The Sevan Podcast - #217 - Sara Sigmundsdóttir

Episode Date: November 24, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
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Starting point is 00:01:01 Specifically, but give me a second. Bam, we're live. Is this a big deal today? Is this a big episode or something? No. Yes, yes, yes, yes. No, no, no. Yes, yes. Sarah is one of those guests, though,
Starting point is 00:01:17 where people are like, I can't believe you got Sarah. I'm like, easy. Easy. We also got easy. We did get easy, yeah. We got easy Muhammad. What are you talking about? We get Sarah Sigmund's daughter easy. Easy. Haley Adams, those two guests, not like – no one said that about Alexander Volkanovsky, but for some reason Haley Adams and Sarah Sigmund's daughter, people are like, you got them?
Starting point is 00:01:44 You got them, dude. I was looking at the, I was looking at this Spotify numbers yesterday. Holy shit. I need to send you guys those. It's nuts. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:59 But they don't pay a Spotify and iTunes. Sorry. Really too bad. They don't pay. Can we go live on spotify or itunes do they do live live are there live podcasts does anyone know that can i call in and ask if she shaves or waxes dude tom you do you brother you do i know you got this number on your speed dial i was always wondering how many people save this number. I almost called in yesterday when you tried to keep me away from Rob.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Oh, that would have been great. Excuse me. I'm supposed to be on the show. Oh, man, you were so great yesterday. Thank you, Brian, for doing that. Well, really, it was two years that I worked. I helped him with his event, just get some coverage for his event down there at Guadalupalooza. And he was awesome.
Starting point is 00:02:49 I mean, just hanging out, super easy to talk to, approachable guy, really passionate about what he was doing. So it was really nice. Yeah, he's a good dude. Dylan, Sarah Sigmund's daughter is not a fighter. I think you're only supposed to give money when there's fighters. Oh, my goodness. Dylan changed his profile picture because his other one was like he was climbing a rope. I was always staring at his ass.
Starting point is 00:03:15 I was always examining whether his ass was eating his shorts. It wasn't, but it needed to be. He changed his profile pic. Now it's with his hot chick that's awesome do you see this comment this guy brian just made and she's just adorned uh no let me see where's brian brian looks like liver king and fraser had a love child wow wow hey sarah i hope you're to make a dramatic entrance. I see your – oh, look, I said, hey, Sarah, my Siri turned on. Shut it, Siri.
Starting point is 00:03:48 I was trying to decide how I could make it as dramatic as possible, but then I just started listening to you guys, so I lost focus. It is a good show like that. We do that. We do that to people. Their whole shit gets unraveled when they start listening yeah exactly get focused on it uh let's get opt back on to tell sarah she doesn't do crossfit grand be nice come on come on whatever we had we had james fitzgerald from opex on it there was a dispute on what crossfit is and what CrossFit isn't. But let's not drag Sarah into this.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Good morning. You're in Dubai? Looks like she's frozen. That's because she's in Iceland. She left the door open and she froze. Yeah, but I'm back now, guys. You won't get rid of me so easily. Are you in a podcast studio?
Starting point is 00:04:44 Where are you? No, this is a lab. You get rid of me so easily. Are you in a podcast studio? Where are you? No, this is a lab. So I'm actually in Dubai training for the Dubai championships. Hopefully, fingers crossed. Can you hear me? Am I freezing? You froze for a second.
Starting point is 00:05:08 We heard you're being held hostage in Dubai. Yeah. Mayday, mayday. By my best friend. And so I came here in July. Then I came back in October. And then I left for... The room that I've been staying in. Can you hear me now
Starting point is 00:05:25 yeah but it's tough but you're in and out girl yeah you're breaking up a lot it's okay these things are normal for our show we don't have a good show yeah it's been pretty good recently
Starting point is 00:05:42 oh thank you this has been par for the course about 8 months ago yeah let's hope this works watch this move right here bam I just added her Instagram that's your Instagram right?
Starting point is 00:05:58 I just put an at and smooshed your name together yeah that's 100% correct but do you know my first name sir i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i shit. It's not. No, I don't. But I've heard it many times. Tell me. Have you watched the show Vikings? No, but my wife was obsessed with it.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Yeah, so there's a guy there called Ragnar. What's the first letter? What's the first letter? Ragnar. With an R? So that's the male version of my first name. Ragnar. Ragnar. Ragnar. So my name is Ragnar.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Yes, there we are. So that's the female version of Ragnar. That's impressive. That's in Google. Google knows your full name. Google knows it. You don't even know it. And I'm doing a podcast with you.
Starting point is 00:07:05 And I have two pages of notes, but I don't know your name. Google knows it. You don't even know it, and I'm doing a podcast with you. And I have two pages of notes, but I don't know your name. Classic. Classic. Say it for me once. Say it one more time for me. Ragnarheidish. Ragnarheidish.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Ragnarheidish. Ragnarheidish. oh snorri. Hey, you know what's funny? I'm on your Instagram page, and I don't know your name, and I'm staring right at your Instagram page, and I still screwed it up. How's that, Snorri? Hey, Snorri, if you have any other shit that's wrong, too, just jump in there. Just jump in there. Yeah. And say the 2015 games yeah and let's say the 2015
Starting point is 00:08:06 games it's really the two correct brian on some shit goodness okay so let's so we haven't had a breakup in a second so let's go back to um you're in dubai you flew to dubai you left dubai you flew to dubai you're at a friend's house and the plan is to compete in this Dubai fitness challenge. Yeah. So now it's been seven months since I had my ACL surgery. So I've been in rehab and I'm working with a physio here in Dubai. So I decided in July that I would just come here and train a little bit meet him in person and yeah do some work with him um and then I mean the real story is I think two days
Starting point is 00:08:55 after surgery I went for a checkup and I asked the doctor I was like so when can I start competing again and he's like uh I would say eight to twelve months and I was like eight months that means December he's like yeah I was like okay I'm gonna keep you to that because uh there's this competition in Dubai that I would love to compete at and like break the ice of competing again and uh so that's still the focus but uh as everybody knows that has gone through injury it's ups and downs and you never know where your body's at. So like one day I'm 100 percent going to compete. And then the next day I'm like, oh, no, I can't even do this and I can't do this. So it's been a bumpy road, but the focus is still set on Dubai.
Starting point is 00:09:39 So at least I'm here and I'm doing everything I can. Three questions around that. Are you allowed to say that phrase, break the ice, if you're from Iceland? That seems like it would be like a no-no. Yeah, but only Icelandic people are allowed to say it. Okay, okay. That makes sense. I had it backwards. I hear the Dubai Fitness Challenge is a world-class beatdown.
Starting point is 00:10:02 That it is a – why come back there and are you prepared are you taking it is it a test run are you going to have that pressure on you to uh to start and finish like my main goal of course is the games 2022 i don't need to be like how i'm thinking about it is that i'm working with the new coach now that I started working with after the Games 2020, which was my last competition. I haven't competed out on a competition floor since Waterpalooza 2020. And it's almost two years. So I'm just looking at this like, OK, will competing in Dubai help me with my main goal in August? And why will it help me and that's like
Starting point is 00:10:45 okay I need to get experience with my coach on a competition weekend of like how I react how he reacts how we can like um yeah like mix our thoughts and work well together for the big competition like I'm looking at Dubai that there's no pressure there. I'm testing my fitness. I'm testing where I stand, what I need to work on. I'm testing working with a coach. Yeah, just like...
Starting point is 00:11:19 It was too good to be true. Do you know who her coach is? No, I don't. Max Elhage. No shit? Mm-hmm. Damn.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Sorry, Sarah. We weren't talking over you. You froze and then like you have an obligation. Yeah, you're unfrozen. And so we have an obligation to like make noise. When you freeze, if we talk, we just talk to so that the people, the listeners don't like switch to another channel. Like they don't switch to like Talking Elite when you freeze if we talk we just talk to so that the people the listeners don't like switch to another channel like they don't switch to like talking elite fitness or something uh and brian you can take a bathroom break she's dropping dates and she's doing your
Starting point is 00:11:54 job she's like got all the dates down she knows all her competitions you can take a shit or something if you want i i have one story i'll just sit on it until the opportune moment. Okay. Sarah, two things off of that. One, you're 29 years old now. Sarah, are you 29? You have been freezing and coming back. What was the last thing? You're 29 now? Yeah, I'm 29 now.
Starting point is 00:12:28 And I don't think I've talked to you. But 29 at this like time is like the new 19, in my opinion. Of course, of course. And 49 is like, I'm a zygote. I was just born. And if you really want to be reborn, just get canceled and you just get a whole new – you get all your new shit just thrown out in the air. You get all new shit. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Sarah, I don't think I've talked to you since Carson, maybe 2016 or 17. Yeah, I don't think, yeah. Four or five years. Sounds about right. You are so, and I know I've only spoken with you at the games, but you are so much sharper than I remember. Your words are, maybe it's just maturity, maybe it's the scene, but like you're so, I mean maybe it's just maturity. Maybe it's the scene. But like you're so – I mean it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:13:30 There was always something – go ahead. When you met me, I just started speaking English for the first time in public. I've done a few interviews and a few talks since then. You know, it's crazy. It's crazy about this when you say that too because I can't even imagine like having to do an interview in Armenian, which was my first language or in Spanish, which I took in in public school for, you know, six years. I would I would run and hide. That's how I was in the beginning. I was like, do I really have to do this interview in English?
Starting point is 00:14:02 And now I'm like, oh, shit, am I doing an Icelandic interview? And then I'm just like slanging so much because I have the English word in my head. And I'm like, how do I say this again in Icelandic? Oh, wow. Wow. Do you speak any other languages? We learn Danish and Spanish in school, but no. Just hola. Yeah, hola.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Como estas? Do you know if Annie speaks Danish still? Probably. I mean, Frederick is Danish, so she must speak it in his family or something. I don't know. Hey, have you erased Instagram posts of yours or archived them? Have you thinned your Instagram account? No.
Starting point is 00:14:49 No. It's interesting because – so your first post was on March 16, 2013, and it's really just – it's all fitness. There is no like – there's no picture of you like out with your friends smoking cigarettes or like you know like at some sort of icelandic sporting event or there's no my my first post is the best post is like so i i didn't like facebook or myspace and then instagram came and i was like why do i have to make this instagram thing like this is a lot and i'm i'm not a very pub or was not a very public person and then my best friend she's like you have to have this Instagram thing. I'll make it for you. And then we got a free bag when we went to a grocery store and we thought it was so amazing.
Starting point is 00:15:33 So my first post was about a free grocery bag that we got. And it was on my birthday, March 16th. It was meant to be. I got a birthday gift for you. Yes. And it was on my birthday, March 16th. It was meant to be. I got a birthday gift for you. Yes. I'm tripping on your interpretation of what your doctor told you. Your doctor told you that your first competition could be in, what did he say, 8 to 12 months?
Starting point is 00:16:03 He said that I could possibly compete. And he said to me, you're not going to win and you're not going to be in top shape, but you can compete if you want to. And I was like, that's good enough. Because so you had the surgery on April 12th. Yeah. And then he told you you couldn't ride a bicycle. And when I say bicycle, I'm assuming like the C2 or the assault bike. You couldn't ride a bicycle for eight weeks and that when you could get on it, you could get on it for five minutes. Yeah. And then slowly I had it one minute, I was literally dying. So I had in mind,
Starting point is 00:16:37 through like straight after surgery that I could bike, I could do upper body, but like the flexion on the knee when you're biking was not optimal. And yeah, so the the physio just said to me, like, you can just take now six weeks completely off, let your body heal. Like when's the last time that you took like five days off? And I was like, it's been been 84 years like it's been forever since I actually rested right so I just looked at it in that kind of way of like okay I'm just gonna let everything heal for about yeah six to eight weeks like I started doing upper body after four weeks and that was like you have to watch out that when you're doing pull-ups that you don't drop to your right leg and you have to watch out if you fall you have to watch out if your grips like rip and I was just like I was overthinking everything so actually
Starting point is 00:17:30 when I wanted to train the only thing that I was thinking about is what could go wrong and how I would possibly ruin the new ACL and would have to get surgery again so I was like okay what am I going to benefit from doing something now when I have almost two years or one and a half year to be at my optimal best? Like, okay, I can look at it like this, that I'm just going to let my body heal a little bit. All the aches and stuff that have come through the years from competing, like let that heal. And then starting from a fresher body when I get the green light and get like hungry to train again and not having this worry, like constant worry and overuse my upper body. So when I'm finally allowed to train, I'm like, well, my shoulders are now bad and my elbows. And so I just looked at it that kind of way. I'm like, OK, four to eight weeks of almost doing nothing.
Starting point is 00:18:23 And then four weeks of just like, well, course i did rehab every day and uh yeah so it was uh it was a rough time i'll admit that are you gonna work out today or did you work out today okay yeah 7 p.m where you're at okay what did you do today oh i had such a good day so i went to the track and PR'd my all-time 1k running time and that's a huge shock like I got a green light on running four weeks ago and uh was very nervous for this session because like the pacings that uh my coach set and uh and then it was like in the end 1k for time and i was just like dreaming about like will i be able to hit sub four minutes come on now and uh so i was super happy with uh a track session do you think do you think any of that has to do with the fact that maybe your body composition has changed from um from a bodybuilder and i say bodybuilder because we do so much
Starting point is 00:19:28 lifting and crossfit and and running to you you were doing less pull-ups you were doing less deadlifts you were doing less jerks and so maybe your body composition changed to what maybe human beings are more naturally meant to do which yeah which i think is running you think any of that has anything to do with it yeah i think it that. And also just the combination of I've been doing so much rehab work for my legs and for my glutes and for my hips and everything. So that's like now when I'm running, I'm actually using my legs instead of before I was just like so tight in my upper body and you're almost just lifting your legs.
Starting point is 00:20:01 So I think that a little bit of the rehab has transferred into a lot of things now. So you're running. Sorry, Brian. So you're running. And do you have any concerns while you're running? What's the mental like? So you hurt your back. Not you personally.
Starting point is 00:20:22 I'm just saying people in general. You hurt your back. And the next time you deadlift, you're always like, oh, fuck, oh, fuck. What's going to happen? When you're running back not you personally i'm just saying people in general you hurt your back and the next time you deadlift it's you're always like oh fuck oh fuck what's gonna happen when you're running are you just like okay yeah this is the biggest challenge now of like some days are good some days are bad and it's like when the knee is stiff and when it gets swollen you panic you're like oh no what have i done wrong? What, like, am I going to go training now? And my ACL is going to tear again. Like I'm doing lifts now. And I'm still thinking about when I heard the click in my knee and I'm like, please don't hear the click. Please don't hear the click.
