The Sevan Podcast - #265 - Wodapalooza Day 1 Recap, Phil Toon & Matt O'Keefe

Episode Date: January 14, 2022

We recap the first day of competition at Wodapalooza and were joined by the president of Loud and Live Sports Matt O'Keefe as well as the current holder of 3rd place, Phil Toon. Follow us on Instagra...m Watch this episode Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman and the Sea, now streaming on Disney+. I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea
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Starting point is 00:01:31 What a day today. Thank you. That was awesome watching you handle your business. Thank you, man. I'm still coughing from that workout. You're talking about the second workout with the with the thrusters yeah yeah we saw we saw um after the event was over velner went outside the stadium to where like the corral area was and he and he got down on all four on the grass for about three minutes does
Starting point is 00:01:59 that seem about right yeah i uh i left the i left the floor as quick as possible and then i saw security guards chair and asked if i could just sprawl out there for a few minutes dude there Yeah, I left the floor as quick as possible, and then I saw a security guard's chair, and I asked if I could just sprawl out there for a few minutes. Dude, there were people hobbling off the floor, like straight-legged, bow-legged. I mean, it was nasty. There was serious lack of acid on that nine. I was— Ladies and gentlemen, we are here after day one of Wadapalooza 2022 it's a four-day event
Starting point is 00:02:28 they did two workouts today in first place is patrick velner and second place is down pepper and in third place is phil toon and uh oh so they changed the points a little bit i think earlier you and dallin were actually tied for points oh yeah and did they change that brian what am i looking at here or did i misread that there had been a scoring error in the first event that ended up moving down up one place so we got three more points okay you didn't miss what you saw earlier was like you did see that earlier and then they updated it that happens you mean that happens different things happen with scoring reviews disputes etc hey uh i've never followed an event that updates the leaderboard as fast as water palooza it is crazy for the fans it's awesome yeah they have a pretty pretty good system
Starting point is 00:03:17 when you look at this um when you looked at these workouts filled is this is this how you imagined it um the first one i mean there were a lot of variables we couldn't account for in training. I mean, we didn't have access to a flip set, nor have I ever used one. I had no idea what the jump rope was going to be. I assumed it was going to be an RPM rope, but it turned out to be, I think, a rope rope with the heavy handles. I don't even know. So I was pretty nervous for that one, to be honest um and i was just super anxious to get the day started i mean you know first comp in a while so i was just ready to get out there and i felt pretty good on it um my shirt got kept getting
Starting point is 00:03:56 caught in my sled which is super weird but besides that it was good but the second one i definitely knew um i knew i could do pretty well on. So I wanted to attack that one and try to get some points there. That was impressive because you went out pretty aggressively. And I was like, I don't know. But you held on. And each round, you were really strong. Yeah, I know I'm not as good of a biker as probably some of those guys,
Starting point is 00:04:20 like Hopper and stuff. But I know the thrusters, I can handle them. I literally did this workout three weeks ago pretty much the same thing with legless rope climb so i had an idea of what it was going to feel like um so i pretty much just tried to do the same exact strategy um and chest bars are just a little quicker just to give an idea for people like how how much do you have to think about that many reps at 135 thruster is that something that's routine for you or is that like i gotta i gotta like get up for that i mean it's not enjoyable like anytime more than like five thrusters at 135 it's not fun uh i mean i i would say the whole the whole
Starting point is 00:04:57 workout's the 15 that's just what it comes down to um so i knew if i like hammer the bike too hard i'd either rest a little bit before i picked it up or i was going to have to break it up but uh if i if i got through those thrusters unbroken i knew i'd be able to finish strong anything more than five is not fun and you did and you did 45 i'm you did those 21 unbroken huh yep is that a first for you to do uh 21 thrusters with 135 unbroken yeah huge pr serious no oh that's that's not a super hard thing sam i just don't know for me on seven it might be oh destroy me um so so that is something you've done before. That's like a Fran at 135. It's like you've done that.
Starting point is 00:05:47 You do it unbroken. And it is what it is. I mean, truthfully, if it was regular Fran, it would probably be at 135 without the bike. Those thrusters would be pretty interesting. What do you mean by that? Less rest between the thrusters. Oh. Oh, what do you, what do you mean by that?
Starting point is 00:06:04 Less rest between the thrusters. Like, Oh, I like chilled on the bike, but nice that I got a little bit more rest before getting back to the 15. So we were talking about that. So the bike was a place to try to get your breath and your heartbeat. I mean, not down, but just like under control, right? Yeah. I mean, I don't know if you can ever quite do that on the bike. But I, I knew I wasn wasn't gonna hammer myself there um so it was cool to watch it was cool to watch you guys because you would pull ahead on thrushes and pull-ups
Starting point is 00:06:31 and then actually i think it was velner was like taking the lead on the bike so while you were kind of recovering there it seemed like that's where he was pushing it the hardest and that was that's a cool workout when different athletes can show their strengths differently oh for sure 100 uh phil i'm gonna kick this guy off the um podcast he says it's a miracle phil's doing this out there at his age i promise you i will he will not be allowed back on ever again he's done he's banished him i apologize for that uh velner when we interviewed velner and he told told us that that first workout, the flipped off, will be one that the athletes will feel in every workout. Did you feel that in the second workout? I think specifically he meant the GHD sit-ups.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Is that why he was saying that, Brian? I just thought – I think he thought it would be a pretty taxing opening workout for a competition. I was thinking CNS. What's that? What's your CNS. Do I have one of those? It's like,
Starting point is 00:07:34 if you do a max back squat, it's hard to do any workout after that. Cause your body is just taking a toll. Your central nervous system. That one, that CNS. Yeah. So Phil, after CNS? Yeah, that CNS.
Starting point is 00:07:51 So Phil, after a day like that, what's the recovery process tonight? One podcast. Yes, one podcast. Very quick. You only got me for a few more minutes. I just ate some food, shower, stretch, going to eat a little bit more food, maybe some peanut butter and jellies or something, some cookies. Uh, and then tomorrow I have a massage therapist coming to work on me in the morning. So I'm pretty pumped for that. And then, uh, you can throw around some weight tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Cause it's, it's pretty nice that you got the morning to, to do what you need to do. Today it sucked cause I was just like bubble guts, anxious, just ready to get out there. But it's going to be very nice, especially for tomorrow. I mean, both these workouts today, in my opinion, were just absolutely brutal on the body. Like I remember when I did Friendly Grand in semifinals, I did that day one and nothing else.
Starting point is 00:08:40 And I couldn't even touch my legs the next day. So I assumed to be like that uh you know going forward you need that guy on the morning is any party like you just want to just already party you're like shit i'm in third place this is a crazy stacked uh crowd 40 people no not at all you got it all under control you're just like all right no i wouldn't say i have it all under control but exactly we have six events left like two events is cool but you know it's all about being as consistent as possible across the weekend so i've got a lot more work to do uh yes uh you sure phil isn't a ufc guest uh yeah he does have a a little bit of a u vibe to him. I agree. I agree. How is it with the boys out there?
Starting point is 00:09:30 Everyone being cool? Everything chill? Friendly? Yeah. I mean, James keeps it light. He's such a funny kid. I actually just met him in person yesterday for the first time, and I was like, man, you are something.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I love him. And Dallin's more my speed where we kind of just leave each other alone and just holler at each other if we need each other. But it's great, and it's cool seeing them both have a pretty strong showing on day one. I mean, obviously, Dallin is ahead of me, so he's doing great. And you're referencing them because they are your brute training partners in Florida under Matt Torres out there. Yes. And I'm assuming he's here and he's coaching all three of you.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Yep. All right. Is there anything you want to say to this guy before we let him go? We're approaching our 10-minute where he turns into a pumpkin. John? Phil, did you expect to be top three after today with your own expectations? I don't think I really had expectations for placements more. So I just had,
Starting point is 00:10:33 I had goals for workouts. Like I said, the first one I was super nervous about. I wasn't really sure. Um, but the second one, like I knew I was like, I knew I could,
Starting point is 00:10:42 I knew I could potentially win that one. Uh, just came down to executing. Matt does a really good job just telling me, if you execute it how you want, let the chips fall where they will because that's what it's about. You can't control what other people are going to do. That's just really where I wanted to be is happy with my execution,
Starting point is 00:11:01 and I'm pretty happy with it. Dude, thank you. you're the best phil thanks for doing this brother i know it's late good luck tomorrow we'll be cheering you on as long as you're not next to colt mertens we'll be cheering you on later phil toon um jason hopper is phil toon who's still a virgin you know that like they're the same guy but just phil toon's just been around a little more just just a little bit more a little more life experience jason hopper uh worked at the church um and phil toon like worked at the gas station they're just different they're just different yeah tattoo parlor yeah they're just different construction
Starting point is 00:11:50 worker yeah uh jason hopper has a triple a card when he gets a flat uh phil toon gets out there and changes it it's just slightly just a different kind of man how did you guys get hopper for not coming on just a bunch of shit talking coming your way Till the job's done Hopper you get your ass on here This is part of the job Yeah thank you John It is part of the job
Starting point is 00:12:16 Yeah yeah yeah probably Jason Hopper's wife changes the flat exactly Jason Hopper How dare you deny me to, to rogue. And now water blues are not coming on the podcast. I call your mom. Send Phil tune over to your room.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Beat your ass. We need to get grace hopper on. Yeah. I think she's too cool for this show. Like, not like she doesn't think that I think she's like that. Like I would need to she doesn't think that. I think she's like that. I would need to really clean up my act. I need to get baptized again or something.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Again? Again. You did tell that story one time. A third time? No, no, no. That wasn't. No, no. That was a different.
