The Sevan Podcast - #236 - Hunter McIntyre

Episode Date: December 21, 2021

Hunter Mcintyre is one of the most decorated multi-sport athletes in history. On top of being a mainstay in the sport of OCR with 6 World Titles, he is a Crossfit games competitor, has the MURPH World... Record, the Hyrox World Record and is undefeated on the popular TV show Steve Austin's Broken Skull Challenge. Join Hunter this year by gaining access to his exact training programs as he attacks his athletic adventures! Sevan Podcast is sponsored by http://www.barbelljobs.comFollow us on Instagram this episode's Stuff: Support the showPartners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:02 Oh, wow, Heidi. Trying to steal my line. brian today sorry this guest is easy it's almost cheating having this guy on this is like honestly i've only had this guy on once but it really is like cheating i suspected it was like cheating and then i watched a couple other podcasts he's been on uh last night and uh i think he makes podcast hosts lazy i wonder if he's even coming on are you coming on i mean he would be extremely easy if he didn't show up then he would be then it would really be like cheating uh hunter the sheriff mcintyre can you can you hear my crisp voice i can all right give me two seconds do you want me to bring you back a drink or anything uh no i got one thank you though uh 230 some odd shows and you're the first person who's offered a drink every time i every time i see this guy in a different guys like this characters like this these type of uh nomadic uh athletes that have deep pathologies i always just assume they're
Starting point is 00:02:22 at someone else's house different every show that they're on so i think i just figure that hunter is just running from something at all times and now he's at some girl's house in like canada that he met and he's just training i mean that's in my imagination that's what i think i just think he just trains his body bangs chicks and uh wins events there was a time there was a time i said hey yeah and now and now he's got pictures go ahead sorry this is actually my house you want me to do something for you real quick check this out you should give this to your kids this is a gift to you to give to your kids wait thank you boom did you see that no what is it it's a neon dinosaur head that i bought at target to put up
Starting point is 00:03:07 in my office oh it's cool it's it's hard to make out um it looks like an inflamed intestine i mean i guess you could use that as a another opportunity to kind of promote health dinosaur at some point um your life can go sideways and you start posting pictures like this on your instagram where you go from a international playboy athlete to like look at god that looks like that sucks that's like that's like business meeting shit that's like adult stuff he's doing there i creeped on your instagram oh no some kind of kickback. And I was like, man, I was like, I got to find a good way just to kind of have some bounce back and forth with him. And, you know, 90% of it, you know, what the weird thing was, is I found out you have three Instagrams. Anybody who has more than one
Starting point is 00:03:56 Instagram has an ego problem. And I have a couple. So listen, we're in the same boat. And the thing was, it went tennis, skateboarding, tennis, skateboarding, tennis, skateboarding, and then a private jet. That was the interesting flex that really made me start to think. And I started to put down some notes in my head. I was like, why does it go tennis, skateboarding, tennis, skateboarding, tennis, skateboarding, private jet? I was like, where does that come from? What are you trying to tell us? So, I mean, listen, just the same way that you're kind of deciphering my life i'm deciphering yours there's that what's that song um i'm living the dream what is it it's all a dream it's a rap song it's all a dream anyway yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah thank you you, Smalls. Thank you. Yes, yes. It's like that.
Starting point is 00:04:46 I just want people to know it's like that. Hunter's rocking those Schmo glasses. Hunter is way cooler than Schmo. I bet you Hunter doesn't know who Schmo is. Do you know who Schmo is? No. He's an interviewer for UFC. Very –
Starting point is 00:04:58 Oh, yeah. That guy's kind of a – I don't know him well enough, so I'm not going to actually judge. I don't know him well enough, so I'm not going to actually judge. I've been wearing, I guess you'd call these like orange hunting shades since I've been like 14, 15 years old, maybe even younger. And it's just kind of been ingrained in my life at this point. What do you guys think about this relationship? We both prepare with, we're like two monkeys in opposite cages that we know we're going to see each other soon. So we, we save all our shit in the corner of our cage for the week prior so we can throw it at each other. Good. You know, I do like that a lot. I told my girlfriend leading up to this thing and
Starting point is 00:05:36 I was like, she's like, what are you doing? And I was like, Hmm. I was like, I'm ready. I'm fucking ready. Like sweaty palms ready. I was like i was like oh man this is gonna get spicy oh i need to write this down hunter has a girlfriend just get that shit in my notes but please do you know i got my uh my notepad here and i actually brought um a fine uh fine point ink pen to make sure that i could like really get some of those deep thoughts in there because when i do that with a fine um fine point pen i don't allow my brain to race ahead of my hand so i can get the thoughts out perfectly guys if you guys start seeing hunter just fucking pummeling me and i huddle in the corner please call in and help me here is the
Starting point is 00:06:21 number um all attacks on hunter are welcome call in at any time but but only if i'm losing only if i'm losing if i'm in the corner just like fucking shivering this is a lot like howard stern thank you i didn't even know that you had a live calling yeah i don't use it very often with guests but the ones that intimidate the fuck out of me i got it like just ready anytime it's like a pocket knife wham what do you do you have like the crank yankers like do you have like the whack packers like do you have like a i don't follow your media well enough but do you have like the regulars that come on here that you kind of bring on just to kind of spice up and kind of get into your crowd's life a little bit uh we i do have a couple people. There's one guy that hates me that has
Starting point is 00:07:05 called in a couple of times. And then there's a guy who calls in almost every show named Mars Logan, because I have this spot. He's awesome too. Cause I have this sponsor and it's And so he always throws me these soft pitches. He'll be like, Hey, seven, my life's falling apart and I don't have a job. What should I do? I'd be like, Oh, thank you for asking. You should go to it will turn your life right you know what i mean he sets those up for me and i didn't even ask him to do it he's just like he's that guy that's a good guy yeah i mean even though he's throwing shade at you he's kind of bringing you up at the same time yeah what is barbell jobs uh it uh it's
Starting point is 00:07:40 a international website you go there barbell jobs you Jobs. You put in how many hours a week you want to work, what you want to do, what country you live in, and then jobs start popping up. It's basically a job board specific to CrossFit-esque style gyms. Can you post – so I can post jobs on there? Yeah, yeah, yeah. If you were looking for someone, let's say, to run around with you and carry your water at Hunter fit. I just went through the hiring process at mine and I use rather than like doing what you suggested, which is probably like the cleanest and smartest way to really approach that thing.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I use my own social media platform and the applications that I got were so astoundingly bad. It just, it was amazing. It was like all these meathead jock guys that were kind of like obsessed with the idea of coming to work with me and their resumes were just atrocious. And I've, you know, I whittled it down to a couple of really good people and the team's building,
Starting point is 00:08:36 but good God, like, I honestly wish I knew this before. Before we go any further, I want to say two things and I started talking about this before Hunter came on. He is a super duper easy guest to have on. I would equate him to Josh bridges. Like you really would not have to prepare for him. And I did watch a podcast that you did last night. And I feel like the guy was taking advantage of you and did not prepare for
Starting point is 00:08:58 you. You carry the podcast. I can't remember. It was like one of those OCR podcasts. Yeah. But he, he is truly amazing to. He does a bunch of different stuff, physical, physical stuff, and he does it at the highest level. And one of the things he does is something that's very new to me, was introduced to me the first time he was on the show.
Starting point is 00:09:21 And it's called High Rocks, H-Y-R-O-X. And it's is that correct it is is correct and it's a racing event that happens um i don't know if all over the world but the events that i keep seeing happening are happening in the united states and in germany and uh hunter competes at the highest level and it's a comment it's it's basically it's fucked up what is it it's kind of like 50 50 i mean it's it's interesting in the way that if you look at the like the times they're almost exactly 50 50 for like the elite level male and females it takes me 32 minutes to do the running in 27 minutes to do or 25 minutes to do the fitness station so it's like as close as it could possibly get in a strict split of endurance
Starting point is 00:10:05 versus strength capacity. So it's interesting. Um, it's actually, it's grown massively since even you and I last talked, um, which is exciting. It's like a very easy portal for people who are probably regular CrossFit, um, or like daily functional fitness athletes who train at home to be able to take that step next step to actually be like, what would it be like to compete? Yeah. And for CrossFitters, it's definitely a place to go use your, um, fitness. Wow. I wish I had these kinds of skills. I wish I could do this kind of stuff. I didn't even know that was still up. I was searching around. So, so I want to show you this picture of Hunter, by the way. So I want to tell you what the workout is really quick.
Starting point is 00:10:46 And it's consistent every time. And it's some horrible shit. It's a 1,000-meter ski erg, 50-meter sled push at 275 pounds for women, 385 pounds for men. I should actually put this up somewhere on the screen. 50-meter sled pull at 165 pounds, 275 pounds for men. So basically you ski erg 1,000 meters meters, you push a heavy ass sled, then you pull a heavy ass sled, then eight or meet eight or meter, uh, burpee broad jumps and thousand meter rowing.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Then 200 meter farmer carry was 70 pounds for men. Then a, uh, lunges with a hundred meters with 60 pounds for men. And then a hundred wall balls, um um with a 20 pound ball where's the running how did i forget the running the running you do a thousand meters between each station oh shit so it's 8 000 meters all together between those stations yeah just about five miles so what you're happening is we go out we hit that thousand meters then we do fitness station thousand meters fitness station so the idea was is like you know you, you take almost all of the Olympic and world-class sports and you test the metrics of them in a physical capacity.
Starting point is 00:11:52 But basically the base of almost all athletics is running. So we keep running as kind of the center point there. But then all of a sudden you go into something like skier, like Nordic skiing is probably the most cardiovascularly demanding sport on the planet. Then you go into sled push, which is like bobsled or any kind of power sport, sled pull, similar kind of thing, strongman power sport, pharma carry, blah, blah, blah. And it's almost like triathlon in the functional fitness world. The background of the guys who invented the company actually are from triathlon. So what they did was, is they wanted to find
Starting point is 00:12:23 if they created this consistent tests throughout the years and globally who's truly the fittest person is it the greatest test of it i can't guarantee that um is it an awesome test yes uh and and then and then here and then here's the part why that where it gets really weird so you saw i showed you hunter's body right and hunter's also been to the crossfit games and this is the part where it gets really weird so you saw i showed you hunter's body right and hunter's also been to the crossfit games and this is the part where it gets weird uh this guy beat hunter now this yes this is a problem this is a serious this is where the sport goes sideways up until uh up until last night i was a huge fan listen toby's actually phenomenal i mean the thing is is this it's like i'm never going to deny that I'm amazed by people. Um, you know, CrossFit's a muscle bound sport. Um, if you go to almost
Starting point is 00:13:12 the majority of other sports that are not power-based sports, you're not going to find somebody who's got like five to 8% body fat and a majority muscle mass. Like some of the strongest and fittest people I've ever met in the entire world are the most unassuming people. This is where Hunter's dying to say, and this sport is clean too, but. Man, you, we talked about this. I, I, I, I, oh, look how handsome you look here. Jeez.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Oh, it's a video. You're getting, you're getting better looking with age. Yeah. It's been good. Yeah. It's pretty cool. It's the Scottish in me. But couldn't that go sideways?
Starting point is 00:13:56 Cause you're so white. Don't wipe. Just really white people just fucking turn into raisins and shit. No, you'd be surprised, man. If you go over to. Yeah. Look at Paul Newman. He, do you know who that is paul newman crushed it yeah but robert redford didn't crush it so much robert redford did great too dude oh i don't know buddy he turned a little bit into a raisin you remember the movie the last castle is that the one that's in prison yes yes he looks handsome i think it's just like i think they put
Starting point is 00:14:26 epoxy on his face and just fill in all the craters and shit black don't crack i can't say the same thing for white people but we got good genes um my grandfather's 92 and he's still the mayor of his town okay let's look at this oh that is impressive what's the town in in scotland no not in scotland it's in orchard lake michigan wow i need to have your your grandpa on he's like a functioning mayor that's actually the year that i beat toby thank you very much you gave me a little bit of street cred right there okay so tell me um one of the interesting things also by the way that was pretty telling is when i was doing the research on this this this work this workout the um the year this it's the last year you lost right it is and it's actually um well go continue it's um he's not just hunter's not just good at this
Starting point is 00:15:18 thing he has dominated this thing um you know how the part where someone's good and then they're so good that they ruin it and then they're so good that they ruin it and then they're so good that it goes from ruining it to making them a legend and like everyone likes them again it was kind of like that with fraser like after like three you're like fuck this is boring then at four and five you're like holy fuck and t is kind of doing that now too she kind of ruined the woman's class by being so good and now she just dominates and it's kind of fun he did that in this sport a couple points behind yes yes um so so at this last year's event of this high rocks where hunter is just expected to win and i'd love to get into what
Starting point is 00:15:51 that feels like um he took fourth place and he finished the course in an hour and one minute and 28 seconds and in an interview i saw of him no sorry maybe it was post run as he's lying on the ground there or something he was basically like, that's like the first time I've ever done this in over an hour. And maybe I'm misrepresenting a little bit, but I think I'm getting the spirit of it right. And so something went wrong, right? Yeah. I mean, listen, there's a thousand things I can say, but I don't think it's valuable to share any of them. Okay. Like people in the comments would be like what a bitch just take responsibility no not at all i mean dude i'll give you an example two weeks later i set the world record um i set the world record for doubles which was great i just had a bad race some things that just kind of got in the way of me having a good race um doubles meaning uh two person
Starting point is 00:16:41 yeah uh it's a pretty cool sport in the way that you can share either singles or doubles. The doubles record is a fuck ton of fun. I mean, you just like, it's just like doing a partner WOD and CrossFit, but you're just bolting. And do you guys kind of roughly, how do you break it down? He goes 10 minutes, you go 10 minutes, he goes 10 minutes or? You share absolutely everything, but only one person can be moving on the station. So we run together the whole time, all the distance. But let's just say we go to the skier. I think what we did was 500, 500.
