The Sevan Podcast - #225 The News - James Hobart & Kate Gordon

Episode Date: December 8, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Can't seem to get this freaking... Bam, we're live. I bet you if we paid people, they would show up on time. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I can hear myself breathing. That's not good. That's not good. Welcome to the new show on the Sevan Podcast. We're here today with Matt Souza. Kate Gordon will be joining us at her leisure because she don't give a fuck if she's on time. And Hobart just texted me and said he's eating dinner and I'm sorry that you can hear me breathing. So check this out. I'm in this hotel room.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Hi, Matt. Hey, Sevan. I'm in this hotel room. Hi, Matt. Hey, Salon. I'm in this hotel room in Scottsdale, Arizona. And they have this drink. It's a CBD drink. What's it called? Sparkling water. Am I allowed to share shit like that?
Starting point is 00:01:22 Oh, yeah. Maybe. Matt and Josh train me well they're like never promote anything unless they're paying you fucking money actually it's more it's this it's just in the fridge oh and just so you know what a scumbag
Starting point is 00:01:36 I am it's my fasting day and this thing has 10 calories but I don't give a fuck I mean I think I've crossed over the 24 hour mark but and then I'm also having this and Maggie gave me this Maggie Glassman. This also has five calories. So when I tell you guys, I fast every week, you can just be like, ah, not exactly. He's, he's, he's, but I could have had hot coffee and I'm just like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:01:59 She gave me two of these. I'm like, Oh, I need to be so jacked up for my podcast. I'm having so much fun here in arizona yeah yeah i'll tell you this it is well it's still early just like just like just be careful anyone who says why don't you leave california i just can't explain to you how nice it is in california where i live i just can't i mean it's nice here it's very nice there's all sorts of crazy shit like that we don't have like in my vicinity in california like they got everything like you want to go in this tube it fucking blows air from the bottom and you fly around in it they got it here you want to see the
Starting point is 00:02:39 world's largest butterfly garden they got it here you might see the world's largest indoor skate park they got it here i mean phoenix i mean it's just okay they brought everything to the desert but telling you callie something about that weather huh bruce how'd you know someone oh how did you guys know the show was on like i screwed this all up i didn't – I forgot to put out a – it wasn't until 6.45 p.m. Mountain Standard Time that I put out a notice that we were going to go live today. How did you guys – oh, dude, is this all fucked up because of the time change because I'm in a different time zone? Is that why there's no Kate here and no James here?
Starting point is 00:03:18 Is this not really going to be a new show? No, no, no. You have it right. It's still at 6 p.m. Who cares if I have it right? Well still at 6 p.m who knows who cares if i have it right well it doesn't change it doesn't change for them at all oh like you're in california what time is it right now six six oh three oh shit i didn't send him a fucking invite oh man i am a mess today i am a fucking mess. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Holy. I mean, look at, Hey, that's typical of how the world works. I sit here and I talk crazy shit about other people and guess whose fault it is the whole entire time. The white guys. Oh man. I'm glad you did that. Cause I'm trying, I'm stressing trying to get that video that you sent me to the producer of the show how about you
Starting point is 00:04:06 send out some shit what do you do your wife's walking by in the background hi yeah we just well it would be funnier because if it would have turned out a few minutes earlier it would have been us arguing about all the stuff that I have to do and we just clean just came back in from cleaning the gym from last night's
Starting point is 00:04:22 festivities and I'm trying to get it back in order so that way i could be there fresh 5 30 a.m with the class yeah yeah yeah you're a good dude how saving people's lives one fucking crossfit member at a time gouging them with your 275 a month initiation fees of your damn affiliate why don't you do it for free susa i know so so susan i have a little uh little issue here and he doesn't know that it's an issue but like i want everyone in the world to agree with me and he didn't agree with me on something and i've been like uh it's been festering this comment down here oh shit i was using my phone as a mouse this comment down here crazy town banana pants after i did that whole fucking shtick on the last show about crazy town
Starting point is 00:05:09 banana pants i'm like dude you see how that's like that person's fucking nuts right like anyone who calls you crazy town banana pants it's like it's like one of those people that like like is uh uh valerie voboril was like that like you know what i mean like she was she was like little nuts like She still listened to Old MacDonald Had a Farm just because she had kids. It's just like too much kid time or something. Oh, he's crazy town banana pants. How about he's a
Starting point is 00:05:34 psychotic fucking right-wing gun-toting fucking racist homophile. I mean, I prefer that's at least like a little more... I mean, that's crazy, but I know that kind of crazy. To call me crazy town banana pants is like weird kind of crazy. Like, oh, shit. Sorry, Valerie.
Starting point is 00:05:51 You didn't deserve to take unnecessary shrapnel on that. But I think that's just like someone who's like a fan who's just trying not to be mean. Like, they really didn't think that I'm crazy town banana pants, but they do. Hi, Kate. Hi. really didn't think that i'm crazy town banana pants but they do hi kate hi i want to apologize to you and james hobart in advance for all the shit i talked about you guys being late when it was actually my fault i really don't like that when i blame other people i'm projecting onto other people my inadequacies oh bar you must have a dick that's so huge you have just a struggle to take it around with you all day i just see it in your eyes it's brutal man see what i did there it's brutal see what i did
Starting point is 00:06:32 wait so what'd you disagree with me on though what or what is that you think that this lady is like being nice like like she's just a friendly lady and it's just like a joke and like she really likes me no this fucking chick is saying like, yo, this motherfucker's nuts. But fucking he did a good job with Sarah Sigmund's daughter podcast. That was a great podcast. End of the story. Yeah. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Here's the thing. Here's the thing. And you guys all fucking know this and I'm the last one to pray. I just realized this while I was soaping my pubes in the story. Yeah. Okay, good. Here's the thing. Here's the thing. And you guys all fucking know this, and I'm the last one to pray. I just realized this while I was soaping my pubes in the shower. Do you know, all you fucking people who hate me, you should like me. I make fucking everyone look good. Imagine, that's why Kate's on the show, Hobart's on the show, and Suze's on the show. Just imagine if you stood next to a pile of shit.
Starting point is 00:07:20 That's what these guys are doing. That's me. I'm like, I smell, i'm unattractive i'm short which brings me to my next point i was in a i was in a um i was in scottsdale today in a indoor parkour skateboard trampoline place, huge place, like a fucking Costco, but just with cool shit in it.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Parkour, parkour, trampoline and skateboarding. Fucking my kids tear it up. They're so, my kids are so amazing, but, and they're polite and kind and sweet and handsome.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Two moms in there were checking me out. That's not true, man. That is, I'm pretty, they were checking you against it like a registry of some sort of uh is that him i don't know i can't tell can you i'm telling you and and i was just in the shower when i was probably past watching my washing my pubes i was probably like washing my my fucking neck hair that attaches to my back at the time.
Starting point is 00:08:28 And I'm like, I'm pretty sure there were two chicks today checking me out. I haven't told my wife. I'm like, I'm pretty – I told Greg and Maggie. I was there with them. I'm like, I'm pretty sure that there's two ladies in here who want the badonkadonk from me. Want the banana pants. Is that why people check you out because of the badonkadonk i don't know but but maggie greg's wife didn't help she's like how do you know i'm like i don't
Starting point is 00:08:51 know it's i'm just sent something for the first time in my life so then i was just telling my wife about it and she's like oh yeah you look handsome today i was like oh shit i knew it but then i'm like anyway it was weird how, when's the last time you're due? When's the last time Greg told you, you look pretty. Okay. Most days. Oh,
Starting point is 00:09:11 really? Yeah. Can you tell me how he says it? Oh yeah. One last thing. He called me. It's so fit. I know.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Shut the fuck up. Hey, go ahead. Tell me how Greg says it. Sorry. That dude's going to be a mock today. I think it's like that, but with an Australian accent. Hobart.
Starting point is 00:09:36 How often does your fine piece of ass tell you that you look handsome? I was watching the, i watched the 2018 um games documentary oh it's out yep uh no no i did a pre-screening okay dude everyone's done pre-screening except me and i fucking produced that thing i just want to your your name is on the producer credit i meant to text you that oh shit you want to see it? Yeah. Wow. I just sent it to you last night. All of that integrity goes to Mariah Moore, the director, I'm sure. Wow. Oh, there it is.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Anyway, I really liked it. I'll probably accept. I really liked it. Yeah, I liked seeing that. I got to see Eric Maciel's name on there too. A little credit, which is cool because he's editing right now, post-producing all the content for Cap. But anyway, what I wanted to get to here was –
Starting point is 00:10:34 Eric Maciel's doing that? Yeah, yeah. Him and Jay Vera have been both really helpful with that process. One great filmmaker and one extremely hard worker right there. So, yeah, I want to throw that out there. But what I also want to talk about was you're talking about guys with butts. No, I wasn't. That's why they were checking you out because you're a badonkadonk.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Didn't someone say that? Oh, yeah, I used the word wrong. Sorry. Fuck, you called me on it. I was just using badonkadonk, not like it's my butt, but like they wanted to fuck. Sorry. You called me on it. Badonkadonks. When Dean Linder-Layton gets out of the water in the 2018 documentary when he wins the Madison TriPlus event, it was like run, swim, paddle on the board, run. What was his name? Dean Linder-Layton. I believe he's Aussie. He's Australian. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Okay, go on. The dude's got an engine, and I told my wife last night, I said, that guy's got an awesome ass. I mean, Linder, and I get an obituary. He died in 2021. He was born in 1935. That guy? Different guy. Different guy.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Oh, I spelled Linden wrong. Cassandra, she tells me that pretty regularly. She's very sweet to me. She takes pity on how ugly I actually am. She's very, very me she takes pity on how ugly i actually am um she's very very doting with compliments i don't see this dude's ass in any of these pictures oh god maybe a screenshot the documentary hey um so i asked my wife how often she says it to me and she said once a week and i'm like the
Starting point is 00:12:21 fuck you do you how many kids we have she goes three I go that's about how many times you've told me I'm handsome she goes you don't listen you don't listen can you imagine me not listening she's beautiful three times a day every time my dick gets hard I blame her but I don't say you look beautiful
Starting point is 00:12:40 I'm like damn it she's like what I'm like I'm excited again it's your fault is your love language words of affirmation hey i have a question about that yeah go because i'm gonna i need to i need to paint this picture a little bit more before i understand exactly what kate all right you get your paintbrush out um no no i've heard this love it's more like hey we have five minutes i've heard this whole love language thing bubbling up again like this is that book's pretty old but i've been hearing more and more people talk about it again recently so i'm kind of curious to know like where this in pop culture
Starting point is 00:13:16 is like popping up again what book it's like the five love language yeah i think it's just yeah five love languages he has like a bunch of books he has like the five love languages. Yeah. I think it's just, yeah, five love languages. He has like a bunch of books. He has like the five apology languages. He has a bunch of different ones. What are the five love languages? Five love languages are words of affirmation, physical touch, gifts, acts of service, and quality time. So essentially it's like you can go and do his quiz and answer a series of questions. And it will say, hey, you are predominantly words of affirmation, which is someone who likes to be told compliments.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Someone who likes to hear nice things about themselves or whatever it is. Or it might be physical touch. Someone who likes like holding hands or hugging or cuddling or whatever it is. Fucking. Like a rapist. A rapistist his language of love is physical touch why do you why she's making a good point i know i i tried to reel that one in i really did i want you to know i tried to reel that one in sorry go down that
Starting point is 00:14:18 yeah okay uh and then there's uh acts service, which is like doing something for your partner and then, um, quality time, spending time together. And then, um, what was the other one? Gifts. So gifts, a gift doesn't necessarily have to be something that's like, I guess more superficial. It's like gifts could be like gifting your time or gifting your energy or whatever it is, or like taking care of the kids or whatever. I was going to say, I was going to say something else guys. Gift meaning like you see, you view your wife as a whore or your mate as a whore, like you give them a hundred dollar bill. I just, you know, yeah. So like you might be mostly quality time with a bit of physical like touch or gifts with words of affirmation. So like you can kind of figure out what your language is, but you can also think of it in two senses. So you might speak one language, but you might receive another language. So like, for example, I really like speaking words of affirmation to my partners, but then I also personally love quality time. So it's like quality time is probably more important to me, but I like to do gifts and words of affirmation for my partners. So it's like you kind of need to figure out what your partner likes and prefers and what
Starting point is 00:15:26 their language is so that you can speak the same language. So it's like the examples would be like when, when you have a partner who's like, Hey, I always take the trash out. I always do really nice things for you. But you're talking to someone else who's like, I don't give a fuck if you do acts of service for me,
Starting point is 00:15:43 we don't spend any time together. So it's like one person speaking one language, another person is speaking a different one. And so it's like, I don't give a fuck if you do acts of service for me, we don't spend any time together. So it's like one person speaking one language, another person is speaking a different one. And so it's like both of them are showing love, but in a way that the other one doesn't, doesn't understand. So that's where you can have conflict or a hard time expressing your feelings. I think I track people who are like touches their thing. And the hard thing about if you're a person who's of touch is, is if they touch you and like you reject them, it like really, really fucking hurts their feeling. That one's really tough because so,
Starting point is 00:16:19 so my wife's really, really, really touch. Like that's her thing. It's always been for 20 years. That's how she like gets my attention, touches me and but but if i reject her it's not because i'm rejecting her although of course it would if i did that to her and she did that but back to me i'd fucking come unhinged i'd fucking i'd jump off the fucking balcony but for her for me it's just like i just want to do something else you know what i mean and i'm not i'm just talking about i don't know but yeah it touches i think i'm a touch person like if i if i if i'm showing my love to my wife like i just push her on the bed and jump on her I don't know. But yeah, I think I'm a touch person. If I'm showing my love to my wife, I just push her on the bed and jump on her like a trampoline.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Hey, what do you think about this idea that if you are, what was the one you needed? Quality time? Yeah, I tend to be quality time and physical touch. I think if you're someone who needs quality time, you won't ever be with someone who's great oh that's my newest that's like my that's my newest quality time doesn't mean a lot of time it just means time that is quality yeah okay i think there's a difference between just spending time with someone and actually like intentionally being together or connecting yeah i mean because i'm great and my wife and i did um long distance for a while and i travel a lot and we're pretty busy oh did i say i'm great sorry are we answering that call you are great you you said it's still humble
Starting point is 00:17:44 i don't want to be humble so i'm not going to be what do you you were you drinking like a Are we answering that call? You are great. You answered it. You said it's still humble. I don't want to be humble, so I'm not going to be. What are you – are you drinking like a Moxa Ceylon? What the hell is that bottle? No, it's a cold brew. Oh. Hey, this is great. I think it's – this is a call from India.
Starting point is 00:17:58 No, it's a call from Iowa. It's an Indian – Patel, what's up? What's up? How are you guys doing good i just wanted to call in because savann whenever you talk about your kids it always makes you think back to when i was a kid and like my dad would always take me literally anywhere with him just to hang out with him i didn't really realize that until you went back and started talking about i was like man he just wanted to really spend time with me i And I just think that's really cool.
Starting point is 00:18:25 And it brought back all his memories. I just want to say thank you for that. If you call up and make my tear ducts like get all weird and shit ever again, I'll just hang up on you right away. All right. Sounds like a plan. I just want to say thank you for that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Hey, what are you? Are you Indian dude? I am Indian who lives in Iowa. The place for COVID does not exist. What are you doing there? How's the Indian dude? You own a liquor store there? No. Actually, my parents
Starting point is 00:18:48 owned a couple businesses growing up. Fucking Indians. They take over. They're just like... I'm telling you, Indians, Armenians... Hardest working rate. Yeah. Indians, Armenians, and Jews. Throw some Japanese... Sprinkle some Japanese people in there. If you didn't know press, then they would take over.
Starting point is 00:19:04 It's called discipline and hard work, Siobhan. Hey, why aren't you guys complaining? You guys are kind of black. What the fuck are you guys doing? Uprise that shit. There's a billion, 1.7 billion of you do some shit. See, the thing is, Indians are the most unoffendable people ever because they are the most racist.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Look how happy Siobhan is at that that comment i just love it yeah i just loved it well tell me your can you tell me your first name a porva a porva god you gotta be and you're smart as shit right uh i i'd like to think so but i've been told i'm dumb with my older brother so we'll see well i mean just outside of your outside of your, outside of your gene pool, you're smart as shit. I guess we'll say yes. And how old are you? 25. God, that's a great age to be. Hey, did you, uh, uh, Apurva, did you see the, the, um, the, am I, did I say your name
Starting point is 00:19:59 right? Apurva? Yeah, you are. Did you see, uh, Nick Rodriguez? He's 25. Did you see that podcast I did with him? I didn't watch it. I listened to it.
Starting point is 00:20:07 And I went back and watched some of his clips on YouTube. And that kid's a fucking killer. I know, right? 25, same age as you. Yeah, and he's doing a lot more things than me. I'll tell you that. He's just like, and I'm like, hey, dude, like, what about girls? Don't you get distracted by chasing girls?
Starting point is 00:20:22 And he's like, dude, look at me. You think I chase girls? No, no. Girls chase girls and he's like dude look at me you think i chase girls no no girls chase me i was like oh yeah fuck i'm not that lucky i gotta go chasing i know you sound like a nice man i try i try to be and you crossfit of course absolutely oh you're a good dude and what's your affiliate i'm waking up you go to an affiliate um so i whenever i do go into an affiliate it's called crossfit exit it was called crossfit exodus i think they unaffiliated last year during all that stuff but i just work out at home i pretty much built a gym in my basement um how do you spell exodus i think it was e-x-o-d-u-s indian see this motherfucker just spell that shit when
Starting point is 00:21:07 the spelling bee just right here on the show savon he actually knew how to spell it he just felt bad for you and that's why he acted like he had to kind of dispel it out listen listen i asked him that was a test that was to make sure he's indian if you'd have fucked that up i'd have called him a liar like nine out of ten spelling bees in this country are won by Indian chicks. And males. Don't be, don't be sexist here. You mean,
Starting point is 00:21:29 don't forget. Have you seen the lady who's, who, who just won the spelling bee? I think it was last year. I mean, probably at the time, but I don't really remember it. She is not Indian.
