The Sevan Podcast - #257 - CrossFit Affiliate Call In Show

Episode Date: January 9, 2022

Affiliates call the show and we talk about the "Two Brain Podcast" episode "CrossFit Home Office: The Value of Affiliation" done with Gary Gaines. Austin Malleelo, and Daniel Chaffey. The Sevan is sponsored by Follow us on Instagram Watch this episode Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:05 Oh, my fucking chest is pounding out of my heart. Why is that? Dave is not coming on the show. When I post. Hey, what's up, Sousa? When I post a picture, I. What the fuck is going on? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, darn it it i have two things going on at the same time too much going on same time you know right before the show starts i have like 50 ways that i want to start the show yeah how do you decide oh i i don't i none of the ways i decide ever happen
Starting point is 00:01:40 it's just a it's just a just a complete i was thinking about starting the show with this because this this kills two birds with one stone this uh scares the shit out of you and it's um and it's funny i was gonna start the show like this okay have you ever seen that gif? No. Isn't that appropriate? Here, if you don't get the theme I'm going for, let me give you another gif. Let me give you, oh, this one. Oh, this one. Okay, I got one more because I couldn't choose.
Starting point is 00:02:18 I couldn't choose. I couldn't choose. I don't want to do this for those of you guys that are listening he just showed several uh the gifts of things just being absolutely destroyed let me see let me see uh was that good caleb it was brilliant thank you uh i i the thing is i don't want to do this uh but but my heart tells me that i should i'm just listening to my heart okay that's good i we can't even look up what that word means what word heart i did i did listen to um michael singer's book um soul untethered and he does explain what the heart is and it's the first time i've heard a definition of heart that i kind of could go with look at my notes here uh my wife said remember before you start the show
Starting point is 00:03:19 you are nothing you are no thing she wants me to be chill tonight because she's seen me like i'm really i'm really wound up i'm really like i'm really fired up guys i want to show you guys one more thing too um i just want to watch oh maybe caleb is the one who told me this someone in our um I just want to watch. Oh, maybe Caleb is the one who told me this. Someone in our team thread did share screen. I'll be careful. I'm being careful.
Starting point is 00:03:52 I don't have anything crazy open anyway. Just because you share your screen, you don't just share the window. So I just, you know. See all my tabs open and shit. Dude, did you see we're approaching 400,000? You know how I feel about those analytics. Right. Just work hard, Seve. The Davero shirt is sold fucking out at rogue i got one immediately i bought it immediately you did yeah
Starting point is 00:04:14 i'm just upset i won't be here before waterpalooza oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hey dude print out a fucking hundred bootlegs of those and just sell them there. And we'll pay for our trip there. Have you – I – so the purpose of this call – I don't know the purpose of this call, this podcast. I want to just say to you I don't want to be doing this. Today, I want to be interviewing David Taylor. Do you guys know who David Taylor is? He won the gold medal for the U.S. team at the Olympics in wrestling.
Starting point is 00:04:56 I was texting with him all night, last night, trying to get him on the show. I want to have Derek Lewis on, the UFC fighter. I want to have Derek Lewis on, the UFC fighter. I want to have Douglas Murray on. If you don't know who that is, you got to know who that is. If you want to have your eyes opened up, can you pull up Douglas Murray, the author, Caleb? Sorry, I'm just fucking bombing you this morning or this afternoon or this evening. I don't want to talk about CrossFit. I'm only talking about this shit because it's like – I don't know why I'm doing it.
Starting point is 00:05:29 I guess just to leverage the numbers because it's so exciting. Yeah, this guy. This guy. This guy. This guy is amazing. What's the – you've got to watch his interview with Peter Boghossian. And this guy is amazing. If you want to be, if you're like on the fence and you're like,
Starting point is 00:05:49 I don't know about this, these conservatives, or I don't know about wokeness or this or that, this is your guy. Pretty sure this dude's gay too. The Madness of Crowds. Yes, Douglas Murray, read that. God, I would love to have him on the show. Man, this guy is smart.
Starting point is 00:06:11 So CrossFit HQ, the board, everyone over there, stop talking publicly. Now is the time to stop making posts. Do not go on podcast. Do not try to mitigate damage. Do not start spinning a tail.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Do you know why? Do you know why? I'm going to show you why I show you why. This is why. Everything you say is kindling. Everything. Oh, he's not gay. He's British.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Douglas Murray. Really? Whatever. Same thing to me. Everything you say, HQ, is kindling. You let my friends. Do you guys hate Austin Maliolo and daniel chafee do you guys hate them sorry austin you're gonna fucking you you you're gonna take a fucking beating tonight
Starting point is 00:07:13 wait why is he gonna take a beating you'll see you'll see i'm gonna share another screen with you these goofballs i like it i like him too that's what sucks uh crossfit home office this wasn't even the plant the podcast was as i was just going to open up and i just wanted to talk to affiliates about two main subjects the two main subjects i was going to talk to you about is because people just keep saying oh they're this is just um normal change um uh dave's gone this is just evolution the gate don't worry things just change you know you have those those ass clowns in the content space saying stuff like um oh this is don't don't get all emotional oh things come and go change no sorry dude it went from greg glassman running this thing
Starting point is 00:07:58 with the least rents model that's what you affiliate signed up for. And you know who owned it. You used to know who owned CrossFit Inc. Now it's the most rents model, meaning they have to get the most value out of the affiliates to come back to the mothership. And you don't know who owns your company you guys don't know who your affiliate fees are going to i mean really really start thinking about that i mean it's going to come out it's gonna come why don't they want you to know is it gonna come out yeah it's gonna come out Why don't they want you to know? Is it going to come out? Yeah, it's going to come out.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Oh, damn. I should have gone back to that GIF. You guys, not only do you not know who owns, but you are now the complete… What do you mean? What do you mean? Eric Rosa owns CrossFit. No, Eric Rosa does not. He's the CEO. We were all told that he owned it.
Starting point is 00:09:03 I know you were told that. I know. He was riding off to the sunset. He was going to run it for 50 years. It was semantics. I think he is a owner, like 1 or 2%. 4%? Well, that doesn't sound like he owns anything. 12%?
Starting point is 00:09:18 You need at least 51%, right? Yeah. Okay. Oh, Sevan, he actually is gay, but that doesn't make for a good joke. I understand. I understand. I know. Yeah, I understand.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Thank you, Logan. Logan Mars is a part of the show. If you guys didn't know, he is going to be part of the show if you're funnier than me. What the fuck? Are you se you dialing are you searing get that i'm so sorry i i don't want anyone ever to see me wearing these this is old man you're this is how i talk to you on the phone you know i'm always like dealing with my kids and doing business it's this so i have this on my phone and i'm like okay suzo who are we gonna have on the show today so everybody just hears everything i say all the time no yes kind of
Starting point is 00:10:06 oh my kids all my medical privacy just gone you don't know you don't know who owns the company and you and you and you now are part of something that's the most rents model what's what and i want to tell you the spin machine is going to start up at crossfit hq and this is what the spin machine looks like it's when people say things that are ambiguous and you have to fill in the blanks they did it to greg glassman most of you listening fell for it they say a word that means nothing and then you fill in the blanks you fill in the colors i i gave a perfect example in the show the other day about Julie Foucher doing that about her ex-husband. She said the
Starting point is 00:10:48 night before the wedding, she saw something and, and, um, and she didn't know she should have known then not to marry him or some shit like that, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And, uh, and then, and then we had to fill in like what it was, what did you see that you shouldn't have married him? And we had to fill it in. And so it just becomes a rumor mill. It's a great way to defame someone. We saw Andy Stumpf do it to Greg going on this podcast. It's a great, great way to do it. If you listen to this podcast,
Starting point is 00:11:16 and the content creators in the CrossFit space do that too. Morning Chaka is like notorious for that. They don't say anything. Unbelievable breaking news. It's raining today on planet Earth. Wow. Allegedly. Chaka is like notorious for that. They don't say anything. Unbelievable breaking news. It's raining today on planet Earth. Wow.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Allegedly. Allegedly. Yeah. Can you tell me maybe where it's raining on planet Earth, what the temperature is, what time it's going to be raining, when it's going to stop? No. It's just big picture hogwash. You're going to listen to this podcast and the main question that chris cooper is asking is why would affiliates paid pay dues what is the uh affiliate proposition and these are some fucking smart dudes by the way
Starting point is 00:11:59 like you are listening to some slick dudes and some smart dudes. Chris Duper, Chris Duper. Sorry, Chris, Chris Pooper. No, not Chris Cooper.
Starting point is 00:12:14 He's not only smart. He's been in the CrossFit community forever. He has a tremendous background with helping a shit ton of gyms. And, um, and he's done a lot of benevolent work too. It's not my place to say, but like some really benevolent shit and uh i dig the guy i i really really really enjoy him uh gary gaines don't know him at all uh comes across just so polished so nice and really um uh
Starting point is 00:12:40 even the people i know at hq who don't like like, hey, you can't say anything bad about him. Motherfucker is slick. And then the other two people I know – I know. I want to say I know well, but I don't know if I can say that. Daniel Chafee, who I like a lot, and Austin Maliola, who I like a lot. Daniel's been on the show? Yeah. You can see an interview with him on it. And I think you're going to have to get the exact titles right, but is the is the big boss the uh like head of affiliates or some shit and um austin maliola's
Starting point is 00:13:11 head of affiliates in the united states and uh daniel chafee's head of affiliates internationally they get but they have fancier titles in that and on the team on the affiliate team that he talks about that gary talks about he says daniel h, Paul Tremblay. And I know there's others, but those are the ones he mentions. And I know them too. I know Danielle very, very well. I know Danielle even better than I know any of those other people than on a shitload of business trips with Danielle.
Starting point is 00:13:42 She was very close to Greg. She used to date greg really really it wasn't a secret it wasn't a secret no it's not like i'm like breaking some sort of fucking news oh i didn't i didn't know i don't know but i didn't really hear much about greg's personal life that's because you're too busy fucking taking pounds off of fat people at crossfit livermore saving lives baby in that podcast chris had some very good questions but he didn't press and he knows he didn't press oh he does not like he was soft but like if you really understood the questions that he was asking and you're able to elevate to that level of thought and don't don't mistake that for me dumb or stupid. I just mean there's different levels of thought as you go
Starting point is 00:14:27 into business and you're looking at the bigger picture. And Chris is one of those guys that understands the bigger picture. And he was asking those questions just enough to plant some seeds and to get some responses for those that were paying attention. And if you're really paying attention, you realize that a lot of those questions weren't answered at all. Austin Malleol is a world-class speaker. He's, I don't know, done three or 400 live presentations.
Starting point is 00:14:48 He's in a league of his own when it comes to talking to people. He knows the CrossFit methodology fucking as good as any human being on the fucking planet. He is a special, special asset to the world and to the CrossFit community. Daniel Chafee, a fucking legend as an affiliate owner makes penises and vaginas swoon alike he's a he's a he's the one of the most charming human beings loving gentle strong powerful people you'll meet in your life
Starting point is 00:15:23 get self fucking fire to the devil. So could Greg. They're all on this podcast and they're talking and they're supposed to answer this question. What is the affiliate proposition? And maybe they may, and they give some answers. And for me, none of them stick. I'm going to write down some of the stuff that I told you
Starting point is 00:15:42 that allows you to be part of the community. They give you tools to maintain your operation. You can participate in the open. You can use brand likeness. I don't even know what that means. You can discount. You get discount tickets for the games. You get resources for operational efficiency.
Starting point is 00:16:01 We have tools to make affiliates successful. These tools have been developed by the best and brightest in the affiliate system we have something called the affiliate playbook that's now a tool it's best as best practices playbook this is this is gary's going through the things that they offer and why you should would pay three thousand dollars a month the products the products yeah yeah and i'll tell you right now some of the best resources for affiliate is on your screen you're looking looking at it too, Brian. Oh, yeah. Chris, I got to pull you off.
Starting point is 00:16:28 If you want to be a sponsor, Chris, you can pay me $10,000 a month. That's it. That's all you need. Get the fuck out of here. Gary Gaines says in there, and none of that shit means anything to me. I want to hear like I need like real tangible shit like here's seven here's a stick you can use this to uh beat the wild dogs in your front yard let me show you how like for me um seven you look 20 years younger today and with some hearts in the eyes that chick likes me
Starting point is 00:17:06 uh gary gaines it says if you're not involved in the community you can't understand it this is why you guys should need to stop just stop just just stop okay please oh damn it i clicked the dragon and I erased it. I clicked the X. I was going to show you the dragon burning shit down again. Damn it. Damn it. I mean, darn it.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Cheese and crackers. Cheese it right. If you're not involved in the community, you cannot understand it, says Gary Gaines. Gary, do the owners, are the owners part of the community? Let me read this again. Gary Gaines – oh, damn it. I mean, darn it. Are you vetting these?
Starting point is 00:17:52 No, I'm not vetting them. Dave, how are you? Good. Are you going to say anything racist, homophobic, or that's going to offend me? Not at all. Okay, let's talk. I feel better now. Thank you, Sevan.
Starting point is 00:18:03 No problem. Vetted. Vetted. Vetted. all okay let's talk you'll i feel better now thank you seven no problem vetted vetted go ahead brother because i'm saying some important shit i'm on a roll i should have hung up on you but i but i saw you had the name johnston and i just was hoping it would be i just like johnson i like that word i know you've been listening i've been listening to you for a long time and um i like everything that you're saying. Oh, okay. I'm going to give you my mom's phone number. Will you talk to her? There's an assumption that I don't already have it.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Okay. No, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. Oh yeah. Sorry. I'm a little slow. That was an awkward delivery. Well done. Well done. Well done. So I'm I'm just calling about Castro being gone. I moved back to my hometown in Ohio and I've started building a community to grow health and, you know, start each individual in my family and their friends on their own fitness journey. And I've been contemplating affiliating and I'm really apprehensive about it
Starting point is 00:19:14 now. Like, I'm really scared. Like, I don't, I don't know what it stands for. Like for me, culture is everything. And I think that more and more of the culture is just going away. I'll tell you this. This is my opinion. I cannot give you an opinion on whether you should affiliate or not because I fucking really don't know. But I'm going to tell you this. CrossFit Inc. is an experiment that was created by Greg Glassman. This is my opinion opinion my sole opinion an experiment created by greg glassman to create
Starting point is 00:19:46 a methodology that would make the fittest humans with the greatest capacity and make them live the longest and it would be an experiment involving uh nutrition and movement a lifestyle experiment and it would be it would be um held to a high scientific rigor and not like this so-called pandemic shit we're doing now. I mean like real scientific rigor and with real metrics. And he's a mad scientist, like Hemingway mad, like Tupac mad. Like he is a creative powerhouse, like Einstein mad. And, um, he, he put this thing together and, um, it somehow got on the internet. Not, he's not a businessman. Greg told us a thousand times in front of thousands of people. I am not a businessman.
