The Sevan Podcast - #218 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: November 30, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Imagine you're in Ottawa paddling along the Rideau Canal. Oh! Then ziplining across the Ottawa River between two provinces. Ah! Before cycling along a picturesque pathway. Oh! And seeing your favorite artist at a giant outdoor music festival. Ah!
Starting point is 00:00:16 Adventure awaits in Ottawa. From oh to ah. Plan your Ottawa adventure at At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. Mmm, how's that spicy enchilada? Oh, very flavorful.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Yodeling with them. Eee-oo-ee-oo-ee-oo-oo-oo. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Bam. We're live. As soon as we go live, I lost you. Is that my connection or your connection, Sousa? I can hear you. Is that my connection or your connection? Sousa? I can hear you. Is that my connection or your connection? I can't tell. I have you fine on my end.
Starting point is 00:01:08 I'm at a hotel. People are just waking up and sucking down the bandwidth. Oh, shit. It says I have one bar on my Wi-Fi. That's not good. Damn. I'm going to move over to this table. Holy smokes.
Starting point is 00:01:24 This is not a good sign. This is not how we – I not how i promise you guys we tested this out yesterday i was gonna say we tested it multiple times in different locations and everything worked great okay i have two bars at this table let me switch to that too you can hear me good i can hear you you, yeah. Good morning, everybody. I am not at home today. I'm doing the show because I'm an obsessive compulsive freak, and I can't get three days without doing a podcast. Thanks for checking in. I'm at the Hilton Universal in Los Angeles,
Starting point is 00:02:04 home of the masked home of the obese I swear I walked into this place I felt like I was in a sci-fi novel no shit no shit everybody is masked except me and my wife and my kids and everyone was like
Starting point is 00:02:18 there's five year old kids here that outweigh me it is nuts Los Angeles is such a trip like other than California it's like there's five-year-old kids here that outweigh me. It is nuts. Los Angeles is such a trip. When you like, other than California, it's like, it's, it's, it's, um, you know, it's new world order. It's fucking, you know, it's the woke cap, but, but you can go to these big cities like LA and it's even more woke. It's even more sick. It's even more obese. It's even more, it's so bizarre to me. it seriously feels like a really bad uh sci-fi novel and you didn't think it'd get worse than berkeley
Starting point is 00:02:51 yeah yeah well i i don't yeah i don't spend much time in berkeley i'm in santa cruz and because of the beach people don't really wear masks where i hang out um but uh Listen, people in LA, there's no amount of masks that are going to help you. You guys are fucked. You guys either need to lose 100 pounds a piece or you're fucked. This is just the beginning. I remember Greg saying that you do not want to get sucked
Starting point is 00:03:19 into the hospital system at all because they're not going to have the resources to take care of you and they don't. It doesn't matter. I feel like the medical framework here, the medical system is almost similar to the prison. Once you're in, once you're in that system, baby, you are in. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:38 You are there. You are theirs. You're drowning yourself in some turkey lips today i'm going to uh my wife's family's house um she has some hardcore orthodox jews in her family and they have this huge family of like six kids and i love those kids they they kind of i mean i don't know any amish people but they kind of remind me of Amish people, like the way they dress, just how wholesome they are. And anytime they're in town, they're visiting from Las Vegas. I like to get my kids with their kids because they're just,
Starting point is 00:04:12 they're just good people. You know, they have like crazy good values, super Jewy, smart, super playful, great boys that like to wrestle and shit. So I heard that we're going to uh we're going to their their my wife's aunt's house whose kids are the orthodox jews and i guess everything has to be kosher they said kosher food tastes like shit but i mean when you eat like me probably every everything tastes good i just eat like meat and veggies so i did have a drink last night at the hotel uh by the pool i had a jalapeno something i told them to leave out all the agave i had one drink and uh i got super drunk in like 10 seconds and i hated it i hated it really oh dude it was stupid. I regretted drinking it the second I drank it.
Starting point is 00:05:06 I know. I had a couple of these seltzers last night myself. Where the fuck is Josh? So Josh and I are going to continue the podcast without Matt. I'll talk about that on the show when Josh comes on. We had a hiccup in the plan. We were supposed to do it on Friday and, but he got confused. He thought that was the show that we were doing with Al Jermaine Sterling, the Bantamweight UFC champion, 135 pound guy who beat Peter Yon. And Josh's life is super busy right now. So we just had a miscommunication.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Hopefully we'll get it up and going. He's super into it though. He's super into the podcast. So that's that. I wanted to talk about LeBron James this morning. I saw that he was looking for a job at I thought that was really cool because he probably should switch professions. He needs a little bit of humility. By the way, we don't have a call-in
Starting point is 00:06:10 number today because I couldn't bring my, I bought a portable board so you guys can call in, but I couldn't get it to work. So instead I've pinned a link to you chiming in on the show at the top of the YouTube comments. And if you click that link, you'lling in on the show um at the top of the youtube comments and if you click that link you'll pop up in the waiting room of our uh live stream and then i can click you in and we can see you and talk to you um i know a lot of you guys talk and you just want me to abuse you and make fun of you but i don't have a lot of a lot of that to do this. I'm doing very kind this morning. Thanksgiving. Yes, Thanksgiving.
Starting point is 00:06:50 So anyway, so basically there was a game last night, and there were some fans in the front row just sitting there on the floor, and I guess they were holding up a picture of LeBron James, and he was crying. And this is going to be tough. This is going to be tough. This is going to be tough. This is going to get really weird, really bad. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:07:11 I got to move again. Holy shit. Where can I go? Where can I go? What if I did the whole, what if I just go over to the whole show standing? It's a tour. I think I could go. A nice hotel, sir. Can I just stand here, sir?
Starting point is 00:07:29 Can I just stand here for a few minutes? Yes, sir. Am I in your way here? I'll just stand. I'll just stand. That worked out. I'm good. I'm like you.
