The Sevan Podcast - #229 - Kris Moutinho

Episode Date: December 13, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:42 We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply bam we're live i've never seen that oh he's gone good morning everybody we're live. I've never seen that. Oh, he's gone. Good morning, everybody. We're messing with Chris Montinho this morning. This guy, yeah, Hugo, from Portugal.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Well, he's not from Portugal. His dad's from Portugal. But this is going to be a good one. We're going to talk about, I think, what do we got going on? It's UFC 269 today. No, is it? What the fuck is going on? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Oh, he's back. Awesome. It's still blurry. It is? Yeah. That's okay. That's okay. Fuck it fuck it bring him into the show we'll deal with it chris yeah let me try to get on my laptop real quick hold on okay low stress low stress yeah i'm sorry i'm low budget over here i told you guys i'm trying you're a link to my Instagram or whatever?
Starting point is 00:02:09 Or email. Email works. I don't care. Do we have – what would you prefer it to, your email or your Instagram? Instagram. Okay. Let me see here. I'm on it.
Starting point is 00:02:22 You are on it? Yeah. I'm sorry I'm messing your show up, bro. No, that's not the way our show works. That way, I like it that you're doing it, because usually the comments are like, hey, dipshit, you haven't got your technical stuff figured out yet, and now I can be like this Chris guy. Yeah, that's my fault, bro.
Starting point is 00:02:38 I'm so sorry. Hey, are you watching the fights today, Chris? I have a buddy fighting on the card, so I'll probably watch it. Who's your buddy? Randy Costa. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I saw that. Yeah, I usually, I train with him a lot when he was up here.
Starting point is 00:02:56 He just moved down a couple years ago to Florida, so. He's got a tough fight. They're all tough in the UFC, man. There's no easy ones. Chris, go ahead and check your Instagram. I sent you the link there. It should be there now for you. I'm getting on it right now.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Hold on. I'm so sorry, bro. It's seriously, dude. It's so chill. It's fucking 7 a.m. here. We got coffee. We got Chris. Montinho. So chill. It's fucking 7 a.m. here. We got coffee. Nothing. We got Chris. Montinho. Montinho. Son of a Portuguese. No.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Yeah. Son of a Portuguese immigrant. Fucking grinding. Only half. American dream come true. Only half. Only half. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:43 He got, he got. Are your parents still together? No. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He got, he got. Are your parents still together? No. No, I got my stepdad and my mom. Do you ever see your dad? Not too much, no. It's interesting because my son's seven and he's a skateboarder. He's everything.
Starting point is 00:04:01 He just basically, I don't think my kid will ever go oh device not connected oh that's good oh boy hey i'm gonna remove him here hold on before we get i'm gonna remove that and let's see if we can get him on this other one it's weird i kind of see him on it says device not connected but he is connected he's not connected i don't oh holy shit there we go there's my ugly ass face there's that handsome dude there we go he did it um perfect shit let's just dive in and go heavy so i so so my son uh once a week goes over the hill to Sunnyvale. I'm in California.
Starting point is 00:04:46 By the way, Chris, good morning. I'm Sevan, and the dude with the beanie on is – what's your name? Matt Souza. He's the producer of the show. Nice to meet you, guys. Nice to meet you. My son goes over the hill to Sunnyvale, which is like 30 minutes from Santa Cruz, and there's a professional skater there and
Starting point is 00:05:06 he takes a skate professional skateboard lesson from him every day or once a week and i said to him i said hey my son's never going to be a great skateboarder and he goes why do you say that and i go because his dad loves him and the guy starts laughing and i go what and he goes dude i'm you know i have daddy issues and every pro skater I know has daddy issues. Like that's the, you're right. And, and I just think, oh yeah. So like, because you got something to prove to the world and your dad, right? It's like, fuck off. Like I'm going to show, like every, everything's like this. I can do it. Like there's some pathology there, right? Some psychology.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Like there's some pathology there, right? Some psychology. It's kind of weird. If life wasn't hard, you can't make it's just, I don't, I don't know. I don't know what it is or what's, what's the real thing. It's just, there's something about getting, getting my face smashed in and smashing other people that just, that's just sits right in my brain, man. It's something that we were supposed to do is something that we were supposed to be. And I feel like, and you look into any, anything in, in, on our planet, like any species of anything, and they all know how to do this. They all do this. They all like to hurt each other. They all like to kill each other. And this is what all know how to do this they all do this they all like
Starting point is 00:06:25 to hurt each other they all like to kill each other and this is what we were meant to do man this is why it just sits right for me you know i believe in myself to the highest extent close quote uh chris montinu it's it's weird because on one level I believe in myself to the highest extent, but on the other hand, I'm like, I know my, my, my origins or my roots or I was the most insecure person ever. Not even like in a bad way. It was like, that's all I was. There was nothing I was confident about. Yeah. It's I feel the same way. You know what I mean? Like regardless of me saying,
Starting point is 00:07:02 I feel I'm super confident in myself or some other people saying they should but nobody's confident in themselves in in the end like it would be a lie for me to say that i'm not nervous every time i go out there it would be a lie to me for me to say like i don't i ain't worried about getting embarrassed in front of a million people a thousand people whatever whatever the case may be you know of course i'm of course um i'm super nervous and I have all my negativities and all the things that go through my head but to an extent man there's there's just some things that you just have to you have to overlook to in order in order to do anything anything great in any in any field whether it's whether it's business whether it's anything you know what I
Starting point is 00:07:41 mean like you have to get past these things and there's I've done this for most of my life I've done this since I was 19 years old I'm 29 you know what I mean so that's half my life right now of me just being in there with guys that are there to kick my ass even in the gym man with I'm from Massachusetts man we all beat the shit out of each other we talk shit in the gym we make each other look bad every day, man. So it's not a place where you can just be like you need to be coddled, man. I've never been needed to be coddled from the time I was in high school wrestling to the time I'm training to be in the UFC. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:18 I've never had to be coddled, and it's something that's got me very far in life. It's something that's got me very far in life. There's these two kids in my son's jiu-jitsu class who, and he goes a lot, minimum three days a week, usually six days a week. And I have two four-year-olds and a seven-year-old. And there's two kids who are in each of their classes that cries every class. Are those kids the pussies or are those kids the dangerous ones? Because some days I'm like, God damn, those kids cry a lot. And then another, the pussies or are those kids the dangerous ones because some days i'm like god damn those kids cry a lot and then another what pussies and then one time my seven-year-old son said hey you know why those kids cry and i go why he goes because that means you're trying your
Starting point is 00:08:54 hardest i was like oh shit you know like put me all up yeah i gotta watch out you don't want me talking shit about some little kids I don't know. When you were a little kid, were you a crier? And you grew up to be a badass? Or what happens? I never really competed when I was little. You know what I mean? Like, I played a little football and stuff. I didn't find this stuff until I was in high school.
Starting point is 00:09:19 You know what I mean? And there's a lot of times where you want to feel like that. You know what I mean? Like, you're getting your ass kicked. And it's one of those things, man. lot of times where you want to, you want to feel like that. You know what I mean? Like you're getting your ass kicked and it's, it's one of those, it's one of those things, man. Like, I don't know what they do on a daily basis. I don't know what they're going to become. The way I've always looked at it is, dude, you have to just take it on the chin, regardless
Starting point is 00:09:39 of the crying stuff. I don't, I don't really get behind it too much, but some kids just don't like to lose, man. That's, it's a, it's, it's a true feeling inside where losing really hurts your soul, you know what I mean? I don't know what sports you've played or something. You never lost and not felt like that, man. So I don't blame them for crying or something, man. There's been plenty of times where I get my ass kicked, man, and I just know this is everything that I've ever wanted to do you know I mean there's been a few times in in fights where I put I went
Starting point is 00:10:09 out there and gave everything I had and it was it was still too short man and it was that's that's that's everything that I've ever wanted you know what I mean everything I was dreaming I was dreaming to be in the UFC I was dreaming to be be a champion when you lose it kind of feels like you're getting knocked down that pole like that dream's never gonna come you know what I mean so I don't know what people are going through what they feel or what their mental mental aspects in their life are like or what their family life or whatever whatever it is so i don't i don't blame anybody for that but at a certain extent man when you get a little older and you gotta just just gotta take in and and keep grinding um for those of you who don't know uh chris montinho which which
Starting point is 00:10:49 looks like um chris montinho but but chris mont mont montinho you right like you mutinho yeah mutinho mutinho yeah um so it's. So it's a really interesting story. So those of us, I don't know if I'm a diehard MMA fan, but I'm a diehard UFC fan. I spend three hours every Saturday watching that shit. It's the only TV I watch. I interview a bunch of the fighters. And I don't know. It's a guilty pleasure.