Starting point is 00:21:42 I don't know what she is, but she's a black skin. She's like really dark black. And she holds like four world records for basketball too look at kate look at kate's face right now she's like can we go back to talking about love anyway we gotta someone should pull that girl's instagram up she has like 90 000 followers she's like 12 years old and she holds like four oh yeah that's her dude this lady is amazing i would love to get her parents on the podcast she you she does some shit with a basketball that's like absolutely nuts yeah that's her azalea 14 year old if you don't follow this girl man
Starting point is 00:22:18 everyone should follow her is that her mom um no i think that's an ad i'm gonna pull i'm gonna pull up her instagram look at me racist i just see a black older woman i just think it's her mom? No, I think that's an ad. I'm going to pull up her Instagram. Look at me, racist. I just see a black older woman. I just think it's her mom right away. Gosh darn it. All right, Patel. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:22:34 All right. Yep. You guys have a good one. Peace and love. Yeah, your dad's a cool dude. Man, that actually hit me kind of hard you can pigeonhole almost everyone except white people this is coffee maggie gave this to me today this is coffee cold coffee
Starting point is 00:22:57 now you talk cobart you're gonna attack going to attack me, then I defend myself, then you attack. I don't need to attack you back. I was just reading the comments. Please don't do that. Okay, scroll, scroll, go a little more. Go to... Yeah, this might be one of the greatest people on... That's a serious trophy. Holy fuck.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Yeah. Go to one of her videos, Matt matt where she's dribbling i mean her skills are just endless but her spelling and her basketball are absolutely nuts go to one where she's dribbling like five balls or seven balls time she has some like guinness book of world's record for most balls dribbled at a time and i wonder if she's almost like autistic. I mean, Oh, there it is. Look at this fucking complete nuttery. Wow. I mean,
Starting point is 00:23:51 that's only four. You said seven. Dude. What out of the investors? I thought. Okay. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Does she have a system or is it random? Oh dude. It's so precise. It's so precise yeah that one you can see it there's a pattern right god that's so cool how stressful is that she's just got a big brain or something it's not stressful it's just cool yeah oh dude it's hey there's some stat i was looking at the other day they're like two like 200 million people in the world can can can very very um easily and competently uh juggle three balls and then you go to and then you go to four balls and it's like 500 000
Starting point is 00:24:45 but when you get to like 12 or 13 balls there's only like two people and then the numbers get really small really really really really quick how many can you juggle so i i can't do it i can juggle three but but not competently. I mean, like, I juggle two 24 hours a day. That's the Sivan I wanted. I had a good comeback for that. It was just so slow. I'm slipping. I'm being serious, Obar.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Don't do that to me. Bruce, accurate. Please throw that comment up very true you can tell Siobhan got hit on today because he's really happy barbell jobs barbell jobs
Starting point is 00:25:35 tomorrow I have Eddie Penny on SEAL Team 6 guy 20 years in the Navy actually I think he did 2 years in the Marines 18 years in the Navy 20 years total in the military I Actually, I think he did two years in the Marines, 18 years in the Navy. 20 years total in the military. I'm excited to have him on. I have no idea what we're going to talk about.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Never met him before. Just found a dude on Instagram. I was like, wow, this guy looks interesting. Can't wait. What's the status? We were going to have Miko Salo on the Sevan podcast. Now, all of a sudden, Josh is trying to get him on the Josh and Sevan podcast. Did Miko reach out to you?
Starting point is 00:26:08 I sent him a DM, told him to reach out to you. No, he hasn't. I haven't got anything from him yet. I'll reach out to him, man. He's going to be tough. How's the news doing? I'm ready to rip on the news, but I feel like we're having a good conversation.
Starting point is 00:26:23 We're only 25 minutes in, so usually we don't start the news for another 15 minutes something's up with kate tonight she's like you know what this this is like her final straw boy i'm insecure she's she's like she's like you know what fuck this podcast i'm gonna do a sex podcast i'm gonna do a relationship podcast you guys should have heard my podcast last week it was uh got a little bit loose you did a podcast yeah so i started my own podcast with uh my partner greg and i knew it yeah we're we're deep though i've been running that for a couple months i've got like almost 10 episodes but uh
Starting point is 00:26:57 yeah it just gets a little bit pull that shit up about it pull that shit up and whatever you don't promote it when you pull it up okay how long does it take to do that love language test because i want savannah to take it right now live on this show what are you drinking now for fuck's sake man this is in the fridge at the hotel cbd drink and this is coffee i'm just oh good you're those are our new sponsors i'm getting so many questions about Australia Zachary I don't believe they're for sale
Starting point is 00:27:29 but they did just move locations so I think they're just looking for a new location that's CrossFit Gold Coast and I won't move to Queensland Queensland is locking down I am leaving Victoria though I am moving states because Melbourne is a shithole you're moving where?
Starting point is 00:27:44 I'm moving to newcastle which is like an hour north of sydney so i'm moving to moving to the state above me why don't you just go to that super duper northern coast that's fucking empty because it's queensland and they're locking like there's so the reason i'm going to new south wales is that their mandates and they're like all their rules and restrictions for vaccinated or unvaccinated people finish December 15th. And that's the only state that will be open. So that's where I'm going. That's a downer.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Get her, Homer. She's like, what the fuck? No, Kate, I'm glad to hear that you're moving. I think it's awesome that you're able to do that. What about Greg? I'm sucked into these comments, man. People blasting you for drinking uppers and downers. Steven said that he calls that a hippie screwdriver.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Cold brew and a CBD drink. What a beast. There you go. Gone rogue. Gone rogue. What is that? Oh. You were getting some love for your podcast uh in different people's um 2021
Starting point is 00:28:48 spot i know i know i was i was actually like stoked on that that was really cool but um yeah let me see that logo gone rogue how the fuck we have a dog picture of a dog of mine that died that i just found on my desktop for our fucking show and she got like some graphic i've told you so many times to switch what's funny is susan probably made that graphic for her i know oh shit what else how many episodes she got how often is she putting these out that's eight not very often we were doing weekly but i dropped off for a little bit good you don't have the consistency you don't have the discipline or the consistency. Do you know what?
Starting point is 00:29:28 Do you know what got me back onto it, though? I was like, I'm doing more fucking Sivan podcasts than I'm doing of my own goddamn podcast. Like, fuck. So now I'm doing it every Wednesday night. It's live at 5 on Wednesday night. Little push there, little nudge. Dude, it's live? You do it live?
Starting point is 00:29:45 I'm doing it live now, yeah. Do you go live on Instagram to tell people to go over there first? I've never been live on Instagram before. I just post about it. So like today, tomorrow, Wednesday, I'll make sure I'm posting about it and sharing. Why don't you go live on Instagram? I don't know. I never have.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Well, because I think once you're no longer live, it disappears. No, no. You can save it. But here, just do this. Like five or ten minutes before you go on, just be like, hey, guys, I'm about to go live on my YouTube station. You guys should get over there. What are you doing this morning? I put it on my story.
Starting point is 00:30:18 But yeah, okay. Yeah, go live. I'll do it for you. And what software are you using to go live with? I'm using StreamYard now. Oh, God. I actually just got contacted by Bob on Jobs. What? Say that again?
Starting point is 00:30:35 I'm kidding. I'm kidding you. Oh, we're talking about... Oh, listen, listen, Andre. I'm telling you, Andre, do not go to the dark side. Stay here, Andre. Barbell Jobs. Although I didn't mention Barbell. Sometimes I forget to mention the sponsor,
Starting point is 00:30:53 and I didn't mention it on the Sarah Sigmund's daughter. And, man, I was expecting a call from Andre and just whooped my ass. I think we're about to get another sponsor. God, Barbell Jobs is such a good sponsor they don't sell coke or pepsi i upgraded i upgraded thank you will was fucking listening to my podcast live as well oh this fucking i'm i'm bringing the Savan followers over to the dark side not anymore no no no I got a special deal with StreamYard so
Starting point is 00:31:31 the logo will be gone hey let me see that podcast again let me see that where you've gone rogue what are you going to say what could you possibly say right now what do you want to know do you want me say right now dear what do you want to know do you want me to give you your secret do you want me to give you my secrets don't mean to help you out
Starting point is 00:31:49 dear bill and katie at rogue fitness here we go please send a cease and desist to kate gordon at for stealing your name she's calling her podcast gone rogue. It's clear violation of IP, BP, BD. She used seven on 20. Oh, Caleb Beaver. He's killing it tonight.
Starting point is 00:32:18 That guy, Will Bannister is the one who I think that dude runs our Instagram. Yep. Very, very thoroughly before we gave him the codes to our Instagram. We protect his brand very seriously. Rigorous process. Okay, okay. One last thing.
Starting point is 00:32:32 That's funny. You should see the pictures. He was DMing me from that Instagram account. Good for you, Will. Good for you and your fiance. I want to see the name. Oh, dude, look at what she does too. Listen to this fucking propaganda how many times can i get stood up and i'm leaving melbourne oh stood up mean like
Starting point is 00:32:51 from dudes dropping so many bombshells in this episode oh dropping so many bombshells talking about my current dating situation my training situation my plan for next season and how enormous greg's cock is and how i manage it. Wow. It really says it. Hit play on that. Hit play on that. It's the first time I've whipped his mouth open. I zoomed in. Oh my God. It does not say that. The beginning of this is really bad. So there's nothing to play there.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Wow. This is brilliant. No no bart get that shirt made i'm gonna start a podcast i'm just gonna call it white bread it canceled white bread brought to you by looks like a good candidate we got another dude too this guy caleb beaver c beaver c beaver he uh that dude's also on the team his name better middle name better start with an a i think this dude does the clips i think that they're working behind my back, though. They're interchangeable. I bet you Will has shared the Instagram code with Caleb, and Caleb shared the YouTube code with Will.
Starting point is 00:34:13 I'm starting to see these guys. I tried to keep everyone apart so I can control them, but everyone's working behind my back. I'm like a conductor that doesn't want the the musicians to know each other but these fuckers figured it out okay so how long does it take to take that love language test because i want someone to take it right now i don't think it takes too long i mean you can kind of go through it pretty quickly and just answer, you know, the first thing that comes to mind. Why is Sevan getting close to the camera? I'm in a hotel room.
Starting point is 00:34:49 I don't need, I'm like, I got this weird fucking headset on. I'm like, I'm not, I'm not myself today. What was that? Just buttons on. I just have these buttons now that I can push. Because this is a new Rodecaster Pro. Oh yeah, one last Pro. Oh, yeah. One last thing.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Oh, and I programmed that in. Oh, yeah. One last thing. Hey, Gordon, mate. It's so fit. How long does this take? Can we take it right now? No, come on, dude.
Starting point is 00:35:21 I'm not that vulnerable. I don't want to be that vulnerable. Start the quiz. Let's go. I don't want to be that vulnerable. How the quiz. Let's go. I don't want to be that vulnerable. How do you describe yourself? I am an adult. Thank you, Matt. Hey,
Starting point is 00:35:36 can we just do three questions? Let's do three. How do you describe yourself? Have you ever felt like an adult, Hobart? Not once. Have you ever felt like an adult, Kayart? Not once. Have you ever felt like an adult, Kate? Sometimes, depending on what I'm doing. At the moment, I'm calling property management people, and I'm like, oh, this is so much adulting. But otherwise, no.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Do you feel like an adult? Go ahead, Hobart. Sorry. One time I felt like an adult. A friend's dog died, and I found it drowned the dog drowned and i found the dog um myself and another friend and then you know so we had to like go get retrieve the dog out of the water it was just like that was that day and we buried it like that and we had to tell them like that day i felt like an adult did you bury it first or tell them first told them hey your dog's
Starting point is 00:36:24 buried in this hole. Hey, if you want to go see your dog, here's a shovel. Dig it up. And then they dig it out and they realize you lied to them. You really just fucking threw their dog out the back. It's not their dog. It's three of their cats. Do I know the person?
Starting point is 00:36:39 Yeah. And was it their fault? Were they negligent? Is that why their dog drowned? No. No, you couldn't say, though, even if it was, right? How old was the dog? I shouldn't have brought this story up. I don't think I've ever heard of a dog drowning.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Yeah. Yeah, that's unusual. What am i missing thank you for dropping i want to tell such a morbid joke when kate when kate said i can't i've never heard of a dog drowning i really wanted to say that's what happens when you hold his head underwater but i was like i can't say that um that actually almost makes you want to that almost makes me want to cry my my dad told me a story once when a raccoon when he was younger raccoon drowned his dog um a raccoon drowned his dog and just for for the record i've owned dogs my entire life um and uh they were great to test all my new makeup on and i've happily um
Starting point is 00:37:48 i've been happily on them and i love love dogs so i'm just gonna throw it out there but he cross-dressed his dogs before he uh have you ever gotten rid of a dog obart gotten rid of yeah have you ever gotten rid of a dog you say you love dogs have you ever gotten rid of a dog like uh like it just you're in college you get get a dog for years and you take them to the pound, you pass them off to someone else. You let them run away. Actually, my first dog was a rescue. Oh man. That's, you're a good dude. I was starting to attack. I was on the attack. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:20 So, so how did this dog drown? I Kate, Kate's i i like what kate said i've never heard of a dog drowning was the dog obese um i'm not i'm not fucking doing this it just it just wasn't a breed of dog that should have been swimming and um but it did really like the water what kind of dog was it thank you a bass down i think i think the the types of breeds they're called brachycephalic good luck good luck susan those are like um i think that's the term i could be wrong on that but like pugs and like um certain types of bulldogs you know the underbite and they have a little pushed up nose oh yes yes overbred dogs for fucking weirdos let me tell you french if you i have a strong opinion about
Starting point is 00:39:13 if you get a french bulldog a pug any of those fucked up dogs you're what's wrong with you how did you get one of those. I'm so sorry, Kate and Matt, that I told this story. So sorry. I'm like truly, I'm looking at the camera and I'm apologizing. Wow. That's interesting though. Many people mistakenly think that all dogs can actually swim, but it's not the case. They just doggy paddle not because that's their style of swimming because it's fucking by necessity
Starting point is 00:39:47 they're like holy fuck i don't know what i'm doing and i have this i have this real i have like a cynical streak right now we were we're listening to tosh point or um tosh point oh i took a road trip earlier this week and we listened to like a lot of tosh point oh did you listen to happy days happy days i don week and we listened to like a lot of Tosh.0. Did you listen to Happy Days? I don't remember. We listened to a bunch of his stuff. He's just brutal. He's my favorite comedian of all time.
Starting point is 00:40:12 I think he's way better than Tosh.0. No one is safe. No one is safe. He is so good. I can't swim. Man, I've been swimming a lot. I mean, after all the cold brew and CBD juice he's drank in the last 15 minutes, he should not
Starting point is 00:40:25 swim for at least an hour i said to my kids they were they were about they were they wanted to go swimming and you know like when we were kids it was uh you can't go swimming 20 minutes after you eat my kids like we want to go swimming we want to go swimming i go first you got to eat your entire hamburger and then you can go swimming that opposite way i was raised jump in i felt like an adult once i don't know i probably felt a few times but but the time that i most felt like the adult was a kid crashed at the skateboard park and his parents weren't there and he's like 12 years old and he screamed his head bounced off the concrete he's like i can't see i can't see and i fucking jumped down there and i drug him over to the fucking shade and i was like it's okay and i was just
Starting point is 00:41:13 this dude started talking out of my mouth i'm like holy fuck i was like i was having an out-of-body experience like whoa look there's an adult on the scene crazy like my heart was pouring out to him you gotta feel like an adult when you've got kids yeah yeah that's when it happens like that's when you start sensing it yeah try not to let it out well what is it like the contrast what's the definition that we're going for adult here just like depressing shitting things we've had to deal with or like is there no longer feeling like i try to feel like a kid as much as i possibly can't don't stop just like um dogs out of a pond and dealing with property managers yeah definitely yeah bruce it definitely wasn't the time i shit in the van definitely no that was part just just when you're resulting is like when you just have
Starting point is 00:42:03 to be like objective like there's something to do and you have to be objective. There's something to do and you have to be objective and there's just not mess around time. I'm probably not going to make a joke about balls. There's going to be no balls in someone's mouth joke at the time. At all. Gone. That part of the item is gone. It's like, oh fuck, we're under enemy fire.
Starting point is 00:42:33 There you go. debunked i want to see someone start making ironic fitness content where he does like 100 meter swim spring or the crossfit total when's the last time you did the crossfit total and this is a perfect answer that question then i have a perfect segue into my first news story if i was 34 when i started crossfit i probably last time i did cross totals when i was 38 i think you're due today's my fasting day and you know what i did uh cindy i did 15 rounds of cindy and probably about 30 minutes just really really slow in the hotel gym here nice yeah. Yeah. Just like really, really, I just went down there and I just started hammering out and I did all chest of our pull-ups and I worked on my hand for my, I only do strict pull-ups.
Starting point is 00:43:14 I only do strict pull-ups. Hobart. I know. Oh damn. The hotel lighting. I want to, I want to, I want to see. Oh, you got to, Hey, that hotel lighting I wanna I wanna see you gotta hey text me that so I can get one of those when I travel oh it's a pile of shit okay I'll text you
Starting point is 00:43:33 a better one alright then don't please don't send it to me I don't want it if it's a pile of crap yeah this one doesn't even isn't even gonna last the whole show because people are saying I'm in a sauna but I feel famous when it's on me people are saying I'm in a sauna right now oh I could do that it does look like you're in a sauna oh my god that's exactly it i am um but no i want to know what your crossfit total was because i think that you could not hit one lift in the crossfit total that would be heavier than Kate's most recent PB snatch.
