Episode Date: August 8, 2024

J.R. and Taylor discuss the 2024 CrossFit Games Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm going to do it. Welcome You can't hear it after over it. Stupid European. And hey, golly. Those of you who are wondering what Taylor's eating for dessert, he's got some kind of a mucilli maybe with- No, this is frozen fruit, frozen fruit, heavy cream, organic, and some Southeastern wild honey. And then I've got these big fat dates filled
Starting point is 00:00:41 with grass-fed butter. And when he says full of grass-fed butter, if anyone knows what a butter pat is he's got a pad of butter Do you know I have I have two I have two total tablespoons and used rice and show them how you cook your steak I hang that up there. This is wow You're gonna see No, you're gonna have to show it to that camera. They can't see that dude. All right, never mind medium rare. It's looking great What do you mean? They can't hear your mic? Apparently not.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Which one are you, speak? Yep. They can only hear you. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. All right, we're good to go. Is that better, Travis? Thank you. Wait, where's Travis?
Starting point is 00:01:20 Vindicate? Oh, sorry, I thought it was brawl. All right, cool, sick. Here's what we're gonna start with Wow, can you put us up? Can you put an overlay up? Yeah We're professionals here everybody Boom. Okay. So now we're gonna have to fix this camera. It needs to be no just leave it like that. Looks good I'm it's it's like I'm behind the penis pump like killer was last night. Just leave me like that Wow, okay, that's good enough. We just need a what the hell is this? Dude, I don't know. Hold on time out.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Anyone who wants to buy that sick tank top go over to That's vindicate. Has it got all of us? Yeah, you sit right here. of us? Yeah, that's right here. You got it all fucked up, Susan. All right, so we got it. We got it. Stakes then. All right, so this is the day one pre show. We're going to be covering day one of competition. That starts tomorrow tomorrow and before we get started quick message from one of our sponsors. I do this definitely after every squatting thing. So like yesterday. But I do it midday too. This is, to be honest Carl, this is the only thing I use it for and it's amazing. I just, I do this so much.
Starting point is 00:03:01 You're gonna need that on the knee going on. Forward, you know. Well you're supposed to, every PT I've been doing is you need to constantly massage it to keep the scar tissue mobile. This helps a lot. You know there's CBD receptors in your knee, like your body has them in your knee. Like in your joints is where the most of the CBD receptors are. Wow. So that one, 7am tomorrow, distances are official, three and a half mile run, half mile swim. Barbell spin was right. Did he get the correct course as well?
Starting point is 00:03:32 As far as I know. Wow. Yeah. I mean, to me, that's the biggest storyline of the weekend is that two months ago, barbell spin gives you guys the exact workout, enough for me and Jason to go do it verbatim a month before the CrossFit Games. That's crazy. So you did that workout. Um, you ran on a trail, not on a paved running course that's relatively flat, but just based on how it felt, what advice would you give any of the competitors if you liked them? And we know you don't just pretend like you like them and you want to give them some advice of how to attack it. First of all,
Starting point is 00:04:07 approach it from a standpoint of someone who's a great runner and okay swimmer and then maybe someone who's a bad runner, but a really, really good swimmer. I think the better you are in the water, the harder you need to run. Okay. Because you have the confidence to get in the water and you can stay calm and collected when your heart rate is really high and when you're really out of breath. And if you have the advantage of being able to stay calm in the water, you should run really hard. I think if you don't have the confidence in the water, then you probably shouldn't run that hard because you're going to run yourself into the dirt. Three and a half miles is a long
Starting point is 00:04:42 time to get your heart rate really high. Then you get into the water and you're stuck doggy paddling. I can't breathe. The water's hot, whatever. It's uncomfortable. So I think the entire race is dictated by your level of comfort in the water. In my opinion. Yeah. And if you listen to seven show with Chris Henshaw, he had some crazy,
Starting point is 00:05:02 really, really, really good insight. One of the things he said was if it were him and he knows he can recover in that horizontal position versus being vertical when you're running, he would literally run it like a three and a half mile for time. He would run that hard. So it'd be interesting to see the three and a half mile times how like far off they are from like a five K. That's about what I did.