Starting point is 00:17:09 I always started the stations. He always finished the stations. Okay. And could you, and you could split it up any way you wanted. You could do the skier. Anyway. Oh, that's awesome. It's actually a really good time. I suggest anybody who wants to try the thing. They're like, I don't know if I want to do that whole thing. I was like, best thing you could do is show up with a friend and have a good time. Yeah. Wow. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Yeah. So you go this year and the championships are always in Germany? No. This year they're going to be in Vegas. But the population of the sport is so big over there. I think that they really play on the fact that they have a huge audience and signups are going to be probably double or triple the size of what we have in the state still. So you go to this event and it was in Germany in 2021, right? I think you went a few weeks after I did the podcast with you. Yes, I did. And you
Starting point is 00:17:59 get there. And is that the vlog I saw where you're in your hotel room the day before and shit's going sideways with your bowels? Uh, or is that a different event that's a different event dude that was a national championships okay so that was atrocious so you go there does this do and what's crazy is you always took first and this year you took fourth yeah dude that's that was that was almost five minutes slower than my world record do you cry no i haven't cried since 2017 and competing wow yeah do you purposely not cry no i don't purposely not cry it's not like one of those things where like the light switch wants to turn on but i have duct tape over it yeah uh no no okay like my my grandparents both passed away within one week of each other uh earlier this year and i cried like a fucking i just was tore open by that not the one that's
Starting point is 00:18:52 the mayor no he's still good were they both on the same side of the family yeah they've been married for like 60 years and crazy maybe even longer your moms or your dads moms wow um did who died first my grandfather passed away and then my gram no yeah my grandfather passed away and my grandmother passed away within a week of it and crazy emotional ties the two of them did or you had crazy emotional ties with them i did have emotional ties with them but the emotional tie that The two of them did, or you had crazy emotional ties with them? I did have emotional ties with them, but the emotional tie that those two shared, it was just crazy. I mean, like, it wasn't like both of them had had some kind of terminal disease. It was more like old age got one of them.
Starting point is 00:19:34 And I think just the connection between the other from one to the other really just kind of tore her heart in half and she passed away shortly thereafter. Yeah. That's amazing. You hear that every once in a while. It was crazy. I mean, they truly had been like, it's a great love story. It was my grandmother. She was one of the Savage O sisters. Uh, and my grandfather used to go to church, uh, and see the Savage O sisters. And he was in love with my grandmother, Geraldine. And he started courting her at a very young age but you know courting in the way that the proper way you do it back way back when where you'd like hold her hand and take her to an ice cream shop they probably didn't kiss for the first like five years that they dated and he went through the
Starting point is 00:20:17 process of studying through medical school and everything he would go all the way from george um john hopkins and drive back up to Rhode Island to see her on the weekends and study while he was driving and then come back down and go back to school. And he did that back and forth all the way through school. And then eventually, you know, they got married and moved in together and were together for probably of the 90 years that they were alive, they were together for 80 of them. probably of the 90 years that they were alive, they were together for 80 of them.
Starting point is 00:20:50 What's the longest you've courted a woman before you had intercourse with her? Probably two months, like real, like trying to not like dabbling. Yeah. That was actually a lot of fun. It is interesting taking that long to get to know somebody. And yeah, I couldn't say it was better or worse, but I'll say that it was an interesting experience.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Really? You can't say if it was better or worse? It was a different dynamic. You could appreciate that. I think it's better. I'm guessing it's better. you know the i think it's better i'm guessing it's better i i um it took me like my wife now i basically was courting her for five years and i had she had a boyfriend truly courting her or were you just like friends that you liked her a ton one time i gave her some ecstasy we worked at the same place together and i and i gave her like a hit of ecstasy i mean
Starting point is 00:21:45 and still nothing happened like like that's pretty hardcore that that's a pretty hardcore uh courting and she kept telling me i have a boyfriend and you have a girlfriend and for some reason that was like a deal breaker for her for hooking up but i mean i was i was i was i was pushing so it was like i even i wrote a screenplay about it. It's called Five Years to Fornication. That's a good title. Thank you. And basically she – I was this homeless guy who ran a home for disabled adults, right? And I had this super-duper hot blonde chick who was my girlfriend at the time.
Starting point is 00:22:21 I was probably 23, and she was probably like 18 some college student at uc santa barbara and my this girl i was courting hayley she comes in my she comes in and tells me hey i just want to let you know i broke up with my boyfriend i walked directly over to where my girlfriend is is in this college town and i go hey i'm breaking up with you smart and she looks at me she goes you're breaking up with me you know and and probably fair i'm a dude lives in a car and she's some hot blonde chick his dad works for nasa and anyway and that was it it was on like donkey kong but anyway that five years was worth the weight it was crazy it was crazy it was like an out-of-body experience i think probably if i had taken that that long of a road to something it probably would be a lot more valuable the time I got there.
Starting point is 00:23:06 So maybe. I don't know if I have the time to do that now. I'm not recommending other people do that, by the way. I don't endorse five years. Five days, five weeks, five months. That's the bad thing. I changed your Instagram from Dick Pickleson. Oh, you changed it to Hunt the Sheriff?
Starting point is 00:23:24 I mean, I thought Dick Pickleson was pretty nice. It is. It is. But I'd like to see in real time. I'm going to watch your Instagram and see if your followers go up. You know, it's very interesting how Instagram's changed in the recent months. My engagement, and you have to study this stuff if you're a media-based person, has gone down to about 25 to 50% of what it used to be, if that. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:23:59 I don't know what the heck happened. I don't know if it was the inception and creation of TikTok or if we've just become extremely boring, but I've almost seen a lot of people just boom, suppressed massively. So I don't really look at the metric or care about the metric of growth anymore, as long as my life is successful and other factors. Yeah. Well, I especially have to be there because I'm shadow man, like a motherfucker motherfucker. Every day someone sends me a screenshot of them showing them trying to follow me. And if you try to follow me, something pops up on the screen right away that says this account is full of misinformation and this guy is a D-bag. Are you sure you want to follow him?
Starting point is 00:24:36 It's crazy. Is it because you mentioned COVID and stuff? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's because I read stuff off the CDC website. Like there's a study just came out of Europe this morning that I was reading. It's out of Europe and Israel. And it says that the first there's a strong correlate that people who get the vaccine weeks zero to six have a longer life expectancy. And then there's an even stronger correlate for people who got the vaccine six weeks to 20 weeks after they got got the vaccine have a higher rate of death and that's like that's important information yeah so you share that shit and then you share it from the lancet or from the american journal of medicine or bmj
Starting point is 00:25:14 and uh instagram does not like that if you do everything that's going counter to the narrative that the united states government is pushing is suppressed or people are kicked off. Twitter openly announces that they just will not, they'll basically ban accounts that have share anything to do that's counter counterproductive to the narrative of COVID right now. Yeah. Even if it's true. Yeah, no, I get it. It's, it's, um, the spooky time, I guess. It's a spooky time, I guess. It's very weird. I was just living in the mountains for basically the last, like I intentionally bought a cabin outside of Los Angeles where they didn't, it was a different county where they didn't
Starting point is 00:25:55 really care about COVID restrictions because I just didn't want to walk around with a mask all the time and have to present a vaccine card and blah, blah, blah. And also talk to people daily. Like it was constantly in the conversation in Los Angeles. And so I lived up in the mountains and nobody cared about it up there and there was no masks or anything like that. And it was incredible. And I intentionally, uh, we just moved to Boulder recently and I was like, I didn't do any research. I'm a fucking idiot, but we just finished this massive car ride out here. And I walk into a grocery store, they're like, sir, put a mask on. And I literally like blood pump,
Starting point is 00:26:29 like rushed to my head, like with anger. I was like, what did you just say to me? And I'm living in a town again, where it's like a really, really big factor. Boulder is the only county in Colorado that really is like, you know, flexing on this stuff and kind of blows my mind. So I just don't talk about it ever. I don't participate in it. I just, it's all you can kind of really do. And if you do, you become a target by somebody. And obviously you have.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Yeah. Yeah. It's tough. Zach has something he'd like me to share with you. Ask Hunter if he remembers sharing my goldfish at the Granite games in 2019 pretty sure there was a spark zach i think we were sitting by a staircase around the grass zach it was intimate and it was amazing do you really freaking awesome experience i have to say that is a really well put on event and also very fun event that's matt o'keefe's event right the wadapalooza guys is the structure of the ownership
Starting point is 00:27:29 savon i tested positive for diva uh yeah um stop eat stop eating all added sugar stop eating refined carbohydrates immediately take a shitload of vitamin d and vitamin c and make sure you go outside and drink shit uh it's um it's covid spelled backwards it's what i call it wow i didn't even put that together um you know what's interesting i eat more sugar than any normal human being and i almost never get sick yeah thanks for fucking up all my shit i still don't think there's anything wrong with sugar. I just, I can't see it. I think there's something wrong with sugar.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Like, I think there's something wrong with a sedentary life. I don't think there's anything wrong with sugar. I think the issue is, is if you look with just people that are not active and are not participating in any kind of healthy activity, and then all of a sudden you add poor, you know, poor choices of eating on top of it. That's where the issues really lie. How old are you? 32. Yeah. And that will change for you soon. I'm not saying that it's not going to change. I'm just talking about, listen, if you are somebody who is training every single day
Starting point is 00:28:45 if not multiple times a day it's it's not an issue it's a fuel it's a fuel yes i agree yeah like that's that's the thing like i you know for that guy i would not say like for somebody who just wrote in without knowing anything about them to say no sugar sugar if you have it i would say it if you got it here here's what here's let me tell you just like a one thing there's a thousand things but here let me tell you one thing so there's these things that float around in your in your bloodstream they're called t cells and nk cells and they basically cruise around and they get it's speculated that they get their orders from something called leptin receptors which is weird that they get their
Starting point is 00:29:23 orders from that but anyway they go around and they kill shit and they kill everything and anything that they don't like that they don't want in there. They kill cancer, they kill viruses, they kill everything. Yeah. They're called NK cells. They're kind of white blood cell NK cells and T cells. Yep. You can watch, there's a ton of videos on YouTube that make it like palatable. That's how I learned about this stuff. And basically, and, and, and you want your – every time you eat food, your body – you go into a hormonal imbalance. Basically, your body regulates food that you eat with hormones, insulin, and a couple other hormones that it pumps into your bloodstream. When those are in your bloodstream, it kind of causes a little bit of a traffic jam, right? When those are in your bloodstream, it kind of causes a little bit of a traffic jam, right?
Starting point is 00:30:10 And it makes the job more difficult for these T cells and NK cells to do their job. On the most fundamental level, that's one of the things that's happening. Now, of course, I get what you're saying. Therefore, that if you are exercising your ass off and you have all this sugar in your bloodstream and all this insulin in your bloodstream from the sugar you eat,'re gonna it's gonna move faster your heart's gonna be pumping it's gonna be moving that shit around the freeways are gonna be moving and therefore it's not as um bad i i totally hear you i hear you're nailing it but if you're but if you are sick even even a a fucking strapping lad that you that the longest you've ever had to court anyone is two months even you if you were sick i would say hey cut back on the mountain dew sure sure sure sure sure i the thing the reason why i promote sugar is
Starting point is 00:30:49 because i think the more d less mountain dew sorry sorry go ahead no the more the reason why i promote sugar is because i think the most important thing in the entire world for people who are walking around on this planet is to get as much healthy muscle mass on their body as possible without being like above and beyond, like you don't have to become a bodybuilder, but if I could take you not to say that you're an unhealthy person, but you came to me and you're like, Hunter, I would like to get a little bit healthier. I was like, the first thing that we're going to try to do is try to add on five pounds of muscle mass by increasing your metabolism. You're going to cut down on the fat. You're
Starting point is 00:31:23 going to be able to just your, your overall life expectancy creases. And we're going to basically just try to keep all this fat your body's generating. And you'll be able to eat a little bit more. The more that you eat on the weekends, when you're having wine and cheese with your girlfriend, your wife, whatever the heck it is, you'll be able to handle it better. And if you're training hard, drinking like 10 of these things a day, which I do, which is just all protein and sugar. It's the way to do it. Having a salad with like a couple like crushed walnuts and things like that and cranberries is not going to do anything for you. Ladies and gentlemen, the super duper athletic 32 year old super fit can't stay still Hunter McIntyre versus what I would tell you to
Starting point is 00:32:03 do. And I agree five pounds of muscle is the way to go, but you know what I would tell someone to do? Stop eating once, once a week. My friend, Tyler just visited and he, he's been my, my longest friend and he is,
Starting point is 00:32:20 he's a Apache helicopter pilot now. And he is a fucking bowling ball of a human being. I hope he doesn't hear this podcast. And I was like, dude, he always tells me about the new diet and the plan that he has. I was like, here's how we're going to fix this. Two days a week, you are not allowed to eat anything. The other five days of the week, do whatever the hell you want. Oh, you told him that?
Starting point is 00:32:38 Oh yeah. Yeah. That's a good idea. It's the easiest solution for somebody who just cannot control themselves. I was like, lose control for five days of the week. Just lock it up. You are in literally solitary confinement for two days a week and we will fix this problem. But nobody has the guts to do it. I'm on like, I don't know. I'm probably approaching a year and a half where every Saturday night I stop eating and I don't eat again until Monday morning.
Starting point is 00:33:03 That's ballsy. What do you consume all Sunday? Like coffee and water? Black coffee. Yeah. And I have a podcast. It's three hours long on Sunday. So I consume a lot of coffee. Who do podcasts with three hours?
Starting point is 00:33:15 I do a new show. You would actually love the show. Every Sunday we do a new show and it's a live call-in show. And like, so normally it's myself, Kate Gordon, and James Hobart. What kind of news? Any kind of news. You know what I mean? Like a world record was eaten.
