The Sevan Podcast - 2024 CrossFit Games - Will the show go on?

Episode Date: August 9, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam, we're live. Welcome to the show everyone. Upper left hand corner, Taylor Self from Kill Taylor Sentinel Training in the middle, John Young from JY Barbell. John, thanks for joining us. Bill Grundler, my favorite, holding the FID-8, get 40% off somehow, some QR code. That one over there by Bill. Bill's repping. Bill's owner of CrossFit inferno see beavers in the house Crazy day wild day We're all wondering the same thing We were told that there would be some information coming out of CrossFit at a 730 Central time it's now eight o'clock
Starting point is 00:00:43 We hear they're still. You have a black eye, John. No, I'm just tired. We hear that the athletes are still talking, but I will tell you a couple of things that I suspect have happened. Don't quote me on any of these, but this is the things we're hearing. We're hearing that a handful of athletes have dropped out. I suspect have happened. Don't quote me on any of these, but this is the things we're hearing. We're hearing that a handful of athletes have dropped out. I suspect that will change by tomorrow. I think those are just really emotional dropouts. I would convey to any athlete
Starting point is 00:01:14 who's considering dropping out to reconsider, you have one chance at this. And if you wanna feel bad later, you should, you can. It's up to you. You shouldn't do what you want, but you have one chance to do this. And if for whatever reason you step out, you will lose that opportunity. And I fucking promise you you're going to feel
Starting point is 00:01:33 horrible about it. In 10 years, it's gonna be missed opportunity. Thoughts on that Taylor, what are your thoughts about athletes dropping out? You know, I heard from someone, can I just want just want to like, I don't know why I feel this way, but I want to name names. I just let's not do that because we don't have any like real information yet. Well, I heard, I did hear from a real source with real information that a particular athlete, as soon as Dave Mount, like the word competition and resume competition came out of his mouth.
Starting point is 00:02:02 This athlete made it a point to stand up, walk out and in front of everyone and leave the area before the conversation could even be started. And to me, I just think, why would you just take that moment to make it about you not competing? Why would you take that moment to say, oh, well, I'm not going to compete. I'm going to make it about me now. You just, Hey, you just wait till I'm not going to compete. I'm going to make it about me now. You just, hey, you just wait till Dave says you can compete or you don't have to compete. It's up to you. And then you make that decision for yourself, but boycotting it. Like it's like it's fucking institutional racism. And it's like, okay,
Starting point is 00:02:39 I'm boycotting it. It just is ridiculous. It's fucking ridiculous. I don't disagree with you, but everyone's got to process this their own way and They were in the water and all of those athletes swam over Lazar Jukic's dead body So making it about them is great is I just I think it's I'm not defending them I'm just getting perspective John Young thoughts on athletes dropping out give an opinion on that Yeah, I mean, I kind of agree with you. I think there were five people that walked out.
Starting point is 00:03:13 It wasn't just one. Maybe one made it a point to be a little bit more in front than the others. But I mean, I think you can't put yourself in their shoes. I think everybody's gonna deal with it differently. And they're in their view, maybe like they're making it about Lazar by doing that. I know in your view, they're making it about them, but from their point of view,
Starting point is 00:03:36 like they're trying to take a stand and they feel like this is the best way. Every, you know, they think differently. I think, I don't think all five of them are going to compete. You know what I mean? And I don't think all five said they were going to withdraw. I think it was just a couple of them. But uh,
Starting point is 00:03:55 Weren't you the one who said that Luca mentioned wanting the competition to go on? We were told that Luca said he was good with it continuing. I think Dave, Dave, and we were told that Lucas said he was good with it continuing. I think Dave, Dave, and we were told, okay. We'll get to that. Secondhand source. Yeah, yeah, go ahead. We'll come back to that. We'll come back to Luca.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Bill Gruner, you've competed at the highest level. Everyone's here. Everyone went through this traumatic day. Everyone's processing it, including the CrossFit game staff, the athletes. Obviously, Luca's fiance and his family and his brother, sorry not Luca, Lassner's family. Yeah. Thoughts on this, on being, making a decision of not competing? Yeah I think that if you are saying that you're not going to compete like it
Starting point is 00:04:48 There's got to be a reason why you're doing that like are you Boycotting crossfit because all of a sudden are you saying that crossfit's dangerous? Are are you saying that? How dare they keep going because this terrible thing happened or like what's the what's the message that you are saying by doing that? I mean everyone came here to compete, and there is no way that I want to in any sort of resemblance of trying to dismiss the tragedy of what it was. Like it's fucking terrible. There's no way of getting around that. But my personal opinion is that if they don't continue... Like if they... When they didn't decide whether they were even going to have the event or not, I think it does more of a disservice to what Lazar is, which is he's a competitive CrossFit athlete. And yeah, he went down on this, not because of him. I mean, obviously there was something that went that went on. But like, the people that don't want to compete, like what are what are they boycotting? What are they
Starting point is 00:05:56 protesting against? You know what I mean? I think that's the hard part is you guys are all they're all CrossFit athletes. And this is what they have given the last five, eight, 10 years of their life to do to pursue. And it wasn't the games that caused what happened. It was, I mean, granted there was a failed safety. It was just a free thing that happened. Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on. But like, but I think to quit, to quit just for the sake
Starting point is 00:06:23 of getting out because you're mad At how dare you continue like I don't so then okay, then what's the argument supposed man? I don't know what you're fighting for right, but there's not I John where I agree with you most is that there's not one right answer and that people process these things differently what I will say is It wasn't just a freak accident. You can watch the replay and there are some things that you see that make it inconceivable of how nothing was done for so long. So I don't wanna hear that said again. I don't wanna hear, oh, it was just a freak accident
Starting point is 00:06:55 because that's kind of bullshit. But at the same time, I just- What do you wanna describe it, Taylor? You wanna say there was a failure in emergency response? There was, yeah, massive fail. I also don't know that it was EMS. Was it CrossFit's responsibility with those people on the paddle boards or was it?
Starting point is 00:07:12 Really? It was. It was a safety right. They put on those paddle boards. Right. Here's the deal. You know, if you're that, Caleb. Yes, absolutely. They do it. They do it at all the events that have water events.
Starting point is 00:07:23 You know, what we know people on what on paddle boards, the same as they would at CrossFit game. This is what we this is. Oh, fuck off. This person. Just hold on. Just hold on this. There's listen through a thought. Listen, we got a lot to get. I'm going to get on board in the video. There are two paddle boards and he goes down right between them. There's not 50 yards between each paddleboarder
Starting point is 00:07:45 and he goes down. So JW, first off, fuck off with that. It's impossible not to say, hey, somebody made a mistake. At the same time, I think this stupid news page covering CrossFit makes a post goes, who the fuck was on that fucking paddleboard? And they made a post about it.
Starting point is 00:08:02 And that made me sick to my stomach because look, if you're that person, you feel you got to live with that for the rest of your life. Don't sick the mob on that person. 100 percent, 100 percent. Right. But the fit, but the failure. OK, here's the thing. Let Bill go.
Starting point is 00:08:17 You can you can run and if you can run and you can be rich from into the CrossFit games and you know, you're having a bad day or whatever the freak accident is, heart attack, pull the muscle, whatever. You can stop. You cannot stop in the water. There is no downtime in the water. So if to put volunteers, if that's what they were, and I don't know the spread of what their safety plan was, but like for them to not have professional water safety people in the water is, one, that right there was a failure. Two, like if I see someone on a stand-up paddleboard, you're not a water safety person. A lifeguard is not going to be on a stand-up paddleboard. They're gonna have a rescue buoy with them. They're gonna have a pocket mouse
Starting point is 00:09:06 so they can start something right away. And they're gonna be probably on a board on a jet ski. But every single one of those people are gonna be washed. And they're gonna be professional in the fact that if you get a volunteer, and if they are a volunteer, I mean, good on you guys for coming, but like, here's the difference. If you bring a volunteer to the world championship olympics whatever
Starting point is 00:09:26 They're going to be an owing and on about the big names that they see They are not going to be doing what they're supposed to be doing which is being water safety And water safety happens in all surfing events a triathlon event like i've been water safety And the thing is is you don't care who's in the water You just are watching every single person that's in the water. Your eyes don't come off those people because you're the lifeguard. That's your job. And if you don't think that something is going or if you are assuming that nothing is going to happen, something like this is going to happen. And in any water situation there is any single water
Starting point is 00:10:00 situation. It's not if something is going to happen. It's when something is going to happen. Always 500 people watched him drown. Right. Yeah. But that's, but that's the thing, Savon. It wasn't your job to be out there looking for someone drowning. Just should have been someone painting the picture. I'm just painting the picture. It wasn't like it, it wasn't like anyone there could have seen it. I'm just saying, I'm maybe that's even more guilt on the paddle board. John, were you going to say something before we move on to the next question? No Okay. Um Daniel when everyone on this panel and Hiller have all honored Lazar. Well with your content today under very difficult circumstances. Thank you by the way when we went I'm so
Starting point is 00:10:38 I've been the most proud I've ever been in this podcast when we went live earlier today ever been in this podcast. When we went live earlier today, the GoFundMe had like 66 donations and like $16,000 or something. And when we got off it had $195,000. And it's great. Yeah, it's it's with like 2800 donations. So thank you. Elisa Carverdow, try to show grace for anyone's reaction during this time. Fair enough. I agree. It's hard for me to do that. Fair enough. That's part of your reaction. I show grace for your inability Wads on the watch the talking lead fitness video on Lazar from today He loved this and doing it with his brother if Luca wants it to go down Then it should we'll get to that in a second on Lucas response what we're hearing through the grapevine a Trish
Starting point is 00:11:21 Thank you for all your coverage today. You've handled the situation very professionally. Love all of you guys and thanks again Thank you. Almost like I should have gotten a media pass, but alright Okay. Um, oh there's more for Taylor for defending the attacks on the person on the paddleboard without defending the failure the right thing to do Okay Geez Louise, this is crazy. Thank you bill 100% and for those of you who don't know bill was a fire captain In california i ran the lifeguard department, too. Oh, there you go water water safety is my thing Yeah fire captain in one of the busiest beach towns, uh in california per capita. Okay. Here we go. Uh
Starting point is 00:12:00 next thing I want to Tell you is um, we did hear that uh that Don did send out a company-wide email saying that the show will go on and so this I believe the staff have been notified that the show will go on. So what that means we don't know but so we heard that. We also heard that in this meeting that they had today this four o'clock meeting that at some point Luca Jukic did enter the room with his colleagues, with his athletes.
