The Sevan Podcast - #256 - Spencer Panchik

Episode Date: January 7, 2022

CrossFit athlete Spencer Panchik is headed to Miami to compete at Wodapalooza 2022. He is one of the three legendary Panchik brothers. Follow Spencer - Th...e Sevan Podcast is sponsored by Follow us on Instagram Watch this episode Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:08 Or is it bam, we're live? is it bam we're live it's your show thank you in case you forgot that no no i like it thank you thank you thank you which donkey is it gonna be seven or dave which donkey you watch it alan fucking alan donkey uh uh sp, did I send Spencer a link? Spencer, how are you, buddy? Oh, look, there he is. Bam. Alright, that's the fastest I've ever gotten on.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Hey, we did it. That's it. It's done. You can go now. The goal was to make sure we got all the Panjik brothers and goals achieved. Check that off my desk. Perfect. Hey, have you ever been in the room with the other brothers, like the Smith brothers or the Anderson brothers?
Starting point is 00:01:57 We did a lot of those with the Smiths. I don't know if the Andersons did it that year or not. I don't think. I know the Smiths. All three, Spencer? Like you three were there and all three of them were there? Yeah. Did you guys compete against each other?
Starting point is 00:02:14 Yeah, it was a team of three. Oh, shit. Who won? I have the stats. I have the results. I think it was the Smiths. I think we talked fourth that year. Oh, don't sell yourself short.
Starting point is 00:02:25 You guys got third. Did we? I can't even remember. That was so long ago. This was in January of 2017. I have a document that has all of the results from Wadapalooza from every year. And it says you guys got third. The Smiths got second.
Starting point is 00:02:40 And Travis Williams, Roy Gamboa, and Jordan Cook won it that year. I know they got it by one place no shit who's the uh who's the weak link in the smiths brothers i wouldn't say there's a weak link i i they're all they remind me of us so much where it's like each one has like their own like specialty i feel like that's why you don't have your own podcast spencer because you're not willing to say dumb shit like that if you don't say dumb shit like who's the weak link when it's like three super fit dudes then uh then the obvious answer was ben i remember i was actually at wadapalooza that year it was my it was my first time going there i was a fan i had no like exposure in this space or anything i just went to watch. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:03:25 It was on Bayside stage. Maybe it was even after a swimming workout. I can't remember, but you guys had a snatch. All three of you guys hit the same bar, and it was very impressive. Do you remember that? Yeah, I think it was 285. I think that was the final workout that year. I couldn't remember if it was 275, 285, whatever it was.
Starting point is 00:03:43 I just know that it was towards the end. It didn't seem like you were all going to hit it. And then just back to back to back, nailed these beautiful snatches facing the ocean. I was like, damn, that was impressive. That workout was so much fun. I remember because I think Saxon missed one. And he's like, let me go again.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Let me go again. And Scott and I were like, let's put on 300. And then Saxon's like, I'm going out and hitting it. And then he ended up going out and he hit the final weight, but it was so cool. I love the way you talk about that. Like we're there. It's so awesome. Hey, how old are you, Spencer?
Starting point is 00:04:19 25. I want to admit something before we start. When you're not around, like when I'm talking behind your back, I call you Spencer Pancheck. But when you're not around like when i'm talking behind your back i call you spencer pancheck but when you're to your face i call you spencer pancheck so whatever i i apologize um you're 25 and in 2015 that would mean you were 19 years old yeah susan can you uh maybe can you go type into google maybe like average 19 year old and then i want to show you guys something that's just fucking mind-boggling um that is spencer um for those of you who are watching the show holding a 100 pound dumbbell
Starting point is 00:04:57 you know the ones that only the fucking juiced up guy at the, at the gold touches. I bet you that not even 1% of the 19 year olds in the United States can do a pistol. I totally even forgot about that video. This is nuts. Is this a loop or did you do like a ton of reps? No, he did 3000 of them actually. I counted and then the video ends.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Yeah. I don't even remember how many it was. We were just screwing around that day, I think. Brian, has this ever been in the games, a 100-pound pistol? No, they did have weighted pistols. One of the finale workouts, but I think it was with a kettlebell. Yeah, it was like the Cinco. Yeah, I don't think it was quite 100 pounds. What is the heaviest pistol, heaviest weighted pistol you guys have seen?
Starting point is 00:05:51 I think it was 53 that year. That was the final of the games. It was like heavy deadlifts and pistols. But I've never seen weighted pistols outside of that, really. Is it dangerous? Is it not, is it not, is it not a good event?
Starting point is 00:06:08 What do you mean? Like, I'm just wondering why it's never been in there. How about pistols with the vest on? Have we seen that? We have, right. I feel like I saw that in Del Mar.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Maybe in like an offsite event. I know not at the games or any like semifinals. Nothing. Dave would program. Actually having a, having a weight in front of your body can be helpful for some people in pistols just not 100 pounds but maybe like a 10 pound plate or something to offset the you know sometimes people just roll backwards yeah we had like some whenever i would coach we had like some like long like taller guys and like
Starting point is 00:06:41 they were like like their um like their torso would be so high that they would like want to fall backwards so they'd get like a 10 pound plate and they actually thought it was easier with it that was exactly what i was going to say there is a there is a weight that if you hold in front of you maybe it's a five pound kettlebell um for a weakling like me that's actually like i can't do a pistol and then i hold that five pound weight and i'm in the game like it helps the cantilever the geometry of it yeah yeah but 100 pounds isn't like that and and the where you're holding it's just completely fucking nuts too that's like that's not doing anyone any favors it's really nuts it's nuts that that there's three brothers who are competing at this level well two you're almost there yeah ouch what um when you see saxon go
Starting point is 00:07:29 at the games are you like yeah i'm so fucking proud of him dude i could beat him in three of these workouts easy i mean i always say that but it's i'm like watching him compete i feel like i'm competing like i actually think it's more intense watching him and Scott compete. It's like that snatch event at the Games this year. Like, oh, my goodness. Like that was like I wish I had a whoop on to like track my heart rate for that. Well, let's get Matt out of the way here. Thank you, Matt, for the $5.
Starting point is 00:08:01 I'll use that wisely for almost a gallon of gas in California. Question for Spencer. Where can I find the Stars and Stripes knee sleeves you and your brother sometimes wear? I think they actually discontinued them. I get that message so much, and I can't find them anywhere. Those knee sleeves are so old. I think I got them in like 2014 or 2015. Sounds like they need to bring them back.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Seems like they'd be popular. You should talk to a sponsor or something and be like, hey man, I get questions about this all the time. Let's run it back. Spencer Panchuk edition. Yeah, they're like my lucky knee sleeves. Saxon, we got them at the games. It was, I really think it was like 2014 or 2015
Starting point is 00:08:42 and we've been wearing them since. It's amazing. I didn't even know there was an Isaiah 4113. What? I know more about – I read more interviewing you guys, the elite athletes of various backgrounds. That's how I get my Bible reading in every day is because everyone has it. Isaiah 4113. in every day it's because everyone has a as i afford as i have as i say isaiah thank you
Starting point is 00:09:06 isaiah 41 13 brian you just earned your keep for i am lord your god who takes hold of your right hand i don't know why it has to be your right hand uh a racist and says to you do not fear i I will help you. Why, why, um, did that, did that come after the cliff fall? Um, yes, yes. And no, uh, because if it didn't, you need your money back. Yo dude, 75 feet. I had my right hand up like this the whole time. Yeah, that was, I mean, that experience was really crazy. And, um, Yeah, that experience was really crazy. It brought us in a complete different path on where we were going in our life. It was a blessing in disguise, really, is what it was. If I had to sum that up, it was we wouldn't be where we are today. Who knows what would have happened if that never happened. Yeah. How about that quote? Do you remember why that resonates with you? Did you hear it in a song? Did you read it? Did your mom tell it to you? My dad's actually, he actually has this book that he puts on the table every morning. And there's always like little quotes that like stick out of it, but he gets it from church and he'll
Starting point is 00:10:22 bring it in. And there's just always little ones that like stick out. And I don't even remember posting that one. But it's just that day. There's always different things that like really like resonate with me. You have a lot of quotes in there. And I actually don't see a lot of athletes who do this. And I'm kind of a quote guy too. I like the whole self-help genre. I love um i love eckhart tolle i love any like jesus teachings i sort of
Starting point is 00:10:51 stayed away from tony robbins just uh at a pure prejudice and ego on my part i'm like nice too popular for me you got abraham hicks in there do you but do you go to church a lot? I used to. I've become like very, very spiritual. And I don't know. I started working with my dad a little bit. He goes to church every day. And I don't know. It's just different. And I ask that because, yes, some of the quotes you have, it seems like.
Starting point is 00:11:23 So my sister is pretty hardcore. Like she's like hardcore. Is that a spiritual t-shirt you're wearing, Seva? Yeah. Isn't that great? Do you want to – this is like one of my favorite t-shirts in the world, and I never wear it because I'm afraid that the – every time I wash it, this thing is just going to come off, this logo. And usually you can't see it when I wear it, but I got this new 4K camera so you could see just naked people. see it when i wear but i got this new 4k camera so you could see just naked um it's funny going to parent teacher conferences when my kids were in the indoctrination camp and and i would wear
Starting point is 00:11:50 this shirt it was kind of weird um were you homeschooled um right after our accident we were um for a year and then we were able to get back in the school oh not because your parents are like wackadoodles like like like me and my wife okay um maybe you'll come on your wife is not that's true i think my wife set me on the path to be a wackadoodle and then took two steps back and got off of it um because i asked that because my my wife would not um my what my wife my wife my my sister is very religious and like she keeps all her quotes like in in the jesus book like like from like the bible and yours is like yours are like all over the place yeah and this is a great quote from tony robbins you give um and it's weird that i believe stuff like this um goals are like magnets they'll attract the things that make them come true.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Yeah. Yeah. That one's a trip. Yeah. There's like, um, it's just, it's just, um, it's really like being in alignment. And, uh, um, I truly believe like, like you go down the path of, of least resistance And, um, really like when you, when you give up, when you give up, like trying to like fight for things, um, that's when like stuff really starts kind of like falling in your lap. And yeah, I mean, you see it even with games athletes, it's like somebody who maybe hasn't qualified for the CrossFit games and it's like, all right, I'm done. And then they were just having fun in the gym. And then all of a sudden they go and they qualify for the games and they're like, I just having fun with my fitness and um they just gave up they
Starting point is 00:13:29 just gave up all resistance of of trying to let that happen and it happened it's kind of i we i didn't get i don't know if that's exactly what happened with ariel lowen but let's just say it did that's the we had her on a couple days ago the connection was so bad so we couldn't dig that out but i think that's what happened with her exactly yeah i remember it was it was a while ago but i remember um it was daniel timensky when he retired and he's just like i'm just doing it for fun and he went and qualified yeah but like there's so many cases of of of like stuff like that happening just in crossfit but um i'm sure in business. And there's probably so many examples of things like that happening. You can't relax.
