The Sevan Podcast - 2024 CrossFit Games Programming / Shut Up and Scribble

Episode Date: August 18, 2024

Taylor and J.R. break it down. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash y amex. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx.
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Starting point is 00:00:47 Bam, we're late. Don't you guys love us? I'm not gonna swear once today. Oh, that's true. Jay Sheets, what's up, Jay? You're not gonna swear once? What's up, Jay? Taylor texted me they are late because he is oiling up.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Don't worry, guys. I got that Crisco in every orifice and crevice of my body and uh yeah we're we're lubricating properly no that that toy is not toy device that tool is not something that you can use real quick let me tell you it ain't easy to figure out jonathan That's something that you can use real quick. Let me tell you, it ain't easy to figure out Jonathan. Let's see. Someone please tell me the triple Dickies wasn't supposed to have run.
Starting point is 00:01:37 No idea. Good morning fitness game. Good morning Jenna. Dildo, good morning. We're gonna pre-gnosticate on all that kind of stuff, don't you worry. So is JR going to tell us how to crush these crucible workouts? Let's get into it. As you can see on the screen, the qualifier workouts for crash crucible have just been dropped. How do we do this? How do we enlarge this? Zoom in. Look, that command plus, right? Boom. Holy smokes. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Just going to work out one. Workout one. Yeah. For any of you guys that are on the fence about signing up, I know a lot of people probably waited to see the workouts before they signed up. There will be no less than five people that get in for the qualifier. But I am confident that it will be closer to ten that get in from the qualifier based on how many semi finalists have accepted invites and how many have pleasantly declined invites. Whether they're competing really close to other things like Taylor will be out doing NorCal Classic, I think a few people are doing that.
Starting point is 00:02:45 So they're kind of trying to just decide between different competitions that are around the same time in the fall, which is completely expected. But with all the previous games athletes that have committed and current semi finalists that have committed, I'm pretty confident two months out that we're gonna get at least 10 in from the qualifier. That is what I want because I want as many people to kind of break through that way as possible. So if you haven't signed up yet, go to local comp. The link is also in the bio of crash and crash crucible. So it's really easy to sign up, very user friendly. You'll be able to submit scores now,
Starting point is 00:03:25 but the leaderboard will be blind until Monday at 5 p.m. And then it'll populate. We'll start the video review process then. And by the following Monday, we'll be locked up and we will send out invites. All right? That's kind of how it'll work. invites. All right. That's awesome. All right. So one second, real quick, just also just a note. I think I'm going to be doing one of these workouts for kill Taylor this weekend,
Starting point is 00:03:58 I'm not going to say which but one of them. Actually, I don't think I know. I'll just say that I'm 100% 100% trying to do one of these workouts for Kale Taylor this weekend. And we'll just leave it at that. So let's start with workout one.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Wow. For time. First off, did you change any of these? You have some original first off full disclosure, despite what some of you probably think, Taylor is extremely critical of my programming as am I am critical of his, especially when it comes to competitions, because we, while we agree on a lot of things, we disagree on things as well. And, uh, I sent Taylor last night, the workouts before they came out this morning and his response was, dude, you made them easier. That I'm not kidding. That is what he said. You made them easier. Um, and he's not wrong. I think I did make them easier, but another word
Starting point is 00:05:03 you could use is I made them faster. So in a way that it's not easier, it's probably going to hurt more. Um, this workout, you didn't this workout, you did change. Yeah. So this workout initially it was already like when we talked about it previously, it was still already different. Like it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:05:22 And, you know, yeah, the format was always four hundreds because I know that hundreds chipper, um, at crucible last year, a lot of people said, like, was their favorite to do, but also the most painful and the most favorite to watch. So, um, and I think just doing something like this, that's classic crossfit, but making it long without a bunch of machine work is a really old school test that holds up. There is a lot of grip here for some people. I think the toes to bar is going to get really sticky, but then the burpees are going to get stickier. So while a lot of people will probably
Starting point is 00:05:56 be able to row hard and rip the dumbbell, by the time they get to the gymnastics movements, they're going to start feeling midline grip. Obviously heart rate will be high. I want to watch Taylor do this workout. I think it would be awesome. I know it's probably too long for Kale Taylor, but I did play with a heavier dumbbell on this and. With the totality of the programming, which we'll get to with the deadlifts and the one eighty five overhead squats
Starting point is 00:06:24 with the ascending rep scheme. I think the lighter dumbbell is definitely the way to go. Yeah. Uh, discussing workout. What do you think the best time is going to be on it? Um, so I, I kind of just a lot five minutes for the row and the burpee. And I know there's going to be some people that can go faster than that on both, but I'm just going to, I'm going to assign five minutes to those.
Starting point is 00:06:47 And then I think fast four minutes for the other two. That's already at 18. In saying that, I think the fastest times will still be around like 16 or 17 minutes. You think you don't think anyone could do the dumbbell snatches in three minutes? I think it's possible. Like I was talking to, uh, I was a hundred on broken aggressive. Am I stupid for looking at it? No, I, no, I, no, I think slow and steady for a hundred is the way to go. Unless you think you're
Starting point is 00:07:13 going to blow on the toast to bar. And some people don't think they're going to blow on the toast to bar and they're going to. So unless you, you know yourself really, really well with these kinds of chunks, then I think it's a lot smarter for athletes to not be buried when they get to the 100 burpees. Because if that's the case, and you're going like, three seconds of burpee versus two seconds of burpee, you are you are going minutes slower on this workout. It really, none of it matters until you get to the burpee, as far as how fast you've been going. Because you can get there in 12 minutes and then those 100 can take you six minutes and like, what was the point? You know? So, right. I don't know. There's a lot of different ways you can do this workout.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Obviously it's going to be slower for the females, even though they have the 35 pound dumbbell because of the rower. Um, and I think that, yeah, that's my opinion. The fastest times are probably still gonna be 16 to 18. If anyone goes closer to 15, I'll be really impressed. And if someone goes close to 15, I think it's either gonna be you or Colton on Kill Taylor. I'm not doing this one on Kill Taylor.
Starting point is 00:08:20 It's too long. Yeah, so that's workout one. I mean, long, yeah, there's some gymnastics in there too. I think a big chunk of burpees is really good just to find overall fitness. And I think above all these five are more fitness bias than anything else. Because at this point in the game, it's year five.
Starting point is 00:08:41 I'm not really concerned with the people from the qualifier being able to do everything at the in-person competition. I think people at this point know what they're getting themselves into. They've seen 4 years of programming for Crucible. I'm not just going to completely change and, like, only program really, really low-level skills or really, really lightweights or all long workouts or all short workouts. Like, making the qualifier workouts, just like. Uh, easier version of the in-person workouts. To workout to workout to seven rounds for time, five bar muscle up, nitric, can't say push up 11 box jump overs with the step down.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Hmm. Wow. Do you think he mom? Yep. I do. I saw someone at crash do it. I saw someone at up 11 box jump overs with the step down. Hmm. Wow. Do you think he mom?