Starting point is 00:33:32 The cheesecake world record was beat this week. Or 6,000 people died of COVID in Australia. Or, you know, just we cover everything. So you're kind of like Breitbart? No, I think you were more like with Howard Stern it's just like fun like we just steal news from other people I love Howard Stern that is actually kind of the only media that I'll listen to and that's kind of my main source and then I I subscribed to New York Times just so I can read like the most ridiculous
Starting point is 00:33:59 media on the fucking planet and then I'm like wow if that many people are out there reading this stuff i was like what's the narrative that's going around in the world so i just have to keep up on it so i can understand what kind of crazy i'm gonna bump into at the coffee shop for whole foods the new york times is bad isn't it yeah it's really bad you know what's insane the whole foods down the street here is like a ufc fight like I don't know what it is about people these days, especially in Whole Foods. There's a certain kind of population of like entitled eaters. And I've witnessed, I've been here for a month, three fights to the point where it almost got physical. And it's kind of mind blowing. I do not like the population of Boulder. I would not
Starting point is 00:34:40 suggest you move here. And CrossFit, your old company is now headquartered here and i actually just worked out with justin who i think used to be the president of crossfit you're the big tall guy from crossfit oh yeah he he's the games uh he works with he works with dave castro on the games yeah he's here he's here now he works out at the gym that i train at and you guys are now living in this kind of ecosystem of crazy people in boulder i'm worried about the company i'm just saying you should be worried the new owners are crazy i don't know if this is true but i heard justin moved from california to boulder to be part of the executive team at um in boulder of the new venture capitalist team that owns crossfit but he's actually not allowed in the office because he's not vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Now, I don't know if that's true. That could just be a lie. But you heard it here first at minute 3429. Yes. I like this a lot. How are you allowed in your gym in Boulder? I'll tell you one more thing. Before you answer, I'll tell you one more thing.
Starting point is 00:35:38 We had a gym downstairs at HQ that was for fat people and old people only. Greg was a fattest and an age. That's what Justin worked out in. Yeah, he did work out there actually. I mean, there were exceptions. Justin is in good shape. But fat people and old people were only allowed to work down there. My mom worked out there. It was a free gym. There was like 150 people there, some of the best trainers in the world. And we were going to open three more of those gyms around the United States. One was going to be in Harlem. One was going to be in Compton and one was going to be in Atlanta. And not because we were searching out black people, but because we, Greg wanted them to be by these massive mega black churches where he knew there were a lot of fatties, right? where he knew there were a lot of fatties, right? You know, he knew he like he had he had stereotyped these people who go to these mega black churches as fatties. And he wanted and he had this plan.
Starting point is 00:36:35 We were in in progress to execute on it, to build these massive gyms there for fat people. Anyway, the new owners came in. You're lucky you didn't do that. What? You're lucky you didn't do that. Oh, I wish we would have done it. There have been so many corollary problems that you guys would have had and just people would have said things that would just not look good. Yeah, perfect. Well, no, in this atmosphere, people would have said, what a great job you're opening those gyms there to help black people.
Starting point is 00:36:59 It wasn't black people Greg was trying to help. He's trying to help fatties. But anyway, which transcends black people, white people, black people, and not Asian people, but everyone else can be fat. So now CrossFit has closed that gym that used to be free for fat old people in Santa Cruz, and they have a DEI council. What's that? Diversity, equity, inclusivity. It's what all the corporations are doing to act like they give a fuck. I'm not going to lie. I'm not going to gonna specifically note but i'm hoping you witness this email there was somebody who in a crossfit health email the in the header image of this person yeah was so
Starting point is 00:37:36 not the narrative and norm for crossfit like blew my mind i was like this is a beverly hills plastic surgeon ad and it blew my mind i was like wow this a beverly hills plastic surgeon ad and it blew my mind i was like wow this is such a left turn from they've lost their way they have no vision they've completely lost their way i'm listening i'm not casting stones it may be actually a positive influence in some circumstances but i don't know enough to actually judge but when i saw the email i'm sure that you probably witnessed it and you're like yes what good god but they've completely lost their way when i went when i went to my first seminar i um and i think it was in 2006 um dave castro was running the seminar and he and we were going to do fran and he laid out the bars and he said there's 65 pound we were he said, there's 65-pound – we were doing Fran. There's 65-pound barbells over there and 95 over here.
Starting point is 00:38:28 The 95 are for men and the 65 are for women and pussies. That's a – Old school. That's a bold statement, but yeah. If I owned the gym, I'd probably say the same. And things have changed, and at the time I was deeply offended because I was a Berkeley boy and that was politically incorrect. He might have just might as well have just used the word Orientals. And I'd use that word, I don't think. And so things have changed so much.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Now they don't even do Fran at seminars because they're afraid that someone might fall off the pull up bar and get hurt. I mean, just everything's a mess. mess well there's a pussification i'll tell you a couple years ago i believe it was called raptor capital and since then they may have bought it back but spartan race when i started there used to be this raw insane event and wait who bought spartan race someone it's not owned by that joe dude anymore it is majority but a company Raptor Capital came in and took a large share of it. And I can't, I'm never going to be able to give you specifics. So don't write this down on a piece of paper with your blood and say Hunter told me. But I know that this capital group came in, bought it, and the structure of the company changed so much, not only internally, but also externally in the
Starting point is 00:39:45 actual like design and orchestration of events where the events used to be so risky and so hardcore and they were still pumping through higher numbers than they'd almost ever done before at that time. Um, and it was, it was owned by Joe and a couple of crazy people underneath him. Most of the big races were designed by norm kosh who was this fucking insane guy from vermont basically would show up to events with a chainsaw and a machete and rather than take any kind of path that like a deer had created or anything he would just go straight into the hardest design like you know hardest part of the forest and start taking people through it.
Starting point is 00:40:30 And then all of a sudden this capital group came in and everything changed. The events changed, the ethos of the company changed, the way that things were being like, you know, the information that was being shared changed, the whole narrative of the company changed. And it, it sucked. It sucked so hard. And I quit basically two years afterwards. I was like, I'm done. I don't like any of the people. I don't know any of the people. I was the first pro athlete that they had ever hired. And I was, I lived at Joe's house for a summer. So you were like a Spartan, Spartan race. Tell me about Spartan racial quick. Do they have a champion? Yes, they do. I mean, they have a bunch of different champions. So the way like our endurance sport is designed is not like CrossFit. Like CrossFit has like, you know, the tip of the spear CrossFit games. What we have is the tip of the
Starting point is 00:41:14 spear, but there's the champ, the national series. There's the European series. There's the North American series. There's the national champion, there's the European champion, there's the world champion, there's the world ultra champion. So that's seven events that I'm telling you about right now. And even though the world champion truly is probably the pinnacle event, there's so many other things. It's like imagine CrossFit season. You had to win the Open and like three sanctionals. Imagine CrossFit season. You had to win the Open and, like, three sanctionals.
Starting point is 00:41:48 You were scored against the Open, three sanctionals, and the CrossFit Games, and then you became the overall champion. It's more like that. And you're referencing Spartan Race right now. Spartan Race. That's what I used to do primarily. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:01 And, like, that's kind of how I was born into athletics. Were you ever the world champion? Were you ever, like, the best dude at that? I won the short course world championship and I've taken third, fifth, fifth, sixth, seventh.
Starting point is 00:42:14 It's the long distance one. And how long is the long one? I mean, dude, it used to be almost four hours. Oh shit. Now it's, it's down to like two 10 because they just recognize that – is that you?
Starting point is 00:42:27 Yeah. Okay. They had me worried. I was like, fuck, my house is on fire. Derek, thank you for calling in so that Hunter actually thinks someone listens to the show. Do you have a question? Yeah, Hunter. Hey, long-time fan.
Starting point is 00:42:45 If you call McCracker, I'm going to hang up on you. I just want you to know if you get him a cracker, I'm going to hang up on you. I just want you to know, if you get squirrely, motherfucker, I'm hanging up on you. I'll check my heart rate with my wolf trap. But no, Hunter, just wanted to ask if you're ever bringing back the Obstacle Dominator podcast. I would love to. No one gives a shit. Did you ask about another podcast?
Starting point is 00:43:08 It was like the uh the og you're not it was sweet benny ben ben greenfield dude i don't know why we didn't continue the thing i think everyone just kind of grew up and started going in different directions not that there was a bad thing we were too young at the time, but I fucking miss those days. What was it called? Obstacle Dominator. I started it with Ben Greenfield, who's probably like the top biohacker in the entire world. You should probably have him on here because I think you guys have a very interesting rap.
Starting point is 00:43:37 He's probably- He's got kids he loves too, right? I think I've seen, I've been to his Instagram account, but he like snorts tobacco and shit. He does some wily shit. Yeah. I mean, it's very interesting. He's injected stuff into his penis anyway.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Yeah. He does ketamine therapy now. You know what drives me fucking nuts? Stuff that everyone used to do back in the day, like taking ecstasy with your girlfriend or any of this stuff, like truly just getting high and enjoying life is now all becoming therapy. That's what drugs have always been they're a form of therapy to enjoy life just to cut loose a little bit for a second now people are writing books about all these prolific discoveries that they had during a
Starting point is 00:44:15 ketamine therapy experience i'm like or you could just snort it off the table like the rest of us and have a great night um ben greenfield injected something into his penis. Let's give that a few seconds. He went down a long tunnel and I only speak extremely highly of Ben. So if this ever gets back to you, Ben, I'm, I'm bowing and praising your, your intelligence and your hard work in improving health and wellness. But he started going to research centers to see how to, because it was an interesting path to discover in health and wellness, how to either increase like penis stimulation or size. And he went to like a bunch of different places. Does he have issues there? I don't know. I can't tell. I didn't listen
Starting point is 00:45:06 deeply on it. He did a Joe Rogan piece on it and he got some backlash and I also think he was dubbed the ultimate penis researcher at the same time. Oh, that's cool. That's pretty awesome. That is cool. So Derek, does that suffice as an answer for you, brother?
Starting point is 00:45:22 No, no, no. Glad to see you on the savan podcast my new favorite podcast but uh hunter i also just wanted to ask you when uh when your book's coming out do you still have a deadline for that or dude i work on it constantly but if i had to really really guess it's like um if i'm lucky june um if i'm lucky i type you know it's funny just by the questions it took me a second i feel like an idiot but it's um it's this guy in the middle with the fro who's calling right now right you told him to call in and set those up talk about the book in your podcast no that's adrian that's adrian i've got a very straight red hair so definitely not. Which one are you in this picture? Derek is the dog.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Oh, perfect. Straight. All right, man. Thanks for calling in. Yeah. Thank you guys.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Bye. Bye. Uh, okay. So back to Spartan race. So, so, um,
Starting point is 00:46:20 uh, a four hour race, you know that I, I heard Sam Briggs that, uh, I'm guessing, you know who she is is the CrossFit athlete girl from the UK very well
Starting point is 00:46:27 and she did some Spartan race fittest alive thing and some of the workouts I heard she had to do just seemed that Spartan games that she did which is a whole new subsector that Spartans created to contend against the CrossFit games and it's pretty fucking
Starting point is 00:46:44 crazy I just did it a couple months ago I could share the results but I would be sued created to contend against the CrossFit Games, and it's pretty fucking crazy. I just did it a couple months ago. I could share the results, but I would be sued. What do you mean you did it? You went to the event? I've done it the last two years. How do you do? Is it stupid?
Starting point is 00:46:58 It sounds dangerous. It's not dangerous. I mean, it's just as dangerous as the CrossFit Games is. If you're not prepared, you're in over your head. It is. Isn't there somewhere you have to run all day? Oh yeah. Six hour running five hour biking. I mean,
Starting point is 00:47:13 it's pretty fucking crazy. Like at the CrossFit games, we're like, we're doing a mountain bike event. And they like had them bike through the grass and jump over. Hey, like six inches off the ground. The greatest athletes on the planet are taking on
Starting point is 00:47:25 the mountain bike extreme course and i was like that's not a mountain biking course you assholes right right so the real mountain biking course in spartan games is behind joe's house and it peaks it's a thousand feet of vertical ascent every single lap through the backwoods of Vermont, which is all wet, mossy rock and roots, rivers and twists and turns. And some of these athletes have never been on a mountain bike before. And it's probably on a scale of like 10 being that you go like, you know, the Red Bull Extreme mountain biking. If that's a 10, this is probably at like a level six. So it was high enough that like, you probably shouldn't take some people out there that didn't know what they were doing. Like, I remember one point you came down a vertical chute into a river bed and they had to cut out and around and it was slick rock. So it's like,
Starting point is 00:48:19 if you came down and you hit, you're either going to basically bust open your knee, bust open your teeth or your head um and it was five hours long it was a five hour amrap not like a 20 minute sprint course um why do you do that one how did you place in it why aren't you allowed to talk about it because it's not on tv yet and you signed an nda or something yeah you have to sign an nda so last year i took second place um why do i compete in? Because it's what we do for a living. You know what I mean? Right. It's like, I, the CrossFit games is like a hundred percent. That's the pinnacle of your guys' series. Like for us, these big championships that are all in kind of the same series,
Starting point is 00:48:58 it's like either Dubai, Wadapalooza, you just pick the one you want to go to and um typically all the best athletes go to like two or three of them um does this is this can this guy tobias it will this thing that happened at high rocks with you taking fourth is this a uh a turn um no no as i said i'll talk to you about stuff off camera but at the same time like I just don't think it's like a great, um, nah, fuck it. I'll say it. I got the COVID shot three weeks beforehand and my heart rate literally did not come down for like six weeks after workouts. And I shit water out of my ass for about three months.
Starting point is 00:49:37 And I can't necessarily say it was what affected me that day, but knowing some of the performances that I put together and holding world records, I have never, ever felt like the way I did in the weeks leading up to it. I was fucked up the day that I competed. I was fucked up afterwards. I was fucked up.
