The Sevan Podcast - #264 - Pat Vellner

Episode Date: January 13, 2022

Pat Vellner is a legend in the sport of CrossFit, and the defending Wodapalooza champion. Follow us on Instagram Watch this episode Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:54 sweet. I'm just going to help boost up the shorter kids. You don't have to. We'll just look up your nose the whole time. Here, I'll figure this out. Are you in your hotel room? No, you're in VRBO. No, I'm in my hotel room.
Starting point is 00:01:18 How close is that? Hopefully the internet's okay. You look good. Thanks. I feel okay. I didn good. Thanks. I feel okay. I didn't mean like that. I just meant the internet's good. Not on your personal
Starting point is 00:01:34 aesthetic. What do you mean you feel okay? Were you not doing okay? I mean, I feel like you always carry a little baggage in the competition. Everybody does. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Take a few days to get here and shake it out. It's been a successful ride out of Canada. So we've been, I don't know, feeling all right. Yeah, stay down here for a while. Hang out for a few weeks. We'll see. I think the plan is to actually go to go on a holiday after this uh i'm not gonna blow up my spot but uh as long as we can get out of here try not to get sick and
Starting point is 00:02:14 get stuck here because we got to be able to travel out that's the plan is it in the united states no no wow that's why i have to be able to not get sick and travel out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, and what do you mean? It's a bit of a rollercoaster ride, just like coming to the United States. Like they just put on the glove and give you the treatment. Uh, it's not even so much that it's just been like the last bit of, um, kind of the winter holidays. Oh, I, I spent just like three weeks out with my wife's family, which is just like a lot of time
Starting point is 00:02:46 to live in someone else's house yes and yeah it just like was and gyms were closed in quebec for quite a long time and then they closed up around ontario so i was commuting like 40 minutes to go train um and it was just like it was a bit tough around then and then it's there's just been a lot of uh like a lot of the omicron stuff going on around there but there's pretty strict limitations to being able to travel out so if you got sick at all in the last like two weeks you wouldn't be able to make it here even right they just wouldn't let you get on a plane so it would have been uh we were trying to be just like pretty careful about what we were doing just to make sure that we could actually get here. I think most of the Canadian athletes,
Starting point is 00:03:27 if not all of them were able to come though. Yeah. I haven't seen anybody else. I saw Sam today, but I haven't, I saw Alex. Yeah. I've seen like kind of through their social media that they're,
Starting point is 00:03:39 it looks like they're here. So that's good. And Adler was already, and Adler was already there. Yeah. Oh yeah. He's not competing. I forgotler was already there. Yeah. Oh, yeah. He's not competing. I forgot he was actually coming.
Starting point is 00:03:47 But he is coming, I think, right? He's going to be here doing something. Yep. He'll be down here. But he's been in Miami already enough, in Florida already for a while. Oh, yeah. He's been in Florida forever. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Dude, what was I going to say about Adler? What did he tell us? It slipped my mind. Are you live? No, no. I think he's pretty honest. No lies. It's good to see you here.
Starting point is 00:04:12 We haven't talked to you in months and months and months. And now here you are at Wadapalooza 2022. It's not with all the athletes we've been interviewing. It's not where you come to peak. It's just where you come to work hard and test out some of your, some of your weaknesses. It's kind of a good way to put it. It's like, it's a really great competition.
Starting point is 00:04:35 It's just like exactly outside of the season though. And it's also right after like a major holiday season. So I feel like it's a bit of a tough sell for people to really batten down the hatches and go hard over the holidays and turn down all the things they want to do. So I think it is very much like that. It's a great competition. There's always fun events. It's a cool atmosphere.
Starting point is 00:05:00 I don't think people put like... I mean, there's good prize money. It's good enough to show up and try your best, but I don't think people like put long-term stock and how successful your year is going to be based on what your water blues is. Does that make sense? Yeah. Your vacation afterwards will be better though. If you win. Oh, that's for sure. The last couple of times that's been the case. There's no better way to go on holidays than after a win for sure.
Starting point is 00:05:24 And even like whatever a win is like if you have a really great competition like rogue was kind of like that i had a good competition and justin beat me and i went on holidays afterwards and i was like hey you know what this holiday feels pretty good yeah it's like if you really really shit your britches and then it the holiday doesn't feel so good like you'll order like um when you call if you win like wherever you're going in the caribbean you'll order, like when you call, if you win, like wherever you're going in the Caribbean, you'll order room service and you'll be like, I'll take an extra order of bacon.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Like you won't even ask, you won't even care that it's six bucks for just two more slices. Yeah. I mean, especially if you win and you've got the extra a hundred grand burning a hole in your pocket, I might pay for the $6 bacon. I'm going to get a bowl of berries and some bacon.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Sir, you've already ordered three breakfasts. I know, I know. No, for sure. I mean, really, it's nice to just be able to then turn your brain off and not think about training for a little bit. But yeah, it's fun.
Starting point is 00:06:15 It'll be a good competition. I think the field here is actually very stacked, on the men's side at least, without a doubt. It's going to be a pretty and seeing the programming now i don't know there's a lot of a lot of people who will be good at a couple things and like you know maybe take a hit here or there but so it's it's going to be a really interesting competition i think there's going to be lots of like fun fluctuations in the leaderboard and lots of ups and downs and i and honestly i don't think every athlete has the same mentality that you have or maybe can afford to have.
Starting point is 00:06:46 There's a lot of guys in this field that are doing everything they can in their life to break through and get to the games that are competing here this weekend. I think they're trying to test themselves and check themselves out and say, how do I stand up against these guys that were at the game six months ago? And those guys might be a little bit more focused. Right. But to say that they should still be focused on peaking their performance in three four or five months from now um i think if they're planning to i don't want to act like their coach but if they're planning to hold a peak for five months they're going to be in for a rude awakening so i think in that regard is where if people are saying it's sort of like you know not it's not an event that people don't take seriously it certainly is a big prime time event it's one where you could if you're not
Starting point is 00:07:29 a games athlete you could make a splash and become well known by having some success in this field with no doubt based on the people that are here if you beat some some key competitors you win waterpalooza like that makes waves without with no doubt but I just think it's, it is probably, if you are looking to have a successful game season, you don't want to have been like really grinding yourself to dust for the last two months into this competition, because we're about to enter the actual competition season and you can afford to maybe take a, a break through the open now,
Starting point is 00:08:00 given what the new, the new system looks like, but you know, come quarter finals, we saw some people get cut at quarter finalsals because there's just not that many tests and i if you bought one you could get axed and come semifinals you sure as shit better be sharp um what did you mean what did you mean you get what did you say about the open just now what did you mean by that you described the open as like you could rest or something i think depending on who you are and what your goals are, the Open doesn't have the same kind of value that it used to.
