The Sevan Podcast - #224 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: December 8, 2021

Live Call in Show with producer Matt Souza.The Sevan Podcast is sponsored by http://www.barbelljobs.comFollow us on Instagram Videos's Stuff: Support the showPartners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Test we ran. Bam, we're live. I went back and listened to the test we ran on this a couple nights ago. It sounded pretty good.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Yeah, it sounds okay. I said it sounds pretty good and you're like, yeah, it sounds okay. No, it sounds good. It sounds good. Those headsets always just remind me of flying in a plane. Am I too loud? I have this volume all the way up. You sound fine on my end.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Ladies and gentlemen, listen to this. Especially smart people in the room, listen to this because I need your help. I'm using something called a Rodecaster Pro. It's basically this box that these headphones run through and that the cell phone is hooked up to. So if you guys call, I can take phone calls, which I haven't tested that out yet. Anyway, this Rodecaster Pro has a touchscreen. So like if I want to change settings, like the volume of my mic or stuff like that, or I want to change which phones calls are coming into, or if I want to program sounds into it, I touch a touchscreen. It's like a little TV set on top
Starting point is 00:01:24 of this thing, like an iPhone. That's how you program this Rodecaster Pro. I'm looking at it to my left. And this is the first time I've ever used this thing. Well, I have one at home, but this is a brand new one I bought to take on the road with me. It's fucking expensive. It was like $600, and I brought it to take on the road with me. And I think the touchscreen is broken because it just starts switching.
Starting point is 00:01:43 I'm looking at it now, and it's just switching through options and settings on its own and i sent a roadcaster an email like hey what's going on if it feels like it's in some sort of demo mode but it's not and uh it's really annoying it really sucks it sucked lugging this thing over here just to just to do the show bam we're live uh so i want to address something really quick. Johnny B., I'm so excited for this. It's like seeing your parents together again after being divorced. So I'm sorry for the misleading picture. I needed a picture as a placement for YouTube last night,
Starting point is 00:02:21 and I just saw it was me with a beard, so I chose it. And Dave and Greg and Nicole will not be with the beard so i chose it and dave and greg and nicole will not be on the show and i'm really sorry that was not my intention to to fuck with you guys mislead you although i have their phone number i could just start calling them clickbait yeah i did not mean it like that like like you know like i watched it uh the ufc has a guy uh who's their 185 pound champion israel adiasassana and there was a video the other day i don't know this is actually like six months ago and says what israel spends his money on and it was on youtube and i was on the assault bike and it had this girl it had like this really fancy
Starting point is 00:02:54 house and then like this super hot chick who was barely clothed and uh i clicked on it and the girl who's barely clothed doesn't make even one appearance in it like they never even talk about any of the women in his life in the video like well that's fucked up that was purposely misleading if i was going to mislead you guys i'd use someone better than greg dave and nicole come on come on i'll put elon elon in there uh this morning i want to talk to you guys about taxes. Taxes, this is so easy to understand. It is not more complicated than this. Whenever you hear someone say, hey, we need to tax the rich more, you have to understand that doesn't help.
Starting point is 00:03:44 That only helps one person. You know where taxes go, right? They go to the homecoming king and the homecoming queen. That's who gets the tax. That's who gets taxes. So imagine you were in high school and we were all going to give money to someone. Would we want that money to come straight back to us? Or would we want it to go to the homecoming king and homecoming queen? Do you know that's who Gavinavin newsom joe biden and nancy pelosi and donald trump and ronald reagan are right they're the homecoming king and homecoming queen so you pay taxes they want rich people to pay more taxes so then those rich people won't give the money to us you understand that right you understand you understand how stupid the democrats are right
Starting point is 00:04:23 they just want they want you to they want rich if rich people don't give it to the homecoming queen and homecoming queen, then the rest of us have a chance – us ugly people have a chance to get it. They'll come to the Tesla dealership and they'll buy four Teslas from my dad. My dad will make more money, and then my dad can send me to college. They'll build three mansions, which will employ 600 people to build them. Electricians, all that shit. You, you, you know, that's what's happening, right? You know, you don't want to tax the rich people, right? Like that, you know, that's just stupid. Why are we? And then, and then so the, the, the, the, they get taxed. It goes to the homecoming king and homecoming queen. And then do you know what they do? They trick us into making us think
Starting point is 00:05:05 that the rich people were taxed, but then they give them deals somewhere else. The only chance for the rest of us to get a shot at the money is to compete, to compete by our talents so that the rich people will hire us and then we can climb the top and we can become rich. And the rich people know this because that's how they did it. Look at the number of new rich people versus old rich people. The rich people deserve it, man. They fucking worked hard. The vast majority of them worked so fucking hard to get there.
Starting point is 00:05:39 The vast majority of people are new rich people. Yeah, it's funny you say that bruce i said last night i went to bed and i'm like holy fuck what happened to my crypto and i i dropped another hundred bucks on it i chose the the five coins that were my um the five coins that dropped the most last night that i saw i just bought 20 each more of them i'm a really slow investor on that well i don't know really slow is the word, but you know, I wait till anything that I own. I own like 10 coins.
Starting point is 00:06:10 I think they're called coins and imaginary pieces of shit. It was mine, whatever that means. And then whenever they drop, I just buy. But there is no, you should know that there is no, one of the parties isn't – is the government. I know people tell you it's a two-party system. It's government – it's Republican and Democrat, but it's not like that. There's two parties, and one of them is the government, and the other one is the people.
Starting point is 00:06:40 I think you might be forgetting two other parties there. I'm sorry? Yeah, corporate media and corporations. Yeah, well, no, but that party – That party, the two parties are the people and the government, and corporations and media are like they want the government party to win. You shouldn't think of it that way when you're paying taxes, when you want what's best for yourself and for your country. You always want people competing to get to the top. You don't want anything that looks like socialism because what that does is that appeals to the lowest common denominator, and we get what's called idiocracy.
Starting point is 00:07:17 There's a movie that was out several years ago called Idiocracy, and you think it's a joke. You think it's a joke. idiocracy and you think it's a joke you think it's a joke but remember there's a ton of people who still think that you can drink electrolytes that gatorade helps with your electrolytes so in this i mean it's nuts okay it's it's hey i'll go on further even some of the government entities sorry go ahead the government entities that i work with or the state or city whatever the responders the military they still have in all their official literature by brand name recommend you drink it during your um academy and your recruitment phase okay fuck it i'm gonna explain to you i you why this is so easy to understand. Okay, guys?
Starting point is 00:08:14 Let's say you have a baseline of 100 electrolytes per whatever metric in your body. Just 100, right? You have 100 electrolytes in your body. And so if you drink something and you want to increase your electrolytes, it has to have at least 100 per whatever metric in your body. Water does not. So when you drink water, it dilutes your electrolytes, it has to have at least a hundred per whatever metric in your body. Water does not. So when you drink water, it dilutes your electrolytes. So what would the number be of this thing that you would need to drink to increase your electrolytes? It would need to be over a hundred. Understand what I'm saying? And it's not. Gatorade's like at 17. so it's so low i don't actually think you can drink
Starting point is 00:08:49 something per se that increases your electrolytes i think that i think that it would make you vomit i think if i read the literature correctly does gatorade have more electrolytes than water yes when you drink it does it increase your electrolytes no it dilutes them and there's tons and tons of studies that show that if you're if you're dehydrated or you need if you need uh if you're in a state where you need um uh water you need to be hydrated anything with sugar in it i think does immediate like liver damage i think there's like really amazing studies coming out of south america on that because they give their field workers there's so much shit they basically basically hydrate them with Coca-Cola. It's so easy to find that shit.
Starting point is 00:09:29 I mean, plus why do you need to find it? It's just common sense. I've heard of that LMT stuff. I that's the shit Rob Wolf is selling. I'm not going to lie. It looks fun, but,
Starting point is 00:09:38 but, but, but, but, but Gatorade does not work. It's not, it's, it's.
