The Sevan Podcast - #207 The News - James Hobart & Kate Gordon

Episode Date: November 17, 2021

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Starting point is 00:01:01 Bam, we're live. Yeah, we're live. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Real Savant Podcast. Savant has made it. Thank goodness. Blake, Colin, he's already on you. Dang. Right away.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Is there a shower on or something? What do I hear? You guys hear that? Hold on. I'm going to mute. or something what do i hear you guys hear that oh hold on i'm gonna i'm gonna mute uh suza kate no whoops you whoops oh it's kate it's kate it's kate you guys watch watch i'm gonna mute kate watch ah I'm going to mute Kate. Watch. Oh my God. You know what that is? That's the hum of her, um, uh, ovaries. She's probably ovulating. That's the, uh, there, there she's, uh, she's dropping an egg. You're a few days out. I'm sorry. I'm post ovulation. And I'm going to, I'm going to
Starting point is 00:01:59 be getting so much trouble for being sexist for not for for like for judging okay does this help does that make it worse that's better that's better oh but then i got an echo turned down just slightly just slightly oh so much better yes yes oh so weird perfect okay but i still hear it that's so strange i'm gonna i'm just gonna press a couple buttons and if it improves just let me know where is james hobart he's changing his shirt apparently question yeah that's is that the exact same setup you had as last week who are you miss kate me yeah yeah it's the same setup i have every week wow that's a trip that i that I hear that. Is it placed different in conjunction to your headphones or your computer? There he is.
Starting point is 00:02:50 No. What's up, Hobart? Hobart, do you hear that? Oh, Hobart's muted. I'm back, baby. There he is. What's up, cuties? I needed Kate to see if that sound would go away is it on my end it's pretty quiet we're in seven i hooped cf kate is taking the helm again tonight
Starting point is 00:03:16 what do you mean again what the fuck are you talking about there you go she's taking it oh oh i see what you mean you mean like hobart was like not going to do reading the news? I'm done. I'll just kick back and relax. Okay, hang on. Can you still hear the like buzzing or the whatever noise you can hear, Siobhan? I'm going to change my audio in a minute. I want you to tell me if it's better. Okay, I still hear it a little bit. Okay, I'm okay.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Abe, this is actually my wife's chair. Oh, now you're muted, Kate. She wanted like an epic office setup, so we bought this super ergonomic space chair that's actually really comfortable. That's a fancy chair. It is. It was not. Hobart, Hobart,
Starting point is 00:03:55 we're doing an audio check, and you and Suze are just fucking off, just having a conversation on the side. We're three minutes into the show. Yeah, thank you. Fucking A. I know what that is. I know what that is. I know what you did. Seven on games 2019.
Starting point is 00:04:10 But now your voice is like echoey. Yeah, it's just my computer now. It's not like the fancy microphone. Okay, let me. Kate, are you single? No. No. I mean, I'm in a relationship, but I'm not single.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Are you available? To a degree? I don't know. It depends. I'm not unavailable. No, I like that. This is kicking off. If I asked you if you were single and then someone said you weren't dating other people, then that would be just someone's making a presupposition that someone who's not single isn't dating.
Starting point is 00:04:52 And that would be a mistake to make that presupposition with you. God, I don't even know what I just said. I don't know. I have no idea. Is the noise back? that annoying is that better okay everyone listen up listen up listen up the so this dm so there's a guy over in the uk who's in special forces and do you guys know what special forces is yeah and um we we dm we dm quite a bit and we we talk about just the state of state of affairs of the world and sometimes our texts will get really long and he'll send me voice texts and he has a
Starting point is 00:05:40 really nice voice is a very nice voice and anyway, and I don't talk back to him. One, because, like, I don't like sending voice DMs. I just type shit out. But two, like, once someone, like, uses their voice like this on you, you don't talk back to them. But listen to this. This came in just a couple days ago. Tell me if you guys can hear this. Ready?
Starting point is 00:06:00 It was a long, long voice message, and this is the last 41 seconds of it. Oh, yeah. One last thing. Kate Gordon, mate, is so fit, so sexy, so straight up there, talks so much sense, and is just an all-round good dude. I really like Kate. Hope you're well, my man. your work loving the podcasts i've fallen behind i've fallen behind lately because i've been away on courses doing these military civility and experience things so i'm rapidly trying to catch up on all the all the good stuff so keep up the good work mate mate. And say hello to that lovely Kate Gordon from me.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Take it easy, my man. He has the kind of voice that you would want reading an audio book. Every time he says your name, I just put in my name and I feel movement in my pants. I want you to be very honest with me. Does that get you a little bit like that opened up a shocker or something for you? He has a great voice voice i completely agree with you and you could definitely play that again and i'd be okay with it yeah seven's listened to that 12 times now gotten off half the time the second part is a fucking lie i've not gotten off but i have listened to that 12 times like i played it for my wife five times i played it for my mom i'm like what the fuck is going on let's listen kate gordon mate is so fit so sexy so straight up there so much sense i mean he's covering all the bases first he just comes off just as such a like
Starting point is 00:07:41 like he just wants to just fucking lick her you know stuff and then he switches and she makes so much sense and like you're just like all right all right i'm not going anywhere but then this is my favorite part this is my this is how i know he's just an all round good dude i really like kate hope you're well my man dude everyone's starting to fall in love with kate yeah what the fuck is going on here oh i thought you were about to say everyone's starting to fall in love with that guy who left the message because no no no but i mean this is just like special forces in the uk smart human obviously i think he sucks just for the record oh hobart i'm feeling a little bit of jealousy too i'm feeling i didn't express it quite so
Starting point is 00:08:23 obviously as you hobart but i'm feeling a little bit of jealousy too. I didn't express it quite so obviously as you, Hobart, but I'm feeling a little bit of jealousy too. Don't worry. We got her. I'm really enjoying this podcast. This is a great episode. Yeah. Okay, I'm not doing shit for the rest of the episode. The first thing someone says... I want Mr. England.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Oh, man. Look at Sousa ran away. Bye ran away bye suza thank you for everything oh all right how many minutes into the show are we jesus if we started talking about the news now that would be a record well let's not do it then i am full of just so much love and light that's interesting tell us more that's it just just is that from your because you're raw podcast my oh no it's because i'm listening to this because I'm listening to this book by – sure as fuck ain't because of Colin Lawrence's comments. I'm listening to this audio book, The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. Oh, I've read that. Oh, someone gave me that book. I actually found it a little bit hard to read. There were some really good pieces in it, but there was a lot i was like no i just i don't know some of the language is just a little bit far out for me
Starting point is 00:09:48 oh well for me i read so much far out shit like that like i read all that fucking yogananda buddhism i read all that taoism i i go way into it and and be here now and all that jazz and this guy was just like, actually it's just like this. And then he's just like step-by-step. I was like, wow, this guy's just like, I just, I'm just loving it. I'm just loving it. Yeah. Yeah. That book. I don't have that many copies. I have one audio copy. Yes. Derek, this is my voice now. Hey. And how about the fact that this guy, that guy's special forces?
Starting point is 00:10:29 I mean, while you're sleeping, like, he makes love to you, tucks you in bed, and then goes stands guard at the fucking front of the house. I mean, it's nuts. Kate, how tall are you uh five eight oh i see i see and and how tall are you i'm five five but i haven't measured in a long time she's a little taller maybe uh that's not exactly what i was thinking. And Kate, can you front, could you, could you front squat a one 65 for a set of 10?
Starting point is 00:11:11 One 65. Yeah, I think so. Okay. All right. Let me convert it. Wait, one 65.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Yeah, it'd be, it wouldn't be that fun, i could do it yeah you could do it all right so are you finally back to doing regular crossfit you're just still riding the assault bike i mean jesus someone in the someone in the comments like we need to chip in money and send someone to an affiliate like i don't do regular crossfit just because i talk about riding the assault bike a lot i'll tell you what i did today uh did i work out today oh nelly today's my fasting day shit i did i don't think i didn't work out today last night i did 20 calories on the assault bike, 10 front squats with a 40-pound D-ball, and 10 strict pull-ups, 10 rounds. Does that cross it? I like that workout a lot.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Yeah, it's really good. Thank you. 10 cals on the assault bike is what I used to do, but I've grown a set, and I do 20 now. So I end up doing 200 in totality. And then that also allows me to do 10 unbroken pull-ups go ahead okay i did a workout today i'd be curious to see how you do um and you can game it so you have 60 minute clock and it starts off um you have three singles of a back squat three singles of a strict press three singles of a deadlift and then however much time you have i'm writing this down
Starting point is 00:12:43 you row you row say it again hobart i want row, you row. Say it again, Hobart. I want to write it down to say it again. So 60 minute clock, three, two, one go. You do three singles of a back squat, three singles of a strict press, three singles of a deadlift. And then however much time you have left in that hour, you row as many meters as possible. Oh, okay. Yeah. I'm, I'm all over that. Wait a second. Wait a second. So you do nine lifts and then row. What if you finish all the lifts in one minute then? So then you, you row for 59 minutes. Yeah. I mean, you can kind of go about it however you want. Um, I tried to warm up to like the heaviest I could for each. And then I did my three back squats basically on the minute. And then I did my three back squats basically on the minute.
Starting point is 00:13:25 And then I did my three presses on the minute. And then my deadlifts took me a little longer than that. And I rode for about 48 minutes. That's stupid as fuck. You're on, you, you sold a programming after CrossFit. And what the fuck is that?
Starting point is 00:13:38 Okay. workout. God, what if Rich Froning heard that shit? He would do all that. He'd be rolling in his grave yeah i i must be misunderstanding the workout no it's crossfit total and then rolling pretty much or you could take 55 minutes to do the total and then you could just row for five minutes
Starting point is 00:13:57 geez hobart takes a week off and everyone saves their insults for him to come back yeah i know poor Hobart. I'm full of 11. I can't wait to see what this genius is going to lay out. There's special teams that are doing circle jerks to fucking Kate. I'm full of Hobart. No one wants him back.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Oh my goodness. Oh God. There's a psychological term for that. It's called scapegoat. It's where people project all of their misplaced aggressions and it's all just on Hobart. Uh, yes. British Columbia.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Hey, how's it going? So Vaughn and Kate, I'm full of love. I'm full of love and light. I was just, um, just quickly on here.
Starting point is 00:14:40 And, um, just wondering for the argument of one of the great I was just a watch listen to your podcast of the top 10 crossfitters and the one thing that doesn't get talked about maybe because I wanted to wait till Hobart got on here was what was it like in 2014 behind the scenes of Froning dealing with the adoption of his child and how much of that was a psychological mindfuck going into the 2014 games before retirement. That's a pretty personal story for them. But the one thing I'll add on that is I went down there,
Starting point is 00:15:21 I think a couple of weeks before the games and Rich was Rich was like, Oh, Hey, yeah, we're adopting. And I looked at the calendar and I was like, Rich, that's in two weeks, man. Like it was almost just like this thing. They 100% committed and it kind of all of the steps that need to kind of work out fell into place. And then all of a sudden we were down there to train. And then there was a, there was a little baby in the house. It was, it was wild wild it was wild for them um but i think i think he handled it well because he still won yeah well i just yeah i watched the uh the documentary
Starting point is 00:15:56 froning and you know i'm a new father myself so i just can't imagine what it was like to go through that you know right before you know you're you know highlighted by the games but yet they kind of talked about this story that was going on with their personal life but i always just wanted to kind of know like that's never been brought into the factor of like a psychological thing going into your your games life your your private life right yeah i mean it's definitely not talked about a lot and i guess it's not the flashy side of it um it's one of the things i've always found most impressive about all the athletes at the games is kind of um you know what all the issues they have going down going on under the hood so i would
Starting point is 00:16:33 encourage you to uh i'll do a little plug here for you listen to savon's other podcast with some other top games athletes just because the stories that come out the things they're dealing with and how they navigate that throughout the season is really cool yeah like if you showed up there and you just had like a fucking world-class yeast infection and yet you're supposed to perform at the highest fucking level it's like my goodness yeah i don't think that's what he meant but all right well thank you guys like this point yeah thank you thank you for coming hobart but you said things that they have going on underneath the hood, whether it's adopt a baby or a world-class yeast infection,
Starting point is 00:17:11 or you have a hemorrhoid the size of a golf ball that blew out of your ass while you were doing the CrossFit total. What? Yeah. Hell yeah, $9.99. Nice. Dude, I'm – Okay, hold on. This podcast is amazing.
Starting point is 00:17:22 I can't help but pay for this product. Speaking of workouts and rich, what about land fantasy fantasy you say it the way you want to say it i'll say this is a time for i think a barbell jobs plug i hate it that it's so forced like that james can't we just make it natural that was natural it felt natural like it just sort of like welled up inside of me so it's funny i see what's going on here kate took your job reading the news and now you're inserting on plugging the sponsors it's like just i'm slowly we had to trade hands i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to just blank my screen out just like suza well i mean savannah wasn't here when I got on, so I was ready to step up.
Starting point is 00:18:07 I was about to change the little green name in the corner of my screen. People wouldn't have known the difference. You're going to start sexually harassing Sousa? Yeah. This guy, Dylan Vowell. Am I saying his name right? Do you think that's his real name? No no it's too many
Starting point is 00:18:26 l's okay it's a solid solid assessment i like that hobart um he was what podcast was he listening to it was one of my ones that i was most excited about but had the fewest listeners i had a guy on last week a couple days ago on saturday his name Alex Caceres. He's been in 25 fights in the UFC, which is nuts, and he's on a five-fight win streak. And this guy, Dylan, jumped in and was making it rain cash like a strip club. It was crazy. Hobart is definitely better to look at than low-budget Steve-O. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Oh, you can't even see. You can't even see, Susan. He's getting fucked up. He's just throwing a grenade in the bathroom. He's just hiding back there, digging a deuce. That's such a good diss, man. I brought him forward, and Susan took himself off again. Coming from a guy with a man bun, too.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Damn, Bruce Wayne. Oh, shit. Appreciate you. Oh, shit. I want to look at that one more time hello it's so funny because we know exactly i'm like which one is oh that's obviously low budget steve-o my goodness yeah dylan i i'm gonna court james krauss like a like a mofo. So the other day I asked him if he would come back on again and we could do UFC stuff. I don't know who the fuck I think I am.
Starting point is 00:19:50 It's like I'm a sophomore and I'm asking a senior out on a date. It's crazy, but I'm going to pursue him. I've scored hotter chicks than James Krause. I'm telling you, I can do it. Taller and hotter. 165 for 10. You can that huh kate yeah i reckon hey guys um one thing that's pretty funny about this show so like i don't know kate except the first time i met kate was when she popped onto my podcast and then like i don't know how many of these we've done together right four or five and then i finally um i and i've never talked to kate outside of that at all and then finally a couple days ago i don't
Starting point is 00:20:32 know i was probably taking a shower taking a shit or something when i was thinking some deep thoughts i'm like you know what i should probably call kate once and like talk to her outside of the podcast but you guys have seen this whole this is this is this is mine and Kate's relationship. This is it. You guys have seen the whole thing and Hobart. How many have you, have you, you've actually worked with Kate, right? You guys have a relationship outside of this shit show. Yeah. We've worked together on staff for a long time. Yeah. Okay. All right. And computed against you at the games, I think on teams, I'd say maybe you're a chaperone even Hobart. Maybe you're a chaperone. I was teams you do to your team, Hobart? Maybe you're a chaperone. I was team 2015 and 2019.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Yeah, there we go. Yeah, not in 2019, but I was fully washed up by then. When you finished, what was your last year you competed, James, on the team? 2016. And was that your worst year ever competing? Is that what you're saying? You were the least fit you've ever been that year? No.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Oh, okay. I didn't think you'd say that. No. You were, you were actually, was that the best? Were you better then than you were in 2015? Oh, yeah. Oh, that's awesome. Way fitter in 2016. Have you ever done steroids? Have you ever done steroids? Look into the camera. Have you ever done steroids? No.
Starting point is 00:21:43 All right. SARMs? I don't know what a SARM is, but no. Have you ever blown Ricky Garrard? I can't confirm or deny that. No, I have not. You know this is a video podcast, right, Omar? This isn't just audio. Yeah yeah my mom's watching it right now she's actually out here visiting she said she's gonna watch and she might even um throw a little something in the comments i wanted to call in it makes me so uncomfortable so my mom throws notes in the comments and i fucking hate it but the other day she asked me she's like does it
Starting point is 00:22:22 bother you when i put in the comments i'm like no of course not you be you but i fucking drive you nuts oh my god i don't want anyone to think i was i was even never born i want people to think i was immaculate conception i have a fucking mom i thought you got a mom and a dad it makes me so normal actually savannah your um wife messaged me we're friends on instagram now oh oh yeah what did she tell me she messaged you she didn't message me something funny well i said she was ripping on me i think she was like commiserating with uh kate about how much it sucks or like thanking kate for maybe taking me off her hands for an hour and a half a day or something uh seven does your mom text from josh's phone great thanks tommy you're a good dude but you fucking do 20 burpees dickhead all right how's the news today kate we have a oh yeah
Starting point is 00:23:16 actually do you know what i have this crazy story to tell you guys this happened to my um partner's sister so i forgot to tell you about it last week, but her car was stolen. However, the way that this guy stole her car is he rocked up to test drive it, like responded to an ad on like our equivalent of Craigslist or whatever you guys sell cars on, showed up, handed over a driver's license, like handed over as in like, yeah, keep the driver's license for safekeeping. I'm going to go for a test drive. Her partner was going to hop in the car with this guy and he grabbed the keys off her and like jumped in the car and just drove the car away. And that was how his car was stolen from this guy doing a test drive. Was it the correct license? No. So he'd stolen the license from someone else, stolen license, given it over, then driven the car off.
Starting point is 00:24:06 The weird thing was, is they just found it. They found it like this past week. So the cops found it outside of this house, like commission housing and had the same plates on it. No damage, like the cars locked. So they can't get into it. So they're going to go and find out if it's like messed up on the inside or not. They can't see anything. So, so, so what so what wait two questions when you say he
Starting point is 00:24:27 jumped in and drove off did she know instantaneously that that was a bad sign yeah i'm pretty sure because he got in without giving her partner time to get into the like passenger seat because he was going to go for the test drive with this guy like obviously so he got in too like fast for her partner to jump in to be like hey we're we're gonna do this test drive together and just fucking drove off just took the car what kind of what kind of uh car um no not quite a porsche 911 uh fuck i can't remember it was like a some kind of four wheel drive like it like a toyota truck like a truck or jeep yeah maybe something along those lines and and when you said uh the so what was this
Starting point is 00:25:12 line you said about commissioned housing this is where i become very judgmental and prejudiced watch me so i guess they they find the car outside of some commission housing or apartments or whatever so not a great fucking area i guess but tell me what commission housing or apartments or whatever. So not a great fucking area, I guess. But tell me what commission housing is because we don't have that in the United States. We have something called Section 8. Section 8? It's just like aliens live there and poor people.
