The Sevan Podcast - #245 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: December 30, 2021

An hour and a half filled with calls from listeners and looking at some of Sevan's favorite instagram findings. Lots of laughs and discussion.The Sevan Podcast is sponsored by http://www.barbelljobs.c...omFollow us on Instagram this episode Support the showPartners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:04 Cover pic is gold. Thanks, Corey. It's old as shit. It was in Egypt. Do you guys want to start today's show? Hi, Matt. What's up, Stefan? Caleb, what's up, dude? My butt. I'm going to show you guys, guys caleb buttons are working today oh that's all you have the worst camera but that's because we just hide you back there um do i start the show with
Starting point is 00:01:39 i was taking a shower a few minutes ago. It's 7 a.m. here, by the way. And, oh, Caleb, did you get my email late last night? The one with all the links? Yeah. Yes. Bye-bye. I was taking a shower just now, and I started thinking about – there's always all this talk about how it's uncomfortable with people with black skin to be in white neighborhoods. And you know, there was that thing, I don't know the details of it, but it sounds pretty bad.
Starting point is 00:02:14 There was these three guys in a pickup truck and they thought some guy was robbing a house. And so they chased him down and they ended up shooting. It turned into a racist thing. Have any of you guys ever walked through a neighborhood in the united states uh where you or or or or the uk it's happened to me in the uk this has happened to me a hundred times i i'm i don't think there's any uh exaggeration there have you ever been the white guy in an all-black neighborhood has anyone ever done that do you think for a second and and i'm totally open to conversation that you as a white guy can walk through an all-black neighborhood and not get some something happen to you
Starting point is 00:02:52 what do you mean by something happen someone talks shit to you if you're the only white guy you you walked what what black neighborhood did you walk through susan where no one talks shit to you did you walk through susan where no one talks shit to you i guess none but i was with i was with friends of that neighborhood so oh yeah yeah yeah if you're with the black dude you're good you good yeah you're good you're good don't think for a second that it don't no matter what no matter what if you're a black guy walking through a white neighborhood you've never been as scared or as fucked with as a white guy walking through a black neighborhood. Just don't get that confused, people.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Same thing is with the Kim Jong-un article that we did on the news show. All these people are fucking like, oh, my God. The article was that Kim Jong-un had a leather jacket on and that people, the citizens of North Korea, started wearing that leather jacket. And Kim Jong-un's soldiers were like, hey, fuck you. You can't that leather jacket and Kim Jong-un soldiers were like, hey, fuck you. You can't wear that jacket because Kim Jong-un wears it and you can't you can't copy him. Right. Everyone's like, oh, my God, North Korea is fucked. Dude, that exact same thing's happened in our country. It's called cultural appropriation. I'm not allowed to have cornrows or you're not allowed to eat baklava or the Armenians will come get you. Fuck that. Don't think that we don't think that one group is above the other group.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Now, I want to tell you how stupid this conversation is because I've walked all around Africa also, not including South Africa, and black people won't fuck with you at all if you're white. Not at all. And so it has nothing to do with the color of your skin is my point, which is weird because that's how we talk about it. it has nothing to do with the color of your skin is my point, which is weird. Cause that's how we talk about it. But you will not walk as a white guy through an all black neighborhood in the United States of America and not be fucked with unless you're with another black dude. So don't think for a second,
Starting point is 00:04:36 like the, just remember that in all you fucking do gooders and woke motherfuckers out there, get some practice and go do it. I did the Bronx. I did Harlemlem i did miami i done oakland a shitload of times shit gets can go bad really bad really quickly yeah and you will be scared like you have never been scared no no no nicholas i knew there's always
Starting point is 00:04:58 one of you motherfuckers in the audience like this let's talk let's talk buddy let's talk greeks come on man should be sure as hell people want keep racism between their ears that's for sure i don't even know if it's really i i refuse to call it race I want to call it cultural stupidity, and it's some sort of delusion that they keep in their ears. I think it's just hate in general. But it's just crazy to think that you aren't going to blame one group of people for it. I mean just imagine – and – yeah. and man and and yeah there there are it's not just the blacks it's the jews too it's it's it's anyone who ever feels like they're persecuted they keep this in their head and they kind of run with it it's like a it's
Starting point is 00:05:55 it's like a pathology that they have that they keep alive in order to have a chip on their shoulder and get ahead like it's very common for jewish parents to tell their kids hey don't they're the whole this whole fucking world is anti-semitic you're gonna have to work twice as hard as everyone else blah blah blah i mean i i think that that is a more accurate statement the thing is with racism is is that it's like god it's um it exists between people's ears. Okay, anyway, that's enough of that. I just wanted to say that. I was just thinking about that today.
Starting point is 00:06:39 And by no means someone walk away from this and thinking that the color of your skin has anything to do with it because it does not. It's just a point I'm making. Okay. Okay. Jim. No, no, no. Mars Logan. You guys know who that is? That's our equivalent to the...
Starting point is 00:06:59 We don't have a... What are those group of tards that fucking Howard Stern has? What are they called? You almost have to turn it off every time he talks. Just like half of them. Half of them what are they called like you almost have to turn it off every time he talks just like half of them half of them are cool half of them you gotta turn it off i forget a brat pack yes yes yes no it's not the brat pack i was just using the word last night anyway whatever that is yeah logan's my my first one but but my dudes aren't tarted my dude these are this group is like these are people who are funnier than me. And I got to play this, I got to play this message he sent me.
Starting point is 00:07:33 So those of you who don't know, I'm trying not to say, I'm trying not to say GD, and I'm trying not to say. Whack Pack. Whack Pack, yeah, but mine's not the Whack Pack. not to say whack pack j whack pack yeah but mine's not the way i'm trying i'm trying not to say uh jc and gd i'm trying to stop that i'm gonna i actually want to clean up my language a little bit but in in its totality but he played this for me yesterday and i was dying or he sent this to me all right savannah listening to your sherman pod and you say you're kind of trying to back off of using Jesus Christ and oh my God. So I'll give you a couple options here. Oh my Gandhi.
Starting point is 00:08:16 There you go. Give that one a shot. Might be on somebody else, but cross that bridge when you get there. I like to say, oh, this is something Josh says, or used to say. Or, I don't know, I heard him say it on something once. He goes, cheese and rice.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Cheese and rice. Or, cheese and rice. Jiminy Christmas. Those are free. No invoice for that. Yeah, man. Have an excellent day hope your son's uh uti gets resolved hey hey hey hey easy easy asshole easy jesus christ i mean cheese and rice i can't believe you brought that up at the end ruined a totally good skit oh yes uh logan mars the history
Starting point is 00:09:08 with him is is that he knew that i had this sponsor and i had no idea how to plug the sponsor and i had to plug the sponsor every show in order to collect the benjamin so he would call and set these set these uh you know he'd be like i don't have a job and then he'd be like dude you're supposed to say and then he would like cue me and then i would say i was like oh man this dude's cool he's like doing my job for me uh uh we switched to blue caleb why are we blue just cuz yeah just i'm sure i like a lot of brand uh oh yeah yeah yeah oh sneak peek caleb's caleb will just busted your nut. Oh my goodness, guys. We are so excited about water. There's a misunderstanding. I,
Starting point is 00:09:55 I said that we got money from the liver King, correct. And that we were going to use that money to just blow up water Palooza. I mean, really try some fun, cool stuff. And, um, uh, with the liver King's money and which is so cool that he, he, he's, I mean, really try some fun, cool stuff and with the liver Kings money and which is so cool that he, he's, I mean, he, I said, why are you doing this? And he just said, cause I iron sharpens iron. I believe in you. Like I see what you're doing. You're a go getter. I want to get on. I'm on board. And so we're using that money to, to, to just blow up the production of water Palooza that uh, that we're doing still will be rag tag, ghetto, hardcore, authentic. Don't get me wrong, but, um,
Starting point is 00:10:30 people thought that maybe I was going to be paying money to you guys to go. No, no, we're going to use all that money. Just like for, we're trying to find people who are already there. We're trying to really do this thing on a budget, but also,
Starting point is 00:10:42 uh, exploit some of you people who are there. I mean, I mean, let some of you people get involved. Mars, what's up, brother? Hey, so Colin and I are at the airport. We're looking for you.
Starting point is 00:10:53 What terminal are you at? I'm at Terminal 6. Thank you. Okay, well, we just got out of the barbell job, mobile vehicle, and we're looking for you. We're on our way to Waterford. Are you coming? Yeah, yeah. I'm at Terminal 6, and I bought us all quarter pounders. real vehicle and uh we're looking for you we're on our way to waterpool is any coming or yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:11:05 i'm at terminal six and i bought us all um quarter pounders they had a mcdonald's here so you guys don't even need to stop and i got you quarter pounders and uh small coffees okay well i don't do diet coke again i want a regular coke please i can't buy regular coke i got like a personal thing with that how about i just i'll just give you a dollar is will coming with you or are we supposed to pick him up no no will can't come he's only 22 he's in he's not allowed in florida oh i see the liver king i see the liver king i gotta go okay bye kevin how are you this morning hey how's it going good oh you don't sound like a Rodriguez. That's awesome. My parents brought me to the U.S. when I was very little, so I picked up on the American accent. No problem. They brought you
Starting point is 00:11:56 to the U.S. from where? From Mexico. Yeah, just Rodriguez. It's such a hard name. I just expected you with my racist, judgmental, prejudiced tendencies. I expected just some like, what's up, Vato? I love it. What did the, Kevin, what did the Mexican say when his homework blew out the window? I have no idea. Come back here, ese. I love it. I love it. Hey, I got, I got something, uh, to show you on Instagram. I sent you a profile from Greg Anderson.