Starting point is 00:13:00 I was actually dipped in water. That one. Really? In an ocean? Saltwater? Freshwater? What are we talking? No, just in the um fully emerged no just at the church when i was a little baby it was a toilet it was a swirly actually yeah and it was just a space and uh it was a guy in the bathroom at a bar and he flushed
Starting point is 00:13:19 the toilet uh guys this is the name of the lore this is going to be a a recap show uh everyone's had a long day today um we're going to try to get through this rather quickly our main focus is going to be the men's elite the women's elite and then um teams men and women and then brian if you saw anything else crazy there on the ground today he will fill us in but before we get started there's two things i would like to ask brian about two debacles we saw as viewers. Early on, there was a, in heat number one of the men's event in that interval workout, there was supposed to be a break between the intervals. It was three minutes on, one minute rest, three minutes on, one minute rest, et cetera. And there was a heat where they didn't rest. Can you tell what happened on the floor down there? And then, and then how did they fix that for the scoring? Well, it was just a
Starting point is 00:14:10 miscommunication. Uh, the, the MC had called time and I don't know why they, that was the one time of the whole day that none of the athletes or judges seemed to respond to it on the floor. And he got a little confused. He thought he he's like, did I call it at the wrong minute? Like, why aren't they stopping? And it took basically 30 seconds of this confusion before everyone was like no you guys need to stop you're on your rest interval but they just like kept the clock rolling and so they were like 10 seconds and half the guys are still walking down the floor to their ropes for the last round and uh basically this ended up being a huge disadvantage for those guys i think and that's kind of what the competition agreed uh team agreed as well and so they i think And basically, this ended up being a huge disadvantage for those guys, I think.
Starting point is 00:14:47 And that's kind of what the competition team agreed as well. And so I think they actually just let it ride because they got 30 seconds extra work, but the 30 seconds less rest was more detrimental. And I mean, so I think they ended up just letting it be. So we don't even know what happened. It could have just been at the perfect time the music played a note that canceled out the guy's voice something like that yeah and no so so no one fucked up no one no one lost their job over that no no well cool that's good to hear and then and then as i think it was john young says who gives a shit it was just the first heat those guys suck anyway that's not nice not nice john but but but the sentiment is agreed by many. Not everyone can be as honest as you.
Starting point is 00:15:30 John wishes he was in that heat. I do. I do. Yeah. Brian, do you have time before your Frisbee golf tournament starts? I forgot about that. Thank you, Corey. Corey is saying that you have a tee time in 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Yeah, I brought my glow discs down. You know, in Miami, they like the neon lights, so I lit all up and we're gonna go play in the night there was a uh there was a worm debacle in um lane one was it lane one um it was the hustle team the guy barely spoke english someone on on our broadcast thought he spoke english but i I don't think he spoke English. Was it the team of Will Kane and Mikey Steele and Wittrup? Was it that team, Brian? I'm not sure. This I don't think I
Starting point is 00:16:13 actually saw. But do you know what we're talking about? They said 3-2-1 go, and there was no worm for them. Yeah, they were in lane one, and there was no worm, and they were supposed to be on the other side. So they ran to the other side. It's like 40 seconds in the event because it's a big course.
Starting point is 00:16:36 And then they were like, well, just wait a couple of minutes and we'll start you at minute three. Or did he say minute four? Either way. It doesn't matter. It will start you on your own clock and because there was a worm on lane 19 or you know whatever so they started a few minutes late and then finished a few minutes late yeah but i think they just had their own yeah they they it's like all the other teams played rabbit form almost because it seemed they
Starting point is 00:16:59 were done just a little bit after the other team so So I think they had a good team. How'd they end up doing in that event? Do we know? It's so hard to see the team divisions. I know Team Mayhem got 17th. Wow. Did you know how much heat I took after they won the first event like that? Oh, on the comments, these freaking people.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Well, I know you weren't watching our podcast, but Will, am I wrong? Like up and down, everybody was calling me. Like, I have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm like, just, I'm telling y'all, they're not gonna kill it every event. I mean, look, I do wanna say, watching them do that event
Starting point is 00:17:43 was probably the most impressive thing I saw today. I mean, that was crazy. And you're talking about. Tell us what the event is, Brian. Yeah, it was the team flip sled event. And so in each five minute round, in an alternating order, three people have to do 100 double unders, then 30 GHGs, then start flipping the flip sled. So if you, me and John were on the team in round one, it'd go you. And as soon as you finish your double unders, I can GHGs, then start flipping the flip sled. So if you, me and John were on the team in round one, it'd go you. And as soon as you finish your double unders,
Starting point is 00:18:08 I can start, you do your GHGs. When that clears, I can move up. And then when I finished mine, I can come help you on the sled and John's falling blind. Then we all rotate up one. I go first, John, you, and then John, whatever their last order is. But they, I mean, the thing is there's no teamwork in this in this event really i mean at every point of the workout you're doing the work by yourself the only teamwork could be like i flip it you flip it john flips it i flip it you flip it john flips it if we all get there and you're talking about noel olsen travis mayer and chandler smith i mean three potential top 10 games athletes in any of the last three years where you know, depending on how things shake out.
Starting point is 00:18:46 And obviously Rich Froning. But besides that, you have Angelo DiCicco, who's kind of making an attempt to come back into the sport after potentially debilitating back injury. Well, to lift up that 560, 600 pound, whatever sled it is, I mean, his back's obviously healthy. And I'm pretty excited just for him for this next season after seeing that and then luke parker who's this guy you know he's like very pretty brand new to the space but people talk about this all the time this is the froning effect man it is so crazy how people line up on the floor as a part of his team and i mean luke parker was hunched over on the floor, Froning flipped it like it's no problem. And he just goes, get over here. And Luke just get it
Starting point is 00:19:29 and flipped it. Rich flips it immediately. And you've seen this with every male partner that Rich has paired with over the years. They're going back and forth on barbells. The guy cleans it, Rich cleans it immediately. And he's like, your turn. And Rich never does two to one. He makes the other athlete match him. And you know that that's happening in training too. And then suddenly you see this elevated level of these guys. It was really, really impressive. to one. He makes the other athlete match him. And you know that that's happening in training too. And then suddenly you see this elevated level of these guys. It was, it was really, really impressive. Well said. And so they are in seventh place right now with that workout that Brian just talked about. They beat the second place team by a minute and 45 seconds, which is pretty crazy. Is it a minute? Yeah. A minute and 45 minute 45 and but then unfortunately they took a
Starting point is 00:20:05 17th place which knocks them down to seventh place um and what's interesting is look at the smith brothers um alec picked up alec picked up smith bro smith bros alec no alec smith picked up uh sam dancer and um catch andter's ex-boyfriend. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they did great, too. They're one place ahead of Mayhem. So all three of those guys have experience competing on the team division at Wadapalooza here. But it was a very last-minute thing.
Starting point is 00:20:41 But I think that it's one of those where maybe not having so much stress about it coming in for street and sam that they're just like this is a fun opportunity i love this competition and i'm at my late invite but i'm happy to be here and throw down and kind of that that care i can't remember who we're talking to i think it was velner like that competing free feeling maybe uh you know they're obviously all very talented and don't forget what uh what we've been hearing is that alec is intending to come back and be pretty, you know, pretty serious this year. Hey, but what was Street Horner's status last year? Sam Dancer's retired, right?
Starting point is 00:21:17 I mean, he's an underwear model now and he does like charity work. And he owns that Strong Coffee Company. I actually talked to him and the founder of the company today as well. But, um, they, uh, yeah,
Starting point is 00:21:28 street. I personally, I think street should compete on a team. He's had such good success when he's been on teams and his individual career kind of spiked and he hasn't been able to get back to that point in four years. So if I was, if I was street,
Starting point is 00:21:40 I would say, you know what? I'm having fun doing it. I'm getting good results doing it. I'd like to see him go on a team this year so did were dancer and street horner just happened to be there was it was this like literally last minute and aliquot you know it was really last minute i don't think dancer was even planning to come wow in conversation with him it sounded like he had to arrange tickets and um i don't know i don't know if jen's here with him or not i don't know what's
Starting point is 00:22:04 going on but it was definitely a last-minute thing. And then we got this bizarre thing. We have two teams with the same name tied for fourth place. How does that happen? You know, I actually thought one of them was going to change their name, but both of them claimed that the other one stole their name. And so they just decided to write it out, and they turned the number into the word on one of them or whatever they have a fourth and a ninth
Starting point is 00:22:28 and a ninth and a fourth i know it's pretty funny no this is crazy but i'll tell you what i don't know which one of them it is the the tw or the two but one of them has this guy janice papadopoulos on it who's like popped up here and there and won a strength event. John, I think he might've won the deadlift at the, uh, one of the, one of the rounds this year. And, um, at the end of that workout, I'm not kidding you. He did four flips in 15 seconds. I saw him. I saw him one movement, one movement. It just, just, just. How much, how much was that? The men's weight was that it was like, I think it was over 600 pounds. I think it's five 80, five 80.