Starting point is 00:05:23 That's about what I did with me and Jason did it. I ran hard as fuck. Um, I got in the water and didn't push too hard. The first kind of half of the swim we didn't out and back and then the back half I pushed the swim really hard. Bryson, you were out there and you watched that. Could you tell a big difference between someone who's really, really comfortable in the water versus someone who's like, they're comfortable, but you can just tell just tell hey the way they're breathing how often they have to spot whatever like could you tell the difference between people in the water when they get out there you're just like yeah he's just swimming and he's swimming and it looks like he's swimming a little faster and
Starting point is 00:05:55 that's it I think swimming it kind of looks the same but you can tell who the better swimmer is like Taylor said by their run. Um, Taylor really just from the beginning came out really hot on the run and stayed really hot and went straight into the water. And you could tell that that's because he was just confident swimming. Uh, Jason looked a little bit slower on the run. I mean, maybe he wasn't pushing as hard, but you know, I think that's part of the reason. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Yeah. I don't think he was pushed. I just think he just wasn't pushing as hard. Yeah. I was, I was going to say, you know, consensus is's part of the reason yeah, I don't think he was pushed I just think he just wasn't pushing his heart Yeah I was gonna say general consensus is run harder than you want to unless you feel like you're gonna get in the water and Be drowning which most of these guys aren't most of them are comfortable enough to run pretty hard Do you think on that day if it was just a three and a half mile per time Jason? Could keep up with you on that day
Starting point is 00:06:42 Not in your best running shape ever. No. I think it'd definitely be a lot closer than he was if like he didn't have to go get into water though. Yeah he did it a couple more times like at a lake close to where we live on a road so it was a little bit different and he acknowledged after he did it there. He's like, you know, Taylor's right, I need to run more aggressively, because even if I'm really hurting getting into the water halfway through the swim, I'm gonna feel the same. Yeah, yeah, I think it would have been closer, but I also could have pushed a bit harder if it was just three and a half
Starting point is 00:07:18 mile run. Oh, we got low battery. Sousa. Sousa! Your Mac's about to die. Your Mac is about to die. What in the... In that box, there should... We're fucked. Did you see Dave's side stroking video? No, I didn't. He did the workout and he said he had to side stroke because he just couldn't swim Wow
Starting point is 00:07:46 What did it look good? It actually looked pretty good. I mean he's Look good had a bird's-eye view of it. It should look good. He fucking did it for like 30 years You're helping the athletes are gonna be side stroking because they come out too hot I think if they are it's not gonna look anywhere near as good as Dave's side stroke I mean combat side stroke if you can do it, is so efficient and they teach you not, or some of the instructors teach you some school of thoughts for the side stroke is actually not to put any of your limbs out of the water
Starting point is 00:08:16 so that you keep a low profile and people can't spot you like in a combat situation, you can't be seen. So it's just like, this arm doesn't reach out of the water, it pushes through the top and you stroke it's crazy But if these guys are talking they're like an idiot. No, what do you think about? I just sucked their dick What do you think about them mandating something like that in a competition? Side stroke like let's just say they said, you know, you have to do Whatever 2k road for time, but everyone's damper has to be on one just have to row to damper one
Starting point is 00:08:43 What do you think about having a swim event but saying, hey, we're going to swim 500 meter for time on a pole. First two laps free, second two laps back, second two laps. I think it's sick. Side stroke. I think it would be so dumb if they made them butterfly because these guys look like. I'm saying the lower skill strokes. But they would have to figure out how to standardize it. It's the same thing with any other. I think they would just do. I don't know. I don't think so. I don't think it's a place that I don't think the games yet is the place for that. I think you think that they can do box jump overs. Hey, shut up. If you let me finish my comment. This is your first time here. Okay, man. Take
Starting point is 00:09:20 it easy. Take it easy, bro. Take it easy, bro. He does argue with you more than any person. He argues with me so much, which is good. Just like gymnastics have had an evolution at the Games of difficulty, I think swimming can have that evolution. It's not time yet. Because at the field, dude, they're so bad.
Starting point is 00:09:41 But do you think side stroking is harder, though? I don't know if that's an evolution. It's not harder. It's the skill of it. It's even knowing how. It's going to take these idiots five years to learn how to do a backstroke. Do you think if they did something like that, that would be when three months out from the games Dave should be like, hey, practice your side stroke?
Starting point is 00:09:59 Yeah, 100%. So the best swimmers I think should run hard. I think it's clear. We know the endurance athletes in the field are going to do well. Who's your pick for that one? I mean, I'm sure, uh, I'm Tyler's in the room, but I'm sure the, the smart money is, is on, is on James. I would say, wow, really? You got James spraying in the heat one app. I would say so. Yeah. What about the heat two app? Who do you have in that app?
Starting point is 00:10:27 Wow. I don't think it's gonna be James Sprague. I've got Yellow Ho stuff. Okay, who do you have, Tyler? You redneck? Okay, all right. That was gonna be my pick. Yeah, I was gonna say, if I had to pick three, just knowing the swimming abilities,
Starting point is 00:10:39 because I don't know how good the swimmer Yellow is, I would say James Brent, and I would say Lazar in that group. Oh yeah. Lazer. Lazer. Lazer Dukic. I don't know how good of a swimmer he is. He's a good swimmer. He does the water polo. Is that how they talk? Where is he from? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Water polos where they jump in the water and they grab, you know, they grab each other. Talk about event two. Okay. This is our cue guys. Show that to the camera. Okay. Suza is just giving us our next teleprompter. I guess event one is talked out.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Yeah. All right. Sorry, bro. Sorry. Wow. All right. Sorry, bro, sorry. Wow, just real quick, wanna give a huge shout out to Jim Maintenance, Better Version Nutrition, Justin O'Shell with Strong Home Mortgage,
Starting point is 00:11:34 grateful for the sponsors. Will's in the background clapping, he's thanking all of our sponsors for us. Yeah, hey, Will loves you guys. Event two, four rounds for time, 50 hammer swings. And if you're not familiar with that movement, I've been doing it my whole life straight out of the womb. 50 hammer swings, 14 bags over the tire,
Starting point is 00:12:01 14 toss your bag, and then advance the tire, which is basically five flips. This had the opportunity to be a marquee fantastic workout. Initially, me and Bryson saw the sledge hammer and we're like, ooh, and then I was like, wait, they standardized it, right? This could be cool shit. And Bryson was saying, yeah, all they need to do are two things let's say the hammer extended over the frontal plane so one arm extended over the frontal plane like a dumbbell snatch like a dumbbell snatch and then the hammer has to touch the tire at the bottom however fast you swing it is up to you obviously you'd be incentivized to swing it harder because of the rebound in the bounce and faster on the way down and it's faster
Starting point is 00:12:43 on the way down yeah I would say it would be really similar to if you did singles on dumbbell snatch, wishing arms or if you did touch and go, same kind of return. Yeah. Um, but I imagine dropping into an affiliate and this is the workout of the day. I would be like, dude, this is awesome. This is the coolest workout I've ever done at an affiliate. So I don't know what the standard is going gonna play out like on the floor, the standard that they have, but it didn't really...
