The Sevan Podcast - #255 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: January 7, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:42 We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply just keeps going up bam we're live why am i nervous i was fired fucking two years ago i think we're all a little nervous oh my goodness i have so much to talk about so much to talk about i gotta close my text. Don't text me unless you're married to me. What's up, Sousa?
Starting point is 00:01:31 Not much. I've never had seven pages of notes for a show. I watched all the – well, not all. I tried to watch all the stuff that came out about Dave Castro being fired, the Morning Chalk of stuff with Tommy LaFranco and the blonde girl, the guy, Craig Ritchie, the clickbait dude. I tried to watch. I didn't make it. As soon as I got to God, I really don't want to say anything bad about him. But man, that shit is bad. At 337, he's like, there'll be a lot of people out there doing, or however his accent is, who are into clickbait,
Starting point is 00:02:07 who will clickbait this and try, but really we don't know anything. Shut the fuck up. The king of fucking clickbait is telling us about fucking clickbait and the people who don't know, shut the fuck up. You fucking prick.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Yeah, that guy is a prick, by the way. He came to HQ once. I was very, very kind to him. I went over to introduce myself to him. He was sitting on the floor at the gym at HQ, and he couldn't even bother to look up and say hi. And I am a very, very kind and welcoming person. And that's okay. And that's okay, by the way. Like, I understand if someone's busy, but he was in my house, and there was a holier-than-thou vibe. But he's done quite well for himself. My God, that channel is exploding. And I do not know how people tolerate that. He puts in the work. But my kids like watching cars running over fucking –
Starting point is 00:02:59 like they'll watch a video of a car just rolling over like 10,000 tubes of toothpaste. And then I'll look and that video has a billion views so i mean yeah but whatever it's a different audience these days i watched the nate edwardson one he started off good and then he starts getting way out of his lane people people um people stand on the moon and ignore the dark side of the moon they think that like it doesn't exist because they haven't been there or, or I don't know what the proper metaphor is, but man, people will just talk out of their ass. Man, people would just talk out of their ass.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I mean, everybody's got an opinion, right? I don't know. Yeah. I don't know who to start with. I have something for every executive at fucking H at CrossFit HQ. I have, I have, I have tons of stuff for rose you want to start by talking about mental illness let me tell you about mental illness let me talk about not being adequate um adequately ready for your job you are a professional basketball player you get injured you break your leg no no worse that. Your fucking leg gets chopped off. And the next night you're on the floor with a wheelchair. And it's okay. It's just a game. There's billions of dollars on the line. It's okay. Let LeBron go out there in a wheelchair.
Starting point is 00:04:20 It's no big deal. It's just a game. It's basketball. They would never do that. You know why? Because he's in fucking capacitated and he's no longer capable of doing the job of playing the game. We have a man who two or three months ago told us he was bat shit crazy and needed a fucking break from the job. While 15,000 affiliates in 162 countries dealt with their fucking totalitarian governments who were shutting them down. And because of a disease that these gyms were made to fight. But he's stressed out? Cool, I get it. I fucking get it. No one's been more stressed out than me.
Starting point is 00:04:56 I was homeless for two years. I lived in a car for five years. I fully understand mental illness. Yes, I was capable of making some amazing decisions. Well, Savant, people with mental illness can make great decisions. Dude, do you know how good I was at fucking sleeping under a tree? I always knew how to pick the right tree. I knew which blankets to pick for which nights.
Starting point is 00:05:18 I was fucking brilliant. I was even getting pussy back then. even getting pussy back then it doesn't mean that you should be at the fucking helm of a company that's fucking in deep deep shit with real people at stake what's wrong with the ads what's up logan uh how you doing buddy i apologize for that i get that fixed i'll talk to someone so so don't tell me don't don't fucking like anyone be like he's mocking mental illness. Fuck you. And let me tell you something. You want to talk about mocking mental fucking illness? Do you know how much easier it is to be mentally ill when you're poor than when you're rich? Let me tell you something because he doesn't – he has no clue where the answer is.
Starting point is 00:06:03 The answer is at fucking rock bottom. It's the worst thing that can be happen in your life is to be mentally ill and filthy fucking rich. And you know what? You really want to impress me, Rosa? Rose X, Mr. Woke as fuck. You want to impress me? Tell me how you cured yourself.
Starting point is 00:06:24 What happened in this last two months what was what share with the community share with those people who were fucking mentally ill give us the solution that made it so you were so wise that you came back and fired tdc i gave dave that name by the way the dave castro is that on video and uh and uh and uh i made a video and i titled it the dave castro and uh andy stump text me that day or something and said dude his head is big enough please don't use that phrase the dave castro and those of you who think that it was inconsiderate uh i'm not gonna do racism
Starting point is 00:07:08 yet i'll come back to racism you fucking woke racist fucks i think you fucking bumped it all in there we're just getting right off just six minutes in baby it's um loaded huh it's a it's a it's a it's a uh it's it's a it's a it's a it's a travesty. They would not let someone play basketball in the wheelchair on the Lakers. You can't go on the floor and do that. And there's nothing at stake. Some Coca-Cola ad money? What do you think is really going on behind that?
Starting point is 00:07:39 Are you suggesting that that's why they fired Dave? I have no idea. No, thank you for asking that. I have no idea. No, thank you for asking that. I have no idea. It's just all preposterous. This fucking joke, this guy, Andrew Weinstein, who just fucking, it was his life goal to get Trump out of office and get, say that again? Who's Andrew Weinstein? Andrew Weinstein's a PR guy. He took over the fucking media department from me. There was never like, hey, Savan, it was never like, hey, Savon, we know you've been here for fucking 15 years. It was just like, hey, like I just knew that this guy was the boss.
Starting point is 00:08:10 And then we were on the calls and we were extremely cordial. I was extremely kind to him. He was extremely kind to me. I want to say that. But it was all just fucking smoke and mirrors. Out of nowhere, I was fucking fired after I was told there's no i was told by david woods um and weinstein on many occasions that i would not be fired and i was fired was there a discussion of like where andy stump on the show there's only i can't get careful careful only so many fronts
Starting point is 00:08:36 i'm gonna open up this evening i'm telling you though i want to tell you something now that my friend Dave isn't on that boat, rowers beware. Patrons on that boat beware. By the way, when I went to CrossFit Inc., when I i worked at crossfit inc there was no one i admired more than the l1 staff as a department i loved my team media team fucking the legal team was dope uh affiliate team fucking great man apollo shit kathy it's just amazing people over there um accounting like everyone i loved everyone but, but that L one team, I was brainwashed by Greg and supported by Nicole and Dave. And that brainwashing that there's no one better on the planet than them,
Starting point is 00:09:35 that they are the, the, they're like the test tube babies. They, Greg would basically say, if, if I died and everyone died, if just one of these trainers could survive,
Starting point is 00:09:44 this thing could live on. It would carry the message. Yes. And it really is fucking like that. I mean, there really is like that. And the reason why I bring this up is that there's something going on at the training department over there. Like that, like that video that was put up at Dave Castro. Like I can't that like.
Starting point is 00:10:03 You don't think Weinstein was behind that one? No, fuck no. Why not? I just just don't i'm open to being wrong i mean even even if he was like um there is they they must have they if they they must have a problem over there in that training department right now those people um that's one of theirs here's the thing let's say you fucking hate dave and you work at crossfit inc let me let me let me let me let me phrase it to you this way the way the way if you see the way dave is getting treated this is what you think so if you hook up with a chick and she leaves her boyfriend for you you should know that she's also going to hook up with another guy and leave you don't be surprised i'm not saying it's a bad thing they that whole like they just saw a foreigner come into their land claiming like messiah status and then get rid of
Starting point is 00:10:59 their fucking their original messiah do you know i? They just saw, they just saw one of their own slaughtered. It's not, it's not, um, it's not, yeah. Hey, you want to dig into that video? It's so funny. You bring that video up. That's Dave in Atlanta when the, when the DEI stunt was done and they pulled black kids together in Atlanta and taught them so that Rosa would look like he was doing something, right? Guess who went to that training, Dave? Guess where Rosa was that weekend? Froenings. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Uh-huh. Feeling the pulse of the community if you he came in here thinking that fucking katrin here today katrin gone tomorrow like don't like like rich is an anomaly like like he's here to stay but he's working hard to stay everyone else it's what have you done for me lately sports fans are fair weather as a motherfucker i don't care if you're a crossfit or not yeah champions are gonna come and go yeah they're gonna come and go the if you want to know the pulse by the way i was there that day i think i may have filmed that that's when dave taught a that was just an electrician that came to hq right there and he was go back to that second. That was just some electrician working at HQ in Santa Cruz. I thought that was Matt Bischel.
Starting point is 00:12:27 No, no. And Dave, oh, he's 30 years older than Matt Bischel. What the fuck? That's just an electrician. And he's like, oh, I'd like to try some of this. And fucking Dave walks over and goes, hey, I can help you get a muscle up if you want. And Dave just taught this fucking random dude who's an electrician at HQ. So we can get some sort of athletic experience prior to that.
Starting point is 00:12:54 The, the only person that I remember who had the tact when they came in the tack to say, thank you for everything you've built was a guy named Gary Gaines, guy in the affiliate team i think he runs the affiliate team i don't know but he's like basically well like when rosey came in they started parading the leaders in front of us right the new the new leaders and and when gary gaines spoke us, I think he was the only one. He was the only one I remember saying,
Starting point is 00:13:26 hey, it was, and I remember because it affected me. I was like, wow, finally someone acknowledges, like he was talking to the people who built it because it was all the people, you know, left behind from the Greg era. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:36 And it was kind of like, oh shit, this guy actually acknowledged what we did. What was the talk like early stages of like, you know? Let me just say one more thing the trauma done to the staff at crossfit hq now is really bad it's fucking it i guarantee you it's it's pure fucking chaos you're not it's worse than what it looks like on the internet you know usually the internet's way worse than what it looks like it's worse people. People are fucking shaken. I think it's shaken to their cores that Dave would be fucking that.
Starting point is 00:14:09 I mean, even even if you hated Dave, you still saw him as this incredibly super high end functional, competent leader. Fucking Justin LaFranco, this fucking clown. Hey, you guys nailed it on that morning. Chalk up shit. If you, if you want to just hear bullshit fluff, go over there. Let me, let me tell you what, why Craig Ritchie, Nate, and I didn't listen to all of Craig Ritchie, so I apologize, but why Nate, Craig Ritchie and, and, and morning chalk up the first reason why they're jokes. And you can call me an arrogant douche for this. I don't care. Because they should have said, hey, if you really want the scoop, you should go over and get ready for the Sevan podcast.
Starting point is 00:14:50 You should go over there and fucking subscribe and be ready because that shit's going to unfold right there. I'm just telling you the truth. That's what I would say. Those guys are afraid to mention my fucking name because they think that would give them him attention. Those guys don't realize that rising tides raise all ships. I'm doing you a favor by saying your name. You should do me the same favor. Maybe they just want to stay in the good graces of CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Yeah, maybe. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. They don't realize how they're going to get media access. And so if they go against the grain i mean it's it's almost the same way we see the media the politicians on a larger scale right i guarantee you lefranco and weinstein are on speed dial like of course like like speed up um hey uh speaking of um people in the ecosystem will you pull up uh that video of uh that that guy wiki made uh will i think i i think
Starting point is 00:15:47 i sent you a link will you are an arrogant douche but you are our arrogant douche oh look at this i want to show you guys something while while he does this um this is a this is a letter I got from Wadzombie came to my house you know when shit like this happens Wadzombie I'm like I gave my address to this guy am I out of my fucking mind I see it I see it thank you for doing the podcast
Starting point is 00:16:26 it has really changed my life and thank you for all your support nick of time love you dude bam I'm gonna put these on my van is that cool okay this guy look at this guy this is how I know I've made it I'm just gonna play if you guys want to see this
Starting point is 00:16:42 whole video this guy made it's about me so of course I love it and I love anything positive or negative but let's just listen to like uh a minute of it and then i put the whole thing on my instagram um you should watch it there don't go to his youtube site and watch it watch it on my instagram so i get thank you peace out okay let's let's sit here will oh shit i don't have my headphones on. 60 to 65. Maybe early 60s, but. Wait, can you start it over? 60. He.
Starting point is 00:17:24 You did an interview, I think it was last year, with a guy, I don't know what country he's from, and I can't say his name. He has four constants in his name. I think his name is Weeks, W-Y-K-S. That's close. Weeks is pretty close. Do you know who that is? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's an older guy. He looks older than me. Yeah. Okay. Come on, bro. You're
Starting point is 00:17:49 Sevan. Come on, mate. You're the oldest guy on CrossFit. All right. He's got to be 65. All right. Well, he shouldn't have let him say that part. Hey, does it sound different when I put my headphones on now that I have my headphones on?
Starting point is 00:18:06 No, it's sounds the same. Okay. I do plan on having a guest today, but this show is – has on occasion had guests not show up. I apologize. Clickbait. No, not clickbait. As I start sharing – hey, watch Chris Beesterfield in the comments. Get ready to just kick him to the curb, okay?
