The Sevan Podcast - #239 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas Eve! A Live Call In Show with the whole Sevan Podcast team. The Sevan Podcast is sponsored by http://www.barbelljobs.comFollow us on Instagram this episode's Stuff: Support the showPartners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale.
Starting point is 00:00:23 To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply bam yeah. We're live. Good morning. Christmas Eve. Happy birthday, mom. Yep. It's my mom's birthday. That was always fun being a little kid. Your mom's birthday was on Christmas Eve. I kind of dug it.
Starting point is 00:01:20 It kind of felt bad for her a little bit. I always wondered if when she was a little kid, like it meant she got less presents. I didn't get my mom anything this year. I bet you my wife got her something. I had a tough night last night. Hey, Susan, what's up? Hey,
Starting point is 00:01:40 what's up, man? Ooh, made it. Oh shit. Well, I shaved his mustache. I had to kick him off for that. Hey, what's up, man? Ooh, made it. Oh shit, Will shaved his mustache. I had to kick him off for that. He's gone.
Starting point is 00:01:51 He's gone. He's gone. He's gone. He's gone. Oh, putting on my wool socks. It's raining here. Yeah, it's raining here too. Dude, epic morning. Epic morning.
Starting point is 00:02:08 I took one of those just gigantic deuces where I'm just like, holy shit. It's like multiple things go on. You're like, wow, that's what it's like having a baby. And wow, I'm free. I'm free. Wow, I'm free. Is that Sevan's oldest son? Let me look really it does that a couple times it does look like he got into my glass collection like he's pillaging
Starting point is 00:02:34 my shit actually i got asked to do an impersonation show so i had to go buy new glasses yeah it's uh wow look at caleb won't even show his face i invited caleb and will on here today to um caleb are you at work maybe he's working i just don't have a camera this is us this is us this is it this is the team. Anonymous. We, we, we, we, the history of the show, I've told a million times, but basically here we are. And I was doing the show. And then this guy, Ryan Jevning, stepped in and he was helping with the show. And he has, I think he has games aspirations. And so we parted ways.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I don't even know if we parted ways i don't know what happened but then will and caleb stepped up i don't even know how they stepped up do you guys know how you stepped up slid into the dms yeah i just started sending you stuff is that really how it worked yeah i moved to charlotte in september and then i was living alone then now so then i i used to want to make i used to like making photoshop stuff photoshop stuff so i just started dming you stuff and i started emailing you stuff yeah and then you gave me your number and i started texting you stuff now it it's the progression. There you go. They put in the work.
Starting point is 00:04:06 It's what they did. They put in the work. Self-directed. And Caleb, how did, and then, and then, then I, we just started talking like, like once a week and then twice a week and now every day and then fucking, then you get logging info and then now here you are, bam, on the Christmas Eve show. Just like that. Just like that. And same thing with you caleb what you
Starting point is 00:04:26 just started making stuff and sending it yeah pretty much you said in one of your podcasts you just needed somebody who gave a shit and so then i sent you a video that said i'm somebody who gives a shit and you just said cool and that's pretty much how it started and then and then all of a sudden um suza tells me that you and Will got connected. Like, I didn't connect you guys. I was trying to keep you guys apart so I could control you guys. I'm honestly not sure how we got connected, honestly.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Damn. Is your head getting cold? Oh, I feel so much better. Your head got cold there for a minute? Caleb, you're in the military. Yes, sir, I am. Because I saw you for the first time a couple days ago. We did a FaceTime call, and you were in fatigue.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Yep, I was in uniform. I work at a hospital. What do you do there, are you allowed to say oh i just like a just like a corpsman basically i don't know what what is that it's just like a basically just like a medic oh when you said a corpsman i thought you just sat in the corner and did sit-ups i lost my wristbands bruce i I mean, I didn't lose them. I don't ever lose anything. But I agree.
Starting point is 00:05:47 I'm cold. I'm a little cold this morning. I would like it if I had my wristbands. And it would be cool if Victo's just sent. Victo's. Yeah, I'm not going to get started. And Will and Caleb were, oh, nice. Nice.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Good job. Core twos? Were those the core ones or core twos? Core twos. Too thick for me. Really? Yeah, a little too thick. Well, I work out in them. I do everything in them. Rope climb, lift, run.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Have you ever humped with your shoes on? Crocs, for sure. Damn. Maybe a pair of gucci slippers but seriously caleb crocs is that true that's the way to go really maximum traction so you were standing and they were like bent over or something oh yeah yeah i could see that just keep them by the side of the bed and slip them on. Um, and, and then was there any part of you, um, that was like, Hey, um, this is, I don't know, like, I like the show, but I don't align with like what he says.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Like when I first started working at CrossFit, I would, um, you know, Greg would, when Greg was talking or we'd be at dinner, she'd be like, the liberals did this and the liberals did that. And I was liberal and I would be like, and there were tons of liberals who worked there tons tons and tons and tons man it was a diverse group i mean it's fucking santa cruz and by diverse i mean there was that we we had all the genders all of them we had both sexes and all the genders was there any party that was like hey, hey, either one of you, I'm this bullshit. I don't want to be affiliated with this crap.
Starting point is 00:07:27 This hurts my feelings. Obama's a good dude. Pretty open to everything, really. Don't really have much of a problem with much. You fucked with Crocs on. Yeah, exactly. If it works, it works. If it doesn't,
Starting point is 00:07:43 throw it away. I want to be more like you go ahead will oh i i was gonna say i feel like yeah we're pretty different but that's what i like about it but yeah i definitely thought that before it's hard to re-change your mind about get out of your head about what you can be affiliated with and whose opinion matters. Yeah, like what if I found out – like what if I found out the Turks didn't really kill the Armenians? Like that was my – I know that doesn't mean shit to you guys, but I was raised as like that's part of my story. Turks killed Armenians. So your whole life would be a lie then?
Starting point is 00:08:23 Well, yeah, that whole section of that story would be a lie yeah it would be it's like but i'm justifying the democrat republican thing because i do think that like when i was a kid i would be i would ask my mom questions like and because at the dinner table a lot especially my dad's house there was a ton of politics being talked all not that's all that was talked and um i i would ask questions like hey if george washington was such a good dude how come he didn't free the slaves i remember asking my mom that um i remember uh um and my stepmom especially especially was very very very political and everything was couched in terms of politics and uh i uh, I remember thinking, I don't remember
Starting point is 00:09:06 which parent I asked, but I thought the Republicans were the bad guys, but Abraham Lincoln was Republican. And then I was told, well, the party switched, like, you know what I mean? Like their ideology switched. And then, so I was like, all right. So I just, I just believe that. And then, I mean, but now I don't know if i believe that but anyway so that's how i justify it now i'm like well when i was a democrat they were good now they're bad they switched again they switched again are you registered to vote seven i am i'm probably registered as a democrat actually maybe i had to re-register in – For the recall? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Or maybe I re-registered. I definitely voted for the recall. I definitely did not want Mr. Newsome. He's definitely not good for my kids. I'm looking for something – It's King Newsome. King Newsome. Yeah. Lord Newsome.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Well, it's very interesting you bring that up. I'm going to play this video, and this – I'm having a little bit of a tough morning because I did something that upset my mom and i really hate to upset my mom on her birthday happy birthday yeah oh she doesn't give a shit about that let me see i'm going to uh let me see if i can share screen was it the comments towards christy yesterday no no i that went unscathed i went unscathed wow yeah yeah thank you that's a legitimate question though yeah i came in hot uh okay let me see if you guys can hear this can't hear it later you guys can't hear it no but you could give us a good reenactment probably. I can.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I wonder if I can do this. Watch this move. Watch this move. Watch this move. Regardless of the fact that we are attacking your fundamental rights or limiting your fundamental rights, and the charter says that's wrong, we're still going to go ahead and do it. It's basically a loophole that allows a majority to override fundamental rights of a minority. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:11:21 So that's the, that's the, I don't know what you call him but he runs canada that's the ceo of canada it's trudeau yeah and so the problem here is this so i sent that clip to my parents last night and i said hey you know this is how egypt lost its democracy and basically we have certain rules in this country that allow us to maintain our liberty basically in a nutshell you can't vote away democracy even if the majority wants to you cannot vote away democracy in this country that's one of the things that's so fucking great about this fucking country we have something called liberty and i'm and i'm open to being wrong i'm no fucking lawyer but we have something that no matter how bad or how brainwashed
Starting point is 00:12:09 the country gets we can't like be run by what's it called like sharia law like it always still has to be at the foundation our constitution and our constitutional rights and this guy is saying because in canada because the majority is against blah blah blah blah blah they can start taking away people's rights that's not the way it is in this country you can't allow that to happen you just had a democracy they had an election the first thing they did was get rid of their democracy you can't do that in the united states that's what they're fucking doing in canada they're saying our forefathers put this in set this up so that we can't fuck ourselves and it's happening like right before our eyes so i sent that clip to my parents and i was like hey
Starting point is 00:12:52 man the party that you stood for is that it is behind this well at 4 30 in the morning i got a text message from my mom and i said hey if your goal is to offend your 81 year old father you did it and that fucking that rocked me to my core i didn't like that sorry mom wait why did that if racism doesn't exist why isn't the dictionary um oh i don't know if that's even a real i don't even know if that's a real question but i can show you a ton of shit if dragons don't exist why are dragons in the dictionary i shut the fuck up with that shit only real things are in the dictionary i hope that guy's joking i hope i think they're being sorry they'd have to be sarcastic or they're five good morning brad you you have a agitated
Starting point is 00:13:40 and uh semi semi very depressed semi depressed a little depressed how they get the number i apologize to my dad i text him as soon as my mom said that to me i text him i'm like hey sorry for being so aggressive uh yeah thank you colton oh tomorrow we have christmas with colton and i told dave castro about it and he said well you're gonna invite me on i said sure so tomorrow we might have christmas with colton and dave castro i'm kind of excited and i'll crack the question about wadapalooza and then um on sunday we have a taylor self coming on the new show to step in for kate gordon this week and i will ask taylor can you beat colton mertens is there only room for one of you fucking weirdos at the games congrats on the road
Starting point is 00:14:28 challenge by the way colton oh yeah yes that is badass that's the only reason why i invited him on the show now someone in our dms called it our participation trophy they were trying to go after colton i was like are you really i don't know i was like are you really trying to go after colton i was like are you really i i don't know i was like are you really trying to go right now that's not the move yeah not cool yeah good morning brad thanks for calling dude good morning hey yeah man how are you guys i'm semi-depressed will's fucking hating being on the show but he but he's stepping up and kayla's being a pussy and Suze is enjoying it. Well, that's my assessment. I was just calling to say that COVID ain't too bad, and I'm kind of glad that I ended up getting it here because I just had a minor fever that Tylenol's been knocking out.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Oh, I thought you weren't supposed to take Tylenol when you got that, when you got the SARS-Z. There's only one method, vaccine. That's it. What are you doing with the Tylenol? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Yeah. Yeah, and I started a new job so i'm the new guy who gets to report this to everybody else on christmas eve oh how
Starting point is 00:15:33 did you um how did you get it were you like licking like um handrails at the the train station i've got probably five different ways no man probably five different ways. No, man. Probably five different ways and who knows. Yeah, I don't know. Do you live with a significant other? I was going to say a chick, but that would be biased. I mean, like a presupposition. Does your significant other or whoever you live with have it?