Starting point is 00:20:56 And I don't know how many times that I only, because I know what weight is on the bar like I just got a green light this week or sorry last week to go over like 135 in snaps and then over 155 in clean and jerks like I haven't hit any real weights yet but last week was the first time that I got a green light and I was just like just because I knew what was on the bar I was like oh no I going to have to go through everything again. I'm going to hear the click as soon as I'm doing the dip for the split jerk. I'm going to hear the click as soon as I'm doing this. Like your body starts just like telling you to back off and be comfortable and watch out. Like everything bad is going to happen. And then I have this other voice in my head. That's just like, if it clicks,
Starting point is 00:21:45 it clicks and you just go through it again. You're still alive. You can go through it again. Like you can't live in fear of re-tearing because then I'm never going to reach my goal. It's kind of like going in for a, for like a tackle in soccer or football. Like if you're hesitant,
Starting point is 00:22:02 you're probably going to get hurt. If you go for it, you'll probably be fine. The more you think about getting hurt, the more likely're probably going to get hurt if you go for it you'll probably be fine the more you think about getting hurt the more likely you're going to get hurt the more like the less you commit to the actual thing that you're doing because you're in fear and your body when it's in fear it holds back and that's just like people say that like straight after surgery is the hardest time like for the acl tear that's so far from it like now the last month has been the hardest month that i've experienced since i tore the acl because it's
Starting point is 00:22:32 just like you're starting to add movements where you knew you could do and all of a sudden there's this new knee that doesn't listen as much as it did before like have you had a chance to talk to any other elite athletes that have had acl recovery uh no like i talked a little bit to uh uh there's a pro soccer player in iceland actually her name is sarah also and she toured when she was pretty young when she was 17 and uh that's probably the only only pro athlete that i've talked to i don't know about that many that have toured in the acl like i mean tom brady has done it so maybe i'll just talk to him yeah tell story he needs to hook it up with tom brady yeah yes please my favorite number is also 12 so we have that in common uh look at this person this person put sarah you're so so lucky that Sevan invited you onto the podcast.
Starting point is 00:23:29 You should buy a lot of – oh, no, I read that wrong. To Sevan, you're lucky. Oh, fuck off. Okay, so the only thing – since I've never been an athlete, the only thing I was thinking of comparing it to, it's like if your girlfriend cheats on you, then for the next five years you're just like shit is she cheating on me again yeah that's like the only compare yeah your acl is like that you're just like you heard
Starting point is 00:23:51 it once and now you're like oh shit is this fucker gonna cheat on me again yeah like is it gonna or is my left knee gonna like be bad now because i've done so much work on my right knee so the left knee is gonna be the bad one and like you just can't think about what happens happens. Yeah. I have such a huge belief in that everything happens for a reason. And the ACL tear will be a blessing after a year. I'm sure of it. Like it has taught me so many things and yeah,
Starting point is 00:24:21 it's just like, I think every athlete needs to go to this, I don't want to say bad place, but to this like hard place of you can either give up or you can keep on going. Like you can choose these two lanes. And it never even occurred to me that my time had come and that I would just like do something else now because I had a serious injury I was just like okay my body isn't doing what it's supposed to do what can I do now that it won't happen again and what can I learn from this and what what did this ACL teach me and where am I going like what
Starting point is 00:24:58 am I going to use now from this I don't know I say the universe just stopped me on purpose for some reason. And finally, I'm getting the green light on going again. Why not just stop this? Like, is any part of you like, okay, okay, this was good. This was cool. Dial this shit back and, you know, hunker down with my clothing line, get into acting pursuit. Why not? I've always been pretty, I don't know. I've always loved the athlete life the most of everything.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Like I've gotten so many opportunities. And like you say, like my clothing line and everything, like that's just a bonus to the athlete life. The athlete life is going to be now for, I would say, three to five years. I'm just guessing how much my body can tolerate. Like I have so much more left in the tank that hasn't been brought out yet that needs to be brought out. And like I need to show to myself what I'm capable of doing. And I think that I've done so many mistakes throughout the years. And yeah, I'm so ready to get it out of the system.
Starting point is 00:26:22 You know what I mean? What do you mean you've done so many mistakes? By the way, when you came onto the scene, I thought you were going to just take over. I remember your first year in Carson. I was like, holy shit. The female Rich Froning has shown up. You were so dominant. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:26:40 She was there that year. But it wasn't Sarah, actually. It wasn't Sarah. Oh, right. It was Tia. Yeah. And it was so, it's actually really kind of crazy when you look back at it, because I think a lot of people had the same thought as you. That's this girl, Sarah, like, you know, well, there are, you know, her and Tia, no one had heard of either of them.
Starting point is 00:26:59 And they're both right there battling for the end of the weekend. But I think everyone was looking at Sarah. Yeah. I mean, I think that I was in first place until the last event. And then I messed up the last event because I think my problem has always been that I don't look at myself as an athlete because I don't have the same background as most of the girls there. And I think that in the last workout, I just gave up when I got a small obstacle I couldn't climb that pack board I didn't give up on the pack boards uh yeah like I I just did some rookie mistake of just like my thought has always been that I should always work when I
Starting point is 00:27:42 am under the time of tension like you are you have these seven minutes or don't remember what the cap was to climb the pack board. Some people just looked at it because there weren't so many girls that actually got the pack board. But I wanted to get one. Like I knew I could if I would try extra hard. And then I didn't in the end. And got like lost my head a little bit in the last workout oh like I knew this would happen I'm not good enough I don't deserve to be here I'm only lucky this won't ever happen again like I was just all these crazy thoughts were going through my mind in those seven minutes that could have been the most important seven minutes of my life.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Like parallel handstand push-ups is my biggest strength, and I was failing them because my head was somewhere else because I just wanted it too much, but I was afraid of wanting it, and it was better to fail than to actually achieve what I could achieve. This actually is a great story. And I think that a similar thing happened to Tia the next year, which mentally was what held her back. And speaking of Ray Froning, I don't know when it was,
Starting point is 00:28:57 but he used to say, look, the top 10 athletes or so at the Games, they're all incredible, and they all have the potential physically to win. The difference is up here. it's all between the ears like and i mean that's also what dave tests and tested good like he's very good in testing it of like testing your mental sides with your physical sides and i think those are the mistakes that I've made throughout the years is that I haven't trusted myself well enough and what I'm capable of doing and believed in it and yeah and when something is I would say like this year was taken from me like I it's been so hard to watch everybody compete and to be on the other side and not being able to bike even the first eight weeks like I've been such a victim to myself and I was just like why is this happening to me why why did like why
Starting point is 00:29:53 doesn't this happen to Tia that has won four years in a row and and it's just unstoppable why is this happening to me like you start victimizing yourself and, and like pointing fingers at other people of like, why is, why is she lucky? It's not like that. Like everything happens for a reason. And there's a reason why 2015 happened to me of like, why I experienced that fail. Why, why I had to go through everything that I have been through. go through everything that I have been through. Someone, someone, Kevin, Kevin wrote, this is a grueling sport to be a professional.
Starting point is 00:30:30 It is grueling. That is true. But it's a fun sport. And it's what I love about it is that it challenges you to just, you have to be good in everything. And, and I mean, all of a sudden, like they're going to be testing climb walls and everything, like,
Starting point is 00:30:46 you just, like, Rogue was 2019, we had to learn how to shoot, it's just, I've learned so many things, and like you say, why not just quit, like, I have so much more left that I want to do before I'm able to quit, and like, today, I was just taking a sandbag and dumbbells to the beach, and I was swimming in the ocean, and then doing dumbbell workouts, and I was just taking a sandbag and dumbbells to the beach and I was swimming in the ocean and then doing dumbbell workouts. And I was just like, is this really my life? Like, this is too good to be true that I'm able to be here in Dubai training. And like, it's so like, I'm so thankful for what I have achieved and where I'm at. And I want to achieve more, like, cause I know that I can do more.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Is, is, um, is all of this stuff that you're saying, how do you know this stuff? Do you, do you, did you read it in a book? Do you have a therapist or is this just from lying on that hospital bed and, and, and, and, and tears rolling down your face and going inside. Like, I think it's just a combination of doing long swims and having to think like it's just like a mix of reading books and you see something that like matches with you. So I've been reading. I love to read books just to get knowledge. And so now
Starting point is 00:32:05 I'm trying to have a comeback so I'm reading this book called the comeback uh the champions comeback and it has all these amazing stories about athletes that have had obstacles and nobody believed in them but they still came back because of resilience because of resilience, because of stubbornness, because they believe they could. And I think that's something that I've, yeah, that's, that's a mix of a mindset mindset that I have is like, yeah. Did Max buy you that book or does Snorri buy you that book or does your dad buy you that book? Who buys you that book? Myself. You do? Yeah. And how did you find it? I read this. They have another book called I think it's called Champions Mind or something. And like you're on Instagram and somebody posts a book and you just screenshot it and then you like read what it's about and if it resonates with you or not.
Starting point is 00:33:05 And I think that I'm just, I love to get information from other athletes and around me. And yeah, so it's just a mix of stuff that I've seen on the internet and then I just buy it and, and read it. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:33:20 the name says everything, right? Oh yeah. And it makes me so, I don't know the book at all, but it makes me so happy that you have that. Sarah, something. I don't know why. I don't know. Are you lonely? Lonely? Yeah. No, no, you're not lonely. Never. Why? I don't know. For some reason, I got that impression that and it's not fair. I don't I don't know for some reason i got that impression that um and it's not fair i don't i don't know how i picked it up but basically that uh that you were lonely that somehow you felt alone that's why you had gone to dubai because something was there like like you're chasing something but no you're not best friends are there yeah yeah like i just think that so how
Starting point is 00:34:02 i look in my life and i don't mean to project that onto you. Sorry. But for some reason, I was getting that. But there's something about... No, you're not a lonely person. No, I'm definitely not a lonely person. I'm very lucky with people around me also. But I'll admit that when you're injured, you feel that you're alone sometimes because you're going through some stuff and you maybe don't share everything right but like i have all my friends and i have
Starting point is 00:34:31 so many people around me that support me and and i'm definitely not lonely and i'm also just looking at life like the reason why i'm in dubai is like i have maybe four to five years or like I said we were three to five years of being a professional athlete and I have the opportunity to actually travel the world and do my job wherever and then after three to five years I want to settle down I want to have a family and I want to yeah I want to be based somewhere but But in these three to five years, I want to travel the world and I want to meet new people. And like, I'm such a free spirit. And that's one of the benefits
Starting point is 00:35:13 of being a professional athlete. That's maybe what I'm, maybe that's what I'm, maybe that's what I'm picking up on. You're a free spirit. You don't want, yeah. I don't know if this is a serious question. Would Sevan ask a man that? If I knew any men, I would ask him that. I don't want you yeah um i don't know if this is a serious question would sebon ask a man that if i knew any men i would ask them that i don't know any men i just know bitches
Starting point is 00:35:30 uh next question um uh and i know brian is lonely so there's no need to ask him that and rub it in his face um so you go why why are your friends in dubai who's in dubai why why aren't your friends in Dubai? Who's in Dubai? Why aren't your friends in Iceland? So I think doing CrossFit, you compete at many places in the world. And you meet people. I met people at European regionals. And then from there, I competed at some small European competitions. And there I met my now best friend, Carmen Bosmans. And she moved to Dubai 2016 to work so she's a coach here in Dubai and uh yeah I mean I have a few friends in Iceland but
Starting point is 00:36:16 none of them are athletes but it's good to go to a place uh where so she used to be a competitor in crossfit but now she's uh she's going a little bit into endurance and um and start and yeah like working a lot and uh i think it's good to go into a place where like you're almost in a bubble like i like to be very focused right like now I'm doing a lot of training and I'm doing a lot of rehab and I just want to be in my zone with my time and then I end the evening on being with her and and it's like the perfect fit like nobody's ever waiting for me or expecting anything from me because she understands how much work it is to be an athlete. I never have to apologize if I have a session and I'm done at 8 or 9 in the evening and we were going to watch a movie or something.
Starting point is 00:37:11 There's just nobody waiting for me. The low-maintenance friend. Take notes, people. The most understanding friend. Yes, yes. We're going to go to breakfast tomorrow morning. Of course, they tell you three minutes before they can't go. And if you want to be friends with great people, you'll shut the fuck up and understand. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Sarah, you can tell me if I'm wrong about this, but I also think she's just an incredibly fun person. Like, no matter what, anytime you're around her, it's a good time. Yeah, 100%. Always. Yeah, you are very easy to be around. Good job, Brian. I'm talking about Carmen. Oh talking about karma oh did you know her brian i know i've uh yeah she i mean she's been in dubai several years um competing she's competed at a lot of european regionals yeah um she's been around did you ever date her brian did i date her yeah i have not dated any um crossfittering
Starting point is 00:38:03 people that you know okay i don't know that's my well i don't know her so maybe you did date her uh exactly this von says i'm here when you're ready to settle down and have a family and then and then he says um and if you're not into men he would go get surgery so i mean he's committed he would go. Well, I'll have you in mind after three to five years. I promise that. But only if you can handle being low maintenance, please. You know, Adrian Bosman taught me about that. I kind of knew it already.
Starting point is 00:38:35 You needed to be a low maintenance friend for me to be friends with you anyway. But he taught me about just low maintenance friendship. Like, it really is the only kind of really good friendship if you're not in the low maintenance friend then basically that they're not your friend they're just someone you're working out your pathologies with yeah it's just more drama yeah yeah it's just like dude i have parents and brothers and sisters and ex-boyfriends like i can ex-girlfriends i can do that shit with them yeah exactly yeah it's interesting it's uh yeah it's it's it's it's interesting that's really good and i also think this is one of
Starting point is 00:39:12 those things and i've said this before regarding matt fraser rich froning or josh bridges or greg glassman or any of these people who who are at the top of the that i've been around that are at the top of the food chain it's not that are at the top of the food chain. It's not normal being friends with them. You can't project your normal. They have aspirations that you can't relate to. And so you just kind of got to sit there and observe and not make it about yourself. Yeah, exactly. And that's exactly how I feel. Like when I'm in Iceland and I'm with my friends in Iceland, they don't understand that I train two to three times a day they're like you trained yesterday do you have to train again
Starting point is 00:39:49 tomorrow I'm like yes I actually do you should ask them back are you are you going to work tomorrow because you worked yesterday let's go to the beach yeah exactly but like they don't they just think that I go to the gym for an hour but but that's sometimes good. Like they have no idea what CrossFit is almost. It's as preposterous as thinking, as complaining that the oak tree can't come to your new house with you. It's like not recognizing this thing's been here a hundred years. Oh, it can come, but it'll have to come in a different form. You're going to have to chop it down, reshape it, and then build a new room. form you're gonna have to chop it down right shape it and then build a new room yeah everything you like about the oak tree is because it just has to stay in one place for 150 years and grow big
Starting point is 00:40:30 and it has to drop all those leaves and moths have to fly around it like yeah they just don't they don't get it and even them just ask asking puts wear and tear on the relationship right it's just it's just a little bit of energy they just took from you. Mm-hmm. It's that guilt of like. She turned into a transformer. I knew she wasn't human. Her Autobot.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Is she an Autobot or Decepticon? Not informed enough to answer that. I think she's an Autobot. She's a good guy. If those are the good guys, then yes. Anytime I say something like that, that's a good balance, by the way, while we wait for her to come back. I know you were talking about her friend, but anytime I say that's like um could be seen as negative or pejorative like are you lonely that's always good you're the funnest person i know you just like keep that
Starting point is 00:41:33 teeter-totter going oh good job good job susan's gonna five problems that are unique to high what is it high what high achievers oh uh imposter syndrome sarah we can't hear you that's why we're just letting the show keep going the hidden reason behind their drive fear of losing everything i have that it's lonely at the top i don't have that i'll tell you when i get there guilt that stems from sure as fuck don't have that the world owes me everything she is a terminator well it was funny because if you look at them that list she had almost talked about maybe not using those exact titles but she almost talked about everything on that list and right before the right the thing cut out she started moving into the guilt thing
Starting point is 00:42:20 so it was interesting because every bullet point boom boom boom she's talked about and then you brought the lonely thing so i was appeasing our audience out there to let them know that that's a very legitimate question for those that are high achievers that happens a lot and she's at that age man she's at that age it's okay to feel lonely all those things when she comes back on when she's done turning into an autobot i don't know if she's going to turn into. All those things. When she comes back on, when she's done turning into an Autobot, I don't know if she's going to turn into a Camaro or what the fuck she's going to turn into, but I think the car can still talk.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Bring that list back up, Suze. I think that would be cool for her to see that. It's kind of, lists like that, even though they're probably bullshit, they're good affirmation for successful people. Hi, Sarah. Welcome back.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Welcome back. Did you just pretend like your phone fucks up and then you run to the bathroom? No, I'm still at my podcast studio with my lamp. Matt, will you bring that list up again and show Sarah? It was kind of interesting. These are I mean, this is just some schlock bullshit psychology shit, but it is just fun to look at. Five problems that are unique to high achievers. And so you're a high achiever, and so you have imposter syndrome. We talked about that a little bit.