Starting point is 00:12:37 He is a 75th Ranger. I'm looking. Thank you, by the way. I appreciate this. I'll look now. Greg, Greg is a 75th Ranger. Yes, Greg Anderson. He's from Lake Stevens, Washington, Seattle, somewhere around there. Is he a blue checkmark? I see a guy with a blue checkmark. Yes, he is. He is. And he posted a video. I'm not sure if it was on TikTok or if it was on Facebook, but it went viral. And his command saw it. And they decided to put him on leave.
Starting point is 00:13:13 And later on, he was fired. And I think that might have been right before the George Floyd riots. Okay. And you have to get this guy on. You have got to get this guy on. He's a CrossFit gym owner. He's a classic gym owner. He's a jiu-jitsu guy. Look at his guy.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Here's what I – I like the three kids, but keep scrolling down. Yeah, the three kids are cool. But that's the first photo I clicked, the one of the woman in the sauna. I would have clicked – yeah, yeah yeah that's what i click guilty okay uh sure we'll put them on you know what i i'll go through his account and check him out the thing is i don't um when i see that other people kevin have a podcast i don't think they're going to want to come on to my podcast because i don't want to do anyone else's podcast now that i have my own even though matt tells me i should because like i like i don't want like I don't want to do anyone else's podcast. Now that I have my own,
Starting point is 00:14:05 even though Matt tells me I should, because like, like I don't want like out of this vet, I only have so many good words and jokes that are going to come out of this mouth. I don't want to waste them on someone else's podcast. All right. I know,
Starting point is 00:14:17 but I'll try, but I'll try. I'll try for sure. I never, I never realized that, you know, it might not be true. It might not be true. It might not be true.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Look, I'm sending – I want you to see. I'm sending – I copied and pasted the URL in my text messages, and then right now watch Sousa's eyes. That's what Sousa looks like when he got text. Dink. Awesome. See that? He looked at his phone.
Starting point is 00:14:42 How's it go through? There it is. Oh, wow. I just saw this text come through. We're going to do Josh and Paul Saladino in the same podcast, on the Josh and Sevan podcast. That's going to be interesting, guys. Josh Bridges, a former amazing games athlete, former Navy SEAL. It looks like we're going to have Paul Saladino. He wants to do carnivore diet. I think he's dabbling in carnivore diet. So we're going to have Paul Saladino. He wants to do carnivore diet. I think he's dabbling in carnivore diet.
Starting point is 00:15:05 So we're going to have Paul Saladino on, and Josh is going to pepper him with questions. I hope they both have their shirts off. All right, buddy. Thanks for answering. All right. One more thing, Kevin. Yeah, thanks for the insight.
Starting point is 00:15:17 One more thing. What did the Mexicans say when the house fell on them? What? Get off me, Holmes. Those are yours, free of charge you call the show and you get racist humor i'll be sure to come back prepared next time thank you all right bye thank you hey seven yes how do germans tie their shoes how do germans what tie their shoes how with nazis oh geez oh geez oh geez that's good it's the only one i got oh do you have your youtube on i'm hearing the echo of the phone
Starting point is 00:15:59 even after i answer hey what's up washington no nope connecticut ah damn oh connecticut so you got a hood there that i walked through that i was fucked with too where uh what's the college there um yale what do you know yale yeah that's a scary that what's the name of that town new haven yeah that's not go yeah that is some scary shit there too i've been fucked with hardcore there i used to have this girlfriend there. I hate that place. But anyway, that's not why I called. Greek girl.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Okay, sorry. Go ahead. Okay, so I've been in CrossFit since the early days. This is like talking to Dave Castro. She has to have control of the entire conversation. Okay, you love black men. Sorry. No, I got to go quick.
Starting point is 00:16:44 You do CrossFit and you love black men sorry you know i gotta go quick so you do crossfit and you love black men glassman glassman i love the theories i love the whole thing okay nowadays anyone like my gym was always like glassman to the t yes now my gym is more like they're embracing it more after wanting to be affiliated and now i'm just like now somebody is in charge who's got like i'm not going to say anything political but i just feel like anyone embracing crossfit right now i find them suspect oh okay so i see so you're saying your gym really liked Greg, liked the message he was pushing,
Starting point is 00:17:30 then they like him even more now. No, okay. They doubled down on his love for him when other people started hating him? Let me back up. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Siobhan. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:17:43 My gym was owned by an OG CrossFitter. That's original gangster for people who don't know that term, original gangster. We know that if you're born in the 70s and listen to rap music in the 90s. Go on. I just have to translate because my audience is young and young. I thought it was ocean girl. Yeah, you're true. You're true. Okay, go on. So anyway, OG CrossFit theories, you know, question of the day, nutrition, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:09 these are our tenants, blah, blah, blah. Well, he sold it to somebody who kind of got away from that, but it was still convenient for me. So I'm still going. Ah, yes. Then they decide they're going to, they're all going to de-affiliate when Glassman has some, something against what their political beliefs are. Floyd 19. And we all grew up saying, we're like, you cannot de-affiliate.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Floyd 19. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. You can't de-affiliate. I agree. So she begrudgingly kept the gym affiliated.
Starting point is 00:18:43 I wonder what her yearly fee is. How old is she? Is she a $500 a year person? I don't know. I just go to the gym and work out. I don't know what the hierarchy is there. But anyway, now that we have this guy in charge. Rosex.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Rosex. Is he in charge? With his modern day issues, let's put it that way. Yes. Yes. Well, now he's so cool. She's embracing the whole CrossFit methodology, which I find is suspect. And what is the whole CrossFit methodology? You mean in terms of the original journal articles, what Greg wrote? Oh no. Now she wants to be totally CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:19:25 But what is totally CrossFit? I'm affiliated with CrossFit now that we have somebody in charge with a cool hip disease or whatever, taking time off for mental health. So there's things that Greg knew that every smart mom knows. You should never ever ever try to make money you should find something you love and the money will come it you should never ever work out to try to find happiness you should work out and happiness will come happiness is not a metric of uh it's not a metric someone should pursue it doesn't work like that it's a byproduct the same with money. You will not,
Starting point is 00:20:06 those of us who are doing what we love to do, you have endless energy to do it. Endless. You don't even know where it's coming from. Endless free energy. People who love raising their kids, people who love doing podcasts, people who love training other human beings. other human beings. So, um, when, when you see, uh, when you see something like the, um, the new, he changed, um, whatever, one of the metrics or one of the, uh, company's statements, new mottos is happiness. It's like fitness, health, and happiness. You know, something's wrong. It's the exact same thing with the second you see a DEI counsel. You know something is wrong. Something is very, very sick and convoluted. The world does not work like that.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Corporate America. Yeah, and I could go into all that. But yeah, it's – she's a tool. I don't mean it even in an offensive way. She's a tool. I mean good honor. It's like this. There was a guy on – there was a guy.
Starting point is 00:21:13 There's some stoic guy that has a lot of followers on Instagram, and I was telling people what a piece of shit he is for pushing the vaccine. And someone sent my DMs, hey, asshole, you're against the vaccines, and this guy is for the vaccines, and so he's an asshole. No, no, no. It's not like that at all. One, I'm not against the vaccines. But when you push the vaccines, what you're doing is you're arguing people's limitations for them. And that is a vile behavior. Not everyone, but 99% of the Reddit credit comes between pushing the vaccines is arguing their limitations. What does that mean? That means you're telling someone that there's something that they can't do on their own and that they need someone else for.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Yeah, but Siobhan, you don't ridicule people because they got it. No, no. They ridicule us because we don't get it. No, no, yeah, no, no. Oh, yeah, exactly. Exactly. I mean, I can slice it a thousand different ways. You're right. It's just that
Starting point is 00:22:03 this, yeah, it's a're right. We all get it. How old is your owner of your gym? I don't know. Maybe 45-ish. How long have they owned it for? Probably about five years. But has never really embraced the
Starting point is 00:22:28 CrossFit mentality until just recently. And when she wanted to de-affiliate, we were just like, what? You know, what for? It sounds like she's just following essentially what the crowd's doing.
Starting point is 00:22:44 What they see on the internet as the in cool thing to do. And then they just attach themselves to that. It doesn't really sound like they have. But I'm just wondering if anybody else there, OG CrossFitters feel the same way. Like anybody really like starting to embrace it? I wonder, I just see it as suspect. Like, are you really in it for the CrossFit? Are you really in it for the, you be really in it for the you know atmosphere of
Starting point is 00:23:06 this new leadership i mean what is to be yeah whatever i don't know what the leadership is i just go to 6 a.m do my workout get it done go the next day it's it's are you married are you married i am not married right now no do you have you have a boyfriend? I do. Oh, does he work out there? He does not. No. Oh, where did you meet him? In the cabinet world. Oh, I didn't realize this was you. Yes. Oh, here we go. I'm piecing it all together piecing it all together yeah he appreciates my my crossfit um career or my crossfit life but he does not participate he has his own type of exercise i was thinking this morning how important it is to have um attractive people at the front of businesses like if there's two coffee shops right next to each other i would go to the one that had like better looking people over the better coffee. This is very true. It's retail. It's very true. I just like, I like, I'm it's, I just like looking at people.
