The Sevan Podcast - #260 - Anthony Davis

Episode Date: January 11, 2022

Anthony is a CrossFit athlete that is competing at Wodapalooza 2022. In the interview we talk about his faith, CrossFit aspirations, coaching, and much more. Follow us on Instagram Watch this episode Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:55 To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. Bam, we're live. Oh, my audio's messed up. What's up, Brian? Good morning. Coming in a little hot this morning.
Starting point is 00:01:08 You are? Yeah. Oh, my gosh, what a change. Yeah, you can see my eyes. You're passionate about something this week? This morning. Will, good morning. Hi.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Good morning. Oh, what's up, Will? No Nike. What's up, Brian? Too much... That's a nice hat. What's up, Brian? Too much. That's a nice hat. That's a nice hat. Too much fraternizing between the staff.
Starting point is 00:01:30 What's up, Anthony? Hey, what's up? Good morning. Good morning. Anthony, good to see you, man. What's up, Brian? Anthony, are you in Miami? You look like you're somewhere cold.
Starting point is 00:01:43 I'm in Minnesota. Oh, much better. Okay, that makes sense for the flannel when are you guys heading down uh we leave tomorrow at eight yeah i'm heading out tomorrow as well kind of wishing i had scheduled it for today though i know it's like it was negative 10 degrees yesterday like literal negative 10 not like it feels like literally dude that's crazy yeah like we like we're training in like 59 degrees every day where in minnesota are you uh saint paul holy cow holy god stevan did you see armin's comments on castro saint paul the city where all the buildings downtown can be got to without ever going outside that's right they're prepared for this weather i want that to be my first note negative 10 hey um is that negative 10 one of
Starting point is 00:02:38 those spots where you can throw um like a pot of water outside and it does like weird stuff i'll be honest i've never tried i'd be doing that i'd be doing that stuff all day i'll be getting are you on tiktok anthony uh no oh yeah me neither i saw you're a man of god i don't think men of god are on tiktok uh i mean that's not why but unless they were there fishing for souls negative 10 um. I apologize to both of you that you have to listen to some of this shit that I'm about to say right now. Someone made a comment this morning to me in my DM saying that the joke about calling Colton Merton a dwarf yesterday was not funny. I truly agree with you two. And I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart uh honestly for saying
Starting point is 00:03:25 something that's not funny this is not an apology to dwarfs or anyone who's offended by the word dwarf or to colton mertens it is an apology for people who expect me to say funny things and i don't and i agree it was a stupid joke uh secondly our sponsor Where's the logo? Text me this morning and said that we have three VIP tickets to give away for Wadapalooza. We are like a real show now, just giving shits away. Is that crazy? Three VIP tickets.
Starting point is 00:03:59 And I was looking at Wadapalooza at what the vip experience consists of and it looks pretty cool i bet you you could bump into the likes of matt fraser matt o'keefe brooke wells sydney wells i don't even know if they'll they they might not they might be like looking at you people like brooke wells and sydney wells and matt fraser might be looking at you like through the fence being like oh my god who are those people in the vip area and second of all third of all my final thing is i want to talk to you about god this morning i want to talk to you about ego and god and being disconnected from the source and that it whatever you are insulted that means something has landed on you you you you you you think you are something and when you are
Starting point is 00:04:46 think you are something you are now disconnected from the source so this and i'll go into it in a little more detail someone in the in on youtube wrote danielle lucero wrote i am with arm and hammer it is an insult to the huge team of people who have made the games work over the years to think that crossfit is dead because one guy was let go first of all i'm not sure if anyone said crossfit was dead but why would you be insulted don't ever let anyone insult you insulting is the worst form of indulgence let's say i'm walking down the street and someone says man steve on your shoulders look nice today and i let that hit me that's indulging in my ego but also if someone said dang, Stefan, your penis is so big it doesn't fit your body. You look weird, and I get insulted. That's also indulgence. That's indulgence in like pity, but it's all the same thing. You get it? It's all about me. And when it's about you, you are no longer connected to the source, God. The source, God.
Starting point is 00:05:46 And it's your choice to be insulted. Always your choice. I know it's hard. I get insulted every day, but I push it down and hide it. And then come back and deal with it later, reflect on it later. And why would anyone be insulted about anything we're going to say about the games. The guy who got let go is the founder and creator of the games and the only guy that's been there for the entirety of the sport. And he's been let go.
Starting point is 00:06:14 It's okay. He's a former SEAL Team 6 operator and Bud's instructor. He's the knife that makes other knives. He's the lens that made other lenses. You get that, right? There's tools that have to make tools. People loved working for him. People loved working for him. It's enormous shoes to fill. Don't be insulted if we're tripping that Dave's gone. Don't be insulted. And finally, Danielle, in the beginning, you the um your statement with i am with arm and
Starting point is 00:06:46 hammer and i just want you to know it's none of my business who you're with but um you should know that he's married and has kids okay anthony hi do you ever listen to the show anthony uh yeah i tune in every once in a while i'm sorry i apologize that you do that i knew uh i knew exactly what i was stepping into so for sure let's see here dude you're dude you've been around forever yeah you think people would know who i was but i i dug into your instagram you've like worked out with everybody i mean like what do you mean like you were on a team with andrea nissler yep who's moved on to the great mayhem empire yeah yeah that's crazy i didn't even know that
Starting point is 00:07:38 were they were they were you guys good as a team together i thought we did well actually a lot of the workouts her and i were paired up together. So she's one of the best athletes I've ever been next to. So she definitely always was pushing me like super, super hard. Was their team good, Brian? Yeah, Minnesota roots. I'm from Michigan. How long have you been up in Minnesota?
Starting point is 00:08:05 A year and a half again now. I'm from Michigan. How long have you been up in Minnesota? Um, a year and a half again now. Oh, how'd you, how'd you get hooked up with Andrea originally? Uh, so the old owner of Timberwolf had called. So I had gone to regionals in 2016 as an individual.
Starting point is 00:08:19 And then he messaged me asking if I wanted to move out here, cause they were going to build a team. And so I was 21 years old and was like, well, yeah, sure. Why not? CrossFit's king of the snatch. There is a I watched a video of you clean and jerking 405. It's kind of old, too. No, no.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I apologize. I apologize, anthony 406 uh was it the waterpalooza one or was i wait yes yes yes yes very funny story great let's hear it i'm gonna pull it up on the screen and tell me and first before you tell me have you have you bested that uh my best is 415 so before i hit this, I didn't know how to use kilos. I had recently switched to weightlifting and I started with 165, which I think is like 370, something like that. I don't even know. And I went to jump to 170, which is like 10 pounds. And as I was approaching it, the announcer is like,
Starting point is 00:09:29 Anthony Davis making a huge jump to 180 kilos. And I was like, oh, that was a 25-pound PR. And then I was like, well, I guess I got another shot. So then I threw this on there and ended up hitting it. So I ended up PRing by like 20 kilos. Twice? Twice, yeah. What year was this? I think 2018.
Starting point is 00:09:48 This was the weightlifting face-off event? Yeah. Dude, that was a really fun event. It says June of 2019. I don't know if that's when it was posted. I don't know when it happened. Oh, I think it's a throwback. Yeah, super time.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Okay, all right. I don't know when it happened. Oh, I think it's a throwback. Yeah. Okay. All right. But that competition is super fun, but also very difficult for someone of your size to actually win because they use the Sinclair total, right? Yeah, I was going against Matt, which was very funny, too, because Matt was like, dude, I had to hit 96%. I was not expecting to hit that at this time. You're talking about Matt Rattay, right? Yeah, Matt Rattay. So at the weightlifting face-off that year, they had, were there 16 guys in a bracket style format? Yeah, something like that.
Starting point is 00:10:35 But it wasn't the guy who lifted the most that won. The Sinclair total factors in your body weight. And so there's this guy named Matt Rattay. He's some people who know him as mighty mouse he's also competed in crossfit and i think in the team division a few times um and that's like just insanely strong for his size and i mean basically i thought in that format was unbeatable at least against that field yeah um is that is it is that um why why do people um why do people break prs at the event i know people are always like oh it's because the crowd is there you get hyped up
Starting point is 00:11:13 but i would think you would just be nervous as shit um i mean honestly i lift significantly better around people i think it just takes my mind off of all of the thoughts that you're lifting, you know, and it's more just like, oh, sweet. All these people are here to see us have a good time and throw us. They want to see heavy weights. And that takes it's just like if I'm do even if I messed up. Right. Somebody at the end of the day is going to be like, wow, that dude just clean 406 and he almost jerked it. That was fun. That was fun to watch. So for me, lifting-wise becomes fun because I'm not even thinking about it at the time. How tall are you?
Starting point is 00:11:53 5'10", I think. And how much do you weigh? 223. Is that what you want to weigh? Goodness, no. We were speculating last night because you're i think on your games profile it says 225 i was like i bet he's closer to 220 now uh so i i thought i was 225 at grain of games i was 232 wow do they weigh you there is that how you know that um i weighed myself i think
Starting point is 00:12:22 the next day or something like that. Cause people kept messaging me. They're like, dude, there's no way you're 225 right now. I'm like, dude, I think I'm 225. They're like, you're at least 230. So I was like, fine, I'll go weigh myself. I mean, I live in Minnesota too. So it's not like I brought a scale to the Airbnb. I was staying at home.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Right. Um, and this kid in the middle is your brother. Yeah, that's Tylan. And how tall is he uh now six three the the younger one down there tristan he's actually six five oh my god you're the little dude in the family that's me i'm the little one oh my goodness oh my goodness beautiful family by the way congratulations it's having siblings is awesome, huh? It is pretty fun. They're all doing pretty sweet stuff. My brother's a graphic designer. So we like very similar personalities, like anytime we hang out, always get together. But he's like skateboarder would do graphic.
Starting point is 00:13:17 He's a graphic designer, always doing art, was coding websites in like sixth grade, was doing all sorts of stuff like that. So where were you raised did where did you say ohio uh oh god no ohio sucks um plainwell michigan michigan that's like the biggest insult you could say to someone from michigan it was terrible and and did you spend your whole life there a majority of it since i was like eight i was born in key west oh no kidding where's your dad from marathon key it the united no way really yeah it's one of the keys on it yeah um because i saw a picture of him somewhere and he did kind of look a little bit like a foreigner i guess key west is kind of like foreigners where were his parents from uh georgia oh no kidding okay all right all right all right but people are very torn on my ethnicity i've had hawaiian i've had somebody thought i was just really tan
Starting point is 00:14:18 um and then puerto rican or dominican sometimes I'm looking for a picture of your dad. I had your dad looks like he's from the Caribbean. But maybe that's just from being down there in Florida. I mean, you know what I mean? Like people in Minnesota, they're the ones who talk like they're from Canada, right? Yeah. You guys talk, say funny stuff. What's the deal with your shoulder?
