The Sevan Podcast - #241 The News - Taylor Self & James Hobart

Episode Date: December 27, 2021

The news you didn't know you needed with Taylor Self & James Hobart.Follow Taylor - James - Sevan Podcast is sp...onsored by http://www.barbelljobs.comFollow us on Instagram this episode Support the showPartners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale.
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Starting point is 00:00:57 Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Oh, your mic's not connected. I'm so fucking dumb. Bam, we're live bam we're live bam we're live how come I see us on twitch and I see us on youtube
Starting point is 00:01:20 and I see us on twitter but I don't see us on see us on this one edit oh can i just add facebook now just like fuck you say yeah i think so yeah wow look there we are there it is and dude taylor are you competing at a wadapalooza yeah can you why did you smirk like that there's no official list out is there there's a list put out by morning chalk up and seven guys were on it oh one of them where did they get that list from no idea i actually sent it to brian and i i made the same little smirky face with an emoji. I said, this is pretty incomplete. I like it when you mean... Did you qualify or did you get invited?
Starting point is 00:02:09 I got invited, which was a big surprise. Yeah, crazy. Hey, you got invited because you were on this podcast. Look how big your shoulders are, man. He's almost as wide as that fucking bookshelf behind him. Who, me or him? No, you definitely not. I think your hat
Starting point is 00:02:30 brims wider than your shoulders, man. Damn. I'm just kidding, you got a great body, man. But your shoulders are massive. Can you beat Colton Mertens? At Waterpalooza? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Is he going? Yeah. We'll see in a few weeks. Do you know him? Yeah, I competed against him at Granite Games. Did you guys exchange words? No, we did not. He's not there to make friends.
Starting point is 00:02:59 He's not there to make friends, Taylor. Yeah, I heard that on his – I heard just that snippet on the podcast. You know how you do your little five to six minute – I don't do it. My people do it, but go on. Okay. Yeah, that's all I heard. Well, that's all I watched.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I didn't have time for anything else. I go straight from the show to – are those – what kind of headphones are those, Hobart? New AirPod Max. max wow someone has too much money holy shit someone has too much money it's all that covid um it's all that assistance fraud that we're going to talk about today it's all that it's all that coke it's all that Coke I sell out in Colorado. Oh, my goodness. There was a clip this weekend. Oh, shit. Your face is covered by the Savon podcast.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Yeah. No, it's all right. Switch it. That's fine. It's weird with no vagina on here for this show. You don't have a vagina, do you, Taylor? Just a big bucket of white bread. What happened to Emily Abbott? What?
Starting point is 00:04:03 Is that her name? Emily Abbott, right? Yeah. yeah she's gonna be on i like the show with her on you know i didn't invite her back because my ego was too big because i thought she'd say no the way she abruptly left i thought oh i thought maybe we'd push her too far and she didn't have fun and then i was like too prideful to ask her to come back so i asked sarah sigman's daughter to come that was a mistake because she never texted me back and then i was like fuck i need a i need someone who would just fucking worship me okay bottom feed taylor self like even before i hit send you're like yes i'm like wow this that felt good i was gonna ask if you could do it earlier but i you're right i didn't
Starting point is 00:04:39 have the balls to but be glad james did you're a good dude taylor why what kept you out of qualifying because you were i watched a little bit of that event and you were smashing it the granite games yeah i went out too hot on the second workout i just had an emotionally challenged event, I would say, where I just was not in control. Was that the thruster? Yeah. Shuttle thruster sprint. You feel like you got it in you to go back right now? You feel like everything's cleaned up?
Starting point is 00:05:16 Head's in the right space? I think, yeah, my head is for sure in the right space. And I would say I'm probably quite a bit fitter than I was now i think i think i feel that way i'm pretty confident in that everything's tracking up i like that taylor's just a push-up bra and a wig away from being emily abbott now that i was gonna say you know we're talking about a lot of things i feel like i don't know keep going look at the double d's on that dude. Hey, I don't think that's interesting. You said about Taylor's headspace. Not that I've talked to him a ton, but his headspace has always been in the right spot.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Even after I think we chatted after the last chance qualifier, he had this like, fuck that. Like I belong there attitude. I never sensed any pity party or feel sorry for himself. I also like asking athletes, like competitive athletes, that question, like, do you feel like you have it? Because I think it's such an annoying question because it's like, you wouldn't be competing if you didn't feel that way. But I like hearing
Starting point is 00:06:14 everybody's response. I'm trying to find the link for the show so I can send it. Is it on YouTube? Give Sousa something to do. Just say, and that makes us look more professional and be like suza can i can i get a link to youtube link text me the youtube link suza match always throw a please in there please there you go see we have 25 news stories to get through okay i'll tell one quick story so um did you are you doing
Starting point is 00:06:42 the let's go brandon one where he says i was gonna text and ask about the norad call yeah oh i missed that funny oh someone called in and asked let's go brandon right yeah so so i saw that clip someone says let's go brandon and then the president says let's go brandon yeah let's go brandon and then it gets really weird and i had some i I was on a group call the other day. My friends and I were like trying to figure out exactly what happened. Like, is he, does he have like dementia and he doesn't even know what's going on? Or do his people even keep that from him? Or was he just reactionary?
Starting point is 00:07:17 Like what exactly happened there? But regardless of what actually happened there, I was like, man, I can't believe more people aren't talking about this. And one of my friends said, hey, dude, not everyone knows about this. I'm like, what are you fucking talking about? You'd have to be under a rock to not know this. He goes, dude, the whole liberal America does not know that that just happened. So I asked my mom today. I'm like, hey, did you see that clip?
Starting point is 00:07:44 And she didn't know anything about it. I showed my mom today, I'm like, hey, did you see that clip? And she didn't know anything about it. I showed my mom. I tried to show my mom. Your mom DM me. Oh, Jesus. She told me the couch that I made fun of last week was quite fashionable. Oh, I was hoping when you said your mom DM me, you were going to say Taylor's mom. No.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Can you just chat me that shit on the side, Hobart? Sorry. No, seriously. Yeah, I will. I'm sorry. No, seriously. Okay. Three series.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I will do it. Or whisper it. Just be like this on your mic. Savant. Savant. Hey. Check the private chat. I said something about your mom.
Starting point is 00:08:22 I know. So that couch was covered with shit. and I came back into my office, and it was uncovered with shit, and the pillows were fluffed. So she came in here. I didn't even know we had a show today. I go, hey, do you want to go walk the kids on the beach? She said, you have a show at 2. I'm glad you forgot. I'm glad you forgot. Did you see in the episode before the one, I think, where James made the comment on that couch? I posted a comment in the comments thread.
Starting point is 00:08:54 That's where James gets his best material from you ripping on me. I just troll the comments, and that's how I get most of my news stories. That and just people sending me DMs. I want to tell you guys something. Just shameless brag. You cleaned a 60 pound d-ball i did oh man you can't do that i'm looking at the i'm gonna look it it is impressive that i caught it 30 times at the bottom come on come on uh uh 310 000 downloads on apple podcast in the last seven days i just updated the stats that's just nuts more people know who who taylor self
Starting point is 00:09:37 is right now from the uh eight minutes he's been on the show than than i've known him his whole life that's how popular the show is. Okay. But so I reached out to the liver King, who's a friend of mine. And I said, Hey, we're going to cover the water Palooza this year.
Starting point is 00:09:54 That's Matt O'Keefe's event live and loud. Right. I said, Hey, we're going to cover that game. Do you want to get involved? And he goes, yeah,
Starting point is 00:09:59 absolutely. Whatever you, whatever you need, I'm there for you. So we got a little huge beard. Yeah. The big old picture of him. We got to get him up once you gotta see this guy crazy um he's um he's a giga chad he's i have an article about this today he's a giga chad what is a giga chad
Starting point is 00:10:16 oh we'll learn it's it's the apex it's the apex of the apex predators a giga chad alpha of the alpha males that picture yeah so so keith was kind enough to um to give us access to the floor at wadapalooza so what we're doing is this guy's throwing some coin at us and what we're going to do with that money is is we're going to send a couple people to wadapalooza and they're going to be on the floor with iphones and basically going to be able when we're doing the live stream at any time, any of those people will give us two angles that no one else has, and they can interview athletes on the floor.
Starting point is 00:10:51 It's going to be crazy. Wow. That's pretty cool. And Hobart, I would like you to help with that. You want me to interview athletes? No, I just like you to just be on the show with me at the desk from the 13th to
Starting point is 00:11:02 the 16th, just sleep in that chair you're in for four days straight and help me commentate the guadalupalooza i'd love to no i'm not i don't leave my um i don't i'm i don't leave the he can't leave california they won't let him out but but suza is going to be there suza will be there and a couple other people with iphones will be there and basically they'll'll be like the way you see this screen right now. Well, just like how we did Dubai CrossFit Fitness Challenge. There we had Tommy Marquez on the ground for us. Here we'll have Matt, Sousa, and other people.
Starting point is 00:11:34 You'll probably be. We'll try to interview you, Taylor. I mean, if you do something crazy like trip over a bar or something or get folded in half. There's going to be the big flip there. There is? Oh, yeah. Well, it's the flip sled the flip sled how tall are you be correct 5 10 oh shit you're a big dude he's twice your height he is he is twice my height oh man. All right, let's do this. We need a soundtrack, like a laugh track. Wow, wow.
Starting point is 00:12:08 I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck. Look, I don't give a. Okay. Let's do some stories. Susan, I'm going to jump all over the place. Jess, you want to talk to us about your yoni, Taylor. Do you have any yoni talk?
Starting point is 00:12:20 Yoni. Okay. The news it is. Yep. We're going to start at the top. we're just a little year-end review some christmas some christmas stats spotify 2021 wrapped year-end puerto rican reggaeton star bad bunny who i've never listened to but um i think i should Takes the title for the most streamed artists in the world on Spotify. Rounded out by Taylor Swift, BTS, Drake, and Justin Bieber.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Wow. Can we see a picture of that guy? Who is it? Bring up Bad Bunny. And that's not in English? I bet some of it is. But he has a total of 9.1 billion streams. So basically everybody on the planet and then some stream him at least once.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Does that number sound low to you? That's no, that's so much. So, wow. How many minutes is that? You know, if you,
Starting point is 00:13:19 let's just take an average song, let's say everybody listened to this song to the end, three minutes. That's 27 billion minutes of listening that's a lot what um what go to that guy's instagram account i'm like so this is someone we've never heard oh he looks like um sasha bear sasha baron cohen in one of those yeah from puerto rico hector yeah it's crazy i'm gonna start listening to his music um taylor swift was also the most streamed artist on my spotify account but i like to blame that's because i share it with my wife i couldn't tell you one song she sings cardigan
Starting point is 00:13:59 don't know it would i know it if i heard it don't play it off don't don't play it. Would I know it if I heard it? Don't play it. Shake it off. Don't play it, Susan. I don't want to get fucking have to deal with all that shit. Yeah, we'll definitely get sued into oblivion. Okay, let me see how many followers this guy has. How can that be? That can't be him. That's him. Okay, let me see how many followers this guy has.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Limited badges. badges i don't know logan it's the song i saw most recently give me a break man um the most streamed podcasts aside from this one um the joe rogan experience call her daddy crime junkie ted talks daily and the daily also i thought this was interesting there are more than 10 million astrology sign related podcasts on spotify and cancer today and virgo today were the most listened to podcasts wait a second how many six million followers okay so he he's big he's like as big as dan blazerian um bigger um oh how many how many horoscope astrology podcasts are there 10 million i don't think that means like like 10 million um title just like individual pot individual episodes about oh okay astrology signs what's your clients along yeah that's i sign, Solana? Yeah, that's what I want to know. Because clearly Cancer and Virgo are really curious about their own horoscopes.
Starting point is 00:15:30 I don't really do horoscope. I'm not opposed to it. Let's see what mine is today. Dear Gemini, you're going to die twice. It says that? No. Do you remember that old Chris Rock skit? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Capricorn gonna i think it's a chris rock skit oh no it's you want some dick that one
Starting point is 00:15:52 nope um all right moving on so there you go listen to this podcast get us in that top five wrapped spotify in the world that's a legit following that's crazy that's like half the people united states more than let me see what her last post is what is that what is that chick post what she post whatever she wants let me see oh oh yeah yeah girls partying yeah yeah don't say it don't say it okay i'm saying it i'm feeling 32 oh she's 32 holy crap and whoever alana is she didn't tag her is that is that in a famous alana no definitely dissed her that's crazy she's only 32 that dress is ridiculous gemini's are smart passionate and dynamic gemini is characterized by the twins castor and pollux and is known for having two
Starting point is 00:16:52 different sides they can display to the world expert communicators gemini is the chameleon of the zodiac adept at blending into different groups based on the vibe energy they perceive oh that is you i love that you're validating a horoscope and you're energetic and quick quick-witted that's you too oh man yeah tell me more what are you so on and you look you always look at the bright side you never get bored um gemini's gemini signs are in love with love And they adore the ritual of it Oh yeah love love Yeah
Starting point is 00:17:28 Oh so like you massage your wife's feet and shit like that That's the ritual of love I actually do She loves massages You have a girlfriend too right Taylor I have a girlfriend Do you massage her feet I have not
Starting point is 00:17:43 She hasn't asked me to what sign are you i don't know i don't believe him i don't what do you think he is watch this viral not viral this youtube video the other day of an astrologer guessing people's signs i think he's libra libra's very feminine i don't even know that was yeah that's what he is wow what's what's your birthday i don't have to share that august oh you're leo geez that's scary you knew that hobart well because i know some other august birthdays that are that bold intelligent warm courageous damn see there you go everything i'm
Starting point is 00:18:34 not it's a it's a bicep look at that guy he's a lion intense and energetic wait didn't it say that about you no yeah they all say the same thing just in different words. Right. It'll be like you're shy until you have to be intense and energetic, and then you're able to rise to the occasion. Sometimes love scares you, but you love the entire love process. All right, top Christmas Day Google searches. We're just running down stuff. Grab bagging it right now.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Packers, Colt versus cardinals starbucks warriors versus sons i was actually really hoping for like what do i do to get away from my family oh this that's that's today lululemon um but what i thought was desmond tutu died crazy what'd he die of just being old yeah 90 okay yeah man 90 years old um the bill's still crushing the patriots right now but what i thought was really interesting is yesterday when i looked at this there was like top five searches was what fast food is open on christmas and i thought you'd really appreciate that savann and also mcdonald's is the number four spot on christmas eve searches so just thought
Starting point is 00:19:43 you'd find it interesting what the what our nation's finest are Google searching on Christmas. Looking for dinner. Looking for dinner. I have a conversation with someone in my family every fucking Christmas Eve. Oh my God, nothing's going to be open tomorrow. Do we have eggs? Do we have milk?
Starting point is 00:19:58 Do we have... And it's like, dude, there's tons of shit open on Christmas. This isn't 1954. But also you could not... Not the case in Charlotte. Really? Yeah, could not find shit open on Christmas. This isn't 1954. But also you could not. Not the case in Charlotte. Really? Yeah, could not find an open grocery store.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Close. I mean, I didn't try to go crazy. The big chains are open here. It's heathens in California. Heathens. Do you cook, man? I cook a lot, yeah. Oh, you do?
Starting point is 00:20:19 Yeah. What do you like to cook? Well, I cook most of my own meals. So when you say, what do you like to cook? Well, I cook most of my own meals. So when you say what do you like to cook, do you like to cook breakfast or like the food specifically? Are you like cooking for like survival or do you like to cook to like get better at the skill? I would fall somewhere in the middle. I feel like there are some things I can cook pretty well
Starting point is 00:20:40 and then other things I just don't like putting food in my body. Okay, that's fair. I don body okay that's fair I don't think he cooks I don't think cracking I don't think throwing butter in a pan while you scroll through your Instagram and throw a few eggs on there while you fucking troll Jason Hopper on his Instagram is fucking cooking
Starting point is 00:20:58 I think that's what he does he doesn't like make tabbouleh and baklava he doesn't like you know do stuff with the meat and chop in onions and parsley is it called tabbouleh or tabbouleh? I thought it was tabbouleh and baklava. He doesn't like, you know, do stuff with the meat and chop in onions. Is it called tabbouleh or tabbouleh? I thought it was tabbouleh. Yeah, me too. I feel like you know, Siobhan.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Tabbouleh, tabbouleh. Yeah, I'm the whitest. Hummus, hummus. You call it hummus. It's hummus. I'm so white. Right? Am I right, Taylor?
Starting point is 00:21:19 You don't really cook. No, I cook. Like when he does pancakes, it's like out of a box powder with water wrong all right all right wow because so i'm just jealous because he doesn't cook i do not he just eats fucking green leaves out of a box and then shoves deli me in his kid's face well he doesn't eat like three days out of the week are you on fast today how do you do that i cook just saying brian says heidi yeah yeah sorry wrong show heidi wrong show you can tune out brian's not coming on and taylor already has a girlfriend all right so the christmas day search has got me thinking
Starting point is 00:22:02 hey don't think for a second that doesn't matter, by the way, Heidi. Let me tell you something. If you live with someone who cooks and cleans, it's huge. It's huge. Whether it's the man or the woman, if you have someone who's not a piece of shit sloth and just watching Netflix all day and contributes to the household, man, wash, cooking, cleaning. I mean, you can keep a dude with cooking if that was your goal or a chick i bet i mean i know a dude you could and if you dress like miss claus apparently yes so i was thinking things searched on christmas what kind of porn are people searching
Starting point is 00:22:40 on when they go to the bathroom because they're so annoyed at their in-laws this year searches for mrs claws this is insane because what mrs claws look like looks like in my head is not what i would search for on pornhub negative yeah mrs claws have topped the list according to figures released by pornhub rising by 401 percent santa was the second most searched term on the site with a rise of 374 percent and then other popular search terms included elf x x x miss as well as elf hentai which hentai is like manga like comic book uh over, over-sexualized pornography, not necessarily porn, but, um,
Starting point is 00:23:28 hentai porn is now Pornhub's most searched term globally ranking number one in the U S. Wait, what was the term? What was the term? Hentai. What's that mean? It's like, well,
Starting point is 00:23:40 hentai is like a category of, uh, manga, um, with like over-sexualized characters and sexualized subject matter and material. A manga is like a, I don't want to say, it's like a comic book. And then there's an entire, what is that rule 34? What the fuck is wrong with people?
