The Sevan Podcast - #259 - Wodapalooza Predictions

Episode Date: January 11, 2022

Predictions for Wodapalooza 2022 with Brian Friend and John Young. We are super excited to be bringing up close and personal coverage of the event thanks to the team at Loud & Live, escpecially friend... of the show Matt O'Keefe. Join us on our YouTube channel Jan. 13th-16th for live coverage of the event. Our coverage of Wodaplooza is sponsored by Follow us on Instagram Watch this episode Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:31 to go up before the end of the show i just wanted to like i'm like addicted to this number even though the guys tell me to stop looking at it i just cannot believe that what's happened to this podcast um we still we get we still can't go live on Twitter okay I'm removing us from there so we're on Facebook and YouTube I mean not all night but as long as I'm with you I will be I had a meeting
Starting point is 00:01:57 today all hands meeting at CrossFit HQ I know a bunch of you guys want to know you know what happened in that meeting but this isn't the time or the place. Let's just be chill. We're going to go over Waterpalooza. We'll do another podcast where we talk about... I don't know if talk about's the right word. All right, guys. Stoked to have you, Mr. Young. Stoked to have you, Mr. Friend.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Caleb, thanks for doing this. We are getting pumped. There is a huge event about to go down in Miami. What's it called again, Caleb? Do you have a screen so I can read? Wadapalooza. Yes, Wadapalooza. And there are some insane athletes going there, and they are still packing in just like we are packing in the podcast. This week we are trying to get you – who are some people?
Starting point is 00:02:51 Anthony Davis, Tyler Christofal. Christofal? Christofal? Did I say his name right? It's enjoyable to listen to you try either way. Okay. Thank you. Let me see who else we have.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Fukundo. Fukundo fukundo what is that his name fukundo we gotta at least get that one right fukundo um uh i mentioned uh samuel conway uh matt o'keefe and other special guests um but who is going – oh, we could have Hopper. I think we've reached out. I don't know if we've reached out to Hopper. We've definitely reached out to Daniel Brandon. You should have Hopper and Self on at the same time. We should have them both on again?
Starting point is 00:03:38 That was a shit show. Hopper and Self at the same time. Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay. I'd do that. But Hopper and Daniel Brandonon it's just like she's just beat flogging him the entire podcast that'll drive views up can we how yeah that's a good point let's have them both on how how do we want to do this do we want to pull up the men's
Starting point is 00:03:59 do you want to talk about the men's or the women's first? You're the boss. We're prepared for all of it. Okay. I think we should do the women first. I think the women are going to be a little bit faster and the men could just drag on into the late, late. You should definitely be bothering Daniel Brandon throughout the weekend, though. She's not competing. She's going to be there. Maybe she could even come on every day.
Starting point is 00:04:22 That would be cool. She could definitely tell you she could come on every day. Yes, yes. That is accurate. It's funny. I don't even want to go there. But you're right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:04:33 I'm totally open to her ditching us just like two out of four times, two out of four times. Every four times she's on, two times she makes it, two times she does not. I hope Sefan starts off talking about the meeting today i am not i'm going to show some discipline and we're going to stay really focused on wadapalooza which is happening it starts on thursday the 13th is that correct yeah thursday yeah thursday and um and you guys you will not be there john you will be with us at the desk occasionally i will i yes yes not in miami but on the podcast and when i when i say desk i'm lying it's just everyone's at their own
Starting point is 00:05:10 desk and then um it starts on thursday the 13th goes to the 14th 15th and 16th it's four days and we will primarily be focused on elite competition is that the right title yeah yeah the elite um probably primarily elite men and women and then secondarily some elite teams of three coverage but uh i i do you see will's comments there uh is it is it our will no is that not him who is that this guy that's our will yeah uh if you okay if you do the rankings first, it ruins it. Okay, well, wait a minute. What should we do?
Starting point is 00:05:48 I think you should do this or that. Yeah, fine, fine. Good. Thank you, Will. Will, why don't you come on and host the fucking show? What the fuck I'm doing? Okay, we're going to play a game of this or that. By the way, I saw that on the Real the real seven podcast i do not run that instagram you
Starting point is 00:06:06 guys that is just some just some random dude who just hijacked it and runs it and if you send something good like if you send dick pics he forwards them to me other than that i don't see anything over there um okay so how does this game work we basically did a survey aren't all the aren't all the dick pics that sarah sigma's out of used to get just being filtered to you now? Yes, yes, yes. And then I send them back, the big ones, back to Sarah as if they're me. What – we did a survey on the Real Savant podcast. I think there was five questions.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Is that correct? I'm not familiar with this survey. You're not? No, me and Brian were going to go in blind and then see how it matched up with the people who voted. Caleb, what's going on here? There are eight questions, and they all got answered by people who follow the Instagram. And so we're just going to ask these two the questions and see what they say, and then'll read off the uh percentage of who or which one won do i get to read the questions or do you pop them up on the screen and then i read them
Starting point is 00:07:10 i'll throw them up on the screen and you can read them okay cool it's weird i'm getting nervous you know with dave being fired and all and then now you guys doing this shit behind my back i feel like like all of a sudden i'm gonna get worked out of the podcast somehow. It's just weird. Nervous. Okay, let's go. Wadapalooza 2022. The game is this or that with John Young and Brian Friend. Earlier today, those of you who visited the Real Savant podcast Instagram account voted on these questions. And we're going to see if you guys are done. Before we get to the first one, can I just say, if we do phase you out, at least we'll have a plan of what to do afterwards i need a lot of reasoning i need the shots fired he gave reasons today in the meeting they're exactly the same reasons i told you guys exact identical except he can't
Starting point is 00:07:58 he didn't he's not as articulate as me okay uh let's go let's do this let's hit it caleb question number one which of the male athletes that is not of the legal age to consume alcohol will place higher dallin pepper or james sprague aren't these guys friends before we answer this like good friends they are both part of brute strength i think they're rooming together now in the same camp in naples florida well that's interesting yeah okay i hope i hope you guys answering this does not ruin their friendship i don't think it will do you want to you want to go you want to go back and forth on who goes first brian sure i'll start off uh i think dallin will finish ahead of james no reason no reason we'll get to that later on oh what do you think john i mean i'm gonna agree with him i think dallin i think dallin is gonna be better than james which is funny because james
Starting point is 00:09:03 said that he wins most workouts when they work out together, but it's kind of like a Neil Maddox, Jason Kalipa scenario. Kalipa always said that about Neil Maddox, that he would win more workouts than not against him. But whenever the lights were the brightest and they were at the games, Jason Kalipa would end up on top. And I kind of think it's the same scenario going on. And, and I mean, you just look at Dallin Pepper
Starting point is 00:09:28 from just the most superficial aspect, and you're like, yeah, he wins. He's got the bigger... No, no, no, no, no. I mean... No? No? Yeah, maybe, but... Strength is not a whole of his,
Starting point is 00:09:42 and it is a whole of James's, and that's a really big hole to have. I think that I wouldn't be surprised if James surprises quite a few people in Miami, especially with some of his individual event performances. But I still think all around total package over the course of four days of competition that Dallin's just still ahead of him. It would be better for the sport if James won. I want to see Dallin. Dallin, take still ahead of him. It would be better for the sport if James won. I want to see Dallin. Dallin, take a screenshot of your face. I want to see your expression because I said that.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Dallin, I love you. Sorry, just target. Just target practicing. Just target practicing. All right. You are a handsome man, Dallin, and the personality is going to catch up. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:24 So now what do we do here? We go from here, we go to see what the people said, the people's choice, see if they agree with you. The people say Dallin Pepper. Do we have a percent? 78% Dallin Pepper and
Starting point is 00:10:39 22% James Sprague. No card on that? No. They were taking votes all the way up until we started the show. Good job. Good job. Good job, Will. Okay, so I'm going to write this in the comments.
Starting point is 00:10:54 77% Dallin. And James is 23? 22. That doesn't get us to 100. I'm just going to lie and say 22. Oh, 78 and 22. That doesn't get us to 100. I'm just going to lie and say 22. Oh, 78 and 22. All right. I like this game.
Starting point is 00:11:11 This game. Sorry, James. Gallon's going to whoop you up. Oh, shit. I forgot to write James is 22. I shouldn't be doing this. I'm too big time. Okay, next question.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Will, don't comment on three different platforms. One is 22. I shouldn't be doing this. I'm too big time. Okay, next question. Will, don't comment on three different platforms. One is fine. He can't help it when he – I did that. When you post, it goes to all three. You can't help it. Okay. Who has the chance of winning more events, Sarah Sigmund's daughter or Bethany Shadburn? Question. Okay, I'm first on this daughter or Bethany Shadburn? Question.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Okay, I'm first on this one. I don't remember seeing that one. I think Sarah has a better chance of winning more events, but I think Bethany will be higher overall, so I'll caveat that. You think Sarah's got potential for more ups and downs, Bethany more consistent? Yes. You think Sarah's got potential for more ups and downs, Bethany, more consistent? Yes. And if Sarah had six more months of just training on her newly constructed knee,
Starting point is 00:12:18 I probably would say Sarah both ways. She wouldn't have ups and downs, and I think she'd be a runaway to win this event, but that's not the case. So yeah. Um, I'll go with Bethany. Uh, I think Sarah, just getting back into, you know, competition once you didn't win any events, I don't even think she had any top three finishes. Maybe she had a third in, um, in Dubai. Uh, my, my guess is that a relative fitness is similar.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Like she's going to have to take some time off from that and then ramp it back up. So she's probably competing at a similar fitness level and just, again, looking to build confidence. So yeah, six months from now, a different question, but I'll take Bethany on this one. I mean, we can go through them though. Think about it. Think about it. Bethany is going to win. Not everyone knows all the workouts.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Just remember that. Okay. Yeah. Wait, there's going to be a long endurance event. Bethany will probably win that. Are you talking about winning first place head-to-head, or are you talking about first place finish in the event? No, no, first place in the event as a whole.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Okay. You think Bethany Shepard is going to win that event? Yes. I think she'll beat Emily Rolfe, if that's the name you're coming up with. Okay. Is that the name you're throwing at me i'll take the field against her okay i think i think she'll win the endurance event is um is is is is emily rolf a uh uh uh does craig richie sponsor athletes yeah he, he does. Does he sponsor her? The only one I knew of for sure was Jacqueline Dahlstrom. Has she been on the podcast?
Starting point is 00:13:52 Has she been on the podcast? Jacqueline, I think so. I mean, she's with the program. We've had Gabby on and Christophe on. Do you remember interviewing her on here? I don't remember meeting her. Maybe not. Someone DM me and said that Emily won't come on the podcast because of the, I'm trying to think of what I do to Craig Ritchie.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Because of what I'm upset about him. I'll leave it at that. But anyway, so what made me think of that is, who were we just talking about? Was someone else one of her? Oh, no, you guys were just talking about her. Okay, so scratch her off the list, I think, Sousa. I don't think she can come on.
Starting point is 00:14:42 That's too bad. I don't think, yeah. I mean, we'll keep inviting her. We'll keep her okay well we should invite jacqueline dolstrom just to test the theory i'd be i would be really surprised if jacqueline wouldn't come on i mean we're friends with john singleton gabby and christophe regularly on the show she's like spends her whole life with those people why is sarah doing this event i guess snorri kind of answered it for us. This is where she does a lot of her work.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Oh, yeah. In the last three years, four, three, four years, whatever, her off-season competition performance far surpasses her CrossFit Games performances. And when it was doing sanctionals, she did like three or four sanctionals too. She loves competing she just as much as training is this the biggest event um besides the crossfit games i think so i mean i know rogue's got a bigger prize person potentially you know in a more prestigious athlete pool but um there's other things like there are other things going going on at that event this is for
Starting point is 00:15:43 for crossfit like this is without a doubt the biggest event right now um got almost 3 000 people competing there there's gonna be 30 000 plus fans in attendance you know dozens and dozens of sponsors and brands on site in terms of the ecosystem of crossfit it's on par with the games if not if not even ahead of it and this is a this is like a super family event wadapalooza it's like i mean like by that i mean it's safe to bring your family there oh yeah 100 yeah it's good okay and for young single dudes and chicks yes yes it's good it's good for every old single old single dudes and chicks welcome too they got master's divisions all the way to 65 plus. All right, all right. Okay, old people too.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Everyone's welcome. It's a party. Is it a party? Do they have a beer garden? Do they have all that stuff? They got, you know, I don't know if it's specifically a beer garden, but there are places to hang out, eat food, and watch on some like screen monitors that they have around the site,
Starting point is 00:16:40 the grounds there that aren't like, even if you're not in the stadiums, you can be on site and be watching those. Probably. Have you ever seen anyone at water blues are so drunk. You're like, Oh God, I'm glad I'm not in that state of mind. So glad that's not me.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Uh, Caleb, what did the people have to say? Oh yes. Caleb. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:00 They said Bethany Shadburn, 72% Sarah Sigmund's daughter, 28%. Ooh. 72 for Bethany Shadburn, 72%. Sarah Sigmund's daughter, 28%. 72 for Bethany, 28 for Sarah Sigmund's daughter. Correct. I mean, Sarah shouldn't take that as a dig. That's just, I mean, she's unknown. She's unknown.