Starting point is 00:14:48 Which one? Both of them. Do you have good shoulders? You made a comment in one of your posts, and you said something about your shoulders. You said you'd been neglecting them. I don't know, and I didn't know what the implication was, whether it was range of motion or one of them was injured. But it sounded like you had an issue with going shoulder to overhead, and you'd been neglecting it and that this was the year you were going to address it well i'm going to find the post let's see yeah um oh this isn't the post
Starting point is 00:15:15 but this is uh this is one of your more humble moments i found let's see there's plenty of them on there so yeah you're a good dude you share some good stuff let's see this plenty of them on there so yeah you're a good dude you share some good stuff let's see is that your shoulder giving out right there uh dude that's just dude i suck at handstands and everyone knows that and i don't even really know what it was about this workout this is such a mentally just ryan you got to see this you got to see this. You got to see this. That was so, you know. I think the invisible man kicked him in the elbow. So like in 2017, you know, I was like, it was an insanely awesome year to open for me. And then to come back and just be like, man, this one workout I was in, I think third or fourth in the region,
Starting point is 00:16:06 I dropped all the way to 38 after that event. And you've seen it every single year. If you go back, you'll notice every time I'm in a decent spot, you see handstands or handstand walks show up. Everyone's like, did Anthony fix it yet? So that's just been kind of my vice um i don't really my shoulders are strong you know like i obviously i can jerk 415 pounds i've done 405 within the last year um so it is more i think just the range of motion and getting stacked well that my shoulders are actually doing the work and not like my biceps and triceps is anthony davis an individual athlete or a team athlete when we talk about him behind his back individual you're an individual so because you see people who are individual athletes who come to wadapalooza and they're on a team, right?
Starting point is 00:17:10 And I was just wondering if you're a team athlete who, since it's not the games, you come here as an individual. But no, you are now an individual. Yeah, so I did individual last year too. And why make the leap? Or is it a leap? Sorry, I'm making a presupposition there that being an individual is cooler than team. I think more so just timing of stuff so i mean until last so now i guess two februaries now i wasn't even doing crossfit i was doing strictly weightlifting so it was not last october but the october of 2020 i started doing crossfit again
Starting point is 00:17:42 and so i was more of just like kind of get back see where I could be because I had some success at an individual level prior and then I just had the allotted time worth to see if it was worth taking a shot so here I am and how much time are you taking are you like is your life revolving around going to the games, being an individual athlete or is this hobby? I if I was honest, I like to be an honest person. I don't know if I prioritize getting to the games as much as you probably need to. I coach almost every day at 530 a.m. either sports performance or the classes at the gym. I coach multiple times
Starting point is 00:18:26 through the midday and then i also do personal training and stuff at night um i like to spend time with my wife and my friends and do stuff so i don't really enjoy always sacrificing things entirely um and i know that that takes its toll especially when you're trying to be among the best. And I probably, if I was being honest, thought I would be at the highest level. I'd probably need to prioritize more than I am now. And what's that look like when you say prioritize? What would you do? I mean, it comes down to every single thing.
Starting point is 00:19:03 You know, like, am I always getting eight hours of sleep a night? Am I saying no to having pizza with friends or am I saying no to taking a weekend off to visit people I haven't seen in a year or not going on vacation over Christmas? It's things like that. And to to me it's just really hard to say that it's worth giving up those things um do you own timberwolf crossfit no i'm like a co-manager and how long have you been there oh i've been back now since two septembers ago so like a year and a half if we were on a scale and over here was no over here was like the most dedicated possible games athlete there could be um and over here was just a dude who just really really loves working out are you closer to this than to this like are you more is this just what happens to someone who like really
Starting point is 00:20:05 really enjoys moving and working out um it's kind of quite possible i mean i it's more of my personality i don't know if i've i don't have that kind of edge you know and i think it hit me listening to like when matt finally stepped down and was just like how in tune he was to everything to being the best yeah like man i just i just really love doing this and i have the time to do it so it's fun yeah and it's worthwhile because i for some reason have the gifts and abilities to be able to do what I do at a higher level. Yeah. But I do think I sell myself short to a degree by not having that edge. Yeah. I mean, you sound like a guy who just loves working out and the byproduct is, is you can enter these competitions at the highest level, which is kind of nuts, right? Yeah. I would. Yeah. I mean, I've had conversations
Starting point is 00:21:06 with people in the past where it was like, sometimes I feel bad because I know some people who have drilled and drilled and drilled for so hard and so long. And I mean, I took two years off. I don't even know if I did 10 pull-ups in two years. No kidding like wow and i came back and then my first year of going back at it i'm at a semi-final you know and so it's things like that where it just like man it's crazy what i am capable of and i don't know why or what is my reason for not just like fully going all in yeah but um what sports did you play as a kid um i was a football player i played basketball golf um in high school and then i played baseball for the longest probably from like 2 to 16 and then i snowboarded and stuff on the side for fun and try to do kind of every sport. I like doing sports. Um, why golf? What do you get from golfing? Uh, so actually it was my first job.
Starting point is 00:22:15 My grandpa was a pro at the course we lived on growing up. So I played golf since I was eight and now it's been just a really fun thing to do outside of the gym it tests you mentally um you know i walk every time that i play and there's always something to kind of work on so in a way it's kind of like crossfit outside but oh really golf yeah wait to tell me that how is it like cross did you do 100 burpees at every hole mean, more so of like you're always finding one piece to get slightly better at. And the more you play, it's kind of like cross. But you know what they say, like it doesn't get easier. You just get better. Yeah. The same way with golf. Like the more you achieve skill, you're like, I'm going to try to hit this shot.
Starting point is 00:23:03 I want to try to hit the ball here. I want to try to hit the ball here i want to try to hit a fade or i need to hit a draw i need to all these things so are you good like like are you good at this game uh i'm about i mean this is my first year trying and tracking i was about a 12 handicap this year which is kind of bogey golf but i had a couple rounds where i was about six over for 18 what what will do you know golf what did what did he just say did he say anything what's that mean can you google he's a 12 what are you you're 12 you're 12 handicap yeah does that mean you're good is that a nice way of saying you're good it would be like yeah eight to 12 is kind of my i shoot about an 80 for 18 is kind of average
Starting point is 00:23:47 i went with uh one year i was filming with graham holmberg um he won the game as many yeah well you know you've been around forever and i went with him and his dad to play golf and it was crazy i mean like i'd never played it's hard it and it can make you really mad, too. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was just completely horrible at it. They were good. Do you golf? Do you real golf?
Starting point is 00:24:14 Oh, yeah, you golf, too, huh, Brian? Brian, he's a 12 handicap. Is that a good golfer? I respect it. You respect it? Do you even know? If you even know what your handicap is, that means you're a good golfer, right? you respect it what's your what do you even know if you even know what your handicap is that means you're a good golfer right no not necessarily there's plenty of guys that like to play but they're just not that good that's all right too all right fine thanks for thanks for
Starting point is 00:24:37 thanks for contributing to the um conversation oh what's the goal here at at wadapalooza like place yeah yeah yeah to come out of their hat are you like oh i'm just there to have fun you know just to see some old friends or is it like fuck like i need to place higher than i've ever placed there before uh definitely the ladder i've never i've never been like, I need to be here to be satisfied kind of guy. I think potentially, you know, with the field now that I see the full thing coming out, I mean, a top 15 for me is pretty like, there's some pretty solid dudes. It's a lot of power stuff, so I have a good opportunity to take some good times in some of those other places. I like those kind of hard-hitting, fast, shorter things. I wish the Lyft event was a little bit heavier. I've actually been working with Tommy Marquez.
Starting point is 00:25:45 We've been writing some articles about just the legacy of Dave Krastro's programming. And one of the things we talked about with his open programming was that year in and year out, like you never knew how strength would be tested. And people like to say, oh, this is how it should be tested. And this is what's not appropriate and whatever. But the reality is that you got to be strong and it's going to be tested in a variety of different ways. And sometimes it's a one rep max and other times it's moving a moderate bar fast and you know if uh that was one thing i did appreciate about that man he was really good at also challenging the people who are the best at what they did you know like so for me i was always like all right i'm the strong ass. But when you throw strength events that require either fast reps or less time or less attempts, that really challenges the way you attack things.
Starting point is 00:26:37 And so even strategically, you have to really be in tune with, what am I capable of in my strength and i always thought he did a really good job at testing the best at their best stuff too i like uh i like this video a lot you do not see this a lot a matter of fact i can't remember seeing any games athlete ever do this um i'm gonna show it here maybe it's two so you're doing the pegboard without your feet yeah old school is is that on purpose i mean i guess obviously it's on purpose why are you training it like that when when all the other athletes train it they climb the wall like spider-man i know nick just told me to do it like this so i did nick who nick fowler nick fowler oh
Starting point is 00:27:23 uh actually just uh i was watching a video of his this morning. Hey, isn't that expensive using Nick? I mean, now all of a sudden I have some conflicting data. Part of me is just, hey, you're just this dude who likes to work out, and you're so good that you just happen to just enter competitions for the fun of it. But when you have someone like Nick Fowler in your corner, it doesn't get more serious than that, right? Yeah, it's a big deal so so you want to win you want to go to the games yeah obviously i mean like he's like yeah obviously that's a dumb question i mean i
Starting point is 00:28:00 you don't you don't do it like i'm not doing it just for fun. I should say that I like I'm I am competitive for sure. Like I wouldn't spend four hours a day between two sessions if I wasn't trying to reach a goal. OK, you know, so it's not like one day I'm like, oh, here I'm going to do one hour a day and then the next one I'm going to do four and the next. It's a full training and I've committed to that. And so I'm 100 percent into my commitments. You know, and so any time that I even start to mentally get into it, my wife will be the first person to be like, you know, this is what you wanted to do. You know, you got to we what you wanted to do you know you gotta we gotta stick to this and that's how we go about our business and so yes i do enjoy it
Starting point is 00:28:51 and i am got back into it out of that feelings but i am a competitor at heart too as for that uh the legless pegboard you know another thing that I've realized in looking back at the programming over the last 15 years of the games is a lot of times something shows up and then three or five years down the line, sometimes even only one or two years later, a more advanced version of that thing shows up. And I'm not saying legless pegboards will ever necessarily show up in programming, but you never know. A couple of years ago, there was a sanctional event that had like a double rope climb, legless. We had to go up, back down and back up without using your legs without resetting on the ground. So it doesn't, it doesn't hurt to try some new stuff in the gym.
