The Sevan Podcast - #219 The News - Kate Gordon

Episode Date: November 30, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. My glass, bam, we're live. My glasses, I am wearing glasses. Damn it.
Starting point is 00:00:35 My glasses are going to be falling off my face. Are you okay? This feels really stressful. I'm dying. I'm stressed out. Hey, what about Pete Davidson? Is he hot, Kate? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:00:51 He's got a hold on the world right now. Actually, I should have put that in the news. I could. But I've heard people saying he just ticks back. He just what? He just ticks back. Ticks back? Yeah. So instead of being someone that is really slow at replying or responding to a girl, he usually texts back.
Starting point is 00:01:10 That's why I like him. Oh, that – oh, oh. Oh, oh, he texts back. Oh, like he's not playing any games or anything. Yeah, I think it's – He doesn't have like that 48-hour rule. You meet a girl and then you don't text her back for 48 hours. He just texts back and all the beers landed on his plate. Yeah, I think it's – He doesn't have like that 48-hour rule. You meet a girl and then you don't text her back for 48 hours. Yeah, so I think that's just –
Starting point is 00:01:25 All the beers landed on his plate. Yeah, it's more taking the piss out of everybody else who doesn't text back. It's like he can get any girl he wants purely because he actually texts back. Wow, I like it. I like it. So slow. I don't even – I didn't even know kids text these days. What am I doing here?
Starting point is 00:01:47 What's been happening? How was – you had a busy week with interviews last week with uh all the girls wow god how cool is sarah and miranda how cool is it no we didn't do miranda oh you guys didn't no we had to reschedule her but we're gonna do her she so we kind of got lucky with that so she's you, you know, I mean, she's her answer are like just busy as shit. They're handling business. Right. And no. Oh, Bart. And she's he's listening. He's listening. She's busy as shit. They're both busy as shit. And then Miranda said, hey, can we push it back like 30 minutes or something like that or an hour? She had some appointment. Matt probably knows better than I do the true story, but the spirit of it is that. And then so then we were like,
Starting point is 00:02:29 hey, we're so fucking busy anyway. Let's just push you down like two weeks. And she was cool with that. So I don't even know what I'm going to say to her. I already had her. I think I've already had her. I had her on the show once already. Ask her all about pregnant training.
Starting point is 00:02:42 She's such a fucking badass. I'm so amazed by her videos and shit like that. She is a badass. She made actually a pretty cool post today. She's talking about how she did some dumb training. Basically, she did something with 135 thrusters when she knew she was already injured from carrying her son around. But you know what? I commented on Instagram like, hey, she was saying you got to check your ego.
Starting point is 00:03:03 You got to know when to rest. But no, part of me disagrees with her. Not if you want to check your ego you got to know when to rest but like no you like part of me like disagrees with her that not not if you want to be the great Miranda Alcarez you want to be as great as Miranda you don't like those are the mistakes great people make well I think that's that's the tendency of someone like that you know the mistake she'll make won't be resting too much and being too sedentary and eating too much food which is the alternative for most people the mistake she'll make is she's a little too active lifting a little bit too much and being too sedentary and eating too much food, which is the alternative for most people, the mistake she'll make is she's a little too active, lifting a little bit too much weight.
Starting point is 00:03:28 It's like you kind of pick the direction you're in based on where you sit on that spectrum. No one's perfect. Would you rather be an overachiever or underachiever? Yeah, probably an overachiever. I'd rather fuck myself up weightlifting when pregnant than sitting on the couch instead being like, oh, I should have done more more weightlifting i'd rather fuck than not fuck um shakespeare shakespeare um uh for the callers tonight when you call in um i'm just gonna start hanging up on you motherfuckers just so you know so like i'm talking tough and i'm gonna be tough and it's not that has nothing to do with yourself
Starting point is 00:04:04 but it has to do that i have to uh grow a set how many cups of good dudes you on what does it seem like i'm not on enough i i was trapped in my head a little bit like oh coming like for the 20 minutes prior to the show i had some like not usually i'm thinking about the show so intensely prior to the show and i was like somewhere else and it's uh so you maybe was it when you were taking photos of yourself and face shooting your different styles on and sending it to us was that what you're thinking about no no that no but that's i'm gonna show can i show people what you said yes yes so whatever you want pretty interesting this is like this is like 15 minutes before we start and then i get these like string of photos from savan yeah that's me that's me all yes that's
Starting point is 00:04:47 me if i was like had a uh uh what's that what's that called the fans only page those are like my i'm tuned up god look how i'm so beautiful oh there was one more too did you yes did you not did you not face tunetune that one? No, no. That one I didn't face-tune. That's just me. That's me before I shaved. So the reason I'm going to hang up is I had Josh Bridges on the show.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I did the podcast, the Josh and Sevan podcast, which used to be the Josh Madden. Josh Madden. Sevan podcast. Josh Sevan. It used to be different. Matt used to be on the fucking show. And now it's just josh and i and i i had we let it be a live call-in show and i let a dude come on for like 20 minutes
Starting point is 00:05:31 and um afterwards like josh was like dude what the fuck is wrong with you and he's right what the fuck is wrong with me so like if any of you guys start dragging and like i'm getting it like i'm just oops i hung up on you okay i'm just a nice guy and i just think like dumb things are interesting and so you're almost like an interviewer by nature i think you start interviewing the coal is yes i i mean i i want to i want to know what kind of car they drive why do they buy super unleaded instead of regular unleaded by the way someone i really respect today told me that super unleaded is a scam and i buy always buy super unleaded and it's fucking it oh you know what you i have i have suspected that i might be hangry am i giving off
Starting point is 00:06:11 angry vibe nate that's so accurate wow i have suspected the fasting day it is the fasting day wow so what so it's very interesting so last night was one of my kids birthday parties and i did something that like i really really don't do I ate a shitload of pizza. There's two things I did yesterday. I ate a shitload of pizza and I just normally just would not eat pizza. I would never eat refined carbohydrates, but I did it. But now I've also stopped eating at five to punish myself for that. So right now – That's so healthy, punishing yourself for three slices of pizza. Yes, yes, yes, yes. And so I've thought that I might be hangry. Are you guys getting hangry from me?
Starting point is 00:07:01 You sound like you know when a kid's really tired and they just become like hyper you're like that okay okay yeah so so i feel that several is detoxing yeah so what it is is i know that when you eat carbs before a fasting day like that like ass carbs you're making a huge mistake because the next day you're gonna pay pay for it. You're going to wake up just hungry. Yeah. That makes sense. You're just fired up. You're just excited about the news today. So I'm keeping Kate indoors when it's 27 and sunny is 27. So in Australia, today's an amazing day. I think 27 might be around 80 maybe. Wow. Yeah. It's a really nice day here. It's been, we've got a couple of really good days. Yesterday was really good days yesterday was really good tomorrow is really good and then we've got storms coming i believe summer storms though yeah they're yeah it kind of feels like that like you know it just gets really really hot beforehand and then suddenly
Starting point is 00:07:53 it just pours down rain yeah you go outside though like are you like fuck it this is australia like it's like it's warm water no because it will go cold like that's fucking melbourne is so weird it's like i've never been in a city that has such extremes like it would be beautiful today 80 and then when the storm hits it's not just like tropical storm it's like it will be fucking freezing like i'll be wearing like socks and track pants and like a puffer jacket again it's just like it it will fucking hail no doubt oh wow okay yeah so it's not nice cold like it's not nice storm it's not hawaii it's not hawaii it'll be sunny for a couple days and So it's not nice cold. Like it's not nice. It's not Hawaii. It's not Hawaii. It'd be sunny for a couple of days and then it'll just get cold again. Susie, could you pull up? Could we see Mel? Where did she say she lives? Melbourne?
Starting point is 00:08:36 Melbourne. Melbourne. Melbourne. Are you friends with your family, Kate? Like your mom and dad? Yeah. They're in New Zealand though. They're all in Auckland. Oh, that's right. That's right. We don't really talk about your parents much, but now that you said that, I just remembered. Yeah, they're in new zealand though they're all in auckland oh that's right that's right we don't really talk about your parents much but now that you said that i just remembered yeah they're in new zealand yeah yeah yeah they're all hanging out in new zealand my brother's in sydney though so i've got my sibling here could we could we see the map i want to see like where it is like on the like relative to hawaii on the equator is it like is it equidistant from the equator that hawaii is but in the south that's a great question i don't know i mean in my mind it's way further south it's it's south like it's very south
Starting point is 00:09:13 we just used up our google time limit on google maps come to houston kate our weather is like that and we don't believe in D-Voc. Yes. Houston, home of Derek Lewis. Hey, that guy Chris Dawkus that we're trying to get on the podcast is fighting Derek Lewis. You should bug him, Matt. I've been bugging the shit out of him in his DMs. Okay, so it's in southern Australia.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Yeah, so it's weird. Like, we're Victoria, but there's another state called south australia but we're actually more south than south australia is is that line above australia is that the equator that dotted line i think going through indonesia okay yeah and then the line to the right of new ze is the timeline. Okay. And then scoot over, Matt. Oh, the international dateline. Scoot over, Matt, so we can see the United States. It won't let me. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:10:13 All right. Okay. You can tell we rehearsed this. Go to the right. It will just take it back to where it was from before. Oh, that's annoying. Yeah. Staying by. Someone will tell us how dumb that's annoying. Yeah. Stay by it.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Someone will tell us how dumb we are in the comments. Don't worry. It's definitely not as close to the equator as Hawaii. I can just tell you that. There you go. It's summertime for you. Yeah. Well, spring.
Starting point is 00:10:37 We're going into summer. Yeah. I guess actually, I mean, technically, fuck, it's almost December. So yeah, we're in summer. Hey, there was an article that came out last week or a mandate or something in my hometown where like you can't have people in your house unless your guests are masked also i saw that in in santa cruz yeah and what's crazy is i posted that it was kind of eye-opening for me and so many people like hundreds of dms started pointing
Starting point is 00:11:01 holy shit how are you living there it's worse than Canada. It's worse than Australia. Actually, no one said it's worse than Australia. But really, you have to know they don't enforce that shit anywhere. It's impossible to enforce. I think that's the fucking stupid thing about all of these mandates. It's impossible to enforce. And they're putting all the pressure back on the businesses or the people to like fucking turn against each other. And it's like, well like well great great for the
Starting point is 00:11:25 community our police don't enforce that at all i have a ton of police friends who are police and they just laugh at all that shit like it's i mean they've got real fucking crimes to go out and fight you know they've got jobs and it's not to go and tell people in their homes to put masks on for fucking oh my god it's outrageous well our police aren't really allowed to fight crimes either in california hey we're back i can move it around now oh nice okay so so oh so it is look at look at there's hawaii okay so it is hawaii is a little closer to the equator far away hawaii is from America it's such a random place America America oh that's Hawaii okay okay zoom out a little bit I want to see where the equator is Sousa yeah okay so it's a it's a little further it's a little closer to the equator than Melbourne yeah yeah okay you're more like California yeah so
Starting point is 00:12:21 like if you go to the northern parts of australia which is northern territory northern queensland like those parts get fucking hot like they like i could not live there you just wear a bathing suit more what is that way up in the north of australia is that a good place to be what what sea is that it says like the trevor sea what word what is that tremor timor yeah is that a cool place to go cockadoo national park anything with the word cock and it must be great i haven't been there i think like northern queensland is really quite beautiful and like the great barrier reef is there and there's like a lot of like touristy kind of spots but i just haven't been i don't i just don't think there's much there how about that place darwin yeah darwin is it's kind of another place that there's just nothing really there it literally is so hot it's like i don't
Starting point is 00:13:16 think you're if you're there you're just because you're in the military oh no shit okay well it seems like there's so many parts of australia like seems like it would be a cool place to be. There are so many parts of Australia. Australia is such a big place. There are so many parts where there's just kind of nothing there. You either go to the east coast or the west coast. North and south, there's just a lot less stuff. But I mean, I'm not an expert on Australian geography. Look at this bay.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Look at Hoffman. Do you see Hoffman over there? It's on the right side of the screen. Matt, can you zoom in there? Look at this bay. Look at Hoffman. Do you see Hoffman over there? It's on the right side of the screen. Matt, can you zoom in there? Look at that bay. Yeah, yeah. Look at that bay. I can't even read that.
Starting point is 00:13:53 What does that say? Hothan? Can you zoom into that? I mean, doesn't that look like just like we should all move there? I mean, that's just a map. But the ocean, not the lake. Look at that massive bay right there go um how do you make it go to satellite so you can see like yeah there you go see all the houses there I don't know well there won't be houses there there'll be nothing there like there'll
Starting point is 00:14:20 be some little places some little towns but hey don't what when you graduate from high school don't you and like five girls jump into a vw bus and just go to all these places no i went overseas i think like it's very common for like new zealanders to go what we call an oa overseas experience where a little bit of like a rite of passage for new zealanders is to get the fuck out of the Southern hemisphere and go and see stuff. Cause we're so far away from things. So we typically tend to go further abroad than like just to parts of New Zealand or Australia. Look at all that greenery on the beach.
Starting point is 00:14:54 It is like Hawaii. It's like tropical. The trees go right up to the ocean. I'm laughing at Dom's comment. Darwin's good. If you want to get eaten by crocodiles, I think that's why people go there. I think that's why people go to see crocodiles yeah yeah wow there's got to be a there is there
Starting point is 00:15:13 is there anywhere in australia that just is just exploding like where everyone's going and buying property like like places like that happen in mexico like costa rica is where all the americans are going you know yeah so like new south wales at the moment is the most lenient with regards to rules. December 15th, they're taking away all the rules that mean that you can not – so for me, I can't fucking do anything because I'm unvaccinated. If I go to New South Wales come December 15th, I can do everything. So everyone is going to be going to New South Wales, especially people with kids because even people that are vaccinated but have kids under 12 that are unvaccinated in Victoria right now, you can't participate in things because children to do sports and to do activities. Now they're saying you have to be vaccinated. So like everybody's going to come into Victoria and not even be able to do anything if they've got kids below 12.
Starting point is 00:15:58 And then it's just not it's not a spot. It's not a place, not the place to go. So northern New South Wales, that's where I'm looking. What do you want to do? You say that, but I have friends who are like, I got vaccinated. I'm like, oh, what's up? Why did you do that? And they're like, oh, because I want to go to England. I'm like, what do you want to do there? They're like, I just want to go there with my family. I'm like, you live in fucking Santa Cruz, California. What the fuck could you want to do in England that's worth taking an experimental injection?
Starting point is 00:16:29 Yeah, I don't know. Well, that's why I'm going to go to New South Wales because I don't have to get vaccinated to do stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just so weird for me that people would do it to travel. It's so weird to me. There's nowhere I need to go. I guess they just have a different – maybe they have a different threshold. I feel like that justifies it for people.
Starting point is 00:16:48 You know, like I've said to – like if there was something that made me do it, it would be to fucking leave Australia. Like I'd do it and fucking move. I hear you on that. I hear you on that. I want to – this guy Dylan – Dylan, again. He's just paying James to show up. James just made money. He's just paying James to show up. James just made money.
Starting point is 00:17:06 He's like trying to incentivize James. Do you want to know what a whore I am? This guy has given so much money that when he DM'd me in my DMs, I just gave him my phone number. I did. Just do Dylan. I'm like, all right, enough. You earned it.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Like, what the fuck is going on? I think nothing wrong with that. And he's a fighter. Hey, if people call the live number when you're not on the show, will it come through to your phone? No, I have another phone that just sits there on my desk.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Will that phone just start ringing in the middle of the night? Because people are like, oh, the live call-in number. Because I kind of wish it did. did how many people you think have it saved god we've got a few regulars yeah you kind of have to have it saved because it's like i'm not gonna go and like look up enough i don't know yeah what's it gonna be like the radio i'm curious now to see seven how you react on this on the our new caller with your new straight to the business format. Yeah, talk. Good.
Starting point is 00:18:08 I kind of liked it when we asked Mary Fuck Kill. What was it? I feel like we should ask some questions like that. Like really put them on the spot. Be like, who's your favorite? Tell us. You are going to have to do that. I'm too classy to that. You're tell us this is you are gonna have to do that i'm too
Starting point is 00:18:25 classy to that i have i have i have i have values you know two two people have told me to one person over over text and one person one person i don't know one person i do know have told me well i just have different values than you with the implication that they have higher values than me first of all i want to tell you something as in your values suck if you don't have kids your your highest baseline is not my lowest so like no matter if you don't have kids no matter how fucking amazing you think your values are mine are higher just because i have kids like you just can't touch me just like so yeah so just from there just zip it if i had lesser values i would have told you to shut the fuck up. Okay, so this guy, Dylan Val, was fighting on January 7th in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Starting point is 00:19:10 It's the Aries Fight Series. A-R-I-E-S, like the Zodiac sign. January 7th in Knoxville, Tennessee. Aries Fight Series at the Cotton Eye Joe. Ooh, that sounds like a scary place to fight. Like you need a tetanus shot before you get in the ring there. And he's fighting at 155 pounds, which probably I'm guessing weighs about 175 when he walks around,
Starting point is 00:19:30 and it's going down. He just lost his first fight, and I haven't seen it yet, but he told me where it was at. His first amateur fight. I think it was his first amateur fight. He'll probably chime in here. Anyway, that's Dylan Vowell. So you guys put that on your calendar.