Starting point is 00:11:18 I feel like it's almost not right how much I'm into watching other dudes fight. But there's a guy in the ufc and he is for some reason a superstar he hasn't um fought i mean he's fought a lot of a lot of guys and he's climbed his way up to becoming um you know i guess people might want to talk of him as like the next conor mcgregor not only is he great he has his own style but he has his own attitude you know he's a stoner he flies in on his own jet that kind of shit and in the last minute of one of his fights recently uh his his partner pulled out his his competitor pulled out and this guy you're looking at right here with 10 days notice stepped in it's kind of like the
Starting point is 00:12:02 rocky what was it rocky it could be rocky one rocky two it doesn't matter and and chris stepped in to fight this guy and not not in instagram followers don't mean shit well they mean something but just to give you kind of a relative comparison um this guy had millions of followers and chris had 1100 followers and so chris is thrust onto and he's a seasoned fighter there's no doubt it's not like he was just thrown to a shark but chris was um put on uh he wasn't in the ufc and then all of a sudden bam and if i if i did my research correctly he's given a four fight deal which made me so happy to hear that that they didn't just try to give you one fight and kudos to your manager
Starting point is 00:12:41 for doing getting that and uh all of a sudden the whole world is introduced to Chris. Um, Chris, maybe this is going to show how little I know about fighting and what an idiot I am. But I think if there's a six round, you win that fight. Uh, I would, I would hope the thing in my head that it would be like that. Who knows? Maybe I go out there two more rounds. Or was it a fourth round?
Starting point is 00:13:07 Or was it a fourth round? Was that a three? It was a three round fight. If there was a fourth round, I say you win that fight. I would hope to think that, like I'm saying, like I would hope to think that, man. Maybe I go out there and get another round of getting my face punched in. Who knows, man? I don't do speculations or any of that stuff or what could have happened or what wouldn't
Starting point is 00:13:24 happen in that last 30 seconds or like, you know what I mean? There's a lot of people being like, Oh, you would have, you could have landed up. It doesn't matter. It didn't happen. It didn't, it didn't happen. Nothing happened. I lost the fight. I lost the fight. I got, I took a beating, but it is, it is what it is, man. I was, it was 10 days. I I've gotten a hell of a lot better since then. Um, and that's why we fight again You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:13:47 That's why there's other fights You know what I mean? I'm going to go out there in my next one And try to show the world That I'm one of the best fighters in the world Man, I'm not just a punching bag that walks forward You know what I mean? I can take a punch
Starting point is 00:13:58 I can give a punch And this is what I've dedicated my life to And why I will be remembered As one of the best to ever do it. And it's sorry. I know you said you don't speculate. And if you start getting aggressive, I'll back off, but like your leg kicks were, if you could go back, if he could go back or, or when you fight him again, will you just leg kick the fuck out of him? Like, it seemed like you would let, it seemed like, first of all,
Starting point is 00:14:24 his hands don't like your face. Every time you hit leg kick the fuck out of him like it seemed like you would let it seemed like first of all his hands don't like your face every time you hit him in the face he didn't like it there's there's a video on youtube with just video clips of you hitting him he didn't like take any of your punches so good and then you kick him i mean i'm just thinking holy shit if he could go back and just would have kicked him i think he could have just won that fight yeah there was a lot of things i could have done differently, man. Like instead of just walking forward and thinking I could just walk through everything, it was like I could – my feints, I usually set up with my feints a lot more. I could have used my wrestling.
Starting point is 00:14:54 I was a wrestler before I was ever a striker. You know what I mean? I could have used my wrestling a little bit more. My jiu-jitsu game is pretty good. So I could have brought it to the ground a little bit more. And I was landing the leg kicks, though. I landed um a good 30 something leg kicks or something like that whatever with 18 20 leg kicks or whatever but and they were all they were all doing damage man i could have kept the setting up the leg kicks a lot more but you know what it is man in that in that
Starting point is 00:15:18 in that time frame man in the time that i was in there man his coach his corner was talking a lot of shit man i'm from i'm from where I'm from. So, like, when you talk shit, man, I just – the blood boils. You know what I mean? The blood boils, and then we stop thinking. You know what I mean? There was no thoughts in my head. The only thing we were thinking is, yo, this is going to be a hockey fight.
Starting point is 00:15:38 We're going to grab the shirt, and we're going to swing. You know what I mean? That's about it. You know what I mean? Look at – man, people know who you are. How was the ice cream sandwich? That's some like fucking obscure reference. And that's in reference to you were saying that the first thing that you ate
Starting point is 00:15:55 after the fight was an ice cream sandwich? Yeah, so there was like a video after the fight. Like we got to the hotel because I had to go to the hospital afterwards. They forced me to go get my brain checked out and everything else so i didn't get home we didn't get back to the hotel until like nine o'clock or something like that and then um like we kind of like we're trying to get ready and we couldn't really go anywhere so like in the lobby they had some ice cream sandwiches or something like in the fucking so i just grabbed something real quick just shoving my mouth you know what i mean i'm a fat kid at heart man i just
Starting point is 00:16:25 i don't believe that i don't see any chubby pictures of you you're a fucking lean mean fighting machine and you're in see it bro i can show you bro my my date my weekly my weekly diet ain't great but we're tuning it back now man um when uh i was looking back um Um, when, uh, I was looking back, um, yesterday as I'm, as I'm digging through just interview after interview, uh, O'Malley did say that two months later, his knuckles were still sore. And what's interesting is he, I think he got a six month medical suspension and you got a two month medical suspension for those of you don't follow the UFC that it's not uncommon, but it is, it is interesting that you only got 60 days and he got you know 180 days and and yet he won the fight
Starting point is 00:17:10 i mean he yeah it's pretty impressive well the portuguese man we just made out of we got big ass heads and they made out of that's just what it is bro we meet the smartest group of people but we still fucking come to come to you know i You know what I mean? That's, that's just the way it is, bro. The way, the way I look at it, bro, it is what it is, man. I was, I was, I was, I was in my head, man, in my delusion. I was made to do this. You know what I mean? I was made to do this. I was made to fight and I was made, I was made to bring pain and do damage damage regardless if i win or lose man i'm
Starting point is 00:17:46 gonna put on exciting fights and and come out to hurt people and that's that's all that's all i've ever wanted to do you know yeah my delusion like joe rogan ain't got shit on me so i fully fully uh i feel you 100 um how long have you been with blaze? Um, so I started dating her in like high school a little bit and then, um, broke off for a little bit. So in, in my, in, in, in total of knowing her and being with her and stuff off and on, it's, it's been like 10, over 10 years. Yeah. I had the, I'm married now and me and my wife had on and off, but I give myself like credit for like the off time too. People are like, how long have you been together? I'm like now and me and my wife had on and off but I give myself credit for the off time too
Starting point is 00:18:26 people are like how long have you been together I'm like 23 years my wife is like but there was a section there I'm like quiet I'll give you another section be another section where we're going together and so she's seen you so she knew you a 19 year old boy is way different
Starting point is 00:18:43 than a 29 year old man yeah for sure she's known me she's known me actually since I was 17 years old So she knew you as a 19-year-old boy is way different than a 29-year-old man. Yeah, yeah. No, for sure. She's known me actually since I was 17 years old. 17 years old. And without her, I wouldn't even be here. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:18:57 I was a useless human. Before, I didn't know how to cook for myself, didn't know how to do anything. Literally was like less than a boy, you know what I mean, until I her and she's she's taught me most of most of everything in my life man without her i really don't think i'd be here and what do you can you tell me what in relationship to fighting because it seems like it's a double-edged sword so my wife believes in me no matter what i'm doing like sometimes she just believes in me. It's so crazy. And yet relationships are hard because especially young, I mean, not anymore. I'm 49, but like, but when we were together in our twenties, it's like, Hey, you were talking to that girl, or I read your text messages. Who's this bitch. And like, and yet you've been, you know, you knew
Starting point is 00:19:41 her when you were 17 and you've had to go through all that, right? Does she – is that how yours is too? And you're a professional athlete who there's so much on the line, and there's nowhere to hide, right? In your sport, there's nowhere to hide. And I just can't imagine dating – like the discipline it would require to be the mate of a fighter. like the the discipline it would require to be the mate of a fighter like it's fight camp but you know your your your your boyfriend's cheating on you or your girlfriend but you just can't can't say anything like it's not time to fight with them right or i maybe i shouldn't use that as an example but you know what i mean it's not it can't be like an hour before the fight honey i really want to change the sheets i think we should go with green like shut the fuck like
Starting point is 00:20:23 someone get punched in the throat for that. Saying that I feel like. No, there's, there's always going to be going to be issues and, and all that stuff. You know what I mean? Cause it's, it is,
Starting point is 00:20:31 this, this stuff is more less likely that I'm going to, I'm with, with like cheating or anything like that, because I'm an ugly ass dude. And I don't know how to talk to people. That ain't the biggest problem. That wasn't my problem either.
Starting point is 00:20:47 I'm ugly as hell. So it's, but it's, it's it's it's just it's a lot of time has to be dictated into into training and i give up most of most of my most of my week doesn't go to like i have to still try to find figure out how time to hang out and time to do all the all the other shit but there's a lot of time that goes into into this sport and it's doesn't it doesn't take it doesn't take any prisoners you know what i mean there's there's times where you you know that it's somebody else's thing and you got to just dictate your time to training you can't say no you can't go out and be like yeah i'm just going to take this day off and go go no you have to train like seven days a week you know what i I mean? Because this ain't a game. But in all that, man, she's
Starting point is 00:21:27 been the most supportive human being that I could ever find, you know what I mean? She goes through with everything, and she doesn't make this hard for me. If anything, she makes it easier, man. She's the one that's talking all, like, now she's talking to all the UFC people. She's talking to my manager for me. She's doing all these things along with having a full-time job and working and, and, and doing everything that she does, man. She's, she's the most amazing person in the world. And without her, again, I wouldn't, I wouldn't be here going through all the hard, hard, any hard times we've ever had, man.