Starting point is 00:16:02 They don't. They have had absolutely no symptoms so far. Are you vaccinated? No. Oh, interesting. And how many days have you had it? So I had some symptoms Tuesday night that were pretty disheartening, right? Fever, chills, never really had chills in my life ever.
Starting point is 00:16:24 So Wednesday I went and had that PCR test done. heartening, right? Fever, chills, never really had chills in my life ever. Uh, so Wednesday went and had that PCR test done. Um, and then since then just Tylenol and like cold and flu, like over the counter medicines, but knocking out any symptoms really, it's been pretty painless workout this morning. Um, so I don't know, man, I just did a little clang and bang, did some deadlifts, Bulgarian split squats, you know, just some lower body stuff to keep, uh, keep it moving. What did you do to warm up for that? Did you get like, were you sweating before you started?
Starting point is 00:16:54 No, no. And I'm in Houston and it's, you know, it's going to be a record hot today of like 85 degrees. So kind of, kind of weird. Yeah. Hey, um, Brad, uh uh whenever i whenever i've gotten the chills in my life i just start just drinking a shitload of water and i start putting on tons and tons of uh like clothes like i just try to sweat that shit out i try to get so uncomfortably hot i don't know if it's the right thing to do but i think my grandma taught my mom that my mom taught me that and that's normally what yeah. And that's normally what I do.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Yeah. I mean, that's basically what I did. I went, told, told my wife what was going on and got into bed. We put a heating pad over me and took some Tylenol. And like two hours later, I started getting hot and I'm like, oh, that's probably good. Just started taking layers off. And then within like four hours of the first chill, I was back down to normal temperature, nothing at all, just from two little Tylenol. And if you want to kill yourself, just start, just have a teaspoon of sugar every 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Nice dollop of sugar and dollop. You can't dollop something unless it's like yogurt right it has to be a certain viscosity to dollop yeah it's a cream cream yeah a dollop of daisy dollop of daisy yeah cave caleb disturbed this this this this distributed a dollop in Crocs. Caleb distributed a dollop in Crocs. Wow. My brain.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Did he put those things in sport mode when he was doing the D? Oh, you're damn right I did. What do you do? Like you flip something on the sole and like the grips come down or something? Like a little. Yep. Yep. It's hydraulics. You just flip it back and slide them back on. What do you do? You flip something on the sole and the grips come down or something? Yep, yep. It's hydraulics. You just flip it back and slide them back on.
Starting point is 00:18:54 It's when you take the strap and you go from the strap on the front to behind the heel. Extra traction. Caleb, I seriously think that if I put on a pair of Crocs, my sperm count per load would drop from like 300 million to like 20 million. Oh, it has a reverse effect. It goes, I think, I think it's a form of birth control.
Starting point is 00:19:11 What about, what about these heel ones? So bad boys. Are those real? They're on the internet. Must be real. Balenciaga. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:19:22 those are good. So I don't know. So I, so I'm, i'm struggling a little bit this morning i i i need to say something to my dad that's nicer like even nicer than just sorry like i said today's my mom's birthday i think my dad's gonna come over my stepmom's gonna come over and i just think i should have said i i need to so why was he upset that you sent that though just because you're bringing up politics or no i was i i said some harsh shit i was like basically like look motherfucker like the politics you raised me with is this this is the kind of shit you support fucking hitler shit like you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:19:54 king king trudeau shit and it's like it's too much my mom's right my dad's 81 like fuck but i but anytime i see that i just think about my kids i just think about my kids like oh shit because the majority thinks it's okay to be 150 pounds overweight and uh live in a space like like i don't want wally world for my kids where did you hear did you hear so when emily abbott was on the show she said a vibrator desensitizes you, and she's not a proponent of vibrators. That's like a metaphor for just how I feel about the world. Like I'm not for things that desensitize us. I'm not for watching TV 35 hours a day.
Starting point is 00:20:41 I'm not for like the, uh, alternate realities. I'm not for like, anyway. So I got to think of something to say. Thanks for calling Brad. Anything else? We, we check in with us next week and tell us how you're doing. Yeah, man. I just wanted to call and say that you've been, uh, you've been super great lately and, uh, listen to your show literally every single morning as i'm getting ready and look look forward to it a lot and uh look forward to all the new episodes and hopefully we don't stop at 500 but i between you and mr suza i'm i'm tripping what's interesting is what's going to happen to my personality um as the show grows like yesterday um we i saw we went over 300 000 downloads on um
Starting point is 00:21:27 apple podcasts thank you um in a in a seven day period and that really makes um my head big that like makes me like you probably hear more political stuff right to your dad after that yeah yeah but yeah exactly got on that high horse my dad took a beating after i heard he thought he was the king of the world he's like i'm the king of canada now yes so it'll be interesting i like um yeah and we got a we got a uh fat sponsor for to cover wadapalooza yesterday on it's unreal i need to tell will and caleb this night it happened last night yeah i'm pretty fucking pumped yeah man no i think it's all going to be good stuff going forward so just wanted to check in with you all and uh look forward to it all right cool stay healthy i'm glad to hear that
Starting point is 00:22:23 you're still moving got Got your lungs pumping. Stay in touch, brother. Okay. Okay, well, see you, man. Bye. See you, Brad. Thanks. Seems like a great guy.
Starting point is 00:22:32 You know, just a genuine guy. Yeah, is that unsettling that he had the phone number and we hadn't even posted it? Yeah, that's what I was asked the first time. I was like... I mean, not really, though. You go back to any episode and watch it and just fast forward until you see it and then have it, right? So it's not.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Good point. Hey, anyone can Google, and it's called The Live Call-In Show. Anyone can just, probably anyone can just Google my name and get my personal phone number. Yep. It's weird. Addresses, a bunch of other shit, too. It's crazy. Background. Hey how how awesome was
Starting point is 00:23:06 that so you guys what does will do well one of will's like strongest things he ever did was he in the middle of the uh emily abbott show he he gave us this i mean and you're lucky that I was still on that show. Jesus. Look at how he disagrees. He's like, that's the show that I might disappear on. Hey, speaking of big heads, did you hear that? Even Will's getting a big head. He's like, you're lucky I was still on that show. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Hi. Hello. How are you? I did not think I would be the lucky one to get picked up when you guys posted the number. Oh, yeah, yeah. We'll answer for anyone. I mean, of course. Lucky caller number two.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Tough decision. Don't you think it's a little early to be drinking? Maybe I'm not lucky. Maybe I'm not lucky. Maybe I'm just the only one that called. What's the difference? What's your name? My name's Eva. Eva. how's life yeah good um i'm actually on my way to crossfit to do eva which is the workout today for the crossfit gym i'm
Starting point is 00:24:16 close to yeah tough one never done it um one of my friends who owns a CrossFit gym, every one of the instructors there in the last week has come down with COVID. I wonder if you're going to that, except him, except the owner of the gym. It's fascinating. Every single person who works there except the owner who spends the most time there to anyone got it. There's also a couple other differences between the group. Do you have any concern that you might be going to that gym? I'm not making this up. I don't because I know I'm a travel nurse and I've worked in cities where they're currently spiking really hard. And I'm not there in those cities right now. So it could be that it could be.
Starting point is 00:25:07 in those cities right now so it could be that it could be but i mean i've also gotten i got covid like day one and i had i don't know i was never worried about it after that especially but um so you got covid and then you and then you still took you had to take the vaccine to keep your job right yeah yeah yeah any issues with the? Oh, I had really bad reactions to it, at least the first one. And then I got my booster as well. I've had really bad reactions. Just made me like really feel like head cold and really like just for like one day sick. But I don't know. Does that comport?
Starting point is 00:25:41 Is it supposed to be like that since like you're physically strong, you're healthy and it's just your immune system taking it and doing its job? Is that the, that's the idea. Okay. Okay. Yeah. That's the idea behind it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:53 And, um, and so you get on, you get on airplanes with ballers and fly around just in case something happens. Like, like, so when this show goes big, um, I, and I have a jet, you will, I'll be like, Hey, you know, why don't you come with, what was your name? Lisa, Carol, Cheryl, Eva. You'll be like, I better write that shit down. You'll be like, I'll be like, Hey Eva, can you come on the jet in case, in case I, in case I have a heart palpation.