Starting point is 00:08:29 So in the past, like say in the regionals era, your success in the Open was actually kind of beneficial because it would at least give you a heat advantage at regionals, which is valuable. So there was something to compete for in the Open. Now, there just isn't. You take the top 4,000 or whatever based on your region. And if you're any kind of a competitive CrossFitter or have competitive aspirations, like if you're someone who's frankly competing at either in the RX division or in the elite division at Waterpalooza, you should have zero chance, zero problem hitting that bar. have zero chance zero problem um hitting that bar um so in that regard that after this event you know until until through the open until the open you probably don't have to do too much you should
Starting point is 00:09:13 be planning for the quarterfinals which is only a week after the open so but that's what you should be thinking about um i think the open now last year we didn't really know what what the system looked like so i think people approached it slightly differently just because there was a degree of uncertainty. But now that we've had one go through, I think you'll see a lot of people like Tia's take the open with, they'll just go through it, run through it, and then move on to the next step. And it'll just be kind of like a stepping stone on the way through. I don't think people will really compete for like the prize money in the open with maybe a few exceptions. But you just have to make sure that you're ready for the quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:09:57 The quarterfinals is where like, it's a, it's a, it's a short enough test. Like I think we had five tests last time and one miss in five tests can actually do some harm and it could knock you out of the season so you do need to be competitive then and so i don't know if you're going to take a break like now it's kind of the time or after this is like you might get a month of reprieve where you can deload a little bit work up back up through the open build up your intensity for another couple weeks and then attack the quarterfinal but it's just a different format and we're still figuring it out but based on my best analysis from last year that's probably what we'd see a little more of when you look at what the program in waterpalooza
Starting point is 00:10:35 do you see this as a um a well-rounded event a strength biased event an endurance event an event for short people event for tall people like what do what do you see when you, when you look at these workouts, you kind of had like a smile on your face. Like you were, you were excited that, that maybe there was something uncharacteristic that gave more people a chance to like some outliers actually to do well. Yeah. I don't really see any of that. Like, I think that it's actually very well balanced. And in that sense, I actually think I'd be very surprised if we saw athletes win like multiple events. I think a lot of the events cater to certain types of athletes and not others. And we've got a pretty widespread field of strengths and weaknesses. And it's just like, I look at it and it's like, I could pick top three that I'd expect to be very competitive in a, in a single workout. And that top three list is not the same for any workout, any two workouts. I'd love to put my top three for every event next year is on paper blind and see what they look like. We can do that later, but there's some, like, there's just some cool stuff and things that we've seen you know some semblance of in other events and you know you look at stuff like the the pig flip
Starting point is 00:11:51 workout with the weighted ghds like we had weighted ghds at rogue and we saw the pig flip at the games and you can maybe extrapolate a little bit of who you think is going to do well but um a lot of the tests are just like there's not a lot of data points. And yeah, some of them are like just very different from things that we've done. They don't have a lot of traditional CrossFit elements in them. Yeah, I think there's just like, there's no programming that just looks like classic CrossFit to me, really. Pat, when you see a workout like Echo on Fran,an echo on fran and you know what kind of feeling that's gonna elicit how do you get yourself like pumped up to go there i actually did some intervals yesterday of like parts of that workout which i probably wouldn't
Starting point is 00:12:38 have done if i wasn't told explicitly to do it but it uh it's gonna be really bad i think it's no surprise to anyone what it's gonna be like uh and i think everybody knows that what you'll do is you're gonna get into the round of 15 and you're just gonna want to like get off the floor and that round of 15 is gonna be like an eternity um so you know whatever it's the same for everybody everybody's got to do it. If you're going to, if it's going to hurt that bad, you might as well hope to make it worthwhile and get some points out of it. But I think you might like this one. I came up with this about five minutes ago. So Albert Einstein used to say about the theory of relativity, that if you spend an hour in the
Starting point is 00:13:21 park with a pretty woman, it feels like a minute. And if you spend a minute with your hand on the hot stove, it feels like an hour. But I you spend a minute with your hand on the hot stove, it feels like an hour. But I think that the minute on the hot stove feels like the round of 15 in Fran. Wow. Did Einstein really say that? Yeah. Wow. Smart guy, huh? Makes sense. Patrick, you brought up something when you just now you said that you wouldn't have done the workout
Starting point is 00:13:41 if you're what I'm guessing is your coach, if Michelle hadn't told you to do it. There was a picture you posted on your Instagram that – I don't know what you're doing with this weight, but it looks heavy. And I was surprised to see you fooling around with that heavy weight just two days before the event. Will, can you bring that up? It's like I can't tell if you're snatching it or what you're doing with it. You can't tell if I'm snatching it? I don't know. What I'm doing with it. Oh, cleaning it.'m stashing it i don't know what i'm doing with
Starting point is 00:14:05 cleaning it this thing this thing right here are you clean are you you're cleaning this and how much is this and why are you doing that with just two more days i think that it's nothing for that's the weight from the second bar in the complex that we'll do in the competition and there's no two days out it's it's okay to be fooling around. I think I did that on Monday. Okay. So it was a while ago, but it, I mean that way that loading is not like crazy. You know, I wouldn't do it when I hopped off the plane, but it was like good to get a couple of touches in. We didn't move up to like the weight of the last bar,
Starting point is 00:14:41 but that's the kind of thing you got to do is keep your nervous system prime. Like don't, don't pummel yourself with volume, but keep the intensity high so that your your system's ready to do things that's kind of what we did with the intervals for the thruster workout too like i would have not been the first guy to like hop on the echo bike and do thrusters two days before a competition but it's more about just feeling the intensity and stuff like that. But yeah, our, our sponsor, um, uh, barbell, uh, gave us three VIP tickets to the event. We're going to get some, we're going to let you choose. We, we, we made a post on Instagram and you're going to make me choose. I don't, I don't figure't figure any we'll we'll figured it
Starting point is 00:15:25 out so so we made a post on um made a post on instagram saying like you know whatever you know like how that works like tag a friend and tag your and then we'll go through and pick it or so i get tagged in those kind of things all the time yeah like by thousands of people you don't even know right like someone's trying to wear a pair of shoes. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. They're like, hey, you're friends. It's like Pat Mellner, Matt Fraser. You're like, I'm not that guy's friend. Disqualify him. So can you help us with that?
Starting point is 00:15:56 I don't know how you're going to do it. I don't know if like, how do you? Well, it's super easy. I have it all on a list. And we just need Pat to choose a favorite number between one and 371, which is the number of entries that we got in the day. So favorite number between one and 371, one and 371, 256,
Starting point is 00:16:17 256. Oh man. That's a, what are you trying to think? Two, five, six. Okay. I have our winner. You do.
Starting point is 00:16:31 I'm going to share their Instagram. Okay. As selected by Pat Vellner. As selected by Pat Vellner. So if you're angry, everyone go tag tag pat velner in your whatever giveaway you want to win go tag it on all right the winner fuels me yeah here's the winner three vip tickets for the entire weekend this is like a 1200 prize so it's pretty big so thank you barbell jobs yes and uh cindy martin all right can you scroll down and we and we see if um if she's actually is she in miami it needs to be someone who's in miami right can we see yes miami confirmed four
Starting point is 00:17:20 hours ago oh that's awesome, and there we are. Does Cindy know this comes included with a picture with me? That's the main prize. So it's a $1,200 prize, and that's $1,100 of that. The VIP tickets are only $100. You get a picture with Brian, three tickets, and you get to change Patrick Vellner's baby's diaper. All for just signing up here. And O'Keefe was nice enough for those of you, for Cindy.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Congratulations, Cindy, if you need a fourth ticket. O'Keefe said to hit them up. So it looks like there's just. If you're a leech, go to Cindy's DMs and say, hey, tell them to come to your fourth. Yeah, it looks like there's just three of them. But yeah, that's actually not a bad idea, Will. That is not a bad idea. All right, back to business here.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Enough of this nonsense. Thank you, There you go. Congratulations, Cindy. Two, five, six. Are you writing that down right? Are you giving me a lot of numbers? I'm going to research and find out why
Starting point is 00:18:26 you picked those numbers it was completely random you'll you'll uh you'll hurt yourself doing that don't waste your time i think about things like this i was with bill grunler earlier and he's wearing his crossfit game shorts from a couple years ago and they had his athlete number on it 506 i was like maybe Pat was 256 one year. No, I wasn't. I could probably tell you what all my numbers were, but that wasn't one of them. Matt Souza just made a post in the comments saying,
Starting point is 00:18:56 something like, bitches, I'm in Miami, or I've landed, or something like that. And I just want to thank these guys. Grass-fed beef liver. You know you like it. Ancestral jobs. No. Ancestral supplements.
Starting point is 00:19:12 I got my sponsors confused. It's and ancestral supplements. So many sponsors too. You can't keep them separate. Were you just doing a lipper, Patrick? Were you just doing a lipper? Like you didn't think we were looking and you were scraping the mirror.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Yeah. We're in Miami, dude. like you didn't think we were looking and you were scraping the mirror yeah we're in miami dude pat pat do you get a haircut for this competition i know right what am i you probably asked me that question many times and i'm sure the answer is no you turn to the side the sideburns looks cleaned up i didn't know did you get a haircut, Ryan? I got a haircut. Yes, I did. You should have seen me two days ago.