Starting point is 00:18:50 I sound nicer with my headphones on. Thank you. As I start sharing, sharing more and more things with you guys that I'm hearing, that I'm seeing, and that I remember from my days there and my perspective on what's going on there uh with uh the relationship and just everything that's going on in the ecosystem from fucking the chick who took who has my job now who took weinstein's job the chief marketing officer what's aaron something or uh i talked to you about rosa or or whoever about dave getting fired i want you to know one thing there's a ton of stuff that i know that i just don't want to say yet because i don't want to be vague about it and I don't want to leave empty holes. I don't want to, I don't want to be like, yeah, this person was, um, did things that were sexually explicit, but I can't tell you what, because that's what happened to me. And that's
Starting point is 00:19:36 what happened to Greg. And that's what happened to CrossFit. You have to understand that there were people like Andy Stumpf who did that podcast and he left all of this vague shit. And so it's during the Weinstein era and he lives all he left all of this vague shit. And so it's during the Weinstein era, and he leaves all of this vague shit, and it's like then people fill in the blanks, right? And I don't appreciate that. I don't appreciate that at all because – and new york times did that also they wrote that article and there's an article about me and they paint me in this way but they don't say exactly what i did and it's super duper vague and you could have easily have gone back to that podcast and they could have just said hey we listened to the podcast savon did with stacy tovar and um and we have some issues with it maybe you should listen we didn't think it was appropriate. Like they don't say that.
Starting point is 00:20:26 As an authority, they paint it like I did something wrong. Right. They're just framing it. That's all. They're trying to frame it in a way because there's nothing really there. There's no meat and potatoes because they would have hung you out to dry if there was. Right. So they have to frame it that way.
Starting point is 00:20:38 And when Rosa saw that article, the first thing out of his mouth or one of the things out of his mouth was, is that guy going to resign? Do you know why he said that? Do you know why he said that? I know why he said that because I've been in a room with Rosa when he has said this. When Eric Rosa has said, I know that there's not a problem at CrossFit. There's a perception problem, and all I care about is perception. And not only was i in the room when he said that but justin berg was in the room that's another one uh i have lots to say about
Starting point is 00:21:10 justin too uh uh justin berg was in the room and dave castro was in the room and i was in the room and i think maybe one more person it was at crossfit hq in scotts valley they don't care about anything about besides perception i shouldn't say anything i don't care about anything besides perception. I shouldn't say anything. I don't know that. Perception is huge to them. That's why I know they're fucking freaking out. And you guys are making the exact same mistake, the exact same mistake that Greg made. He fired the fucking media team.
Starting point is 00:21:40 He turned off Facebook and Instagram. And then when the Floyd 19 19 floyd 19 thing happened we couldn't fight you guys have no way of fighting you can hq cannot even speak for itself you're a fucking boat floating out there in the middle of nowhere and you had one soldier on the boat and you fired him you got you got rid of the one guy who has the stomach to fight i'm trying to just unwrap my head around what the master plan is here they don't have one dude it is it is it is it's up there with as bad as getting rid of facebook and instagram it's there is there is no um anyway i want to go back to the thing so there's things that i know about people
Starting point is 00:22:24 and i'm going to give you another example of someone who did it, who works at HQ, that I recently had fixed. I had the truth come out of my head. I don't want to do that about people because I don't want to leave you with stuff that's weird. So I'm going to give you an example. Julie Foucher a while back was going through some shit, and she was breaking up with her husband. And she wrote some shit on her Instagram that basically said that the day before her wedding or something like that, there were some issues with her husband, and she kept it really vague. And then she said as the relationship went on or after they got married or whatever, these things unfolded, and she realized she had made the wrong decision. I'm paraphrasing.
Starting point is 00:22:54 I apologize to Julie if I got it wrong. This is my takeaway from it. And because she was vague, I thought this dude was out at fucking gay strip clubs just fucking getting gang banged that's where i went in my head like what why would i why would i marry a guy in the next day fucking not see him i just pictured dudes just squirting just baster fools at ky in his ass and fucking taking him or vice versa that's because that's how i am that's that's just the thought i had in my head wow what she she married a dude and then left him because of something she knew but she didn't want to act
Starting point is 00:23:30 on and she should have known better than to and i find out fucking today he was into porn he's just into porn like like like like 99 like like your current boyfriend lincoln brown is probably into porn too he just doesn't tell you just guessing just guessing based on men in general is that guy and so what is that guy an athlete or something no he's the kentucky fried chicken guy his dad his dad got rich mate doing kentucky fried chicken and was like governor of kentucky or something and then and then he this is the guy i've talked about him before he tried to be friends with greg during the anthos thing and then the second he rose it came in the picture he started being a snake and like turned on greg and then he was like positioning julie to like say shit like there's this recording one day i'll
Starting point is 00:24:12 release it if julie called and left on uh greg's machine it's like four minutes of her crying it's fucking crazy greg please give me the company it's fucking nuts absolute nuts and anyway and and and i and i and scoop here wow and before this new guy there's some english guy who's like the president of crossfit now uh jack joseph jeremy johnson something and he's a serial executive he like like it's so funny they brag to us like he was at starbucks and he was at nike and he was Panda Express. And it's like no one's like, wow, that's really cool. No one's smart. Everyone's like, hmm, I wonder why you can't hold down a job. Yeah, Big Johnson.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Thank you, Colin. Anyway, so Lincoln was – I heard. This is just speculation rumor that he was trying to be the president of CrossFit and then now this guy got it, but Lincoln's in bed with Julie and Rosa with some, with that health thing where they're trying to let doctors get into the affiliates and take money from the affiliate owners, which is one perspective on it. And yeah, it's just a mess. And anyway, I'm also hearing rumors now that someone, you should write, but I wrote a book. Do you want to talk about that for a second, Christine? There's five people writing books, six people writing books right now. There's some
Starting point is 00:25:25 moron from the New York times who keeps contacting me who I keep Caleb or something. Oh, you're Caleb. No, Caleb. Shit. Caleb's my guy. He's not a moron, but it is a K it's a cause something. And he keeps saying, Hey, I'm from the New York times. Will you talk to me? I'm writing a book about CrossFit. And I just want just want to be like dude you work at a place full of liars and people who hurt people professionally and i come from a fucking pedigree that's to save people's fucking lives and spread the message of fucking don't eat sugar and don't eat refined carbohydrates and do the right thing for the right reasons for the right people and you want and you want me to talk to you i talk to you i just forward those let all those letters he sends me to my lawyers and uh and and and basically uh like i don't want to be mean to him i write
Starting point is 00:26:13 stuff back but then i don't send it because i'm just so like not the messenger it's not the messenger fucking no but he he thinks like it's like telling me you went to Harvard and you want me to respect that. I can Google Harvard and corrupt and – so – I lost my train of thought. Oh, books. So books. So there's a book coming out from the Glassman camp. There's the CrossFit book. There's this guy from the new york times um kaylin kayla kaylor something the guy like who whatever uh there's there's a um steve weiss the former attorney general counsel for crossfit is working on a book uh jeff kane the former uh ceo hi i have crossfit is coming out the book and then and then i always forget that i have a book i wrote a book but i never released it it was it was when they when they fired the media team
Starting point is 00:27:13 for part of cathartic purposes i wrote a book i forced myself to write a page every single day single spaced for several hundred days it would be bad if that book got out i think i mean not for me it would be a great movie i was thinking about changing the names be some king of king of thrones game of thrones shit game of thrones meets sons of anarchy meets yellowstone we definitely need a netflix special i don't i don't know which one you should read um but uh um tournament of screenplays i'm excited i'm excited about them in the same way our guest isn't coming on today i just got a text i apologize uh i so if you want to go you can just go now um and that's how transparent i am chris chris you just said I'm out. Do you know what a fucking tool you are?
Starting point is 00:28:07 Get the fuck out of here. Um, you just can't stay away. You just can't stay away. You're like one of those people who wants to sleep with AOC, huh? You just can't. You just want to sleep with her so bad. Did you see that shit? Did you see what she wrote?
Starting point is 00:28:28 Yeah, I did. Oh, my God. It was pretty funny. So I like all those books coming out. I like Dave getting fired just, I mean, for all, for the most selfish, self-indulgent reasons. fired um just i mean for all for the most selfish um self-indulgent reasons every time something like that happens it's just a more fodder to just talk more about what i'm an expert about and and like to say more things and to feel freer and and i understand although i was picking on uh craig and nate and uh the morning chalk up it is really different when you're not in the ecosystem
Starting point is 00:29:01 like i am not in the ecosystem I'm using the ecosystem as fuel to make money to put my kids through jujitsu. Like I just walked out into the podcast room and my kids said, Hey, will you transform my transformer? I said, no, I'm going to make money for your jujitsu class. That's all. That's all I'm doing. But, but, but I do have some, I do have a ton of friends over there and I love the L1 team and I love the CrossFit message. And so there's this – man, dude, they're screwed. They are really, really screwed. There was something Tommy said and I get the sentiment and it was the same thing with the sentiment when people would say, hey, it's not about one man. It's not about Greg or it's not about Dave.
Starting point is 00:29:43 That's like you're missing the point. It's the way you're thinking about it that allows you to say that, but you're missing the point. It's not that it's about one man. It's that they carry the spirit, and until they pass the spirit – and I'll be more specific. I won't use something so vague as spirit and woke. Until they pass the spirit or someone else can take that spirit, it will die with them as they leave. And so what I mean by that is in the most immediate sense, it was how they left. So the way Greg was pushed out and the way that Dave is being fired, these do irreversible damage to CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:30:26 So, um, the community will never be the same. Now that Greg is gone ever, ever, ever. It will, it will, it will not, it's already begun this cascade of selling out to the nth degree. The affiliates feel it. They, the, all the stuff that people used to hate about Greg, like there's affiliates now who are like oh shit I actually really like that it's and that's going to happen with Dave too that's what's happening right now basically more so with Dave
Starting point is 00:30:56 than Greg people don't realize that whoever made that decision didn't realize Dave was a character like he was a um not a character he was a fixture and by the way when like when nate anderson says he referred to dave as having vince mcmahon antics i mean that's just like dude your shit is vince mcmahon antics are you gonna speculate on on as to why you think they fired him i mean i did that in the last
Starting point is 00:31:27 show they they they can't manage him he's too much to manage he's a talent that's too big basically what's gonna happen why do they want to manage him like what's the larger you have a you have a movie you want to make 500 million dollars and you have um uh i'm gonna age myself here but who are big actors you have fucking fucking Dustin Hoffman, Taylor Swift, and The Rock in it, right? And all of a sudden, you realize that you can't – the director can't control The Rock. He's refusing to do certain things. So what do you do? You get rid of The Rock and you replace him with Sylvester Stallone? I don't think so. You get rid of the director. just alone i don't think so you get rid of the director and so basically what they've done here is that they had a super talent and they couldn't manage them and i get it i had super fucking talents i fired one fucking dude when i was at crossfit inc ian wittenberg like he basically
Starting point is 00:32:16 walked around the office like telling me i was a piece of shit and i hung in there i hung in there that's because the fucking dude is talented and could work. I'm telling you, show up to the office at 10 o'clock. This dude's sleeping in his fucking office in between editing sessions. Tell me to fuck off all day long. Tell me you hate me. I need your content. And so they just couldn't manage him.
Starting point is 00:32:41 I mean, I have no proof of that, but that's what I would speculate. I cannot believe that it was a competence issue at all. If you are a pussy, and I've been a pussy so veneer that woke people need that Dave does not provide. The interesting thing is Justin will provide that more than adequately. Justin will navigate that woke corporate bullshit insincere crap to a fucking T. God, I really don't want to tear into him. What you got in those notes over there, Beers? I really don't want to tear into him.