Starting point is 00:17:16 John's got her back. Don't worry. All right, all right. I'm the only one. I got you, Sarah. All right, the next question. We get to my rankings. I might not have any more, so so for that question which jake places higher jake marconi of hwpo or jake berman of of jake berman
Starting point is 00:17:36 when you guys see our rankings this is going to be this ends up being a very good question um yeah i need to check mine i don't they're right next to each other yeah you literally When you guys see our rankings, this ends up being a very good question. Yeah, I need to check mine. They're right next to each other. Yeah, you literally are next to each other. I have Jake Berman here by a small amount. I have Jake Berman by an even smaller amount. So when I voted for these on the Real Sevan podcast,
Starting point is 00:18:05 this was the only one that I wasn't with the majority where I got it wrong. I'm guessing it was close to 50-50 though. No, not when I saw it. It was not even close at all. Well, it might've been super high for Marconi then since we recently had him on. Right, right. So, okay. So you're saying it's because people recognize the name. If the only people voting are the people that are following the real savan podcast then yes we just had him on and he's you know becoming more and more well known they had similar finishes at their respective semi-finals um in particular the overall programming here i think is a little better for berman than marconi i think if with even if one or one other implement had showed up at anywhere in this programming that it could have been Marconi over Berman. What about this comment?
Starting point is 00:18:48 Franco Dubac, Marconi knows the wads for days. If you know that, then you know something I don't know. Yeah, I don't think it's true. I don't think it's true. Okay, let's check it out, Caleb. Everyone's picking Jake Berman, including myself. Well, the people say opposite. They say Jake Marconi is 77%, and then Jake Berman is 23%.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Wow. I'm seeing a trend here in the percentage. Yes. It's a three to one. Every single thing. So 77% think Jake Marconi is going to win Wadapalooza, the elite division, and 23%... No, no, no. They think he's going to finish higher than Berman.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Oh, yeah, yeah. Sorry. They think he's going to beat Jake Berman. Are those glasses working? No, not really. Jake Marconi beats Jake Berman, according to our crowd, but according to the experts, Jake Berman wins.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Barely. I like the question, though. That's a good question. I agree. I like the question, though. This is a good question. I agree. It's fun to read. Who places higher, Ariel Lowen or the girl of high morals and outstanding values, Danny Spiegel? Don't be like that. What?
Starting point is 00:20:03 I really think it's a problem with the glasses. I'm pretty sure you meant to say that about Ariel Loewen. Well, Ariel Loewen is a godly woman. Sorry, let me redo that. Who places higher, the godly woman and mother, Ariel Loewen, or the woman of high values and high morals, Danny Spiegel? It's you, right, John? It's kind of easy. It's kind of easy.
Starting point is 00:20:25 That's kind of easy. I'm going to say Ariel Loewen. And I'm going to go with Danny Spiegel. You're crazy. You're out of your fucking mind. What's your opinion here, Sevan? Do you want to say Ariel Loewen's a games athlete? What?
Starting point is 00:20:41 Danny Spiegel made the games this year, too. Oh. She had to withdraw due to injury she has a much higher how many competitions has that happened Brian she has a much higher risk for injury than Ariel for sure and if she does get injured
Starting point is 00:20:54 then yeah obviously John Spiegel would be right but if she doesn't get injured how many competitions has she pulled out of that's a great question this year she's pulled out of? That's a great question. This year she's pulled out of one and she finished one. I think she's pulled out of all the competitions that test for morals and values. Just saying, when she's able to compete healthy, she's better than people give her credit for. She's going to be good at a majority of these workouts, top 10 finishes across the board, a couple a little better than that. She'll have one terrible event finish.
Starting point is 00:21:27 And I think that the way the scoring lines up, that she can do really well, actually. How old is she, Dani Spiegel? Dani Spiegel, 27. What's the highest she's finished at one of these top competitions? Well, she was fifth at Guadalupe two years ago. She was 13th at the 2020 CrossFit Games. Well, she does win. Both of those competitions had a similar number of events to this one.
Starting point is 00:22:04 She was fourth, I think, at West Coast Classic. a similar number of events to this one. She was in it. She was fourth, I think, at West Coast Classic. Very similar number of events to this competition. And she had a terrible event finish there. The field is not much different than it was at West Coast Classic, where she had all top six finishes besides that 27th in the ruck run. And I agree with you. I think she could get fourth. I think Arrow Loan will be better than that. I will say this, and you guys, of Lowen will be better than that. I will say this, and you guys, of course,
Starting point is 00:22:28 will correct me if I'm wrong. If you do beat an Ariel Lowen here, or if you do beat a Bethany Shadburn here, you've done your job. Because you leave in a good headspace, correct? I mean, these are
Starting point is 00:22:43 the... You need to beat Emily Rolfe, Bethany Shadburn, and Ariel Owen. Those are the big dogs here, right? It's not a deep field. It's a good place for someone who would normally not finish in the top 20 to make a name for themselves, to pull all their shit together for this event if you're in the women's competition and strike. Yeah, I would agree i think if you beat anybody who's been a games athlete or uh multiple times then then yeah it's a big a huge win oh i'm gonna fall into the weeds here does danny spiegel beat uh bailey rail bailey rail withdrew she's oh wow happened? She's not feeling well.
Starting point is 00:23:26 COVID. Thank you for that in-depth knowledge, Brian. Omicron? She put a post up about it on Instagram. She's pregnant. Brian, I just think Ariel is kind of like a pan chick like she's really good at almost
Starting point is 00:23:48 everything and doesn't have many holes and spiegel is going to be almost last in the endurance event that's a how about michelle bassinet will she be danny spiegel i saw michelle bassinet doing burpees by the pool she looks pretty strong uh what do the people say about Ariel versus Danny Spiegel? Great question, Brian. I don't know what the people will say. They say Ariel Lowen, 63%, and then Danny Spiegel, 37%. That's a closer one. Hey, and let me tell you why they're saying that.
Starting point is 00:24:18 And I don't mean this to be mean to Danny. But I don't think – it's because she's so popular. I mean Ariel Lowen has 13,000 Instagram followers and Danny Spiegel has 13 million. And I think we're seeing basically the same phenomenon we saw here with – what was the other one? Marconi and Berman. Marconi and Berman, yeah. So. These questions are good.
Starting point is 00:24:42 I mean when we put the rankings up in a little bit you'll see a lot of the athletes that you're asking about are very close and on both of our lists all right let's go uh who places higher the irish spring deodorant model taylor self or the pig farmer from iowa colton mertens i hate this question skip this question let's come back to it when we do our men's rankings. Yeah, this hurts my feelings. I don't want to have to choose between those guys. Who?
Starting point is 00:25:09 Oh, that's good. Who will have the most event finishes below 20th place? Who will have the most event finishes below 20th place? Oh, good. Saxon, Spencer, or Scott? Who's up? I think you're first all right I'm gonna take uh I'm gonna say that Saxon is zero and Scott and Spencer each have one
Starting point is 00:25:36 just so you guys know who are listening John and Brian know the events is that correct there's that are we even do you know what events do you what event what event are they coming last and the endurance one brian not specifying okay the endurance one yeah and i yeah no no not that brian completely before we go crazy with this we that one actually wasn't posted on the story so we'll just skip that one entirely as well that's just what did who came up with these questions did will come up with this yeah and this is like his fantasy okay skip this one spencer spencer is a lot better than people think just because you haven't heard his name spencer is like he's almost he's just like saxon but a little worse i mean that's he's a lot better he is just a little worse he really is a little worse yeah the problem is that a little worse uh doesn't get you to the games if
Starting point is 00:26:40 he was at the games he'd actually do well on a lot of the workouts relative to the field there but he's just like you know 10 to 50, not good enough to make it through the qualifying. Like he has trouble making the games, but he probably would be top 20 at the games. I mean, in the sanctional years, there was there were one or two competitions where he was literally one spot away from making it in Brazil CrossFit Championship or wherever they competed. Well, this year, this year, wasn't he sixth at his semifinals at six or seventh yeah no he's yeah he's been right there like he he really is very very close to making to the games and if he is at the games i think he would do quite well um or what are we looking at this week when we watch scott are we is everyone just staring at his knee are we just seeing if he can run is that what we're
Starting point is 00:27:25 trying to figure out what's the deal with scott what are we trying to figure out i don't think he would put himself in the competition if he wasn't healthy yeah hmm all right all right so there's nothing to look at you're saying that like there's we shouldn't be like okay let's see that knee might be suspect scott is like the retired guy that gets Social Security money and then does odd jobs for cash. Okay, let's go on. How many events does Team May – Mayfam? How many events does Team Mayfam –
Starting point is 00:28:00 Can we answer this together, Brian? Andrea, Haley, and Taylor win. Over three or under three? Over. Over. Over. I think the better question is, will they not come first in one event? I agree.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Who's the second best team there? We'll get to that. Okay. We disagree. What are the numbers on this? Less than three events is 11%, and then greater than three events is 89%. 11% of you are on crack. Those are their moms. Those are their moms.
Starting point is 00:28:33 What? The other team's moms voting. Right. Okay, let's go to the next question. We're going to be here all night. Okay, I'm first in this one right i don't even understand this question who wins more events the boys or mayhem in paradise is rich froning's team rich froning luke parker and angelo de chico okay um and then the boys is training think is it training think tank well i mean they're kind of different people now so ch Chandler Smith, Travis Mayer, and Noah Olsen.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Those three are unbeatable, aren't they? I think so. I'm going to say the boys. It's just better people, even though the other team has Rich, and he could be the best one or the fittest guy in teams. It's debatable. But those other two versus the other two on it's debatable whether rich is the fittest guy in team in the team competition
Starting point is 00:29:31 i think so i think if i think him and noah would be close in an individual competition wow all right i'm also going with the boys. And the points, Caleb? They say the boys are only 23% and Mayhem is 77%. Okay, we'll see. That's Colton Merton says. Wow. Hey, I'm not buying this bullshit. How is 70% of the polls end up in 77 and 23? How many more questions we got?
Starting point is 00:30:11 That was the last one. You guys don't want to talk about Taylor Self or Colton Mertens? Yeah, do you want to go back to that one? Yeah, let's go see. Let's at least see what the crowd voted. We'll get to it. Me and Brian think very similarly on that one. So when we get to the rankings, we'll talk about it.
Starting point is 00:30:23 All right, let's go to the women. How did you guys organize this? You want to just talk about the top 10 and then just move out of the women i'm i'm good with that how okay so how many women are no no kayla pull up the chart on the far right of that of that tab we'll look at like at least one through yeah the one on the right with that has the yellow highlight for those of you listening we're pulling up the list is this bro we're pulling up the list everyone can see it right here we're just busting our nut it's uh it's it's it's basically brian and john's top 30 1 through 30 finishes at water blues at 2022. How many, how many women entered this competition in totality? 42. Scroll over to the right, Caleb. Uh, about 40, I think at the moment, a couple of withdrawals. Okay. And the withdrawals you said were who, uh,
Starting point is 00:31:18 Daniel Brandon and, uh, bail and Bailey rail. Yeah. Bailey rail. bail and Bailey rail. Yeah. Bailey rail. So this shows, so basically the list on the left is, is my rankings one through whatever 12, I guess. And then John's rankings of those athletes you can see on the right side. I thought this was easy. It can be easier for people to digest. And then I highlighted, we can scroll down if we want to later on, but I highlighted the ones that where we had the biggest discrepancy. And then I highlighted, we can scroll down if we want to later on, but I highlighted the ones where we had the biggest discrepancy.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Yeah, Danny Spiegel. So basically these guys have Bethany Shadburn both winning the event. Then Sarah Sigmund's daughter, both have her taking second. So let me ask you this real quick because I just find that so hard to believe she's going to come back. What girls beat Sarah in Dubai? Do you guys know off the top of your head what place she took and what the girls names were yeah yeah i have it right here and are any of those girls here laura horvath not here kristen holta competing on a team gabby magawa not here sam briggs not here jack and dolls from not here andrea nistler going team okay so and you're saying that those all of those women you know where i'm going with those, all of those women, you know where I'm going with this, right? All of those women you just mentioned.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Are better than all of the other women in the field. Yeah. Are better than Emma McQuaid, Danny Spiegel, Ariel Loewen, Emily Rolfe, Fisa Goffey, Emily Turner, et cetera. Not necessarily. I think Emma McQuaid is better than a couple of those women so then what you're suggesting is that apparently you think Danny Spiegel is better than some of those women too
Starting point is 00:32:57 it's a different competition there are different events and I think that there's a lot less that's a troublesome for Sarah and this slate of workouts. And there was a Dubai. So I'm focused the very, I was being naive and just focusing on the athletes as the variable. And what you're saying is,
Starting point is 00:33:17 is that these competitions are significantly enough different that there can be a movement like that. Yeah, for sure. I mean, we wrote about this following the rogue invitation oh yeah i read that that was fantastic um have your rankings changed uh between now and the last three shows that you did for the morning jog up uh talked about it
Starting point is 00:33:40 if so just my very minor okay they only asked about the top three and then a wild card. And a wild card can be obviously very vague and whatever. So this is a lot more in-depth. Who did you say for your wild card? I can't remember. Okay. So on this list, we can see all the way down to 14. We see Bethany Shadburn, Sarah Sigmund's daughter, Emma McQuaid.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Are there any big names that you guys would be a shock to see down there? The next one that's highlighted in yellow is Annika Greer. And I am 14th. Sorry. Sorry to interrupt, Brian. This Manon Angusi. Manon Angonis? Wasn't she at Rogue?
