The Sevan Podcast - #262 - Griffin Roelle

Episode Date: January 12, 2022

Griffin Roelle has been a CrossFit Games athlete twice 1x as an individual (2020) and 1x as an team (2018). He is competing at Wodapalooza 2022. He is better known as CrossFit Thor. Follow us on Inst...agram Watch this episode Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:11 I'm going to throw out a number and you tell me what's so special about this number if you can't guess and i'll give you a hint it's related to our get 600 the number of downloads on Spotify. No, no, no, no. The podcast is had. No, no, no, no. This is a good guess, though. Good guess. That's all I talk about.
Starting point is 00:01:34 But, Caleb, hi. How, no, this number is related to our guest. Our guest is, what's the guy's name? No, no, don't tell me. Griffin Raleigh. Pronounce Raleigh. Actually, I would say Raleigh. Raleigh. Raleigh.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Raleigh. But I watched an interview that Tommy did with him, and Tommy called him Griffin Raleigh. So, shit, I guess I'll just go with it. Tommy knows his shit. You can ask him. I can. If he shows up. Wait.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Did I send him the link? I did. Okay, here's the number again 600 in reference to our guest back squat max close good good good back squat yes yes now this next number is going to be easy for you but it might hold on to your seat it might pop your brain why didn't you say deadlift i thought i had you i thought that would have fucked you up how'd you know he's a good squatter usually good squatters are not good deadlifters hey that's an understatement right that he's a good back squatter yeah yes okay 12 that is the number that i have him in guadalupalooza oh is it yeah oh that's how many reps he did with 600 pounds oh my gosh
Starting point is 00:02:56 600 by 12 that's a hard number to get that's a hard thing to guess dude that's crazy um i wonder what his max was then this was it yeah that's a good question we gotta ask him that uh this is a last minute guest guys um we're we're we're we're uh we're just hitting up every anyone and anyone and everyone not anyone some people who are on the no-fly list. But we're trying to get people on here so you can meet as many of the athletes as you can. Because we care about you. Because I want to serve the community. No.
Starting point is 00:03:38 I want to take this fucking game over. John Young will be the John Young will be the Griffin Raleigh expert and I will throw in facts like 600 pounds by 12 what's up guys and 10 inches hi
Starting point is 00:03:57 how are y'all wow look at the betrayal it's Hulk and not Thor in the background? Oh, no. He's there. Oh, all right. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:04:09 All right. All right. Right in the middle. Dead center. Yeah. What's up, man? Just got back from work. Getting prepared.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Packing. Getting ready for Miami. You're not there yet? No. I should be uh my fiancee has she's a teacher's and she's gonna go with me so we're gonna go down tomorrow after she gets out of school what's your work uh what do i do yeah i coach at the gym at crossfit dwalla it's it your gym? It's not mine. Oh. How come you're not opening your own gym? Too much, like... I had thought about it probably, what was it, 2018, but that was right when I decided
Starting point is 00:04:54 to go individual, and there's just, I couldn't train and get that put together if I wanted to put all the effort into it. So, I don't know, other than I just, it just makes it easier to have a couple hours a day to coach and train individuals and football teams and stuff like that. And then train the rest of the day. Uh, Griffin Sevan and John Young. It's good to meet you. Nice to meet y'all. Is this, is this late for you? Eight 30. I know, I know we scraped this together at the last minute are you like man assholes i gotta sleep i'm a professional athlete no no it's totally fine
Starting point is 00:05:30 i was okay yeah i mean i get i get home at eight o'clock from coaching classes it's not a big deal do you have a coach yet no no i've been doing it my own uh i don't have a coach. I hammer my weaknesses. I want to go to comps with the mindset that I don't care what I see, and I'll smash it. Yeah. Pretty fair? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:01 I really don't do things that I'm good at, for the most part, ever. part ever i listened to i listened to your podcast with uh i listened to your short interview with tommy marquez and then i listened to your podcast with um um um um the guy from barbend with the fro who talks shit uh david dow yes correct and um i listened to i tried to do the one with the um make wads great again guy it was like for some reason i was getting hung up and i listened there was another one with a really cool dude looked like a mexican cat miru or something he's sitting down in front of a sauna i'm talking about it was like there's like a red light behind him anyway i'm trying to think which one that was but no um there's some great quotes in there man you're like the real deal you are like you are a athlete through and through someone raised you
Starting point is 00:06:51 um like like you're an athlete that's what you are i appreciate that uh that's how i've lived my life yeah tell me where it starts and uh and and your dad for those who i'll give you speed it up a little bit his dad's a strength and conditioning coach he probably um hates griffin now because griffin was supposed to be a star quarterback uh or star football player and then he ended up swerving i don't think he was a quarterback yeah some size right it's all i did play quarterback for a while but that was uh not once we got into high school and stuff like that. But, yeah, I mean, it started with my dad. I've played sports my entire life. And actually, I played team sports.
Starting point is 00:07:30 It's the first individual thing I've ever done. And, I mean, I would say both my mom and my dad raised me truly as an athlete. I've lived an athlete life my entire life. I don't know what, like like vacations are other than now, like when we got to travel for sanctioned events and stuff like that, you know, like going to see the world other than that. I mean, it's a get up, go eat, train, go to school, train again, go to practice. That's how it was the whole time. And then, um, what do you do when you're done with football?
Starting point is 00:08:03 Uh, I guess you could turn into CrossFit and have something to compete in. Because, I mean, it's really a hole. Like if you train like that all the time, no matter what it is, what are you going to do? You need something once you get out to keep that going. It's a structured life. So, I mean, it just started probably as soon as I could walk. I mean, my dad was coaching football, so I was on the field running around running drills. Um, he gets messages from guys all the time that he, uh, actually used to coach that are
Starting point is 00:08:33 like, wow, how's that Griffin? He's huge. He used to be this little kid, um, running around. So, uh, I mean, it just started from there and grew and grew. And I will, I, I will say I do miss not that CrossFit is not a sport because it is. There's a reactionary piece that's missing, I guess, like me versus you. There's not really necessarily that. It's either you're as fit as you are or – you can only be as fit as you are, so I can't necessarily affect you as much.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I miss that aspect of sports, I guess you could say. But yeah, it started there and continued to where we are now you address that with two really strong quotes man this podcast is over just go listen to those other guys um you you don't you don't train just that year to get to the games you train years and and on top of that you say it's a competition against yourself until you get to where you want to be. And that was in reference to the fact that like, hey, yeah, you can't push the guy over next to you. You can't trip him. You don't punch him in the throat. No, you don't. Sometimes it'd be nice to, but that's not how it goes.
Starting point is 00:09:41 You're basically, you show up there with what you have and then you put it all on the table hoping to just be a little better than the last time so if like scott pancheck and four other guys were ahead of you the next time you see them you'd like to pick one of them off right that's exactly right yeah and this part kind of trips me out too when you say you don't just and i would talk to ben bergeron about this i think you said it better than i did um you don't train just that year to get to the games you train years and that's what that's why i would tell anyone don't do this this one's too hard do table tennis do like something this shit is hard and with no guarantee and not that anything is guaranteed but this is like there's really no there's not even like, Hey, I'm getting, you don't even know if you're getting close.
Starting point is 00:10:29 It's so savage at the top. There is such a drastic difference between being this close to making it and actually making it like the fitness level, maybe in percentage is so small of the difference of like 90 to 92 percent. But that two percent is you train two years just to gain one of those percent. I knew it when I stopped going team in 2018 and I qualified for the Dubaiai competition the first year it was a sanctioned event and i said i traveled over the world by myself just did it and i'd never done anything like that and one i was shocked that i had qualified my goal was to but i didn't know what the level was and to be i finished in the very last spot just to make that qualifier and when I got there the difference between first and fifth fifth to 15th and then
Starting point is 00:11:33 like 15th to 25th and then 25th to 35th it each level was so drastic that I couldn't even contemplate like I'm happy I'm here I finished 24th or whatever whatever whatever placement it was but I was nowhere near even if I had scored high like in one of the events I was nowhere near ready or could even see that line of fitness in that top one to five now couldn't even see couldn't even see well i'll go ahead and say two to five because one to two there was a really big gap as well right right right you're right like with with especially with matt like his one is still so much further above the fitness level that is being portrayed out there like justin Darius, phenomenal. Matt was still, and still it could be if he wanted to be, that much above. And now where I'm at,
Starting point is 00:12:34 I mean, I see it. I know where the level is. I know where you have to be. And you're just chasing down that fitness ability every day for, and I mean, it takes time. It takes a lot of time. And unfortunately, you run lot of time and unfortunately you run out of time with this um to where you can be as fit as possible right how old are you uh i will be 30 in like 10 days what what's today the 11th uh in 11 days you still got a few years yeah so i still got some i'm still getting fitter i That's how I see it, and I don't feel bad at all. I don't feel like I'm 30. I still feel 23. What's harder to stare at? What's harder to deal with not seeing the top of the mountain and being like, I don't even see the mountain. I'm going to quit versus now you come around the bend and you're like, Oh shit. I would no wonder I should have been like this.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Now you see the top of the mountain. What's harder. What's harder. Not seeing it. It is harder. Not seeing it. Okay. So that's a good sign. Okay. So it's a step in the right direction. Yeah. I mean, I'm a person that like, if you tell me, you show me, this is what you have to be able to do in order to be where you want to be. All right, I can do it. But if I don't have something concrete, there's, for instance, put it this way, like a workout. And it's like a death by, right? Whatever it is, as long as you can do it, whatever the workout is, as long workout and it's like a death by right. Whatever it is, as long as you can do it, whatever the workout is, as long as you can go until you give out.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Well, I'm going to suck. Like I'm mentally, I'm like, well, how far is that? Like, how far do I need to go to be as good as it should have been? Like, if you don't give me a number, everything that I do, I'm going to feel as a failure. Like I need to see how far I need to go. If I can't, well, I'm yeah, I'm hanging. I'll keep working. I'll keep working until I give out, but I probably had a little bit left to give if I knew how much further I needed to go. That's why when there's a time to beat, it's a lot easier to beat that time than if you didn't know it in previous weeks. Exactly. Three things.
Starting point is 00:14:52 One, it's so interesting. I listened to your three podcasts and then when you sat down right now and you're a fabulous conversationalist. You kind of remind me like of Hunter McIntyre. Do you know who that is? Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Great conversationalist. We talked? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Great conversation. OK. And but when you sat down, you weren't turned on yet. And I was like, oh, shit. But now you're turned on. I don't I don't mean I don't mean sexually. Well, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe. And then so and second of all, that's how you portray yourself in all of those podcasts. You are like crazy goal-oriented. You really – you are a marksman. But then is that – going back to the weaknesses, is that one of your weaknesses you would work on?