Starting point is 00:25:36 What is it? Government provided housing. Yeah, for like poorer people. But it's funny because some of the commission housing is in like incredible real estate because they were all built you know 20 30 years ago and it's on like land that's worth millions of dollars and it's this old shitty horrible apartments just units and things they're messed and they have like prime property that they're sitting on all the crime when i lived in berkeley like 90 of the crime happened around that housing and now that i live in there's all the 90 of the crime happens around housing it's fucking nuts it's it's it's such
Starting point is 00:26:10 fucking bullshit it's such fucking bullshit i don't know what the solution is but it's not to keep giving fucking people housing so that they can live love and light they're full of love and light okay see iered myself away from that wheel. Yeah, because that was about to be just a pure train crash. Yes, yes. Yeah, that was my news. That was my story.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I would suspect that it's quite likely that most of the people who live in those housing projects don't come from happy homes with a loving mother and father. That would be my guess. That was really accurate, I feel. Yeah. Regardless if you're in Australia or if you're in – if you're in – Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:56 One last thing. Kate Gordon, mate, is so fit, so sexy, so straight up there, talks so much sense, and is just an all-round good dude. Oh, he busted one right there. He busted one right there.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Tell him to start leaving more messages. I want him to do like the, you know, like the ads that you've been putting up on Instagram. I want him to do like the voiceover for the ads. It'd be like the news with Sivan and James. Oh, get him to do our news, you know, like the ads that you've been putting up on Instagram. I want him to do like the voiceover for the ads. It'd be like the news with Seval and James. Oh, get him to do our news voiceover. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Oh, and he should just stumble over mine in your name. The news with Seval and James and Kate Gordon. It was absolutely straight up. It's so good. He has an incredible voice. I ate the liver king eats liver voice i ate the liver king eats liver i ate the liver king i love kate gordon i mean this guy is fuck and and there should be like some gun sounds too like him setting down a pistol
Starting point is 00:27:59 or like rolling like the whatever the cartridge is on a six shooter yeah hey will so i i don't know how to i don't know how to get this off my phone to um i need to figure out how to do this save it as an audio yeah i need to i need to save it so so like it's over here i don't give a look i don't give a i need i need it over there on the board like that. That's true. God, that would take our show to the next level. Hope you're well, my man. Loving your work, loving the podcast. I've fallen behind lately because I've been away on courses.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Hurry up, back to Kate, buddy. Back to Kate, back to Kate. I'm trying to experience things, so I'm rapidly trying to catch up on all the good stuff. So keep up the good work, mate, and say hello to that lovely Kate Gordon for me. Take it easy, my man. Ta-ra. Say hello. He's probably going to send you some shit now. I still don't like him.
Starting point is 00:29:01 If he does, then I'll be pissed. Are you jealous a little bit? Is that like, hey, dude, we found her. She's ours. I just, no. Kate's great. I just, why doesn't he say that about me? I just think.
Starting point is 00:29:13 I just put my name in there. We just need women to more aggressively hit on men. It just doesn't happen yet. So we're just waiting for those kinds of people to come around. And then you'll get the calls, Hobart. Oh, Hobart's had fucking more women thrown out let me tell you something hobart oh my god hobart has that perfect amount of manliness yet passive gayness to him that women just he's an open door he is an open he's made to
Starting point is 00:29:40 like like hey girl it's cool i'm safe kind of thing yeah like like if a girl normally needs three or four beers to be really aggressive with a boy she only needs like to crack a beer to be aggressive with hobart that's actually the nicest thing you've ever said about me i think he's like a six lane freeway like at three in the morning there's just you and just you alone i mean you can do it you can swerve all around on hobart. He's like a six-lane freeway at three in the morning. He's just safe. He's so safe. There's nothing that can go wrong.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Oh, that's great. Thanks, man. I know, man. Craig, it's like I'm dying right now. We have a lot of news. We could just slowly get to it. There's a lot. Okay. I could just slowly get to it. There is a lot. Okay, I'm going to tell you one quick story.
Starting point is 00:30:27 My car last year was fucking stolen from in front of my dad's house. It was my 1990 Toyota pickup truck that my mom bought me brand new when I graduated from high school. She let me go to the Toyota dealership and negotiate it. It was a V6 extra cab. She let me negotiate the price for $14,900. There's someone named Kristen Harrington. I went to high school with a Christine Harrington. I love James.
Starting point is 00:30:57 He's the best. Too bad he's married. It's good. It's good. It's good. It's a good start. Can you send me a voice message telling me how much you love James and I'll play it next week? We'll be from the UK bonus points.
Starting point is 00:31:09 And if your voice sounds like this, don't. That guy is going to call in and leave a voice message for Hobart next week. So my truck gets stolen. And then like two weeks later, I don't know, sometime later, I can't remember how I found out, but the cops contacted us and said, hey, we have your truck. It's at the impound yard. So I live in Santa Cruz. My dad lives in Berkeley, which is 70 miles north of me. And my dad says, hey, I'll go get your truck for you.
Starting point is 00:31:37 So my dad goes there to get the truck. And they're like, hey, dude, they want $1,000 to get the truck out. They want $1,000 to get the truck out. And the state had already offered me $1,000 for my truck to take it off the road because it's 1990 and they don't want trucks that old on the road. And I go, what do you mean? My truck was stolen and now I have to pay $1,000 to get it back? They said, well, you left it in an impound yard for two weeks. I'm like, I just found out about it today.
Starting point is 00:32:01 They're like, well, they said they called you the night it was stolen. No one fucking called me. So I called the police officer who said he found the truck right and i go hey dude you never called me the night it was stolen he goes well yeah i did and you go no you didn't he goes well i called your dad and i'm like well like you didn't you didn't like you didn't call me i'm being punished now so then check this out i'm like fine i don't want the truck and they're like okay you owe us five hundred dollars i'm like i owe you five hundred dollars he goes yeah you have to pay five hundred dollars to leave your truck here, $1,000 to take it home.
Starting point is 00:32:30 The city, that's bureaucracy for you. I've paid millions of dollars in taxes. What did you do with the truck? Did you leave it? Left it, left it, left it. And I was going to give it to my boys. It was a stick shift. It was dope.
Starting point is 00:32:44 What? Did you pay the $500 to leave it? Yeah, I paid, left it, left it. And I was going to give it to my boys. It was a stick shift. It was dope. What? Did you pay the $500 to leave it? Yeah, I paid the 500 bucks and left it. Yeah. Yeah. And I also paid for everyone. I paid for, I participated in the vaccine program where my taxes went to buy vaccines and boosters for everyone in the United States of America. I'm not even using those.
Starting point is 00:33:05 There's a great tweet from Zuby recently. Did you see it? Talking about like boosters, trying to… Speaking of hunky men from the UK. It was good. Let me find it and read it to you. The CDC just reported that we'll never reach herd immunity. You fucking idiots.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Love and light. You fucking idiots. We knew all along you can't reach herd immunity you fucking idiots love and light you fucking idiots we knew all along you can't reach herd immunity the smartest people in the world were saying that you can't reach herd immunity when the shit's jumping from animals to people what's the definition of herd immunity uh we could look it up before i screw it up and someone calls me an idiot this is what zoobie posted simultaneously trying to sell the third and fourth shots to people who took the first We could look it up before I screw it up and someone calls me an idiot. This is what Zuby posted. Simultaneously trying to sell the third and fourth shots to people who took the first two or three whilst trying to sell the first one is highly effective to people who have taken zero is a bold strategy.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Oh, it's like going out on a date with someone who's already hit you in the first three dates. No, I mean, that's not the right analogy. I like it. I like it. I'm going with it. Large portion. Oh, this is good. Where is that, Jim Wilson?
Starting point is 00:34:18 World record, 32 minutes in and first seven has mentioned COVID. That was love and light I was mentioning. You misheard. someone has mentioned covid love that was love and light i was mentioning you misheard herd immunity occurs when a large portion of a community the herd becomes immune to a disease making the spread of disease from person to person unlikely as a result the whole community becomes protected yeah so herd immunity is is when it can't spread because enough people are inoculated by it. It can't, it can't jump. What's inoculated mean? I was trying to explain to someone the other day.
Starting point is 00:34:51 I said, you want people to stay home when they're sick. I want people to go out when they're sick. You're taking away opportunity for me and my family to get stronger and healthier. There's so many presuppositions. It's like, if you ask Kate,
Starting point is 00:35:03 if she's single and she says, no, you think that means you can't date her. Well, you're making a presuppositions. It's like, if you ask Kate, if she's single and she says, no, you think that means you can't date her. Well, you're making a presupposition. Date Kate all you want, even though she's not single. How was that?
Starting point is 00:35:14 How was that for a simile Hobart? It makes sense. Mother. I love how Kate says simultaneously. Okay. Enough of the love for Kate crying out loud. No, keep it coming. Okay, Hobart.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Ready to roll? This is a new show. Are you going to take control or what? Nah. Britney Spears. Yes! Britney! She's free.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Hashtag free Britney is no longer an activist rallying cry. It's now a fact. The conservatorship that she was under that has controlled her life and finances since 2008 is now over. Her conservator, her father, Jamie Spears, this was terminated on Friday afternoon in the Los Angeles courtroom.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Judge Brenda Penny said the conservatorship of Spears' person and her estate are no longer required effective a conservatorship is a legal concept in the united states that places someone under the legal protection of an appointed adult one is usually appointed on a conservator if they are suffering from physical or mental issues or declining with age ahead of this court case if you unless you've been living under a rock, the extent of Britney's conservatorship has been revealed in a new report, which has alleged she
Starting point is 00:36:29 could not even make new friends without the approval of her father. Details of the confidential court records, I just wanted to say, I don't see anything wrong with that. Anyway, details of the confidential court records received by the New York Times state that the conservatorship has placed rules on everything from who Brittany could date to the color of her kitchen cabinets. The report also adds that the record stated Brittany was unable to make friends without Jamie's prior approval. A court investigator reportedly wrote in 2016, she articulated she feels the conservatorship has become an oppressive and controlling, hell yeah against her and quoted britney as saying the system had too much control the investigator also claimed that britney was sick of being taken advantage of also if you haven't been following best instagram account on the planet over the last couple years britney spears do you follow her she has so many no i don't follow but i do the check-, check-ins once in a while. Do you?
Starting point is 00:37:29 That's what Kate's life is like, except without the fucking $100 million. Just being locked down by daddy government. Just like. I read, I have a story later on about Australian cigarettes, but I also read, and I don't know if this is true. I didn't dive into it too much. It just it was a headline that in australia in order to vape or smoke an e-cigarette you have to have a prescription if you're over or under a certain age or something like that i could not confirm that i actually don't know i'm pretty i don't think so i know that they have like some rules and limitations around it um but i'm not
Starting point is 00:38:04 sure on the prescription thing. I was reading today. So I forget what sector of sector sector. That's what I should call them all now in Australia. I forget which prison ward it is in Australia. But one of them, you can't go into essential or non-essential businesses without proof of vaccine. And those include liquor stores. But but but so you don't need a vaccine to go into a liquor store but you do need a vaccine to go into a gym it's fucking nuts makes sense yeah that's in a i think uh australian prison i actually didn't i i you know i did not research this story but i think austria is about to impose lockdowns for all non-vaccinated citizens
Starting point is 00:38:45 yeah i just saw that even i think roughly uh i think roughly um what 60 70 percent of their citizens are currently vaccinated too i i want to just explain something with love and light to people that if you believe in in in love and light um then you should know that if you believe in freedom of speech you can't also um be honest with yourself and say that you think hate speech should be outlawed you can be against hate speech but if you want freedom of speech to be legal you can't want to make hate speech illegal and the reason for that is because there's no such thing as hate it's an idea and once you start saying that there can't be hate speech but you believe in freedom of speech
Starting point is 00:39:37 then what you're doing is you're going down a slippery slope they can make anything fit under hate speech and it's clearly you are against freedom of speech. The two don't make sense. You're a fucking psychopath when you hold both of those ideas in your head at the same time, and you need to fix it. The same is true with what Austria is doing. It's just degrees of difference, but it's the exact same thing of putting Jews in a train and taking them to auschwitz and killing them as to imposing lockdowns on the unvaccinated you are setting precedent in the same method of how you treat human beings hate speech is um what ethnicity are you hobart just white i hate white people
Starting point is 00:40:23 that's hate speech and there's campuses that have tried to make hate speech illegal. But there's not – don't think for a second that one day hate speech will be lumped up as hate speech. Something doesn't just come off the tip of my tongue. If I had two co-hosts that were good, they would help me. God is good. Yes. So that's the thing. Eventually, the phrase God is good would be lumped up as hate speech. Well, just look in China.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Although they probably don't claim to have freedom of speech. Well, that's cool. I'm glad you brought in the news like that about Britney. I always wanted some entertainment news. Yeah. Start with some E! News. Yeah. You missed out.
Starting point is 00:41:16 We had Kanye on last week, right? Yeah. I have a Kanye story. Awesome. It better not be the same one from last week. I hope it's not. What was the one from last week? Where he was, God, I wish I could find it. He was talking about teaching black history versus worrying about the future of people. So it was like, let's look at what the
Starting point is 00:41:41 path forward is versus the path backwards as a reminder of like, or maybe perhaps letting the history dictate who we are today instead of the possibility of the future. That is not the story. He said, he said, fuck black history month. I don't want black history month. I want black,
Starting point is 00:41:57 I want black future month. Yeah. Something like that. Right. Sounds like you had a really good line. You, you, you played that line a couple of times.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Like just can't remember what it was. Denzel's on the same page, Morgan Freeman. It's just, it's just understanding how the human brain works, making sure that you're manifesting your future as something better than your past instead of the victim mindset. Well, you want to know what would make me a victim scorpions i still hate bees too um extreme weather in egypt brought out a swarm of scorpions from their nests resulting in hundreds of people in the southern city of aswan aswan being stung and
Starting point is 00:42:41 three people i'm not laughing because they're dying. Three people. I'm just laughing at the idea of a tornado whipping scorpions into pieces, people's faces and three people dying from their injuries. According to multiple reports, at least 450 people were injured by scorpion stains on Friday. Egyptian health ministry said, fuck scorpions, man, like get out of there.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Three people died. Unfortunately, very tragic after succ. Three people died, unfortunately. Very tragic after succumbing to those injuries. Heavy rain, hail, and dust storms near the River Nile forced scorpions and snakes out of the ground. Egypt is home to the fat-tailed scorpion, one of the most, of course it is, one of the most dangerous scorpion species in the world. Doctors were redirected from COVID-19 vaccination centers to help treat the scorpion species in the world doctors were redirected from covid19 vaccination centers to help treat the scorpion stings people have been urged to stay at home and avoid places with lots of trees because i guess the scorpions are in trees that's horrifying i hate nature
Starting point is 00:43:36 i like that bruce said scorpnado ionato. Greatest movie ever. If I may critique this article with love and light. You need to stop saying that because it kind of wears out its meaning. It's so pointless to say extreme weather. Why don't you say with winds up to 60 miles an hour, and if you're not sure how fast that is, you can't fly a outside over with winds over 15 miles an hour and with rainfall of of um 17 inches which is enough to cover all of two hours that that rain would cover all of california and three inches of water like that is the problem with our society is that they do those things and those are the holes that people fill up oh this is good thank you that that's why this is a good news show because someone like
Starting point is 00:44:27 suza is actually just imagine like walking down the street they're just scorpions crawling out i like that the search is scorpion egypt's nice oh man man that's an exciting story though that's a terrifying story look at this guy on a surfboard oh my god okay explain that to me i that's not egypt why does a dude in egypt have a surfboard i don't know to float down the nile maybe he was yeah it looks like a stand-up paddleboard maybe were those scorpions i don't know what those were man laura i hate bees because of the story we reported on a long time ago about how bees killed like a hundred penguins oh that's right good memory stung him in the eyes i got another nature story
Starting point is 00:45:20 snake you puncture i made that up. A bull snake that serves as an educational ambassador for a wildlife center in New Mexico, which is awesome that it has that title received unusual treatment recently to address aches and pains associated with aging. Sadie, the bull snake received acupuncture last week at the new mexico wildlife center dr sarah sarika sarika yeah sarika performed the treatment on sadie who is over 20 years old the snake recently recovered from multiple bouts with pneumonia and near the end of his recovery staff discovered sadie was suffering from a spinal issue. Wow. Likely a slipped disc. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Did you make that up or it says that? No, that's just in the story. That's not a bull snake, though. I just love how about laughing the whole time he reads these. Because it's funny. How do they know the snake had a slipped disc? Oh, I know why. Because the snake received MRI and CAT scans to determine the exact cause of its spinal issues.
Starting point is 00:46:28 But for now, the acupuncture treatment seems to be helping. Oh, man. That's good. What country? Please don't be the United States. This is the snake. The snake, Sadie, is an educational ambassador for a wildlife center in New Mexico. Oh, man. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Oh, it's so good that makes me sit spinal oh man bruce wayne blasted you too i'm i'm no i'm no i'm no i'm no expert but uh if your snake has a problem i suspect it's uh spinal oh yes so i saw this video and it was this crocodile out in the water. I'm assuming it's got to be like, I don't know, in Florida. Do Florida have alligators or crocodiles? Alligators, right? They have everything, but I think it's mostly alligators.
Starting point is 00:47:17 And so you know when you have a cat and you use a flashlight and you can make the cat chase the flashlight? Yes, yes. They were doing it to the crocodile and the crocodile was chasing the flashlight oh that's cool florida man it's a classic florida man i think the whole world knows that that's a florida thing like even i'm aware of like the florida thing how many vertebrae do it there how many vertebrae does a snake have? Depends on the snake. A lot.
Starting point is 00:47:46 It does depend on the snake. Oh yeah. Like, cause me and you, even though you're 12 inches taller than me, we have the same amount of vertebrae, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:53 But I don't think a 30 foot snake could have the same amount of vertebrae. I just, I don't know. I think it changes. I fucked you up. You're like, Oh shit. He fucked me up.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Should I defend my position or, or, or go with it and be like, damn, you're smart. Step on Google. Oh, shit. He fucked me up. Should I defend my position or go with it and be like, damn, you're smart, Savant? Google. Oh, about 100 to 600 in most
Starting point is 00:48:09 snakes. Well, then now we have to figure out, like, do all king snakes have the same amount of vertebra? Bull snakes. Bull snakes. Okay, that's a lot of vertebrae. We don't, how many do we have? Twelve. Twelve. Ooh. Twelve? No, we gotta have more. Isn't there like an L13?