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yep, I do. I saw someone at crash do it this morning and, uh, they were flying. And like, I kind of thought what happened. I think it's going to come down to around six and seven, even for the fit people. Like, are you still able to do the handstand pushup strip? Because initially it was seven bar muscle ups. And after I tweaked some of the other workouts, I realized that this one for the fittest people
Starting point is 00:09:50 needs to be really, really fast turnover. And it needs to be just like, can I do it unbroken? Because if you break, you're dropping spots, period. Like no one's gonna go into it at the highest level thinking break. They're gonna go into it thinking, I hope I can hold on for unbroken the whole time on the female side, I think I could have made it seven strict. But I decided not to, because I know a lot of females that are
Starting point is 00:10:12 monsters at strict handstand push ups. And I think that at the highest level, it's going to be about the same time wise. I think if I sprinted this absolutely as hard as I could, I would still have to break the nine probably around six and seven, but I think I could keep the break fast enough to where it wouldn't matter. And when I mean sprint, I mean like, yeah, drop off the bar and like lunge to the wall, kick up like flying. Um, yeah. And it's something to note too, that people have been asking me and I understand because
Starting point is 00:10:41 most qualifiers do have a lot more strict setup requirements. I've chosen to really go the opposite way this year and I'm already kind of regretting it because I didn't put things like, uh, no, no fan covers on the echo bikes. I didn't even think anyone would assume that was an option, but that's, that's wrong of me to assume. I really tried to make these no setup required, put your stuff wherever you want, but also it's like, it's not going to be that dangerous to have your dumbbell right beside the bar that you're going to what you're going to sprint to your bar and
Starting point is 00:11:12 start your set of 100. Like I don't think the style of these workouts and the formats, I don't think it's going to really matter what your setup is. Um, there is no horizontal displacement. There's no handstand walking. There's no carrying. There's no lunging. And that's because I wanted to make the, I wanted to make the setup really easy for people. So, yeah. Grisha, Grisha Gershinoff, thanks.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Thanks for the tip. Hey, fourth slide, second bulletin, bro. You're missing a word. Samuel J. Thomas, with not requiring two foot take off or landing, does that mean we can step over the rower if you want to get last? That was actually Bryson's comment. He just didn't have the balls to post it, so I posted it. Workout three.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Five minute AMRAP. 45 deadlifts, 315 for guys, 225 for ladies. Then as many wall balls as you can in the remaining time looking at probably like what between two to three minutes for wall balls depending on how good you are at deadlifts. I think the strongest athletes at deadlift. I won't say the strongest athletes. It's all relative to this movement.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I get that, but I think there's gonna be guys that have three minutes for wall balls for sure. So this is a really like it's different and I know we talk about AMRAPs all the time in competition and how there's not really a place for them. However, if I think that doing 20 more wall balls than someone else is gonna really destroy your body, then I probably don't know how fit people are. That's kind of the way I see that in this format, there are going to be people that barely finished the dead lifts and there's going to be people that have three minutes. There's going to be so much separation in this five minutes. And that's why I think it's really going to hold up with athletes that are trying to like earn a spot.
Starting point is 00:13:01 I think there are going to be people that are like, like if I did this workout, it doesn't matter how good I am at wall balls. I just have to not blow up on the deadlift. So I might do like nine sets of five. There are gonna be people that probably do 21, 15, nine. There are probably people who are like, I'm gonna do 21, 15, nine, touch and go. And what I think is really gonna come down to it,
Starting point is 00:13:22 there's gonna be a bottleneck of people at a certain within five to 10 wall balls. And it's only gonna come down to it. There's gonna be a bottleneck of people at a certain within five to 10 wall balls and it's only gonna come down to whether or not they break. So who can get to the wall and just hurt for two to three minutes and not drop the ball. So this is absolutely the strength test, for sure it is. And I think it's gonna show who's weak and who's not strong and that's really all that a strength focus test in an online qualifier in my opinion
Starting point is 00:13:47 needs to be. Workout four, 200 dubs, 40 cal echo, 150 dubs, 30 cal echo, 100 dubs, 20 cal echo, 50 dubs, 10 cal echo. Same cows for ladies. Same cows for ladies. So yeah, again, this is going to be a longer workout for the ladies. Same cows for ladies. So yeah, again, this is, this is going to be a longer workout for the ladies. Um, just like workout one, as you notice, there are no time caps. So other than event three having a five minute clock, there are no caps. And that's right. You're just going to go to your done.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Do us a favor though. Do us a favor though, guys. If you're actually trying to qualify, cool, cool. If you're not, don't send a 20 minute video this workout don't make this guy watch you for 20 minutes trip on double unders okay that's all i'm saying uh this workout originally was only 150 30, 10. So it was more of a sprint, but I decided that that all gymnastics workout event two would be better, a little bit faster and higher intensity pushing the gas pedal. So I decided to add another round, which essentially added almost three to four minutes to this workout. So I think this is going to be a little bit more base capacity versus just power output.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Because I think those 30-20-10 would have skewed a little bit to the power athlete. But now that you have 100 calories and 500 double unders, I think it's going to make people dig into their aerobic system a little bit more. And I'm a lot happier with this version of the workout. I think it's going to give you the 10 to 14 minute time domain. How many double unders? 500. Okay. So if you just look at this on paper and you say, okay, five minutes for dubs, five minutes for calories, that's cooking and there's going to be people that can go sub 10 on it, but you're going to have
Starting point is 00:15:41 to be really fit to do that. And I'm saying guys, I think the fastest female times are probably like 12 minutes. Copy. Love it. Then the final workout. If I would, I would argue that this is also testing strength. Absolutely. And, uh, this workout was. Brusters.
Starting point is 00:16:01 And that's why Taylor said you made it easier. And I think if you have really good shoulder position, you are correct. Because I think people who are really, really good overhead can find a good position regardless of the grip fatigue they're going to be feeling and they can make that stack position a lot less taxing than having to press out of it in a thruster. But I said, you made that really close though. I said, you made that workout easier. And he goes, dude, I don't think overhead squats, how much easier than thruster I was like, dude, I can do like 30 plus unbroken with one 85.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I can do about five. He's not wrong, but that's also really individual to us. Like I have terrible overhead positioning. So it's not that 185 is heavy. It's just that like I'm going to be shaking like a leaf after like two or three rounds guys that can hold on to the 12 and 15 unbroken are probably people that qualify. I'm going to go ahead and say that like most people are breaking
Starting point is 00:16:57 the 12 and the 15 I think and if they're not they're standing there with it overhead for five or six seconds and then they're going to continue squatting like Like the ascending rep scheme is probably going to give a lot of people trouble on the 15 and the five. Cool. What do you think the best time is for this? This is the one that I'm really not sure of. Let me do some math. Cause if you just say three minutes for the 15 rope climbs, even though that's not that fast, if you just give someone three minutes, five a minute.
Starting point is 00:17:26 And then if someone can do like, I don't know, I think it's still going to be sub 10. Oh, I was just thinking probably, I was probably thinking seven to nine minutes. Yeah. Okay. Um, for sure. So yeah, you've got a couple seven to nine. You've got one that's probably 10 to 15. You've got one that's probably 15 7 to 9, you've got one that's probably 10 to 15, you've got one that's probably 15 to 20, and you've got one that's 5.