Starting point is 00:26:21 That I will be so happy to, uh, be that nurse for sure. Is that what you do though? You're a travel nurse for sure is that what you do though you're a travel nurse isn't that what you do you just roll with ballers or no i fuck it no i wish no i go to places where there's rancid covid and take care of people that uh aren't doing it's funny i actually one of the things i wanted to say if i did get on this podcast is that nothing racist i got my finger on the hang-up button careful careful oh well i don't know uh one of the things that has inspired me to do crossfit is that being a nurse like pretty much every one of my patients is obese and overweight and and has comorbidities that are pretty much directly
Starting point is 00:27:05 from their lifestyle habit so uh yeah like stop drinking i don't do drugs i i eat very i've started to eat very very healthy and um and so just that's i don't know when i see people when i see all the body positivity for love your body, no matter what, I think it's great to love yourself. But I know people that have lost over a hundred pounds that say, yeah, fuck that. I actually hated myself. And that's why I lost all that weight. Yes. Yes, of course. Those people are all lying. Yeah. I mean, no one's happy being a hundred pounds overweight. Hey, we, you know how i know that is because being 10 pounds
Starting point is 00:27:46 overweight sucks like it changed like it just changes everything being a little hungry and is actually like there's nothing better than like after a workout stretching and being like wow i can tell that when i lean over my role is not blocking me now it's not like my my fat isn't impeding my movement i mean yeah yeah there's i mean i think everyone i shouldn't i don't know but freedom's important and being free from the sluggishness of your body anyway hey good on you you know what we had a seam on a couple days ago the doctor and he was basically saying that he would love to implement more things to support i think two of his 10 tenants to help the the world around health and lifestyle was two of them were to um support people in the medical um world uh to be healthier like hey you got those people
Starting point is 00:28:39 need to take a look at themselves so bad yeah it's so bad it's pretty sad like sometimes i'll be working with people i'm like man how are you not the one in this hospital bed right now hey so some people will come on here and be like oh seven's um anti-vaccine or blah blah blah or how do you tolerate the show like do you feel like i'm throwing rocks at you like i'm like uh no fuck eva she got the vaccine blah blah like do, blah. Like, like, do you feel that? No, I, I, I, I used to feel like, you know, you should just get it, like just shut up and get it. But also, I mean, if you're a healthy individual, like that's the first thing you should be doing. I, I, there was one time that actually one time you said in this podcast that people were encouraged at some point in time to forget about losing weight, just get the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Yeah. There was a, there was a hospital basically post of a hospital posted that on the East coast. They tweeted. Yeah. Yeah, no, I, that's, that's my, that's my perspective on the show is like, I mean, I, I love my job and I love being in there. So like it's, and I don't know, I, I've had all my vaccines my whole life. So I just kind of figured, I know they've done research on this vaccine on SARS for a long time and I love being a nurse. So like it's, and I don't know, I've had all my vaccines my whole life. So I just kind of figured, I know they've done research on this vaccine on SARS for a long time and I wasn't that scared of it,
Starting point is 00:29:50 but I understand why people don't want to put things in their body like that. And I don't think it's, I think you're being healthy and the people that you associate are healthy and that's better than, that's better than being super overweight, a horrible lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:30:04 And then just, you know, saying, a horrible lifestyle, and then just saying, oh, I need to get the vaccine because I don't want to get COVID and die. It's like, well, there are a lot of other ways to get that. Eva, what's it like as far as the conversation that's happening amongst your colleagues? Is there any way or room there for you to speak freely about it? Do people speak freely about it? Or is it pretty much just towing exactly the narrative that's coming from the medical industry right now? Oh, people, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:30:32 A lot of people, a lot of nurses actually don't. I mean, now it's kind of mandated. But a lot of people didn't get their vaccines. A lot of nurses, a lot of people speak about not wanting to get them. But it is a little bit of a, it's very polarizing because when some people say it, then other people will just kind of mark them as like, okay, well, you're a dumb ass and I don't even want to, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:58 the whole anti-vaxxer it's very prevalent and it's kind of polarizing, but you know, everyone has to, it's very prevalent and it's kind of polarizing, but you know, everyone has to, it's, it's gotten to the point where, um, you know, everyone's got to come to work and work together no matter what. So, um, I don't, I don't even know like what hospitals are mandating and what aren't like, I don't even keep up with that crap anymore, honestly. Also you're vaccinated. so you're kind of you i just turn it off yeah like i don't really pay attention yeah you you streamline your shit yeah
Starting point is 00:31:31 well and that's the other thing i mean the the problem is the pay for nurses like there's so few nurses now that like as a travel nurse i'm making more than the staff nurses that are working fuck it i'm not kidding like 60 to 80 hours a week getting overtime dangled in their face and i'm making more than them and they're these fantastic nurses they want to do their job nurses are good people they're not going to leave the bedside because if you leave if nurses left max esthetics just quit like like went on strike people would die i can't even tell you how instantly like within the hour people would die do you have a boyfriend do i yeah i do not do you have a girlfriend no are you are you being courted um i recently i i was dating someone recently but
Starting point is 00:32:21 i'm not really no not really not really. I don't know. How many days, what town do you live in now? I just finished a contract in Washington, D.C. I'm about to go down to West Palm Beach in Florida. Dude, someone needs to meet this girl and get her. Dude, I'm telling you, if you're some dumbass that just smokes weed when you're dying to be a professional musician get this girl she'll never be around she makes a fucking ton of money i would never talk to someone like that and you could oh that she's don't listen to that shit she's so susceptible just once like you're some sort of artist and you just want a fucking hot
Starting point is 00:33:04 chick who works out and like takes care of people and like like you won't sort of artist and you just want a fucking hot chick who works out and like takes care of people and like like you won't she's only gonna be home like three days a week and you can just sit in the living room practice your guitar non-stop her parents are gonna hate you but i'm telling you i don't know that's the quality of guy that she uh needs in her life who cares what she wants i'm telling you for my fellow? I'm telling you, for my fellow artist, I'm telling you, I would if I, man, if I was 20, 30 years younger, I would take my pen and paper and my
Starting point is 00:33:31 colored pencils and my pack of clothes and I'd be sitting in your house fucking like crayons. I've been doing when I was in college. I've been there, done that, I'm over it. Good for you. Don't go there. I drew this with a, it got all moldy. I've shown this, done that. I'm over it. Yeah, good for you. Don't go there. I drew this with a, it got all moldy. I've shown this before, but I drew this with a
Starting point is 00:33:49 pack of colored pencils on someone's floor in college. I know. So crazy, right? Pack of pencils and a dab of ecstasy. Yeah. Well, no, no, no, no. This is, look at this over here. This is me like coming out of a hole and look at some girls giving me head in this picture i do that and then that's my office yeah wow see look at the type of person that's gonna be hanging out at your house yeah yeah is that how you courted your wife that's amazing yes yeah i said hey do you want to live in a hole she said yes god five years you know it took me five years to get my wife five years of fucking
Starting point is 00:34:30 courting I actually and then I wrote a screenplay about it's called five years to fornication it's so good it's so good that's true I'm not making that homeless courting yes yes I was always dedicated and focused Sevan School of Homeless Courting. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:47 I was always dedicated and focused. Which vaccine did you get? Yeah, Moderna. Do you have a, if you were to recommend one to someone, do you have one you recommend? No, I don't know. I only got that one because that was the one that they were giving uh in my area when i did get it right but it kind of it did the whole johnson and johnson thing kind of weirded me out with the potential for uh blood clots i it's all it's all there's so much like craziness and i feel like we're so manipulated by the media that I just kind of, I'm so like, I just don't even, I like,
Starting point is 00:35:28 I don't even judge people for doing what they think is right. Whatever, whatever you think is best for you. Like that's. And you know, like if I went to the store and I wanted gummy bears and they had gummy worms, like I wouldn't even care. I would just get gummy worms. I'm not like, whatever. Yeah. I just get them. It's just, it's just a vaccine. I mean, like I believe in whichever one's there. Yeah. worms i'm not like whatever yeah i just get them it's just it's just a vaccine just take whichever one's there yeah it's not like it's cigarettes i would never smoke marlboro but i but but if
Starting point is 00:35:52 they didn't have american spirits i just fucking would bite the bullet and not smoke it's just saying i was a butcher that's not true either i'm just i'm just being a sarcastic asshole john um can you uh block off the 12th to the 17th we are 100 doing wadapalooza we are going all the way say that again i'm gonna be there with one of my friends we're going to just hang out so i'll see you guys there okay i won't be there but suza will be there yeah come say hi to suza yeah definitely okay it looks like it might be but nobody wants to come say hi to me everyone does are you kidding me everyone saw that 12 days of workout or 12 days of christmas yesterday. Everyone's itching at your door. Oh my gosh. What 12 days did you do? What was the 12 days?
Starting point is 00:36:49 It was one I wrote about four years back. It starts with one snatch, two burpees, three thrusters, four chest to bar pull-ups, five box jumps, six wall balls, seven jerks, um, eight kettlebell swings, nine power cleans 10 toes to bar 11 handstand pushups and then the 12 is either a 1200 meter run or 12 ounces of beer or any beverage 12 ounces of beer is way better
Starting point is 00:37:15 yeah it was rough I tried and it did not it didn't go well for me I don't drink very often what was the weight? 95 for the guys, 65 for the ladies. Oh, nice. I mean, that's light, but it sounds like fun. Yeah. I try to make it to where it's, it's difficult, but it's not ridiculous. I've done one in the past that started with one rope climb and the weight was
Starting point is 00:37:38 one 35, 95 and it was a huge mistake. Yeah. Very poorly. Wait, wasn't it one rope climb, two handstand pushups, three hang cleans, four front squats, five deadlifts, six burpee box overs, seven toes to bar. I can't remember exactly what that sounds, but that sounds about right. I hate it when this turns into a CrossFit podcast. I hate that.
Starting point is 00:37:57 That's what I did. It was so freaking hard. Yeah, that was what your mom said. Okay, I'm going to go, guys, because I've got to go work out. All right, Eva, let us deal. Stay in touch. Get courted. Not by a guy in Crocs, though. Not by a guy in Crocs.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Remember me? I'm happy, I guess. Yes. But Crocs are fucking stupid, and they hurt my knees. Yeah, there you go. All right, bye-bye. Byebye take that caleb you guys are missing out you don't understand eva's a big fan of the show i think i think she sent us a dm the other day uh if you needed some confidence today savon within five minutes we got tagged in a story by
Starting point is 00:38:42 the dave castro and the lazar jukic within five minutes, we got tagged in a story by the Dave Castro and the Lazar Jukic. Within five minutes. Oh, this morning already? Yeah. John, can I call you? I need to talk to you about the show. Hello, Christoph. Christoph Fugate.
Starting point is 00:38:59 How are you? Oh, shit. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Fugate. Christoph Fugate. goddy hi what's up homie just chilling oh man how many light bulbs about you don't want to do a crossfit podcast i'm sorry say it again i said what do you what do you wish to talk about since you don't want this to be a crossfit podcast
Starting point is 00:39:22 like it like we had a nurse on and I wanted her to be like, oh my God, yesterday there was a guy and I pulled a light bulb out of his ass. He had shoved it in there because he's been... We're getting an inordinate amount of light bulbs in dude's asses because of the lockdown. You know, like fun stuff.