Starting point is 00:15:34 So would you work on death by burpees, death by clean injury? Would you do that just to be like, okay, that's my weakness to going into that unknown space? Would that be something you would that be something or is it pointless because no one dave would never do that at the games did you hear what i said did you hear what i said dave they would never do that the games yeah prophecy he's coming back um yeah no i've uh i've done those workouts but um i actually was supposed to have one in training this week if I wasn't competing. Um, so they're not very often because they're not, um, I don't want to say super beneficial for me to build in training. Um, and yes, you're, you pretty much don't see those in competitions. You'll see those elimination workouts where you got to be faster than the last lowest guy. Um,
Starting point is 00:16:24 but I think the last lowest guy. But I think the last one I did was like one of the Wadapalooza ones that they had a couple years ago. But no, I really don't throw those in too often. I mean, there's so many things to work on that I have other weaknesses, and I really, really work on some of these other ones um i mean i'm not the most uh say social guy i would say like outside of what i do because i'm so just goal oriented um that like really that's weird you're a great speaker but is it because it's this subject is that what you're saying no no no um i uh no i just I, uh, no, I just, I, I'm very to myself. And sometimes that comes off as like, oh, I don't, you know, like, fuck off. Like, I don't want to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:17:11 It's not, I'll talk to anybody, anybody that wants to come talk to me. Um, but most of the time I'm thinking in here. So most of the words are hidden inside. Um, but now I just, it's hard for me to like, all right. So for, for a good example was, um, Dubai again, like going back to that, I'm such a, like to myself in my own zone person that going across the world to go compete against the fittest people in the world with no coach, no friends, no support, nothing, nothing like that was a huge step forward for me in a weakness,
Starting point is 00:17:49 like to step out of my comfort zone. And my comfort zone is structure. And that was not, I mean, it's not, it's not structure. Like it was 13 hours ahead or roughly whatever it was. Like it was 13 hours ahead or roughly whatever it was. Being in a place that I don't speak the language, granted, most of them speak English. But I mean, I've never been. I didn't know. I've only heard whatever from people and going out there and being by yourself, especially with a bunch of people looking at you trying to go be as fit as you can.
Starting point is 00:18:27 bunch of people looking at you trying to go be as fit as you can um that was that was a really hard uh like breakthrough for me being how'd you get a girlfriend how'd you get a girlfriend that hair because she just she like fell on you she caught you in the net she yeah she just tripped she tripped right into me um yeah no that's uh that was another i don't know i didn't i didn't have a lot of girlfriends growing up not that i it's more honestly a choice i just they most of the time you're shy how did you get this girlfriend how'd you meet your current girlfriend uh she um came she actually goes to the gym that i coach at which i was 100 against but my owners were like no for real you should ask her out see where it goes because you, that happens in a lot of gyms. Like, don't date your clients, right?
Starting point is 00:19:09 So I never have in my entire life. And they were like, my owners were like, no, you should. So I was like, okay. That's what happened when Jeff Adler and his coach. Yeah. I apologize for dragging you into this, Griffin. You can close your eyes if you want. There's a very funny conversation here in the comments.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Someone says, get vaxxed, guys. And then the same guy says, Melbourne, Australia is the best city in the world. And then this guy responds with, then you should get a membership at CF1 Nation. And I went after CF1 Nation because they forced their members to get vaccinated. So I just think it's very civil. You guys are so civil so civil uh is your so your girlfriend's a crossfitter too she is and uh she's actually technically my fiance as a fiance october but yeah that means you asked her to marry you for those of you i did that is that is what that means yes um how do you come up with this idea I did. That is what that means. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:07 How do you come up with this idea? That wasn't one of my ideas. It was a buddy of mine that I was training with at the time, and he was like, hey, let's do a double dumbbell snatch ladder. And I think that wasn't too long after Wadapalooza from 2019 because I went on a team with him there i think we did that um but anyway now he just he was like hey we should do that and then i was like hey what like we were going to stop at the 85s i was like why don't we throw the hundreds in there let's see what happens um but i don't know i didn't did they do this in wadapalooza have you seen this has this been we had double dumbbell snatches in 2000 and was it 19 yeah 2019 there was only 50 pound dumbbells it wasn't that heavy but have you seen that before john not that heavy no
Starting point is 00:20:55 yeah that's that's crazy uh what is your um what is your max strict press that you've ever done like when you were playing football actually it's better now surprisingly i don't know i don't know how i don't know how strict press is probably one of the only lifts that is though right yeah for sure 100 all the other ones are way below um uh the best i did was actually during quarantine, 255. Okay. This one I'm about to show you, this is pretty nuts too. This is 225 by three.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Oh, yeah. Handstand walk, parallel handstand push-up, streak press workout, yeah. Yeah. And so is that, what is the most you could do by oh no sorry i opened the wrong one there's another video where you do strict press by three with 225 is that he's doing that right now no there he just did one i actually have another video where he actually he he knocks out three in a row um what what do you what is 255 by 1, and so is 225 by 3 the most you can do with 225?
Starting point is 00:22:07 I think I've done it for 5 before. Yeah, but I mean that's about it. I really don't do a lot of strength work anymore. I do a lot of accessory stuff to make sure I'm not like beating my body to shit and breaking myself down. But when it comes to max lifts and stuff like that, I don't, I don't overly push it anymore. Yeah. Someone said in the comments, Hey dude, just work on your endurance and you're a games champ. I've had that said to me so many times and I swear,
Starting point is 00:22:45 I wish it was that simple guys. Uh, it's not, um, I, it's just, it's, it's not like the amount of time I spend in conditioning is absurd.
Starting point is 00:22:59 High volume gymnastics is probably more important for you. I, I spend a, I spend a lot of time. And so like there's specifics. It becomes very specific. Like for me with football, think about spending years and years and years of training for football. What are some of the things you don't do?
Starting point is 00:23:19 Legless weight climbs. Yeah, that's athletic. Strength wise. Like, OK, so like you don't press overhead in football. Like, yeah, you press here. That's why everyone – bench press is strong, but you're all internally rotated. You have poor mobility. So pressing overhead for high volume is very – that's my biggest weakness. is very that's my that's that's my biggest weakness like people would say oh you said something really cool about that too that i wonder how much is uh is true if or if i understood it correctly you're saying that you're very strong going um shoulder to overhead and that doesn't
Starting point is 00:23:59 translate to a shit ton of reps because of your positioning and i'd never actually thought of that and is so you is that why are you constantly trying to find that position to where these three at 225 would translate to 20 unbroken yeah yeah so like if you don't have good positioning overhead like you could still be really strong yeah but does it translate over to doing 50 strict handstand push-ups unbroken no not even close and that's where like i i get smoked like noah noels would smoke me in a workout like that one he's got better like levers his arms are shorter but like he just motors through those when i hit a wall i hit a wall but that's because of training like training for so many years one way i'm starting
Starting point is 00:24:53 from it's almost like starting from ground zero being strong is great but it doesn't translate into muscular endurance especially if you have a ton of fast twitch muscle fiber yes strength endurance and strength are two different things completely but but but i get that but you're also putting a lot of weight in position yeah yeah that's awesome i i never thought how about ring dips or is that the same with you with ring dips um no it's not as bad um it's it's more of the fact that overhead, because of being so muscularly strong anterior here, when I lock out, well, I also have torn labrum from football on the shoulder, this arm doesn't lock out properly. So stacking over my head, especially with thoracic mobility,
Starting point is 00:25:39 is really tough for me to get here. And you should be able to relax overhead. And I can't. So we had that event um the freestanding hand handstand at the games in 2020 and i can handstand walk pretty well it's it's very gorilla like um but the people that did phenomenal in that workout their shoulder their shoulder and thoracic mobility is so out of this world that every bone is stacked correctly and it's they're not tired they're not
Starting point is 00:26:11 musculately holding themselves up i am so when those workouts come up like that i work on that positioning so much more than necessarily getting stronger in that position. It's more that I have to be more mobile and stack and move properly instead of trying to just do that a million times, like doing handstand walks all the time. It doesn't help if you're not in the correct position. What was the first sport you played? Was it football um uh seriously not like five-year-old put your kid in every sport no like so yeah football uh i mean i played football and basketball and lacrosse every
Starting point is 00:27:02 sport i played was very it was like very serious other than when I played soccer. But it came down to like football and lacrosse. So I started lifting when I was in fourth grade. I learned how to lift before that. But I used like a PVC pipe or a broomstick or whatever and eventually moved up to like a 12-pound bar. But it was definitely football. We took it seriously down in the South. What did weightlifting look like at four?
Starting point is 00:27:34 What did that look like? Learning how to do a clean correctly. At four already, huh? I really didn't lift until fourth grade. Fourth grade, sorry. When I legitimately had a strength program. Wow. And what position did you play in the fourth grade?
Starting point is 00:27:57 In football. Running back and defensive end. And how tall are you? 5'11", 5'10". 5'10", not 5'11". Why did I say 5'11"? 5''11", 5'10". 5'10", not 5'11". Why did I say 5'11"? 5'9", or 5'10". Jeez, just trying to add some hype there.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Did you think you were going to the pros? Yeah. And I was very, very, very, very, very close. But as we all know, things are business. And unfortunately, sometimes it doesn't work out. But yeah, i thought i was gonna go to the pros um in high school i had a lot of people tell me that i was gonna go not just like people like scouts coaches um i had a bunch of coaches that had coached at higher
Starting point is 00:28:39 levels go you are the best player i've ever coached against um i think my in college i charlie weiss when he went down to coach at florida came and saw me and was like hey where do you play like who do you play for i was just catching footballs for a quarterback that at a mile of high school because he asked me to come back to coach to catch for him and he's like where do you play and i told him about fate and he's like dude don't worry like you're gonna find your way i'm gonna call belichick because they coached together at one point and i was like you gotta be kidding that was like a like a lights out moment for me i was like this is for real like gonna happen that was when i was gonna be a sophomore i think
Starting point is 00:29:19 as what position as running back uh slot. So when it comes to football, different position-wise, I could run routes well, I had good hands, and what's the best place for a running back is out in open space. So if you can get the ball as a slot receiver out to them, they're going to do the thing. So I played in a spread offense. So you don't get the ball a ton at running back. It doesn't really work like
Starting point is 00:29:45 that so i played slot and it's more of a passing offense yeah and so and so what happened and so you played all the way to your senior year in college uh-huh and in in both positions in that slot receiver position and running back yeah um and then i got to run the wildcat which basically means i got to play quarterback for some time too but uh yeah i knew it i knew it and then I got to run the Wildcat, which basically means I got to play quarterback for some time too. See, I knew it. I knew it. And then what happened? You just never get the call. You just never get drafted. That's exactly right. So you go do a pro day, and I did mine, and I ran a 4-47.40. I had the fastest 5.10.5 they'd ever seen. I ran a 4.8.
Starting point is 00:30:31 4.82. Sorry, 3.82. Not a 4.82. That's slow. 3.82. And they made me run it five times in a row. Normally, you only get to do it twice. They made me do it because they didn't believe their clocks, which was funny.