Starting point is 00:07:42 I'm strong. All righty. Let's get the ground over. I'm good. I'm like you. I'm strong. All righty. What is that? Patrick, are we like breaking glasses behind you or what? Is this for the restaurant, for the buffet? Yeah. Oh, okay. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:08:01 This is going to be a long show. Third position. So basically, so the fans were on the side and, and they were holding up a poster of, they had a picture of LeBron and he was crying, right. And they were making fun of my guests. They were holding it up and they had this picture where they had tears coming down with Ron's face. Basically they were making fun of him for being a cry baby.
Starting point is 00:08:21 And what a great opportunity for someone as popular as lebron to take that grab it hold it up show the stadium introduce the people and like and basically he has all the power right he's the biggest name in the sport like like like and i know it's easy for me to say just from my fucking piece of shit podcast that i fucking can't even get going right here at the fucking lobby of the building to talk shit about them. But man, the people in power really need to make the first step to like close the gap. I get it. I get it. You're a woke motherfucker. You fucking hate black people. You hate white people. You hate fucking everyone. I get it. But just make incremental steps to close the gap. I get it. I get it. You really, really, really want to oppress the black man. You really want to keep spreading that victim mindset. I get it. But just in that moment, you can embrace your
Starting point is 00:09:20 haters and show the whole world that you're bigger than that. And the reason why it's important to do is because that's who you really are. That's who we all really are. None of us are truly haters. When we're hating, we're faking it. When we're hating, we're faking it. Everyone who's hating is faking it. You got to get worried about people like some of the heroes out there who are doing the fighting, like the Tuckerlson's or or the woke motherfuckers like joe joy reese at some point they got to come back and they got to go to the love they got to
Starting point is 00:09:51 get back to the love why did nicole carroll resign with the glassman fall that is a good question and if i go there that would be almost like going nuclear and And I'm not sure if Thanksgiving is the morning to go nuclear. I really like Nicole. I don't want to go fucking nuclear. Liptard. That way I'm just reading comments and I'm calling you Liptard for asking that. Sterling was losing the fight. That is, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:21 I don't want to talk shit. He's going to be a guest. Savon doing the most. So basically I just imagine LeBron taking that picture, embracing those people. Instead, what he did, he called the referee over and tattled on them and got them kicked out. And all that does is make people who hate LeBron hate him even more. And so what you're doing is you're propagating hate. You're propagating negativity. And I just think if you can – if just one person today flips you off or yells at you or this week, if you can close the gap and just say sorry and be more humble than the next day,
Starting point is 00:10:52 trust me, you'll always feel better when you do that. You'll always feel better when you take the high road. There's never a time you won't feel better when you take the high road. He's got the wrong people around him too. He's got a bunch of yes yes men around him you know nobody's gonna he's got nobody who has integrity there that says hey lebron why don't you go this direction for once you know what i mean why don't you why don't you let's stand the olive branch meet the people in the center talk about synergy talk about love and peace rather
Starting point is 00:11:20 than just spreading all the polarizing hate all the time when you have such a huge influence over the way people would behave, such a huge influence over that culture. Pathetic role model. Pathetic. Yeah. So look at Craig Wright. He writes, LeBron's a bitch. I totally agree.
Starting point is 00:11:36 LeBron's a bitch. But if I'm in the front row and I'm going, LeBron, you're a bitch, and he comes over and puts his arm around me, he goes, come on, buddy. I love you. Kisses me on the head. He melts me like butter.. He melts me like butter. He fucking melts me like butter. And I put my tail between my legs and I'm like, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:11:50 LeBron. And you're a fan for life. And you're a fan for life. You know what I mean? Yeah. And that's what I'm talking about. Can you talk more about why you don't like catch it? Another perfect geez, is this the same guy who wants to know about Greg and No, no, no. Different.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Wow. You guys really want to get the hate rolling this morning. It's not that I don't like Katrin. It's just that she's a woke fool. That has nothing to do. I actually think she's quite amazing. I think she's beautiful. I think she's a fantastic athlete. I find her charming and present beyond belief. I think she is charismatic, but she's just woke as fuck. And I have no tolerance for that. By woke, I just like LeBron. Basically, woke means that you say things like anti-racism or anti-vax.
Starting point is 00:12:47 There's no such thing. There's no such thing. That's just word fuckery. There's people who are pro-vaccine. The rest, it's just word fuckery. It's these people who claim that they're not against, these people that claim that they don't like racism, and yet they keep it alive.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Imagine if you spent your whole life standing on a rock screaming, there's no such thing as Bigfoot. All you're doing is keeping Bigfoot alive. And that's what these people are doing. And they don't realize that. And I know that they don't realize it either. They've been tricked they deceive themselves and captain's one of those people and basically how she did it to me how it
Starting point is 00:13:29 affected me was there was an article in the new york times and there was a paragraph in there that depicted me with just complete fucking um uh lies and uh deceit and miss misconception misrepresented me and uh and she reposted on Instagram. And you know what? She probably doesn't even remember. Who the fuck am I? But she did that. And so I told the story, and I told the story of the New York Times author,
Starting point is 00:13:54 Kathleen Rossman, who wrote it. And I spent about two weeks just beating it down. But don't talk shit about me about not being like – I spent 15 years believing that that women pushing women in the sport and not because they were women just because that's what i did and then now you want to say i'm a misogynist or i don't like women or when i talk about their menses that i'm a fucking creep how about fuck you you're the one who hates women you're the one who finds women's menses disgusting you're the one who finds women's bodies disgusting meanwhile katrin's over there posing naked for fucking espn but i'm talking to stacy tovar about her fucking menses but then i'm
Starting point is 00:14:29 the fucking bad guy eat a dick how's that casual but don't say i don't like her that's you reading into it i love her to pieces she's an amazing human being what year put her arm around me and am i she put her arm around me i'd'd melt like butter. Go ahead. Sorry, Matt. What year was the first year that you did the behind the scenes? 2013? 2009. I mean, really? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Really? 2009? 2009, it was a 13-hour blend. I basically wanted to make a DVD box set that was similar to the Tour de France where it was a blend of the behind the scenes and the actual events. And that's in the Cross crossfit journal i know most of you guys haven't heard of
Starting point is 00:15:07 it when um so you have to be offended by shit to be woke you couldn't do what i do you can't have fucking um you can't have fucking kate gordon super hot super buff chick telling you that she doesn't date fucking short guys that she thinks josh bridges is too short and woke motherfuckers get hurt by that i don't get hurt by that what the fuck do i care and let me tell you a lot of bitches think that shit every dude walks in the room thinks he can beat my ass and every chick's like hey where's your taller bigger more handsome brother and it doesn't bug me in this life, it does when you're 16. When you're 16, it hurts like a motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:15:48 But now, not at all. It's who I am. Happy Thanksgiving, Stefan. Thanks for all the content on the course, Kevin. Oh, sorry, Matt. I just didn't know what you were going to say. Oh, I was just going to say that since 2009, your body of work speaks for itself. If they want to try to paint you as some sort of, you know, sexist or misogynist towards women, all they have to do is look no further than behind the scenes.