Starting point is 00:20:37 When he spoke at Harvard, I am not a businessman. And this was, uh, so I call it an experiment and people volunteered all over the world to do it, especially people whose life depended on their fitness and their health, meaning first responders, SEALs, firefighters, ambulance drivers, all that shit, and teachers in the Oakland public school system. And – that's a joke. And it's over. The experiment is fucking over. There's no the scientist has left the room. Yeah, the scientist has left room and there was a culture that went along with it, too. That was the only that was that was like that was the part that like because everyone has a little bit of woke in them. That was the part that should have appealed to the – and the culture was that anybody could do it. This is the most inclusive thing that's ever been on the planet. I agree.
Starting point is 00:21:32 You want to do that shit with your four boyfriends covered in lube, and one's Asian, one's black, one's a pygmy, and one used to be a girl? Let's Fran the fuck up. Minus the lube, that's unsafe. Yeah, the lube is unsafe. My point is, and now I'm really going to get off topic. It's crazy that they came in here. There's a point in this thing. There's a point in this thing where, and this is Gary. Dude, be quiet, buddy.
Starting point is 00:22:01 There's people. It's not, you might be smarter and have more experience, but you got to stop talking, dude. And here's why. Chris Cooper asked, hey, it used to be a company that talked about X, Y, and Z, basically implying that, hey, we used to say shit like, hey, fuck sugar, fuck Coke, fuck ESPN, fuck Budweiser. And the reason why I said it is not because it's bad for you, but because they were lying about stuff in the science spaces. They were lying about how much Coke you could drink, how much water you could drink, how much Gatorade you could drink. We caught them lying. We caught them paying off scientists.
Starting point is 00:22:35 So that's why we fought with them, not because Greg believes in free markets. Sell and buy all the Coke you wanted. And then when Gary Gaines was asked, hey, are you still going to do that? I got to find this shit that he said in his answer It's so fucking funny. He said we're still a principled company, man. I have too many notes We're still a principled company gains when gains went on to say look at me i'm like an author Gains went on to say but we're a more quiet group than before we let our product speak for themselves No, dude, you're less transparent and you're a fucking coward. Not you personally, Gary. The company, everyone sees it. Don't hide it as you're quiet. You let fucking 15,000 gyms get whooped by their fucking governments to shut down.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And you didn't say shit about it. Your CEO still hasn't said that, hey, not eating sugar and refined carbohydrates is the cure. He's a fucking pussy. You're not – your product's not speaking for itself. Your product's been shut down for two years. Uh-oh. Sorry, Haley. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:23:37 I am no thing. I am no thing. I feel like we might be holding the caller hostage here. Maybe we should – Yeah, sorry. Do you want to go? Sorry. Dave, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Dave. I'm going to circle back to that but but let me just drive this point
Starting point is 00:23:48 home sorry sorry dave dave you can hang up on me if you want i want to drive this point home you're no he you you are not quieter you're not a quieter company you're not principled you're not principled you lied in the in the interview with chris cooper when you said hey you your company won't mandate the affiliates to do anything first of all that's you said, hey, your company won't mandate the affiliates to do anything. First of all, that's a lie. You should have said we won't mandate you to do anything that's not in the affiliate agreement. But second of all, you mandated that Craig Howard shut down. Not sorry. You mandated that Craig Howard either shut down or relinquish his position because he was staying open
Starting point is 00:24:25 and helping people fight COVID the only way he knew how. Meanwhile, you fucking let this fucking ass clown, this fucking ass clown celebrate kicking people out of his gym for not being vaccinated. You do have a position. And for those of you who can't see this,
Starting point is 00:24:47 this is from One Nation Fitness. This is a CrossFit gym. And they took the initiative even before the federal government or state government made them only allow people work out in there who are vaccinated. They started early.
Starting point is 00:25:04 He hung up. Sorry, I didn't want to do that i don't know should he affiliate and let me finish this thought how are you going to say gary that craig howard if he doesn't follow the rules and shut down but if the contra costa he doesn't follow the rules of contra costa county and shut down that he can't be his position is like affiliate liaison or whatever you goofballs call it now. And yet this guy who's the head, this guy who owns this gym, I think this is Austin Maliola's gym. He runs all he's in charge of affiliates in the nation and he's celebrating. And please, people, a couple of you, a couple of people, I really like you guys. And I really do.
Starting point is 00:25:49 But don't say that Austin Maliolo has no choice. We all have a choice. Stop saying that the city of Boston enforces it. He could stay open. And let me tell you this. This is the difference between least rents model and most rents model. Greg Glassman, I can tell you with almost all certainty, and I'm not saying this to defend Greg in the slightest, would have fired every CrossFit employee and used that money to keep all of you guys open. I'm telling you, that's not hyperbole.
Starting point is 00:26:24 So, don't lie. Don't go on Chris Cooper's thing and think that no one's listening. Just stop. I'm just going to – damn, I don't have the dragon gif anymore. I'm going – everything you say is kindling. You're not only – you're lying. You're not principled. You're a liar. Thank you. Thank you. not you're not principled you're a liar thank you thank you thank you let's take a moment to enjoy this god if this had a sound effect
Starting point is 00:26:49 is it that jim attached to reebok um it maybe it used to okay but not anymore yeah because this dude austin's a good dude this dude austin knows knows this dude, Austin Maliolo. He knows, he knows that nobody dies in my opinion. Do you feel that from D Valk who does, who does COVID? Do you feel like who does CrossFit? Do you feel like his decision might've been influenced a little bit by the people at CrossFit to kind of say, Hey, if you jump out and you do this first, it's going to show the community that this is kind of okay and you're leading the charge on it so no idea zero zero zero knowledge or input or yeah i mean i don't know why they would i don't really see the motive behind that zero these are my friends guys this isn't like fun i don't i really don't want to do this i mean like i mean i want to do it like i normally don't have my heart pounding out of my chest before a show but this show it was pounding out
Starting point is 00:27:50 of my chest i just i just i just want to just talk to ufc fighters and ask them like do you get a lot of chicks i don't want to be sitting here telling you that that um seven did you shave your arms no dude i look at this girls, close your eyes in the audience. Look at this. I got like a weird tricep. I got it tough there, like the Jason Kalipa tough. Oh. a wadapalooza as long as they as long as they like i'm gonna have a key font i gotta just make sure i don't believe they're really going to give us the access they say they're going to give us but man we're going to have some amazing stuff for you you have to understand that the the the that they're the difference between a um what are those things that the horses used to pull and they had the wooden wheels? A carriage.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Carriage. No, there's a better word. Do you know what those are called, Caleb? Stagecoach. Stagecoach. Thank you. There's a difference between the stagecoach and the automobile. Stagecoach has wooden wheels and the automobile has rubber wheels and it's a significant advancement.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Those of you who are like, hey, this is just the evolution. There's no real, this is just normal. You're, you're not getting it. This isn't going from the wooden wheel to the rubber wheel. I wish I could come up with, I thought in the shower, even while I was cleaning my butt and soap in my face. And just, I thought it's nonstop of a metaphor. And I couldn't for you. I was like, dear God, I know I don't believe in you, but I know you could give me a great metaphor. And what's happening is it's gone from a lease rents model to a most rents model. You have to understand it. It's not even the same. It can't ever be the same. It's like people who think that you're going to vaccinate the whole planet and then we'll go back to normal. That's like you're not understanding the whole planet's been vaccinated. You're not going back to normal. It's the exact same thing. You're missing that like, no, everything has changed. Everything has changed.
Starting point is 00:30:02 And basically, it was changed before. It's only a matter of time before every single employee who used to work at CrossFit, who tries to hold the line, like probably – who will get waxed, get booted. You just can't because Greg brainwashed us. He brainwashed us. It is a cult. It was affiliates first at all fucking costs. And you know how he did that. I know a lot of you didn't see it. The affiliate proposition may be a thousand times better now.
Starting point is 00:30:39 I don't know what it is. I listened to the show for an hour. I still don't know exactly what it is. I tried to be honest with you and share you what I got from it. But what Greg was doing is he used the vast, vast majority of the money for legal purposes to basically ward off anyone who would hurt all trainers, not just CrossFit trainers, all trainers worldwide. I've never waxed my arm. I waxed up here. The tough. Hey, wad zombie. You're killing it, dude.
Starting point is 00:31:08 The memes. Yeah. He's had some great stuff. Yeah. You should blast Dave a little bit too. It's a little too pro Dave. You should blast Dave a little bit. Like show him like in a field,
Starting point is 00:31:18 like in Salinas, like picking strawberries. Now Dave's new job. Thinking about programming. Yeah. How many strawberries he can pick. Have you ever been to his house? Do you know where he lives? The ranch?
Starting point is 00:31:30 Yeah. No, no, no, no, no. Well, the ranch too, I guess. I mean, his house overlooks just fields and fields. They're probably like dole's fields. Fields and fields of berries. Like to the horizon. It's nuts.
Starting point is 00:31:49 You can't do this you can't have the guy and the pr guy is the exact same way you have to know this the the pr guy andrew weinstein but they are so fucking woke over there they don't care he doesn't care about crossfit he cares that joe biden he he doesn't care that joe biden's elected he cares that trump isn't elected these people are filled with if you saw the last show when i explained to you what diversity is they're filled with this delusion imagine i got it written down here i'm not even going to try to i'm not even going to try to wing it. Daniel Chafee said in the interview – sorry, I'll come back to that. Daniel Chafee said in the interview, we're going to have – someone asked him, hey, what about using lobbying efforts in Europe? Daniel went through a story about how they tried to use lobbying efforts in Europe, and he said we're going to have to force this change from the bottom up. You're damn straight, Daniel. But your buddy, fucking Austin Maliola, who's on the call,
Starting point is 00:32:52 is sucking the fucking, is taking it straight from the top, grabbing his ankle straight from the fucking, for the guys at the top. You're not on the same page, Daniel, as your buddies. the fucking for the guys at the top you're not on the same page daniel is your buddies you're not on your same page as austin maliolo his gym is a segregated gym his gym doesn't allow black people no no sorry oh unvaccinated people sorry i get that confused all the time for those of you who can't see the podcast i I'm celebrating because I think I'm so fucking witty right now. We are going to have to force change from the bottom. You're right, Daniel. And that's not going to happen with the leader of fucking North America's affiliates celebrating getting ahead of vaccine mandates to let people work out in his gym.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Oh, but we're a quieter company. Look at our product. No, you're a fucking coward and you're not transparent. You're a coward and you're not transparent. I'm sorry, Haley. I know you told me no name calling. It's an observational...
Starting point is 00:33:56 Strike cowards from the record. Strike cowards from the record. Yeah, strike cowards. You're not transparent. It's not that you're a quieter company that lets your product speak for itself. Yeah. Who is their customer?
Starting point is 00:34:09 We – the Boston, just complete terrified – I mean he lives in one of the most terrified cities of the world. You could argue compassion for Austin for sure. You could be like, but Sevan, he'll go out of business. I mean there is a huge argument based on money of why austin should do this that can't be argued he wins well isn't that isn't that what's kind of motivating everything like isn't isn't all these changes not craig howard not craig howard no craig howard's a very unique individual he's a he's a leader oh i'm sorry i missed what did you say craig howard's a what a leader and it takes a unique individual to make some of those hard decisions and kind of be the first I'm sorry, I missed, what did you say, Craig Howard's a what? A leader.
Starting point is 00:34:49 And it takes a unique individual to make some of those hard decisions and kind of be the first one to step out in front of the firing squad, and that's exactly what he was for all of us up here. And I can tell you firsthand, Craig Howard receives a GoFundMe that was put together without his knowledge by his members to help pay for some of the fines that they were receiving for remaining open against the mandate. And at the time, he didn't necessarily need it. So he spun that whole thing into a GoFundMe for all the Northern Cal affiliates. And I saw firsthand the checks that were cut to either help people pay their affiliate fees or to help people get equipment
Starting point is 00:35:19 that they needed to operate outside or just anything that they needed through this hard time. And he got let go from that from that position of a norcal affiliate rep uh yeah yeah he got for forgiving that um seven why why isn't seven bringing up that greg lost his own company because he's racist you fucking moron you fucking moron first of all he didn't lose his company he sold his company he sold his company for hundreds of millions of dollars and he's not racist and you say that because you have nothing else to contribute that's actually factual. Yeah, I think that's a bot account too.
Starting point is 00:36:10 It's just numbers and letters. It looks like it was made an hour ago to troll. Like if you were to say – what's up, 920? You saw something on Redditdit that you liked you saw something on reddit that resonated with you huh how do i how do i just block that dude from the fucking comments and send them into the ether it's like not like like just like if you want to ask if you want to ask me if you want to ask me, hey, someone, did you ever hear anything racist? Greg did. Greg's not racist.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Sorry. Yes. Hi, Samuel. How are you? Samuel Fleming. How can I help you, my friend? Are we back with this again today? Samuel.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Samuel. Samuel. Samuel Conway. Dude. Dude. Okay. So I have a couple, one, I have one thing to say and I have a couple questions to ask. I didn't realize that like Julie, my middle school where she has to like divorce her husband over some fucking board.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Oh, I was wrong about that. Let me tell you something. So that's, isn't that amazing? So I, so I brought that up as like some sort of thing like hey you shouldn't do ambiguous stuff because then people will spread rumors and i spread a rumor about that thank you for bringing that up so after i said that i found out that that actually wasn't true that i was more right about like closer to being right about the chicken baster full of vaseline in the ass but anyway oh yeah i'm so so i so i i apologize to her ex-husband like i don't
Starting point is 00:37:44 know what the fuck the truth is but and i'm sorry that I had to use that as an example. But those are the kind of people who are at HQ. I'm telling you, it's just a fucking giant propaganda ambiguous machine to steer the ship. It's not even a ship. It's a fucking boat. It's a paddle boat. Like one of those ones at Disneyland where you pedal the thing and you're like… And your swan is like, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:38:08 I have a theory on this whole like Dave Castro, like getting fired thing. So do you remember like during the open when that video came out that he's like, yeah, these are my last three weeks. Like this is my last one. Yada, yada. Do you remember that video? How many years ago was it? It came out this year oh like it was like one so it was like right before the pancheck brothers went and did
Starting point is 00:38:33 the open announcement he was like like he was like talking shit someone was like uh like talking to him and everything like that he's like yeah this is gonna be like my last one yada yada and i don't know if that was open or not but i wonder if like little fucking little dick rosa has such a please no name calling okay unless it's factual has this uh like little man syndrome to where he has to be like, okay, I'm going to fire you before you can quit me. No, no, no, no, no. Well, no, no, no. What was happening basically was this. So basically Dave was ready to stop doing the open years ago and stop. And he wanted to like, he wanted to hand it off.