Starting point is 00:23:58 If it's on the internet, there's porn for it. So there you go. Hentai is anime and manga pornography i don't even know what manga wow it's like japanese comics but are they so it's cartoon porn yeah that's the most searched well so the article goes on cartoons are more fantastical than regular porn said dr lori batito who is the director of pornornhub's Sexual Wellness Center, which I didn't even know was a thing. Whole different website. Hentai porn also tends to have more of a storyline and people seem to be more and more drawn to the context. Yep. That's why people are watching porn.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Okay. The second most searched. This is really sad. This is the second most searched this is really sad this is the second most searched for term of the year on Pornhub was romance wow wow how lonely and just devastated are we as a culture like that's so devastating oh man okay so I'm on Pornhub and i just typed in mrs claus oh yeah yeah and it's just a ton of it's just well don't screen share that suza yeah please don't it's just it's just a ton of people um dressed as mrs claus guys girls we're running between i'm gonna type in easter bunny just to see what happens tooth Tooth fairy. Oh shit. And it's fucking the first one is a dude dressed up as an Easter bunny
Starting point is 00:25:30 smashing some lady in the doggy style position. Crazy. Is it like a full blown Easter bunny costume? Like a fairy? Yes. You cannot see the dude. You cannot see the, maybe I can share that with you without getting kicked out.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Oh yeah. This I think I can share with you. Oh no, there's too much. This is going to get us. Yeah. Don't do that. Okay. Well, anyway, I got a real kick out of that. I love that the second most search for term on is romance. I just, it shows that as a society we're winning. Happy 2022. Um, Christmas there, there, there, there. How's that? That's pretty safe. You can't show that.
Starting point is 00:26:07 There's nothing even happening there. Oh, gone. That quick. Just so you know, for all the viewers, I did not pull that down. I put that up and it was, if you were pissed off that it wasn't up there long, I've got Suze's fault. I think so much. Thanks, Suze. Thank God we're sponsored by the Liver king and barbell jobs what are the
Starting point is 00:26:26 other holidays wholesome gentlemen we can we can what did he say that to you when you invited him on the show can you have someone tone it down a little bit no porn hub stuff and then i already violated the he specifically asked nope no porn hub that was the one request. What other holidays are there besides Easter and Santa Claus, Christmas? Oh, St. Patrick's Day. We're moving on from this. Okay, go ahead. I know you don't know how to spell Leprechaun. Wow, the Valentine's Day ones are crazy.
Starting point is 00:27:05 the wow the valentine's day ones are crazy yeah um all right christmas day unhealthy site i'm closing this window well don't worry because they have an entire um sister site which is a sexual wellness center website good i need to be cured now um visits to retail stores dropped 26.3 on saturday compared with the saturday before christmas in 2019 year over year however so compared to last year store traffic has jumped by 19 so don't worry people are back out there and they're shopping buying you gifts even though you were a horrible person all year so wait a second so so it's down 26 percent from 2019 but up 19 percent from last year yes or head in the right direction um those of you i looked up the definition of retail store for those of you who were born um in in 2000 and forward a place of business for retailing goods
Starting point is 00:28:00 it's like where you go in and buy shit for people who don't know. Okay, go on. The article blames the lack of foreign tourists coming into stores. I don't think that's quite right. The day known as Super Saturday is viewed as the second busiest shopping day, I didn't know this, of the holiday season behind Black Friday. However, in smaller U.S. cities, like where Taylor lives, and more suburban areas, visits to shopping centers improved over the weekend, even amid inclement weather in some regions. The National Retail Federation, a leading industry trade group, has projected that retail sales over the holiday season could increase by as much as 11.5% from the year earlier period, excluding spending at automobile dealers,
Starting point is 00:28:50 gas stations, and restaurants. Hey, you could give a little kid a wish, like a five-year-old a wish, and he would say something like, I wish it never rained again. And within five years, half the planet fucking would be dead. That is the exact same thing that
Starting point is 00:29:06 fucking basically happened to retail uh this year the retail space this year because of the democrats sorry it's because these fucking don't even try i'm just getting warmed up these fucking morons declared war on cops because they had a fucking few bad rainy days and you declared war on fucking cops and you fucking made it legal in California to steal shit up to $950 from fucking stores without fucking criminalizing it you allow
Starting point is 00:29:35 people to fucking hold people up by knife pointed ATM machines in California and let them out of jail a day later you do all that shit and now you're wondering why the retail space is fucked up fucked up come on man you can't you think that's causing nationwide retail issues hey dude let me tell you something the only place there's money in this country is california don't let's not worry about the other 49 states don't they have like the highest homelessness rate too though yes they do it's bad yes and they and let's that by the
Starting point is 00:30:04 way when you in this show we don't call it homelessness we call it drug addicts we call it for what it is i'm gonna just say right now like that's painting with a broad brush oh yeah every yeah everything i do is painting with the broad brush it's like it's like it's like taylor's head he doesn't like he he just shaves the whole fucking thing there's not like okay i'm to leave a little strip on the side. It's just broad strokes. It's like that. But I'm just telling you.
Starting point is 00:30:30 It's crazy to think retail stores – I mean 23 Walgreens in fucking San Francisco closed down because the fucking – you can't stop the stealing there. And this is one of the fucking richest cities in the fucking world. Sorry, Taylor. Go ahead. Well, I was going to – I wonder how much of it has to do with like Amazon monopolizing just being able to of course that too but also a little bit I wonder well I don't know are things like closing back down where do you live James I live in Denver area now Denver Colorado yeah wow I thought you weren't you in Boston for like a long I was homeless I was homeless I wasn't a drug addict. I was homeless.
Starting point is 00:31:06 That's how I know the rest of the rest of everyone else was a drug addict. Makes sense. It's never you, right? So on. Yeah. I lived in Massachusetts most of my life and then moved out to my wife and I moved out here to Colorado in June. What did that? A handful of things. One of them being, one of just try living somewhere else. One was work. Um,
Starting point is 00:31:27 fair amount of friends out here. So. How close do you live to your mom? Right now? Yeah. Far. She's in, uh,
Starting point is 00:31:37 Massachusetts. Bad son. Yep. She will agree with you. I think she's listening right now. She'll agree with you. A hundred percent. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Do you live close to your mom, Taylor? Do you live at home? Why don't you just DM me that stuff, Savan? Yeah, sorry. Okay, private chat. Bad son. Do you live at home, Taylor? No, I do not. I live in a house with a friend. Oh, I'm sorry. How old are you? 26.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Yeah, move back home. What are you doing, dude? I mean, I wish. Save that coin. Taylor, 26. Yeah, move back home. What are you doing, dude? I mean, I wish. Save that coin. Taylor, 26. I think you're going to the games this year. I think so, too. I don't care what James says. I like that.
Starting point is 00:32:22 It seems like James agrees. Well, it doesn't really matter what anybody else thinks. Yes. I like that it seems like James agrees well it doesn't really matter what anybody else thinks but yes I think it helped Colton Merton when Ben Bergeron said that he can't win the games I think that helped him how did it help him did that happen before the games no he said a couple weeks ago I had been on the show
Starting point is 00:32:38 and I said hey can Colton Merton win the games and he said no and then in the chat popped up Colton Merton's we'll see James what do you think answer that question i'm not can he win the games or can he go to the games can he win he went to the games last year i don't know i think he could win i think it's looking at the stats of it all i think it's not in his favor.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Uh, what are you? You're a Leo. What is that? Gemini? That's a Gemini answer. Yeah. I'll hold on.
Starting point is 00:33:13 My mom just texted me. She said, I am listening. Sent me a heart. Oh, and your mom said, tone it down. She did not say that. She didn't say that.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Uh, we're doing good. 32 minutes in three stories down i'm psyched um so here's the five so so he said that to colton and then that day colton um set a pr by 30 pounds on his back squat i did see that back squat which was in he can move some weight how heavy was it some weight how heavy was it who gives a shit i love how taylor leaned in he went from squatting 225 to 255 30 pounds don't mean shit he's got some crazy squat shit he has some what did he tell me the other day i wrote it down he did like 365 or 335 for 30 he did something savage i know it's it's it's maybe someone oh so will brand 555 he so he pr'd he went from 525 to 555 it's pretty heavy i asked him if he ever takes the supplements the pigs are on he said they don't take any supplements they just eat soybean and no, he doesn't eat that. So let's see.
Starting point is 00:34:28 That's the front squat. Oh, this is a five 55 front squat. No, no, no. This is just a front squat. Damn. He puts that shit in the hole too. That's cool. That's it.
Starting point is 00:34:43 That's what you said. Your mom's listening. She knows who you are. Hey, you want to know what the weirdest thing is? Oh, go ahead. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Go ahead. Okay. This is five 55. Right after Ben said he couldn't win the games. Yeah. Who did Ben say could win the games? Well, Ben,
Starting point is 00:35:04 Ben, Ben actually did this. David's daughter. Who did Ben say could win the games? Well, Ben, Ben, Ben actually did this. David's daughter. Who? Oh, she's not as active anymore. Nevermind. Oh, I love it. And I did not intend for that to be like a, I just should have shut up.
Starting point is 00:35:20 No, that was good. We need more of that. Ben actually, that's a, that was one of the coolest parts of the podcast. I mean, he's a great guest anyway, but he basically went through basic. I said, hey, who can make it to the games? I said, it's fucking crazy. Like if I would tell my kids, don't even try going to the games. Going to the games is stupid. It's too fucking hard.
Starting point is 00:35:38 It's one of those things. It's like same thing with like going to Mars or like going to the moon. Like who gives a fuck? Well, everybody's going to the moon now. Your kids could definitely go to the moon. Yeah,'t want any of that you make enough money for that like just do some cool just do some cool stuff but i said so who who would you say couldn't go to the games and he gave this kind of criteria he says well if you're going to go to the games you should be between you know five five and and five ten you should have uh have started working out at
Starting point is 00:36:04 least when you're 15 he gave like this list of 10 things and colt merton didn't fall in the height one so then i and that kind of like disturbed me i wonder how many of games athletes fit into his 10 criteria especially the age one yeah i definitely worked out i was 15 i was fat as shit no no there was a window what's your what's your background there was a window drug addict yeah that's right are you really yeah i'm sober hey uh no shit congrats man hold on guys this this is our regular our regular caller he's more important than you guys yes go ahead mr logo you guys uh a little short on uh all earth orgasms this week. Oh, we're going to get to that, man. Don't you worry.
Starting point is 00:36:47 You're a little short in the cock department. How's that? Wow, Devon. Hey, Devon said he can't do 75 hard because he's got a boil on his foot. Hey, I'll do 75 hard if that guy comes on my podcast. Give me some more followers.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Give me some more listeners. Yeah, dude, that's how I'll just yell at you for half an hour straight. Look at Mars. If you call here and talk shit to me one more time, you're going to have to go to and look for a new one. You know, I love it. You were talking to Hunter McIntyre name hunter mcintyre and you said i do this for free and i didn't you didn't tell me to do this but i remember very vividly a lawyer
Starting point is 00:37:32 with uh meeting with my lawyer and you and uh susan and you talk about how you guys aren't making money i i'm just pulling in six figures from this thing just producing it man killing it i don't do this for free i got a running invoice i got about 500 uh bucks per call so it's working out we uh you know got about a few more weeks and i'll send that invoice in that'll work thank you mars good talking to you is there anything else you want to say besides talking about the boil on my foot no i really don't have anything i didn't have anything at this well don't like calling me don i'm lonely peace peace peace your mom's not lonely uh he's about to say don't hang up and there are some serious shit talkers in the comments oh yeah man you gotta they uh you gotta
Starting point is 00:38:21 stay out of there ignore it wait i. Wait, I don't see any. This is like Ben Bergeron telling me I can't make the games. This guy, I'm not even going to say his name. Don't worry, Taylor. They were talking about Hollow Earth orgasms last week. The bar is low, yes. But no, there's no one talking shit about you, Taylor. I don't see it.
Starting point is 00:38:43 This guy, Alan, Queef Bomb or something. I don't see alan queef bomb i like that i love that name here we go goodness i wonder what his mom is like oh my goodness okay um so i was reading this i was reading i was researching some articles about uh saint nick santa claus which i guess is a fourth century greek bishop that many people across europe to this day still worship for his generosity and piety just like you savan this article talks about all these just different children's stories and how we've kind of disneyfied them throughout time for example the little mermaid story she actually turns to foam instead of enjoying her disney happily ever after the original tale of pinocchio sorry kids concludes
Starting point is 00:39:39 with him actually dying and then the matchstick girl which i don't know also ends up dead in the cold of winter's night and i've heard this before that a lot of children's stories were originally meant to like scare disciplined kids rather than like excite them to do amazing things but one popular tale 17th century france sees old saint nick revived three children that had been kidnapped by an evil butcher, Pierre Foutard. The butcher and his wife drugged the children, cut them up, and then stewed them with the big idea of selling their parts as ham to the unknowing locals. Wow.
Starting point is 00:40:19 What show is that? What, what, what? This is a, this is a tale about the original saint nick wow luckily for the children saint nicholas arrives manages to revive them back to life and normalcy in the end the butcher who chopped up the kids pierre futard repents becoming saint nick's assistant responsible for giving coal to the poorly behaved children that's a huge upgrade instead of chopping them up um started giving them coal there's also a story that good old santa claus saves a family of four including the three daughters from a life of prostitution
Starting point is 00:40:56 after their family goes broke and the father is too embarrassed to ask for financial support so saint nick sneaks into their house and drops off three bags of gold. What year is that story? The prostitution one for last year. I was going to say, it sounds like it's out of the Bay area. Jeez Louise. All right.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Can we jump around? Yeah. Whatever you want. Let's go, Sousa, down to... Hey, if your wife didn't get you... If you... Weep your part. Does your wife ask you what you want for Christmas, Hobart?
Starting point is 00:41:42 How do you do that? Spelled it wrong. Sometimes. Did she ask you what you want for Christmas, Hobart? How do you do that? Spelled it wrong. Sometimes. Did she ask you this? It's a double E, which is really funny. Double E. My queen. Santa is canceled.
Starting point is 00:41:53 No, he's not canceled. He saved those little chopped up kids, but he did hire that guy who chopped them up, which is kind of weird. My wife does what? What did your wife get you this year? Two new flannel t-shirts. Honestly, I don't like stuff. So typically what I ask for is food. Food related things.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Like a knife? No, no, no. Like food stuff you can. I did ask actually for a bread knife. See? See? But I meant like food, things you can eat. Like I like snacks, trail mix.
Starting point is 00:42:24 I understood what you meant i was taking it deeper deep and taylor did you did you ask your your your what do you have do you have would you have a girlfriend what do you have yeah i have a girlfriend did you ask her for anything in specific um she got me a pair of grips a new pair of grips like to go around the bar yeah oh that's cool what kind you did you get? Victory grips. You like those the most? I do. They just don't have the metal buckle, which typically digs into my wrist.
Starting point is 00:42:53 I thought you might be a bear complex guy. Oh, I have the bear complex shin sleeves. Is that what they are? I use them for rope climbs. What do you have shin sleeves? What do you need those for? yeah you forgot the assault bike barefoot hidden sleeve crimps for rope climbs and um and uh deadlifts don't you do all your rope climbs legless no no i'm not a legless rope i mean i, I, I, I could, I could. I remember when I was first learning to climb rope and I found this like old
Starting point is 00:43:28 Greg Glassman quote on main site, cross And it was something to the extent extent of like, it was about rope climbs and he goes, quit pitifully clinging to the rope with your legs, you know, in hope of improved upper body strength or something like that. And so I like immediately stopped climbing ropes with my legs oh wow legless only i did a i did a fun rope climb workout today oh what'd you do i was gonna ask did you uh did you train on christmas i took christmas off and just switched to wrestling nice who's this gonna be hey those are pretty grips those are attractive
Starting point is 00:44:03 looking grips they should sponsor me. They should sponsor you. What's the one in the center there that doesn't have holes? How does that one work? That's like the new age thing to do. Yeah, you just let it flap around? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Logan asked if my grips were ribbed. Yeah, man. For your mom's pleasure, Logan. Chill out. Thank you for being patient, caller. Feel free to jump in hey guys uh i got two questions the first is for hobart he leaned in hobart i sent you an email about uh uh internships for crossfit yeah man i got it was wondering oh perfect yeah i apologize i'm gonna get back to you hey uh caller you do know this is the seven podcast and not the helpline
Starting point is 00:44:52 at crossfit training right yes yes i know i know just checking i thought maybe you got your brain cross wires or something go on seven uh i'm i'm actually Will, the guy wondering about filming for you in Waterpalooza as well. Oh, yes, Will. Great. Hey, listen, here's the deal. I need to secure this with O'Keefe. But what I think is going to happen is there's like three or four people who volunteered now. And I'm just going to we're going to jump on a conference call and I'm basically just going to say, hey, assholes, this isn't a place to fucking like walk up to Taylor self and take a selfie with them. Ask for his fucking autograph.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Fucking try to wipe some of his sweat off his bald ass head and eat it to make yourself a better athlete. None of that shit. This is you. You're going to get fucking complete and fucking unadulterated access. Bring your phone, bring a charger, and stand by. And basically what we're going to do is we're going to give you a link, and you're going to be a field reporter out there bringing Wadapalooza to the entire planet. The best coverage. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. And I just want people who can work hard and be professional but just work their ass off, like people who like – it's like life or death.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Like to work as hard as like Taylor's going to be working out there. You know, take it that seriously. For sure. And you're competing there, right? Yes, I'm competing in the scale division. It'll be my first CrossFit competition. Yeah, congratulations.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Asuza here, who I just brought in, this fucking guy was using that as an excuse not to have you on. He's like, fuck that guy. He's going to be competing. He's going to be distracted. I'm like, no, no. That means this guy is going to as an excuse not to have you on he's like fuck that guy he's gonna be competing he's gonna be distracted i'm like no no that means this guy is gonna have more to prove to us he's gonna be a class i want to work okay good i want to work yeah that's what i want to hear what does the scale division go at the same time as individuals the teams though or does it operate on i don't believe so okay i i think that uh it would have to operate at
Starting point is 00:46:43 different times. Yeah, but on different days. It would be done prior to the individuals going? I do not know. The schedule hasn't been sent out yet. What day are you showing up, Will? I am getting there on Wednesday. I'm flying in Wednesday morning.