Starting point is 00:16:13 When they see that the camera time was equal amongst men and women in a sport that would predominantly say that would have been focused around men at the time because it was a racing, you know, fitness for exercise or exercise for time. And, um, you created that platform that gave men and women an equal opportunity in the same exact light for them to build their brands, for them to have equal pay and all that stuff way before that was cool. So, and I've talked openly about how intimidated I was by the female athletes. Openly. Every year I've talked about it. And how hard it was for me to interview them. Openly.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I think they're fucking amazing. And you would be intimidated too. Oh, yeah. Sarah Sigmund's daughter, fucking all sweaty and glistening, fucking muscles popping out everywhere, fucking angels flying around her eyeballs and and shit everyone's staring at her and you're going to go over there and ask her what she had for dinner this morning you tried or what she had for dinner last night scary as shit meanwhile and the men are a little different meanwhile rich froney you walk by him
Starting point is 00:17:20 he put his arm around you tells me i might he could see my lats through my shirt gives me a little chub he seemed like a good dude to work with dude all those guys all those yeah even even even matt who would be really aggressive to me down there even him uh belner everyone was when you're down there everyone's it's all good anything I've ever said negative about the Athens is because I'm intimidated by them. So this hotel I'm at, it's a Hilton. It's in Los Angeles. It's right by Universal Studios. Everyone who comes here is going to Universal Studios. Not me.
Starting point is 00:17:56 I'm just here because my Hilton Honor Points, I can stay for free. I would say the mass, the vast, vast majority of people, 90% of them are extremely obese, like scary obese, like a smoldering fire. Like they're going to combust at any minute. And there's thousands of people here and they're all masked. So that's where I'm at. I'm going back home tomorrow. I'm excited about that. This is just a lot for me to take in.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Even the kids, massive abuse. Santa Cruz, the town I live in, check this out. They announced a couple of days ago that guests in my house have to wear masks. So if Susan came over to my house, he would have to wear a mask. Did you see that? That's our mask. I mean, no one is following that? That's our mask. I mean, no one is following that rule, by the way. I mean, like, I don't wear a mask in the store.
Starting point is 00:18:50 If they tell me to wear it, I just ignore them. But the audacity, hey, make sure too, you have to hang, I don't know if you got this, but you have to hang the photo of the person in charge of the health, you know, the health institution on your wall to make sure you bow to the dear leader as you uh enter and leave your house yes yes um casual you have to say something positive now or i'm gonna make you do a fucking hundred fucking burpees speaking female athletes tell us more about canoes milk on the thing i want to tell you this about the l1 trainers i really like the l1 trainers but what happened between the l1 trainers nicole and Greg Glassman, during Floyd 19, Floyd 19, was, man, it was bad. And it makes me really want to smash all those L1 trainers, put them in a rocket ship and send them to Mars. You think someone will regret it now?
Starting point is 00:19:42 Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Everyone regrets it now. Everyone regrets it now. And the ones that don't are in my mind line. Call me delusional. I don't care. This guy, Rose, is going to step down. There's going to be another CEO. It's probably going to come from fucking KFC or fucking McDonald's or SoulCycle. Now this company is just going to be stuck with serial entrepreneurs.
Starting point is 00:20:03 You should see the person who has my job there now. It a fucking joke is there a media is it yes yes and you don't even know it and you're you're enough you're a long-time affiliate owner of a super successful affiliate that has contracts with fire departments the airport yeah i mean it's dude it's and they're not crossfitters either. That's the sad part. That's the sad part because everybody that was originally involved, especially with the short time that I got to spend at the DDC and stuff like that, they just embodied everything that CrossFit was. And the hilarious thing was is that I had exposure to some of the people that worked at HQ by being able to go to the DDC,
Starting point is 00:20:41 and it was probably one of the most diverse groups of people that would be working under one roof that you you would see so it's just sad he said diverse i don't really know that he's going to step down but if if i'm a airline pilot and i'm at 30 000 feet and we're having some engine trouble which i think is a good way to describe the CrossFit community and the current conditions of the affiliates because of the so-called pandemic protocols that have fucking crippled them. And we're at 30,000 feet with an engine trouble. And the pilot says, hey, I just want to let you guys know that I have some mental health issues. I think that's bad news. I don't think like you, um, I don't think you ever regain the, uh, support of the community. This isn't fucking BLM that he's fucking running.
Starting point is 00:21:32 This is CrossFit fucking Inc. These are people who believe in personal responsibility, personal accountability. What, what is the right thing to do if you're a pilot and there's fucking 500 people on board and you're having mental health issues, tell your fucking dick and not land that fucking plane and then go cry somewhere. There's 500 people there. I mean, the amount of selfishness, egotism.