Starting point is 00:39:18 And then what happened is, is Greg hired this other CEO and that CEO told Dave that he had to hand it off and dave didn't like doing shit on other people's turns so he said all right fuck you guys i'm gonna keep doing it since you told me not to do it and then and then second that the company was sold then he's like okay he told us all hey i'm gonna this is my last year like we knew yeah but but i understand i understand how you could get think that but no that wasn't it at all dave did not That's what's so stupid that if you can get me started on these other content producers, like these people are like Dave,
Starting point is 00:39:48 so unprofessional, he releases stuff on his own Instagram. Dude, do you, do you not watch any other professional sports or, or, or follow what other people do? Do you not understand like the power that that has and how exciting that is
Starting point is 00:39:59 and how much we, we like him. That one jackass, uh, no name calling someone step on. He, he referred to dave as like having vince mcmahon antics like dude that fucking sells well and they're not vince mcmahon antics though too but sure yeah like vince mcmahon's that's the wwe guy right who's all juiced up and like rips his suit off and fucking gets hit with the chair yeah yeah no uh that's like that's like saying the crossfit games is porn
Starting point is 00:40:32 because it's a bunch of fucking chicks and dudes running around in their bra and underwear i mean it's just like a miss yeah but i don't know people that hate on d Dave They just don't I feel like they just don't understand sports at all And they're just Fucking idiots Well they don't know what professionalism looks like either They think professionalism looks like a suit Sitting behind a desk at Coca-Cola Who owns CrossFit Inc?
Starting point is 00:41:00 Who owns CrossFit Inc affiliates? Who Who are you sending your affiliate check to? There was a paper studying the efficacy of CrossFit. I'm going to run all over you, Samuel. Feel free to hang up. Listen, there was a guy, I think it was at Ohio State or somewhere like that. I can't remember. I wish I could remember all the details. Eventually, I will have someone on and we'll pull up the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:41:33 But basically, he did a study. And the study was on CrossFit. And he turned in the paper to the journal at the NSCA. And when he turned that paper in, there were no injuries. So that paper was returned to him and said from the editor, I think the guy's name is William Kramer over at the NSCA. And he said, Hey, you got to put some injuries in here or we're not going to publish it. So the guy put some injuries in there. Science. Are you guys listening to this? This guy put some injuries in there in his CrossFit study. So the CrossFit study said, oh my god, CrossFit is so amazing. It's so much better than all these training things, but 11% of the people who do it get injured.
Starting point is 00:42:33 So Greg hired lawyers from the best law firm on planet Earth with your affiliate money, and they deposed – they went and talked to every single person who was in the study. And what they found is mind-boggling. It is what dark conspiracies are made of. Literally. And you and Greg – and they wanted to settle the case bad. They did not want this shit getting out. And Greg refused to settle. The new owners, who you affiliates do not know who is, settled that case and sealed it. Truth and transparency. But this is a transparent company. We have a DEI council. You dipshits out there. Greggs are racist.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Greggs are sexist. The culture is all fucked up. It's the least transparent company ever. This was the most inclusive company in the world, and the first thing they did was put in a DEI council because they were scared about what people think. That council has done nothing. are scared about what people think that council has done nothing their gym their only gym that was that was that was helped that demographic of old and fat people and and those types of projects all that shit it's closed it was in santa cruz california the headquarters are fucking gonna be gone any day it's gonna be in Boulder. It moved from the second whitest city in America, Santa Cruz, to the whitest city in America, Boulder.
Starting point is 00:44:12 And guess what you guys got? So you guys have a DEI council, but you have no transparency now. Greg would have talked to – dude, let me tell you something. If one of you affiliates would have said, hey, Greg, can I call and talk to you about the NSEA case, you'd'd put a gun in your mouth and blowing your brains out because he'd have talked to you for 27 hours straight without taking a breath. I remember when they announced that they settled that their affiliate owners and other people in the community that were like, oh, good. That was such a waste. And you were like, clearly, you didn't understand what was happening there because it's not it wasn't a waste because if they would have gotten their way, they would have made it what we do inside the affiliates illegal. And then they would have made it to where we had to pay them to go through their course, and they were slowly just taking over the whole entire space. Oh, sorry to interrupt. I think Santa Cruz actually has 1.2%. We have 1.2% black, and I think we're 1.4% Native American. Boulder will be like 90% Asian in the next 30 years.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Watch. Do you know why? Why? Because the tech companies and smart people moved there. No, it doesn't go to Austin. Racist. Racist. Are you saying that Asian people are't work in Austin. Racist. Racist. Are you saying that Asian people are smart?
Starting point is 00:45:27 I am. I am. Racist. And I'm okay with that. I'm okay with being a little prejudiced. I'm okay with it. I'm okay with it. I'm okay with thinking that Middle Eastern people come here and the successful ones open liquor stores.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Not afraid of that. And work their ass off too. Yeah. Thank you, dad. That's what my dad did. This comment here was similar to some of the comments that I saw on different Instagram stuff. And it says, how will this affect the members?
Starting point is 00:45:55 Will memberships go up? Will workouts change? And what they're implying here is like, how does this affect the affiliate? And people are kind of missing the bigger picture. And I hope that's what we're shedding light on here tonight, that this moving Dave out of the way was kind of the last true leader that understood the methodology and was trying to hold true to that,
Starting point is 00:46:13 that CrossFit currently had. And now with, with him out of the way, basically that is gone. That is effectively gone. And my prediction will be, we'll see a major sponsor come into the CrossFit Games. We already saw Monster. I see there's going to be more of that soon. And if you listen to the podcast with Chris Cooper, he asked Gary, actually kind of walked himself into that question on accident. But they asked him specifically, and it looked as if to me when I watched on the YouTube, as if he looked down and read a script that basically said nothing.
Starting point is 00:46:44 It said we will have partners with whoever we're going to have partners with. Are you talking about in reference to the Chris Cooper thing? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Coca-Cola. You have to know that I really like – I've had nothing – I admire Austin Maliolo. I admire Daniel Chafee like if they were my
Starting point is 00:47:06 neighbors they'd be my homies I'd roll with them like dramatic pause Daniel Chafee gets it man this motherfucker gets it this dude gets it yes This dude gets it. Yes, this dude gets it. Greg would have fired every last HQ employee.
Starting point is 00:47:33 And guess what? I heard Gary Gaines say on that podcast that they have 300 employees, not including L1 trainers. Brian G., thanks for asking. How's your son feeling? Dude dude I have some video of him playing tennis today scary dude we're always there for our community says Austin Maliolo in the podcast on Chris Cooper's podcast and my response to Austin is unless you're not vaccinated, if let me explain it to you. There's gyms out there that allow unvaccinated and vaccinated people. And there's gyms out there that only allow vaccinated people. There's no gyms out there that just allow unvaccinated people.
Starting point is 00:48:15 And yet there's plenty of data that shows those are the healthiest people who have the best immune system. What are you doing? I don't I'm stooping to your level to even argue at that level. What are you doing? You're a CrossFit gym. What are you doing? I'm stooping to your level to even argue at that level What are you doing? You're a CrossFit gym What are you doing, Austin? You've been to 400 seminars You've heard Greg say the tsunami of chronic disease is coming And you're still confused
Starting point is 00:48:34 You think this is DVOC? You think that this is actually a virus that's killing people? You don't realize that it's all those fat fuckers That are getting just smoked Because of everything you've been preaching for the last 12 years dude you were fucking in prison you were in a fucking boys camp you pulled yourself up from your fucking straps and fucking grew a set and became a fucking man a man that i could only ever dream of being and now you're saying this shit
Starting point is 00:49:05 you're saying starting January 15th everyone entering our Boston gym must show proof of COVID vaccination you're a pussy sorry Haley sorry it's just cowardice and then here's the thing oh but someone has to do it to keep his gym open
Starting point is 00:49:21 the city's mandating okay then why is he doing it 15 days earlier or whatever and celebrating it? Like he's a leader. He's a leader. Let's keep the black people out of our gym, says Austin Maliolo. No, no, sorry. I always get the two confused. Unvaccinated black people, sorry.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Must have been all that weed I smoked in college. You feel me? Hey, what's up caller? Oh, we got a caller. What's up? Do you own an affiliate?
Starting point is 00:49:53 No, I don't. Oh, okay. What do you want? I wanted to, I wanted to, uh,
Starting point is 00:49:59 run something by you. So is it going to be racist, homophobic or hurt my feelings? It could hurt your feelings, but the first two, definitely not. by you. Is it going to be racist, homophobic, or hurt my feelings? It could hurt your feelings, but the first two, definitely not. Thank you. Vetted. Sousa Vetted. So,
Starting point is 00:50:14 sold the company to basically an empty shell of a company. Does that not, in a way, somewhat liberate the sport to be more like i don't know but you hear me out because like nobody owns skateboarding really you know at this point like the message is kind of out what crossfit you know the message that crossfit brought to
Starting point is 00:50:41 the masses it's kind of known and so you're actually giving the opposite answer to what CrossFit wants, because then why would any CrossFit gym pay for the affiliate chip? Well, yeah, that's not what they, they don't want that, but I'm saying. No, but you just kind of answered the question, right? You've just answered the question a little bit there. Because if you say, Hey, it's like Pilates or it's like yoga or, or you know bikram yoga where any place could just use it it doesn't matter there's no differenti there we're all the same then yeah those places don't pay for yoga they don't pay pilates so why would they why would affiliates continue to pay for crossfit i think people would
Starting point is 00:51:22 still go pay gyms whether they were affiliated or not to do. What do you think their motive would be for that? Or AKA CrossFit because people like it either way, you know? They like what his person is. I don't understand this conversation. What do you mean? What are you guys talking about? Like I couldn't follow what, what, what does he suggest? Like you answered it before I can understand what he was asking.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Sorry, caller. What was your name? Steven. Steven. Sorry. I'm a what he was asking. Sorry, Caller. What was your name? Stephen. Stephen, sorry. I'm a little bit slower than Mr. Sousa. Can you ask that question again? So like what I'm saying is with basically an empty shell of a company with no vision owns the company now, CrossFit or AKA functional fitness is still free to just keep doing CrossFit. You know, it's kind of like skateboarding.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Nobody owns skateboarding. It's just kind of this open source network monster that a lot of people make money from and partake in every day. And there's no central figurehead. there's no central figurehead. And even though there's a new set of ownership that wants to be that figurehead, I kind of feel like this is the direction. There's a lot of people doing functional fitness now. I'm just selling things out there.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Yeah. I hear it. You know, it's funny you say that. So let's go back to what Gary Gaines said in the podcast. Okay. He said, um,
Starting point is 00:52:44 uh, and thank you thank you gary um chris cooper austin maliolo and uh daniel chafee for giving us so much to talk about tonight he said something along the lines of um you can't know this oh and you can't know what crossfit is unless you belong to like a crossfit gym unless you're involved in the community and my response to him was we'll do the owners who we don't know who the fuck the owners are is it the guys who own pepsi is it the guys who owns co who owns this thing do they know are they part of the community and so so so um so you're asking this question and it's it's in the the it's in the ether,
Starting point is 00:53:25 but when they would, and that's why people don't understand. People try to oversimplify it. When Greg left, they're like, it's not about one man. It's about the community or it's not about Dave. You're you,
Starting point is 00:53:33 you really are taking too big a broad of strokes. It actually was about one man, but Greg didn't even know it. It actually was about his fucking how exciting it was to be in his world of fucking madness and pushing human performance and longevity. It really was. And you nailed it when you said who's going to be our figurehead. Yeah, we need one. Not to worship.
Starting point is 00:53:56 We had Dave. We had Dave to hate. We just need one. We need something. We need something better than the QR code on the side of a fucking can. We need something. We need something better than the QR code on the side of a fucking can. We need someone who has a vision that lets us fucking dream of fucking – and love. I mean there's no greater moment than – there's no greater moment than when you go to a gym with your mom and you see her do a CrossFit workout for the first time.
Starting point is 00:54:30 There's no greater moment but second to that is when tommy hackenbrook and rich froning um attempt a ridiculous 400 pound overhead squat and just them getting it overhead at the games was like enough for you to be like hey i don't care what happens next i guess what i'm saying is a special place man it's a special place even without the even without the figurehead like a lot lot of people know what it is. You know, if you know, you know. And at this point, it's kind of out. And no one can take that, like the cat's out of the bag. Like everybody. You're saying what this is, and this is the problem.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Look at this. And I almost don't, I don't know how many times I'm going to have to say this during the show because people keep jumping in. Dana White is great. I wish Castro was still there, but I think CrossFit is bigger than one person. You don't understand. The car used to be driving to San Diego, and now it's going to Alaska, and you're still in the car, and you fucking don't know. What I mean by that – what i mean specifically more of that this used to be a lease rents model business now it's a most rents bottle model business this
Starting point is 00:55:31 used to be a company that used its legal fees to keep people out of exercise science soon you're going to be told that it's okay to drink coke it's okay they're already saying they kind of did that when they let monster they're already they're already saying it's not okay to let black people in the gyms. That's coming from this fucking guy. Sorry, not black people. Sorry, I created unvaccinated people. Sorry, I don't know why I keep getting the two confused. Don't conflate.
Starting point is 00:55:58 They said you can't have Jews in the gym. Sorry, unvaccinated. You have to be on drugs to go to the fucking head of north america's crossfit north america's director of affiliates you have to take drugs to get on this and get in this fucking guy's gym that would never have happened under the previous leadership because he knew he had the cure i'm sorry i gotta take another call i love you you're getting strong is that rude no you're getting stronger. Is that rude? No, you're getting stronger. I like that. I like that. Thank you. Mr. Smith,
Starting point is 00:56:28 am I in the Matrix? Are you in the Matrix? Yeah, Mr. Smith. I think we're all in the Matrix. Can you turn down your TV? What's up? How's your sister doing? She hate me? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:44 No problem. Holy shit holy shit biggest podcast in the crossfit space i'm transcending this shit hq you know what you're cool you know what you're so lucky you know why you're so let me tell you hq just give dave like fucking 50 million dollars and i'll shut the fuck up oh i swear to god oh hold on once mr smith one second god greg boyd's a handsome man that is if greg almondson and tyson uh fury had a kid it would be greg boyd damn uh coke funds nscs to produce a hit piece on cf your words not mine greg glassman exposes nsca coke buys cost oh my god okay guys i'm gonna leave this up here for a few minutes so you can see what a bad man greg boyd is wait but what about the the people that just listen coke funds nsca to produce a hit piece on crossfit glassman exposes nsca coke buys crossfit through berkshire and rosa i think i think he
Starting point is 00:57:47 spent spelled rosa wrong rose x then seals the deal and all the colors just hang up so rude well we kind of hold them hostage a little bit oh you can hang hey could i could i try one with like a fancy opening next time a call yeah yeah okay i'll go like this and that means it's ready for you. Two thumbs up. One thumbs up means I have to take a piss. They say blacks are more – it's melanated, by the way. They say melanated people are more vaccine hesitant. It's just more nonsense talk.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Hesitant. Hesitant. He's just more nonsense talk hesitant. It's a metaphor, Jackson, for smart people. It's a metaphor. It's a simile. We don't want to force anyone to do anything. We don't want to force people to take drugs. Anyway, I'm conflating issues.
