your year uh chase card uh sounds like heimberg is winning the event as they go into hole number one in the final round he's at minus 12 he's playing in on the card with simon lazat who you guys have seen before in the
Starting point is 00:20:44 show i believe we've had austin turner maybe on in the past, maybe, maybe not. And then finally, a guy I'd never heard of, Ricky Wysocki, who is a victim of Lyme disease. And trying to get his shit back together as we go into hole one. Ricky Wysocki, and you should learn, you know, Ricky Wysocki is... Not Japanese. Is, he is possible, other than Paul McBeth, he is definitely the best player of the last decade, for sure. Oh, wow, okay.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Of the four world championships that Paul has not won in the last 10 years, two of them have been won by Ricky and Ricky's finished second and several others. And I think it was 2015 that they went into like a 10 hole playoff in the world championships against each other. Just something insane.
Starting point is 00:21:29 The guy was the tour champion last year and he won several tournaments last year. He was the highest rated player last year. And this is post Lyme disease. He, he had Lyme disease. He was the tour champion last year. He beat out Paul McBeth on the poor tour points by one shot.
Starting point is 00:21:44 He made a 60 foot putt on the last tournament of the year on the last hole to take the tour championship points away from paul mcbeth yeah wow and then he and then he talked about it and he said yeah i mean look like the world champion is a great accolade to have that just means you were the best for one weekend but the tour champion is the guy who was the best who was the best player in the world and was the best for the entire season so he's like you know trying to sell himself in that regard yeah yeah i buy that i buy that i'm down with that i mean yeah that's true but that would be like me saying to you in a scenario where t has won the game six years in a row but she keeps losing at rogue that she's not
Starting point is 00:22:18 the fittest woman on earth oh no but he oh you're not saying he didn't win the whole DGPT for 2022? He did. He had the most points over the course of the year. But some of that comes down to how often you play because you can't earn points if you don't play. So, I mean, look, and coming into this year, he had an injury that we didn't know how serious it was going to be. It's been pretty bad where he's missed most of the tournaments.
Starting point is 00:22:47 What? I just invited him on the podcast. Okay, go on. Awesome. If he comes on the podcast, he'll tell you all about his hot-cold therapy. Oh, good. He's obsessed with it. Oh, because of the Lyme disease?
Starting point is 00:22:58 I mean, he takes a lot of pride and investment in his health, and that's something that he's come across recently that he thinks gives him a competitive edge. Um, I, this is kind of a weird thing to say, but I wonder if Lyme disease is pretty common. Ticks are pretty common for that sport because those,
Starting point is 00:23:16 yeah, I mean, I haven't really heard of too many other players that have it, but, uh, how we do it best player in the last decade i'm seriously shook i feel like i just woke up from a coma and missed the last 10 years okay okay anyway the point is when ricky is playing at his best he is a contender to win every single tournament he shows up to
Starting point is 00:23:37 okay good well this is the first time i've seen him this year that he've been in contention okay uh 605 calvin heimberg uh player we've uh focused on the previous three weeks uh hole one at the music city open yeah and this the whole this is not this is it this is the shot you want 605 hole. Oh, you want to see him off the tee? We can audible. No, no, this is totally fine. Whatever you have is good. Okay. This hole one is a pretty tough hole.
Starting point is 00:24:11 There were not a lot of birdies on this hole. There were a lot of bogeys. It's a pretty tough shot. Tee shot, really demanding second shot, and the green is obstructed, as you see, with a lot of trees. This is the first time I feel like I've let Brian down. He's like, really? We're starting here? I apologize. What happened there?
Starting point is 00:24:30 Can we see that one more time? Did he make that? Maybe we need audio with that, Caleb. That one's hard to see. I don't know what he's doing to envision the landing spot. I don't know what he's doing to envision the landing spot. No, he didn't make it, right?
Starting point is 00:24:50 That's what you picked. I think it's the branches that landed short. Oh, great choice, Sevan. 6'15". Austin. Austin. What's Austin's name? Austin Turner. Yes, Austin Turner.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Austin Turner. Yes, Austin Turner. Austin Turner from 25. That's more than 25. Oh. Lefty. Oh, we got a lot of stuttering today. Caleb, did you pay your internet? I don't know. That's the wife.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Good answer. Did he make that shit i don't even know my goodness no he would have he would have continued towards the basket if he made it so okay good good answer okay uh 705 calvin's upshot came up close i mean came up short in for par and uh 720 austin uh turner this is from two weeks ago by the way i watched this sorry i mean it's gonna take me a second to warm up not too many seconds probably like 10 or 15 austin turner the way I watch this. Sorry, it's going to take me a second to warm up. Not too many seconds, probably like 10 or 15. Austin Turner.
Starting point is 00:26:11 And who's the sponsor there? This Pulsey? Pulsey? I don't really know. But I'm just looking at the bottom. They should drop that out. Simon got a birdie on that hole, and like I said, it's a pretty tough hole to birdie. So par is a much more common score there.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Hole two, Simon, minus 13, and has taken the lead after that hole. When we went into the final round, Heimberg was in the lead, and now Simon's in the lead at minus 13. 8.55. Ricky Wasaki off the tee. Yes, here's Ricky. And, you know, I've told you in the past that Paul McBeth had gotten a sponsorship, a 10-year, $10 million sponsorship with Discraft.
Starting point is 00:27:03 And at that time, Ricky was playing with Innova as his title sponsor. And then Latitude64 made him this offer for your $4 million. So he switched disc companies a couple years ago. And he and also the best female player in the world both play for that disc company now oh wow and that best female player in the world is the one we saw with the putting problem no no no oh okay hey uh um we this is a really bad stutter we haven't seen a single throw get off here i wonder what's going on maybe Maybe you could lower the picture quality, Caleb, and maybe see from HD to ass.
Starting point is 00:27:48 From good to ass. Let's see. Yeah, maybe go down to 720. Let's see what we get. Alrighty. So, did Ricky go out of bounds there? It looks like it, yeah. And this is a... The second hole is just as hard as the first
Starting point is 00:28:04 hole to birdie. You have to have a really well-placed tee shot. And then the second shot into the green is ridiculously hard with a tight and missing left like that is less than optimal because not only are you out of bounds and taking a penalty shot, but the recovery from there is very difficult. Uh, nine 23 Heimberg also off the tee. No, not off the tee. So this the tee so this is a great landing zone
Starting point is 00:28:29 this is the one spot where if you land it you have a straight shot to that basket but even so it just gets tighter and tighter as you go and there's OB on both sides out of bounds is that better no I don't ever remember seeing this bad
Starting point is 00:28:44 does it look bad to you too, Brian? Is it stuttering pretty bad to you? Yes. It's not even video. It's like you just showed us a montage of like six photos. Yeah. Okay. But maybe, who knows?
Starting point is 00:28:56 But I think that's his disc there on the ground, and that was an exceptional shot. Look it, you're going 360, huh? Look at you. You're going 360, huh? Look at you. 10-17 Austin going for his second shot from the knees.
Starting point is 00:29:18 No, not from the knees. This is going to be his third shot, I think. With the Guardians. God, I hope he didn't make that. What is going on? Bordering at unwatchable. Let me cut out and I'll try it again. Okay, there we go.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Close Pornhub, Caleb. Fair enough, Trina. Fair enough. Michael C., Brian. What's up, brother? I was starting to wonder why your ban from YouTube was longer than Sevan's. Fair. Great question. Would you like to say something, Brian?
Starting point is 00:29:55 No. Okay. How we do it, that course looks sketch. Can you say grassy knoll guaranteed someone has been killed on that course? This course does have a lot of possibilities for hole-in-ones, though, correct? There are definitely some, yeah. Towards the end of the round, there's a hole that if anyone had made a hole-in-one on it during the tournament, they would have won a Gibson guitar. It was a nice prize on the line.
Starting point is 00:30:28 There's a lot of people that came close but no one got it is beaver using aol aol dial-up fair question uh ken walters did he did brian say 10 million dollar sponsorship does anyone in crossfit even have one close to that what's it and i've talked about this before is the interesting comparison between disc golf and crossfit in terms of the sponsorship so that the disc golf ones are known you know they're like those those are public when that when paul mcbeth got offered 10 million for 10 years from discraft um everyone knew about it and it and it redefined you know the kind of earning potential in the sport and like you know ricky Ricky got a, an extra, I've got an op, an offer basically on the back of that offer and several other players,
Starting point is 00:31:09 you know, everyone has to kind of rise to the, to the level of that. I do think that there might be some CrossFitters that have had, you know, contracts that are extremely lucrative and then, you know, in the realm of a million dollars annual, but we don't, we don't ever know about them. I think there may have been one that I know of that was uh a 10-year contract and it may have been uh 10 million dollars but i don't know that for sure but but but i but i wouldn't be surprised i want to say that i think i heard that um i do want to also
Starting point is 00:31:37 say this these people are selling these discs um hand over fist there's fucking i don't know how many courses there are in the united states you know how many courses there are brian thousands okay so thousands of courses and it's like it's like bass fishing like those it's like fishing those companies have so much money for sponsorship that they can have tv shows on espn that play from midnight till 8 30 in the morning and they can buy because they're just selling so many lures and fishing poles and and just all that stuff so it just goes to show you how many people are going on Amazon and just buying shitloads of discs. Oh, I like the way this looks already. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Oh, Caleb with the fix. Excellent work, Caleb. Extra sloppy for Brian, $1.99. Really? Oh, Mary Fuck Kill, Discraft and Nova Savon. You scumbag. $1.99 really oh Mary fuck kill discraft and Nova 7 you scumbag someone kills me over those discs
Starting point is 00:32:34 I'm gonna be pissed it's interesting does discraft have a bit it's interesting to me that those two brands also aren't brands that I know does someone have the man bun for this scenario yeah good question because if he does slot him into the f brian do a pre a preem prem show with seven what's prem i think he's talking about the premier league english premier league but i'm not 100% sure. Is that soccer? Yeah. I'll cover soccer with you guys.
Starting point is 00:33:05 You like soccer? Yeah. Wouldn't that be fucked? Caleb's like, I like soccer, and then we start. Caleb's been on every show, and then we start soccer, and we don't include him, and he's stuck on Frisbee golf. Holy shit. Okay. Where are we?
Starting point is 00:33:21 1017, let's go. We're on hole two. We're with Austin Heimberg. No, Austin Turner. And here we go. It would be just an incredible shot. Has he got the putter out for this? I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:34 This is probably going to be a pretty long jump putt. And he's probably just trying to put this close. Action. Let's see what Caleb. Oh, dang, Caleb, you fixed it well done okay i mean it's a really fast screen that's a pretty good putt but he's still got a little work left uh not uh 10 29 uh simon lazat the current leader and after uh he shoots this you can hang tight for a replay. Mr. Beaver putting from what? 60 at least.
Starting point is 00:34:07 I mean, Oh, and that, the fact that he went birdie birdie on holes one and two. I mean, I had checked that day. I'll check it again here. I don't think anyone else.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Oh, one other guy, one other person did that that day. Birdied that hole? Birdied both holes, one and two. And the player who did it was tied for 87th on the tournament. So of the other players in the top, they were par-par, par-birdie, par-par, par-par, par-par, par-par, par-par, par-birdie, bogey-par, birdie-par.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Like, you just don't birdie holes one and two so that putt was insane uh simon lazat looking good hole three uh it's very short uh 277 feet par three uh although the hole averages over par which is crazy right afoot hole, par three, but most people go over par on it. Kind of crazy. Austin, 1220, off the tee. Oh, my goodness, that's tight. Yeah, so this is the most controversial hole in the tournament. And the design, I mean, that's one of the better shots you're going to see on the hole.
