The Sevan Podcast - #209 - Adam Neiffer

Episode Date: November 19, 2021

Coach of the 2021 Fittest Man on Earth. What was it like at the Rogue Invitational? The Sevan Podcast is sponsored by Follow us on Instagram Sevan's Stuff: Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:17 Bro, I finally got you on my feet again. I did go in and make you a close friend. I wonder if that helps. Good morning, Brian. I have 93,000 followers and dropping quickly. It's been around
Starting point is 00:01:36 there for like a year, though. Yeah. I'd say you're holding steady. Okay, good. But I'll post something. I'll post... Wow, Martin Vittori has to fight her man for a while?
Starting point is 00:01:53 That makes no sense to me. He's beat up Paulo Costa. So I post stuff, and it'll be up for like 12 hours, and it'll have 43 views. Oh, man. My life sucks.
Starting point is 00:02:11 When you get less views than years you are old, it's not a good sign. Wow. Well said. That is – that's like if your stomach sticks out past your chest. Your hips are broader than your shoulders. If you're a dude um if if that's true for anyone don't let that give you a complex that's just funny like who cares don't like there's a girl out there for everyone or a dude oh tom no tom me and you are not friends anymore i crossfit like a motherfucker tom brian it was pretty funny to watch james fitzgerald's face when you said you do hybrid
Starting point is 00:02:52 yeah that was great i've been playing that one over in my head a lot brian i'm not going to lie i don't know what to take away from that comment, but okay. Someone told me that the difference between men and women is women play conversations over and over in their head from earlier in the day. So if my wife interacted with the checker at Whole Foods, later on in the day she'd be like, was I rude to that person? Should I have waited until they said thank you before i left or they they like play that shit over and over in their head where dudes are thinking about sports and sex all the time and you walked right into it adam what's up man but all i've i just can't stop thinking about some of the stuff that that we talked about with james hey adam what's up my wife right as i walked into my office my wife's like knife for knife for i was like all right
Starting point is 00:03:51 and i'm like man she's on it she eavesdrops on my conversations she she eavesdrops dude maybe she listens to your show she well i wasn't didn't we have was it on the show or i think i didn't i call you or something recently and i said nefer and you're like knife for knife for is that a phone call i feel like it was on on the last podcast or last show with you but well they're there too but even more recently i called you oh yeah maybe like did i call you when you were at rogue did we talk on the phone when you were at rogue i think so just yeah just for a minute oh okay yeah hi yeah hey man good morning good morning you want me to turn off that light behind me that's a light behind you i thought that was oh i thought that was jesus descending on you my bad let me see is that better worse sam uh it's it's um your connection is so shitty that i don't think that there's anything you could know it's not it's good i like it with it off it's nice cool
Starting point is 00:04:54 so i'm wearing safety glasses hey guys i'm gonna give you i'm gonna give you a chance i haven't told adam this yet to call in and say something to the guy who's coaching the future so don't say the future i think he's here already don't waste your right thank you brian don't waste your question asking about his mullet or some shit like that you fucking hear me and be And be polite. Adam, are people banging on your door? Like, I heard a rumor that – watch this, Brian. I heard a rumor that Sarah Sigmund's daughter is moving to your gym, Fort Vancouver, to be trained by you. Are there any truths to that?
Starting point is 00:05:41 Nope. Come on, dude. It's cool. There's only 47 people listening. It would be a slow trickle if you told us. No, she's a fan of Sarah. I hope she comes back and crushes this year. Me too.
Starting point is 00:05:58 But I heard that you're going to be coaching her. Is there any truth to that? Did Brian tell you that? No. No, Brian's always like three days behind me in his knowledge. I haven't heard anything about it, so I might be in the same boat. We broke on the news show two days ago that Katrin and Annie are coming out with a children's book. And I told Brian, he's like, dude, I knew that two months ago. Brian, let me ask you, is there any truth?
Starting point is 00:06:25 Have you heard rumors that Sarah's coming to train with Adam? Come on, man. You know, you just made that up in the shower like 20 minutes ago. Hey, what you call made up, I call channeling. Okay. Channeling. Maybe I know stuff that neither of you guys know. Maybe I know stuff that neither of you guys know. Maybe I know the future.
Starting point is 00:06:47 That sounds like one of those words where you just change the definition to make it mean whatever you want it to mean. Which brings me full circle back to OPT or talking to James Fitzgerald yesterday. There were two parts in the podcast that are really sticking with me. He didn't like Peloton
Starting point is 00:07:03 because he didn't believe that the relationship with the writer and the really really sticking with me he didn't like peloton because he didn't believe that um the relationship with the rider and the coach was a real relationship and i was kind of tripping on that and then i realized really quickly that we have totally different definitions of relationship because like i think i even have a relationship with pluto and mars and it's just everything in the cosmos at some subtle level i have a relationship with everything no yes you do you i don't know well i mean do you have a relationship with the moon i hadn't really given much thought right how does it work if i'm walking around out in the dark and it's the moon's bright enough to help me see, it's pretty awesome.
Starting point is 00:07:46 So practical. I'm looking up the definition of relationship right here. Relationship, the condition or fact of being related, connected, or association. I guess I don't even know Pluto really exists. I just take word for it from just shit I read in books. Do you consider it to be a planet uh when i was a kid it was i guess i don't even know the definition of planet a particular type of connection in existing between people related to or having dealings with one another um do you have any any top female performers or men i'm like banging on your door like are you going to start is there going to be a whole thing that starts up there outside well i guess you
Starting point is 00:08:33 already had a whole thing before justin came along yeah i mean we had some we had some teams uh i don't know in terms of like uh what i do my coaching role I work uh at my affiliate and that's there's a bunch of people that I work with there um you know in terms of like all levels of athletes and then um yeah for competition I work for Justin like that's it and you and so you must be stoked about Rogue oh Rogue was awesome, man. Yeah. It really could have gone much better for him. At the games, there's pressure on you guys.
Starting point is 00:09:14 There's pressure on him. There's pressure on you. I mean, yeah. The pressure that you put on yourself in terms of, like, you spend an entire year preparing for something. And you want to see that work come to fruition. But I wouldn't say pressure in terms of like living up to whatever expectations that somebody else puts on them. Those are there, but they're not like a significant factor. Well, they're significant in the sense that – I don believe you so i'm going to press harder they're significant they're significant in the fact that um
Starting point is 00:09:51 the games just happens once the pressure is is that you let's say on the most subtle levels you get enough sleep you eat right um there's pressures on you that you that when the when they say three two one go that you get the jump right there's pressure i mean there's those just the normal obvious pressures and they're significant because it only happens once right and if you fuck it up you got to wait till the next year yeah but i don't think like as an athlete you can't think that way of like i'm just trying not to mess it up um i think it's more of like an opportunity of all the all the training and preparation and work that you put in for the year that's the test that's when you get to go out and um and see what you've been doing if it's working and so there's there's the pressure of like
Starting point is 00:10:38 hey i don't want all my preparation to be for not i want want it to, to pay off not only in like the outcome, but in, in just how I perform along the way. And so, yeah, I just, I don't, I don't see, obviously you're nervous and there's the pressure of it's a big event and you compete once a year, but it's not a negative pressure of like, oh man, I don't want to make a mistake or I don't want to mess it up or I'm planning not to lose. Is it the same at Rogue as it is at the games? Yes and no.
Starting point is 00:11:12 It's different for sure, but at 3-2-1-go, I imagine it feels the same. Honestly, those are great questions. Once the workout starts, I'm a spectator just like everybody else i i like the way you said you can't go in there as an athlete and um say i can't mess this up that's clearly why i am not an athlete because that's all i'd be thinking oh don't fuck this that's how i run the podcast don't fuck this up don't fuck this up don't maybe you should coach
Starting point is 00:11:40 me no you don't run the podcast that way. You just say whatever comes into your mind. Don't fuck this up. Don't fuck this up. Eating's like that too. A friend taught me this one time. I was always focused on what not to eat. And he said, hey, dude, just focus on what you should eat. And for whatever reason, that carried me for like a year.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Okay, I like that. He's all focused on what you should eat, and then you'll bring those things into your life focus on what you don't want to eat and those things will still be you know in your life although i really focus i mean although my message it's interesting because my message my consistent message is don't eat added sugar and uh refined carbohydrates but i have no problem not eating those but maybe it's because I made it over the hump. I think it's just a larger picture thing is if you're giving your energy to something, then it's actually propelling the thing forward. I mean this is a very spiritual concept, but it doesn't matter if the positive is negative or positive. Like Adam never – Justin never thinks or Adam doesn't wake up in the morning and goes, don't miss up in the morning goes don't miss another day of work don't miss another day of work you never say that right i mean that would
Starting point is 00:12:51 be ridiculous you say oh my god i can't wait to go to work and see these clients and try this new workout on them and break them break them off a piece yeah man my work my work doesn't really feel like work most of the time so it's it's pretty easy how how uh what was the most significant thing that stood out to you at rogue is there anything that just pops off at like like the brisket the how green the grass was the allergies um how uh how tia looks stronger than justin anything that just jumps out at you rogue man i justin was justin was significantly better than he was at the games and it was only three there was only three months um apart and uh it was it was noticeable from start to finish for me tell me tell me about this i love this because one of the things i was saying is i think brian
Starting point is 00:13:42 and i were talking on the podcast i forget who the third third person was john young was justin and i used one percent just as an arbitrary number i didn't care what it was but i asked is justin one percent better i mean he's only 22 is he one percent better at everything than he was at the games and uh man yeah so tell me what what did you see? What's the coach see? Man, I don't know about the percent, but I just saw – No, of course not. That's just arbitrary. Of course not. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:11 I mean, I just saw an athlete that went out there and looked like he expected to excel every time he stepped onto the floor. And not that that didn't happen during the games, but he just had another level of confidence that I haven't seen during the games. Um, but he just had a, another level of confidence that I haven't seen before in competition. And it allowed him to just go out there and, and be free in the, in the competition arena. He wasn't, he wasn't wondering how anybody else was doing. He wasn't questioning if his effort or execution or his plan or his fitness was going to be good enough. He just went out there and competed. And yeah,
Starting point is 00:14:45 man, it was, it was awesome. It was, it was fun to watch. Uh, I think, uh, a great example is the bike event that I think it was the road echo burner, which we did yesterday in our gym, by the way, no fun. Oh man, that's awesome. We did that last week too. Yeah. Great times. Uh, but I mean, just, just as as an example i think they're in the in the uh the bike event at the games which were two kind of similar events obviously there's some major differences but in the bike event at the games justin got ninth place um and then in the bike event at rogue which you know you could argue is even more kind of a significant bike event because it's 40 calories straight through and there's not really anywhere to hide on that.