Starting point is 00:48:26 Yep. Unless they skip some numbers. I'm just pissed off that a snake is getting acupuncture, and I don't think I've ever done that. You can't afford it. People in our country can't get basic health care, but a fucking snake gets acupuncture. Thank goodness.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Thank goodness we're so humane to our animals. What's breakfast talk? that i don't know this guy pushing his podcast on our show listen buddy i'll just say i love his little avatar listen buddy why don't you quit the podcast shit and go to bar you, Colin. Yeah. I was thinking 24, but there's an extra... Yeah, no, 24. 24 vertebrae. 5, 12, 7, 5? That's more than 24. 7, 12, 5. I know there's an extra thing in there that I don't know what he's doing. So 7, cervical. 12, thoracic. 5, lumbar.
Starting point is 00:49:31 But there's an extra 5 that Colin's got in there that I don't know what that is. Well, this better be a snake expert or we're hanging up. If you don't do acupuncture to snakes, hang up. Jamal, good evening, brother. Hello. Do you like Kate Gordon or what, Jamal? punctured of snakes hang up jamal good evening brother hello and um depending on what kind of do you like kate gordon or what jamal oh my god i was watching her videos earlier and i looked over at my wife and i said will you be my kate gordon one day that play out that play out this is good what videos were they shit i i was looking at all of them uh my wife and i we have a lot of discussions about trying to do stuff to you know be to communicate
Starting point is 00:50:17 better what our needs are and then also i like to you know I like to look at your videos to kind of get an idea of how I can bring it up to her in a way that isn't, that doesn't make her feel like I'm not happy with anything that she's doing. What do you mean? Like you lost me because the whole time all I was thinking in my head is that you asked your wife if you could say Kate's name when you're doing it. Is that? I whisper it in my head but all right no but um you know that's the most emotion i've ever seen from hobart his forehead has wrinkles i've never seen that i saw his forehead get wrinkly holy shit no but um, you know, I, we, we communicate basically to meet each other's needs. You know, if I feel like there's something that I'm not getting in the relationship,
Starting point is 00:51:12 I want to communicate with that with her the same way I would want her to do that with me. How tall are you, Jamal? I'm 5'7". And how much do you weigh? Right now, I'm probably like 220. Okay. So you're more than 165 okay yes because kate can can squat 165 to front squat 165 10 times that's beautiful yeah you're really railroading the conversation but i mean that's super interesting jamal sorry
Starting point is 00:51:39 yeah i'll try to do the exact opposite. I just bottle everything up. But I was calling because I had listened to the podcast with I Am Raw. Oh, yes. And you had said something about, you can explain it, but almost being comfortable with death, like you would lay down and try to not try to be still. Yes. And I remember it was, I think I was in high school and we were, or middle school, we were learning about atoms and they would always show the diagram of like,
Starting point is 00:52:19 okay, you have gas, you have a solid and a liquid, and it would show how the atoms were all spaced apart. And I think it was like a night or two after learning that, I laid in bed and I couldn't go to sleep. And I pictured myself, you know, I was staying still. And I was like, okay, just like they said, everything's solid as an atom. So in my mind, it was like, okay, turn the bed into the atoms that you're laying on. And then it pretty much is a domino effect from there.
Starting point is 00:52:52 So it's like, okay, if the bed is an, the bed is Adam, I'm Adam, the face, the air I'm breathing, everything is Adam. So in a way it was like letting myself almost become everything around me, which ends up being almost like nothing. So whenever you said that on the podcast with Iron Raw about being comfortable with death, I kind of made that relation to that experience I had. How old were you? Probably was 13 or 14, somewhere in there. Dude, that is awesome. Have you ever done that again?
Starting point is 00:53:30 Oh, yeah. On nights where, you know, depending on how dark the room is and nothing's going on. As long as thoughts of Kate don't enter your brain, you can play the Adam game where you become one with everything. Or the Kate game. Dep depends on how the night's going
Starting point is 00:53:46 okay i want to hear about the cake game right now tell us about that game that's the only game that matters hey i i i appreciate that um uh when i had the ufc fighter on he had an instagram post that fucking nailed the whole thing. He, um, and it said this, if, if you are not, if you are not comfortable with death,
Starting point is 00:54:09 you're not, it's because you're not comfortable with oneself. And that fucking is it. If you are not comfortable with death, you are not comfortable with oneself. And once you are comfortable with oneself, you are comfortable with death. And I know it's, I know it's a, it's a special line, but man,
Starting point is 00:54:29 that, that one really fucking hits the arrow on the bullseye for me. Oh yeah. I agree. A hundred percent. Well, thanks Jamal for calling in. Of course. Yeah. Have a good night. Yeah. I appreciate you keeping the theme alive of just love on Kate. Kate is a treasure. She is a treasure. One that's locked up on an island somewhere too.
Starting point is 00:54:54 I know. If Australia wasn't going to shit, I'd probably try to convince my wife for a reason to relocate. Relocate? That's a conversation partner for me. Give it five years. All right.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Later, man. Thanks for calling. Of course. That was good, Hobart. Relocate. Easy, guys. Easy, easy, easy, easy. Look at Brian G.
Starting point is 00:55:22 My goodness. Good beard. I just kind of imagine all the people that watch your show are like mini savants, you know, just with different names and different faces. But they all have the same kind of attitude. Good. Someone said I would have preferred a snake expert. You mean to that caller? Is that the?
Starting point is 00:55:41 That's so good. Yes. Call in, snake experts. experts there's gotta be one on here let's do it hobart you ready for another one yeah hold on i'm looking up what are people oh yeah that's the guy who called you today left you that dm oh yes that is kind of how i picture him yes um yeah chris chris hemsworth quits blood flow restriction damn that's i mean i i was about to read but then you scroll down i look at that bottom like damn that's a good body who is that is that thor that's thor man yeah yeah that's a that's a turgid arm geez he is big yeah oh my god he's also really tall what a guy chris hemsworth was using blood flow restriction training to build his arm muscles
Starting point is 00:56:36 which i'm now doing he did this by tying an elastic band around his arm to build up lactic acid while lifting the device caused the veins in his arm to noticeably protrude noted it's well known among trainers i never knew about this as a tactic to trap blood in the arm as well as other appendages question mark causing lactic acid to build up triggering release of a growth hormone oh is that what were you referencing cock rings nope just throwing stuff out there however trainer and hemsworth trainer luke zochi said the actor has stopped this technique in recent months as he prepares for his new role in the upcoming action film extraction on netflix 2 which you haven't watched the first one i wouldn't the technique shouldn't be used by people with high blood pressure, varicose veins, or deep vein thrombosis.
Starting point is 00:57:31 So. Oh, here we go. Occlusion training. Wow. Damn, you're good, Sousa. Strapping each other up. I've done. Isn't that Ross Edgley?
Starting point is 00:57:43 Oh, yeah, it is. That's Ross Edgley. That's badass with with like blood flow restriction bands around my thighs to body squats it was you've done this training plan used to program some blood flow restriction stuff is like accessories oh look at his arms i'm doing this next podcast i'm gonna do it for the whole podcast. That's the Thor guy? Is he going to jerk this guy off? Sorry. Oh, man. That's the most crass thing you've ever said on the show.
Starting point is 00:58:12 I had to. I didn't want to. Your mom is listening. I know, but she was thinking the same thing, brother. Oh, man. Oh, man. Nothing sacrilege. You're fired. All right, whatever. I had to say that. You're not going to get invited home for Christmas.
Starting point is 00:58:29 What is he going to do with this dumbbell? All right. Just pick it up. Oh, yeah. Thank you. Maybe he can use that number. Hobart, as soon as Sousa heard you say, I'm going to get fired, he put up the Yeah, I need that. Yeah, Craig White. Whoa. All right, mate.
Starting point is 00:58:44 I think Ross Edg edging isn't he the guy who swam around um england something crazy like that hey at that point why doesn't he just do some steroids or do some songs i mean he's an actor why can't they give him like a medicinal dose maybe he just doesn't maybe he doesn't want to. Do I have those? Do I have those? He's doing a, he's doing a video with Disney. He's doing a video with Disney called something like longevity,
Starting point is 00:59:11 where he talks about like health and fitness. I think it's called limitless. Actually. I just, I was just, yeah, I was watching that. What's the new Disney Marvel movie?
Starting point is 00:59:18 Shang Chi, which is great. If you're a Kung Fu movie fan, is that really good? I just can't support Disney or ESPN. I didn't like the end of it, but it was really cool to see a hyper-romanticized, overdone kung fu,
Starting point is 00:59:34 like martial arts fights. It has a... Have you ever saw Hero or Crouching Tiger? It kind of has that vibe to it in the beginning, which was... I liked those movies, so it was fun to see. Me too. Crouching Tiger is awesome disney's reaching for stuff
Starting point is 00:59:49 he did gear for thor 1100 or is that thor one 100 i thought he was bigger in the light of thors hey um speaking of just jacked you want to you want to see just a man child kate um i'm having this guy on the podcast his name is nick rodriguez he's coming on next week watch some videos some short documentaries on him he this dude is just oozing okay super hunk i mean he's nuts i played him on the tv last night we had uh some friends over and i mean just just what i just like watching the women in the room as this guy moves around this dude has more testosterone in the southern hemisphere of the planet nick rodriguez holy shit yeah yeah yeah he's he's so special he's so special yeah that's so special. Yeah, that's him. You got to watch the documentaries on him, dude. He's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 01:00:50 He's so special. Yeah, you got to watch the documentaries on him. What do you do when a guy like that, he just grabs onto you and you're just fucked? There he is. Yeah, look at on the right. He's probably, yeah, yeah, yeah. And that is what happens. He grabs dudes and they're fucked.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Dude, there's a video right now. He wrestled with – he's a purple belt and Jason Kaliba is a purple belt. That's the guy that Jason wrestled? Yeah. And Jason said that dude was just like tossing him around like a hanky. Jason's not particularly tall, but he's not a small man. No, no, no. It's weird how he moves Jason he's not a small man. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:01:26 It's weird how he moves Jason around. It's so weird. Oh, yeah. Look at this. He's not within Kate's travel to bang a lot of distance. No, way, way out of her. Way out of her. Everyone's out of my fucking travel bubble.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Goddamn. Yes, I did watch the fights. Yair and Holloway are... They're gods. They're fighting gods. Nuts. Do you have anything about fighting, James, in the news? Any UFC stuff? No UFC stuff.
Starting point is 01:02:01 I'm going to start doing it and watching it. I just am so uneducated on it. We need a UFC specialist to pop on and give us a rundown. I know. I'm courting this guy, James Krause. I got to get him. Sevan, you should get Max Holloway. I have DMed Max Holloway
Starting point is 01:02:15 a thousand times. I love him. I'd love to get him on. These guys don't know what they're missing by not talking to me. I really think that. Alright. We have a choice to make at an hour in. Yes, Craig. Correct. I'm not allowed to go anywhere. I'm not allowed to leave the country or my state. If you're vaccinated, you can. Shut it. Damn.
Starting point is 01:02:44 shut it damn does he call who's that colin can you send me like a link i've never heard of that i think colin i think colin snorts a line of math fucking gets does some finger exercises and just sits at the keyboard and bangs on us love and peace we could talk about an article from cnbc love and light love and light the end of cash and the increase of central bank digital currencies crypto and stable coins or we could talk about an article that discusses porn and relationships 100 porn and relationships i 100% porn and relationships. I think that has my vote also. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Although I do find the idea of what would happen if there was no cash interesting. I was going to say something else about it. It would be so bad for the world. I think it will ever go away completely, but it seems like things like cryptocurrency and stablecoin are going to make their ways into the market more and more. That kind of sums it up. Yep.
Starting point is 01:03:51 I'm going to tell you this story. So I've gotten into crypto in the last week. Last 10 minutes. Yeah, you did. Hey. And I've been fucking around with it a little bit. And it's interesting. I use this app called crypto
Starting point is 01:04:08 i don't know why just someone told me i should anyway so so um i run into this guy and he used to be um uh the driver for greg and events greg and crossfit would have um in um santa cruz when he would have like these uh have all the doctors come into town or whatever, these big events. He would hire this guy and this guy's like, I guess, chauffeur company. And they would chauffeur and shuttle people around. And Greg would have these huge parties at his house where people had to park like five blocks away. And this guy would shuttle them back and forth from their cars to the house. Did you ever go to any of those, James, where you had to park like under the bridge?
Starting point is 01:04:44 No. Anyway, so I run into him a couple of days ago and he started and i start telling him into crypto and he's like oh i can teach you all about it so i'm like okay and then what's weird is a few days later i ran into him at a coffee shop i'm like whoa that's weird and then today i ran into him at a coffee shop again and so while i'm sitting down i and we always look at like I only have like I've invested like $400 and it's like up to $630 now. And we always just look at my app and what I've invested in, you know, and I have like $50 here, $60 here. So he goes, well, let me show you how my app works. And he goes, I have six different apps. And he starts going through his apps.
Starting point is 01:05:20 And it was like 189,000, 79,000, you know, 152,000. And every app was just like, it was nuts. He's just a, just an up until then. It's funny how my whole perception of him changed.
Starting point is 01:05:34 One minute. He's just a guy that drives cars and now he's a fucking Bitcoin millionaire or whatever you call him. It's just so volatile. Like it's just, that's what he told me. Hmm. The volatile, like that word, it's just like, if you look up the definition of crypto in the dictionary,
Starting point is 01:05:50 it just says volatile. A lot of people hate on it. I'm not hating. I'm doing good. I made 230 bucks in a week. Yeah, it's been a good week this past week. Oh, it has? I'm waiting for it to, yeah. I was looking at it.
Starting point is 01:06:04 So in Australiaia it was like around 84 000 for one bitcoin just recently and it jumped up to like 90 which is the max it's ever been over like 24 hours and it's slowly making its way back down oh why haven't you been talking to us about this yeah seriously like i don't i don't even know what crypto is so well the key is is like you got to buy like 200 bucks worth and then you stop following it because you're actually invested in it. And that's how you figure it out, right? Yeah, that's how I did it.
Starting point is 01:06:29 You don't pay attention to it if you've got nothing in it. So it's like putting $200, $300. I can't wait till I bankrupt my wife and I tonight after this podcast and investing in crypto. She's going to be so upset in the morning. Give it a couple days before you do it because it's still pretty high. I reckon it's going to keep going down for a little bit. No, buy high. buy high, sell high. That's always been my motto when it comes to investing.
Starting point is 01:06:50 All right. Well, we're going to go back to that story. BYU Wheatley National Survey says one in four men hide porn use and one in three women worry about the impact on intimacy. porn use and one in three women worry about the impact on intimacy. While it found more than 70% of adults are at least somewhat accepting of viewing pornography, it also showed that a third of coupled adults feel anxious discussing pornography with their partners. So that means one of us on this show is uncomfortable talking about it. Yep.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Experts estimate 80% to 90% of young adults have had some exposure to pornography and the first exposure. And by some, they mean an enormous amount often comes between the ages of 10 and 13. That's probably not ideal. Meanwhile, the highest levels of relationship stability, commitment, and satisfaction were reported by couples in which both partners said they don't view pornography,
Starting point is 01:07:54 but do privately and just lie about it. I added that last part. As frequency of pornography viewing climbed, relationship stability, commitment, and satisfaction slipped. That's worth pulling out and talking about no pun intended well done when both partners reported daily pornography viewing they reported a 45 decrease in stability and 30% decrease in commitment compared to couples who said they didn't view pornography at all. My question is, I wonder if the secret porn viewing has to do with some other disturbance or underlying issue in the relationship,
Starting point is 01:08:36 kind of chicken before the egg thing. But that was my question. 100%. Yeah, that's my guess. Wait, explain that to me. Like the, they're, it says, so reported 40%. So both partners reported daily pornography viewing. They reported a 45% decrease in stability and a 30% decrease in commitment compared to couples who said they didn't view pornography at all. I'm wondering if, you know, the secret pornography viewing, the issues of stability and commitment aren't happening after the fact. And because of the pornography viewing, are they already existing beforehand?
Starting point is 01:09:20 And the pornography is a band-aid for some larger issue, some coping mechanism. I would like to know which couples are fucking not watching porn like there's there i can believe the woman on but like i highly doubt there are couples out there where the guy is not yeah um but too many you guys are opening up too many good subjects so i just want to understand this so basically your your wife for some reason doesn't find you attractive anymore and so so you start feeling bad like always being the one pushing sex and then so then she starts going to bed before you were wearing like 12 layers of clothes so then you start sneaking off into the living room to jerk off and is that what you mean by like the problem was there and then the porn came yeah just maybe some like you know underlying yeah exactly that is what i mean i just thought of porn as a sleep aid when you're in hotels.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Yeah, but I think that's what it is. It's like when you're on the road, porn is just a, yeah, it's just a. A wire from that flight. Yeah, it's just a. I don't think that people are necessarily using porn because there's a problem in the relationship. I think there are problems in the relationship and porn kind of becomes, it kind of gets the brunt of it.
Starting point is 01:10:26 Like you were talking about scapegoating. Like I think people scapegoat porn to a degree. It's like if someone's really insecure and they're suspicious that their partner is watching porn and it only makes them feel more insecure than they feel like the porn is the problem. When in fact their insecurities or their issues and their trust with their partner or their ability to communicate about that stuff is the problem. And therefore it only like exacerbates the issue because they'll continue to
Starting point is 01:10:48 watch porn. Like I feel, I see so many fucking women talking about like their partners having porn addictions and it's like, it's fucking bullshit. Like, where do you see that? Where do you see that?
Starting point is 01:10:57 Where do you see that? So there was a, well, people talk about it online, but there was a really good podcast from Esther Perel in her, she does like live therapy sessions where she was talking about porn and basically pushing back on people being this woman this woman this couple being like my partner's got a porn addiction it's a really big issue and she's like well is it an issue or is it just that you think he's got a porn addiction so
Starting point is 01:11:19 that you can make the problem about him rather than about your own insecurities what would it be a problem it would be like he's like like's say you only can we pause for one second because this is serious and kate's point's really good but like i'm thinking about like you know how you know people are like addicted to cigarettes and we have special rooms in airports and like they have to on specific corners like go smoke and i'm just imagining like this is these like glass rooms in airports and it's just like everybody goes in there just to tug their root because they're all addicted to their room or if you had a room in your house that was your porn room yeah sorry so back to the so really important intelligent point i'm trying i'm trying
Starting point is 01:11:58 to think so like if let's say let's say your your your husband's jerking off so much that he's not interested in having sex with you because he's like always in refractory period is that what the problem i just don't get what the although i did have a friend who's many many years ago whose girlfriend thought that when he watched porn she thought it was tantamount to cheating on him or cheating on her a lot of people she's like and i was like what the fuck cheating on her tell her you're thinking about her while you're doing it i mean like like yeah that's a that's a trip to me yeah i think a lot of women consider porn cheating i i went i went to um this was probably 20 years ago. On Craigslist, there was a guy who was looking for a porn editor.