Starting point is 00:24:12 It doesn't matter if it's a dude or, or a, uh, a girl, they can be too attractive too. They can be too attractive too. Like if you're like so attractive, like I'm starting to get uncomfortable around you, which is my fault. I mean, I'm not blaming them. Well, you want to interact with somebody pleasant looking. You know, they don't have to be, you know, model status, but at least they're, you know, not piercings and tattoos all over the place. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:38 If your name is somewhat, if your name is Sevan and like people, people are like, aren't you upset that person said your name wrong? I'm like, no, I'm just glad that they tried to say my name. Cause when you have a fucked up first name, people will avoid saying it. Doors closed for you. Like, like, like people avoid saying, you know, it's, it's, it's a fucking mess. And so I can't even say his name. Yeah. Right. Right. Or I can't even say hi to him. I can't make eye contact with him because what if I have to say his name? And it's like that with stores too. If you have someone there, the opposite is true. If you have someone there who's easy to look at, cha-ching, more sales. I have a lot of international business here. And the first thing I do is I write down their name, exactly how it's spelled, and then I ask them for the phonetics of it and that,
Starting point is 00:25:27 and I just repeat it. I mean, I, I, it goes a long way when you know the person's name and they don't mind when I write it down, you know, you got to know your customer and keep track of them.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Yeah. That's just smart sales. I was interviewing this. A half hour, a half hour into my consultation. I asked them if they remember my name and they never do. Oh, that's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Anyway, I know your name. Anyway, I'm just wondering if anybody out there in the CrossFit space has that same sort of experience going on in their box. I do know your name. Yes, you do. I'm just not saying it because you said you worked out it. I don't want there to be anything weird between you and that box. Although you have a very distinct voice and they probably are listening now. No, those people don't listen to this show.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Never mind. Never mind. Who knows? Although I think more and more haters are listening to it, which is kind of cool. That means we're big time. Yeah. That's true. Well, I wanted to say hello to Will and Caleb.
Starting point is 00:26:31 It's nice to have them. Do you want to see Caleb? Well, I've seen him. Yeah. I saw him, what, on Adler's podcast, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:41 He was on Adler's podcast. Yes. Hello. And I don't know where will is will will has been really getting ready for wadapalooza yeah i can't wait that's gonna be awesome yep okay i hope it's as organic as it was for the games that was awesome it will be so orgasmic thank you okay well thank you all right you. You take care. Bye-bye. I used to have a podcast called Meet the Parents, and I should just tell you guys, I don't know if it's any good or not.
Starting point is 00:27:10 It is. If you want to just hear me talk about parenting and kids and that stuff, you should go over there and listen to those episodes. I think there's like 10, 20, 30 episodes. It's called Meet the Parents. I should plug that more, not because I want it to grow, but just, I know, I used to really like listening to parenting podcasts when I first had kids. Yeah. Ryan holiday, that guy. Yeah. There's no, there's no, there's no enlightenment and being pro vaccine. I'm so sorry to say that and be so dogmatic. There is no enlightenment and pro vaccine they they are not no one is sitting under a tree connecting with um uh the eternal source and and doesn't see what's going on here and by doesn't see what's going on here i don't mean like all the fucking like the chinese are out to get us and this and
Starting point is 00:27:56 that and i don't mean that what do you mean sav I mean, that just everything's okay. Like Bob Marley said. What else do we have going on here? I was with my sister the other day, and my sister said, does anyone ever call you on your bullshit? And I go, what are you talking about? Don't call me on my bullshit.
Starting point is 00:28:20 She's like, well, you go off for like five minutes about all this negative stuff about Katrin David's daughter, and then you say that you don't dislike her. It's like, yo, man, I mean, it's fair. It's a fair question. I don't have any misconceptions about anyone here being perfect. And I don't think my negative about her at all. I think you just explained the situation, which was a negative situation. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:42 But you don't like outright say like oh i hope she trips on this next event and her career folds or you know there's nothing negative to her oh here look at right thank you so so uh uh someone just wrote in jj a said stephy cohen said on a podcast that ryan holiday is a stoke writer but not a stoke practitioner yeah that i mean i mean yeah that's true i used to love his books and then i started to hearing him over the pandemic on podcasts and I was really disappointed by his mindset. Yeah. It, it, there, there's something you can see if you sit still and, uh, and no one, no one who, who is in that space, um, is chasing, uh, uh, a cure outside cure outside of them. Um um i don't know who lane norton is
Starting point is 00:29:29 uh where was i oh so i don't have a deluge there's these people out there and there's a lot of them out there and they're good people but you'll meet them they'll be your best friend and then all of a sudden they don't like you and what's happened, is these people have set the bar for you and for friendship so high that they never have any friends. They just jumped from friend to friend to friend. And so let me give you an example. You're friends with someone and here's probably a really typical one. You're friends with someone, you talk to them every day for a month and then they call you and you don't answer and you don't respond for like two days and now they hate you like they thought you were perfect or um all of a sudden you can't do play dates with their kids anymore for a week and now they're upset because they they see on your social media that you were doing them with someone else like i don't have those expectations on people
Starting point is 00:30:18 the bar is very very very very very very low and those expectations are selfish like just because i ask you something and come into your life and expect your time doesn't mean you have to blotch. Right. Like that's me. That's a selfish request. If I'm like, hey, let's hang out on Saturday. You're like, shit, dude, I can't busy this next week, but I'll get to you. And then I decide that now I'm mad at you because you're prioritizing things differently than I am. Like, yeah, check yourself.
Starting point is 00:30:43 mad at you because you're prioritizing things differently than I am. Like, yeah, check yourself. Along that vein, Susan, I had this friend who had this, this is 15, 20 years ago. I had this friend and he had this girlfriend and all of a sudden like he would never do shit with me. And he would always be like, Oh, I got to do this with my girlfriend. Oh, I got to pick her up. I got to do this with her.
Starting point is 00:30:59 And I, and I was like, I would be telling my dad like, man, fuck this bitch. She's taking all this time, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And my dad finally was like, hey, he doesn't want to hang out with you. I'm like, what? I'm a new friend. There's stuff you can't do. I was just blaming his girl. Right.
Starting point is 00:31:20 And so was he. So was he. My dad's like, yo, quit being an idiot. I love friends like that. That so was he. So was he. My dad's like, yo. Quit being an idiot. I love friends like that. That was my dad. When are you doing a podcast about Susan? I don't know when he's dead. When are you going to do Susan? Lane Norton is a phd nutritionist gets heated debates has been on joe rogan podcast
Starting point is 00:31:50 i i have no business debating a phd no no josh wait i don't know no well well well i wasn't talking about josh but it is very interesting what's going on with Bridges, right? It is very interesting. I bet you if we saw Josh, his feet don't touch the ground anymore. He's like hovering. Oh, yeah. He's high as a kite. Whenever it leaks out onto that Instagram page of his, you know he's in deep.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Yeah, do you have a picture of who Bridges is doing? Who Bridges is doing? What he's doing? I can't remember if it was on the story. We'll see if Caleb can pull it up. Do you have a picture of him doing it? Yeah. One of these days I'm going to spit my coffee just all over the computer screen. Oh, I watched that Heber.
Starting point is 00:32:45 And I think I talked about this a little bit. I watched that Heber and I think I talked about this a little bit. I watched that Heber and Mars podcast with Justin and Fraser, and it says they compete, but they don't compete. I mean, they do compete. And I sent Heber and Mars a text. I'm like, holy, before I watched the video, I was like, holy shit, dude, I can't believe you guys got this. You guys are fucking amazing i told them they'd be gods if they got velner and ricky gerard on the same show or ricky gerard and fraser but but then i watched the show and and and yeah there he is crazy on that second real quick get some face shots and i get us a
Starting point is 00:33:19 headshot kayla and look look how she even dresses i mean it's crazy he's yeah that's enough let's yeah that's that was enough caleb that was about crazy i want to maintain my friendship with josh i don't know no josh hasn't been married forever um so in that video and what's crazy is they're they do a paper paper plane contest, and there's the perfect example of why being smart is not always the best thing for you. Because they both make paper airplanes, and Matt makes the smarter paper airplane, but it is like anyone with any street fucking knowledge, anyone who is a playground legend like myself knows that is the worst airplane you could ever make for a throwing contest but it's the smart airplane i mean it's like you see him make this airplane and you're kind of like man maybe i should get out a piece of paper and make this one too i wanted to but man like it's it's embarrassing that he thinks
Starting point is 00:34:20 that plane can beat justin madaris's plane um it's as embarrassing as kalipa or spieler's throw in in that in that crossfit game one year i mean it's just crazy but it just shows like matt's really smart but like that smart doesn't win yeah and i think when it comes to these newer athletes he's investing his time like he's investing his money so he's just casting out a wide net getting a bunch of pr photos like them, helping them out, kind of being in their corner. And then all he has to do is just wait to see which one starts to take off and then just really attach themselves to them. And then, boom, he's completely relevant with the new champion, like lock and step. Does this have anything to do with the strategy?