Starting point is 00:15:26 And, uh, and Justin got a second, right. And I think, you know, the thrusters were a significant part of that workout as well, but it just showed some improvement in an area that he has put a lot of time and effort into working on. And it's, it's cool to see that on the competition floor. Well, I'll just say, this guy has got to be the i mean he's because it looks like the best guy at thrusters in the world right now i mean it's really an impressive movement for him but that was nice he was pushing on the bike and i think he's probably about middle of the pack in terms of weight like he's pretty average weight for the guys competing at rogue um and obviously you know a little bit more weight you know 10 20 more pounds can
Starting point is 00:16:02 help out in that on the bike there so i thought he did great on that workout and it was uh good to see i'm curious though when you're talking about his confidence do you feel like even that like or it sounds like that was different like that wasn't what he was experiencing he wasn't competing with that free will and confidence necessarily or maybe not at the same level this summer that he was at Rogue? Yeah, you cut out for a second. It's probably my internet, but you said he didn't have that same confidence at the games. Well, it sounded like maybe it was even different at Rogue,
Starting point is 00:16:41 like even more carefree or whatever the right word is to describe it. Yeah, yeah, no, I think you're exactly right. And, you know, it's not that he, when I say confidence, it wasn't like he was out there saying, Hey, I know I'm going to beat everybody in this workout. It was the confidence in that, Hey, my best will be enough. Right. And I think the more experiences he has where that, uh, is the reality of the situation, the more that the confidence grows. And we saw that. I mean, honestly, at the games, there was 15 events. And we saw that even across the course of those five days,
Starting point is 00:17:15 from the start of the games to the last day of the games. And then in the three months in between the games and Rogue, yeah, I mean, there was some question of how this is going to go. Cause he took more time off after the games than he ever had in his entire life. Um, so the lead up training wise was a lot shorter, um, than for any event that he's ever done. Um, and so there was these questions of like, man, uh, what's the fitness going to look like, but the closer that we got to rogue, the more that his numbers and training started to show that like not only is he you know back to where he was in many ways but in some ways he's beyond where he was at the games and then um you know once they announced the workouts i think they announced the workouts on monday and uh we left on wednesday so
Starting point is 00:18:02 basically um we had one day to kind of just like test out some pieces of some workouts. And yeah, I think just in that one day of just a little bit of testing bits and pieces, it was like, Oh yeah, this is, this is going to be awesome. We you know, right where he wants to be and excited for the opportunity to compete again. I don't think this guy is joking when he says this, this, this is, we did a show with this guy. Unfortunately it was kind of a mess. We didn't get to air it. We should go back and revisit it. think this guy is joking when he says this. We did a show with this guy. Unfortunately, it was kind of a mess. We didn't get to air it.
Starting point is 00:18:26 We should go back and revisit it. But this guy, he's way into the numbers. And he's saying breaking down the numbers, he's exactly 1% better than Vellner in comparison to the games. Is there some math that this guy did around that, Brian? He's not joking, right? I'm sure that he's run the numbers very closely. He's very passionate about it, and I think that –
Starting point is 00:18:47 he wrote an article that was on Morning Chalk Up actually highlighting some of the scoring differences if you want to check that out. And I think he will be actually having some more stuff coming out soon. Adam, when you say that he took more time off, what does that look like than ever before? The most time he'd really ever taken off prior to that is like a few days, and this was a few weeks. Is this not good to ask you this stuff? Is part of you like, fuck guys, have him on.
Starting point is 00:19:22 This is none of my fucking business. No, but there is something going through my head like my my job is literally to help justin get as good as he can be and i work for him and so there are certain things where i'm like i don't really want to say too much because if it doesn't help him win it's not uh it's not worth doing right yeah yeah yeah and it's not like i'm sitting here like oh i'm afraid that somebody's gonna find out all the No, that's not it at all. But there are just certain conversations that I'm kind of like, I'm probably not going to tell the entire story on that. Yeah, out of respect.
Starting point is 00:19:55 I didn't think it was just not give away secrets, just kind of more out of respect. We have a code. Anytime I ask something you don't want to answer, just go like this. And I'll be like, oh, that'll be our signal, our safety signal. Oh, man, you can ask whatever you want. Yeah, it's all good. When you say you guys were talking about how great the thrusters were, and I think you guys were saying they improved,
Starting point is 00:20:18 is that something that you guys – is that something you specifically worked on with since the games? Like, do you look at specific movements and are like, hey, dude, I think we can make up some time if when you get off the echo bike, you swing your right leg over first or on the thrusters, if you just tilt your wrist back a little bit more and keep the bar closer to you. I mean, do you work on fine tuning at that level? 100%. Yeah, yeah. It wasn't the thrusters though we were
Starting point is 00:20:45 talking about the bike oh oh okay yeah no wonder brian was shaking and said okay i thought brian was saying that he was that he was one of the best in the world at thrusters and he improved on thruster okay i do think he is but i also thought that at the games in fact that's when i started thinking it was at the games you know interesting about, though, is if you back up to the 2020 games, he took last place on the thruster event. And it also had some running and some burpees over a log and whatnot, or burpees over a bar or something like that. It's also only five guys.
Starting point is 00:21:16 And it's like, you know, I know it's last, but people like to look and they're like, oh, man, look, Justin, all top five finishes at Rogue, mostly top five finishes at the games. And, Justin, all top five finishes at Rogue, mostly top five finishes at the games. And he also had all top five finishes at 2020. Like he might not have done that poorly in that event. Who knows? Maybe those guys would have been just the best. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:40 I don't think that's the whole story, though. If you have 40 guys in that field and Justin takes fifth out of five, I doubt he takes fifth out of 40 in 2020. The whole point is, just to answer your question, Savon, from 2020 games to 2021, yeah, he got better at thrusters for sure, and he worked on it. What was it like on the field out there? We saw Houdet pulled out.
Starting point is 00:22:07 We saw Vellner. We interviewed Vellner one evening, and he literally had a hanky or a napkin in his hands the whole time. He blew his nose like 27 times. I was texting with Shane Orr, and he said that like one minute you'd be totally fine, and then all of a sudden you would have just insane allergies. And basically that's how allergies work. Those of us who have experienced that, the wind blows through and whatever it's carrying just jacks you up, and then you can be just jacked. And who else pulled out? Someone else pulled out too, right?
Starting point is 00:22:39 Vigneault? Did Vigneault pull out? Yeah. Were all of these – do you have any insight into that? First of all, do you know if Houdet and Vigneault pulled out yeah were all of these do you do you have any insight into that it was first of all do you know if houdet and vigneault pulled out because of allergies i have no idea yeah why they pulled out um you didn't see vignette just blowing his nose the whole time not rockets flying off his face no i i'm laughing because i can imagine this this conversation with velner but honestly i i would probably say this anyway.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Like, oh, there's no allergies. It's just in your head or whatever. I didn't notice any allergies the whole weekend from me or anybody else around. So maybe it was there, but I sure couldn't tell. There's so few athletes there. I just imagine that all of you guys are talking and all of you guys would be on the same page with that. Like, no that that or but no everyone there is some maybe maybe the athletes honestly though like as a as a coach of an athlete i'm not like i'm not talking to all the other athletes um just out of respect for them and they're you know the only time that i really see
Starting point is 00:23:41 them is when we're in the warm-up area and there's a handful of ones that I've known for a long time that I might, you know, have, uh, you know, some kind of a relationship with that. I'm like, Hey, good to see you. How's it going? And there's like a little bit of interaction there, but, um, but mostly I'm around Justin throughout the weekend. Um, and so he's, he was fine. He didn't have any hours. Um, how much time have you spent with him since the games like like in the same vicinity as him none he's he's in boise he's just school school school
Starting point is 00:24:13 yeah yeah i mean he's in school um he's finishing that up and then you know we'll talk all the time but not uh we haven't been in person since the games until we got to rogue do you have any um he's he's young right yeah do you have any like you try to call him and you don't get in touch with him in two days and then you finally call him and like you hear rave music in the background and then you facetime with him and he's got a lollipop in his mouth and you're like oh justin everything good no not at all man but, man. But after the games, like taking the time off, he, he did it right. He enjoyed it. He, he didn't work out. Um, he didn't eat good. He stayed up late all the time and, uh, just kind of enjoyed not,
Starting point is 00:24:55 um, not being in that like disciplined, uh, tunnel of, of training, you know, when you're in the season and it's like, there's a long lead up, you know, as you go from open to quarterfinals to semifinals to games, and there's not a ton of opportunity for like kind of downtime and to kind of, I don't want to say let yourself go, but not just be in it. Cause you know, these guys, when they're, when they're training and they're competing, like, man, their entire life revolves around that, right? Everything from what they're eating, the decisions they're making in terms of like, when they go to bed, what they're doing, who they're hanging out with, all those things play into it. And so after the games, yeah, he, he, uh, he enjoyed things a little bit and we didn't talk about training for pretty much that first several weeks. Um, we, we did, we did some time
Starting point is 00:25:37 like recapping the games and Hey, what can we learn and what do we want this next block of training to look like? And those types of things. But. But, but yeah, it was pretty awesome to have that, that off season for him this year. It wasn't something that happened so much last year because the games were so late in October that it was a pretty quick turnaround to kind of get back to work. Circling background. No one else has tried to, no one's come to you in the last two years and said, Hey,
Starting point is 00:26:01 I want to be a games athlete. Oh yeah. Specifically, specifically individual yeah yeah some people have done that and and and what do you say you you say no i i usually say no thanks no thank you uh we'll circle back to tommy you're on with Adam Knifer. Hey, question for Adam. When you program for Justin, do you look at like, hey, I got to get him stronger to beat D or stronger to beat Pat? Or do you look at it by event by event?