Starting point is 01:12:50 And I edited porn for a week. And it's fucking, it's like impossible to edit. It's impossible to edit. That was the only time in my whole life I had a porn addiction. Do you reckon it would ruin porn if you filmed and edited porn? Sounds like a sticky situation. Yes, very. Say it again.
Starting point is 01:13:04 What? Say it again. You? Say it again. You know, it's like when people work at McDonald's, they're like, I fucking hate McDonald's because I work there and I've got it available all the time. The same thing would happen if you edited or filmed or acted in porn. It would just ruin porn for you. Yeah. Well, when you rub your penis so much that it's raw, that kind of ruins it for you too.
Starting point is 01:13:22 But I don't know. Now that sounds like an addiction. Yeah. That's if you're a porn editor i just can't um i'm not i'm not a huge um fan of porn i do feel sorry for people in the porn industry who um they're i would assume the business is in total upheaval for the last 10 years since porn hub and what's the other one you you porn though i mean i don't know how anyone make like i don't understand why how anyone would ever buy porn when there's all the porn you could ever want for free online. I think that's why like I think the guy who owns Pornhub and some of those sites isn't
Starting point is 01:13:55 mind gig. I think that's how he made all his money. Like he just owned all the servers that were streaming porn. And so he kind of put all the he kind of put the porn industry out of business to a degree and he's like just made it big time he would be interesting to find out about yeah we should get him on the project what what amount of traffic on the internet is porn is it is it like one percent or what amount of internet is porn.
Starting point is 01:14:26 There's actually some really interesting comments back up by 809.810. 30% of the streaming on the internet is porn. I got to consent to cookies to see this article? Okay, fine.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Am I ever not supposed to consent to cookies to see this article okay fine am i ever not supposed to consent to cookies i don't think anything happens you can sign all the time oh listen to this the internet is a place known to be x-rated at times oh man uh four percent of all websites are porn 13 of web searches are porn 20 of mobile searches are porn oh here you go kate um uh 87 of men watch porn at least once a week women 28 and a half wow 60 of porn sites are hosted in the united states um says the entire uk parliament watches porn i don't know how they would know that anyway all right moving on wait wait was there something else in that article you wanted to
Starting point is 01:15:35 talk about i thought there was something else there's one last little step but not i think we kind of covered it all all right yeah i've heard that too seven you need a sandbox to do your internet searches and there's a lot out there sandbox what's that i have a crypto addiction not a point i know it's funny maybe give me some tips then because i don't even know what it is it's funny you say that because I have to stay away from the app. It is crazy. It is addicting.
Starting point is 01:16:12 Megan Burns, thanks for calling. I have to pee. Hey, it's Megan Burns. Hi. Hey, Meg. You guys are my entertainment on the way home from a level two. So I just wanted to give a shout out. Where did you work a level two?
Starting point is 01:16:33 Yuba city, Northern California. Awesome. How long is that of a drive for you back home? Two and a half. Where do you live Meg? I'm in, I'm right outside of San Francisco now. I was in Boston, but now I'm in California. Right up the road from the Vaughn. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 01:16:59 Well, thanks for the entertainment, guys. How was the level two? It was great. We had eight people, small group, huge gym. I was working with Austin McGeevy. Ah, bang. Yes. Do you invest in crypto?
Starting point is 01:17:19 No, but Austin sure does. He was talking about it nonstop. He can't even spell it. but Austin sure does. He was talking about it nonstop. He can't even spell it. He said that Austin bets
Starting point is 01:17:30 on a lot of money on football every week. Maybe I'm just not smart, but I didn't realize that was a thing. That is a thing. I don't bet on football either. Austin Maliola, is that a level two no but keeping on different austin oh
Starting point is 01:17:50 wow megan since you've been on this call i made 61 cents on crypto nice thank you how much porn have you looked at someone not not yet i don't watch porn really that often. I don't travel anymore. It's a hotel room activity. Siobhan, the last time or the first time maybe that I met you was right after COVID. Oh, COVID's over? COVID's over?
Starting point is 01:18:19 Is that what you said? Holy shit. I'm going to go out tomorrow. That is awesome. Okay, good. That's good to know. Thanks for announcing it on this show right when we could do seminars again austin mckeeving and i worked in santa cruz and you were there and austin goes hey savann the night before savann wants to film us
Starting point is 01:18:38 and i'm like okay great i haven't done a level one or level two in forever uh and i get there and austin goes and by the way i'm not gonna allow savate to film me so he's just gonna film you oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it's kind of funny you said that by the way you're bringing up some i didn't realize you're an actual l1 trainer you need your own fucking phone number to call in the show whenever you want you get a special number uh sorry i'm slowly piecing this together that actually really pissed me off when he said that to me that really pissed me off but but i don't think he was i think he was a little scarred from the last uh recording what he had to do yeah he doesn't like me basically
Starting point is 01:19:20 what happened was megan you know megan i still have all of that footage. That is some of the best L one footage ever. We, we, we, we showed like five, uh, five videos from there. And even leave who, who I consider like when, when I still work there, I consider one of the like roughest critics was like, Holy shit. But basically that was my, what happened was, is, you know, Greg sold the company and then, was like there was no job. I wasn't the media director anymore. I didn't know what my job was. And they brought in this new guy, Andrew Weinstein, and like for basically like three or four or five months, like no one knew.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Like, I didn't know what I was supposed to do. So I was like, fuck it. You know what I'll do? I'll just start filming again. And I went and I just started filming L1's like a fucking maniac. And that one was amazing. And i got like 20 stories that still to this day i haven't seen the light of day and they were vignettes of people that was like the the monsters of l1s do you remember some of the characters in there yeah that was a good one and you got you were like going around the group getting content in the group yeah i realized at that point that i hadn't lost a step and I was still the greatest filmer ever in the history of CrossFit Inc. And maybe all instructional content on the Internet, period.
Starting point is 01:20:32 And reaffirmed that the L1 trainers are gods. I love you guys. You did give me some nice compliments, but I didn't know if that's because you were just trying to be nicer or if it was actually true. Let's hear some of them. Let's go over some of them. I'll tell you if it was my usual lines I use on pretty girls or something special for you. Go ahead. No, you just said it. My lecture was very clear. No, I wouldn't make that up. Yep. Hey, how come it's so,
Starting point is 01:21:03 did I ever release any of the ones you did? Did they ever publish the ones you did? No It wasn't recent But it was relatively recent Because I've only been living in California For about Right after
Starting point is 01:21:18 In 2020 I moved here Well it can't be that recent because I've been fired for over a year But I know What you mean. I said relatively. Okay. Okay. Don't get short with me.
Starting point is 01:21:31 I'm being cool. I'm being cool. I'm telling you, it was true what I said about you. Awesome. Can you picture? Do you guys know who she is, Megan Burns? Yeah, of course I do. Yeah, I was just working with james and um
Starting point is 01:21:54 megan before you go i want i'm gonna see if susan will pull up a picture of you so i can remember remember who you are i guess it was a picture oh of course i fucking know who you are Oh, of course I fucking know who you are. Megan, how long have you been on staff, Megan? Yeah, you have amazing hair, too. You have great hair. Yeah, almost 10 years. You're a redhead. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:17 God, yeah. How did I not remember who you were? Everyone knows Megan. Yeah. You have the most amazing hair all right and you talk i've got a what i think you've got hair fetish i well i really like i really like good hair and my wife has amazing red hair like just it's it's crazy it's crazy i don't even look at her i just look at her hair her hair and her butt sometimes i forget she's a person i just think she's just a hair and butt
Starting point is 01:22:51 just floating around the house just like holy shit oh man well on that note thanks for the entertainment guys yeah thank you drive safe i'll talk to y'all later see you meg On that note, thanks for the entertainment, guys. Yeah, thank you. Drive safe, Meg. I'll talk to y'all later. See you, Meg. That was cool.
Starting point is 01:23:14 I'm telling you, this show has no limits, no boundaries. You never know who's going to call, who's going to pop in. Yeah, that's nice. You know what? That makes me want to dig up that content and just edit it and give it to crossfit i was just gonna say so good you should do that yeah she was awesome and in fucking austin bishop being is so fucking good for him to and i did film him anyway jokes on him yeah he's great man he's been doing it for so long yeah and michelle moots was there and she was killing it ringer
Starting point is 01:23:45 yeah yeah oh gee that's cool and edit that shit man and zach pine was there and zach pine is there and it oh yeah cheb chelios i love zach hey you guys there were at least six people there at the it was a sold out uh l1 i don't know like 40 to 60 people jam-packed but there were at least six people there at the it was a sold out uh l1 i don't know like 40 to 60 people jam packed but there were at least four people there who were 60 to 120 pounds overweight taking their l1 it was dope that that always warms my heart when i see people who are like fuck it i'm just throwing myself into the into it just taking little steps hey todd that's the worst thing that you could ever say to me people know this podcast that better be a fucking joke if you mean that with any sincerity 50 burpees god damn it
Starting point is 01:24:36 all right hobart let's do this back to work let's see what did i skip to get to porn crypto crypto maybe we'll go to the social media one later longest lunar eclipse night sky fans it's time to prepare for an exciting week as coming right up is both the longest lunar eclipse of the century and this year's Leonid's meteor shower on Thursday and Friday, November 18th and 19th. Yes, she is. Look up to see a blood moon lunar eclipse as the full moon slips into the Earth's shadow over the course of three hours and 28 minutes. It's like that guy in your DMs. While you won't be experiencing a full lunar eclipse, the event is still set to be spectacular.
Starting point is 01:25:31 At its peak, only a small sliver, 2.6% of the moon, will remain lit up by the sun. November 18th and 19th, people. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning. Which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio. Exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit please play responsibly uh no no say that again november what 18th and 19th do you have time do you have times it's just oh no see what did you think i was gonna ask when you when you pull these pieces up, are you like,
Starting point is 01:26:25 what kind of dumb shit is everyone going to ask? I try to think about that most of the time. What time is... There you go. There's the schedule. One last thing. Kate Gordon, mate, is so fit. So sexy.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Reaching its maximum at 4am. Talks so much sense. And is just an all-round good dude. I really like Kate. Hope you're well, my man. Love your work. It's all downhill from there.
Starting point is 01:26:59 You can't even tell us what time the lunar eclipse is and I'm fucking sending goosebumps through all our female listeners. I think you're going to get all female listeners now. I'm going to say something. There's dudes, there's people who listen to this show who are just like, okay, it's just James, Kate and Sevalon. And now that they've heard that, they want to bang Kate. I'm telling you, that's the way the universe works.
Starting point is 01:27:22 Like there's like her, her stock is skyrocketed. It's like, it's like no girls. My market value is up. She's like, yes, I swear to God, it works like that. It's so we're such shallow. Just if one, like if, if some dude at the top of the food chain wants to bang you, then it's like just every, every dude's like, huh? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:27:41 I mean like that, you know that i've oh my god i've just discovered something how they say that women care what other women think about their attractiveness they're competing with other women that's what dudes do with boning they just want to bone the chicks that other dudes want to bone they think that other dudes know something ask them anyway anyway you better fucking go out with security kate i'm not joking she literally does go out with security man it's australia and and and a sharpie you're gonna be signing sharpie and some eight by tens or five by sevens you this guy this guy's like a one one just a pr fucking dream for you. Okay.
Starting point is 01:28:27 So what time is the lunar eclipse? I gave you plenty of time. I took it back to Kate. 1 a.m. Pacific Standard Time? I think so. Oh, great. Oh, sorry. No, 2 a.m. on Friday.
Starting point is 01:28:40 Pacific Standard Time. Yep. Okay. Since most of our listeners... So since most of our listeners are addicted to porn gentlemen um at around 2 a.m just kind of just take it outside mobile that thing up mobile it up no lay on your back look at the moon 2 a.m go outside and take your real woman put put down the the digital woman down shoot that rocket ship up at the sky, gents. Yes, yes. Hey, yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:29:11 I'm trying to be serious, man. Governments, Australia and cigarettes. Okay. Governments must set a date for banning the sale of cigarettes through retailers, including supermarkets, and find new ways of boosting revenue without relying on tobacco excise taxes, leading public health researchers say. Is this all true, Kate? Is this happening? You guys banning cigarette sales in retail locations? I think they're trying to, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:36 I don't know much about it. And I think, is it, from this picture, it looks like, I don't know if it was fake, but Australia has some really wild labeling laws around cigarettes. Yeah, you have to like they just use the cigarette packets to like plaster all these yeah literally like that's real like if i go buy cigarettes like that's what's on it smoking causes blindness you actually cannot see cigarettes in any stores they're always behind like cupboards and behind like they're covered you can't see them so most of the time you don't even know they're there but when they open up the cupboards like you'll see all that shit yeah imagine if they sold pop-tart boxes and they
Starting point is 01:30:07 just had a picture of somebody's amputated foot wow wow what's up wow that would get you and i knew that would wake you back up thank you thank you there's an urgent need for ending the regulatory exceptionalism that has maintained the legal status of tobacco products as a consumer good cigarettes do not cigarettes this is from a i don't know who it's from some politician expert so and so cigarettes do not meet modern consumer product safety standards said gartner and her colleagues the netherlands have passed laws preventing supermarkets from selling cigarettes from 2024. New Zealand has proposed new measures that include significantly reducing the number of tobacco retail outlets and possibly removing nicotine from cigarettes. Wait, can you stop for a second? Talk about shitty metaphors or similes or comparisons. And this is the thing,
Starting point is 01:31:04 this is going back to what we were talking about in the beginning of the show when we're talking about hate speech versus freedom of speech. You can't, if you are for freedom of speech, then there's going to be stuff people are going to say that you're not going to like. So what?
Starting point is 01:31:14 Freedom of speech is amazing. We want it at all costs. Can you go back to that, Susan? There's something I'm about to read from there. It says on here, it's normal for governments to remove unsafe products. Okay, let me tell you what an unsafe product is an unsafe product would be a lawnmower where the every third time you use it the blade flies off and fucking chops off your fucking leg that's an unsafe product um
Starting point is 01:31:36 they're comparing cigarettes to contaminated food asbestos i mean i mean this is fucking idiocy it's nothing like that there's there's no there's no there's no comparison at all to that asbestos and contaminated food these are accidents these are accidents they didn't put asbestos in there like on purpose there weren't people like i want asbestos in my house no you can't it's dangerous it's not it's not dangerous. It's not, it's not, and what's worse is these are our leaders. I'm filled with love and light today. All right. I don't get what you're getting at there. You don't get what I'm getting at? No, no, no. You got to dig deeper, man. You can't, you can't, you, you, if, if I, if I put, um, sell light switches and I sell tens of millions of light switches and they're known so that they electrocute people and kill people, those are what need to be pulled off of the market.
Starting point is 01:32:31 They're malfunctioning. If I put asbestos in home, it's a failed kind of insulation because it also kills people. It's not supposed to kill people. It's supposed to keep your house warm in the winter and cool in the summer. If I take off, what was the other thing? Contaminated food, food's not supposed to be contaminated. Food is supposed to give you nourishment or it's only supposed to pit poison you based on what's in it that they meant to put in it. Cigarettes, there's cigarettes are not, they're doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing, burning anything and inhaling it.
Starting point is 01:33:05 Like if you told me, hey, we were pulling cigarettes off because these ones were sprayed with fucking Roundup and they had poison in them, okay. But if you're telling me we're pulling them off because nicotine and tobacco are bad for you, I mean like at that point you should be fucking pulling off, like you said, fucking Pop-Tarts. Like there's not a simile there. One of them is an accident and one of them is just the way that the nature of that product. But it's like skydiving. We should never allow skydiving. Shouldn't. That's a good analogy.
Starting point is 01:33:38 I mean, how about this fucking crazy sport where they put on the squirrel suits and they jump? I mean, that should definitely be illegal. sport where they put on the squirrel suits and they jump i mean that should definitely be illegal to james for the pop-tart reference dylan vowel with the fake name with four l's thanks also i'm eating a bowl of cereal so i guess we'll see how long it takes for me to be to go pre-diabetic or to go broke from throwing money at this podcast look at look at look at this picture in his in his profile legless rope climb Oh, is that what that is? Yeah. I just stared at his butt and I'm like, his butt's not that hungry. Ah, it's got an appetite.
Starting point is 01:34:12 I don't see a legless rope climb. You don't think the government should protect us from harmful products on the market? That's a rope climb, man. What else is he holding onto? No, they should protect us from products that are being falsely advertised a lawnmower that every fucking third time you use it chops off your leg we need protection from a light switch that electrocutes you and kills you we might need protection from but we both but but but we don't need licensure around people braiding people's hair like that case we had in utah we don't need licensure around people braiding people's hair like that case we had in Utah.
Starting point is 01:34:45 We don't need licensure so that the government can take their cut under the guise. I mean, it interferes with capitalism too. Here's the thing you have to realize. People like – I'm not going to go down there. I mean, the way Australia is – they brand their cigarette packaging. I mean mean they're definitely not trying to lie about what it can do to you yeah yeah and that's fine and and that i mean i think that that was it's a little over the top of those packages you you you showed and you
Starting point is 01:35:15 know what i get concerned of there is the hocus pocus part of me is concerned that people are going to see that and manifest that in themselves that's the part that kind of scares me but but there's that's you know i'm i don't want to get all hocusy-pocusy. Yeah, that was hocusy. Hocusy-pocusy. I'm going to just pretend I didn't hear that. I did say that. It's a good quote.
Starting point is 01:35:34 People should, it's important to fast, people. I'm really, really, I'm starting to really realize that. James Hobart on nutrition. The problem with the human body is that it can eat Pop- eat pop tarts for a long fucking time and not die wow okay so i want to say that that although that's a great thing that diminishes her earlier quote her earlier comment in here that was like finding you like maybe attractive i think because she's she has some bias because she thinks you say smart shit. So she might think that you might seem more attractive than you really are. Intelligence can be sexy.
Starting point is 01:36:09 Yes. If you're Jewish. Oh God. All right. Tobacco smoke, just as a little, uh, put a little bow tie on this.