Starting point is 00:21:59 It's, it was, it was all worth it. Cause without her, I wouldn't be here, man. Um, how do you get a manager? It was all worth it because without her, I wouldn't be here, man. How do you get a manager? You just – I don't know. I'm sure it's like anything else, man. You just like – you do all right. Somebody wants to sign you, man.
Starting point is 00:22:19 I just – I'm lucky enough to have one of the best managers in the business, man. I got with Tyson Chartier about right when I turned pro, right a couple fights into my pro career. I was fighting right after I fought for the CES world title. And then I got with him, and he manages guys like Rob Font and Calvin Cater. He's also their coach and stuff. And he's done nothing but great things for me man i don't i'm i'm very i'm very blessed to be be in this team and um being being able to to do what i want do what i want in the sport and do what i hopefully do this for the rest of my life yeah tyson yeah tyson yeah tyson there you are on our screen tyson we've been bugging tyson to come on the podcast for i don't know uh since 1979
Starting point is 00:23:05 he's got a little sperm swimming up and he's great he i mean we go back and forth i think we probably have like 100 dms back and forth me trying to get him on um what what what two what great guys you just dropped two crazy names right calvin cater and rob font too yep and he has more guys than just that man he's got will knight he's got um a lot of guys on the on the low end on the like not in the ufc yet that are that are savages man like tom tommy paggs and my boy uh mitch raposo and and my all these other guys man that you don't even know yet that this guy sponsors that this guy uh manages and that are going to and that are going to be big, man, super big. And I'm just so happy that New England is becoming a hub for MMA again.
Starting point is 00:23:53 You know what I mean? Back when I started and I started under George Rivera, he was in the UFC for 10 plus years. You know what I mean? There was only a few guys. There was him and there was Marcus Davis mark like mark david uh marcus davis and joe lozano and kenny florian other than that you didn't really know anybody from mass there was no there was not many guys so it's just cool that we have so many names now we have so many names so many young kids around here can look up to and and and try to be here and that are probably better than us you know what i mean and i'm just super excited when you saw cater and holloway fight and i'm assuming you watched that since that was your
Starting point is 00:24:30 boy yeah no i watched it for sure what was your like thoughts on the fight it is it was a scary fight you know what i mean but like did you know he was that tough yeah alvin yeah you can see all the dude there's nobody in mass that ain't that tough. You know what I mean? We a bunch of dogs up here, bro. I'm telling you. Like, I – like, you like – I don't know if you watch Game of Thrones. This is the north, bro.
Starting point is 00:24:55 This is the north. This is what they were talking about. We all different breed up here, bro. We a different breed. But it's – yeah, I knew he was tough, man. I knew he was tough. That's still that was a crazy fight you know what i mean that was a crazy fight of course you don't cringe a little
Starting point is 00:25:08 bit when you watch it but there's no time in my life where if i was in that situation would ever would ever stop a fight because that dude's a dog he's coming back swinging he's throwing punches still to the end of it the end of the time and he's a he's a monster bro he's a monster so that and we all go through that those situations you know what i mean we all go through these situations calvin's got another tough fight coming up and you're gonna see he got who's he got he's got i think i think he's got giga next giga giga chakitis oh right i can't even say the dude's name but he's another tough dude and i think i think you're gonna see, probably going to see a completely different Calvin.
Starting point is 00:25:47 That's going to come on and, and put the, beat the brakes off this dude. You know what I mean? This is, this is what we do, man. You take those tough fights, you take those ass whoopings and you just learn, bro. You just learn and get better. Well, Calvin looked unbeatable until, until the Holloway fight. I mean, there's no question. He's, I mean, man, he's future champion material.
Starting point is 00:26:05 He's gnarly. Yep. He, and Rob font, holy shit. And you know what? It's crazy about the Rob font fight. I mean,
Starting point is 00:26:12 I think that was the best Jose Aldo I've seen in five years. That was, and he hung with him. I mean, I can't, I can't believe how good Jose did. I mean, don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Jose's amazing, but I really thought font was font. how good Jose did. I mean, don't get me wrong. Jose's amazing. But I really thought Font looked – Font's crazy. Yeah. His body's crazy. No, Font's a monster, bro. Is he huge when you're standing next to him? Does he feel like the biggest small man you've ever been next to? I mean, he just looks huge on TV.
Starting point is 00:26:40 He's definitely a big 35er. He's a big, big, big dude. I'm a small 35er, so it's not much saying next to me. But he's – no, he's definitely a big 35er he's he's a big big big dude um i'm a i'm a small 35er so it's not much saying this to me but he's no he's definitely a big dude he's a big dude calvin's a really big dude at 45 too so it's it's crazy to see these guys make the weight and uh still do it and and jose bro getting to fight jose it's just that's like fighting a dude that that guy is is the epitome of like, dude, doesn't matter what happens in your career, man.
Starting point is 00:27:08 You can always improve. Like that guy was looking bad. He was looking like he was dwindling off for a few years and now he's just, he looks better than he ever did. Even when he was the champion, you know what I mean? So it's just crazy, man. This sport is the weirdest sport. It's not even a sport.
Starting point is 00:27:21 This is what I try to, this is what I try to tell, tell everybody. It's like, I've, I've, I've boxed boxed i've done i've done like a little bit of everything and like there's others those other some of the other ones are they feel like sports this stuff is this ain't this ain't a joke man everybody's changing bro the the technology the science behind this stuff's changing nutrition all this stuff and people are just they're going until they're in their 40s to 50s bro some of these guys and they're still monsters like it's crazy bro the sport and and and how about the approach in the ring too it seems like even knuckleheads like me who aren't fighters who have no toughness in them at all i even see stuff changing like the kicks
Starting point is 00:28:00 and the way the elbows are and the amount of spinning that happens and the way the different way like some some it goes through phases sometimes are and the amount of spinning that happens and the way the different way, like some, some, it goes through phases. Sometimes there's a ton of fights that take place on the fence. And then, you know, Connor did that shoulder to Cerrone. So then we started seeing a ton of shoulders and then like the ground and pound will be big for a few months. And it just seemed like, wow, this thing is just constantly evolving. Like if you leave the game, I'm like, holy shit, how do you come back? Yeah, it's, I don't know you come back yeah it's i don't know
Starting point is 00:28:26 i don't really i don't know man it's crazy the the tactics the styles they all change almost almost periodically like every it's like it's like anything else like any kind of business there's like there's quarters like this is bro we're in like the second quarter of the fucking year and these motherfuckers are all doing calf kicks. And then we see like 80 fights with a calf kick and then somebody learns how to defend it. Learns how to smash everybody's legs open. The whole fight changes, dude. It's the craziest thing, bro. But that's why I love it so much, man.
Starting point is 00:28:58 There's no time to chill, man. You always have to be there and you always have to be ready or else they're going to leave you behind. I know your next fight isn't until march what what happened to your october fight i read that you pulled out because you were injured was it your toe no so i i had a broken i had a broken toe right after the fight and that kind of healed up and i got the i got the fight in october after my suspension was up and i was ready to go, man. I was on a, I was like training. I was doing like five days and I felt great, man. I was ready to go. My cardio was good. Everything was, the weight was going down. And then, uh, I was in a, I was at, I was sparring at Lozon's MMA. Um, and, uh, the lamest kick, it was like, it was just a little kick. The kid didn't even throw
Starting point is 00:29:43 it that hard. It just hit me on my rib the right way and either blew it up or bruised it really good. And there was like five weeks where I couldn't even do really anything, man. I couldn't even crunch. I couldn't breathe. It was just it messed me up. So I couldn't really train. So we had to pull out of that one. And then I got into like some little depression.
Starting point is 00:30:05 I don't really know my meant it was either because it was I don't know why it happened I've never really had any any mental anxieties or anything like that so it came out of nowhere and I didn't really feel like training or anything so then we had like I was there was like a good two months where I didn't really do anything you know what I mean I didn't really train didn't really didn't really get to it. And then I did all the other stuff. I talked to my girlfriend, talked to some people, got some little self-help books. And I got back on the bike.
Starting point is 00:30:36 You know what I mean? So now I've been training good the last couple months, hard, super hard. Got back into a full swing of things. And then my manager i told him that i would be ready by by january i told him now let's push it a couple months and then right right after that he found me this fight in march man and it's blessing in disguise good three months of just super hard training i'm doing two three days every day and just busting my ass man i'm gonna be a complete monster when I go into that cage.
Starting point is 00:31:05 And I can't wait. I can't wait to show you all. What are five a days? I was just training like five times a day, man. I would go in the morning. I would go do something at the gym. And then I would go during the day, do some boxing. And I would go wrestle.
Starting point is 00:31:20 And then I was just going hard, super hard, man. Super, super hard. And it was like, I don't know if that's what contributed to my body just breaking down on me. But when I got hit with the shot to the rib and it popped, it was kind of like all the steam that I was building up just fucking deflated me. You know what I mean? I don't know what the situation was, but it messed with me a little bit. When you do five a days, how many times do you shower? That can't be good for the environment.
