The Sevan Podcast - #249 The News - Kate Gordon

Episode Date: January 3, 2022

The world news you didn't know you needed with the lovely Kate Gordon.Follow Kate - Sevan Podcast is sponsored by http://www.barbelljobs.comFollow us on Instagram... this episode Support the showPartners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:55 To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. Bam, we are live. Oh, really? Why, were you going to put a shirt on? shirt on good afternoon good evening what time is it there uh six o'clock emily abbott thinks so okay wait what you go you go i was to talk about your clitoris. Go ahead. So you can talk about that in a second. Um, I have one, two, I'm going to call that one,
Starting point is 00:01:35 one, two, three, four, five. I have six stories and I don't think it's enough. I mean, I know we'll probably be able to get at least like two hours. But I totally thought that when you messaged me the other day that this was being replaced by Waterpalooza chat. And the news was being binned for the week for Waterpalooza. Could you tell I was being bitchy when we were texting today? You were being bitchy? Yeah yeah could you tell in the text no where are you today are you on the moon we have a we have a we have a crazy delay yeah i mean i moved states are you in armenia i moved states and my house hasn't got internet because so i'm hot spotting off my phone oh dang dang yeah there's
Starting point is 00:02:29 a delay we don't like we we're missing a bunch of stuff here we've got issues i thought you looked today because it was i i thought your skin and your hair looked extra nice today because just you were getting prettier but it's just that the screen's fuzzy oh well um just you were getting prettier but it's just that the screen's fuzzy oh well um is it hot where you're at it's summer it's amazing it's like uh like melvin's so cold but where i am now i'm i'm like a couple of degrees closer to the equator so uh it's beautiful i want someone to call it's really beachy it's kind of like i reckon it's got santa cruz vibes actually but it's a little bit bigger but um yeah it's freezing here hey i'm wondering if we got kicked off of twitter
Starting point is 00:03:15 we can't go we don't go live on twitter anymore you're right that's what we're kicking off our news with everybody's getting kicked off twitter at the moment oh well maybe we're permanently suspended i don't know maybe we're um maybe we're part of that that riffraff that just got kicked out apparently does um uh does anyone does any part of you think that the show's not going to work with the delay she has what's worse the delay that she has or the glare on my glasses what if i turn my um screen off should i try because i haven't got a delay with you guys no no no no i'd rather no no i'd rather look at you i'll take the delay i won't
Starting point is 00:03:58 talk i won't i won't say anything stupid again sorry kate ah fuck i'll say i'm so sorry i will not say anything stupid again listeners i'm so sorry we get tested delay fuck the whole show up right there i i think six stories is good i'm sorry just going on can you can you imagine if if if um i like how kate's like i have stories, and it might not be enough. I thought – I mean, Kate, I want to tell you something. I have four inches, and it might not be enough. That's just immediately where I went to when she said, I have six stories, and it might not be enough. Even Emily Abbott's like size doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:04:48 And I'm like, yes, it does. And she's like, like, she didn't want to like, she, she know, like, like, like, come on. Like didn't want to get a phone. It doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Well, yeah. Like at some point, like, like, come on. Like there's gotta be some part in everyone that just kind of just wants to make an attempt at a giant one i mean just make an attempt at it
Starting point is 00:05:10 and a giant one a giant one you know a penis like everyone sure like maybe you don't want to marry the the giant one but like you want to make an attempt that you want to i'm going to tell this story about a giant penis but i think that the no no there's a different giant pain this is actually about a mythical giant penis it's not a real giant penis but i've got a few of those encounterings haven't you yeah this story is so freaking great but it's too close to home there's too like i think these people listen i don't want to put a um i don't want to screw this relationship up between this man and this woman i like telling the story the woman told me the story i don't think the dude would appreciate it i thought it was mythical i mean it's about a mythical penis
Starting point is 00:06:01 they were they were talking about a hypothetical, and she shared the conversation with me. Or maybe she shared it with my wife. I think there's such a thing as like, too big is not good. Too big is just not going to end well. Right, but everyone wants to make the attempt at the giant one. You want to have an encounter with a giant one before like you retire just like it doesn't have to be like a yeah just an encounter just to know that you don't want it or just to be
Starting point is 00:06:33 sure try it yeah yeah like when i go to the trampoline park with my kids i'm like damn i should have tried some of the shit like when i knew i was capable of it and now i'm 49 and i'm not like you don't want to be married and 52 years old and be like, oh, the biggest cock I ever rode was five inches. I tried to ride a nine-incher that was like a Coke can once. You want to have that in your...
Starting point is 00:06:57 I think. I mean, I think. It's just like... Yeah, I think. So Emily was saying that the vibrator could desensitize you. This is cracking me up. My feelings around any sex toys is that if you get conditioned to one type, then it's like, yeah, it can make other things different. So I think it's healthy to be able to take breaks and switch it up and change things around and, and enjoy
Starting point is 00:07:28 different sensations. I don't think it means that something's bad. It just means like, Hey, if you're a, if you're only have one way of getting off, then maybe, maybe stop that for a little while and play with some other things. Yeah. I'm constantly varied. Yeah. I love it on the porn sites like you're going through you're going through a porn site looking for a good video and on the side there's like something like trying to make you feel guilty for looking at porn it's telling you you should get one of these whores that's in your town instead you're like what like that's the that's the that's the motivation it's like horny horny mother's waiting for you. You're like, Hey, Hey, they need love too. I just love how the comments I was cracking up.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Cause it's like, Kate, what's the workout for tomorrow's CrossFit one. And you're over here talking about riding monster dick for one. Oh, I wasn't. Siobhan was talking about riding monster dick. Not you,
Starting point is 00:08:21 not you, not you. It was just a funny contrast. Um, do you have any stories about boris johnson no i can find one there would there was a boris johnson what kind of stories you asked are about him he made a speech basically telling his constituents which is the entire island um sitting out there in the atlantic what do they call it the united kingdom and it's got some other shit like attached to it too like ireland and wales and the uk and scotland it's just this place where people talk funny and eat
Starting point is 00:08:56 french fries anyway it's basically the united states with a different accent just a shit ton of fat people right and um they're out. And he tells his constituents basically in a nutshell, hey, this losing weight, eating healthy shit like it's a lot of work. Why don't you just get the vaccine? Like if someone said to me, it's no big deal. Okay, I get it. But if there was someone in my kid's life who spoke to them like that, like was teaching them the easy way out or arguing their limitations, I would either humiliate them publicly or possibly slap the shit out of them, depending on my relationship with them. Like it is such horrible, vile mindset to be in. It is the epitome of everything that's wrong. I mean, it's like world-class codependency and it's just so gross that he would say that but that's not the point of what i'm
Starting point is 00:09:51 saying there's this friend of mine that i have who's a podcaster huge podcaster has had jordan peterson on this dude is smart as shit and i say to him boris john is a twat. And his response is, well, at least they're not locked down anymore. And that's exactly what they want you to say. so that on the holidays when they're not raping you, you're like, well, this is great. We get Christmas off. Yeah. It's working on really smart people. Well, at least we're not locked down. So we in Melbourne, when I was living there, the day that they removed all of the restrictions,
Starting point is 00:10:44 they called it Freedom Day. And there was this mass celebration and everyone was super excited. And I'm like, guys, this is fucked. Everything's been taken away from you. And they've handed some of it back, not even all of it, some of it. And people are wildly celebrating, super grateful, so thankful about to go live their lives. And I'm like, it's not fucking freedom. You've paid a price for this. You've paid it by going and getting vaccinated. Like that's not fucking freedom. It's like the idea that people are like super excited for it. I'm like, no, like this is, you're right. Like this is, this is a way that we should be expecting to, to live our
Starting point is 00:11:20 lives day by day. And yet here we are being like, oh, it's so nice. It's so good to get back to normal life. And I'm like, it's not like i know you paid such a big price for this why why does anyone think that will ever be normal i had i we had a guest on the other day that said well when covid is over i'm like when we get rid of this covid i'm like what planet are you on? What? Listen, there will never be normal. That's like saying, um, you chopped off your finger and you can't wait until everything's back to normal. It's not. And that's okay. You just, you have one less finger and, uh, and saying what COVID will be. That's like saying, I can't wait till the oceans are dry out. That's not happening. We're not going to live. We're not living without COVID. And I told the person, they were guests on the show, and I said, hey, it's not that we're ever going to get rid of COVID.
Starting point is 00:12:09 The only hope we have is that people change their mindset about what COVID is. There's nothing. There's no other. I'm just kidding. It's like saying you're going to get rid of racism. You're not going to get rid of racism. It's in people's heads. You can't get rid of racism.
Starting point is 00:12:22 It's a thought. It's a belief. There's no beliefs you get rid of. None. Zero. You can't get rid of Bigfoot. It's like saying you're going to get rid of Bigfoot. You will not.
Starting point is 00:12:32 You cannot. You shall not. I think I'm Dr. Seuss. We had that good rhyme last time. We should have told Caleb to clip that. We had the whole thing going. It's interesting because they start with a compromise, and then they force you to compromise again and then again and then when they pull back to like
Starting point is 00:12:49 the third compromise when they're on the fifth one they're like hey we've done you a favor it's like no no no you just continue to slowly encroach and then pull back a hair make everybody jump for joy and really nothing's changed it's it's weird yeah it's pretty funny how quickly people forget that like the stuff that you're doing isn't it's not it's not special it's like no this should this should be normal not something you are celebrating yeah we're getting desensitized to this still though i i got into this nasty seriously we've been fucked and gotten used to it. I got into this nasty exchange with this doctor today.
Starting point is 00:13:30 I think we're still friends, but it's gotten pretty nasty. And I said, there's a bunch of research coming out now that this thing is hurting kids. And there's a guy who's a PhDd uh also cardiologist and he was talking to i should actually put a link of it up i'll put a link of it up but he's basically saying he's treated 300 kids now with with issues and he's and basically he's saying that you can't mandate this thing for kids like you cannot and um and so i sent a text i sent a link to the article and i said man can you imagine what's crazier doctors killing kids or doctors rationalize that they're killing kids? And they responded with, what's crazier, people thinking that they know what they're talking about?
Starting point is 00:14:12 Or no, she said, or what's crazier, people think that they know what they're talking about just by surfing the internet, basically taking a shot at me because I'm saying doctors are fucking hurting people and then trying to rationalize it. And she's saying, hey, fuck that. You think, you know, shit know shit because you surf the internet i went to college for six years right so then i responded with well you're in a profession where they think it's okay to mandate a drug on kids for a disease that doesn't kill kids and i go and i know how you get that smart you go to school for four years and get brainwashed and then and then we stop talking it's just crazy cobra road seven i don't know i don't know if you guys are friends anymore productive conversation yeah and i was a little bit more aggressive than that i left out some things i know it's really frustrating when you bring up something that potentially yeah you fucking found on the internet right like whatever but that's not the argument like that's not the
Starting point is 00:15:04 point you know it's like hey like here's an issue and this is where i found it and they go okay well i'm going to ignore the issue and attack this other thing and just call you someone that has no fucking idea what you're talking about rather than actually talk about what you've said and the information could be hey well like you've shown me this data let me show you a subset of data that i have that supports my beliefs on this particular issue rather than like you've shown me this data. Let me show you a subset of data that I have that supports my beliefs on this particular issue. Rather than like you found that on the Internet. Therefore, you're fucking wrong. Go and die somewhere.
Starting point is 00:15:32 And it's like, wait, wait. That wasn't the whole conversation. I wonder if I'm going to get in trouble for posting this. OK, copy. And then I can. I'm going to send it to you, Matt. Maybe you could just post a link in the comments. Is that cool?
Starting point is 00:15:46 Yeah. It's really good. They're all PhDs, MDs. By the way, that's a huge thing, by the way, people. MDs, congratulations, you're a doctor. PhD, MDs, that's a whole other world of a person. Oh, shit. Calling from Texas.
Starting point is 00:16:05 What do you want to rub in our face? What do you want to rub in our face? No, I had a question that I wanted to ask you for a while. Oh, I don't want, Oh, well,
Starting point is 00:16:19 you just always seem very well informed on the news and I don't watch the news at all. And I was always curious, what is your recommendation on how people should ingest the news? Like as in, as in what's going on current events in the world, because right now my system is I just like wait for things to like, Oh, I heard about it from somebody else. I don't know if it's a good system. How much time do you want to spend on researching the news?
Starting point is 00:16:45 Personally, I always feel like it doesn't really affect my life, but I always also feel like I'm very out of the loop whenever people are talking about stuff in a CrossFit gym setting. I don't know. I feel like I could probably be more educated, but I'm also scared to just dive into CNN or Fox or something like this. Hey, let me ask you this question. When you see a headline that says children are dying,
Starting point is 00:17:12 children dying from COVID has increased 400% this month, what do you hear when someone says that? That seems really bad. Yeah. And then, so what I do is then i go and i look how many died the previous month and it says one and then i look up the person's name and it's a kid who's 400 pounds who was actually in the hospital um having cardiac arrest and then they suspected they got covid so that and then this month there were four and then i go oh for what region and
Starting point is 00:17:44 they say for the United States. And I go, oh, shit, how many people live in the United States? And it's 330 million. That's how I do it. I contextualize everything. So, like, if you're like, hey, my penis is nine inches long. And then I find out you're a, what are those horses in the Budweiser commercials? A Clyde Dill.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Thank you, sir. I think, wow, you got a small dick. Like, I don't just, like, just run with, like, wow you got a small dick like like i don't just like just run with like nine inches is a big dick i got i need to know i have to contextualize yeah everything is context everything is context kate is beautiful she has a boyfriend yeah she's not as beautiful it's it's all context do you have that part of your routine though where you're looking at headlines and stuff and then googling it and cross like how are you when are you doing that thing you do in the morning oh um you know what i do a lot of times so and here's another thing too so there's also the spirit of what is true and what's not true so i i was on this guy's
Starting point is 00:18:46 site today on instagram and he has like 600 000 followers and he's ripping on this fucking doctor who says that um drinking soda melts your bones he goes that's complete horse shit they don't it doesn't melt your body and he's just ripping this doctor and then and then and then doesn't say how bad sugar is for you that's like saying that you found out at auschwitz it's been totally misrepresented because only 12 of the people died in the gas chamber and the rest were chopped up into little bits with with uh saws it's like dude like i'm i don't care if sugar melts your bones or not if it's still the leading correlate of uh 99 of all chronic disease on the planet like so so some stuff i'm just okay with the spirit of things being accurate does does that does that make sense i i i just try to think
Starting point is 00:19:37 about it people call it critical thinking i don't know why i'm like that um yeah and i don't know what's critical about a good perspective oh that i don't normally think about whenever i hear you say stuff i'm always like like what you said about the oh i look back and i saw that there was one kid that died he's 400 pounds like i just don't ever think to like take it to the next level so here's the crazy thing the original chinese data and i actually to be honest with you i learned all this from working with greg glassman being around people like nicole carroll dave casco greg glassman brian mulvaney just all those fucking people just anyone who was in that executive team greg was always like things had to be defined so like if two people were talking and if i heard matt say to
Starting point is 00:20:21 kate do you believe in god and kate yeah, I would know they said nothing to each other because we don't know who you is. We don't know what God is. We haven't defined shit. Kate knows all about this, too, because that's the whole essence of why CrossFit is so awesome. Everything's so defined. And so I forget where I was with that, but I was talking about original data in China. Original data in China. So they say that the original data in China was something along the lines of 80% of all the deaths were men who were 65 years old who had been smoking for 30 years or more. And then all of the pundits on the news stations started saying, wow, this is something that kills old people. And I'm thinking there's no proof of that. I mean, I know that you want to leap to that, but you're not a three-year-old. If someone's 65 and they've been smoking for 30 years, age is just a weak correlate. It's clearly some sort of lifestyle choice.
Starting point is 00:21:18 They've been doing it for 30 years. And then the second leading cause of death in China was the women who lived with these men. And the second leading cause of death in China was the women who lived with these men. And so when they say when you hear people who are in nursing homes and 40 percent of them died for covid and they say it gets old people, that's totally missing the point. Those are people who've had the opportunity to drink Coke and eat Twinkies for 40 fucking years. That's how I see it. And so people are just tricked by correlates. They're just tricked and tricked and tricked by correlates and and and for some reason i'm able to think like that and i use a lot of
Starting point is 00:21:51 metaphors if you use metaphors and analogies for everything it will bring perspective on it so it makes you seem smarter yeah so like take a picture of your penis next to a hot wheel i don't know if it makes you seem smarter take a picture of your penis next to a Hot Wheel. I don't know if it makes you seem smarter. Take a picture of your penis next to a Hot Wheel and be like, yo. Everyone's going to be so tricked. Yes. Well, thanks, everyone. Okay, thanks. I thought for sure you were going to come out.