Starting point is 00:09:48 And some of those things like that, LMNT and those different things, it's mostly just salt and a little bit of flavoring to get you to drink more water. It's not like they're trying to reinvent the wheel there. But when I drink Gatorade, it makes me feel so good. I feel better. Yeah, so is the Handy. You can ask for a Handy. It's a 10-mile mark running a marathon, but it feels so good. I feel better. Yeah, so is the handy. You can ask for a handy. It's a 10-mile mark running a marathon, but it feels so good.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Shut the fuck up. Yeah. It's all that shit. Anyway, the taxes thing, it's so simple. Don't let them complicate it for you guys. You want to be giving your money directly to your nanny. You want to tip the guy, the kid at the hotel who's really nice and opens the door for your wife. You want to spend your money buying a Christmas present for your babysitter. You do not want to give it to Uncle Sam outside of the fact of just getting us a shit ton of great cops and nice roads.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Yeah, people are often confused that they think money solves a lot of problems. yeah people are often confused that they think money solves a lot of problems and a lot of the problems especially like the social economic problems like it's not it's not a money problem giving more money to the government is definitely not going to solve anything when it comes to like the income inequality it's not going to solve anything when it comes to better community neighborhoods like that comes like just like like you said, from within, it comes from the culture within those communities and them interacting with each other, not, not a government handout that only makes things worse and worse and worse. Yeah. You have to trust the people. There's enough generous people out there. There's enough people out there who want goods and services that we can all compete for them without them going to
Starting point is 00:11:24 the government first. I mean look what the government is spending our money on now. They're spending billions of our money on a drug that half of us aren't even going to take. Speaking of drugs, tell me – does anyone know – hey, Jim what what is the purpose of taking the injection like like the i'm not saying just like so you can go to the supermarket without someone yelling at you or so you can keep your job does the does the injection help like is it conclusive that you take that injection and that if you're obese that you have a you you have a higher survival rate than people who don't take the injection? Is that conclusive?
Starting point is 00:12:08 I think it's the main thought. I'm not sure if it's 100% conclusive, but a tent sometimes helps you with your camping, but not if you're attacked by a bear. Did you just make that up? Yeah, but I always feel like the tent always gives you like a people camp. You get inside your tent, you feel secure, like you're safe from everything outside. No, I'm just making that metaphor.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Is that fresh for the show? Oh, yeah, that's fresh. All right, thank you. Dylan, stop doing that. He appreciated the analogy. You guys, Dylan wouldn't have to give money if the rest of you fuckers coughed up 39.95 dylan vowel our resident fighter who listens to the podcast he has a fight on january 5th i don't have my notes with me or else i tell you where it's his second fight
Starting point is 00:12:59 we all need to watch it as the details pour in i I'll give them to you. Are we even in December 5th yet? What is today? 4th, December 4th. Bruce Wayne, I heard that obese people are still more likely to get COVID with the shot than a healthy individual. Let's take this argument. Let's say that if you get the shot and it doesn't kill you or do long-term damage to you, that when you do get the sickness, you have a better chance of fighting it off, the same rate. And we also know that if you get it and fight it off, you're better off than if you got the injection. And we know you're still just as likely to get it. So those are the three things. So the four things, bear with me here, you guys, if you get the injection, there's a chance there's, there's evidence that shows that you'll fight it off better before you die. Minuscule though, guys, I'm talking like miniscule percentages
Starting point is 00:14:08 because the percentages are already minuscule how many people die from it, right? So it's almost stupid to be talking about this, but okay. So we know that. Let's say that. And then we also know that you're just as likely to spread it if you got it. You're just as likely to get it if you had it. And then there was a fourth one i forget so why would you not let someone go into a gym if they didn't have the injection i'm trying to think of like the logical reason you you don't spread it you don't and i'm talking about rose x's gym crossfit sanitas that gym and the the mr Sousa's daddy here. Matt Sousa sends this guy 3,000 bucks or whatever a year.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Matt Sousa's daddy. He, oh, looking buff, Sousa. By the way, guys, if you ever,
Starting point is 00:14:55 you know what's cool about me? If you ever see me in person, like Sousa looks better on camera than in person. I mean, he looks good in person. He's a mean, mean dude.
Starting point is 00:15:03 But if you see me in person, you'd be like, damn, he looks better. He looks, he looks good in person he's a mean mean dude but if you see me in person you'd be like damn looks better he looks he looks better than i thought you can't say that about a lot of people um i won't let you down if you see me in prison i'm a little short but you guys already know that five five five five beaver jokes so so so why is crossfit sanitas why is the ceo of crossfit who ran on the platform of being oh shit we're gonna try the phone out here we go here we go oh shit too many callers everyone's calling in at once morning mars mars logan regular on the show. Good to have you here from my hotel.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Hotels are good at the morning. Oh, Jesus. Oh, are you scuba diving? Oh, no. I think you are, aren't you? No, but your connection is all jacked up. Is it really? It's pretty bad.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Is it just really loud? Should I call you back another day, another time? Well, what are you going to do when we get off the phone? That depends. Are you going to go to – are you looking for a job again? Like, what are you doing right now? No, but, you know, I had a suggestion. Yes, tell me.
Starting point is 00:16:20 This Greg guy, I mean, I heard something went down across the deck. Do you think maybe he might want to go to My friend, I just spent a few days with him. He definitely does not need to go to My friend, I just spent a few days with him. He definitely does not need to go to Let me tell you, if I can't get a job back with him in the next few days, if I can't woo him over in the next few days, I will be going to If I can't woo him over in the next few days, I will be going to What does that mean? Well, okay, well, I want to go there, but I have a question.
Starting point is 00:16:55 If he's looking for a pilot, does he post directly to Yes, yes, absolutely. Greg would only have a pilot who does CrossFit, and if his current pilot were to, I don't know, get addicted to heroin or something, I'm sure Greg would go to to look for a crossfitting pilot. You know, we got to ask the owner of that. It's interesting. When I talked to the owner of this website, very cool dude, by the way, I think his name is Andre. I don't know if I'm allowed to say that.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Fuck, I hope I didn't just lose the sponsorship. Anyway, I was saying like, hey, can people post other stuff on there? And he like, could you like look for a girlfriend or something? And I gave some examples and he was like, no, can people post other stuff on there? Could you look for a girlfriend or something? And I gave some examples. And he was like, no, it's really just for jobs. I have so much trouble with that, staying in my lane. You know what I mean? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:36 But I would like someone to go on there and try to do stuff, like put an ad to try to buy barbells or try to sell barbells or do something. I want to see if Andre kicks you off. It would only be fitting if you could get jobs and barbells or try to sell barbells or like do something well yeah i want to see if andre kicks you off it would only be fitting if you could get jobs and barbells yeah at barbell yeah just job is misleading but barbells and jobs that make sense or even underwater yes or even look or even like look okay bye or or even use it kind of like as a dating site you know what i mean like hey i'm looking for someone to run my gym i'm looking for a cute guy to run my gym that's a good idea like a crop like a like a fitness dating is one exists like um like i need a man to clean my bathrooms and run the 7 a.m class and i only want him in
Starting point is 00:18:23 jorts like i want you to be okay if there's some ass grab being played i don't know okay so so how is it why would you make it so that some i'm trying to i want to really logically understand i really want to logically understand why you wouldn't allow someone who's not vaxxed into your facility. I want to like, what? Like, like I understand, like you wouldn't let someone who had money muddy shoes on into your jewelry store. Like if it had white carpets, you know what I mean? Yeah. I, like I understand, I understand that stuff or, or you don't let, um, I don't, I don't know, someone with clippers into your nursery.
Starting point is 00:19:06 God, that's a horrible example. Did you accidentally answer my call? I'm sorry, what? Did you accidentally answer my call? No, no. Did you accidentally interrupt me while I was talking? That's how I do it. Well, now you have the floor.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Take over. Let me see what you got. Well, now you have the floor. Take over. Let me see what you got. What's your guys' opinion on those athletes that threw a big fit about the Floyd 19 thing? How many of them are sponsored by Nike and the child slavery? But they're not saying anything. I'll gladly take that. And then my second question is, what do you think the outcome of all these countries that are on lockdown because of COVID, what do you think that effect is going to have on those countries in the Olympics later down the road? In the Olympics?
Starting point is 00:19:57 Yeah. What do you mean? Be more specific. Why would it affect their Olympics? What do you mean? You know, and I don't travel abroad, but let's say these countries are on lockdown you can't go i know you haven't been out of louisiana ever have you never in my life okay but uh you know they're locked down they can't uh enjoy their sports or if they are enjoying their sports they have to wear a mask etc so that you know there's a butterfly effect to that as far as like them being able to work out as hard or be able to get as good as at their sport or whatever, you know, crap may be. So the two questions are, what do I think of the athletes who came after Greg for Floyd 19?
