The Sevan Podcast - #214 The News - James Hobart & Kate Gordon

Episode Date: November 24, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Planning for a summer road trip? Check. Luggage? Check. Music? Check. Snacks, drinks, and everything we can win in a new game at Circle K? Check.
Starting point is 00:00:42 With Circle K's Summer Road Trip game, you can win over a million delicious instant prizes and a grand prize of $25,000. Play at or at participating Circle K stores. Bam! We're live. Do you guys see when I say go live or do you not know
Starting point is 00:01:00 it's live until it's red? I'll be right back. It shows it. It until it's red hey you know i'll be right back answering the question where's it it shows it it shows it it like it shows that we're about to go live like you guys get a warning no it just says you're live oh okay so you don't even know so like because i push go live and then 15 seconds later we're live and then i just say bam we're live that's right that's how we know and then i say there's kate and they love me kate oh shit i screwed up the show already darn it i have too many fucking things going on right now
Starting point is 00:01:36 oops first first f-bomb oh dave lipson's live right now oh no he's not live is he live i hope he was live uh who who oh yeah that that that that what's up kate hey savon how are you i'm good good i don't think she can hear no i can't hear. Can you hear? She tried something fancy today. She tried something new. She tried to upgrade her setup. No tests. Just come in here swinging that dick. Thinking she can just try some new shit.
Starting point is 00:02:17 I'm going to set that. I'm going to try my new microphone. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Can you hear me now? Oh, yes. There it is. Oh, yes. It was the volume. I had the volume down. Ah, yes. The old volume switch.
Starting point is 00:02:29 The old volume. Oh, shit. What's happening? What's going on? Matt, your video that you posted was sick. Hey, thank you. I appreciate that. The real fancy one? one yeah it looks good yeah thank you i don't know what he's talking about i don't know what she's talking about what she's talking about can we say you and james you and james wouldn't know because you guys don't follow
Starting point is 00:02:55 me so that's cool though but kate does so she's the real i tried to follow you i'm sure i've tried i'm shadow banned i think just for like by association yeah it was cool it was a cool video thank you it's like suza and his element what was it can you play it can you play it suza i don't know if i can play it's like an instagram video you gotta go watch it on instagram wait why don't you just bring up your Instagram page and. Are you going to see me turn red? Let loose, David, friend. Let loose.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Damn right, fourth wheel, Nate. You're not even on the car, man. Keep it coming, guys. No, I'm not even. Stefan has no clue about the people that take care of him. I know your mom takes care of me. He doesn't even know her name. Listen, this is.
Starting point is 00:03:45 There we go. How about a fourth wheel? He doesn't even know her name. We're live. Welcome to the Sevan podcast. And a special warm welcome to the gorgeous, the beautiful, the sexy, the strong, the woman who can straighten out anything, the all-round good dude, Kate Gordon. Oh, wow. We'd also like to welcome on to today's show, CEO. James Hobart. Nah, whatever. Fuck that one.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Oh, whatever. There was another one. Damn it, I screwed it up. Where's the good one? There's one where he just goes, and James Hobart. Damn it, I messed that up. Darn it. That's good. That's not what he said there, man.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Don't. I know. I know. There's one where he just says, and he just goes off about Kate and then he's like, and James Hobart. That's all true. I'm just an afterthought. I'm fine with that.
Starting point is 00:04:56 It was like Gilligan's Island back in the day when they would say, in the rest. Bomb. Oh, you mean about the rest of the characters on Gillilligan's island you don't talk about i do i do um do you guys want to how should we start the show i just want to say something really quick and this is good this is kind of a heavy way to start the show but whatever that's what you want to do right now yeah Yeah, I just need to. I'm sorry. I just need, I'm going to be cool about it. I'm going to be chill about it. But there's this, the people who are calling people racist, I just want to explain to them
Starting point is 00:05:31 why they're racist, just so you know, so you understand the mechanism of the brain and then you can take it or leave it for what it's worth. But what I'm telling you is the truth. And I'm totally open to someone explaining to me why I'm wrong, but that's fine. There's this idea and it's racism. And it's basically, and I'll read the definition of racism for you. It's the belief that races account for differences in human character or ability that a particular race is superior to others. Now that means that you could never know, K-N-O-W, if someone is racist or not. You could only know if you were racist.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Even if someone were standing over me, beating me with a golf club saying, fuck Armenians, you still can't know if they're racist or not because what I just read to you about the definition of race is only in that person's head. And so you could make a guess. You could want to bet the house on it, but you would be stupid to bet your life on it because it's just an idea now there are things that are racist policies if it said hey um if it was written down on paper that said um uh like like um um affirmative action it's a racist policy it's written down it lets people into school based on their race. That is a racist policy. That's real to the extent that it puts things in motion. But to call someone racist, you almost 100% have to be racist yourself
Starting point is 00:06:56 because you're going on some, and I'm going to explain it. I think the word is predilection, but I'm going to explain to you why that is. There was a UFC fighter who this weekend said named Cody Durden. And after he won the fight, can you guys believe how calm I'm being? Attaboy. Some attaboys. Don't worry, James. I'm good. I'm good. I don't need it. I'm so confident. I don't need it. Don't worry, James. You don't even don't even flinch, baby. There was the ufc fighter named cody durden and he fought a guy who was from china and it was a war it was a war they
Starting point is 00:07:31 beat the shit out of each other and at the end of the fight when daniel cormier is interviewing him daniel cormier daniel cormier anyway he's interviewing him um cody durbin says um i sent his i sent his ipad i beat him up and i sent his ass to i sent his ass packing to china and daniel cormier pulls the microphone away from him go sits in a seat and he goes the second someone starts going down that path uh the conversation's over and then and then some mma news all the little mma gossip stations that I listened to started saying that Cody Durbin did something that's racist. To think that what he said is racist, you have to 100% be racist yourself. Thank you. I appreciate that, Will.
Starting point is 00:08:21 That was pretty. You have to be racist to think that someone else is saying go back to China is racist. Do you under – look it, James is struggling with this, and I'm going to explain that because there's nothing in here. There's nothing in – there's – first of all, I want to say this, and this doesn't – I want to backpedal just a little bit this um if i said if they would have said i sent that motherfucker packing back to israel i sent that bitch packing back to tennessee i sent that motherfucker packing back to moscow no one would be saying a thing i bet but but that's just and this is now i'm leaving truth and in logic that i'm going to just a hypothesis just for shits and giggles.
Starting point is 00:09:11 But if you say to someone – first of all, China is not just an ethnicity. It's a country. He said, I want to send that guy packing back to China. That's where he's from. Now, if you think that that was a racist comment, and I want to read to you what racist means, the belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability that a particular race is superior to others. That means that Daniel Cormier and all the people who ridiculed him have that paradigm of thinking in their head. That means they projected that onto this man saying that. And the way projection works is that you are it. You cannot – and especially if he acts on it. I'm going to give you one more example. I'm going to give you one more example.
Starting point is 00:10:08 I'm going to give you one more. Another fighter said this. Another fighter. Let me tell you what is a racist statement. Another fighter said, good job, Cody, making white people look bad again. That is. Thank you, Jessica. It's so – and that's what the woke crowd doesn't get.
Starting point is 00:10:30 They are so racist to their core, and they're so determined not to acknowledge it in them. But did you want to say something before I go on here? wanted to say i think for once colin hit the nail on the head um to the point of may also be responding to the projection that others will judge them if they don't respond to something that may or may not be perceived as racist i think unfortunately it's very hard nowadays to have any discussion where where race comes up as as a topic and uh puts everyone at on edge so for once he said um i have a question hold on hold on okay the fellow who he fought i'm still not i'm getting there i'm getting into uf i'm gonna get there to the ufc thing i'm gonna get we're having al jermaine sterling coming on 135 pound ufc champion i listened to uh yeah i listened
Starting point is 00:11:17 to um the fellow you had on today oh god is he a fuckingboat? I love that he went on shirtless. Dude, I needed to ask him in order to cover my ass. I needed to ask him if he waxed, how he's so hairless. I got two pages of notes. That was the one thing I had to ask to get cover. So when I asked Kate if she waxes. What was his answer? I just came in when he was talking about his relationship with his girlfriend, committing to fighting relationship. And you asked something about taking out the trash.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Cause for some odd reason, you're real hell bent about that. It's just when I, the only proof that I have besides my fucking, just fucking Coke can cock is, is that, that I take out the trash. Bruce Wayne.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I could, I'm very pale right now. So a little self-conscious um so this can i finish up the racist i'm gonna get there i have something incredible to share with you guys as good as last week's phone message to kate write a note okay i got it i got the fellow that cody fought yes i don't know who it is is he actually from china yeah yeah yeah yeah he's actually from china like from china born there yeah, yeah. He's actually from China. Like from China, born there, grew up there. Dude, wearing the red shorts.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Chinese citizen. All that stuff. Got a name you can't say. Oh. I don't know. I don't know about this. 20 IQ. Better at you than math in the third grade than you are right now.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Racist, racist. Okay. So CNN reported this on their, on their homepage, on their, on the cover of their, their website yesterday. There's nothing more frightening in America today than an angry white man. I want to read this to you. There's nothing more frightening in America today than an angry white man. Now, what if I put,
Starting point is 00:13:04 there's nothing more frightening in America today than an angry white man. Now, what if I put there's nothing more frightening in America today than an angry black man? You don't like that, right? I don't like that. No one wants to be accused of saying anything like that against black people. There's nothing more frightening in America today than an angry Asian man. There's nothing more frightening today than an angry James Hobart. Now, here's what's interesting. 51% of the murders in the United States are committed by 6% of the population
Starting point is 00:13:34 if you categorize by sex and skin color. It's black males. 51% of the murders in the United States are committed by black males right if you think that their skin color has anything to do with the fact that they commit murder and this is where i start to get a little angry you're a fucking retard and a racist there's no fucking connection between their skin color and their fucking behavior. And that's what's fucking racist. And that's why those people are so fucking stupid. And what sucks is there's so many smart people who can't, they're being tricked by fucking words and by skin color and semantics. And that's why it's so important. We're truthful with our words
Starting point is 00:14:22 and we have integrity as human beings. That's why it's important we distinguish between sex and gender. They're conflating ideas in their head between what's fucking going on in reality. There's no fucking connection between the color of your skin and how many people you kill unless you want to break it down like that. By connection, I mean there's nothing like you're not born with black skin, and then all of a sudden you have a greater degree of being a murderer. It has nothing to do with that. It has to do with just the culture, the culture that that demographic that we've decided to break the world up into is raised.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Maybe it has to do with the slavery. Maybe it has to do with Jim Crow, all that other stuff. is raised maybe it has to do with the slavery maybe it has to do with jim crow all that other stuff but in the end each person has to fix it themselves one at a fucking time i know it sounds like a monumental task people but it's the only way because racism only is living in people's heads it's not out here in the world okay i just want to say that and it's really sad that cnn does that because i know what they're doing. What that does is that just triggers a bunch of white people or people who aren't – to like – it plants a seed of racism in you. Because when you hear that, there's nothing more frightening in America today than angry white people. It makes you want to fucking hate someone.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Your reaction is to hate. It's hard. It's brutal. It's fucking a brutal game they're playing. brutal it's fucking a brutal game they're playing uh i i received a dm that i'd like to play for you guys oi oi what's vanish mode and why does my phone go to that sometimes oh shoot is that my oh here we go here we go guys Oi, oi. What's vanish mode? Why does my phone go to that sometimes? Oh, shoot.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Is that my? Oh, here we go. Here we go, guys. Okay. Okay. Sorry. Hobart, you're using your mute a lot today. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:16:21 Is your wife using the food processor? No, I usually use the food processor. No, I was just looking at the phone. So I deeply admire and respect Rich Froning, but James Hobart is one of the few CrossFit athletes that I've ever had a crush on. So I deeply admire and respect Rich Froning, So I deeply admire and respect Rich Froning, but James Hobart is one of the few CrossFit athletes that I've ever had a crush on. The whole world orbits around me and my DMs, by the way. I couldn't even look him in the eyes when I met him. I was just like, oh my goodness, am I turning red?
Starting point is 00:17:04 Wait, wait. I couldn't even look him in even like when i met him i was just like oh my goodness am i turning red i couldn't even look him she's a crossfitter um uh she's got quite the following do you susan did i send you uh her instagram i paid i paid a lot yeah and if you can make your voice sound like that and leave a message like that i'll venmo you her Instagram? Colin, I paid a lot. Yeah, let me pay back a fortune. And if you can make your voice sound like that and leave a message like that, I'll Venmo you too. Let's see if Susan can do a screen share.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Oh, here she is. I met her years ago. We stayed in contact. She actually came out to Berkeley. We got drunk at a bar together she's cool as shit oh I've totally seen her there was a thing in there there's a watermelon clip in there have you seen the
Starting point is 00:17:58 watermelon video let me see if I could find that one I appreciate it. And no, Colin, gerrymandering is not necessarily a word I'm that familiar with. Check this out. The world's being taken over by Nazis and we're still having fun. That's how cool we are. And gerrymandering is a political term in the U.S. where politicians will basically redistrict parts of a city or municipality or state to make it so their constituents are able to basically give more votes to that specific party. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Okay, let's listen. Let's listen. I think this is another message. It was really hard to listen to the end of that with this in front of me. Would you like your head crushed between my thighs or should we cuddle? No, I think that's a message. Would you like your head crushed between my thighs or should we cuddle? No. Pull it up, Sousa.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Pull it up. Or should we cuddle? No. Would you like your head cut? Yep, there it is. Thank you. Susan, we know you're watching it. Without us watching it,
Starting point is 00:19:09 you might want to mute yourself if you're getting off on her account. Her account is nuts. Her account is nuts. She's my friend and I like her, but I had to unfollow her. It's just too much stimulation for me. I just need to live just a chill life.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Are you wearing armbands me yeah hell yeah just checking victos victos these motherfuckers need to sponsor me i don't know how everyone doesn't wear armbands do you know how awesome armbands are i used to compete wearing armbands i like i i'm not competing well i guess i'm kind of competing with you and kate but excuse me okay so that's it that's my whole thing but on the serious note like on the serious note that that chick does um oh there was one more my life was the end of that was nice. There was one more. There was one more message.
Starting point is 00:20:08 I'll find it by the end of the show. Dude, you know who I saw today at the jiu-jitsu tournament? I took my kids to, by the way, they fucking wreck shop. I saw Jason Kalipa there. Oh, yeah. He looked fucking good. That jiu-jitsu shit's like doing. He looked really good. His jaw's all chiseled. He's just tossing dudes around.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Sevan is sponsored. He just doesn't want to share the wealth. My mom asked me today if I've started panicking that I'm going to run out of money. I'm like, what are you kidding? Are you kidding? Cut James and Kate's salary in half. Only once he starts paying us I'm going to run out of money. I'm like, what are you kidding? Are you kidding? Fucking cut, cut James and Kate salary. Only once he starts paying us that he'll run out of money.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Hey, someone said today, someone said yesterday on one of the shows, I think Susan and I were doing a test run with some new equipment that I'm going to use on the road. And someone said, Hey, are you guys should do the news every day.
Starting point is 00:21:01 And I swear to God, the second I can pay you guys, we'll do the news every day. Not I swear to God, the second I can pay you guys, we'll do the news every day. Not three hours, Hobart, like 20 minutes. I was going to say I would be a mess. When we finish the news, because it's halfway through my Monday, I have to do shit after this. You have to douche after this? Do shit.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Do shit. Do stuff. Not douche. I heard what you said. Douche. Don't cover. cover i mean douche douche might be one of the things i have to do but there's usually a list don't change the chemistry down there girl let that shit just fly i can't mess with the ph uh chisel jaw
Starting point is 00:21:39 sarms no no he's just lean and mean no no sarms for no sarms for uh for kalipa i remember a long time ago jason was telling you he got like one of those dexas scans where like how much muscle mass how much bone density how much fat mass and he was like four percent fat whatever, 20% bone mass, and then 65% muscle. It was like some insane num percentage that he had muscle density or muscle. What's that word? Percentage in his body. I just heard you say the word bone twice, and then everything else is just like the peanut's mom talking.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Didn't he talk about his insurance going up because of his bmi being like above the sudden amount his bmi is probably like 35 or something yeah yeah i remember reading that a long time ago yeah yeah he looks he looked he looked amazing and i took a picture with him that was kind of weird i've seen him a thousand times i've never asked to take a picture with him and i took a picture of them. Let's see if I can show you. It was really fun having him on the podcast the other day. Yeah, that was cool.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Right? Yeah. I liked it. Do you know what my son told me today? The size of him. Yeah, he does look good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Thank you. Oh, him. Yeah. He, I can't tell you what my son said today. People who don't have kids want to understand, but he but he did he asked my mom look how big my arm looks your son's metal is yeah it's legit gold he's a beast he did gi and no gi um my son asked my
Starting point is 00:23:20 wife today uh was was heidi that means father in armenian um was heidi handsome when you met him it's a fair question what was her answer she said yes and i'm like dude you motherfucker i am i am still handsome he goes no you're not and i go yes i am and i gave him a fucking bicep shot and i go look at me he goes you big muscles, but you're not handsome. You're an old man with a wrinkly penis and wrinkly balls, cock and balls. He said that to me. I'm just like, I'll fucking choke you out. Damn, what did you go do after that?
Starting point is 00:23:57 Took a shower and kept my underwear on. Smart. I'm going to get out of the room now every time i shower did he say quote wrinkly penis he said wrinkly cock and balls is where the exact words old old wrinkly cock and balls yeah my boys used to it's funny because when i was a kid um i used to love watching my dad shower and in the best part was is when he would wash his hair and his face i just couldn't fucking believe adults could have soap on their head and like close their eyes and let soap drip down their face and so my sons all of them just love that they'd be like wash your hair wash your
Starting point is 00:24:43 hair it was like the most man and now they know i'm just any dipshit can do it. But they used to think that was so manly. And I used to think that was so manly when my dad did it too. But now he just thinks you're old. Yeah. And wrinkly. Damn. Sorry. Just straight up. No, you're not. What are some of the like meanest things your kids have said to you that's got to be top of the list like how offensive can they get you know what's weird is none of it wrinkly is pretty devastating yeah i take any attention i can get from them it's really weird and i have a converter it just converts it into love like it goes in and i just like i crush it like like your tolerance is insanely high with
Starting point is 00:25:25 them you just tolerate anything like how my body takes fat and turns it into ketones and i and i thrive in the heavens it's like doesn't do that oh all right don't ruin my story hobart i'm gonna drink something too right now it could it could be maybe just imaginary a conversion like people's imaginary racism. Hey, I think I – here's the thing. Do you think that girl – do you think OO Baby Beast just wanted to get on the show, or does she really think you're hot? I don't think she said I was hot. She just had a crush.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Dude, she said she – I don't know what words to use. She said she thought she turned red. What? I said both things could be true. Oh, yeah. that's probably fair. That's true. That is true. It works.