Starting point is 00:29:33 If you have the baseline fitness and strength to do it. How are we getting, go ahead. Sorry. So I was going to say, yeah, I don't, sometimes I'm, I'm quite shocked. Like Nick will have me doing all sorts of stuff. I'm like, dude, I've never even seen that, I'm quite shocked. Like Nick will have me doing all sorts of stuff. I'm like, dude, I've never even seen that. I was doing last year, like so many wall walks. And I was like, dude, in my head, I'm like, how many wall walks are they going to do it in the open? And then open the gates.
Starting point is 00:29:58 There's 55 of them. No kidding. He, they, wow. So Nick was on that. Yes. I was like, wow wow that's awesome hey uh and when that happens are you like man i'm getting my money's worth this dude knew like just this piece alone is worth it oh yeah for sure i think he's probably one of the brightest people when it comes to
Starting point is 00:30:19 programming stuff he's very he's just a very like intellectual type dude so he's always like scheming and looking at different ways to attack stuff he's really good also at not like over programming like not leaving you feeling like super destroyed all the time but then like even when you come to test strength you're almost surprised because you're like man i don't feel like i am doing super heavy all the time and then i'm still capable at my higher stuff and so when i when you have a coach like that do you have can can anyone sign up for nick fowler or when you go to sign up for him it's like hey you have to like be like explain to him that you're super committed um like how does brute work like like i think anyone can just go sign up for uh i don't know tell me one like anyone can sign up for the matt fraser's workout
Starting point is 00:31:12 or josh bridge's workout can anyone sign up for brute strength or is it i is it more like hey you have to there's an application process and like you have to be dedicated and a games guy uh i wish i actually knew the answer to that. So I got connected with him because I had a different coach through Brute that I had met through Active Life. That's Sean Pastuk. Sean Pastuk is now with Brute. Yeah. Well, they were with Brute.
Starting point is 00:31:42 I think he's been with Brute or helped him out for a long time so i had a coach there and then that coach went to focus more on just coaching his gym and then i got moved to nick so i had a different coach and then nick coached me and then i stepped away from crossfit and then when i decided to come back, I was like, I probably shouldn't do this kind of just by myself. So I just reached out and then he called me and asked like what I was committed to. Oh, OK. Kind of just decided like, OK, what like was I for real? You know, because it's it's a lot of work on their end, too, you know. And so. Yeah, and I think that answers the question I was asking. Yeah. That's,
Starting point is 00:32:27 that dude's gnarly. I mean, it seems like everyone who works with them is gnarly. Yeah. He's had a great roster of athletes over the years, but, and still now, but probably, you know, they're a big enough organization where whatever that phone call was, if Nick didn't think that Anthony was looking for what, you know, he was looking for in an athlete or what he was you know would be hoping to provide then he would say i think that this might be a better fit you know within our within our organization and they'd have something for him i think yeah can you got a whole squad going now
Starting point is 00:33:01 even on the other end of the brute spectrum with like matt torres and his crew oh right you're like dang all these how old did you say you were again 26 29 um i just turned 27 27 okay yep i think i think that's nick's third appearance on the show uh can you dunk anthony i used to be able to and i was i so because you're not tall you're not tall per se i mean definitely not compared to your brothers uh no so after i wouldn't call you a dwarf but you're not tall under uh so funny you just pulled that full circle uh thank you and uh yeah so when i'm under 220 i can dunk so i'm trying to get back um have you ever dunked in a game not in a game no not in a game that's the question right like lots of dudes can like not lots of dudes but
Starting point is 00:34:05 some dudes can run like a lot of dudes can juggle three balls but can you juggle four balls or five balls it's like dunking is like if you can dunk in a game that should be like that's like you really dunk yeah you can just dunk like to show off to the kids at the park and like into girls yeah well my wife but yeah i can't do either yeah it's your wife um how long so you're pretty happily married yeah you make a lot of posts about your wife and about your relationship what what happened in in uh 2021 people were jumping off of bridges and shit and putting guns in their mouth and getting hooked on fentanyl and you're like man what a great year i got to really really hang out with my best friend yeah so you know gyms and stuff kind of
Starting point is 00:34:46 shut down and we had been in the talking process and stuff like that and so I was able to coach remotely for most of it because we were doing at home stuff so I would uh come drive out to Minnesota hang out for two weeks and we'd hang out and in four months i proposed and we got married in a coffee shop that year and now we're doing awesome oh wait wait a second i seriously the whole that whole marriage and whole relationship happened all in one year yeah oh i when i read that i made the assumption that you had already been married for like three or four or five years like shit i didn't even know so go back i want to hear some details about that she was a client of yours who were no no okay tell me how did you meet your wife
Starting point is 00:35:35 again uh so she was trained she was coming to timberwolf okay i lived in mich Michigan and I just thought that she looked nice. So I ended up messaging her and then we just started chatting over time. Then we met in Chicago and hung out and we were like, we're going to keep doing this thing. And then we just kept seeing each other and here we are. And so I'm a little confused if you saw her at the gym you weren't living in um in in the same town as at the time she asked a question on the rec room which is like our community page yeah and so i had seen her on that and um was she just doing that because she had already seen you and was courting you no she had no idea who i was wow and then so so you saw her she posted something and you're just
Starting point is 00:36:31 like okay i'm gonna get to know this girl yep and uh it before you met her your church going dude right like sundays is church days yeah and and you're pretty serious about it and all your posts like you show yourself there's all sorts of scripture and highlighted Bibles and stuff. So when you meet a girl like that, is that like one of the first things you ask? Is it a prerequisite? Yeah. So, I mean, our entire relationship was to that degree. Like we did it that way.
Starting point is 00:37:01 And we established that right from the beginning. We did it that way. And we established that right from the beginning. And, you know, like everyone's got their opinions and their thoughts and experiences and beliefs and systems when it comes to how those things work. But, you know, for us, we hold true to that faith. But also, I think if you're someone who isn't even a believer, you know, like setting the guidelines and the boundaries and establishing kind of the relationship that you want. We did that right from the beginning and made it very open that like if this wasn't the direction we wanted to choose, we didn't have to. The direction meaning marriage? Yeah. Like we were like, our goal for this is to be married. Like we're at this time in our past, over whatever relationships we had in the past,
Starting point is 00:37:51 you know, we want to move in a direction that's like, all right, the people we want to be dating are the people we want to hopefully see for the rest of our lives. And if we're not going to be committed to that, or if something changes and you don't feel that way moving forward, then you're free and okay to say that this isn't moving in that direction. And we went and just found that this was it. This was it. And I'm a hundred percent confident in that. I'm going to ask a follow-up question. Are you going to take us somewhere else, Brian? No, no. It's interesting that you say that.
Starting point is 00:38:32 I don't remember who told me this, and I'm not using the exact example that they gave me. But that if you choose a mate and you choose something that's not eternal as your common bond, then your relationship won't be eternal. eternal as your common bond, then your relationship won't be eternal. So like if you choose someone who just likes hiking and you like hiking, then that won't be enough to hold the relationship together. Or some people have kids, right? When their relationship's on the rock, they have kids in order of thinking that the kids would hold them together. But that if you do choose something that's eternal, like God, both of you share that commonality of your love and something that, let's say for this conversation that is eternal and is true, and we'll use the word God to hold that place, that that is the essence of a, not only the essence, that's a requirement, that's a prerequisite
Starting point is 00:39:21 for a good relationship, a relationship that will last you till death do us part. Yeah, I would 100% agree with that. Have you heard that before? Can you articulate what I said better than I did? Had you heard that? Is that why you think that? Or did you just think you wanted a girl who believed in God like you did, centralized God as an essential figure in your life because you knew that would be the only way? What if she wouldn't have been into God? What if like she hadn't found God yet?
Starting point is 00:39:49 Um, you know, would you have like been like, Oh, come under my wing. I don't think in, in me, my personally based on my beliefs, when it comes to all of that, you can't force anyone into that belief system. Um, part of my attraction to her was that she had something in her bio that was like one of my favorite worship songs. And so I was intrigued by that, where I was like, oh, we might see things kind of the same way. And I've been in circumstances where you don't do the relationship aligned with the message that you're saying, you know, or the message that you're portraying out to people. And so when it came to this, we were very cautious and very, we were very accountable
Starting point is 00:40:39 to each other that, you know, this is how we want to be because we want to be examples of what we believe. And so, yeah, I do think if you put your faith and you put your trust in things that aren't for, I guess, to say, you know, in something eternal, it's very hard because those things will always come up short to some degree. Yeah. Well said. I was actually thinking of this because I was thinking about your podcast because I knew you were going to ask me something about this because I know you're detailed. But I was listening to a song from one of my favorite bands. And one of the lyrics is growing up as watching your heroes become human right
Starting point is 00:41:20 in front of you. Wow. You know, I think so much of life is you see what looks like this big heroic thing that we're all traveling to. And then as we get older, we realize, wow, we're all really a lot more the same, you know, like this person might be your hero. And then later on down the road, they make a mistake. And then you're like, oh, you are human. Or, you know, this happens all the time in church where you see these pastors and these people that get elevated, elevated, elevated.
Starting point is 00:41:50 And then something comes up where you're like, oh, what's the deal, dude? Right. Like you've been preaching to people the complete opposite of what you've been doing in the dark, you know, and you're human, you know, and when we put our faith in things that are human, it's bound to, it's, it doesn't offer you the mercy that I believe is available to you. Ah, explain that to me a little more. That's so nice. The mercy piece. Yeah. When we put our faith in things that aren't eternal, it doesn't allow for the space for the mercy of the fact that we're all humans. Like we are humans, we aren't perfect. We can't expect people to be perfect. And we have to expect that people are going to fail at certain points. And even when
Starting point is 00:42:47 you agree or you disagree or whatnot, like there still has to be space for mercy because you don't know how that person came to that thought process or how they got through this experience. Cause you don't know what in that, that's the stuff that drives me the most nuts is when we miss that piece, you know, and even like everything that's going on, like right now, you know, it's just crazy to think how so fast everyone is to snap. And it's like, yeah, people just messed up, you know? And it's so easy when someone messes up to forget everything that those people have also done, you know.