Starting point is 00:35:28 The person who designed this hole specifically said, I want to force the players to throw a fast speed disc over a short distance. At 277 feet, they could throw their putter and get there. But not the way that this hole is shaped up. You need a disc that's going to cut hard to the right and then hard back to the left. And even if you do it what you think is perfectly, it might not get through. And those trees right in the middle there, those like group of three or four or five trees in the middle, are the problem. Yeah, the back ones.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Do you like this hole, Brian? Do you like what the course is forcing people to do? I don't mind it. I mean, I think if you had six holes like this, it would be annoying. But to have one hole like this on the course is okay. And I kind of like that it's early in the round as opposed to being late in the round since it's so random. And you remember that other course we played where hole 17 was like this? It was so – like the first shot was like this little pitch shot.
Starting point is 00:36:18 We saw Paul McBeth try to go over the top, around the outside that's not even aligned. And that was hole 17. So this at least gives people a chance who because people will get bad scores on this and i mean like six seven eights on this hole and this will at least give people a chance to you know recover from that a little bit are you saying to simplify it are you saying that this they're forcing you to use a disc that you generally would try to throw 500 feet and they're making you use in an area that's 277 feet it's something like that okay okay very interesting okay uh 12 uh we saw austin's t drive uh fantastic shot according to
Starting point is 00:36:52 brian got right close to the basket he looks like he's even up for a birdie uh 1305 uh ricky uh wasaki goes for the putt for bogey Goes for the putt for bogey. Oh, no, maybe that wasn't for bogey. Maybe that was for par, and because of that, he got bogey. Yeah, I know that he struggled with putting on this hole. What do you think about where he paused it right there? Look at how he's walking away.
Starting point is 00:37:24 What do you think about that? That doesn't look right. He's moving straight and right at the same time. Caleb, don't do that to him again. Hole 4, 1,112 feet, par 5. Simon Lizotte, our leader. And there are a couple of really long holes on this course but they demand very specific landing zones and if you get out of position then you have to make a decision if
Starting point is 00:37:52 you you know like this most of the players are coming to this hole and they're like i okay it's par five i can i can take birdie but if you don't put the drive in the right spot then you just might have to accept the par and but for the best players in the world it's hard to do that sometimes i still i don't think i still have seen an eagle and you just might have to accept the par. But for the best players in the world, it's hard to do that sometimes. I don't think I still have seen an eagle. We have? I'm sure we have. I don't think I've seen an eagle yet.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Okay, 1805. This looks like Simon shot – what shot is this, two? Probably his third shot here. Third shot, okay. So he's – yeah yeah he's in a pretty good position after two this upshot's touch touchy though the the slope of this is pretty is more severe than it looks if you and a lot of people come up short because of that and then you have that you know putt to an elevated basket with a big drop off behind so i mean that was a really really well done shot right there to get it to just nestle up to the bottom of the podium. Uh, 1845 Calvin Heimberg for the putt.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Oh, and he made it. Uh, and is, did I see, he see that, right? That's his third bogey. Calvin. Yeah. Third bogey. That's his third bogey? Calvin? Yeah. Third bogey. That's his third birdie in a row. Third birdie. He's going to learn how to read or learn how to write, one of them. Yeah, which means that he birdied hole number three.
Starting point is 00:39:15 That doesn't happen that often. And Austin Turner also birdied number three. I would guess that there were not that many cards where two players on the card both birdied that hole. Hole five. 2059. Calvin Heimberg. Still in it. Can still win it, right? Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 00:39:34 In this tournament, there are going to be several players. He's tied with Simon Lizotte for first right there. Minus 15. On their card. We can see by the little superscript scripts next to their name that they're currently tied for second overall in the tournament uh forehand here he's trying to push it out around the corner and it's pretty tight there a lot of people come up short in that in the woods
Starting point is 00:39:56 and a lot of people um won't make won't be able to make a putt from there. So getting it around the corner there is critical. A 2140 Simon goes for a putt. Hole five. Patrick Clark is in the house. Better late than never. It's Austin Turner here. Yeah. And he's just laying it up because there's OB behind that basket. That was 2140.
Starting point is 00:40:22 I got my guy screwed up. All right. 2150. Ricky Wasaki. Man, this show is awesome. I promise you the first three shows are better than this, and the fifth will be also. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:40:36 That's not good. Nope, a couple missed putts here on five. That was for birdie for Simon. And, you know, in a tight tournament like this you're gonna you will think back on those putts uh 22 17 important calvin can get a birdie on here and uh go for the lead and take advantage of simon's air yeah and this is what this is what calvin's been doing all year i mean simon comes out and birdie's hole one and two and you're like damn simon's hot and then calvin birdies two
Starting point is 00:41:12 three four and five and takes the lead right back uh hole six 23 20 simon off the tee. Very close here. One-stroke difference between him and Heimberg. Oh, and that puts Simon all the way down into fifth. Oh, that's Calvin going. What happened? Sorry, 23. Sorry, my number's all jacked up.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Let's go back to like 20. Okay, here we go. This is a pretty demanding tee shot. You have to. There's an out-of-bounds running the entire left side, and then it hooks off to like 20. Okay, here we go. This is a pretty demanding tee shot. You have to. There's an out of bounds running the entire left side, and then it hooks off to the left. If you don't get it far enough, you're out of bounds. And if you don't get it far enough left, you have a really, really challenging shot for your second shot.
Starting point is 00:41:57 And Simon pushed it too far left there, and he's OB. And that sucks, right? I mean, he missed that last birdie, and now he's out of bounds. He's on a decline. The only saving grace is that this is a par 5, and so of any hole that you want to go out of bounds on and have a chance to salvage a par, it's a par 5. Calvin, 2440.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Calvin in now the place to take advantage of the second error by Simon Lazan. And this is a really good landing zone. This is where you want your drive to be. Now you can see around the corner, but you still have to throw an extremely demanding shot to get it close to the pin. So he's going to throw a backhand. It's going to have to move big time to the right
Starting point is 00:42:38 and then finish back to the left if he wants to get in position for a birdie or an eagle potentially. I may have to pee twice in this show. Just saying, giving you a warning. And this is what I think makes a course good, is you can have a perfect drive and you still have a demanding second shot. And so he, despite having that advantage off the tee, he overturns second shot and so he despite having that advantage off the tee he overturns that that shot and now he's out of bounds and just so you know calvin
Starting point is 00:43:10 needed that right there he needed to take advantage of simon's uh out of bounds take advantage of simon missing the birdie in the previous hole and instead of taking advantage of it he too goes out of bounds picks up an extra extra stroke. 25-40, Ricky Wasaki. Can he take advantage of the errors? This is likely his third shot here, and he just pulls it too wide and hits those trees and comes down. And I don't think that was the – I mean, he's had a wrist injury that's basically kept him out of the season so far,
Starting point is 00:43:44 and that just didn't look like the kind of throw that I would usually expect him to see. Usually, if he's going to throw a four in here, he's going to throw a really overstable disc, starting way to the right and have it move to the left and then finish back to the right in here. To me, what I see there is that he's not 100% confident with that shot yet. What did you say? He's had a wrist injury that what? It's kept him out of most of the tournaments this year. That's why we haven't seen him at all. Oh, I have a wrist injury, but it's kept my wife in the game. It's interesting. Okay. Uh, 2645, uh, Calvin for the putt. Now, now important putt as Brian was saying with the par five,
Starting point is 00:44:20 uh, you can still par, um, with some, with a, with a shitty shot. Can Calvin do it? Just outside of the circle here. Perfect putt. Saves the par despite the errant second shot. And those are the putts that you have to make if you want to win these tournaments, those 30 to 40-foot putts. Hole 7, Calvin Heimberg off the tee.
Starting point is 00:44:46 We're in the final round. Music City Open in Nashville. This is the lead card. This is a chase card. Yes, yes, that's what I meant. Just testing Brian to see if he's listening. Super demanding shot. You're 535 feet.
Starting point is 00:45:01 It is downhill, but it's a far distance to cover. You're up on this platform, and you can't see where you're throwing the disc. I think he ends up. Oh, yeah, that's a pretty good shot. Most shots end up short on this hole, kind of either behind the rock in the tree or off to the left side in a similar spot, and you have like 50 foot downhill to the pin. That's a really, really good shot there.
Starting point is 00:45:22 That rock in all the shows we've watched is one of the best features i've seen yet it's pretty cool uh 28 38 simon off the tee if we can see here i mean he is throwing this way out to the right so he's hoping this is pulling back into the left hard because it was way out there. And it did well and that roll, that extra roll there is phenomenal. He's got to basically tap it. So Calvin and Simon still staying neck and neck fighting.
Starting point is 00:45:55 29-38 Austin off the tee. So they build that platform just for this tournament? Yeah, and off to the left just on the corner there behind the guy with the camera, you can see the women's tee box is also elevated right there. Oh, okay. And they take those down when the tour leaves?
Starting point is 00:46:15 Not 100% sure about that. Okay. Austin, 29.38, off the tee. So we get to see the lefty here, and he's trying to throw the same shot on the other side the problem is on this side it's not open there's a bunch of of trees and stuff that you have to contend with we just basically he just snuck up over that rock it was actually a pretty pretty cool shot he sneaks up over the rock and rolls onto the green it does, I thought it stopped on the rock. Okay. 30-06 Calvin for the birdie. 0-7.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Great spot to be. I mean, that's a really good spot to be off that tee. Hole 8, 31-10. Calvin Heimberg capable of getting the ace. Very capable. I really like the course design here. You come from an open long par 3 into a really tight but short par 3. So you feel like you should get both of them,
Starting point is 00:47:17 but they require completely different shots. Comes up a little bit short there, and he's in the woods on the left. 3135, Simon off the the T also possible for an ace. I think he hit a tree right when he let it go. Cause in my notes, I wrote douche. I couldn't see it right there. He must've done something. He must have done something stupid. So thoughtful.
Starting point is 00:47:50 You should tell us what you write in your notes more often. Here we go. Replay of that. Yeah, he hits a tree on the right side and it falls short. He's not going to be happy about that. Maybe take your sunglasses off when you're playing in the shade. Ding dong. 31.50, Austin Austin off the tee.
Starting point is 00:48:07 I'll tell you this about playing sunglasses with disc golf or wearing sunglasses when you play disc golf. If I start around with sunglasses on, unless there's a super dramatic change in the lighting or something like that, I like to keep them on. Like taking them on and off is kind of a weird thing. And same thing. If I start without using them, I usually won't put them on and off is kind of a, it's a weird thing. And same thing. If I start without using them, I try not,
Starting point is 00:48:25 I usually won't put them on unless I like have to. It's like, it's like, it's like taking a rubber off right before you finish. Like what was the point? No, that doesn't work. Okay. My notes here about Austin. I'll give you, I, I, I also wrote douche to try to watch where the disc, you can't,
Starting point is 00:48:44 that means the disc didn't go somewhere. 31 50 austin off the t hole eight every shot he just writes out damn or or douche yeah dang or douche yeah hit the trees again low right it yeah that just those just weren't good? Yeah, those just weren't good shots. Those just weren't good shots. And here's the thing. It's possible to hole-in-one this one, guys. These are professionals, and they're doing this. Two in a row, back-to-back.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Prior to that, we had a long par 5, a par four that required some big shots, a long par five, then a long par three. So they're throwing these just full shots with full distance drivers, shot after shot after shot. And then they have to come and throw a touch shot through the woods on hole eight. I like the change of pace there. Brian Friend with the excuses for the pros. 32-04.