Starting point is 00:22:15 I'm going to add. Yes, please. I'm going to add on that. Mainstream media is a really bad place to find news. It's like it's really, one, because now when we do the news, I go and look for articles and I look for stories and it's hard to find stuff that's relevant, that's important and stuff that's unbiased. So I think going to like CNN or going to a website or like seeing shit on the news at
Starting point is 00:22:41 night, like wherever you see it, it's like that stuff is, is picking what it picking what it tells you. And it's also picking the way that it tells you that information. So I find that if you can start finding the people that give one particular side of the story and follow them on Twitter, and then you can go and find someone who gives the opposite side of the story and follow them on Reddit or go and find them on Instagram or fucking wherever. And you can kind of get your information from the horse's mouth rather than being kind of spun through mainstream media and some journalist version of it. That can give you different information, a variety of information that is different from what's like mainstream. And it can also give you stuff that's, it will usually be biased, but at least it's biased in a way that's clear and obvious because it's coming from that one particular person.
Starting point is 00:23:29 And you can find the kind of the opposing story and get a balance of ideas and make up your mind from there. Is that something that you do daily? I don't really do it daily, but I follow people, you know, like I follow people that will link out information and release their resources. And so there will be different things that will trigger or prompt me to go and follow something up or chase something up. So when you're following enough people and your own newsfeed on things like social media gives you little triggers, that's when it's like, hey, that thing's interesting to me. Or even like, you know, my friends will post something that's super pro fucking Vax and I'll be like, they'll post these images that are like, they're just the headlines. Just, you just want
Starting point is 00:24:13 to punch yourself in the face. You go on simply reading the comments and some of those posts, it gives you information from so many different perspectives and you can actually interpret it much better when you see what's underneath, where the information has come from, where the resources are. You follow up an article and you read the references and you go to the studies. So it's like, if you can be willing to see something and be like, that's kind of weird, or that headline's a bit outrageous and go down that rabbit hole of like, okay, let me go to that article. Okay. Who was it written by? Who's the scientist? Who's the,
Starting point is 00:24:43 what's the study they're referencing referencing I'll go to the study. Let me go read this thing. And that can kind of help you go through some rabbit hole to get information that's actually accurate. I will not use Reddit boy that Kate just made it sound like, like, yeah, Kate's smart. Kate's I don't do what's your name? My name is Josh. Josh. Yeah. Kate's smart. Are you smart? your name? My name is Josh. Josh.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Yeah. Kate smart. Are you smart like Kate or are you more like, like me? Uh, I don't know. I think I just work hard. I would not say I'm particularly smart.
Starting point is 00:25:15 What do you do? Um, right now I work across the gym. Oh, awesome. Uh, cross. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:24 I cross the Aguilin here here in town i really want to get my level four one day but i right now i have a level three and i'm really pumped up oh shit you're smart um look at look at this headline by the way cnn cnn uses the exact same headline so it says perfectly healthy 16 year old who loved photography and video games died suddenly from covid 19 and then it says i can tell you how I can't tell you how a perfectly healthy 16 year old boy can be making his own peanut butter sandwich late Wednesday night within 24 hours of his life. Okay. So this boy is so obese that his ears are recessed into his head. His cheeks are so fat, they stick out past his eyeballs. He has no neck. He is, I'm guessing that let's say that this is a good picture of him. He's more than 200 pounds overweight easily, easily.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Someone overfed this boy and who is responsible for his health and safety killed this boy is how I would write the story, and maybe it would be just as biased as this. But here's the problem. If you use their their logic this is the most racist thing happening in america right now they are this is their logic they are telling everyone who looks like this that this is the baseline for healthy this is this is all word fuckery right here there's and and that's what everything is it's just the stuff coming from mainstream media is just all word fuckery they're telling me that this is. And then there's people who are quoting this and reading this on NPR, CNN. I mean CNN has the exact same article. They must have just bought it from this same lady. Can't know. How do you know if random bits of data are true? I mean, you can't know, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:10 But this is just nuts here. And there's tons of this. So I've looked at more than 100 of these people who they say are healthy. And there was only one. And it was the New York Times reported on a young boy that I couldn't find any evidence of whether he was healthy or not. But people were like, this guy died on Broadway and he was super healthy. I find out he had a crazy coke addiction. There's some other guy in the CrossFit community who died. I looked at him. He was obese. Another guy in the CrossFit community died. Clearly a at him he was obese another guy in the crossfit community died clearly a fucking anabolic steroid user and then you go start looking how does anabolic steroids affect like uh kate was saying you go to the lancet type in anabolic steroids and covid and you see holy shit that's a nightmare so you soon can say crazy shit like i see on my Instagram show me someone healthy who's died from this just one
Starting point is 00:27:45 I heard an example the other one I don't know if you were the one that actually originated it so if you were I apologize I heard somebody talking about how they were comparing it to cars and how no one talks about the hundreds and thousands of people that die all the time from car crashes
Starting point is 00:28:02 and like makes the assessment that like cars are bad to drive, but everyone does that with COVID and like with being out in social and like risking getting COVID and all this is like, but no one's saying that. It's like that risky to drive. Well, because it's because it's not, then they still go to, well, because it's not contagious or don't be stupid. Hey, do 12,000 people a year die in the United States falling downstairs.
Starting point is 00:28:24 There's never going to be a year where 12,000 healthy people in the United States die from COVID. Never. And there's never going to be a year where 12,000 healthy people die falling down stairs. Do you know who dies from falling down stairs? Not me or you. Yeah. Old people at the nursing home. And if it is me or you, it's our time to go.
Starting point is 00:28:47 I mean, my kid would have fun falling down the stairs me or you would probably I don't know how old you are I would probably have a life altering injury and one of my parents might die but that's there's nothing you can do about that that's just age we're in a world of just complete idiots if you want to see something sad go watch Idiocracy
Starting point is 00:29:03 I don't want to see something sad go watch idiocracy i don't want to see something sad so take your word on it um it's uh um it's never this thing has never been scary for anyone who could think never this is like there's never been a moment when this should have been scary for anyone unless you're 400 pounds then then and then even then it's not that scary you can immediately make a shift in your life immediately immediately and have dramatic impact
Starting point is 00:29:33 yeah thank you very much my dad is going to be going no go ahead she only has six articles let's wait till someone writes in the comments and you end up on this douche No, go ahead. She only has six articles. Let's wait until someone writes in the comments, hand up on this douche.
Starting point is 00:29:48 What? Shoot, man. I hope that doesn't happen. No, it always happens. My dad is going to be going to be to a water Palooza. And he really, he's been really overweight all my life. And he's, he's like messed with car. He had really bad knees from like before i was born so all this and i'm really hoping that being in that big of a competition environment and and all this is a spark for him he's talked a lot about wanting to lose weight and
Starting point is 00:30:15 he's 54 and he probably has about 100 anywhere between 80 to 100 pounds of lose i'm really hoping that being around there is going to help him out and be a really cool example and spark. Dude, challenge him to do the carnivore diet for 30 days. Huh. I think his bigger thing is alcohol, to be fair. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And hey, you know what's crazy about alcohol?
Starting point is 00:30:41 That thing gets so twisted up with whether you're an alcoholic or whether you're chasing the sugar. I used to think that I loved alcohol. He really doesn't eat much carbohydrate at all. What's his drink? He doesn't drink any of that new age shit, does he? Beer. Oh, yeah. I guess carbohydrate through beer.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Yeah. My bad. But does he drink any of that stuff like – what um, what's that stuff that like, it's, it's like a fruity flavors and shit in it. Um, no, Europeans. No,
Starting point is 00:31:10 no, no, uh, ciders and stuff. Does he drink that stuff? No, no. He does like liquors, like,
Starting point is 00:31:17 like whiskey or scotch and beer. I mean, that's, that's kind of his own. Um, I hate to say it, but he should just switch to Tito's. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:29 He should quit drinking. I mean, fuck it. How old is he? I know. It's time. 53. It's just part of the culture, I think. Is your dad rich? That's something I agree with. Is your dad rich? Yeah, at this point, not always, but he is now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Yeah, he has to quit drinking so he can enjoy the money. Yeah. Didn't Greg Glashow have a problem with that? With drinking? He likes drinking a lot, but he quit. So I used to drink like 12 Coors Lights every night with Greg. And then one day, I never told you this story. What was your name again?
Starting point is 00:32:04 John? Harry? Clark? Harry? Clark? Josh. Josh. Josh. I never told you this story about Greg and how he quit Coors Light? No.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Didn't he meet someone at the airport? It was at a Starbucks. It was at a Starbucks. And it was a doctor with a book. And then Greg noticed the book. And then he talked to him. And they had a conversation. They became friends.
Starting point is 00:32:24 He mentioned a thing about how alcohol affects the cells and then greg quit drinking that day that's the spirit of it yeah so that's not accurate but that's good enough it's true i mean it's true in my book i met a guy at starbucks and i was there and the guy was smart as shit and he had a big old fucking medical manual and greg goes over to him and greg likes to talk with the smartest guy in the room and they're going back and forth and guys like well actually it's not directly sugar that causes the insulin blah blah it's something in nucleic acid and the yeast consumption and blah blah blah and then greg's like like in beer he goes exactly beer is like the number one way to get type 2 diabetes
Starting point is 00:32:54 because of the yeast reaction with nucleic and then it was like greg's like we get in the car and he's like i'm never drinking beer again i'm like drink four million cores lights with you in the last five years what are you talking about and he didn't he never drank really yeah he switched to Tito's he never ever had another beer it was nuts but he's like that I mean his brain is his brain's kind of crazy I mean not crazy in a bad way it's like he's unique yeah he's it, it's a strong, powerful, it's like a bear trap. Thank you, Javon. I don't want to take any more of your time. Too late.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Sorry. Bye. That you can leave that dude. You can leave that dude at your house with your sister. It's always hard to tell when they first call like if they're being serious or sarcastic there's like that first like we're feeling them out you know what i'm talking about and i got 100 i got two main things from that from that call number one we need to cancel stairs we should only have ramps nobody's loved one needs to die due to a set of stairs
Starting point is 00:34:03 they're racist and they're ageist and the second thing was we probably need to define health health yeah well you know it's funny there's um some like there's some crazy statistic around when people like elderly people move into single story single level houses that the rate of like hip replacements increases because when you move out of a house that requires you to go up and down stairs, you lose that functional capacity and you actually become weaker. So I like it into a single story house. They're old. They don't want to go upstairs. They think they shouldn't, they can't, whatever the story is and suddenly become, have less capacity
Starting point is 00:34:41 and are at more risk of falling over and breaking their hip. I buy it. I believe it out of a two square house. I believe it. Um, why be scared of fruits and vegetables? I don't know why. Tell me. I'm not scared of fruits and vegetables.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Are you? Oh yeah. Fruit toast is our friend. This might be one of those people like that doctor I was telling you about. Like he's getting it all confused. Listen, I don't care how many carbs you get from broccoli go to town i mean he's being true to his username difficult and light oh okay fair wow all right josh josh don't do it you You think that's the Josh that just called?
Starting point is 00:35:25 Yes. Josh God and Nens. Good on and God and God. Yeah, I know. I know. Go ahead. Fine. Fine. Fine. Refined carbohydrates, refined carbohydrates. You feel better? Type two diabetes, type two diabetes. You feel better type 2 diabetes type 2 diabetes you feel better you know what i'd like to see you do difficult and in light i'd like to see you eat 25 pounds of the vegetable of your choice in one day and make a video of it can you do that and then the following day i want to see and then also I want to film all your shits, too. I want you to eat 2,400 calories.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Actually, not 2,500 pounds. Sorry. I want you to eat 2,400 calories of vegetables. 2,500 calories of vegetables a day. Do that for a couple days. That's it. I just don't want to see. And then report back to me.
Starting point is 00:36:23 I have no idea what would happen. But I think it's good. Good for you. You need that. All right. Are you ready to get it fired up? We're talking about Twitter censoring and permanently suspending people. I like it. How you just took charge.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Hobart would still be quiet. He'd just be like. I just felt a lull, and I was like, this is it. So Twitter is permanently suspended. Sorry. No, vegetarians are stuffing themselves with pasta. Isn't that what vegetarians are doing? No, no.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Those morons are just sitting around eating. Vegetable oils of vegetable oils too yeah they just eat bread all day but but i like your thinking but no no unless they're gluten-free maybe they're gluten-free and vegetarians i i i try to be as carnivore as i can i would do it this month if someone wants me to i've been taking a lot of creatine i'm'm really bloated right now. Creatine and arginine. Interesting that you're adding that in. If you're practically carnivore, surely you'd be getting enough creatine from all the red meat you're eating. I know, but I have this white jar full of creatine powder that I've had for like five years, and I'm determined to finish it this year. There's no logic to it. I logic time better throw it out
Starting point is 00:37:46 okay twitter suspended a personal account of representative marjorie taylor green for repeated violations of its covid misinformation policy the company said on sunday green said in a statement through her office sunday that she was suspended for tweeting statistics from the vaccine adverse event reporting system. Anyone can report an adverse event to the system, which operates under the Department of Health and Human Services. The agency says it is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused a health problem. Green says Twitter is an enemy to America and can't handle the truth. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:38:24 I'll show America we don't need them and it's time to defeat our enemies. So Twitter has implemented a strike system for violations, which I think this is so interesting. A single strike might not incur an action, but the company will place locks on accounts that repeatedly violate the policy. Five or more strikes result in a permanent suspension, according to the company's website. Green was suspended multiple times last year for violations of this policy, and obviously she has had her five strikes and is now permanently out. So here's the problem with this article. It says nothing, and it wants to imply that she did something wrong. So let me give an
Starting point is 00:39:05 example how instagram works instagram it doesn't even matter whether you break their policy like we can all team up and just start reporting on someone and they'll get fucked like it's consensus it has nothing to do with like we can all just team up on someone and get rid of them dave castro posted something of a piggy shot and it's been fucking shadow banned posted a fucking piggy he gave that meat from that pig or that boar whatever it is to his neighbors across the street who are hard up for fucking food i didn't know he was shadow banned for that that's so crazy yeah yeah yeah now you got to type in like almost his whole name to fucking find the guy and all the stories way down it's crazy like and and people were reporting me for child pornography for my three-pronged brother site
Starting point is 00:39:49 because my boys were working out without shirts on there's girls everywhere with yes oh my god and so finally someone from instagram who listens to the show said hey you know what go ahead go ahead go ahead no you go i'm gonna go back to twitter in a second and talk about the guy that Who listens to the show said, hey, you know what? Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, you go. I'm going to go back to Twitter in a second and talk about the guy that they another guy they suspended recently. I want to talk about Marjorie Greene real quick. So she in the media, she's a psychopath, wingnut, Jew, hater, Trump lover, crazy fanatic, crossfitter and believes that working out and eating right um will cure covid if so if you do research on her that's what you get so of course since i own three little jews myself
Starting point is 00:40:31 and i'm and i'm in love with one um female jew i had to do that i had to do the research yo this bitch fucking with the jews i'll fuck her up and i did the research and i find out that she actually said nothing um i couldn't find anything negative she said about the Jews. She went after a family called the Rothschilds, and basically the Rothschilds are involved in some experimentation with satellites in space that – and I don't know if this is exactly accurate, but feel free to look it up. And I don't know if this is exactly accurate, but feel free to look it up. Basically, these satellites in space, it's a project to basically gather energy in space or harness energy from the sun or something like that and then shoot that energy back down to earth so that it's usable. Fucking that's my third-grade explanation. In that practice or in them trying to do that, there were reports or there was belief that that could have possibly caused the fires in California a couple years ago. That could have played a role.
Starting point is 00:41:30 And she proposed that idea, I believe, from the stories I read. From there, the left media – and trust me, I would love to sniff her out as some Jew hater. The left media called her a Jew hater and said that Jews shot lasers from their eyes that started forest fires. I could find nothing like that. I looked fucking everywhere. I looked everywhere. It's the same thing with the shit about – and, like, I don't want to like Marjorie Greene. I don't want to like the weirdos.
