The Sevan Podcast - #204 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: November 13, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Damn it, I was two seconds behind. I saw it said we're live and I'm like, ah, I missed the window. It's all right.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Still the first voice that people hear. I wanted to – where is that? Oh, here it is. Here it is. Here it is. Here it is. Oh, why do I use the trackpad? I should only use this mouse.
Starting point is 00:01:01 I should only use – so you guys know the way I have this set up my computer set up is I'm looking at a a big LG screen in front of me 27 inches good morning Jim and then below me I have a little laptop a little m113 inch and and I used to look where did I used to look I used to look down at this laptop in the last like 50 shows I've been looking up this screen then i do if i want to do other stuff i do it down here like looking for like a post on ronnie taysdale's podcast or something hey matt what's up good morning good morning oh shoot you know what i need to put up here this is a live calling show so i should probably have dropped the number in ah there it is we're supposed to have mo miller on this morning mo miller canceled not his fault that's
Starting point is 00:01:45 just what all ufc fighters do no i'm joking uh mo he's one of the few that actually told us with 24-hour notice with any notice thank you mo and i'm super duper excited about his fight it's on november 14th um it is through fury i think that's the name of the fight league, Fury. It's an important fight for him. All fights are important for fighters. But especially because if Mo wins this fight, there's a lot of talk that this is going to be the one that takes him to the UFC. And, you know, Mo was on the show twice before. Once with – twice before?
Starting point is 00:02:21 Was he on twice? Maybe even three times, but for sure. And Josh Bridges was on with him and it was cool. It's cool. You know, I just kind of get off on the fact of like meeting a young fighter and then getting on the bandwagon early. And also if you guys listen to the podcast with Jack De La, De La Castellana,
Starting point is 00:02:45 Magdalena, Jackana? Magdalena. Jack De La Magdalena. He's got another fight lined up. So we'll have him back on. Jordan LeVette. The Monkey King has another fight lined up. So we'll be getting him back on, I hope. So some cool stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Like we're building some relationships with these guys. And they're fun threads to weave through this podcast and follow their fight careers love matt and the ronnie episode i know i was just talking to my wife about it yesterday that was an accident uh matt was like a lot yesterday after the podcast we were talking afternoon he's like you never pulled me off the show like i didn't know you were i didn't i just forgot you were there he goes oh Oh, so that was that. Don't not call in because you see Matt here. I still need you guys to call in.
Starting point is 00:03:30 This shows like nothing without you guys or I have to, or I have to, or I just have to go today. Skate day, Sunnyvale skate day. Yeah. There he is. Oh yeah. So I, this guy pulled out this. So yeah, this is what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And so he's looking for basically a new... Yeah, he's basically looking for a new fight. Shoot, I don't know if I was supposed to say that. Good morning, Phoenix, Arizona. Uh-oh, wait. Sorry, sorry. Hold on. Hold on, hold on. Oh, we got some phone issues. Too many people calling.
Starting point is 00:04:05 I didn't mean it like that. Good morning, Arizona. Yo, what's up, Devon? What's up, brother? Hey, just calling in. Want to give a quick shout out. That's cool. Is it to me or my mom?
Starting point is 00:04:18 I mean, I would love it to be for your mom, but we probably have to wait a little bit on that one. All right. Look at, oh, now they're a pilot. And Corey, hold on. Hold on, Corey cory okay who's your shout out shout out to tori millis ever underscore so underscore fit that's my sister she's a macro coach out in australia she's helping the world australia people to stop telling bullshit in his face. Tell me your Instagram again. Ever underscore so underscore
Starting point is 00:04:50 fit. Oh, yeah, I know her. She's up in my DMs. Right on, right on. I would love for you to be my brother-in-law, Siobhan. Hey, thank you. Oh, she's cool. She's cool.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Yes, she's super cool. She's cool. Yeah, she's super cool. Yeah, she's got this cool little family, and she's taking off on her little macro program and just trying to get her a little more love. What is she doing in Australia? She followed her husband out there. She's running an F45 gym and doing this whole macro thing on the side. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:05:25 I, uh... Man, is she giving you good stories? Is she tripping? Is it different than what the news tells us? Dude, it's pretty spot on, man. They just opened up her gym like two weeks ago. Nuts.
Starting point is 00:05:42 No one was even allowed to work out or nothing so yeah she's she's finally happy to get back to work and get in get in the gym again she's been going stir crazy all right well tell her she's always welcome at my house you dog you no problem she can bring her husband i feel sorry for the australians i'm about to start feeling sorry for us but i do feel sorry for the australians yeah but hey there's a little room for everyone to feel sorry for i guess yep all right man thanks for the call this morning right on bye thank you bye that was multitasking that wasn't the best of me sorry uh five dollars from katie did max and hero wad of my affiliate this morning he was one of the 13
Starting point is 00:06:25 heroes killed in afghanistan this year happy veterans day i think katie gave money during the show the new show with uh kate minus hobart god that was a great show wasn't it that was awesome i loved that show good morning anthony morning Siobhan. How are you? I'm good. I'm good. I'm about to read this really fucked up article to you guys. So I'm glad people keep calling in because I don't know if I should read this one on the air. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Let's hear it. Are you following this Rittenhouse case? Not too much. I've heard bits and pieces. I saw a few clips yesterday okay yeah so i'm not following it either and they're keep keep being all these clips all over instagram and these clips people send me and they there's no i there's no con like i don't know why people are getting excited because i can't contextualize it but one of the dudes who was shot by this Rittenhouse kid, his name is Joseph Rosenbaum. And someone said, I need to look him up. Guys like this, please do not go to and look for a job.
Starting point is 00:07:37 There's no job for you at Please. Listen, listen to this fucking dude. This dude was shot. The guy on the stand, I guess, is being charged for killing people. And this is one of the people he killed or shot. And it's fucking nuts. Listen to this.
Starting point is 00:07:57 This guy's name is Joseph Rosenbaum. He was released from an insane asylum the day he was shot. Now listen, Arizona County clerks confirmed Rosenbaum was charged by a grand jury with 11 counts of child molestation, inappropriate sexual activity with children, including rape, including anal rape. One of my favorite words. Not in that usage of it, though. That kind of ruins the word for me. He anally raped kids. The victims were five boys ranging in age from 9 to 11.
Starting point is 00:08:31 He was convicted of two amended counts of a plea deal. Hey, I'm sorry. Like, if you are the most bigoted racist human being in the world you're a one compared to this guy's 10 like i don't like i don't care it's just like that that's why those subjects don't interest me at all in sense of like convicting or charging or disliking or liking people i i don't understand how this dude and but it gets worse it what's it gets so much worse this is one of the guys that got shot yes this is one of the guys that got shot that this kid is being charged for fucking shooting like illegally for for murdering i mean it sounds like he did the u.s a good service dude i hate
Starting point is 00:09:22 vigilantism but it's like so here here it goes on. Rosenbaum battled bipolar disorder. Like, fuck off. What do you mean battled bipolar disorder? Rosenbaum had bipolar. I don't even fucking know what that is. Rosenbaum was a pussy and couldn't do 100 burpees and get his shit together.
Starting point is 00:09:40 He was homeless. So what if he was homeless? The two years I was homeless were the best years of my life. I was balling. I was happy. I had tons he was homeless? The two years I was homeless were the best years of my life. I was balling. He was happy. He had tons of girlfriends. Doesn't mean shit. He was discharged from a hospital earlier in the day after, ready for this, a suicide attempt. Dude, please.
Starting point is 00:10:01 You fucking failure. Dude, please, you fucking failure. He spent more than a decade in prison in Arizona after being convicted of sexual conduct with a minor. That's how this paper reports it. Raping five boys ages 9 to 11 with anal sex is not sexual conduct. Hey, dude, I can't even do it. I can't even do it. I, I, I, I, um, and you, you know, and the reason why we have to do it is, well, what if he's innocent? What if it, what if it's all a lie? What if he's just like, it's, he's just being, being set up. I mean, I mean, we're, we're seeing that happen to, um, David Portnoy and we're seeing this other guy
Starting point is 00:10:44 get set up the, the people who work for Project Veritas. So I understand there needs to be hearings and court cases and prosecutions. So this is what his fiancé said. Yeah, yeah. How the fuck does he have a fiancé if he's been in jail for 10 years and he got out of jail yesterday? He wasn't down there as a writer or a looter rosenbaum's fiance told the post he was down there for a good raping why was he there i have no answer i ask that question every day what hey hey and this
Starting point is 00:11:22 this this dude has a gofundme page that last year raised 25 000 jeez i know it's it's okay so that's uh that's that's the article uh what's going on with dave portnay they tried to cancel him a girl came to his house he had he had sex with her and she's saying that um she uh the day after she had sex with her then she slept on his couch for the next two days because he was so mean to her or something and they've i know it's nuts it's nuts dude oh oh my god she trolled him on instagram told her told him what yes oh i'm just saying i i just want to thank you everything you do like i love listening to your show it's a lot of the times
Starting point is 00:12:16 the highlight of my day and my wife always listens with me and she she likes a lot of the stuff too and i'm just saying thank you and a shout out to the level one also awesome i learned a lot of this stuff too. And I'm just saying thank you. And a shout out to Level One also. Awesome. I learned a lot there. You can repay me by just going every day when you leave the house, just play it on YouTube and just let it just fucking download as many. Just play that shit on repeat on YouTube, the one that has all the commercials. And hey, you know what I'm gonna do that thank you thanks for calling
Starting point is 00:12:48 ma'am yeah i'm such a softy as soon as he says he likes the show my voice changes i'm like yeah i always gotta give a shout out to the level one someone likes me at the level one instructor. He was fucking amazing. Yes, he's a good dude. He's a good dude. Oh, hey, I gotta let you go. A girl's calling. Have a good one. Okay. There is not a girl calling.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I think it is a girl. It's what says Linda. It's probably some dude who grabbed his wife's phone. Linda. Hey, hey, Siobhan. It's actually Stephen. Linda's my mother-in-law so hey um so i wanted i just wanted to call and say uh say thanks for everything man we uh me my mom my wife we all love listening to your show it's actually uh it's actually pretty awesome i'm not too crass for your mom No no She loves it all
Starting point is 00:13:46 She can take a joke that's for sure She sure can That's impressive I'm calling from Alameda I actually just moved out here So I'm not too far from Santa Cruz Oh I think we've chatted before right Correct correct
Starting point is 00:14:00 Hey but so I wanted to call because your podcast this morning Was like all dark and dirty So I wanted to call and tell you this morning was like all dark and dirty. So I wanted to call and tell you about a little story from my level one. Actually, you got like a minute or two. Absolutely. Absolutely. And you know what? You know what? There's someone named Joanne calling, but I know it's just some other dude who grabbed his wife's phone. So fuck that. I'm not calling for that one twice.