Starting point is 00:19:49 I looked pretty homely, but yeah, shaved yesterday. So we're cleaning it up a little bit. I saw Jason Hopper today. He had a little something on his chin and he made a comment about mine. And I said something about his and he didn't like it. I'm impressed. I didn't think he could grow any hair other than on his head. He can't.
Starting point is 00:20:07 That's got to be pasted on. And him and Noah, I've never, I'll be honest, I've never been a fan of the little duster there. Flavor saver? Yeah. This is the first time you will see your colleague uh ricky garard since 2017 that's right and um you um had explosive diarrhea so he stood on the podium for you you couldn't make it so he uh yeah i'd save my spot your spot keeping it warm um have you have you run into him at registration by any chance? No, I haven't seen him at all.
Starting point is 00:20:48 As a fan, we've been talking about it a bunch on the show. As a fan, it's going to be exciting. Especially, I mean, as a fan, I hope you guys are in lanes by each other the whole weekend and can just watch you guys duke it out and just let the tension. But when we were talking to Griffin Raleigh, he was basically saying, hey, one of the things about this sport is, is that it's just all on you. So you train as hard as you can. And then you kind of know where the chips are going to fall. When you get there, you know, if there's a guy better than you, but, um, but, but because you can't punch a guy in the throat, you can't trip and there's no one trying to stop you. It's just
Starting point is 00:21:19 you. But he did say that as he did say he experienced recently in, I think he was competing in Norway, that he was one of the best dudes in the field, if not the best. And so he could start playing head games with other guys, like dictate the pace, try to draw them out. He could fool around a little bit. And he started playing with that tactic. Is there going to be that between you and Ricky, this emotional piece between the two of you that you think you guys are going to
Starting point is 00:21:44 be out on the floor together and it's gonna be like um you guys could get swept up and and and fall out of your lane and just think it's just you and him um two things before I answer that okay I'm actually very impressed in your pronunciation of Griffin Raleigh given your history of bastardizing names good for you I gave Tommy Marquez all the credit because I was watching, when I was researching him, Tommy did an interview with him.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Well, and what's funny is I called him Griffin Roley or something to Brian. I'm like, is that right? It's an interesting spelling. So that's, if you're trying to do it phonetically, you'd fail miserably.
Starting point is 00:22:17 And Brian, I'm like, is that right, Brian? He goes, you just do you, Savant. I'm like, you asshole. That's because I didn't know. Yeah. Yeah, that's impressive. And I'm like, you asshole. That's because I didn't know. Yeah. Yeah, that's impressive. I'm interested that you said that because
Starting point is 00:22:29 I believe in Norway when he won that sanctional competition, he won it on the last event. He actually was not in first place until after the last event. I don't know if he's misremembering his competition a little bit. Or maybe I'm paraphrasing him incorrectly.
Starting point is 00:22:47 No, I like Griffin. I just had to mention that. It is true. I mean, when you're in a driver's seat, you compete relaxed. And I think that there's something about competing relaxed, whether or not you were in first place. I think that's his point, is when you feel at ease and relaxed, you can do things you maybe otherwise wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:23:03 It's like that flow state. You're not fighting against yourself. I will say, I mean, look, Ricky or no Ricky, anybody next to me, I'm always trying to like pay attention to that and use it to whatever way I can. I think you never want to overstep. You want to be a little careful with what you do. And there are workouts this weekend where you have to know what your limitations are. And if you don't, it's going to turn a 6th place finish into a 16th place finish really fast. So I think there has to be a level of care taken. But yeah, I mean, I would not say that I'm an exceptionally emotional competitor.
Starting point is 00:23:40 And I think if you've watched me compete for years, you would probably agree. So I don't usually fall into those kinds of traps. I don't know how Ricky is. Nobody does. He hasn't competed in four years really, other than Dubai. So who knows? If you're the type of competitor and there's lots in the field who get wrapped up in moments and momentum, that can be really beneficial. It can be really beneficial it can be very detrimental so i don't know i i'm sure the fans will like to see us be right beside each other i don't know if i'll care that much i i really think that the ricky and belner thing has been played up and spun out more than it it is in reality um i think it's a it's a it's a
Starting point is 00:24:23 circumstance thing i think the whole situation arises because i happen to be the guy who finished behind him and i think the issue that i take with the whole situation is issue an issue of cheating and it's like hey you know and now he's done his time and that's great and i think that i ended up somehow in the role of like representing the greater athlete body of people who are like annoyed by a person who cheated um in a situation that we hadn't dealt with before that it happened to a podium performer and you know i just kind of ended up being the guy in that position by happenstance and i was happy to like whatever be that guy but uh it's like i don't have a vendetta out against them you know i'm sure that i hope when i see him he'll come say hi and maybe say something nice to me i hope also that
Starting point is 00:25:13 it's not in front of a bunch of cameras or things like that i don't really care i don't really care to do that uh for the morning chop up or whatever it is right i feel not for that i would prefer to have a conversation with him as a guy yeah and get it and move past it and that's totally fine with me i hope someone has a long lens on you i hope someone has a long lens on you so you don't know but but we still get to be honest i would have preferred to run into him yesterday or today before we were in competition to just like whatever like have that done i don't think it's going to be a big distraction for me but you know if even if it is for him i don't want it to be distracting for him i want him to be able to compete as well as you can like it just whatever it is what it is i know
Starting point is 00:25:54 there's a lot of people who seem to be more emotionally invested in it and at the end of the day like do i want to beat him in competition yeah of course i do but i also want to be like literally every other guy that's out there so So will it be a little bit sweeter? Because the last time he beat me by one place? Maybe. It's funny you say you want to beat every other guy out there because I think every guy out there is looking to beat you. Two-time defending champ.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Do you come into this with any kind of different feel knowing that that targets on you a little bit? Don't think that just because Brian changed the subject, we're done with that. Go ahead. Okay, that's fine. i would say it's i don't know it's stressful like it's stressful coming into competitions with pressure um and that'll always be the case i don't think there's any way to get over that and i think pressure is a privilege to a certain degree you earn that privilege or that pressure over years of, of, uh, performance, right? It doesn't come from nothing. Um, so the best you can do is learn to manage your stress. And if you,
Starting point is 00:26:50 typically the people who manage their stress well, perform well, try to turn that into something productive, like use it, uh, that nervous energy and put it in the right direction. Um, you know, everybody will say the same thing. Like everything, this kind of time today is like when things are like, oh man, you know, we're about to get started tomorrow. You're really jittery, but there's nothing you can do about it. Like you just have all this pent up energy and nowhere to put it. And, you know, starting tomorrow, you can do something with it.
Starting point is 00:27:16 You can start to control your destiny a little bit. And that's all you got to do is just focus on what those little things are that you can do to move forward, right? And not just be pushing energy in every direction or letting that stress melt you down. What clues is a bit funny because they're long days, like it's two events a day for us only. So you kind of compete and then you have three, four hours sometimes to let it fester and then you compete again.