Starting point is 00:12:29 You didn't hear that, John? No. I heard he entered the room briefly, said that the show should go on, and then left the room. Where are you hearing that from? I can't tell you that. Why would I tell you that? Do you think that that's not a true story?
Starting point is 00:12:44 Because you were at the door and if he would have come in you would have said it. I heard differently that he wasn't there at the meeting. But I heard that he left the meeting, that he came to the meeting, he said that, hey, you guys should do this but I need to get back to my family. Did you hear that he wasn't at the meeting
Starting point is 00:13:00 from one of the five idiots that got up and walked out? No. That's where H Hillary gets his dues. Let's not start eating each other. I love it. I love it. I don't, don't take that. Don't take that back. I love you, Andrew. Don't, don't take that back. We all love you, but he should be here. Brandi Mahaffey, uh, 999, uh, Daniel, when Lassar's good good GoFundMe is now at 225. But just really quick, John, you were there at the meeting outside the doors. Do you think that that's
Starting point is 00:13:32 bad? Were you there from four until six? And that just doesn't. So that might be bad intel because you would have seen Luca come in the door and leave. Yeah, well, I didn't we didn't see Luca at all and then from people that were inside the meeting is where I'm getting my my info from like a couple coaches and athletes and It wasn't like a grand thing or anything like that They just said Castro had a conversation with them and it was like basically implied that Luke is good with it continuing And then that was it. It wasn't a big, it wasn't like what you just described. Okay. I, uh, cause I, I confirmed that he was from people in the
Starting point is 00:14:10 meeting. Okay. Okay. Uh, 224,000. Wow. That's awesome. You should raise that goal to 500,000. Okay. Uh, and then Finally on this before we start talking about what maybe tomorrow will look like Athlete did contact me and wanted to express their opinion and there was an opinion I hadn't heard before Worded like this and the athlete said hey if we if the games don't go on This will be how Lazarus remembered as the guy who had an event happen and the games didn't go on and he wouldn't want to be remembered like that guy who died, the guy who died, not right, not had an event happen. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:01 The guy who died and the game stop and he wouldn't want to be remembered like that. I thought that Taylor, I a hundred percent. I mean, uh, it's, I said this earlier. I think it's impossible for me to put like a, Oh, what would he do? What would he say in his mouth? He's not here. He can't say that. But I, if I were in that position, it just, to me, it's like, Hey, it makes no sense for you to not do it just because you know what I mean? It doesn't fix anything. It solves nothing nothing it's sought the right right it doesn't improve the situation at all and it has the potential to make the situation so much worse Caleb are you seeing this go Ruck has posted the schedule for tomorrow
Starting point is 00:15:39 John but just maybe have it ready, we'll go there next. John Young, thoughts on how Lazarus remembered? Yeah, I mean, I don't. It's just, it lacks empathy. But yeah, I mean, like five years from now, 2024, if they didn't do the games, it would be like, no, that was the year Lazar died, then they didn't do the games. Right. That's what would happen. 10 years from now, that's't do the games. Right. That's what would happen.
Starting point is 00:16:05 10 years from now, that's what would happen. 15 years, that's what would happen, 100%. Or it could go down as, that was the most emotional, powerful games ever, and it was also the year Lazar died, and we never bonded better with people at any other games. It was truly a remarkable spiritual event. There's a lot that has to happen before that comment comes out, I think. What'd you say, there's a lot that has to happen before that comment comes out I think.
Starting point is 00:16:26 What did you say? There's a lot that has to happen? Yeah. Yeah, I think it's going to happen though. So what do you think? Yeah, I think that if they were to stop it in remembrance and try to make it some sort of an honor thing or whatever. I think that that would end up being more of a negative connotation for... It wouldn't be a positive connotation for him. I don't think it would bring remembrance to what he is and what he's done as an athlete. The continuing of what he is all about of being an athlete, I think, would bring more memory to it. But, I mean, there's no way of getting around it this is gonna be the games that is remembered as this is when Luca went or when Lazar went down it's going it's gonna be that now what happens with all the other athletes if they decide to stay in or don't come in or whatever or keep
Starting point is 00:17:17 competing like I think that to say that there isn't gonna be an asterisk on the year because of How people how I mean and these are these are young people man Not not a lot of 20 year olds have dealt with death not a lot of them have dealt with that The rest of the way if there's gonna be an ass if there will be an asterisk or not well I think that them I and what I meant by an asterisk is I think that people will be competing a little bit different than they would if it was, first day was great, is all I'm saying. Oh yeah, yeah, it's gonna be, the mood's gonna be wild.
Starting point is 00:17:53 It'll be a different game. I'm not saying, I think that even if it continues, it will always be the year that, you know, that Lazar died, but I think that, I don't think it has to be all bad. I just don't think it'll be the same Uh, the athletes may need one another right now to stay and feel the community to process together and to continue in honor of lazar I agree 100% yeah, and I mean tomorrow like what what we were told that was discussed in the meeting is that Like we think the games is going to continue but there's going to be a memorial for lazar either in the morning, in the morning. And the discussion was if they should take another push the games back a day, which I
Starting point is 00:18:29 don't know if they can. But that was the discussion like a whole day to celebrate him or just have a memorial in the morning and then start in the afternoon. That was a part of the discussion too. They were like, I think they were set on the games continuing and they're like, how are we going to how is it going to continue? And that's a lot of that is what the athletes talked about, too Okay, so what you're saying is is that they didn't have a choice whether it happened or not. I don't know
Starting point is 00:18:54 I don't okay, but okay professionals keep doing their jobs as a firefighter We had to continue for hours fighting fire after losing a brother sister at the job Danny Discussion in chat if a freak accident happened during a one rep max snatch, where there wouldn't be a blame game, would continuing the games still be controversial? Is it the actual loss of life or the drama around it? Oh, there would be a blame game. I mean, like Kevin Ogar.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Yeah. I mean, that right there is that exact- Something like that already happened. Yeah. Oh What's that it's just a highway stuff where we're at Please activity Matthew I mean Matthew Matthew Murphy as a longtime athlete sports fan the best way to heal as an athlete and sports fan is to Honor the fallen and move forward. Mmm. I like the idea of leaving a lane empty forum in each heat Wow
Starting point is 00:19:42 That's cool empty forum in each heat. Wow. That's cool. Uh, name that workout. Name the last workout of the games. Lazar. Fuck that'd be so fucking cool to remember him and honor him for a long time. God, that would keep me fired the fuck up. Uh, you, uh, would it be too emotional to leave the lane empty form in the last heat of each event? I don't think they should name the final event after Lazar cause those athletes
Starting point is 00:20:04 would kill themselves on that workout. I'd break my back on that workout. Well, I don't want them to name the first one about Lazar. I don't know. Well, I mean, like I like the end of it. It's it is like we already said, like this game is always going to be remembered for this. So I think the final would be a great one to call. Yeah, for sure. I'm just saying like that would fire me up so much. I agree. Oh man. And I love the idea of leaving the lane open.
Starting point is 00:20:31 I love that idea. I love that idea too. That shows respect, I think, to him and all that stuff. And hey, you guys, I'm only being silly. It wouldn't affect the eating. There's 39 people. You know what I mean? It wouldn't affect, it wouldn't affect your lanes or anything to do that. Because you're set up for 10 people.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Oh, Hillers in the comments. Hey, you're in an echo chamber. Hiller, get your ass over here. No, no, we're good. We got five. We're good. No, I just mean he should be in, he should be in Texas. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:00 You should be, you should be jerking off naked in your garage right now. He's good. Uh, okay. Um, I, um, I Wanted I want to say this other thing that's going out there There's tons of other media outlets picking this up and the trees they're barking up are just fucking insane, right? Oh, dude, and it's so it's so frustrating because they have no idea what they're talking about. They're saying that it was poorly programmed They're saying the swim should have come first. They're saying it was too hot. They were thinking that maybe he scrammed. Yeah. They just are
Starting point is 00:21:28 completely out of their mind and talking completely out of their lane. It's, it's, it's very frustrating because they'd have no idea who Lazar Djukic is, what his background is, what his capacity is, what the capacity of these athletes are. So have you guys seen any of that stuff out there that's frustrated you, Bill? Yeah, all that. I think what's happening is there's a list of like 30 things that people want to complain about of all the problems and all the things and all the possibilities and whatever. And I'm sorry, it came down to one thing. It came down to the safety plan period. If the safety plan was in place correctly and you had right people doing their job and if the same exact medical situation would have happened and they grabbed them, that wouldn't be any issue. We wouldn't be
Starting point is 00:22:18 talking about anything. It all comes down to one thing. It's one deal. One safety set up. I bet we did it all comes down to one thing. It's one deal one safety set up I Go go let me read this taylor and then you can answer that go ahead you answer that question first Go ahead. How do you feel about the outside pundits just saying just completely? Yeah, I think I think I think it's ridiculous If you have no idea what you're talking about in terms of crossfit to get on your fucking platform and start just fucking spouting off Hot and acting like you have any idea what happened. That being said, it would be a complete lie for me to say that the workout is not much harder and not more dangerous to finish in the water. It
Starting point is 00:22:58 100% is. That doesn't mean I think it's a programming issue, but to say that, oh, oh, it had nothing to do with that. Well, hey, if the workout finished on the run and he had a heart attack, you would have fallen on the road and they would have been on top of his ass. You know what I mean? Right. So I'm not saying I'm not saying that they should have changed the programming, but that definitely makes the workout fucking harder. But hey, it's the fucking CrossFit games. The workouts are hard, but he's also not every single event has had, and I don't disagree with what you're saying. Like if it happened at the end of the race and the events were switched,
Starting point is 00:23:30 the activities were switched. You're right. He would have fallen on the ground, but we've done runs, swim runs, right? We've gone in and out of the water. So it's like, I'm not, yes, I'm not. It's not the, the programming isn't bad, but that is, but that's it. But it's inherently, it's a more dangerous event. So it's just. But it's a inherently it's a more dangerous event So it's just but it's not the programming's fault. It was a dangerous event You just have to have the safety measures right appropriate for that event every dude people swim across the fucking Atlantic Ocean. I Mean just people do crazy insane shit. It's So to be like ah, it's the programming's fault. Shut the fuck up
Starting point is 00:24:05 You don't know what you're talking about. And here's another thing. These people keep comparing it to triathletes. These aren't triathletes These are world-class fucking crossfitters go ahead John I Mean I think if everybody made it Aside from was ours literally one of the best swimmers in the field Like it's not too hard enough event if all the rest of them made it. You know what I mean? He's also had cardiac events before or issues before.