Starting point is 00:19:47 I'm thinking if the show gets really slow, I'll have him on to promote it before it happens. That's a candid compliment there. Tomorrow I have Brian Butler, AU on. I don't know why his last name has that. I guess that'll be one of the first questions I ask him. Why is Brian Butler hyphen AU. I don't know why his last name has that. I guess that'll be one of the first questions I ask him. Why is Brian Butler hyphen AU? I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 00:20:10 But he is the CEO of Sucker Punch Management, and he has huge fighters that he's worked with. And currently his big, big, big dog is Rose, Thug Rose. Who wants to say her last name? Nama. Nama. Nama Yunus. Nama Yunus? She needs to take her husband's name.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Her husband's last name is Barry. His name is Pat Barry. It would be so nice if it was Rose Barry. Rose Barry. Anyway, but he's worked with Max Holloway. He's got Angela Hill there. I think he has Joanna Young Jacek. Anyway, he's he's worked with max holloway he's got angela hill there i think he has joanna young jay check anyway he's a beast um and uh there was something i was gonna say symbol for gold
Starting point is 00:20:54 so when i was when i'm researching this guy he he um he was on another podcast and i'm listening to the podcast and one of the things that the interviewers tell him is is that these podcast guys who are interviewing them are saying hey our goal is to have like one of the biggest podcasts in the world and i'm like oh shit these guys suck i wonder if that's how i come across i'm like oh my god i want to have one of the biggest podcasts in the world and people are listening to it like like when we had laura horvat on she's like why are you doing a podcast i'm like because i my God, I want to have one of the biggest podcasts in the world. And people are listening to it. Like when we had Laura Horvat on, she's like, why are you doing a podcast? I'm like, because I'm good at it. She's like, no, you're not.
Starting point is 00:21:27 I'm like, yeah, it's going to be huge. She's like, no. I'm like, fuck. She's just like, no. I think she meant it with love, though, you know? Yeah. Like abuse me. Like tell me I can't do it to push me harder. Yeah, she's just trying to fire you up.
Starting point is 00:21:43 She's trying to light that internal flame. How is it that everyone, how is it that there's so many people like leaders and stuff who think that we're doing the right thing with lock? Oh, before I go there to the lockdowns and vaccines and masks. I was in the hill. I went to L.A. this weekend. And you people should be scared. You, you, you, the, the, the people who stayed with me at the Hilton at universal studios, Los Angeles, California, a 25 story building. All of you, you should all be terrified.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Thank you. Wear a mask, triple vaccine. You you guys are dead you guys are dead men walking your little kids are dead men walking i'm sorry i get it i get why you're scared you should be fucking terrified went to a thanksgiving dinner and our relatives poured their four-year-old coke and i got to see in real time what happens when you give a four-year-old a glass of Coke. It was – okay. Yeah, I'm clueless. I think, Sevan, it's a veil to cover the eyes of the public of what's really happening. I guess that too.
Starting point is 00:22:57 But these people really should be scared. Sevan, you were in libtard land. Yeah. Here's the thing. Aren't you like tripping that there's so many people who don't know? I mean, so triple healthy BMI.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Yes. Triple. Yes. Yes. For every time you double your, your BMI is double the healthy percentage i don't even know what bmi is you should fucking um um you should get another vaccine yes true loser seven get taylor on the pod also i walk around at 180 and i can't believe you just promoted my fight dude
Starting point is 00:23:38 i'm gonna keep promoting it as long as you don't text me more than once every 12 hours and put that put that i like that picture better of you like climbing the rope and me studying your As long as you don't text me more than once every 12 hours. Now that's my number. And put that, I like that picture better of you climbing the rope and me studying your ass to see if your ass is hungry if it's eating your shorts. Today we have Kate Gordon who's standing in and probably going to end up taking James Hobart's job reading the news. And, oh, we need a sound effects. Let the news begin. Yeah. Before we start to Kate, did you send him over to me?
Starting point is 00:24:12 I haven't seen him. Yeah. I sent you a link. You're joking, right? Susan. Yeah. It's in the link. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:23 It says it's a Google docs link. Susan, I tell people that we take this show very seriously no i got it i was just in the wrong one i kept bringing up last week's and so i didn't i didn't know if it was updated it's too late too late dude uh j on january 20th moderna stock was 19 dollars a share do you know what it is today? A lot more. $329. How stupid am I? I sit here on my fucking two-bit podcast and bitch about vaccines and masks and band-aids like a fucking little baby cunt. When instead, I could have had my head up looking around and I could have put $500,000 in Moderna a year ago, and today I would have grown 15 times $7.5 million, and I wouldn't even have to do this podcast, this whiny little bitch session I do every day. Could I have $7.5 million?
Starting point is 00:25:22 But no, I'm on here. How stupid are we? Please tell me one of you invested in Moderna. No, I didn't. You did? Sousa? Sousa. And didn't Pfizer.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Not enough to do anything crazy. So if you put in a thousand bucks, though. Did Pfizer, like, I don't feel like defies it too much both of them did all right not as well as moderna moderna i mean that could be volatile too because it was just in the wake of them announcing that they had a lead on this new variant like their booster was going to attack the new variant so once that got released the stock you know got pumped and it jumped up but who's to say it's going to stay there or not you know dude it's 1600 percent or some shit like that if my math is right in one year i mean that's that's uh
Starting point is 00:26:18 both of them got that uh announcement that they got the um government aid of the money that was where it was going to be yes this podcast is brought to you by madonna i wonder if i'd still be doing the podcast you know one of my friends who has like 700 000 followers i go do you know what an asshole i would be if i had 700 000 followers he goes oh i know he goes you're already an asshole and you have 93 000 and dropping my friends. Uh, my friend,
Starting point is 00:26:48 go ahead. How's your, um, Bitcoin going? I was just looking at it. It's good. It's good. It's fucking cryptocurrency called.
Starting point is 00:26:57 How do you say the new variant? Omicron, a micron, let me crone. Omicron. Oh, I didn't know that. How's it doing?
Starting point is 00:27:06 It's doing really well. I think there are people that just are taking the piss. So the Bitcoin lost more than 5% this week. And this cryptocurrency added around 500% in the days since the World Health Organization named the new COVID-19 variant. Wow. So Omicron, that, wow, it's up 500%. That's awesome. It's funny. I was reading this thing. They were saying that it's a, you know, everyone keeps saying it's an African variant. And then,
Starting point is 00:27:36 so I did some research and I saw that. Oh, no, no, no. You're going to ruin my nose. You're going to ruin my nose. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. You're going to ruin it. Yeah. You can't say that bit. I'm going to get there. Sorry. Okay. All right. All right. You sound like my wife. Just hold on a little longer. sorry sorry you're gonna ruin it yeah you can't say that i'm gonna get there sorry okay all right all right you sound like my wife just hold on a little longer wait wait wait wait wait just wait just a couple more seconds buddy hang tight hang tight yeah it's the media release from the government of botswana is that what you were reading yeah we'll get my yes okay my
Starting point is 00:28:05 my my friend uh his his uh I don't even know if this is my friend but someone I know was telling me a story that his mother-in-law came over to his house for the first time and I don't know like a year she's terrified of COVID and she came over and she doesn't want to be, she doesn't, she hasn't come over because they're not vaccinated. This, this, these friends of mine, these acquaintance of mine.
Starting point is 00:28:31 And so the mother-in-law didn't want to come over. And so finally she came over and she had like five masks on and she wouldn't, um, what they went out to dinner and she wouldn't ride in the car with them and all this stuff. And I'm like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:28:42 there's, it's just crazy. How scared people are. He goes, dude, she just came back from a fucking cruise now someone's got like my head like almost exploded you went on a fucking cruise ship but you won't go see people you love because they're not vaccinated for a year and and of course the the mother-in-law is a democrat my friends are
Starting point is 00:29:08 i don't know if they're republicans but they're very conservative whatever that means you know i saw a um video did you share actually i might have seen it from you savann the guy should only live on my you should live on my instagram and yeah most of my crazy stuff from you he was this guy this uh just in like a supermarket in the u.s somewhere i have no idea where um filming some dude with a mask on being like hey why are you taking photos of me why are you taking photos of me and my 14 year old daughter what was going on why'd you take photos of me just like chasing him around the supermarket and this guy is like holding his mask on his nose like trying to run away from this dude because he's taking photos of this
Starting point is 00:29:51 good little girl not wearing a mask because he wanted to like i don't know prove that they were like putting him in danger or something it's just great it's people's way of kind of like placating their ego right i do that i see like i have probably a hundred pictures in my phone of like parents like at a cafe buying their seven nine and eleven year old three bottles of coke and i'll snap a photo of it or i'll see like i'll see like what do you do with enough four four hundred pound and you but i make sure i take the back of the back of the kids or i'll see like four 400 pounders um like like each carrying a case of coke and i'll snap a photo of it yeah i'm curious
Starting point is 00:30:31 what are you what are you doing with this it's just my it's just temper tantrum it's just being a bitch it's just like it's just my way you just hold it up you're like got him just yeah yeah it's just me being a bitch. Show people this. Yeah. And sometimes I post them. You know what I mean? Sometimes I post them. I would never post a kid's face.
Starting point is 00:30:56 But like, that guy was, yeah, it's just, I don't know. Maybe I want them to catch me so I can confront them. Because I want to show my friends why the fuck we're all fucking locked down. Because you buy your fucking kid's coke. I cannot believe. So I eventually told these relatives. We went to their house, and I love the shit out of them, to be honest. We went to their house, and they were giving their four-year-old Coke, and I told them afterwards, like 30 minutes after they gave it to them.
Starting point is 00:31:16 I'm like, hey, dude, you can't give your kid that shit. Like, you just cannot give a four-year-old a glass of Coke. How'd that go over? Oh, they got it? They got it. They got it. Really? This dude told me it was crazy. I'm like, hey, man, this is a top-down virus.
Starting point is 00:31:34 And I'm reading this book, The Cost of Panic, right now. But basically, they explain how this is a top-down virus. Like a sickness. Some sicknesses are bottom-up, meaning the society gets sick and then the people at the top find out or scientists find out and they look for a cure. This sickness is a top-down virus, meaning we're told to be afraid of it. Like in my life, this doesn't exist at all, guys. Like I don't wear a mask. My kids walk around barefoot.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I don't follow any rules. I don't do – like this is all just imagination to me like the way i live my life right so i'm telling this guy this and he goes oh not in my life and my and this guy's not vaccinated by the way the guy i'm talking to it that the the with the four-year-old kid he gave coke to he said not in my life and he's an orthodox jew you know what i mean like he's always got like the hat on the back of his head he's got the weird funky hair and like you're not allowed to hug his wife and shit like that and he said not in my life in my in my life this shit's what i mean like he's always got like the hat on the back of his head he's got the weird funky hair and like you're not allowed to hug his wife and shit like that and he said not in my life in my in my life this shit's real i'm like it is he goes yeah and he lives in new york like one of those um places oh no no no no he lives in vegas but he used to his his friends in new york he's telling me 12 of my friends in new york orthodox jews there have died from
Starting point is 00:32:42 covid i go no shit i I go, wow. So it is real for you. He goes, yeah, kinda. And I go, what do you mean? He goes, well, these people are all fat, unhealthy, and they're completely covered. So part of, I guess their religion is Orthodox Jews is you're completely covered all the time. And this guy is like, he's like, so, so these people get no vitamin D, zero. That's crazy. It's really funny. I saw some graphs around. Imagine your religion telling you you got to block out the sun.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Yeah, there were some graphs that I saw around just how seasonal COVID is. We've been through two years of it now, and it's like the spikes always at the beginning of winter, like in fall. Do you think sex acts are seasonal do you think there's like do you think that there's like uh a month that like there's way more um uh fellatio and cunnilingus and there's another month that's like way more missionary and it's like you know there's a month that's like doggy style do you think that like there's a like positions a seasonal i thought you're gonna say like frequency because i'd argue all of that all of that like i want to see that like like like um like you only kiss your wife during her like you like you like you you don't you haven't kissed your wife in six months and then you kiss her on her birthday and then all of a sudden now you start kissing her like every day and then it wanes again until you're not kissing her again
Starting point is 00:34:01 and then it's circle back around her birthday comes again not kissing her again. And then it's circle back. So on her birthday comes again. So you kiss her again. And then it's like, you know what I mean? I wonder if there's like any, any, cause everything is seasonal and patterns and there must be patterns for that. I'm pretty sure there are like more breakups around Valentine's day than
Starting point is 00:34:16 any other time of the year. I mean, I could be totally making that up, but I'm pretty sure there's something like that. Like there's more breakups around the significant events and holidays than any other time of year. So, I mean, maybe there, maybe that uh fall in alignment with uh your seasonal sex yeah theory
Starting point is 00:34:31 something to be uh to the full moon because with all the like first responders that i work with and like i know a bunch of er nurses and stuff every time there's a full moon they're fucking yeah no i know people in australia who are like the full moon it's the worst night to work yes because they just say it just brings out something in in people and well i just think it's lighter isn't it just like you can just see and you can go out and see stuff better yeah but i think what suze is saying is like whenever there's a full moon they they find a light bulb in someone's ass. And you're like, wow. Full moon brought that out of you, huh?
Starting point is 00:35:07 How'd that get up there? It's just like on the full moon, it's always something weird like that. Is that what you're saying, Sousa? Yeah. Yeah, exactly. See? I know stuff. I have a friend who's a doctor who's a urologist, and he sends me the craziest shit.
Starting point is 00:35:22 He sends me the craziest shit. Gentlemen, do not put anything in your penis ever that hole oh that's it that's i'm done with that oh wow that hole is a small opening for a reason like like it's not even really a hole it's like it's like the sides touch. Can you imagine getting your penis pierced? Oh, I was listening to this podcast the other day. It was a urologist talking about sperm and talking about like the contents of sperm and where it comes from and like the difference between sperm and semen. And like it was so interesting and talking about volume of sperm. It's if you want to listen to it, it's the sex and psychology podcast. It was a really recent one. Maybe. Why were you want to listen to it it's the sex and psychology podcast it was a really recent one um maybe why were you listening to that where it was a seven podcast
Starting point is 00:36:09 like you'd come all caught up well i just didn't get enough information on semen with the uh podcast so i was like all right i need to get my head you fucked up i'm doubling down it was so good though it was so informative like i actually highly recommend listening to it it was so good though it was so informative like i actually highly recommend listening to it it was good interesting yeah unmask them that would be so amazing what if they just started kidnapping people who do instead you know that that netflix show it's like it's the handmaiden where like they have women who are what if it's men? What if there's just men who are tied down somewhere and they're just getting milk for their semen? God.
Starting point is 00:36:52 It's like part dream, part horror film. I think that's willingly given up though. I don't think that would be an issue. They'd be like, please, take me, take me, milk me. There was – my wife was watching the show Vikings. And in that show, I walked in the room one time and there was a guy chained to a wall, and I stopped to watch it. And I thought she was going to kill him, and I think my wife thought she was going to kill him too, and instead she fucks him. She rapes a guy, and I had never seen that in a movie.
Starting point is 00:37:20 I'd never seen a woman rape a dude. Does anyone watch Vikings? Did I see that right? No, I haven't seen it. I haven't seen it. Sounds interesting. Actually, that's true. I don't think I've ever seen,
Starting point is 00:37:30 like I've definitely seen scenes where a woman has been raped, but I've never seen a scene where a man has been raped. Interesting. Yeah, she, to keep it hard, she taped two popsicle sticks to it. No.
Starting point is 00:37:41 I put them in. Oh, fuck. I was like, wait. I'm joking. They have popsicles of the viking days yeah yeah here we go here it comes okay get it let's do it scott say something that makes me hang up on you so i can show everyone what a badass i am speak your mind man speak your mind so so what's up uh we're 20 37 minutes in and we haven't said a news story and i have to pee and my coffee's empty huh you can get that film how can i help you what do you want to know do i just hang up on him like does that it is that
Starting point is 00:38:22 enough to mind just like dude yeah just, just spit it out, Scott. Just spit it out. You want Kate's phone number or what? Scott's testing you. Scott's testing you. God damn it, Scott. Oh, but I said G-O-D-D-M-N-I-T word. Oh, Scott, you got to call back.