Starting point is 00:43:33 You have that. You didn't see yourself as an athlete. The hidden reason behind your drive, we haven't got to that yet. But maybe it's your dad. Fear of losing everything. Did we touch on that, Sousa? We did a little bit about the injury when she first got into the injury. We were talking about the fear of just everything falling. It's lonely at the top. She says she's not lonely. Brian believes her. I don't.
Starting point is 00:44:01 And guilt that stems from success. Did we talk about that, Sousa? She just started to talk about feeling a little bit guilty for prioritizing training and other things over social obligation. Yes, yes. Guilty for being such a big, beautiful oak tree that someone demands does something else besides grow big and beautiful. Exactly. Yeah, it's uh um you said a p this this pr you said is incredible the running yeah yeah i mean i'm just surprised like from running not having run since january and then starting running a month ago and then pring my all-time best 1k is like
Starting point is 00:44:48 pretty happy with that dude it's nuts and you're you're you're like a seasoned athlete like I would say I actually have a theory about this you know all the stuff that she had to do in the first we'll say three, four or five months following the surgery, and obviously is limited and progressing. But those small things of all the rehab is just how you categorize it. But basically, I look at that as like accessory work for like, you know, isometric holds and activating certain muscle groups. That stuff is so important for high level athletes. It's really important for anyone who's doing athletic things, but it's not fun to do. It's not sexy to do. It's like everyone wants to go in the gym and lift heavy weights and do high skill stuff and get out of breath and feel like
Starting point is 00:45:34 they just killed themselves. Like that's appealing to people. But if you don't have time for those other things, then that's only going to last for so long, usually. And in this case, she was forced to do all this small stuff that you don't want to do yeah and her so her body's probably firing really well right now it's also like i do so i read this thing um straight after surgery or like closely after surgery of like how much time do you actually spend destroying your body in the gym? But how much time do you spend on your body building up again, like your recovery time? How much is the ratio between recovery versus actually training?
Starting point is 00:46:16 And before surgery, my ratio was like, yeah, it was bad. But now you try to have like training. If you're training four hours, I have to get two hours of rehab, like rehab equals icing my knee like using game ready for one to two hours a day. It means doing the rehab movements that are good for my knees that are good for my whole body like I have rehab every day for about 40 to 50 minutes it's not the fun stuff but it's fun when you actually feel a benefit from it like then it's all worth it and then rehab is also like how are you how is your day how stressed are you during the day how much energy can you save during the day to put in the gym how can you how can you stop thinking about crossfit and that you want to be the best for one hour a day because that can lower your heart rate for a lot like it's uh take stress from your body like how how can you do all this small stuff to be to make it all click in the end.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Like find the perfect routine for you without destroying yourself for a month and then just like you're out. We had Nick Rodriguez on the show. He's a guy who's taken on the Brazilian jiu-jitsu seen by Storm. storm um and one of the things he was saying when he eats um and he said it on the mark bell podcast also he said that basically the only thing he focuses on is getting all the protein that he needs every single day and then everything else falls into place but that he really really has to get i want it was something crazy like two grams of protein for every pound he weighs or something he's like yeah that's that's an athlete like athlete should be eating about 1.6 to 2 grams times uh times kilo so like for me i'm 70 kilos i can either transfer it into pounds so it would be like around 150 uh 155 grams of protein or you can like yeah
Starting point is 00:48:26 so i think he does double that for him so but yeah he does the pounds that's yeah so i so i so he weighs like 240 and but but i need to go back and check but but what was interesting is he called eating work and by the way uh i would never ask a man this question. This is only for women because men don't have menses. You did have – there was a part of your life where they're attributing or you're attributing. Someone's attributing a broken rib that you had to a poor diet, which led to you losing your menses for two years and they're god i wrote down it's called fha um functional hypothalamic amenorrhea did i say it right just about as right as you pronounced her first name oh shit great okay but but i have no idea
Starting point is 00:49:26 what are you set like oh you don't it was it was an article it was an article that i saw online about you that basically you didn't have your menses for two years and that basically that was due to diet and that um and that was due to under eating under eating but which is i think is the most common nutritional problem for uh just anyone really yeah i think that i think it's changed or we're trying to change it now it's just like when crosses started you would eat peanut butter like i remember watching uh documentaries of rich and i was just like he eats a lot of peanut butter it must be it must be that's it no one should base their diet off of Rich Froning's diet. That guy is unique.
Starting point is 00:50:07 I learned that when I lived there. It was like we were going to train and he would have like, what was it called? Chick-fil-A, like right before training. I was like, can you just eat fried stuff before doing a 15-minute workout? He's like, yeah. But I was actually happy to see him eat. Like I hadn't seen him. He usually just eats in the morning, and then just dinner yeah when the time that i spent with him i never even saw him eat
Starting point is 00:50:33 meals he would just eat spoon fills of stuff now and again yeah glasses of milk glasses of milk yeah and cereal so so what i'm curious about is this um so this guy nick rodriguez he referred to eating as part of the job like and and i got this sense that it's like it's actually for how hard he's pushing his body um you have to actually eat even more than you want to like you have to make sure you're eating um go ahead just say here i actually have had a problem with this personally, and I'm not even a high-level athlete, but there's some nights where I literally spend,
Starting point is 00:51:12 after I finish working out, working, whatever, I come home, I spend like two hours eating dinner just to try to get as many calories as I can. And when I've tried to date women or whatever like that, I'm like, I'll call you when I'm done eating. And it's like two hours later, and they're like, what the hell? They don't get it. This is like, so you can look at it like if you don't eat throughout the day, like, let's say like I was a little bit under eating when I didn't get my menstrual cycle. Like I was under fueling and I was training super hard and I wanted to get super lean.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Like that was my mindset. Yeah, me too. I want to get super lean too. Yeah, I want to get super lean. And I went in that way of like I can eat as little as possible with training as much as possible. Like this is such a stupid mindset. Like I eat now to perform. So you can just think about your body as like a car.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Like you need to. Do you ever feel guilty for that? I need to eat to perform? Like, oh, this is just bullshit. This is just an excuse to eat more. Like last night, I had two pounds of hamburger meat. And I'm like, this is just bullshit. Because I got all excited listening to Nick Rodriguez.
Starting point is 00:52:15 I'm like, you're just doing this to fucking eat more, Savant. Yeah. I mean, I only train to eat. And I'm just lucky enough to be an athlete, you know? Is it really like that? is that your relationship with food I mean I mean I love food and I love uh and you always have healthy food yeah and uh I wouldn't quite say that I only train to eat now because I eat boring as hell but before the games 2015 I would eat In-N-Out burger in the evenings. And I would just like I didn't care at all what I ate as long as I trained.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Then I then I didn't feel guilty about eating. But then, of course, like you want to take it to the next level. And you and I'm such a exaggerated. I think that's the right word. Exaggerated person that I'm just like eccentric, eccentric, eccentric. Is it eccentric person? Yeah. Like you're like, you know, like obsessed.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Yeah. Like you have you have a harem of men and you have a ring collection that's too big. You have a thousand rings and maybe you have like that. Yeah. So that's where I went in have a thousand rings and maybe you have a, like that. Yeah. So like, that's where I went in diet. I was just like, I became vegan.
Starting point is 00:53:30 I only ate organic. I only like, I was just super. Yeah. Like, like I wouldn't eat oats because they could have gluten in them. Like I was this insane. Brian, before you go,
Starting point is 00:53:43 I want to say one thing. So, so it, our whole life as human beings in the United States, I think the general consensus was, oh, it's just normal for women to lose their menses if they're professional athletes. And are what you're saying now, you've realized that's bullshit? That's like the same thing that like people said Gatorade gives you electrolytes. That's a fucking lie. You're also saying that women, you should have, it doesn't matter if you're the fastest woman in the 400 meter run, or you're the strongest woman in the world or a professional basketball player, you should be dropping eggs
Starting point is 00:54:13 every month regardless. Yeah. Because your body is telling you that it's under stress when you stop, like something's going on that your body needs to hold on to everything like it doesn't want to waste energy on you getting your menstrual cycle oh i get it so it's okay like i would say before the crossfit games if i wouldn't get my menstrual cycle for two months around that time because i'm under so much stress and so much pressure that's completely normal but when it's been two years then you start to worry but i went to the doctor and everything and he was like ah you're just an athlete you just have to accept this and i was like is this gonna affect my future because i really want to have a family
Starting point is 00:54:54 and he was wrong the doctor was wrong he was wrong yeah the doctor was wrong it was just like this old guy that didn't have opinion about girls having muscles in sports and was just like, this is just one of those girls or something like that. He didn't check anything. And we don't know it yet. So I broke my first rib because of overtraining. And that's very unusual to break your first rip from over training like usually you would break a bone in your foot or something like that like a small bone but your first rip is like one of the strongest rips in your body and it connects to your what
Starting point is 00:55:36 what's it called clavicle and it's like yeah it's a it's a very rare bone to break, especially in CrossFit. And that's where we were relating like menstrual cycle to like, do I have bone density? Like what is my bone density? Because bone density can like get weaker if you're under fueled. And if you don't have your menstrual cycle, because that means your hormones aren't regular and you're not recovering well. Like this is such a, yeah. because that means your hormones aren't regular and you're not recovering well. Like this is such a, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:13 Brian, didn't Cindy McAlation, do you know this girl? She's a games athlete. She's young. I said her last name wrong. What's her last name? Cindy McAlation. Sydney McAlation. Sydney McAlation. She was a rookie at the games this year from Canada.
Starting point is 00:56:23 She's like 21 years old. She's awesome, man. And she was a rookie at the games this year from Canada she's like 21 years old she's awesome man and she's a fucking training machine she's such a beautiful young lady I was so impressed with her on the podcast I would actually like to have her on again she broke her I think she told us she broke her rib
Starting point is 00:56:39 and she didn't even know it was broken I hope she's listening to this I'm not suggesting that I'd be curious to ask her now if she's gone like a year without her menses i don't want to or if she's under eating i mean and we can't tell do you know i mean i've never i never looked at you and was like holy shit sarah's not eating enough like what do i know yeah and it says i've never looked that way that i'm not eating enough like and it's uh i think but you were always hungry right is that what you're saying though you were always like, like you were maybe hungry.
Starting point is 00:57:07 You're always looking forward to your next meal. Oh, always. And I would just like count the minutes almost, but then I would try to do stuff. So I would take my mind off eating and like, okay, if I train now, I won't think about eating until after training. So then I have like two to three hours until i'm and if i and if i skip this meal i can eat more in the evening like that was always my mindset of like i'm gonna try to skip eating during the day like when i needed it the most to be able to reward
Starting point is 00:57:37 myself in the evening of eating do you ever try to replace that that sensation to eat by just like drinking a couple glasses of water? Yes. Like you would have to drink soda. That feels better. My wife just texted me. I think she broke her collarbone. Well, thanks for fucking up the story, Haley. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Do you have a boyfriend? No, I don't. Is a have a boyfriend? No, I don't. Is a boyfriend a distraction? Like can you have a – could you, Sarah, Sigmund's daughter, rach nach heish? Rach nach heish. Can you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend? I didn't mean to make a presupposition.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Could you have an intimate partner in your life or is that not part of the formula for success I think it depends on how the partner is like you say low maintenance friends that also and I think that I'm very I'm so independent and I'm so free spirit that there are not many that could handle getting little attention from me. Do you know what I mean? Like, I'm so focused on what I'm doing that I want to be selfish without feeling guilty. But would your man feel comfortable with Sevan texting you around the clock, begging you to come on the podcast? Like, are you confident enough to handle that? No no people could not like the guys could not handle it i mean one that the guy and then i'm gonna marry after three to five years let's listen he's gonna have to accept this like yeah that you're in high demand yeah yeah yeah yes let's explain highway
Starting point is 00:59:29 yeah yeah yes let's explain highway and surgery is on the table what a good dude what i mean that is a good dude um and and um it's funny when there was these there's these things there's this theme about you wanting to empower women and i have to tell you that when i see that i feel this um resistance to it i don't like that stuff i don't like empowering women i don't like women power i don't like any of that stuff because what i think in my mind in my defensiveness i think i mean i was raised by two women i was raised by my mom and my sister and i think like in my boys recently they found they they're confused when they watch the watch the UFC why women don't fight the men. Right. Because in their in their jujitsu class, they fight the girls and they see the girls as equal. And actually, the best people in the class are the girls. And so they're really confused by all that. And I'm like, yeah, I'm not going to talk to him about any of that because that's it's just built in. But when I heard you, but when we talk about when you said that doctor was an old man and he didn't know about the menses and he didn't know about strong women, I think I got what you mean by that. And it really helped me. Like that is, I go to this bad place when people say empower
Starting point is 01:00:40 women, but, but this is, is important. We, if we have doctors that are male-centric if we have doctors that believe that don't understand the female body like i i think i'm i'm enjoying this conversation i want to extrapolate that beyond doctors i mean as a coach this is something that i feel like in the last year has become much more relevant for me and there's a lot of women at my gym who have started to ask me like does my period of my cycle affect my training and then they also ask and sarah's kind of cool you talked about earlier like how do the the best female games athletes in the world overcome that in their training and also in competitions yeah exactly and it's also there's a lot of study around it
Starting point is 01:01:22 also of like so i tear my my ACL when I'm ovulating. Because when you're ovulating, it's like you're pregnant. So all your ligaments are looser and you're not as strong because you have a lot of estrogen going on. And it's more dangerous to lift weights when you're ovulating. And I've always been like, this is like nonsense. Like I can't control the dates that i'm competing so like why would i have to change training around now and then i tear my acl and i'm like okay what she said there sorry you froze what you're saying there is kind of
Starting point is 01:02:03 driving the point and i don't know if civilization is advanced enough for this but women empowerment isn't to treat women and men equally women empowerment is to treat women like fucking women yeah exactly like these are these are these are not men no it's not okay that they're skipping their menses. It's their period is something like real. It does affect their whole body. They do carry babies. They do summon souls in when the, into their stomachs, you know, uh, when, when the sperm and the egg meet in there, this is not, these are not men.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Yeah, exactly. I think I have a better, I have a better time. Um, thinking about it like that. Yeah. I just get defensive for women. Like, like like when when people start talking about women power i start thinking like women don't my mom didn't need my mom went to law school when she was pregnant with with my uh sister she was the first woman to graduate from
Starting point is 01:02:55 her law school unite law school like she don't need anyone like empowering like she fucking did it she kicked ass yeah but what and i respect the fuck out of her yeah but what i mean with empowering is like the typical stereotype for a female is changing like i remember when i started training and i would i said to my friends like oh my gosh if i get muscles i'm gonna stop like i don't want to be that girl with muscles that looks like a guy. Like that's so insane that my mindset was about how I looked versus what my body can do. And would a guy ever think like that? No.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Why aren't girls supposed to be, or like have the same mindset as that? Like we should be able to push our bodies to the limits, just like everybody else. Although we get muscles like like I don't know how many comments I've gotten like I was in a swimming pool 2015 in Iceland preparing for the CrossFit Games and there's this old guy that gives me like this face when he sees me and like in the pool and he's just like like he was disgusted because I was a girl and I had
Starting point is 01:04:02 muscles and uh and I felt so uncomfortable. So there's like in Iceland we have like this. It's making me uncomfortable. You telling the story is making me uncomfortable. Yeah. And I leave the jacuzzi and my friends are still in it. And the guy says to my friends, like, you guys think this is a female? And my friends are you guys think this is a female and my friends are like what so he was so disgusted because I had muscles and he was like probably 65 fat guy and he was so disgusted that I
Starting point is 01:04:35 had muscles and I was just like this is so insane that I feel uncomfortable going into a bikini swimming and trying to prepare myself for a world competition because of a 65 year old guy. And then he's judging me. And I was like, I need to change this mindset of like, it should be normal. Like a guy should look at me and think like, wow, she's putting in a lot of work and her body is showing it.