Starting point is 00:14:10 I better not say that. Someone will take it seriously. I was going to make a steroid joke, but someone will take it seriously. Where were you born? Pittsburgh. Did you come first or your brother? Saxon had me by a minute. Oh, okay. Just a minute. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Just a minute. Just a minute. And from a young age, does he remind you that he's older than you? I never got front seat. Oh, no shit. It was like that? I never got front seat, but I always got to open my Christmas presents first. Was that the trade-off?
Starting point is 00:14:40 Seriously? Well, it was always youngest got to open the gifts first. Oh, that's up front awesome wow what is up front i like it how your parents scarred both of you all right all right that was actually my older brothers probably it was like you were in the back my my my sister always got the front seat and she always got to choose the radio station and all that shit i hated that shit shit. Thanks for reminding me. And there's more than just the three of you.
Starting point is 00:15:09 There's two more? There's actually six of us total. Wow. And so can you tell me their names and the order they come? Yeah, so I'm the youngest, Saxon. I have a sister, Shana. I have another brother. Is she the one who did a team at West coast classic this year. Yeah. She did a team at West coast. Um, another brother, Steve Scott, and then I have an older brother, Sean. How often do you tell the story of you falling off the cliff? Do you tell that once a year?
Starting point is 00:15:41 Do you tell that once a year? Usually on like podcasts and stuff. Right. I try and avoid telling it because it's, I don't know. It's just that it's a very long story. And I don't know. I mean, it's a good reminder sometimes, but I'm also in a different chapter in my life right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Tell me, explain to me, by the way, anyone who wants to hear that story in detail can go back to the podcast with Saxon. He's far more open than Spencer. What is the reason – I feel you on that about being in a different chapter, but there's something underneath that I feel like. What do you mean by that? Like was that that gnarly? Yeah, I mean it just – yes, it defines me of like where I am in life. Um, but at the same time, it, I don't know, it just, it, it opened up a bunch of different doors for me and, um, it got me to where I am and up having to go to for a job but you don't instead you're you're you're persevering and trying to go to the games you have your own gym uh yeah so i actually did and then um we actually just closed how come
Starting point is 00:16:59 um our landlords so we actually so our landlords they gave us a late notice on, um, getting into a new space. They wouldn't renew our lease. And, uh, we were like working hard to try and find a space and, um, all the warehouses around like where we are, like, there's a waiting list on everything. Um, so the closest place we could get was like, there's a waiting list on everything. Um, so the closest place we could get was like, probably like 15, 20 minutes away. And, um, for us, it'd be really hard to maintain our membership. Like it would just, it would just split everything. So, um, right, right now we're just, we just got a space for us to kind of train and, um, see where the year leads us. And maybe we come back and pick up where we left off and we can find a space.
Starting point is 00:17:46 That's stressful. Oh, very stressful. What are the – and you have a girlfriend? Yes. So you have a – I'm thinking of all the things that are emotionally taxing in your life. Girlfriend, business. Anything else? Do you have kids? No kids, kids, nieces and nephews. Are those the, um, are those the big things? So your business is done. You're done. What was the name of your gym? CrossFit cliffside. And so you're done. Yeah. What, what will you do?
Starting point is 00:18:22 Are you tripping? No. Like I said, I truly believe everything happens for a reason. We worked as hard as we could to find a new space. We just couldn't make it happen. This is just where life's taking us right now. It gives us a full year to just focus on competing.
Starting point is 00:18:43 That's what we're going to do. Who's us? Saxon and we actually we own it together oh for some reason i thought he had a separate gym no scott has a separate scott has a separate gym so his is about 45 minutes from us and that's crossfit mentality yeah and why um why did you guys open your own gym and move distance yourself from him it just gave us a chance to kind of do our thing and grow something. We always wanted to keep changing people's lives, and that was through fitness, and it allowed us to do that on a bigger scale. Gotcha. No, like, we'll show Scott, or we're big boys, too, or we won't be in Scott's shadow or nothing like that. No,
Starting point is 00:19:25 like acts to grind or something to prove we're our own people, but we're going to stay together as twins. No, not at all. I mean, we still train together and, um, it's,
Starting point is 00:19:34 it's cool when we get a chance to, uh, to just throw down and have fun, but water Palooza will be water Palooza. It'd be really cool to do it together. We haven't, we haven't competed together individually since the last regional which was very exciting if you haven't that we're not around back then you should go back and watch the east regional from 2018 it was a crazy finish
Starting point is 00:19:54 oh that's nuts i'm having deja vu how uh how long ago did you know that scott was going to compete at water palooza um pretty much the day they posted it. Yeah. I mean, it was, it's, this is the thing about Wadapalooza. If people don't know is they, they, they are really open to working with athletes on their own terms and schedules. So you can sign up pretty late for that if you receive an invitation, but like I have access to a lot of the backend stuff to prepare for that competition. And I saw it on their Instagram before I knew about it, even on, on any of the backend stuff. So I was just curious if you guys had known. Well, I, I kind of, I'm like, bro, you're training really hard. He's like, I just like
Starting point is 00:20:33 fitness, man. And then he called me. He's like, Hey, uh, I'm going, uh, I'm going individual. Damn. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You guys lost lost me are you talking about this year yeah this year when was that announced two days ago yeah wow oh he's not on your list i didn't update your list i'm sorry i'm going over to their account now hey so so scott's not retired i guess not wow who called that seven uh me um this this this girl is your um girlfriend yeah have you seen her id she's older than me. Oh, all right. All right. Just checking.
Starting point is 00:21:26 All right. Just checking. And how did you meet her? So it's actually funny. She's actually from, or her family grew up with my family back in Pittsburgh. But when we first opened up the gym, she was one of the first people that came in. She was actually, she was living in Colorado at the time and then ended up moving back and then we just kind of connected and it's just it's crazy okay okay hold on a second uh you open a business and a girl comes and stalks you there is not a
Starting point is 00:22:00 weird story that is uh totally normal and that's the kind of shit that happens every single day where someone works somewhere and someone sees them and stalks them are you trying to tell me that like she she didn't know you own that gym now well her family actually knew my family um but um her mom and my mom they actually went to high school together um in pittsburgh so they kind of like i think they kind of set it up in a way to be honest um so she would come in there and it would just be like you know when you open a gym there'll be classes with just one person it would just be you and her you'd be just coaching her and no she actually dropped in um when she was back from like colorado and then went back out there and then came back like a year or two years later.
Starting point is 00:22:46 And how long have you guys been together? About a year. Does she – is there a learning curve with being close to you in terms of your commitment to competition? Yeah, she gets it, and it's like, it's, um, I don't know. It's just, it's, it's a weird balance of, of just training. Like it's hard. A lot of people don't really get like what goes into it. It's like, I mean, some people will be like, ah, you just sit in the gym all day, but it's like you hit a workout and then it's like, like you feel your body, you recover and then you go again. And it's like every day.
Starting point is 00:23:30 And how about this stuff? I'll give you this example. So like, if I'm coming in here to do a podcast with you, like minutes before the podcast start, I'll start like playing it in my head. You know what I mean? Okay. He'll come on and I'll start like, should I ask him how close he is with his brother? Should I start with where he was born? And then, and then, and then the dialogue will start and you'll like be, I'll'll play your role too like i'll start talking for you right and if my wife says to me something like um oh hey do you mind taking out the trash it'll fuck with me a little bit but it's cool like i can do it but if but if but if she says something emotional to me like if she gets mad at me for something like hey that wasn't cool what you fucking did last night i want to talk to you about it.
Starting point is 00:24:05 I'm fucked. I'm a fucking train. Like I might just snap and fucking explode. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah, it's almost like she like I can't have someone who's so close to me because she lives in there. Right. Like in my in my in my head.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Like I don't let anyone else over there, but she a little bit. Brian, she lives in there right like in my in my in my head like i don't let anyone else over there but she a little bit brian um she lives in there and uh is is she aware of that like i don't even know after 20 years if my wife is aware of that like holy shit like like she could snap her fingers all my shit could unravel no i think it's just like it's just communication and uh just being very transparent with each other It's just communication and just being very transparent with each other. And in this regard, just giving you space, being emotionally supportive around – like even if she has something that she wants to talk to you about, like, hey, it's two minutes before you're about to go in the gym and put a three-hour session. Now is not the time. Yeah, she would never do that.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Wow. Wow, that's crazy that she already knows that. I'm going to give you my wife's phone number and you no no you should give your wife's phone number to his girlfriend that's who he needs to talk to if he starts acting like seven run you're um when you have a uh do you do you know what it's like to have a twin or do you not know since it's all you know um i think i don't know what it's like to not be a twin yeah i don't think i mean it's crazy i was telling sax it's like i don't think we've ever spent more than a week apart it's crazy like our whole lives it's it's insane to even think about um so you're in the
Starting point is 00:25:46 womb together obviously were you guys in your own sack or did you guys share a sack are you identical yeah we're identical okay so you guys were squished in there and um and then did you sleep in the same bed together growing up we had bunk beds actually and and how old were you when you got those ah i don't even know maybe like six seven years old and and then before then where did you sleep you sleep in your parents bed or do you remember now like we were i mean there were so many of us we were just crammed in the room i think i think the bunk beds just kind of fit a little better but right zach's always got the top bunk um and then and then what would cause you to be And then what would cause you to be apart?