Starting point is 00:38:42 I need another try at it. Did you hang up on him? I did. I didn't even know that's what he was doing until Susan told me. Yeah, Scott's a good dude. He's like, he was like a sparring dummy. Yeah. I'm so slow.
Starting point is 00:38:58 We should have like a, Scott, welcome to the show, question or comment. Oh, yeah. We should just have that recorded. The dude from the UK. Scott, welcome back. I don't hold grudges. How can I help you? Well, if you want me to say something
Starting point is 00:39:17 I think you'd hang up on me is that Tinder is a construct, but it's a construct by the community that actually makes something a thing valid. So there you go. Tinder? Did he say Tinder? Yeah, that's what I heard. Tinder? Gender.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Zender. You said you think gender is a social construct, right? Which it is. Oh, yes, yes, yes. But it actually validates. Gender, gender, gender. Is English your first language or what? I was just trying to say something
Starting point is 00:39:50 that I thought you'd probably hang up on me. That's my favorite subject. It was a test. It was a test. That's a good dude. Scott, you know what? I love you. I actually didn't hear what you had said, so I'm sitting here waiting for you to say something.
Starting point is 00:40:06 I'm like, what? What is he wanting me to say? Listen, buddy, if people like you keep schooling me on my own show, I, Stevan Matosian, am going to have to go to and get a new job. So please stop calling the show and making me look dumb. I love you, Scott. Bye. What's the first news story kate well we're going to talk about so this is actually just as much for my benefit it is as it is uh for the news's benefit i wanted to go through omicron because i have no information about this new variant so omicron we're going to go through what it's called
Starting point is 00:40:43 where it came from and will the variant cause more severe COVID as well as the media release from Botswana government, which is interesting. And I think that's what you were going to talk about, Sivan. So first of all, what is it called? The variant was initially referred to as B.1.1.529. I don't even know how they would have said that. It's just a fucking ridiculously long name. It's like B.1.1.529. I don't even know how they would have said that. It's just a fucking ridiculously long name. It's like B.1.1.529. But on Friday was designated as a variant of concern, VOC, by the World Health Organization because of its concerning mutations and because preliminary
Starting point is 00:41:18 evidence suggests an increased risk of reinfection with this variant. The WHO system assigns such variants a Greek letter to provide a non-stigmatizing label that does not associate new variants with the location where they were first detected. The new variant has been called Omicron. Where did it come from? Although initially- Wait, wait, wait, can I,
Starting point is 00:41:39 so they're not calling it the Africa variant because they don't want us to like stigmatize Africa for the China virus, the Spanish flu, the Irish famine. Wait, that's not a virus. Okay, go on. Okay, although initially linked to – We're such bitches. We are such bitches.
Starting point is 00:42:00 There's a guy – remember that story I did last week where I told you there was a guy packing home yeah yeah so basically so i went to that fighters um i went to that fighters instagram account i wish i could and i invited him on the show anyway and i said hey congratulations on the win like 50 people commented you piece of shit i bet you suck dick for a living you faggots you guys are fat and all this they just got because like the people who were offended by the racist shit are now calling me a faggot and a homeowner that i suck dick and i'm just like this is crazy and it's like a million and it's and it's all i'm guessing they're all chinese people because when i click on their profiles they're all asian people and most of them are wearing masks and most of them are like their troll accounts but it's just crazy that i can't
Starting point is 00:42:45 say fuck you kate i'm packing your ass back to new zealand without i just love that shut the fuck up their their way to attack you is to also like offend a whole group of people yes yes yes yes if you're gonna be holier than thou like be fucking be a nice person uh i wanted to write so bad what is the fact that we suck each other's dicks in the 69 have to do with uh his i wish you just like could post a photo of you sucking someone's dick and liking it or something just get some shit will will have one photoshopped it's photoshopped i swear uh in 30 seconds oh fuck okay where did sure it's someone handsome with a square jaw, please. Okay, go on. Initially linked to gouting, the variant did not necessarily originate there. I apologize for pronouncing that horribly wrong.
Starting point is 00:43:36 The earliest sample showing the variant was collected in Botswana on the 11th of November. Scientists say that the unusual constellation of mutations suggests it may have emerged during a chronic infection of an immunocompromised person such as an untreated hiv slash aids patient i wait go back to that since i explained that to me why unusual constellation so somehow the virus mutated in a bizarre way because someone else had sucked dick. I don't know. I guess it goes through some kind of like mutation slash evolution and being in different people makes it mutate in different ways. I have AIDS and so I mutate SARS differently. You just like supercharged the COVID.
Starting point is 00:44:21 I guess I'll just kind of accept that. Okay. I don't know. I mean a chronic infection of it. I guess I'll just kind of accept that. Okay. I don't know. I mean, a chronic infection of it, I'm not sure how that works. Okay. Then when the shit mutated in me, it probably came out, like, heavenly. It probably, like, makes everyone smarter and funnier.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Possibly. Yes. Okay. Will the variant cause more severe severe covid there is no information yet on whether the variant leads to a change in covid symptoms or severity this is something south african scientists will be closely monitoring that's hate speech against people with hiv and aids i'm offended is it that is that's stigmatizing people with HIV or AIDS, suggesting that when they get SARS, that they turn it into something worse. That is anti. That's homophobic. That's anti-San Franciscan.
Starting point is 00:45:12 And that is – it's bad. It's bad. I know it's bad. You're so woke, man. You're so woke. Tell me about it. I'm a fucking woke motherfucker. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:23 So I'm going to read the media release from botswana government there's also been a video from uh the botswana or south african um like health minister or one of their like authorities i guess who's come out saying like the symptoms are mild everyone needs to calm the fuck down um everyone's gonna be okay But let me just read the press release once it loads. This came out on the 25th of November. I saw people kissing. You saw people kissing? That's the press release? Is that what you're saying? No, I just, there was an ad up there. I wish I could zoom this in. Okay. All right. New COVID-19 variant detected in Botswana.
Starting point is 00:46:08 The presidential COVID-19 task force informs the public that four cases of a new COVID-19 variant now known as B.1.1.529 were reported and recorded on Monday, the 22nd of November, 2021. The four cases were detected among travelers who tested COVID positive on routine pre-travel testing. The variant tests were carried out as part of the routine genomic surveillance of COVID as prescribed in our COVID-19 response plan. The preliminary report revealed that all four had been fully vaccinated for COVID-19. As part of the continuing investigations into the virus to establish and contain its local
Starting point is 00:46:45 transmissions, contact tracing has revealed close contacts who are currently awaiting the results and the public will be informed regarding the outcome of the exercise. That was kind of the main bit for me. Oh, did you see where they were from? Fully vaccinated. No, I don't know where they're from. Where are they from? Well, you should keep looking.
Starting point is 00:47:02 I read that they're either from New Zealand or Australia, which I found crazy ironic. Really? We've only just been let out. God, you guys. Okay. Well done. So I heard it's not even from Africa. And that the reason why they spot it in Africa is I guess they have such a – they're so vigilant there to fight tuberculosis and AIDS that they're in the regards of finding viruses and variants
Starting point is 00:47:29 and studying them that they're more advanced than the rest of the world, which I find hard to believe that Africa is more advanced than anything. There's actually an interesting bit here that continues to talk about HIV stuff. The presidential COVID-19 task force wishes to further dispel assertions made by some circulating social media reports associating these cases with HIV positive status of the participants. Contrary to these reports in which one newspaper claims that one case was from an HIV positive participant is totally false as no HIV status of the clients was associated with these results.
Starting point is 00:48:03 So just fucking mainstream media doing what it does best these media reports are unfortunate and factually flawed and should be viewed as such yeah holy shit on that hiv thing oh so and that comes full circle to what i was saying they were trying to hate on hiv people and they're saying don't hate on them yeah holy shit hobart takes notes kate actually is telling a clean story i uh i don't want to comment because i don't hurt hobart's feelings but hobart reads from the story too well i think what i'm doing differently so i do the same thing i've taken the actual article and taken out the bits that i think are essential and left any
Starting point is 00:48:41 excess stuff that we don't need to read. But for that particular press release, I was reading through the whole thing. So you take the show more seriously than Hobart? No, I'm saying we do the same thing. No one on the show knows how to stay on topic. Fuck off, Todd. Okay. Okay. Well, on a one to ten how afraid are you of the omnicron variant suza
Starting point is 00:49:10 um not afraid at all so one one and uh and miss kate um how scared are you did you get an extra lock on your front door or anything to uh i'm i'm looking for people who have it if you're in australia and you have omicron please come and make out with me i'll be located at the following address uh it's already everywhere it's already everywhere like you know i think it's it's just oh fucking it's just it's already all over the world like it's it was there before we they discovered this new variant you know there's gold in them thar hills. Okay, good. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Next story. We're cruising. We are cruising. Yeah, we went through that nicely. Okay, so something different about- Keith, I will not post your comment. I will not. No matter how many times you write in the comment, I will not.
Starting point is 00:50:03 I will not say your name, Keith. I'm not going to give you any attention. You troll me on YouTube. You troll me fucking everywhere. I try to be nice to you because I need every last follower and listener I can get. But I'm telling you, I'm thinking about putting an airstrike on you. Okay. Just do a thousand burpees before.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Keith, anytime you want to make a comment in my YouTube about anything, just do a hundred burpees first. Damn it. Guy's been on my jocks since the fucking. This is going to make him really fit. Oh, this guy. Yeah, I know. Then he sees me and beats my ass. This guy fucking.
Starting point is 00:50:40 He's in the Matt and Josh and Sevan podcast just making all sorts of comments all the time i just want to just throw them out the window thank you todd todd says i look like a superhero in my wetsuit i'd like to see somebody else said well done uh on my triathlon as well thank you it was awesome why did you do triathlon because they just told us like four days beforehand that we're gonna they were gonna let unvaccinated people do it and so you're like fuck i gotta do really is that the only reason why you did it like i was already signed up no i was already signed up there's a whole series i'm signed up to six triathlons over the summer and uh i was like
Starting point is 00:51:18 we're not gonna be able to fucking do it because no one else is running any event without having vaccinated status like check check in things. I want to say something. Don't take this wrong. Anyone who plans on doing six triathlons in a lifetime, let alone one summer has a mental disorder. Go on. This is definitely coming from someone who's never done a triathlon.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Yeah. So it's excessive Kate. It's excessive. It's over like four months. It's not excessive. It's excessive. It's over like four months. It's not excessive. It's not as excessive as the CrossFit Games. No, clearly not. Those people have crazy pathologies.
Starting point is 00:51:53 We have this technology to screen share and instead I do this. We just had the screen share. You were looking for the photo on your phone. Oh, yeah. I was screen sharing it. Look at those traps. Look at those. You have traps in your wetsuit yeah i'm all traps i've got no
Starting point is 00:52:09 back i've just got traps that's how i lift so much no you have back you have great back you have good lats yeah i have some lats i'm mostly traps though one time my fiancee was at costco and she was shopping and she said that she could see some guy from their mascot like staring at her and she was kind of getting weirded out. Then she was in line and he came over and he goes, hey, I'm sorry to bother you real quick, but what do you do for your trap workout? That's so epic. That is epic. That's awesome. Okay, next story.
Starting point is 00:52:43 We ready? I really like overdeveloped hamstrings on girls. Overdeveloped? Or just big hamstrings? Just big hamstrings. Is there such a thing as like overdeveloped? I don't know. I take it back. Strike that from the record. I just like gigantic hamstrings. I don't know why. Ompits and hamstrings. You're an ompits and hamstrings man. Do you know Bethany Shadburn, the games girl?
Starting point is 00:53:06 She's awesome. I really love her videos. She posts such interesting little exercises. Did you see her story this week where she – it was yesterday. I was looking at her story. Someone sent me a link to it during the Teofimo fight. Go on her story she's there she was rolling out her pec muscles did you ever did you see that hey do you know what she reminds me of um do you know what a centaur is aren't they like the half man half horse yeah she's like the she's like a female
Starting point is 00:53:46 centaur i don't know why she's so christmassy in that outfit i love it i don't see anything christmassy i just see like fucking superwoman they should build a marvel marvel character around her how about they would they need to get her and her and amanda barnhart are like they're unreal anyway there was this there was this video i guess it's down it was in her story i guess it expired but she was she's just standing there and she has one of those uh balls and she's just rolling out her peck on it against the wall and it's just such a slow crazy uh it's a crazy video and and i was looking at it and and i showed these other two people who are at my house video and everyone's just hypnotized by it it's like nothing but it's it was weird it was like you know how some of those videos like when someone's like slicing a watermelon and they're it's just
Starting point is 00:54:40 hypnotizing oh yeah what are they those videos called? The like... Satisfaction videos? Ah, fucking, yeah. Or like someone's like pouring a thousand pounds of rice. Yes, somewhere, yeah. Someone's just like eating in the microphone. N-A-S-M... Oh, fuck. What are they? A-S-R-M. Yes, yes. A-S-M-R.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Corey, DM me. What does that stand for? I have no idea, but when one of my friends showed me it, my mind was blown. I could not believe that that was a thing. So I found this woman on Instagram. I don't know how the fuck I found it. Okay, it stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response.
Starting point is 00:55:19 It typically refers to the tingly feeling that travels from the head downward that some experience in response to certain sounds feelings or descriptions these can include soft whispering crinkling paper or a gentle touch turn the volume up okay asmr there's a video that's not what i'm referencing though i'm referencing the thing like those videos you used to see on sesame street where they show like crayons being made. Yeah. Okay. I've seen those videos where they like slice stuff. Yeah. It's like, like something that's like the sand type consistency and you can like slice it. You just watch them.
Starting point is 00:55:53 It's weird. But yeah. Yeah. Okay. I feel like it's the same sensation though. Right? Like that kind of like, it's just like tingly and enjoyable to watch. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:01 It's just something so satisfying or, or, or like just like things coming off an industrial line like iPhones and little kids just packaging them as fast as they can. Like you're just like, wow, this is really cool to watch. I saw a video of like chocolate company making an advent calendar the other day. That was kind of cool. Yes. Anyway, sorry, I cut you off ASMR. So you like that stuff? I find it interesting.
Starting point is 00:56:26 I don't watch any or listen to any of it. But I found this woman on Instagram who's got like millions of followers. She just eats seafood. She just like puts a camera in front of her, has like a massive camera. Is that code for something? I mean, maybe. But it also just looks delicious. Like I cannot – I've seen her videos, and every time I watch them, I'm like like i just want to go eat like lobster and prawns shrimp uh and yeah she just eats it and she has like the sauce and she's
Starting point is 00:56:51 dipping it in and you can hear everything and like the other thing about it is she really enjoys it so i think that's kind of part of it she's just so enthusiastic about it have you seen the bread face girl um susan please text keith my number. I take everything back that I said. Keith's one of my favorite listeners. And I apologize. I had him confused with someone else. Thank you. Keith, who is that for?
Starting point is 00:57:13 Keith, is that for me, Susan, or Savant? Always for you, Keith. For Hobot. It would be for Hobot. It's not here. So my five-year-old says to me um uh oh so we were he was in bed last night and i was laying next to him and i'm like rubbing like his thighs and i go oh you have goosebumps and he goes what are those and i go these bumps on your leg he goes i know but why do i have them i go because
Starting point is 00:57:38 you're are you cold and he goes yeah because you know we just got into bed and she's probably go it's because it's cold and he goes oh and he goes, how about that song? I get goosebumps every time my kid sings that. And I go, he goes, he goes, what kind of goosebumps are those? And I go, oh, I go, those are goosebumps. Like if you see a pretty girl and you like her, like you could you might get goosebumps. And then we have this family friend named colette you know and he goes like colette and i'm like oh shit and she's this really pretty blonde lady and i'm like oh shit he's five and he knows he's like like colette like he just put it together so quick i was like what the fuck it was nuts yeah it was nuts five years old and he already is trying to figure out what goosebumps are Colette Goosebumps
Starting point is 00:58:25 Colette Goosebumps yep I think her name's Colette Colette I call her Colette because I think it sounds more ethnic but she always is like Colette and I'm like okay Colette but I don't remember oh that's a Kendrick Lamar song I thought that was a Travis Scott song that's Kendrick Kendrick I get goosebumps every time
Starting point is 00:58:44 is that I don't know shit. That's Kendrick. I get goosebumps every time. Is that? I don't know. Shit. Yeah. Keith's making a comeback. It's crazy. If you like my kids or give me money, I'll be your friend. Do you know who the person he's referencing you in every time? Saying who you're reincarnated as?