Starting point is 01:05:00 Like she's pushing her body. I mean, Vaughn will chop his dick off for you. I mean, so there's dudes out there who. But this is like what I mean with empowering women is like girls should be able to do whatever they want without feeling judged. Although they have muscles, they shouldn't like they shouldn't feel bad about it. They shouldn't hide it. They should empower it. Like I think the stereotypes for females and the stereotype for guys or males is also changing.
Starting point is 01:05:27 Like Movember, for example, is like, I mean, you're representing it well, Simon. I'll admit that. Your mustache is great. But it's like the men's health is like guys should be speaking up more about feelings and everything. They shouldn't repress anything. Well, girls should also stand in their place and they should start to speak up about their opinions and it's like the stereotypes for girls and guys is like switching like the guys are showing like the more feminine side while the girls are showing the more masculine sides and that's what I love like we're on that stage now
Starting point is 01:06:01 of like this is actually happening and and there are some changes that are being made. Like men are speaking more about men's health than ever before. And it's such a beautiful thing. It's definitely changed. If you are a CrossFitter, it definitely changes the mating game for you. When I first came to CrossFit, I never thought the girls were disgusting. That's for sure. But I tripped on how muscular they were. When I first came to CrossFit, I never thought the girls were disgusting. That's for sure.
Starting point is 01:06:27 But I was I tripped on how muscular they were. And after about a year or two that went away, like that person in me just like is gone. Yeah, it just got normalized. It just got normal. Yeah. And now the other girls who don't work out almost look like veal to me, like one of those baby cows that's not allowed to move. Like when I see normal people and and i don't judge them in a bad way but i judge them like i'm like you know if i go into a starbucks and i'm like oh man if this place burns down i'm gonna have to grab those three kids and that fat lady and drag
Starting point is 01:06:54 them out like like for that skinny lady or whatever you know it's like yeah yeah it's also like we're so or i'm so used to being around people now that are training and they just see me as a normal person. And then you go to an airport or something and guys are just like, oh my gosh, this girl can beat me. This girl can do this. And I'm just like, why are they talking about me in third person when I'm just standing here? Like, would you do that to an obese? Would you say like, oh, my gosh, that that guy can he can kill me if he sits on me. Like you would never comment anything.
Starting point is 01:07:32 And they don't mean it in a bad way. They just they don't know how to get it out of their system that they see a muscular female. And that needs to be more normal. Like you say, like the first year for you, you were like, wow, girls are muscular here. And then it just got normal. And that's. Yeah. Now I see CrossFit girls more like race.
Starting point is 01:07:50 I don't even see them as muscular. No. I see them as like race cars. Yeah. I see the men and women in the games just as like or like racehorses. I don't even see the muscles like if you don't have muscles, something's wrong with you. Yeah, exactly. You're like oh my god
Starting point is 01:08:05 she's fragile yeah like Dave Castro's calves it's like really he can run with a ruck yeah like how is that possible yeah how is that but have you seen BK's calves they're the smallest that I've seen Bjorgvin Carl Gudmundson
Starting point is 01:08:21 yeah just showing off I was actually very impressed. If only you could say my name. I'm going to practice. What do you think about in the I watch a lot of fighting and they have men who go into surgery and then become women or I don't even know if they go into surgery. I don't even know what I'm talking about. But they allow men to fight women.
Starting point is 01:08:45 And I don't know. And they go into surgery. I don't even know what I'm talking about, but they allow men to fight women. And I don't know. And they've gone through maybe hormone. I think they're called trans trans athletes and like they allow them in the Olympics. Is that, do you have a, do you have an opinion on that? Are you allowed to have an opinion on that?
Starting point is 01:08:59 I don't think that I'm allowed to have an opinion about that, but like, I don't like, I think it's very, it's a very psychological thing. Like when you're born in a body that you don't feel that you belong in and you want to change it, but you also want to be an athlete and you have to go on hormones and like, it's hard to say like, Oh, he's not like,
Starting point is 01:09:24 she's not welcome competing against me because she was a guy. Like, it's hard to say that, but it's almost like a trend should be like a different category for like, because it is unfair if there's a, let's say that there's a max lift and I'm competing against a girl that was a guy. Of course, she's going to be way stronger than everybody. And people are also going to use this as a benefit from like, oh, I've always wanted to be a professional athlete. If I become a girl, I can compete at the girl's side. And yeah, I'm good. I can't relate to anyone doing that. But then there's tons of things that i can't relate to that people do
Starting point is 01:10:06 every day i'm like holy shit you're doing that and you know like so basically for my own in my own personal fantasy land what i would love to see matt do is enter the women's competition and the men's competition in the same year and demand that he is um uh identifies as both and i would i really want to see that i'm not even joking i just want to see i want to see the system to have to deal with that and then he's like on both podiums and shit and he's got both checks and you know what i mean but but that's the way it seems like it's going and it doesn't seem fair to me either we i i don't know the biology of it it has nothing to do with whether i'm sympathetic to the psychological factors or not yeah i i just can't i just can't see um like i can't play there's
Starting point is 01:11:00 things that i can't do either yeah like life is not fair is not fair. I just don't feel like we have to make everything fair. Yeah, I agree with you there. I wasn't born in Iceland. So I'm never going to win the games. You're never going to be adopted. Adopted? Adopted?
Starting point is 01:11:20 A daughter. Yeah, I'm never going to be a daughter. Say those letters for me., daughter. A daughter. Yeah, I'm never going to be a daughter. A daughter. Say those letters for me. Say the last. Doctor. Doctor. Yeah. You say it, Brian.
Starting point is 01:11:32 I can't do any better than you. I just enjoy it. Come on, Brian. Bring it out. Doctor. Yeah. Doctor. Tell me about switching coaches.
Starting point is 01:11:42 I'm tripping on. I'm tripping that you're with el haj i like him uh i like him like but i like him a lot but i like travis even more and travis trains with him so then that makes me like max even more it's like a weird like so it's like and now you're like him extra work because i'm also training with him yes yes yes yes um um but you know what i'm really tripping on i'm tripping on um katrin i'm tripping on the fact that she was with um ben bergeron um and that all of a sudden well i'm you know i'm tripping on and there's so many things to talk about here before we get to ben and katrin um is is this the whole thing that annie doing her inspirational to you like you're like holy
Starting point is 01:12:26 this old lady who had a baby is fucking like now Tia's biggest threat yeah like it shows that anything's possible if you set your mind to something no no anything's possible if you're an Icelandic woman yeah yeah and that also that
Starting point is 01:12:41 independent Icelandic woman you know but it's so impressive how like Annie had a hard birth also. Like she she lost a lot of blood. She was very weak after birth and like she had problems with their abs. Like they went apart or something like that. Diastasis. Yeah, my wife had that. I think that's pretty common. Yeah. And they didn't go back or something until that. Diastasis? Yeah, my wife had that. I think that's pretty common. Yeah, and they didn't go back or something
Starting point is 01:13:07 until after a year. I don't know the whole story, but what Annie has achieved is just so impressive. And I mean, it's also like, it helps me also in recovery. I'm like, oh, she was there and she came back.
Starting point is 01:13:24 Like, it's possible. And she heard her back she was there and she came back like it's possible and she heard her back yeah and she heard her back 20 yeah exactly like she's gone through a lot of stuff these 12 years she's been competing right i would think i i never thought she'd come back from the back injury i like i mean you know better than I do there's something in Annie that's just like different like she has this I think resilience is the right word for it like she always
Starting point is 01:13:54 surprises you like you might like I thought after she gave birth like she's gonna go team now and she's just gonna enjoy time with her baby like like that's what my plan is is like when i have a baby and like that's why i'm waiting three to five years so i was like oh she's not gonna come back but then she just like surprises me so much of like
Starting point is 01:14:18 she came back and she's like stronger than she was before and maybe it was just the the rest that she got from from having birth or and giving birth and like like your body is recovering in a different way and you get a new body almost after you give birth because your body is responding differently to everything because you've given birth so it it's like, yeah, I mean, I just think it's amazing. I do think there's a, there's like an overall bigger thing to recognize, which is people who are taking care of themselves, who are exercising regularly, who are eating well, sleeping enough, et cetera. Their bodies are very strong. And if they go through a setback, they're much more likely to come back from it quicker,
Starting point is 01:15:05 better. And this, you know, obviously you see with professional athletes, um, you know, Sam Briggs is a great example and CrossFit as well. She comes back from injuries like nothing else, but even, I mean, I even see it with just normal people in the gym, people who come to the gym regularly, they trip down the stairs, they roll their ankle, they still come to the gym and they do what they can until the ankle's better and it's better quicker and then you see someone who's deconditioned who's not doing this stuff they roll their ankle and they're not walking for two months and they never really recover from it no yeah it's that consistency of what you always do of like that's gonna get you far i like the way you said that after you have a baby you get a new body and then and
Starting point is 01:15:45 then and then brian's part's important too and in the in the quality of that body depends on the quality of how you entered your pregnancy and how you treated your body during your pregnancy exactly and i mean i think it's probably like it took probably annie a lot of time to get to know this new body and what it's capable of doing but she found the right recipe of using it and she trusted it again and like i so some of my friends in iceland like they've had babies and one of my friend was like always when i squat i get the same feeling as when i was pushing the baby out and i was like oh like that must be so uncomfortable like and like going through that and being on a podium at the CrossFit Games is like it's so impressive of like the different
Starting point is 01:16:33 experiences that everybody has from from giving birth and and it's also just the stress around having a baby is like you must or that's at least how I would probably be. I would feel guilty when I was training and when I would be with a baby, I would feel guilty. I'm not training. And like, it's finding that balance of how can you, how can you not stress about, uh, like that you're like choosing the right times. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. Do you know how many kids you want to have? Do you have like that you're like choosing the right times do you know what i mean yeah do you know how many kids you want to have do you have like that in mind oh like i want to have at least three three kids um do you mind one of my friends wants to come on the show well i don't know if friends is the right word but do you mind if i one of my friends some guy wants to say hi to you do you
Starting point is 01:17:22 mind yeah yeah i don't mind. You're going to get me in trouble if you call me a friend. Oh, my best friend. I don't want to. Your best friend. Yeah. How are you doing? I'm good.
Starting point is 01:17:35 How are you? Hey, your name came up and she didn't say anything bad about you. It was almost, she almost said it sounded like nice shit. Like, you know, you had a program. She said you know how to program for the games. Yeah, you know, I had a program for the games. Yeah, I did say that. Oh, that is nice. That is nice. That's my dog, Doug.
Starting point is 01:17:52 Say hi to Sarah. Hi, Doug. So, so that's a female dog, Sarah, but he's in so denial. He doesn't believe in female dog empowerment that he named his dog, a boy's name. We have some work to do with Dave. Yeah, I think so. Women empowerment for Dave.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Dave, I really want to see your calves. Oh yeah, Dave, we talked about your calves. Yeah. We're talking about things that work, but don't have big muscles on them.
Starting point is 01:18:22 I'm going through a growth phase right now. I'm doing some uh muscle building training for them trying to grow them but you're doing some individualized programming for your calves yes yes exactly how uh so what competition are you doing next are y'all healed are you good i'm not completely healed but we're getting there. Hey, she just said a PR on the one kilometer time, Dave. One kilometer run, one kilometer air bike, one kilometer row, one kilometer bike. No, run.
Starting point is 01:18:58 Run. Run. Oh, wow. Very cool. Yeah. It's ACL strong. Yeah. Oh, don't ask that. I'm going to, like, my plan is to compete now in Dubai Championships.
Starting point is 01:19:13 Break the ice of competing. Okay. Yeah. Who else is competing there? There are a lot of names, actually. A lot of Europeans. It's Kristen Holte, Laura Hovath, Gaby Mika, Sam Briggs, Emma McQuaid, I think, Hayley Adams. Wow.
Starting point is 01:19:37 Yeah, it's a strong field. What about Annie or Katrin? No, I'm taking it for the Icelandic girls now. You're going to represent for Iceland? She's going to melt. I don't think you'll be alone, actually. I think Ike is actually going to be there now. Yeah, Ike is going to be there.
Starting point is 01:19:55 Yeah, she got an invite like two days ago, I think. Who's that? Ike Irodotis. She competed 2018. And Turi might be going as well. Yeah, is Turi going? Yeah. I think she is. Yeah. I don't know the field completely,
Starting point is 01:20:12 but... And Karen Frey. Don't forget about her. She's not Icelandic, but she's a beast. Yeah, but she's not Icelandic. Oh, look. Sarah's name's at the top. Because it's such a beautiful name. Oh, look. Sarah's name's at the top. Because it's such a beautiful name. Yes, yes. Well, I just called to say hi.
Starting point is 01:20:30 I'm going to step off now and let you guys do your thing. You have to show us your calves first. Come on, Dave. Dave, can you show us your calves real quick? Hold on. Yes. Yes. I can see you growing.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Large and in charge. Who's are bigger, his or BKG? All or bkg you guys i think bks are smaller than his dave dave's like i should get off now on a high note. I should get off now. Yeah, he is hairless. Yeah, Dave's like a hairless. There's no hair on him, like not on his chest. I don't think he has armpit hair. He can't really. He grows like a 13-year-old boy's mustache. 13-year-old boy. He's hairless.
Starting point is 01:21:17 But he's trying. Hairless cats. That doesn't matter. Is BKG a regular training partner? Sorry. Is Bjorgvin Carl Gudmundsson a regular training partner with you? When I'm in Iceland, we try to see each other maybe one time a week. And sometimes, like, it depends on what we're focusing on.
Starting point is 01:21:39 Like, if we're focusing on a competition or something, we try to meet each other out, out like on Saturdays and throw down. But, um, yeah, we haven't, we were on a good roll before I tore my ACL. So do you really like him?
Starting point is 01:21:53 Yeah, I really like him. He's he, he's a low maintenance friend. Yes, he is. I really like him too. And he also like,
Starting point is 01:22:03 he lives in a small town. He likes good music. And it's just like, yeah, we love to kill each other in training. And then, yeah. And how close does he live to you? Like 50 minutes away. Is he north of you or south of you? South.
Starting point is 01:22:23 Oh, so you're in the colder part. So I'm south, but he's even souther. Sarah, tell me what kind of music BKG likes that you think is good music. Uh-oh. I have a reason I'm asking you this, by the way. What did you say? Do you remember at Filthy 150, we were neighbors in the hotel? Yes.