Starting point is 00:20:33 And what do I think about lockdowns in countries and how it's going to affect their, their Olympic hopefuls? Right. The Floyd 19 thing is if they're sponsored by nike oh specifically okay slavery thing the kid slavery factories whatever but they're gonna you know what was your name austin austin you know the thing is with the floyd 19 thing is that people just totally misunderstand it because people are trapped in their fucking head. So if you said Armenians like baklava, I would be like, yeah, they like baklava. And if you said black people like watermelon, someone might say, yeah, they like watermelon. And if someone, if you said Japanese
Starting point is 00:21:14 people like rice, some people might say, yeah, Japanese people like rice. Or if I said, I fucking beat Austin's ass so fucking hard. I sent his ass packing back to Arkansas. Or let's say originally your descendants are from France. I sent his ass packing back to France. Some people see that as racist. And what's even scarier is, is they don't, if they could just admit and be like, Hey, I know it's not really racist. I just see it as that. Cause I'm sensitive to that. I would have the discussion with them, but they don't, they're stuck in their head and they really think that that is racist. And it's not, it has fucking – like it hasn't – it's so fucking confused. It's so fucking delusional. And so these people saw Floyd 19, and they're so racist and so scared themselves around the subject of black people and white people and asian people and
Starting point is 00:22:06 middle eastern people you know the ones who own all the liquor stores they're so afraid of that kind of conversation of saying the middle eastern people own liquor stores and i can say that because because i'm one i'm not scared and two i can hide behind the veil that my dad came from the middle eastern liquor store and worked his ass off yeah and uh it's okay people that that was an opportunity for my dad that this great country gave him it's okay it's okay that a lot of black people are that most rappers are black it's just it's okay that you see riverside or irvine whichever one of those is is like 99 asian and engineering majors like that's not where the so these people saw floyd 19 and they thought it was insensitive of greg insensitive fuck off if you were running towards the edge of a cliff and you were about to fall
Starting point is 00:22:55 and i said hey austin you dumb fuck stop running would you be like no he called me a dumb fuck and then just run off the edge of the guy or would you be like dude thanks and thanks for calling me a dumb fuck because that got me to turn around. That's all that was. They're complete woke morons. And by woke, I mean trapped in their head. When you project your own shit onto other people because you're so scared of facing it yourself. It's just why – that's the other thing too.
Starting point is 00:23:24 scared of facing it yourself. It's just why they it's, it's, that's the other thing too. And we've all heard people do this where they say stuff like, oh, I'm going to give you an example. Um, uh, this is going to be a bad example, but everyone masturbates. I know everyone masturbates and that's because the person who masturbates and that's probably true. So it's a bad example, but let's say there's some people who don't masturbate for the sake of this conversation. That person just says that because they're not confident enough to just say, I masturbate. So they have to drag everything else in there with them. And so that's one of the mechanisms that's going on with racism.
Starting point is 00:24:01 There's people out there who are racist who think they're being so bold and saying, yes, there's racist people out there. But first they have to say, everyone's racist and I'm racist too. And at that point, it's like, so what? It's like I've said a million times on the show. If you are a black man and I'm walking through the door at Starbucks and you're 15 feet behind me, I hold the door open for you. If you're a white dude, you only get 10 feet. If you're 15 feet, I just walk in. I don't look. If you're a pretty girl or you're a black dude, that's it.
Starting point is 00:24:21 And if you're a kid, maybe even longer. You get 20 feet or old people 20 feet but i have different metrics for different people is it because i'm racist maybe is it because i'm sexist maybe i also use an iphone that's made with slave labor like it's the dishonesty it's the dishonesty that's so fucking gross yeah and it's because they're fucking cowards dude it's because they're fucking cowards tiger it's because they're fucking cowards tiger woods when he got busted for sleeping with all those women he said he should have just been like dude it was wrong i'm really bummed that my wife is hurting but damn that was some good pussy i got
Starting point is 00:24:54 not not not not make a nike commercial about some of like shut the fuck up does anybody have any integrity? Does anybody? And it's hard to have integrity when you're climbing that corporate fucking lie. And so that's what Greg did. Greg was basically warning the world, hey, the people who solved the COVID crisis, which they completely screwed up, and everyone can see it now. Go to the Imperial College estimations of what was going to happen with COVID. Go to the Evergreen College estimations. And then they to happen with COVID, go to the Evergreen College estimations. And then they started interfering with racism in this country. And so because there was that, he made that statement. And so four or five, and so what happened was, is these idiot
Starting point is 00:25:35 athletes like Katrin's doter and, and I don't know who else, they, they make these posts and they have millions of followers or a million followers. And, and so it makes a lot of noise. And so then the, the vultures like, um, this, uh, this,
Starting point is 00:25:50 this company that bought CrossFit, um, yeah, the vultures and hyenas and maggots come out because they see a wounded, um, elephant in the field. That wounded elephant was CrossFit. And so the maggots are the Berkshires,
Starting point is 00:26:03 the Catrons, doters. Those are the maggots, the hyenashires the catrons doters those are the maggots the hyenas and the vultures and they use that to to prop themselves up because they don't have the integrity to stand up for for what's right and who who got hurt in the end who's who's suffering the most in this country right now because of floyd 19 who's suffering the most because of the outcome of the george floyd case black people who's suffering the most in this country right now because of covet 19 who's suffering the most because of the outcome of the George Floyd case black people who's suffering the most in this country right now because of COVID-19
Starting point is 00:26:28 black people who's suffering the most right now in this country because of um of um uh mandatory injections black people but here's what's crazy there's not even really black people that's just the way we're there's black mean, there's black skin and there's white skin, but there's just people. So, either way it turns out, the people who are against people with black skin are coming out ahead.
Starting point is 00:26:53 And I don't even know any of those people. So, what do you think about as far as like the Olympics going, you know, Italy's still on lockdown.
Starting point is 00:27:06 All of it's just nuts. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I did to be honest with you. I think that I, the Olympics is, I mean, I worked at CrossFit Inc. I was behind the scenes at CrossFit Inc. You know, I had Rich Froning sweat get on me with a camera. Like I have no respect for it. Like I don't, I don't hold Olympic olympic athletes in any high esteem unless they could get me followers from the show if they want my show then i'll then i'll then i'll be nice to them but like i i i don't know i i think it's crazy to boycott
Starting point is 00:27:36 the olympics for any reason anytime anywhere that's just fucking idiocy let's just cry baby shit go i don't think i don't think any, I think athletes should just be allowed to do whatever they want. And in terms of COVID, they should start there. I mean, everyone should be allowed to do whatever they want, but what really, what I want to try to figure out is Mars. You can't call him on a call. Oh, should I hang up on this guy? What's your Austin? Can I hang up on you? Okay. Bye. What I really want to find out is why does Rose X's gym not allow people in? He's Mr. Inclusivity, which we know he's not. I can rattle off 100 things that he's not inclusive with.
Starting point is 00:28:12 But him and his wife run this gym in Colorado, in Boulder. Isn't it funny? They moved CrossFit HQ from the whitest place on earth, Santa Cruz, California to the even whiterest place on earth. Not that I care, by the way, I don't give two rats ass. I don't give a shit where you move it. I don't care about that stuff,
Starting point is 00:28:37 but, but it's just funny because they ran on the platform of inclusivity. Why can you not go into a gym? Who, who gets, who are they protecting? Yeah caleb tries to be tough and look at this fucking guy who who are they protecting wow look at how that pops up on there now i switched it because uh your name with your camera angle there was kind of cutting your head
Starting point is 00:29:00 off so i switched or your face off so i switched it up a little bit wow wow just so just for this camera angle we could also try bubble that's kind of cool we got hey mars why can't i really want to know and then i want to rip on tucker carlson a little bit too what a jackass he is um oh man what what and i like him but he's a jackass um yeah why why can't you go into a gym if you're not vaccinated i i just need to explain to me who do you remember well do you remember when the reason was given why you can't go to the beach because uh covid might get encapsulated in the air and uh the uh or it the water might uh the air bubbles we're not sure if kovic could be transferred from the air bubbles and the sea foam remember that i don't
Starting point is 00:29:53 but i'll buy i i remember when we couldn't go to the beach because i actually got um asked to leave the beach by by those yeah there was people they were trying to figure out justify what they were doing like oh well we don't know if COVID could be transferred through seafoam. Because, anyways, that was a legit thing. I won't find the article. I don't care that much about it. It's all fucking stupid. But I do have a couple questions, and then you can hang up on me and talk about it.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Wait, wait, wait. If I sneeze in my gym and I have COVID and I'm vaccinated versus if I sneeze in my gym and I have COVID and I'm not vaccinated, are the outcomes different? I just need – I just want to understand what – this guy cannot be this stupid. Is he doing it because he's – I know he came out saying he's mentally ill. Is this a mental ill movement? saying he's mentally ill is this a mental ill movement like like to not let I quit trying to justify
Starting point is 00:30:48 any of this shit when they called elder a white supremacist it doesn't make fucking sense we're trying to logically come to the same fucking conclusion that we can't it's just the fucking train that they're on
Starting point is 00:31:03 and they think they got enough momentum and they're gonna fucking fucking push it through, whether it makes sense or not. Because the people on their side aren't fucking paying attention. So it doesn't fucking matter. They're just fucking choo-choo. Here we fucking go, boys. Flow through the fucking wall. All right. I'll watch my mouth.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Colin, I want to show you how taxes work here real quick. Sorry. Sorry, because you're such you're so good, Lars. Colin Lawrence, this is this. He wants to bribe me to segregate my community. Can I can I see that again? He wants me to not take calls from people from Louisiana for twenty dollars. What does he think I'm some sort of fucking whore? Absolutely. No one else called from Louisiana. Okay, go on.
