The Sevan Podcast - #252 - Phil Toon

Episode Date: January 4, 2022

Phil is a 23-year-old CrossFit athlete competing at Wodapalooza 2022. He lives in Naples, Florida and is going to be training under Matt Torres at Brute Strength HQ when it is finished. He will be joi...ned by some other familiar rising stars in the CrossFit scene. Follow Phil - The Sevan Podcast is sponsored by Follow us on Instagram Watch this episode Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:42 We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply five bam we're live no twitter again again. All right. Fuck you, Twitter. Bye-bye, Twitter. Save changes. Philtoon.
Starting point is 00:01:13 If you haven't seen the original podcast with Philtoon, you should check it out. Philtoon's going to Waterpalooza. Waterpalooza is from the 13th to the 16th. We will be sending representatives there. I don't know what that means exactly. I know Matt Souza will be there. I know Brian Friend will be there. I know Heidi will be there.
Starting point is 00:01:33 I know this other Greek chick. I forget her name. Evan, Eva, Gapalapagos. Damn, I can't forget her name. I can't forget her name? I did forget her name. Oh, there he is look at look at there he is hey no one's here for me where's phil i look at look at look what i
Starting point is 00:01:51 accidentally brought john on but i made him go away but he's on accident i gave him the right fuck fucked up why did you do that i i thought i thought it's him with taylor taylor john's with taylor tomorrow and um and uh and ariel lowen yeah we can hang out so what's what's wrong with that i know i'm late yes no yes no okay when phil gets on i'll get out of here you're a good dude mr john young there he is phil toon holy shit he just popped in did you do that what if i would have had my pants down buddy hey welcome to the sausage party my kind of party hey look at that backlighting what you don't want anyone to see your face you're're talking to me? I'm talking to you.
Starting point is 00:02:47 It doesn't matter. I've got them all insecure now, Sevan. Hey, Phil, what's your Instagram? Oh, there you go. You're good. Sevan, you are slow. I am slow. And look, Caleb's in a a car and he's doing that shit
Starting point is 00:03:05 so you're you're you're phil um last time i talked to you i'm gonna be completely 100 honest i you sounded beat up and like maybe like that was it no man, man. I mean, you were mentally there, but physically you just sounded like you'd put a whooping on your body. I mean, isn't that what CrossFit is? I guess. Yeah. I was at the end of the season and, or I wouldn't, I wouldn't say end, but you know, we're all feeling banged up by the time we get to competition.
Starting point is 00:03:41 We just got to get through it. Do you know brian friend up here in the corner and and john john young nope what's up john what's up man john why don't you have a t-shirt under there what's going on i wasn't supposed to be on this podcast i got a random link and i didn't know if it was me or you yeah was that weird when i sent you a link and i'm like we're going on in three minutes? I asked what this is for and nobody responded. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Yeah. I screwed up. So you're doing it. I mean, this is like, does anyone do Wadapalooza for fun? Oh, yeah. I mean, I feel like that's what Wadapalooza is, since it's not necessarily like CrossFit game season. It's for fun oh yeah i mean i feel like that's what water blues is since it's not necessarily like crossfit game season it's for fun it's kind of just like a measure to see where we're at before we actually get into the official season um so while obviously it's super competitive it's
Starting point is 00:04:35 definitely for fun yeah it's that you said it that's the part that i see it's crazy competitive especially the class you're in i mean you are in um i mean is this the hardest competition outside of uh the crossfit games right here when you look at this men's list uh brian john i i think it is i mean at least this year um some you know some would argue that uh that rogue is tougher because you have a Medeiros there, because you have a BKG there, but this is over twice as many athletes, and it just totally changes the dynamic of the competition. A bad workout is punished differently, sits differently, feels differently,
Starting point is 00:05:20 and there's a lot more to fight for. Even if you're struggling in Rogue, you're in the second-to-last heat. If you come out and have a bad day one here and you have top 10 aspirations but you're in heat three or four or one or two i guess it would be like that just mentally overcoming that and knowing dan there's all these guys ahead of me right now you start doubting everything like phil's saying they're all checking in so i think that the the whole way that it's set up is is more challenging yeah i know we is phil in the witness protection program he needs uh audio he needs some audio that like distorts his voice hi i'm phil tune
Starting point is 00:05:52 doesn't even sound like a real name i'm phil tune i'm from miami uh where are you right now phil naples and that's home for you yeah uh we moved here almost a month i think just about a month ago now are you in that matt torres camp i'm in that man matt torres camp oh dude you must be like the old man in there i thought you had to be 16 years old to get to that camp i thought so i got accepted though so i think i'm grandfathered in um tell me who are the other who are the other dogs who do we just talked to jamesrague. He's headed over there? Yep, James is coming. I'm pretty sure he's coming after Guadalupe.
Starting point is 00:06:29 We have Emma, Carrie, Dallin. I'm actually going to pick up Dallin from the airport tomorrow. And then Fisa Gaffey, she's going to be coming before Guadalupe for a few days. But she's not going to be living here. And who else? There's more, though, too, right? Not that those aren't enough. Oh, and Ethan Tate.
Starting point is 00:06:48 He's Don's friend. He's pretty good, too. He's definitely going to come up. Wow, crazy. And all these cats are moving out there. Yeah. Yep. And are you loving Naples already?
Starting point is 00:07:00 Yeah. There's a lot of old people here. It's very, very old. Very old. And it's crazy how crowded it's gotten here in the weeks that we've been here like there's traffic all the time now even driving to the gym it's added like 10 minutes with all the snowbirds yeah it'll be like that through march and then it'll yeah no like it's i did not expect it to be this crowded it's crazy and is it warm there? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:25 I guess we're in like a little bit of a cold stint now. But I mean, it still gets up to like 75, 80 during the day. It's perfect. And it's clean and it's safe. Yeah. Super clean, super safe. We got a nice little house in the neighborhood. I have a backyard with my dogs.
Starting point is 00:07:42 So it's, it's pretty awesome. And you went and you rolled with your chick? Rolled with my chick. She's definitely listening right now. And is it just shorts and bathing suit lifestyle? Like no shirt? It's not Miami you said, Vaughn. Yeah, I mean, like I said, it's older people,
Starting point is 00:07:59 so I wouldn't say it's shirts and bathing suit for all them. No, no, but I mean for you. Is it just like, hey, I just need clean underwear and I'm good to go here yeah i mean i wear shorts with liner underwear is not you know oh not even underwear sorry to make that presupposition uh and where was home for you before phil uh arizona oh shit okay so well where in arizona so i was in a suburb of phoenix called gilbert okay so you're used to the heat now it's just humid yeah is that bugging you at all the humidity no i like it um i think it's been actually especially nice during the winter in arizona people don't realize it gets cold there especially like when the sun goes down it gets super super dry and cold so like 60 degrees here
Starting point is 00:08:40 feels a lot different than 60 in arizona is your skin already is your skin already happy very happy very very happy yeah i just spent a week in scottsdale last month and my skin was doing some weird shit and everyone in my family got a bloody nose yeah it's super dry the truthfully like even the summer is tough there i get like if you get a sinus infection it lingers forever just because of how dry it is in arizona i hated it hey it's cool too that you're saying you like naples because it really the only thing you have to overcome and i think this is pretty easy for crossfitters is you just have to be cool being sweaty every all the time so once like you get like you go outside you get that first couple beads of sweat on you and you're like okay i'm just gonna be slippery all day it's it's game on right and especially if your body's
Starting point is 00:09:22 beat up doesn't your body feel better when it's hot and wet? Yeah. I mean, you just warm up quicker. Like, you know, you jump on the bike for a few minutes, you get a sweat, you're good to go. And it just stays like that all day. How about water consumption, nutrition, all that? Is it the same there? I mean, I feel like I've been a little bit dehydrated, you know, maybe a few more days just acclimating to the heat the humidity and all the sweat um but you know food and all that stuff it's it's pretty much been the same since
Starting point is 00:09:50 i've been here where was the last big comp we saw film uh film phil phil toon compete in uh the last chance qualifier i got some light. And, uh, and how do you do in that? I think he got six. Yeah. Is that what it was, Phil? So we wasted a podcast on him. We thought he was, we thought he was going to the games, did a podcast on him and then he, and then he didn't make it. Yeah. I was really feeling myself after my podcast and then I sucked on the last day. So I got my hopes up, man. my podcast and then i sucked on the last day got my hopes up man it's not a way it's not a waste it's not a waste oh what what do you what do you boys think um what do you gentlemen think uh phil needed to work on to make it to the games this year what what should we like if this isn't a place to come and win what should we be looking at if we're uh someone who wants to get on the
Starting point is 00:10:43 phil toon bandwagon to know if he's going to make it to the games what is it his endurance is it his strength is it his uh ability to stay consistent what what what what hold did he have that we want to see fixed at water palooza john definitely not his strength i'll say that have you uh do you remember his deadlift seven i don't it His three rep max. Was it three reps, Phil? Three reps. And now, was it dead stop? I'm going to ask this before we get into your weaknesses.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Was dead stop deadlift harder than just doing three without stopping the way they had it? I mean, I feel like it just leveled it out. So the hard thing is when you get over, like, I would say even like 405, there's certain bumper plates that kind of bounce, and then there's some that just die on the ground. So I think it was a really smart idea behind CrossFit to do the dead stop. So the plates I was using, they probably would have been giving me a little give if I did touch and go um opposed to like you know those
Starting point is 00:11:46 really fat 45s those kind of just die on the ground so i would say i would prefer to dead stop um just because you never know what the plates are going to be like why what plates did you use for your three rep max that john's about to tell us about i just used the rogue regular rogue uh like the blue bumper plates. Okay. Okay. Were you the one who used wrist wraps? Grips. Grips. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:12:12 That's what I mean. There were several of us that used grips, and they gave me so much shit about it. I was getting roasted in the comments about it. Why is that frowned upon? My hands were like, I had a rip, so I wore grips. So I didn't rip when I deadlifted so I could climb a rope the next day. And I still wasn't able to climb a rope. Couldn't that make it harder because it makes the bar thicker? I mean, I wouldn't say it makes it harder.