Starting point is 00:33:44 I apologize. Sevan pussies are strong. They take a beating. know afterwards i was like oh shit like could i should have used another word i love a pussy uh but whatever it happens i feel like a podcaster su Sousa. Why is that? I don't know. I just do. I just feel like a podcaster. I never felt like the director of CrossFit Media. When I had a paper route, I never felt like a paper boy. That's good. You own it.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Yeah. I feel like a podcaster. And so I'm not going to say vague things. I'm not going to say vague things. I don't want to mislead people. I, I, if I can't, if I can't like what, like what I just did about Justin,
Starting point is 00:34:34 like, like I, that was a little vague. That was a little big, like, like I left a seed there. Like, Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:34:39 I know some shit about him. I'm not going to tell you. Like, I wish I wouldn't have done that. I don't want to do that. I don't really know anything about him, by the way. I just have opinions about him. You not gonna tell you like i wish i wouldn't have done that i don't want to do that i don't really know anything about him by the way i just have opinions about him you should just do a series and uh from your from your book just do one episode per chapter and slowly unfold the whole story uh i yeah maybe get a couple of characters of the story
Starting point is 00:34:59 that are willing to sit in and tell their chapter with you do you guys want to see something cool let's see let's go over here uh oh shit do i not have my notes i'm not sharing a page right now am i like if i push a button it's not going to be like a picture of me bathing with my wife no okay um give the people what they want look at this oh shit opened up over here okay no uh over here oh should i just send this to you will i'll send this to you right you you like that better huh you like that better huh i get nervous when you share this okay okay okay okay you have a lot of a lot going on with where do i go i go to private chat and i just and i said okay okay yeah there you go just get a little copy paste that private chat i i saw this i came across this girl's instagram account the other day this was she used to be like a staple
Starting point is 00:35:54 in the crossfit community and i always wondered what happened to her this is uh what happens to girls if they do crossfit i just cannot believe how pretty this girl still is not that it's been that long you know who that is oh yeah yeah yeah uh what uh jack i can't see her name jackie yeah jackie perez go to her go to her full page so it's it's weird i was talking to um taylor williamson yesterday or is that this morning last night i don't i don't remember and i was just mentioning i mentioned raw ronnie teasdale and she didn't know who he was and i'm like man i'm from a whole different fucking era like a dinosaur in this community but then i remember people who don't know her this girl was everywhere she was a fucking rock star and she was cool as shit anyway i just came across her instagram the other day and now she's like uh she's like a woman she's not even a girl anymore
Starting point is 00:36:56 how many followers does she have i don't know how many followers she has 7 000 oh no 230 239 000 yeah i mean she stayed relevant for a long time what she was like competitive back in like 2012 or i don't know that was was christmas abbott competitive well i mean like regional competitive yeah i mean like final heat regionals i'm related to the games i'm sensitive to that maybe on team maybe on a team oh there's another book so these are the books i'm sorry so sorry you guys ready for this get your notes back out and we need to rewrite this section about books so so there's uh emily caplan i think that's the crossfit book there's steve weiss that's the former general counsel jeff kane that's the former ceo then there's brian mulvaney i heard
Starting point is 00:37:38 he's he's written or writing a book and then there's me and i have but that's five books i have no intention of publishing my book ever and i have an audio series yeah but yeah now i have a podcast what do you guys want to talk about do you guys uh oh i want to show you guys a video jackie does it all for sure armed and with some kick-ass moves yeah yeah i don't know if i was supposed to talk about that so i didn't mention that but i had heard that too yes armed and dangerous for sure what do you mean armed i don't know if we're supposed to yeah i don't know if we're supposed to talk about that oh did you i didn't get the map book but i will buy the map book um did didn't you do a live reading of it i wanted to see matt's live reading of it that's cool uh there's a ton of it wait seven what about carl webb she all woke
Starting point is 00:38:32 she is mayhem now uh i i don't i don't think of mayhem as woke but i don't either i don't either i don't think so i think they just they i don't hate woke people they're just they're just dumb fucks but i don't hate them why don't you um dumb fucks, but I don't hate them. Why don't you – can you play the woke video before we go further and talk about woke? I want you – this is – or it's the diversity video. We play the diversity video. This will explain to you my perspective of woke people. This is it right here. Who is it? Will Wolfhard. It's Peter Boghossian. Diversity. When the woke use the word diversity, they mean people who look
Starting point is 00:39:06 different but think alike. For example, a diverse hiring pool would include people who look different but have nearly identical opinions about social, cultural, and political issues. A Black conservative, for example, would not be a diverse candidate because even though a Black conservative looks different from the majority group, he doesn't subscribe to the woke worldview. Ultimately, when you hear the word diversity, translate that as a desire for superficial differences while holding an identical worldview. CrossFit. That's what CrossFit is. You only care about perception. That's it. I mean, that's what that's what crossfit is that's the like you only care about perception that's it i mean that's that's the woke that's the shit that's like that's like someone um it's so funny
Starting point is 00:39:53 like uh two white people will be like i it was totally inappropriate that you made that comment about crossfit games not having swimming because it it makes it more difficult for black people because of their lack of access to pools. And that's, that's, that's, that's racist. And three back people DM me and are like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:40:10 that was totally cool. Spot on. Yeah. Fuck that. We got to find our pools. No one should be like lowering the bar for, for anyone based on what they have or don't have access to. It's fucking,
Starting point is 00:40:18 this is the fittest. Isn't it funny? It's like, it's like, and I know why the white people don't want to talk about it. They're uncomfortable as shit they're uncomfortable and guilty as shit what happened to arm and hammer you know i i don't know but uh but it would be a
Starting point is 00:40:42 it would be a – that's not nice. That's not nice. That's not nice, Omar. Where did you become Sean Hannity? Isn't that – that's funny, though, too, like how quick people are just to like – always just try to discredit you by just calling you a name or something, right? Crazy Town Banana P Right. Crazy town, banana pants,
Starting point is 00:41:06 crazy town, banana. Don't listen to him. Don't discuss the argument. Don't discuss the issue. Don't, don't, don't,
Starting point is 00:41:14 don't discuss the facts. Crazy town, banana pants. What would you think about Castro going to loud and live program and organizing water, pollution, grand games? I don't think that they have enough fucking money.
Starting point is 00:41:26 And I don't think that he, like, dude, where he goes next, it's going to have to be like, I wouldn't be surprised if the fucking UFC wasn't reaching out to him. He's special, man. You guys, it's not a joke. It's not a joke. He's got some really cool friends. He's got some really cool friends man you guys it's not a joke he's not a joke cool friends he's got some really cool friends yeah it's not a joke you know who reached out to me today uh the liver king and said hey do you mind put me in touch with dave castro said no problem i guarantee you there's a fucking, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:07 He's gone. Now, basically what they did is like, think of Dave Castro as just a big old plug in a wooden boat. And they pulled that plug out and threw it overboard. And now the boat's filling up with water. And it's going to be weird. It's going to be tough to fill that boat, to fill that plug. And what also sucks for some people is that whatever they use or whoever they try to use could get just destroyed. It could be like the worst mental experience of
Starting point is 00:42:30 their life and it could make, uh, uh, Rose's, uh, mental illness seem like nothing. And so, um, yeah, that was mocking. That was mocking. That was meme. That was mocking. Yes. Okay. was meme that was mocking yes okay what's the definition of mocking will at some point they're gonna have to answer what happened right or do you think they'll just kind of keep kicking oh just like drive super vague you tell me you run an affiliate if you fire someone did the other fucking affiliate um uh fuck the community and fuck the people who need to be told why Dave was fired. Fuck you. It's none of your business. Let Dave talk about it if he wants to. I mean, yeah, it's tough.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Why does Rosa in camp, woke camp, have to tell anyone? I don't think they owe it to anyone. Now, they're freaked out. Don't get me wrong. I'm playing a little bit of devil's advocate. They're freaked out as shit, but I don't think it's their place to say what happened. Thank you. Mock. Oh, let me hear the audio. Let me see if I'm saying it right. Cock. Mock. Mock. To treat with ridicule or contempt.
Starting point is 00:43:40 No, I'm not mocking. That's so funny. I'm not mocking that's so funny i'm not mocking rosa i'm mocking you fucking idiots that are trying to justify someone with mental illness being at the helm of so many fucking people's livelihood that's who i'm mocking jackasses you guys are so fucking full of yourself it's fucking crazy hey don't watch don watch. Don't watch until you're ready. Don't watch until you're ready to stop being racist and you're willing to be homophobic and you're willing to just talk about shit. Ow, ow.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Step on, do a 10-hour podcast where all you do is air out all the drama from CrossFit over the years. Hey, that, you want to talk about clickbait and fucking making a killing. That show that I did that I titled, what did we title that dave got fired oh fuck will fell asleep somber caleb caleb steva this show is too this show is so good we got look at we got uh this dude will and this dude caleb b team if will
Starting point is 00:44:40 nods off caleb picks up yep i, I love it. Shit, so good. Shit was big time. Are you saying we should go over there and look at Dave's story on IG? Is that what you're saying? Sevan, you need to come to Mexico and have some tequila shots with us. I would love to. Well, that would be great. Yeah, I would love to. How is the – oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:45:04 This is a great question. Savan, how do you feel about Greg selling his baby to these woke assholes? I don't know if I'm comfortable answering that. I'm still very close to Greg. I don't want to say anything stupid like he doesn't invite me over to go swimming at his house anymore. You know what I mean? How many people do you think hit up dave right after he got fired just i mean i i it's so different i want to tell you it's so different hold that thought it's so different like if someone said someone give you 10 million dollars to drink a coke on your podcast and say
Starting point is 00:45:37 you love it like like like that that's the kind of situation greg put in, but it wasn't 10 million. I mean, who the fuck am I to fucking judge him? Yeah, he had a couple hundred million reasons to get over it, I guess. Omar. Yes, Omar. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. doctor doctor friend of mine today i found out has has illegally given her child the fourth booster it's like wow are they getting paid for that oh yeah yeah this doctor is rich as fuck major major fucking huge kickbacks from giving uh kids a vaccine huge Huge. Yeah, huge. And this doctor's buying shit
Starting point is 00:46:25 and it's obvious. I guess that goes a little bit along the lines of your temptation to drink a Coca-Cola for $10,000, huh? Yes, $10 million. $10 million, not $10,000. Would Greg buy back CrossFit? No, he would never buy back CrossFit. He's moved on to something bigger
Starting point is 00:46:41 and better and I think we're going to hear about it very soon. It's actually super duper cool and I hope he includes me in it. It's fucking awesome. Yeah. Julie, is today the day? Julie told me she was going to quit eating added sugar and refined carbohydrates over a year ago. Or we're very close, man. We're very close.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Hey, Julie, my DMs are so fucked up right now. Like, for a dude who can't get any views on his videos and my Instagram followers in free fall, I cannot. My DMs are screwed. So if you DM me in there. Hey, can I start posting your boys online so that way we can get some views again? It's a mess. I'm going to send you an AOC. Oh, do you want to see aoc or shane and tia let's go let's see aoc first okay i'm gonna drop it in private chat is that where i'm gonna go okay bam let's just see aoc it said uh oh so i have a note here should we argue on their level
Starting point is 00:47:42 i'm not sure what that means i forget what what this video is about, but let's check it out. Oh, I got a great video of Zach Rule. Pitbull. You know, you remember who that is? Yeah, that guy's awesome. Oh, we've got this guy on the podcast, too. is that all these Republicans who were anti-shutdown are the same people who weren't wearing masks who forced us to shut down in the first place. I didn't want to visit my friends without being scared. But the same people who are now like, oh, anti-shutdown, were the same people who weren't wearing masks
Starting point is 00:48:20 who forced the caseloads to be so high. So if you're anti-shutdown, you better to have been wearing a mask all damn year. Kind of like that time you were in the middle of a sea of people maskless. The cameras came out with the mask on. Okay, stop this. So you see what he's doing?
Starting point is 00:48:40 He's arguing with her on her level. And I don't like that. He's validating her argument. If I'm arguing with you, like if you're like, hey, masks work, masks work, and I'm like, well, you don't wear a mask. All of a sudden we're acting like masks work. Let me rephrase that. He's saying that she's pissed off because people aren't wearing masks, and then he shows her hypocrisy of not wearing masks. And now he's in her gulag, her – god, I wish I could speak like a philosopher or an ethics professor.
Starting point is 00:49:15 He's in her – on her level of where the fight should be. We shouldn't even be fighting on that level. It should just be like, hey, this is nonsense. Like the masks have really nothing to do with opening or closing like she's just an idiot right and uh and and that frustrates me and you see a lot of people get sucked up into that i think what happens is when cory does that stuff and it's not a dig at cory it's like your consciousness lowers well because you're not focusing on the higher level issue and you're not trying to solve a problem you're just kind of playing like a a neater neater back and forth
Starting point is 00:49:48 game you know yeah yeah it's all robbie we're going to get around to talking about your mom in just a minute hang tight buddy and then it all makes sense it all just fucking come into presupposition this show is not about crossfit It's about me leveraging people in the CrossFit community to try to be funny and finally grow a set of balls and get on stage and do stand-up comedy. You may not. I'll do it with you. Thank you, Robbie. I love you. Peace.
Starting point is 00:50:16 We're going to do a live show. I bet you Robbie drives an expensive car. Give me a second. Oh, he got deported? Are you fucking kidding me? I thought that was the exact opposite someone called into the show yesterday and said he was getting should we take some callers i could let some callers come in you guys tired of me can we vet those calls i want some good questions okay hold on i want to show you one more thing too what the fuck is this guy supposed to do here
Starting point is 00:50:42 are you ready this is um this guy's been on the podcast before, and this guy is the only guy in the world with dirtier hands than my kids. And I almost think he should be the first one taken to the gas chamber because he's clearly a super spreader. This guy should be locked up and not allowed because – look at him super spreader this guy this guy should be locked up and not allowed because uh look at him look at him look at this guy is it playing no not playing there he is oh oh he's playing with cows he's walking on his hands. This isn't how you stop COVID. Okay, fine. He's wearing gloves. No, no. But still, that's filthy. That's dirty. Unacceptable. I would report him to the CDC in a second. Guy walking around on his hands everywhere he goes. Okay, here's another one. Here's another one.