Starting point is 00:30:46 But I had a bunch of great times all over for my pro day. I did 28 reps at 225 on the bench press. I had a 41 and a half inch vertical. So I'm sitting there thinking, all right, it's, I got my ticket. I did a great job and uh i the the last coach to talk to me last scout was from the jaguars not that necessarily anybody wants to necessarily go first pick is to uh play for jacksonville but um they uh they're like yeah uh talk to me about it and they're like look we'll we'll give you a call, and we'll see you at camp. And I was like, awesome. Wow. And I didn't get the call. It just didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Do people just talk that shit? I mean, it was my first time. These are people's lives they're fucking with. I mean, yeah, but at the same time, it's a business. They don't care. So there's not just one scout for an NFL team, right? There's tons, and they go all across the country. So they got to go to every pro day, right?
Starting point is 00:31:51 They have to see every single person. So they go see each athlete. They have their list. They check them off, like good, bad, whatever, and they go back and meet. And then they're sitting there, and they're literally just – you're just a name on the list. Well, I like this guy. Well, I like this guy. Well, I like this guy. All right, well, let's look at this history.
Starting point is 00:32:08 What do you think it was? Your size? No, I think it's because I tore my hamstring, and I had to sit out. I was out for a full season. Which season? 2000 and – No, I mean junior or senior? Oh, junior. Oh, so you got to come back and show your shit.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Yeah, I came back. There's a whole story to that too, but it's a very long one. But yeah, it was a bad, bad injury. I've broken both collarbones. I've broken my wrist. Whatever. I've broken a bunch of bones. That's the first injury that when it happened, I went to the ground and I couldn't get up.
Starting point is 00:32:47 And that is very heart-wrenching. But it's still something I deal with today, actually, in my hip. So it kind of leads, I don't know if you've ever seen, like, people didn't believe that, like, I've said, but, like, I don't squat heavy, ever. People didn't believe that. I've said, I don't squat heavy ever. So when we had the games event for that front squat, I truly had no idea what I was going to front squat. You won that event with your opening lift.
Starting point is 00:33:18 You won that event without even needing your second lift, right? I think so. Is that correct, John? I mean, 490 was the lift, correct correct griffin yeah 490 was the lift i think yeah i i don't i don't know i know i wish i could not know what i was going to front squat and that just happens to be what it is that day i guess i guess i'll roll with that i guess that's okay well you you saw the games for the first time in Carson. Yeah, it was awesome.
Starting point is 00:33:48 And so you go to that tennis stadium. I want to go back to the football, by the way. I like how emotional you get. Um, uh, so you, you,
Starting point is 00:33:55 you see it in the tennis stadium. You go after that. You're like, yeah, I'm doing this shit. This is cool. And then you win an event that would have been epic live and the crowd would have come un-fucking-hinged and it was an awesome time and you did it in a closet somewhere yeah
Starting point is 00:34:13 pretty much yeah the iphone pointed at you oh yeah no i i yeah yeah well good caleb so this Oh, good, Caleb. So this is the actual lift from the competition? Yeah. Okay. That's it. Yeah, his 450 or 447 for four was the one in the jorts. That was a one and done. I literally warmed up. I went 135, 225, 315, 455, 447 or whatever it was and just called it. When you went to the games in Carson and you saw that, what year was that? Do you remember?
Starting point is 00:34:58 2015. And were you playing football at that time? That was – so like right then, the games are when the season starting, that's when camp is for pro for pro teams. And since I didn't get that call, uh, my uncle had told me, he was like,
Starting point is 00:35:13 look, I think you'd be good at this sport. If football doesn't work out or if you want, like, I'd love for you to come out and come check it out. And, uh, he lived in,
Starting point is 00:35:21 um, Sacramento at the time. Does he own a gym? No. Okay. No, he, uh, he, he, he competes Sacramento at the time. Does he own a gym? No. Okay. No. He competes in CrossFit too in the Masters. He's got MS, and he's a type 1 diabetic.
Starting point is 00:35:34 He has multiple sclerosis, and he competes at – you're a badass. I think his highest finish was right around that year, and I think it was top 20, and I think he finished 32nd or something. So he's really close to making it at one point. Um, but yeah, I, I went out there and you know, I saw the games and it's, it's funny. So I got a call from one of my coaches that I've played for and he's like, Hey, like, what are you doing? I'd like for you to come coach for me or whatever. And I remember having this thought in my head when I was on the phone with him. I mean, at this point, I'm making a direction. Like, do I want to be a coach, which is what most players end up doing. A football coach specifically.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Yeah, right, specifically. And I had always thought that's probably where I was going to end up. always been i had thought that's probably where i was going to end up or do i go pursue something that i've never done and start from scratch and on the phone i was like i got something i got to go do and it's i got to go be one of the fittest people on the planet i got i i've got it i've got to try like it is it's a goal it's been set i saw this it looked like it absolutely sucked and not that everyone's like embrace the suck but it was it was more of when I was in the tennis stadium and saw the there was an event where they had to carry sandbags down the stadium, go over the wall, put it in the wheelbarrow, take it across and take it back up. Right. And I saw that I was like, this is the coolest event I've ever seen. Like, it just seems like that one seemed like fun. Yeah, it hurts, but it's fun. It's a cool event. It ever seen. Like, it just seems like it, that one seemed like fun. Yeah. It hurts,
Starting point is 00:37:05 but it's fun. It's a cool event. It's different. It, and at that moment I was like, I'm, I'm, I'm definitely in. And I mean, after that, I went home and started trying to figure out how could I even, I had to find a gym. I had to figure out how I would make it work. So, um, I mean, I, at that point i just kind of was like look football like after that with football if you don't get a call you can sit around all you want and keep trying to stay in in shape and stuff but unless you're a guy that was uh i don't know one of the like heisman runner-ups or something and tore his acl you're probably not going to get that call unless you have a true connection to a guy that's
Starting point is 00:37:45 going to be like, I'll get you on practice squad. So, um, uh, at that point it was really hard to swallow. It took me two or three months to kind of like get it out of my system. Cause you know, it worked for it for 18 years of my life. Yeah. That's it's crazy. I know's it's it's nuts it's like someone died truly it truly is it's it that's a whole it's a whole other person it's a whole other person that people don't know hey um in 2008 9 even 7 there was always this talk 10 that 11 that if a running back came from the nfl they would just destroy the games with no training i mean i don't think that's true anymore but it may have been not like that but then yeah so yeah in in 2000 let's see when i was a senior i clean and jerk 3 335 and i back squatted 600 pounds at
Starting point is 00:38:40 17 years old i was 184 i was 184 pounds. What is your max back squat? Do you know? It's nowhere near what it was. The most I'd ever put on the bar. I stopped at this point. I was 23, 22, right before I had started CrossFit and I did 600 for 12. But so that's your 600 pounds is your max. And you've also done it for 12 but so that's your 600 pounds is your max and you've also done it for 12 right like at that point i was like what's there's no point in putting any more weight on there you never did 605 or anything like that nope i know so you're made to be a crossfitter thinking like that well at that point i was like i'm when i did that i was 214 pounds and i was like well i don't i don't weigh like at a certain point don't you it starts to
Starting point is 00:39:26 hurt it starts to hurt on how much weight you're putting on your body right and it's not if i had weighed 260 pounds okay yeah i'll throw 700 pounds on the bar but i didn't so it'd be like 750 to 800 around there wouldn't you like best guess percentage wise i would probably say 750 because you're smaller so the higher you go the worse it'll feel i i wouldn't i wasn't even going to put it that i would have said i could have squatted 715 pounds like it i don't know at that point like but again muscular endurance has an equal power output and strength so um but yeah i mean it would have been over 700 pounds just there was no point what's like what's unless i was going to do a power lifting event um there was no point you're really
Starting point is 00:40:13 you're really weak now dude i am i tell my people all the time no you're not i'm like well crossfit you got to be well rounded it has nothing to do with pure strength so what was the best lesson you had um growing up you you you mentioned and i don't know if you were alluding to a specific thing but that your dad taught you how to be tough and persevere was there something was there ever a moment as a kid like you fell down on a train track and you're about to be run over and you're like better get up or is is there a story you have that's like okay this is all on me um oh i i mean i've got there's actually plenty where it just kind of continually builds and it grows how you inevitably just never give up and you always work towards what your goals are um but i can give you i guess some
Starting point is 00:40:59 people might find it funny some people might find it not at all and be like how did you scar a child like this but um so there there's a football game in hey behind every great kid there's an adult who did something to them like i i had amanda levy on here she's a like a insane jiu-jitsu practitioner she just beat this chick who is 160 pounds bigger than her and a black in a black belt match and her dad she won a second place trophy like in softball like in the eighth grade and her dad made her fucking break it as she walked off in front of the whole team and go i don't take second i'm just like what the fuck but anyway go ahead sorry so i'm game man all the greats have a parent who is just driving them.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Right. So so my dad actually coached the team and he always gave me the most shit like I never I I had to earn every second of being able to play on that field. He was not it was not daddy ball. I'm like, oh, my son's going to play this. Like, no, it's you better earn it because I'm not letting you play unless the other coaches let you play but um so there was a game uh in the playoffs in fourth grade and we had never beaten this team and it was just like this team had been winning every year winning the state championship every single year and we could never beat them and we're at halftime and it's like it's a real close game like i think it was it couldn't they couldn't add more than 12 points but it was like 12 nothing 12 12 6 something like that right we've never beaten this team and we're sitting over there at halftime and my dad tells
Starting point is 00:42:37 us this story and i had never i never had heard this story before either but it's about my father um we lived so i was born in california and there it was a guy that had broken into our house and i was one um like home invasion while you guys home invasion yeah we got broken house wow and um later out later on it turned out to be a convicted rapist previously. And my dad normally – like he told this story. He normally parks in the front. He parked around the back of the apartment that we lived in. And so the guy, I guess, had been watching the house. He would just break in and do that and didn't think he was in bed, and I could tell this story scary like he did us at halftime of a football game to get a rise out of us.