Starting point is 00:59:00 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know who that is. Okay. I know who that is. It's actually a compliment, but I still am not. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Fucking Keith. Okay. I have found an interesting app. It's called Ground News. The headline of this article is, We all live in a media bubble. This app wants to burst it. We are all guilty of reading news we agree with, and a new study by Pew Research Center
Starting point is 00:59:31 shows just how deeply embedded habit is when it comes to political news. The study found that no other source comes close to rivaling Fox News' appeal to Republicans. A number of sources other than CNN are also highly trusted and frequently used by Democrats. But a new app hopes to make Americans' news diet a bit more diverse, or at least educate them on their media biases. Ground News was developed by NASA engineer Harleen Karr, Karr, something like that, who says her background in engineering is what led her to develop it. It's amazing we have so much technology around us, but we can't find a simple, reliable way to consume news, she said, citing the general mistrust of news outlets today and the sheer volume of news
Starting point is 01:00:14 available. The app's algorithm culls through nearly 50,000 news sources, determines viability on a number of factors like length of existence, citations and other publications, what they have published already, and social media presence. While some more ideologically extreme sites like Breitbart make it through the algorithm, Cao notes this is a feature, not a bug. We found the only way we can present is by giving them different angles of how that news is covered, she said. Cao said the biggest challenge in creating an algorithm, unlike Google's or the old Facebook trending news column, is to not follow the human instinct to crowdsource reliable news. That approach has a fundamental flaw because we mistake volume of shares
Starting point is 01:00:57 as veracity of news, she said. In other words, just because a news story was shared thousands of times doesn't mean it is accurate or something you would actually want to read. Ground news developers also did not want to rewrite relevant news items in some sort of unbiased language because even then cow noted algorithm items are introducing our own bias so they decided to curate and present any given news story as is but offer app uses multiple points of view for instance can you explain all that to me in english how the fuck is this thing telling us like giving us fair and balanced news? I thought Fox was already doing that.
Starting point is 01:01:27 I'm going to show you. I'm going to show you. Okay, so when you go into the app. You know what's crazy? Okay, go ahead. Yes, yes. Go ahead. No, go. Tell your story first. No, no, no, no, no, no. Okay, okay. Here it is. Here's the problem. Okay, okay, here it is. Here's the problem.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Two years ago, they would be like, Democrats are trafficking little kids for sex slaves, and they drink blood, and you would hear crazy shit, and 9-11 was planned, and you hear all this shit, and you're just like, yeah, conspiracy theory, conspiracy theory, fucking idiots, fucking psychos. And then some things start happening, like David Epstein. You're like, whoa, that's weird. Then fucking COVID comes, and we all know that only people who eat added sugar and refined carbohydrates are the
Starting point is 01:02:10 ones dying from it like we know that it's not like i'm saying something that's even like and when i say only i mean 99.999999 and yet we're trying to do a worldwide vaccine for this. This is like investing all the world's resources into seatbelts and airbags while still forcing everyone on the planet to drink three shots of vodka before you get in your car. Do you understand what I'm saying here, people? Before you make seatbelts and airbags a priority in
Starting point is 01:02:46 vehicles you have to make drinking and driving illegal drinking and driving is so much more dangerous than anything you can do while you're driving besides getting head and um and so you don't worry about seatbelts and airbags until you have that under control. So we have drinking and driving like like that has to be the primary attack. You can't be on fucking drugs while you're driving. So but we're not doing that with covid. We're doing we're actually encouraging people to drink and drive and then put all of our resources to seatbelts and airbags. What do I mean by that?
Starting point is 01:03:22 We're encouraging people to eat sugar and poison and then oh but don't worry we got a vaccine you can take they'll save you it doesn't work that way it does and so once you see how crazy that is anything's possible i'll believe in i'll believe in aliens i'll believe believe in democrats drinking blood i'll believe in like anything is possible once you start seeing a couple of these crazy things you're like oh shit okay any like maybe maybe 9-11 did happen on purpose or once you saw those saudis do you remember that story that was huge for about a year those saudis got that reporter from the washington post and they got him into the uh into the um embassy in turkey do you guys remember that story two years ago oh you. Oh, you guys got, what's that guy's name?
Starting point is 01:04:06 Basically, the Saudis grabbed a reporter and chopped him up into little pieces, and there's audio and video evidence of it, and they lured him into the embassy in Turkey. I mean, that's the problem with the news. A few things, a few things that are so fucking crazy and unbelievable are happening
Starting point is 01:04:23 that now all of a sudden we're like, well, shit, maybe the boogeyman is real i mean how is a woman who goes on cruise ships still wearing a mask when she visits family and loved ones like it doesn't make any it doesn't make any fucking sense okay so so so that's why like all the news is like if you want to know why people believe certain shit it's because like there's some things out there now that are so fucking outlandish that uh that you that you gotta you gotta you you gotta be open to anything and those are the people who are making like videos that are like way way out there and you want us to believe them don't put a fucking pyramid with an eye in it as your fucking symbol i saw this video the other day it's in my
Starting point is 01:05:11 it's my instagram story it's an amazing video this guy's talking about the new world order but he has a pyramid with an eye in it all over his fucking instagram like no don't do that that's disappointing because then you can't share people are gonna take going to take it seriously. Oh, yeah. This guy, Jamal Khasaji. Yeah, this guy. This story is crazy. I can't even believe this happened. What's the story?
Starting point is 01:05:36 Maybe we'll do it next week. Basically, he's a reporter. He's a reporter. And they lured him into the Turkish embassy. I think his wife was outside he went inside and he never came out and they ended up getting video and audio recording of him for sure audio because i heard the audio recording and they chopped him up into little pieces loaded him up in a g5 and flew him out of the country i mean it's like you can't do that
Starting point is 01:06:01 and i think this guy may have been a pile of shit woke bastard, but still no one deserves to be fucking chopped up. Oh, he's the nephew of a high profile arms dealer. Oh, he is. That's what it says at the top. Wait, let me see that.
Starting point is 01:06:14 I didn't know that Wikipedia was the nephew of a high profile Saudi Arabian arms dealer. Oh, wow. Wow. Well, that guy was just a reporter for the Washington Post, the guy who got chopped up into little pieces. So maybe it was payback for something that went sideways with his brother to let his brother know, like, hey, you want to screw us for $100 million? We chopped your brother up into little pieces.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Jesus. There's so much stuff going on out in the world that, like, when we look at our problems, I'm just like, guys, we just need to get the fuck over COVID. Yes, yes. It's so it's funny you say that. So someone sent me a DM the other day. He goes, how can anyone be worried? It was a it was a I think it was a police officer. He was basically saying that every week they get calls to a couple of stupid things that kids do that cause kids to either die or really hurt themselves that they learn from watching tiktok because how are people worried about fucking covid when there's fucking tiktok i was like well here's a good one oh is this true the guy who made the really sean is that true post that post that somewhere oh no you can't it's not your show never mind Susan find that maybe that guy will put a link maybe Sean will put a link in there oh I gotta pee will someone call in and talk to Kate you guys got this for a minute while I go pee
Starting point is 01:07:37 I'll uh I'll go through the oh you're gonna miss the app that's okay because we're gonna move on okay so this is the news app the ground wait let me just ask you this before i go p are you gonna download that app and use it are you endorsing i've fucking got it right here okay so what's here it's just interesting because it shows you if it's left or right or if it's in the center so like okay if i open up this story there's 24 sources when it opens and like can you see that like in the bottom, it says center, left, right? Yeah. Oh, but AP is not center though.
Starting point is 01:08:13 Yeah. So like, it just gives you an idea relative to the other ones. So if I scroll through different stories, I can go further and further to either end. Oh. And find which one tends to be more left, which one tends to be more right from whichever source it is. So like the further I go across the other way, it'll show me articles that tend to lean even more. Okay, moving on.
Starting point is 01:08:50 This is actually a follow-up from a few weeks ago. James was talking about this because we were all going on about how the new Swedish prime minister, it was the first female. new Swedish prime minister. It was the first female, and then it was like the first majority female parliament or something along those lines in terms of like the new people that had been voted in to their government. However, Sweden's first female prime minister,
Starting point is 01:09:14 the social democrat Magdalena Andersson, has resigned less than 12 hours into the job when the coalition collapsed, plunging the country into further political uncertainty. It sounds like there's some hectic stuff happening with regards to the government in Sweden. Andersen said a decision by the Green Party, the junior party in the coalition, to quit had forced her to resign. She added that she had told the Speaker of Parliament she hoped to be chosen as Prime Minister again as the head
Starting point is 01:09:38 of a single-party government. The Green Party said it would leave government after the coalition's budget bill was rejected by Parliament. In a turbulent sequence of events on Wednesday, Anderson had earlier in the day become the first woman elected to the post of Prime Minister in Sweden after clinching a last-minute deal with the left party to raise pensions in exchange for its backing in Wednesday's vote. The Prime Minister is elected by Parliament. prime minister is elected by parliament but the small center party withdrew its support for anderson's budget because of the concessions made to the left leaving the budget with insufficient vote votes to pass in parliament parliament then adopted an alternative budget presented by the opposition conservative moderates christian democrats and far-right sweden democrats the fatal blow came when the greens leader per boland said his party could not tolerate the
Starting point is 01:10:24 opposition's historic budget drafted for the first time with the far right and quit the government. Among other things, the Greens said a planned tax cut on petrol would lead to higher emissions. That left Anderson, who had taken over as Prime Minister from Stefan Luff, then as head of a minority coalition backed by the left and centre parties with no option but to hand in her resignation the speaker of parliament would not decide in the next uh the next step in the process of finding a new government there is a constitutional practice that a coalition government should resign when one party quits anderson told reporters i don't want to lead a government whose
Starting point is 01:10:59 legitimacy will be questioned so she fucking quit she's out she was in for less than 12 hours apparently she's pretty hectic apparently she's she's like people are scared of her i wish i could tell you i heard that story i was looking at the trailer for dissident i apologize for what yeah for dissident for that move for the movie about kusugi dying i was over here watching the trailer fucking shows live taking a piss watching movie trailers just fucking just dropping the ball i'm so sorry uh what country is that jesus sweden we were talking about a while ago with the female like parliament but uh just and less females are going to be in there
Starting point is 01:11:46 wait wait wait so why did you drop out sum that up for me again sorry I suck so there was some votes that happened based on a new budget and then one party said we're not interested in the budget and she quit because of that because a party quit so she quit something
Starting point is 01:12:01 super government stuff that I'm like it's just it's very complex i believe oh we need more women in government i don't know if that's true strike that from the record that's the second thing i've never stricken everything from the record strike that thing from the record too the fucking soundbite just popped in my head. Okay. All right. Kate, you're doing a marvelous job. Cool. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Moving on. Especially compared to Sousa. Especially compared to Sousa? Poor low-budget Steve-O. Low-budget Steve-O. Just the whipping post over here. Is Craig White from Austria? Is this guy from your country? No, he's from canada i screwed that up last
Starting point is 01:12:47 time oh yeah i i never know i feel like there should be something when people comment to be like australia blah blah blah canada blah blah yeah i'd like to know what country you're from what color you are and how old you are when you lost your virginity i think those are all relevant to me should say uh names country please. And then question and comment. That would be so country-ist of us. So racist. Okay. Is Hobart watching tonight?
Starting point is 01:13:16 He would have commented by now. Surely. He would have called in when you were peeing. And he didn't. That's true. And taken one for the team. That's true. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:27 Smugglers are making bank. Channel migrant deaths. Smugglers net millions per kilometer. The price to cross the English channel varies according to the network of smugglers. Between 3,000 and 7,000 euros. And I don't know if that's been converted to Australian or US dollars. Wait, before you say that, Matt, do you know where the
Starting point is 01:13:50 English channel is? I would assume by England. And do you know what's on the other side of it? On the other side of the English channel? France? I don't know. Let me take a shot in the dark. That would be my guess too. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's france all right mostly because of reading the apple
Starting point is 01:14:09 none of us are willing to bet two inches of our penis on it i'll i'll bet whole inches of my penis on that i'll bet two inches of your penis on it you're a good dude seriously you're a good dude come on man we have the stories about this channel we don't even know where the fuck it is of your penis on it. You're a good dude, seriously. You're a good dude. Come on, man. The story's about this channel. We don't even know where the fuck it is. That's like the, is that between, that's like you take a ferry
Starting point is 01:14:30 from the White Rocks of Dover over to, what's the place in France? It's like, English Channel. Yeah, I think it's like Northern France to English, England.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Bring it up. Can we do Map It, Map It, like we did with Malbin? We've exceeded our map time oh man do you know our last show i wasn't able to monetize because something i put because of that dancing spider oh really yeah they just fucking slapped my dick for that yeah hard okay so it is okay so it's basically the waterway between England and France and all of Europe.
Starting point is 01:15:06 France. France. Yeah. Northern France. What's that? Yeah. Okay. Hey, zoom in there a little bit.
Starting point is 01:15:13 People swim in there, right? Yeah. Yeah. People have swam there and back, I think. I think some lady holds the record for how many times there and back and there, like, without getting out of the water. It's kind of crazy hey you know what this lady was a little snuggled into the uk via this channel from where from all over the place
Starting point is 01:15:33 so they get to northern france and then they try and get across the water the channel um okay so how much does it cost sorry i got i was 3 wrong. So 3,000 to 7,000 euros. And that is 3,000 euros. Let's see, 3,000 euro to USD. Yeah, okay, 3,300 USD, which is what was in the article. So 300, 3,000 USD to about $8,000 US dollars. Often the fee includes a very short-term tent rental in the windy dunes of northern France and food cooked over fires that sputter in the rain
Starting point is 01:16:16 that falls for more than half of the month of November in the Calais region. Sometimes, but not always, it includes a life vest and fuel for the outboard motor. Do you have to be vaccinated? And do you have to wear a mask? I think it's BYO mask. And the people who collect the money, up to 300,000 euros, which is 432,000 US dollars per boat, that makes it across the narrows of the channel, are not the ones arrested
Starting point is 01:16:43 in the periodic raids along the coastline. They are just what French police call the little hands. Now, French authorities are hoping to move up the chain of command. The French judicial investigation into Wednesday's sinking that killed 27 people has been turned over to Paris-based prosecutors who specialize in organized crime. To cross the 33-kilometer, which is 20 miles, narrow point of the channel, the rubber dinghies must navigate frigid waters and passing cargo ships. As of November 17th, 23,000 people had crossed successfully, according to Britain's home office. France intercepted about 19,000 people. At a minimum, then, smuggling organizations
Starting point is 01:17:21 this year have netted 69 million euros 77.7 million us 69 how convenient how convenient how convenient that's 2 million euros per kilometer 69 million euros geez this has become so profitable profitable for criminals that it's going to take a phenomenal amount of effort to shift it this is a golden age for smugglers and organized crime because countries are in disarray uh when you fuck up pronunciations pronunciations pronunciations kate no one knows they just they say oh she's australian that's my yeah that's why they say it and matter of fact most americans are like oh that's how you say it they probably were like oh she's right we say it wrong i'm being honest like that's serious all right i'll just act like i meant to do it think of it like a shipping and logistics
Starting point is 01:18:09 company who said the leg through central europe can cost around 4 000 euros according to austrian authorities who on saturday announced the arrest of 15 people suspected of smuggling syrian lebanese and egyptian migrants into the country in van loads of 12 to 15 people. The suspects transported more than 700 people at a total cost of more than 2.5 million euros, police said. In this network, the migrants were bound for Germany. Does anyone enjoy the trip? Is anyone like, holy fuck, this is awesome. This is life.
Starting point is 01:18:39 Like, hey, why don't we market this to people who have English and French passports? Be like, hey, you want to know what it's like to cross as an illegal immigrant? This is like some real adventure shit. Fuck those, fuck those business trips. Like where you go up and you climb trees and you guys trust each other as you push each other from tops and catch each other online and shit.
Starting point is 01:18:57 Let's do this. Let's do this. How my goodness, this is great. I work at Coca-Cola and the executive team, you know what we did? We went with smugglers across from France to England and England back to France
Starting point is 01:19:09 as part of our team building project. Oh my God, this was fantastic. Seriously, I mean, it's your life. Either have fun or fucking don't. It should all be fun. It should all be fun. That's a really interesting take. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 01:19:23 Thank you. Because I don't got the victim mindset that's what it looks like when you don't got the victim mindset although 20 minutes for the show i mean the smugglers don't have the victim mindset the smugglers are fucking making bank they're doing well adventure adventure maybe that's how they're selling it maybe they're like oh that's really messed up. Well, you know what made me think of it is the way they write it in the article. And this fee comes along with a dinner under the trickling rain, dripping rain, blah, blah. I'm just like, oh, wow, a dinner.