Starting point is 00:47:02 And then are you staying until the 16th when it's over? I leave the 17th, so I'll be there the day after yeah hey hobart doesn't this voice doesn't this guy's voice sound young yeah really young how old are you will i'm 21 yeah just god life is good okay you demand i have your number stay in touch thanks for calling in and we're gonna do this and i love your attitude we we are this is after we do this this is gonna kind of i hate to just suck my own dick on the show but this is going to be revolutionary what we're going to do for sports it'd be amazing if you could do that this is going to be really really uh something special we're going to give it's basically going to be i don't want to say this but but thanks to – I'm going to say it.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Especially thanks to the Liver King and Ancestral Supplements for throwing some coin at us. We are going to try to bring basically a live behind-the-scenes coverage that I used to do for CrossFit Inc., which was the most viewed minutes footage ever in the history of CrossFit videos. Not views, but minutes watched. We're basically going to try to do that at Wadapalooza while I sit here in the comfort of my own living room. And you're going to do all the work, Will. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Okay, and Sousa will be there just feeding you coffee, nothing expensive. He'll give you a stipend of $3 for coffee and hang out with my mom yeah love it yeah send us a picture in my heart mom talk now you're thanks will we appreciate what we're reaching out awesome did you see the liver king eating pine cones today on his instagram oh but let's. I did see that. You did see that? Why was he eating a pancake? It's his salad. Oh, that's his salad. See, I can't wait to talk about Giga Chad.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Giga Chad. Hey, so earlier this week he had 800,000 followers. Now he has 858. I noticed that too. He has almost like 11,000 had 800,000 followers. Now he has 858. This guy is on terror. He has almost like 11,000 more since the last time. Oh, is it in his story? No.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Oh, not in his story. I want to hear his voice. I've never heard his voice. Look, you're already doing reporting, Will. Listen to Stefan's. So that we can be nourished by the food. We can be nourished by our family emotionally, spiritually, mentally
Starting point is 00:49:28 and physically and that is the power of a tribe. Liver King out. I like that. Where's the audio? I think he's got a new iPhone. 13, 8. What do you think he's got? 10? X? I think he's a Google guy. Liver King out.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Liver King out. eight what do you think he's got ten x he's a google liver king liver king out that's push-ups just like taylor he has the same breathing pattern you'd never mind no i breathe faster man he has the same stroke pattern you have hobart no his is way too long mine's much shorter where's these pine cones i don't know oh man well i'm gonna delete your email yeah i want to i have a question about that. Yeah, go ahead. Does, so he emailed internships at CrossFit and it goes to you? No, no, no. I told him to reach out. I'm just going to answer some questions
Starting point is 00:50:33 for him. Gotcha. Cause I got a response from Todd Widman. Yep. Todd Widman. That is the, when you go to internships, he'll probably send out a response. Who's higher on the food chain at CrossFitting, Todd Widman or James Hobart? Definitely Todd. Yeah, that's what I thought. Dave Castro. Is he? He's not allowed in the office. Not in the training department anymore.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Hobart, are you – is Widman still running the kids' program? Do you guys have a kids' program still? Is Widman still running the kids program? Do you guys have a kids program still? I believe he still leads the kids program, but he also has just taken a more senior role in seminar staff management as well and as far as leadership development. Gotcha. What does this mean?
Starting point is 00:51:15 Do you guys think the liver king is full of shit or what? I'm not sure what you mean by that. What about eating all this raw liver? Do we really think that's all he eats is raw liver and fucking pine cones? Yes. He had sweet potatoes today. raw liver like do we really think that's all he eats is raw liver and fucking pine cones or uh yes yes he's going home at night today yes he's going home and i was eating like a bag of cheetos no ripping down like a like a bang energy drink and he showed he showed his dinner plate one time and it was like three patties of like beef cheese bone marrow i like, I like savory food, but that was, it seemed like, wow. I've known him since before he was doing all this stuff on Instagram. Um, and I was taking
Starting point is 00:51:52 those ancestral supplements when I, uh, when I was doing carnivore really strict and I still take them every day. It's the only supplement I take and I swear by it. See, when I see people like that, like I want to get my hands on his high school yearbook like what does he look like oh i gotta go flip the let's go out like a blood test on this guy i think he had an old picture of himself on there i could see if i could find it i like the pictures of him with his hat off yeah like holy fuck that is just all meat and fat some cauliflower is he eating limes just fucking eating limes i think it was limes and all the it's four burgers holy fuck i do love cheeseburgers though did you see where he had like 75 raw eggs you gotta drink logan you gotta drink milk from a bowl if you want facial hair like that man
Starting point is 00:52:39 so here it is here's the this is a great question like who the hell really acts like that or is it just for followers and show listen did you hear o'keefe talk about when he would go to uh uh matt frazier's house during covid and frazier had on his doorsteps test for his nose and you had to then put on like special things on your feet and wash your hands before you saw frazier no that's true taylor no way yeah because he didn't want to catch COVID because Fraser didn't want to catch COVID because he didn't want to get left out of, um, competition. He's squeezing the fish row right out of the fish. Yeah. Extreme people do extreme shit, man. Did you see where this guy,
Starting point is 00:53:17 I got a question. Did you see where this guy sleeps every night? Go ahead, Will. Do cameramen have to be double-vaxxed and boosted? No. We were going to be really lenient, and you can be just whatever. You can just be just healthy. It's Florida, man. Yeah, they don't.
Starting point is 00:53:37 I haven't actually seen any sort of clarification on that. We have for athletes. That's actually really interesting. We haven't sent out any sort of testing. I don't know if I should be saying this. Maybe I'll shut up. we have for athletes that's actually uh yeah that's really interesting we'll have it sent out any sort of like testing or oh i don't know if i should be saying this maybe i'll shut up wait do you have to be vaccinated to compete at wadapalooza it's probably just done by the county's regulations right and so if it's in florida i don't i don't think they're as strict i gotta go i gotta go flip some short ribs i'll be right back i think it's the same with their
Starting point is 00:54:04 gender policy. What is it? Don't ask, don't tell? Don't ask, don't tell? Yeah, that bodes well for me. Uh-huh. Will, thank you. We'll be in touch.
Starting point is 00:54:18 You're a good dude. I'm good. Bye. See you guys. Okay, Hobart, go ahead. We got rid of the caller. Go ahead. Where'd Hobart go? No, rid of the collar go ahead where'd hobart go no i'm not gonna be um i'm not running the whole wada live i'm just uh
Starting point is 00:54:32 basically what we did at the dubai um crossfit championships we asked o'keefe if we could do that with wada palooza and he was like yeah go ahead pull my stream you can commentate it and i'll even give you access if you want to send someone out there. So that was like, shit, I need to scrape some coin together. And the only supplement that I take is is ancestral supplements. if he would sponsor me at the games so I could do this at the games and, and it, and it never happened. So I pivoted to this dude, another rich, cool dude.
Starting point is 00:55:10 I know, but I want, but I want to stick to just shit that I use. Like, I don't want to do like, I don't drink monster energy drinks. I don't, why would I contact them?
Starting point is 00:55:18 So we need better, we need better like camera footage of the workouts. I mean, when you watch like Dubai, they just, I don't know if you guys have talked about this before, but they just pan to like one athlete out of 10 and stay there for like three minutes of the workout. Yeah. The games is kind of like that too. Every CrossFit competition, all of that.
Starting point is 00:55:41 I don't know if they always use the same cameraman, but they're all like, Hey, let's get like a. Yeah. It's not not the cameraman it's the dude in the truck who calls the shots we're gonna and um so yeah but we'll see we'll only have what they have but then on top of that we'll have two or three angles that no one else has and they'll just be with iphones with guys on the sidelines i hope i need to i need to i need to confirm with o'keefe i shouldn't i i gotta i got a verbal yes um i'll let you do what you want now i need to just push a little bit harder and just make sure it's all good but but o'keefe's a good dude but basically i i want to do an admit now that uh um ancestral supplements is on board i want to do like the best job we've ever done look j, Jason's commenting in the comments.
Starting point is 00:56:25 That means he's watching. Would you have got any camera time in Dubai? I don't – I can't really decipher that. He's saying if you – because of that glare off your head, would the cameras avoid you? I think he's trying to speak English. head would the cameras avoid you i think he's trying to speak english would you would you have jason gotten any camera time i think so hey if if if if colton mertens makes it to the games and jason didn't and colton colton's colton's doing um uh um what's the acronym for his training? Thanks, Will.
Starting point is 00:57:08 I'm back, baby. His is PFWG, pig farming works good. Pig fucking works good. Pig farming works good. If PFWG makes it and HWPO doesn't make it, someone's going to have to put Jason on suicide watch. Should we talk about some CrossFit news? Some updates?
Starting point is 00:57:28 Sure. CrossFit rule book changes? Yeah. I saw that article, the rule article. 2020 rule book. Do you want to talk about it? Speaking of suicide, I almost committed suicide after reading it. It's the driest, most boring shit ever.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Thanks for bringing it to the show, Hob it's a great article thank you box rocks um annual competition rule book upcoming crossfit season there are some minor differences anyone around the globe who is 14 years or older can compete in the open adaptive divisions introduced for the first time in 2021 remained and are divided into the same eight categories upper extremity lower extremity neuromuscular vision short stature statute short stature seated with hip function seated without hip function wait wait wait short stature what's that um you i actually don't know specifically. Let's look it up. Is there a link to that?
Starting point is 00:58:31 There's a special division if you're not tall enough. For Colton? It could be. I want to see. I want to see if he qualifies for more than one division. That was brutal. Come on, man. He's 5'4". Don't hate.
Starting point is 00:58:45 It's brutal that you say it's brutal. Do you understand that, Hobart? Blah, blah, blah. Eligibility for the short stature division is evaluated through measurements and is specific to each gender. Oh, so it's penis size. It's not height. Eligible.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Then I'll definitely make it. Yeah, same. Sorry, you're coming in second in that division, James. They'd have to make a new division for me. Eligibility for males in the short stature division. To be eligible, male athletes must meet all of the following criteria. Standing height less than or equal to 57 inches. Arm length less than or equal to 57 inches arm length, less than or equal to 26 inches.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Some of standing height plus arm length length, less than or equal to 79 inches. This is just something. 57 inches is what? Four foot nine. Sure. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Okay. There's only one sport class short stature division. That's really interesting um okay this one made me kind of sad though all right costumes are banned in costumes costumes banned so what does that mean even can't wear a costume in the open and have a valid score if you want your score to, you've got to be dressed not in a costume. Why do you think that rules? No wearing previous year's games jerseys, nerds. Oh, but what I'm wearing right now is a costume.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Does that rule? No wearing previous year's games jerseys? No, but it should be. If you scroll down, I think there's a if you scroll down i think there's a video of somebody like doing one of the open workouts in like a giant t-rex there look at that guy humping that unicorn oh okay okay um can't probably get a spot like that dude look how hard those people are laughing in that photo look at how yeah they're laughing at how terrible his rack position is like i would be laughing at him too yeah you need to have a state that's what they're all that's what that face is she's making that girl in the middle is mimicking him she's
Starting point is 01:00:53 like this is where your elbows are oh damn oh man poor unicorn yeah poor unicorn has to be associated with that guys this watch this guy watch this guy do dumbbell snatches this makes me so happy he just rips this dumb damn oh my god hey listen listen people fuck off it's like you doing that workout anyone can do that they want listen they can't tell you you can't wear a costume. Well, you can still wear it. I just don't think you get like a valid score. You'll get a valid score. Don't ignore that shit.
Starting point is 01:01:32 That was stupid. Yeah, but if you look at it, it's like how could you judge if his elbow was actually locked out or not, right? I don't think it's – I'll judge a no rep on that. Watch him. How can you not love that, man? That's humor at its best hey when he crosses over the box his anus rubs on the box look at i know man look at the size of that thing it's just skid marks all over that he's dead he just broke every bone in his legs all right here we go if you
Starting point is 01:02:00 perform your workouts at an affiliate during the open score submitted will become immediately available this is cool previously affiliate managers the open, scores submitted will become immediately available. This is cool. Previously, affiliate managers had to validate scores to be able to see them on the leaderboard. Okay, so that proves my point. You can wear a costume because they will immediately be validated. Yeah, but then I will invalidate that shit.
Starting point is 01:02:20 There's also new team names, which I really like this rule. The way team names are formatted for the affiliate cup and on the leaderboard will be changed. So we can make sure each team's home gym is recognized and celebrated. The 2022 rule book explains that team names will list the team's affiliate first, and then any descriptor or custom name. For example, CrossFit ABC sponsored by the Savan podcast podcast hitters that is legal or that's not legal no that's legal but it has to be the affiliate name first so it has to be like it can't just be like i don't know look at oh i know that kid uh that's good owen bernstein rhapsody crossfit
Starting point is 01:03:01 great gym hey i don't need i by the way i i would never sponsor a team or an athlete a team or an athlete needs to sponsor me let's just get that okay go on also this doesn't matter for all you young guns out there just old washed up has-beens like me the top 10 percent of athletes in each age group following the open will be invited to compete in the global age group quarterfinals from there the top 30 no one cares about the masters all right moving on um top adaptive athletes will go from the crossfit open to a virtual semi-final and just as an aside based on performance and virtual semi-final only 10 athletes per age group division will participate in the games top adaptive
Starting point is 01:03:44 athletes will go from the crossfit Open to a virtual semifinal. This will be determined by their rank in the Open. Only the neuromuscular, lower extremity, and upper extremity adaptive divisions will send their top five athletes to the CrossFit Games. The intellectual seated with hip function, seated without hip function, vision, and short stature divisions will crown their fittest athletes after the virtual semifinal. Last but not least, Hopper could have or would have never. This video is being reviewed to determine whether it's suitable for most advertisers.
Starting point is 01:04:21 We've already gotten an ad suitability warning on this fucking live stream. Yeah, that's why I pulled that picture down that you put up so fast because I figured it might even kill the whole thing. Oh, well, I requested a review already. Let's see. Clarifications on helping aloud during workouts, Taylor.
Starting point is 01:04:41 So make sure you tell your coach. In short, no help allowed. I don't get it. Also, what's that? I don't get any help from Andy. Good. Yeah, I'm sure he probably just like every once in a while checks in and says, hey, do better.
Starting point is 01:04:56 He no rep me on one quarterfinals workout, my first rep, and I just dropped the bar, yelled at him. What workout was it? The overhead squat box jump? Or no, you guys didn't do that you did the uh match burpee box jump yeah what's the name of your gym no rep i dropped the bar i was like are you fucking kidding me did you start over yeah it was a no rep and i started good good what's the what's the gym taylor crossfit charlotte that's right also knee and elbow
Starting point is 01:05:24 sleeves shall be a maximum thickness of a quarter inch or seven millimeters and a maximum length of 12 inches or 30 centimeters. There you go. Magnus Holmgren wants to send Jason a link. Don't do it. I also did a little link in there
Starting point is 01:05:44 to the CrossFit game season. See what's coming our way. Yeah. I thought that'd be nice to share. Thank you. People out there. When's the open start? February 23rd.
Starting point is 01:05:53 That's better. Pull up. There it is. February 24th. Open starts. Last open workout, March 10th through the 14th. Pretty excited.
Starting point is 01:06:03 Wow. That's it. There's only three open workouts yeah that where have you been for the last two years man holy shit which by the way makes it nicer as an affiliate owner for setting things up and logistical reasons i don't care it's weak that's like putting on a massive event every week for five weeks gets you know and also i was um i was talking to i was talking to it was either um i don't i don't give a look i don't next movie story no go ahead say say what
Starting point is 01:06:33 you're gonna say people like i was talking to wilson tang or it might have been justin berg about why don't we have more weeks of the open aside from the logistic issue and they were saying after like i think the fourth or fifth week, basically you don't see any real important shifts in the leaderboard. It's kind of like everybody stays where they are. Like they might move a couple spaces, you know, like the top hundred, say the top hundred and so on and so forth.
Starting point is 01:06:57 So you just really, you really just start to see the person at the tip, the people at the tippity top really start to separate themselves. But other than that, there's no, no real shakeup. They kind of, from a testing standpoint, got it all figured out after four or five weeks.
Starting point is 01:07:11 There's this, there's this gratification of getting through all five weeks of that stress of knowing that the events are coming, that you have to do them. And three just seems, I mean, it's more just fucking dumbing down, softening up, making weaker, diluting.
Starting point is 01:07:27 It's just like at the L1, they don't do. What? You still can make it to quarterfinals and keep going on. And get fitter, Swan. I'm with you. I love five weeks. I wish the Open was 10 weeks long because what I love is watching sane adults go crazy and turn on their best friends and lose their minds over a workout
Starting point is 01:07:46 i love it for that reason yeah that brings out the best in us wait what's 11.01 transgender policy is that in the uh was that in the i can't wait till crossfit has to deal with that i really i just no fucking they already put it out i read it at one point i just want to see a dude just go over and just fucking smash to you they well they put like a they put like a pull up pull up the policy james can you matt can you find that wow look at the new guy just calling shots i'm looking for no it's, I'm looking for it. Hey, when you get up in the middle of the show to fucking flip your cheese bread over in the oven because you have a fucking alarm go off that interrupts the show,
Starting point is 01:08:32 you set the bar so low for everyone else, Hobart. I'm cooking short rib for the family. The family. You have a fucking girlfriend. From what I remember like they made the statistical part of like competing as a transgender athlete so challenging that it just seemed like to me that it would never happen like you had to provide proof of whatever testing levels for testosterone or hormone like estrogen or whatever like five years prior to
Starting point is 01:09:03 hmm yeah but that's i mean i think there are other sporting events i shouldn't say that because i'm not sure but do that same thing but athletes must demonstrate their total testosterone level and serum has been below 10 nanomoles per liter for at least 12 months prior to their first crossfit competition i don't know what any of that means. To me, it seems like that would be pretty hard to do, though. Maybe somebody will do it. Hey, did you see that some of the referees or judges for some of these sports, I think it was swimming, collegiate swimming or something,
Starting point is 01:09:38 they basically said, hey, we're not going to be judges for a sport that's letting dudes compete against the women, and they stepped out? Yeah. No, I didn't see that i don't understand how how they as people how you as a person that's okay athletes must prior to participating in any quarterfinal quarterfinal or accepting an invitation to the games contact support to receive a declaration form to complete declaring their gender identity is female this is an example that declaration cannot be changed for any sporting purpose for a minimum
Starting point is 01:10:12 of four years that's really interesting this is for this is for athletes specifically who transition from male to female that might be the first correct use of the word gender i've heard in a long time because it is just gender identity you almost have to use the two together to fucking unfuck all the idiots who think gender and sex are interchangeable what do you have in your pants hobart right now yeah like what what type of genitalia do you have in your pants i have a waffle covered in maple syrup um that's a good dude he knows his mom's listening it's a family show hey what was that thing rich was doing at the waffle house i was on his
Starting point is 01:11:00 instagram today did you see that it was how many waffles you could stuff in your pants in eight minutes, I think. Was it really how many waffles you can eat in eight minutes? No, I didn't really catch it, but it looked like an eating challenge, a waffle eating challenge. Yeah. That fucking guy loves maple syrup, though. Who does? Rich loves maple. I'll never forget this once.
Starting point is 01:11:22 We were at, what's that place down there? Cracker Barrel. loves me like he would uh i'll never forget this once we were at um what's that place down there cracker barrel and um they give you these little mini like nips of maple syrup uh-huh rich would drink those once in a while hey i don't really appreciate using the word cracker and nips and this like i get what you're where you're going with this i don't like this story at all you're getting crazy he's just a cracker walking around drinking nips that's not true um i don't know it looked like an eating challenge i didn't get to see it that's i mean that sounds that's such a great way to ruin food hey but he posted something nice here that basically he regretted doing it not regretted but that hey like it wasn't good for him i like the way he i like the way he i think i
Starting point is 01:12:01 think he was that was just an advertisement for RP strength. Okay, okay. Don't ruin it. Rich can do no wrong in my eyes. I like it. I've been to that Waffle House. Way out. I thought I was back. I took a bite.