Starting point is 00:34:26 She was. She was in Dubai. Dubai, yeah. She placed 13th there. Was she the one who touch and go'd the 100-pound bag? Yep. Yeah, you got to put her up higher. What's going on with you guys?
Starting point is 00:34:41 John's got her 14th. I've got her 19th, so he's a little higher on her than I am. You're higher than 14, Seva? Yeah her 19th so he's a little higher on her than I am you're higher than 14 Seva yeah I mean she's a savage and how about this other chick I hear you always talk about Sasha Nevis how do you have her down so low I hear that name roll off your tongue every once in a while it's not it's not that low actually still in the top half of the field like you said there's still a lot of good competitors here do you know actually I to talk about the ones... No, actually, I didn't say that. I didn't say there were a lot of good competitors here. I said the female competition was weak.
Starting point is 00:35:07 But anyway. That's why I'm surprised... There's not as many recognizable names as there are on the men's side. But all the women through about 20 are competitive and could make a games run this year. And I've done other competitive competitions in the past as well. Are these all aspiring games athletes?
Starting point is 00:35:32 Oh, yeah, I think I would say so. Yeah, there's no hobbyists in here. Oh, I mean, there's some people that are definitely working full time and also training to try to make it still. But most of these are of their eyes very focused on their training recovery and hopefully can supplement that with sponsorships and competitions. Yeah. How about Chloe? How about Chloe?
Starting point is 00:35:56 Chloe David. What? Oh, Chloe Galvin David. Yeah. Chloe Galvin. You know, we haven't seen her basically since, uh, 2018 regional in a live competition. She had some really good workouts there and struggled with a couple of specific things. Um, I'm, I'm, I mean, we have her here. We have 25th, 23rd, just don't know a ton about
Starting point is 00:36:18 her. Like she could certainly do a lot better than that. And she could also do a lot worse. We haven't seen her in a long time. And Freya Mossbergerugger, was she in the last chance qualifier last year or something? How do I know that name? Did we talk about her on here at all? Or she pulled out of something? We had a conversation about her. I don't think you did on the podcast. Freya, she was 12th at the Atlas Games.
Starting point is 00:36:41 It was an online competition this year. Interestingly, that can't be right. Never mind. But she's, you know, she's pretty young and not many people have had a chance to see her compete. She has very good strength numbers and she's in a really good size. 5'5", 150 is like basically exactly the size and weight you would want to be to be competitive female crossfitter right now it's an incredible name freya moth bruger am i saying it right yeah it's a great name i see her instagram i want to see what this chick looks like yeah she hung is she is this like what some 17 year? Oh, this can't be her. She's 20.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Yeah, I got some. I think Hanukkah Greer is 17, though, right? Or is she older than that? She's either 17 or 18, yeah. Yeah, I can't believe how many Freyas there are. Okay, I guess. Oh, wait, is this? No. Did you find her caleb freya
Starting point is 00:37:47 let's see if i recognize her what country is she from canada uh anyone have trouble getting here because of travel restrictions? It doesn't seem like it, actually. I mean, it's possible that there's athletes I haven't heard about who haven't been able to make it. But it seems like everyone's finding their way. What's the chatter, Brian? You must hear of some young lady who knows she's better than all these girls who's like, fuck, I'm just going to sign up last minute and take this money. Who is it?
Starting point is 00:38:28 Do you know someone? No, I don't know of anyone who's planning to do that. I do think that there are a couple of women who will be in Miami not competing that would podium if they did compete. And you're talking about Brooke Wells. I don't know how anything about brooke wells condition with her elbow right now but yeah she's healthy she would she would be in podium conversation here for sure what is the story is she going to the game is she going to try to go to the games again this year she's going to heal up that fast it seems that way the open will be
Starting point is 00:38:59 her first uh her first competition who else who else brian who else is hanging out in miami who you think is tia going to be there i don't know what's going on with her bobsledding right now if uh she's still i don't know if she's going to be in miami or not where does she train that bobsledding in the united states no no she was in like Latvia or something for a while. Okay. Cause I'm guessing she doesn't want to move around a lot. I'm guessing every time you move around, you got to do the whole,
Starting point is 00:39:31 especially those knuckleheads in Australia. They got to do the whole quarantine. Yeah. Jack Mosley. Yes. Jay Crouch is not making the trip. I don't know if he's stuck there. If he just chose not to deal with the hassle of traveling back and forth from
Starting point is 00:39:43 that country. And this guy who keeps asking about programming the workouts for Guadalupe. I work for Loud and Live. They contract me to do prep work for all the broadcasters and et cetera. So I've been working on that for a while and John's helping me with it. The team that programs Guadalupe is the same team that's programmed there for several years and it's just um people within their organization it's not anyone famous uh like fraser or froning or anything like that famous to me is dylan involved in the programming yes he's famous to me uh what is he the director of media over there no kristin is he's the director of sport i think oh who's who's high are they in are they in a pecking
Starting point is 00:40:25 order is he her boss or are they like this side by side it's probably side by side oh i don't know i don't think i've ever met kristin just some emails but man dylan's a great dude holy cow that dude's a great dude okay that oh he surrounds himself with good people so i assume kristin must be amazing too all right uh can we go look back at the female list is there anything i'm just not i just not i don't know what to say there i'm just my the whole thing is is i'm just shocked that once again you're putting both you guys are putting sarah so high i think she's just we i think it's just a giant question mark i love her it is it is a giant question mark but i think we both have her that high just because there's not people that we think will beat her or do better than her.
Starting point is 00:41:09 The field is just not as strong. Did you not know that, Savant? We overranked everyone. The field wasn't that strong. Hey, you're saying Danny Spiegel. You're saying Danny Spiegel. I'm sorry, Brian. I don't know how to word it better.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Are you saying Danny Spiegel qualified for the games and then pulled out? I'm sorry, Brian. I don't know how to word it better. Danny Spiegel qualified for the games and then pulled out. What region did she qualify from? West Coast Classic. She finished behind Bethany, Chadburn, Carrie Pierce, and Danielle Brandon. Wow. And who finished behind? And how many?
Starting point is 00:41:39 They took four? They took four, yeah. And then, John, do you remember who was fifth out there that's close i'd love to know who's fifth and sixth it was pretty close um i know alexis raptus just barely missed out i'm trying to remember oh it was uh um no reagan huckabee yeah reagan huckabee was fifth. And Alexis Raptor is sixth. Chloe Wilson, who's in this field, was seventh. Is Reagan Huckabee still competing? I haven't seen her name at all. Oh, so she went to the games.
Starting point is 00:42:16 That's why she moved up and took Danny's spot. Gotcha. Okay, okay. No, no, no. They both went to the games. Danny was at the games. She just withdrew after a couple events. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Oh, so they took all the way down to Huckabee, or Huckabee went through the last chance. No, Huckabee was in. The top five were in. And then Chloe Wilson was seventh, and she's in this competition as well. My top three for the women are Bethany Shadburn, Ariel Lowen, and...
Starting point is 00:42:52 Man, that third one's tough you gotta say it you gotta say her name i don't i don't want to say on the podcast i don't want to say until she emily roll fine emily roll fine oh i was saying sarah oh no no no i mean i want i want sarah just to win just like pick the whole fucking water palooza up and throw it in the ocean and be like, I win, like the Hulk. But she's not. She's still recovering. But I want her to. Sarah beat Emily Rolfe in Dubai, and it was two of the worst events that could be programmed for her were the first two events. Let me make sure I know who Emily Rolfe is. She looks like Wonder Woman to me. Like Linda Carter or something.ily rolf instagram i had to talk brian at a not picking danny spiegel for first place before we started this podcast oh really is that true no it's not true. Oh, darn it.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Yeah, this girl is going to do great. So Bethany Shadburn. God, I feel like we've invited her a thousand times to be on the podcast, too. Is she represented by Craig Ritchie, too? Oh, my goodness. For those of you who are UFC and fight fans, when this Wadapalooza stuff is over, do we have a crazy week for you of you who are ufc and fight fans when this waterpalooza stuff is over do we have a crazy week for you of fighters rolling in it's gonna be nuts okay i'm done with the women and uh emma talk is there anything else logan's last comment was great oh why was spiegel on that show? Yeah, she won it.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Oh, she did? Yeah. No, CrossFitters dominated that show. That's awesome. Matt Chan won it for the guys. Wow. I didn't know that either, did I? I don't know if I knew that.
Starting point is 00:44:38 That's awesome. I think Margot Alvarez was second. Let me tell you, if Hunter McIntyre went on that show, he would fuck everyone up. You're not wrong. He would destroy everyone. He would. He would mop that place up. I hate to say that, too, but it's the truth.
Starting point is 00:44:57 I want to have nothing nice to say about the guy, and then every time I hang out with him, I only have nice things to say. It's basically a political broken skull ranch, if you think about it. A political one? Well, I mean like TV'd up. Oh, they won the same year. Yeah. That's the only year it's been. Oh, it's only happened once?
Starting point is 00:45:21 I think so. That shit that Greg Glassman invented, that shit works. happened once i think so um that shit that greg glassman invented that shit works and and spiegel was against margot alvarez like in the final so they was both and what's funny is they weren't allowed to say crossfit so they kept saying like fitness influencer it was hilarious why weren't they allowed to say crossfit legal Like legal reasons or they just didn't want to do it? Yeah. I'm pretty sure it was legal reasons. The same agency,
Starting point is 00:45:50 William Morris Endeavor that represents the rock also represents CrossFit. They should have, they could have, excuse me, unfucked that. They could have, they should have. I mean,
Starting point is 00:45:59 it would have been good for CrossFit. Okay. The boys, you guys good with boys. Anything you want to say over there? You want to talk about Emma tall at all boys anything you want to say over there you want to talk about emma tall at all is there anything you want to say we both had her in a tenth um she's better than a majority of the women here and anywhere that she places better than tenth would be i think would be a good finish for her um if if what If – what? Is that her Instagram?
Starting point is 00:46:27 Wow, she's gnarly. Who is that? Emma Tall. Oh, we had her on the show. You remember that, right? Oh, that's the same girl. Wow. I wonder why she didn't do Dubai.
Starting point is 00:46:41 That would have been an easier trip for her, no? It would have, yeah. I'm not sure. Okay. It was an invite only, though, so maybe she didn't get invited. Hey, how do you have – okay, pull up the women's list. How do you not have her hire? She's my third.
Starting point is 00:46:57 I switched. Sorry, I'm switching. I'm switching from an Emily to an Emma. How do you not have her hire? Hey, let me ask you this before we go. Who would you switch? If you could switch someone in the top three, if you could have a second top three,
Starting point is 00:47:11 what would it be? Not counting either of the ones we have in the top three currently? No, no, no, no. Sorry. If you could like, I know, I'm guessing that you guys all would keep Bethany at number one.
Starting point is 00:47:23 If I could redo my podium, the only thing I would consider doing is putting Emmama mcquade ahead of sarah sigmundsutter so you just switch the two possibly yeah yeah i think that i don't think i don't do my podium i wouldn't change it i got ariel lowe in third sarah second and bethany first yeah Yeah. All right. Fantastic. Do I think it's a slam dunk podium? No, obviously that's not a guarantee, but I like those three and I wouldn't change it. Wasn't Fee Sagafi super cool?