Starting point is 00:13:11 So you know, like the end of the hammer has to be above the head is kind of what we're gonna... Well, that's what it said in the demo video, but half, 80% of Colton's reps were out in front of his head. Dude, don't talk bad about Colton. He's got... It's not Colton's fault? No.
Starting point is 00:13:24 It's not? I thought it was the athlete's job to move to standard. Well, he's not competing. Yeah. All I'm saying is this has the potential to be a massive shit show and they looked so fruity swinging the hammer. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. It's not Colton's fault. It's the standards. Yeah. I think how do you fuck that up? Knowing that one of the only events you've ever had before that people have Found a way to cheat had a sledgehammer in it Yeah
Starting point is 00:13:48 So we had the initial row hammer right where they hammered the stake into the ground and then they had the banger I'm, sorry the double banger and then they had the assault banger Um, so yeah, I mean we've we've seen sledgehammers at the games. We've seen it though Using something a little bit more measurable right right? Using distance, either distance into the ground or distance, um, with the block. We talk about all the time about there's a lot of really, really good movements in CrossFit that they're really hard to put into competition. Think of something like a slam ball, like a traditional slam. Wait a minute, but a traditional slam ball where you actually are telling people for a training stimulus
Starting point is 00:14:25 You need to slam the ball like you're skiing hard, right? But they found a way to do that with swimming stuff and just say hey the rep starts at the top and ends at the top Doesn't matter if you slam it hard if you go touch and go same deal here if we're saying hey the rep starts here And the rep ends there however fast or slowly it gets there. That's when the rep is, is awarded. They didn't just choose to go that route. I'm interested how many times and how many different iterations of standards they've messed with to where they got to this point, I think regardless, it's going to be a crazy good forum and bicep pump.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Yeah. It's probably just going to be what we think it looks like on paper, grunt work capacity for sure. Um, and really nothing heavy to slow you down the tire is not heavy and the bag i think is like 100 pounds and 70 maybe but the but the problem is this dude why are you introducing a movement with the standard that everyone when they're on the field of play practicing earlier is trying to figure out how to cheat it yeah that's what everyone's trying to do it's not hey who's fittest? It's who can find the fucking loophole. And if it's a dumbbell snatch
Starting point is 00:15:28 standard, then they don't even need three minutes of practice. No, it's just simple. It's the better standard and it's a more simple standard. Yeah. So it's just so crazy. Elbow at extension, the top hand elbow at extension. Doesn't even matter how far you have the hammer extended overhead. Like you could choke up right on the head. it just doesn't yeah i i don't i don't uh they're trying to i just hate seeing athletes on the field of play looking around trying to find loopholes in practice like this is not the place for fucking loopholes it's the place for who's the fittest that's it you know you know what i Yeah. And if you're an athlete, it sucks when you get put into a position like this where you have to find a loophole. It sucks for the great athletes. It's great
Starting point is 00:16:15 for the athletes who love to find loopholes and there's all a ton of them out there. If you were like, if you were here, would you try to find a loophole or would you just be like stubborn and be like, no, I'm going to do hammer swings the way hammer swings. Yeah. Like you guys are fucking athletic out here. Yeah. I'm going to look the best.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Yeah. I'm going to be the best. I'm going to win the workout. I'm going to win the games. I wouldn't be trying to find a loophole. I just be like, all right, that's how I'm doing it. That feels the best. And if I get no rep, I'm going to adjust.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Yeah. If I don't get no rep, I'm going to do it. Um, so second movement in the workout is kind of the sandbag get over, right? Um, we saw Kristen Colton changed it. Yeah, if I don't get no rough, I'm gonna do it So second movement in the workout is kind of the sandbag get over right? We saw Kristen Colton demo it they use like a step up and over Do you think there's anybody? Who's gonna jump do you think there's anybody who's gonna use hands? You think they're allowed to use their hands on the tire and swing their body over I what I thought was interesting was after they throw
Starting point is 00:17:05 the sandbag, they have to touch the ground with their hand. We were talking about that. I think it's probably so you can't like follow the momentum of the bag. Yeah, you can't just carry it over. Right. And that was an interesting standard. I think that will work out well.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Yep. And it's a total of 70, 14 times five or is it four rounds? So four rounds. Four rounds. So okay, so 56. So 56. Watching Colton and Trista both test it, they're both like, you know, shorter stature.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Not the division, but just shorter people in general. And then, so, but, so for them, so for them. I couldn't keep a straight face. So for them, it's definitely not most efficient to try to like use the hands or jump all the way over the tire at all because the tire is like five and a half, six feet wide or long, not to mention high. But I wonder what the standard is to see someone like Yela, James, Brent Fikowski, what they'll do. I bet they look way more natural going over it.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Getting over it. It looks like natural walking or stepping. Then like they're like jumping over a creek or something. Yeah, I'm really pissing Golden Off tonight. It's hilarious. But yeah, I mean it'll be interesting to me. Who takes the workout? The tire is just advancing. Is this a workout that Jeff Adler struggles with? New movement, athleticism. It's interesting. I thought about this a lot today and I wonder if the workout is going to come down to like grip and bicep muscular stamina more than it's going to come down to