Starting point is 00:14:22 So I got my level one in Houston at a box in CrossFit Edo. It's like one of the bigger boxes in Houston. And this is probably like in 2015 or 2016. So it's been some time. And so I guess the Flowmaster, I don't know if they were the Flowmasters, but they were some of the instructors. One of them was Chase Ingram and the other one was Wes Pyatt. Oh, my mom loves Wes.
Starting point is 00:14:47 It's crazy. He's awesome. Wes is the man Wes is awesome she trained the show he trained the shit out of my mom when he they used to have this course sorry to interrupt they used to have this not really they used to have this course at um man you guys are calling like crazy give me a second blow it up um he used to he there was this class that Greg Glassman ordered me to start in the basement at crossfit hq down in our gym and it was a class that was a free class for um uh basically obese people and old people and it was huge and basically he ordered me to start it and then basically rory jenny uh god michelle moots jenny um blau what was jenny's last name jenny lau um Rory, Jenny, Michelle Moots, Jenny Lau, Rory, Michelle Moots. They all started the class, a bunch of people, and got the ball rolling.
Starting point is 00:15:35 The class was huge, and it was crazy, and it was right at HQ. Probably over 100 people in the class throughout the week, and Wes Pyatt was one of the teachers there that we brought in and it was free. It was dope. And just so you know, all of you people who wanted diversity, uh,
Starting point is 00:15:52 uh, equity and inclusivity, that class no longer exists, but now you can, you can give CrossFit money and buy Greg Glassman's lectures that used to be free. Now you can give CrossFit money and they can get you a doctor. Who the fuck needs a doctor who does CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:16:09 Fucking morons. Okay, sorry. Sorry. No, no, not a problem. Hey, you guys fuck yourself. If you are doing the anti-racist train, at some point you are going to have to wake up and realize you are a fucking Nazi. You are the one every single one of you is the one that is promoting racism those of you who are upset for the lies that they told about greg glassman all that shit you're upset because greg
Starting point is 00:16:38 glassman did floyd 19 just please stop listening to my show you You're a racist. You don't deserve me. I'm above you. You think it was insensitive? You can fuck off too. I don't think telling people that there's a cliff up ahead, don't run off of it, you fucking moron, is not insensitive. I think it's fucking honest and deserves fucking a reward for saving lives. Those are heroes. If that message isn't for you, walk away. Don't call him a fucking racist. Floyd 19 means that the addict um child harmer and a a pregnant woman harmer and in criminal
Starting point is 00:17:34 um as a statue as a hero in new york city it's all just bullshit and you guys did that all of you i'm guilty too i voted for hillary and obama and all those fucking idiots who pushed that because i believed the hype I didn't understand the mechanism of how the human brain works anti-racist is racist you keep it alive just look inside yourself and just be the best person
Starting point is 00:17:56 you can be okay sorry I have to do that every once in a while oh my mom's coming my kids have a skateboarding lesson today at 10 o'clock with a professional skateboarder and my mom's better my kids have a skateboarding lesson today at 10 o'clock with a professional skateboarder and my mom's coming do you know what that means that means she'll probably that means it's an 80 lesson that means she'll probably pay for it guys you guys can't keep calling so fast you guys gotta like like slowly slowly call her
Starting point is 00:18:20 okay sorry okay yeah so you're l1 and uh you're l1 and west piatt i apologize it was it was chasing him and west there was there was there's more individuals there but those are the only two that i can remember off the top of my head by name i can verify that neither of those guys are racist by the way no they're both good dudes so um by the way racist though is not bad compared to child racist is not bad compared to child monsterester. Racist is not bad compared to child molester. Like I could be friends with you and still, I don't want you to, I can still be friends with you if you're a racist. I cannot be friends with you if you're a child molester.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Big, big difference. Big, big, big, big, big, big difference. Damn, sorry. I'm going to give you 30 seconds without interrupting. So basically there's like, I'm sure sure you know there's like two days right and i can't remember the first day of the second day but everybody was picked um a movement they were going to have to show to we were put out and break out groups and i was with the group with chase ingram and um there's when i guess when you're not doing the squat right they call what
Starting point is 00:19:22 is like an immature squat right so you're either not going all the way down or it's not fully developed. Well, I kept calling it premature squat all day. I wasn't calling it immature squat. I was calling it premature squat. I like that. I like to know what Kate Gordon thinks about that. Go on.
Starting point is 00:19:38 So I got to the group with Chase, and then Chase was like, what are you going to show us? I'm like, I'm going to show you all the premature squat. And I started showing. He was like, what? And I was like, I'm going to show you the premature squat. And then Chase is like, what are you going to show us? I'm like, I'm going to show you all the premature squat. And I started showing, he was like, what? And I was like, I'm going to show you the premature squat. And then he starts to die. Everybody starts dying. And I'm like, what are you talking about? And Chase is like, I promise it doesn't happen like this all the time. Right. He started making jokes about it. And, uh, it was, it was just hilarious. And he told the rest
Starting point is 00:19:58 of the staff. And of course they made a whole thing about it, but I was saying like that all day and no one ever told me it was immature i could say premature should be canceled for that that sounds like sexual innuendos that is not appropriate the l1 environment canceled no it was all it was all it was fun and game good he's a good dude he's a good dude it it kind of hurts me when when people um think he's not a good commentator i guess people are going to always have something negative to say about everyone. But, man, he is – I love watching the game stuff when he's talking. He's the best part. And when he does mess up, I don't think it's his fault.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Like when he's not saying the right shit, I think – I actually had a quick chat with him the other day about podcast software. And in that, I poked him with the question, Hey, when you guys are commentating the games or the regionals or whatever that shit you commentate, are you guys looking at the field or the, or the monitors? He goes, we look at the monitors. I go, Oh man. And he goes, why? I said, because there's so many close calls that maybe you guys aren't seeing because you're looking at the monitors. And if it's a sport, it's all about about close calls if you don't talk about the close calls it's just watching people work out it would be like football without end zones so but he's a good dude but all right well i'll let y'all get back to it that's all i wanted to
Starting point is 00:21:19 want to add i thought you might like that okay thank you it's better than talking about uh uh written house that's for sure. All right, talk to y'all. Talk to y'all later. Bye. Bye. Bye. I, um, this is number 14 on my list.
Starting point is 00:21:37 I don't know why I'm starting here. I saw this post that, you know what's weird is when I go to when I asked Ben Bergeron to be on the podcast again he was on once before and then I go to his account and I see I'm not following him which is so weird because why would I not be following him because why don't you unfollow everybody for a while yeah I think that
Starting point is 00:21:58 happens I think I just sometimes just get so annoyed with how many people I'm following I just start unfollowing shit loads of people and I do it without even like I don't even think I follow my mom right now get so annoyed with how many people I'm following. I just start unfollowing shitloads of people. And I, and I do it without even like, I don't even think I follow my mom right now. Cause one time I took myself down to zero.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Yeah. But anyway, so I go to his account and I followed him again and he had this post that was 10 books that he's recently read. And one of them. And so I'm looking at the books, I'm looking at the books, I'm trying to figure out which ones I haven't read or which ones I should buy. And, and I, and I liked usually what he suggests. Actually, I've always liked what he suggests because I feel like he's very thoughtful
Starting point is 00:22:38 and his books are about accountability and usually about working on yourself going inward. Books are about accountability and usually about working on yourself, going inward. As opposed to something, a book going outward, like studying what photosynthesis is or the origins of photosynthesis or whatever. And that would be outward. And he suggested this book and it's called, what's it called? I got it listed up here. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Not that one. Not that one. Although I got a list up here. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Not that one. Not that one. Although I own a bunch. This one. I started reading this book. This book is so good and so funny. I mean, it's not funny like ha-ha comedy funny, but it's basically everything that you've always heard like these Maharajis and like these yogis and all these like spiritual leaders talk about and they're usually like sitting in full lotus on a pillow and they're like – or like Eckhart Tolle who's one of my favorites. He's always talking in this really crazy voice and like making it seem like inner work is so magical and all this shit. Well, this is just like so matter of fact.
Starting point is 00:23:44 This is really a great great great great great book i need to give this book to my mom i highly recommend this for people um if you don't know um i read that book before if you don't know the the orgasm one if you don't know if it doesn't make sense to you when you ask yourself who am i what am i where did i come from if when you sit down and ask yourself those questions you can't get a bite inside of you if you're not sure where to start to make the journey inward and you need just um some help like like someone to throw a a rope to the bottom of the well for you or put a flashlight down at the bottom of the well. So you can maybe get a spark and start going inward. That's the book for you. It's so, it's so clean. It's so simple. There's nothing hippy dippy about
Starting point is 00:24:37 it. There's nothing, um, uh, magical about it. He does use the word spiritual, but I mean, you can exchange it for anywhere you you want yeah it's a great book who is the author it's called untethered who is the author um let me find back here something william is it william singer something singer michael singer michael singer anyway great book great book i i i don't i don't it's weird Ben Bergeron seems so deep and wise to me and then he owns CrossFit New England is that his gym?