Starting point is 00:26:10 She wanted to. That is true. I think that's the truth. Yeah. Any voice messages for me? No, no, nothing. Yeah, there was a couple. There was a couple of four of us with you.
Starting point is 00:26:22 It's just angry people screaming into the DMs. It's just Brian pissed off about me scheduling did you um matt did you make that little timetable for the week with like the colored pieces of paper and stuff oh wow i was gonna say your arts and craft skills are top oh in that case yeah yes yes i did yes i did nice job what are you talking about oh boy so on instagram there's like a weekly timetable for the savan podcast now and it's all like color-coded has all the names you know you know who sucks i don't know if it was my mom or my sister but someone said to me they go why would sarah sigman's daughter want to come on your podcast i'm like dude i expect that from like people on the outside your son said that to you not in the can't no no my son he's never said anything that mean oh where would i find that
Starting point is 00:27:16 where would i find that schedule i got it let me pull it up oh you know guys i don't do the real sebon podcast that's uh i think that's Will who does that. What? Right? Yeah, Will and Kayla. Oh, is it? It's not even you? I thought maybe it was Sousa.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Nope. Can't make better for that one. That's our Instagram team. We got a team now. Got a sponsor. Got a team. Hey, your interview with OPT got Castro fired up. I know.
Starting point is 00:27:42 That sucks too. He's calling it. What's FitFit like i got calling it what's fit fit dave's calling it fits fits fit like james threw a fit and like fitzgerald fit oh i think i saw that on his instagram is that an attack is that an attack i don't know what it is not a okay like a like a like a pithy rejoinder maybe yeah you know what sucks too is like i didn't we we made it the whole podcast we're 10 minutes to the end and brian had to go and brian goes hey do you want to read some questions from the comments and people have some questions and i said okay and then he threw that question out there what's the difference between opex and i
Starting point is 00:28:18 would have never mentioned crossfit i kind of wanted like when i had k star on it was the same way like hey i just wanted to this to be just like a nice exchange, right? Like I don't want to fight with Kelly Starrett. I don't want to fight with OPT. Like I just want to come at it like not knowing anything and just – like I just want it to be nice. And then I posted that on my Instagram about him saying that, and hindsight it was dumb i mean i didn't choose the clip i mean i'm responsible for the clip i posted it but in hindsight it was dumb it just it was um i i do believe that opex is probably um in in some way or another um like one of the things
Starting point is 00:29:02 brian says is he couldn't afford to train as an OPEX trainer because it was maybe too individualized if I understood. Okay. Yeah. Maybe, maybe relatively it is more individualized than, um, uh, CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:29:13 I mean, I'm going to make a joke here, but if the OPEX coaches are picking you up from your house, bring you to the gym, train you, take you home and tuck you in and like bathe you, then yeah, maybe it's all, it's all relative. And I i didn't i didn't mean to like um i didn't want to piss james off i want my guests to
Starting point is 00:29:33 feel that being on the show added value to their lives do you think he was upset about it yeah yeah i know upset's not the right word but i know he's he's he's not um but i mean like he said i know i let him down he said he sent me a message let me know i did that why would people get upset about that yeah that's fine i can like if you want a crossfit gym you're just basically like fuck. I spend fucking 80 hours a week working with clients. I fucking – I do – He has a very successful business. Why would he get upset about that?
Starting point is 00:30:13 He's upset because you don't buy into the same evaluation that he makes of CrossFit as a program. I mean, we're not talking about math here. It's like, I don't know, someone being like, someone gets mad at you because you eat it. You take, you take a bite of the same hamburger and you're like, ah, it doesn't taste like it. He's like, this is a great hamburger. Like, I don't know. Just shut up and get back to what you're doing. Be successful and happy.
Starting point is 00:30:42 You're such a CrossFit Easter, James. What does that mean? It means you're just towing the party line. You're not as free as – I don't think that tows the party line at all. Obviously, I'm biased. I really like CrossFit. It's provided me a career for the last X number of years of my life.
Starting point is 00:31:00 I've also dedicated a lot of time to it. But I also believe that there's plenty other ways to get fit and i don't understand why in both directions like i don't understand why he gets upset because you don't think you think crossfit is individualized and he doesn't like you know and like the react like he said it was like it's not math it was like as if you had said like well the sun you know the earth is the center of the universe. You didn't say crazy shit. I don't know. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:27 And he did. Yeah. I don't want to talk about it. I'm going to say something else to upset him. And I don't want to. Did you see the podcast, James? No, I just saw that clip. James and Kate, do not ever watch any of the podcasts during the week.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Please. I don't even know what that means. Don't watch or listen to the seven podcast because if you i would rather you use that time to do another podcast with me oh damn damn we're content producers we don't scroll fucking instagram we're above that we're not live are we not live are we we're live 31 minutes in fuck me colin thank you i feel like i got all i need i was mean colin don't be mean to my friend hey first i put that i put his comment look he's doing a little grin i put his comment up and then
Starting point is 00:32:26 Sousa pulled it down on accident and I'm like oh Sousa doesn't think that deserves to be up he's holding a selfie stick there oh that's a nice pic pull that up again Sousa look at that hey do you know what Colin's like
Starting point is 00:32:41 the puppeteers that are playing the game I think he's been DMing me. Of course he has. He sent me some pretty funny memes today. So, yeah. So, I don't know what it is, Sivan, but your listeners are intense on social media. Yeah. To those of you listening, you guys are hardcore.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Colin, yeah. Colin. Colin Lawrence, right? Hey, Colin. So, he sent me this meme saying... Did he send you a picture of his vagina it might as well have been no not nice uh yeah thank you colin did one example the second to last one said fuck i don't even know if i can say this getting to come inside your crush dot dot
Starting point is 00:33:22 call that a dream pie i need to see the picture is there no no no no it's not a picture it's just written put it out it'll be backwards for you guys oh no it's not getting to come inside your crush how come i don't get it like Like instead of cream pie, it's a dream pie. Oh. But I think cream pie is also not quite. It's not even funny. It's not even funny.
Starting point is 00:33:54 That's fucking perverse. That's the difference between me and you. I am funny. I'm spending like one or two a day. Colin, you are on the internet so frequently. Oh, man. 14 women making waves in CrossFit. Oh, man. 14 women making waves in CrossFit. Oh, awesome. That was a cool article.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Should be 15. Kate Gordon should be at the top of this thing. Maybe next week, Morning Chalk Up. Maybe next week. What did I guys tell you? No Morning Chalk Up articles. This show will not tolerate morning chalk up all right take it down we won't go no morning no morning no morning
Starting point is 00:34:30 yeah i thought no no it's fine it's fine suze i'm joking let's let's bring that up kate let's let's hit the fallout then we'll hit this article we had we don't get along we had an argument about who well so he um one of the people that write articles for him is in in brisbane in australia and she did an article on like periods and training or something or other um and they posted it but the headline was like the headline was like uh it's so gross but we got to talk about it and i was like that's a really shit headline for talking about periods why do you need to do that and anyway i messaged him being like hey guys like really love the article was awesome contributing but the title shit and he got really upset about it and we went back and forth in an argument and i was like okay
Starting point is 00:35:12 let's just not talk so i don't think i would be included on a top list unless it was like top worst people oh what are you talking about that that's not biased reporting it wouldn't matter if they fought with you they would still still. Wait, wait, wait. So he, this fellow wrote an article about periods, but the title was periods are gross. Yeah. Yeah. So, well, it wasn't even written by him. It was written by this reporter.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Who are you guys talking about? Who did you talk with at the morning chalk up? Brian Frank. I don't know who it was. It was a while ago. I thought it was like the guy who started it. I, I, it was, this was maybe two years ago. Um, uh, Franco, uh, William Franco. Yeah. Something like that. I thought it was like the guy who started it. This was maybe two years ago. Franco.
Starting point is 00:35:47 William Franco. Yeah, something like that. I don't think it's William. What's the guy who taught at NYU? He was a famous actor, and supposedly he was going down on girls in the class as part of the acting class, and there's like this little cup that covers their vagina, and he was sliding it to the side. His last name is Franco too. Or is that his first name james franco james franco that's a real story yeah that poor motherfucker got me too like like his me too story is crazy his girlfriend of like two years me too'd him because he asked for a blow job and she said that she felt like she had to do it because he was famous.
Starting point is 00:36:27 We were together for two fucking years. Just tell him no. And Kate and I differ on this subject, too. I don't think you should have to ask for a blowjob. I believe in mind reading. It's like written on the list of chores isn't it it's like and it's like it's like a monday and it's like it has stars next to it like a gold did you get a star for that day like did you take the trash out and you can get like multiple per day for that one yeah he had the tires and the bike up fill the the bike tires up with air. Star.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Oh, my goodness. Wow. I didn't know that happened. Hey, and he came out with this movie that was so amazing right at the time he was getting Me Too'd. What was it? I forget the name of it. I ended up seeing it. It was so great.
Starting point is 00:37:25 It was like the remake of a documentary. I should find out the name of it it's so good he would have won the academy award for it um was it serious or was it a comedy it was serious i thought it was serious i gotta think of the name of it anyway um can i so let's go back to the morning chocardo sorry james let's get through the news james stop fooling around yep um i just i saw the story i thought it was really cool uh it mentioned some some colleagues i've worked with um and just been lucky enough to watch work their way up on both on seminar staff and throughout the crossfit world so i thought it was really cool but uh 14 women making waves in crossfit over on the morning chock up um starts off with ari hurst partnerships manager
Starting point is 00:38:06 at crossfit llc mckenzie wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let me see that who works at crossfit hq scroll down and we can just go we can just blast open all these tabs that girl works at crossfit yeah partnerships manager at crossfit llc i believe ari came from Reebok. What's a partnership manager? Probably works on managing the partnership with Whoop or with Witt or with... I'm a partnership
Starting point is 00:38:35 manager for the Real Sevan podcast with Thank you. Thank you, James. I thought this was just a it was a cool article. Just, I don't know, touching on some really successful coaches, people in business, women who have been involved in CrossFit for a long time.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Kristen Chandler, who if you've ever been to a CrossFit competition, you probably can tip your hat to her and have her to thank at least a little bit for the media side of things going well. She has a really cool story. I've had the pleasure of meeting her a couple times, but she's now working for Loud and Live, Live and Loud, Loud and Live Sports. She's the director of communications, but she started off by opening a gym, I believe, in the Congo back in 2015. Just really cool story. Yeah, there it is. And then some other people on here on partial too, just because I've had the pleasure of working with them. Tefi Escudero, who's now a country manager for CrossFit down in Mexico, but also a level one, level two seminar staff flow
Starting point is 00:39:39 master. That's cool to see because I've known her for a long time starting off as a head trainer and making her way through the ranks of seminar staff and she's been on staff for a long time now oh i think i've met her she's she's super cool right super cool yeah she's an awesome affiliate down in mexico yeah that gym looks so sick that's racist you just said for her you said that she's she lives in mexico yeah uh she's the owner of Mobius CrossFit down there. It's a beautiful affiliate. And then also Ariana Sisto, level one, level two seminar staff, trainer, owner of CrossFit Trastevere in Rome, Italy,
Starting point is 00:40:18 who I've had the pleasure of working with. But just a really cool list. And I just thought it was a neat thing to uh to start the news off with because it was positive and i thought the little stories on each of these ladies was really interesting and happy to know some of them i blasted this article on my um in my story on my instagram that's why i put it on here then first of all you've never seen my story on my instagram because no one can get to it only 12 people see my fucking story um not only are you shadow man i have you silenced you and matt fraser both oh my goodness tuesday tuesday i'm doing a show with fraser
Starting point is 00:41:01 Tuesday, I'm doing a show. With Fraser? From that channel. With Josh? Yes, with Josh from that channel on Tuesday. Tuesday evening, 6 p.m. He's a good dude, man. I'm going to cheat on the Real Savant podcast.
Starting point is 00:41:17 You should start a coffee company. Can you pull up that article again? That article is horrible. It's pandering. The person who wrote it, Emily Beers, is I think one of the – has the least integrity of any journalist I ever worked with in the history of CrossFit. I am not a fan of hers. She's basically just clickbait garbage. When Greg had his 10-year reunion in – I think the final straw with me and her. Greg had the 10-year reunion in Whistler, and the article she wrote on it was just a complete fucking lie.
Starting point is 00:41:55 I bet you she's woke as fuck. I read that article. Go down to – yeah, and were you there at the 10-year event? I was not. I was working a seminar. She basically – oh, wow. Someone has to pay for that shit. That shit's expensive.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Basically, someone asked Greg a question from the crowd, and Greg gave an answer, and she said what the answer was. And it was a harsh answer, but then they continued to talk for 30 or 40 minutes in front of everyone, and she left that part out. It would be like if I said fuck you to you and then someone just ended the conversation there and didn't say then we talked it out for the next 40 minutes i mean it was nuts but but i've seen her do that her whole career it's just garbage clickbait but anyway and i resent the fact that i i i regret the fact that um i ever let her uh publish articles in the journal when i was there but can i see um can you write go to the very top of that article and i'm glad you like it hobart by the way i want to show you i want to read what it says to you at the top that's like when your dad tells you you suck and then he passed you on the head um i i'm not old enough to be your dad um uh what has your mom been telling you while the sport of
Starting point is 00:43:01 crossfit has been largely egalitarian since its inception, with female athletes getting as much notoriety, prize money, and fan following as their male counterparts since day one, the same cannot be said of the staff in the greater fitness industry, which has long been dominated by men. I'll leave it. I'll leave it. Well, high-profile businesswomen like Nicole Carroll, Juliet Starrett, Nicole Biscotti, Michelle LaTondra, Adi Kazousis, and Sammy Monitz have received the majority of attention for their leading roles across the industry. Here are 14 women making waves. First of all, how dare you? First of all, Nicole's in a whole different league than the rest of those women she named. Sorry, it just is. It's like comparing this podcast to the other ones in the space.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Like don't be, don't be, don't. There's no comparison. We're just different. It's like comparing steak and eggs. They're just different. And so Nicole's in a whole different league. And how do you forget Katie Henninger and Miranda Alcarez? Just for, just for, I bet you Katie's in, I mean, what Katie has done is mind boggling. Arguably the most successful business person in CrossFit. Period. Man or woman.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Yeah, I don't. person in CrossFit period man or woman yeah I don't those three might be the three most if you combine their efforts together there's probably no three women in the world in my lifetime at least that I can think of that that I've who are more powerful more influential have done more positive um I mean I would I would choose any three men against them yeah I thought you were gonna have Miranda on um the show again and i thought that was cool i i don't think she gets talked about enough i and i don't have stats on this that street park is no fucking joke the most successful if not the most successful online programming platform to come out of crossfit which is pretty wild and and it doesn't stink of any it
Starting point is 00:45:01 doesn't have a scent of success by that i mean yeah, yeah. Like look, there's no Conor McGregor. What? Yeah. Like that. Look at me. Yeah. They're very cool program, man. It is just about, it's like Kate's Instagram. Kate, Kate should be the next Miranda Alcaraz. I'm trying. Yeah. Travis, I hear you on that. Certainly, but I don't think she kind of sat around on her laurels. I do like her. I need to have her on the broadcast.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Brought a lot of attention to her, but what she did with her Instagram around food and recipes and putting on a book and starting a company. So there's a lot going on there. I think that's kind of a – I don't know. I don't appreciate people who made a career of hating. That's not in reference to Sammy. I think Sammy's like feeding the phrasers. I haven't been doing a long time, but those pictures she used to take with her feet at the bottom and all that
Starting point is 00:45:55 shit. That was dope. Is Todd drunk again? Sammy grinds dudes. Oh, grinds dude. Like she works hard. Roger.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Yeah, Todd. I totally agree. Oh, I put an S on there. Sammy grinds dude like she works hard roger yeah todd i totally agree oh i put an s on there sammy grinds dude not cool savvy and anyway so i and i i i should be nice to emily it's just people but but i i just i just think it's just more i it just reeks of just like women power and sexism and all that stuff. Just do my boys asked me the other day, we're watching the UFC. They walk in the room. They're watching for a couple of seconds. Avi goes,
Starting point is 00:46:38 where's the girls? I go, what do you mean? They haven't, they're going to fight next or they just fought or whatever I said. And he goes, no, how come that they're not fighting with the boys? And I said, the boys and girls don't fight together. He goes, yeah, what do you mean? They haven't, they're going to fight next or they just fought or whatever I said. And he goes, no, how come that they're not fighting with the boys? And I said, the boys and
Starting point is 00:46:47 girls don't fight together. He goes, yeah, they do. And I go, no, they don't. And he goes in my class they do. And I go, oh yeah. Well, when boys turn 12, um, some of them get stronger than girls. And so they separate them. He goes, what? And all my boys go, what? And I'm like, what? And they're like, we get stronger than them? Okay, let it go. Sorry, Steve. Okay, fine. I'll let it go.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Thank you, Steve. What if Hobart and Kate cared about me as much as you did, Steve? Anyway, you don't have to teach your kids shit about respecting women. You need to teach them about fucking just being a good fucking person to everyone. Everyone. That's my point. Just everyone. You don't need to.