Starting point is 00:23:04 And he just like pushed the other guy out of the way. And he just goes, boom, boom, boom, boom. And I was like, over 600 pounds. I think it was 580. 580? And he just pushed the other guy out of the way, and he just goes, boom, boom, boom, boom. And I was like, oh, my gosh. And then the other guy did one flip, and he did two more, just like that. It was probably six flips in 30 seconds with one guy doing another flip in the middle of it. Crazy. Gina, thank you.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Super duper, duper, duper, duper, duper kind. All right. And then we have the Invictus team. These are the guys out of San Diego. Yeah, but it's not the usual crew that you might expect. However, Joshua Ocham is on that team and he competed with Sam Briggs and a couple others and podiumed at Guadalupe Lusa two years ago. Eric Carmody is on that team. He's a very good team athlete. And then they have, who's the third guy, John? Why am I just drawing a blank right now? It's Eric, Josh, Ryan Sauter. And Ryan's also competed here. He actually did really well one year with his brother, Zach Sauter, and another
Starting point is 00:23:56 guy named Zach Watts. So they, again, and this is the thing about the elite teams of three that we've been saying, like they have had legitimate teams and athletes competing that division forever and as we see here a lot of those guys are now coming back and taking this opportunity to do it again and they have a decent amount of experience with the teamwork synchronicity you know strategizing worm stuff and that's why you see all these teams up at the top even after just one day was this was this greek guy this papadopoulos guy was he going was he barefoot yeah yeah yeah in socks we talked about that with phil toon when he was on the podcast like last week you mean or like just now no last week okay i was like wow uh okay and then you got and look and you haven't asked about the thunder from down under like i wasn't
Starting point is 00:24:45 really sure about james newberry and con porter because they've been doing so many different things this year between the travel i think they're like in some business pursuits and all this crazy stuff they just got here from us from australia and uh and then they just pick up a teammate matt lugos but they looked really good and like in the moments where it mattered most they were like you could see that they went into that competitive mode and like you know made it made the efficient move or got another rep of the flip sled right at the last second or whatever um so i was really impressed with them today one lamb thank you uh can you drop sorry john real quick will can you open that up the thunder down under tab drop the click on the triangle sorry go ahead john did you see delugos uh pushing con and james
Starting point is 00:25:26 in the second event yelling they were they were on the nines they were on the nines and they ran to the bar or not what they walked to the bar james and con are tired they are like on their knees and delugos is yelling at them like let's go football type yell like get it together hey no you know what he said to them he said do you want me to send you back to australia to one of those quarantine camps you jackasses that's because delugos is an american and he's yelling at his australian buddies you want to go back to a quarantine camp you sons of bitches let me let me just throw this out there i will i will wager because i mean delugos is a big tall and he's going to have an advantage over those guys on the bike. I will wager that at some point this weekend,
Starting point is 00:26:08 they're both looking at him and saying, come on, man, let's go. You would think so. That was the neat part about it. He's supposed to be the least fit of the three. You know what I mean? Hey, just so you guys know, that's Brian flexing on us, that he knows something we don't know. He knows something we don't know. knows something yeah no i what i do what
Starting point is 00:26:26 i know is something that you do know it's that the six four guys gonna struggle once they kick upside down and these guys are gonna be cruising um and then uh at the top of the heap no surprise where they should be where they should be um travis mayer no olsen and challenger smith yeah i mean look at the very worst you're probably you're still looking at three of the 25th guys in the world and and obviously we talked about rich i mean he watching him watching rich froning today makes me think that he still is the best that ever did it like it was it was really crazy the way he moves breathes composes i mean it's it's so impressive but it takes like these three guys are all kind of you know still amazing and uh they they know each other well and they're
Starting point is 00:27:14 and they have fun so they're competing free but they're also competing fit and i mean i was like oh i'm curious how these guys will split up the worm and noah goes straight to the front of the worm like i thought travis might take the front of the worm or Chandler. Cause they're probably stronger than him, but no one right up there. Travis took the back and they didn't seem to have any problems. And Noah has COVID and a broken penis. And he's down like 40 pounds. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Crazy. Is he still one? Does he look one 70 Brian? I don't know. I actually didn't. I saw Travis and Chandler at the end of the night, but I think he dropped the one 85 by the way, not one 70. No, no, I know.'t know. I actually didn't. I saw Travis and Chandler at the end of the night. I think he dropped to 185, by the way, not 170. No, no, I know.
Starting point is 00:27:48 I know. But I think in his Instagram post, he was 178. Like he got all the way down to that low and then he bumped back up to 185. But it was something crazy from 200 pounds. He looked fine. He looked good. Like there was nothing that made me think like, oh, man, he's lost something, you know? Listen up, people.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Did you hear what Brian said? These are, at worst, three of the 20 fittest men on planet Earth. Okay, let's move to the women. It's crazy. It really is a crazy team. It's a cool team. I mean, it's nuts. We had a – okay, let's go over to the women. I was going to a crazy team. It's a cool team. I mean, it's nuts. We had a...
Starting point is 00:28:27 Okay, let's go over to the women. I was going to do the team. Hey, I want to say this. Women's teams of three is going to be way more interesting than we thought. I know. I know. I definitely, definitely underestimated those Oslo Wolf Black girls. Team Krieger.
Starting point is 00:28:44 But Team GoWad is hanging tough too. And those three teams have finished 1-2-3, 1-1-1-3 or whatever it was. Yeah, 1-1, 1-3, 3-2. And then Bourne Prevenus have also looked very good with a 4th-4th. And so this is, like, this is the thing on the women's side. One bad event keeps you off the podium. Because look at this, four teams top four. So if you slip up at four. So there's,
Starting point is 00:29:06 if you slip up at any point, there's not, there's not enough depth in the field to like overcome that you have to continue to have top three finishes. If you're these teams and hope that the other one makes a mistake. And honestly, I mean, uh, at least Krieger and Mayfam,
Starting point is 00:29:19 it's like really hard to imagine them not finishing in the top three of any workout, except for maybe the next event the the mi the lifting event is just like that that's that one weird one and so that's the one i'm going to be looking at tomorrow morning for this division and if one of these four teams drops off a little bit on that one then i honestly think they're probably not like that's that's it for them i also want to point out the team in fifth that three blind mice that was that was the top team in the online qualifiers. And it's, and it is cool to see that the, you know, a lot of people are like all the invited teams are just going to run away with
Starting point is 00:29:51 it. But I know those three women, they've been working hard in this off season. They're really good friends and, uh, they were, they were like anxious and excited to prove that they could compete with some of these, um, invited teams. So really good first day for them as well. That's a pretty hardcore CrossFit gym right there. I've seen that name around forever, CrossFit Paradiso. Where is that? Why do I know that name? Where are you seeing that? Madison McElhenney. Yeah, she's an incredible gymnast, by the way. And CrossFit Milford's been at the top of the games before.word hype's been competing with teams forever um so uh they're you know there's a lot of experience here and they they have some history those gyms all have history do you know go back down a little bit will do you
Starting point is 00:30:35 know those women who are on that team with kristin holta at the very top of there oh it's a gym in los angeles that's how i know it it's a pretty big trendy gym they have cool people in and out of there i think they have a lot of UFC fighters, maybe, too. CrossFit Paradiso. Okay. Sorry. Are you talking about Lena Richter and Ingrid Haldemeier? Yeah. Do you know those women? Or do you know of them? Have you seen them compete before? I know of Ingrid Haldemeier. I don't know of Lena Richter.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Do you, Brian? Yeah. These are the women from CrossFit Oslo Wolfpack's second-place games team this past summer. And if you look at them compete, their physiques and builds almost are the mere image of Andrea Nistler and Taylor Williamson. One of them is a little taller and darker hair. One of them is a little shorter, but with blonde hair, both all four of them are very strong and move very well. And if I was thinking about creating a team, knowing how important it is to have women that can hold their own. I mean, these are the two best teams in the world this year, and they have very similar kind of pedigrees and even just
Starting point is 00:31:36 makeup of their bodies. I shit you not, when Haley and Taylor and Andrea Nistler were walking to the worm, it looked like they were having a competition to see who could walk the slowest and be most chill. Like they had just taken a bong rip and they were just like, like, I mean, they were so chill. There was like no urgency. And if you watch in the very, in the first round with the 30 thrusters, I was, I was with a few people who were like, what are they doing? Why are they putting it down? They switched positions, picked it back up, and by the end of the workout, they're right
Starting point is 00:32:08 there in the top three. Yeah, there's no panic in them. I think it's just supreme confidence. Yeah, and a lot of experience. Scroll down. let's look at the third team a little bit. Dig in there. This team go wide. Yeah. Uh, three girls from three different, um, European countries and they are all pretty good friends. Actually a couple of them Solvig won the, uh, Madrid CrossFit challenge. That's Snorri's girl, right? Does Snorri represent her? Not a hundred percent on that okay and julie julie also did well in that competition and they and i think mia might have been there as well because there's a good picture of them all from there but i was you know i projected i think i projected this team second um and they
Starting point is 00:32:57 looked really good so far but again just uh you know pretty good individual athletes that also have some experience with each other. Mia Hesketh's done a lot of team stuff. So I think they'll be right in the mix on pretty much every event. Before we leave these women, this Born Primitive Underdogs, is this Justin Kotler's
Starting point is 00:33:17 team from his gym? Yeah. And most people will know Allison Scudds, of course. The other two are probably less likely to be known. We did talk about them. I think John might have projected them fifth and I had them sixth or something like that. But they've looked great. They have incredible chemistry both on and off the competition floor.