Starting point is 00:25:11 yeah and yet the shit I see coming off of that Instagram account like does not seem like it doesn't jive with me at all I don't understand how this guy can know this stuff and then post this stuff over here like I can't reconcile the two. I need to ask him about that when he's on.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Well, is it? Yeah, that would be a great question. And I wonder too how much like outside work, meaning like with corporations or like keynote speaking or like, and he's got a lot of offers through like the NFL to come out and speak to teams and different things like that. And I wonder if he's just trying to keep his forward-facing resume so to speak pretty vanilla so then that way it doesn't miss any opportunities or he doesn't i'm totally against racism white people are white supremacists
Starting point is 00:25:56 like that shit yeah not that he did that i don't know if he did that i'm not saying he did that but that's like that's like some of the craziest shit. In 2016, I went to Ben Bergeron's immersion course. I don't think he offers it anymore, but basically you just go and hang out with him for two or three days and run operations of the gym. And that was pretty interesting. And was it good? Did you like it? It was great. And it was actually one of the catalysts that really helped me try to change my mindset at that time. I was really like hoping to be like, you know, everybody was going to regionals in 2010, 2011, right? That was my goal. And I sat down in his office and he looked at me and he didn't know, obviously, he didn't know me very well.
Starting point is 00:26:34 It was like two days. And he goes, hey, Matt, do you want to have a successful gym or do you want to have a successful competitive career in CrossFit? Because you're not going to have both. But he did that, right? Yeah. right yeah no well more or less he was on a team i was going for like an individual thing oh oh oh as a person i see i see yeah like i see not a gym that teaches both okay okay no not a gym that teaches both and then arguably though you could you could have made that you know you could make that same claim because it's harder and harder um uh ben bergeron is a
Starting point is 00:27:06 weirdo i know all the great people are weirdos that's what that's it's it's all it that's like if you're not that that's the problem i went to a mandate rally fuck you went all it's all weirdos. It's all weirdos. Everyone in my peer group who doesn't want kids injected with drugs to say fat dying old people, they're all weirdos. We're all weirdos. There's no normal people there. There's no one there with a Dodgers shirt on. You know what I mean? I mean, also maybe because it's the middle of the day on a Wednesday and there's like, but it's all weirdos. It's all the people who like all the people who don't want to, who don't want forced injections and who just want to let the world just roll and like believe in their immune system. It's all weirdos. It's so, I went into a store yesterday, Pete's Coffee yesterday, and there was a line of like 15 kids in there. It was obviously like they were high school kids or junior high kids. I can't tell. They're all taller than me. They all look taller than me.
Starting point is 00:28:16 And the line's out the door, and then there's the 10 old people who are sitting in there, like people who are like 10 years older than me drinking their coffee and everybody is masked and I'm in there barefoot with my three kids barefoot. And everyone else is like bundled up in masks and boots. And I'm just like. What do they see when they see us? Do they know that? Do they think we're crazy? they're caged birds to me i i was i went to it so late last night my my wife said hey will you run to the store and get some milk actually my wife doesn't say that my wife says i'm gonna run to the store and get some milk and because there's not a lot of manly things i can do i'm like oh here's one
Starting point is 00:29:02 i say no babe i'll run to the store and grab some milk she's like oh thank you so i run to the store and get some milk and it's a it's a it's a gas station produce like store you know what i mean they have every it's a gas station but they have everything they got all the produce in the front and then they got the milk inside and everything's like a dollar more expensive it's like it's like you know fide there's like four 99 and a, like a rack of bananas is 10 bucks or whatever. It's crazy. Milk's like six 99 again, a half gallon. So I, I run in there and there's no one in the store. It's like eight 30 at night, just the cashier, two cashiers and one's mask one isn't. And I go in there and this guy comes down the aisle and he wants to get into the, into the fridge I'm in. And I, and, or he wants to get by me into the fridge i'm in and i and or he wants
Starting point is 00:29:46 to get by me i can't tell so i i like move to the side i'm like you need to come through here he goes no i'll wait till you're done and he stands like 10 feet away from me in the aisle which is like awkwardly far and i'm going i'm looking for and i'm buying some eggs now too and i'm in the first set of eggs i open are broken then the second set are broken then third are broken finally the fourth so it's taking me a long time and then i want cottage cheese and i want heavy cream and i want all the stuff and i'm looking at him and i'm like dude stop waiting just go around go do something did that stress you out oh i fucking hated it like fuck off dude and so i i finally i'm like okay i'm done i i step to the side and i'm like go ahead and he comes over to the fridge
Starting point is 00:30:23 and he pulls out two fucking cokes like a small personal coke and a two liter coke and i go of course you better be afraid of me i thought you were gonna say he's gonna put on gloves first good morning bob hello yes yes yes bob this is how are you in south dakota oh south dakota good place good place oh one of the i think that's the only state in the great united states that during the entire pandemic did zero. Yep. It's been awesome. I was going to tell you you should move here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:07 I should. I know. But it's getting cold now. It's supposed to snow today. I don't think you want to come. That's okay. I don't mind snow. I don't mind snow. Yeah, because I mean, I used to just hate all that. I used to be like that. You know what I mean? You know, I used to be like that. I'm not like that anymore. I'm good. I'm good.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I do like the sun. Don't get me wrong. But I could live anywhere now. As long as I can take my kids with me, I used to be like that. I'm not like that anymore. I'm good. I'm good. I do like the sun. Don't get me wrong. But I could live anywhere now. As long as I can take my kids with me, I'm good. Yeah, and the poverty threshold here is like $35,000 a year. Oh, I would be a boss there. What city do you live in? What city do you live in?
Starting point is 00:31:41 Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Susie, can you find me a home there yeah was it two falls yeah like that's that's something modest 750,000 in there dude for 750,000 you could get a mansion here i deserve a mansion i deserve a mansion what's up how can i help you is there anything specific or you just wanted to hear my voice? Well, I just wanted to call in and say, thank you for being a voice of reason in the internet atmosphere. And, uh, because of you talking about cutting out sugar,
Starting point is 00:32:20 I've kind of gone, you know, kind of pseudo keto, just trying to cut out the extra sugar. And dude, it's been crazy. I feel so much more energetic. I don't get sleepy in the afternoons anymore. And, uh, even my CrossFit workouts at like 415, I just like, I'm burning fat instead of sugar all the time.
Starting point is 00:32:44 And I just feel much better. Isn't that the not getting sleepy part is weird. I still get really tired sometimes. Yesterday I did this crazy hard workout and then I ran out of the house and took my kids to jujitsu. And then after that, I took them to the pool and we swam like maniacs. And I just felt my whole body turning off. But I'm not sleepy. I'm just I got physically tired. I'm old i'm 49 but it was nuts it's nuts ever since for the last i don't
Starting point is 00:33:11 know year and a half or whenever i year has it even been a year since i've completely quit sugar it's a added sugar it's um yeah it's nuts the not getting sleepy shit is so weird everything is kind of there's like this there's this medium ground you just hang in all day no ups and downs right you drink yeah the only yeah probably too much like three cups a day yeah i do that i do that i'm on my second cup now hey i just finished mine oh the one downside i think of the no sugar that i've noticed is i don't feel as explosive but i feel like i can go longer burning fat during a workout like the assault bike i just feel more weak on the assault bike i don't know why yeah i take time yeah and you know what there's yeah you know i bait i had i can't remember the last time i had just really really just something
Starting point is 00:34:14 fucked up that i ate and and over halloween i had one of those little tiny snicker bars that's like the size of like two quarters or a quarter and i can't ever i can't really cannot remember the last time i ate something like that and because i feel guilty for like eating honey now and um and i immediately got three zits i got one like or maybe they're ingrown maybe they're not even zits maybe they're ingrown hairs i got one on like one of my love handles on the right here i got one like right above the base of my penis like in my pubes and i got one like i got one of those underground ones like in my nose you know like that underground volcanic activity you get like
Starting point is 00:34:51 you like you get a zit like on your nose or on your lip and no one can see it but it hurts yeah and you think about it all day yeah and like i'm always pushing on it i like push on it i don't like the one that's above the base of my penis and my pubes because when i soap it's like i like i scratch it off there you know what i mean like i like i'd like to dig my nails through my pubes when i soap and it's like i just hate it but it's weird and i blame that little snicker bar for it i blame that you know it probably they probably aren't pimples they're probably some sort of ingrown hair or something yeah you ever get like a testicle hair stuck in your underwear and you just like move your leg wrong and it like yanks on it you're like what the heck
Starting point is 00:35:30 wow your testicle hairs were probably like the inspiration for velcro it's probably not the underwear it's like you probably have some like genetic mutated testicle hair so that's $589,000 yeah and I've sent it to like $800,000 and there was no like houses even at that price point what can I let me read about that house a little bit so it's $589,000 wow that is nice it doesn't look like there's a neighbor for a thousand miles yeah that's why I picked it can I see um can I see like what it says? Is there a pool or how many bedrooms or how many square feet is that? Five bedroom, three bath. Dude, you get a small acreage and a hobby farm and plant all your trees and do all that for $5.89.
Starting point is 00:36:19 That's a little smaller than my house. I don't like a two-story house. You know when you're a kid, you want a two-story house, and then you're a kid you want a two-story house and then you're an adult and you're like no thank you yeah uh eric's asking about zits inside the nose or bumps uh i i don't get them too deep but occasionally i would get them around the rim i would just scrape those off with my fingernail let my eyes water just like that you can't be you can't be the entrance to my nose hey one more question for you yes who do you think has a better chance of figuring figuring out the aerobic capacity thing you think hopper or gee if they i mean either of those guys if they figure out that part i think they could win dude that is a great question i have no idea
Starting point is 00:37:04 the answer to that i don't know how any of that shit really win dude that is a great question i have no idea the answer to that i don't know how any of that shit really works but that is a great question i really i don't want you to tell anyone this but like my favorite really is colton mertens and i can't help it i don't know why. I mean, he has a nice body, and I don't like his hair, but I just like him. I just hope that whatever, like if it's his Metcon or his strength or whatever, if he could be the CrossFit Games champion, I would probably start liking the Games again a little more sincerely. I wouldn't be just doing it for YouTube numbers.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Yeah. If you move to Sioux Falls, you'd be close to Colton in Iowa. What do you think? What do you think Colton needs to do? Does he need both? He needs everything, huh? It's like Travis Mayer. I'm just, I'm just on the wrong horse.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Yeah. It's tough. I think he's at a big disadvantage with the size. Yeah. But Frazier's I think he's at a big disadvantage with this size. Yeah. But Fraser's small too, so I don't know. Yeah, but Colton's like really small. Yeah. Colton, if I ever met Colton in person,
Starting point is 00:38:15 I wouldn't know how to talk to him because I've never – it's only like once every three years that I have to put my head down a little bit to talk to someone. Yeah. I normally talk to people like this, like put my head down a little bit to talk to someone. Yeah. Like I normally talk, I normally talk to, I normally talk to people like this, like with my head up.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Hey, how are you? Yeah. When my coach met him, he said he was like the stockiest, most jacked out of mine personally. He's ever met. Who?