Starting point is 00:44:07 That's my first news story. No, no, no. I think I could deadlift more than 195, but I wonder if I could press more than Kate. Kate, what's your press? 135. Oh, God. That's really good. That is really good.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Like overhead press is like my, that's my jam. Oh, okay. It's because of those armpits. Zoom in on that. It's the armpits. It's more than her snatch. How's that? Yeah, yours didn't look more than my snatch.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Barely. Savon, what's your best snatch ever? Either 147 or 154. I can't remember. I think it was 154. What? I don't think. Either 147 or 154. I can't remember. I think it was 154. What? I think it was 154. Did I say that before?
Starting point is 00:44:51 I'm just saying. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that it was heavier than the lower one. Well, here's the thing. I think I was at Joe Westerlin's gym, and I think I did like 147. Someone said that you only snatched a 35-pound dumbbell. Did he just mute himself? Yeah. He did.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Perfect. He's back. I still can't hear him. He's back. What the fuck is going on? I'm testing you too. Hello? We got you.
Starting point is 00:45:31 We got you. We can hear you. Anyway, Kate, this is news story number one. Congratulations. Thank you. It's my fault. Oh, my goodness. Susan, mute him.
Starting point is 00:45:51 What's your snatch key, Mark? Best I snatched, 272. Ooh. Most recently, 262. I haven't snatched 272 in four years. That's crazy that you're only 10 pounds below your best. That's crazy. This was the gym that
Starting point is 00:46:18 I got dubbed in on. Savan, remember you were asking? Dude, I... Wait, what happened? So, I was training don't switch stories just tell the story and then i'm gonna come back okay so um get caught up the gym that i'm training at at the moment is like we have mandates and rules so they're you know taking a big risk and letting me train there. And they've been pretty open about it with their members and they are kind of rolling with what the owner feels he wants to
Starting point is 00:46:50 do and what he's okay with, I guess, enforcing and all that kind of stuff. So I've been posting about training there, which is all stuff that like I've discussed with the owner being like, look, I don't want to post anything that's going to put you guys at risk and having that kind of like chat to just clear it, clear up everything that that's going to happen publicly or how much we keep it private. And he was like, no man, like post, post away. Like, I'd love it. I'd love you to like promote the gym, like all this stuff. And anyway, so someone on social media saw that I was training there and messaged him to find out like, Hey, like what's going on is what's, what's the go with Kate training there him to find out like, hey, like what's going on? What's the go with Kate training there? And he was like, look, this is just how we feel about the whole situation. And we're going to let people make a choice and I'm not going to like
Starting point is 00:47:33 enforce the mandates. So she called up the DHHS, which is like our health department for our state and complained and dubbed the gym. And so they had some people come out to the gym and check it out. And it was all fine. Like, cause he's got all the COVID safe procedures and practices that we have to have, like all the businesses have to have, but yeah. Someone came out, someone came out. Yeah. He's been dubbed in by a previous member who walked out and took out like 16 members with
Starting point is 00:48:00 him and now by one of my followers and had had to visit twice but they just come out and like check that he's got all the procedures which he does and then they're like okay and it sounds like they're getting a shit ton of petty calls so we uh had this lady come out the second time and uh he was like yeah look i had this conversation with someone on instagram and they interpreted it as this it didn't go very well she's like okay this makes sense we're getting a lot of these kinds of calls with people calling up, knocking on other businesses. First of all, my beverage doesn't have any drink in it. It says 10 calories, but it doesn't tell me where they're from. And I don't drink sugar and it doesn't
Starting point is 00:48:37 taste sweet. And this coffee says it's five calories. And I do know it's my fasting day and I'm guilty of 15 calories. Hey,, that is – snitches get stitches. You people need to know that. Even though – you people need to know that. Like calling the cops should be fucking last resort for fucking anything. You're a fucking – it made me so angry. It made me realize how much fucking inner work I have to do when I see that i receive that someone told on you yourself that was the 193 snatch post yeah yeah so i actually the reason that i posted that they got dubbed in is because i was concerned that more people would be planning
Starting point is 00:49:16 on dobbing in so i was like i'm just gonna make sure everyone's already been sorry what are you saying dobbed in job like knock or like tell on so you get ratted out yeah what's this dob thing help me what's dobbed i like i don't know i'm using it i don't know i don't get any knob is i got a handful of friends from the oceania region and they say things and i just listen because they have poorer slang than i'll ever have and everything's slang so i just like i'm like yeah oh i totally get it so she said dobbed on in my i was like oh yeah i totally know what that means it's it's in my context my context i put it together but other than that yeah by context right snitching snitching yeah thanks aaron snitches get stitched god the crazy thing about that is didn't you say it was from a coach that left with like 16 members yeah the two people that have done that have snitched one of
Starting point is 00:50:17 them was someone who had been waiting because the business owner bought the business from his previous partners were not down with the way that he wanted to do things so he bought them out and the previous member was like tell me the date that that business is transferred into his name and i'm going to call them on that day and that's exactly what happened he waited for that date then called them made a complaint they came out and visited and then the next time was the person who followed my instagram and came out and visited again because of them yeah it's crazy. We had something similar happen at the gym a while back during the lockdown here in the States. And there's a really high-level competitive cheer gym
Starting point is 00:50:50 across the street from my gym. And get this, one of the girls trying out to be on the elite team didn't make it. So then her mom called and had them shut down. Fuck is wrong with people down nobody's cheering ain't no cheer up yeah there's been a ton of like snitching on businesses like my other gym got snitched on as well like for having a gear outside during the lockdowns they put gear outside and was like hey this is a public space it's not a gym they put the air outside had a cover over it and uh they got dobbed in snitched on fuck it's crazy i like it's like keep using yeah it's like these small businesses they've been the ones that have like taken the
Starting point is 00:51:34 worst of it for we've been locked down we were locked down for more than almost 300 days it's like these small businesses scraping by if they make it if they make it through and then people are fucking calling them in so they get a ten thousand dollar fine it's like wow oh because a dauber is an informant or a traitor look up so a dauber is the person who did the daub who has done the daubing yeah yeah or a daub as in verb to daub he He dobbed. She dobbed. They dobbed. I like the verb to knob. Knob. I got knobbed. What does that mean? You know what it means. I thought knob was like noun or a knob.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Can you draw it for me? No, I don't draw. Have you ever been called a knob? Yeah, doorknob. No, but I call people a doorknob. Doorknob. Donut. If I call you a doorknob or a donut, that means you're dumb. Yeah, BaristioBBED. Hobart, this show is 52 minutes in.
Starting point is 00:52:35 How many stories have you done, Hobart? Yeah, Tony, I'm not vaccinated. The first story was Kate's awesome snatch PB, which I don't know why they call it. I heard that they call it a PB and not a PR because PR means prescribed rectally in Australia. Someone told me that. Is that true?
Starting point is 00:52:54 Or maybe it was your, I don't know. It's entertained interchangeable. Some places say PR, but I think that just might be, yeah. Personal best is what it is in Australia. So personal record is,
Starting point is 00:53:03 I don't know. It's just a thing. Personal record sounds a little highfalutin. Prescribed rectally. Did you say that? Yes. Someone told me that once. I just like hearing that on the Sevan podcast.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Prescribed rectally. I like all those words. 87.5 kilos prescribed rectally. That's so cool i love when my kids say uranus like when we're studying the planets do they know i don't know what anus is i don't even know i don't even know what i don't know what they know but i just like when they say it i start laughing i just fall out of my chair yeah that's cool
Starting point is 00:53:46 it's cool there was this uh i put down flooring i put down flooring in my gym in my garage and there was uh there's space in between the um tiles and uh the flooring's black so you had to fill it up with black caulk and uh i was my son i'd be i just i just loved saying that in front of my son so he'd be like are we gonna can we put in more black caulk can we can we do the black caulk today and it was just great i just fucking fall down dying laughing that's what i mean i'm an adult. I can't take the love test. That'd be inappropriate. Oh yeah. We were taking that.
Starting point is 00:54:29 It was one that was for kids. What if we make it a kid's version? It might be shorter. No, we're not taking the, we got to get to one substantive question. Please don't do this on this show. Kate, don't ever do that on this show again.
Starting point is 00:54:39 We don't do that on this show yet. I'm an adult. Too big is not why. Too big is not why. She don't do that. Too big, she said. She blasted you. Oh, stop. Wireless caller.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Hey, Simone. Hi. How you doing? I was great. I think I'm coming down off of this coffee. I think this fucking CBD shit bummed me out. And they did this on the show i really don't like this i have a question for you yeah so ever since like march of 2020 obviously everything's
Starting point is 00:55:13 changed like where do you think we go from here like how do we do you think we'll ever go back to somewhat called normal do you think what what's the next step? Ever since what of 2020? What's the, what's the, what's the next step? No, they'll, they'll never be. Well, I mean, I mean, here's the thing. Let's say a real pandemic did come, like not this made up one, like a real one that like, like healthy people were like, like anyone, like I went to the Scottsdale mall today and I cannot tell you, like, there's dudes there who are veal. Thousands of dudes who are just so obese and so pasty and so white and so fat and just so rich.
Starting point is 00:55:53 And so it's nuts. It's nuts. Do you think anything? If people start dying besides those people and we have like a real pandemic and like people like are really dying then shit will get really fucking crazy like if we had a real pandemic there'd be just straight fucking anarchy like all the i know we don't like this word all the alpha males would be fucking roaming the streets with guns and taking shit from these from the veal dudes i'm telling you that's what happens we just we just aren't there yet but that is what will that is what will happen in the united states of america if a fucking real fucking pandemic was here the
Starting point is 00:56:29 alphas don't those dudes those dudes will just go out in their trucks and whatever and and make sure they get supplies for their families we're just not in a real pandemic we just have to see we're not sure how we're gonna manage crazy crazy delusional people. We're just managing mass delusion right now. So I, and of course they're delusional because their brains are completely fucking polluted by two things. One, this ideology that who knows where the fuck it came from.
Starting point is 00:56:55 If you listen to that Russian KGB guy was planted here 30 years ago by the Chinese and it's just been proliferating this victim mindset. And then, and then the other thing is, is that it's just people are so fucking foggy from all the shit carbohydrates they're eating. And so the combination of those things has just left us in this massive delusional state where half the, half the country is,
Starting point is 00:57:15 and they're so terrified of dying, right? Right. People are so scared of dying, but these people live on the edge. And so now there's this cold that might kill you and cnn said it might kill you so they're terrified and freaking out i mean basically what's the irony is is we live with zombies but the zombies are afraid to die but like they're already dead right so it's like what the it's so fucking weird so i know i agree with hobart we never go back to normal like like now we just wait to see what what like is it going to come to um a war between the zombies and the regular people that that that's just like that's i mean that's just i mean we're kind of we're in that war now
Starting point is 00:57:58 but do you think that voting isn't enough to get us back to where we were? I have no idea. I'm not, I'm not really, I'm really not a big conspiracy guy. Yeah, it is. It is a great question. I'm really not like, like it doesn't matter to me if there's a big foot or I'm not like big into like conspiracy stuff. Like I don't even really fully understand the control stuff. I don't understand why it matters to know that. And I i not that i say it doesn't matter and that someone shouldn't be thinking like that but my whole thing is is like let's just show me someone healthy who's died it's like i was in a fucking i was in a uh i was in a mexican food joint here in scottsdale and a dude walks in with a handful of cash and a picture of a fucking healthy little kid and he
Starting point is 00:58:44 goes hey can you help us pay for this fucking funeral? This kid just died of COVID-19. He's like a six year old, seven year old kid. And the dude I'm with goes, wow, that must be a first. I've never seen a healthy kid who died of COVID.
Starting point is 00:58:57 And the guy's like, what? And he's like, Oh, that just, this is a fucking miracle. This is like the, or this is the opposite of a miracle. This is a curse. I cannot
Starting point is 00:59:06 believe, and I was like, yeah, get him. And the guy, and like, the guy's like trying to collect money for a kid who died of COVID in there. And the dude I'm with just called him on that shit. And the dude fucking scrambled out of there. No one healthy is dying. Nobody. Not one. Not one. Not one.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Not one. And if there is one, or if there is a thousand, it's still nothing. There's 7 billion people here. You have to see that. My fingers in there. 7 billion. Okay. This is the gesture we do on the show.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Camera to reverse. This is how you tell me this is how you spell it. There's 7 billion people are you some listen there's it's so stupid what we're doing here's the reason why you can't go get some water i'll be right back you can't give seven billion people a shot without one person dying like even if you're injecting nothing into them even if you're just injecting water into them so something is going to have you can't do seven billion of any medical procedure without someone dying even if it's no most benign thing ever if you put had told every person had to go to the doctor right now and put on a band-aid someone would die some people would die thousands would die driving to the hospital you know that right that's the game we're playing and so none of this makes fucking sense
Starting point is 01:00:24 none of this makes fucking sense none of this makes fucking sense more i bet you i would love to see the stat on that i bet you more kids have died going to get the injection than have died from the disease that they're fighting from i bet you there's some crazy stat like that yeah that's why this is none of this and if the amount of kids that have died is so low. You know what I'm saying? Like if they've even died. You know what I'm saying? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:52 I've said this before, and I'll say it fucking again. If you're the kind of person who wants to talk to me about how building Auschwitz was job creation in Germany, we are on two totally different pages. I'm not going to argue about the job creation and how it helped the economy to kill fucking Jews. And my point is this. If you are involved in this at all, you are now fucking complicit. If you're the train driver who drove the Jews to there but you didn't want to do it, you are still complicit. Don't lie to yourself. The way I'm complicit for having two fucking iPhones and supporting child labor in fucking China. And so if you wear a mask, if you've gotten the injection, if you give the injection,
Starting point is 01:01:28 if you participate any way at all, you are now fucking complicit in everything bad that's happened. I'm not saying it even as a bad thing. I'm just saying just take fucking responsibility the same way I take responsibility for these phones. And stop lying to yourself like you're helping. You are not helping. Right. You are fucking complicit. All of them.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Even like, yeah, shadow ban, right? Even, even, even, someone told me the other day, they're like, I don't believe in masks, but I wear masks so other people don't feel bad. Complicit in killing the Jews. Complicit in the one, let's say just one child was raped because of this thing because they were kept at home because of a closure. You're fucking complicit. Right. Because you're a fucking coward and you won't stand up for fucking other people and it's okay i'm not even saying like it's derogatory just admit it child labor seven uses iphones that are made with child labor he knows it
Starting point is 01:02:16 same thing with fucking abortion i suspect that fucking abortion is killing babies i am also not not fucking against abortion. Oh, Kate wants to attack me. Let me ask you one more thing before I get out of here, okay? I was hoping when I came back we'd be off this, but I guess not. I give you the 193 pounds. 193 pounds snatch. You have the most amazing snatch in the world.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Wow. Wow. Wow. Damn. I'll see y'all. Y'all have a good day. Okay, bye. Wow. Wow. Wow. Damn. Y'all have a good day. Okay. Bye. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:02:47 Sorry. Bye. Hobart just flexes and listen to the call. Like superficial out himself. You have to get rid of him. He's like, okay, I'm out.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Bye. I thought his question about voting. I don't. I'm okay. One. I'm not stone. I have been skiing all day. And so my face is red and windburned. And I skipped dinner so I could get on this podcast.
Starting point is 01:03:14 Wow, Showbot. Showbot. Dude. White bread is out. Showbot is in. Showbotots a good name for the podcast oh kate will you come on my podcast will you be a guest i'll be your producer i'll be your suza oh yes uh kate what do you want to say about abortion you have to find the word on it do you want to have the final word on abortion? Slap me around a little bit. No. Okay. No. The only show where you laugh about penis size talk about abortion and kids getting raped.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Welcome to the new show. I ripped the bong in the bathroom, grabbed a snack, and then wandered back into the room. Why would you? Maceal. 420 would you? Maceo. 420, baby. Maceo.
Starting point is 01:04:09 420. But I also have to remember, I ripped the bong and I put my whole mouth on it. Oh, yes. With my roommate in college. That clip was so funny. Watching that again, I'd forgotten all about that. Is this dude saying you did that, Hobart? You ripped a...
Starting point is 01:04:27 Yeah, I think he's saying that was the... That's why you have munchies. You don't smoke weed, do you, Hobart? I don't. Yeah, you seem pretty straight-laced. Yeah. Wow, Hobart. Maceal, that's the most emotion I've ever seen from Maceal.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Love you, too. Maceal, you're always welcome to my house to watch the fights, by the way, Hobart. Maceo, that's the most emotion I've ever seen from Maceo. Love you too. Maceo, you're always welcome to my house to watch the fights, by the way, next weekend, Oliveira and Poirier. And Maceo will be at my house for like an hour and say like, shit, he'll be at my house for like four hours and we'll say like eight words to each other. He's like the best guest ever. He comes over usually with like a bottle like hennessy or some shit and then then just we just
Starting point is 01:05:09 watch the fights don't say a word to each other that's a good friendship oh it's awesome you have to have friends you can be around and not have to say anything and my kids like them and you still like yeah he's great to work with i've i really enjoyed really enjoyed working with him. I learned a lot from him. He's awesome. He's a hard worker. He likes getting paid. He's a hard worker, but he likes hard worker.
Starting point is 01:05:30 He loves money. And whatever gets you, whatever gets you motivated. Yeah. All right. Let's just keep going. I mean, fuck the news,
Starting point is 01:05:42 I guess. No, I want to do the news. What are you doing? This show is all fucked up. You're supposed to like interject, like grow a set. But I've liked, I've liked what we've been talking about. And we still haven't answered what your love language is, which I think. Just slide one of the questions from the quiz in like every article. Why did you have to use the word slide?