Starting point is 00:26:36 Like, hey, the games are coming up. I need to program more duration and stuff like that. How do you do that? That's a great question. That is a great question. So when we program for Justin, it's literally just about Justin, like just looking at, okay, where's he at and how can we move the needle just a little bit in, in whatever areas, um, feels most important for him. And it
Starting point is 00:26:57 literally has nothing to do with anybody else, Pat or Guy or anybody else in the field, because at the end of the day, like whatever anybody else does is out of our hands anyway. So if Justin can be a little bit better next year than he was this last year, if Justin can be a little bit stronger in whatever areas that we choose to focus on, that's, uh, that's ultimately what's going to, going to have the payoff for him. Not, you know, trying to like, um, base Justin's training on what somebody else is doing. you know, trying to like, um, based Justin's training on what somebody else is doing.
Starting point is 00:27:28 But Tommy, they do, they do for Instagram pics. They do say stand next to Velner. So you don't look pasty white. Don't stand next to Guy because Guy will make you look pasty white. So they do, they do have to work on some of that like image stuff, but. Well, you probably should work on that. Yeah. The guys with the mullets care about their image. Well, thank you for taking the call. I was really curious on that, yeah. The guys with the mullets care about their image. Well, thank you for taking the call. I was really curious on that. Yeah, man, no problem.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Hey, Tommy, do you believe him? Because you asked about, do you believe him? Because you asked about, specifically about beating Vellner and Adam volunteered Guy's name. It sounds like a... Did he say, I thought he said Guy too. Oh, did he? Okay. I said gee too oh did he okay i i said both but no that was that was that was some solid journalism right there but you then you just work on the
Starting point is 00:28:17 one percent basically was your answer right you're working on the little things that are gonna make justin perform overall better correct yeah And honestly, it's like from 2020 to 2021, it's like, hey, let's just make sure that the 2021 version of Justin is significantly better than he was in 2020. And if we do that, you know, it doesn't guarantee any results, but, you know, like his chances type of thing. And same thing for next year. It's like, man, we know there's room for improvement for Justin,
Starting point is 00:28:45 and those are the things that we're going to same thing for next year. It's like, and we know there's room for improvement for Justin. And those are the things that we're going to focus on for next year. And if we are able to, you know, to move the needle and make progress in those areas, I think he'll be fitter than he was this last year. And I think he's got a good chance to have a pretty cool season. Sweet. Thanks man. Yeah, you bet. Thanks for calling man. See you guys.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Thanks Tommy. A man with a mullet walks into a bar. The bartender says the party's in the back. For some reason, I think that there's like a liquor in the front and poker in the rear joke there. Isn't that the joke? Isn't there like a bar like in New Orleans that says liquor in the front, poker in the rear or something? Isn't there like a bar like in New Orleans that says liquor on the front, poker on the rear or something? I don't know about that, but Adam, I think I talked to one of the athletes who asked you to coach him. And then he said, I'm going to try back in two years.
Starting point is 00:29:36 He said, I need a longer mullet. Are you serious? No, I'm just kidding. I don't know if I said that, but yeah. Have some, some athletes that we know asked you to coach them? Like did, did Kat before Katrin went to Iceland? Did she say, ah, maybe I'll try go West coast. I did the East coast thing. No, no, it's definitely not. Nope. Um, I don't know. Maybe a couple of people that you've known, but it wasn't like, Hey, Adam, will you coach me? It was Nope. I don't know. Maybe a couple of people that you know, but it wasn't like, hey, Adam, will you coach me?
Starting point is 00:30:06 It was just I don't know. There's been a few conversations. And the way I look at it is like I work for Justin. And if there's a if there's a situation that helps him, then then we'll consider it. So as an example, if there's like a person that and he's had an opportunity to train with some different people over the last couple of years that have been kind of cool. And if there's a person that can help Justin's experience, then I'd be open to it. And so that would actually be kind of tough to do if it's another dude because that's his competitor. So I just don't see... Sexist. Sexist. I just don't see another top top level games athlete training with justin or being um somebody that i program for because like if i'm doing my job um my goal is to get
Starting point is 00:30:53 justin as good as he can and if i'm if i'm doing that for somebody else that's a direct competitor of his it's just um it's like i don't know that just doesn't seem like the right thing to do. It's, it's not, it's not, it's not helping the goal. Yeah. It seems like an insurmountable, um, I, and I'm not poo pooing on people who coach multiple athletes, but it seems like an insurmountable obstacle with the mindset that you have now that you work for Justin, that it's about Justin winning. It's about Justin being his best. It's about, it, it, it doesn't say, it seems like that's like, you can only drive one car at a time.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Yeah. Maybe, maybe there's some of that, but also, I mean, if Justin was like, Hey, I want to train with like six of the top dudes. Cause I think that's going to help me be the best that I can be. Right. Like in a kind of figured out for him. Yeah. I mean, I'm not saying that that would immediately happen overnight, but if he was like, Hey, I want, um, you know, these three dudes to come train with me and do the same programming and, and, um, you know, be on the same page. That's something that I would consider just because if it's something that he feels like would help him, then it's on the table.
Starting point is 00:32:09 I have come from a team background, so I can definitely relate to working out as a group and the tide rises, all the ships and all that stuff. And I love that. And just where he's at now, I don't feel like that's the best situation for him. He's pretty self-motivated. It's not that he doesn't like working out with other people. He definitely does.
Starting point is 00:32:30 But he doesn't need that in order to find the motivation to get better. When I think about this, I just think about the male games champions that we've had. And when you think about every single one of them, OPT, Kalipa, Miko, when they were winning and they were all just these, these guys who came with their own background and showed up and performed. And then you get into the,
Starting point is 00:32:54 you know, the Holmberg, Froning, Smith, Fraser, none of these guys were training with other people, like, like with the intent of that training partner,
Starting point is 00:33:02 helping them. And if, if anything, Froning was training with other guys making them better but he was he has and has always just been doing his thing and every one of those guys i think about that's like one at the games or even the guys that have threatened to win at the games like velner and fukowski and bkg the only exception of a podium athlete i can think of who's also been in that kind of a dual coaching like a coach
Starting point is 00:33:24 coaching multiple athletes who have top 10 potential at the games is Noah Olson. And even in that environment, he's been up at training think tank sometimes, but oftentimes he's down in Miami still just training on his own. And I think that there's something to that. And I, you know, I know that there's this big movement towards training camps now and that it could potentially be good, but especially on the men's side, when I think about who the best men have been in the history of our sport, most of them are guys who grinded out on their own year after year, just honing their craft and then show up ready to compete.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Yeah, I hadn't thought about it that way too much, but that sounds about right. And you don't have a desire to train other people. It's perfect for both. Justin doesn't have a desire to train other people. It's not, it's perfect for both. Justin doesn't have a desire to have other people to have you train. He didn't even want to train Justin. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Good point. Good point. I mean, like, uh, you're not, you're not like, oh shit, Justin's holding me back. I want to start a whole, I want to be, um, uh, knife or, uh, I want to be the, the, the new camp for 2020 to 2030. Um, you're just doing your thing with him yeah man yeah exactly it's not that i don't have a desire to train other people because like you know i coach i coach like classes in my gym every week and uh and i love that um and that's pretty cool and then um you know i i guess to answer your question, do I have a desire to create a, you know, a giant team of games athletes?
Starting point is 00:34:48 Nope. Look at this right here. Can you see? Oh, shit. Let me see if I can get a good angle on it. Can you see this? Is that an ashtray? Is that an ashtray?
Starting point is 00:34:57 No, this is the lid to my Yeti cup. And see how smooth this edge is right here? Yeti cups are like you're supposed to be able to put really hot stuff in them or really cold things in them. And it keeps them cold for a long time or hot for a long time. But look at my lid that Yeti – that comes with the Yeti cup has actually melted. Do you see that plastic there? Yeah. Has melted the edge?
Starting point is 00:35:19 Mm-hmm. You see that? I'm having like this thing – I've always known plastics are bad for you. Like since I've been a little kid, I've been like plastic doesn't make any sense. If it's anything that melts shouldn't be in your mouth, like M&Ms, plastic. You know what I mean? Like stuff should not be in your mouth that melts. And I never trusted microwaves either as a kid because I just couldn't see them.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Like how the fuck does that work? How are they heating shit up? But like a Yeti cup should not have nothing on me yeti cups and i think this is the stuff that they're claiming reduces men's sperm count now what's the word it starts it's a word that has like four continents in the beginning like phylates or something it's in soft plastics do you guys know what i'm talking about seven if the person who's um who designs this this yeti cup ends up losing their job because you've exposed them here, where would they go to find another one? That is a fantastic question.
Starting point is 00:36:11 They should immediately – thank you, Brian. And we need to be solution-oriented. This is the same thing we were talking about with the diet. We need to speak about things properly to manifest. The place you would go is to manifest right thing the place you would go is barbell jobs is where you go if you want to make people's lives better and be in the crossfit fitness space and get a job at a gym whether it's cleaning bathrooms um uh carrying uh adam uh knifers uh uh briefcase from his car to his gym at fort vancouver uh go to There's a job there for you.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Thank you, Brian. Well done. Yeah. We got, if I would just drag the show into negativity, always, if Brian didn't keep it upbeat and let people know that there's solutions. Nice work,
Starting point is 00:37:00 Brian. Adam, was there, it's been three or four months, I guess, since the games. Now, have you had to navigate anything differently being the games champions in terms of sponsorship opportunities or obligations or stuff like that, either as a coach, coach-athlete combo or whatever? What did he ask?