Starting point is 00:24:34 And so when people are saying, oh, it's programming or there's that and they don't mention that, I'm like, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about, dude. Just shut up. Yeah. I mean, even if I've seen some longer swimming events where, and we're talking like three miles, six miles type of thing, where they'll have every swimmer wear like a lifeguard can, just kind of float it back behind them
Starting point is 00:24:54 so there's always something on them if they need it. I mean, even the fact of the matter, that doesn't make it foolproof. All it takes is you get some water in your mouth and you suck it in water one time one cough And that's it like you're now under you don't cough a bunch of times underwater doesn't work that way So even having flotation devices or or something like that. It's not that and it's not I'm sorry guys It's not programming. They've swat. They have swam longer than this. They've been in the water long
Starting point is 00:25:23 They've done harder versions of this event It's not a programming in the time Frame and the temperature of the water none of that nuts none of that none of that. It's none of that And he was a water polo player at the highest level for ten years There's no cramping that was gonna get this guy to go under No amount of current leg cramps. I mean, look, yeah, I mean, he wasn't having an issue, at least up to that point, that we could see in the event
Starting point is 00:25:51 because look at where he was placing wise. He was in a great spot. I agree with Taylor, my 11 year old swim son who dreams of being a lifeguard studied the video and came crying to me saying, daddy, why didn't the lifeguards go after him? What do I tell him? Those weren't lifeguards
Starting point is 00:26:10 You're damned if you do continue the games and you're damned if you don't continue the games it's a lose-lose I agree, but they got to go forward with it because You're only gonna regret it. If you don't go forward with it. You're only gonna regret it You're gonna be like what if we would have? PJ birds Bill's thoughts on PFDs in future swim events. What are those? Yeah, and I kind of just said that. I don't think that they, I don't think that that fixes what they're trying to fix. What is a PFD? You wear it? Yeah, like I was saying, like the lifeguard can, you know, I mean, if you're going're gonna put jackets on them that would be ridiculous
Starting point is 00:26:45 But like if you were to have like a like a you know a lifeguard can or a tube or something like that Just kind of dangling behind you on a rope. I I also think to say that they'll never swim open water again That might be true. I think if they were to uphold that and they never swim open water again It would be a massive mistake. I mean look at again, again, like people die in triathlons. They don't say, hey, it's too much. The plus I do see with this. It's a little bit different. The plus with something like this, though,
Starting point is 00:27:17 is if someone does go down, at least you know where they are. That's the other switch to that. That's why these things, like those aren't really, I mean, they can be used as life safety, but like those, the short rope, so if someone does go down, at least you see them. If he was wearing that, they definitely would have seen him. Yeah, totally. Well, I mean the chances are, yeah, they could, I mean, it could still slide off, unless they have it like around the waist, like I think those triathletes had. Malik Williams, congrats on the beautiful daughter.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Do you think CrossFit will stop future swimming events for a couple of years? I hope not. I don't think it'll stop swimming, but I do think it'll be in a pool for a while. If not, if not like always in a pool for a while. What do you think Bill, do you wanna see open water swims go away or no? No, because I don't think that the open water swim...
Starting point is 00:28:13 I don't think that it... Because we've had now, you know, one big tragedy in the water doesn't mean that it's always gonna be Bad all you have to do is make sure that you ramp up your safety so that everyone is watching So that you all the athletes in the water know that they got eyes on them They aren't out there the people that are in the water are not there just to direct people and point go that way that that's not What they're there for you have buoys for that kind of stuff They put people in the water to make rescues if they need them Right and everybody talking about swim caps like they were they were they were told they had to wear swim caps
Starting point is 00:28:52 So if he didn't have one on that was on him. He dropped it or he took it off because he was hot But they were he was supposed to have a swim cap they were mandated to wear him Sebi how will this affect the behind the scenes filming and how will you approach it going forward through the weekend? I'll just keep going full steam ahead exactly how I was. I did not capture the drama around this because the second Luca's, Lazar's fiance came up and said that she didn't know where Lazar was. I stopped filming and I started searching for him. I started, me and Luca started going to all the ice barrels. We went to the athlete area and I just kept circling.
Starting point is 00:29:29 I stopped filming and I just searched for him. So you won't get much from that event, that's for sure. I did film with Lazar just minutes before he took the field to play. And I'm sure it'll be in the behind the scenes. And he's at his best. He's beaming. He's absolute, absolute stud, sweetheart of a man. God is our refuge and strength, Tom. An ever-present help in trouble, therefore we will not fear, though the earth give away and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea. Psalms 46.13.
Starting point is 00:30:00 That one didn't make me cry. Though the earth give away and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea. Psalms 4613. That one didn't make me cry. Rebecca Nimsgem. Thank you. Jeez Louise. Will Plummer. Jen, thanks for going live. It's been gutting a day and tough not being around the community the games must go on we need this as a community to heal I agree Holy shit, there's so many, you know, a lot of people are talking about I keep seeing in the comments all the stuff about the temperature Yeah, if you watch
Starting point is 00:30:37 triathletes Most triathletes are wearing wetsuits even though it's in a lake and whatever because they want to float And they want that little bit of slickness through the water. Those wetsuits, even though it's in a lake or whatever, because they want to float, and they want that little bit of slickness through the water. Those wetsuits are not thin wetsuits. Like through the body, they're like three, four millimeter, like through the arms, it might be really light, or even no arms, but like, they're wearing full body suits when they're swimming.
Starting point is 00:30:57 So I get it that it's warm, I get it that it's not like a super cool, refreshing, you know temperature But I was down you guys when the race started. Yeah, I Came up it barely came up that that's not that's not that's not what the again That's one of those things where it's on that big long list of all the problems of whatever That's not what the problem was no and it wasn't it wasn't that hot in the morning So I talked to the athletes none of them were bothered by the heat. I love you boys. Thanks for keeping the open discussion discussion open Rakesh Manan established a manual an annual award or scholarship in Lazarus name to help young and upcoming
Starting point is 00:31:36 Athletes in the sport could perpetuate his legacy within the CrossFit community Okay community. Okay. Oh, one more. Thanks for being patient. Morning Choc-Up shared a workout he programmed for them. Maybe adopt that as the initiative as a community and finish the games with it. Maybe. Holy shit, the chat is active tonight. Chandler Smith made a post that should be brought up on the show. We should talk about it. It's OK.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Fucking novel, but we can. It gets it starts great and it gets fucking ridiculous. First and foremost, rest in peace, Lazar. This is from Chandler Smith, a team athlete. I saw him there today. They walked. They did walk the teams out to prepare in the corrals and then they told the teams to leave. First and foremost, rest in peace, Lazer. This afternoon there was a
Starting point is 00:32:33 meeting about whether or not to continue the games I did not attend because I was super distraught by the passing of Lazer and knew my response to the situation was going to be in line with my personal opinion towards calling the weekend instead of pressing on like nothing happened first of all It's not pressing on like nothing happened. It's pressing on like something did happen Right, so, you know, right pressing on like something did happen. Yeah, I fucking I recognize that I'm currently fortunate enough not to need the prize money from the games But I also know that my situation is not a reality for everyone and as such did not want to unfairly influence others to lose out on their livelihood I
Starting point is 00:33:08 Couldn't a good conscious personally advocate for continuing good conscious that can I pause what this is fucking ridiculous? Can I pause one second? This is a perfect example of an athlete making it about him What is what does you taking to social media do for the situation? What does this do for Luca? What does it do for his girlfriend? What does it do for his family? Absolutely fucking nothing. And I have nothing against Chandler, but this is the ridiculous part of social. It's the ridiculous part of social media where you think he probably could have donated his prize money and not told anybody he was going to donate. Yeah. Why don't you do that? Why don't you win and donate your prize money? And by the way, this line I couldn't do in good consciousness.
Starting point is 00:33:48 That's just woke nonsense bullshit talk. No one even knows what you're saying. All you're saying is you look at me guys. I have a conscience and it's like the tough. I, and I love that you mentioned that John, I had a sponsor when I got sober and I was a massive piece of shit. I couldn't do anything right without telling somebody that I'd done something right and I couldn't do anything wrong without lying about it and I had the sponsor that made me for like a year
Starting point is 00:34:10 My job was to do one thing for someone else and not tell anyone about it because he's like, hey, that's how you build character So I just think it's When the money Chandler, okay. Let me read the next one. I don't want to hate on Chandler He's a good dude, but this is just ridiculous one last one the next one. I don't want to hate on Chandler. He's a good dude, but this is just ridiculous. One last one. Hopefully he course corrects at the athlete meeting decision was made to carry on with the games. As a team athlete, I'm more than obligated to make the decision for the group than I would have
Starting point is 00:34:33 been in years past. And even though it's not a choice I would have made, I will compete to the best of my abilities for the benefits of my team. However, I will forfeit any prize money that I make this year and instead donate that to the Jukic family. Oh, how sweet of you. I encourage other athletes who can afford to do so do the same. How about this Chandler, how about you make a post at the end and tell us if you made a mistake making this post. And I'm more than happy if at the end of the games you work hard and you're like nope I still
Starting point is 00:35:00 feel that way and I wish I wouldn't have done it, but I bet you Uh, I bet you that uh you change course go to the very last slide. You gotta go to the last slide. Okay last slide Uh Oh, wait, go back. Come back. Sorry. Not that one. You gotta go back Oh swimming in open water is 100 necessary to find the fittest on not necessary said not necessary Oh not oh swimming in open water is not 100 necessary to find the fittest on not necessary said not necessary oh not oh swimming in open water is not 100 necessary to find the fittest on earth it's more dangerous than the other alternatives to begin with it's doubly dangerous after a run and it's even more dangerous in texas heat these concerns have been brought up by athletes before this is just bullshit like go do another sport oh
Starting point is 00:35:37 like i got a update from one of the athletes um okay sorry i just can't do any of that it's like hey dude football is dangerous being in the military dangerous. It's like we're crowning the fittest. You're the top 40 fittest person in the world. Like, stop with your shit. Go ahead, John. It's not that it's not in an email yet. So it's not confirmed. I wish I wish they would be quicker about that stuff. But I think they're going to drag any like, actual confirmation out forever. But they're under ceremony first thing in the morning and then they'll do three events tomorrow. Okay. Do I have a pen?
Starting point is 00:36:11 I need to write that down. They'll say what? Repeat that, John? There will be a ceremony first thing in the morning for Lazar and then they'll- Do we have a time, John? And they'll do three events. No, they'll send that in the email.