Starting point is 00:21:53 And you know what? I think someone gave just Rose a bad advice. So I think he has to step down. I don't think he has a – I don't think you've come back from that. I think that's what they started that whole thing for. You think he wrote that? You think he wrote the email? No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:22:10 No, no, no. They have a PR guy there who's like Rosa's right-hand man, and he facilitates all the drama. He facilitates, like, he's a professional fixer. He looks for problems. He's like a thief that only can see wallets, right? You know what I mean? Yeah. He's like a tit man that just misses all the great asses in the world.
Starting point is 00:22:32 He just gave Rosa bad advice. Holy cow, you sound like you have some issues too. Some issues? Some issues? Who doesn't have issues, Dan? I've just been throwing everything away. Did you put that link up? Did you put that link up? Dan, why don't you help me and tell me what my issues are?
Starting point is 00:22:57 When people make ambiguous statements like that, that is also pointing to your wokeness. That's what they do. like that, that is also a pointing to your wokeness. That's what they do. That's what, um, anytime you, uh, you say something, but leave out details or facts, that's basically what you're doing. It's this passive aggressive wokeness. Well, uh, so-and-so was acting inappropriately around girls. Now you've planted seeds and everyone goes to the darkest place in their mind of what they did. And Mr. Dan Guerrero, God, I hope you're not related to the ghost, Robert Guerrero. He's a good dude. Nothing passive-adgressive about him.
Starting point is 00:23:32 You, my friend, are – okay, that would be cool. I think by the ha-ha-ha at the end, he maybe was just joking with us a little bit. I don't know. Good, good. I'm wound up. I'm wound up. Casual sender. He's got 50 burpees for winding me up.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Casual sender was planted in the audience just to get you fired up this morning. Stop being condescending. I wish. I don't know how. Cute kid, by the way. Beautiful kid. Let me see. Daryl Brooks, the guy who used his car to kill six
Starting point is 00:24:09 people and injure 62 more this past week. I want to read something about him. He punched a woman in the face and then ran her over with his vehicle on November 5th.
Starting point is 00:24:26 The police arrested him, and then he was released on bail on November 11th. So this guy who ran over these six people and killed them and hit 62 more, he was taken to jail for running over a woman just a week earlier and punching her in the face and released on $1,000 bail. I learned this from NPR, National Public Radio. I try to get all my media, by the way, from CNN and NPR. So that way I'm… Towing the line? It's like I want to make sure I hear the most biased reporting ever.
Starting point is 00:25:05 So then I can step back from it. Like, I don't want to go straight to Fox and be like, yep, those are my people. I want to like start there and then go back. I love Sevan. I listened to all the episodes. He's awesome. Just a few sentences. These sound actually, see, see, look at Dan just winning me over a couple of nice words.
Starting point is 00:25:19 And I think Dan's the greatest guy ever. I'm over my house for dinner. I'm going to save a seat for you Thanksgiving. See how you see what a whore I am. Um, I'm wound up I'm over my house for dinner. I'm going to save a seat for you at Thanksgiving. See what a whore I am? I'm wound up, Dan. This is my second large coffee. So this guy, Daryl Brooks, the week before he killed these six people, he was released on a $1,000 bail for punching a girl in the face and running her over in a car. How did he get released?
Starting point is 00:25:42 $1,000 bail? Wow. did you get released um but at the very bottom of the article that on npr where they talk about this um it says there's a disclaimer from npr some of the facts reported by the media may later turn out to be wrong let me read that again some of the facts reported by the media may later turn out to be wrong this is written at the bottom of that fucking article. So I looked up the definition of facts, right? Because they're saying some of the facts reported by the media may be wrong. Facts are something that truly exists.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Facts are a true piece of information. That's what I mean. Words matter. Words matter. And the people at NPR don't even know how to use words maybe they should have said some of the details coming out from the media may be wrong we're trying we're we apologize we're trying to get stuff out to you as fast as we can yep it was a black man who killed them oh sorry later on we want to tell you it was just a really tan mexican oh no it was an black man who killed them. Oh, sorry. Later on, I'm going to tell you it was just a really tan Mexican. Oh, no, it was an Indian from India. We thought it was a black man, like a really dark Indian.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Who cares, right? A couple little bits of house cleaning today. Shirts. The shirt, they got people who are selling our shirts they tapped so if you wanted a shirt you shit the bed we need a new shirt guy it needs to be a nice shirt that doesn't hang on my
Starting point is 00:27:14 like roll and my love handles so if someone wants to make us a shirt it's got to be one that kind of fits tight in the shoulders and kind of loose around the chest because those make me look buff let me show you nice and kind of loose around the chest because those make me look buff. Nice. This isn't that shirt, but this is a different shirt.
Starting point is 00:27:33 This is my G-Eazy shirt. You see? Yeah. Shirt makes me look more buff than I really am. So if someone wants to sell shirts for us, it's got to be like a shirt like that. But unfortunately, the guys selling our shirts are done, which is sucks. Cause I really liked their shirt. I kind of looked them up in it. Wherever you're going, you better believe American express will be right there with you heading for adventure. We'll help you breeze through security, meeting friends, a world away.
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Starting point is 00:28:47 Play at or at participating Circle K stores. My Filson vest. Did you notice I'm starting to wear vests again, Matt? I did. I did. And I also enjoy that because it's nostalgic from the CrossFit podcast. You'd always rock the Filson vest.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Oh, Dan, you already got me. You already can come over for Thanksgiving. You don't have to talk about my lats. Rich Froney talked about my lats one time to me. And that's, I'm just, I think my lats are godsend. Page two. So I was talking to Hobart. We're talking about the new show.
Starting point is 00:29:21 And we're talking about how we can make it better. And one of the, one of the segments, I think we're talking about how we can make it better. One of the segments I think we're going to start doing weekly, I told him I think we need more celebrity shit, more shallow shit. Just one thing like Kim Kardashian not being with Kanye anymore and being with, what's that guy's name? Pete Davidson. That's like, hey, you could be Peteson if you did just way more lsd susan me i have pete davidson steve-o ben stiller yeah i've got richard benson a lot
Starting point is 00:29:55 and then uh somebody from australia said i look like uh some billy something or other and i looked it up but i do kind of look like that guy. So, but one of the things I wanted, I was hoping that Hobart or Kate could do is when they do that weekly segment, we should have a segment like, that's just about world records. So every week, just world records that were set. So I put world records into my Google alerts.