Starting point is 01:12:17 I'm not good. Perfect. 15 minutes ago. Hey, didn't that guy Angelo Di De Chico, didn't he say, didn't someone say he wanted to be on the podcast and we reached out to him and now he won't respond to us. Yeah. If you want to be on the podcast, come on the podcast. Don't reach out to us. He should. Yeah. He talks good. I'm better than Jason Hopper. So I don't know.
Starting point is 01:12:45 I got your back Taylor. I got your back, Taylor. I got your back, man. Damn. Want to talk about the newest strength trend? Oh, that's a pretty interesting challenge. 24-hour in the Waffle House, every waffle you eat takes an hour away. Okay, so if you eat 24 waffles, you just get to leave. What was the assault bike for
Starting point is 01:13:06 burn cows baby oh cool will how much money did they raise look at this guy's logo it's like fucking coke can just want me to hate him it's like that he knew you'd take the bait yeah they did i like how uh i like how when there are four dudes on the show the comments are way more aggressive like like the comments are all just like mom jokes and like you can tell the guys are getting fighty you know jason's going back and forth i'm getting i'm loving it he's taking the bait hey um there was this when no women are around men destroy everything
Starting point is 01:13:52 i went to the university of california santa barbara and it's basically a half square mile of just dorms on the pacific ocean and buildings and houses, and then the college. And that's it. There's nothing around for like 10 or 15 miles. And, um, I would, uh, it was crazy. I recommend everyone go spend do 10 years of undergrads at UCSB, university of California, Santa Barbara. Anyway. And I would walk to school and I would walk by this house that had a chain link fence with like five dogs behind it. and every time i walked by the dogs would start barking at me so crazily that then they would end up fighting they would fight each other yeah and that's what the comments how you describe the comments are right now like there's no there's no pretty face to look at so they're just like fuck it i'm gonna talk about how much i'm gonna bang your mom you're stupid it starts off like
Starting point is 01:14:44 just ripping on taylor or just ripping on j or just ripping on Jason or ripping on me. And then next thing you know, they're fighting each other. Like they have a common goal and then they kill each other. No, my joke was funnier. That's good. They're just all trying to be Giga Chad like the liver king. Okay, so I was looking up this article about the new strength training, your jaw. Hey, Susan, there's a link in the,
Starting point is 01:15:10 in the sheet right below this article. It just says Giga Chad click here. Will you, will you click that? God, I got to pee. And this article spun me down a, a rabbit hole of internet Iirl chats in cells and reddit but this is a picture of uh giga chad right there wow wow so a chad is like um you know like he's like the guy who shows up super cool dude good looking exercise takes all the babes.
Starting point is 01:15:46 This is a gig. I thought if your name was Chad, you would just, if your parents named you Chad, just have your T count just dropped right there. Like I do, I do feel like there's this fake until you make it part of being a Chad.
Starting point is 01:15:58 But anyway, in the internet chat rooms, there was this question raised, like, who is the Chad above all Chads and giga chat? It's this guy who turns out he's some Russian model. They don't really know if he exists or not. But anyway, it seems like in these chats, there's this obsession, especially among incel groups, look that up, called looks maxing with two Xs.
Starting point is 01:16:21 Which means to enhance one's sex appeal through weightlifting, skin and hair treatments, and even plastic surgery. Sounds a lot like CrossFit. And one of the primary characteristics they seek is to enhance, in all this looks maxing, the angularity of their jaw lines. Meanwhile, fitness influencers have convinced followers that chomping on a silicone ball all day should be a crucial part of their training. Which is why we have Jawsercise, the self-proclaimed number one hands-free workout for your neck and face. It's a compact rubber mouthpiece that promises varying level of pleasure. I mean, resistance up to 50 pounds for the 57 plus muscles that surround your jaw
Starting point is 01:17:06 all you have to do is chomp down on it while you're sitting at your computer it's that easy how do you hey if you do that you're a fucking moron they used to have commercials for that thing jaws are size i just want to know i want to know are there any crossfitters sponsored by this yet and who's using it because i know it's like i see the things that they breathe through and i see everybody using the toe spacers so i'm just putting this out in the universe oprah winfrey the secret i'm going to will this into reality i want jaws or size to start sponsoring crossfit athletes what about sketchers they're like trending down i feel like they get a real fucking boost if you wear sketch your size and use a jaws or size sketcher size if you wear sketches and use jaws or size you're headed for greatness oh here you go how much are they oh this shit is just so lame
Starting point is 01:17:53 oh and the iron neck pretty good steel dude i'm gonna as an iron neck does it work i've tried it on it just i don't it didn't really i don I couldn't like – I didn't look up any exercise. It just felt weird, so I took it off. I was like, no. I'm going to start selling a bundle pack of Jawsercise and Yoni. Anyway, Jawsercise site promises a full facial workout in just a few minutes that will eventually net your sculpted face of your alpha male dreams. Is there really something called lipper grips? Oh, geez. No way. that will eventually net your sculpted face of your alpha male dreams.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Is there really something called lipper grips? Oh, geez. No way. But then the article had a really good point. It says Giga Chad's infamous square jaw isn't a muscle. There you go. This is a guy who says he'd been training his jaw strength. That's not real.
Starting point is 01:18:46 If I looked like that, I'd cut my head off. Gigaad's infamous square jaw isn't a muscle it's a bone the mandible which is the largest bone in the human skull if you want to look if you want it to look sharper or straighter you shouldn't spend 45 on a chew toy you should just go for runs and cut back on the beer i don't know it feels like there's a little muscle in there and i feel like in all honestly i feel like there was a point in my life where i took a shitload of creatine and i saw like i started seeing something here and i was like oh that's too much creatine that sounds like real real heavy scientific uh look at nation look at look at fucking arnold schwarzenegger's face something happened to that face i got a story about him I just opened up what a yoni egg is,
Starting point is 01:19:26 by the way. You're welcome. I'm not gonna say anything. On a serious note, everyone should spend their time relaxing their jaw, not tightening it. You're welcome. Hey, was Emily being honest about This has been bugging you all week. About Hollow Earth yesterday?
Starting point is 01:19:46 Oh. Or last week? Yeah, 100%. She believes in that? She believes in that? You think that was true? I was trying to figure out, is that real? This is my fourth one of the day.
Starting point is 01:19:59 That made me have to pee watching you drink that. Does Emily really believe in Hollow Earth? That made me have to pee watching you drink that. Does she, does Emily really believe in hollow earth? Seems like she was just more so like into it as like a, because it's entertaining. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think she's like living her life by the code of conduct by them or something.
Starting point is 01:20:19 I just refreshed our seven day download. 311,000. Sorry, I'm obsessed. Go on. No, it's good, man. It's's a new record we just created a new record while doing this show speaking of arnold schwarzenegger there we go 74 years old in la just personally donated 25 very tiny homes to veterans in the la area who had been previously living on the street as part of village for vets. Village for Vets fills critical gaps in key services for homeless and at-risk veterans
Starting point is 01:20:48 in the greater LA area through programs providing meals, emergency grants, support for basic needs, social support, and links to additional services. Village for Vets helps ensure Los Angeles is homeless and at-risk veterans don't fall through the cracks. At-risk veterans don't fall through the cracks. Schwarzenegger made possible the donation of 25 homes with a $250,000 donation. Each home has heat, electricity, and air conditioning. AMVET's employee told Fox 11 News.
Starting point is 01:21:22 Feel-good Christmas story. Do you care if I pile in here with some Arnold Schwarzenegger story? Oh, please do. If this is about game changers, but yeah, go ahead. Let's go over here and add this. School your fade outs. There is a virus here. It kills people. And the only way we prevent it is to get vaccinated wear masks to do social distancing washing your hands all the time and not just to think about
Starting point is 01:21:55 well my freedom is being kind of disturbed here no screw your freedom being kind of disturbed here. No, screw your freedom. Screw your freedom. Well, that's it. I mean, yeah, you know, no one's perfect like me. I understand. Hey, is it there a quote from a Batman movie? It's either like you die a hero or live long enough to become the villain. Yes.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Wow. It's not that didactic or simple wow i like that well on that note savannah i'm going to give you since it is christmas and i'm in the giving spirit i'm going to give you a treat thank you we're going to go down to the pfizer booster story matt oh i thought we were going to go to alice nyc's instagram i thought you said you're going to give me a treat oh yeah hey there's alison um new study from the united kingdom security agency the protection that a pfizer booster shot gives against the new coronavirus variant omicron omicron optimus prime following a pfizer primary course drops to just 45% after 10 plus weeks, according to a new study. A booster shot from Moderna fared better, Boston-based company. The study from the United Kingdom Security Agency said,
Starting point is 01:23:17 now I was trying to look up what is effectiveness evaluated as when it comes to vaccines? And the CDC essentially said that they use multiple threshold tests to evaluate the effectiveness of a vaccine. And they said none of them are perfect, but essentially I think it boils down to reducing infection and hospitalization, which also I think includes death. Among those who received an astrazeneca primary course of the vaccine effectiveness was around 60 two to four weeks after either a pfizer or moderna booster then it dropped to 35 with a pfizer booster and 45 with a moderna booster by 10 weeks after the booster so about two two and a half months. Among those who received a Pfizer primary course, vaccine effectiveness was around 70% after the Pfizer booster. Seems
Starting point is 01:24:13 like you should get Pfizer. Dropping to 45% after 10 weeks plus. And stayed around 70 to 75 after modern moderna booster up to nine weeks still the report suggests that getting a booster shot is effective at preventing severe illness and hospitalization seems sane to me there is insufficient insufficient severe cases of omicron as yet to analyze vaccine effectiveness some of this information hey hey there's all there was insufficient evidence since fucking day one you fucking idiots sorry go on yeah actually i thought this was how the fuck is that okay to say that now what what what magazine is this what newspaper is this uh daily wire maybe hey guys that's called critical thinking by by the way. I'm fucking amazing at it. Did you watch the last one? This last part I thought was really interesting was.
Starting point is 01:25:09 It's called contextualizing and relevance in sufficient data now. You show me where there is sufficient data, you fuck nuts. The Zoe COVID symptom study, which has been tracking symptoms reported by participants using a smartphone app. Kind of sounds like Waze. Kind of a cool idea. reported by participants using a smartphone app kind of sounds like ways kind of a cool idea reported that the top five symptoms of omicron are runny nose headache fatigue sneezing and sore throat so all the same symptoms you get from listening to this podcast yes the data were collected between december 3rd and the 10th in london
Starting point is 01:25:52 runny nose headache god when is the insanity gonna fucking stop hey um this is i i love that bam omnicron did you watch the new uh rogan with dr peter a mccullough yeah yeah oh i watched the first 20 minutes i've seen so much of mccullough that i'm just like a little bit i got exhausted by him over the last two years but he's awesome right that's the only thing i've seen that's that's the only thing i've seen of his me too he's a good dude. You know him? He's a good dude, yeah. You think so? Yeah. He seemed a little arrogant. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:32 On the Rogan podcast. Yeah. It's just hard to trust somebody who's that confident. Hey. I feel like it's just more of the same different side of the coin. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. Both are important.
Starting point is 01:26:50 I told you it was Christmas. I was going to give you presents. Hobart. You think it's more of the same that the hydrochloric queen, king, king, queen, king plant? No. I'm definitely on board with the whole idea that I don't really understand why we're not promoting treatment of the virus and variations of the virus when it clearly seems like we have treatments for it on top of vaccine. That kind of that's one of those things where I look at it and I'm like, I don't really know what to believe. really know what to believe the the guys who were in charge of the protocol were the same guys who basically were in charge of aids aids is all about testing this everything about this has been complete stupidity and against the protocols of the past i don't know how you say it's the same
Starting point is 01:27:39 same i don't understand how you say that for instance they have a pneumonia vaccine and yet fucking hundreds of thousands of people die of pneumonia every year they only give the pneumonia vaccine to people who are five years old and under and like old people and you don't give it as a prophylaxis they're trying that shit with this knowing from day one it's never gonna work you know that you don't know that
Starting point is 01:28:03 I don't think it's that clean cut. Okay. But I do think the disparagement of treatment possibilities is very bizarre. How about in Alameda County, one of the biggest counties in California, about six months ago, they lowered the number of people who died by 25 percent. They said they they over calculated the number of deaths by 25 percent. Yeah. How the fuck did Donald Trump live? How did that fat motherfucker live with it? that fat motherfucker live with it what is this guy dave kate's comment new york is going to vote on a bill to allow the governor slash state to detain people without any due process uh probably i don't really know about this yet dave uh or taylor but i imagine they're gonna detain people
Starting point is 01:28:57 who aren't vaccinated or can't show proof of vaccination i mean i think no i think well no they used to do that during uh Giuliani that's how they cleaned New York up originally Giuliani used to do that that's how New York got so safe for a while stop and frisk yeah you think but you think this is in relation to I couldn't tell if that was sarcasm James no no I do think that's in relation to COVID not sarcasm wow that's hey that what's really bothering me, James, is that story you read us last week about what the Republicans are doing in Texas around abortion. That shit is unsettling. Well, like I said, the issue with the SB8 law is also the ramifications it causes for all state legislatures using that to push their own bipartisan ideology. Can you explain how that works?
Starting point is 01:29:46 I was trying, I was telling some people about it and they're like, how does that work? Do you know how that loophole works? Well, I think one of the ways the loophole works is that basically it's not the legislative body that's infringing on a constitutional right that is to say it's not texas legislature that's preventing or necessarily forbidding um abortions whereas in like i have an article about this later somewhere in el salvador where the law strictly forbids abortions like it's illegal for any reason basically what they're saying is like there are places clearly where you can still get abortions. But if you do get one and it occurs less than six weeks into the pregnancy, a private citizen can essentially bring a lawsuit against anyone who received the abortion or those who essentially, I don't know, aided in abetting. More than six weeks, right?
Starting point is 01:30:44 Not less than six weeks, more than six weeks right not less than six weeks more than six weeks less than six weeks more than six weeks less than are we more than yeah sorry more that's okay okay just checking you're right six weeks is the is the is the threshold i just don't get i when i explain that to people i don't get how me so let's say you let's say how is it that another citizen can sue you for getting an abortion? The same way someone could sue you for committing some sort of tortious wrong to them, you know, like, I don't know, if you crash into me with your car or something like that. Taylor, they're basically making it so that the government can't stop you from getting an abortion. So whether you're for abortion or against abortion isn't the point here.
Starting point is 01:31:27 The point is that they're making it so the government's not in the picture anymore and that they're encouraging neighbors basically to tattle on each other. So even – which is worse than – are you following that, Taylor? I don't know if I explained that well. I'm following. I'm just seeing Matt shake his head. It's fucking nuts. And they're going to try to do the same thing. From the story that Hobart read last week,
Starting point is 01:31:49 the Democrats are going to try to do the same thing with assault rifles in California. It's not going to be legal to have them, but your neighbor, if he sees you using one, can then sue you for up to $10,000. Well, what can they sue you? I'm confused on what... That's the part that I'm trying to ask Hobart to explain, but no one knows. I think it's the slippery slope of the only way that like, you know, a top down total authoritarian works is if the citizens police each other all the time. There's no way you could hire enough police to keep the cap on everybody. But if you just reward people from going after each other, then they police each other on their own.
Starting point is 01:32:21 Right. So what so what you're saying, Siobhan, is they're going to assault rifles are illegal in California or they're, I'm confused. They are illegal. No, basically rifle one's a little bit more nuanced than that. I think it was how you procure certain types of firearms. And, you know, if you procure something that is against or not against, but break some sort of california law they're trying to push legislature through such that private citizens could essentially sue other private citizens who possess illegal firearms okay so the constitution is supposed to support your rights and so of bearing firearms so they found a way around it so that basically somehow the state can ban them without affecting your constitutional rights by having your neighbors see you.
Starting point is 01:33:07 The same thing with the Republicans are doing in Texas with abortion. It's insanity. If we're going to, if we start turning citizens against citizens, that's basically China structure. Yeah. Yeah. Um,
Starting point is 01:33:19 I can't, how, how is Colin Lawrence not chiming in here and explaining the whole thing to us in three sentence? Actually, I have a, I have a Jeremy gerrymanderingerrymandering article today, so we'll get to it. Which is even more confusing than the SB8 law. But anyway, first and foremost, COVID scams.
Starting point is 01:33:38 Unemployment, and this blew my mind. Actually, it didn't blow my mind. I 100% expected something like this to happen. This is under politics. Look at us getting through some news. I'm so happy. Yeah, there's a lot of them checked off in there. Unemployment insurance programs are among pandemic benefits targeted for fraudsters and organized crime, says this agency, Secret Service, totaling $100 billion.
Starting point is 01:34:07 Some $100 billion has potentially been stolen from COVID-19 relief programs designed to help individual businesses harmed by the pandemic, the U.S. Secret Service says. And I think to give some perspective, I believe that COVID relief programs totaled about $932 billion. I could be wrong on that. So this is a fair amount of fraud. The Secret Service, who I was surprised, handles this kind of stuff, but they've long been responsible for investigating financial crimes in the U.S. department said separately earlier this month that its fraud section has prosecuted over 150 defendants and more than 95 criminals stemming from fraud schemes involving the PPP paycheck protection program that was released to provide aid during COVID. But anyway, the secret service
Starting point is 01:34:56 said it would work closely with a variety of federal agencies, including the labor department, small business administration, the SBA, which have key roles tracking and administering relief funds to investigate and recover fraudulently dispersed funds. The Labor Department said about $87 billion in unemployment benefits might have been paid improperly. I don't laugh because there are people who suffered horrifically from their ability to work during COVID and probably who desperately needed unemployment benefits. And someone else is just shirking them for it. The Secret Service said it probes into fraud related unemployment insurance and SBA loans have led to the seizure of more than $1.2 billion, which is nominal compared to the $87 billion of
Starting point is 01:35:46 unemployment benefits that have been paid improperly, and the return of more than $2.3 billion in fraudulently obtained funds. So less than 10% of the total amount that has been paid improperly. The service also said it has more than 900 active criminal investigations tied to specific pandemic related relief funds. Story blew my mind. Um, in my account there you go congrats all right where do we want to go next let's oh hey let's talk about nature we'll lighten it up for a little bit oh wait here we go here we go the lawsuits allow the state to use fines and rewards to enforce law not on the books preventing the courts or feds from limiting state to use fines and rewards to enforce law not on the books
Starting point is 01:36:45 preventing the courts or feds from limiting state power yeah there's got to be a metaphor i'm getting closer to understanding we need a metaphor i need a metaphor i need an analogy i feel like there's some analogy between parents and children and siblings tattling on each other yeah oh that's good it's good we're getting Hobart. Getting close. I think it would be like, I don't know. Dude, the comments are going to be, this show, the comments, we set Taylor up for fucking disaster. You know that, right? Because we've had girls in that seat, and now it's Taylor in there.