Starting point is 00:49:58 And I just started pooping solid, like about a month and a half ago. And I can't say there was a covid shot because i haven't gone to a doctor to get like exact tests but it was like almost one to one so i'm gonna play did you have both of them no i had johnson and johnson i did the one and done are you getting any more no i just did it because i wanted to travel internationally like they were literally like you cannot come to this country unless you're vaccinated. You cannot participate in this event. And after I put my body through that experience and the way that my body reacted, I can't say everybody's going to have the same reaction.
Starting point is 00:50:33 So I can't like give you, you know, a broad spectrum of this thing, but my acute spectrum of it is that I had a very bad reaction to it and I got pretty sick because of it. It's weird that it's um that the the vast majority of these stories are coming from young men like in this uh 17 to 35 range i'm right on the cusp of that if i was 36 fuck that shot do you gotta do you gotta watch or something that was like hey man something's not right like your Apple watch is like, I'm, I'm an athlete, man. Like I've been doing this for 10 years. I wear a heart rate monitor on almost every single workout. Like I have science and VO two maxes and resting heart rates and pulse oximeters that I use all the fucking time to know exactly what's going on with my body
Starting point is 00:51:20 because I'm not an idiot. Like if you're given tools to give you the best assessments for how prepared you are for something, especially leading up to my world championship, I wanted to know everything. And I used tried and true science to back it. And like, I'll never forget. Like I, I got really sick after taking it. And for about two to three days, I was wrecked, like absolutely destroyed. And then I came back and I was like, okay, maybe that was just it. And for about two to three days, I was wrecked, like absolutely destroyed. And then I came back and I was like, okay, maybe that was just it. Like I'm done. And then all of a sudden I went and did hill repeats and it was hot and everything like that. So I know what it's like training in the sun though. And I did five hill repeats that were lasting about 90 seconds to about two minutes, which is not a crazy stimulus. Like I I've done workouts in the
Starting point is 00:52:06 hot sun, which was like seven by eight minutes at 9,000 feet. And I was at sea level in Rhode Island. So I'm just letting you guys know in comparative, it was just a lesser stimulus, lesser challenge on my body. And I literally could not get my heart rate down for the rest of the day. It was like, my max is about 185, 184. And I was at about 155 for the rest of the day. It was like, my max is about 185, 184. And I was at about 155 for the rest of the day. And that's a hundred percent, like a heart rate stressor. And it was, have you ever had that before any time in your life? No, not like this, you know, like I, let's say I got really sick. I would intentionally not do high intensity work, but you can't prepare for being sick. But I intentionally decided, put the date down, got the jab, got out of there and knew that I had about just under three weeks to go before I was going to go race. was going to go race. And I didn't think it was going to be that big of a deal, but it was like some weird shit happened. Um, it was heart-based blood flow based. I don't have enough stuff.
Starting point is 00:53:13 If my family found out that I was talking about this, they would literally blacklist me. Why, why, why? My family are all doctors and they think that, uh, uh, covid is the worst thing that's ever happened to society and they want me to be triple double um vaccinated all the time you know what i well how how is it that your family's so smart that there's so many smart people on there and they're not seeing the uh the stronger correlates i don't know man i don't know i don't even want to go down this walk with you because it's okay not that that I don't appreciate your opinions on it. It's just that I think that it's one of those kind of things that it's going to bring just as much negativity as it may bring positivity.
Starting point is 00:53:58 And I don't need it in my life. I hear that. life i i hear that yeah i i um i said i was my dad and and i and my parts of my family have had issues around this to not issues to the point like where we fought but like where we just don't talk about it it's the white elephant in the room and last night we were sitting down and um he said something to me so you don't believe covid's real i'm like no no i believe it's absolutely real um i but but i said i said there's two things i want you to know there's a difference between So you don't believe COVID's real. I'm like, no, no, I believe it's absolutely real. But I said, there's two things I want you to know. There's a difference between believing and knowing.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I don't know it's real, but I definitely believe it's real. And we had to go down that pathway a little bit to explain that, right? And just like I believe red means stop, but I also know it doesn't mean stop. I believe it so that we can function and not get in car accidents, but I'm also not stupid and I know it doesn't mean stop i believe it so that we can function and not get in car accidents but i also not stupid and i know it doesn't mean it and and so he said to me he goes so you don't think covet is killing people and i said here's and i think this is a really poignant um uh metaphor if i believe if there was a a high wire between um uh two two mountain peaks ten thousand feet over the air and i put a hundred thousand people out onto that high wire and i told them hey in an hour hundred mile an hour winds are going to come all the people who stayed out there on that high
Starting point is 00:55:22 wire who died how would you say that they died? Did the wind kill them? Did impact on the bottom kill them? Did their own stupidity kill them? Did like, and that's what's going on with this COVID thing. There's only the people who are living a lifestyle out on that high wire are dying because we have known, uh-oh, we have known since Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in the 30s about cancer research and sugar that sugar is at the root of pretty much every single fucking premature death on the planet yeah I don't like that I know you don't like that but don't get me all tossed up I wonder if I can even pick you up. How much do you weigh?
Starting point is 00:56:06 I actually got lighter. Um, when you and I last talked, I was around two 12 to 13. Now I'm around 200 to a five. I would bury my head in your chest probably, and probably put my hands under your butt and just try to get like a quick, like inch off the ground and then set you down.
Starting point is 00:56:20 I watched you doing a workout with a 60 pound med ball. And after watching the struggle bus that you're on with that, I don't think that's going to happen for you. Struggle bus? Let's get that video up. Struggle bus? What the fuck is going on here? This isn't cool. Ben Greenfield, you are gone.
Starting point is 00:56:41 You know, do you ever talk to Eddie? He turned me on to you, Eddie Ift? i was i was uh he turned me on to eddie ift yes no but he turned me on to you i feel like you guys have so much in common but you don't talk enough um i don't think he is um as uh as patrick velner described me, which is, is not accurate, but I'll go with it anyway. He's not as, um, look at this bounce. I'm carrying it, catching it on.
Starting point is 00:57:10 People are underestimating what that takes to, to, to get that on the balance of it all. Yeah. How many of those can you do with a 60 pound D ball? Probably about 200. No, you cannot.
Starting point is 00:57:25 I don't know. You cannot. Let me tell you, that is hard. I'm just giving you a hard time. Oh, good. You know, if I, if I could do probably the fittest, I think I've ever been in my entire life is basically been around, um, like strong man training. You don't have to train at the caliber of a strongman but training
Starting point is 00:57:45 in the capacity in the in the kind of train tracks of a strongman i think it's probably the healthiest way for people to live i i think you're right too what's that i think you're right too i had dave lipson on yesterday and he's 40 years old and he's just talking about bodybuilding and i've started going back towards my you know back and buys days and it is i feel so much better but i'm old lipson um lives right around the corner for me oh he does no no he moved to florida really yeah that's probably because they're making a fuck ton of money i hope so boulder sucks both i think both yeah i i'm probably gonna don't tell certain people this but i'm probably gonna move back into the mountains that hillbilly town that i was just telling you about yeah can you
Starting point is 00:58:33 tell me the name of that town it's called crestline i don't want to tell too many people about it because it's still insanely affordable and like the quality of life up there is so amazing. It's like this, this quiet little, like, you know, serene mountain town with insane views and lakes all over the place and gigantic trees and bears. There's bears in my backyard and cougars and shit. It truly, it's 65 minutes from downtown Los Angeles. Truly, it's 65 minutes from downtown Los Angeles. And it's unbelievable, dude. I can't even begin to tell you how awesome it is. This is probably the last thing you wanted me to do. Oh, dude, look at that house that just popped up on the market. What is that?
Starting point is 00:59:17 I will. I'll show you one second. I want to show you. I'm going to pull out real quick. Okay, so this is the Pacific Ocean. This is like the largest body of water on planet Earth, and then there's a city here called Los Angeles. And then Hunter has his secret training in this town, Crestline. Oh, you've got a lake. Dude, there's lakes everywhere.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Look behind it. Go back up to the upper left. There's that Lake Silverwood area. That is like an absolutely picturesque, gorgeous area over there. If you go over to the right, there's Lake Arrowhead. Oh, yeah, yeah. Lake Arrowhead's pretty famous. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:59:54 It's big time. So here, I mean, this is a three-bedroom, three-bath house. It looks pretty nice. Yeah, dude. Yeah, that's pretty nice yeah dude yeah that's pretty that's pretty nice man you just can't find this kind of shit in california anywhere and also i just think the rest of california has kind of gone um a little crazy is this what your house looks like this is like tahoe living like with those kind of stairs and decks and i i don't want to give you my address but i do because my house is so badass well people can see it on your instagram right yeah you can you can uh how's your how's your
Starting point is 01:00:30 internet there amazing it's like freaking a million miles an hour it's really really good um is katie your girlfriend yeah because i heard you her. How long has she been your girlfriend? A year and a half. Is she cool? She's awesome. She's actually a savage. She mopped up her first year ever in the sport. She mopped up the entire ultra scene. She won national championships for the ultras.
Starting point is 01:01:07 ultra scene she won national championships for the ultras she took third at the ultra spartan world championships and then won the 24-hour um tough mudder world championships just mopped up the floor it was crazy is that how you guys met in an event no we actually knew each other training at uh what's now crossfit hq at this gym. She had a boyfriend. I had a girlfriend. I intentionally was like, I'm staying away because this is just a bad idea. Oh, because you felt sparks. You guys felt something, but you guys had other mates. Yeah, but I intentionally, especially when I go into the gym, I try not to talk to many people because I just want to like, it's all business.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Yeah. And then we linked up later and she became my COVID queen. It was like, just just we traveled and did. Oh, so meet a new girl for quarantine and then just fucking coil like snakes for a year. It was it does sound like that in circumstance, but actually was completely random in its timing. I met her March 9th, my birthday. random in its timing. I met her March 9th, my birthday. I flew to New York city to go surprise my dad for his 65th birthday on March 10th on March 11th was, was going to be the surprise birthday party. And all of a sudden I'm in the gym with my friend at Chelsea pier fitness.
Starting point is 01:02:21 And my buddy's like, yo, I got connections with the people over at CNN or something like that. He's like, I just got a message by one of the head editors that they may shut down Manhattan. I was like, what? They're like, yeah, dude, you heard about this COVID thing that was going on in China, dude, they're locking down New York city. I go to dinner that night to go meet my brother, all my brothers and my dad, only one of my brothers showed up to the dinner with my dad. And I text the rest of my brothers. I was like, what the fuck's your guys' problem? This is a surprise dinner.
Starting point is 01:02:50 I flew across the country for this. And they're like, dude, we're not leaving the house. Did you hear about this COVID thing? And I caught the red eye that night, flew back home, told everybody in Boulder that was my friends. I was like, I think the world's about to change, dude. We're about to go into a creepy lockdown and we need to like only live at our house with the people that we know in the tight knit group.
Starting point is 01:03:10 And I told her, I was like, do you want to be my plus one during this weird time? And just, Oh, what? Swear to God. It was.
Starting point is 01:03:20 And so you broke up with your girlfriend and she broke up with her boyfriend. It's been, that was way, way, way prior. Like a was a year ago. Had you ever even kissed her at that point? I had. I had given her one kiss.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Oh, oh, oh. But I knew this was going to be like this. I fucking knew this. What's that? This place that you mentioned. This place is nuts. Chelsea Piers? Oh, my God, god dude you have to go train there it like take your kids it seems like you really like taking your kids to do fitness stuff there's a rock climbing gym in the background there's a functional fitness gym there's a boxing area there's an indoor sand volleyball courts there's a strongman area there's olympic lifting area
Starting point is 01:04:00 there's spin gyms pools rock climbing it's like there's a track, a 400-meter track all the way through the inside. I see it right here. Is it also at an angle, the track, or is that just the photo? No, it's at an angle. It's one of those kind of things where like the indoor tracks, it's like you need to have that little bit of embankment because it's tighter turns than a typical track. You got to have that firm. So you trained there before? All the time the time damn how much does that cost way too much money it's like 60 bucks but often we get connections and we get um discounts to go in or go for free you know i'm from new york city right uh maybe i did know that
Starting point is 01:04:40 i was thinking about maybe i should go back and listen to our first podcast because we uncovered so much so much depth that we could get back into yeah I'm from New York City it was born in the Upper East Side all my brothers were born in New York City um and all my brothers still live in New York City and my dad too so I'm back there loud when you took fourth place in the high rocks you won $2,500 as opposed to first place wins $10,000. Is that annoying or is that just like, hey, you have so much other shit going on? Like, all right, it's just $8,000. I'm just going to be totally honest.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Our sport from a financial standpoint is not a stable environment to be in. Like you should. Nobody's bragging about a $10,000 paycheck when it only comes once a year or twice a year. It's like, Hey, listen, let's go to CVS and really secure a good paycheck. Cause I'll make 45 to 50 there. So I always tell people that like, you know, I remember I used to get shit on a lot when I first did this sport, they're like, you just spoiled brat making all this over money in the mud run game. And I was like, there's no money. So you have to secure the funds elsewhere. So when I got $2,500, I was like, I didn't care. Like you could have taken all my money. I would
Starting point is 01:05:54 rather take, um, first place and get zero money than second place and get 7,500 or something like that. What, what are, what are you in those four guys selling? Selling. Yeah. Those guys in that picture, when you look like you're doing adult shit, there was something having to do with water. We talked about last time.
Starting point is 01:06:14 Water. Oh yeah. I mean, I'm not a pitcher, but I have a supplement company. I have a training company. What's the name of the supplement company? I want to look at their website.
Starting point is 01:06:24 Go to house training. Oh, that's right. That's right. That's the name of the supplement company? I want to look at their website. Go to house training. Oh, that's right. That's right. That's right. Spell house for me. H a O S hunters Academy of strength. That's right. I wrote this down.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Yeah. Hey, so that, I want to tell you some of these videos you're doing, like the high rocks videos, like who's making those. Nick. Good guy. Tell Nick, like, like we's making those? Nick, good guy. Tell Nick, like, like we need to like some shit written on the screen. Like what place you took? Like, like I watched this whole fucking 10 minute video of you in a race. And at the end, I don't even know what fucking place you took.