Starting point is 00:47:39 I've never even told my kids about what. Uh-oh, here we go. But I think the bigger point is. I think this is going to be good. We're not going to get, Hey, for all of you listening tonight, if you wanted to hear news, you should probably just leave.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Okay. I got to pee. What? Yeah. No, I think the bigger, I think the bigger point is that, and maybe Kate can speak to this too,
Starting point is 00:47:56 is that it's there. There are enough examples or maybe too many examples around of how to disrespect women and other people in general. So I think that's the point i just like the article because i selfishly got to talk about some friends who i've worked with and you know personally admire and so it's just it's a selfish article sorry i posted it i'd like to see i seriously would like to see your head between oh baby beast legs and have her squeeze as hard as she can and see who taps first whether she runs out of energy or you got your fucking cranium i have a huge head man
Starting point is 00:48:28 there's got to be a point in between someone's leg where they're squeezing where they can put the most power it's not like way out here and it's probably not like touching each other right it's probably it's not as close to the the crotch either or all the way at the knees there's probably not like touching each other, right? It's probably, it's not as close to the crotch either, or all the way at the knees. There's probably like a, you know, a certain point of leverage. Hey, Craig, my wife just got me this shirt. Be easy. Now that you said that, that's a good reference, man. Tool time.
Starting point is 00:48:58 That's beautiful. Sevan, will there be another? I mean, I should try to get James back on. He might just be like, fuck you. You clickbait douche. He might fucking hate me. I don't know know no miranda wasn't part of that article that's the thing and i feel defensive i feel protective about her and katie to be honest i mean not that they don't need my protection i feel not protective i feel what's that called like what do mexicans say in spanish like uh like when someone's your brother uh compadres i feel hermosa what there's some like cool romantic
Starting point is 00:49:27 latin word for it i feel hermano yeah that's like brother it's kind of like how i feel about you guys like like we're part of the same tribe i'm gonna do a video of this i think i could do that shit i don't know why that's so – that's not impressive. You will get in trouble for wasting food, just so you know. Please do it, but you also will get ridiculed. You know there's kids starving. Well, they can come eat this watermelon off my garage floor then. Anyway, cool article.
Starting point is 00:50:00 I'm glad that there's human beings who are successful. That's awesome. Good job. Thank you, Emily, for showing us those girls, those people, those success. All success is cool. There's a question for you. None of those fuckers are woke. There's a question for you.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Savant Todd Myers is did Dave have no way to Dave program the benchmark workouts? I don't really talk about programming. That's like one of the things I keep secret. Hey, Travis, if I'll get people to view it, I'll crush a watermelon in a bikini. Whatever you need, man. Justin Kerr
Starting point is 00:50:36 will pay to see it. Justin Kerr. David, friends, speaking of tool time, should shoot your shot and see if tim allen is bored enough to come on here buzz lightyear that'd be awesome i just love that savann just got up and left he had to pee he said so i thought that article was really fun i wanted to start off on a good note lots of negativity flying around the world we're only 15 minutes in let's get this story out before savann comes back real quick.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Tennis and COVID tournament chief for the Australian Open would love to have Novak here, number one tennis player in the world, but he knows he has to be vaccinated to play. He's the nine-time Australian Open winner. Has so far not disclosed whether he's vaccinated. This was a couple hours ago. Might have changed.
Starting point is 00:51:24 He's, like I said, nine-time winner. Everyone on site, fans, staff, and players will need to be vaccinated in order to participate in this year's Australian Open. And Novak still says he's unsure if he'll play. Great story. All right, next story. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
Starting point is 00:51:39 wait, wait. Oh, geez. Oh, geez. Oh, geez. Oh, Steve, you're killing me. You're killing me. But I love you. You can say anything you want about my nose if you keep dropping Make It Rain money. So I hear he's in Australia. They let him come to the country, but they don't want him to play. Is that the truth? Is that the truth? Yeah. Well, the federal government are like, yeah, you can come in unvaccinated. But the state government are like, no, you can't play without being vaccinated or obviously showing your status.
Starting point is 00:52:15 It's so fucking confusing because it's in Melbourne, right? That's where the Australian Open is. So basically all events, you have to be vaccinated and prove your status. Except that I've signed up for this triathlon series and just found out this morning that it's considered a community event. So it's like the six race series throughout summer. It's like the biggest triathlon series in Melbourne. And for that, you don't have to be vaccinated. It's just like, it's a fucking shit show.
Starting point is 00:52:38 It's just a dumpster fire. It is. That guy, put up that guy. I want to hear you say his name james that tennis player's name novak i actually don't watch a lot of tennis so i don't know how to pronounce his first name and i don't want to ruin it jokovic joke that would make sense and because he's an incredible athlete clearly nine-time winner of the tournament probably best tennis player in the world yeah he is that's what's crazy that dude why is that crazy that because that dude is better than pete sampras or um uh nadal that dude is fucking amazing who's the other guy, though? Not the taller guy.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Federoff. Nadal? Oh, yeah. Sorry, sorry. He's better than Federoff? Sorry. Yes. Sorry. He's better than Federoff or Nadal?
Starting point is 00:53:32 He's tied them for fucking open wins, and he's fucking young, and he's a savage dude. How old is he? I don't know. But he's young compared to them. He's five or ten years younger than them. And it's just nuts. It is them. And it's just nuts. It is, it is, it's just nuts. So why do you have handcuffs, man?
Starting point is 00:53:54 I just went to go pee outside and they were just sitting on the ground. They're probably my kids. Slide Bob. This guy's name is Bob Spiel. One more thing I want to talk about those UFC fighters like Daniel, the ones that are calling people racist who are actually racist. I want to say one more thing about him. There was a tennis player that went missing in China recently, a couple days ago. Her name is Peng. Hold on. I want to say it right. I want to say it right. Give me one it right give me one second guys be patient with me her name is peng shuai peng shuai she's a pro female tennis player and she went um and she went missing after she made accusations that i think the former vice premier of the country had sexually assaulted her if you're really worried okay that's it i it. I'm done. I'm done. I hope she's okay. I saw that she spoke up today, and she just asked people to leave her alone.
Starting point is 00:54:50 I hope she's okay. But these are the things that maybe you should be worried about and not accusing people of being racist when you're the racist because you don't want to look at yourself. Because you don't understand how the mechanism of the brain works. Colin's got a really good point. Don't read any of his comments. I mean, for once, he seems to be sense oh shit we lost bob our only caller today christmas tree costs several factors what are you gonna say you said were you gonna say you just said you can't actually determine whether people are racist is that what you're is that
Starting point is 00:55:19 referring to you said that i right right right you can't know for sure but but but what did i say that made you think that um that that i was going against that where you were headed with that to start off with that thought that's what i thought colin don't don't try don't try i'm slippery and he even knows he even i mean it's it's so sad. We have reports. Okay. So sorry, this, we should just make a whole show where he writes comments and we take turns reading them. Several factors are driving the trend, including over the top sales last year,
Starting point is 00:55:54 during the first Christmas, during the COVID pandemic and supply chain issues this year, experts said tree buyers should expect to pay between 10% and 30% more for both live trees and artificial trees this year. Don't buy a Christmas tree people. And also have a smaller selection to choose from. Prices have gone up significantly, says John Molinoff, secretary of the Hook and Ladder Company for the Huntington Fire Department. He told the newspaper, we've had to compromise on what types of trees we're getting sizes, and we've had to compromise on everything. The Huntington Fire Department sold out its trees in 48 hours last year in what is normally a
Starting point is 00:56:29 week-long fundraising sale. This year, prices have been raised about $5, the first time that's been done in a decade. The department has had to pay higher prices to the farm in Pennsylvania that supplies the trees. Shipments of artificial trees have been delayed this year due to supply chain issues, including a shortage of truck drivers to make deliveries. Some of the major retailers say that they have about 43% of inventory right now, when it should be closer to 70% at this time of the year.
Starting point is 00:56:58 But don't worry, you can log on to Facebook Meta and have yourself a virtual reality Christmas tree. There you go. I can't believe a virtual reality Christmas tree. There you go. I can't believe people still buy Christmas trees. Wait, what? Why? I don't know. What do you need one for?
Starting point is 00:57:13 You're right. Okay. I feel like it's tradition. Yeah. I mean, I don't do it, but. But, but. You know, it used to be tradition to hit a woman overhead with the club and drag her into a cave.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Like, it's like some traditions have to go. I don't think that was ever a tradition. I'd like to know what the definition of a tradition is. I don't think that's tradition. I love looking up words. Do you mind if I look it up for you? I'm looking up too. Oh,
Starting point is 00:57:36 well then I'm not going to look at transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation or the fact of being passed on in this way, long established customer belief. Yeah. You don't, do you, do you do any traditions, James? Um, no, we actually, since I got married, we, I've been more traditional with holidays, but it wasn't something I was all that into, um, growing up one year,
Starting point is 00:58:06 we decorated my avocado tree as our Christmas tree. Cause it just made a lot more sense than going to buy another tree. I like, I like, I like, um, um, I liked,
Starting point is 00:58:19 uh, dressing up a live trees. We did that for a couple of years. Uh, when I was young, I think my mom couldn't afford a Christmas tree. So we just brought a tree and that was in a pot in our backyard. It was a, it was a fucked up live trees. We did that for a couple of years when I was young. I think my mom couldn't afford a Christmas tree. So we just brought a tree and that was in a pot in our backyard. It was a fucked up pine tree.
Starting point is 00:58:30 I wouldn't hope I wouldn't talk about dream pies wants to cancel Christmas. Damn right, Steven. I hate the idea of keeping that much crap in your house that you only pull out once a year. I can't stand that. Oh, you mean like a fake tree?
Starting point is 00:58:42 Just all the stuff, the tinsel, the call me the grinch i just what the heck hey did you buy your wife a wedding it's like it's like a tradition thing that becomes bigger as you grow a family right like i think if you've just said like you weren't doing a lot of traditions until you married your wife and now you guys are doing more traditions so it's like you guys have got your little two-person family savann's got his kids you guys do traditions i think it's like i i didn't give a fuck when i was like just solo
Starting point is 00:59:08 hanging out on my own it's like yeah it doesn't really bother me but it's like yeah well when you're with other people you get to celebrate with people that's the difference but i did i did force the family last year they wanted to do like a christmas dinner like that eat at 2 2 p.m thing and have dinner i hate that and so we did a christmas brunch which was really fun because i got to make bagels. Everyone likes breakfast food better than they like dinner food. That was really nice. I guess we made our own tradition there.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Are you contrarian? Are you contrarian? Sure. I'm looking up traditional sex positions. Surprised you don't know any. Seven positions that are old but good. Do you want to read through those while I talk about gas prices?
Starting point is 00:59:55 No, I don't even recognize these positions. What the fuck? Oh, wow. Wow, what's crazy is this article has like is mixing okay oh i wouldn't celebrate festivals is that the one where you get naked and you wrestle stand like you dance around the pole did you did you buy your wife a wedding ring hobart i did that's that's quite traditional of you that is quite traditional i really enjoyed that process of proposing was one of the most fun things I've done as an adult. I really liked it.
Starting point is 01:00:29 What did you do? How did you propose? Well, first. Yeah, exactly. Let's talk about gas questions. Perfect. Not kids on the lawn. No, tell us how you got proposed. Yeah, is backed up backordered because of um supply chain issues at least that's what they keep
Starting point is 01:00:55 telling me but anyway gas prices one wait we want to hear how you proposed your wife i'm gonna start talking about again you're gonna play this song again it It's going to be funny. Everybody's going to laugh. It's not going to be like when you go to get in the car and people pull forward. I hate that. Okay, so you proposed to her. You like the process. You proposed to her. You're just a tool of the man. You're just fucking doing what everyone else is doing.
Starting point is 01:01:19 How long from the point that you decided to propose did you actually propose? Was it months? Was it weeks? Had you known for ages? It was probably almost a year. Three days after she got pregnant? Yep.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Yep. All right. Gas prices. Thank you. How much was the ring, Hobart? How much was this the man got it out of a gumball machine i actually just tied a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue and i use that you know you're the dumbest fucking thing parents do and i'm a parent now like my parents did a lot of stupid shit now that i'm older i'm, that's pretty cool that they did that. That's really cool, actually. I was an idiot.
Starting point is 01:02:07 And I get it now. But you know the dumbest fucking thing they ever did, and I think my parents still do this, is buying me shit, donating my fucking money that's supposed to come to me. Like it's fucking Christmas, and they buy a fucking tree in Armenia and put it in my name. How about fuck you? Like donate money. My mom. Yeah, donate money in my fucking name fuck off my mom uh donated to uh the sheldrick wildlife trust um to adopt an elephant last year for me oh my god i used to love your mom. What the fuck is going on? Rojo. It's the name of the elephant. Hey, that went to buying bullets for a fucking hunter that shot a fucking elephant and sold the tusks to fucking –
Starting point is 01:02:53 oh, here comes racism – to Chinatown in fucking San Francisco. That's actually not racist. That's what you can see tusks carved into really fabulous pieces of artwork in Chinatown, San Francisco. Well, I was in the Memphis airport recently and they had this huge display of like, what were those? The deceased, woolly mammoth tusk. And it was these really intricate designs. And I don't know if you can find a picture of it. It was absolutely amazing. And there was this thing called, it's called a mystery ball and they carved it out of ivory or tusk and it basically has all these different layers carved into it and they don't really know exactly how i'm sure someone knows how it was carved but it it is almost looks like you couldn't have made it without taking it apart but there's no seam on it it's pretty amazing anyway where did you see that
Starting point is 01:03:38 i think it was in the memphis airport like i was somewhere where i didn't expect to see it you know it wasn't like hey Hey, that's something like that. Like if you wanted to get into that art. Oh shit. This guy's a tough caller, man. This guy has some fucked up shit. Who is it? This is the guy that was asking me about Greg being like having inappropriate sexual conduct.
Starting point is 01:03:59 This, this guy called before he, I reckon I made, he has a French first name and a Mexican last name or Latin last name. And he asked fucked up questions like tell me about greg's uh sexual improprieties while you worked hello andre how are you good evening how are you i actually don't have a favorite ice cream i stopped eating ice cream years ago but thank you for calling bye Did he hit you? Shit. This ice cream is Talenti, diesel caramel with Oreos. You guys should try it.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Okay. What was that? That sounded really nice. You had Oreos in there? Please don't talk about sugar on the Real Savant podcast. It's Talenti, diesel caramel.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Oh yeah, Talenti. That's that gelato. That shit's the best. And you mix it with Oreos. It's insane. You think that's better than putting your head between O'Baby Beast's legs? You think that's better, that gelato's better than putting your head between O'Baby Beast's legs, James?
Starting point is 01:04:56 No. That's a fair answer. God, I love you. Okay. I was watching your podcast. You guys mentioned race. I want to ask a question about this. I just went to Colorado.
Starting point is 01:05:13 I snowboarded with some friends, and I've been reading a lot about Native American history and black culture. As Americans, what do you guys think about that all these lands was once owned essentially by people with different cultures, different languages, different beliefs, and none of that was lost to essentially the Europeans
Starting point is 01:05:42 that came and destroyed everything. What do you guys think about that one? And then two, I have a lot of black friends and no one knows, like no one knows about what the culture comes from in Africa. Like it's not taught anywhere. No. Like, what do you guys think about that as Americans? I don't know if that that makes sense every american every single person on the planet should go spend time in africa if you especially
Starting point is 01:06:13 people who need to get unfucked people who have like pre pre presuppositions first of all probably every black person should go back there for sure and then every white every person should spend time in africa you should spend time there huge, there's these amazing cultural experiments going on. One of them is the United States, but you, everyone should go spend time in India, like real time. And in real time in China and real time in Africa, because we live people who haven't done that. I'm I've been to a hundred countries and I spent a shitload of time in most of those countries I
Starting point is 01:06:46 basically just traveled for fucking 20 years of my life and uh people here are completely clueless and it has nothing to do with their color or their it just has to do with their ideologies the way they're programmed their fucking drones their robots there's this movie it's called boys of boys of barack boys of it's about these boys from the inner city and baltimore and they go to kenya and they go to school there in kenya and it's crazy what happens to them you go to kenya and it's it's all black people obviously and they speak the queen's english the toy it's it's it has nothing to do with skin color people are so stupid in this fucking country and the thing about the land
Starting point is 01:07:31 like i get kind of what you're saying but there's so many presuppositions and what you're saying who gives a fuck like in some sense like what about the what the same thing happened in china the same thing happened in armenia how about the fucking jews how about the fucking armenians how about like like you you can go on and on this is just like humanity churning forward churning forward and as long as we stay separated and people make questions like this with presuppositions we're going to stay hating each other yeah that movie that movie please everyone watch that movie that movie will answer all your questions actually um that movie like mr andre boys of baraka that movie will do you have any fun questions like um
Starting point is 01:08:14 james are you and your wife trying to have a kid what's your preferred position with her like do you have anything like that in your in your like in your hop no okay no no no and i have some questions for james but like i like what you guys were talking about um yeah oh well james i have a question for james um what's your experience what's your during the staff right in the you're a flow master uh yes what's your experience in the transition with the new with the new guys coming what was did he say what was my experience with the with the new leadership across it yeah last time we talked with the van he he doesn't well um
Starting point is 01:09:00 he doesn't it is my opinion that he doesn't agree with Rosa's thing he mentioned that Rosa didn't have much knowledge on the dynamic with the flow masters and the role in CrossFit what's your experience
Starting point is 01:09:20 been with this new leadership my experience with new leadership especially from a seminar staff perspective, has been great so far. Yeah, I mean, I'll give a political answer there on that. But yeah, I don't have a bad thing to say about seminar staff, to be honest with you. If they had to do something better, what would you recommend? Do you want me to hang up on him, Hobart? I swear to God, I will. No, no, that's fine. Better with similar staff.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Sousa's like, we need someone. We need to screen these calls before we call him. Quit being a pussy, Sousa. No, Sousa was right. That's why he's the producer. Look at him. Look at Sousa just dying over there. Look at him. People want to know.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Like, diehard crossfitters. My elbow one is fired whenever Glassman did those comments and I know you like them a lot. And the only reason why I haven't renewed it is like, for me specifically, I don't trust them.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Just because someone came here and said nice things, I don't trust them just because like someone came here and said nice things like that i don't trust that yet so that's why i'm asking i'm like me i assume there are more people that like are waiting for stuff to happen and they knew their little one like that now i get what you're saying i'll just i'll say this on the matter i think the best parts of seminar staff have always been there i think the best parts of seminar staff have always been there. I think the best parts of seminar staff are still there. Um, I've been fortunate enough to watch seminar staff grow from, you know, a small, you know, couple, what, 20, 30 trainers, um, now to 200 trainers worldwide. Um, I've seen young trainers come up as interns, translators now are flow masters. So I still see that growth.