Starting point is 00:17:49 So to me, time domains are covered. If you notice, there is a all weightlifting couplet, and then there's an all gymnastics triplet. There's a classic couplet, there is a mono mono couplet, which you don't see very often. So I'm pretty happy with the, I'm pretty happy with the spread with five events. You do need to kind of know what you're doing for sure. Cause I think it's easy to, uh, to bias it, but I'm,
Starting point is 00:18:20 I'm pretty happy with it. It probably is biased somewhere. And I'm sure after the leaderboard, I'll be able to tell, hey, that was a little bit biased. Yeah, I love the workouts. The workouts are freaking sick. And before we spend too much time sucking our own meat, I've got to do some cyber bullying. So typically we don't use this show for this,
Starting point is 00:18:39 but I do wanna bring this up. Someone commented, Taylor, I love your comment on Jessica's stupid post about her body fit program Saying that doing crossfit for six months postpartum from her first baby didn't work. Tell that to tia Uh, that's not really the part that I find stupid because I don't know anything about being pp And for those who don't know for those lay persons, that means postpartum not for the record For the record, I was having a, a,
Starting point is 00:19:05 a gentlemanly conversation recently about Taylor's antics. Um, most notably his, uh, his diction and syntax. And I told him, Hey, Taylor's never talked about a woman's body. All right. So here we go. This we know I'm not talking about a woman's body at all. And I'm not going to address the PP and I don't mean penis. I mean, postpartum, not addressing that.
Starting point is 00:19:25 This is what I can't stand more than anything else. Standard CrossFit will never be my main pick for workouts. Again, here's why notice she said standard CrossFit. Then in the next slide, she compares her bodies. I'm not talking about any of that. We're going to talk about this, uh, this lettering down below. Picture one doing CrossFit five plus hours a day zero kids love my body comp, but always hungry Okay, here's the key here five plus hours a day. This is games training
Starting point is 00:19:56 games Training six months PP with baby number one one hour a day typical CrossFit Six months PP with baby number one, one hour a day, typical CrossFit, blah, blah, blah, blah. Six months PP with baby number two, one hour a day, low intensity. Love the definitions. Let's start here. All of this is almost entirely dependent on what you're eating, not the difference between an hour CrossFit class or quote unquote lower intensity.
Starting point is 00:20:23 So A, half your argument is out the window. It's almost not even half, maybe 70, 80% what you eat. If you have muscle mass, if you are strong and you eat at a deficit or you eat at a maintenance, um, with low body fat, you're going to look absolutely shredded. And you could just be doing pushups, pull ups, sit ups, and walking all day and still look absolutely shredded. And you could just be doing pushups, pullups, sit ups and walking all day and still look absolutely shredded. Just ask JR. Just kidding. Hey man, if you're going to say if you're going to pick on me, at least please give me my, you know.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Okay. She continues with all this crap and someone sent it to me and they go basically, okay, here we go. I don't have five hours to work out anymore. Great. That's not what standard CrossFit is anyways. You don't love the workouts anymore. Okay. Whose workouts, who's programming for you, miss Kahui, who's doing your, your class programming. You didn't love them.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Maybe you were burnt out on competitive CrossFit. You love the workouts you're doing. So let's focus in on this. If you're burnt out on our Crossfit classes, that's fine. You know, maybe you have someone who's programming shitty Crossfit for you and that sucks. That's a bummer. Well, let's not mistake games training for standard Crossfit.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Let's also not mistake being burnt out on Crossfit and not eating well as the difference between looking like this. And this, so let's just make sure that everybody understands how you look is so diet dependent. And the exercise program that's going to work the best for you is the one that you're having the most fun with and you can give the most intensity and can give the most consistency. I really get frustrated when I see games athletes capitalize off of making their name from the CrossFit games and CrossFit methodology and turn their back on it and shit on it. And I get that maybe shitting on it is a strong, strong term, strong vernacular. I just, you made it.
Starting point is 00:22:15 I know I said it. 21 minutes, 21 minutes. I'm so proud. I don't even count that as a swear word. That's just a synonym for poop. Um, yeah, like, come on, this is not even, you're not even addressing like the methodology or the difference between you training five hours to make it to the games versus minimum effective dose, classic CrossFit, constantly varied, relative intensity, mechanics, consistency
Starting point is 00:22:40 over intensity. Like you're not talking about any of that. You're just saying, Ooh, this is why CrossFit doesn't work. And this is why my program body fit works garbage. This is straight garbage. And this was my comment comparing games training to the CrossFit. A person needs to be fit for life, have great energy, low injury and love their body is very dumb. energy, low injury and love their body is very dumb. Dumb. Stop comparing your bad programming and five hours of running your head into a wall with what Jen pop needs for GPP.
Starting point is 00:23:12 What general population needs for general physical preparedness. And what you need is a class CrossFit a day that's intelligently programmed, intentionally varied, coached at a really high level. And you're going to love your body. You're going to have low, You're going to have high energy. When I first started CrossFit, I was doing an hour class a day. That's why I fell in love with it.
Starting point is 00:23:33 So you can't conflate five hour training and being injured because you're games training and doing dumb programming and hurting yourself with our CrossFit and then shitting on that our CrossFit. Here we go. Let's I haven't even read these comments yet, by the way, this is live action. I love former games athletes changing their tune to make money off the community that made them famous.
Starting point is 00:23:52 I love that too, bro. See maples hand clap. Lulala. Uh, Aaron Beale, you forgot to comment body. Oh, fit donut fanatic. This exactly my thoughts. Also, you can promote one form of exercise without putting another down. Just because CrossFit wasn't right for her doesn't mean it's wrong for everyone.
Starting point is 00:24:10 This is all or nothing approach makes me so mad and annoyed. Thank you people. Thank you people. Let's be intelligent. Let's be rational. CrossFit is tremendous. We love it. Not everyone loves it and that's fine.
Starting point is 00:24:21 All right. Let's get out of Instagram. All right. So you'll notice this crazy overlay. everyone loves it and that's fine. All right. Let's get out of Instagram. All right. So you'll notice this crazy overlay for some reason I can't get StreamYard to work properly. So this is where we are at and we're going to be, we're going to be pulling some other stuff up. So Josh Miller, yes, she needs Sentinel training for sure. The 60 class would be, a 60 track would be awesome for her. She'd probably love it. She'd probably have fun. And this is the other thing that people need to understand. When you have
Starting point is 00:24:49 competed at a high level, like a really high level, and you are so fit, and you come off of that five plus hours of training, and you just are going back into an hour class, the adjustment is so crazy because you're eating at a rate to support five hours of exercise and then all of a sudden you're exercising an hour or less and To think that you're just going to immediately being adjusted be able to adjust your intake food wise to perfectly match The expenditure of calories is crazy there's going to be an adjustment of of the Insane level of training and eating
Starting point is 00:25:25 that it takes to make it to the CrossFit Games to just normal life. That's going to take some adjustments. So seeing her body composition in the middle and saying, this is what I was doing regular CrossFit, like this doesn't surprise me at all. You're coming off five hours of training a day and then going to virtually 30 minutes to an hour. There's going to be a massive adjustment period there. So anyways, a lot to unpack. Just don't shit on, don't show on the methodology that made your name. Um, pull up my comment.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I love it when people freak out, pull up my comment. No, I'm not going to pull your comment up now, bro. Not going to pull it. So we're going to pull up. So we're going to review the games programming. Is that the point? Oh yeah, we're going to review the games program, but I'm going to look for his comment because I want to see if it's actually funny.