Starting point is 00:30:20 And this week, one of the world records I found is turkey fries. So we had the most turkey fry, we had the largest turkey fry in the one of the world records I found is, um, uh, turkey fries. So we had the most turkey for, uh, we had the largest turkey fry in the history of the planet, I guess, 1,052 turkeys in new Orleans. It happened yesterday. Each turkey was fried for 50 minutes. It takes 35 minutes for them to cool down and they fried 60 turkeys at a time until they went through all 1,052 turkeys by chef Susan Spicer.
Starting point is 00:30:42 And then bam, that's a little fact you guys like that so every week i was telling uh hobart he should have like a world record he talks about and then some some uh celebrity shit what do you think i think that's perfect i was looking up to uh find to share it so we could do a little it was it was at a um sheet what's funny too is it's at a sheet metal factory or something where they did it. You're like, yeah, no, duh. No, duh. Why are we seeing – in California, we're having a ton of just brazen and bold robberies. And what they're doing is it's these groups of people, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100.
Starting point is 00:31:30 And they're going into malls and they're just robbing shit. And in the article I was reading, they're like, hey, we wonder why this is happening. And the self-righteous know it all that I fucking am. I'm like, we know why it's happening. It's because it's ever since society declared war on our police, they're just not engaging people. Accountability
Starting point is 00:31:51 is gone. Accountability is gone. In California, you're allowed to steal. Do you know that I was told by, I saw a guy rob a bike from like a 80-year-old Chinese woman who was from China. She'd only been in the country for like a month. And I was with my mom and he robbed her bike. like an 80-year-old Chinese woman who was from China. She'd only been in the country for like a month.
Starting point is 00:32:07 And I was with my mom. And he robbed her bike. She got off her bike. And this homeless guy fucking rolls up and grabs it. And I start chasing. And when I come back, and I didn't catch him. And when I come back, the police are, I'm like, I'm fucking so wounded. I was like so tired.
Starting point is 00:32:22 And the police are like, i'm giving a police report and they're like i was like hey sorry um if i would have caught him i would have just if i could have even gotten close enough to jump on him i would have jumped on the bike i would have done anything to get him off the bike and they're like hey you know if he would have heard when they start lecturing lecturing me if i would have heard him i could have been charged yep this is just like yeah this is crazy and then um uh my my friend garth taylor um there's a day in santa cruz called garth taylor day he's also like the first um heavyweight black belt white guy to win the brazilian world jiu-jitsu championships in brazil um he's a celebrity in santa cruz he's my kid's jujitsu instructor.
Starting point is 00:33:05 He was at a fucking ATM machine. The guy pulled a knife on him to rob him. The police caught the guy. And a week later, he's out. I really don't know what the fuck is going on. But that ever since we declared war on the police, ever since we let BLM take control of our police, ever since that we're like this whole society, for some reason, thinks there's not more bad police than there are bad people. Do you know what I mean by that? So let's say one out of every hundred people is a bad person. In police, it's one out of every thousand people. And you just have to accept it. You idiots who are trying to fix it, like to the extreme level you are, are the same idiots who are making the COVID policy in Australia and New Zealand. You have a policy that's not possible. People have to die from COVID. And you have a policy that's impossible to actually execute on and to be successful with. There's no exit strategy in New Zealand or Australia.
Starting point is 00:34:08 You're never going to wipe out the virus altogether. Yep. Yep. There's nobody in, but what I mean by they is like, as far as. Same with the police. You're never going to get rid of all the bad police. You just aren't. Yeah, exactly. Acting like, like there's one bad cops and then we declare war on all cops and now we have people robbing fucking balls because cops don't want to engage and how many how many um how many stops do you think police officers make in the united states on a daily
Starting point is 00:34:37 basis right every cop every stop possible how many thousands of stops that are happening and if it was really that big of an issue you would have stuff happening all the time, all the time. And, and, and, and as a, as a 49 year old man,
Starting point is 00:34:51 I don't need police to be nice to me. I just need them to do their job. Right. I don't need them to be nice to me. Right. I don't need bees to be, I don't need bees to be nice to me either. I need them to do their fucking job and pollinate shit.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Yeah. I, your math still be one in 100 police since there still are people i love your thinking i love your thinking but different people go to different jobs right and these people are trained when they have um but i really do like your thinking it is just all people there are no demons here there is no evil there is no good it's just people and when we say the government and the Illuminati and the elite, we're just, we're just, it's not what's really going on here.
Starting point is 00:35:30 It's not true. It's just people. But, but, but what I'm saying is, is that there is a, the people who want to be Mickey Mouse at Disneyland, there is a higher pension for those people to be child molesters. No, I just made that up. But I use that as a metaphor for like, I don't think, I think that police in general are better people than your average person. Just like firemen might be more fit than your average person or people in the Air Force are less
Starting point is 00:35:57 likely to have a verdict. Sorry, go ahead. Yeah. And the truth of the matter is, is a lot of those good people that were going to that job are no longer interested in going to that job because of the way that the police officers have been painted here. I have the pleasure of working with lots of police officers. They're members of my gym. I have the pleasure of working with lots of firefighters. And these individuals are not normal. What I mean by that, in a sense, is they have a mindset that when they see something happening, they don't look, they don't blame, they don't wait. They act. They take the personal responsibility to go and offer help immediately
Starting point is 00:36:30 above and beyond their own safety and everything else that's going on. And that's unique. That's a unique mindset. I wish there were more of them and more support for them. Me too. Have you ever interviewed Sousa as guest takes you to his journey? It's funny you say that Justin, because my sister was asking me yesterday, she's like, is Susan, he seems like such a wholesome, nice guy. And, um, he is a very wholesome, he is a very nice guy, but he's not wholesome by that. I mean, he, uh, there's a lot of, uh, wear and tear on those tires. Um, he's had them retreaded a few times in his life, like I have. And yes, I think that as we get to know Susan more and more, we will learn about those sort of obstacles and hardships that were thrown at his life. The Bay Area is not an easy place to grow up. I mean, it's not hard.