Starting point is 01:11:05 I'm 100% biased. I have a huge soft spot for seminar staff. And like I said, I don't see a bad thing about it. I think with respect to whatever, pull up I think with respect to Greg's comments. We hate ourselves. And everything. We hate ourselves. Everything that surrounded that. I think people got way too wrapped up in, um, the words of one person and a lost side of all
Starting point is 01:11:33 of the good that CrossFit has done so far and will continue to do. And, you know, I'd encourage you, I'd encourage you to take a, take a look at that. And, um, like I said, totally biased, don't have a bad thing to say about seminar staff and i think seminar staff has continued to head in the right direction as it's only been able to spread to more corners of the planet so i don't know uh thank you andre for calling it was pleasure talking to you we have more callers who want to call it thank you you're a gentleman a scholar please donate money to the cause goodbye oh wow listen listen this show is open, honest, integrity, all that shit. But don't call with any hard questions. Thank you. Barbell jobs. Come on, guys. I keep that shit separate from Kate and James has some fucking respect.
Starting point is 01:12:17 I think that's a fair question. I'm not afraid. Of course it is. Of course it is. I know you handled it well. I just I throw temper tantrums and I'm a little baby when you and kate are um aren't home like i like you know what i mean i walk around the house naked i pick my nose i eat my boogers i do stuff that like i just don't want you guys to like like have to like deal with you know what i mean like i leave the seat i clean up before you guys come over yeah i leave the seat up you know what i mean like there's old milk in the fridge. Take all the pills out of the bathroom trash and throw it in the dumpster? Yes. No, that's okay. I don't mind those questions.
Starting point is 01:12:54 He did say that. Gas, I don't know. Kate, what do you think? Kate's like, fuck that. No, I think you nailed it. I think the whole point is crossfit is not one person and if you decide because of that one thing to miss out on all of the good shit that it can give you then you fuck your own shit up you know like what are you doing what like if you've got a problem with it i don't think that little protest of just not doing your l1 again or not doing
Starting point is 01:13:23 whatever it is it's like i don't really know what that accomplishes except for you missing out. I agree. Yeah. No, that's what people, you know, when I traveled a lot and through a lot of our presidents, I like traveling because I like hearing everyone outside of the United States, their perspective on our politicians and our presidents. our presidents. But just because I don't like our president or a president or a politician as a bad rep doesn't mean I'm not going to go around and still try and be a good representation of, you know, United States of America. So. Hey, you know what else I'm interested in is what is, what is Andre's outcome? Like, what does he, what, what, like, what does he want to have happen? You know what I mean? Like a lot of times people come with complaints, but I don't really, or questions,
Starting point is 01:14:02 maybe it wasn't a complaint, but it's like the only thing i start with is like what what do i want the outcome to be and why am i embarking on this conversation or this dialogue and i don't really i feel like half the time they're just it's just a complaint to complain well yeah maybe but you know it's like they say like uh you can't control your feelings but you control you know you control the reaction to feelings like he might just be having a feeling of uncertainty or maybe he is you know being a little uh an officious intermeddler and he's like trying to just stir up some shit but um i don't know he probably wants what everybody else wants is some certainty to know that like what he's involved in is good and going in the right direction and going to provide some sort of security i don't know i i would go ahead suza i just gonna say, James, you're such a good dude. You know,
Starting point is 01:14:47 your answers and the way you feel. That's where I was going. No. Oh man. Just class act all the way. Build me up. Play that, play that recording.
Starting point is 01:14:54 Someone hit me with it. Just keep building me up right now. I, I, um, I was in the Bronx. I was in the, Oh, there we go.
Starting point is 01:15:04 This girl likes you, James. Um, I wasn't, I was in the Bronx. I was in the – oh, there we go. This girl likes you, James. I was in the Bronx. No. Yes, I was in the Bronx, and I was walking by myself. I was 12 or 13 years old. I had – it was cold. I had on like a – I had on like one of those Mexican ponchos. I don't like one of those Mexican ponchos. You know, they were kind of popular in the 80s. And I was probably 12, 13 years old, and I had a Sony Walkman with the tape in it. I think I was listening to LL Cool J.
Starting point is 01:15:35 And I had the – it was the yellow one, the Sportsman. It looked like it was a waterproof one, and it had, like, the metal. And then it was kind of advanced. It was kind of stuck in your ear like this, sideways. And I'm walking. Yeah, it had, like, the little – Yes. kind of stuck in your ear like this sideways and i'm walking like a little yes and this kid walks up to me and he says uh hey that's my walk man and he's like he's probably like 50 pounds heavier than me and probably like three inches taller than me but seem younger than me seem like maybe he was 10 he says that's my walk man i go no it not. I was just walking around by myself. He goes, yeah, it is. And I was just visiting
Starting point is 01:16:07 there with my mom, New York. I was from California. And we go back and forth and he goes, that is my Walkman. And I'm like, no, it's not. And he goes, he goes, and he pulls out this, a cardboard cutter. Do you know what a cardboard, like a box cutter? And he pushes up the blade. And he goes, you better give that to me. And I took a few steps back. I'm like, what are you talking about? I'm like, I've told you a hundred times this walkman is actually my sisters what are you doing he goes you wait here and i'm gonna get my brother i'm like okay and i and he goes and if you move i'm gonna cut you with this knife i said okay so he runs up into this building it's like the projects right he runs into it it's like a big building like 20 stories
Starting point is 01:16:42 and as he runs in there i'm like fuck this and i and i run away right and i run back it wasn't till like 10 years later that i was like oh fuck this motherfucker was trying to mug me took me 10 10 fucking years to realize that he was just trying to fucking mug me. That was just code for broad daylight mugging. That belongs to me. And, uh, and, and you're as naive as I was.
Starting point is 01:17:12 You're as naive as I am, James. And I, and I, uh, you're as good of a dude as I am. So peace and love. I knew that that guy was trying to mug you.
Starting point is 01:17:21 Okay. I'm cooler than you then. I'm not more naive. I'm cooler than you. You are cooler than me. Cause I don't have any armbands i'm just over here dressed like al barlin don't it's a walk man a walk man well stop saying it like it's two words it's walkman walkman walk walk man that's a walk man walk man all right son man. Oh, that guy looks tough too, doesn't he? I bet you that guy does jiu-jitsu or something.
Starting point is 01:17:50 Jesus. And his name is Chris Fugate? Fugot? Fugati. What you forgot? What you forgot, Chris? And his son looks tough too. They just look tough. Look at him. No smiles in that house. All right.
Starting point is 01:18:03 His brow isn't furrowed he looks pretty relaxed i don't think that's that guy dies i don't see like a i feel like that's like a picture of you know curiosity be the type to eat his boogers you're definitely the guy who shit his pants no that i've shit my pants in public twice once when I was five and once when I was like 23, that's it. Fuck off. Okay. Go on.
Starting point is 01:18:28 But yeah, I did used to eat my boogers a lot. They taste good. I don't do that anymore. Now I just kind of roll them off on my arm. All right. Fugatti. Oh man.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Gas prices. This is story number three, people, of 18. You're joking. Are we really? Oh, geez. What time is it? How long have we been? I think we need to reduce the number of stories we try to get through.
Starting point is 01:18:58 Yeah, I'm going to jump around. You need to talk less, Kate. I know. I've not said anything, and you guys have been talking for like an hour 18. That's because we've created such a massive, we've basically created a black hole of stupidity in case like if I say anything, I'm going to get sucked into it. Yeah. It's going to kill me.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Okay. I did a, when I was in primary school, which I don't know what you guys call that in America, we had a like production show, like interview show. And the part that I played was the black hole. That was my role. That's a great role. Yeah. And then later on in high school, I did another production. The part that I played was the tree. It was James and the giant peach. And I was the tree that the peach grew on. They're both phallic, the black hole and the piece. Yeah. Wow. I like it. Wow. Wow. Oh, there it is. There it is. There it is. Craig. Nice, Craig. I was creative. Hey, do you want, do you want to hear, do you, I want, I want you to hear one thing and then I'll be quiet and we'll go through like five, five new stories. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:04 I want you to hear one thing, and then I'll be quiet and we'll go through like five news stories, okay? Ready. Just listen. These are the messages. These are the messages. Okay, listen. So I deeply admire and respect Rich Froning, but James Hobart is one of the few CrossFit athletes that I've ever had a crush on. Susan, don't put my face up there. Put Hobart.
Starting point is 01:20:22 Either put her like working out listening to in the background or uh or hobart's face we can see him turn red jesus no yeah clayton we're gonna get to that eventually we're gonna talk about the um the emergency oil supply maybe at some point i'm not done please don't interrupt i couldn't even like look him in the eyes when i met him i was just like oh oh my goodness, am I turning red? I think she's thinking like Street Horner or something. And then this. I don't know if you're into threesome, Tobart, but here we go.
Starting point is 01:20:58 But Dave Castro is still daddy, though. I didn't want to. I had to wait a little while all righty all righty wow how do you guys feel about daddy i think it's good no one can talk everyone's speechless oh geez okay what do you mean how do we feel about daddy we have an article we haven't term oh i don't know it seems like it's something got some wires got crossed i don't know i feel like you have uh you have some thoughts on it so um no i'm just curious to know i'm always curious to know like the male's perspective on it it's something that like i'm not really into like it's not something that I fully understand.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Like if, like if Cassandra was like, come here, daddy. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I think there are other things I'd rather be called. So that would be confusing if your wife was like, Hey daddy. And at the same time, your kids are like, daddy. Yeah. I don't don't i you know the inflection really is everything if she's like if her voice got all high and like she regressed like you know 40 years and she said i mean my wife doesn't call me daddy um what does my wife call
Starting point is 01:22:22 me trying to like i don't even know if she uses my name yeah like who's your flow master says it's better i would like that i would like that uh do you call dudes daddy kate no i'm not really into it yeah not even not really like i'm not into it yeah it's um she calls you josh bridges uh yeah no i i uh i immediately go to a weird place like like obviously like the most obvious place like obviously she has some weird daddy issues or something but i don't know but shit i don't know we get let's get a girl on some girl calling i just feel like it's more colloquial than anything else give it to me big daddy i mean i guess if i
Starting point is 01:23:10 was dating if i was like 70 and this chick was like 27 she could call me daddy i guess i mean at that point okay with that yeah i guess yeah susan put up colin's recent comment please oh geez why why why hey that's that's uh she's a nice lady uh say that again no it's a stepbrother's quote i'm not into misha tate i'm not into i'm not i that that the only fight i cared about on that card was um uh uh sean brady is it sean brady and and michael chiesa i think that's those are their names all right let's go on the news enough of this let's jam through let's get through 12 stories right now let's do five all right okay one that's getting a lot of attention is possibility that gas prices by demonstration will release did we i don't even remember we even talked about this
Starting point is 01:24:09 yet we've been off the topic for the last i think you've said that the headline a few times okay release crude oil from countries emergency stockpile or the strategic petroleum reserve but after rising to more than 86 in in October, oil prices have dropped to less than $80 a barrel. What is the Strategic Petroleum Reserve or SPR? The SPR was established after the oil crisis of the 1970s when Savan was in his early 30s. The oil is stored in the underground salt caverns in Texas and Louisiana. The caverns currently hold more than 600 million barrels of oil. That's slightly less than one month's worth of oil at current U.S. consumption levels. Too bad we're not energy
Starting point is 01:24:55 independent. Congress has already ordered the release of tens of millions of barrels over the next few years for non-emergency reasons. I didn't investigate that further. That's because a one-time release doesn't really shift the underlying supply and demand dynamics that drive oil prices. Coordinating a release with other countries could give the strategic petroleum reserve release more punch. The White House has been asking other major oil consumers who have their own petroleum reserves to release oil from their stockpiles in a single coordinated action. But even a coordinated release might only have a temporary impact. In June 2011, the announcement of an SPR release coordinated through the International Energy Agency to respond to a
Starting point is 01:25:41 crisis in Libya pushed prices down 6%. But two weeks later, this is back in 2011, mind you, but two weeks later, prices were right back where they had been. But some analysts are more skeptical and predict that prices will remain high. Gas prices will remain high well into 2022. Imagine how short-sighted it is to think that we have a one month supply for gasoline and that it would have any impact on anything besides psychological i mean that almost it but anyone who can think and contextualize things and put things into relativity it's depressing it's fucking depressing you know that there were just a couple years ago, gas was below $0 a barrel. Did you know that?
Starting point is 01:26:27 Yeah. Think about that, people. They had so much fucking gasoline that it was below $0 a barrel. And now it's $80 a barrel. It's $5.50 a gallon at my gas station, Santa Cruz, California. This whole fucking thing is bizarre. We know what's going on, right? And I'm totally open to someone unfucking me, but we know what's going on, right?
Starting point is 01:26:58 We just printed trillions of dollars, and so no one wants to work. That's what's going on, right? Nobody wants to work. Like no one – like everyone was getting $1,800 every two – like no one wants to work that's what's going on right nobody wants to work like no one like everyone was getting eighteen hundred dollars every two like no one wants to go back to work but what's that thing um where if you do something for 90 days it becomes it sticks i mean the pete the pete's coffee down from my house is offering 20 an hour for jobs damn sign me up get pete's Coffee to sponsor this. It's just so amazing.
Starting point is 01:27:33 My mom went to the – I probably should not tell this story. My mom went to the paint store, and she said that she couldn't find her paint. Sorry, she went to the paint store, and they didn't have paint for the paint she wanted. So she went to another paint store, and she went to the paint store, and they didn't have paint for her – the paint she wanted. So she went to another paint store, and she went to another paint store. She had to go to four paint stores, and she finally found the paint she wanted, and some other lady was buying the last gallon. And at one paint store, it was $70, and at another paint store, it was $50. And she's buying – she texted me. Tell me not to tell the story.
Starting point is 01:27:56 No. And she goes, hey, they're having a shortage of paint at these stores. So I just really gently say, why do you think that is, mom? And I forget what she said, but I don't know. They just have a supply issue or it was something. But I just want to be like, dude, you know why. You see how a player wanted to fuck up LeBron. I heard something happen with LeBron today. Is that in the news,
Starting point is 01:28:31 James? Oh, that's not in the news, but I want to talk about Todd's comment back at eight 24 says, do you think Joe Biden could do a ring route? Todd, I actually have a proposal that, um,
Starting point is 01:28:40 any president of the United States of America should have to be able to, there's like a list of physical tasks they should be able to accomplish. And one of them is do a bodyweight back squat. I don't think you should be able to be a leader of the free world without the ability to put your ass below parallel with your body weight on your back. You hate people in wheelchairs, don't you? You've just, nobody in this country who's in a wheelchair can fucking be president.
Starting point is 01:29:01 You got to do a bodyweight bench press. Oh, all right. Or, or, Or I would let it or I would go with strict pull-up. Yeah, like with the chair? Yeah. I just started to do that.
Starting point is 01:29:17 There's a girl called Alan that I follow. She's in a wheelchair and she just fucking crushes CrossFit. She's doing strict pull-ups with her chair strapped to her. Yeah, the adaptive athletes are are monsters like they they crush it they crush it i logan aldridge i saw did a 500 and some odd pound deadlift you know that's impressive but the fact that he clean and jerks 225 jerks 225 with a single hand to me is more like it's just stupid. Magic trick. If I'm his parents, I tell him to stop. That's what I think.
Starting point is 01:29:49 I'm like, no, don't. You're going to hurt yourself. Hey, Rittenhouse, tomorrow night I'm doing a whole show on Kenosha with Jorge Ventura. It's going to be dope. Call and ask him anything you want. He was on the ground there. You guys, this show is going to be awesome we're so stoked we have him okay go on all right t hashtag team sees so so what about
Starting point is 01:30:14 the gas what like like let's just face it our president is fucked up we have fucked up people running this country that's basically what it is it does not have to be like this yeah what's worse is like if they were if they sorry go ahead i want to know no i i like that you changed from president to people running the country i want to spread i want to spread the abuse to all like the majority of politicians and the populace's willingness to accept shitty pop politicians too how about just at least tell us what tell us the truth why is it so expensive what are you doing. How about just at least tell us what tells the truth? Why is it so expensive? What are you doing? Like, how about just using some common sense? How about just saying, like, we printed too much money? We've psychologically broken these people. Let's talk about why all the kids have gotten fat in this country at exponential speeds in the last two or three years. no transparency from the people that we have elected into office. And what's nuts is like,
Starting point is 01:31:07 like I trust me, I know it's hard to switch, but I was one of them. And you too can switch to you too. You can be like, Oh, Hillary and Obama were fucking this country up. It's okay. It's okay.
Starting point is 01:31:21 You can make mistakes. You can flip the script. You don't even, you don't even have to like Donald Trump. At air miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them.
Starting point is 01:31:38 How's that spicy enchilada? Oh, very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season and hiking with them is that a squirrel collect more moments with more ways to earn air miles so then how do you explain uh petrol prices in australia as well because they've been like at an all-time high in the past month you guys are print you guys are printing money probably worse than the united states you guys are i don't i don't know i don't i at least in this country
Starting point is 01:32:20 like people really are there's a lot of people still working i don't i have no idea how canada is doing it or new zealand or australia i have it's it's mind-boggling to me how they think they're going to get out of those lockdowns austria dude austria going back into the deep depths holy shit i actually woke up and read that and read it as Australia and was like, oh, fuck. Okay. But it was Austria. We're probably a couple months behind, so I've got a little bit of time. You can think this president sucks and also know that he doesn't control the world.