Starting point is 00:38:39 My coach looks like a rich groaning. Who said that? Oh, my crossfit coach. He said that about Colton mertens yeah he's just like the most compact jacked person he's ever seen and my coach looks like rich groaning type of deal dude he's 5'4 185 and and then you see him with his shirt off and it's like it's almost like all proportional and shit too it's so it's so i don't know how he weighs that much yeah he looks he's a stout motherfucker and some of the shit he does is crazy
Starting point is 00:39:08 yeah like weight lifting on a wooden floor yeah god can you imagine how much it must smell in that room someone should get him an air cleaner i someone should seriously get him an air cleaner and put it in that room. I like that Matt Souza is in view so we can see his reactions. Usually we can't see him, and Sevan is always commenting on his reactions. Well, thank you, Maharaji. Thank you, Maharaji. He's like a little pony you want to ride.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Wow. Wow. Wow. See, when I see women make comments like that, that's a woman, right? Deanna McCarthy. It just gives me hope for humanity. I didn't even see that comment. That is amazing. um matt smith ten dollars thank you sir seven love the pod you'd freeze your ass off in south dakota no pool days in november up there also been wondering for a while what's the meaning of life good yeah yeah you have to keep asking that until you die oh shit what happened my headphones
Starting point is 00:40:18 they keep sliding off yeah meaning of life what's i i think maybe there's some better questions than that but but yeah like dig like dig in i think like maybe like you're you like you're using a shovel when maybe you need a pickaxe but like i do that i use a shovel all the time in my uh yard when i because i'm just too lazy to walk over and grab the pickaxe the dirt's so rough well gee as rich and hinshaw hopper has matt which is essentially having hinshaw so they'll both get it i don't think either of them get it yikes i can't believe i said that i think it'll be the one who just really dedicates themselves that's always going
Starting point is 00:40:57 to be the underlying factor right like if you just are every decision you make if it's helping you get closer to the podium then you're on the right track. And if they're not, then they're not. Is this real, Alan? The liver king is only 5'5"? Have you seen this guy, Sousa? He's all over Instagram now. Eating cow balls and shit.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Brian. Brian. eating cow balls and shit brian um i did so most of you probably already know this already someone asked up there um basically what happened was is when greg did the floyd 19 thing we got to see everyone um uh flinch so imagine um imagine all of us who are listening to the show right now, we're all standing in a room together and someone rolled a grenade in the room. We'd get to see, and we all thought it was a real grenade. We'd get to see everyone's reaction. So like I might jump out a window and step on a little kid's neck to get out. And Matt Susan might grab two little girls next to
Starting point is 00:42:04 him who he doesn't even know and run for the door. And we would get to see everyone's reaction. And when Greg did the Floyd 19 thing, that's what happened. We got to see everyone's reaction. I've had a ton of opportunities in life like that. They're really amazing. One time I was with my wife and we were walking and she told me she was pregnant and it was April fools and I didn't know it. And she let me sit with that for 30 minutes. And it was so crazy because when someone tells you that they're pregnant, at least for me and I think for a lot of people, you start to reorganize your whole life instantaneously. life instantaneously like you're like okay i'm definitely not getting a car and i need to do this and i should pay this off and i need to get my student loans and we should probably figure out where we're going to live and we're going to need an extra bedroom and how am i going to tell my mom i mean your brain just starts like for someone like me i'm trying to get like all that shit like
Starting point is 00:42:54 my ducks in a row i have nine like all of a sudden the timer was set for nine months to get my shit together my life together and and and how i first responded to her i was supposed to have a meeting actually with greg and lauren that day um i don't know it was probably like her, I was supposed to have a meeting actually with Greg and Lauren that day. I don't know, it was probably like 2009. And it was about to talk about whether I was going to continue with CrossFit, whether they were going to pay me enough because I've been doing so much work for free. And I was kind of like running that. And so I said I was running that conversation over in my head, how I was going to proceed with CrossFit. And I go, hey, do you think right now is the right time to tell me that?
Starting point is 00:43:24 And like, as I'm saying, I'm like, you fucking jackass. The chick you love just told you she's pregnant. You asked her if right now is the right time to tell me that and and like as i'm saying i'm like you fucking jackass the chick you love just told you she's pregnant you asked her if right now is the right time anyway so you get to see that stuff and uh and i was really happy i got to see that i got to see i got to see i got to do a test run so when when the floyd 19 thing came out i got to see a test run and i saw some really really i was gonna say bad bad's not the right word sad disappointing reactions um i i'll tell you one other story i was in i was in africa on the um nairobi highway it's a highway that runs between Mombasa and Nairobi. Mombasa is
Starting point is 00:44:08 on the eastern seaboard, the Indian Ocean. Sorry. Mombasa is on the Indian Ocean and Nairobi is inland. And for those of you who haven't been to Africa, just to give you an idea of the situation there, it's the kind of place
Starting point is 00:44:24 where if a bus full of kids were to hit an elephant on the highway, people would just come out of the bush. And instead of necessarily helping the kids, they would start cutting the elephant up for food. Like life is hard there. It's minute to minute survival. To give you another example of their economic conditions, the people in the United States consume more sleep aid medication in cost than that country's GDP, and that's one of the fucking rich countries in Africa. So I was there, and I had just come out, and I was in a pack of two groups of cars. There were two cars. I think they were both Path pathfinders and we were driving out of the bush and um it was all it was uh it was all white people uh except for the driver of one of the car the driver of the both both cars and one of those drivers was our host which was his name was saloon maruti and he was a friend of mine for for like 10 years because
Starting point is 00:45:22 i'd been to africa before that trip and we'd stayed in touch we spent a friend of mine for like 10 years because I had been to Africa before that trip. And we'd stayed in touch. We spent a lot of time together. And one of the cars broke down on the highway. I cannot explain this scene to you enough. There's nothing like it in the United States. Just the way humanity just hangs out. And just the way there's just people everywhere. And yet you're out in the
Starting point is 00:45:45 middle of nowhere and it's like it's it's it's basically this main the only main corridor and paved road in this country except for in the cities it's like the only highway they have you can look on a map and so like and no and no one has shoes or anything like that i mean it's you know you would see a guy with a tie, and he wouldn't have shoes. Anyway, so the cars break down, and all the fucking people in the car – and I hate to do this. But, of course, all the people in the car are terrified. I shouldn't say of course. I didn't even know why.
Starting point is 00:46:19 It caught me off guard. And I'm assuming it was because the country is so foreign. caught me off guard. And I'm assuming it was because the country is so foreign. So you go there and nothing, nothing seems, um, you don't recognize, you don't recognize anything, regardless of your white or black or Asian, nothing feels like home to you. And, and you stand out like a sore thumb because you don't look like these people at all. I mean, completely stand out, sore thumb because you don't look like these people at all i mean completely stand out completely stand out the way like an albino sticks out somewhere and so the cars break down and one of the cars break down and everyone and so we stop on the highway and everyone fucking freaks out in the car there's probably like 12 or 14 of us seven people in each car and everyone is fucking freaking
Starting point is 00:47:03 out except for me and Travis Bajent. Travis Bajent was there, the arm wrestler, professional arm wrestler. And everyone's losing their shit. And everyone jumps out of the car that I'm in that broke down and jumps into the other Pathfinder. And they're packed in there like sardines. And that car speeds away.
Starting point is 00:47:22 And leaves me and Travis on the side of the Nairobi Mombasa highway. I have two $10,000 cameras strapped around my neck and they leave us there and there's no plan to pick us up. There's nothing. We're two hours from our fucking hotel. Fucking nuts. Fucking nuts. Fucking nuts. So you know what I did? Do what I always do. I started taking pictures of bugs on the ground. I got off the highway. It's so great being stupid. So much better being stupid. What was the conversation like when you met up with the other people in the other car so so eventually we found a pickup we jumped in
Starting point is 00:48:13 the back of a pickup right and a guy drove us fucking we drove in the back of this pickup for an hour till we got downtown and then like from there we've tried to figure out some other shit and the whole time i'm like i cannot believe these fucking pussy i could not i just can't believe what pussies people are i cannot believe how scared people get or and so basically the whole time travis is like hey dude you got to act totally cool when we get to the hotel and we see those people yeah dude stuff there were semis flipped over everywhere yes zebras people everywhere yes these um kids everywhere and everyone's coming up to us like we're fucking like like we fell from the sky like people touching you touching your cameras
Starting point is 00:48:53 dudes with guns coming over like yes yeah see that one with all the trucks lined up shit like that exhaust everywhere your potholes so big that you could like it like if a car hit it that would it would be an accident the other cars would just drive over that car that fell in the pothole i mean it's nuts it is chaos and basically travis like hey we just have to act cool we just have to act cool and i and i tried that cool but it changed my opinion of everyone who was there right yeah like it changed my opinion totally of everyone who was there. Right. Yeah. Like I changed my opinion totally of everyone who was there. I realized I was a, I don't know how you want to say a higher order being, or I was dumber
Starting point is 00:49:32 or something happened, but I was, and so basically that same thing happened when Greg, when Greg posted Floyd 19, I saw really, really, really, really unconscious, horrible behavior from a lot of people. And so you want to know questions about Dan Bailey or Katrin's daughter. I've talked about Katrin extensively, what she did extensively. I had at it with her. There's this, there's this saying I saw yesterday, you really, really don't want to fuck with someone who doesn't have anything to lose. And so that's basically what you guys are getting from me i just feel like i have nothing to lose anymore like like on certain fronts i'm done being bullied i'm done
Starting point is 00:50:15 i'm done playing any any games it was like i was at the tennis courts the other day and these ladies walk up and we'd only been there for 10 minutes and these ladies said hey how long have you been here on the courts and i said my wife said 10 minutes. And the lady said, well, we've been waiting 10 minutes. I said, okay, 11 minutes. And she called me an asshole. And of course I wasn't going to say anything, but my, but my wife goes, Hey, you, you asked and he told you. And then like from there, I just go zero to 10,000. Like I'm, I'm not like upset, like inside, but like, I'm also ready to kill them. I'm not doing the bully thing anymore. I'm not doing – I'll say whatever I want.