Starting point is 00:39:41 That would certainly be fun. Eva, what's the craziest thing a dude shoves in his ass well yesterday we pulled out a ken doll i mean you know like well let me just start with this uh so my kids have covid and my wife congratulations yeah it's our first time i mean it that's not even sarcastic. I'm glad, I'm glad you're going to get it over with. And I believe that that will allow your immune system to fight off everything stronger in the future and better your kids get it now than when they're 90.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Oh, I totally agree. And, uh, we found out, I think, uh, my four year old was exposed to a kid or two at preschool and came home and we got notified. I'm somebody who I hate going to the doctor. I mean, it's just my last fucking resort. If I can treat it at home, if I can take vitamins and minerals. If you can cut it off, if you can lance it yourself. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Lance it myself. And so I say all that. The kids are doing fine. They're four and two. two they're young they had a little bit of a fever um you know again vitamins and minerals they bounced back no issues um my wife she's struggling a little bit more a lot of aches and pain but we got her set up to get the um monoclonal. Oh, cool. She's going to be getting that done Monday. Okay. And me, I felt pretty good for the most part. I had a little bit of something yesterday, and I'm kind of like you.
Starting point is 00:41:15 If I feel a little bit off, I'm attacking that shit. So I went out. It was like 40 fucking degrees last night. Did a five-mile run. Oh, damn. I feel like, I feel like, I don't know if there's any
Starting point is 00:41:27 science to this, but I feel like if you wake up and you feel a little bit shitty, if you entertain that thought, if you entertain that mindset, you're probably going to get fucking sick. But if you're like, nope, not getting sick,
Starting point is 00:41:40 you tell your body what to do, you shut that shit down, you work out, you do whatever you got to do, continue on with your regular day-to-day responsibilities. Like I think your body can push through a lot of that shit. So that's just what I'm trying to do. And I feel fine. Well, let me, let me tell you this. It's the middle of the day. You want to take a nap. You climb into bed. You start to take a nap and you start thinking about like your wife. Now, if you keep thinking about your wife, your body's going to take a nap and you start thinking about like your wife now if you keep thinking
Starting point is 00:42:06 about your wife your body's going to have a reaction you end up with a stiffy and you're going to end up needing to jerk off if you switch your thoughts and start thinking about something else like you're breathing you stiff you might go away and you won't jerk off and you get to sleep faster so as a as a parallel or a simile, uh, I, I, I agree with you 100%. The, I mean, that,
Starting point is 00:42:27 that's a clear, the penis is a clear example that your thoughts will, uh, um, can change the course of your day. So, I mean, I know someone's going to hate that metaphor.
Starting point is 00:42:39 That's why there's other podcasts you can listen to. I think that's a great metaphor. Thank you. It's one we can all relate to thank you i don't know about running in 40 degree five miles in 40 degree but i'm but but but i think that definitely whatever works for you you know dr hasim said if you push yourself too hard you can compromise your immune system but there are times when i have been so snotty and so fucking sick and i have gone for a bike ride i will never forget it i was in berkeley and it was basically a five mile bike ride it wasn't 40 degrees but it was a five mile just
Starting point is 00:43:09 straight vertical climb took i don't know and i warred with it and at some point during that war a snot rocket came out of my brain and i was healed i was healed like my entire cold sore throat everything went away within instantaneously i I came home. I was fine. And the sickness just went away on the bike ride. So I think it's important to drink a shitload of water. I think it's important to take a shitload of vitamin C, like one or two thousand every hour for sure. Like anytime you're drinking water, I think you should be throwing down some vitamin C. I think it's important to take a little bit of vitamin D, you know, five thousand, ten thousand a day. And I think it's important to take a little bit of vitamin D, you know, 5,000, 10,000 a day. And I think it's important to keep moving.
Starting point is 00:43:46 If your wife is not sure if she has it, Mr. Fugate, Fugati, Fugati? Fugati. Fugati. What I recommend is the DIU, do-it-yourself COVID test. And what you're going to do is when she's in bed, you're going to climb under, you're going to pull the sheets over her head and just take the biggest, nastiest fart you can under the sheets. And if she can smell or taste your fart, then she's good. She's good to go. She's healthy.
Starting point is 00:44:17 She did do an abnormal test. Oh, did you do the fart test? Oh, no. We didn't do the fart test. The DIU one? Oh, you spent money on a test and you could have just done that he did the diy tested positive and then went to the doctor and um they confirmed it so um and me i mean i'm like you know i felt a little shitty it's like okay i could go get tested and
Starting point is 00:44:41 they could say hey you have covid or no but'm like, what the fuck does it matter? You know, it's Christmas. I'm off work. I'm going to stay home. I'm just going to treat the symptoms. I'm not going to treat COVID. You know, I feel a little shitty. So I'm just going to up the vitamins and minerals and work out.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Yeah, I totally, part of me totally agrees with that. With COVID, I kind of wanted to know. But like, I feel that way. Like, you know, like my dog's limping and my wife's like maybe we should take him to vet i'm like what for like what what what are they gonna tell me that's gonna cost me a thousand bucks that's gonna do it change make me do anything else i don't know yeah right no but one reason i'm running right now i'm switching up my training i'm I'm, I'm training for a Goggins race. So obviously, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:27 David Goggins is right. I have, I have Goggins. I know who Goggins is. I have Goggins. You need to get Goggins on the podcast. Stay hard. Is he cool?
Starting point is 00:45:42 All the clips I've seen. I don't think he's cool. No, I think he's one of those guys that uh yeah i've read his book it's motivational to a certain point but then i think when you realize there's more to life than just going beating your body up and going hard then i don't think he's that cool but for some people he's Wait, you already realized that and you're 22? Yeah. Wow, that's fucking early. Well, shit, man.
Starting point is 00:46:10 I'm 33 and I haven't realized he's not cool yet. I'm like, what am I missing? Don't worry. It took me a long time to realize beating up your body wasn't cool. I'm 49. I don't think I realized it until I was like in my 40s. I think I got a good marker. Will's homeschooled.
Starting point is 00:46:23 He knows all sorts of shit. Us fucking, as regular public school education yes I went to public school in high school though I definitely think there's a
Starting point is 00:46:32 dual education I definitely think beating up your body just for the sake of beating up your body is definitely not cool but for me the challenge
Starting point is 00:46:41 that I'm doing in March it's more of like a mental thing. You know, because running four miles for me, it's not hard, especially if I do a nine minute pace, 10 minute pace. I mean, that's nothing. But to do it every four hours for two days straight and to be able to get back, recover, sleep, hydrate, eat. You know, that's the challenge. So I think I'm always looking to improve myself, not only physically, but, but mentally as well. And, uh, for me, that's, that's the challenge. And so running was just the, uh, the, the choice of exercise.
Starting point is 00:47:17 How about this knucklehead that I follow? Uh, uh, uh, oh, here, I'm going to pull up his instagram jim jim god his name what his name is as good as his body this guy is a fucking savage what's this fucking nut is fucking doing murph every day on top of his normal workouts i've seen that dude the fuck is this guy doing explain this shit to me He's like 180 days in the Murph for a year. When I close my... I follow this account so religiously. When I close my eyes, I see his body
Starting point is 00:47:54 before I see my wife's naked body. It's a fucking mess. My brain. That guy's a maniac. Yeah, what do you think about this, Will? So that's what I think is interesting. I think the... I forget the caller, what he was think about this will so that's what i think is interesting i think that i forget the caller what he was saying about mentality i think that's what goggins is really helpful for for a
Starting point is 00:48:11 lot of people the stuff like that you can get past a lot more than you think mentally and that you're you can train yourself mentally to be stronger than you are i think it's the physical stuff that i don't know if it's that helpful for most people. But that can be said for so many, even CrossFit athletes, the things they promote. A lot of them are not healthy for a lot of people. But this guy's, I mean, and if it makes you happy, if it's bringing you joy, and this is something you love and you're inspiring people using like this 365 day Murph challenge, then I think there's a lot of balance. There's not one size fits all for it look he
Starting point is 00:48:46 wears the same shorts almost in every workout i wonder i wonder if he washes oh no he has like two shorts he wears caller what what's the furthest you've ran at one time the longest distance um yeah i did a marathon back in 2016 it was on my bucket list and uh i trained for four or five months and um and it went pretty and we're pretty good uh good it was cold as shit here in virginia it was like 33 degrees at the start and um my uh legs locked up mile 20 and fought it for a couple miles but i finished uh 336 which i was really happy about i hadn't done a whole lot of running i started crossfit stuff and then specifically trained for the marathon is this your first four by four by 48 that you're doing or have you tried a version of
Starting point is 00:49:38 it before nope this will be the first one okay i may i may make a suggestion because i did a half one uh at the start of the pandemic when we shut down i did four miles every four hours for 24 hours plus one yeah and um i would say the biggest thing for me and i i have never ran more than seven miles before doing that at one time and um the the hardest thing that to combat for me was actually getting in calories and then stretching in between. Yeah. Okay. Hey, did this,
Starting point is 00:50:12 for this picture in this picture, did this guy put the, the bird in the dog's mouth or like, was he like, okay, okay, come sit here. And then he hands the bird to the dog. Like,
Starting point is 00:50:20 is that pose? Yeah. The dogs, the dogs will go out and pick up the bird. And so I'm guessing he posed the dog there he just said sit and hold the bird yeah but isn't there isn't there a command to drop the bird probably so he probably just had brought that bird fresh maybe and then stuck it back in his mouth for the photo right i mean i approve of that i'm okay with it no judgment those dogs are incredible yeah Yeah, they are.
Starting point is 00:50:45 Hey, um, did you ever, um, uh, did you ever put a light bulb in your ass in quarantine? Christoph? Hell no.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Well, then this call's over. That's just the exit hole only, bro. All right. Hey, bro. I appreciate the guy.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Uh, I appreciate the tall guy. Thanks for the advice on the, uh, on the on the race man I'll definitely real quick what did you what was the best way for you to get calories in to eat because I mean I don't think I'm going to be able to put down for me after I work out
Starting point is 00:51:17 last question easy one of the things that helped me is I just ate a bunch of sweet potato mash. I had some beef jerky. I just made sure that there was stuff like protein shakes, like something relatively available to get in right away. Because as you get into it, like around my third run, you just don't feel very hungry.