Starting point is 01:22:48 We were staying across the room from the hotel for me, like literally right across the way. And the first day and second day of competition, when I came back late in the evening, you were already in your hotel room. And both nights, I could hear music coming from your room. And it was very different music night one to night two. What music did i have on night one was very i sounded very angry and heavy and night two sounded like something night two sounded like something you might have picked up during your time in cookville oh country yeah so so bk listens to like classic rock and uh but when we're training we go dark like and then i mean like techno dark like vampires like like up people been up for like four days drinking each other's blood dark
Starting point is 01:23:40 yeah and just like like yeah, somewhere in a dungeon. I like it. His gym gives me the feeling of a dungeon. And obviously I've never been there. It is a dungeon. Yeah. It's such a cool gym, though. So it's fun training with him because we just like,
Starting point is 01:24:01 we want to kill each other in training. And then we finish the session when we're cleaning up, we just have good music on and it's just like yeah who's his coach is who's his coach it's yami it's the same coach that is now uh with katrin and annie yeah so do you know why katrin switch left is going coming back to iceland no i i actually don't know but But I just, I mean, she's worked with Ben for such a long time. And maybe she just needed a change of like. I think she likes her niece too much. She wants to be around her more. What did you say?
Starting point is 01:24:34 Yeah, the small, yeah. I mean, it might be. I think it's probably pretty hard to have lived so long from your family. And I mean, her and Annie are now, they have their own business that they're building. So maybe that's one of the reasons also. There are they,
Starting point is 01:24:53 are they that close? Um, I, yes, I think so. And so in your, your, you're not,
Starting point is 01:25:04 you don't speak to them on a regular basis so no no i don't i uh you guys live in the same country and i just and i think you guys share a bedroom together but it's not like that no we definitely don't we are um they train a lot with uh or like they train a lot in crossfit radio week which is annie's gym And I train in my town that's like around 45 minutes away. Is it hard for you? There's these two Icelandic girls and then there's you and it's sort of like they're a pair and you're not part of them? No, I think we're just very different personalities
Starting point is 01:25:39 that we wouldn't function training three together. Is it kind of, you know, know in the united states they're like we have country folk and we have city folk and then we have people like colton mertens i don't know what you call him um is it like that you guys are different from different uh is it is it like that like would you say you're their city folk and your country folk or yeah a little bit like i would like you to pause some soup. I think we're just all three of us are princesses and we want to control our times ourselves. And yeah, like they have their set time of training.
Starting point is 01:26:19 I have my set time of training. And like, I mean, I did the open with Andy and that was super helpful and it was fun and everything. But like we don't talk on a daily basis and and text what we did for training or something like that. But like if I'm in Iceland and they're throwing down, they might invite me or or I invite myself or something like that. Like there's nothing bad between us. OK, so it's you guys are cordial what did you say we're you're cordial like you said there's nothing bad between you no there's nothing bad between us definitely not they're just closer together than me like they're both
Starting point is 01:26:55 from the same city while i'm from a small town like and and who was your coach before Max? So I did a year by myself. And before that, I was working with Red Pill. So a guy called Phil Mansfield. And tell me about the year you did by yourself. Why did you do that? Is that a mistake? No, definitely not a mistake. I learned so much in the process of it. It was just very overwhelming of trying to coach yourself, but also be the athlete and trusting that it was the right thing and having to look up the reasons why you're doing stuff how to periodize how to why is my body acting like this instead of just having uh like max is so smart and he knows
Starting point is 01:27:54 so much and i can just ask him why am i doing this workout versus doing it like this and he'll explain it to me the thought behind it and there was just so much time so I I'm in school also so I was a student I was uh my own coach I was an athlete and it was just overwhelming of like when I was training I was thinking about how I could program next week to be even better and what was the thought behind that like I was mixing all the the together. And then maybe I had an assignment, a big assignment, and I couldn't program for that weekend. So I started the week on Monday without having a program for the whole week. But I had this like big plan in mind and now I was messing it up.
Starting point is 01:28:38 It was just like I was going back and forth of like, am I doing the right thing? Am I not? And then I competed and I did super well. So it was like I was on a semi-right path, but I needed to study more about periodization, like peaking at the right time, how to, like, when should I bump up the intensity?
Starting point is 01:29:01 When should I lower the intensity and the volume should be higher like stuff like that that i'm not that good at but want to be better at is switching coaches i don't know if this is going to relate to you but does this make sense to you like you you get a new pair of shoes and you really don't need them but you buy them and they kind of motivate you to run more, or you buy a really expensive bike and you're like, okay, this bike cost me $10,000. And therefore I have to ride it every single day. Do you know that phenomenon? Yeah. Yeah, I definitely do. And it's, it's a good, like, is that, do you think that that's, is that, is there some of that going on you think with you or with Katrin like okay um everything was great with ben
Starting point is 01:29:45 but if she gets a new coach like you can it reinvigorates you okay you have max okay now you have a new kind of accountability it's like getting a new pair of shoes is there any of that going on i just when i hear you guys switching coaches i i maybe just me i just think oh that's not that doesn't sound good same with UFC fighters like oh shit like why are they switching camps I think it's just you've gotten what you needed from the other coach
Starting point is 01:30:13 and you feel a little bit stuck and you need something new to help you improve to get even better I mean what I think about Ben and Katrin is like they they spent six years together. I don't remember how long.
Starting point is 01:30:27 Six or seven, yeah. Yeah, six or seven years. And it's like they had this recipe that worked for them. And maybe that recipe was just done. Like it needed five spice mix or something like that. Like it just needed a little bit of change to get her motivated again. And like I think when you're doing the same thing for maybe six to seven years you're in the same group you're in the same environment and you're like okay
Starting point is 01:30:51 I maybe have three years left or I don't know how long Catherine is gonna be as an individual and what her thoughts are and everything so like maybe she just wanted to get the most out of her athleticism by trying to change coaches and seeing if he sees something different in her than ben did like like i would say like and maybe even ben did maybe even ben said hey it's time to go to a new coach yeah i can remember um miko saying that to yona yona like hey dude your time with me is done like what yeah when i heard that i was like what what do you mean yeah well you're kicking the boy he's like he's got he's it's a nest buddy he's like it's he's gotta go yeah but this is i mean this is what uh james fitzer was talking about is eventually the athlete has to have some autonomy and the relationship can have
Starting point is 01:31:42 run its course and that doesn't have to be a bad thing yeah exactly yeah it doesn't have to be and i mean katherine's and ben's relationship she can probably always go back if it doesn't work but then she at least tried and then she she doesn't have to think about it anymore that uh it's the grass greener on the other side or not are you friends with your ex-boyfriend i actually am yes you are yeah yeah and and are your parents still married yes yeah and are they still friends my parents yeah barely but they're still married yeah um tell me about your dad. Um, what I'm,
Starting point is 01:32:28 when I say anything, just when I mentioned his name, what do you think? Uh, he's my biggest role model in life. Like he's, he told me, or like he got me into sports in the first place. Like he bought a gym membership for me when I didn't have any money and I wanted to lose weight.
Starting point is 01:32:47 He made me do. What's that look like? What's that look like? Tell me that story. You're sitting at home and he hears you on the phone with someone being like, damn, I'm getting fat. And he goes, Sarah, I'll buy you a gym membership. I mean, it was more like so we were we were a friend group of six girls. And we were two of those six girls that were a little bit overweight.
Starting point is 01:33:11 And my friend asked, like, should we start the gym? And I was like, yeah, yeah, we should. And then we start and we show up in the gym. But we just go into the locker rooms to take a nap because we couldn't be bothered of actually training. So, oh, it's the best photo. Yeah. So, so, yeah. So we just like.
Starting point is 01:33:35 Yeah. Speaking of napping. Speaking of napping. I started to look at the photos. I'm like, oh, my God. Yeah. So, so that's how it started. And then she met a guy and started being a girlfriend and didn't have time for me anymore.
Starting point is 01:33:51 So I was like, shit, I actually need to train to lose weight so I can get a guy. And that's when I signed up for a boot camp seminar. And I asked my dad, can you please loan me money for this so I can do this boot camp seminar? And that's where I got hooked. And my dad was raising me that way of like, he would tell me like, hey, I'm going to spin class six in the morning.
Starting point is 01:34:13 Are you coming? And I would be like, no. And he's like, what's the reason why? I was like, because I'm going to sleep. He's like, yeah, that's not an excuse. So I would be like, okay, that's true actually. So he taught me like the the mindset of like there are no excuses and that's my mom next to him there were you living it were you living at home
Starting point is 01:34:35 when this happened yeah and and and when you went to this boot camp what was your had you done any sports before then and you were 17 at the time? Yeah, I was 17. I was getting my driver's license after a month. I hadn't trained at all. I was always pretty athletic when I was younger, but I was strong. I was ashamed of being strong because I don't know, like I was very competitive and I didn't have any backup of being competitive because I wasn't an athlete.
Starting point is 01:35:14 Like it didn't do any sports. So, so I, uh, I was always a pretty good swimmer. I don't know why. Like I, I swam for maybe one to two years when i was younger but competitively competitively no so when i started competing i like i was i was very um very good at freestyle 100 meters and this was like so my cousin is actually a pro swimmer one of the best swimmers in iceland and he would be in a competition I was like okay I can compete if he can compete and then I tried to compete and I stopped after 75 meters because I was too tired and I was like this is not for me wow I hate sports I don't want to feel this bad
Starting point is 01:35:57 ever again wow so that's my and then there was acid bath at Dubai yeah then there was acid bath at Dubai. Yeah, then there was acid bath at Dubai. Carmen actually threw up over herself in the acid bath. Do you remember that? I don't remember. I just remember there's very few workouts that I've seen. There's very few workouts I've seen where every athlete looked that destroyed after it. What does this mean, so hot right now? Like it's hot where you're at? does this mean so hot right now like it's hot where you're at or or sarah's so hot right now or like why right now you're so hot right now so well i
Starting point is 01:36:33 it's possible wearing this fancy jacket um let's say just one thing seven sarah i had a chance to meet your parents in strength and depth one year year. Yeah. They were, of course, right there, front row, your lane for the event. And I asked them if it was, like, how it felt. Because I remember that year at Strength and Depth, like, there was a huge support for you at that competition. And there usually is. But it was, like, audible and noticeable when they were cheering for you and they announced your name. And I asked them what that was like for have your daughter get that much support. And they said to me, they said, it doesn't matter if one person or a hundred thousand people are here, we'll always be there
Starting point is 01:37:11 for her. Yeah, that's so true. And they always are like, they, they're my biggest supporters and have always been, they try to come to every competition to cheer me on. And my mom has this, so she has this tradition of when the countdown is like 10 seconds, and then it's like three, two. And after they say 10 seconds or stand by, my mom screams my name. Because she's like, everybody stays quiet then. And that's when i know you need to hear me and then i always smile when i hear her scream because i wait to hear a scream after i hear the standby is it one is it that's really cool actually is it one of those things where
Starting point is 01:37:56 when you're in a competition and you go on the floor you you know where they are yeah i i usually try to find them when i'm walking out. And I usually spot them right away because they have the Icelandic flag or something like that. Yes, they're very consistent with that. Yeah, they're very consistent with that. And they're just like my whole family is just like there's such a good support and very understanding with everything. What time do you go to bed? There's such a good support and very understanding with everything. What, what time do you go to bed? Like if I go to bed,
Starting point is 01:38:30 do you mean not? Oh, so you, you don't normally sleep. You just stay awake. Now I've, I've, uh,
Starting point is 01:38:36 I've been working on my sleeping routine in this recovery. So usually I go to bed at nine 30. Uh, that is very, uh, uh rare though like it's my attempt each evening but if i'm in bed before midnight i'm happy um do you do the whoopee or any of that stuff like do you have like something like you don't wear something that like tells you okay you need to sleep or this is your like number for the day or whatever that stuff is i think that i would just get crazy if i would get that so like if i would get so much data i would so much on it do you do any um do you do any instagram like do you ever go into your dms on instagram i actually do sometimes yeah i get very interesting messages is it just chaos in there yeah like i get so i get 99 plus requests or like
Starting point is 01:39:28 that's always there and if i go to the lowest message it's like four hours ago or something like that so it's constantly new messages and coming in and and you do you ever get like um did you ever have a um uh you you probably gain and lose more followers than I have in a day. But I'm at this point, and I'm super shadow banned, right? Like if I post something – I have 93,000 followers. If I post something like six hours later, it will only have like 42 views. I mean like they – and if you try to follow me, it'll say, are you sure you want to follow this guy? He gives a lot of misinformation.
Starting point is 01:40:08 I mean, they really fucking hate me. But that being said, my DMs. I'm in this obsessive compulsive state where I like they I have to open them all. Yeah, I'm definitely not there. Yeah. So at some point you had to you had to open them all. Yeah. I'm definitely not there. Yeah. So at some point you had to, you had to let that go. Were you ever like,
Starting point is 01:40:32 can you go back to when you were just a little girl, Sarah, imagine you only had a hundred thousand followers. Were you ever at the point where I got to open all these? And at some point you're like, what the, I mean, cause it takes me hours. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:41 Like, so when I started CrossFit and like I said before, I wasn't big on social media like before i became a crossfitter like my first post about a bag was fantastic right and uh so i i didn't think too much about it and then i competed at the crossfit games and after i competed at the crossfit games i think i got 300 000 followers so okay uh there i don't know if you remember but there is a guy that uh his name is nori also and he's uh he's a photographer and he was following me and bk 2015 okay don't know if you remember he had like super blonde hair
Starting point is 01:41:18 and he came sometimes to invitations and stuff like that but he's uh so he was actually looking at the data for me and he was like sarah did you know that you got these many followers after friday and did you know you got this and i was just like what does this even mean like i was so lost in it so it's always been just like it just happened like this and i lost control completely. But like when I started competing 2014, Facebook was like the biggest thing then, I think. And I accepted all the friend requests that I got. And my Facebook is just ruined because I have so many people that I don't know and nobody can add me anymore.
Starting point is 01:41:59 And so I stopped using Facebook like probably two to three years ago. Yeah, I never, I kind of was in the same boat you were in i i didn't do facebook and the only reason why i think i do facebook now is because i think this is being streamed live on facebook twitter and twitch but then when instagram came i thought it was something for photographers i thought it was like oh you take pictures and you post them here yeah yeah and that's, yeah. Yeah, and that's pretty cool. Yeah. But I just can't imagine – yeah, you said it.
Starting point is 01:42:30 It kind of gets ruined for you. It's a double-edged sword. You want to have a lot of followers. You want – so that if you do have a message, you can share it with the world. But then also the more followers you have, the shit just kind of – it just turns into – But then also the more followers you have, the shit just kind of – it just turns into – Yeah. What's the best thing to do is like – so I have my email connected to the Instagram so people can send me email if it's something important. And I've gotten some good emails. Oh, maybe you shouldn't have said that. Maybe you shouldn't have said that.
Starting point is 01:42:59 Yeah. Cut that. Cut that part. Yeah, beep. But I guess that requires – so what you're saying is is that requires another level of effort you can't just be some drunk dude at night being like damn sarah you're hot here's my phone number you gotta actually be like fucking like go to your gmail and be like yeah you are very attractive something thoughtful yeah um and and and this guy snorries your your manager yes isn't that like a what'd you say brian well she was talking about snorri a photographer that was a different person snorri is her manager
Starting point is 01:43:35 another snorri that's my manager two snorris in my life yeah isn't like just like that's an omen not to have that dude as your manager snorri like Snorri means like he's sleeping right like that's like one of the seven dwarfs Snorri in Swedish actually means dick oh okay good alright good oh then okay good okay I had it all but Snorri in Icelandic is like
Starting point is 01:43:56 he's like one of the legends of when yeah oh so it's a good name in Icelandic the legend Snorri Snorri Sturklason. Snorri Sturklason. Google that. Sturklason.
Starting point is 01:44:11 Sturzi, you're on that one. That's like one of the Latvians in Iceland, or was. And how did you get an A? Have you been with this guy forever? No, so I started working with him 2017. And he just calls you and he's like, hey, I'm Icelandic. You're Icelandic. I can help you organize your shit so that you can make more money and train. Is that the guy?