Starting point is 00:49:41 I'm just giving some accolades to the course designer. Oh, there you go. That's another way of putting it. Ricky Wasaki off the tee. This time I just wrote. Well, let's see what happens. Here we go. The second greatest of all time.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Also hits a tree. What the fuck is going on with this hole? Simon hits a tree. Calvin hits a tree. No, no. Actually, sorry. Calvin got a good throw. Calvin good throw. Simon hits a tree. What the fuck is going on with this hole? Simon hits a tree. Calvin hits a tree. No, no. Actually, sorry. Calvin got a good throw. Calvin, good throw.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Simon hits a tree. Austin hits a tree. And Ricky Wasaki, second best player of all time. I wouldn't say that. I would say he's the third best player of all time. You know what I mean. 32-55. Calvin for the putt.
Starting point is 00:50:28 From 50, 60? Probably like 45. Yeah. Crazy. Can we see that one more time with audio? I love the sound of the disc hitting the chains. Reminds me of the school bell as a child. You would typically see the bogey on
Starting point is 00:50:46 calvin long chance for the birdie what a shame to hit right to get it right where you need to do and it not go in from that far away what a shame yeah i mean that that noise is that's the noise you want to hear, but it wasn't the result that he wanted. Hey, you think that – One chance for the birdie. Thank you, Caleb. You think that with your eyes closed, you would know the difference between the hitting of the chains and the basket going in – the disc going in versus – Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Maybe you would hear the disc – well, listen. Okay. Well, you would hear the disc we'll listen okay well you definitely hear the disc hitting the dirt i mean there are times that i have the um it on live and i hear that sound and i'm assuming it's in and then you know i'll be in the kitchen doing something whatever and i'll hear the guys say oh my god and it chained up and i thought it was in you know what the problem with watching these condensed shows is sometimes there are shots you have to watch everything because the commentators will forget to tell you shit. Because, you know what I mean? Like a guy will be shooting from 12 feet and miss,
Starting point is 00:51:54 and they won't be like, holy fuck, what an idiot. They'll just be, you know what I mean? Yeah, there are times. This happens to me with CrossFit too. There are times where I'll see something, and I'm like, how are you not saying anything me with CrossFit, too. There are times where I'll see something and I'm like. You're not going to like how are you not saying anything about that? Right, right.
Starting point is 00:52:16 They might be caught up in something other story that they were telling or a thought that they had about whatever the whole just happened. And then someone throws this incredible shot. And I'm like, at the very least, like, finish your thought and then say, and wow, what an incredible shot by Paul McBcbeth you know they don't even mention it sometimes and it frustrates me uh in my fan theory i think this i i think you're on to something all these disc golf shows are lead to the first event of california hormones weekend a disc golf tourney featuring steve on caleb and the number one scene hey listen if california hormones put up like, I don't know, $1,000 for a fucking Frisbee golf tournament in Newport, I'd fucking go to that.
Starting point is 00:52:51 I would make a showing there. I'd even play. God, that would be awesome. That seems more realistic. And you could be juiced up and play. No testing. No testing. God, that would be awesome.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Yeah, I think he's on to something, too. Good job. Yeah, I think he's on to something, too. Good job, Robbie. I think he's on to something, too, for sure. It's manageable. May 31st, we have Greg Glassman scheduled for the podcast. May 31st. Did you know that, Caleb? Is that up on the calendar?
Starting point is 00:53:20 It's up there. Oh, bitchin'. Just waiting for it to happen. I got a funny story to tell you guys uh about that scheduling it's pretty cool okay oh but not right now but not right now hole nine um hole nine uh 34 20 uh 34 25 aust Austin off the tee. I wonder how long before you go to a professional Frisbee golf tournament. Have you been to one, Brian?
Starting point is 00:53:52 I know I've asked you that before. I have not. 34-25 Austin off the tee. He's able to take a line there that's a little different because he's a lefty so it's a big spike hyzer out around the tree and he's about circle edge uh 3505 simon with the skipper off the tee i don't know what they call that I don't know what the pros call it. This is a forehand. And so he's got it because he's right-handed.
Starting point is 00:54:29 He's going to throw the forehand. He's trying to skip it around with his distance driver, but it was too early. By the way, it's always risky doing the skipper because you never know. You never know what it's going to hit down there on the ground. That's true. I mean, sometimes it's the best shot. I was playing the other day with Scott, and I told him on this one shot, I'm like, I'm going to try to throw a
Starting point is 00:54:48 low, hard backhand down this gap. That's not the obvious gap and skip it up towards the hole. And I was able to put it within 15 feet, but you're right. You could hit a root, you could hit a rock, you could get the, you know, a thick patch of grass and you don't get what you want out of the shot. And what we are going to see later on in the show is you're going to see some mud like we've never seen before. Um, and you're going to see some behaviors from discs like we've never seen before as we go into the back nine zach 799 australian look up liv golf real golf a hole in one in adelaide over the weekend happy gilmore vibe sorry brian no reason to be sorry L.I.V. golf real golf okay
Starting point is 00:55:26 and I appreciate the loot and the giant fish Calvin minus 17 in third place after the front nine final round so at one point Calvin was in first place and now he's in
Starting point is 00:55:43 third well he was pretty much in second that whole time So at one point Calvin was in first place, and now he's in third. Well, he was pretty much in second that whole time relative to the entire field. He was leading his card for most of the night. I am going to take a small – I think I am. Pull up the first – Caleb will pull it up, YP. Okay. I want to try to see who is on the lead card here.
Starting point is 00:56:18 So that was the front nine for the chase card. Those are the guys who are in fifth through eighth coming into the final round. Now we're going to take a look at the guys who are in fifth through eighth coming into the final round now we're going to take a look at the guys who are in first through fourth coming into the final round and a majority of these players stay in contention throughout the tournament we saw austin turner and ricky isaki fall off a little bit but the guys on the lead card and the guys on the chase and then um calvin heimberg and simon lazat remain in the picture in terms of potentially winning this thing uh for a majority of the round.
Starting point is 00:56:47 And here we go. What is with this guy, you know? If Howard Stern and Joe Rogan had a baby, you'd be looking at him. Remember, the people were live, so don't, like, start picking your nose or pull your dick out or anything crazy like that. And this is why this is the greatest show on the internet, because there's a comment here that says a lot of pre-cum, and then right after, there's a comment that says it's so sad. Let's go back to hand jobs. People without their names and they... No one clip that and play that on the internet.
Starting point is 00:57:17 A thumb with a mustache. Yes. Listen, a guy named Johan Lopez called you a thumb with a mustache. Wow. I'm going to shit myself. Man, that Sebon podcast is dull as shit. Okay, you guys have a great day. You too.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Thanks for calling. Mwah. No. I was feeling familial like it was my mom I was talking to. Caleb, that's your best work ever. It's my only work ever. All right. Brian, we're going to the final round in the front nine.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Now we're going to the main card. Yeah. So that was the chase card. Yep. Those were fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth. Now we're going to see the same exact holes, but with the good guys. Yeah, and so here we have Chris Dickerson, who is the guy to beat at this course for sure.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Anthony Barella, young up-and-comer in this sport. We've talked about him on the show before. Gannon Burr, he's potentially the best player in the world right now. I'd say that him and Calvin Heimberg are kind of the two guys you expect to be in contention at every tournament. And Ezra Ederhold, who's had a second-place finish already this year on the tour, and is having his best season of his career. And what a great name, Ederhold.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Muddy course affects the footing of the players. We're looking at the main card. Chris Dickerson has had zero out-of-bound throws in his first 36 baskets, which I guess is significant because the commentators mentioned it. Yeah, I mean, one of the things about Chris Dickerson is he is as good as you'll find at having a game plan and executing it. And so he may not be playing every hole for birdie,
Starting point is 00:58:59 where some of these guys will choose to be a little bit more aggressive and they'll take the risk-reward. Ricky Wysocki has this reputation of like he goes for everything. So you might see him have one par on in the entire round and he's got 12 birdies, five bogeys and a par, you know, because he's just taking the risk and he's willing to, you know, go for the birdie on everything, knowing he's going to get a couple of bogeys and still thinks that's going to net him a better score than,
Starting point is 00:59:23 whereas Dickerson might say, you know what, there's four holes that I'm going to play for par. I'm just going to chip it up here, pitch it up to the pin, take three and see on the next one. And so he's, um, you know, this course has a lot of out of bounds and a lot of demanding shots that if you get a little bit too aggressive, it's easy to get a big number. And he's been avoiding that better than anyone. And that's why he's the leader going into the final round. Uh, I'm just, I'm just realizing that leader going into the final round uh i'm just i'm just realizing that trish loves the word uh euphemism just realizing that okay uh hole number one uh 509 it's our first look ladies and gentlemen at anthony barella affectionately
Starting point is 00:59:59 known as ab off the t one of the longest throwers strongest arm big guy my god with the short shorts yeah and he's gonna try to throw this really high and have it finish really far to the left and when he throws when he gets a hold of a disc and it does exactly that by the way it's just i would like to see him throw it in person i mean it's it's ridiculous how far he throws the disc. 539, Gannon Burr with one of my least favorite shots in all of sports, any kind of throw, the roller. So he's throwing a massive Anheuser shot that he's trying to go around the outside of the tree. This is not the intended line at all.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Get it to flip up, land on the ground, and roll. And he thinks that this, he can get an advantage relative to the card here or the field, and he basically does it as well as any person could ever hope to do it. That is absolutely insane and the best position I've seen anyone in after this tee shot. 703, Anthony Barella, second shot. How tall is Anthony? Is he a 6'5"?
Starting point is 01:01:05 Yeah, something like that. And this other dude, Gannon Burr, this is – Taller than that, 6'7". I think now he's still growing. As thick as a sheet of paper. Gained 15 pounds. Anthony Barella. Gained 15 pounds.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Still gets blown over by a tall gust, a strong gust of wind. Yes. Big forehand here. We've talked about this. First hole is really, really tough. The window to get into this green is very, very tight. He kind of gets a weird reaction there on the ground, and even though he had a great drive and a good second shot,
Starting point is 01:01:35 there's no guarantee he's going to birdie this. 717, our first look of the show of Ezra Ederhold. This is his second shot. Yeah, so he's basically trying to throw the same shot that we just saw there from AB. Ezra's also a very powerful player. And he throws one of the best up shots that you'll see on this hole it's kind of cool actually to realize that you know between ab ater hold and ganon burr you got three of the longest throwers in the game and on a course where that's obviously rewarded but at the top coming into the final round is chris diggerson who's this tactician uh 8 20 ab He's going for the putt.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Here we go. Yep. So it comes up short, but he's got a clear look at it. Not a bad place to be. How do you know he comes up short? No, no,
Starting point is 01:02:34 his, his approach shot came up short. Oh, and the part was just about two inches short of going in. Yeah. Yeah. Crazy. So,
Starting point is 01:02:43 so he hit the chains too. Yeah. But that one, you know, it know, he just didn't give it enough. Caleb not giving us the audio, even though he knows he should. That's kind of like a dick tease that Caleb is. 840 Gannon Burr, upside shot. I don't know what that means, but Brian will explain. upside shot. I don't know what that means, but Brian will explain. Yeah. So his, his approach right into the green came,
Starting point is 01:03:13 ended in a pretty difficult spot. He looked at a lot of different options here and I mean, this is called a scuba basically that kind of putt where you're overhand flick with the foot, with the finger. And it's pretty, I mean, it's pretty touchy and he also has to navigate, you know, some, some branches there. I would like to tell everyone that if, if you are putting together a mating strategy, do not ever stand like that in public. Did he make that? No. Gannon Burr with the miss. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Hole number two toughest hole on the course. Some might say, let's see what Mr. Friend thinks. Is this the toughest hole on the course? I mean, three plate is the most difficult relative to par, but hole two demands a far and accurate drive and then a far and very
Starting point is 01:04:00 accurate upshot. And even then you might have a difficult putt for birdie. So it is extremely challenging yes uh we got a good look at it 940 uh 1128 chris dickerson the man that brian keeps talking about the best frisbee player in all frisbee golf player in all of tennessee and the ruler of this course he's in an okay spot here, but this shot is tough. You have to throw a shot into a really narrow corridor
Starting point is 01:04:28 that's pushing forward the entire way. And if you go left or right, you're guaranteed a par at best. He wears a lot of camo, by the way. And I kind of like that shirt that he's wearing. I like it too, actually. So this is a perfect line, but it still comes up like 30 or 40 feet short that basket is just tucked back in there really far i picture these guys personalities as being like
Starting point is 01:04:55 really stuck up but really they have no reason to be you know what i mean but i mean i have no basis for that i'm just like in my head you You know what I mean? Like, like, like, like, like you, like they're the best bowlers in the world. Like, oh yeah. I mean, they're, they're, you know, they, the shirts they wear are kind of similar to bowling shirts, I guess. And the demeanors of the players are, are definitely varied, but they're, I mean, they're really serious about what they're doing. They're very focused.