Starting point is 00:51:46 This is one of my favorite subjects too. When I was a kid, I was fascinated by the Guinness Book of World Records. And there were some twins in there. And they were the fattest twins in the world. And the picture of them was sitting on motorcycles. And I loved it. If you could find that picture, that would be awesome, Caleb. I just posted it.
Starting point is 00:52:05 But check out this Instagram, Will i just um i put in i'm like i'm like i'm like really orchestrating today that's the first time i've used will and i'm having a threesome will and caleb at the same time oh no wait that's not oh yeah yeah this one's crazy too now look at this for all you l1 trainers out there listening i know 300 of your l1 trainers notice them i think there's a problem with this guy's midline here look at he goes to pick up the snake and he gets a little too far over his midline there you see that just a little uh-oh uh-oh elbows up buddy elbows up i can't fucking believe this video. He's bending over to pick something up and he has so much weight in the front
Starting point is 00:52:53 that he just starts going forward. I wonder what Romanoff would think of that. That's some like pose shit. Are you familiar with pose? No. It's basically you just lean forward and catch yourself. It's the running method. You don't know who that is? Romanoff?
Starting point is 00:53:06 Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Showing my age again. You know who Brian McKenzie is? No. Oh, shit. Okay. I want to show you.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Here's another one. Did you find Caleb? Did you find the two fattest guys who ever? Yeah, that's them. That's them. I guess maybe that's the only way they get around. Now that I think about it. I was fascinated by them. The dude, the dude who had the longest nails, uh,
Starting point is 00:53:40 in the world. I always tripped out that it wasn't a girl. I thought that like a girl should have that, but it was a boy. Got sexist. Um, okay. Uh okay look at this next instagram this this one really trips me out look at this this is 1890 and this was the fattest man i think in the united states at the time now i want you to know that when i when i was 25 years old or 30 years old i went to a tornado alley to chase tornadoes in 1890 this man was considered to be the fattest man alive people would pay an admission to view his remarkable size now he's the average american is that true i don't i don't know if it's true but but i i remember clearly being a kid and seeing people like this and being like mesmerized by them like
Starting point is 00:54:24 wow like i wanted to i wanted to talk to them. I wanted to sit on their lap. I wanted to like ask them questions, how they got, like, I wanted to be like, like, wow. Like, like, like, it's just amazing. Right. Oh yeah. Ancestral supplements. Oh, they liked, they followed Tim Kennedy.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Tim, Tim Kennedy. Wow. They better be, they better be careful. They're going to get shadow banned. I think Tim Kennedy. Ancestral supplements. Anyway, now these people are everywhere. Now they're my relatives. They're my family. I've been desensitized. It's the new baseline.
Starting point is 00:54:59 It's like if you shop at Safeway, that's what you look like. It's a trip. It's a trip. That guy's not even that fat. See how I've been desensitized? I wish I knew how heavy he was. And we know what it is. It's just he's addicted to carbohydrates. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Back to Dave Castro. There's this morning chalky uh morning chocolate article oh i wonder if i can it came out morning chocolate one of my favorite so funny people send me stuff on the on their instagram to me and i can't see it and they're like they blocked you i'm like no i blocked them years ago um uh oh no this isn't it hold on well maybe there's something to talk about here let me let me see scroll down eric rosa starts to talk about uh landscape and post dave castro era um uh oh this should be fun the day after news broke that eric rosa had fired its longtime general manager of sports blah blah blah discuss various blah, discussed various topics. One big thing. Oh, the biggest unanswered question. This is at the Morning Chaka, by the way. I think this came out yesterday or today. The biggest unanswered question at this stage taylor williamson or uh um uh justin madaris but i think the biggest question from the board is oh shit where's dave gonna go and is
Starting point is 00:56:32 someone gonna fucking take this shit from us i think that i think that should be the fucking biggest question oh shit we just threw our money away uh Andrew Weinstein, that's a PR guy. That's a guy whose whole life, he's like, you know, like my wife's gynecologist, the reason why we ditched her and we didn't let her be there, we ended up having a home birth.
Starting point is 00:56:57 She kept saying all she's trained to do is find problems. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling,
Starting point is 00:57:10 saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated.
Starting point is 00:57:21 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. But this is a partnership. And it's like, this dude thrives with problems.
Starting point is 00:57:38 This dude is like, and this dude's so fucking political and so fucking woke, this Andrew Weinstein guy. This guy does, I don't think this guy does CrossFit. He lives ina rica i don't even know if he's i think i think i've only heard of him coming to the united states once in two years that he's worked for crossfit maybe it's more wow he i saw pictures of him at the crossfit games he doesn't even look it's like seeing a praying mantis in a cave full of bees like he just doesn't even look like he's the same dna as the people do any of the new execs or i heard gary gaines is a savage i heard gary gaines is a savage that's the dude that um they have to introduce to you that he's black this is gary gaines he's
Starting point is 00:58:17 african-american uh not that they have to sorry let me phrase that that they did that they did they actually don't have to and they, let me phrase that. That they did. That they did. They actually don't have to and they shouldn't. Shouldn't introduce anyone by their ethnicity or race. Unless they're from like Mars. Like then I kind of get it. This is my friend Matt Souza. He was born on Jupiter.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Oh, fuck. So Eric has been having – oh, thank you for speaking for Eric. Eric has been having conversations with varied athletes and stakeholders. Listen, listen, let me help you out. The only – okay, well, stakeholders, look it up. Find that. Find that. Read that while I open my door.
Starting point is 00:58:56 I'm fucking sweating. I can't see it. Are you going to read it, Will? Stakeholders. One who has a share or interest. Do we get a definition for stakeholders? Will was giving us, but he just talked over. Yeah, I didn't go take a piss. I just opened the door.
Starting point is 00:59:17 I didn't give you enough time. One who has a share or an interest, as in an enterprise. This is fucking corporate talk. Let me tell you who the stakeholders are. There's two. That's it. The affiliate owners
Starting point is 00:59:33 and the L1 team. Those are the only stakeholders. Those are the fucking wheels and the engine. I think our shares got purchased. What shares? What do you mean? He said we're stakeholders, but I don't feel like a stakeholder.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Oh, I see what you mean. I think our shares got sold off there. Okay, let me go on with that article some more because there's some funny shit in here. It's just such corporate double talk. They betray themselves when they write shit. It's so vague. This is what i'm talking about what was your husband doing julie fouché that you had to leave him not i was i was uh i should have known better who did you see who new york times what did you see me doing to women that was so bad that would make eric rosa say he going to resign? Oh, I was interviewing her. Oh, you forgot to mention that I've been
Starting point is 01:00:28 to her house twice or interviewed her at her gym twice in Omaha or that she's been on my Meet the Parents podcast. I'm referring to Stacey Tovar. Or that she just liked one of my wife's photos yesterday. Assholes. Relentless, low integrity, savages, hyenas, maggots. I don't mean this in a negative way. I'm telling you that's what they are. And they also run CrossFit Inc. Eric has been having conversation with various athletes, stakeholders, and affiliate members to gauge affiliate members. I'm sorry. What's an affiliate member? Is that what's an affiliate member? Like someone who belongs to an affiliate? I guess. Yeah. I guess it'd be a member of my gym. You know what Greg used to say to us in the media department? I don't give a fuck who understands these videos,
Starting point is 01:01:16 as long as they're adding value to the affiliate owners. That's it. Make content for the affiliate owners. And it's not fair to compare Rosa to Greg. It's not. But it would be like comparing their frantimes. It's just not. Advice. And look at this word, reaction. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 01:01:44 They care about perception. Right. They're trying to keep it intact at this word reaction that's what i mean they care about perception right they're trying to keep it intact at this point yeah who gives a fuck about perception do what's right do you know what's right right is not to come back from a two or three month hiatus after you you lean on the fact that you're a quackadoodle you didn't tell us you're healthy you didn't tell us how you got healthy and then you fire someone who's who who is the last not the last there's some great people there's some great people there who are shaken mr rosa there are some really really great people there who are shaken you really shook some people there who are shaking, Mr. Rosa. There are some really, really great people there who are shaking. You really shook some people. And you guys won't do anything to tend to that trauma. And you know, I know that because you didn't do it last time you came in. It didn't matter to you. You don't care. And I'm not saying you should. I'm not saying you should. crossfit underscore rosa was underscored was crossfit underscore rosa was casting a wide net but that decision like that would ultimately be left to incoming i don't even know what the
Starting point is 01:02:51 fuck that means but is that a sentence do i not know how to read or do they not know how to write oh justin berg my goodness my goodness okay it's about the fluff, right? I want to tell you something. What I think, what I believe. I suspect and I have evidence and I've heard stories that the people at CrossFit HQ, there are many people at CrossFit HQ, executives there who bad mouth and have bad mouth Justin behind his back and that they don't view him as capable. Not recently. This is in the past. But since Rose bought the company post post Greg. Also, I know that many sponsors do not like Justin Berg. And I also know that huge money relationship people, agents, management companies also do not like him. He, by the way, I like Justin. There's no, I don't know. Our relationship was really neutral. neutral like he was never mean to me he was never like i mean he didn't send me a text or anything when i got fired but um i wouldn't expect him to but he um there's no um there's no like i went to his house for his kid's birthday party but but but if but if you guys are thinking man this is a great plan they had justin there on your back like this is not a great plan they don't like him the sponsors don't like him and the big picture media agency ad agency
Starting point is 01:04:31 people those people don't like him i mean he he's he's fucked and let me tell you i i would suspect that he um these are not easy shoes to fill fill d Castro, his leadership. So even let's say Justin can do everything perfect. I would be surprised if the team wants to follow him. When Dave was at CrossFit, and listen up, you fucking knuckleheads, like Justin LaFranco and fucking Craig Ritchie and Nate, this is for you. He was involved in everything. The media team, the affiliate team the executive team the games the training he was fucking everywhere he was like water to a point that it was it was like it offended the other executives in the company until they needed him and then you're like oh thank god
Starting point is 01:05:23 dave's here he could save an affiliate meeting he could save an affiliate gathering he could save a media shoot he was the leader that could do it all he could save a training meeting then nicole's crazy competent too but um this isn't um this this just putting shoving him over into the games like that's an eric rosa phenomenon and um he probably should have known better and felt it out this is uh like taking elon musk and and and asking him to then just uh you on the Tesla. He knows too much. You can't. He knows too much.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Maybe you should have fired him. And sure as fuck, sure as fuck, you should have kept me. You should have paid me like one-fifth. I'm a fucking whore. And kept me and fired him. So that way I wouldn't be out here just fucking destroying you guys from the outside. But whatever. I mean, that's hindsight.
Starting point is 01:06:24 That's hindsight. Yeah, well, I mean, they're making the same mistake that was made in 2018 which is completely shutting off their media so they're having no voice like you said therefore there's in especially when they're so vague in their language here because you know they're just trying to stay ambiguous so they're not pigeonholed into any one position or any they don't have too strong of an opinion on anything and that i mean it just yeah it's weak is what it is there's no vision there's no leadership there there hasn't been i got some breaking news for you morning chalk up that you guys forgot to mention did you did you guys do an article about how you guys were for sale did you guys mention that have you guys
Starting point is 01:07:02 met i mean does andrew know that does anyone you guys are for sale right uh will you post this link uh uh will that i just threw in the chat it's funny um you guys are for sale right are you guys shopping around for buyers is the morning chocolate for sale it's weird it's weird was your relationship going sour with weinstein don't act fucking holier than now like like you don't expect the attacks don't forget what you did on top of many things there was fucking dave castro wearing a fucking the gay flag shirt that said crossfit in a press conference and someone asked him about why there were so many fucking white athletes up here and it wasn't the right time to ask it was in the
Starting point is 01:07:50 like it was a sports specific press conference and you guys took a picture of that and posted it and basically tried to bury dave yeah by saying that he was closed-minded or not di or whatever the fuck woke bullshit you guys talk well he's where he's a seal wearing the gay flag on his chest i mean you guys are not only stupid but you're liars with no integrity and you can fix it but don't don't get all like he's someone's an asshole for doing this to us you guys can't even mention my name in a fucking article because you're scared i don't know what you're scared of like what i'm gonna pick up three of your fucking followers who i'm on a roll why didn't greg hand the reins over to dave he did for a minute he did and then basically what happened maybe i shouldn't ruin the book for you but what happened was is there was so much internal shit there were
Starting point is 01:08:40 people like like like i don't want to tear into some of my friends but there were people like – I don't want to tear into some of my friends, but there were people like Julie Foucher and Austin Maliolo and fucking Nicole Carroll and just people just – fuck some fuckery going on. Man, it was emotionally trying. It was emotionally trying as fuck. No, they – dude, I'm telling you Nicole will quit before they fire her. okay uh can we go over and see dave's uh story we'll take a little uh break from my rant before we get into more blasting the morning morning cock up sorry will what it's not worth looking at oh all right uh that was quick wait what do you mean look what this isn't worth looking at it's a picture of a bunch of bored guys. How can we improve CrossFit? Make major changes. Upset the community.