Starting point is 00:58:45 I know I polarized this by even bringing that up god i think i'm so cool i got this roadcaster pro and a phone and my own producer and then i got caleb back here look at wait did you answer that call no they hung up they hung i it's so funny my can can people tell that my head's getting big? No, it looks the same size as me. Thank you. Good douche. You took a picture of the back of your truck, Michael Harvey? Spin your truck around.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Jackass. Oh, you want to see the license plate? Okay, here we go. Wow, this is a crazy name caller welcome to the show what's your name where you calling from caller welcome to the show what's your name and where are you calling from what's up mad this is kyle from prescott. Kyle from Prescott. How you doing, man? What's your question? What can we do for you tonight? Yeah, I'm just listening. And like, you know, I like what one guy said about Coca-Cola.
Starting point is 00:59:54 But do you think the sport across it, like them making it such a, you know, the dynamic of being, you know, on the sport, do you think that has kind of killed the methodology in a way? Like, I look back, like Matt Frazier had an interview on Joe Rogan and Joe Rogan was honestly curious about CrossFit. And I don't think Frazier did a really good job at, at defending the methodology or, you know, good job. He destroyed it. He let's say let's Matt Fraser has two point four million followers. Let's say he would have said, hey, man, like what if he would have said, hey, man, I lost a friend. I have a friend who lost one hundred pounds. The methodology in my in my dad went to a seminar and it changed his life. These are true things, by the way. Dude, you've got to try this shit. It's fucking amazing.
Starting point is 01:00:40 I would guess that two people would have gone into every affiliate in the country or in the world. Let's say that would have been two people to every affiliate. And that would have been a $2,400 a year gift to every affiliate. He didn't do anything even close to that. He did the opposite. If you were on the fucking fence, he said, that's right.
Starting point is 01:01:00 Yep. That's how that works. That's exactly that. If you were on the fence about going to a CrossFit affiliate, If you were on the fence about going to a CrossFit affiliate, and you heard that, you didn't go. Yeah. Imagine the gift he could have given to every affiliate by telling the truth. But he was nervous. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Try saying that to my wife when I fucking busted nut in 20 seconds. I was nervous. She'll fucking slap me across the face. I'll never fucking do that again, boy. So, so when they, when Dave Castro gets fired and,
Starting point is 01:01:40 and you know, people are, same with Greg Glassman. It just seems like the athletes are quiet. They seem, I mean, you know, there was a lot of heartwarming messages out there, but no one's an uproar. And it just seems like there's so much money back in the sport now that they only have one agenda now. And is to make the most money and there's nothing wrong with that the problem is this people who who who are just clueless like that that kid i posted his comment it it's not it's not even the same it's not nothing is the same nothing nothing this thing was driven by a least rents model and it was driven by one man. And now it's driven by a most rents model. I know so much,
Starting point is 01:02:28 so much of that is just passing through your guys's like, you're like, well, what does that mean? So on, wait, if Coca-Cola owns this, the entire message change,
Starting point is 01:02:37 do you know, do you know, like, like, uh, uh, I'm going to tell you something. Um,
Starting point is 01:02:41 uh, Gary, Gary Gaines, the guy in this, in this, uh, interview with chris cooper and i think uh maybe austin or daniel agrees with them but which is just asinine they know better he says we listen to feedback we listen to feedback do you know that if greg would have
Starting point is 01:02:55 listened to feedback we wouldn't be squatting below parallel did you know that if we listened to feedback none of us would be squatting below parallel you guys fucking think this is funny you guys don't get this because you're 23 years old and every gym you've ever been to has a fucking rope hanging from it dude i'm telling you the gym like in in your lifetime all that shit will go away it'll go back to golds the same way it just popped up and showed up here nothing more profound has happened in the fitness space since what greg did around 2008 to 2012 in the history of fucking mankind now you could argue that that that the it's even more profound because it could go away because the bad guys got a whole maybe got a hold of this fucking company.
Starting point is 01:03:48 And who are the bad guys? We don't know. They won't tell the 15,000 affiliate owners, probably 6,000 now, who owns this company? Who are your affiliate fees going to? What happened in the NSCA case? How are you guys not being like, hey, we need to know? I mean, I get it. You're running your daily business. I don't mean
Starting point is 01:04:04 it like that. Okay. Bye. Good. Hi, welcome to the show. What's your name? Where are you calling from?
Starting point is 01:04:16 Be careful. I'll let you speak. Hey, my name is Andrew. I'm calling from the SoCal area. I'm certainly enjoying the discussion so far, but I think there's a distinction that needs to be made a little bit between affiliates. Because I do think there are some trainers who really understand the methodology and don't necessarily need CrossFit HQ. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning.
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Starting point is 01:05:08 Please play responsibly. And I think the population that you're speaking to are trainers who are maybe newer, who are trying to get off the ground, who needed a Greg Glassman, so on and so forth. I'm not following you. I'm not following you. I would have to make some leaps of understanding To understand what you're saying I don't think anyone needs CrossFit HQ
Starting point is 01:05:31 Or has ever needed CrossFit HQ I just need direction and the mission Right Let me add a little bit more context In terms of where I'm coming from I suppose I'm thinking mostly In terms of the firing of Dave Castro and the
Starting point is 01:05:47 leadership issues that you're talking about, or that seemed to be going on at CrossFit HQ. And so I suppose what I'm saying is I think in terms of the sport of CrossFit, that's definitely in danger and kind of to your point of lost ship and directionless, at least it seems to me from an outsider looking in. No,
Starting point is 01:06:03 the games are the safest thing. That's the thing. So let me just be really clear. The games are super safe. Dave being fired has no effect on the games. If you're a games athlete or you just think CrossFit's the games, rest assured the games are fine. And that's what I wanted to ask you. It doesn't matter if fucking Rich Froning, Dave Castro, Matt Fraser,
Starting point is 01:06:22 and fucking Adrian Bosman Dying in a plane accident tomorrow Sorry guys, it doesn't matter The games are totally Any fucking jackass Can pull that shit together That is not what I'm referencing In the slightest
Starting point is 01:06:37 I would be curious to hear that And maybe this is the Piece of information that I'm missing from your perspective. Okay. And thank you for helping me make this distinction, because if I'm not clear about it, this is awesome. Yeah, it's great. It's a great call. So my question then is, or follow-up question based on what you're saying is, in what way is the lack of leadership threatening the affiliates more so than the games? in what way is the lack of leadership threatening the affiliates more so than the games and I suppose as
Starting point is 01:07:06 part B of that question why do you think the programming at the games is still very safe the previous owner Greg Glassman ran a lease rents model that warred against anyone who would
Starting point is 01:07:22 bastardize or fuck with the science of health and fitness. Greg Glassman ran this company with the least rents model, willing to go to fucking war, and I mean war, like Hell's Angels war with anyone who tried to fuck with real science or real health. That's the part you have to – and now it's the most rents model, and anyone can purchase it, and anyone can say, hey, drink three Coca-colas before you do fran and it will be the best thing for you there that this is going to be really hard for some of you to understand it is we should um we should try you are riding a bicycle and you don't know you're on a bicycle you are part of something and you're actually driving it forward and moving it forward
Starting point is 01:08:25 and you don't, and it's fine. You don't have to realize it until something like this happens. Like, like you're, imagine if you were a fish and they started this campaign to get rid of all water on the planet and you got behind it because water is bad for the planet. That's what like some of you are doing. Like you don't even realize you're in the fucking water and that how much it's bringing you and giving you. Like this, this guy, Greg and people like Dave and people like Nicole, I don't want to say any of your other names. Sorry. I just don't want to bury you. They're keeping this. They were keeping this thing true North, man. It was so fucking hard to keep true north. Even assholes like me would fuck with Greg.
Starting point is 01:09:05 Hey, Greg, let's try to make some money here doing this. Really? We can't just take it? Greg would have taken money from Monster, Marlboro, Coca-Cola, anyone. Do you guys understand that? He would have taken all the money from them. He just would have at the same time said, you're a fucking idiot to drink this or smoke this. He only cared about the truth.
Starting point is 01:09:26 You guys are – it's hard to – it's hard, man. It's really hard to fucking grasp even though it's so simple. The whole thing will curve and just take a shitter now, and you won't even know it. You'll all be like, like oh cotton candy's fine it's something that was just pure what's the what's the pure is the driven snow what's the do you know stuff like that caleb military stuff pure is the pure is a virgin pure is snow white you're looking it up? Okay, thank you. Pure as the... Yeah, and so just to make some clarity, you were really driving it home afterwards, but basically the long and the short of it is Greg had this message,
Starting point is 01:10:13 and he was seeking out truth in science. Pure as the driven snow. Thank you. Morally unsullied. Yes, chased. She's just 16 and pure as the driven snow. The assembly dates from the late 1500s, although driven, which means carried by the wind into drifts, was occasionally omitted. Oh, pure as the snow, pure as the – okay. It is heard less often today.
Starting point is 01:10:34 That bullshit. Oh, I don't know. I wasn't around back then. Maybe it was said all the time back then. Excuse me. God, I hope my – cheese and crackers. I hope my mom's not listening. Am I doing the thing again?
Starting point is 01:10:51 Craig, you're not allowed on the podcast until you put up a sign that says only vaccinated people at your gym. Thank you. Bye. Oh my gosh. Is that him calling? Call her. What's your name and where you calling from?
Starting point is 01:11:03 I couldn't do it that time. I was thrown off. David, what's up name where you call from i couldn't do it that time i was i was thrown off david what's up brother david oh damn it did you answer okay good i gotta pass on that i didn't fuck it up david do you think it's a letdown for people when suze answers instead of me like you call the show and it's like you hear his voice oh i want to talk to so it's too uh it's to customer service Jackson on the comments already called me out on that
Starting point is 01:11:27 I was sure I needed bacon more than like call it what's your name how you doing brother where you calling from there we go Gary Gaines tried to
Starting point is 01:11:35 distinguish between oh sorry sorry David go ahead before I oh Colin yes are you gonna talk David what's up
Starting point is 01:11:43 yeah go ahead this is Chan yeah Matt Chan Oh, Colin. Yes. Are you going to talk, David? What's up? Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, Matt Chan. That was the wrong number on our show. That's cool. That guy doesn't even know. Sponsorship versus partnership. Gary Gaines tried to explain the difference between sponsorship and partnership. I have no idea what he was talking about. I'm willing to claim that that's my fault.
Starting point is 01:12:04 No, did you listen to the end? Because he gave that whole spiel, right? And then he goes, but these are liable to change at any time. I listened to it like three times trying to understand what he was saying. And he was basically trying to say that there's a difference between who they partner with and who sponsors them, meaning they'll take sponsorship money from whoever, but they won't partner with whoever, but that also may change at any time. Call it. What affiliate do you belong to? Hey, my name is Ivan. I'm calling from CrossFit API in Danville. Baller. Baller. Those of you who don't know Danville, California, baller.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Welcome to the show. Yeah, thanks guys. Hey, so I was was listening i'm doing a little bit of work here i'm listening to your podcast i mean your show and uh i wanted just to call after you fall about uh talking about great glassman how um people don't understand how passionate he is about what he's on right and i think that the reason why is because some of some of people just join kind of late you know i mean like i've been doing this for a long time all right my store has been open for 90 years and i think that people just don't really know and understand you know they don't they don't and and i kind of don't blame them either like the young people like you're 22 and you're just doing
Starting point is 01:13:18 this to fucking get your shred on and you have energy to burn and you just want to have a good body and like i get it and good for you that's fine that's fine but there's going to become a point where you're going to look up and your parents are going to be 62 and you're going to be like holy shit i did hear someone at the gym say that you shouldn't be drinking gatorade oh i now i get oh my goodness really just one gatorade a day can cause type 2 diabetes what and then and then and then they then bring their parents in and the coaches start talking and it's okay that it seeps in like that. But yeah, these people don't get it.
Starting point is 01:13:48 They don't – they think this is – I think Rose X thinks this too. I think all the people who work there, I think Gary might actually be starting to get it. But all the people who work there think this is Orange Theory. I'm telling you, they think they bought Harley Davidson. This is not a motorcycle factory. This is the Hells Angels. People need to understand the reason why.
Starting point is 01:14:07 Like, the main reason why CrossFit was created. You know what I mean? People don't really know why CrossFit was created. They join to look at the CrossFit games on TV. They think it's really cool.
Starting point is 01:14:18 And that's awesome. If you want to go that route, go ahead, go for it. But if you really want to be part of CrossFit, this is not your big,-hour fitness orange series. This is different. You can see it when you walk into a real old school CrossFit field.
Starting point is 01:14:34 You come in and it's not just about looking good. Let me take my shirt off and I look great. But it's how we talk to people, how we encourage them to be better, not just on your time or your weight or your reps, but it's about, you know, what'd you do yesterday? And how's the nutrition going?
Starting point is 01:14:54 And hey, I lost five pounds last month. You know, it's really going back to like what really CrossFit is about, not all the pretty people. What do you do for a living? I've been doing CrossFit for a long time. I joined a while back.
Starting point is 01:15:09 I was a trainer, and I started CrossFit. I fell in love with it, and I thought it was amazing. I opened my own affiliate about nine years ago. It's CrossFit ATI in Danville, and I started a canine paleo dog food company about six months ago. And that's what I'm doing right now, actually. I have my hands in some raw bone that i'm putting them back so i'm an entrepreneur by heart and i just love um do you have a website what's the name of your food company do you have a website uh yeah it's oakley's oakley like the brand oakley and then bowl like a doctor bowl and um and how often do you go to your affiliate?