Starting point is 00:26:27 What would cause you to be apart for a week? Just competing and stuff. It hasn't been until recently when we spent more time apart. But yeah, I think when I went to Dubai and competed, I think that was really the only time that we ever spent. I think that was the longest we ever spent apart yeah it's nuts um my boys uh obby seven and my twins are five and i can't outside of one of them spending the night at my mom's house i don't think they've not only are they together always they sleep in the same they have one king size bed and they all just sleep in there every night that's awesome even though they each have their own fucking bed they don't they don't go to their own bed
Starting point is 00:27:09 that's so cool yeah it's it's such a trip um when you when you do go when you are apart do you guys talk every single day yeah and and who calls who first um i don't know it's usually a facetime to be honest it's about something so random. Like I'll get a FaceTime from him and it's just like his kid's face just like smashed up on the camera. Have you seen him change since he's had kids? A little bit. I mean, not a whole lot. His wife does such a good job with just taking care of the kids and
Starting point is 00:27:45 letting him do his thing and focus on on training and um he's just found such a good job with like balance of um family time and training time he's not like uh hey you gotta have one dude you can't believe how great it is hurry up none of that shit no do not have a kid. No, neither one of them. No, this is Scott. Yeah, that was Scott. But I was actually referencing Saxon. Saxon has a kid, right, too? Yes, he has twins.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Holy shit, that's right. Yeah, crazy. Sorry, Sousa doesn't know the difference between Saxon, Spencer and Scott. And your mom named you all three S's. Clever. All six of us have an S. Do they put... Saxon, Shana, Steve, Scott, Sean. Oh, yes. When you guys were on sports teams, if you ever had a
Starting point is 00:28:36 jersey that said the names on the back, would it just say Panchik? Would it say S. Panchik? Would they do S.P. Panchik? It was Panchik. Just Panchik. We could swap them out whenever we wanted. What does – what's the significance of Wadapalooza going to this? What's – for you? It's just – it's a chance to just go and have fun and like –
Starting point is 00:29:00 I'm excited that Scott's going down there too. And it's just – it gives us a chance to go do something together, but separately. And it's just, it's just, it's just, it's going to be fun. Like how many people can say that they had a chance to compete with,
Starting point is 00:29:14 with their brothers. And I grew up watching Scott play college football. And like, that was something I always wanted to do. And I have pictures of him, like taking, he would take a picture with us after the games. And was so small and, um, he's literally like a college guy and, um, just to, to, to be able to have the opportunity to, to do something together. Like I never would
Starting point is 00:29:35 have thought of it. So you're stoked that he's your big brother. Yeah. Like just awesome. Big brother. Yeah. It's awesome. awesome yeah how are your parents pretty happy yeah they're actually going down to watch us yeah your parents must be high as a kite your parents probably haven't come down from how high they are since since you got in that accident you fucked that part up but other than that they've been high what an amazing thing to have all those kids to cherish and love well you guys planned like the travel and the lodging at Wadapuzza as a family all together? Or do you guys all kind of do your own thing? Well, Sax and I, we always travel together.
Starting point is 00:30:14 And so we're staying. We got an Airbnb together. And then Scott got his own. He wasn't supposed to compete. So he got something that was different. And now he's competing. What do you do for that brian does he just like text o'keefe and be like yo it's me scott yes mr mr pancha and he's like put me put me in coach and that's it it's that easy
Starting point is 00:30:37 uh i don't think it's o'keefe i think there's a competition team that you just you receive spencer probably knows better than me but you receive an invitation and then you have the opportunity to respond up to it. I'm guessing a certain date. Yeah. I know he got an invite and he didn't say yes or no. And then, um, I know he just showed up. He just left it in his inbox, just sitting there every day. I'm coming out of retirement. I think actually his, his only hesitancy in coming out of retirement was that Savan would then be correct. Yes, yes. No one wants me to be correct.
Starting point is 00:31:14 It does say something about Scott. I mean, it says something about everyone who's competing here, especially in the men's group. But it does say something about Scott like come and test the waters here like why not just what you know he he why not just go to a local comp um but he's he's going i mean these are sharks this is a nasty nasty group of dudes right before he actually um he he i was at his house for new year's and he's like hey like come in the garage and like do this workout i just did it and i'm like no and i was like you're gonna have to show up but he wanted to see like where his fitness was the mind wait it's tell me that again on new year's you're over like are you like just in your regular clothes like are you in jeans and i was just in jeans and a penguin jersey and he's
Starting point is 00:32:01 just like come do this workout well like you're in his living room and he's saying that to you yeah he actually walked me out to the garage and was like this is it if you want to do it wow did he convince you or did you say did you pass yeah that's good keep them in the dark and do you guys just keep looking at each other and laughing like i was like he's like you want to do it i'm like bro just come down the waterpalooza was this past games the first time that either of you had ever placed higher than scott in a competition when saxon did um i think so i mean maybe in like a quarterfinal or an open i can't remember but I know like something that was like significant. And I think it was this year. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Are you going to the games this year, Spencer? That's the plan. Do you see it? Do I see it? Yeah. I think about it every night. I mean,
Starting point is 00:32:58 that's something I've been thinking about since ever since Scott competed in his first games. That was, I want to be out there. And when you, when you say you think about it, what's that look like? Like what you're going to wear there, how you're going to get there? Yeah, just the feeling of stepping out on the floor and looking around and just visualizing everything.
Starting point is 00:33:22 And literally, what does it smell like? What does it look like? How does it feel that? I don't know. There's so many different things that go through my mind of, of, of that feeling of, of, of just stepping out on the competition floor. Do you, do you have to put energy into that or just, it just, the second you lie down, those things just start flowing and then you pay attention, you become present, pay attention to them. I don't know. I do it. I do it like a lot of like, like meditating. So like when I, usually when I get up in the morning, it's just something that I kind of say to myself and, um, then I'll just kind of sit down and just get into a meditation.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Define that word for me, uh, uh, meditation. What does that mean to you? For me, it's just, um, I mean, there's so many different meanings to it but like for me it's just throwing me in in a good state for the day and um just like focusing on like my goals and everything that i really want to accomplish that day that's old school right there we had a big brother who played football and i was just a little boy you said something like that this is uh this is nine years ago so you were god this is like just like going through puberty for you yeah that was right after his first games this is like you're 16 you barely drive yep yeah that's crazy and you know what's crazy look at your which wait which side are you on i'm on the left in the red shirt yeah okay that's
Starting point is 00:34:54 what i thought look at look at your body it's the exact same body but with like 20 pounds less of muscle right how much do you weigh there i i don't even know probably what was that nine years ago yeah so i was what 16 i don't know i was probably like 140 150 pounds and and how tall are you 5'8 and were you 5'8 then were you done growing at 16 um i was probably pretty darn close yeah yeah at least height i was done growing when i was 14 um and and and how much do you weigh now um i bounce between like 180 and 185 damn i wasn't even close that's 40 pounds of muscle ago and that and that's like isn't that right like they say you can put like five to seven pounds of muscle on a year. And obviously that's like in your peak testosterone years, right? I mean, you're just turning into a man.
Starting point is 00:35:49 So that would be if you put on a, not three, four, five. Yeah. That's you put on four to five pounds of muscle every single year. Yeah. That's crazy. And are you grinding at this time? You're a 16 year old boy and you've already started the journey. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:05 This actually is a really good question because, you know, a lot of people like to have the conversation of when is an appropriate time for someone to start training in CrossFit. And you guys have had, without even really knowing it, an opportunity to start doing it at a fairly young age, 15, 16 years old. age, 15, 16 years old was, uh, have you, have you like given any thought to that? Like looking back at it and said like, maybe we would have done something differently at 15, 16, 17, 18 to set us up for a career in a different way. Or do you think you went about it differently or what can you share with someone who might, you know, be that age now thinking about it? Um, so it was really cool cause like our goal was to always use the women's weight and it was the try and hang with Scott.
Starting point is 00:36:45 like our goal was to always use the women's weight and it was to try and hang with scott and um i truly believe that strength like like savant said like is like every year like especially like from puberty on like you're gonna put anywhere between four to eight pounds of muscle on and the more weight you put on the stronger you're gonna get so it's just about building like just that engine and like that that that sense of like being able to hurt and be uncomfortable and know how to approach a workout. So like, it wasn't all like we weren't fixated on clicking an RX button, but it was just, it was, can we hit the, can we hit the time stimulus? And, um, wait, what's that mean? That's an important thing that people should understand right there. Yeah. Give it, explain that to me. You could hit the time domain, meaning what's that mean?
Starting point is 00:37:27 So whatever Scott would hit, like, I mean, he was, he was at the top, he took fourth that year and, um, our goal was to be right where he was. And like, that was like, that was the purpose was like, you look at like, so lower the weight so you could do all the workouts in his time domain. That's how, that's one of the primary principles you guys thought as a kid. So if he did Fran in three minutes, you'd be like, okay, we can do Fran with a 25-pound bar in three minutes, so we'll do it. Yep. Damn.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Yep. I like that. Even if it was just like scaling the pull-ups down, but it was just like we would look at it and we'd look at kind of like where we were, especially with like gymnastics and stuff like where our skills were we're at and um our goal would be to hit the same time and um whatever we had to do to do that um while maintaining uh uh integrity and and in every movement like that's what we would do um because it's so easy to get caught up in clicking the rx button and you get to a barbell and you just stare at it or you get to the rings and it's just like you stare at it and it's just are you really like are you at that point are you really getting much fitter yes and no what does facundo think of that when you tell him that and did you who came up with that that idea there's three questions i have for you can
Starting point is 00:38:42 you give me an example of a workout you did as a young boy that was like, it tell me exactly what you did. Like, did you do Fran with 25 pounds? And instead of doing 21, 15, nine, you did nine, nine, nine. And then once you could do that in three minutes, you switched it to nine, nine, 10. Like, can you give me an example? The second thing is, whose idea was that? And Facundo is your current coach, right? Yeah. What's he think about that? When you, when, when you tell him, Hey, that's how we started? Those are the three things. Yeah. Where do you want me to start? Anywhere you want.