Starting point is 00:47:56 We had her on. She was fun, right? Oh yeah. Yeah. Fee's great. What country is she from? Does she train with Gabriella Magawa? No, no no no she's she has been training under the guidance of scott panchik for a long time but now she's moving to naples with dylan pepper and james spray those guys that's right we interviewed her at the starbucks
Starting point is 00:48:18 too yeah she's really um like under the radar she's oh we um i mean she just she keeps finishing like seventh place and eighth place in competitions and it's not good enough to get to the crossfit game so this is you know where do we have her seventh or eighth or something like that yeah and she's got you know she needs to do better than that for for her sake i think but until i see her do better than that against a similar field it's hard for me to project her any higher. And Cooper's got her too. Cooper's everywhere. How many athletes does Cooper have?
Starting point is 00:48:52 Well, this dude's got her too. This dude's like got her, got her. Cooper's just kind of got her. Do you know how many athletes Cooper has, Brian? I do not. That top left picture there, that's her with Emma Carey in in naples and in the bathing suit yeah they uh maybe in the same post they were out there with the guys it's too dylan and his wife and um maybe some and matt torres their coach uh soaking up all the sun in naples with this crew sunday recovery done right now out on the boat um in
Starting point is 00:49:27 naples is what it's about two and a half hours from the event i think less she already made the move my feeling is that they're all like making the move now because they're already going to be in florida for guadalupalooza and per the like I think that now is the time that athletes are really starting to prepare for the season. Plus, you know, the past the holidays, but friends and family at home and whatever,
Starting point is 00:49:51 it makes sense for a lot of reasons. You like this one 65 hang snatch one 70 hang snatch. She's fast. Danny Spiegel do that. Yes. Nice work, girl.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Great work. Okay. Let's move to the men. Thank you guys. Caleb. I've already taken the initiative here, so it's all good on that same column on the men's tab. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the men's set. FanDuel Casino's
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Starting point is 00:50:41 Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Surprise, John. Oh, man. Let me tell you, if you watch this this show if you listen to this show on apple podcast that's really cool you but if you don't but but watching it so much better okay uh freaking cold saver
Starting point is 00:51:18 oh you haven't even noticed yeah good this is wadap. This is Wadapalooza 2022. This men's division is, in my opinion, completely savage. I am so excited because probably because we've interviewed a lot of these guys, but there's so many just cool characters in it. Everyone from Patrick Vellner to the retired Scott Pancheck to the dwarf Colton Mertens. I mean, it is nuts. And then you got Jason Hopper the the phenom that can't hasn't proven he's a phenom yet working with uh matt fraser the greatest of all time and it's just you got the you got the pancheck brothers
Starting point is 00:51:58 um it's just nuts it's not i'm not gonna say your name taylor you haven't done anything yet sorry you haven't done anything i gee Guy from the Mayhem Empire, the guy, the most beautiful Olympic lifter in the history of the CrossFit Games and the history of CrossFit. Better than that giant Russian guy. What was his name? Volkov, Shmolkov.
Starting point is 00:52:18 And the fittest 5'4 guy in the world. Yeah, I said him. I know, I'm just repeating it. Okay, can you scroll down so I can see some of these other names? And then, of course, five, four guy in the world. Yeah, I said him. I know. I'm just repeating it. Okay. Can you scroll down so I can see some of these other names? And then, of course, Brian's lover, Patrick Vellner, which is just weird. James Sprague, we got just like new meat.
Starting point is 00:52:37 We got Dallin Pepper, a guy who really should have gone to the games, just a specimen, a human male specimen um that guy anthony davis i think is coming on the podcast maybe tomorrow morning uh i reached out to this this guy too griffin roll roll uh jake marconi is going to be there that's going to be fun too because i never paid attention to him but but the truth is is now that he's hanging with matt i'm going to pay attention to him he's got he's at the fraser mojo can we scroll down are there more uh we got jason smith the oldest guy who's ever competed in the crossfit games in the modern era he'll be there with band-aids and he'll be smelling like Ben gay. You can smell him from like three miles away. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:53:29 this is, this is quite the, uh, quite the, Oh, scroll down. Where's Jake Berman relative to, um,
Starting point is 00:53:36 this is, there are more men competing than we put. We just did our top 30. So there's like 42, I think guys are mainly in the field. So let's start here just for shits and giggles. Guys, so one of the questions was on the Sevan podcast was who would finish higher out of the two Jakes?
Starting point is 00:53:51 And there was a Jake Berman and a Jake Marconi. Marconi was on the podcast, and you guys chose Jake Marconi. But it appears that Brian and John both think that Berman. And if you notice Brian, no, not, oh yeah. Both of them.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Yeah. Brian has Berman two spots ahead of Marconi and I have him one spot ahead of Marconi. Yeah. What's the most, before we get into the top, what's the most, um,
Starting point is 00:54:20 where's the largest discrepancy between your two placings? Which, which guy do you guys disagree with? Can I see where Griffin is? Oh, right there. I think we reached out to this guy too. Hopefully we'll get this guy on too. He's known as CrossFit Thor.
Starting point is 00:54:35 He's better known as that. Why do you have him 12th? Because I think he's going to do really good in this competition. Has Event 2 been announced? No. Oh, yeah, it was announced today. Yes, it was announced today. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:51 I think he'll place really high in event two. If you go back and look at his friendly Fran time, he was like 10 seconds from being fifth in that event. And that was with the top 30 fittest guys in the world. Not Waterpalooza, but the actual CrossFit games. And he's one of the strongest guys in the field. He can power clean four Oh five. He'll be top three in the strength event.
Starting point is 00:55:17 He's very good at handstand walking. So I think it'll be good in the handstand walking event. I just think there's three or four events where he's going to knock out of the park and that'll be high enough. even if he bobs the other events it'll be high enough for 12 and what is this he's doing here john do you like this what is this what is that contract that's that that's like a ghd that's like a swedish ghd what country is this guy from? He's from America. He is?
Starting point is 00:55:48 Everyone thinks every person is foreign. That's like some sort of – okay, well, hey, of course I think he's foreign. Look at this. That's a bonding experience in Canada. He front squatted like 490. Wow. He's one of the strongest guys in the field. Him and Anthony Davis and Guillermo.
Starting point is 00:56:12 And I actually think him and Anthony Davis are stronger than Guillermo. Maybe not in Olympic lifts, but just pure strength. How come you have Anthony Davis and Griffin rule 16 spots different on your rankings? Because I think Griffin has way better gymnastics. Dude, this is 447 front squat for four reps my goodness yeah that's all we get his power lifting is especially squatting is insane dude he's vibrating yeah and look oh he's wearing the same shorts as his girlfriend. Oh, nice finish. I hope he wears those at Waterpalooza. I thought he pulled his shorts up. Homie's wearing a Speedo.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Man, that's nuts. Probably are his girlfriend's shorts. That is nuts. I think I saw he was giving Sam Dancer some love there in the comments. Okay. I think I saw he was giving Sam Dancer some love there in the comments. Okay, so Brian, are you just like, John, like what happened? You fell off the back of the truck and bumped your head or like you get it? No, it's interesting that he's got him that much higher. I think he's a very comparable athlete to Anthony Davis,
Starting point is 00:57:18 and I just don't think that the programming here lends itself to the strongest guys in the field as much as some other competitions might. I think they will have a couple of good workouts and a couple of bad workouts. But I think that there are a lot of guys who I have ahead of them who I think that the program is just better for. And honestly, they're just more well-rounded CrossFitters. All right. Fair enough. No hate, no hate for the Thor, but Jess, there's better dudes there.
Starting point is 00:57:51 No, not at all. I mean, like you said, this men's field is no joke. Like all the way down to 30 are very respectable. And there's guys that we, the guys that aren't on our top 30, a lot of them is just that we haven't, we haven't seen them. They made it through the qualifier and we don't really know what they can do in a competition like that i think that there are definitely guys we don't have i would say there's probably two guys that neither of us have in our top 30 that'll finish in the top 20 something like that uh he this dude's limber i put brian like he made it albeit in weird year. He made it to the games in 2020.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Anthony Davis has never made it to the games. Jake Berman has never made it to the games. Like, like I have him ahead of people who have not ever made it to the games and he's made it to the games. And I think he's only gotten better. Okay. Come on, man. Are you going to look at the roster of athletes from 2020 and then just throw that entire comment that you said out, please?
Starting point is 00:58:47 I know it's a weird year. There's no excuse. Like the athletes you have ahead of him. Are you going to make me do this, John? They didn't do that. Hey, watch the end of this clip right here. Because I think something crazy. I think that he drops the bar on himself or something.
Starting point is 00:59:03 I think something weird happens here. He probably just got there because of his front crazy. I think that he drops the bar on himself or something. I think something weird happens here. He probably just got there because of his front squad. I agree. But still, I think he's much better than you think. I don't think he's like Anthony Davis. Anthony Davis was 10th at the Granite Games. That's pretty good. This guy just did 10.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Oh, I thought the bar dropped on him because that was the picture he used. Okay. Griffin Roll made it to the CrossFit Games in 2020 by winning the Norwegian CrossFit Championships or whatever it was. These are the people in the top 10 besides him that year. Josh Woodhull. You don't have to read me the Norwegian CrossFit Championships. These are the people he beat to get here.
Starting point is 00:59:39 And you know, Jake Berman could have done the same thing and he didn't do it. He could have chosen to travel to that competition. But remember that two-thirds of that competition season was canceled. He did have competitions on his roster. He didn't get to participate in them. That argument doesn't hold water. Dude, look at this dude's name, Seamus. I'm not disrespecting Griffin Roll.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Griffin Roll is great. All these guys are great. But I just think he's going to be in the mid-20s. I'm not disrespecting this dude named Seaman either. Seamus. Seamus. Oh, is that how you pronounce that i would agree i would agree with you it's not the best argument but as far as the events go what he's good at i think he'll be fine i think he'll do well in this competition not just the strength stuff we will see hey look how he steps out here this is like is it does every single person do this
Starting point is 01:00:27 when you get towards your max nope not that that's good oh no oh yeah that we can't see yep yep yeah oh sorry sorry sorry sorry i forgot that wasn't sorry i'm just getting off here on crossfit door okay okay the um uh crossfit door uh me $49.95 for that free advertising we gave you. You're not even going to finish in the top 20. So you got your luck. All right. Oh, no, this guy's going to be on the show. Shoot, I take that back.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Strike that. All right. Can I see the list again, Mr. Caleb? Yeah, let's scroll up to the top 12 or so. I mean, we disagree in the top three, too. Oh, wait, let's look at James Sprague. Isn't it amazing? Look at how close you guys have James Sprague.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Okay, let's scroll down a little for Sprague, yeah. I do want to say there was a last-minute change by Brian about a certain athlete. We had the exact same spot, and he changed him last second. This was always part of my plan, John. Oh, you really used your… out a certain athlete who had the exact same spot and he changed him last second that was this was always part of my plan john oh you really i put my head on you wait a second so you show him yours first brian and then and then you have a just to mess with them and then you were in before his don't that's not true i put in my rankings on the spreadsheet shared and then i turned them all to
Starting point is 01:01:42 white writing and shared the document with john so if he was actually clever and clicked in any of those boxes he would have seen my rankings but he didn't catch it so then after he put him in i just turned them all the black and it looked like they were all there but even so i left one guy in a spot that i didn't intend to have him just to surprise john tonight oh you're a good dude i like that uh seamus right and sean is pronounced sean got it all right thank you Logan I had Paul Saladino on this morning with uh Josh Bridges and and people just start which just started calling in like it's a call-in show okay what are you doing sorry the the Tony Tone Nick Matthew is he's been competing for quite a while um across the fort
Starting point is 01:02:28 vancouver guy he was up at the granite games he actually finished between colton mertens and taylor self in sixth place and they were all within six points of each other at that competition tell me his name who are you talking about nick matthew tony tone asked about him in the comments oh okay so he's never heard of him. We had Phil Toon on. We're starting at 20. Phil Toon. Phil Toon, Brian has him at 18, and Mr. Young has him at 20.
Starting point is 01:02:59 And I'm looking down a little bit further. James Sprague, they both have in the top 20. And then it's pretty clean after that. Scroll it down a second. Really the only difference this is going to be good is that one guy Griffin. Yeah he's a major outlier in the bottom half here. If we get to the top 12 we have some more. Yeah there's more
Starting point is 01:03:18 differences in the top people. Okay let's roll up a little bit before we get to those top guys because I have some questions about why some people are so low down here uh sorry no um go up to the to the top 20 sorry right yes ulus uh why this guy's a games athlete right yeah so is the guy below him and so is the guy below him okay so how do you have them are we talking about workouts again how do you have him below these people who didn't make it to the games above him which directly above him taylor self spencer panchick and dylan pepper well the first two are perfect examples of guys who just aren't
Starting point is 01:03:57 just haven't been good enough to make it to the games but if they were actually in the games we think would both place in the top 20 or ahead of the other games people. So when they're in the same competition, that's why we have them ahead. So you're saying they come from weaker regions? Yes. Those guys are coming from – Uldis and Yorgos are coming from Europe. Alexander Corona is coming from the North American continent. But I've written about this in the past where the number of spots that the North American men get at the games still makes sense
Starting point is 01:04:32 based on the finishes that they have at the games. And there are probably 20 guys who didn't make it there that are very similar to the last five guys that do make it in. And it's just a matter of an executioner getting one kind of a workout instead of another kind of workout in a six workout competition that the semifinals are. The games are 15 workouts. That's totally different. And I think that some of the guys who don't make it through the regionals would outperform some of the guys that do over 15 events at the games.