Starting point is 00:31:55 If you're shaving five times a day, maybe you guys don't have a water problem there. Not five showers a day. One big one at the end. bro one big one at the end just one big one up yet yeah if someone doesn't like it you stick in midday so it's just so it's just one at the end just clean the mess up at the end yeah yeah yeah you can't you can't sleep sweaty right like i hate sleeping sweaty even like sometimes i'll work out really late at night like at 11 45 and then i'll be so sleepy but i'm like i gotta rinse off i don't i can't sleep sticky yeah no no definitely not man definitely not i i actually
Starting point is 00:32:32 like to sleep fucking freezing realistically bro it gets but we get real cold up here i don't know what you guys get over there in california but 48 like as cold as it gets. Yeah. That's freezing for us. We in that zeros down here, bro. We get the real cold. Yeah, I like cold sheets, though, and I'm a chronic pillow flipper. Like I could flip the pillow every 10 minutes. Yeah. The colder, the better. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Like lately, I've just been like popping something before I go to sleep and just pass the fuck out. What do you mean? Like an edible. Right before bed just so I can go knock out. Do you only do edibles? Do you smoke anything? No, I don't smoke anything.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Because you don't want that shit going in your lungs because you need your cardio? No, I just don't like to be high really. I'm not a guy that really likes that i just i just do it before bed because it zonks me out um what does that look like to so you're doing five a days you get a fucking hurt rib and then you go into a funk it's two questions like what that i'm assuming that's like some story you're telling yourself in your head like oh fuck i was a hundred feet from the mountaintop and now i got to go back to the bottom fuck that i'm not climbing back up again and then two was was there anything that any specific book or
Starting point is 00:33:55 something you read or was there that that made you what the fuck am i doing get back on your horse um yeah i'm still reading reading um started i started like the david goggin one uh david's goggin one david goggin's one and i started started that so i started reading that one and then taught just taught like i'm not a big like i don't have a big like group of people i i have a very small group that i that i i associate with on a on a daily basis man i don't i'm not a very big people person. Like even this kind of stuff like this, I keep saying this to everybody. I keep saying it to every, like all these fans and all this stuff is wasted on me, dude. It's wasted on me.
Starting point is 00:34:33 I got like friends that would that post like three times a day and do all this other stuff. I'm trying to build this. I'm like, dude, you, I can go a month and you're not going to see anything on like, I'm not, you know what I mean? I'm just, I'm just, fans are wasted on me. Wasted're wasted i understand we need this stuff to keep going and and build ourselves but it's it's completely there's so many other people that are more more worth worthy of fucking of having people follow them and stuff i disagree with that but go on i just you're you're pretty you're i watched a shit ton of your interviews and i watch
Starting point is 00:35:04 a ton of fake ass interviewers and you never play their game you stay real and what's crazy is is as i was watching a bunch of interviews with um o'malley yesterday he changes his personality for every interviewer and he did himself a huge disservice going on with those clowns logan and jake paul and that's not to discredit them i'm stoked for them i'm happy for their happiness and their success i wish i had their money. But they're just not real and authentic people. And you can see it in the games that they play in their interviews. And I just watched – and O'Malley in one interview to them is like making fun of you.
Starting point is 00:35:37 And in another interview, he's giving you respect. And it's just this – dude, you're the same dude in every interview. And you've had been interviewed by some just complete tool bags um so i i think you deserve all the credit in the world you are who you are you're a fucking rock dude you're a fucking like you're a grounded motherfucker from what i could tell so sorry go on i just had to stand up for you there yeah so so david goggins you don't have a big circle and i cut you off go on no that's right so i yeah i don't have a big circle i have people that i really trust and people i truly care about and i talk to them you know what i mean like i've never been a guy who needs like good
Starting point is 00:36:15 i'm gonna go to therapy or whatever not saying that's bad or anything i like i've been thinking about it a lot more lately but it's just like I trust the people I'm talking to, the people around me. And I trust my family and I trust just just my small group of friends. And it's it's just how it's just helped me a lot, man. It's helped me a lot. I've always been the guy that just keeps everything to himself and lets it build and and deals with it internally. But like lately, I've needed a lot more of just talking to people. I think I just got a little burnt out. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning.
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Starting point is 00:37:12 Please play responsibly. I got a little burnt out over the years of just grinding and grinding and grinding. And it's just, and another thing was like, I got to where I wanted to be. You know what I mean? Like I made it to the UFC and which is something I've, I've dedicated most of my life to doing and trying to be like a hall of famer and a world champion and all this stuff that I, that I have in my brain. And when I got there, I just like, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:35 like when you watch a movie and build up, build it up in your head, like this movie is going to be the best movie in the world. And you get there and it's like, it's, it's, it doesn't feel the same. It's not as good as you thought it was going to be. That's kind of the thought in my brain when i got there like i got to the ufc i fought a crazy fight everybody's kissing my ass like uh at first and i'm like like oh this is it this is what it felt like you know what i mean oh that's crazy that's cool all right now what now what and then it was like that was that was that was fighting in my head a
Starting point is 00:38:06 little bit you know what i mean i was dealing with that in my brain and i was like trying to be like bro you you're not even there yet you know what i mean you just this you just got here why are you gonna give up right now because if i if i go through this stuff and i i i flake on myself and i don't work hard and i don't that'll kill man. If I don't give it everything I have right now after giving my whole life and dealing with all the bullshit and dealing with never knowing if I'm going to make it or anything. So that, that was what, what I was dealing with. And I'm okay telling the world that I have problems, man. I'm a, I'm a human being regardless. I'm the same person. Like, like you said,
Starting point is 00:38:40 I'm the same person off and on this camera, regardless. You can talk to me outside of here. I probably won't say much because I'm a shy person, but I'm the same person off and on. You know what I mean? I don't have to make a fake persona. If you don't like me, you don't like me. If you like me, you like me. That's just the key.
Starting point is 00:38:56 That's the key to my life, man. I'm not going to change for anybody. I forget who the quarterback was. I'm not a football fan, but this is like 10 years ago. I saw a quarterback being interviewed on 60 Minutes, and he had won his third Super Bowl. And they said, hey, is this the best thing that's happened in your life? And he said going fishing with his dad was better than any Super Bowl he won. film festival in park city utah one year and i got the award for best film from selma hayek and forrest whitaker the two stars that i looked up to and after i won i went outside and i called my mom and she's and i was crying she goes what's wrong i'm like i just want to come home like this i had that this is like dumb yeah i got it was so much fucking work and this is what i like i didn't i wasn't even it was empty it was it was
Starting point is 00:39:45 crazy and i fucked myself because i expected more yeah yeah it's crazy i like i can i can relate to it but on the other hand what a great experience you had to like some people will never even get a chance to learn that lesson right because they won't have a goal they won't pursue it and they won't realize that when you get it it's still nothing if you if you're not fulfilled somewhere else you don't have someone like blaze in your life no no 100 man and that's that's the key to it man this is what i've i've started to focus on is just making my my my outside of this this sport life better make every try to be the best person i can be to everybody everybody around me man i i go I, I go off the, I go off the handle sometime. I got a little temper, man. I snap on people sometimes and I'm trying to just be a better person, man.
Starting point is 00:40:30 I'm just trying to be a better person every day. If I, I, I've been more into my, into my, with my Lord and getting more in tune with that and just, and just, just trying to be, just trying to be an all around better person, but I'm, I'm still, I'm still now I re re found my love for the sport. I'm grinding super hard and I'm going to be the next world champion. I'm going to be at either, either at 35 or 25, where I end up, end up going, man. I'm, I'm just,
Starting point is 00:40:57 I'm coming through these guys and you're going to see exciting fights every time I get in there. I want to, I want to talk about that about you becoming a world champion and i want to talk about specifically pressure but before i go there i want to go back to the what you said you're finding the lord thing um you're you're i'm not a religious guy at all but you're but your instagram handle still freaks me out and uh and and then why why chris soulless and then and then in the same breath say okay so it sounds like you're working on your inner game, your deeper game, connecting more with a higher power. And are you going to have to change that?
Starting point is 00:41:32 And then I see six posts ago you dressed up as the devil for Halloween. Are you going to have to explain that when you go to the pearly gates? I'm sorry. Nah, bro. Maybe I will. Maybe I will. Who knows? I don't know what happens after this bro i don't know what what he's gonna take account of but regardless regardless of of it man the soulless thing was just that's a beautiful outfit by the way you guys look beautiful there i love the colors
Starting point is 00:41:57 i just love everything about that by the way go on sorry i appreciate it nah but uh no i was the soulless thing was because i like anime i like anime and i like all the all the old like um mortal combat and stuff it was we we started playing with like like um you know like uh shang tsung from mortal combat he's like the soulless okay there's no soul so it was just like stuff off that and shit and we were playing with playing with joke made of jokes and it kind of like people just liked hearing it and shit. And it just sounded, sounded, sounded cool and shit. But like, realistically, I don't give a shit what it says.
Starting point is 00:42:32 You know what I mean? My name, you can just call me, like, I don't use that as a nickname when I go in a fight. I've never used a nickname and shit. Like, I'm, I'm just Chris, man. I'm the same stupid ass ugly dude from, from Massachusetts, bro. You can, you can come here. People are fucking, I hide from people stupid ass ugly dude from Massachusetts, bro. You can come here. People are fucking – I hide from people. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:42:48 I hide in the back. I'm this guy. Man, I'm this guy. I'm here, man. And whatever happens after I die, man, if he gets mad about me wearing a freaking awesome Halloween, man, then he gets mad about it. And I'll take him on Halloween and then he gets mad about it. And I'll, I'll take, I'll take whatever, whatever comes, any fucking sin that I've ever done.