Starting point is 01:06:08 Every word. Why not? Seattle. like every article why did you have to use the word slide every word why not seattle seattle all right let's call it seattle oh wow yes how's it going guys it's going going hey i was just driving down the highway here in Alaska and a snowstorm just wanted to say hi. I was listening to you guys on the podcast real quick. And how are you? You're driving and listening? Damn, this show's getting big. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:34 All the way in Alaska. I'm a fan. I appreciate you, man. Okay. You are a fan? I am a fan. Then I want to play something for you. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:43 One last thing. Kate Gordon, mate, is so fit. Do you like that? I couldn't hear it. Oh. All right. Yeah. What's the name of this fan?
Starting point is 01:06:59 This is Curtis. Curtis, please don't reply to Hobart unless he's asking me, and then I ask you, and then you answer, and then't reply to Hobart unless he's asking me and then I ask you and then you answer and then I'll tell Hobart. The show's on podcast for a reason. Gotcha. Gotcha. I'm sorry. I submit to your authority, sir. Thank you. What are you doing in Alaska? Nothing much right now. Just working a kind of dead end job i uh just started crossfit like a year and a
Starting point is 01:07:25 half ago so just kind of diving in and uh trying to learn as much as i can and stumbled upon your podcast cool and do you are you born and raised in alaska how does someone end up in alaska uh i was born in minnesota but we moved up here like six months after i was born so pretty much raised in Alaska. What was the other question? What is that? Like Alaska is like a two-hour drive north of Minnesota? More than that.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Oh. Yeah. But it's a fun place, man. If you like the outdoors, the CrossFit team is still kind of cool. It's got a lot of work to do when it comes to like boxers. Your cell reception has a lot of work to do when it comes to boxing. Your cell reception has a lot of work too. Final question for you. Don't fuck this up. Tosh or Dave Chappelle?
Starting point is 01:08:15 Dave Chappelle. Oh, fuck off. You're done. It's not even a... What? Dude, Tosh is so much better. No. No, no, no. Not even close. Oh, I can't believe I hung up on a caller. I hope he doesn't stop listening to this show.
Starting point is 01:08:28 I want to know what Jimmy went to. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's good, Todd. They call Jim's ice boxes. We need a little drum roll. Well done, Todd. Well done. Dobart. I need more Hobart jokes. No-barsh. well done well done Dobar
Starting point is 01:08:45 I need more Hobart jokes Dobar I don't have enough notes to keep the show going you're going to have to do something Hobart alright let's go to the Hail Mary pass you said you wanted to talk about this
Starting point is 01:09:04 Hobart's going to knob him yeah I do want to talk about this hobart's gonna knob him yeah i do want to talk about that all right let's do it let's get into some news so tyson bagent was on the podcast a couple days ago i'm friends with his father wait what's going on you're doing it or i'm doing it no no oh you have a story behind this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah set it up set it up big dog don't let me cut you off okay so this guy this guy tyson beijing was on the show a few days ago and he's gonna win the i'm dead and he's gonna win the harlan is that big dog is that a reference to opt opex don't they have big dogs no someone just called me blowbart oh you know what's funny is like like i went to high school guys so all of these i've heard but i like
Starting point is 01:09:54 seeing them again really the fact that the fact that nobody's hit ho fart yet i'm really i'm really disappointed in everyone's intellectual capability. But blow fart's good. Man, ho-fart. Ho-fart. Boldly go. I'm going to see if I want to type this out. Ho-fart.
Starting point is 01:10:19 And then let's just scroll it across the bottom here. Ho-fart. Oh, where is it? Ho-fart. How's that like that yeah it's great man all right set this story up we got it let's let's try and get maybe three new stories in tonight 21 year old kid out of west virginia he's the son of one of my good friends uh travis he used to also work for crossfit he did did the announcing for CrossFit. He's one of the best arm wrestlers in the world, and he did security for Greg. And now he has this son
Starting point is 01:10:48 who's 21, who's going to win the Harlan trophy, which is the Division II Heisman. He was on the podcast a couple days ago. He also has a brother named Ezra Bajent, who on Saturday threw six touchdown passes, five touchdown passes, for touchdown passes for 62 to 11 victory in the West Virginia high school
Starting point is 01:11:11 championships. But his older brother who goes to Shepherdstown for the second week in a row through a touchdown pass with just a few seconds on the clock last week, he did it with 10 seconds. Then we had him on the show and this week he did it with one second. And this is in the regional championships of division two. So this is like a chance of a division two quarterback, maybe the best division two quarterback in the history of football, college football, getting ready. I mean, it's going to be very interesting to see what happens
Starting point is 01:11:36 to this kid. He's 21 and these guys don't normally go to the NFL, but this guy's just murdering it. So he has all the stats to go to the NFL. He just plays in the wrong division, but now he's showing that in clutch. Clutch, isn't that what it's called in sports? I'm going to try to act like I know about sports. Want to play his clutch? That means like it's vital, right? Yeah, this guy right here.
Starting point is 01:11:54 Shepard's University. Yep. He can pull through. Want to play it with one second left, Sousa? Yeah. Do you want me to play this one that's showing on the screen? Or do you want me to play the one that you sent me first? It doesn't matter. Is this with 10 seconds left, or is this with one second left?
Starting point is 01:12:10 No, I think this was, yeah, December 4th. So this one was yesterday with one second left. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go for it. Go for it. that was a great video you're right oh please ask me i don't know why that color went weird and i know but you don't even get to see tyson running out of the pocket with one second left and throw the pass but anyway he wins the game and i'm i want to have him on the show again he's a great kid if you want to listen to an amazing podcast listen to that podcast that's a great kid and that brings up my point what i was saying kate that people who need too much time from their mates won't have won't have great mates but it's not a need thing it's uh talking about expressing
Starting point is 01:13:01 love for each other or expressing how you feel or i think it's more of like a i think it's just a way to categorize like how you yeah how you treat people and and and what what how they interpret your your expression of like your love for them i don't think it's like a you don't you don't fucking survive the relationship if you don't get time like you need you um you're not dependent on that. You're not dependent on them. What do you mean by that? I think it's less about – I think it's more about how you spend the time rather than how much time you spend.
Starting point is 01:13:37 I think that's what is going on. Yeah, you take quality, not quantity. So maybe I'm thinking something maybe even a little bigger picture or smaller picture it's even just the demand so this is this is the thought i was thinking of and i thought of it while i was talking to this kid tyson bajan or when i was talking to uh nick rodriguez if you're if you're if you want to be with kate gordon like you got to compete with a lot of shit, podcast, working out, all her forays, her programming. What's your programming called, Kate, that you do? It's just CFK programming.
Starting point is 01:14:15 CFK programming, her fucking life coaching, just all the shit she's doing. And so what you got to do, like if she gets your name right when when she's having an orgasm that should be enough for you score she got my name right she knows who's on top of her or even if it's the same first syllable yes it should fucking sustain you where where is this going but if you're the kind of guy who's like like so she just finishes snatching 193 it's a personal pr and she goes over to her phone there's a test message for you hey i've been trying to call you for the next two hours yeah you're not getting a great person great people aren't going to put up with that shit and the example i used is
Starting point is 01:14:55 michelangelo is painting the sistine chapel he's on a fucking ladder and he's got his fucking neck back like this and he's painting for six months. His bitch ain't complaining. Like, hey, you're not spending enough time with me. I mean, she might have been. You don't know that. Right, right, right, right. Of course, there's outliers. But these great people, great people don't, you have to, if you want someone great, you gotta be a special person.
Starting point is 01:15:19 I don't know if that's an argument for people that are great shouldn't need time with pandas or give time. Like I'm not sure where you're going with that argument. Not need or give. Not need or give. But I'm just clarifying. I think we're all on the same page.
Starting point is 01:15:33 But it's sort of a demand. There's a whole generation here that's like – I don't even think we're on the same book, man. Okay. Then let's drill down. So what did you say? Your initial statement was if i'm at the games working the games and i'm doing the behind the scenes and i'm getting up at 5 a.m and i'm not getting done until 2 a.m
Starting point is 01:15:52 and i do that all week my wife is never saying to me why didn't you call me she's texting me good luck let me know if you need anything she's not there no there's no but there's no i don't think that means that her love language still couldn't be quality time i agree i agree with you i'm just clarifying i agree with you i'm not fighting with you i was trying to fight with you guys but you guys are already making it like you guys are already like i'm just intrigued by the statement that you came out with first which was like great people what did you say it was like a great person shouldn't doesn't need time or something like that what did you say initially if you if you want to be with like uh um albert
Starting point is 01:16:32 einstein's a lot of time to fucking walk around in circles to come up with e equals mc squared and you can't be jockeying him for that time you can't you can't in you can't interfere with uh um what's the uh guy's name who's the singer for pearl jam eddie vetter okay yeah yeah eddie vetter or stephen king like you can't like stephen king can't be interrupted as he's pulling down from the fucking ether his 37th book and he and not only, like you won't be with someone like that. And of course there's exceptions. This, like this kid, Nick Rodriguez said, he's 25 years old and he's had the same girlfriend for seven years. I'm like, dude, how do you do that? It's like, what do you mean? I'm like with all the way you guys interact and
Starting point is 01:17:16 shit today and the demands these kids are putting on each other. And like, you haven't texted me or are you cheating on me or just all that fucking drama? How do you deal with it? He goes, dude, if I sensed any of that that i'd just get rid of her i think here's the beauty of the love languages though it's not that everybody has to be quality time and it's quality time 24 7 it's like i think i agree with you too like if you can get i agree with you i i was i was just forcing a conversation i was just forcing a topic that I want to talk about that. I think it's like a lot of people really, really need to hear. Do you retract your initial statement?
Starting point is 01:17:52 That what? No. Can I re-summarize it for you? And then it'll sound better. If you have someone who's really obsessed in a goal, it's probably harder on those who are trying to be in a relationship with them, or it's harder to navigate relationships if you're obsessed on some specific goal. That pushes the relationship to a secondary position. I also think the love language would change. I think somebody who's got a massive demand on their time probably isn't someone who is going to have the ability to express how they
Starting point is 01:18:25 feel about their partner or care for their partner with time. It would be, it would have to be through another means. So that would be where you would run into problems. If the partner that is with that person fucking really like fills up their cup with time, like quality time. And maybe,
Starting point is 01:18:38 maybe like we said, it's like, Hey, quality doesn't need to be a shit ton of it. It's just the quality of it. But yeah, I think it depends on the person. It changes, which is why we fucking need to get Siobhan to take the quiz so we can figure out what he is. Fucking thank you, Kate.
Starting point is 01:18:54 See? Play that clip. Craig White read my mind. I mean, I don't think there's anyone who spends more time with their wife than me or who has in the last 15 years. When was the last time you guys went on a date? We're on one right now. We're on, we're, oh, just the two of us. I think we went to the gas station the other day and filled the car with gas.
Starting point is 01:19:15 I got out and filled it up. I don't think, I don't know if I've ever been on a date with my wife. What do you mean? What would that look like? Okay. You've made a uh like you've invited her out somewhere whether it's a meal or a coffee we'll keep it real basic
Starting point is 01:19:35 she's giving you kid gloves man because you're drooling right now trying to figure this out you guys live in a paradigm that's like... I've expressed it. I've expressed it. All my time is quality time. Yes, we need to have Sivan's wife. Fuck, it would be so good to have Hayley on here.
Starting point is 01:19:58 Do you know what? Fuck it. I'm going to get her on my podcast. Let's go, Kate. Let's go. Wow. She's going to start. fuck it i'm gonna get her on my podcast oh let's go okay let's go she's gonna start yeah welcome to your new therapy session seven if your love language is words of affirmation then your partner does have a responsibility to figure out how to love them i did i don't know okay please weigh in on that I don't know.
Starting point is 01:20:21 Kate, please weigh in on that. Yes and no. I think it's like the whole point of the love language is to figure out that both of you fucking love each other. You're just expressing it in different fucking ways. So if one person is doing it one way, the other person is not going to get it. So you've got to figure out like how do I just communicate? And for some people, it's like when you take out the trash, man, that's just the best thing ever and I really appreciate that. For some other people, they're like, you don't fucking spend any time with me or
Starting point is 01:20:50 you don't buy me anything or when was the last time you took me out on a fucking date? And he's like, well, man, I take out the trash every weekend. I do stuff for you. So it's just communication. Ultimately, all it comes down to is communication. Yeah. Effective communication.
Starting point is 01:21:09 Are you going to take the quiz now, Sivan? Are you taking it right now? He's trying to get a few questions out ahead so he knows. I am an adult. I am in a relationship. Relationship. relationship it's more meaningful to me when answer so on do you like to hug or do you like to get special notes you do like when i text you
Starting point is 01:21:41 have you i reckon hug i reckon savann is going to be physical touch you're on mute savann take yourself off mute he doesn't want to come off mute like you guys the fucking code for how to be with someone great you guys want to make a mockery out of it and tell me this shit. I just love it. Where's the guy who says this shit's over my head? Hey, this is this kind of this. I am so lost.
Starting point is 01:22:12 I just love this. Hi. Hi. Do you see the picture? This is Bruce Wayne. I know. Bruce Wayne's jacked. I always prefer a hug.
Starting point is 01:22:22 I don't need. I don't need. I don't need. I feel like you're a physical touch kind of guy. I always need a hug. I don't need, I don't need, I don't need, I feel like you're a physical touch kind of guy. I always need a hug. Click the hug. You got a physical touch wife. You guys speak the same language. I bet you.
Starting point is 01:22:32 Me and my wife? Physical touch. Yeah. I bet you're both physical touch. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We would just like. And you're a little bit of words of affirmation. Cause you like it when she tells you you're handsome. No, no, I'm not comfortable with that at all, but I use words of affirmation. Does it make you feel good though?
Starting point is 01:22:45 You might not feel comfortable with it, but if it makes you feel good, then. My wife loves me so much that there's nothing she could say probably. Probably if she wrote me a letter. As long as it wasn't too long. Didn't take too much of my time to read it. Like, like less than like four sentences or less. So you're not quality time. I, I just don't um
Starting point is 01:23:06 yeah but but my i would cut my wife and i could like sleep on top of each other like my wife and i can just we never need space like physical space like even if we're fighting like the word we're still anyway yeah you guys are totally both we're still cuddled with her at night like yeah all right let's fight later let's just cuddle now and that's why i want my kids too and that oh speaking of which i want to tell you that story so when i at so at that first i talked about this on this on the on the other show i think i talked about this on the other show with tyson major but when when travis the my friend I go, what was the – he was telling me how great it was when his son threw that touchdown pass. And one of the things that he loved so much when his oldest son threw the touchdown pass is his youngest son jumped on his back and hugged him.
Starting point is 01:23:58 And I go, what was it like when you saw your son afterwards? He goes, oh, it's so great. My son's so affectionate. And it's just like, yeah, that's like – that like that's two fathers talking like fuck all this other shit if your son hugs you money okay any more questions language questions we're doing the news i mean i want to do the news the story i have is such a bummer after that um she carries him Josh style. How is there only nine listeners on here?
Starting point is 01:24:31 What are you fucking? Where are you looking? Where are you? Nine listeners. YouTube. No, no. I see 129. And one on Twitch.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Is there really one on Twitch? Are we on Twitch now? We've been on Twitch, Facebook, and Twitter every single episode. It streams to all of them. Oh, great. Hobart's going to want more money now that he's on four different social media
Starting point is 01:24:56 platforms. Who's the young woman who keeps getting booted off of Twitch? She does a bunch of podcasts. She's in a kid's tub. Someone will tell you in the comments. Is there anyone? I think her username is Amaranth or something.
Starting point is 01:25:17 Amaranth. I'm going to start doing that for this show if you start paying me. I'll get in a tub. Oh, that would be awesome. You want to do a news story? Yeah, I'd love one. Okay, so I was going to... You won't have anyone great if you put too many
Starting point is 01:25:33 demands on them. Any demands on them, period. I mean, if they're really great, they should be able to meet all demands. If Hayley goes on Kate's podcast, she'll come back to the bedroom with new tactics and everyone will come back next week a believer in low language so i'll just be cross-eyed in the next podcast
Starting point is 01:25:54 like one of those like you just got electrocuted he won't need glasses anymore he won't be drinking coffee he just fucking i'm the most boring fucking guy ever let me tell you i quartered her for five years before fucking i got anything and i want to read five years of fornication oh yeah it needs to be a movie so good but so so this one time this one time a thousand years ago when we were having sex uh she as i'm busting a nut she reaches down and she's gonna like push on that spot that acreage between my anus and my scrotum and i'm like what the fuck are you doing she's like i read in a magazine i'm like don't fucking read any magazines just fucking just worry about yourself just you don't don't let fucking any Kate's
Starting point is 01:26:45 sex tips 40 feet of anal beads pulled out as I come just scream my name and just have a smile on your face tell me I'm great period push on a spot behind my scrotum the fuck is that
Starting point is 01:27:00 don't tell her anything okay go on that. Hey, don't tell her anything. Okay, go on. Fucking knuckleheads. What's your boyfriend want? Pushed on behind his scrotum. He's not your boyfriend. We're going to skip
Starting point is 01:27:19 this. We're going to come back to the story that I was going to come to. It's just not the right time to talk about it. is this the right time for mama hobart mama hobart your son this week just so you know brought up the dead dog not me last week i talked about a guy who blasted for going to the wrong party now your son brought up the dead dog period i'm talking about good things love how to get great let's talk about i mean we could go to the rogue wheel challenge oh yeah that's i like that story we'll use it we'll use back into the news let's go rogue news challenge okay a rogue wheel challenge what is that i don't
Starting point is 01:28:01 even know what is the challenge you had to hold a plate kind of like this oh there it is there's a picture of it right there what were the rules was it like straight arms did you have to hold it above something is he how and it has to be a 45 is that is it has to be a 45 pound play i think that was the male weight yeah 45 pounds female weight was a little bit less. I believe. What's the trick there? What do you do? You flex your leg. Are you like just really engage your lats and squeeze?