Starting point is 00:34:58 Oh, this is kind of a separate line of thinking, not regarding the PR. Okay. Oh, so stay close to Mal O'Brien. Stay close to – yeah. And and dude i don't think he who wouldn't want to be stay close to matt yeah i mean look at me following the rich playbook yeah look at me i was just i just stayed in fucking matt's aura until he fucking until this thing took off by the way guys which helped him maybe maybe some people think it hurt him by doing the podcast in my biased opinion i really think it helped him i think it helped give him a platform where he could freely talk and this is a you make it very easy for guests
Starting point is 00:35:36 to look good on here so i that's where i think that kind of played in but again i'm super biased so thank you um yeah and and anyway i i think that um you people would be a fool to not um by the way he has his books coming out uh could you pull up frazier's instagram thanks caleb what's his book about is it like his story or is it like his training methodology or i don't know what it's about but he's doing this thing where he's gonna read along he's gonna like have the book open and do a live instagram feed where he talks about the book and he he actually sells it really well i think it's on january 18th i actually want to mess with it i want i want to watch it yeah i'll be picking it up i wish he would um i wish he would do that on my youtube station so i
Starting point is 00:36:27 could get some followers um hey even if you did it would like it would go backwards still here it is yeah yeah maybe we can hear the audio on this perennial games athletes we weren't too concerned about getting cut but we didn't want to put ourselves into a deficit four rounds of a 400 meter run three legless rope climbs seven squat snatches at 185 people like velner and i i don't think we were too concerned about getting cut but we were both going into that games i think we're i know we were both trying to make a statement because we talked about it immediately after we could have see so that's the stuff i like like he's gonna come he's gonna come on instagram and talk about his book and give us some insight of like him and Vellner's relationship. And like, like I never knew that talking to Matt, that like him and Vellner, he suspects or he's proclaiming here that him and Vellner both came out really hard on event number one to make a statement to each other.
Starting point is 00:37:19 And I just like that kind of stuff. It's kind of, it's like, it's's like yeah imagine that's what makes it fun too you know matt's book is going to be all the same shit you've already heard from him okay that's another that's another perspective uh well okay um thank you travis oh is travis doing our shirts i think we need to get him some sort of design that we approve. But yes, Travis has very kindly offered to help us out. One of the teams at Wadapalooza has said that they wanted to wear all Sebon-branded shit, Sebon podcast-branded shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:56 I got a cricket machine so we could just make one-offs and then iron them onto shirts here if we wanted to. Hey, Nick, take your finger out of your mouth nick uh he wrote as much of that book that's what i tell my kids all day i just can't help it anytime i see oh he wrote as much of that book as he writes his programming none i come on guys come on come on marconi are we. Did we reach out to Marconi? Are we getting Jake Marconi on? Yeah, we reached out to him.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Yep, we reached out to him. Some of the vicious rumors that have started on this show is that Jake Marconi is banging Danielle Brandon. I don't think that's true, but I just like it. When I saw them at that promoting Wadapalooza just my brain imagined uh immediately went there but i don't think they are but um but he works for matt uh and i think he's part of the hard work pays off training crew but what's also fascinating is that it looks like he's top-notch athlete who wants to go to the games i hope we can get him on all righty let's not uh uh easy guys easy guys easy guys let's not uh
Starting point is 00:39:06 we still need to keep O'Keefe close let's not beat up on his pony um did you guys see this video of Nate Diaz entering the stadium at UFC and he kind of does a faint on a guy like that and the guy
Starting point is 00:39:23 throws his beer up in the air. Did you guys see that? Can we see that Caleb, the guy, this is incredible. We watched this like five times in a row, by the way, check this out guys.
Starting point is 00:39:33 This is so funny. Ah, I forget what UFC this was. This is a couple of weeks ago. Caleb's going to queue it up here or maybe or not whatever or don't but anyway we have both clips we have the clip of nate of nate uh is it it's nate no it's nick nick no it's no it's nate nate that's we have we have the video of nate um doing the faint and the guy throws his beer up in the air and then we also have the follow-up video of the guy's response to it that he makes from home which is pretty good okay here we go check this out this is good stuff here we go action oh shit hey you think they've done something to this caleb so you
Starting point is 00:40:17 can't play it on youtube oh no here it is here it is here it is crazy what do you think that guy said to him i i'm dying to know the backstory there yeah hey that guy there later on um that that guy first of all what's that guy doing inside the like security area i mean that guy's that guy's a fighter and a professional mma fighter with a record of like two and seven and what's he doing inside of there and then later on he gets into a fight he tries to fight the island boys do you know who that is those guys they're like uh instagram phenomenon now yeah he tries to fight those guys that's like fighting like crisscross man i've tried to reach out to nate a couple of times to surprise you to see if we get him on the podcast oh yeah one of my one of my buddies west kids had him at cal strength when
Starting point is 00:41:13 he was training to go to the olympics while back and kind of made a connection and i was hoping to be able to work that and surprise you with it but so far nothing i would i would uh i would melt. Melt. I'd be coming over for dinner for that one. Melt. And then, Caleb, can we watch that guy's response? I kind of like this guy, though. Well, I don't like the fact that he tried to get in two fights in one night. Dude, that's his style, though. And also, that's his marketing scheme.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Just go walk around walk around talk shit get in his face with somebody and then there you go boom he's back in the limelight yeah and watch him here here he he's he's trying to get a fight now of course he he wants a piece let's hear this everybody laughing haha same thing Make you laugh. Make you cry. Nate Diaz is a bona fide female dog. He had the police with him, had the security protecting him. And you gonna flinch at me and try to sucker punch me when I'm not paying attention? And y'all think this man's a gangster? I think the world is fucked up and confused around here when they think about what is a real gangster.
Starting point is 00:42:24 I'm a real street dog. I'm in the streets. Believe that. Anybody that know me know how One Punch rocking, and we don't do shit while the police there. But anyway, back to why I'm making this video. Dan the White, I seen you made a post.
Starting point is 00:42:40 And you laughed, and you thought it was funny. It was. I bet you won't think it's funny. You signed me for one fight and I knocked Nate Diaz the fuck out in the first round. Guaranteed. No cap. I'm not playing no games. I like it.
Starting point is 00:42:56 I like it too. He's fully taking advantage of the situation and I think that's super smart on his part. You know what I mean? I have more interest in watching that than Jake Paul fight Tyrone Woodley. A hundred percent. And that's not a dig at Tyrone Woodley or Jake Paul. That was one of the first fights I haven't bought
Starting point is 00:43:14 in five years, six years. Jake Paul and Woodley too. And that's probably a mistake. That looked actually like it was a good fight. I heard the first five rounds were ass though. This guy wouldn't last one round with Diaz. Well, we'll make it a cheap pay-per-view then. Half price.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Diaz would light his lamp. Light your mama's lamp. There's this belief that hiring more cops will fix the massive, massive crime wave in this country, the crazy amount of murders, the crazy amount of theft that's going on. There are no amount of police officers that can stop what's happening now. of police officers that can stop what's happening now what happened is that the media did a full frontal assault using black lives matter and other um bullshit racist rhetoric to attack police officers and what do i mean by that they started singular the media started singularly focusing on the handful of incidents in the country where white officers had altercations with black citizens and when i say black i mean the color of their skin um that and use that to
Starting point is 00:44:42 rally hatred towards uh um police officers and then all the white people in this country who are truly racist. Set got behind that under the name of not being racist. And why and how do I know that? Because that's why they see it's racist because they're racist. I see a cop pulling a guy over and I just see a cop pulling a guy over. It's because I'm not racist. Are you referencing this Al Jazeera article too? And I want to tell you something else and ask any white boy this.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Ask any, every time I hear someone talk about what it's like being a black kid around cops, it was like that for every white guy I know. I grew up in the Bay Area who is between the age of 12 and 28. Yeah, for sure. For sure. The cops were young men too. They're not fucking around.
Starting point is 00:45:41 You can't be sitting in your fucking parking lot with a six-pack of fucking Mickeys drinking it, throwing bottles. They know. Yep. So they know you're all stoned, all you 16 to fucking 35-year-old boys. Stay away from the fucking cops. Stop blaming them. But my point is – sorry, go ahead, Sousa. I was just going to say when I stopped doing dumb shit, I stopped disliking the cops.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Yeah. You only like them when you're I stopped doing dumb shit, I stopped disliking the cops. Yeah. You only like them when you're trying to do dumb shit. I feel it. I feel it. I've seen Sousa change. I've seen Sousa change like before the show too, and he's got a really nice body. He's hiding it in that shirt. A really nice body, but you're right.
Starting point is 00:46:22 So there's this – he's got like a baby's body. Like he's got like hairless – like he's got all the muscles and he's like a pinky. Like a pinky. You know those things like you feed your reptiles? Oh, hey, come on, guys. Don't be mean. Come on. Oh, no, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:46:45 That's fine. This one. This isn't cool. This isn't cool. You know Robin's an ankle grabber. That ain't cool. I mean, unless Brian's cool with that. So the police are terrified.