Starting point is 00:43:08 If it, if it holds, is held against me, I'll take it. I'll take it. I'll, I'll take what's going to come from me because I'm a man. And that's what we're supposed to do.
Starting point is 00:43:16 You know, when did that happen? I talk about that on my show a lot. And we opened the show with saying like, Hey, do you have daddy issues? And your response was like hey i'm like i'm past that and the way i describe it is there's a point in your life where
Starting point is 00:43:31 everything is someone else's fault everything whether your uncle buck got to you whether someone beat you up whether your mom fucking didn't buy your shoes and you had to wear girl shoes go it's all someone else's fault and then one day you have to wake up and be like, hey, I have to take full responsibility and accountability for all this. It doesn't matter what anyone else did to me. Now it's mine. I have to stop blaming other people.
Starting point is 00:43:54 I'm like, you were just saying it. You're saying I'll take full responsibility and accountability to God if there's a God. And how does that happen? When did you realize it's all on you? How old were you and how does that happen like when did you realize it's all on you how old are you and how did that happen um it happened around when i when i uh like 18 17 18 when i started wow that's young yeah i had i've always had great mentors and coaches you know what i mean like my coach my wrestling coach wrestled for wrestle d1 he was a very good he was like a pretty much an all-american
Starting point is 00:44:26 and he was he was a very very good athlete and shit and he put he instilled that into me very very young because like he made it very clear like if you're not making weight there was one time in in wrestling my my senior year i was doing i was doing pretty good and i was cutting a lot of weight i was cutting like 20 pounds to pounds to make my weight class, and there was one time it wasn't, like, the most important match, and I was like, I didn't feel like cutting weight. So I woke up that morning, and I was, like, over, and I didn't really feel like doing it, so I was, like, trying to play it off
Starting point is 00:44:59 until we got on the bus, and I was, like, still a pound and a half over or two pounds over or something like that, and I was like still a pound and a half over two pounds over or something like that. And it was like, I wasn't going to tell him. And then I told him like, right when we got to the venue and I'm like, yeah, it's all right. I'll just, I'll just wrestle next week at States. He was like, no, you're going to go run right now. And if you don't, you don't make weight, if you don't make weight, you're not wrestling next week, not wrestling next week. And that was everything that I worked for all year to just do states and and try to be a state champion you know what i mean so that's when i grabbed every sweat
Starting point is 00:45:31 thing i had started running up and down the mats wrestling grabbed the teammate wrestling i ended up making the weight and he was like oh you lucky bitch you know he was like that was about it man and that was after that i was like very that, like, I have to hold myself very, I have to hold myself to a very high standard. I have to hold myself above myself and look at look down and be like, kid, what are you going to be in the future? What do you want to be? And there's still days where I'm very weak. I'm a very weak man. You know what I mean? Like, we, we all have weaknesses and whether we want to accept that or not, we have at some point we have to look at ourselves and be like, damn, that's something I got to really work on or else it's going to, it's going to tear me down. It's something that's over the last couple of years has made my life a lot better. And it's also made my life a lot harder, man. I go in, I go in,
Starting point is 00:46:20 I go in days and I'm like, I really just don't feel like doing, really feel like working on myself. And then I got, I'm lucky to have people that I care about and people that I love to yell at me and be like, kid, get your ass out of bed and you got to do this shit. And what do you like to do to warm up? In your gym, do you have a favorite warm up? Do you warm up or you're 29? Fuck it. You're like a panther that just hangs out in a tree and Giselle goes by and you attack.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Yeah, I don't usually warm up. My stupid ass, like I watch some of these guys and they train like pure professionals and stuff. Now that I've been in like a – I've been in like – they warm up. They do all the crazy warm-ups and they set up and they get ready now that i've been like i started at a boxing gym near my that just like they're just boxers and it's uh it's called uppercuts uppercuts boxing club and they so now i go into the gym and before we even work out we got to do the 20 minutes of jump rope and we do all this so i'm getting more more into understanding what a warm-up is like and what we're supposed to be doing and how we're supposed to be training a little bit so
Starting point is 00:47:30 it means a lot but like i go to a lot of mma gyms man we're all just like meatheads bro we're just meatheads we just come in we just work and we just we beat the shit out of each other every day man that's you walk out of there with backs hurting your necks hurting your heads hurting but it's it's what i it's what i love man i would i would i i love the fact that i'm on my head because if i wasn't bro i wouldn't be here right now you guys wouldn't you guys wouldn't want to talk to me right and i wouldn't be where i am i love your authenticity chris and i have some bad news i think you're gonna gain a lot more fans with how authentic you are because hearing the way you speak has given me more confidence. I'm like, if this guy is working through that and he's saying he has self-doubt and he's in there smashing people up, which I have no chance in hell of doing, then I could get over my shit pretty easily.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Yeah, I feel you. But it's like I know some people that would never would never would never freaking fight, but are much, much tougher than I am. You know, they might never want to do a fight. And that's what I hear all the time. Like, oh, well, you're scared to do that. But you go in there and it's a different thing, bro. It's any any person, bro, you give them enough time in the gym. They could fight.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Give any time in the gym. Like my girl, my girl will jump out of planes. She'll do all this shit. She makes me, she makes me swim with sharks and shit. I'm like, you're a psychopath, bro. Cause like I'm scared the entire time, dude. I'm going to shit myself. But, but, but fucking fighting, fighting to me is, it's the easiest thing we do.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Everybody can do it. Everybody can do it. Anybody can get good at it. It just takes time. I'm not, I got, I don't believe him. I'm telling you, anybody can do it. Anybody can get good at it. It just takes time. I'm not, I got, I don't believe him. I'm telling you, anybody can, anybody,
Starting point is 00:49:08 dude, I'm the blood hole puckers. When he says that, like, I feel like I'm going to have to go outside and fight someone. I feel he believes in me. I'm like, I'm ready to work now.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Yeah, for sure. A hundred percent. Anybody can, I'm telling you a hundred percent. I'm not least athletic person. I have no coordination. Now I'm in the UFC.
Starting point is 00:49:23 You tell me how that happened ah that's not true god you got great head movement i'm telling you yeah you didn't show in your last fight but you have great head movement your body i watched like three of your fights last night you have great movement you're a fucking amazing athlete and in it and you're in your not that you have a bad record but your record's not not indicative of how good you are either. It's crazy. With the record, bro, I've fought the best in the world, man. Like half the kids on my record, like two of them have been in the – are in the UFC.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Tony Gravely, who I fought for a world title against, man, killing people in the UFC. I fought Manny Bermudez in my amateur career, in my amateur career and he he's beaten some of the top top guys at 135 so it is what it is bro the records are records man it's that's why i love mma too it's not like boxing bro you don't have to be oh 20 you know to be to be right fighters you can lose you can lose it's where when you fight the best you lose it happens everybody's not always the best look at look at this is our this guy's this guy dylan vowel every he so he's an aspiring fighter every show every i think so so just saying most of my most of my viewers are probably crossfitters chris are you familiar with crossfit yeah i did it for a
Starting point is 00:50:43 little bit okay man she's hard yeah so this guy look at chris is a goddamn savage instant superstar i agree so good i'm so excited for your next fight and be uh oh okay we're not gonna talk about your next fight quite yet tell me about pressure what tell me about pressure and when i first started watching mma like seven or i don't know seven eight years ago um one of the guys i was early introduced to was colby covington and i just couldn't like that was my first introduction to what pressure is and then obviously the pressure you put on on when you fight on people is just nuts how do you how do you do that and has it does anyone ever try to do that back to
Starting point is 00:51:21 you can you explain to us what pressure is like putting pressure on people it's yeah it's just in my head bro it's just a vision i i just picture it like you ever play like a video game in their health bar yeah i just that's what i look at i'm like this dude don't have it bro i my the only reason i fight is to have that five seconds like literally the five seconds after a fight where i know I broke that human being. I broke a human being in front of thousands of people. He's not even a human anymore. That's what I'm picturing. I want to break every person. And that's why I'm willing to go in there and take punches and come forward. Because I know punches don't hurt that bad. Punches don't hurt that bad. They just feel it's a different kind of pain
Starting point is 00:52:05 that's like like you go in there and you take a freaking you get a tattoo that shit cuts and burns and everything and that thing hurts the whole time a punch just feels like a thud dude and you just keep going you know what i mean it's it doesn't hurt that bad i don't care how hard you hit man it doesn't hurt that bad and so i know when i'm going in and i'm putting the pressure and i'm coming forward i know that you not, you can't tire me out. You're not going to tire me out. I'm going to keep coming. And eventually you're going to break or I'm going to, or you're going to knock me out.
Starting point is 00:52:33 And those are the only two, those are the only two options. You're going to finish me or I'm going to keep coming and I might not win the fight, but I'm going to come and it's going to be exciting. And everybody's going to get their money's worth. And I'm going to know, you're going to know afterwards that you're not going to ever want to fight me again. You're never going to want to fight me. John doesn't ever want to fight me again. Regardless what he says, he kicked my ass. Kid doesn't want to fight me again.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Nobody after they fight me is like, yeah, we'll go. We'll go. We'll go do another five rounds. We'll go do another. No, you're not going to want to do another five rounds. Because of the pressure, because of just you're always coming forward. There's nowhere for them to hide. Always working.