Starting point is 00:26:12 I'm just definitely not going to pull it up. Oh yeah, no, no comments. That's sorry. All right. So now we're going to break down the games programming and we're going to do something we've never done before. We're going to do a digital whiteboard with you guys. I don't know how this is going to work, but we're going to try it out. And here's what we're going to break down the games programming and we're going to do something we've never done before. We're going to do a digital whiteboard with you guys. I don't know how this is going to work, but we're going to try it out.
Starting point is 00:26:28 And here's what we're going to start with. We're going to start with, uh, let's see if I can share both. We're going to start with, sorry. Here we go. Here I'm going to take this. How do I, okay. How do I take this off the screen? Oh man. Okay. take this how do I okay how I take this off the screen oh man okay I'm learning
Starting point is 00:26:49 here sorry give me one moment all right start with this so here's how we're gonna break down the programming this is this is the programming basically I haven't scrolled down so there's a a couple of events. We can't see these. This is all the workouts we did at this year's CrossFit games. And here is the digital. I think we need, cause me and Taylor have not talked about this before we go any further, we are going to treat it as if these are the only 10 that were ever supposed to be programmed. And we're just going to treat it as 10 or, or are we going to take into consideration? No, let's not take anything into consideration. Let's just treat it as the 10 tests.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Okay. And look at it that way. I think that's probably the simplest because everything else is going to depend on a lot of conjecture. We don't know a lot. Yeah. And at the end of the competition,ure, we don't know a lot. Yeah. And at the end of the competition, they still crowned for this on earth. So if, if, if they thought that these 10 would do that, then that's what, that's what we're going to go with. Um, and the key here is we're going to preface it with, there is a lot that we don't know, there's a lot of subjectivity, a lot of conjecture, a lot of, Hey, they
Starting point is 00:28:03 might've changed this, they might've changed that they didn't do this. They didn't do that. We don't care. We're just talking about these 10 workouts. Was it balanced? Was it not balanced? Um, yeah, remember this is more like, this is more educational. This is not like, this is not, it's not a ton of subjectivity.
Starting point is 00:28:18 We're going to try to just stay objective with like, Hey, there's this many weightlifting movements. There's this many of this, this many of that. Yeah. And I don't care if you guys think it's an attack on the programming. Maybe it is we'll see it It's up to the programming if that's the case Shave on Shavon Shavon Jackson Taylor at what age did you start balding? I'm genuinely curious Well, you didn't know he's not bald he's shorn there's a difference he could he could show her full head of hair
Starting point is 00:28:42 He just you know, I choose to shave it. I don't have a full head of hair, bro I have like a if if you guys really wanted to know it would be like if I grew hair out I would have The bat symbol logo right here the Batman logo. I'd basically be a hillar fanatic right there these big massive bald spots It goes like that. It's busted. So that probably started when I was like 21 maybe 20, 22. I don't know. Somewhere around there. All right.
Starting point is 00:29:10 So we've got these three categories, weightlifting, gymnastics, monostructural. These are the exercise modalities. And then I've got some movement patterns off to the side, just things to consider a squat, a hinge, pull and a press. So lower body, squat, hinge, upper body, pull, press, and some extracurriculars, unilateral leg, uh, support positions. So things like a handstand walk or an overhead squat maybe, or a parallel bar traverse, um, maybe trunk flexion as some extracurriculars. J.R. would you add any, I'm not including monostructural in here.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Like I haven't included jumping, but I could put jumping, bounding. You know what I want to add in there, buddy. What horizontal displacement. All right. I think especially at the games, at the games, why don't we say this? If they do a carry or they do a push or a pull, what are you going to say that is? Let's let's call it. Yeah. So let's break that down rather than horizontal displacement.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Let's say carries odd object. Let's just say carries, but odd object. Let's just say carries because, cause I think a carry is different than a sled pole, different than a sled push. I would put in the unilateral leg. Okay. I like carries carries. Let's go carries.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Okay. Um, all right. So let's begin. We're going to go back to share to this tab instead. Oh, that's cool. I can just fucking switch it like that. Damn. Dang.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Darn it. Did you just hear yourself? Yeah, man. Almost 30 minutes. I got myself twice. I said, shit fucking damn. Okay. From there, let's try to keep it at those three.
Starting point is 00:30:41 I'm working on this, you guys. And not because I care about my swearing, just because I wanted to make a statement today that I could do it and I failed. I failed you. All right, workout one, lake day. Three and a half mile run, 800 meter swim. So let's go back to here. We're gonna have to add two things
Starting point is 00:30:58 to the monistuxialal fib. We have one, oh no, I gotta change that. I don't want that to be the case. Size, okay. Run. 3.5 miles, swim. Let's go 0.5 miles. So we've got two things in the monostructural tab so far.
Starting point is 00:31:22 And that's workout one. Let's go workout two. Midline climb. So let's start with the weightlifting. We've got deadlifts and deadlifts and that's all we've got here. Okay, so let's go over to this tab. And then we'll go down here and we'll say hinge 100 reps and I want to say moderate
Starting point is 00:31:49 weight. Um, so, so, do you count, do you count the ski cows as a hinge? I would count that as a monostructural. Let's just count it up. Mono struggle. Let's just do it. I like doing that too, but it's also trunk flexion and people are gonna be in the comments being like,
Starting point is 00:32:07 well, there is a hip hinge and it is, there is trunk flexion and we know that, just like for a GHD, a lot of people still call that a hinge because it's just a lot on the low back and I still just think of it as a truck flexion gymnastics movement. So yes, there are some movements that fit more than one category. We acknowledge that.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I'm also gonna do this. We're gonna make a unloaded light, moderate heavy loading. Okay, so deadlifts. Now we've got- 100 moderate hinge. Yeah, we've got rope climbs, 15 reps. Crazy. Uh, rope climbs 15 reps crazy. Uh, and share that, share that when you get a chance.
Starting point is 00:32:55 What do you mean share this to you? So they can see it. They're only, oh, they can't. Sorry. There you go. I gotta keep reminding me of that. I'm just going back and forth. All right.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Rope climb. Now, what do we even say this is unloaded and call this 15 unloaded reps and 15 pulling reps? I mean, I feel like they're very expensive pulling reps. Yeah, I think it should be 15 pull and that's all we do. We know there's trunk flexion also guys. We know it's a lot of abs. You got it.
Starting point is 00:33:24 All right, let's go to the GHC set up. So we got a hundred gymnastic reps now. I'm still on this tab, right? Okay. JST sit up 100. So now we'll go to trunk flexion down here, 100. And this will be unloaded 115 unloaded reps. And then we've got the skewer calories to finish. So we'll go to monostructural. Uh oh, here we go. This is a brand new, I've never used this webpage before.
Starting point is 00:34:01 I just Googled it before we started. So that would be 100 slash 60 cows. This needs to be wire. Okay. All right. Let's work out two. Let's go to workout three. Let's share this bad boy.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Firestorm, echo bike burpees over the barricades. So let's go back. So we got echo bike burpees. Back to gymnastics. Uh oh. Here we go. Shared this tab instead. Here we go. Um. 33.