Starting point is 00:12:36 And I wouldn't say it necessarily makes it easier. I would say maybe you don't get that little slip at the top, but it's just like wearing them for pull-ups. People were saying they had a strap effect and I've tried deadlifting with them and they don't really give you a strap. No, no way. Okay. Two things on this one is the new rule book that came out last month addresses this.
Starting point is 00:12:56 I think it's section 9.01 or 9.02 Caleb, if you want to look for it, but it's, it was unclear how they wrote that about exactly what you can or cannot do. I think they'll have to clarify some of it, but it was unclear how they wrote that about exactly what you can or cannot do. I think they'll have to clarify some of it. But I think it was definitely like a residual effect of the last chance qualifier deadlift workout. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. I didn't see exactly what the rulebook said, but it popped up today on my Instagram.
Starting point is 00:13:18 And I was like, I wonder if they're going to eliminate that. But I feel like that's kind of a hard area to tell them you can't wear grips on deadlifts yeah though they wrote something there but the it's like i said it's not clear like that they use the word around like you can't have this thing around the bar but i'm not sure exactly what what that word means yeah there's been there's been a lot of conversation about it but using no noteworthy this is a link we just put up for Morning Chalk Up. News and noteworthy equipment. Hand grips are for hand protection, not to be used for weight support or grip improvement. Yeah, that's still vague.
Starting point is 00:13:57 That's still vague. Because he just said he used it for his hand being ripped, right? So it does. Yeah, and i did this workout that i really don't recommend doing it's 12 days of christmas workout last week or two and by the second half of that workout i was using my grips for things that i've never used grips on before like snatching and thrusters with a barbell and stuff literally just to preserve my hands for the gymnastics in the workout and now if you look at the last part, athletes must wear closed toed shoes.
Starting point is 00:14:25 That's probably from the deadlift event too, because I'm pretty sure the winner was in socks. And in my opinion, that gives you more of an advantage because it's less space to rent, less range of motion. I mean, that first quarter inch, half inch is sometimes a thing that stops someone from lifting.
Starting point is 00:14:41 So if you eliminate, you do that all the time. Yeah. Yeah. Well, there was i mean i feel like in the rule book last year um there was a big controversy with that one too because it said you had to wear shoes during competition it wasn't as like black and white but
Starting point is 00:14:54 it was if you know if it followed the rule book it was a no rep essentially what if you cut off the bottom of your shoe so that so're actually barefoot, just sat on the ground. Do you know what I'm – can you picture this? Like a pair of Vans and you just took a box cutter and cut out the bottom of the shoe. And it's still closed-toed. Yeah, it's still closed-toed. Someone's going to do it. Someone will do it.
Starting point is 00:15:16 It's open-heeled. specifications around what you can wear and what you can use come directly from something that the PFAA worked on in the off season and submitted to CrossFit. So they are taking some input from those guys. The only thing that I think is still the problem is the vagueness of some of these, the ways that the limitations are described. Well, William, gentlemen, this is important here william garcia says an inch makes a huge difference um thank you william uh thank you for that contribution i've never i've never seen souls that are an inch but uh but i'll take that in context i guess or i won't um okay so what
Starting point is 00:16:04 do we go back to his weaknesses yeah no no well let's get the drum roll what was his three rep uh deadlift what was it did we um off the top of my head I think it was 575 I don't know if that is that what it was Phil yeah 575 that's a that's a lot and and Brian do you know what the average so so Phil's so strong he doesn't even do one rep max he'll hurt himself so he does three rep max you don't do one rep max phil i mean if if i need to i'm always game for a wonder max yeah but in your training like is your one rep max 575 on deadlift yeah and your three rep max is also 575 no i i pulled 660 at a powerlifting competition a few years ago all righty uh brian where does that sit oh here we go where where do these numbers
Starting point is 00:16:55 sit for deadlifting in the in the crossfit world amongst amongst the best um i mean i about guys that are also good enough to be in elite level competitions i it's hard to imagine not not a top three finish in a raw deadlifting event there's probably five guys capable of over 600 um who have a chance at making the games and he's he's one of them hey do you think that's a little bit of crossfit we're seeing there look how quickly phil um grabs like immediately after he gets his foot down he pulls the bar off the ground there's no fucking lollygagging did you see that is that why is that phil why why aren't you like is that how you always do it or is that some crossfit influence uh i mean i i would say a little bit of both but it's just comfortability. Like
Starting point is 00:17:45 there's people that'll, that'll like, I mean, especially on Olympic lifts that they stand up, they're clean. They take a while on the front rack and then they go overhead where I kind of just go. Like, I just like, once I'm set, I don't need any more time. I just take that aggression and just go. And I think it's just, it varies from person to person yeah it's pretty crazy how quick you do that um brian who who else is on the podium with him for deadlifting yeah you said there's a deadlift event he's in the top three well he didn't win that yes in the last chance qualifier and the guy who did win is a g guy, Jan Pop on Instagram, I think, Janis Papadopoulos. And he is actually competing at Wadapalooza in the elite teams of three division.
Starting point is 00:18:32 So he pulled 595 for three, so he'd be in that group. And then I'm not sure if, like, I think Vellner can pull close to 600, but I don't think he can compete with these guys. I think Vellner can pull close to 600, but I don't think he can compete with these guys. And I'm not sure. I just wanted to kind of leave room for one other guy because sometimes there's someone who's freakishly good at deadlifting, and the last chance qualifier pool was relatively small. When I competed at the Fittest Experience last year, I think there was 12 of us in the pro division. I think there was four people that pulled over 600 for a one-rep axe.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Wow. Which is ridiculous. And did you beat all those guys in the competition? No. Yeah, I think out of those guys, I deadlifted, yes. But I didn't win the deadlift. A dude who's competing at – he's also in Water Blues in the elite division. Who's that? Josh Woodhull.
Starting point is 00:19:23 No way. He pulled six – I want to say 640 or something for a one rep at the fitness experience last year which is absolutely crazy yeah and i pulled 625 wow when you think about i think when i think about josh woodhull that i do not think about that he's got small no he's not he's tall he's like six foot 200 pounds arms and yeah jeez yeah that's crazy i saw i i see here and he's old too he's 31 i'm looking at this uh some of your stuff don't say don't say that to velner why how old's velner i'm 31 how old are you phil 23 damn you're young yeah you, you already look like – you look older. You know that, right?