Starting point is 01:36:16 Tobacco smoking is the leading cause of premature death and disability in Australia. Estimated to have killed 1.28 million australians between 1960 and 2020 up to two thirds of deaths in tobacco smokers are attributed to smoking while long term smokers die an average of 10 years earlier than non-smokers i bet you that non-smokers men have more rigid penises than smoking men. See, there's that. That's how they should.
Starting point is 01:36:47 That's the article they should put out. People stop smoking immediately. Maybe they wouldn't. They should put on a cigarette case. Look at that Australian. Just before and after. I'm serious, though. I guarantee I guarantee you that men who don't smoke have more rigid penises.
Starting point is 01:37:04 And any time I hear the word turgid, any time I hear the word guarantee, I guarantee you that men who don't smoke have more rigid penises. And anytime I hear the word, the word turgid, turgid, anytime I hear the word premature, I just automatically, I think they're going to say ejaculation. Just like, it's how,
Starting point is 01:37:13 it's how I've been like, they can imagine that. That's my live, my life. That's, that's the brain. I live. Your life is the premature part or just you thinking of those things.
Starting point is 01:37:21 I just think of those things. I just think of that. You do have a lot of kids. I just think premature ejaculation. There's words that are like that, but yeah. All right. How to apply for loan forgiveness. James is very handsome. Wow. Now do it in a British accent. handsome wow now do it in a british accent student loan relief thank you student loan relief including temporary student loan forbearance from the covid 19 pandemic is ending january 31st 2022 so this is the right time to consider your
Starting point is 01:37:58 options here's how to apply for student loan forgiveness during the biden administration start with one of these eight options. Get student loan forgiveness if you work for a qualified government or non-profit employer. You'll need to meet certain requirements such as working full-time, making 120 monthly payments, and enrolling in an income-driven repayment plan. Get teacher loan forgiveness you must teach full-time for five academic years in a low-income school oh jesus oh jesus um sorry sorry i didn't mean to take the lord's name in vain or his sons or whatever oh gosh oh gosh that's what i meant to say if you're thinking the thing in your head and then you're saying something different like you're still the lord still knows that you're doing wrong it's okay you gotta start somewhere both direct loans and ffel loans are eligible and you could qualify for up to seventeen hundred
Starting point is 01:38:52 dollar seven jeez i can't talk right now seventeen thousand five hundred dollars of student loans yeah i think that's kind of unfair for teachers but i'm not gonna go down that rabbit hole if your college or university closes while you're enrolled or shortly after you withdraw, you could qualify for partial student loan forgiveness or total student loan forgiveness. This is a good one. Get student loan forgiveness if you have a total or impermanent disability. Biden administration has canceled $5.8 billion of student loans for student loan borrow borrowers with a total and permanent disability. You can provide information on the U S social security administration,
Starting point is 01:39:30 U S department of veteran affairs, or your physician. This is my favorite one. If you were misled by your college or university, or you didn't receive the educational services, you were promised you could qualify for student loan forgiveness through borrower defense to repayment so that's the one i would go for i wonder i wonder how much i saw a stat on it and it was mind-boggling what what the debt is of student loan in relationship to all their debt we have in this country it was nuts as in nuts as in the student loan was much higher than all debt or? Yeah, it was crazy. I want to say it was like something like 30%. I mean, it's devastating. It's devastating. It's brutal.
Starting point is 01:40:16 I mean, it's almost like, is it worth going to uni to have to pay off a student loan for the rest of your life? Yeah, I think that's a really good question. And I hope more people start to consider whether or not that's a necessary thing to do. You can also join the military and they will pay off up to a certain amount or give you a GI bill. It's that easy.
Starting point is 01:40:38 Bam. Yeah, that too. You, you all, you could just skip college and go to Yeah, true. True. Great point. great point enough of kate's post what's what are kate's most recent instagram posts i put up a thread that i posted on twitter a while back and laid on us basically now it's time for another episode of kate's instagram posts they do come up pretty regularly yeah it's long it's not that it's long it's listen to this
Starting point is 01:41:12 the girl the the hot girl who's five eight who has this sweet australian voice and is stronger than god is uh she's a modern day athena she's telling us about looks and you're more than your body oh easy for you to say fuck well i'm just telling people to go on fucking lift up stuff and stop trying to diet to be skinny like fucking eat to be healthy and we go to the next this girl slide please athena athena athena has uh she has uh 12 boyfriends and a fucking list of jacked men. Listen, listen, listen. Listen. I want you to listen.
Starting point is 01:41:48 I want you to listen. Kate Gordon, mate, is so fit, so sexy, so straight up there. Oh, but she's more than that, my friend. You shallow piece of shit from the UK. You special operations warfare, lowbrow, superficial. Talks so much sense. And it's just an all round good dude. And then listen to how his voice changes when he starts talking to you again.
Starting point is 01:42:18 It's like, he has like a switch. Dude, I love that guy. Getting him on the payroll. I'm going to pay him more than I pay you guys. You need to read the whole thing. If you think your only value on this- No, no, no. This is not even the first.
Starting point is 01:42:30 This is like, you're deep when you're on this one. Matt, you need to go. No, you got it. The other way. Other way. I can. I don't know if I can go the other way. I was born only to go one way.
Starting point is 01:42:41 Oh, you're on the second one. Okay. This is the second of two posts. Okay. Hold on. Hold on. What? This? There you go. the second one. Okay. This is the second of two posts. Okay. Hold on. Hold on. What? This?
Starting point is 01:42:46 There you go. Yeah. Okay. Something happens. Do you want to read it? You read it. Oh, I actually read this today. This is what you call, I think what the kids are calling a hot take.
Starting point is 01:42:56 This is good. A hot take. Something happens in your late 20s when you drink on a regular basis and don't lift heavy things. People, especially women who are naturally slim gain weight. Every year I see them, they are slightly heavier. I've watched this progression over 10 years with people that I love. They tell me that not drinking is too hard and they don't want to lift because they don't want to get too bulky. Sorry to tell you, but too late. You are
Starting point is 01:43:21 already bulky and it's not possible. their solution is an extreme diet that they get extreme results from but can only sustain for a few months if that the long-term results of their diet is they gain back all the weight they lost plus some and feel even worse they are sucked into quick fixes because they get desperate they yo-yo diet their weight gain instead of weight loss and don't have the perspective to see it it It's fucking heartbreaking and they blame themselves. They just have to try harder next time. But if the diet is so extreme that you can't sustain it, then why not change the diet instead of the doing the same thing over and over again to just end up in the same place? I wish they would stop dieting and start eating food to simply be healthy. Stop restricting and eat full meals that don't leave you hungry every
Starting point is 01:44:03 few hours. You need protein, you need carbs, you need fat. You need to eat more than 1,200 calories. 1,200 calories is failing you. Try eating 2,000 calories consistently. Do it for 12 months instead of 12 weeks. You're afraid you're going to gain weight? Hello, wake the fuck up. You're already gaining weight with these diets that fail you again and again. Then you exercise by picking up three kilo dumbbells and only do lower body every day because you don't want muscular arms and better make sure you do some cardio, right? Can't miss that. Women have been taught to be weak and fragile and men have been taught to be big and strong. Right now you hardly have any muscle and you think you're going to wake up looking like you could compete in a bodybuilding show. Have you actually even
Starting point is 01:44:44 tried to build muscle, or is this just all speculation, a projection of your insecurities, perhaps? Be honest. Examine this. Part two. If you think you're only now- Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:44:54 You're moving to the next slide? Yeah, the next post. Okay, okay. Hold on. Wait, wait. Before you do that, please hold on one second. There's one thing in here. Where is it?
Starting point is 01:45:04 I think it was the second. Something happens in your late 20s when you drink on a regular basis and don't lift heavy things. People, especially women who are naturally slim, gain weight. And I just want to add on there, if you could add on there and sit on a lot of random cock, just just add that just that part in there. It's supposed to be perfect. That's an important element. If you just drink too much, that can happen to you. Okay, sorry. And Cam.
Starting point is 01:45:33 If you think your only value on this earth is how you look and how feminine or masculine you are, then the problem isn't what you think it is and how you look isn't going to solve that. You are so much more than just a body. Your value is not based on how you look. And that's where we come full circle. You're desperate because that's all you think you have to offer the world. And of course, that makes sense. You have no idea what it feels like to accept yourself and your body as it is, to give yourself permission to be who you are. Stop exercising to earn your food. Stop dieting to
Starting point is 01:46:03 lose weight. Start eating to be healthy. Start lifting to be strong. You get this one body and this one life. Don't waste it trying to change it for others. Take care of it for yourself instead. Ironically, that will get you the results you really want, to feel good in your body and to feel loved. This is so good. I'm going to say something that's just so weird here, but I guess that's what I do. For years, I was afraid to go live or to ever talk to my camera or to ever be seen on my Instagram. And then finally, at some point, I did it just because it was such my uncomfort. I don't like the way I look. I mean, I accept it and I like it, but I don't like it.
Starting point is 01:46:46 it and i like and i like it but i don't like it like it's a little hard to explain but i wouldn't trade how i look for anything i'm not trying to change anything but i didn't think i deserve for people to i didn't think the world should have to suffer to see me but i started going live on instagram and i started making posts just to face that fear and test the waters and holy shit what a great um what a great practice that is and i I encourage anyone to – and then not only that, but use the ego and use these services that so many people think of as the devil, like Instagram or social media, as a place to hold accountability and try being free. Try getting out. Use it not for search of other people to accept you. Don't use the filters. Use it as a tool to accept
Starting point is 01:47:25 yourself. And I think you can even see Kate do that. She'll post a picture of herself in her bathing suit, just completely relaxed and be like, look, here I am. And I, and I asked you this, Kate, is that somewhat cathartic for you too? You're like, I did it. And now everyone sees me and there's nothing else I have to hide. There's something really interesting that you can observe from influences. Like they're very confident people typically but i think you could probably talk to most instagram people that have a lot of followers and they would say that they they weren't confident to start like it wasn't like they came into this being confident like you just said you weren't confident and then started going live you started going live and you're like fuck it it doesn't matter like it fucking doesn't
Starting point is 01:47:59 matter it really doesn't matter nobody gives a fuck no one's thinking about you they're so busy thinking about themselves. And the best part is that when you're using social media to expose to a degree, like this is how I feel about it. This is just my perspective. But expose the worst side of yourself. Like, hey, fucking here it is. Like, this is me at my worst. Then there's nothing left to be exposed. Hold on, people.
Starting point is 01:48:21 Don't go there. Don't do what she just said. They're not your worst. Go to go to 50 percent. OK, sorry. Go on. Don't do your people. Don't go there. Don't do what she just said. They're not your worst. Go to, go to 50%. Okay. Sorry. Go on. Don't do your worst. Don't, don't get crazy. But if you've exposed yourself, then there's nothing to fear because there's nothing left to hide. And it's as simple as that. It's like, Hey, I'll show myself not looking amazing because it's like, it doesn't matter. It doesn't, it fucking doesn't matter. And if it, if for some other people see that and be like, Oh fuck, real human beings aren't shredded and don't look like they've got a
Starting point is 01:48:47 million filters on their face. That's great. That's really what I needed to know. It's like, then that's cool. And you don't have to do it to like, to show the world you at your worst. It's just about just, just be yourself. Give it a shot. Own who you are. It's like, this is who you are. You're going to be this way for your whole life. Sorry. It's so much more fun too. I'm so glad like I got, I'm so glad I played with that. I'm so glad I played with that.
Starting point is 01:49:13 It was terrifying when I first started the CrossFit podcast. I did not, I felt like the world deserved better than to look at me. And I liked who I was. But that's, and now that's kind of kind of gone kind of anyway cool post did you write all that yourself yeah i wrote it a while ago actually i'm just today was the day that it was unleashed on Instagram. What did you think when you found out it was going to take two posts? I was annoyed.
Starting point is 01:49:50 I didn't want it to take two posts. It looks so bad on my profile. Fuck it, whatever. Like, I don't give a fuck how I look, but my profile? Jesus Christ. It's just too much writing. I'm like, people don't want to see that shit. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 01:50:08 Who was that? Who told us to read that? That was another episode of Kate's Instagram. Yes. And back to the news. Brought to you by Barbell Jobs. She had to post something cool like that because she posed this dumb shit before. The post before that is five things I do every night. I'm like, Oh, come on, Kate. Have you watched it? Yes, of course. I
Starting point is 01:50:29 watched it. Did you see my post? Of course. Oh yeah. You were like, I do one thing. Yeah. Well, how good is your sleep? Tell me about it. Fucking epic. I never, first of all, I never try to sleep anyone who tries to go to sleep. Yeah. You train after you do this podcast. Like I feel like you go to bed really late, but no one should ever try to go to sleep. When you lie down is your time to, to, to try to stay conscious. That's it. No human being should ever try to go to sleep ever, ever, ever. You should never try to go unconscious. Should try to always stay conscious and how you do that you should lie down in bed and you should take your awareness and put it on your body and awareness is extremely powerful go ahead hobart no no i was just awareness is extremely powerful consciousness is in my opinion
Starting point is 01:51:21 the most powerful force that i've ever come across never i've never seen an atomic bomb and um you you want to keep yourself conscious as long as you can and how you do that is when you lie down you put all of your attention on your body and you'll what you'll start noticing is like i wake up before i wake up and if that doesn't happen to you then you that doesn't make sense to you but i wake up before i wake up what did i that doesn't happen to you, then you, that doesn't make sense to you. But I wake up before I wake up. What did I read a post the other day? Someone jumped up and they woke up so fast that they tripped over something that would never happen to me. I wake up in my body in darkness before like, and it's me. I'm myself. When I wake up, there's no, I mean, it's me, it's me like in eternity and in like this eternal darkness.
Starting point is 01:52:09 And then I decide, okay, should I get up? Should I start my brain up? Should I become like, do I? That doesn't happen, man. I'm telling you. Took years to cultivate it. Cultivate it. Never, ever go to sleep.
Starting point is 01:52:22 I'm going to try that. All of those sleep. I'm just going to lay there and be conscious. And I'm gonna let you know, I have a, I have a really hard time sleeping. So I'm really interested in this. Oh yes. Then, then you're going to love it. And the one thing that I do to cheat is I put a, a sleep pillow on my eyes and it makes it really, it makes it really dark. And it really, it gives me this, um, this pressure that helps me stay conscious as the rest of my body. The trippiest thing that will happen, Hobart, is – and this is absolutely fascinating. The first thing you'll notice as you start really getting to breaking the boundaries of just normal consciousness is you'll be able to watch yourself breathe.
Starting point is 01:53:00 And you'll be like, oh, shit. And then at that point, you should say, hello, James. You should say hi to yourself. And you should try with all your might not to take control of your breath because as soon as people realize that they're watching their breath, like actually and see the automation of it, they'll grab onto it. And then you'll just go – there's just deeper levels that go further and further beyond that. Non-reaction. Anyway, that was just me just pick – I love Kate's post. I was just using that to jump on my platform. I approve of the tape. I don't approve of the chill sleep.
Starting point is 01:53:41 You don't want your mattress temperature controlled? No, no, no. It's pretty good. What about the red lights would you do the red lights in your house nah oh hell no hell no you can change the colors too you can make it like disco lights or like special like sex lights i what are sex lights i don't know whatever color you want your sex lighting to be oh like so painfully. You can't even see like staring into the sun. Hey, and then and then you play music. You but I don't think you should ever have sounds either.
Starting point is 01:54:11 I don't think you should ever, ever have sounds when you're sleeping. It should be completely quiet. Completely quiet. People have fans on or music or any of that or fucking people who do that shit for their babies. You are fucking your baby up yeah i don't i know jonathan i couldn't sleep on my back either that's why i forced myself to sleep on my back yeah you can i've done that yeah i couldn't do that either on my back you you can or can't i do yeah yeah yeah it's a great way and then you should get rid of your
Starting point is 01:54:42 pillow you should do everything you can to make it so you have assistance in staying awake but you're you're not unconscious i would go to sleep voice memo oh on repeat yeah yeah yeah yeah this yeah that's what i was thinking one last thing is so fit so sexy so straight up there talks so much sense and is just an all round good dude I really like Kate hope you're well my man
Starting point is 01:55:16 yeah you should play that it's okay if you go to sleep with that it's okay so I'm rapidly trying to catch up on all the good stuff and say hello to that lovely Kate Gordon
Starting point is 01:55:34 from me take it easy my man hey so Colin said God said listen to that 12 times, make that 19 now. And we still have another hour left of this show, Colin. So get ready for 26. Dutch taste. He's playing GTA and drinking a full sugar mountain duo recording that incredible
Starting point is 01:56:07 is that grand theft auto oh i'm good so up to date okay let's go the rock gifts a new truck there's a reason why dwayne johnson gets called the most likable celebrity around. Not only is he funny, he has his own foundation that helps at-risk and terminally ill children. Kindness just seems to be in this actor's bones. As for his latest act,
Starting point is 01:56:35 he just gets a brand new Ford F-150 to an old friend. Wow. $30,000 truck. Check this out. it's so funny this friend of mine calls me and he says hey me and dave are going to the harley davidson dealership do you want to come with us and i say uh i say to this friend i said oh shit my kid has ballet okay my kid was two years old so when you take your kids to ballet when they're two years old it looks no different than soccer karate jujitsu like all two-year-olds everything looks the same they kick a ball around
Starting point is 01:57:19 they play with a parachute it's just it's it's really it's just idiot shit when i used to tell my friends that oh i'm going to soccer i'm going to ballet you're just a moron parent and so i tell him oh dude i'm going to ballet so i tell my friend that he's okay well me and dave are going so dave calls me and says yo dude you're coming to the harley davidson dealership right i said no my kid's got ballet and dave's like you're a fucking idiot and i'm like no dude i'm a dedicated dedicated father to my kid eight hours later i get a call from dave and he's like yep you're an idiot i go why he goes because i came home with a fifty thousand dollar harley davidson and i was thinking i was thinking about that just today. Yeah. I am an idiot. If I was just
Starting point is 01:58:05 thinking about that today, if I would have went, I could have gotten also a $50,000 Harley Davidson. I could have sold it, put it in Bitcoin and I'd be a multi billionaire. Yeah. Yeah. That's true. At that time too. If you sold, if you bought that much Bitcoin, yeah, you'd be pretty wealthy. So part of me wants to be like, Oh, that's really, that's really cool that Dwayne Johnson bought that. But like, he should have bought him a Bitcoin. Yeah, or he should have. The guy has an old friend. I mean, come on, man.
Starting point is 01:58:31 How is that newsworthy? Good rich people do that shit for their friends all the time. Well, my mom shared this story with me, and she really wanted me to put it on here. Does your mom like Dwayne Johnson? Take it up with her. I don't know. She just sends me some news stories once in a while. I'm just torn because I really like him,
Starting point is 01:58:52 but I really don't like him. Why? He was great as the boat captain Franco in jungle cruise. Yeah. I started watching that yesterday with my kids. They said it was horrible. We turned it off. It is.