Starting point is 00:37:21 No, when you win the games, sometimes things change. You get more attention. You get more inquiries about whatever. you might have more commitments to certain sponsors or whatever and um i know that sometimes navigating that can be new or different so i'm just wondering yeah um i think that that really started after the 2020 games when justin got got some opportunities sponsorship wise um with Rogue and Noble um and maybe there's a couple more I guess now this year too but um but it hadn't really changed too much I mean he has some obligations that he's got to do I think um that you know he has to do
Starting point is 00:37:56 certain number of appearances and that type of thing but he's he works with such awesome group of people in terms he doesn't have a ton of sponsors but the ones he does have um are very relationally oriented uh so yeah savannah has relationships with those people um which is pretty cool and i think that that makes him uh you know it doesn't it's not overwhelming right he also um daniel is is uh i guess his representative that helps him manage those sponsorships and he makes it really easy for Justin. And it doesn't, it doesn't feel overwhelming. It feels like supportive to him. Now during the off season he'll have a few more things that he has to do, but really his sponsors are awesome. Cause during the,
Starting point is 00:38:36 during the game season, like he can just focus on training. He doesn't have to worry about, you know, posting 12 times a week and mentioning this person or that person. Like he can, he can pretty much be focused on what's important at the time. Um, uh, WAD zombies calling those things phalates, but, but I think that if you spell it right, they actually, it has four continents and the cons, consonants, constant, what are those letters called? That aren't valves, consonants as? It has four constants in the beginning. That's the chemical, Adam, that you don't want to eat because it reduces your sperm count. It's bad for boys. All kidding aside, it's really bad for boys. Do you have any concerns? Do thoughts creep into your brain that someone might be trying to poach him too? might be trying to poach him too. Not at all. Not at all. I welcome it. Yeah. In fact, like encourage him to go, uh, like go, go train with everybody and everyone. Um, because like worst
Starting point is 00:39:34 case, you learn something, you know, and, and if there's a better way and, um, there's a better situation for him, like, awesome. I, I want, um, I want what's best for justin like honestly and when we were at when we were at um oh matt fraser's house before uh before the games i think i can't remember exactly when it was it was a couple months and matt and samuel were like so gracious and just opened up their their house and we just got to go train there for a few days and you know matt shared um you know some insights that he had from years of being the best and Sammy shared some amazing food and that was an awesome experience. And, you know, I, one of the last things I said to Matt before we left there is, Hey man,
Starting point is 00:40:16 like my job is to help Justin get as good as he can be. And if I'm doing my job, I would love to involve Matt Fraser as much, as much as you're willing and how,. And how involved are you willing to be? And, you know, he's like, hey, I'm going to be 100 percent honest that I don't have the time or bandwidth to be the boots on the ground coaching like like what you're doing in terms of that everyday day to day relationship with Justin. And so it was really cool because, you know, had he wanted to do that, I'd been, I would have said, Hey, let's figure out how to make it happen. But he's obviously got a lot of other irons in the fire. Um, and you know, at, at this point, like in Matt's example, he's like, man, I'm, I'm going to support Justin however I can. And Justin was able to go back and
Starting point is 00:40:58 train there this last weekend. And, uh, it's, yeah, it's just a great relationship so i have no concern or fears about anybody any coaches or any programs coaching justin if um you know if he trains with a group or coach or anybody and he feels like there's a there's a better way to do things like let's do it let's figure that out do you talk to him every day no not every day uh when he's here in vancouver i do because i mean we pretty much like have dinner together almost every day uh when he's here in vancouver i do because i mean we pretty much like have dinner together almost every day but you know in that was actually we were it was experiment it was the first time we led to a competition where we weren't together in person and um you know we were curious like hey how's this how's this
Starting point is 00:41:40 stuff gonna go and um like i said we we answered the question like yeah it works pretty good that's awesome um this jt walkins he won't answer this question but how would he fix hopper jt walkins oh man first there's the presupposition there that hopper needs fixing maybe he's perfect just the way he is yeah well yeah not not only that but yeah i guess that that question just implies that hopper's broken and i don't i don't think hopper well he's insinuating that hopper's not as good as uh yeah um what's your guy's name again the The guy, the winner, the best dude in the world, Mr. Medeiros. So anyway, everyone's broken next to Justin, I guess is the implication. All right. All right. I think Hopper's doing exactly what he needs to be doing. He he's this last this last period of time, he's been able to, you know, dedicate more time and
Starting point is 00:42:41 energy into his training. He's seeked out, you know, the best in the game to help him out. And you can even see, I've, I've listened to him on your guys' podcast and, um, you can just see, he's even had a change in mindset and demeanor and, uh, like he's, he's taken the steps. He's doing what he needs to do. And I think he's going to continue to improve. And so how, how would I fix the opera? I'd tell him to keep doing what he's doing. Yeah. Just stay, keep, I mean, basically, it sounds like every time I talk to him, it sounds like Matt's really coaching him on how to live his life.
Starting point is 00:43:13 So maybe those are those steps. I mean, we tried to interview him at the Rogue Invitational, and he said no. I said, how come? And I thought he was going to say, because it's a fucking distraction. I don't have time. Get the fuck out of here. But instead he said uh because matt told me not to i was like oh shit
Starting point is 00:43:30 yeah yeah probably good advice hey hey hey uh um who's daniel you said daniel deals with his sponsors who's daniel oh daniel robbins he works with loud and live um which is the company that represents justin for um you know sponsorships and that type of stuff oh okay i guess i had forgotten that so the way i guess in my mind the way it is so he's an o'keefe guy yeah yeah exactly he's kind of the like daniel's the guy that like he does everything for just like he gets stuffed on like even like books hotel rooms and all that uh yeah uh actually i don't know the answer to that question okay i don't know i don't i think every time is different like i think uh at the games noble um helped out their athletes there
Starting point is 00:44:17 at rogue i think road took care of some of that stuff but yeah like daniel if um you know daniel has those conversations with potential sponsors and current sponsors, Daniel, uh, like the guy will bend over backwards to do any, anything for anybody that he works with. Like if, if, uh, if Justin needs a bowl of spaghetti at night, like Daniel's the guy that was just like, yep, I'll be back in 20 minutes. Right. It's just like, like, he's such a great team member.
Starting point is 00:44:42 And when you talk about teams, you know, um, and like having other athletes, uh, maybe in terms of like the team dynamic for, for an individual athlete, certainly for Justin, those team members, aren't just other individual athletes that are competing for the same thing that Justin is. Those team members are people like Daniel that can help them out with, um, uh, you know, the, the sponsorship, all those, the business part of being an athlete that takes a lot of time and attention. It can, can really distract people from, you know, the, the true priorities that they have. Um, they have, you know, his coach, um, myself also,
Starting point is 00:45:17 I think I talked to you guys about Jesse Bufano, um, his strength coach, uh, last time we were on maybe. Um, and yeah, people, people like, uh, we have a weightlifting coach at CrossFit for Vancouver that watches all of his sessions when he's in town here. Um, and things like that are super helpful. And then just like when he's training, it's not that he's training alone in a garage that works for some people, but like for Justin, he enjoys having company. Um, so there's people that work out with him, whether he's here in Boise, but they don't have to be people that are his direct competitors in order for them to be, for that to be effective. Yeah. I think he's told us that basically he'll work out with anyone. He just rolls into the gym
Starting point is 00:45:53 and grab someone. Yeah. Yeah. He doesn't. That's pretty cool. Yeah. Uh, someone did this girl, Deanna said, uh, Hopper is pretty is pretty damn perfect no we're talking about his uh athleticism i think you're wrong podcast i love these blunt questions adam how important are you would you make would you make a person the fittest on earth or does the person just benefit but needs to be the best how much of this is you and how much is it justin another way to think of it is like can you turn a papaya into a banana or it has to already be like a banana and then you just you just pick it you just pick it and peel it at the right time i don't know if
Starting point is 00:46:37 that one worked i don't know if that worked yeah uh i kind of i kind of got that but oh man uh i i would say like the i'm doing my job right the longer that justin and i work together the less valuable that i become but i i know that that probably is a weird way to say it but like like early on um there was there was so much um there's i don't want to say there's so much more coaching. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning. Which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do.
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Starting point is 00:48:08 effectively enough so that eventually they can go off on their own and they no longer need that coach yeah like i i think that the way that that sounds good i didn't know the real meaning of that word so thank you for that uh but basically like how we've talked about it is in the beginning there is a lot of like you know for lack of a better word, me telling Justin, Hey, this is how to do this. And now it's much more of like a team effort of we're, uh, we're figuring this stuff out together. And you could see it even at rogue, like he's able to go out there and make, make adjustments during workouts. Um, cause he just knows himself better and knows what it takes that adjustments that he, he wouldn't have made a year ago. Um, and so, yeah, I'm trying, I'm
Starting point is 00:48:52 trying to like unpack that question. How important are you? Um, I'm less important than I used to be. How would you make a person the fittest on earth? Or does the person just benefit, but needs to be the best? How much of this is you and how much of it is Justin? Man, it's all, but needs to be the best. How much of this is you and how much of it is Justin? Man, it's 100% Justin. I can do my job and could be the best coach out there or the worst coach out there. When Justin goes out on the field, it's him. 100% credit and effort goes to him because it doesn't matter what I do. Once 3- two, one go, go happens. It's all about the athlete. And I think, you know, the coach, the coach in our sport or any sport is super important, but at the end of the day, it's the, it's the athlete in the arena that, you know, dictates the results. And so that's, that's all on Justin. And like I said, he's, he's getting
Starting point is 00:49:40 better every time he gets in the arena. You know, it's, I'm trying to think that there must be an inverse to this happening at the same time as it, Brian, Brian put out this, um, uh, Oh, it wasn't disrespectful question,
Starting point is 00:49:52 Michael. I just like it cause it's blunt, but there's probably like an inverse relationship here. So basically Brian mentions this thing, autonomy that OB team mentioned. And so, and then, and then,
Starting point is 00:50:03 uh, Adam was saying in the beginning, it's like, really like, Hey, you need to do this, this, and this. And then now as they progress in their relationship, it's more of a partnership. But then that means that as his role, I don't want to say lessons, let's say changes his sensitivities of Justin have to increase. right? So it's like once a car goes, once Adam gets him up to going to an IndyCar going 205 miles an hour, you've done 99% of the work. But now you have to be really careful,
Starting point is 00:50:36 even though your role has come way down, you have to be really careful the tweaks you do make because any slight jerks or movements and the car flies off the track, right? I mean, that's not a perfect metaphor, but there's a, the relationship becomes more. I, I, I, I don't think, I don't think it would be healthy. I think it's, uh, you need a good coach to make it through you from beginning to the end of your career. I think that is the best way to do it in an ideal world, maybe not beginning to end, but that, I think that relationship can be really beneficial. And if you switch,
Starting point is 00:51:09 you lose an enormous opportunity, just like, like being with a girl or like your relationship with your parents. I think that if you, when you switch coaches, there's some opportunity that's lost. And although maybe the, the physical tweaks are reduced, there's some other aspects in the relationship where the demand is even higher. Does that make sense? And maybe I'm just making that up to make you feel better. Brian, I appreciate that part. Brian was laughing like three quarters of the time, and I was wondering why. Oh, he laughs at everything I say.