Starting point is 00:20:08 Yeah, you've already said it several times. I don't need to hear it again. All right, all right, all right. Yeah, you know who you remind me of is a sober version of – God, who's the guy? He's on SiriusXM. Rude Jude. Do you know who rude jude is
Starting point is 00:20:25 no he has a show on uh on shade 45 you don't know who that is i know shady 45 but i don't know who that is no you don't know shady 45 you call it shady 45 it's shade 45 shade 45 i guess i don't know it i know shady 45 um i'm looking at wood hole is 3161, 200 pounds. Okay. Oh, wow. Where are you finding that? On your information. On your cheat sheet.
Starting point is 00:20:52 That's good. I'm glad you have that. On the Brian Friend cheat sheet. And have the workouts been released for water blues yet? We got one, right? Only one workout. Only one has. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Is it event one? No's uh event two i don't know did they say what event it was it's a strength event yeah i don't i don't know what event it is though i actually did that workout back when i competed at water blues in 2017 in rx division same but uh same way no i think it was i want to say it was like 245, 265, 285. Caleb, can we see that? Just a little lighter, but same rep scheme? Yes, 321 for sure. I had a lot of trouble with it then. It was heavy. Is Wadapalooza known
Starting point is 00:21:36 for having strength events? No. They're pretty good at their programming. They're pretty sound all-around programming in their competition. Tobias skews a little endurance, Rogues skews a little strength, and Mata Palooza is pretty sound throughout the whole competition. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:21:55 So if there was an event for them to release for us to talk to Phil about, it's this one. He's probably looking forward to this one. Yeah. That'll be a fun one. Can you win this one? I mean, there's some really strong and quick guys. I wouldn't say if it was maybe a max complex.
Starting point is 00:22:18 I mean, there's some heavy hitters in the division. It just depends. If I can power clean them quickly, then I think I'd have a good chance of doing pretty well but if i have to squat clean then it's a little bit slower so let me see if i understand this right you have to hang clean 275 for three and then front squat 295 for three and then shoulder to overhead no no no no no no but 333 is with the first load so So 275 for 3-3-3. Then you're going to advance forward to a different bar that weighs 295.
Starting point is 00:22:49 And you'll do 2-2-2 and advance to a third bar that weighs 315 for 1-1-1. Think of it as just three complexes. Okay. So for people who are listening, basically, there's three weights, 275, 295, and 315. And it's the same three movements, but you go from doing three reps to two reps to one rep. And the three movements are hand cleans, front squats, shoulder overhead. So basically you'll be at a bar and you'll do all those
Starting point is 00:23:16 and then you'll advance to the next station, I'm guessing is the way it'll be set up. Pretty much. That's how it was in the demo video that they released on Instagram. Oh shit, can we see that demo demo and is it with those weights uh they have a woman demoing the the individual workout and then a team of three guys demoing how it will be done for the elite men and and phil did you finish that workout when i did it yeah with those weights right there like
Starting point is 00:23:41 i'm guessing some people will be stopped and they won't like would no no i don't think today's age 315 everybody can move that pretty well if they put like a two minute time cap on it maybe but if there's at least i've been expecting to be like a five minutes five minutes yeah i think everyone will finish yeah i agree um do you get extra excited phil that there's going to be that you didn't make it to the games last year and that there's going to be games athletes there and you can, um, you, you have an opportunity to beat them to, to finish higher than them and kind of like say to yourself, look, I mean, I fucking belong there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:16 I mean, I think it, um, I think last year, you know, I, I proved to myself more than anybody else that I can hang with, you know, the best in the world. And there's just certain things. And, uh, I would put it more so towards just like overall experience on the competition floor and just competing have a lot less than a lot of these guys. So I'm excited to be there with, you know, such high caliber, high caliber athletes and be able to, like you said, put myself out there, get some wins, hopefully, and prove to myself that I can do it. What would you, and Brian, going back to the original question,
Starting point is 00:24:50 and John, what do you guys think, what are we looking for? Like he's already, like John's already crossed off strength. Someone in the comments says, I'm guessing it's one of Phil's friends making fun of him saying rope climbs. What do we want to see? Is it upper body pulling or is it just rope climbs because rope climbs was his worst event in every single section of qualifying for the games yeah hey is that weird for a guy um of phil's body proportions i mean he's tall and long
Starting point is 00:25:18 and he's athletic shouldn't he be just fucking flying up those ropes i definitely don't have long arms um but i wouldn't say i mean the rope climb is just it's it's different than any other upper body pulling movement just because like you know what it is uh and i just didn't have enough experience with it like especially the legless and and with feet going into the qualifiers last year i thought i could hold my own but people are really good at it so i I just, I just needed more repetition with it. And I've obviously worked on it. Uh, am I going to win a rope climb workout? Probably not, but I think I can do a lot better than I did last year. Is this, is it something where like, you're kind of hoping they program it. So you get to see how much better you've gotten or not? For sure. Yeah. I would love, i would love that especially a legless hey look who's in the
Starting point is 00:26:05 comments here yeah yeah that might be before your time there phil i know i know who jeff evans is yeah he's a florida guy i actually did an individual competition that he was at he was in the elite division i was in a couple a couple tears down from that but it's fun to watch him i mean he's strong to everyone but. I mean, he's crushed everyone. But they had the D-ball squats in that workout, and he just put on his shoulders like nothing, no problem. Look at his upside down. He's upside down in his picture, like making a statement.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Like that guy's strong on his feet, but his picture is upside down. I love it. That's exactly what my arms look like. For those of you who don't know i don't know i wish i could fucking remember the name of the supplement but there's a tincture that jeff evans sells that i take and it's a cayenne pepper it's all just natural herbs and stuff it's a cayenne pepper it's so i'm just kind of addicted to the way it tastes to be honest with you but it's supposed to help enough help open up your supposed to make you help you breathe better and I take that stuff and I love it and it's
Starting point is 00:27:10 like named after a dog but anyway a huge chunk of his profits go to charity like that every time I talk to the guy his goal isn't to make a successful business his goal is to get money to charities it's pretty damn cool like he's like yeah my goal is to send a money to charities. It's pretty damn cool. He's like, yeah, my goal is just to send a million dollars to this charity. I'm like, wow, okay. My goal is to pay my internet bill. It's got to be something else besides road climbs. That's it?
Starting point is 00:27:39 How's Phil's engine? How'd you do on the burpee workout? burpees just 12 inch target you did fine yeah i did i mean it was on the bottom bottom half of my scores i think that's good a pretty good check-in for uh for engine work there ah there it is yes good plug for for for, for my boy, Jeff Evans. Yep. That's exactly the stuff on my kitchen counter. I do. I have the flow stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:09 I don't have the other three. And my kids like that flow stuff too. If you like cayenne pepper, you will love it. Ryan. He got, he got four, four 51 in that.
Starting point is 00:28:19 And Roman Grinnegroff got four 42. So I, you know, I think his engine's fine. I obviously want to improve, right?'s fine i obviously want to improve right everybody obviously you want to improve but he kind of seems like he's kind of like gabby magawa a little bit maybe maybe a little less fit but kind of like gabby magawa where he's got this good this big weakness in rope climbs and he fixes that you know there's no talent so come on the show people and
Starting point is 00:28:43 brian and john and i will just talk shit about you. Would you agree, Phil, though? You're old and you're not as good as Gabby McGawa. Say that again. Sorry. I said, would you agree? Am I wrong in saying that? Or would you agree? I agree. Do you already have your game face on, Phil? Yeah, always.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Not always. Always, man. You seem a little more focused, a little more serious. Yeah. I mean, I think just as competition approaches, I start to just get more reserved. I wouldn't even say tunnel vision, but I'm just kind of picturing picturing what's gonna what it's gonna be like that weekend i'm starting to like get anxious for these workouts to come out and just be there it's been i haven't been on a competition well i guess i competed in vegas but i haven't been on like a
Starting point is 00:29:34 real legit competition floor with all these guys so i'm just ready to get out there it's been a minute since i've competed in since the last chance qualifier so it's just that time and that is your last competition the last chance qualifier um well i mean i did the wadapalooza qualifier um i did this local kind of local comp in vegas um but that wasn't anything crazy um and that was that's that's it yeah um how long have you been with matt torres since like i want to say march a little bit earlier than that so not quite a year no and who were you with before then um i just got coached by like i just did like the class workouts in my brother's gym and and he coached me before that and what's the name of your brother's gym uh majestic fitness
Starting point is 00:30:22 and that's in Arizona? Yep. And so – and now you're going to this camp that is – I'm going to say it, and then I'll let John and Brian correct me. You're going to this camp that's groundbreaking. correct me you're going to this camp that's groundbreaking by groundbreaking i mean i've heard of other camps but something but you guys are all moving to the same area my am i off here john am i off here brian like like this is like this something seems next level to me or or new new what do you think Brian it's hard to say I mean definitely
Starting point is 00:31:09 the makeup of the group is young and so the potential for it to take it you know on a different kind of atmosphere than some of the other places is high because it seems like they're all motivated to be there together working hard together for and they're moving there.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Some of them are moving from places that they've always lived. And, you know, the other instances of this that we know about, I mean, in Vegas right now, Underdogs Athletics is assembling quite an impressive crew. There are people in the past couple of years who've moved to New England to train on site with Bergeron and the comp train crew, Sam Kwan, Amanda Barnhart, Chandler Smith, being three huge names in the sport who've done that. But those are all established athletes that have already made runs at the games. Most of the people that are moving to Florida here is a group of athletes that's looking to do that.