Starting point is 01:05:20 And I can't, I can't actually wait for us to do the champions cup. Cause you're going to get to meet a player. That's like, I think is one of the most hilarious players because of his demeanor. You can't I can't actually wait for us to do the Champions Cup because you're going to get to meet a player that's like I think is one of the most hilarious players because of his demeanor you can't wait uh 12 what is the Champions Cup what do you mean what is that that's the one that happened this weekend it ended today it's the first major of the year I'm going to start sending you the videos after we get off the air tonight uh 12 58 Anthony Barella for the putt hole two those glasses 58, Anthony Barella for the putt. Hole two. Those glasses.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Oy. Didn't leave it short. 80 from 100 feet. What is that? Remind me, 60. 50, 60. And a miss. 1330, Gannon Burr for the putt. This distance putt is like a putt that I would say Gannon is better than anyone in the world at.
Starting point is 01:06:20 But he doesn't usually putt like that. He usually putts really hard on a direct line and almost breaks the chains by how hard he hits them. Here, he's worried about the out-of-bounds behind the hole, so he's trying to throw a putt that's not his normal putt, and it requires a lot of touch and control, and he didn't have it. Hole three, Chris Dickerson. Off the tee, I believe.
Starting point is 01:06:48 Yeah, and this hole, we talked about it earlier, is just a super demanding, very difficult shot. It's not like any other shot you're going to throw the entire day. Can't quite tell how his ended up. I think it hit a tree and came up short. Yeah, he kisses that tree on the left side, I think. Yeah. 1625, Anthony. Can Anthony avoid the trees? hit a tree and came up short. Yeah. He kisses that tree on the left side. I think. Yeah. Uh,
Starting point is 01:07:05 1625 Anthony. Can Anthony avoid the trees? What do you think? Hmm. Almost everyone hits a tree on this hole. That looks high to me. Yeah. So that's okay.
Starting point is 01:07:21 That pushed all the way through to the opening. So he's going to have about a, it looks like a 30 to 35 foot par, a foot putt for the birdie, which I think everyone would take that on this hole. Let's go to a 1649 Gannon Burr. The guy that's currently Brian's number one guy. This is how you want that shot to look.
Starting point is 01:07:46 It's curving hard to the right, and then it comes back, gets a little ground play, and kicks forward through the opening. So a pretty good shot there. 1720, Ezra for the putt. God, that looks stressful. Yeah, and didn't miss that by much, but it rolled out quite a bit to the backside there, and I still got like a 20-footer to come back.
Starting point is 01:08:19 1740, Gannon Burr for the putt. Oh, man, Anthony doesn't look happy. Basket definitely looks bigger than this kid's putt for some reason. Oh, thank you, Caleb. He's very generous of you. Yeah, nice putt there. Picks up the birdie. Of the players that were in contention,
Starting point is 01:08:43 we saw Austin Turner and Calvin make a birdie. No one else made a birdie on that hole, so he kind of is gaining a stroke against most of his competitors there. We are going to skip over hole four. Nothing, nothing, nothing too exciting there. Hole five. 26-25. Anthony Barella, second shot. Yeah, so this is a shot that they're trying to throw that forehand
Starting point is 01:09:07 out the gap push it around the corner and then have it finish to the right up against a basket it's tucked pretty tight towards the the wood line there he gets the anti-skip that you don't really want to have so he has a 35 footer instead of a 25 footer but it's a makeable putt. Ezra, second shot, 2638. Same shot. He's going to try to learn from Anthony and cut it a little bit closer, cuts it too close, gets caught up in the trees, and that's not the place you want to be. And then let's go to 2758.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Let's see how Anthony Barella closes up hole number five. Yeah, so these are the putts we talk about. These are the ones where you win or lose the tournament. A little step putt from outside the circle. There it is for AB. Wow, Caleb. And I really like that was when i was watching this uh the first time i was like that's the putt that he needs to find the rhythm with because those other ones were kind
Starting point is 01:10:12 of heisering out left heisering out left even if it was high or short you know and this one he flattened it out had a nice trajectory and found the heart of the basket he's got his chalk bag in his left hand there yeah uh hole Hole six. Gannon is tied for the lead with Heimberg going into hole six. Now, there was a video that Brian sent me that
Starting point is 01:10:35 unfortunately I did not send to Caleb. I wonder if I can find it. Let's see. Do you know what video I'm talking about, Brian? The cars? Yeah. Oh, here it is.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Here it is. Wow. Let me see if I can. Let me see how this works. If I can. So Brian sent me this, and he goes, hey, save this video. And I didn't, and he didn't tell me why. Let me see if I can share the screen here really quick.
Starting point is 01:11:13 Sorry. Share entire screen. Is that what I want to do? Can I do that here? Oh, brace yourself. That was scary. Okay, so Brian sends me this. I don't know if you guys can get the audio for this, but check this out here.
Starting point is 01:11:30 So you can't hear it, but you know what it sounds like when people are doing donuts with fast cars on asphalt. Right. And basically, this picture from earlier today. Uh-oh, what's going on here? Whoa, that was getting squirrely. from earlier today. What's going on here? I sent you that too. That was getting squirrely. It was just going through autoplay of all the shit you've ever sent me? That's like the last three things that we've exchanged.
Starting point is 01:11:54 Oh my goodness. So anyway, there's a property that butts up against this course where it's a private property and every day at a certain time of day these guys just come out here and start doing donuts and donuts and donuts with these cars for hours
Starting point is 01:12:11 and it's audible throughout the disc golf course like really loud and you know usually you have quiet when you're when you're putting especially and so you can focus and the um the the guy who runs or the president of the disc golf pro tour went and confronted like and inquired about this during the the evening after the first day that it was happening and and basically he was told there's absolutely nothing that can be done because it's private property and those guys don't give a fuck at all and they're just going to keep doing it so the players had to kind of deal with that wow fascinating okay well we'll play a little sound for you let's go to hole number 6 3304 uh and you can listen to the sound here is um gannon burr is throwing god can you imagine what
Starting point is 01:12:56 man okay wow gannon burr is really skinny he almost looks like a thalidomide baby there look at like what are his hands and fingers doing he's got like he is thin those don't even look like appendages okay here we go and he is gonna be two paces outside the circle and chaining out right side so tough miss for him but you can hear the cars just doing donuts in there. Crazy. First of all, yeah, we could hear that. And second of all, I thought he made the putt just based on the sound. Right. 33.
Starting point is 01:13:35 30. Gannon putting with Carr doing more donuts. There we go. His second attempt at the second putt. Moving day. Aye. Ezra hits the basket. Ezra is short again. He's missed a couple putts from Moving day. Aye. Ezra hits the basket. Ezra is short again. He's missed a couple putts from outside the circle now.
Starting point is 01:13:54 And that's that aggressive line putt that I talked about that you're used to seeing him doing. Trish, my neighbor had a possum, and it actually graduated kindergarten yesterday. Congratulations. No one left behind. No possum left behind. Hey, can you stop squeaking your tires? We are playing Frisbee.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Fair enough. Okay, and you'll hear that throughout the show now. If we play audio, listen for the car doing donuts, and now you know why. Hole 7, 3650 Gannon Burr. A lot of hope when he's putting the disc. Look at the crowd. Usually means that's about to happen. 37-15 Ezrara at her hold.
Starting point is 01:14:46 Hole 7. Trying to keep up with Dan. Look where Ezra landed. And Chris Dickerson. 37-30, hole 7. Chris, don't let us down, buddy. Yeah, this is that really long downhill shot over the cornfields, and you see everyone's come up a little bit short.
Starting point is 01:15:11 They have a downhill putt, and I think this is a big moment here. You know, Chris was still in the lead at this point. Gannon just made that putt. Ezra just made that putt. We saw a couple other guys on the chase card birdie this hole, and that's a very makeable putt for someone of his caliber, and he's definitely going to, like I said about Simon on that one hole and that's a very makeable putt for someone of his caliber and he's definitely gonna like like i said about simon on that one hole where he left that very makeable putt uh i think he missed it just a little high chris would want that one back okay
Starting point is 01:15:33 here's where it gets interesting those of you who've waited this long here we go now shit gets interesting uh hole 8 38 50 anthony barella watch closely people watch closely watch closely what the fuck was that did you see that I knew when I was watching this that you were going to pick out this moment what the is that
Starting point is 01:16:03 the Sasquatch that they're always talking about at street parking? It's got to be. Listen. I've seen some dumb shit in a lot of sports. That's worse than fucking Dave's dog at the 2008 fucking CrossFit Games. What the fuck is that guy doing? It's one of the
Starting point is 01:16:19 spotters and it's just a really bad time. I mean, he should not be doing that. That's totally inappropriate. Hey, a good thing that Barella let it go before the guy started running. Yeah. Right? Yeah, but, I mean, it's just like – and what do you do? Like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:16:36 I have no idea what he's thinking. Like, the spot that he's running to is not a good spot to be. Like, we saw three of the other four players throw it into the woods on this whole another car like. Oh, but it even gets weirder. Lightning does strike twice. Thirty nine. Fifteen. Gannon Burr.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Six foot eight. Thirteen inch penis. Watch closely. This is really hard to catch right here. What you're about to see happen to Gannon Burr. We'll play it a few times and we we'll play it with the audio now too. Now look at him. Look at him.