Starting point is 00:39:08 I'll derail you and start talking about my shirt again if you want. Yeah. So something like freeing, like as a kid, we'd look at that and we could do the pull-ups, no problem. So we'd keep 21-15-9 and then like 9, 7, 5 thrusters and maybe a little bit heavier. Maybe it'd be like 75 pounds, but we could still build a little bit of strength. But yes, we'd maybe move a little slower through the thrusters, but we would spend the same amount of time on that as the pull-ups. And whose idea was it to do that? I don't know. It was just – it just made it competitive.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Yeah, that's what I was thinking. So Scott would be – it was a way you guys could push Scott. Yeah. I mean, yeah, there was like no rhyme or reason because Scott was using CrossFit to train for football. So like he would run with the football. I remember we were at CrossFit Pittsburgh, and he would run with the football. And like our goal would be to get out the door behind him. And like we're running behind him. We're just trying to smack this football out of his hand.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Wait, you were at CrossFit Pittsburgh? Yeah. I think that was the very first place I ever interviewed Greg Glassman. Really? And I think there's the owner there. Was this woman. Mike Petragala and Jen. Mike and Jen.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Yeah, I did a workout against Jen that was on main site. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning. Which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino,
Starting point is 00:40:52 where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Yeah, a wall ball rope climb workout i had never done a rope climb before yeah those guys they love the main site that's like we would know like we would get up in the mornings and we like we'd look at the main site workout and it was um like 90 of
Starting point is 00:41:17 the time it was a main site workout hey god you knuckleheads. If Seven went to a CrossFit gym, he would understand the concept. Shut your pie hole. I mean, thank you for listening. Okay, so you did that, and Scott was using it for football. I was going to ask you something about that. Oh, did you – does he – I refer to my twins. I'm probably scarring them horribly by saying this to them i refer to my kids as avi and then his two training partners
Starting point is 00:41:50 like hey i just had you guys to um train avi but there is a and i joke about it but there is a component of truth to that through a certain age right as you guys are chasing him it's a um he's the what is the rabbit yeah but um but he's the, what is it? The rabbit. Yeah. But, um, but it's, it's, it's, it's mutually helpful. Right. Yeah. So it was, it was, it was always funny. Cause like everyone always assumes that Scott started CrossFit before us. And like, really we were just developing, we were younger and, um, our bodies were like, they were just growing. Um, yeah, I would make that assumption too. Yeah. Yeah. I think you're right. I make that assumption. Yeah. But, um, yeah, it was just, it was, um, it was, it was
Starting point is 00:42:30 really cool. And it was just, we, we used it at two different ways. It was, he would use it for a sport and we were using it to just be competitive. Wait. So it's not true. He didn't start before you started at the same time. We started the the same my dad actually started before us and got us involved wow uh so like literally like he's like hey boys come come to the gym and then you guys did your first workout basically together yeah i'll be right back it was fight gone bad don't do anything i wouldn't do brian did brian get a haircut um it was that was my i think uh that wasn't my first workout but that was like the first workout i doubt they did fight gone bad at my L1. And that was like probably like the first one I really like went as hard as I could.
Starting point is 00:43:11 It's because you guys start going up next to people and it's like, all right, I got to keep moving at a fast pace. Yes. Yeah, that was brutal. Are you stronger? You know what I'm gonna say no are you more fit at 25 than scott was at 25 if we go back in time can you put a whooping on 25 year old scott panchik i think the whole i think the whole sport evolved and i think don't be't be nice. Don't be nice. You don't got to couch it. I think Scott right now is stronger than Scott at 25. So I would say, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:52 But I think that's like, the more time you spend in the sport, like we grew up playing the sport, or not playing the sport, but like doing CrossFit. And he didn't start CrossFit until he was in college. So it's like, I had a lot of those younger years to really develop
Starting point is 00:44:08 and just build up the mechanics through every movement. Not saying that he didn't, but it gave us more time to be able to do it from a younger age. Well, my younger kids are developing. This is a little bit of a stretch because there's some things missing in their skill set but they're developing about a year faster than avi really yeah so basically they're they're reading they're doing math faster they're skateboarding faster they're doing gymnastics faster i mean because they're mimicking him they're like chasing him down of course they're like they're still really sloppy like like even though they're doing stuff
Starting point is 00:44:45 a year earlier than him it's it's it's not to the caliber but like avi didn't start riding skateboard till he was five and a half and my twins at five can ride skateboards already why do you think that is they're just chasing him down they just have a crazy role model the poor avi was stuck with fucking me as a role model i'm a fucking buffoon i can barely tie my shoes and these guys got him, you know? That's so cool, though. Like, that's like, I mean, that's like, that's the perks of having brothers. It's, you look at the Watt brothers in the NFL.
Starting point is 00:45:17 I think it's very fascinating watching them. Their dad was in the NFL like, he broke that milestone. And then all of a sudden now you have three brothers. One of them's the top defensive player of the year, um, right behind his, his older brother. But like, they keep setting the bars higher and higher. And it's like, it's like the, it's like the sub five minute mile. Like once, like once you break through that, it's, it's, it's easy. And people see that it's, it's attainable. Yeah. You, you were, you knew a guy that you saw every single day who could squat three plates. Yeah. Yeah. I never, and I, and like, I never knew anyone who could do that. You know what I mean? Unless they were some sort of games athlete I was filming.
Starting point is 00:45:58 So like, for me, it was just like squat one plate. Yeah. Yeah. The whole bar has been changed for you guys. I think i would speculate it'd be interesting to talk to your parents because of scott well and your other siblings right you're anyone who's older than you you saw you're like i guess it's like that phenomenon someone's going to bring it up i'm sure but um uh once someone broke the four minute mile yeah like they just start pouring in right then there's a dozen guys in the next two years who do it i shouldn't say pouring in but that's's what I meant. Four minute mile, not five. Oh, did you say that? I said, I said five, I meant four, but it's like, it just, it just
Starting point is 00:46:32 shows you that like, um, yeah, once it's done, it's like, oh wow. It was, it was like a 300 pound snatch. I remember, um, I think it was, it was easy hit it. I think that I was training with rich and then rich headed. And then it was just like now you look at at the mac there was like seven or eight guys that hit it in the course of uh of 10 15 minutes i don't think that's gonna happen with a 500 pound snatch like lasha did though who did a 500 pound snatch this crazy guy from the republic of georgia oh i think i saw him he's giant. He wears the red singlet. That's insane.
Starting point is 00:47:08 I don't think there's gonna be a lot of guys knocking down that door anytime soon. That's crazy. What do you think about, um, do you know who Adam Klink is? Yeah. With the,
Starting point is 00:47:18 uh, five minute mile or five and 500 pound back squat. Yeah. I mean, I think, I think that's so impressive when he does when you see him do that are you like okay i'm gonna get that i mean i definitely like i remember watching there was a uh i think kalipa was talking about it but he was just like you're gonna start
Starting point is 00:47:38 seeing like a sub five minute mile and a 400 clean and jerk or a 500 pound back squat. And then all of a sudden, like people start doing it. Um, but yeah, like you, you see it and it's like, I mean, maybe it's just like, just from having brothers, it's like anytime Saxon goes in and does a workout, like he'll do really well. I'm like, ah, if he can do it, I can do it. Ah. And it's funny you said, because you did do that um you did that just the other day you made a post i think it was a 340 pound oh the jerks yeah 340 pound overhead for three um so so yeah let's talk about that that is kind of that's where having training partners like your brothers could be kind of risky right it's the end of the day let me see if i can find that it's at the end of the day. Let me see if I can find that. It's at the end of the day, you know, he's, you paint the picture for me. What happened that day? What, why? Tell me what happened that day and I'll pull up the video. Yeah. Um, well it was actually, so we were working up, I think it was a, it was a two rep,
Starting point is 00:48:38 two rep shoulder to overhead. Um, and I hit, I missed, i hit 315 and then i missed 325 and then saxon saxon threw on 345 and then he hit it i'm like you know what just just leave it on there but this is at the end of the day right uh yeah it was like midday yeah we were wrapping up our training that day and um this is where shit could get sideways right having someone who's pushing you these are the stories you hear about where it's like yeah like these are the questions people have for mayhem or for comp train or for these places or for uh training think tank where you get too many animals in one room and they start biting each other this is like hey maybe you should have put it away but because your brother was there
Starting point is 00:49:22 you did this is 3 40 for three, right? I don't know. It was either two or three. I think it was two. I think it was a push jerk and a split jerk. Go ahead. To answer your question. It's, it just depends and it's just being transparent with whoever you're training with. Like there's days where like Saxon has hit something. I'm like, you know what? That's not feeling good today. I'm'm not gonna do that and vice versa so i it's just it's going off feeling like putting your ego aside but like it is 340 for three by the way not two i love it how it's
Starting point is 00:49:55 just a few days ago and you still can't fucking like you're so humble i guess that's the problem that's someone who's just always moving forward. Like me, I would circle around that for like 10 years. He still talks about his 10 overhead squats at 175. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was 35. That was 14 years ago. So you, you're saying, you know, you know, yourself at 25, you're, you're not going to hurt yourself. You feel confident. Yeah, I feel confident. It's just, it's listening to your body. And I think there's a, there's a time and place for it, but it's just, it's knowing that, I mean, we train together every day and, um, it's just knowing if he can do it, I can do it.
Starting point is 00:50:36 And, um, there's days to test that and there's days to not test that. Do you think you have similar mentalities? Absolutely. Absolutely. You said in one of your posts, while I was growing up, my parents taught me one big thing that always stuck with me. That was to keep fighting for what you believe in. That's a pretty good thing for all parents to hear. Yeah. Do you remember what the context was for that? Like, was there something that happened? Like, yeah, I think it was, I think it was after I missed the games. I think that was, what was the date on that? Do you know? I don't, I don't know. It was probably,
Starting point is 00:51:15 I think that was right after I missed, um, I missed the games this year and, um, it's just, it's, it's knowing your, your, your capabilities. And, um, I look back and I just missed out on, on my games ticket from West coast. And, um, it wasn't from, it wasn't from like a physical standpoint, but it was, it was more of just like a mindset. And, um, like I, I know exactly what I'm capable of. I train with Saxon Scott like regularly It's just being able to go out there and execute. That's the biggest thing. It's trusting myself and knowing when you step out on the competition floor that the work's done and it's just showing up and trusting yourself.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Was that result at West Coast Classic more devastating than last chance qualifier this year? Was it harder to accept? You there? Yeah. Do you hear me? Yeah, ask again, Brian, one more time. Was the near miss?
Starting point is 00:52:17 Wait, wait, wait. Stand by. Okay. He's showing us his wedding ring. Oh, that's a nice wedding ring. Hey, I don't know why it went out. Can you hear me? Yes. Can you hear me? Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:25 Can you hear us? You can't hear us. Let me ask you a few questions, Brian. Will Spencer make it to the games this year before he can hear us again? I think he has a very good chance to, but it's – Is he games caliber? Is he games caliber? Yeah, I do think he's games caliber, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:44 He's as good as saxon saxon's like top five top ten at the games and that that's a little different but i think he's good spencer is good enough to make it to the games um do you think he's referring to his not making it there based on execution whenever athletes say that that's kind of scary to me that means it makes me feel like the margins are so fucking slim. They are really slim, and especially in the… Sorry, I don't know why that went out like that. That's okay. Can you hear us now?