Starting point is 00:31:59 But those people didn't live – those people would come and go, right? This crew is not – no? No, they were living together they moved there yeah oh okay okay and and i i would just say results kind of speak for themselves and you know we will see in a year if the camp is groundbreaking or not i think the underdog crew is doing fine and i think the cop train crew kind of blew up in their face. Well, you say that, but the underdogs, we didn't get really a fair chance to see how good they could have done. Well, we'll see how Bethany Shadburn does in this one. We will.
Starting point is 00:32:34 I think they'll be fine. Yeah. But on the other side of that. Daniel Brandon moved to Vegas, right? That's the big move there. Yeah, but they're not the only ones out there. You know, they had Nicholas Bedarte, and he underperformed in the brazil in a south american semi-final they had told him or akinu who's been out there for a while supposedly working on his engine
Starting point is 00:32:53 didn't show up didn't show any improvement in dubai i don't know if you could tell he's really bitter about it me yeah no i'm not it'm not. I was looking forward to seeing improvement there, and relative to the field he was competing against, it wasn't any better. So, you know, I think the verdict's still out on these camps. Like John said, if these camps are going to pay off in the long run. But I don't necessarily think it has to do specifically with the camp. I think that, you know, maybe that's just something that Toll is not never going to be a with the camp. I think that, you know, maybe that's just something that Tola is not never going to be a lead at anyway. I also think it's not the campus, the coaches
Starting point is 00:33:30 and the people there. It's not necessarily calling it all the camp works. I think certain coaches work better with certain athletes and they do it for themselves. You know, I don't think it's necessarily a camp. I think it's just the right combination there is an implication that when so many people are moving to a spot there's the there's hope there's belief there's like no i'm guessing no one's moving there to fucking increase their instagram following like these are people like people are moving there to be like okay uh as as uh as the liver king told me a couple days ago on the phone, what did he say? He said, iron sharpens iron. These people are going there to fucking sharpen each other, right?
Starting point is 00:34:15 What do you think? Is that your mentality, Phil? Phil's like, am I guest on the show? What the fuck's going on? The liver king. That just cracks me up. That got you. That got you. That got me.
Starting point is 00:34:29 But, yeah, I mean, I think I listened to the podcast with James the other day, but just being with like-minded individuals who also have the same goals, while we're not going to be doing the exact same workouts every single day, which I think is going to be a benefit. Um, I feel like it's just going to push, you know, each other harder and Matt, Matt's great. Um, he's, his coaching style is cool. He's, he's very like not in your face and stuff, but he's very like, he spots technical flaws, um, you know, movement patterns, like little things. And he, and the biggest thing that I've gathered since being here, just myself,
Starting point is 00:35:11 um, with being with him is the ability to make adjustments day to day, you know, based on how, how I feel and how I look. And it could be in the middle of a workout, um, changing a movement or changing a rep scheme or breaking it up. Um, So, you know, that's a little bit different, but the iron sharpens iron thing. I mean, I, I definitely agree with that. Just being with other people that, you know, have the same goals. Oh, look, I just invited Matt Torres to be on the podcast. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do.
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Starting point is 00:36:21 and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list? Then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale. And the last time we talked, it was when you were on the podcast. That's pretty cool. Thanks for showing us that. I like Instagram because you have your whole history of your conversation. You haven't talked to someone in three years, and then you're like, oh, shit, there it is. What's it take to join the camp?
Starting point is 00:37:01 I mean, that would have to be that'd be a question for matt or brute strength i think matt is only accepting um athletes who want to be in florida and at the brute uh hq that's being built but i can't speak for him obviously you know he i don't know who he's who he's accepting and who he's not accepting and and are you consulted before people are brought on like are the athletes like does he do a little powwow and he'll be like hey john young wants to come over here are you guys cool with that no um i don't think so i mean the only person that's joined since i've been part of like the crew is fee and he had just told us that she was joining and just told us uh to welcome her with open arms shooter her a text like
Starting point is 00:37:45 say welcome to the crew or whatever and even if you don't mean it yeah yeah of course no but i mean it's not it's not a huge camp like you know training think tank and underdogs and stuff i feel like there's lots and lots of athletes there um and this is this is tinier it's it's it's like a team almost tight knit yeah someone said they should they should make it a reality show for some reason it really it really piques my interest it seems like it's just something that's just coming together very very quickly i mean just from an outsider and uh and it is really cool people who are really really hungry i mean it's going to be a trip uh i i talk about how young you are but i mean you're gonna have emma carrie there
Starting point is 00:38:31 yeah yeah she said what she's 17 right 17 yeah that's nuts does so she'll live there too as a 17 year old yep um her mom is coming with her and uh her and they're getting a place together and then the dad's coming later on. Is Phil top 20 at Wadapalooza? Phil top 20 at Wadapalooza. This is your favorite question of the week. I'm looking forward to this answer. I know you avoided it with, who did I ask? Marconi. Oh yeah, yeah. Jake Marconi. You did a great job dodging it there. Does he beat Marconi? I'm looking forward to this answer. I know you avoided it with – who did I ask? Marconi.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Oh, yeah, yeah, Jake Marconi. You did a great job dodging it there. Does he beat Marconi? I would say – Let's start there. I would say yes, but top 20 I also think is a very good chance to be in the top 20, yes. There are some savages there. Okay, will he beat the um will he beat spencer panchik i don't like this game no you don't i don't blame you but those are good the people
Starting point is 00:39:35 you're picking out are good good questions though i mean these are guys these are all the guys we want to see we want to see guys who are very close to making the games last year, either in their semifinal last chance qualifier or both. And where are they at right now? Because in North, like in North America for men, it's very competitive. And there are 10 to, if, you know, 20 guys made it from North America last year to the games, I think that you might see as many as 10 of those guys turn over next year because there's so many guys knocking on the door. So for people like us, we're, you know, and Phil's in the same boat, he's curious, where am I at right now? It's been six, eight months since I did something against these guys that mattered, and it's going to be another six months until I do it again.
Starting point is 00:40:17 So he wants to see how far have I come in six months and what do I still need to do? Yeah, there's no one closer than him, right? I mean, he is, he is he's well that's the thing there's actually like 10 guys that are that 10 people at the exact same spot as him so so it's if i'm understanding correctly you're saying that basically anyone who went to the games last year who didn't improve phil's taken their spot or or one of his nine buddies there's a group of guys yeah that are right there breathing down their neck. So it's, and in one, like, this is the, this is like Taylor self being another
Starting point is 00:40:51 one. Sure. Definitely. When those, and so those guys, their advantage is that they've had since the end of June, we'll say they have an, they've had not just that extra month, but they also didn't have the beat down of the games. And then most of the guys who went to the games also got, you know, got invited to one or two or three of these off season events and have either traveled or gone to compete there. So there, since that, since July 1st, Phil has, you know, more or less had six months uninterrupted training. The competition he did in Vegas is probably not that much more volume or intensity than just a
Starting point is 00:41:24 normal three, four days of training anyway. And these guys have had two months less, right? Cause they had to prep for the games and then they had to take a month to recover from all that prep and competition. Dallin pepper is another one of them and they work out together. I assume soon Thursday, Friday.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Have you ever met him before? Nope. I haven't met any of them. Do you think that would be awkward? Because you guys are kind of in the same spot as far as where you are and what you're striving for. I mean, I think the only time it would be awkward is if me and Dallin are at the semifinal
Starting point is 00:42:01 and one of us takes a spot and one of us is right behind and doesn't get a spot. Yeah. Of course the wrong word. I mean, like you think it'll get too competitive. Um, yeah,
Starting point is 00:42:14 for sure. I mean, a hundred percent. Yeah. But that's, I think, um, Matt's philosophy of not letting us go at each other's throats every day.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Um, and like do the same workouts, you know, how like comp train, they have their workout of the day and then they might have their other pieces like we're not going to be doing that you know we may have a a piece or two throughout the week that you know we just happen to have on the same day like it happens now um just the fact that we're in person will take us to another level but um for the most part doing our own things, it'll push away that competition-style training, I guess, or level of push.