Starting point is 00:51:42 I always just picture he's like, seven that metaphor is not working i mean like 90 of the time you're a funny dude but you were like having a serious little moment there yeah freaking brian is cracking up i just like to see him struggle thank you thank you yeah so he's looking for the words but you know that uh that question like asking you how important you are like if if we asked Justin how important you are, it might be a totally different perspective. Right. And so and he might recognize that the value is not so much anymore in all of those minor things that we've refined over the last however long you've been working with him. But now the value is that now I know I can trust him. And so when he does tell me something, I never second guess it. No, you're right about that.
Starting point is 00:52:28 I felt like that was one thing that like we've, you know, just in between Rogue and the games this year, what was it? Basically 22 events, 22 competition events. And so that's like 22 opportunities to grow in that relationship and to improve like how we approach those events. And so that's like 22 opportunities to, to grow in that relationship and to improve like how we approach those events. And that can be from as simple as like, like, okay. Um, we know this is going to be the workout. He needs 50 minutes to get ready for that. Not, you know, 40 or whatever. Right. Or, Hey, we can start this warmup in 30 minutes before call time and like learning those things, like how like how he uh how he best sets up for success for an event to like what am i saying what are we talking about what is he saying and
Starting point is 00:53:12 um like we've we've we've gotten better at that and we could feel it at rogue it was like no this is it feels i don't want to say it feels easier but it just feels like we're improving in terms of how we work together in not just preparing for event, like training leading up to it, but even just at the event. Like, you know, I'll make him like a little pre-workout shake or whatever he's going to have. And like, he takes three sips of it. Maybe I don't have to try to like force that down him every time because it's just not something that he wants to have, right? It doesn't have like value for him. And so there are, there are little nuances and things like that, that, yeah, we've been learning as we go that are helpful. Damn. You're a good dude. Um, I know you have to go soon. I want to ask you a
Starting point is 00:53:55 question about, um, training, uh, just a regular people in the affiliate about running what's your affiliate again? It's CrossFit Fort Vancouver. Yeah. And where are you located? Uh, Vancouver, Washington, which is where is. Yeah. And where are you located? Vancouver, Washington. Which is – is that in the border of Portland or Oregon and Washington State? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Portland, one of your favorite cities. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:16 I don't even consider it a city. It's a toilet bowl brand now. And, okay, so I want to talk – so we had James Fitzgerald on here yesterday, and we were talking about the difference between OPEX and CrossFit. And he said something in regards to that OPEX is individualized. And then I was like, well, CrossFit is individualized, and he didn't like that. He was basically like, no, it's not. Like, what the fuck are you talking about? And then I gave him some examples of how it's individualized, and then he basically said to me, well, it's not. Like, what the fuck are you talking about? And then I gave him some examples of how it's individualized. And then he basically said to me, well, that's not CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:54:48 And the example I gave him is that my mom's a pretty hardcore CrossFitter. And by hardcore, I mean she goes three days a week. She started when she's 69 and she's 77. And she trains over at Annie Sakamoto's gym. And I think you know who that is, right, Adam? Of course. Okay. And I think you know who that is, right, Adam?
Starting point is 00:55:03 Of course. Okay. And that's CrossFit Santa Cruz Central or something like that. Anyway, I hear my mom talk. Her training is like individualized. But in CrossFit, the word scaled is used a lot to, I guess, interchangeably with individualized but but but i and it's in i'm not um what when you think of your clients are they getting individualized training i'm just trying to figure out and and i'm not i'm not discrediting anything he said because i probably james has been to more gyms well i don't know if he's been to more gyms than i have but but what do you think is crossfit individualized are individualized uh attention or treatment yeah for sure for sure and i think there i think
Starting point is 00:55:54 there's different levels to it right there's there's like one-on-one personal training which is very individualized justin's like what justin gets yeah yeah yeah exactly justin and that's why when people are like hey i want justin's like, you know, that doesn't necessarily make sense because his training changes, you know, potentially day to day based on how things are going. Um, and it's, it's, you know, changed specifically for him. And then you have, um, you know, a CrossFit class and you might have a dozen people in there and there's a workout they listed on the board, but in those dozen people, there's a man, there's probably eight or 10 different variations of that workout for the different people in your, in your class. And so it's, it's like, uh, yeah, it's, it's individualized in within a group setting, right? So there's not, there's not as
Starting point is 00:56:41 much individualization with, uh, with a group of 12 as there is with, uh, with a single person. But I think part of the magic of CrossFit is you can, you can get some of the benefits of, uh, individual training within a framework of a team, which is much more, uh, enjoyable and, uh, and like motivating. And, uh, I would say just like, and like motivating. And, uh, I would say just like, right. They don't come in just for the thrusters, the pull-ups, most people come in cause they get to hang out with their friends and get some exercise. Right. And so there's this balance of like individual training, um, with a team. So it's, it's a, it's a team concept with like
Starting point is 00:57:22 individual goals in mind. Right. Because everybody's training for different reasons. And yeah, I think there's a lot of that in CrossFit affiliates all over the place, and that's why it works. Do you want to comment on that, Brian? No, you can take the call. You're on with Adam. May I ask who's calling, please? Hey, this is Tom Guerin, man. Tom, good morning.
Starting point is 00:57:44 You got to know know i'm just giving you and brian crap in the comments if you can ditch it you can take it you know what i'm saying i can't take shit hey so uh i i wanted to jump on this conversation real quick in the middle of it because um and like i was i was saying something to Brian earlier about James Fitzgerald, I'm finishing my OPEC CCC right now. And in our gym that I own, we're kind of working on a mixture of CrossFit and OPEC here. So this whole individualization scaling conversation is like what I deal with every day. So here's an example of what I think James means. And then I have a question for Adam about it.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Think about Fran, right? So you go in and Annie Sakamoto's got on the board. It's Fran, 21, 15, nine thrusters and pull-ups. Okay. So you would say that that workout's individualized for your mom because she's going to do like an empty bar and like jumping pull-ups or something, right? Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:58:44 So whatames might say is has she even earned the right to get that stimulus so the point is the stimulus we use someone else besides my mom as the example i got you and the word stimulus just like just i feel you okay so maybe it's uh maybe it's my mom. Okay, good, good. Yeah. So my mom definitely hasn't earned the right to like get a two and a half minute workout where her lungs are on fire because she hasn't spent the time there. Um, like we don't even know what she's, she's actually capable of. So James might say that, that, yeah, that workout is scaled to get the same stimulus for an elite athlete or for my mom, but that my mom doesn't need that stimulus. My mom probably needs to go for like a 60-minute walk,
Starting point is 00:59:34 and that would be like the best individualized program for her that day. And maybe if we took her on a structured progression for the next five years, maybe she could earn the right to do France someday. So do you see the difference of what the distinction is between individualized versus, uh, scaled there? I, or, or is just splitting hairs with scaling, right? What, what's not so much splitting hairs. It's, it's what scaling is, is you're preserving the stimulus of the workout. So, so when, so Fran has a stimulus that you want everyone in the class to get. And in order for my mom to get that, she can't do 95 pounds.
Starting point is 01:00:08 She can't do 65 pounds because the stimulus would be like, okay, well, here's me trying to like lift this bar for the next 20 minutes and I'm done. So she's not getting the proper stimulus. But what I'm saying is in an OPEX model and an individualized model, you're not thinking about how can I give them this stimulus. You're thinking about what stimulus is appropriate for that individual. So I don't even want her touching the Fran stimulus. I want her doing something totally different, like walking.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Adam, do you think if Tom's mom came into your gym, would you think about her stimulus or just the movements? I mean, yeah, if Tom's mom came into the gym and I see where you're coming from, Tom, like she doesn't necessarily have the capacity to, to achieve the same stimulus as, you know, somebody else that might be in your class. That's okay. Like in that hour class, she's going to get a lot more than just the, you know, her friend is probably going to take her, I don't know, seven minutes with an empty bar and maybe she's doing ring rows and that's still, that's still fine. Maybe her lungs aren't burning like the same as somebody that does it in two and a half minutes. Um, but that's okay. It's still, it's still valuable for her. And there's a lot of other work that goes into that,
Starting point is 01:01:16 that our training session that she also is going to benefit from as well. Um, would she get more benefit from, uh, you know, you know basically uh paying a coach for individual training um for the next six months to build up that maybe and that's an option that she could take as well and i think that like different people are gonna be drawn toward different um you know ways of training and both both are valuable i don't think we need to like put them at odds with one another i think both both have, have a place. Is that, does that make sense? Like, I just kind of want to, and I'll hang up and listen, but I just want to hear kind of the story of the origins of your business and like, how did you get the gym to where it is now? And, uh, and like, well, where did you start as far as the CrossFit gym? Thanks, Tom.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Appreciate it, dude. Great question. Yeah. Uh, yeah. Thanks, Tom. If you can just, and Adam, don't feel obligated. I know where you have to, you have kids you have to deal with. So you do you.
Starting point is 01:02:23 No, actually I'm pretty flexible. My kids, uh, my neighbor can take my kids to school so we can wrap up or not. I'm good either way. Okay. So you do you. No, actually I'm pretty flexible. My kids, my neighbor can take my kids to school so we can wrap up or not. I'm good either way. Okay. Then go. Yeah. To answer Tom's question. Most, most of our gym is yeah. Group classes. We have kind of a, yeah, a mixture. I would say the majority of our, of CrossFit for Vancouver as a business comes from people coming in and working out in groups together and having a good time um there's some uh individual training and then there's some small group training and I think like uh the closest thing that we do to OPEX is probably our weightlifting program um so there's like four times a day when uh coach Eric coaches uh specific weightlifting classes and the guy is a stud by the way. He's just,
Starting point is 01:03:05 uh, one of my favorite people on the planet. He's, he, he's, um, he went to the Olympics twice for American Samoa in 92 and 96. And he works with about, uh, like I would say usually like six to eight athletes at a time and they all have their individual program, but they do it together. Right. And so that's a, that's a really great fit for that. Yeah. That, that style. Eric, what's Eric's last name? Eric Brown. How does the guy who is on, he's Samoan? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:45 Stud. His last name? Yeah. Stud. His last name is Brown? Yep. Doesn't he need some like Islander name? I don't know. I never asked him. Eric, don't you need some – how do you – so sorry. I'm thinking about that guy's question whether you answered it or not, whether I care to pursue it or not.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Okay, you think about that for a second. I'm going to check it out. Oh, my goodness. There they are. Holy cow. There they are. Emma and Hope. Hi, Emma and Hope.