Starting point is 00:33:36 And I was a little bit worried about them on the bike, but no problem at all. Allison Scuds is the last demo team captain under the Dave Castro. Bone and marrow. Bone. None of this would be possible if it wasn't for ancestral supplements that's not true not none of it just not nearly as good just not nearly as good okay uh let's go over john is there anything you want to say about these women before we move no i mean alex kazan is an up-and-comer she's a beast i wouldn't be surprised if we saw her in the women's individual in the next couple years um but other than that you guys you guys said it all uh in the name i'm guessing born primitive i think i have some of their shorts i think they make shorts with josh bridge's name on them
Starting point is 00:34:34 and underdogs is the training camp in los angeles that's gained uh sorry las vegas that's gaining a lot of notoriety and uh justin kotler is uh is making a pretty serious name for himself and his athletes and we invited justin to come on the podcast and he told me to go fuck myself no i'm joking i'm joking he said he'll come on he said he'll come on after water please a very very kind of yeah he's a gentleman yeah he i actually um when i when i heard this morning that ricky might have to withdraw they were in an athlete briefing and I just went right up to him and sat down next to him. And he was like, super, super honest with me. Super nice. Didn't feel like I was invading on them at all. He's a, he's a, he's a really nice guy. Yeah. He, he responded very quickly and was very sweet, uh, in his words. Uh, anything, uh,
Starting point is 00:35:19 before we start any other words on Ricky, I mean, it is a food poisoning, right? It's just that he probably lost a lot of weight during weight from COVID and his sickness there. You know, I DM with him a little bit and he said he was basically locked himself in a hotel room in Las Vegas. Yeah. For days and days and days. No, Ricky's definitely bummed. And he, I think, even this morning. Have you seen him?
Starting point is 00:35:42 Yesterday I saw him. I did not talk to him. Today I didn't see him today. But he was vomiting and diarrhea this morning and just food poisoning type symptoms. But he still wanted to compete. And Kotler had to tell him, like, no, man, you're already down. He said he was down 10 pounds from the COVID thing or from his way to Dubai. And then he obviously had this thing this morning.
Starting point is 00:36:06 And I said to Justin, I said, that's like, that's why he needs someone like you. You know, he needs someone to tell him the hard truth when he needs to hear it. And it's for his good. So I think that it's, it's a bummer not to have him here. And obviously would have been excited as you know, the field is really, really competitive and it would have given us a little bit more feel of where he is at compared to the larger scope of CrossFit right now. And, you know, we saw some things in Dubai, could have seen a lot more here, but this was the right decision for him today. And now he can focus
Starting point is 00:36:36 on getting ready for the season. And, you know, we'll just have to wait for another, the next chance to see him with some of these guys. Yes. And from with that, let's go look at the elite men. Let's do it. Uh, event number one, will you tell us what event number one is and if there were any surprises? Yeah. Flips flipped,
Starting point is 00:36:58 flipped off with the flip sled. Uh, so the, these guys had an interval style workout three minutes on one minute off for three rounds and then four minutes at the end to try to finish. And basically it was, so the, these guys had an interval style workout, three minutes on one minute off for three rounds and then four minutes at the end to try to finish. And basically it was, it was, um, a certain number of flips. So they had to get it down the floor and then back down the floor to amass 30 flips. And if after the 30th flip, they could race down the floor and hit the buzzer. And, uh, not, not very many men were able to do it. And then all of a sudden, Taylor's self,
Starting point is 00:37:26 oh no, it was the women that really, really struggled to do it at all. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. A couple of the guys did it, and then Taylor Self did it in three rounds. And,
Starting point is 00:38:03 you know, we knew that taylor and jason hopper had had access to a flip sled because jr howell programmed with flip sleds at the crash crucible competition in october and kept a couple of them but as soon as taylor started doing this sled he had this little technique where he would get it on his hip and do this little like dip and bump before he pressed press it over and it looked so smooth and effortless. And I was very impressed with Taylor's, not just his technique there, but also his just overall composure and execution on that,
Starting point is 00:38:32 on that event. Obviously we see that, you know, second event wasn't, wasn't that good, but what was more impressive was that I, I am convinced these athletes are so good that they, I think some of them saw him doing that, knowing that he'd used it,
Starting point is 00:38:52 and then were able to just in one day, maybe even in one attempt, emulate his process of moving that and then do it. And I think that Vellner was doing it, but not as cleanly as Froning was doing it. It was the same technique if you go back and watch the video. Just this little pop, dip, pop again, press. And Taylor and Vellner weren't in the same heats. They were not in the same heats and it would have been super fun to see them go head to head here. Cause they were, you know, kind of well clear of the field, but Alexander Caron also finished in the third interval and finishing in that third interval was critical. I actually talked to Caron after that, and he's like,
Starting point is 00:39:27 dude, I did not want to pick up that last one, but I knew that it was better than doing 100 more reps if I didn't have to. Hey, were you suggesting that Patrick saw Taylor using that technique in the heat before him? Or in the warm-up area. Interesting. Oh, that's a great question. We've got to ask Patrick that to see if there's any truth to that. Yeah, I mean, I'm not sure. but some, here's the thing that also happened. And kudos to Patrick. I'm not, I'm not taking a dig at it. It's, it's a compliment like
Starting point is 00:39:53 that. Hey. And there's, and there certainly may have been other people who were implementing it as well. It's just that Vellner and Froning ended up dominating their respective divisions with that movement. And I, the first person I saw kind of do it that effortlessly or smoothly was, was Taylor self. Uh, this, um, when, when you look at this, you have a Patrick first Dallin for no surprise, Dallin did well on that, right? Um, these are both workouts I would have thought he would do well on, but he looks really good. And what really liked about down today was in the second event he didn't come out too hot he kind of he wasn't really in the conversation in the 21s
Starting point is 00:40:30 or in the first half of the round of 15s and then all of a sudden when they're coming to the bike he's right up there level with velner and i was like damn that was a like a veteran move in my opinion uh you're talking about the second event yeah yeah um uh i was going back to the first event here jason hopper taking an 11th a surprise that he didn't do better uh yes and no i think that i think that this was like uh honestly has a really similar experience to him and it's kind of a different way to that um sandbag carry event at the games where he just kind of mispasted a little bit in round one and was never able to fully recover it wasn't at the games where he just kind of mis-pasted a little bit in round one and was never able to fully recover. It wasn't to the same extent. He still had a respectable finish.
Starting point is 00:41:10 I mean, finishing the workout ended up being a really good performance, but I think he paid for it a little bit physically more than he had to, to get a similar result if he hadn't gone so hard in the first round. And he wasn't the only one to do that. Anthony Davis did the same thing in the earlier heat. Oh yeah. Yeah. A whole bunch of people did that yeah almost every everybody except velner the person who came out first in the first interval did not finish first sarah did that sarah paid for it bad yep that's right hey can you click that triangle next to jason's name i want to see what pops down ah what what jimmy goes to um and then can you scroll all the way can you scroll down to eighth place uh colton merton's 20th place so
Starting point is 00:41:52 okay look i had i had talked to jr about this and he told me he said it's gonna benefit it's gonna pay off to have longer levers on this flip sled. John thought that Colton might be the one guy who could kind of overcome that because he's so good at deadlifting and he's powerful. But even if you go watch the women's, if you go watch the women's heat back, it's kind of random how it worked out. But in heat two, there were three tall women that did pretty well. And then in heat three, which you would think would have had kind of the better all-around athletes, they were all relatively short.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Like I think every one of them was 5'4", shorter, and none of them did very well. And so, you know. Basically, the understanding is this, is when these guys are lifting it up, and for lack of a better term, popping it off of their hip, they have it higher. They have it closer to being vertical than when Colton pops it off his hip. Significantly higher, right? Yeah, and I mean, we know that Colton is the outlier on that side of the spectrum in the men's field. So to finish in the middle of a pack and a workout where that's clearly a disadvantage, I think is a great performance. And don't worry, there's going to be some workouts where it's going to be to his advantage to be that size.