Starting point is 00:43:25 And if you don't offer them that mercy or that ability to come back and reconcile themselves for maybe a poor decision, like maybe it wasn't good. But at least give them the space to be like, you know, maybe I should look at this a different way because I just never even click. Sometimes it doesn't even click. look at this a different way. Cause I just never even clicked. Sometimes it doesn't even click. And I've had that conversation with people because like, you know, I used to work with kids, um, that like I did a work program that was with kids from like the JDCs and, you know, juvenile delinquent centers. Yeah. Um, things like that. You ever been in one of those? centers yeah um things like that you ever been in one of those uh my dad used to work for one but i mean have you ever been like stole a candy bar and had to go no okay okay my dad used to be a an officer in one of those okay sorry to interrupt your story what were you gonna say
Starting point is 00:44:17 you're fine but again it's like i used to tell those kids all the time it's like look i know some of your story you know and some people know your story and they hold that against you. But like right now you're working for me. And at this we're at a local park, you know, and it's like, look, to me, you've done nothing wrong to me yet. You haven't caused me any harm. You haven't caused me any problems. You haven't caused any trouble, regardless of what brought you to this circumstance, you know, but now moving forward, how you treat me, how you show up to work, how you do this is everything that allows me to see the type of person that you want to be. You know, like I want to be rooting for you and I want to help you and come alongside you. And, you know, I think sometimes people hear those stories or they have this connotation about someone because they see the way that they
Starting point is 00:45:12 post or they see the things that they say, or they see the things that they do, but they make that assumption about them before they ever have a conversation for sure they ever offer their like i don't know that transparency aspect of like where you come from who this person is and stuff like that and then when you don't do that you create these thoughts about somebody and then you make a judgment and you act on it my sister uses uses this term, um, um, softened heart. Like she'll be like, Oh, that person, that person needs to soften their heart. Or yeah, that softened my heart. And like, I don't even know what that word fucking word heart means. And I just like, every time someone uses it, I'm like nonsense. But, but I, but whatever you just said, I think you just softened my heart.
Starting point is 00:46:11 I felt myself feel more compassionate towards other people. You nailed it, man. You articulated that so well. Thank you. Like from me. Thank you. That was cool. That was very cool.
Starting point is 00:46:19 The mercy piece. Sorry, Brian. Go ahead. I just was curious because listening to you talk about that, a couple things like come to mind from my own life and I'll explain at least one of them. And then if you, I don't know if you've maybe had a similar situation or how you would, you know, maybe recommend or handle a situation like this. But in this case, I'm thinking of, I was in school studying theology and history, and I was intentionally chose to go to a school that was Christian, despite not having really a Christian upbringing. And in the process of
Starting point is 00:46:52 trying to learn about that religion and thought process, I came across a pastor who I thought was very impactful, well-spoken, and extremely good at delivering messages that people could relate to. And he built a huge following actually here in the Chicagoland area, several campuses. And then he started having a more global reach and an internet presence and whatever else. And everything seemed to be going great. And then all of a sudden, this news came out that he was struggling with something in his personal life that was egregious to the point that he was just immediately removed from the figurehead of that community. And I'm talking like massive church community that he'd created. And I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:36 I don't know whatever happened to him. Is that an allegory for Greg and CrossFit? No, but it's I mean, it is similar. And it's not it's like, you know, this kind of example shows up in a lot of different realms. And in that case of this pastor and in one other case, which is kind of a strange one that I forgot about until just now of Tiger Woods in 2008, when he had all that stuff come down on him, I took it upon myself and I wrote a letter to Tiger Woods and I wrote a letter to this pastor. I never heard back from either of them just saying, Hey man, I've been in tough situations myself. And you
Starting point is 00:48:09 know, it's not all is lost. Like there's a way back out of this. If you ever need anything, you know, give me a call, whatever. But I don't know if you've had any moments like that, Anthony, or if it's, and especially if it's someone that's like changed your life, you know, and I felt so bad for Tiger. I felt so bad for tiger i felt so bad for tiger i just wish you could yeah i felt there's but before you answer i just want to throw this one thing out there there's this saying that as a student your your most important task is it's to never let the master know he's your master and and what i take away from that is is you have it is it's on if you're going to be a good student, don't elevate
Starting point is 00:48:45 your master. They have, they have, they're going to fall. If you elevate them, you're good. They're going to fall, be a student and don't let them know you're your mat, they're your master. They're going to fall. Don't set them up for failure. Sorry. Go ahead, Anthony. So, so yeah, I mean, I've seen that story kind of play itself out, you know, and in my own life, I can be completely honest. Like there's a verse that says everything that is hidden in the darkness will come to light at some point. You know, and I think a lot of times we know we are not doing the things we should be doing or we're hiding something that we know might hurt someone else. we should be doing, or we're hiding something that we know might hurt someone else. And then the longer you try to hide that, hide that, hide that, you know, the pressure becomes higher and higher and higher to eventually like you make a mistake, right? Because you're not operating from
Starting point is 00:49:36 like an offensive side. You're trying to defend whatever it is that you're hiding. And so eventually that defense breaks because the pressures of the world are going to figure that out and they're going to see that. And in that circumstance, you know, I think accountability is huge. It's so huge. It's something that I wish I had more of when I was younger, just because there's a lot of things you can learn from accountability, is that one, you're free to make a mistake, but you're also free to move forward from it. You know, if you're not held accountable to the fact that something is happening, or that something was maybe wrong, you don't, I don't know if you truly learn from it.
Starting point is 00:50:23 And in the stakes of those of that pastor or from tiger woods you know like yeah there is there is a you have to take responsibility for those actions those were unfortunate but from there now it's out so now everything you're trying to hide is everyone knows. Right. So I bet you there is a degree of freedom now. Yes. Now I have the freedom to decide how do I want to do this differently? And it's just responding to that accountability and accepting that like, yeah, what I did was wrong.
Starting point is 00:51:00 But now moving forward, this is the things I'm going to do. And you don't have to do that. I don't think you have to do that for anyone specifically. I don't think you have to go out and prove yourself to anyone. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do.
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Starting point is 00:52:56 it's a waste of time and energy. And it's just sucks. It's like being a caged animal. I don't want to be caged. That being said, what do you think? I see posts on Instagram where people are just helping other people justify, let's say, their unhealthy lifestyle or their obesity. So I heard this. There was this lady on the fit. I don't know if you follow the fittest doc. I think he's out of San Diego and he made a post and someone's like, well, some people can't lose weight. And so I responded to her and I said, are you telling me that someone who weighs 400 pounds and drives around in one of those little carts at Disneyland can't take any steps to lose weight and get out of that cart? And they're like, well, they have psychological problems and starts justifying their issues, right? And inability to work on themselves. And I find that when you block people, when you argue people's limitations or block them from the path to take personal responsibility or personal accountability, it's like if you had a friend
Starting point is 00:53:50 that says, hey, don't be honest with your wife, hide that from your wife. I think that's bad. You shouldn't hide. I think that's like, do you see the connection or correlation, not correlation, the connection I'm trying to draw there, like that people with a victim mindset are doing that to themselves. You're just you're just or a limited mindset. You're just building the cage for yourself. You're just lying to yourself. Yeah, I think that traps that traps so many, so many people, man. And it's it's it's sad sometimes.
Starting point is 00:54:22 I mean, so like it's under the guise of helping people too. That's what's worse. Hey, I'm going to help you stand up. But what I really did is I just took away an opportunity from you to get up on your own. Yeah. And so like even with some of the kids I used to work with, I like to go hiking. I used to go hiking three or four times a week. I had kids that had never been on a hike ever. And I was like, why?
Starting point is 00:54:48 And they're like, what do you mean where you work? You mean at that juvenile facility you worked at? So we actually worked at the county parks that summer, but also just like on my own, I would just hike around. But yes, some of these kids in a couple of the other afterschool programs that I did, like some of the kids never went on a hike ever in their life. One of the answers was, well, black people don't go on hikes. Oh, it's funny you say that. Cause Logan Mars says, um, Anthony, have you ever tried psychedelics? And the racist in me said, no, black dudes don't do psychedelics. Have you done psychedelics? No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Well, but, but, but that was a joke. It's not that black dudes don't do psychedelics. It's that he's a, he's a, he's a really, he's a man of the cloth, the man of God. What are you doing, Logan? Sorry, I apologize for him. Logan, 20 burpees. That's fine. Okay. You won't, like you said. includes you from doing psychedelics. I think that there's, even if you go back to biblical times, I'm sure that there were people that were, you know, very, very faithful in their religions and also, you know, not indulging, but interacting with some of those things occasionally. And I
Starting point is 00:55:57 don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with that. Blasphemy. Yeah. Even that, those mindsets though, it's like, we don't do this. And it's like, why? You don't you don't know if you don't do that. You don't even know if you don't like that. You've just been you've conditioned and caged yourself to this belief that you can't. Like, why are you going to listen to that voice in your head? You know, that it's like the hardest thing to watch is watching like a kid who's 15 or 16 years old, who's never known anything differently. And they're responding to an environment because no one's ever challenged them, you know, and that's really it. It's
Starting point is 00:56:35 challenging to think outside of this box that you're trying to close yourself in. And I think we all run into that at 16 years old, right? Like we're, we're trying to figure out life, And I think we all run into that at 16 years old, right? Like we're, we're trying to figure out life, you know, whether you came from a decent home or if you're coming from a home that isn't great. And it's that reminder, like, cause they are also being conditioned that they're completely different than other kids. And then the kids who grow up in decent homes who still have anxiety and still have depression and still struggle, don't realize why they struggle because these kids who don't have that stuff are struggling with the same thing. And it's, it's, again, it's just a, it's this cage that you are just like locking yourself in and you just haven't even been challenged to step out of it, you know, and to think bigger. Um, is, is um are your parents divorced yeah my parents have been divorced since i was five do you remember the divorce uh i remember it happening i remember
Starting point is 00:57:34 weird stuff i remember like the i remember sitting on my bed that i knew was like made of wood and i remember my sheets were like football sports sheets and my parents sat me down on that. That's like the part I remember. And were you tripping? It was weird. You know, like it's, it was hard to like understand at the time.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Yeah. I feel worse for the others because my brother, the one in the middle, he was two. My sister was being born wow my the the youngest one is actually a half brother um i i think i was three when my parents got a divorce but i but it's funny because i i would go the other way i would feel more sorry for my sister like the larger your intellectual capacity the more it would hurt so you could i you don't have to feel sorry for your brother he was stoked he when you're two