Starting point is 01:04:16 How are you guys? Come on, Daddy. Go. I can't hear you. I can't hear you. Adam, we're going to let you go. Yeah, thanks, man. Yeah, thanks for coming on.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Are you driving them to school right now? They're actually just going to walk over to the neighbors, and then she's going to take them to school. Okay, then we're not going to let you go. Yeah, we're good. How come you're not driving them to school? Would you have normally driven them to school? Okay, go ahead. Kiss them goodbye.
Starting point is 01:04:40 Do your shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, cool. You guys talk for a second. I'm going to be right back. Does it make you want to have kids brian um i think that the the thing about that conversation we haven't really addressed is you have to understand what the people are paying for at your gym and so or and or what you're
Starting point is 01:04:57 advertising that you're selling there so at the opex gym you know people are expecting to get something that's specifically for them. At the CrossFit gym, even if the person's coming in with the understanding that I'm not going to do this workout as it's written on the board necessarily, and that the coach is going to give me something that's in my best interest, they still have the desire to do that workout with a group of people in a way that's going to be enjoyable and beneficial for them. And so it's just, I think that that's the lost piece or the missing piece here is what's the expectation of the client? Well said.
Starting point is 01:05:31 That's a really good point. Adam, he's basically saying like, yeah, one of the pieces that haven't been, you know, we haven't talked about is people come to a CrossFit gym and they might expect a group class. People go into an OPEX gym and they might expect a group class people go into an opex gym and they might expect individual training and yet and yet you still can get individualized training at a crossfit gym did you the opex people all work out together at an opex gym i've never been in one of those gyms do they still three two one go and they all go no no everyone will receive coaching usually electronically from their coach. And then they come to the gym during a time that the gym is open can ask them about it. What are you doing today? Whatever. So they're just there to kind of help out and facilitate. And, uh, but no, most of the people, they get their program,
Starting point is 01:06:31 they come in and then they're doing it mostly on their own. It's weird. Cause my, my, you know, the first 30 years of my life, maybe more 40 years, I'm 49. Now, everything i did was to see other people so like uh i went i the only reason why i went to my 7 45 a.m anthropology 101 course at uc santa barbara's because there was a pretty girl there i mean the first day i go because i'm supposed to go to class but then like i'm like that's like my motivation to go to that class or like i remember in the second grade my friend jeff holman he i just loved him to death second third fourth grade and even fifth grade and i went to school every day to see him because i couldn't wait to play with him and so like if you at that and i think maybe a lot of people are like that and if you and same with when i worked at crossfit i loved going to the office because
Starting point is 01:07:21 my friends were there um but at an opex gym gym, I guess you don't get that, right? You're going. Oh, you definitely can get that. I mean, you can, you know, if let's say you're going to the 6.30 a.m. CrossFit class, whatever, and there's some people in that gym, it could be the same thing for OPEX. You know, the gym's open at that time and you say, all right, we all got our own stuff, but let's meet there at 6.30 and we'll get our work in.
Starting point is 01:07:43 We'll talk if we can between sets or whatever. And then we'll hang out for a few minutes at the end of the when we all finish up like you could still certainly plan for that all right so you could still meet girls there oh yeah the the i think the girl's name in my in my anthropology class her name was amanda and she had this huge red fro man she was so cute and you know like five years later she got into fucking meth and got all fucked up it broke my heart i mean it was fucked up college you know math come on fort vancouver that fucking everything north of shasta's fucking on meth yeah i don't know i i think too like it's hard to speak in generalizations of like hey this is the opex experience and this is the crossfit experience because as you guys know every affiliate
Starting point is 01:08:31 that you go into i haven't been to a lot of opex gyms but i'm sure it's the same way every one of these gyms that you go into um what makes them cool is they're unique right they're not they're not um you know the whatever f45 or whatever whatever those things are called where it's like there's this kind of like um the experience is the same at every gym that you go to every mcdonald's has the same cheeseburger that's what i'm saying yeah every mcdonald's has the same menu every crossfit gym is like very unique and someone might do a little more personal training and someone might do a few more group classes you know and it's uh it's up to the individual to to figure out like hey what do they want to do go in and experience um this gym and if it has value in your life you're probably gonna keep doing it and if it
Starting point is 01:09:14 doesn't then um you know you probably find something else are you documenting um your uh i don't know what the word is relationship relationship with Justin, your daily relationship with Justin. Like will we get a book in 10 years? Are you keeping a journal about not only his workouts but how you feel, just all those things? Nope, nope, not at all. a journal of like his training yeah but i have not documented much else no i think i think you should i think this relationship with you and him is going to be end up being one of the most fascinating relationships in the history of crossfit i really do i think you guys are going to stay together a long time i think it's going
Starting point is 01:10:02 to i think he's going there's never supposed to be anyone who is better than Josh Everett or Greg Amundsen. Then there was never supposed to be anyone better than Josh Everett. Then there was never like the guy who's at the top. There's never supposed to be anyone better than, then obviously then Rich Froney came and there was never going to be anyone who did it four times. The only reason why that happens is because the sport was in its infancy.
Starting point is 01:10:24 And now then matt fraser comes along it's like what the fuck is going on and now this kid justin madaris is coming along brian i have this question for you i know this you you and um uh tyler might think this is absolutely insane question but um one of the things that matt tried to do is he tried to get like two or three podium spots at that last game he was in points wise. He wanted to have enough points to win the games and then have enough points to still get him on the podium. Do you remember that? Do you know what I'm talking about, Adam?
Starting point is 01:10:52 Yeah. I wonder if you took all of the best performances. Oh, would that just automatically put someone in first place? I'm going to say it anyway, even if it makes me sound dumb. I wonder if you took the best performances of all the guys in the top five and made them into one person if Justin still beats them. Or I wonder what that looks like to elevate, really show how great he is. If you took all the people in the top three well he's in the
Starting point is 01:11:26 top three so yeah well do you know what i'm saying like i we're i think we're seeing something outside of some i think we're seeing something really freaky with him well i i do know what you're saying i do know what you're saying matt matt was a that's just such an outlier especially at the 2020 games because there's only a field of. So that's why he could have enough points to win first, plus enough to get back on the podium with his margin of victory. You know, if you look at Justin, either at the games or the Rogue, it was close. It's not like he ran away with it.
Starting point is 01:11:58 It was close the whole way through. And so there's not the separation that, you know, that Matt had at the 2020 games and then you know in terms of like you know just the uh opt and then there's miko and then there's kalipa and froning and fraser and everybody kind of one-ups you know and you mentioned every at all some of those guys um i don't know it's it's a different conversation but like i think it's way too soon to start talking about, at least in my mind, like, you know, Justin being the next whoever or winning so many titles.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Like, he's won the CrossFit Games one time. And it was close. Like I said, it's not like he was so dominant that the outcome was wrapped up before the final day of competition. And, yeah, he's going for number two like there's there's no talk of you know three four five six or anything like that uh right now he's just focused on getting better and hopefully he'll have another good season it's never too soon when you have a podcast i totally hear you i'm already thinking about them justin sperm and what they're gonna do in hear you i'm already thinking about justin sperm and what they're going to do in the sport i'm already like it's it's never ever that's yeah no that's that's the game that's the
Starting point is 01:13:10 game we play and i realize that but for for us from my perspective it's like no let's get better for next year um do you get asked to be on a lot of podcasts not really no i've gotten asked i've gotten asked more by you than all the other ones and that's great that's well i'm a bottom feeder i'm a bottom feeder i'm a bottom but that's the look as you asked me like 12 times in one day and uh but my phone wasn't my phone wasn't really working when i was in texas i actually really wanted to come on uh but yeah i apologize for that no it's okay i don't the truth is i don't expect anyone to come on and i thought it was insanely generous that velner came on insane and and travis mayor came on too during the week
Starting point is 01:13:56 but i just figure hey if there's guys who want to do it and if i can like be nice to them and be a part of their journey but also also bring the spectators in closer, that's basically the whole thing I'm thinking. I'm thinking, okay, fuck it. What do I care? I'm just going to fucking carpet bomb and ask everyone.
Starting point is 01:14:12 And if people want to come on and talk to, talk to the audience, that'd be great. And if they don't, whatever. And so I was just always hoping that like, okay, that's,
Starting point is 01:14:19 and I, and Adam's not joking. I was bugging him the whole weekend and I would send them links. So Brian and I would be on the air and I would just send Adam a link and just hope he clicks in. And, you know, the other day we did that during a show. Colton Mertens just, you know, popped into a show. I just sent him a link. Yeah. So it was just awesome. So when that happens, it's just cool. It's just I love that, man. And I honestly I love being on your guys podcast.
Starting point is 01:14:41 But I also do it's like I don't listen to a lot of them. I don't listen to a lot of podcasts, but I actually just like enjoy listening on your guys' podcast. But I also, dude, it's like I don't listen to a lot of them. I don't listen to a lot of podcasts, but I actually just enjoy listening to your guys. It's a good time, man. Thank you. Yeah, I love that you got Coach B on the other day. Oh, man, that guy's such a stud. So, I'll tell you this about your question. If you just replaced Vellner's two worst finishes of the games with bkg's finishes
Starting point is 01:15:05 in those events he'd already have enough points to win the games okay so it's it's and like just adam's saying like this was uh there was something that felt if we're talking about the games or really rogue like there was something that felt dominant about watching justin compete and and that was the fact that he never really had a bad workout he seemed to always execute when it mattered most. But when you look at the scoreboard, you know, Vellner's right next to him. And I obviously wrote the article about how they have each beaten each other 11 times over those 22 events. So, you know, they're pushing each other.
Starting point is 01:15:38 They're challenging each other. And Justin just keeps getting, you know, he's doing what he needs to do in the moment matters the most. What I look at for Justin's sake is over those events, he's actually half the time he's had a top three finish. 11 or 22 times he's been first, second, or third in the workout. But only two times has he won the workout outright. And people have talked about this already, how it has this sort of a feel of what was going on for Fraser in 2016. Won first place on the ranch trail, won seven second places. And that didn't sit well with him. And obviously he goes on to, you know,
Starting point is 01:16:10 win a ton of events over the next four years. So it'd be interesting to see how Justin evolves now that he's won, but he did it only winning one event. He's had a bunch of close calls in terms of event wins. And if that's something that like they can find a way to hone in on, because it's obvious with the, with the scoring system, how it is that winning events goes a long way yeah yeah and it's cool to see him get some event wins this year because uh i don't remember off the top of my head how many uh competition events he did in 2020 but it was quite a few it was um i think he had nine at the filthy 150 and then what was there in stage one of the CrossFit games? There are six,
Starting point is 01:16:45 seven stage one. Okay. So there was nine and seven. And then however many were out the games in 2020. So it was like 20 plus events and he didn't have any event wins right during that time. And so to have a couple this year, like there's some,
Starting point is 01:17:00 there's some progress there. Hopefully it gets more next year. Where do you guys go next? What's next on the, on the competition list? The open. Oh, isn't, isn't there some other stuff like some, uh, uh, the, the Matt O'Keefe thing in Miami and, um, and the one in the desert.