Starting point is 00:43:01 I'd like to see that thing made only... I flipped it today, by the way. I'd like to see that thing made only. I flipped it today, by the way, I got a chance to use it. You flipped the 500 pound one? No, no, I flipped an empty one. It was, I went to the demo. I went to the vendor village and I asked the guys, can I flip this? And they said, yeah. And I said, do you want to show me the technique? And he showed me three different techniques and he said, try them all out. He goes, depending on how much weights on there, you might like this, this or this or whatever. Um, and the athletes were definitely doing some, it's all about hand placement and there's actually, there's two handles, one low and one
Starting point is 00:43:36 high, and you can grab it overhand and kind of flip it like a clean. You can grab it on the outside, which is usually, I think what they do when it's heaviest, which is what a lot of the men, well, a lot of the athletes were doing today. And then there's like a kind of a mixed grip method that he showed me that I didn't think I was like the worst option. And get your knee under it. Yeah. But it's a little shorter than the, than the pigs. I didn't work so well. I saw some in the team, women's teams. I saw some goofy ass attempts, which brings me to this. Is that thing dangerous relative to the lane placements and where people were or are? Because a few times it looked like that 500 pound sled
Starting point is 00:44:11 came down cockeyed and got a little close to the man in the adjacent lane. Dude, I had a moment of panic for Travis Mayer today because he was waiting at the end for Noah to flip it and then flip it back. and it bounced one inch away from his toes. Yeah, it's something else. Did you see it ever go into anyone else's lane, like when it starts to pop cockeyed? Yeah, a bunch of times. There were no injuries that I know of as a result of that, but it was a little bit tight out there at times.
Starting point is 00:44:42 And I think the floor took a beating. You know—oh, it did? The floor floor took a beating is um you know oh it did the floor did take six hours of just flipping that thing up and down yeah what's that floor made of rubber and then they tape it i think it's the tape on the floor that probably got torn up quite a bit okay um is this the worst placement we're going to see from colton um all all all competition uh probably not i think that the the run swim row workout will be his worst place all right but fourth is not the best place that's not the best place yeah i was gonna say he beat me to it oh really so so he we got a good we we're gonna have some ups and downs with colton this week how do you feel about his haircut? I like it. I mean, I like everything about him. He can't do no wrong.
Starting point is 00:45:27 He's looking good. As long as he doesn't say anything bad about... Grass-fed beef organs. A mouthful of meat. Then we're fine. Okay, is there anything else we want to add to the men here?
Starting point is 00:45:44 Maybe talk about Event 2 two did anybody do way better or way worse than you thought brian um just just in total day one because i i phil and dallin are surprised then we do and we do have to talk about taylor self's second performance there's speculation that something might be wrong with him. Okay. So, first of all, I'm not that surprised with Dallin on day one. I thought these would both be two of the best workouts for him. Phil Toon surprised me today. I was really impressed with the flip side workout.
Starting point is 00:46:17 I was actually kind of at the end of his lane watching him, and he had a very steady, consistent rhythm throughout. And then I honestly thought he was going to fade after he went out so hot in the round of 21, and he had a very steady consistent rhythm throughout and then i thought i honestly thought he was going to fade after the he went out so hot in the round of 21 um and he didn't and the phil tune has definitely got my attention um i think it's a good good placings for like hopper and sager cornway like those are that's fine for them to be right there after this day and then if we scroll down a little bit um same thing with Vigneault, Paulson, like fine right there, 9-10.
Starting point is 00:46:48 They can still make a move if they want. It's the – and then you see Scott there. Really good day for Caron, Alexander Caron. Yeah, yeah, he looked awesome today. But this is the 20 and 21. Yeah, Saxon and Spencer being down here. And I was, you know, that 29th place finish for Saxon on that workout. Like if you're one of the guys who's,
Starting point is 00:47:05 who's challenging for top five at the games, this is not the type of workout you should be taking a 29th out of, out of 40 guys on. So that was a little bit of a letdown. Those that performance right there, especially when somebody's whose genetics are identical to yours, finished a minute faster around a minute wow you mean spencer yeah i think it might have been a pacing a pacing thing for him to blow up that bad yeah and that
Starting point is 00:47:33 workout look there's 20 guys or something on the floor all going at once for five minutes and it's like you can't see the i can't see the whole floor at the at any time so i didn't really know um outside of the leaders you can kind of see him a little bit better, but he just get lost in the mix. So I don't know if, you know, if maybe, yeah, he went out too hot. Like we said, it's definitely possible on that workout. I go all the way down. Let's go. We still haven't talked about Taylor. I want to hear Brian's thoughts on Taylor. So if you remember, or you guys might recall that we've often talked about the fact that he had a pretty bad executioner at the grand. He came on the dumbbell thruster and running workout and then didn't recover from it mentally.
Starting point is 00:48:14 And it was event two at that competition, and he was coming off of a great event one in which he snatched like 295 pounds or something and looked really good doing it. And so here we have almost identical situation great event one terrible event two with thrusters i think he might have been getting some no reps in the first round i'm not sure but i can't like i cannot really justify this bad of a performance for someone who seems to be this good but then you think of what i just said about Saxon Pancic. So I don't know if there's anything wrong with Taylor or not. I haven't talked to him. I just kind of, I saw him walk off the floor after that. And I know from experience, like, that's not the time to talk to an athlete.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Just let him do whatever he needs to. Sousa said it was the time to talk to him. Not for me. Were you able to see that, Brian? For me, it was not. But anyway, what I really... No, he doesn't know what you're talking about. Real quick, Brian, go tell him, John.
Starting point is 00:49:13 So Sarah, after the first event, Sousa's looking for athletes, and it wasn't the best event for Sarah. And she's sitting in a chair, looks like she's crying. And Sousa goes, hey, Sarah, this is the Sevan podcast. I got right up on her. And then she like kind of waved him off. Like now's not the time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Oh, I'm sorry. And then like walks away. And it was the most, I felt so bad for her. It was the funniest thing in the world though. The scoring platform is absolutely fantastic. The updates are fantastic it's clean it's beautiful i i mean i'm thoroughly enjoying it there are the the website's a little wonky in terms of like some of the links you click that you think are links you click that you think are
Starting point is 00:49:54 going to bring you here don't and then also the menu's too big i mean that's not their fault but the menu's massive so finding the the scoreboard you want is hard. Brian, is there another athlete in the elite men's or the women's division that has a greater discrepancy between their first and second than Taylor Self? I don't think so. It's 30 places, right? Did you see that text from O'Keefe? No. Send him the link.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Oh, shit. What? I should have sent him the link 30 minutes ago. I forgot about him. Oh, my goodness. Sorry I should have sent them the link 30 minutes ago. I forgot about them. Oh, my goodness. Sorry, O'Keefe. What a clown. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Just to finish up on that. Go ahead. Yeah, we should talk about Ellie. We've got to see how Taylor responds to this because he never recovered from it in um in in minnesota and this you know this even if he has a bad workout with thrusters again if he's able to rebound from it differently here that's that's a kind of growth that he can he can you know continue to build on so we'll see oh i cannot believe i did not send okie for link what a jackass he was ready 30 minutes ago.
Starting point is 00:51:08 He was waiting for you to introduce him in. Oh, my goodness. What a jackass. Tomorrow we're not going to get access. Oh, by the way, I think we're going to get Colton Merton's coaching pass for. Because he didn't bring a coach. So he's going to give it to Matt Souza merton's uh coaching pass for uh because he didn't bring a coach and so he's going to give it to uh matt souza how's that souza's going to be there as his coach yeah he's going to be like all right colin that was a bad workout but come over here and get on
Starting point is 00:51:36 the podcast yeah yeah we'll cool down later oh my goodness that's the yeah thank you thank you thank you it's it's not legit that i that I was supposed to send him the link 34 minutes ago. What is wrong with me? Shall we go over to the women? Sure. We're approaching an hour. And for those of you who want to watch this tomorrow or you're coming in late, you can always check in on Apple. Will will be uploading this, i'm guessing uh this evening to
Starting point is 00:52:05 the seven oh and if you don't know who ellie turner is you could check the podcast oh no wait we never did that one how crazy is this first it was first it was uh i wasn't expecting anyone to win both of the workouts today in either the men's or the women's side. Um, they're both, they could pays to be powerful for both of them, but like Valner said, like they're, they're beat downs of workouts. They're hard. They hurt.
Starting point is 00:52:35 And this is, I said that I was really impressed with Froning's team. This is surprising and impressive. Very impressive. Oh, tell me what's surprising about it. What have you seen her do in the past that didn't make you think that this was going to be her day one? I think the most surprising thing is that you
Starting point is 00:52:55 could win the morning workout and recover and win the evening workout. I mean, someone asked me if Eleanor was going to win in the evening, and I said, I don't know. I think it'd be about fifth, but I don't see anyone winning both. But no one asked me if they thought Ellie was going to win in the evening, and I said, I don't know. I think it would be about fifth, but I don't see anyone winning both. But no one asked me if they thought Ellie was going to win the evening workout, but I would have said no. All right. Matt.
Starting point is 00:53:15 I can't hear you. How about now? Matt. Matt. Matt. We can hear you. Yeah, we can hear you. O'Keefe, have you been...