Starting point is 01:17:07 Something happened to him. An apparition or a spirit passed through his body. He felt it in his soul. Is that what happened? No. Listen up close. 39-15, Gannon Burr, hole eight with a little audio. I don't think it's going on here.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Here we go. Off the tee. I don't think he likes that there's a tree that close right there on the tee. I actually hear it. I'm all for that complaint because they're at no
Starting point is 01:17:42 point. So, Brian, you want to tell us why that's so bad to have a anything close to the athletes while they're on the team i think um so jeremy coling who's the guy who's talking that says he's all for what gannon's kind of frustrated with there is also a pretty tall player he's probably six three or six four and he's you know basically what he's saying is gannon in gannon's mind and this happened to him every round in this tournament on this hole it's like he feels like he's gonna hit his hand on that tree on the follow-through and so he can't really commit to his shot and he doesn't you know and he
Starting point is 01:18:14 doesn't love that that tree's there so that that's what's going on if your hand were to hit a tree at somewhere during the the during that explosion how hard these guys throw it, and it was at the end. It could be a career-ending injury. I mean, in the worst-case scenario, yeah, but at the very least, it's going to hurt a lot. Like they deserve not to be worried about trees on the tee. On the tee, yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:38 I mean, obviously, if you throw it into wherever you throw it, you've got to play it from. But on the tee shot, I feel like you should have the freedom to take a full swing. Yeah, and if I'm the judge and I think that's an issue, I stop the tournament and I fucking remove that. I go to my RV,
Starting point is 01:18:53 take out my clippers, and I clip that branch. Your Ryobi? Yeah, my Ryobi, yes. I'm just so impressed with Trish's use of the word Mando. Oh, where's... This right here? Double Mando double mando wow wow holy shit brian i said mando please do this
Starting point is 01:19:15 i like i like kenneth delaps uh brian i Mando. Oh, that's awesome. Did you see that? I did. Oh. Kenneth DeLapp, very important question. There was a 2008 games. I thought they started in 2015. It's a fair question. It all depends on what you call the CrossFit Games. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:42 I don't know. I feel like if you said 2011 instead of 2015, it'd have a little more credibility. Well, we feel you. 39.50, Chris Dickerson off the tee. We'll skip that. 40.25, Ezra. Ezra for the putt, 40.25.
Starting point is 01:19:59 And this is what we— Kenneth DeLapp must be a rich froning hater. He just conveniently picked the year immediately after he stopped participating as an individual. Yes, not cool. 40-25. Ezra for the putt. Cool putt here, framed up with the trees.
Starting point is 01:20:17 Unable to get it, though. Did he hit a tree? Did he make it to the basket? No, he hit the band on the top. He hit his line, but he didn't have the right height yeah that's incredible good job ezra uh 40 50 ladies and gentlemen i have never this is uh in the four tournaments that i've watched this is the first time i've seen this no sorry this isn't it must be after this go ahead and and play this. This is Anthony Barella. You're going to make your money, I feel like.
Starting point is 01:20:48 Yep. And... Okay, I think it must be right after this. You'd be unable to make... Here we go. This is it. Liam, that prevented him from having a good look. Ezra Holy. This left the par?
Starting point is 01:21:10 No. That was... The commentators for this sport are... They're a little uptight. They're wound tight. That's what I'll say about the commentators to the sport. They're good. Most of them have already played the course this day.
Starting point is 01:21:32 And then they're waiting for the production team to put together something for them to watch in a studio late that night and then talk over it. It makes for a long day for the, for to play and do the commentary in the same day for the same tournament, especially when you're talking about doing it three or four days in a row, I think is an incredibly tiring week and weekend. And I give them a, I give them a lot of credit for that, but you know, that's part of the grind that some of these guys have to do to make it work financially because you know, there's not a ton of prize money in the sport there is some sponsorship opportunity but um if you can get a job as a commentator and you're
Starting point is 01:22:10 also good enough to play in the tournament then you can guarantee yourself a little income you know you know every tournament despite how well you may or may not do in the tournament itself and i'm just saying that if like if this was a legitimate show like in like in like three or four years when we have a budget we would clip that guy saying no and that would become a part of our show forever like anytime someone like we just saw something fucked up but kayla would push a button and it would play that no i mean that was crazy. I thought that guy was straight until I heard that. Audrey from Australia with her ass out likes his outfit. Yeah, and this guy has a great ass like you, Audrey.
Starting point is 01:22:54 So I understand. This guy has a great ass, great posture, does the shirt tucking thing. But that is the shortest miss I've seen in professional disc golf. 40, 50. Not professional, I guess. No, yeah, right. Good point. Sexist, sexist. but that is the shortest miss i've seen in professional disc golf 40 50 professional no yeah right good point sexist sexist yeah that is the shortest i've seen this i've seen in men's if you have not seen the show where we played uh the what do we have that caleb well let's play that at the end do we know where that's? Play that the next time at 7 goes to P. Yeah, I mean, that is just crazy.
Starting point is 01:23:28 Oh, you're in Tennessee. Oh, shit. Wow. I thought that girl was in Australia. No. I'll hold this whole time. I thought she's Australian. She went to this disc golf tournament.
Starting point is 01:23:40 She's in the crowd. Dude, she's been – She texted me from the tournament she dm me she goes brian i'm here at the tournament well i'm looking for you where are you audrey did yeah what's crazy this is the same audrey that was in my birthday video yeah fuck i always thought she was cantankerous and wild like that i just pictured her work like working on a kangaroo ranch with 30 dudes in Australia in Tennessee she's so she's like she's I just she hangs like a dude so I just figured she's Australian
Starting point is 01:24:12 that's crazy all right well shit I learn shit every day I said Brian show me your hog and I'm at the tournament that's what I mean yeah oh I know you're Aussie Trina yeah you and Audrey would be fucking great friends my god
Starting point is 01:24:26 hole 9 Barella off the tee 42-57 going into hole 9 Chris Dickerson is still bogey free after 3 rounds Barella the big man with the short shorts
Starting point is 01:24:52 trying to get around this tree finish back to the left and we saw earlier that simon didn't push it far enough and went for the skip play here anthony just went for the air shot and you know he's got a massive forehand so to throw a 400 foot forehand on just straight on hyzer you have to have like 450 foot of distance and there's just not that many players that can do that Caleb let's go to 4430 Barella after that incredible throw off the tee let's watch his putt on hole nine
Starting point is 01:25:16 good reaction off the rim that's another great sound bite reaction off the rim yeah some incredible reaction off the cheerio i mean the rim okay uh that's it for nine for the lead card yeah for the lead card. Yeah. For the lead card. So tournament's still pretty tight. Dickerson did take a bogey on nine. He only played two under on the front side. So the guys who were trailing him by one and two shots have kind of caught up at this point. And it's a really, really tightly packed field going into the final nine holes. Glad we got that out of the way.
Starting point is 01:26:04 Now can I really move into Sevan's backyard since I'm in the same country as him? God, my boys would love it. If you moved into the backyard, we have a girl in the backyard. She lives back there. It would love to tell the kids at the skate park.
Starting point is 01:26:16 You live in their backyard. Chase guard. We're in Antioch, Tennessee for the Nashville music city open. We're covering golf. No, it's not. We're not in Antioch, Tennessee for the Nashville Music City Open. We're covering golf. No, we're not in Antioch, Tennessee? I guess. Final round, back nine.
Starting point is 01:26:37 That means like the last nine holes. 18 minus nine, those ones. Starting with hole 10. Let's just start at 320. calvin for the short putt birds galore calvin huntsman well under par already that's a bad that's you know now we've seen simon and chris and now calvin all miss a bad, that's, you know, now we've seen Simon and Chris and now Calvin all miss a putt that, you know,
Starting point is 01:27:09 if they look back at the end of this tournament and there have lost the tournament by one shot, they're going to think about that. Whole 11, five 15, Simon. Lizotte. Currently.
Starting point is 01:27:24 Wow. What place is in fifth? Can fifth place. Simon is at fifth place. Very open shot to begin with, but to push it up into the green here is pretty tough. A lot of players end up 30 feet short here. The fact that he skipped all the way up here and he's on like the, you know, he's in what they call the bullseye within 10 feet of the pin is pretty tough a lot of players end up 30 feet short here the fact that he skipped all the way up here and he's on like the you know he's in what they call the bullseye within 10 feet of the
Starting point is 01:27:48 pin is pretty rare on this hole almost everyone has about a 30 foot putt after their tee shot here uh 535 hole 11 calvin for the putt so here he actually pushed deep on this hole which is really unusual meaning off the t he went past the basket yeah you and you don't really you don't often see that you mean on this specific hole or yeah on this hole almost everyone when i said everyone has like a 30 foot but they're usually 30 feet short they get caught up by the trees or the rocks at the entry to the green oh it's not because they're afraid of going out of bounds in the back no it's just because there's a lot of um trees and rocks at the entryway uh hole 12 745 uh simon lazat off the tee the reason why i choose chose this is uh maybe uh
Starting point is 01:28:38 kayla will be kind enough to play the audio with this listen to the commentators here it's the first time i've heard this ever mentioned in any of the shows we've covered. A little bit different, maybe more of a steep hyzer into the green, or maybe a floaty anhyzer. Simon, got a little
Starting point is 01:28:59 distraction from the crowd, I think. Able to reset very nicely. I haven't heard any talk about the crowd, I think. Able to reset very nicely. I haven't heard any talk about the crowd, any distractions up until now in all the shows we've watched. We had the car burning out, we had someone run across, we had a fucking someone get hit in the head with a
Starting point is 01:29:15 but what is that? Have you ever heard about that before? And what's the protocol there? The etiquette? I mean, at the major tournaments like this, there's people in this crowd that are holding signs that say quiet, but sometimes someone doesn't adhere to that, and the players have to make the decision.
Starting point is 01:29:36 If something distracts you as you're running up to throw your shot, are you going to be able to stop your shot in mid-momentum, or are you just going to try to block it out and continue to execute? Simon continued, you know, continued with his motion there and was able to throw an excellent drive on a pretty demanding tee shot. 815 Simon Lizotte. There are people holding signs, huh?
Starting point is 01:30:02 Quiet signs. Yeah. I'm in big trouble. So this is a similar shot to what we saw in hole five where you have to tuck it around a pretty tight corner to get it close to the basket. And you want to get as close as you can because looking this way behind the basket, there's OB and there's also a pond back there.
Starting point is 01:30:27 So that's one of the better up shots you'll see on this hole. And Simon's throwing two excellent shots to get in that position. Nine. Heimberg at nine on the button. Nine minutes on the button. Calvin, Vinny, Heimberg. Okay. Austin Turner. on the button nine minutes on the button calvin vinnie heimberg okay maybe austin turner that's that's a bad miss and that's a tent that was a tentative putt it's understandable considering what's behind the basket but not what uh you know now what he's looking for is he's trying to stay in contention to win this thing god heimberg was it looks like
Starting point is 01:31:03 a praying man is there, doesn't he? Bit of the putting struggles yesterday. Poking its head out a little bit today. Still on a solid round, though. Four down. Ricky Wasaki, 9-19 for the putt. I believe. Just, Nathan, how would you keep your balance on that down slip?
Starting point is 01:31:29 Ricky got lucky there on his upshot. I mean, he cut it in too close, and he ended up in his favorable spot where he could still make the birdie. Most players, it's pretty difficult to end up where he is there. You have to get pretty lucky through the trees. 949, 949, Simon with the putt hole 12 and then just straighten those down the putt down by down by three that's a nice shot there simon has a spin putt so you know you see how much you can kind of see how much spin he puts on that putt and this
Starting point is 01:32:01 is that was a really good view of it and he's he's famous for that he's probably the best spin putter in the world uh even with that birdie he's uh two two he's still in fifth place and he's uh two behind uh calvin heimberg even after making that yeah and calvin's not even the leader he's only in second at this time so um ricky and austin are kind of out of it and and simon's, like, must-execute mode, where if he wants to catch, you know, there's a few players ahead of him, and he has to basically make birdies on every hole. Hole 13. Let's go to 1305.