Starting point is 00:18:34 yeah, dude, my heart it was just jacked up and I think I imagine it would. I mean, you're also throwing that bag over. And then everyone said the hammer was if it comes down to like, if it comes down to like if it comes down to base fitness I would say Jeff doesn't have a problem if it comes down to adaptation I think it's I think someone from that you're not even expecting could crush 200 swings with that hammer I mean like I said unless you've been swinging a hammer your whole life which Jeff definitely has been. No, I would have. I would have loved to have seen them get a couple minutes with the hammer because you know some of those guys out there have never swung a hammer just like they've never thrown a softball back in the day.
Starting point is 00:19:14 So I wonder seeing some of them how coordinated or uncoordinated. I think you have to switch your hand placement every single rep. So you do have to have a little bit of coordination athleticism. They each got three minutes. Yeah. Um, and that's another thing, switching the hands, every rep is a standard. I don't think that's a bad thing, but this is one of the situations where like Bill Grunler says, like, just let me, don't tell me how to win. Yeah. Who do you think takes the workout? And who do you think takes last place?
Starting point is 00:19:49 Man, when this field, we forgot last event. Oh, athletes just got a... Dude, we just got intel that athletes got an email and in it was a nude sex tape. Just kidding. Just kidding. Relax. Relax. Relax.
Starting point is 00:20:20 It was a new standard for the hammer swing. Now it's just a pencil swing. So Jeff might actually take the event. You know, nice. You guys must've had some great interactions in Knoxville. No, it was, it was mostly him. Just it was mostly him just looking around and I could see all of the whites of his eyeballs, even the back of his eyes. That's how, that's how wide they were. And me going, Hey bro bro, and me and now going walking after my heat, whatever my time was, I take four or five minutes off it and I tell them that's the time to beat.
Starting point is 00:20:54 And I'd be like, you guys are fucked. That is true. I was there. I saw every single event. I bet time to beat six minutes, guys. You're fucked. I would walk by right as they're in the corral. They're like, they're like, getting ready to go like shaking around and that's about how my semi finals went so what do you think why don't you text some people why don't you text some people see what the standard is I bet you they're in bed they need to be not 37 all right man I'll do'll do it. I don't know. I really don't.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Who did really well on like the sandbag, the sandbag move type type workouts. I think that's there's no burpee involved. So you can't factor that in. Um, I think just the, the ability to go out hot and stay hot, uh, no one's going to be breaking the swings. They're either just going to slow down or stay fast. Uh, I wonder if range of motion is going to come into play really at all. Maybe the taller athlete is at a little bit of an, more of an advantage just
Starting point is 00:21:53 because of the tire and moving the sandbag and their body up and over it. Do you think that equals out with the hammer though? I mean, if the standard is just above the head, does that really, does it matter how tall or short you are? No, it's just a dump out. Cause you can, can you hunch over? I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:22:12 No, I'd imagine it's a hip extension with the hammer over the frontal plane. Of course they changed the standard. Hiller forgot footage, posted a video, made them look like fricking Neanderthals. Well that's what's the thing that's super disappointing about it is now It's not gonna look this is gonna be on every CrossFit fails video and like it's gonna make you think it is for being unathletic But if it was dumbbell snatch, that's the new standard that would be that would look athletic and we look cool And that would be in a CrossFit height video I think the males and females that do the best are going to be the ones that can do on round four with the fluidity of the hammer.
Starting point is 00:22:51 The same for round and round and round. There is going to be a lot of opportunity for them to rest after every advancing of the tire. When they know, hey, I got another set of 50, do they wait five seconds? Do they wait 10 seconds before they start? That'll start to add up. I hope it's, I hope it looks cool on the floor. Um, I hope people that look the best doing the hammer swings are the ones that are rewarded with faster times. Oh, I don't think that's going to be the case. I don't think the people that look the best doing the swings are going to be the ones that have the fastest. You think it's gonna be the opposite? I think it's the people that look like it's a monkey fucking a football or like a rabbit having sex with another rabbit.