Starting point is 01:19:55 And I just picked a canvas dance and on the beaches of blah, blah, blah. You get one carry-on and your first bag's free. She's Australian. I still thought she was English. Yeah, first bag's free. She's Australian. I still thought she was English. Yeah, it does. Perfect. I appreciate that. And I'm okay with that.
Starting point is 01:20:10 Who cares? Although, I think it could be wrong. I think Australian women have more sex appeal and English men have more sex appeal. and English men have more sex appeal. I feel like English, and I apologize to anyone from England right now, are kind of known for not being the most, oh, this is awful, attractive people. James Bond, James Bond, James Bond, James Bond, 007, James Bond. That's it? That's all you got?
Starting point is 01:20:46 I mean, when I think of English men men i just think of them as just like just stealing women from just stealing women from every other dude like hello ladies and they fucking like and then you're toast they like open their mouth and there you're done like i feel like people take the piss out of british people for having like bad teeth and being redheads yeah redhead's good though yeah okay i mean australians and new zealand doesn't bait it basically fucking i don't even mind i don't even mind a big old set of crooked teeth as long as you keep them clean as long as like you don't got like salami stuck between them for like a week and in australian women have sex appeal because like your your normal chick that you
Starting point is 01:21:29 like probably you need like three to seven beers to get her naked in australian chick will fucking like you're halfway through a beer and they're fucking they want to run across the street they want to have you met any australian girls that have done that do you know i don't know i don't know what i don't know one australian girl i'm just telling you what my prejudices because i feel like stereotypes are australian women that is the stereotype of californian girls oh shit well it is like that sometimes oh my god college was amazing you know what i used to do in college i would seriously do this i would buy a 24 pack of natty ice to drink and i would buy a 24 pack of natty ice what is natty ice just just the cheapest beer you can get and it's like a
Starting point is 01:22:12 kind of beer and i would buy a 24 pack to pour on people's heads i literally would do that like once i had like six or seven beers i would just crack a beer and just walk up to someone like a friend of mine just pour it on their head i just wanted to rage i loved raging just like like if you're drinking just shit should be getting crazy right naturalized would you get like belligerent drunk like blackout when you're in college or no just like to watch people get fucked up i no i just like to like i didn't want to drink and like not use it i wanted like someone to try something like like get drunk and then we all ride our bikes around naked around college town together. Like I wanted to always push the limit, sneak onto campus and swim in the pool.
Starting point is 01:22:52 You're like, let's fucking cross the English channel, guys. Like let's just have fun. Yeah, let's all get so drunk and let's walk around town naked. Or let's buy three bags of potatoes and have a potato throwing contest. it's like have a potato fight and go to the park and just get drunk just i just wanted to like do and things needed to be like i wanted things to be wild i didn't want people to get hurt or i didn't i didn't enjoy the like blacking out people suck because then you had to take care of them but like i like the guy like like you're all sitting around in the backyard everyone's drunk and some guy gets up and pees in the fire like that would upset some people it didn't upset me i was like
Starting point is 01:23:30 yeah cool i won't forget this night this tonight this guy just peed in the fire right in front of us you know what i mean like i didn't care i just wanted to have fun no judgment you like to party party yeah i mean not anymore fuck i hate partying now my party now i tell my kids let's party and it means go in the garage and lift weights and didn't you have like one drink and like a brownie on your vacation i did not eat the brownie don't fucking spread lies i did not have i had pizza the other night but i don't the brownie i cut a brownie and i was going to eat it and i didn't fake news how was thanksgiving for you kate it was um you're not making me stupid again stuntman mike someone i was exactly that when i was younger and yeah and you got the cool
Starting point is 01:24:19 name stuntman mike yeah i want i like stuntman shit yeah look at that photo that's sick that guy party stuntman mike parties yeah some of my wildest parties were definitely in the u.s when i was in college for sure yeah it was it was so fun being around cool people like someone who you could just pour a beer on and they didn't care it was just you would have so much fun. We had so much fun. Yeah. I lived in a bike. I lived in a biking town. Have you ever biked in a big group? Have you ever cycled?
Starting point is 01:24:54 There is nothing more fun. Nothing. One or two things. But if you can get 30 friends together and just cycle around a town, it is so much fun. And you just stay in a pack and you just like hoot and holler at people. You go through intersections at will. Everyone's got a beer in their hand.
Starting point is 01:25:13 And we said that every weekend. It was so wild. People loved it. It would be so crazy. We'd be biking and we'd just be everyone pissed drunk and have a beer. And then all of a sudden you notice there's a cop riding in your because it was a it was a biking town it was in isla vista california santa barbara and all of a sudden there'd be a cop on a bike riding with you and you're like yep kids and then everyone just scatters was isla vista as crazy during halloween when you
Starting point is 01:25:36 were there as well too dude absolutely crazy nuts that street is just packed for blocks of just people just out it's insane and halloween is another thing that we just like don't really have that's because you guys are always that's because your chicks are always crazy your girls our girls carry like a cell phone and like stick a gum in their purse your girls carry like a giant can of fosters in there i just i don't think you've met that many Australians. True. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Test number dos. David Smith, comment or question? Comment. Okay. David Smith comment or question comment I just wanted to add in on your guys' party talk oh let's do it I love party talk
Starting point is 01:26:32 so our university the one I work for now when I went there they used to throw this event bi-annually called the keg-a-thon it was the best event ever so you form a team of 20 people and whatever team of 20 can drink the keg the fastest oh when oh hey david if they're still
Starting point is 01:26:55 doing that can i add an element it should be that you have to carry the keg across town like three miles too so the faster you drink it the lighter it gets and the faster you can carry it if you want to add that in there you can you can take credit for that no they got rid of it like probably eight years ago when three dudes died nobody nobody ever died but it started getting out of hand it started to get like a couple thousand people at the event so someone got covid and it's over uh what was your favorite keg what was your favorite keg david of beer in college what kind of beer well for that one they do keystone light oh yeah but i think i understand this this was my favorite thing to do with kegs at a party we'd throw throw one and you'd get like a keg of O'Doul's
Starting point is 01:27:45 and then like a keg of regular beer. They make O'Doul's kegs? Oh, for sure. And you'd send everybody, the new people at the party, to the O'Doul's keg and see if they stayed drunk. Oh, wow. Wow. O'Doul's is a non-alcoholic beer, Kate, in case you didn't know.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Yeah, I kind of figured that out that's quite funny hey what i went what david i was selling weed for a while like a long while and i was balling you know what i mean like i would get a bag i would grow a bag weed or i'd get a bag weed for 20 bucks and i'd sell it for like 60 bucks right so like i would always have like 500 or a thousand bucks in my pocket always and i used to just keep a keg of Newcastle on. Oh yeah. Yeah. Do you know what a baller?
Starting point is 01:28:30 Yes. That's like a $180 keg or something. Did you have your own kegerator? No, I didn't. Sorry. I would get two bags of ice and just set it on top. But Newcastle kegs, I bawled so hard. You should have sold a couple of QPs instead of those dime bags.
Starting point is 01:28:51 You could have had a kegger in it. I not only had a Newcastle keg, but I had my own room in college. I mean, I just bawled so hard. I had a laptop. I had all this shit. That's great. Well, thanks for sharing your story. Got me excited.
Starting point is 01:29:08 Oh, wait. Hey, one more question while I got you. Okay. How's your little boy doing in tennis? I've talked to you before about him. Holy shit, dude. He's killing it. Did you see what I posted on Instagram a couple days ago?
Starting point is 01:29:19 I missed that one. So there's this wooden spoon that I've only seen tennis superstar kids use. It's a wooden spoon that like I've only seen like tennis, like superstar kids use. It's a wooden spoon. You'll see like these little Japanese kids or these little fucking Italian kids with it. This is a fucking Jew Armenian kid in fucking Santa Cruz, California with a spoon. And it's a wooden spoon. It's a wooden spoon and he's playing tennis with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:39 And I guess they do it so that like you can, I think, I think Suze's pull up. So you see that wooden spoon? Oh yeah. And so that's like, I guess like next level so that like you can – I think Suze is pulling up. So you see that wooden spoon? Oh, yeah. And so that's like I guess like next level shit when you can do that. Oh, yeah, definitely. And I was just – and even the instructor is like – the instructor is like he so never gives compliments. He's so – and he's – I've heard him even tell my kid, don't ever let anyone tell you you're good. Like he has this thing where he does not want my kid to know he's good because he's afraid that then my kid will just
Starting point is 01:30:08 start wanting to win and he doesn't want my kid to want to win he wants my kid just to keep wanting to get better and the learning right yeah it's just so fucking steep and forever yeah huge it's a huge curve why did you play tennis i coach coached tennis for university. Oh, that's right. That's right. Oh man. And you just, you have a really seductive, do you teach women or men? Both men and women. You do not, you should not be talking to college girls with that seductive voice that you have. You like his voice, Kate? Yeah. Yeah. It's nice. It's Claire. It sounds like he has like a baby sleeping at the house, but I bet you that's just how he talks yeah yeah it's just my calm nature that's not good girls be swooning but yeah so yeah yeah so so you do you use this spoon i've seen it a lot now it's a new training
Starting point is 01:30:58 tool like we didn't we didn't have it when we were little but you know what we used to do was we would just do the getaway just take a 2x4 and hit it with that it's a new training what's the word you used? tool yeah I've seen it a lot when I hear you say tool I get a little warm and fuzzy all over
Starting point is 01:31:18 tool it's kind of like a shit talking thing too we used to say that to people like oh i could beat you for fucking two by four oh you're new i like it yeah all right brother well thanks for calling yeah don't keep us down any longer i don't want to have to hang up on you i like you okay okay talk to you later bye bye was that? Was that assertive enough? That was pretty good. Pretty good.
Starting point is 01:31:50 I didn't even know Waterpalooza had an alcohol company sponsoring it. If it leads to people getting naked, I'm all for it. I'm serious. I'm serious.
Starting point is 01:32:01 That's not a joke. I'm serious. Okay. Shall we? let's go okay what are you waiting for we're gonna talk about tell itself no it's not palisade and lululemon are having a fucking bitch fit they are going back and forth in court right now so palisade sues lululemon in dispute over a new apparel line but this is in sues lululemon in dispute over a new apparel line but this is in response to lululemon sending them a cease and desist letter so peloton interactive inc the exercise bike company has sued lululemon athletica inc after the athletic apparel maker threatened its own lawsuit over peloton's new apparel line the lawsuit was filed
Starting point is 01:32:40 in manhattan federal court on wednesday two and a half months after peloton launched its apparel brand following the end of its five-year co-branding relationship with lululemon oh shit a break paleton called amicable i don't believe it is amicable anymore paleton said lululemon's claims that five of its woman's bra and legging products strappy i'm not to read the names, infringed six Lululemon design patents lack any merit. The apparel line could help New York-based Peloton rely less on its bikes and treadmills after sales growth slowed because more people received COVID-19 vaccines and stayed homeless. In a November 11 letter, Lululemon's lawyer said the Vancouver, British Columbia-based company would sue Peloton unless it stopped selling its new apparel. But Peloton said its products and Lululemon's designs are easy to tell apart and Lululemon's designs are too obvious to deserve patent protection.
Starting point is 01:33:34 On top of the numerous clear and obvious differences in design, Peloton and Lululemon's brands and logos are also distinctive and well-recognized, making confusion between products a virtual impossibility, Peloton said. recognized making confusion between products of virtual impossibility, Peloton said. Peloton wants a court declaration that it has not infringed Lululemon patents and trade address, trade dress, and that Lululemon's patent claims are invalid. At Lululemon, we are.
Starting point is 01:33:54 Could you hold on one second? Sorry. Bruce Wayne says beta energy. Who, who has beta energy? David Smith had beta. That was beta energy. Or was it,
Starting point is 01:34:03 was that beta bait that was like bait i don't know shit uh so are so peloton is is suing no lululemon is suing peloton saying your clothes look too much like our clothes you have a seam up the ass crack just like ours or like how do you see yeah so so i guess so they were working together and peloton i believe was using lululemon apparel putting their logo on it and selling Lululemon stuff. They've separated, and Peloton started its own apparel brand. And Lululemon are like, hey, guys, that's too much like our stuff. Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:34:36 Stop it. And Peloton are like, no, fuck you right back. It's our own stuff. It doesn't look like yours. It's our own brand. You can't claim that it's your patent because it's just fucking shorts and a bra so now but and so who sued who did they one suit oh lululemon trying to sue yeah peloton are trying to sue lululemon now so lululemon got all puffy chested and peloton pulled out a gun yeah and um you know what's
Starting point is 01:35:02 interesting i don't know if this is true. Someone can comment in the comments about this. But I think that SoulCycle and Zumba make most of their money from clothing sales and from shit that's like outside of what their exercise is. I don't think SoulCycle makes its fucking. Yeah, I think I think it's the branding, right? Like the brand sells. It's the same thing with like well i don't know if this is relative but it's like you know when you go to a hair salon and like all they have fancy hair salons have like all their products in the front window
Starting point is 01:35:34 they make so much money from just selling products now i don't know if it's more than what they make from fucking selling haircuts and styling and whatever but it's like that stuff makes so much income for the business it's like it's like um it's like why it's so hard having an affiliate because they actually sell what they tell you they're gonna sell it's not a dentist office who's also trying to sell you toothpaste they're fucking sending you personal accountability and it's time it's like one-on-one time yeah and these people it's so weird with their it's like it's a trip i don't know if i have a problem with it but but it's it's it is weird and uh and i think that's what peloton's basically i mean obviously they they have the subscription model which is just kills it right and then they sell the bikes which kills it
Starting point is 01:36:18 but so they probably saw that soul cycle was killing it selling clothes because i think soul cycle came out with clothes like every month, and it was a limited run. And basically, if you wanted to be the cool kid, you had to have the newest, coolest clothes. And I think there was something like that going on. Well, it's like Nanos. Every year they'd bring out a new one. Everyone was buying the new Nanos.
Starting point is 01:36:35 I'm really interested in Justin's comment. Specialized bike company makes all their money on bottles, like the drink bottles to fit into the bike. Wow. Specialized bikes are expensive as fuck yeah are they a local company uh
Starting point is 01:36:50 Sousa yeah I think yeah I think they are to the bay I imagine in Australia they'd be soup because they would spend it out here yeah get them in Australia I don't understand why Wadapalooza is not doing monster like monster i'm just guessing monster has money to do everyone should be it's like the playboy mansion they get all they get everybody hey so there's this guy um uh fazaz did you there's
Starting point is 01:37:22 so i ask i think i asked suzaa today who, who owns, uh, the Dubai fitness challenge. Cause we should get them on the podcast. And he sent me this dude's Instagram and the guy's name is Fazaz or something. And I looked up, the guy has 12 million followers on Instagram and I looked him up and he's what they call the crown Prince of. Yeah. Prince, right? Yeah. What's the difference between a prince and a crown prince? Like you're the, you're the, you're the one who got like your next in line.
Starting point is 01:37:50 Like you got your, anyway, we, I've, we've never had a crown prince on the podcast. That'd be cool. Is he going to come on? Oh,
Starting point is 01:37:58 I should, I doubt it. I doubt it, but shit. I mean, shit. We got Laura Horvat with anything's possible. Who did I invite on the other day?
Starting point is 01:38:07 I invited him. I DM'd him. I invited him. We have Aljamain Sterling on Tuesday. We had Alexander Volkanovsky. God, I'm so excited about tomorrow's podcast. Okay, sorry. I'm excited that you're here, Kate.
Starting point is 01:38:20 What about Matt? Nothing for Matt? I see Matt. I talked to Matt like a hundred times a day did matt do you come up on the other podcast like when savannah's doing interviews with other people or do you just hide in the back uh a little bit of both a little bit of both you're just doing like the screen shares and stuff yeah it's all just share stuff or look stuff up or just try to bring up stuff that would add you know value to the conversation or more context what they're talking about
Starting point is 01:38:47 please don't ask him questions that make him serious when well i want to know when he came into being like producer um you mean like uh the first new show we did second new show we did wait what do you mean by that question yeah i don't know i was wondering when he started like hanging out doing stuff for you oh you don't know the story of the podcast no my sister told me the story never gets old i've told it a hundred times you ready and i don't think it gets old either it's a it's a fantastic story and it's basically the story of my life so i i did i did the crossfit podcast because fucking fucking Dave basically made me do it. He's like, hey, you fucking have to do it. And there were other people there, including Nicole, who thought that I was really good at it, and I did it.