Starting point is 01:32:38 Simon, with his second shot, pulling out the putter with a big crowd. That is a nice crowd shot there. This is a 616-foot par 4, hole 13. Yeah, and pretty good shot. I mean, it's a tough – it looks like an easy shot from there, but that tree is in the way. Obviously, you have to decide if you're going to go left or right, and he chooses to bring it in from his his right side of the but the ground play
Starting point is 01:33:08 was a little bit more than he'd want and so he's got about a 20 to 25 footer there he would probably expect to be within 10 to 15 on that shot more often than not 13 25 austin turner with 150 foot putt jump putt and this is i, there are players that can do this, but this is very, very difficult to jump putt this far. This is... Look at this. Ridiculous amount of jump putt power right here. He's about 150 feet, and he...
Starting point is 01:33:43 And, I mean, those guys those guys they play they're pro players as well and they're even recognizes how recognizing how impressive that is and it's not like he's throwing it super high he's getting power on that and holding a line and an angle for a majority of that that was a really good shot wow let's look at this fucking comment right here i want the second half of Brian's life. I don't even know what to think about that. That's like one of the most powerful things I've ever tweeted that shit.
Starting point is 01:34:13 It's powerful. Wow. It's like Floyd 19. 1505. All right. Let's go to 14. I'm trying to rush it. Let's go to 14. Sorry. Let's go to 14. Let's go for vinny for the putt vinny's winning he's kicking simon's ass and uh let's see uh heimberg for the putt 14 minutes here we go oh my god hey he looked away how did he even know that it didn't go in? He looks away before it even. No, he saw.
Starting point is 01:34:45 He did? And I think that he kind of knew. We've seen now, I think, three or four times that high left side is not catching the discs. So he knew that that was a miss that was more likely than not going to just fall out to the left. Do you know why this is such a hard sport to watch? And I've talked about this before before but not in a while because the athleticism that we're used to seeing predominantly in all of sports is that you don't you don't start your motion off your midline like it's it's a quarter extremity motion in this sport like they they use as a as a as a governor or as a regulator of power and velocity coming off your midline.
Starting point is 01:35:31 And it's just hard to get used to, right? You would think that you would just stay in your position and not twist as much. But no, they have all these weird leanings and angles, and they do all of these things. It's just a bizarre form. It's just a bizarre form. It's just a bizarre form. Do you feel me on that? I mean, there are – I think you're talking mostly about putting. Like when you're throwing –
Starting point is 01:35:56 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Anything after – yeah, mostly the putting. Yeah, you're right, mostly the putting. But even some – there's a lot of not full power shots or shots that they use to manage their power by. But even if you're like, if you're throwing a touchy forehand shot, like I'm still bracing my core and getting a little bit of, you know, like that's where I'm establishing the control from. Right. It's just like how, how aggressively I'm, I'm moving my arm and snapping my wrist and my fingers depends on how far I wanted to go or what I wanted to do in the air. Is this true? There is not a disc golf, babe.
Starting point is 01:36:32 I don't know. I don't know what that means. That means is there like a dude who's just a pussy magnet of all the dudes? I think there is one. There is one. I, uh, I'll have to think about that i i do think that i'll probably hey maybe ezra i don't know i think ezra's got his girl though out there i want to say in one of the other shows i saw him kiss his girl anyway we'll find out we'll get back to you on that if there is a um there's if there's one okay uh 1505 Simon Lazat down to from the Heimberg fifth place overall. He's down one at this point because Simon missed that part on the last.
Starting point is 01:37:13 Oh, okay. And this shot right here. Wait, is this 1505? It's supposed to be off. It's supposed to be the putt. This is,
Starting point is 01:37:20 that was 1505. Oh, but that's off the tee, isn't it? Yeah, it's fine. Oh, right. That was 15.05. But that's off the tee, isn't it? Yeah, it's fine. This shot right here, to throw the shot that he wants to throw,
Starting point is 01:37:34 it has to look like he's throwing it into that light green tree on the left. And it was, I mean, this looks like a bad shot, but it's a perfect shot. And it's a tricky hole to shoot. I watched this hole many, many times. And almost everyone, all the players that are trying that shot, I would say 90% of them are ending up deep and left of the pin. And Simon just peered the line. That was a touch shot with a high-speed driver and very, very well done. All right.
Starting point is 01:38:04 That was hole 13. that was hole 14 so time is and you know simon's gonna tap that in for a birdie there wait that was hole 14 i look at the top right corner of the screen you have two time codes for 1505 i have two whole 14s no you have a 1505 in hole 13 and a 1505 in hole 13 and 14. Oh, that's a fucking mess already. That's okay. But I think basically we're going to pause here and go back to the lead card for those holes, 10 to 14. Is that right?
Starting point is 01:38:40 Hold on. Let me see 1650, Ricky from 50 feet. What, what, what hole is that? Okay. No, no. Let's, let's finish it. Sorry. Sorry. Okay. You don't have to go that far. Okay. Uh, hold on one second. Uh, uh, 1548 Ricky slips on a tree. We don't need that. 1615 Vinny, uh, in the, uh, bushes. We don't need that. 1630. Oh, okay. Let's do that. Let's go to 1615 and watch Vinny have to tackle this hole after getting himself in a precarious position this is heimberg at 16 uh 15 off the tee so he's gonna try to throw the exact same shot as simon here so you want it wants to look like it's going
Starting point is 01:39:16 towards that light tree and you can see that it's immediately going too far left and probably gonna go too far and that is the exact spot that a majority of the players end up in. And 1630 Vinny for what looks like the long putt. Extremely long. Good height offline. And, I mean, I'd say more players than not are going to take par from theirs, which is what Calvin's about to do. from there, which is what Calvin's about to do.
Starting point is 01:39:51 And so with that miss and Simon being right up there close to the birdie, they're about to be tied. Ricky Wasaki in 10th place goes for a 50-foot putt, getting to do or die time for Ricky. Yeah, for sure. And when Ricky's in his top form, there's no – other than maybe Gannon Burr at this point, there's really no other player that I would want to take a 50-foot putt. I mean, he drains these regularly.
Starting point is 01:40:18 How the fuck are there so many pages? You made them. I just can't believe that we're supposed to be at that we're supposed to be like like winding up here the last three holes are we kind of are well i don't understand what this page is something weird is going on here caleb do you see what's weird that's going on here um yeah i'm not really sure what's going on with it, but I know it looks like we're alternating. You have it set up.
Starting point is 01:40:51 Yeah, but look how it goes from hole... Look how it goes from hole 14. Are you going to show that 1650 Ricky from 50 feet yeah i can okay cool 16 uh 50 ricky from 50 feet this is hole 14 still yeah we got a problem my notes see if we can... Great shot. Yep.
Starting point is 01:41:27 He's nice. Wow. Fortunate to have a look here. And hopefully, I mean, hopefully that Ricky gets healthy this year and we get to see him contend in some big tournaments. And if that's the case, then we'll be seeing him make a lot of putts like that. He's very, very good at it.
Starting point is 01:41:45 Simon Lizotte, 17-15, going for his fourth birdie. Still in fifth place. Operators. This is just a tap in between. And I mentioned it, I don't know, a hole or two ago. If Simon wants to win this thing, he's going to have to basically birdie every hole. And he's just got four in a row right there. Calvin's got two birdies and two pars, so he's two strokes away from Calvin.
Starting point is 01:42:14 But there's other guys that are still playing really hot as well. I want to go back to... Oh, shit. Okay, well, I guess we can skip all that. So basically, I think on this next sheet, we just go up to hole 14 with Gannon and Barella and Dickerson. Are you cool with that? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:37 Okay, guys, this next hole you're going to see. So that was the lead card right there, right? No, that was the chase card. That was the chase card. We right no that's a chase card that's a card we're gonna see how the uh we're gonna go to hole 14 and see how the uh lead card is doing lead card is doing thank you that's gonna get confusing for me i got you thank you hole 14 part 3 375 feet uh let's go look at gannon at 1619 off the tee these guys really are impressive though
Starting point is 01:43:09 the fact that they put these shows together really is impressive it's a shit ton of work so same hole that we saw here we know what we want to see this disc doing going towards the light set of trees on the left most people pull it too far to the left Paul McBeth finished 25th in this tournament
Starting point is 01:43:24 so we're not going to get to see him this looks pretty good to me Most people pull it too far to the left. Paul McBeth finished 25th in this tournament, so we're not going to get to see him. This looks pretty good to me. It looks bad, but it should end up good. I think he might have got it a little too high, though, and he got the trees even though the line was good. 1728 Gannon for the birdie, par 3. So this will be Gannon's second shot, 1728. Yeah, so this is where he got caught up.
Starting point is 01:43:49 And, I mean, this is really difficult. Unlikely to make this, but he doesn't even give it a run. He just is kind of accepting a par here. Anthony Barella, also putting. Hole 14, also putting. Hole 14, 1750. Ooh, so that was for birdie? I think so. And that's, uh,
Starting point is 01:44:25 now we can add Anthony Brella to the list. You know, he's expecting to make that for sure. And we've seen pretty much every player who's in contention, miss at least one of these today. Like I said, if you end up losing by one stroke in this tournament, which is probably going to happen considering how close it is,
Starting point is 01:44:40 whether it's regulation or a playoff, uh, a pot like that is going to come, come back to haunt you that night. What channel is this on the home shopping network fair question a wad zombie is it weird to talk about ricky getting healthy and not be about crossfit also a good point i think i saw that earlier um uh melissa oh fuck, fuck. That hurts. I never even thought of that. That's fucked up.
Starting point is 01:45:08 Melissa, did Sevan go for Craig Ritchie hairdo? Son of a bitch. Shut it, Caleb. That hurt. That actually does. I can see the next thumbnail right now. I can actually. I can.
Starting point is 01:45:27 I hope Bruce wins it. Usually when I say that, I don't mean it, but I can actually feel my face getting a little warm with that comment. 18, Gannon Burr for the putt. Stay focused, people. 18 minutes, Gannon Burr for the putt. Look, a umbrella won't even move. What a douche. Beat it.
Starting point is 01:45:50 Yeah, so this upshot was a little longer than he would like. It's kind of his MO. It is. Notice the long shadows the trees are creating as the sun filters through the maples of Nashville. Hole 15. Those are oaks oh oaks thank you i don't i have no idea a hole 15 uh still with the lead card seven we will be going back to the chase card very shortly to look at their hole 15 hole 15 lead
Starting point is 01:46:18 card 777 uh feet par four out of bounds on the entire right side. Play it smart, boys. Simon Lizotte's winning going into this hole with a minus 21. No. Oh, okay. This is a really difficult hole. Getting a birdie on this hole will separate you from the rest of the contenders. Okay, good, good point.
Starting point is 01:46:46 Okay, 2015, Barella throws a bomb off the tee. Yeah, that shot right there, a lot of players try that and don't have the distance for it and so many of them end up out of bounds some of them end up caught in those trees inbounds with an awkward stance but like i said at hole one anthony borrella one of the farthest throwers of the discs on the tour and he's just drawings it's just stick drawings man this crowd is tough uh what are you doing monday nothing i'm gonna get stone and just fucking destroy caleb bryan and step on when they try to do a golf show.