Starting point is 01:32:59 Here's the thing. Here's this thing. We had gotten around – I was going to say OPEC. We had gotten around OPE was gonna say opex we had gotten around opec it does not control worldwide gas prices you are absolutely right you are absolutely right but that but but we were at zero for the first time in like 90 years we were we were uh independent energy independent and the gas prices were plummeted because we were we were uh independent energy independent and the gas prices were plummeted because we were we were we are the most oil rich country in the world and we were started pulling oil out of the ground here stop flexing okay okay we rolling believe it or not china controls it i don't know do they control it here we go
Starting point is 01:33:53 oh yeah team c's popular youtube creators mr beast and mark rober robber rober are back with another hype-tastic eco-friendly charity collab the duo on friday launched hashtag team sees a crown funding campaign to raise 30 million to remove 30 million pounds of plastic and trash from the world's oceans rivers and beaches um i think this was older than last friday but anyway previously mr beast and robert robert partnered Previously, Mr. Beast and Robert Robert partnered in 2019 to launch one of the largest creator led fundraising fundraising campaigns called Hashtag Team Trees in partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation. The initiative's goal was to raise $20 million to plant 20 million trees, and it ended up bringing in more than $23 million and generating more than 1 billion video views in aggregate. Two years later, Team Trees is still receiving enough donations to plant 2,600 trees per day. It didn't say whether or not they're actually planting 2,600 trees per day.
Starting point is 01:34:56 Great point. Great point, Hobart. Just thought I'd keep that in mind. Can neither confirm nor deny. According to the Ocean Conservancy Estancy estimate some 150 million metric tons of plastic that's worth like a little like how much space in the ocean does 150 million metric tons take up already circulate in marine environments researchers say as much as 11 million metric tons enter the ocean every year if the team sees hits its fundraising goal, the campaign will remove equivalent
Starting point is 01:35:25 of 85 football fields covered one foot deep in plastic debris. But the article didn't specify how much trash the team sees will actually move in relation to the 150 million already there. Is it 1 million metric tons? Is 85 football fields
Starting point is 01:35:43 75 million metric tons? We don't know. The fundraising campaign is set to run through January 1st, 2022, but the YouTubers will keep the site up and provide progress updates over three years of operation to clean the trash. Why, why do they keep saying a metric ton?
Starting point is 01:35:58 Why don't they just say a ton? I actually don't know the answer to that question. A ton is 2000 pounds, right? Is that different than a metric ton? A metric ton is 2,200 pounds? 85 football fields a foot deep, that's how much they're going to take out of the ocean? Yeah, which is a lot.
Starting point is 01:36:21 But the question is, is it a lot compared to the, you know, is 150 million metric tons of plastic? Is that like 200,000 football fields? And not to say that, hey, good to take some trash out. There's supposedly somewhere out in the Pacific Ocean. A floating plastic island. That's all I got on that. Someone will chime in. Plastic beach. One of my favorite albums.
Starting point is 01:36:51 2,000 pounds is a short ton. Okay. All right. Sevan can't get 2 million total views. Are we approaching two million total views let me just see that fuck off let me see actually did you guys see um on instagram like fuck it might have been like the past week there was that thing that was promoted where it was post a photo of your pet and we'll plant a
Starting point is 01:37:25 tree it was like i don't have two million views uh okay go ahead sorry no i just like went viral and it was all over instagram with everybody fucking sharing their pet and it had like a million plus photos so supposedly there's going to be like a million plus trees but there's no other information about it like i haven't i haven anything. Okay. I have a stat for us that I don't know if it's true, but. I don't see the connection between planting trees and posting pictures of your dog, but okay. Well, no, because they're both fundraising money to like, take care of the environment, but it's like, it's which,
Starting point is 01:38:00 and it got a massive response online, right? Like both of these guys got massive responses, but it's like, what's the end game? That's what I was going to say. And this might sound really ignorant. Like, okay, don't get mad, people. Does planting a tree actually help the environment? God forbid you ask a question.
Starting point is 01:38:20 Yeah, try not to. Is this something to do with like oxygen and calming? Yeah. Well, I do think that that's it, Kate. But I guess my question is like, you know, are you kind of putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound kind of thing? Like is that where we should be spending our resources? Like that's been my biggest question.
Starting point is 01:38:39 Let's assume like everything about global warming is true. Is the way we're going about fixing it the right way to go back about fixing it you know like if if it does come down to carbon footprint oh i shouldn't say see there's gonna sound really crazy but it's like i don't think you know what would know what's crazy is there's an autistic girl named greta thunberg who's fucking running the show and that people think because she's behind it it adds litty to it that's crazy it might after that you can say anything you want no the fact that a guy can't shoot a guy who's pointing a gun at him the fact that you can't shoot a guy who's beating you with the skateboard that's crazy that people think that so hobart
Starting point is 01:39:18 it's free it's free you can say whatever you It's not crazy. The baseline is so fucking high for crazy that like. That's a fair point. But anyway. Like you can say whatever you want. My point was, I just, you know, I wonder what the best way to fix it is. But anyway, I will probably be told that the experts have already figured it out and I should just shut up. But I did find this stat from the world I even like look him in the eyes when I met him.
Starting point is 01:39:44 I was just like, oh my goodness, am I turning red? This stat from I even looked him in the eyes when I met him. I was just like, oh my goodness, am I turning red? Yes, you were turning red. More than you were turning red, my dear. You were... Eight. Okay. Over the next 10 years, the plastic soup in the ocean could double in size. At this speed, the plastic grows as much as the size of
Starting point is 01:40:06 a football field every second so oh so they're gonna remove 85 seconds of that oh shit um what does that mean when you turn red? I just looked that up on Google. Emotional triggers, extreme emotions can trigger. Like you're blushing. What's crazy is it's a woman laying down and she appears to be topless. It's the first thing that pops up on Google and she's laying down in the grass. It's the first thing that pops up on your Google. Emotional triggers, extreme conditions can trigger redness in the face or red face.
Starting point is 01:40:44 For example, if you become deeply embarrassed or anxious in the face or red face for example if you become deeply embarrassed or anxious your face or neck may appear splotchy experiencing feelings of extreme anger stress sadness oh shit maybe you pissed her off she's attracted to that would be a good that would be a good twist right if she was just enraged at my face i couldn't even look him in the eye what you cut out of that clip is the fact that she proceeded to vomit profusely after she met me oh it's so good anyway so she was blushing maybe what causes blushing that that that's what i need to do because like nervous excited i know i wanted to you have a crush on someone what causes blushing
Starting point is 01:41:26 oh what else hey what else turned red did you type in what clauses causes blushing now i did just now the pictures that came up for me are so i wrote what causes blushing the pictures that came up for me are so different yeah those are different than mine too i got the the young lady on the on the right with the curly hair but the other my other those are different than mine too. I got the young lady on the right with the curly hair, but my other two are different. Me too. Wow. And I only got 12 million results. You got 54 million.
Starting point is 01:41:53 I got 8,470,000. Huh. How to stop blushing. Why do you want to stop blushing? Those are the types of things you just have to go with, by the way you're blushing just go with it just accept it so many people want to fight against like what they're feeling or thinking or you have to accept it if you want it to go away it's one of those things where it's not a problem until someone says how to stop blushing though right it's like racism doesn't exist until someone's saying you're racist right uh i wish i had the the the thing where we uh a recording to play about how great kate is right now yeah because she finally brought it back down to earth yeah
Starting point is 01:42:36 hey i'm gonna make a soundboard i need all of these things yeah it's about time man yeah this is nuts this show is next level already we i mean definitely by the time we have two million views in aggregate maybe just like a little a couple couple fart noises yeah yeah good um so i can personally record didn't find no james says if he eats canola oil he just farts on command you gotta stay away from manufactured oils people forget the liver diet forget the keto diet whatever whatever just stay away from you know what it's so true it's like let's talk about fucking planting more trees to like take care of our carbon footprint same thing with diets people like oh i should eat some liver and meanwhile they fucking chow down on like bread and candy and you're like guys i just there's some bigger problems
Starting point is 01:43:25 for you to tackle right now have a fucking broccoli um yeah no that's that's exactly my point that's a perfect analogy kate yeah the trees thing does it really work i don't know but stop eating what the fuck is this are you still looking at blushing savann no i'm looking at i was looking at what what's that video you sent her what a buddy of mine sent that to me he photoshopped it. I just thought this was another nice story. It was supposed to be a little interlude.
Starting point is 01:44:13 We're going to go through some CrossFit news. It was really just the pictures. They didn't have too much to the substance of the written content. But WHC CrossFit and the Phoenix Foundation, which is a nonprofit that supports recovering substance abuse addicts, WH CrossFit in Craig, Colorado. Community members, including those who are in recovery and allies, work out Saturday morning, November 13th at WHC CrossFit as part of the gym's first Phoenix event. Phoenix, as I said, is a sober, active community that operates across the country. All you need is 48 hours of sobriety to go and get a workout on. So I just thought that was cool.
Starting point is 01:44:50 There were some cool pictures in there. Hey, just close the survey. Scroll down. No, go back up. You're really blowing this, Sousa. Good Lord. Slow down your tracking speed, man. All right. They're almost there.
Starting point is 01:45:00 Almost there. Almost there. Skip survey. Bang. Just some nice pictures. People working out, building community, taking care of each other, making lives better through fitness. Just a little feel good. Nice, nice there for us in the middle of the show.
Starting point is 01:45:13 How many times have you brought up the Phoenix? A lot, man. I'm a big fan, obviously. How many times have you brought up COVID? Let's move on. I'm not sensitive about it or anything winner you win you win you win will brand brand stetter brand stetter good comment the swim brand tear and crossfit matt di lorenzo the ceo of tier fell in love with crossfit and the community at large and decided that his company would be wise to enter the crossfit space as well
Starting point is 01:45:54 i wish i could grow a mustache like that that's like if all the head on your head was gone and stuck on your stash. I would love that. I can't believe listeners do stuff like this so fast. Seven months ago, Lorenzo brought on two time games, athlete, team athlete. And so according to Savan,
Starting point is 01:46:21 not a real games athlete and level one coach, Corey Ber burger as tears director of crossfit and fitness since then with burger acting as a consultant for athlete acquisition tier assigned an impressive roster of games athletes including emma carrie noel olson travis mayor meg reardon saxon pancheck amanda barnhart will morehead and bethany shadburn who is tier tier is a leading swim brand founded by Joseph DiLorenzo and 1972 Olympic bronze medalist Steve Furness in 1985 out in California. They sponsor many top-level swimmers,
Starting point is 01:46:56 including seven-time Olympic gold medalist Katie Ledecky, two-time gold medalist Simon Simone, and 12-time Olympic medalist Ryan... ryan oh is this the australian locked he no he's american come on kate i don't know oh damn tier placed the most swimmers on team usa in 2021 making them the number one brand at last year's summer Olympics. Currently they're in the testing phase where tier athletes like Carrie Olson and mayor are testing apparel and providing feedback for their line of CrossFit apparel set to be released in April, 2022.
Starting point is 01:47:36 Who carry who carry Pierce, Emma carry. Then I carry and Travis mayor. Yep. Travis mayor. And Noah Olson. Hey, are they, I think Josh bridges might be sponsored by them. Did you say that? Emma Carey and Travis Mayer? Yep. Travis Mayer? Travis Mayer? And Noah Olsen. Hey, I think Josh Bridges might be sponsored by them.
Starting point is 01:47:49 Did you say that? It just happened, yeah. Then in 2023, Tier plans to release... His pictures look good. Then in 2023, Tier plans to release a footwear line, including a trainer shoe, a running shoe, and a weightlifting shoe. As a result,ia recently announced a partnership with wadapalooza and will be the title sunglass sponsor of the miami-based competition in january you know what we need i'm gonna put this out there sponsorship from them no i don't
Starting point is 01:48:17 i don't but crossfit um god when we're gonna get a watch sponsor like talk about just oh i got great stories i got peas in a pod all right well after you got to tell me those stories because like God, when are we going to get a watch sponsor? Like, talk about... Oh, I got great stories. Two peas in a pod. All right. Well, after, you got to tell me those stories because, like, the things I would do to get CrossFit a G-Shock sponsorship would... Yes, yes. They're the ones who made the Iron Man watch, G-Shock. No, that's Timex.
Starting point is 01:48:37 Oh, so... G-Shock makes, like, the big beastie ones. Oh, yes, yes. So we had gnarly meetings with Timex for a while about a watch for CrossFit that was like the Iron Man watch. Those were some great meetings. The thing is – oh, sorry. That's not for this show. I'm going to make that down. That's one of my –
Starting point is 01:48:57 You know, it's just that that's one of those things where I'm like, gosh, that's got to happen. CrossFit and time. You know, like let's go. Greg wanted Rolex bad. Yeah, that makes sense. But let's be real. Like, give me a break. No, you be real.
Starting point is 01:49:11 You can't set the bar high enough. No, that's the. Oh, God. Yeah. What? Cover your face. That was like when they wanted all the. I'm not going to get into it. Can't wait till you get fired hobart so we can have a fucking real discussion
Starting point is 01:49:30 okay let's go you're good what purpose anyway i dare you hey so i thought the tear thing was cool yeah i think bridges just posted that he uh is working with them as well the picture what does this mean what is it bridges posted he's going to be doing a competition soon he's not you know i'm going to ask him about that on tuesday on our podcast he's not doing a competition he ain't doing shit he drinks coffee and just but he's looking good in those tear sunglasses i saw him i saw him he's back squatting again getting back in the ice bath. Jacob Heber knocked fucking Josh Bridges back
Starting point is 01:50:09 100,000 followers. He ain't shit no more. Whoa. That's not true. I know. I just want Josh. He's just fired up. He's not going to listen to this, man.
Starting point is 01:50:18 We could get fired up. Someone will tell him. One of these dipshits will tell him fucking within set. I called fucking Daniel Brandon garnish. One hour, 48 in Joshua. Listen to this.
Starting point is 01:50:28 Yeah. I call, I call Daniel Brandon garnish on one of my shows. And within fucking minutes, she's texting me like, Hey asshole. I thought we were friends. Like,
Starting point is 01:50:37 listen, you fuck nuts. Why are you listening? If you're going to die me out. Yeah. He's look at that guy. Ooh, what a snack that he is is that is that something kate
Starting point is 01:50:47 would you be like oh daddy what if i say little shorter than me yeah yeah kate's got issues yeah yeah kate yeah he's too little for kate hey have you this k Kate just hangs up the call right there. Kate, have you ever been with a dude who's like – No. 150 pounds, 140 pounds? Have you ever – You know how like there's this position where the dude's carrying the chick while they're having sex? Have you ever carried a dude? No.
Starting point is 01:51:22 No, I have not. What's the follow-up question to that no no i'm gonna buy i skipped it i skipped it thanks james i'm gonna move to the next follow-up question i wonder if i wonder if you would carry uh i wonder if you could do that to josh bridges how it is peanut where would okay gun at atlanta airport Gun at Atlanta Airport. Barbell Jogs. Dot com. Thank you, Kate. A passenger awaiting a search at the Atlanta Airport's main security checkpoint reached in his bag, grabbed a firearm, and it went off. It didn't go off. He pulled the trigger, people.
Starting point is 01:52:01 Causing chaos among travelers, you think? The passenger ran with the gun from the checkpoint and escaped out an airport exit the transportation security if if josh and kate were doing it and he was carrying her her legs would touch the ground sorry i just i didn't mean i didn't want to visualize it it just i didn't choose that i didn't choose it i'm. It just, I didn't choose that. I didn't choose it. I'm just an antenna. Okay. Go on.
Starting point is 01:52:27 Sorry. What's happening to the Atlanta Hobart. I just picturing, I just picturing like, Oh, I can't like, you think you're carrying Kate around and you're celebrating. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:36 Yeah. I'm getting some. And then you look back and her legs are on the ground and she's carrying. And she's like reaching over your head to like get something out of the fridge or something like that. She's like, I don't know. And she's like reaching over your head to like get something out of the fridge or something like that. She's like, I don't know. Sorry,
Starting point is 01:52:49 Kate. I swear to God, Kate, that's the first time I visualized you having sex as the first. And I'm going to try and do it again. I apologize. I didn't mean it. She's got a laptop.
Starting point is 01:52:57 How many times have you picked your fucking Josh Bridges having sex? That's the first two. That's the first two. Oh man. I'm in big trouble. Yeah big trouble yeah man that's gonna hurt me a lot okay the passenger awaiting a search uh we went over this the passenger ran with the gun from the checkpoint and escaped out an airport exit the tsa said authorities described the discharge as according to colin premature we are actively pursuing the individual as we speak. The discharge caused a frenzy on social media as alarm travelers posted videos to Twitter and other sites showing and describing moments of chaos and confusion at Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport.
Starting point is 01:53:40 Authorities said three people suffered minor injuries. A TSA official said no one was shot but i don't think they've caught this person i'm just impressed that in in today's day and age you can run into an airport discharge a firearm and then run away and they cannot catch you anyway so so what do you speculate for me what you think, they, you think that someone accidentally brought the gun. We had a CrossFit employee who did that one time, didn't discharge it, but was going to a CrossFit event. It was actually, believe it or not, it was the Whistler event. She was flying to the Whistler event in Canada and she had her gun with her.
Starting point is 01:54:18 She left her gun in her fucking purse and she went to the airport and they took it from her and she got to get on her flight, I think, and everything. But, but she was in a lot of trouble for a second and and i don't think she ever she ever got her gun back either but what do you think happened this person went to the airport they had their gun in their bag and they accidentally discharged it or like yeah i think that's it how do you accidentally discharge a gun you put your finger on the trigger and you pull it but i mean it take it for for those of you outside of the country who have never shot a gun, like that's not – it's – there's something to that. Yeah, it usually has to be pretty focused. I mean, and it's not – they don't just – unless it's cocked, like unless the hammer's pulled back, I mean, who's to say it even had a hammer?
Starting point is 01:55:00 They don't just go off. Guns don't just go off. Yeah. And then why would you run was it a man or a woman did it say i believe it was a man they had the name i want you to guess what they do you think it was black white or other the person yeah what does it matter it does it doesn't just just like who brings a gun to the airport like just just uh police said later they had issued a warrant of arrest for of the passenger 42 42 year old kenny wells who they white guy white guy white guy who they identified as a convicted felon oh that sucks that's why he ran yeah yeah that's bad news so
Starting point is 01:55:48 basically he forgot his gun in there kenny what are you doing with a pert was it what does it say what kind of bag it was i pictured it as a woman sexist sexist i pictured it as a woman just because he had a bag yeah because he had he had a bag, and I just blame women for leaving shit in their bag. And he was going to the airport? And he was leaving shit in his bag. Real out of place, dude, with a bag and airport. So now I'm going to go with a white guy who smokes too much weed. And he had a brain fart and left his fucking gun in his bag.