Starting point is 00:51:39 But then as you go through that nighttime portion of it, where you have to wake up in the middle of the night, and then you have to do it again real early in the morning that's where you really start to feel like if you're not eating correctly that's where you really start to feel the depletion so i just did a big thing of sweet potato mash because it was quick easy feel protein shakes and uh beef jerky right on all right cool i appreciate it lots of couch stretch you know that stretch you know the couch stretch oh yeah yeah just hang out let your hip flexors open up because especially if you plan to do it with weight maybe you should go to crossfit livermore christoph and you could get all
Starting point is 00:52:12 the time you want with suza thank you for calling christoph have a good day bye bye listen thanks christoph good luck no i hung up on him we can't i know i know you did but maybe he's still watching on maybe he's still watching on the tube. Maybe he's still watching on the tube. What is this? What's the liver king doing here? Oh, I watched this last night. This was interesting.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Oh, shit. It's his whole bed routine and his bedroom routine. Can you guys hear this? I don't know if it's his whole bedroom routine. These little wooden boxes that we made. It's just some plywood so that we can elevate the bed, especially in a high humidity environment so we don't get any mold underneath. And we have these thin wool pads that are just, I don't know, an inch or two.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Just a little bit of stuff down here to give enough cushion to kind of mimic what our early ancestors would have done with some local plants so you're not sleeping directly on the floor. All of the materials, 100% native material, we have 100% organic wool and 100% organic cotton. Litter Queen will never allow a cell phone in here, but if she catches Litter King listening to a book, we have this little Faraday bag and that's where the phone goes. Even though the phone is always going to be in airplane mode,
Starting point is 00:53:24 this is just an insurance policy. You'll see that we also have Ethernet cables here. That's why phones or Wi-Fi is not allowed in the room. That's why that phone in your hand shouldn't be in here either. But this is for the greater good. We have these Faraday curtains. So when the Faraday curtains are closed, you can't get any kind of cell signal in here. You can't get a radio signal in here.
Starting point is 00:53:45 This is kind of a sacred environment. The walls are grounded. The floors are grounded. The ceiling is all grounded with grounding paint. And so this is really just a pristine sleep environment. My God. Do you know the kind of thrusting you could do if there was no mattress underneath you? I bet the liver could rock.
Starting point is 00:54:09 The bed would take away no energy. It's like the difference between deadlifting on a waterbed versus just barefoot on a concrete surface. I mean, it's not my place to say. I like the liver king a lot, and I hope he doesn't find this offensive. But I bet you his wife has to be on top a lot. You can't have a fucking hard surface and you'd be on top. Just – you just can't. Well, they have the wool paddings and the slight cushions underneath.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Maybe that helps. I don't know. Look at this man. of the wool paddings and the slight cushions underneath maybe that helps i don't know look at this man hey what if you met him and what if you met him and he was only my height what if he's only five five i wonder how tall he is that would be weird i hope i do get to meet him yeah i want him to pick me up and carry me around when i meet him i will ask him if i can i will take a video of me running my hands across that body oh please please do yeah i will i will i will oh shit i just hung up on you william sorry i didn't mean to that was an accident accident
Starting point is 00:55:16 uh so i don't i keep checking my phone because um what did Dave post About this show He posted the Buttery Bros clip I think Oh he did Yeah Hunter and I were texting yesterday And He said that he really wants to Mash those guys
Starting point is 00:55:40 Heber and Margin I texted Heber and Margin yesterday too I actually made a little note about that. Hi, Leslie. Hi, guys. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. I hope so. I'm having trouble enjoying it because I think I upset my I know I upset my mom and I upset my dad. What did you do? I just I just I don't want to go over it again, but I was too aggressive. do? I just, I just, I kind of want to go over it again, but I was too aggressive. I basically told them that they're bad people for raising me a Democrat and I'm 49. Well, it's not a holiday unless you have some kind of family conflict, right? Yeah, I guess so. I wrote Merry Christmas.
Starting point is 00:56:19 I apologize for being so aggressive. Do you think I should say something else? Love you. Um, thank you. Thank you for the way that you raised me. I should say something else? Love you. Thank you for the way that you raised me. I love you. That's a good one. That's good, Lester. That's why the show is better with females. You guys raised me great. Okay, I said that. I love you, and you guys raised me great, and I mean it.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Perfect. That's what I would want to hear as a mom. All right. I just wanted to say the podcast you had with Emily the other day, she gave a suggestion for orgasming before, you know, every day before you work out. Yes. I'm trying that out. My husband thanks her because I do work out five days a week. So I just wanted to call in and say well i'm gonna test that fairy out and uh and she is your husband part of that uh regiment that new regiment um most of the time yeah and um what about her like uh she was like she was uh she
Starting point is 00:57:24 was concerned with orgasms that not concerns too strong but she was saying that there's other orgasms besides just clitoral stimulation right don't girls have clitoris right that's the thing you got and yeah and that there should be like an internal one too do you do would you do both the internal one and the in the clitoral one absolutely all right oh shit absolutely i just we tried it out this morning i just got back do both, the internal one and the clitoral one? Absolutely. Absolutely. We tried it out this morning. I just got back from a 12 days of Christmas workout, CrossFit workout, so feeling good.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Feeling great. Is your husband orgasming before every workout? Does it matter? This is a process for me. Yeah, I like that. That's probably not said on a lot of shows. Is your husband having an orgasm? Does it matter? This is a process for me. Yeah, I like that. That's probably not said on a lot of shows. Is your husband having an orgasm? Does it matter?
Starting point is 00:58:09 Look at that. No wonder you like this show. Ruthless. Ruthless. Ruthless. Well, I'm glad. That's awesome. I'm glad this show is adding benefit.
Starting point is 00:58:19 I'm glad this show is adding benefit. I thought it was interesting. You know, Kate's post about vibrators and Emily was pretty like against vibrators. So I thought that was interesting, too, the different perspectives. Do you have an opinion on that? I heard that, too. That made me a little worrisome. So I'm going to try to put that down for a little while so we can, you know, I'll test that theory out as well.
Starting point is 00:58:39 It's so easy being a guy. Easy how? It's just like, there's not like, it's just, Hey, stroke this. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Good night. True. Very true. It's a very one dimensional process. There's this, unless you got someone who's trying to push your button, but I guess it doesn't have to be, you can,
Starting point is 00:59:04 you can have a button pusher. Are you a button pusher? Do you try to push your button, but I guess it doesn't have to be. You can, you can have a button pusher. Are you a button pusher? Do you try to push your husband's button? No, I spoil him terribly. I really do. So no. You spoil him terribly? Is that what you said?
Starting point is 00:59:15 Yeah. Yeah. That's that. You're a good dude. I think a lot of women do that. I think there's a lot of dudes out there who have just unbelievably great wives. Yeah. Yeah. And, and I do have those friends that do that,
Starting point is 00:59:33 that like to be in control and like to push their husband's buttons, but I just don't see the benefit in it. I benefit far more if I just spoil him, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Take advantage of him too every every a men love to be uh taken advantage of even even when they say no don't believe them okay just don't ever like dudes are like don't ever accept no they don't really mean it we never really mean it you know what i mean like i'm trying to go to sleep when i'm dirty or like just just don't just be chill just don't ever believe them that we're idiots we're idiots all right guys well i'm off for a hike this afternoon so you guys have a great holiday and
Starting point is 01:00:19 uh keep up the good work peace and merry christmas les. Merry Christmas. Thanks for calling. Merry Christmas. Bye-bye. I went to a seminar in college called I Love Female Orgasms, and they told me vibrators don't desensitize. That's not true. Everything desensitizes. I just know that's not true. I don't believe Colton.
Starting point is 01:00:41 How does Colton really? He's dynamic. You're ruining my impression of you, Colton. What did you say? I said he's dynamic. He ruining my impression of you colton what what'd you say i said he's dynamic he's a man of many things you know i know i just i just don't like to think of him as being that worldly i just like to think of him as like like not knowing stuff small town iowa guy yeah he consistently in my head say that again that it's like he's consistently continues to build on his persona like we find out more things about colton and then it's like man i really wish you would win the games it would be cool if you won the games because like you want someone cool to win the games right you want you don't want i'm you don't you know justin's pretty
Starting point is 01:01:18 vanilla cool guy but it's like you want someone that has some quirks that it's like it would be you know like rich had a farm you know that's like cool because it's like a farmer guy matt's uh justin's from stockton which is pretty cool but but but even if colton went to the games and won an event the place would fucking go berserk dude i mean it's all about the story. The place would go berserk, yeah. It would be like when Cody or Spieler or Josh Bridges, I mean, the place will fucking go berserk. He's a fan favorite for sure. Oh, does he?