Starting point is 00:58:29 you're like damn i get two christmases when you're when you're seven you're like oh my god my life's over um what was it like um being raised so you lived with your mom and your mom did like all everything yeah like if you needed money for the arcade she it all and when would you see your dad um when he lived in michigan i would see him every other weekend and then i would go down to florida again for the summer what do you think it did with your perspective on women to be raised by your mom do you think do you think it gives you a different perspective on women than other people i'm going somewhere with this sorry i'm trying to lead you i'm trying i'm trying to understand myself by asking you questions oh yeah fire away um i think it gives you a significant
Starting point is 00:59:13 more respect for them at least for me because i was like i never wanted to hurt a female like yeah it was that that was that feeling of like watching what that did to people it just like to me was like i never wanted to reciprocate that so you saw your mom get hurt and you're like i never wanted i never want to do that to another human being right okay my thought My thought – where I go with it is like my mom would do anything for us. Like we would eat before her. You know what I mean? And I saw the struggle. And before – I think she was pregnant with me, and she went to law school, and she was the first woman to graduate from her night law school. And she did all of that because she knew her and my dad were getting a divorce and she needed to do something to make a living. Right. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:00:08 and life was hard when she was an attorney, like the, um, and she worked in business was so bad that she was like considering taking jobs of cleaning houses. And like, she told me there was like a long period where all we ate was peanut butter and jelly. I don't even remember this really, but breakfast, lunch, and dinner just to, you know, to save money. I probably thought it was awesome as a kid. Right. She feels bad. And I'm like, fuck. Yeah. My mom rocks. But I see, I don't see because of that. I don't, I'm almost offended when I see women power shit. Like, yeah, duh. Like, what are you talking about? Like when I, when I feel like I see, like, um, do you know what I mean by that? Like there's something like any woman would have to prove. There's nothing any woman has to prove to me.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Like they're beyond equal. Like I almost feel like it's a step back when people are like, women are equal to men. I'm almost like, yeah, what the fuck do you mean they're better than men? Like I'm exaggerating a little bit, i i feel like being and i had a sister also but i feel like being raised in that environment you you never you never second guess there is no distinction between man and women you're you're with a woman who's doing everything oh yeah 100 i would totally agree with that you know and so i get confused by that women power shit i'm like like almost like it's a setback.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Are you planting a seed in my head that women aren't as powerful as men? Or aren't equal? Like, it's just a weird thing. Yeah. I mean, I don't see a ton of it. I mean, I know what you're in Minnesota. I'm in California. You know what I mean? It's like, they're like, look, I got more armpit hair than you like to prove to me you're cool. I'm like california you know what i mean it's like they're like look i got more armpit hair than you like to prove to me you're cool i'm like yeah you're cool you're cool you
Starting point is 01:01:49 can grow armpit hair i'm cool with it yeah do your shit yeah you're you're dude you're you're as good as a dude grow your shit out grow your mustache i don't give a fuck yeah it is a little different where i'm from but yeah who thinks who thinks that anthony is anthony stronger than the fittest doc do you know who this guy is anthony i don't feel like i should he's crazy strong it's like what's the what what can he what's your um what's your max back squat for 30 reps 30 yeah you know colt mertens is going to be there you better know that shit you cannot get beaten by this dude i mean the last i did this is the fittest doc you've done heavy 30 rep before i mean i did a workout in the okay let's look at hold on one second let's look
Starting point is 01:02:40 at this what what is this 435 can you do this anthony my best is 525 oh sorry pull this guy down sorry for this doc yeah i apologize for even insulting you anthony uh my i don't know my 30 i at in weight squat you did 505 oh oh and your max front squat is what 525 was was weightlifting is much different squat story than crossfit do you know your fastest mile ever is 520 wow where and how old were you when you tested that 21 crazy what do you think you could do now or do you know uh i'm i did two falls ago i did 540 she's still moving but i used to be a lot faster have you ever been ever been the weakest link on any of the teams you were on, on any of the workouts?
Starting point is 01:03:50 Like, have you been one of those guys that like, like they're doing the worm and burpees. And then all of a sudden you see like one big strong dudes like stopped, like little girls are yelling at them. Get the fuck up. You're like, this is uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:04:04 Not that movement for sure that the worst event for me was at uh the obstacle course for some reason for i'm apparently unbalanced on small objects but then the other crazy part the only year i've been to the games like you you've probably done your research. What's my biggest vice? Handstand. Handstand walking specifically. That was 2017 you went, right? 2017, zero handstand walking, open, regionals, or the games.
Starting point is 01:04:39 There is something that is interesting. I wasn't going to bring this up because I didn't want to pick on you. Well, yeah, I did. There is a video in your instagram where you're on a balance board and granted it is the smallest balance board i've ever seen but yeah you you do not look comfortable on that thing at all um you don't ride a skateboard no i used to snowboard though you did yeah do you know what i'm talking about i think it's a video. You're on this balance beam. Oh, there it is.
Starting point is 01:05:07 Here it is. Here it is. This, oh, this isn't the exact video. Oh, you're looking for the one where I throw the basketball in. Yeah, yeah. Pat looked like you needed to, before you got on that thing, you needed to double down on your health insurance. You needed to make sure that you were up to date on your premiums. Yeah. Yeah. That's funny uh yeah uh i mean i will say some of it is so i actually have four screws and a plate in my left big toe so i have no flexion of my left big toe only extension
Starting point is 01:05:41 Only extension. Wow. So like I don't have entirely on the left foot. The balance can get off at times. How did that happen? I fell off doing a bar muscle. Really? Oh.
Starting point is 01:05:58 So I landed on. Yes, yes. Get on this thing. This thing. This is not children. Kids, do not try this at home. Watch him get on this thing this is oh i didn't even follow i didn't see you do that wow the shot at the end makes it more so much more legit yeah look at this look at this look at this like he's gonna try an ollie or something i don't even know i've messed up that
Starting point is 01:06:20 first part i should have edited that i mean this is impressive the fact he's wearing a mask is impressive hole yeah i like the hat actually i actually did that just to be somewhat controversial because it was just it was just i sometimes like to walk on the edges a little bit like obviously i don't i don't play or ploy any political stuff but with everyone who's going uproars i just threw the hat thing on because people were making fun of that dude at the white house oh that's right that's right i'm insulted okay okay so tell me about that do you have to do you have to pee ever not on air like right now oh no okay i'm like okay um so tell me about the bar because because he started rocking a little bit i'm sensitive to that peeing shit he did one of these i thought he was doing maybe a pee dance
Starting point is 01:07:16 i misread anthony so tell me about your toe how did you hurt your toe doing a bar muscle up so i was swinging so like normal kips kind of do this right so if i'm through on the way up slipped as i slipped off i landed on my head and neck and i lawn chaired and my foot actually went so like straight in that this bone went back this bone went back through and it split up that way uh did you make some crazy sound uh honestly i think i went through some nerve shock at first because i couldn't feel my arms and legs and then they came back to me and then i stood up and i tried to take a step on my foot and I couldn't well and then oh then I was like I think my foot's broken or something's broken the worst part was the ribs though I think I
Starting point is 01:08:14 probably cracked a few ribs or something my chest hurt so bad just from that impact there but what year was that? 2014. I was like the first summer I did CrossFit, of course. Do you ever have any like PTSD from that moment or have you changed the way that you – First thing I could do when I was allowed to be back was do a bar muscle-up. Get over it right away. Just don't even think about it. Get over it right away. Just don't even think about it.
Starting point is 01:08:50 You said that when you and your wife had something like in her bio or something that you really liked, a line that you really liked. Is it this line? You're above all else. My purpose remains the art of losing myself and bringing you praise. No, that's a different song. Oh, okay. I messed that up. Did you really go two and a half years without masturbating?
Starting point is 01:09:13 Without masturbating? Yeah. Did I see that in a post of yours? No, I'm porn free. Porn free? Yeah. That's different than masturbation free? Yes.
Starting point is 01:09:22 Okay. I'm not going to lie to you. You're not super human no yeah yeah okay and porn free means that like um you don't go to any porn sites no brian i have a question for you uh never mind that'll be a different show you see you know uh reminds me you had this conversation with greg amundsen years ago yes gregundsen. And it completely abstains unless he's married. Right. Yeah. I'm not,
Starting point is 01:09:48 I'm not a big porn guy either, Anthony. So, and yeah, I mean, when I used to go to hotels, I was more of a porn guy, like away from home,
Starting point is 01:09:55 but like at home, I don't know if I, I don't know if I, if I deserve any like praise for not being a porn guy, but there's just no time for porn for me. It was like, like, well,
Starting point is 01:10:02 like what, like when I get off the, when I get off the phone here with you, I'm going to run in and see my kids. What am I supposed to do? I need five minutes with some porn. So, sorry, go ahead. I was going to say, in my engagement through marriage, I was abstinent from masturbation, though. The whole time?
Starting point is 01:10:20 Yeah. And how long was that? Four months. So you didn't ejaculate for four months? No. Isn't that, what a great experiment. If you're a dude and you haven't experienced that, you should just at least try that.
Starting point is 01:10:34 It is one of the most, I mean, at least for me, it was one of the most mentally brutal things I've ever done. Like there are just times where you are like, almost like you think- Like you're a coke head and someone shook you up. I've ever done. Like, there are just times where you are like, almost like, you think, like you're a coke head and someone shook you up. It's like,
Starting point is 01:10:50 almost like a primal, like, anger where you're just like, like to hold that in and to maintain that control.
Starting point is 01:11:00 It's a crude, it's a crude example, but I actually equate it to growing a beard. There's a period of time, there's a period, there's a crude example, but I actually equate it to growing a beard. There's a period of time where it's kind of a pain. It's itching. It's bothering you.
Starting point is 01:11:13 It's getting in your mouth. You're adjusting to it. And going a long period of time without ejaculating is similar. There's a period of time where it sucks and it's frustrating, painful, whatever. But for me, at least in the experiences I've had painful whatever but there's like for me at least in the experiences i've had with both there's like light at the end of the tunnel eventually the beer just feels natural and eventually i got past that during the times that i've had long periods of no ejaculation and it was it was okay but there was a like a
Starting point is 01:11:38 week to two week period that was very very miserable yeah it's hard but on again like you said at the end the light at the end of the tunnel is like that feeling of self-control and that's a really powerful powerful feeling did you have a go-to like did you have like some weights by the side of your bed like 220 pound dumbbells or something and like if you woke up in the middle of the night you just like do like a set of 50 and then go back to sleep or like did you have some sort of like like a fire something like or like an ice pack like an outlet an outlet yeah an outlet like what like what was you didn't have a plan but sometimes i abstained for a while i had a plan like i had a protocol you know it's another example you better do this what another good example and it's another good example. You better do this. What? Another good example. And it's maybe in a shorter timeframe is fasting. Like if you, you know, if you want to fast for 48
Starting point is 01:12:29 hours, like you could do it, but there's going to be periods of time within there that are going to be difficult. And so what's the outlet for me, the outlet is, is just drinking water. You know, if I'm like really feeling hungry, I can say, no, you need to drink a big glass of water. Maybe put a shake of salt in there. And then that hunger will subside. Yeah. I did one for 72 hours and it was, yeah. When you enter the third day after, once you wake up going into the third day, it was pretty just like, oh man, this is why.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Why'd you do it? Religious reason. Really? Is there something in the Bible about that too? A three-day fast? No. I do it mostly out of, so there are examples of fasting, but if you read Isaiah, the true fasting is doing good to humans. Like don't subside from doing servanthood towards those.