Starting point is 01:44:35 So he was like. Your agent has his own wiki page? Oh, this is the legend. This is the legend, yeah. If you want to see her manager, it's Snorri Baron. Yeah. And he's the man. He's an awesome dude. He is the man yeah if you want to see her manager is snorri baron yeah and he's a man he's an awesome he is the man he's also a legend and so he so um he becomes your manager and then like so like this company fat grips so then they're like hey we want sarah to use fat grips and then he negotiates a deal he says okay um we needed to do this and what are
Starting point is 01:45:06 you gonna offer sarah will do 12 pull-ups a month on your fat grips and you pay her this and and that's how it works it's like that simple and now you don't have to talk to you don't have to worry about it i mean it's it's a little bit more complicated than that like he called me and told and like so I was a manager at CrossFit soon as my old gym and a guy that I trained there actually connected us and he's like you need to talk to this guy because he has this good idea and I was like okay so I went to see Snorri and Snorri was like have you ever thought about what your image is going to represent? Like, like you're only thinking about your athletic career now as you should,
Starting point is 01:45:52 but have you ever thought about what you're representing out there, what impact you can have and how you can optimize your, like how you can optimize your platform to the good. And he like opened all these new windows for me that I didn't even think about before. And so we just like, damn, everyone needs a snore.
Starting point is 01:46:13 I need a snore. Exactly. This is what I say, Davey, everybody needs a snore in their life. And snore is so much more than a manager. I mean, he's been my,
Starting point is 01:46:23 uh, almost psychologist now in this injury. Like, I called him straight after I got the news that it was torn. And I talked to him right away. And he never puts this pressure on me that I have to perform to get cast. So he gets his percentage or something like that. It's so, we work so well together. So he also works with B bk there he is oh i might follow this i'm checking right now to see if i follow this guy can can you go back to his name
Starting point is 01:46:54 snooza snooza snooza and snorri i'm gonna change his name to snooza i guess i I... Oh, I think I do. I do follow him. I follow this guy. Oh, there you... Okay, good. Snorri. Yeah. Oh, you've turned me on to this guy, Brian. Yeah, because he's awesome.
Starting point is 01:47:18 Yeah, he is. Oh, and he has a shirt that says Legend. It's the Rogue shirt. Who else does he represent? So he represents BK, Roman Krennikov, Russian. That's still trying to get permission to go to the CrossFit Games. He's like a super fit guy, but hasn't been able to go to the States. He'll also be in Dubai, I believe.
Starting point is 01:47:45 Yeah, he's going to be in Dubai also. What happened? The United States doesn't like this guy, Roman Krennikoff? They just won't let him in? Yeah. I think he needs a special kind of visa to be able to come to the States or something like that. Like the way you'd have to import a tiger?
Starting point is 01:47:59 Like he has to do rules that humans don't have to do? It's like, does he have his rabies shots, shit like that? Yeah. I think it's pretty much like that to be honest like he has his kates that he has to be imported in and what's his name ask me ask me off air okay um uh the problem that females have with dms is sometimes they just don't want to see that many dicks. No one actually sends you a dick pic, do they? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. They do.
Starting point is 01:48:30 Definitely do. It's a response. That's maybe the reason why I don't hate on men. I don't want to hate on men, but wouldn't that be like it doesn't seem like a successful mating strategy.
Starting point is 01:48:47 No, I mean like how should i react to a photo of somebody's dick that i've never talked to before should it be like wow that's very impressive let's meet up like i don't understand the love behind you should see a dog how about you just have like a you should see a doctor yeah just send them a link to like a snore or something and sent like his face like everybody would be afraid of him do um do you just um uh i'm trying to think no one's ever sent me a dick pic now that you put it out there you're doomed what say that again you're doomed now i i'll take some dick pics but i've been but i have a dick like i have to deal with it i mean my kids make fun of my dick um uh but what uh do you just do
Starting point is 01:49:35 you block those people or do you just i mean i don't i mean because that takes effort that takes like four yeah i usually yeah i usually just i only have like if i'm following somebody i can receive a message from them oh okay so like the requested ones i don't really go through that so that that's where the main dick pics are and and some marriage proposals and i wonder if there's any way snorri could monetize that for you. I like... Just be like, hey, Snorri, do you want to just go into my DMs? You know how sometimes there'll be a picture of Abraham Lincoln?
Starting point is 01:50:17 Just send the shrimp emoji to all of them. Break their self-esteem. I wonder if you own those pictures like i'm i'm i'm seriously there's got to be a way to make a million bucks off that so you know those pictures like you see them from far away and it's a picture of like abraham lincoln and then you walk up close and it's just like a bunch of girls in bikinis and you're like wow and they're a little tiny maybe make one of those maybe like if these are the 12 000 dick pics i got uh you i mean you don't do it that's fucking disgusting you had you like make bkg do it or something bjork van carl goodman someone like as a side hustle like hey dude go through my uh go through oh he would probably
Starting point is 01:51:01 love to go through my messages. Yes. And just tell him he can't respond to any of them. Man, there's got to be a way to monetize that. Here's another thing that fascinates me. There should be a button then for people that says don't allow. I mean, they have vaccine passports in some countries they're locking down humanity in austria and in croatia not croatia wherever the fuck that is i heard they can't have an algorithm that just stops dicks from being sent around yeah i don't understand this how about you
Starting point is 01:51:36 block dicks and child pornography instagram instead of blocking people like me yeah exactly but it's like you you can report those people and then they can get blocked. But you can't be bothered of like doing all of that stuff. No, it's too much work. Yeah. It's too many buttons to push. No, I'm trying to think of anyone's ever sent me nudes, any kind of nude. My life sucks. Yeah. Maybe I can send you some of the photos that i've received i'm good thanks you're a good dude sarah you're such a good dude someone in the comments has already offered to send you some seven oh i appreciate it hey i wonder i wonder if like you know how like um there'll be women on instagram and they'll be naked and they just kind of like put it like a scribble mark on the nipples and it's good to go yeah i wonder if you just like you could post a picture of your dick on instagram
Starting point is 01:52:28 but you just scribbled out the whole like how much of the penis do you have to scribble out to show it yeah like the whole helmet just a little bit of the shaft or like just like the opening that the p comes out of i mean i think you should attempt this. Sounds good. But these are important questions. These are important questions with women and men's empowerment. This is true. How much cock is... How much is allowed on social media? This fucking world. How is it that the fucking idiots climb to the top of the fucking food chain?
Starting point is 01:53:04 That's the big question. It's like the hacked evolution. Yeah. Can I ask you a question you're probably going to hate? Please, please. Rate me on a scale of 1 to 10? No, please don't. Let's go with another question. Sarah, there's been
Starting point is 01:53:19 I've made some observations over the years about how impressive the women from Europe are. And specifically when they make it to the games, how well they do there. And not just the ones that are in the podium contention, but even if you look at someone like Turi Helgedotter, who's often fourth or fifth at regionals, gets to the games and finishes in the top half of the field. And there's been no change ever in terms of getting...
Starting point is 01:53:49 The European women have never earned more spots at the games, despite always doing well there. Yeah. And my really what I want to know from your perspective is because what I think what I see there is there's probably some should be some more European women and some less North American women. And I don't think that's necessarily the same on the men right now. But ultimately, I just want to see the best people at the games or as many of the best as we can yeah do you think that that would okay would you want the same as an athlete just to see a system that's regularly trying to get yeah you want to compete with the best you don't want to compete in a competition where you know that there's somebody that belongs there and isn't there. But Brian and Sarah, why – this sounds racist, what you guys are doing. Why reduce North – I would just tweak this. Why reduce North American women or North American athletes?
Starting point is 01:54:41 Why not just increase European? Well, we're assuming that there's a fixed number of spots at the gate okay so what i'm saying is like last year for example there were 20 spots for women from north america and 10 for women from europe but the 10 women from europe you know outperformed you know on average the 10 best women from north america even yeah and yet this year there's been nothing to do for that and that's been the same case for five, six years in Arona. Yeah. And they're basing it on open registration, which I, and I think that that's, I mean, different conversation.
Starting point is 01:55:13 I just think that, you know, what I wanted to hear from Sarah is what she said is like, it doesn't matter where they're from. We just want to hopefully have the best field that we can. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, she doesn't want equity. She wants equality. True. She wants equality. True.
Starting point is 01:55:28 She wants equality. I, I, I think the game should be like that too. Unfortunately, I, I do like the fact of just bringing people in from everywhere, but really those should be the fucking most fierce lions on,
Starting point is 01:55:42 on game day on the field in Madison. Yeah. Just be the fucking people who just work the fucking most fierce lions on game day, on the field, in Madison, should just be the fucking people who just work the fucking hardest. And that's who we want to see. I love how – Go ahead. Sorry. Like, I love the competitions, how, like, Ironman is and how, like, the world tour in surfing is.
Starting point is 01:56:02 Like, the world competition in surfing is, like, you're competing in different locations throughout the year and then it's like the final score that matters and then you get the best athletes like how formula one is also like the the points matter in the end versus it's just four days and are you a big formula one fan like bkgs i'm a big Formula One fan, like BKGS? I'm a big Formula fan. Yeah, like I'm going the 12th of December. I'm very excited. Do you and Björgvin go for the same drivers or do you have like rival?
Starting point is 01:56:33 Björgvin likes Bottas, but I like Lewis. So we're both cheering for Mercedes. Where are you going to watch Formula One? It's in Abu Dhabi. They're doing their Middle Eastern. Yeah, they just did one in Qatar, I think. Yeah. Do you know some ballers there who are like,
Starting point is 01:56:51 okay, Sarah, you can sit in our box. We got a good seat for you. This is why I'm saying this on this podcast. Like, I'm going to find some ballers, you know? Oh, shit. God, find me some ballers too. So what do you like about Formula One? Do you like the sounds or the crowd?
Starting point is 01:57:07 Or what do you like? Like, have you watched Drive to Survive? The episodes, the TV show on Netflix? No. If you haven't, you have to watch it. Is it a documentary? Yeah, it's a documentary about Formula One, about the athletes and about like the teams and the pressure that they're under
Starting point is 01:57:25 like how i looked at formula one before was just like these are cars and guys driving cars for two hours fun wow there's and you can't even see their bodies they're in overalls like you can't even see their bodies boring yeah like it was so boring and you didn't know anything. And then like in these, uh, in this, in this TV series, you get to know each athletes and it's so much teamwork that you didn't know of before. Like how they, like, let's say that it's like, um, I saw the documentary Senya.
Starting point is 01:58:00 Yeah. It was, it was amazing. That's the formula one driver who died or something. Right. Yeah. Yeah. That was crazy. like uh like how the first episode starts is like daniel ricardo is like uh formula one driver for red bull at that time and like i think one of the in like in the
Starting point is 01:58:20 pits like puts a tire on wrong so it fucked up his whole competition so imagine like you put all the work in but somebody on the team messes up a little bit in two seconds and your competition is done and like how do you react to that and how do you come over that and come back stronger next time how do you not fear that the team is going to fail you how do you like all these thoughts around that's what i love about formula one is like you have to trust in the team and you have to perform for the team almost you you you had a wounded acl and this guy had this tire put on wrong yeah exactly it's the same i am i when you said when you said that i imagined you like at the crossfit games this year like you know eat drinking a protein shank and your assistant putting on your shoes and you go out there and they put the they put the right foot on the left
Starting point is 01:59:15 foot and the left foot on the right and you hear sean with him like sarah's shoes are on the wrong feet as she circles around corner number two but sar, do you think that that could work in CrossFit? As if there was something like that, where maybe there were six events over the course of eight months and a group of 30 athletes qualified for it and competed. Another group of 30 athletes maybe qualified in the division below that, but showed up for the same competitions and earned points over the season. that but showed up for the same competitions and earned points over the season yeah i think i think that would be the best like best uh test to be honest like and it creates just a great story for everyone who wants to cover the sport you can say okay we've had two events so far this is where
Starting point is 01:59:56 the women are standing this is what we're coming it's also unfair for australians to always have to come to the united states and they have to change their time zone and everything like oh they want to come here that place is fucking nazi land they yeah they're lucky they get to come here the last thing they want is the games to show up in australia and they get fucking stuck there with those fucking lunatics sorry yeah that's why i'm banned on instagram for shit like that but that country is fucked up now it is after covid yeah but i but i'm just like giving an example of like it would be cool to have competitions around the world as like the main competitions like yeah you would have one in us you would have one in europe you
Starting point is 02:00:39 would have one in australia you would have one in Africa or something like like South America like you we would just like it would be eight competitions over the year and you get points and you can miss out on one competition and it doesn't affect your point system or something like that you you wouldn't have a full competition in Africa like a quarter of a competition or an eighth of a competition Africa god you're such a good person sarah i know um uh you know who's into a formula one is dave's into formula one dave small calves dave yeah small calves dave yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that guy um oh i'll send him a photo when i'm uh when i'm watching the race then yeah i'm send him a photo when I'm watching the race.
Starting point is 02:01:25 Yeah. And send him a photo on my couch. Do you have... Oh, that would be awesome. Do you have Dave's phone number in your phone? No, but I have his Instagram, you know? Yeah, but his fucking Instagram is all fucked up like yours. I'm going to send you his phone number.
Starting point is 02:01:39 You promise you'll send him a picture from Formula One? Of course. Oh, that's awesome. I love that. Have you been to an F1 race before,ah no it's my first time i have not been but i've heard that they're super fun i went to a nascar race one time and it was i just thought to myself i was like man like a hundred thousand people go to these every week and people travel around the whole country to watch this yeah i had i should go to one and so I went to one and it was long,
Starting point is 02:02:06 but it was a very different perspective than watching it on TV. Yeah, like I watch it every weekend or like every weekend when it is on. But it's like, I think being there in a good crowd is going to be so much fun. I think I would like the sound. I went to the horse races twice and that was my favorite part is just when they come the sound is when they come running by yeah
Starting point is 02:02:33 think Sevan says Brian is one of the lucky few that didn't get thrown in the oven are you a Jew Brian? I have some ancestors that were Jews in Germany in the 30s and they saw the writing on the wall and got out of there. Oh, yes, Brian. David, I would say that Brian is one of the lucky ones that didn't get thrown in the oven.
Starting point is 02:02:52 Thank you. Congratulations on having smart ancestors. That was, yeah. That was the most random question we've gotten tonight oh come on we were we're talking about how to get penises on instagram this show is okay okay um we have we have these you're coming back and i'm assuming you want you you the goal isn't i mean the goal isn't to compete at the CrossFit Games. It's to win the CrossFit Games. I mean, my goal is to just be able to be an athlete again now. Like, my comeback won't be in Dubai or the next competition I'll compete in.
Starting point is 02:03:38 My biggest dream is to have a good comeback at the CrossFit Games. And if it's going to be this year or next year, like, I don't know how long I'll be able or like how long it takes to get fit again, but I'm on the right road, but there's still a lot of holes that need to be fixed. You,
Starting point is 02:03:56 you won the open three times. Yeah. I, so when I worked at CrossFit Inc and I still, I still have this belief today. I thought that winning the open should be as much prize money as the CrossFit Games. Agree. I think that the Open is an argument that – and some people don't agree with this, but I think the Open is an argument that you're the fittest human being alive.
Starting point is 02:04:17 And here's why. Because I realize that you get time and you get to do them again, but who cares? Those are just – The only reason I disagree with that, Stefan, is because that's not what it's advertised as. If it was advertised as that, people would prepare for it differently. But knowing what you have to do to qualify, you can choose to come and just do enough to get by if you want to. I don't believe that. I hear what you're saying.