Starting point is 01:28:32 You're just really freaking strong. There's no trick to that. Okay. And so, and so the deal is, is that Colton Mertens took second, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:42 But the problem is, is this Blair McKay dude. He cheated he cheated well i don't know for sure but i heard that i want to i would like to see someone do this like right now hobart i don't have i don't have a 45 pound plate i definitely would savannah if you take your shirt off and do it right now hobart i don't have a plate suza do you have a plate nearby zero times zero two is zero i got some water bottles yeah todd i like where your head's at different plates would matter a lot yeah for sure yeah so anyway so what i heard is this uh this blair mckay that he's gonna need to hold your your phone for a minute 90 seconds
Starting point is 01:29:33 i heard this blair mckay guy at the 13th second mark i'm so sorry blair if this isn't true and if this is true fuck it uh at the 13 second mark, he looped the video. So that Colton Mertens is the real winner. He only looped it for a minute 23 though. Number one guy's video is spliced. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So that's what
Starting point is 01:29:57 Can you play the video? Can we find it? Yeah, I heard they pulled it down. Oh, is that why I can't find it? Yes, Rogue 2.0 would suck to hold up. Someone just pick up Sevan. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shit, I struggle getting a 45 off a damn weight tree. I know, it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:30:21 It is crazy. But the thing is, is Colton Merton's arms are only six inches long from shoulder to the tip of his middle finger. So that is possibly with handles, I heard. He used a skinny plate. Anyway, so the winner is my boy, Colton Merton's. And I'm spilt. The girls nailed it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:41 I don't recognize any of those ladies. Do you recognize them? No. Okay. yeah i don't recognize any of those ladies do you recognize them no okay so your your glutes back head must stay in contact with the wall heels no more than eight inches from the wall and then your arms and elbows have to stay straight you can't buy this shirt anymore those of you who didn't buy this shirt fucked up you can't buy a shirt i really i thought I thought we would at least get one for free. What size do you hope I'm going to get you on? What size am I large?
Starting point is 01:31:16 Okay, me too. How tall are you? Those, God, your arms are nice. Five foot eight. How can you be a large and I'm a large? You got big, broad shoulders. You got a good body. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:31:29 Oh, my goodness. Or you just, okay, I was going to diss you, but I'll leave it at that. That made you happy. I'll leave it right at that. I'll leave it right at that. In this fucking, in this parkour place today, we're checking me out. It was crazy. That badong-dong.
Starting point is 01:31:44 Yeah, 49 years old night and i they i mean they might just be moms who are there with their kids and just horny do you have people that recognize you from instagram like people that know you oh shadow but he's shadow van kate no it's not really fair because i live in santa cruz and there's so many crossfitters yes words of affirmation nice show that yeah i know oh yeah nice text little compliments colton urton's pig farmer's grip is nut bar what's nut bar really strong it's kind of like a dauber you've heard you've heard that term before because a whole shart's a whole different thing
Starting point is 01:32:46 but you know you know how they do like when people get married they do like a hashtag like you know like their name has some familiarity to like some kitschy wedding saying like forever or something um yeah like cassandra i think wanted ours to be like till death do us hobart or something and i wanted us to be hoes for life and everyone was totally again yeah hoes for life i thought that was really smart you know what's crazy hobart i'm gonna tell you something about cassandra i i pictured cassandra's kind of being like stuffy i mean i don't know her i've never met her i've no nothing to go on but like like she were dressed like she wouldn't like just like
Starting point is 01:33:38 this is like this whole thing here at uh the podcasting like you have to almost keep as a secret from her oh no she's she listens to him oh man that's crazy i have her totally i figure it's like just an amish lady like she wears like socks like up like you know what i mean like i just but i don't know who she is i've actually never seen her ankles oh yeah yeah that's kind of how I picture. I picture just this really pure as the driven snow kind of like... Is that because that's how you picture Hobart?
Starting point is 01:34:11 Yeah, I guess, probably. I just picture them as like... Yeah, I just picture like... They have two different soap trays and everything is just fucking like... Just, I don't know. I just... We have the I Love Lucy beds just, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:34:25 That's just how I picture it. We have the I Love Lucy beds. We actually don't. Yes, like shit like that. You send her a fucking calendar date to bone. Can I come to your bed tonight? Yeah, and we don't touch. We just lay on top of each other like this. With our hands.
Starting point is 01:34:40 Nice job! Yeah, a little hobar on the prairie nice show's a mess can we do the news mess a mess all right so let's skip down to the uh fusion story for the first time a fusion reaction has achieved a record 1.3 megajoule energy output. And so if we need to get some on back off topic, we'll just talk about science. And for the first time, exceeding energy absorbed by the fuel used to trigger it. This is eight times greater than the experiments conducted with fusion just a few months prior and 25 times greater in terms of energy output than experiments conducted in 2018. It's a huge achievement. Inertial confinement fusion
Starting point is 01:35:32 involves creating something like a tiny star. It starts with a capsule of fuel consisting of deuterium and tritium, heavier isotopes of hydrogen hydrogen this fuel capsule is placed in a hollow gold chamber about the size of a pencil eraser called a whole whole room hall room gaining experimental access to thermonuclear burn in the laboratory is a culmination of decades of scientific technology work stretching across nearly 50 years this enables experiments that will check theory and simulation and high energy density regime more rigorously, rigorously than ever possible before. And we'll achieve in applied science and engineering. Oh,
Starting point is 01:36:14 no, no. This story, like Hobart, you can't just read this story. You have to like, this needs to be deciphered for us. I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:36:24 Fusion. I thought fusion was bullshit like when they like make energy out of water and like every time someone says that there was cold fusion they're like that's impossible they catch this line like what are you even talking about well i think the general idea of fusion is that as they put to start you're creating more energy in an output than you're putting into an input i think that's really the oh that's good that would have been awesome if you'd have started the story like that i know this is a cobart show but like if you'd been like hey check out this story it's about fusion
Starting point is 01:36:55 seven i know you're a retard and you don't understand oh you wouldn't use that word you would have used i know you're dips you know you wouldn't use dipshit because you're too classy you're a you're a doorknob i know you're a doorknob you're challenged by science i'm on because you're such a romantic um this is uh just so you know this is a story about using a little bit of energy to make more energy and it's called blah blah fusion like wow and that's really important for us to be able to make more energy out of less energy because the u.s is no longer energy independent and why isn't the u.s energy independent i thought we were energy independent a couple years ago i don't know we're just not anymore
Starting point is 01:37:33 it's weird right yeah there was someone there was one that called you my favorite one so smart so smart yeah that one's great and rodeo bot what they call them in the bedroom oh nice thanks rodeo bot is that because it only lasts 8 seconds or because it's a wild ride
Starting point is 01:37:57 what are you getting at there Steven oh man have you Hobart have you heard that position it's called the rodeo no tell me about it it's when you're it's when you're having sex uh with your wife doggy style and you yell out her sister's name her best friend's name and see if you can stay in her another and you just latch on called the rodeo yeah
Starting point is 01:38:23 oh man And you just latch on. It's called the rodeo, yeah. Oh, man. God, I hope my mom's not listening. Yeah, I hope my mom will listen to this, which is devastating. So Fusion could be important. I was trying to look, but I think they'd – yeah, they are. They're doing this right up the street from my gym, actually. Well, you should go check it out do a little investigative reporting are they really yeah we'll let you too close to that place but i got some members oh lawrence livermore labs yeah it's in the lawrence livermore lab there's some great stories out of that out of there
Starting point is 01:39:00 there's some crazy stories out of there. What's the book? I think they had some fucked up polio shit come out of there. I'll look it up for the next show, the next new show. There'd be some people doing some insane jobs that their career is fucking fusion energy. There's some Chinese spies in there too,
Starting point is 01:39:22 actually. And they work out at my gym. some Chinese spies in there too actually and they work out at my gym the Chinese spies what makes it more confusing is they're not Chinese that's the opposite on sex life he puts way more in than his wife gets out jeez louise just a target for misplaced aggression I'm a scapegoat He puts way more in than his wife gets out. Jeez Louise.
Starting point is 01:39:48 It's the target for misplaced aggression. I'm a scapegoat. Come on, Hobart. FDNY Barbell Club. Okay. I don't know if they're a CrossFit club as well. New York Fire Department? Well, a buddy of mine just got a grant from his fire department to bring some improvements to fitness education.
Starting point is 01:40:22 And I don't think they're going to go as far to start an affiliate, but he was just trying to, I think, find creative ways to bring CrossFit into the department. So I was trying to connect him with some people who had been doing that. So I was going to reach out to these guys, FDNY Barbell Club. And when you use the word buddy, it's like someone you met on Instagram? Nope. Good friend of mine. Work with on seminar staff. Dustin Virgil.
Starting point is 01:40:42 Like if you wanted love affirmation from them, would you send them a text or hug them? I mean, if I was around them, I'd give them a hug. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hey, you know what's crazy is that guy, you know which guy I'm talking about, right? You guys know which guy I'm talking about?
Starting point is 01:41:04 Nope. This guy right here right here oh yeah one last thing kate gordon mate is so fit so sexy now if my wife were to do that for me have that dude be like seven is so fit so sexy i might shift from me being physical to just some affirmation, some words. Hey, did that affect you? Does Greg like that? The dudes are just like... I'm going to move real quick. You guys stay there. What's your boyfriend's boyfriends? Oh, do you have multiple boyfriends, Kate? My wife asked me. No, not currently. And I say that as if I've had that in the past but i haven't i like very casually date outside of my partner very casual very casual like like they can buy
Starting point is 01:41:53 you a cup of coffee or something like you like like recently i was on a third date with a guy like so it's like yeah they don't a third date with the same guy? Yeah. Hey, do you get more, does that help stimulate or increase your love for Greg when you go out with other dudes? Yeah, sometimes with them. Yeah, sometimes, not recently, but I can think many, many, many years ago when I would be around other women, it would just make me really just think about my wife more. Yeah. Yeah. I was like, wow, she has no idea that it works like this. I'm like, she probably might much. Because we're both like, oh, my God, this is such a good relationship. You're almost more into your partner when you get to experience seeing other people or dating other people.
Starting point is 01:42:53 And you're like, oh, yeah, you're fucking really – you're amazing. Yeah. Honey, I swear, I didn't want to go out with those 12 girls. No, those girls mean nothing to me. I just came home and now I just want to be with you. You know that dude, Dan Balzerian? I don't know if I said his name right. He's always got
Starting point is 01:43:11 a whole entire jet full of very good looking females. He's still around? I haven't seen that Instagram account in three years. I think his company went bankrupt. Really? Maybe I should speak on it. Put that on the news. Let's make that a news story. I think he's a fan of Balzer bankrupt, I think. Really? I don't know. Maybe I should speak on it because I'm not 100% sure. Put that on the news.
Starting point is 01:43:26 Let's make that a news story. I think he had a cannabis. How come none of us hear about him anymore? Sorry, Sousa. I actually don't know. I never really followed his Instagram. Okay, go on, Sousa. I think he put a bunch of money into some sort of cannabis venture.
Starting point is 01:43:47 Yeah, that makes sense and then i think i think a ton of i think it failed and i think there was a lot of money ignite i don't know i can't remember but i always think about when he's there and he has all those girls and they're on this plane right like to me that just looks only cool in a photo because like then you're just sitting there and you know there's some sort of like pack hierarchy amongst the women of like who's closest and then you're like and you're just listening to all of them with like the issues that come up within a group like that i bet you there's so much superficial like relationships that are happening i'm completely judging all of them it's probably i i i like think about it i'm like so then like as the plane takes off and you're like sitting there it's just like everybody's just around all the time that seems miserable to me yeah
Starting point is 01:44:35 there's a there's a crazy podcast with um one of the women that used to live with hugh hefner from like the girls next door do you guys remember that tv series yeah girls next door it was like the three girlfriends fuck the stories about like the hierarchy in the house and the rules and the money that they were paid and like the contracts they had to sign and like all this stuff is absolutely insane like it it was next level yeah that dandy got in trouble for throwing a chick off a uh hotel um roof one time into a swimming pool and broke her leg oh yeah do you know that one of the one of the that was the ex-girlfriend of one of the guys who helped me with the behind the scenes really yeah crazy right yeah small world um i mean i hope he got in trouble because um that's like assault battery requisition
Starting point is 01:45:26 oh he's like a fucking adult that's what i mean right there bam full circle hour and 45 minutes since i asked the question and there he is and i knew it would be you and now i do think cassandra wears a dress that's buttoned up to her neck she does if you have us over to your house we will um we'll sleep in separate rooms and um we'll make the whole family pray before we go to bed and it's a long sleeve dress that's like all that's got like uh frills on the wrists and she wears gloves was that was that a was that a leslie nielsen movie where she's like you know he's oh your audio went to shit just so you know oh did it really
Starting point is 01:46:07 you went from a carpeted nice room to just fucking but you sound but I like it it's just echoey noise canceling oh yeah there's a little bit of echo it's less arousing you were hot in that other room now you're just a fucking other dude on a podcast well I'm
Starting point is 01:46:23 I'm in a sauna saloon. I'm in a much bigger room. You got out of the sauna. Out of the sauna. She definitely doesn't. I agree. Cassandra does no taint pushing. I'm sure she's going to be stoked about this when she listens to this.
Starting point is 01:46:43 Maybe she's going to try now. Because your mom takes care of it for me, man. Don't worry about my wife. Hey, Travis is pretty handsome. Look at him. Bellinghausen. He's German. He looks like he flies on private jets and shit.
Starting point is 01:46:59 Yes, the sunglasses, right? Here we go. This one's for, I think, what we were talking to Kate about. I was out plowing other fields my dear and the only field i wanted to plow was you church my butter please wednesday the 5th at 5 p.m it's a date i read that in the correct accent i think you didn't even know i want to say i want to say someone i want to say someone someone sent me a the other day and it said hey whenever you talk shit about the woke athletes or the people, the woke folk, you, you always just mentioned Katrin's doter. And you've had other woke motherfuckers on your podcast and you don't confront
Starting point is 01:47:35 them and you don't mention their names. Here's the thing. I don't want to say in any of that to hurt anyone's feelings. There's only two things that I really care about. I don't, I don't want to be bullied. And since I really can't be bullied because of the position I'm in right now in my life, I feel like a little bit of an obligation of just throwing rocks from, and I've said this before, from the, from the perch that I'm on in life, I feel like it's my obligation to throw rocks at some of the zombies and bad guys. And I'll, and for example, if you're one of those people that's getting firefighters fired because they won't get the injection, I have to throw rocks at you. I just feel an obligation to
Starting point is 01:48:08 that. Or if you're like this, this, this restaurant in San Francisco that recently kicked out police officers because they had guns on their side and your restaurant doesn't allow firearms. Like I have to throw rocks at you. Just, it's just, it's just what I'm doing. I, or I want to throw rocks at you. I just think you're dipshit. But the thing with Katrin's daughter and these woke people, like I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings because I want everyone, I don't want to alienate anyone from Jesus.
Starting point is 01:48:31 That's a metaphor. I don't want to alienate anyone who wants to flip the script and come to the other side because I get it because I had to flip the script. But Katrin's daughter used my name in her story. She's the one who,
Starting point is 01:48:44 she included me in her life narrative. I didn't include her. So that's why I referenced her. And what do I mean by she included me in her narrative? She's the one who took the article from the New York times and posted it on her Instagram and talk shit. So that's why that's like, I'm not even mad at her.
Starting point is 01:48:58 She can come on the show. I love her, blah, blah, blah, whatever. But that doesn't make a difference. She could like,
Starting point is 01:49:02 there's woke dipshits in my family. There's fucking people who don't know that they're driving the fucking train full of jews to fucking auschwitz in my fucking family i like i still love them but i'm not lying to myself and they're not dipshits so i wouldn't have i wouldn't have called anyone out specifically but katrin included me and so i don, I don't call it the other people because they didn't call me out, but Katrin put me in her life narrative. So that's the only reason why. Until she wants to flip the script and not be a woke douche, then she's a woke douche. I, that's not my, that's not my, I'm not in control of that. All right. Well, I feel like, I feel like my voice is so sexy in phoenix because i'm in a hotel
Starting point is 01:49:49 the ac is always on in here my voice got a little bit like like a roughness to it hello james hello savann let's try to get three news stories out before i have to go to bed i'd love news stories is there any nudity in any of your stories yeah um there might be how did you fish the dog so what would this did this dog drown in a pool i'm not going no and where did in a bathtub what was the body of water drowned in in? Just tell me. It was a five-gallon bucket. No.
Starting point is 01:50:28 Was it really? No. No. No. What body of water did you get? Is that going to reveal who it is? It was a pond. In their backyard? No. Okay. who it is it was a pond in their backyard no okay you don't want to talk about this because let me tell you so so how did you fetch the dog out of the pond did you have a net or you went in the
Starting point is 01:50:54 pond we swam in and got it yeah oh my goodness did you do that uh myself and one other person yeah oh my god cassandra's so lucky. You're so awesome. You swam in and got a dead dog. Yeah, wait till she finds out that I drowned her dog. You could have just thrown a cinder block out there and hope to put the dog and sing it to the bottom and call it a day. Hey, you know what's better? You know what would be worse? This is going to sound fucking horrible and selfish, but if your dog went missing and you didn't know what happened to it, it's almost better that it drowned.