Starting point is 01:05:00 But that's not how the qualification process works. And everyone knows this. Like you have to, you going back, however far it was, you had to be good enough to make it to regionals. It didn't matter how, how well you're doing the open. You just got to get there.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Then you had to be good enough at regionals to get to the game. It's doesn't matter if you're fifth at your region, you're in the games, you're in the game. It's a clean slate, but getting through those processes is hard and requires different skill sets. Are you saying,
Starting point is 01:05:22 if I heard you right, that the same way you think that there should be more females from Europe at the games, there should be more males from North America at the games? I don't think so. I think the balance for the men is very good right now, but that doesn't mean that there aren't another 20 guys who don't make it every year for North America that wouldn't look out of place at the games. Okay. I'm hearing rumors, by the way, that Eric Rosa will be at the cross or no at the Waterpalooza this year. Eric Rosa will be at Waterpalooza. I'm hearing rumors. And I expect the listeners of the Sevan podcast to greet him from the fans with a succinct and synchronized cheer. Let's go, Rosa. I think it's the only appropriate thing to do um okay uh so now we're getting so you have taylor ahead of dallin pepper so so this is this is a big this is let's talk about taylor and spencer this is um this is big for them these guys really really really want to go to the games right oh yeah and they're good enough to do it i think that's the difference is they see people at the games and they consider themselves fitter and i i mean i do too like the
Starting point is 01:06:35 bottom half people of the games i would consider taylor and spencer both fitter than than those guys so it's hard for them to watch not make and watch um scroll down a little bit put put oldest down at the bottom as the last guy we see and let's see who's up in the meantime uh adam blakesley how old is christopher 31 yes he used to compete with crossover 417 no other way sorry sorry caleb i want to see the top of the list i want to see like i want to see like oldest um uh okay i want to see a few more names at the bottom tyler christoffel probably should have made the games last year if it wasn't for roman krennikoff taking a last chance qualifier spot why do you guys have uh jason hopper ahead of Taylor Self? Honestly, I'll be honest. Between maybe Guillaume Aeros and Dallin Pepper,
Starting point is 01:07:31 that group of guys, I feel like you throw a ball in the air and they could all beat each other. John, that's where you say you're crazy, Brian, or Brian, I couldn't agree with you more. Let's get a drink. No, I couldn't agree with you more. Let's get a drink. No, I couldn't agree with him more. I would say between Samwell, Samwell down to Spencer. Okay, then let's look at that.
Starting point is 01:07:55 And then the only guys that you would disagree on about that is Alex Vigneault. And Alex is a powerhouse, right? This is just a veteran that just not enough people know. Yeah, yeah. I mean, he's really good um i think his games finishes he's got like a ninth a tenth and a thirteenth or something like that eighth ninth and eleventh excuse me um he unfortunately had to withdraw from rogue so don't know if you know what what happened there or whatever if he's 100 coming back i would assume that he wouldn't he doesn't strike me as a guy who would compete just for the sake of competing so i'd assume he's feeling healthy enough to um do this and yeah he's you know he's very good and he's very consistent and why do you guys why is there such a big discrepancy from you kind of put him in the section brian where it's
Starting point is 01:08:39 like hey anyone can win these guys are really really close and uh john has them as like no this is this is one of the guys yeah so uh why do you have him so high john because i think he's one of the guys like savant said uh i think um there are two or three kind of like griffin i think there are two or three events i just think he's going to knock out of the park and then he's not going to come last in anything he's going to be middle of the park, and then he's not going to come last in anything. He's going to be middle of the pack at worst. And I think the other guys will have events that they will not perform. I think everybody's going to have an event where they're going to be close to last
Starting point is 01:09:17 except for my top five. And they're at top five because I don't think they're going to have any events like that. And he's one of those guys why isn't he touching go these uh power cleans at 205 you touch and go those right john there was a set of 200 oh no i'm just kidding i don't know uh what about this does this concern you look at all this body work he's got he's got someone over here working on a nipple uh then you just go a few days earlier and he's i saw some other body work being done you got this guy working on him over here i don't know what this guy's working on his psoas i mean this is in the eyes
Starting point is 01:09:54 of the beholder you could just say he's investing in his body and taking care of it all right and he's got a child that could be a major distraction a major's too small for him. That sled. He needs to get off that. Much too small for him. Okay, so do you have anything to say? Is John crazy here, Brian? I don't see a top five finish for him. I would say
Starting point is 01:10:17 like seventh, eighth is probably the best that I think he can do at this particular competition with this group of guys, but he's really good, and if everything particular competition with this group of guys. But, you know, he's, he's really good. And if everything clicks for him this weekend, maybe.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Oh man. And the same is true about Colton Mertens. John is not a fan. John is not a believer. Uh, uh, Brian has Colton Mertens as sixth and John has him as 13th at the water Palooza, 2022,
Starting point is 01:10:47 which will take place starting Thursday, January 13th. And I think there is a huge possibility that Colton could win three events outright. And then he will also come last in two events outright. I would also like to ask the fans if the fans, if Colton wins an event, I swear the stadium better yell, let's go, Colton. It just, that would be nuts.
Starting point is 01:11:15 That would be so awesome if he won an event. Three events, my goodness. John, can we take a trip down memory lane? To the 2019 Wadapalooza, maybe 2018- to the 2019 Wadapalooza, maybe 2018-19 season of Wadapalooza? A certain man named Dakota Rager competed there and took sixth place. Yes, yes, yes. Dakota Rager.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Is that your reasoning? That's your reasoning? Hold on, hold on, hold on. Dakota Rager's event finishes that year at Wadapalooza were 1st, 1st, 2nd, 14th, 19th, 27th, and 30th. The 27th and 30th came in events that had heavy barbell snatch and heavy axel bar lunge, both of which buried him. At least the 1st of which would have been probably also problematic for Colton. And we can say that because of the Granite Games this year.
Starting point is 01:12:00 Colton had event finishes of 1st, 1st, 3rd, 3rd, 12th, 18th, and 20th. 20th on the heavy snatch event. Colton had event finishes of 1st, 1st, 3rd, 3rd, 12th, 18th, and 20th, 20th on the heavy snatch event. So even if he has one or two bad event finishes, with the way that scoring is and the depth of the field here, I think there's still precedent for him to finish pretty high inside the top 10. Where do you have – You must have said that was too bad.
Starting point is 01:12:22 You would have loved that segment. You should have to go back and listen to it. Were you schooling John? What's that, John? Where do you have Drew Wayman ranked? I don't know. No, no, no. 21st. Can we look at it?
Starting point is 01:12:36 21st? He got fourth in that same competition. Yeah. I don't think that he's improved over the last couple of years though. I don't think you can use that year when you have this guy. Drew Wayman is a completely different body type than him. And I think Colton is different than Dakota Rager. I know they're both little guys, but I think they're different people.
Starting point is 01:13:03 I expect Colton to do very well at Water Blues this year. I do too. Like I said, I think he'll win three events. No, you don't. You expect him to take 13th, John. I think he'll win three events, and I think he'll come last in two events. I'm not telling you that people who win three events don't come 13th in competitions. I think the field is better this year than it was that year.
Starting point is 01:13:26 You just did three videos, Brian. I'm looking over here with the great Khaleesi, Patrick Clark, and Chase Ingram. You think the field is better this year than it was that year? Come on. Let me go over that.
Starting point is 01:13:41 Do you have to smack any of them around like you have to smack John around? Let me read you the field from that year. Do you have to smack any of them around like you have to smack John around? Or are they more? Let me read you the field from that year. Vellner, Travis Mayer. Already we know it's better than this year. Okay, go on. Noah Olsen, Drew Wayman, Saxon Panchik, that's a wash.
Starting point is 01:13:55 Dakota Rager, Paul Castillo, Samuel Cornwallier, he's in this one. Lucas Esslinger, Norman Woodring, Alex Anderson, Mitchell Stevens, Elliott Simmons. No, no, no. Justin Medeiros. This is better. Nope, nope. Justin Medeiros, Mitchell Stevens, Elliot Simmons. No, no, no. Justin Medeiros. No, no, this is better. Nope, nope. Justin Medeiros, Nick Block, Jeff Adler, Mark Juan Jones, Sean Sweeney, Royce Dunn,
Starting point is 01:14:13 Ethan Helbig, Mitch. These are a ton of games athletes in that field. No, no, I agree. Listen, one and two, I get it. No, no, you disagree. Yeah, I agree with you. Oh, yeah. I think we're on the same page right gee malharos jason hopper like let me ask brian a question there's new let me
Starting point is 01:14:32 ask brian a question here about velner let's talk about patrick velner for a second is patrick velner brian passed his prime is that why you think that that year was better than this year? Is Patrick Vellner past his prime? Yeah. When you look at Patrick Vellner and Cole Sager, are you like, ah, these aren't the guys they were back then. That's why that field was bigger, better. No, I think Vellner is just as good as he's ever been. Maybe better.
Starting point is 01:15:03 I think he's still in his prime. Like, it's the same. He's the same peak that he's ever been. Maybe better. I think he's still in his prime. He's the same peak that he's sustained. If I were to ask you, oh, this is good. If I were to ask you to look at the top 15 and pick the number one guy you think
Starting point is 01:15:20 would possibly pull out for injury, who would it be? The top 15. That you guys have. That Brian has there. Let's make it easy. Let's say 10. Vellner, Cole Sager, Saxon, Scott, Ricky, Colton Mertens, Samuel, Conway,
Starting point is 01:15:35 Guy Maheros. Include Vigneault because he's fourth on his list. I'm going to say Vigneault. Either. I mean, Vigneault is the answer, but probably either Scott or Samuel. And you guys are going basically now, you're just saying either uh i mean vigno's the answer but probably is that because he pulled out or samuel so so and you guys are going basically now you're just saying because you've seen both of them pull out in other events before of course yeah yeah uh what's interesting what's interesting everyone knows this about there's just certain athletes that are that this kind of thing happens to and
Starting point is 01:16:01 there's others that it doesn't right sarah sigmunds daughters had to pull out of many competitions and seasons. Katrin Davidsdottir never has. I'm thinking about starting a fitness... Vellner never has, and he's killed himself in competition before. I'm thinking about starting a fitness company called NC Fit. Dude, Vellner came within 20 points of making it to the top five in 2020 with a pulled groin, and he couldn't even one-rep squat.
Starting point is 01:16:23 His lesson is four-rep four rep max i mean it's crazy yeah let's see what the lady from dubai says velner gonna get better because he gonna stop making those big mistakes you know melissa we've been saying that for three years and uh it hasn't happened yet heidi is in her prime we'll find out in a couple days oh i think he'll win but he's always won a lot of pelusa uh why call sager uh so high brian i i know i know he's amazing um but i i feel i feel like i don't want to say he's as unpredictable. It's not Sarah Sigmund's daughter unpredictable, but I just, it's squirrely, man. He's squirrely.
Starting point is 01:17:14 I don't think it's that squirrely. He's. Oh, it's the number of events. No, it's the format of the competition. He, you know, he and Vellner tied on points there two years ago and he lost on a tiebreaker velner had an incredible final day of competition to overtake him but um he's he did fifth at rogue the first year they had it but he's been not that great at rogue the last two seasons but i his regional performances his semi-final performances those are like what echo
Starting point is 01:17:43 this he beat noelson at the West Coast Classic. He is very capable in this style of event, and he doesn't have a lot of holes in his game. I mean, he didn't have a great CrossFit Games. That's true. He didn't have a great Rogue Invitational. That's true. But he's a veteran.