Starting point is 01:06:56 And I need more plugs for like your shit. That's one thing I still struggle with a little bit. I'm not, not that I'm not a salesman. Like I could sell you, you know, if you were homeless, I could sell you a TV, but I don't really want to go to nutrition. That's fair. I get that. I get that feeling too. I have, I struggle telling people that this podcast has more than 230,000 downloads a week. I don't like sucking my own dick not true i think if you're a true believer in and interested in what i'm doing it will come out organically and you'll do the research
Starting point is 01:07:32 but you take do you take this stuff constantly i think that's like if you if i was in your shoes and i was fasting regularly this is all I would take on that day. I think amino acids have been like the greatest discovery in my athletic career. And that's why I just promote amino acids. Why? Why do you say that? So that same exact thing that I said to you about muscle mass, I think muscle mass is like super important for athletes to have.
Starting point is 01:08:03 And like, I think that, you know, have you ever seen like a skinny fat person that does like triathlons all the time, but they still have like a punch, but they have like those spaghetti arms and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Like Tobias, like Tobias. Basically. Yeah. They're kind of metabolically dead. They don't have any muscle mass that makes their body hungry and want to burn fats, but they still somehow are just like moving through time and space because they're, they weigh as much as a paper towel. Right. Um, I've always been an athlete that like kind of really works around being as strong as possible and being able to do as much as possible. Um, and I'm not the kind of person that can like eat steak and chicken and
Starting point is 01:08:38 have a protein shakes all day long. Cause you just like mess up my gut. Cause I'm training about four hours a day and amino acids just kind of assimilate straight into your body and doesn't give you any problems. Oh, there you go. That's look, see that Orca one right there. That's your boy.
Starting point is 01:08:53 When he used to be a contender for Spartan race, skinny mini. That doesn't even look like you. I know, dude, I was a tiny guy. Well, doesn't look like Jeremy's sort of your face.
Starting point is 01:09:03 You still look big there. This is crazy what do you what's this body do that's hyrox that's like world record hyrox shape right there yeah that's fucking nuts that's a lot of dude to drag around yeah i'm pretty much i'm too heavy for what i do but that's also because i've been training like i've always wanted to be considered the biggest endurance athlete on the planet, like competitive endurance athlete. There's guys who are bigger than me that do endurance, but right.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Like right now I'm still in the, in the chase for setting the world record for, um, the world record for the fastest 200 pound marathon. Um, that's that, that could be some, uh, uh, an interesting shirt by the way. What's that world's largest endurance athlete. Yeah. Well, that's what Bulk Pony Racing is. That's my nickname. So I basically like every couple months I'll release a shirt that's kind of limited edition.
Starting point is 01:09:54 And like the last one was like the picture of the Jackson Hole guy up on the horse. And instead of saying Jackson Hole, it said Bulk Pony Racing. And we just promote being massive and fast um this coaching thing um I was talking to Josh Bridges the other day and he does this thing at his house he's doing this thing at his house where I raise my hand for a second yes can you ask Josh Bridges why he hates me so much he hates you he really hates me when I went to set the Murph World record, I actually reached out to him and I said, Josh, hey, I'm doing this thing. You got any advice?
Starting point is 01:10:30 Blah, blah, blah. He was super dismissive and very, very short. He's like, yeah. He's like, don't make it about yourself. Do it for the man. I was like, yeah, it's a charity event. I'm raising money for military charity. He's like, yeah, whatever, a charity event. Like I'm raising money for, for military charity. He's like,
Starting point is 01:10:49 yeah, whatever, man. Like just boom. And then all of a sudden I started filming the thing leading up to it and the filming, he thought it was about me trying to promote myself. The filming just kept on raising money for the charity. We raised $27,000 and it was just something cool that we did during COVID because there was nothing else. And man, he went off on me. I still have screenshots of the text messages and I don't like, I don't know why. And he was just flipping out on me. And I, rather than like, you know, putting a bull, bull to bull, I just said, Hey man, appreciate what you're saying. Here's a link to the charity if you want to donate. And he was just like, and I was like, that's great, man. Just in case you missed my last text, here's a link to
Starting point is 01:11:25 the charity and since then he's blocked me on instagram and everything dude fucking super hates me uh we'll take a small break before i respond to that comment the fact that you're a beef castle and do endurance is what makes it cool bro a beef castle hey do you know this guy he's the dude who's doing 365 days of murph yeah he's legend i've actually probably should shoot him a message because every once in a while i'll just like be late night looking at his instagram but fuck yeah bro yeah uh you know what's crazy his feed comes up he he's one of the few i follow a bunch of people and he's one of the few people that always comes up in my feed. So whatever he's doing, he cracked the code.
Starting point is 01:12:09 He's a savage. That's interesting. I didn't – I don't know. I will ask him. I'll ask him on the next time I do a podcast with him. I'm doing a podcast with him probably next week sometime. Yeah. Let's get down to it.
Starting point is 01:12:25 I'll be like, hey, what's up with you and Hunter? Someone else told me that they didn't like you either. And I get it because I didn't like you either. Nothing having to do with who you are. Nothing having to do with you. It was like what city you're from. It was just because you were invited to the CrossFit Games. Oh, motherfucker, you from there?
Starting point is 01:12:42 Yeah, yeah, it was like that. It was like, it was like fuck this guy i don't like him how come well because this guy gave him an invitation to the crossfit games i just it's not it's not even your fault yeah just shows how racist i am i get it dude i mean listen there's a lot of internal racism in the crop in the in the fitness industry hating on people who do pilates and spin classes those bitches hey this fucking lady next to me in my kids jiu-jitsu class this mom the other day was telling me she does pilates and like i thought pilates was stupid and she starts telling me
Starting point is 01:13:16 what they do it's so hard and it's yeah yeah so i fucking went home and did half the things she told me they do i'm like I need to start doing planks. I need to start doing side planks. I mean, I'm like, you don't have to lay in some machine. She goes, no,
Starting point is 01:13:29 we, everyone just goes in a room on a yoga mat and it's 105 degrees in there. And we do this, this, this, and this. And I'm like, damn it.
Starting point is 01:13:36 There's a lot of this my whole life. Reformers Pilates. So I was like in the scene because I used to be like a group fitness instructor in New York city. And like, you kind of cross pollinate with all the other instructors and you take their classes so that you can help promote each other, blah, blah, blah. And man, I used to do Pilates classes and I was like fucking shredded to the bone, pure muscle, no body fat type thing. And I was the
Starting point is 01:13:58 weakest person in the room. I was like, what? Like these women are doing like, kind of like cross twists and stuff like that, or up on their toes, their heels elevated, doing pulse squats with a ball between their legs. And I'm just getting dominated. So I knew immediately right there that there was like, you know, there's some, some substance to it. So every once in a while I did it when I hurt my back a couple of years ago, training really hard, I started doing Pilates, and that fixed it. So I'm a big promoter of it. Yeah, that's a huge – squat pulse or pulse squat? Pulse squat.
Starting point is 01:14:35 How do you pulse – oh, here we go. You know, you get up there, and you're just kind of like, ooh, ooh. It's way harder. Wait, do that again? Someone get a screen capture of this. Yeah, you're up this, and, like, dude, it's way harder. Wait, do that again? Someone get a screen capture of this. You're up this. And, like, dude, it's even harder when you're on the reformer. Like, you put your hands back on the thing, and you're kind of doing, like, tricep presses and stuff. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Yeah, this says pulse squat. Well, do Pilates pulse squat. Because we both know that's just a barbell squat. That still looks a lot like a squat. Yeah, I don't see. Okay. Goblet squat, three pulse sandbag squats. This one?
Starting point is 01:15:15 No, dude. You're just stuck way too much into the CrossFit space. You got to type in Pilates in the front. They spell Pilates, right? Yeah, I think so. Pilates. This one? This one? Yeah. they spell pilates right yeah i think so pilates let me see this one this one yeah or like that one right there pilates squat with like the spread legs dude holy crap would crush you okay let's watch her this is like the horse dance squat my god look at her body
Starting point is 01:15:38 that chick doesn't look at her ass and her lats this chick does a shitload of pull-ups oh i didn't see her i didn't see her face i didn't see her her face i didn't see her feet water ad damn it oh no yeah fuck we got caught okay so do your feet have to be like that in a pulse squat no but that's a version of doing it like i know i'm not gonna do it because you're gonna screen record me and probably put this up on the internet, but like a Pilates move would be to do this, elevate your heels while doing it and then do squats. Look at this chick's ass.
Starting point is 01:16:13 When she squats it come, it, you know how like some women will have boobs that are so big. You can see them from like, if they're walking away from you, you can see them from the back side baggage. This chick has her ass is so big. You can see it from the front. I mean, it's a lot of these classes there's a win right there i was in a um when i first
Starting point is 01:16:32 started crossfit i was in an rei uh with my with my wife and she's she's putting on these pants i'm like oh those are all this is in 2008 or 9 i go go, those are awesome on you. Your ass looks huge. And the lady there goes, no, it doesn't. Cause she thought like, yeah, she thought like,
Starting point is 01:16:57 and my, my wife finally told her, no, I'm he, he likes that. He wants my butt to look bigger. That's that happened twice. That happened twice. happened twice we got yelled at one time at a wedding i told my wife that her butt i just told my wife as she walked
Starting point is 01:17:11 by i said wow your butt's getting really like big it's getting bigger and and like two minutes passed and the lady sitting next to me was just like fuming i didn't know why she was like just like bad vibing me finally she goes you think that's okay to talk to women like that? You think? And then my wife told her, she goes, Hey man, I've been, I've been trying to make it bigger by doing, you know, 6 million Tabata squats a fucking month. Like, like chill, like relax. You got a good supportive wife.
Starting point is 01:17:35 Um, who doesn't want a huge ass? Where do you live by the way? Wherever I am, Hunter, I live wherever I am. Listen listen you keep on going to my crossfit feed go back to my instagram feed and you can see i just back squatted 305 for 20 reps let's just talk about that i will honestly did see that the simplicity of training to make your to make your ass bigger go say it. The amount of training information out there is just way, way, way too much. It's bullshit. If you want to get like a great, great ass, you need to do these back squats for 20 reps.
Starting point is 01:18:15 So just wait on your back and it will transform your life. You do have a huge ass too. Your ass is so big that like if I was a little kid i wouldn't want to walk behind you it would make me uncomfortable like i could fall into it it's the same way i feel around horses if i get near yes i'm scared yes yes i don't even like being by a horse's face what if he bumps you with his mandible what if he like just goes like that to you you're fucked you're fucked trail that i bike over here that has open cattle all over the place.
Starting point is 01:18:46 And for some reason they all congregate right on the trail. And when I go by, like literally I could be in a room full of like, I could be going down like an alleyway in Harlem with a bunch of thugs. And I'd feel less fear in my body than when I go by these cows. Yes. I think that's, I think that's a picture right there.
Starting point is 01:19:04 Which one? This one, the sun one. No, that's just training think that's a picture right there. Which one? This one? The sun one. No, that's just training. Look how fast you're doing those. You train those for speed too. Yeah. I mean, I think the big thing about high rocks and like, you know, you should probably train in your, your guy's sport as well as it's like, not necessarily about speed. Sorry about strength. It's about the capacity of being able to do things faster.
Starting point is 01:19:25 So it's like people keep on trying to add weight on the bar. The metrics of fitness that I really go for is either do more weight or do the same weight faster than you did before. And I'll do these speed intervals, and it makes a humongous difference in my turnover and competition. Okay. You were about to tell me to go look at a picture. Before you tell me to go look at that picture, I want to put this comment up. This is so true, and I can't tell you how crazy this is too. He makes my job so easy.
Starting point is 01:19:53 You do not understand how shitty it is having a podcast. I know it looks fun. I know you think I'm having a fucking blast. I fucking am so stressed out at 10 o'clock at night before I go to bed because I know I have these podcasts at 7 a.m. And last night I slept better knowing Hunter was going to be on. I swear to God. It's like what's weird is that we mentioned Josh Bridges. Same with him.
Starting point is 01:20:12 If he's going to be on, it's just like I mean I have two pages of notes and I don't even need them. It's fucking dope. That post you made the other day with Laura Horvath and the interview that they had. Yeah. With just the pauses. I was like dude she's tough i really like her she's tough oh man she's tough she basically just wants to come on she comes on the show she opens the show with like a hey i didn't want to come on here but
Starting point is 01:20:37 you guys bugged me so much and she finished the show by asking me why i do podcasts and i said because i'm the greatest at the world at it and I should probably just take over the space. And she said, you're far from it. How was that? That the podcast was sandwiched between those two comments. Have you ever do ever do the full course high rocks course in training?
Starting point is 01:21:00 I used to probably, I used to, and I'll probably bring it back but fuck man like you can only put your body through that much stress that often without it kind of like has a breakdown thing like leading up to a championship I'll probably do it about three times in the next three weeks but then you need to let go because it tears you to shreds. Really? You'll do it three times. How about the emotional, excuse me? How about the emotional impact of doing it? It doesn't every time after you do it, you're like, Oh man, what have I, what am I doing? No, not really. I mean like it's not an emotional impact. I usually bring my friends around and we have a really good
Starting point is 01:21:40 time, but you know, for the most part, the biggest issue is just the physical damage of it all i now that i'm a little bit older like i i really don't think that i'm stronger than i've ever been and i'm just as fast as i've ever been if not better but the reality is like i just have to pick my battles you know what i mean it's like if i was up going up against david glad type thing i probably wouldn't go head-on against him like I find ways to make him compromise himself and same exact thing. Like I'm not going to intentionally compromise myself just to fight the fight. So I don't know what you mean by that.