Starting point is 01:47:49 21-32 after that fantastic shot by Anthony Barella. He goes for his second shot. 21-32. Thank you. Thank you. You put me down and then fucking give me some advice on how to handle it. I appreciate it. Pretty good shot there um not you know a lot of players end up in the trees over there on the left he ends up in an open spot but a little bit short 35 footer footer if he wants to make the birdie
Starting point is 01:48:20 there he's coming off a missed putt of a little bit shorter than that so we'll see uh 22 35 we are running out of time people uh burrell we're on hole 15 anthony burilla has to make this putt he's in fourth place tied for fourth very difficult for him what do you mean it's right in front of him don't be a pussy He's got to make this with Gannon. At 20. Oh, that missed by maybe a half an inch. I mean, it hit the band and the chains, and sometimes those go in, and that just wasn't good enough.
Starting point is 01:48:58 Hole 15. People be making birdies on this like it's nothing. 28 birdies on this hole during this competition. I don't know. That's what I have in my notes. You think that's wrong again? You think my shit's wrong? I've said a bunch of wrong shit today. Well, I'll tell you this. Of the top... Of the players who finished in the top 10 for this tournament, only three of them
Starting point is 01:49:17 birdied. I have my... I have... Oh, really? Yeah. So I got my... Okay. There might have been a lot of birdies further down the leaderboard, but the top players were not birdying this hole. I have my own – you trained us to be this way. I have my own AI that just abuses me. It's awesome.
Starting point is 01:49:36 But it's real people. Okay. Let's go back over to the chase card. Hole 15, still 777 feet. Nothing's changed. Par 4. Let's watch Simon Lizotte and crew play this same hole that we just saw Barella miss a must putt on.
Starting point is 01:49:55 The only hole in the back nine that plays over par. What does that mean, Brian? That means that more players made bogey than birdie on this hole oh shit okay so it's a tough hole it's very tough hole so that other shot is extremely demanding the upshot is extremely demanding and maybe it was 28 birdies on this hole this or bogeys god look at that i mean what a mess my notes are i I apologize. You expect better from me, I know. Okay. 18-15, Simon off the tee.
Starting point is 01:50:32 Look at him. He almost looks normal. 38 players made bogey or worse on this hole that day. Okay. So he's going for a more conservative shot. He throws it far, but he knows he doesn't have the shot that Anthony Barella throws, but it's a demanding line. He lands in the landing zone that players would take if they can't do what Anthony did.
Starting point is 01:50:54 Let's watch that one more time, and let's watch it with audio. I want you to listen to what the commentators say here, and then tell me what you think that I glommed onto. Here we go around two clusters of trees here full power send but willing to go left if necessary rather than hanging it right ob catches the second cluster but still in a fine position yeah oh he didn't even say it uh what i thought he was gonna say anyway i noticed that sometimes they tell you what what brand of disc they're using and i'm wondering in golf do they do that when the guys are swinging with the clubs they'll be like oh well that's a blah blah blah i mean i know they'll be like that's a three wood or a seven wood or whatever the woods are but here they actually tell you
Starting point is 01:51:38 the brand of the uh disc is that because the plastics are so different and i know that just from playing uh just you know ultimate frisbee type golf frisbee uh beach beach frisbee the the discs are different discraft is the best yeah i mean and anova is not the best it's a really hard shitty disc for for uh beach beach frisbee um not they could be talking about the brand of this that the plastic that's being used or the you know the name of the disc so they could say something like that's an innova star destroyer yeah or you might have an in a champion destroyer so in the middle word is the plastic that they're describing but i don't you know they didn't we didn't hear them say it there, so I'm not really sure. Okay. 21-20. Vinny, Calvin, Heimberg.
Starting point is 01:52:35 A must-make putt situation. Francis leaves himself a much longer par putt than you want. I mean, he says that, but this is a tough hole. He'll take this here. And, yeah. But, I mean, that's for par. He would want that putt for birdie. Do any of these guys openly play stoned?
Starting point is 01:53:00 Not that I know of. Okay. I'm surprised none of them have a CBD CBD weed like Snoop Dogg type sponsor Mike Tyson's weed like homegrown relief yeah what is that is that a jar of weed no CBD it's muscle and joint
Starting point is 01:53:17 oh maybe I need that for my bicep and my back god I woke up stiff this morning clip that uh 22 uh 22 11 uh simon sets it in the basket and takes the lead by one yeah and his best shot on this hole you didn't use the one shot you chose not to show which was his upshot he put this he put i mean you see how close it is they're spiking it in the ground and i don't really remember seeing another player throw a second shot that was that good on this hole.
Starting point is 01:53:49 Is that the one that sticks in the mud? It is. It's stuck in the ground right there next to Ricky's right foot. That's called a tombstone. It just comes in like that and doesn't go anywhere. God, I remember seeing that on both the lead card and chase card videos and marking that. How the fuck did I remember seeing that on both the lead card and chase card videos and marking that. How the fuck did I not show that?
Starting point is 01:54:08 It's probably coming on the next hole too, hole 16. Okay, it was an incredible shot. Yeah, that was a great shot. And like I said, of the top seven players by the end of the tournament, Simon was the only one who birdied this hole. Okay, so I haven't heard that. I heard them using that term. I didn't get it.
Starting point is 01:54:23 Tombstone, when the Frisbee just goes in and lands. Okay. Sticking up out of the ground. Okay, so I haven't heard that. I heard them using that term. I didn't get it. Tombstone, when the Frisbee just goes in and lands. Sticking up out of the ground. Okay. I threw one today. You did? I did. Muddy course? There's a muddy spot on the course. And I threw a really high spiking shot.
Starting point is 01:54:40 Hole 16, back to the chase card. No, back to the lead card. Par three, 305 feet. This is the one where if you're able to make a birdie, you can win a guitar. I mean,
Starting point is 01:54:55 if you're able to make a hole in one. Oh, it was just on this hole. Hole 16. Okay. It was like a bounty on the hole. You know, as long as they have that at golf tournaments where you just say hole in one, you win a car. It was hole in one and was like a bounty on the hole you know as long as they have that at golf
Starting point is 01:55:05 tournaments where you just say hole in one you win a car here was hole in one and you win a guitar okay and there's nothing really to see here uh oh okay yeah well so here we go so let's let's watch uh wait what what the fuck okay here it is i don't think this is the right hole so this is what happens is not the right hole oh whatever this is what happened. This is not the right hole. Oh, whatever. This is what happened. They're showing Simon from the chase card on the lead card footage. So this is the shot that Brian was talking about. Let's give it a look. This is hole 17. This is?
Starting point is 01:55:37 Yeah. So it's totally fine. And this shot that Simon's about to throw, I didn't see any other players trying this shot in this tournament. Everyone else is either throwing a forehand that's going straight at the opening and trying to finish to the right, or they're throwing a turnover backhand that's trying to fade slowly to the right.
Starting point is 01:55:55 But he's going to do something different. 17 has the lead. What can he do? He's throwing a really aggressive spike Kaiser over the trees. And there it is. He tombstones it right into the ground, about 12 feet from the basket. And it's,
Starting point is 01:56:16 and I, and I, he did this every round. He didn't have the same result every round, but I was just really surprised that there weren't any other players trying this because a lot of players threw their tee shots out of bounds on this hole. Great shot. Okay, so let's go back to hole 16, by the way. Let's look at Gannon off the tee, 24-40.
Starting point is 01:56:35 And then we will come back to that throw right there from the chase card coverage. 24-50, Gannon off the tee. base card coverage. 24-50, Gannon off the tee. And at this point in the tournament, the players that are still in contention to win are Simon Lizotte, Gannon Burke, Calvin Heimer, Anthony Barella, and Chris Dickerson. So there's still five players that could potentially win this thing.
Starting point is 01:57:00 Imagine that, Simon taking a different line. Look at Sean. Sean knows his stuff no he's simon lines is like a a real thing oh it is yeah i mean when if you're going out and playing with your buddies and you guys have any idea what's going on in a disc golf course and you kind of look and you're like oh dude look at that line up there someone will say oh yeah simon line wow okay there's actually a video uh that simon lazada and paul mcbeth made where um paul mcbeth has to throw a simon line on every hole and simon has to throw up like a paul line which is like the more like you know predictable one oh it's awesome all right sean
Starting point is 01:57:41 i apologize maybe you do know your shit okay here we go hole 16 gannon burr this is the one where you could win the guitar and this is a there's a million different ways to play this hole um and a lot of a lot like i said a lot of people came close to acing it so is that hole 17 or is that hole 16 this is 16 the shot that we saw of simon was on hole 17 and remember simon's playing one card ahead of these guys okay so while they're playing 16 and there are 20 other simon's already at 21 under and he's playing hole 17 and he's right in position for birdie there too uh so gannon doesn't get the hole in one anthony also throws one off the tee doesn't get the hole in one let's go to hole why does it go straight to hole 18 oh houston we have a problem
Starting point is 01:58:29 let's try it let's try to let's go to hole 18 oh oh this is a mess i i apologize what is going on with these notes something got i mean i can tell you you know okay are are they showing Simon playing? They're showing Simon playing hole 18. This is great. Okay. Is this a 26-28? Okay.
Starting point is 01:58:54 Mm-hmm. This is Simon's tee shot on hole 18. He has up to this point, he's birdied holes 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17. So he's birdied seven holes in a a row and now he's coming up to the last hole oh man something's not right here how do we go how do we go back to hole 70 i know why because they're showing him again gotcha totally fine okay okay this is like in real time simon's playing this hole 18 before those other guys are playing hole 17. Okay, so they're showing footage that they shouldn't be showing.
Starting point is 01:59:28 They have permission from GK Pro to show it. Okay. Here we go. Simon Lizotte from the chase card. Mm-hmm. And that's not the line that everyone will take but he puts himself in a position where he does have an upshot to the basket which we're going to see right now uh actually we'll come back to it let me just i don't think they do show it actually okay let's see okay let's see he's basically thinking to himself right now
Starting point is 02:00:10 like this shot is to give me a chance to win this tournament oh shit they do show it you're right and he throws a shot that was really reminiscent to the upshot we saw at the beginning of the round and that's the best upshot I've seen on this whole tournament upshot meaning it's uphill no it's his approach to the to the basket you're
Starting point is 02:00:30 not wait why are they called an upshot if it's not uphill just like the second shot on a par four is just called an upshot all right but he so he tapped that in for eight birdies in a row to end the round and you know i had said you know when he was in fifth place in holes 11 12 13 that he was basically in a need to birdie out to have a chance he did that and so he's put himself in a position to potentially win this thing but ganon burr and anthony are still charging hard from the card behind them and let me show you this. I do want to show you this hole 17. It's a par 3, 355 feet from the lead card. Check this out. This is – let's go through all these real quick.
Starting point is 02:01:18 We'll do it really quick. It's worth it, I think. 28-30, Gannon off the tee. Yeah, no, we got to do these. I mean, Gannon and Anthony Barella still can win this thing. Without a doubt. What's Gannon at? He's at 21 under right now, so he just has to birdie the last two holes.
Starting point is 02:01:34 Simon just did it, and Gannon will think he certainly can too. Okay, here we go. 28-30, Gannon off the tee. Huge shot here. Very, very big shot. And this is the line, the forehand line that most of the players take he's got it on a good angle he got it around the corner and it takes a really unusual reaction there and skips hard and out of bounds when he gets up to the green he realizes that there used
Starting point is 02:02:00 to be a t-pad in that spot and so so the ground is a lot harder than pretty much anywhere else. And it skipped off of that hard ground and went out of bounds. But I would just say that he needed to throw that a little bit deeper and get it a little bit higher up the hill, and he would have been just fine. So tough shot. Not a good time to go out of bounds. 29-17, hole 17, Anthony Barella. Can he get an ace off the tee?