Starting point is 01:37:18 And anyone who doesn't like this show, it's just going to be like, that show sucked because of Taylor. Don't take any of those to heart taylor they're not true no one's saying that dude i'm good just give it time buddy give it time way to build them way to set them up for success time don't give him too much credit alison he's not that funny uh let's talk about nature man strangles kangaroo. Where's that one at? Good old Tennessee. God, I hope there's a video with this. There's not.
Starting point is 01:37:49 And it's too bad it's not Rich strangling a kangaroo, eating waffles. In Tennessee, Carter, the kangaroo Carter, was strangled to death on Wednesday evening after he was spotted outside his usual confinement area. day evening after he was spotted outside his usual confinement area carter's owners hope and chris were contacted by their neighbors who spotted the kangaroo outside of its normal area though the kangaroo was still fenced in on the property at 5 p.m the authorities had been alerted to reports of what sumner county sheriff tim bailey described as two people who had been in a battle with a male kangaroo. The female neighbor was assaulted by Carter after stepping into Chris and Hope's property. Her husband then reportedly intervened and strangled the kangaroo to death. He's a giga chad. Given that the kangaroo had no way of escaping the fence and
Starting point is 01:38:45 property he didn't have nowhere to go said hope he was choked to death in his own space dude i call bullshit have you ever seen a full-size kangaroo i'm glad you're saying this because that would fuck her up exactly don't have wild how come we don't have wild kangaroos in this country each other yeah because because everyone in tennessee is running around choking them to death this is the set here this guy punches him this is the second time of upstage hobart story let's see this yeah but technically look at it. Wax that thing. Oh, that kangaroo is attacking his dog. See, that guy's the Giga Chat, man. Yeah, but he punches it and the kangaroo just eats it, dude.
Starting point is 01:39:38 He doesn't do... The kangaroo is like fucking... That didn't do shit to him. Yeah, kangaroo just took it like a champ. He did. Kangaroo just took it like a champ yeah he did i don't know what do you think about that guy i mean that guy's ready to fight oh but look how low his left hand is yeah that kangaroo had longer arms that's funny logan paul would have wrecked his ass um if you're standing up the kangaroo can kick you with its hind feet and that can pretty much rip you open you need to listen listen here's
Starting point is 01:40:12 the strategy to fight a kangaroo you need to crouch down low and back away get away get and get to a bush or a tree between you and the kangaroo it's not going to chase you that far damn i choked it or it was like yeah i don't know if i believed it i mean the other thing too is i feel like to to choke an animal out you gotta really commit to that unless it was a little kangaroo it takes a minute you would think it would take at least a minute of that thing thrashing around that's a bad mental image like how much of a dick are you if you're choking out like a miniature kangaroo you know oh good video well this is just gonna be them talking about it was that guy was that guy out there with the leaf blower and his kangaroo
Starting point is 01:41:01 is that yeah i call bullshit on that story too taylor you're right yeah it's kind of weird no one's making me sad what if it wasn't a kangaroo they all had it wrong it was like a cat or something it was like i don't know it was like that dude did it hey that's a great line because i just know that that's some sort of attack on taylor maybe someone is going for the Irish Spring soap sponsor. You just see Taylor naked holding a bar of Irish Spring like talking to me through my TV set. They should stop doing it. All right, let's do one more nature story and then we're going to get down to some real good political shit.
Starting point is 01:41:38 Okay. A Singapore resident. This is the fuck nature again. Singapore, I don't believe this story is real a singapore resident was hospitalized after a bizarre animal attack last month when he was accosted by a gang of otters who reportedly bit him 26 times listen to the quotes this guy says i actually thought i was going to die. They were going to kill me. In his 60s, Graham George Spencer was reportedly approaching the visitor center when he spotted around 20 otters.
Starting point is 01:42:18 And the other thing is like, where the hell are otters just rolling around like this? 20 deep. 20 deep. I've never heard of this in my life. The gay otters. I don't't know i'm not an otter expert aren't otters endangered well they're gonna be now after this guy goes on a killing spree 20 otters crossing a dimly lit path in front of him he claimed it was the first time he had seen the otters in the area despite taking his morning walks there for five months like was this guy just
Starting point is 01:42:43 on a crazy ass trip? The animal encounter went south after a jogger ran through the pack, causing the fish eaters to go crazy like dogs and try to bite the passerby. That's a bad bite on his ankle. He said he was, listen to this stat. He was bitten. How the fuck? You're getting attacked by otters. You're freaking out.
Starting point is 01:43:04 You're 60. You're on the ground you feel defenseless but he has the wherewithal to say quote i was bitten 26 times in 10 seconds who is this guy yeah right anyway salvation the article carries on. Salvation came to our dear friend, Graham George Spencer, when his friend, who is about 15 paces away, this guy's amazing with numbers, ran up to him screaming and yelling in an attempt to scare the hairy hooligans off. And the adjectives in this article, I think this is a fake article. However, this is, I just pray it's not. This isn't the first time the otters have assaulted someone. They're ageist. The most recent incident occurred in May when a 77-year-old man who was bitten on the leg near the Kalang River –
Starting point is 01:43:55 Is his name Jesse Smollett? Is his name Jesse Smollett? I mean, if we don't believe him, let's figure figure this out let's get to the bottom of this what's his what's his angle meanwhile in a similar instance in 2019 a man was forced to rescue his dog from a pack of vicious otters in alaska nonetheless this man feels lucky to be alive he says if it wasn't for my friend i don't think think I'd still be here. Hey, and just so you know, he was 26 times a gay black lab that was attacked by those otters. So, you know, he was. Oh, there it is. This guy's eating on the show, too.
Starting point is 01:44:36 That's what redheads think they can do. Taylor's eating on the show. Hell, yeah. I needed myself. So you can even fucking hear it. OK, I just saw lettuce and shit falling out of your mouth. he's in training man for wadapalooza i understand i understand i understand yeah yeah yeah can't get into pie i would have i would have been far rather been okay with emily putting a yoni egg in than eating on the show
Starting point is 01:44:58 i'm glad you've been able to handle that man your head would have spun around eight times and shot off your shoulders like a pop cap yeah i agree it would have she like called me out at the end remember she's like i had a great time especially talking to you light are you sore hobart are you sore no i gotta fix this light we're gonna talk about gerrymandering are you sitting on something why are you moving funny i'm pretty sore yeah see i knew it that well your other choice was that you were sitting on a fucking like candle holder or dildo or something you were moving funny sitting on a yoni egg the size of a cantaloupe yes gerryman oh what is this bullshit time out shout out to james hobart for being the man
Starting point is 01:45:45 savon you never returned my email after we met at the after party in random bar medicine madison never got that interview thanks fuck off wow yeah man because savon was blacked out and he didn't fucking remember you give him a break i promised everybody um uh isn't that amazing before we get to aaron mcnews uh comment isn't that amazing that apple has a um fuck you like i get that that's really cool that's like the most risque thing that apple does yeah they have the middle finger emoji that's like edgy for Apple. They're so straight-laced and scared. It took the gun emoji away. Yeah. Did they really? Do you flip someone off like this?
Starting point is 01:46:32 Or do you do this? Do you do this or this? I go the double always. You never do this one? Like the jet airplane? No, like where it's like. The arthritic one? Yeah, just the. Excuse me.
Starting point is 01:46:44 The double. All right. Or like the mega. Hey, Aaron, I want to say sorry, but it would be insincere. Okay, go on, Hobart. All right, here we go. Oh, damn, WAD zombie coming in. Yeah, well, that's the equity.
Starting point is 01:47:01 That's the equity component of the show right there, just covering all our bases. All right. This light is going to drive me insane. Maybe Siobhan will send me a nice halo light so I can do these and just be well lit for these. I think he is doing individual. You're doing individual, right, Taylor? Correct. Yep. Did anyone offer you to do team? No. Oh. All right gerrymandering you really want a light
Starting point is 01:47:30 yeah all right we'll send you it thanks man because i just spent all my savings like colin thinks he knows everything this is, right? It's 100 times more difficult to remove an emoji than add one. He's right. It's a coding issue. Who the fuck does he know? He's a coder, man. He lives in like fucking Reno or some shit. He don't know shit.
Starting point is 01:47:56 I love how that switched. When you wanted him to do a metaphor you agree with, you were all for it. The way you're like, fuck off. You don't know anything. Yes. So, gerrymandering firefighters know everything oh waters of oblivion well done all right so on representative democracies gerrymandering refers to the political manipulation of electoral district boundaries with the intent of creating undue advantage for a party, group, or socioeconomic class within the constituency. For example, making sure that Savant and all his rich friends
Starting point is 01:48:35 making sure that their votes count. The word was created in reaction to a redrawing of Mass. This is a great story. Massachusetts Senate election districts under Governor Elbridge Gerry, later vice president of the United States. Gerry, who personally disapproved of this practice, signed a bill. It was a very long time ago that redistricted Massachusetts for the benefit of the Democratic Republican Party. My, my, how times have changed. the Democratic Republican Party. My, my, how times have changed. Now, recently, California,
Starting point is 01:49:13 the goal of this year's gerrymandering was to help Latino, Asian American, and Black candidates win seats. And it resulted in some very oddly shaped districts. Now, a lot of this also has to do with the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which removed barriers to black enfranchisement in the South, banning poll taxes, literacy tests, and other measures that effectively prevented African-Americans from voting. Now, in 2008, California Citizens Redistricting Commission established in 2008 says on its website that lines shall not be drawn to favor either political party. Yet the map released this week miraculously locks in 44 safe Democratic seats in the House of Representatives compared to only five safe Republican seats. As a reminder, safe Republican seats. As a reminder, California's population is about 40% Latino, 35% white,
Starting point is 01:50:14 15% Asian American, and five and a half percent black. This is according to the state's finance department's demographic unit. Can we see this map? If I saw the map, I could get into this article more. I don't know if there's a map. Yeah, then I call bullshit call bullshit this story's not true democrats would never do something like that they're good loving people so eight gop so republican leaning seats out of the 52 or 15.4 percent is significantly less than the republican vote share in state congressional elections which is about 33.7%. So, Siobhan, if you want an example, let's imagine the popular vote in the US. And let's say 50% vote Republican, 50% vote Democratic. But somehow, because of something like an electoral college or gerrymandering or redistricting, like an electoral college or gerrymandering or redistricting, you have 70% of the representatives that end up in the government are Republican and only 30% are Democrats, even though the popular vote looks like it's split equally between the two. In 2018, the political data website FiveThirtyEight
Starting point is 01:51:23 set up an automated redistricting tool. At the time, California had 53 rather than 52 House seats. But under this model created by this automated tool of a Democratic gerrymander, Republicans would be expected to win 7.8 of California's House seats on average, comparable to the GOP's likely representation under the new map. If districts were drawn to maximize voting competitiveness, the GOP would win 13.7 as compared to 7.8 seats, according to this model. But it does have the effect of amplifying identity politics, or so this article suggests, including white identity politics, when jurisdictions are carved along ethnic lines, politicians in both parties have less need to build multi-ethnic coalitions. Make that last sentence makes me hate the article even more. I figured. But it's a really interesting problem, I guess, in terms of gerrymandering, because when I was researching this more and more, there doesn't seem to be really clear ways to sort of solve in order to avoid it. But it does look like it's currently used to still favor certain political parties. Surprise, surprise.
Starting point is 01:52:42 Yeah. Savant's checked out. All right, let's go back to- No, I'm just looking at this thing Colin Lawrence sent me. It's like- Yeah. It's- No.
Starting point is 01:52:54 Yeah, Texas is one of the worst known offenders for gerrymandering. Just give California back to Mexico. Fair deal. Yeah, they already did. Oh. And just so everybody knows, contacting your representatives, district representatives or state representatives, call and leave a message instead of writing an email or writing a letter because their assistants, I believe, have to answer and return calls. So if you want to be a pain in the ass, get on the phone. They do have to?
Starting point is 01:53:30 How do you know that? Yeah, well, I don't know that just from what research I've looked into as far as like, how do you just get involved or just learn more about politics or hassle your own representatives? You're just more likely to get a response and be heard and be responded to if you call as opposed to email and or letter oh okay i don't want to talk to anyone good that was just for everybody out there what's your shirt mean taylor what's crash mean oh it's a gym man it's a gym shout out this guy's gym crash and did you bleach that shirt on accident no he he did it and gave it pretty fucking cool i think but it was an that was an accident
Starting point is 01:54:12 am i getting the lighting right yeah is that on purpose yeah dude it's on purpose all right easy easy easy just because i told you i'm not gonna be a wad of palooza, don't get all puffy chested. I could still show up. And it has issues that range from, I think, splitting communities in half, splitting towns apart, forcing representatives to have a significantly mixed vested interest in trying to represent people. The other thing is it makes incumbents who are in power very, very, very hard to beat because of redistricting in a lot of places. because of redistricting in a lot of places. So if you have crappy, corrupt, outdated politicians in place due to gerrymandering, it's very hard to get them out. It's not as representative democracy as we would want it to be. We want to go uplifting or we want to go lower?
Starting point is 01:55:23 Lower. Lower. Okay. I'm about to fall asleep. I need another coffee. We want to go uplifting or we want to go lower or lower. Okay. I'm about to fall asleep. I need another coffee. What? I'm bringing the teat right now. I wonder if I can text my wife to bring me a coffee.
Starting point is 01:55:38 You kill me. Look at this. Almost two hours in. We've gotten through half of our stories. Like I'm just so proud. Yeah. You're all right. Duckness on. Do you know dusty tuckness is taylor is that like um i saw wait where did i see that name i made a post about him he's a bullfighter oh that's right yeah dude the fucking so i know a thing or two about bullfighting
Starting point is 01:56:01 i watch you explain that did you do it it was a joke no i i watched i watched yellowstone so I know a thing or two about bullfighting. I watch Yellowstone. Explain that. Did you do it? It was a joke. No. I watch Yellowstone, so that's really all I know about it. Oh, you watch Yellowstone. Dude, this guy's page is nuts. They have got to have the biggest. I've gotten on a wild pig before.
Starting point is 01:56:20 Not on top of it, but wrestled one. And welcome to college. Oh, wow. before not like on top of it but like wrestled one and then welcome to college oh wow your mom's listening dude holy shit holy shit i'm sorry ladies i'm sorry that's not a hobart joke that's don't judge him for that that is way out of character for james i am so sorry to wake you up steve on he was waking you up that's all that one did wake me up look at you and alice like holy shit holy shit look at hobart's about to turn red holy shit i saw him he's he's getting no man you better keep it oh dude i'm gonna let me tell you something you want to watch fucking interviewing at its finest next level interviewing let me tell you oh dude i'm gonna let me tell you something you want to watch fucking
Starting point is 01:57:05 interviewing at its finest next level interviewing let me tell you which question i'm opening up with this guy so this guy's a fucking hardcore christian right like to the core so i'm gonna open with did i tell you that we had 311 000 downloads in the seven podcast no no can you can you what was that number can you go over that one more time? What's the question, Tavon? I'm going to open with this. It's not even a question. I'm going to be like, Dusty, thanks for coming on the show. One of the things I found most fascinating about you is your favorite piece of scripture, James 15, 13.
Starting point is 01:57:47 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends and soon as you get one of these like religious dudes like hopper or something on there and you give the bible a little love boom or even you you're i can't wait to do a show with you and find out what kind of fucking dark hole you crawled out of i was just telling fucking susan we gotta get taylor on here just me and him so i can figure out what the fuck's going on with this dude but uh uh you know that's gonna he's he's his heart's gonna like beat like a special beat for me when i bring that up and that's what and that what's so fascinating about this part of scripture is that's what this guy fucking does for a living he gets in between cowboys and bulls and basically this was just a bullshit job before he came along i mean it was by bullshit i mean it was niche now there's a whole fucking fan base of people who go to these
Starting point is 01:58:32 rodeos not to see the dude to ride the horses but to see this guy get in between the horses and the bulls the real question that we need you to ask is are you doing this because you're friends with these guys no he's he's no he he does it because he's God-fearing. He wants to dedicate his life to helping other people, and he just found this is a great way to do it. He's awesome. I watched a fucking dozen interviews on him. He's wonderful.
Starting point is 01:58:58 Dude, the balls on him. Oh, my gosh. I had a guy come through a level one who was a who's a bullfighter like this and um it's probably him he has his level one um no i don't think his name was dusty but it was funny so he was like really banged up you can tell when somebody moves like you can tell like that guy's had an injury or two you know you can just tell and so we were chatting after because um i was giving him some tips and he goes you know he's like i was a bullfighter bullfighter for a while. And I was like, yeah, you should have told me that. He's like, yeah, I had my leg completely shattered. And he, a bull stepped on my face
Starting point is 01:59:31 and broke my entire face. And it was inches away from killing me. And he was like, after that, I realized I should slow down because I have a family, but yeah, that job is, it's one of the only real sports bullfighting. What was that? It's a Hemingway quote, bullfighting, rock climbing, a hemingway quote bullfighting rock climbing and um podcasting they're my real sports you did my level one and i did like a workout at lunch and you made fun of it to the entire level one class good where did you where did we do your level one well that's before crossfit had a dei council they would never do that now i'm trying hr pay do it at uh new jersey what was the workout clue it was it was wow it was some sort of assault bike and muscle up and maybe it was like
Starting point is 02:00:19 three rounds sounds like something i would do was this was this that CrossFit clue or Morristown? It was that CrossFit clue. It was like, it was like 21, 59 assault by calories and maybe seven, five, three muscle ups. And you're like, Oh, I like that, but I would do more muscle ups. I said that to you. Wow. I got, I got such a little man syndrome. Wow. That was a long time ago. That was 2018. And now look, did you do more muscle-ups in that workout? No, I think I just – I think I did the workout. I was going to say, I guess I can take all the credit for – For sure.
Starting point is 02:00:56 Yeah. Zoom in right there. How cool is that gym? Dude, it's huge. Crazy. Yeah. So big. Did you like your level one? you can be honest and be like
Starting point is 02:01:06 no you sucked i can no i loved it i loved it it was great i was you know you were actually a lot nicer than donnie forbes at my level two yeah he probably just because he thought you were just a better looking redhead than he is it true hobart that don has a 10 inch cock. Actually. So someone just texted me an article. They said, Hey, here's some content for you.
Starting point is 02:01:35 And the article title is the big nose, the big nose, big hose hypothesis is true. According to study on corpses. But wait a second. Have you heard that about Donnie? Even I know, even i've heard that about donnie i've heard that there it's a what's it kielbasa kielbasa what's a giant sausage yeah kielbasa no i have i have not heard that i'll text him and ask him yeah i heard he this man is oh oh yes damn he dismantled me at my level wow is that true allison is that true about donnie or the article
Starting point is 02:02:14 yeah that's true about donnie hey so were you in the military no i was not no okay why'd you ask that i just was just curious. What did you, did you sniff it on him? Do you smell it on him? No, I was just looking at some of the books on his shelf. Oh. No, my. I had to ask three times for you to be honest, Hobart.