Starting point is 00:53:14 Yeah, I can hear you. Okay, go ahead, Brian. The margins. No. Oh. While we were gone, Spencer, we were talking about how competitive it is and how minor execution errors can be the difference between making it or missing it. And we saw it at most of the live semifinals this year.
Starting point is 00:53:31 It's harder to approximate what went down in the online ones. But what I was curious about was, because you, were you more, was it more devastating or harder to accept the near miss at West Coast Classic than the last chance qualifier result? Yeah, absolutely. West Coast, I mean, the last chance qualifier was what it was. I think I put all my eggs in qualifying at West Coast, and I think it was just frustrating because I've done all those workouts before, like that snatch ladder.
Starting point is 00:54:03 I did that workout a few times. I've done that so many times whenever they released it, um, at regionals that year. And then, um, I ran through it before and, um, my time should have been a top time. And it's just, you go out there and you get excited and you're like, I want to show like, like, I want my work to show for, or I want my performance to show for the work that I put in and you almost jumped the gun and push the pace and can kind of burn yourself down in the process. Um, so it's just, yeah, it's just, it's, it's, it's trusting yourself and knowing exactly like what you need to do. Yeah. And, um, just, uh, seven, in case you weren't clear, like we've, we talked with
Starting point is 00:54:41 down pepper about this on a different workout. He's he, he just didn't really know how to handle the D ball and that ended up costing him. But when you look back at Spencer's results from West coast classic, you know, it's a, we already talked about it. Like his proficiency at snatching is, is excellent if not elite.
Starting point is 00:54:58 And so to see that kind of a finish in that workout is one of those things where it does jump off the pages, something like, I don't think that was necessarily on that day. Yeah, that's how good you did. But I know that I know that that's a workout you can do a lot cleaner execution or run through. Yeah, absolutely. I think it's, yeah, it's just, it's just trusting yourself and just doing that.
Starting point is 00:55:21 just doing that. Um, it's gotta be really nice to see how well Saxon did at the games. That was really exciting. It was so cool for a lot of reasons, right? Like, like he really,
Starting point is 00:55:38 uh, he sent a message home to you. Yeah. Hey dude, like one of us can win this shit. Yeah. Like we like we're in there we're we like he he represented like holy shit like he uh um yeah he he's in the mix he's in the mix he's he's uh and it's not easy right what watching or what do you mean no it's not easy so here's the part when you when you turned out i used the opportunity to talk shit about you i said hey man does this guy really have a chance to fucking go to the games it makes me nervous when he says the margins
Starting point is 00:56:15 are so slim and brian's like hey no but that's the way it is like it sucks that like you could be good enough to win the games but like you could just come out of your lane a little bit and the whole fucking thing unravel like you hit the island and fucking a wheel pops off and you're done yeah well the biggest thing that i've learned is like at least this year is like i mean tax and i we do the same training same programming train together every day and it's just we go blow for blow and it's just like it goes back to like what i said earlier if he can do it i can do it and um does he say the same thing, if he can do it, I can do it. And, um, it's, does he say the same thing? If Spencer can do it, I can do it.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Yeah. Okay. Okay. Um, but it's just, it's, it's showing up on game day and it's like, you like, I truly believe you could be the fittest on earth and, and not show up and execute the way that you need to. And like, that's, that's where people are beatable. And, and I mean, two things, things like it's it was really obvious if you
Starting point is 00:57:06 go watch back the games and you have a good understanding of of what that means to execute workouts you can see that that's why justin won the games this year he executed better than the guys who were right up there with him they had little mistakes that cost him he didn't yeah absolutely and there's there's there's always there's always going to be something that doesn't fall in your favor whether i don't know if judge misses a call or i don't know something with a workout or standard or whatever it is and it's just um it's it's it's limited in those and like anytime you get a chance to like give yourself a buffer you need to yeah and then the other thing about the margins is seven is like something happened at the games this year that was kind of crazy to me.
Starting point is 00:57:46 They announced that they were going to have the cut system after 10 events. And I said, that's good. 10 events is like that's enough events where you should be able to get down to the top 20 guys. But then after 10 events, Cole Sager was in 20th. And after 11 events, he was in 14th. He jumped six more spots in one workout, 11 events into the games. Like that's how tight it is. And that's why I don't think there should be cuts at the games. Because even late into the weekend, there's so much opportunity for these guys who are all so fit and so close to make big moves.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Yeah, I don't remember who it was, but someone was saying yesterday, basically, or a couple days ago, the same thing. That basically when you do the cuts too soon, the workouts aren't broad enough to really choose the fittest. And I mean, it's kind of obvious and you, and you knock certain people out. Um, I think that the year that though they're, they're referencing, um, it was because there were too many cooks in the kitchen. I, I, I know the responsibility falls on, on Dave, but, but behind the scenes, um, I think there was a lot of pressure on him because Greg and the CEO at the time just opened up the floodgates and let in too many athletes. I mean, that was the year they invited Hunter McIntyre too. Right. I mean,
Starting point is 00:58:50 that was just complete. Like, Hey, you know what? I think my mom got an invite to, no, I think, I think everyone, everyone who doesn't know who wasn't there assumes that that was because of Greg. And I mean, that's what I assume. And that's fine. Yes. Yes. Yes. He wanted to change the,
Starting point is 00:59:07 he wanted to change the direction and it's his, it was, it was his, it's his sandpit. If he says like, Hey, yeah, anyway,
Starting point is 00:59:17 uh, you know, what's interesting about, so, so Dave's gone. And, um, I was talking to Taylor Williamson about this and I said,
Starting point is 00:59:24 Hey, like if your dog got hit, like by a car, Taylor, your whole fucking life would be thrown upside down, and you'd be fucking sad for the week. And I would pretend like I cared. I'd be like, oh my god, I'm so sorry. And maybe at most I would hug my dog a little more, just thinking about her losing her dog. And so I said, Dave getting fired, does that really matter to you? For me, it's like, fuck, it's hard because no said, you know, Dave getting fired, does that like really matter to you? Like for me, it's like, fuck, it's like, it's hard because no one wants to see one of their friends lose their job.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Right. That's how he puts food on the table. That's how he pays his family. Fuck all the other shit. I just think about it like from a man perspective, like, Hey, you got it. You have kids, right? Yeah. And, um, uh, I go, does it affect you?
Starting point is 01:00:01 She goes, fuck, I loved her candidness. She's cool shit for this. She said, no, no, I don't give a fuck if he's there, he's not there. I just want to know what the programming is now. I want to know who the programmer is so I can start thinking about how young boy at the CrossFit Games pulling up to the back. I think I would even holler at you guys, like hoot and holler at you guys when I was doing behind the scenes. Oh, my God, Scotty, look at little mini Scotties. You guys would pull up in the car and he'd be like, you'd be taken to the hotel room at night in between days. Do you remember that in Carson? You guys would be in the car and it was fucking crazy. You guys all look so much alike.
Starting point is 01:00:47 For the young squad, there's probably not two guys who are more familiar with Dave than you and Saxon because of the proximity of Scott. And obviously, Scott was one of Dave's favorites. Everyone has favorites. Scott went to New Zealand with the crew. Does it affect you? What are your thoughts on, on Dave going? Yeah. I mean, Dave had a huge impact on, on my life. And I remember just growing up and literally you did like the behind the scenes and to like, see like the whole inside of like how the games were built and like the thought and just,
Starting point is 01:01:27 just everything. And that's something like, like that's what made me want to compete in the sport of CrossFit was seeing the behind the scenes and just seeing everything that goes into it. And yeah, I think like, like Dave and you guys, you guys, you guys all changed my life and yeah, I don't, I like, I don't know what the future says with that. Is any part of you disappointed? Like, oh, shit, I wanted to – like maybe it's something as simple as like, man, I really wanted to just compete like a few more years with Dave's programming. Or like, hey, you know what?
Starting point is 01:01:59 Like things change and things move on. Or is it unsettling that you put so much effort into it and that there's change? Not it's bad i don't want to i don't want i'm i'm i'm trying to interview as neutral as possible you know obviously i'm emotionally involved but i like what is the is there any um does it matter to you at all or is it just kind of just emotional stuff and like hey i gotta stay focused like whatever happens i'll be ready for it. Yeah. I mean, yeah, it, it, I mean, it, it really stinks with, with, uh, with what happened. And, um, yeah, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to compete with, with Dave programming the games. Um, that's something like, it's something I've always like visioned up and, um, just like, just the way he,
Starting point is 01:02:40 he'd announced workouts on the floor and like the anticipation. And, um, he, he really put a show on for, for the people. And he was just, he was very strategic with everything. And, um, yeah, that was something like that. I always want to be a part of. And, um, I got a small glimpse of it, of it last year with being able to do the final open announcement with, um, Saxon and Scott. And, um, I was really really really lucky to have the the opportunity to to really do that and um to at least be able to experience that was was really cool but um yeah it just it stinks with what happened it is that is cool that you did get to go out and do that open announcement i think that for the athletes one of the other like cool things and even in in more recent years
Starting point is 01:03:23 i got to see this more up up close as i got more involved at the games was just how he interacts with the athletes there even though it's a subtle thing as you as you leave the field at least once during the weekend he gives you that fist bump and he says you know good work and he's acknowledging like to me that's an acknowledgement from him that like you earned your spot here this this season and that that's like for someone like you you has been around so long chasing something like that could be a really powerful and meaningful moment. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. To put that in perspective, um, it is, um, equally as intense for Dave at the games as it is for every single athlete. Like if you know him, you see a side of him that's like almost make you uncomfortable. Like he's in pain.