Starting point is 00:23:28 It's probably the people that are gonna be the ones winning the workout. Well, even in the demo video, whatever Trista was doing was meeting the standard, but it didn't look like hammer swings. She was, dude, she was doing like an undulating. It was like, like if I saw someone do that, I would be like, there has to be some weird thing that I'm not. I would think she had like spina bifida or something. So I would said she has like a spinal. Well, I think if you're.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Especially if you're shorter and you're trying to get the hammer from out in front of you, above you using somewhat of a hip drive is going to make it a little bit less fatiguing on the grid. What's the difference between the hammer weight of the male and female? I think the men have a 20 pound hammer. It's 20 and 16. 16. Sandbag is 170. That's not a light hammer, buddy. Let me tell you. Yeah. Sandbag's 170. No, no. It gets exhausting. Okay, so who's taking the workout? Put that thing back on your mic. Who's taking the dub? I got Justin taking the dub on this one. That's a good call. Okay, I think, I think, dude, have you seen his mullet? He's a Joe Dirt guy. He's got a Joe Dirt background. He's been tossing those sandbags. He's been working at Joe dirt jobs since day one.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Probably he looks like a, a, you know, like he worked demo on a construction site with his haircut. And, uh, and for that, he has my first, I mean, this would be my first of several, I'm sure Homer picks the weekend, but I think that this workout, I think who's got some of the best grip that I know of Travis mayor, Pat, Vellner, and Jason Hopper all have really, really good grip endurance. So if that ends up being what decides who wins the workout, I think all three of
Starting point is 00:25:13 them should do well. I don't know. I'm going with Pat. No shot is Pat going to do well. Why he's going to win. Cause he's not a grunt dude. He's not a grunt. I would say he gets down and he gets dirty All right, did I got Justin so who's taking last place for the men this is critical Jeff Adler we already decided no No, Jeff's not taking last place What do you think on the female side Mmm last place on the female side? Last place on the female side?
Starting point is 00:25:48 You know who I bet sleeper top 15 pick in this workout? Dauan Jung. We need to ask Pager to- That's a sleeper, dude. Peter. Day one is going to be top 15 this workout. Emma McQuade on the sledgehammer? No.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Why? Because of- and mcquade on the sledgehammer no why because of peter just said m.l quade's gonna be the most competent of all the women of course she's Irish dude i saw one girl pick a sledgehammer up and like put the hammer up against her shoulder like she was gonna shoot
Starting point is 00:26:22 something that's how she held it she thought it was a gun, dude. She was like, which way do I hit the tire with this? This definitely kind of work out that if Sam Briggs was in the field, no matter what age she's at, you'll just put her there. But yeah, I mean, Emma's done a lot of training with Sam in the past, right? Oh, guzzan. Yeah, dude. Her biceps are bigger than Peter's quads. A peanut.
Starting point is 00:26:49 I think that means she's winning. Gator Gazan. Gazan the Gator. So day one. That's Saban's moniker, dude. What? Saban said it, dude. Just stop laughing, you fucking dick.
Starting point is 00:27:02 So day one. Not that funny, bro. What a dick. All right want that funny, bro. What a dick. All right, so day one we start off with, we start off with monostructural monostructural, then we go weightlifting, weightlifting, weightlifting, or triplet, and then we end the night with Amanda 45. Repeat at the games.
Starting point is 00:27:16 How many times has there been an actual repeat at the CrossFit Games? Let's see how good you are. Twice. What events? Murphph will you count that we can count even though it was like a different version yeah we can count it Fibonacci final same thing slightly different version was it mm-hmm how I want to say that the deficit or the reps for the parallel handstand push-ups were a little bit different for
Starting point is 00:27:42 the females I think the refs got adjusted right mm-hmm it was a little different Murph Fibonacci final there's another one the total ah okay but unlike a lot of the repeatable stuff that we talked about it doesn't happen in the games that often no um the deadlift ladder. It was different weights. Yeah. There were different weights. Same with the run that year.
Starting point is 00:28:10 They made the, I think they made the wrong way. Yeah. But like true repeats, like Amanda 45, which is really cool because it's been seven years since we can go back and actually there's a lot of people in the field that it did it seven years ago. It's, uh, that is my favorite workout from the CrossFit Games and ever program. Yeah. Favorite workout because I, when I was coming into CrossFit was like 20 late 2017, early 2018,
Starting point is 00:28:34 I had just watched that documentary that by far is the coolest workout to watch with, with however many rigs and rings on them. And you're just watching the best athletes in the world do the two most athletic looking movements ever a squat snatch and a muscle-up it's it's really there's nothing like it and that's what the hardcore and the casual fan gets tomorrow night I think that is the ESPN slot so Amanda freaking cool yeah I asked this question I think to John last night and John made a really really good point It is cool that we actually have a repeat
Starting point is 00:29:06 and we can look back and see the times. But what if Dave would have just flipped and had ascending rep scheme? Obviously it blunts the intensity a little bit, but it becomes a little bit more about strategy and maybe even more so who's better at the rings. It's definitely way more of a ring muscle up workout if they flip it and you end on the 13. 100%, way more of a ring muscle up workout. If they flip it and you end on the 1300% way more of a ring muscle up workout. Starting on the
Starting point is 00:29:30 muscle ups fresh and you descend. It's, it's how many athletes, um, I don't know about times, but how many athletes, male and female combined do you think going broken in the rings this year compared to lead to 20 male and female male and female. So I think, I would and female combined. Male and female. So I think Alex and Tia can. I think Alex and Tia can. I don't know if any other females will be able to. Okay. I mean, I would think that like 30 men would. Yeah, I think a lot of men will go unbroken.