Starting point is 01:39:31 And I was pretty crazy on it, and we had the CrossFit podcast. I remember listening to it. Yeah, and thank you, I think. And I was in a race to do 100 episodes on that with the CrossFit podcast, and I could do whatever I want there. I was the media director. So I kind of ruled the roost, and I was's like right hand man. So like no one could tell me yes or no to anything. So I was like, okay, I'm going to do this. And I started doing it and I was racing to a hundred shows because I knew that people were starting to not like the podcast and
Starting point is 01:39:56 by not because it was getting too popular. It was like growing really, really, really fast. It was huge. And we were getting some pretty incredible feedback from the affiliate saying like, they didn't care what we put on. They were just happy to hear from HQ on a regular basis. Like it was their insight in HQ. And I loved interviewing obese people or transformational stories. It was like, I just fucking love transformation. People who work hard and get what they want. So I did, I was racing to a hundred and meanwhile, the CEO at the time, complete scumbag. He was starting to not like the show. Greg was starting not to like the show.
Starting point is 01:40:28 Russ Green was talking shit behind my back. There were all these people talking shit behind my back. And the operations officer of the company at the time, Bruce Edwards, he would tell me, hey, man, they're talking shit. And Dave would tell me, hey, they're talking shit. Like you should probably stop the podcast even though Dave totally encouraged me to do it meaning that like I was they were concerned I was going to get fired for doing the podcast and I
Starting point is 01:40:51 was told that it was because of tall poppy syndrome because I was getting too popular and they weren't liking the fact that I was getting so popular but it could also be that Greg had a really focused message that he wanted and he wanted it to be really smart and I don't present things in like a really smart way I'm articulate as a motherfucker but i don't present things in a smart way so so when we got to 100 and i quit and one of the guests i had on was a guy named
Starting point is 01:41:17 the two-brain business guy chris cooper cooper ch Cooper, man, my dementia setting in. I had, it was, I had Chris Cooper on and I had him on twice and there were people at CrossFit who really liked him like myself. And there were people at CrossFit who didn't like him and they didn't like him because they didn't want him giving business advice to the affiliates. But like, I didn't give a fuck if I liked someone or didn't like someone. I wanted to have them on the podcast if they were in the ecosystem and talk to them. So I had him on twice and people loved him. And although the shows were our lowest rated shows, they had the most comments and the most emails and affiliates really liked it. And that was one of the things that Greg always told us or anything you make, make sure it adds value to the affiliates.
Starting point is 01:41:58 Like, I don't care if it adds, I don't care what anyone else thinks. If it adds value to the affiliates, add value to the affiliates. Like, I don't care about the people who work out any of that shit, always add value to the affiliates. And I don't care about the people who work out, any of that shit, always add value to the affiliates. And so I was stoked on them. So anyway, so flash forward two years, the podcast is over. Then I get flash forward another year and I get fired. And at that time I had met Sousa a few times. He had come to HQ for events we had because his gym is like 50 or 60 or 70 miles.
Starting point is 01:42:23 And he's also friends with craig howard who was friends with hq and greg and myself and so susan would come around and so i started meeting susan at these events and we would always talk we'd always we were kind of like kindred souls we'd always um talk and stop and talk to each other so and he stayed in touch and we i don't know if we did we text at the time or just email or? No, it's like Instagram and stuff. Okay. Email. And so then finally one day, just a few months ago, six.
Starting point is 01:42:51 Oh, so then he came out. So then he came out one time and interviewed me at my house in my garage for a podcast. And I thought that was really weird. Like, why the fuck is it? Like, leave me alone. Like, cause I kind of do live out in the sticks. I live in a really, Santa Cruz is pretty isolated. It's a dangerous road to get to me and it's a small town and like no one should come visit me and so he came out visit me and we
Starting point is 01:43:10 did a podcast and i really enjoyed him so then flash forward another couple months and this is i guess is like five months ago he calls and he said five months ago susan we're about to go in under nine months nine months ago and he says hey um what would it take for you to start up your podcast and i go oh i'm not interested he goes i know but what would it take for you to start it up and i go uh i don't i don't know fucking someone to pay me a half million fucking dollars a year and he doesn't even flinch he's like okay he's like well we could he says something we could start looking for a sponsor or something. I'm like, what the fuck is this guy? Like, I'm trying to scare him away. And he goes, so we can start talking more. And I go, Hey, what's he's a, well, I think you should really
Starting point is 01:43:54 do the podcast. And I go, why? And he goes, well, remember when you did that Chris Cooper podcast, he goes, yeah, he goes, that added so much value to my affiliate, what I learned from there and the kind of the path that set me off on and i don't know if we haven't talked about how successful suzy is right now but he has some he works with some incredible people in the military in law enforcement and uh and first all first responders he's got some crazy crazy amazing shit going and he's so fucking dedicated to his to the crossfit protocol and to implementing it and to showing people the dramatic change it makes across the board to their businesses,
Starting point is 01:44:29 to their people, to them financially, everything. I mean, it's crazy stuff. We should do a whole show on it. His shit is fucking exploding. And basically he said, even though Susie gets all the credit for it, he said whatever he heard on that Chris Cooper show turned his business from not being
Starting point is 01:44:45 profitable to like holy shit how am i going to pay my rent to clicking them to the net to 10 levels above and i'm like oh cool he goes so i'm all what the fuck does that have to do with me leave me alone he's like well i want to pay it forward to you i'm like no i'm good thank you he's like no no seriously i do i'm like no no thank you he's all what do you hate mo and he's so good at asking questions about he's like so what do you dislike mo and he's so good at asking questions about he's like so what do you dislike the most what what could i take off your plate i'm like i don't want to do any fucking scheduling and then i'm like oh shit this guy's got me in a conversation about he's like okay i'll give you one of my employees to do the scheduling
Starting point is 01:45:16 and i'm like hey dude i don't really fuck around like if i'm gonna do this i'm gonna fucking become obsessive compulsive and lose my mind. He goes, oh, I understand me. I'm with you. He's all calm and shit. I'm like, well, I'm not interested. And we get off the phone. So my wife goes, I tell my wife, like this fucking nut job is like, tell me he's going to give me one of his employees to help start up my podcast again. My wife said, hey, you always talk about how the universe conspires to help you.
Starting point is 01:45:44 You could be a super successful podcaster. What the fuck are you doing? I'm like, ugh. So I just called Sousa back like a day later. I'm like, okay, I'll fucking do this. I'm only doing 500 shows and then I'm fucking getting the fuck out. He's like, all right, cool. And then every day since then, I swear to God, the show gets better in some way.
Starting point is 01:46:02 And every day Sousa puts one more. So when he started, he never came on the show. he was just my point guy like i would call him bitch i would say this i would say that he would schedule people he would reschedule people he would tell me i need to open a business account he basically has just been holding my hand through all of this he had someone make the logo he's like hey we need to look at this software hey we should like everything from like have you thought about asking kate to be on the show i mean just every like he just and i'm just like okay and then so finally i'm like we had another guy working the behind the scenes and he stopped doing it and i told susan like we really need someone like pulling up um pictures and videos and he
Starting point is 01:46:39 goes well until we find someone i'll do it and then so now he's like and then and so it's just this every and then he's like hey then and so it's just this every and then he's like hey we thought about live calls and so he just we're both just pushing each other it's just like the other day on thanksgiving he like i'm like hey i can't be gone for three days without doing a show he's like cool let's do a live call and show from the lobby of the hotel i'm like bitchin and he's there you know thanksgiving or i needed to test out audio the night before thanksgiving and i sent him a link and he answers it so I can test out my audio. And he's sitting at his family dinner table.
Starting point is 01:47:09 So we're both kind of just on the same length of wavelength of being, he's just, I can't get obsessed enough to ditch him. Like no matter how much I try to just push the show. That's awesome. That's the story. That's awesome. That's the story. There's no plan. Just like there was no plan. Like I said in the last show that you were on, Kate, there's no – everyone's watching my relationship with you and Hobart and Sousa in real time.
Starting point is 01:47:38 Like I've only talked to you one time on the phone. I've only – like we're just – we're all just, ooh, I just gave myself the goosebumps. I gave goosebumps. We're just, everyone's getting to watch us. Just, everyone's just getting to watch us. This is it. It's all real-time shit. People like Katie are like, this is my favorite show and sends you 10 bucks.
Starting point is 01:47:59 Yeah, but me and Katie, Katie's ex-girlfriend. Katie's ex-girlfriend? Katie's ex-girlfriend? Is my ex-girlfriend, yeah. Is she? No, no. Oh. I totally bought that. God.
Starting point is 01:48:12 I almost convinced myself. So that's the story. That's the longest version I've ever told of that story. I hope my sister's listening and appreciates it. Yeah, and at one point too, we should do more of it because there's so many caveats. And in fact,
Starting point is 01:48:23 the whole reason why I became friends with Craig Howard was also because of your podcast. Because after that episode, I like mulled over about like DMing him for like, I don't know, probably a month before I pulled the trigger and I shot him a DM. And I was like, hey, look, I'm in the area. I'd love to have a conversation to come out. He was like, yeah, sure. And then I actually pressured him into becoming a mentor, which is funny because he didn't have anything set up. And I was like, yeah, you could set it up. I'll be the first one through it.
Starting point is 01:48:48 I think a really cool, like a mentorship, like locally would be awesome. And that's how my relationship with Craig began too. You're like, I want a mentor. Hey, you should start a mentor. He's a go-getter. Suze is a go-getter. I want a podcast.
Starting point is 01:49:03 Hey, Siobhan, you should start a podcast. He's just in control we're just the puppets and matt suza is the star he is the main character and we're just in his show give me too much credit that's how i kept showing up to the ddcs as well too i just offered to uh break down the tables clean up the trash just for like an invite and then they gave me one invite and somebody left me on the email list for the next ones that were coming. I kept showing up. I kept getting invited back to HQ
Starting point is 01:49:32 for that. By the third time, Danielle held because I never had a name tag because I was never officially on the invite list. I'd come up and they would give me... I'd be like, we guys don't have the name tag, no big deal. They'd be like, we're sorry, let me make you up one. By the third or fourth DDC I showed up to, Danielle, who ran the front was like okay who are you like we this is and so i counteracted i was like hey you look annoyed with them trying to get those
Starting point is 01:49:54 name tags in the sleeve like what if i showed up early next time and helped the name tags and i'll hand them out too and she was like the ddcs were the derelict doctors club meetings basically it was this thing we did every couple months at h where Greg invited a shitload of doctors and specialists to come talk about the ills of modern medicine. So Susan would always drive down and be there. That's so cool. That's so sick. God, that makes me just wish I lived closer at that time to all that stuff that was going on. It worked out perfect, Kate.
Starting point is 01:50:25 You're our Australian correspondent. All right. Are you guys ready? Kate, how old are you? I am 30, 30, 30, 31, somewhere around there. Wow, you're young. And how old are you? Yeah, 31.
Starting point is 01:50:43 How old are you, Sousa? I just turned 34 last week. That's how old I was when I found CrossFit. How old are you now? 49. Unless you want to look at my, unless you want to pull up one of those pictures of myself where I made myself like 18. Don't do that. Some people might be eating dinner while enjoying the show. We don't want that. You've probably been crossfitting longer than both of us. When did you start CrossFit, Sousa?
Starting point is 01:51:12 2011. Yeah, that was the same as me. Savan, you've been crossfitting longer than both of us. God, I'm so past my heyday. I wonder... Yeah, I'm so past. Katie, i wonder i wonder yeah so uh katie i'm 31 just saying katie from the comments are we seeing more people hook up in the comments i think so that would be great we're creating a community here hey he saw he saw katie had ten dollars and and
Starting point is 01:51:41 let's go brandon and now he wants a piece of her he's all in will it cure itself organically fuck them uh part of me thinks that something question i mean the sickness is something has definitely happened while we're pretending to care about covid the real issue is getting really really really bad which is kind of amazing how bad it's getting and that's just really how fat and mentally ill people are getting people are just really deteriorating fast um that lady courtney uh court courtney hunt the the md i had on a few weeks ago she says that basically another reason why everything's so fucked up i think it's because people are afraid they're gonna die but she says that from all of the sugar consumption and poor diets and refined carbohydrates that people can't think clearly they that basically
Starting point is 01:52:34 they're in a brain fog and that's why they're so easily manipulated whatever the reason you have to think something is with basically there's sick there's just always sicknesses here that kill people right and basically there's crossfitters and we're down here and so all the sicknesses just go over us we don't get we don't get sick and die and then there's people way the fuck up here right and those are just the crazy the people who just eat like you know 30 packs of twizzlers every day and a 12 pack of coke which is the majority of the people so you have to think that a sickness is going to come that's going to be bad enough that's going to kill a few crossfitters and then just all those people that's what i keep thinking i'm like fuck if they think covid is bad what if something real came yeah that's the thought that i've always had
Starting point is 01:53:18 like what about the real super cold comes yeah something that's got like 10 death rate instead of a fucking point zero whatever percent yeah sucrose brain population 20 anthony you should yeah you should patent that i mean with uh it makes some peloton can make clothes for fat people it's called sucrose brain anyway it's it's a trip i i god i wish i would have uh don't uh invested in moderna corn syrup in the veins yes hey it really is like that it really is like that their blood is different all righty let's do it okay going to china to China, commercialized robo-taxis get green light in Beijing. Robo-taxis are becoming a reality in Beijing as the capital has become the first city in China to allow them to offer paid services on public roads.
Starting point is 01:54:18 Local authorities issued permits on Thursday to robot taxi service operators whose vehicles can offer such services in a 60 square k zone with 350 k's of open roads in its southern suburb of Yizhang. Yizhang. Yizhang. Yizhang. Good job. That's good. Yeah. Is Chinese your first language? Baidu is among the first to receive the permits now having 67 robo taxis in the zone. They can pick up and drop off passengers at 600 points in both commercial and residential areas. These autonomous vehicles can be hailed via the smartphone app Apollo Go and the services available every day of the week from 7 till 10 p.m. 10 p.m. Baidu said the move will accelerate progress towards large-scale commercial operation and set a foundation for the wider and more rapid development of commercialized autonomous driving within China. Baidu's autonomous driving capabilities have made rapid progress in recent
Starting point is 01:55:14 months. In the third quarter this year, Baidu provided 115,000 robo-taxi rides. Did I say that number totally wrong? Making Baidu the world leader in the number of autonomous car services rides, car service rides provided. Baidu said, yeah. Can I see? Oh, so have you read that $203 billion thing yet? No, I'm getting there. give me okay don't forget don't
Starting point is 01:55:47 forget okay hold on one second um is there video of this this is crazy so basically you get into a car and there's no driver where do you sit probably in the back still i don't know yeah i'd probably sit in the back i would get in where the steering wheel is They have this in Vegas too I wonder if they block off the steering wheel Maybe there's no steering wheel Why would there need to be a steering wheel I don't think there is
Starting point is 01:56:16 You think if there's cars in Vegas You can just get in on the strip And they just drive you around Yeah they just have somebody in like the passenger seat That's like the co-pilot Just running the tests and stuff like that to make sure that everything goes good. Hey, that's the company to invest in. Okay, sorry. Keep going, Kate. Tell me about how much money this is. Okay. The last part of this article, Baidu has set an ambitious goal to expand its Apollo Go operations into 65 cities across China by 2025 and 100 cities by 2030.
Starting point is 01:56:47 The size of China's autonomous car service market will exceed 1.3 trillion yuan, which is 203.5 billion by 2030, with the top-ranked service providers seizing 40% of the market share. Hey, so people understand how much money 203 billion dollars is when when when ronald reagan took office i think that was when the united states had the first trillion dollar budget and this fucking taxi cab company you know 40 years later is uh gonna be one-fifth that that's nuts i was looking the other day. I had quoted, I had said how the United States spends more money on sleep aids than all of Kenya's GDP.
Starting point is 01:57:32 And I was looking up those numbers and it's crazy. The shit, the money we fucking spend on stupid shit in this country. Wow. Okay. Well, I'm going to invest in that. Ba du.
Starting point is 01:57:44 Ba du. I'm not really, I'm just trying to act like a tough guy i think it'll be the future of all the cars actually did anyone invest in rivian when they went public last week or the week week before no i did and then what wait rivian is an electric car electric vehicle. And you invested in it? Mm-hmm. They're kind of like a Tesla. They have a truck, right? I keep hearing about their truck.