Starting point is 00:47:00 They're just not engaging people. They don't want to engage anyone. We've given them no leeway to make mistakes they're there putting their lives on the line every single day pulling i mean most you people don't talk to a stranger for a month these fuckers have to talk to strangers a hundred times a day and the worst people in society straight just quacka doodles quackackadoodles all day every day and we give them no leeway oh where are you now colin it's insane you know what the other thing i hate it when colin like tries to bad mouth the cops no no no there's no room for that i especially now it's getting worse and worse but one of the things that's crazy to me is that a lot of those people
Starting point is 00:47:44 sitting in their chairs saying i would have done this or the cop would have done this have never worse and worse. But one of the things that's crazy to me is that a lot of those people sitting in their chair saying, I would have done this or the cop would have done this, have never even been in a street fight in their life. And what I mean by that is if you are encountering violence on the street and there's nobody there to help or save you, that situation and that mindset is very different. So unless you've experienced violence and had to deal with that in the street by yourself or work through that situation, you have no room to question about what some of these officers are doing and what they've experienced, right? A hundred percent. And along that same vein, there's someone's dad, brother, cousin. Like stop looking at them like they're cops.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Like these are just people. And stay away from them. Trust me, I don't want to interact with cops either. But leave them alone and let them do their fucking job. And instead we've attacked them. I don't know if we ever heal from that. I don't know how long it takes, especially with all the cameras.
Starting point is 00:48:51 I don't... I give police officers just a ton of leeway. They have... Yeah, all the ones that I've encountered and the ones that are in my gym and the ones that i work with are great people and you know what the unfortunate thing is is the more that the media scrutinizes them and the more as a society as we scrutinize them the good people the good cops the one you want in your community are leaving they're saying fuck this why would i deal with this
Starting point is 00:49:23 you know what i mean and that and they're I mean? And they're not paid shit. And they're not paid shit. Not nearly what they should be. No. And they don't have resources. Same with the firefighters that I work with. These people do not have resources, especially corporate America wants to tout, oh, mental health. We even see it in our CrossFit world over here, mental health, mental health.
Starting point is 00:49:43 But then you ask what the resources are for our first responders. And, oh, well, we have them call somebody or somebody checks in and says, hey, even though you just witnessed that three-year-old getting ran over with their head crushed in the driveway because their parent was on freaking drugs or alcohol, we called and said, are you guys okay? What are they going to say to that? They're going to say, yeah, we're fine. And they're going to move on, but they're not.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Right, right. And they need better resources. How is it that cops aren't given time to work out on every shift? Dude, I was once told when I was pitching my program. They should be forced to. Go ahead. I was once told when I was pitching my program to a department that it's a liability to have them work out.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Just like doing Fran at L1s is a liability it's a liability so you may tell me somebody that wears a bulletproof vest and carries a gun on their hip the worst possible thing we could have to do for them is have them work out how come no one ever comments on how much i burp on the show i burp a lot i'm surprised i don't get tore up for that i've never worn these glasses on the show look good i like your wristbands i kind of look like an owl i i can't find my victos one so this is like some one that mike my kid won out of a vending machine like where you put down the arm and you grab it and then this is like a rogue one that bill and katie gave me probably when they liked me when i had power when i when you have power man people like you you don't have power they
Starting point is 00:51:07 don't like you so much i asked lips and why you back to blm anyone who backs blm i don't need to ask them i i know i know i don't think they know what they're backing i understand their confusion i understand their confusion okay let's go down the list of whiny bitchiness uh i got this funny story here i don't know if i should tell it it's a it's a i'm trying to think how like if it I don't want to use the people's names, but it's so much more potent if I use the names. It's so much better if you know who I'm talking about. Is this off the list you sent us or is this something I don't have access to? No, you don't have access to no you don't have access to this so when uh towards towards the end of um towards the end of the
Starting point is 00:52:10 fucking right this is prior to floyd 19 i think this is at the games in 2019 i think um uh yeah yeah exactly eric One of the reasons why people get behind BLM, you have to understand that everyone who's selling something on the internet, not everyone, but most people selling things on the internet are sellouts. Like the people you really, really like and admire, we're just surrounded by sellouts. It's so hard for some people not to be a sellout. Like, just imagine, I just always remind myself, would I, if Coke said, hey, we want you to drink a Coke on your show and go, I love this. And they gave me a million dollars and I couldn't, and I had to sign a note saying,
Starting point is 00:52:56 I couldn't tell you guys what was going on, that I was paid to do it. Would I do it? Like, I just keep reminding myself now, now granted, like, I don't know if that's realistic i don't know if coke ever does that to me or does that to anyone but these people have gone down a a narrow alley like imagine you're selling um uh i don't want to use uh anything that any of my friends are selling let's say you're selling socks right and you sell a thousand socks a month and it's how you put, you pay, put food on your table. And then all of a sudden, um, all of this stuff and you live in Ferguson and then all of a sudden the BLM riot burns down your factory and you want to be like, Hey man, this has nothing to do with helping black people. BLM is complete bullshit. I employ 30 black people and they fucking burned down my sock factory and the blah, blah. And you,
Starting point is 00:53:45 black people and they fucking burn down my sock factory and the blah blah and you uh you would lose half your sock sales for saying that the blm's bullshit so so and and matter of fact if they say that oh i'm willing to take the sacrifice for the blm thing and it's okay they burnt down my factory you might sell 2 000 socks like it's just whatever the narrative is but but it eventually backfires if you don't do the right thing for those of you who are like losing hope don't lose hope don't lose hope the truth will always come back and don't lose hope they can do not lose no matter what the plants take over earth in the end that helps you see the picture no matter what no one's going to destroy the earth we might destroy ourselves on the earth but but but the good guy always wins okay so
Starting point is 00:54:32 it was like the 2020 uh crossfit games oh fuck it i've told this story i've told this i've told most of the details of the story before might as well just come on say this right so there was the there's this guy the the ceo of crossfit at the time was banging the chick who replaced me as head of media even though no one would tell me when i would ask hey is she running media or am i running media even though they're only like six people in the apartment to my face they'd be like oh no you run media still but but i didn't she ran media. And this chick was the mistress of the current CEO and they were both married.
Starting point is 00:55:09 So there's a CEO and he's married. And then his mistress who he bought on board, who's also married. I've told you about this girl before. This is the one that the CEO tried to bring into our executive meetings. And Nicole Carroll's like told the CEO, yo, this bitch can't be in here. We've worked way too hard to be in here. Now you got your beaver in here just because she's your beaver. And granted, it wasn't just because she was his beaver.
Starting point is 00:55:29 She was smart. But anyway, so he took her out for a little while and then brought her back. And then eventually she got my position. And that was the plan all along. But anyway, Greg sent a text. And I don't remember the contents of the text directly, but he sent it to one employee basically slamming these two for their relationship. Not harshly, but like, I can't believe this fucking guy brings his chick everywhere, and why don't they just get a hotel room and stay or whatever. He said something, right?
Starting point is 00:56:05 And he sent it to the CEO instead of this other dude. Do you guys follow me on that? Do you guys get what happened? So he's ripping on the CEO of the company who's married, who's banging this chick who's married. And he's kind of ripping on their relationship and just what a fucking clusterfuck it is how it's like it's sort of the downfall of the ceo because he's just getting there's oh you guys are gonna hate me for this i'm gonna digress a second there's this group of women out there that are like dude fuckers and what do i mean by that like their whole goal as women is to prove that they're better than men you know them everything is like um like if you say hey you look nice today would you say
Starting point is 00:56:46 that to a man oh man you pulled into that parking spot that was amazing would you say that to a man hey good job on your up today would you say that to a man it's like dude shut the fuck up like they bring their they bring the sex thing to everything and there's people who do that with racism too and and then these another characteristic of these women don't get me wrong there's men like this too but let's just pick on women for a second. There's these women – these women have to be the smartest person in the room always, smarter than the men. Everything is like woman power, woman power. By the way, Nicole Carroll was not like that at all.
Starting point is 00:57:16 I want to be very clear. I'm not – not at all. She was confident in just whatever the fuck she was. She was a badass. And it didn't matter if she was a girl or a dude. Anyway, so this chick was like that that was banging the CEO. And part of me knew or speculated that her whole – she was just – she was a big game hunter. She was 20 years younger than this dude, and she just wanted to fuck him just to put a flag on the moon.
Starting point is 00:57:43 I would love to have Nicole on. I would love to have nicole on power i would love to have nicole and i don't think i don't know if it'd be good for her her her uh status um uh i don't know if it would be good for her status with the company but i would love to have her on i'd like to have her as a regular guest we might get her um you know who i should have on which is just stupid i'm intimidated to have him on it's her her boyfriend tosh that would be cool his veteran thing he's got going on looks really cool and he's got a crazy story man i watched a whole two-hour movie about him and then i also if you go to his wiki page he's gnarly i want to hear the i i have to like think i'm big time enough that i can ask him about that story before I have him on.
Starting point is 00:58:26 What – Brian Shantosh. Brian Shantosh. You guys should look up his wiki. It's no joke. I feel like we could get him – we have a good chance of having him on because I think him and James are pretty good buddies. And he – I think I'm pretty good buddies with him too, but in a weird way. Not in a different way than James is good buddies with him. But Brian is – and he's so fun to be around oh my god he's so fun to be around if you ever get a chance to be oh i didn't know he's younger than me if you ever get a chance to be around this guy
Starting point is 00:58:55 um it's free uh it's free energy he's dumping i think they're gonna row across the atlantic ocean or something crazy too yes yes i could pretend like i'm having him on the show to talk to him about that and then ask him about what happened in fallujah wherever he was the old bait and switch um yeah hobart got the jab hobart a lot of people got the jab a lot of people got the jab jabby jabby uh so so anyway that was a pretty funny story i was thinking about it the other day while i was i was trimming my pubes back some of my pubes were longer than my penis what happened that was the end that was the end well the guy never said anything back and greg never sent no the ceo pretended pretended to have a temper tantrum and acted like it offended him and and then basically what happened was and there's this so
Starting point is 00:59:49 oh i don't know guys i don't know if it's time all right part two we'll bookshelf it but the the part is is that that's very close to when that guy depending on who you talk to quit or got fired. But you won't believe how it ends. It's awesome. It was amazing. It was so fucking good. It was crazy.