Starting point is 01:01:52 Will, do you hate Justin? No, I just think he's kind of boring. I want someone excited to win the games, you know? I want a good story. I'm all about the story. Yeah, Justin's just a good dude. He's a good dude. Yeah, he's a solid guy.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Nothing against him, but kind of boring it was interesting when uh ben smith won the games because he was in for so long that when he won you thought that there would be like a lot of content stuff coming out and he'd be a little bit more in the starlight and it was like he won in that year just went by super fast same with graham same with same with holmberg yeah that's true that's true but you made that like um remember there was like a couple's true but you made that like um remember there was like a couple of videos that you made like number one and number two when you like showcased him and stuff like that so there was savage yeah there was more stuff i felt like on
Starting point is 01:02:33 graham like i'd go back and like watch his training day and like listen to a bunch of stuff and although there's a lot of content out there with ben it wasn't there wasn't very much like after he won the games man graham used to do just nutty shit like like when we filmed with him once and this is early on before people did nutty shit now everyone does nutty shit but he's like what do you guys want me to do and we're like uh you want to do fran twice in a row and he just did it and it was nuts i want to say he did both in seven minutes or something or to to fran and then fran again it was nuts well it might be honestly this too is that i think athletes are more scared to share their actual personality now
Starting point is 01:03:13 because they're branded sponsored so they're all the same so that's why it's fun when people like colton are just themselves and it's a fun story to watch whereas everyone else is you don't even know who they are yeah that's true especially the major yeah like danielle's cool on social media people like that are fun to pay attention to to cheer for because you know what their background is what their story is somewhat at least that's why it's you know fun when people like hayley come on the show because from their social media you'd have no idea what hayley's about but when hayley came on the show you get her personality and so that's what i think maybe it's part of the sponsorship that we want you know professional athletes now well what you're going to get is boring storylines of
Starting point is 01:03:53 people too afraid to say anything because they think it's going to upset their sponsors which in reality i'm like if you're a sponsor you want the weird people hey what did you see did you see the interview i did with uh tyson bajan the guy who just won the Harlan Harlan trophy? So so so in that in that interview, I thought he was like I hadn lives like like like nothing shit can't stick to that kid i mean he's and i mean that he's so pure he's so sweet he's like he's like a dream son anyway and after then and i was just thinking the whole time i was interviewing i was like man sponsors are gonna have a field day with this guy this guy is just every way beautiful human being and um afterwards his dad told me that he got yeah this dude this dude so we had this guy on the on the show and and in a couple days before he was on the show he threw a pass in the last 10 seconds of a game and
Starting point is 01:04:58 won then the saturday after we had him on the show he did the same thing so two weekends in a row he threw a last second touchdown pass to win the game. And by the way, he was going to win the Harlan Trophy even before that happened. He had already had it, like, cinched up. It's nuts. Anyway, so his grandfather got upset when he was on my podcast because he said the F word. his his grandfather got upset when he was on on my podcast because he said the f word like and and and i found that fascinating just because of the fact that like holy cow this kid is so squeaky clean like i didn't even hear him say the f word but but i'm i'm pretty much on the
Starting point is 01:05:35 other end i'm the opposite of squeaky clean i'm squeaky sensitized to it yeah i'm desensitized i have a vibrator in my brain they've been totally desensitized. I have a vibrator in my brain. I've been totally desensitized. I got one sponsor, bitches. Nothing to lose. There you go. Who is this sponsor? Is it Swolverse? Yeah, Swolverine.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Swolverine. I think. God, doesn't that sound like something Ben Smith would come up with, like CrossFit Krypton, and then Ben Smith also takes the swolverine um did you reach out to Alex Smith to see if he wants to come on the show Matt yep yeah I've reached out to him twice on Instagram and then uh I shot him an email this was probably about I don't know whatever five days ago whenever we had originally talked about it someone um hey Will with the capabilities you have can you share screens from where you're at yeah you have okay um so you're not on here like a guest you're on here like an admin
Starting point is 01:06:30 yeah well yeah i only have my laptop though so i don't have other screens it's kind of hard but oh are you at home uh my parents house yeah i'm googling carry a person I need a picture of someone being carried for this next uh bit I'm gonna do let me see oh I can't wait for a good bit and I think that's what you need to continue to think of good bits I think that's you know really gonna push the show forward I would like to see some voice impersonations from you, Siobhan. Did you see when I did, um, did you see one of the shows I sung a little reggae? It was weird.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Yeah, that was really good. Thank you. Thank you. I can't really find, you know what someone said in the comments? It's really disappointing when you're searching Google on there. You know what?
Starting point is 01:07:17 Fuck off. Don't like, I don't care what you say. It's a podcast. It's not a, it's supposed to be an audio, you know, it's all about the audio, but I'm glad you wrote it because then that gave me something to talk about while i'm
Starting point is 01:07:30 searching for photos again so i mean it ends up being a symbiotic relationship i do i do want to thank you in that damn you can't find a picture of i can't find a picture of what i'm looking for but anyway someone said hey you have a better chance chance of getting – oh, you know what I'll do? Okay, let's go here. You have a better chance of getting Alex Smith on the pod – or you have a better chance of getting Danny – so we invited Danny Spiegel to be on the podcast, and she said no, and she had some – she gave some reasons. So we invited Danny Spiegel to be on the podcast, and she said no, and she gave some reasons. And she said – and so then someone said, hey, if you get Alex Smith on the podcast, you'll have a better chance of getting Danny Spiegel on the podcast. And I want you to know there's no fucking way I would have Danny Spiegel on the podcast unless she were to carry me around a 400-meter track. Not like this this though. I want to be straddling her face to face.
Starting point is 01:08:27 So imagine if this guy was like, like if this lady was holding this guy, like a little baby and we would be face to face. And if she carries me around a 400 meter track like that, then I will have her on the show as a guest, but she, she's, she's in the penalty box.
Starting point is 01:08:41 And so she's going to have to do something, you know? And, and, and someone said, well, can she? Yeah, yeah, kind of like that, but it wouldn't be sexual. Come on, let's not be risque. This is disgusting.
Starting point is 01:08:51 Don't have any values on this show. But anyway, yeah, it would be like that, but we'd be clothed. And she could wear a mask if she's afraid of getting no judgment. So I just want to know, like, i really want to have alex smith on he does not have to carry me around the track but danny will have to do some sort of pay some sort of physical feet yeah just something for for for refusing to come on once already she could bounce you like the d-ball that you were bouncing. She could do D-ball cleans with you. Just maybe like a trampoline below her. She could do D-ball cleans with me.
Starting point is 01:09:32 I would rather have her carry me around the track like a baby. That would be nice. And you know what? And she could do it on the day after my fasting day, so I'm a little bit lighter. So I'd be like 150. Yeah, yeah, she doesn't she doesn't share my um values and i don't know veto veto is a little strong veto she just doesn't share my values but that's what i'm saying like now people are saying that like she would come on the show if alec would come on the show because i guess they're friends
Starting point is 01:10:01 but i'm saying that that that like the window is, I'm not begging her to come on the show. She would then in turn have to do something to like, what's that called when you get rid of your sins? When you clean yourself of your sin? What? Absolve. Repent. Thank you, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:10:18 Yeah, absolve and repent. Thank you. Thank you, Caleb. Caleb speaks from the dark side. Repent. Yes. Yes. She has to repent. How cool is Caleb's voice too? It sounds like he's talking to us through a transistor radio. Repent. It's like we're inside the radio headset. I like the air of mystery behind him too.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Behind the curtain speaking. You guys knew what this guy looks like? behind the curtain speaking. And by the way, Alex knew what this guy looks like. I doubt how, what you guys say that I don't doubt it at all. I don't doubt Alec would come on the show at all.
Starting point is 01:10:54 I wait, why would you even say that? That's great. That's crazy talk. Let me tell people when we got Haley Adams on the show, people said, I can't believe she came on the show. Yeah. And I kind of agree with you on that one though.
Starting point is 01:11:04 And not only did she come on the show. I kind of agree with you on that one though. Not only did she come on the show, but she enjoyed herself and said that she would love to do it another time. Listen, people. That's what I don't get when people say that kind of stuff because someone could come on the show and be like, what you just said offended me
Starting point is 01:11:21 or let's not talk about that or I don't agree with you and you'd be totally chill with it. Like it's not, I don't know why anyone would be afraid to talk to you. Yeah, exactly. It's an association thing. I get it.
Starting point is 01:11:33 I get it. But I think they're more afraid to, um, really elaborate on their thoughts and their viewpoints with Sevan than they are afraid to talk to them because you're going to really try to push them for some logical answers and to really explain how they feel. maybe they're not ready for that yeah my my my mom chastised me a little bit so so when we had opt on i was a when we had opt on i was a little disappointed of how that played out and the fact that dave kind of went after him a little bit and
Starting point is 01:12:02 that it became there became some drama around the fact of the difference between CrossFit and OPEX. And the reason why, and I didn't know why, but the same thing happened when I had Dave Lipson on. After Dave Lipson got off, I said, hey, it looks like Camille wasn't too happy. It looks like they might've had a little beef going on between the two of them during that call.
Starting point is 01:12:19 And my mom's like, hey man, that wasn't fucking cool. You did that. And I go, yeah, I felt like that wasn't cool either. And she goes, you're supposed to take care of your guests and i really do feel that way i'm not here to play gotcha with fucking anyone i'm here to have fun i'm here to keep it real i'm here to like um but i'm not here to play gotcha with my guests and i want and i want to take care of my guests even if we have a totally different opinion, I'm not here to, um, I'm here to only to push them as far as they want to go. I'm here to like, it's, it's like, it's like, um, I used to, when I would have Dan Bailey on the CrossFit podcast, people would just be like, man, Sevan's such a fucking asshole. And I loved that because that, that was my goal to be,
Starting point is 01:12:59 to, to, to elevate other people. And if that meant bowing my head down and putting my head in some shit so that other people could look good, great bowing my head down and putting my head in some shit so that other people could look good. Great. Like that made me feel great. Like, why is everyone so mean to Dan, Dan on the show?
Starting point is 01:13:11 Like, yeah, it's fine. That's good. And it's a show. Like if you, if you don't like that stuff, then don't listen to those episodes.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Like it's not about, yeah. And if you, if you just want to listen to Haley Adams and Sarah Sigmund's daughter, then just listen to those episodes. It's, you can choose what you listen to and what you don't listen to. So I don't get crazy. We'll no listen to them, but you should listen to every show. Listen to every show. If you want to, if you want to turn the audio off and just let it play on YouTube, that's fine. Just click on it. That's all you got to do.
Starting point is 01:13:44 At least play and click on the ads. Thank you, Caleb. The OPT interview was awesome until the last 10 or 15 minutes. He looked really disappointed. And that's, I didn't mind him looking disappointed. I didn't mind that Brian brought it up. It was the fact that it exploded into something
Starting point is 01:14:00 that was a little bit more negative in his life. And he texted me on the side and was like, hey, you could have shared another clip on your instagram because i shared a clip that showed that difference and he's right like i felt i did not like that i that that it that it played out like that i know i can't control all of that um but the same thing with like after my mom's like like i didn't have the audience could see my dms filled up the audience could see that there was that dave and camille that there was something weird going on and it did i didn't need to drive it home i didn't need to say it and and that that's when like part of the show is me part of
Starting point is 01:14:37 the cool things about the show is me reflecting on the show in real time as the show is going and i didn't need to do that i i know how to put the brakes on that i'm not a fucking two-year-old most of the time and also him looking disappointed is on opt i mean he people i was talking about dave but i see what you're saying too so sorry sorry yeah i totally agree yeah yeah and i was humble with even opt when he said that i said okay i'm the idiot explain to me the difference i'm open to that like if i have someone on who's a democrat and who wants to tell me the importance of black lives matter and the importance it is to fucking making the world a better and happier and more equal place where everyone is fucking kumbaya i'm open to it but when they're not on the show like i'm i i have my my strong, of, of human behavior and, and, and, uh, and whatnot.