Starting point is 00:42:02 I don't want to like Donald Trump. But when you tell me he hates Mexicans and I can't find anything. So, wow, University of Santa Cruz. Okay. So, I, man, she's, anyway, she's one of those people who's been just completely vilified. And it's like totally polarizing. It's really funny. You go and look at some of these people. So, like completely vilified and is like totally polarizing. It's really funny.
Starting point is 00:42:27 You go and look at some of these people. So like you can research her, look up her name. You can go and look at Dr. Peter Pollack. You can go and look at. She's not a Jew hater. Yeah, but you. So what I'm saying is on on. Sorry, I think you're responding to someone's comment.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Sorry. Sorry, I think you're responding to someone's comment. Sorry, Kate. On Wikipedia, the descriptions in the bios for so many of these people, the way that it's written is really fucked up. Like if you go and read it, it's so incredibly biased. And it's like – so I've been wanting to send some stuff to my mom actually, but she typically will – if I send something to her, she'll go and research who it is. And I know that the first thing that will pop up is fucking Google will tell you to go look at Wikipedia. And so when you go and look at these articles, they talk about people promoting misinformation and people being far right and people being all these things and like fascist and anti-Semitic. It's just like it's impossible for me to send information to someone because if you go and Google that person, Google is like, hey, go and look at Wikipedia. Let us show you this article, which is we all know Wikipedia is written by fucking whoever and like fact checked by fucking their system.
Starting point is 00:43:32 So it's just as biased. It's like you can't get information that allows people to be open to different views. Yes. Well said. That is perfect. And you know what? My wife has people in her family like that, that like if you tell them anything, they immediately go to the source instead of like researching it themselves. It's like, dude, like, of course, they're smashing the source. It's funny you ask where James is today. It's very, very funny. It's not my place to tell you where he is.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Maybe he's in the comments this morning and a text i will tell you this this motherfucker this morning sends me a text message says hey i can't make the show me and kate and matt have a thread it's pinned on the top of my phone it's one of my favorite threads not a noisy thread but it still gets to be at the top to my wife and and and so i'm like huh okay it can't be on the show and then and then i quickly i i know i know the ratings because i study them and jerk off to them every night and i know that one of the top 10 best shows in the history of seven podcast is one that me and kate and suza did alone without james i'm like fuck it i'm good to go fuck you james and then later on in the
Starting point is 00:44:40 afternoon i'm at the beach chilling just like hanging out with my kids or pretending to really just finding new people on my instagram to uh interview and suza calls goes hey or maybe i called suza i don't remember and i and he's like hey what's up with james i go what do you mean because everything okay with him like i don't know what are you talking about it's a little suza plants little seeds in my head that causes insecurity to blossom blossom oh fuck so i gotta go i gotta go suze i gotta go so now i call james i go why aren't you coming on the show tonight what the fuck's up you okay are you done with the show i get like i like like it just it's just a runaway he's like no chill what huh no thanks for and he's like he's like trying to be nice.
Starting point is 00:45:26 He's like, oh, well, thanks for calling and checking on me. I'm like, I'm not calling and checking on you. I'm trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong. Like, what did I do? And he's like, nothing, dude. I'm going out with so-and-so tonight. And so someone else asked him to go out tonight. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:45:42 we got kicked to the curb. Yeah. I'm kind of okay with it. I, yeah i'm kind of okay with it i i kind of okay with it has greg ever done that to you kate called me and told me he was sick but he's actually going out somewhere no he didn't say he was sick he told me he said he couldn't come and then and then and then i he said he couldn't make the date tonight and And then when I asked him – and then I called him. I said, hey, you were on the thread. He just said, hey, I can't make it tonight.
Starting point is 00:46:08 And we said, okay. And then I called him, and I'm like, yo, where are you? What's up? Why aren't you being on the show tonight? And he told me why. He had a better offer. I don't know if better is the right word. I don't know if better is the right word.
Starting point is 00:46:17 But it wasn't like he was tired or he was sick or he was on a plane. I mean, it was like – at some like, has Greg ever done that to you? Like, you're supposed to go out and he's like, sorry, Janet wants to go out with me tonight. He hasn't done that to me yet. Have you done that to him? But I mean, who would? Right. Good point.
Starting point is 00:46:40 We have a respectful relationship, a little different to you and Hobart. Obviously. I was really hoping it was going to be his wife. Like in my head, his wife was like, you know, you do too much time on that podcast or they don't pay you any money. Why are you giving three hours? I was hoping it was something like that. Yeah. And it's not.
Starting point is 00:46:56 It's just like, hey, this person wants to go out with me tonight. It's because he's seen me like taking some time off from the podcast and he's like, what fuck man oh so you gave him permission time off i've just did a trend it's copycat oh man you gotta pay him off savannah that's why oh my god if savannah could hit a cast with rogan it would be fucking epic what's a cast with Rogan. It would be fucking epic. What's a cast? I have to pee. Oh, a podcast. A podcast. I think that, Oh, that brings up another thing. I can't do anyone's podcast.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I'm so sorry. A lot of you people are asking me to do podcasts. I cannot do other podcasts. I've tried to make them. Yeah, I cannot do it. We've had some really good offers. We've had some really good offers. We've had some really good offers. I just wish Josh would periodically do one with me, and that's it.
Starting point is 00:47:55 And if he doesn't, I mean, this thing's just blowing up. I just want to do this. But trust me, I want Kate and James to come on more, and so I know your feeling. I know it's karma. I have karma. You want me to come on? I'm fuck you i want kate and james to come on and do the news every day they're like nah sorry you got lives so every day that's just five days a week five days the news every day holy shit oh my god have we done any stories oh we did one i have to pee we kind of have a follow-up. While Sylvain's going pee, I'll chase up with the second part of this.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Okay. I hope someone calls now so I can't answer. So everybody in the comments has been talking about the Joe Rogan interview with Dr. Robert Malone. And he's another person that has been permanently suspended from Twitter. And I just found that interesting. Joe Rogan has a great ability to bring people on who the mainstream media has censored. And he's been just recently interviewed and I haven't listened to all of it yet. I've just listened to the beginning of it, but Dr. Robert Malone, I believe was also suspended from LinkedIn and some other sites.
Starting point is 00:49:06 So he's pretty hard to find now. But the whole story of it is really interesting. And I think everybody is saying, you've got to listen to that episode. And I 100% will be finishing it off soon. But yeah, he was also suspended on Wednesday. He is a US-based virologist and immunologist credited for significantly contributing to the invention of the mRNA technology, which is the foundation of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. And the ban came just hours after the AP posted a controversial
Starting point is 00:49:39 fact-check report claiming Malone misled people by claiming the vaccines are failing against the Omicron variant. So it's interesting. I think so many people are just being censored right now around all this stuff. It's like- Hey, why do you think that is? Scary. No more free- Why do you think they're being censored? Why do you think they're being censored? I think it's one of those things where people trying to do good in the form of save lives and do the best for the community and not be selfish and do the right thing, the quote unquote right thing, anybody who talks out against that, it becomes like, it just always turns into a very emotive argument. And I think that like fucking places like Twitter
Starting point is 00:50:33 are just shutting it down. It's like you're immediately cast as the villain. You're immediately cast as selfish and fucking like crazy and out of of your mind and you're trying to damage people's health and you're not you're not thinking about other people um and it's like man you listen to him and he's a smart guy like you you really can't deny that so there's another mellow and i apologize same thing with peter mcculloch like mellow people um and savann i think did you listen to that whole brett weinstein podcast no no no the one where they start talking about kids masking kids and then they talk about like it's it's so good listening to those people because they're all fucking scientists and it's like you know that guy called up earlier being like man where do
Starting point is 00:51:19 you get your information from it's like if you can listen to scientists talk that's when you can understand how to create your own opinions on things. Because scientists and that scientist brain, it's like, it's so amazing how they analyze and critically think. And yeah, the way that they talk about it, it's like, people are just, people are just threatened. And there's some kind of like, some drive against it to try and shut down one particular side of the narrative. Why? Whoever it is and whatever it's for, it's like. Yeah, that was the of the narrative. Why? Whoever it is and whatever it's for. Yeah, that was the question I had.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Why? And then one step further than that, I always wonder is like, nobody ever talks about getting out of this, right? They're not like, hey, at 85% vaccination, that's our tipping point and we could not worry about it anymore. So in a perfect world, if it makes it to 100% vaccination, that's our tipping point. And we could not worry about it anymore. So in a perfect world, if it makes it to 100% vaccination, who benefits from that the most?
Starting point is 00:52:14 I think people get too deep. In Australia, it's like you can watch the government at the moment, or you can go back through and there's these timelines. And they came out saying these outrageous things. They weren't sure, but the government's speaking on behalf of everybody and is making policies and decisions that affects everybody. And once they've gone so far down one route, no one is willing to turn around and go, you know what? Fuck, I was wrong. We need to change this. We need to do something else. So they fucking have their version of the story shoved so far up their fucking ass that they simply are determined to commit to that because they refuse to be wrong. And then on top of that, they've invested money. So like the money that's been paid to big pharma right now is absolutely outrageous. And it's like
Starting point is 00:52:53 people have signed contracts, people are selling fucking vaccines. And we've got hundreds of thousands of vaccines where Australia had ordered enough Pfizer for every single person in Australia to have six shots. This is before, this is before boosters. This is before any of that information. This is before, I think Pfizer had even been granted it's like emergency use by the FDA, whatever it was. It's like people are trading money before any decisions for people's health has been made. So ultimately it's like, it doesn't fucking matter what they think about your health. It's money. It's contracts. It's pieces of paper that somebody signed. And they have no regard for it, whether you're fucking sick or not. It's just politicized. And
Starting point is 00:53:33 the more that they can say, you're being selfish, you're not doing the right thing, the more they can continue to push their agenda. And who do you want to be right? Do you want them to be right? Or do you want the science to be right, that your immune system is the best way to fight this thing and to stop eating added sugar and refined carbohydrates? Which one do you want to be right? I want the open discussion, the open debate i want i'm just saying each individual needs to add each individual needs to ask themselves why would you want outside of what the truth is why would you want why wouldn't you explore let's say you're totally pro vaccine why wouldn't you're pro forcing injections on people you're pro forcing all kids to take this drug experimental drug let's say you're totally for that why why why wouldn't you at least try this other way it's been two years it's too hard people love to be told what to do people fucking love the certainty of being told what the rules are what's okay and what's not okay in uh this new state that i'm living in right now they've removed mask mandates and people are
Starting point is 00:54:45 fucking like throwing their arms like what do you mean what do you mean you're removing them i don't understand and the people in the government are like it is up to you as the individual to hold yourself accountable to the things that you feel is right for you and your loved ones and people are like what do you mean what do you mean a personal accountability? What the fuck is this? I don't understand. And it's like, people need rules. People love rules. People love that certainty. And what freaked people out the most about this fucking pandemic was the uncertainty that came with it. And the people that are willing to challenge it are the people that are okay with the uncertainty and will go out and do the hard work to go and find different information and think through it differently. Everybody else
Starting point is 00:55:24 is happy to be told what to do. And it makes it simple, right? It makes it simple. It makes it easy. It makes things very straightforward. And anybody that speaks against that, that challenges that, you're challenging my ideals, my ideology, my values. It's a personal attack. That's why it becomes so emotive. This guy is not pulled down off of YouTube. Dr. Rob Malone interviewed by Joe Rogan, January 2nd, 2022. Digital Broadland. There it is. And I don't even think Joe Rogan is on YouTube anymore. So why would he be pulled down from there?
Starting point is 00:55:55 Yeah, he's exclusively on Spotify, right? Yeah. Yeah. They keep his channel open and put subclips in there to promote it and to keep it somewhat alive on YouTube. But it's all on spotify i was at greg's house the other day and um i don't even know if i'm allowed to say what state he lives in i don't think it matters but anyway and he lives in this neighborhood it's just a regular neighborhood but with just really rich people and not his name oh yeah and his neighbor is building this thing it looks like a cvs in his backyard and i'm like what the fuck is that and he goes oh it's a basketball stadium i'm like you can build that here he goes
Starting point is 00:56:28 yeah as long as it doesn't go over 30 feet his neighbor is building because he's got a bunch of nba players in the neighborhood his neighbor's building a bath full basketball court with all the bleachers and everything in his backyard guess what that neighbor does he's a pharma executive and liberal as a motherfucker pharma executive yeah i mean look at what that right it's fucking pablo escobar yeah uh jre clips okay okay all right all right all right fine fine be that way craig be right i don't give a shit i'm just i'm just saying like people are just i posted something like that on my instagram and people like you're posting lies again hey listen my instagram isn't the bible
Starting point is 00:57:15 is the bible real okay pick something that's real my instagram is not that it's not sometimes i post stuff that's not that's not accurate okay i'm sorry you know what's interesting about the censorship is like what what benefit does uh youtube and like twitter and stuff what benefit do they have from pulling it down because if you remember back in the day mark zuckerberg argued that facebook was more or less like a platform right like you can't charge your telephone company for a conspiracy if we're just using it to talk to each other on the phone to do something bad. And he was making that same thing or an argument about Facebook. But once they started censoring and changing the information, yes, that changed their position. Yes. So the question is, is like, at what point,
Starting point is 00:57:58 when did they make the switch? When was that okay for them to make the switch? And then what benefit do they have from making the switch? What a great example, Sousa. The telephone. What a great example. This lady who's come out from Facebook and is like, Facebook could have stopped the January 6th thing. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:58:18 That's more just, I don't know what the, is the term psyops? Shut up. Like, I wanted them to interfere. Like, shut up. up yeah and you can make that same argument for the blm protest with the yeah i was done then right but they don't they didn't make that argument for that billions and billions and billions compared to the 30 million at the capital building let me tell you something if the capital building was an insurrection there would have been a fire there was no fire they burnt fer Ferguson down in an evening. 700 million. They burnt fucking. Oh, it's crazy. You moron. There's so many morons out there.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Oh, yeah. They were going to take over the Capitol building and then run the whole country. They were about to take over the United States. Oh, my God. They were going to sit in the chair that Nancy Pelosi and pick up her mallet and then they were going to have control over all of us. Yes, Seattle. Jeez Louise. It's funny. Clayton's comment here. He put the the government is using tech companies to control access to the information. I would maybe argue the tech companies are using the government. Yes, yes, me too, me too. But I like it, Clayton. I'm open, I'm open, I'm open.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Everybody in the government's like, oh, how's it going? You're not working iPhone. I'm good. I'm pretty good. I'm feeling good. I'm fasting today. I seriously,
Starting point is 00:59:39 or I thought I was going to crash earlier. I was like, I was, it was the first time I was like, maybe I can't do a show. But I rode the assault bike for 20 minutes. I took shitload of creatine and arginine now i'm drinking like three cups of coffee people still use creatine i didn't think that was a thing anymore it's so old though it's this pure creatine i bought like my wife says i shouldn't be taking it i it might be 10 years old.