Starting point is 01:59:02 It's it's it's noticeable. This how how how much softer disney is like you compare that okay i know to like a pirates of the caribbean which is like it's kind of the same thing right like jungle cruise is supposed to be pirates of the caribbean in the jungle but it's just the the movie's softer like it just it's it's so much more vanilla than like pirates of the Caribbean was. You can just tell Disney's just trying to do that. In what way?
Starting point is 01:59:30 I haven't seen the new Jungle movie. Regressive, you mean? Woke? Yeah. I think there's a little bit of that. I just feel like Pirates of the Caribbean was a little edgier, a little grittier. And now it's like, I feel, oh feel oh man i'm gonna take heat for this it just kind of feels like they're trying to like hype up the identity of every character story and i'm not
Starting point is 01:59:53 saying that divert diverse people shouldn't have representation in entertainment and art that's not what i'm saying but it's like you can tell that they're going out of their way to be like, Oh, now we have this token character. And now we have this token character and we have a token character for you. Little girl. You know, it's just like, I don't know. That was the vibe I got from that movie though. You know, they have a black Greta Thunberg now, you know, that they have a there's they, they found there's a, a young black girl who's also doing the climate tour.
Starting point is 02:00:23 Like, and she tours with greta they got one white and one black they got the how how much more diverse do you need than the rock he's samoan and black yeah that's pretty diverse to me i just like all of his posts he seems like a good guy like i would have fun like working out with him or or he would fucking crush you it would be a terrible time i would scale i terrible time. I would scale. I would scale, but I would, I was really,
Starting point is 02:00:49 and he says funny shit and he's funny and he's in his wife. He's banging some Armenian chick. And I liked that. And they got kids together. I love all that, but I just, when you have that much power, I just feel like he should speak. Like he should speak up on some things.
Starting point is 02:01:01 Wait, what did they, there are still auctions, but instead of women, oh, they had women on auction blocks. Okay, I'm not laughing at that. I'm just laughing at that. I'll show you this. Let me see if I can find
Starting point is 02:01:18 this. Peter Bogus. The Rock would probably smash Fran, honestly, Stephen. It's too short of a workout uh do you reckon he can get his arms over his head yeah i bet he could wrestlers were are really athletic i mean broken at some point in their career but like their body awareness is pretty incredible can i show you guys a video that's a minute long? Is this a good time for me to go to the bathroom?
Starting point is 02:01:48 Sure. Oh, no. Go to the bathroom and then I'll show the video. All right. Someone should call in now. Yeah. All right. I'll wait till they call in.
Starting point is 02:01:54 Or I can play that. There's some guy sent me a DM talking about how much he likes Kate. I can play that if you guys want to see that. It really is good though, isn't it? I can't wait until someone on your podcast starts an OnlyFans for Kate. I'm just going to throw that out there to the universe. I have a troll at the moment who keeps on asking me about an OnlyFans. Does he ask about seeing your feet in toe spreaders?
Starting point is 02:02:20 No, that's for free on my Instagram. That's how I get my followers. You should lock that content under a paywall british tv is full of token characters what what do you mean by token characters meaning like like it should be an asian guy but they put in a black guy or it should be a white guy but they put in a black guy or it should be a black guy but they put in an asian guy like it's just obvious like that i think it's just diversity and inclusion like happening on on the media right uh yeah i guess but i don't know what that means exactly i want someone to tell me exactly what that means that guy i'm sure will find anything for someone so wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa are you are you degrading the that guy i'm sure will
Starting point is 02:03:03 find anything for someone so sexy and so fit. I don't understand that. But I hope that's not saying that he thinks every girl is so sexy and so fit and you're trying to make it less for Kate. No, I think he's going to find anything. He'll do something? I don't know. There's a whole conversation happening in the comments of this show right now. He gets paid for for he gets paid by
Starting point is 02:03:25 china yes yes that's true um uh suza do you by any chance have um that website of mine that's my favorite website it's the uh ah yes if you need a job if let's say you have a great job but you go on a podcast as you are just an attention whore and it causes you to accidentally lose your job because you can't stay off of a podcast you know better than to stay off of and you should go to i can't unmute the guest because they chose to mute themselves well hobart you stepped on your own dick i'd like to think that i could watch this boom share screen i want to see if i can push out a push out um oh my god i just pushed out Suze's share screen. I have a really funny story of pushing something out one time, but that probably can't be said on this show.
Starting point is 02:04:32 But you can't even imagine. Were you bored at a hotel? No. Couldn't sleep? No. But thank you for guessing. Okay, let me see if I can. Okay, listen to this. This is a minute long. This is really good.
Starting point is 02:04:48 Make this full screen, team. Equity. Equity means making up for past discrimination with current discrimination. In an equitable system, certain individuals and groups must be discriminated against in order to make up for discrimination that other individuals and groups suffered in the past, equity and equality do not mean the same thing. In fact, they're opposites. If a system is equitable, that means, by definition, people are not treated equally. For example, if a company adopted an equitable employment system, that would mean they hire more women than men because women have faced significant past discrimination. So in an equitable system, the best candidate is not judged solely on the basis of merit or ability, but is judged on the basis of some characteristic like sex or sexual orientation or race. In an employment system that has equality as a core value, any characteristic other than merit does not factor into the hiring process.
Starting point is 02:05:49 In other words, if someone is gay or Native American, that would not play a role in whether or not they were hired. Equality means not being judged on immutable physical characteristics. Yes. I'm trying to get that guy on the podcast he was basically fired from his uh job at was it columbia university somewhere because he didn't believe in so so that's it i bring that up because a lot of people have issues with the equity they think equity is the definition that you see in the dictionary which normally i would agree about, but in this situation, it is not. Now let me read you the definition in the dictionary.
Starting point is 02:06:36 Equity, the state or quality of being just and fair, something that is just and fair. fair, something that is just and fair justice achieved, not simply according to the strict letter of the law, but in accordance with the principles of substantial justice and the unique facts of the case. So basically equity is this word and basically the whole woke culture and whole, all of corporate America has taken it and made it what Peter Boghossian just said in that video. And so that's why when I, when I, posted like on noah olson's uh account and i got 500 uh thumbs up likes on it which was awesome so proud of that um i basically said equity comes at the cost of equality and you have to be aware of that and that is a slippery and dangerous slope equity is basically racism not basically it's racism. Not basically, it's racism. It's racism and it's
Starting point is 02:07:26 sexism and discrimination. Just discrimination. Are there cases where that- And it's not inclusive. Are there cases where equity is necessary for society, population, government? Yeah. Of course. If you run a business that sells um fresh uh breast milk you you must hire more women than men you you must it's just well i guess then that goes back to equality you're hiring people based on the merit of their job but but recently the la county the the the la county sheriff um came on instagram it's the largest sheriff department i think in the united states of america and the city council there was saying that he needs to hire using equity. And he said, well, I know you guys don't realize this, but that would force me to fire 33 percent of my staff because 33 percent of my staff or because women outnumber the men.
Starting point is 02:08:20 They're so significantly in the sheriff's department. number of the men there so significantly in the sheriff's department and they didn't think they didn't think of it that way because we're really what they just wanted is more female sheriffs but they didn't realize that a massive amount of the la county sheriff's department uh that was civilian was actually women it was predominantly women so anyway just a little side note what was the um post the noah post no uh a while back noah made a post about saying that he was going to give his money that he wanted a semifinal or some competition to a charity. And, and, and I, and I made a post saying, Hey, don't give it to any charity that uses the word equity.
Starting point is 02:08:57 And it started this shit storm. And actually at the time I didn't know, I didn't read the post clearly. I just said that he was referencing specifically I think that he was going to give it to Elijah Muhammad's charity which ironically enough does not use the word equity anywhere on the page and yet people tried slamming me like probably 50 people came on and just tried to slam me with like one like each but my comment got like 500 likes or more which I thought was amazing and i basically explained this that i explained the definition of equity and people didn't want to acknowledge it god damn i'm drunk
Starting point is 02:09:30 yeah jonathan pocket's calm yeah his last uh oh shit i'm reading them out of order this one's even better have a fan site kate damn it's kate is gorgeous uh no Nah, Kate, way better. As hired writer, I found a muse. This is good. Keep it up, John. Somebody, he also asked me, what am I famous from? From being on this podcast, Jonathan. I only let people on who have a 50,000 followers or more baseline. And Kate met that criteria.
Starting point is 02:10:12 This one's interesting. Steven meant the rock do Kate. The rock do rock do Kate. Me rock me do Kate. Okay. Can we do a new story before this guy gets any more drunk? Please. God damn.
Starting point is 02:10:28 Who near you? Researchers found that wastewater from human sewage introduces 6.2 million metric tons of nitrogen into coastal ecosystems per year. Up to 63% of this nitrogen comes from treated sewage systems, 5% comes from septic systems, and 32% comes from untreated input, i.e. poop just going straight into the ocean. For most of the world, most sewage underwent some treatment, but raw sewage remained a prominent problem for certain countries including China, India and a number of african nations wastewater inputs of pathogens and nitrogen into coastal oceans present clear challenges to coastal ecosystems that's brutal for those of you who aren't watching us right now there's just a picture
Starting point is 02:11:21 on this article of um which looks it's like sewage coming out of two giant water pipes and um tens of thousands of gallons of just poop diarrhea you've all eaten a crunch wrap supreme before so just imagine i don't know what that is i don't't like it. It's Taco Bell. Beyond these direct impacts, our results suggest that wastewater inputs are likely to interact with the plethora of anthropogenic stressors to coastal ecosystems, leading to declining fisheries, habitat loss, degradation, and human health impacts. That should have been the first one. The study concludes. Hey, this is actually, this is actually a good idea.
Starting point is 02:12:07 I can't wait until Kate and James start their own podcast and talk about that. Please. Yes, please. Um, I also, uh,
Starting point is 02:12:16 uh, Matt and John should start their own podcast. Someone's like, aren't you afraid they can start their own podcast? I go, no, that would be awesome. Matt and John. So poop. So what's, what's the what's the solution hobart how like what am i supposed to do not shit anymore i already fast 36 hours a week i produce less shit than you and kate
Starting point is 02:12:35 you don't you think so you don't know how constipated how about let's hey hey let's coming out sooner or later this how get a bucket put it on a scale by the end of the week whose bucket i i i there was this bucket in my in my garden that i use that i carry around with me and like i pull weeds with or i put stuff in it that i don't like and then take it throw it somewhere else in my backyard and i and we just had a bunch of rains in california and the bucket was in the corner of my yard and today it was really sunny so i was out working on my yard again and i went over to the bucket and i dumped it out and out poured out with the water was two huge blue belly lizards that drowned in there because they must have been in the bucket and then it
Starting point is 02:13:25 rained that sucked that really hurt anyway you're the first person i told i thought about telling my wife but i was like i'm not telling her that bad news all right quality yes trump gets on top of biden former president trump leads former president trump leads president biden by 11 points in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup in iowa according to a new poll i'm glad this is news i'm glad that we're reporting on hypothetical polls seltzer and I'm the one who wrote it down, Seltzer & Co., as well as the Des Moines Register and Mediacom found that 51% of likely Iowa voters,
Starting point is 02:14:12 likely Iowa voters, so we're not even talking about actual Iowa voters. Yeah, what organization wrote this? Where is this from? Just let me finish the story, man. Iowa voters would support Trump in the 2024 election while 40% said they would back Biden. 4% of the respondents said they would not vote for either of the candidates.
Starting point is 02:14:31 Thank goodness. Good choice. 4% of Iowa and 5% said they remain unsure. Biden in March said he expects to run for reelection in 2024. Telling reporters, my plan is to run for re-election that's my expectation that's wild the iowa poll conducted between november 7th and november 10th surveyed a whopping 658 likely voters in the state the margin of error is probably fucking enormous but it says only 3.8 percentage points oh man what a mess he also won the hawkeye state in 2000 oh my goodness what a mess what a mess will someone
Starting point is 02:15:16 cool run for president somebody please please somebody out this is such a good point please that guy who called savann with your sexy little asmr voice please yes yes hey this is actually not a bad idea right here kate todd m kate's gonna start her own supplement company and james is gonna box cole sager i'd box cole sager who'd win i wouldn't go in there to lose i think i think Hobart has a lot of pent-up aggression. That's it. That's how he communicates all of the issues that he's trying to communicate with his wife. He just lets it out on call.
Starting point is 02:15:58 That's why you bottle it up. I like it. I like it. It's to win the match. I like it. I like it. All right. You got to have some skills though.
Starting point is 02:16:08 No, there are no other candidates. There's not, there's nothing. We're just, just, just Fauci. Dr.
Starting point is 02:16:13 Fauci is going to run for president. Oh man. That would be a pay cut for him. That'd be a pay cut. Oh, good one. Hmm. Yes. He, cut oh good one hmm yes he's working on the marketing campaign for kate's uh protein powder so fit so sexy 20 grams of protein hey i hope this dude i hope this dude um will call every week with the new i hope this becomes like i hope this becomes a new like part of the show this would be so great
Starting point is 02:16:45 oh yeah one last thing you don't understand that's the thing you have to understand i don't want to there there's a lot of other shit we talk about it has nothing to do i mean like this is not him like we talk about it's all politics and like heavy shit and then all of a sudden there's this one last audio and i click on it's like one more thing let me so fit so sexy so straight up there talks so much sense what the fuck is he talking about talk so much sense he likes me you know thank you now I know what he means by you make so much sense yes glad to know it
Starting point is 02:17:31 I could talk absolute bullshit and he'd be like ah yeah she talks so much sense I love her guns all round good dude I really like Kate hope you're well, my man. I'll follow the course. Okay, let's go to the end.
Starting point is 02:17:53 Civility and experience things, so I'm rapidly trying to catch up on all the good stuff. So keep up the good work, mate, and say hello to that lovely Kate Gordon from me. Take it easy, my my man are you allowed to say what his name is what's his name what i already i already i already um dm i should get
Starting point is 02:18:11 this guy's i need this guy's phone number i'm gonna dm him right now can you give me your phone number can i have your phone number and i have todd rutt his voice is so number it is actually i'm gonna send him my phone number that's a little more chill um no i can't i already i just asked him if i could play it and he said for sure but i but like uh i said hey i um can i play that last message on my podcast he said yes oh only if she follows me oh shit, shit. Oh. Okay, well. You just locked me into that one. So maybe I'll sit here. Consider you've played it at least 25 times.
Starting point is 02:18:52 He's very manly. I mean, obviously. So this is one of his workout posts. He's playing classical music. He's listening to classical music while doing a steward. Here's his back. Okay, that's it. That's all I can show you.
Starting point is 02:19:16 DM him a list of phrases to say for your soundboard. Yes, please do that. Oh, of course, Kimberly. Of course, Kimberly. I'll DM him a list of phrases Oh, of course, Kimberly. Of course, Kimberly. I'll DM him a list of phrases for your soundboard, Kimberly. Hey, I wonder if I could just... Play this just full blast and drop my phone down my pants. I wonder what happens.
Starting point is 02:19:39 You'd grow an inch, man. Have you guys heard of... One last thing. Go ahead, Kate. Have you guys heard one last thing go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead have you guys heard of dipsy so we were on the topic of porn before have you guys heard of the like um i know the dipsy trail in california dipsy or cdip sca dipsy one word it's a brand it's a it's a it's basically what it is is it's like stories that are sexy stories so it's like an alternative to porn so it's like voices like his like nicotine gum is like an alternative to cigarettes that's horrible yeah okay kind of like that um if you're a visual person it could be kind of fun though like his voice immersive pillow talks can you play some or we get in trouble i don't think i can play them yeah no i don't know if you could no we
Starting point is 02:20:34 couldn't play them what's it what's it play them what's the guy's name sounds i mean this it's an app it's an app tipsy i had this amazing feeling of my sexuality being respected and catered to that I hadn't really identified as a void until I felt it fulfilled for the first time. That's really nice. Wait. Is that from Dipsy? Dipsy or Dipsy? What is this? I'm just reading testimonials from the website.
Starting point is 02:20:56 Dipsy. Capital D. D-I-P-S-Y. Dipsy. E-A. Like C as in the ocean. Oh. Okay.
Starting point is 02:21:04 This is Dipsy made me feel turned on in a reliable way that I've never really experienced with other content. E-A. Like sea is in the ocean. Oh, okay. This is Dipsy made me feel turned on in a reliable way that I've never really experienced with other content. Reliable. Oh, have you guys also seen the porn that is like, there's like porn where they narrate what's going on the whole time? So it's like porn for blind people essentially. Yeah, yeah. What's it called? It has a special name. It's kind of like that, but it's like the more like lyrical, illustrated kind of story version.
Starting point is 02:21:32 Well, I don't see this in DuckDuckGo. What if I put in Dipsy Porn? Nope. It's an app. Look up the app and download it. You're going to get Dipsy Porn is what you're going to get, man. Watch this squid. watch this squid i found an app called whatever slut ever
Starting point is 02:21:50 whatever maybe there'll be a new sponsor for us how is whatever slut ever only have 132 views on youtube whatever slut ever. That's awesome. Most people have wine adolescence. When you're queer, sometimes you get to embrace it. Not me. Yeah, dude, but the freezer. I have my gay adolescence poetry.
Starting point is 02:22:20 All right. I don't think this is it. This is about gay adolescence. I give up. Sorry, guys. I wanted to to shoot it i wanted the show to be well done pleasure experiment sexploration hang on here i'll show you it's an app i don't know why you're having such a hard time finding it well because i just i'm just on duck duck go and i put in dipsy porn uh i don't want to go to the app. What do they officially call it? Because I want to share with the, I want to find like a video. I'll read the description.
Starting point is 02:22:49 Dipsy is an app for short, sexy audio stories that spark your imagination. Sexuality is as mental as it is physical. 90% of women report using their imaginations to get turned on. Dipsy helps set the mood and erases the stress of the day, letting you tap into the power of your sensuality on your terms. I wonder what it's like to use your imagination to get turned on. What it's like? Fantasizing. And that's fantasizing. Imagination. Was that? Why did your camera just go? Yeah. What are you talking about, Hobart? You don't know what it's like to use your imagination to get turned on?