Starting point is 01:15:27 And also going back to Danny Spiegel, like, like if she is going to say stuff about my values and my morals, she opens herself wide open for me to have fun with her Instagram account. So, I mean, I'm not, I'm not opposed to like, yeah, well, my whole thing is, is if they have such strong point of views and they really think that they're doing good, why wouldn't you be open to having any conversation to help convert the people that are maybe toe in the middle of the line here to your side? If you're really basing your stuff on sound, logical, you know, reasoning, then why wouldn't you come on to have a discussion to further clarify your points? I kind of get that, but I would be scared to go on someone else's show too.
Starting point is 01:16:02 I'd be a little scared. It's like comment from cindy yesterday morning that's like before the show even starts ripping on seven for things that she's perceiving it's like what that does no good right zero good it does that's never changed anyone's opinion it's not going to make anyone like you and you're just and you're not you're not going to feel good after comments. Zero. That makes for a good mom joke. Unless you're, yeah. Well, caller, go ahead. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:16:29 No worries. How's it going guys? Merry Christmas. Hey, do you think Will, do you think Will and I could be related? Uh, maybe,
Starting point is 01:16:40 maybe. Will, is your nose big? It doesn't look big, but it's hard to tell on this apparatus uh maybe bigger than average but i was just watching you guys on youtube but it was the the timing is all weird so i had to walk away oh okay so uh great show love you you're a huge fan just got to uh say one thing and i got one question. First question, a while back,
Starting point is 01:17:07 I think it was one of your first podcasts. You said, young parents are angry parents. And I wanted to know where you got that from. Is that a context? I'm having trouble remembering that. Oh, man, you were just you were riffing about like, parental values and how to raise your kids for the most part. And you were making a comment about keeping your kids in line and everything like that and just kind of being easy at the same time, like having a level head. But you mentioned that young parents are angry parents. I just wanted to see where that came from i cannot believe i would make such a judgmental carpet statement
Starting point is 01:17:51 that does not i'm not angry about that that's not that's not a that's not offensive that is not an offensive comment to make i never speak in absolutes i'm very uh no i i, I'm sure I have said about myself. Um, I, if I was younger, I would, my kids would, um, it would be a different kind of wrath. It would be like, I, to be fair, like I see it in some other parents that I know they're like younger parents and they, they, they tend to be a little bit more angry. I, you know, I'm like, is that just, I went into a, sorry to cut you off. I went into a supermarket the other day and it's a supermarket I frequent regularly. And the lady behind the counter goes, man, it's so crazy how much time
Starting point is 01:18:33 you spend with your kids. And I said, Oh, cool. Thanks. And, uh, she goes, you know, most parents don't want to do that. And then I said, yeah, I do know that. And even my friends who like absolutely fucking love their kids to death and like do so much of their kids they still like sending their kids to school so that they can get free time i am not that guy i'm 40 i'm 49 like i like i like this is the uh this is like like i'm looking at the clock it's 8 18 pacific standard time here and i'm like in 12 more minutes i'm gonna get off i'm gonna go in the house and those fuckers are gonna bomb me me they're going to be running around the house I'm going to lay on the couch they're going to start jumping on me I'm going to get them dressed we're going to
Starting point is 01:19:09 go to the beach it's going to be pouring rain they're going to be like I don't want to go out and I'm like yep we're going out and I'm just like it's my life so you think that it's partly because some people it takes a while for them to realize what they actually signed up for? Man, it's a good question. I mean, I have a million answers for you. I don't like, if I was, I mean, when I was 34, I just found CrossFit. And if I had these fucking kids, I would be so fucking like between, I was between the age of 29 and I don't know, I'm making this up. And in 39, I went to a hundred different countries and I spent the vast majority of my time probably out of the United States. And I went to some fucking amazing, insane places that most people will never, ever, ever people can't even imagine
Starting point is 01:19:56 existing. How would I do that if I had kids? Right. It's kind of like you got it out of your system in time. Yeah. Now I could care less if, left more than two miles from my house. So I don't. First of all, I pass no judgment on young parents like I can't even imagine. I think it's like really, really important to stay super healthy and grind really hard and save as much money as you can. And then when you're older, if you find a woman who who wants to have a baby, have a baby with her. And when you're older, if you find a woman who wants to have a baby, have a baby with her. I did not want to have kids. Like I absolutely – I was 100% certain at the age of 34 I did not want kids. I knew I would never have kids. I knew I would never get married.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Now look at me at 49. I'm so happily married. I still jerk off to my wife, and there's nothing I would prefer more than my kids. I mean I can't even fucking believe this is my life. I mean, I can't even fucking believe this is my life. I was telling my wife the other day, this fucking whole thing that's called men who have commitment issues or people who have commitment issues, that's a bullshit statement. That's the trickery of fucking words. No one has a fucking commitment issue. I looked up the definition of commitment. Listen to this definition. The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity, that's commitment. Now look at the second definition, an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom. Everyone better have fucking commitment issues. You don't want an obligation that restricts your freedom. I mean for eternity, why would you get married for eternity?
Starting point is 01:21:27 Why would you do that to yourself? It doesn't even fucking make sense. Even though I am married now, I'm very happy about it. Sorry, go ahead. Yeah, it kind of goes back to what you were mentioning a while back as far as true freedom is your ability to be, to be detached of like material objects. Right. But like humans aren't material objects. That's a relationship. So like, yes, that's a commitment, but that's a worthwhile commitment. Theoretically. Yeah. And I think you can be committed to like,
Starting point is 01:22:02 I've had this discussion. It's come up a few times a month. What would it take for me to leave my wife what would it take for me to go through divorce and you know it's easier said than done because i i do have a pretty amazing wife but like if uh if someone started if i was in a relationship with relationship with someone and they started hurting my kids or like if if i had a family member who was an alcoholic they wouldn't be allowed to drive or be around my kids alone. I mean there's things that are deal-breakers. But other than that, like – yeah, it's – you bring up a good point there.
Starting point is 01:22:34 Sorry, I'm all over the place here. But you bring up a good point about your kids are not objects, and you do mate with someone, and then you create that kid, and you you whether you want to or not you have a lifelong commitment now maybe even eternal if you're like a religious person so i can't imagine doing something here on earth that would fucking follow me through eternity it's so superficial here i don't mean that in a bad way no it's true it's absolutely true but i'm open to it but i'm open to it if it's the only way i can live forever i'll take it i mean you can't take anything after you die so it literally is if i have to explain to god why i was throwing eggs at cars on the on the 880 in san jose as a kid and that's going to be on my record forever but i get to live forever. I'll take it.
Starting point is 01:23:31 So one thing that I, one thing that I, I'm going to change subjects on that segue though, as far as who's going to meet God. Um, you might not be totally happy that I'm going to bring this up because I don't want to get anybody in trouble. But I should have called earlier when you guys were talking about the subject, but when you guys do the news, when this came out Hobart and Kate didn't bring it up, I was like, Oh man, that like, that's a missed opportunity, but maybe you guys can't just talk about it. So two weeks ago, there were, there were documents released that were corresponding to the, uh,
Starting point is 01:24:09 initial numbers of the vaccines that came out. Yeah. And I figured like, Oh man, like this is going to be great. Hopefully they talk about it. Um, but it doesn't seem like too many people know about it.
Starting point is 01:24:22 So I just wanted to put this out there. Let's hear it. So back in like night, what was it, like 1976, swine flu vaccine came out, like three deaths. They shut that vaccine down instantly after just three deaths. And they were elderly deaths. For the first 90 days, we were at 1,200 deaths from this vaccine. Oh, but you can't rely on the SARS. You can't rely on the VAERS. You can't rely on the VAERS reporting system. You can't rely on that. Right. So here's the kicker. There was also an 81% abortion rate, spontaneous abortion rate,
Starting point is 01:25:01 from those that were pregnant and took the vaccine. And these numbers are coming from one of the big companies documents. I'm not going to say like, you know, the swine flu vaccine or the current, no, the current, the current, the current, the current, I'm just making a, I'm just making a comparison with the swine flu vaccine because if they shut it down after three deaths they should have shut it down after they knew within the first three months that 1200 people died dude
Starting point is 01:25:31 all I care about is what makes you think you can't bring that up on this show what's wrong with you I didn't want to get you guys in trouble of like misinformation and all that stuff no I'll blame you hey i i i think that there is a shit ton of dishonesty and and the fact that the vers reporting system um pre pre-covid vaccine was considered underreported nine to one
Starting point is 01:25:59 and now it's over reported is insane the fact that doctors and I know I would be willing to bet fucking two inches of Caleb's dick that it's not that it's not overreported because no one wants to fill out that fucking paperwork because they're not paid to fill it out. Exactly. No one's going there and making that. Yeah. First of all, the doctors don't have time. And the family members whose family just died they don't want to do that their family member just died they have to they have to make arrangements right you know what i mean so by the time it's done they don't even think about it
Starting point is 01:26:33 let's not forget if you do get caught doing that they're sending you to gitmo like that shit like you get caught fucking with the bear shit you're fucking toast i'm telling you i wouldn't fuck with it if i saw something like my family died it, I wouldn't report it on there. The thing too, though, is my point is these numbers aren't from VAERS. These were the company's direct numbers from their initial reporting. These are the documents that were never supposed to be released for like 76 years based off of the FOIA
Starting point is 01:27:09 request. That's what I'm saying. It's their own company data. That story is a little misleading that they're not going to release that shit for 75 years or whatever. That story is a little bit misleading. Regardless of that like who knows
Starting point is 01:27:25 i don't really care about that all i care about is the fact that these documents actually were released and like more people need to see like hey they knew right from the get-go this many people died the abortion rate was like this many and that's it that's all you need to know because they shut down previous vaccines just for three deaths yeah i'm with sorry i got a little too got a little too into it no no no no this is good this is good i'd rather you bring it up and i'd be like yeah that asshole can't stop talking about the vaccine it's not my fault it's the callers i've no yeah i mean instead of having christy did not screen this call Devon Matosian did not screen this call. Devon Matosian did not screen this call. This show is completely out of control.
Starting point is 01:28:12 Am I grandpa age? Let me think. Savon, you're grandpa age. I, if I had a kid when I was 20, that kid would be 29. Yeah, I could have a nine-year-old grandkid. That's true. That's weird. I don't fuck off.