Starting point is 01:13:23 So when you fast to look like you're special, that's actually hypocrisy, biblically. Fasting should be a personal choice to lower yourself, to allow for the greater power to enlighten you, but it shouldn't take away from your ability to serve those who you are working with or around. You know, Gandhi said something like that too. When you're fasting, there's two things. You don't tell anyone that you're fasting. And two, you don't stop eating.
Starting point is 01:13:57 You realize you're not hungry. And I'd always heard that, but I never heard it explained the way you explained it, which is more poignant, I think, even. Anthony Davis, more poignant than Donnie, all on the Sebon podcast. Everyone, everyone. Are you going to win any of these? Is there a chance you could win an event? I think there's always a chance. You see that you're like, okay, this one, the wheels are coming off the bus.
Starting point is 01:14:29 This one I'm going to risk harm and injury to everyone. This is going to be the one. Like the good ones, obviously the Miami Complex is up there for me. It's actually supposed to be called the MIA Complex. I clarified this with the competition team. Very confusing otherwise, though. I made the same mistake. Like missing an action?
Starting point is 01:14:51 I don't know. It's just the MIA complex. Okay. All right. So the MIA. That one looks fun. You know what's super weird? I hate hang cleans.
Starting point is 01:15:02 I don't know. That is weird, right? That is weird. But John was talking about this the other day, though. That's weird because you're the big, strong guy, and you're. That is weird, right? That is weird. Because you're the big strong guy and you're supposed to love them, right? I, at one point, like my hang power clean max was 335. And at one point I could hang power clean max 335. I could squat clean for 25. If I just get to go from the floor and my power clean is 385 but isn't that supposed to be like that from the floor should be more than your hang uh you know what it's actually kind of strange i don't know what those strength numbers but i know some people that are almost as good or
Starting point is 01:15:38 you know even just as good from the hang as they are from the ground so that wasn't stupid what i said i'm glad sometimes i say shit like that brian starts laughing at me usually i mean ideally you would want it to be probably somewhere near 80 ish percent of whatever you're doing from the floor but even my hang squat was 70 pounds less than my normal squat. How are there so many Christian CrossFitters? Capital F, please. Do you think that that is accountability and personal responsibility that's sort of built into the religious mindset?
Starting point is 01:16:21 You think there's like, or is that not even true? I mean, we're making the assumption that that is true. What are you talking about? There's not. Like we could just respond like that too. How are there so many? I mean, I mean.
Starting point is 01:16:35 It does seem like there's a lot. Like every time I go, it seems like all the, man, this hurt pains me to say this because I'm not a Christian, but every great person i'm interviewing i go to their instagram account and it's like corinthians 32 75 philippians 18 22 i mean you even have i mean the just the bible's everywhere on great people's pages
Starting point is 01:16:56 yeah so i mean even preparing for this i thought about this a little bit. I was like, I hope that, you know, right? Like if my personal choice to be a Christian is, and that's how I live my life. That's how I want to be. I know that you're detailed enough that you're going to bring that up. So I'm like, does my life reflect that? I'm an actual Christian.
Starting point is 01:17:22 Do I make it seem that way? So the fact that this is- Two different things though. Two different things I make it seem that way. So the fact that this is- Two different things though. Two different things. Does it seem that way? Or what's the first thing you said? Are you, right? There's a lot of, does it seem that way out there?
Starting point is 01:17:33 A lot of it. Yeah. And that, and so like even- And I'm not hating. Sometimes you got to fake it till you make it. I'm not hating. It's okay. I mean, I would argue,
Starting point is 01:17:42 I didn't become a Christian until I was 21. And I would even argue the first two years, the way that I lived my life wasn't honestly in alignment with what I was preaching to others or putting out there. So I don't actually really consider my Christian life to have started until two years after I claim to be because I wasn't aligned with the things that I claimed to be believing. Now, for short sake, the other day I had a client in the morning class and he was talking to me about his favorite holidays. And he started saying, I love Thanksgiving because everyone just gets to hang out, get to watch football and do this. And he's like, it's way better than Easter and Christmas because I don't have to. And before he said it, he stopped because he remembered that I'm like a super Christian dude. But he was going to say, because I don't have to go to church. And so like, to me, I was
Starting point is 01:18:40 like, oh, sweet. All right. Right. Like this person respects me enough or at least knows that i live my way in such a way that everyone knows this guy claims to be a christian and that's how he lives his life right it's not just an instagram post it's not just uh every time i fail i post something long it's just my way of life. Right. Right. So you wouldn't have. But if he would. But you didn't care that he said it either. Like you weren't offended. No, there's I mean, we're in 2022 now. Half the world hates Christianity. It's, you know, like I'm not offended by someone who. Attacks that because I'm I see it happen all of the time. If someone wants to
Starting point is 01:19:28 have a conversation, I'm all about having that conversation because I would argue differently. But people can say whatever they want. You can come at me as hard as you want. It's not going to change the way I do. I believe this. this this is how i do this is who i am this is who i believe i am and it's how i want to live my life and if my community and the people that i'm around would say the same about me you know then i feel like all right this is going well i had a we had you sound like denzel a little bit has anyone ever told you that no that's the greatest compliment that's one of the best compliments I ever got. He's a good dude. All right. All right. Go on.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Yeah. But even like we had a change of leadership at our gym and some people stepped away and, you know, we have people from all sorts of backgrounds. I've coached people who are Muslims. I've coached people from the LGBTQ plus community. Doesn't matter. Like my role in the CrossFit gym is I'm a coach. I serve people and I serve my community. And so whoever steps through those doors, I'm going to give you the best opportunity to do that well and execute that. Well, I don't care where you come from. I'm going to do my job. But they ended up leaving with the turn of leadership. But even in a post afterwards, they they said, thank you for all that you've done since coming back. And they even said someone from the LGBTQ plus said that I was a good Christian, you know.
Starting point is 01:20:59 And so it's comments like that or, you know, like and I look at the big picture of what it is that I'm trying to and who I'm trying to be is like, am I living a life of humility and servanthood towards the people that I have been placed around? And to me, that's what Christianity is supposed to be about. And so, you know, I don't know why there's so many of them in CrossFit specifically. Maybe it's CrossFit as a reconciliation for a lot of people. You know, if you didn't play sport somewhere else, this is an opportunity. You know, if it's a space in a community, it's built similarly. You know, people gave it the cult idea, you know, cults, religion can kind of align themselves in certain ways. But I think just happens to be the mindset.
Starting point is 01:21:56 I think CrossFit has given a similar path to people, you know, more than anything else. It's we need to serve those around us. And I love that about CrossFit from the very beginning. I love that about CrossFit moving forward. So even like, you know, it's just the servanthood. You know, Greg Glassman told me one time, he said, I remember we walked out of a Best Buy or something together. And there was a guy there. It was around the holidays. And it was one of those guys who rings the bell, right?
Starting point is 01:22:36 And Greg gave him a $50 bill. And he said to me, our only value on earth is what – how did he say it exactly? Our only value on earth – the only true metric for a human's value on earth is how he can help his fellow man, what he offers his fellow man. He goes, there is no other metric. And I was like, what? For your value while your time on earth. And I thought, wow, that's like really – I mean in the most superficial sense you can look at like someone like elon musk right who's like brought or or benjamin franklin who bought us brought us the light bulb right
Starting point is 01:23:13 and and then and then people who like who on the on the granular level like you in a crossfit gym are are adding such tremendous value to other people's lives, not only as a role model, but teaching them how to take care of their temple. Right. And it's cool. Like I hear that in you. There's a continuity between the way Greg said it and the way you said it. I just wanted to change that. Man, people are getting off on you right now. Look at this john young loves you he hasn't told his own wife he loves her in three months crazy uh brian don't cry do you need hanky i got one over here okay um uh is there anything else anthony is there anything is there any stone that we left unturned is there anything like
Starting point is 01:24:04 um i was actually surprised you didn't ask me more about what's going on in crossfit to be honest oh well i i looked on your site you have many complimentary um uh posts about dave i try to keep that separate from like brian like brian is a man of the um i try to drag i've been so aggressive and so um uh i try not to drag anyone else into that do you know what i mean by that like i don't want to drag anyone like i'm in i'm like a dragon breathing fire and i don't i don't want to um i don't want anthony to be on my show or brian to be my show. And then people look at them and be like, man, you hung out with that guy who was breathing fire.
Starting point is 01:24:48 I want you to be like, no, when he was on the show was actually, it was mellow. You know, we talked about cooking and the Lord and going on hikes, you know, like, like that's, I don't want to drag you into my, into my, like those shows. I just do because I, I'm, I, I have part dragon, you know? Oh, and that's, I mean that I, if I'm going to be honest, like that's something I actually highly respect about you. I've always thought. Yes, yes. There I am. Look at just destroying poor Austin Maliolo, James Hobart, my beloved Gary Gaines.
Starting point is 01:25:17 Like I just accidentally I was just OK, but go on. Yes. Tell me how you respect me, please. It's a it's an appreciation for people who are just true to themselves. You know, even like a silly way, like on a Sunday, I was coaching and this girl came up. She's like, can we listen to music like this kind of music today? And I was like, you know what? Thank you for asking me. And like just saying what you want to listen to instead of complaining about the music, not being what you want to listen to. You know, like regardless of how people feel about you. And I know that you don't probably care what most people think about you.
Starting point is 01:25:54 I think it's probably best if we don't let most people dictate how we think about that. You know, you should focus more on the people who are closest to you. It did hit me like a brick, though. My mom told me she didn't like the podcast where i was just going hard in the paint against crossfit like just savage mode my mom did tell me she didn't like it and that you're right most people like i like i care what you think but i don't really give a fuck like what you think in terms of it influencing me but i care what you think but when my mom says stuff it's both i care what she thinks and it influences me i'm like oh shit yeah just i want to make her proud while she's here yeah okay go on sorry yeah yeah you know and that's go back to
Starting point is 01:26:29 the music thing i really like that too like yeah don't talk shit behind my back just say it to my face i respect the shit out of that you want kanye and i'm trying to play some gospel music and i'd rather have you tell me hey can we put on some conway then after we leave and be like fuck i hate timber with crossfit that guy anthony's always listening to church music that son of a gun actually cheese and rice the funny thing is i listen to like the pop punk like screamo music most of the time non-class because the people can't handle it but yeah people are very shocked when they listen to my music taste but and it's the same way too because i like program for the gym. So like if you have an issue with programming, tell me what's up. You know, don't go telling other people you don't like this or you think this is crazy or this is too much.