Starting point is 01:22:13 Well, I'm just trying to say, it's like, if you could pick the hardest option possible or a bunch of other options that were possible of getting the same thing done that I'm taking the easier route, like doing the actual physical event in training all the time is the hardest thing possible. Yes.
Starting point is 01:22:30 That's what I would think. Exactly. But I was just like, man, I can mountain bike a lot. I can do just like tons of interval training with similar capacity of time intensity, but I don't need to do 60 minutes of absolute like bullish intensity because it just wears me down yeah um and the other question i have about the event of judges what who's the guy there's this um black guy following you around in one of the best dude is he a judge yeah he's a head judge um it sounds like it looks like you paid him off like why is
Starting point is 01:23:06 he so up in your shit promoting you pumping you up he hands you your ball in the wall balls i was like dude get the fuck back step back uh i don't remember that exact point but here's the reality like he and i have been um he's just at all these events and usually it's like me far above everybody else. And he's just the head judge. He's got to keep an eye on the thing. And I think he's such a hype man. Sometimes he gets so hyped. Like probably I wouldn't say ethically, it's a great thing for him to hand me the ball and I'm not judging him, but I'm just saying like, I can even imagine myself being so hyped that I might make that mistake. Right. So like, I'm not trying to bash him by any means, but yeah. And you love him.
Starting point is 01:23:49 You love him. Yeah, man. But like, we're like, there's Jada. Does he ever no rep you? Oh yeah. Bunch of times. Usually my no reps either come on burpee broad jumps or burpee broad jumps, sled pull or wall balls.
Starting point is 01:24:05 Let's go through those. What's a no rep look like in a burpee broad jump? Like you, you shuffle your feet forward after the jump. Yup. That happens. Like I always sometimes do this, like without even knowing it's like, you know, like, like a small kind of like cha-cha dance. Like you just move your feet like two inches without even knowing, but it's more of a stability
Starting point is 01:24:23 thing rather than an advantage thing. Sure. You can't even tell because you're just fucking bolting and you get up and you like land and then you shim shim jump again. And you don't even know. He's like Hunter. Hey, like next time you're going back a whole length,
Starting point is 01:24:38 like stop. And I'm like, whoa. The sled pole thing. There's like a three meter long or three foot long that don't judge me here there's just a window of space that you're able to actually move the sled in and move your body in otherwise you have to either pull with your arms or you can move backwards yeah very easy when you're like fucking just pulling as hard as you can all of a sudden to just step over the line
Starting point is 01:25:02 it just how do they penalize you for that? Uh, if you do it, I think two times in a row, you literally go back a whole length and a whole length is 15 meters, 12, sorry, 12 and a half meters.
Starting point is 01:25:16 So someone has to run out there and pull your sled back. Oh yeah. Oh, so you not only go back, but I've never had it happen, but I think that's the case. Sorry. Okay. And,
Starting point is 01:25:24 and that would even take time to do that. That would be devastating. It would suck ass. Um, and so, and then wall balls is pretty simple. It's like either not enough death or not enough height. In one of those videos, you do something called super wall ball throws. How high is that target? Oh, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:25:42 That was just like a competition between us having having fun joshua yeah it was a german crossfit games athlete we were just having a good time and but what was the target in that and that you guys were talking it was like a 20-foot target it was huge yeah because some of the guys were even having trouble just doing it once it looked like yeah i'm still very invested in this conversation but i need a pee break yeah Yeah, yeah. Do it. Do it. Do it. Thank you. Everyone needs a pee break. Everyone needs a pee break.
Starting point is 01:26:11 Everyone, please take a pee break. Now's the time to go look for a job at You should actually have two windows open at all times and be scanning you should actually have two windows open at all times and be scanning during every podcast just visit the site a million times so at least the sponsor thinks that he's getting some value from being on here what about that jim what's your instagram oh i should put up jim's instagram that's a good idea hunter's a warrior smart as hell oh here we go yeah okay so same reason why i didn't like hunter i totally get it josh did not like hunter's wild card game do you know that for a fact are you just guessing
Starting point is 01:26:54 because i i think it specifically came from the the murphy i don't know i i think that when you popped on the scene people were just pissed that you were going to the games i think i'm a sweet angel i just i came just to play i mean like if you guys were all playing baseball in the backyard i would want to play right even though you guys were like in a league and you'd like train really hard to be there but i was like hey do you guys mind if i swing the bat a couple times you're like fuck no man do you know this hey when i when i when i worked at crossfit uh they um i was on the executive team there and we would have these board meetings i don't know executive team meetings executive team meetings not board meetings and we hired a new ceo and the ceo brought his mistress in to the meeting
Starting point is 01:27:47 and he did that a couple times and like all of us who were in the meeting had fucking worked our ass off to get to this position right company that's just a massive global fucking company we all worked fucking if we were awake we we were working, right? Just loved our fucking job. Just savages. Everyone there was beyond fucking a hard worker. this guy gets hired and he comes on CEO and he starts bringing his mistress into the meeting
Starting point is 01:28:18 and Nicole Carroll pulls the fucking CEO aside. That's the head of CrossFit training now and basically tells them, Hey, look, motherfucker. I'm sure she didn't say it like that,
Starting point is 01:28:30 but she said, Hey, I don't, but she pulled him aside and said, Hey, not appropriate. All of us worked our ass off to be in this room. No,
Starting point is 01:28:38 no one was given this and she can't come. She, she should not be allowed in any pool. And he pulled her out of the meeting. And then six months later, they gave her my job. So. Fuck, dude. Can you fucking believe that?
Starting point is 01:28:53 They gave this bitch my fucking job. Rashly, it's intimidating. It makes my gut twist. She was married. He was married. They were fucking. He gets hired. He brings. And I was friends with this guy fucking, he gets hired. He brings in.
Starting point is 01:29:08 And I was friends with this guy before he fucking got hired, like really good friends with them. And he would be like, dude, I got this problem. I'm fucking this bitch. And my wife doesn't know about it. And this bitch is married. And it's like,
Starting point is 01:29:15 man, I like, it's, it's a lot. Worry about like, by what? So I say it, uh,
Starting point is 01:29:23 hold, uh, Mr. Val, please hold on one minute uh yes go ahead under do i not worry about what getting sued or slander or man sued no no very litigious population oh no not anymore let me tell you something the guy who used to own crossfit is a dear friend of mine greg glassman he would love for some fucking jackass to try to sue me so that he could
Starting point is 01:29:41 fucking defend me i guess he has never told me that but he's got gazillions of dollars and uh people like me when you've been done wrong you want other people to talk shit to open like like i don't want to open the beehive but like i want the beehive to be open so that i can like contribute my my side of the story i'm not a person too but i do you know what i mean like like i don't want to talk about but uh about um the time you and i slept in the bed together but if someone brings that shit up i'm going to tell them how inappropriate you were hunter i got hands mr val how are you thanks for being on the show hey what's going on man good how are you what do you what do you think does hunter have the chops to be a fighter do you think he could get in the ufc i think i think hunter could absolutely get
Starting point is 01:30:30 in the ufc he is a straight up monster and he will be one of the jack guys that actually has endurance uh vowel is an aspiring fighter he's had one fight already and you have it david you have another fight coming up in january right can we promote something i did yes me are you talking to him well first let's promote his thing and then we'll promote your thing all right i didn't mean to cut you off bud uh mr val when's your fight uh well it was scheduled for january 7th but i had to pull from it from a uh labrum injury oh your labia majora got hurt yes yes. Yes, labia and clitoris minor. I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry.
Starting point is 01:31:14 How are you doing with that? Are you struggling with that or just part of it? Yeah, it actually came from weightlifting and CrossFit, doing snatches and not doing enough crossover symmetry, just being a meathead about it. That's complete bullshit. There are no injuries in CrossFit. I'm just going to give you a tip. If you're training for sports, you should not use CrossFit as a training methodology. This is a years ago injury that I opened up by that re injured by hitting a heavy bag.
Starting point is 01:31:47 Yep. Yep. I actually had a question for Hunter. You were talking about your hydration supplement. I do weight cuts to fight now, obviously only, only one fight in, but is that something you would recommend to replenish? Yeah, the BCAAs aren't going to make the difference, but the electrolytes are like we, we, but is that something you would recommend to replenish? Yeah, the BCAAs aren't going to make the difference, but the electrolytes are. Specifically, the product is basically a combination of as many electrolytes as we could basically put in there per serving and BCAAs.
Starting point is 01:32:18 And from a recovery standpoint, it's as good as it gets. I don't have a ton of experience of using BCAs and weight cuts. I'm going to be totally honest. I used to wrestle a ton and do weight cuts. I'm not going to give you information I don't have, but you do want to be able to put electrolytes in almost faster than the rate that you're going to take, um, take in hydration. So make sure you're taking in, I always say for every hour of fitness, um, per 100 pounds of lean mass, you want to have one scoop. So if you train three hours that day and you weigh 200 pounds of lean mass, you're basically going to have six scoops of this stuff.
Starting point is 01:32:58 Gotcha. Okay. Do you know if caffeine has a negative side effect for hydration or performance or anything like that? No, we don't use caffeine, and I don't know specifically on the caffeine. But one thing you should know is if you don't see hydration drinks with taurine in it, taurine is basically kind of like a shuttle cart for electrolytes to get inside of the muscle membrane. So look for taurine is basically kind of like a shuttle cart for electrolytes to get inside of the muscle membrane. So look for taurine. Taurine and a bunch of sugar, right? I think sugar is also a really great thing as well, but don't say that in front of Siobhan or you're going to get us in
Starting point is 01:33:36 trouble. Well, I'll definitely, I'll definitely have to go to buy that product of yours and give it a go. And I mean, hell, if you approve it, I'll put it on my shorts and promote it for free. Thanks, brother, man. And listen, I'm not going to say what we haven't, what we've done in our product is not rocket science. It's just a combination of a couple of products you could probably get out there at almost any store. And I created the combination myself that I thought was the most effective product, you know,
Starting point is 01:34:08 product possible. So there's a bunch of other brands. If you have it, you could probably do it on our, on your own. But if you do support our brand, I appreciate it. And although,
Starting point is 01:34:16 um, uh, Hunter's, uh, credentials are seriously second to none in terms of athletic performance and what the human body can do. Don't forget. He did get the Johnson and Johnson.
Starting point is 01:34:27 Okay, David, thank you for calling. All right. Thanks. I'll see you guys. Okay. Bye.
Starting point is 01:34:33 We're going to talk about fighting. I actually, uh, before you talk about fighting, let's, let's let Jim say one thing. There was a ton of national champions that shouldn't have been there. The year Hunter went Hunter is a specimen who trains functional fitness who the hell would you not want
Starting point is 01:34:49 to test your methodology fair enough jim says the guy who's doing has a pathology so deep that he's doing um murph every day for a year and on top of his other training yeah yeah i mean he's a fucking beast dude that's pretty crazy and he like will like row 20 000 meters randomly in the middle of a murph i was like that's a sick man yeah um fighting fighting i wanted to get on the same card that bridges and um and uh what's your fate uh heppner were on yeah let me in and i wanted to actually do a charity match between another like CrossFit beef I have. I wanted to do a charity match of myself versus buttery bros.
Starting point is 01:35:32 And Oh, that's right. That's right. And I actually, they came to the Spartan games to film it and they were, they were not into it at all. They were not into it. And it's not like I have like an intention of wanting to beat them up but i just think that it's like there's tribes down in mexico where if you have beef everybody comes together at one time a year and you get to fight anybody you have beef with and that's how they completely squash it and you go into the next year clean they don't those guys don't like you
Starting point is 01:36:01 those guys you're not friends with those dudes it was kind of similar to the whole thing. I came into the CrossFit Games and I'm really not big fans of it. And I actually had a really good time with them at the Spartan Games, but I still think we should squash our beef. Like, I think we should beat the shit out of each other. I think, yeah, interesting. Do you do any jiu-jitsu? No, I wrestled for years and I've done plenty of jiu-jitsu just because it's probably the easiest way to actually get into a wrestling match
Starting point is 01:36:29 these days with basically putting yourself in an arm bar. And I fucking hate it. I absolutely will just tear someone to shreds, and then all of a sudden they get you in that little twist. You're like, fuck. Do you know about this guy? Yeah, he's a stud. He's a stud. He's a stud.
Starting point is 01:36:46 Yeah. Yeah, I know him because he did the modeling, and he's been a really, really good contender in wrestling. What do you mean he did the modeling? I mean, I know he did some modeling, but how do you know him? He was an underwear model. I did modeling back in the day. So every once in a while, my manager still of 12, 12 years is still in the modeling industry.
Starting point is 01:37:09 And because he works in the modeling industry and represents me as an athlete, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, just like if people are doing things in the sports world and also modeling, we end up having correlations with it. Wow. I know him. I've ever met him. Oh, you haven't met him. No, not at all. all okay do you know this guy i think luke rockhold luke rockhold famous ufc fighter has done a bunch of big modeling campaigns yeah do you know him no not at all not at all i ran into him um maybe a year ago at the beach
Starting point is 01:37:39 at the point market where i hang out in santa cru Cruz and he was with a chick and man, he was giving off bad vibes. Bad vibes. He's like sketchy or just like, basically he pulls a heap. There's a spot where you can pull your car in where no one does pull their car in. Cause it's right in front of the place. It's right in between where you sit, everyone sits and where you eat. He pulls his Rover in there. He gets out with that beautiful body and no shirt on.
Starting point is 01:38:03 And this fucking super duper hot chick gets out of the car too she's a spinner like a 95 pound girl and he's huge right he's like 205 6263 and uh i no one's looking at him everyone's like avoiding looking at him because i i just because he's making such a scene but i'm standing there with my two boys like 10 feet away from him just staring at him hoping he'll look over for one second so I can get a picture with him and the boys and nothing. And he stayed there for like 40, 30, 40 minutes. It was weird. It was it was it was it was weird.