Starting point is 01:51:33 That's better you have a conclusion, I think. I don't like to think of myself as having ADHD. I just have multiple threads going on at the same time. I enjoy living like that. Like Kanye. Did you guys watch that interview? I didn't know. The one we brought up in the news. Oh, I strongly suggest you check it out.
Starting point is 01:52:00 Hmm. All right, let's just go. Let's's go let's rifle through a couple kate got two of her own two of her own podcasts in the time that it's taken to do nothing here i know man all the podcast time i'm losing right now take the wheel hobart please i'm i'm going over here what's the name of your podcast? Rogue On? Gone Rogue.
Starting point is 01:52:27 Gone Rogue. Gone Ho. How about? Gone Ho? Yeah, Gone Ho. I'll think about it. Yes, Will, that is correct. My brain is spaghetti.
Starting point is 01:52:44 That is correct my brain is spaghetti that is correct logan aldridge peloton's first adaptive instructor what yes a cool story i've been waiting instructor just well get him back on okay i'm game can we try to get him back on that's amazing holy shit how did you find that i just as part of my crossfit news search came up it's one of the first stories i found that was really awesome um hey that just shows that they just choose people for their looks he's so fucking handsome super good looking, yes.
Starting point is 01:53:25 Yeah, he looks like a fucking Ken, like a version of a Ken doll. Not like the Ken doll, but like a version. Look at him. God damn, he's like Lance Armstrong before Lance did meth. Yep. Lance did meth? No, I just made that up. But Lance just weathered as a motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:53:44 Yeah, he looks great yeah okay sorry this is so crazy when were you going to tell me this i was i was i wanted to tell you about i don't know i'm gonna follow that okay go ahead sorry aldridge will advise the content team at peloton to improve accessibility measures and soon become an on-camera instructor he's got a good voice too um thanks to an approach that brings workout routines right to people's homes the company peloton has become a staple for many fit for many's fitness in recent years with over 6.2 million active people in its user base as of september i already followed him by the way him all the way. I didn't have to add him.
Starting point is 01:54:25 I didn't have to add him. I already followed him. Just added him. Aldridge says that creating accessible fitness solutions for all abilities and empowering people to pursue their potential has been my primary focus since my arm was amputated at the age of 13. In addition to being an active CrossFit competitor,
Starting point is 01:54:43 Aldridge is the co-founder and director of the Adaptive Training Academy, which places a premium on coaching and training adaptive athletes. And all around good dude. God, I'm so stoked. That's so awesome. Today in the hotel room, they had three Peloton bikes. I've never done Peloton. I so want to just try it. The interface is really cool. It's a pretty awesome program. Okay, I have to pee. All right, see you. Where should we go?
Starting point is 01:55:15 Oh, this would be a good one. World's loudest burp. This is pretty insane. I wanted to know if we could watch the video. And also what's important is that Neville Sharp is from Australia. So I thought maybe you would know him kate um broke a guinness world record for loudest burp the male's loudest burp and i haven't found the females yet when he let out a belch at 112.4 decibels this is about as loud as somewhere between a hairdryer, a helicopter, a trombone, or a police siren.
Starting point is 01:55:45 So it's loud. Neville learned how to burp from his elder sister. When he was six years old, he spent five years preparing himself for this attempt. And the most difficult part of the attempt was getting the necessary equipment to accurately measure his burp emissions. He said his wife helped him to prepare. That's my favorite story of the week.
Starting point is 01:56:10 Yeah. Does it play? I got to hear it. That was it. Troy. Look at Susan's face. What are we watching? The world's loudest bug. Neville Sharp said,
Starting point is 01:56:45 yep, in Darwin, Australia, I rocked it. neville sharp set yep in darwin australia iraq oh see that it is from australia look at kate's disgusting kate that's how we country and it's right we're prejudiced these are our prejudices and discrimination discriminations about australian people and it fits right in not in a bad way just is that way logan aldridge i just can't believe it he's the first one-arm peloton dude he's the first like they don't have any other dude they don't have any like riders like missing a leg or a finger or an arm or nothing i believe he's the first yeah he's the first adaptive instructor not just one-armed oh god i hope he does something like try to break the world's record for loudest burp while he's on the peloton bike just to really make a name for himself
Starting point is 01:57:27 hey i i ran into that guy uh for the first time ever at the crossfit games he was working like the fide booth i can't remember what year it was and i just i was like i am no no well it could be in the future but logan and all the other people in the FitAid booth had no fucking clue who I was and wanted to fucking charge me for FitAid. Logan was just throwing them at me, so maybe that's why I liked them. We recognized each other as fucking minor webbots. I'm surprised you drink FitAid. I know.
Starting point is 01:57:59 Me too. It's a fucking disgusting habit. But I like the ones, anything that says crete and i just these are the cbd drinks that are in the refrigerator in the uh in the hotel room oh yeah those where are you right now like where is this hotel dude my this hotel is so nice i'm in a yeah like it just seems strange that you'd have cbd drinks in hotel. It's a hell of a nice hotel. There's a monster weed on the other side of this wall that's like right in front of me where my kids are. And then I have this connecting fucking big, big ass room.
Starting point is 01:58:33 And I just shut the doors and do my podcast. But I just ran into their room to get CBD. My wife told me to shut my fucking mouth. She says it's so nice, though. She doesn't really swear. what did she say to you she said i'm like how are you doing and she's like good and i'm like is it loud so yeah i can hear it's very loud or something you know just like sweet but basically i get it like if she says that that means like if my wife was like hey i don't think we should have that in the living room like if i
Starting point is 01:59:03 brought somebody in the living room like i would know that means like i better take it out translation get that shit out of here yeah yeah yeah because she's usually just like team step on all the time what's this shit i am fasting today i i get a pass it's two 10 calorie drinks is the only thing i've had hobart kate susa do i get a fasting credit for today i'll give it to you. Thank you. I believe in participation trophies. So what's wrong? You don't like your prep. You don't like your prep Hobart.
Starting point is 01:59:52 You don't have your, that's what I'm getting from you. I'm getting some sensing insecurity that basically you came to the table today with stories that you don't feel like are adequate for our listeners. I came to this table with great stories. Some good ones. Well, then why do I keep you every time the show gets slow after digging into fucking Kate's sex life?
Starting point is 02:00:13 Because I feel like as soon as I start talking about a show, you just, you want to, you want to talk about Katrin Davis. Kate's sex life. I feel like the news is designed for the news is designed so savann can just fucking railroad it that's how this whole podcast is built that's the premise of it james brings it's funny articles savann fucking just yeah it's because I'm too insecure just to have a show
Starting point is 02:00:45 where I just talk nonstop about myself and my wife and my wife. So you just need to be careful for it? Yeah. It's good. And occasionally, if I'm really feeling bad about myself, attack you and James and Matt. Matt, let's get down to the CrossFit Games. That's
Starting point is 02:01:03 Dallas story. Oh. Matt, let's get down to the CrossFit games. That's Dallas story. Damn, we're live. Representatives. God damn it. Has this been announced? How does Lauren Caleel know about this? I can't wait to hear this story. The games are good.
Starting point is 02:01:30 Representatives from CrossFit, including Dave Castro, were planning a visit about 200 miles north to Dallas. Their intent? Evaluate the city as a potential host for the 2023 CrossFit Games and beyond. CrossFit has been very hush-hush about future CrossFit Games sites, but Morning Chalkup has been able to suss out that Austin, Denver, Madison, the current host city, and now Dallas have all filled out their RFP, which I think is a request for proposal to bring the games there.
Starting point is 02:02:01 To put things into perspective, Dallas' proposed venue, Fair Park, where they host the Cotton Bowl versus the Alliant Energy Center in Madison would be a 69% increase in acreage. So we should go there. 69. Oh, I need a sound effect that says that. 69. Just get, just get quagmire, giggity. To be honest with you, I think that I'm... Quagmire? Oh, giggity, giggity, giggity.
Starting point is 02:02:32 Yeah, man, she doesn't live on Uranus. You guys love me. Look at you. Even when you attack me, you use my favorite words. Oh, man. Giggity. Okay, so what's the deal? That story's done? That's it. That story's done. How do i think that they find out i think yeah i think it gets i think it gets leaked i think it you know they get reached out to i think everyone's just
Starting point is 02:03:10 waiting to hear the announcement because everyone's aware that the contract is up in medicine next year so it's like everyone's just looking for information does he have like a google alert does does does do they have a leak does dave say hey we'll tell you this pretend like it's a leak and then promise to do three good stories about me or don't talk shit about my cornrows next year. Like, is it like that? I don't know if it's Dave, but I also think there were some CrossFit reps down at the rogue invitational and then they were headed up to Dallas after that.
Starting point is 02:03:38 And so I'm sure it got leaked or released or discussed there. And like, there's a guy, Joe, that works for CrossFit. Do you know Joe? Which Joe? And he used to be the editor of Morning Chalk Up. You know that dude? I don't think I do. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:55 Well, anyway, my point is, is that it's incestuous. Like we all, everyone's like, there's probably people who work at Morning Chalk Up and work at HQ. You know what I mean? Like like this is the space right there's something like you worked at rogue and in 2005 now you work across at hq now you work in an affiliate now you work over it fucking what's that thing that vibrates oh hypervolt now you were rabbit yeah yeah just yeah i was not thinking hypervolt oh of course you want we. What's the name of your podcast again? Go Gone Rogue? What is it?
Starting point is 02:04:31 Gone Rogue. See? I should sponsor you. Fuck me. I'm going to sponsor you. There we go. I opened up a 501c3 or whatever Matt Sousa told me to open up we're like a real business now 7 on media LLC
Starting point is 02:04:52 okay I had this great story about how fashion is bringing high heels back but I think we should just skip to the story about the woman who sued over her own birth and won oh yes I'm so glad we're talking about that. Yeah. Is that a joke? What country is that?
Starting point is 02:05:08 This is a real story. France, France, France. This is a real story. What country? I actually, this is in, what country was this in? I missed what country this was in. I saw it on like an Australian news Instagram, but I don't know
Starting point is 02:05:25 what country it was. Hey, Hobart, that's another... Come on, man. Come on, man. You're sitting there bragging about how you didn't get to eat dinner tonight because you have to do the news show. He wants to feel sorry for you. You don't even know what country this takes place in?
Starting point is 02:05:43 Okay, a couple of things. One, didn't ask you to feel sorry for me. Two, I really don't think know what country this is takes place in okay a couple things one didn't ask you to feel sorry for me two i really don't think they mentioned it okay uk yeah that makes sense so she sued her mom's doctor claiming she never wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this is really important did katia say fuck me is really important did katia say fuck me this is a great story eva tombs evie tombs launched landmark wrongful conception case against the general practitioner of her mother as she suffers from spina bifida and sometimes spends 24 hours a day connected to tubes spina bifida is a birth defect in which a developing baby's spinal cord fails to develop
Starting point is 02:06:31 properly and sometimes it'll create like a growth or develop partially outside of the body basically this has to do with the doctor's inability to discuss the supplementation of folic acid during an early appointment this girl's mother evie's mother carolyn claimed she was not told by her doctor mitchell of the importance of folic acid supplementation in spina bifida prevention she told the judge that the doctor this is the mother she told the mother told the judge that the doctor had told her to go home and have lots of sex which she found somewhat blunt but clearly she did because she had a baby now back to evie tombs the girl was spying on bifida the 20 year old's wrongful conception claim saw her take dr philip. Philip Mitchell to court over his failure to advise the
Starting point is 02:07:25 mother to take vital supplements before getting pregnant. She alleged that the medic told her mom, Carolyn, that she needed to take folic acid to minimize the risks of spina bifida affecting her baby, or if the doctor had told her that, then she would have put off the conception. The case will return to court to decide the full amount of Evie's compensation unless agreed by the parties outside of the court. According to her own website, Evie, the young girl suing the doctor, describes her motto in life as find a way, not an excuse, or just sue them. As well as she also has competed throughout her life in show jumping
Starting point is 02:08:06 nationally and internationally. She educates children about invisible illnesses and works at Nottingham university. Oh, do you think she's so fun to hang with? You think like, you think if she was like at one of those parties I was at in college drinking beer, she'd be cool. So I just poured a beer over her head. Is that how you think my wife dresses? Yeah. No, those pants are way too tight that how you think my wife dresses? Yeah. No, your wife would have, no, those pants are way too tight for your wife.
Starting point is 02:08:28 Your wife would be. No, by the way, that right. Look at, nevermind. I was going to say, I was going to refer to her as a spinner.
Starting point is 02:08:39 She writes. Okay. She writes. I was born from a, with a form of spina bifida, but having a passion in life gives me purpose and directions. Oh, wait. Look at this ad to the right. I know. What is happening in that video?
Starting point is 02:08:56 That's a lady with no arms. Now, that's what I'm interested in. Holy crap. Oh, she ate shakshuka. You knew that? You recognized that meal? Yeah, that's what it looked like. God, humanity.
Starting point is 02:09:13 This is actually the real reason I added this story, so we could talk about the girl with no arms living her life. That's just in an ad next to this story, the spine of Bifida? I wonder if she used to do her mom's doctor. Man, that's crazy okay so sorry so so tell me more about this lady so but can i ask you this is the premise of the story that hey the doctor gave her her mom advice to fuck but didn't give her advice to take the right vitamins to prevent spina bifida yeah and then so if he wouldn't have said hey go out yeah i don't know if that's law. I need that. Like, I don't think that's logic. Here's what's really interesting.
Starting point is 02:09:49 I don't think that's fair. I don't think that makes sense. If he had waited, if his mother, if her mother had waited to conceive, then maybe Evie would never have been born at all. Yeah. Well, of course not. She, of course not, wouldn't have been born. Hey, we need to ask that. let me ask you kate maybe you know if spurchfield called you a spinner so on
Starting point is 02:10:13 could be i could be if gabriella garcia wanted to she could use me like a fucking what'd you call it an egg beater an egg what's that thing called uh if you bone at let's say noon and you there's like 300 acid by three no i'm just saying like like any any change in in the position the time the how many strokes it takes to bust and nut, any – I'm guessing all of that would change which sperm cracks the egg. I'm guessing that there's not just one sperm in there for a month that's like, man, if I get free this month, I'm the one that's in the egg. I'm guessing there's just way too many. Do you know what I mean? That's the whole point, right?
Starting point is 02:11:00 It's a war of attrition. If the race is at noon, it's going to be a different outcome than if it's a war of attrition if the war if the race is at noon it's going to be a different outcome than if it's at noon in one second if the race is it happens from the doggy position it's going to be a different winner than if it happens in missionary like there's just so many fucking runners or they called swimmers whatever sport they're doing there's so many like i like no matter only one gets through did i yeah look at this holy cow one good job scissor one in 400 trillion this is bullshit who's counting all that sperm who cares
Starting point is 02:11:40 don't fucking ruin my story this is savant a one oh yeah yeah yeah see yes yes hobart for sure married a horse girl yeah that's what i'm saying that's i picture just this really she's like this jacked crossfitter she's like a crossfit babe i'm not talking about what she is i'm talking about what she's in my head she has a bed like that has a canopy on top like his bed he has like a feminine bed like a mosquito net no yeah it's like it's like he's an ornate bed with like wooden ornate handles and shit on it like like it's or everything an ornate bed with like wooden ornate handles and shit on it. Like, like it's or everything's ornate.
Starting point is 02:12:30 Yeah. And everything, everything in the kitchen is in a jar and it has a label. A Mason jar for sure. Yeah. I just, all right, let's go down to the story. Why are some people happier than others?
Starting point is 02:12:46 Oh, he's gone again. Where did he go? I just muted him. Why are you muted? Why are you muted again? Oh, it says your mic's not connected. Oh, we can't hear you.
Starting point is 02:13:11 We can't hear a word you're saying. You're really blowing it. Giving you a double thumbs down. I have this thing. It's called a roadcaster pro and it's supposed to be like, it's like the way to do a professional podcast and it has a touch screen on it. And even though this thing is brand new, the touch screen is broken. And so it a professional podcast, and it has a touchscreen on it. And even though this thing is brand new, the touchscreen is broken.
Starting point is 02:13:25 And so it just is choosing. Like, it's pressure sensitive, and somehow the screen is fucked up, and it's just choosing random buttons. Is that why I kept going through that demo mode the last time? Can you show us? Can you show us what it looks like? Yeah. But if you guys get disconnected. Oh.
Starting point is 02:13:43 It's like that. DJ Scruggles. like that. Gone. Ho. So look, there's the touchscreen. See? So right now it's just a one thing, but in a couple seconds,
Starting point is 02:13:55 it'll switch to something else. And it's not supposed to until you touch it. And so then it starts choosing all these options that are not road caster pro. Hey, this is like holding a 45 pound plate out in front of me it is and you're just traveling with that well your suitcase i get well i bought a special i bought all this special shit for it to travel with it in a review of general psychology back in 2005 50 of people's happiness is determined by their genes. 10% depends on their circumcision
Starting point is 02:14:26 circumstances and 40% on intentional activity. I know when my wife wears seven jeans, my happiness goes way up. Are you sponsored by seven jeans now or something? The return of mom jeans is devastating. Like high-waisted like long i can't even i would never let my wife wear those i would never let that that would never let your wife oh man i can't wait for kid to knock your teeth out she's never leaving australia don't worry you can say whatever you want it's your obligation to make sure that if your wife has a fucking insane body like my wife has that she fucking does
Starting point is 02:15:10 everything. She doesn't put on clothes that make her look like a pile of shit. So why would I do that? My wife has a fucking... Oh, stop it. My wife has this incredible body and she's gifted with this amazing ass and she does a lot of... She works out. She does that CrossFit shit. Okay okay you guys want to see it it's the fucking ghost
Starting point is 02:15:28 is working now oh no it's tough oh yeah there it is look at so here's this is the thing where is it god other corner other corner other corner keep going keep going switch yeah i didn't see it i didn't see it oh stop hob't see it. Oh, stop, Hobart. Come on, baby, do it. 40% of your happiness is determined by intentional activity, mainly whether you're positive or not. A lot of these results were developed out of studies with twins, assuming they had similar nurture or similar environments to grow up in. nurture, or similar environments to grow up in. In response to criticism about the 2005 paper, the same authors wrote a paper in 2019 that introduced a more nuanced approach on the effect of genes on happiness. Genes, seven genes especially, influence the behavior that helps
Starting point is 02:16:19 people choose their environment. For example, extroversion passed from parents to children helps children build their friendship groups. Equally, the environment changes gene expression. For example, when expecting mothers were exposed to famine, their baby's genes changed accordingly, resulting in chemical changes that suppress the production of a growth factor. Some people might struggle a little harder to enhance their well-being more than others, and that struggle may mean that they will continue to be unhappy for longer periods, and in extreme cases, they may never experience high levels of happiness. Others, however, who have more genetic plasticity, meaning they are more sensitive to the environment
Starting point is 02:17:00 and hence have an increased capacity for change and potentially happiness. So if you're miserable right now, get used to it because it's probably how it's going to stay. There was this lady on the tennis court the other day. You should have just said that. Yes. We can fucking feedback after the show's over. You felt one of those like L one things. There was this lady on the tennis court the other day next to where, next to where my kids were, uh, where I was, my wife was playing.