Starting point is 01:17:20 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's, uh, Justin's gonna, his next competition, that'll be the open. Um, and so, yeah, he's uh justin's gonna his next competition that will be the open um and so yeah he's i think he'll be at waterpalooza um or he will be at waterpalooza not competing though will you go out there for that uh i i don't think i will not when when you work with him um do you guys have a formal contract? We do. Yeah. And in there, does it,
Starting point is 01:17:53 does it say like what you can and can't talk about in terms of the, his programming? Like, can you, can you like, is it already planned out that like you can or can't in 10 years you can or can't sell, um, the programming you gave him?
Starting point is 01:18:01 Uh, that's not in there. I don't think I probably better read it a little closer, but no, man, I love how casual your relationship is i hope it i god i hope the best for you guys i mean and i see it just being awesome too man i hope so too it's fun i mean it's it's uh yeah it's something that we we both really enjoy so it's pretty cool and and and you took off training time because you were trying to spend more family time. And then now you're sucked back up into this coaching Medaris.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Is your family cool with that? Your wife, your kids, your in-laws, your it's, it's different. It's different for sure. You know, like I did, I did take off competing, you know, to have some other priorities in my life. And, and this, um, this coaching role, uh, provides some balance. It's, it's kind of, I mean, it's kind of like a, just a, a really cool setup because I'm not, you know, I'm not the one in the, in the competition arena. That's like, you know, just like, um, making sure that I go to bed at a certain time and making sure that I say no to certain obligations because it, you know, I got to make sure that I get the right food in at the right time or whatever, or training, you know, two sessions a day pretty darn religiously.
Starting point is 01:19:13 Coaching has a nice level of balance where I get to, you know, I get to be a part of the sport. I really, I mean, I genuinely just love the sport of CrossFit, and I get to share some of that experience with Justin. I really, I mean, I genuinely just love the sport of CrossFit and I get to share some of that experience with Justin. But at the same time, I can be more present as a dad, as a, you know, a coach, a leader at my gym. And so it's a, it really is an amazing balance that I, Lauren and I talk about it all the time. And just how fortunate we are to be at this point in our lives when we can do this kind of stuff. When I was, the first TV show I ever had was a show on public access it was called ivy tv it was in 2000 and it was when computers first like the day computers allowed you to start editing on a computer at home that apple allowed
Starting point is 01:19:56 that i started making tv shows with the camera i got at circuit city and my girlfriend at the end and i even though i lived in a motor home i was balling i was i would sling vhs tapes um in front of like the local liquor store in at uc santa barbara and i was making like i don't know so much money like 20 or 30 thousand dollars a year slinging vhs tapes just living in a motor home rich as fuck i was popular i just i was running shit and the show was ivy tv and i made 20 shows over three years and my girlfriend at the time would tell me basically she was jealous she was jealous of my success she was jealous like it was just nuts and i and i couldn't i could to this day i still can't relate with it and now i have a wife who's just immensely happy with anything that
Starting point is 01:20:42 i'm happy about right that i'm doing so if i work out she's happy for me if I'm happy about, right. That I'm doing. So if I work out, she's happy for me. If I'm buying, when I come out, she'll be like, how was your podcast? And she's like, like genuinely happy. How, how is your wife with, um, is she jealous of just this? I mean, there's something really fantastic here that probably people don't realize, but I'm guessing because I'm putting myself directly in your shoes. You had this amazing career as a team guy, but you never really get the accolades as a team guy that you would as an individual. You have this amazing affiliate, but you're just one of 15,000. And now this fucking thing called Justin Medeiros has dropped in your lap and you've been just thrusted into the front of the line again.
Starting point is 01:21:23 You know what I mean? And that's got to be so stimulating for you right i mean i know you like waking up every morning to see your daughters anyway and you had a great life and you love your clients but this is like this is fun this is like you woke up and there's a fucking race car in your driveway you don't have to pay the insurance on it's like what the, what the fuck? It's crazy, man. It is. It is. Uh, how, and it's like that for every coach. It's like that for every coach. It's just for, it's just fortuitous, good shit happening to someone who had their head down and grinding. Is your wife happy for you? Is she jealous? Is, is like, are people, is there anyone in your life who's, who's not happy for you and how do you manage that? That's a good question. My wife, Lauren,
Starting point is 01:22:04 I mean, dude, she's the whole reason that we're doing this. question my wife lauren i mean dude she's the whole reason that we're doing this uh you know she was she was the one that read the letter from justin was like hey you should do this and so from the very beginning she was like the catalyst that made it happen and she's that like some 19 year old kid walks into our house and i'm like hey you know this dude's gonna start living with us and he walks in with a mullet and she gives him a hug and says, welcome to the family. You know, I love I love your haircut type of thing. And then, you know, the whole time, like she she is it's it's hard to describe because it's kind of like, you know, when Justin won the games and, you know, that that moment of when he embraces parents on the finish line. Like all I can describe
Starting point is 01:22:45 is I was like, so overwhelmed with happiness for him. And Lauren feels the same thing for me. Um, because she, you know, she's like, we're together all the time. And so that's how she feels. And she's like, so, so happy and so proud. And like, and she, she knows that like, it's her too. So it's like,'s like we get to share in those things together. I should show you this. Lauren just actually dropped this off yesterday. She's made one of these for, like, all of our teams that went to the games. And now that Justin's going to the games, she has a friend that has, like, an art gallery.
Starting point is 01:23:23 I don't know if you can see this, but that's Justin's jersey. I don't know if you guys remember the snatch event at the games. He got his hand bled, and he got blood all over the place. And that's it right there. So it's got his leader jersey. It's got a picture of him on the podium. And so she takes the time to take that stuff down to some art gallery downtown and get it you know framed and that type of stuff and so she freaking loves it man it's just yeah
Starting point is 01:23:49 he gave you that justin gave you that yeah that's awesome yeah yeah yeah it's pretty cool so we'll hang that up in the gym hopefully later today yeah okay so she's pumped was that was it wrapped in saran wrap or was that just a shitty framing job? No, it's wrapped in some kind of plastic. Good thing this year because she made a New Year's resolution. She does something really cool every year, and she's not going to use single-use plastic for a year. So, yeah, good thing she got that already. Wow, that's some discipline. I love it.
Starting point is 01:24:24 Yeah, yeah. So we're got that already. Wow. That's some discipline. I love it. Yeah. Yeah. So we're, we're kind of, yeah, we're experimenting with that, but yeah, back, back to like your, your question. She's, she's in it, man. She loves it. And it wouldn't, it wouldn't be possible or sustainable if she wasn't, if she wasn't in, you know what I mean? If she was, if she had feelings of jealousy or resentment or whatever, um, like, yeah, that would just make it not, not possible. if he said this on my show or whether I heard him say it on another show when I was researching him, but he was saying that one of the reasons, one of the best things in life is when your fighter wins and the first thing they do, they come over to you and thank you. He said he just loves that moment. And I, as superficial as it sounds, that's one of those feelings that I've always had that I probably wouldn't have talked about because I kind of pushed away how much I enjoyed it when like,
Starting point is 01:25:24 you would be on the field even as a photographer and Justin would cross the finish line the first person he fist bumps is you you as that photographer feels so special right or like if he hugged like if Rich Froney crosses and he hugs a referee you cannot you cannot believe how wonderful that feels and I'm guessing the same is for you right Justin wins an event and the first thing he does is come over and high-five you, or you guys touch foreheads, and it's just like, holy fuck. There's something really special about being that guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:55 No, you're 100% right. Yeah, it's hard to describe. I think about that. Lauren and I talk about this all the time. This whole year is kind of unbelievable just how how well justin has done it's like is this is this even real life you know it's it it's it's not something that we necessarily expected or took you know definitely not something we take for granted but uh man just something we appreciate and when we talk about it just it just brings a lot of joy.
Starting point is 01:26:28 Taking the top from Jason Watkins. Is his name Jason or Tyler? Jason Tyler Watkins, but he prefers Tyler. Okay. Tyler Watkins, taking the top five finishers from the 2021 games, adding up the best scores per event, that score would have been 1,269. Medeiros had 1,23434 so he would have lost 35 points i mean i don't i i'm not sure really what he's done there i got different numbers than that all right we'll have to work on our calculations or or maybe i'm not really explaining what i'm
Starting point is 01:27:00 saying perfectly well either so So maybe, maybe he, well, we've talked about, people have talked about this in the past, right? They said like, wow, Fraser was so dominant this year. He won by 200 and something points. What if you took, you know, the next three or four guys and took whoever did the best in that and every workout, would they, you know, would they be able to overtake that points difference? And sometimes the answer was no, Because if you look at a couple
Starting point is 01:27:28 of the years for Fraser, I mean, he had maybe one event outside the top 10 and everything else was so high and he had so many firsts and seconds that it was like, you couldn't make up the difference, even if you took the best performance by everyone in each workout. But in this case, that's not the case. I don't know. I did the numbers. I ended up with 1,365 points is what they would have had. But I just did it really roughly while I was also listening there. So either way it's, it's, I think we already addressed it. Like Justin's looked good and been dominant executed well,
Starting point is 01:27:59 but there's close competition on the men's side and sure. You know, and I think he knows that i think he probably i mean adam you can talk to it it's kind of a cool uh thing for the men's competition right now because a couple of the guys that are still right there are probably towards the back end of their career and pat and brent and bkg but you just you don't have to look very much further and it's not just justin who's this young guy who's got a ton of potential in the space right now you know saxon panchuk lazar jukic, Guy Mayeros, Jason Hopper. Like, none of these guys are more than 26 years old.