Starting point is 00:34:42 33 reps. Oh I did put a dash here. Ah, this is actually a pretty intuitive page. This is called Miro. Never use this is my first board ever. Okay. Uh, echo by calories. Yeah. 45 and 33. And then we need to add a press for 33 reps. Okay. And you would call the burpee a press more than like a trunk flection. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Okay. Cool. I'm good with that. I think for me as well, most of the time, what fatigues versus the press. Um, okay, this looks weird. Let me make this bigger. Okay. Cool. Um, okay. This looks weird. Let me make this bigger. Okay. Cool. Um, all right. Track and field workout. Number four of the weekend. We go back to running. I'm not going to add onto the three and a half miles. I'm going to put another dash and I'm
Starting point is 00:35:37 going to say one mile and say, put one mile and then put 150 yards sprint. Yeah Cuz that 25 it's 225 but yeah, let's go to our 25 and Then weightlifting this will be we'll call it a carry this will be carry. Yeah, and Then that is what? 125 yards. And then let's call that, I would call that moderate too. Would you? 100 pounds for guys, 75 for ladies in that context
Starting point is 00:36:20 when they're trying to run really fast. I would either call it light or moderate. What would you call it? Light. Okay, light really either call it light or moderate. What would you call it? Light. Okay. Light. Really? Mm hmm.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Because it was so short. I would argue that that would just mean it's lower volume, but I'll put light. Uh, 125 yard carry. Oh, like for that distance, it's light. It's not light. Like if they did a mile with it, I would say it was moderate to moderately heavy. Yeah. So yeah, just for that. Okay. Okay, back to the workouts. Go ahead and share that. Share the, uh, share the whiteboard again so everyone can see. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Here's where we're at. So we got a lot of monostructural, not a lot of weightlifting at all. And one of them is a carry. So that's just something to keep in mind. Yep. Yep. Which is honestly like, I would consider this an odd blend, you know? Well, and I think if you look back at previous games like take 2017 they start with
Starting point is 00:37:29 What runs swim run and cyclocross like you're getting we normally do get a lot of monstruction in the first couple days So this is not like it's not crazy Bias to what we're used to. Yeah. Okay. What are we calling Chad? Well, this is the, this is the perplexing. I think since it's followed within a strength test, I think we have to consider it weightlifting just because of the physical toll. I don't know. Maybe not.
Starting point is 00:38:04 It's like, I think it, I think it blew up the legs. I didn't talk to Jason after I didn't talk to, I didn't talk to any athletes after to say, Hey, what did Chad feel like? Like, was it, was it more muscular? Was it more breathing? Like, I would like to know what they what they said, or they're like, you know what, in the moment, it wasn't legs, but then on the clean ladder, all I felt was Chad. Like, I don't know. I want to, I want to market his body weight for the reason being that you're not moving an external object around your body. You're strapping one onto your body and performing a body weight movement. Do you know what I mean? I mean, I don't know. I mean, that's probably not a great argument because you could put a barbell on your back and lunge and that's weightlifting. Yeah. I mean, I like to say that it's, I like to say that it's more monostructural and field than anything, but I mean, I think for the sake of this, none of them, I think would be an incorrect answer. Someone commented, I can't remember who it was. It was really
Starting point is 00:39:01 novel saying it's the only MWG movement all in one. Right. Which is true. Right. But no, I think counting in his body weight, I think counting in his gymnastics, his weighted gymnastics is fine. Oh, extra sloppy. We should donate some of my ass hair to Taylor.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Well, somebody already donated that and I just put it on my upper lip. Okay. Rambler wants to know if trunk flexion is like sex. No, it's not really what trunk flexion is like. I don't think you have sex like this, bro. You know, you're more like, you know, engage in the glutes, I would say. Hip extension is probably more like sex.
Starting point is 00:39:47 So what are we gonna mark this as,? We got to come to an agreement. I want to market his body weight. I want to, this is what I want to market as I want to market. I want to put it down as a gymnastic movement that is loaded light. Okay. That's good. Are like, are you sure? Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:40:07 That's a good compromise because we're not calling it unloaded. All right. Let's go step up. Overs one freaking thousand. That's a lot of reps and we'll go light. 1000 reps. Okay, now I've got clean ladder. Let's just, and we're gonna talk about,
Starting point is 00:40:36 we're just gonna put this for the athletes who finished all three rounds. Six, 10, 11, 13, 16, 19 cleans. Right, am I doing that math right? Five plus three is eight plus 19. You're right. Okay, so that's 19 heavy reps. That would be a, we're gonna have to log it for both.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Let's go 10 squats and let's go add the 19 to that because all of them are pulling from the floor but some of them are power and some of them are squat and let's say they squat at 10. Are you good with that? Yeah. Okay. Yeah because you saw people early on like really early squat and you saw some people like power all the way until the last round so it's like it's very individual. Okay um okay here we go. Back to the board. This is where we're at. Four gymnastic exercises. Oh, I got to add this.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Clean 19 reps. Okay. All right, back to the workouts. Push pull 2.0. All right. Now we got a lot of gymnastics. So yeah. And then we got something to, we probably got something to hash out because I'm willing to, I'm willing to give ground on Chad because it is such an odd movement. Yeah. But I don't think I'm willing to give ground on the fact that the sled pull still should be considered weightlifting. Oh yeah, I agree. I'll agree 100% because I think some people will be like, well, but it's really just like doing a legless rope climber. It's really just like doing a pull-up or whatever.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Like it is true, it's meant to create interference in the upper body for the overhead movement. But it is still something that is going to be biased not toward the stronger upper body puller, but to the heavier athlete. The more counterweight you can put into it, especially on the seated pull, the faster you are gonna be able to move out.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Are we gonna call that heavy or moderate? I would say it's moderate. You didn't see anybody get stuck in their tracks on the sled, correct? Like it didn't really prove to be the linchpin at all. It was like, we had the freestanding and then we had, okay, some people are getting a lot of no reps on the kipping, or hey, she's starting to struggle or he's starting to struggle on the strict, but we didn't really see the sled play
Starting point is 00:43:36 a major role. Yeah, where I think if it was really heavy, it would have played a major role. Yeah. Okay. So now here we've got I think to me, I think you're right. That's intuitive. No brainer sled pulls, weightlifting, handstand pushups are pressing gymnastics. Uh, let's now I gotta put these 75 unloaded reps in here. Let's call it 90 unloaded reps. So 205 unloaded.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Uh, yeah. And you know, you're right. You're on it. You read my mind. Yep. A lot of people do not do not read this as handstand walking, but you are, you are walking, even though it's only like 30 feet, you, you, and a lot of people failed, so think about how much you actually traversed
Starting point is 00:44:26 With all the fails like they're actually There was a good bit of hand balancing slash. Yeah And support position whatever you want. I don't even want to call those hands in push I just want to call it handstand walking and support support It's just yeah, I don't know. It's too, it's two and it's not even to a deficit. First off, it's at a decreased deficit or a reduced to arise a reduced range of motion. Um, so I just much rather call that support in the handstand walk.