Starting point is 01:09:27 Keep doing what we're doing. Oh, and someone got thrown out the window. Who got thrown out the window? How do we know which guy it is? The chick? Oh, it's that dude? Keep doing what we're doing i don't even get it i don't even someone explain it to me i don't get it
Starting point is 01:09:51 i can barely see it on my screen oh it's craig howard i'm guessing it's craig howard and dave is the person that's like we we're doing fine like let's just keep doing what we're doing they throw them out because oh we got to make big changes after the right where it said rosa talked to athletes after the 2020 season and they want structure consistency and i saw another i saw an athlete talk about that today of like i don't get this we talk about we want consistency and you throw out the one consistent thing and seriously yes oh i apologize i apologize i thank you thank you uh see this is why the l1 trainer is so great and l1 trainer just texted me and said seven it's called the frontal plane not the midline yeah but but is his belly okay fine fuck it i'm not gonna fight with you you know shit all right but but the midline kind of works
Starting point is 01:10:43 does it or no no no no no it didn't you but you weren't going to correct right but but the midline kind of works does it or no no no no no it didn't you but you weren't going to correct me is it the midline you cut yourself in half like this and like this yeah but like what do you mean his midline that's like that doesn't make sense like it's no your midline's here and when you got when you got so much like i'm right and he's wrong or you're saying that the l1 trainer's right i'm saying the l1 trainer's right oh fuck you another show i'm gonna bring someone on here it's a fat guy no i'm not fighting yeah because what happened is when he leaned forward he went too far into the frontal plane his center line of gravity came off and then he fell right and what you're referring to is his midline so there's not there's nothing really like broken in his midline so of seek. It was, he was too far in the frontal plane. So then he fell over.
Starting point is 01:11:25 His center line of gravity was too far for it. I concede, even though I have fucking them lost, but I'm trying to understand, but it happened because of what you were saying, that his midsection was so big that the reason why it tipped that far over was because he was, he was a bigger dude.
Starting point is 01:11:41 Yes. Yes. That's still correct. But yeah, see, see see thank you uh thanks for it wasn't he didn't fall because of his midline okay caleb and will are you following this banter you guys just jerking off to porn you're following who do you guys vote for who do you careful buddy i'll fucking put you on live if you do that again uh caleb who do you vote for uh am i right or is suza right raise your hand if i'm right there's conflating issues fuck and if if if suza's right raise your hand oh they're not voting oh will's abstaining
Starting point is 01:12:16 and beaver c beaver has your back my god you're welcome sam um happy anniversary one dollar for each year i've been alive thanks i will be bugging you every january 6th i may just show up at your house one day thank you in person oh anytime wait you're you're in california right you're in shasta or something so i'm gonna leave the martians out of this damn it no problem anytime buddy this is supposed to be a live calling show liver king is no more than a no no luke luke no no hey i'm gonna tell you i'm gonna tell you about the liver king i'll tell you just my experience about it the liver king and um carnivore md since you since since that made it up there i was on the carnivore diet i was on the carnivore diet for several months i can't remember now i can't remember if it's four or five or six months i was pretty
Starting point is 01:13:01 serious about it i was eating some vegetables but very little. I would just eat greens like a clamshell of greens if you guys know what that is, maybe every two or three or four days, just raw. And then other than that, I was just eating meat and hard cheese. And after a few – and I felt fucking great. People were like, wow, your skin looks great and all this stuff. Then all of a sudden, all of a sudden, my hands and feet started getting cold kind of on the regular and i noticed my something was wrong with my ticker my heart was doing some weird shit i took some of this shit yes that's the one i took i took that beef liver and within hours and actually you know which one i think i took i think i took um saladino stuff to be completely honest and and i knew that
Starting point is 01:13:43 i was supposed to eat organ meat and not only that this fucking liver king dude doesn't push his fucking pills he he's like he reminds me of greg he's like hey dude don't don't eat the pills eat the raw shit that's his thing eat the raw shit but i don't eat the raw shit not even the raw shit he just says hey eat the liver eat the like eat the organ meat can you that Yeah, and the organ meat just like I'm struggling. I'm not there yet. Maybe I'm like another 15 years away from it. But in the meantime, I'm taking these, this shit, and it works.
Starting point is 01:14:13 And it's just basically dead animals dried in bottles. I can't really see it, but I imagine. Get the stack out. That's right. Almost fell over perfect uh james i wonder if kate and james are still gonna do the new show like if i've just gotten just like too far out there what did that you're a loose cannon uh seven you were always invited to my back door. DM me your photos, please. I do drink raw milk. Not a lot, but there's this store I go to where they just sell it.
Starting point is 01:14:52 It's a fucking gas station. Can you believe it? Oh, Call Dave? Wow. Wow. Oh. I did see the TDC gear. I hope it blows up like crazy.
Starting point is 01:15:04 I hope he sponsors the podcast so I can wear some of it on here. Oh, yeah. You should definitely get some TDC gear. I hope it blows up like crazy. I hope he sponsors the podcast so I can wear some of it on here. Oh, yeah. You should definitely get some TDC gear. Do you guys all know that being shadow banned isn't a conspiracy now? You know shadow ban's like real. Like real, real. Like it's everywhere. It's...
Starting point is 01:15:20 No, I don't buy it. Oh, please. Hey, wait. do you think with dave do you think he'll be at the uh legends next year at rogue no i i uh he's gonna compete here do you want to know what i think is going to happen to dave i think one of two things is going to happen. He's going to take one of these offers. That's just too good to say no to. And,
Starting point is 01:15:49 uh, it's going to be nuts. Yeah. And these people who are saying dumb shit are going to be, um, like they thought they saw his wrath before they're going to, I mean, I mean,
Starting point is 01:16:03 they're not going to get hurt, but they're just going to, it's going to be just being left out and um or he's going to vanish off into the sunset like you know what i mean like he's going to dig out he's going to fucking build a fort at the top of his fucking um a massive fucking estate in aromas california on the 101 and uh we're never gonna see him again and he's gonna grow a beard or whatever the fuck he can grow and a small private inventational with the best of the best hosted at the ranch oh shit who is right about them oh
Starting point is 01:16:35 ouch you suck who is that you're fired cut his pay in half hey that's 26 go ahead and shoot me a message on instagram we'll help you out with your coaching do giant giant fake tits or shit what who might say or real tits do the same thing do giant tits or or oh my wife said at home i gotta wrap this up do giant i gotta go back to that morning chocobo article do do giant fake tits or real tits do the same thing that'sits or real tits. Do the same thing. That's the question. What do you mean? Do the same thing. Like the way that pulls that guy off his frontal plane.
Starting point is 01:17:14 No, it's pulling off his midline. It's it's pull him off his midline. I'm lost. You know, you know, you not know what you talk uh we went over justin berg a little bit morning chalk up uh oh yeah i like this i like it in the video there's a video by the way it's it's um i got like 20 000 views it's uh it's with tommy and the blonde girl and lefranco and they're talking it's uh basically like a summation of Dave getting fired. It's pretty empty. It's filler.
Starting point is 01:17:48 But there's a thing in there where Justin said, I didn't get to sleep until 2 a.m. because he was following the news. And I'm like, no, you didn't get to sleep until 2 a.m. because you were watching my podcast. Fucking goofball. Just say it. Yeah, he was getting the news. Yeah, yeah. Watch my podcast. Fucking goofball. Just say it. Yeah. He was getting the news. Yeah. Yeah. I was done with the podcast, cuddling with my wife,
Starting point is 01:18:08 fucking drink, you know, and you were, you were still watching me on the tube. Hey, there's nowhere else to go for the news. Where? What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:18:16 Then the morning, morning chaga? No, then here. Oh, oh, the morning chaga is on your jock now. They got to come here to figure out what's going on.
Starting point is 01:18:24 yeah, just for the Dave Castro thing, though. They still got all their – Yeah, but what else matters? What else matters? Oh, like if you want to know – no, that's not true. If I want to know what the Wadapalooza workouts are, I go there. I mean, I don't read any of that nonsense that the reporters write, a lot of that,
Starting point is 01:18:39 but just the actual fact shit, I'll go over there. Yeah, I meant about CrossFit and what's going on with that world. Not like the athlete stuff. They do really well with the athlete stuff. I'm blown away that Fraser is like, I'm partnering with my friends over at the Morning Chalk Up to give away 20 signed copies. I'm like, your friends?
Starting point is 01:18:58 First of all, you don't have any friends, goofball. It was written by Weinstein. And, uh... He does copy for everybody. There was something in there. Tommy says the smartest shit in that video. I mean the girl is actually fucking good. She holds the show together.
Starting point is 01:19:18 And then Tommy does say some stuff. I just think it's – he says the smartest shit in the video. But the team is not big. You have to know. The the team is not big you have to know the games team is not big people this thing is a lean mean running machine and I know that this guy Rose has hired like probably like 100 people since I left but back in the day at least
Starting point is 01:19:36 that games team was tiny this isn't this isn't the fucking Super Bowl there's not like billions of dollars like one commercial the super bowl is more than all the revenue of crossfit inc probably i mean it's like that you know it's like uh that's not true i bet you the revenue of crossfit inc is somewhere between uh 50 and 150 million and i think a super bowl commercial what cost a million or two million or
Starting point is 01:20:01 six million to run but but you get what i'm saying i'm curious as like how many affiliate owners feel like the same way I do. Just, it's just kind of like, what's like, what's happening? Like,
Starting point is 01:20:09 I don't know. The mission was always pretty clear with Greg, like whether you loved him or hate him, you like knew kind of where everything was going. Especially if you just followed main site and stayed plugged in, like you, you knew what was happening and what he was going after. But now I just,
Starting point is 01:20:21 I'm like, what, like what, what is it? I, well, you tell him what was the mission when Greg was there. Okay. Pull okay pull away the morning chalk up thing i'm gonna want to give them any more love not true i'll give them more love on each other um man if that's love i'm giving them you would hate oh man uh so so so what did greg what what you mean you knew, at least you knew with Greg? What did you know?
Starting point is 01:21:04 people on earth that knew how to do it the l1 and we knew that the the path to more affiliates was really just like pushing the l1 pushing the work that the affiliates are doing and getting that out there to continue that cycle so we could just save more and more people okay and now um what is the what's what's the message coming out of hq now yeah i believe that that was a said there was a steady drip of that a daily drip of that from hq yeah I mean, I followed it closely and I wanted to be closer. That's why I snuck into the DDCs and that's why I bugged you. And like, like I wanted to be close to the ship because I saw the vision. Like I stayed close enough to understand and see the vision. I saw it happen with like my mom, the members of my gym. Like we,
Starting point is 01:21:37 it was just very clear. It's clear to any affiliate owners that's had the gym for five plus years. Like you might get into it maybe because you're, you're, you know, you're stoked about competition and we have the hardest workouts, but then if you really are focusing and studying the craft, you really know that you have the blueprint to save this mess that's going on right now, which is just our food is killing everybody in the medical community is
Starting point is 01:21:56 focused on not being preventative, but being reactive to it because it's more profitable. Okay. And now what is it by nobles how about thorn my mom buys my mom buys thorn stuff i like nobles i have a pair of runners they're comfortable but it's not going to save the world i'd be more behind it if it was by victus and he likes the whoopie dude i'm gonna read this and then you got it and then everyone should follow this guy's instagram account if i think if it's who i think it is i think this guy did like isabel with 300 pounds or something crazy i met him once at the norcal affiliate he's a good dude too. He's like Josh Bridges' daddy.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Dave Castro being fired makes it undeniable that CrossFit as it was previously known no longer exists. CrossFit was empirically driven, clinically tested, community developed. What justifies removing a person who's been at the core of that since the beginning? of that since the beginning. What's, what's, oh, in order for the idea, in order for the idea of preparing for the unknown and unknowable to be authentic, you need to have someone in charge with the courage and integrity to challenge athletes in a new and unique way, despite the criticism that comes with it. Castro is irreplaceable in this regard. I don't know if I agree with any of that, but I love it. My expectation was that Castro would be kept for as long as possible to function as a figurehead so they could get away with changes they otherwise couldn't without upsetting the community.