Starting point is 00:27:39 So that can be challenging, like that up and down, or you have a bad performance and it's sort of like now you got to sit on it for like four hours, um, before you can do something again. So I don't know, learning those competition skills that just comes with experience, just learning how to deal with that stuff goes a long way. I've been good at it in my career, but I'm not immune to the stresses that come with that. So when I walk into a competition like this, like I get it, I know I walk into whole foods and everybody stares at me. Like I, I understand, like, I know, I know what, I know what I'm supposed to do and I'm going to try to do it, but there's nothing else to it. I was noticing, do you see that they, uh, I think they announced what two workouts we're going to be doing tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:28:18 You've seen those. Yep. Yep. And when I look at those two workouts, something that really struck me is they're kind of just fitness workouts. Like, you know, as opposed to at the games where a lot of times, many years, you have a swimming workout, a heavy lifting workout, some of these specialty ones that usually at the end of day one, the leaderboard doesn't look that much like it might look at the end of the weekend. This looks like it very well could be like just in two events. You might see the top 10. Maybe they'll move around a little bit, but they'll probably do pretty well. Does that like, you know, sometimes you've had to make your way back up the leaderboard at the games do you like that there's kind of just some like couplets and
Starting point is 00:28:51 triplets right off the bat and you get to attack it yeah it's nice i like that the first event is longer too i think you kind of get they're they're less stressful frankly like the more reps the more like length in a workout like that, the less costly one single mistake can be. So in general, I think you see the cream rise to the top more consistently in those types of workouts. The second one is going to be still pretty fast. And a miscalculation can cost you a lot. And you may not represent yourself to the best of your ability.
Starting point is 00:29:24 That first workout, I think, is, you come in with what you have. And I think there's not a lot standing in the way of people from an execution standpoint to show what their fitness level is. Um, other than like, you know, you trip a double under here and there maybe, but that will probably happen to everybody at least once. So I like that. I think it's cool. It's a little bit lower stress and lower pressure coming in. But,. But I actually look at both of those workouts and I think that they're the highest impact workouts of the weekend. What do you mean by that? Like on your, like on your body, the most wear and tear on the body?
Starting point is 00:29:53 I think a hundred weighted GHDs and the heavy flips and the heavy rope double unders is going to put a lot of tension through the shoulders, a lot of like stress through the back, a lot of like, and then the thruster, the heavy thrusters and chest of iron bike is like, people's legs are going to be super sore the next day. Like, I think that that sets the stage really well for the weekend. And it makes me look at the weekend a little differently and go,
Starting point is 00:30:18 you know, this is going to be, you're going to be already sore and hurting starting on day two. Like most people, it's going to start to be a war of attrition right after day one, where it's like, who can, who can continue to put up performances most like themselves by the time
Starting point is 00:30:33 it's Saturday, by the time it's Sunday. Yeah. And then, you know, only two workouts a day is a little different too. Like you almost feel like you can go a little harder on those. If you got,
Starting point is 00:30:40 if you know, you got four or five workouts, it's like, ah, but it's only two. But like you said, they can be almost a trap to set up for the weekend. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:47 I mean, you got to go, you have to go fast and do everything. Like there's not, there's lots of downtime. There's lots of whatever. I think that those two impacts, those two workouts look to me like the highest impact, like the highest load on the body. And then after that, it's like, it's going to be fitness. Things are hard. There's a lot of, like I said, most of the workouts have like,
Starting point is 00:31:06 it's all like CrossFit stuff, but the combinations are different. There's some new stuff. Like the box stepovers in the front rack is a twist that we haven't done yet that makes it significantly different and more challenging. And so there's like fun elements in almost every event that we haven't really done or seen before that I think it makes it kind of i think is just it makes it kind of hard to know and it makes it fun so i think that starting starting thursday off is going to
Starting point is 00:31:30 go to bang and then uh i think that evening event of thursday is going to be i'd love to watch it i i think it's going to be it's like that thruster bike workout we did at rogue like the kind of workout that you look at and you think about for like two days and you just whip yourself and you're like i've done it in my head like four or five times already and it's hurt bad and it's not gonna hurt any worse when i do it it's just gonna feel exactly like you think it's gonna feel and then it's gonna be done so i would love to watch that workout i'm not so keen to do it if you were watching it you'd probably watch on the savon podcast right absolutely like are you broadcasting it or you guys are doing like commentary are you probably not this is the this is the premier place to come and hear shit talking i don't know well i better not fuck that one up then hey um so here's so here's the thing, Pat. dealer studio exclusively on fan dual casino where winning is undefeated 19 plus and physically
Starting point is 00:32:46 located in ontario gambling problem call 1-866-531-2600 or visit please play responsibly this episode is brought to you by disney's young woman in the sea now streaming on disney plus i've decided to swim the english channel a woman i believe she'll die in that water from producer jerry bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. I think you know this. I think everyone knows this. Every athlete there has a story. Jason Hopper's the kid that won the MAAC, went to the games, took 20-something. Now he's with Matt. What's he going to do here?
Starting point is 00:33:38 Sarah Sigmund's daughter was supposed to be the best female athlete in the history of the CrossFit Games. She got injured. There's a bunch of stumbles. Now she's back after a layoff. Um, there's a story about the, uh, water Palooza. It was down a year because of, um, uh, pandemic response. And now it's back and, you know, like everything has, but the story of this water Palooza for me is you and Ricky coming back together because it's, it's it's competition it's sport it's
Starting point is 00:34:05 competitors and so not only do we have two of the best guys in the world but we have uh the the former champion which is patrick velner and then and then this guy who who they cross past at the games and he bumped pat out because pat you know didn't get that moment um on the podium because uh illegal rule i don't know if it's illegal is the right word he broke rule. I don't know if illegal is the right word. He broke the rule. I don't know. Is it illegal what he did? Just rule breaking.
Starting point is 00:34:29 I think illegal is very much an appropriate word. Is it illegal? Like, is it criminal? Anyway, whatever it is, it was bad. It's naughty and it's against the rules. And it stunk. And now he's back. And so to get you guys in the same place for a comeback is really, really cool.
Starting point is 00:34:47 But I think what's going to happen is, from what I know you, and I know you better than I know Ricky, but I know Ricky a little bit. Yeah, I think you're going to see him, and you're going to want him to be his best, and you're going to want to beat his best, and it's going to be just water under the bridge. Because it's just like, it's different to sit here and talk about it for four years versus like there he is standing next to you all of a sudden you you have a big heart you just had a kid you're getting a little soft you see the human love and everything and you're just gonna be like oh it's just another oh look at pat got serious let's call him soft um i just i just think it's gonna be yeah i think you guys are gonna have a blast but it's what makes shit memorable that's the stuff right there that
Starting point is 00:35:28 Pat files away for right before Echo on France I'm going to retire Ricky's right there let's fucking go no but it's what makes this event memorable I use the example with O'Keefe that like you never remember the shit that
Starting point is 00:35:44 just flushes away. But the shit that when you flush it at 3 in the morning and it back floods and now you can't go back to bed and you're cleaning up the floor and you're mopping and you're plunging, you never forget that one. And this is that moment for the fans. It's what's going to make Guadalupalooza memorable this year. Especially if it's close. Especially if you're nice to them and let them get a few wins on especially if it's close especially if it's if if you especially if you if you're nice to him and let him get a few wins on you and make it close please yeah yeah i don't disagree i think that people are keen to see that storyline yeah um i will say that
Starting point is 00:36:17 i don't think that that storyline deserves as much play as it gets. Okay. Um, cause I think that there's frankly a lot of great athletes who are here and have been here for years and aren't getting attention that Ricky gets and Ricky's getting the attention for the wrong reason. So I've been a little bit annoyed by that. I mean the little bit that I could be possibly annoyed, but for example, him getting invited to Dubai to me
Starting point is 00:36:46 was a bit of a punch in the face to some athletes who had been competing for a long time. He got invited based on a performance four years ago when he cheated. And then there's athletes who were at the games physically this year who got passed up for that spot. And that kind of sucks. I think everybody can look at that and see that that sucks did you get invited to dubai what it made up i did yeah yeah what it made up for was it was it was for tv it was for media it was for storylines and that's a huge part the thing that needs to be exist but i think it's unfortunate when um it's not a merit-based system that sucks um so i i feel for that a little bit and i think that you know we're talking about it and drumming it up and it's just like i don't know i like let his performance speak for itself like i'm i'm happy he had a good performance at dubai but i i think that the field here is a
Starting point is 00:37:36 little bit different we'll see what happens i mean yeah i hope the best for him i hope he continues to compete clean and have a good career i mean i think that it's going to be he has to compete clean and have a good career. I mean, I think that it's going to be, he has to, like, there's no, there's no third chance I think is the situation we're in. Right. So, and I can honestly, I don't, I don't think I'm going to be friends with Ricky. Like I, I get along with most people. I think the way he behaved throughout that whole thing, um, we have very different values and I just don't think he's going to be my buddy.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Um, so, you know, it's as simple as that. I'm, I'm, we'll be perfectly civil. I'm, I'm a nice enough guy. I have no problem getting along with most people, but I'm not going to call him on the weekends to hang out. You know what I mean? Like we'll be, we're competitors and that's totally fine. I compete with a lot of people, but he doesn't occupy a lot of space in my head.