Starting point is 01:15:46 I'm here all the time. So you own that? You still own that affiliate? I do. It's been almost nine years. It'll be nine years next month. Do you, does it matter to you? Like when I say this stuff, like, Hey, I wonder who owns HQ. Like, are you like, Hmm, that's a good question. Are you like, no, who gives a fuck? Well, look, I, I, I see it in two different ways, right? Like, um, I, like I said, I fell in love with, there, there it is.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Now you got the website, right? Um, there, there's, there's two, there's two things that I see this one. I see it as like the reason why I joined CrossFit, you know, and I became an affiliate is because I love what Greg created. Um, right. And, you know and i became an affiliate is because i i love what greg created um right and and it's sad to see how much is changing not necessarily for good right so when there's this changes happening and we are blindsided right where we just hear about it like from one day to another one it's like we wonder what's going to happen to the affiliates. So what happens if, you know, Rosa decides to just become a franchise? I don't want to be a franchise. You know, I love the freedom that I have and that I can actually provide people.
Starting point is 01:16:54 What are you going to do? How would you feel if you found out this thing was owned by, that 80% of CrossFit was owned by a soft drink company? No, that's just not okay. You know, we've been preaching. But why not? It's just change. Why not?
Starting point is 01:17:11 You're still spreading the good word in your affiliate. Why not? I'm going to tell you why. Because it's not what I believe. I don't want Coca-Cola to be behind my brand. This is not what I do. We preach health to people. And I can't think about it this way, right?
Starting point is 01:17:28 I can't partner up. Let's say I bring somebody into my gym and they're like, hey, you know, Ivan, we're going to teach, you know, Krav Maga. We're going to rent your facility. And, you know, the days you don't really use it, you're going to just, you know, we're going to pay you rent and we're going to come in and use the facility and teach crowd magout right i was like great that sounds awesome right no big deal but then you know the same head coach is out in the parking lot smoking cigarettes right now even though he's not part of my my company right he's not you know necessarily own my affiliate right he's just kind of running his own business in the background. Well, now he's the face of my place right now. But it's worse than that.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Sorry. It's worse than that. It's worse than that. He's going to sell. He's not only going to be smoking your parking lot. He's going to tell your clients that smoking actually improved his fran time. It's worse than that. That's my point.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Who cares about the brand? Like, that's what Greg would say. Who cares? Like, give us the money. my point who cares about the brand like that's what that's what greg would say who cares like who like give us the money we'll fucking let your marlboro fucking mascot do backflips on the floor but we we have to be able to tell the truth you cannot tell the truth that by the way guys that's why i'm so fucking dangerous do you understand that that's why you have to be quiet over at HQ. You have to stop doing podcasts. Stop making co-posts. Tell Haynes and his girlfriend to stop making posts on the game site. You better be quiet. I'm going to chew on everything. I'm going to point out every fucking lie of yours, misconception, manipulation. manipulation. And you know, what's crazy is I'm going to grow. I just looked 393,000 downloads in the last seven days and I'm popping out of the CrossFit space. God, I'm cool. Okay. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:19:12 By the way, your dog food looks cool. I'm going to check it out. I'm going to check it out. It looks like something Rosa could afford. I'm sorry. 395,000 in the last seven days. It looks like somebody has to do it and I'm glad that you're doing it. I think that, you know, some people might think that you're very aggressive
Starting point is 01:19:31 with the way that you express yourself. But the thing is, right, when I teach my classes and somebody can't get a pull-up, right, I'm not going to be rude about it, but I tell people, look, the reason why we can't get a pull-up is because not just because
Starting point is 01:19:43 you need to work on your pull-ups, you got to lose some weight. You got to stop eating, right? So, and I see it, look, the reason why we can't get a pull-up is because not just because you need to work on your pull-up, you got to lose some weight. You got to stop eating, right? So, and I see it, you know, in a nice way, I guess, right? But if people don't hear the truth, they can't do anything about it, right? So, when you're talking about all this and telling people exactly the way it is, right, well, sometimes it's just the way it has to be. You can't truecoat um something so important like we're talking about right now right it's like i said i go back to the first
Starting point is 01:20:10 thing i said people don't understand because they join crossfit a little too late well they can't well even the message is going late can't understand i'm sorry okay thanks for thanks for calling in brother Good job making the whole Thank you This is Shelly Young too This is what people are hoping for We're hoping for is not that it's for the truth No I don't give a shit if you
Starting point is 01:20:35 Fucking affiliate or don't affiliate Or any of that shit Like you do you I don't care what you do I don't care I just want to know who I'm attaching my uh trailer to caller what's up hey man you guys are doing awesome yeah i agree with the last caller that said that you just can't believe in that bs you know the high can of coca-cola come out here and buy the franchise and be like and you'll be like yeah
Starting point is 01:21:00 it's okay to drink coke i get what i get what everyone's trying to get at i totally understand that they're gonna change the truth they're gonna change the truth they there's no stopping it that's all i just want to leave my mark um on the way out there's no stopping this now guys there's no like oh it's gonna go back to like like this is the only way it can be stopped that it's given back to just one person. Well, the people, the people, the CrossFit affiliates are the ones that, it sucks, you know, that we got to go out, Greg. But now, why can't we do the same thing with Rosa? Like, yo, we don't like where this direction is going. No, you can't do that.
Starting point is 01:21:38 He's not, it's not up to you guys anymore. It's up to the owners. The owners have to make money. It's not a least rents model anymore. It's a most rents model. This thing used to be something that was trying to share a message. Now it's something that's about trying to make money. That's the thing you guys aren't getting. The only way this can go back to the way it was ever and be close to it. That's why you guys were like, oh, it's about the community about this. No, they're going to change it. Jesus is now going to be a woman
Starting point is 01:22:05 and she's going to be from North Carolina and she's going to wear slippers. Like, they're going to change it. And you think that's why they let go of Dave because Dave was against that? Yeah, fuck yeah. Fuck yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:16 Fuck yeah. 100%. 100%. You nailed it, brother. And he was like the last OG. That's right. Because that other guy, Justin, man, he's, I don't know, man.
Starting point is 01:22:25 You have to understand there's no stopping it. I'm not like doing this because like, like there's no stopping it. Good on them. I hope they make a fucking hundred gazillion dollars.
Starting point is 01:22:32 Like do whatever you want. But you guys have to know like that, like, there's no stopping it. Someone else is going to have to start something else. Like something else
Starting point is 01:22:41 is going to have to start and there's going to have to be one man behind it again. Well, maybe, maybe that picture, maybe that picture was for a reason the one way greg and dave took maybe it's the start of something you were done too yeah i i i i yeah i have no idea i honestly don't think so but i i have i have uh i like the speculation maybe sugar i like the speculation though i don't know why why wouldn't you do speculation though i don't know why wouldn't you do that i i don't know i don't i mean i i think that uh um greg has moved on to other things that
Starting point is 01:23:12 i think we're going to see very soon who knows but um man dave's capable that's why i can you also think that's why the buttery bros like got out of the way too that's what they didn't do they're not doing the last documentary because they didn't like the changes that was going coming up no no no i think that they were told that they couldn't do it i don't think they were i don't think that they liked the deal that they were being given and i think that they thought it would be better i don't know this by the way i'm just speculating hayley i'm not spreading rumors i'm speculating i'm speculating that they didn't like the deal they were given and they realized that they had a powerful brand that was growing very quickly and that they thought they would branch out the same way I am.
Starting point is 01:23:45 Like I'm like, like they're just leveraging what's left of this community and, and, and, and, uh, and, uh, to, to, to branch out. You know what? I can't wait to have Josh up here. Hopefully, uh, let's see what his input is in it. Who, uh, Josh Bridges? Yeah. I want to see, cause you know, they're both Navy SEALs. Yeah. So I want to hear his input. Where are you from? LA?
Starting point is 01:24:07 I'm from Plumtown, California. Yeah. Where? Where? Where? Like south of LA? Or Los Angeles, California? You're Mexican?
Starting point is 01:24:18 Yeah. First generation? Yup. Good dude. What do you do? I actually have an affiliate with uh get it done crossfit
Starting point is 01:24:28 oh you're a fucking awesome you're such a boss hey would your parents go to crossfit yeah my I trained my dad dude
Starting point is 01:24:38 it's the best isn't it ah yeah dude that's what I'm saying it kind of sucks you know it's like you can't I'm just gonna do what what I'm saying. It kind of sucks. You know, it's like you can't.
Starting point is 01:24:46 I'm just going to do what, I can't think of her name right now. She's changing a lot with Dan Bailey. Who's going to do that? Her, call my chick. Athletics now. Get it done, athletics now. This shit's not going right. Well, anyone who's taking their L1,
Starting point is 01:25:03 I want to be super clear i'm not suggesting anyone de-affiliate i'm not accessing i'm definitely not saying anyone should affiliate oh bro come on that's right i love you man bro they let it go the c o yeah he's the man all right brother thank you talk to you soon, man. Have a good night, man. Yep. Keep spreading the good word. Where were we? Where were we? I like how you explained it. Cause you kept saying lease rent model. And I think that's just going over people's heads a little bit,
Starting point is 01:25:35 but you said it right there before it was about protecting the mission, protecting the truth of fitness and health. And now it's about getting a return on investment. Yeah. The truth is so important. It's so important. It's so important that we keep knowing where up is. But if you pay someone enough money, they'll tell you up is down and down is up. Science.
Starting point is 01:25:59 Drop a Mexican joke. Drop a Mexican. Hey, what's up, Chris? Hey, how's it going? Good. Are you an affiliate owner? I am not. I'm just a regular gym goer. Go away.
Starting point is 01:26:15 I used to work with this autistic dude, and that's what he would always say to me. Go away. Go away. No, I'm just fucking with you. Let's hear it, buddy. So I just wanted to make an observation that I actually noticed. Somebody asked, like, oh, can't we just get Rosa out? If you think about the way CrossFit works, it's pretty much like a startup now in Silicon Valley. Right, it's not Rosa.
Starting point is 01:26:34 Rosa is just a target. It's not Rosa. Right. Okay, go on. Sorry. Fair enough. Good to make that distinction. But no, I think if you look at their portfolio,
Starting point is 01:26:44 they're what invests growth capital now. No, good to make that distinction. But no, I think if you look at their portfolio, they're what invests growth capital now. Now all they have to do, they get the management fees, these venture capitalists from CrossFit, and they go to CrossFit and say, hey, you need to make a profit. Keep making a profit. And at some point, somebody will come in and say,
Starting point is 01:27:04 yeah, I can probably cut costs from the CrossFit games so if you fire Castro I'll cut costs maybe I can make a profit because I mean I don't know if they've been making a profit recently the games but I remember back in 2013 you're behind the games say that again? No
Starting point is 01:27:21 the games doesn't make a profit 99% yeah I remember Castro saying that. All it took was for somebody to come in and say, hey, I can, at the very least, cut costs. These venture capitalists, they love what they're hearing. That's music to their ears, and Castro's gone. To save $500,000 or $300,000 or $3 million, whatever the fuck they're paying them.
Starting point is 01:27:48 Yeah. Whatever it gets, whatever it gives them those management fees. I will tell you this. Someone asked if someone asked if I'm signing up for the open and I'll tell you this, Oh fuck no. And you can figure it, you can think of it this way. If it's $20 per open head, how many times does, let's say Dave made $100,000 a year, how many times does $20 go into $100,000? 500 times? 5,000 times?
Starting point is 01:28:14 5,000. 5,000 times. So if they lose 5,000 people who signed up for the open, they lost $100,000. If they lose 15,000 people who signed up for the open, they lost $300,000. They lose 30,000 people who signed up for the open, lost $300,000. They lose 30,000 people who sign up for the open, lost $600,000. I hope it was worth firing Dave. Yeah, seriously. Now, if you're signing up for the open now, that's going right into these venture capitalist pockets now.
Starting point is 01:28:39 Dude. Definitely not going towards the community. You're making me realize just how stupid they are. Stop. I was trying not to be negative. You're making me realize how just how stupid they are. Stop. I was trying not to be negative. You're making me negative. What's your name? My name is Chris.
Starting point is 01:28:51 Chris, put Chris in the take this phone number down and put it in the pile. Only allowed to only answer when I want to be negative. Go to 43 minutes of the podcast and listen to Daniel Chafee. Go to the podcast with Chris Cooper. Can we it's the two brain podcast and flagged if we play it oh yeah i won't play it um oh shoot i'm just trying to share my screen again oh oh you know how that makes me feel and go to 43 minutes and listen to what daniel chafee said daniel chafee dan Daniel Chafee. Good dude. He owns like a couple of gyms in France.
Starting point is 01:29:27 He's a great guy. Listen to what he says at 43 minutes. That's all I'm going to tell you. Just go there and listen to 43 minutes. There's some stuff in there that's worth listening to. Who owns CrossFit Inc.? Who bought? You guys don't know who bought CrossFit Inc.
Starting point is 01:29:41 And you're paying affiliate fees to it. And you don't know who bought it. And you don't know the direction it's going. You don't know their agenda. You don't know what happened in the NSCA case. You do know. You do know. You do know that the NSCA tried to bury all of you affiliate owners. Bury you. Two ways they tried to bury you. They tried to leverage. They tried to pass laws so that every trainer in the world would have to pay them money. It's called licensure.
Starting point is 01:30:22 And they spread rumors. They made a false study and they got caught saying that CrossFit injures people. It's not just like – I know some of you are like, well, CrossFit does injure people. That's not the point. Everything injures people. Chris, I appreciate you hanging on. Usually when I go off like this, people – Greg Glassman said that if you would like to work on your cardiovascular health, you're going to have to take risk with your orthopedic calamity, with orthopedic calamity.
Starting point is 01:30:49 On one side of the scale is orthopedic calamity, other side is cardiovascular health. That's smarter than anything Rosa said right there in his two years. And he gave that to all you gym owners for free. That's the affiliate proposition that was the that's why you paid for the integrity that people like dave nicole carroll greg glassman and i know a couple of you others i wasn't one of them brought i was just a fucking hard worker i didn't have their integrity although dave did teach me what integrity is dave and my wife and I'm working on it.
Starting point is 01:31:28 Private chat. Do you want me to block that guy or put him on a timeout? That was a while ago. I think that's just done. I just can't believe how nice Caleb is. Other people we work with would be power tripping and just blocking all sorts of people.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Fuck that dude. Hey, let the people talk. Let the people talk. As I pull, as I send him on his way. How do you silence him out there? This person has been in your head for so many times. Oh shit. This is a guy from Fresno calling. I hope that he
Starting point is 01:32:02 is Armenian. But I do have a Hernandez also calling and I have a soft spot for Mexicans. Mexicans. What's up Fresno calling. I hope that he is Armenian, but I do have a Hernandez also calling and I have a soft spot for Mexicans. What's up, Fresno? Hey, what's up? This is Josh. I am not Armenian, but I know many. Give you three minutes then. Great start. Give you twice as long as I give my wife. You got three minutes. You got three minutes. Awesome. Hey, um, I,
Starting point is 01:32:30 I think that last line of defense between, between, you know, these, uh, venture, uh, people and the methodology and great, what Greg want is the level one trainers. If it was, if it, if the level one changes, then, then the whole thing changes. Uh, uh, yeah, I mean, that would be a great place to insert. Make sure you have a, um, a, uh, make sure you have a Coca-Cola after every workout. Hold on. Timeout color. Holy wow. Wow. Wow. Caleb looks like a bald gay porn star. Hey, if someone said that about Will, he'd have to, he'd be toast.