Starting point is 00:36:21 That's not been sent yet. And then they'll do three events. Do you think, John, that they will be the same events that were scheduled? They'll send that in the email. That's not Do you think John that they will be the same events that were scheduled I would assume I would assume so because then you can Just go as scheduled and so ditch this last year You're not doing the sledgehammer. You're not doing it. Oh My god, but I don't that's I that's ultimate assume So the three events and ceremony you can probably take that for you probably take that That's probably they don't do the sledgehammer event because that thing would be carnage of the two thousand twenty four games will forever Connected with Lazar Jukic. He has been the heart of he has the he had the heart of a warrior
Starting point is 00:37:02 He went out on his shield now is not the time to walk away. It's the time to honor the spirit with which he lived to quit. Now would dishonor his memory, his spirit, his life. So, John, I just figured out who this is. John, you mentioned, uh, I think I just figured out. Thank you. I know. I think I just figured out who you are.
Starting point is 00:37:21 You think they'll nix those two workouts completely. I think so. Unknown. I think I just figured out who you are. You think they'll nix those two workouts completely? I think so. Yeah. And I think that's just, I think that's just how it's going to be. We'll get to that. We'll get to the program in one second. Thanks John for the update. John Fitzgerald three years ago, one of my freshman students committed suicide. When I found out the first thing I did was go to my affiliates night class to see if community and barbell helped me grieve and heal more than anyone,
Starting point is 00:37:41 anyone else could anything else could. Yeah. When the crowd goes, when these guys take the field The crowd is gonna like go doubly crazy and there is going to be healing. I'm telling you It's gonna be fucking amazing. Well you athletes who are thinking of not doing it, please reconsider for yourself Just for yourself. I just I want to I want to know what that with that What are they protesting? Well, here's the thing. That's a great question, Bill. I hadn't thought of it, by the way, in that framework. Like what are – yeah, what are they opposed?
Starting point is 00:38:11 If you pull out… This – I think it's only this. I can answer that question, I think. Like if you can't compete, I'm okay with that. Sorry, Jay, really quick. If like, hey, this made you so sick to your stomach, you're freaked out, you can't compete, I get it. Totally. But to do it for some moral reason or conscience and good conscience, like you've lost your mind. Here, this is what I think it is. Yeah. And I'm gonna pull up a comment. Dale Egan, people are grieving. It's the same day of it happening. How
Starting point is 00:38:36 can you guys blast people for their reactions? I thank you for that comment, Dale, because it does put things in perspective for me. A lot of, I think what some, some of you have said earlier is a lot of these are young athletes. A lot of them have not had experience with death and it's anger. I mean, even not even me, but when it, when I saw everything happen, I was furious. I wanted to place blame immediately. I wanted to blame the two people I saw on the paddleboards. I wanted to blame CrossFit. I wanted to blame the two people I saw on the paddleboards. I wanted to blame CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:39:05 I wanted to blame. Fuck. I mean, a guy died and it just seemed so fucking unnecessary. So it's, it's to me, it's obvious that the athletes walking out Chandler. These people are just, they're fucking angry and uh, okay. Fair enough. I mean, and it's, and how could you not be I got an update on the events again let me let me say this and then we'll get to that John
Starting point is 00:39:32 thank you Han unsure if you've spoken to Becca but hope she's doing okay please thank her for us for her updates too yep I spoke to her she'll be there again tomorrow morning thank you yeah Becca was great. Go ahead John It's confirmed that event two and event three they're nixing So event four is what they'll start with damn that sucks Amanda 45 Jessica another athlete who died Jessica Lopes from what did she have? She had leukemia. No. no, what's the skin cancer? Oh my melanoma melanoma Jessica lopes. Thank you
Starting point is 00:40:14 Uh jazz or brin I can't help but wonder if spiegel was one of the five uh, but for attention Uh chandler was in the military you knob, uh-huh Yeah, you know Jeff Jeff shut the fuck up. How dumb are you Jeff? Ever met you in real life. I can punch you straight in the fucking face Uh-huh, you're right if that you're right he wasn't the military. I don't think you I don't think you would Jeff Taylor's a softie in person I would beat the shit out of Jeff Bajko, whatever his name is. Brett, Brad, Patty, is the negligence by CF more of having 80 athletes in the water at one time with the support staff that was in the water at the time or type of staff? Oh, that boy, that's some
Starting point is 00:40:56 conflating some questions. Bill, do you want to just kind of clear this up? I would say, yeah, I would want there to be actual, I mean, and again, I don't know if there were, I don't know what the actual protocol, whatever their plan was, but to have actual water rescue people, personnel, actual lifeguards with lifeguard equipment on boards or on a jet ski or something ready to go that are there to make rescues. It's like you could have all 80 in the water because it wasn't an 80 person start. So everybody was pretty much stretched out,
Starting point is 00:41:30 coming off that run when they hit the water. So you could very easily set your lifeguards up all the way down 800 meters. You could put one every 25 meters and everyone's gonna be watched and everyone's gonna be seen as they go by that's what I wanted there you go from a former lifeguard captain super captain oh my god over to over Dorfer I only brought your comment up
Starting point is 00:42:02 because you have a great name I came here to learn more leaving because you all are attacking an athlete actually at the games experiencing all this just so you know We were there experiencing it also Although we were not competing and When you when someone makes I agree that people have to process this their own way and you should also accept the way We're processing it But when you make a social media post when you come on a podcast You are doing one thing foremost over all other things you're begging to be judged So when Chandler put that out before anything else you have to think
Starting point is 00:42:39 Before he wanted to try to make money off the post or feel good about the post or those other two reasons It was begging to be judged It's built in it's built into posting Bye Felicia hoping that you're hoping to get a reaction out of it I don't think your name is Felicia. Oh, okay. Sorry Alright, okay So can we let's talk about the workouts tomorrow Uh, and we'll go back and forth here, but we got a second here to talk about the workouts. Um, what are the uh,
Starting point is 00:43:13 What are the workouts? Uh tomorrow we're on workout. We'd be on workout number four and five. Yeah, we know four We don't know five and we know six What is four? Uh, it's the GHD ski rope climb workout. Deadlifts in the beginning. The 50, the 50 right? 55 rope climbs. 55, 55, 55. Okay and that's that's the it's kind of like a huge is that would you call that a chipper? Really really up and down which is out you say up and down. Yeah. Yeah. OK. And then workout number five, we don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:47 We don't know. I think it's going to be a handstand walk workout. But we don't know. OK. There's 90 minutes that are allotted by it. That means it has to be a very, very short event. And we haven't been inverted yet. And it's just something that I think they would do before the cuts.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Uh, and number six, um, the sprint, the mile rest and then sprint. Oh, wow. And that that's the free workout in Farrington field, the mile, the mile run. And then, uh, yeah, the rest of the 12 minute. We don't have event five yet. Correct. We do not know. I think it's hand cleans. They might change it.
Starting point is 00:44:31 They might change event five because, because of Amanda and this ledge hammer workout, they might make it a crossbitty workout. I was not going to be. I think I thought it was going to be a handstand workout, but I would make sense to change it though, right? If they had that up their sleeve. Let me say this to you guys real quick. Uh, before we go on, um, tomorrow is Friday. And if we go by the original schedule, event one was at 10 20 AM.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Event two was at four 15 and event three was eight 8 30 PM. If you need anything about CrossFit, go to the barbell spin instagram or the barbell That's where all the information is all I do is take screenshots of the schedules. So the first event tomorrow 10 20 a.m I'm guessing that central time uh local time Uh here Uh, do you guys want to take a peek at uh, colesegar's post real quick people are saying that we should take a look at it Uh, yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Let's pull up his fucking post. Now, if you're afraid that we're going to judge someone for their post, you shouldn't be afraid because we absolutely are. Our community is different, I agree. In the hardest, most trying moments, we have been known to come together, especially in the face of loss, I agree.
Starting point is 00:45:41 We've been known to support one, except for Greg. You guys fucking ran on him. Good job. We've been known, support one except for Greg You guys fucking ran on him Good job. We've been known and a lot you fucking bitches. We've been known to support one another Not point fingers or blame or speak hateful words. We are that community People are hurting well said and we all carry it differently show compassion Respect one another ask questions. Listen, if you want or have said something hurtful, blaming or divisive, stop. Sorry, Chandler, if I said something blaming, divisive or hurtful. I definitely did.
Starting point is 00:46:12 A path forward through tragedy, our murky, come together and help one another through. We can navigate the tragedy our community has experienced together with grace and kindness, because that's the kind of community we choose to be. That's why we are different. Rest in peace, Lazar. You're a great competitor and a bright soul. You were deeply missed Fucking a that's a cool post Hey Anyone who says like it's a money thing like like in like athletes have to do it to get paid or they feel pressured to do it to even get paid or they like I
Starting point is 00:46:47 Can't relate to that at all. I Want to go home to my fucking kids I think the athletes work their fucking ass off and they want to fucking compete whether they know it or not And that when they get it and that right now they're just Damaged did their damaged goods were all damaged goods Cole did not make that about him. No, he didn't I was solid folks Clock a coal could try to write condolence cards for Hallmark. All right, let's not get carried away. It was good maybe Okay, you do what you do for money, bro.
Starting point is 00:47:29 There's a lot of retards in this fucking chat right now, dude. And by retards, I don't mean like intellectually disabled. I mean fucking idiots. Okay, so you guys, oh, you so John, you think event event five will have handstand walk? Taylor, you think it'll have hand cleans? I just saw bruises all over the athletes legs, right at mid thigh. Um, and what do you mean like the demo team? Yeah, that's a great catch.
Starting point is 00:47:56 If that's go, go, go look at Colton's story right now. Oh, okay. Good catch. So do you think, do you think it'll be hand cleaned with some, Oh, sorry. I just got called a faggot in the chat. You're my, you're a, how is that? Like, wait a second, where is that? I want to see that. Like, listen. I'll pull it up. Like, listen, if you're, Kyler, you're such a faggot. Listen, Kyler.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Oh, God. You lower yourself to throw rocks at him. Why don't you climb on a ladder to throw rocks at him Why don't you climb on a ladder and throw rocks at him? Why choose that word? It just already makes you a douche God Okay, we're gonna go Caleb's gonna take it's not on a story anymore. Oh no way cut no way It's not on a story anymore on God, dude fucking check it out. Oh, no way. No way. It's not on a story anymore. On God, dude. Fucking check it out. Oh, God. No cap. No cap. Oh, God. Just busting. Not really busting because you can't see it.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Damn, that's crazy. Hold on. Let me go to his book. I can't believe that's not on. It's got to be somewhere. You just give me a second, I'll find it. By the way, come Monday, I'll tell you exactly how I really feel. What my thoughts are. So on what? Until Monday, just this whole event. Dildo, I don't have a spray tan.