Starting point is 00:50:49 If I hurt someone – it's not that I don't care. I do care. I don't want to mix up the two, but I'm just not going to be bullied anymore. I'm going to stand up for people because I have nothing to lose. What can you do to me? Call me racist. Call me sexist. It doesn't't matter to me i don't need any of you i don't like not you like i need you i need all 97 of you listening please someone call before i say something stupid but i'm not i'm just not going to be bullied anymore if i know my intention i'm not going to be bullied anymore done i'm done fucking done
Starting point is 00:51:26 being bullied i'm not going to let anyone be bullied anymore that's even more important i don't like you can't that's the thing there's nothing even to bully me about like i don't even care like you could call me a fucking cunt like i don't i'm not gonna if you call me a cunt i won't even give you the time of day that's not the kind of bullying i'm talking about like like if you told me you know call me fucking asshole like that's fine i'm like that's not the kind of bullying i'm talking about uh good morning 302 hey where's 302 delaware uh oh wow wow that's the that's the state you're supposed to set up yeah that's the that you're supposed to set up? Yeah, that's the state you're supposed to set up all your corporations in.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a great tax haven, apparently. Facebook has an office here, apparently. How are you? I'm good. How are you? Man, dude, I'm living the dream. It's sort of not even fair. I feel bad.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Not bad. You've got a great life. Yeah. I feel like I need to make sure I do my part from this little cave I live in. Yeah, you do cool stuff and you say cool shit. So it's good. Thank you. But I have a question for you.
Starting point is 00:52:36 And I've asked you this a bunch of times and you've ducked me a bunch of times. Uh-oh. I'm not sure you're going to duck me again. Hey, me too. Me too. Me the fuck too. And it's okay. I'm going to keep asking until I get an answer.
Starting point is 00:52:50 I feel like you're the only person on Earth who might tell me this. Oh, I think you're breaking up. I think we're about to leave this call. I think you're breaking up.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Bullshit. I got five bars, motherfucker. Oh, God. You ready? No. All right, good. oh god you ready no all right good and now you've got privileged knowledge you know i don't say privilege we don't like that but it's special knowledge you know the inner workings of crossfit you know the inner workings of of hq oh i thought you were going to ask me what it's like having a 12 inch dicks my i'm totally comfortable with what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Go ahead. Go ahead. There's no reason I would ask you that. Cause I know that's not true. All right. Anyway, our program is main site. Oh,
Starting point is 00:53:37 that is a fantastic question. Yeah. I will always get curious. I've followed main site for years. I love main site. I love programming. It's had its moments. So it leads me to believe that there's been multiple people that have programmed it over the years. And I have my suspicions that you need to tell the world, break that NDA that we know you have and tell us who programmed it. bring up a really good question and you're right i'm gonna duck it isn't it weird i have not signed an nda there's no rules about it there um but in as much as like part it's such a weird relationship i have with hq because i i sincerely fucking hate some of the shit that that's um god it's it's like it's like i hate santa claus's outfit i don't know what the right
Starting point is 00:54:23 metaphor is for it but it's like it's such a – it's so fucked up, and yet I just have such crazy loyalties to some of the aspects of it, and I could never – I can't tell you that. I will tell you this, though. The first time in 2007 or 2006, it was either the end of 2006 or 2007 that I got insight into the programming i was um i was shocked at the process i don't want to talk about it anymore but i do have a loyalty to some of that i can't tell you where the bat cave is i don't i think like god's gonna be like you threw a rock at that truck truck as it drove by when you're 14 i'll be be like, yeah. He's like, I forgive you. He'll be like, and you got drunk with that girl and had sex with her in her parents' bed. I'm like, yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:55:10 He's all, I forgive you. And then I'll be like, and you told the world about HQ's programming? Hell, I just can't. I just can't. I don't know why I can't. I just can't. I'm not going to ask you. I'm not going to.
Starting point is 00:55:21 You know what? That gives me finality. Yeah. But, yeah, okay. All right. and i have one more question yes one more question yes real quick yes when you having greg on uh very soon you know what's funny is so um yesterday when uh so we were supposed to have mo miller on this this morning and he's having some um he had to do it uh he's scrambling for last minute stuff for his fight. That's happening on the 14th. And,
Starting point is 00:55:48 um, I immediately text Greg and go, Greg, will you just come on for 15 minutes? And like, let's just break the ice. I just want to say like, how's the weather and,
Starting point is 00:55:57 and, and wherever you live and, and how's, how's your mom and dad and what's up? What new cars have you gotten? And just like, what's it like being Richard and God? And just like just shoot the shit not like saying he like not not yeah wait till jan 1 until we do that but just like get him on it kind of just to show off to
Starting point is 00:56:14 the world that i'm friends with him and uh and he just didn't respond you know what i mean like we text back and forth a thousand times yeah we text back and forth a thousand times and then i was like you want to come on the show? And it's like, ghost. No. But he texted me this morning, too. We were talking about computers. Oh, wow. UAE.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Do you mind if I get this, Mr. Delaware? Go for it. Okay, thank you. Bye. Peace. Appreciate it. Good morning. Hello. Hello.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Hi. Oh my God, I got it. Yes, you did. Okay, I'm calling from far. That's why I didn't know if I would get through or something. You're calling from where? From far? I'm calling from Dubai.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Yes, yes. Oh, snap. What's your name? Melissa. Lalisha. I comment sometimes on your sideboard. Melissa Odie. Lalisha. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I saw you today.
Starting point is 00:57:21 You have a name of someone that I've had a contentious relationship with in my town. And so, and so whenever I see your name, it brings back those memories. I'm looking for, I saw you commented today. Yeah. It's, it's a little bit different, but it's your last name that starts with an O that, that, that catches my attention every time. Lalisha. Oh, okay. No, but it's okay. Yeah. I don't know. No, I never, I mean, I lived in San Francisco for some time, but not anymore. Okay. What are you? What's your ethnicity? Are you Armenian? Uh, we are a lot. Yeah. My, uh, my father is Armenian. What? Really? That's true. Yes. Oh, wow. You sound like. You sound like one of my relatives.
Starting point is 00:58:06 No, I mean, I'm a lot of things. My father is Armenian, Balkayan. Okay. And my mother is Algerian. And I was born in Spain, grew up in France. And my husband is Swiss. My kids were born in Hong Kong. Wait, are you black and Armenian? Are you black?
Starting point is 00:58:28 No, I'm not black. My mom is Algerian, North African. And what do Algerians look like? Like Mediterranean, mostly. If you look at me, people never know where I come from. They always say, Oh, are you Italian? Are we, are you Spanish? Are you like, you know? Yeah. Do you have crazy thick hair? Crazy what? Thick hair.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Uh, yes, absolutely. Yeah. I bet you have amazing hair. Crazy question. I'm a hair aficionado. All the Armenians I know have crazy thick hair. And then when you said you were Mediterranean, all the Mediterranean's I know have thick hair. I had this Greek girlfriend. It was like her hair didn't even look real.
Starting point is 00:59:24 It was nuts. I know. I know you're fascinated by hair and waxing and all those things all those things yes yes do not wax your head or your eyebrows i like a big bushy eyebrow okay all right uh how do you have any questions is there any comments yeah my question is no my comment was like you know i believe like greg i was always wondering why he never came um to a podcast or to an interview and explain himself i felt like you know he just threw something out there that was misinterpreted or something, and he never explained it. And then he left, and he let all these people comment on him and say all the things they said, even though they, I mean,
Starting point is 01:00:16 they clearly profited from whatever, I mean, they gained from him. So I was just wondering why he never explained what he said. You know, that's a good question. I'll ask him that when I have him on. I'm wondering if he would say, well, I did explain or I'm not sure. I have it was the country was really I don't know who started it. I don't know if it was people like Charlie Kirk or Officer Tatum or Candace Owens. But our country here in the United States was at a fevered pitch of insane bullying.
Starting point is 01:00:53 It was literally you wouldn't believe the witch hunt that was going on here. And so basically all the rats had pulled and everyone became so fake. It was like overnight. It is getting much, much better. But overnight, everyone was trying to say the right thing even if they knew it was wrong. No, they didn't even – seriously, the only thing I can really think of comparing it to and obviously I wasn't there would be Nazi Germany the stories I would read there and the stories were that the people would be in church and the train would go by with the Jews in the in the in the in the in the train
Starting point is 01:01:39 screaming and instead of doing anything about it the churchgoers would just sing louder to drown out the sounds of the screams and it was literally like that here you would see just the most oppressive racist shit and yet everyone was looking the other way because it was in the name of black people or blm or what the news was saying was okay it was so bizarre and um yeah it was just a mass social lynching going on here. It was so bad. And then finally, some people were just like, hey, fuck you. And now the tide starting to slowly swing the other way and people are starting to realize, oh, my goodness. I mean, we like, you know, we just got this we just got this lieutenant governor in Virginia who's a black woman. She's the first black woman ever to be the lieutenant governor of virginia and instead of um the side that was screaming racist uh
Starting point is 01:02:29 supporting her um because that's totally their thing right to judge everything by sex and color of the skin instead of supporting her now they're calling her a white woman it's it's it's nuts but i think i think the tide is turning basically what it is is it's just that we have a there's a group of people here with a very, very limited consciousness. And because of their limited consciousness, they act like that. And what does that mean? They act like animals. They're basically dogs inside of human bodies.
Starting point is 01:02:58 And I know that they are our brethren. I know that we all are of this one source of life. So I'm not sure how it plays out. I'm not sure if it's that they wake up or that they push this other side that's more conscious to a point where they have to be – I don't know what happens to them. But they can't go on like that. They can't keep going on bullying people and projecting their own shit onto everyone else. So basically to answer your question, Greg got pushed. Even if he did say something, you would have never heard it.