Starting point is 01:27:14 Because I'm working four hours a weekend putting this together, setting you guys up for what I think is best for you. Just tell me so I know I can set you up for what's best. I'll take your thoughts, obviously, and put them into a role. I'm not just going to switch up everything I'm doing to please you because I have 150 people to think about. But it's like those kind of things drive me nuts. And I think when it comes to what happened with Dave, right? Like we're all like, why? You know, and his comments were like, I haven't talked to the dude in three months where it's like, dude, all right, Rosa, whatever choice you want to make moving forward, we would all respect that choice a lot more. If you were like, had a conversation with Dave, like this is the
Starting point is 01:28:03 direction we want to go. Do you see yourself fitting that vision? All a conversation with Dave, like this is the direction we want to go. Do you see yourself fitting that vision? All right. Because, Dave, you're the face. You know, you are what we have come to know when it comes to the CrossFit Open, the CrossFit, the semis, regionals and the CrossFit Games. And we as a niche sport, niche, right. CrossFit, no offense offense is relatively not that huge so i don't usually like to make this gesture on my show i usually like to do one of these but you're right right relatively relatively we're not i mean outside of the 200 000 people that do or 400 000 people that do the open i mean i get 50 of my gym doesn't care about though. You know, like the CrossFit games. I don't care about the open.
Starting point is 01:28:52 They support me, but they are not like, they don't know everyone's name. They don't know. They don't follow it. And so for us, the community of people to just upend someone we've all come to know for the last 15 years with no explanation. Who's been amazing at his job. And also don't start trying to lie about him. I wasn't, now you got me started. I was in a meeting yesterday. CrossFit had an all hands on deck meeting where Eric Rosa spoke to the entire group. And one of the things he says
Starting point is 01:29:24 is he's, he's telling, he's reading from a script, first of all, which is just nuts that he's reading to a script to all his employees. He shut off the ability for anyone to comment. You had to ask questions ahead of time so that he could script out the answers and the entire staff is there.
Starting point is 01:29:38 And when you work for CrossFit Inc and you're an OG, you know that everything has to be measurable and repeatable. And it's about fucking metrics. Like Greg brainwashed us all to be mini scientists. And when they say stuff like, oh, the CrossFit hasn't grown since 2015. Listen, man, don't lie to us. We see that the open had its largest year in 2018 with 417,000 participants. We all know why Crossfit took a shit in 2019 because greg brought on that ceo and they fucked up the whole open excuse me um with having two opens and then letting in people from every single country and not making it fair for everyone being
Starting point is 01:30:18 more interested in like bringing in different country and all that shit like we know what happened we were there we witnessed the whole derailing don't tell us like you you're don't tell the staff. I know you weren't there, Anthony, but, but, but Rosa was telling the entire, cause you're, cause you don't work for CrossFit like me. You're not the CEO like me. And he tells the entire staff in the meeting that I'm CrossFit hasn't grown since 2015 or that the affiliates or something has like quiet, don't lie to us. We're not dumb. And that, and that, and portray yourself as some sort of great savior. You made a claim. Sorry, this is your fault, Anthony. I take no responsibility. You made a claim, Rosa, that you had to take two months off for mental health issues. My next step would have been
Starting point is 01:30:56 thought that you would have stepped down, you would have killed yourself, or you would have come back and told us how you healed yourself, You found Jesus, but no, your next step back is to fire Dave. You went from I'm, I'm taking mental leave to firing Dave. There's no, there's no intermediate. I mean, dude. And then Mr. Rosa, you post a picture on your Instagram during a major upheaval within the community. People are throwing rocks, metaphorically speaking, fighting, shooting guns. It's a gang fight in the street. And you post a picture of your children upheaval within the community people are throwing rocks metaphorically speaking fighting shooting guns it's a gang fight in the street and you post a picture of your children playing throwing snowballs with them do you know what i see that as i see that as is um you're in a gun fight and you come up holding your kid as a shield and people now in the comments are fighting being
Starting point is 01:31:42 like don't be mean to eric he's with his kids have a heart dude he chose to post now in the comments are fighting, being like, don't be mean to Eric. He's with his kids. Have a heart. Dude, he chose to post that in the middle of a gang fight. It's nuts. It is nuts. And yes, I'm very emotional because Dave is one of my – don't tell him this, but he's one of my great mentors, leaders, and examples of integrity and honesty. Him and my wife taught me integrity and honesty over everything, over compassion, over kindness, over like, so, and it's a better life by the way, people to be honest, honesty is such a better life. Yeah. And I mean, say what you want about Dave and the gimmicks and everything about it, you know, but I think I wrote on his, one of the things that he shared, you know, I I think I wrote on his, one of the things that he shared, you know, I've had three or four conversations from him over the years trying to do this CrossFit thing, you know, and every single time was him telling me to stay focused or nice work, keep working at it, like believing in you. And I think like more than anything, Dave always believed in CrossFit at the heart of what
Starting point is 01:32:47 it is. You know, he really cared and he, and you know, and like a statement like CrossFit isn't growing. What, what's not growing the open show outs. Yeah. I mean, no offense, but it's getting harder and harder to make it to the top. There's no doubt about that. More people, like you're just not going to get people trying to go to the games like we all thought we could in 2014. You know, like it's different, but that doesn't mean gyms are getting smaller. That doesn't mean like more gyms aren't popping up. That doesn't mean that the community itself isn't growing. And it was, it's, it's odd to think about it with someone like Dave gone, because I know how much he genuinely cared and put into everything, you know, and I never do anything on the scale that he does. But even like when you program for your own gym, you're like,
Starting point is 01:33:36 man, I want to give these people the best thing they can have. And I think he really took full, like, I believe Dave's mind was like, I'm here to serve the CrossFit community. And it was his weird and odd and strange way to some people. And it made some people upset and they did like, it should be more professional, but it's like, dude, this stuff started at a garage in California. And I would claim that people, those people who say that have no idea what professional means. Like for instance, in that meeting we had yesterday at CrossFit Inc, Eric Rose, someone asked, Hey, in a pre-written message, why did you, why, why did you tell Dave
Starting point is 01:34:16 that you wanted to make this your departure mutual? And and then Dave said, no, it's not mutual. He posted and, and, and Rosa, and I'm parap's not mutual he posted and in um and rosa and i'm paraphrasing responded to the entire you know from his written thing that he's reading in my pre in professional business acumen you always give people the um choice to show that they have left on uh on on equal footing or or whatever it was that he offered. In a professional setting, you always offer mutual departure when you let someone go. That's professional. Oh, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:34:53 That means professional means lying and having no integrity. Is that what professional means? Because people don't even know what professional means. There's these pundits out there who are like and dave shouldn't be announcing this stuff on his instagram why because the racist nfl doesn't do that dana white announces shit on his instagram all the time who are you to say what professional is and what not professional is you think you think colonel sanders is professional because he wears a suit sorry now i'm getting all fired up sorry i think there's another uh another element of of what Anthony said that's really commendable for Dave and also really important for people like Anthony who are responsible for a community like he is at his gym.
Starting point is 01:35:35 And I posted a little thing on my Instagram yesterday that I where he came from in the CrossFit space, what happened to him in 2004, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Despite the fact that everything blew up around him, right? The games blew up. His popularity grew up. He has his own brand. Everyone's got their opinions about him, everything else. You know, everyone's got their opinions about him, everything else. And in the, in the quiet of his own mind and his own, you know, world where he programs and tries to lead, whether it was a training team or the game season or whatever it was
Starting point is 01:36:12 forward, those principles remained true throughout in the programming and his delivery and the way he interacted with people like Anthony was talking about. I don't think that there's a single athlete who's competed at a competition that Dave's been at that, that wouldn't have at least something positive to say about when I saw Dave, he was respectful to me in this way. And he was able to do that. And as Tommy and I have been writing these articles, that's what I've been like. It's been reinforced in me. And hopefully if people get a chance to read them, they can see some of those things that remain true over 15 years of doing that, despite everything going on around him.
Starting point is 01:36:44 It's really impressive yeah tommy tommy spent a lot of time at the ranch too tommy knows the castro as well yeah yeah it's actually been so fun doing that with tommy and wasn't that one of castro's old jokes he's like no one's ever said a bad thing in my face right you know i mean like it's true none of it i mean we might people talk and they'll gimmick about his cornrows or something or just tell us what the workout is. But to a degree, we also all learn to love that. So, Evan, did you see that? He said he was planning to bring the cornrows back this year. Who said that? Dave? Morning Chaka put out an article, like six things that Casper did over the years that made us. And the cornrows was like the leading thing. And he goes, shucks.
Starting point is 01:37:27 I was planning to bring them back this year. I actually liked that look on them. Now on the other end of all of it. Yes. I like in your circumstance, right? You have a platform. You do this kind of stuff all the time. Makes sense to, you know, if you're being asked and you support yourself, I don't even know if you support yourself on this podcast, but the platform that you use, you share the things that come to your mind. We've all come to know
Starting point is 01:37:54 that about you and that's what we appreciate you. And if people follow, that's why they follow you. It's weird to me to be like a full- adult to actively go to Rose's page and then just attack him on a picture. Yes, I agree. I couldn't. I mean, like, yes, yes, yes, yes. I don't follow Eric, but I went to his page and he had posted for like three months and I went I'm scrolling and it's just 20 minutes ago, one hour ago, just ripping the dude. I'm like, yes, yes. How old are you? Yes. Hey, I totally agree. Cause there's people who will comment in the comments here in the podcast who is just like so negative. And it's like every single one, every podcast. And I, I personally enjoy it cause it gives me,
Starting point is 01:38:41 it stimulates me to give me fodder to crack some of your mom jokes. But I think to myself, how pathetic is – there's no one I follow that I don't like. I don't – I would only follow someone I don't like or go out of my way to someone's page to hate on them if I was like – if I had some internal issues. I agree. It's weird to go over there and just attack him as an adult. I agree. It's a little weird. It's a to go over there and just attack him as an adult. I agree. It's a little weird. It's a little much.