Starting point is 02:04:41 I don't think any of these people do that. How many times do you think Rich has redone an open workout? If he knew that it was for the title or that it was for hundreds of thousands of dollars, he might make a different decision. True. True. I still don't think that's any fault of the winners. I still don't think that's any fault of the winners. Like I see what you're saying, that maybe the competition isn't up to like that top, top 1% of 1% of 1% because people are throttling back.
Starting point is 02:05:14 But then you could also say that about the person who won it. But I think that winning the Open is an argument that you're the fittest person alive. And if there weren't the CrossFit Games, it would be that. But a very valid point that you're the you're the fittest person alive and and if there weren't the crossfit games it would be that but i but i but very valid point that you're saying too like if they told everyone that you would you would you would be more game is what you're saying right yeah but i don't think the test should be around money the test is always about are you as fit as you can be and are you an athlete why would you ever put in a score that you're not happy with then? That's how I look at it. I trained with Rich and he redid a workout.
Starting point is 02:05:51 We all redid a workout. We're all athletes and we're competitors. I don't think that any athlete has the mindset of I did shit in this workout, but I'm still just going to put the score in. Get him, Sarah. Get him. Fuck you, Ryan. I've been the fittest on there three times, Simon.
Starting point is 02:06:11 Uh-oh. The hood's coming up. Oh, shit. This means business. Dude, this. I thought he was doing ice fishing. This hood fits over my earphones. My room is freezing.
Starting point is 02:06:23 I feel like I'm in Iceland, and it's so sunny outside um so so you win so you win the open three times that's so badass i always wanted them to give fucking shit loads of money for that i would always get into it with greg and dave over that we'd get into these they would call me a fucking idiot but i didn't care i was i'm a i'm a labrador i stay focused on the tennis ball and so so you win the Open three times. I'm a Labrador. Has any other woman – has any other person won the Open three times? I actually don't know. I'm pretty sure that Fraser has.
Starting point is 02:06:58 Yeah. How about the girl from Australia, the really good one? The Tia Clare one. Yeah, the Tia one. one no but he's won another competition of your time yeah she sure has damn she's good so where i'm going with this is you in my mind there's these people who who are a threat the a threat to tia and it's it's it's laura horvat and um car saunders yeah not in not uh god annie's such a wild card man annie is such a wild card i don't know what the rich is also won three opens by the way but um annie was closer to beating her at rogue than uh laura's ever been
Starting point is 02:07:43 in any competition right Right. I know. Annie's – and what Annie did at the games was freaky too. Let's just put Annie on the side just for a second. It's just – I don't understand Annie. I can't figure her out. But you have Laura Horvat and you have Carson. Fine. I don't care.
Starting point is 02:08:01 Let's throw Annie in. So you have these people that are potential threats to Tia, and then there's just people who just aren't threats to tia and that's everyone else like they just they just aren't they're just like t is just like off over on pluto and the rest of these people are fucking stuck on earth and and laura and cara and annie have shown that like hey we can fly out of our galaxy and get close to her. You are probably – you are a huge unknown, but you could be in that group. Yeah. Because you have shown stuff that has – when Sarah and Tia competed against each other, did Sarah beat her in workouts, Brian?
Starting point is 02:08:43 When Sarah and Tia competed against each other, did Sarah beat her in workouts, Brian? Yeah, we were very close to each other at Waterpalooza 2020. And also, I can't remember how Rogue went, but I was second there. Cara was third. I think it was more of a battle of me and Cara getting the second place. How about at the Games, though um not after 2017 i would say that like i seems like forever ago it it feels like forever like 2018 for me i broke the rib 2019 i didn't make the cut and then 2020 was the online competition so i still have it left in the tank i think i agree with that i agree with that too when you broke your rib did you it's this top one up
Starting point is 02:09:38 here you broke no so i broke my first rib 2017 uh recovered from that and then i broke my ninth rib nine months later and where is your first rib is that from the bottom or the top first rib 2017, recovered from that. And then I broke my ninth rib nine months later. And where is your first rib? Is that from the bottom or the top? First rib is here. Oh. And ninth rib is almost, yeah. And how did you break your first rib?
Starting point is 02:09:55 And how did you break your ninth rib? What was the movement that you were doing? First rib was overtraining and it wasn't actually in a movement. It just like, it had been broken for about two to three months, but I only felt it in my shoulder. So we didn't even expect it was the first rip. And then the ninth rip broke in a warmup in deadlifts because I had such a, I had like a thick leather belt
Starting point is 02:10:20 and we had CrossFit total. And I was just doing a warm-up set and broke it when you watch your deadlift from the crossfit total talk about the deadlift does that pain does it bring pain to you we brought up dick pics we brought up trans athletes she's game and then you're like you bring up a deadlift she's like no no don't bring that up yeah don't bring that up no okay try dead't bring that up. No. Okay. Try that lifting with a broken rib. You will never experience so much pain in your life. Actually, that's good for people to hear you say that.
Starting point is 02:10:52 Because if they ever watch that, if you watch that back, I mean, it looks painful. And obviously it was. It was so painful. What's the video? Sorry, refresh me. What's the video we're talking about? We're not going to watch the video because I would cry of shame. So let me explain this to you guys.
Starting point is 02:11:08 So I was in the warm-up before we went out for CrossFit Total. And there was only about 75 kilos on the bar. And I was so pissed because I messed up the first workout or like the bike workout. So I put the belt extra tight. And I used this belt one time in my life but everybody was recommending like a thick leather belt because it gives you more kilos and I was like yeah I need all the I need all the weight today because I fucked up the first workout and I put it on and then I go down and I just hear the click and I was like oh fuck I broke my rib
Starting point is 02:11:44 like you just knew it like I just knew it and I was like if I loosen up the belt I'm gonna feel more pain so I'm not gonna loosen up the belt so I had the belt so tight for about 20 minutes and then I went on the competition floor and was squatting and it was like squatting wasn't the worst but uh strict trust you can see it that i couldn't use my right i was using my left the whole time and then the deadlifts like i went for a heavy load in the first attempt and i was just like this is gonna be painful you just have to accept the pain because you haven't come this far to give up now but this is like then we had to
Starting point is 02:12:26 row a marathon in the evening and that's the biggest pain that I've ever experienced in my life. You did that with the broken rib too? Yes. And the 30 muscle-ups. No, I couldn't do, oh yeah, the 30 muscle-ups, yeah. But I think the muscle-ups were before the CrossFit
Starting point is 02:12:41 total. They might have been, yeah. Yeah. I can't remember the order, but I just remember rowing the marathon. And, yeah. When I was in college, I was playing Frisbee, and it was a rainy night. And we were playing in a parking lot. And someone threw a Frisbee, and I was running full speed. And I didn't care, and I dove on concrete to catch it. And you know those parking blocks?
Starting point is 02:13:04 Oh, God. You know those parking blocks that catch it. And you know those parking blocks? Oh, God. You know those parking blocks that are on the ground? Those cement parking blocks? I landed over one of those and broke my rib. And I didn't know I broke my rib. Did you catch the Frisbee? I did catch the Frisbee. Worth it.
Starting point is 02:13:16 But when I broke my rib, all of a sudden I couldn't breathe. Yeah, that's the problem. You can't breathe deeply and your heart rate is so high. Oh, yeah, yeah. And I went into a sheer panic. Like I thought, oh, fuck, I'm going to die here. So my friends flipped me over and I was like, oh, I'm never going to breathe again. Hobart had another great comment, by the way, Saba.
Starting point is 02:13:37 I ignore. I'm ignoring. What was the comment? I'm afraid at any moment he's going to pop in the show. Jesus Christ. I'm afraid at any moment he's going to pop in the show. Jesus Christ. Did you, so when you're out there competing and your rib breaks, does it knock the wind out of you?
Starting point is 02:13:58 It was like, I was trying to hide it from my coach because, I mean, I had just come from a rib injury. And I was like, okay, it's not going to get worse. Like, you just have a broken rib. Like, that was my mindset. I was like, I can push through pain. The adrenaline will help me. I'm going to try to hide it. And then we had the power clean and jerk letter.
Starting point is 02:14:19 Yeah, that was the next day, I think. No, we had the obstacle course and I had to put the weighted vest on me and that was the most painful. That was the next most painful. Battleground, yeah. Did you ever feel like you were going to throw up because the pain was so bad? Yeah, yeah, many times. And my heart rate was like 180 without even moving.
Starting point is 02:14:35 Like just having the weighted vest on, my body was in such a defense mode. But it was like, yeah, it was insane how I could focus when the, like the clock went on. It was like, yeah. Three, two, one go. And the pain would go away for a little bit. And then the second you're done, it would come back. And then I would finish the workout and I would be in so much pain again. And I would be like stuck with my hands up. And, uh, yeah,
Starting point is 02:15:06 it was, it was a rough time and I, I had to stop before the bar muscle up workout because I couldn't jump up to the bar anymore. I do not understand these people. Sorry, Brian, this guy, Gerardo gives Camacho gives $10 to the show.
Starting point is 02:15:20 And I'm thinking, I wonder what happened, why he gave $10. Then he writes this $10 for the broken rib story how about $25 for the dick pic story yeah the broken rib story is much better you know I mean thank you Gerardo you're ready to have kids
Starting point is 02:15:33 Sarah between the throwing up for menstrual cramps and the broken rib on the floor like this is all warm up this is all warm up for the future for my five kids it's amazing how much, how many more events you did after that,
Starting point is 02:15:48 that year. Yeah. Like I look back at it now and I'm like, okay, I'm so embarrassed to say this out loud that I competed with the broken rip and everything, but it's just like, like,
Starting point is 02:15:59 it's just the competitiveness that's in me of just like, I wanted to fight and I didn't want to give up. I finally came from the other broken rib where I didn't know where I was standing. And I was just like, I didn't want to give up if I could actually do this stuff. But did you do you talk to Brooke Wells after this year's games by any chance? I didn't know. I just sent her a message because of her elbow. Like I've not spoken at all.
Starting point is 02:16:25 Yeah. But just just that to reach out to her and you know because you've been there before you know doing doing well prepared for competition and yeah it's just it's such a heartbreak and i we were actually texting the other day or when she posted the story about her elbow like the re like how rehab is going and everything. And yeah, I mean, this is just the part of being an athlete. I think like some people get more serious injuries and some don't and you can't control it, but you can make the best out of it. Yeah, and it's just like you guys are a tight-knit group. You know, there's not that many of you that are that good that are in that situation. So it's cool to be able to offer some support to her.
Starting point is 02:17:09 Yeah. Yeah, of course. Sarah competed with the broken rib while you guys are dropping out of rope because of allergies. Fuck, no one's nice. This is brutal. What a beat down. down uh when when what was interesting to me is when you said when you picked it up your rib broke and you said it was because of the belt but after i broke my rib i i mean it really hurt i went to the doctor there's like nothing we can do it just has to heal itself yeah and then i don't know if it was a month later or three weeks later i was i i had these two 20 pound dumbbells and i picked up the 20 pound dumbbell and i my rib re-fucking broke and i heard it snap and it was so fucking painful again i was like are you kidding me i wonder if i was starving myself then i should look back at that was that maybe your menstrual cycle was bad also yeah well
Starting point is 02:17:57 my menstrual cycle is always bad that's my wife well we're trained that's your wife sevan is borrowing that vest from a sweet Mexican lady he met getting his nails done. Sean, look at your fucking picture. Don't talk shit to me. Look at your fucking picture. 20 burpees for you. I think he said he was trying to draw you when he made that. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:23 It did kind of look like me. like if me and you had a kid um how are you how are you doing do you have to pee or anything no i'm good you're good okay you worked at kentucky fried chicken i did tell me about that tell me about like how like not just working there but how did is that the first job you have why did you choose kfc what was the application process like, like not just working there, but how did, is that the first job you have? Why did you choose KFC? What was the application process like? Shit like that. No, it was actually not the first job I had.
Starting point is 02:18:52 The first job I had was counting postcards for my grandpa. So my grandpa owns or owned a postcard company. So I started working when I was probably 11 or 12 counting cards. And then I went, my second job was, I was working in church, like church cards. Church cards? Yeah. What does that mean?
Starting point is 02:19:22 Like the envelopes that people donate money in, you would open it and take the cash out? Yeah, of course. No, I would have the church open for people that needed to come in and guard the church. Oh, church guard. Yeah. Like church, like the God church, like the Christian one. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:39 There's like a Jesus statue in there. No, but there should be a statue of me after working there, you know? How long did you have that job that was a year and then the year after i started working at kfc so kfc was probably yeah one of my favorite like periods of time like it was so much fun we were like three best friends that worked there so we would would just be eating KFC the whole evening, like the popcorn chicken, the small chicken, eating fries. This is before the boot camp.
Starting point is 02:20:12 Yeah, this is before the boot camp. But I had to bike to work, which was like one and a half mile. And because I biked there, I deserved to eat a lot. How do you bike in... In Iceland. In Iceland, yeah. You have like the nails on the tires. You're not fucking with me, that's true?
Starting point is 02:20:36 Yeah. Do you crash a lot? No. Wow, can you imagine? Brian, have you ever ridden a bike in snow? Have you ever ridden a bike with nails in the tires no it's so stable yeah it's not it's nuts um do you slide around a lot it's not scary no i mean it's just like driving like you can't put the brake like you can't like press the brake hardcore then you'll slide uh james said on the whole place
Starting point is 02:21:06 is not made of ice the fuck it's not i've been there the fuck it's not they don't even live in snow houses yes yes and you guys don't have any bugs there either no we actually don't yes is that what the tires look like can you see them yeah wow and so do you change your tires when the when the when it's summertime like a car so you have the same tire or yeah you change like you have the winter tires that have the nails in and then you change it into summer tires i would have two different bikes yeah or that yeah i ball too hard to have a i couldn't i couldn't seven he can't carve out a half hour twice a year to change his tires okay so so when you go so you see kfc you and your friends so you go there you work there because all of you guys are like hey let's all work at kfc together so
Starting point is 02:21:57 you guys all go in fill out the application so i used to work in a bakery in the day so like from eight to four and then i would bike to kfc and work from five to ten oh and so when i was closing the bakery i would be like taking a bite of all the donuts and everything that was left in the bakery because you have to throw everything out and then yeah i would ride my bike and make my own senior twister. And it was like, yeah, it was such a good time. Dude, what a great job eating all the just bites of leftover. Like you could take a bite out of a hundred different donuts and just be just throwing donuts around. Exactly. Like the rule was to take a bite of everything before throwing it out.
Starting point is 02:22:37 Like me and my friend just did that. KFC boasts eight locations around the country in Iceland. Sprinkling towns big and small with its 11 herbs and spices. Wow. So there's eight. Does Iceland have KFC? Well, Iceland does not sell the official KFC. It's not an official KFC?
Starting point is 02:22:56 KFC in Iceland is better than KFC in the States. I can tell you that. All right. But it's doing a fried chicken bundle capable of feeding four people for five pounds it includes a choice of chicken huh how many mcdonald's are there in iceland how did you guys choose kfc why didn't you choose like taco bell or something we also have taco bell like taco bell and kfc is a confined chain in iceland but why didn't why did you choose umFC to work? Just it was close to your house or? No, it was just like, yeah, I just applied and got the job and it was good hours.
Starting point is 02:23:34 Had you ever eaten at KFC before working there? Yeah, of course. I don't know if I've probably been to Kentucky Fried Chicken like twice. I was there a lot. Like KFC is very big in Iceland. It's like a common place to go to. Do they have one in Dubai? Not sure.