Starting point is 00:43:30 But the guy breaks in, walking towards the bed, and my mom screams out, there's someone in the house, and starts screaming. And my dad gets up out of sleep in his underwear and bolts straight to the door so normally if you think about if you're at home right now right and you're asleep in your bed at 3 a.m and someone's in your house like out of out of you just wake up like what do you do well shoot do you have well so yeah yeah i shoot them dead all right think common people that probably don't even have a gun yeah yeah we're fighting at the least i mean i'm right right i'm trying to kill him with my bare hands that's that's what i'm trying right so what if he's
Starting point is 00:44:18 too close and i can't get my gun i'm doing everything i can right well yeah right what if you get out of the house what if he has a gun what if he already has the gun i am reaching for the gun very fast like i have very fast hands okay that's what i that's what i would do i can't do anything else that's what i would do i believe you i i believe you i just know like the kids and wife can't be left alone with this dude at all costs right right but right right right and the point for most people great story by the way now we're now we're awake now we're really awake and this is all like fast second split second thinking so honestly we don't know what we would do it's just right right so the the majority of people don't know what to do and they're scared and they just lay there
Starting point is 00:45:03 they wouldn't they wouldn't because like, think about the most fearful thing to you for a lot of people. They don't know what to do in that situation. You've never been in it. You kind of get shocked. Right. And you're frozen. Right. And like, yeah, if you have a gun, different story, different mentality. Or what if there's five dudes? Okay. What if there's five? I'm probably frozen because I can't, I can't beat five guys. different mentality or what if there's five dudes okay what if there's five like right
Starting point is 00:45:25 because i can't i can't beat five guys right so so for most people like what what do you do like do you do you chop this guy has it could have a gun he could have a knife he could whatever he could kill you right there you didn't even move and over. Instead, my dad decides to get the fuck up and charge at the door. Like, when you're asleep and you're dead asleep and you wake up, like, you kind of can't see. Like, your eyes kind of stuck, whatever. And he's like, I couldn't see, and I ran at the first thing I could see was the door and ran straight through the door. The guy took off and went out down the stairs. Most people at this point,
Starting point is 00:46:07 all right, he's gone. Like, yes. Call the police. Yep. Nope. This asshole decides to go chase his ass down the street.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Oh yeah. So he's, he's running in his underwear in the middle of the night chasing this guy. And he turns to go like to run and see the fence, to go hop a fence. And instead, my dad's caught up to him, and he just lowers his shoulder in his back and takes him out hard as he can. Throws him up against the house, pulls his jacket over his head, which, again, when he told this, I was like, how are you smart enough to do this because you don't know what disease he has and well he proceeded to pummel this man and he's probably wearing tighty whities because that's oh for sure 100 fat yes it has to be right like great this this yeah there's beat up by batman but just with the underwear part or a short underwear combo right right right so yeah and then this guy comes out of his house and
Starting point is 00:47:10 thinks my dad's the bad guy and he's not and they call the cops and turned out to be a convicted rapist and it was i mean it's in the there my dad has the newspaper somewhere um but he's telling he told this story to us at halftime and and all – every one of – I think there was probably 18 of us were just bawling, crying at halftime because he's telling us this really messed up story. But the whole point was that he drove home. It's like you're losing. You're frozen. You've never beaten this team. You don't know what to do.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Are you going to get the fuck up and do something about it? Or are you going to sit there again and just let someone take your wife, take your football game? Yeah. It's an extreme analogy, but like, I wonder if that flies today. I wonder if your dad, the woke crowd comes and gets your dad. Oh, that's it's a wrap. Yeah. Oh yeah culture for sure. Yeah. Oh, yeah, for sure. So do you guys win the game? Oh, yeah. Dude, we came out and just smacked this team. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:48:13 I still remember like the sound of the hits in this game. And this is in fourth grade. But, oh, dude, yeah. So we came back and we won that game. Fourth grade? That was fourth grade, not when you're 14? Fourth grade. Yeah, we came back, won that game that was fourth grade not when you're 14 fourth grade yeah we came back
Starting point is 00:48:25 won that game we went we won the rest of the playoff games and won the super bowl for that age group which kind of shows y'all were being a bunch of punks in the first half if you're right you're absolutely right but it was it was something that really stuck with me it was like it doesn't matter how you feel at that moment. You're in it whether you want to be or not. Are you going to change what's happening right now? Are you going to dig deep and figure out how to beat what's in front of you? Or are you just going to sit there and lay down and take it?
Starting point is 00:49:01 That's how I approach everything. Like, I mean, every athlete has some type of performance anxiety as they're getting ready, whether it's good or bad or whatever. And, like, do you stay frozen? Do you let that sit? Or do you go and attack? And all these athletes, like, I truly admire a lot of these games athletes. Like, every time you go out there and step on the floor like you've you've got to attack like you can't just sit there and take it right. Otherwise you wouldn't be where you're at. And it's just that's how I've taken every day and every sport and every training moment I've had. I've had and grown off of that every year. And it's definitely something, I mean, I'm going to instill in the children that I have, like, it's, I think it's a good lesson and like,
Starting point is 00:49:52 do something about it. Don't be a victim, get up and attack, like be an attack dog, go after it, go get it. So I don't know. What's your dad's name? Roger. R-O-G-E-R. And your parents were together growing up? Yeah. Yeah. Until I was 16 or 17. And then would you hear a lot? Roger, don't be so hard on Griffin. Did she have to jump in between you and your dad? No, I don't think so he was really good at um at pushing me when he knew that it was more to pull out of me but also not like crossing like a line i mean one time this is this is a problem there's another football store if you yes yes yes um all right this one was not as long this one wait one question real quick did you want to impress your dad? I definitely want to make him proud.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Yeah. Yeah. Okay, good. I think all kids want to do that. Yeah, all kids do. Like, I wanted to make him proud. I want my mom proud. I want everybody that, like, has believed in me proud, right?
Starting point is 00:50:57 Right. And they did believe in you? Yeah. Oh, for sure. Absolutely. My mom's still kind of mad about missing a lot of the vacations growing up because I told her I had to practice or I needed to do something for sports when it wasn't mandatory. I'm with you. Fuck the vacations. But yeah, this one was, as an athlete, I think this might have been my first year of football. And I wasn't very good. I wasn't. I really wasn't. I didn't play much. Don't Trudy, you don't have to do this.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. How old were you? Second grade, whatever age that is. Okay, and this is with pads. This is like Pop Warner. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Yeah, yeah, yeah. second grade whatever age that is okay and this is with pads this is like pop warner oh yeah this is yeah yeah yeah yeah uh do they even do they even play uh padded football in in like fifth grade anymore i think they do i don't know what age group they changed to like they do have flag at a certain age now but they turn the high schools into having that like pop warner instead of like at a park or whatever it's turned into the high schools and taken it over. But I don't know. I don't know what grade it changes. But yes, they do definitely a fifth grade and fourth grade.
Starting point is 00:52:30 I don't know what it is below that. So in second grade, you were in pads, like putting your head down and hitting dudes. Oh, yeah. Sorry, John. You're good. You're good. Go ahead, Griffin. So there's just, you know, my my dad knows I'm a good athlete but i'm i'm too soft like i i i cried when uh um during the lion king when mufasa dies like i was soft like in that sense i mean a lot of people
Starting point is 00:52:56 i know it's hard i know that's hard i know it's heartfelt but like bawling like i couldn't even watch the movie type of thing as a child as a child i cried when he told the dog to go away ah man yeah it's rough it's rough but like in the football game like you can't be like that like watch the movie type of thing as a child. I cried at Air Bud when he told the dog to go away. Ah, man. Yeah, it's rough. It's rough. But, like, in the football game, like, you can't be like that. Like, that's not the time to be like that.
Starting point is 00:53:15 And there was a time where, like, I don't know. I'm just getting my ass beat, right? And I think this time I was playing nose guard my first year. I played offensive line and nose guard my first year. Is nose guard the guy who snaps the ball it's the guy crossing the guy that snaps the ball on defense yeah and um i'm just getting worked and my dad goes wait isn't that the fun position because the guy in front of you is focused on the ball and you can just tee off on it it definitely can be especially at a young age for sure were you over the weight limit to carry the ball is that why this was going on?
Starting point is 00:53:46 No, dude, no. I was the smallest kid alive. Oh, okay. Smallest kid alive. I love it, I love it. I was tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny. Like a little pink thing. You were just a little pink thing. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:53:56 I was always the smallest kid on every team I've ever played. I'm only squatting 300 pounds at this time. Gotcha. Trina, for a shy person, Griffin is good for a yarn. That must be some Southern shit. It's good for a yarn. I've never heard that. I don't think it's Southern.
Starting point is 00:54:14 I'll take it as a compliment. So we're at practice. I'm just getting my ass beat, and my dad goes, you know what? If you want to play like goes, you know what? If you want to play like that, you want to, I mean, this is not to offense to anyone, but let's go ahead and say this.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Oh, do you want to play like a cheerleader? Are you a girl? Like, do you want to play like a girl? Sexist. Take your pad, take your,
Starting point is 00:54:36 take your pads off. I want you to take your pads off right now. And you're going to go over there with the cheerleaders and practice with the cheerleaders. Second grade. Dude, that would have been a good move i think that's gone over there you should have gone over there naked and jumped on them oh right jesus that's not where my mind went seven all right cheerleaders um yeah so you know sit sits me over on the bit like i have to have to go sit on the bench. I'm out. Oh, it's timeout, timeout.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Having a yarn meeting, completely unrelated to string or twine, it means to have a chat, a discussion, generally very informal. Often, yeah, yeah, I'm telling you, this guy's a great conversationalist. He's like Hunter McIntyre. He's confused. He thinks he's quiet, but he's not. It's okay. I think if we combined Griffin with Hunter,
Starting point is 00:55:24 that would make a crossfit games champion that's great about it if you think about it those words have been said before yes okay okay so thank you caleb uh okay so um your dad told you to go play with the cheerleaders yeah yeah and uh i'm over there crying with my helmet on, pissed, pissed off, so pissed. One of the coaches goes over to my dad and is like, that was a little harsh. I left out some of the expletives, but anyway, pretty rough. He's like, just watch. He goes over and gets me.
Starting point is 00:55:59 He's like, all right, you're back in. Three plays later, lets me sit there just pissed off. He looks at the coach the coach, watch this. I went through the center, took the ball from him, hit the quarterback, drove him into the running back five plays, five plays in a row. And the coach looks over to, to my dad and was like, what the fuck did you do? And he's like, he's got more in him. You just got to know how to piss him off and at that
Starting point is 00:56:27 that lesson truly i took that into football and how i trained the rest of my life was like i i realized like i needed to get pissed off really you figured out the switch right there as a seven year old boy you remember being like having some sort of like, aha. Yeah. And like at that age, it's not like I could piss myself off super like easily. But as I got older, I learned how to channel that and actually get angry. And to the point where when I was a senior in high school, like I would tell myself before every game and just a realization was like. Everyone else is at a disadvantage. They have to tackle you. Like, you have to actually go all the way down.
Starting point is 00:57:12 They are at a disadvantage. Don't go down. Do not get tackled. And I would get so pissed before a game just thinking about someone coming to play thinking they could tackle me. Like, fuck that. No, you can't. So you're like the water boy.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Dude, yes. I'd say more athletic and probably without the speech impediment, but yes. Wow. That's what I'm picking up right now. Hey, you never got into drugs, did you? No. Yeah, you would be a terror on cocaine. You should never do cocaine.