Starting point is 00:29:57 A lot. I think a lot. I would even say like all of them. The strategy on the workout is not break the rings, get to the point where you need to break the rings and go fast on the barbell. The strategy on the workout is a smooth pace on the barbell, singles for sure. I mean, maybe you'll watch some of the best touch and go. I would say maybe on the last, maybe on the round of five.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Maybe on the last, right. Maybe there of five. Maybe on the last, right. Maybe there. But without Matt in the field, I just don't think that's the case. I think he's one of those unique athletes, so we're just not going to see someone of that caliber for a really long time. And I don't think anyone needs to touch and go the squat snatch. It's unbroken on the rings, steady pace singles from start to finish. I just wonder if going a second slower
Starting point is 00:30:46 per squat snatch taking a five second chalk break before you jump up onto the rings if you can just mitigate that by going a second faster jumping up doing a set as soon as you get done with the last snatch and having a quick break in the middle. I wonder if it's gonna be a lot. That's what I think there's not there's one person who I've seen be very, very good at quick breaks on muscle ups. No, Jason, it's because he has to. Do you get what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:31:13 Like he sucked at ring muscle ups for so long that he had to practice so hard at being incredibly disciplined. Dude, even when I break the rings, I'm fucking standing there. I'm like, I don't feel like getting back up. He dumps it like from the top. And he don't suck up anymore. I mean, the last few ring muscle up workouts he's done, he's been impressive with the chunks that he's been able to do. I'm wondering though, if the hammer really,
Starting point is 00:31:37 really messes them up before. And we actually don't have as many people doing it because they're like, nah, man, my biceps are just blown. The thing, the thing about that workout is the people who are so efficient on the squat snatch, like Matt Fraser in a workout efficiency wise, uh, you know, keeping your arms straight through extension, not having an early arm bend, that's going to save you on the workout. Uh, things like that are things to look at who's, you know, for me, sleeper pick, I don't know. I don't know if he has the fitness in this time domain, like an eight to 13 minute time domain. But to me,
Starting point is 00:32:11 the person who's got the efficiency on both movements to wreck the field would be someone like, gee, I just don't know. He does have, he moves so well. You guys are on the very opposite end of the spectrum. I know there's a big difference between can do it unbroken and choose to do it unbroken. I'm gonna say you guys gonna say how many more than 20? I think 30 people do the workout unbroken. Okay I'm gonna say less than 15. I'm gonna say 35. I think you're I think you're hmm. I think one of us is gonna be really right and really dumb and I don't think there's gonna be like
Starting point is 00:32:43 somewhere in between. I think it's gonna be like a crazy amount of people can do it unbroken and in seven years, people are just way, way, way fitter. What's something to also think about is they got the sledgehammer. I imagine most of them are going to wear gloves because that is a super easy thing to get little blisters on. They do the ring muscle up tomorrow morning. I'm sorry, Friday morning rope climb. So I mean, we're getting a lot of hands back to back to back and that's just something to look at Moving forward in the weekend if we get another climbing workout like if we get pegboard surely They're gonna be on the rig doing pull-ups doing bar muscle ups doing toes to bar How long and how what's the hand?
Starting point is 00:33:20 Destruction after those three workouts back to back to me., I rarely, if ever, I almost never rip doing ring muslups. I rip doing weird things, like I ripped my hand here doing a parallel bar traverse workout that you sent me. But otherwise, rings I don't ever rip. I wouldn't expect anyone to get, if people are gonna get a blister, it's gonna be from the sledgehammer.
Starting point is 00:33:43 I don't expect a lot of athletes to shred their hands on that chipper either because it's not like... There's a lot of time in between. A lot of time in between the reps and it's not like a sprint, you know what I mean? It's not legless either. Right. So it helps. I've never ripped on ring muscle ups
Starting point is 00:33:58 and I've also, when my hands are really raw or ripped, I will choose to not do a rig workout but I'll do ring muscles. Right, right. But I do, that being said, I think the key here is that, like you said, the hammer workout comes first. Sliding your hand up and down a really long object
Starting point is 00:34:18 unless you have been doing a lot of that. I would say you're definitely gonna be prone to blisters. And then going into Amanda, if you have I would say you're definitely going to be prone to blisters and then going into Amanda, if you have blisters, you're ripping them. Who do you like on that workout on the female side? I think a lot of people will just think about Tia and they'll think about Alex on the rings. I think this is a really good workout for Haley. I think she'll do really well on this one. I think Haley is going to have a really, really good day one in general. She's an awesome runner, good swimmer. As far as
Starting point is 00:34:44 just pure work capacity, if the hammer doesn't give her any issues, I would pick her to do well on that. And then in the, in Amanda also, I think she starts out with a really good event. How do you think Laura does on the first three? Ah, I think she does well. Yeah. Well, I'm not going to say she knocks it out of the park. I think, I think Tia is going to knock off three out of the park. Yeah. Yeah. He is going to have three event wins on the first day. I say she goes one, one, one. I think she goes two for three. I say somebody gets her on one. No fucking way. One on one of the workouts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:18 I would say just because it's kind of funky possibly event two. I mean, I wouldn't pick her or get it with anything in the gym crossfit which is three and then I wouldn't I still wouldn't pick her to lose a swimming workout especially one with three and a half pounds of running. Who takes last place on Amanda 45? Last place. For the women? Is there anybody in the field that you know of that's just really poor at rings? Or has a root... That's what I was trying to find. I mean, I don't... No, I'm just curious.