Starting point is 00:53:27 I was met... O'Keefe. Can you hear us? Can you guys hear me? Yeah. I can't hear you guys. Can you speak? Yes, I can speak. I speak two languages. Pari, vincit, that's Armenian. And hi, how are you? That's English.
Starting point is 00:53:42 So it's going to be a really interesting interview. So, today... Buenos dias. Did I do something wrong? That's Armenian. And hi, how are you? That's English. So it's going to be a really interesting interview. So today. Buenos dias. Did I do something wrong? Hey, maybe take your AirPods out. Oh, can we, can we, yeah, take, maybe take the AirPods. Here, I'll text him. And just use your phone.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Let's see. Oh, his AirPods aren't chosen. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Can you hear us now? Attaboy. He might have to redo it.
Starting point is 00:54:12 His AirPods hadn't connected. You know, I have that problem with my AirPods all the time. So much so that I stopped using them. He's got a special kind of AirPods, though, he was telling me. What's up, O'Keefe? Hi. Can you hear us? I can now.
Starting point is 00:54:29 How are we doing? Good. Do you have your AirPods in? Are they working? Yep, I hear you guys now. Is there something special about your AirPods? Brian said that they were special. I'm wearing Apple AirPods right now.
Starting point is 00:54:43 I have AirPods that I posted about that are dead now because I use them too much today. They're Daughter Audio. Oh. Yes. An alien catching earbud company. Good job missing the opportunity to market those. Smooth, buddy.
Starting point is 00:55:03 Yeah, I tried. You didn't point them out. I think I had them on last night. Darn it. Sorry about being late. Brian came on, and I got mesmerized by his voice and forgot to send you a link, and I'll do 100 burpees tonight before I go to bed. I apologize. I like that. Thank you. That's probably on me. I should have followed up, so I apologize. I like that. That's probably on me. I should have followed up. So I apologize. No, you demand.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Where are you and are you ready for bed? I am. Yeah, I am. I'm in the hotel lobby, the Intercontinental, which is essentially connected to the park that we go to. We just had our staff, head staff staff meeting we had a volunteer briefing everything has been delayed because we got monsoon rain the two prior days so it's just a lot of catch-up we're up straight right later than i want to admit to there wasn't a lot of sleep my i told somebody today i went to the whoop booth and then said, my whoop is broken.
Starting point is 00:56:06 And they're like, what are you talking about? And I was like, it's telling me I had a 20 strain yesterday. And it didn't work out. They're like, yeah, you're broken. It's not the whoop. So that's about what went on. It was a long night. But we got it.
Starting point is 00:56:23 We got going. So I feel good right now. I've had a little too much caffeine, so I'm hoping to come down off that soon. Yeah. After you get off this podcast, will you go to bed? No. More work to do. You get in front of a computer? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:38 I got to catch up a little on email, and then I'll probably just run over. There's some people that will be doing some exciting stuff in the park for a bit so i just want to make sure i go check on them and then what time will you get up tomorrow morning um i'll be uh i i'd really like to work out in the morning so i'll probably get um there's some there's some guys in from crossfit actually uh paul tomble, in a group. They're going to work out at 6. We'll see what that looks like when I get up 10 minutes before then to go
Starting point is 00:57:11 work out. That's the plan. Is that rain we hear right now? Sorry, is that annoying? No, no, no. It's not annoying. It's not annoying. It's like a fountain. Ah.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Because when you said monsoon, I was like, dang. How was the day? Everything go good according to plan? Anything extraordinary? The stands were packed. Never goes according to plan. Good night. All right. You guys according to plan. Good night. All right.
Starting point is 00:57:45 You guys take it easy. It didn't look like a Thursday. It looked like a Saturday. Yeah, it was so crazy, honestly. So to answer the first question, I mean, and you've been around a big round of the games. Nothing really goes to plan. Just, you know, events are eventful you know so no no but
Starting point is 00:58:08 nothing crazy like a couple little things and you know um the team did a great job pivoting with it you know we work in a weird piece of property so it's a little bit of a tough thing to plan for sometimes because we build stands think about this just one component and then kind of think of the rest of it it just you know the stand if the the bleacher company puts the bleachers like six inches closer on the you know because it's just a blank piece of land right shortens the floor a little so you know it's um the layouts are on the fly sometimes i mean they're all that we plan like any major competition does but i think we're incredible at it honestly and you know brian helped today with something um you know the bikes were too close to the end it wasn't
Starting point is 00:58:56 going to be as great a finish so there's just been little things like that but the cool part is is everybody there cares and guy like b Brian put his hand up and said, Hey, Ryan, I think that's going to look terrible when people finish this awesome workout. You've got to move the bikes back. And we did. Those little things like that. When you say back, you mean away from the stands a little bit? Yeah, a little bit.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Yeah, so that there was a get off the bike and a lean for the buzzer. In case there was a race and somebody drove it would be more profound and you know what's funny is some people did fall under the stands there like like the competitors like actually like rolled into the curtain and then were like gone like i think velner like half his body vanished under the stands he's looking for his soul under the stands yes yes that that was a tug i you know so we were tired we were we were brickwell's just got here and watched and i was like watching it i'm like i feel bad you know it's like it's that's such a good workout and um it's an incredible test you know and it's so different than what they've ever experienced in the past with the you know now it was the echo
Starting point is 01:00:03 bike you know we used the salt before it's just a little bit different machine you know it's hard you can erase the assault you can't echo and um and you know i mean that workout hurts i mean if you want to look at a workout that hurts the most um that that would be on the list hey uh when you say you feel bad you mean because it was it hurt so bad? It hurt the athletes so bad? Yeah, I mean, those guys are all my friends. Oh, come on.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Would TDC, would Dave Castro ever feel bad? I mean, I'm not him. You are not him. No, you have a job. You have a job. Oh, man. Hey, hey. Yeah, I mean, honestly, but, you know, you got to test people.
Starting point is 01:00:48 And I mean, the workout's awesome. And they put on an amazing show. That was so fun to watch. And you know, those guys lay it out there. Both workouts were hard today. They, they, they would get, they get after it. You know, like you'll, you'll have certain, you'll have certain things you do and like, you think it'll be a good idea to have your parents there and it's just not or like you'll have your kids there you think it's a good idea and it's not and as you mature like you're just like yeah like that wasn't smart like i'm just divided i'm not my best to
Starting point is 01:01:16 anyone so you're the event organizer you're a father you're a husband and you're a manager to some of the greatest athletes on the planet. Definitely the biggest ones in the sport. Is any part of you like, okay, this is too many worlds colliding? And you're an event organizer, and then it's not just CrossFit events. It's like on top of that, it's a bigger event organizer, like music festival. I mean, is there any part of you like, okay, next year, don't invite my mom and Matt. I'm sending you to the Caribbean.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Like, that was too much. It is. That's very well described. Man, I love to be, you know, I love all of what you just described. You know, it's funny, like, and I know you're not saying this, but, like, you know, one of the things that always comes up with described you know it's funny like and i know you're not saying this but like you know one of the things that always comes up with you know and there's been some profound statements put out about it is you know a manager owning an event and programming it's like well you know the only people that are conflicted you know are conflicted like they you know i have this thing called integrity and i would never put anybody in a position that that was going to be something
Starting point is 01:02:24 that they had to live with or would be you know something that would never put anybody in a position that that was going to be something that they had to live with or would be you know something that would be put against their name that they won because of you know so that that part is so simple to me because I'm I have integrity and I know I would never tell somebody something like that I don't I handle my business the way I handle it and it's the right way it's up you know so that part and i know that's not what you were saying but i always like to point that out because it's important you know and i'm uh i've always um had too much going on in my life it's like i i'm it's a uh you know it's a a, it's something I, I love chaos, you know, and I like to be tested,
Starting point is 01:03:09 you know, it's what attracted me to CrossFit, you know, it's, it's like, I just like to be pushed, and, you know, I love that, you know, it's, it's a lot, I have hundreds of people as guests here, my family's here, but, you know, it's all awesome, you know, and it's what I want to be doing and if i if i you know there are times i've like you you're like okay i'd like to just be an agent but it's but it's like and it's um yeah and then i get to speak to you know a thousand volunteers tonight that pay to come down here and take their time. It's just like, man, they do that and take our leadership and my lead, you know, and it's like, I love it. I feel like I would be laying down if I didn't do all those things.
Starting point is 01:03:56 And you talk about like Matt being here. It's like the one unique place that I don't have like my eyes on him at an event all the time because he's a unique challenge at events you know everybody wants a photo and you got to get them from point a to point b you know he does this thing we have given some help but um yeah it's um they're all here right and it's just like they they come here for that so you know he that's that was all that ruckus around here matt was down down here taking photos of the lobby. Just awesome, man. I don't – yeah, I'm going to be pretty tired on Monday,
Starting point is 01:04:32 but this is my Super Bowl. Oh, would you get a break after this? Will you take any time off? I really don't, honestly. I'll take a couple – like I'll take couple of days at the end of next week. I got a lot of work to do Monday, Tuesday, and a little Wednesday here. Breaking down and cleaning up some of the business side of things. So I will probably take Thursday and Friday off, and then I'm back.