Starting point is 01:56:19 This is kind of an interesting stat. Across the nation, the TSA said it had stopped 4,500 airline roughly 4,500 airline passengers from carrying firearms onto their flights by october 3rd of this year that's a fair amount i mean that's not a lot compared to how many people are flying but i feel pretty do you think they're all accident? Hey, wait, here's the question. How many didn't they stop? Yeah, there's that too. I've gone play.
Starting point is 01:56:49 I've, I've, I've traveled with this suitcase one time and, and I don't know, I traveled with it like, you know, a hundred times. And then one time I was at home and I was like cleaning it out.
Starting point is 01:56:59 And there was a fucking gnarly knife in the suitcase the whole entire time. Actually, that's less than I thought. The estimated number of scheduled passengers boarded by the global airline industry amounted to just over 2.2 billion so 4,500 is a minuscule amount minuscule like not even worth mentioning almost yeah but here's the thing though most uh that was worldwide or that was in the United States? Global airline industry. Yeah, because I think most countries – do most countries not have guns?
Starting point is 01:57:34 So that's also just in the United States. But then again, probably most of the flights are in and out of the United States. Yeah. Good stuff. Good sleuthing, Hobart. Good sleut sleuthing all right i might pee three times a show lots of weed at a time when legalized marijuana sales are rising nationally state police in oregon last week seized 500 000 pounds of illegal marijuana in a bust outside Medford, Oregon, that they estimated had a street value of $500 million. I wonder, does street value mean being sold illegally or legally?
Starting point is 01:58:16 I don't know. Under Oregon state law, adults 21 and over may use cannabis within specified limits, but it is illegal to manufacture marijuana without a license oregon legalized it would be illegal if they've like busted it right yeah i think it yeah i think you're right i think it's maybe that's how they value it i'm curious to know how much what is the over the counter value of 500000 pounds of marijuana. Hey, what do you think is worse? Telling some guy that you were just in a ring with for 20 minutes to go the
Starting point is 01:58:51 fuck back to China. I whooped his ass and send him back to China. Or. Yeah. Let me give you three choices or you're the, you're, you're the person you love the most in your entire life. Telling you that you're an old man with wrinkly cock and balls or super hot, beautiful, fucking just pure breeding material mega chick telling you that you're too short to breed with her.
Starting point is 01:59:17 What are those of those three are the most fucking offensive? Because I'm curious where – I think it's offensive that you assumed that it was breeding. That's what that i think it was offensive what i think it's offensive you assumed it was breeding what was breeding that it was breeding and not just like oh okay oh stop kate doesn't fuck short dudes kate gordon doesn't fuck short dudes and i'm short i'm fucking offended. That's been – listen, people. Don't be stupid.
Starting point is 01:59:51 Don't be offended by shit. Your whole fucking life – no one wants to fuck anyone who's little or ugly or not healthy or – unless you're Jewish and you breed for fucking intelligence and money, then guys like me have a chance. Okay, go on, Hobart. Women just like to control the evolution of mankind. That's all. Just make sure that humans keep getting better.
Starting point is 02:00:18 Yes, thank you. What were you going to say, Hobart? About my Jew comment? Yeah. That was bad. were you going to say hobart about my jew comment yeah that was uh uh uh a friend of mine just texted me and said being carried during sex is the best i i wouldn't know was that a girl or a guy it was a girl a good question important it was josh bridges that's the best that is probably one of the best things imagine like if you could be carried while having sex then like you don't have to do shit like you could be talking on the phone eating
Starting point is 02:00:58 a sandwich i was just gonna say the only thing would be better if you could just eat like like a like a meatball sub well yeah hey babe i stopped at subway on the way home ready to pick me up this this is gonna so during the final season i really dodd meyer's comment carry the man instead of pay the man. Oh, Jesus dying. Look at Jesus.
Starting point is 02:01:32 Wow. Carry the man. Comment of the podcast. Can we please make that t-shirt? The Sivan show. Carry the man shirts. And so this would be, I want to get you, I'm going to get you one for Christmas.
Starting point is 02:01:47 This would be carry him instead of pay him Carry him Carry daddy So much for my show on Tuesday Okay let's go Stories Coming in hot Lots of weed Okay, let's go. Stories. Squad zombie. Coming in hot. All right. Lots of weed.
Starting point is 02:02:10 I totally forgot where I was. Please no photoshopping. If it's a girl, make it someone that's not me. Ah, yes. Pick someone else to watch it. Kate pleading with the audience not the photoshopper in a fuck picture with Josh
Starting point is 02:02:29 Cameron get to work I never thought I would ever have to do that in my life oh my goodness we still have an hour you can get through all these I'm just trying to think there's gotta be a picture of Kate from the games and she competed of her carrying like a sandbag and you could just, that's easy.
Starting point is 02:02:50 Definitely have not got any of those. Like a PG 13 one. Yeah. Be nice. Yeah. Just, just Josh over her shoulder or something. Make him look extra small.
Starting point is 02:03:14 Susan's coming on. That's mean. He on that's mean he's a friend he's a friend uh josh yeah oh absolutely that's why he's a target for all this misplaced aggression that's fair and he'll he'll he'll blast back man yes um under oregon state law adults 21 and over may use cannabis within specified limits, but it is illegal to manufacture marijuana without a license. Oregon legalized recreational marijuana in 2015. Is it Oregon or Oregon? Sales hit. I don't know. Oregon. When I had Nick Rodrigueziel brandon on the show
Starting point is 02:03:47 today do you know what i was doing that was like my form of eugenics i would just say like i would just change that phrase like matchmaking i just you know i know that was horrible you're right you're right even i have limits that was horrible yeah but it was so i watched a video of him and i just thought he was so beautiful and amazing and then i just thought oh my god if i had him and daniel brandon on the on the podcast together and i could stare at him side by side it would just be like so much like is daniel brandon single someone sent me a picture this morning of her at a dinner table with a guy or a breakfast table. The only other person I recognized there was her coach, and Allison Scuds was there also.
Starting point is 02:04:31 But someone goes, hey, that's Danielle Brandon's boyfriend. And somehow they had a still picture of it. I'm sure they grabbed it off the screen. Was it Brian Friend? No. I've seen that whole athlete group together recently. And I didn't recognize the guy. He has dyed blonde hair and
Starting point is 02:04:45 underdog athletics i think is that them i don't know anyway i didn't ask her because i didn't want to ruin this what say it again travis says she has a boyfriend oh yeah i didn't want to ruin it um i mean i had already ruined it and asked uh uh nikki rodriguez if he had a girlfriend but i still just enjoyed it. I just thought, I was just thinking, man, if those two, those two are just like poster children for just, I'd let Danielle pick me up. You let Danielle pick you up. Yep.
Starting point is 02:05:15 Yeah. Danielle picked me up too. She, um, yeah, she's awesome. He can pick her up. He's too, he's too fitty. Six, two, six, three three he's a big dude she messaged me randomly because i have those toe spreaders like for my feet and i'd put up a photo she messaged me i didn't know she followed me she was like hey you're wearing them upside down i was like oh fuck that's a good dude see kate doesn't know everything yeah i fucked that up
Starting point is 02:05:46 all right all right all right he wasn't saying the same thing you think she was saying sebon what i know she said carrier like carry around the room and fuck her that's what she was saying yeah fuck is wrong with you no we're not there yet i am i'm like a seahorse we haven't even finished the weed story sales hit 20 billion dollars in 2020 are on pace to top 26 billion dollars this year and are projected to leap product of 45.9 billion that's a lot of weed in 2025 according to data from marijuana business
Starting point is 02:06:33 daily i didn't know that was a thing that's great that was shared at the mj biz con the industry's annual trade show the nearly 46 billion dollars in sales would make the cannabis industry larger than the craft beer industry. Cool. Wow. Where do we invest? You just, whatever you said just triggered me. And I look, I'm looking at my Bitcoin numbers now. It's gone back down. If you want to buy some, buy some now. You got to start looking at NFTs and Web 3.0, Siobhan. That's where you got to go. I bought a bunch of coin and it's skyrocketing right now. So excited.
Starting point is 02:07:14 I started following some NFT Instagram pages. It was a bad idea and I'm getting so many fucking scam messages. Oh, that's a trip. Some of that digital artwork is selling for so much money it's wild the metaverse man it is coming the metaverse we got a story on that uh i can't wait till we're doing this show in virtual reality and i can see you guys just right in my office with some cool artwork on the wall yeah what a trip uh two stories i'm going to talk about not on this show but on the show on tuesday with
Starting point is 02:07:51 josh bridges is i want to tell you a story about some guy who um was scammed thinking he was going to buy matt frazier's like xbox yeah do you know about that you talked about it last time oh i did yeah yeah oh all right and the second story is josh started telling me a story about how he You know about that? You talked about it last time. Oh, I did? Yeah, yeah. All right. And the second story is Josh started telling me a story about how he almost got in a fight at a kid's sporting event. I told him to save it for the podcast. That's going to be a great story on Tuesday. Okay, sorry.
Starting point is 02:08:16 Hugging animals. Okay, let's go. Yeah, this is good. Kate's going to go pee. That's good because I'm going next. Emma Bryce on Live science said animals hug for comfort reassurance and warmth she says a bonobo which is a monkey primate in distress will reach out its arms for another bonobo and sort of ask for help
Starting point is 02:08:40 and hugs are not just the province of primates horses groom each other it lowers their heart rate as do prairie voles dolphins apparently console one another with flipper rubs in the holiday season just ahead many of us feel a need for hugs after so many months of separation but even if you're fully vaccinated and boosted please for the love of mama stanberg's cranberry relish, don't hug a bonobo. Does it really say that? Yep. Oh, geez, dude.
Starting point is 02:09:12 Why? Why? I don't know. Guys, I am no doctor, but hug whoever and whatever the fuck you want. I have something. I can't wait till kate comes back i have something so good god our listeners are so amazing should i skip to animals flirt or can i go to the bathroom too and wait for kate to come back yeah you can you can you can go you can go all right lay it on him watch this oh look there's matt suza he's like backup backup suza
Starting point is 02:09:40 Look, there's Matt Souza. He's like backup. Backup Souza. Back in action. When there's no one left, here I am. Here we go. Let's drop these guys out too. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:09:54 That's not right. That's not right. Share screen. Oh, wait. What happened to my screen? Oh, no. what are you doing i'm uh that that i that that picture that someone sent us oh my gosh i'm gonna i i'm working on making it full size on my screen i don't know what are you gonna show it yeah Yeah, yeah. Here we go. Here we go. Stop camera. Oh, no.
Starting point is 02:10:31 Okay. Share screen. Share screen. And then I go here. I hit that. And then I go to full screen. Oh, how do I keep losing it? How do I keep losing it how do I keep losing it oh you had it that's awesome
Starting point is 02:10:51 carry him carry the man there should be like some movement that's like I mean the feminists should get right behind this carry him I mean, the feminists should get right behind this. Carry him.
Starting point is 02:11:12 Caleb, I don't know if you still do clips or not, but this, you got it. You got it. Oh, man. Does Caleb still do clips for us? What happened? How did we lose Caleb? He's still doing the clips. He is?
Starting point is 02:11:23 Okay. Yeah. That's Will. caleb he's still doing the clips he is okay yeah that's will there's a guy named will and caleb that have just been just just they're absolutely crushing it podcast yeah i almost think we're a team of four now it's awesome yeah shout out to will shout out to caleb you guys are absolutely doing fantastic so awesome hey so we had daniel brandon on the show uh't know, a while ago, and then we had her on again. And then I think she missed two shows. Basically, she no-showed for two shows. And then today, we told her to come on like we were going to have her back on again. We asked her if she'd come back on like after Thanksgiving or sometime.
Starting point is 02:12:00 But then somehow we screwed up the calendar, and we needed her to come on today. time but but then we somehow we screwed up the calendar and we needed her to come on today and i wanted her to come on at the same time this guy nikki rodriguez was coming on so i could see the both of them like side by side like curating just beautiful humans and she actually came on last minute which was awesome yeah she's really cool and i just made fun of her in another show saying she could never win the games and just picking on her and she still knows how we do she knows she knows yeah i mean i was laughing when she shared that post of you telling her that her shirt was too big and it will blow up in her comments and then she just like screenshotted it and put in her story i was like fuck yes yeah she's awesome she's a good dude
Starting point is 02:12:39 she's not a sensitivo. Oh, James Hobart. Look, James gets into a chair like he doesn't have legs. Like he backs into it like he's moving himself off a wheelchair and like dropped his ass in a chair. That's because this chair is really tall, man. Oh. And how do you know what it's like for somebody to get into a chair without legs? Hey, dude, I worked for CrossFit for 15 years. I studied human movement like no other. You think?
Starting point is 02:13:03 No. I study human movement like no other. You think? No. I wish my wife would bring me another cup of coffee right now. I wonder if she's watching the show. I wish your wife would come in the room and pick you up out of that chair and carry you around. Just put me up against the door back there and just mash me.
Starting point is 02:13:22 Hey, Robert, speaking about picking me up and carrying me around the room, Rob Orlando is coming on the show tomorrow morning. Great guest. Great guy. Yeah. I'm excited. Kate doesn't know who Rob is. She's too new. He's a bit of a shorty.
Starting point is 02:13:33 Ask him if he's ever been carried around. I know who Rob is. My shows are so different than this show. I'm a dignified man. I do not talk about stuff like that with my other guests. You are more well-behaved. You're a little raunchy when we're around. It's wild on the news. The one time when I need you
Starting point is 02:13:52 to be together, you're about as loose as someone can be. Basically, Matt Lauer. Oh, no. Oh, no. all right you ready that's it that guy i think that guy might if the stories are true who knows what's true these days but that guy's not a very nice man oh is he is it is it worse sorry i haven't followed up so i hope i didn't just cut you deep
Starting point is 02:14:20 well no but when matt lauer got that's okay when matt lauer got uh me too the story was a it was like horrible basically he i think he picked he invited a lady into his office locked the door behind her and fucked her bent her over the desk and fucked her that's bad and she was married and he i think he knew her husband too the whole thing was so fucked up and he had a button that now i feel bad i said now i feel bad that i said wow hobart way to be a dick it's not he's he's i think he might be i i hate to convict anyone based on what the media says but okay go on tell me about matt lauer okay um male puffer fish us animals flirt oh wait you're not gonna do matt lauer no no i was just i was trying to make a funny joke oh okay oh but he's in the news right he's in the news not this news
Starting point is 02:15:18 oh because i just saw him in the news somewhere okay doesn't sound like things are going well for him no that button thing is crazy all right male puffer fish work non-stop for a week to construct incredible crop circle art to attract the attention of passing females smitten female puffer fish will lay their eggs in the middle of the crop circle art they fancy as a way to reciprocate their feelings. Then the deal is sealed when the males fertilize her eggs externally. Also, small male cuttlefish can transform into females in order to deceive their larger male competitors. For example, researchers found that the smaller male cuttlefish transform their appearance into females in order to trick large males. Because the cuttlefish transform their appearance into females in order to trick large males. Because the cuttlefish mating ritual is aggressive with larger males fighting each other,
Starting point is 02:16:10 the smaller males cleverly protect themselves by switching to female mode and gain an edge with real females. DNA fingerprinting showed that the female mimickers successfully fertilized females 60 of the time which was an achievement considering females are notoriously picky rejecting any male advances about 70 of the time male peacock spiders break into dances to woo potential mates but the dancing is rarely effective a 2015 study wait wait wait wait well fuck that go back read that shit again why is it rarely effective well i'm getting to that oh a 2015 study found that upon seeing a female these tiny male spiders break into a series of dances in an attempt to send actual good vibrations to her through the ground. If she shows any interest, then the male
Starting point is 02:17:08 reveals a colorful flap from his abdominal region and proceeds to strut his stuff wildly. These dance moves, however, are not a turn-on. In fact, out of 64 courtship dances studied, only 16 were liked by the females in response to bad dancing. Some females would turn away the males while others were more aggressive, either shaking their abdomens at them. Or sometimes if they get really annoyed eating them, would they ever pick them up and carry them around? That would be eating them. Like remember when you're at a school dance,
Starting point is 02:17:41 trying to get a girl to dance to you. Imagine if she just ate you. Eat the man. That's so good. What did the females actually care about? I don't know how they could tell this. The males looks, which were considered twice as important as their dance moves. There you go.
Starting point is 02:18:03 So today it was crazy. Nick Rodriguez. It was a dream show. I'm telling you,riguez asked danielle brandon just out of the blue he goes have you ever been to a chippendale show and she said no did you hear have you have you heard that yet suza no no i actually clicked on that part she was like starting to discuss it which is funny i didn't watch the whole thing yet uh so she said have you ever been he said have you ever been to a chippendale show i'm like fuck this is a good show this is like they're talking and shit now and uh she goes no and she goes why and he goes
Starting point is 02:18:34 oh because i i was asked to try out for the chippendales and i made it i'm like of course you did yeah like i stood yeah stood. Yeah. Oh, man. I've never had to go after girls. Girls just come after me. I just stay focused. The first part of that article reminds me of like the guys that like pretend to be the sensitive ones and like are like, you know, call the girls and everything else. They just purposefully friend zone it. And then like when like rejection strikes, you just swoop in.
Starting point is 02:19:05 Here they are. Pretending they can. What is he was a jerk. Peacock spider. You know, when I when I when I see men like just doing stuff like it, like a dude, like riding a bike, like with a boombox in the front and he's got a plane full blast blast or like you know the the guy with the low rider and it rides on one wheel or just like it's all just made everything here is if you start looking at the world like it's just mating strategies you'll see so many failed mating strategies like there's there are so many like we'll dudes will do anything but there's so many that are just.