Starting point is 01:33:08 He'd have to like go take a shower. Hey, you switched us. I feel exposed. Oh, Will would have to take a shower, wouldn't he? Wouldn't he, Caleb? That guy censored me on my own show the other day. I wanted to show a picture of a rusty trombone. He's like, I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:33:24 You're fucking 22. I'm the fucking boss sorry caller go ahead so so so tell me that again i like i like l1 trainer talk yeah so i i think that the the whole crossfit um theory hinges on the level one and it's once once the once the, once the level one goes, and I, I don't think you need to affiliate. I, I run a gym at my garage. I'm not affiliated. And, but as long as you keep the level one going and, you know, you follow the a hundred words and you, you know, it's, it's, it's not, it's, it's 102 words now. It's, um, they've added and Coca-Cola. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:10 Relentless. Relentless. Yeah. I don't mean to be aggressive. You guys, I'm just passionate. I'm not even angry. Like I don't mean to be aggressive.
Starting point is 01:34:19 I meant to address that. Sorry. So, sorry. Go on. I keep putting you off. Go ahead. No,
Starting point is 01:34:24 you're good. Um, yeah. So this, uh yeah so this the if people it's not difficult you know and the methodology has been out there forever there's 15 000 affiliates all these people and at each affiliate probably has what three level one trainers it's not hard to to to keep it going without HQ anymore. And I think they need to realize. Did you take your L1 in person or did you take your L1 online? I took my L1 in person, uh, six years ago and then I did it online, uh, last winter. How much better is it in person than online or how much better is it online than in person?
Starting point is 01:35:07 in person than online or how much better is it online than in person um well i had oh man who did i have sherwood bosman uh i i i had barber yeah barber and uh it was it was great so that's an amazing group right there too so can you imagine i'm i'm totally setting you up to be biased and i really want you to tell me to go get fucked if i'm wrong can you imagine taking this thing online for the first time no no the only nice thing about taking it in person was i didn't have to you know spend a night in a hotel somewhere i would no there's nothing nice about it wrong answer hang up on him listen yeah ste, hold on. Antioch, California, that's kind of a soft spot for me. Okay, caller, thank you very much.
Starting point is 01:35:49 Bye. Thank you, caller. All these people from the Bay Area. Antioch, can you hold on for one second? I just got to say one thing. Yeah. Thank you, sir. It's all Vatos calling.
Starting point is 01:35:58 Are you a Vato? Are you Mexican? No. Siobhan, Siobhan, this is Darren Lyle. I message you all the time on Instagram. Well, stop. Listen, all these people from, like, these hardcore towns are calling. Southern California.
Starting point is 01:36:10 I don't know why my phone says Antioch. I'm not, I live in San Ramon. Oh, shit, so you're a baller, but with Antioch creds. Holy shit. That's some fucking, you're a white dude who listens to rap music. I'm trying to keep the street cred, but also live in the nice area. You're like me and my money. This is what I wear when I want to be hard.
Starting point is 01:36:30 Right, right. And so the bill collectors don't call me. Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on one second, Stephen. Hold on. Rob Miller says Dave has never publicly said he's part of DevGrew. Do you guys know what that means if you're listening let's circle back to that that's huge that's huge for those you don't know and the only reason i'm not telling you is because i think i'm cooler than you because i do know not
Starting point is 01:36:55 because it's like some sort of mystery i'm just trying to be cool because i know i'm just trying to be cool because that's the way those guys do it you know what i mean oh boy and he and he was part of dev grew is it dev grew dev grouped i don't even fucking know i'm such a dork i can't even say it okay go ahead mr steven no this is darren darren darren uh so savon uh i've been following i started crossing sorry sorry one more thing sorry steven one more thing one more thing. Sorry, Stephen, one more thing. One more thing, sorry, because these people are giving me money, and you're just calling in from San Ramon. Sam Copp, Alpine.
Starting point is 01:37:29 Sevan, should we care about this more than Greg cares about it? I'm pissed Greg put us across from this position. Hey, Sam. Oh, he did not. I'm really pissed Greg put us in this position, too. I ain't going to lie to you. Love the dude. Spent time with him and his family.
Starting point is 01:37:42 Talked to him every day. I fucking can't stand he did this to us. It really pisses me off. It's something I have to process a little bit every day. Now, am I mad at him personally for it? No. Not even a little bit, but I'm pissed. And it's taken me a while to get to this point where I'm not mad at him for it. But yeah, a lot of us, he treated us like a fucking family all of us some people could handle it some people couldn't he treated everyone like fucking family bring your
Starting point is 01:38:13 dog to his house and fucking feed your dog in his kitchen while a party's going on you could bring any like it was anything you could do fucking anything oh is that dev group is that oh there he is oh shit how'd you find that damn sorry I haven't forgot about you Steven sorry anyway yeah I'm pissed yeah you should be pissed at him you should be fucking pissed at him with one hand you should be telling him you love him
Starting point is 01:38:39 and the other hand you should be flipping him off there's a narrative there that he left us with the fucking pedophiles yeah there's a narrative there that he left us with the fucking pedophiles yeah there's a narrative that he left us with the fucking predators with these bad fucking people there's also a narrative that hey he gave us he gave us all this shit now we can do what we want with it and we're stoked okay go ahead steven there's darren darren yes montenegro from Antioch. What? Are you there? I am. I have a lot I want to say. I think as somebody who started CrossFit back in 2011 and, you know,
Starting point is 01:39:16 watch the Tahoe throwdowns that you did, the behind the scenes, I would say the overwhelming majority of people who have been doing crossfit for the last 10 plus years watching dave get fired was the same feeling i got when a family member died it was funny because it was almost like the community was mourning it in the same way like if you were an outsider looking in and you saw all the posts and everything else, you for sure would have thought that too. I'll say one more thing. I have a lot I want to say, but I'm still digesting so much. And Siobhan, I've been driving back and forth moving from SoCal to Bay Area again.
Starting point is 01:39:56 And I've listened to a ton of your podcasts recently about talking about the firing of Dave. And there's just so much to digest. But I'll say one more thing. the firing of Dave. There's just so much to digest, but I'll say one more thing. As somebody who's been doing CrossFit for a long time, and people who come on kind of new, that are new to CrossFit, they don't even know what the games are.
Starting point is 01:40:12 I mean, they don't know who Dave is. So if you're 30 years old, 25 and older, you know who Dave is. You know who Siobhan is. You know who the core HQ people were back in the day when it was genuine, when it was authentic?
Starting point is 01:40:31 Dave leaving or being fired, I'll be honest, and the majority, just people that do CrossFit, a mass majority of the people, that was the one thing that we were holding on to. I was just holding my dick. I just took a piss. Just so you know. Go on. Not because we care
Starting point is 01:40:46 so much about the games. That's a small portion of it all. But people that genuinely know CrossFit know that Dave just wasn't the game. So him being fired, people aren't upset about the game. People don't, the majority of the people don't even care about that. They've been doing CrossFit for a long time.
Starting point is 01:41:03 They're more upset because it was the one thing that we were hanging on to that was genuine and authentic. And now that it's gone, it's truly the unknown now with CrossFit. No one knows. I mean, there's a reason everyone left 24-Hour Fitness and went to CrossFit. It was because of Glassman. It was because of Dave.
Starting point is 01:41:19 It was because of you. It was because of the methodology. It was because of the methodology. A Mexican guy is calling. A Mexican guy's calling. A Mexican guy's calling. Did you get your mail? Okay, bye. Thank you for your call.
Starting point is 01:41:30 Hey, how was that call? I went and took a piss. How was it? He just said, I have a lot to say. And I'm like, well, fuck, what a great time to take a piss. No, it was good. It was good. He was just kind of retalking everything.
Starting point is 01:41:40 Hey, Gary. Gary and Austin and Danielle Hale and Paul Tremblay and all you guys, you guys should be thanking all the callers because I got seven pages of notes and I'm about to I'm about done with this show. Yeah, I do want to say I do want to say some things about ambiguous. Greg got 200 million dollars, 200 million reasons not to care about it. He focused on making his product. We don't put the phone number up anymore. We got too popular. He focused making his product and then he got rich because he didn't care about the money exactly seven could rogue buy the games um and hire david they could but here's the thing
Starting point is 01:42:13 there's some delicate balance that rogue has going on it's basically like this rogue has way more money and is way more powerful than crossfit but CrossFit is the one laying the golden eggs and Rogue's harvesting them. It's a very delicate relationship with selling all that equipment to all the affiliates that are – you get what I'm saying? Like CrossFit's shitting out affiliates and Rogue's selling them gear. And by doing that, they made more – why didn't Greg take money from Rogue? That's where I was going with it, yep. Like that's a perfect example of least-rents model versus most-rents model. Yep.
Starting point is 01:42:51 He could have interfered with that from day one. Yeah, he could have. And he didn't. He could have taken an investment. He could have made a deal where every affiliate goes through Rogue first and puts it in front of them and everything else. Yeah, left a lot of money on the table there with that deal. Ton of money. The lack of even having a conversation and people like rosa and other mbas
Starting point is 01:43:08 think day greg is fucking stupid because he ran with the least rents model and those you like yeah okay i'm done okay hernandez go ahead before i go back to my notes i need to get back to my notes and your name and your affiliate i have a quick questions. One, you said like, oh, like CrossFit is shooting affiliates. Per year, like that number has decreased a lot since 2014. Do you know that number? What did he say? He's basically saying, yeah, CrossFit affiliateship has been slowing down over the years. I don't know the current number, but it was always growing very well.
Starting point is 01:43:44 The problem was his retention was a son of a bitch. But it was always growing well. Even when it was growing bad, it was growing well. Because this thing is like people find it, young people find it, and they're like, holy shit. And it's their passion. That's basically the power behind this whole thing, right? People find it, and they can't even believe it, so they want to open a gym. It's like I feel this is a cult
Starting point is 01:44:05 um i think these guys like think they bought planet fitness and they bought like christianity yes what do you like so like we're not like i'm a i'm an operator of a gym i've been doing this for a long time we're not going to like we're not going to allow these guys to run our our essentially our house what do you think what do you think is going to happen? What do you think we're all going to do to stop this madness from going? You won't even know. It's going to be just a really slow drip
Starting point is 01:44:33 of not being able to tell the truth every single day. It'll be every day a little bit less of the truth. It'll be a little bit less. I'm telling you, you guys think this isn't a vaccine or non-vaccine issue this is the head of fucking um north america's affiliate program and he's not letting people in who aren't vaccinated and yet the the head of the gary gaines the head is saying that they they don't mandate anything they're fucking lying
Starting point is 01:45:03 meanwhile in california craig howard um one of the longest affiliate owners in the world is being told that he can't hold his position at crossfit anymore unless he fucking bows down to the government shuts down his gym they're fucking out of their mind that's what i mean next they will take next if you close your gym because of something the government tells you to do, next you will take money from Coca-Cola. Do you know why? Because the government takes money from Coca-Cola. Like, this thing was – it's not like, what are they going to do next?
Starting point is 01:45:34 They're going to slowly – the whole message is going to get twisted. So you think, like, basically it's going to become an airplane of sickness or something like that? Like an airplane of sickness? I don't know what it's going to become. I know there's no stopping it. I know there's no, it's not like. That's my question. Yeah, there's no stopping it.
Starting point is 01:45:50 Someone else has to start. If you want another community like there was with CrossFit, someone else is going to have to start it. And then we're all going to have to jump on the bandwagon. But I don't think it can ever be. It's gone. It's done. It's done. No, I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:46:01 Like, we're not like, we're not. But like, definitely, like, imagine. Just imagine like, okay, we're not going to let this happen. What do you think is a possibility to stop this thing? You have to find, you have to find, the problem is you have to find one more person who had the integrity and the vision that Greg did. That's the thing. People don't think it was just about one person, but he had such a steadfast vision that kept
Starting point is 01:46:22 the word so pure. And when people turned on him from the inside he was like you know he was 60 some odd years old he's like alright I tap and he sold this thing he didn't lose it it wasn't taken from him he could have told the affiliates to go fuck themselves it was in his nature this happened five years earlier he did let the fucking
Starting point is 01:46:39 whole thing crash and burn he didn't give a fuck but he was just like, all right, I don't got that fight me anymore. I like, I don't know much about this. It's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:46:51 This is possible. Like, it's not the money, dude. That's the thing I'm telling you. Like, it can't be, it's not,
Starting point is 01:46:56 it's not, um, like it took a special, it took a really special, it took a really special person. It's not like someone, it's, and now all of us have that potential to carry that message if we can stay uncorruptible that that that's what i'm
Starting point is 01:47:11 saying do you get what i'm saying like this it's now a most rents model business and you won't find someone else who's going to make it a lease rents model business it's so hard and maybe there is someone but but it's going to have to be something completely new. So you're saying it has nothing to do with Castro being fired? No, that's just a... We just watched two years ago we saw Jesus on the cross and now we just saw one of the apostles get smoked
Starting point is 01:47:36 and so we're like, oh fuck. We were in denial for two years. I gotta shut the door. And now we're not in denial. We have to like, oh my god they killed and like you're all you're all apostles
Starting point is 01:47:48 and you're all either gonna fucking end up chugging coke after a workout or you're not or you're gonna get killed that makes me hope oh thank you thank you for answering
Starting point is 01:48:01 my question I checked you on Instagram you said Dave was gonna come one week ago. And the idiot and the idiots will say, oh, that's just the evolution. That's just eventually we have to drink Coke. That's just the evolution. Just let it go. Savon, don't be so emotional. Anyone who says that, don't be so emotional. You. That pandering. Dylan, hi, how are you that's pandering and uh and demeaning and it is it's so funny because that comes from the woke crowd and it's like but that's your essence dylan vowel
Starting point is 01:48:34 uh seven you are uncommon amongst uncommon men autumn dollar and integrity are never weighed on your ethical scale what a valuable tribute to pay an homage to dave i only wish it weren't so uncommon you know people thank you damn you're a good writer you really want to fight to get that fucking beautiful brain ears all scrambled um uh okay fine we still have our collar on hey this is something totally different this is just so you know chris henshaw was telling athletes like phoning to drink a cokey to snickers bar after workouts to feel better for the next Mark Bell podcast instead of a 304 good on you do it do what you got to do talking about just the fucking average joes who fucking want to walk a couple miles a day uh be able to do fran in sub 10 minutes and uh and and um pick up their their kids in case
Starting point is 01:49:36 there's a house fire and run out the front door with them yeah put it this way you're never having that to the member of your gym yeah exactly thank you susan you would never prescribe that to a member of your gym exactly never the exactly. Thank you, Susan. You would never prescribe that to a member of your gym. Exactly. Never the fuck do we have to point out the obvious you guys. So you guys don't get what the fuck I'm trying to say. Maybe go listen to Chris Cooper's podcast. They'll fill you up with fluff and bullshit. Maybe that's what you want.