Starting point is 01:28:23 I don't ever say, Chris, you're banned. I don't think you are grandpa age you know thank you but you're it's possible but thank you will promotion double wills pay susan double wills pay listen guys i'm fucking telling you this i sent a text to fucking will last night and I'm like, what the fuck is going on? And I took it. I sent it to Caleb and Susan too. I took a screenshot that the show every like three hours was go. Our,
Starting point is 01:28:52 our, our numbers were going up. It was fucking weird. And now they've been going up. I don't know. It's like five months like this, right? Well,
Starting point is 01:29:00 I mean, yeah, even this past month, especially, I mean, I think we have like 40% of the total listens in the past month. And, and, and what's weird about that is I used to always just look at YouTube and I'm like, man, the, the, the seven on podcast isn't growing. And then I, then Will came on and he's like, Hey, can I get the passwords for your podcast?
Starting point is 01:29:19 And I was like, yeah, sure. Susan, do we care? He's like, nah, fuck it. Whatever. If he erases them all, we'll just do more shows. I was like, all right. So we give he's like nah fuck it whatever if he erases them all we'll just do more shows i was like all right so we give the passwords to we give the passwords to will and and the will's like uh congratulations the show's really growing i'm like what and he starts showing me the dat it's crazy it's crazy and so yesterday i reached out to someone i can't
Starting point is 01:29:39 wait to tell you guys who i can't wait to tell you guys who and it's a it's a it's a guy i've been um talking with for about a year now uh i it's a it's a it's a guy i've been um talking with for about a year now uh i use his product it's one of the only products i use you guys seen me pump it up a shitload and i said dude look at this shit look at my fucking numbers for the show and he's like iron sharpens iron let's do something together and i was like bitching and i was like hey you want it i don't i don't want to make any and then I spoke to O'Keefe I spoke to O'Keefe yesterday that's the guy who owns Wadapalooza and I was like hey can we steal your live feed for Wadapalooza and O'Keefe's like yeah I'm game I'm like really we can just pirate it and show it he goes yeah it's like bitching so
Starting point is 01:30:19 so we're going to hopefully John and Brian will be down. That's why I need to talk to John Young. We're going to just basically do the whole water palooza thing like we did the Dubai CrossFit Challenge. No, not victos. That would be great. And but not only that, I asked O'Keefe. I said, hey, I said this to him. I said, hey, you know, Dave Castro at the games gave me like 15 to 20 minutes every night after the event. Can you give me 15 or 20 minutes? O'Keefe says, absolutely, Sevan.
Starting point is 01:30:46 I was like, wow, he doesn't use that voice. He does not talk like that. No, my sponsor uses that voice. O'Keefe, it feels, even though O'Keefe's younger than me, he feels more like my grandpa. Oh, yes, Sevan, absolutely. I will give you 15 or whatever you need, my friend. And so I got this sponsor who, I mean, I don't think we're going to make money off of it. He just wants to jump on board and be together.
Starting point is 01:31:10 He's given us some cash to help facilitate. I think Sousa is going to go to Guadalupalooza. He's going to have a camera there, an iPhone there, so I can talk to the athletes as they come off the field. We'll pirate the live stream. I'm getting really excited. And as long as I'm taking my ancestral supplements every single day and I stay healthy, I should be able to make it through the week full power.
Starting point is 01:31:32 Don't forget your liver. Hey, Siobhan, I'm still here. I'm just going to give you the opportunity to hang up just so I'm not like that guy. I told you to shut the fuck up. You're a good dude. That's a good dude. Just let me get my T-count up. They're just on the call. Oh, you guys are fucking great. Seriously. Hey, um, one thing I want to go back to the very first
Starting point is 01:31:55 start of the podcast. I'm just going to make this quick statement because, uh, how Will and Caleb got involved and actually how I got involved as well is a lot of people, especially they'll come to me and they see what I do with the firefighters and the police and that the gym here and they go, Hey, I want to be a part of it. I'll do anything. Just tell me what to do. And I want to make it clear that when you say that you are not bringing value, you have now created a job for me to find a job for you. And so if you really want to be a part of a team, if you really want to step out there and join something, show up, observe, find a way that you could do value or bring value, and then just do the work that brings that value. Don't ask for what you could do or tell me what to do. I'll do anything. Nobody wants that. Nobody wants that. So when you reach out, just do the work.
Starting point is 01:32:39 That is all. Yeah. I'm telling youaleb and uh will just creeped in yeah like they did the work like water under the fucking door i mean it's nuts i cannot fucking believe that there's four of us on this team doing this it's fucking bizarre except you don't need insurance when we creep under the door thank you i get so freaked out every time Caleb talks. I just love it. It's awesome. So tomorrow, I think I'm going to get, for sure, we'll have Colton Mertens on at, I think, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time.
Starting point is 01:33:18 Brian Friend will be here also. And then hopefully Dave Castro will jump in at some point. Have you ever done a podcast with Castro about himself or is he too? So, you know, what's interesting, Christine, is every time I do a podcast with him, I bring up some of his personal life. Ask him about his family, his daughters. I know Dave really well. I've been to his house a fucking gazillion times. I've been to the ranch.
Starting point is 01:33:38 He helps my son with his shooting. shooting um uh when i lost my job um and to this day um dave those those pigs that dave shoots or those types of things dave will bring meat to my fucking family to fucking help out that's why it's fucking can you fucking believe people fucking criticize him for that shit you have no fucking idea what they're talking about he's always been um if he has leftover clothes for his kids or motorcycle helmets or any shit he always brings that shit to my kids um i he we have a very trippy uh and unique um relationship when i was at crossfit inc and i didn't want to do a podcast he insisted i do the podcast i started it and then when he thought I was going to get fired, if I kept doing it, he let me know. We have a very, even though he's six years younger than me, there's very few people in my life who've taught me as much as he's taught me. I mean, he really, without teaching me, he's
Starting point is 01:34:38 not like, Hey, I'm gonna teach you this shit. It's just stuff like you're around a certain kind of person. You're like, okay. Like I, like I've, and I said this a million times, I didn't have no idea what integrity was. I didn't even know what the word meant. There was a time in my life until, until the first time I ever did ecstasy, I didn't even know what the word focus meant. I remember the first time I did ecstasy, I was in the backyard of my house in college. I was like 20 years old or something. And it was actually, I learned how to do a pull-up and I didn't do drugs like recreationally, like normal kids. And I learned how to do a pull-up on I didn't do drugs like recreationally, like normal kids. And I learned how to do a pull-up on XT and my housemates like, hey, do a pull-up on this branch.
Starting point is 01:35:12 And I'm like, I tried and I couldn't. He's like, dude, it's not really a pull-up. It's you flex your lats. And he squeezed my lats and I was on ecstasy and all my focus went there and I flexed my lats and my whole body went up. I was like, holy shit, why the fuck do they call it a pull-up? It's a back lat flex and your body goes up i was like holy shit why the fuck do they call it a pull-up it's a back back lat flex and your body goes up so there's things that you think you know the definition of or meanings you know the definitions of until you until you until you realize you don't and integrity was one of those things dave taught me about integrity through his actions and so i so going back to um
Starting point is 01:35:41 i have had him on the podcast i do know a lot about his life. But when I do – but there's also a lot of stuff I don't know about his life. But whenever I push him, he pushes back. And he doesn't mind pushing back. He's not like the kind of person that takes offense to it. He's very – and he taught me how to do this. He's very comfortable saying, no, I'm not going to talk about that. Or, hey, don't – but it's funny.
Starting point is 01:36:01 People in the comments are like, don't you know by now he doesn't want to talk about it? It's like, dude, he's not a bitch. I can keep pushing. You know what i mean it's like i had tried to kiss my wife fucking 20 times before the first time she let me kiss her five years yeah five years to fornication episode 55 is the dave castro solo episode okay hey and and do you know what you want to know up until last week that was probably our all-time most popular podcast and we had so fewer listeners back then that's right before the games too i think uh travis please send me another email i search for your email after i saw that come up in the comments like a couple podcasts ago and for whatever reason i could not find it so i'm not purposely ignoring you at all please just shoot me another email be great thank you
Starting point is 01:36:44 yeah travis has been great i'm sorry travis there's a there's a bunch of you who are in my inbox who've been great and i have you marked as unread there's another one there's another guy curtis who's in there i gotta get and we do need help with apparel so and hey those shirts say it again on our instagram and i'll say hey suza travis said yes that's awesome yes and and so so you guys know that is what's kind of what's going on here um in a nutshell suza does the scheduling will takes care of the instagram and caleb takes care of the clips for the sub clip station i mean that's a little vague is that that correct? More or less. Yeah. And then Will harvests those clips from Caleb. And then they started talking. I've lost control. I don't know what anyone does.
Starting point is 01:37:34 Travis, if you shoot me a DM, I'll send you my email so it doesn't have to go through Sevan to me if you don't have my email address. No, no, no, it's not those. What was that called? That was something... I did really like those. I don't think that guy has money to sponsor us, but what was that guy's name? He was a games athlete, black dude.
Starting point is 01:37:59 Oh, um... Elijah? Strong as shit. No, wasn't it Jordan? No, it's... No? No, it's before Elijah after Jordan. Evans something, right? Evans? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:13 Evans is his last name. Josh Evans? No, games athlete. Something Evans. John? John Young? No. John Young? Tell us. John Young. John Young. Evans. John. CrossFit Games. He's super strong, dude. Jeff Evans.
Starting point is 01:38:29 Jeff Evans, yes! Jeff Evans has a supplement but it has cayenne pepper in it and you squeeze the drops in your mouth and it's so fucking good. Is that what you used to drink in the transparent cup all the time on the show? No. That was good, dude, that I used to ice, but now I drink hot coffee because I drink it slower. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:52 Wow, I don't remember Jeff Evans looking like that. Yeah, that's him though. Hold on, let me go say hi to my buddy right here. He's at work. All right, guys. Thank you so much. Great Christmas christmas eve show we will have a look at i'm gonna fucking mute matt oh bye uh caleb thanks for coming on um will thanks for coming on jesus thanks for coming sorry about that thank you
Starting point is 01:39:20 stevan thanks for coming on thank you thank you for being awesome giving us a job Merry Christmas everybody Merry Christmas we'll see you guys tomorrow in 22 and a half hours with Colton Merton's Christmas with Colton and Brian Friend yeah

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