Starting point is 02:19:46 Yeah. What are some of your failed manning strategy? No, thank you. No, thank you. No, thank you. Fuck off. Thanks though. Hobart.
Starting point is 02:19:56 Appreciate you. You could dude. Next story, please. This isn't really a story. I just wanted everyone to know that I went on – today is Sunday. I don't know how Black Friday rolls in the rest of the world. Probably not that big of a deal. But Black Friday sales, they were the majority of the latest tech stories on Google News. The first 20 stories just had to do with Black Friday sales.
Starting point is 02:20:21 I shouldn't be surprised at that, but I was. Stories just had to do with Black Friday sales. I shouldn't be surprised at that, but I was. Nonetheless, just top to bottom Black Friday stories. Anyway, moving on. Is that racist? Nope. Okay.
Starting point is 02:20:37 Because I think it's an accounting term. Black Friday, right? Yeah. And it's because it makes the push for the holidays. All the books turn from red to black, from negative to positive from negative i believe that's it don't quote me on that um all right this is gonna is that the peacock spider yeah it's the size of a grain of rice oh i know those spiders a grain of rice. Oh, I know those spiders. What do you mean you know those spiders?
Starting point is 02:21:11 Oh shit, look at that dance. That would get me going. Did you study it or something? Look at him shake that thing. Dude, it's a peacock. Are you sure it's not Kate carrying around Josh? Right. Dude, that is amazing. How cool would it be if we had feathers that we had to show off and dance with?
Starting point is 02:21:38 Oh, my goodness. Okay, enough of this. Are they going to mate? Let's fast forward right to the good stuff. Oh, shit. That's, let's fast forward. Oh shit. That how I fucked it up. Should let the pro handle it. So, uh,
Starting point is 02:21:57 is that mating or is that being eaten? Oh, that's a 67. Oh, she's fucking killing him. man oh no he gathers the sperm and passes it into a reproductive organs is that what you call that that's what it said at the bottom look at him wiggling his little tail switch i'm so confused that camera's intense yeah the dudes are always the ones are always prettier the dudes are always prettier birds spiders yeah and like animals and in all of them and all and do in people too
Starting point is 02:22:35 so women have to put on makeup and shit and high heels and dudes just take their shirts off all right yeah i said it here first yep i know it's not it's not nice but it's the truth even better we have cock and balls yes okay this is the weirdest news ever yeah there's too much serious stuff going on in the world right now travis had to fluff it up a little bit that was a good fluff face too thank you solid okay proceed the web 3.0 this takes a deep dive but anyway in this new era navigating the web no longer means logging into the likes of facebook google or twitter the web.0, the web was seen as a way to democratize access to information, but there weren't great ways of navigating it beyond going to your friend's GeoCities page. Remember those? Remember when everyone had their own web page? It was pretty disorganized and
Starting point is 02:23:40 overwhelming. Then came web 2.0. Starting in the mid-2000s, platforms like Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter emerged to bring order to the internet by making it easy to connect and transact online. Critics say over time, those companies amassed too much power. What are you talking about? Web 3.0. This is stupid. Prove it. Fine. Fine. This is stupid. Prove it. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 02:24:18 Web 3.0 will mean that sharing photos, communicating with friends, and buying things online will no longer be synonymous with big tech companies, but be done through a message, you'll earn a token for your contribution, giving you both an ownership stake in the platform and one day away to cash in. Web 3.0 enables a future where distributed users and machines are able to interact with data. Value and other counterparties via a substrate of peer-to-peer networks without the need for third parties the result a composable human-centric and privacy preserving computing fabric for the next wave of the web i heard privacy and i thought you fucking liar but um can you can you can you what's that called distill that for me into a sentence or translate? I thought they were going to put goggles on all of us and we were going to go into the matrix.
Starting point is 02:25:11 That's the next story. I believe this is a step away from that. I'm imagining that web, internet-based interactions are going to be based on peer-to-peer networks. So we'll just access data and communications by just connecting with separate users without the need for a third-party company like Facebook to host all those interactions. And I think a lot of those interactions will be facilitated by what it seems like our internet-based ais uh i'm not sure what you mean but is it like an avatar where we're going to plug our tails into each other no that's the next story oh i'm stuck on that dude my crypto is telling you if i can do good in crypto anyone can
Starting point is 02:26:08 can do good in crypto anyone can have a crypto wallet hey do you have crypto no give me some tips i want to i i keep hearing from people i dabble in crypto i'm so sick of hearing that crap like i'm so glad i'm so glad you can hook your venmo up to coinbase this's my crypto no that's me so i have a thousand and seven dollars oh look you saw that i just hit a dollar bitch damn is that list what you've is that list all the coins available or is is that the list of the coins you've bought i thought yeah that's the coins i bought and that's how much money i have in each one very never see how that is james and like i i bought and that's how much money i have in each one very diverse how that is james and like i i think that that plus or minus is like how it's done in the last like 24 hours and i don't know how it resets every day i'm sorry i'm gonna have to do a whole podcast on this or i can charge you a small fee susan you can call me later today roger you're killing it with that one 20
Starting point is 02:27:06 and so see that one that's like see that one decentral lens so it's down seven it's down 7.16 hobart yeah or kate whoever's listening and then so i'll click on it i clicked on it and then and then so that's what it's been done in the last day and then i can click on this week and i can see how it's gone in the last week. And so basically I look at these graphs and once something has dropped enough, I just buy another $10 in it. And it's a really simple plan I have. I don't have like an advanced plan.
Starting point is 02:27:37 And I just, and I just, uh, I only buy the shit that's doing bad. And in the last week I made 250 bucks. I think I put in maybe $300. I bad. And in the last week, I made $250. I think I put in maybe $300. I think I put in like $700. How much time have you spent on it though? Like yesterday, I didn't check it at all. Today, I probably just – I don't know.
Starting point is 02:27:59 And here's another thing. Have you spent more than seven hours on this? No, no, no, no. It's not like my fucking DMs. I spend five hours a day on my dm i just got a dm from wad zombie you put that photoshop to use oh god oh boy carry him carry him carry him i gotta save all that we're crushing the news we're coming up on two and a half hours. Let's talk about Facebook meta. That's going to see if you want to see the photo. Take us to the metaverse. Send it to the group chat, Susan.
Starting point is 02:28:32 It's not ready for the... Text it to us, Susan, and then I'll pull it up as a full screen if I can. Oh, God. If it's a picture... Okay, there we go. Facebook has rebranded itself as Meta in an attempt to own the Metaverse,
Starting point is 02:28:54 a concept for a 3D version of the internet that a number of companies are working on. Lots of gaming companies, too. I believe, actually, Fortnite and... What's the other really popular one with kids? Roblox. Wait, what is it what is it so this this uh video game called fortnite and another popular video game called uh roblox you can have like is roblox really that popular or did you just make that up very popular um you can have like an avatar in the game and i believe both of these games held um on like a digital virtual concert where i think it was um
Starting point is 02:29:28 not a black widow song ariana grande uh ariana grande gave a virtual concert she had an avatar and then like your little video game characters went and listened um this is a real thing that's happening in oh you just sent the picture in the world you can show that on the internet it's good it's good it's well done shit well done oh my god his face oh it's hot it, it's all pixelated when I blew it up. Am I sharing it? Suze, or are you?
Starting point is 02:30:09 You're sharing it. I want Josh to like me. Should I finish this story or are you going to pop that thing up? Make the people wait. Make the people wait. Okay, yeah. Go ahead. Finish the story and then I'll pop it up. The metaverse, a concept for a 3D version of the internet that a number of companies are working on. Prepare for plenty of confusion in the coming months because Facebook, whose products are used by more than 3 billion people worldwide, let that settle in, has decided to rebrand itself.
Starting point is 02:30:44 Here's everything you need to know. The name for a shared online 3D virtual space that a number of companies are interested in creating as a sort of future version of the internet. In the future, you'll be able to teleport instantly as a hologram. To be at the office without a commute, at a concert with friends, or in your parents' living room to catch up, Zuckerberg wrote in a letter announcing Facebook's rebranding as Meta. But it is in the future, not now. The metaverse unveiled by the company in August looks like The Sims or another immersive world, the 2003 video game Second Life. Is Meta going to simply provide the tools rather than be the gatekeeper? I doubt that they would relinquish anything that might compromise their position as the definitive advertisement provider of the
Starting point is 02:31:30 metaverse, for instance. So basically you're going to throw a little 3d goggle helmet and your friends are going to throw on 3d goggle helmets. And then you'll be able to live in a virtual world and go to meetings and not have to drive to work. I was watching a video of someone using these gloves where when you're picking stuff up in the metaverse, the gloves create this sensation on your hands so you can feel the things that you're grabbing. What's that called? Hepatic? Yep, hepatic, I think. Hey, that's fucking nuts for anyone to buy into that whole Facebook thing to do that
Starting point is 02:32:06 because all they're going to do is just imagine the control they have with us out here. Imagine the control they're going to have of us in there. How devastating, though, is it if other people in your little hologram world could see the advertisements you get? So it's like you're in a business meeting and an advertisement pops up offside it's like james do you need more diarrhea medicine oh sorry guys excuse me um i had a i had a dr courtney hunt on a couple days ago and she basically was talking about what's going to happen when we go to quantum computing and quantum computing is basically when computers can basically move molecules around basically they can move they can think as fast as a human brain
Starting point is 02:32:54 there's like they can basically do in a hundred seconds what would currently take computers a hundred thousand years and at that point they'll have an algorithm that basically can figure everyone out and they will also be able to it's it's heavy shit but anyway if that if that shit happens in the metaverse why is everyone so afraid of a computer that can tell them what they want i love it when i'm on instagram and it's like hey here's an ad for this cool sweatshirt that i know you like and i'm and i think to myself ad for this cool sweatshirt that I know you like. And I'm, and I think to myself, that's a great sweatshirt. I want to buy it. We were in a meeting somewhere once, and I don't remember where it was, if it was with,
Starting point is 02:33:33 I think maybe it was with Amazon in Seattle and someone there said with any three clicks, God, I wish I could remember this, the exact thing, but, um, uh, they said with any three clicks, we can tell whether a person is straight or gay. I think it was we were at Amazon. Now imagine if there's something that there's a computer that – and they have all the data because they're tracking all of our movements and clicks now. Imagine there's a computer so powerful that something you did – 10 things you did in a row today lets them know that you're going to kill someone in three years oh this is minority report i love this yes lock him up uh and here's the thing i'm not a sinister person so imagine if i can think of that
Starting point is 02:34:22 that is not nice kate you put him down he wants to be best breastfed or burp that's why he's so pissed he's celebrating with me the victor i thought i i thought i lost fucking uh matt now i'm gonna lose josh too oh it was fun podcast i feel bad i haven't even met the guy. I apologize in advance, Josh. If it makes you feel any better, I only drink good dudes coffee.
Starting point is 02:34:54 You're drinking coffee right now? Yeah. Do good dudes make decaf? I don't know if they make decaf. I do drink some strong coffee that's a term alpha male devastating term what alpha male coffee yeah it's my favorite word alpha i'm an out whenever i hear like i'm an alpha
Starting point is 02:35:19 i've just never heard anyone who i would like if i was someone put a gun to my head and was like hey categorize your friends into alphas and betas i've never heard anyone who would is an alpha refer to themselves as an alpha you know like the kill that term if you have to tell people you're an alpha like you're not an alpha it's the same thing like if you have to tell people you're funny like you're not funny yeah let me explain to you why i'm a funny alpha let me let me explain to you why i'm a funny alpha because it sounds like i could break new ground with both you fuckers here we go lay it on me lay it on me daddy pick me up yeah i'm gonna pick you up i'm gonna fucking pick you up kate all five foot 882 pounds of you.
Starting point is 02:36:05 While you're fucking overhead squatting 225. Fuck you. So I didn't think that there was – someone Photoshop that. Me carrying Kate around the room while she's overhead squatting. NFTs, baby, NFTs. That would be a very lucrative NFT. On a serious note, I have this really amazing friend and I fucking love him to death, but it was the first time I understood the difference between alpha males and beta males.
Starting point is 02:36:35 And I had these three great Danes and I was their fucking alpha. And when you have three fucking great Danes, you need a fucking alpha. But I didn't know at the time, but like, I, if you are, you are, and if you're not, great Danes. You need a fucking alpha, but I didn't know at the time, but like I, if you are, you are. And if you're not, you're not. But if you're,
Starting point is 02:36:48 if you're going to have three male dogs, period, it's a fuck and you want, and you want shit to be organized. Or if you're going to have kids, if you're going to have boys, there better be a fucking alpha. And if you're going to have a healthy relationship between a man and a woman,
Starting point is 02:37:00 you really do need an alpha, but I, I don't give a fuck what you say about being sexist or not i i believe this and um and i'm open to being wrong but so i had these three great danes i had them forever and it's it's like they need to know who's in charge and there's a fucking pecking order i was at the top then there's the the number one guy and then there's the other two guys and you see it portrayed and who gets to climb in the bed first. They had this bed in the back of the motorhome who gets to eat at what time the lowest guy in the totem pole could only eat
Starting point is 02:37:29 while the other dogs were asleep. Um, and you, and you see it forming. So I was going to New York for a film shoot. And, um, and normally I left my dog. I don't know what I do with my dogs. Normally I left him. I don't know what I do with him but but i didn't i had to take them to my friend's house for him to watch my dogs and with me being gone for like just like two days the dog started fighting and they had never been in a fight with themselves and it's because that guy didn't that guy didn't present alpha power vacuum. That guy did not present alpha and you can see it. And so that was the first time I was like, Oh, what the fuck's going on there? It took me, it took me a little while to figure it out. And then now, once you become aware of that phenomenon, you can see it. You can
Starting point is 02:38:17 see, you can see when, when you're in a room with a bunch of guys and there's guys there, you know, who, who, who wants to be the most alpha and and and then if there's two guys who both want to be the alpha there becomes a little bit of a conflict but the guys usually will just fall into a pecking order and and it's the same with animals dogs and and and and women need now everyone needs an alpha beta bitch media boy i'm pretty sure that's in reference to me And women need an alpha. Everyone needs an alpha. Beta bitch media boy. I'm pretty sure that's in reference to me. I was going to say,
Starting point is 02:38:54 Siobhan was the one who had to wait until the other dogs went to sleep before we ate the dog food. I could only eat when my dogs were asleep. All of those men out there, like all the kids out there that you don't like it's because they don't have alphas in their life all the bad all the kids they don't have an alpha i just think the term is fucking stupid i agree i i can agree with you on that i can agree with you on that you need someone to keep you in fucking check i agreed and i think it's good to be self-determined and know who you are and have a presence but i just i think it's a it's a term that people who are severely insecure
Starting point is 02:39:33 use to make themselves feel better for all the ghost of versailles i think it's stupid because i hear a lot of people exactly con that's fair um i hear a lot of people using it who just don't fall into that category like i said it's just like i I keep clicking it and Susan keeps clicking it. There you go. That was an alpha struggle right there. That was an alpha struggle. A couple of beta blockers. Fixing America's internet infrastructure. How how much time we got here
Starting point is 02:40:27 i don't know it's like gender it's a social construct that exists i don't know i don't know i don't know about that goes to versailles i i see what you're saying but i don't know if i agree with that i think there is i think that there's there's there's yeah eric you missed the carry him pick yeah yeah it'll come back no i i savannah agree that i think there's a lot of biology involved it's just the way i see it um used yeah not that i don't think it exists. I think it's who's using it, right? Like, it depends on who it's coming from. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:41:09 And I'm totally on board with the whole there's more powerful personalities and people who stand out more and have more authority. It doesn't matter how alpha I think I am. If the one woman on the podcast says she don't fuck short dudes, then I'm fucking out of the running. Whatever comes after beta. What determines an alpha though like the superficial characteristics is that the females want to mate with you and that the men want to be led by you those would be like and i don't mean that superficial in a in a derogatory way but just the and then i think that there is some sort of i think like i don't know what it is but there is some sort of biology like we know like when the like when you're around nick rodriguez you know he's the fucking alpha like you're not like
Starting point is 02:41:54 oh i wonder i wonder who should is it like it's like physical dominance though then a lot of it right uh i would think there's the biology of it that would get to it but i don't think physical dominance is um i think there's a strong core lips i don't think that's what society that's i don't think physical dominance is all of it you know oh you mean like how like people like uh bill gates might be an alpha but there's nothing fucking biological about it we remember that scene in batman when when didn't i talk about this when bane is like um that guy's like i could pay you and bane is like choking him and he's like you think money gives you power you know like i don't know yeah i mean right like status whether it's physical money or power whatever yeah i'm not talking about that i'm talking about like uh what's
Starting point is 02:42:44 the name of the book where all the kids are trapped on the island that you had to read in high school uh lord of the fly um yeah yeah lord of the flies i'm talking that shit i'm talking like like like you're in the eighth grade and you and your 10 buddies are hanging out on the playground like like you're starting to become aware who the alpha is. Were there alphas for like boys in school? Like the most popular kid in school? Was that an alpha? Yeah. Not anymore.
Starting point is 02:43:13 Now it's like they'll elect someone because they feel sorry for them. They picked a guy, a kid with Down syndrome who hasn't had a date. But yes, in general, back in the day, yes. I didn't say retard. I said Down syndrome. What are you laughing at um yeah now it's all it's all fucked up sebon alpha remember you're talking about the cool person in the room
Starting point is 02:43:39 remember you talking about oh yeah The cool person in the room, yeah. Basically, yeah. It's too much. It's too much. But that's a good – I like that, Colin. Thank you. I think that's a compliment. Okay.
Starting point is 02:44:00 I did a diatribe one time monologue. If you're not the coolest person in the room, make sure you let the coolest person in the room shine because you look like a fucking if you're not the coolest person in the room make sure you let the coolest person in the room shine because you look like a fucking idiot by not letting the coolest person in the room shine so okay I like that
Starting point is 02:44:17 I like that if you don't fucking talk James I'm going to start playing jiu jitsu videos and my no i thought that was really nice i was just i was just looking about reading about wolves and dominance hierarchy a new 65 billion dollar federal investment in broadband including the bipartisan infrastructure legislation was signed on monday many rural areas across the country lack access to high-speed, affordable internet. Oh, my God. I forgot this was a live call-in show.