Starting point is 01:17:56 He knows what he's doing. And with a lot of guys exchanging blows in this field throughout the weekend, I think he's just going to stay steady and find himself on the podium. It's interesting that you have him as second, just so you guys know, John Young has Ricky Gerrard as second. That is going to be fun. Um, when being there to see those two interact, because they're going to be in lanes adjacent to each other. If things go as planned the entire week, correct? Correct. And I really want him on the podium next to each other has there ever been two athletes who possibly have
Starting point is 01:18:30 more disdain is that the word nah because i can't be in either one of their heads but there's tension there for sure at least from the from the from the i i i don't want to i don't want to set them up to like hate each other i each other. I know both guys a little bit. Say that again? I don't think Ricky has disdain for Vellner. No, and Vellner's such a good guy too. I think Vellner will look at him, and that super good part of Vellner will come out,
Starting point is 01:18:56 which is 99% of him, and he'll just be like, fuck, it's just another dude. What do you think, Brian? But going back to what I was saying there's never been two dudes in the sport who possibly have more um tension between them i mean and for those of you who don't know it's because uh ricky was stood on the podium at the crossfit games one year and then later 2017 and then later tested positive for a substance and rad 140 which um don't buy
Starting point is 01:19:23 because it makes your prostate big um and uh patrick velner should have been standing on that and so that moment in time was taken from patrick velner and that sucks i mean patrick ended up getting the check and the money but that still sucks like those moments where patrick velner could have been standing on the podium were taken because ricky tested well pop some pills before the event that gave him, we got to ask Ricky if he thinks those pills really helped. Well, we had a chance to talk to him in a week. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:51 Um, man, he has some great pictures of himself on his Instagram. So, so that's going to be fun to watch. It's going to be tense, right? It's going to be uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:20:01 I think it'll be a lot of fun battles and, and down the line too. I think it'll be fun to watch fun battles and and down the line too i think it'll be fun to watch hopper and taylor battle because they're best of friends are they not i don't know they they they know each other well i'm what if i'm the other athletes if i'm the other athletes i befriend ricky and make it even more uncomfortable for patrick velner even if i don't like ricky or don't want you know what i mean like just like kind of like give ricky all the i mean because velner is the guy there right let's not fuck around right right before right before the bell rings good luck ricky yeah right brian right john i mean patrick velner is the man
Starting point is 01:20:42 he's the most senior he's the fittest he's supposed the fittest. He's supposed to win. He's the best looking. I mean, all he's got the most. I think Jason Smith is the most senior. Well, you know what I mean. Or Scott Panchik. But Patrick Vellner is the guy. If he didn't win, it'd be a huge upset. People give me a hard time about all the stuff I say about Vellner, but his competition resume is amongst the five or six best CrossFit male athletes we've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:21:10 And no one else on this list can say that. Not even close. Not even close. You're talking about behind Fraser Froning, Ben Smith, and maybe, you know, maybe Jason Kalipa. Am I forgetting someone? I mean, he's the next best guy ever. Fikowski's behind him.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Vellner's resume is better. Medeiros is creating his resume. Yeah, I agree. What are the chances of Colton Merton's winning? The entire competition? Yeah, yes, sir. Less than 1%? Yeah, winning the competition, getting the check,
Starting point is 01:21:47 and your girlfriend, and going home. Do it, Colton. Type it up. You just said it. In a Camaro. Yeah, less than 1%. Because there's some, and you know the workouts, and that's why you're saying that.
Starting point is 01:22:01 I mean, he can't come bottom 10 in an event and win. And he hasn't shown that he won't do that. Right. And why Taylor Self over Jason Hopper? Or why Jason Hopper over Taylor Self? I know you said you could throw a softball in the air and whatever. taylor self i know you said you could so throw a softball in the air and uh whatever in particular with those two guys i am very excited to see them both compete very curious to see how they compete
Starting point is 01:22:32 against each other i have heard that they are both extremely prepared mentally and physically for this competition i part of me feels like i've under ranked both of them on this list but there's just a lot of good guys there who, and I do think the programming here is not the, like, I think there's better programming that could have come up for a guy like Hopper. I think this, um, and Taylor self just needs to prove to me that he can actually execute across the course of the weekend. And if something goes wrong, that it's not going to derail his, competition derail and tim paulson it would be fun to see tim paulson and jason hopper compete next to each other and lane by lane those are two really big men that is some and gee i hope they're next to each other in event two i think that would be a blast is that the clean one that
Starting point is 01:23:21 the first event they announced no no that's the that's the assault bike thruster pull-up or echo bike thruster pull-up workout. They called it Echo on Fran, I think. I wonder why they use the echo bike there and not the assault bike. Is that just all money? Is that just all just who sponsors it? They're using the assault rower. Oh, okay. I don't know if that's ever been used at a competition before this
Starting point is 01:23:45 yeah that's that's a that's a good point i've never been on an assault rower how is it david parker poor hopper falling victim to programming again that i don't i think that there's a chance that uh 18 months to two years from now that uh he'll be immune to program but it's you know it's the stuff he needs to work on is take a little bit more time than six months. To get to the caliber he wants to be. Look how positive Heidi is. So you're saying there's a chance.
Starting point is 01:24:13 When you said there's 1% chance Mertens is going to win, the whole thing. Man, Paulson would slap the shit out of Hopper and there's nothing he'd, geez louise, keepy. Why, why? Yes, be positive. Yes. Man, my, oh my. No one's slapping anyone. Let's go back to the list here one more time before we wrap this.
Starting point is 01:24:37 What do we need to talk about here? If you're a fan going to this, who are the guys you really want to see? I mean obviously we talked about Ricky and Vellner. You want to watch that. You want to feel the drama there i honestly i think you want to see colt mertens the shortest man in the history of water palooza compete what else i mean i think the battle of the panchics would be fun too we both have saxon and scott right next to each other and it'd be fun if spencer could throw a grenade into that but that's a little fun
Starting point is 01:25:01 narrative as well there's a bunch of narratives in this competition. I think that, I mean, to answer your question, I think one through 20 have great storylines. Most of these guys. And, but if you're talking about specifically for contending to win,
Starting point is 01:25:20 I think that you look at about the top five guys right there are probably the only ones with a chance. It would be, there are some great stories here. If Spencer Panchick wins, if Colton Mertens wins, if Ricky Gerard wins, these are great stories.
Starting point is 01:25:34 This is like great. Uh, if any of those guys podium, if any of those guys finish in the top five, it's a great weekend for them. Yeah. I would feel a little bad if Ricky won and Valner came in second, that would be, that would be rough i understand feeling bad for it but it would be great for the sport it would be
Starting point is 01:25:52 it would be great for the sport but no one no one should be expecting that to happen i mean no i know i'm just saying i would feel bad that would be rough yeah but you know ricky has to has to earn to even be in that conversation at this point. He did well at Dubai, but he was way behind Roman Krennikoff. And Roman Krennikoff, that's the kind of guy that we're talking about with Pat Vellner. 100%. Souza's passed out in the alley behind CrossFit Livermore high on fentanyl, but thanks for asking. Again?
Starting point is 01:26:24 Right. behind CrossFit Livermore high on fentanyl, but thanks for asking. Again? Yeah, right. Do you want to go to teams? Oh, yeah. Do we have some of that? Of course. We're prepared for all of it. Oh, no, no, no. Before we do that, we have the this or that.
Starting point is 01:26:40 We have the this or that, Colton Mertens and Taylor Self. Good job, Brian and John having us wait. How exciting to wait and see. Okay. Can you, can you pop the question up one more time, Caleb? Who wants to see Caleb? Any, any gay guys we have in the audience.
Starting point is 01:26:54 You want to take a quick peek at this? Caleb hold you over for the next 10 minutes or by by anyone. There you go. And let's see. Okay, here it is. Wadapalooza 2022, this or that. Who places higher? The Irish spring deodorant model, Taylor Self,
Starting point is 01:27:15 or the pig farmer from Iowa, Colton Mertens? Okay, well, we've got... Brian has Colton. That's right. And I have taylor and what do the people say oh wait wait hold on people would say colton for sure the people say colton merton's at 79 percent and taylor self at a measly 21 percent wow wow wow Wow. Motivation, Taylor. Don't let me down.
Starting point is 01:27:47 I'll tell you what. Taylor Self is extremely motivated and extremely fit. And if you don't know who he is and therefore just default voted for Colton Mertens, or at least you don't know who he is as an athlete, you're probably going to be impressed by him this weekend. If not in the overall competitions, at least in a couple events. But what I really like about this, and is important,
Starting point is 01:28:10 is there is a competition here between those guys that's real. And what do I mean by that? Can we see the list again? These guys right here are proving something to themselves about who's going to go to the games. So even if Colton Mertens doesn't win here,
Starting point is 01:28:24 it is important he beats Taylor Self. And for Taylor Self, the same thing. And the same for Spencer Panchick. And people like Guy, who we saw do great at the games, but have some holes, this is also important that these guys don't come up and dethrone him, push Guy down too. So there's a lot of fun stuff to watch here
Starting point is 01:28:41 in regards to that makes this event more exciting than just who's going to take first, second or third. Like I said earlier, I mean, the Ricky Colton and Spencer Panczyk stories are just all great stories. And throw Taylor Self in the mix, too. Went to the last chance qualifier last year and just barely didn't make it to the CrossFit Games. I mean, probably Taylor Self probably would have made it through there if literally anything else had been programmed than that deadlift. I'm impressed by how many votes that gets. How is that?
Starting point is 01:29:12 That Instagram account gets that much traffic? That's more traffic than my account gets. Well. Right. People can't get to your account. You must be vaccinated to come to my account. I have a blocker. I reposted that one story of yours. All my stories get like 1500, 1400, 1600. That story got like 300. It's like that is like preventing people from even clicking on it.
Starting point is 01:29:41 Uh, okay. Let's go, let's go over to the team. Oh oh let me just read this one more time so so um brian has a patrick velner first cole sager second saxon panchik third and john young has patrick velner first same as brian second he has ricky gerrard and third he has uh saxon panchik so the only place they differ is uh second place so a very consistent two smart guys uh talking alex peters god i love that name i'm digging those glasses sebon thank you thank you me too they're they're pretty crazy they're great for really sunny days because this top part is super tinted and then this part down here is clear so i can like look at my phone and they are um
Starting point is 01:30:26 and their prescription do you want to do girls first because they'll be faster i mean i don't mean that in any kind of an insulting way, but. Sure. Whatever. Matt O'Keefe just texted me a dick pic. Same thing here, Caleb. We can go all the way to the right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:51 O'Keefe just sent me a dick pic. It's definitely not his dick. Okay. Actually, maybe we should go. Because we want to know who some of the athletes are. So maybe we should go back to the left and we'll look at the one through five. Oh, he has Mayfair. It's Mayfair there too.
Starting point is 01:31:06 Why are you guys calling it Mayfair? Why not? Mayhem? That's their team name. Keep going left. Yeah. All the way to the, um,
Starting point is 01:31:14 the first five. Oh, like, like that's the female team. Oh, I get it. I get it. Okay. We're comparing the, uh, uh first how many teams are there there's like 35 teams of three we only rank the top 10 but we'll talk about top five and and let me ask you this before
Starting point is 01:31:38 we dig in are most of these like hobby teams by hobby teams i mean like like hayley hayley andrea and taylor would never be on a team together. Haley is going to go individual, right? Are most of these just people who are just tuning up? Or are these like when I see the Invictus team, is that the team? Is that their powerhouse team that will show up at the games? Well, the teams at the games are forced to have two men and two women. So it's a totally different format.
Starting point is 01:31:59 Okay. Yeah, when you have it same-sex teams and the teams have three, most of it's just to have a good time. I see Kristen Holta is in there. It's interesting. I keep seeing her even though she retired. Right. It's her and Scott Pancheck.
Starting point is 01:32:14 And I see a Solvig Sigurdudur. That's kind of like a Sigmund's daughter but shorter. All right. So this is the 2022 Wadapalooza event that will take place on January 13th. That's a Thursday and roll all the way to Sunday the 17th. And there will be a team event there. And the teams will consist of three females or three males, two different events. So the teams are separated by sex this year.