Starting point is 01:23:29 Wow, good job. Now that's some low integrity manipulative genius. I appreciate it. My best guess is that a Navy SEAL has too much integrity to play that game. Yeah, but they still could have. They could have used his ass. I think I'm manip still could have they could have used his ass i think i'm manipulative enough so i could have used his ass i mean you just have to make whoa did we skip too far well i didn't read that one right
Starting point is 01:23:52 ah yes and this listen to this um board members and and executives at hq this is the part you don't realize what's happened in your ranks. If Castro and the games aren't safe, then what is? You people, like Venmo me. I don't know. That's like $10,000 for that piece of advice. The honest answer
Starting point is 01:24:18 to that question is most likely nothing as long as the price is right. CrossFit used to take a stand against Soda and now it's pure premier event sponsored is sponsored by monster. Yep. I mean, in 2007,
Starting point is 01:24:32 my sister died of obesity. That sucks. Uh, I started coaching CrossFit to help others avoid a similar fate and make improvement in their life. Hey, listen, this guy,
Starting point is 01:24:43 Graciano Rubio, that story he just told used to be every single person at CrossFit. others avoid a similar fate and make improvement in their life. Hey, listen, this guy, Graciano Rubio, that story he just told used to be every single person at CrossFit. They had a story like that. That's like the vast majority of affiliate owners. That's why someone in here wrote the athlete should walk out. The athlete should get fucked. Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:25:02 I don't give a fuck about you. Not in a mean way. Not in a mean way.. Not in a mean way. Not in a mean way. Definitely not in a mean way. Let me give you an example. I'm talking on the phone with my mom and my fucking kids yelling off in the background. No, no, better. I'm talking on the phone with Matt Souza about getting fucking Derek Lewis on the podcast. You guys know who that is? UFC fucking legend. It's not true. He's not really coming on. And my kid's like, can you transform my transformer for me? And I'm like, get fucked.
Starting point is 01:25:34 I'm trying to fucking get Derek Lewis on so I can buy you four transformers. That's what I mean by I don't give a fuck about the athletes. It's not that I don't give a fuck. It's relative. Yeah, we care a lot about the athletes. We love those guys. Oh, don't kiss their ass. Bringing in Monster as a sponsor was a huge slap in the face to me and many others in the CrossFit community.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Huge slap. Your fucking sister died from drinking that shit, metaphorically speaking. I was being willfully naive thinking that the core of CrossFit – who found this? You're a fucking genius. Double your pay. I was being willfully naive thinking that the core of CrossFit. Who found this? You're a fucking genius. Double your pay. I was being willfully naive. Thinking that the core of CrossFit. I prepared fucking three hours.
Starting point is 01:26:09 For this fucking podcast. And the best thing is some fucking 22 year old. Fucking kid. Sits behind a computer. Pulled this up. I was being willfully naive. Thinking that the core of CrossFit would be unaffected. And that changes would only apply to non-critical aspects.
Starting point is 01:26:26 The writing is on the wall for what the future will look like. Take note, all affiliates. You can't fake passion. It's easy to tell whose heart is in it and whose isn't. It's easy to tell when it's just about money. Well, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's funny. I want to be like, dude, duh, but no, not duh.
Starting point is 01:26:44 CrossFit has become what it is because of the passion of its community it's sad i want to be even more like because of the staff who work there man but it's sad to see money has become the motivator of the new leadership uh what if let me ask you this graciano rubio fucking monster among men um what if they were just honest about it drag used to teach us that just be honest about it like what if they were just honest you know like yo we're gonna fucking make bank and get fit booyah bitches like what what if it was funny so i got no somebody put that in the comment section said when i was like at morning chalk i posted that that article that you just read and i said more symbolism and more theater from rosa meaning it was just a bunch of fluff is a bunch of smoke
Starting point is 01:27:42 and mirrors we still you know there's no there's no, there's nothing there. And somebody said like, and he goes, it's a bit, it's a, that's the way businesses run or something. And I said, well, that's, that's interesting. I don't remember learning that about when I ran mine or run mine. And then he goes, Hey man, I'm not going to question people of their motivations and what's going on. And we don't have all the information and I'm also a sinner.
Starting point is 01:28:03 So who am I to question them? Who said that? Who was this? You're talking talking about it was just somebody in the comment section oh it was just i just thought to myself do you accept that like you what that doesn't make any sense speaking of sinner did you did you watch the video did you watch the interview i did with eddie penny this morning yeah i watched some of it and uh did you see the part we talked about homosexuality liking dick if you have a dick or liking vag if you have it that was a trip i never talked to anyone like killing fat matt wow that's that sounds like a documentary uh i never really i never really talked anyone. Like that was so weird to me, like in a good way. Like I couldn't get my head wrapped around it and we,
Starting point is 01:28:51 we weren't going to get to the bottom of it. Right. But like, like, like it's, it's, it's weird to interfere in how another man wants to get off unless it involves kids. Then it's a, it's just – then it's the end of a discussion. You have to be sent in a rocket ship to Pluto. Billy, bring up your comment about the phone calls. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:13 Do you want – how come we're not doing – I know. Where is the phone? Are we doing phone calls? I thought this was a live calling show. Talk about selfish. I'm not giving up the floor for anyone. Yeah. People are enjoying it.
Starting point is 01:29:26 When Rosa took over, he changed this – can remember when it used to be like um crossfit uh what were some of the taglines we had what was crossfit forging elite fitness forging elite fitness uncle rab now it's listen this world's leading platform for health performance and happiness that's what rosa changed it to i wonder how his mental health was when he changed Now it's, listen to this, world's leading platform for health, performance, and happiness. That's what Rosa changed it to. I wonder how his mental health was when he changed the, I wonder how his mental health was when he changed, not mocking, but semi-ironic. How has Rosa's mental health when he changed it from Forging Elite Fitness to world's leading platform for health, performance, and happiness? Do you know what Greg would say about chasing happiness as a metric?
Starting point is 01:30:10 Woke. It means nothing. To woke people, words don't mean shit. Hey, did I see Athena in the comments? Shit. Isn't it forward translation of the center of mass? Oh, great. Another fucking smarty pants. pants and she's a good trainer
Starting point is 01:30:29 she came on the original CrossFit podcast and within fucking like two hours of it Nicole Carol reached out to me and said I think wanted her contact information to see if she wanted to try out for the L1 team I wonder whatever
Starting point is 01:30:45 happened with that i think she'd had surgery or something uh okay so we talked oh we pull up the morning chocolate article again since this just continued to hammer on rosa here a little bit actually i don't know i don't know who's who's this fault who's billy bring up your instagram comment about rosa making phone calls. So scroll down. I think it's number three. But let me look at those people real quick. Tia, you're hot. Velner, you're pretty handsome.
Starting point is 01:31:12 Medeiros, you look like a monkey in that photo, but I still love you. And Ricky, you're a fucking underwear model. Okay, number three. Where does Eric Rosa take CrossFit? So the title of this article is… So the title of this article is from the Morning Chalk Up. It is six burning questions heading into the 2022 CrossFit Games season, December 30th, 2021, by Justin Lofranco, CEO and founder of the Morning Chalk Up. The king.
Starting point is 01:31:50 Andrew Weinstein's best buddy. Number three, where does Eric Rosa take CrossFit in an endemic pandemic? He thought he was so clever when he wrote that. When Rosa took over the company from disgraced founder Greg Glassman in 2020, he had grand plans and worldly ambitions. You have fucking no idea what you're talking about you're just making shit up his hiring of gary gaines to head up all global affiliates sent a clear message yes that you brought a guy from soul cycle to fucking run crossfit crossfit was out for world domination and no country was too small to target
Starting point is 01:32:20 shut the fuck up it was already in 162 countries and for those of you who don't know how many countries that is compare that to mcdonald's or apple and all the continents but we all know what happened a global pandemic swept across the planet and by the end of 2020 it had thrown everyone and their dog's plans into the trash and i don't even know what global pandemic means i'll give him a pass on that a new normal has emerged where certain markets. Anyway, this is nonsense. Dude, if you're going to mention Eric Rose's name and we scroll up to the top again and what the big plans are, it should be. Well, will Eric Rose come out of his depression in time to sit in his box at the games? Like this guy fucking signed off to the whole community.
Starting point is 01:33:08 You're wondering about his plans? How about, you want to go after for someone for not being considerate of mental health stuff? How about the pressure that puts on poor Eric Rosa by Justin LaFranco? Not being considerate that he's trying to take some time off to deal with his mental health issues. mocking not mocking being logical i'm not mocking i mean this is just this is garbage garbage this is insincere low integrity garbage
Starting point is 01:33:41 you know what's interesting is i just have this random image in my head all the time. And I, there's, I, you know, I don't know how much truth there is to this, but I just feel like a Rose is always just kind of like running around, like trying to come up with the next big plan to like, make it work to like satisfy the investors and stuff. Like, he's like, okay, yeah, yeah. Let's go ahead and do that. And then he comes out and he's like, guys, we're doing this. And the whole thing falls apart. And he's like, shit, I got to go back to those guys and say, it's not working. Okay. Hold on. on like runs back over there to try to like because you know he's middlemanning that right because somebody put up money and somebody needs to make a return on their
Starting point is 01:34:11 investment crossfit livermore matt souza will you be de-affiliated yes oh man uhase in pay. I am on the podcast. Is that Dave? I wish. Um, he, he's, he's, he's,
Starting point is 01:34:34 he's, he's, uh, I don't know. Does he say on his Instagram where he is? He, he's kind of, he's kind of off the grid right now.
Starting point is 01:34:41 He's doing his own thing. I'm not up in his shit. I'm giving him, but so what's on his, yeah, I'm giving him space, dude. It him but so what's on this yeah i'm giving him space dude it's hard it's hard you want me to tell you it's fucking hard when i was fired it was so hard i seriously felt i was at the fucking skate park with my kids and andrew called and goes he said have i ever told the story no no i don't think so and he calls me and he says hey sebon it's andrew i'm like hey buddy what's up and he's like hey and uh you know i just asked him two weeks earlier if i'd be fired he said no and he's me and he says, Hey, Savon, it's Andrew. I'm like, Hey buddy, what's up? And he's like, Hey. And, uh, you know,
Starting point is 01:35:05 I just asked him two weeks earlier if I'd be fired. He said no. And he's like, Hey, your position has been eliminated. And I'm like, Oh, okay, cool. What am I going to, and I'm like, I didn't even have a position there. But, but at that time you have to understand for those of you who don't know me, what a fucking amazing human being I am. I went from fucking running this fucking team to being an executive there. Oh, here we go tdc all packed up for the mammoth sniper challenged yes he's out shooting guns look at him he's happy as a fucking he probably already has three job offers and that gun's probably paid for and it's probably the most expensive gun and look at that bag that's
Starting point is 01:35:40 probably a 1200 bag anyway so so so he called and then he said uh um your position's been eliminated and i'm like okay and i i felt myself going to denial i go so what will i be doing and at that time i had switched from running this massive team and being in charge of everything forward facing to like i was literally started going to l1s again and filming videos and i was turning in content to jonathan and people who were like levels below me in the food chain and the pyramid of power i fucking went put my bowed my head down low and started creating as much content as i could to add value to the team everyone and you knew how to add that value and you knew what to do without direction because you understood the mission or at least the one that was there prior and there was
Starting point is 01:36:23 can you imagine there were people they would have when when when they listen how fucked up this is this was the only thing that was fucked up that really fucked up um when when when when they came in they would have meetings in small groups like five or six of us at a time. And there would be people in there in my meeting who like like I was on the executive team and like the person who worked for me, who worked for them, who worked for them, who worked for them would be in the same meetings that I was in and telling us what was going on forward. It was like it was like very humbling, like all of a sudden, I went from a big-picture person to just like, okay, so today – Waiting for orders. Yes, yes. But with no one like pulling me aside, no professional courtesy. Like if they would have said – like I would have never done what they did. But I handled it, and I started producing tons of content.
Starting point is 01:37:25 And all my coworkers who were there, like in the media team who were left, were fucking awesome to me. They supported me. They saw what I was doing. They saw me scrambling. They saw me just go to the fucking next level, like they had seen me do like in 2009 and 2010. And so I said to Andrew Weinstein, I said, okay, so what will I be doing? He said, well, you're not going to work here anymore. And I'm like, what do you mean I'm not going to work here anymore?
Starting point is 01:37:51 He's like, you're not going to work here. Your position has been eliminated. And at that point when they told me that, like I felt like my – I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience. Like I started floating over the skate park. Like my whole fucking world was just gone. I was like, holy shit. And I'm'm like hey i i have all of this content i just filmed it to affiliates i just did an affiliate piece over here i did this this piece i'm like you like really and so i said well maybe in a couple i go maybe you guys can contract me like i could use the money and like
Starting point is 01:38:21 i know what i'm doing and i can work hard and produce content he goes well let's give it a few months and and it wasn't true it wasn't it goes, well, let's give it a few months. And it wasn't true. It wasn't it wasn't honest. There was there was never a plan to like let me contribute. Right. They wanted to clean house. I don't know if they wanted to clean house.