Starting point is 00:42:50 I like that honesty. Do you think it's going to get too competitive? Yes. It's good. Honesty is good. It's like having two dogs and they live on either side of a chain link fence. And they see each other every day and they're fine and everything's fine but if the chain link fence goes up like it's a fucking fight to the death um but i i guess everyone's going there
Starting point is 00:43:15 for for that uncomfortableness right oh yeah like like like when when he says awkward it but it's the kind of awkward you're searching for yeah i mean I mean, I feel like that's just part of the game we play, and this is the next step for us, and we knew that realistically that is a possibility. And it was a possibility last year too. And hopefully, I mean, the goal would probably be for all of us to be in our own semifinals so Matt could just individually coach us, but you never know. It probably won't happen. the likelihood isn't that strong um so that's just something that you know in the back of our minds we'd have to prepare for and obviously we hope that it doesn't happen and we
Starting point is 00:43:54 all are able to make it this next year yeah hopefully you're fighting for podium spots at the games hope so um at 23 do you feel do you show any signs of hitting any walls or glass ceilings or being in your prime yet like are you like oh i guess i'm not getting my mile time is never gonna get faster i guess i'm never gonna get fat my you know do you feel any walls yet wait did you say 23 or 24 23 almost 24 i think like next month do you feel any any any any pushback you feel any um i mean i don't so this is like overall health wise this is probably like the healthiest i've ever felt i love to hear that which is great just like overall just i typically just struggle like i've told you really bad knees, had some back issues. Um, but knees have been like way better than any other off season.
Starting point is 00:44:48 And I've actually been able to put on a few pounds, like my back squat and stuff like that, which I hadn't been able to do in a long time, which was super cool. And that's just kind of breaking down movements and incorporating other exercises and tempos to training that I didn't really do. Then your standard, just 80 to 90% working sets that
Starting point is 00:45:05 really take a toll on your body once you get to a certain weight. Um, so maybe like, and I don't see myself even trying to, unless it's a competition, trying to attempt a PR deadlift. Like I just, that would just kill me, you know, there's no need for it either. Yeah, exactly. Like for what I need right now, i need to get better at other stuff like running rowing gymnastics like i don't need to get better that's me it's me training somebody uh i don't need to get better at a you know a 670 deadlift it's not gonna suit me in crossfit and are you getting better at those things then at the rowing at the running like are you like holy shit i'm still yeah yeah i think
Starting point is 00:45:46 rope climbing yeah uh i think i still have a ways to go just like with the aerobics stuff i think i can get a lot better and uh james he always humbles me because his paces are crazy and all that stuff um so but i've definitely seen some improvements in it um and like i told you guys i think just going to competitions even if i fail i'm going to learn a lot just being there like what what do you learn in a competition like you might think you're good at something and you show up and everybody else is way better at it and you learn like all right um i need to obviously put more of an emphasis on this in training um and there's just certain like uh what's the word before like certain things that you can't do in training that happen in competition,
Starting point is 00:46:29 certain situations that you get put in with a judge or, um, you know, a spot on the ground. So it's just experience in the, on the competition floor. We can all get better at that. Where is it in your career that you learned the importance of transitions like do you know that before even your first comp transitions between movements like if there's three movements um like what like i'm guessing that there's so much like those are those are things that i think people in the gym are like i like i work out my garage i never think about transitions I never fucking speed up transitions. It's always this, I lollygag,
Starting point is 00:47:07 you know what I mean? It's three steps away and I'm, and I fixed the tongue on my shoe. You know what I mean? Like on my nano tooth, pull back to the center. He goes three steps in the opposite direction. Right. I go,
Starting point is 00:47:18 I go the long way around the assault bike. Um, w w is that just something early on or is that uh i would say i wouldn't say early on i mean you just have to like you have to pay attention to that stuff once you get to a certain point like transitions are important uh like how you get in the rower on a workout could save three seconds five seconds um and at that level, like trying to make the games, especially with, through these qualifiers, you gotta be on point with your transitions. Um, and that could mean like when you're preparing for a competition,
Starting point is 00:47:52 like Wadapalooza, set up your equipment 10 feet apart from one another. So you can learn to run from your bike to the barbell and not just step off your bike and set it up perfectly in the perfect situation. Like that stuff you all need to prepare for it really it really is um huge because you can be in your affiliate and do fran and not stop moving at least in your head you didn't stop moving and you got a 501 and you didn't stop moving the whole time you were fucking moving and those are some long transitions yeah well and i think a lot it's even it's even just like pulling the bar down right or taking a second to readjust on your shoulder or in between gestures like you can't do that if you take singles the
Starting point is 00:48:36 whole time yeah yeah uh someone's saying 405 for 20 did you you do that, Phil? Squat, yeah. Oh, that was the video we just watched? Yeah. Oh, wow. That is crazy. Yeah. Wow. That's probably more impressive than your dad lived, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Yeah. I had, like, Matt had programmed that, or he had programmed something else for me, like, a week prior, and somebody, one of his athletes commented something about a 20 or um colin lawrence's games merton 17th tune 16th um he did something crazy too i want to say i want to say he did no like 365 for 20 or 365 for 30 or something he did something crazy he did something i want and he just pr'd his back squat at 555 what's your back squat phil uh i squatted 575 at uh my powerlifting competition but since then and that was low bar um since then i think i've hit like maybe 535. I don't know if I could still do that now.
Starting point is 00:49:50 I mean, I don't know if I want to even attempt that. Yeah, right. Well, 405 at 20 is crazy. Sevan hasn't caught. No, no, he's young. He's young Phil Tim. He didn't like that either. Drexel Forbes, who's that?
Starting point is 00:50:05 360 by for 30. Is that a guy? Is that guy at the game? Wadapalooza? No, I think he's talking about your Mertens tape. Oh, gotcha, gotcha. 360 for 30. Yes, I'm nuts.
Starting point is 00:50:20 How do you feel at the end of 405 for 20, Phil? So it was funny. I thought I would get to you know rep like 18 and be like man I don't know if I'm gonna be able to stand this up it got to the point where I was holding it on my back and I didn't know if I could support the weight like my legs were just gonna collapse like I was just shaking so I was like I just need to drop down because the squat doesn't feel as hard as actually just stabilizing the weight my legs just started and I finished it and I was like handicapped for like three days afterwards just so sore i don't think you can say that word handicap i was very sore you were handicapped you
Starting point is 00:50:52 were handy capable uh handicapable yeah that's um where is that in your workout like have you already worked out like three times during the day and that's just at the end you're like okay i'll fucking try this man no that was first thing i did yeah and the last thing serious no i did some other stuff after how do you warm up for that um i just do like typical you know back squat warm i knew what i wanted uh typically like if i'm coaching somebody and i'm having them do a 20 rep max i would say give it two attempts do like one and then rest for a while and then do another that you is maybe five to ten pounds heavier than your goal i knew what i wanted going into it because i had done 405 for 10 years ago um so i was like i'm not gonna i don't really care
Starting point is 00:51:35 if i could i know i could do 365 i don't know if i could do 405 so that's what i went for wow and your previous max with 405 was 10 you just said said? Yeah, but I had hit like 435 for 10 a year after that or so. So I knew I was in the ballpark. I knew it was going to be a fight, but I can do it. What's the most you've improved on since last year? I would probably just say just like engine work. That's been a huge focus. In the offseason, we did a lot of just strength training
Starting point is 00:52:12 and then monostructural stuff. So I feel like I've seen a pretty big improvement in that. It's still a process to get good at distance, like long distances on the row, long distances running. If you put like a 1K row, I'm going to be able to hang in there just because it's so quick. to get good at like distance like long distances on the row long distances running you know if you put like a 1k row i'm gonna be able to hang in there just because it's so quick opposed to like a 5k row whereas i might might see a little bit of fall off uh when you say work on your engine tell me um tell what what is that that's swimming That's running? Swimming is extremely hard. My body, I tend to just sink.