Starting point is 01:32:43 And Brian and John Young have chosen their top five. And first place, I mean, it seems to be, there's no question. Haley, the great Haley Adams. I mean, are you, what I've heard? I mean, you guys tell me that Haley Adams may be one of the best female CrossFitters we're ever going to see. She's destined to be in the top 10 all-time greatest list at the current pace she's at. And then we have, um, not arguably, but most likely the two best females who've been on a
Starting point is 01:33:10 team together in the history of the CrossFit teams competition, Andrea Nistler and Taylor Williamson. That's right. And there's, there's really no team here that should be a threat to them, not only for the competition, but on a majority of the workouts. No threat. No. I mean, you're like, you're talking, thinking about what you just said. The two best CrossFit Games team athletes, women, and a perennial top five Games athlete on the individual side
Starting point is 01:33:42 who trains at CrossFit Mayhem and sometimes fills in as part of the team with Froning and crew when X, Y, or Z person can't make it. She's got plenty of experience moving a worm, plenty of experience doing synchro stuff with Rich Froning. So she's just as probably just as good as a team competitor as she is individual. Oh oh and these are all fucking mayhem empire pedigree yeah this is like if it was if there was i mean i don't know if i honestly don't know if a team of three any woman in the world you know could beat this they could compete with them yes but no john it's different team competition is different and these you know how good andrea and taylor are good andrea and taylor are i mean you put tia cara and whoever carrie pierce still not t and car get in a fight and they don't even make it past day one um are are andrea nissler and taylor williams who are the two best men who've ever been on a team together is it hobart and froning
Starting point is 01:34:38 the two best men who've ever been on a team together at the games. Yeah. I know there's a lot. I know you don't, it's nothing. This one was Kalipa. Who was Kalipa? Oh,
Starting point is 01:34:52 a teammate. Was it, was it Neil? It wasn't Neil Maddox. Maybe Ben Alderman, but no, it's got it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:58 I would take Froning and Hobart over those two, but wow. That's a great name. I mean, look, if you go, if you go way back, like I'm thinking of the old Invictus teams
Starting point is 01:35:06 Tommy Hackenbrook and Adrian Conway were very good but I think it's really hard not to pick Froning and Hobart And so that's who that is, that's my point Andrea Nistler and Taylor Williamson that's who we're looking at, we're looking at the Froning and Hobart
Starting point is 01:35:22 No, because neither one of them has the pedigree of rich as an individual. We're talking about two people who've been basically committed to team competition and being elite at it for seven years. Yeah. They're their own thing though. They're not the same as rich and James. They're kind of, they're both team people.
Starting point is 01:35:42 It's, you know, it's, it's, yeah, yeah. I mean, it's more like guys, yeah, yeah. I mean, it's more like guys.
Starting point is 01:35:46 You probably don't know that much about them. Like, like Dex Hopkins and Tyler Christoffel from CrossFit 417. Like these guys were two of the best team athletes that never really ventured into the individual side for a long time. They were just dominating in the team circuit. And now Christoffel, is that the guy?
Starting point is 01:36:02 No. And now we're going to get on the show. Now he's competing as an individual. Yes. Huh? That'd be a great question for him. Why'd you switch? Did he switch? Is it for sure?
Starting point is 01:36:10 Or is he just going around here? Yeah, he tried to make it last year. He did, okay. And then in second place, Brian has Team GoWad. Is that like that app thing that everyone's always promoting where you stretch around and shit? Yeah, they are sponsoring one men's team of three and one women's team of three and i don't recognize any of these um i don't know i don't know any of these women you don't
Starting point is 01:36:34 know me yeah hesketh i'm no no and uh do you know that name that's okay they're pretty good these women are all pretty good uh and they've uh I think they competed as a team in Madrid earlier this offseason also. The field of teams of three of women is open for a lot of opportunity here. I think that in particular the team that we have in third place is of interest to me. Caroline Prevost's team, Savan, I'm sure it's of interest to you too. Yep. and Prevo's team, Savant. I'm sure it's of interest to you too. And Alexis Ditois, her girlfriend
Starting point is 01:37:05 and Daniel Dunlap who barely, barely missed going to the games this year out of the Mid-Atlantic CrossFit Challenge and also has podiumed at the CrossFit Games on Team OC3. If I'm not mistaken, that year was with her other two girls on her team were
Starting point is 01:37:20 Andrea Nistler and Taylor Williamson maybe. Oh, wow. I'm'm not 100 sure of that it's but she was on oc3 in 2018 and i know that taylor and andrea competed on that team for several years maybe someone in the comments will be able to confirm this and you'll done done yeah i think there's only one person and maybe in the world that actually has like the roster of athletes who've competed on the teams at the games for every year that it's been around. You know, I don't know where to find that really. That's Schroeder.
Starting point is 01:37:52 Yeah. Schroeder or Schroeder? Confirmed. Swolverine said, yeah, Daniel Dunlap was on the team with Nistler and Williams in 2018. It took third place. So that's a very good team. And they may I debated putting them up in second, kind of, kind of feeling like maybe I should have. This is the Wolverine.
Starting point is 01:38:08 That's the supplement that, uh, that's why Colton Mertens is so good. That's them, right? That's his sponsor. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:17 All right. What's up? Wolverine. Maybe she'd sponsor Brian. Brian needs some Wolverine. You seen that shit he's doing on his Instagram. Uh, and,
Starting point is 01:38:27 down here we have, uh, uh, this born primitive underdogs on John's list. This is, these guys train at the same gym as Daniel Brandon, Bethany Shadburn. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:38:38 they do. I think I have them seventh. Um, you know, certainly could make a top five run. Um, I think we, yeah, they're, you know, could make a top five run um i think yeah yeah they're you know they're pretty good um alex and kyra obviously less known than allison but they'll be i mean i'd be surprised if they weren't like solidly on the top 10 throughout the competition if i'm not mistaken i think alex gazon is a swolverine athlete is that true in the a Swalverine athlete. Is that true?
Starting point is 01:39:05 Swalverine? Swalverine. Check. What was the guy's name who I just DM'd him and asked him if he would come on the show. Justin Berg? No, not Justin Berg. Justin Berg has such fantastic
Starting point is 01:39:23 fantastic business acumen. Acumen., fantastic business acumen. Yes, acumen. We need business acumen. No, Justin, it starts with a C. An athlete? No, it's a coach. Daniel Brandon's coach. Justin Kotler.
Starting point is 01:39:38 Justin Kotler. Yes, Justin Kotler. So he coaches a team. Man, how do these guys do this? Is Facundo going to be all spun up too? Is Facundo going to be just like a three-headed dog, just like not know where to go? Kotler has a whole staple of coaches now
Starting point is 01:39:57 that underdogs has assembled in this offseason. But nevertheless, I think he'd be able to manage it on his own. He's got a lot of experience doing this. Yeah, I went to their Instagram account. That shit is blowing up over there. Hey, how do they run this at Wadapalooza? Is there just one? Do the elites just all, like, would there be elite teams
Starting point is 01:40:20 and elite individuals going on at the same time and I have to choose which one I want to watch? No. But they'd have the elite dudes and then the one-armed dudes somewhere else competing. There are four competition stages. One of them is going to be occupied by something called the gauntlet for three of the four competition days.
Starting point is 01:40:38 But for the rest of the other three stages on those days, there will be competition basically going on from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m., more or less. And all of it is going to be streamed. I'm under the impression that on the stages that the elites are not competing on, there'll be a camera or cameras that are showing the competitions there throughout each division as they come through. So everyone can watch their coach, parents, friends, et cetera, kids, whatever, who are competing in that way. And then when the each division as they come through so everyone can watch their coach parents friends etc kids whatever who are competing um in that way and then when the elites come to a stage then there'll be a more robust broadcast a much more robust and that's streamed on youtube no no that's streamed
Starting point is 01:41:16 on the seven podcast right we will we will have it which is on youtube through the oh yes yeah which is on youtube right right um uh and what what is this gauntlet thing this gauntlet thing is for people who aren't good enough or too scared to like try to get to wadapalooza so you go there and pay 10 bucks and they beat up on you they just put you through some workouts and you can get your swole on so you can take your shirt off that's exactly it all right and when what about little kids who can who can do the gauntlet is that for everyone not sure and do they declare a winner of the gauntlet? Is that for everyone? Not sure. And do they declare a winner of the gauntlet?
Starting point is 01:41:50 Yeah, they actually have finals for it on Sunday morning. Oh, God. This event is dope. I think they're also going to have a celebrity heat at the gauntlet with some of our friends competing there. Hey, oh, really? Mm-hmm. You mean after you're done competing and you'll compete again for some celebrity gauntlet no i mean guys like tommy marquez and buttery bros and maybe okie those types of people yeah those guys brian maybe me who knows nah don't do that oh yeah do it uh gotta get a workout in sometime heidi wants to see you with your shirt off. Now, listen, why doesn't the games do this?
Starting point is 01:42:25 This is brilliant. This is brilliant. You let anyone who wants to there sign up and go through and do like, how many events are in the gauntlet? One, two, three? It's somewhere between five and seven in an hour. Oh, it's a lot. It's a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:39 Okay. They're short workouts, but you get minimal rest, and then you got to do, like you said, five to seven of them. Yeah, they should just do like, even if they just did two or three workouts, you could run thousands of people through it. And then like Brian was saying, then on the final day, you let the top five just compete in front of the whole crowd, right? Yeah, that's basically what's going to happen.
Starting point is 01:42:59 Oh, man. What's wrong with the CrossFit Games? No wonder they got rid of Dave. No wonder they got rid of Dave. Too soon. Too soon. Too soon. All right, let's go back to the list of teams. No, no, let's not go back to the list of teams.
Starting point is 01:43:11 Let's go. Wait, is this it? After the teams were done, we did the dudes? We haven't done the men's team of three. And it's much more interesting than the women's teams of three. Okay, let's switch over to the men. Chandler Smith, Noah Olson, Travis Mayer, you guys both have. The name of that team is called the boys.
Starting point is 01:43:32 Racist. How do they get away with calling that team the boys? How? It's cultural appropriation or it's racism or something it's something's wrong with it racist what how is it racist the boys the boys chandler smith is black and no olson is white and travis mayer is something asian and you can't have the boys is a term it's just something's wrong with it i know it's either it's either cultural appropriation or it's racist i'm just saying but but i guess they get a pass because they get a pass because they're the biggest names in the sport.
Starting point is 01:44:08 You're just not woke enough, John. You're not woke enough. You don't get it. You don't get it. Okay, that team, those guys are all individual athletes. Those guys, why are those guys here? Why are those guys doing it? Just to tune it off.
Starting point is 01:44:20 You have to remember, the elite men and women's teams of three competition at Gu palooza was a huge draw for some of the top crossfit games athletes for a long time before they were forced to switch to and to male and female for the sanctional format and the last time they had elite team of three competition noah olsen travis mayor competed on the team with will morad and took second place so they've done it before i mean these aren't just these aren't just games athletes these are the best of the best Will Morad and took second place. So they've done it before. I mean, these aren't just, these aren't just games athletes. These are the best of the best. These guys are,
Starting point is 01:44:49 these guys, they're all top tier for sure. Yeah. Interesting, but fun. The crowd's going to eat that shit up. Oh yeah. This is,
Starting point is 01:44:58 I mean, this is a huge draw. This is a huge draw that the men's teams, the three division have at least 10 and maybe 15 teams. Not, not everyone will know all those teams that are very good teams because a lot of the European teams, people don't really know yet.
Starting point is 01:45:12 Oh my God. Logan Collins has been around forever. Hasn't he? Yeah. He's been to the games a bunch of times. He got a short, the short end of the stick this year, I think being forced to compete in the
Starting point is 01:45:25 atlas games online i think he would have had a better chance of making the games in person yeah um this he's a bald dude but this team so travis williams roy gamboa and jordan cook uh competed as a team of three in 2017 and won in guadalupalooza. So this is also not unfamiliar territory for them. And Logan Collins is, Jordan Cook's a really good team athlete. Logan Collins is probably a little bit better as an individual CrossFitter. So they're going to be tough to beat. How old's Logan Collins? He's probably the fittest person on their team.
Starting point is 01:45:58 No shit. At some point he was for sure. I think he has got a top 10 games finish to his name. Maybe 11th or something like that. How old is he? He looks like an adult. Not there. That's better. He looks like a
Starting point is 01:46:14 child there. Logan Collins, 30. Roy Gamboa, 34. Travis Williams, 29. And Travis Williams is the he was the misfit guy who lost 100 pounds yeah yeah he's a cool dude he's funny i can't believe we never had him on the podcast i think i invite him to the crossfit podcast once and then i got called away for a meeting yeah he's cool as shit
Starting point is 01:46:40 and uh and roy roy gamboa we know is a favorite of brian's you guys went to the same college or something brian same conference in texas same conference yeah and a good dude and kind of a staple at the games for a long time what year was his first crossfit games oh 2014 14 yeah probably 2014 yeah nuts and and where is he where's where's his hometown, Roy Gamboa? I think it's still Abilene, Texas. 15, 2015. I want to stick it in Hawaii. He missed in 2014?