Starting point is 00:38:21 we're competitors and that's totally fine. I compete with a lot of people, but he doesn't occupy a lot of space in my head. Uh, Brian, I'm going to bet you right now that $5 someone gave you today that at some point during the competition that Patrick and Ricky do a bro hug. I'm not taking any bets with you right now. Have you gotten your hands on the flip side sled yet,
Starting point is 00:38:43 Pat? Yeah, I used it a little bit today played with it a couple times they have it out for you they were like out i went about the flip sled booth was up so like we just went and chatted with the people there and and uh they're like i give it a shot you didn't do anything illegal not that i know of like no flip sleds exist exist flip floods exist they're out there you can find them yeah i've never used one prior to being here though but they're it's a little easier to grip than the pig it's not a yeah not a big there's actually like a specific place you that you can grip yeah there's handles basically yeah so and i think the weight's slightly
Starting point is 00:39:21 slightly lighter than the game's 10 pounds lighter and it's a little shorter so it flips a little easier but covers less distance i guess per flip pat just beat him up and put him to bed beat me up and put me to bed that would be awesome uh i don't know if i don't know if that's a metaphor for Ricky to beat him up and win some events and put an I don't know. I don't know. Like I said, it's not going to take up a lot of space in my head.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Go ahead, Brian. Did you ever consider doing the teams of three here? No, not really. People don't invite me to come hang out with them oh because brent has done the teams of three here you know a couple times in the past yeah it's i mean it's hard i think i don't have the proximity to a lot of athletes that some people do so i think those things come together when people are like either overseas teams that are like yeah we'll get together there and we'll make a team.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Or I'm like close enough to people that I'm not front of mind as like, oh, we need to like make a full team and bring everybody down from different parts of Canada. Like we're close enough, but that's just not really how we think. But I'm like far enough away from people that I'm not training with them every day. So it doesn't like make sense to make a team in the gym and go. Right. So I don't know. The team of three looks pretty fun and stacked actually but uh i don't know and i think i made my intentions known that i was going to still try to compete individual here
Starting point is 00:40:54 so people probably just didn't bother asking i think you have patrick winning this don't you brian i think it would be disrespectful not to. No. Fuck respect. What's your honest opinion? His credentials are better than anyone's in the field, and there's no reason for me to think that he's not the most likely to win. Have you heard anyone pick anyone other than Patrick? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:26 The other athletes all pick themselves. No, but you know what I mean.'ve you've done the circuit you've done the tours the podcast tour you've been on a lot of prediction podcasts is everyone picking patrick i think so and patrick you made a video um i i don't think it was with the morning chalk up or maybe it was with wadapalooza and you say very nonchalantly i guess the pressure's on me, but, but, but you really aren't feeling any pressure, are you? Oh, of course I am. I'm like a duck on a pond. So yeah, quiet up top, but the feet are going mile a minute. Yeah. I like that. Really? It's always like that.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Like I don't think anybody was telling you they're not stressed or nervous or feeling like, you know, they've got it. Like we work too fucking hard to show up and just be like whatever happens happens like no i invest a lot of time and energy into doing this and i think to do anything to care any less than a fucking lot is is like disrespectful to yourself so i think that you get nervous and stressed to do things that you really care about and that's how i see it is like when i feel stressed i know it's because i still care and I still have a few good years left in me. Yeah. I still need to keep doing it. If I didn't care, I'd retire. I'd fucking stop doing it because it's too hard. I don't want to get on the echo bike five times a week and kick my ass
Starting point is 00:42:38 just to come here and not give a shit. Yeah. That's a, that's, that made me happy to see you push back on that like that that's awesome like i think yeah i like so i still see it like that like i look at it and i say yeah like for sure pressure's on me i think people come in again like there's expectation i have high expectations of myself and i think that you know you don't want to you know you don't want to i don't want to disappoint myself more than anybody else. So I think the last time you've been out is the games. Is that the last time you've taken your body for a spin? No. Rogue. I was at Rogue. Oh, that's right. That's right. Um, and is this, is this the same feeling you had before Rogue and the same feeling you had before the games?
Starting point is 00:43:17 Like when this, yeah, the feet underwater, there's always a little bit of a feeling, an unknown feeling like, you know, checkin's always funny because people just size each other up. Right. And I love like going and talking to athletes because I, I like to chat with people and play it really light and just like kind of get a feel for where they're at. Um, and I joke around a lot and, you know, I'm a bit self-deprecating. So I think that people kind of don't know what to make of me sometimes but it's so much of this like everybody sizing each other up you don't know what people have been doing it used to be the same like in the old system you'd see people like once
Starting point is 00:43:54 a year at regionals and they'd be like you don't know there's no touch points in between you don't know what people have been doing you don't even know if you're looking at the same guy from last year so it's like you don't you don't know anything until three two one go and then like after one or two events you sort of feel where you're at and especially when they're more general fitness style events you kind of get a good representation of like all right like what what am i working with here what are these guys working with um but there's so much unknown when you walk into an event. Like, I don't, I don't know. We don't, we,
Starting point is 00:44:25 when I got here, we didn't know most of the events people are walking around. Like we saw some of them at rogue, but rogue was an invitational with very few people. Like a lot of people have been putting in off season work. Like, you know, you just don't know what you're walking into.
Starting point is 00:44:37 So, and at the same time, like they, I've maybe been, been seen more recently, but people don't know what I'm coming with either. Like I could have been slamming cake and turkey all fucking last three months. Like nobody knows.