Starting point is 00:52:50 So that's going to be fun. But I've been working with the Brute Coach Nemo, and we've definitely made some improvements, but it's not going to be anything like, I just don't have enough repetition with it. And when you say Brute Coach Nemo, that's one of the things you get when you work out with matt torres because he's he's from brute yep yep okay um so so swimming running and then the and then those three machines right the the rowing machine the the jerk off machine ski and uh and what's the other one there's another one the bike so you've just been banging those you're getting better at all those trying to it's hard man it's not as fun as lifting heavy are those um are those the primary ways that
Starting point is 00:53:39 that athletes are building their engines or is that uh or is it through chippers or it's just all of it? Anything you're, you're just doing stuff, longer stuff. I think it's a different stimulus. You get, you get different from both. Um, it's one thing to be good on the rower and it's another thing to be good at, you know, doing a CrossFit style workout. It's going to give you a different stimulus. Like I know plenty of people who can sit on the rower and pull ridiculous paces, but then you put them in a workout. And as soon as there's like a moderately heavy barbell paired with some other stuff, they're not going to do as well. So I think it, you know, you, you build your foundation, especially as a CrossFitter in the off season on the machines, because it's,
Starting point is 00:54:18 it's less impact on the body. Um, you know, you can get your heart rate to a certain spot and keep it there for a while with no spikes or falls whereas in workouts you do a set of thrusters and it might spike up and then you go into toes to bar it might come down a little so that's just the difference with the two
Starting point is 00:54:36 did you fight? did I fight? you weren't wrestling or fighting or some sort of martial arts before crossfit? basketball I did karate when I was younger way younger No. You weren't wrestling or fighting or some sort of martial arts before CrossFit? Basketball. I did karate when I was younger, like way younger. We talked to him about basketball.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Yeah. What did he say when we talked to him? Do you remember? He could jump out of the gym. Glass ankles. Hey, can you still dunk? I would say definitely not. What's your girlfriend's name?
Starting point is 00:55:08 Jordan. Oh, okay. That skinny guy. That makes sense. That's you? Yeah. High school. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:55:17 You look way different now. I don't know if you're going to call that a dunk. It's a rim grazer. I don't know if that counts. I was like 15 i'll give it to you phil thank you seven what are you doing i'm just i'm just staring at the dunk i'm sorry i'm staring at the dunks it's a dunk yeah someone shot the ball into the hoop and phil ran over there and touched the rim
Starting point is 00:55:43 at the same time and That's fucking what happened. That's a dumb thing. Right? That's not even – like that's going in. Oh, no, no. You helped. You helped. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Hey, that's a good friend right there. How many shots did that take you to set that up? What do you think? One. Easy. Is that your girlfriend laughing? Yeah. How is she doing? Was she doing some sort of CrossFit or figure modeling she doing was she doing um uh was she doing some sort of crossfit or figure
Starting point is 00:56:08 modeling or what was she doing she is actually prepping she's competing at the hybrid showdown powerlifting meet the same weekend i'm doing a lot of palooza in miami oh yeah that's right powerlifting i'm sorry sorry is that with stephy cohen does she run that yes yes they're actually in the same weight class Steffi's not competing but she competes in that weight class uh Phil's girlfriend wins powerlifting meet next Saturday in Miami is that true can she win yeah she's uh she's really strong she's stronger than probably some guys in the elite division no shit she can she can pull i think her max deadlift's like 425 at 123 pounds wow yeah it's crazy wow and how how is that with two competitors in the house is that
Starting point is 00:56:55 you is that good like or is it like you're fighting for the good side of the bed or no she's tiny i take over the whole bed all right and is it fine with two really competitive people yeah i mean we get i think it actually helps our relationship because she understands what i do i understand what she does she gets it when i'm like when i'm you know approaching competition time and i need to zone in on this she she's totally fine with giving me my space and i do the same for her so i think it actually is great hey we know all those motherfuckers at powerlifting are juicing. Don't you have to keep her away from you? Can't be like, hey, don't touch me with those fucking hands with that fucking testosterone cream and shit.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Testosterone cream. You don't got to keep her away like it like, hey. Now she can do it. She can take care of that. All right. All right. And what about she didn't she want to move to ohio to be with uh those fucking meatheads and you wanted to move to naples was there did you guys have to draw straws yeah she was cool with
Starting point is 00:57:51 moving to naples she was yeah yeah is there is there a crew there of no lifters of strong people no but i mean we truthfully like um well she gets coached by um her coach back in new mexico where she's from um so he does her programming and stuff um and that's called nfp and um so she still works with him remotely and she's just doing stuff out of the crossfit gym that we're at right now actually brian uh we're at red line in naples and matt calvin yeah he he he told me to say that, by the way. He's working his ass off, man. He's getting ready, too. He's in the RX division over there.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Dude, his engine's crazy. He's a beast. Yeah, just super long arms. Makes it really tough for him. Yeah, but he destroyed me on that real workout in the qualifier. Beat me by, like, minutes. Yeah, he's one of those guys where when there's nothing that can slow him down he's i mean he has he has a couple like uh open finishes in the top 100 or maybe even one in the top 20 or something like that wall ball rowing workout
Starting point is 00:58:56 but there's a couple things that are just really hard for him there's a lot of guys like that yeah yeah um but yeah she was she was super pumped when we got the opportunity to come to naples we i brought her to florida last year my parents actually live in palm beach which is only like two little over two hours from us uh she loved it here i think it was just kind of like a fresh start for us and somewhere where we both wanted to be maybe not naples forever but florida in general we really like uh naples is in the gulf and palm beach is atlantic yes you basically just drive across the skinny part of the state yes oh that's cool that's really cool hey it's not but but naples is beautiful and clean right couldn't you stay
Starting point is 00:59:37 there forever it's expensive right stupid expensive it was a absolute nightmare finding a place that was like within our budget um but yeah you never know it's too early to tell we'll see how we like it and it's just there's i would say there's just like really at least what i've seen like not a lot of young people here it's very very elderly yeah when i when i was there i remember being outside for like an hour and only seeing people with gray hair yeah gray hair leather skin where did y'all end up phil by chance i lived in naples in high school oh okay and it was a small place we're in uh we're in naples park okay all right do you look at laguna bay at all laguna bay apartments have you ever drive by Laguna Bay, that's where I grew up. Oh, really? Yeah. Dude, well, none of the apartments are even houses for rent except in American Bulldogs.
Starting point is 01:00:31 So that was just a nightmare. Yeah. She's just a big baby. But they wouldn't take her. Do you have a day job? No. I mean, when I was in Arizona, I was working at the gym. But right now, similar to what James does, is I'm in Arizona, I was working at the gym and, um, but right now,
Starting point is 01:00:45 similar to what James does is I'm really just trying to take off on my remote coaching. It's, uh, through my buddy's, uh, business called complete the process. So we're really trying to just ramp that up and get some more clients and help people. What's it called? Complete the process, complete the process. Are you pulling that up? Uh, up uh caleb so so and that's how you and so basically you're through coaching people you are basically and you don't have a sponsor yet nope and so you're just warring to be a full-time crossfit athlete that's that was the intention behind coming here was i i'm in a place right now where i can so i'm gonna try it while i can and give it my best and if it's meant to be it'll happen
Starting point is 01:01:31 if not then you know at least i tried yeah and what does that mean you're in a place you're just young you don't have a lot of expenses like what does that mean yeah exactly like i can take care of myself but as soon as i would have to support a family, I'd have to do something else. Like I couldn't do what I do right now. Like I just don't have enough income, all that stuff. And I did a lot of personal training and whatnot in Arizona. So that really helped out. But now that I'm shifting more to the online side, I'm really looking to just expand the amount of clients that I have. And what do your parents say about this? And what is, what are your girlfriend? What are Jordan's parents say? Jordy or Jordan? Jordan.
Starting point is 01:02:06 What did Jordan's parents say about this? Like you guys are just crazy kids chasing your dream or. Yeah. So Jordan's mom, she's definitely watching right now. Veronica. She absolutely loves this show right now. So Brian,
Starting point is 01:02:18 by the way, she told me she would give me $20 if I told you to follow her on Instagram. You don't have to follow her. I just need that $20. Yeah. Send me need that $20. Yes. Send me her profile. Okay. Will do.