Starting point is 00:57:41 You would just like, you would would just you'd be a terror yeah i was not i was not the party guy i wasn't the i i didn't i didn't drink with you know like i was one of the star athletes but i wasn't the uh like the popular like drinking kid or jesus i mean that's what that's the number i wore in college oh my gosh that works out so perfect um selfishly tell me um my kids don't do any team sports they only do individual they do tennis jujitsu and skateboarding and and so i have two questions for you i don't want to forget i'm gonna ask both of them um let's talk about the difference between team sports and individual sports and what they develop as a kid. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Why maybe both are important. And then, um, the other thing, do you think that school's important? Do you think that you could have just like not have done school, like just done 20 minutes of math and 20 minutes of English every single day, gone up all the way to calculus, gone to diagramming sentences and, and really mastered that. And then just really focused and you would have learned everything you needed to know in life from just tons of professional coaching so two those are i guess the two questions well so i guess it depends like what do you would you send your kid to school or would you home kid your home school your kid i'll send my
Starting point is 00:58:59 kid to school i think i think it's good um like not that bullying is good by any means. But like on a football team or like – and here's like the team aspect or whatever. Like you don't necessarily get bullied, but you get pushed. You get pushed. You get hazed. People need to get hazed. Yeah, and it's not even like a – it's definitely hazing, but it's not necessarily like, oh, you're going to get your head shaved because we don't like you. It's you're going to get hazed on the football field because you suck.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Right. And like there is a lesson to that where you need to learn to stick up for yourself. You need to learn to work on what you need to work on to get better so you don't get your ass beat like that. And your teammates are also, after that, going to learn to respect better so you don't get your ass beat like that and your teammates are also after that going to learn to respect you if you do and it's a good lesson of learning like you got to earn respect like it's not given respect isn't just necessarily given to somebody you've got to earn it um and i think in a team sport like theaderie, that's one thing I miss the most. It's just camaraderie between teammates and the will and sacrifice you all put together to go accomplish a goal. So like in that sense for a team, like I think it's I think it's important to be on a team sport, learn to work together with someone to achieve a bigger goal.
Starting point is 01:00:27 work together with someone to achieve a bigger goal um school wise i think um like i would definitely send my kids to school and they just need they'd have to learn on like yeah it's not it's not always the best it's not always the greatest thing in the world but not all jobs either when you get in the real world you do things you don't want to do have you ever had a real job i mean what's considered real jobs you know like starbucks or the gas station yeah yeah yeah for sure possibly yes oh yes yes yes yes yes yes sorry yes absolutely oh and did you know so thank you john our sponsor if it doesn't if something doesn't work out for you at crossfit doula doula yeah twala um go to punch in your you know what what you're capable of how many hours what country you
Starting point is 01:01:12 live in um and you can get a job there but the the is giving away three free tickets vip tickets to wadapalooza and you can go to the real sebon podcast instagram account and i think will's giving them away will runs that account is that caleb is that is that uh that's correct oh thank you oh there it is oh thank you look at you look how fast you are look at that and do we know how you get them does it say we are giving away three vip tickets to go to wadapalooza you also get a lock of griffin raleigh's hair holy i'll send it to you i'll send it to you um i'll hand deliver to you if you're there how to enter follow our account tag a friend below share this post oh yeah so it's like we're like a real
Starting point is 01:01:56 i've already got a lot of entries so better get on it thank you caleb i think we're having matt o'keefe on tomorrow yeah i think we're having matt o'keefe on tomorrow night maybe we'll let him pick it we'll scroll through and be like oh you pick it i don't know what will i shouldn't i shouldn't micromanage well okay okay what are you doing out here get back there at your uh your porn hub station yeah there you go get get back there at your uh uh your porn hub station yeah there you go um uh so so so football was your passion now you switch to crossfit and is the is the um target in sight like as you set these goals are you seeing it come together are you 30 and like oh shit this is really happening or are you like oh dude i'm
Starting point is 01:02:45 screwed no no i definitely i definitely see it um the closest glimpse i had was norway right before covet and all the shutdowns and all that stuff um i had i had hit the right stride of training um and went over there and competed and that was it was there was a huge lesson i learned in that competition was as i said earlier you don't really mess with anybody else like like you're as good as you are versus somebody else however there is one caveat to that and this i learned it in this competition was in a workout that's relatively quick, you can push your pace and everyone else is going to feel that. Now you don't have to follow, but some idiot is going to, it's going to happen. And if they aren't prepared, they're going to blow up. They're not playing their game, right? And if you know in
Starting point is 01:03:47 that event where your fitness capability is and you can push it to make that other person blow up and then ease out a little bit and then finish fast at the end where you know they're going to explode. I learned how to do that. And it was in a ring muscle-up workout. And that was the first time I realized I knew how fit I was and where I needed to be and the fitness level I needed to have in order to win or at least give myself a chance. And it is very, I will say it's very difficult to get back to that because it takes, it takes time. It's not like, oh, I'm going to train for nine weeks and I'm that fit again. You can stay in shape, but you can't stay in that shape all year round. Um, I mean, Matt always talks about how he took a lot of time off Fraser. Um, so I tried to actually
Starting point is 01:04:41 take some time off after this last year. Um, were you successful? You said you tried to actually take some time off after this last year. Were you successful? You said you tried to. Yes and no. I had bought a house a year and a half ago, and I spent a lot of time working on that. So I got really stuck into it. I remodeled the entire thing. It was an as-is, needed-to-be-fixed-up type of house.
Starting point is 01:05:01 But yeah, that took a lot of time away from it. Do you know how to do that stuff? You know how to do that stuff you know how to do that stuff yeah who taught you my entire house the i put a movie theater in the basement put a in-law suite put a kitchen in the basement um read it all the flooring uh what state what state georgia oh so you don't there's no like building inspector in georgia you just do what you want no no there's inspectors. Oh, all right. That was a dig. That was a dig.
Starting point is 01:05:30 This guy's really handsome and articulate. Well, thank you, Bruce. Is that his real name, Bruce Wayne? That is ridiculously fire if it is. By the way, my favorite superhero is Batman. It's not actually thor but i just look
Starting point is 01:05:46 like him you couldn't look like bradman i know i don't i wish dude i wish i looked like bruce wayne but i don't so you're saying something really interesting here that we brought up on the prediction show um do you think that so so this is gonna be the first time i think ricky and velner see each other and we know what happened. Ricky was on the podium and then later tested positive. And Vellner had those moments taken away from him where he couldn't get that picture of him on the second, you know, standing next to Matt. Right. What kind of head games, what kind of shit's going to be going on out there when they're in the aisles, they're in the rows next to each other?
Starting point is 01:06:23 Are you asking me or Griffin? Either. Either. Let's goiffin in square number two first uh for some of them it's going to be going on for sure for a lot of us that i for a lot of us it won't be because right now if you're peaked in your fitness you're screwed for the rest of the season that's not just you that's anybody you you you know that that's like and i and i trust you for that too because i mean you can't you can't you can't maintain that you're gonna get injured okay um something there'll be a setback and then it's gonna be another setback and it just it tumbles like that.
Starting point is 01:07:07 So there are people that are peaked for this event. Absolutely. There's no way because the ego, the lights, camera, action, all that stuff, and the money, yeah, I could see why you'd want to be. But if your goal is to go and smoke Wadapalooza and not speaking like pat velner stupidly fit right like he might not even he's not he's not gonna be peaked and he still might win um but there's other guys that are definitely gunning for that and it's just not it's not gonna benefit them in the long run for the games um if you're on a true training program for this season. And it's something I've taught myself to understand. So there will be guys that are playing these head games and stuff like that,
Starting point is 01:07:56 but me personally, I'm just looking to improve on the things that I've worked on on weaknesses, not so much where I place overall at Wadapalooza, just because of the training I've been doing. It has not been leading up for Wadapalooza. I need to be the best at Wadapalooza. It's how can I be the best in seven months, six months. And it starts with building a good base of the things that i need to fix on my weaknesses is this true is she joking ricky's head game is strong is it is it i don't i don't is it what's that uh oh really did that joke just go over my head i okay i did it okay i wish i would have said that i wish i would have said that. I wish I would have said that. That's mine. I wonder if she's related to Matt McCloud because he's Australian.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Oh, that's a great. God, I can't believe I screwed that up. He had no idea about that, Griffin. And so you started laughing. He was going to leave that on there. Should have. She just left it. Oh, he got rid of himself.
Starting point is 01:09:05 And that really messed him up. Did you see our prediction show, Griffin? I saw some of them come out, and I'd agree, I think, for the most part. Well, me and Brian differ on you. You are our biggest difference. So I'll say this. You are our biggest difference. So I'll say this.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Well, I know for Norway, he did not think I was going to do that well there. Most people didn't, and that's fine. And then we had the semifinal, the online semifinal. And I saw the prediction placement. And I took a little bit of offense to that because I was in a good place. I was in good fitness. And I'll say this. I think I ended up where he placed me or where it ended up. However, I had two penalties online, and we tried to find out why, and nobody – they're on my YouTube.
Starting point is 01:09:59 Like no one had a problem with them, and the two penalties – The muscle-up workout and the rope climb workout? How did we go from talking about head to workouts for one second okay sorry go ahead sorry yeah and then and then uh the fran the friendly fran workout um i would have qualified if i didn't get those penalties um from my original scores um and it happens but when i saw that, I was like, no, I'm going to finish a lot higher than this. And like I said, I would have finished in the top five if those scores had stood. So it's all good. But yeah, I would agree with what's going on for Wadapalooza. I think that's probably the right look of who's going to finish near the top.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Mom, that was not me who did that my mom has told me that the show has gotten a little too crass and it's gotten pretty squirrely at times but that was some one of the people who said uh ricky's head game is strong i mean i wish i would have said that mom but i didn't it keeps the people entertained yes thank you i told my mom that i'm gonna give you her So, so, so let's go back to that real quick. So John, John, what do you think is that going to, those two have some, like, they're going to Patrick's not going to want Ricky to beat him in any events, right? Like it would be nice for Patrick just to be like, I mean,
Starting point is 01:11:16 I think there are some events where he realizes like Ricky has very specific strengths. It's like if Patrick, Patrick shouldn't expect to beat Griffin at the strength workout it's just it's just probably not gonna happen likewise with Ricky Ricky's proven his endurance is top tier and that I mean I'm gonna go ahead and say he has the best engine in CrossFit until somebody beats him I used to think it was Roman and then he beat roman yeah so i i i think patrick understands that ricky and this is why ricky has weaknesses too because he is so strong at one end of the spectrum that it hurts him in other ends and so i don't think patrick can expect to beat him at every
Starting point is 01:11:58 workout but especially the crossfit workouts i think, you know, he doesn't want Ricky to win anything. Right. Probably except the endurance one. And then he kind of understands where he's at at that one. Does Ricky win the Toast-A-Bar run event at the games last year? It's a possibility. I'm not going to say he, he's not going to be in the running.
Starting point is 01:12:22 I'd agree. Are you familiar with Colton Mertens,iffin yeah have you ever trained with him similar athletes i'm surprised you haven't yeah no i never have but yeah i know he is i mean it's pretty damn fit where do you i know you said what you wanted from there. Basically, you're going there to test out some of the things you've been working on, if I understand correctly, right? Right. Take your race car and see how it does around turn number two because in the past, it maybe wasn't the best turn number two. Is there any – there's no placement that you want? You don't want to be in the top 20?
Starting point is 01:13:01 I mean it really is a savage pack of dudes. I mean don't get me wrong. I'd love to be like, oh, I'm going to finish in the top 20 i mean it really is a savage pack of dudes i mean don't be wrong i'd love to you know like be like oh i'm gonna finish in the top 10 and that's my goal but it's i'll also say this i had the old flu rona or whatever that just went through um the south uh like that three weeks ago yeah well apparently it's a real thing uh getting the flu and covid at the same time um knocked me out for a week, uh, three over Christmas. And Noah has that now too, right. Or something. Uh, I know he had, he had COVID or he had, he got sick or something. And a lot of guys are, um, I think that is something for people to take into account for a lot of the athletes going down there. Um, just because it's been happening
Starting point is 01:13:42 recently in the Southeast, um, a lot. And like I said, I mean, it was just three weeks ago. And every workout when I came back after that, which was like Fran Lung, every single one, it was rough. Yeah. Wow. It's rough, but yeah. I wonder if that's why Guillermo withdrew. Did he?