Starting point is 01:04:05 It's like his lips are pursed a little tighter. He's stressed out. His eyes are a little squintier. He, I mean, it's his fucking event, right? Yeah. It's like, like he doesn't want anything to fucking go wrong. Yeah. And, uh, and, and to be honest, be completely honest with you.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Be completely honest with you and transparent. From 2008 to as long as I was there, 2020, there was always something else in CrossFit also attacking Dave internally while he was also trying to run the games. It was nuts. And I should give you a specific of that. So I'll give you an example. So in Carson, there was – as the games were being broadcast, they were being broadcast on ESPN. And at that point, ESPN had said something attacking CrossFit on one of their news shows. And Greg at that point said, hey, the the broadcast team at the games pull the feed stop feeding the the games to espn so those politics are going on behind the scenes while dave's actually trying to be run the event and uh and there was always something like that there was always something like like the kind of stuff that you wouldn't tolerate from your
Starting point is 01:05:24 girlfriend or i wouldn't tolerate for my wife interrupting me before i go on this podcast or your girlfriend you're not married yet right no um there's no rush that i mean to pressure you um that's the kind of shit um dave had going on it was almost like people at hq waited until the games were about to happen and be like all right let's really fuck with Dave. Let's see what he's made of. Let's give him crabs this week. Never had crabs. May. No.
Starting point is 01:05:52 If you're going to get a venereal disease, that's the one you want. It's like the most, but it's like just like having fleas. It's just like grabs one. So it was like, Oh, only this.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Thank you. Crazy. Spencer, you're actually like little crabs and they eat your pubic hair and then they hang out in the follicle. And then you can scrape them out. And I would scrape them out and I would collect them. These are the things Spencer is hoping to learn today. And I was a hippie at the time and I didn't want to use any shampoos, lice shampoo or anything.
Starting point is 01:06:22 And for some reason, they're just in your pubic hair. They start to go down your leg a little bit. And even I would scrape them off and I would collect them in an Altoids container. And so I had like fucking hundreds of, and then finally I was like, all right, enough of this nonsense.
Starting point is 01:06:34 This is fucking nuts. And I use some light shampoo that one of my housemates had who had dreadlocks and they were fucking all dead. Wow. And I didn't tell anyone i had crabs like you know you don't want to tell anyone you have crabs and then but then i would come home from like i went to uc santa barbara and i would come home from like my class like classes and like three of my roommates and like like three people visiting would be like sitting on my bed like smoking weed and i'm like
Starting point is 01:07:00 fuck these fucking people are gonna get the fucking crabs anyway it's not a big deal it's not don't it's not a big deal spencer you're like uh you're you're approaching like 10 years into this kind of training yeah and for several of those years i would say at least half of them you've been pursuing like elite level excellence in the sport and it's something that you know i think people are still trying to evaluate and figure out of how long can you really can a person really do that for and on the other side you have your brother scott who's basically a decade older who's been doing it for 10 years and i mean it seems to me like you know you and saxon could have the mentality that we still have 10 more years possibly eight more years i was just thinking that the other day i'm like scott's coming back
Starting point is 01:07:48 i'm like he's just setting the bar higher i'm like if he could go to his 35 that i got another 10 in me and if that if that was something you wanted to do knowing what you know now and and you know having seen him do it through that next eight to 10 years and how the body changes, et cetera, what are some of the things that you might, um, that'll be important for you to maintain high level competitive excellence over another decade? Yeah. It's just, it's, it's staying healthy and, um, having the right team in your corner to, to make sure you do that. Not only from a programming standpoint, but just the mind and body. And I remember 2018, we did it at the regional. Wait, wait, wait, before you, before you. Oh no, we're not going anywhere.
Starting point is 01:08:32 2018. So he's really coming back? Who, Scott? Yeah. Do we know anything besides Waterpalooza? Is this just a test or is there a plan? No, I have no idea. Like I said, I just, I found out like an hour before he uh water palooza released it so i don't think he'd tell me anyways can you can you reach out to scott and let's get him on before water palooza let's see what the fuck is all right all right send him a link now
Starting point is 01:08:58 will you send him a link now and see if this turd will come on just send him a link just to that group chat yeah just send him a link and see if he comes on okay sorry sorry brian so 2018 so sorry we talked to we talked to josh bridges that year and he was you know uh over 30 at that time but he said that throughout his career he'd spent more time and money on body work really the recovery process than anything else you know you're still only 25 is that something that's a priority for you guys how much time do you invest into the recovery the body work outside of the training in the gym? Yeah, I have, I have a guy that, um, he's actually from PA. Um, he goes everywhere, um, with me when I compete, he's gone to Brazil, Dubai. Um, but he's always a guy that, I mean,
Starting point is 01:09:38 I won't compete without him. Um, he just, uh, make sure I make sure I'm in the right, um, just body and mindset. He does, he does it all. Yeah. I got a note here about this guy and it would tell me his name, Greg. Uh, and what's his last name? Russo. He's, he's very private. And, um, I was talking to somebody and they're like, ah, what's his website. I'm like, he doesn't have a website. I feel like I've heard that name before, though. Dude, Brian, he – oh, shit. I'm on fucking Saxon's Instagram. What the fuck is happening here?
Starting point is 01:10:14 You should hear the praises Spencer sings about this dude. This is the guy. This is the guy. So I wanted to ask you about that yeah uh so i always just think it's a mental thing that these guys don't really do anything like it goes go wad zombie and and and and rub the band i just think it's all just like i think it's all just meditation i think it's all like seven you realize you just you just went from go-wad to wad zombie in one word. Those are totally different.
Starting point is 01:10:49 That's what I mean. It's all just smoke and mirrors to me. But, man, what do you say about this guy here? Okay. Speaking of wad zombie, by the way, check this out. I don't know if he's on the podcast today, but he sent me this sticker. Thank you. Okay. So I want to this sticker. Thank you. Um, uh, okay. So here, so I want to read,
Starting point is 01:11:13 I want to read this post to you. Um, I had a herniated L four and L we met three years ago through a mutual friend. I had a herniated L four and L five, and I was told I would never be able to compete in CrossFit 100% again. I was in so much pain moving. Tell me about that pain. Oh, having a herniated disc yeah i was you have to crawl to the bathroom it was the most pain i couldn't even sit still it was the most painful thing like i slept in a i slept in like one of those like gravity chairs like that was like my bed that was the only like place i could get like relief oh i don't know what a gravity chair is are you upside down so you know like the ones i used to have at like the games um and like the athlete area where like slides back and you're like that like oh okay i don't know i don't know you've seen by like pull sometimes okay um uh i was in so much pain
Starting point is 01:11:56 moving let alone sitting as well i decided to make the five hour trip to see him after one session with him i felt back to 100 is that really Yeah. I have so much fucking back pain when I wake up in the morning. Yeah. Like not now sitting here talking to you, but, but I had basically had to start, stop lifting. Like, yeah. Like I can't go through that again. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:16 Um, I mean, I went from struggling to even, I pick up a barbell, uh, being able to deadlift heavy again. And, um, but yeah, I mean, I truly believe it just, it, it saved my whole, my whole career. And, um, just that, that one experience I had with him, it's, it just stuck in. I mean, that's just going to be something that, that I stick with and, um, it works for me. Oh, rusty trombone. This is, I wanted, um, do you know what a rusty trombone is? It's when you don't want to know if you don't know. Maybe you're too young.
Starting point is 01:12:48 But anyway, I wanted them to bring this picture up yesterday, and they wouldn't because the guy, Will, who runs the back end, he's like a Bible beater, and he's a good dude. He's 22, and he just doesn't like – but I think it's fascinating. I'm not into the rusty trombone, by the way. Herniated disc. That's what i meant to look up so is that is is this it right here yeah i had like um i'm in big trouble with suza by the way that's why i'm not allowed to run the back end i'm gonna get in big trouble so that's it it got pushed out yeah yeah it was like pushing like on like the nerve and what is do you know what he does i mean he does everything um but um no no but do you know what he does to get that back in like can he can you tell us and then like and then i do it to myself he'd be he'd be the guy that
Starting point is 01:13:43 he'd be the guy that'd be able to describe it. I don't want to say anything and be way off. Every time I go to a body worker, I leave hurt more. Really? Yeah. Every time I've been three times. I hate,
Starting point is 01:13:59 I hate those guys. Well, that's why, that's why it's not that surprising to hear that Spencer's willing to make a five hour drive to see this guy, because I do think that there's a big component of just trusting that person with your body. And once you find, I mean, it's the worst thing was I had a chiropractor local and she moved and I haven't, I haven't, I haven't found a chiropractor since then that I've trusted and wanted to go to if I was in need of one son, you know, and it's, it's a big deal to have someone that, especially when you're,
Starting point is 01:14:27 when you're competing at the level that they are. Yeah. Um, the guy that I work with, he actually, it was funny. Why do you call him the guy? Let's call him Greg. Greg. Cause he's the guy that I use. But, um, so Greg, um, he, um, when I put that post out, I had to put like a disclosure on there because I mean, the amount of messages that I got of linking him up with him was insane. And he got a ton of messages for it. But it's just – he doesn't have a website, and really the only way to find him is through word of mouth. Is that the guy? Greg, not the guy there's a great not the guy there's a picture of um there's a picture of two
Starting point is 01:15:09 guys that you work out with in one of the photos and you call them your team it's this guy and another did you work out with this guy too greg a lot or no yeah yeah what's that do you work out with him also with greg um whenever i go out and see him okay yeah that's awesome does he work with any other crossfit athletes no do you feel like you want to keep him a secret like it like it would be an advantage like like how probably madaris has his own special blend of podium yeah i mean is he your you know like i mean he has something special that i've never experienced um so i mean i'd be lying if i said i didn't want to share him but um yeah he doesn't he doesn't really work with a whole lot of people and um yeah like i said he just he's
Starting point is 01:15:57 somebody that you find from word of mouth and um really the only way people get in contact is he has a private instagram but um he doesn't have a number. He doesn't, he just, he does his thing. He's in, uh, he's in Amish country in PA.