Starting point is 00:31:49 All right, no more. Thank you, Colin. Oh, shit. One second. I'm at work. Fuck. Hold on. Hey, he works at a place
Starting point is 00:31:57 where Lucille Ball works where there's just chocolate coming off and he has to wrap them one at a time and he does like 30 chocolates one after another. Dude, that would be fantastic because i'll have to think mark and mars owns uh m&m and uh that's all mark's candy company man see if you can see something so someone doesn't post in the comments hang up on this guy go all right all right simone did you ask uh classman about uh las sierra high school in carmichael california no but I'm going to write that down right now.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Thank you. I'm going to see him. I'm going to the skate park with Greg. Can you believe it? I'm going to the skate park with Greg's kids and my kids this morning. Okay, go on. I can't believe it. Coach Stan LaPrati.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Write that, too. Stan LaPrati. Okay. All right. Don't bring up Ron Jones. I think they have a feud. Oh, Greg even likes the people he feuds with that's what's so cool about him like you could war with him and then and then i bet you him and rob wolf talk i bet you him and mark ripito talk greg is like
Starting point is 00:32:58 he doesn't hold a grudge okay uh then oh shit oh what is greg doing you just said you're hoping to get a job what the fuck is going on i just tested out my soundboard while you say dumb shit go on okay okay what is greg doing right now you just said you might get a job with greg no i'm just joking i'm just i mean i'm just i'm out here visiting him i haven't seen in a long time i'm fucking like so it's like seeing an ex-girlfriend that you wish you would have fucked like five more times like i'm so excited to be here and i got to hang out with them all day yesterday i'm just excited yeah i would if he told me like hey seven i want you to move to arizona and i'm gonna pay you money i'd be like yeah fuck off california i'm out but there's no yeah i'm not working for greg i'm trying to become the best podcast in
Starting point is 00:33:43 the fucking world i don't think you're helping. No, no. Hang up on me after this. Sousa, you're jacked. And watch Zombies of Peace. Bye. Love you. Bye.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Colin, $20. That's really nice of you, by the way. Dubai. Here we go. oh so i but i bought john young is such a pussy can't wait to get on him beat his ass how's the guy that fucking back squats fucking my whole family for reps tells me he's sick i fucking text john young is probably your is this doxing what i'm doing right here i text i text john young last night said yo you getting hyped we're gonna fucking fucking go hard on Dubai and pump up Dubai.
Starting point is 00:34:28 And what did he say? He said, well, I'm not going to. I got a cold. I hope it goes away by then. It's like, cold? Do you guys understand? I'm 49 years old, and my whole life, I walk around. Well, starting in my 20s, I started walking around barefoot pretty much everywhere unless I have to wear shoes.
Starting point is 00:34:46 I never – if you live down the street from me and you're like, my kids are sick, I'd be like, and? Come on over. Let's play. Me personally, I've never avoided sickness from the day I was born. I'm not like, oh, you have a cold. You can't come over. Or I have a – I have no presuppositions about sickness no no fears like that those are people just trapped in their head
Starting point is 00:35:09 what what do you think what i was afraid of aids and i wore a condom a lot like i always wore a condom i just don't understand why people i remember when people would show up to the gym and go, oh, I'm just feeling kind of crappy. I'm going to jump on the salt bike and just sweat it out today. Like, I'm not going to do the class, but I'm just going to come in and sweat out my cold on the salt bike. Well, it's funny because prior, 2019, nobody really thought anything of it.
Starting point is 00:35:40 They're like, hey, yeah, cool, you know, whatever. And then after the pandemic, it's like, oh, oh, hold on. You know, it's almost the equivalent of being offended, right? Like you can be offended by something, but it doesn't it's only it doesn't harm you. It's only the story that you're telling yourself in your head. That's why you're upset. Well, to certain degrees, the sicknesses in their degree of sickness. Like now it's like you catch a little cold or you feel off the weather and it's like, Oh, everybody has to back away. You know, as before, nobody would have given a second. It'd be like, whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:13 You still need to show up. You have a job to do, you know? Yeah. What the fuck is this mayhem in the comments? Christine, this is like, you're starting a mutiny. This is like the capital riots. Do the podcasts with no guests count towards the 500? Because they shouldn't. I'm offended. I think maybe that's because she wants more shows.
Starting point is 00:36:35 More guests. Oh, well, that's just a minute. Do you like the show or are you just saying I suck? No, I think she likes the show and doesn't want the 500 to go by that fast. So hoping that we don't count these as shows. We talked about taxes. I let you guys know I look better in person. Morgan gave his obligatory call every show.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Oh, Tucker Carlson. So I don't have cable, but I get on the assault get on the assault bike and I, and I watch those, uh, those clips on YouTube of Tucker Carlson. And I watched the clips of Cuomo and Don Lim. I watch all, all those little clips, like five, 10, they start getting 20 minutes. I start bumming out on them. They're a little too long for me, but yeah, I watched on the other day. Yeah. I don't know if you guys saw, but Cuomo, the, the dude that there's a guy, Chris Cuomo, and he's like the big anchor on CNN.
Starting point is 00:37:26 And he got kicked off recently. And his brother was the governor of New York. For those of you who don't know, it was, is his name Mario, Chris and Mario. Was that your dad's name? Anyway, he was the governor of New York and he got, he did a bunch of bad shit during COVID. He basically, he was sending old people into nursing homes where the vast vast majority of people have died from covid
Starting point is 00:37:51 not by vast majority i mean in relative to the number of people who've died from covid it's like 40 of all the people who died from covid have died in care facilities which is fucking bizarre i mean obvious and bizarre so so this so so and so recently this guy's brother got busted for like sexually harassing people while he was governor and i think they're going to put criminal charges up against him actually going to go after this dude but anyway this is his brother and his brother gets fired from cnn and tucker carlson starts taking shots and this guy is a tool don't get me wrong he's such a tool he's such a. Him and Don Lemon are the biggest tools. When they come on air, they actually switch shifts in real time on CNN. So as Chris Cuomo's finishing, Don Lemon comes on the air and there'll be their headshots side by side like me and Matt right now, and they'll high five each other. they'll high five each other.
Starting point is 00:38:42 So Chris Comeau will be like, great job, Don, great job. And they'll be like, great job. And then Tom Lennon will be like, isn't it great that I'm a gay black man and you're a straight white man and we can tell each other we love each other? And just like all this like self-congratulatory, just insanity.
Starting point is 00:38:57 At least I think it's insanity. Because I've been inappropriately hugging male games athletes too long since 2008 and proud of it. So to have these guys be bragging about that shit in 2020 is fucking their way behind the curve. But Tucker Carlson in this hit piece that he does on Cuomo that I was excited to see makes fun of Cuomo for the first five minutes or three minutes is making fun of Cuomo because he works out I mean he really drives the point home of how silly it is that uh Chris Cuomo posts videos of himself working out and what we really need is more people to do that for Tucker Tucker Carlson not to see that makes him a douchebag this week so it's okay everyone should post pictures of
Starting point is 00:39:41 themselves working out everyone that shit is contagious I don't mean it in the poetic sense. It's literally contagious. I know, right? Sevan works out but can still listen to bullshit news relative intensity. It's usually just for my warm-up, to be fair. And I warm up. and i won't look just watch the south park episode where everyone is driving a prius smelling their own farts every few minutes it's exactly what's happening wow that's it you're right that's a great metaphor i didn't think of that like that hey did you notice that um that that wad zombie account is getting better
Starting point is 00:40:22 yeah that that account people are coming up to me at the gym and even ask me, they're like, Hey, do you follow this WAD zombie? It's hilarious. Blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:40:30 So definitely. He was, uh, uh, I think it's Nick. I don't know if I'm supposed to say that either, but basically for a while he had found like a pattern of shit he was doing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:41 And it was like sticking to it. And now he's just like, and I said something to him, I don't know if it motivated him, but now he's's just tearing it up his creativity is like just all over the fucking place yeah and i like it too i like when it goes all over the place and we we even get destroyed yeah that's hilarious everyone it's just a fucking napalm in the whole scene hey that's real uh inclusion yes yes i just want to know i just want to know why you why you would i don't know if i'm using the word segregate right but why you wouldn't let people in
Starting point is 00:41:18 your gym why you would post something why who wouldn't like if i had a gym there would be like some rules there some people wouldn't be allowed in there like if you have a shit in your pants you can't come in you know what i mean yeah i think i'm telling you everywhere in my i'm not i'm not like mr inclusive myself i'm totally i'm totally okay with like them having a reason not to let but but this guy is mr inclusive yeah do you think it i think it's more or less like i don't think he's making the decisions i don't think he's in charge of the decisions i think that he's really attacking his wife she runs the gym i don't think either of them are making the decisions i think that they're trying to go they're trying to just tow the
Starting point is 00:42:03 corporate narrative they're trying to tow that line because they have to because that's where the bulk of the money is coming from. That's bullshit what you're saying. Are you giving them an out? It's his fucking gym. No, no. I'm not giving them an out because the same type of – because that's not mandated in Colorado, is it? Even if it were, look at Craig Howard. God, I hope i don't get in
Starting point is 00:42:25 trouble for this i'm all over the fucking place there's a guy um who who has a gym north of my house by about 70 80 90 miles his name is craig howard it's diablo crossfit it fucking has a gazillion fucking members it has games athletes it has fucking morbidly obese beyond people in there it's nuts and it's pretty it's it's the guy's been around and he was that he was the uh he was the fittest like old dude in like in 2000 i don't know 13 for the crossfit games and then also he has he has stories of people who are so obese who's coming to his gym who they've told him to get in the prone position and they can't get up yeah i think you talked about that on the podcast with him right okay yeah Okay, yeah. So this guy's this vast clientele.