Starting point is 01:02:31 But she's fully supportive of this. She thought it was great for us. And my parents are in the same boat with that. They're just glad that I'm chasing my dreams and they're absolutely awesome. And this is the first time in so many years that I've been able to actually you know see them a few times it's been tough with covid and with them being on the other side of the country oh uh other side of the country meaning arizona yeah no they they're in florida well i was in arizona oh right right right hey two great states too, by the way. I mean, relative to the rest of the fucking shit show that's going on. For real.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Who's that? Who's Chris Martin? That's Nick. So Nick is the owner and Chris is his brother. Oh, for – Complete the process. Okay, okay. Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. And what was that? Was he a professional athlete that I see? Did he play football or baseball professional athlete that I see? Did he play football or baseball?
Starting point is 01:03:27 What did I see? Nick. Either of those guys. I thought I saw a picture. No, maybe I didn't. Nick played D1 football. Okay, that's gnarly. Did you play college basketball?
Starting point is 01:03:41 I didn't. I played in prep school, and my ankle said no. Oh, that's right. That's right. That's right. I should have gone back and watched the podcast I did with you. I bet you it was amazing. What number was that? Does anyone know off the top of their head? I'll type it in. I think for people who don't have jobs, they could go check that podcast out in between searching on the website for a new job. Oh, yes. Thank you, Brian.
Starting point is 01:04:08 That's really important. Why don't you guys all – thank you, Brian. You're a good dude. What a generous – go to And after you get a job, you can celebrate by going to – walking around the block and watching the podcast. It's episode 63. It's called last chance qualifier with phil toon oh now i'm remembering it more and more i think you're i think jordan was there in
Starting point is 01:04:30 the room with you and your um and her mom were in the room with you laughing at you last time too and now i can hear on the side laughing again what a good what a good girlfriend she's the best trolls you there in the living room as you do podcasts. I'm going to get so much shit afterwards. It's going to be great. That is awesome. You're not going to get the whole bed tonight. That's all right. We have two bedrooms now, so it's fine.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Is there – you guys know the workouts. I don't know the workouts. Phil doesn't know the workouts, right? You guys have an idea of what they are. What do you want to ask? I just, I, I will defer to Brian cause I don't know what I'm allowed to not say and say. I mean, if you guys want to give me the workouts, it'll be our secret. I promise. Hey, will you do that workout Phil before a water Palooza? Now that you know the clean one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:25 I think Matt said we can give it a go on Friday. So, um, if you, if you want to see Phil tune, um, do his, uh,
Starting point is 01:05:34 do his thing. If you want, if you're, if you want to jump, you're, you're on the fence of whether to jump on the Phil tune bandwagon. Um, is that the event to watch him in Brian?
Starting point is 01:05:43 John. Yeah. Like, will it be his best event of the weekend? I don't know. I don't know about that. It's a workout that he should be exciting to watch on for sure, yeah. Yeah, he's going to showcase his skills. Yeah, he's always going to be amongst the strongest competitors in any field he enters into.
Starting point is 01:05:58 He'll be around top five for sure, if not top three in that workout. And it is Miami and it is Wad wataplooza so i'm assuming there will be swimming so if you wanted to see phil also if you hate phil and you want to see him drown there'll be an opportunity to do that too i heard they have life jackets at wataplooza so i'm looking forward to that oh no shit the athletes can wear life jackets yeah but i think you get an automatic last place so i don't even know why you would ask for a life jacket. Hey, you could doggy pal a certain amount of distance. Well, what,
Starting point is 01:06:29 then what's the distance? I don't know, but I'm saying, I think you can doggy paddle, whatever it is just to make it not be in last place. There you go. That was good. Nice work,
Starting point is 01:06:38 Phil. That's something I would do. Thank you. I, uh, we had a Jake Marconi on yesterday. Sorry for picking my ingrown hair on the show. We had Jake Marconi on yesterday, and we were asking him, like, so is Mal O'Brien with Fraser or what?
Starting point is 01:06:54 You know who Mal O'Brien is, that girl? No, I don't know Mal O'Brien. She's just some chick who's on the scene. Anyway, so he just wouldn't tell us and then this morning morning chalk up's like i mean we already knew obviously but this morning morning chalk up broke it i'm a fan after i saw that 390 pound clean on his ig jeff evans that's a good fan to have thank you man um will be this be the biggest crowd you ever competed in front of um yeah i mean i think this crowd is going to be just as big if not as big as the games wadapuz is a huge event and this year sounds like it's gearing up to be bigger than ever
Starting point is 01:07:38 oh so yesterday i called it poe dunk it's not poe dunk we corrected you yesterday also uh here we go this is it the 390 no sweat hey that's not sped up that's did you go did you go for 405 after that no i wasn't even supposed to be doing a one-round it looked it looked it looked not the pool but the squat looked easy enough that's the problem is if i can if what we're trying to do right now so like i struggle with snatching um it's just like balancing not not speed under it balancing speed off the floor and uh speed at the hips like trying to slow myself down a little bit off the floor because my deadlift is stronger. So the bar doesn't feel as heavy. So sometimes I suffer
Starting point is 01:08:30 in positions off the floor, especially with the snatch being such a, you know, so much more technical. So we're trying to kind of slow me down a little because if I, if I catch a four or five clean, I'll stand it up. If I catch four 25, I'll stand it up if i catch 425 i'll stand it up so if i can just kind of like bring the two together the speed and the power then um i think i'll definitely be able to put some more weight on both my snatch and clean does that mean your power your power is very good then comparatively to your squat or no because your pool is so no my power is the opposite it's the opposite dude yeah i can only power clean like like if i power clean three like 325 i'm happy but i can i also like if i can high
Starting point is 01:09:13 i have high hang clean 392 like also you're happy that this is the our hang cleans then um yeah because i kind of just throw in the hip pocket and just dive under it he made a good point before seven we didn't talk about it but the ability to power hang clean these will determine the workout because not everybody's going to be able to power it in the hang clean um like yermo is an amazing at olympic lifting but he's an amazing squatter that doesn't necessarily make him amazing power cleaner if that makes sense you mean you mean you mean you mean as opposed to squat clean it when you hang squat clean is that what you mean some people are going to have to hang squat clean it
Starting point is 01:09:53 yeah they won't be able to power it and and that'll give and that'll basically allow them to cycle it faster yeah yeah correct i've never back squatted three 60. That's correct. And I never deadlifted three 60 either. I think I, my, I think I did three 15 for 15 and once or something. I think that was it. I think my back broke in half and I never deadlifted again. Um, uh, that, that, that chick in the red who high fives you after you do the three 90. Is that, is that your lady? Yep. And do you guys train a lot together? Yeah. I mean, she's right now we're going to the gym pretty much at the same time every day,
Starting point is 01:10:28 but she's doing her powerlifting specific stuff and I'm over there on the bike suffering. And is that the gym where all the athletes who are in this camp, what's the camp called? Is it called the Matt Torres camp? Uh, I mean, I would probably call it like brute training, like the HQ. So it's going to be the brute strength HQ. It's just going to be based in Naples. So not only is it going to be Matt Torres athletes, like any other brute athletes, and we're going to hold some brute camps there. So it's just going to be, you know,
Starting point is 01:10:56 people that work with all the brute coaches are welcome, I think. And they have a facility already? No, we don't have one yet. Like I said, we're training out of that gym redline fitness in naples which is right across the street from where it's going to be and where matt owns crossfit naples um and this gym redline is pretty much an open gym all day so we'll get to go and do our thing matt owns crossfit naples yes did he buy it from somebody yep who did he buy it from somebody? Yep. Who'd he buy it from? No idea. Is it, is it a, is it a son and a mom? I think I did a piece in my early CrossFit career on that gym. And I think
Starting point is 01:11:33 it was a young man who owned that gym and his mom had cancer and they owned it together and she fought off cancer. Oh, wow. Yeah. I think I'm sure, I'm sure Torres knows the story. Hopefully he'll come on the podcast and I can ask him. It's not that big. No, it's relatively small. I mean, it's not small, but it's got the roll-up doors and the whole shebang, right? Yep. Yeah, and that's how I knew Naples was clean. It's basically one of those warehouse areas where all the places have roll-up doors and it's still clean as shit.