Starting point is 01:00:05 It's just a jar of just this white powder. I take a little spoonful and put it in water. You have to chisel a little piece off every time you drink it. Yes, it is kind of like that. I don't know if it's the creatine or arginine, but one of them is like baking soda and it's clumping. That's hilarious. But I think my arms are getting bigger. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Yeah, they actually look good. They're almost as big as Sousa's. Thank you. Thank you. And he owns a closet gym. That's for free, Sousa. You know, you don't get a lot of, you're kind of the Rodney Dangerfield of the show here.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Wow. So love for Sousa. Who is, me or Sousa? Sousa. Oh, Dangerfieldfield's amazing what a great compliment you mean the whole no respecting no respect no respect yeah it's good to see him on the camera today i like suza but guys i wanted to touch on something about this covid thing so you know the government the government's kind of uh accomplished because here in Canada, they're starting to roll back some of the mandates and now the people are actually fighting for the mandates
Starting point is 01:01:14 and they want these things back. I think that's what Kate was saying. Kate was like, no, no, masks, masks. Yeah, no, it's absolutely bananas. So they were going to stop testing in school um but now like the bctf or the the teachers federation they're like no no we have to test we need to know and you know they have to put they're going to be putting all these kids through testing and it's just oh man it's absolutely just i don't even i can't even put
Starting point is 01:01:44 a word into it because it's like Teachers are the worst in the United States by the way too. The whole teachers union these teachers who are scared to be around kids get the fuck out of there. I swear man stop buying vaccines double or triple teachers pay and get the pieces of shit out of there. It's like I'm done
Starting point is 01:01:59 I'm like pay teachers and cops way more way way way way way more And return all the vaccines to Pfizer And let's get our money back Our money most people don't want Our money spent on it though Hey
Starting point is 01:02:14 We pay for it twice in Canada Crazy town banana pants bananas I used the word quackadoodle the other day And someone was comparing that to like Crazy town banana quackadoodle is just day, and someone was comparing that to like crazy town banana. Quackadoodle is just one word. My problem with crazy town banana pants is that it's four words, and it's too clean. Quackadoodle is too clean, too.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Okay, you win. Well, thanks for letting me on, guys, and I really appreciate the show. Thank you for the compliments. Listen to this comment before you go. I was saying my arms are getting big and this guy says having saying you have big arms at five five is like saying you have abs on a skinny dude or tits on a fat chick i mean i like for a put down it's quite good it's quite good it's um i i'm gonna just out there to fucking ruin people's days. Yeah. A bicep to bicep, man.
Starting point is 01:03:08 You gotta do curls to get them. Kate's arms. She clearly worked for those arms. Let me see your arms, Kate. Good luck. Wait, let's get a flex off here. Those are nice arms. God, you have nice armpits, Kate. Come on, Kate. Front double bicep.
Starting point is 01:03:22 God. Are you kind of going for a cholo look? God, you have nice armpits. Come on, Kate. Front double biceps. God. Nice armpits. And are you kind of going for a cholo look? Should I do like the lap flare at the back? What's your hair doing in the front? Going for a what look? It's got this cholo look, like you're in a gang or something. It's like the way it's like.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Oh, it's a mullet. Well, it's just pulled back, like. That's good. I don't know. It's like I straightened it and it's just like back. So it just kind of hangs out there. It's just not tied up. Well, you're killing it.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Good job. It's thug life. It's thug life. I don't do – I don't do – I don't really eat bread. That being said, I had a small piece of bread yesterday that was just smothered in butter. But it was like a little piece of like, a friend of mine's wife cooked it.
Starting point is 01:04:14 That's good. What kind of bread? Like sourdough or just like normal bread? I don't know. Just like, it's like round. It's like this. It's like a flying saucer. You cut it and there was just, you know how like there's those end it's like this it's like a flying saucer you cut it and there was just you know how like there's those end pieces that are really small and weird shaped so i was like that do i have that i don't have that on this board
Starting point is 01:04:33 i had to return my soundboard that says kate is so hot i'm sorry oh heartbroken oh yeah everyone's posting. I still get so many comments of like, so fit. That Kate Gordon. Wow, you do it better than him. Okay. Yes. Go on. Betty White.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Oh, yeah. Beloved and trailblazing actress. Dies at 99. She was just weeks away from celebrating her 100th birthday on January 17th. So, like, there's a bunch of obituaries about her right now that are like a full, like, just going through her whole life. But I grabbed a couple of bits and pieces here, so I'll talk through her a little bit. But for the first half of her career, eventually honored by Guinness World Records as the longest television career by a female entertainer. White was a regular but not widely noticed presence on a radio and television.
Starting point is 01:05:30 There were 50 sitcoms, a 1954 talk show, and even a role in the 1962 film Advise and Consent. She'd popped up on game shows occasionally, particularly Password, hosted by her third husband, Alan Lyddon. It was a little out of character, a little unfeminine to be. You shouldn't be funny, White recalled in a 2017 interview, reminiscing about her early days in Hollywood, noting that women at the time were expected to simply come in and be pretty. White counted, no, it's so much more fun to get that laugh. At the urging of MTM casting director, Ethel Winnett,
Starting point is 01:06:04 White was cast as Sue Ann Nivens, the happy homemaker, sweetness and light, while doing her cooking show, But a Man Hungry, Harrodin, off camera. Originally meant to be a one-off, Nivens was having an affair with the husband of another character. By the time the episode ended, the chemistry was so strong that White became a regular. She won two Emmys for the role. White loved working with the cast, but observed that the magic of the show was writing. It was a magnificent combination. White hit pay dirt again a decade later when she was cast as Rose on the Golden Girls, the 1985 to 1992 show about four senior women sharing a Miami house.
Starting point is 01:06:40 The script was dynamite, White recalled. She was originally slotted for the role Blanche, the lavish list. Oh God. I can't even say that word. The CVS widow played by room. McClanahan, but director Jay Sandrick,
Starting point is 01:06:54 who'd worked with white on MTM, didn't want to repeat herself and suggested Rose. The cast hit it off beautifully. White recalled. It's like four points on a compass. She recalled. That's why we fit together so well. Wow. Wait, wait. it off beautifully white recalled it's like four points on a compass she recalled that's why we fit together so well the show wow wow wait wait so she was originally cast to be the slutty chick and then she ended up being the airhead right yeah do you remember that show suza no i'm the only one
Starting point is 01:07:18 who remembers that i don't remember the characters but um oh that's crazy it's such a different character hey can i share this really quick? Before you go on, I want to see if I can share this, what it does to Sousa's screen. No, I'm finished. Go. You share away. Oh, and this is what she – oh, here we go. Sorry. This is what she used to look like. I don't know what her finger is doing there her middle finger looks like
Starting point is 01:07:46 it's broken but anyway her um she she doesn't look um she doesn't look uh she has the same same hairstyle i didn't recognize her right there what year is that uh that's a good question black something black and white let's see do you know her being an aussie do you know her do you know of her do you know i know of her but i know of her for her like more recent little like kind of random roles and films or in ads where she's been like the funny old lady and has is always like that she's just like the token grandma that's has is always like that she's just like the token grandma that's hilarious and outrageous at the same time like you know she's been on like snl and a few random shows or like i'm trying to think of what movies she's been in more recently
Starting point is 01:08:35 um but i feel like the back end of her career like she lit up again right like she's like everybody's favorite old lady yeah she kept reinventing herself this is the only shot i could find of her boobs yeah yeah yeah that's cool hey i think i think that's originally a black and white photo that like they colored in you know what i mean doesn't look like one of those the color yeah it does yeah yeah and those she was in the proposal i remember seeing her in that they didn't do fake boobs back then no they didn't oh let me find an r let's type in this just for shits and giggles betty white vaccine i think the vaccine oh boy here we go even her
Starting point is 01:09:19 betty white got the booster three days before she died. I don't know. No, hold on. Hold on a second. Oh, her last tweet was, I can't believe I'm turning 100. Ouch. That didn't age well. Too soon. Too soon. Three days before death, Betty White said, eat healthy and get all your vaccines. I just got boosted today.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Rumors and misinformation surrounding COVID-19 pandemic can help okay is it true claim rate oh false it's false it's false according to according to uh no no snopes snopes i know someone's gonna write in the comments now snopes is owned by facebook or something good like that. Let's see. All right. So, I mean, it's as ridiculous to think it matters whether she died from the vaccine or not, is to think that COVID killed someone who's 87 years old in a nursing home. Oh, here's to go back to what Josh says. So when I find out that 40% of the deaths in nursing homes – or it's 40% of the COVID deaths are people in nursing homes, I immediately type in what's the average age of someone in a nursing home. And then I also type in what's the life expectancy of someone in a nursing home. It's like 13.4, 13.7 months. months when the when the uh when the average age of a covid death is higher than the average age of the person who dies in the country it it's a wash that's australia average age of covid death
Starting point is 01:10:55 is 86 average age of death in general is 82 how stupid do people have to be i don't have the updated data on that, but that is like, fucking come on. Uh, all righty. Um, shall we?
Starting point is 01:11:14 Sorry, Betty. Wait, it was fun. You were good. I hope like there's really a heaven or something cool for you to do now. Miller. What's up?
Starting point is 01:11:26 Hey, what's up? Hey's up hey how are you my wife hates you already yeah I know that's all so you guys are talking about the vaccine just now you guys talked about added sugars and refined carbohydrates yes
Starting point is 01:11:43 I do The added sugars, the refined carbohydrates. Yes. I do. Tell him, Sousa. Tell him. Yeah, this is all sorts of jack. I can't hear anything you're saying, brother. I'm sorry. You got my name right, though. Seven.
Starting point is 01:12:03 There it is. Oh,. Seven. There it is. Oh, even better. There it is. Okay. What about added sugar and refined carbohydrates? I've set the phone down so you could probably get away with saying something that pisses me off for like three seconds before I hang up. So I do therapy with kids in like day treatment program.
Starting point is 01:12:22 We had this kid come in. He's like 12 years old. He comes in for school he's wearing two masks all right so he's double masked and vaccinated and all that good stuff and we go through like a day in family and ask them what they had for dinner now the kid's like 12 years old and he's like 275 pounds i shit you not ah that's not funny, Sevan. Yes, it is. Okay, go on.
Starting point is 01:12:49 It's hilarious. He makes a conscious choice for it. So does his mom. Okay. So I asked the kid, okay, what's the two masks going to do for you? Like, what's going on? Oh, you actually ask him that? Yeah, I asked him all the hard questions.
Starting point is 01:13:05 I don't backbust. So I ask him, what's he going to do? Is this going to help keep him not sick? And I said, okay, well, like, what did you have for dinner last night? And he said, well, I had a couple chicken sandwiches from Dollar General.
Starting point is 01:13:22 And I said, so the two masks will keep you safe but like do you think that like eating chicken sandwiches from like a dollar store will also help keep you safe how tall is he uh probably like five or four okay yeah it's not it's not a good book. But, however, like, when we reached out to the family, to the mom, I had no idea that, like, no education whatsoever about, like, diet or food or how it's affecting, like, the mental status or anything. Like, the education for parents just isn't out there.
Starting point is 01:14:07 Oh, I don't know if that bullying is too strong, Josh. No, no, no. That's bullying is way too strong. Bullying is way too strong. Were you bullying him? I guess only you would know. Were you bullying him? FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do.
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Starting point is 01:14:50 you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4pm late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:15:20 So noisy, noisy, domineering, tending to drought, drought, beat others. Were you, were you, yeah. Were you doing that? Oh, browbeat.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Sorry. Dyslexic, noisily domineering, tending to browbeat others. Were you doing any of that? No, I was just naturally curious as a mental health professional and why somebody that's 12 years old and almost 300 pounds thought it would be a good idea to
Starting point is 01:15:44 wear two masks. Yeah. Well, when you're 12, you don't know what the fuck is going on well he did know the difference between the apple and the cream cracker that was sitting in front of him for breakfast so that like there's a storyline to the whole thing there's a background of it yeah but i just thought it was a good add-in and a good story to ask it's like that like his his family had no idea that like his food choices affected mental health or like depression or anything like that it's just it's mind-blowing to me as somebody that participates in like a healthy clean diet like having an l1 uh being like involved in a fitness community like it's not out there like they're not making not making choices they were just like
Starting point is 01:16:33 oh this might sustain my life but this might end it i i want to show you something really quick um i typed in 275 pounds and 12 years old or however old you said and this is one of the things that came up this is a ride in an amusement park and it's saying that you have to be at least 48 inches tall at least 8 years old
Starting point is 01:16:57 and you can't weigh more than 275 pounds it's for a bumper boat ride I'm like did they even have, did they even have weight limits like that when I was a kid? Like you really have to say that it's for kids. Yeah. It's nuts. The baseline is all screwed up. Hey, is that a rare? What had to happen? Right. What? Like, how did they figure that out? Right. They had to figure that out somehow that there's a weight limit.
Starting point is 01:17:24 So, you know something happened what do you think happens next what happens when a real pandemic comes it really just starts crushing people we're screwed we're absolutely survival survival hey that must be what wally world's all about i always wondered that movie, why they abandoned Earth and why in those spaceships around Earth, they think Earth is inhospitable. But it's not. It's fucking crazy. Hey, going back to what Josh was saying originally, Josh, when there's this huge push to find a cure for cancer, trillions of dollars have been spent over, you know, over this this time. Do you see the presupposition there that it can be cured?
Starting point is 01:18:14 The thing is, is it's not about adding something to our life. It's about taking something out. The whole way we word things is confusing everyone. There is no cure. There's there is no cure for dying. The cause is being born. It's so simple to see. It's so right in front of your eyes.
Starting point is 01:18:43 they're looking for a cure while you're, you're drinking Coke while, while waiting in the, in the, in the, in the, in the lobby of the, of the, of the hospital waiting for them to help you with your cure for cancer.
Starting point is 01:18:51 It's just nuts. Okay. Can I hang up on you? It's Mars Logan. Yeah. Okay. Bye. I love how people just hang out on the phone too.
Starting point is 01:19:04 That is. Oh, where's Will? Will, what's up? Hi, Mars. Will, can you come in and do me or Will? Well, but I had a surprise for you and I just need Will to see if I just want to see if it's ready yet. Oh, hold on here. I got a friend that wants to talk to you. Great. What's her name? You might know him. Hold on. Are you What's her name? You might know him. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Are you down in the bathroom? Is it Joe Biden? No, he can't talk. Hold on. All right. Phone's for you. Hey, come on. How you doing?
Starting point is 01:19:42 Good. My friend of Mars is a friend of mine. No, this is Sean Woodland I'm a friend of yours Ah, Sean, dude Oh my god, dude That was in Iowa That's where I go for Christmas vacation I can't believe you're fucking on this show
Starting point is 01:19:59 This is crazy I remember when we came on the CrossFit Podcast We had a blast together Yeah, I mean I'd trade time for you in a heartbeat i'll tell you what man hey i want to tell you something we're covering waterpalooza um from the 13th to the 16th and um right now uh i know brian friend is working for waterpalooza but he's going to try to do as much help as he can on the show and so is john young and so is Hobart. But I would, what I would really like to do is to get a professional,
Starting point is 01:20:27 not just these dipshits that I'm rolling with this ragtag Instagram crew. Maybe if, if you are, are you going to be commentating for Wadapalooza? Do you think you can come over to my little podcast and help out? Well, if you said something funny, I missed it. I said I only know one professional.
Starting point is 01:20:49 That's Tommy Marquez. That is true. That is true. And you should stay close to Tommy. The two of you are absolutely killing it. By the way, I really appreciated – tell Tommy I really appreciated the work he helped us with at the Dubai CrossFit Championships. That was awesome for him to help us out there on the ground. But just so you know, the Liver King and Ancestral Supplements,
Starting point is 01:21:10 the only supplement that I take is helping us with some of the cost of covering Guadalupalooza, and I could probably introduce you to him, and you could touch his abs if you were to come on and help with the show. Well, I have a question for. What a fuck. You fuck this bit up, Mars. Fuck this whole bit up with your fucking connection. You can't eat a dick.
Starting point is 01:21:35 Okay. Kate, where were we with the news? I'm sorry. What's that baby? God, that could have been so good. Are we still being sponsored by Maribel Jones? Yeah, we are. Yes. They are awesome.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Andre. Man, Mars, you're so good. I'm sorry I had to lose my temper on you. That would have been. Oh, man. Hey, that dude brings out the best. That dude brings out the best in me. Yeah, you get fired up.
Starting point is 01:22:02 You get real excited when he calls. Yeah, he. I like that energy he brings yeah it's like watching my girlfriend work out it's just maz media maz no it's just this dude who calls in and whenever he called like he are you guys fucking i think my apartment complex may be on fire there's a bunch of fire alarms going off so hold on i'm gonna mute you and see if yeah i can hear that sounds like it's him i muted his ass so this guy mars originally started calling in and he would like set up like softball
Starting point is 01:22:32 tosses for me to plug and i would miss them like he'd be like dude what should i do i don't have a job and i'm like oh i'm sorry and like and he like you dipshit you know i'm giving you a fucking alley-oop for barbell and then now i'm starting to figure him out and when he calls like it's just and i just love i just he's just he's exploring people he's doing sean woodland i just i can't even believe it it's like we're turning into a real i swear i swear this is like uh someone said uh this show is like uh um uh joe rogan fucked howard Stern and they had a baby. And this is the show. I'm starting to feel it.