Starting point is 00:44:56 And those are the dumbest fricking movements ever. So, and I wonder too, like this is, this is something like for me and for other coaches, like, um, when Jake was here, they did a free standing handstand push up workout and I taped pads and we tried to do it to flat. But I bet you going to a riser that's like looks to be at least two inches thick. Just that tactility is probably way different and like how your kitip needs to be and like I didn't really think about it but I bet people that only practiced it to a flat surface when they got on the blocks, it did kind of feel weird. I know for me, if I do parallel handstand pushups to the floor and then I put a 45 pound plate
Starting point is 00:45:38 and try to do them to an ab mat, it feels terrible. Like I feel like I'm worse at them with four inches of assistance just because the timing of the KIP and everything is off um what would we call a dumbbell snatch hinge support I don't think the I don't think the lockout position is long enough to be support. I would just call it a lower body hinge. Yeah. And at this stage of the game, like I know there were some athletes that may have been, like one male athlete, I think it was because of an injury that they didn't move the dumbbell fast. I don't think it was because of the strength limitation. And while some, I would dude,
Starting point is 00:46:23 I would not call that heavy anymore. It is not heavy anymore. I think it has to be, I think it's going to have to be like 120 and 80 or 120 and 90 on a dumbbell snatch to be considered a heavy dumbbell snatch. All right. So here's where we are before the final, um, our weightlifting implements are a deadlift to carry a clean sled pull and dumbbell snatch Gymnastic exercise a rope climb jhc set up burpee step overs handstand push-up handstand walk toes
Starting point is 00:46:52 to bar and our monostructural is three and a half miles of running in an event mile running in another event 225 yards sprints in another event 875 yards of running in another event yards sprints in another event, 875 yards of running in another event. Half a mile swimming, 160 calories on a SkiErg and a 45, 33 calorie row. And that takes us to the final event. Basically you're going to double up on the weightlifting. We've got thrusters for how many reps JR? 45 plus 33 so 78 all right and then but 30 33 of them we should call light. 160 feet of carry. Heavy.
Starting point is 00:47:52 No. Okay, 80 feet heavy. 80 feet heavy. And I mean, I would call it light. I think it went from light to heavy for both of them. Yeah, no, no, no no, no in between for sure. Hey, and like, this is something, this is something interesting also.
Starting point is 00:48:11 I was watching this one in the airport, so I didn't get to see it, but like I imagined watching it with you and like being surprised, like, Jason went really hard on the first workout and you kind of had to, especially if you're a bigger guy and you got a good score. And even after the first round of thruster and bar muscle up, I don't know if he was just fatigued, but he picked up the yoke and dropped it after
Starting point is 00:48:33 like 20 feet. And I didn't know like he had, he had had some stuff going on heading into it where he couldn't really do any yoke carries, but he's a strong dude. So I was just like, ah, the yoke's going to be an an afterthought But like there were several guys that stopped on the yoke and I don't know if it's because their legs were blown up or because their midline was toasted but While the yoke didn't matter that much it seemed to at least slow some people down. Yep It could have just been grip to though. I could have just been he had a bad grip on it. I don't know It could have just been grip too though. Like it could have just been, he had a bad grip on it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:05 All right. Let's go back to the digital whiteboard. Let's share that. Let's get rid of the games. Let's go to the pro get rid of the programming page and let's break this down. So what do you see initially? I mean just off the bat we have, hold on one, two, three, four, five, six, seven weightlifting exercises.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Then we have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, gymnastic exercises. Okay. I like to see that. How did I just... Anyways, sorry still figuring out how to use this thing. Wow, that's how we do it. Well, this is weird. Sorry guys. I'm like a deaf because I can't figure out this there. I'm figuring out how to scroll. Okay. Seven weight lifting exercises, seven gymnastic exercises, and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
Starting point is 00:50:25 I don't know, I'm calling these different gym monostructural exercises because one is long and slow. One is kind of medium duration and really hard. One is an actual sprint and one is like rounds for time in a workout. So I feel like it would be fair to say those are seven different, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:42 gym monostructural exercises, or at least paces or feels to them. say those are seven different, you know, gym, uh, monostruchural exercises, um, or at least paces, um, or feels to them. So, I mean, right off the bat to say seven, seven and seven, I mean, you could make an argument that that there is pretty balanced. Um, what I don't have up here is going to need to add another text box. Let's go time domain. All right, JR, long. We've got, damn, I shouldn't have closed out.
Starting point is 00:51:20 We have event one and Chad. Those are definitely long, right? So two long events. Yep. I would call that chipper moderate. I would call the final. I guess the final is probably too short. Too short for sure. Cause they're yeah. And the clean ladder is short. Yep. Firestorm is short. Yep. Uh, what the handstand walk workout was short. What are winning times? Seven? Yeah. Oh, I would probably put that.
Starting point is 00:51:50 I don't know. What were the, what was like the median time though? Like eight? I would probably put the, I don't know. Dickie's triplet, we can say Dickie's triplet in the handstand pushup workout. I'll give it to you. That's moderate, even though it's it's right. So you have three.
Starting point is 00:52:10 So you have. So then we have to do the mile is short then. So look, okay. We do the mile short. We do those two medium and then we have to do the midline climb medium to. Okay. So we've got three medium and that would be midline climb, push-pull, and the Dickies triplet, right? Yeah. Those are a medium. So we've got now firestorm, the sprint portion, and track and fields. So let's just call it one event here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:41 And track and fields. So let's just call it one event here. Yeah. Cause it's two, three, four, five. And I don't know. Like people, this is when you, we get into like the really small nuances because firestorm, the pace of that, the approach to that is nothing like the mile.
Starting point is 00:53:03 No, it's just not. So all the mile. Like it's just not. So- All the mile moderate either. Yeah, because it's not a moderate, it's not a medium time domain. It's just not a sprint. Like, yes, people sprinted the first part of the finale. They did not sprint the back half
Starting point is 00:53:21 unless you were like Austin, I can, that's it. Like you, like, and he wasn't racing anybody So most of the most most everyone was just managing muscle fatigue. So it's like in feel Yes, it wasn't a push the pace push the pace push the pace But for our argument like for what we're trying to categorize them as they're still short Yeah, I would say if there's anything that I felt like was most unbalanced over the weekend, it was the lack of moderate to long time domain. There wasn't anything between 15 to 20 minutes. Yeah. So which, which to me is just, I mean, just, just the midline climb because like the fastest was 14, but most people were between 15 to 18. So yeah, yeah that that that's your only medium true medium
Starting point is 00:54:07 Pondit time domain if you pull up the whiteboard again what really stands out to me And it's not something that I thought when I just was in in the moment of the weekend. Mm-hmm Is there is only one workout like? There is only one heavy workout. The yoke, the second 80 feet was kind of heavy, but it did not affect the outcome of the workout at all. And neither did the sled pull. Like it is really a light CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:54:43 I would say like that's jumping out. That's jumping out to me the most is that. And it's interesting because everyone was saying what's all big tall guys that are in the top five to six to seven going into the finale, right. But, but are those also the strongest guys? Not necessarily. It's a light, yeah, body type. It's a light CrossFit games. And it body type. It's a light CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:55:05 And it's also one where there's barely any squatting. Yeah, that's a big, and where there's still a lot of legs. We've acknowledged that there was still a lot of legs, but there's just not a lot of squatting at all. And that's a, to me, that's a, that's a movement pattern that you need to test way more than just 88 times. And you can't test squatting mandated in just one workout, in my opinion. Yeah. And we can kind of go back to the, well, you know, there were supposed to be those
Starting point is 00:55:37 45 squat sessions, which is true, but even if they were there, that's still not a lot of squatting. Yeah. Something I I'm surprised to see is, um, No unilateral leg, like we're used to. No pistol, no lunge. And that's like, we have the step overs. Sure. It's there, but when's the last time you remember a CrossFit games without pistols or lunging of some kind. Right. It's been a long time since we've had something like that.