Starting point is 00:53:09 I don't get tired. I don't get tired. I've been in multiple fights. I had this understanding after. So getting tired in a fight, man, is because you just don't know how to control your breathing. You watch guys that run marathons and Ironmans iron mans and all this stuff they can go run sick for for 100 miles they can run five minute miles does that mean they're in in in crazy in crazy shape of course they're in crazy shape but if they go into an mma fight and do 15 minutes they're gonna be they're gonna be dying it's
Starting point is 00:53:39 because they don't understand how to breathe and how to control so i i listen to all these guys and you look at all these guys in the ufc and there's a lot of guys that are ripped up they look like shit and they're tired in 10 minutes you watch a conor mcgregor fight he's tired and in after the first round and a half he's in better shape than i am 100 the guy has fucking an eight pack and he's fucking huge what does that mean dude i can go do 15 minutes and not even breathe you know what i mean it doesn't mean anything to me like that is a mental that is a mental and he's fucking huge. What does that mean, dude? I can go do 15 minutes and not even breathe. You know what I mean? It doesn't mean anything to me. Like that is a mental, that is a mental delusion. I know what I'm getting into when I go into a fight. I know what I'm doing. I know how to breathe when I'm in a fight. I know what times I can rest, what times I can't rest,
Starting point is 00:54:18 when I can control the, when I can control the pace, if I need to slow it down, if I need to speed it up, you know what I mean? So getting so getting tight this this whole shape thing i did that last fight on 10 days notice you think i was in shape i was eating mcdonald's a week before the fucking fight you know what i mean like i i wasn't i was getting ready for a fight in in august which was a month and a half later you know what i mean so like to tell me that you can you're're in better shape, like the, or you're in shape, I'm in shape. Like you just don't understand how to control this shit. Like he was tired last fight. He was in tired and tired in the, after the first round, what are we talking about? You should never get tired. This sport is something I've done for 10, 10 plus years. I've done this since I was 19 years old. You know what I mean? I've been,
Starting point is 00:55:03 I've been doing this sport for a very long time and I have this stuff understood to know that if I get into that cage, you're not going to tire me out and I'm going to keep coming forward regardless of what happens to me. Man, I've dedicated myself to brain damage. I've dedicated myself to death if it comes to that point. You hear a lot of guys, they say, I'm willing to die. I'm willing to die. I'm willing, you're not willing to die because when that situation comes,
Starting point is 00:55:29 you don't keep going. You don't keep going. I'm ready to do that if I have to, man. If I'm going to die, I'm going to die in a spectacular way. And that's the way I believe. And that's what I believe in how I'm willing to go. So I want to talk about breathing. Can you tell anyone what it is about what you know about breathing?
Starting point is 00:55:46 You alluded to the fact of knowing when to push and when to pull back. And then the second part to that is, do you see people like Colby who have that same pressure that you have? Are you guys doing the same thing? Is it, is it all, would he answer the question the same way? I don't know. I don't, I don't know. I can't, I can't explain it. What I feel, how I, how I figured out what I can't really explain it, man. And I say't explain it, what I feel, how I figured out. I can't really explain it, man. And I say this to a lot of guys that I train with and stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:09 I don't. I don't know what Kobe's doing. Kobe's another monster in himself. You know what I mean? He's another monster in himself. He does this shit, and that motherfucker doesn't get tired at all, man. Kamara's another one, man, to fight those guys and to see those guys move the way they move at the highest levels. And I don't know what they're doing or what they're going through. And I don't really understand what I'm even doing, man. It's just something that I know I can do. Like if I go into there, I know what I'm feeling when I'm in there.
Starting point is 00:56:36 I know if I go into a gym and go do round after round after round, I'm the last one on the mat. I'm not even breathing heavy. You know what i mean and then there's days where but if you tell me to go do 100 burpees or do this fucking any of the crossfit shit i'm gonna be dying on the floor so i know it there's something there's something about about what i'm doing the sport i'm doing in the amount of time i've done the sport to know that when i'm in there i know how to move maneuver within that sport. You know what I mean? Like,
Starting point is 00:57:09 I don't know how to explain it. I can't give you the answers that I think you want to hear. I don't really know, but I know that I have this thing that dialed in. So it's something that at bare minimum, we can understand it as it's something that you're hyper conscious of. Yeah. Like I'm like super duper aware of my nose because it's so fucking heavy and pulling me forward at all times.
Starting point is 00:57:32 You are super duper aware of your breathing. When you're in a fight, there's you, your opponent, and your breath. There's three of you in there. Yep. You're aware of it. Yeah, I'm aware of what I have to do when I'm in the cage so that I'm never tired again. I remember when I started in MMA and all this shit and you do one punch and then your arms are heavy and you can't move. You're fucking trying to maneuver through the next 14 minutes without your arms at this point.
Starting point is 00:58:05 15 the next 14 minutes without without your arms at this point and i was like i got to a point where i i've been all over the world all over the country trained at some big gyms and stuff and i like go into these places like it happened a lot it happened the first time i went to albuquerque so i went to albuquerque one time and i went in there and everybody's telling me oh the altitude the altitude the altitude oh the altitude is gonna you're gonna be dying and i went in there and i'm like rolling with people and i'm like why am i not tired like i'm like supposed to be tired right now i'm supposed to be like it's supposed to feel something else that i haven't i haven't felt and then um after i came home and i was like okay cool okay maybe there's something to this and then i started training and i started trying to figure out what the fuck was going on. And I'm realizing I'm watching all my training partners got the hands on
Starting point is 00:58:49 their knees or something. Like they're all fucking exhausted. And I'm like, I'm still moving. I'm like, all right, man, there's something to this,
Starting point is 00:58:54 bro. You just gotta keep, you just gotta, you gotta figure it out in your head. And it's, it's just the last over the last few years, man, it's just like fight after fight.
Starting point is 00:59:02 I, it just keeps getting easier and easier. What do you ever listen to audio books no i'm starting to get i want to get into like i'm not the best reader and all that stuff so i wanted to get into i started getting into reading a little bit now and maybe once i once i figure it out man i want to be i want to try to build my build my knowledge as much as I possibly can The first step is I need to start Doing all the things I hate first Before I start getting into that
Starting point is 00:59:30 Do all the things I hate first You're a tortured soul by always making yourself better I'm trying right now This constant theme Dylan Val You have to have endurance to continually throw because it's part of your defense. If you're too tired to breathe, let alone throw, then you'll get overwhelmed with punches and subsequently get KO'd from a fellow fighter. Dylan, any comment you put, I'll put up there.
Starting point is 01:00:03 You're the man, buddy. Dylan, any comment you put, I'll put up there. You're the man, buddy. So you don't normally watch the fights, Chris? Like you wouldn't on Saturdays? No. No, because— None of you guys do. None of the fighters watch the fights.
Starting point is 01:00:16 What the fuck? Too focused on their own fights themselves. No, it becomes like—I just watch a lot of trash TV, man. I watch trash TV and reality like, reality shows and shit. Like, I used to watch the fights. I used to really be really big into them. And then it's like any other sports. I don't watch sports.
Starting point is 01:00:33 I don't watch football. I don't watch basketball. I don't really watch fights, man. It's like the only time I really watch fights is when it's somebody I give a shit about. You know what I mean? If it's somebody I give a shit about, then I'll watch the fight like I like I'm gonna watch I'll probably watch Randy's fight I watched a little I watched Rob's fight you know what I mean like those are the fights I care about because I have a personal interest there's somebody I've met them before I know them
Starting point is 01:00:57 like like care what they're doing but uh fighting to me it's just it's not it's not as – I'd rather do it, obviously. I'd rather do it than watch it, you know? Yeah. Crazy. Yeah. I don't really – realistically, I don't really care. I'm not the kind of guy that's just – I'm sitting – it's jaded me. The sport has jaded me a lot because I get a lot – especially now.
Starting point is 01:01:25 I get a lot of DMs from random-ass people that are being being like oh what the what do you think about this person what do you think about oh what's happening with this one or i knocked that dude out or i'm like i'm like dude like this person i like i'm it's not my position to choose who's gonna win or what's gonna win because that's why we fight that's why they fight they're here dictating and like I see a lot of fighters do this to other fighters, you know what I mean, which is nothing but disrespect because we've all given most of our life to this. We give up all of our time for this. This is something I truly love and something I've given my entire life to do. And I see fighters discredit me or discredit these people or discredit this guy
Starting point is 01:02:02 who's doing the same shit. He's been dictating most of his life to trying to be a world champion and whether he makes it or not it's not your fucking place it's not any of these guys place to say anything about it man this guy's a fucking he does the same shit you do every day every day he goes to the gym he trains he gets his ass kicked he's taking time away from his family he's taking time away from his fucking brain that if he has kids and shit, that he's not going to even fucking remember them in fucking 10 years for all you know. So why the fuck are you discrediting everything that he's done for most of his life?
Starting point is 01:02:35 And that's the shit that's jaded me in the sport. I see all these fighters talking shit and doing all this shit. I tried to be Conor McGregor back in the day. Who fucking hasn't? You know what I mean? I wanted to talk a little shit and be the shit. It's not me. It's not who I am, man.