Starting point is 02:02:23 It's possible. That out-of-bounds shot from Gannon Burr basically takes him out of it. He'll have to eagle 18 now to have any chance. Totally possible to ace this shot, right? Yeah, for sure. Also going for the forehand line here, AB. Gets it out wide enough. Let's just see what happens on the ground play.
Starting point is 02:02:44 And his basically just sticks in the ground and stays, which is what Gannon obviously would have been hoping for. And Caleb, if you keep playing this out, they'll do a tracker shot so we can actually see how close he gets to a hole-in-one here. Yeah, the follow-flight technology is very cool. We haven't watched a lot of it on the coverage that we've done of these, but yeah, you see that there. Really, really a good shot.
Starting point is 02:03:11 And he was at 20 under par, so he's going to have a tap in to get to 21 under par, meaning that he also will need to get a two on the last hole now to match Simon. And we will now watch a series of three shots that are probably the most painful thing I've seen in Frisbee golf. 2950 Ezra Adderhold. Man, this is this is tough what you're about to see here. Here we go. Ezra 2950. You don't want to see anyone get done like that. So the fact that he's throwing from there means he's already gone out of bounds once. so the fact that he's throwing from there means he's already gone out of bounds once.
Starting point is 02:03:45 And now he throws this shot and it gets caught up in that tree. 30, 10 for the putt after getting caught in the tree. Brian just mentioned, this is for a four, which would be a bogey. It's a band and rolls. And the only good thing is that it didn't keep rolling and go out of bounds,
Starting point is 02:04:10 but he's further away than he was in this previous spot. And now he's putting for a double bogey. God, that's brutal. That's, that's gotta be hard to keep your head in the game when you throw it and it rolls back further than you were before. It happens.
Starting point is 02:04:26 I mean, we will see it happen again for sure. And then he just misses barely high left side chains. And so he's going to take a triple bogey. Now this is Gannon putting for a par, and he needs to make this to have any chance at matching Simon. If he makes this, he can still get a two on 18 to force a playoff. Be a triple bogey for Ezra, but really this is the important one. And that's, I mean, I would say that's one of the worst putts I've seen from Ganenberg.
Starting point is 02:04:57 He's usually as dependable as he can be from that range. I've never seen a triple bogey, by the way, in the chase card or the lead card. That's the first time in four shows we've covered. Yeah. Okay, Ezra needed a birdie. You will see more. I can guarantee you that. Yeah?
Starting point is 02:05:12 Yeah, once we get to it. There's a course called Northwood Black. It's in Illinois, actually. And when we get to that tournament, we'll see some scores worse than that, even from the best players. Back to the chase card for our final holes, 16, 17, 18. No, no, no. Just go to hole 18 lead card.
Starting point is 02:05:32 We already know what Simon did on those holes. Perfect. We've already done all of them. So we're just going to go to the last hole 18, and the only player that's left at this point, because Gannon missed that putt, that can match Simon is Anthony Barella. So we need to see what he does on 18. Okay.
Starting point is 02:05:47 Lazat minus 23 going into hole 18, 723 feet, par 4, 32-30. Anthony Barella goes for the big throw off the tee. And remember, we've been talking about Anthony Barella as being the – what is this? This is a whole number six. I gave you the wrong link. Hold on. We need to go to the back nine,
Starting point is 02:06:16 but I could have easily given you the wrong link, Caleb. I was going back and forth, back and forth. It should have been that same one. We were just not, but anyway, you know, back and forth, back and forth. It should have been that same one we were just on. But anyway, we've been talking throughout this round that Anthony has one of the biggest arms in the game.
Starting point is 02:06:34 And then hole 18, you're going to need two big shots if you're going to throw it in. So here we go, CST shot. And I'm just going to tell you right now this is absolutely smashed like this is a full send this is everything you got he gets a full flex out of this this is going uphill and he no one else is up there no one else is throwing the disc up there but he needed to be about 15 more feet to have any the up the shot that he would want to have into the green to have a chance for two. Instead, what we're about to see with his second shot is that there is a line, but it's a very demanding line.
Starting point is 02:07:12 Do you want to watch Gannon off the tee? 32-50? No. Okay. 3406. Barella goes for it. Yeah. So he's...
Starting point is 02:07:20 Please play the audio. Yeah. He's got to make it. That was huge. He's got to throw this forehand, and he's got to go through some trees at about halfway of the way up there. Oh, look at that. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 02:07:35 What a great angle of the gap. He thought he had it. Do they show the reverse angle of that? They do. We'll get a slow-mo up coming up next. Oh, we got to have a replay. Yes.
Starting point is 02:07:47 Totally. What a shot. It's really good from this line. So you can see he gets it through the gap and it's at the, it's basically at the right height. It just comes up a little short. I mean, that's a one in a hundred that you're going to make that maybe,
Starting point is 02:07:59 maybe one in a thousand, but the fact that he gave it that good of an effort at that point in the tournament is very commendable. Uh, and then 34, 35 Rella putts, uh, for,
Starting point is 02:08:11 uh, attempt at second place, I think. Yeah. 34, 45. Sorry. Uh,
Starting point is 02:08:18 he needs to make this putt to, uh, secure second place. And there's Chris Dickerson and he just had a bad round. You know, he had shot, I think, eight under, eight under on the previous two rounds. He only shot five under today, and some other guys played hot, and he ended up finishing tied for third.
Starting point is 02:08:32 He still has never had a finish worse than, I think, sixth in all of his appearances here, and he's won four out of seven that he's played. So he was in it, but these guys just played better. Actually just couldn't get it in the basket. And that right there means that that putt for anthony is for solo second and so what else i mean we saw all of those guys miss uh miss a putt at some point in the tournament for anthony brella he ends up being the guy who loses by one shot and knows that there's one or two putts that he left out there that he should be
Starting point is 02:09:03 making when i was watching this tournament i was, a part of me was really pulling for Anthony because, you know, he was the up and coming hotshot. He was in 2015, he was touring with Paul McBath, touring with Nate Sexton. He had like the best mentors you could hope for. He already had sponsorships. His ceiling is as high as it could be. And I think that for the, I mean, as competitive as everything is, there's still a, there's still a difference between someone who's in it to win, like in the mix to win. And there's someone who has actually pulled off a win at one of these events. And I thought if Anthony was able to win this one, that it would be really good for his confidence and
Starting point is 02:09:38 really good for the overall competitive landscape of the field, because everyone knows he's a threat, but until he wins one of these, he, is he really a threat? Like, you know, he's not like Gannon Burr who's three years younger, but already has a couple of wins under his belt at big tournaments at majors. And so obviously it's a great tournament for him, but I'm really looking forward to the day that Anthony Barella finally pulls off a win at one of these things. When was the last time Simon won a tourney?
Starting point is 02:10:07 Yeah, so I mean, it'd be, you know, Simon ends up winning this thing, and it's actually, you know, Simon Lazat in and of himself is a storyline in disc golf. Last year, he won three PDGA disc golf tour stop. I think he was the only person
Starting point is 02:10:21 to do that last year. He won them all in pretty dramatic and very entertaining fashion, but he switched disc companies this off season. And I told my brother at the start of the year, I was like, I think Simon, Simon will be in some tournaments, but I'm not sure he's going to win one this year that the field is really deep. And as good as he is, like, it's just difficult to acclimate to a new bag well enough to execute everything that's required to win these tournaments. And look to do it. He had a birdie, the last eight holes in a row,
Starting point is 02:10:47 but he did that. And it's incredible. And Simon, I would, I think Simon probably has more fans and more supporters than anyone. I mean, he's so really, yeah,
Starting point is 02:10:57 he certainly has like the least amount of people that don't like him. I don't think anyone doesn't like Simon. Like he is. If you watch any of his YouTube videos, he's just extremely good on camera. He throws incredibly entertaining shots. He's genuine. He really respects the game. He really respects the people.
Starting point is 02:11:14 He really respects his competitors. You never get a sense of arrogance from this guy, no matter how good he is. I don't necessarily root for him to win every tournament. I've never been bummed about the fact that Simon won a tournament. It's always fun to watch him win. Awesome.
Starting point is 02:11:29 Well, that's good to go. That's good that they have a guy like that. Uh, all right. Uh, if you actually scroll up to the top middle section there, when he's sitting on a table and red,
Starting point is 02:11:40 this is, this is him finding out that he wins a tournament. I think like, this is the moment you said, the record make a chase card come back and become the music city open champion and they got a couple pictures here and that's his caddy nick carl and then that was the trophy at that tournament that's a real gibson guitar probably two three thousand dollars of guitar and simon by the way is a good guitar player in fact he's when he got it there on the course he was playing a little bit.
Starting point is 02:12:06 And he said, he goes, man, it's too bad you guys don't have an amp. I would play something right now. Oh, that's awesome. Hey, I just want to say sorry that some of the technical issues on this show, totally my fault, had nothing to do with Brian. My notes were a fucking shit show. They were a disaster. We tried something new going back and forth between the cards.
Starting point is 02:12:23 I didn't get it spot on. Caleb and Brian did perfect. but we do sorry we do you did great we do have another a uh we do have another uh another tournament go ahead i'm sorry we were a couple weeks late on this i had some stuff going on that made it you know difficult for me to do that but i did really want to get this one in i do think that it is, you know, really, really important that Simon wins this tournament. It sets the precedent for the rest of the season. You know, you got Calvin Heimberg, you got Gannon Burr,
Starting point is 02:12:54 and now you have Simon Lazada. And I feel like these three guys are the guys that, coming into every tournament, you have to respect them as legitimate chances to win. There'll be other guys that emerge throughout the year, but at least those three are solid, you know, contenders and pretty much everything that they show up for.
Starting point is 02:13:09 And, uh, we know, like we talked about the first major of the year ended actually today, and we'll be having a show on it in a couple of days. Um, and we'll see, uh,
Starting point is 02:13:18 where was that? Where was the major that happened today? Georgia, Georgia. Okay. Yeah. They're in the little Southeast swing right now. Okay, not tomorrow night, but probably Wednesday
Starting point is 02:13:27 night, I think is what we're shooting for. Tuesday or Wednesday, yeah, we'll see. Oh, right, right, Tuesday or Wednesday. Okay. Thank you, everyone. Thank you, Brian. Thank you, Caleb. We will see you guys tomorrow morning at 7am. Also, on Tuesday
Starting point is 02:13:43 morning, Rebecca Fuslier. The hyper charismatic. we will see you guys tomorrow morning at 7 a.m uh also uh on tuesday morning uh rebecca fusli the hyper charismatic uh and then on uh what day is it wednesday thursday no wednesday and then on wednesday on the 26th we have chris cooper coming to answer any questions a 7 a.m show there'll be a live call-in show if you are an affiliate owner if you know any affiliate owners that's going to be a good show to listen to if you're interested in just business in general, the guy's a wealth of knowledge. He's also the owner of Two Brain Business, the largest gym consulting chain in the world. Okay. And I think he still employs our former compatriot on the podcast.
Starting point is 02:14:20 Oh, yeah. Yeah, Mike Workington is a big wig over there. Yep. He did one of the first few podcasts that Brian and I did together. Mike Workington was a part of them. All the ones in Albany and all the ones in Del Mar. All of them, he says. He even did the one with me that you bailed on me for.
Starting point is 02:14:39 Oh, it makes him even cooler. Eric Ootley, a good show. Back to installing my new Rogue Wall Mount weight rack. Oh, please send me pictures. That's cool. Seems a little late at night to be doing that, but okay. Bye-bye.

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