Starting point is 01:38:38 No. No, I don't. I don't. I don't. I don't know what the reason was, but no, it was because it was because they're woke and they didn't think that I fit. It was because they had fucking information that I had called someone a cunt or that I – what the New York Times had said or because I was too close to gray. Like it had – it just woke shit. It had nothing to do with my confidence, on my contribution. Right.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Yeah. just woke shit had nothing to do with on my confidence on my contribution right yeah so okay so so to close the thing off with morning chocolate like hey you guys you guys shouldn't be so mean to rosa you guys should give him some space you shouldn't put pressure on him as having to make decisions right now what's most important is his mental health and that he doesn't make any more fucking decisions about firing people it's not mocking but it's funny right right i mean i yeah it's just weird it just leaves so much there's so much like questions unanswered and it just makes you feel like you know where's where's this whole thing going what's their plan like who really owns crossfit you know the it's just there's just so many questions there and it's funny because people like that guy in the comment section less than five percent no one
Starting point is 01:39:54 knows who owns crossfit by the way if you someone should ask rosa who the investors are find out if you are a fucking affiliate stop what you're doing stop jacking off to me and fucking open up another window and write a letter to hq right now and be like what happened with the nsca case i want the details well see that's the thing most people do it no most people don't even know that what that the bigger picture thing was that was about is that if they would have gotten their way they made them they would have made trainers in crossfit gyms illegal for them to train there. People don't realize that. Sorry, Matt. I've given you guys many solutions, but I'm going to give you the solution.
Starting point is 01:40:32 If you want to fucking have a fighting chance, I'm going to give the board right now and Eric Rose the solution. And some of you are going to think I'm joking. Bring Tony Budding back. joking bring tony budding back he has a fucking axe to grind that's bigger than fucking probably anyone alive fucking call this guy up put him fucking in like a qb he will work tirelessly and i mean me and tony uh probably didn't part ways on the best of terms it's not like i'm not trying to fucking hook the dude up or nothing me and and him didn't get along at HGU. God, I can't believe Wads on me. But that motherfucker can work. That dude can work, and he knows CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:41:12 Seriously, make him the CEO. Just kick – sorry, Rosa. Kick Rosa to the fucking curb and call Tony Budding. I'm telling you. You don't agree? You don't think so? No, I do. I think that would be crazy. It would be crazy. It be crazy it's crazy but he dude he's so fucking professional he's so smart he's justin berg on
Starting point is 01:41:32 steroids yeah but he's not under the wing already i think i think it has to come with someone that's just going to kind of toe the line and it's going to be a tough position because now they're going to have to take every athlete complaint as like very serious. Like you remember back in, I forgot what year it is, but they complained like essentially the compression short was too tight. That's why their legs cramped up. I don't know. You know, like the swim run, swim event. Yes.
Starting point is 01:41:56 Yes. Oh, I don't know. I didn't believe that. I didn't believe that. See, that's what I'm saying. But like, they'll have to, they'll have to bow to that. They'll have to be sensitive towards that in a way of like, they kind of laughed it off like dude you're in a competition you guys all ran your fastest mile pace you know record pr mile pace and jumped in the water and you think that's
Starting point is 01:42:12 a good you have a good memory you have a good memory i've been trying you know i do a little research i like i like to be in the know uh to tommy said in that podcast on the thing that it's trial by fire i couldn't agree more it is trial by fire um they said that there's a monstrous team behind the games there is not a monstrous team um justin lefranco said i imagine they gave david chance and he failed and that's basically why they fired him they gave him a time frame to meet certain metrics and if i understood what justin was saying and uh that's complete bullshit just doesn't even know what the fuck he's talking about just don't listen to anything that guy says yeah what metrics it's horseshit he's just making shit
Starting point is 01:42:49 up nate i apologize too like i know you're out there fucking grinding but you went off into that world too just starting you just start talking out of your ass like don't don't do it people at least at least let it be known tell us hey i'm talking out of my ass um games are bigger than one person i disagree with that like like you're you're missing the you're missing the point that when they saw they the the the pack saw their fucking leader get flogged everyone's shaken like like it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't passed over and handed over in a good way that they're just imagine the lack of vision that's at for the affiliates in crossfit hq right now and just and and dave had that kind of vision for the game no one else did seven call justin berg uh
Starting point is 01:43:31 uh it would be nice i don't want to i talked about enough about picking on craig ritchie um talked about how great the l1 team is oh I kind of want to watch that video again. Drive my dick between your hips. Where is that video? So what's your beef with those other guys again? That they're just basically toeing the line? No, no. It's not that they're toeing the line.
Starting point is 01:43:58 It's, it's, let's put Rose and Dusty Tugness in arena and let a few bulls lose since the U wins. It's just – they're barnacles. Craig Ritchie is a fucking barnacle on the fucking bottom of the fucking boat. Like every time I watch one of his videos, like I'm two minutes in and he's like oh i just had my first or 25 seconds in oh i just had my first to cook up a coffee and then he and then it's just all clickbaity but then he has the nerve to talk about people doing clickbait at 3 30 and then i just have to turn it off i'm like dude
Starting point is 01:44:37 what the fuck are you doing like you're just a tool i think i i i don't want to say anything mean he's fucking super successful i'm happy for him but but it's it's just and then but it's around these issues that that when i go to them i'm i mean i like them for fodder and like stuff to comment on and judge but like then they start just espousing on ideas about what's happening like it is fact like what lefranco did well i'm sure they gave dave metrics and he didn't meet them and therefore they blah, blah, blah. It's like, dude, stop. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:06 You don't know shit. Yeah. I mean, the definition of pose themselves as, you know, doing investigative research or something. It just is what it is. They are media and entertainment. And that's what needs to be viewed as is media and entertainment. Man, I want to be some. I want to.
Starting point is 01:45:21 I hope I'm entertaining some people. I mean, you're pretty. You're entertaining, but you're informative. We get the truth here that's why people i showed you the guy walking around on his hands how inappropriate that is the guy without legs zach rule i should i showed you the fat guy falling down i showed you the fattest man alive i think i'm almost through everything i think i'm ready oh i'm gonna see this okay let's watch the dick thing and then i want to show you um the uh rachel maddow clip i have too this shit is just crazy okay go ahead you just want to hear this song again don't you yeah yeah yeah no will you're vetoing it
Starting point is 01:46:06 About to burn some calories on my dick About to put my penis between your lips Drop, drop dick between your hips You're gonna love it. I know you would never go for an intro song, but if you did, that would be it. It is good. I, I, okay. Okay. What was that guy's name?
Starting point is 01:46:49 He's like, what does this have to do with CrossFit? Okay. I'll give you some fucking CrossFit shit here. Look at this. Look at this. Look at this. You want some CrossFit shit here? All you people are like,
Starting point is 01:46:57 he's disgusting. I wish I didn't have to watch the show, but I just want to know what's going on with Dave. Here, here's this for you. Fucking dorks. Check out that private chat. This is, yeah. Dave's coming on with Dave. Here, here's this for you fucking dorks. Check out private chat. This is, yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:07 Dave's coming on in five minutes. Five minutes. Look at, please. Hey, I will sing that song for you. I will. You know what? That would be so far out of my comfort zone. I will practice that.
Starting point is 01:47:20 But until then, look at this. Look at this. Speaking of just love. Oh, I'll be fucked up if you can't be right. I do the same thing. I told you that I never would. I told you I'd change. Even when I knew I never could. Oh, I'll be fucked up if you can't be right.
Starting point is 01:47:43 Are we going to get in trouble for this? Oh, the video's all fucked up. No, it's a good Instagram. It's a it's stuttering, but it's such a cool video of Tia and Shane. I'm so
Starting point is 01:47:57 intrigued by their relationship. You've been around them a little bit in the past and stuff. Is that pretty genuine to who they are? I mean, it really seems like it. relationship. You've been around them a little bit with like in the past and stuff. Are they, is that, is that pretty genuine to who they are? I mean, it really seems like it, it seems that generally, like you could see the emotion in Shane, like every time we watch like a game's ending or he's watching her work out or he's in the competition, like he is a hundred percent in it with her. Like Grace always like tears up every time she sees him cry.
Starting point is 01:48:25 Yes. It's tear up shit. Yeah. Yeah. yeah yeah yeah their relationships definitely tear up shit yeah and you feel it it's intense you can feel it yes it seems like they would just be really good energy to like be around it's funny you say that there's like these little emotional grenades that can like fall off of him like yeah i mean i've been around him a lot, but yeah, he's – I mean, the commitment. Yeah, it's nuts. He's all in. I placed it – can you play this other video I just put in, Will? This one's just fucking absolutely bonkers.
Starting point is 01:49:00 We should turn on the call number. I want someone to justify this for me, like someone who – I guess we probably probably don't have anyone who can on listening, but someone can someone justify this for me. I just want to hear your explanation of this. Right. Instead of the virus being able to hop from person to person to person, potentially mutating and becoming more virulent and drug resistant along the way. Now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person. A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus. The virus does not infect them. The virus cannot then use that person to go anywhere else. I want you to know that this is going to be old video, right? Yeah. March of March of 2021 vaccines will get us to the end of this.
Starting point is 01:49:51 If we just go fast enough to get the whole right. Instead of the virus person to person to person. Okay. Stop this. How, how could they have ever. Like that is the worst thing I've ever heard anyone say about like what on any side that you're on like that like fuck quadruple masking kids is nicer than that vaccinating kids is nice i mean how how did she get away with that and not get sent to pluto when other people are shadow banned for saying the like it's just nuts that it's nuts that that that someone got away with saying that there was never any there was never any proof of that ever not once not for a second they you know it
Starting point is 01:50:31 even is more dangerous than that the term that they've been using has been believe here's the thing people are like sorry sorry matt people like you matt you just said hey when did when did that come up when was that the thing is is it, at this point, it doesn't even matter because there's people who just want to win, and they're still attached to that. What's up, caller? How can she say that? What was she thinking? Where did she get that information? Siobhan, it's Colin.
Starting point is 01:51:02 She got it because there's a number of people that are expected to get sick from every person that has been confirmed to have COVID. And then there's the number of people that got vaccinated. So the numbers matched up as far as how many people were currently getting sick versus how many people were currently getting the vaccine. So according to the projected numbers of people that should get sick from every person that is confirmed sick, her numbers were quantifiably accurate that people who got vaccinated wouldn't get sick. I can't believe you just fucking explained that. It was a small number, though. Yes.
Starting point is 01:51:38 I mean, worldwide, the number is small, but the numbers like supported her being able to say that. No, there weren't enough numbers to validate it. But let me explain it to people. Let me explain it to people. Thank you, Colin, by the way. Let me explain it to people how I understood it. And then you tell me if I'm wrong. I'm going to give a metaphor.
Starting point is 01:51:54 I walk by a room and there's six people in there. And then and then you tell me, hey, three of those people just died from a dog bite. And then I walk by the room again and I look in there and there's three dead people. And I look at their arms. They look like they've been bit by a dog. And so like, that was enough for me. Right. And so like,
Starting point is 01:52:11 she had some, she had some numbers and some evidence that lined up. Yes. Yes. Hey, it doesn't make it right. I appreciate you explaining it though. That was cool.
Starting point is 01:52:24 I get it. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, they're maybe they're allergic to dogs. Maybe it wasn't make it right. I appreciate you explaining it though. That was cool. I get it. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, they're, maybe they're allergic to dogs. Maybe it wasn't dog bites. They use the dander. Like, I mean, you can assume what you want, but it doesn't mean it's right. Right. What's your last name, Colin? Lawrence. Oh shit. This is, you have never heard your voice. Have I ever heard your voice? Have I ever talked to you? I got, I got, I got the Rona right now. I got, uh, I got COVID my second time. I've been vaxxed twice and I got the Rona my second time now. So, do you ever wish, probably not, probably not getting number three.
Starting point is 01:52:56 Definitely not getting number four. Oh, but what, but possibly number three, you might get the booster. I mean, if I have a job that mandates it, but you know, I work in healthcare. So I mean, it's like, you know, anyway. Do you ever wish you weren't so smart? Were you ever like, God, if I was a little dumber, life would be more fun. Yeah. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:18 Like, yeah, big time. But, but it's important that you get, I know, I know this is going to maybe trigger you just a little bit, but send me out for like 10 seconds. If you get COVID, you should get tested and then you should keep your documentation in case they develop a passport for people who have been sick. I mean, it's just another way to protect yourself, another way to look out for yourself. I mean, I'm not saying everybody needs to get tested. another way to look out for yourself. I mean, I'm not saying everybody needs to get tested. I'm just saying, Hey, it could be a way to look out for yourself in the future because getting sick,
Starting point is 01:53:51 getting confirmed Rona is like getting a confirmed vaccine. You've been exposed to it. You've lived through it. And you know, there's going to be all these passports for all this and that and this and that. It's ridiculous. It's crazy. But I mean, part of, you know, you can't have a complete anarchy, you know, that, I mean, you got to have can't have complete anarchy you know that I mean you got to have some semblance of some sort of organization everything but you know I got COVID got two jabs
Starting point is 01:54:14 got COVID again that's like four vaccines that's more than two minutes that's more than two minutes look at look at call look at this look at what Ashley McMain's right sorry Ashley I'm about to destroy you. The vaccine initially worked very well until Delta variant. No, I don't know what you mean. We can't we can't prove that. I mean, the vaccine maybe helped to do what to keep people out of the ICUs. It helped their mental state. That's it.
Starting point is 01:54:43 No, it hasn't. It hasn't helped the mental state at all, Siobhan. You know that. And here's the thing. I don't want to go, but thank you. Sorry, Ashley. Sorry to pull you out. Do I like you, Ashley, or do we fight? Do I like you or do we fight?