Starting point is 01:02:48 I found out. This is why, again, why I truly believe in God. Because every time that my fucking karma and I've tried to build these, be like one of these assholes, talk shit about all these guys and do all this shit. It's bit me in the ass time and time again, man. I've done all this shit, it's bit me in the ass time and time again, man. I've done all this shit. I've gone through every bad choice that I've ever made has backfired 110%, tenfold, man. There was times where I was doing stupid-ass shit, being a bad fucking person,
Starting point is 01:03:17 and I almost didn't make it to this point. I changed my life, got a new team, got rid of all the drama in my life. Within a year, I'm in the UFC. You know what I mean? There's just things in here that I know for a fact, 100% that have affected my life that I know is because all that shit is horrible. How long has Tyson been your manager? I think since 2017, I think. It was right after I fought for my first chance at a world title.
Starting point is 01:03:53 So I think it was like 2017, 2018, something like that. Do you go into the gym every day, even if it's your day off? I try to do something. I have a little setup at my house. if i'm not at the gym i'm usually doing something on my house i got like a fucking i got like a stationary bike and i got i got some weights and uh like a reflex bag so if i'm not in the gym i'm doing something regardless whether it's shadow boxing or something what bike do you have it's just a shitty one i got a good online oh i ain't again low budget bro we ain't buying
Starting point is 01:04:26 no pelotons or anything like that over here we just have the hand is it an assault bike does it have the handles no it's just uh it's just a rigging rigging it's it's it's sort of like a peloton just the cheaper version you know what i mean right uh what did you do with your did you with your money you're you want to uh fight the bonus you want what do you do with your money? You won a fight, the bonus you won. What do you do with that? I haven't really done anything with it yet, man. I've just been trying to wait, freaking pay taxes on this shit, and then we'll work. I've never had money, bro.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Again, I'm just a normal dude. I'm just a normal dude from a normal place and never had money, don't know what to do with money, I'm just a normal dude from a normal place and never had money. Don't know what to do with money. Never was equipped for any kind of excess. So I don't really know what to do with it. I got good people in my life.
Starting point is 01:05:16 I'm going to have that. Let them talk. Talk to them and figure out where to go with this shit. I saw, you know, that company, which one of the vaccine makers moderna yep i was i just saw an article that a year ago their stock was 19 and now it's 329 so that's like 5 15 7 it's gone up 17 times so that would have been like let's say let's just round that 75 up to 100 000 that would be like it would be 1.7 million now oh geez guys i know crazy right i know that's how i feel too sorry i don't mean to make you feel bad but i feel horrible that i didn't invest in it i think these guys are jackasses i would have loved to have made some money off them no for sure but i
Starting point is 01:06:02 don't know anything about i've never like never done the stocks. I got a lot of friends in the stock market making money left and right. It just scares the shit out of me, bro. You should flex your star power now and try to meet some people who are just
Starting point is 01:06:19 like Elon. Elon, what's up, buddy? Can you help me with my investment? He likes pet projects. You just need to do like that. Can I be your pet project? Yeah. No, I ain't.
Starting point is 01:06:31 I don't know. I don't know if I can go that high up, bro. You can. You can. Dude, I'm telling you, you're already like, what you've done is crazy. Okay. I know you don't know everyone who's on the fight card, but I got to ask you about some, some, this guy, this weirdo who's on the fight card.
Starting point is 01:06:45 He's in the early – this fight card is crazy, by the way. It's nuts. So this kid, Ryan Hall, he's a featherweight. Are you familiar with him? He's in the early prelims. Ryan Hall? Yeah. Jiu-Jitsu guy?
Starting point is 01:06:57 Yeah. I know Ryan Hall. He's fighting Derek Miner, who is coached by James Krause. Are people just freaked out to go against Ryan Hall because he's going to fucking end their career? He's going to put him in that leg lock or whatever that thing he does and jack their knee up? Yeah, man. If he gets it, bro, there's not much you can do about it unless you really know how to do it, unless you really know leg locks. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:07:22 He's one of the pioneers of leg locks, bro, the guard and all that all that other crazy stuff man if he gets you in that position in those positions man there's not many guys on this on this on this planet that really know more than he does you know what i mean so yeah it's he's a tough fight for anybody bro because it's one one mistake and you're uh your ankle's gone your knee's gone and now you now you're on a six month you're on a six month bed you know what i mean so yeah he's a tough fight he's a tough fight he was actually on the card i was on my on the last card i was on he fought um a couple fights before me so yeah he's a he's a tough dude he's a little get a little wild that they're jumping the way he way he goes for him but he's a he's a beast yeah and
Starting point is 01:08:06 then and then but but because it's interesting you said i didn't realize he was on your card but that was the card he got knocked out right and he got really exposed as a one trick pony yeah the guy he fought was really fucking good though yeah that's for you to pour you who's kids undefeated and he's a monster bro so it's it's kind of like And I think he's a black belt as well So he probably knows He knows how to defend him And his hands are just a little bit better But man
Starting point is 01:08:29 Again I'm not here to take away from anybody Ryan Hall's a monster And he's Good luck Good luck to him And hopefully He can take it home
Starting point is 01:08:37 And good luck to the other guy too I don't really know who the other guy is How about this This freaking match On the prelim card Pedro Munoz Against Dominic Cruz How the this freaking match on the prelim card pedro muñoz against dominant cruz how the fuck is that on the prelim card does that well first of all does that mean it's not a like is it is it not disrespectful but what when i think of the prelim i think of
Starting point is 01:08:57 is like the fighters that aren't necessarily as big name as the people who are in the main card because the main card is what how they try to make money right or am i not thinking about it right no i think well so he's he's on like the premier spot on the on the undercard so i think like he's like um he gets all the he gets all the main card promotion and the undercard promotion so he it's it's probably a pretty good spot and he's gonna get paid the same regardless spot and he's going to get paid the same regardless of where he goes if he was on the main the last first fight on the main card or this spot so he's going to who are you referencing dominic cruz yeah okay both of them both of them
Starting point is 01:09:35 whatever they were going to get paid if they were on the main card or this they're going to get paid the same so it doesn't really change that okay but he's getting they're getting both the main card promotion and the undercard promotion so it's usually like you see guys like like uriah favor has been there before and other stuff when they could have easily been on the main card but they you get you get in get on the you get on the undercard um and it's and it's usually like it's a free fight so more people will watch it but still either way like he's been he's been world champion he should have been on the under he should have been on the on the main card that fight should have been the first either the first fighter should be on the main card at some point but when somebody's making a lot of money bro making you a lot of money like like sean like
Starting point is 01:10:17 of course he's going to be on the main he's going to be on the main card bro the guy makes makes the ufc so much fucking money so it's just what it is. I mean, and there's other guys too. Look at Tai Tuivasa on the prelim. Dan Ige. Josh Emmett. I mean, it's nuts. Jordan Wright. I mean, it's just – the prelim is nuts.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Either that or it's just – I'm just exposing that I'm actually becoming a fan and liking all the fighters, but those seem like big names to me. Yeah, no. This card is one of the best cards I've seen in a while, man. Tai Tuivasa is always really exciting. That Augusto Saki guy is a really good fighter, too. He fought one of my teammates, Jorgen, and he's a tough dude. So there's a lot of great fights, man.
Starting point is 01:11:00 But when you see cards like this, it just makes people want to buy them more. You know what I mean? You see a lot of guys and it's like, sometimes the undercard is more exciting than the main card, you know? And, and, and like some of these guys are just waiting to be breakout superstars. Like Josh Emmett, he just, he's a couple of wins away from like, being a superstar for sure. Yeah. He's a motherfucker too. Who is? Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Savage. Um, superstar for sure yeah he's a motherfucker too who is egay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah savage um and
Starting point is 01:11:28 then you go to the main card it can we talk about um sean and and i don't know what this guy's name is raulian william paiva yeah do you have any thoughts on this fight yeah like again i don't care i don't really know who's gonna win or or what that deal is, but that's a great fight, man. Julian actually fought his teammate, his last fight. He fought Kyler Steven. I don't really know the guy's last name. I know his name's Kyler, but who was ranked when this kid fought him. This kid used to be a 25er, and he's a beast, man.
Starting point is 01:12:02 So I think people are just expecting Sean to just walk out there and he's a he's a beast man so i i think people are just like expecting sean just walk out there and knock him out and it's kind of like it's i don't really see it that way man i see that kid's actually a really tough dude he's a black belt he's he's got good hands he's he's a tough dude man so it's gonna be a good fight it's gonna be a really good fight um i'm excited i'm excited to find out the next day who wins you You know what I mean? What belt are you? I'm a purple belt. And do you still do Gi or are you all no Gi? All no Gi.
Starting point is 01:12:32 I've always been no Gi. We do little rash guards things. That's why I don't really say it. Regardless, if I put on a Gi, I'd be a white belt. You know what I mean? I've never done Gi. My first coach, George, only did no Gi. He was a black belt under Tim Burrell.
Starting point is 01:12:47 So I understand that. My coach now, Tommy Teixeira, is a black belt under Tim Burrell, who's a big name out here in New England. He got his black belt under, I think it was Machado, Carlos Machado. He got his black belt under, I think it was Machado, Carlos Machado. So, yeah, man, I know. I've never been the guy who really cared about belts or anything. As long as I can roll with these guys, that's all that I give a shit about.