Starting point is 02:02:35 Sorry, Taylor. Go ahead. I thought you were talking about that guy. Guys, 312,000. It's gone up a thousand there we go um donnie's cock right right i'm glad i'm glad you liked your level one and um yeah that sounds like something i would say i would always hassle people at lunchtime workouts well yeah it's kind of a douchey thing to do for sure. Yeah, but I was also probably just jealous. Like you were probably doing something where I was like,
Starting point is 02:03:10 I bet he's fitter than me. And it probably just like made me pissed. So I was like, I'll just go straight ad hominem attack. At the time, there was no way I was fitter than you. Probably not. It always seems like at those things, there's a level of like a kind of like a show-off-iness to it. Like people are like, oh, I got to get in my handstand walk practice today and you're like really yeah 10 minutes
Starting point is 02:03:28 before the l1 like oh my lunchtime workout is pistols muscle-ups and triple unders you know i like that they it should inspire that he's yeah he's just giga chad man he's giga chad i love peacocking yeah he's peak he's just swinging it aroundchadding it, man. He's giga-chadding it. I love peacocking. Yeah, he's just swinging it around. That's why I told him he should do more muscle-ups. He should just really show off to people. What did someone send me the other day speaking of showing off? That workout sounds horrible. Fuck that assault bike.
Starting point is 02:03:58 I didn't go fast probably enough to make it that bad back then. I was a Jewish. Were we still doing Fran then? Or no, did we do the burpee thruster? We'll do the burpee thruster. Yeah. What was your time? Wow.
Starting point is 02:04:10 That's, I don't remember three. I don't know. I'm between three. I think it was three 48. That's a good time. I think it was maybe four 11. I'm between those two times.
Starting point is 02:04:24 I don't know why either way those are good times do you remember if we did burpees i if i would at my seminars i would always try and do burpees to a target you get into the pull-up bar yeah hell yeah that's a really good time for that setup then i like burpees now hey did you ever see that meme of the um vacuum cleaner they get like wrapping a vacuum cleaner as a christmas present is this related to like the big nose thing big hose or yeah kind of kind of i don't know if you can see this but it's basically it says i should have left it in the box well that's a dysyson too. That's nice. Okay.
Starting point is 02:05:08 All right. Let's pick it up. Let's go. Hey, a little follow-up article. End of the year. Remember that volcano we talked about in the Canary Islands just causing lots of havoc back in September 19th? Well, it finally stopped. So officially, Saturday following 10 days of no lava flows or seismic activity or significant sulfur dioxide emissions. Stay out of my bedroom.
Starting point is 02:05:30 But the emergency in La Palma, the most northwest island in the Atlantic Ocean archipelago, is not overdue to the widespread damage the eruption caused. The Canaries Volcanic Emergency Committee said in announcing the much anticipated milestone of it finally stopping, fiery molten rock flowing down toward the sea destroyed around 3,000 buildings, entombed banana plantations and vineyards, ruined irrigation systems and cut off roads. But no injuries or deaths were directly linked to the eruption. Turns out volcanoes safer than COVID. The government value, the loss of buildings and infrastructure at more than 900 million euros, which is about a billion us dollars. Which Island was it?
Starting point is 02:06:17 I'm looking, I'm looking at the canary, one of the canary islands. I think it was, uh, Oh God, La Palma. It's the city or the Island.
Starting point is 02:06:26 There was something you said in there. kind of caught look at that it's a volcanic soccer ball dude would that take a leg off that reminds me of like gettysburg the movie yeah i was thinking um the patriot oh that's the movie yeah when he gets his leg blasted off by the cannonball. What a great movie. Oh, it's not the northmost island in the Atlantic. It's the northmost canary of the Canary Islands. Gotcha. Okay, that's what I was tripping on. Okay.
Starting point is 02:06:56 Speaking of islands and Africa and volcanoes, I watched the Netflix movie 14 Peaks. Oh, sick movie. Last night. I haven't watched it. I just watched The Alpinist. I haven't movie 14 Peaks. Oh, sick movie. Last night. I haven't watched. I just watched The Alpinist. I haven't watched 14 Peaks. 14 Peaks is way better, in my opinion.
Starting point is 02:07:11 Okay. Okay. I thought The Alpinist was just kind of like a reader of the Alex Honnold one. I haven't seen The Pianist. I got like 10 minutes in, and I was like, this is just like Alex Honnold's interviews, and I'm bored. Yeah. I also watched the new's interviews and I'm bored. Yeah. I also watched the new James Bond and the new matrix.
Starting point is 02:07:30 Oh, the matrix. Have you seen Dune? I did watch Dune. Yeah. Did you read the book or no? I didn't read the books. My dad was a huge fan.
Starting point is 02:07:42 And so I have a little familiarity with them. I just felt like they tried to fit too much in that i feel like that movie should have been that movie should have been three movies yeah i've i've read the book so i'm just a little reluctant to that was just yeah it's i think it's it's beautiful to see yeah it's a gorge i just wanted it to be like i wanted that movie to be two movies. Gotcha. What did you read Dune Taylor?
Starting point is 02:08:08 Yeah. Where did you read it at? Where were you when you read it? Uh, most of the time, like in my bed before I went to sleep. Oh, nice. It just seems like one of those giant books,
Starting point is 02:08:18 like that you read when you're in rehab, like you got the Bible and then you got like something like, like, uh, Dune or, or, uh, gone with the wind or some shit like that. Like you're like something like like uh dune or or uh gone with the wind or some shit like that like you're like all right i'm just digging in i was on a dan fuck what's his last name digital fortress the guy who wrote uh inferno and um da vinci code
Starting point is 02:08:37 oh yeah dan brown dan brown i was on a big dan brown kick that time so i think i read digital fortress and he has another one that's in some winter apocalyptic. Those are the two books I read in rehab since you asked. Oh, thank you. I couldn't make it through The New Bond. I made it about an hour through. But I was told recently by someone who saw The New Bond and The New Matrix that basically they have the same ending meaning the the ending is like yeah some people just want to be taken care of and they don't care if uh they don't they just
Starting point is 02:09:12 want to be taken care of and told what to do actually a friend of mine went and saw the matrix in a movie theater and everyone in there was wearing masks except for him and he said at the end of the movie people cheered because it was about freedom and he's looking around and he's like, dude, they're talking about you. You jackasses. That's funny.
Starting point is 02:09:29 I know. I think I know that friend. Oh, did he tell you the same story? Um, but that movie is heavy on that. Uh, it's super heavy on that concept of like,
Starting point is 02:09:37 just being really like plugged in, not just like the matrix, but just a certain lifestyle and not worrying about the misery around you if your life is just okay enough yeah the matrix is interesting thank you thank you but keanu reeves almost 60 dude looks good he is almost 60 i think he's 57 that's crazy he's like the jenna ranston on the male side oh man hey how does bond get better as it goes along i made it about an hour and just fucking tuned out walked away i think the problem with the bond movie is like the the whole time the other movies you feel like they're building towards something and the whole
Starting point is 02:10:16 time i was watching that movie i just feel like they were just going through the motions to get to the end like you knew what the end was going to be and they were just i don't know it was too obvious tom cruise is 59 damn holy shit 59 i can't wait to get plastic surgery i need glasses now i got actually my license renewed like a month ago and i i just didn't realize that you would have to stick your head in one of those things and do a little eye test and she had to help me a lot oh because you couldn't answer the questions yeah she was like read the top row and i read the six letters and she was like you don't see anything before that i was like no dude that's like no bedside manner.
Starting point is 02:11:10 All right, go on, James. Holiday flights were canceled. Oh, I sounded like Bond's girlfriend. Go on, James. Go on, James. I like that. I like that you're one of my Bond girls. James.
Starting point is 02:11:23 Oh, James. Oh, James. Oh, James. Hey, does Cassandra ever do that to you? Yeah. Oh, James. She does? Mm-hmm. Oh, God.
Starting point is 02:11:34 Does that make your hair stick up on the back of your neck at all? It is right now, just thinking about it. Yeah. Oh, James. Hey, that probably shortens your refractory period by 50%, huh? Yes, absolutely. Oh, James. Which is rough.
Starting point is 02:11:50 All right. United Airlines and Delta Airlines both canceled dozens of Christmas Eve flights because of staff shortages amid the surge in infections. United Airlines canceled 177 flights and Delta canceled 150 flights. Data from the website FlightAware showed as of 11.56 a.m., so noontime yesterday or yesterday. No, Friday. More than 2,100 flights globally were scrapped with 527 cancellations within, into, or the united states according to this site flight aware the average number of new covid 19 infections has risen 37 to 165 000 per day over the past week according to reuters as omicron spreads the biden administration announced it would lift
Starting point is 02:12:41 travel restrictions on eight southern african countries imposed last month after the variant was detected there first okay stop stop stop stop questions uh so when you report something like that 138 000 cases a day does that mean or 165 000 cases a day does that mean 100 or uh i don't know some number that size or larger got tested how do they get that number i think they're using positive tests so it could be duplicates right well no but what i mean is is like did only 5 000 people take the test and then they're like okay there's 330 million people in the united states to divide you know 500 and or, you know, 5,000 into 330 million. And then time was that, I mean, is that what they're doing? Or did, because maybe there's really 800,000 new positive
Starting point is 02:13:30 tests, tests every, or cases every day, and only 330,000 are getting tested. Well, I think actually your scenario is, is closer to the truth. The first, the first one or second one? Second one. I thought that, i thought that those i mean this it's not even a story unless you tell that part like anyone with fucking like six brain cells it can do nothing with that data unless you know the big picture like how the fuck can you report how many people have it without telling me how you fucking got the data it means nothing it's actually illegal
Starting point is 02:14:07 it means nothing you know i only have five brain cells so i don't really understand it yeah i don't i'm just scared that's all i know i'm very scared yeah okay well then it's okay good all right that's fine you guys come over to my house you can sleep in my yard if you knew something like if like 20 million people were tested but 165 000 tested positive per day does that help you yeah like that that would be that would be enormous that would be huge explain this to me what do you mean brian what do you mean what do you mean come on what come on your face come on what no no he was saying he's saying here it's the media oh sorry sorry yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:45 Sorry. Okay, so you're on. Sorry, sorry. Come on, take that back. Be nice to the crowd. I take that back. Come on, Hobart's face. Sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 02:14:50 Come on, Hobart's face. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Just getting a little wound up. A little wound up. So here's a nice stat. Here's a stat that you might like. The TSA on Thursday screened 2,187,000 passengers through U.S. airports. Okay, I like this.
Starting point is 02:15:06 This is a decrease of about 365,000 over the number of travelers it screened pre-pandemic on the same date in 2019. So we saw a, I don't know, 15% decrease. Is that the right math? In travelers since 2019. Hey, I heard it was 2.2 million people they were expecting to fly every single day
Starting point is 02:15:32 for like a week, seven days straight. Well, I think, and also I just read a crazy stat. I think there's 42,000 flights per day. Yeah, two and a half million passengers fly every day in and out of US airports, which when you talk about like, and how only, so if there's 42,000 flights per day. Yeah. Two and a half million passengers fly every day in and out of us airports, which when you talk about like, and how only, so if there's 42,000 flights per day and, um, only 177 were canceled, 150 dealt. So 300 flights were canceled. Like who cares? Brian, thank you for the $5. That's why I busted a nut on Hobart's face and not yours. So I, you, you, thank you. Uh you uh for six dollars i'll nail
Starting point is 02:16:05 taylor too didn't even feel it you need to use some vitamin e and pineapple pal you're gross man you're really gross james you've changed me don't google that mom don't google that i used to i used to go in the bathroom with my friends in the second grade like the at lunchtime and we would go we would all go in the bathroom and we would just say swear words did you ever do that and so like i'd be like fuck and another guy'd be like bitch another kid be like ass and then you'd combine them and you'd be yes oh yes yes Oh, yes. Yes. Bitch ass shithole. He said, bitch ass shithole. D word, D word. And someone be like, I said the D word. But there's another story. Oh yeah. Here we go. TSA checkpoint travel numbers. Okay. So here's my question. How, how are these all the people who aren't afraid?
Starting point is 02:17:06 Hey, can I go pee? Yeah, how are you concerned about Omicron, the most vicious of all the Transformers that ever lived, and get in a Coca-Cola can and fly around with people? I hate flying and driving to Miami. Me too. How are you going to get to Miami? Driving. Driving. How are you going to get to Miami? Driving.
Starting point is 02:17:25 Driving. How many hours? Like 10. Oh. I think that we're going to hit it out of the park so good for Wadapalooza, the coverage that we're going to be asked to do the games, which would be crazy. I really am smoking crack, but I do think it's true. And that means I'm going to have to drive to Madison. Why won't you fly? What? Why won't you fly? I don't fly. I will not fly.
Starting point is 02:17:51 Why? I will not comply. Oh, I should do a Dr. Seuss book. I will not fly, my friend, Taylor. I will not fly. I will not comply. Damn. I wish your name had, uh, ended with like a, an I sound. Yeah. I will not fly. Yeah. Colin, let's add that to the list of books to write, please. No, sorry. I cannot, I cannot fly. I will not fly. Unless you know someone who has a jet who will come get me. Watsonville. Watsonville. Have them land it there.
Starting point is 02:18:29 You can handle a G4, G5. I will not fly, Hobart. I will not comply. I take a sigh. I shot a load in your eye. My, oh, my. Do you want to cry? That will cause cause an infection and you will get a stye if it goes untreated you just might die oh perfect kayla please clip that for us i'm stamp it two two hours 18 minutes what was the verdict on that we are those you said
Starting point is 02:19:07 those are the people who just aren't afraid or maybe just have to do jobs or i i don't know i i think that like there's this people people are just want to spin the narrative that suits them okay so i can be scared but i can still like get on a plane because it's okay if you wear a mask and i like they're just like molding this story so that they can still like get on a plane because it's okay if you wear a mask. And I like, they're just like molding this story so that they can still get their life done and wear their mask and be scared. Like they're, they want to feel all of these things,
Starting point is 02:19:33 but still get to grandma's house. And it's like, or maybe they're just feeling like it's too much of a hassle for them to fight it. Cause they feel like they have no real recourse and they're just trying to go about their daily lives. So some really politicians do the fighting for them. Yes. And they just want to go to sleep in the matrix um the the i used to fly around in a cirrus i'm too good for a cirrus now eric sorry i'm surprised you don't have a way
Starting point is 02:19:55 oh a cirrus jet yeah i just saw one of those for the first time last week those are crazy what's a cirrus jet it's it's uh it's got it's like winger engine in a weird spot um i'll find out how i just saw an athlete i just saw a meme that said um people who i don't know if it's a meme i just saw a story and it said oh my goodness oh my goodness look at this name for james combarded i mean that's really forced right combarded that was forced there was one in earlier i got yeah misspelled queef we called it queef part that was a good one wow that's a i didn't realize this the serious jet had that much room in it yeah let's roomie so there's um hobart there's this um people now who are being called
Starting point is 02:20:45 anti-vax who won't get the booster they have both vaccines they've got the double shot but they won't get the booster and they're being called unvaxed and it's just like i i think some people are just like they've had it they've had it not you though you're just chill you're you haven't had it you're you're i mean you're okay with cum jokes on your face. You're chill. I'm pretty chill, man. You're super chill. You're a Gemini.
Starting point is 02:21:11 You're a Gemini. All publicity is good publicity. Oh, James. You need that guy to give us one of those in that accent. Yes. Mr. England, will you give me a, oh, James. Oh, James. No no that one was terrible maybe one of our three female listeners can send that to me as a voice message we've already asked too much of them
Starting point is 02:21:34 tonight yeah i am i'm looking forward to all of the studies and reports that hopefully come out about like large populations and fear in the future and how it affects the way people think. Because. Some of the most pro vaccine people in the world are now coming out about how masks for kids are complete fucking insanity. And we're shadow banned. And there goes our youtube channel the liver king uh recommendation of the week in theaters christmas day and on apple tv um coen brothers directing a brand new mcbeth black and white starring denzel washington as mcbeth lady mcbeth francis mcdormand wow of course
Starting point is 02:22:27 of course so the joe cohen fargo no country for old men big lebowski might have heard of him i don't know article just reviewed it spoke very highly of it i'm excited to watch it denzel washington who last performed performed Shakespeare on screen in 1993. Much Ado About Nothing is superb in this title role as Macbeth fears while also making his madness credible. If you're unfamiliar with this story, just a great story about how fear takes over your entire life and at the same time will destroy it. So wonderful and topical at the same time. Going to be on Apple TV, January 14th. So for the five people that have Apple TV,
Starting point is 02:23:09 enjoy. You don't have Apple TV. You really? No, I don't have, I have an Apple TV. I don't do the Apple TV plus I'm like, I'm an HBO max guy.
Starting point is 02:23:17 Oh, I'm a Hulu guy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't do either of those either. Love the. I do YouTube. Nasty Nate man
Starting point is 02:23:26 Come on That's Taylor just read it Oh and we put it on there Alright Go ahead and google that one I just want to read this and then we'll just We'll take it off the screen.
Starting point is 02:23:46 Nasty N8 writes, James has his red wings. I think it's Nasty Nate. Oh, Nasty Nate. Sorry. I think it's Nasty N8. I think you're right. Okay. Let's go on.
Starting point is 02:24:02 Hey, our moms don't get that one, James. Don't worry. Yeah, but they're sure as shit Googling it, man. Hey, look. Savon drives a Prius. This guy is just bombing all of us. Everyone's taking a shot. I think electric cars are kind of cool. What do you drive, Savon? I drive a minivan. I drive a all of us. Everyone's taking a shot. I think electric cars are kind of cool.
Starting point is 02:24:25 What do you drive, Siobhan? I drive a minivan. I drive a Toyota Sienna. Nice. Hey. Spaceship is what that is. Fully loaded. Fully loaded.
Starting point is 02:24:34 Oh, you know, speaking of cars, I was just thinking today, what kind of moron buys a Jeep? Taylor owns a Jeep, man. I do not drive a Jeep. I don't drive a Jeep. What kind of idiot? It's a Jeep thing, baby. What kind of idiot? What do you drive? You drive a Raptor? You don not drive a Jeep. What kind of idiot? It's a Jeep thing, baby. What do you drive? You drive a Raptor?
Starting point is 02:24:48 I don't drive a Jeep. It's a lifestyle. Oh, I used to drive a Subaru. You're wonderful. Thank you. WRX? Yeah. WRX?
Starting point is 02:24:54 Hell yeah. Hatchback or sedan? It's a 20. They stopped making the hatchback in 2015. It's a 16. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I had a 2014 WRX. i just sold it this year wow so it put
Starting point is 02:25:09 some good miles on for you like that i bought it certified pre-owned but uh the one i had a 2008 just in prez before that i put like 160 on it and i crashed it oh look at look at i type in the word jeep into google or into duck duck go and the first link is a clothing brand that's jeep that's how shitty the car is and i'm telling you jeep if you want me to change my opinion you're gonna have to give me one for free these cars are so fucking loud you should type in a uh rivian automotive or the new uh what's the new rivian truck the new electric truck that they're making is so cool. Let me show you these.