Starting point is 00:43:06 And then not only that, and he's very handsome and he's very good with his money and he's a family man, I think even as an adopted kid. I mean, the guy's fucking shit doesn't stink. He was put in charge of like the Northern California affiliates
Starting point is 00:43:20 or whatever they call that, like an affiliate rep or something. He's the liaison. He's to make the affiliates in Northern California feel like HQ gives a shit about him right oh so hq points him to that position and um then then this covet thing happens and they tell and craig's like fuck you i'm not closing my gym and he had some great reasons not not not to be a contrarian no but because he wanted to help people because he had 1 000 foot ceilings because he had
Starting point is 00:43:46 fucking the most expensive big-ass fans blowing air around in there and cleaning it out because he had an outdoor place because because he knew that that he looked he looked at the numbers and he one of the things that was happening in northern california is they had set the limit for gym closures below the limit of false positives for the test. So I'm going to explain that to you. For every 100 PCR tests they were giving, 20 would come back positive no matter what. Well, in Craig's area, if there were more than 10 per 100, let's say, these numbers aren't accurate, but the spirit of what I'm saying is correct,
Starting point is 00:44:21 all gyms had to close down. So it was impossible for gyms to stay open. Do you understand what I'm saying is correct. All gyms had to close down. So it was impossible for gyms to stay open. Do you understand what I'm saying? They do 100 tests. There's guaranteed to be 20 false positives, but they say if 10 people test positive, all gyms in there have to close down. It's like, this doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:44:35 And I'm helping people, and healthy people aren't dying. So he makes the executive decision to keep his gym open. Do you know what HQ says to him? You're not following the fucking rules. And so if you don't follow the rules by big daddy government, then we, wow, we are going to take away your, your position at HQ as being the affiliate rep for Northern California or the affiliate gym or the affiliate person. Yeah. That's fucking nuts. Yep.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Which, which really sucked because when, uh, right after he was appointed by that, by Dave Castro, when Dave, when Dave set that up, um, he called,
Starting point is 00:45:16 he reached out to me and I met with him and, uh, Rick Noly. And we, who's Rick Noly? Nick, Nick, Nick,
Starting point is 00:45:23 Nick Rolly was the, um, other NorCal affiliate rep that was part of Craig's gym that Craig appointed as well. And then Craig got a little band of us together from different parts in California because it also included from Bakersfield to Oregon and then Hawaii as well. And within like less than a month, he already had all of us communicating on a platform together. We were already setting up events. We were doing different information sharing. He was breaking things down into different categories, whether it be finance systems, coaching,
Starting point is 00:45:51 attracting new members. I mean, he just went right to work and, and then all of it just came to a dead stop because HQ made a call. And I don't even really, are the nor or the affiliate reps still a thing? I haven't heard much like about that. I don't even really – are the affiliate reps still a thing?
Starting point is 00:46:04 I haven't heard much about that. It's funny you should say that. I guess that's the answer right there. I was just thinking about the other day about how when Greg got the boot – or he didn't get the boot. When Greg sold. I shouldn't take any responsibility. Greg sold. He's responsible for that.
Starting point is 00:46:23 He sold. By the way, he timed it when the market was high. That's true. So when Greg sold, there was a plan in effect. The CFO at the time, I think his name was Matt Holdsworth and Greg and a few others, they had already started running the numbers. We were running a gym at HQ, which was called the underserved gym. And it was basically for fat people and for old people and it was it was it wasn't racist it was ageist and it was ageist ageist and obese latest yeah and um and he was pretty sure that and so he wanted to open another one of those gyms or two more of those gyms uh one in atlanta uh no three of those gyms and so he was running the numbers to see how much it would cost hq to prop up and those gyms were free the uh the one at hq was free and it was run by l1 people who were on the l1 staff like michelle moots um and um and west piatt and hollis malloy and just a ton
Starting point is 00:47:19 of yeah i know that because i messaged all of them and i tried to volunteer my time for free to come and help damn you're a good dude and i hit up pat sherwood messaged all of them and i tried to volunteer my time for free to come and help damn you're a good dude and i hit up pat sherwood when he was doing it and i said how do i get involved i'll show up i'll bring coffee i'll come do whatever i'll clean up the gym afterwards help them put stuff away keep records i just want to be involved and see how this process runs you just wanted to come to hq and try to see me so they were going to open one they were going to open one in harlem atlanta in in la compton and greg one of one of the ideas that greg had was was to find these black mega churches in these areas and like harvest harvest participants from those churches
Starting point is 00:48:02 and what's funny is some people be like oh that's so good that's so sweet that he's doing that for black people. It has nothing to do with black people. He don't give a fuck about black people or white people. He don't think like that. He was just thinking, hey, he knows these communities have a lot of fat and old people in them. And that's who he wants to prove his concept at CrossFit Works. So he was basically looking for mega churches in those areas and then build out the gyms next to those areas make them massive and do just free training for those people and that fucking never happened and not only that the gym at crossfit hq is closed so now mr inclusive gets rid of the one gym that was free for those fucking people regardless of race, you only had to be truly in need, which was to be fat and unhealthy or old.
Starting point is 00:48:51 And in his gym, you can't go in there unless you got the injection. It makes no fucking sense. And they get rid of the guy who – think of Craig Howard as a firefighter, and he refused to put his hose down to put out the flames of a house and he got in trouble for it. It just doesn't make sense. And another tidbit with the Craig Howard thing, I'm not sure a lot of people know this, but when the city started to come down on him and he got fined for continuously staying open, even after he had his title of affiliate rep removed, his members started a GoFundMe to help him pay for the fines.
Starting point is 00:49:27 And they raised a ton of money. And he didn't need the money at the time, personally, they were okay. So what he did is he turned around and turned that into a Northern California affiliate GoFundMe, more money came in, and then he distributed that money out for either affiliate fees to pay the licensing of the people that just let him go as a rep or for um tents and different things so they could get outdoor stuff set up when we were only allowed to work out outdoor and he wrote all those checks and uh street parking miranda and helian the awesome people helian no no julian julian julian helian helian geez come on man my mic my mic was messed up
Starting point is 00:50:07 alcares um they donated a large uh a very sizable donation to that and um and that was just another thing that not a lot of people knew that he did yeah seven did you ever watch the mariah moore podcast with chase i did not watch that um i I do like, maybe I should watch it. I don't think, I don't think it'll sit well with me. I don't know why. 2018, I think was the year when I went to the games and I got there and they told me I couldn't do the behind the scenes, Greg, and fucking dipshit CEO at the time. God, that guy's a piece of shit. the behind the scenes, Greg and fucking dipshit CEO at the time.
Starting point is 00:50:44 God, that guy's a piece of shit. And I think I'm sure I produced that movie. And I'm sure I'm not going to get credit for being the producer of that movie. And on top of that, someone, I received a DM saying that they were saying that, what the fuck was that guy's name? It was the only guy I really had, it was the only guy I fired in non-war time. God, he was a trip. Ian Wittenberg.