Starting point is 02:23:54 But that's plan B if I can't compete. She'll be there in the stands with a big tub of chicken. This is going to take a crazy turn here. You ready for this? There's a guy. There's a guy named Lincoln Brown. Now, I don't know this guy. But I think he was vying for the job to become president of CrossFit.
Starting point is 02:24:14 These are just horrible rumors I'm starting right now. But he was around. He started cozying up to Greg when Greg's wife was trying to sell the company. So when Greg got a divorce from his wife, she tried to sell the company and you can't do that in the United States. You can't sell the fucking company. You have to give your, your, when you're getting a divorce, you can't just sell half your house. You got to give your husband or your wife a chance to buy it. And she didn't do that. She just tried to sell it. And so this guy, Lincoln Brown started cozying up to, to,
Starting point is 02:24:41 to Greg at the time. And, um, it was basically trying to become greg's friend and greg was impressed by him i of course hated his guts because i don't like anyone cozying up next to anything that i'm cozied up next to and so like if you started if like i found out you text brian after the show i'd start to hate you sarah because then that would be kind of cozy up to brian and they do the guests fucking do that they they start texting brian afterwards driving me fucking nuts um and so this guy so then this this guy then i don't know what happens he kind of vanishes off the scene oh so then so then when greg's getting canceled this most recent time he's like he he's he kind of jumped ship a little bit from from the rumors i've been hearing he was actually trying to get greg to then sell the company and was trying to like pull strings from the back to get control of the company.
Starting point is 02:25:27 And I think he was maybe even using Julie Foucher to do that. He may even be dating. I think him and Julie Foucher are dating. Man, I'm going to get in a lot of trouble for this. No, she's married. No, no, no, no, no. That dude. She's not married.
Starting point is 02:25:41 Man, Sarah's just off in fucking Formula one land with ballers she's so behind the crossfit gossip no no julie that something happened there like either she likes girls or that guy's gay or he was cheating or something bad something happened there i don't want to say lincoln brown did what he always does and cozies up next to someone who's taken yeah maybe lincoln brown banged her and and he got something something like there's a great story there there's a fucking amazing story there as long as it's not your life but it would make a great movie anyways but this guy lincoln brown i know you're like what the fuck does this have to do with kfc this guy lincoln brown i think his dad is like richer than god and he got richer than god from buying the kfc chain oh so crossfit is
Starting point is 02:26:30 somehow and then i think he was vying for the position to try to become president of crossfit but then him and rosa had a falling out but now rosa is like in a mental hospital so maybe lincoln can come back in this needs to be a a fucking movie. But anyway, there is some love there between CrossFit and KFC. There is a synergy there. There's something going on there. I would say that everything happens for a reason. And there's a reason why I worked at KFC, right? You guys are like, yes, of course.
Starting point is 02:27:01 Everyone who's listening to the show is like, oh, my. Everyone's already glued to their screen. Oh, my God. He has Sarah's signals on. story is contacting KFC right now. So this is the best show we've ever done. Yeah, right. This is the best show you for the most superficial reasons, because you're the prettiest person we've ever had on the show. And for deep, deep reasons and entertaining reasons so it's and wide we've covered the spectrum yes yes yes we've gone we've gone okay
Starting point is 02:27:33 so so um are you religious are you a religious person how did you end up at a church have you accepted jesus christ as your savior i won't say that no oh i'm not very religious to be honest i'm i'm spiritual you should if someone offers you should why not hedge your bets i've been twice i've accepted him as my savior just in case i mean yeah i might think like that but no no you would feel like it's go ahead what did you say you would think it would be insincere and you wouldn't want to do it? Yeah, I think so. I think I need to stand to what I like. You have to be authentic, right?
Starting point is 02:28:14 You have to be exactly how you are. I was in London and this guy came up to me and basically said, hey, will you accept Jesus Christ as your savior? I said, sure. And then he said, repeat after me. And I did the whole thing. said, Hey, will you accept Jesus Christ as your savior? I said, sure. And then he said, repeat after me. And I did, I did the whole thing. And then, and then like 10 years later, I was somewhere and someone asked me again, someone will you accept Jesus Christ as your savior? And I did, and I did the whole thing again. And then my sister's like, I thought you already accepted Jesus as your savior. She goes, I go, I did. And she goes, well, why did you do it again? I go,
Starting point is 02:28:39 fucking why not? Double down on that shit. Yeah, exactly. But you know the third time's the charm. Well, someone hooked me up. I think Jason Hopper is going to do it for me the next time. I think he thinks I did it wrong. Yeah, maybe I should try it also. So you're not religious, but you worked in a church. Yeah, I was just a guard in the church almost. I was just young, 15 years years old and it was a shitty job
Starting point is 02:29:06 that didn't pay well and they just found this girl in the town and and uh yeah let me be the guard did you have a gun no but i did have a like a proper icelandic sweater made out of lamp hair. Like woven... What's it called? I think it's called woven shirt or like woven sweater. Wool. Woolen. Oh, and they gave you that because you had to be outside and it was freezing?
Starting point is 02:29:37 No, you could be inside. They just wanted me to look Icelandic because there were a lot of tourists that were coming to the church. They're like, could you always wear that wool sweater that we gave you and have two braids and I was like yes. And a Viking helmet. Yeah it's like
Starting point is 02:29:53 the Christian church. It's not the tourist church. I'm kind of intrigued by this authentic Icelandic sweater. I think I would like one of those. Yeah like you have to have one. Like I have like five. It's probably like 600 bucks, dude. It's probably so expensive.
Starting point is 02:30:10 If you bring one to Madison next year, I won't be upset. Yeah, I'll bring one for you. No problem. But it like it tickles a lot because it's like proper sheep hair. And this dude, this dude, Lincoln Brown, his dad was the governor of Kentucky.
Starting point is 02:30:28 And then he bought Kentucky Fried Chicken. And I think he was an amazing businessman and turned it into just fucking gazillions of dollars. Imagine if Lincoln Brown's dad bought the rights to this wool sweater in Iceland. He could fucking turn it into a billion-dollar property. Oh, yeah, and he's handsome. I've always lincoln brown's like one of the most charming people around i also heard he's a hardcore christian uh but uh we digress did you ever drink a lot of alcohol no no never like i party when i can party like if if I finish a competition, I don't hate getting a drink or something like that. But I've never been a big drinker.
Starting point is 02:31:11 I started drinking when I was probably, yeah, I started drinking pretty late. And then I was already an athlete. So you don't really want to sacrifice your shape and everything for. Did you ever smoke cigarettes? No, I've never touched a cigarette. Did you ever smoke marijuana? No. You don't burn anything and breathe in the
Starting point is 02:31:34 fumes into your lungs? No, I never do that. You don't think that's good for your lungs? Yeah. Sarah, is there any kind of famous Icelandic drink, alcoholic or not, that's like a warm thing that just like everyone drinks there no it's like proper snaps
Starting point is 02:31:49 it's called it's like snaps or burning snaps so strong and it has like cumin in it I'll bring that also to medicine and usually
Starting point is 02:32:05 I don't know how much I want to drink it in August I think that sounds like better to save for January January yeah oh so many topics oh King Simi, your dad's name King Simi?
Starting point is 02:32:24 no we call him King Simi King Simi. Your dad's name King Simi? No, we call him King Simi. King Simi. Or like the guys in my gym call him King Simi. He's earned it. He's earned it. Definitely earned it. This is the last question I have for you. I mean, I have more questions for you, but we're at two and a half hours.
Starting point is 02:32:40 Those boys on the Great Britain bobsledding team. Yes. Did you date any of those boys? the great britain bobsledding team yes did you date any of those boys no i did not no i met them for the first time did they try to date you no who did you like the most of them who are you expecting me to date the one you were standing closest to in the photo i was sitting in the photo right uh maybe leaning against something can you oh thank you suza you're the bomb oh no can you go to her instagram good okay fine i'm on her instagram right now too let me see uh oh no oh yeah you are see no there was another there was another picture not that picture then maybe i saw it on a website somewhere. There was a picture where it's just three of them.
Starting point is 02:33:37 No, but I had never met those guys before and made them do a CrossFit workout with me and they loved it. Did they do pretty well? They were good for like 15 to 20 seconds sounds like a regular dude yeah but uh they were um they were surprising like one of them uh
Starting point is 02:33:57 I think has done some military and crossfit so he he actually surprised me a lot the other two were struggling a bit. Um, when I think of, when I think of bobsledding athletes, I just think of it. I don't, it's not that I don't respect the people who do it. I don't respect that event in, in the Olympics. Here's the reason why the Jamaican, there was the Jamaican bobsled team. Then I have a friend here in the United States, an old family friend who went to become on the – he was a water polo player and he went to be on the Armenian bobsledding team.
Starting point is 02:34:31 Tia is doing bobsledding. I feel like she's just doing bobsledding because that's like something that like any fucking jackass can do who's like a good athlete. Then this other guy made a movie about – his name is – he was in the movie i made pulling john his name is he's a russian he went to the olympics in judo and then he was the world's best arm wrestler for a little while what's his name he looked like a vampire man if you and this guy had kids sarah what is that guy's name he's this massive man from Sochi, Russia. Black hair. What is his name? You need to remember this.
Starting point is 02:35:10 Oh, my God. He was the star of the movie. I went to Russia and filmed with him for weeks. Come on, Marcelo. Was it Vesikli? How do you say this? Yeah, it started with a V. Veseliki?
Starting point is 02:35:21 Konsari? No, that was my girlfriend at the time. She was the- Oh, yeah, that's the director. Yeah. Anyway, he did the bobsledding for Russia, but he was really a judo guy. Are these guys who
Starting point is 02:35:34 do bobsledding, were they all from other disciplines? Did you get that feeling from them that they're just washed up athletes who are trying to have one last hurrah and go into the Olympics? I know that's harsh, but... I don't know their background well enough to know it. That little guy has no business being on the bobsled team.
Starting point is 02:35:55 What the fuck is that dude doing on there? Is it Vovoda, Seva? Yeah, Alexi Vovoda. Yes. If you could pull up a picture of Alexi Vovoda, man, him and Sarah would make an amazing couple. Holy shit. Don't say this. Vaughn will be jealous.
Starting point is 02:36:10 Sorry, Vaughn. Sorry. Did you get any vibe like that from them that like the bobsled guys are just like? I think it's like bobsled is like a sport that you can start pretty late in. And if you're powerful, like, I mean, there are a few. That's what I meant. You said it nicer than I did. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:36:31 Like I would, I would say that there are a few CrossFit girls now that have attempted it. And that's like Kelsey. I don't know if you know. Kelsey Keel? Yeah. Like she, she was attempting it. I don't, I don't know how it's going. And then Colleen Farts also.
Starting point is 02:36:49 But she ruptured her ACL two weeks after me. So she's in the same process as me. And then Tia, like you say. But it's almost like, like you say, it's like the last run. And if you're powerful, you can go for it. Yeah, that girl colleen yeah yeah she i think she i think she was from my area berkeley or something oh wait you see this picture of alexi i'm gonna put up here this is the guy
Starting point is 02:37:16 he's like he's like six five he's massive i think he's i, he's like six, five. He's massive. I think he's, I see the vampire characteristics or traits, but he's way bigger than any vampire you've ever met. Oh, he's the biggest vampire ever, but he's so white and his hair is so black on his head. And it was so thick and greasy. It was amazing.
Starting point is 02:37:40 Yeah. It's good that you want me to marry him. I'm just an option. Just an option. He didn't say anything marry him. Just an option. Just an option. He didn't say anything about marriage. Just one kid. Thank you. Thank you, Brian.
Starting point is 02:37:54 I'm mixing Vaughn up with him, you know? Sorry. Yes, yes. Get the kid. Get the kid with the Lexi. Vaughn doesn't mind. Vaughn doesn't mind. He'll loan you out.
Starting point is 02:38:02 You can have a kid with that guy. He's low maintenance. You can do what't mind. He'll loan you out. You can have a kid with that guy. He's low maintenance. You can do what you want. Yeah, this is true. Sarah is too good for Alexi. You're probably right. Hey, what if Sarah is too good to ever marry anyone? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:38:18 That would suck. What if I tell you I don't even believe in marriage? I didn't believe in marriage either. i don't believe in marriage either i don't believe in marriage either we'd be we'd be on the same page yeah that's good i so i i uh had my wife and i didn't want to have kids and we didn't want to get married and then she started hanging around then after like 20 years she was around some women who were like breastfeeding and shit like that. And she was like, Oh, Hey, I want one of those. I want to experience that. I was like, all right, cool. So then we just pulled the goalie, you know, and then she got pregnant. She had a baby,
Starting point is 02:38:55 but then somewhere when she was pregnant with this the next time, um, because once a girl gets pregnant, you don't have to practice safe sex anymore. Like you can, you don't have to practice contraception cause she can't get pregnant again. So then we got lazy and stopped practicing contraception. So then she got pregnant again and she had twins. So now we have three fucking kids. But at some point I was just like, we decided that we would get married because, um, for financial reasons.
Starting point is 02:39:19 So basically in case one of us died, like, you know, um, my family didn't come in and try to take all our money or her family didn't. I mean, yeah, exactly. It's like security or insurance of if somebody dies. Yeah. But then once we got married, Sarah, I was kind of like, this is kind of cool. Yeah, it was weird. I didn't expect it. Yeah, whatever.
Starting point is 02:39:39 I don't believe in it either. Whatever. I love my wife. Like, why, if you're in a perfect relationship for 20 years, would you fuck it up by trying to add something like marriage to it yeah exactly but but like you say it's it's almost an insurance but yeah maybe it can change in the future maybe that's also why i need to accept jesus christ for the third time because I had kids out of wedlock. Exactly. All dudes struggling to pick their jaws up after that comment. I don't remember what that comment was,
Starting point is 02:40:11 but I feel you. I like it. Sarah's an honest woman. No marriage, no kids. I think she's going to end up having kids. Yeah, I'm going to have kids. 100%. Alright. Sarah, I'm going to have kids. 100%. All right. Sarah, thank you.
Starting point is 02:40:30 Two hours and 39 minutes of your time. That is awesome. We are lucky. It was a very good two hours and 39 minutes. We take it very seriously when we have people on. We want to grow as people when we have our guests on and we want our guests to say that they say that they grew i don't know if that's right but we want it to add value to their life so yeah i i care that my guests like me or that at least enjoyed their time on the show yeah i promise i won't text brian after i'll text you you will text brian i know how it works
Starting point is 02:41:00 lots of laughter and that's always good. Yeah, so lots of laughter, yeah. Matt Souza, thanks for – And I think there's a saying that if you laugh, you are lengthening your life. There we go. I believe it. Matt, thanks for bringing up all the videos. Matt, are you in a submarine? No.
Starting point is 02:41:20 Why does it sound bad? No, kind of. It sounds like you're in a submarine or something. Matt, you did a great job. I'm really disappointed you didn't bring up the video of her breaking her rib, but way to respect the guest. I'm very happy that you didn't. Yeah, she made it clear that she didn't want it. But one more thing before you go, Sarah. I hope this – we're talking about adding value here.
Starting point is 02:41:40 I just wanted to share this with you real quick to add to your collection, Relentless. I just wanted to share this with you real quick to add to your collection. Relentless. If you know who Michael Jordan is, this was his trainer. He wrote this book, Relentless. Good to great. Unstoppable. And I think you would enjoy that in your repertoire.
Starting point is 02:41:57 Oh, yes. I've watched the Michael Jordan series like five times probably. So you'll really like that book, Ben. Tim Grover was his personal trainer throughout his career. Yeah. Yeah. On it. Thank you. You're very welcome.
Starting point is 02:42:12 Thank you for coming on.

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