Starting point is 01:00:13 I love these stories. You know, part of me is just sadistic. You know when there's a movie and there's 20 guys in the middle of the street and they're all shooting each other and just like you're watching the bad guys die but you're watching some of your characters die it was like that then day so then dave was the ceo that's when dave became the ceo and that was crazy two months that was crazy because dave started taking it back to the old school we started going like headed straight for 2009 media team like i would have loved to see what he would have done it was crazy and people were like oh he's just a shill for greg dude that you couldn't have been
Starting point is 01:00:50 further from the truth but anyway but um it was just funny that this guy was offended by the fact that greg was sending like like like if you find out that people are talking shit about you because you're fucking a married woman while you're married like like chill man it's cool of course like of course they're talking shit about you yeah and i'm surprised yeah don't get upset about it just be like damn okay and it's kind of there's a thing about that that people don't realize until you get married and then or you have a girlfriend there's this thing that you have to realize like outside of all the judgment moral judgment right wrong lying stealing like blah blah who cares about any of that i don't care about but this is a true effect if you have oh nice of you to show up
Starting point is 01:01:32 colin we're fucking almost done with the show um if you um if you are with a group if you work in a workplace and you find out that one of the couples, like let's say one of your peers has been cheating on his wife or that his wife has been cheating on him. It sends ripples through all the other couples. All of a sudden, everyone's relationship becomes unstable. It's the same thing if like, you know, let's say, God forbid, I was to get a divorce with Haley. All the people I know would be like, oh, my God, I thought their relationship was perfect. And then they start questioning their own. Maybe I to get a divorce with Haley. All the people I know would be like, oh my God, I thought their relationship was perfect. And then they start questioning their own. Maybe I should get a divorce.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Like things become possible for other people. It's like when someone breaks the five minute mile or the four minute mile, then all of a sudden other people start doing it. It sends ripples. And the cheating thing is like, like those of you who are out there cheating on your spouses,
Starting point is 01:02:21 no judgment, cheat away, fuck whoever you want. Don't tell anyone about it. Don't spread the disease. Like don't be, because then other people start doing it and you don't, you don't want it to become like a phenomenon like that. Yeah. That's worse than the cheating itself.
Starting point is 01:02:37 At my level two, Dave Eubanks said something that, that stuck with me that we actually reference a lot in our meetings with my staff and coaches. And it's when something's happening in the gym or in your business or whatever, there's two things, either you're creating it or you're allowing it. There's no in between. Either you've created that problem or you're continuing to allow that problem. It doesn't just happen without your control. Right. I like that. Dave said that in your level two? Yeah. What was the context? That seems weird.
Starting point is 01:03:06 I think it was just a general question about, Hey, we have people that want to work out in the corner on their own because they're going to be training for some competition and it starts to disrupt the class, but I don't want to like kick them out because they're, you know, high level competitor, whatever. It was something along that line and he basically was like, dude, that's on you go, go handle your business. And then kind of gave that line. I like it. Uh, uh, that's on you. Go handle your business and then kind of gave that line. I like it. Mehmet, I refuse to answer you. You are Turkish, and I was raised to see you as people who hurt Armenians. Mehmet.
Starting point is 01:03:37 That's just in your mind, Sevan. Oh, right, right. Mehmet, thank you for the question. That is a great fucking question. I didn't – No, first one fired. right uh mehmet thank you for the question that is a great fucking question i did i hope first one fired i didn't leave i didn't leave i didn't leave mehmet i didn't yeah well you're on a glass name i thought yeah you try question you try i'm not trying hey does he have a man bun say Say, thanks for your question, man. No, it looks like a very nice side part. Gelled side part. I can't see, though.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Nice photos. Nice depth of field. Yeah, that's like a LinkedIn headshot there. LinkedIn quality. Nice bow tie. I don't know this for certain, but I think Dave and the people who worked there, even the ones who hated me with a passion, really respected my work ethic. I stayed true to – I worked hard. It was all I cared about, and I stayed true to the methodology, and I'm extremely loyal on a, but, but some people might not see me as loyal because it like,
Starting point is 01:04:49 if you're, if you're, if you're, because I talk a lot. Cause, cause I have no problems like saying stuff about you that maybe you don't want to hear, but on the big level,
Starting point is 01:04:59 like I got your back. Like, like I was part of the team. I got your back. Like no matter what I would, I would come, I would come, I would come get you. Even, even if, i got your back like like i was part of the team i got your back like no matter what i would i would come i would come i would come get you even even if even if we weren't like close like i said like i was a team player i can separate my personal from that other stuff seven in 1999 i helped
Starting point is 01:05:16 organize the friendship games pulling between turkey and greece you're a good dude cobra uh this is my buddy cobra roads i met cobra met Cobra while filming Pulling John. And then I was just talking to Cobra the other day and he was filming. He was filming a movie with Will Smith. And I want to say on the East Coast. I don't even know if I'm allowed to say that. Sorry if I wasn't supposed to say that. Oops. I know he sent me pictures that I wasn't supposed to share and i didn't i didn't cobra i did not share them and those were cool photos uh all of you uh once again i want to say the the the help those of you who are going to help us at wadapalooza and there's so many of you and probably we're going to choose three or four that is not a paid position what you will do is you will stand probably throughout the day close enough to Sousa to where you guys exchange like old air you guys breathe together. So there'll be that
Starting point is 01:06:08 kind of intimacy. But it's hard work. And I don't want people who are going there to take fucking pictures with Vellner or to ask, you know, Ricky Garrard to like shake his hand. It's hard work. You're going to stand there. You're going to hold an iPhone all day. You're maybe going to get a free cup of coffee out of Sousa. And it's not glamorous, but you can help and it will be fun and it will be a great experience. And we'll all start building a relationship together and who knows where this goes. in really small letters, revolutionary, not like massively revolutionary, but we're going to use this software stream yard and we're going to use iPhones and we're going to have a ton of different angles that other people haven't had. And there's going to be people there. Thank you, Heidi, your doll. There's going to be people there who would you say that to a man? That was a man. Would you have said, thank you, you're a doll um there's going to be um
Starting point is 01:07:06 we're going to show angles and behind the scenes in a live event that i don't think has ever been done before and because we don't care like if we succeed or fail there's going to be a freeness and fun to it so um i am the only thing i'm a little concerned about is that the bandwidth is going to be so crappy with the phones there that the service is going to be interrupted and intermittent. Maybe not. We had okay stuff at the games. But even if it – right. And even if it is, don't worry.
Starting point is 01:07:35 We'll still do stuff. But, like, my vision for this is going to be – is just, like, basically, like, a live behind the scenes. And I'm pumped for it. Yeah, we got a couple people. Looks like we have one I'm, and I'm pumped for it. Yeah. We got a couple people. It looks like we have one, one person that looks like they're going to be pretty solid. And then,
Starting point is 01:07:50 um, I just spoke with somebody this morning that reached back. The nurse lady, the nurse lady. She's like, she is really, uh, interested in it.
Starting point is 01:07:57 And so I got her contact and said that I would set up a text thread with, with us. And then, um, we'll kind of go from there. Um, uh, did you ever meet Lillian Fuentes? No, I'm familiar with her though. Oh, I tried to get her.
Starting point is 01:08:15 I, I met her through Instagram and I tried to get her, but she's too big time now. Yeah. And I'm just worried about two things. Number one, when people say this, I just hope they realize that in the thing that I just want to be honest about, like if you're going there to enjoy yourself and to enjoy your this event and you're doing this because this is your, you know, four day vacation from what you're doing, you, you most likely do not want to sign up to be on with us. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:38 It's because it's just, it's going to be a lot of work. Like, of course you're going to like your back is going to hurt us, but yeah, it's going to be like, it's gonna be like it's gonna be work so i just don't i just don't want you to think like you know you could check in check out and then whatever and it's gonna be hard like the thing you said zevon is like they need some time to acclimate to the situation so we're ideally we would like to have you for the the whole weekend so that way you could acclimate you could kind of get your feelers out there then we could we could really roll but but if your game if your game if you want to grind um i want to say if you want to get in with us too but you might not get in
Starting point is 01:09:16 with us i might hate you after this so which is totally possible so i i can't say that yeah there's a uh our vetting process is just just either work you up or work you out you either rise to the occasion or you leave so so in closure if you're not if society doesn't do a huge turnaround and start embracing police and giving them leeway and helping them and loving them they're not they're they're not going to engage what's going on here has nothing to do with the number of cops, has nothing to do with that people are worse than they ever were, has nothing to do with the pandemic, nothing.