Starting point is 01:54:58 I can't remember. Are you one of those people who comes here to fight with me or do I like you? It's open discussion. Siobhan, we fight all the time. I know we do god you know what you have the closest relationship to anyone i have in my life that was like dave castros um i miss dave i have a lot i'm in common with dave that's uncommon i uh i mean i know about his life before crossfit mean, I know about being in the military.
Starting point is 01:55:27 People don't respect that as much as they should. Everybody says thanks. Let me just get out there real quick. Everybody says thanks for being in the military, and we don't care. I mean, it's nice. People appreciate it. We don't care. We didn't do it so you could say thanks.
Starting point is 01:55:41 We didn't do it so you could do whatever you do. How about cops? Cops like it. I think cops appreciate me buying a cup of coffee at the shop saying hey yeah yeah that's appreciated that's appreciated but we're we don't we don't we don't need your we don't need your coffee we don't need your thanks we uh we need you to be better citizens we need you to cross fit and work out hey devon devon devon devon devon devon careful, careful, buddy. Anyway, you people can make all the statements they want.
Starting point is 01:56:08 Yeah. When they manipulate the numbers, you get ready to block Devin for saying dumb shit. That's not true. Anyway, I see what I see what Devin's doing there. Okay. I'll let Mark call in. Okay. I know Mars has, uh, has some questions for you.
Starting point is 01:56:24 All right. I wonder if Sean Woodland is going to call in today I know Mars has some questions for you Alright I wonder if Sean Woodland is going to call in today and get mad at me I was pretty nice to Tommy I was chill with Tommy Hey hang up on me already Oh shit sorry get the fuck out of here Sean doesn't know how to hang up on me You know what you should do
Starting point is 01:56:39 Have you ever seen Do you know who Dave Ramsey is He's the money guy Is that dude black or white Do you know who Dave Ramsey is? He's the money guy? Yes. Is that dude black or white? He's a white guy. Who's the black money guy?
Starting point is 01:56:53 Chris Hogan. I read the black money guy's book. That used to be with Dave. Oh, they did used to be together? Yeah. And then there was a mishap. It's so funny because I always thought that Dave Ramsey was the – Well, he uses his platform to put on other people that are still in personal finance and helping people out with personal finance.
Starting point is 01:57:20 Tell me his name again. I want to look it up in my thing, and then I'll let you talk. Sorry. Rogan? Joe Rogan? Chris Hogan. Chris Hogan. tell me his name again i want to look it up in my thing and then i'll and then i'll let you talk sorry rogan joe rogan chris hogan chris chris hogan i think he wrote the book like millionaire next door or something like yes chris hogan everyday millionaire yeah yeah i read that book yeah he did it right next door that's another book people should read that that's a little bit of an older book but it's still it's weird when i read these books that are so like bible driven
Starting point is 01:57:44 but like i'm still like reading them and like getting tidbits out of like other shit okay go on that's actually why chris hogan is no longer with the uh ramsey um because it came out that he had some extra marital affairs and so the uh the show came to um well is it really there's no forgiveness for that logan marsh just put that up there yeah i didn't read that comment wow there's no forgiveness for that i guess not at the ramsey place who knows i don't know the details behind it so you don't you know who knows they get uh joe the guest didn't show up i'm sorry the guest didn't show up the guest isn't didn't show up they text me at 27 minutes and told me they weren't coming and i told you guys
Starting point is 01:58:24 that they weren't coming at 27 minutes and i apologize we need to put that at the time stamp of this uh episode too unless we take out special guests you should time stamp jesus look at this dude's name i can't believe i convinced my girlfriend to watch the episode with me and then the guest flakes out hey listen i appreciate that you didn't blame me but when you got a name like that all sorts of fucked up shit's gonna happen in your life that's not the name so the dave ramsay thing my point yes the point is that he takes live call-ins all the time right and when he does that they always have a format once they answer the phone but the main piece of it is he's got this little dashboard and when he goes to go on a rant or he uses their thing to kind of lead him into
Starting point is 01:59:03 the next thing he just hits a button and hangs up. Like you never hear the caller again. Oh. And so that's what I was going to suggest that you start doing. So once somebody touches on a point where you want to go off, don't leave them on there. Just hang up and go. Okay. I'll try.
Starting point is 01:59:18 It's hard for me to hang up. Sevan, the affair was a big breach of trust, so bye-bye. So let me – is a big breach of trust like – one is you have an affair with someone on the staff while you're married. That's kind of fucked up. Two is you fuck someone like your boss's wife. Now you're really fucked up. Three, you fuck your boss's daughter.
Starting point is 01:59:38 Now it's like, geez, you're toast. What do you mean big breach? You guys, I like specifics. Do you know that about me ah thank you hector thank you darn it i should have put this in the sorry andrew i should have put this in the beginning of the show it got more value there's still 500 people watching live which is pretty impressive because i thought after that you told them the special guest wasn't coming up. They could go away.
Starting point is 02:00:06 I thought we, I thought we'd see that down a little bit. Hey, you guys, I can see the metrics for the show. And on YouTube, there's like 500 watching on Facebook zero. And on Twitch,
Starting point is 02:00:15 we have one. Is there one on Twitch? I guess that's shout out to our Twitch viewer. Oh, look, I'm trying to grow that audience. How many Rodriguez's do we have call the show? Hey, buddy.
Starting point is 02:00:28 Hey, how are you, Mr. Rodriguez? So now that Dave is fired, can you go to Barbell Jobs and get a job? He should go there. I've sent him the link many times. Thank you for asking. I do think that maybe he, because he hasn't been a redshirt for so long, that maybe he's not qualified for many of the jobs uh now people are texting me that richie guy is gonna get you for
Starting point is 02:00:56 clickbait with that special guest day quiet i really thought i was having a special guest the fuck you're talking about i I told you guys at 27 minutes. It wasn't intentional. Hey, at least I mentioned that guy. Those guys like tiptoe around me. You're scared. Oh, I believe I was talking. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:01:17 Oh, Rodriguez hung up. Okay. Hello? Wait. Hold on. Sorry. Sean? What the fuck's going on here oh hi i don't call in and now people are stealing my piss did someone no no no one stole it
Starting point is 02:01:35 gonzalez guy calling in here yeah what did he say oh oh yeah yeah helping me with the hector did it too all the mexicans are helping with the job thing today. Hector and Rodriguez. The only Mexican that didn't show up was Dave fucking Castro. Oh, I didn't say who the special guest was. What are you talking about? What are you talking about? I've made a guesstimation.
Starting point is 02:01:58 Guestimation. That's not cool, man. That's how rumors start. I don't really have anything else. Bye. Bye. Let's see um what is going on over here okay something a text message from will uh he's showing me oh wow oh wow yeah um, wow. Yeah. You know why, Will? Because I block so many. Oh. Oh, wow. Okay. Okay. I see. I see. I see. I see. Sorry. That was vague. can read them but once i said it was from will i couldn't tell you what it said i needed to just say what the text said that i got but i fucked up and started with will sorry that's my fault i'm sorry uh hi caller how are you let's go rosax oh man okay great show thank you i never had a, I never had a chance to meet you, uh,
Starting point is 02:03:05 while you were with CrossFit Inc, but I met Dave in 2007 at my level one cert in Raleigh, North Carolina and the original crew, Tony Budding, Nicole Blassman coached it and taught it. Um, I really cannot believe what happened this week with Dave. And anyway, I just wanted to tell you everything that I have heard you say, I echo to be as true. I mean, I trust what you say about Dave and about the situation.
Starting point is 02:03:41 I've seen CrossFit through the 15 years that I've been around the situation. I've seen CrossFit through the 15 years that I've been around the community turn into the sport and the corporate structure that it has become. It's not what I was attracted to one time. Hey, I don't know your name.
Starting point is 02:04:06 What's your name? Jake. Jake. What gym was that in 2007 that you went to? Was that TJ's? It was the chiropractor that owned it. They had the little chiropractic studio up front. Damn, there weren't a lot.
Starting point is 02:04:20 There's probably less than 300 gyms, maybe 400 gyms. It was before. I'll tell you when it was, I put in a package to open an affiliate in Charlotte, North Carolina, where I lived. And Andy Hendel had already started the process with Tony to open up CrossFit School. And so Andy and I were both at that serve.
Starting point is 02:04:39 Andy was on the level one team at that serve. But, man, my roots for Cross they go way way way back before the games before dave was before everyone knew dave dave taught me uh my shoulder press push press and push jerk hey did he do that bit did he do that bit at your l1 where he said hey these are the we're doing fran we have the 95 pound bars over here for men and the 65 pound bars over here for women and pussies. Did he do that? I've heard you tell that story. I don't recall that, but I do recall, uh, him doing a pull up strict form with a weight belt on with three or four
Starting point is 02:05:22 kettlebells attached to it. Yeah, that was his trick. He, he had a crazy way to pull up. He was a, he, that was one trick pony. I love that guy. I,
Starting point is 02:05:30 I, I, I killed a, uh, to spend another weekend at a cert with that guy. Uh, he's, he,
Starting point is 02:05:37 he, he twisted my emotions through the years, liking him and hating him, liking him and hate. And, uh, but dude walking dude drop mike dave mic drop walk off you're the man everyone knows it i'll be the i'd be
Starting point is 02:05:53 the proud owner of the very first dave castro affiliate if he wanted to open his own gym dang hey proud owner what tell me your name again cra Craig, Craig, Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake. When when I'm going to tell you something, it was fucking the Wild West in 2007. The people who worked at CrossFit Inc. were not fucking manageable. Dave, they were they were they were killers in our midst. There was Eddie Lugo, Andy Stumpf, Dave Castro, like literally like when I mean killers in our midst. There was fucking Eddie Lugo, Andy Stumpf, Dave Castro. Like literally, like when I mean killers in the midst, and there were more, dude. There were more.
Starting point is 02:06:31 I mean guys who like one day they're overseas and a week later, you know, putting holes in dudes' pumpkins. And the next week they're fucking on the floor training people how to air squat. And it was fucking crazy and it was intense. And those fuckers were not easy to manage like now that dave's fired i'll tell you this i haven't said this out loud yet um when when i see that what i i have a little bit of a soft spot um for those guys on that executive team over there at crossfit inc because he these aren't normal human beings if you've not been around them they are not normal human beings they have done stuff not been around them, they are not normal human beings.
Starting point is 02:07:05 They have done stuff and seen stuff that you cannot imagine, and they have an intensity to them that's quite unique. And I have this newfound appreciation for Greg being able to manage Dave. There would be wars. There would be verbal email. would be verbal email doing like you would see conflict between the staff in the early days out throughout the whole thing that like like the kind of shit you saw in sons on anarchy but just no one died or got shot but like it was fucking intense working there like like like we were like greg made decisions like it was life or death too and and like like like if you can't if you're the boss and you can't handle dave saying something to you like you have no fucking idea If you're the boss and you can't handle Dave saying something to you,
Starting point is 02:07:46 you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. He's respectful, but there's some... It's big boy time, man. It's big boy time. They took it seriously. They took it seriously. It was cool. I'm so glad I saw it yeah i feel like i was at
Starting point is 02:08:07 apple when fucking jobs and wozniak were there i feel like i was at something crazy crazy cool it was better than that thank you it was better than that i jerk myself off enough i appreciate you just give me a little reach around a rusty trombone have you ever seen the i looked at rusty trombone the other day do you know what that is yeah yeah the picture's crazy i love the drawing it's not something i'd actually be into will you pull that up we'll rusty trombone and see if there's a picture of it don't don't put it like a real picture please what you can't do that my own guys are censoring my own guys are censoring me that's censored there might beoring me that's there might be some friends
Starting point is 02:08:45 of mine there might be some friends of mine that call that they get to know you better ah yes they get to know you better eddie penny thought it was evil i know it must stink like shit ah it's not the kind of bone i want to play. I loved your Amundsen podcast, by the way. Oh, thank you. Hey, that is... What a fire breather, man. That has like over 50,000 downloads over on Apple, I think, now. I can't believe how well that did.
Starting point is 02:09:16 Yeah. All right, Jake. I love this. Go ahead. James Fitzgerald, Amundsen, Dave Castro. Start a company. Yeah. Yeah. Watch James. That'd be fun. Or how about just put James and Dave in a cage and sell tickets? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:31 All right. Love you guys. Good work. Good work on all this. Peace brother. Thanks Jake. Should I have hung up on him sooner? No,
Starting point is 02:09:40 there was like, but he was explaining something, you know, like you were still, it was a back and forth? It was a back and forth. That was a back and forth conversation. I kind of care what most people have to say for a little bit. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 02:09:55 Two hours and eight minutes. I think that's the longest live call-in show you guys had to fill me. Thank you so much. Oh, shit. I just saw 10 of you log in. you're filling me thank you so much oh shit i just saw 10 of you log in uh peace and love uh for those of you um who uh took one between the eyes this evening you fucking deserved it

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