Starting point is 00:49:22 I've been tanning. Fuck you. That was tiny small. Such a slide in after the fact, Caleb. Bill, could it be some combination of handstand walks and hand cleans? Well, we already have handstand walks on the 50, 55, 55, 55. No, we don't. What 55 what no we don't John speak up for fuck's sake what are you talking about it's 50 deadlifts are you tired John speak oh
Starting point is 00:49:54 it's rope climbs it's rope climbs my bad my bad I don't think it'll be handstand walks on now I agree with John that I would have thought that it would have been okay well here's you can't if you go to the cross fit game, if you go to the crossfit games, uh, post, they have a post that says the fittest demo team and you can see specifically on this picture. I just go to the crossfit games, Instagram and pull up the post. It says the fittest demo team. Uh, we got it found.
Starting point is 00:50:22 This isn't the picture that I was referencing, but there are several pictures in here where you can see the bruises. Here we go. Yeah, I see the bruise on Annika and Trista's legs. Wouldn't it be just from rope climbs probably? No, look at Trista's. That's right. And's and and girls notoriously hammer their thighs over the barbell. I never do it. I hate it. It hurts like fuck. Um, but I saw that and I saw that and I was like, wow, hang cleans. Tireflips? That wouldn't happen from power cleans. That would just be just lowering it on the barbell.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Just hang cleans. Yeah. Or hang power snatch. Look, there you go. It's like repetitive hitting It's smashing the fuck with the barbell No, not a full clean not the clean ladder He took his cap off halfway through the swim they showed him take it off good good data point Okay, and and then we already know this get we already did go up post something that we wanted to look at Yes, it was a community event scheduled though. I thought I thought that was just confirmation that the event was still going on That's pretty much what it is. I
Starting point is 00:51:36 Think we have gears in here that will just start kicking people out if they act like douches Will the memorial service be broadcasted for everyone who isn't there in person? I don't know if it is a memorial. Okay, seven a.m. men's workout with Jason Kalipa and the train hard team seven a.m. affiliate owner ruck starting in front of the Will Rogers first farm. This is just a yeah, it's just their schedule. Yeah. This is just like every competitor of CrossFit is doing in a workout. Alright. Oh wow. Can't wait to hear TDC's day in review. I don't think it's not gonna, I don't think he's doing one buddy.
Starting point is 00:52:21 No. You don't? That was shot. What if he did? I mean I would watch it. I don't know. Dale Egan, can this loudmouth boar with a mustache. Oh that's a boar. What is that? A boar?
Starting point is 00:52:31 Boar. I don't know. Is that a typo or is that a real word? I want to know that word. I like the way that sounds. Boar. Boar. Boar.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Boar. Boar. Boar. Boar. Boar. Boar. Boar. Boar. Boar. Boar. Oh, that's a what is boor what is that a what is more boor? I don't know Is that as typo or is that a real word? I want to know that word that I like the way that sounds boor My god, I literally pulled up a comment I pull up a comment thinking this guy Dale Egan suck my cock
Starting point is 00:53:04 I got a stop This is not that this is not the typical stop making this show about yourself. I literally am dude. I gotta stop. Oh wow Wow Man or boo. Let me hear how that's that what will you play that Caleb? I want to hear how that sounds Boar oh Boar Boar one more time Boar Boar Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 00:53:37 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, in boar boar boar tia tour tia tia Claire to me or oh I'm uncouth god I lost his comment my mom always tells me to show some coot I know I know I know 7451 of you are new here, but Like today there's a breaking in period sorry Petri hi, thank you Anthony Seve. Do you think Dave will limit media access now? No. No, why would he I don't I don't think so at all It's been a tragic day. I appreciate all your coverage. Thank you. My eyes have been burning all day. It's crazy When you're young you can cry all day when you're old like you cry for ten minutes in you're right. It makes your face hurt. You're emotionally exhausted. I don't got it anymore.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Uh, okay. This is mild for Taylor. Yeah. Well done. There's one guy. Hey, there's one. Educate them on Taylor's ways. Oh, I'll educate them. There's one guy commenting the same thing and I'm not going to bring it up. And I know it's just, you know, when you want to comment something and all you want is for them to pull it up on the stream and they don't do it. That happens to me sometimes. And there's Thomas, does CF have insurance for this event? No. Wow. Uh, drew Arnold tragic, but not uncommon. Eight documented, uh, triathlons swim deaths this year already.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Yeah. Thank you. God bless Lazarus family. I was looking last year. There were 23. So I'm going to go with that. Drew Arnold tragic but not uncommon a documented triathlons swim deaths this year already. Yeah. Thank you. God bless Lazarus family I was looking last year. There were 23. It's crazy Sports sports. It's hardcore Okay, uh, oh my god So do we have a do we have a leaderboard already? Is there a leaderboard up? Um, yeah, it was up
Starting point is 00:55:24 I don't know if it's still up. Okay, can we take a look at it and just see what's going on here? There's some shocking finishes. Would actually pay money to hear Taylor commentary on every event like this. I would kill it. Yeah. Okay, Yellow Hosts in first Brent Fikowski, Roman Krenikoff, Ricky Gerrard, Ruwan Patagaiter. Who knew Ruwan was such a good swimmer? How come they don't have points? That's a good point. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Saxon Panchik, is that a surprise? No, he was going to be good. I mean, it's a surprise that James wasn't better than this. He needed to be better than this as far as, like this is supposed to be his home run. And seventh place is not it. Be over in Carl Gudmundsson, then Chris Ibarra. I wish we had the placements.
Starting point is 00:56:17 The great Brandon Luckett. Great finish for those two to make the first cut. This finish is very important. For Ibarra and Luckett? Yeah. Oh shit. Oh, let's talk about that in a second. I want to talk about how this has influenced the cut. Justin Madaris, I did hear that it was Justin Madaris' brother-in-law that jumped in the water to swim out and help Lazar. Cole Sager, Jay Crouch, Luke Parker, Dalin Pepper, and 15th.
Starting point is 00:56:46 There more? Yeah, go to go all the way down to 20th. Did someone just flush it? Hold on. I want to read them all. I want to read them all. Travis Mayer and 16th, Bruno Marins and 17th, Luca Jukic, Jason Hopper, Jeffrey Adler, wow, 20th.
Starting point is 00:57:02 He got in the water first. More than five minutes. In a minute, 800 meters in the water first. Moritz, five minutes. 21 minute 800 meters swim, Taylor. 21 minutes. What's up? Jeff Adler's 800 meters swim time was 21 minutes. Yeah, that's unbelievable. But he held a 555 pace for three and a half miles.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Which doesn't do anything if you've got 21 minutes. Yeah, it doesn't do you good. It's still super impressive. But yeah. Kalen Soza, 22nd. Did you guys know that's how you say it? Soza. And you could call him Kali if you want.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Kali Soza. Harry Lightfoot, Samuel Quant, Peter Ellis, Samuel Cornway, Enola Kai, Kalem Clemets, Cole Grayshaber, Austin Hatfield, Arthur Seminoff in 31st, Patrick Bellner in 32nd. Man, Patrick lost his way at the ramp. That sucked. I saw him show up to the ramp
Starting point is 00:57:49 and he was like off by like 30 feet. Guy Malheros, 33rd, Caron, Bailey Martin, 35th. Okay, they haven't changed any of this. So, Hapalainen's chip, his chip was not working. He finished before 37th. We don't know where he is. Yeah. And what about Victor? And then we have Bailey Martin, Jack Rosema, and then at the end we have Lazar Jukic, Henrik Happelainen, Victor Hoffer. What happened
Starting point is 00:58:14 to Victor Hoffer? He withdrew before the event started. No shit. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Do we know? No. I just know he withdrew. Stress factor is full apparently. He was at the meeting for what it's worth. I saw him at the athlete meeting. BMAC, I love your top. Thanks for keeping an open conversation. You guys are the shit. All right, thank you. Faith, someone's got a TV on in the background. Appreciate you guys. I know this has been hard for you too. Thanks for keeping us updated and providing some laughs. Thank you, Faith. And for those of you who are like, hey, how can you be still posting memes in your story? Like, You know, I'm not a fan of the game. I'm not a fan of the game. I'm not a fan of the game. I'm not a fan of the game. I'm not a fan of the game.
Starting point is 00:58:50 I'm not a fan of the game. I'm not a fan of the game. I'm not a fan of the game. I'm not a fan of the game. I'm not a fan of the game. I'm not a fan of the game. I'm not a fan of the game. I'm not a fan of the game. I'm not a fan of the game. my Instagram. Rakesh Menon, keeping the lane open in Lazarus honor and every heat throughout the competition is a visual and impactful tribute but do it
Starting point is 00:59:08 every year and oh Jesus, easy, easy. What if there were nine dead people in the next 30 years and we just had just whole heats we would run with just open lanes? People start getting crazy. There's a fucking... Oh my god. Brent Fikowsky's brother, long lost brother Bartsof Fulakowski from Palestine. Me and a lot of people came from Europe to see games until this time we don't get any info as the games will continue or not. Please respect Spectators. Okay. But I would prefer to not call you spectator.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Please respect the community. Are you a CrossFitter? Come there, bring your love. They're gonna give us the information, buddy. They're gonna give it. And if they don't, you'll get it here. Isn't that weird? There's no information except here.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Is that what's going on? They're just not fast at getting information. And I think that it's okay. Because they have to finalize it, right? Well, they need to figure out what the heck that they're doing. They need to try to be respectful to all the people that are involved, to Lazar, to his family, to the game, to the other at me. They're juggling a lot of balls right now so I Cut them a little bit of slack on the information is getting out to the spectators I mean that sucks, but like sorry you guys are kind of third fourth fifth sixth seventh tenth Tier of the people that need to get you know told I'll have a party in my hotel room if the games don't go on
Starting point is 01:00:41 Will they still have but but but I hear you buddy I'm gonna go to the hotel room if the games don't go on. Will they still have, but I hear you, buddy. Caleb, will you say that? Bartos? Fuck off, Caskey. Jesus, you're fucking Mike, dude. Mine? Yes. Will they still have cuts?