Starting point is 01:09:50 The so-called pandemic, the reaction to the pandemic, has nothing to do with anything. It has to do with the fact of what the BLM movement specifically catered into this country and just the hatred around police officers that we've let proliferate and the fucking white racist people. Go ahead, Colin. I thought you said there's no such thing as racism.
Starting point is 01:10:08 Between their ears, there is. Between their ears, there is. And when you – and those of you who don't get that, the distinction of what's between your ears versus what's real, like my wristband, like these fucking forearms. Damn. Thank you. The police situation is up to us. We all have to just be nicer to them. Just suck it up.
Starting point is 01:10:36 Take one for the team. Just be nicer to them. I'm crying a lot. Oh, speaking of police officers, I know a police officer that just got uh the the the covet the covet cannot can we see him caleb there do we do we have a uh uh what's his we should i should make a quick banner for his uh instagram what is his instagram at can you make one of those banners too caleb can you multitask or tell me to spell it out and i can do it it's at jim jim i just have jim
Starting point is 01:11:10 oh here we go oh yeah yeah let me let me see let me uh jim b-o-b uh r-o-S-K-I Adbanner. Okay. This guy. Okay, roll them, Caleb. Roll them. Three, two, one.
Starting point is 01:11:42 This is straight up art. So, if you guys didn't follow what's going on. I got COVID, unfortunately, tested positive today. Feeling like shit yesterday and today, but just going to keep going. Keep pumping these delicious kill cliffs. Let's get this shit done. First run, I'm like at 930 pace. Pretty hard for me to breathe right now. And 930 is pretty slow for me still. All right, guys, as we enter day two of Murph with COVID, the biggest thing for me is definitely breathing.
Starting point is 01:12:09 It's hard for me to breathe deep. I definitely depend on my lungs for these workouts and just don't have it right now. Other than that, my joints feel pretty weak, so everything else is pretty hard. It's probably gonna be more like 10 minute pace at this point. It's just pretty hard to breathe still.
Starting point is 01:12:25 All right, y'all. We're done. Final time of 53 minutes of change. Definitely slowed me down. I wasn't going to go as much, but we're done. Sub 60 with COVID. Not bad. While we were doing it, y'all, it is day 212.
Starting point is 01:12:40 I don't know. That's day 212 of 365 days of Murph. Plus he does his other workouts. I think he might do a Hobart's programming and he has COVID. Like, you know what? I would have liked to have done Murph next to him with it. I've never done Murph with the,
Starting point is 01:13:00 with the vest, the 20 pound vest. I would have liked to have seen if I could beat him when he had covet like on day 212 but i'm serious you know i'm serious right yeah no i know you're serious that's why i thought it was funny i don't know if i could run a 10 minute mile with a 20 pound vest yeah you can i'm gonna come over we're gonna do it i'm gonna bring my vest okay will you seriously i will yeah okay do that together yeah let's do it before we go to water please let's see it i haven't have these sweet like the in the insides like the plates just little metal plates i had a guy that owned a um actually i don't know if i should say he had
Starting point is 01:13:34 a lot of access to machinery and guns and stuff like that and um it was a he made me a panel that has the cfl logo inside the plate carrier so it kind of cool, but you also don't see it because then you put it in the vest and it's gone. But I'll drop it off. And it can stop a bullet. It definitely cannot stop a bullet, but I'm going to leave them at your house. You're going to get hooked up with some CFL ones. Thank you, Mr. Sousa.
Starting point is 01:13:57 About time someone hooked me up. Yeah, I'm going to sponsor you. My buddy and I run a media company, Small Vlogs and Media for Business. We'd love to help if needed avid cross through L1 work like savages Dallas are you Dallas are you in Miami and you know this doesn't pay and we're just fully taking advantage of people who just
Starting point is 01:14:16 want to like try to get on the show and shit if you do know that then yes DM me or Sousa please I like the work like savages part correct i do have infinite vests doing murph that many times how does he not have the record time i don't know how he does it that's just all i want to thank you dallas you're awesome dude thank you how do i get rid of this banner? Where did you put it?
Starting point is 01:14:47 Oh, in the banner section. Okay, there we go. Thank you. Okay. And Jim, part of me doesn't like him doing that. I'm just going to be honest. Are we getting him on the show? Yeah, we are going to get him on the show.
Starting point is 01:15:02 I haven't asked him yet, but I'm going to definitely invite him at some point. Do you like him doing that? The birthday of the day, even when he has yeah like no one's like just me and you talking no one else listening do you like that yeah i do you do i do i don't think it's the smartest thing and i definitely wouldn't recommend it to any of my members though why do you like it you don't like him you want to kill him no no no no i no, no, no. I don't know, but I just have this. And this is just me personally. I have this big, like rejection to this, like the soft approach to a lot of stuff. I don't know why. And it's not always the best thing, but like whenever anybody immediately goes like weakness or being like soft or something, it just, I want to push back against it and do Murph with COVID,
Starting point is 01:15:44 you know? And I don't think that's correct. That's just how, how I am. Like we have this running joke amongst Savannah. If she listens to this, she'll laugh where a lot of times people will come like staff or like coach or something. And they like, will tell me something that's happening and I'll just kind of listen. And then I say, yeah, it sounds like you're in, in, in a need of a mile sled drag and make the joke that if you, if you have some sort of problems, if life's feeling overwhelming, if you're feeling whatever down or you're, you're creating this victim mindset, just load up a sled. We usually do about 125 pounds and drag it for a mile. And by the time you get back, your problems will be over.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Oh yes. But this is, this is, this is the great COVID. Yeah. Um, if I just want you to know, I'm going to send a text message to This is the great COVID. Yeah. I just want you to know I'm going to send a text message to some people afterwards in regards to my thoughts of you thinking that it's okay that Jim does this. And if I accidentally include you on it, I apologize. That's okay. Do you disagree with me? I'm just not comfortable with him doing it, but I'm proud of him, I guess.
Starting point is 01:16:46 I don't know. I'm just not comfortable. Yeah, like I said, I wouldn't have recommended it to him, but him making his own decisions and then doing it, I'm okay with it. I'll watch it. I'll support it. Even a wannabe alpha like myself doesn't like it. I mean, I don't like the whole – I'm I, I'm truly uncomfortable with everything that he's doing Murph every day and still working out the whole thing makes me uncomfortable. Yeah. I mean, that's a, that's, that's a really, that's, um,
Starting point is 01:17:12 excessive for the sake of being excessive. It's like a Goggins style thing. And I don't necessarily think that's indicative of, um, extreme, like, you know, he's not getting like fitter doing it. Like the gains are almost going to turn into diminishing returns at some point and it's breaking down his body quite a bit but like for the mental fortitude part i get it but i wouldn't recommend anybody doing it i want to show the distinction there by the way too that i'm saying i'm uncomfortable with it let me so so i i don't know if it's a bad idea let me tell you something that i am willing to judge and that i do think is a bad idea putting a hole in the head of your penis i think it's
Starting point is 01:17:49 called the prince albert that i think you're a fucking idiot if you wait what is that like a piercing yeah i'm trying to draw this i'm trying to draw a distinction like i don't know like it makes me uncomfortable that he's doing murph every day me he might know better i'm totally open to him not knowing better what i am closed-minded about is i don't think that there's doing Murph every day. Me. He might know better. I'm totally open to him not knowing better. What I am close minded about is I don't think that there's any place ever to put a hole in the head of your penis to add a hole. The hole that's there is perfect. But that's an important distinction that people should know. I'm I'm okay. Where were we here? man i gotta get this guy on my podcast too oh did you so i was listening to um the algorithm uh picked uh a joe rogan video for me um yesterday when i was riding the assault bike and it was david blaine was on and i think that was one of the few joe rogan podcasts i've ever
Starting point is 01:18:42 watched before like one of the longest ones I've ever watched. And I probably watched like 30 minutes of that before. But anyway, it played for a few minutes. And Joe Rogan has a guy that he calls. So so David Blaine referenced a video and then the video goes up on the screen and then Blaine goes, wow, that's amazing. And Rogan goes, yes, that's young Jamie. He's amazing. And I was thinking, oh, maybe Will could be young Willie.
Starting point is 01:19:11 Young Willie, young Jamie. Maybe this show could have a young Willie. Or hung Willie. Hung Willie. You like that? You like that? You like that, Caleb? Hung Willie.
Starting point is 01:19:23 You don't think it's racist? It doesn't sound like culturally appropriate, like I'm taking a Chinese Caleb? Hung Willie? You don't think it's racist? It doesn't sound like culturally appropriate, like I'm taking a Chinese name? Hung Willie? No, it's perfect. I like it. Okay, Hung Willie. Oh, thank you, Hung Willie.
Starting point is 01:19:35 But Young Willie. And it's got kind of a nice story behind it, Hung Willie. Oh, my gosh. All right, all right. Well, that's good. Hung Willie. We got another. So we have Mars, and we have Hung Willie. Those are like baptisms.
Starting point is 01:19:49 Caleb hasn't been baptized yet. He doesn't have like a story. What are those called? Like gods have them like an origin story. He's Hung Willie. Oh, yes. Inspired by young James from Young Jamie from Joe Rogan. Speaking of Hong, have you guys I know you two have seen it because I've sent it to you, our thread like three times now.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Could you play this video? Drive my dick between your hips video. I swear to you, if you guys knew how this song moved me, you would think something was wrong with me. You would – I really just – this is what I would have loved to have done with my life. Burn some calories on my dick. I'm about to put my penis between your lips About to drive my dick between your hips And you're gonna love it
Starting point is 01:20:54 About to burn some calories on my dick About to put my penis between your lips. About to drive my dick between your hips. You're gonna love it. I could cry, I swear to God, it's so good. It is really good. Let it play one more time, Caleb. Just let it roll.