Starting point is 01:12:02 It's cleaner than most strip malls in Phoenix. It's super nice. Yeah. yeah god naples is nice and the beaches are amazing and the wildlife is amazing there's crazy birds there right just nuts yeah i mean the beaches the beach is crazy here dude like we the first day we went to the beach i couldn't believe how calm the water was and it's been like that pretty much every day we've gone and cleaned yeah insanely cleaned and warm and blue yeah it's nuts i want i i i want to move there do it man i do i do want to move there you can join the fit in with the population not quite john the new population quite not quite um can't beat the 239 what's this man jeff jeff we need to get him on the show can't beat the tc that's the zip code or the area code area for naples all right miami miami 239 i think naples Is it Naples or Miami? Yeah, I mean Miami is 305. 305?
Starting point is 01:13:06 Pitbull, come on, man. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That didn't hit me until I said it. Fort Myers, he said. Fort Myers. Oh, okay. That's not far. It's like 25, 30 minutes. So I'm assuming when Waterpaloozaia starts you'll go there you'll get a hotel room it's too far to drive it's two and a half hours right you don't go back and forth
Starting point is 01:13:28 every day no but we got an airbnb because uh i don't have anybody to watch my dogs so i had to bring them with me okay and so so you go there and what day do you show up i'm originally i was gonna go wednesday but now since we're going thursday i'm gonna leave tuesday afternoon so i can move around a little bit Wednesday, keep my body. My back gets super tight from driving, so move my body around a little bit on Wednesday, be ready to go for Thursday. So you'll drive out there Tuesday? Yep. And that's the 11th or 12th?
Starting point is 01:13:58 I want to say the 11th. And then when do you come home? Do you come home that night or do you stay and party? Stay and party, 100%. You do? It's Miami, man. Okay. And we have a lot of friends coming to watch. The rest of the crew is not allowed to party, though.
Starting point is 01:14:14 Because they're not 21? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, even if Dallin's 21, he's not partying. What parties are you going to, John? These are dance parties. what parties are you going to john these are dance parties and um and and then so then you'll go home on the 17th and it's just back to work yeah uh i'm gonna take a few days off from the gym though my body my body will need it
Starting point is 01:14:36 and then the only thing on the menu is the open then it's just full steam ahead gotta just just open quarterfinals semifinals games exactly no other distractions nope are you going to the games this year what do you think i think you are brian i'll give my projections when semifinals uh are set i mean i honestly think that he's those guys that we're talking about that are right on the cusp of going are the people that it matters most for how the semifinals end up being structured. Will we be forced to have one online this year? Will all
Starting point is 01:15:15 the Canadians have to compete at the same one again? How will they be distributed? Will it be based on preference, open rank, geography? And then, I mean, we saw it last year. There was just a difference. Some of the fields were kind of top top heavy where there's like three guys you knew and then there were like 10 guys who were fighting for two spots and there were others where it was it was uh you know it's just tough there was like five guys that you're like man maybe one of these guys misses out but there's one spot that we're all fighting for so i think it's big you know it's too early to say for at least you know for everyone outside of maybe five guys eight guys in north america it's too early to say yeah i agree i'm gonna do everything i can just put in the work and you know see what happens
Starting point is 01:15:58 when we get there was the um what did you prefer to compete online last year in the semifinals at the last chance? Oh, I mean, I would have loved to have been in person. I think just being in person, the adrenaline, the nerves, like it's just, you can use all of it. You can use all of it so much more than you could when you're, for me, at least when I'm in my gym, like it's still, I still felt like I was competing because I knew what was at stake. Um, but I would rather be in person.
Starting point is 01:16:22 It's so much more fun. And you know, you know how it feels when you get that adrenaline going it changes a lot too some people rise to the occasion and others don't and you don't i mean we don't know who those people are until it happens yeah but it but it totally is a thing as far as in-person competition goes especially think early on in in someone's competitive crossfit career the more times you can get out on the live stage in a meaningful environment that like you're gonna you're just gonna learn a little bit more yeah and that's exactly what i was saying earlier
Starting point is 01:16:55 you know having not been on a live stage with you know such good competitors in front of such a big crowd and such an important event like just the experience the repetition of being there is just going to help my career so much going forward not just for this year for years going forward oh i just saw it he he's he's acting chill like this is just there's something going on with phil phil's like acting like this is just chill and like just another day in the gym and this is just a test run you're trying to keep your nerves down you're talking yourself like yeah i get it i finally got it what the fuck is going on with this guy like there's like he's part like i'll bite you if you put your hand in the cage and part like no i'm good i'm good but i i'm good i'm good is just uh you're just trying to stay calm yeah you're just coping yes i get it Yeah. You're just coping. Yes. I get it.
Starting point is 01:17:45 I respect it. I totally respect it. Yep. We all cope different ways. I respect it. I respect it. Yep. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:52 Talker Phil. Uh, I'm keep to myself and leave me the fuck alone. Damn. You and Colton are going to be best friends. You and Colton are going to get along. Colton, did you meet anyone at the games? No, I didn't go there to make friends.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Well, so-and-so said he talked to you. He goes, yeah, he talked to me some. Colton's the kind of guy in the corral, he'll have a book. I have way too bad ADHD to do that. To read a book in the corral. adhd to do that no way to read a book in the corral someone needs someone needs to do that phil tunes phil tunes the guy who's in the corral with his beats headphones on just jamming away to whatever tune and everything else out i think i you're not wrong these fucking guys want to make fun of my slam dunk video i'll show them get on the podium and not do another podcast with these douchebags come on the step on podcast and get harassed someone dm'd me that
Starting point is 01:18:53 basket was nine feet oh nice nice will old humor, tuning it all out. Well, I am really looking forward to you seeing you compete. I do think that the scary part is that you say you're healthy. I think you're going to I think you're going to do fantastic. I'm glad I know you you i'm looking forward to watching you uh it's gonna be cool thank god that the men's competition is so much better than the women's competition at uh wadapalooza so the money and effort you're putting in there will be uh give
Starting point is 01:19:36 you a good measurement of where you're at yeah it's the truth right the women's competition is like it doesn't have the same prestige on the surface that the men's does no who do you want it would be great it would be great if Ariel Lohan won that is she doing individual or is she going as a team individual yeah I'd like to see her win
Starting point is 01:19:59 that it would be tough but she should do really well she's good this would be her best opportunity to win it i mean the story i never talked to her last year but the stories coming out of her you know around her the myth of ariel lowen is that she just wanted to go to semi-finals to get some signage and then she ends up at the game so just imagine what's going to happen if like she gives a fuck right who knows sometimes people compete better when
Starting point is 01:20:27 they don't feel a lot of pressure and if you have a couple good performances and then people are expecting something of you that can mess with someone's head too i don't think that that's true for her but sometimes competing free is the best way to compete everyone about to get tuned up are there a lot of good tune jokes? Yeah, dude. I mean, cartoon, it's just very easy to pick on. Yeah, it's good. If you got married to Jordan, would she take your name, Jordan Tune?
Starting point is 01:20:58 That'll be a question for her. Jordan Tune. Is she ever going to do anything where she earns the right to be on this show is she ever gonna get big time she really wants to be on this show but who doesn't yeah yeah she's gotta she's gotta do cooler stuff i don't know um hey i do want to say this thank you for changing your time i know we changed the time on you by two hours today and that was lame no it's all right no problem all right anything you guys want to say to uh mr toon before oh and uh and brian will be there and matt souza will be there
Starting point is 01:21:30 at the event um if they bug you and they're bugging you just tell them no thank you um but we will be bugging you throughout the week and uh no hard feelings if you're too busy to respond so cool just so you know yeah i have your phone i have your phone number you're kind of fucked she wants to say hi sorry hey what's up girl oh yeah look at look at the i saw some i saw some you've really been looking for every opportunity to flex your bicep recently dude i'm on so much fucking creatine you wouldn't believe it i'm on you can tell i've been i'm just i've done so much fucking creatine and arginine you should got that liver king supplements dude you and the liver and you should see that you should see
Starting point is 01:22:15 you should see how vascular my penis is getting from all the arginine I've been taking. It's crazy. I'll send you guys a photo in our thread, in our group thread. It's nuts. Perfect. It's nuts. All right. Anything you guys want to say to Mr. Toon before I send you guys this photo?
Starting point is 01:22:37 Good luck to you. Look forward to watching you compete. Thank you, man. I think it's going to be a blast. I'm happy you're competing there and do my best to say hi when. Thank you, man. I think it's going to be a blast. I'm happy you're competing there and do my best to say hi when I see you. Sweet. Well, thank you guys for having me. It was a blast and
Starting point is 01:22:51 be talking soon.

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