Starting point is 00:37:24 It's not like fucking Kenya. But a lot of shit can get crazy here. There's a lot of shit. I was looking at murders in Chicago yesterday. They have murders in Chicago? I'm sorry?
Starting point is 00:37:39 They have murders in Chicago? They do. They do. A bunch of people died there. Don't the gun laws protect them? I thought... I thought there wasn't guns allowed so I figured there wasn't any crime. Last Wednesday, there was a lady killed in Chicago while visiting
Starting point is 00:37:56 the memorial of her 14-year-old son who was killed two days earlier. And her other son was also killed two years earlier. And I just found that just crazy. Um, Chicago has had 729 murders already this year. Um, and in the first 11 months of this year,
Starting point is 00:38:17 just think about that for a second. That's, uh, it's, it's, it's nuts. I'm 643 of them, men, 87 of them, uh, women. Um, yeah, it's, uh, it's nuts. It's absolutely nuts. And I would once again say it's because police are not engaging people like they used to. They want to be. If they pull someone over, they're going to be accused of being racist, sexist, blah, blah, blah. And I think, I mean, it's nuts. It's nuts. There was a time when I also, when I lived in Berkeley, California, and I lived between Oakland and Richmond, and they were like both being touted as kind of murder capitals of the United States.
Starting point is 00:39:04 And what's funny is, is when you you lived in Berkeley even though these are the bordering cities you saw none of the violence because if you didn't roll in those hoods if you didn't hang with those people you didn't you didn't get shot you didn't get killed you didn't see that can you bring Dave on dude Dave has been on the show fucking 20 times but I can't bring him on he just decides when to come on there was a weekend in chicago one weekend where 107 people died it was in it was in this last july yeah do you say 105 people died in one weekend yeah yeah 105 and a weekend in july it was probably a three-day weekend but july it was probably a three-day
Starting point is 00:39:45 weekend but is that nuts it's a three-day week not died murdered oh and i don't mean to laugh at that that's just like but that's that's that's how is that acceptable like i so wanted to compare these numbers to covid deaths but i was like you know what savvy just chill i want to talk about another article i saw uh last night he was talking about injury per thousand hours of working out and i don't know who writes this stuff take this with a huge huge grain of salt but in bodybuilding they said there was 0.24 to one injury for every thousand hours of bodybuilding right so at most one injury for every thousand hours let's say so every three let's say you worked out an hour every day you would get injured once every three years okay if you were bodybuilding you know what they
Starting point is 00:40:40 classified as injury in that article by any chance no no okay probably said that i probably a soft tissue muscle knot that was ignored because you don't do anything about your recovery and then you called that an injury you sound you sound like an affiliate owner you sound like a trend that cares about people um and then and then with crossfit it was 0.75 to 3 and what's interesting is they called that 300% more chance of getting injured than bodybuilding, right? Okay. But check this out for running. For running, it was, this is a great, these are crazy numbers. It was 2.5 to 33. Like they couldn't even, like, and that's a huge gap. So basically if you ran every day for a year,
Starting point is 00:41:25 they were at the high end, they were saying on average, some of the studies, they looked at like 85 studies for this running one on the high end. One study showed that if you ran every single day for three years, you would have 33 injuries in that, in those three years, if you're just a runner. And then on the low end, they said they found 2.5. But either way, these numbers are so miniscule. The difference between 0.24 and 0.75, even though it's 300%, it's still like, it's nothing. It's misleading to say you're 300% more chance, you have a 300% more chance of getting injured by crossfit. I believe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Oh, it's extremely misleading. And what's the statistic on old guys playing basketball at the YMCA? Guaranteed ACL tear? Right. Right. I mean, if you play women's soccer, you are injured. It's 100%. Yep.
Starting point is 00:42:23 It's 100%. Yeah. Have you ever been... So I used to take my truck load of equipment to the park we had a park by my house that had a 400 meter track and bullet bars greatest park ever um and actually i'll tell you a funny story i actually thought it was a 400 meter track but it was a 333 meter track and so i thought for the longest time I could run a 400 meter sprint in under a minute. It was fucking embarrassing. So train with me.
Starting point is 00:42:50 You'll PR your 400 meter guaranteed. And so I used to take a truckload of shit there every, every day. And, uh, and, and I probably, I probably had like 10 people who I didn't know who I just met at the
Starting point is 00:43:02 track who became my regular, just clients. And I didn't charge them. And I thought there was a chance I would open um an affiliate but then I started working for CrossFit more and more and then I became media director and then I became rich and now fuck that any questions now you're a crypto investor baby that's what you got your side business let's see what my um uh let me see let me see what my crypto is doing today oh man
Starting point is 00:43:43 everything's up today except almost everything's up today Oh, man. Everything's up today, except almost everything's up today. Just dabbling, just dabbling. Oh, yeah, look at you. Oh, top one's down 19%. It's all right. The other ones are making up. Oh, did you put more money into that or is that all gained? No, I put a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Yesterday, I probably put – I bought like – and like I told you, I only buy like in $10 and $20 chunks. So yesterday, the ones that were the five lowest, I bought $10 in each of them. Seven on one is CrossFit training going to give you a promo code for l1 course like enter seven on 10 for 10 they should they should they should they should i'm telling you you guys should all take your l1 before that thing gets woke it's only a matter of time dude i think joking there's gonna become a time when they're not going to allow girl wads because it's sexist or i mean it's coming it's coming dylan my damn dylan dylan dylan i want to meet dylan vowel yeah we should give dylan the link so we can jump in real quick and say hi how do i know i'm a prostitute because
Starting point is 00:44:58 dylan gives the most money you and i were like you're on the show. You botched your way onto the show. It only cost $9.99. Sousa is at CrossFit Livermore right now. That is his gym. They're doing a Thanksgiving WOD today. Are they going right? Is class going right now, Sousa? No, it starts at 8.