Starting point is 01:23:09 I'm starting to feel it. It's so weird. I mean, you're getting enough downloads now that you kind of are. I just got to just keep exploring. Where are we at with downloads? We had a lull in the last two days. Our seven-day downloads were like 306,000. But you can't always be in the in the
Starting point is 01:23:25 322 range and i'm so excited this quad of blues the thing's gonna be great okay let's go on so is that when you look at the downloads is that for everything or is that just for itunes that's just itunes that's just like youtube is not nearly as successful. YouTube is good though. It's good. But, um, but I started seeing to give you an, to make it relative, like a good week for when I did it with Josh and Matt, um,
Starting point is 01:23:53 a good week would, I think our biggest week ever was 66,000. And are we average probably more like 25 to 45,000 a week, but we didn't do as many, nearly as many podcasts as I do. At most we did one a week at most, but still this is pretty crazy. And that podcast was like way would climb the rankings. The one I did with Matt and Josh. So this one, when I type in the podcast rankings, it's pretty cool. We're in the top 100 and a bunch of shit. So keep going. Okay. But it doesn't, they don't pay us. They don't pay us by the way.
Starting point is 01:24:31 That means, that means shit. That's like, that's like, it's, it's like having an, it's like having it going back to the 10 inch, 10 inch penis thing. It's like having a 10 inch penis, but being in a men's penal colony, it's like, like, what's the point? What's the use? I think podcast is kind of still in it's like early adopters phase. Like, I don't think people, I feel like the people that I talk to and hang out with talk about podcasts a
Starting point is 01:24:53 lot, but I think it's, um, it's still kind of like growing. It hasn't really been realized as a, as a, I don't know, a category or as a place for opportunity. Well, good. I hope, I hope't know, a category or as a place for opportunity. Well, good. I hope, I hope we're doing something. I,
Starting point is 01:25:08 I hope we're pushing the limits of it. What we're going to do at water Palooza is going to blow fucking people away. I don't think anyone's ever seen anything like this. I don't think there's ever been a live event like this. I've never heard of one, but we're going to do there. So you're just going to like live commentate the whole thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:24 So I'll show you kind of what it's gonna look like here real quick uh what uh that's so like because i was like what am i gonna do when you asked me to come on i was like what the fuck am i gonna do with like what like i was like look i've never been i can't be there like i'll show you i'll show you i can like talk shit yeah yeah so will you bring up the water will you bring up the um just uh the water palooza home page and share the screen, Sousa? Yeah. So imagine it's going to be like this.
Starting point is 01:25:49 Waterpalooza is going to stream the event. They're going to have their stream. We're going to steal their stream, and we're going to put it on our – with their blessing. We're going to put it on our thing. And so the three commentators will be on the side, and it'll be, let's say, me, John Young, and James Hobart, and Brian Friend when he can, right? And Sousa and this guy Will will be in the side and it'll be let's say me john young and james hobart and brian friend when he can right and suza and this guy will will be in the background so everyone will be watching it here oh my god oh my god look at this look at that okay like we do with dubai but this one's going to be better it's going to look like this yes but we're going to have people on the ground there with iphones showing camera angles that no one else can see.
Starting point is 01:26:26 So you'll see the behind the scenes. You'll see Noah Olsen changing his shorts. You'll see Danielle Brandon fucking getting into a fucking slap fight with like, you know, one of the Haley Adams. Yeah. Yeah. Like just saying, yeah, you all and we'll have all these camera angles. Like we'll have like four or five, 10, 20 people there with iPhones giving us footage and streaming us in and we'll be getting it's basically the behind the scenes but in real time yeah and so so you don't have to be on the whole time but we got doing commentating
Starting point is 01:26:54 with me no no girls you're just the token girl you're the token black girl but you don't even you don't even you don't even have to commentate i was just thinking like like jason kalipa said he'd come on for half an hour. I'm just hoping that like at some point I can send you a link and you'll come in and just hang out with us for 30 minutes. You don't even have to stay long. Even if you just came in for 30 minutes over the four days total, I could be like, look, I had Kate Gordon. Look, I had Dave Castro. Look, I had Jason Kalipa.
Starting point is 01:27:18 It's just like I just want to show like look at me, motherfucker. I got everyone. Oh, shit. Here we go. You do. You already do. Strike two. Strike motherfucking two. Go.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Are you going to make Sean cry this time? I'm sorry. Is that what happened? I just got him calmed down. I just got him calmed down. I just got him calmed down. Do you want to talk to him? We're in a secure location. There's a secure connection. And, you know, he's ready to use his golden voice again
Starting point is 01:27:55 if you're willing to accept working off. Okay, but I apologize because I didn't realize that was him crying. I thought that we had a bad phone connection. I'm so sorry. I feel like shit. Okay.
Starting point is 01:28:09 All right. Well, he has a question for the liver king. I'll put him on. Okay. I have a question for Sean also. Hey, it's about change locations. Is this going to be okay or are you going to use your mad voice at me again? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:28:27 I didn't know. Sorry. You're a professional. I know that you would never do anything to fuck to show up on purpose. And I apologize. I should, I'm just a perfectionist. I'm a kind of a cry baby.
Starting point is 01:28:36 Sorry. Go on, Sean. How are you today, buddy? I'm pretty good. I really can't complain. You know, my balls dropped when I was 12 And since then
Starting point is 01:28:48 It's been blocked by women And that's just really been my curse My cross the bear Who do you have more fun working with Of all the other commentators Bill Grundler, Chase Ingram, Tommy Marquez Who's your go-to Oh
Starting point is 01:29:04 The Romecaster Pro is my favorite. Perfect. You know, I bought two of them. One of them broke. Grand new. Broke. Never worked. I sent it back three weeks ago, and they haven't responded to me.
Starting point is 01:29:17 That's no joke. Yeah, I have that, too. But I think I've been told it's because I yell at it too much. It's really just how I talk. Do you think that – where are you working now? Are you working full-time for Charlie Doobie or do you work for CrossFit? How do you get your paychecks? Oh, I've been working at the pilot oil gas station over here in Iowa.
Starting point is 01:29:38 It's been pretty good. Like most people in the CrossFit ecosystem, they have to have two jobs. I fully understand. You're a commentator by day and pumping gas by night. I fully get it. Hold on. I'm actually at work right now. One second.
Starting point is 01:29:51 Okay. Pulse number 12. Pulse number 12. Go ahead. All right. I'm back. I have a question for the pancreas king. Can you forward something to him for me?
Starting point is 01:30:00 The which gang? The kidney king. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, my friend the liver king. Yes, please. Or some people call him the gallbladder. Yeah, it was one of those fucking Pokemon. Anyway, so I was
Starting point is 01:30:18 curious. I have a friend. I won't say his name. It's Colin Warren. Anyways, he wants to enlarge in certain organs. I was curious if there was anything to assist him in that area. I will, I think, have the liver king on the podcast, and I will ask him what is the— Well, maybe Kate would know.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Would Kate know what supplement to take uh enlarge a certain organ he's talking about the cock cake creatine jesus oh i i heard from a certain canadian that doesn't work so i'm here clear that one uh but uh i am curious uh uh i i've I've sent you my resume four times on let me double check this http:// www I'm typing it in as we speak
Starting point is 01:31:19 wait Sean Sean Sean there's someone who doesn't believe this is Sean. L-J-O-B-S. Sean. There's someone who doesn't believe this is real. Sean. A period. And then a com. A C-O-M. Sean.
Starting point is 01:31:32 What is happening? What is happening? Mr. Woodland, can I just get in one last comment here before I hang up on you? Someone thinks that this isn't you. Is there anything you could do to prove this is you? Kate's over it. Did youate's over it no what was that that was my 12 inch cockpit in the blood that's definitely sean woodland thanks sean for calling in i'll see you next week bye well that is definitely sean right from mr showbot machete wielding teenagers chase staff
Starting point is 01:32:11 after a wi-fi password has changed so someone posted a video of this happening which is where this has come from a couple of teenagers in indonesia have been arrested after allegedly chasing people who worked at a mosque in East Medan while carrying at least one weapon resembling a machete. Some Instagram user uploaded a video. So this Instagram user's posts alleged that two of the young men seen in the video were upset when the mosque's Wi-Fi password was changed. And in the video, the two individuals can be seen walking down a hallway inside the mosque. And at least one of them is seen holding a weapon that looks a whole lot like a machete.
Starting point is 01:32:53 The whole world is going fucking insane. Are you saying mosque? Are you saying mosque? Mosque. Mosque. Mosque. Like a place where like, like place where Islam, like that shit? Just a quick word from our sponsor. I thought that was Sean Woodland again. Why is it always
Starting point is 01:33:13 machetes with the mosques? What is going on here? I don't know. Maybe machetes are easiest to get hands on. What country is that? You can see him, right? What country is that? You can see him, right? What country is that? They probably don't have guns.
Starting point is 01:33:29 Of course it's a mosque there too. I think that country, what is it? Indonesia is Muslim, right? Indonesia is Muslim? I actually don't know exactly, like predominantly. I think it is. I think Indonesia Muslim. Best words to say in the English language, Muslim.
Starting point is 01:33:52 Indonesia is the most populous Muslim majority country with approximately 231 million adherents. In terms of denomination, the overwhelming majority, 99% are sunni muslim well one percent are shia muslim is that is that like it's 99 men and one percent shia woman she i don't know what the hell but but anyway yeah they're muslim i don't know wow there's some crazy articles about indonesia wow they got a refugee issue holy shit Maybe we should do some stories on that next week. My God. Man, can you imagine if you had to wear something like a sheet all the time covering yourself? I guess you get used to it. Yeah, it's pretty fucking hot there as well. I guess you get used to being locked in your house 18 hours a day.
Starting point is 01:34:45 Australia. Okay, let's move on. Okay. Wait, wait, wait. What's this? Breaking news. I want to see Brian Friend and John Young box. Wow. Okay. We can arrange that.
Starting point is 01:35:08 I'm going to start promoting that. Paralyzed man 62 is the first person to tweet a message using his mind. Thanks to a tiny brain implant. So there's a paralyzed man in Australia who has become the first person to tweet a message via direct thought thanks to a tiny brain implant the size of a paperclip. Philip O'Keefe, who's 62, suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which has left him unable to move his upper limbs. And he tweeted, no need for keystrokes or voices. I created this tweet just by thinking it. Hashtag hello world BCI. He was diagnosed with ALS, a form of motor neuron disease, in 2015 and successfully turned his direct thought to text using the Stentrode Brain Computer Interface, BCI, on December 23rd.
Starting point is 01:36:00 The interface, created by California-based Synchron, a neurovascular bioelectronics medicine company, allows patients to carry out tasks on a computer just by using their mind. Mr. O'Keefe said, when I first heard about this technology, I knew how much independence it could give back to me. The system is astonishing. It's like learning to ride a bike. It takes practice. But once you're rolling, it becomes natural. Oh, really? takes practice, but once you're rolling, it becomes natural. Now I can think about where on the computer I want to click and I can email, bank, shop, and now message the world via Twitter.
Starting point is 01:36:31 He received the brain computer interface in April, 2020, following progressive paralysis caused by ALS, which left him unable to engage in work related or other independent activities. So he just, yeah, fucking thanks. Wait, there was a sentence in there that you said that kind of alluded to how it works. I was thinking this thing just read shit off his fucking brain and put it on the computer, but you said something,
Starting point is 01:36:55 there was a sentence in there that made it seem like- It seems like he can direct stuff, or like direct actions. So I think even in the video, like the captions, there's part of his brain that can direct actions on the computer so it's like he says uh i just think about where on the computer i want to click yes that so so it's not like he's thinking the motor pattern of the computer rather than control his hands to control the computer so like when i'm sitting here doing this podcast with you if i was hooked up to that thing and i accidentally had an immoral thought about you kate it wouldn't just like get written out on the screen it's not like reading my brain no it's deliberate it's intentional i
Starting point is 01:37:35 have to actually be like i have to actually be like h think h i Yes, yes. At least version one you do. Okay, I feel better about that. I feel so much. That's not as advanced as I thought. Okay. I was like, is he just like, yeah, that could get crazy. Oh, my goodness. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 01:38:02 That's what I mean. That's why you're never. Do you guys know how thoughts work? You you don't. The illusion is that you are creating those thoughts. You don't when a radio plays, you don't walk over to the radio and it's it's the philharmonic playing and you're like, oh, my God, there's a little philharmonic in here. And you open up the box and there's like a full orchestra and they're little tiny people playing instruments you know that right what they're not in there no and and you have to you're you're better off if you want to try to understand how you operate think of yourself as a fucking radio antenna and you have thoughts that come into your brain and you're responsible for them you do not have to act on them i was talking to this guy about what free will is the other day so many people think they have free will it's fucking amazing and then you give them the test on how to experience their true free will and no one wants to do the test no one wants to do the
Starting point is 01:39:00 test what is the test you say someone well the test is to lay perfectly still and don't react to anything and then the person scratches their head you're like what are you doing you scratch your head you had an itch well you just fucking reacted to something motherfucker that's what i'm saying you don't have free will how long can you do that for before your shit wanders off and you're fucking scratching your nuts. Okay. That's a cool article. That's a cool article.
Starting point is 01:39:31 I wonder how, like, I wonder how people get to a point where they just want to do that regardless of like their physical state, you know? So like, he's obviously using it to overcome a loss of capacity. Whereas I wonder if people will get to a point where they're like, you know what?
Starting point is 01:39:44 I just, I just want to be able to fucking sit here and think what I want to do. If people will actually just get that implant for, for the sake of it, you know, would you? No, you can run this podcast without having to like use your hand on the
Starting point is 01:39:59 keyboard. No, but I really like where you took it. It scares, scares the shit out of me. It's like, it's, it's metaverse
Starting point is 01:40:05 shit right i wonder if that's like kind of the stairs analogy where it's like hey people that move into a single-story house they lose capacity i wonder if we start bringing in these additional things that allow us to almost like do more by doing less and suddenly we lose capacity in things like i wonder if you'd you lose ability to use parts of your brain or like use parts of your hands or whatever it is. Or I mean, it's a tool. So I feel like you could either expand it or you could use it just depending on how you use the tool. Right. Just like money. Some people get money. They could grow more money. They understand how to do it. Or some people deplete it, they abuse it and then runs them into the ground. So it's just a matter of the person handling it, the operator.
Starting point is 01:40:43 around. So it's just a matter of the person handling it, the operator. I suspect every tool we've ever created. I better think this out a little better. I just believe that all of those things, emails, telephones, all of that stuff has, has affected our capacity to do what we could already do all along. And the only reason why we create those things is because those capabilities are already inside of us. I don't think like speaking to someone thousands of miles away is like something we just came up with with the phone.
Starting point is 01:41:18 I think it's like it's an ability that – Yeah, yeah. Like we're not creating anything. We're mirroring things. We're recreating things. Everything here is just plagiarism. And so when you start relying on the phone, you lose, you start relying on the internet, you lose. There's always a price to pay for it, for your own capacity to participate with your own God-given gifts that vanishes. Seven, where's the sweet bands? I, I, I, there's somewhere I never lose
Starting point is 01:41:38 anything, but, but I am cold and I wish I had my Victos bands. I wish I had them. I wish Victos would sponsor me. What do you think about that? Is that too far out there for you, Kate? You're a girl. All girls believe in like telepathy and, and, and, and like reading people's minds and like, you're thinking about Greg and then he calls and you're like, of course, like, and you have dreams. Don't you have dreams? No, I'm not. I'm a little too cynical for it. I think I'm a little too practical.
Starting point is 01:42:08 Okay. All right. I'm more curious about the information coming into the brain. Like if you could access stuff, like if you could just pull up Google and think about it or download information. Like if I could take all those Audible books, sort through them, and then download them so I wake up in the morning and I have the information already inside of me. That's something that I'm mostly curious. Oh, like a few minutes before you lay down with grace, you read a book on how not to premature ejaculate and bam,
Starting point is 01:42:32 it's in there. So you just like hit a button and it just downloads the. Got it. Yeah. Just download that. It is download that. Is Kate's Greg, Greg Glassman. No, Kate's Greg is not greg glassman well i mean
Starting point is 01:42:48 he's one of my gregs he's my old boss i guess no my greg is my partner different greg how do you not know who greg is okay back look at wait how's your podcast? She has a podcast with Greg. How do you not know who Greg is? My podcast was Top 100 Australia. Nice. What's the name of your podcast again? Whisper it. I don't want anyone to hear. What is it? Trademount.