Starting point is 01:05:00 I got some travel with a client at the beginning of the fall, and we'll go back. No rest for the weird. Our phone connection there has been amazing we had uh three additional streams coming live from the floor today that were unique to the show just from iphones we kept going the whole time uh your staff gave us amazing access susan was just all over the place. And yeah, thank you. It was amazing. We had a great day. We had a ton of viewers and we're stoked. And of course, the athletes have been fantastic with us.
Starting point is 01:05:33 We even, you know, right before you came on, we had Phil Toon on. We had Colton Mertens on today, Rich Fronings, the Pan Chicks. I mean, it's been cool. So thank you. I hope they're all having a great day. Well, listen, thank you. And I'll say it every night we come back to talk. We had our biggest day in our media history.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Awesome. The broadcast was amazing. Those guys crushed it. We haven't had – we've set the bar, obviously, pretty low with what we've done in the past. But that was as good as I've seen. Again, it's a uniquely challenging place to broadcast, and Brian can attest to that. And those guys knocked it out of the park today.
Starting point is 01:06:14 We got insane concurrency. There's a lot of views. I'm so pumped, man. I'm buzzing right now. I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep tonight. Are there more vendors here this year than there have ever been no less we we intentionally took less um to it feels like there are a lot there there are i mean it was is that you know we we have 80 brands i think here the five brands i think it is but in the past like 2020 we had over 100 we intentionally reduced that um because you
Starting point is 01:06:47 know i think instead of just stuffing people everywhere like just you know selling out and capping it and you know giving everybody a really good experience is something we needed to focus on and we reconfigured the property a little to help with that but i'm brian can tell you i literally looked up today and i was standing with dylan and i was like man it's thursday it's like it feels like sunday right now you know you mean like the last day it was stuffed the seats were stuffed and yes oh yeah it was insane and it was you know it was a it's been a uniquely exhausting year. But it was, man, we got three days. We haven't, like, most people have not even started this yet. That was something we talked a little bit about in our leadership meeting.
Starting point is 01:07:33 It was like, hey, guys, by the way, tomorrow is the beginning for a lot of people. Hey, so it was free today. We do that every year. We forgot to announce that yesterday. That's really, really cool that yesterday that's really really cool so you so that's it was free today and you said you expanded those stands from 3 000 to 5 000 i expected no one to be there on thursday because it is like that to be honest at the crossfit games it's very very bare on thursday and at one point from our perspective it looked
Starting point is 01:08:00 like the fan the seats were completely full the The beer garden was going off. It was like, holy cow. And when you see that, it's something we hope to bring to life through the broadcast at some point throughout the week. When you see that, what you don't see is the activity that's still going on under the tent and the fountain and the partner pod. It's just a unique event where not everybody's there to lock in when the elites are on the floor right so yeah it was it was standing room only on thursday which is a crazy thing to think about so i'm excited i'm excited i can't wait to talk tomorrow night there's uh people who are part of it know there it's like Friday night's an iconic moment, Saturday night's an iconic moment, Sunday, you know, Saturday afternoon is, so Friday night is on Bayside.
Starting point is 01:08:50 We always cap our night, which is the stage on the water, and it just has some unique views with palm trees and big buildings behind it. And, you know, we always use a certain tone with the lights, you know, and it's just a very tight space. I'm just, like, pumped, you know, and it's a very tight space. I'm just like pumped, you know, I'm ready for tomorrow. It'll be insane. And, you know, Saturday we'll do our swim, which is the most stressful day of my year when 2000 people get in the ocean to swim. Hopefully they come back.
Starting point is 01:09:22 Matt, thank you. Hey, I'm sorry I'm rambling I feel bad I know you got a long time all I want to do is make sure that after you get off you're like fuck that I ain't doing that tomorrow so I'd rather get off with you now so you got oh that wasn't so bad I mean listen
Starting point is 01:09:38 we'll talk about some competition stuff tomorrow I watched a bunch of it today. Um, I don't know. I'll, I'll make sure Brian updates me before we come on tomorrow. And I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:50 That's Brian's job. We're not going to ask you about competition. That's Brian. It was awesome. But I, again, grateful, grateful for you guys.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Thanks. Thanks for, thanks for all the great coverage. And, um, you know, hit me up, give me a link and we'll pick a time tomorrow night.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Okay. That's, that's Brian's fault. The link's a time tomorrow night. Okay. That's Brian's fault. The link's Brian's fault. My fault. It's all my fault. He actually reminded me. All right, O'Keefe. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:10:12 Love you, buddy. Have a good night. Thank you. Thank you. Brass fed beef liver. You know you like it. Are we still live? God, this show is so awesome.
Starting point is 01:10:24 We rule. What time are we going on tomorrow? Oh, no. Shit, we're still live god this show is so awesome we rule what time are we going on tomorrow oh no shit we're still live uh okay let's get back to um let's finish this up real quick brian you got to get to bed um uh and john has a job tomorrow uh the women yes so this is where we're wrapping up ellie turner so i think the question was what have you seen her done that makes you say i think the question was what have you seen her done that makes you say yeah this is possible or what have you seen her done that makes you say holy shit um she's on rad 140. her her sorry ellie i know that's not funny and i apologize to ellie's parents actually sincerely because if someone said that about my kid i'd be like you know what
Starting point is 01:11:04 eat a dick i I'm sorry. That's not even funny. It's a big compliment. Yeah, I guess. It's just that was. The fact that you don't think she can do what she's doing without some kind of help. Okay, thank you. That's good.
Starting point is 01:11:15 Yes, it's a compliment. Ellie did great at the Torium Pro in the semifinals. And she did fine. It was her first year at the games and we've talked about it before. A mid 20 finish for your first year at the games is expected for a young male or female that's making their first appearance there. Like that's not bad. And it sets you up for success in the future.
Starting point is 01:11:38 We, we talked about a lot with the men's side that we were looking to see how, you know, some, some of these athletes and what they've done in the last, however many months. And for whatever reason, things just seem to be clicking for her she's moving well she's she looks good she's not tiring out late in the events she seems to be picking up steam even a little bit she prioritizes sleeping over making podcasts exactly and and now let's see what happens tomorrow you know know, because it's, it's, it is a four day competition and it's great to have that kind of a day one. But now she's, you know, who knows how that, how that affects you. For some people, it might make them a little bit more comfortable. For some people, it might make them a little bit more nervous. And I'll say, wow, well, I'm up here in first place ahead of this girl and this woman and this person. And, and how they respond to that mentally is just as important
Starting point is 01:12:25 as physically how old is ellie turner 23 23 and how old is bethany she is 27 and and uh ellie's australian right yes and how old is danny also around 27 bethany's 28 okay interesting and and how old is fee sagafi fee sagafi is 27 so she's the young one and and sarah's got to be up there too right sarah's 29 yep so she's a baby at the top of an em McQuaid? 31, I think. 31. Wow. And Ariel Lowen? She's 28. Emily Rolfe's 31.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Lucy Campbell is young. Lucy Campbell's young. Like 16. No. Lucy and Freya are probably about 20. Lucy Campbell's 25. Freya is 20. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Annika Greer and Olivia Sulek are 18. Okay. So this is just huge for her. I mean, Sarah is the unknown, but the fact that she's hanging with and bettering Bethany and Danny is like, holy cow. Like, she's making a statement. Even if she shits the bed the rest of the week, like this is, she's proven something. What I originally thought her best event would be
Starting point is 01:13:53 has not came up yet too. Are you on board with that, Brian? Well, we talked about it, I think, in one of our preview show, right, John? Yeah, we talked about the endurance event. It hasn't been announced, though, right? Yes, it has. Has it, the endurance event?
Starting point is 01:14:12 Every event's been announced except the final. Okay, well, Ellie, traditionally, every swim competition she's done, she's done very, very well, even when her first competition in any straight conditioning event especially ones with swimming in it and she's so anything like that and one of them is coming up she should be the favorite to win that bethany will be very good in that too so tomorrow what you're saying is event three is going to be ellie's big test that's the strength one. The thing is, though,
Starting point is 01:14:51 the women's individual field is a little bit similar to what we talked about with the women's teams of three. If you just look on the screen there, there's two out of 14 performances outside of the top 10, and those are the 13th and the 14th. So the top 10 and those are the 13th and a 14th so the bet like the best eight or not 10 women or whatever are pretty much going to regularly be towards the top and if you saw the first event today there was a noticeable difference heat by heat with a couple exceptions because it was the first day they weren't necessarily seated based on their performance this weekend yet and you know so yes if as long as she's able to finish inside the top 10
Starting point is 01:15:26 in that workout tomorrow, though, then I think that she's going to have a pretty good weekend overall. Where did you guys have her ranked in the final? On our overall rankings, I think I had her between 7th and 9th. I got it. Give me a second. So Brian had her 8th, and i had her sixth and um in hindsight now that you look at this can you see her being doing better than that well i think that you know i wouldn't have said that the i wouldn't have said that was the best
Starting point is 01:15:59 i thought she could do in the best possible circumstances. But I still think that like a fifth place finish would end up being a really good weekend for her. Why does John look like possibility for her to post? Why did John look like he's running this up? Corey, why, why do you think, why do you think I give you one guess? Give you one guess. Oh, I made Will will laugh that's crazy i take 50 credit would you brian would i be surprised if she podiumed i said i wouldn't i wouldn't be surprised i could see her podium being on the podium though as like the best she could do i wouldn't put it out of
Starting point is 01:16:44 the realm of possibility i want to go back and watch that show i think i put her on the podium though as like the best she could do i wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility i want to go back and watch that show i think i put her on the podium i think i put her as third just like like i'm all in on black you know what i mean like in roulette i think you had davis beagle right yeah yeah hey danny had a really good first day a lot of people were uh Hey, Danny had a really good first day. That's the biggest discrepancy. Oh, we have a seventh and a 21st. Paige got two 18s. That's consistent. Keep going.