Starting point is 00:44:51 So who knows? Maybe I'm going to be a fat slob. And like, no, no one has a clue. Right. And it's hard to know until, you know, until the event's done. And so I think that that provides an element of like stress and surprise. And so it's always, I think it's hilarious and fun to just watch people dance around each other
Starting point is 00:45:08 and like do this awkward high school dance as everybody sees each other for the first time in months. And it's super funny. You are 31 years old. Yes, sir. And Tim Paulson's 31. There's some other guys. Griffin Raleigh is 29. I think Scott jumped on that grenade for me when he signed up last minute,
Starting point is 00:45:36 so he's the oldest guy here now. Oh, no, no. There's Jason Smith's here. Oh, Jason Smith's here. I forgot he was here. No, he didn't make it. Oh, he didn't make it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:44 He was supposed to come. He was supposed to come. That's too bad. I like Jason a lot. Scott saved you. There's a dude here who's 19. James Sprague, right? Yeah. And Dallin, he's 20 now. He's 20 and also
Starting point is 00:46:02 Benoit Boulanger is probably 20. Those are some of the youngest guys yeah are you canadian yeah uh caroline lambre coaches him okay sounds like a canadian name let me see that sounds like a when you see these guys so the only time you start to you know you don't realize you're tall until you're around people who are short you don't realize you're old until you're around people who are young like when you see these guys is it like oh shit like you know what's funny is i i met james like years ago uh granite games i want to say like 2017 um and he was like he had done his first maybe first or second year in like the teenage division like the 14 15 year old division
Starting point is 00:46:44 uh that year at the games and like talked to him a little bit super nice kid and he like is the exact same now he's a golden retriever he's awesome kid so i actually ran into him today and he's super nice always says hi like just so interested in everything everybody's doing like an absolute salt of the earth dude but uh we had to see him now but now he's like he's like six two he's a big boy like he's a he's a unit and so i see him now i'm like you never see yourself as changing i wonder what he still looks at me what he thinks like he saw me like four or five years ago and he's like fuck this guy's in his prime and then now he's like looking at me like got a few more wrinkles and a few more miles on me he expects you to have an eye patch now yeah
Starting point is 00:47:25 because that that like i saw him like i met him at like an age where he's changed significantly right but i feel like i've i've changed marginally in that time i mean you really are like a salty pirate compared to him oh yeah i mean like we had we had him on the show and it's like it's a total i mean you're totally different he's like he's like a new pair of shoes and you're like that that's where an alligator bit me in florida this is uh where a bear attacked me in alaska i mean it's like you have all the marks no it's funny that's fine though man that's a life well lived i think it's i don't see that as a no no one me no it's not a dig but it is it is it's got to be kind of weird it's got i mean like in another i don't like it man you show up show up the next year with a couple more scars a couple more
Starting point is 00:48:14 stories and they're like holy yeah yeah here he comes again so anyway let's see i think it's fun yeah uh wait what's this brian i will make a hundred dollar bet to say that ricky will not So anyway, I think it's fun. Yeah. Wait, what's this? Brian, I will make a $100 bet to say that Ricky will not podium at 2-1 odds. I will directly donate my earnings to Sebon and Josh podcast. And why that podcast? Dylan Val. No bets tonight for me.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Too delirious. Although once the event starts, let's start with the CrossFit Games first off. Once the event starts at the CrossFit Games, do the nerves subside? Yes. And at Rogue, do they subside?
Starting point is 00:49:04 Yeah. Which is funny because i had significantly different first events at both of those competition it really is like it's a product of just like being able to do something i think that having the all the energy and know where to put it is tough it makes people jittery it stresses you out you think of all the possibilities but like once there's just like there's only one route like you just you go in and you do whatever you can do it's sort of like there's a freedom in that where you're like okay i know what i have to do and i just have to try to do it um but when you're just when there's nothing you can do like you i mean i've seen uh
Starting point is 00:49:40 it happen to people even at like the games where we go you have a really bad event and then there's the day off in between and then you have like an entire day to let that one bad event like sit in your head and it's like you really want nothing more than to just do another workout now and like that's hard to like at this point everybody has that you're like we know okay there's eight events nine events coming at us and i just want to something. I want to bite off a chunk now. But it's hard when you can't, and you've got to be able to put that down and still be able to sleep and do other things. So, and yeah, even though the games, I come next to last in one, and I still feel like, oh, you know, pressure's off for different reasons,
Starting point is 00:50:19 like nowhere to go but up from here. And then I rogue, like, performing really well in the first event, being like, cool, like, I'm exactly where I i should be um like i think my fitness level is good and that this competition i i should be all right like i think there's just those unanswered questions before you get into the the ring and then once you even do one event you sort of answer some of those questions hey have you been swimming like it just like it's your job, like you're a fish. Oh, it was up until like three weeks ago, but a bunch of the pools closed, um, in Canada. So I couldn't really swim for the last three weeks or so. Um, Griffin Raleigh, he was sounding like Matt Fraser. He's like, I'm like, do you have a coach?
Starting point is 00:50:57 He goes, no. He goes, I just train my weaknesses. I go, really? He goes, I really just train my weaknesses. I just keep going after my weaknesses just over and over and over. And, you know, you had to have looked at the games and been like, OK, if I would have taken 22 places better in the swim, shit, I'd be CrossFit Games champion or whatever it is. Right. Like, you know what that is, right? Yeah, sure. How many places was it, Brian? Oh, I don't know. I don't know what it was. I actually haven't done that. But, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:51:30 I also didn't bother to do it because ultimately I didn't think that's why he lost. Why would you say he lost? I had a bad Friday afternoon. Six, seven, eight, basically. And then when it mattered most, Justin didn't make a mistake. Yep. But I'm just talking about specifically the things that Pat had control of. I mean, I can forget about Justin,
Starting point is 00:51:48 but it's just like, I don't know. You can't control the field either. Right? Like if I swim every day and then everybody else is just a little better at swimming, like you still could take a 30th place and it's not because you haven't improved drastically.
Starting point is 00:52:00 So there is like more to it than that. Um, and yeah, I swim a lot now. I'm swimming like two times a week, at least, um, currently well before pools were closed. That's like what my regular schedule is now two to three times a week, but it's good. Like it's improving lots, but sometimes just depends on style event. And I don't know, I, I like, I don't let it dominate my life like to
Starting point is 00:52:23 the point where, and it also also is it's an interesting weakness in the sense that it's actually harder to work on your swimming than it is on like a lot of other weaknesses like what and why is that it's very technical you need eyes on you to coach it's more of a process you got to like go to the pool get wet go do whatever it's like it's a much bigger like longer commitment and just like it's been harder to get the right coach and find the times that work with them and let it mesh into your schedule. So I've got a good system now when I'm home. So it should be good. I think it will pay off lots this year.
Starting point is 00:52:57 So we're chipping away, but it's not an overnight fix. Have you – do you remember – have you ever gone to an event and there's an event within the event that just totally catches you off guard that's like – and has that happened in recent times? Does that just happen to you once as a crossfitter and you're like, that will fucking never happen to me again? Like that swim event, it didn't catch you off – I'm guessing from listening to you talk now, it didn't catch you off guard. You didn't finish you talk now it didn't catch you off guard you didn't finish it and be like oh my god i can't even believe i finished i mean like the kind of shit like you used to see in the 2009 games you know what i mean like people passing out and falling down and like like people were caught off guard unprepared do you ever remember going to an event and being unprepared and be like oh shit i didn't know they were going to throw rocks at us i don't think so no okay i don't think so i
Starting point is 00:53:45 think that it's it's just varying degrees of like oh this is going to be kind of sucky i didn't think that they would do this but not like i won't be able to do it okay um i don't know i i'm like i have a pretty versatile skill set at least so skills wise i don't think i've ever run into a wall like that but other than that like i don't know you can manage things like nobody ever thought we'd probably do that marathon row but like you can you can sit on the rower and pull like you can do it and it's just going to kind of suck for a little longer but uh you know i don't think i've ever had anything that really really like stopped me in my tracks what year was that marathon row 18 what was your first games individual 16 you were on a team before then yeah the year before
Starting point is 00:54:29 i was on a team who was on your team you wouldn't know any of them no brian it was the last year they did teams of six as well so it was like be five people do you know them brian off the top of your head no but i'm curious if he says their names, if I know any of their names. The women were Emmanuel Blais, Alexandra Bergeron, Raquel Rodriguez. The men were myself, Martin Roy, and Yves Tourville. Martin Maxime, wait, Martin Roy? Yeah. Yeah, I don't know those people, no.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Where did you find a Rodriguez that far north? Martin? Yeah. I don't know those people. Where did you find a Rodriguez that far north? She lives in Quebec. She's French. They're all super French. Let me tell you something. No one Rodriguez is in French. You may be smarter than me, but Rodriguez is not French. That's south of San Diego.