Starting point is 01:43:15 Hashtag trademark. Gone. So, Gone Rogue Snacks? Gone Rogue. Just Gone Rogue Podcast. No podcast i'm typing in kate gordon hey there's a gone rogue snacks they should sponsor your podcast they should rogue rogue fitness equipment should sponsor gone rogue except that we don't really talk about crossfit that much you just kind of talk about sex a lot
Starting point is 01:43:42 um so you you had one on october 21st then about sex a lot. So you had one on October 21st, then you waited a whole month and had one on November 21st. Then you waited only about two weeks, and you had one on December 3rd. Then you only waited five days, and you had one on December 9th. No, sorry, December 8th. And then eight more days, and threes threesomes holy shit i might listen to that
Starting point is 01:44:07 one connoisseur myself um yeah so i was doing it like randomly each week and then i just dropped off and that was what i was saying to you i was like fuck i'm on the vans podcast more than i'm doing my own damn podcast and was like i just i'm just gonna do it every week wednesday at five but now i think i have a lot of people in the u.s listening to it and for you guys it's like midnight for you so are you going live of america that's what i was gonna ask too yeah i've been doing that so i'm committed to a time what if i don't and it's like it's too easy to be like fuck i need to work susa let's steal her live on wednesday live at five on wednesday
Starting point is 01:44:46 you guys would have to do it at midnight i don't give a fuck let's steal her stream and then and then and then talk shit like then mute them and just drop bomb like and like commentate like the water palooza yes yes yes oh my god you would love it you would love fucking i just uh i should just get you on my podcast wednesdays live at five but you should definitely keep leveraging the people from this podcast and do your podcast more and more so that way when i finally throw a temper tantrum and kick you off um you'll already take you can take a big chunk of the followers with you. I got it.
Starting point is 01:45:26 You guys are fighting that. Yeah, well, I think I'm going to start like gone rogue news, but it'll just be better news than this. Yes. So easy. Oh my God, so easy. For starters, don't ever have Hobart on.
Starting point is 01:45:40 Don't ever have Hobart on. If you took Hobart, I would actually, that might hurt my feelings. It'll be Brian. Brian will be doing the news. The hell? And then I'll like message you, Siobhan, and be like, hey, Siobhan, do you want to do the news this week? So live at five on what days? I want to know when your next one is. Seriously. It's on Wednesdays. I'm thinking of changing the time just so that people that are overseas can listen to it.
Starting point is 01:46:12 But yeah, it's Wednesdays live at five Australian Eastern Standard Time. Oh, my God. 5 p.m. Australian. Okay. Holy shit, dude. That's what I mean. We can do just anything we want. Like, we don't have to stay to any platform what are you guys doing today oh we're gonna fucking just troll fucking kate's podcast
Starting point is 01:46:31 live okay it's okay i like it i love it fucking you know what goodness you just make me grow right yeah yeah you just make me grow might as well give it back to you gone robot. Oh, my goodness. Yes, yes, yes. Exactly. Like mystery science. From Hobart.
Starting point is 01:46:58 What happened to Hobart? He's in here? Like science mystery theater. Yes. I was going to go to our next article. Oh, okay. Good good i have to pee to read slowly and i peed once before the show i think this is my second or third p yeah you're about every 47 minutes yeah 47 i do love the premise of like watching a show and commentating
Starting point is 01:47:18 on it so like do you did you guys ever have that show goggglebox? Gogglebox? Did you have that in the US? Yeah. So it was a show that was, I think they came from, it came from the UK. So it was basically a show. It was a reality TV show where these families or these couples or housemates would be sitting in like their TV room, living room, lounge, whatever, watching a show on TV. And they would be commentating on it and laughing and like having these reactions and responses to the show. And the show was literally that you're watching someone watch a TV show and just like observing the things they say, the stories that come out, the fucking funny shit that happens
Starting point is 01:47:58 just while you're watching people in their living room. And it was such a like weird voyeuristic show that was so intriguing to people and i think it's the same thing for like commentating a sports show or commentating like so uh greg my partner greg and i listened to podcasts and i'm like fucking i want to literally have a podcast version of my own podcast where we're just listening to another podcast and fucking commentating on it i think it's so interesting. But yeah, there was a whole show on that. Yeah. And that's exactly what we're doing at Wadapalooza.
Starting point is 01:48:30 I'm just drinking my... Go ahead. Sorry. Go ahead. No. Do you use crema? Crema is such a weird... Crema is super American.
Starting point is 01:48:39 Like we don't have crema in Australia. You just use milk. I use heavy cream for my first cup of coffee. No, I literally have never seen crema in Australia. We have heavy cream. Sorry? Well use i use heavy cream from my first cup of coffee in australia we have heavy cream sorry well i use heavy cream it's basically i use heavy cream and then and then only for my first cup and every cup after that i just drink black because i'm trying to drink it slow but like right now i have two cups of fucking coffee for the show i drank a pint of water before we sat down and i have two cups of coffee. That's why we got you every 47 minutes.
Starting point is 01:49:06 You got your other double fist and coffees and I'm drinking out of both of them. And yeah. Oh, we'll see that. Let me see that bottle again. Kate, is that plastic or glass?
Starting point is 01:49:18 It's actually plastic. Cause it's soda stream. So you can't use glass because it carbonates the water and it'll make the glass explode. So I'm using plastic, but it's like a BPA free thing, which like, I think I know is bullshit, but yeah. So that's my SodaStream bottle. I want to do sparkling water and I can't find a way to do it without plastic. Yeah. So like one way is if you have a SodaStream, you make it in the plastic and then you transfer it to a glass bottle. But it's just a step that I tend to skip, which is annoying.
Starting point is 01:49:48 It frustrates me a lot to get away from plastic. But how is that? How is that? Is that pretty? How's the carbonation in that? Well, actually, in terms of like desensitizing yourself, you become so desensitized to like average carbonation, moderate carbonation that you'd get in like Perrier or like fucking whatever fancy water that you buy at the grocery store at a restaurant because you can carbonate this so much more. You can make it like super bubbly. So it like burns your throat?
Starting point is 01:50:22 Yeah, so like you go and have normal water and it's like normal sparkling water. Well, I mean you kind of get used to it. It's just like – yeah, it's aggressive. It's like fireworks going down your throat. Yeah. Like fireworks. But it's like, it's kind of good, you know, like bubbly or the better. So then it makes normal fizzy, like sparkling water, kind of like not flat, but just not bubbly. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:40 Adam, you're meant to replace them pretty regularly. Like I replace mine every year. Maybe you, the only thing that gets dirty is like pretty regularly. Like I replace mine every year maybe. The only thing that gets dirty is like the lid. But I'm not putting anything else but water in there. All right. Oh, wait. Who said Jesus?
Starting point is 01:50:53 Jesus? Jesus. I'll troll Kate. That's nice. All right. Finnish man blows up his Tesla to protest $22,600 repair cost. A Finnish Tesla owner named Tuomas Katainen recently received a quote on having the battery in his 2013 Tesla Model S vehicle replaced. He was shocked by the bill of $22,600, perhaps not knowing Tesla's notorious reputation for massive repair costs. Katainen discussed his experience with the car, stating,
Starting point is 01:51:34 well, when I bought that Tesla, the first 1,500 Ks, which is 932 miles, were nice. Then error codes hit. Katainen brought his car to a mechanic who told him that the only way to fix the vehicle was to replace the entire battery pack for around 20 000 euros or 22 600 dollars katainen decided that this wasn't worth it especially when considering the base price for a new 2013 tesla model s starts at about 57 400 later increasing to 59 500 when the car was first launched i feel like that's a little bit extreme you know like being like oh well i had to pay 22 000 so fuck it like if it's only 57 like you got to have a lot of money to be like okay with this a used model usually goes for about 30k or more so how long does it kind of went and picked
Starting point is 01:52:18 this car up how long does the battery normally last yes Yes, question. Oh, fuck knows. Okay, I'll look it up. You'd think longer than that in a Tesla. Okay, yeah. How long? Go ahead. I guess it's a Tesla battery. It's different, right?
Starting point is 01:52:34 So Katainen went and picked up his car from the mechanic, simply stating that he was going to explode the whole car away. Katainen donated the vehicle to Pomi Hyattkat. I don't know how to pronounce that. I apologize. A group of explosion experts on YouTube that regularly blows up various items. The YouTuber
Starting point is 01:52:55 strapped 66 pounds of dynamite to the Tesla Model S parked in an old quarry in Jala, Finland. Jala? A crash test dummy wearing a helmet, a thick-pointed jacket, and a picture of Tesla CEO Elon Musk was dropped in via helicopter
Starting point is 01:53:12 and placed in the driver's seat. Katainen then triggered the explosion from inside a nearby bunker and watched as the Tesla exploded into a bowl of flames. I mean, it's one way to deal with your fucking broken heart. They can last up to 20 years.
Starting point is 01:53:30 So this dude's pissed because his lasted eight years. I kind of get it. I think it's a marketing scheme. Yeah, right. It seemed a little bit planned
Starting point is 01:53:45 what do you mean yeah attentional is travis for tesla i don't think that's good i don't think that's good media for tesla no such thing as bad media okay no no tesla i mean for his youtube is i mean yeah but i think it benefits all of it right because now we're all talking about teslas again you haven't in a while. And it's poking fun at a reality of Tesla. Like sometimes you lean into that marketing. There's no such thing as bad media? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:13 I mean, publicizing is good publicity. Well, I mean, of course. Good. I hope the New York Times writes an article about you two that's bullshit and makes you look bad. And then Katrin David's going to repost it. Oh, you're not pumped about my general my general hyperbole there your general what hyperbole just blanket statements the average person in the u.s drives an average of 14 000 miles per year if a tesla battery only lasted 300 000 miles it would still last approximately 21 years for the average driver.
Starting point is 01:54:48 Do you have a attention horse, anything for the gram? Do you have a car, Kate? Yeah, I do. I have a Toyota Corolla. Oh, that's a cool car. What year is it? What year? Did you just make a note of that? Yeah, what year is it? What year? Did you just make a note of that?
Starting point is 01:55:08 Yeah, what year is it? 2013. Is it really 2013? Yeah. You weren't even driving in 2013, were you? 2013, 2014? Yeah, I was driving. Come on.
Starting point is 01:55:28 But I didn't have the car then. I didn't it no i think of you as so i've had the car for maybe like four years um the seven park doesn't you know so the thing is i want to tell you something about that this is a little off subject here but um i was thinking like man this show is really coming big time i should get a sponsor and i was like and i always talk about good dudes coffee and it's the only coffee i drink. And so like I called Josh and I was like beating around the bush. I'm like, so, uh, you know, like maybe, um, you know, uh, and I just couldn't say it like, Hey dude, you should give me money. Cause I love your coffee so much. someone fucking text me and they go hey i or dm me and they said hey i started drinking good dude's coffee that is the strongest coffee i've ever had thanks for getting me onto it and it really is and josh doesn't pay me and i still have to pay for my own coffee i should have my own coffee in my own coffee cup i should find out where he bags his coffee and just steal that shit make your own blend yeah what's his did you eventually ask him when you were with him? Did you get there?
Starting point is 01:56:26 No, I never got there. He's like – something's happened to him, and he's like in love. I couldn't get – I couldn't be like – it's hard for me to be like, hey, Josh, you should give us $2,000 a month so that I can put a sticker on my cup that says good dudes. I just couldn't like – I was hoping he would be like – Well, I don't think you're asking him for money because ultimately you're giving and making money for him. So rather than going, Hey, give me money, you need to go and present it with, Hey, this is what I can do for you. Like, I love your coffee. I want to promote it. Here's the trade. This is what you're going to get from that. I was kind of hoping Kate, it would be like this, like you're in front of your house, like cutting your lawn or something. And I walked by with my shirt off really slow and you say, Hey, do you want to come in for a glass this like you're in front of your house like cutting your lawn or something and i walk by
Starting point is 01:57:05 with my shirt off really slow and you say hey do you want to come in for a glass of water and we fuck i didn't want to be like i just i wanted you to like i wanted i wanted josh like come up with the idea yeah you had to plan it right i did i'm like hey josh shut off did you walk by with your shirt off yes you called him you just talked to him for a bit that's not enough i said hey josh i said we're download we got sorry i left this part out we have more than 300 000 downloads a week just on apple podcast we got the liver king jumping on board we got all this great shit and i was just thinking if you're going to be around maybe you could come on the podcast and we could do a trade for like um uh you could come on the podcast for wadapalooza and we could do a trade for that for some like good dudes promotion
Starting point is 01:57:48 and he goes oh i'm gonna be skiing that week which is code for like he has a new girlfriend and don't talk to me i think like he is in the serious honeymoon phase of a new relationship like serious yeah and i got like new relationship energy yeah oh wow really did you make that up nre yeah it's a thing i understand i'm writing that down car model making year yeah kate drives 2013 notes on kate this podcast episode what else have you written down, Simone? So when you write notes, do you go back and look things up? Do you go back and review them?
Starting point is 01:58:30 Like, do you just have them there for the sake of taking notes? Like, is it a learning process thing for you? It's a learning process thing for me. And then I always regret it if I want to go back and I don't have anything. Okay, yeah. So at the top of – Does it make you remember stuff better? Probably not. don't have anything so like so at the top remember stuff better probably not i always i want to say yes but then i read somewhere that it doesn't and i'm like oh
Starting point is 01:58:52 yep you know what they're probably right it for sure it makes me remember i'll write something down and then then it's locked in and then it doesn't yeah and then i go back and i read it it'll jog the memory on on what that you know the context of the situation was we we had a shirt kevin we had a shirt and we had and and we were selling shirts and we sold out the first run and we did a second run and then the shirt company said they were closing down and they would send us the money and all the leftover shirts and then we never heard from him and never got the money and never got the shirt i'm upset like whatever like so all right cool so fine yeah so even that people have to realize too is that it's not just as easy as get merch right like if you really think about it we need
Starting point is 01:59:33 to come up with money for it we have to buy it we have to distribute it we have to understand logistics for it we need a site to host it like there's so much more that goes into it you need to go to like printify and get drop shipping organized. And they'll host the website. Kate, it sounds like you're on board here with Savant Media L.C. negotiating our sponsorships. Yeah, I'm going to take a cut though. Correct. Yes, that's correct.
Starting point is 02:00:01 Looks 23. All right, so this guy blew up his and and did he buy a new one and he's pretty raggedy looking fuck that dude yeah i don't know i don't know if he i mean you'd assume he's gonna buy a new one he probably has another car though you know like it'd be like his tesla was like his like fourth car and the reason why we're not playing the video people or something is because we i know we'll get busted if we play it and I won't be able to monetize this. I'm sorry. I was going to play it,
Starting point is 02:00:28 but I didn't know where it was going to start and that always happens. Hey, we'll, when you make a thumbnail for this, make it look for the moment that like shows the most of Kate's body when she's leaned back for this in the chair and then put her in the center. Thank you. Okay.
Starting point is 02:00:42 Go on. I just thought of monetizing and not just this clip, but every clip for the rest of the center. Thank you. Okay, go on. I just thought of monetizing. And not just this clip, but every clip for the rest of the week. Monetizing me? Yeah. That's going to be the little thumbnail? Yes. She needs to be. All right, with that, just put like Gone Road Podcast or like CFK.
Starting point is 02:00:58 Like and subscribe. I can't wait till we have that. We're going to have the Trolling Other Podcasts episode. I'm writing that down too. Yep. Okay. You know what? We're going to have the troll trolling other podcasts. I'm writing that down too. Yeah. Okay. You know what? That's going to be the new thing.
Starting point is 02:01:12 You're going to have the news and you're going to have podcast trolling. And like I was telling Matt before that there is like a show called Gogglebox where they trolled TV shows. So it was like you filmed people watching TV shows and they're just like comment and respond to it and laugh and make jokes and shit like that and it was like a whole series on it yeah it was in australia so just fucking troll anything you can troll anything yeah it was in the i think it was in the uk and australia i'd fucking troll water palooza troll the game do you know tosh tosh.0 do you guys have him in australia yeah i've heard of him i haven't watched much of it but yeah okay he's my favorite you know one of the original people with the reaction to the reaction was like shiloh to bluff you guys remember when he watched a video of him reacting to a video of his watching his movie no yeah so when people in the comment section but i mean that's like back
Starting point is 02:02:03 of the day you guys remember uh america's, funniest home videos. Yeah. And that's, that's where that started. Right. People sent in home videos and then they just reacted to it and there it goes. No, no. It's my original idea. Yeah. We're so human oriented, right? Like we just kind of like watch, like watching other people do stuff. Right. Kind of do nothing. Like, I mean, you think of like reality television, like the keeping up with Kardashians, that was this whole new wave of reality TV shows that didn't exist before them. And fucking it's made them.