Starting point is 00:51:11 I heard that they said that Ian Wittenberg was the father of behind the scenes filming or just some, I just don't want to hear it. I think I don't, I don't hate any of those people. I just don't want to hear anything. That's going to like trigger me, trigger me.
Starting point is 00:51:24 And did I, that's fair. I'm going to keep asking until you watch anything. That's going to like trigger me, trigger me. And did I, that's fair. I'm going to keep asking until you watch it. Just tell me, just tell me something they said. And I'll just, just light my fuse. I'll explode. But on my own show,
Starting point is 00:51:34 Bruce is out for violence this morning. Yeah. Bruce. Come on. I mean, look at Bruce. Look at this. Can you make his picture bigger?
Starting point is 00:51:42 Let's see. This fucking guy. He's scary looking. He looks like he's prepping for a role, like something Ben Kingsley would. He looks like a young Ben Kingsley, like he's prepping for some role. I have a hypothetical question. If you owned a CrossFit gym. Stupidest thing ever CrossFit Inc. ever did.
Starting point is 00:52:08 What are your thoughts on Greg Dismantling the media team? Stupidest thing ever. Because then basically also what happened is when the Floyd 19 thing happened, we couldn't fight back. It was so fucking crazy. We were a media company. We were not only a media company, but we were a control in there our own narrative company
Starting point is 00:52:25 is so stupid and it was so great because everyone there was so fucking passionate you will never work in a place like that 99% of you will never work in a place where every single person is so fucking excited to come to work everyone imagine that everyone's like fuck i'm here like you pull up in the parking lot and they're just like yeah it was dope that's cool because that's how i imagined it would be like so it's cool that that was reality like the first time i went to hq i never got the tour of the upstairs craig was like hey do you want have you seen upstairs i was like no he's like oh hold on you gotta come check it out and stuff like that that. It never ended up getting the tour of the office, but that's what it felt like every time I drive there too.
Starting point is 00:53:09 We drive up that road in Scotts Valley and you're like, turn in. You're like. Dude, it was so great. It was so great. Just people walking around with cameras and just, oh, so great. So much great shit talking in there hey so question i want to i want to flip something real quick goodness that's how i feel when i roll up to rosemary's see see my road things are things tripping out that's my mom you're talking about okay what were you gonna say so i want to and this is because i got this uh i got this question from um an affiliate owner and they were asking about essentially the dilemma between hey what if your
Starting point is 00:53:58 government is uh mandating it you're living in a country that they're going to come by and check that if you don't mandate the vaccine at your facility, that there's a chance that they're just going to come down and shut the whole entire thing down. And it's almost like a moral dilemma, right? Because if you're somebody who doesn't necessarily agree with that as a solution, you don't agree with the segregation of that. But they're essentially tying your hands behind your back and saying, well, it's either do this or you don't have with the segregation of that but they're essentially tying your hands behind your back and saying well it's either do this or you don't have that facility anymore the question there is what do you do everything has to be figured out on a case-by-case basis right everything has to be figured out on a case-by-case basis not every gym that fucking requires um uh vaccine mandates is a dipshit fucking idiot not that's right i can't
Starting point is 00:54:48 think of a way around it without saying that but if you fucking just sold your company to fucking oracle for 1.25 billion dollars and you're fucking got a mental disorder and to try to fucking fix your mental disorder you buy another company called crossfit inc like a big baller like you're going to the store to buy a lamb Lamborghini to help fucking fix your small dick syndrome. You go and buy CrossFit fucking Inc. And there's 15,000 small businesses in 162 countries. 50,000 jobs that directly rely on your leadership. Yeah, you're a bitch if you do that.
Starting point is 00:55:22 You are. World-class bitch. I'm open to being wrong. I'm so open to being wrong. If someone can just explain it to me. But the way I see it from fucking my little fancy hotel room in Arizona, he's a bitch. Yeah, I think jumping into something like that, you're not truly standing for health. You're just standing for the toe-to-the-nine corporate narrative.
Starting point is 00:55:47 But going back to the moral dilemma of getting your nine. It's like this. If you see a fucking mugging go down and you're holding a baby – like, okay, I saw this yesterday. I saw a lady at a baseball game. It was like some highlight thing on Instagram. She's at a baseball game, and she catches a baseball with one hand. Savage. And I'm like, wow, that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:56:13 Then I look at her other hand. She has a baby. She's a fucking dumb fuck. What if that would have bounced off her hand or she would have missed it or something? And that ball would have hit the baby. That would have killed off her hand or she would have missed it or something. And that ball would have hit the baby that had killed the fucking baby. Yes. Which is perfect because people need to slow themselves down and assess their
Starting point is 00:56:31 situation, assess the risk of the situation. And that's one thing that if you're going to open a gym or do any entrepreneurial endeavor, you have to understand your risk versus your return on that investment. Right. And so going back to that question before, I think the reason why you
Starting point is 00:56:46 were calling, um, Rose and the decision he made a bitch there is because there is no return on that investment and there was no risk associated with them not doing it. So you can't really see or justify the point as opposed to somebody else in another country was mandated or their gym would be shut down and their business license wiped. and then they're completely out of business and they can't do anything to anybody or for anybody, then at that point, they're making a decision because they have to. They're forced. Like Craig. Craig just took the fines. Craig just took the fines. That's right. And so one of the things that they were doing at HQ is that they were trying to
Starting point is 00:57:22 talk. They were trying to take some political route where they were trying to get like 30 million or 30 billion or some chunk of money for the US government to hand out to gyms and so they wanted all the CrossFit gyms in the world to behave and listen to listen to Mr. Biden and follow the fucking rules so that wear a mask you'll get your
Starting point is 00:57:39 freedom yeah so then they could woo over the it's I think Rosa freedom yeah so then they could woo over the the politics it's it's i i think rosa rose x probably after he changed his name to rose x he probably called craig and be like hey man i think i get this last fucking inch of joe biden's cock in my mouth and then everything will be better sorry sorry to be so crass but fine last inch of trump's cock i don't care who you yeah whoever
Starting point is 00:58:13 across your ceo should be an elected position by the affiliate owners night crazy talk you're crazy you're so smart and then you get crazy i'm the CEO. In 1820, the average American ate six pounds of sugar. And now I read it's 152 pounds of sugar. And I know some of you can be like, well, Sevan, it's gone down actually 10 pounds or 20 pounds in the last 20 years. I don't believe that, by the way, because I can look around and see that that's not true. But fine, even if it is true, I'll give it to you. So why don't you want to eat sugar?
Starting point is 00:58:56 Because every time you eat something that's sweet, any time you eat something, you have a hormonal response to it. And when your hormones are out of whack, that sick, that's when all sicknesses start. That's a really simple way to think about it. You have to remember that. And I thought of this last night and for anyone who's trying to quit eating sugar, here's the thing. Don't eat anything that's made for the fact that it's sweet. So what does that mean? Like never, ever, ever eat a cupcake. Never, ever eat a piece of cake. Never, ever eat Coca-Cola because those things are made because of, those things are made so that you can eat sugar. That's it. Those things, don't eat anything that's been made
Starting point is 00:59:39 so that you can eat sugar. Do you get what I'm saying? Like, that's a great, people are like, Sevan, how did you start? How long did it take you? It took me 15 years. It took me 15 years, dude, to fucking quit eating sugar. But like, so the first thing I did is I stopped putting sugar in my coffee, right? Like, I drink coffee for caffeine.
Starting point is 00:59:58 So why do I have to add sugar to it? I stopped drinking soda. Then stop eating, like, so if you, like pizza, pizza has sugar in it. I'm not saying you have to stop eating pizza right away, even though I don't eat pizza really. But like, don't eat, don't ever eat cake. Cake is made so that sugar can be used. Pizza is not made so sugar can be used.
Starting point is 01:00:16 I don't know if I'm explaining that right. Do you know what I'm trying to say, Sousa? Yeah, that sounds, yeah, it sounds exactly right. Like there's foods that just revolve around sugar. Don't eat any of those foods. none of them, like a milkshake. Like that's just so ice cream can be used, and ice cream is just so sugar can be used. Like don't – you don't do that. Stop just eating anything.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Like eat anything else instead. Like the rest of your family is eating cake. Just fucking walk over and throw another steak on. Just stop eating sugar, the things that are made specifically so that sugar can exist. Yeah, and if you're not hungry for that other steak, you're not hungry. Right. Anyway, I think that's a good place to start. Yeah, that's perfect.