Starting point is 01:14:00 We have heard that he's not competing. I don't think it's official yet, but Sevan kind of blew the story and he wasn't supposed to this morning. Oh, shit. Really? I wasn't supposed to say that? I mean, he said it after the podcast was over, so I don't think he was supposed to, but it's okay. Oh, someone's got to tell me that shit.
Starting point is 01:14:18 It'll come out eventually. Yeah, I mean, it might be. And when I was sick, I was like, man, I don't know if I should go. But then I was like, yeah, I mean, it might be. And like I had, when it, when I was sick, I'm not gonna, I was like, man, I don't, I don't know if I should go. But then I was like, what does it matter? That's your, that's an ego talking. Like, what does it matter? You got things to go work on.
Starting point is 01:14:33 You also, it's a celebration, like competition. It does nothing. It has nothing to do with the games. It has like, you're not need, you don't need to be peaked right now. Just go do the things that you've been working on. Get better at those. Shake the rust off of competing i haven't been in person since norway of 2020 which is ridiculous crazy crazy right and i would argue you're more of a gamer than you are like online in an online oh for sure in person i do what i do better i i had more anxiety like performance anxiety but i do better like it is more anxiety, like performance anxiety, but I do better. Like it is,
Starting point is 01:15:05 but football player, like it makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Um, I, I put it, if I, if, if I ever get to choose to do an online competition, there's no, there's no chance I'm doing it again. I'm done. I'm done with online. I'm out. I'm out. I'm out. So, but yes, um, I, I was like, so maybe, yeah, that might be, that might be the reason he did. I didn't, I had no idea. So yeah. And it might happen. It might happen to some athletes while we're down there. There's gonna be a lot of people. So. Well, the games last year was definitely a super, super spreader, super spreader. Isn't that nice that the just super spreader event? I love saying that super spreader.
Starting point is 01:15:43 And I think these events are perfect for that for the um it's a it's a good way to get a bunch of fit healthy people together and let the virus go in them and then die real quickly as opposed to it gets into really like obese people which is the metabolically unhealthy people which is the vast majority of the united states and it festers in them and they sneeze and cough all over and that shit mutates into other transformers like the omicron and shit so just bring that shit to the crossfit event let it spread and just we'll squish it i mean i think that's what technically happened uh last year right yeah hashtag science people science come on in the comments like you're so stupid you don't get it no actually
Starting point is 01:16:19 actually that's basically what the nfl is like're going to play everybody and let it go through everybody and then we don't have to worry about it anymore I mean yeah I mean if you're healthy that's kind of the way that it should go like other viruses but I'm no scientist I'm just with my life get sick and heal
Starting point is 01:16:38 I don't want to hear your opinion if you if you have Mountain Dew nevermind okay Game of Thrones opinion if you um if you have mountain dew in and never mind okay uh um game of thrones are you i'm gonna have a mountain dew industry yes that's fine you just can't that's fine you just can't be involved in in in covid policy you can do all that i just want the rest i want you to shut the fuck up about cove policy not you particularly you made a comment about game of thrones was there any game of thrones did you know someone
Starting point is 01:17:06 at game of thrones or were you trying to get a guest appearance on there or something did i see something like that or no me yeah yeah i wish yeah i mean you should wish that'd be cool yeah you would have been cool i would have um like they um uh do you know doth rocky do you have a dietitian oh we'd have one of the guys that um because we had who did we have on we had uh we had samuel samuel cornway on today and he went to rp strength am i saying it right yeah yeah and some guy there named nick or max or something got him to lose 16 pounds in eight weeks so i'd put you on game of thrones and i would just make you suck down to something crazy like what do you weigh now uh two i think this morning i weighed 208 okay so make you suck down to 165
Starting point is 01:17:54 when's the last time you weighed 165 junior year of high school i don't think i weighed 165 till my junior year of high school yeah so on your driver's license at some point it said 160 what's the lightest it ever said on your driver's license uh i guess my learner's permit would have been like 132 holy cow so we had a big person didn't you yeah puberty when i told you i was small i was five foot tall and 116 pounds my freshman year oh that's amazing i couldn't break 100 pounds until i got to high school maybe that's why you're so strong because you hit puberty at a little bit of an older age and you got all that muscle gain no i hit puberty late too that
Starting point is 01:18:46 shit doesn't that's i appreciate the theory i appreciate the theory yeah no uh i mean i mean yeah i mean before i hit puberty when i was yeah i was uh when i was 116 pounds i back squatted 315 for three so wait say that again when i was 116 pounds i back squatted 315 for three i did like a i did one of those like the high school like weightlifting competitions or whatever and a coach took me there because he's like dude you have to with that like can stephanie cohen do that can step what can can yes oh yeah for sure okay okay i'll shut up stephi squatted like 405 for five or something like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Before you came on, John had said to me that people with gnarly back squats, it doesn't translate to gnarly deadlifts. It does not. It does not. Mm-mm. No. And is your deadlift an issue? It's not great, but it's mainly because of my hamstring. Ah.
Starting point is 01:19:46 My hip. Yeah. I mean, it's not terrible, but it's not. Do you have a 500-pound deadlift? Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. When I say it doesn't translate, you're still strong enough. It doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, but your deadlift's not awesome. Vellner might be able to out-deadlift him, and Vellner's not even close in school right like not even close at all right um i know this from experience lesser extreme
Starting point is 01:20:10 but experience yeah for sure how come we haven't seen your fiance walk behind you or like knock on the door and be like i'm home she's she's upstairs she's packing she's getting ready for uh for miami oh are you getting in trouble for this once in a while? No, no, no, no. I'm just downstairs. Yeah, no, we're good. I'm sorry. We should do a whole show on you remodeling your house. I'd love to take a tour. For sure. I'd be happy to. What's this? Is this in your house? What is this?
Starting point is 01:20:41 No, no. That's in my mom's Pilates studio. So she's been a master's Pilates instructor for a really long time so i every once in a while go and do some pilates and stretch out and that's how it is ghd's yeah is that basically that looks like just like a euro ghd looks like something miko salo made like in finland or some shit like some right it looks like some nordic uh it's called it's called a ladder barrel a ladder and can you do ghds on it i mean technically yes you wouldn't do them exactly the same but yes essentially the the bars are lower so it's going to definitely make you curve more um it's i mean it's meant for you to stretch and do some like core exercises on but um i
Starting point is 01:21:28 wouldn't tell you to start repping out ghd's like you're jacob heppner uh oh that's a nice jacob heppner uh plug um and that other contraption over there that's also a pilates machine that thing with the all the black mats and stuff yeah it's called a cadillac yeah why'd you take jacob heppner at all people this is a kind of a random name to pull out you must have like just watched him or something no no i mean i don't i don't know that i mean oh like i think he did he did a ghd workout the other day um i mean he's just i don't know he's stupidly fit and he's not he's very bendy no yeah yeah i mean he just that dude just flies through things and makes them I mean, he's just, I don't know. He's stupidly fit and he's not. He's very bendy. No. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:10 I mean, he just, that dude just flies through things and makes them like not look hard, but why his face makes it look hard. I don't know. He's very good at the death by stuff. Yeah. Shout out to Jacob. You're stupidly fit, man. How nice is his gym?
Starting point is 01:22:22 Which one is his barn? The barn? Yeah. Awesome. Have you ever been burnt out yeah like i mean from crossfit yeah uh i mean i i don't have any i don't train with anybody i don't have any training partners um and i think that's the biggest thing like it's not uh when you have like again i'm a team athlete I don't necessarily need someone to compete against every day, but working out with and just working towards both of your goals, even though they're your own and moving.
Starting point is 01:22:54 I might be trying to go to the games and win, and this person is too, but it's still camaraderie and accountability to train together. It makes it more fun. So not having that, it it's definitely tough it definitely will get uh get to me every once in a while and like i mean you don't have who's making you do this who's making you suffer every day me um but i mean every every once in a while have you ever have you thought about reaching out to somebody i've tried. The problem is –
Starting point is 01:23:26 Don't talk to me, Griffin. If that's what happened, like you reached out to Matt and he's like, no. No. He's like, no. No, no, no, no. The problem is I don't have the – and I don't know how. I've never necessarily asked some of these athletes. But a lot of athletes are able to just go wherever they want whenever they want to train.
Starting point is 01:23:44 I can't i i mean i have to be here to work and you know make money i don't have companies paying me to post stuff on instagram and right you know having having that life for you know like i mean yeah i had an event one of the games i've won a sanctioned event but i didn't really get any money out of that. I also finished second on a team at Guadalupe Luzo, and we didn't make very much there either. Like, I haven't really gotten any money out of CrossFit yet either. So I don't have the luxury to be like, oh, yeah, I'm just going to go to Florida to go train with whoever. You know, like, it's not how that works.
Starting point is 01:24:23 And, I mean, I'm not that far away from Mayhem. But... Where are you at? I'm just north of Atlanta. It's not too far. How many hours drive is that? In training think tank around there? Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 01:24:39 There you go. Well, there's a problem, I guess, with that. Oh, you don't like them? No. Do you want to get into that story? Yes, yes. I'd love to hear that story.
Starting point is 01:24:51 We're here for the drama. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wait, that freaks me out. Travis Mayer's over there. Yeah, you always agree. Travis Mayer. Travis is awesome. I got no problem with Travis.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Travis is the nicest guy in the world. No problem with Travis. Travis is the nicest guy in the world. No problem with Travis. Um, uh, I, so there was this issue, um, when I was on a team in 2017, before we went to the games in 2018, when that back when there was teams of sixes and they're, they're, again, they're not too far away we had a worm um i was not the captain of the team at the time i was just trying to make the team um because i was a year and a half into me doing crossfit and um they had the worm or you had the worm we did we had okay. And they came over to compete with us, and I told our captain. I was like, look, I don't think it's a smart idea. Like a football team, you wouldn't give the other team you're about to play a chance to work on something or give them the tool they need to be better. Like it's just not what you want to do. Like make them go get it. And I know that doesn't sound like the
Starting point is 01:26:05 nicest thing in the world but you are competing against teams yeah right i get it i get it right and so they let them over whatever and then we compete whatever and after that like two of our athletes left to go to training think tank and originally like as this was right after like max l hodge left to use your worm and left yeah left use your worm and left this business card at a boy maxi okay yeah and yeah it wasn't the coolest thing because they were like i understand we're gonna go individual and i was we were all like okay we understand like and we also said like do whatever programming you want we don't have to all do the same programming and they're like all right we're gonna we're gonna go individual we're gonna trust them totally understand we get it like we support you as individuals yeah yet they weren't individuals
Starting point is 01:27:07 the next thing we know they were on the team over there um and then they were going to send two teams to regionals and that team that they were on i don't know the story but it imploded something happened um and another team ended up going to going to regionals but were there stds involved i have no idea all right all right possible i don't know just if there's it okay yeah but um it started there and then here's the next dramatic part was as we go into now teams of four we had to start searching for a bunch of different athletes, like because it was just Corinne, who was the owner of the gym. Also, she had been to the games on CrossFit Bound and Terminus before. And she was like, look, Griffin, you're the captain, like and it switched the teams of four.