Starting point is 02:02:31 And you're just like, you just watch these people doing random fucking shit. And now it's so scripted. Like it's so fuck. It's just, it's the whole thing is orchestrated, but yeah, it's like people just like watching people doing kind of just living their
Starting point is 02:02:43 regular lives. There's such an interest in that. Just being humans and doing normal things, not doing like the big crazy stuff, just the normal stuff. I think it's more relatable too. Going and hanging out with your family. Yeah. People want to see stuff that they can relate to. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:02:58 And even if it's just a stretch further, it's like similar to their lifestyle with the same drama and the same happenings. But maybe they're, you know, rich people from aon church or a lady that owns a restaurant i call them screaming ladies those shows where they all do that grace has them on you know the bravo shows out here in the u.s it's all the reality tv that's like uh that's like the wives of wives of whatever city yeah wives of plug in the city here. Yeah, that's right. Like I've been watching Selling Sunset. Oh my God, it's so bad, but it's so addictive. And like they've all each now got like millions of followers online. Like they're just making bank from just like doing their fucking job and the film crew following them.
Starting point is 02:03:38 And what's their job? What's their job? Selling Sunset, baby. They sell real estate. They're realtors. selling sunset baby they sell real estate they're realtors so they sell it's like literally they're on sunset labad and they sell real estate in like nice parts of la so you get to see simultaneously you get to watch these people selling houses and then see the insides of other people's amazing houses in la oh wow we get one of them on the podcast. We should try.
Starting point is 02:04:05 We should definitely. I don't know. I don't know. I would like to watch you fucking responding or reacting to that TV show. Like I'd like to watch, watch Al Zavon reacts. Hey, we selling sunset.
Starting point is 02:04:20 We had Luke. We had Luke Parker on the crossfit. Bingo, Kevin. Now that's an idea my friend um we well uh hey did you see you probably haven't seen this savann that uh katrin is dating julianne ho's ex partner oh that's so good hold on one one second. I want to, I want to hear that. Oh, are you talking about the hockey player, dude? Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. I had him on the CrossFit podcast. Yeah. Yeah. I knew that. I knew that. What's that guy's name? Brock Lesnar or something. What's that guy's name? I have no idea. What's that guy's name? Brock Lesnar.
Starting point is 02:05:02 I have no idea. He was actually really, he was very nice. Mr. Katrin Davidstada is his name. He was on the CrossFit podcast. He was very nice. He was very guarded. He was very nice. There was something.
Starting point is 02:05:22 He's a little celebrity, right? Like he's an athlete. Oh, yeah, this guy. Yeah, yeah. Not Brock Lesnar's something. Right. Like he's an athlete. Oh yeah. This guy. Yeah. Yeah. Not Brock Ledzer. Uh, shit. Brooks. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:32 And he hangs with the buttery bros now. I don't want to talk about him anymore. I'm going to say something nice and I don't want to say anything not nice. Okay. What were we talking about? Anal. Should we talk about Pornhub? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:40 Pornhub. Pornhub. Not anal. We actually are. Okay. Okay. Fine. We're talking about Pornhub's 2021 year in review. Okay.
Starting point is 02:05:48 Which begins with the top 10 search things. And what I like about this is if you guys recall when we did the Google year in review, and it was like the top 10 searches for different things. And one of the categories was how to something, something. And it was like the top 10 searches for people trying to figure out how to do stuff. Coming in at number 10, how to searches containing how to grew by 245%, including how to squirt, how to eat pussy, how to suck dick, how to put on a condom, how to last longer. Sivan, that was one that you contributed to how to finger myself, how to last longer. Sivan, that was one that you contributed to. How to finger myself. How to shave balls. How to make a
Starting point is 02:06:27 dildo. And of course, how to find G-Spot. And last but not least, how to make her come. I am not... The one I find the most fascinating is how to shave balls. I'm not like a... I don't know.
Starting point is 02:06:43 Male hygiene does... Whatever. I don't care if that shit gets so fucking hairy that I can't know. Male hygiene does – whatever. I don't care if that shit gets so fucking hairy that I can't find my dick. But occasionally I'll be at a hotel somewhere where I don't care if I make a mess. Oh, God. And I'll shave or I'll have some scissors and I'll just trim that shit down. But have you ever tried to use the shaver? There's this shaver that's called the One. It's like $15 or $20.
Starting point is 02:07:05 I use it on my face. The Gillette One. that what it is does anyone know what that is the gillette one razor it's a great razor it's oh or the one blade who makes it it's the one blade it's a motorized cordless great for your face or great for your balls uh not great for your balls not not it's norelco okay here i'm going to show it to you here i found it on target it's basically this i don't have oh yeah this is the exact one i have here we go now listen people do not this thing fucking cut up my fucking balls like within seconds i had a thousand tiny cuts on my balls. Do not try to shave a golf ball. Was it a brand new one?
Starting point is 02:07:46 No, no. It's old. This thing's been around forever. This thing's been around forever. This is one of the like little electric ones. Yeah. Do not use this on your balls. No.
Starting point is 02:07:57 Don't use it anywhere except on your face. Yeah. I feel like it would like kind of catch the heads and just tweeze them out eventually, right? Is that kind of what happened? No. Just your balls are like a golf ball and that thing fucking is not made to shave a golf ball and you just get a thousand cuts it's like it was bad it was so bad it was like my ball was just just red sack of
Starting point is 02:08:14 bloody flesh like within seconds it was so fucked up and then you try to wash off in the shower and it just stings and burns it's it's horrible um. And I've used that thing like on my back where my neck and my back meet. All right. And it just fills with zits. But I'm just helping you guys out. That's what I'm not to do. Gosh. That was a lot.
Starting point is 02:08:36 Okay. That was a lot. I pooped in the van once. What are you talking about? This is nothing. Number nine. Ninth most searched term on Pornhub was roommate. It grew by 136%, including lesbian roommate, gay roommate, fucking roommate, straight roommate, and horny roommate.
Starting point is 02:08:54 Coming in at number eight, goth, which grew by 283%, averaging more than 5 million searches each month. Wait, can you explain this to me? Searches containing trans can you explain this to me these are so like someone goes to pornhub and then just types in the term um roommate yeah it's like so you're going to search something to find relevant videos on that contain that thing that seems a broad. So that's like someone who's, I, I have,
Starting point is 02:09:27 I usually don't even use the search. I'm just like, what did you like? I only need to go straight to like most popular. No, just like whatever they give me. Like, I mean,
Starting point is 02:09:36 just let's get this. So they get the show on the road. Like local, horny old lady in your neighborhood. Yes. That's probably enough for me. Okay. Number, number six was challenge, which grew by 255%.
Starting point is 02:09:50 Trending terms like bust it, jerk off challenge, and try not to come. More than 500 terms are routinely combined with challenge searches. Number five, swapping. Searches for swap and swapping. Swinger and swinging trended in the summer um including cuckold which uh as well as cheating both what's that what's that cuckold what wait what's cuckold cuckolding is cuckolding is when a wife goes out and essentially cheats on her partner or not cheats i guess it's consented in this in this in this um arrangement
Starting point is 02:10:25 uh and then sometimes he'll watch and he'll be made to watch so it's like a little power swap where like the wife humiliates him and that's his kink um and makes him watch like like might tell him about the experience and compare. Cuckold is wife cheating on you porn? Cuckold is wife cheating on you porn? It's more about, it's less about the wife cheating and it's more about like the power dynamic and you're in a way like kind of the submissive. And the lady is the, in that instance, the dominant. So I would argue it's like a branch from being dominated i'll pass on the cuckold okay go on you're gonna pass on i think the number four what's fitness so all the yoga fitness pages that are basically linked to like only fans and porn hub fitness grew by 65 percent um
Starting point is 02:11:26 including terms like yoga running exercise and gym so i'm at porn hub right now wait wait wait i'm at porn hub right now and you're saying that someone searches fitness do not share your screen i won't he tried last week yeah i feel like there's just like videos of like people fucking in gyms and like girls or guys with trainers who like get really sweaty and then they just end up boning. There's no gyms. I typed in fitness. There's a girl with a six pack. Nope, there's not a single gym.
Starting point is 02:11:57 Isn't that weird? Fitness. Okay. Okay. I spelled fitness right. F-I-T-N-E-S-S. Fitness. Okay.
Starting point is 02:12:04 I just, that's weird. Are they wearing like gym gear?E-S-S. Fitness. Okay. That's weird. Are they wearing like gym gear? No. One chick's blindfolded. Another chick's like cowboy. Another chick's getting doggy style. Another chick's just standing there with a six pack. Lots of blowjobs. Okay. Oh, wait. What was the other term that interested me too that you said?
Starting point is 02:12:24 What was it? Roommate. Like, I would never think to search roommate on a porn site. I think it's so interesting because I think it gives you insight into like what people fantasize about, right? Like what people like kind of get turned on by and like might be obviously with a roommate, like you're around that regularly. And like, it's, that's someone's little, like happening in their brain, you know, like imagine if that, that chip that's implanted in your brain was just going to like spread all your thoughts out without like involuntarily somebody hanging out with their roommate.
Starting point is 02:12:52 And it's just like this image of them fucking. OK, number three, we're at the top three. Are you ready? Using search terms on a porn site is like lighting candles in the room when you have sex. It just seems like just a lot of work to me. go ahead go on sorry some people need to be specific you know like there's certain things they're looking for they need to be group sex was number three threesome uh as well as other terms such as group ffm mmf and orgy ffm is female female male and mmf is male male female number two romance the popularity of romance and romantic searches more than doubled along with a 139 increase in passionate searches
Starting point is 02:13:35 bromance also grew by 288 amongub's gay male visitors. The number one search, however, was hentai. Hentai became the number one search on Pornhub, surpassing both Japanese worldwide and lesbian in the US. Again, hentai is anime and manga pornography. Manga pornography. A lone word from Japanese. The original term does not describe a genre of media, but rather an abnormal sexual desire act as an abbreviation of...
Starting point is 02:14:16 I still don't know what it is. It's cartoon. I'm actually jumping on Pornhub and searching it and seeing. Yeah, it's anime, right? Okay, hentai porn videos. There's 64,373 videos here. Yeah, it's just cartoons. It's like Dragon Ball Z having sex.
Starting point is 02:14:36 Do you think it's an indication of audiences going to porn sites becoming younger? Yeah. Oh, there's some, there's some porn like that where they're, there's some porn where they're dressed up. It's real people,
Starting point is 02:14:52 but they're dressed up like the anime characters too. Wow. This is some weird shit. Yeah. That's some crazy shit. I shouldn't have seen this. I think what it is, it's like humans can only do so much,
Starting point is 02:15:04 right? Like we're kind of limited by like our facilities, but people like to go to the extremes and like the bigger the tits and the narrower the waist and the wet of the pussy. And it's like with anime, there is no limit. You can be as fucking wild and loose as you want because the limit does not exist.
Starting point is 02:15:21 It's purely your creative mind. So whoever's drawing it, who I was like creating it, doing some 3d fucking video. It's purely your creative mind. So whoever's drawing it, who I was like creating it, doing some 3d fucking video. It's like, they can make shit happen. It can be as many girls, as many pussies,
Starting point is 02:15:32 as many cocks, the cocks can be fucking 20 inches. It doesn't matter. There's no limit. They don't have to deal with actresses or actors. Like, you know, it's like fucking in terms of money,
Starting point is 02:15:41 it's like, that's going to be the easiest one to make money with. Oh, cosplay. Like the realm of with. Oh, cosplay. Fantasy, like the realm of fantasy can be like cosplay. Yeah, that's what I was thinking with people dressing up, right, as the characters. So like apparently the number one character is Lara Croft from Tomb Raiders. And then I think the number one celebrity is still, what's her name?
Starting point is 02:16:04 God, I love being old and boring. What's her name? Angel god i love being old and boring angelina joling um so there's cool stuff with the review from like areas so um and visitors so 2021 saw the proportion of female visitors grow to 35 percent um which was one percentage point increase and 5% growth. Among Pornhub's top 20 countries, the Philippines, Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, and Ukraine all have greater than 40% female viewership. So getting close to like half and half, which is – yeah. I don't believe that. The United States.
Starting point is 02:16:41 I don't believe that. You don't believe that? Well, I also wonder how do they, how do they figure that out? Like, do they, do they know that it's a female owned computer? Is there,
Starting point is 02:16:51 I'm wondering if it's from like, you know how important have, you can have like a premium membership. Do they do it based on memberships? Will you like actually tell them what your gender is? Will they figure it out by following some other fucking like platform that you're on and knowing you're female or male? Why would you ever give your credit card to a porn site?
Starting point is 02:17:05 I need to, that's just nuts to me. Hello? Hi. Have you ever given your phone number to a porn site? I mean, you're not your phone number, your credit card? To a porn site? No. Do I pass? Yeah. Doesn't that seem like a, those must be all the people getting vaxxed to do that.
Starting point is 02:17:22 Okay. Hey, if I sound out of breath, Those must be all the people getting vaxxed who do that. Okay. Oh, my God. That was sketchy. Hey, if I sound out of breath, it's because I take pictures of the assault bike and assault runner in front of the screen watching you. If you what? Say that again. Huh? I was just thinking about porn. He's paying the man while he's calling us.
Starting point is 02:17:39 Oh, that's cool. Okay. Go on. I was going to say, it sounds like he's talking about porn. That's when we were talking about porn. Yeah, that one was kind of weird. You sent me pictures to this phone that you just called on? No, no, no. On the Instagram.
Starting point is 02:17:55 Oh, okay, okay. I had a question for Kate. Go ahead. Hit me. She's taking questions. No, no, you're the wrong show, dude. You have to call her show Gone Rogue if you want to ask her a question. I should have called Gone Rogue.
Starting point is 02:18:09 Yeah. This one was live, not that one. The number is the same as this number, so it works. That's good. Hey, I'm an L1. I coach. My wife kind of struggles with getting motivated. With cuckold?
Starting point is 02:18:28 With what? No. She struggles with her mental, right? And it's hard for me as a coach because she's my wife. There's certain boundaries that are weird that i don't want to cross with fitness and eating and stuff so i was wondering what's a good route you know for a partner i was looking at hiring a different you know nutrition and wellness coach such as you i know you were doing that for a while and i was wondering if that's a good idea
Starting point is 02:19:02 yeah i want to introduce you to kate you're fat and I was wondering if that's a good idea. Honey, I want to introduce you to Kate. You're fat and Kate's going to help you. Sorry, sorry. Go ahead. No, no, no. It's more mental. It's more of the mental side. It's more of the mental side. So I was wondering where to go about that or if that's a more medical direction. No, that's because she's a woman. I guess it depends on the degree to which it's like something that is like a really big thing or an issue or something that she's working with. Yeah, I think the thing with training and doing the food thing is it's a hard thing to do. Like it's not an easy choice. It's usually the harder choice that over the long-term produces results,
Starting point is 02:19:51 but you have to sacrifice short-term reward in order to get the long-term reward. I think sometimes the best way to do that with people that you care about and love, but also typically don't want to listen to your advice, right? Like, especially in a partnership, like if she's telling you things and sharing things with you, sometimes the worst things we can do for our partners when they're sharing their struggles with us is try to give them advice to fix it. It's like, it's like we want to support them, but sometimes the best way to support them is just listening to them. So I think outsourcing your, your, your coaching or outsourcing help or outsourcing advice from other people and other coaches is kind of the best route to go.