Starting point is 00:35:48 I have no clue. Tyler, last place, female, event three. Rebata? Yep. Pinheiro. Pinheiro. Oh, that one. She's going to move to two plus. Pinero. Oh, that one. Over under. If you had to bet, is she on the juice? Yeah. Okay. John
Starting point is 00:36:13 Young. John Young. John Young has spoken. Oh, sorry. Not wrong one. Here we go. John Young, is Pinero on the juice? And is she going to come up to me and tell me to cut my dick off too this weekend? Oh, she's the men's division, right? Yeah. Looks like it. She actually looks Is Pinero on the juice and is she gonna come up to me and tell me to cut my dick off too? This weekend. Oh, she's the men's division, right? Yeah, looks like it. She actually looks like she should be a Masters 55 to 59 division for men Alright, so Pinero is gonna be last place for the women. Who's gonna be last place for the men? Abigail Domet, you're higher than a kite R Rakesh. Jeez, sorry. Not last place at all. She's great at ring muscle-up. Yeah, and in athletic.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Who would I say, who would you say last place for the men in this workout? Who's that big fucking guy from Europe, the heavy dude, thick chunk? He's like 230? Moritz Fiebig? No. He ain't chucking anymore. I don't know if you saw a picture of him. He looks super lean.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Well, Moritz Fiebig didn't do a single ring muscle-up at ring muscle up. He didn't do a single ring muscle up at semifinals more It's if you're listening go back watch your event semifinals. You got to fix that buddy. Oh Seaman off last place Arthur seaman Arthur you're gonna crush it Magnus believe it or not. This is a one I think I'm a product of the lighting and to know that's that's a that's a hundred percent Colombian. No no JR's wearing blackface on the show tonight. You can't do that bro. You got me. You can't do that bro. Somebody fix the aperture on the camera you're making me look like shit and uh JR looks amazing this is ridiculous just real life
Starting point is 00:37:47 that's just real life holy shit that's funny Peter what are you saying well it's all god was just kidding i wasn't being i wasn't being I wasn't being serious, bro. Anyone swim hard enough, get caught in a race in the water where the lads really take a beating and they feel it much on the rings or anything like that? Yes. Yeah. I think you can definitely tear the lats up on a half mile swim. I don't know that in that workout we're going to see much racing after a certain point in the water.
Starting point is 00:38:33 I think there's going to be, it's just such a long event, A, and there's so much opportunity for separation and skill. I just don't, I don't see the, I don't see the odds of two people running at a pace where they're close enough to get in the water at the same time, to then also have the same capacity on the swim, to race the swim the whole way.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Maybe. What about Fikowski and Sprague? That, that could happen. That would be really cool. Something strikes me though, is Brent's not gonna go below his level on the first workout. You know what I mean? Yeah, just something to think about too.
Starting point is 00:39:07 I mean, day one, people are gonna take risks. They're gonna go harder than they wanna go. A lot of people are just like, hey, I've got seven events. This is seven event competition because my only goal is to make the first cut. There are people out there that that's their only goal. They know it, whether or not they say that or not.
Starting point is 00:39:21 It'll be interesting to see, you got three of the first seven tomorrow, is the sledgehammer workout gonna end up being the one that the athletes feel for the rest of the week? Because 45 and 45, they're not gonna feel those reps on the rings or on the snatches. It is a lot of swimming, but like you guys have said, unless they completely juice the legs
Starting point is 00:39:43 and they haven't really been training a lot of running, which I'm sure a lot of them have I don't think the runs gonna take a massive toll but on day one I would say those 200 reps that you said just of that one movement that's gonna end up taking the toll. I mean when you think about volume and loading that typically cause issues in CrossFit and give people massive amounts of soreness it's that 200 rep range with a really light implement that you are very under trained on. And you have to, I mean,
Starting point is 00:40:10 True. And you have to go super fast. You gotta fuck yourself up. No one is gonna be using it as a recovery. Like they have to cycle it fast because it's the only way they can win. It just, it strikes me as like a Nicole stimulus. Just absolutely obliterating the arms.
Starting point is 00:40:27 So I think, I mean, like I said, there's two workouts I've ever actually not been able to straighten my arms. Nicole, and that was like when I was pretty early on in CrossFit. So one, I had really great capacity so I could go super hard, but I didn't have a tolerance to it. And then the next workout, I got home from Africa after last year, semi-finals coaching Michelle and I did 42, 30, 18 pull-up and GHG and I did them unbroken and flew and I hadn't worked out for like eight days and I couldn't
Starting point is 00:40:56 strain my arms for a week. So I think it's that rep range. It's that style of movement, that lighter type of movement that you can cycle really fast and that you're under trained on. And this is definitely the case here. What do you think, where do you think Bellner finishes on event one? Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:41:14 I got faith in him. I don't think he's gonna start out with a poor finish. I think he's gonna start out with like a... Why would you have faith in him? Oh, because I think with every year, the chances of him having a better one go up. You say that every fucking... Yeah, and every time he gets the 30th or worse.