Starting point is 01:01:02 Two less events will make the cuts interesting. Rest in peace, Lazardjukic. Love you. Um, uh, John Young. Yeah, I don't know if there, I have no idea if those still have cuts or not. I feel maybe they can just extend the cuts at an event, but, uh, yeah, I, I know, I don't know. I feel like they're probably still going to have cuts because that's what they plan for. And I think they're going to do tomorrow as planned after that ceremony. Then everything's just going to be as planned and the cuts is a part of that.
Starting point is 01:01:37 I think logistically, I almost think they have to do that. I don't think they could switch it too much. It sucks for the athletes, but like I I think you have to Chance Chandler Smith said they are continuing. So did John Young All right Anything oh jeez. Oh hi Rebecca again. Nim is nim is Gern. Happy you guys are talking talking King about this Talking Happy you guys are the typo. I think Brian friends not doing a show Talking uh, talking King about this Talking Happy guys are the typo. I think Brian friends not doing a show
Starting point is 01:02:10 Talking King it's not easy doing a show He was pretty good friends with was our I think he's just Yeah, I think he's he's right I Pat Velner did not walk out These comments are wild. Pat Velner did not walk out. I mean, I didn't hear I didn't hear you walked out. I bet you Pat Pat's opinionated and he probably had a lot of
Starting point is 01:02:35 opinions. Hey, he's trying to narrow it down. Seven Jesus. Did you see what someone said? And Armenian guy said about you in the chat? Yes. Is that an Armenian guy? I thought he was fucking Costco Indian Armani but I'm gonna do it in Oh, maybe he is Indian. He's fucking
Starting point is 01:02:52 He's got an Armenian that I am man. That's a great line. Did you see oh I sent it in the text Is that what you're looking at? Yeah, that's amazing. I sent that yeah That's amazing that fucking weirdo and then he goes who's fucking a ringer is on Durka Taylor that one kid on COD that blows in his mic also thank you all for the it's like person's playing it like that is you actually Get out of your might you fucking idiot Rock run racist, I don't know that was more of an impression than racist. Yeah, it's appropriation actually Impressions Chandler Smith said they're continuing. Thank you. Okay. Yeah, we got it. We got it. So did John Young I wonder the effect on go rock and I wonder I wonder if game's interest goes up or down
Starting point is 01:03:47 as the event continues. And I wonder if the game's interest goes up or down as the event continues. I'm telling you, if you have tickets, you are going to experience something that's never been experienced at the CrossFit Games before. It is going to be a new emotional high. Does anyone disagree with that?
Starting point is 01:04:02 I do think there will be potential there's potential to be like some crazy, crazy moments. Like if you think it was crazy when Roman was hopping on one foot, you wait until the games this year. You wait until we get in that stadium and we're packed in there and people are going nuts. It's going to be water faucets. Go ahead. What were you saying, Taylor? What? You just screwed with me? Just Jeff, just imitating someone's accent is insulting. I'm going to sue you as you imitate Jeff's accent. You're such a dude.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Have you never watched a comedy special? Like people just hate to laugh. He can't possibly think that what's wrong with people you got. Oh, you're a pussy. Sorry. I think, I think if there are people that walk out whether that is athletes and or spectators or anybody else that people that will be left that are there will be full
Starting point is 01:04:53 throttle, kumbaya and let's just crossfit the hell out of this. You know what I mean? So I agree. I do think that like I do think that it it could be something Like a very special thing that comes out of some nasty You know it has the potential to be amazing. I agree. I agree. Hey, this is so not true Taylor. You are so funny Sorry, Taylor. There's nothing comedian about you. You are funny as shit That's something a pussy would say and also opinion on Hiller canceling his flights and won't be there. He's being a pussy. And Sean Woodland won't be there to announce it.
Starting point is 01:05:34 Okay, uh, hey, I just I want to can I can I see some real fast? Yes, yes. I think it's important for everyone like all the people that are watching to see how I think it's important for everyone, like all the people that are watching, to see how even within this group of talking heads that you guys watch on a regular basis, like we have been battling with ourselves in our own little chat. Like that's how, that's how tough of a situation this is, where, you know, whether, you know, Hiller talking to his one side and going his direction and I mean in our own chat We're battling and so like it is a this is a this is a very tough
Starting point is 01:06:12 Place for everyone to be in so like, you know, like The thing is is it like how I even for the athletes if you don't want to come and participate Okay, like I respect it. I mean, don't talk shit on everyone else doing whatever they're deciding on doing. But if you choose, like if Hilar doesn't want to come out, like cool, man. Like I get it. Cool. I get it. I don't, I wouldn't go it that way. I wouldn't pick that. But that's, that's what the people want to do. So it's cool. It's going to be so much fun tomorrow. It is going to be wild. It's going to be maybe fun.
Starting point is 01:06:45 It's not the right word. It's going to be an experience. It'll be, it'll be an emotional experience that hasn't happened at the CrossFit games before. Yeah. Thank you. You know, who was the funniest dude ever? Can I just interrupt you?
Starting point is 01:06:55 Yeah. It was so funny and who loved to laugh. Lazar. So all you fucking idiots in the chat be like, this is how could you laugh right now? Like, Hey, just smile. Like enjoy your life. Where did sub on go? Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:10 Also imagine if Taylor grew up and could have adult conversations. That would be crazy. Oh, Hey, that is really good. Right. For those of you who don't like, for those of you who don't like Taylor, you might not like Lazar either. Cause Lazar could really chop it up. He was so fun.
Starting point is 01:07:25 I mean, he could really chop it up. He was so fun. I mean, he could really chop it up. So maybe you should ask GoFundMe for your money back. Okay. Thank you for doing this, Sevan. Continuing with the games is the right thing to do. This is what Laz would have wanted. May his soul rest in peace. I don't know if it should rest.
Starting point is 01:07:43 I hope it goes in parties. Uh, we can't fathom what his family must be going through. Holy shit, that's the part. Don't spring that up again. That's the part that makes me want to start crying. Thinking about his parents. That part's crazy. Uh, hey, listen. Uh, if you have, uh, just, uh, I don't even want to defend you anymore, Taylor.
Starting point is 01:08:04 If you meet Taylor in person You will see he is so fun Not if you're Jeff by Ako if you meet me in person you're gonna black fucking eye and you'll know that because kids just Gravitate to him. He's the coolest dude in the room when he walks in everyone knows it Okay Someone asked what the schedule is What we know about the schedule is that there are going to be, we don't even know it, but what we're, the intel we're getting is that there are three events tomorrow, four, five and six. If we look at the previous schedule, the first event starts at 1020.
Starting point is 01:08:32 We're also hearing that there will be some sort of a combination opening ceremony, love in, to remember Lazar Jukic before that. And I think the first event, I had it here, 10-20, second and fourth. If the first event's 10-20, and the team event's at nine, I bet you the ceremony's at eight. They should just cancel that team event. I channeled it, but it was still competing. So I mean, I think teams are still on.
Starting point is 01:09:02 I think they're gonna do the exact same thing. Okay, so what time should, I should send out a text right now? What time should I tell the team to meet? 730? No, no, it's got to be because it's probably a can we pick me up at 7am.m. please. At the hotel. Okay. Have you talked to David all seven?
Starting point is 01:09:30 I have not. Do you plan to? I want to. And it's really, I'm struggling with it. Because I really want to check in with him. But I'm trying to leave him alone. But I really, really, really, really want to check in with him. I'm concerned but not for any reason. Like he hasn't shown me any reason to be concerned
Starting point is 01:09:49 except for the fact that he's the, he's the top of that. You know, Hey, I got time updates. Okay, let's do it. Ceremony is going to be tomorrow at 10am with a tribute with a tribute for Lazar. Okay, gates to venue will open at 9 Okay competition begins with teams at 11 and individuals at 12 20 Wow, everything everything's pushed back two hours Lazar tribute will be at 10 and I imagine the day will just in two hours later. So you thinking 12 20
Starting point is 01:10:22 615 no, no, no everything's gonna end at midnight Yeah, something's saying there's no way, but then they'll cut down two hours of rest somewhere Okay, but uh this is a email. This is official Okay, so so uh oh it is an email. Yeah, do it do I have it did media get it? You don't you don't have it How dare you? I'm gonna check my emails and see if I have it. Nope, I don't have it. He didn't believe me.
Starting point is 01:10:54 I always think that I get everything, but I lived in a delusional world. Okay, sure, I should have the guys pick me up at 8 a.m. 8 a.m. And then, hold on, I might have one more. Did you say doors open at nine? I'm gonna go ahead and send them. And then hold on. I might have one more. Did you say opening doors open at nine? Yes. Okay, that'll give me time to wipe the sweat out of my butt crack before we start. Send Dave a buddy check. I sent him one already. He knows I'm here.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Okay, and then cuts will go as scheduled. First cuts after Chad. Oh, really? Yeah. And so Chad will be first thing Saturday morning? Yes, correct. Okay. All right. Does this affect the outcome of the games at all? In any significant way? I mean, of course, it's going to affect the outcome.
Starting point is 01:11:55 I think if you had a really bad event in event one, it's much harder to climb back. So Alex Kazan got 38th in event one. She's two events less and Honestly an event that she would have got, you know top three and with Amanda That's two that's two events less for her to climb back I was still still make the cut shows still be fine But as far as those last placements, I get Emma Lawson was 23rd. Jeff was 20th She would have killed event two as well. We pull up right right that's dude That's two less events that they get to climb back That and Valners made his living you know Valerie got a 32nd
Starting point is 01:12:29 That's two less and he would have killed Amanda and the second event that's to let same for like half They would have killed those two events too So like yes, it will affect it. I Think the fittest man or woman in the world will start at the top Caleb. Okay No, no, go ahead John. Go ahead I think I think the winner will still be the fittest man or fittest woman in the world But it will affect those top ten Like people within the top ten for sure
Starting point is 01:12:59 Tea to me will be the fittest woman a tea tea a Claire very good insights on Gazan. That sucks That tea Claire to me first Bethany floor is second Emily Rolfe. Go ahead Bill will be the fittest woman. Tia Claire, very good insights on Gazan. That sucks. Tia Claire, two in first. Bethany Flores, second. Emily Rolfe, go ahead, Bill. No, I was just agreeing. I was agreeing. Emily Rolfe, Emma Tall, Grace Walton.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Gracie Walton, fifth. Go girl. Daisy McDonald, wow. And for somebody like Daisy McDonald, that's two less events for her to fall, right? She was a really good swimmer, probably is gonna get trash in all the rest of the events except Pan Sand Walking.