Starting point is 02:20:31 So that could be a matter of finding a nutrition coach and like paying for like, you know, some kind of like two month, three month nutrition thing for her to do so that she can learn about it and builds compliance through education um it could be putting her through the l1 and learning that like man you go to the l1 you're like fuck this this is this is not just about being fit and looking good this is about my longevity and the quality of my life when i'm fucking 70 80 90 years old and and that's that should be the drive for why you do this stuff. Um, and the way that I think just makes you a better person when you do hard things. Can you give us details? Can you give us details? I, the only thing, I don't know how Kate's answering so much when I don't even know what the real
Starting point is 02:21:17 problem is. Yeah, that's, that's a good point. I, from what I get. But she did say send her to an L1. I mean, that's pretty good for everything. My dick's too big. send her to an L one. I mean, that's pretty good for everything. My dick's too big. Send her to an L one. Go ahead. From what I gather, it's one of those things you want. You need to wait until she's ready before she starts her journey.
Starting point is 02:21:34 Oh, she's not doing CrossFit yet. No, she needs to wait until her, until she's ready mentally. And so it's like, you know, um, maybe some depression i'm not nothing major but these are you know hey dude um do you walk with her what do you do with her
Starting point is 02:21:57 uh i mean i don't walk i mean raise, raise kids. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. How many kids you have? Three, uh, three, four, 11. So we're right in the, right in the thick of it. Yeah, that is. That's a lot. My, my, my wife did, my wife was a yoga chick and she didn't do CrossFit and she thought CrossFit was crazy and stupid and wild. And like all these people were going to end up hurting themselves. This is back in 2005, maybe.
Starting point is 02:22:26 And then she saw me making a video, maybe 2006 or 2007, with this girl who was doing a shitload of pull-ups, and my wife thought, oh, if that girl can do it, I can do it. And then my wife put one toe in and fucking off to the races. Yeah, maybe it's a fear
Starting point is 02:22:42 thing, like fear of not being able to or not looking good doing it. Yeah, it's scary. Those of us who do it forget. I can't even remember. I just say, oh, it's so scary and intimidating, but I don't even really believe it because I can't even remember. I can't even empathize with that anymore. Can you, Kate, or can you call her? No, no, no. Yeah, same thing. I kind of can't remember. But I do remember it was scary. I just can't remember.
Starting point is 02:23:10 I think you need someone to get into CrossFit. Like, fuck, that can help you overcome a lot of challenges around confidence. Yeah, I think sometimes you just need to start and stop waiting for the sign. How old is she? 31. Yeah. Oh yeah. Get her in.
Starting point is 02:23:29 Holy shit. Yeah. Perfect timing. And like, I think the thing is like, yes, you're right. It will take her being ready to do it.
Starting point is 02:23:38 But I think if we just sit back and be like, well, I have, I can't do anything to help influence. I can't do anything. Like she has to be ready. It's like the steps or process to making a decision is not just one day we wake up and we want to do something. It's like a hundred piece puzzle. And sometimes, you know, you might say something and that's piece number 35 and it takes another 65 pieces.
Starting point is 02:23:59 So the penny drops and you've got to kind of slowly keep giving little, little tips or little things or or talking about other women that you admire that do that or showing videos of like these people that were terrified of crossfit and started or people that are changing their life through their diet and it's like you don't necessarily have to direct be like feedback at her be like oh well you need to do this but i think you can probably help some of those pieces fall into place until you get to a point where she's like, Hey, like I want to do this thing. I would ask one of your friends who's like really fat and just a shitty athlete to go into the CrossFit gym with her so she can destroy them and like
Starting point is 02:24:38 build a little self-confidence. You know, my mom started doing CrossFit and the whole first year she did CrossFit, she had horrible anxiety and she's not an anxious person at all. She doesn't even get anxiety. And she got horrible anxiety every day. She had to get it over with first thing in the morning. She had all these fucking mental struggles. Like she was too old to do it. She was holding other people back the stress of knowing what the workout would be. And like, she would have to get it done first thing in the morning or else if she did it that night she'd be a fucking mess and i didn't even know that and then one day she explained to me it took her a year to get over that and now she is so i mean
Starting point is 02:25:11 that's crazy and uh and my mom's not like that at all and now she she like she can't see her you know eight years later she can't see her life without So, but 31 is a perfect age with three kids, man. You know, she would just tear that shit up. She's like, man. She's made for it.
Starting point is 02:25:33 You know? Hey, I appreciate it, Kate. Thanks for all the advice. You're welcome. I'm looking forward to a lot of Palooza coverage and keep it up. Thanks.
Starting point is 02:25:43 Okay. Thank you. We'll lose the coverage and keep it up. Thanks. Okay. Thank you. That was such a wholesome break from the Pornhub review. It was a break.
Starting point is 02:25:55 It's a break we needed here. Okay. So are we done with Pornhub or was there more? No, we're going to talk about regional differences. So there was a map that Susan, you had out before that was like the US and the different terms that are the most popular. So the United States is a great example of regional differences
Starting point is 02:26:15 as illustrated in the map. Can I ask you a question real quick? Statisticians. So some people might be like, well, why are you talking about Pornhub and pornography? But isn't there some crazy stat that like Pornhub is like one third of the Earth's Internet traffic? Or isn't there some crazy stat like that? Mm hmm.
Starting point is 02:26:37 Yep. How much of the internet this is gonna fuck up my oh it's it's i wrote porn p-o-r-m accidentally and it's just auto-corrected it to poem so now i'm looking at how much of the internet is is porn. Porn. Porn, not poem. Internet pornography. How much of the internet consists of porn? Oh my goodness. It's bigger than Facebook, I think. Okay, how about this article?
Starting point is 02:27:19 Facebook, on October 7, 2021, on Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp were offline for several hours in October 4, 2021. Pornhub's traffic increased by 10.5%, which equals about half a million additional users during each hour of Facebook services were down. Amazing. Oh, my gosh. That's amazing.
Starting point is 02:27:39 It's really funny. So, like, Super Bowl was similar but opposite. It's really funny. So like Super Bowl was similar but opposite. So Super Bowl 55 took place on Sunday, February 7th, with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers defeating the Kansas City Chiefs. The Super Bowl is one of the most watched live events. So traffic dropped as much as 21% during the game. And changes happened in Florida versus Missouri.
Starting point is 02:28:00 So in the final hour of the match, Florida's traffic dropped 39% compared to only 15% in Missouri. So you can see from the graph that the halftime show was a convenient time to grab a snack and also visit Pornhub just in the halftime show quickly as traffic increased slightly during that period. But after the match, fans in Florida celebrate their win on Pornhub with traffic going 13% higher than normal at 1 a.m., but only 5% in the U.S. and Missouri. Wow. So interesting fucking reading this. So in terms of like regional differences, visitors from Alaska were more likely to search for morning sex, while those in Virginia like dirty talk. While those in Virginia like dirty talk, visitors from North Dakota are likely to search quickie, which may be why their state has one of the shortest visit durations.
Starting point is 02:28:52 Hey, how do you say Arkansas? Is it Arkansas? Is Arkansas the one that's written Arkansas? Yes. Yes. That's fair. That's Arkansas, right? Okay. fair that's arkansas right has one of the highest divorce rates in the united states and divorce is their most common relative search is that divorcees like fantasizing over their now divorced partner
Starting point is 02:29:14 i don't know look at this rim job is a search colorado is more into huge boobs while their neighbors Oklahoma prefer natural tits America's Wang aka Florida likes which is big black cock while up the coast of North Carolina they are more likely to search for penis pump Kansas likes to search for pantyhose while South Dakota likes sex doll and visitors from Utah are more likely to search for Mormon porn can I throw I want to throw in another stat. You ready? How about this one? The worldwide traffic to the site has increased 11.6% since, uh, uh,
Starting point is 02:29:57 the, the response to the so-called virus. And on a normal day, Pornhub has 120 million visitors with traffic spikes up to 134 million. Wow. On a daily basis. Amazing. That's crazy.
Starting point is 02:30:15 Imagine getting that kind of traffic on the Sivan podcast. Yes, that would be amazing. On March 12th, the website offered free premium content for all of Italy, resulting in a 57% change in traffic boom. Why Italy? Why fucking Italy? On March 16th, Pornhub did the same for users in – wow.
Starting point is 02:30:36 In Spain, they did it on March 16th, which is my birthday, and it went up 61%. Wow. They probably just test each region. March 16th? You're eight days apart from me, Sivan. And about, I don't know how many it is. Are you a Pisces? I'm March 8th. Are you a Pisces?
Starting point is 02:30:54 Wow. Congratulations. You're a good dude. Yeah. Okay. So it's a big site. It's a big site. Okay. Sorry. Sunday is the most popular day while friday tends to have the lowest traffic a lot of that has to do with the hours people prefer to watch porn peak viewing times are typically from 10 p.m to 1 a.m but on weekends as people tend to stay up later and sleep longer the view time shifts into the morning hours yeah there's a whole thing like that article is
Starting point is 02:31:25 huge you can read so much stuff about the way that they understand the data and like they break it down by country they break it down by search terms they break it down by gender they break it break it down by sexuality like it just like like how the amount of data that they've got is fucking unreal they should release everyone's name and ip those ads are going to millions of people like yeah advertising on porn hub we should advertise the fucking savan podcast on that's who you need to partner with can't afford it uh who watches porn in the morning i i'm 49 years old i don't think I've ever watched porn in the morning. Apparently everybody. Like early
Starting point is 02:32:08 hours of the morning though, right? If you watch porn anywhere besides the hotel room, I think you should consider changing your habits. Peace and love. They probably have data on that.
Starting point is 02:32:27 They probably what? have data on that they probably would have data on that yeah unlike when they're being it's being watched on like tvs and hotels versus like your mobile phone because they did have data on like what you were like what thing you were watching it on oh that's another thing too can you imagine going to a hotel and you know how like you can buy porn on the TV there? I would never do that either. Like you go to checkout. Sir, you have a $72 bill for – what? What the hell? Knowing my porn habits?
Starting point is 02:32:58 Oh my goodness. Well, I mean the visits on Pornhub are like nine minutes. You wouldn't have to watch it for very long in a hotel. Yeah, that's true. I don't know. Have you watched Porn inub are like nine minutes. You wouldn't have to watch it for very long in a hotel. Yeah. I don't know. Have you watched porn in the hotel? Did you just have it playing in the background or like, just, did you watch it specifically?
Starting point is 02:33:10 No, it's just, it's a sleep aid I used on my computer for 30 seconds and then I'm done. And I go to bed. It's there's no like flipping through the channels, letting them swipe my credit card at the front desk for fucking some movie. Come on, man. It's like natural mel for fucking some movie. Come on, man.
Starting point is 02:33:25 It's like natural melatonin. Yeah. It was, there's the hotel protocol, 30 seconds of porn, a hundred burpees, hot shower, eat some shit in the snack bar.
Starting point is 02:33:34 You're probably not supposed to eat. You do the porn, then the burpees? No, no, no order. There's no order. Like whatever,
Starting point is 02:33:41 any order, maybe. Yeah. Whatever the order. there's no order like whatever any order maybe yeah whatever the order that's it that's that's the news that's all i got well that was great so yeah so we can do like six articles in uh fucking two and a half hours oh my god this this book i kept putting up we should troll the news on the news one day we should like play the news and troll it yeah okay so this book right here lies big data yes this is this is something that people should read that i think they'll get value out of the larger
Starting point is 02:34:18 conversation what we're doing and that's what i'm hoping to leave them with this book right here talks about big data and how it's being used to influence our behaviors. And like you were talking about before, where people don't realize what their thoughts come from or that they're acting on them or separating that people don't realize what their opinions come from in the news and the way that the algorithm is targeting them. So this book was written a while ago, but this book is really good in explaining how companies use that. And the reason why Pornhub has so much data was because they were the first website that understood the value of the data and how to sell it back to the advertisers.
Starting point is 02:34:51 So that's why Porn has the most amount of stuff about it, because they saw very early on that they needed to save it, categorize it so they could better target consumers with the ad product, therefore making their websites profitable. And they were one of the first people that really saw the value in this. And this book breaks this down, as well as how Cambridge Analytics was used during Trump's administration to see the rise of his popularity, because he knew when to tap into the frustrations in different regions by learning their search history. Then he knew what he could get away with, what he could say, what would tap in, what would incite people to want to follow him, whether it be good or bad.
Starting point is 02:35:26 So I suggest everybody wants to go check that out. It's a little dry, but the information is powerful. Book review by Matt Souza. Look at this. Amy Larrabee. When my mom and I checked out of a hotel in Istanbul, the hotel tried to charge us for porn, my mom and me. What a great thing to do, too, because they afraid like you're not going to stand up for yourself. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 02:35:46 This isn't our porn. Like they just thought like they would get you'd be like, all right. I searched BBC. This is an outrage. You had cartoon porn on there. How many semi podcast listeners search Kate Gordon? Oh,
Starting point is 02:36:01 do you know, um, uh, really quick too. Um, while you're plugging books, um, let me plug this. I like to plug, plug in know, really quick too, while you're plugging books, let me plug this.
Starting point is 02:36:09 I like to plug in knowledge. Plug in knowledge. How often do you read, Cesar? Do you read daily? Like how many books do you get through? I don't really put like a goal on it or anything, but usually like two or three a month listening mostly and then reading one tomorrow we have jake marconi on who i have i viciously spread rumors that he was dating daniel brandon when i saw that footage of them in promoting wadapalooza many months ago i don't think it's true though but i want to find out
Starting point is 02:36:36 tomorrow we'll find out tomorrow um and i think somehow he's somehow he's affiliated with uh matt fraser's hard work pays off i'm excited to ask him a bunch of questions uh is mally Somehow he's affiliated with Matt Fraser's Hard Work Pays Off. I'm excited to ask him a bunch of questions. Is Mally O'Brien over there? What's going on? And I didn't even know. I thought this dude was just a coach. I guess he's a legitimate fucking games contender.
Starting point is 02:36:56 Like he can make it to the games. So that's Jake Marconi tomorrow at 730. Then one of my favorite guys I've ever interviewed back in the day was a gentleman named phil toon and he will be at waterpalooza um he's got a little he reminds he's a little he's a white dude he's got a little bit of like ghetto gangster and i'm just his look i just like him like like he's he's cool looking and uh um then on this on wednesday we don't have anyone but i have a feeling we're gonna have a games athlete and I just got a text return from Taylor Williamson that's the girl who her
Starting point is 02:37:30 and Andrea Nistler are considered the two best females in the history of the games as females who've ever been on a team and I've wanted Taylor on for a while and I thought she was going to ignore my text but she's going to be at Guadalupalooza with Haley Adams and Andrea Nistler so I think we're going to have Taylor Williamsoniamson on soon um maybe even wednesday i'll talk to suze as soon as
Starting point is 02:37:50 the show's over then on thursday the 6th we have eddie penny back on now he's a seal team six guy if you don't know who he is we had him on for an hour and his squad his team his crew his friends were some of the guys who died in the extortion 17 helicopter crash and i'm gonna ask him about that and that is going to be a gnarly show then on friday the 7th we have spencer panchick he is the panchick he's the last panchick and then we've done them all i've slept with them all and then and then on the 8th my son has tennis at 9 a.m uh and that's all we have but but i'm gonna start piling in or shall i say suza's gonna start
Starting point is 02:38:32 piling in oh so on wednesday we don't know if john we don't know if it's john young or if we get taylor williamson on wednesday we won't know if it's john young or um right friend right do we know has b Brian confirmed with Spencer Panchik on? Yes. Everyone that's in Brian's availability, he has confirmed on. Okay. And how about tomorrow morning? He'll be on Jake Marconi?
Starting point is 02:38:54 Yes. And he's giving me a nice little list of athletes that he has some interesting stuff on. So we'll be making our way through those interviews coming up as well, too. Phil Toon was the guy with the big deadlift. Yeah, he was cool. Yes, he was would i just hold your finger over deadlift phil tune was the guy with the big um okay so that's that's where we're at but we're gonna have a ton of people i'm gonna have o'keefe on soon he is the um uh i think he's the founder and ceo of loudon live he's definitely the big dog over at uh wadapalooza uh we'll have colton mertens on i'm sure at least one time you should do taylor with colton
Starting point is 02:39:30 rogue winners oh i didn't even know that taylor won that that's awesome yeah that's cool you could have colton on with anyone he won't talk over anyone he won't talk he won't talk. He won't talk. All right. We're going to have a ton of – yeah, thank you. Yes, like and subscribe. We're going to have a ton of people on building up. We're going to really pump up Wadapalooza., ancestral supplements, the only supplements that I take. Liver King out.
Starting point is 02:40:00 Okay. Liver King out.

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