Starting point is 00:55:23 I'm not sure. That was my first year of being focused on competitive CrossFit. Damn, dude, you've been around for a long time. That was when I was maxed back, so I was like 305 pounds. Although that year's team was really good because it was like, I was definitely, after the 2014 regionals, I did individual, and I got absolutely buried at anything with a barbell or
Starting point is 00:55:46 weight, but my gymnastics background carried me to some strong finishes. And then I spent a year training for team stuff, which at the time team was a lot more like interval style, a lot of power output, a lot of like, you know, that was kind of back when you could sort of have specialists and you'd have people kind of pop in and out. So you of go in do some reps really fast lift some heavy loads get out um and so i spent a year just like working a lot on strength and power output which was what i needed so that was like as far as the development process that was actually a great great move
Starting point is 00:56:19 um and paid off a lot for my individual career and then when i went back individual it was it was easy um we had uh sam well on the show cornway yeah and uh he he made a pretty big move this year and he he spent eight weeks and dropped 16 15 16 pounds yeah yeah 15 16 pounds um see it's a lot. I mean, he's still a big guy. He's still over 200 pounds. I think I want to say he went from 223 to 16 to 200 basically. Okay. Um, any, any big changes for you? Anything crazy like that? Any, I'll probably put on five pounds. No kidding. Not muscle though. From that cake. There's holidays. I'll try to lose lose it i'll lose it this weekend competing uh uh will let's see his instagram again i want to see if there's any pictures where we can see that five pounds
Starting point is 00:57:15 what do you weigh right now patrick like 200 okay and what do you show up to the games at usually like 195 ish no kidding man you look bigger than that is that last year wadapalooza two years ago i mean yeah that is yeah that's that's 2019 actually oh yeah yeah i mean there's a few people that have been losing weight this year oh yeah yeah click that one click that one look he looks like he looks like he put on 30 pounds in that one with the black shirt on. Yeah, click that one. Oh, yeah, that's a good shirt for you. Good hairstyle, too. A little mohawk.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Who made this for you? Oh, one of my buddies on the island. Oh, that's cool. Okay, what were you saying? Sorry, before we were talking about weight loss. Oh, I was just saying there's quite a few athletes this year that actually seems like dropped a bunch of weight. I'm not sure what the deal with the trend is.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Oh, Noah also, right? Noah dropped an insane amount of weight. Is he competing at that lighter weight? I'm not sure if he's rebounded at all. He's here, I think. Because he's doing a team with Chandler and Travis, I think. They're the team of three. They'll be great in the team of three. you know, rebounded at all. He's here. I think he's cause he's doing a team with Chandler and Travis. I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Uh, they're the team of three. They'll be, they'll be great in the team of three, but, um, yeah, cause he went from like two Oh five to like one 85 or something in like,
Starting point is 00:58:33 in like four weeks or something like that. Oh, was that fast? It was, it was maybe not that fast. It might've been like five. It was pretty fast. I remember seeing him post that he was going to try to lose this weight and
Starting point is 00:58:43 then seeing him post that he had lost the weight and being like, wait a minute. How? And so I was a little curious about that because I want to I usually wouldn't recommend anyone doing that. But I don't know. I mean, whatever. It depends what you're I don't know what your goals are anymore. Right. Like, it depends what you're trying to do.
Starting point is 00:59:02 But hey, when you're pushing. Do you have any idea how many calories you eat a day patrick like on no like probably like 5 000 roughly when you're training when the training's really up yeah training's really high maybe a little more but uh up like up towards 6 000 maybe at peak and then anywhere from like 4 000 to 6 000 if it like depends on what i'm doing. Say it's 5,000. How many of them are you drinking, the calories? I'd try not to do a lot, but probably 1,000, 1.5. When's the last time you weighed 165?
Starting point is 00:59:39 Me? Yeah. Well, fuck, long time ago. High school? When did you get your driver's license? When you were 16? Yeah. And do you remember what the weight was on there?
Starting point is 00:59:50 No, I don't. I don't know. I don't know. I bet you I probably weighed like 170. Oh. When I was like competing in gymnastics. So you weren't. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:03 You weren't a pinner. No, I've never been small like that all right not really we've been talking to a couple guys what did uh that's another thing griffin raleigh told us at 15 years old he was five feet tall and 115 pounds well five feet tall though so that means he just like hadn't had puberty yet yeah just tiny but he also had something weird like a 400 pound back squat or something no way yes yes i mean i kind of believe it based on his track record but that's hilarious when he played football he said he back squatted uh 600 for 12 and i and i and i go what's your max back squat and he goes i never i never i never tested it i did 600 for 12 so my max is 600 and my reps are 12 that's why i'm like i'm glad i can i'm
Starting point is 01:00:53 glad i'm fit because like i could never compete with like that kind of strength you know i mean that was a long time ago he says he's a lifetime to build that he says he's who else does that you know paul trombley yeah he's he's like that like He says he's weak now. You know who else does that? You know Paul Tremblay? Yeah. He's like that. Like he said he's never failed a back squat. He just like whatever he puts on the bar, he'll just do. And then he doesn't ever squat his own percentages anymore because he's like, yeah, it just like ends up hurting my joints after like a week.
Starting point is 01:01:20 So he just whatever. If you walk into the gym and you're squatting, he'll squat whatever you're squatting. And then he'll just like, that's it. But but he'll go in he doesn't even like really train to compete anymore the other day they did that like move train compete uh crossfit ran some small competition um just online and he cleaned like 385 with like hasn't done like any weight lifting in like months he's just he's a freak. Like the people, some people just have it.
Starting point is 01:01:46 I don't know. And I, it doesn't make sense to me. Defies logic. Like I just, I don't get it. And I, but whatever I can do burpees for longer than he can.
Starting point is 01:01:56 What, what, what workout are the burpees in? Oh, Bayside chipper. I think it's going to be event four, Saturday night, Friday night,
Starting point is 01:02:04 probably box jumps, the double kettlebell front rack, rope climbs in the middle, and then burpee box jump over and kettlebell deadlifts to finish. I wonder if you're going to be a commentator in the sport when you're done. You were faster than Brian on that. There'll always be space for you on this Devon podcast.
Starting point is 01:02:19 I pay attention. I hope I know it. I've got to do it in like a day here. But, yeah. Patrick, I did a little run through of that one. It's, it's a, it's fast. Yeah. I was surprised when I saw that it was a 10 minute cap. And then I started thinking about it and I was like, Oh yeah, that's just cause they're all twice as good as me. It's quick. You got to move pretty quick. But it's a, yeah, it'll yeah it'll burn people up pretty good I think
Starting point is 01:02:48 maybe get somebody who really goes hard and falls from the top of those ropes see that's the kind of stuff the fans want to see they don't get the person doesn't get hurt we don't want them to get hurt just a little fall a big fall no descent standard just let us fly from the rafters yes yes somebody will do it someone will do it do you know the do you know the schedule
Starting point is 01:03:13 yet like like to to do you know where you're supposed to be every minute between um now and sunday no they're gonna kind of they're releasing it pretty slow like we we got a an updated schedule for tomorrow just like an hour or so ago a couple hours ago and actually just like 30 seconds ago got an email that uh has our briefing time for tomorrow morning um so we'll probably just have to we'll get briefed tomorrow on tomorrow tomorrow's events, and then they'll give us our heat times after that, and then we'll just kind of get to run through that day. They might have a brief at the end of the day. Likely they're just, because the elite teams and individuals
Starting point is 01:03:54 don't start until like noon every day, probably we'll just have a morning briefing every day. So when we leave the site at the end of the day, they'll say, hey, call time tomorrow is 10 a.m., show up for your briefing. Then you'll get the whole next day's stuff. So they'll just hit you one day at a time. I don't think they'll, things are subject to change.
Starting point is 01:04:11 I feel like if you give everybody the schedule through till Sunday, it's just going to get updated a hundred times and you're going to have so many emails. So I think they're just going to give us one day at a time and we'll work through it like that. That's what O'Keefe told us. I mean, I'm just chomping at the bit to know the time so I can just start scheduling when I'm going to be watching and what we're going to be doing. So I was hoping like you had something more detailed and you could send it to me. I don't know. I could check that email right now, but I won't. You're a good dude.