Starting point is 01:13:28 And that's two less events for her to finish 35th place. She probably makes it to the top 20 because of this alone. It does really weight this a lot differently going into the cuts. I mean, like it's a much more expensive. It weights this more than anything else. Right, it's a very expensive workout. So if you were Never has swimming weighed so much now on the score and get into the cuts. That's crazy
Starting point is 01:13:54 Hey Daisy McDonald congratulations Haley Adams seventh Karen fraeova eighth Laura Horvat ninth Daniel Brandon tenth Good job, Daniel page, Samanthath, Gabriella Megawa 12th, Madeline Sturt 13th. She came in looking strong. Alexis Raptis 14th, Jacqueline Dahlstrom 15th, uh Julie Cato 16th, Gemma Raider from Africa 17th. That might be the highest place finish. Anyone from Africa? Uh Ruin, Ruin Park Goddard got fifth. Oh, OK. The African contingent from, and we met his dad. And his dad gave me some South African grips. And he said, I want you to murder these. And I'm like, OK. Long night of porn for you tonight.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Hady, can you, Linda Keesman. The stunning Linda Keesman. Ariel Low and 20th. Amy Kringle, 21st. Amy looked amazing. Did you guys have higher expectations for her than 21st? Yeah, I thought she'd be top 10 in this event. She's usually a very good runner and usually a very good swimmer. Seher Kai, good job, 22nd. Emma Lawson, 23rd. Surprised with Emma down here? Yeah, Emma Lawson should have finished much higher. Yeah, Emma Lawson should have finished much higher. Chloe, Givon, David, 24th. Good job.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Brooke Wells, 25th. Shelby, Neil, 26th. I think that's good for Shelby for that event, right? I think that's expected. Carolyn Stanley, 27th. I think she did what she had to do too. Elisa Fuliano, same with her. Andrea Pinheiro, that's my girl, 29th. Greatest finish she could have asked for dude crazy, right? Good job
Starting point is 01:15:30 Andrea, Georgia prior I get her confused with Gracie Walton 30th Abigail Dome at 31st surprise there Yeah, it's a big she was good at running at semifinals. I guess she's just a really bad swimmer Sun young Choi 32nd Claudia Gluck, 33rd. I finally saw her. I think I could pick her out of a crowd now. Emma McQuade, 34th, Victoria Campos, 35th, Dewan Young, 36th, Danny Spiegel, 37th, Gazan, 38th.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Man, would you ever, wow. Look how far back Kyra Milligan is from the field. She's six minutes from the second to last place So she almost died out there. Oh, I guess that's not a good term. She was struggling. Sorry. Yeah Uh, lexi neely the girl who trains in affiliate 39th, uh and kyra milligan 40th, uh, is anyone out? I don't think so. Okay, you don't think the athletes have stormed out or out? Oh, no, no, I don't mean that. I mean, sorry.
Starting point is 01:16:28 I mean, 40th. I mean, 40th. And I honestly, if you think about it, that could play a big role with the cuts too. If there are three athletes that drop out. Especially if they're the athletes that we think some of the names are huge. No, not think. No, we don't know. They're going to they could change their mind. We don't know that they're going to,
Starting point is 01:16:45 they could change their mind. We know they stormed out like immature babies. Specula, how many athletes do you think will withdraw Bill Grundler? I'm honestly hoping none, but I could see three. John Young. I'm with Bill. I really hope that they changed their mind, but I would I've been said to And did you talk to them is that why you know you felt their good spot? Um, I know where Hillers getting his information Okay, and see beaver. Oh
Starting point is 01:17:22 No, no, sorry And see beaver. Oh No, no, sorry I'm trying to find Jeff by alcohol on Instagram. Okay, go ahead Caleb. Go ahead How many do I think we're gonna pull out yeah Six I Say zero zero are gonna pull out. You're tarted dude. You're tarted dude. I really wish it was zero Zero are gonna pull out and here's why it's what I really hope so, too. It's what Bill said they don't know They don't even know what they're doing. They don't know what they're pulling out for they don't know what they're protesting
Starting point is 01:17:59 They use the words like in good conscience at that. Do you know what? Do you know what? And I'm not attacking Chandler, but does anyone know what he means in good conscience. Do you know what, do you know what, and I'm not attacking Chandler, but does anyone know what he means in good conscience? I can't continue. Yeah. Saying that I'm a good person. I would, I, I'm being a good person and you're a bad person if you think the other way. He's saying, yeah, he's saying I'm right and you're wrong. So you, but you still don't know what it means. Like what his premise is. Like that if we, if the, if the athletes go forward or
Starting point is 01:18:30 disrespect Luca or or his soul won't ascend to the heavens or that like that we don't know what it means Like explain it to us if like if you don't think we should go on for like we're telling you why we think you should Go forward we're telling you that a couple things Luca says it should happen. We believe Lazar would want it to happen We think it's better for his memory and we think it's better for healing for the entire community. What's your stance? Why do you think we should? That's the thing. He never once said why he feels that way. He just said, like I said, good conscience. That wasn't anything. It was, you know, I'm begrudgingly deciding to stay in because of, I don't want other people to follow
Starting point is 01:19:07 or they got to make their money or whatever. That's not a reason. None of those things are reasons. Do you guys think Luca Jukic withdraws? Go back to the fucking army and be an officer. That's a great question. Do you think Luca Jukic- This is his first games
Starting point is 01:19:21 and it's been a journey of them together trying to get Luca here. I feel like he goes and sees his family. I, man, I don't know. His family's going to, I bet you his family's going to come here. Think of all the work, John, think of the past five years, how close he's been so many times, how much Lazar wanted it for him, how much Lazar wanted it for him and not just wanted it for him.
Starting point is 01:19:41 And I'm not speaking for him. He said those words so much. I tell you what, if he does, if he does keep competing, I really, really hope that he wins an event. Hey, he'll get a standing ovation. That would be if you want to win it and not not like he actually win it, like he, he beat everybody. He did it right.
Starting point is 01:20:00 Not, not let somebody let him win. Right. And he'll get a standing O every time. The place will stand for him him every time he takes the field It'll be their home runs that he can never runs for him a Viking send off the laser. Thank you Brandon Graham a burn it down wad on Saturday night Just like how Westside barbell sent off Matt demo. Thank you. Do check this one out
Starting point is 01:20:22 Y'all are insensitive a F the dead. Hey, thanks Insensitive is by the way someone in here said where's the women do you or do you only care about the men? Why do you have to go there? Why not just say where the women like we're retards haven't we already can be like we don't We could have started with the women and forgot the men like insufferable No, one wants to fuck you. like when I hear you talk like that I know you don't orgasm. Yeah, no one's fucking I thought he I thought he was saying like where's the women as far as us talking No, oh five guys. No, they were saying hey, we're talk about the women. Why are we only talking about? We just did talk about the women, right? I know but it was before that that he posted it
Starting point is 01:21:01 But like somehow like it was sexist. It's like dude We just forgot we start the women sometimes we start the men I feel like we're trying to be pretty equal most of the time Unless we're talking shit about the women. Okay, have Olympics been canceled from an I know it's just nuts that you take it They'll just be like all you have to write is hey, dude Let's see the women's top scores and we'll be like, oh, thank you. Probably a fat blue-haired chick white chick Thank you. Yeah white fat blue hair chick, white chick. Uh, thank you. Yeah. White fat blue hair. That's fair. Uh, uh, that's typical coming from an aging, uh, middle-aged balding white man like yourself have Olympics.
Starting point is 01:21:36 I will have been canceled from an athlete death. No, but they stopped that NFL game, which was, which was very 1972. They freaking kill the whole, the whole Jewish team and they just suspended it for a day. NFL game which was which was very 1972 they freaking Now the guy's like kill the whole the whole Jewish team and they just suspended it for a day Yeah, that's crazy There's a movie about that, right? Yeah, yeah Okay, let's cruise down was the 96 Olympics like when the bombing went off bill What was the 96 Olympics like when the bombing went off, Bill?
Starting point is 01:22:08 It wasn't it wasn't like that. Like the 72. I don't remember. It was bombing. What city was that? Atlanta. What city was that? It was in Atlanta. It wasn't even remotely close to.
Starting point is 01:22:19 They didn't they didn't suspend it, though, right? Like, I know the 72 thing was like, oh, the world was. Yeah. And you. Yeah. Where's a video of it like you saw it there's a yeah there's there's there's footage of it like the movie's actually really good wow CBS hey and you fucking idiots still trust him when they tell you to get the shot a good point did you all see CBS News put up a visual saying Lazarus the third best crossfitter in Serbia they don't know anything and top 88 in the EU. What the fuck? Yeah, he was he was the fittest man in all of Europe And now John Young apparently was it was Muslim people who attacked the Jewish people I'm sorry It's Jewish people Nazis happen. I got my terrorists wrong. I'm sorry in 72 is the Muslims. I'm not I'm not
Starting point is 01:23:07 I'm not a terrorist and on that analyst and what are they being consistent with here? Not a terrorist Hey, you're you're an emotional terrorist John. You're a fucking emotional terrorist, bro You think so? Yeah, you get me fired up with your takes dude. Maybe maybe for you Were you gonna say something Caleb? Analyst analyst. Yeah yeah he's an a good movie okay any other news do we have any other news I'm a little I would love to get I would love to get something from CrossFit to CrossFit media does anyone in media have anything? Really, Hillers, it's just a bunch of Hiller posts of unverified. Hiller's been going off, dude. His piss pussy is all torn
Starting point is 01:23:56 up over this, bro. Yeah, it is. He's processing in his own way. And that's posting stuff over and over. I do want to reiterate what Bill said. We are, our media cohort, our posse is not all on the same page. We all have slightly different takes on the whole thing. And it's been a fun process for us. It's been, and I use fun. Everyone's going to process it by the experiences that they have. And you of the things that Hilar's been saying, it's like he uses... And this is the way that he processes it. He's using examples that are very close to him. Whenever he's talking to us. And so it's like, man, when you say it like that, I could see how pissed off you would be.