Starting point is 02:23:24 Why do you keep pointing me at your buttons i have to pull my screen down because i'm going to share this screen right here are you trying to help me imagine i just don't understand what you don't understand about imagination to turn you never thought of something that got you around okay here we go most people have one adolescence when they're queer sometimes you get two let's not count the first one i had it was awkward with braces and i tried to hook up with my best friend who actually thought jesus was her boyfriend not me this is weird this is a weird one oh but is that it yeah i i think it's kind of sounds like it okay here let me i'll find this is like listening to people's like train wreck relationships because i'm totally in for that to make yourself feel better about yours yeah okay here let's play
Starting point is 02:24:12 one kate is a rembrandt looking masterpiece man this guy is he is dutch he is dutch i bet you europeans do some weird shit i bet you that their whole they're like you know how their dogs look weird like what the fuck is that hyphen doing there with that odd space jonathan you are drunk man you ever go to europe and like like they're like this is our labrador like you see dogs in iceland and you're like those don't look like our dogs they just look different you know i'm talking about golden retrievers labs i actually have an article about eccentric dog breeds okay let. Let's do it. And how they used to read it.
Starting point is 02:24:47 I have one to play. That's like an actual one. Porn story. Let's run it. Okay. How long is it? How long is it? Well,
Starting point is 02:24:54 we're not going to listen to the whole thing. Cause it's like, hopefully it's another two and a half hours. I just don't, if I start to get aroused, I'm going to say a safety word. I'm going to be like, stop.
Starting point is 02:25:02 Hold on. No, no, no, no, no, pick a different word. Okay. You guys have two choices.
Starting point is 02:25:07 There are two free ones here available. Hometown or Wild Hearts? Girl Next Door. Okay, Hometown. I like the way she translated that. Do you want me to drag to get to the action? Because it has that option. It might just get a little bit me to drag to get to the action? Because it has that option. It might just get a little bit.
Starting point is 02:25:26 Let's drag the option, the action. That is awesome. Is that the choice? Is that like if Pornhub had a button that said money shot, you just click it and it just goes to that part? Just direct link on the YouTube, yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 02:25:42 I loved it. I pushed my tongue into the back of my teeth teeth resisting the urge to ask how he'd found my writing the car slowed down and my stomach tightened like i could already feel my future regret i knew i wouldn't be able to recreate this moment again keep driving we both stared ahead as he drove past my house. He took a right down a worn dirt road without saying anything. Out my window, moonlight was slipping through the branches. When I finally looked over at him, he was watching me.
Starting point is 02:26:20 He gripped my head between his hands, framing my cheekbones with his fingertips. I closed my eyes while his lips crushed mine. He wasn't gentle. I wasn't either. His teeth tugged on my bottom lip and then mine on his. When I twisted my body to get closer to him, the seatbelt dug painfully into my skin. Eric. Fuck, Jack.
Starting point is 02:26:47 You're going to make me lose control. So lose it. You may race to remove anything. And we have five and a half minutes until like an 11-minute story. Mate is so fit. So sexy. Oh, God, yes. So straight up there.
Starting point is 02:27:04 Talks so much sense and it's just an all-round good dude his voice would be so good for that so good that clip is better than that whole he he he should start his own dipsy platform okay what's the news this isn't our personal fetish podcast uh you sure because it's getting there i can't wait to be you had a good one queued up whatever you said i was i got a couple i got a couple good ones we're rolling here we're gonna we're gonna zip through a couple 70 year old woman sets record. You may have heard about Alex Honnold, the daredevil climber, whose historic ascent of El Capitan in Yosemite with little more than a T-shirt
Starting point is 02:27:52 and a hand chalk was portrayed in the Oscar-winning documentary Free Solo. Well, now his mother just became the oldest woman to conquer the famous Granite Peak, having reached the peak on September 23 23rd the morning of her 70th birthday she said deidre wolinick said that she wanted to do this in order to be closer to her son understand him better so they climbed el capitan again together but that's nuts that's badass that is nuts hey look at look at look at look at the theme the theme park advertisement is a girl with like it's just a straight boob shot can you see her nipples through that shirt yeah that's photoshop man oh is that really that's photoshop when they do that uh that one might not be maybe i don't know anyway um that's incredible yeah how long did it say it took her uh i don't know if it mentions
Starting point is 02:28:56 that by the way if anyone if you haven't been to yosemite that it's worth going to yosemite i'm not two things that are for a couple things yosemite, it's worth going to Yosemite. Two things that are – a couple things. Yosemite is worth seeing. The giant sequoias are worth seeing. I mean for sure worth seeing the giant sequoias. And the Grand Canyon is mind-boggling. Those are the three. Oh, Niagara Falls.
Starting point is 02:29:17 My goodness. I mean these are like – they're like you turn your head away and look down. Did you say Grand Canyon? Yeah, Grand Canyon. Just the Grand Canyon is like not even real. like they're like you turn your head away and you say grand canyon yeah grand canyon just the grand canyon is like that not even real you're standing there looking into it and if you look away then you have to kind of like look back again like is this real is there really a hole this big in the ground i mean you've never seen anything like it and same with the giant sequoias you're like are these trees real like you can't it's almost impossible to take the image away in your mind's eye. They're so nuts.
Starting point is 02:29:47 Or the other two, Niagara Falls is absolutely mind boggling. You're like, where's all this water coming from? How can they keep doing this? What was the other one I said? Yosemite. Yosemite, yeah. I worked at Sequoia. Hit me up if you need recommendations of what to see.
Starting point is 02:30:06 Grew up in Mariposa. I knew you were a Mariposa. And I know Yosemite too. Let me know if you need advice or info. Mariposa means butterfly in Espanol. It's also a, means something, it's a slur. Shall we? The best fitness equipment for your home.
Starting point is 02:30:31 Pull it up, Sousa. Let's see it. Get that. Is this Rogue's Instagram post? I just wanted you to notice what items were at the top of the list as we scroll down. And that dumbbells, I don't think hit the list. It did come from a website called pure. Wow. So you can blame me for that,
Starting point is 02:30:52 but dumbbells don't hit the list until I think number 18. Crazy. And what was the title of the list again? Best fitness equipment for your home. Wow. Booty bands. Yeah. Let's do it. What are they? That's it. I just wanted to hit those Bosu ball and balance trainer. Top of the list. Toe spreaders are also on here, but down near the bottom, those weird sexualized jump ropes. Oh, wow. What we call a large exercise ball the balance trainer as well god this is horseshit who the fuck made this list go to this person's name i want to see this person's name who wrote this article no let's not do that yeah and let's pull up their instagram
Starting point is 02:31:37 account i want to see what the fuck makes you think what if what if you pull up their instagram and they're just like they're ripping thrusters and doing power cleans it's possible look number six interactive oh my mirror have you have you seen mirror is that like i've seen one that's similar but it has like cords and things attached to it as well yeah so mirrors actually i wouldn't use it but it's pretty crazy piece of technology but yeah it plays like a trainer on there and they do a workout. It reflects you and you can follow along with them. I think it's expensive. It's $1,500. The Rebounder.
Starting point is 02:32:14 I 100% guarantee this was written by a woman. This list was chosen by a woman. This was cool. Am I right? I think so. Hey, that's an amazing piece of equipment right there. Dip bar?
Starting point is 02:32:28 Yeah. Yes. Yes. I actually watched a video of your son do the one minute L-sit today. 100 second L-sit. Wow. Oh, did he? Your son did?
Starting point is 02:32:39 It was a long time ago. Well, I think I actually am counting. To be honest, I'm counting to 100. No, it's a 40 second hold, but it's still pretty cool. It's old. That's an old video. I've been put onto a ton of videos of kids that are like 3, 4, 5 learning to skateboard with their parents. And there's a whole category of it in Instagram.
Starting point is 02:32:59 There's a whole rabbit hole of kids learning to skateboard. Oh, I need to post a skateboarding video today. Wait, wait, Matt. Scroll back down. What was that thing that looked like the Spirit of the Games Award this year? Keep going, keep going. Hey, you know what that is right there,
Starting point is 02:33:15 that blue thing? That they had, that's one of those. It's equivalent to a dumbbell, yeah? That would be- Is that just a weighted bent rod? Oh, he passed it. Sousa, that U thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:33:26 Designer weight. Go down a little bit. I want to read about it. Are they just selling these on this website? Is that what this is? A hand weight we can leave in the living room. It admires a sculpture when you're not sweating. This gorgeous 8-pound weight, 12, 16-pound versions.
Starting point is 02:33:39 Wow. It's only $130. Okay, I'm down with that. I like that. I'm cool with bucks. Okay. I'm down with that. I like that. I'm cool with that. Okay. And then that thing right there is just like those toe spacers look like some,
Starting point is 02:33:49 some you'd seen a, a sex toy. Those are like, like butt beads or something. Look at those things. They look like, um, yeah.
Starting point is 02:33:57 Candy. I'd chew on those. Oh, Oh, those are gummy toe spacers. Treadmill. Number 11. Actually, those are gummy toe spacers treadmill number 11 actually i did just get an assault runner and i was really like how will i use it but fuck i love it it's you bought an assault runner yeah and i love it it's it's actually the coolest thing how what did you did you sell eggs to buy that? No, I did do a deal on social media for it, though.
Starting point is 02:34:26 Man. I still paid for it. I still paid for it. I really want one of those. But the thing is, in Melbourne, the weather is so bad. The weather is so unpredictable. It's raining every other day. It's just shit.
Starting point is 02:34:38 And you can't go outside anyway. I can't go outside anyway. So, yeah, I got that and an assault bike together, and they're just the best. Wait a second. Yeah, I want an assault. Roger, if you're listening to this, would you please send me an assault runner? Please. Oh, that's definitely something that goes in your butt.
Starting point is 02:34:56 No, that's really big. It's like a five-inch diameter. I mean, I think that's just a challenge for some people, but yeah. It's like a five inch diameter. I mean, I think that's like going for some people, but yeah. Uh,
Starting point is 02:35:08 Colin says I run marathons, assault runners, 1000 times better than any treadmill ever. If you can't run outside by the assault runner, you know, the one thing that would make the assault run a cooler is if you could put resistance on it and do like pushing on it, like, you know,
Starting point is 02:35:20 like almost like a sled push on it. That would be fucking cool. That's actually, that's a million dollar idea. Yeah. Like, like well there are already treadmills that do that some of the manual ones where you can like adjust the resistance and you can like do a sled push on it it's just the assault where do you put your hands cameron randall five inches ain't shit what a sicko i don't get it what was that five inches in the diameter of that peanut ball? You said you could stick.
Starting point is 02:35:51 I like regular dumbbells beat out the adjustable dumbbells, which was good. What's that? What is that? It's a resistance ball. You wrap it around your head. You hold the ball in your mouth. It's to strengthen your jaw.
Starting point is 02:36:06 What? Wait. That's how you do it. What is that? What's a resistance ball? Once you wiggle the two elastic bands around your thighs and start squeezing the attached inflated ball between your legs, your thighs, among other muscles, are going to under something or other. Understand.
Starting point is 02:36:24 So you just squeeze the ball in between your legs What's it called a resistance ball I'm seeing if there's a video of it on YouTube Oh yoga strap Resistance It's a nice looking yoga strap Ab wheel I love those things
Starting point is 02:36:40 I can't believe it's 24 It's devastating What's that Oh wait I can't believe it's 24. It's devastating. What's that? Ankle weights. Oh, wait. They're quite pretty ones. Yeah, those are cool.
Starting point is 02:36:53 Those are nice. I've never worn ankle weights. I was thinking about getting them for my kids. I was looking for a weight vest for my kids, right? And I couldn't find a weight vest for my kids because I just wanted it to be like three or four pounds, right? Nothing crazy. Could you just load up a backpack? But you know what they have shirts for kids with autism that are like called like heavy shirts or something i just thought they have like little bumpies on them yes i was just looking at a company that was doing that they were making like
Starting point is 02:37:18 distributed weight t-shirts that for like training or wearing it was really interesting meditation chair you could just sit on the ground like heavy shirts is that what you're talking about hobart like yeah i'll try and find the company i'll shoot it to you it was real it was these were specifically for training but i think it was um inspired by shirt design for what you're talking about for kids with autism a box there you go depends on a rogue box okay we're getting down to the part that kate and i want to see. I can't wait.
Starting point is 02:37:46 Susan, make sure you get the name and look this chick up on Instagram. I mean, she's all the way at the top. Oh, she is. Let's see him because I'm not sexist. I know it's a man. I know it's equally possible that it's a man or a woman who wrote this article. Except that men don't know how to write. Dana Dickey. Oh, shit. That ain't a real name. woman who wrote this article except that men can't don't know how to write dana dickie oh
Starting point is 02:38:05 shit that ain't a real name that ain't a real name come on it's still a girl even it's not a real name she's just using another girl's name dickie instagram pure wow dana dickie oh yeah here. Oh, she better be a porn star. She's the senior editor at PureWow. Holy shit. She's the editor, yeah. LinkedIn. Oh, my goodness. University of Florida.
Starting point is 02:38:38 Oh, Dana. Come on, man. You're killing me. She has a personal website. It's a pretty good backbend yeah i can't rip her up i don't see anything woke in her in her in her profile you're lucky dana so instead i want to say dana good job spreading fitness and movement. It's all expressed in different ways, different levels, different values. Light and love. Light and love.
Starting point is 02:39:08 Yes. I'm full of light and love. All right, Hobart. Damn. Hobart, you must be doing great today because we're not getting any calls. People don't want to interrupt you because you're doing so great. It's about damn time. CrossFit and middle-aged women.
Starting point is 02:39:21 It took 49-year-old Kar 49 year old karina besednik besednik karina b months of intense training to prepare for this year's worldwide crossfit open competition she worked out 10 times a week doing olympic weightlifting and gymnastics three years ago she couldn't even have contemplated competing she was 30 pounds overweight indeed as more women spend quality time with barbells they're bursting the myth that lifting creates masculinized bodies says phillips i've been lifting for 12 years and i still don't have a fucking masculinized body so thank you patricia treble wait i said where is that where's that posted where's that post this was on mclean's i don't know i just did
Starting point is 02:40:09 a i was just doing like searching crossfit news i want to tell you why crossfit is attracting middle-aged women it's attracting middle-aged women for the same reason it attracts um navy seals because that guy i was gonna say because of that guy with the sexy voice it's because it fucking works man that's it nothing else it's not there's nothing else it works super potent since dress you from from Egypt does work my name is Tanner by the way oh you're from Germany yes yes how do I know that? It's Koma of Munchen.
Starting point is 02:40:50 Because we only have four callers and they always keep the same ones who rotate in every show. What's up, brother? How are you? You still stuck in Germany? Yes, I am. I'm doing good. I'm doing good. I had a question for James today.
Starting point is 02:41:06 Shoot. So I got my L1 about four or five years ago, something like that. Either way, it expires in like a year. And I want to know, is it worth it to get the L2 or is the same stuff just slightly better
Starting point is 02:41:27 um tanner honestly i think it kind of depends what your goal is um you will see updates to the new the level one like there's just more areas of polish the nutrition lecture and the programming lecture i think are both updated since you last saw them. Um, you know, I think from, uh, from like a intensive, you know, student learning, uh, perspective, the level one is a little bit more fun and a little bit easier. It's less on the, the, the coaches coming in. Um, the level two is really aimed at developing your coaching skills. So you're going to go into level two and you're going to be the one coaching the small groups and, you know, taking queuing movement and demonstrating movement. So it's the level two is just a lot more work on you going in there. And then throughout the level two, the red shirt trainer is going to provide feedback and
Starting point is 02:42:21 insight and constructive ideas on how to identify what areas of your coaching are excellent, what areas of your coaching might need work. Um, so I don't think, I don't, yeah, the level two, isn't just like a more of the same kind of thing at a level one. It's a very different course. It just depends what your goals are. I mean, if you're really looking for like a coaching clinic, hands-on getting feedback from other expert coaches and being around your peers, a hundred percent would recommend headed toward the level two. If you're just someone who's like, you know, I don't care to coach. I don't care to teach. I don't want that kind of feedback. I don't coach regularly anyway. You know, I would a hundred percent recommend going back to the level one, but in terms of personal enrichment I think the level two
Starting point is 02:43:05 is that next step in terms of courses yeah okay I mean that's exactly what I was looking for I coach full time I just haven't got the most positive feedback about the L courses where I'm from and a lot of people
Starting point is 02:43:22 here do the online level one and from what I've heard they learn a lot yes but here do the online level one. And from what I've heard, they learn a lot yet, but they don't come out coach ready. We'll call it. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 02:43:33 yeah, if you're coaching full time and especially if you're someone who doesn't get a lot of attention, like if you're kind of the head person and you're providing a lot of feedback for other people or you're not receiving a ton of feedback, I would definitely recommend a level two. I think you think you'll really really really enjoy having that attention on you throughout that weekend um especially if you're already going in there with a lot of experience i think that's um it's really helpful for the trainers who are going to provide you feedback and you're going to be in a group of your peers which is always a great place to just learn from
Starting point is 02:44:00 others mistakes but also learn from what others are doing well. So yeah, man, if that's where you're at, I definitely recommend level two. All right. By the way, I heard the story about the, uh, uh, the fitness equipment, how does dumbbells fall in at like 15 or whatever number it was? Oh, cause I got the article off some cheesy fitness health body website. Dana, Dana, Dana, Dana. I website. Dana. Dana. Cause of Dana. I do like Dana. It's it's I'm a fan.
Starting point is 02:44:32 I really am a fan of like, if you're moving your body to exercise, I think that's a really good thing. I'm always still blown away that Bosu balls even exist on planet earth. But yeah. Okay. Mr. Germany. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:44:45 Good luck. Thank you. And one last thing. but yeah okay Mr. Germany thank you good luck to you have a nice day oh yeah one last thing hey Gordon mate is so fit so sexy so straight up there talks so much sense I know I know you've told us a thousand times
Starting point is 02:45:02 already shut the fuck up already we know gotta bring the vibe back up. Anytime someone calls and fucks up the show by talking about important real shit, we got to play that. Jonathan, that guy flew to Germany and kind of got stuck there during COVID. Stuck is a little bit of an exaggeration, but he's basically in Germany and and he didn't you know he worked at starbucks for two months there and now he calls him periodically to the show he's a regular he's a regular caller yeah so chill out john yes john have another drink come back when your spelling is worse i look at look at you can just if that is german come back come back when you accidentally type your Pornhub search queries into our chat.
Starting point is 02:45:52 I don't want to go through this. I hope that's never exposed. I hope my computer never gets tagged. I don't want to go through this whole story. I just wanted to talk about. Hey, I won't look at any crazy porn because of that. Because I know that one day that all gets released like like it's just like someone made a joke about someone only does missionary position he's so boring or something yeah yeah that's like
Starting point is 02:46:13 i just if i go to porn hub i just it's just i just let whatever just pop up pop up and that's what i'm stuck i don't fucking dip into the fucking search query you don't look like haunt me in like one leg foot vape fetish no no nothing i don't do like i don't nothing just say just like just i think the one time i was listening to howard stern and he talked about stuck porn and so i think that was the only thing i ever searched you know what stuck porn is stuck one it's like um a woman's like taking the clothes out of her dryer and she gets stuck in there. And then the handyman comes over and slams her doggy style. It almost always ends up doggy style or like a woman's like climbing through a doggy door and she gets stuck. And like the neighbor comes over to try to help her.