Starting point is 01:39:07 Like I said, it's different if you have a platform. This is what we do. We talk about the things that are happening, and I'm voicing my opinion. But just to almost anonymously drop a comment to just destroy someone for what reason? What good did that do? Did it honestly make you feel better did it you know i don't know that stuff gets on my nerves too if you're gonna call someone an asshole give them equal um equal constructive criticism if not more or if you're gonna say stuff yeah it's it's, it's, and it's also my, it's also
Starting point is 01:39:46 my problem with most of the content producers in the space. They don't actually say anything. They're just like, calm down. Things will pass. I know this is emotional. It's just like this, this fluff service. And it's like, let's drill down and actually look at some things like some details or, or, or stay out of it altogether like like if i if i'm gonna go over to eric rose's page and i would and i'm gonna say hey you're really fucking this up like that's not enough you need to be like i want to see the 10 points of why you think he fucked it up like you're just over there just throwing rocks like you don't really care. And so there needs to be some. Yeah, I agree. I agree. And I hope I do that here. I hope I hope when I breathe fire, I'm at least trying to justify my assholeness. There was one other comment in here. Someone said.
Starting point is 01:40:42 Now I'm not going to go there. OK. I actually just noticed there were even comments. You don't want to notice. It screws up the whole thing. My mom asked me the other day. She's like, are you okay? You're stuttering a lot and you're losing your train of thought. I'm like, Mom, it's because I'm reading the fucking comments on the side.
Starting point is 01:40:58 There's too many people chiming in. Anthony. Now I'm reading it. Oh, Mark. now i'm reading it oh mark yeah here we go now i've had these conversations with people too mostly the christianity thing uh hey mark mark this is a great question what if during the mental health counseling rosa realized dave was the biggest contributor to his struggle? So imagine hearing Dave's the issue for three months. And of course, then then his counselor, he needs to get rid of his counselor, because when you're in counseling, the last thing you should be doing is pointing fingers at someone else. So, for instance, like that guy also is saying it's all about Jesus, which I agree. And like who Mark Fuentes,entes the guy the guy who just
Starting point is 01:41:46 commented that yeah like he's okay he's trying he's calling me out saying that i'm not pointing to jesus which i don't think is true because i don't think it's true either i thought we got all g i thought we got all jesus stepped on the show yeah i mean it to, that is my belief. It is all about him. And reading the Gospels is, and it says in Philippians, which is my favorite book, is like, imitate me, you know, be God as Jesus himself to step down into servanthood and humility. that's how he lived his life was in humility to other people you know a lot of times like people try to frame it as just be a good person but i'm i'm not i'm good is what is good you know yes what is good what is good i believe god is good and he's laid a framework for me of what that looks like now i've interpreted that through studying, and the way I live my life as a servanthood to the places that I've been set. And that's how I live my life. And I got that because Jesus showed me that. It's not just people who are poor. It's not just people who are struggling. You know, there's a whole section
Starting point is 01:43:02 about the tax collectors. That's rich people. That's people who are doing well. It's not like it's not all about just like being good to one person. It's try to show up, eat. How many people are at your table and who's at your table? very nice to rich people because you want them to be very, very nice. And we're all, we are all role models to one another. It's very, very important to be nice to rich people, if not more so than to be nice to poor people. It's all just like, I think you started here in the beginning of the show saying, it's just people here. It's just people here. There's no, like we're all just humans. And if you're nice to someone who's rich, you're setting an example for them, then they, for them to be rich, who knows how that's going to be contagious and spread to the world. You hold a door open for a rich guy and that inspires him to give $5 million to a charity that helps 7,000 poor people? Fuck.
Starting point is 01:43:59 And that's how the world works, man. And I'm not trying to come at Mark in any way, but that stuff can get on my nerves sometimes. Right. Because I've been around people with it's a theology. Right. And I would come from a reformed theology and I'm not going to get into it because that's where a lot of people. I mean, I probably believe everything that he does, but I also recognize where I'm at in this space, you know, and I wholeheartedly have thought I've displayed what I believe Jesus does throughout the whole time. So it's how about forcing kids to get injections if they want to go to school? Would Jesus approve of that? I mean, they didn they even have vaccines back then
Starting point is 01:44:45 no just psychedelics oh nice brian nice again and even with pertaining to that you know what we all think there is always yes or no right what do you mean you know yes or no. Right. What do you mean? You know, yes or no. Like, right. Like, yes, if you believe like let's go Christianity, for instance, if you believe you're saved. That's John 316. Didn't come to condemn the world, came to save it. Corinthians to give freedom. Don't burn yourself in the yoke of slavery. Galatians 1 55, same God as before. So the two best things, right? Mark 12.31, love your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and then love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Starting point is 01:45:34 Or in Deuteronomy 19.18, all right? This is nothing changed is the same God that justified a prostitute. Justified a prostitute. Justified a prostitute. So we have this idea of what is a yes and what is a no, but there's so many examples of that's not always as black and white as we think, right? What does faith actually look like? know you're someone's telling me that i'm making it about me it's not about me never has been okay don't read the comments you're banned from the comments anything you're banned oh you know that's the stuff that again you know it's funny you know it's actually gonna get more fired up than me. By the way, you said deuterotomy?
Starting point is 01:46:27 Deuterotomy, yeah. Say it, pronounce it again. Deuterotomy. Deuter, like D-U-D-A, ronomy? D-E-U-T-E-R. That word needs to be said more often. That's a cool word. Someone needs to start a company and call it that.
Starting point is 01:46:40 I need to look at that. But when you said that, that sounds like some California brand, Deuteronomy. Anthony, you know what's really funny? And I don't know if I read the comments. Maybe I misread the comments. I don't know. But when he had said something in there, and I thought what he was saying was, you represent Christianity well, and you don't even ever have to use the name Jesus. And I thought that was a cool observation.
Starting point is 01:47:01 Deuteronomy. Man, what does that word mean? That is such an amazing word. That needs to be said all the time. Deuteronomy man what does that word mean what does that word alone that is such an amazing word that needs to be said all the time deuteronomy but then also like this happened to me in 2018 at the dang granite games man so right what happened what happened so i in 2017 i was fifth in the world in the open decent yearcent year. Chose to go team. 2018 was the year you took a picture of me shooting my arm out, falling on my face. I missed regionals. I didn't even make regionals for no reason outside of my own.
Starting point is 01:47:42 Right. So if you can imagine a 20 year old kid or a 21 year old just turned 22, who's never really achieved honestly like high levels of success and really anything. I've always been kind of like good at stuff, kind of middle of the pack, but it was never like. You've quoted scripture better than anyone on the show. Like you're at the, like if I had to rank people quoting scripture,
Starting point is 01:47:58 you'd be at the top just so you know. So there you get it there. I'm giving you the gold medal for that. I'm good. But even, yeah. So those things. And it's like I finally I mean, in a whole other compile of things happened in my life that time, like just wear and tear. Like I'm not going to regionals. I was in, I think, a two year relation at the time that that didn't work out. And all of these things happened where i was like who am i going like where am i where do i belong do i keep doing like it's a lot so i go to granite games my first competition in a not six months you know trying to prove myself again to see like
Starting point is 01:48:40 all right do i belong here because i'm running with this idea of like was it just a fluke year or do i actually belong with these athletes and i hit a 25 pound snatch pr and i jumped through the roof that picture you showed of me jumping where you asked if i could dunk i i'm so excited 25 pounds on a snatch for 325 which I think was the heaviest at the time. And then people are like, act like you've been there before. Cocky. And I'm like, you don't know me at all. Rockstar lifestyle. Really?
Starting point is 01:49:22 People said that, that you were being cocky? I was like, do you know how hard it was for me to step on this floor after everything that I had to go through that year to feel like I belong here? And to hit a 25-pound PR, my first ever victory in a competition at a good one. I'm excited. I'm happy. Hey, do you hold the snatch PR in competition as a CrossFitter? Right now, yes. But I think Dimitri Klogov is trying CrossFitter. it i'm hey do you hold the snatch pr in competition for as a crossfitter right now yes but i think dimitri klobkov is trying crossfit what and what is that record sorry to interrupt your story
Starting point is 01:49:51 uh 340 340 okay i thought brian told me that last night you referenced that last night right brian yeah we talked about uh yeah dude that's spotlight shit right that's that's that's just all the the judgment and that's and so much like to that makes me like not even want like social media it makes me not want anything and you know it's funny to me like i see someone do that and i think it's the furthest thing from cocky i think it's like a celebration of like humility and and and and just like joy and love and and like i love it like when i see someone jump in the air like that, but, but I, but I have my own judgments too. When I see people walk out there and they tell the crowd to cheer for them, I have a little adverse reaction to that. Like, like I judged, like, I'm like, what now what's here for you? If we want to,
Starting point is 01:50:38 I like it better when they like the other athletes are telling the crowd to cheer for someone else, but like celebrating after lift, I don't view that as cocky at all. We love that. We love that. That's why Josh Bridges is who he is. You know, like we love to see a celebration. We want I don't want Josh to win because I care what place he takes. I want to see a celebration.
Starting point is 01:51:00 Yeah. And I mean, I wish those things didn't get on my nerves so much. But it's you see it everywhere. Those people probably judge a lion when he roars in the jungle. Oh, you arrogant bastard. While the rest of us are like, dang, do that again. You know what I mean? It's just like, even that, like that, I mean, now that fired me up.
Starting point is 01:51:23 I know, I saw you get, mmm. Oh, mean, not like that fire me up. I know I saw you get, Oh, yeah. I don't know. That twists and turns. I don't know how people do it. I don't know how you guys have these podcasts. I don't know how you guys have these platforms. I don't, I don't make a living doing this by the way. And sure as hell, Brian doesn't, I don't share shit with him.
Starting point is 01:51:40 But, but, but we are obsessed for some reason we do uh we are completely passionate about it we've given it we're giving it our hundred percent we have people like will who jumped on board who uh also doesn't make it a dime from this and we're but but maybe someday we will maybe someday we'll be like maybe someday someone's going to be like oh my god this guy's better than joean and Howard Stern put together. Sorry, Mike Wallace, Mike Wallace and and and Rob Williams put together. But but yeah, we just put our head down and grind, man. Put our head down and grind. Talk to good people like you.
Starting point is 01:52:20 Bug them at the last minute. I just slid into your DMs. Hi, Anthony. you come on my show hey we're almost two hours thank you so much hey anthony how how um how serious are you well i how serious do you care if we text you during the uh during the week or during the competition and if you can come on you can come on and if you can't you can't like in between events and stuff like hey anthony can you come on for 10 minutes and we would send you a link just like we sent you today do you mind if we do that you don't have to commit to coming on but do you care if we just even bug you and try to get you to come on yeah that's fine that is fine okay because we may see you do
Starting point is 01:52:55 something like you know like you'll be in the swim event and a dolphin bumps into you and then we got to talk to you afterward does that dolphin really bump into you and you'll be like i didn't know we'll just talk about it or or you know what mean? Or what was it like praying with rich Froney before event number six and you know, stuff like that. Look at, he got sucked up into the comments. He got sucked up. This show's over. This show's over. Everyone say bye. I love you, Anthony. Bye.

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