Starting point is 01:49:59 Chris asked some good questions. Okay. Sorry. Sorry. Do you see this? I see this. I don't want to see it because you're very passionate about the first narrative from greg do you see because i see it clearly do you see that the mission of crossfit whenever the game essentially became a sport uh like two heads
Starting point is 01:50:19 like essentially the mission of the game was essentially score related and the mission of the like essentially crossfit without the game was to make the world like a healthier place and do crossfit do you see that or no that makes sense yeah what year did you start crossfit 29 years ago uh okay but when when reed when reed won his first game when you when you when you when you preface what you say that you see it clearly and you're wondering if I see it, it kind of shuts the door in the conversation, but I'll enter anyway. The CrossFit Games were started when Greg Glassman put a stopwatch on workouts. I do not know what year that is. And then it officially sort of became something semi-official in 2007 when they held that event at the ranch. It was never discussed in detail of any conversations I was privy to, and I was around a lot.
Starting point is 01:51:17 Like a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot. I was around more than anyone who ever worked there. What do I mean by around? I mean like in every conversation. When I say Dave was involved in everything, I was involved in everything too, maybe more. I just wasn't a leader. He was a leader and, um, a leader in the truest sense. And, uh, there was never discussion about it like that. It wasn't like that. It was, it was just a party. It was just our Woodstock. It was a place where you bring your kid, Andre, and I bring my and i bring my kid and while we're like watching while we're like celebrating and having fun maybe our kids kissed
Starting point is 01:51:49 under the bleacher for the first time it was a play it was a place for the uh homos and straight people and blacks and whites to get together and like be like in in taliban and nazis and and democrats all to come together and like celebrate the same maybe that was all the same person but you know what i mean was it was to come together and be like hey yeah we we we're partying this is it we're partying we're people of like mind who believe in personal responsibility personal accountability and making the world a better place through taking care of ourselves that's all it was and what happened was that greg had a message that he felt was too smart, that was so smart and so powerful and so good – maybe I'm not using the right words – that the games was blocking it, was covering it a little bit. Me, I belonged on another thought, not as smart as Greg, that the games could have been used to propel that message i was
Starting point is 01:52:47 part of that school yeah but there was no distinction like this you guys people think that they know what the games is or what the community is you don't it's like it's like um it's like a fish knowing what water is you you're you like you i hear people say shit i'm like dude it like you have the fucking Noah. It's OK that you've made it that to you, but it's not that it's like it's just like it's OK that Matt Fraser and Rich Froning. Sorry, guys, if you don't do this, you've coke and snicker bars as your as your primary best fuel. But it's just not. But when you think like that happened by accident. Yeah, it's all by accident. It was all by accident. None of it. None of it was planned.
Starting point is 01:53:49 Yeah, it's all by accident. It was all by accident. None of it was planned. The only thing that was planned is Greg experimenting on movements and diets and constantly doing more and more research and studying on what the best diet was for human capacity that went into his metrics of his definition of fitness and for longevity that's all he fucking cared about that's it yeah but everything else was just a fucking side show to him and the games were just an accident by an accident i mean it's just a celebration that started getting out of getting away from us yeah but my thing is did you see some sorry sorry did you see something susan that was pissing you off i saw you read something in the comments it was maybe pissing you off no no no i'm actually getting love in the comments so i'm just self-indulging in my ego here why are you okay go ahead andre last thing before i wax you and i get back to gary so oh shit over gary you lucky son of a gun okay go ahead so so what what i'm arguing is in that accident a lot of people essentially the meaning for them like that name it's not the cross that i straight intended it to be but it's crossed as a sport do you see what i'm saying like it's cool that it's an accident but for
Starting point is 01:54:31 a lot of people like the real like the meaning of the word is the sport sure not the not the holy grail that by christ okay thank you for being patient with me. I hear you. Mm-hmm. So, but, but, um,
Starting point is 01:54:51 at the beginning of the thing was like, is there, can there be harmony between the two? Because it seems that there was always conflict. So like, it seems like when Greg decides, I think you're asking, I think you're asking,
Starting point is 01:55:04 would Jesus ever wear, would Jesus consider wearing Teivas instead of sandals but he's but i would i just have to keep telling you he's dead like you're asking a question that's like i i don't know he's dead crossfit's dead like as we know it it's dead like like you're talking about a crossfit that's like no longer there like like an idea of it, which is okay. I just don't – I can't answer your question because in my mind it's not like that anymore. It's like I think Jesus should have gone barefoot and he shouldn't have worn any sandals if you want to ask and tell the truth. I think he fucked up. No, no, I can't.
Starting point is 01:55:40 I can't. I love you. I love you. 14 minutes. Bye. It's like a lot of circling around what I'm thinking was the same sport there which actually this comment from chad f uh talks about it well here and i'm trouble i i struggle with people with such strong accents too this is totally my fault because our cadence is different like so we're at a different cadence so it's like it's like boxing
Starting point is 01:55:57 and he's a boxer and i'm a may fighter and like we're getting a little like yeah you're just moving at 100 miles an hour he's a little slow mr howard how can i help you hey thank you uh thank you for the love earlier by the way i thought i'd call in though because i think you actually need an affiliate owner to call in oh yes thank you we had a handful of affiliate owners call in it's funny how they don't tell us no uh cause at ati um good duty's about two miles away from me or three miles away from me. But, you know, I think the thing that Dave was the last guy fighting the good fight for us. And it's sad to lose that.
Starting point is 01:56:42 You feel like you lost your last warrior. Greg Glassman started this as a, originally as a fight against the fitness industry. And the first thing he did was put a definition on fitness. And he looked, it was so ambiguous. And he said, well, look, it's something, it's increased work capacity across broad time and mobile domains. Boom.
Starting point is 01:57:09 And then we started doing workouts that were measurable or repeatable and it was when outside magazine in 2007 that was a cool battle right we were essentially kind of turning the fitness industry on the on its heel and then in 2007 dave i remember dave a video and i forget what the video was he was held up an outside magazine and it was an endurance athlete. I think it was Lance Armstrong. And so the fittest, the fittest man in the world. I remember that video and he throws the magazine. That was so awesome. Yeah, he throws the magazine.
Starting point is 01:57:35 I made that. I made that. But it was the point being that fitness was more than just, you know just the specialization in a particular endeavor. And it was a fight, again, against defining the fittest athlete in the world. And that was a cool battle. And then Greg turned it to battling chronic disease, which was clearly, you know, you could see it when new people came into the gym and,
Starting point is 01:58:08 and they were overweight or not well. And, and the cause of that was chronic disease. And then ultimately led back to the food and beverage industry, primarily companies like Coca-Cola. And then he took that head on. And then the NSCA tried to stop him. And the NSCA's effort was in direct response to the popularity of CrossFit, especially within the military.
Starting point is 01:58:34 And the Pentagon was lining up to include CrossFit as a primary training methodology. And the NSCA had a hand in preventing that through the Ohio State study that erroneously stated that CrossFit is dangerous. And he was passionate about clearing CrossFit's name for the benefit of everyone that's doing CrossFit, but also mostly the affiliates. And today what we have is no battles being fought. There is no fight anymore. Now it's about expanding the profit
Starting point is 01:59:10 and getting it to as many people as possible. And they do that, and the interest in doing that is, or the tools by which they do that is by watering it down, making it friendly, making it soft, making it easy to get into. And that's really fricking annoying. You remember Greg, you know, Greg Glassman said, you know, we're, we focus on the tip of the spear.
Starting point is 01:59:31 Why? Because everyone looks to the fittest people in the world to, to, to see what they do in order to make themselves better. And then they go, you know what? Huh? Maybe I'll do that too. But when you water it down and you make it soft, you make it beige and acceptable for everyone
Starting point is 01:59:52 and friendly for everyone, it will not be as appealing. What we're going to end up with is people that dip their toe in the water or they'll do it as part of their multiple programs that they do. And they won't stay. The community was built as a result of CrossFit being hard. Can I ask you a question, Craig? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:12 What do you think about the fact that, would you say, can you look up, can you pull up the word mandate, Caleb? I want to make sure I'm using this definition right. By the way, now I regret calling. Good, thank you. No, not you, Howard. I'm looking at something someone wrote. Someone said – oh, just so you know, someone from Mexico called, and I didn't answer, Craig.
Starting point is 02:00:31 And that is a – I have this thing for Mexicans. So that's a good thing for you. Mandate. A command of authorization. That guy said he regretted calling because that's when he left and took a pee. Oh. A command of authorization. What is this word?
Starting point is 02:00:49 A command or authorization to act in a particular way on a public issue given by the electorate or its representatives. A command from a superior court or official to a lower one. Were you given a mandate to – were you given an ultimatum, Craig? to a lower one were you given a mandate to were you given an ultimatum craig um well i was by the county um in which i live in then the state of california no but i mean by crossfit hq when you were were you the affiliate can you talk about that yeah i'll talk about it because here's my problem here's my problem i'll talk about here's what i'll tell you i'll talk about it now because the guy that hired me is the guy that started the affiliate regional program with the CEO of CrossFit at that time, Dave Castro. Did you guys hear that, people?
Starting point is 02:01:32 The person who started the affiliate liaison program was named Dave Castro. And I also know that for a fact because I was in the room. I was in the executive meeting when Dave originally brought it up about a year before he launched it. And Dave called me up and asked me if I'd be interested in taking on that role. And he asked if Rick Nolley, my coach, who's black, would partner with me to take on and cover the original Northern California region. on and cover the original Northern California region, the first, you know, the first reason they wanted to make Northern California the first one, because it was kind of a home and a birthplace across it. And that was cool.
Starting point is 02:02:11 And it was awesome. And, and, and, but I was asked to step down when, um, the mandates were put in place in our County to close our doors. And we decided to remain open and operate inside. For those of you who don't know, it's Craig Howard is speaking. Craig Howard won the CrossFit games one year in the master's division. He's also one of the very first affiliates that I ever filmed that going back to 2007. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:02:41 And he's been around for a long time.'s owned up to three gyms he has a very very successful gym he's had tons of games athletes he's had people who are over lost over 100 pounds in his gym he's uh he's seen uh at all he's um uh broken bread with uh every single influential person in the history of crossfit on many occasion what i mean by that like he sat he's he's been at the table all the tables thank you yeah there's no like affiliate who's been around greg probably who's been around more hq staff for more time if you were at the minutes than this guy this is the guy so pipe down so how is it how is it that the guy, Austin Maliolo, who's a – he's mandating stuff at his gym from his clients, but on the – they have to be vaccinated to go to his gym, and he's getting ahead of it before the city actually mandates it. He's going to get ahead of it.
Starting point is 02:03:41 But you can't go the other way you can't be like hey everyone's welcome how is it that yeah like i don't get it and i don't get how gary gaines is saying that they don't mandate anything it's just a fucking lie they mandate first of all you have an affiliate agreement but second of all i'm talking to someone on the phone who is mandated hey you have a choice you can either be the liaison or you could fucking grab your ankles and listen to the city of contra costa county community feedback or go against the city of contra yeah it's just crazy sorry i said that a little backwards but basically you were told by the gut by your local government shut down and you said eat a dick we'll take the fine our goal is to make people healthy and build
Starting point is 02:04:18 their natural immunity and make them better and crossfit hg interfered and said hey if you want to keep your position as a liaison you better better listen to the city of Contra Costa County and shut down. And what did you do because you're a man of integrity? You gave up your position. Did you hear that, Austin? He gave up his position. Sorry, guys. I know.
Starting point is 02:04:36 I know. I know. I know it's not cool. I know some of you are like, how can you do this to Austin? He's the most amazing guy ever. I agree. I don't know how I can do it because I feel safe in my fucking three-plane brother's empire. I don't know how I can do it because I'm friends with the liver king, you know, whoop your ass.
Starting point is 02:04:51 I don't know, but I'm just telling you, enough is enough. And, you know, I'll tell you what, it upset me too, and other people I know within the CrossFit executive team when they mandated vaccines to come into the headquarters office in Boulder, Colorado. How about this? How about Justin Berg moved to Boulder, Colorado so he could be closer with the executive team, but now he's not allowed in the office because he's not vaccinated.
Starting point is 02:05:18 How about that shit? David and Nicole, I don't think, well, I shouldn't speak for them. I don't know what they're, I don't know that for sure. I don't even know if that's 100% true. I've only heard that from 15 people. Craig, is there anything else you'd like to say? I appreciate you calling in. No, I just –
Starting point is 02:05:37 What's the solution? What's the solution? I don't – well, first of all, I thought, especially with David, it was heartbreaking. Well, first of all, you know, I thought, you know, especially with David, it was heartbreaking. It was heartbreaking to a lot of people that I know that are OGs and been in a long time and many of my members that have been in and around CrossFit a long time. And the solution is for us is that we'll continue to do what Greg Glasson originally set out to, which is Forge Elite Fitness, and then Cure Chronic Disease. And we continue to be the lifeboat in a sea of just absolute chaos and metabolic disease. And we'll continue to do that and fight that fight. And we'll continue to be called Diablo that fight and we'll continue to be called
Starting point is 02:06:25 diablo crossfit as long as that business is open what about what if whether or not whether or not we're affiliated makes you know makes it doesn't make much of a difference if i disagree with the direction the crossfit is heading to begin to commercialize it or begin to allow those sponsors, I won't affiliate with them officially. How about the fact you don't know who owns the company? Does that bother you at all? It does. It bothered me from the very beginning.
Starting point is 02:06:56 And I had a conversation with Eric Rosa about it. Those investors have expectations and I want to know what they are. My experience in the investment industry has taught me that their expectation is a return on that investment, a substantial return on the investment. It has to grow. It has to increase revenue. But not only that, but did you see Greg Boyd's theory? Greg Boyd has a theory. Did you see it earlier in the show? No, I didn't see it. You mean you weren't watching an hour and 52 minutes ago? I might have been. Greg Boyd basically said, go ahead, Matt, tell them.