Starting point is 02:17:32 My wife was playing with Avi and then I was off in the corner with the two little twins. And there was this lady next to her on the court adjacent to her plane. And I heard this lady start telling my wife how nice her body is. Fucking went over there. Like, she's my fucking wife. Stop looking at her like that. No, I don't care. I thought it was great.
Starting point is 02:17:54 I love hearing people compliment my wife's body like that, especially other women. Does it make you happy? Yeah, I just love it. My wife's just that typical crossfit girl if my wife wears something like even slightly revealing someone's gonna say something like no matter what and this other lady had an insane body too so i would like really liked it was like game recognized game you know what i mean game see game i like that
Starting point is 02:18:21 like game recognized game get in where you fit in, ho. I was like, yeah, that's my girl. That is how I closed my level once, Todd. You're exactly right. If your life sucks now, get used to it. Because it's certainly not going to get any better. And you can't be jealous. I would advise us, if your life is miserable,
Starting point is 02:18:46 what should you do? Oh, if, if possible, surround yourself with people who you admire and who lead happy lives that, that you want to partake in. Oh, fuck that.
Starting point is 02:19:02 Don't take that advice. Kate, your turn. Um, oh fuck that don't take that advice kate your turn um fuck i don't know i feel like it's a dead-end question if your life is miserable like fuck take prozac go hang out with hobart and fuck him up hobart lives his great life and he's saying if you're miserable go hang out with happy people to make yourself better. Fuck off. Don't come to my house. Go to Hobart's house. I got one. What if you just take care of somebody else?
Starting point is 02:19:37 Like stop making it about you and your, you know, situation and get out of your head. Go provide something positive to your community, a neighbor, a friend, and then get him to where that person maybe relies on it a little bit. Gives you some accountability. An accountability buddy. I like it. Accountability buddy. There's this, there's this dude. We were at Thanksgiving dinner with. You haven't answered the question. If this ends with him getting shot by his girlfriend's new boyfriend,
Starting point is 02:20:04 I'm going to be so fucking mad. There's this, there's this dude, uh, we were having Thanksgiving dinner with, I don't know, maybe I already told the story, but basically he's an Orthodox Jew and they basically are just completely
Starting point is 02:20:14 covered up like Hobart's wife. And they stay indoors all the time. And the wife's have to wear wigs and you can't, the women can't like, can your wife hug other dudes? Hobart? Oh, absolutely not,
Starting point is 02:20:23 man. She, I don't even let her, I don't let her look other men in the eye exactly like that that's how these that's how like part of my one side of my family is like that and or they got people like that in the family and i really like these people by the way they're good people their kids are amazing they're they're smart as shit of course and they're good with their money and uh so uh, so, so, but basically I was like, yeah, man,
Starting point is 02:20:46 this is a top, we were talking, I'm like, this is a top down virus by that. I mean, the top down, I mean, it's being told us, told us it's here. It's not like from the bottom and everywhere I look on the streets, there's dead people. I don't know any fucking dead people. He's all, I know 12 people who've died. Like you do. He goes, yeah. I go, holy shit. You know, 12 people who've died from, uh, the Divac. And he goes, yeah. And I go, holy shit, you know 12 people who died from the DVOC? And he goes, yeah. And I go, how? What? Were they unhealthy?
Starting point is 02:21:08 He goes, oh, yeah, they were all obese, and they never went out in the sun, and they're all completely covered up. They get no sun. They're indoor people. Yeah, it's like, yeah, they were New Yorker, Orthodox Jews, indoor people. And so I tie that to the happiness thing. If you want to be happy, go outside, take your clothes off. Do not go, do not try to bring someone down like me or Hobart or Kate or Susan, but try to surround yourself by us. Good.
Starting point is 02:21:37 You can come on the team when you're feeling better. Get yourself better and then come on the team. I don't want you getting attacked. There there you go you want to feel better go outside savann's advice go get sun cancer the guy who looks like a fucking vampire damn right and i have i have great, crazy soft, smooth skin. Are your cheeks smoother than your butt? It's close, man. It's close. It's close. It's close.
Starting point is 02:22:17 It's close. Omar, did you know that your lips, your nipples, and the head of your penis, it's all like the same cellular makeup. And your asshole. Really? Are you serious? Yeah. I have never looked this fact up for real, but Greg says it to me. He's like, your lips and your asshole are the same type of skin. But your lips and your nipples and your penis and your clit, they all get engorged with blood. Does your anus get engorged with blood?
Starting point is 02:22:47 Absolutely. Oh, fuck. Remember when Haley blasted you on that little button? I'm sorry, Mom. I thought you were going to say sorry to me. You're fine oh how about you're the same color as your shirt right now i know that was a lot right there is that true though suza does your butthole does your does that sphincter muscle get engorged with blood i know you like your penis your nipples and your lips are the same shit lips erogenous but like how about the blood like the same shit. Lips are erogenous.
Starting point is 02:23:26 But how about the blood? The way those cell membranes are made up, it's like the same thing. Let's find out. Are your lips and us made of the same thing? Is your anus getting gorged? Mombot. Oh, wow. That's a popular one.
Starting point is 02:23:44 Shit, this thing is doing this pipe of skin your lips is called mucosa the same skin you can find at your anus oh it looks like just like that now why say that again there because the lips and the anus are two ends of the pipe called the elementary canal so this that woman in that picture has fake lips or man whoever it is man or woman those are fake lips there's a movie i cannot believe i'm going to talk about this there's a movie i saw on itunes and i have not watched it i have to tell you before i have not watched it. I have to tell you before, I have not watched this movie and it's three,
Starting point is 02:24:27 there's three, there's part one, part two, part three and it's a horror movie. Someone's going to know it in the comments and it's about, it's about a human centipede. Yes! Yeah, I knew that as you said it, I was like, I know where he's going with this. I'm so excited.
Starting point is 02:24:44 Yeah, we are. Oh my love it. You watch that? Yeah, we have. Oh, my God. You did watch it? Oh, it's great. Yeah, it's great. It's kind of how I actually, it's an allegory for how I feel about this podcast. There's just a story that goes in on one end and it just slowly gets destroyed as it goes from end to end and there's somebody at the back who just just gets the worst of it oh god i'm really
Starting point is 02:25:12 uncomfortable talking about this movie and i'm really uncomfortable i should have vetted you before i had you on the podcast reading the news that should be like the only question i ask you can you work sundays at six and have you seen the human centipede? What if I said like, what if I said I own it? Oh, I guess. You watch all three. You have human centipede night at your house. See, watch the trailers for them.
Starting point is 02:25:41 And by the third trailer, I was like, oh, he connects like a bunch of people, right? Like it's a whole train. It's like, it's like a hundred of them. And he wasn't actually scary. Like, was it actually good? I've only ever seen. It's just gross. There you go. Wow.
Starting point is 02:25:59 Oh no, no, that's different. So in the movie, he really does that. He sews people's lips to other people's anuses. Yeah. And he's like, no. That's different. So in the movie, he really does that. He sews people's lips to other people's anuses. Yeah, and he's like, yeah, and he's just like yelling at him like, feed her. You know, like it's really, it's not good. Wow. You'd want to be the person at the front, right? How hard is Kate, right?
Starting point is 02:26:23 You want to be the first? Yeah. Yeah, you don you want to be the first yeah yeah yeah you don't want to be that you don't want to be the last hey is the person in the movie who's the first do they have like a lead role do any of the characters like they can't talk unless you're the first person right none of the other people can talk well they could like you should watch it no i just i feel like something would be wrong with me if I watched it. I just want you to tell me a little bit about it. I don't want to go. But they could make like mumbly noises, you know, like.
Starting point is 02:26:56 Like, I want Cassandra to push on that spot behind your ball sack and you tell me about it. I don't want anyone pushing on mine. There you go. Oh my goodness. Why'd they sew up there? Why? What's the... Oh my goodness. Okay, new stories.
Starting point is 02:27:15 How does it end in the third movie? Did they kill him? Does the Senate people kill him? I don't see the... Actually, there's a train of 500 of them, and then they sew him on as 501, and that's how they get their revenge. Actually, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:27:33 I haven't watched the third movie. But that's what I would do. The last person that's on the movie. Oh, God. oh god that's the winner that's the that's the comment of the night that's the winner it is really an uncomfortable topic that movie how did they get funding for that movie why like i would just be like what why
Starting point is 02:28:02 i don't know it probably made how much money did the movie here's here's you want to know a scary stat how much money did I feel like it's like a shock NATO type film you know like fucking make it just make it we don't care do it
Starting point is 02:28:21 I don't know do you want to know how much money it made how much only 252 000 yeah hey is that um wow oh that makes me feel better yeah that makes me feel better too but that means the people who went to see it were the real, real sickos. Yeah. The committed group there. Especially like going to the cinema.
Starting point is 02:28:54 Like I'll have a one-time ticket to the cinema. There's no way that was in the cinema. There was no way that was in the cinema. Hey, is that movie in English? Is that in English? Is that made in America? I think it is. I think it is in English. Did it come out of the
Starting point is 02:29:05 out of europe though somewhere it's a dutch film maybe german film it would make me so much better if it was some nordic country yeah it's a dutch film yeah dutch hey the the opening scene in that movie i saw the preview it's like these two girls and their car breaks down in front of his house i mean it's it's i mean there's no way it's just like hey there's a movie i want to speak about a really good movie an amazing movie i think it's being in finland it's called don't let me in don't let the last one in don't don't let them in don't let them in it's a vampire movie it's about a little girl vampire it is the most oh that's an old movie yeah it's so good yeah that is a really good movie
Starting point is 02:29:52 it's crazy good if someone hasn't seen it that's a movie to watch and i and i i don't like uh yeah it's a swedish or a finnish movie film don't let them in yeah don't see the American version. Yeah, don't see that one. See the original one. Man, is that movie amazing or what, Hobart? I'm trying to think if it's the same movie, but I do remember the vampire movie.
Starting point is 02:30:19 Yeah, I think it was. She's a little girl. Yeah. It is something else. Like the vampire is a little girl? Yeah, she's stuck as a little girl. Yeah. It is something else. Like the vampire is a little girl? Yeah, she's stuck as a little girl forever because she got bit when she's little. It's just, I cannot believe it. Let the right one in.
Starting point is 02:30:35 Let the right one in. Basically, like you can't, if you invited, I think the premise of the movie. Yeah, Swedish movie. Oh. I think all the issues are pretty much the same. It's just, you're just being racist if you separate them. Yeah, that's how I felt too. I just watched the most recent Paranormal Activity, Next of Kin.
Starting point is 02:31:00 That's a movie? Yeah. When's the last time you've been to a theater Kate not in the last two years Greg fucking dropping the ball some dude's gonna swoop in take her to the theater
Starting point is 02:31:19 don't be close I don't think she can go to the theater it's on Greg man this one's not on Greg. All right. Turns out Kate's love language is not the human centipede. Hey, there's going to be a blizzard in Hawaii. Oh,
Starting point is 02:31:40 did you hear what's going on in Oahu? No, hit me with it. All the water on the islands contaminated they're having to bring water in did you did has anyone heard that how did i find this story about the hawaii blizzard but missed the contaminated oahu water okay anyway go ahead with the blizzard then we'll go back to the water i heard it's a fucking just complete shit show oh damn well it delivers 20 of honolulu's water supply shut down to protect against
Starting point is 02:32:08 contamination so it's honolulu i think honolulu it's on oahu okay yeah um petroleum found in the tap water according to npr oh then that story's not true sorry yeah the water is probably fine yeah take away people but there is a blizzard warning in effect for hawaii's big island mountain summits with forecasters warning that up to eight inches of snow is possible on sunday the warning in effect through 6 a.m local time for the mountain region said that travel should be restricted to emergencies only. In addition to the eight inches of snow potentially being dumped in the region, there will also be winds of up to 125 miles per hour. Blizzard warnings for Hawaii are rare, but not unheard of, especially at this elevation, which is at the peaks of 14,000 feet.
Starting point is 02:33:05 So it's not like they're getting, when I saw this, I was like, oh, like Hawaii, like they're getting like Blizzard and Kona, but that's not the case. It's on top of the mountain. Well, they're going to need all that ice turning to water. They're going to need that water. Well, Hawaii is not a lot so james where are you right now you're not at home okay james no no i'm in uh i'm on a little vacation i'm here are you in the united states uh-oh
Starting point is 02:33:41 yes yeah i'm in the u.s US your internet's breaking up pretty bad I'm in Montana oh yeah I don't know why you got hit by a blizzard is it better now I guess maybe Kate froze yeah I'm in the US
Starting point is 02:33:59 no Kate's okay Kate did you get a haircut? No. Are you wearing your hair differently? It's tied up. Oh. It's just tied up. Well, actually, no, that's a lie.
Starting point is 02:34:11 I did get a haircut. Do you have makeup on? No. Something's going on. You glowing? I'm in a completely different place, though. Like, I'm sitting down. This is my first seated podcast and i'm like in front of
Starting point is 02:34:25 a window and i'm a little bit tan we've got summer happening i've been getting some sun are you pregnant i'm not pregnant you got a little glow to you oh thank you sorry james go ahead that it's okay and I apologize if I mispronounce but if you've been following along with the news in the US I'm going to jump back up to the top Susie to talk about I believe
Starting point is 02:34:56 the young man's name Tate Meyer okay so nope don't I wouldn't mock this story man okay so there was a there was a mission there was a school shooting uh at a michigan high school where four students were killed i believe between the ages of 14 and 17 um one of them was tate Meyer.
Starting point is 02:35:27 So this happened in Michigan. One of the Detroit Lions safeties, Jalen Elliott, paid tribute on Sunday to the late Tate Meyer, one of the four students killed in Tuesday's deadly school shooting at Oxford High School in Michigan. Elliott, who was signed to the Lions active roster last month, wore his number 42 jersey with Meyer's name as he entered Ford Field before the game against the Vikings. Tate Meyer also wore number 42 on Oxford's football team. Meyer was killed as
Starting point is 02:35:53 he reportedly attempted to disarm Q shooter 15-year-old Ethan Crumbly in Tuesday's rampage. Meyer was just 16 years old. So this follows up just to another story. I believe that the shooter. He wore the jersey out on the field like that? He wore the jersey out on the field? Yeah. He's not normally number 42? He is or isn't? i don't think he is so he is not normally 42 but he did it damn
Starting point is 02:36:32 i hope the nfl fined him like three million dollars not the right number because i know they like to play by the rules i know they like to play by the rules that's really cool that's cool they did that that's amazing i'd like to hear the the rules. That's really cool. That's cool that he did that. That's amazing. I'd like to hear the story about that kid trying to disarm the shooter. What's the shooter's deal? Was he a student at the school? So that's my next. So next story.
Starting point is 02:36:55 Oh, is that him? That's the kid? Yeah. Ethan Crumblay. I like it. Go on. Go on. So the shooter, Ethan Crumblay, 15, charged with killing four students and injuring seven others when he allegedly opened fire at Oxford High School about 40 miles north of Detroit. This is on Tuesday. On Wednesday, officials at the Oakland County Sheriff's Office said the teen shot a video the night before that spoke about killing students and made similar threats in a journal found in his backpack. I believe when they were asked to appear in court,
Starting point is 02:37:31 his parents, they were unable to find his parents. So the U.S. Marshals Service offered $10,000 reward for information leading to the whereabouts of either parent, while James and Jennifer Crumbly were hiding out as prosecutors sought them in connection with tuesday's deadly shooting at oxford high school after an hours-long manhunt the michigan school shooting suspects parents were arrested early saturday in detroit after failing to show up on friday for an arraignment they pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter charges during an arraignment saturday wait, why would they be arraigned? I'm not quite sure about those details.
Starting point is 02:38:08 I'm just sure that in respect to this case, they're pretty important people to talk to. I think maybe one of the issues that they were being, I think one of the issues they were being arraigned is because Crumbly's father, I believe, bought a 9mm four days before this shooting happened um and i'm sure that has something to do with it he bought it for his son or for himself and his son got a hold of it it's kind of hard to tell um i'm sure he bought it for himself but i believe his son posted pictures on his own instagram
Starting point is 02:38:44 of him holding the gun and referring to it as his. Yeah. And I think there was a bunch of evidence of him claiming like the day that it was going to happen, like saying it, like the school had a bunch of information on it. The parents,
Starting point is 02:38:57 I think even went down and talked to the school like that day or the day before and like met with some of the people about the school. So they knew yeah what do you think about this they said i this is the only thing i saw about this case is i was either walking by tv or something i don't know where i saw this and i heard this this police officer's reading he's like and we have the boy in custody and we're going to be charging him as an adult they are going to charge him as an adult yeah it's fucking like my immediate reaction is he's not a fucking adult he's a a fucking 15-year-old fucking kid.