Starting point is 01:58:10 I don't know. I haven't seen what their cars look like. Amazon, a bunch of them. What $1 trillion looks like. And how did you do? Did you make money on it? No, I think it's dropped slightly it was a it was uh a stock that was hyped um how do you buy stock kate tell me about your you how can you never talk do you have a do you have like robin hood do you have an app
Starting point is 01:58:36 school us yeah so it's like robin hood it's like an australian version of robin hood it's called superhero and you can invest in american stock on it so next time can you text me when you do that maybe share some of the the excitement yeah i'll show you what i did okay five days one month here's rivian it's down since i bought it seven any thoughts on mariah moore podcast with crossfit where she speaks on 2018 games i didn't see that podcast i don't know if you can see that very well. That's Rivian. I bought it. It went up, spiked, and then it was like
Starting point is 01:59:10 it's just kind of on its way back down now. Ah, yes. It's one of those things that maybe holding onto it spiking and then refracting. No, hold onto it. It might be going up later. We'll see. Yeah, if you hold onto it, it will go up.
Starting point is 01:59:25 From my experience. That's what she said. You made me want to check my Bitcoin. I have my crypto. My crypto. I switch those terms around, Bitcoin and crypto. Well, Bitcoin is a type of crypto, right? I know.
Starting point is 01:59:41 But when I say Bitcoin, I'm referring to all crypto. You've bought Bitcoin, right? I have. Okay, thank you I say Bitcoin, I'm referring to all crypto. You've bought Bitcoin, right? Okay, thank you, Craig. That makes me feel better. Rivian is awesome. Okay, perfect. I'm just going to hold on to it. I'm going to buy a little right now just because I think it's an omen. It is. It's good.
Starting point is 01:59:58 It's dropped down a lot. No, not that. Some crypto. Yeah, I know. That's what I'm saying. Bitcoin. Bitcoin dropped down. Oh, yeah, but I know. That's what I'm saying. Bitcoin. Bitcoin dropped down. Oh, yeah, but I'm not buying Bitcoin. I'm buying some other crypto that I just. Are you going to buy Omnicron? Whatever the fuck the new variant is.
Starting point is 02:00:14 I should. I should. I just bought a million shares of whatever it was. It was 20 bucks. When is the crypto sponsor coming stand by we'll stand by this is this is our financial segment of the show here where we give out our strategies low risk if you need to make a little extra money to invest in your fucking little crypto portfolio,
Starting point is 02:00:49 then you should go to Clean a bathroom at a local gym. Teach a fat lady how to get off a stool. Teach someone else how to do a pull-up. This is what I call a fulfilling job. Oh my God, Bruce. Yes. Savan coin.
Starting point is 02:01:03 We'll make a crypto coin. We're just going to mine some crypto. Can it be the shape of a penis? Like instead of being a round coin like all the other coins? Like your little image? Just a handful of penises. Which app are you using against? I'm using
Starting point is 02:01:27 I have a mentor. i have a mentor i have a mentor i think i told you about i think i told you about this guy he's one of greg's old drivers and the other day we were did i tell you guys this story and the other day we were looking at and he has hundreds of thousands of dollars yeah i was just like wow and it's crypto how about crossfit nfts i know someone was telling me i should mine my photo library for nfts i was actually just thinking that when he said that i was like ah yeah that's and actually iconic ones that are in there that would one of you guys on the podcast i think his name is mark is actually helping me work that god wouldn't that be amazing and then crossfit inc tried to sue me work that guy. Wouldn't that be amazing? And then CrossFit Inc.
Starting point is 02:02:05 tried to sue me for that. That would be, I would, that would be such great podcast fodder. Maybe that, well, that'd have to buy it off you. Wouldn't they?
Starting point is 02:02:11 I guess they could try to claim it's theirs. It would be interesting. I think that one of rich Matt and Jason poolside would be the top seller by far. Yeah. That's like, I got some other ones. I got some other ones.
Starting point is 02:02:23 I got some unseen video. I got some unseen video i got some unseen video behind the scenes no i don't i'm just joking uh okay all right kim jong-un banned citizens ripping off his stylish leather coats now i have to apologize because the original story that i read i really liked um because it's basically kin john and being like fuck you guys for making copies of my leather coat and making police like be fashion police the story was not as as good but we're gonna roll with it well what happened why why did you wait what happened to the original story i don't know i actually don't know what happened i'd saved the story yesterday and when i opened it i'd saved a different link so i don't know what i. I'd saved the story yesterday. And when I opened it, I'd saved a different link. So I don't know what I did. Maybe you were drunk the first time
Starting point is 02:03:08 you read it and you thought it was good. And the second time it wasn't so good. Maybe I was reading like a far left version. And then today I woke up as a far right. I don't know. Okay. Authorities in North Korea are cracking down on residents wearing leather trench coats says Radio Free Asia, a U.S. government-funded news operation with extensive sources in North Korea. This article is coming out of South Korea, by the way. They're saying it is disrespectful to emulate the fashion choices of the country's leader. The crackdown comes as Kim approaches the 10th anniversary since he assumed power after the death of his long-ruling father, Kim Jong-un. Wait a second. Here's what's crazy. You're reading this like it's crazy. You're reading this. I'm projecting. You're reading this like this is absurd.
Starting point is 02:03:53 Fuck North Korea. The leader's lost his mind. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Dude, there's people in our country who think that if you're white and you get braided hair, it's cultural appropriation. We had to change the names of like sports teams from indians to other shit like listen people this isn't this isn't north korea this is your country the united states of america they we we there's people in our country who this is like the cool thing to do this is not just kim jong-un this is like this is this is our neighbors are like that how dare you call your truck the taco mobile that is district how dare you say that black people eat watermelon how dare you refer to chinese people as rice eaters like like you like telling
Starting point is 02:04:39 the truth is like racist now like by the way i don't know if black people really eat watermelon i just made that i mean i didn't make it up but like i just know that's one of the things you're not supposed to say but i do know chinese people eat rice it's just nuts that it's it's nuts that this article is like i know what i know what the point is is like they're fucking nuts but yet but but yet uh uh who is the famous uh beau derrick um had in that movie 10. God, I'm showing my age. Has anyone ever seen that movie Bo Derek 10? Do you know 10? My goodness.
Starting point is 02:05:13 Anyway, you can't, you're a white person. Yeah, I can't have cornrows. They say it's cultural appropriation or something like that. Remember when It's Kim Jong-un appropriation. You wore a leather trench coat. Fucking wackadoodles. You're all fucking nuts. I mean, not us listening to the show. I mean, the people not listening uh it's kim jong-un appropriation you wore a leather trench coat fucking wackadoodles you're all fucking nuts i mean not us listening to the show i mean the people not listening to the show
Starting point is 02:05:29 what's really interesting is so i listened to um uh yeon me on joe rogan she's australian women drink fucking big cans of fosters and get drunk and put out i'm trying to start a trend like i'm just like stereotypes and prejudice okay go on every time you say fosters and someone said it in the comics before everyone knows that you don't know any australians right i've never drunk bosses before wrong passes before okay what were you saying sorry uh yon me okay a woman who escaped north korea and she comes on joe rogan's show and tells her story and like when you listen to her talking about the shit that she's seen and the shit that she's been through it like fuck i don't even know how people are getting leather coats in north korea like i just like they're saying that they're
Starting point is 02:06:22 copying them and they're making them somewhere and they're like you know getting, giving them in from China or something. I don't know how the fuck they're doing that because people are dying over this. Can I say something about her that I don't see anyone saying? About who? That chick who she's been on Joe Rogan and she's been on How fucking hot is she? And have you seen her Instagram? Like she has these giant fake bolt on boobs. Yeah. Yeah. And she's like, yeah, it's like it's really interesting. You expect like – it's a really harsh story. You just expect like this beat-up, fragile woman. Instead, it's this just like chick that I'm sure every dude who sees her is like, damn, hook it up. Anyway.
Starting point is 02:07:23 And in the sex vernacular, she might even refer to her as a spinner. Okay, okay, Seve. That's enough. That's enough. That's enough. There, yeah, there she is. Yes. Yomi, what's her name? Yomi?
Starting point is 02:07:36 Oh, did I see the word fragile right there? Yeah, look, fragile liberty. Oh, no. Yeah. Yomi Park. Yeah, and she's just smoking. But I don't think you're supposed to talk about how ridiculously smoking she is because she has a story of hardship. She's the one whose dad died trying to save her and shit, right? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 02:07:52 Yeah, the stories are crazy, especially when they're like, oh, yeah, what preference of color do you have or what preference of clothing do you wear? And she was like, I don't even know what that meant. We've never had choices before. I never got to pick what my favorite anything was. Hey, can you go back out to like her main? I want to see like, yeah. Yeah. Scroll down a little bit.
Starting point is 02:08:17 Yeah, she's like, she's like a, she's like the hottest chick ever to come out of North Korea. Yeah. She's like a sex symbol. And yet she has, yeah, maybe that's her dad. This is it.
Starting point is 02:08:35 Maybe, I don't know. Someone, or maybe that was the guy who, who gave his basketball player or something. Yeah. Oh, that's her as an adult.
Starting point is 02:08:50 Look, it's like 12 weeks ago and look she has to grab her top to make sure it doesn't fall off right when she goes down she's like whoa uh it's hectic yeah look at that look at that top she's wearing with joe rogan i mean it looks like she's like smuggling heroin into the country it's been interesting because i saw her on a interview years back like three years back or more and uh it's been interesting to watch it watch like her evolve since then like it wasn't in what way just like more aesthetically pleasing i guess her fashion stuff started to go up there's more makeup that type of stuff and you know after being what she's been through i don't you know who knows i don't blame her for wanting the attention or enjoying that yeah i mean she's become like a pretty big public figure right yeah I'm trying to block a user right now. Sorry, I got distracted.
Starting point is 02:09:48 Yeah, I was watching that happen. Hey, do you see that I blocked one of their comments? There's another one. I know. I can't block that one. Will you try to block that user? Don't put the user on timeout. Try to block that user.
Starting point is 02:09:59 There it goes. Yeah. Okay. Thanks, Chris. Yeah, it was a pretty crazy one. The way they talk about like people coming around to check the photos of
Starting point is 02:10:18 Kim Jong-un in people's houses. And if they have like dust or anything on them, then they fucking just, I don't know get punished or killed or some crazy stuff how does that make you like him i don't understand how that works but then again i don't understand how this shit's working in our country die if you don't pretend to i think it's more about fear not about being like yeah it's control and that's what everyone hears too you're afraid to say you're afraid to say anything because you're afraid the mob is going to come get you.
Starting point is 02:10:48 Yep. All Armenian people eat baklava. All Armenian people eat baklava. You baklava eating Armenians. Oh no, I'm canceled. And then everybody's like watching. By the way, don't eat baklava. It's bad for you. It causes type 2 diabetes. Sorry. Then everybody's like, you know, if you do anything, your friend's watching you to pass on that you've been doing something wrong. And then somebody else is watching them. So I think like the other problem with – well, not the problem. that they will, I guess, essentially knock on their neighbor because it protects them to a degree
Starting point is 02:11:27 or they have to claim innocence or whatever it is. I was at Kate Gordon's house, Matt, and her picture of Joe Biden over the fireplace. It was dusty. It was dusty. And then when I was at Kate Gordon house and like i was in her closet and i saw she has a let's go brandon shirt and i want to report her i'm going to report her everybody's been using that chant in australia at the parties everyone's fucking chanting let's
Starting point is 02:11:58 go brandon or like having science as well yeah that's how popular this country is yeah it's just gone nuts it's just like such a symbol is this guy australian no he's english but he lived in sydney for a while oh i still live there uh what do you recommend for someone addicted to sugar oh if people were really addicted to sugar surely they'd be fucking into bags of Tate and Lyle. What are you reading? James Smith PT. Why would you want that? From like yesterday.
Starting point is 02:12:38 Have you read this? Yeah, I saw it when it came up. Does he think that sugar is not addictive? Yeah, he's kind of got a stance where like – maybe he's more like – I know you've talked about Stiffy Cohen kind of being like, oh, well, it's just total calories. It's not sugar. Like he's kind of the same as them. If you try – just a test for anyone, you don't even have to fight it's the same thing with god you can do the same thing with god for anyone who wants to debate it um
Starting point is 02:13:10 but with sugar all you have to do is try to quit just try to quit just try just try quitting eating refined carbohydrates and sugar and tell me if it's addictive tell me how you feel what do you mean by it's the same thing with god say that again people will debate god or whether God is real or whether you have free will or not. There's a super duper easy way to check to prove to yourself that what free will is. And if there's a God lay down and lay down and let yourself go lie perfectly still. Don't react to a single thought. Don't move. Show me your free will. Show me you can do nothing. Show me that you don't have to itch that scratch on your head. You don't have to get up to eat.
Starting point is 02:13:50 Show me you can lie perfectly still. Do it for an hour. Do it for three hours. Do it for two days. Let me see what happens. Close your eyes. Don't make eye contact with another human being. Take complete control over your being. Deny all the I statements. Let them wither away till there is no more I left. Then what are you? What would you have left? How long can you do that for? How loud would your brain get? What would scare you? Can you just pursue your own death by laying perfectly still? And then what would you see on the other side? There, underneath that that pursuit you will see the truth and only if you do that you will not get it through the bible you will not get it through buddhism you will not get it
Starting point is 02:14:31 any other way that's what i believe that's what i've seen that's the only journey only the people who've taken that journey of close coming that close to death of pursuing their own death and embracing death have seen the truth and so it's the same thing with sugar you just have to just stop it's not about adding something it's not about adding the bible it's not about adding the vaccine it's not about adding the lamborghini it's not adding a pussy to your lifestyle it's about fucking getting rid of shit and the greatest way you can get rid of any shit the fastest way to grow it's basically the crossfit of uh spiritual spiritual life is to join a vipassana course it's a non-denominational course you'll go away for fucking 10 days you're not allowed to talk to
Starting point is 02:15:09 anyone or make eye contact they don't accept any money that'll that can start your journey of doing nothing and you'll have maybe your first glimpse of god so kind of like that sugar sorry losing myself anyway i invited that guy to be on the podcast i just accidentally saw him i was actually this is the second time i've looked for this today but i asked that guy to be on the podcast and he was nice enough to respond and um and when he responded he he gave i think he has like a secretary or something i think he's pretty big time and so did you contact his secretary suza no yep okay
Starting point is 02:15:56 yeah he would be what would you talk to him about that i don't know i don't know i just saw you at 800 i just saw you at 800 000 followers and wanted him on the show uh the followers things is funny uh yes go i don't think you'll i don't think you'll like him very much because he's someone who kind of promotes like calories are just calories. If you just eat too many, that's what makes you fat. Don't stress out about it. I wonder why that is.
Starting point is 02:16:33 I wonder if he just hasn't continued to look into it further or what? I think there's a group of them. what like i think there's a group of them you know there's a group of people that exist on social media that are like uh like uh lane norton for example so it's like lane norton james smith jordan site like there's a lot of trainers that got a lot of followers that are like it's the like um yeah they're just like a calorie is just a calorie like it's total calorie is not not one type of macronutrient. Carbs won't kill you. Which is interesting because the only reason we're talking about it right now is because
Starting point is 02:17:12 their follower count. Not by the validity of their arguments or what they've done. You know what I mean? You kind of look at it and you see a follower account and we go, oh, wow. Well, they have almost 800,000. So there must be some sort of importance to this person. But I mean, how do we know that to be true? I'm joking and I'm not joking.
Starting point is 02:17:30 I'm saying the follower count just because like someone the other day was like, I was like, holy shit, I can't believe we had Sarah Sigmund's daughter on and she has, did we already talk about this? No, yeah. Basically I said, well, she has 1.8 million followers and I go, that's really cool.
Starting point is 02:17:42 And they go, God, you're such a follower whore. And I go, I'm not a follower whore. What are you talking about? And they're like, why are you so impressed with followers? I go, dude, I'm, well, she has 1.8 million followers. And I go, that's really cool. And they go, God, you're such a follower whore. And I go, I'm not a follower whore. What are you talking about? And they're like, why are you so impressed with followers? I go, dude, I'm 49 years old. I'm doing a podcast. The more eyeballs I can get to it, the sooner I can find out if it's going to have traction or legs.