Starting point is 01:01:00 We have a really big nutrition challenge that we do at the beginning of every year. And that's, and that's basically the same strategy that we say, like cut out the obvious sugars, cut out the desserts. You don't need them. There's no function. It's just there because you have a sugar craving. And there wasn't, didn't we talk about somebody who was saying that sugar was not addictive? They were claiming that on their Instagram. I think we're, we just kind of talked about that. Yeah. And that's, that's the most insane thing I've ever heard. Like I've had, I had one lady was so upset when we were trying to do her transformation and change her diet and get her working out that she, before we even had the discussion, she goes, you're not taking away my diet cokes. Like I barely got like, we're going to read the nutrition labels out of my mouth.
Starting point is 01:01:46 And she's like, you're not taking away my diet coke. And a week or two later, no joke. She showed up with a doctor's note as to why she couldn't complete the program. And she needed to be out. And she was easily a hundred plus pounds overweight. One of her friends that brought it in. And the crazy thing is, is when she stopped showing up, it was sad.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Like that first day back when I had my little group and she was obviously gone, like there was like, it was almost like a mourning period because you knew that that was the friction from her making the changes that she needed to in her life. And that the next step, another two, three, four years, it was all pharmaceutical invention more than there already was. And she was going to be in the system and her health was going to just trend downward until the inevitable demise. It was sad. It reminds me of a, of a, of a kind of a similar story. Um, my wife was at this, I don't want to even say the name of it anymore cause they're pathetic, but she's basically at a meditation camp where basically no one talks to anyone or makes eye contact with anyone for 10 days.
Starting point is 01:02:49 And there's these dietary rules there, and they're really broad. It's not like fasting or starving anyone. You still eat really well. But there's certain things you can't eat. She said like a day three or four, people be like going up and like asking for exemptions so that they can eat what they can eat. And it was always something with sugar in it, but what was, yeah, always. And it was usually a banana. I think she said, which is kind of funny because I don't want to hate on bananas. I know it's not added sugar, but, but those fuckers are sweet.
Starting point is 01:03:21 And it, but it's a fucking meditation place. You're supposed to watch your mind. That's the whole thing. You're not supposed to react to your thoughts. It get this straight. People. Meditation is just staying perfectly still. Don't make it any more complicated than that. It's not reacting to anything.
Starting point is 01:03:36 You're sitting perfectly still and you have an itch on your forehead and you itched it. You're, you're, you now like you weren't supposed to, that's not meditation. Meditation is not reacting to stuff. So if you're like, weren't supposed to that's not meditation meditation is not reacting stuff so if you're like oh my god i have to have a banana or else i'm gonna fucking have a fucking heart attack and then you get up and you react to it and ask the teacher if you can have a banana well
Starting point is 01:03:53 then you stop meditating the whole thing is is to watch thoughts and sensations and let them pass and let the next one come up i'm really getting off on the way my voice sounds today i think it sounds like this because I like hotel voice. Cause I've been like the ACE. I've been in a room with the AC on for 12 hours. It does. It does sound good. I take it back.
Starting point is 01:04:14 The mic doesn't sound good. It sounds great. Thank you. Now that we're an hour three and I. You should have Mike. Is that Jewish last name about on about fitness, nutrition, and sugar code. Yeah, I'd love to. Tom, bring it.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Shit. How many followers you got? There was a comment on here about Ian being the gold standard for behind the scenes. Oh, here. Isaiah, what do you think about him being the gold standard? Oh, perfect question. What do you think about him being the gold standard? Oh, perfect question. What do you think about him being the gold standard? Kate Gordon is so sad.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Oh, I couldn't do it. Kate. Oh, you know what? I put that in here. Look at this for the show. This is really gratuitous. Let me see if I can find it. Is Ian the guy that would laugh a lot after?
Starting point is 01:05:03 Oh, that's not it. Oh, what? Say it again. I said, was Ian the guy that laughed a lot after oh that's not it oh what say it again I said was he the guy that laughed a lot after people talked I just remember one of the people who yes he had like a nervous stoner laugh I don't know if he smoked weed but yes he had a very severe nervous stoner because I remember it was weird because after everybody would talk it would like it would always
Starting point is 01:05:20 cut with the same like him beginning laughing and at first you don't really like you didn't notice it but then partly through you're like wait a minute it's a pattern here yeah yeah one last thing kate gordon mate is so fit i put that into the into the soundboard perfect except the sand but sound soundboard doesn't work so good. Thank you, Isaiah. Thank you. I really like Kate.
Starting point is 01:05:50 So I can just push this button now. Oh, yeah. One last thing. Kate Gordon, mate, is so fit. Sexy. So straight up there. Talks so much sense. Too many buttons.
Starting point is 01:06:06 That's perfect. That's perfect. Okay, guys. We are... Just so you guys know, I'm one hour ahead. I'm usually in the same time zone as Susan. I was one hour ahead. To do the show today, he was going to have to come on
Starting point is 01:06:21 at 6. I was going to get to come on at 7. Then we split the difference. He came on at 6.30 and to come on at six and i was gonna get to come on at seven and then so then we split the difference and he came on at 6 30 and i came on it what time did i don't have to come on till 7 30 so for me it's this is like a vacation for suzy got fucked yeah i know i as selfish as this sounds this is how i feel too it's just so fucking arrogant and i'm, and I'm okay with it. I don't think it's arrogant. I don't think it's arrogant. I don't think there is a standard.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Savon was the behind the scenes without him at something else, no matter what they call it. Yep. I agree. And you know what? I don't even know if I could ever do it again. It scares the shit out of me to think about doing it. It scared the shit out of me every year to do it but um but i was so proud of it i worked so fucking hard i like i was wounded after filming at the games and the thought that i had to go back and then edit after that there was this dude adam adam klein that started doing is that his name Klein. I think he was called the Asian. His Instagram or his YouTube channel was Asian Clown, Asian Red, Red Asian. It had something to do with when Asian people drink alcohol. Because I was like, what's your YouTube handle? And he goes, oh, it's when Asian people drink, they turn red. handle me and he goes oh it's when asian people drink they turn red but anyway he started doing the editing in the final years and he did it so much better than me and we were like a
Starting point is 01:07:48 fucking amazing team i thought and there was this guy chad winterstrand who would help me and gary roberts would come we were fucking and uh and uh lillian fuentes this chick i met on instagram a mexican chick preachers preacher's daughter she's fucking cool shit and then my and my nephew jackson would come out and help too we were fucking dope and i and i also like i like getting stuff like in hebrew and mars were that were all you know they were working their ass off too there were a ton of us and fuck man that dude ian that that they were saying the gold standard let me tell you that motherfucker worked hard too. Everyone worked so hard.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Everyone was so good, but everyone did their own thing. And it would be cool because I would get so excited if I got something that I knew they could use. So excited. There was no one was like selfish with their shit. Oh my God, my dog's howling. Hold on a second. What the fuck is going on? I'm opening the connecting room.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Hey, Meshie. Relax, dude. Relax. Relax. Relax. Hey, relax. Relax. My kids must have left the hotel room and now my dog's howling.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Get out of here quick. Dude, it was a great place to work. I'm'm telling you even the people there i could not stand i fucking loved could not stand some of those assholes and i loved them to death it was so fucking cool yeah i think everybody that was involved with crossfit at that time like because at the time there was so much media coming out of it like everybody knew that the gym you know downstairs everybody knew what that looked like everybody knew what that rig was outside the red the red building you know we like it was it was a part of everybody's experience whether they went there or not when i became media director there um there were a bunch of dudes there obviously who hated me uh i mean not hated but like why did they hate you
Starting point is 01:09:45 hate it's too strong because there was there was a competitiveness there there was a there and and i think a lot of people and i was and i was really close to greg so there was like you know nepotism and and that nepotism is like when you're extra nice to the people who are close to you right something like that um but um but one of the things dave told me he goes hey dude you better go go go down there and start working out with those dudes or else it's just going to get worse and it was it literally was like that i just went down there and just you know started working out every day and made sure that you know i tried my hardest and i lost every workout and they were stoked to just crush me yeah and everyone started liking
Starting point is 01:10:26 uh oh dude isaiah it's it's like it's crazy not to it's crazy there were dudes that trying to think they're there i can think of one or two people there who probably should have worked harder, but man. You know what else was really unique about that place too was the amount of, I don't know how to phrase this, but the ability to build a person brand off the back end of everything that was happening with CrossFit. Yes. of everything that was happening with CrossFit. Yes, yes. A lot of people don't realize that if I go, if you and I work for Google and we're on a team and we're creating something, even if it has nothing to do with our project, we just did it on a lunch break, our own time,