Starting point is 02:25:47 Look at the, like, are any one of these, like, can you talk on the phone on any one of these and have a good conversation? No, man. I mean, these are the fucking noisiest. I don't know what that is. Can't really in my car either. Say that again?
Starting point is 02:26:01 You can't really in my car either. It's pretty noisy. No, yeah, you cannot in a WRX's it is the loudest thing in the world i mean it's cool looking i guess you got to get the rubicon version though that thing just looks like wimpy that's not enough truck for me to make up for all my inadequacies i need that's why i bought150 and that's actually what i was thinking i think a jeep just screams you have a you have a you have a a nice size nose yeah that's why and that's that's why i don't own one yeah i'm glad you finally got a decent picture of me um on uh the thumbnail oh you like that one yeah that's an old one that's a good one yeah that thing is so
Starting point is 02:26:47 cool the art the r1t so of all the businesses that didn't do well during covid initial public offerings or ipos in which companies shares are sold to investors on one or more stock exchanges raised a whopping record 594 billion billion 2021 globally, according to data providers. This represents a growth of 81% in proceeds and a 51% increase in total number of IPOs from the year before. Wait, did you just say growth? Growth. Did I mention that the show has 313 000 downloads in the last seven days so has it really got up 2 000 since we've been on this show it's crazy right after this show though it's just somehow people are gonna on download they're gonna give it back they're
Starting point is 02:27:38 gonna be like fuck it i'm gonna return it i don't want it i bought it i tried it i didn't like it i hate it when people pin me in the comments like this like savon should drive a volvo perfect for his personality i mean he's probably right volvos are cool i know but you don't want anyone to know that what is a volvo personality lay that on me just like an uptight douche like a guy who folds his napkins like you know it's like he always buttons his top button yeah it's just like and i'm trying to hide it by wearing only does missionary with hands on the shoulders oh my god keeps his legs like this, this tight together. Holy shit.
Starting point is 02:28:32 Hands on his shoulders. I'm going to try that. I'm going to try that tonight, James. Just hands on shoulders. You know, if I did that, my wife would just stop me and be like, my wife would stop me and be like, are you okay? Should I check your temperature.
Starting point is 02:28:47 Is this a bad time? What's wrong? Are we fighting? She'd like pull on your face to see if it's a mask. She turns the lights on. Simon, is that you? With the lights off. Taylor's over there like, you guys have sex.
Starting point is 02:29:09 Oh my goodness. Okay. What were you saying about the stock market? IPOs are doing really well throughout the last year. 51% increase in the total number of IPOs from the year before. The biggest firms behind this year's initial public offerings. You know, what was a bummer is this article. I got to research this little follow-up next week.
Starting point is 02:29:33 Why IPOs have increased so much. But anyway, I think it's, well, it doesn't matter. The biggest firms behind this year's IPOs came from the technology and healthcare sectors, with 426 technology IPOs and 332 healthcare-related companies going public. Combined, this represented nearly half of all the IPO proceeds raised in 2021 by companies worldwide, according to this article. Can I read something really quick? Sorry. An IPO is an initial public offering of a company stock. So IPO is basically like when something goes public, right? Like Lululemon used to be owned by one guy and then it went public.
Starting point is 02:30:17 It's when you're going to basically share or sell stocks on a stock exchange of your company. So you're basically going to share ownership, sell ownership of your company ownership quotes on a public stock exchange. So basically you sold out, you have a fiduciary duty now to the people invested in your company and you no longer have your company can no longer have a mission that, that it's more important than making money. Yeah. I mean, that could happen before ipo as well
Starting point is 02:30:46 too once you get a board involved i love how good the callers are low blow wait what'd he say what'd he say nothing what's our call where's our caller at get them on yeah caller hi hey uh it's calling uh mars is a little busy um he's looking for a job. He needs some help. Oh, Colin. Yes, yes, yes. Hi. You guys help out? Yes, absolutely. Colin, type this, write this down. Do you got a pen and paper? Yeah, I got it. B-A-R-B-E-L-L-J-O-B-S dot com. Just tell them to go over there.
Starting point is 02:31:24 Sorry? H-A-N-D-J-O-B-S dot com. Just tell them to go over there. Sorry? Wait, wait, wait. Let me read it back to you. H-A-N-D-J-O-B-S dot com. Close enough.
Starting point is 02:31:32 Close enough. You'll find something there, too. It's called an old-fashioned, man. It's called an old-fashioned. Colin, that's the oldest profession in the job. Sounds like that person has a job. Hey, I need a little something for my supplements too. Like I'm not getting enough nutrition, not hitting like all the macros and micros I need. Can you help me out?
Starting point is 02:31:51 Yes, absolutely. I highly recommend you check out Ancestral Supplements. And maybe invest in a new phone line also. Okay, I'll work on it. I'll pass this on to Mars. I know he was going to call in, but he's trying to get a job. He's getting his red wings. All right. Thank you, Colin.
Starting point is 02:32:09 Thank you. All right. Peace. Ah, yes. Just working it all into the show. Ah, someone's got their YouTube window open. Not me. It was Taylor.
Starting point is 02:32:21 It was Taylor. You could tell. His face turned a little red. He fell back. Oh, he's still got his YouTube window open. he's needed now he's gonna get it figured out um okay ipos ipos ipos initial public offerings rivian automotive was one of this year's largest ipos raising over 12 billion dollars in its market debut in November. Meanwhile, shares of the Chinese ride-hailing app, Didi, lost over 40% of its value since $4.4 billion debut on the New York Stock Exchange in June.
Starting point is 02:32:58 British food delivery app, Deliveroo, was also down 46% despite raising $2.1 billion upon its launch in March. Still, many analysts say that investors are likely to continue taking risks with IPOs in the months to come, driven by low interest rates and the reopening of economies due to the global COVID-19 vaccination push. Thank you, vaccines, for stimulating our economy. Sivan, take it away. He's gone. Where is Joe? Wow, look at that chair. He just left.
Starting point is 02:33:39 All right, let's keep rolling here. There you go. I wonder if the IPOs are occurring because of companies selling, people just being like, I don't want to deal with this economy anymore. Yeah, I think it's a combination of everything. There's so much money in the system right now too with how much has been printed and everything else. Well, there's that.
Starting point is 02:33:59 And I do think, like you were saying, more investment in the stock market. Yes. Interest rates being so low. think within yeah like you're saying like um more investment insurance rates yes um interest rates being so low and i think wealthy investors are finally starting to push a lot more money into the economy but yeah i don't know it was an interesting story made me kind of sad because i also read that there was like on yelp released a stat where it was like something to the tune of like i don't know a hundred000 businesses or small businesses are permanently closed. There's crazy stats around small businesses too. But yeah, so.
Starting point is 02:34:32 We got a couple left, guys. We're doing a nice job. Taylor, did you answer this question? What was the biggest IPO in Europe? That's a good question. Oh, I didn't see biggest IPO in Europe. Hobart's not really a size guy. DDs don't lose their value.
Starting point is 02:34:50 It's DDs. Belt and Valley disabled. Double Ds. My bad. I have an 8A for founders getting money to expand. I get it. Okay, here we go. Europe's biggest IPO markets of the year
Starting point is 02:35:06 oh nope i don't have a bloomberg subscription i won't be looking at this article all right we can move on sorry sorry hobart didn't mean to find that chair cost more in your house Sorry, Hobart. Didn't mean to hide that. Find that chair costs more in your house. Someone bought me this chair. It's funny you say that. This chair is not cheap.
Starting point is 02:35:35 I didn't know Bumble went public. That's awesome. I mean, who gives a fuck about the most fascinating? James. Thank you, James. The most fascinating – James. Thank you, James. The most fascinating IPOs – fascinating? Is that some sort of woke metric? Here we go.
Starting point is 02:35:53 Fascinating. I think it's fascinating because some of them fail spectacularly. Not Bumble. That's where girls go. What does it say about Texas outlawing? Also that year, she and Bumble go down a little bit. Bumble helped get on the books, the new Texas law outlying digital sexual harassment.
Starting point is 02:36:19 Yeah. You get to sue people. If someone, you know, someone who has digitally sexually harassed someone else, you can sue them for 10, up to $10,000. Perfect. Perfect. Hey hey did you see was there a case of someone in who got like sexually accosted in the in the metaverse then sued the other person how can they get sexually accosted in the metaverse just like just like my avatar touches your
Starting point is 02:36:39 avatar's cock and balls without you saying it's okay oh when we get into the metaverse man i'm gonna i know exactly what you're gonna do the real the real james hobart so you could be punished by uh five hundred dollars for sending unsolicited d-picks good thing i don't live in texas that's good man i mean like unless you gotta like because I just don't imagine the people sending dick pics have, like, have, like, you know, a real admirable hog, you know? Oh, yes, they do. That's why they do it. Do you think so? Do you think it's guys you have, like, a, what do they say?
Starting point is 02:37:19 Spiral vein going up to the Thunderdome? Dude, let me tell you what they do. This is what I what they do this is what i bet they do they put they hold a fucking can like this or like a fucking red bull can next to their cock and then they take a picture of it and snap it that's what i would do if i was fucking if you're not holding one of those 24 ounce triple monster cans i don't want to see it they did a pringles can yeah i. Oh, I better not tell that story. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 02:37:49 It's because I think this person who told me this story, I think she listens, but I better not. Here's a story. Okay, so young girl. Okay, I'm going to tell it like this. I'm going to tell it like this. If – never mind i don't know i gotta put some distance between this i'll bring it up another show take a note it'll be on our patreon account the story will be on account giant cock am i gay story later am i gay story okay okay um here we go i think this one's all the way at the end sues that dr grant
Starting point is 02:38:29 was right recently found in china perfectly preserved dinosaur embryo that appears have been just about to hatch from its egg the scientists believe the egg was fossilized after being buried by a mudslide or similar phenomenon that protected it from exposure to the elements as well as scavengers. And that it is likely an over-raptoroid theropod dinosaur. It's like a little, looks like a leathery chicken. Hey, isn't there an amazing time-lapse video of them sort of like opening up this egg? Actually, I don't know about that okay go on sorry from the late crustaceous period which lasted from about 145 to 66 million years
Starting point is 02:39:13 ago this was discovered like i said in the gang gang joe in southern city of gang joe in the southern in southern china they noticed an avian tucking behavior, which I think is how birds tuck up in their egg, possibly originated among non-avian theropods, dinosaurs. Prior to the discovery, this posture was unrecognized in non-avian dinosaurs. What I really wanted to point out was just some of the comments in this article. One of the comments I read said, quote, I'm still laughing. This simply proves there is no evolution since the Cretaceous period until the chickens. Now, with respect to this posture, the posture is the same then as it is now. The creator of this yingling and the chicken are the same.
Starting point is 02:40:05 Meaning there is only 3000 years old. and the chicken are the same. Meaning the earth is only 3,000 years old. My Christian friends are right? Yes. Fuck, I knew it. That good thing I accepted Jesus into my life twice. Three times, I thought. No, just twice, but I will. I'm sure I
Starting point is 02:40:20 am not going to die until I do get like five more acceptances. Solid. Hey, maybe tomorrow Dusty Tuckness will ask me if I want to take Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. What do we have for time? Oh, yeah, we got a couple. I think we're going to finish them. All right.
Starting point is 02:40:35 India and animals. Year in 2021 proved bad from human-animal contact conflict point of view for tigers, leopards, and humans too. Oh, my. With seven days to go for the year to end, 81 humans, 41 tigers, and 107, what's the hate with all the leopards? And 174 leopards have already died this year. Though, as per Forest Department's claim, 29 tigers and 153 leopards have died this year according to data compiled by wildlife protection society of india the wpsi which is a non-governmental organization working to tackle the country's growing wildlife crisis 81 humans chandra pour 44 or 81 human kills, Chandrapur 44, and neighboring, I'm not going to say that because I'm going to mess it up, 16 in another city accounted for 60 deaths combined.
Starting point is 02:41:34 Of the 60 victims, 47 were mauled by tigers and 10 by leopards, while three were attacked by an elephant or a wild boar. Wow, wow. Imagine being attacked by an elephant or a wild boar. Wow, wow. Imagine being attacked by an elephant. One area, Nashik, had reported nine deaths in leopard attacks. Of the 41 tiger deaths recorded by the WPSI, Wildlife Protection Society of India, 20 died due to poaching, 12 were found dead, two died in road accidents, and seven died in infighting wait so that's 41 deaths in a year 41 tiger tigers because that's a saturday night in chicago exactly and by way
Starting point is 02:42:14 of comparison i think there are about 3 000 wild tigers in india expanding that means expanding its forest cover blah blah three thousand tigers in india of the 174 leopard deaths 89 were found dead 26 were due to poaching 28 died in road and railway accidents 20 in infighting i think infighting is like how many of them died from covid and how many of them had comorbidities? All of them. And the remaining deaths were due to attack by local villagers and killed during rescue operations. It is estimated that 12,000 to 14,000 leopards are in India.
Starting point is 02:42:54 Hey, it's impossible that none of those were COVID deaths. This thing jumps from animal to human with no problem. We have zoos in the United States full of animals with COVID and they're just going to go out there and say that all of these tigers died from blah blah no bullshit but most importantly we can mitigate the problem if people wear masks maintain restraint by not intruding into the space occupied by big carnivores thank you thank. Do not walk into Tyler, Tyler Taylor self's house unannounced without a mask.
Starting point is 02:43:28 He will kill you. Yes. He is a big, large carnival, feline carnivore. My dog would alert. Yes. Kind of dog. Yeah. She's a little, little red healer. Hey, he's fading. The show's gotten too long for taylor he is a this and this is indicative of going to be why the games are going to be so difficult for him because it's 15 events this isn't a fucking seven event fucking this is 20 articles taylor this is more than 20 we let you eat and go on a bathroom break dude i have my articles pulled up, man. Yeah, see? At least somebody pays attention. You told him not to even have
Starting point is 02:44:06 the document. Yes, I am. It's true. We want to end on... He does. He has all his teeth, man. He can't be on that show. He's a pen pal to that guy now that he's in
Starting point is 02:44:26 jail have you have you guys seen this movie yet don't look up no i haven't should we watch it long i yeah i watched it last night it was i thought it was pretty interesting and then uh magnus said don't look up the movie that bashed trump and coveted in uh different words i i disagree with that i think it was more so like the whole deal of even in intimate danger, we still can't get our stuff. And by we, I mean the human race can't get our shit together enough to figure out a problem. We just immediately divide and eat each other out.
Starting point is 02:44:54 Eat each other out. What happens at the end? Does the planet die? Don't give it away. No spoilers on this podcast. Spoiler alert. What do you think you think we could all unite as one to defeat a common common towards a common cause or defeat a common enemy what do you think we all have a coexist bumper sticker on my car
Starting point is 02:45:14 nice okay el salvador the difference between a meteor and COVID is pretty huge. COVID kills fat people. Sorry, go on. Sorry, Hobart. Authorities in El Salvador have freed three women who spent between six and 13 years in jail under the country's harsh anti-abortion laws after suffering miscarriages. harsh anti-abortion laws after suffering miscarriages. The women had lost their fetuses due to alleged health emergencies during pregnancy. I'm not saying alleged because I don't believe it. I'm just saying alleged because it was in quotes in the article. It is a joy for all of us who have been fighting for the release of all women who have been unjustly imprisoned for suffering obstetric emergencies under this harsh and inhumane criminal law
Starting point is 02:46:09 el salvador bans abortion in all cases and terminating a pregnancy can send a woman to jail for up to eight years but judges often find women guilty of the crime of aggers aggravated homicide instead which can be punished by imprisonment up to 50 years. Through this article, I found another story about a woman who's been in prison for 30 years because receiving an abortion. Many women are prosecuted after seeking medical help for complications in pregnancy on suspicion of having attempted an abortion. After a decades-long fight by women's rights advocates in argentina for example the country senate in december legalized abortion while ecuador decriminalized
Starting point is 02:46:51 abortion in cases of rape in april the procedure is also legal in uruguay cuba as well as mexico city and three mexican states dude there's got to be a better way to enforce that law than imprisoning women it this is fucking nuts yeah i mean if all of the details of these articles are true they are pretty um pretty egregious like the the one with the young woman not now young who has been in jail for 30 years because of her abortion um there was another one who is in similar 10, 15 years, and then these three all ranging from six to 13. But it does seem like in that area of the world, Latin America, South America, that a lot of the countries are starting to loosen up the restrictions and criminality around abortion.
Starting point is 02:47:41 It's such a tough... I don't think anyone's ever gotten abortion and been like hey i'm really glad i had that experience yeah i get what you're saying and it's the same thing with like putting girls in jail it's a little different it's not the exact same thing i apologize for saying that but it's like it's like prostitution is illegal should a 15 year old girl go to jail for being a prostitute fuck no i think she wants to be a prostitute it's fucking nuts yeah like there's just it's just inhumane to do it's it's not it's it's bad for all of humanity to treat we need to treat each other better yep greed okay and i think i know how we should do it okay good mdma rick doblan who went on the on to form the wonderful multidisciplinary association of
Starting point is 02:48:38 psychedelic studies provided carol rosen a manager at an aerospace contractor, with a thousand hits of MDMA, aka ecstasy, I believe this was back in the 60s or 70s, aka molly, to bring to Moscow on a work trip. The plan, according to an article in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, was to give the psychedelic drug MDMA to Soviet scientists and military personnel set to negotiate with the U.S. President Ronald Reagan, excuse me, in the 80s, thereby injecting empathy and cross-cultural understanding into the nuclear peace process. This article went on to say, to me, the story isn't ecstasy ended the Cold War, but instead something more like during periods of unusual uncertainty, people, ideas, and institutions that might ordinarily appear to be on the margins can become entangled with more familiar efforts, often in surprising ways.
Starting point is 02:49:31 The potential of MDMA to mediate conflict seems to be something well worth researching. We know that the drug opens a space in which people can discuss difficult issues without being defensive, and that it promotes an almost instantaneous bond of trust between people. He says the overall goal is to have a more spiritualized humanity that can, instead of fighting each other, address our common challenges such as climate change and the rise of authoritarianism. Oh God, they almost had me.
Starting point is 02:50:01 It was almost like, okay, they almost had me. What got you? I don't want to get into it. Climate change. Climate change? Yeah, it's just like... You don't leave your house a lot. You're not going to be taxed that much
Starting point is 02:50:18 because you don't consume that much energy. I got my own fucking well. I'm going to have my own soul. I'm going to be off the grid here soon. I'm going to get some chickens. Go ahead. That's going to get me canceled. If we go in the way of implementing some sort of like carbon use tax,
Starting point is 02:50:36 I really hope they tax. I shouldn't say that. Not that I hope. This is not a personal opinion of James Hobart. I'd be surprised if they don't tax families with children because i don't i don't see how a car has a larger carbon footprint than another human being oh just tax the shit out of people for how you have a kid and you're just fucked yeah
Starting point is 02:51:00 and you want that is what you were going to say. No, I don't want that at all. I don't think that's the solution. No, you started off saying that. Yeah, I don't think that's the solution. But I think if that's the way things are going to go, right? No, you didn't change it because you didn't think it was a solution. It's because you didn't want to get canceled.