Starting point is 02:17:53 I'm not a Puritan or like an artist where I'm like, Jesus Christ, I just have to do this podcast or my soul won't be nourished. It's not like that at all. If I'm adding value to people's lives, I'd like to do it. I'd like to do it big. And I'd like to get on with the fucking show and get as many people fucking attracted as soon as possible. And if Sarah can help me do that at all. If I'm adding value to people's lives, I'd like to do it. I'd like to do it big. And I'd like to get on with the fucking show and get as many people fucking attracted as soon as possible. And if Sarah can help me do that, great. And in the meantime, if people can learn from her and she can benefit from it too, awesome. So I'd love just shit loads of followers because
Starting point is 02:18:14 that would make the show more impactful. And I'd like to get on with it and get things big and going, right? Okay. This guy, same thing. That's the part I'm kind of joking about, but also it introduced, it's a great challenge for me the same way I had Greg Amundsen on. And I'm not a God guy, but there is something I can learn from it. So if he thinks that sugar is not addictive, if it's not this, it's not that. Let me learn from him. Let me like those like on this show. You're right, Kate. Like I'm just like really opinionated, one sidedsided, closed-minded, blah, blah, blah, blah. But when I'm interviewing people, I'm open to sugar not being addictive. I guess. I think, right? No?
Starting point is 02:18:59 One last thing. Kate Gordon, mate, is so fit, so sexy, so straight up there. Talks so much sense. Okay, so on that note, talk some sense to me. All of my comments now is just so fit, so sexy. There's all the people on Instagram that follow you now comment on my stuff being like so right up there. Just all around good dude. Hey, will you guys go just to Kate's account
Starting point is 02:19:30 and just troll the shit out of her? Just make as many superficial positive comments as you can. You have a nice butt. You have nice traps. You have beautiful hair. Superficial positivity. Dump it on her. Toxic positivity. Yes, toxic. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 02:19:45 I curse Kate Gordon for all of eternity with toxic positivity. Give me all the social media engagement. Do it. How do you come a number one on the podcast? How did you read a plus one? How did you read that that way? I just, I always, anytime I see the word come, I just drop out. How do you become a number one?
Starting point is 02:20:11 A plus one on the, what's a plus one mean? I don't know what that means. How does he get on the podcast? That's all he wants to know. Oh, listen to this. This is it. Followers are a scam metric. I think Will knows something.
Starting point is 02:20:26 Because it's impossible that my Instagram account has 93,000 followers and my live YouTube watching is 97 followers. Okay. More news. More news. I don't want to hate on myself right now. Archaeologists discover 800-year-old mummy in Peru. A team of experts have found a mummy estimated to be at least 800 years old on Peru's central coast. One of the archaeologists who participated in the excavation said on Friday,
Starting point is 02:21:00 the mummified remains were of a person from the culture that developed between the coast and mountains of the South American country. The mummy, whose gender was not identified, was discovered in the Lima region. Wrong use of the word gender. Wrong use of the word gender. You can never know a mummy's gender. Go on. The main characteristic of the mummy is that the whole body was tied up by ropes and with the hands covering the face, which would be part of the local funeral pattern. The remains are of a person who lived in the high Andean region
Starting point is 02:21:31 of the country. Radiocarbon dating will give a more precise chronology. The mummy was found inside an underground structure found on the outskirts of the city of Lima. In the tomb were also offerings including ceramics, vegetable remains, and stone tools. outskirts of the city of lima in the tomb were also offerings including ceramics vegetable remains and stone tools peru home to tourist destination machu picchu is home to hundreds of archaeological sites from cultures that developed before and after the inca empire
Starting point is 02:21:55 which dominated the southern part of south america 500 years ago from that mummy's only 800 years old yeah only it's more well like i feel like that's why is this impressed 800 first that looks like something something my wife does to me when i like on my birthday ties me up like that let me see that thing that thing how is that thing 800 years old and why is that like what kate you're slipping about, can't you find a mummy that's 8,000 years old? I wonder if that even is a thing. I'm going to search right now. I wonder what the oldest mummy is. I'm going to say something so mean Hobart's mummy would have been so much
Starting point is 02:22:37 older. Hobart's mummy would have been older. Okay. All right. No, that's just this. The news is going to finish on a high guys. I'm going to save it. I'm going to save it.
Starting point is 02:22:46 Ten oldest mummies in the world. I don't believe that's even eight. Sorry. Sorry. Go ahead. Yes. Ten oldest mummies in the world. Yes. Yes. Kate, slam dunk now. Go. Ten oldest mummies in the world. Okay. Number 10, Ramesses II, year of death, 1213 BCE, died in Egypt, Valley of the Kings. I've actually seen this. I was there in Egypt. So if I want to know how old that is, since you said 1200 BC, I take we're in 2100 and I add 1200 to it. And that's a 30-year-old woman. I know. That's what I'm trying to figure out. Because I'll do the math for the show.
Starting point is 02:23:17 I'm good at this. They don't even say like exactly. Yeah, you're going to do the math? Okay, cool. That's the math. You did the math. I'm just going to add 2000,000 to everyone to make it simple. He was the third pharaoh of Egypt's 19th dynasty and ruled from 1279 to 1213.
Starting point is 02:23:36 I wonder if these are all going to be dudes. Yeah, possibly. They just say the dudes. King Tutankhamen, year of death, 1323 BC, Valley of the Kings. This is, again, in Egypt, discovered in 1922. Around the same era. Egypt is so disappointing, people. I think we've got to go.
Starting point is 02:23:54 We've got to go. I don't even know how to say this. Egged, ved, girl, death, 1370 BC in Denmark. Wow. Let me see see that so that one's 3300 years old okay isn't it weird that Jesus was here 2000 years ago that just doesn't seem very long ago
Starting point is 02:24:17 he's not coming back for a long time he's not coming back for a long time or he's not coming back at all no he's coming the book says he's coming back back for a long time or he's not coming back at all no he's coming the book says he's coming back but i i don't think he's coming back for fucking like 10 000 10 million years 10 million we're just at the beginning of this shit he didn't even die 10 million years ago like i know that's what i mean it's like he's not coming back forever. When is he coming back? Does anyone know? Does it say? Does it say what year he's coming back in the Bible? Does anyone know that?
Starting point is 02:24:50 2020. Oh, thank God. Oh, look. See? Look, look, look, look, look, look, look. See that girl there? That's Rose Namahunas. Yeah, the one with the shaved head. Yeah, she's UFC champion. Her agent's coming on the show tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. That's 10 and a half hours away. Just saying.
Starting point is 02:25:10 It's an omen. There's a couple of ladies on this list. Guys, that's how fucking popular this show is. Do you understand? Those are the caliber of guests I have. It's not just the great Kate Gordon and Sousa's second tier Johnny Knoxville. I'm having Rose's – a random ad for a woman that's so famous I'm having her agent on the show. Next thing you know, I'll have her on the show.
Starting point is 02:25:35 So hang tight, people. Okay, go on. Sorry. Yeah, you're going to have to ask her agent to get her on the show. That's an actual woman right there? Do you reckon you'd have to pay for her to come on the show, though? Do you reckon? No, but you know what I heard?
Starting point is 02:25:50 There's a CrossFitter who lives in Australia, and it's not Tia. And I heard she charges $1,500 to come on people's podcasts. She came on my podcast for free. And I don't know if that's true. But someone else we know who has a podcast asked her to come on a podcast, and she said it was $1,500. Okay, so I'm assuming it's the other big CrossFitter that's not Tia? That's true. But someone else we know who has a podcast asked her to come on a podcast and she said it was $1,500. Okay. So I'm assuming it's the other big CrossFitter that's not Tia?
Starting point is 02:26:09 Yeah. The only one maybe. The only girl who maybe has a chance. Her and Laura are the only girls. Maybe Sarah have a chance of beating Tia. Her name starts with a K. Yeah. She sells sunglasses.
Starting point is 02:26:22 Maybe she just got it as an excuse to not be on that particular podcast and if she did kudos to her even though i was on that podcast and was actually the guy was pretty cool it was weird he's he's like not a good host and it's a great but he's a great host so weird he's so trippy i can't i think he had he was i really enjoyed him god is it the coffee cast or coffee wad cast coffee wads and pods yeah he's not i wouldn't expect him to be a good podcast host and then i really i would be friends with that guy like if he's my neighbor i'd hang with him okay we're gonna land this plane with number one spirit cave mummy year of death 9 400 years ago i hope that's old enough for you, Siobhan. Location, Spirit Cave, Fallon,
Starting point is 02:27:08 Nevada. Sex, male. Discovered in 1940. The Spirit Cave mummy is the oldest known mummy in the world. It was first discovered in 1940 by Sidney and Georgia Wheeler, a husband and wife archaeological team. The Spirit Cave mummy was naturally preserved by the heat and aridity of the cave it was found in. In 1997, the something or other reservation enacted the Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act to claim the spirit cave mummy's remains. For nearly two decades, the tribe fought a legal battle. In 2016, the mummy was finally returned to the tribe after its DNA was sequenced to determine that he was related to contemporary Native Americans. How the heck do you do like, how do you sequence DNA from like 9,000 years ago? That's so crazy.
Starting point is 02:28:00 Spirit cave mummy. So notice that the oldest mummy in the world is in the United States. That's because all the shit in the U.s is better than everywhere else so and what's that word you used or it was preserved because of aridity what does that mean yeah well i think maybe i said aridity yeah the heat and the aridity of the cave it was spell that for me i want to look that up a r i d oh aridity okay like heat and aridity of the cave it was found in aridity is a nature produced permanent imbalance in the water availability so it means that it was just really dry in there or moist or whatever the i think the way is our is aridity and humidity um interchangeable
Starting point is 02:28:47 no humidity would mean it was moist i feel like aridity means it was dry oh yeah okay you're right you're right okay the state of quality of being extremely dry moisture and low carrying capacity of the ecosystems boy there's a really crass comment in there but i'll i won't say it um seven when are you gonna have your wife on the show she seems awesome and i'd love to hear about her vipassana experiences yeah i know i need to have her on that would be cool i need to have her on as someone actually suggested i do it for the 250th show it's probably a good idea that's the news thank you kate look at this someone if you want to validate your podcast by paying 1500 for yes i will go ahead and get mac hey i guarantee matt would come back for 1500 a show i seriously think he would uh uh did they did they pay her two thousand dollars to to come talking oh that's a joke damn ouch
Starting point is 02:29:51 ouch ouch ouch i think this is i think it's supposed to be talking elite fitness 2000 i think it's that's that's just a uh just just our podcast throwing rocks at other podcasts i would say though she probably gets asked to do a shit ton of podcasts. And it's just like, look, if you want to pay me $1,500, I'll do it. But otherwise, I don't have time. Right. And I get it. I get it.
Starting point is 02:30:17 There's so many podcasts that have asked me to come on, and I just don't want to do it. And a couple of them are actually really big podcasts, and I don't want to give my time. And I've tried. I've pushed's like this would really help yeah that's the thing it's like getting guests onto your show is not the best way to get exposure because unless they promote or market your podcast interview with them then it's like the only way that you get found out by having them on your show is if someone's searching for an interview that they were on. Right. So you've got to be on other people's podcasts. Or if after we had Sarah on, if we would have given her 20 clips,
Starting point is 02:30:54 and be like, choose one and show it, if we made it easy for people. If she wanted to market it for you, though, it might not fit in her little social media display. Right, right, right. But I mean, let's say we did that for every guest in one out of five. Let, right, right. But, but I mean, if we, let's say we did that for every guest in one out of five, let's say we just put something up there that made her look cool and we gave it to her and one out of five used it. Shit,
Starting point is 02:31:12 that would help the show. And we're getting better at that now. Oh, good. But the Instagram and stuff, that's what we've been getting able to share across a bunch of different audiences. Have you, have you seen this new platform that Facebook owns? It's called Instagram. So cool.
Starting point is 02:31:29 So Facebook's changing its name to Meta. Meta. Yeah. We're going to all be in the metaverse in the next however many years. That's where you're going to have your CrossFit NFT. Yeah. And so we won't even call it, no one will call it Facebook anymore. It'll just be called Meta. Well, no. Facebook, I think, will stay Facebook. But the company is now Meta. Well, Google, for example, is Alphabet.
Starting point is 02:31:52 Oh, is it like that? Are you sure? Yeah. Kate is correct. Meta owns. Welcome to Meta Facebook. All right. Fine. welcome to meta Facebook alright fine what is an extreme example of meta the definition of meta is a person or thing that is more than
Starting point is 02:32:14 usual is more than usual or that goes above and beyond an example meta uses shut the fuck up Chris says the meta commercials are creepy. They are creepy. They are creepy.
Starting point is 02:32:31 I feel like anything that Mark Zuckerberg does is a little bit creepy. So the only TV I watch these days is the UFC. So the only TV I watch these days is the UFC and it is so the forced diversity and this first like gender neutrality, this sexual neutrality that's in everything now is so trippy. It's so true. And by the way, that that that whole I think that that gender confusion and that sex confusion, I would guess that fucking ninety nine percent of that's because of obesity it's what people are doing to their hormones by eating too much sugar i mean basically i know i'm preaching to the choir but everything you eat affects your hormones everything you eat that's basically how your body um manages your sugar levels every bite of food you take you have an uh emotional you have a hormonal change you have some sort of hormonal response
Starting point is 02:33:25 everything i don't care if it's a piece of celery or fucking a snicker bar and so just imagine what it does to your hormones to be just drinking a 12 pack of soda every day as you're just baseline sugar and there's that's the vast majority of people and so drink enough of that and if you're a dude you become more of a chick and if you're a chick you become more of a dude it's weird right oh are you gonna show me oh yeah here he is i wish he would just buy youtube already maybe he does own youtube already she's sleeping with the goggles on everyone's everyone like the shape of people's heads are gonna change all of our necks are gonna be rounded out from looking at our phones and then
Starting point is 02:34:11 like our temples will be narrower from the straps of our vr goggles that wasn't the commercial if they're heavy if they're fucking heavy oh my god that's gonna fuck everybody up just wearing them all day hey was that saying she was she saying she wore those and she got sick yeah i don't know i have to like look more into exactly what it was but i chose that one because it was kind of showing like what it looked like and then how we would look you know what i mean which is the video is titled trapped in the metaverse here's what 24 hour hours in vr feels like it's a wow wow she left those on for 24 hours yes i think those were all the clips that we were seeing when she was in it man they're selling like real estate and stuff in the
Starting point is 02:35:02 metaverse right now do Yeah, super yachts. They are? Yeah, there's a super yacht that sold a house for millions. Serious? Yeah, it's so weird. Hey, do you guys ever get so sleepy and you're so tired and exhausted and you go out in public and you don't realize how tired you are until someone talks to you and you just like you want to run from them or like you like go to a coffee shop and you go to engage with the person there and like you're hardly there like you're just so tired you guys ever get that yeah no yeah yeah sure i i could see suzy gets that because he gets up so
Starting point is 02:35:40 early to open the gym but that's so i get up at six to do the podcast at seven and then usually by like 10 i'm at like the skate park with my kids and then like at noon like i'll be somewhere with them to buy something to eat or something and all of a sudden i realize oh shit like i'm running on fucking fumes like i can't even talk to someone it's so weird it's become sort of like normal for my life it's made me it's made me anti-. Just put on a mask. Yeah. Don't talk to me. Six feet away, put a mask on. Same with sunglasses.
Starting point is 02:36:10 I've been forcing myself to take my sunglasses off. I noticed that I wear glasses so much, and I wear these glasses that tint when I go outside. I force myself now. Today, I was outside for like three hours, and I forced myself to take my glasses off, even though I need them to see. Is it hard for you guys to be outside in the sun? I was outside for like three hours and I forced myself to take my glasses off, even though I need them to see. Cause it's hard.
Starting point is 02:36:25 Is it hard for you guys to be outside in the sun? We don't get a lot of sun. Do you wear sunglasses? Not really. Not a lot. Do you, Susan? No,
Starting point is 02:36:36 no, I don't, I don't recommend it. I've been living with them on for like 10 years and now every time I take them off, I'm like, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:36:43 I've never really worn sunglasses that much maybe if it's like blinding while i'm trying to drive and that sun's at that point where it's coming up and you can't see anything i'll throw them on but other than that never do great news show kate yeah kate that was good thanks great article choices uh most of them the mummy though man i'm really disappointed 800 year old mummy but i mean she she audibled i think it was like a recent find okay it was just a recent find it was had great little headline the mummy was all wrapped up with its hands and it's i did like the way it was tied up like that that was that was kind of cool yeah imagine just dying like that but you also audibled on like in like real time which was impressive what in football it's called the audible like you change plays
Starting point is 02:37:32 like all of a sudden you're like okay 800 motherfucker how about 10 000 there's one in nevada right by your house i mean i'll take feedback i'll change what i'm doing yeah yeah oh you don't like yeah next year next week you can do a whole segment on the hottest women over a hundred. I'm a bit a little too far. I'll just give you guys like the top of everything that I can find. That mummy was unvaxed. That is correct. Yes. All right. You guys, thank you. Anyone want to call in and say good night to us just kidding

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