Starting point is 01:28:00 And her husband, Jake, who was also on the team, had a huge back injury from wrestling. So he like couldn't do it. So now it's just down to her and I and trying to figure out how are we going to make a team of four. We don't have these other people that we had previously. And we had pulled in a guy, and his twin was at Training Think Tank. And we ended up getting a girl and made this team. Saxon and Spencer? That's what I was going to say, but he said Training Think Tank.
Starting point is 01:28:32 Yeah, Training Think Tank. Mitchell and Joey Sweck. So they – there's a video. I have it somewhere. But the very final event of regionals from 2018 was the hand stand push-up worm lunge event ah i like this full circle oh yeah and we had been we were in like second place i think most of the weekend and then we knew there was a vent that we were going to do really bad on it just was going to happen there was nothing we could do about it and it happened
Starting point is 01:29:05 and unfortunately it dropped us just to sixth place and we were like two points out or six points out of qualifying but second through six was all within like a 10 point thing yep this exact exact thing and lo and behold the team next to us his twin is on the worm and they're in fifth place oh and is that you right there in the front that is me that is me god you're white as shit that was uh that was a little heavier griffin for team events there um so that event was not we we got we got screwed by the judge on some handstand push-ups that the the there was an issue with the whole standard for the handstand push-ups but forget it doesn't matter we figured it out anyway they fired dave that will never happen again dave is gone no more no more lies get the fuck out of here dave that will never
Starting point is 01:30:11 happen again oh rose has got it all rose x got it all figured out oh man okay did you qualify yeah we qualified um the so we're right next to him we're behind and again like i said they are literally in fifth we're in six we're trying to make it they're trying to make it whatever we're behind and we go to pick up this warm we are well behind everybody and we'd practiced this event at quite a few times and i there was no way in my soul were we not gonna to come back in this event. I didn't know what we had to do. There is no way I was going to let up on this. And you were in front. So if you don't stop, they can't stop.
Starting point is 01:30:53 Right. So if you ask all. This comment wins, by the way. They are changing it to Pfizer fit. Oh, my God. I love you, Craig. Go white. You had to win. win yeah we had to we didn't win the win the overall event but we had to beat them plus have someone in between us to get enough points
Starting point is 01:31:14 to jump them and if you ask the other three teammates on the on our team to this day when we picked up that worm to go back down the field, they'll tell you that it literally felt like a train was pulling them on that worm. There was no way we were going to lose that event. And, like I said, his twin... Oh, they could feel you giving a little tension?
Starting point is 01:31:38 Catching, catching, catching. Like taking bigger lunges than everyone else by enough? Catching, catching. And they tried to extend. And they tried to pick up the pace. And they messed up and no rep and had drop the worm and we passed them and qualified and i like that was like a full circle like type of thing here with training think tank at that time and i'm just a guy trying to make the games like like whatever. Like I'm not into the drama or whatever. But there was some drama with that between the teams. And I think we also had –
Starting point is 01:32:16 That's healthy competition though. Everything you're saying is – that's pretty – I think that's healthy competition. He's got some drama afterwards though. There's drama in between with like like, because the athletes got taken, somebody said something to, I don't remember who, at Training Think Tank and, like, yelled at them. Like someone called Max Baldy or something? Who knows?
Starting point is 01:32:43 All right, all right. Yes, it essentially was a very… Max Baldy or something? Who knows? Like, all right. All right. Yes. It essentially was a very aggressive talk between the two of them because they were mad about poaching athletes and stuff like that. Um, I think this has nothing to do with like the athletes or it just, there is this, I wish I could have heard. I never heard.
Starting point is 01:33:03 There's just a bunch of bad blood. Right. And. Right. it just there is this i wish i could have heard i never there's just a bunch of bad blood right and right so and then with the problem with me like with training think tank if i want to go over there i have to be one of their athletes i have to go do their programming i have to do that like that whole you'd have to come back you can't just go over there and call Noah out. Like just stand out front and be like, get the fuck out here. Hey, that would be a good video. Double unders in GHD. Savon's got this pay-per-view idea, man.
Starting point is 01:33:34 You could be a part of it. I'm in, I'm in, I'm in, I'm in. That's fine. Yeah, but that'd be a bad workout between me and Noah. Well, we'll pick shit you're good at. We'll pick shit you're good at. No, it's fine. 405 front squats.
Starting point is 01:33:47 That's just unfair. I want to do that with Colton Merton's drive around the United States in an RV that has just a picture of him on the side and just do that. Pull up to Madaris' house at one in the morning with a bullhorn. Hey, asshole.
Starting point is 01:34:03 Death by burpees. Now. and then he comes out and he like that's like the next jackass yes it's almost like yeah that's great and then go over to jason hopper's house you know let like three pigs out of the out of the camper and they're just fucking up like hopper's girlfriend's like little cheesedick vegetable garden or some shit just just just just mean shit i didn't know where that was going i'm glad i don't even know if she has a vegetable garden she just she looks like hoppers sweet like she has one of those herb gardens growing on the in the kitchen counter you know they sell you for 95 bucks but it actually doesn't grow shit yeah yeah well i mean but ultimately that's kind of where it comes down to is like i i don't care about the whole bad
Starting point is 01:34:44 blood stuff that's not like on me i don't is like I don't care about the whole bad blood stuff. That's not on me. Whatever. It's not a big deal. The problem is I have to be one of their athletes in order to go train over there, and I'm not. So I can't get to train with them. And, I mean, I have my own opinions, and everyone has their own opinion, right? Whatever. It'd be nice to have athletes to train
Starting point is 01:35:06 with and i've invited a lot of people to come train with me and like that that could probably actually do it the problem is there aren't any athletes um i guess relatively in the area anymore other than you know yeah travis i mean no no i said he had the same problem in miami and i don't mean that to talk about training think tank people but no no for sure he invited games caliber people to uh to miami to train with them and nobody would yeah i mean trust me if i if i could find a way to go and train in miami with noah every freaking day I would absolutely the problem is I like you need 20k to do that yeah how am I gonna pay for my mortgage and my future family like it just does it's not smart like at a certain point there is a business side to this as an athlete at this point i mean within the next three to four years like have you pulled a goalie
Starting point is 01:36:08 when you when you have kids i'm not married yet is your name going to be crossfit odin then and your baby will be thor should be um uh someone will steal this idea, Sevan, and do it. You must do it all. Someone will. You do need to capitalize on that idea. I have to tell you something. One v. one. There's this friend of mine. I'll do it.
Starting point is 01:36:33 Call me. Eleven miles down the road from me, and he's got a ranch, and he just lost his job. And so I think maybe we will do some events or something fun together, but I want to read this to you what someone wrote in my Instagram. Sorry for it. I know it's your podcast, Griffin.
Starting point is 01:36:52 I don't care. Go for it. I enjoy your podcast, Sevan. Your love for the CrossFit methodology to solve the world's most vexing problem and your loyalty to Dave. All very admirable. Now it's time to move on
Starting point is 01:37:02 and stop lamenting Dave's firing. Use your platform to keep promoting the positive sides of CrossFit. Like what? And many of the great people associated with it. Okay. But this is, in all seriousness, if you think I'm lamenting Dave's firing, you are deeply confused. I'm celebrating his departure as any 10-year-old boy would do. I'm just doing it with a can of WD-40 and a lighter.
Starting point is 01:37:26 10 year old boy would do i'm just doing it with a can of wd-40 and a lighter and uh i don't know if you've seen some of the other podcasts but i've been on a little bit of a um scorched earth yeah yeah just you know just like all right you it's your show you can do what you want i'm thank you thank you caleb yes yes There's been a little I've been doing some flyovers. This never gets old. I am very excited to that, Dave, that the ranch is now a place where I can go and film. I basically I haven't been allowed over there with my camera since I've been fired out of out of for integrity and ethical reasons. But but I do spend a lot of time there. I take my kids there. They do shooting there.
Starting point is 01:38:07 And I know that Dave's going to come up with something insane over there. And I can't wait to be there. Oh, for sure. I wish, I'm not going to lie, I really was bummed. I mean, with the whole COVID games, but originally it was going to be
Starting point is 01:38:21 all of us at the ranch. And I was really looking forward to that because I've never been there. It looked like a cool going to be all this at the ranch, and I was really looking forward to that because I've never been there. It looked like a cool place to be, especially with the history of everything across it. But yeah. Is Eric Rosa related to Biden? I think Adam and Eve were both their great, great – you get it. Griffin, how are you during competition?
Starting point is 01:38:46 Are you tense? Are you chill? Are you like, how are you? Like, do you take, can I text you? And then if you don't want to respond, you don't respond? Yeah. Like, I just don't respond. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:38:56 Okay. Yeah. Yeah. It's, I'm not a, when I'm in competition, with football, it's totally different. Like, nobody talked to me the entire day. Right. With CrossFit, I've realized it's different. I actually really try to be friendly.
Starting point is 01:39:12 I really worked on that. Tell Colton that. Be like, hey, dude, Sevan said you should work on being more friendly, especially if he's in the lane next to you. Well, how the heck am I going to get a training partner being a complete dickhead? Like, it's not going to happen. Like, I got to. He doesn't want a training partner.
Starting point is 01:39:33 So, okay. So throughout the week, we might bug you. Super low stress. The same way we sent you this. Are you on your phone right now? Yeah. Yeah. So we sent you that link and it popped up.
Starting point is 01:39:42 We might try to do like you know um we'll probably reach out to you if if you don't want to do it just don't respond no hard feeling no just just just let me know like again like this isn't if this was if this was like the semi-final or whatever probably a little different story but it's not it's you know it's it's just it's just a competition and i mean that with all intents and purposes like that it's just a competition um it's there's not really an importance to it so i'm trying i here's my weakness having fun in the competition i will try to do my best to have fun um so maybe that's maybe that's something if you if you message me you're like hey we need to we need to do this i need i need to go ahead and
Starting point is 01:40:21 say yes and not worry about what's else going come have fun with us griffin we want to make fun of your last event um uh are you saying the last event's gonna be bad for him no no not like the last event but just whatever i know it's like what is that no no no no i'm not saying it's not at all no i do not know it's the last event i know exactly what it is now. It's fucking five minutes of strict handstand push-ups. Great. Death by handstand push-up. That's what it is.
Starting point is 01:40:51 I might as well just go ahead and pull out and just go kick back at a lawn chair. John, let's finish on what event is he – is there an event he can win, or what's the event that you see that he's going to finish the highest in? Probably event, is it three? Three or two. They haven't said the number. Okay, it's the MIA complex. It's painful.