Starting point is 02:51:17 Yeah, I can't. Barbell jobs, hire me. But anyway, should we just end it there? My wife's friend's daughter had to fly into us in Mexico city to do an abortion. She's 16. It's illegal where she lives. She had to go to Mexico.
Starting point is 02:51:33 Oh, gotcha. Yeah. Cause I believe it is, uh, legalized in three different States in Mexico. Had yo shut it off about 25 minutes he was talking about the uh i just wanted to read it like that okay
Starting point is 02:51:52 let's see india animals all we have left is vladimir putin or what kamala harris regrets oh man two we could just wrap it up it's a good day Do you see this? We have a like on Facebook Yeah we got it right at the start At the beginning Is that good? Well no one watches the show on Facebook Like 99% of our listeners Are me, you, and Matt
Starting point is 02:52:20 Yeah but even though no one watches it on Facebook How many downloads have we had in the last 7 days? Oh that's funny you should ask. Let me see. 313,072 downloads on Apple's podcast platform in the last seven days. So, Siobhan, you haven't done a one-on-one podcast with Taylor yet? No. Well, what happened was—
Starting point is 02:52:42 It sounds like, Taylor, not to tokenize you, it sounds like you have some interesting stories to tell. What does that mean, tokenize? Just like objectify him just for his experience. Well, that is what we should do. I went through his Instagram. I don't have anything on my Instagram, but I do have some interesting stories to tell.
Starting point is 02:53:00 No, you have something on your Instagram. I don't have shit on my Instagram. Somewhere recently... If you do, Siob something on your Instagram. I don't have shit on my Instagram. Somewhere recently. If you do, Siobhan will find it. Give me tattoos, Taylor. There's no story about me. He's got one right on his arm, man. Let me see their tattoo on your arm real quick.
Starting point is 02:53:20 Oh. And what's that say? It says no fear. And it says it right ways up and then the other way oh shit it's one of those it's like a palindrome yeah something like an anagram kind of wait let me see that again can i see that one more time okay wait hold, hold on. Hold on. Okay. Oh yeah. That's cool. Who drew that? Oh, I drew it.
Starting point is 02:53:54 Wow. While you were in rehab. No, I wasn't in rehab at that time. Reading Dune. I was, I didn't read Dune in rehab. I was in rehab when I was 16. Isn't that crazy? See, that's a story hey that's like when i was 16 my mom was still bringing me breakfast in bed my mom was not bringing me breakfast in bed and savon if you fall that up with funny you say that your mom brings me breakfast in bed too i will be pissed funny you say that um uh that's interesting That's kind of like Fraser's life. Basically, I think by 17, he was a recovering alcoholic.
Starting point is 02:54:32 I didn't know that. I knew he was sober. I didn't know how old he was. What was your poison? Mostly alcohol and weed, but I dabbled in a few other things. Did you ever do MDMA? I never did MDMA. Oh.
Starting point is 02:54:48 And now do you not touch anything? Would you take, like, if you had to have your tooth pulled, would you let them shoot you up with something? I actually didn't get any painkillers when I had my wisdom teeth taken out. Fuck. Because of that, right? Because of that, you don't want to be tempted to, like, fuck with anything? It was probably more because I read the David Goggins book.
Starting point is 02:55:07 I actually had knee surgery that happened as well from the David. I mean, a lot of people will say, do what your doctor tells you to do. I was trusting David Goggins over my doctor. Hey. Who's going to carry the boats, man? Does Taylor kind of look like donnie no donnie's head's a lot a lot like he has like a skinny little head okay and he's really short you know who donnie is yeah yeah he did he did his level one oh that's right that's right well i just remember i when i couldn't remember how he was brought up i just remember i said he had a giant cack and i don't know that for sure but i know that's a pretty
Starting point is 02:55:49 have you texted him during the show at all hobart and said hey i hit him up okay tell him that um seven spreading vicious rumors i don't know if that's a vicious rumor i think i heard it described as a hammerhead. This guy's comment, went to rehab at 19, got kicked out. That's Colin. Don't feed the trolls. Hobart, how do you decide what stories not to share with us? I mean, we only have two left.
Starting point is 02:56:24 We're at three hours. Let's talk about Putin. Okay. Speaking during – Putin's a boss. Not saying I endorse his tactics, but he clearly is doing something right to stay in power. Speaking during a marathon annual news conference, the Russian leader welcomed talks with the U.S. Cool. Speaking during a marathon annual news conference, the Russian leader welcomed talks with the U.S., which he said are set to start in Geneva next month as a positive move. Positives in quotes, but warn that Moscow expects the discussion to produce quick results.
Starting point is 02:56:55 We have clearly and precisely let them know that any further NATO expansion eastward is unacceptable. nato expansion eastward is unacceptable so i believe putin's referring to um contesting over the area that is ukraine putin believes that ukraine a country of 44 million people that was previously part of the soviet union should be subservient to russia i don't know if those were his words the article's words the two countries,200-mile border as well as a cultural and linguistic ties, which many Ukrainians think Putin exaggerates. I didn't speak to any personally, but I know a couple. But instead of aligning itself with Russia, Ukraine has shifted toward the West, including toppling of a Putin-backed leader in 2014, Ukraine's current president, Vladimir Zelensky, has pushed back against Russia's attempts to expand its influence. Wait a second. Their leader's name is Vladimir and someone's denying a cultural connection? Well, no, no. They didn't deny. They said Putin exaggerates the cultural.
Starting point is 02:57:58 Isn't his name Vladimir Putin? Well, this guy, his Vladimir Putin, this is Volodymyr. V-O-L-O-D-Y-M-Y-R. I could pronounce it correctly. Yeah, Volodymyr and Vladimir are brothers. They're twin brothers. That's why Vladimir is- Like James and John.
Starting point is 02:58:13 Yeah. So Putin went on to say, is it us who are putting missiles near the U.S. borders, stating that NATO forces, U.S. forces are mobilizing troops, military resources into Ukraine. He says, no, it's the US who came to our home with its missiles. It's already on the threshold of our home. Is it some excessive demand not to place any strike weapons systems near our home, says Putin. The US and its allies have said they won't give Russia the kind of guarantee on Ukraine that Putin wants. American officials are conferring with European allies in advance of the Geneva talks.
Starting point is 02:58:50 Putin accused the West of trying to make Ukraine anti-Russia, constantly beefed up with modern weapons and brainwashing the population, which, if all the stuff around the Russian troll farms are true, is kind of a funny statement. farms are true. It's kind of a funny statement. Putin, who is set to attend the Winter Olympics in China early next year, also criticized the U.S. political boycott of the Beijing Games, describing it as a mistake and part of efforts by Washington to contain China's growing might. What do you think about boycotting the Olympics? I don't even know who watches the Olympics anymore. So really, I don't think a lot about it. So there, what do you watch the Olympics, Taylor? No, I don't.
Starting point is 02:59:31 Do you Matt? No, only the way he does it. I don't even watch the weightlifting. Really? No, I knew the Olympics. I mean, Hey, athletes, amazing job. Keep it up. In one of the interviews that Dusty Tuckness does,
Starting point is 02:59:50 and he's on the show tomorrow morning, one of the, I don't know, the host of the podcast he's on said, hey, so what do you think about the Olympics? And he goes, oh, I haven't been watching it. And he goes, no. And he goes, no, I've been really watching a lot of the CrossFit Games. Was that last year or the year before the CrossFit Games were on at the same time as the olympics when was that do you remember that i think i vaguely remember that i think that was last year that's pretty cool it's great
Starting point is 03:00:12 okay what was the takeaway of that vladimir putin article just that that they want to be friends and they want to talk but there's no one to talk to because um what's his name our president's they want to talk but there's no one to talk to because um what's his name our president's damaged goods putin is sure making it sound like that yeah i mean who would he i think the takeaway i think i think the takeaway from that article is um it'd be great to hear from ukraine about what they want to do not what nato us or russia wants ukraine to do but but I could be way off on that. Wow. So you're saying that you didn't ask Cassandra's parents if you could marry her. You asked Cassandra.
Starting point is 03:00:51 You cared what she thought. Exactly. You're old-fashioned. Yeah. Or no. But also in 2024, Joe Biden will be 82. So I think he said he intends to run as long as he's in good health. So it would be great to have an 82-year-old president.
Starting point is 03:01:09 Long live Joe. All right. I heard Jimmy Carter is going to run again. The Rock. It's going to be The Rock, baby. Is it too much to ask? Can we just get a 60 year old president please like how why is that so hard why so young 60 no yeah too young man let's get someone in there who
Starting point is 03:01:32 you probably wouldn't trust tying their own shoes or watching your kids or changing your grandson's diaper dude i want to see i want to see a uh uh a fucking pay-per-view event between Jimmy and Joe Biden. I want to see these guys fight. Joe Biden has better teeth. President Biden. Hey, Jimmy Carter has better morals
Starting point is 03:01:56 and ethics and integrity. Man, he's fucked up looking. What happened to him? That was after his last pay-per-view fight with one of the Logan brothers. Hey, listen, I'm going to get in trouble for this. This one I'm going to get talked to. God, crap.
Starting point is 03:02:15 Yep, it happens. He had a good thing going. Taylor gets banned from the CrossFit Games. Dude, don't ban me. Won't be me. Follow John's show. That was a good show, guys. We got through a lot of news.
Starting point is 03:02:35 Wait, let's do the last one. We did it. We did it. That was it. That was the best one. That's it. Got to end on a high note. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:02:43 Jimmy Carter lives in 167 000 house i bet you it costs more for the secret service to protect them than that yeah taylor is there anything you'd like to plug like do you have a sponsor yet or anything like that or a gym or? Victory Grips. No, no, he had to pay for those. I'm good, man. Thank you for having me on. Dave Taint said, hey, Sevan, I turn a lot of people on to your show.
Starting point is 03:03:16 I respect you and your efforts. You got balls and you give a shit. That's why it took balls to have Taylor on. It took balls to have Taylor on. Oh, man. Well, Taylor, good luck down in waterpalooza excited to watch you compete thank you they're gonna let me uh bug you for an interview while we're out there yeah for sure um taylor oh tell coach tell coach down there at crosswood charlotte i say hey will you finish better than colton mertens yeah james said it that's good enough for me wow good man hayley good man see you guys uh bye
Starting point is 03:03:55 he checked out 30 minutes ago colton's gonna fuck him up you think fuck yeah that's why i defended him because i knew you were going to be just you're going to be riding colton harder than let me tell you something one let me tell you something there's going to be some event where he's competing standing right next to taylor self and like as colton crosses the finish line it's going to like it's going to blow wind on, uh, on Taylor. And like kind of like drag him across the finish line too. That's how fast Colton moves. Like a vortex.
Starting point is 03:04:30 Yes. Yes. We'll see. Taylor will go to the games too. They'll both go to the games this year. Taylor and Colton. Yeah. It'll be cool to see Taylor showcase at the, uh,
Starting point is 03:04:39 water Palooza and to his defense, these, this podcast is long and we've had a lot of training during these three hour ones, you know, we podcast is long. We've had a lot of training doing these three-hour ones. We built the volume. So the fact that he hang in. That was right about when Emily kind of went. It was like the two-hour 30 mark. It's hard.
Starting point is 03:04:54 I mean, even me, I'm just like, damn. Yeah. And we didn't get too ranty. I thought we did good getting through some stories. Good. You brought a lot of great material. And not only the stories, but just you tonight on fire. Damn. Thanks.
Starting point is 03:05:07 Tell me more. Well done. No. So, Mom, what do we got going on tomorrow? Ah, yes. Dusty Tuckton. Oh, do you want to hear the schedule next week before I get off? Yeah, later on because actually we got to talk about my schedule next week.
Starting point is 03:05:18 Oh, we got – are you going to be here Sunday? I'm flying actually out to California. On Sunday? So, unless you want to do a show straight from your house. What time are you flying out to California? Let me – I actually think I'll land at like noon. I'll let you know. Okay.
Starting point is 03:05:36 Tomorrow, we have Dusty Tuckness on at 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. You guys really want to see that show even if you don't get to do it live. Then we have Jeffrey Adler at 7 a.m. on Tuesday. Jeffrey Adler is I think he is in contention. To to have the throne someday, he is he's a he might he might be like the new Pancheck or Ben Smith kind of character. But, man, he's impressive everywhere he goes these days. And then on Wednesday, the 29th, we're having a repeat guest, a friend of mine, Sherman Merricks. He's an affiliate.
Starting point is 03:06:18 You know him? Yep. He's an affiliate. Acquainted just through the internet. We don't know each other too well. We had a little Zoom call to just ch chit chat cool guy yeah he um a affiliate owner uh family man um business entrepreneur and uh basically i i like him because i think he's a good role model for humanity like he he gives me faith and hope. He takes care of his family. He takes care of his finances. He, um,
Starting point is 03:06:47 he's good to people around him. He's just a good dude. He's proud to share it. Like he, I think, yeah, he does set a good example. And then on Thursday, we don't have anything. Cause Susan's not doing his job. And on the 31st, we don't have anything cause Susan's not doing his job. So you might get stuck with a live call in show. Damn. No, we got to get a UFC fighter or someone on Thursday, right?
Starting point is 03:07:08 We got lots of people on the hook. We got lots of people on the hook. You got to get Taylor on for a podcast. I do. I do. Huge fan of supporting stories of sobriety. Yeah, me too. Yeah, that's cool.
Starting point is 03:07:23 And just self-improvement and personal accountability and personal responsibility he's a good dude and you're gonna ask him why and how he got knee surgery without getting any sort of painkiller because that's legit yes and uh any and um him and hopper have an interesting relationship clearly um is opt coming i haven't invited him back on but i but if he would like to come and he's too busy individualized training i would love god damn it yeah you're sorry shoot i stopped saying that i'm here now it came back uh caleb cut that from the show um what is this all right of there is there a pit and then it's all right all right i think we're done three hours and seven minutes uh-oh what's this ah yes this guy it's a little late in the
Starting point is 03:08:18 show to be plugging them giga chad so i do take that i do take big liver. No, beef liver. I don't know if I take beef organs, but I take beef liver. And there's this one testicle one I take. Keep going. I don't take the thyroid. I've taken a jar of the heart. Spleen. I haven't done the spleen. I've done the bones and marrow. I want to take one. Hey, if you're going to do that, if you're going to take this, if you're gonna do that if you're gonna take this you know what you do
Starting point is 03:08:48 get on carnivore diet huge you probably can't because you want to be a games dude and you need that explosive i actually started training again so yeah oh tell me about that real quick oh beef long i've done that tell me about your training it's not that interesting i'm just trying to actually train consistently and train more and target weaknesses because i really want to win the master's division but what does training look like for you do you do like is it the same volume obviously probably not the same volume not even fucking close and i would say it's like you know it's so funny i've been doing this thing back last little story back and forth like this thing of like you know people do this soul searching they're like you
Starting point is 03:09:28 know I'm just a really obsessive personality so I have to be really careful about like how I do things and you know just be really moderate and watch what I do and I've been struggling with that for years and recently I was like I'm an obsessive personality so fuck it I'm gonna be obsessed and just let it run. Cause it's like, it's just so much extra, you know? So it's like, I just, when I get in the gym, I'll just train until I don't want to train and then I'll be done for the day, but no more parameters, no more, whatever, whatever. It's like, I go in, I start going. Cause I have a really hard time with like, Hey, if you're,
Starting point is 03:09:59 if you're going to do it, why not do it to be the best at it? Like, I, I just don't think I'll ever be someone who, unless I'm older where i'm just like yeah i like to exercise because it's just you know the sweat it makes me feel good about myself and the hormones like i just that's just not me if you start like missing too many days or missing too many things that you want to do during the week just because other stuff gets in the way um it does if i try and like compartment like if i try and like compartmentalize it but when i go in with the attitude of like okay i'm going to just start training now and i'm going to train until i'm done and feel like i'm kind of fed up with it or tired out i don't feel like that as
Starting point is 03:10:35 much and also it's just realistically um with other things i want to do personally just like everybody else it's just it's okay if it doesn't happen like it just there's just a lot of other shit to fit in really it is like that but i just thought you said you wanted to win how can that how do those i don't that doesn't comport i do want to win um because i think winning masters doesn't take the the psychotic level of obsession that it does to win team or individual do you think i think it's like program no i mean like i do a lot of main site programming um i fall i do a lot of that but i pretty much do all my own stuff on top of that no mayhem is not programming for me um rich programming for me but they do good stuff i'm getting mixed signals from suza let's pretend like he can't hear us and talk for a second so he opens up with
Starting point is 03:11:31 okay i'm okay with being obsessive compulsive about it fuck it like i'm not gonna try to like modulate or mitigate or i'm just gonna go and then then this other side is just like it's kind of like whatever no it's not of like, whatever. No, it's not like that. You, you misinterpret it. It's just like, if I do miss a day, like I realized like not training a day is probably beneficial for me. Cause it's actually gonna let my body rest and recover. It's more of like, I've just gotten out of this idea of like, well, you should really only be training once a day. And you know, like just that kind of stuff. Like I'm just going to go into the gym regularly train as much as I want and I'll figure everything else out. And how do you feel? I feel, I feel good, man. Um, honestly it's, it's funny.
Starting point is 03:12:17 It's exercise training for me. Like, and that's the way I look at it. It's like, I don't like to say like exercise. I don't like to exercise. I like to train for a specific goal. I feel a thousand times better when I do it. So what's the difference? How would you feel better? I mean, I know the motivation is different, but why would you feel different? Because when I like, when I don't do it, or if I'm like, I'm going to confine it only to this certain amount of time, or I'm going to pass it up because I want to do something
Starting point is 03:12:43 else. I just don't feel as good. I feel like I'm denying myself something. Who's the, um, with, um, with Casper Bauer gone,
Starting point is 03:12:54 is it a slam dunk or no? No, I don't think it's a slam dunk. Cause a lot of guys, um, come up. I even think the guys that were there last year were all really good athletes.
Starting point is 03:13:03 Um, who comes up? Is there anyone we know who could come up? I think Paul Trombley is going to compete in my division this year. My division. The 35 division this year. And a lot of the guys that were there last year were really good. He's too big.
Starting point is 03:13:16 He's too big to beat. Dan Bailey. Oh, are you going to compete against Dan? Adrian Conway still. Supposedly, yeah. Adrian Conway. Hopefully, we'll compete again. Had a blast competing against him last year.
Starting point is 03:13:27 So. Sevan has assumed his J-O position. What's that? Jack off? Yep. The show. All right. Let's land,
Starting point is 03:13:44 let's land the plane. That's a, what's his name used to say? Yeah, I know. Yeah.

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