Starting point is 00:45:23 And so it's going to be a pretty short show today. We're going to get off here in the next 10 minutes. I'm going to run back upstairs to my kids. I think they're eating bacon and eggs up in the room right now. Then I'm going to my Orthodox Jew in-laws Thanksgiving
Starting point is 00:45:39 with the kosher and all the fucking ton of awesome, super smart kids. Check out if you want to see more shots of the hotel you can check out my instagram at uh not the real stuff on podcast but the stuff i'm toasting you want you can see some there's some cool jumps obby did from there from the stairs that i did in slow motion and i think that pretty much sums up the show i did um i uh i think it's important that every, every day, at least once you guys, we try to be nice to someone who was mean to us in where our initial reaction is to be mean back. And I think that
Starting point is 00:46:16 who cares how it affects the world, but you, I've never been like someone's been mean to me and then I'm nice to them. And I'm like, shit, I shouldn't have done that. I should have been meaner to them. I've never, ever, ever. It's like working out. I've never them. And I'm like, shit, I shouldn't have done that. I should have been meaner to them. I've never, ever, ever. It's like working out. I've never like worked out and been like, damn, I shouldn't have done that. Well, you know what I mean? I'm not talking about hurting yourself or injuring yourself.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Hey, just so you know, when you guys give the money, I can't tell you how happy it makes me. It's crazy cool. I'm not comfortable accepting it, but we have two guys named Caleb and Will who help us for free. And we, every cent that we get, we've been starting, we've been saving and we're going to use to make the podcast bigger and bigger and to eventually pay the guys who are helping us. And you know, that just seeing the cost of the podcast or the software
Starting point is 00:47:06 stream yard and the hosting of it on buzzsprout and then i just started an llc in california that cost 800 bucks and so and then we were nice enough the guys at barbell jobs were awesome they gave us a good sponsorship and i'm pretty happy with and um we haven't spent any of that money yet but matt and i are trying to figure out how to and eventually i would love to pay kate and james and matt and i are the last people to um to try to make out i mean don't get me wrong i'd love to fucking make millions of dollars from this but we appreciate what you guys are doing we do see this is right now as a family um i try to answer all my DMs. But the goal is just to get to 500 shows
Starting point is 00:47:50 and add value to people's lives. I think Matt and I both learned that from being in the CrossFit community, from what we learned from Greg Glassman about just do the right thing for the right reasons for the right people. So that's what we're doing. But Katie, I really appreciate that. And that money, the right reasons for the right people so that's what we're that's what we're doing but katie like
Starting point is 00:48:05 i really appreciate that and that money you know we're using that to just try to make the show better and better and we do take it very serious to do a show like this is really hard for me to leave home for three days and that's what i'm doing a show in the lobby of the hilton here because it is really hard to to not follow through and be consistent for you guys and have some content for you guys. Dennis asked what happens after 500 shows. 500 more, baby. Yeah, who knows. Hey, this was a random idea that I was talking about with a couple of my buddies
Starting point is 00:48:44 last night. We were saying, you know how news shows or different shows will send people out on the street to ask questions and do stuff? You know what I mean? What if we did that at CrossFit competitions? Give me an example of what that looks like. We would ask people certain questions, and I would stand there and we'd go, Hey,
Starting point is 00:49:07 we're at water Palooza. What do you guys think about whatever? And then we just like, you build compilations of it. Oh, and then, and then, and then,
Starting point is 00:49:17 and then just, and then just, and then just run those on the show later. Yeah. Like all that shit would be good. You just hit the button and like, I want to start doing crank calls. Thank you. Awesome dudes. My sons, show later yeah like all that shit would be good you just hit the button and like it plays a few of them i want to start doing crank calls thank you olsen dudes my sons um i want to start doing
Starting point is 00:49:31 crank calls um when so when we came to this hilton my wife asked hey like uh because we had heard that in la you can't eat unless you have a show of vaccine passport so she was like hey she called the hotel and she's like hey can we get into the Cause we're not, we don't have any of that shit. And she's like, Hey, what do we need to get into the hotel? And the guy's like, just a credit card, valid ID. We're like, okay. And I go, Hey, tell him your husband's black. Ask him if you can get in with a black husband. And then I go and tell him your kids are Jewish.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Ask him if Jews are allowed. And so I want to start doing crank calls and just be like, so I'm a black man. I allowed in your restaurant and I just want to start doing crank calls like that on a weekly basis and play them for you guys I think they'll be so funny wad zombie our favorite meme meme account wad zombie yeah I had some the morning chalk up uh if he said it was a trashy hollywood magazine that cover that was made that was hilarious good work that was amazing that was awesome i want to see let me see you finding it you want to pull it up i wonder if uh oh I don't have two screens. Darn it.
Starting point is 00:50:47 And we're always open to other people. Sure. Thanks. Do you have two screens, Susan? No, but I just make it work. I just jump over the tab. Like, I can't see you right now. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Gotcha. I see what you're doing. We're always open to people. Anything. Yeah, jerky boys. Right. If someone made something like Any, anything like, yeah. Jerky boys, right? If someone made something like that, we would publish it. Like we would like you want to do some crank calls and record them. I mean, you saw what that guy did from the UK on the new show. He made those recordings that were for Kate Gordon. Those were awesome.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Anyone who wants to make something like that, funny, like that, do something like that, send it to me in my DMs, email me and uh and we'll use it yeah this is great the fraser face gets me that's hilarious oh wait yeah we have a new screen that how did he make fraser fat i i have no idea photoshop Photoshop, obviously. How did you do that? Maybe it's a filter. Maybe it's not even him. Man, Casually, you are just on a roll. I'll talk to you about Sean Woodland for a second. So I had Sean Woodland on the CrossFit podcast. And when I worked at CrossFit Inc., Sean Woodland was one of the nicest people I knew.