Starting point is 01:11:13 but we used our Google laptops. We were there at Google when we discussed the project. Google owns that project and they will sue us. They would come after us and say that we were on their time doing something personal. And now Google owns whatever that is that we're creating. And I don't know if there was ever a discussion about it at CrossFit or if it was known, but the amount of work that was put in, it really blurted the lines to what was done for personal Instagrams, for the athlete's personal
Starting point is 01:11:39 brand versus what was done as part of CrossFit media that CrossFit owned. It was very free. It was very open. So really all the platforms that were built off of that at that time, that's just a complete privilege that was given to everybody that worked at CrossFit. Because otherwise it would be, nope, you can't use any of the footage. You can't use any of the still stuff. If it was done with a camera that was owned by CrossFit, we own that footage. If you filled it during a work time crossfit we own that footage if you filled it during a work time hour we own it like you you just don't build it we would never know who any of those people were that were behind the scenes the mars the hebrews you know those those
Starting point is 01:12:14 type of stuff the sean woodlands like and then the opportunity as you saw as their personalities grew and as the community resonated with them their job titles did as well they were more in front of the camera they were allowed to do these other small projects with like the Danny Broflex stuff and these other things. And I just think that that's really unique coming out of a, out of a company like that. And I'll take credit for that. Yeah, I'll take 100% credit for that before. And Dave was extremely supportive and we saw eye to eye on that before i was media director
Starting point is 01:12:45 there was this hey we should keep everyone anonymous we shouldn't let people build their own brands and when i became media director dave and i were like fuck that everyone should get to fucking have their name on their work and fucking party and get get get swagger yeah that was the whole reason the behind the scenes wouldn't have worked if I couldn't like fake, like start building swagger. It was all about just having confidence and walking around there like I own the place and be able to ask anything I wanted. If you couldn't build that, I mean, think of how confident Heber and Marzen are every time they walk into a place now because they know the value they add to people's brands. As opposed to like when you don't know you do that or when other people don't know you're a little more shy and standoffish they can just go in and get to work yep go to your head man you can get and they do and i don't watch all their i don't watch their stuff religiously but i see a minute here a
Starting point is 01:13:35 minute there and uh on instagram and man they blow people the fuck up yeah and you do and you've done the same thing here with this podcast like you've created a platform now for me, right? I was working behind the scenes. We never talked about me being in front of the camera. And you just let me do it. You let me post it on my Instagram that helped me build my own personal thing. I mean, Brian's a great example of that, right? Brian was somebody who just wrote for Morning Chalk Up. You would have never really seen him in front of a camera as much. He's been on other podcasts. Nobody really, really really knew who he was he came on here and now he's the go-to analysis right he's a go-to analyst brian i made you and so just allowing us to be on the shoulders of giants and i don't think while you were talking just now that said the seven on podcast just like right over
Starting point is 01:14:22 your face but it's but it's true and i don't think there's enough recognition for that i think people think that that's just well i'm doing the work and i'm owed this or whatever it's like no you really have to understand the platform that you're building yourself off of and then pay homage and respect to that platform i didn't hire mars or heber. I think maybe Mars. Definitely not Heber. Tony hired, for sure, Heber. I think I hired Mariah. I definitely hired Ian.
Starting point is 01:14:56 God, that was great. That should be a whole show. We should have him come on so you guys can see how me and Ian Wittenberg get along. It is fucking weird. It's weirder than me and laura horvath i saw him one time pretending to do a deadlift with a pvc pipe and he passed out there's like a video of it that was played on something and i thought that that was hilarious oh shit wow that yeah that's what i mean he's committed yeah he did something that you don't fuck around yeah Yeah. That motherfucker is committed. I see it.
Starting point is 01:15:26 I see it. We talked about CrossFit Sanitas. We still don't know why it's closed. Oh, so, so, so I don't know the details of this, but we'll find out tomorrow night during the news show. Kate Gordon posted something on her Instagram and someone reported her in Australia for something. I don't even know what, but I'm guessing, I'm guessing, I'm guessing that she was working out in a gym. Someone in Australia saw it and reported that gym and that gym got in
Starting point is 01:15:53 trouble. She knows who reported it. And I really hope she dimes that fucker out. Right. Is there anything wrong with that? Like, like, like if you're, if you're a snitch, snitches get stitches, right? Like, like we need to know who snitched her out right the only way communism works is is it or is that
Starting point is 01:16:11 am i doing the same thing they're doing either way i want to talk about it it makes me so sad that kate gordon would go somewhere get i think she said a new pr for snatch 193 pounds yeah she snatched 193 amazing uh and uh okay we talked about tucker uh oh guys i gotta tell you this i cannot fucking make it through my dms anymore i'm losing followers my dms are exploding i cannot i just can't i just can't and i feel horrible because i really enjoy it and i really want to get through them i cannot get through my dms i used to never go to bed no matter what i want to show i want to see if i can show you guys how fucking nuts it is in here it is absolutely chaos.
Starting point is 01:17:10 So basically what happens, I don't know if you guys can see this, but these are the DMs, right? And then when you want to see more, you have to scroll up like that. And then when you get to the bottom, it hits a Holy shit. It hits a Oh, now bottom, it hits a bottom, and then it resets, and then there will be more down there. Oh, look, there's one at a straggler.
Starting point is 01:17:36 And then they'll be spaced out. So down there, maybe there'll be even more. But every time I hit the bottom, I have to wait for it to reset and get more. Damn. And then there's two boxes and they're not organized well on my part so that's the general box and then there's a primary box over uh here on that side and then on the other side there's a request those requests are super hard to get to those are people who've never dm me before is that 177
Starting point is 01:18:05 no it's 17 but but last night i'm in a hotel so i stayed up really late last night going through them so and then you get to the bottom so this morning i woke up and there's already like 50 dm probably more probably like 100 plus and i just can't do it but i'm gonna going to try, but don't, don't, especially some of you who are like my friends in there. Like there's some of you who like, I know you, well, I think I know you, like I want to get back to you. And those of you who have like my text number or like have email, you should use that because it's just going to start getting lost in here.
Starting point is 01:18:43 I wonder what your following count on your main page, if you hadn't been shadow banned, would be by now. I guess it would be probably close to like 200K. That would be awesome. I really think it would be because literally you can't search for you. You can't tag you. You get a warning to follow you. And the fact that you were still putting on followers
Starting point is 01:19:04 and people are still reaching out and everything else is like nuts oh uh i think the only reason why colton was in my dms is i tagged him in something he gave me a heart but i would love it if he slid into my dms yeah the the the it's so funny because every day every day i get five or six dms and it's a screenshot of saying of someone taking a screenshot of Instagram saying, are you sure you want to follow this guy? Because when people try to follow me and they all say the same thing, oh my God, I didn't know shadow bands were real. I thought it was some conspiracy shit you just talked about. It's like, dude, I post a picture of my kid skateboarding. I have 90,000 followers and six hours later, it has three views.
Starting point is 01:19:43 It's like, what? And then then gets reported i i seriously can't believe they haven't kicked me off yet it doesn't make it doesn't make any sense warning this person is crazy town banana pants are you sure you want to follow yes yes of pants. Are you sure you want to follow? Yes. Yes. Hey, so let me tell you why people post pictures of themselves getting on airplanes and then I'm going to go eat breakfast. So I posted this picture of myself getting on a private plane with my family and it got 47 comments. And that's a lot for an account that's shadow banned.
Starting point is 01:20:30 This other post I made with me talking to Tyson Bajent is like one of the most profound things I've ever shared. It has one comment. Basically, that thought is this. If you want to be around great people, you have to understand how great people work, and you have to be a kut, a Kutra ma to it, a compliment to it. And most people don't know how to do that.
Starting point is 01:20:48 If you have demands for yourself, you don't get to marry Picasso, Tom Brady, like, like, like great people are doing their great shit. And like, you don't get to marry Conor McGregor.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Great. You don't get to marry Dana white people. You don't get to marry like Joe mcgregor great you don't get to marry dana white people you don't get to marry like joe biden great great people are doing are excelling because they're focusing on on the task at hand and what they're doing and if you're saying like hey why didn't you dm me or why didn't you call me or like you're putting you're taxing them at all you won't be around those people and i know this is going to be a little self-serving but like last night i tell my wife at 930, hey, I'm doing a podcast tomorrow morning. All three kids are yours at breakfast.
Starting point is 01:21:31 She's like, okay. I'm like, you good with that? She's like, uh-huh. She doesn't say, when are you going to be done? And then this morning she comes in here with a cup of coffee for me, even though I had my own. Gives me a kiss and says, good luck. I love you, babe. That's it.
Starting point is 01:21:45 She knows. I'm doing, babe. That's it. She knows. I'm doing me. Alright, guys. My first one from a hotel room. The Rodecaster Pro that's broken is... I did the job. One last thing. Kate Gordon, mate, is
Starting point is 01:22:03 so fit. So sexy.

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