Starting point is 01:38:38 There's a parking lot in Malibu where on Sundays, like people, nice cars will go to and like you go get coffee before you kind of go on the car parade and there's every once in a while these guys that will park in like two parking spots and just like hijack the whole parking lot yeah those are those kind of people that seems what this kind of guy is and those people they deserve to have their tires slashed and you know and nick nicki rod had to to they did a jujitsu match together in 2019 and nicki beat him up pretty good really but anyway this guy this guy has a wrestling background within within fucking you know two months he was doing jujitsu against the greatest guys in the world he'd probably kill me just to like fold you in
Starting point is 01:39:21 half and shit yeah i so last year i was filming this stuff during covid because there was just nothing to do and i created what i called the headhunter series where i was just basically going around and competing against the best people in their their sport and just kind of seeing if i could survive the training or the competition for the day so i went out to joe to send his barn where he has a wrestling academy, and I wrestled against an Olympian, and I just got my shit kicked in. I just got destroyed. Who was it? Who was the Olympian?
Starting point is 01:39:54 Oh, God. Why am I having a brain fart? Was his name Mike David? Andy Rovat. Andy Rovat. And it's like R-H-O-V-A-T. And in training, I was really hanging with him. And I was even giving him like getting one over on him.
Starting point is 01:40:11 But then all of a sudden we went into the match. And two matches we did, he pinned me within like under two minutes. Wrestling is one of those kind of things where it's like golf. Like if you don't have the prof proficiency of movement you're just so far behind ah i didn't know that's that's jordan taylor he's a fucking murderer no this is david david taylor sorry sorry sorry sorry david taylor yeah i i i i um uh slid into this dude's dms i'm trying to get him on the podcast he agreed agreed. Do you know how excited I am? What?
Starting point is 01:40:47 Super great athlete. Yeah. Do you know him? No, not personally by any means, but I've definitely followed his, his career. Yeah. So fucking excited to have him on.
Starting point is 01:40:55 Now I'm just, now I'm just bragging. This is just like me showing D ball slams. Yeah, just bragging. Just break. You know, um,
Starting point is 01:41:04 when I put stuff like that on there of me doing the d-ball slams it is a little weird it's me getting out of my comfort zone when i started the workout so i basically i was doing a workout where i was only doing like three of those and i could barely do three and so at the end like it was like hurting me right it was like assault bike three d-ball slams and then some pull-ups, right? I did it for like 20 minutes. And then at the end, I was like, you know what? I'm just going to do fucking 30 of these. Do you not feel comfortable showing off workout videos?
Starting point is 01:41:33 No, fuck no. I'm fucking pathetic. But I know it's important to show people that I work out. Like as part of just the same way it's not good if I smoke cigarettes, like if I was a closet cigarette smoker, not to share that. Like I think that we're just all mirrors here and everything is contagious and it's important for other people to see okay look at this fucking five foot five armenian guy who's 49 he's getting some you know what's interesting i had this conversation with kate last night so in bed no no no you're on the couch at this point which could be turned into a bed um basically i was talking to her about social media and i've gone more the route of like
Starting point is 01:42:13 business promotion on my instagram which it's not really what makes me happy but it's what's effective and actually being able to survive in life the original way that i used instagram was basically just like me posting videos of like random wild animals that I captured and just like funny videos of me with my friends. And I loved it. And if you had taken those videos from back then, the true essence of Hunter Daily and put them on like TikTok or Instagram now, millions upon millions of followers. But now, like I went away from that direction because I got advice from a couple people that were mentors to me in business. They're like, you need to post more about your business, business, business.
Starting point is 01:42:51 And I've kind of lost the true essence of what just made me happy. Because I used to like to just go into the woods and capture random creatures and climb up trees and do stuff and post about it. It had no real direction or correlation to what I did professionally. It was just me. And I fucking miss that stuff. It's a waste of my time doing all these posts if it wasn't for a monetary value. I personally like the medium because of what you just said. I just like publishing stuff.
Starting point is 01:43:22 So I was making videos before there was YouTube. So we used to have to put our videos on public access. And then if like 30 people watched it, it was so exciting. And then there was YouTube and you could get thousands of people to watch. And now there's Instagram and like, you can, you can do you like, you could go outside right now and make a video of like you juggling the balls and send it out to the world. Yeah. So I think you should go back to that. Are you going to? I did. If you go back to my Instagram page for like a week straight, I just posted videos of me like shirtless chainsawing trees and riding unicycles and stuff. Yeah. And that's really who
Starting point is 01:43:55 I am, but it doesn't necessarily move the needle in certain aspects of what like I'm trying to do. So it's like one ass, two horses type thing. thing ah i've never heard that term but i like it really yeah one ass two horses can't have one ass and ride two horses oh oh oh i when you said ass i was thinking donkey i was thinking don't yeah oh here here's you wrestling this guy you have a guy in the headlock that was spartan games oh oh so why do they have that in the spartan games so spartans become this kind of like multi like conglomerate of like just everything it's no longer one identity it's like 10 identities it's it's like a seven-headed dragon each one of them has their own ambitions in life i don't think it's like 10 identities it's it's like a seven-headed dragon each one of them has their own ambitions in life i don't think it's great for the company to be honest
Starting point is 01:44:47 but one of joe's big ambitions is creating an olympic training center under spartan race for wrestlers in the united states so just out of nowhere like we just always have to wrestle when we go to his spartan games there must be some people who are truly uncomfortable with that. Oh, massively, like crying hysterically. And like the guys just like bowing out and saying that they won't come in. Yeah, it's tough. Like I have experience doing it, and there's guys who don't have experience doing it. And like us having zero experience is almost more risky than having a lot
Starting point is 01:45:25 of experience. Uh, and you know, it's in the middle of a 10, a four, four day competition with 10 events. The last thing that you want, like my friend, Ryan Atkins, who's a very, very talented athlete had to go up against the guy who was probably like 40, 50 more pounds than him. And he got flipped over and absolutely smashed like wind knocked out of him kind of thing. But, you know, the reality is like, it's one of the events, like you either contend or you don't. Can you win that event without contending in it?
Starting point is 01:45:57 I mean, when that, can you win that? If I share details about it, it would be part of that. I can't talk about a category can i watch it somewhere is it is it online yet oh yeah spartan games 1.0 is so what can't let's talk about what you can't talk about in a way that so i understand why you can't talk about it like that that didn't make sense structure i'll just say this out loud the point structure for that event was so absurd in its design it kind of ruined the entire event uh oh you're not allowed to disparage even if it's an honest opinion about an event once you go no no no i honestly can say that i thought the event was a very poorly run and i think the head orchestrator of it his name
Starting point is 01:46:40 is david watson he's kind of like the dave castro he's just a fucking savage idiot and um whoa whoa whoa whoa dave castro is not a savage idiot no no i didn't say that about dave castro i said oh okay yeah i didn't say that about dave okay uh i did at one point and i appreciate dave's hard work um sometimes not his attitude but david's competition is really properly run and it's like very efficient and it's very well designed spartan games isn't um so i can talk about it in that way i just can't talk about the details of the results because it hasn't been released yet spartan season two spartan game season two has not been released yet it comes oh but the competition's done done done done we already competed oh okay so it's like a reality show we don't know who gets to go home with the bachelor even though everyone else already knows that's the issue with it so they try to create a reality tv show experience and have a professional
Starting point is 01:47:40 competition at the same time and they were changing rules and point scoring in the middle of the event to have a better response for the actual viewership i went insane hunter could probably take on both buttery bros i would love to see that two-on-one thank you dallas we'll start a petition baby Can we get a recommendation on the best? Yes, Jim is on IG. I should pull. Okay, fuck. All right.
Starting point is 01:48:13 This show is almost over, but I'm going to pull up Jim's. I kind of want to talk about fighting a little bit more. I follow this guy. What's his Instagram? J-I-M. Jim. Jim B. Jim Bokowski. Jim B. Okay. The fuck is this guy sorry i looked long enough
Starting point is 01:48:28 i can't find it sorry jim you got to paste it in the in the bottom no i i it's it doesn't seem appropriate well first of all i went on this i in 2010 with dave libson and rob orlando and a bunch of other crossfit athletes i can't remember who uh we went over to San Luis Obispo to John Hackleman's UFC training camp. John Hackleman is the coach for Glover Teixeira, who's the current 205 champion, light heavyweight champion of the world in UFC. And he was also Chuck Liddell's coach. And that's where Chuck Liddell and Glover Teixeira trained. And we went there on like a CrossFit trip one time because he was a friend of the crossfit community and those guys dave got in the ring with a guy dave lipson got in the ring all all of them got in the ring with the guy and
Starting point is 01:49:14 and rob when rob orlando got in the ring with a guy to he didn't like it like you could tell no rob orlando didn't want anything really to do with it. He didn't want anyone touching him. He, it was not his scene. And I see that with, um, I see that with kids. Like I, I see that with kids and my kids, jujitsu, my kids have been doing jujitsu for three years and the comfort that they have with their bodies and intimacy is on a totally different level than other kids because of that. They spend five days a week rolling on the ground with other kids but like someone like rob who's this big buff guy he probably doesn't have any experience
Starting point is 01:49:49 like that and having another dude fucking reach between his legs and put his index finger on his taint and try to lift him in the air and flip him upside down no thank you yeah i mean do you think that that that plays a role it's just the physical intimacy they don't like well not really like it's just intimidation like you know what i mean you know how like a certain person will stand near you and just the way that um during jim babas bonski you know if like a certain person's just within your bubble you just don't feel comfortable at times it could be it doesn't matter about their size but just maybe the way that they're doing like you, you know, standing there, it can make you feel uncomfortable. Some people just don't like that level of, you know, I don't know the best way of putting it, but just that engagement with somebody can really
Starting point is 01:50:35 intimidate you, you know, same way. Like you could be one of the smartest people in the entire world, but you're a terrible debater. Um, you just don't like having that kind of conversation, similar thing. You could be one of the strongest people in the entire world, but you're a terrible debater. You just don't like having that kind of conversation. Similar thing. You could be one of the strongest people in the entire world, but you don't like to actually have to show it physically. Yes. I don't think anyone likes, I don't think anyone likes standing next to this guy, unless you have a vagina. If you have a vagina, you love standing next to him. All of these guys kind of look the same where they kind of have that buzz cut goatee and like the mashed up ears. You can just tell it. Like we went to the CrossFit gym yesterday and the strength coach was a wrestler.
Starting point is 01:51:16 And they have the same exact stature, all of them, the way they walk, stand and like, you know, and look. stand and like you know and look he's 25 and i said something to him along the lines like hey um like something about girls hitting on or like are girls a distraction and like you just do you spend like you ever feel like you're just spending too much time hitting on girls and he said dude look at me i i just look at me and I'm like, yeah. And he's like, I don't hit on girls, girls hit on me. And I was like, yeah, I get it. Like this is, this is a, I think you have a crush on this guy. Oh, I totally have a crush on this guy. You know what I did? Do you know who Danielle Brandon is? Yes. So I had, I had her on. So I had him on the show for an hour and then I invited her to come on because I just wanted to see like what happens and they didn't know each other.
Starting point is 01:52:13 What happens when you mix just like man and woman? Like, I felt like I was God bringing Adam and Eve together. Like, I just like, what was a good response? Oh yeah, yeah oh yeah yeah yeah and he has a girlfriend and i think she has a boyfriend but you could still tell like have you ever seen them like those those snake shows where they're like they have snakes in two separate cages a male and a female snake and then they mix them together and they immediately just coil on each other and start mating like immediately like it's it's like what like that's i swear to god if it wasn't um stream yard uh that's what would have happened like they would it would have just like two magnets that just
Starting point is 01:52:51 come together penis and vagina you're a matchmaker well i just wanted to see it i want to do that more with my show bring like people together who like don't um i just want i want to i want to bring people i want that to be a component of my of the seven podcast you can bring josh and i together and we can have the great debate or you could bring the buttery bros on here and we could start the the charity boxing match josh actually lives down the street from me now oh shit that's right holy shit it's true hey you know what you guys have in common what you guys should do together is probably but neither of you want to wear masks in the local whole foods you guys you guys should shop together yeah and see and see he told me a story that he that he
Starting point is 01:53:42 went to the you know the local market there and everyone's masked and he wasn't masked. And some guy's just staring at him and he's like, oh, it's on. And so finally he looks at the guy and he's like, dude, what? What's up? What you need? And the guy's like, aren't you Josh Bridges? And Josh is like, oh, shit. Like Josh was waiting for something combative and the dude just wanted to touch his mustache.
Starting point is 01:54:02 Josh said he felt like a douche. I know that feeling. I feel on edge here constantly. I just don't like being in stores around here with these kinds of people, but probably a bad attitude to have to say it out loud makes it more real type thing. Yeah. I I'm with you. Um, what do you do the rest of today? What time is it there? It's 9.53 a.m.? Yeah. I'm on a hardcore Nordic skiing training schedule where I have this very specific tapered block of training where this week is almost 100% cardiovascular. So I'll probably go outside for three hours and be moving. And the mountains are right here. I don't know if i can get this without
Starting point is 01:54:46 knocking it but oh there's no snow on the i pictured you were in snow country no dude there's something going on wrong with the planet where it's like like 75 degrees here during the day and then like massive wind storms come at night time and no snow lands wow yeah okay so you're gonna go out and run around for three hours yep with your dog yeah you got a jog no your dog sorry your dog uh maybe he's lazy he's probably lazy any concern of being out there and something getting you mountain lion bear i wait for the day dude not to say that like i want to get fucked up by an animal, but I was like, I've been doing this for such a long time. It's like if I don't have like a Lewis and Clark type experience where I have to fight to the death of an animal in the great beyond, I did it wrong. Do you take anything with you?