Starting point is 01:24:43 And the dude, I mean, he could see how pissed off you would be in the dude. Like I mean he's He's having a rough time with this. So I feel bad for him did like I watched his live earlier and I Mean the dude broke Broke. Oh, I didn't see that. I didn't see his life. It has like 90,000 views. Yeah, it was I mean it was it It was good. It was good. He asked he was asking a lot of questions they did the the interview that the new hat that the news had that you know, Don fall was interviewed and I mean he went over all that stuff and you could see how angry He was and how hurt and can like keep like what the all the all the what the fucks from before like
Starting point is 01:25:21 You know with all the other CrossFit stuff that he's put up He's having a hard time. Can I make a, I want to address that someone commented, but not Chandler. So like we can respect Hiller's grieving process, but not Chandler's. I will say the big differences. Hiller's doing it in an open source forum. He's doing it live on a podcast where everyone can see him and ask him questions. He's doing it live on a podcast where everyone can see him and ask him questions. He's doing it live on a podcast where everyone can see him and ask him questions. He's doing it live on a podcast
Starting point is 01:25:47 where everyone can see him and ask him questions. He's not just posting 100 words and saying, I'm out. Hey, Chandler, Chandler, listen, Hiller gets tons of criticism, a thousand times more than Chandler does. That's true. He can have his opinion. And we fucking gave him a venue for his opinion. And he posted it. and I don't think anyone here has been disrespectful to him. It wasn't about him on his stuff. Chandler should thank us. We read his post and we looked at it and we tried to understand it and we presented it and if you
Starting point is 01:26:18 disagree with us on how it was presented, good on you. And here's the other presented very well on what we don't understand about Chandler's books The other thing also is Hiller cancelled his fucking ticket and flights and is actually boycotting the event Chandler's like I don't want to compete but I have to for my team. So it's like Whatever Do you guys think CrossFit survives the fallout post games do you think any heads roll? Do you guys think CrossFit survives the fallout post games? Do you think any heads roll? John?
Starting point is 01:26:48 Oh, I think heads roll like fucking crazy. I don't know. I leave that to you guys. I don't, that's not my role. I don't know if heads will roll because I haven't, like the way that heads seem to roll now, I don't really understand it. So I can't really think that they would do it the way
Starting point is 01:27:06 that maybe we would make heads roll. But I think that definitely they will have another way of looking at their safety protocols for sure. Hats off. Yeah. How is Chase doing? Maybe Bill knows better than me. I checked in on Chase earlier today. He's pretty tore up
Starting point is 01:27:27 But he's gonna make it to tomorrow, but he's and I haven't talked to Conway a bill any thoughts on chase Chase's guiding light is CrossFit community and so everything that that guy will give out and put out and do for Will be for the embeddermen the betterment of the CrossFit community. So yeah, the dudes hurt I mean he we seem to cry all the time like I He's an emotional dude. So I Think even with that what he if if as we already know the games is happening
Starting point is 01:28:03 What he's gonna do is he's gonna give everything He has for the crossFit community. So he's gonna be here for that someone wrote I Hate I hate Dave being called out not his fault. It was not a programming error I agree with you on all of those but I also like Dave's a big boy and he's going to, uh, he's going to take, he's going to take responsibility where he needs to take responsibility. There's no pussy in the guy.
Starting point is 01:28:28 Yes. But I go ahead. He will take responsibility, but I, I, I don't know that he's going to take responsibility. I don't know that he's going to take responsibility. I don't know that he's going to take responsibility. I don't know that he's going to take responsibility. I don't know that he's going to take responsibility. I don't know that he's going to take responsibility. in the guy. Yes, but I. Go ahead. He will take responsibility, but I don't know that the outcome that I think is going to happen
Starting point is 01:28:52 is the right one. And I think that private equity is going to look for someone to blame. They need to be able to say, hey, this happened. This is what we did about it. And the, this is what we did about it is firing someone important and big and I think they're gonna make Dave that person and I don't want that to be the case because I think if there's anyone who
Starting point is 01:29:12 Yeah, I just It doesn't solve anything and Yeah, I don't know. I just I don't see this Dave's failure It's private equity that's cutting costs You think that that's the issue? Well I would imagine to me the issue was they didn't have enough safety personnel in the water or they were volunteers and not paid professionals. To me that seems to stem from the issue of private equity literally cutting costs everywhere
Starting point is 01:29:43 and Don Paul saying in a podcast we are going to dramatically reduce the costs that we spent on the games this year. Did he fucking not? So how in God's name is this Dave's fault when he just has to work with what he's given? I just, I don't know. But again, I think a company like that with an ownership structure like that
Starting point is 01:30:04 is going to look for one person, lop the fucking head off, and the easy thing for them to do is to fire Dave. And it would be the complete worst thing that they could do. It would be the wrong decision in my opinion. I think it, and I 100% agree with you, and I could see them using him as a scape. I mean, how many times, geez oh man, to see Dave cut, brought back, cut, brought back would just be stupid. But I think that if they were to take Dave out, I think that they would end up, I think they would lose a lot of the cross-fix community.
Starting point is 01:30:35 He has two departments. Don't forget that too. He runs two departments. Well, yeah. But even so, whatever the issue is, if they need to take someone out and they and they choose him to do that, then anyone that be in private equity, it's like that's the one thing that still has, I mean, in all reality, people like me, still with that name on my board. Right. You get that goes, then it's like, okay, all of a sudden now then CrossFit is not what CrossFit was. And I don't know if I want to be part of that. If Dave's gone, there is absolutely nobody there that's... CrossFit. ...the epitome of CrossFit. I agree with you.
Starting point is 01:31:12 I mean, I don't hear anything from like Nicole or anything like that anymore. It did the entire freaking media hype to the CrossFit games because they wouldn't do it. Right. Right. I know. I'm screenshotting comments, but anyways, this is another reason. like look this is a this is a reason you're so stupid there has to be a sacrifice Jeff says what why that just it's so stupid he's all those sacrifice in 24 sub on have you talked to Greg I have talked to
Starting point is 01:31:39 Greg I'm not gonna share with you maybe when he comes on he'll share his feelings on it he has some very strong opinions on the situation that's occurred, and they're not much different than mine that I have not expressed yet. The closest person that's got to expressing them is Taylor. Kate France, thank you. I really, I'm, yeah, I'm worried for Dave and not in like, Oh, I'm worried for him. Like, uh, it sucks. It's a shitty situation. Uh, have Sevan and Bill ever been in the same room at the same time? Way before you even knew about CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:32:18 We'll just say that. I think Bill, I think Bill is officially the only person I have not met in the locker room. Seriously? Oh wow. Yeah, in Black Game Person. Oh, we haven't. Yeah, I've never met Bill either, I don't think. Oh hey, we need to have a get together in slow.
Starting point is 01:32:34 Go ahead, Bill. We do. That would be awesome. That would be sick. Me and Jeremy Austin are going to commentate the adaptive games. Oh, that's awesome. In San Antonio. Oh, that's awesome, dude It's probably shit. Hey, let us help promote that I want I was talking, you know
Starting point is 01:32:50 Are you did you work with Lisa Gall over there? Yeah, just I just met her last week and we just kind of got things All straightened up. Yeah, she's the best. Yeah. Hey, she's the best. She's the best PR marketing person media person I've ever met in the CrossFit space. She's the show I'll see what I got going on and see if I can't make a visit. That would be cool Thank you all for helping us face this loss Thank you for being a part of it to a meta positive metcons a point y'all made earlier is is unpainful to contemplate How do these athletes process the realization that they unknowingly slam over Lazar's body? Yeah, it's insane How about his own brother? Yeah, it's insane.
Starting point is 01:33:26 How about his own brother? Yeah, it's stuff like that though. Like you're choosing to make it sound like the worst possible thing. It's not, I mean, geographically, yeah, okay. You swam over, but it wasn't, you had no, nobody had any idea. None of the sw swimmers. No the athletes knew that he was there you know That's just like those big wave surfers and they Someone else will go down and they'll feel someone under water and then that's the last they see of them Like that kind of stuff. I mean, you just I think that just it's making it worse on everybody I I heard you couldn't see more than I heard you couldn't see more than two feet in the water Even with your goggles on I believe that It's a lake
Starting point is 01:34:10 Okay, anything else I really wanted to stay on until we got some oh Do you want to pull that letter up one more time Caleb? I'll read it one more time you guys have me cracking up tonight Thank you. Good. That's good. Laughing is good Hello athletes, I guess this is something Hillary posted. The 2024 CrossFit Games will continue tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. with a tribute honoring Lazar. Gates of the Venue will be opening at 9 a.m. A competition will begin with the teams at 11 a.m. and individuals at 12 20.
Starting point is 01:34:38 Shortly, you will receive a direct email with detailed information on the events for the day, including competition flow and movement standards. You will have time to ask questions before the competition. Thank you for your input and patience as we navigate this difficult situation sincerely. Do we know who said that? No, Becky Marsh harsh, harsh, harsh. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:35:01 Uh, I'm having a hard time with this live chat listening to you guys shit on a guy who has just made a lovely statement about a traumatic day. I don't even know what you're talking about. Who are you talking about? Me talking about Chandler and shut up. Cheechee. Who cares? Yeah, you're, you're, you're stupid.
Starting point is 01:35:18 Sorry, but you, you're dumb. If you're having a hard time, listen, uh, go to another God. I'm posting all of these on my wall. This is going to be my Matt Fraser wall. Listen, he posted that. Why do you think he posted that so that we wouldn't talk about it? Hey, John, I don't even understand what he wrote. Is that chocolate milk or oval teen?
Starting point is 01:35:40 Well, I didn't, I don't want to, I don't have my own glass and like silverware. So I just, I get the jug of the regular milk here. It would be old teeth if it was at home I saw you eating fried chicken and dr. Pepper the other day. Are you kidding me? I'm on vacation Taylor. Leave me alone Hey, we should do I've wanted to do this before I've wanted to have Colton and Taylor on and just make them fight Just fight I've been playing for I've wanted to have Colton and Taylor on and just make him fight in the just fight.
Starting point is 01:36:07 Yeah, I would beat the **** out of me in a physical fight but I don't know if one in a verbal one I would hurt is feeling so bad. Uh can we please have a Rose Taylor show for one night and bring Collins on the show to roast
Starting point is 01:36:18 him. God, that would be amazing. I don't know if Taylor can handle it. No, I could do it. Do I have to stay quiet because I could do it. Yeah, you have to stay quiet until you go. And then you go at the end. Alright. Alright. Anything else?
Starting point is 01:36:34 It looks like we're going to go to bed without having complete details, but pretty good. Pretty damn good. I guess that is complete. I guess we do know. Yeah, we know. Yeah, we know what we need to know. Okay Thanks for doing this guys. Much appreciated. Yeah. All right Crazy day The gofundme was a huge success. There's still links all around in the show notes for Don to GoFundMe. We'll keep you posted on what we hear.
Starting point is 01:37:13 I think that's it. Are we done? All right. Caleb, thank you. John Young, Mr. Grunler, Taylor Self. Taylor, are we doing KillTaylor this week? Yeah, I want to talk to you about that.

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