Starting point is 00:52:05 He was always a gentleman. And I didn't have any long conversations with him. But I would see him every day or every other day or once a week, once a month or whatever. And I would say hi to him. He'd say hi to me. Maybe we'd shoot the shit. I used to see him in the gym. He was a fucking beast.
Starting point is 00:52:24 And then I had him on the CrossFit podcast. And he was awesome. He was really, really, really awesome. And when I would have Tommy on, he was not awesome. When I'd have Tommy Marquez on, he was not awesome. He was a hostile, know-it-all dickhead. And maybe that was because it was just pushing up against my, my Sevan Matosian hostile, know-it-all dickhead. But anyway, but I didn't care that he was a know i still would i had uh tommy on i don't care if someone didn't know it all dickhead i can still like you and um and i would have him on multiple times but um but uh what happened was and i've said this about dan bailey and and julie fouché and all these people you have to remember that we had a live shooter come into the office.
Starting point is 00:53:07 And that's a metaphor. And I got to see how everyone reacted. I got to see who ran for the door, who protected the old people, who grabbed their wallet, who pushed someone in front of the live shooter. We had a fucking incident happen at CrossFit Inc. that pushed everyone to their brink. And during the whole Floyd 19 cancel thing. And I got to see how everyone behaved.
Starting point is 00:53:28 And I just saw really, really sloppy, cowardice behavior. I don't want to start this up and be guilty of what I accused people of doing in the beginning of the show where you bring something up and then you leave it ambiguous and you think the worst. But basically, when I would see the reports of what Sean or Tommy or Julie Foucher or Dan Bailey or what they were saying, and the list goes on and on, when I would see these lists of how people reacted during the Floyd-19 attack, it's hard for me to have respect for these people. Respect's not the right word. It changed your perception of them?
Starting point is 00:54:12 It made me angry, man. It made me fucking angry. It made me fucking angry. It wasn't who they portrayed. If I want to be an arrogant asshole, I want to say it wasn't who they portrayed themselves as, but the truth probably is more like it wasn't who i who they put and if i'm being arrogant asshole asshole i want to say it wasn't who they portrayed themselves as but the truth probably is more like it wasn't who i thought they were they didn't live up to the standards i held them to right and um so i uh uh it's um
Starting point is 00:54:37 and i'm going through like a healing process of that i want to fucking love everybody and i and i can tell you sean was always fucking crazy nice to me in the office. And so when I saw, um, you know, uh, some of his reactions afterwards, which you can watch on his podcast from that time, I didn't, um, I didn't, I didn't appreciate it. I didn't, um, I didn't think it was true to who he had said he had been, or, or like I said, more accurately who I expected him to be. So it's not really his fault. It's just my shit. It's my world. Right. And everyone's living in it. That's all of you. It's your world. And everyone's just living in it. You can make them good guys or bad guys. And like the last two years I've made a lot of bad guys. Now I'm slowly changing the script on it a little bit because it, because it's better to have make a world full of good guys. That's where was going back to what lebron should do lebron should make he can
Starting point is 00:55:28 make more good guys in the world for all of us he has that power yes to transmute them yeah that that always frustrates me with people with that much is that a word sorry i'm the wrong person to ask i make up words all the time so i think that's like isn't transmute like what jesus did or something transmute no what jesus did or something no i was just saying it always it's just always frustrating when people have that much power in power maybe it's the wrong word but that much influence and that much sway within a group of people or a culture and they don't use that power for you know some sort of positivity and i don't want to say good because good is also perception sometimes, but just generally like positive. And you could feel it at either low is your conscious level
Starting point is 00:56:09 when you're acting out of a place of fear, anxiety, or anger. Or if you're acting out of a place of love and courage and humility, you have a higher conscious level and you could feel it. You know it. Well said. Transmute to change or alter in form or appearance or nature, and especially to a higher form. So maybe I did use it right. You should have one of those people on and talk about what happened. You should have your mom on. How's that come? You seem rather nice towards Nicole. She clearly threw Greg under the bus. Yeah, that's you're right. I'm conflicted. You're right. I have not opened up about Nicole. You're right. I'm conflicted. You're right. I have not opened up about Nicole.
Starting point is 00:56:48 You're right. You are absolutely right. All right. Will is a bad influence on me. I love Will. Will and Caleb. Great dudes. Caleb is the one who makes our clips, and Will is for the longer clips. Will is the one who makes our clips and Will is for the longer clips.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Will is the one who runs our Instagram. By the way, these are just people we met on here. Just regular bros. I think one of the guys is in the Air Force. Isn't Caleb in the Air Force? One of them is in the Air Force. I'm not sure. One of them works for a big tech company big tech company i was about to say but i probably shouldn't your kids are cute thank you yoslina thank you they are uh
Starting point is 00:57:38 extremely cute they are dope i could i wish i should just do a show singing their praises. Did you see it? Did you see it? I saw one in the wild. Somebody made a comment on here. And it was like, you're like a Jorge Ventura reporting on the front lines about LA. And I was like, that's what it sounded like. Dude, I'm in the lobby, right?
Starting point is 00:58:07 And there's a whole fucking breakfast scene going on behind me here. And there's a table over here where there's kids eating breakfast. There's kids eating breakfast. And they have their masks still on, but they have them here. You got to have it up there ready. And I'm over here foaming at the mouth, putting on a fucking show on StreamYard. The fuck is going on? Oh god i can't all right uh headed off to class yes just so you guys know so tomorrow tomorrow there won't be
Starting point is 00:58:34 oh no tomorrow night uh susan and i will try to do another show um i think it'll probably be just another live call-in show we'll have the number back up i'll see if i can get a guest for tomorrow night maybe we did josh bridges maybe it'll be over at the Sevan and Josh podcast. We can give you guys some information on that. Peace and love.

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