Starting point is 01:21:28 You're about to burn some calories on my dick. Oh, okay, okay, okay. I'm about to put my penis between your... Hey, that's all I said. Yeah, that's just what I say to my wife. Would you like to burn some calories? That's just what I say now. That's just what I say to my wife. Would you like to burn some calories? That's just what I say now. There's a benevolence, a kindness, a love mixed with a rawness.
Starting point is 01:21:54 This song's been on TikTok and the gram for like five months. Okay, fine. It doesn't matter. It's new to us and we love it. I saw it the other day someone sent it to me i'm just tickled oh man i'm about to burn some calories on this dick oh jeff thank you thank you jeff what do you think am i late to the game with that am i late to the game it doesn't matter man you brought it to the light
Starting point is 01:22:26 again i'm gonna do i i i i'm gonna do more uh stuff from uh instagram that i like i basically have really i spend about an hour every day maybe more just looking through um instagram for guests and when i see stuff like that i'm just like i'm just tickled before this one gets buried um chad yeah if you're a photographer this might be kind of cool because we could shoot stuff to will and caleb for the uh instagram if you want to share some of your awesome photos with us um shoot one of us a uh direct message and we'll get you the contact info oh dude chad and uh listen wait can i see chad again because i'm checking out his glasses i might have those glasses if i have those glasses
Starting point is 01:23:10 you need to switch your glasses during water palooza if you're going to be on the feed uh but um dude if you make a montage of your of your photos we'll plug your instagram and we'll play them in 30 second p breaks or put music to 40 photos or 50 photos we'll do your Instagram and we'll play them on 30 second P breaks or put music to 40 photos or 50 photos. We'll do anything that anyone wants to do like that. That's cool. Yeah. I think I was looking for, if you want to come on and just talk about taking pictures there. I mean, it's a four day stream. We'll do anything. I want to explore everything.
Starting point is 01:23:38 Yeah. By the way, I reached out to Kalipa and ask him if he would come on the podcast during the, and a bunch of other athletes too. Um, during the, during the presentation, we're going to, it fun yeah chad good yeah let us let us yeah use this use this are you chad are you taking pictures there and then like bringing your computer there who are you working for there just yourself he's going straight to hell for performing that is i don't know maybe i don't know i don't but i if when i'm in heaven i'll i'll take calls from his cell phone on mine like i'll talk
Starting point is 01:24:12 to him and tell him it's not so i was going to hell for talking about sex and bringing joy to millions of people i don't know because it's in a church it's in a church or something so what it's a building built by people uh wait what's yet myself in the crowd okay cool yeah we'll call it and we'll we'll call it something funny too like chad's crowd crowd photos yeah any feel free to take um shame anyone too who's like eating donuts in the crowd and shit i'm all about shaming people so uh you know here's our instagram info chat if you need it when you're married you are praising the lord with sex yeah okay john oh john you guys are gonna see a lot of john i know you guys love john you're about to see a lot of johnny boy we're we love John. You're about to see a lot of Johnny boy. We're,
Starting point is 01:25:06 we're trying to get, uh, we're, we're on a full frontal assault on, um, water blues athletes, trying to just get them into the seven podcast and introduce, introduce you guys to him. The more of these guys we can meet,
Starting point is 01:25:17 the more we will be interested in, in Palooza wad. And so, uh, we, we got to get them in here. We got to get them in here. here hey you know who i think we're going to get is the is the mama lady ariel lowen she's the mom who went to the game she just she
Starting point is 01:25:34 went to semi-finals just to get a sign with her name on it ended up at the games that's awesome for those of you who are into moms like me okay um. Can you, Caleb, put up this last video before we check out? We have six minutes left. Tomas. Thank you, Tomas Plaza. Did you switch your name from Thomas to Tomas to be – Okay, here. Hold on, Tomas.
Starting point is 01:25:58 Hold on. Whoops. You can play this twice. Took two Pepto-Bismol. During our sex scene, I felt your dick rubbing into me. Before our sex scene, I took two Pepto-Bismol.
Starting point is 01:26:20 During our sex scene, I felt your dick rubbing into me. Now, I don't know who these people are, but I know they're famous. I recognized a dude before. He's like Batman or something, right? Is that Chris Pratt? Why does that name? That is Chris Pratt, Caleb?
Starting point is 01:26:37 Is he a director also? I don't know if he's a director, but he's an actor. And then the other one's Jennifer Lawrence. And is she famous? Yeah, she's in all the Hunger Games movies. And then I think that is probably from Passengers. I thought Jennifer – wait. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:26:55 I thought before you go on. I thought Jennifer Lawrence had black hair and she was married to Ben Affleck or something. I don't remember. I don't think so. All right. Oh, Jennifer Garner. That's Jennifer Garner. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Okay. Sorry. Okay. So go on. And you think that movie's what? I think it's called Passengers. It's like, I don't know, they're in space and Chris Pratt gets woken up accidentally. And so then he sees her in a pod and he thinks she's super hot and then wakes her up. And then they're just like on a perpetual trip through space. Just boning through space. Pretty much. Yeah. By the,
Starting point is 01:27:30 by the way, what do you mean? Think she's hot? Like, I mean, come on, dude. She's that,
Starting point is 01:27:37 that can I see her again? Uh, well, I mean, her skin is nuts. I mean, maybe her skin is just absolutely nuts okay anyway anyway uh yeah yeah let's listen one more time just yeah hold on i see you're gonna try to time it so we don't have to listen to it twice like you're gonna you're gonna actually yeah she is hot right yeah something's going on with her. I took two.
Starting point is 01:28:07 Oh, you almost had it. You almost had it. So close. During our sex scene, I felt your dick rubbing into me. Hey, so... The reason why I like... I think they're playing a game, right? They're clearly playing some sort of game, and they're trying to make each other laugh. But you would think that this wasn't okay to say to a woman in this day and age.
Starting point is 01:28:39 And this gives me hope that he doesn't give a shit that he's still willing to say something like that that's so close to being seen as like – I mean Franco – James Franco was canceled just two years ago because he asked his girlfriend of a year and a half if she would suck his dick. It's like, man, if you can't – I think you should kind of be allowed to ask anyone to suck your dick, but girlfriend of a year and a half like i think it's weird that you have to ask you could ask anyone yeah he got canceled for something that i don't even think you should have to ask she should get canceled because he had to ask ask your girlfriend of a year and a half it's crazy and then you know what she said this chick had the nerve say well he's famous so I feel obligated to do it what how is that his fault of course you should feel obligated to do it because he's famous
Starting point is 01:29:34 anyway I just really like that clip because it gave me it gives me hope it gives me hope that someone like I know those are famous people. I recognize their faces and they can still joke around like that. Jennifer Lawrence was my neighbor growing up.
Starting point is 01:29:51 Oh man. I hope you had a good pair of binoculars, binoculars. Look at, look at, look at, oh man. Willie is going to kill you.
Starting point is 01:30:00 Who did that? Willie is going to kill you. Why are you dropping the heat? We young Willie is going, who did that? Prong Willie is going to kill you. Why are you dropping the heat? We Young Willie is going to... Who did that? Oh, my goodness. Who did that? How is that showing?
Starting point is 01:30:12 I have no idea. Didn't you put it on there? No. I did not put it on there. I did not put it on there either. I'm in... Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:30:21 Oh, my goodness. I like... My computer kicked me off and i came back and we're we're leaking all the good stuff please some guys everyone close your eyes for a second do not see our wadapalooza background a special cheese louise that was like that was like seeing that was like that was like seeing a a a picture of your mate naked before you undressed him it It was like just too much. It's too much of a treat.
Starting point is 01:30:49 Okay. We made it. 90 minutes. Hope you guys enjoyed the show. Not enough of you called in. Thanks for helping. Listen, I do these shows so I can relax because the rest of the show is stressing me out and you guys are supposed to call in. And then I rip on you guys.
Starting point is 01:31:10 Everybody's scared. Good. All right. We'll see you guys. Oh, let me see who we have on tomorrow. Let me tell you who we have on tomorrow. Do the comments. Before I hang up.
Starting point is 01:31:24 Oh, tomorrow we don't even have a show. We don't have a guest tomorrow. Oh, yeah, we do. Yeah, we do. Oh, yeah. Oh, shit. Oh, tomorrow we don't even have a show. We don't have a guest tomorrow. Oh, yeah, we do. Yeah, we do. Oh, yeah. Oh, shit. Oh, man, I got to get to work. Tomorrow we have James Sprague, Sprog Sprague.
Starting point is 01:31:34 He's competing at Wadapalooza. And then at 9 a.m., that's at 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. And then at 9 a.m., we have Josh Emmett. And he's a UFC fighter. I believe he's 17 and 2. He just won his last fight he's the real deal people josh emmett he is the real deal um i gotta get those up uh scheduled oh we lost suza no it keeps like kicking me out i try to like never mind
Starting point is 01:31:59 um all righty having issues peace

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