Starting point is 01:16:11 So he just, he just, Oh, is he Amish? He's, he is not Amish, but he, he works,
Starting point is 01:16:17 he works, um, he works with them a lot. Look at this. I mean, this is, this is the kind of shit like that this is so awesome i mean that's fucking scott someone actually tagged me and i think and said scott or something like that
Starting point is 01:16:36 yeah you put up a picture on your of your brother's um you have a good body too you should use your own body you don't have to uh put a picture of him on your instagram and pretend like it's you it's crazy god i just every when i when i look to your instagram i just think how stoked your parents are you you guys probably brought them so much fucking happiness it's nuts it is nuts spencer you've done a lot of competitions now as um as it gets close to a competition like guadalupusa and they start and they start announcing some of the workouts what's your process with that do you always like to test them out do you like to just do little touches with them approaches for different workouts if i get a chance like if there's an opportunity to test it and and see what it feels like yeah i'm all about it but um i'm all about keeping everybody on like an equal
Starting point is 01:17:25 playing field so it's like i kind of enjoy whenever they release them like almost too close where it's like you can't really redo them or practice them um or i like them like really far out in advance of like okay everybody has like enough time to to be able to do them but it's just uh i don't know it's just if you get a chance to do them why not and so you know how do you feel about the timing of wada pluza releasing starting to release the workouts a couple days ago is it too close to test them can you still do a couple of them if you want to so this is like the funny thing it's like this is like the time where it's like everyone's starting their deload and it's like who's going to extend it out like a couple days of like testing like where they
Starting point is 01:18:05 can like how will affect them going into the competition and um yeah i think i mean they've only released three i'm sure there's gonna be a lot more that come out within between now and next i think it starts thursday um so it's like you're not really going to be able to test them all but like you can maybe pick a couple yeah or. Or you might look at one and say, Ooh, you know what? It might be really important to know this. Like what's the stimulus going to be when after 10 minutes of work or whatever. Yeah. Of the three that they've announced so far, is there one in particular excited for? I like them all actually. They just look like, it just looked fun. Like there's like, I don't want to say that they, they don't look like they're, I mean, they're, they're probably all gonna like hurt to their own, like own extent, but like, they'll be fun.
Starting point is 01:18:49 I see that first, uh, the first one they announced the weightlifting one. And that's one that jumps out to me as like execution can matter big time on that workout. Yeah, absolutely. It's, um, it's just being smooth, smooth as fast. it's just being smooth smooth as fast it's called by the way i asked i asked them it's called the m.i.a. comp bar complex not the miami or the me or anything like that so you can interpret it any way you want but i thought it was kind of funny m.i.a. josh hitty says thinking of finally getting into crossfit after 15 years in fitness these podcasts show how killer the community seems to be. Cheers. No, you're too old.
Starting point is 01:19:25 Don't join. I'm just joking. He said he's been in the fitness industry for – he's been working out for 15 years. I bet you he's been working out longer than that. And thank you. It's fun. Do you like the community, Spencer? I love it.
Starting point is 01:19:39 Yeah. I love it. What do you like about it? There's so much. It's just rallying behind each other, and it's like – it's just different than any other sport, I love it. What do you like about it? There's so much. It's just rallying behind each other. And it's just different than any other sport, I feel like. It's cool even just being at the airport, right? And you see someone with a Rogue shirt on or a pair of Nanos or Metcons.
Starting point is 01:19:54 And you're like, okay, I know that. Yeah. When we went to the games, it was like who could find the most Nanos in the airport. When it was in California. Yeah, that's cool. That last one you just had up there have you ever used or seen a flip sled before um i've never not one of those scott has a pig i've been on that but not a flip sled how hard is it to get a pig i think he got it used from the games the
Starting point is 01:20:18 one year i don't even think they sell them anymore yeah what and he drove it home like he bought it and put it in the back of a pickup truck or something now he got it shipped no shit hey do you know what that means when he retires i can have it no well that yes that means he's friends with bill and katie if you have a pig that means bill and katie like you he got that that was back from california actually that was like that was that wasn't this year. That was 2015. Yeah, he's had that for a while. But like I said, that's an implement that's hard to find,
Starting point is 01:20:51 and it's something that can be a game changer on competition day if you haven't had a lot of experience with it. It's definitely not a tire. What do you think about the fact that last're that you know last season they had the torque tank this kind of new implement that they're bringing in now they're having a you know major off-season competition using something like a flip sled which is just a little different iteration of something we've seen before do you like having these new equipments new pieces of apparatus in this space or do you wish it was just kind of tried and true stuff
Starting point is 01:21:19 no i think it's i think it's a true test of fitness and um like i think it's so cool if you can put something in there that nobody's had their hands on. It's no longer like, oh, he knows how to do this or he knows how to do that. I can't get my hands on that. When you put something in there, the year at the games when they had the snail, nobody's ever touched it before. It was like, okay, let's just like, no, no, nobody's ever touched it before. So it was like, okay, like, let's just see who can adapt. And, um, to me, like that's CrossFit of, of just being able to adapt to different things. I just, I just Googled twerk tank. What did you call it?
Starting point is 01:21:56 Twerk tank. Twerk tank. Yeah. Twerk tank's a better Google. You want to see some cool videos. Twerk tank. Oh man. What a great juxtaposition of words. I think that the snail is a good example. To me, I would say the snail as an implement is something that probably no one who's competing at the Games that year has used before. Or almost definitely hasn't used before. But when you introduce something like a paddleboard, now you have a huge spectrum.
Starting point is 01:22:20 Where there's some people that actually might have grown up paddleboarding. It was like those knee boards that they use. it was like it was kind of like some people were like on like a surfboard and like i think it was like i think it's an australian sport but like the people that could get like comfortable on their knees just absolutely destroyed everybody have you been on a paddle board like that figured it out yeah i actually um, Scott actually had one, believe it or not. A pattern is emerging. Everyone knows that Rich has every piece of equipment. Scott doesn't advertise it as much.
Starting point is 01:22:52 No. That's when I opened up his garage on New Year's. I was like, look at this. You still have that. Have you trained with, have you ever trained with Rich before? Yeah, we went down and we trained with him last year sometime. It was, I think it was in the fall. I can't even remember. But I trained last year down there with him and Haley.
Starting point is 01:23:13 And it was really cool. Do you have any like perception of Rich as that guy that always beats Scott at regionals, that Scott was always chasing? And so you kind of like hate him a little bit or want to see him lose it all? No, I mean, again, like it goes back to like how I felt like Dave changed my life, but like Rich did as well. It was just, I grew up watching him compete.
Starting point is 01:23:32 And I remember at the 2012 regionals, he took the time out of his competition to just come over and just say hi. And like, that was something like I really admired. And like, that was just something i really admired and like that was just something that really stuck with me that is cool and my guess is that he did that because he respected scott a lot and so he's gonna you know respect his family and say hi to them and i think that i think that it still exists now but especially back then like those guys it was a lot
Starting point is 01:23:58 of the same guys year after year and the respect was pretty high amongst each other yeah it's a lot of like isolation now but like back then it was just like um it was just old school crossfit where it was just like i mean it just reminds me like how they had like the it was like the backyard barbecue where um it was just like people hanging out and doing fitness there's a there's a quality to both of them that they have to like, uh, their character, you know, Scott and Richard good dudes. Yeah. Yeah. To, to, to genericize it. Um, I, are you a mayhem athlete? Me? I just worked with Facundo. So I'm not technically a mayhem athlete, but like we've been working together before he was down there. So, um, we just didn't want to change our relationship. and that was just something that we we kind of stuck with and i'm i'm assuming that it's just a technicality
Starting point is 01:24:52 to say whether you're a mayhem athlete or not it's like the difference between a gucci bag that the label fell off or the labels on there it's like 800 difference but the same fucking bag yes no maybe i don't know i mean we've been doing his stuff for for quite some time and um who's we saxon and i because we just do the we do the same stuff and it's just i don't know it's just we didn't want to we didn't want to change our, like the dynamic of our relationship. And, um, we're just like really happy with, with where we are right now. Okay. I'm speaking like from a branding perspective, like you're, so you're not, okay, fuck it. Uh, how did you meet Facundo? It was actually, so Scott actually knew him. And then, um,
Starting point is 01:25:44 he ended up linking us up on a call and he was going to help us with our endurance. And, um, then we ended up getting like some programming from him and, um, we really liked it and it was just, it just stuck. It was, it was, uh, it was a really good relationship for us. Is, is, did Scott ever go on the team with Rich or was that, did that happen? That was the year that they canceled the teams. Oh, okay. But they qualified. I think it was now they qualified before water flows i think so there there what there is a relationship in the comments of what no no who's uh oh how
Starting point is 01:26:18 handsome is the extremely extremely extremely the more clothes he takes off, the better looking he is. So there is some relationship there. So Scott does have a relationship with Rich. Like they got each other's numbers and shit. Yeah. Like he could text Rich and be like, hey, dude, those glasses aren't working. Or hey, dude, great snatch today or whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:41 Okay. And then, okay. And then so in fact, he does have a program through Mayhem. Yeah. Okay. And then, okay. And then, so, and Fukuzo does have a program through Mayhem. Yeah. Okay. But you're grandfathered in before then. You're pre, pre, you're pre, you're pre-Mayhem. Yeah. I wonder if you're getting shitty old programming then. I don't know. If it is, it's's still really good who eats the most pancakes at Cracker Barrel oh me for sure serious definitely that's like their go-to anytime Facundo's in Cookville you can guarantee that you're gonna see a Cracker Barrel post yeah we were down there with him I
Starting point is 01:27:20 think he ate there I think like eight times they ended up sending him a package or they couldn't ship it overseas so he sent it to saxon but like cracker barrel like sent a package out how is that okay to have a restaurant called cracker i've never been to a cracker barrel the woke just haven't tracked them down yet they're they have bigger fish to fry wait scroll down oh you guys got to stop eating there the outcome doesn't look good um spencer when's the last time you threw up in a workout um it was the open workout it was thrusters and chest the bars it was like that 30 it was like 33 27 21 59 i think it was disgusting workout but like i told saxon
Starting point is 01:28:06 i'm like i'm gonna hit this i'm broken and i i tried and i was just like i was hanging outside the back door just i mean i threw up for probably an hour and a half it was so bad oh shit i was i lost so much weight throwing up um and do you tell him that to hold yourself accountable what do you mean like before the workout you're like hey i'm gonna hit this i'm and do you tell him that to hold yourself accountable what do you mean like before the workout you're like hey i'm gonna hit this unbroken do you say that out loud to your brother so that you know when you want to put the bar down you can't because you already said it i wrote it on the floor oh shit wow you hate yourself wow did fraser do it unbroken in the announcement no no he broke it up i love those two movements and i'm like i think i could do it unbroken in the announcement? No.
Starting point is 01:28:45 No, he broke it up. I love those two movements. And I'm like, I think I could do it unbroken. So I'm like, I could take two shots at it. So let's go the hard route first. That's last year? That's 2020? No, that was like three years ago, I think.