Starting point is 01:04:37 How far is your hotel room from from where you go to get your briefings and lift weights and collect checks? Not super far. We'll walk there in like five to ten minutes probably ten minutes and you will do that every day you'll walk that doesn't take anything off no walk there i usually don't spend a lot of time outside in the heat if i can help it so i'll probably walk to the briefing then depending on who starts men or women, I'll probably just go back to the hotel, sit in the AC for a couple hours, have some lunch,
Starting point is 01:05:10 go back to go warm up some sled flips. And then after we have that, that event is going to be really long. I think it's like a three hour window for the men and women to do that event. So if you go, like if the men go first, you've got a long break until you have to do that
Starting point is 01:05:25 frown workout so same like i would just go back and chill like go sit in the hotel and get out of the heat eat some food chill um the baby have they talked about ricky yet that is so rude i would not bring up ricky this is pat's uh competition time and i do not want to fill his head with drama and nonsense pat you just stay focused and this these people everyone just wants drama it's competition time and I do not want to fill his head with drama and nonsense. Pat, you just stay focused. Everyone just wants drama. It's a shame to be human. People love it, man. Of course they do.
Starting point is 01:05:53 That's all you want. In the beginning of the podcast. I'm going to walk up and slap him as soon as I see him. How could you? Someone suggested that you have a shirt with an arrow pointed this way, and above it, it says, test him. And then you just stand there.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Hey, I'm quite sure that they're testing him. I'm sure that's not a problem. I'm sure he's doing what he needs to do now. CrossFit started releasing the negative tests, and he was on one of them. Do you like that they're doing that? Yeah, although I got to tell you, maybe he'll hate me for for saying this but it is the most stressful fucking phone call you'll ever get because they in order for them to release your negative test they um they need your permission to do it so they basically like curtis curtis bowler who is the head of the drug testing for
Starting point is 01:06:41 crossfit will just cold call you and like it, it's, it's happened twice to me now. Like after, hello Patrick, this is Curtis. And if you've ever met Curtis, he doesn't like, you wouldn't know it's a happy call. You pick up the phone and like, you know, we talked to Curtis sometimes with the, our athlete association. And like, so I have a couple of different touch points that you could be calling me for anything. And I'm like, Curtis Buller, kind of weird. You pick up the phone and it's like this, he like, he I have a couple of different touch points that you could be calling me for anything. And I'm like, Curtis Buller, kind of weird. You pick up the phone and it's like this, like he's talking to you, like your family has just died.
Starting point is 01:07:10 And you're like, holy shit. And he like lets it linger for like 30, 40 seconds. Oh, he's doing it on purpose. What a great job to have. You're like, what are you doing? I have your results here. He says, hey, yeah. So yeah, all your tests were negative.
Starting point is 01:07:24 So we just wanted to know if we could publish them. And I'm like, oh my God. Like there's no, like, it's so funny. Cause like, you know, you've been doing the same things that you're doing before the games. Like nothing's really changed, but there's nothing that'll like get in your head that like you take a test and you're like, I don't know. It just makes you like second guess. Like every like piece of food you ate or like anything.
Starting point is 01:07:44 And it's like, it doesn't really feel good until you get confirmation that you're like, piece of food you ate or anything. It doesn't really feel good until you get confirmation that you're like, oh, no, you're good. And you're like, phew, I thought so, but nice to know. I remember taking a venereal disease. And it just holds you on the line. Yeah, exactly, right? You get the test and you're like, hey. I'm a virgin and I'm taking a venereal disease test and I'm still scared.
Starting point is 01:08:02 I'm like, what the fuck am I scared about? Yeah, good example. He just lets you hang there and fucking tortures you it's so bad and then he's like oh yeah then he's your buddy like right afterwards i'm sure he knows what he's doing every time i'm like dude you gotta stop doing that because it just like i was like driving last time when he called me it was like speakerphone michelle's in the car and she listened to that call and then when i got up she's like that was cruel like that was just like really mean i was like man i can't like yeah so he they have to ask to publish the test so i mean they i think at every probably around every major competition they're doing one a little bit before or after as well as the competition testing like we had
Starting point is 01:08:45 a handful of us got tested by drug free sport for crossfit during rogue and then we also got tested by rogue um same thing with the game same thing like they're doing more testing like i've been getting tested at more frequency than ever before so it's good i mean i'm glad that they're doing it and they're publishing it it's more more transparency. So I think it's sweet. So I'm sure he's been doing good. These are my preferred supplements. What is it? I can't see it. It's just desiccated,
Starting point is 01:09:13 desiccated liver. Delicious. Yeah. Let's take a moment of silence. Grass fed beef liver. You know, you like it. Bill's paid.
Starting point is 01:09:27 What do you guys see when I do that? Does your screen go black? It shows the ad. Oh, it does. It shows the little thing drop down and then it says whatever beef liver. Oh, but Brian can't see it.
Starting point is 01:09:40 I just get a black screen that says your mic is muted while the video plays. Yeah, mine says that at the top too, but I see the ad. I don't even see it. Oh, that's awesome. I just get a black screen that says your mic is muted while the video plays. Yeah. Mine says at the top too, but I see the ad. I don't even see it. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:09:50 Hey, it's not an ad. How dare you? How dare you? It's a, it's fast. It's, it's basically the same as when you just held it up to the camera. Hey,
Starting point is 01:09:59 and that's Will's voice. Will just made that. This is Will. Mine is muted. I'll turn the sound on next time. Will just made that. This is Will. I didn't hear it. Mine is muted. I'll turn the sound on next time. It's very sexy. All right, Patrick. You know the routine. We bug you throughout the week.
Starting point is 01:10:16 You don't respond. No feelings are hurt, but we have to bug you and send you text anyway. Maybe we catch you once. If we're lucky, you'll be downstairs eating wings or something and you won't want to be alone. Probably. I'll have a couple beers probably. During competition. Oh, yeah. I'll be at the bar after every event probably.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Carving up. Yeah, exactly. All right. I think they have a beer sponsor this year at Waterpalooza. Angling. Are those the winners? These are the winners. They sent us a photo on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Oh, that's awesome. They're very excited yeah it's a mom and two daughters oh that is so great from st louis pat what a great selection 256 never forget it they said they said to pick that number it'll have meaning they said say thank you to pat and they're also i mean they're only missing Ryan in that picture. So we're excited for that as well. They're practicing. Tomorrow I'll be there. Oh, that makes me so happy.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Thank you for doing it. That was a last minute gift that Andre over there surprised us with. He didn't have to do that. Super cool. What did your sponsor, did your sponsors give you anything cool for this? Like a special pair of magic underwear or like a new backpack yeah like good luck pat from that sweatshirt he's wearing from reebok here's an extra six pairs of shoes or i got a big uh i got my suit reebok sent me
Starting point is 01:11:35 like a carry-on suitcase full of gear for the competition for christmas oh that's not nice 256 pats back so that's not nice at all come on guys kilos kilos oh yes kilos I'm sorry my bad there you go I wish so Reebok what they sent me a bunch of new gear
Starting point is 01:11:57 a bunch of new just like shorts and shirts and things to compete in which is I always need more pairs of gym shorts, as you know. Never have enough, so. Someone should have sent you a Flowbee and some hair gel. Oh, man. Just let it rage.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Especially when you got, like, tomorrow we got GHDs and Echo Bike. You want the hair. You don't want it to be, like, rock solid. You want it to be winging around everywhere. We will be watching. Thank you. it to be winging around everywhere uh we will be watching um thank you i think this looks like um one of our largest live shows i mean it can't compete with the one where dave castro got fired but i mean outside of like something but this is like good stuff this is the best show this is the most watchers we've had when it's good shit happening
Starting point is 01:12:39 oh nice positive positive yeah So that's nice. Podcast. Good. Well, that's what an honor. And we will be bugging you throughout the weekend. Thank you. Brian, do you want to say good timing? Cause my wife and kids show up tonight, so it might be a little bit harder to carve out time, but Hey, you're welcome to try. Maybe you'll get Owen on. I feel lucky.
Starting point is 01:13:04 Have a great competition, man. Say that again? Any other burning questions or desires before I let you guys go? I'm going to turn off the audience before I tell you my burning desires.

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