Starting point is 00:56:07 So I think to me, the biggest areas of like, Hey, we're really missing that are, well, like you said, heavy loading, squatting and gymnastic pulling. I mean, gymnastics pulling in the past has been something that we've like, heavily tested even overkill or just like, Hey, it's pretty much like. We're part of the course, just like that yoke carry, like the sled pull, like that amount of volume just wasn't, it really didn't affect the workout. Just like the yoke. It was just, it was there, um, for some interference,
Starting point is 00:56:38 which is fine if it's there for interference and that's all you want it there for. But it's just a change from what we've been used to in the past. This is a good comment. David Arsenault, do you think counting MW, MGW is indicative of balance? I would think something would need to create separation to contribute to balance. Meaning the importance of each exercise. I like that argument. I think that's not getting into the weeds. I won't say that, but that's a whole nother level or layer to a conversation like this. And I think we can go back and we can probably, while I'm still scrolling on our comments, let's go back to this page and let's just point out the most important element of each event.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Yeah. Um, Lake Day, which is more important. After, after, after watching it, I said the swim was, swim was more important. Okay. So, and this is, you know, also it's mm. So and this is very knee jerk, right? I think I agree that this is when it's most important in that workout. So it's rather than being a sole run test, the swim is more important, but I would also
Starting point is 00:57:45 argue that this is a really balanced workout. Midline climb. Very balanced. Very balanced. Can you get to three very balanced Shane, you get three. I'm going to, I'm interested to see what you say on this. I'm going to say that the GHD sit-up calls the separation. Yeah, you're probably correct.
Starting point is 00:58:05 And I was wrong on that on my initial take. So okay, here we've got swimming monostructural being the most important GHD sit up, gymnastics being the most important, but still very balanced here, very balanced here. So with the totality of these two, let's say we've got a, we've got a monostructural skew in terms of balance. This workout was all eco bike. I got like one more minute. I gotta go pick up.
Starting point is 00:58:30 Okay. This was, this was the best person on the eco bike, a hundred percent. So we're even more skewed toward monostructural. And then once again, one, it's again the best on the run and the best runner won both. So even more skewed towards monostructural. This is going to be skewed toward, I would say your long time domain endurance and, and your anthropometrics, your height with the exception of Hatfield, um, but long time domain endurance. So let's just call it monostructural
Starting point is 00:58:56 leaning. I just want to, I want to throw you a bone there and say the feel of the workout is endurance. It's monostructural. So through the first one, two, three, four, five events, yeah, it's like all mono, all mono. And listen, and a lot of people would argue with me and say that the ski on the back half separated the field more than the GHDs. So I mean, you could, I would take that argument and say, that's, I agree. Clean ladder, obviously this is weightlifting, but it's done, you know, little to nothing to balance the scales at this point.
Starting point is 00:59:27 Push pull. Let's say it's a handstand push up workout. Well, I would, I just want to call it skill. Yeah, but I want to call it skill limiting. It's not even like muscle fatigue or endurance or stamina limiting. I want to say skill limiting. Are you okay with that? That's fine.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Cause I, I get, I get what you're saying there. I think it's a skill limiting here, I would say this is pretty balanced. You had to run really hard. I think it's mono. I think it's mono still. Really, mono still? Okay, well even, fuck it. It's the mono games, because now we're down
Starting point is 00:59:55 to the final two events, and we've got squatting and grip, and that's basically all it is. It's pressing and grip. But it's, you could argue on the first one that it's, it's so fast. It's just balanced in general. But I would say it's gym, I don't know. I don't even know. I think it's all very balanced on nine,
Starting point is 01:00:13 but on 10, it's definitely gymnastics. The workout came down to the bar muscle ups. That was it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, so basically monostructural games. Are you getting out of here? Yeah, Lily gets out of school at 2.30, so I gotta go. All right, Deuces, bro.
Starting point is 01:00:26 I'm gonna change the brand. All right. And bring you with me for a little bit. Thanks for watching, everybody. I'll watch in the car. See ya. All right, so back to our regular overlay. That's interesting.
Starting point is 01:00:40 David, thank you for that comment. I'm glad we went and broke it down like that. With that, in that light, it seems like, okay, this CrossFit games was just so, so monostructural based. Um, and I have a hard time disagreeing with that because in seven out of the 10 workouts, the most important part was something monostructural. Um, no Barry, I'm not going to get back to Jessica's post. What I am going to talk about is I'm super, super, super grateful for all of our sponsors this past weekend.
Starting point is 01:01:12 We wouldn't have been able to do anything without them. Specifically, Sarah Cox basically gave us our tickets, which was amazing. As you guys know, we applied for press credentials. We got denied because of me. I told you guys that I said something to someone that I shouldn't have said, and that's true, and I'm not gonna rehash it. But didn't get press credentials. Sarah Cox came in clutch with box tickets.
Starting point is 01:01:43 We actually sat in her Lodge Box all week with her right adjacent to the CrossFit Suite where all the CrossFit executives were sitting. So we kept close tabs on Don and Annette all weekend, believe it or not. Second sponsor I wanna thank is Gym Maintenance. Gym owners, tired of spending your Sundays watching YouTube on how to fix your equipment?
Starting point is 01:02:04 Keep your facility in top shape with Jim maintenance. We specialize in maintenance and repair for CrossFit gyms, commercial gym studios and home setups prevent breakdowns before they happen. Visit That is J-I-M Please check this guy out. He's the shit.
Starting point is 01:02:20 If you own an affiliate or if you have equipment that needs fixing, he can handle it no matter what it is. He even does welding. He even even does under I heard he does underwater nuclear submarine welding believe it or not So if you have one of those laying around and need it fixed, he's your guy And then we've got Justin O'Shell with strong home mortgage. They are Licensed across the country online. You can call Justin O'Shell Uh, give me one second. I don't know if I should give you a cell phone number or not.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Definitely not gonna do that. Just real quick, super grateful for these guys. He's the senior loan officer. They're licensed across the US. They've been in business for over 20 years, certified military housing specialist, and they are veteran owned and operated. They do 21 day or less closing times. You have to visit, let me see this website, mortgage, strong home mortgage. Go see strong home mortgage. Hit up Justin O'Shell. His email is just joshell at
Starting point is 01:03:30 He's the shit. And of course, we've got Olivia with Better Version Nutrition. She sponsored Kill Tailor several times. Super stoked to have her. If you guys want someone who can help you with your nutrition, diet plan, someone to help keep you accountable, she is awesome. She does a great job. And as we were talking about in Jessica Cahoy's post,
Starting point is 01:03:49 what you're eating is more important than anything else. So you need to go and see her. Thank you for you guys. Those of you also looking to register for JR's qualifier, the Crash Crucible Qualifier, please scan the QR code. Wow, I can barely speak. I can't articulate myself. Scan the QR code. Wow, I can barely speak. I can't articulate myself. Scan this QR code.
Starting point is 01:04:07 There we go. Boom, right there. Get in on the qualifier. And if you want the best training online program ever, scan this QR code. That one, that one. In the upper right, that QR code. That one. That one. In the upper right. That QR code. 14 day free trial.