Starting point is 01:13:15 You know what I mean? If I can roll with the black belt, in my head, I'm a black belt. Should I pull my kid? Should I start? So my kid does no-gi once a week. And in all the tournaments I make him do no-gi. He fucking doesn't want to. He just wants to either do no-gi or gi.
Starting point is 01:13:30 He doesn't want to do both, but I make him do both. But is that where we're going? And we had Nick Rodriguez on the show, and he only does no-gi. Do you know who that is, Nick Rodriguez? Nick Rodriguez. Yeah. Is that the way to go? Is that some parenting advice you'd give me? Hey, just take the gi off.
Starting point is 01:13:50 It depends on what you – no, I'm not going to say that. Oh, Chris, come on. Just say it. I know you're a nice guy. You don't want to hurt no one's feelings. Just say it. It depends on what you want to do. What do you want to end up doing with it? He wants to protect his girlfriend in the back alley. He wants to make out with his girlfriend in a dark alley. And that's no gi then. There's no gi then. Regardless, bro, realistically, if we're talking about a realistic approach, I would do no gi for a fight aspect.
Starting point is 01:14:18 That's why we do no gi. Your clothes, like a gi collar and a t-shirt aren't the same. You can pull a gi collar all day and it's never going to rip. You pull a t-shirt, it's going to stretch. You know what I mean? So realistically, yeah, the chokes and stuff for no gi are a little bit more realistic. But, dude, it's good to be able to have those goals and try to get to a black belt, man.
Starting point is 01:14:41 It isn't – especially like a lot of people like i i go to i used to go to like teach at a lot of schools like every school that i've been to i taught most of the classes and i've been i've been a part of i taught most of the classes and do all that stuff like a lot of people that come in man can't stay with it because there's no incentive behind it you know what i mean there's like you need to have something it's the same thing like karate they get belted every time and stuff it's it means a lot more when you know that you're working towards something and it makes people actually want to stay into it when you don't have that goal if you don't have that mindset well you know like my my only thing in my head was i'm
Starting point is 01:15:18 gonna be fighting i'm gonna be fighting so i don't care about a belt you know what i mean but if you don't have that like and i don't i would i don't say tell anybody to fight you know what i mean i push if i'm going to push somebody i'm going to push them away from this because it's not there's not a lot of money in it and there's a lot of bullshit that you have to put up with to get to get to anywhere where you could make any money i don't know how you guys survive i don't know how the fuck you guys survive incredible the money you won from your last fight not including your bonus won't can't even pay for your gas money yeah realistically it's terrible bro it's terrible but this sport is uh hold on one second i gotta grab a charger real quick and i'm not and i'm not i'm not hating that i'm not hating on the ufc either when i say
Starting point is 01:16:03 that i'm just saying it's just that it is what it is i'm not i'm not hating on the UFC either when I say that. I'm just saying it is what it is. I'm not like, hey, fighters should get paid more or less. Like, fuck, I don't know the economics behind it. It's a hard way to make a living. Yeah, it's like. Sorry, hold on one second, bro. Yeah, you do you. Hey, Blaze, what's up girl
Starting point is 01:16:25 life good do you ever just do you ever just stand do you ever just stand against the wall and just take your t-shirt off and just let blaze just unload on your stomach for an ab workout just be like go baby go you're about to unload on me right now i'll let you go in five minutes i'll let you go in five minutes i want to ask you a couple more questions i'll let you go you got you got you go all right i just tried to get this charger real quick i'm sorry you wouldn't be the first guest whose phone died and the interview ended so don't worry i don't want to be that guy though. Hold on a second. All right, we're good.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Let's talk about going down to 125. That's what Cody's doing, right, this weekend? He's a 135er. He's already fucking a lean 135, and he's going down to flyweight, which is 125. What is he – what would it take for you to do that is that is that just horrible i mean 10 pounds is so much i started at a 25er you know what i mean i started at 25er and i'm not always i'm not again like i said i'm not a very big 35er so i very well could do it i think i probably could make make 25 i just would need um somebody who really knows how to do it A good dietitian
Starting point is 01:17:45 Somebody who knows how to talk Tell me what to eat, when to eat I'm not the most disciplined when it comes to my diet Like I've said I'm starting to get an understanding And stay on it more But again, like I said I'm a fat kid at heart
Starting point is 01:17:58 You know what I mean? I like fucking cake and cookies And all that other stuff So I just need somebody who Tells me what to eat, when to eat it, how to eat it, like what to eat at what time. And I think I could do it pretty easily. And I think that's probably where I probably should be at 25.
Starting point is 01:18:18 But, again, I've always felt good at 35. I like the fact that I don't have to cut a ton of weight. I get to actually focus on enjoying training and not just dieting and feeling like shit all the time so we'll see we'll see how it goes and we'll see where it goes and um i'm just excited for the future future in the ufc you know it's two tough dudes man i i don't i don't i i don't want to say anything bad about cody but um it's it well i guess maybe is positive, but I was impressed with his fight with Rob Font because Rob is so fucking tough, right? As much as I like Cody, I thought Rob was going to fucking kill him.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Yeah. And man, Cody hung in there. And this other guy, Kai, is tough as shit too. This is going to be a good one. I mean, it's going to be a war, don't you think? Yeah, no, for sure. Kai is a monster, and Cody is a former champion. And he's always there to give.
Starting point is 01:19:17 He's always dangerous. You know, he's got crazy power in his hands, and he's always super dangerous. So it literally, it's all going all gonna be depending on i think this fight is going to come down to like how he's how well he's gonna like be able to perform at 25 like with his with his body being depleted and everything else so see so hopefully it all comes back and he's he's the same dude that he was when he was at 35 hey wouldn't it be cool if the ufc gave all of their fighters on their card a promo code so they could watch all the pay-per-views for free they should they should
Starting point is 01:19:49 i feel like oh my god the way the amount of money they make and shit i'm not get me fired right now i'm done saying it have you have you have you met dana um not not like formally. You know what I mean? I met him on the night. They do like a little like before fight meeting. You know what I mean? He gives us a little pep talk and stuff. That was basically it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:20:19 I didn't really meet the guy. I didn't sit down with him or anything like that. He's a busy dude. Runs a whole company. Busy dude. All that stuff. Super busy that's that's enough for me man i don't really need to again i don't really need to talk to nobody man i just i was fly under the radar and get to walk into a cage and and punch people you know you're so you're not a hugger uh depends i don't I don't know. Like you walk in the gym and let's say you walk in the gym and Tyson's there.
Starting point is 01:20:50 Will you give him a hug? Yeah. I don't give a – regardless, if I know you, I'm not – I get a little – it takes a little while for me to get comfortable with people. But once I'm comfortable with people, I don't really care at that point. But it's just like when I say – Maybe all fighters are huggers because you guys are like half naked rolling around anyway yeah you can't be can't be self-con you can't be weird about that kind of shit because then then then people are gonna
Starting point is 01:21:14 start freaking really really wondering about you you know what i mean you can't be weird um uh i i get my point was is that when you do meet dana you should force him to hug you because he's a big dude. And that way, you should just go up and just hug. Like the way you'd hug Santa if you were a little kid. Seriously. Just try to get your arms around him and hug him. Bury your head in his armpit.
Starting point is 01:21:34 Nah, I'm all set. I'm good. Everyone needs a hug. You got to do it. I'm sure you have somebody else to hug him, bro. He's all set. He's probably a security. How about that dude who's in all the fights that that guy who looks like he should be in a
Starting point is 01:21:45 horror movie, the tall white dude, he's bald. He's always, he's like always the dude. Like if two dudes are like, uh, like Cody and,
Starting point is 01:21:53 uh, and, and O'Malley, like in the press conference started getting at it. And that dude shows up, you know, which guy I'm talking about. He's a tall skinny.
Starting point is 01:22:01 Can you pull up a UFC security guard? Sousa, you know who I'm talking about, Chris, he's in every, like he's in every shot. He walks the tall skinny. Can you pull up a UFC security guard, Sousa? You know who I'm talking about, Chris. He's in every shot. He walks the guys out. He's always with Dana. He's always at the press conferences. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:22:13 I obviously don't pay attention as much as you. He should be in fucking horror movies. He's so good. All right, man. Go ahead. No, no, i'm good uh thank you for for for i know i've been bugging you in your dms for a little while i it was for those of you who wonder how this shit comes together literally last night i think i was on the assault bike or i don't remember where i was maybe i was driving my kids to something and i'm just like fucking i'm bugging chris and i and i just start tagging dm and i'm like yo let's do a podcast tomorrow something and i'm just like fucking i'm bugging chris and i and i just start tagging
Starting point is 01:22:45 dm and i'm like yo let's do a podcast tomorrow morning and i couldn't believe it right because i bugged him a bunch of times do a podcast and he writes back okay i go 7 a.m he goes sure i was like what the fuck yeah i'm pretty easy about it bro i don't really have to do i'm not doing much normally so yeah you're a good dude all right man thank you so much uh we'll stay in touch i'm really looking forward to your fight on uh march 12th 2022 uh yeah man you're a good dude thanks for your time thank you guys appreciate it thank you brother appreciate it really do and tell

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