Starting point is 01:41:19 Yeah, he should. He's very good at power clean. I don't know how you are at hang power clean. It's fine, but I'm going to tell you right now, if anyone tries to hang power clean that 315 bar, you're not going very fast. He's definitely in the running to win this event. There are two to three people, and I think one of them is not going to be in it.
Starting point is 01:41:49 I kind of think it's just between him and Anthony Davis as far as the winner of this event. And that's who we had on this morning. Yeah. You had Cornway, I thought, this morning. Or was it Anthony Davis? We had Anthony Davis first, and then we had Samuels. Oh, yeah. Yes. Oh, and Davis is a hoss.
Starting point is 01:42:03 They're the two strongest people in the field by far. Yeah. I'd probably say Anthony's probably a little bit stronger, I think. I don't know. I would say he's stronger in the snatch and you're stronger in the clean, if I were to guess. But, I mean, if you're working on weaknesses and you're not, you know, you can't power clean 405, then, I mean, you're pretty weak then. Then he's stronger. You're right. No, I mean, again you're working on weaknesses and you're not, you know, you can't power clean 405, then I mean, you're pretty weak then.
Starting point is 01:42:26 Then he's stronger. You're right. No, I mean, again, when it comes, I mean, this, like the bar, when I first saw this, I was like, damn, it should have been heavier. Then I did it. And I was like, I'm glad it's not heavier. Oh, it'll be worse than people think for sure. It's not going to be a sprint for most.
Starting point is 01:42:43 No, no, no. And it, after I did it the first time, I was like, I probably need to be a sprint for most no no no and it i went after i did it the first time i was like i probably need to slow a little bit down um it it it was it was a little aggressive um but we'll see i mean it depends it also depends on what day it comes on what workout is it because there's a lot i mean there's a lot of leg work i don't think that'll affect the the winner though i still would say you were anthony agreed agreed i just meant for everybody else it's if they haven't tested it they probably should have to know what it feels like uh it it caught me by surprise so can i see the workout
Starting point is 01:43:20 again i want to ask you a question about the so you're saying that last lift is 315, and although it says hang clean, you're saying that, hey, you should squat hang clean that. Unless you really, really suck at hang squat cleans. Put it this way. If you're blowing through this complex, and this is just a lifting tip here. You can take it from Matt Fraser too. You're not going to be efficient at a hang power clean at the end of this bar if you're moving fast but but but let me ask you this if maybe it's just such a light front squat for you but if you hang squat clean that and then the next movement is a front squat you end up doing
Starting point is 01:43:57 two squats not a big deal right 15 it could be just as quick though if the power clean is slow because you have that you have to power clean it and then stand up to open hip position and then front squat when you're just going right into the squat with a hand clean. They're very – if it's just one, the speed is not much different. When there's multiple, the speed is different. Would you agree, Griffin? You got to remember you've already done 16 repss by that point, 15 refs, whatever it is. So your power output, if you did hang power cleans and you front squatted quickly and you jerked those other bars and you went quick, that ATP explosiveness isn't quite what you're used to on that last barbell.
Starting point is 01:44:48 isn't quite what you're used to on that last barbell um and you might either miss it or you're gonna have to wait longer before you can pick that bar up but um that's just that's just a little tip that i yeah i did it and i know um 315 hang power cleans are nothing i can cycle that all day long but it says workout number three at the bottom does it well i guess it's workout there you go hey i guess they sorry i said that was gonna be the final question but what do you think about what adam clink did the 500 pound squat and five minute mile same that's stupid it's like so like a five the five minute mile like for me like i can run i think my best is like five 523 525 but that like other distance to close down is crazy hard it's like you said about the the fitness gap from 1 to 5 and 5 to 10 and 10 to 15 the faster you get the harder it is to get to clear that gap yeah that dude that
Starting point is 01:45:40 has that dude that dude's been to the games, right? And how did he get the games? I don't think so. I, uh, no, I think he missed by one position like multiple times. It's just, it, that's when I circled back around this. Cause when we started the podcast, you were just talking about just, I mean, this is a guy who's so fucking incredible. Like when I saw that, when Dave sent me that, was like i i yeah and i watched the whole video i never watch whole videos this is nuts it is that it i don't people don't understand to be like that
Starting point is 01:46:13 is that is fitness to be able to do both of those it's not necessarily in the same day like it the fact that just to be able to do them both is impressive he did way harder than the back squat but i tend to float on the strength side so i would i would i would say a five minute mile is harder to achieve than a 500 pound back squat but it also depends on body size so when you're carrying yeah he is and that's what makes it more impressive to me is the fact that he's able to do that he can run like that yeah yeah that's why matt was so impressive too because if you ever seen i mean i know you have seen matt in person but he's this thick little bowling ball it doesn't look like he should be able to run that fast it's yeah for sure i yeah i find it hard for me like to increase at a certain point. And again, that's another weakness I've worked on. Um, but I find it hard to like truly break through a certain threshold with running and speed based on my body weight.
Starting point is 01:47:25 that 500 meter run at the games that would have been awesome to see you do that just pushing and shoving like put you and cole sager and gee and i'll just smush you in there oh you just push people down oh that would do that i i feel like that's pretty frowned upon you're probably gonna get in trouble and if that made you win it's worth three thousand dollars oh yeah for sure for it is i don't think that they're i think those guys i'll get booed for three thousand It's worth $3,000. Yeah, for sure. It is. I don't think that there – I think those guys – I'll get booed for $3,000 all day. I think there was some pretty significant jockeying there. I think you had to be aggressive. Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 01:47:57 But I also – I will say this. It is on a chip timer normally. You don't necessarily have to start when they say go. You can start behind them his rabbits i that's honestly i'm not gonna lie if that was if the timer doesn't start till you cross that line that's what i would have done i would let them go and chase them down like a rabbit have them chase down you can just be smarter than everybody he's absolutely right they use they use your ankle so until you cross line – I thought the ankle was just for the end. It's on both ends? It's on both ends.
Starting point is 01:48:29 They don't say go and then all the chips start equally? I mean I know like when we did the Wadapalooza like beach run into the water, they told you it did not start until you crossed that line because there were so many people piled up. Did not start till you cross that line because there were so many people piled up. It's not fair to say like, if we start and I'm five meters behind you, that's not a fair start just because there's so many people. So that's how, that's how, that's how runs are too. If you go on like a 5k run or a 10k run or even a marathon run, it does. Your time doesn't start until you cross the starting line. I mean, I would, I'd have to be, it would have had to be there to know and then be like it starts when you first move past that line yeah i've never thought about that nobody ever uh brought
Starting point is 01:49:10 that to the forefront i'm waiting for someone to write on the bottom and say it doesn't work like that so seven answer your earlier question question clink was on a team in 2019 team krypton um and he oh with, with Ben Smith, with Ben Smith. That's okay. Uh, 2019. So Ben was on that team.
Starting point is 01:49:29 I'd seen Krypton. So it sounds like he would. So some, at least his gym, bare minimum. Yes. Yes. Um,
Starting point is 01:49:34 he's never been to the games as an individual. He's been very, very close two or three times, but I mean, Stan Walker, that's kept him out a few times. Yeah. That's nuts, man. Well, I mean, if he got on that's kept him out a few times. Yeah, that's nuts, man. Well, I mean, if you got on a team like it, if you make it, you're you're fit.
Starting point is 01:49:51 I don't care what category you're in. It's impressive to me. Oh, you're definitely in the top point, point one percent of however they want to call it for sure. Fitness. 0.1% of, you know, however they want to call it for sure of fitness. Yeah. I mean, it just comes down to either your specific goal or the ego that you got in your head. Hey, Bill Grundler will know, Hey Bill, what's the deal.
Starting point is 01:50:13 So I don't know if you heard this last conversation, but are there, does the chip timer start on like on that 500 meter run specifically? At the games Event 3. Do you have to cross a line in the front, and that starts your time, and a line at the end? Or do they say go, and everyone's chips start at the same time, and it just catches you at the end? Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 01:50:36 No. Maybe he's behind in the podcast, and he's not even going to hear the question for 15 minutes. Just like what Savon said, and then your comment was irrelevant then griffin hey well i'm not sure if they do it like the marathon all right fair enough yeah well if anyone would know it would be i thought it was just the end. Yeah, me too. Me too. Me too. What do we know?
Starting point is 01:51:05 What do we know? Bill, what do you think? All I can say is from experience at Wadapalooza. With that one, they told us it was when we crossed the first line it started, so it didn't matter. And that makes sense because it's not fair if somebody gets boxed out and everybody starts at once. But the field was bigger. I mean, they sent all the elites at the same time so i don't i don't know what the structured rules were but that's what i like
Starting point is 01:51:30 i would have done out of that is i wouldn't have tried to fight and used all that extra energy just to push people out of the way and get out in front because dudes at the on those will dead sprint the first 50 meters i'm like you guys are crazy if you go back and watch justin maderos gets boxed out like the entire time until the very end i felt bad for him but he tried to get out and he couldn't do it he was just boxed and people wouldn't let him out the beach runs were dope i i know myself and like either i i'd have to be like I'd have to pull myself back and not be too aggressive because if someone's really like doing that we're gonna have problem or we're gonna have a real problem and yeah we're doing CrossFit right now but in two minutes when we're done with this
Starting point is 01:52:20 run or what a minute and whatever we're gonna have a real big problem and it ain't gonna be fun for you i would love it if it was somebody like fukowski just just just pissed off griffin so much just to see how fukowski would react oh no i'm not yeah that's a again that's a whole another griffin that is football griffin I that's not, you can't do that in CrossFit. Like, so I'd rather just, you know, you want that and you go, I'll chase you down. You're getting too amped up. I like it. I'm really glad I spoke. I'm glad I spoke to all these guys. It really does make a difference about the, about these events. This,
Starting point is 01:52:58 this sport, I mean, it's funny cause being football, everyone's all covered up, but in this event, you talk to the guys and then you're like, Oh shit. Okay. I want to see this. Uh, ladies and gentlemen, this event that talk to the guys then you're like oh shit okay i want to see this uh ladies and gentlemen this event that griffin is going to be entering is taking place in miami you can watch it on the seven podcast it's called wadapalooza we will start broadcasting on the 13th which is thursday oh my god it's two days away and will we be streaming the events live seven i think so we um we we just i mean i think so i want to they said we could i am i'm i'll believe it um i'll believe it when they when it actually happens but the goal is to stream every event live commentate and then use our staff
Starting point is 01:53:39 on the ground to get interviews that no one else has and camera angles all sorts of shit yes and thank you caleb and you can win complex yes we'll be there to interview him right after who will be i don't know oh yeah yeah somebody somebody yeah it's not me thank you for tuning in see you at 70 oh well uh before we go I got to say one thing to you guys tomorrow at 7 a.m. we have man it's a packed house I promise you we'll start getting more UFC fighters on once this CrossFit nonsense is over tomorrow we have Tyler Christofal on at 7 a.m. we have Matt O'Keefe at 4 p.m. I'm sure we are also going to have more people I don't see anyone and then Thursday we begin the broadcast we got a ton of cool stuff for you um and special guests coming on during the broadcast all right guys thank you stay away from dragons burning fire burning things

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