Starting point is 02:46:56 Next thing you know, they're having dogs. It's called or hand gets stuck in the disposal. The guy comes over. It's. It's absurd. But it's so funny but there needs to be there needs to be like a thousand of them it's just like 20 different women got their hands stuck 20 different women got stuck in the stress no one thinks of any yeah no one thinks of anything creative it's always like stuck in a window stuck in a doggy door stuck with your hand disposal
Starting point is 02:47:21 does it ever happen to a dude like he's like uh those are the things i don't type in a gutter no i'm sure ladder falls i guarantee hands fall down i guarantee yes and there's like a jazzercise club walking by and they all just go investigate what's what's the what was that band that sung ymca the village village people yeah yeah guys uh uh yeah a guy stuck in the village people walked by and helped themselves to a treat yes i'm sure that exists how sex how sexist am i i couldn't even say the guy was doing laundry he's my my guy's cleaning a gutter oh he's picking up a box of nails that he dropped or like he's pouring a concrete slab in the backyard for
Starting point is 02:48:06 a nice fire pit patio and his feet get stuck yes oh my god the dog runs by and he has his sandwich in his pocket and rips his pants off james you're really good at this this is creative i've never snooked this in my life i just want to say that oh my god devon only watches porn with guys that look like Josh and Matt. Not true. Not true at all. GP. Speaking of spelling.
Starting point is 02:48:33 I wonder how many top CrossFit athletes. I'm going to derail this. Have been approached to do pornographic film. Only times for show you think which is essentially a pornographic film or photography right well not all of it yeah um it's a lot of naked stuff but i want to know like you know is anybody sending fraser like hey i got this we're gonna do this film it's called stuck porn you're gonna be cleaning a gutter standing on on a ladder. I thought you were about to say you're going to be cleaning a barbell. You're going to get stuck
Starting point is 02:49:08 in the barbell. No, you're bench pressing. In 450, you get stuck on your chest and the village people walk by and help themselves with a little snack. Oh my goodness. Put it up, Sousa. Put my future employer up.
Starting point is 02:49:32 Dot com. Even James Hobart could get a job there. Um, I, there's a lot of, there's a lot of, well, there is some porn out there that's been
Starting point is 02:49:46 shot in crossfit gyms i remember when i worked at um hq there was someone showed me that one time i remember yeah it was kind of made its rounds and they're like holy shit one of the affiliates is like you know trying to make a hustle and doing porn it said crossfit in the back you could even see it and everything and and there was a i know i remember at the del mar regionals there was this girl who was in a shitload of porn and she had she had been hanging around so i know that there's porn stars who do crossfit so that's two things and then i know that there's a lot of um athletes out there where their instagram accounts look like they're they act like porn stars so in what way oh boy every single picture of them is a camera like pointed at their crotch or at their titties or their ass or at their zones or
Starting point is 02:50:33 them always in a bathing suit or them like wearing a santa outfit with a bikini bottom or it's always something that i should do that that's's a very tantalizing. I want to have a tantalizing Instagram. Yes, yes. You could. You got a body. Every time those people DM me and they're like, hey, you want to gain 100,000 followers? I write back, yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 02:50:57 Me too. Me too. Every time. Yes, me too. And then they're like, and I'm like, how do you do it? And they're like, oh, nice to meet you. Here is, give me your credit card number i never write how to i they said do you want to do we'll help you market and get more than the 22 likes that you got on your last post i'm like great thank you and they're like do you want to hear about our plan and i'm like no just do it
Starting point is 02:51:18 do you want our pricing policy? Nah, just do it. Oh man. Eccentric dog breeds. I don't want to read this whole story. It was super long. It was immensely boring, but- Are there pictures? A couple. The one you got to scroll down to, Susie, you got to go all the way down to the bottom. We're looking for the turn spit dog. Can you define eccentric dog breed? I'm going to talk. Just let me get there there right there so in i guess this is a victorian era dog breed turn spit dogs were exactly what they sound like compact hounds specifically bred to run for hours on end powering a roasting spit as they went it was a wretched life. The unfortunate pooches were considered coarse, vulgar, and hideously ugly, and habitual cruelty toward them was common. Anyway, there's a bunch of other stuff in the article.
Starting point is 02:52:12 That's true. I was just blown away by the fact, yeah, I'm sure it is, that we bred dogs to run on a wheel like a hamster that turned a spit over a fire to cook meat. And the cat gets to just chill in front of the fire. Sexist, sexist. Hey, well, I wonder what that cable's made of.
Starting point is 02:52:33 I don't know. Dog, dog skin. Other turn, spit dogs that were dead. Hey, are there, what is that thing called?
Starting point is 02:52:42 Susie, can you Google that word and see if there's any more images of that? How have I never seen that? Just Google turn spit dog. Oh my goodness. Turn spit dog. Humans are special. The most special animals.
Starting point is 02:53:01 Also in Hawaii, there was the poi poi which only ate vegetables and was treated more like a goat than a relative of wolves meanwhile in the pacific northwest there was the woolly salish a literal sheepdog bread for its what's on a dog that's this hateful squirrel bread for its wool which was turned into clothes man that the same image is used for all turn spit dog posts but um can you imagine the first time someone did that the i just love that last sentence in bold the type is now extinct oh you think wonder why no dog is extinct is that's turns out turn spit dogs oh oh look they got oh my goodness what is this
Starting point is 02:53:53 i can't wait till i meet somebody and they're like oh i love dogs i'm like me too i used to have the best turn spit dog he ran like a mother i can't i cooked at least 18 18 hams with that dog he lasted he lasted two whole thanksgivings before his legs burn off i thought you were gonna say you can't wait to meet someone who says i really like the podcast hey there's a hamster wheel stand-up desk. This is crazy. Oh, my goodness. I'm going to have a bunch of... Okay.
Starting point is 02:54:31 Hold on. Hold on. I got something. Hold on. Look at this. Look at this contraption. This is amazing. That's real.
Starting point is 02:54:41 Is he walking on it? I'm going to play it in a second. I'm going to animate this shit. It's not very fast. It looks heavy. Dude, that's a prototype for sure. Wow.
Starting point is 02:54:56 He needs to talk to Roger over at Assault Bike and get some of the kinks worked out. Oh my God. Oh, look how close that is to just pulling his computer down. Oh my goodness. Oh, look how close that is to just pulling his computer down. Oh my goodness. Wow. Whoa,
Starting point is 02:55:10 whoa, whoa. What's going on? That young man could have a nice future as a turn spit dog. He does. All right. Next article. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:55:23 We're approaching three hours. Yeah, we're doing it. We're approaching three hours. Yeah, we're doing it. We could wrap it up. Do you think there's anyone who's been with us all three hours? I was going to talk about the Kyle Rittenhouse case, but I think three hours is too late for that nuclear warhead. Do you even know about that case, Kate? Cameron, you are a turnspin dog, man. I was just reading that comment. Tell know about that case case kate cameron you are a turn spit dog man i was
Starting point is 02:55:46 just reading that comment uh tell me about the case well savann kyle rittenhouse 18 years old faces six criminal counts including first degree intentional homicide which is wisconsin equivalent of first degree murder which is you know premeditated or murder intent um for depends actually state to state but anyway for fatally shooting joseph rosenbaum 36 anthony huber 26 and wounding gage grosskurtz sorry if i pronounce names incorrectly then 26 in the wake of protests that erupted when a white kenosha police officer shot 29-year-old Jacob Black. So protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin erupted. And young Kyle Rittenhouse was out and about, active with an assault rifle, or I should just say an AR. And he shot these three men.
Starting point is 02:56:43 And killed two of them, right? Two of them died two died yeah yeah one survived the defense will aim to persuade jurors that rittenhouse's actions were justified in the legal sense that he had reasonable fear he would be killed or suffer significant injury and that he responded to the alleged threat in a reasonable way oh really wait who said that that case is over no no i believe the jury's deliberate they either go to closing arguments this week or they just finish closing arguments and um the jury looks like he's gonna get off his self-defense though right like that's what people are saying uh yeah
Starting point is 02:57:17 did you see what george floyd's uh uncle or nephew posted i knew i shouldn't have ended with this case written house faces this story, faces a reckless homicide three hours in, charged for killing Rose's mom, and a charge of attempted first-degree homicide for shooting gross curts. He also faces two felony charges of recklessly endangering safety
Starting point is 02:57:38 and a misdemeanor charge for possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18. At the time, 17, when he was, the weapon he was carrying, he was legally not supposed to be carrying. The judge has already ruled on a flurry of pretrial motions on whether statements and damaging information about Rittenhouse or the shooting victims could be included as evidence. Finley said people may be emboldened to carry fire one of the one of the many social issues pouring out of this case or being read into the case uh said people may be emboldened
Starting point is 02:58:12 to carry firearms to violate protests or riots if rittenhouse is acquitted if convicted it might make the behavior look like a riskier proposition um it's not what's on trial here you fucking idiots george floyd's either his uncle or his nephew or one of them made a post on social media basically telling the jury hey we have pictures of you do the right thing by the way this happens in chicago every day the only actually the only thing is i think that's a really good point to bring up um i think there's been a lot right into this case um what socially charged racially charged by the way they're all white they're all white kate but this basically happened at a george floyd riot uh not george floyd right but yeah right um it's all george related to similar circumstances but i think one of the big issues with this is like not this exact event but similar events this is something that happens
Starting point is 02:59:08 nationwide and i think unfortunately it's been picked up in the media as emblematic of racial injustice at large um in the united states which i don't think this is the right case to kind of place that on but um when i was a when i was a liberal when i was a liberal fucking moron i was in berkeley one time riding my bike and i saw all these people dressed in black there were like 50 of them and you couldn't see their faces and they were all riding bikes and their faces were covered they were like kkk members but all dressed in black and they were riding their bikes too and i like, where the fuck are these people going? And I was out on a serious bike ride with my buddy.
Starting point is 02:59:48 And we go up through downtown Berkeley and we notice, oh, there's a fucking Trump rally. And it was fucking in Berkeley. And I couldn't fucking believe it that there was a Trump rally in Berkeley. There's no Trump supporters in Berkeley. And there was like there was like 50 of them there. And as you might imagine, a Trump rally in Berkeley doesn't look like your normal Trump people. There were trannies there and gay people holding the American flag and the gay flag and dudes there who were clearly gay dressed like really flamboyantly with the MAGA hats on. And the fucking dudes in black fucking attacked them.
Starting point is 03:00:22 And it was fucking Antifa. And right there, I got tons of video with my phone it was in broad daylight and that was my first experience of seeing something like that I was like holy shit they just fucking just just rolled up on these on this trunk fucking Trump you know rally in the middle
Starting point is 03:00:38 of not People's Park it was right by the police station right right at the police station the park on on shadow telegraph or Shattuck Avenue. That's right across the street from the police department telegraph. No Shattuck right by the high school in the police department. So I saw that and I was like, wow, that I didn't like that. I was like, that's really fucked up.
Starting point is 03:00:59 They just fucking violently attack these people. So you flash forward to this thing that happened this rittenhouse case and this is the part that just really fucking the two things i'll share with you kate one of the guys one of the one of the guys who was shot who lived on the stand so that the prosecution was trying to say that this kid rittenhouse this 17 year old murdered these people and killed these people well the guy who lived he basically said on the stand no this guy was holding his gun down i walked up to him with my gun pointed at him and then he picked up his gun and shot me he fucking says that on the stand isn't there isn't there a photo of it as well yeah photo drone footage all sorts of shit and then what but but our media including our president
Starting point is 03:01:42 the whole time has been tweeting and saying shit that this guy is fucking guilty. People like LeBron James, all sorts of crazy shit. And basically what happens is when you lie to people and you get people to believe lies, you start making them crazy. It exacerbates the – what's that called? Cognitive dissonance. It makes everything fucking worse. It starts making it okay to say two plus two is five. It's not. And you start making all of society crazy. One of the guys who was killed was in jail for 10 years for molesting five boys with anal sex between the ages of 7 and 11 or something.
Starting point is 03:02:21 He had just been released from prison that day where he had attempted to commit suicide. That's okay. But that, okay. That's a perfect point of why this is miss inappropriately presented in the media. Cause that's something that you can't present as trial when giving character
Starting point is 03:02:39 evidence of this person. Right. Right. And the same way my mom even told me, she goes, why do you keep bringing that up? Yeah. My mom keeps saying, why do you keep bringing that up? Why do you keep bringing that up? Just like,
Starting point is 03:02:49 why do you keep bringing it up? She's like defending George Floyd. Why do you keep bringing up that George Floyd pointed a gun at a pregnant woman's stomach? It has nothing to do with the case. I hear you. I hear you. And I'm not suggesting that George Floyd needed to die because he pointed a gun at a pregnant woman's stomach in a home invasion robbery. I'm not suggesting that he deserved to die because he was driving around high on alcohol, high on fentanyl, and high on meth. What I'm saying is those are important into taking the person's mental state and character into account. This guy had just been released from 10 years jail that day, Kate. Dear Kate. Dearest Kate. Catherine. Katie. Yeah. released from 10 years jail that day kate dear kate dearest kate katherine katie yeah
Starting point is 03:03:27 but just so you know his fiance that this part blows my mind says he's a really good dude he had a fiance but he's been in jail for 10 years for anally raping five you little boys the fucking boys. The fucking nuts. Nuts! I have no compassion for people who hurt kids. And I know a lot of you have, I know a lot of you out there have hurt kids throughout this COVID thing. Don't think, I don't know.
Starting point is 03:04:00 Don't think we all don't know. Well, on that happy note, do we just want to wrap it up there, or do we want to talk about how Annie and Katrin launched a new children's book? Really? They did? Again, this is an article my mother sent to me. Annie Thor's daughter and Katrin's daughter? Yep, two-time champion Annie Thor's daughter
Starting point is 03:04:19 and two-time champion Katrin David's daughter have written a children's book together, which they will fully reveal on Tuesday, November 16th. So two days, people, the story is centered around a young girl named Freya, which is also the name of Annie's daughter who sets out an adventure to chase down her own destiny. That's great. I can't wait to read that. Me too. That's awesome. So they're releasing headphones and writing children's books, which is cool. so they're releasing headphones and writing children's books which is cool i want to show you uh hold on oh here it is
Starting point is 03:04:50 my wife you guys probably don't know this bam there it is no that's not there there it is my wife has a children's book there it is no that's not there there it is my wife has a children's book yeah i remember seeing that at some point breathing with lily i'm gonna go i'm gonna buy this right now it's not about chasing down your destiny but it's about using breath work in order to uh help yourself fall asleep well it's really it's really too like what they said to let your destiny to let your destiny to let your destiny whatever they said it's really it's really too like what they said to let your destiny to let your destiny to let your destiny whatever they said it's basically it's just an awesome book i just like it because you want it it sucks that i had to wait until i was 39 before someone to let me know that breathing
Starting point is 03:05:37 really is at the root of all things good on the planet it is wild um how much some breathing breathing practices can help. Like I always made fun of people when they would talk about it. And like, as I've tried to institute some of these practices, my mom's on yoga for over a decade. She kind of sends me some stuff and talks about it. Like it is crazy. Just even how physiologically, when you start to breathe differently, like everything else in your body starts to change. It's a pretty wild thing. I don't know a ton about it, but I was, I thought it was all hocus pocus and I'm, I'm slowly more and more a believer. It's everything. It is everything. Breathing is everything. You think you're going to premature
Starting point is 03:06:15 ejaculate focus on your breath. You want to manifest a $35 million mansion. Think about Savant in a vest. No breath. Oh, sorry. Oh, yeah. You're afraid you're going to premature ejaculate? Just take a whiff of my breath. All right. Play that recording one more time so we can wrap this up.
Starting point is 03:06:35 Breathing with Lily. Great book. Are we... Where am I? How do I stop? I didn't stop screen share nailed it i wonder if i can rewind it oh yeah oh yeah one last thing one last kate gordon mate is so fit, so sexy, so straight up there. Talks so much sense. And he's just an all-round
Starting point is 03:07:10 good dude. I really like Kate. Hope you're well, my man. Love your work. I've fallen behind lately because I've been away on courses doing these military civility and experience things
Starting point is 03:07:25 so I'm rapidly trying to catch up on all the good stuff. So keep up the good work, mate, and say hello to that lovely Kate Gordon from me. Take it easy, my man. Ta-ra. I'm really curious to know how he responds after he listens to this podcast, if he does.
Starting point is 03:07:42 This is what I want to ask you. How many takes do you think that took him fucking one yeah yes yes one that's that guy can lick to the center of a tootsie pop in one lick do you remember those commercials i better get going on my breath work remember those commercials how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop a one a two yeah a three he doesn't kate you don't remember those we don't have tootsie pops here yeah it's a different done whatever i don't know what the equivalent is uh thank you cameron you're a good dude yes whoever hit those two dislikes on this video
Starting point is 03:08:26 can meet me in the fucking parking lot i like how cameron updated his uh his profile pic because it wasn't that before oh this is rope climbing guy no no no that was a different guy that was uh dylan vowel uh cameron's trying to impress kimberly oh they're supposed to troll us. Now we're trolling them. How does that work? So that's it. We're done.
Starting point is 03:08:53 I think that's it. I'd just like to say that I'm so happy that, first of all, it's going to cost extra money to host this because it's three hours long on Buzzsprout. That sucks. Fuck you guys. Buzzsprout. Because it's three hours long but i'm so glad i wasn't gonna use that cape gordon thing until like the end of the show i'm so glad i did it right off the bat i was like am i just gonna bust my nut if i use this too early in the show
Starting point is 03:09:15 but it was the gift that kept giving yep kate yeah yeah what time is it there 4 0 8 p.m on a monday will that get you through till tonight's bedtime yeah i did just record that last one so um you can just go back this is live you can just go back i'm gonna go play to greg i'm gonna be like hey babe funny thing i know that other people want to bone me so better get to work I'm going to go play it to Greg and be like, hey, babe. Funny thing I did, too. I just want to let him know that other people want to bone me. Better get to work. Susan, thanks for everything. Steve-O, he's back.
Starting point is 03:09:56 Just go, man. Yeah, Steve-O's back in. I'm glad you're Steve-O. Bruce Wayne had to say it, huh?

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