Starting point is 01:29:03 I think it was 2000. I can't remember which Open workout it was. 2018 last workout maybe? No, it was probably 2019 because those are the workouts where people were – like Loud and Live hosted that workout on like a rooftop in Miami. So I think it was 19.5. Yeah, that's the one. That's crazy. I've never heard of anyone throwing up for that long from a workout
Starting point is 01:29:25 i was like i would like right when i thought i was done i wasn't and is it one of those feelings like um i can only the only thing i can relate it to really is like maybe a fran i've done before some time or something fucked up i did on the assault bike but is it like you don't even feel like yourself like what the fuck is going on i thought i was gonna like drown myself like i was like breathing so hard but throwing up and i'm like i can't breathe what was your whoopie saying was your whoopie freaking out i didn't even have one on oh do you do i wish i did um no not right now oh they don't pay you but if they paid you you'd whoopie the fuck up and back, right? Absolutely. Whoopie, look at you. I wear it a little bit.
Starting point is 01:30:07 I wear it for heart rate stuff occasionally. But yeah, that's usually all I wear it for. And what do you mean heart rate stuff? Is it for just motivation, inspiration? Or you're actually putting together a program like, okay, I should stay at 180 for four minutes? Yeah. When I would do like zone two training and stuff i would i would like wear it a lot for that it's actually like really it was really cool but when they did it at the games last year and they had rich stew it was
Starting point is 01:30:33 like his thrusters and it was like his heart it was like 140 going down as he's doing thrusters yeah it is it is um i it is as much as i hate to admit it it is a guilty pleasure when they put those up there and you see people holding such high heart rates for so long it's like it's nuts it's such a cool piece of equipment yeah it's crazy it's for the fans of the more metrics and more perspective you can get the better even if it's pointless or pointless or meaningless, it's like that hill that they had at Rogue. The more camera angles they could show of it, the better because it just keeps letting you add. Did you watch Rogue? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:18 Yeah. At first, it was like, what the fuck is that thing, right? And then as the days went on, you're like, wow, that thing's pretty badass. Yeah, that thing was so cool. do you have a t-shirt what do you mean like you like like scott has a t-shirt or dan bailey has a t-shirt or rich has a t-shirt like has bill and bill and katie called you and you got a t-shirt i do not have a t-shirt does saxon have one no but scott has one through rogue i don't yeah doesn't he I don't think he has one through Rogue. Oh, they hate him. My bad.
Starting point is 01:31:48 I thought they liked him. Can you look, Sousa, see if Scott has a t-shirt? If he does, then he didn't send me one. How the hell does someone like Chris Spieler have a t-shirt and Scott doesn't have a t-shirt? Spencer, what are your expectations, hopes what are you trying to looking to do at wadapalooza this year i mean when i mean i think that's i think that's anybody that's going down or they they want to win and have fun have fun while doing it and um make memories um i mean who knows this might be my last opportunity to be able to compete with um i mean obviously not
Starting point is 01:32:24 with saxon but with all three of us together so um just like embracing every moment down there will be it's just going to be just memories to to not forget is there any element of um you know like you you wanted to see like outside of trying to win of just like checking in where you're at relative to some of these guys heading into the season this year yeah um i definitely want to see like where like where i am where i'm at but i mean i get to do that kind of on the the daily with saxon and um just with where he took at the games last year it i mean i kind of have a i kind of have an idea um but i think it's it's gonna be more of seeing where I'm at, like from an execution
Starting point is 01:33:07 standpoint. And, um, obviously I talked about earlier in the show was like, that was kind of like what kept me from qualifying at West coast. So, um, that's, that's the biggest thing for me. And will there be like doing a competition like this? How does, how will it have, you know, will you have to take a little bit of time off, reflect, or whatever? Will you just be able to get right back into training, prepping for the Open? My plan is to get back into training after, depending on how I'm feeling. I like to constantly stay moving, and it's hard for me to sit still. I know Saxon likes to take some time off and relax, but I don't know.
Starting point is 01:33:43 I'm just always moving and doing something yeah i don't think there's a you know one one size fits all for that you know rich is similar i think where after competition he's he's not going to spend a week doing nothing he's going to just start moving again get the blood flow yeah especially because the open's going to be i think it's a month right after that so go back sorry, go back to born primitive. Sorry. Sorry, Spencer.
Starting point is 01:34:06 I mean, to interrupt, go ahead. A month after that, you were saying, Oh, I was just saying that it's a, it's a quick turnaround from water.
Starting point is 01:34:12 Plus, uh, could be open at this. You wear these shorts, Spencer. Do I? Yeah. Um,
Starting point is 01:34:19 he sent me, he actually sent me a package of those. I have two pair of them. You like them? I do like them i do like them and i'm kind of a i'm i'm like really picky about what i wear they remind me of the lulu shorts a little bit yeah the lulus are good too damn did i say that out loud i didn't know you wore shorts seven i do i wear shorts a lot i thought you were a pants guy no i just wear
Starting point is 01:34:41 pants on the podcast like the second i the second I leave I'll get naked uh Spencer at this point for you with like where your fitness at and confidence in terms of how far you can make it through the season is the open something you kind of train through or do you still try to kind of build up each week to have a really good workout on Friday or Saturday whenever you do it um I definitely build up to have um a good workout on Friday or Saturday, whenever you do it? Um, I definitely build up to have, um, a good workout. And I mean, with the way the format was last year, it gave you a chance to kind of be a little bit more relaxed. Um, so if that's going to be the same format, I mean, it'll be a little bit more relaxed, but like still you, you want to put up the best performance you can. And usually i do them on fridays right after a rest
Starting point is 01:35:25 day so it doesn't it doesn't interfere too much with with training but um again at the end of the days it's just it's qualifying for the games and um building on any weaknesses yep and my kid it looks like it's raining here my kid's skateboarding sorry it may have just gotten canceled that's the cool thing about your sport you can still you can still do it in the rain kids can stop being pussies the thing is did you ride a skateboard spencer a little bit yeah the bearings get wet in your toast are there any sports you do that like you don't do any oh and you never you so you never played football i when i was younger i did after our accident i couldn't take any more hits to the head oh right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right. You know, I had a pretty fucked up accident. Really? What happened? Yeah. When I was seven years old, I crashed on my bike
Starting point is 01:36:11 and, uh, and, and they, they, they didn't think I would ever be the same. Maybe I'm not the same, but basically I crashed on my bike. My head hit the curb. I had to be taken to the hospital. They had to cut a giant horseshoe in the side of my head, release the pressure off my brain. They kept me unconscious for like two or three days. Um, cause that's what they do when you have serious brain trauma, right? They're, they're trying to let your body heal and keep you unconscious. And then I was in the hospital for two weeks. And then basically, you know, after that it was like, Hey, this kid like is fragile. Wow. Yeah. That's insane. Yeah. No sports, no nothing. How long was recovery on something like that? You know know probably similar as yours you
Starting point is 01:36:45 go to the doctor every week for a month then every month for six months then every two months for a year and then every year for five years and then you know you're 15 and they're like but but uh but the real answer is 41 years and counting yes but they thought i would, they thought I could be tarted or, uh, that I might not come back. Wow. That's insane. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm, and I think it rocked. I don't think my mom liked that experience. No, I can't imagine. Uh, but I, they should have spoiled me for that and made me like, they should have turned me into a princess.
Starting point is 01:37:22 Like did your parents spoil you after that and you got soft? No, it was just, it was just keeping us safe yeah yeah my parents didn't spoil me um how are you at the at how will you be at the venue at wadapalooza in regards to um media outside media i'm asking for a friend what do you mean like so you're there can we can we bug you can we contact you i mean you don't have to answer but are you okay if we're like like i have your phone number now can i text you and be like hey will you jump on uh uh and you give us an interview at the event yeah absolutely and don't feel obligated if it's like you're like no fuck that these guys want to ask me about tripping over the bar i'm not ready to talk about did you see that last year no no no tell me oh my goodness get it get it susan get it where is it
Starting point is 01:38:06 let's get it it's on flow at least okay i don't know i freaking i know you probably won't so bad i had a hole in my shit what happened was that at wadapalooza oh was it wadapalooza it was the two part it was like 12 lives or nine lives or something like that um but it was like i was like i was going and i had like a game plan and then i'm like i was in first place and i'm like you know what i'm i think i can win this one so like i i finished it and i jumped over the bar and i tripped over it and then i hit the buzzer and then i was like all right i think i'm good and then like it went into like a second part and then after the event like my wrist hurt like my shin was bleeding like you could literally like see the bone in my shin and i just like super gluted shut but did you hear the
Starting point is 01:38:50 crowd go oh it was like yeah i was like that's so embarrassing like at least i won the offense who was the girl at del mar one year some girl was it maddie rock is there it was maddie rock or um not rogers um maddie myers maddie myers yes i remember that oh that was crazy or how about did you how about the year uh at the game do you remember ben smith just fucking like tripping over a court or something yeah i didn't know it was a court i thought i don't know i'm making it up it looked like it looked like there was a ghost out there that tripped him fucking oh my goodness all right brother well um we do you have anything else from mr spencer uh brian no i'm super pumped to see him at wadapalooza i think it was sixth there last time he competed you know he's seventh and really just one one workout execution away from making the games this past year he's definitely
Starting point is 01:39:49 we've been talking spencer a little bit about the fact that there's you know maybe like 10 guys in a similar situation to are competing at wadapalooza that are like just breathing down the necks of making it to the games and um i'm looking to see you where you're at too i'm pumped to see out there i appreciate it uh there is there is uh no pressure but there's a ton of pressure on you uh your brother has run out ahead by making it to the games and i do think that there will be a lot of eyes on you and a fucking ton of expectation and it will be i'm not helping i know and i and it will be interesting to see how you react to that pressure because the two of you will now be compared. I'm sure you have been compared your entire life, and it's easier, I bet, for you guys when you're side by side.
Starting point is 01:40:36 But now he's put a gap between you, and there will be eyes on you. Like what the fuck is Spencer doing? Is he going to get him or not? Is this where they separate themselves forever? Or is Spencer going to show up and put a whooping on? Yeah. So I hope you take that. Well, I mean, it's a chance for you, right?
Starting point is 01:40:54 I hope you take that attention and that pressure and you make the most of it. Yeah. He says no pressure, but we'll be comparing both of you. Yeah. Right. Right. Right. All right, man. Thank you so much for your hour and 40 minutes it was really cool you
Starting point is 01:41:08 yeah i appreciate you guys having me on

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