Starting point is 01:03:34 The church raised its voice so loud so you wouldn't hear the screaming Jews in the train going by. And they're doing it still in this country i mean if you go over and listen to the the president of instagram has an account and he goes live like every day and he posts up and if you go over there and look at what he's posting and saying 10 years ago that would have never been allowed to be said he would have been the one getting lynched it's the most racist biased sexist propaganda ever, and yet for some reason now it's being accepted. And on the other hand, if you speak out against him, you're being censored. I mean the – I just saw this morning that the – it was either the president of Moderna or the president of Pfizer was saying that people who spread misinformation about the vaccines should be
Starting point is 01:04:25 imprisoned. Because it's killing people. Meanwhile, you cannot find anywhere on mainstream media in the United States where they talk about the real cure, which we know is to stop eating added sugar and refined carbohydrates. And then you can do whatever
Starting point is 01:04:41 you want. Just don't get hit by a car. Now, I agree fully with you on the COVID thing. And even if you want to come into my life and say, save me, then why are you not closing up all the McDonald's and all the Coca-Cola companies and all those things if you really care about the people?
Starting point is 01:05:01 So, you know, it's just nuts. The whole thing is nuts. But but yeah okay I I get it about it was just like to me Greg always fought for his ideas he was always outspoken about everything whatever you know people throw at him so I was like oh it seems like like he just left it. And maybe I thought inside he was just time for himself to say, okay, this is not for me anymore. I think some of the people on the inside who were close to him also turned on him. And that because they were scared of the mob. That's the worst. And I think that I think if everyone next to him would have stayed close and strong with him, but – I think that's what damaged him also.
Starting point is 01:05:51 I think that the people who he thought were close to him didn't stand by his side and actually turned on him. It was really amazing. I basically viewed a lot of people – I viewed Greg as a lion that got injured in the field and all the other lions and lionesses scattered. And the maggots and the hyenas and the vultures came to feed on him. And that's their character, right? I'm not saying that in a negative way, but that's what maggots do. That's what hyenas do, and that's what vultures do. They prey on the weak.
Starting point is 01:06:31 And I do think that Greg could have fought this off. He is a fighter of the highest order, and he's extremely articulate. And I don't know what it would have looked like on the other side, but he could have fought this and won. But he's also older now. You know what it would have looked like on the other side, but he could have fought this and won. But he's also older now. You know what I mean? It's like I'm sure some part of him will ask him. Fuck you. I'm 70.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Eat a dick. I'm out. You guys don't appreciate me? It's kind of – Jesus is an apropos story too. Fine. You want to kill me on the cross? I'm going to see Papa. Peace.
Starting point is 01:07:04 You know? In the end end as you said he's uh he's well he's wealthy and uh you know what comes around goes around and nine beautiful kids yeah he has nine beautiful kids he has three of the fastest production cars ever made this year i mean the guy uh he has homes uh massive homes and some of the nicest land on on you know on this earth um yeah life's good he's got his own fat plane he can fly around in boats he's but but i will tell you this he is working he is working he is working he's up to some shit and it's pretty fucking cool and i can't wait to show for him to show the world he's up to some really and he's going to get
Starting point is 01:07:46 right back into the fight even at a higher place than where he was in the fight last time and I think people are going to be really excited and proud of him I hope so I really hope so I wish him the best and you too Sivan and you are hilarious and I love your podcast
Starting point is 01:08:02 I need to tell you that I follow all of them and I love them. And I had a pretty shitty day today, but you were hilarious. Why, why did you have a shitty day? Ah, no, you know, but you know, uh, my best friend's father, who was my father figure died. So I was like, but then I, but you know, it's life, but then I heard you and you were going on a rant on, I don't know what. And I started laughing really hard. And then this guy with his mother-in-law called you.
Starting point is 01:08:30 And then it went on and on. And that was the best. Okay. You know, it's always good to hear you. It's always good to hear you and all your team. I mean, Matt and Brian and John, you are good people. And Josh and everybody. Who's John? Oh, yeah, John Young. Have a good day. And Josh and everybody. Who's John?
Starting point is 01:08:45 Oh, yeah, John Young. Have a good day. Wish you the best. Okay. Yeah, John Young. I forgot about him. Shit, I got to get him back on the show. Shit.
Starting point is 01:08:53 Absolutely. He's great. He's great. You have good people around you. Yes, I'm lucky. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much, Tevan.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Bye-bye. Bye. Bye. Hey, that lady's voice does something to me that's uh I can't really explain it it's um
Starting point is 01:09:10 that lady's voice is so familial to me I know Pete Clinton she's on for a long time I know I can't I can't help it like that was like like my aunt calling me
Starting point is 01:09:21 I can't tell you like that shit just rocks me what's up brother how's. What's up, brother? How's Florida? What's up? 780-786. 786. That's a horrible area code.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Hello. Is it me? Yes, it is you. Hey, it's Butch. Butch, what's up? Not too much. How come you said that it has a horrible area code? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Those numbers just don't sit well with me. I like a four one five or an eight Oh five or a two one three or like, you know what I mean? Like, I don't think, uh, who's the rapper. I got hoes in different area codes. I don't think he's got a hoe in your area code. I just don't think so. Just instinct. That's a fun, that's a funny joke. Are you doing it? Are you a comedian? I'm a comedian? No.
Starting point is 01:10:17 I have a question. You were saying the real way to be treating on COVID is to just eat no sugar and bread, and the vaccine is fake. So if I took a vaccine already, can I get rid of it and eat a lot of bread? I don't think the vaccine is fake. I don't know, but I don't think it's fake. I think that there's... But before you said that, how come they push the vaccine and really the cure is to eat and no sugar? Hold on one second. Matt, will you translate that for me i'm a little confused
Starting point is 01:10:46 as well too i think what he's essentially trying to ask is if the cure is no sugar then why do we have the vaccine is that correct uh okay yeah the you don't have an answer is it is the question a little bit too i understand that sometimes my level on thinking is a little bit high level and maybe you're not get on my wavelength i understand it it's not easy thinking you're maybe more linear if you um if you stop eating added sugar and refined carbohydrates okay you will be at the 95-yard line of optimal health. And then the 100-yard line is a touchdown. And if you incorporate some movement in that, then...
Starting point is 01:11:38 Like a CrossFit. Didn't the guy whose year that you got fired from a CrossFit podcast because he did a bad bad thing on a podcast right are you the same guy who got fired on a CrossFit podcast you are so what's your name Butch
Starting point is 01:12:00 Butch and what state are you calling from where's 786 that's a homestead of Florida but I used to live in um Tennessee Idaho Butch. And what state are you calling from? Where's 786? That's a homestead of Florida, but I used to live in Tennessee, Idaho on a move with my friends, Terry and Pete and other friends. Oh, cool. Do you do CrossFit? Are you a practitioner of the lifestyle method that we call CrossFit? Are you part of the cult? Well, I do like to be fit. And I'll tell you not when when i see someone who's
Starting point is 01:12:27 not fit it makes me quite cross but not not so to speak i heard it's a waste of money and um sort of making money off of people who are sort of stupid and don't know how to just do workout on their own just lift things up right and what fitness program do you do is it beta fit i can't tell if this is beta fit oh someone just said homestead is the slums is that i thank you because i don't know what i did not know what homestead is i think he's trying to prove you wrong that is a small that you're hyperbole on the vaccine. Small town. Savan,
Starting point is 01:13:10 do you don't like a vaccine or what about wear a mask? No, no. I don't think it's necessary. Are you asking for me personally? For you personally with the mustache, yeah. Yeah. I don't think I need any drugs and I don't need any mask. I don't even wear a Halloween mask.
Starting point is 01:13:32 Yeah. Okay. That's cool. Well, okay. Hey, you know what they, you know what they always said? Science can only go so far after science leaves off. That's where CrossFit picks up the baton thanks for talking colin and folks see you later bye dude higher level thinking is amazing but sounds like a little bitch hey you remember before you were talking and you were like the bullying of all that's that's a great example there like i can't tell if he was just like doing it to like be fun with you or if he was like – if he was actually whatever, pissed off. But that passive-aggressive like moral high-ground bullying. I wanted – but I wanted – the thing is, is he was so – I really wanted to fight with him, but he was so nervous that he couldn't get it out.
Starting point is 01:14:23 That dude had like a plan. He had such – Yeah, he had such a tie oh shit hey hey i i gotta take this other call i gotta take this other call sorry guys i got it call back sorry you're gonna die when you see who this is colton colton yeah holy shit can you hear me yes I can hear you how are you good I just got done
Starting point is 01:14:55 watching a big barn yeah I was listening to I just started listening in the podcast right before
Starting point is 01:15:03 I know some caller did I say anything bad about you you're not on you're not on your way over to my house to beat me up are you I just started listening in the podcast right before, I don't know, some caller. Did I say anything bad about you? You're not on your way over to my house to beat me up, are you? You said you think my garage stinks or something like that. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:14 I said someone needs to get you an air cleaner for in there. I bet you it smells horrible in there. Why do you think it smells? Because there's 14,000 pigs around the spot or 15,000 pigs. And you don't have time to clean up. And there's probably like old socks in the corner.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Like you work out, you go to work, and then you work out again. There's no sanitation in the place. And your time is so limited, you probably just pee in the corner of your gym. Okay, so I don't live next day. And I do clean it probably about every other week on Sunday get my switcher out and everything like that
Starting point is 01:15:51 I need to see that on your platform my platform I built that it's comparable to a road platform I can barely hear you Colton are you on speakerphone or comfortable to do a road platform. A road platform, man. I can barely hear you, Colton.
Starting point is 01:16:08 Are you on speakerphone? No, I'm not driving. I'm making a big barn right now. Can we just send him a link and he can click on it? Wait, hold on. Just bring him in. Yeah, how do I... Do I have him in my... in this phone right here let me see hold on
Starting point is 01:16:29 i can do it you want me to send him yeah yeah yeah please team mertens oh do you know we have a thread called team mertens sorry i was talking to colton yeah Will you click the link that Matt sent? We're going to hang up and click the link that Matt sent you. Sure. Okay. Bye. Someone wrote, talk about backfire.