Starting point is 02:39:26 The 15-year-old suspect accused of killing four students. Someone explain to me why a 15-year-old is being tried as an adult. I don't even know what that means, but like kids are fucking kids. They're fucking kids. You're going to try them as adults now and then later on it's going to be okay that fucking other adults are fucking them is it okay that that that fucking epstein was fucking 16 year old girls and 15 year old girls no why the fuck are you trying this kid who fucking killed his classmates something's fucking wrong with him it's like the fucking legal system that puts 15 year old girls in fucking jail or juvenile hall for being prostitutes you think a 15 year old girl wants
Starting point is 02:40:03 to suck dick for a living, you fucking idiots? Those girls need help. Don't put them in fucking juvenile hall. This kid's not, no one wants to kill anyone. No 15-year-old wants to be like, oh, I'm 15 years old, I want to get a gun and kill people. Try him like a fucking adult.
Starting point is 02:40:19 Because you, because you feel vindictive towards him. Because you're a fucking piece of shit adult who feels vindictive towards a fucking kid. It's fucking stupid. I don't know whether he needs to be tried as an adult or not, but when I see adults being all proud of that or being so fucking sure of it, cock sure of it, fuck off. Fuck. Kids. I don't want to hear about it. Yeah. and i believe us as chris not easy being chris mentioned too that now as i say i believe as chris mentioned in the comments i believe ethan did have access to the gun and i don't think the i'm not one of the issues is that maybe the
Starting point is 02:41:02 father didn't do anything to restrict his son's access. Son who has a minor access to the gun. Yeah. I don't know enough about his daughter, but I do know what it's like to have a fucking kid. And I do know that kids need protection. They need leadership. They need care.
Starting point is 02:41:20 It's not just like, oh, this kid fucked up. Let's try him like a fucking adult. He punished extra hard for what he because these girls were fucking 15 and 16 or like anyone involved in that the kid shouldn't be punished for fucking being kids that weren't led by fucking proper adults not as fucking adults they should be treated like what they fucking are the whole problem was is that they didn't have fucking adults taking care of them. And you want to jump on the bandwagon? You want to beat the child that fucking beatings got him to where he's at? It's fucking, it's, it's, it's gross idiocy.
Starting point is 02:42:01 Don't let your, like, don't let your emotions get the best of you and punish this fucking kid. And now I'm not saying that, like, like you set him free and give him a free pass to disneyland being like sorry you had shitty parents but like the way these adults are like so proud we're charging him as an adult yeah i don't think it's just like a we're charging him as an adult i believe in some extremely violent or premeditated cases the law does allow to charge minors as adults i agree i agree what i'm saying is i don't agree with that and i agree it's so that when they get charged it the sentence carries and it's not it doesn't switch out as they're like 18 and that way they could give them a lengthier longer sentence for the crimes that were done not necessarily like because they view him as an adult the way the police officer said it and the way i've heard everyone say it is that there's
Starting point is 02:42:56 this proudness to them there's this like yeah we're not letting this kid get away with this we're charging him as an adult it's a child man yeah i wonder if they do that because that's really the only consoling for the families who lost their child who gives a fuck about the family it's it's it's once again it's the big it's it's a big picture who cares about the fucking one person or that the 600 million people the 600,000 people that died from the coronavirus who gives a fuck about them. If fucking 10,000 kids got molested at home during the two year lockdown, it's just the big picture shit. No one wants to look at the cost of these things. And like, not only that people are, it's, it's a, it's a displacement. Is that the word I'm
Starting point is 02:43:41 looking for, for really addressing the real issue? Well, we got this kid and we're going to put him away forever. We tried him like an adult. I don't know. It's The whole thing is sad. Chris, what are you saying? I get your rant, but this is different? Why is it different? He's just a kid.
Starting point is 02:44:04 Oh, this 16-year-old girl, she knew what she was doing when she went over to epstein's house she knew she knew she she wasn't molested she knew he was giving her 300 bucks he was taking care she knew fuck off she's still 16 let me tell you something you're a fucking dude you're fucking a grown-ass man and you're fucking around with 16-year-old girls, I think you're a piece of shit. Sorry. They're 16-year-old girls. They're girls. And you're not.
Starting point is 02:44:35 Unless you're the last two people on Earth, then I still think you should try to wait. Unless there's a time crunch to start making babies. Unless you need her to have 20. What do I think? Yeah. I think I kind of like I understand what Savannah is saying. where if you can extract out like the, the cop or the adult in this situation, talking about trying to punish harder to, to make it, to make people feel better or like, like it's like an eye
Starting point is 02:45:14 for an eye type thing, or like, we're going to, yeah, we're going to fucking charge him as an adult. Like it, it does seem like it's like, I mean, just charge him, like just charge him. Like he should be charged. You know, I think, I think there's punishment, punishment enough there, but yeah, I can also see why someone would want to say like, we're going to do everything we can to make sure that the cons he has consequences, right. Like for his actions. And at the moment it's like the system set up for them to be punished or charged or whatever it is. So it's like, hey, what's the extreme version of that? So I think I can see both sides. I think it's the same thing. I think the idea of being proud of a 15-year-old kid who
Starting point is 02:45:58 is probably fucked up, it seems more like an uh an example of of just like how everybody's kind of got it wrong really like i think savan said it he's like he's fucked up like the kid's sick like people people are fucked up and i think we're like oh he's a criminal fucking like put him in jail punish him as hard as you can it's like ma'am yeah i think it's like there's probably other stuff going on that we don't know about. There's a point. There's a let me let me let me phrase it like this. And I know this isn't like scientific or like in stone, but there's a point in your life where everything that's fucking wrong with you is your parents fault. And then some point in your life, it's not.
Starting point is 02:46:49 It's all your fault. And I don't know when that time is, but it just happens. It doesn't matter what anyone's done to you. It doesn't matter whether Uncle Buck got to your anus. It doesn't matter whether kids beat you up in the second grade. It doesn't matter. There becomes a point when everything is now your fault. What do I mean by your fault?
Starting point is 02:47:06 Your responsibility to unfuck yourself and 15 years old is not that time everything is still your parents fault and and and it's like and it's like and we live in this great country and there's no reason to rush that for kids and so like and maybe maybe time is back to the beginning, first part of the show. Maybe that's what it means to be an adult. When you finally fucking realize that, holy shit, everything that's wrong with me doesn't fucking matter. I'm fucking now responsible for it and I got to fix it. And blaming other people isn't going to help. I just think at 15, you're not at that point.
Starting point is 02:47:41 I just think that, like, you're not at that point. I just think that like, you're just not. And so it just makes me sad that people want, like it's missing the point on what this kid did to say, we're going to try him as an adult. Like this sucks. Mad. Ah, okay. Good story. I know Bart. Thank you. Fired. You got me up, fired up. You got me up. I fired. That'd be a nice way to wrap up the podcast. No, Chris, he's Epstein was a grown ass man praying on kids.
Starting point is 02:48:16 That's the point, Chris. This was a kid who, I don't care what you call him, call him a monster, call him a bastard, call him a fucking psychopath, call him a fucking murderer. I'm not arguing any of those things i'm just saying he's a kid and epstein is a man a grown-ass man who had plenty of time don't forget about the suv that mowed down people it was an suv yes yes i don't know what that means but yes okay yes so i think that i think i think the deeper question there is um he says call me i think the deeper question there is, he says, call me. I think the deeper question there is at a societal level, what are we doing or not doing to prevent the churn of children who resort to these sorts of actions? What are we doing societally to prevent them? What are we doing and how we react to them? Like all that kind of stuff. I think that's the's the bigger question here like we're not going to change immediately how we punish people like this or don't punish them yep it's chris is this chris do you know there's a guy normally on here named jeffrey birchfield is it are these guys related i don't know i have no idea but like the first
Starting point is 02:49:19 guy we talked about that tate um meyer we could uh you could that's the that's the opposite end of the of the spectrum right like celebrate his parents like like what was his upbringing like and the responsibility he took to where that situation happened and within seconds he decided to act in a way that um saved other people's lives to put his at and put his own in grave danger while doing it well we don't know if he saved anybody sure as fuck tried right well he tried yeah good enough i'm having this uh dude on the podcast tomorrow his name is eddie penny and uh he his squadron was the squadron in 2011 that wasn't uh it was, it was a seal squad squadron that was shot down. I think over Afghanistan, it's called extortion 17.
Starting point is 02:50:13 I think that was the name of the helicopter extortion 17. I forget what the mission was called, but anyways, kind of like fell into this rabbit hole. And the way it was presented to us in the media was, is that this helicopter was shot down by RPGs. And one of the guys who died on the helicopter, his father's been investigating and investigating,
Starting point is 02:50:31 investigating. And what he found out is there were seven Afghanis on the plane who no one will talk about and no one has interviewed and no one will mention in the investigation. And he suspects that one of them that there was i guess some foul play on the helicopter that it wasn't shot down by rpgs but there was some mismanagement of who was allowed on the helicopter and that the mission was infiltrated by afghanis is this the um is this the 31 heroes workout uh sorry i should say is this was this the event that the 31 Heroes Workout memorializes?
Starting point is 02:51:07 You know what? Maybe. Yeah, I believe it is. Yeah, extortion 17. Yeah, it is. Okay. Yeah, August 6, 2011. Yeah. So this guy I'm having on the podcast tomorrow, he watched this from like a closed circuit feed I guess
Starting point is 02:51:25 he was a SEAL and SEAL Team 6 guy and that was his squadron I guess that really fucked him up I think his best friend was on the helicopter alrighty
Starting point is 02:51:44 so that show will be in 11 hours are you gonna be on that show susa get your day job no i got yeah i got the day job you're a good dude i'm cutting you out of t-shirt sales oh no we don't sell t-shirts anymore damn you don't even give t-shirts out to us i know actually seven i take that back i might might be around. I'll message you. Hey, look at that. See, I just threatened him with some non-existent cash. No, I had my times messed up because we also have Hopper and Brian coming on at nine. Tomorrow? Tomorrow?
Starting point is 02:52:16 Yeah. No, I can't do that tomorrow. All right. We'll switch it up. Really? Do I have that on the schedule? Yeah, I was, um, back to back like that from seven,
Starting point is 02:52:27 uh, with Eddie Penny. And then at nine with Jason and Brian. Oh, and you were trying to talk to me about that before the show. Yeah. Hey, what, what's Haley Haley going on?
Starting point is 02:52:38 Um, Kate's podcast. That's what I really want to know about. We're going to do the love language quiz to start. She already knows. And then we to do the love language quiz to start. I can't. She already knows. And then we'll do the sex language quiz. We'll figure out what happened with the little. Whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 02:52:53 There's a sex language quiz? I just made that up. But there should be. You should make one. I'm pretty sure there is like a sexual personality quiz that's like pretty intense. Yeah, but you could do that book. Yeah. The five sex languages.
Starting point is 02:53:08 What would they be? Giving, receiving, something along those lines. Watching. Yeah. Voyeur. Exhibition. Exhibition. Participant.
Starting point is 02:53:20 Orgy. I don't know. Sivan, what's going on? I'm at the – sorry. I'm looking at tomorrow's schedule. I'm looking know. Sivan, what's going on? I'm at the... I'm looking at tomorrow's schedule. I'm looking at Jason Hopper. Jason Hopper, this fucking guy doesn't talk on the fucking podcast. He's like, I hope you're going to have some first questions.
Starting point is 02:53:34 The interviews are getting a little stale or something. He's critiquing me. It's like, look, motherfucker. You didn't say nothing. You're like Hobart, but just a little bit nicer, fresher body. Fucking crooning for the podcast where it dies awesome much nicer right oh my god i don't know i'm stressed out like i haven't told my wife i told her already that i have a podcast at eight. Now I'm going to have one at Wait. What? Oh, at 10 a.m. my time?
Starting point is 02:54:08 Yeah. Oh, I just scheduled it for 9 a.m. I'm fucking this all up. Hobart, do you have any more news stories while I work on some other shit? Just close them. We're coming up three hours. I'm all stressed out.
Starting point is 02:54:30 We have to move our next week's news day too. To when? I don't know. Maybe Tuesday. I have been trolling you guys all night. Most of it was out of love. Keep up. Oh, that's Colin.
Starting point is 02:54:49 That's fucking Colin. Uh, that's the Colin dude. You know, who normally Charles is Pharrell or. Wait, why do you think it's Colin? Cause he says he's been trolling us and it's a name I don't recognize.
Starting point is 02:55:01 And it's a name stolen from a fucking other person in the comments and it's him i'm fucking like i'm batman and tracy wrapped into one i just crack codes all day that's all i do thumbnail of hobart was him looking swole. Yeah, you know what? So this is what happened. I was running out of time. I forgot that we had a show. I'm a fucking mess. I'm on vacation, guys. I can send you some new pictures. Don't judge me. I'm on vacation.
Starting point is 02:55:37 The news never sleeps, man. I think Kate's going to, if you can't make the show on Sunday. Kate, are you around Sunday at 6 p.m.? Next Sunday? Yeah, next Sunday I am. The week after that, I think I've got a couple weeks where I'm moving and stuff, so I probably won't be around for some of those. But next week I am. Tell me about this moving thing you're doing.
Starting point is 02:55:55 Is Greg going with you? Yeah, so he's from Newcastle. His family's there. So that's kind of part of it as well. So you guys are kind of like, fuck it, we're out. Yeah, pretty much. We both work remotely like he works remotely i work online so yeah we're out we got like there's nothing we can do here being on vaxxed so but what do you want to do like give me an example something you want to do
Starting point is 02:56:18 train at a gym have a community like fucking interact with humans go outside go eat a go eat a meal in a cafe or a restaurant go watch human centipede at the theaters yes that's actually the sound they make some i want to eat i want to'm sure some of these people listening Go to bed There's only one Batman here Seven I went into a Starbucks in Los Angeles And they had a sign that said
Starting point is 02:56:55 Vaccinated people were the only ones allowed in there And you had to have a mask They had all the signs I just went in there and no one said shit to me No one checked my vaccine card No one said anything about my mask i really want to show you some pictures of these people i took today like these were these these weren't even like men they were there it was so crazy but they were dudes but they were like it was almost like do you remember in high school there was maybe you guys didn't have
Starting point is 02:57:24 this because i'm older but they were the goth people and like they just did everything in their power to stay out of the sun and like the real fucking diehard goth people like they had coffins in high school and they slept in coffins in their bedroom that was their bed i love hanging out with the goth kids yeah these are like them the best they're always like the nicest people too. Oh, they are? Yeah, the best. I didn't know any of them. I was just scared of them. But these are kind of like... Man, I wish I could...
Starting point is 02:57:55 Maybe I can make a ball up the auto. Let me see. Hobart, you're on vacation? Yeah, I'm taking a little vacay a little trip is it snowboarding i'm up in montana skiing at big sky but unfortunately the i'm not going to say unfortunately because i'm still on vacation essentially for a week um there's just no good snow anywhere right now okay look at my dad you're gonna have to go back a little bit savann go back go back go back right about there yeah i bet he could beat you in a 400 look at this is why i say it's real like look at the ankles to knees to thighs it's just like
Starting point is 02:58:40 poles that dude's like six five by the way look at his feet i mean that thing is like barely mobile it's like it's like the first i don't think he's producing any testosterone no no but let me i'm gonna show you his dad and his grandpa behind him. I can't believe you just, the mall is just full of these people. They're just like, it's just kind of, I took so many pictures. I'm just like fascinated. I'm like, look at, look at this lady. I'm not even, I'm, do you see her? Like, I'm like, I'm just like a little bite compared to her like when i walk i walk by someone like that seriously i think oh my god i could fall into their ass
Starting point is 02:59:32 whoa it's just nuts i know i i'm not even trying to be mean yeah you are we call us you you are you are what we call a snack yeah and i it's not even like i'm skinny like you won't catch me with my shirt off but i'm not showing you like i'm not showing you like rare occurrences this is like 90 of the people it's and the amount of wealth here is nuts nuts I thought LA was wealthy this place is I thought Beverly Hills was wealthy this place is nuts
Starting point is 03:00:12 hey there's a dude I don't know like there's like people are building like fine fuck it oh Bruce Wayne nice nice that's a good call back to the badonkadonk
Starting point is 03:00:30 oh yeah one last thing Kate Gordon mate is So fit Yeah I know I know 193 that's her snatch Oh yeah one last thing I think we need to land this plane Team
Starting point is 03:00:58 3 hours and 30 seconds What is this thing Hang in there Kate we are you. What the fuck does that mean? Because I'm fucking locked down in Melbourne. I thought it was me and Hobart and Suze. I thought it was because you were stuck here with us. Yeah, I want to get down
Starting point is 03:01:16 to Jackson. That's a goal this year. We'll see. Oh, Jackson Hole is so cool. But bring your checkbook, buddy. I was going to say, yeah, that's why we're – it's a whole other step up from where we're at. Whatever you do, do not ever listen to Kate Gordon's podcast, Go Ho. Go on road. Go on ho.
Starting point is 03:01:39 Especially don't listen to it if my wife is on. Sponsored by The Real Savant Podcast. Definitely go to it. Listen wife is on it. Sponsor by the Real Savant Podcast. Yeah, definitely go to it. Listen to my podcast coming out. What's yours called? Showbart? Yeah. Showbart.
Starting point is 03:01:53 Jam Showbart. The Showbart.

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