Starting point is 01:47:15 Yeah, 2013. He missed in 14, and then he was in 15. 20, 21? Oh, yeah. And I bet you Travis Williams came up with that name, Team Hercules. It's pretty immature. And that's how I think of travis williams immature okay and then um wow you have mayhem and paradise in third and uh john has them all the way in fifth um do you have them in third just out of respect brian or you really think i mean who's the weak link there it's angelo jachico he's an unknown he's coming back from some injury uh it's it's
Starting point is 01:47:50 not the luke parker you're thinking of i don't think it's not lucas parker it's spider-man no it's luke parker from the bachelor it's that dude he was on the show yeah yeah yeah he's not a savage he's not he's not knocking on the door. He can't almost go individual. He's not at the Taylor self, Colton Mills level. So him and Angelo DiCicco were at the same semifinal. Angelo smoked him. Yeah, and Angelo had a – he was either sixth or seventh. He was very close to making it, and Luke Parker wasn't –
Starting point is 01:48:20 I mean, he was like first or second heat. What year was that? That was last first or second heat. Yeah. No. What year was that? That was last year? Last year. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:48:28 For some reason, I thought Angelo DiCicco had like stepped away from the sport for a couple years, became a fireman. That's not, that's, I'm. That is true. That is true. No, you're not. Yeah, you're right. He won the team division a couple of years.
Starting point is 01:48:39 He had a back problem that he didn't know if he'd ever to be able to compete again. And then he was able to. And he's been training pretty hard, I think. And then over here across, you have Con Porter and James Newberry, obviously super well-known athletes in the CrossFit Games. And who's this guy, Matt DeLugos? Matt DeLugos is up and coming. He was 10th or 11th at west coast classic he is
Starting point is 01:49:07 also under justin kotler in the underdog group um he's six foot four or six foot three or something like that he would be the tallest guy in crossfit if he were to make the games um so he has anatomical deficiencies but there's stuff he can do that nobody else can do oh that's here like what like get the like get the plates from the top shelf that or uh so in the quarterfinals the workout was 120 wall balls and 120 cal row and he was first in the entire world he tied one person that other person was jason hopper it's kind of cold news but he's okay look how big he is he's got like that tony robbins shit going on almost like like he's really big i'm gonna say six five let's say six five let's
Starting point is 01:50:00 just fucking overtake it i mean look at look at him here he looks like a basketball player here very good endurance but obvious like anatom think a lesser for cows i think um i anyway back to the rankings i think that uh john's got these these this team a little bit high they were intending to have jay crouch compete with them we already know he's not gonna be able to make the trip but both of uh both con porter and j James Newberry seem to be in transit from Australia right now, which is not giving a lot of time to acclimate to the pretty drastic time change. And,
Starting point is 01:50:33 uh, I don't know what kind of experience that they have working with the Lugos. I think Constrained with those guys quite a bit at one point, but I think they'll do well. I don't think they'll poke him. I don't think Justin, Justin Coll i don't think justin justin collar this is their coach there's three people their coach is buff too was it was this guy's
Starting point is 01:50:53 wife a games athlete she's definitely good at crossfit yeah she all right your turn caleb i want to look at that really quick so let's just let's play this game here really quick who on con porter and james newberry and matt delugas delugas's team is better than rich froney what nobody okay i'm just just just we're starting the game off so you can see and then who on um who's better than angelo DiCicco on their team? Khan and James and maybe Matt, depending on the event. I'm not sure any of them are. Okay.
Starting point is 01:51:31 That's where we disagree. I don't know how good those guys are right now, honestly. They've been traveling around the world all year. James has been doing a bunch of other types of different things. They're still very good, but I think Angelo is focused on being good at CrossFit right now and the other guys have different pursuits. DeLugos might actually be the most focused on that team in terms of trying to improve
Starting point is 01:51:54 as a CrossFitter at the moment. Is DeLugos from Australia also? No. Oh. Because the team's name is Thunder from down under. Yeah, yeah. Actually, Con Porter put up a pretty funny post about that Oh, because the team's name is Thunder from down under. Yeah, yeah. Actually, Con Porter put up a pretty funny post about that maybe earlier today.
Starting point is 01:52:14 And he explains how they navigated around that situation. Why? Was it frowned upon? No, he's writing in jest. Oh, okay. Is it this? Is it this? Is it a... God, he seems like such a nice guy.
Starting point is 01:52:32 I wish I would have got to know him. Con Porter. This is the one. Somewhere in here he says... Rather than change our team name to something clever, which isn't region specific, I had James pull some strings and we managed to get Maddie and official Australian citizens citizenship for the weekend. Thunder from down under lives on.
Starting point is 01:52:53 Okay. Because originally they were supposed to have Jay crouch. All right. Wow. Look at that outfit. New bear, James Newberry. Where do you get that?
Starting point is 01:53:02 Is that a onesie? I, a rumor has that you can expect some pretty unique outfits from this team throughout the weekend wow that's impressive okay and and is that is that a sign that they're not taking it seriously look they're they're they're fit guys like they're gonna do well i just don't know if they can podium against this group of, of, of teams.
Starting point is 01:53:26 Okay. Let's put Luke Parker up against those guys. Let's go back to that list is Luke part. Who, who on their team is fitter than Luke Parker? All of them. All of them by a lot. Okay.
Starting point is 01:53:35 Okay. I think Luke's improving, but, um, and I think, you know, the thing that we know about rich is that he gets the most out of his teammates.
Starting point is 01:53:46 Again, though, it's a team of three and it's same-sex teams. I don't think teamwork is going to play as much of a role as it does normally, especially as it does in the games. I mean, on certain events, they'll have some events where teamwork will carry the day and Mayim will probably do really well on those events. And on the ones where it's a little bit more individual fitness that matters, a team like them could place ahead of them. I just don't think they'll place ahead of them by that much.
Starting point is 01:54:18 Smith Brothers, are Alex Smith and Dane Smith still – is this just fun for them? I mean, Ben Smith, I'm taking it, is still trying to go to the CrossFit Games, right? Like he's still in it to win it. Honestly, it's hard to know. I really don't know where all three of their relative levels of fitness are right now. Ben Smith was very underwhelming at semifinals last year. Dane is basically working full-time as a firefighter,
Starting point is 01:54:44 but it seems like he's still making pretty good progress in his training. And I haven't been paying much attention to Alex Smith's training in general, but if he's coming to this competition, you have to assume that his fitness is still pretty high. Well, let me ask you this. Does Alex Smith have a coach? Do you know, John? No.
Starting point is 01:55:04 I thought he was working out with Spiegel. Do you know, John? No. I thought he was working out with Spiegel. Spiegel? Isn't she still with Invictus out in San Diego? I'm pretty sure she's been training with them. Where is this gym right here that he's in here? What's this one? Oh, it's a toe spacer ad or something. Let me know as i scroll through these if you see a gym
Starting point is 01:55:27 let's see if we can figure out where he's at it looks like he's just traveling and working out and just being hot like that what do you do i just work out stay hot go to waterfalls with puppy yeah i wanted to put the smith brothers on the podium but when i just started thinking about it kind of the same as a Thunder Down Under team. I don't know that they're all totally invested in being as fit as they can possibly be as some of these other teams are. Look at that. That bar has uneven.
Starting point is 01:55:57 That's definitely not even. Yeah, yeah. Look at this clean right here. There's more weight on the right side. Okay. And he's going for it. Shit. All right.
Starting point is 01:56:04 Fine. Do it. Handle your business. 21.4. know that there's that it's different extra plate on there oh who's this girl right here do we know who this is happy birthday oh that is danis and where does she train out of she's she's at uh in las vegas invictus no she's in San Diego. Yeah, but no, Danny Spiegel and Alex Smith have, I think, have a great relationship and friendship. New year, new season, preparing for anything. This is Alex Smith, Ben Smith's younger brother, his Instagram account. I'm reading this to try to figure out how serious he is about his fitness.
Starting point is 01:56:40 Is he just doing this for fun, to be a super supermodel or is the games next for him so let's read this a new year a new season preparing for anything that's going to be thrown at us this year with true grit fitness first up waterpalooza and then the open i spent some time working on my mental game learned a few breathing techniques when when under high stress with big wave surfer billy kemper and trained with north shore lifeguards last month feeling ready to attack this year with everything that, Oh, okay. I kind of like this. I kind of like this post.
Starting point is 01:57:07 I think that there are not enough high level CrossFitters that take like a fully, a full year away from a competition to maybe, you know, do all of those things that he's talked about. And if he's coming back this year with the mentality to compete, I mean, he is definitely a outlier.
Starting point is 01:57:23 He's a freak. You can do like things that no one else can do and very, very strong, incredible gymnastics. And if he's really been focusing on his breathing and that can have an impact on his ability to execute high-level aerobic workouts, Alex Smith could have a great year.
Starting point is 01:57:38 So when you say he's a freak, go ahead. Allegra said that he's at Krypton. I knew he was at Proven, but that he left, but she said that he's at krypton i knew he was at proven but that he left but she said that he's at krypton so that's with ben smith and laura horvat occasionally no no what do you mean she's not there i mean laura's in hungary right now but didn't she go there for a couple months? That's where she comes to train prior to competitions that are in the United States. It's worth noting.
Starting point is 01:58:10 She's a savage. She's going to push these dudes whether they're dudes or chicks. But when you say he can do stuff that other guys can't do, what do you mean? He's a former gymnast or something? Or what's he got going on? Alex Smith. What's he good at? Yeah, that stuff.
Starting point is 01:58:26 I mean, I'm talking about like literally tricks in the gym he can do that are like crazy. And they do carry over to some workouts where he's got a big advantage because of his ability to do these weird things. But he also has cleaned 400 pounds. Like not a lot of guys can say that. So he's very strong.
Starting point is 01:58:45 Elite. He's the best in the world in some gymnastics stuff. He seems to be working on his aerobic. He's already had success at the highest level. What's the highest he's finished at the Games? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:59:03 18th is my best guess. What do you say, Brian? Best guess. I like't know. 18th is my best guess. What do you say, Brian? Best guess. I like that guess. And here he is less than a year ago with the Proven Athletes. 25th. Man, there's no better name to describe Tia than Proven. They nailed it with that.
Starting point is 01:59:26 Oh, shoot. That wasn't even up on the screen. I apologize, guys. Thank you. Did we run through it and get it all? Did we do the men? Did we do the women? I think so. Let me see if the calendar has been updated. I want to give you guys a quick look at who we're going to
Starting point is 01:59:44 be talking to. Tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. we have Anthony Davis. Oh, that's going to be cool. I never spoke with him before. He's going to be competing at Waterpalooza. Then at 12 p.m. this is our Pacific Standard Times. We have Samuel Conway. Then on Wednesday the 12th at 4 p.mpm we have Matt O'Keefe
Starting point is 02:00:05 I suspect we will try to get Tyler Christofal or Griffin Rowell let's go with that okay Griffin Rowell sometime on Wednesday also we have a spot open there
Starting point is 02:00:19 and then Thursday the 13th the event starts we'll have if we can get our passes from O'Kee starts we'll have uh i mean if we can get our passes from o'keefe or if you're kristin kristin's the one we get our passes from kristin the plan is to uh give you guys access to this event like no other um if not we'll just be stealing their stream and talking shit either way it's going to be the place you want to be and then uh uh and then that will will be full blast from thursday the 13th, Friday the 14th, Saturday the 15th, Sunday the 16th. We will not be doing the news this Sunday.
Starting point is 02:00:52 I don't know when, if we're ever going to do the news again with Hobart and Kate. I may have to find some others to help. I need to still check that out. When I did the Scorch Earth in the last week, I may have accidentally, uh, do you have the dragon Caleb by any chance? Oh yeah. So,
Starting point is 02:01:10 um, we had one of these, uh, events occur and I was a little careless with my, um, have you guys seen the, uh, the scorch earth,
Starting point is 02:01:21 uh, graphic? No. Is this something I want to see definitely want to see this kayla but should i get it are you getting it oh he's got he's in one moment please brian is there a place that we could find the water palooza schedule for the like when events yeah that's a great question i'd like to have that in my inbox could i get the water polo schedule in my inbox so that we know where to send the uh reporters
Starting point is 02:01:51 i was told that they should have been putting that up on their on maybe on their app or something today they have an app ah there it is so i was doing some of this lisi yeah so you see this uh can you make that gift a little bigger uh mr kate see this a dragon i'm doing this thing and if you if you look there's some people who got torched there are you telling me this guy on the outskirts there that just was supposed to get missed but got hit is hobart yes yes yes i'm saying that could have been hobart or kate gore kate gordon i do i don't know but um and i'm gonna do a few more flybys so i just i'm not sure i'm gonna do a few more flybys oh man what a meeting we had today prospect hq okay guys thank you so much.
Starting point is 02:02:45 That is important. So what is it? So there's some things we still need to find out, and we'll get to you as soon as we can. We need a schedule. Hopefully, we need an official list of athletes. We need some spaces, and maybe this is just me. I haven't searched the Water Palooza website. Maybe that stuff's all up there.
Starting point is 02:02:59 We need a schedule, meaning what time we're going to be live so we can start laying this out. We need to know exactly who's going to be there, and then uh, and, and, and then we'll, we'll start getting that information to you as soon as we can. Um, another great live show. Thank you guys very much. See you tomorrow morning at 7am with, uh, Anthony Davis.

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