Starting point is 01:16:53 This guy tried to be a smart ass and turned into looking like a dumbass. I know that's the thing. I wanted to give that guy enough runway to like, I wanted him to say something so I could just blast him. But I think he was just really nervous. I'm all for fighting, doing a little fighting with people on the air. He didn't have a point though. Look at my mom made a comment.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Colton, we love you. My mom likes Colton too? My mom's probably into short dudes. How could she not be? Finally, the muscle hamster is back on. We're going to do a show with him. Very soon. We've got to get this guy on yeah the majority of your show is about crossfit and how could he not why did he call in i get it caller what's up what's up savon hi i just got bummed you hung up on me and told me to call back
Starting point is 01:17:46 but it was worth it for colton merton oh yeah i think yeah and so we gave him a link um so hopefully he's just gonna hit that link and he'll come straight into stream yard that's what's up i want to tell you something do you know how cool i am that um colton merton's called the phone yeah i get the impression you're cool enough that he's got a separate line into the show. No, I wish. I want to lie to you so bad and say, yes, you're right. But it's like, I think I'm cool.
Starting point is 01:18:15 It's pretty cool that my mom listens to the show. I'm always surprised to see that. And that Colton Merton's call, that is so nuts. It's like almost like... That's a good mom, though. It's almost like I've arrived. I know it's a double edged sword. I kind of don't want to know that she
Starting point is 01:18:29 listens. Say that again. Sorry. I'm surprised that anybody who has a podcast like everybody's mom should be listening to their show. Right. Isn't that like a supportive parent? I guess I just don't think I just I'm just I just struggle to see that this is a show that's appropriate for moms. There he is. There he is.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Colton, what's up, dude? How's it going? Oh, you got a haircut. Kind of, yeah. Yeah, looking good. Oh, and those are your earpieces. Oh, this sounds much better. Okay, so tell me about your platform.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Your platform's not janky? Well, it wasn't when I built it. But the problem is the floor on my in my garage is not level so it's uh it makes the left and leads forward that's the only thing other than that my platform's good so when you set the bar down it just rolls away from you yeah i have to uh so i have crash pads and usually i'll just use that to keep the bar from going away and not drop the dumbbells as well. Got it. But the thing is, once I get to an actual gym, I feel very, very strong. It's being uneven, and it's not flat.
Starting point is 01:19:42 So I can jump a little bit. But I think that's just adding to my strength as I get to, like, actual gyms. Oh, but those crash pads concern me. Wait a second. Oh, wait. If you lift it from the crash pad, oh, you're not lifting it from the crash pad. Okay. So, when you cycle it, you still cycle it off the crash pad okay so when you cycle it you cycle you still cycle it off the
Starting point is 01:20:05 ground you don't cycle off the crash pad because then that wouldn't then you wouldn't be picking it up from deep enough right yeah crash pad just covered my roll away because of the crash pads um how how's how's everything going how is all the training going is everything going according to plan yeah it's actually going really well right now. Recovery is going way better than I expected. Strength is going really well at UPRs lately, and I'm feeling really good. I'm excited. I was supposed to compete, like, tomorrow, but a company shot canceled. Mayhem. Desert heat. Oh, yeah. How does that work when that gets canceled?
Starting point is 01:20:47 Like, did you have plane tickets and all that shit? Yeah. I had plane tickets, and they were going to cover the hotel. But I'm just kind of fucked on the plane ticket now, I guess. Yeah. Someone just said, Dylan Vowell said, Was it Colton Merton that said you have two options in life, make it easier or get tougher?
Starting point is 01:21:08 Yep, that was me. That was you? Yeah, I need to pass that. Hey, it seems out of your character to call. Is this part of your CrossFit training? You're like, okay, I don't want to call. I don't want to talk to anyone. Okay, I'm going to face this thing I don't want to do head on, and I I'm going to face this, this thing. I don't want to do head on and I'm just going to call.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Fuck these guys. Yeah. Well, it's funny. The other day, my dad actually asked me, he's like, you're kind of,
Starting point is 01:21:34 I don't really like people. Do you? I'm like, I don't know. Not a lot. He's like, you like me? I'm like,
Starting point is 01:21:40 yeah, sure. So it's funny you mentioned that, but no, I was just watching a big bar, and I wear my headphones. It's pretty loud. And I was just doing another podcast, and it got done.
Starting point is 01:21:53 So I'm here, so I'm going to talk to you guys. I'll call you back. I'll call you back tomorrow. God, isn't technology amazing? Here we can just be talking shit about Colton Mertens to the whole world on YouTube and he's like wait a second, let me set the record straight here and you can just call and talk to everyone in real time So your dad fucked with you a little bit
Starting point is 01:22:16 like he's like God, that's how I treat my kids that's exactly what I would say to my kids he's like, you like me, right? Yeah Yeah, he fucks with me a lot he likes to play jokes That's exactly what I would say to Mike. He's like, you like me, right? Yeah. Yeah, he fucks with me a lot. He likes to play jokes and things like that. God, I love it.
Starting point is 01:22:34 Hey, Dylan, where did you hear that? How did you know Colton said that? Where did you hear him say that? You have two options in life. Make it easier or get tougher. Colton, you should definitely throw that on a shirt yeah for real i should uh get to get a swolverine to uh brand it there and uh do a swolverine colmerton shirt absolutely that'd be sweet where do you um so so what's the plan now for
Starting point is 01:23:01 for when when something like that happens and when the event in Dubai gets canceled then what happens? Like with your training, do you reorganize or it's not a big deal? No, I wasn't going to be peaking for this event. I was just going to be training. Training is my focus for the games. So I was going to go compete, try and win some money and also it's just a really good gauge to see where you're
Starting point is 01:23:25 at and see how training's going um obviously you can retest workouts and see if you're getting better but you never really know how effective your training is or where you stack up the field or if you're good enough at certain movements yet until you go at high level so that was kind of playing with that to see where some things were at. But nothing really changes as far as my training goes. Still working on weaknesses and still focusing on getting to that actual game. I saw you did the Zello games. You were like, you took 10th or something.
Starting point is 01:24:00 Yeah. What is that about? It didn't cost a lot of money to do and there's not very way to win this money so i just wanted to do it in with training and uh it's hard to perform sometimes in the garage and uh it's based to me and a lot of those workouts have so um originally i guess trying to really win is kind of where i'm going did you get money do you did you get money from that what'd he say oh but you but so you just got a post does that piss you off like when you see that those people
Starting point is 01:24:42 beat you does that fuck with you are you like god damn i should be at the top of this pile yeah definitely part of me is like that but also it's um it's a online event and so it's uh it's just never the same in person and there's always differences like how you can set up your stuff and um where you're at in your training phase how much people are kind of deloading for that yeah but really it's really not a great way to compare to see how you're doing could have just kind of a fun thing to do so you were just cleaning the pig barns and now where are you driving i'm going to another pig barn now i have a couple other things to finish up and then i'm gonna go shower and short train in my are we gonna see are you close to the big barn now that you're going into
Starting point is 01:25:35 yeah are we gonna be able to see in there is there like all sorts of like violations like farming violations i can't see it no there's no violations but anything like that i take good care of my pigs um i know it'd be kind of loud i don't usually take my phone out in there because i don't want to drop it oh good call hey hey we know it's all fucked up in there and there's violations we watch the media we watch we watch cnn we know there's nothing good as we eat our pork chops every night. We know there's nothing good about that. My kids love me. They're excited to see me every day. I'm like God to them. That's awesome. You're like God to me.
Starting point is 01:26:17 All right, Colton. Well, thanks for calling in. Hey, are we, are we working? We're working on scheduling you for a whole show, right? Yeah. Next week sometime. Okay, bitchin'. Cool. All right, dude. Thanks for calling in. Call in anytime.
Starting point is 01:26:31 All right. Yeah, have a good time, guys. See ya. Later, Cole. Bye. He said he feels like a god around his pigs. I feel like a fucking god. Yesterday, we saw Dave Castro and Ronnie Teasdale on the same podcast that was fucking a trip i feel like
Starting point is 01:26:49 anything's possible yeah the funny part about that was i had no idea dave was coming on and i was like oh here he is thinking it was ronnie and then i like entered and i'm like dave oh shoot i forgot to tell my mom oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot hold on hold on I have to do this really quick uh so check out these are my new headphones do you see them wrapped around my neck fancy
Starting point is 01:27:18 hi are you coming over to the house yeah okay are you here now okay well okay I'm gonna wrap up this podcast and then we'll go to the house? Yeah. Okay. Are you here now? No. Okay. I'm going to wrap up this podcast and then we'll go to the skate park. Okay. Bye.
Starting point is 01:27:31 Bye. That was easy. I've asked her to come on the podcast before. She says no. This is Jamie Strauss. What if it would have been James Krauss? Hey, Devon. How you doing?
Starting point is 01:27:41 What's up, Jamie? Big, big fan of the podcast. Actually, I had a question for you guys. So, and I don't know if anyone asked it already, but how do you guys feel about the whole CrossFit health and how long do you guys think that's really going to take to affect the healthcare system? Matt, do you want to answer that?
Starting point is 01:28:08 Yeah, well, i have fairly limited knowledge as far as what actual crossfit's overall uh intentions with it is but i would say that if you're trying to work within the inside meaning like get inside of those um health insurance companies and stuff like that i don't think you're going to affect much change. I think the only way you could really reform like healthcare and provide a second alternative is if you stay outside of the money of healthcare. Cause once you start taking money, once you try to be a partner with them, you have to play by their rules. And we know how that's turned out so far. Yeah, pretty rough. Well, James, do you have a, do you have a thought on it? Do you have a thought on it?
Starting point is 01:28:44 yeah pretty rough well james do you have do you have a thought on it do you have a thought on it um i really like what they're doing to be honest i like the concept of it i like that they're trying to at least make a change i know that's what greg was always trying to shoot for in the long run but uh he and eric rosa starting to go through some things a little bit impressive and looking at like julie foucher and those guys that are kind of leading the way with it is actually what i think is a pretty big deal so i i probably have the opposite view of you um that i don't really know enough about it to speak about it, but I do know about CrossFit health and or what CrossFit health used to be. And it is, this is absolutely not what CrossFit health was, was planned to be. CrossFit health was about the ills of modern medicine.