Starting point is 02:44:50 I was praying that it wasn't a live call-in show anymore. I don't mean that. Good evening, Jeffrey. What's up, Siobhan? How are you? Oh, you sound younger than I imagined. Just thought I'd give you a call in. That's very kind of you.
Starting point is 02:45:08 We forgot, you know, I've been watching, I've been watching your show and it's awesome. Thank you. We put a lot of effort, work and pride into it. At least most of us. You know, the, the funny thing is, you know, a lot of what y'all been talking about is evolutionary biology. Okay. And so. Sounds like you're saying I'm right. Are you an evolutionary biologist, Jeffrey? The one thing you're right about is wearing that pay him shirt.
Starting point is 02:45:43 Are you an evolutionary biologist, Jeffrey? Hobart was asking. I am not an evolutionary biologist. I am a biology teacher. Okay. Cool. And a lot of what you're talking about is, you know, goes back to natural selection.
Starting point is 02:46:01 You know, why is it that things breed with what they breed with? Why do organisms want to perpetuate themselves? You know, an interesting thing about bonobos is that, and this is fact, is that whenever they meet another bonobo, they actually have a little hunt session for about three seconds to say, Hey, how are you? The Bonobo. Oh, is that the correct?
Starting point is 02:46:31 Bonobo. I'm sorry. Bonobos. Yeah. I've always, yeah. I might've messed that up. And so my, my interpretation of the word, it might be a little bit different, but,, you know, it is what it is. And the thing is that that's how they meet and greet one another. Even two males or just the women?
Starting point is 02:46:56 From what I understand, it's the male and the female or the male and the male. They just go up and they do a little hump and they're like, Hey, how are you? Like a dry, it's like dry humping. I can't wait to see you again, Siobhan. Essentially. Yeah. Essentially. What did Jason say? Who's Jason? What did Hobart say? Oh, he said he can't wait to see me again.
Starting point is 02:47:24 He was alluding to the fact that when he sees me he's going to dry up me oh that's awesome yes so but you know a lot of these displays you know you were talking about things eating other things
Starting point is 02:47:38 like the lizards that you were talking about well you know that's part of their evolutionary process and it's all about carrying genes on forward the lizards that you were talking about. Well, you know, that's part of their evolutionary process, and it's all about carrying genes on forward. I don't remember talking about things, eating things, except for that Oh Baby Beast Instagram clip where she wanted to put Hobart's head between her legs.
Starting point is 02:48:01 Nice, nice. Yvonne, I really appreciate your ideas thank you what grade are the kids you teach I teach high school kids awesome how are high school kids these days you know they are the way they are
Starting point is 02:48:20 you know y'all talk a lot about the social media influences and that does play into a lot of their you know their social context yeah and how they react to one another i was reading this no that's not true i wasn't reading i was hearing an author being interviewed this is probably a few years ago it was on NPR and she was writing about some sexual experience she had. And it was with a man who was a farmer who had never seen porn before.
Starting point is 02:48:55 And she was comparing them with the men that she had had sex with her whole life previous to that from, and she was from New York city who it from New York City, who had all seen porn. And what a different experience it was. And I use that as the example because – and I was fascinated by that. And I use that as the example because that's – to tell you the truth, that's kind of what – I was so naive growing up, and it was great. And everything just unfolds in time. and everything just unfolds, you know, in time. It's like I'm 49 now and I don't have any tattoos and I'm kind of excited about it because there's a whole world of options still to get tattoos the
Starting point is 02:49:30 rest of my life. And kind of like intimacy is like that too. I feel like kids, they see all this stuff on social media and they want to like do stuff just because they see it in porn or in social media. It's like, dude, you have your whole fucking lifetime to let that shit unfold. And it's great. It and and it's great it's it's um man there's no rush it sucks it sucks it on some on some level i don't want to sound like an old fuddy-duddy it sucks just how much that uh people get exposed to so quickly there's
Starting point is 02:50:01 almost like not a uh maybe not like a maturation process or let's maybe like discover some things on your own and not seeing someone do it on a computer first absolutely savannah i totally totally agree with you you know it's the the the social media influence that it has on our kiddos today is just mind boggling. You know, one of the things that really got me because I'm a teacher is, you know, there was that one trend on TikTok where, you know, go up and slap a teacher kind of thing. And I'm like, what if a kid decides that they want to do that to me? Yeah, that's crazy.
Starting point is 02:50:45 Really? That was a trend on TikTok? Yeah. I mean, isn't that crazy? Do you guys see that? Daniel Cormier is worried about a guy saying, I beat your ass and sent him packing back to Israel or China or Australia. I beat up Kate Gordon so good good I sent her back to Australia. And you're worried about that? While fucking TikTok is showing fucking teachers getting slapped?
Starting point is 02:51:12 Yep. They're not even in the same fucking world. Exactly. I mean, we're there to... What's a dress code like at your high school? That's another fucking thing. When I was in high school, I thought dress codes were the stupidest fucking thing ever and you know who explained it to me it was fucking greg glassman he said this and i fucking loved it you want to
Starting point is 02:51:33 set the fucking battle somewhere so fucking stupid that when they win it's not a big deal so you make it so that the boys have to wear black cords and the girls have to wear skirts that go past their knees and that way the battle stays at girls trying to hem their skirts up just a little too high and boys trying to wear blue cords or blue jeans. And once you pick the battle for where you want the rebellion to occur as the adult, that's what makes you a fucking adult. Not let them wear whatever they want and you can only bring AKs to school as long as they're not automatic powered and you can bring goldschlager to school but not jagermeister i mean the shit that kids are getting fucking away with is fucking nuts set like fight with them give them a chance to rebel but set the fucking ground rules have it in like make the battle here and i was like wow i never i thought i never realized the value the importance of uh
Starting point is 02:52:25 it's the same the same thing with people who who religious people look dude the alternative to christians if you're not if you're not a god-fearing person is is not good all these people who are like there's no such thing as god they want to go out of their way to fight christians stop doing that like the christians and the mormons and like the church girls that's who we want as our neighbors for the most part then don't start getting all like nitpicky form on me well I had a Mormons have the highest molestation rate of blah blah blah
Starting point is 02:52:54 I'm talking big picture here we don't want we don't want godless people in too many godless people like I'm okay but we don't want just fucking everyone godless. It ends up with a lot of bad people. You end up with fucking like China.
Starting point is 02:53:10 Well, in the end, it's all about love for your fellow man. Correct. Some people think that that comes from God, though, in the Bible, and they have to be taught that. Like me, I see a fish get caught and I start crying. I don't know why it's like that. I am a religious man, but the thing that I do realize is that the Bible is written by men. And so many of the things that are in there are not necessarily conducive to equitable relationships between men, women, and others. But I'm also a Native American.
Starting point is 02:53:51 And so I have a holding to the land and to the world itself. I would listen to any audio book you read. Well, I'll ig you on them i'll dm some of the things i've looked at if you want to know why i spend five hours in my ig i bet i bet you 10 minutes of my ig every day on average or with this dude fucking regret building relationships on ig fucking throw my phone away. No, I love my phone. Well, we've spent some time talking.
Starting point is 02:54:30 We've had some arguments from time to time, but, but you know, the thing is that there's, there's a lot of things that we do agree on. There's a lot of things we might not necessarily agree on. And I think it's more because you are a satirist and you, you put things out there, out there you put comments out there that you know make people think and I applaud you for that thank you sir
Starting point is 02:54:54 I'm going to clip that and show my mom anyway if you were here Jeffrey I would give you a dry hump or something you bet brother hey keep up good dudes coffee and lay low on the JB stuff. Yes.
Starting point is 02:55:13 He's my buddy. He's a good dude. All right, Jeffrey. Thanks for calling. All right. Y'all take it easy tonight. All right. Bye.
Starting point is 02:55:21 That guy fucking alpha'd me. He was making me feel like he was my daddy. That was alpha shit. He alpha'd me i he was making me feel like like he was my daddy that was alpha shit he alpha'd me seriously yeah i fucking was just he's cooler than i am i could just tell he's all tempered and shit you gotta get tough man you gotta stick your spider peacock feather up and wave no i started liking him i started liking him too much yeah if that's what that he won me over i started thinking like he was smart and strong and sweet and i'd like him all right let's end i'm gonna do one more story okay let's go to the reddit thanksgiving who gives a shit about internet infrastructure oh
Starting point is 02:55:55 i can't stand reddit america like reddit like the the website oh yeah i love reddit oh james here we go i you're fine man it's okay there's stuff on there you would like you're gonna learn about so much crypto on reddit savon yep i will never go to reddit a reddit thanksgiving internet backs redditor who refuses to host thanksgiving for fiance's 20 plus family members. The I'm am I the a-hole forum on Wednesday under the username final Blackberry. The Redditor explained that for the past four years, she single-handedly cooked Thanksgiving dinner for her fiance's family. There's a lot of logistics behind cooking for a large crowd. I start prepping the night before cook all morning
Starting point is 02:56:43 and afternoon. And by the time everything is done, I'm too exhausted to enjoy the food I cooked and eat. Final Blackberry wrote, in a post that has racked up over 18,000 votes and more than 1,700 comments, this year I told my partner that I have no intention of cooking, said Final Blackberry. If he wanted to host, he can cater. cater his reaction was but that's our tradition can't you at least make some box stuffing or something and everyone is planning on coming according to the farm bureau the average cost for a dinner for 10 people will be 53.31 up 6.41 from last year as it turns out final blackberry and her fiance split up. Just kidding.
Starting point is 02:57:28 We're expected to save a lot this year. After Final Blackberry shared her story with Reddit, her beta fiance canceled Thanksgiving altogether because he didn't like that Final Blackberry was venting to strangers on the internet. Here's the deal. Yes. Here's the deal for these two if what's going on here is that uh you're upset because your partner's venting to strangers on the internet you have other issues going on your relationship and whether or not
Starting point is 02:57:58 she's going to cook thanksgiving for you and your oversized family pal pal. Get a grip. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody. Hope you enjoyed the news. What country is that? Probably the United States of America. There's no Thanksgiving anywhere else but your country. Thank you, CFK. Oh, man. Fuck you up.
Starting point is 02:58:20 Dude, she just carried you across the room and banged your head on all the rafters. Hey, have you guys seen that story about that guy that got an accidental text in a group text saying Thanksgiving dinner would be ready? And then he responded back and then he actually went to dinner with them and they're like four years running strong. Have you guys heard that story? Oh, shit, no. Yeah, I'll see if I can pull it up. On a cynical note,
Starting point is 02:58:50 don't try and add some nice kumbaya good feels to it. Oh, my apologies. He admired and respected Rich Groening, but James Hobart is one of the few CrossFit athletes that I've ever had a crush on. Thank you. I couldn't even like look him in the eyes when I met him. I was just like, oh my goodness, am I turning red?
Starting point is 02:59:13 Oh my goodness. Take it. Take the compliment, James. Take it. Very grateful. But Dave Castro is still daddy though. Poor Rich. Rich just got left behind.
Starting point is 02:59:35 I'm going to tell you a quick story. I could probably find the news article. So I was at – I've told you this story before. I was at a Starbucks with Greg. There was a guy reading a huge fucking – it's a famous medical book. Not the DSM, but it's this huge medical book that they keep updating. It's huge. It's like fucking this thick.
Starting point is 02:59:53 And he's reading it, and he's sitting there, and he's got these two dogs. They're purebreds. I forget what they were. And Greg and I are sitting – this is at the Starbucks in – I don't know if it's Del Mar or Carlsbad. I can't remember. Uh, but Southern California, you know, South of Los Angeles and Greg, Greg's always fascinated to talk with strangers and especially if they're, he see, he sees the guys into medicine. And so Greg goes over there and starts talking to him and this, and they start talking about this guy's book. Um, I'm sure you guys have heard of the book. Um, it was written by funny enough, Richard Johnson,
Starting point is 03:00:28 Dick Johnson, and it's called the fat switch. Do you guys know that book? And actually Dick Johnson just came out with another book too. If you don't know the fat switch, you should read the fat switch. It's an amazing, amazing book. So they start talking about this book and this guy starts explaining that him and Greg start talking about insulin and the relationship that yeast plays and um insulin what's that called insulin resistant insulin resistance so and and the fact that basically drinking beer gets your yeast out of whack and it causes increases expedites the insulin resistance blah blah and and this wasn't directly sugar related. But anyway, so from that day on forward, Greg quit drinking beer. It was nuts. Like I drank beer with him every single day for fucking eight years. And all of a sudden he's like, I'm not drinking beer ever again. And he never did again. And I lived with him at the time and he just stopped. He just
Starting point is 03:01:18 stopped. I never saw him drinking beer again to this day. It was fucking nuts because of this one conversation I had with this guy. So this guy ends up becoming good friends with Greg. He starts coming over to the house for dinner on a regular basis. And he just becomes one of the guys in Greg's circle that Greg knows. And he's this really smart guy. And he was a doctor. This guy is in Denver. And he gets a text from his ex-girlfriend saying she's having a birthday party and he should come
Starting point is 03:01:47 over. He goes over to the house, and she's like, what are you doing here? And he's like, you texted me and said you were having a party. And she's like, oh, I text you on accident, but since you're here, you might as well just come over. You might as well come in in so he goes to the party they hang out there at the party they end up going to a diner he gets into a a verbal and this guy was really feminine which is really trippy about this this whole thing to me this guy was really feminine beta as a motherfucker and and uh he he got into and this was the part i read in the newspaper and he got into an argument with the girl's boyfriend, current boyfriend. And he asked him to – oh, because he had the same name as someone else in her phone or something. Anyway, I wish I could remember this guy's name so we could look up the article.
Starting point is 03:02:36 But basically the current boyfriend goes, hey, come outside. I want to have a talk with you. And he walks outside, and fucking the the the current boyfriend shoots him with a gun and then shoots him again and he goes through the plain glass window of the diner and dies and it was all because he got invited to this fucking birthday party on accident maybe that was my wife who just texted me the guy's name or maybe not. Anyway, that's a pretty crazy story about being at the wrong place at the wrong time, right?
Starting point is 03:03:10 Yeah, man, that was devastating. Okay. Really brought us to a new... Audrey just heard you say Greg and is about to come running to call in. Here's the feel-good one we could end on. That's the uh feel good one we could end on that's a that's the uh guy and then that's a family that he's with oh no way oh that's awesome yeah so accidental text led to six years of thanksgiving dinner for these uh happy families and not a dead boyfriend in the diner window hey so why doesn't
Starting point is 03:03:44 why doesn't that guy go with his family on thanksgiving um i didn't actually speak with him so i'm not the details of it but i'll get him on the podcast please i will i'll hit him up and i'll see if he wants to go out actually that would you really want to have him on though that might be interesting when is thanksgiving for you guys? It's on Thursday. Hobart, you know what's weird? You don't look like a buff hunk dude right now. You look like a little
Starting point is 03:04:11 man in a big room, like a poindexter. You should wear some glasses. I think my wife's got her glasses in here. I'll put them on. Beta. Not afraid of that. Beta energy. They got together and did some donations for some people in the year
Starting point is 03:04:29 this holiday season as well actually I feel like I remember seeing this it went like super viral it was like a here it is I think this is the original one so she had sent that text and then he put you know you guys can read it who is this this? Your grandma, grandma.
Starting point is 03:04:45 Can I have a picture of who, who? So then she sends back this. You're not my grandma. She said, yes, of course. Grandma's feed everybody. And then it's been going on for six years now. That's so cool. That's that his girlfriend's hot.
Starting point is 03:05:09 Hey, um, how, what were they giving to people in need a ps5 yeah this country is so this country is so fuck don't ruin it man okay so we're all gonna live in a virtual reality metaverse on by facebook in about three years so just not me oh you'll be there you know the dm king oh man you'll be in your metaverse touching dms swiping them around you'll be sucked in don't say not me oh hey i saw apples coming out with glasses and it's like that see it's like like swiping around and shit yeah minority report it's coming oh gotta need a lot of dick jokes to bring back the mood. Nope. Let's land the plane.
Starting point is 03:05:50 We're done? Yeah. That's it. We're done. Tell me one article that we didn't read, one we didn't do. Just one. The dog phone. Okay.
Starting point is 03:06:02 That's a good one we skipped. What's another one we skipped? I think that was it, actually. The fixing America's internet infrastructure. All right. Yeah. Dock the plane. Let's dock.
Starting point is 03:06:15 That was actually the most... Park the car. That was the most... Park the car. Park the car. That was the most news stories we have ever worked through. Yeah, that was good.
Starting point is 03:06:32 I just have to do one bit of house cleaning. What's today? Today's Sunday? Yes. So tomorrow we have Rob Orlando in the morning at 7 a.m. Holy cow. That's 10 hours from now. How am I going to do that? And then we have at 7.15 p.m. we have Jorge Ventura. am i going to do that and then we have uh at 7 15 p.m
Starting point is 03:06:46 we have jorge ventura we're going to talk about kenosha he was on the ground there we're going to talk about kyle rittenhouse then on tuesday morning at 7 a.m we have sarah sigman's daughter oh cool and then at 9 a.m we have miranda alcarez that's crazy too and then the 24th, 25th, and 26th, I am – I don't know what's going to happen. I am extremely busy, and I think on the 25th, Susan and I are going to try to do a Colin show. Then on the 27th, 28th – oh, and then sometime next week, we have Aljamain Sterling. That's the following week. Yeah, that'll be after Thanksgiving. Right. and yeah that'll be after thanksgiving right and then the following yep and then we also have a
Starting point is 03:07:27 brian butler who is the owner and mega agent from sucker punch um you guys don't want to miss those two shows especially if you're ufc fans are we on for next week sunday i'm traveling i'm out next week. Are we doing it Tuesday? Or should we do it without you, Hobart? No, Tuesday is take Cassandra out to dinner for her 30th birthday. So, Kate, can you do it next Sunday? Yeah. Hobart, are you going to be feeling bad again if we do it without you?
Starting point is 03:08:05 I'll probably try and listen to it I didn't feel bad I liked having Kate carry you guys around that was the alpha move that's the alpha move

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