Starting point is 01:04:30 It is insane. Ah. Brian Adamson. Thank you for the amazing words. I think Taylor would have gotten top 10 if not top 5. It was the cardio games. And not a lot of heavy. Which bodes well for me
Starting point is 01:04:48 Taylor said he would have smoked pull at the games because he didn't qualify and that's that that is true I would have smoked pull at the games. I didn't qualify didn't make it So every single there every single person there presumably is better than me Who else if you guys have any questions put them in the comments, I'm kind of bored I'm not of bored. I'm not going to log off yet. Is it the CrossFit Games Taylor stuff? No. Think we will learn the original programming. Madison Perkins. That's a great question. We do know this. There was supposed to be that hammer, sandbag, tire flip workout,
Starting point is 01:05:20 and Amanda 45, and that would have created 12 tests. I don't know. I don't know if that was all, if they made any changes outside of that. I know they changed the rope climb workout to three reps instead of five. This is crazy. Remember, no, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:05:44 I don't wanna bring that up, Jay. Jay. Okay, I'm gonna pull the comment up Remember when Jessica said the n-word, but they forgave her because she is woke hashtag oil up Taylor. Um One there's uh Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what to say to that. I Do remember that that was crazy And did they forgive her because she was woke? Yeah. Wow. I went there. Anybody got any ideas? Anybody got any ideas on that? Yeah, Hans if I'll do damn Taylor pulled it up. Yeah, I mean, look, that happened. Oh, why didn't
Starting point is 01:06:24 Ricky do better? He hurt his ankle I mean he hurt his ankle bad on Chad rolled the shit out of it So that's that's pretty important. Oh because she was an I'm out athlete Slater I met I would say in addition to you and Slater I would say you're a very mild black. You're, you're, you have, I was honestly, my first thought was like Puerto Rican. You looked like dark skin, Hispanic. Is that true?
Starting point is 01:06:51 Comment. Tell me if you're Puerto Rican. I could, I feel like I would be like, damn, I would bet my life. This guy's Puerto Rican. But I think I met like seven total black people. Definitely, definitely the ratio is crazy. Taylor, I am black. Oh my God, this is fucked. Okay. Um, they didn't forgive her. She played it right and disappeared until
Starting point is 01:07:18 the mob moved on. That's what I would say. I didn't feel like anyone really forgave her. She just kind of fucking tucked Taylor. Yeah. Well, Branstad, you keep a tally in your field bill book. Mild black. That's right, you're black and mild, baby. I used to smoke wine wood tips in case you guys wanted to know that if you're even interested. Wine wood tips, just get high as shit.
Starting point is 01:07:39 I used to smoke them in my Ford Fusion. Anybody know what kind of car that is, Ford Fusion? They don't even make that car anymore. Anyways, I totaled it. Well, you review the team workouts. They were way better balanced, I think. Lynn, that's a great, that's a great, uh, I'm not going to review them because I hate team programming, but JR will, I'm sure. Ask TDC Oil to be your sponsor. Nope, not gonna do that. Those things were pieces of shit?
Starting point is 01:08:10 Winewood tips are not pieces of shit. I actually kind of just even talking about them makes me wanna go buy one. In your opinion, why hasn't CrossFit HQ not shared a statement after the games? In my opinion, the lack of communication is entirely due to the fact that they are owned by private equity.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Don and Annette are sitting in their perch in their high castle in their high chair, and they don't wanna say anything wrong. They don't wanna piss anyone off. And they just have no ability to be authentic. No, it's not legal reasons. It's not legal reasons, J Sheets, no. You could come out and say,
Starting point is 01:08:43 hey, we're in mourning whatever Etc etc, etc They just are they don't want to say anything because they don't want any backlash and that's kind of weak in my opinion Hate that There is a lot of things that not everyone knows about the weekend and I hope that a lot of it comes out a Lot of things a lot of people know but they feel like it's not their place to say and I hope that a lot of it comes out. A lot of things a lot of people know but they feel like it's not their place to say and I think that's fair. Yeah, I will say this. CrossFit was planning on doing a much more elaborate tribute to Lazar. Brent
Starting point is 01:09:24 Fikowski was going to speak, I don't know if it was on behalf of the athletes or for the athletes or just speak in general, say some words, and they had a video queued up to play, and someone at the tippy top nixed that. And I'm not gonna name names, but I will say that's bullshit. And when I say tippy top, I don't mean the games team,
Starting point is 01:09:43 I mean above the games team. On a serious note, I hope nobody gets fired. I disagree. I definitely don't hope. Well, I'll just say I disagree. You don't know who's at fault because the investigation has not been concluded. But yeah, I don't want anyone to get fired
Starting point is 01:10:03 based off nothing, but if it's someone's actual fault, they need to be held accountable and they probably need to be fired. Oh, Hiller said Annette Annette Annette go follow her on Instagram at Annette Revis. That is at that's the at symbol a N N E TA-V-I-S, go throw her a follow. I'm sure she'll accept it. Yeah, just show her that you guys care. Yeah, Annette cut the tribute. Why would you do that?
Starting point is 01:10:38 This, I'm not even talking about programming anymore, but I feel so strongly about this shit. That's all I know. I also have an alternative perspective on the split the money up between everyone take. I asked Pat what his thoughts were on it because I knew he was likely involved in it. And he said it was a way to keep the competition. It was a way to keep the athletes from feeling like, okay, if I drop out, my entire weekend is a loss and I, and I lose all this money versus being forced into compete when they can't
Starting point is 01:11:12 compete emotionally. Um, yeah, I mean, I, I kind of initially that we, we talked about that take on the podcast and just kind of destroyed it. But after hearing, after me asking Pat why and his perspective, I actually kind of see that perspective a lot. And I'm not saying it's the free market capitalist perspective. He actually called it the communist perspective. But I can see like, hey, if you split up, and it was suggested by him and to be fair, he stood to make a lot more than almost everyone else. Um, but to his point, athletes that were like, dang, they weren't going to be able to compete
Starting point is 01:11:51 well, but they needed to compete to cover financial costs of just being there. It was a way to kind of alleviate that stuff, still have a competition, still compete for points, still compete for the title of the fittest. Um, but not put that financial burden on anyone being like, okay, I have, you know, I just can't compete and which should obviously respect for that. Anyways. All right. Hillers telling me to chill.
Starting point is 01:12:19 I don't know what to chill about. So I'm just going to shut up. Yeah, I don't know. A lot of people not saying a lot of things. what to chill about. So I'm just going to shut up. Um, yeah, I don't know. A lot of people not saying a lot of things. Go watch Taylor's latest video. Actually he talks about that. He talks about, you know, probably should shut the up and just wait till more information comes out. Um, I feel like I probably haven't done a great job of that, but I've definitely said less than others. Um,
Starting point is 01:12:45 anyways, but I've definitely said less than others. Anyways, if you guys wanna go have fun with some sick workouts, crash crucible qualifier, upper left hand corner, scan that QR code. If you wanna be fit enough to do the workouts, scan the QR code in the right. And we'll see you guys for Kill Taylor on Saturday. It's gonna be a little earlier this week. Kill Taylor Live, Juan Carlos.
Starting point is 01:13:04 This week is going to be nine a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Because I've got a prior obligation. We have a gym field day, and me and Lizzie are signed up and we gotta take a spanking to everybody else. Anyways, have a good day. See you guys, peace.

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