Starting point is 01:29:35 It was to make doctors and people in the health profession acutely aware that they are being lied to by pharma and that 86% of their expenditure goes to problems that they do not have the cure for. And who has that cure? Your affiliate owners and your CrossFit L1 coaches. And that anyone else who thinks that they do have the cure for that is basically lying to you or a docent to the grave. When I hear Eric Rosa talking about his primary – his whatever the fuck Julie and him were talking about. And I think I really don't want to badmouth anyone, but it would come off of my tongue so easily. It's to completely misrepresent CrossFit and what it is capable of and its potency is of if you believe a doctor should be a daily part of your life. You need a doctor if you get hit by of your life, you need a doctor.
Starting point is 01:30:25 If you get hit by a fucking car, you get shot by a gun. You do not. You do not need my recently. I'm going to tell you a story. I have the three healthiest kids in the fucking world. Recently, one of my kids was in a jiu-jitsu class, and a kid scratched his eyeball in the corner, and his eyeball started bleeding from whatever that white part of your eyeball is. And so when I got home that day, one of the other kids' parents, who's also a practitioner at this gym, who wasn't and she said okay um i'm going to show it to the top i think it's called an optop ophthalmologist or some eye doctor optometrist optometrist not an optometrist something like that but basically
Starting point is 01:31:40 um and so i said okay and so the next day she got back to me and she goes, we both agree that he needs antibiotics on that. And she prescribed them to me. And we went on our way and I went to, my wife went to the doctor and got the antibiotics. And of course we did, we did not apply them, but we got them just in case. So I saw her a couple of days later and she said, Hey, how's the eye? And I said, it's all better. And she said, did you apply the top, the stuff cream? And I said, no. And she said, okay. And she said, did you apply the top, the stuff cream? And I said, no. And she said, okay. And then she said, I see that your kids have never been to the doctor. I said, that's correct. She said, they have no medical records they weren't born in hospitals they weren't they haven't been pricked they haven't been like and and like i can't go and i i can't go anywhere without and with my kids without someone stopping me and being like
Starting point is 01:32:36 god and look at me no one's ever stopped me in my life i I've never had a one night stand. No bitches ever picked me up from the bar. Never. Like I have to like, I have to fucking like, I have to court the shit out of you, your parents and your fucking dead grandparents before you'll give me a kiss. And I can't go anywhere without with my kids, without someone stopping me.
Starting point is 01:33:00 You're like, what the fuck are these? And I go, yeah, these are what kids look like who haven't had a medical. And so when I see that CrossFit is offering medical services, they've invited the wolves into the chicken coop. What we were supposed to do is educate doctors into letting them know that CrossFit is a tool, that eating is – that this lifestyle regimen, which is 99% nutrition and 1% movement, is a tool that they should be using. Not invite them in to talk to our people. Do you not think that's what they're trying to push for? No, fuck no. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:33:39 This thing is all about making money and prescribing fucking – just more shit to to crossfitters who don't need it it's nuts everything in my opinion everything you need to know you can learn from your fucking affiliate owner that l1 is fucking mind-boggling it will if you follow what's in there it will make you so fucking happy greg would used to tell this story if you're 90 years old and you have high cholesterol but you can still ride a fucking motorcycle with your bitch on the back then then you're good to go who gives a shit or would you rather be it's diet 75 and your doctor's got you on statins they're still fucking doctors man
Starting point is 01:34:19 they're trained to just find bad shit oh my god there's a guy sebon is the yuppie version of dwight shrewd i don't know who dwight shrewd is he sure as fuck ain't a yuppie but more importantly your name is david friend holy shit i knew brian was gay that's brian's husband what i wanted to say thank you for answering my question and actually have me on for a brief moment and i definitely love the podcast yeah and if you want to call back and unfuck me um uh i'm i'm totally open to being unfucked but i just think that if you follow the crossfit diet you get to the 95 yard line do some movement and and you're good to go inviting doctors in to like give us advice on shit like do testing on our
Starting point is 01:35:05 blood and like tell us like oh no you should be eating um pork instead of cat fuck off like like so keep sorry i just listened to my affiliate owner who took his l1 and if i have any questions i'll go to the journal call me call me a fucking a kool-aid drinker. I don't care. I've seen too many people's lives change just from following that. I don't fucking trust doctors outside of fucking fixing a bullet hole in me at all, zero. most of them are they don't even know it dude they were trained their education was created by those fucking people that we prescribed did you hear that stat i gave earlier we prescribe more in money and sleeping aids in this country than the entire gdp of fucking kenya it's like you cannot trust these fucking people and and that's this they're using the same excuse that they've always used. Well, people can't change enough. That's why we have to give them the injection now.
Starting point is 01:36:11 This COVID thing is very serious, and we have to give them the injection. There's not enough time to get everyone healthy. I agree with you. It's healthy. They've been saying that since the 30s when they discovered that cancer was caused by fucking shitty lifestyle. It's time to fucking sack up everybody. This is, but we're going to get to see it play out in our life.
Starting point is 01:36:31 We're going to, this is just to see where they go in five years from now. Yeah. We're going to get to see this whole thing play on our life. A shitload of more people are going to die. Something really, really crazy is going to happen. Like,
Starting point is 01:36:41 like the super flu. I mean, not to like me, I'm going to be fine, but like to, mean not to like me i'm gonna be fine but like to the like people who eat like you drink a soda every day they got their shit coming super flu yeah the super flu is coming i mean i just saw yesterday on npr national fucked up radio on their those fucking morons that um that covid will never go away now because it's spreading through um white-tailed deer or something and now that deer have covid it will be here forever with that COVID will never go away now because it's spreading through white tail
Starting point is 01:37:05 deer or something. And now that deer have COVID, it will be here forever with us. I'm like, Oh great. Like I needed deer to tell me that it will not be here for us forever because I will not be here forever. Okay. Hey, Hey Sam, I don't need you like supporting someone calling me a yuppie. 20 burpees. Well, thanks for calling in. Thanks, guys.
Starting point is 01:37:32 I appreciate it. Bye. Okay, bye. Oh, shit. I just hung up on another caller. I started doing jujitsu again. I bought a Rogue Echo bike. I think someone talking about both of these things has a big impact on my decisions.
Starting point is 01:37:45 Awesome. Good job. Keep me posted, Jackie. Excuse me. Gotten so sloppy. There's a new Delta variant in Northern California. This thing will never end. It's a new Delta.
Starting point is 01:38:02 I can't take another call. I have to go to the skate park. I cannot take your call. Is it weird that me talking about Colton Martin's got him on the show and I was a little bit nervous to hear his response to me? Oh, who is this? Bob? What did you say? What did you say what did you say i'm not i didn't even know tell me really quick because i gotta go i can't be fucking around with you
Starting point is 01:38:31 i said he was too small or he's at a big disadvantage and then he comes on the show and i'm kind of like uh-oh i hope holmer doesn't find out who i am hey you know what's crazy i can't tell you like i will, in my head, I will seriously tell myself how cool I am all day because he called me in. I'm not joking. I'm not trying to be funny. I seriously think I was tripping
Starting point is 01:38:56 yesterday when Dave and Teasdale were both on the show. I felt like it was I just couldn't believe it. But for Colton Mertens to call in, that was like, that's next level. Yeah, I just couldn't believe it. But for Colton Mertens to call in, that was like, that's next level. Yeah, I'll just talk crap every week and then try to get him on for you. Yeah, please. I would rather have Colton Mertens than Matthew McConaughey, me personally.
Starting point is 01:39:16 I just cannot believe. I'm just enamored by the dude. I think he's so fucking cool. Yeah. All right. Well, I just wanted to say that. All right, thanks. If you need someone to get him on, I just wanted to say that. All right. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:39:25 If you need someone to get him on, I can help you out in the future. You the man. Yeah, you the man. Thank you. All right. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:39:35 Matt, thanks for hanging with me this morning, holding my hand. Yeah. Great show. Guys, tomorrow – oh, let me just give a quick list if i can pull it up uh tomorrow oh tomorrow we have the top 10 oh god this is such an easy week i got off easy already tomorrow is the top 10 show with brian and james i also invited jason kalipa to be on the show so hopefully jason will make it that's at 7 a.m pacific standard time tomorrow saturday i was going to do a live call-in show i think i'm canceling that unless my numbers look great for today because i'm a numbers whore uh on monday we have james fitzgerald from opex
Starting point is 01:40:15 super excited about that james's old friend on tuesday we have adam knifer thank you adam knifer who is the coach of justin madaris but more importantly he was on the ground at uh the rogue invitational and i'm just really curious what happened to vigno and who day and some of these people who were pulling out um and then on the 17th we have dalton rose uh uh rasta rosta dalton is a fighter with bellator um beautiful just yoked man kicking ass uh five and oh and then on thursday we don't have anyone scheduled yet on friday we don't have anyone scheduled so yeah oh yeah no we got someone on friday we got uh uh dr courtney oh yes yes that show is going to be crazy guys that one's if you like the ronnie teasdale one or the raw one you're gonna like this one a lot yeah dr courtney hunt is friday the 19th that's around noon sometime
Starting point is 01:41:10 she's a uh a former baby deliverer a gynecologist uh i think she might be a phd md she has really really gotten into physics and consciousness and uh she says some shit that's like but basically what caught my attention is she thinks that AI is going to become sentient. And what does that mean? We shall find out. Anyway, thanks for tuning in everybody. Rob Orlando. Oh, so real quick, dude, Rob Orlando. Yes, we are buddies. And when I very, very first started the CrossFit podcast, I always, whenever I would rehearse it in my head, it would always be with Rob Orlando. What does that mean? Like I'd be driving to work and I
Starting point is 01:41:49 would pretend like I was on a show with Rob Orlando. I always wanted him to be my first guest. So I do, I need to reach out and get Rob. Okay. On that note, buh-bye.

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