Starting point is 01:17:37 Yeah. So, I mean, this is just consistent with what you were just saying, Brian. The top 10 are the top 10 here. It may be less. This is definitely – there's an A team and a B team here. Maybe even ABC and it's, and it's okay. Like that's, you know, that's the nature of it. And it's, um, you know, they send out a lot of, a lot of live team sends us a lot of invitations to people who've proven themselves in other previous competitions. And, you know, they don't, they don't know how many are going to accept that invitation.
Starting point is 01:18:07 Obviously, we had a couple on both sides that we had to withdraw late for whatever reason. But, yeah, the top tier here is going to separate themselves from the rest on a majority of the workouts. I think it was the first workout, by the way. And the commentators kept saying that Emma Tall tall is winning and will kept saying it was ellie turner and then finally we're just like fuck i guess we can't tell the difference we think it's emma tall and then at the very end sean's like oh no we've been calling the lane wrong that's ellie turner and we were like oh that's a travesty it was not it wasn't a travesty for me brian no we were celebrating was like oh shit i had it right the whole time they had they had the wrong girls in the wrong lanes or something
Starting point is 01:18:52 and so okay it wasn't necessarily sean's fault but we but all we could do was look at him and uh yeah it ended up being good and you know what actually so i'm uh at times i'm in the truck trying to make sure that doesn't happen. But for that workout, because no one was finishing it and there was really no it was really difficult to get the scores. You had to count literally count the number of flips or run out on the floor and ask the judge and hope that they didn't leave the floor before you could get out there to get the scoring. So I ended up staying on the floor for all of that workout. So I wasn't I wasn't in the back. Did the judges have do the judges have counters uh i'm not sure how do they count
Starting point is 01:19:33 the number of flips just in their head or they have paper or like what do they do they have a pen and paper and are they marking it every judge does it differently i think um i would say there was definitely some room for air though all right um bethany would have podium if she didn't have to sit out the last games i don't know about that is will young seven or seven and old will that's a good question i was i want to point out fisa gaffey there in fourth place i think i saw her a couple times today and um i mean she is a very very petite woman like she's not very big and we talked about how being a little bit taller could help on the flip slide a little bit heavier could help on the echo bike and we're moving the thrusters you
Starting point is 01:20:15 see a guy like jason hopper win that workout and we know what's kind of power output in size he has she took third place on that workout and she's one of the smaller women out there and i talked about her before the competition began how we're so used to seeing her in the seventh, eighth, ninth realm. And this is a competition where she should be pushing into the top five if she wants to make that next step in her career. So I would say with these two workouts and those two results, even though that we are expecting her to be in the top 10 for the most part. This is a really good start for her, and I expect her to have a couple workouts that she, you know, continue to be in the top three on. So she might be hanging around the podium for quite a while as well. Yeah, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:20:56 Brian, did you see the end of the women's flip sled with Taylor Willingson? Popping it up with, like, under a half second left to tie Kristen. To tie, tie yeah it was yes i did see that that was maybe one of the best finishes of the day if not yeah yeah uh the john did an amazing job today kalipa did an amazing job suza did an amazing job but the and will will and uh eva all great but the But the MVP truly was this Will. Will Branstetter. Brian, you would have been tripping.
Starting point is 01:21:29 He took the bull by the horns. He like commentated for like six hours straight. It was nuts. I didn't even know he was going to do that. I didn't even know I was going to do it. Seriously? Was he wearing that shirt the whole day? I mean, dude, it would have just been dead
Starting point is 01:21:45 side it would have been like john talking and then me talking but a few times i just got burnt out and just sat here and will's like will is like watching the teams and like pointing out who's in each lane i mean it was nuts it was nuts i was like holy shit this is like this is this is like i'm broken and will's just escorting me through the workout. It was good. I wanted to look up, who's this David, David Pac-Man's? Who's that David Pac-Man? Oh, come on, man. Really?
Starting point is 01:22:21 Who is David Pac-Man? I'm looking at this comment here. This said seven boink david packman's mom and now we have will i don't i don't know but this i don't know how to get no that's a no david david packman steven you are david packman look at your picture dude you are that dude he's like a ben shapiro type deal oh not not republican i don't think but he's like one of those guys david packman to debate candace ellens all right what else you got seven that's it that's all i got great job by the way thank you uh so are we gonna same thing tomorrow? We'll just see you in passing
Starting point is 01:23:05 and then have to wait to talk to you at night? I have to look at the schedule more closely for tomorrow. Hey, I will tell you this. Look at Brian just turned off. I will tell you this. We kind of fucked up here because the teams are... I'm just going to be completely frank. We're not on the air anymore, right? The teams are completely...
Starting point is 01:23:23 Wait, wait, wait. Are we on air? We are on the air. right the teams are completely are we on there we are we're still alive it was a bit the team thank you will the teams are completely fucked because they're like if they have three heats the first two heats of the women and the first two heats of the men it's pointless it's just it's just for us it's just pointless because we're already exhausted from doing the elite men and women and then to go through all that, and it's just too much. It's just too much. They don't have the – it's a combination of our interest and the depth of talent. Yeah, I think they should basically have the size of the elite team field here in future iterations.
Starting point is 01:24:03 Well, I'm not suggesting that. I don't know anything about that. I'm just talking about our own selfishness. Like, we want to commentate the women and men elite. No, no, no. There's a reason why. Because you have to keep in mind that there are several divisions of teams. And with this huge number of teams competing, 35 elite women, elite female teams, we already
Starting point is 01:24:21 see the discrepancy between 35 women in the elite division individual. These 35 teams have three women each. It's 105 women competing. And we just know that the depth is not there on the women's side, the same as the men. And so therefore the talent at the top compared to the talent at the bottom is a huge gap. And if you only take 20 and then you only take and you move the next 815 down to the next division they probably match more closely with the top 15 from that division right now and so you're i think that what you would end up having is a big as a smaller gap in every division
Starting point is 01:24:55 along the way as you do that which would be you know more competitive at every stop you know from elites rx intermediate to scale etc but then you'd have fewer people yeah i mean but you could add more divisions because you were you know if you're removing whatever okay or what if you just did this what if you just had the women go the first two heat of the women go well this would be hard and then i was gonna say and then the first two heat of the men go and then just have the last heats of the men and women go like they do, like on the last day of the games that would make art. I mean, that would make,
Starting point is 01:25:29 or what if you had, what if this seven, what if you knew a guy who was working at the competition and he said, I think you guys should just come on for the last heated teams. Like the day before it started. Did no one know it? So did someone tell you what, but here's the problem.
Starting point is 01:25:43 Here's the problem. I agree. But then you have to, then you still have, let's say you come here's the problem here's the problem i agree but then you have to then you still have let's say you come on for the last heat of the women then you still have the two um heats of the men you just you just log off for that i mean this is what the well well this is what the i mean the broadcast is actually doing this right right they have the soft coverage for their early heats is that what they call that when um uh bill and sean are getting drunk that's soft coverage they did it for the little bit we listened to them they did a great job hey dude
Starting point is 01:26:14 jamie hagia jamie hagia yes yeah i talked to her length today yeah that's next level uh confidence ground reporting that's like no joke That's like there's no bullshit. There's no like fake fucking like, hi, how are you? Oh, welcome. That's like she's good. That's a real deal. Yeah, I talked to her for a while. She speaks authority, confidence, knowledge with none of that superficial.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Like she's not playing sportscaster. She's naturally good at it. Yeah, she's dope. We've got to get her. If we're ever allowed to do any events besides this. Yeah, with Dave gone, we might do the semifinals and games. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I know all the
Starting point is 01:26:59 semifinals, guys. Thank you. I'll settle down. Thank you very much. Is there anything anyone else wants to say will john brian nope all right thanks guys for tuning in for the thanks for tuning in for the experience uh experiment the experiment went very well day one tomorrow uh we will go live um i think at 10 a.m uh you'll know for sure um shortly here on our youtube channel the seven podcast youtube channel and when we pop on tomorrow at 10 a.m pacific standard time it will be um myself will and jason kalipa i believe john has to go to school or work or something tomorrow
Starting point is 01:27:38 but we'll get john back clinic whatever that means uh i think he volunteers at the local vet um and dog shelter and but but john will be back saturday and sunday but we'll see you guys soon

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