Starting point is 01:55:42 For Christmas, I'm getting a 44 Magnum model 29, the dirty Harry pistol. And I'll probably start running with that. No shit. Fuck. Yeah. It's a little big, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:55:52 Not really, dude. I think about it like this. If you are, if you are going to be involved in an engagement, I would say 90% of it is the noise. And 10% of it is the actual infliction of damage. Like I would rather have the loudest gun on the entire planet and shoot around near you and get you to fucking bolt rather than actually having to shoot you.
Starting point is 01:56:18 Like when I had a motorcycle, I had the loudest motorcycle, not because I wanted to have the opportunity to be loud, but just to make sure that i had as little opportunity for risk as possible yes i have a really loud motorcycle and no one when we go on group rides no one will ride i have to ride at the end because no one wants to ride behind me it has some awesome fucking backfire too what kind of bike is it it's a uh it's a harley it's a slim it's got a big 117 in it and it's got it sorry no go ahead i had a ducati 696 monster with a termignani exhaust wow very throaty a lot of fun yeah did you have the helmet with the uh so you could talk to people on the phone the bluetooth helmet no i actually bought the motorcycle for like psychological reasons. Not that I had psychological problems, but I would intentionally wake up on Sundays. I would only ride it one day a week.
Starting point is 01:57:12 And I'd wake up at 5.00 AM and I would go down the hill from my house in Malibu ride to the very Northern most point of Malibu and then do all the canyons back. And I would stop at coffee shops and I wouldn't talk to anybody the entire time. So it'd be like a two or three hour excursion of just pure mental connection to my activity and no distraction. Wow. Was that good for you? Extremely. How about the posture on the bike? Was that good for you? I didn't really feel it, but also at the same time, it's like, let's say I come down and I go about a 30 minute ride and I stopped at the first coffee shop, maybe have a snack. Then all of a sudden I do about a 30 minute ride, 40 minute ride. And then I stop at the same time, it's like, let's say I come down and I go about a 30 minute ride and I stop at the first coffee shop, maybe have a snack. Then all of a sudden I do about a 30 minute ride, 40 minute ride. And then I stop at the rock door and then I do another ride, stop at a friend's house, go up to my buddy Bobby's house, stop again, and then come all the way down and home.
Starting point is 01:57:56 Did you ever stop at Eddie's house? Often. I stopped at Eddie's house often, especially during COVID. I would drive there and he would sit on the other side of the fence and talk to me through it. But yeah, I go to Eddie's house every time I'm home. Oh, because he had COVID fear? Massive, massive. It was just like absolute panic. Like there's no better way of putting it than just mob fear. Like, you know, the mob of insanity had gotten to his brain.
Starting point is 01:58:22 He was losing his mind. He still has. Wow. the mob of insanity had gotten to his brain he was losing his mind he still has wow i like to like go places like whole foods and take my mask off and just lick fucking like 30 feet of aisle and then start sneezing yeah i used to say that kind of stuff and it just got me in trouble all the fucking time uh that's the first time i've used that one i hope it gets me in trouble i'll say one thing yes i used to make jokes when people asked if I was vaccinated before I was, and I was like, yeah, actually I've got three vaccines.
Starting point is 01:58:49 I've done it three times because I've seen your mom. That's such an absurd idea that I would get it three times. Like that's like, I'm trying to be a little bit rude to you by saying that. Yes. And now people are getting it three times actually. And I'm like, how did my most insane idea of taking this actually become a reality? And now it is. How is it that six months ago, microchips that tell people the world that you're vaccinated or not vaccinated were conspiracy theory? And now National Public Radio is reporting that in Sweden that it's like it's all it's all the crave. Sweden, it's like it's all the crave. Really? Sweden, I actually will say, is probably on the frontier of humanity.
Starting point is 01:59:31 So I kind of appreciate that. Not necessarily from the vaccine front, but shit, they're the best at everything. NPR. Fuck it, I'm not even doing it. I had one more question I wanted to ask you before I let you go. Motorcycles. Shit, I can't remember. Fighting motorcycles.
Starting point is 01:59:48 When's your next event? When's the next time you compete? National Championships for High Rocks is January 22nd. Then I do a cross-country ski marathon on February 5th. And then some random stuff between, excuse me, and then world championships in May. So I want to focus on the two high rocks events. What was the first one? January?
Starting point is 02:00:13 What? 22nd. Well, is that broadcast live? It should be. They have some kind of new company partnership that they do. I could take over that fucking space in a weekend. Probably should.
Starting point is 02:00:24 That podcast space. You know what the saddest thing is? And I hate saying it. I'll bring Tobias on here and just start just like. Tobias would be a celebrity overnight if you ended up working with those people. Does he speak English? Our sport has so many awesome athletes and so many awesome things to witness, but we have such poor orchestration of media that we capture zero of it.
Starting point is 02:00:47 What's his, does he speak English? He does, poorly, but he's the sweetest person on earth. If anybody was going to beat me and take the world title, that angel deserves it. Wow. That couldn't have been easy for you to say. And then when are the world championships? May?
Starting point is 02:01:04 15th, 18th, 20th. I don't know. And those are the ones you kind of need to win back. Yeah. I mean, I had never lost one, and I had done like nine of them. So, you know. That's in Germany again? No, Vegas.
Starting point is 02:01:20 Okay. Chicago, Vegas. Like right now. Will Tobias be there? Tobias will be there, and I'll destroy him. Okay. Chicago, Vegas. Like right now. Will Tobias be there? Tobias will be there and I'll destroy him. Okay. On my screen of my computer, which is not opening up right now, that's Hans Lesney. So I do a lot of research on athletes that were like pretty much the greatest in the entire world at their respective sport and then had something like gigantic mishap. And then they come back and obliterate the sport so badly for the next decade
Starting point is 02:01:47 that they moved the needle to a point where all of a sudden they had to break the meter and change it so they could bring the meter back to a position where people could actually attain it and have a sport again. Okay. That's my goal this season. Oh, awesome. I love it.
Starting point is 02:02:01 I thought you were going to say that guy did that. Someone wrote something interesting here. I don't understand this question, but, uh, uh, Oh, awesome. I love it. I thought you were going to say that guy did that. Someone wrote something interesting here. I don't understand this question, but – oh, John Young. This guy sometimes is a co-host on my show. He's a – we do CrossFit stuff together. I still do a lot of CrossFit stuff because that's how, like, I – That's who you are. You're the CrossFit media guy. Well –
Starting point is 02:02:20 That's who you are. You're the CrossFit media guy. Well, Hunter, have you ever thought about trying to get on the challenge on MTV would be a decent payday? I don't know what the challenge is, but you should have your own show. Like, do you remember the show? Were you ever on that? Maybe you were on that show, that show that Tommy Hackenbrook was on. Dude, I destroyed it.
Starting point is 02:02:49 I was a champion for three years. Oh, what was the name of that show broken skull ranch oh you were the champion for three years yeah i took it and basically ran the show under the ground meaning because there was no one who could compete with you is so fucked up three years i competed not one person beat me in any format that they designed wow yeah that's kind of how i became you know famous in the fitness world it wasn't because i was good at spartan races it wasn't because i like i really caught my name on the way up because of that and that show was i only watched that show a handful of times i don't even know how you watch that show was that show on tv but that show was dope yeah it was fucking awesome dude i just actually messaged steve austin yesterday um why not why doesn't someone do just it was so simple and like you guys did the underwater didn't you swim like 50 feet underwater and then you had like 25 maybe oh but something there was
Starting point is 02:03:36 just shit like that and like you climbed a pole you had to jump on poles i mean it was it was super fucking hardcore it was a great experience of just seeing raw potential against raw challenge. Yeah, and I liked how you guys would walk down the dirt road. I loved how low budget it was, and yet the filming and the audio was great. That's the fucking problem. It was not low budget. It was such a massive budget, and that's what shut it down. Oh, no shit.
Starting point is 02:03:59 Dude, it was huge orchestration. We would live there all summer long. I literally had a hotel room for like five weeks at a time. Literally, there was an expense that the company had to afford. And you have to understand. Yeah, that's expensive. in the pit dude it was insane it was like being in a ufc ring because we're in this ring and it looks like we're in the desert but on this side where the camera's angling from there's like a hundred people watching and all the production crew is there and steve austin's shouting at you from a monster truck and it's like it was fucking awesome such a cool experience it was like truly the defining and some of the best moments of my entire life.
Starting point is 02:04:46 So I owe that a lot. Oh, broken, broken skull, broken skull. Fuck. I spelled it wrong. Damn it. Man.
Starting point is 02:04:51 That's a challenging word to spell. Stop, stop, stop. Just type in broken skull, Hunter McIntyre. You can see all the stuff that I did. I know.
Starting point is 02:05:01 I want to see. I want to see one where you fight a dude. I know. I want to see. I want to see when we fight a dude. Let's see. Let's see. That's another thing. They did not really create a lot of good content around that.
Starting point is 02:05:18 This is me doing the course. This is where I set the record. Did you ever get injured on this? Never once, but I watched a lot of guys go into like ambulances and freak the fuck out yeah this is so fucking cool dude i can't what was so so they eventually canceled oh it was on cmt that's the country music channel yeah i think the budget
Starting point is 02:05:41 just became so big the budget became so big for it it that it's just like it couldn't compete with other shows. Like it just it's not a lean budget. You're paying a lot of cash. You're paying flying people out. You're it's an all summer long kind of thing. I wonder if I'm going to get in trouble for this. This is how shows get pulled down. My shows get fucked up.
Starting point is 02:06:04 Really? Yeah, they'll clip this clip out. Oh is how shows get pulled down. My shows get fucked up. Really? Yeah, they'll clip this clip out. Oh, dude, that is dope. God, don't you want to own one of those at your house? Yeah, I built that stuff in my backyard. That is so cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:18 That cargo net looks nasty. Dude, it was one of those kind of things where you step, and every step forward, you step three feet forward feet forward two feet back because the sink of it all is this hard is this nerve-wracking this part when you're walking on when you're doing all this balancing shit yeah like that was one of the advantages i had was just like i bought a slack line and put it in my backyard and i would do like super hard intervals into it because when your heart rate's that high it just becomes incredibly challenging to have that balance and so if you touch the ground there you got to start at the beginning again not the beginning of the course
Starting point is 02:06:53 but the beginning of that segment okay this is the yeah this shit's crazy is this early in your career in this or is this like you're pretty established career. Watch this. Yo boom. Here it comes. Your boy can fly. Oh man. It was a incredible show. I would like to kind of build this kind of stuff. Um, and I've been working on projects like this for years.
Starting point is 02:07:24 Uh, but unfortunately oh is this where rogue got the idea for that spinny thing probably those damn thieves wow that's a killer event right there oh that could have been bad. Oh yeah, this, I like this. That needs to be longer. You'd be surprised, man. Like, sure, I'm a very athletic person and I'm super fit, so I was able to handle it well. But people that would get up until this point,
Starting point is 02:08:03 who, you know, they're definitely super talented athletes in their own respects, but just didn't have this kind of proficiency. Those people literally died on this. Like getting into that water was as close to a heart attack as you could possibly get. Like basically they panic because there's a net over them. There's nowhere to go. If you're not moving forward, you're panicking. net over them there's nowhere to go if you're not moving forward you're panicking i watch somebody climb up three quarters of the way of this rope and it's a 25 foot tall rope fall from about 18 feet up straight onto their back damn hey what are you doing here why did you stop just to get
Starting point is 02:08:36 your shit together yeah because the thing is is if you fail it then you know what i mean like it was the kind of thing where i knew that I had a really, really good score. But if there was a chance, how shitty your rope climb technique is, my God. Yeah. This is when I didn't do CrossFit. I mean,
Starting point is 02:08:53 I would climb ropes traditionally. Like you'd climb in like a wrestling class. Like you have to use your arms and be strong. You know what I mean? Or like a peg board. Yeah. Legless shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:04 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like I never had considered like, oh man, I'm going to use my feet to climb this rope. I'm like, strong you know what i mean or like a pegboard yeah legless shit yeah yeah yeah like i never had considered like oh man i'm gonna use my feet to climb this rope i'm like that's not a real test oh that's something else i can do pretty good i should make a video of me doing the pegboard you're a good pegboarder yeah i'm made for that shit you know i haven't done a pegboard since 2019 right before i went to the crossfit games, I was at Sanitas CrossFit, which is now headquarters,
Starting point is 02:09:26 and they had like the most dog shit pegboard ever, and one of the coaches like kind of like in passing warned me, he's like, yeah, pegboard is a little bit finicky, so you know, keep your eye out, I was almost at the top, and the peg was fully in, but the hole was completely worn out and just fell and came down and rolled the shit out of my ankle. It was just one of those guttural things. And you could tell there was like a, this wave of shock that came across the gym because you could tell the height that I fell from and like the noise and impact and the style of it all.
Starting point is 02:09:59 It was like, Oh fuck. And I went out of there like with just my tail between my legs and i was in pain for weeks was that your first time experiencing a worn out hole no oh okay just checking uh hunter's out there doing it for us guys north of six feet uh robert you're fucking 5 11 shut the fuck up okay uh hunter it was awesome having you on the show. Now I have to pee. I can't believe you did the show twice. That's awesome. I'm really flattered.
Starting point is 02:10:31 Thank you. I had a damn good time. I didn't feel like we got to finish our rap last time, so it was good to connect with you. And if you ever end up in Crestline, you give me a call. Okay, and do you feel like, can you come on like a third time, like in another like 100 shows I do? Or do you think like we have more to talk about?
Starting point is 02:10:45 Always, dude. I'm a good talker. I feel like if I was having a bad time, we probably would never have reconnected again. But I'm sure we'll find something to fill up another two hours and nine minutes with. Okay. 9.3 out of 10. That's some bullshit, Blair. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 02:11:02 Blair, 20 burpees. That's a soft score. Blair, 20 burpees and some cock.

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