Starting point is 01:28:29 And all of them have a lot of potential to be competitive for the next several years. It trips me out that the next guy in the horizon came from the bottom, though, and not from the pack. Right? Unless that's just my just romanticizing it there was a pack of bulls running and matt was the main bull and then there were other bulls gnarly bulls in there like velner and fukowski and panchik and bkg and then all of a sudden this truck pulls up and drops another bull off in the field and it fucking ran up to the front and that's just what about the other ones that have been and it's like jesus what about the other ones that have been in there like he just like now it is interesting i don't think i don't
Starting point is 01:29:11 think that that's necessarily accurate that's not an accurate picture that's just me romanticizing it because think about this before froning one he got second before ben smith one he'd already podiumed before fraser one he'd already podiumed twice and before Smith won, he'd already podiumed. Before Fraser won, he'd already podiumed twice. And before Justin won, he'd already podiumed once. So you're saying I'm sort of falling prey to that thing that overnight success. You're saying, Justin, it's also a discredit to Justin, maybe what I'm saying. He's not an overnight success. The car didn't just pull up and dump off a bull and he ran to the front. He's paid his dues? He got there quick, but not as quick as you made it sound. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:47 He stopped midway up the hill and took a deuce. There was a funny comment in here. Where is it? Oh, wait. Where is it? It's something about... This guy must be from the UK. If my aunt had bollocks,
Starting point is 01:30:04 I think that means testicles – she would be my uncle. That is correct. I just want to tell you that I'm huge on sex as being a scientific terminology. And to be clear, I always refer to it just as penis and vagina, but it's also the reproductive potential. his penis and vagina, but it's also the reproductive potential. The male sex produces sperm and the female produces the eggs. And that's why that word is so important. And that is not, and I've said it a thousand times and I'll say it again, don't get it confused. That is not what gender means. Gender is people's imagination, which is fine. I like imagination. Fuck, imagination is great, but there is no gender in this outside world out here.
Starting point is 01:30:47 That's just between your ears. Did you know what gender you are, Adam, by any chance? What gender am I? Yeah. Do you give it much thought? I think, I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm a male, man. Or is that a sex? No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:30:59 That's your sex. Your sex is male. Do you know what gender you are? Do you know what gender you are? I don't think you do. I always thought it was just two options. Yeah. Okay. Your sex is male. Do you know what gender you are? Do you know what gender you are? I don't think you do. I always thought it was just two options. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:31:10 Well, you can go with that. I guess you can go with that. I don't know what gender I am, but I know what sex I am. You're saying that sex. Okay, yeah. I know what sex I am then too. Yeah, that's good. You're the sperm part.
Starting point is 01:31:21 You're the penis part. I assume. I have no evidence, but I will take your word. Cool. Oh, wait a minute. A man can't get pregnant? No, Bruce. Sorry. That's also imagination.
Starting point is 01:31:35 I think if Justin wins again, Sevan needs to become a part of the mullet club. Oh, there we go. Just throw that shit out now. Dude, you should just commit to it right now like uh like shane did who who shane shane or have you seen he said hey he said at the mac at the semi final last year hey if justin wins the games i'll start growing out of mullet and he's been working on it is he um does justin have a video guy uh a couple a couple guys that help him out i don't know if that he has like a a specific guy but there's a couple guys that do it yeah wait so wait uh i got my oars confused
Starting point is 01:32:13 shane or is tia's husband yeah and but he has a brother that's who said he would grow out a mullet or was it his brother wait who who did you say would grow out of mullet if if justin won again shane oh okay yes okay i got his husband shane yeah and who's and who's shane's brother doesn't have a brother patty or patty or video patty or or patty or he's a videographer out of australia and he i mean he works at a lot of events. God, you think he would just jump on that Tia bandwagon? Is he Tia's guy?
Starting point is 01:32:51 No, they have a media crew in person down there in Nashville with him. Um, I think Patty or is doing, you know, doing what he wants to do and likes to do. And he's pretty successful on his own. Do you know him? I've met him.
Starting point is 01:33:02 Yeah. Is he cool? Yeah. Very cool. Is he as kind of stoic as Shaneane uh i would no not maybe a little bit more just like yeah gives more of a like a relaxed chill kind of vibe shane's you know very yeah stoic's good work he's a little more gregarious he has to be he's a film guy yeah but i've also like never really hung out with shane in a social setting and i have hung out with patty in a more of a social setting in um in dubai before and after the
Starting point is 01:33:29 competition there was a bunch of other people there so i don't know maybe i don't know shane that well um as silly as this question sounds i'm guessing that you've made some errors with the mullet does adam cut his own hair and if so can we get some pointers on cutting the mullet is it as simple as just shave the sides? Yeah. Yeah. That's it's that simple. It's just, it's nice to have a, like, give it a good taper on the sides, but that's,
Starting point is 01:33:52 that's it. It's not complicated. And the thing is like, it's a mullet. So like, if you, if you mess it up, it's, it's whatever, it's a mullet. And then if it's like the best one you've ever done, it's still a mullet. So either way, you're pretty much good to go. If you just trim off the sides. Um, do you, Ross Lewis is suggesting some, uh, PEDs when you cut your mullet, get drunk,
Starting point is 01:34:13 do some Coke and give it your best. I'm about to sit in the back of a pickup truck. That probably worked pretty good too. Oh my goodness. How is, uh, how's his dad's mullet? Is it crazy? Justin's? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:29 Justin's dad, Anthony. Oh yeah. It's pretty great, man. Yeah. It's, it's awesome.
Starting point is 01:34:35 It's, uh, it's not quite as full as Justin's is like Justin's is just like full and fluffed and feathered. And, uh, you know, Anthony has a little more mileage on it but
Starting point is 01:34:45 like it's it's solid man savon do you smoke weed just for the podcast i do not um do any kinds of uh i don't eat sugar i don't smoke weed i don't eat edibles i don't do mushrooms i don't do lsd i don't do um i don't do anything like that i i live a perfect life so i don't do LSD. I don't do anything like that. I live a perfect life, so I don't do any hallucinogens. I never even try to – I constantly work on my levels of consciousness. I never sleep except when it happens on accident. and mindfulness when I lie down. And I can't believe that I used to smoke cigarettes. And I love nicotine, but what an enormous fuck-up it was to burn stuff and inhale it into my lungs. Your lungs are not meant to – drugs are just a shortcut. I mean, don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 01:35:43 I don't regret doing any of the ones that I did, but they're just a shortcut. I mean, don't get me wrong. I don't regret doing any of the ones that I did, but they're just a shortcut. And if you want to know, you can, you can DM me on the side and I can tell you how to get to all of those places that drugs get you to without doing them. They're not fun. It's like CrossFit. It's hard. It's hard shit. Yeah. Good stuff. uh yeah good stuff uh and brian is there anything that you would like to um say to mr uh knifer before as soon as we get off i'm gonna immediately ask him if he'll come on the podcast tomorrow i'm gonna text him hey we want to come to the podcast i know i've just been i got curious about the um
Starting point is 01:36:23 sex and genders and now i did a little research and I regretting it. Oh, what, what did you not like? Do you want me to read the definition of gender for you? It'll, it'll make it all clear. No, it doesn't make it clear. Oh no, it does. Because one of the definitions of gender is, is that it's, it's partially arbitrary. First of all, nothing can be partially arbitrary. And if you look up the, let me, and let me look up the word arbitrary for you are it's very what i discovered is there are definitely two sexes but there are up to 97 different genders no no but there's a million genders don't be so limiting don't be prejudiced or racist or sexist there's a million you can be any gender you want you can be 1.3333 i mean it's just it's just made up there is no
Starting point is 01:37:12 there is no just like red means stop is made up this gender thing is just made up also but but it's okay i don't mean that in a derogatory way. Please, no one take that with negativity. Tons of great shit is made up. Even gravity is made up. It's an idea. Okay. Do you see, Brian? Yeah. The phenomenon of gravity is not made up.
Starting point is 01:37:41 But, and if you really want me to say something, can't want to even go there that'd be nice adam were you happy with the with crossfit releasing the schedule a little earlier this year oh uh yeah i think it's great is that something like when that happens does that make planning for the next however many months for you guys a little bit less stressful uh no i mean i i think we honestly i haven't put too much thought into it yet like we know the general outline for the season um having the dates further ahead of time is really nice just in terms of like yeah being able to put the pieces together but but for now, yeah, it's, uh, I think it's really cool that, um, that CrossFit is that far ahead of things this year. I know in past years, it's
Starting point is 01:38:32 kind of been felt last minute at times. And I like it, uh, or I appreciate it. I should say even more as an affiliate owner than, than even as like Justin's coach. Cause as an affiliate, like we can plan for it a little easier, um, when we know the dates of the open as an example. Um, so yeah, I think it's pretty cool. Yep. What about, uh, Oh, go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, I was just curious. Like you guys, you guys have been doing this podcast for a little bit of time, or do you call this the show or the podcast? Both. Both. Okay. Whatever the sponsor wants us to call it. And how's it going?
Starting point is 01:39:11 You do like multiple a day. Are you guys, what's the plans for you guys? Go ahead. I want to hear Brian's answer to this. Well, I just, I try to only do one or two a week um and seven i think is committed to doing at least 500 shows okay i try to do one every day i try to drag brian onto one every day um we have boundary issues in our relationship um that i don't respect or – and yeah, I just feel – I feel like I'm just killing it. I feel like we're killing it. It's just awesome.
Starting point is 01:39:52 It's just growing. So we do live shows now. We do call-in shows. We do UFC. We do – We have a news show with Hobart and Kate. Tons of cool – we just had Kalipa was a special guest last week. We got Justin Medeiros as coach this morning.
Starting point is 01:40:10 Friday I got – tomorrow I have Dalton Rosa on. He's a Rasta. He's a UFC fighter – or a Bellator fighter, 5-0. Then the day after that I have this gynecologist on, Courtney Hunt, who's an MD, and she's also way into physics and quantum physics. And she's been studying consciousness and when she believes it enters the body when people mate, when sperm breaches the egg. And so just anything and everything. Wow. That's cool. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:40:44 Man, I love, I love listening to you guys. The show, um, especially, yeah, of course I'm, I'm more,
Starting point is 01:40:49 uh, I don't, I don't know what your average listener is, but I follow mostly the CrossFit stuff and, um, dude, keep it up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:57 99% of the people follow the CrossFit stuff makes me sick. That's I'm just leveraging you people to try to grow my podcast in other direction. Good. Well, thanks for having me on, man. Hashtag truth.

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