Starting point is 00:41:31 I'm just going to go with the record. I'm going to go with the fucking stat here. I'm going to say he gets the top 20. Okay, no way. Velner's 32nd in that one. Velner wins. Dude, dude. Go drain your oil, bro. Go change your oil. I like top 20.
Starting point is 00:41:50 I don't. I think Velner is 30 second. Duan Jung is going to crush workout too. John Jung says 26th. Oh. So guys, I think we've said on some of the shows we've been leading up to today, but it's the first time listening to the show. Thank you. We're going to be doing shows in the morning pre-show before each day of competition. We're going to do show after every single event. So. At least three events a day, no pre-show tomorrow. This is the pre-show for tomorrow because tomorrow's early, early. Thank you for clarifying. So we'll do three shows tomorrow. Got a lot of great new sponsors that
Starting point is 00:42:31 have jumped on board just for this Games Week. Really appreciate them. We would not have been able to travel here if it hadn't been for them. We wouldn't have tickets to watch if it hadn't been for them. We wouldn't have steak and fruit if it wasn't for them. Just real quick, want to give these games, the specific sponsors for our game show is Jim maintenance. They run a company where if you
Starting point is 00:42:50 own an affiliate and you guys are looking for preventative maintenance on your equipment, these guys take care of you. So check them out. Better version nutrition. Liz been a sponsor of Kill Taylor, believe it or not. So if you guys are looking to nutritionalize your performance, she does that. Nutritionalizing is a crazy service. She kills it, reach out. And then Justin O'Shell, strong home mortgage. And they're actually licensed across the United States.
Starting point is 00:43:19 So you can get a sick mortgage from this guy, sick loan. They're also giving it out. Yep. Yeah, and let's give Peter Peter with the coffee, pods and wads. Thanks for the backdrop, brother. I'm the best coffee you've ever had. Hey, great, bro.
Starting point is 00:43:37 We got better version nutrition on board, sentinel follower. Oh, wow, she is a sentinel follower. Yeah, so yeah, and she's looking to transition to go out on her own full-time nutrition. Um, hit her up Instagram, best place to get in, uh, in contact with her remote nutrition coaching. Obviously if you live close by, she could do it in person. Um, but yeah, proven business plans. Um, California peptides, obviously Sarah hooking us up with a box, a place to watch.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Dude, it with a box. A place to watch. With her box, dude. Sarah got it's her box. With her place to watch the game. Where is Sarah's box all the time, dude? Holy shit. That just popped into my brain. I can't let it go. I'm like a dog with a bone, man. All right.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Last thing I want to say, Crash Crucible Qualifier is open for registration. So if you guys want to have a shot at competing against some great athletes, um, not that I'm going to be one of them. There will be some great athletes there. Uh, who who's committed Colton's committed. Uh, Colton's in Chris. I bar is in Taylor is in. I'm going to.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Hmm. All right. Here we go. Here we go. So yeah, you guys can scan the QR code. That's going to take you to local easy registration qualifier starts on the 15th ends the 18th. There will be five scored workouts.
Starting point is 00:44:51 You have to upload your video link at the time of score submission. Bryson is going to be doing that. Qualifier you registered yet, bro? No, I'm not. I'm going to scan this QR code. That's fucking go. And then look also you can see up in the other corner right there, right up above Bryson's head,
Starting point is 00:45:06 Sentinel Training, 14 day free trial. Between tomorrow and Sunday, August 8th and August 12th, if you sign up for a free trial and you stay on, you'll get your first month at 50% off. Not that you guys need it, it's already $20 a month, which is crazy cheap, but if you sign up for a trial between the next four days, it'll be $10 for your first month. $10.
Starting point is 00:45:28 $10. You got to reach out to Bryce and send him a message on Instagram or reach out to the train sent on Instagram for that coupon code. You have to be, sorry, confused on how that works. They just message you and they get the coupon code. You need to sign up for a trial first so you can go back and apply the coupon code to your account. But you only get it if you message Bryson. Also if you're at the games and you're keen for some training, I'm going to be giving out free month cards.
Starting point is 00:45:59 They just have a code on them. I give you a card, you sign up, you get a free month. It's a crazy deal. That's on top of the free trial. So it's six free weeks actually. Yeah. And if Will wanted to actually get fit, he would do it, but he's got no interest in that. Hey, Will's been crushing some 60 workouts at Charlotte. That's right. He's been taking class. Yeah. Wow. Hey, what was the last workout you did? Going a little too heavy maybe, but... Hey guys, in case case you were wondering the guy who does the rx weight that shouldn't will brance better
Starting point is 00:46:34 all righty with that before i get like a spit on or something over here love you guys see you tomorrow after after event one the recap stoked

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