Starting point is 02:07:32 Basically, he said Coca-Cola bought it as an insurance policy just to get CrossFit out of the way. He proposed the theory. Oh, yeah, I saw that speculation. And that's a possibility that they funded it, but I doubt it. But it's not crazy talk. But it's not crazy talk. Absolutely not. That's the thing.
Starting point is 02:07:51 Who just tells you about it? Are you upset? What do you think about the NSCA case being sealed? What the fuck? Right. A lot of people, they need to look up who funds the CDC. And that was another thing that Greg Blackman uncovered. He said years ago, Gary Gaines said that their products will speak for themselves and they'll be a more quiet company.
Starting point is 02:08:13 You're not you're not a more quiet company that that's code for less transparent. We want to know what you think. I want my leader to be outspoken. Absolutely. I want him to talk about the underwear that's so tight that it's killing fucking sperm. We're a health company. Go ahead. Tell me.
Starting point is 02:08:31 I'm open ears. He kept saying stuff like, we're okay doing things and getting them wrong. Okay, well then speak your mind. Then really do something. You're definitely afraid of doing something wrong. Fucking check yourself. Thank you, Mr. Howard. Is there anything else?
Starting point is 02:08:52 Thank you for having me on. I think it's a little up to appreciate it. Keep doing what you're doing. It's, you know, the OG is appreciated. Great. I will. I'm 250 shows away from fucking not doing this anymore. OK, bye. Okay, bye.
Starting point is 02:09:06 Right on, brother. Thanks, Craig. You know, Craig's such a good dude. He's a mentor of mine as well, too, and I reached out to him a couple years back and just super generous with all the stuff that he gave, just simply just to help out another affiliate owner, too. Oh, man, here we go. No more phone calls. Hi hi whitney how are you
Starting point is 02:09:32 hey it's actually no whitney probably getting my my wife number there i thought it was a girl i'm like yeah i'm calling back it's uh i was listening to craig to Craig, and you can make me your last call or two if you wanted to, but just saying. I want to kind of just follow what Craig was saying. I think that as an affiliate, right, I've been – Craig's been around CrossFit longer than me, but, you know, I'm so passionate about what I do, and I kind of wanted to mention, like, Matthew's T-shirt.
Starting point is 02:10:07 Matthew, can you show your T-shirt real quick to people so they can see the T-shirt you're wearing there? It's Crushing Big Soda, right? I feel like a lot of us, we're actually around when Greg was doing this stuff, are the ones that we have to continue preaching this, right? Because I think that, you know, that's all we can Because I think that that's all we can do, right? That's all we can do, right? It's that we know what we're doing. We know the reason why we are doing this. And all we can do really is continue what we're doing.
Starting point is 02:10:34 So I tell my clients and my members all the time, look, don't stress too much about what you can't really control. But what can you do right now to actually make a change? And all we can do really is continue what we're doing. Now, we want to know- Oh, you're reaching your time limit. You know what I'm saying? I just want to mention that.
Starting point is 02:11:02 If we don't know what CrossFit is doing, we're blindsided, right? It's a little frustrating because we are an affiliate, right? And I think that I feel like they're forgetting about us. Wait, do you own an affiliate? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:18 CrossFit, yeah. CrossFit what? We talked about it. I'm the dog food guy. Oh, shit. You called back again? I am because I'm listening to what you guys are about it. I'm the dog food guy. Oh shit, you called back again? I am because I'm listening to what you guys are talking about. I have to. This show needs to be more popular. No one should be able to make it in twice. I heard Craig talking to you and I just wanted to
Starting point is 02:11:38 continue the conversation about exactly what we need to do with an affiliate. I'm saying how we need to do with an affiliates. Right. So I'm saying how, you know, we need to continue what, what, what talking about what CrossFit is about. Right.
Starting point is 02:11:52 And I think that whatever happens, you know, we, we don't have full control of us. And I feel like I can't control what CrossFit is going to do. I hear you. I hear you. There's going to be a huge chunk of the group.
Starting point is 02:12:04 It's not even going to know that the water got hotter. It's, it's, it's the frog metaphor. Like there's a huge chunk of people who are going to, like, like it's going to get watered down. It's going to get changed. Like this thing has lost its true North. You have like, prove me wrong. Who can, yeah. I like, what if I'm, I hope I'm fucking wrong. Like no other, but, but, but I'm not. And, but, but I'm totally, as Gary Gaines says, I'm totally open to being a wrong. I'm fucking wrong like no other. But I'm not. But I'm totally, as Gary Gaines says, I'm totally open to being wrong. I'm totally, I'm open to.
Starting point is 02:12:35 Because anyone who says like change or evolution or that, like you're not seeing it. It's not like that. It's not like, well, the planet would be great without water. It's just change. I mean, it's like that. Okay, I got to go. Did you get, did you hang up on him? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:49 That's why, that's why there's two different messages going on here. I get it. Yeah. Keep doing the same thing. Keep preaching. I love it. Keep spreading the good word of great guys. But that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that this beast up here that now owns this name is not going to LA anymore.
Starting point is 02:13:01 It's going to Alaska. Right. In an evolution, what was, what was what greg had with the ddc he was bringing them the doctors in that were like yes that's an evolution of crossfit starts in the ranch and dave's parents they're in it ends in la and madison that's an evolution that's evolution here's another evolution the evolution is remember when it used to be fortunately fitness and used to be work capacity across broad time and modal domains and then greg added also longevity to it and all of us were like oh it was like a fucking cartoon
Starting point is 02:13:32 like we're all excited he added not only health like in the moment but living longer i mean yeah it was it was we were part of a fucking scientific experiment it's not anymore right and oh but someone we can still do this. Fine. Still do it. I might do it. But the people at the top are going to start lying to you. They don't even know they're lying to you. Well, maybe Gary did when he said the mandate thing because that was just retarded. Retarded.
Starting point is 02:13:58 Will you look up the word retarded for me, Caleb? I'll fucking tell you guys what the fuck retarded me. I think we've looked at it before. Okay, Caleb. Every time I look at it now, I just see gay porn star sorry caleb oh my gosh i have to get that out of my system for will comes back uh i want to tell you guys uh uh it's oh it's older use it was usually offensive in its older use i guess like in the old days, characterized by slowness or limitation and intellectual understanding and awareness, emotional development, academic. Yeah, that's how I was using it when I called what Gary said retarded.
Starting point is 02:14:33 Not Gary retarded, but I was using it in kind of an offensive way. I think he might be actually really smart and a good dude. Yeah, he's definitely smart. But he keeps throwing kindling out not and i'm i'm can you show me the dragon gary gary gary these every time crossfit talks i just see it as a handful of wood and i just have to go over with my can of wd-40 and there it is there it is i think i see i think i see gary gaines getting like oh no that was maliola look you can see maliola flying through the air boom oh my gosh leave the poor guy alone oh austin i love you baby i love you just i just can't do it i think this is important thing here david commented and said i still don't understand why you don't uh suggest the
Starting point is 02:15:16 affiliation because it's not about what we suggest you do or we don't do what we're trying to do is just shed light on the situation and the truth of what's actually happening that that's all so like the decision to affiliate or de-affiliate that's completely up to you guys and what you ought to do. We're just trying to point out the fact that we just don't know what we're affiliating with anymore. I want to tell you, be completely honest with you guys. You guys ready? I'm seeing some stuff come out of CrossFit HQ that's coming to me that I see that looks like it's from Weinstein, but I don't know who it's from. And it looks like propaganda. And what does propaganda look like? And I started the show like this. It's when you say ambiguous stuff to try to burn someone.
Starting point is 02:15:54 So I would say, Hey, I saw Matt Sousa in the aisle at, um, I would tell his girlfriend, Hey, I saw Matt in the aisle of, um, at CVS, the aisle, where do they sell condoms? What's that called? Like the birth control aisle at CVS. And then, and then, and then, and then, and because I like Matt Sousa's girlfriend and I want to get with her, but I'm just planting that seed and it may even be true, but it's so ambiguous. And then so she's like, Hey Matt, what were you doing at CVS? And he's like, I don't know, uh, just getting a candy bar. It's like, well, uh, you, what were you doing the birth control aisle? Well, it was a shortcut to where the candy bars are. And next thing you know, if I see you guys doing that, like I do not want to do that to anyone.
Starting point is 02:16:32 Just so you know, like I don't want to lay out anything and be like, these are bad people. And I saw I saw I saw so-and-so littering out. I don't know how to do it even. Yeah, it's wordsmithing. It's very thought out. I don't want to say, like they did it to Greg and they did it to me
Starting point is 02:16:50 and the New York Times did it. It's just basically, and Andy stumped it. You just lay shit out and then let other people figure it out. Lawyers are looking into his sexual exploits. Right, it's just framing. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:59 It's the way that I put it. If I, if, if. Can I see the dragon again caleb oh boy can you make it big can you make the dragon big i might need the the dick and the hip song too can you make it the dragon big oh no jesus no cheese and crackers and cheese and rice do you remember in in game of thrones look at the guy shaking the weenie to the right that's great okay that's what i'm doing right now i'm shaking my weenie in your guys's face just so you know and but i will turn into that dragon oh my gosh i do not do not start doing that to my friends do not start that propaganda machine up to my friends because then then it will be just like it will be so bad well that's the playbook
Starting point is 02:17:53 isn't it yeah it's the total playbook it's the total playbook yeah you do not hurt anyone's feelings on the way out do not do it do not let that happen to my friend. Do not make stuff up to try to mitigate damage to yourself. Do not try misdirection. I know you're so happy that that fucking defunct, broken little old man Biden was elected, Andrew Weinstein. I know you're so happy. I don't even know how you sleep at night from your fucking mansion in Costa Rica where you fucking hide like a coward. where you fucking hide like a coward. You talk to the CrossFit community with your fucking PR bullshit and you've never even done a workout. My shoulder hurts. I can't. Yeah, I'm hiding in Santa Cruz, California. You go to the point market like four times a week. You CrossFit every single day.
Starting point is 02:18:42 Well, kind of. And if I... week you cross it every single day well kind of and and if i if i it will become it will become we will start wordsmithing together if you do that then i then i won't do it back to you but i'll but i'll but i'll dig up even more stories i'll hunt i'll hunt down even digger into your fucking like super negative, pathetic Twitter account. Your weasel Twitter account. You're like the worst of the worst of humanity. You're feeble and you're weak and you use words to fucking attack people who actually want to fucking better themselves. Now you're at CrossFit HQ.
Starting point is 02:19:27 You go wherever Rosa goes. You follow them around. Okay. Two hours and 18 minutes. I don't know if I'm going to revisit this. I got too wound up. But I think two hours and 18 minutes is good. We have Ellie Turner on tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:19:45 Convenient waterpalooza oh man i'm looking at the screen like if my mom's looking at it right now like oh shit yeah i call her when the show's over to kind of like test the waters brian isn't here to reign him in come on matthew you gotta reign him in savannah remember michael jordan carl liberals listen to the podcast too. Actually, I think it was Republicans Buy Shoes. That's the quote she's – or I don't know why it's a she. I guess it's a she. You guys, I don't know. I don't want to say de-affiliate.
Starting point is 02:20:14 I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. It's not my – I don't know what to do. And I wouldn't even say don't affiliate. I wouldn't say anything. But I do just want to talk about the little bits of truth that I know. And that, and that's, um, that's it. I'm just trying to share with you what I know. And that's the thing, like, you need to find out who owns this company. You need to find out what happened in the NSCA case. These are huge pieces of the puzzle.
Starting point is 02:20:37 You need to stop saying this is the natural evolution. You're not getting it. You're not, you're not like, you're not thinking clearly clearly it's like saying that you don't want um hate speech and you're not thinking clearly that that gets rid of all that gets rid of freedom of speech you're just not thinking clearly i used to not think clearly too it's okay just have to keep working on it uh We talked about Austin. Should save some of those notes for another episode. I want to finish with this. One of their premises,
Starting point is 02:21:16 one of their premises with on this podcast with Chris Cooper, where the question was, Hey, why would you someone affiliate? What's the affiliate proposition is we listen to feedback. We listen to feedback. It's really important to listen to feedback. And it's also, there's times to not listen to feedback. We listen to feedback. It's really important to listen to feedback, and there's times to not listen to feedback.
Starting point is 02:21:32 But what's hilarious is they're direct. It's something they really pride themselves on. Oh, we listen to feedback. Well, that's funny because you have the comments turned off on this post. Mr. North America in charge, whatever the fuck title they gave you. You have the comments turned off on this post mr north america in charge whatever the fuck title they gave you you have the comments turned off on this post that feedback was so important stop lying stop just stop talking i'm just gonna just go i'm just gonna go oh man there's a great julian uh michael's um meme you guys seen that one going around she's replacing dave castro it's so good probably good uh all right guys thank
Starting point is 02:22:16 you so much love i'm gonna give this try to give this a break but yeah but i i am i am trying to get dave on i am trying to get greg on. I'm just getting a lot of head nods. But I'm not trying to get them on. I'm trying to get them on in their time. I don't care if they really come on. But more like I'm telling them I'm here for them. If they want to breathe, breathe, breathe. If they want to come out.
Starting point is 02:22:39 I want to look at the calendar and tell you what's going on. And I really don't want to do this. I'm usually not nervous before a show. This is fucking all wow i was like shaking i have ellie turner on tomorrow at 7 a.m she's really i'm i'm anxious talk to her she's australian so she knows she's got to be cool uh then on monday um on the josh and sevan podcast we have paul saladino on that you're not going to want to miss that that's going to be at 9 30 a.m pacific standard time and josh has been trying the um carnivore diet which is really cool then at 6 p.m on monday we have waterpalooza predictions and that will be with john young and brian friend that those are always massive shows and i'll try to keep my
Starting point is 02:23:20 mouth shut and not bring up any of this shit um and we'll see on tuesday i have to drive avi to sunnyvale for his professional skate for it no uh i don't see anything on the calendar for the 11th 12th oh i think on the 12th or the 13th we will have matto keef on just before um i am all jacked on cretin yeah sometime on the sometime on the 12th and then after that the 13th 14th 15th is all wadapalooza so that is all open for that okay so uh somewhere we'll have matt o'keefe on and then we'll just blast through wadapalooza which i'm super duper excited about if you are going to wadapalooza and you do see matt souza there or any of our other people, please buy them a cup of coffee so that they don't have to get distracted and do that. Or hold your jacket open so they can pee in the bushes and not be distracted from holding the camera.
Starting point is 02:24:15 Caleb, thank you. Everyone, more notes. CrossFit HQ, stop talking. No more kindling. Okay. Bye.

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